#idk still working on this au I only made it up 2 days ago...
starlightdreaming · 5 months
Happy(?) Birthday! Pt.1/2
Lucifer x Reader!
Fandom: Hazbin hotel
Content Warning: Angst to comfort, Birthday blues, another vent fic! (mb) Neglected/Abandoned friendship. Also this fic takes place in like a Highschool AU? I guess.
Synopsis: It’s your birthday! Who could possibly forget that?
Further Note: ITS MY BIRTHDAY RAHHH (4/11)
(Insert bday art here idk lol im working on it)
You sighed as you stared out the window on the second floor, head resting under your hand as you leaned into your desk. You watched the birds chirping in the trees, neglecting your work assignment your teacher had given you twenty minutes ago. You never did your work in the first place anyways, you were always doodling or drawing on them, not feeling motivated to do much else.
You heard footsteps approaching you while you were daydreaming, you turn to see your teacher had placed your paperwork down onto your desk, not giving you a glance. You look down at the paper seeing the usual grade you always get, another ‘F’ like anything else. Usually you just don’t turn in any paperwork, you grab your paper from the desk and shoved it in your bag, it already being long forgotten.
You looked out the window again, gray clouds covering the sky, making the day feel all the more duller. Halfway through the day, the bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch. It was the only time you actually enjoyed throughout the day, all your friends and you would hangout together for the good hour of the school day, you grabbed your bag again, putting it against your back, standing up and leaving the classroom. Many kids your age had walked past you, talking to their friends, going to classes and hallways to meet and hang out, the same you were about to do.
You turned in the hallway towards the stairs, following down as the kids flooded every corner of the building. After escaping the staircase you walked down the long hall that passed by the principals office and school library, reaching the cafeteria that held kids as they shouted and ran. The school felt flawed on how many open windows there were, letting random public eyes stare through the schools windows, seeing the many children that were in the facility, it really did bother you but no one seemed to care at all. You put your bag down at one of the small tables in the cafeteria room, walking to the lunch line to get your ‘healthy nutritional meal’ the schools claims them to be.
You scrolled through your phone as you waited, feeling the anxiety gnawing at your body as if the whole school was staring at you. They weren’t obviously but it still felt that way no matter what you did. It was terrible. Your anxiety chipped away when you saw Lucifer walk in the cafeteria, placing his bag next to yours, he saw you waiting in line and waved at you with a cheery smile, you waved back, smiling as well shyly.
He hopped in line with you, not caring what others think. You craved his confidence, confidence that gave you the ability to express yourself without caring or feeling everyone’s judgment upon you. “Happy birthday, Y/n!” He chimed loudly, making your heart sink from the attention you were nothing gathering but you tried your best to brush it off as you tried to keep your focus on your best friend of three years. “Oh, thanks Lulu..” you say nervously, hugging your arm.
“I made you a little something for your birthday but I’ll show you after we get our lunch!” He says excitedly while you both stepped further in the line, grabbing trays and a small milk carton to drink and putting them on your trays, stepping further down the line, getting your meals next, “so what do you plan on doing today?” He asked, looking at you with his ruby red eyes and rosy red cheeks, making your face heat up, “oh, uh.. nothing really..” you say, saddening at the loss of what to do, you felt like it was just a day closer to death and it made you worry.
“Aw don’t worry,” he says nudging you a little, “we can think of something together!” He smiles at you, his fangs showing as he tilted his head. You smiled and looked away, your face feeling more hotter the longer he stared at you.
After you both had got your meals, you both sat down together at the small circular empty table, making you wonder, “where is everyone else?” You asked, looking at Lucifer while he dug in his bag after putting his food down, “oh they’re hanging out with other people today in clubs! Wanted to join em but I didn’t want to leave you here by yourself.” He says as he pulled out a paper, turning to you, “here, I made this for you!” He says, eagerly showing his gift, it was a drawing of you and a bunch of ducks… as if he doodled them out of boredom, “oh, thank you so much Lulu.” You smiled, taking the drawing from him and admiring it with a smile, “it’s really cute.” “yeah? I’m glad!” He says, zipping up his bag and putting it on his back, picking up his tray, “I got to hangout with someone today, we have to discuss our project together but I promise to come back!” He smiles at you comfortingly as your smile faltered, “oh, alright then.” You say as you bring your smile back on your face slightly, trusting he would keep his word.
He left the cafeteria, leaving you alone with no one else. When the year began, your lunch table would be full of your friends, filled with even your friend’s friends, then later over time, your friends started separating in different hang out spots, leaving you here now, alone at your table on your birthday. You sighed as you waited for Lucifer to return, those seconds turned into minutes as time went by, your lunch felt unbearably long as you sat there listening to the other kids around you laughing and smiling, enjoying each others company as they conversed, making you feel all the more lonely. You felt too anxious to try and look for him, wandering the halls while people even gave you a glance in the halls was the last thing you wanted. You wish you could have just been invisible, you think it’s all the better to avoid everyone. Well, it’s not like the opposite is happening to you currently, who would want to even talk to you? You poked at your food, not feeling hungry and definitely not eating whatever the school serves.. it doesn’t even look nutritious or healthy.
You decided to throw your meal away, seeing as Lucifer hadn’t come back yet and lunch was almost over, you still expected him to come, even if he was a little late. He promised. You decided to go on your phone, distracting yourself with the little time there was and not before long; the bell rang.
It seemed like he did forget, even though he promised.
You sighed sadly, slightly betrayed by the trust of that promise, you were going to talk to him about it later.
You opened your bag and took out your binder before you left the cafeteria, staring down at your feet as you held the binder, hugging it. You avoided everyone’s and anyone’s gaze as you walked down the hall, your next class was upstairs, so you had walked up the crowded stairs, feeling your anxiety gnawing you as everyone pushed to go up the steps, when you made it out, you exhaled a breath quietly, not noticing you were holding it. You went to your next classroom door, waiting there as you held your binder, finding comfort in it as if it was like a shield from the world, it wasn’t long before you heard a familiar and loud laugh, you looked up and saw Lucifer with Lilith, he was smiling widely as he walked past you, not even acknowledging or noticing you, your heart sank, it further confirmed that he had actually forgotten about you and it hurt you. You raised your binder up to your face, hiding the tears forming from watching Lucifer happily spend time with someone else rather than you.
To you, Lucifer was your first. In a room full of people, you would choose Lucifer but as you watched Lucifer walk down the hall, looking at Lilith so attentively, you could tell he would never choose you. The thought made you go further into a rabbit hole, if Lucifer was the closest person to you in all the people you have had ever met.. does that mean no one would choose you as their first? You sucked in a breath, feeling your tears start to flow, you immediately wiped them away, your anxiety rising in you again, you were afraid someone would start asking questions or concerns and that would make your crying worse.
The teacher finally opened the door and you walked in first, looking down and using your hair to hide your tears, you sat at a desk that was at the corner of the wall, you turned to it, hiding your reddened face. You quietly sniffled as you used your sweaters sleeves to wipe and clean your face, you tried to distract yourself with something else, trying to stop the tears and thoughts, embarrassed to cry in public. You just wanted to go home and hide in your bed, hide away from the world.
You ignored the teacher as she began to ramble on with her lecture, you picked up your pencil and pulled out a paper from your binder, drawing and doodling to distract yourself. You felt completely blue, you didn’t feel like it was your birthday anymore after seeing Lucifer had forgotten or stopped caring about it anymore, you looked at the drawing he had made you and you were holding onto that sliver of hope that maybe he just didn’t notice you in the hallway and you were just being dramatic, thats all.
You lied to yourself, finding a sliver of comfort in it and that was the whole point. You always lied to comfort yourself, it was a coping mechanism at this point and it was the only comfort you could find in your life currently. When you pulled out the drawing Lucifer had made and saw yourself smiling on the paper, you wish you had felt the same way the drawing had did. You wanted to just have a birthday where you sat at the middle of the table, a cake in front of you lit in candles, you wanted all your friends and family to be surrounding you, singing and telling happy birthday with smiles on their faces, it’s all you wanted for your simple birthday.
Although you couldn’t see it being true to happen, you could just daydream and even draw it the scenario and thats what you did. You drew yourself and all those ‘friends’ you had, it was terribly made but it made you somewhat smile, you felt like you were in the drawing somewhat, like it actually happened and wasn’t just a doodle to cope, it felt surreal.
after one drawing, you drew another, indulging yourself in a fantasy with art, you kept drawing yourself in scenarios of you and characters you had made, blocking out the reality of your classes and school assignments as you were wallowed up in your own world, living in it now.
You had spent the entire day drawing, relieved school was now over for the day, you got the chance to finally look for Lucifer and talk to him, hoping he didn’t just completely forget you like everyone else had.
After going down the hallways, heading toward the front of the school for buses and car pick ups, you saw Lucifer talking with Lilith but that didn’t matter, what mattered was that he would go to your party - if he even remembered.
“Hey Lucifer, are you still going to my party?” you chimed, throwing your anxiety and intrusive thoughts out the window for a moment to ask him that question genuinely. You had spoke rather loudly, alerting people around you but you definitely caught Lucifers attention, when he turned to you, your smile faltered. Lucifer was looking at you and not in a pleasant way either, he looked at you with an estranged look, like as if you were a stranger and was confused as to why you were even inviting him to such an event. It made you step back in surprise from his expression, you looked around you and saw people staring at you, Lilith included and it made your heart sink, your anxiety spiking from the judgmental looks that surrounded you.
You began to panic, seeing all eyes were on you now, you waved at Lucifer, laughing nervously as you wanted to leave the situation quickly, “nevermind, i’ll figure it out!” You say awkwardly before walking out the building rather quickly. You hid at a corner of the school panting, you threw your bag to the side as you leaned against the wall and sat down, hugging yourself as you tried to calm your breathing, your tears falling down your face from the stress of the situation you were in a moment ago.
You wiped your face, hearing your phone in your pocket buzz. It was your mom, she texted you that she was here to pick you up, you felt rather relieved. You didn’t have to endure the bus ride home and you could avoid Lucifer too, you cleaned your face as quickly and perfectly as you could, grabbing your bag as you stood up to text your mom where you were specifically.
After a bit, your tears dried up and your mom drove to the lot, you walked to the car, getting in as you set your beg next to you, looking at your mom with a smile.
It was a comfortable drive, your mom had asked you what you had wanted for your birthday, a cake was included. As you spent time with your momma, you had gotten yourself a laptop, your mother agreeing to pay it for you, you were happy and rather excited to be able to use the new device for your school work (further art projects).
The way home was rather rejuvenating from the dreadful day you had to endure, feeling like no one had wanted to even or care about your day of your birth, your mom had made it all the more better, he sweet smile and a song chimed of your birthday, your family somewhat cared, they cared more than what you had expected, it was much but it was just enough for you to feel better about your day.
You had clicked and messed with your new laptop your mom had gifted you, not caring about the know at your door. You saw your mom was on her way to open it anyways so you didn’t bother as you kept typing in your notes and opening sites as you smiled only for time to stop when you heard a familiar male voice at the door, asking and calling for you, “Y/n is home right? I didn’t see her at the bus stop on the way home like we were supposed to.”
You stood up to go to the front door curiously, your mom smiled as she spoke, “yes, shes right here!” she chimed, turning to you and gesturing you to talk with your friend at the door, you saw the familiar blonde and immediately knew it was Lucifer, you wanted to just close the door but that would make your mom raise concerns you didn’t want her to worry about, “Happy Birthday Y/n.” Lucifer smiled at you, dressed somewhat formally, he was wearing something different than what he wore at school, you smiled nervously as you avoided his gaze, “thanks..” you say as you fiddled with the front door knob, kinda just wanting to hide away in your room now.
cliffhanger and rushed, mb gang (just wanted to get this posted.)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
marriage of convenience and hair brushing/braiding for rexwalker, if you feel up to it?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
52. Marriage of Convenience 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding 
Is it bad that my first thought is actually inspired by the Ob*kin fic Their fragrance came from you? There's a whole thing about Tatooine marriage braids that my mind immediately jumps to lmao
I think... let's say modern AU. Anakin is a single dad, has been for a few years. Padme died in childbirth, and while her will was made out in favor of Anakin and the kids, the executor of her will was her lawyer-mentor, Palpatine, who couldn't touch the trust funds set up for the twins (which are very large, and will become available when they turn 25, but can only be accessed for education costs before then), but did manage to somehow take almost all the liquid assets left for Anakin in bogus fees.
Anakin's still got the house, but as time passes, he's having more and more trouble with paying the property taxes. He's still managing, but the money Padme left for him is slowly dwindling, and the kids are going to start costing more as they get older, and he's already got Ahsoka living with him (she helps out with the kids so he can work, coding from home, since he's paying for her college tuition; she doesn't have to pay rent since she's a commuter student, and she's got a partial scholarship, but that's still a few thousand a year coming out of Anakin's pocket to put his little sister through underrad). Obi-Wan offered to help, but Obi-Wan lives on the other side of town and even tenured professors don't earn that much, compared to Coruscant's standard cost of living, especially since Obi-Wan adopted recently, a little girl called Reva, and--
Anakin's struggling financially, basically, which isn't a new circumstance, but he really doesn't want to lose Padme's house. Worst comes to worst, he can probably sell it back to Sola so it stays in the Naberrie family, and she'll let him keep living there, but... that's not a sure bet. The Naberries are comfortably wealthy, but it's still an entire house.
Rex, a college friend of Anakin's that went to the same aerospace program, comes back to town. He was on a military tour overseas, but got honorably discharged due to a head injury. Anakin offers to let hm sleep in the guest room, since Padme's house (it's still Padme's, in Anakin's mind), is a lot bigger than Cody's apartment, even if there are toddlers at large. Rex initially promises that he'll only stay long enough to find an apartment of his own, except he overhears Anakin on the phone with Obi-Wan about the finance stuff one day, and reaches out to a few people who have been in town more consistently for a better idea of what's going on without getting too deep into Anakin's business.
Rex manages to get a job locally; there's an airfield for hobbyists a few miles out of town, and the place is looking to hire a new engineer on staff to do repairs and checks on the small planes they keep on site. He starts making noises about moving out, and then, 'subtly,' suggests he just stay at Anakin's place and pay rent.
Anakin does not like the idea of Rex paying rent; friends don't do that! Anakin isn't going to make Rex pay rent in Anakin's home.
They don't talk about it for a few days, and then there's... IDK a night 'off,' where Obi-Wan or Sola or Aayla or Beru takes the twins for an evening, and Ahsoka goes out with friends, so Anakin can take some time off from being a Dad and just Relax.
He and Rex break out the wine, get tipsy not truly drunk, and Rex pokes at the 'just stay here' option again. The house is closer to the airfield than most apartments, and Rex can help take some of the weight off of Anakin and Ahsoka's shoulders with regards to childcare! Even if Anakin won't accept him paying rent!
Anakin argues this. Anakin's kids aren't Rex's responsibility, and Anakin doesn't need his charity (which is, of course, how he views Rex's suggestion). They go back and forth on the topic a few times, and then Rex throws out something about getting married 'for lower taxes' and 'it's not rent if it's my house too, right?' and it's. It's a joke.
Except they're both still thinking about it the next morning, with faint (but not faint enough) memories of a tipsy kiss before bed, and--
Months pass with the two of them circling around each other and Rex never quite moves out, and tax season rolls around, and Anakin is stretched so thin, even with all the cuts for children and covering a dependent's tuition and so on.
Rex quietly floats the idea of a convenience marriage again. It doesn't have to mean anything, if Anakin doesn't want it to. It's not an insult to Padme's memory, just a way of keeping her children in the house she chose for them. And it's not charity, because Rex will get tax cuts too, and better health insurance once Anakin can put him on the family plan he's got. It won't do anything for this year, but by the time the next year rolls around, Anakin will have less of a problem paying those taxes, even if that promotion he's been hoping for doesn't come through.
Anakin, eventually, agrees.
Just four months later, they tie the knot. It's a small ceremony, more than just a courthouse and a paper, just to... well, Anakin wants Rex to have this. Leia and Luke don't entirely understand what's going on, but Ahsoka told them that it means Rex is going to be staying for a lot longer than they originally planned, and they're pretty excited about that part. They're four, and 'Daddy's friend that we like a lot is staying' is pretty clear.
They don't have a 'traditional' wedding night, because they're still both looking at this as a platonic thing (it won't stay that way, but it still is for now). They do share a bed, because someone is sleeping in their guest room (IDK who, maybe a guest was too drunk post-wedding to get home and they just offered the room). Anakin's hair is long enough for an evening of people and, importantly, sticky toddler hands to have tangled it. He washes it out, comes to the bed, and looks so tired--because he had to wash the toddlers first--that Rex offers to brush it for him.
It's intimate. Gentlemanly, but intimate. They go to bed with warm cheeks and pounding hearts, and eventually, one of them rolls onto their side to cuddle.
Neither of them get much sleep that night.
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bucks-daddy-issues · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @neverevan @made-ofmemories and @diazsdimples thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
6! I only started writing a little over a year ago and I am a very, very slow writer.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 only at the moment.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos:
I got a bed but I’d rather be in ours tonight (6.7k, Buddie, Explicit) Thighs and Eyes (3.7k, Buddie, Explicit) Kiss your lips blue (7k, Buddie, Explicit) I'll Be Your Gift, Give You Something Good To Celebrate (6.4k, Buddie, Explicit) Sweet Nothing (37.8k, Buddie, Teen and up)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! Every time, comments absolutely make my day and I don't feel like my responses ever do justice to just how giddy I am when I get a nice comment!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think any of my fics are even remotely angsty (though maybe some in the near future might be idk idk) but I don't think I could ever write something with an angsty ending. Happy endings only over here.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my fics have very happy endings but I'll go with Sweet Nothing maybe, as it's super happy with also hints at even more happiness in their future too. :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far no, thank god.
9. Do you write smut?
Most definitely, four of the six fics I have up are smut but I always like to put a lot of plot in there too!
10. Craziest crossover?
I don't write crossovers, it's just not my thing personally.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, I really hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, put people are welcome to as long as they link my fic :)
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
No but I hope to soon!
14. All time favorite ship?
Buddie buddie buddie buddie buddie
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a few I started when I first got into 911 that would need some crazy reworking to still make sense but I'm still hopeful lol. The hangover au is really hanging on by a thread because the 911 writers blatantly stole my idea to steal the hangover movie's idea (jk) I'll definitely still write it but it's kinda been put on hold.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at writing descriptively? I also get some lovely comments on how I write emotions which makes me very happy :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think my pacing could use a lot of work. Sometimes things feel a little too fast and other times I go on for too long. My dialogue can also be hit or miss depending on the character.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I can't speak any language other than English and like super basic Irish so I just don't trust myself to write in another language well. If I had someone's help I would be open to it though.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
I think I wrote one direction fics back when I was like 12-15 but I only actually posted one fic before I started writing for 911 and that was destiel about a decade ago (and it was deleted like 6 months later)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Ahhhh I'm not sure, I have things I both love and hate about all of them, but I think I have to pick Sweet Nothing because I put my heart and soul into that fic for months and it inspired me to keep writing longer fics.
I feel like most people have already been tagged so sorry if you've already done this, but tagging: @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @rogerzsteven
@jesuisici33 @sunshinediaz @daffi-990 @rainbow-nerdss @theotherbuckley
+ whoever else wants to do it!
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @cactusdragon517 almost a month ago lol, I'm slow to get these done.
How many works do you have on ao3? 21
What's your total ao3 word count? 202,835
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Call of Duty and I'm still hanging around the TOG fandom. But I've hardly posted anything in years lol. Someday when my toddler is a little older I'll get back into posting more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Share Your Address - Fencer!Joe/TA!Nicky College AU - Insta-love. So much texting. Everybody wants to punch Keane.
It Feels Like Flying - Joe/Pilot!Nicky AU - This is porn. Enjoy.
Brothers Fight - Joe & Booker working through their issues post movie.
Everything I Did to Get to You - Sequel to Share Your Address (my top fic by Kudos) - AU - A few years later Joe and Nicky spend the holidays with friends and family.
Collapsing Walls - Book of Nile!!!!! - Established Booker/Nile - Booker and Nile get caught in a building while trying to assist during an earthquake.
Do you respond to comments? Yes!! I try to respond to all comments for at least a few days after I post something.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write a lot of angsty ENDINGS. I'll Never Love Another (Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky) has a fuck ton of angst in it, and I know some people thought the ending was bitter sweet bordering on sad.... but idk (spoilers?) no one died and they're together sooooo that's a happy ending in my book lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Gees, idk lol Share Your Address?? It's so sweet you'll get cavities.
Do you get hate on fics? I never have. *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? Hardly ever. I mean I HAVE, and actually the most recent thing I posted was like straight up porn lol. But mostly if there is sex it is only hinted at/fade to black. Or buried in a 60k fic so you have to work for it!
Craziest crossover: Probably Book of Nile + Princess Bride (it's a WIP that I haven't touched in like 3 years *sweats nervously* I swear I will finish all my WIPs EVENTUALLY)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of???
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! A one shot I did was translated onto a Japanese website that I forget the name of lol. I've also had a podfic made of one of my one shots if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ashley and I tried at one point lol it was a modern AU DinLuke fic.... it kind of fizzled out eventually. @ashleyrguillory we should look at that again someday lol
All time favorite ship? Obligatory "Just one??!!" ok but idk Charlie/Claire (LOST), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) and Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) are the most important to me??? I read the most fic for Ghost/Soap, [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #1], and [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #2] lol
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I refuse to give up on any of my WIPS!!! I have 4, and all of them are planned/outlined to the end... I even have multiple completed chapters for two of them. I'm not a quitter... I do take my time though lol
What are your writing strengths? Oh gees... idk someone else who has read my stuff needs to tell me this... I think I've gotten a lot of comments complimenting me on keeping characters true to canon?? idk guys! someone else answer this!
What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with action and sex scenes. Where are they? I, the person writing this fic, certainly don't know. (come to think of it this might be part of the reason that I don't write a lot of smut)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Whatever floats the author's boat.
But I personally have done it a few ways. My favorite to both write and read is just to write what they say and then identify what language is being used if the POV character can understand the language. something like: "Oh no," he shouted in Italian.
OR if the POV character doesn't understand the language I would write something like: Nicky shouted something in what Joe thought was Italian. OR Nicky said something in a language Joe couldn't quite place.
First fandom you wrote in? Supernatural lol
Favorite fic you've written? One????? You're getting 2!
I'll Never Love Another - Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky AU - SO MUCH LETTER WRITING - This was my Big Bang in 2021, and I love the FUCK out of it. It's my favorite fic I've ever written and I reread it kind of often because of how much I enjoy it lol
Impelled by the Persuasion of Love - Canon verse Joe/Nicky and Andy/Quynh - Takes place in France during the 100 years war. I have an obsession with courtly love/chivalry and figured I should shove it onto our favorite immortals <3 - I wrote this for a TOG zine that came out in early 2021
=== Truly, IDK if I've got 20 people to tag but I'll give it a go!!
@innerslumber, @alloutofgoddesses, @ashleyrguillory, @stevethehairington, @sindirimba, @disregardandfelicity and anybody else who wants to do this, consider this your tag!!!
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cosmicarchivist692 · 4 months
Radiorose Week Day 1: Alastor's Subconscious Routine
I messed up scheduling when I was working on this, so if you read it before 6/8/24 (the proper release date), it's changed! Read it again! (or don't, it's up to you.)
"Rosie, are you home?!" Al yelled as he stood outside the emporium. He had knocked several times and there was no response. This was odd, they had a walk planned at this time every week.
Rosie finally opened the door and came outside. There was a bit of blood on her cheek.
"Sorry about that Al, I was dealing with my now ex-husband." She said cheerfully. Alastor pulled out a handkerchief, reached over, and wiped the blood off her face.
Alastor put it in his pocket and said, "I can tell, you were a tad... messy."
Rosie's cheeks turned a little pink. Embarrassed, she stuck out her arm, "Shall we?"
Alastor linked his arms with Rosie's and they started their afternoon stroll. Alastor was always keen to be on the right of Rosie; he said it was so he could hold his staff in his dominant hand, but Rosie knew better. Deep down, she was certain he was a bit of a softy.
"I see you had a falling out with yet another husband, dinner tomorrow at 7 per usual then?" Rosie sighed and said: "Yes, though I think we'll have leftovers this time round."
They continued their stroll through Cannibal Town. Ever since the incident years ago, Alastor had grown closer to Rosie, she was his only real friend after all; she had been there through it all. He looked forward to their weekly walks. Rosie, on the other hand, while also enjoying their walks, thought doing the same thing week after week was getting a bit stale.
"Hmm, still. I think that was a new record," Rosie chuckled. "I don't know what you saw in him though... or any of your other exes" Alastor told Rosie.
"Yes... I know, deer. You've been quite vocal about that before," she responded slightly annoyed, but a small smile betraying her presentation.
They eventually made it back to the emporium and, per usual, Rosie invited Al inside. He wouldn't come in any other way. He held the door open for Rosie as they walked in.
When they made it inside, Rosie pulled out one of her boxes of chocolate fingers that she kept in stock for after their walks. She put the box on the coffee table and they sat down together on the couch to gossip.
"I hear the queen is planning something big." Good, someone needs to do it, the king is too short to think big." Rosie took a moment before responding, "What, do you think he's... short-sighted?" "Haha Rosie." Alastor said with a smile on his face.
"I like it when you smile deer. It's really something special." Rosie said, putting on the charm.
"Oh thank you Rosie," he touched his spiky teeth, "I like to believe it can be intimidating too." He said, completely ignorant to Rosie's advance.
After 30 minutes or so, they finished their gossip, said goodbye, and Alastor left. Stood right outside the front door, he told his shadow: "Stick with Rosie, it would be quite unfortunate for this one to have friends hellbent on revenge. Make sure she stays safe... but, perhaps don't let her see you." His shadow nodded and slipped inside. Alastor paused before heading off to his radio tower.
Author's Note:
Hey! I'm planning something, and all of the fics I'm writing for this week will be part of the same AU! So in timeline order, this is part 2 of 8. Also, this is probably the shortest one. Other ones will be longer! This is also my first actual fanfic! So do not expect Shakespeare. They will release everyday this week, the links at the bottom is just to read it in timeline order.
Edit after the... scheduling incident:
Also, I have never used Tumblr's queue system, and I still don't quite grasp it, but the other posts seem to be working so... idk? I must've just messed this one up lol.
[Previous] [Next] [Masterlist]
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pain-in-the-butler · 5 months
Hiiii. I have two questions about your story, Coattails!
First of all, I love your fic so much omg. I binge-read it in like 5 days a few weeks ago, and ever since then, it's been the only thing I think about. You write the characters so beautifully. I love how you write Sebastian's descent into Dadbastian, and his relationship with Ciel.
Feel free to not answer any question :)
1. Are we reaching the climax of what Happened to Fairclough in Chapter 1? / Nearing the end of Coattails? 
I'm so excited to know what Fairclough is going to do and for all the Dadbastian moments that will come out of it. At first, I thought Fairclough wasn't human, but I'm pretty sure you confirmed somewhere that he is definitely human. Then I was thinking, What if Fairclough is working with or for something that isn't human? I really don't know; there are so many possibilities! I'm really curious. Oh, and I just know that order that Ciel made where Sebastian can't get within a mile of Fairclough is definitely going to backfire. Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder how Sebastian is going to save Ciel when Fairclough kidnaps him or something, since it's not like he can get within a mile of Fairclough. Unless Ciel manages to break that order or Sebastian himself breaks it and goes "demon mode," idk. But breaking an order would probably affect their contract, What if the contract breaks?? That would be pretty interesting 🤔 
Oh, and the whole thing with Sebastian being able to feel love and stuff with the magic that's inside him. I wonder, how did that happen? Although Fairclough is obviously the main villain of the story, I don't think he has anything to do with it. Because why would he want Sebastian to become more gentle with Ciel? That would just cause him to become more protective when people like Fairclough are near, right? Affecting Fairclough if he tries to do something. Unless Fairclough did have something to do with it, it might've backfired on him?
Sorry, I just realised I'm rambling, lol. Those are just some of my thoughts/theories.
2. What's going to happen after you finish writing Coattails?
Like, do you plan on stopping writing Dadbastian? I hope not. I love how your writing, so I'd definitely miss it a lot. But I understand if you choose to stop. Coattails is currently at like 350k words (plus, it's probably going to have a lot more than that after you finish), so if you don't want to write any more Dadbastian after that, I understand — it's a lot.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Once again, feel free to not answer any question! I really don't mind. Oh and I just realised I wrote a lot here, lol. I hope I'm not being annoying or anything. Bye :)
Ahhh, what a wonderful message to wake up to in my inbox! 🥰 Thank you so much for binging and enjoying Coattails! These characters are deeply important to me, so I always hope to do them justice. I would be happy to answer your questions, at least without spoiling anything as much as possible!
First of all, are we near the climax? Yes! Are we near the ending? Yes and no. We are probably about eight chapters away from the end, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're close time-wise or word count-wise. I still anticipate that I won't finish this story until late 2025.
Your ideas about Fairclough and the effects of the foreign magic are an interesting read and I thank you for all your predictions, but I can confirm or deny nothing! Just know that the answers are very close now...
And will I keep writing Dadbastian after I finish Coattails? Yes, absolutely! The Coattails universe is one I will come back to, no doubt — for instance, I'd really like for Ciel and Sebastian to meet Sieglinde and Wolfram. I have ideas for other fluffy post-main story scenarios too. And I have other Kuro projects I'd like to get to someday as well! A rewrite of the Weston arc and a humorous modern AU fic where Ciel and Sebastian have a mission on a Disney cruise are just two ideas I'd like to explore. No doubt there will be some Dadbastian influence there as well... and more Dadbastian fics I have yet to think of.
You were certainly not annoying, I'm really grateful you could be so invested in my writing! Thank you so much for your questions, have a wonderful day!
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asoftspotforangels · 5 months
so I was tagged three times lately so I am putting it all in one post XD
from least to most difficult askfhjadkhfjkdlhaf
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from @hardboiledteacozy 💝
⟡ rules : answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
⟡ fav color : green 💚
⟡ last song : Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) by Hozier
⟡ last movie : Barbie (I haven't seen any movie since last year lol). tv series - 1670
⟡ currently reading : I just finished I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy and started 1F: Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant Work Log by Tatsuta Kazuto
⟡ currently watching : Dungeon Meshi 🍳
⟡ currently craving : some nice juicy oranges 😔 if anyone has tips on how to choose the best oranges, let me know pls
⟡ coffee or tea : I like coffee only if it's a sweet treat (so with milk and sugar or some sugary syrup); tea, however !! 🥰 a few days ago I opened a blend I got who knows how many years ago and from where or from whom, it's green and white tea, and it's soooo gooood~
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from @minnichan 💗
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people. my url is too long for that lol
I have a playlist for songs I currently listen to, let's see if it's enought to complete this game… there's not a huge variety of artists tho ^^"
A - Appaloosa by Lor S - Sinktank by Inabakumori O - Overdose by Natori (hi minni!!!! I saw a cover of it in one of your asks lately!!! :3) F - fanfiction by Lor (yes, that's a lyrics video on their official channel xd) T - Tail by Sunmi (when will she come back to Poland TT__TT) S - Sweet Dream from Alien Stage by C!naH / by BL8M (I have both versions on my playlist, yeah) P - Post Shelter by Inabakumori O - Order of Silence from Genshin (ost from Cyno's demo) T - Trafalgar Square by Lor F - FightSong by Eve O - Overture from Jesus Christ Superstar 1996 R - Ruler Of My Heart from Alien Stage ( ‼ spoilers from Alien Stage here ‼ cw: blood, violence, death, panic attack) A - agaki (亜ガキ) by Ora (sometimes the background music skips between left and right side and I love it) N - Nonsense Bungaku by Eve G - A Gentleman's Fantasy from Honkai Star Rail (amazing boss theme!!) E - Ezra Was Right by Grandbrothers (this one starts quite slowly, if you're impatient you can start at 3:15 xD) L - Lagtrain by Inabakumori S - $hrek 2 by Lor (cw: guys without shirts fighting at school)
Lor is a Polish band that I recommend with my whole heart :3
many Eve's MVs are like short animes, I love them so so much
the whole Alien Stage is quite short, because it's basically made of music videos and there's less than 10 rn (here's a playlist for anyone interested) (but it can be quite triggering sometimes)
fuck gachas and their gambling, but genshin and star rail have amazing music
here's a very fun fact: I started listening to Eve and Inabakumori last year on April 17 and May 4 respectively, so about a year ago!!
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from @dangerliesbeforeyou 💖
list 5 topics i can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
this one's difficult!!!! because I can endlessly talk about my fandoms and blorbos........only. I don't feel knowledgeable on anything specific, but I could, however, ramble on about my interests
I'm back to that Stardew Valley Grind™ rn so I could talk a lot about my farm. my first farm. year three, winter, and it's probably the ugliest farm you've ever seen. and. and also. my cyhaino sdv au brainrot. 😳
genshin, especially my ultimate blorbo Alhaitham 🌱 idk, I just like this guy, I saw first leaks and I was like 👉 this guy. this is my dude.
my babeys blue lions from fire emblem 3 houses 😭 I chose them in my first playthrough and I still do NOT care about anyone else (that's an exaggeration, I care about others, but... not as much... 😔) also, Sylvain is there and flirty red guys are my ultimate weakness. I know he can, just, switch to your house if you're playing female Byleth (lol), but I don't want to separate him from his friends 😭 they're all traumatised and need hugs
painting and drawing! lately I fell back in love in traditional art and I picked up acrylic painting, and I'm watching a lot of videos and learning a lot - by my own trial and error too, but it's fun!
various handcraft I learned - embroidery, crocheting, knitting, punch needle, sewing - and stuff I created. I don't do all these all the time, only when I feel like it so.....irregularly lol! but I have lots of ideas and some plans, and unfinished works
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tagging: @natowe @one-trash-alek @hardboiledteacozy @dangerliesbeforeyou @minnichan
@vanyafresita @giosele @shuuenka @thebrokenwriter911
tagging everyone for everything, do whichever you want or nothing at all, no pressure ✨
(but I love reading other people's answers :3)
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pretty dividers from @cafekitsune (x)
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sobredunia · 8 months
can you tell me about Noah again bro, I forgor her lore, but i remember her, i just wanna know about all of your oc's i will be honest about that
Okay I'm legit surprised and confused you know who noah is bc i don't think i've ever mentioned her ever
oh wait i just remembered the zombie au i told u abt. nvm lol
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This is the only rendered drawing I have of her in digital. I made it 2 years ago. god damn
lore under the cut
okay so noah has the cringiest orphan backstory. you know that thing that went on in japan a few years back where women who didn't want children put them in coin lockers? yeah
her last name is Shellby because Coin Locker Baby -> CLB -> Shellby
at first she was at an orphanage and got kinda bullied but then one time she got a pink eye and made it so her hair covered it and this one other girl kinda digged the look at became her friend, and she kept the emo bangs for years after that. she also died her hair purple to look cool
(creator's note this is bc originally her design was much different and i made it when i was fucking around with a character creator. but then evolution happened and her design changed drastically but i still wanted to be somewhat close to my roots so her younger self design has that)
The girl she befriended was friends with the rebel gang at the orphanage and one time they convinced her to do arson and she burn an entire building down. so she got sent to one of those jails for kids. idk the name
there she met a kid who wasn't from that jail but he liked climbing trees so she saw him often enough through the concrete walls, and she fell in love and they begun to date!
Then, that kid actually pushed her to start bettering herself and try to get out of jail with good conduct to live the rest of her life free from crime. or at least arson. slowly the kid showed up less and less until one day he wasn't there anymore, but oh well
she's still in kid's jail but they were working on this program to make kids in kid jail with good attitude go to schools early so their studies wouldn't get damaged much and they could be reintegrated to society better. noah was one of those people. they did have to send her to a class two years younger than her bc she dumb as bricks lmao. and also she hadn't been to proper school in ages so yeah
and in that class she made friends!! :D
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ashwii · 2 years
i wanted to ask stuff about your rottmnt celestial au and idk if i'm doing it right (im new to tumblr), but uh apologies in advance i thought of a lot of questions
so since Leo feels pain when one of the stars die, does Mikey also feel pain when a comet dies? what about the things they overlook but don't embody (other moons, other suns, all the other zippity things)? do they still feel physical pain for those things?
2. are Raph and Donnie literally the sun/moon? bcuz you said what happens for eclipses , but like- is the sun literally a giant turtle and are donnie and raph just stuck in orbit? if they wanted to travel to a different part of space, would the sun/moon just disappear?
3. is each individual star, zippity thing, moon, and sun, embodied by a creature thing like the turtles? you said that they consider the planets good friends, so are the planets creatures? and is earth literally whatever creature they are with people living on it?
4. you said that raph is the oldest even though leo would technically be oldest, but i like to imagine leo is the oldest, he just did something really dumb centuries ago and "got his oldest sibling rights revoked." he complains about it sometimes but was compensated with getting to be twins with donnie (this wasn't really a question lol)
5. do the siblings ever feel inferior to each other? like does donnie get upset that he always has to orbit something and does raph get upset he embodies something leo already kinda does? is this angst potential?
6. if the turtles are just floating around in space, does NASA not have any pictures of them? cause satellites? what do they think about satellites and the humans trying to go to space?
7. if the earth's sun/moon died, would raph/donnie also die, or do all of the suns/moons have to die? what about mikey? is it just the comets dying that would kill him or does it have to be everything?
8. is any of the siblings more powerful than the other, or all they all balanced out somehow?
9. what do they do in their free time? it seems like they would get bored a lot
10. what do they think about humans worshipping the sun and stuff? do they even know about that?
11. not a question, but this au seems really cool and i really love the designs C:
Oh boy this is a lot, SO IN ORDER
Yes they do! It's just no where neat as prevalent as leo, since there are LOTS and LOTS of stars up in space.
Ah, that's kinda thinking too deep about it — they make an eclipse bc it's a "sun and moon thing" to do, but it's not like they're literally stuck to one spot and can't move. This is just a silly au with fun ideas, no need to limit ourselves to what legitimately happens up in space ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [and even then, I almost think of the celestial turts more as concepts than physical beings — maybe only having a physical form to talk to april hehe].
Nope! The planets and such are just there doing their own thing. It's like how maybe you pass a tree every day on you way to work, and overtime you say hi to the tree, maybe sit by it, talk to it — that's about the turt's relationship with the planets [and other celestial things], except i like to think there a bit of a legitimate connection there hehe.
[Skipping down to 5] Mmm I don't think so 🤔 maybe as a sibling rivalry thing Leo reminds raph that he's "so much better" than him XD. But they all love their rolls and what they look over.
NASA doesn't have any pics, like I saod I think of the space turts more as concepts than physical beings. Donnie js suoer into eath tech tho — S.H.E.L.D.O.N. is actually made of lost human space tech, and the turts love that the human want to see space so bad.
Donnie and Raph a little different than Leo and Mikey — at least in my head. Donnie and Raph SPECIFICALLY embody earth's moon and sun, so if either Donnie or Raph die, then earth's sun/moon dies. Mikey is the embodiment of ALL the comets, and Leo is the embodiment of ALL the stars. So if Leo were to die, then all the stars would go out, and same kind of thing for Mikey and his comets.
I mean, none of them have powers or anything 🤔 they don't exactly "control" everything that goes on in space, they're just uo there kind of vibing, hehe.
They talk to each other, they tend to what they look over, and they observe the life on earth— seems boring to us, but they love each and every thing up and space, and they love the life on earth so much <3
Mm, I honestly have no idea what they would think about that XD. I feel that maybe they'd be flattered, aha.
And thank you, I'm happy you like the au <3
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bythepen98 · 2 years
[Long || Pinned]
I typically draw whatever interests me depending on the day, but I probably should've made a list first to make it clear what those interests are.
Note: I'm very fic reliant. I could like a show but what REALLY gets me into them is the fan content bc they tend to flesh things out more, in a way that I can understand, and make me appreciate characters/events that were not properly explored in canon. Idk if that's gonna be an issue but I'm sure there are elitist people out there who only claim canon content while bashing everyone else for enjoying fan theories and aus.
🚫Oh and some proship warning, I guess? (I've seen other artists include it so..) Excluding my notps, I'd read any story with ships I probably didn't know existed so long as: I already like one or two of the characters in the ship, the thought of them together makes me curious instead of repulsed, and if the story itself looked too interesting for me to ignore.🚫
Shows/Series I'd make or already made FA for:
Haven't caught up to the manga yet but loosely following the anime. Read quite a bit of lengthy Deku centric fics, and that + what I've gotten so far from the show are what fuels my headcanon aus when I draw them.
Tbh I only watched the og kids Naruto when I was young and any shippuden knowledge I have is a mix of posts from other fans, Google, and fics. Already said this before in an older post but I read a lot of time travel/fix its so I just assume that when similar events are included in more than 2 timetravel fics (if it's still set in naruto's timeline and not like, minato's or pre konoha), then that's probably what happened in canon. I also just Google any shippuden powers or characters I'm not familiar with, which is quite a lot but it works for me.
Finished it years ago. Memories are vague but posts from other fans and canon adjacent fics help me remember.
Finished the books years ago, probably before or around the same time as ATLA. Only properly watched 5/8 of the movies. Heavily read a lot of fics. Memories of the og content is vague and sometimes I'm not sure if what I know is canon or just widely loved fanon (like the Black library).
A MESS.....I loved it. I love the fancontent more though ngl.
Mob Psycho
Haven't seen season 3 yet but I highly enjoyed the previous seasons. I actually first watched Mob and MHA around the same time so I have a soft spot for them.
Demon Slayer
Enjoyed it. Gotta finish season 2 first
Loved season 1. Planning to watch the movie soon.
Finished it. GOAT anime.
Basically I just want to draw all my fav shonen boys (eventually). My fav action manhwa boys too. Dk when it'll happen so we'll have to see.
🩷 Ships
Deku ships, though my main ones are:
Bakugo x Deku
Todoroki x Deku
Shinsou x Deku
Shigaraki x Deku
Dabi x Hawks
Todoroki x Bakugo
Kaminari x Jirou
Shinsou x Kaminari
Toga x Ochaco
Unironically, dfo x Inko
Naruto ships
Shikamaru x Naruto
Kakashi x Naruto
Gaara x Naruto
Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke x Naruto
Sakura ships
Sasuke x Sakura
Kakashi x Sakura
....let's just include the important uchiha characters x Sakura
Shikamaru x Sakura
Sasori x Sakura
Ino x Sakura
Kakashi x Obito
Shikamaru x Temari
Sai x Ino
Lee x Gaara
Jiraiya x Oro
Minato x Kushina
Hashirama x Madara
Tobirama x Madara
Zuko x Katara
Sokka x Zuko
Zuko x Mai
Harry Ships
Tom x Harry
Harry x Draco
*insert slytherin here* x Harry
Weasley twins x Harry
Harry x Luna
Harry x Hermione
Hermione Ships
Draco x Hermione
Tom x Hermione
*Insert slytherin here* x Hermione
Weasley twins x Hermione
Harry x Hermione
Unironically, Viktor x Ron, Ron x Pansy, *insert Slytherin here* x Ron
Harry x Pansy
Blaise x Ginny
Ginny x Luna
James x Regulus
James x Snape
Snape x Lily
🚫remember me liking time travel aus? Make of that what you will//Marauders Era🚫
Luo Binghe x Shen Yuan
Luo Bingge x Shen Jiu
Mobei Jun x Shang Qinghua
Teru x Mob
Demon Slayer canon ships
Tanjiro x Inosuke
Sukuna x Megumi
Maki x Nobara
FMA canon ships
....these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Will just make edits in the future if I want to add more.
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starseungs · 4 months
this is like for the stray kids as childhood friends to lovers au but I was just ranting on
but you know what would be sooo cute? I think like a flipped au like child reader had a big crush on [SKZ member] but then that member is like "stay away from me you annoy me" or whatever maybe due to the friends who are like very teasing and don't quite like the reader or whatever you wish to write
and then flash forward to growing up reader grows to accept that the whole crush thing never works so decided to leave [chosen member] alone but maybe like the member has grown a liking to the constant nagging and stuff the reader does out of their affection and starts to miss the reader and then maybe its sort of like one of those high school or college things where they end up playing a game and everyone already knows about the readers evident crush from childhood so somehow the two end up being paired and maybe they have a conversation like
"why did you stop?"
"stop what?"
"stop nagging me and stuff.."
"well i'm mature enough to realize you don't like it and I know better than to be childish like that."
"I didn't say I didn't like it."
AGRHH idk I'm just ranting
ok ok the thing about my your love through the ages series is that ive actually planned out all the members' stories from a year ago when i started it (only getting stuck at 2/8 for a year cz i went on hiatus) so that explains why all the members have titles already despite being "tba"
so the other thing is you are in luck cause one of the members' entry is really similar !! i think you could almost tell from the title if you think about it a good amount AHAHAHAHAH still, the story flow hasn't been finalized yet, so would it be ok for me to take some parts of your suggestion into the story? 🙏
also tysm for this ask 🥹🫶 i dont usually get asks like this where i get to talk about my works so this made my day <3
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
Julie as an exorcist for hire and Luke as her ghost partner au (Bring it On Ghost 😌)
JATP characters meet working a a pet store au (let’s pretend it’s a super ethical one where all the pets are rescues ok lol)
HOOO BOY OK ok ok ok OK
edit: uh. yeah. good luck reading this it’s so long but then so rushed idk man enjoy……….
edit 2: wait shit i just reread your ask and u specifically said julie exorcist and luke ghost…..I APOLOGISE. STILL WORKS………….
get it on ghost au:
so luke’s always been plagued with the gift of seeing ghosts - he hates it, it’s mostly annoying when they show up unannounced declaring that he has to help them — and worst of all, it’s exhausting having to get rid of the creepy ones in ways other than just guiding them spiritually (ie beating the crap out of them)
it took up too much of his time and he just wanted to focus on his music man
he figures out at one point tho that he can make a business out of it — make some money by advertising his skills (without his parents knowing cause well. they wouldn’t necessarily agree to it) and getting people to pay him to ‘exorcise’ ie beat the crap out of ghosts that refuse to move on and just insist on haunting the living
(alex and reggie know about this of course. esp when they suddenly have nicer practice rooms to chill in. alex isn’t thrilled he’s actually terrified, but reggie just wants to join in on all the client calls luke gets)
AND THIS IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING: so one day luke gets a text from a potential client asking him to head over to the abandoned los feliz high school building (that particular building was shut down a couple years ago because of a tragedy and hasn’t really been dealt with yet)
BUT BASICALLY the text asks him to check out the building cause there’s this one notorious ghost that keeps scaring all the high school students in the buildings nearby and they just need it to be dealt with (he’s seen those high school kids running past it like their lives depended on it
luke’s happy to oblige, especially when he finds out how much the client is willing to pay, and heads over — only to get the surprise of a lifetime. he meets a ghost who 1. turns out to be the one who texted him (so he’s not getting paid and that’s not great news) and 2. is a cute girl who looks very much human and not like any of the other ghosts he’s met before
he’s taken aback, especially when she kicks his ass (and helps him kick the resident ghost’s ass)
it’s a whole cat and mouse thing for a while, she keeps following him whenever he’s alone and he keeps telling her to leave him alone (mostly cause she’s hella cute and he seriously can’t afford to catch feelings for a dead girl yknow). he tells her she needs to pay him or move on and she keeps insisting that she just wants to figure out who she is!! how she died!! who her family is!! so that she can move on!!!
so they strike up a deal: he helps her (her name’s julie, by the way) figure out who she is, the mystery revolving her death and why she can’t remember anything, and she, in turn, helps him on the job (she’s got a wicked left kick), slowly paying him back with her skills since she never paid him for that one job (the abandoned high school building, remember that?)
so she tags along wherever he goes (at first to his dismay), even joining in on band practice (the boys know of her existence and try to be as considerate as possible considering they can’t see her)
things start to change between the two the second luke hears julie sing, fingers slipping on metal strings when she follows the melody perfectly and holy shit he’s a goner (the boys are confused af they’ve never seen luke lose focus when it comes to band practice)
THEY SPEND THE NIGHT TALKING AND HE FINDS OUT SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW SHE COULD SONG- he tries to get her to play various instruments to see maybe she was into that and turns out she can play piano!! and oh?? SHE CAN ALSO WRITE SONGS??? match made in heaven soulmates luke’s fucked and fully in love with a ghost etc etc
ah fuck this is getting long i’m so sorry but let me continue:
so this is where we meet our antagonist: the music teacher at los feliz, the one luke’s seen loitering around the high school (alex goes to that school and whenever luke stopped by for lunch he’d see the somewhat creepy teacher)
and he gets a bad feeling from him every single time
TO MAKE THIS SHORT LMAO: turns out julie’s accident had soemthing to do with the teacher, caleb covington, and turns out she was a student at that school!! 10 years ago!!
ALSO: SHES BOT ACTUALLY DEAD? SHES IN A COMA????? what a plot twist. it’s why she looks so normal so human. it’s why she’s never felt like any other ghost.
anyway stuff happens luke figures out caleb is some weird powerful ghost demon who sucks the life out of students for their talents and that’s what happened to julie except he never managed to finish the job.
luke finds a way to bring her back to life and together they fight caleb and it’s A HAPPY ENDING OH JESUS
do you still want the pet store au??? lmao
julie starts working at a pet store, she meets reggie first, and he takes her round the store introducing her to all the animals and staff members and when they reach the puppies section they find a guy their age on the floor on his back being attacked by several puppies (licking his face) and it’s the cutest thing julie’s seen in a while
that is until reggie shouts “luke! new person coming through” and the boy on the floor sits up and julie sees his face and decides actually. that’s the cutest thing she’s seen in a while
coworkers romance and all that jazz 😌
she finds out he sings to the scared puppies and agitated animals at the store, and it melts her heart. he hears her sing along to one of his songs one day, matching the harmony perfectly, and he melts.
they fall in love and live happily ever after the end
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 9 months
Okay so the entire AU is based on the dream I had, albeit only partial scenes were in the dream. I'll mention 'em.
So the basic thing is that there's two Dekus. They got split into two different guys after an encounter with an OC of mine who I have lost all the lore on, but her quirk lets her split people apart based on personality traits. For Deku, that was the "hero" aspect, that was attempted to be kidnapped captured and utterly failed, and the "villain" aspect, being whatever parts of Deku could have become a villain if the circumstances were different.
-In the original dream, this like? Had taken place in the alleyway where the Stain fight happened? With the same guys from the Stain fight showing up?? So I guess my brain replaced Stain with some gray-pink haired villain who tried to throw a villain! Deku out into the world by force. Plus, in the original dream The Guys had found two Dekus just passed the fuck out on the ground ,and just. Took them to hospital. Vs my thoughts about the AU since then have been focused on the idea of Villain Deku just fucking off from the area while Normal Deku stayed passed out.
Now, on top of the "the heroic part of Deku" and "the villainesk part of Deku", the split also unconsciously had partly split up One for All. Only partly since this was Not intentional. This was WAY before we found out the details of One for All's whole "passes down all quirks in a way not just itself" thing, and frankly I have zero idea now how I even knew about Black Whip because I wasn't looking at the manga. And I didn't see it in the anime until like, a year ago, 1-2 years after the dream. So?? Okay then. Either way, in the AU the only quirks I've thought about are the base super-strength One for All, plus the Black Whip part.
Now, both of them have access to OfA, it's just that it's more difficult to control if it's not the "natural" one. For the "natural" stuff, Normal Deku kept base OfA, while Villain Deku got Black Whip. So like, Villain Deku can use Black Whip about as much as Normal Deku can use OfA, but Villain Deku breaks his leg after trying to use 15% of OfA and Normal Deku still loses control if and when Black Whip comes out. (Ik that Black Whip is part of OfA in the current day but for simplicities sake I'm just gonna refer to them as seperate quirks) Thus the joke I made about Villain Deku holding his leg together with Black Whip.
I do also feel it's important to say that Villain Deku can act. He's Aware of what he was split off from, while Normal Deku is not.
Now, any story I've thought of for the AU came at least partly from the dream, but stuff is super blurry about it now outside of the last scene of it. Again, I'll specifically mention it later, but for now, the bullshit that my brain came up with for a story?? Kinda crack treated seriously at parts, maybe. Idk
> First things first, Villain Deku doing his bestest to act and not punch a guy in the face, is the one to go to school first. This act apparently works, because nobody thinks anything weird or Deku up until Normal Deku rushes in, apologizes for being late, before making eye contact with Villain Deku. The class freaked the fuck out in the dream, as in screamed. Idk if that's in character.
> All Might tried to figure out which was the real one via the normal "ask stuff only the true one would know". Except they're both the true one, just different parts of a whole. So like, they both knew OfA, All Might's trauma stuff with AfO and his teacher, ect ect. All Might said "Well Fuck" after the interview with Normal Deku, in front of Normal Deku, freaking out Normal Deku.
> Zero idea how, but one way or another they both just. Become part of the class. Don't ask me, my dream just announced it via the. ....I don't think his name is Serizawa the scarf teacher with quirk disabling quirk.
> Again, no idea how we got here, but one way or another Normal Deku and Villain Deku are fighting in the place where the student's first physical assessment took place in?? This is the thing with the clearest dream stuff, but that is not a high bar to clear. I cannot remember if this was during the day or night, it might've been both/time passed from day to night?? Either way, it's OfA vs Black Whip, basically, since outside of their quirks they both have the same set of skills. Neither win, the dream just ended with Normal Deku sobbing and yelling to stop doing this at Villain Deku, so uh! That's certainly something!!
Admittedly I have not thought of much actual story besides just brain mush about the idea, outside of whatever the fuck my dream threw at me. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted
It's interesting enough<3 I love dreams that make enough sense for a plot
Your Blackwhip. Prediction is something XD haven't you kinda dreamed of things in the past before they happened/you found out about them? I think you did something like that with Genshin.
Also. Would Villain Deku technically want to get rid or normal Deku/heroes?
And the scarf teacher's name is Shota Aizawa.
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4th-make-quail · 9 months
Asks for a Fic Writer!
Tagged by @eemamminy-art and @nateharmonica thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 138! Which is weird cos it feels like only 2 minutes ago I was excited about hitting 100 lol
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 401,149 total
3. what fandoms do you write for? My top 5 written for fandoms are FFXIV (27), Resident Evil (26), FFXII (15), inFamous (13) and FFXV (13)! But I have a load of others as well - atm it's Baldur's Gate 3, alternated with my perennial beloved FFXII
4. what are your top five fics by kudos? Point of No Return - Resident Evil, Chris/Wesker, time travel fix-it fic Aphrodisiac - Overwatch, Reaper/Soldier 76, collaring and gloves kink Like a Drug - Resident Evil, Chris/Wesker, STARS era drug bust Filters - FFXV, Prompto/Ignis, 5 things fic about Prompto's photo taking Between Death and Ascension - Magnus Archives, Jon/Gerry, post season 3 fix it that got immediately jossed upon s4 releasing lol. Honestly I'm amazed this one is here, considering Jon/Gerry is a bit of a rarepair. Or at least, it was back then!! I have no idea of the current state of TMA fandom (and don't wanna know, ugh lmao)
5. do you respond to comments? Always as a rule, but usually quite a long time after I get them lksgfg
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Has to be From the Flames of the Fire, I Feel You, part 4 of my Sartauvoir/Basch series, because it's the fic where Basch dies at the end, and it finishes off with a notice from Noah about the death and funeral arrangements. I cried on my lunch break at work writing this fucker lmao
8. do you get hate on fics? I've not had anything since my ffn days, where I got a very mean comment about OOC. I mean, it was true, but MAN.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? It's very rare that I don't write smut! I think the yuletide fic I wrote was the first time in years lol. Either way, I like to write kinky porn with feelings and character study shit
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? Not any more, but the craziest crossover with the most specific-ass audience was a British Comedy RPF crossed with FFX, where David Mitchell is a summoner and Charlie Brooker and Robert Webb are his guardians. It's called Spira Infinita, and I never did end up finishing it lmao. Oops. Either way, I had a blast writing it and I still think it was fucking good, all 9 kudos of it!! God... this just made me remember I also wrote a brooker/mitchell crossover with mgs. I was on some shit back then I tell you what
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of! I'm not big enough for that, I think
12. have you ever had a fic translated? I thiiiink someone once asked me, but I forgot which fic it was tbh!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!! I co-wrote one of my fave Ashe/Basch/Vossler fics with my friend when we got assigned each other for an ff_land exchange - Five Moments of Desire. It was really fun, we had a great time!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship? GOD this is hard!!! I think Nero/Credo tbh, I never get tired of thinking about them, even as sadly underrated as they are. Also Sartauvoir/Basch is highly up there, I've never been seized with such an insane streak of inspiration for a ship. They got me in their clutches and no mistake!!
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't actually have much in the way of wips, but I do have 5k of a Sart/Basch AU where Sart channels his fenex summoning to bring Basch back to life, but it stalled a little due to a combo of scheduling for other things, other ships taking over my brain for a bit, and honestly the general lack of fandom for them? I have a few close friends I met because of the ship, but getting such low response to things is really demoralising and makes it hard to continue. I DO want to finish it for sure, but atm I am too gripped by other ships so idk if it'll happen.
16. what are your writing strengths? I think dialogue for sure, and characterisation.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes x_x Which is annoying, because I love them and have a lot of sparring/fighting related kinks!!! I persevere, but I hate every moment of writing them lol
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Uhh nothing I've ever done! I think it'd be fine if you're fluent in that language OR if you have a trusted friend who is, who can give you actual sense-making sentences, but otherwise, do not!
19. first fandom you wrote for? Baby's first fandom was handwritten Redwall/Discworld crossover in reporter's notebooks as a very young child, but my first fandom-fandom was ffvii, where I wrote a frankly terrible Reno/Vincent fic! And idek why cos I don't ship it at all? I think I just had a boner for both of them and wanted to get it out. It is still on ffn alas, but eugh.
20. favourite fic you've written? Honestly I think it's my SartBasch series, Body Politics. It caters directly to my own id, and I think it's really good! I actually planned it out as a cohesive series AND actually finished writing it! Proud of myself lol. And I just.... *clenches fist* love those old men.....
----- tagging people, if u wanna do this, then consider urself tagged!!
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Talk Hockey to Me
(a game of tags)
i was tagged by @starscelly tysm king i give you a respectable high five
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
the second game i went to! the first one was good for sure (we got the fun lil borgy and matty christmas tree video during one of the breaks) but the second one!! i actually looked into stuff and it was everything ig you’d want from a game? my team won, we had some fun lil fights idk.. and then afterwards i stumbled upon rpf which. game changer lowkey (i read several fics having no idea what any of the people i was reading about looked like which was fun but we figured it out)
2. Your first ever fandom friend
i think probably cel tbf? and i have an irl friend who’s into hockey but i think there’s a strong chance they’re more normal about it than i am
3. The jersey you would most like to own
oooof tough question. either a stars jersey or a devils jersey i think. i’m hesitant to get one that’s a specific player’s bc i don’t want to have one for a team that they get traded from (looks pointedly at my several month-old un-customized kraken jersey) the ever changing world of sportssss
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
i am not choosing. you cannot make me. (it changes too often)
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
rn my answer is cyork/tfoerster but a week ago my answer was probably 2339 and two weeks ago my answer was probably 1053 and before that it was probably 2072 and before that it was probably scasey/gbrindley and before that it was probably nmoyle/nblankenburg and before that… (i’m stopping now but i could go on)
6. Your favorite on ice moment
oh gosh… i don’t really think i have a particular answer! i’m a cellies girlie who enjoys when the little men hit each other so. if any of my blorbos have ever done any of that sort of thing that can be my favorite (yes this a very general answer no i don’t care) actually maybe slaf’s first goal celly that wasn’t a celly so much as it was him cursing at zach brown ((?)i think that was who it was)
~link someone else’s art/fic/etc that you love and think everyone should check out~
i have yet to figure out how to link things so instead i will give you names and authors and you will take them. okay? okay.
still burnt from kissing your face by teethtilt (1053 fic with THE most delectable descriptions… i have never been more engaged by snow cones and swelteringly warm days)
tumblr user @/starscelly’s band au. (special shout-out to his one piece where wyatt is sat at a merch stand with the best body language you’ve ever seen)
on the banks of kettle creek by honeydripping (tknp fic that is soooo yummy. the way the author describes smells? ooof you don’t even know)
two thousand miles away, but i can see you by lovethygoalie (kraken magic fic that is very fun. gobbling up the way the author writes dynamics)
after hours by kerfluffle (cam/tyson fic that is very yay. if there is next to nothing in their tag at least we have the works of kerfluffle who is fantastic)
cool summers by counthestars (rule63 umich fic that has my heart. it literally feels like summer in my brain and i’m obsessed)
any xhekuraj fic by novembrs (loveee their trans arber fics never not thinking about them)
this was probably too many and i could go on! but it’s my response to an ask game and i do what i want
~link something you made and are proud of/want people to see~
again drk how to link things but my art tag is ‘me and my knack of making people look ~almost~ right’ or something like that and i also like my dream tag (vcug’s hockey dreams) just bc it’s fun. not really proud of it i just enjoy how my subconscious produces absolute bullshit
tagging @spiceberrie but no pressure if you don’t want to do this!
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toolazytodecide · 2 years
writer questions!
nobody tagged me but I love this crap and am technically a writer so lets do it.
1. what’s your favourite genre to write?
Oooooo romance obviously, but more specifically I like writing fics that focus a lot on character analysis? 
2. do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/fanfic?
I write a lot of AUs, but I do get a lot of inspiration from songs. I’ll also work in headcanons I see on tumblr and stuff 
3. do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
I always want to write multi-chapter fics, but struggle to finish them. It’s a goal of mine to write more one shots instead of dedicating myself to 20k+ fics.
4. do you prefer description or dialogue?
DIALOGUE!!! I used to be obsessed with writing texting fics which gave me a lot of experience with dialogue, while leaving my description skills to suffer.
5. favourite fanfic/book of all time?
Bro. Impossible question, but my current favourite book is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. My favourite series is Six of Crows or  The Raven Cycle. 
As for fics...I’m gonna forget so many BUT I’ll give you one for each of my top ships on AO3
1. Andrew and Neil (All for the Game):  Those That Broke Us by  WriteThroughTheNight  ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/9095254:)
 This is atypical for me since it’s not romance focused, but is rather focused on Neil’s trauma from his mother and him realizing that the way she treated him was not okay. 
Also shoutout to every “andreil fake rivalry fic” it is one of the few times I read established relationship and I eat it up every time.
2: Adam and Ronan (The Raven Cycle): while we're on the subject, could we change the subject now by  shinealightonme (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12643005)
A truly adorable neighbour AU. Honestly Pynch was one of the toughest to pick a favourite for. 
3. Mickey and Ian (Shameless): I couldn’t decide between Fucked for Life by  Awritersmind (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21800806/chapters/52022443) 
An interesting twist on the coffee shop AU where Mickey and Ian fall in love as adults rather than teens. 
I read this a while ago, but I was OBSESSED it made me fall in love with the idea of Artist! Mickey and I loved how they wrote his relationship with his sister Mandy.
 and None the wiser by Loftec
Again I read this a while ago, but it is a diner AU and just utterly delightful. I love reading fics where Mickey had a good relationship with his son and this is is a really good one. 
4: Remus and Sirius (Harry Potter)- My actual favourite Wolfstar fic has disappeared and is a Greatest British Bake off AU where Remus has fibromyalgia so if you know where to find it please let me know. 
BUT a close second is Text Talk by  merlywhirls (https://archiveofourown.org/works/1651109/chapters/3501239)
If I’m having a shitty day I’m re-reading Text-talk. it’s that simple. It’s a wrong number AU where they muggles in the modern day and Remus is home schooled due to his health.
5: Boris and Theo (The Goldfinch)- They Fuck (it up) by  colish3
( https://archiveofourown.org/works/33547123/chapters/83356504) 
A gorgeous fic about Theo dealing with the aftermath of the book, and maybe accepting his feelings for Boris. 
6: Ben and Devi (Never Have I ever)- all the magic we gave off by  transfiguredtoad
Bevi trying their best to not still be into each other while in other relationships. Super addicting tbh. 
6. favorite trope?
Wrong number! Enemies to Lovers! Fake Dating! There was only one bed! I’m a simple girl tbh. when writing I especially like writing about chronic illness but idk if that counts as a trope.
7. are you the kind of person to work on more than one wip?
Not successfully. If I start another fic the first one won’t be touched again til I’ve finished my new fic if ever again. 
8. how long have you been writing for?
Since I was 14 so almost 9 years, but that has definitely not been continuous. I’ve gone years without writing anything.
9. do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
I get an idea and write whenever I can until it’s either done or I’ve gotten distracted rather than having a set time of the day. 
10. do you prefer to post your wip chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your wip is 100% finished before posting?
I prefer to finish everything first because I’ve found I won’t finish otherwise. Besides I like being able to go back and change stuff. 
im tagging  @furoruisa and  @siriuslynotovermarauders   🙈  feel free to ignore this if it aint your thing. I also challenge anyone else who wants to give it a try.
#tag game
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