#idk like I feel for her but it’s inconsiderate imo
otamotone-dnp · 2 years
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mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
Okay I finished the BOOK
God I need fanfics of Molly living with Giovanni now like T-T
Everything I ever WANTED
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My verdict on Lorelai:
I'm glad that whatever growth she may go through, Molly won't be suffering when she inevitably backtracks along the way. It'd be nice to see the two mend their relationship but it is definitely for the better that they've been separated.
I wanna see Lorelai struggle and grow but she shouldn't get anymore opportunities to hurt Molly, much less for the sake of her learning a lesson. So it's better this way imo
And now that Molly isn't there, Lorelai's gonna have to run the shop and learn her lesson through CUSTOMER SERVICE joining zuko and others in the redemption arc trend of becoming redeemed by dealing with bitchy people
I very much don't mind rotating Lorelai in my brain a lil more cuz I don't hate her. I want to bunt her across the room when she hurts Molly ofc, I will not retract my statements, but I hate HER FATHER more than her
Cuz her father has no excuse to be the way he is. I'll get back to Lorelai in a moment cause she is definitely NOT faultless, but HIM?? He enabled all of this. He never checked in with his daughters and was always so inconsiderate of them. AND HES A GROWN MAN! It's telling that Giovanni goes off on him more than he does Lorelai cause in the end, he did nothing.
Back to Lorelai, she feels like a very intentionally immature character. Immature and selfish in a way that contrasts with Molly when Molly is the actual kid. I mean, Lorelai is 17 and all but by that age you can fairly expect someone to grasp not leaving your 12 yr old sibling to suffer under responsibilities your supposed to share.
And Lorelai being immature I think is added to by her fear that she's the reason her mother died. And the grief in all that. I think it's a good enough reason to feel sympathetic for how she's spiraled into this unhealthy coping mechanism and separates her from her father when it comes to being a rotten person.
By the end of the book it still felt like she hadn't grasped WHY what she did was bad to me and I'm kinda hoping that was an intentional writing decision. The book shows how she doesn't grasp some things like what makes someone a genuinely horrible person and so for her to still not quite see how what she did was bad, feels fitting.
By the end of seemed to me like, she KNEW what she did wasnt okay because Giovanni told her off and she was confronted with the truth that, she wasn't the good guy. Yet knowing that didn't make her understand what her actions specifically caused. Despite. Molly telling her.
I want to look up shenanigans between Molly and Giovanni in fics but I also kinda want to see Naven and Lorelai's relationship with the steps she'll make to become a better person
So def a ways away from growing significantly but I like that Naven has stuck around offering his help should she accept it. I mean Giovanni did that too but Naven's role in her story hits HARD
[EDIT: God I'm embarrassed Naven only pointed out Giovanni's card he left behind, ONLY GIOVANNI reached out if she wanted to work on herself to be better BUT I STILL LIKE TO THINK SHE AND NAVEN KEPT IN CONTACT SHUSH he could like give her some tough love]
Speaking of relationships, idk about Giovanni x Lorelai
I mean I still think it could be cute, Lorelai's crushing scenes are hilarious as much as they are sad and envoke feelings of "I just want good things for Lorelai". I def don't think she deserves him rn but I do think that, since Giovanni hasn't shut down her becoming his minion in THE FUTUREE, when she learns to be good at being bad, she has a shot.
Though, it's still a little lost on me if Giovanni has figured out she has been crushing on him HARD. Like, he picked up on her cheating and bullying but did he pick up on any of the signs for her affection?? Makes me think she's gonna have a hard time in the friendzone if she became a minion. Not sure what Giovanni with a crush would look like either tho so.
I have a bit of a hard time seeing Giovanni crushing on her but I still think their dynamic is cute enough! Just dragged down by how awful she's been to everyone and HIS NUMBER 1 MINIONNN
but the more I think about it, I think it'd be great to see them as just friends. Like, getting on the level of best buds and Lorelai loses her crush on him. Both still maintaining the dynamic they had in that last fight with all the bantering cuz they are pretty similar
If they ever became romantic though. Like. Molly and Lorelai's relationship NEEDS to be healed and I think healed for a WHILE. I just can't see it working out otherwise. This would probably need to ring true if they were to become best friends too but EVEN MORE SO if they got mushy (as in the failed baking trials that would compromise 40% of the time they would hang out. Love language quality time)
Ngl I already got my own angsty ideas for Lorelai because self hatred + not wanting to be the bad guy is such a delicious combination of traits that contradict each other yet still exist never the less
I wonder how Lorelai reacted the morning she realized Molly was gone and gone for good. I'm betting she at first believed she'd be hanging out with her friends and would be back. Then a day passes. Then another. And another. She asks her father if he's seen Molly and is reminded he doesn't care. I wonder if she confronted Naven about where Molly was, if she'd at first lash out when he doesn't tell her, and that reminds her why this happened.
She probably couldn't wallow in self pity for very long since she'd be working now, but still vry interesting how it'll play out
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zombies-aliens · 5 months
I'm in a weird spot with a friend. So right now it's at the point where everything feels weird and fake. I'm not feeling a huge urge to talk about it me and this friend of mine used to be tight and talk a lot everyday and now everythings dying down, I don't even see her the same anymore because the way she's so indifferent which I normally wouldn't make much of it and leave it alone but me and her were friends and as I said we were tight like talking everyday, we were each other's go to for a little fun when we see each other at work or I know I did. And honestly I still smile when I think back to those good days and I mean they were GOOD days I stayed smiling and playing around with her and she was too, it was straight fun like everything was unserious with and such a breath of fresh air. It'd be so fun and playful it was damn near flirting and this was going on for months, and I told her about that and she said it wasn't, she said she's like that with her friends which I do believe bc she's deff a flirt, I'd say she's a player IMHO. And this leads to my other point because I think she's sneaky with this friendly and caring person act, but maybe she just acts this way with me. There's a few things bothering me about her. One, was when I opened up to her that I have a crush on her, which wasn't in the best way idk how you normal ass people would do it (I think next time ima ask the girl if she has a crush on me just so I know if there's something or not), and the timing wasn't great, I was very sloppy in all honesty, and if I could have stopped myself back then I would and went to sleep instead lol. Well when I opened up to her it was over text, she screen recorded it bc it tells you that on snapchat where it took place, which felt like a breach in trust. I don't know what she's gonna do with that or show it too, and I just don't like that she did that because I wrote that to her for her and only her. And just so everyone knows I didn't write anything awful, it was just embarrassing more than anything else because I let emotions take over and I'm an adult I should be more mature. And I still don't know what she did with it. Like on a scale of 1 through 10 it was a 4/10 it wasn't so bad all things considered imo. But I really can't stress enough how much it bothered me when I saw she screen recorded. I screen recorded in return idfk why I thought I should too in case she makes things seem worse than they really are, if worse comes to worse I can shut down everything with showing whoever I need to show the recording. Thankfully it's not going there. You know what's crazy too bro is that she's not even my girl bruh. These aren't even problems I'd have with my girl but still it's just like wtf? How did we get here we were solid as hell we were tight dude. I hope it wasn't just bc of that, we both said sorry to each other but idk why she said sorry because she did not need to say sorry to me it was on me to apologize which I did. I just wanna be friends again man. I want things to go back to normal when things were on a high note. When shit was simple and easy and light. Now it's all these excuses that she can't come to the gym but when our other friend said he's gonna show up with us she manages to finally show up and that day I actually couldn't (that timing amirite) and our friend didn't show up anyway but it made me think like you have all these excuses but not anymore? You just don't wanna hang out with me anymore? I'm feeling hurt and feeling inadequate by that as if I'm not worth going to the gym with. I feel like she wanted me to know that.. and being inconsiderate of how id feel and like everything fucking sucks now I miss how it was.
We did have bad times at the gym bc waking up at such an early time didn't always allow me to be in the greatest of moods not that I was rude or took it out on her but i know it prob sucked those days but I did try to keep positive. When she tells me what's wrong bro I don't even know how to answer bc I remember when she recorded what I said it hurt the friendship. And everything going unsaid is also hurting the friendship and it's like she doesn't care. Like yeah sure I'm sure if I had everyone as my friend I'd be indifferent too. I'm honestly pissed off. And the same friend who I mentioned at the gym part well I opened up to him about that a little he said I should try talking to her and he also said he noticed we used to be tight and now it's weird.
Honestly this whole scenario sucks. I hope this gets better but I know it won't. I predicted this would happen too months back when we first became friends and dammit I was right it seems. Writing this out has done nothing to improve reality.
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allamericansbitch · 8 months
This week my friends were sending me the “evidence” of Taylor’s “clues” that she’d announce Rep TV at the Grammy’s, and I didn’t want to yuck their yum so I didn’t say it, but I thought “no, that feels way too gimmicky.”
Like, even if it was just Rep TV and not a whole new album, it’s just kind of inconsiderate? Maybe no one else cares, but it’s a night of celebrating everyone’s achievements, and she’s like “okay, let’s talk about me now.” The only thing that I think would work if if she’d done a performance, and the screen behind her flashed a date at the end, or something like that. Like, Kacey has new music and didn’t say it on stage…
Idk. I’m looking forward to the new music! But a simple announcement on social media would’ve been better imo.
yeah i agree
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if u want to talk any more about ur fic PLEASE go ahead <3 i mean this lightly bc i dont want to hurt anyone but kind of THE only valid beatles rpf imo!!! (this includes all biopics)
Anon this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and is also insanely kind and I love how it says Fuck Nowhere Boy rights to top it off. So thank you, you just made my evening with that <3<3
Anyways OKAY FINE. I'LL TALK ABOUT SOME BITS IN MY OWN FIC WHICH I LOVE. But I'll put it in a read more both for spoilers and because it's ridiculously self-indulgent (and I'll label bits in order by chapter so if someone's interested but not up to date they can stop reading dgdhjklhgj)
Chapter 1
I think the moment I was sure my story was worth telling, was after I wrote this bit:
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This bit legitimately encapsulates SO MUCH of the entire essence of I'm Looking Through You to me. The plot sounds like a goofy, cartoonish gimmick, but at its core, I write it as a character and dynamic study and a huge part of the story is a reflection on the situation John, Paul and George found themselves in by 1966 and how drugs specifically played a role in it. I think it's generally a super under-talked about period of theirs, because there weren't any full-on fights yet, as there would be two years later, but a lot of the tension that eventually led to their fall-out is already sown by this point. Also, with Yoko and Linda not yet in the picture, more focus can be put on the way they interconnect, instead of it being sidelined for competitive Bringing-Girlfriend-To-The-Studio, if that makes sense (not that that wasn't a major factor IRL)
Chapter 2
Okay, so a thing I've discovered that I ADORE writing is John/Cyn scenes. And I don't even ship them, like I'm not writing it cause I find it especially cute, I just think there's so much THERE and we don't talk about it! I love this part so much:
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The DEFENSIVENESS y'know? Mouthing off from shock but accidentally implying something low-key terrible. I feel like adding any words to it will do it less justice than it deserves because it makes me feel a type of way that John feels the need to insist that he loves Cyn but I can say no more…
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Also when he nearly faints upon finding out about Julian and is entranced by the pic but ALSO Paul being a Little Too Into John's child. GOD!!!!!!!! (I've said this before but: the way Paul passively participated in the Kenwood family dynamic is insane and we should talk about it ALL THE TIME actually!!!!!)
Chapter 3
There's something tender about the moments when the rest of band get to see John wide-eyed with wonder at things they've long taken for granted. Not all of it has to be sad.
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Also Paul, always focusing on the music, not only for the sake of itself and because his priorities aren't quite straight though, but also as his main tether to John as a person. I legit find it so strange when people talk about their musical connection (and their musical disagreements as well to some extent!) as if it was just a sexual proxy of some sort, when it was in fact their entire world since they were sixteen. "We could always sing."
I also actually love the entire Cyn-narrated bit in this chapter because I think it really balances her feelings for John well. (I love when she is first angry at him for having been neglectful for years, but then suddenly misses the old him, when John asks to see Julian though Julian's obviously in bed by now and even neglectful old John would know that, because he wasn't totally inconsiderate and oblivious!) One of my favourite bits from her perspective though is this one, when she bargains with herself about how John feels and felt about her. IDK it's so real and also interesting to think about the parallel she draws between her and John & Paul and Dot (one I've thought about a lot while thinking about John's feelings for Cyn tbh).
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Chapter 4
(also the moment I remembered Tumblr sets an image limit lmaooooo so I'll try to tone it down with the screenshots)
The entire beginning of this chapter, with Julian and later also Paul is so *gestures vaguely*. There's just so much going on, and even though it divolves into John feeling like an inadequate parent, forced to rely on his best friend who doesn't even have kids of his own, I think the most touching part is when John realizes Julian genuinely doesn't care that he's forgotten things and how that radical acceptance is the moment he falls irrevocably in love with his son. I just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also this is the first chapter that incorporated a really elaborate interpolation of song lyrics with the plot and I was so NERVOUS to get it right and soooooo happy to see people responding positively to it, because I've always known it was a more fringe thing to be writing about. Also, I love John just... Appreciating that he gets to play on nice instruments now. Playing on nice instruments is Everything in fact.
Chapter 5
I really like the crowd scene in the beginning of this chapter, and capturing a true mob mentality; how John giving them one second of positive attention tips everything out of control, how the fans burst into tears the moment they do reach him.
Also, I truly adore Paul at the beginning, feeling helpless in the face of John's grief driving him to madness, but snapping back out of it the moment he believes John to be in danger, while not being able to shake his sense of responsibility as a Beatle for the sake of his friend. Helping isn't always easy. Doing the right thing can feel like an impossible option.
And then, there's this John/Cyn moment:
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I really didn't write this to be cute. There's so much going on under the surface here; Cyn is in complete control – and very desperate to keep it that way – and John is only vaguely aware of it and has no idea of the extent to which she's in control. But he doesn't care because he's just that torn up about everything, so he's more than willing to let it all happen.
Also, in a way the heart of the chapter is John's debate-turned-fight with Paul over the reverse guitar solo. I talked about John's perspective already here, but Paul's view on it is so dripping with… dare I say it? Grief, where he's not only deeply in love with the idea of Lennon-McCartney – Genius Duo but also desperately trying to carry out the wishes of a "recently departed". (Paul is an ass in this scene towards the end, but CONSIDER he is also a meow meow.)
Chapter 6
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Paul is so often just… At a loss of words and I love pushing him into the uncomfortable position of having to find them. But it's tragic, too; that John used to be so in sync with him that it had never been necessary before. And also Paul, always teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown and hating himself every time he shows it.
I love how he realizes that smoking weed with John is in a way a betrayal of Ringo and George, because at their root, friendships are all about the experiences you have together. And it makes perfect sense for him to rationalize it away, thinking about how being "locked out" of the first LSD trip damaged his relationship with John.
Also the little tiny nudge at the less sunny side of Paul's childhood (and how John was very much to some extent at least aware of it, as we know from interviews he gave in the 70s) and how he somehow had to reconcile that with how John treated Julian. I just … :(
Chapter 7
The little hints that maybe John Was Not Fine before he hit his head either.
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Yeah. Also, also, also John throwing himself into something he thinks is the one-size fits-all solution ag– I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF!!!!!
Also, John's Paris lament was conjured out of me OUT OF NOWHERE and I was sooooooo genuinely upset after writing it. I think it really encapsulates why the story is relatable to me despite having a ridiculous plot; it really drives home how confusing life can get during young adulthood, when everyone else seems to be dealing far better than you.
And the other relatable side of this, to me, is Paul at the end of this chapter, because I have felt real anguish like his, when people close to me failed to share in a passion I was so sure they would love. It seems silly but it's genuinely one of the most upsetting and alienating experiences imaginable to me.
I think I'll stop now because GODDAMN what the fuck lmao, and also I believe I've run out of screenshots but TLDR: this story means the woooooooooooorld to me!!!!!!!!
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domjaehyun · 3 years
i was just curious. i’m certain i’m straight but my friend asked me if i would openly flirt with another girl or consider dating one and when i said yes, she deadass told me i was bisexual but like.. i only meant to flirt for fun just bc i’m flirty af and dating them to give them a chance bc they like me but i fr never find it in me to make them my girlfriend or sumn. i’m certain i’ll settle down with a straight man but do those things count to being bi? bc idk i’m sure i’m straight tho 🤔
um……..okay. i mean this with as much love and respect as possible, but your wording sounds like . very ✨ Spicy Straight ✨ and like . honestly pretty inconsiderate?
flirting with not-straight girls when you yourself are straight is insensitive imo… like if you have absolutely no interest and they … do/might…. why are you leading them on :/ like just . don’t flirt with them . bc what if you’re joking/playing and they’re like . into you… would you be okay with a guy flirting with you with the knowledge you’re interested or the suspicion you’re interested if he has absolutely no intent to pursue you? i personally would not be into it at all like if someone said to me that they were straight and just liked flirting with girls i would just avoid them bc that gives me very weird vibes
this is a lot to wrap my head around tbh like . “give them a chance” if you don’t like them don’t date them 😐 if you’re not attracted to girls do not make them think you are 😐 you’re leading them on and if i were in that situation my feelings would be hurt and i’d be like . very embarrassed 😐 and definitely pretty mad at you tbh
it’s not up to your friend to dictate your sexuality, that’s up to you. however, please do not just hit on people you have no interest in. if you are approached by a girl who flirts with you, do not flirt back unless you are attracted to her on some level. when i say attracted, i mean like . you are romantically or sexually attracted to her or smth like that. and you absolutely should not ever just go up to girls you’re not interested in and flirt with them???? i am having a very hard time wrapping my head around how you genuinely find this acceptable behavior.
flirting with non-straight women as a straight woman “for fun” does not even remotely sound like a nice thing to do to anyone… quite frankly, non-straight girls have it hard enough trying to navigate the dating scene !! please do not make it more complicated for them !! if they want romance/sex and you know you’re not interested in that then do not encourage them. it’s very insensitive.
“give them a chance bc they like me” i’m trying v hard to like . maintain politeness in this response right now but this reads as like . blatantly insensitive tbh. “they like me.” you didnt even consider liking them in your sentence. people go on DATES for romantic or sexual intent. why would you go on a date with someone you have neither of those feelings for…….
i mean this, again, as nicely as possible, but like . you sound straight. you sound very straight. please leave non-straight women alone. you do not have what they want. they do not have what you want. from this message alone, i honestly feel very bad and sorry for any non-straight women you may have led on in the past :/ if you don’t want to be led on, do not lead people on. point blank period.
to clarify, i am not, like, mad at you, nor do i bear any ill will towards you right now. i am just very confused as to why you thought this behavior was okay in the first place, and genuinely put off by how blasé you’ve described leading non-straight women on…
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Dang Hana, you had one job and that was too not make me hate her more MISSION FAILED WJSNMA, like it’s so obvious that she is using Hyunjin as a way to move on or as a rebound from her ex ?? This is displayed especially when she keeps talking about her ex and his new girl and I’m like tf ??? WHY DO YOU CARE SM SMH. And also tbh Hana just kissed him and honestly idk why that didn’t sit right w me?? Like ok you guys kiss but also don’t do it Orin front of your friends and without consent from the other party ?? I mean maybe because I’m also seeing Hana from a 3rd party perspective so I’m kinda JWHAJAJA. But idk this chapter just made her seem and look like an inconsiderate person tbh. She clearly doesn’t know the mc well because she keeps making assumptions about her which aren’t true? Like talking about how the mc isn’t serious about dating but she just hasn’t found the right one yet !! Honestly she pisses me off and it’s tiring to see how the mc is just letting Hana take advantage of her kindness. Honestly I am just down right upset. Like stop using fate and stuff as a way to make him your hubby or smthg, actually try to appreciate him and get to know him. Tbh the only time that I agreed with Hana was when she said the mc and Hyunjin would get along really well. LIKE FINALLS SMH BAE URE SO DENSE ITS SO IRRITATING. like yo someone has to tell her that she is just so INTOLERABLE RN IMO !!!! Like how can one just be so inconsiderate ? She cant accept the fact Hyunjin asked her not to post the photo, BUT IMO considering he is a celebrity, it’s a valid reason because he obv wants to avoid scandals. I feel like she wants to post it simply because her ex posted a picture with his new love interest and that’s what kinda makes me annoyed also is how it’s so painfully obvious that she is just using Hyunjin as a way to rebound from her ex. Like I said idt Hana likes Hyunjin for who he is, it’s all just physical attraction. This can be seen how she always finds a way to shut down the things Hyunjin talks about, like how he and the mc were talking about the onion volcano. Honestly if I had her as a friend I would’ve dropped her SORRY J SAID IT SJSJSJ. Like it’s so obv her intentions are no longer pure ??? Like yea sure she did approach Hyunjin c bc she was genuinely interested in him, but as the story progressed, it became so alarmingly obvious that she is simply trying to use Hyunjin as a way to show everyone that “she is fine”, “I’m doing better without yeonjun”. She clearly cares too much about what people think and I think in a way she kind of uses his fame as a way to show yeonjun “I’m dating a celebrity. Someone handsome and better than you and your new girl”. Like tbh those intentions in itself are no longer pure. She is just using him for his fame, but idt she is doing it on purpose ofc. I think it’s more subconscious.
Like from how I see it the mc is just hurting but not to the point where it’s like OUCH MY HEART JABSJA. It’s more like she is starting to realize her feelings for Hyunjin. I honestly feel bad for her because I actually don’t know how Hyunjin feels for the mc and Hana so I hope we can see a chapter on that real soon !! But other than that I just pity the mc at this point bc they guy she is attracted to is dating someone else, and she even had to watch her “best friend” and said boy kiss. It’s like the universe is rubbing it into her face that she can’t have him. And that sucks !!! And also, her so called “best friend” (Hana) treats the mc like ABSOLUTE GARBAGE !!! Like gurl … MC HAS GONE AND SEEN ENOUGH PLSSSSS !!! But tbh the mc is such a good person to a fault imo. Like she takes whatever shiz Hana gives her and it’s just irritating. Like it’s obvious that the mc is always there for Hana. This is seen when Hana keeps calling the mc and how Hana always expects her to be there, and how she gets mad when the mc says “I cant rn I’m busy”. That could imply that Hana isn’t used to the mc not being there for her when she needs to rant or needs help. And it’s also so painfully obvious how loyal the mc is. Loyal to a daily imo. Like even though the mc is hurting, and sees the guy she is attracted to and Hana kiss, she tolerates it because she just wants Hana, a person she cares about, to be happy. Tbh this story in a way also kind of reflects the true nature of human kind. How very kind ppl like the mc are always and frequently taken advantage of their kindness. Bc I’ve seen many situations like this happen with ppl like these and it’s sucks on their part because they don’t deserve it !!! But also based off her last statement, I hope she won’t be the one to blatantly point out Hana’s true intentions. Because imo it might cause more harm than good, and I think it would be better if Hyunjin found out Hana’s true intentions himself. Although idk if that’s going to happen or if it’s possible, but let’s see what happens !!! But also tbh I find it inspiring how the mc always tries to find the goodness in other ppl !! Like how it’s so obv that Hana is just using Hyunjin as a rebound and constantly comparing him to her ex’s new girl and how she is better off. I like how the mc continues to believe that Hana’s intentions were true and pure (which they initially were), but slowly it just deviated away from that imo. And the mc notices that which is good, but also it’s just a pity that she clearly likes Hyunjin, and I know I kept mentioning she wouldn’t admit it, she did mention in one of the later parts in chapter 5 that “although she and Hana might like him differently”. Kind of a signifier that she sort of has a feeling that she indeed likes Hyunjin and j think she subconsciously admitted it to herself. THATS A GOOD AND BAD THING bc she will just hurt more, but also it’s a step forward to growth :>.
And as for Hyunjin, he is just confusing I’m sorry ISBAKAJ. Like to the point I’m getting really annoyed JHSJAHAA. bc like it’s obv he is attracted to the mc but idk how he feels about her so I’m kinda lost. But my initial thought still stands wherein I do think he is attracted to the mc hence why he even asked about the mc in the date between him and Hana. But I think he now feels discouraged because he feels like he may not have a chance due to the things that Hana mentioned. How the mc doesn’t take dating seriously etc. but I still do think that he likes her either way ! But idt he is admitting it to himself yet. It’s very endearing how Hyunjin is so observant of the mc and can literally READ but does not see through Hana HELPPP AJDHSJS but it could be bc Hyunjin doesn’t know about Hana’s past with Yeonjun. And tbh I think another reason why Hyunjin isn’t admitting his feelings to the mc is because he thinks that there’s either smthg going on between the mc and Felix, or Felix already likes the mc (or vice versa). This can be seen how when the mc answered the call, he immediately assumed it was Felix. Also I think he likes the mc because literally when they were talking about what could inspire art etc, when he said “A person”, BRO LITERALLY STARED OUR CUTE LIL MC DOWN LIKE SHEEEESH AJBSJAJA. but tbh I also feel bad for Hyunjin bc poor boy must be confused rn ab his feelings bc I think it’s more like, he is already seeing someone but he can’t be feelin these things for someone else, ESPECIALLY FOR THE BEST FRIEND IF THE OERSON HE JS SEEJNG SJSJSJ, so I think he is also “forcing” himself to see the mc in a light wherein they are “just friends” but bae all the signs and actions just make me think he likes the mc more and more AJBSJAHAJA. Sorry Hyunjin you are VERY VERG BAD AG HUDING UR FEELINGS DONT EVEN ESPECIALLY FROM US WE SEE EVERYTHING AISHJAJS. But huge tbh though, I do think Hyunjin is slowly starting to realize his feelings for the mc. This is shown when Hyunjin proposes to cancel his pre made plans with Hana to hang out with the mc !!! I bet if the mc hadn’t said anything, he would’ve really cancelled it. ALSO HELP DID HYUNJIN AND HANA RLLY KISS DOE DURING THEIR DATE ? Doesn’t seem like smthg for Hyunjin’s character in the story to do doe so idk I was shocked sjsbjs
All in all the new chapter was beautifully written as usual !!! But it broke my heart more than it brought me butterflies :<< ITS LIKE there’s always a good moment and then suddenly It’s just gone HUHU SHEBJA. i hope the time wherein everything h folds is soon bc idk how much more heart ace I can take for our poor mc JSBAJA IM TOO INVESTED IN THIS SJSHJSS. But fr I hope both the mc and Hyunjin get together soon HELP I JUST WANT ALL THE DRAMA TO END AKSBJSS ITS TOO PAINFUL !!! JSHAJAHA but that just means ure doing a great Job writing it AJEHJAAJ but actually, will we get to see Hyunjin’s point of view ? Like how he feels about the mc and all ? And around what chapter is that ? And how does Hyunjin truly feel for Hana and the mc ? No pressure to answer though !!
your ask made me laugh haha. mission failed indeed !! since you sent this for a previous chapter, i wonder what you feel for her now after the latest update. it definitely is obvious that hyun is and was a rebound to her, but we are yet to hear both of their povs about that relationship in depth !
reading your thoughts about hana is always so interesting haha and i love reading every example for your opinion ! thank you so much for going to that effort and telling me !
aw dont be annoyed by hyun😭😭 hes just sorting out his feelimgs too and perhaps once you read it from his perspective, it may help things haha ? but he definitely is terrible at hiding his feelings and is very very obvious now !! (or is he just being nice 😗)
i hope the butterflies come back but he prepared for a lot more angst before the good stuff 🥲
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jayflrt · 3 years
what are your thoughts on so many writers getting hate anons lately? i feel like it’s one person but idk
imo it’s very strange like .. people will just be existing and some anon will abuse their anonymity to spread negativity unwarranted 😭😭 it might be one person but i’ve noticed my friend cat and her friends getting hate anons, and they’re are nct writers. but then i saw enha writers getting them ?? so it seems like a couple of very bitter people are projecting on other authors :/ other fandoms might be as well but im only more active in nctblr and enhablr :o
they could also just be trolls trying to get reactions out of people. whatever it is, it’s so disrespectful and inconsiderate of them to harass ppl in their asks like this </3
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drageverywhere · 4 years
Idk maybe I’m just sensitive bc I’m a POC but it definitely seems like people on here are criticizing and being super harsh towards the POC queens more than when we found out Brooke was there. Y’all talked about that situation for a day and then moved on (unless I’m missing something) but now that it’s Silky and Vanj and Shangela y’all are talking about how disgusting they are and going through Twitter to find pics and videos of them out and about. Nobody is right in this situation and y’all are allowed to be upset bc trust me I am toobut Idk it just irks me how people don’t keep the same energy especially bc we’ve seen how Brooke had been going to Palm Springs and hanging out with her friends and even got covid bc she went out while she was in Canada and even said on a live that since she got covid she has the antibodies so she wasn’t concerned about getting sick again if she was around other people. Like I said y’all are allowed to criticize but it’s very clear to me that some of y’all are treating them very different than you did a white queen and it’s just incredibly frustrating bc this is always is the case.
Also I’m not trying to start any arguments with me speaking on my observation but my hope is that you all can ask yourselves whether or not your own internal biases (or biases towards certain queens in general) causes you to be more critical and angry towards V, Silky, and Shangela rather than queens like Brooke. Like imo, and feel free to correct me, had pics and videos of B in PV come out on twitter would you be just as angry and calling her disgusting? As I said before I 100% agree that they are wrong for going and partying and whatnot during all of this and I don’t want you to take this as me trying to defend them but it’s just not sitting well with me that once again it seems the POC queens are getting criticized to high heaven while a white queen does the same and the criticism from what I have seen wasn’t at all this fierce to the point where you were saying she or her actions were “disgusting” or implying that she was a shitty person. Also this isn’t an attack on Brooke I’m just using her as an example.
I may be wrong, and I apologize if I am, but for me this isn’t a matter of colors but of actions and common sense. I’m a POC too and I don’t care about your race, ethnicity, gender, if you’re the president, the pope or my mom, if you’re doing that level of nonsense I’m sure as hell going to be upset.
Traveling is unnecessary but at the same time there are cities whose economy depends mostly on tourism so it’s difficult, I think that if someone has such an urge to travel still not a great decision but there’s options to have a safe vacation and still have fun putting the least amount of people at risk. Following the guidelines of the city, staying with the same small group of people the whole trip, avoiding crowds; you can walk by the beach or pier, walk around the city and get to know the local culture, buy handicrafts, maybe take a tour, go for dinner and even have a cocktail. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who only came to satisfy their need of party and do what is surely not allowed in their country and which I find selfish, inconsiderate and shows a total lack of respect for my country that is opening its doors to them.
Knowing that I had just lost another family member two weeks ago and seeing all those photos of a packed beach got me so mad, only to come two or three days later to find this video of an over-crowded party that in the last seconds turns to show V, my heart broke. Until that moment we hadn’t seen photos or anything of them going out so I thought within their bad decision they’d been wise enough to maybe stay at the resort as apparently B did when she was here but it turned out different. I’ve been with mixed feelings since then and i dont think anyone is enjoying this unfortunate situation.
And to answer your question, fuck yes if this same situation were happening with Brooke or whoever trust and believe I would be just as upset and disappointed, and maybe even more. COVID isn’t a game, being irresponsible in another country isn’t a joke when at the end of the day we’re all in the same boat.
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mihrunnisasultans · 4 years
Whenever Catherine had a scene with the women in TSP it always felt fake, and most of all superficial to me. It never felt genuine it always felt like whenever she was doing something "nice" for other women, she was only doing it to make herself feel good. It never felt like she was doing it for selfless reasons, and that's what pisses me off the most about TSP. They talk about female empowerment, but they can't even get that right b/c the main character is so selfish and inconsiderate.
I absolutely get you!
It truly is also acting’s fault. Like on paper she does some genuinely nice things for other ladies and has (until some point) really heartwarming sisterhood with Mary and Meg. However, there’s some coldness around everything? Like Charlotte had problems to balance CoA’s pride and queenly mask with a bit of warmth and more human emotions outside tragic scenes? Honestly, Charlotte is worst when playing badass!KoA scenes. I totally think her acting improved near the end of S2 with her character’s sadder and more tragic arc. I have only seen her in GOT outside TSP and she was okay there, and people say she’s also fine in her other roles.
And when her arc isn’t about being so “badass” and “cool” she actually does begin to do bad things to other ladies, like all her snaps at Lina or Maggie, not to even mention what she did to Meg. IMO that was a huge mistake, just like her treatment of Mary lasting for soooooooo long. A woman who cannot show a bit of warmth to her daughter for 6 years is... hard to be seen as some champion of female solidarity. And even then uses her  first to gain her husband’s favour and truly only is able to say “I love you” and show genuine care to Mary in last episode when it’s clear she has no chances of returning to Henry’s favour for the time being. 
For a flawed portrayal it would have been better to idk show CoA as aloof and maybe hard to bond earlier, but by the Great Matter she should have been absolutely  sympathetic - and here instead we have her “descending into darkness” because of desperation connected with Henry and effectively alienating everyone, including people who historically were on her side until the end like Mary or Maggie Pole. Henry being more supportive for Meg’s divorce later (again a historical lie), which makes Mary prefer him over Cath, and Meg treating CoA and Henry as “equally bad” does not do CoA favour when the Great Matter is about to start. Especially since it’s shown that while she’s in difficult mental condition, she nonetheless throws her female friends under the bus because what she cares most about is Henry’s favour.
CoA knew how to maintain friendships, she had many people stand by her until the end. Same with her being loved by people because here we saw almost nothing? Nothing of her doing charity, doing anything for ordinary people or how she was loved by English people. EF wasted so much screentime on stupid “badassery” shit and completely forgot aspects connected with education or charity that CoA championed. 
What was most highlighted was “fight like a man” and the warrior queen aspect. Yikes. And even all that sisterhood got lost in that& at times seemed a bit shoehorned because something else was mostly celebrated. CoA’s friendship with Lina thankfully endured, but LBR it was also because of Lina’s saintly patience.
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weaverlings · 5 years
also while I'm here: it bothers me a bit that Cecil was so hard on Carlos about his experiments for a few reasons and then when he was trying to cheer Carlos up, he's okay with them... I don't think he was lying about it or "just saying it" to be clear, I really think he was willing to sort of... make an adjustment due to circumstance which isn't an inherently bad thing but
I still feel like Carlos was kinda... being inconsiderate? like I Hate the way Cecil was talking about Carlos but he wasn't wrong about the issue exactly. that was just a frankly mean way to approach it imo.
I think it's the sort of boundary issue they'd need to talk about and I'm just disappointed we won't hear about that I guess. like not even in detail but even just... idk any mention of it happening or whatever. acknowledgment
a big issue I had w/ the whole thing was it really feels like none of the emotional or underlying aspects of this arc were given specific attention...
like unrelated but again, Abby. we did get to hear Cecil talk about Carlos but nothing about her and I will concede that it absolutely makes sense that she probably has extremely clear boundaries re: what Cecil says about her on the radio. but just. that explanation doesn't undo my interest in her perspective, y'know?
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I'm in the hospital rn and some really inconsiderate client keeps demanding for their commission faster than I'm able... I'm worried she'll want her money back. I don't mind if she does. But I really do want to draw for her you see and her commission was something I've been planning and working on for a while. It was a big request. I feel like shit already and I'm unwell. Commissions closed. I have an IV in like .. I'm so stressed idk what to do.... Goblin go back to bed btw. It's so early!!!
imo the best thing you can do is explain your situation in a way that she is seeing only facts and not you ‘trying to be lazy’ or anything that she could turn on it’s head. and then work on whatever you can.
i’m not sure what your situation is in the hospital, but regardless of what it is, it’s doubly important to take care of yourself and your mental health now. you are the most important party right now, and it isn’t selfish or narcissistic of you to care about you.
if worst comes to worst and she does demand her money back, there isn’t much to do. she gets the money, work is scrapped, and she takes her Bad Vibes elsewhere. the sadness might stick for a week or so but at least it’s one more thing off your shoulders. biting the bullet, per se.
remember to take care of urself gob! and get well soon!! 💘💖💟💞💗💟
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candy-crackpot · 6 years
Kanda and Tokusa and Lenalee
favorite thing about them: I really appreciate his blunt honesty, he’s the kind of person who might not be kind but he would never lie and that can be very comforting.
least favorite thing about them: His excessive violence when it’s really uncalled forth. I’m proud to see that he is working on it but threatening to kill Allen - even if his frustration and concern over Johnny is legit - is overreaction. It feels like it goes against the progress he made opting to stay calm and use his anger productively.
favorite line: “This regret won’t let me die peacefully.” It’s heartbreaking to know that for Kanda the only promise of relief is death.
brOTP: Johnny and Kanda are an oddly functional duo
OTP: Kanda/Allen, just. Too many parallels, it kills me. Also, Allen was pretty much the only person who risked his everything to save his ass when ever since he was born he was told he was nothing more than a sacrifice. Imagine that emotional impact Allen had by reaching out to him, signalling him that he verymuch thought Kanda was something important, something worthy to protect. I really want Kanda to tell what he intended to, it would be a lot better than threatening Allen. even with morals aside, Allen won’t give a shit if he wants to kill him, if he really wants Allen to cooperate he needs to tell Allen why he decided to return
nOTP: I don’t have any in particular? Not one that I know that’s shipped.
random headcanon: Kanda enjoys listening to Marie play, his bittersweet songs really make him feel at ease.
unpopular opinion: I’m a tad bit disappointed that he drew blade on Allen, it really feels like he replased and fell back to the old pattern. Hopefully his next crisis management will be better.
song i associate with them: Metallica - Unforgiven II
favorite picture of them: I love these series of panels, they are very soft and expressive, they really show a part of Kanda he would never let anyone other than Alma see
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favorite thing about them: His constant >:3c energy
least favorite thing about them: He is unnecessarily mean and  purposedly inconsiderate to Allen due to his jealousy. Making fun of him for caring for poor bastards dragged into this mess is very low.
favorite line: “Won’t you… destroy me…?”
brOTP: I barely saw content of him so I can only rely on his fellow Third siblings
OTP: He acts to bratty and immature around Allen I’m half-convinced he has a crush on him.
nOTP: idk sheril/tokusa???
random headcanon: I think he and Lavi would compete who can outannoy the other, to everyone’s annoyance.
unpopular opinion: I don’t recall seeing any opinions about him tbh, he’s sort of an asshole and he needs to work on that?
song i associate with them: imagine dragons - monster, not the only person this song reminds me of but I cannot think of anything else
favorite picture of them: when he realises he’s fucked
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favorite thing about them: I like it when she is bratty in a non-violent way. 
least favorite thing about them: I am annoyed when she is pointlessly violent with her friends for the same stuff she did too but that wouldn’t bother me that much if she was told to cut it off or ended in a funny banter with her, sort of like when Kanda returned instead of that treating her like a delicate flower. 
favorite line: “This is my final attack. Brother Komui… I’m sorry”
brOTP: Komui’s and Lenalee’s sibling love is the undisputable winner 
OTP: I don’t really ship her with anyone but I’m half-convinced she has a crush on Allen and had one on Anita
nOTP: The worst imo is bak/lenalee, like, please stop stalking her and taking photos without her consent? It’s one thing if he is attracted to/admires her but his entitled behaviour is just gross. It almost makes me think that Komui’s overreactions are justified.
random headcanon: She once got so sick of Komui’s ‘gifts’ (objects that have his face inprinted on it) that he set her room on fire out of anger and because he was amazed and amused by this, the freshly recruited, ignorant of Komui’s-stupidity Lavi gladly took the blame and claimed it was a training accident. Lavi is traumatised to this day and Lenalee just got an even worse room so that ‘she’d feel safe’. She decided to move to a different room without his knowledge and use her assigned one as storage.
unpopular opinion: I probably only have unpopular opinions of her; I think the character part of her is fine but I don’t particularly like the way she is framed. I know  complain about her a lot but I think her character does have potential, but I’d like to see her in more proactive roles and see her struggle with her trauma and face it head-on.
song i associate with them: summertime sadness - lana del grey
favorite picture of them: the fight with Eshi was epic, especially because it was also a struggle with herself, I hope we see more heavy character instrospection like this
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smol-pilots · 7 years
can you believe it’s been 15 days since jonghyun’s death?
15 days since every kpop fan grieved after that talented, amazing man. 15 days since everyone (finally) realized how important mental health is and how deeply it can affect people’s lives and their perception of life. 15 days since people assured jonghyun that he “did well” and should now rest peacefully. 15 days since people wrote messages to their idols, telling them that they should not overwork themselves, they should take some rest, take care of their health and that they (the fans) are there for them and will support them no matter what. 
and then it quickly got too far. people began assuming their idol’s mental health, lists began spreading around with names of idols that are (supposedly or not) suffering from depression. which is: wrong. you have no right to assume someone’s condition because you do not know what this person is going through. and it is not “making sure these people get extra love”. everyone needs love and support! and by naming people that need “special treatment” by the fans and companies ... it’s not doing much, it’s only making people sick with worry.  
soon after, people forgot about jonghyun’s death. maybe not forgot, but moved on (which is of course good, good for yall that you paid your respects and grieved for the time that you needed to process this). but as people kept saying that his death changed the kpop community and “ended fanwars” ... they were very wrong. because soon after, people had seunghyun in their teeth, saying how his marihuana abuse and medication abuse that resulted in him attempting to take his life in june this year mean nothing. “he did it because he’s a cr*ckhead who couldn’t deal with consequences of his actions”. it’s like they literally quoted loser, bigbang’s song (that’s personally my favourite): “im a loser, a loner, a coward who pretends to be tough”. it made me so angry because they literally said he deserved to die and how he wouldn’t even be missed. people deal with their illnesses differently and suddenly he was judged for his coping methods. 
then, of course, another annoying fan war began, as expected betweens armys and exo-ls. who lip syncs and who doesn’t which is such a stupid thing to argue about but at this point, i’m not even surprised anymore. and then yoongi began ending his lines with silence and “all live band” to prove that they don’t lip sync. okay. i agree that it’s an amazing thing, considering their dancing is phenomenal and it takes a lot of work. on the other hand, exo (and other sm groups) often perform with the singing already prerecorded or whatever way that is not completely live. okay! like exo-ls shouldn’t come after bts and accuse them of lip-syncing and bts has the right to prove everyone that they were falsely accused. but! there’s no need to bring down exo and treat them as they are nothing just because they don’t sing live. i would definitely love it if exo sang live more but at the same time: they have concerts. they sing live there. they show how they, in fact, can dance and sing at the same time. and having this stupid fight because of those 10 minutes on stage at those shit ass awards ... you really thrive on drama, you fucktards. shame on you. 
and now. baekhyun. not even 15 days after jonghyun’s death someone with depression spoke to baekhyun about their mental health. i hope you all know that 15 days is nothing. it’s nothing for someone that knew the deceased. groups had to go on with their schedules and if you follow taeyeon on instagram you can see how much she’s struggling and how much she misses jonghyun. the sm family is still grieving and nobody expects to see taemin, kibum, jinki and minho any time soon because it’s understandable it’s going to take a while. and even though other artists have seemingly moved on and are showing their happy personas, they still have to process this. and this person that turned to baekhyun and mentioned her condition to him... she said he looked sad and distressed and he talked to her about her illness and personal life. he was caring. and he made her feel better, he wasn’t inconsiderate at all. very unfortunately, the audio that she uploaded on twitter was cut in a way that made the translator, who mistranslated his words, start a drama that even made it on the news. that’s disgusting. saying that “he doesn’t understand depression” is ugly when that’s not what happened. and then the person, the only person that was there, the person baekhyun actually spoke to, apologized. she apologized to anyone that might’ve been hurt by all this which is so so wrong. that was her happy moment because he made her feel better and now everyone made a huge deal out of it when nothing bad happened. and even baekhyun himself posted an apology that he didn’t have to! because he didn’t do anything wrong! and it makes me so sad when he says he will be more careful with his words now, like no! you’re doing great, you’re an amazing human being who consoled a fan and you showed great empathy! and now of course people blame the armys which idk, i don’t think is right because it was one person i guess buT!!! at the same time this needs to be acknowledged: 
it is not uncommon for the whole fandom (of any group!) to try to bring down the group they don’t like and people often try to dehumanize and make idols and fans look bad and evil. it is not right. this behaviour is bad, the obsession to make your own group look like it’s above the others and everyone else is crap and it’s disgusting. everyone is working so so hard and they deserve to be loved and respected and appreciated for the work that they do. they don’t need the badmouthing just because you feel the need to bring everyone down in order for your group to be on this imaginary throne. i’m fully aware that every fanbase has  some bad people in it and imo what the fanbase has to do in that moment is to distance themselves from that person. but people often try to use it to prove how this only shows that their group is superior to others or when hell breaks lose in other fanbases some people try to use that to prove how “they” are nothing like “them”. there are so many stupid dramas going on between people when they should really be focusing on themselves and loving the members of their fav group, instead of bashing others down. if you don’t like someone, don’t pay attention to them. as someone who’s constantly on twitter and sees everything, it’s really hard not to reply to these disgusting tweets. from any fanbase. 
please, make sure the people you adore are loved, appreciated, respected, don’t take them or their hard work for granted but also don’t put them on a piedestal. they’re human beings just like us and they have good and bad days, happy days and sad days. and at the same time don’t hate on other people. i know this is hard, everyone badmouths someone sometimes but social medias such as twitter and tumblr and instagram and others are not a place to post this. everyone has a right to their own opinion but things like that being spread out in the open are bad because 1) people who disagree will defend their people and then shit goes south and 2) people can see this, idols can see it and i know their skin has to be thick because not everyone will love them but seeing stupid drama or even worse, false accusations will make them feel very bad (as seen in baekhyun’s case). 
jonghyun spoke so much about how he felt hurt by people’s comments and opinions on him. he worked so hard to make sure people see him for who he is, he didn’t want to be judged or misunderstood. he talked about how to deal with sadness and he worked hard to beat his illness. he also spoke about ways to console a person who is depressed. and then he took his own life. and for what? for people to be shocked  and then see them turn back to their nasty paths of slandering people, spreading false rumours about others and making fun of their mental illness? this is so sad.
in 2018 i wish for every person to be kinder. for people to be nicer to each other, more thoughtful, more supportive, more appreciative, more respectful. everyone, please, be a good person this year!
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alliepigion · 7 years
honestly to let off a bit of steam here
maybe i’ll delete this later idk 
and this is going to be a rant that really has no direction at all because it’s just. me trying to get my thoughts organized and i’m just saying things as they come to mind
but cheritz’s treatment of V’s mother actually pissed me off so much
i’m near deaf myself, i played violin but had to give it up, but really like ok i can understand the pain and devastation that comes from being an internationally acclaimed violinist and going deaf but the whole framing
i really high key disliked how cheritz framed V’s mom to be someone to be pitied like. as a MC and a player i’m supposed to pity V’s mom because she is deaf !! like it’s emotionally draining and it’s just so ableist???
maybe consider: maybe you shouldn’t use disabled people as pity fodder or to give other characters ( in this case V ) pity fodder ( tm )  ??? 
every time there is a disabled character it feels like it’s used for that way imo?? like oh hey look at how tragic this circumstance is ??? look at how they can’t cope with it??? look at how the unhealthy ways the characters had to turn to because they were ill and couldn’t cope with it
and this is the same with rika even like cheritz you had the capacity to make rika not mentally ill in the first place and maybe just make her evil because she wanted to be and not give her mental illness backstory fodder to attempt to draw sympathy for her because boy, that backfired big time
i’m not sure what narrative cheritz wants to show with rika even?
the tragedy of mental illness? 
how you should get help as a mentally ill person asap if you don’t want to turn up like rika (tm) ?? 
lets understand and excuse mentally ill people because they didn’t know what they were doing ???
listen i’m a depressed and anxious mess myself but all these narratives? they are trash and Bad and like i adore rika but i can’t stand behind the story cheritz wants to even tell with rika and all those narratives are problematic and ableist af and just cold and inconsiderate towards people who are dealing with mental illness because how many times do we have to see ourselves portrayed this way in popular media
i’m tired of disabled people both physically and mentally being portrayed as things to be pitied and not really focusing on the fact we are also human and not a narrative device to elicit pity from the audience or being used as pity fodder as other characters
like just what the fuck!!
why did V’s mom have to die except for any other reason than for the male romance interest to get pity!!! and a sob story!!!!
also V’s mother was just there to influence V only and not as a character herself lbr this tragedy was a burning trainwreck from start to finish god i’m tired i’m just tired
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