#idk quite how to explain it other than saying that i personally preferred when the tragedy of the ancients was that it was just that: a
valfruits-archived · 2 years
(in the context of the like constant comparisons about whether which one was worse or more justified btwn venat & emet) the only framing (of venat's actions as terrible) that i can get behind is that it was the final nail that resulted in this entire civilization/culture being gone/lost and how thats always a tragedy. but even then the text (prior to some things ew did that im ambivalent about) presents the situation like the ancients were already on this unstoppable path to tragedy (continuously sacrificing their own dwindling numbers in attempts to fix things) and venat & her group were basically responding to that by putting their feet down and saying "you cant do this anymore" and thats very different from the situation w emet & his fellow maladjusted pathetic evil sad men. like i think its disingenuous to compare venat/her group looking at their own civilisation & saying they would oppose it because it was going down a path they thought was unconscionable vs the ascians condemning multiple other worlds/cultures/etc to extinction bc they thought it was worth it if they got theirs (this is a comparison i see a lot and its frustrating bc theyre really not the same situation at all & yet...)
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zhxngii · 1 year
Alhaitham & Blade having a crush on you
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❏ ( notes ) ; This is my gift for @yanqingisim for the Secret Santa event by @solarisfortuneia, I hope you enjoy it <3 ❏ ( contents ) ; PURE FLUFF! might be a bit of angst idk (surprise surprise.) , i tried to write these two tropes and I hope I did them well... sdjkhklasdme.
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As Alhaitham's study buddy/research partner, he has a small (big) crush on you but doesn't know how you feel about him so he resorts to hiding his feelings.
How did he fall for you?
All it took was you truly being yourself around him. Usually, when he finishes a project with someone, he'd often hear them complain about how awkward it might've been or something along the lines of how frustrating his personality was... not that he cared though because in the end the project's done and he won't likely see them much.
You on the other hand... were a different case. He took note of how you tried to understand his side of things, not only yours, and how you tried your best to work with him despite how difficult or tiring it might've been. One thing he noticed was how determined you were with your research, and he found that attractive about you.
There used to be a point where he preferred to be alone but... you slowly became an exception as you two partnered up more.
What he does differently that gets your attention.
Alhaitham would eventually become aware of his feelings towards you, but isn't sure how you feel about him, so he'll keep it hidden away and to himself. Though, there will be a time he can't possibly just hide it anymore so what does he do?
He'll often start doing small things such as bringing his and your favorite snacks when you both take a break from all the work you've done so far. You wonder how he knew exactly what you liked and wanted at the moment at he just simply brushes it off by saying he just guessed... when really he took mental note of what you'd bring with you whenever you were with him.
Whenever you happened to catch him during his break, he puts his book down. Doesn't seem like such a big deal but... with anyone else, he wouldn't do as much as to spare a glance at them. He'd keep his eyes glued to the page he was on, not showing any bit of interest in the conversation that started with him since he wanted to be left alone already. But with you? The book can wait. You could've sworn that his eyes almost sparkle in a way whenever he looks up to see you.
Something cute he does.
Whenever you'd tell him a joke, he'll blush when you giggle at him. You find it adorable how when he doesn't get a joke, he'll often take it seriously and give such a long, textbook-based explanation. Once you explain to him, a look of embarrassment comes to his face but he'll laugh along with you at his own seriousness.
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Blade's partner but the problem is that you two don't necessarily get along, he ends up developing a small crush on you, or rather a partnership as he would say in the long run.
How does he fall for you?
Blade wasn't very fond of you, the second he saw you he just didn't want you getting in his way of work. It didn't help how you two were often paired up with each other, on every mission no matter big or small, you two somehow were always stuck together.
He was always quite hard on you as your superior and he knew just how much you disliked him for how he treats you but the second you get injured... he gets worried sick. He knew you were strong on your own but knowing your clumsiness, he had to keep a close eye on you.
He's never once felt such the need to protect someone before, he thought it was just the way of a superior looking after the junior but... boy was he wrong. Soon it became more than just that kind of relationship between you two.
What he does differently that gets your attention.
He tends your injuries himself. Usually, he'd let someone else handle it, but he'd just do it himself as he wanted you to rest and be in bed as soon as possible. You didn't know how good he was at this kind of thing until that day.
He often holds your hand, leading your around with his hands tight around yours and the hilt of his sword. His excuse is that he wants to make sure you stay close to him and don't get lost, but in reality, he just wants to feel your hand in his. He'll give it a nice, firm squeeze from time to time, sometimes holding it longer than he intended.
He gives you small gifts of treats and items so you can take care of yourself when you both complete your tasks. Though he's the one that's literally helping you, he doesn't mind giving you a reward of such from time to time especially when the mission happened to take a toll on the both of you.
Something cute he does.
He becomes softer with you when it comes to winding down and relaxing, he'll take part in the little activities you enjoy even though it may seem totally out of his character but he's willing to enjoy it with you.
He'll even do such things as give you a nice hug, though the hug was mostly so he could enjoy your embrace around him as he relaxes into your arms. He loves the times like this when he can just be comfortable with you and not have to worry about being such a tough guy.
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pix-writes · 16 days
Continuing with my last question cause I just thought this; what does a friendship with Stan looks like? To be more specific, if the reader is a female-presenting person, would her friendship with Stan look different than if the reader were a man? Mostly I wondered because Stan is a ladies' man, and I was wondering if a friendship with a woman would make him wonder if he likes the person or if they are just friends, idk if I explain myself aaaa
Almost thought I'd lost this ask! 😅 It was just in my drafts I hadn't accidentally deleted it thank goodness!
Nah, I think I've got what you're saying!
(a little long, so I've put it under a read more to be mindful of ppl scrolling!)
With Stan I think a relationship with a man and a woman would be a bit different, whilst I perosnally HC that he's bisexual, I do think he is more drawn to women, either as just personal preference and/or because its more recognisable/acceptable societally for him to flirt with women easily.
Whilst Stan is a bit of a ladies man, he does admit to Dipper in Roadside Attraction, that he's not actually good at building relationships/dating women; more often than not his flirtations gets the door slammed in his face. I'm guessing this is because he just is naturally a flirt/pick up artist and is therefore not particularly selective when it comes to flirting with people in general. So with that in mind, he'd be likely to be quite flirtatious in the beginning of getting to know a female friend, but he's (mostly) kidding around, so its not serious if you don't see him that way, I mean you hardly know each other at this stage. It also depends on your interactions together and how you respond to his jokes over this initial stage too. If you flirt back, you guys are mostly going to skip over the friends stage to lovers!
I think Stanley has gone so long without having any friends/close friendships, though, that he's just happy to find a someone who will share the same hobbies or is a 'kindred spirit' of sorts. So, I think he would be likely to drop the flirting act with you once he realises you're not picking up what he's putting down, but you could be a friend. And geniunely, too, he's not just waiting around for you to change your mind, he simply forgets about it and hangs out with you as a friend. Once you become close friends though, I think it would be harder for him to shut off feelings for a female friend, you spend so much time together he can't help but fall for you. He'd try to draw back and rationalise to himself that he's just lonely, so of course he would think about being with you, even if you're not interested (cue the angst). But obviously, that won't work, and his feelings do slip out in the way he acts around you at times!
With a male friend, its much more hanging out together and becoming aquaintance to friends to lovers, I think Stan wouldn't be as likely to initiate things or flirt with a guy right of the bat in most cirucmstances; but he's been around and travelled the world, he's had the occaisonal thing with another fella before, and it's not all about smut either, but romance too. I think he'd be a little less flirtatious, but it once he'd realise he's starting to like them that's when the flirtation will start. I think he'll be a lot more cautious to start it seriously, though, because some of the time he has lost a male friend to flirtation in the past. He'll only do it if he thinks he might have a chance and will lay it on thick, because, what has he got to lose?!
For Stan, the dynamic is different based on his past and also the way he was socialised (living in a heteronormative society, eh?!), so I think a relationship with a guy compared to a girl he'd be slightly different in the way he interacts with them, but he's still a terrible flirt all the same! ^^
Friendship with Stan will look like:
Sitting on the porch, having a drink (of pitt ofc) and telling each other stories
Playing cards or other games you can bet on at the kitchen table, this can go on for hours after dinner
Watching any old thing on the TV (when the kids have gone to bed/are out, it's definitely period dramas - but only if you're into them and put them on, as Stan won't admit he likes them... but you know he does! ^-^)
Fishing on the lake in Gravity Falls and drinking something more alcoholic, will have to stop Stanley from getting into some kind of altercation if it's tourist season when you go out, and boat to the shore tipsy
Being goofy together - generally joking around with each other, making witty/snarky comments to the other nearly all the time, maybe the odd harmless prank here and there - or if one of you has been cheating at cards actual pranks OR some kind of competitive rematch as revenge!
Helping him and Ford on their adventures in some way, even if you don't go with them, you'll be involved somehow whether you like it or not. Will ring you every time they stop at a port to give you an update (it's mainly so you don't worry - you know he's got places safely and he knows you haven't fallen into the bottemless pit whilst he's been away)
Spending summerween/halloween together and competing to see who can be the most scary/has the best decorations/costume out of the two of you etc. One time you enlist Ford's help to give Stanley a scare and totally win. He says that you'll be the death of him one day in response. Once you both watched horror movies, there was a regional power cut and you both got spooked and ended up sleeping in the living room instead of going home/going to bed.
Enabling or discouraging (depending on the situation) each other's devious plans or crimes.
You have a running joke that Stan owes you money. Except it's not a joke. He does. (it just so happens that anytime you get it back is also in step with times you have to pay him back for something as well, so you end up exchanging the same $20 note or whatever)
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lysatoru · 3 months
Hello, could you possibly write a Megumi x reader fic or anything else (or could be gojo x reader, idk, as you prefer), but the reader, in terms of personality and behaviour, is a bit like Megumi? Like rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. (And could the characters just be asexual please?) Anyway, I really like your work, it's always great and fun! Hope you have a nice day
is this love ? - bob marley
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megumi x reader, reader’s pronouns aren’t mentioned ! Megumi calls reader ‘pretty’ though. asexual reader, asexual megumi. Fluff. Comfort.
i hope you’ll like it🥹
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We all know that Megumi is a rather quiet and reserved person. He has trouble expressing his emotions or feelings, so when he met you, he felt certain emotions he hadn't had the opportunity to feel before. He'd finally met someone like himself, someone whose presence was easy to forget because he was so quiet.
At first, it was rather difficult for the two of them to talk to each other, not because they were shy, but because honestly, what did they have to say to each other?
It wasn't until a few weeks later that they finally began to like each other, and they would see each other at school in any case. As you became classmates, you got to know each other, and the more he talked to you, the more he liked you.
When Megumi realized that you were having trouble expressing your emotions, he quickly recognized himself in you. As he began to care about you, he helped you to express yourself little by little. At first, it was quite complicated, but you realized that you could trust him. So, in turn, he began to confide in you, and the two of you began to share certain problems or secrets that nobody else knows.
The more you talked, the more you realized that maybe you loved him more than a friend. You kept it to yourself, afraid of losing him.
In the end, the relationship naturally took a rather romantic direction as it went along. From a sexual point of view you weren't attracted, far from it, but emotionally you felt connected to him, more than to anyone else.
When you're out in public, you're not the type to hold hands or hug; on the contrary, you like to keep a low profile and be close in private. After a long day at school, if he comes to your place or you go to his, he loves to kiss your forehead affectionately, you put on a movie and lie in bed. You rest your head on his chest and he holds you by the waist, not wanting to let go. He was always protective of you.
People around you didn't really understand the nature of your relationship, but the truth is, you didn't care. You liked your relationship just the way it was.
He got to know you and your moods by observing you every day; so when you're not feeling well, he knows exactly what to do, when he feels you're being distant, he stands aside to let you breathe for a while, then when the time comes, he asks how you're doing without rushing you.
"What's going on, yn?" he asked, seeing you upset. "You know you can talk to me if you need to, but if you don't feel like it, don't," he continued, giving you a light kiss on the top of your head.
You explained what was wrong and he listened attentively. The discussion ended with a hug, and he took you in his arms, one hand on the back of your head, affectionately but not at all suggestively. "It’ll be okay" he replied, smiling slightly.
"You're pretty", you looked at him confused, "what was that for?", you asked, "I never told you, but I wanted to tell you because I really mean it" he continued smiling sincerely at you, "Thank you Megumi" you replied returning his smile.
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
Hello! I've been stalking your blog and I can't explain how much I love your writings, they made my day 🥺 Anyway, if it's okay, can you do svt as your co-worker (could be just platonic/romantic/both, whatever you prefer). Thank you in advance! ✨️
svt as your coworker
a/n: AAAA so sorry to get back to you so late 😭 i hope you still get to read this and enjoy it,, i tried to write this as platonic with the hint of something more?
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○ quite the good employee
○ in his nature to lead group meetings and be pretty proactive in delegating roles that are suitable for everyone
○ always checks in with you that you’re okay with your work load and offers to help too
○ is it relevant that he looks very good with the sleeves of his button-up rolled up?
○ master of wasting the company time and he somehow drags you into it
○ definitely plays some kind of little game with you every day
○ you both have used up several packs of post-its due to endless rounds of hangman, tic-tac-toe, etc
○ he loves to bet little prizes like “okay so over whoever loses has to buy lunch tomorrow”
○ he loves to waste time but is also somehow occasionally employee of the month???
○ definitely the office hunk
○ half the company has a crush on him (how could you blame anyone, look at him)
○ definitely the kind of gentleman to grab coffee for himself but also bring back some extra drinks for those who sit near him too
○ when you try to pay him back he just smiles and brushes off your offer “you don’t need to do that” with the sweetest smile ever
○ always falls asleep at his desk but also never gets caught
○ is either very productive or doing nothing at all, no in between
○ you have to nudge him awake when you hear that the ceo is walking around the office and you swear your heart skips a beat when he looks at you in his sleepy state
○ one of the company’s long-time employees
○ a funny guy but also super reliable and hardworking so most people tend to look for him for help
○ you call him over to review something on your laptop and he’s leaning on your desk with one arm
○ when you talk to him he watches you intently and you’re wondering why your face suddenly feels hot?
○ he’s quiet and always finishes his duties efficiently
○ the kind to send one-sentence emails (idk why i thought this seemed very him)
○ he sits across from you and when your eyes meet over your desktops you quickly turn back to your screen (you don’t realize he’s chuckling)
○ employee of the month honestly
○ one of the people in the company who moved up the ranks pretty fast and at a pretty young age (he’s younger than most of the people with the same position)
○ he overhears your music playing through your headphones in the elevator one day (some of you will get this reference i hope)
○ “is that [insert obscure band]?” he’ll ask. you lift one side of your headphones to hear him and you nod happily when you realize his question. (from then on he has a little crush on you and he tries to start conversations in the future by asking if you’ve heard about that band’s new release!)
○ you were a little intimidated by him at first
○ there’s no other way to describe it other than he looks so effortlessly cool, with his subtle piercings and painted nails amidst his business attire
○ you realize he’s warmer than you think when you work up the courage to compliment his nails
○ he’s employee of the month #2, also a very diligent guy
○ honestly a joyous person to share a desk with
○ “good morning ~~” he’ll say as he settles in for the day
○ from the second he gives you that wolffish grin you know this is gonna be a problem
○ the kind of sweetheart to stay with you during your overtime so that you aren’t the only person left in the office
○ “you don’t need to stay!” you try to tell him, feeling a little bad you’re stopping someone from going home. he even has his bag all packed up
○ “y/n trust me, it’s a little scary when no one else is here” he assures you, “i stayed here one time and something dropped in one of the cubicles and it freaked me out” (he left out the part that he bolted out of the office when he heard that)
○ you think about it for a bit, opting to just hurry a little bit with your tasks. “okay fine, i’ll try not to take too long”
○ while you work, he even goes so far as to go to one of the vending machines down the hall to get you both a snack
○ bonus: on your way out you playfully go “did you hear that?” and his eyes widen immediately, “hear WHAT?”
○ would be employee of the month if he didn’t get into arguments with coworkers here and there 😭
○ not a rude employee by any means but he’s just passionate about doing well
○ it is so nice when you get paired to work with him because he motivates you to do so well too
○ the longer you work with him, you do get to see more relaxed sides of him and he even hums a little while he works (soon you discover he’s incredible at singing)
○ also doesn’t talk too much, not exactly because he’s busy but he also tends to sit idly sometimes, rotating on his chair to pass time LOL
○ he’s great to work with though, he’s so chill and open-minded that he’ll let you take the lead but also input his ideas when he feels necessary
○ you start talking to him when you come in on a monday, a little excited, “did you see the movie that everyone’s talking about?” you ask
○ his eyebrows raise and he sits up in his chair because he has in fact seen that movie
○ thus ensues emails about work but also with a movie recommendation in the final line
○ was the baby of the office when he was just an intern but he’s a hard-worker so he eventually got hired full-time
○ you catch him kind of dancing while he’s trying to pick out a vending machine snack
○ gets so embarrassed (he may have a crush on you) that he doesn’t talk to you for a good week 😭
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
i'd really like to know if he'd have any types of kinks or a type?!!
like from what I've read from you, maybe it's just my impression, but does he find chubby people more attractive? (self-insert hihi)
or just kinks he'd have; like, modern!coryo screams corruption kink (maybe even a virgin!reader 👀), and things like degradation/praise, as well as a pretty big dom situation 👀
anyways, love your stuff!
I can't help coming back to your modern! coryo au literally everyday, I'm in love 🫡🫠
CW: implied-ish plus sized reader but i use “chubbier” so it’s a bit ambiguous i guess but that’s how i picture them, don’t like don’t read
First of all, thank you so much for loving the au, it's kind of getting demotivating a bit to see the fandom slow down but I'll ALWAYS have modern! coryo brain rot. So, I guess someday I'll be shouting into the void lmao.
I do think that when it comes to preferences, he does prefer chubbier people. He's one of those guys that likes being able to just really grab and slap anything and everything because you've got more than enough meat on your bones. Also, idk how to quite explain it, but I think he enjoys what he believes is a more realistic (?) body, like he'd deadass get so offended if you thought you had to shave or cover up stretch marks. He comes from a very superficial world where the beauty standards are impossible to achieve (edit: i’m NOT talking about being skinny being impossible, i’m talking about general beauty standards and having an unrealistically proportioned body like the ones in media, i’m aware that skinny people exist) . It's like how for a while, Aphrodite and other similar goddesses were depicted in media as very skinny but when you look back at how they were actually worshiped, there are statues and carvings and etc. with belly rolls and all kinds of versions of bigger bodies. That's what reader's body reminds him of, gets him feel closer to God and all that.
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I'll get to some actual kinks in a second, but I do think he likes more of a reluctant person. He's someone that is built for the chase and that really revels in the wooing process, he'd never been in love before you, so the rush of intense feelings kicks his adrenaline into overdrive. It's a sort of predator/prey thing without being a full-blown kink, Coryo stalks and he circles around you until you're given such a small window of escape that you already missed your chance by the time he decides that he's done waiting around. You have the whole cutesy 'will they? won't they?' thing going for a bit until you just don't anymore.
In my head, modern!coryo's reader is a virgin for that exact purpose lol like he does have a fuck boy past that's typical for his place in society, so I just love the idea of sex suddenly becoming so "special" to him now that he's possessed with the need to mold your experience around him so you could never be satisfied by anyone else. I think he'd want to keep some of that shyness and insecurity no matter how much experience he gives you, so he can reassure you and praise you and tell you to suck on his fingers so the stretch of his cock won't be all you can think about.
He does favor praise over degradation but when he does degrade it's more... positive (???) in his eyes, calling you dumb because he wants you know you don't have to be smart, saying you're his slutty whore because he wants you to feel comfortable enough being as nasty as possible with him, etc. No matter what name he calls you, he's adding 'my' in front of it. The words will be the same, but his tone will change based on if you're driving him crazy (basically if he gets jealous for no reason again)
I also think that's he way more of a Dom type, he'll never go into extreme type stuff and he's more of a gentle Dom depending on the situation that led up to you fucking or making love. My modern!coryo is never going to let you have more control than letting you ride him (and you always end up getting tired, so he has to take over, which he is more than happy to do!). His control issues are severe like they are in canon, he's exhausted trying to hold himself back from just losing it on everybody. So, having a stress toy of an s/o that he can micromanage and love without limits does wonders for his mental health.
He's obviously obsessed with spanking/LIGHT impact play. The only bruises you'll get will be from him squeezing you too hard or littering your body with hickies, he'd bite you to pieces too but he likes to think that he has some sense of decorum.
He could get behind silk bondage, whether it's patterns on your body or spreading you out on the bed with your ankles and wrists tied to the bed frame. But he wouldn't do it because he wants to keep you from touching, he just wants to love you properly without you hurting yourself because you got shy and squirmed all over the place.
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© talonplague 2024. please reblog and interact if you enjoyed!!
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sf3uuf · 4 months
ART POSTING!? IT'S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK!I've been pretty shy to show off my art, mainly my ocs, but since my account mostly has revolved around my love for metalocalypse, I shall introduce my first MTL OC: Leslie Lee! (These are old drawings of her, so of course they don't really look the best. It was my first time drawing scenes hairstyles! Also, her fashion style is still the same, but I just did her dirty here 💀)
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Leslie Lee, 23-24 (In season 2 when we are first introduced to her)
Leslie Lee is an aspiring musician just trying to get through in this hard life. Of course, considering her conditions, you would think it wouldn't be that easy. Leslie is a bit different from other girls and musicians, and no, I do not mean that in a pick me way, she's quite literally different, because unlike most people attending a high class college for the musically talented, Leslie is blind! However, she doesn't let her disability stop her from pursuing her passions, which are playing instruments, writing songs, and dressing up!
Of course, this is just one of the many special things about Leslie. There is so much more to this scene girl than meets the eye. (pun intended)
I feel like in the show, Leslie isn't a main character (none of my ocs really are LOL), but she is a reoccurring character that I feel like everyone would love despite not having a lot of screen time. She'd definitely shine more in the 3rd and 4th season and the movies. Just like Knubbler!! (Wait... maybe not like Knubbler... maybe....)
•In Leslie's concept (which I've never drawn) she was going to wear all black and blue from her clothes to her hair, she was also going to have her eyes covered by her bangs.
•Her last name Lee comes from the Evanescence singer Amy Lee, who was one of Leslie's inspos.
•In her original design, she was blasian (Korean and Jamaican), but now she's Indian and Jamaican, but she can speak a good chunk of Korean.
•Leslie is bisexual.
•Her voice claims would be: Dokkaebi from R6 Siege, Juliett from Lolipop Chainsaw, Deb from Finding Nemo (aka Vicki Lewis her VA)
•I know I mentioned her being blind, but I can't really describe what she sees. It's not pitch black, though. I'm still researching.
•She also was a part of a band called GLITTERWRIST as the singer, but I kinda scrapped that idea?? Maybe I'll add it back, but idk.
•She LOVESSSS rave parties and parties in general!
•Whenever her friends or loved ones are down, she is always there to make them feel better she will never leave you alone unless they yell at her to leave.
•She's the type of person to eat A LOT but never gain weight.
•Her love language is physical touch and quality time, but mostly physical touch.
•Speaking of quality time, she's very fashionable and LOVES fashion (preferably scene stuff, y'know?) She loves to go shopping with her friends and loved ones.
•Even though she loves scene music and pop, she very much loves classical music, which shocks many!
•Speaking of classical, she is very VERY skilled on the violin. Obviously, Dethklok finds weird since the violin is just so...boring to them. It's a grandpa guitar but fancier.
•She also plays a bit on the piano and keyboard, but she's horrible at guitar no matter how hard she's tried to play!
•She doesn't like needles, which is ironic since she has piercings on her nose and snake bites under/on the side of her lips.
•She also has a nice singing voice, but you wouldn't know that since whenever she does make music, it's filled with that Ke$ha type music. But don't say she can't sing. She's definitely good at it.
•She is roommates with my other oc, Skyler Lovelock. (who we will also learn about in a later post)
•I wanted to mention this in a later post, but there is a running gag with her that whenever she's with Toki, she never dies or even gets hurt, but instead has near death experiences that are usually dealt with by someone nearby them (that isnt dethklok ofc), I can't explain this well sorry, but if you've watched scary movie 2, just remember the road scene with Brenda where she mentions bad luck and the couple behind her gets hit by a bus. That's kinda what happens.
Those are all of the facts that I can think of right now. If you have any questions about my oc(s), feel free to ask!
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princelylove · 5 months
Hello! Loved your interpretations on Leone kidnapping us, your highness. It’s like every time you write my day is a little brighter. As a person who suffers from mania I really feel for Leone. Idk if his mania is different than mine, but when fall it feels like you flew too close to the sun and are now plummeting into the sea. A real Icarus situation. Then there’s the grieving of how it used to be (during the mania). I suffer from bpd and that’s a big symptom of it (at least for me.) when you write Leone, a character I heavily relate to, I feel like I relate to him even more. Which definitely causes me to want to treat him the way I wish I was treated by being there for him. I think that’s why I like how you write him so much. It’s because he feels real.
It's a shame that most people don't really get it when it comes to personality disorders. It's always "ohh i want an obsessive partner" until they're mentally ill in unwanted ways.
Disorders are, naturally, human. They're a part of human behavior- naturally or unnaturally occurring, they're both just behaviors and symptoms and human things. I would consider it a failure on my end if I missed the mark on something so simple.
I feel like yandere content is always going to have heavy ties with disorders like bpd. The obsessive love, having a favorite one or in our case a darling, having intense "mood swings"- it's easy to see the similarities, and I think that's why so many people with bpd or other personality disorders choose to engage with yandere works.
It's relatable. It's comforting to think that someone loves exactly like you do, and that people want that. Turns out you're not too much, you've just got the wrong audience. That's what initially caught my interest with yandere works, I love in very "odd" ways. It's nice to think that somebody finds your nature attractive- You know that saying about how every pokemon is somebody out there's absolute favorite? Humans are like that too.
Unorthodox love is still love, and love is human. The fact that my Leone receives such attention and love is testament that such behavior is at least a liiittle attractive.
I'm not really sure how to explain how I view and write characters other than the fact that they are real to me. Sometimes my characters do things that I don't envision them doing, it forces me to look deeper into their psychology to find out why. I value them being accurate over my own preferences, so I've always found the common advice of "write whatever you wanna indulge in for yourself!" to be a bit unhelpful.
It's helpful when I obsess over a character and only want to think about them.... but that's private. What about for characters that I don't really care about? Why do I write for characters that I don't even like, when I entirely do not have to?
Well. They're somebody's favorite, and I want to be someone's favorite too. There's nothing quite like finding a piece of fiction that was exactly what you needed, not what you wanted.
My favorites are real to me. I have real feelings for them, I want them to be treated how they ought to be. Which is funny, I find amusement in writing Leone's misery, but shh that's off topic. It's a bit mentally ill of me, but I'm genuinely in love with my all time favorite characters, and it upsets me when people horribly misunderstand them.
I guess I just want to be nice to them. I'd want someone to write me accurately, so I may be loved accurately.
But I'm digressing a bit, and awfully exhausted, so that might not make a lot of sense. Thank you for the praise, anon, keep it coming.
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sugarschnaps · 1 year
Leland HCs, because he died in Chapter Four
My heart has been broken by fanfiction countless times with Leland dying omg. (You know who you are) Anyways so I decided to write some Leland Golden boy McKinney HCs!!! They're mostly for my comfort and my inexplicable thoughts. Went from Leland hater to Leland brainrot real fast. Thank you, fanfiction authors! You're a gift to the planet <3 Not used to writing for characters that aren't my ocs, and these are purely my own comfort hcs, so hopefully you guys don't mind my little contribution to the fandom. I might post other hcs if people want? idk Side note: These are also kind of somewhere between "soft boyfriend" and "part time group dad" energy, interpret these how you want. :D
He's not big on slushies originally. Probably not a big fan of cold things generally with a few exceptions of course, but he can't resist seeing you so excited to try the new flavour and wanting to drag him along. (At the time, probably blue raspberry. It came out in '74!) And of course, he'll go with you. You manage to persuade him to try it. He winds up enjoying them quite a lot. Blue raspberry is his favourite from then on, though you can never quite tell if it's the flavour that he likes or the fact that you introduced it to him.
He doesn't like hot custard. Can't explain that one, it's just a thought, honestly. But he'd rather die than eat hot custard, he just doesn't like it lmao
He absolutely has a thing for you wearing his shirts or if he has a jacket on, his jacket at the time. Especially when it's colder out, and he knows he can help you warm up. He protects his friends from literal cannibals in game, so why not from the elements too? And to build on this, I also HC he doesn't really like leather jackets because of his arms. They're always tight for his shoulders. But he still wears them sometimes for style points, you know what I'm saying? (When I say "a thing" here it means his heart is swelling and he can't stop smiling. Proud dad, maybe happy boyfriend, I dunno I'm just here for happy and alive boy Leland)
He gives the best hugs out of the whole group, for sure. He's always warm to the touch, even in winter, it's like he's literally got a built in heater or something. Plus, look at him. He is literally built for hugs. Wrestle hugs? Are those a thing? They are now I said so He'd definitely have anyone he cuddles with feel safe when he holds them. (He also prefers to be hugged around the waist than higher up his body.)
If you ever go out to watch a movie with him, you're absolutely leaving there laughing. Leland is a master of comedic timing and stupid comments. He'll find a way to spin any movie to be a comedy. Horror, Romance, anything. He'll make a terrible joke, and it'll be funny. Maybe less because of the actual comedic value, more in how he delivers his jokes, or how he ends up laughing halfway through them and ends up laughing also. His laugh is infectious.
Leland gives me dad joke energy. I will not elaborate.
He is literally just such a ray of sunshine. He's a bit dim-witted at times (it's ok bb me too <3) but he makes up for it in how pure he generally is. He's a good shoulder to cry on, especially while hugging him (literally speaking as well as emotional things- sorry, I'll shut up about his arms now). He might not be 100% certain how to comfort you most of the time, but he's trying his best.
One thing I can conform for an absolute certain is that he has the most banging record collection anybody has ever known. Man has brilliant taste in music. Queen, ABBA, that whole vibe is his favourite to listen to. He has a collection of vinyls he tells nobody about. You're probably the first to know, likely from him knowing the words to things like Killer Queen especially.
His favourite song, however, is definitely Hooked on a Feeling. It's just... I can't explain it. He'd dad dance to this, for sure. He's just a little silly goofy boy <3333
If you're the type of person that sees fluffy and/or soft hair and immediately wants to braid a bit of it, he will gladly let you do so. He'll probably have to lean down for it to be more comfortable for you. He doesn't care if you're a bit messy or not used to braiding hair properly, he'll happily keep it in for a day at least. He has the SOFTEST hair anybody has ever known, he's just a very fluffy boy and I love him.
In the winter, if you forget to bring gloves or whatnot, he'll hold your hands to warm them up. Referring back to the little portable heater energy thingy we've got going for him. Also, doesn't matter who you are his hands are always bigger than yours even if it's very slightly.
He gives me golden retriever energy he's so baby That's it that's the post, love y'all, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
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liquidstar · 11 months
your ocs
in Re:Zero
how would they end up causing Subaru's deaths?
Omg that's such a fun question 😭😭😭 poor Subaru I'm about to kill him with ocs sorry
But here's what I think would happen:
In the case of Polaris I can see it being a fight caused by somekinda misunderstanding on her end and also on Subaru for being terrible at explaining shit. I don’t think she’d kill him on purpose through this but she does NAUGHT have good control over her powers so he might get an icicle through the heart or something. Typical day in the life and death of Natsuki Subaru though, who has been frozen like? 3 times? At least?
Saiph also can’t control his powers well once his sword is unsheathed- but it’s less so a case of physical control like with Polaris, and more so the kinda thing where the power overwhelms him and the more flames there are the less he realizes what he’s doing. So I’m picturing a scenario in which his sword is unsheathed for too long and Subaru is just caught up in either the fire or the sword. Preferably the latter, to be honest. 
Bella has a very strict NO KILLING rule so in her case I think it would have to be a pure accident. Not like the other two did it fully intentionally either but I was still thinking of fights against each other. Idk exactly what it could be in this case, maybe something like Bella swinging her weapon at a monster but it ends up dodging, and Subaru somehow ends up in the way before she can redirect the swing. In this case for Maximal Drama it would totally have to be the case that she managed to redirect it just enough to make it a much slower death than it would’ve been if she had done nothing. This is important bc it would fuck her up more to kill than him to die, at this point, and hes gotta see that. For the drama.
Al is probably the most prone to not listening to Bella’s orders, is the thing. Meaning that even if she has a “no killing” rule as the leader, he’d break it if he felt he had to. Subaru can come across suspicious at times, due to a variety of factors, and if Al believed him to be somekinda genuine threat and saw no other alternative. I mean he’s probably the only one who’d actually be willing to kill a guy on purpose really. He’s always been just a little bit unwell and whenever he decides to enter his shounen rival “villain” era maybe he’ll kill him again who knows. I will say though for the record that either way it wouldn’t be something he’d find any sort of joy or pride in at all, and ideally he’d prefer to avoid bloodshed at all costs. But, you know, he wants to protect people At All Costs too. And when weighing the lives of your friends vs some random sketchy dude… Sorry dude.
Also like the thing about Subaru is that he really wants to help people and sort of play therapist even when he’s clearly encroaching on sensitive territory. Mira is repressing quite a lot- If not outright deluding herself in a few ways. I think that if Subaru tried to scratch the surface of this mind palace of hers, she probably wouldn’t react well. If she has a mental breakdown it could fuck with the wind real bad, and would probably get worse if he continues to try to talk to her. Basically imagine something like the “choose me” scene (iconic) but wind instead of fire. And this time the person he’s talking to is not listening at all but closing herself off further, air ball style. So there’s not really any escaping the winds, he’d either get swept away by them or hit by something and that’d be that. If you wanna get a bit darker with it she could end up using all the air present to create her “bubble” and there’d be no oxygen around so he’d just suffocate.
Felis kills him for knowing someone with the same name as her. She has to be special. The end. (Joke answer. They'd actually probably love each other lol)
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I wouldn't be surprised if this is how JK has always been but people just assumed and put JK in a box of what they "thought" he was. This anon is taking JK's words quite literally. I think he's referring to being bored of his life and being seen as someone he's not.
So to answer op, I Just repeated what JK said. I hope YOU understood Sky. What he said was clear, that he changes as years go by and is not the same person like before. He clearly said he easily gets bored of something so he tries out many things. If JK himself says he changed and we also see the same then idk why this person is saying don't take his words literally lol. He, nor I meant JK we saw last year is not the same anymore lol.. change is a drastic process.. NO ONE WILL CONVINCE ANYONE SAYING 2016 JK BEHAVED SAME AS 2021. He indeed changed a lot. Also idk why this person immediately thought to tattoos and smoking when I didn't even mentioned that. Like if Jimin had problems he will say it to him and as of now, Jimin doesn't look so bothered by anything JK does 🤷‍♀️.
And, what you said makes sense. I dont think Jimin is 'secretly' like JK because his thoughts and how he approaches things has been pretty much the same over the years. He's one of the members who's so stable, he's happy as long as he gets to do the things he likes for a long time in best way possible. Simple. I think he likes the craziness, chaos and energy JK brings in. It's like fitting 2 lego pieces perfectly lol. Maybe it's JK who fills that missing piece in Jimin's life. And for JK, chaotic, experimental, ever changing JK he needs someone stable in his life who he can go back to, every time. Someone who feels like home and loves him no matter what. It's like Jimin is the anchor of ship JK, who navigates/prefers through stormy sea.
Hello again,
Yes, I understood what you meant. I got it like "why is the changing of Jk not affecting jikook?"
And yeah, I think that it has taken Jimin a while to get to the place he is at now. He's also changed a lot from 2016. From wanting to be all tough guy and flirty guy, to growing pains to got him to write Promise, to the stuff that took him to writing FACE, and what helped him overcome that, and even what he explain in his last live. It has taken him years to reach the stability he shows us now.
I think that Jimin's thought process is definitely different than Jungkook's.
And I agree with the rest of your ask too.
"Someone who feels like home and loves him no matter what."
They are that to each other.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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mutt-victim · 2 months
about you
1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47
3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40, 41, 42
8, 10, 11, 13
Porn and sex industry
3, 26, 27, 28, 30
5, 6, 12, 18, 30, 39, 54, 70, 72, 84, 86
AAAAA thank you for the ask. Ilysm
About me:
1: Size of your penis/breasts? Well my dick can be any size I choose >:3 yay strapons. Last I checked my bra size was 38DD, but I've gained some weight since then so that might not be quite right anymore
6: What type of underwear are you wearing? None ;3 it's late so I'm nakey in bed rn
7: What is your favourite type of underwear? I love some cheeky panties with a cute pattern, or just regular bikini ones. And ofc boxer briefs, so comfortable
11: Explain your ultimate fantasy. Ooo I love this question. It's so hard to choose just one as my "ultimate", especially bc my mood and even whether I feel submissive or dominant changes so often.. but I think probably my dream would be to have my dom keep me in littlespace way more <3 having a room in my apartment where I have one of those adult sized cots, cutesy wallpaper, lots of plushes and toys and childish decor, a bookshelf with cute kiddie books or some bigger books for daddy to read to me at bedtime.. having dad brush my hair and help me put it up, picking out sweet outfits for me, helping me cook, making me hold his hand when we go out and cross the street and stuff.. just really getting to be his lil boy.. <3 I realize this didn't even get sexual LOL I assure you there would be plenty of that too. But yeah just... i long to be baby. Lmao
14: What is the strangest thing you've ever been turned on by? I'm into guro so... it gets weird fast haha
16: Have you sent a nude photo or video to someone? Tons, just last night I sent a bunch of pics and videos of me fucking myself to my partner >w<
18: Have you ever posted a picture or video of yourself in the nude on the internet? A few! Just a few days ago I posted one here, mostly of my ass heheh
28: Have you ever told someone that you fantasised about them? Yes~
29: Do you have a favourite person or few people to fantasise about? Oh absolutely my partner. Other than that, hmm.. if I have a crush usually they creep into my thoughts. But generally it's mostly my partner and some other nameless faceless person if I'm in the mood to be tag-teamed~
31: Have you ever showered with someone? Yes, I love it a lot! Not even sexually (shower sex kindof sucks), I just think it's so intimate.. getting to wash someone else... very sweet
32: Have you ever confessed you were aroused by someone? Yeaaaah, like, sometimes shortly after meeting them LMAO. I'm a flirt /)w(\
33: Are you open about your sex life and sexuality? Sexuality yes, my sex life... less so. My best friends know most of my kinks and such, but there's just a lot of stigma around a lot of kinks... So I get nervous to share..
34: Do you orgasm easily? I would say yes but, none of my past partners were ever able to do it by themself... so I don't know
39: Do you shave your pubic hair? Sometimes! I'm a bush lover but sometimes I feel more confident and comfortable shaved, especially because I can show off my tdick more easily that way~ I just shaved yesterday so I'm super smooth right now
41: Do you prefer clean shaven or unkempt? Oh, definitely unshaven. Don't mind if trimmed or not, but I'm not reaaally a fan of my partners being clean shaven
42: Favourite type of underwear on others? Oh I'm crazy about panties on people who don't usually wear them. They usually get shy and blushy, and I think everyone's ass looks great in panties~ otherwise anything with a cute pattern idk :3
43: Do you own any lingerie? A couple pieces! I used to own more, but I find a lot of it uncomfortable and/or cheaply made.. and sometimes it just adds to me feeling dysphoric :<
44: How much lingerie do you own? I think I have an old maid costume kicking around somewhere, and some pairs of panties+bras with cutouts~
46: Do you like the way your genitals look? Well. As a trans person, not especially ! Would really love a whole different setup if I'm honest. But objectively, I think my pussy is cute enough.. ?
47: Are you comfortable naked? Yesss I love it. Super cozy. I always sleep nakey
3: How often do you masturbate? Nearly once a day
7: What was the last thing you thought of or masturbated to? Some cute snuff puppy petplay fantasy~ having my partner pulling on my collar so hard that I can't breathe, telling me that I'll make for a cute dead mutt~
8: Have you walked in on or caught someone masturbating? I've definitely heard some of my past roommates. Also, once when I was a teenager and sharing a bed with a friend who stayed the night, I woke up to him getting off beside me
9: Has someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? Ugh my parents walked in on me a few times
14: Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate? A lot quieter than I am during sex, but I'm still definitely noisy. Whiny, moaning my partner's name (even when he isn't there..), sometimes I cry a lil bit >w< I'm a crybaby
15: Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online? I haven't cammed before so not live in a public way, but definitely over a private video call. My partner lives far away sooo we make do <3
16: Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person? Yes, but I get really shy if they aren't participating..
17: Have you ever masturbated with someone (mutual masturbating)? Yes! But I'm touchy feely clingy so it's hard to keep my hands to myself...
23: What's your most embarassing masturbation story? Other than being walked in on... okay so I've been into omorashi for a long time.. and once, when I was a teenager.. it was one of my first times trying to hold for a long time while edging myself through my clothes... And I couldn't hold it anymore so I tried to run to the bathroom. Ended up tripping over something in the restroom, falling into the bathtub on my way down. Hit my knee REALLY badly, also tried to catch myself on a shelf and ended up slicing my hand on the corner. So there I was, bleedin, aching, fallen into my bath.. and then I wet myself :( wasn't worth it, didn't cum, knee was bruised for a month
24: Whats your funniest masturbation story? Honestly probably the previous story. Lol
25: Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate? Yea, when I was younger I had this loonng bubble wand tube thinggy that I would fuck my ass with~
26: Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it? It's pretty easy, especially with the help of a vibrator. It was a lot more difficult back when I was on other medications but not anymore 😎
39: How often do you usually last? Hmmm solo probably 15ish minutes? Or less? I'm not good at telling time haha
40: What's the quickest you've ever orgasmed? Roughly a minute, took it as a challenge to get off in the time it took my roommate to take the trash out haha
41: What's the longest masturbation session you've had? Definitely more than two hours, possibly around 3. Idk I'm not big on edging
42: What's the most amount of times you've cum in a day? 4 I think, but it's been a long time haha
8: What do you look for in a hookup? I've personally only hooked up with friends, and honestly I don't see that changing. I like to know and trust a person first c:
10: Have you ever been a booty call? Eeyup!
11: Have you ever had a booty call? Nope
13: Have you ever had a friend with benefits? A few :3
Porn and Sex Industry
3: What is your favourite catagory? Bears probably, or throatfucking. Love bisexual threesomes and prostate orgasms too.. or furry stuff.. or rape stuff if I'm watching hentai
26: Have you ever tried to recreate a scene? Hmm no not that I remember
27: Have you ever used porn to show a partner what you like/want? Hmm my partner and I send eachother porn sometimes but not in an instructional way haha moreso "this made me think of you" or "this is hot and I think you'd like it"
28: Has a partner ever shown you porn to show you what they want/like? Nope
30: Have you considered getting into porn? YES. I've always wanted to... but I know I need to work on my body before that's an option.
5: How many sexual partners have you had? Depending on how you qualify it, 9
6: Who was your best sex partner? Hmm well my current partner certainly seems like he'd be best <3 but alas, the long distance has kept us from finding out :< ummmm without naming names, as a teen, after a crummy partner and I broke up, I hooked up with his best friend (who was also a very close friend of mine) and that was pretty great.
12: Do you have any friends you'd hook up with? Yes c: and friends I have hooked up with before
18: What is your favourite position? Love missionary, I really like making out during sex. Mating press and doggystyle are both so great though
30: What's the strangest place you've had sex/oral? Hmm nowhere super weird I don't think. Maybe in the bed of a truck while camping?
39: Can other people get you off? I'd like to think so >:/
54: Do you ever take pictures or videos while you have sex? Yesss, being recorded is a huge turn-on of mine~
70: Have you ever gone into public with hickies? Yes! I love to be marked, and leave super obvious marks on others.
72: Would you like to have a threesome? I have before c: but I'd like to again I think
84: Where is your favourite place to receive cum? Either in my mouth or a creampie~ as long as it's inside me, I'm happy :3
86: Do you listen to music while you have sex? What kind? My partner and I have a playlist! It's a lil emo, lil bit of pop, some edm.. as long as the vibes are horny haha
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daydadahlias · 1 year
sorry i’ve just stumbled across your blog after reading one of your lashton fics, but is it just me or is this fandom very y/n fic focused… (people say rpf is bad when y/n is RIGHT THERE) anyways from an outside view (i don’t want to be rude!) this fandom i think struggles with the fic fests and things because there are no “main” ships, if that makes sense. idk sorry you’re an amazing artist and it makes me sad you aren’t able to participate in all the fests you want!
so!! thank u for popping by!! im now going to disagree with pretty much everything you've just said!!
so, first and foremost, yes, I do think we have a large x reader population here (as is the nature of any rpf-based fandom) but I dont think that relates at all to fic fests, especially considering that none of the fic fests I've even seen done in this fandom have allowed x readers to participate.
And also, please don't come into my inbox talking shit about other writers ever, it's not cool <3 x reader is no less valid than slash fic <3 and it is quite simply just a matter of personal preference. No matter what, people are writing what makes them happy, and it's pretty shitty to talk down to it.
second - as I have said a plethora of times now - this fandom struggles with fic fests currently because of the lack of writers/readers and engagement. No other reason.
The fact that we don't have a main ship is actually what has, in the past, made fic fests so accessible and fun for everyone!! because we all get to write what we want!! and having no main ship actually inspires MORE community, not less.
third, I appreciate the concern for me but also I'm totally fine not doing fic fests! i don't really like putting deadlines on my writing, in truth, especially when im so busy in other areas of my life rn. Ive just been getting a lot of asks about it lately from other people expressing interest (which has really thrown me for a loop tbh lol) and I've been explaining why there aren't any being hosted right now.
HOWEVER, if someone wanted to host a fic event, i see no reason why they couldn't. No one's actively stopping them. It's just a matter of... would anyone want to join if they did host it? and, based on the interest form one of our previous fic hosts made earlier this year, the answer is no!! no one really has the time or motivation these days!! and that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
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mcl38 · 6 months
going off his post from when he announced his extension as ceo, most people who dislike him seem to claim it's either because he's american and shouldn't be involved in european motorsport (which is already wild considering f1 is an international competition and not a european one), like this is an exact word-for-word critism that i saw more than one person use. or they're australian and feel that zak/the team unfairly favor lando at the expense of aussie drivers. just look at any mclaren affiliated social media after the australian gp. i personally think both are pretty irrational excuses and like don't get me wrong, i am all for people hating for the purpose of being a hater but if you're going to try to justify your hatred with reasons at least find one based in some sort of logic. or even reality.
anon a person after my own heart i too love hating for the purpose of being a hater but this isnt that, its a more widespread and vitriolic fandom phenomenon that clearly different from, say, me hating on clement novalak bc his eyebrows freak me out, ykwim?
i do think his obnoxious americanism is kind of hard to swallow and thats fair if u find him annoying but it rly doesnt explain to me y ppl immediately label him a villain? maybe bc he has that rich man in a black and white hollywood movie vibe abt him or smth but like surely its smth more serious than that. idk i think its just the american salesman core of it all... he's slimy and slippery and persuasive and he does it VERY well
also like i do think the idea that he mistreats oscar is frankly silly - mostly bc oscar keeps yapping on and on abt how much he likes having a team where hes finally wanted and appreciated, but also bc its clear zak loves the guy. i think ur right in that i do think some ppl think that: i keep seeing ppl on twitter saying that the fact that lando has done a couple factory debriefs that oscar wasnt there for means they clearly favour lando. but like.... if i were renowned introvert oscar piastri i would WAY prefer not having to fly 12h to speak in front of a crowd and instead be allowed to spend another couple days w my family in melbourne. like bffr please
also also can i just say re: team orders bc i think thats the other reason ppl think oscar is mistreated - do ppl not realise that last week oscar literally got the priority strategy? they helped cover him against russell instead of helping lando cover against leclerc, which is how lando ended up losing second place - he wouldve kept it if he'd pit on lap 9 with charles or even maybe lap 10 just after him (if the oscar pitstop was unplanned). and also, in general, lando and oscar often end up on diff strategies where lando shows up behind oscar with fresher tyres (and hence has to b let by w team orders) because lando is better at managing tyre wear. thats y he often gets the stay long - overcut strat (germany situation beloved), whereas oscar is often on the undercut - defend strat, and they'll often meet in the middle. the fact that we get these kinds of strategy team orders is GOOD. it means the team has enough faith in both drivers' skills to give them diff strategies and trust them both to execute them well. it also means the drivers r next to each other on track - id take lando team-order-passing oscar any day over lando blue-flag-passing daniel.... oof.
sorry a defense of zak brown turned into a defense of randy singh but like im just saying that the idea that the entirety of mclaren hates and mistreats oscar is rly quite laughable if ur actually engaged in the strategy game or like if u have eyes idk. im very very glad that oscar has become kind of a people's princess character and ppl rly do seem to universally love him but i find it so infuriating that they have to do so at the expense of mclaren. if u wanna find an enemy to hate on behalf of oscar carlos sainz is literally right there
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Hi, and Happy early birthday! If you're still doing matchups, could I get a Star Wars ship for a male and female character?
Idk what all info you need/want for these, so if you need more, feel free to dm me
For appearance: I'm a chubby bisexual female with dirty blonde hair with teal tips, and brown eyes. I tend to wear black clothing or some with black on it though I will wear colors other than black, black is just what I prefer.
Personality wise: I'm shy, introverted, tend to overthink and be insecure about things. I some anxiety, mainly social anxiety. I tend to be quite around those I don't know or unsure of, and once I'm comfortable around someone, I will be more outgoing.
My interests are: Mortal Kombat, Marvel, Horror Slashers, Undertale/Deltarune, One Piece, JJBA, Pokemon, Animals, Drawing (somewhat), and somewhat into R6.
I am also pretty close with my family, or at least on my mom's side anyways.
I kind of want to get into Star Wars as I've only really watched the first two of the newer ones, but that's about it. I figured this matchup might be a good way to get me into it. Hopefully one day I'll get into it enough to at least make one OC. Then again, I have so many OCs, so I don't really know.
Hopefully this is good, but as I said, feel free to dm me if you need or want anymore info.
I hope that you have a wonderful day/night, and birthday. 💙
Thank you and of course hon! 🥰 I first ship you with Obi wan Kenobi! 🤍
He makes sure that you feel safe with him from making tea and calmly talking to him telling you old stories of the Jedi and Sith and of the temple
He can never not see your blonde hair as long strands of yellow clouds with your teal tips being the ocean underneath the clouds and your eyes as milky golden honey
He always likes going with you whether the two of you walk around the temple, occasionally travel to your home planet of Kashyyyk,or to one of the spots you found hidden in or near the temple
Anytime you're drawing he always watches you draw whether it's a plant,droid,one of the clones,a animal,Padme,or somewhere of the temple but the drawings that take his breath away when he randomly finds them are drawings of him from being deep in thought,being frustrated by Anakin,or asleep to smiling,laughing,and his mullet length hair flowing in the wind
He always finds you black clothing whether it's an all black robe or a black and multicolored outfit he always finds you something with black in it to wear making you smile
He always holds you whispering words of comfort to you when you're depressed always saying how much you mean to him rubbing your back or arm
Sometimes people who first meet you or who don't know you will ask him why you're always so quiet but he just chuckles explaining that you need to be comfortable for them to be more talkative
He holds your hands gently whispering whenever you're anxious having you sit down and breathe slowly until you are okay again just holding you afterwards until you both fall asleep
Next I ship you with Leia Organa! 💛
She always holds your face in her hands whenever you're anxious grounding you to her and helping you breathe until you tell her you're safe and ready for a nap or to just listen to her read
She always enjoys that she was special to you that you acted a certain way with her than everyone making her heart swell and explain to others how to get you to talk to them but not forcing you
Your eyes make her feel like she is in a dream with how beautiful they were but when they were in sunlight she just stared combined with your smile it made her fall in love all over again every time
Your hair makes her think of the vanilla flowers she would find and keep from the forest near her home in Alderaan when she was a child such a beautiful yellow with a shade of brown on the green vines and darker yellow in the middle
When you're depressed she always stays with you even if you don't harm yourself or anything of that matter she wants you to know that she truly loves you no matter what
She loves hearing stories of your childhood on Corellia with your family and enjoying the stories she would tell you of her upbringing on alderaan laughing and smiling
She always smiles when she finds a drawing of her that you did of her sleeping,laughing,or being goofy with your group of friends making her day even better than it was before
Anytime she would see any clothing with or all black she gets it surprising you with it and flowers or leaving it somewhere in your room with a little live note attached
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No the posts were definitely hating on fem luke and especially the reply one posted by the author of the not the boy cheating fic. Which you liked so don’t backtrack now.
Alright, so I'm off work now and went and reread the two posts you guys are referencing. This will be in response to all the anons in my ask box rn.
Idk about you, but I don’t have to think “wow I would write this myself, every word is like it came straight from my brain, it is now gospel to me” to hit the like button on a tumblr post as I scroll. I do it because I found it in someway interesting or relatable. I'm still getting used to ppl even noticing me on here, but I wasn't trying to tell fem!Luke writers they are inherently bad, that's not even what I got out of those posts--if I had, I would have just kept scrolling. I see now quite a few people found me doing that to be hateful though, so I'm happy I could explain my own opinion when someone wanted it. I, again, apologize for unintentionally hurting anyone; fictional characters mean a lot less to me than living breathing humans.
Rereading my tags, people may be mad I put "anti fem!Lucerys"? I usually add anti to things if they're talked about with any sort of critique, just bc I want people who have that tag filtered to not see anything approaching criticism on their dash. (I have anti alicent hightower filtered out, for instance, so it's annoying to me when people don't tag it properly). I like criticism/hot takes for most things lucemond but I know a lot of people don't.
Unlessss it's that I wrote fans who refuse any portrayal but fem!Luke being “weird (not good)"? I was being brief since it was just tags, but was referring to how many people have such a preference that they hate on everything that doesn’t fit their fem/bottom view of Luke. It's weird, it's not good. My fic somehow filtered out most of them by my first few chapters, so I got lucky, but that's always been concerning for me to see in other comment sections. DLDR, ya know?
As for the second post, the part that 'people should just go for Aemondxfem!oc more often' was a controversial statement I wholeheartedly agree with (not that it matters?? people can use the name Lucerys however it pleaseth them). But also I liked their last few paragraphs that reiterate what I’m telling you now—I’m not here to police anyone. I’m not here to force anyone to like what I like or be careful about the things I think are important, or vice versa. This fandom is soooo tropey and polarizing in every way and that's fascinating to me, and I do think some weirdly-prevalent tropes in this ship can contribute to stereotypes when they’re used en masse (honestly I have way more personal dislike for toxic abusive Aemond being romanticized, let's not even start)….but I’ll say it again, my opinion literally means nothing and at the end of the day I more care that people enjoy what they like. I would be a hypocrite otherwise.
You can be mad at me if you want. Your prerogative. But someone asked me to clarify, so I did, and people can make of it whatever they will and unfollow me etc etc if that will help. I'm just now noticing the lucemond tag is flooded with talk about this (and some fun fem!Luke recs)--it's definitely a bigger deal than I ever thought to make of it while doomscrolling last night, so my wisdom failed me there.
Shout out to those genuinely hurt by me--idk how many, but y'all are valid.
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