#idk their correct ship name
birb-catto · 8 months
Spoiler Warning: Meaning of the Name Yudrain
Yudrain roughly translates to "the beginning and the end," which can be interpreted as "forever."
Kishiar is an Alpha (first letter of the Greek alphabet; the beginning)
Yuder is an Omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet; the end)
If there is no Kishiar who gave Yuder a new name in the beginning, then there is no Yuder who harbors feelings for him and decides to save him in the end.
The beginning and the end.
Just like how two halves make a whole, how two ends of a thread make a circle, two people are needed to make the word "forever" meaningful.
Take what you will of this.
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cobaltfluff · 3 months
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persona boyfriends being cringe (2/3)
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kaidatheghostdragon · 3 months
Prompt: Bruce vs Vlad
(But not the Vlad as we know him)
You remember future Vlad from the bad timeline? The one that had his ghost half ripped out and spent a decade regretting all of his life choices?
Some way, somehow, that Vlad ends up in the present day. It could be physical time travel, in which there are now two vlads competing for the same identity, which has lots of room for shenanigans, or a mental time travel where present Vlad suddenly has ten years of alt-timeline memories dumped straight into his brain.
Whichever the case, from a public perspective, Vlad Masters seems to just pivot left one day and alter his goals and business methods. That man has a million and one regrets and spent a decade thinking about all of the ways he could have done things differently, and now he has the opportunity to fix it. Dealer's choice on the exact details of how he goes about it.
Enter Bruce, who has long suspected Vlad Masters of being a villain meta, but has never had the time to really investigate someone who has nothing to do with Gotham and has been clever enough to stay off of the Justice League's radar.
Now, Bruce is all about reforming villains, and if Vlad's seeming reformation is genuine, more power to him. But in Bruce's experience, big changes like that don't happen out of the blue. He needs to investigate to either discover what triggered Vlad's change in perspective or if Vlad is planning something bigger than anything he's ever gotten away with before.
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tricodekus · 5 months
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a kiss for good luck
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chiquilines · 22 days
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I have compeltely lost it🥳
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project-catgirlpillar · 5 months
Fun gender neutral namens to call your Partner:
Weak Little coward
Sad lost waif
Lovely jester
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chaoticsoulsword · 2 months
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Look at them. Look at how far they've come since joined the same team. Look at how T'Challa sacrificed himself in Blood Hunt to save "THE ICON" aka Sam Wilson, and how he went to a dreamscape only to save Sam all over again. Look at them. Look at how fine they are.
I've looked at them for five hours now... (sobbing in the distance)
(From Avengers United Infinity Comics #36-39)
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graciereadshannigram · 4 months
coincidence that the only two ships i've had any interest in reading over the past almost two years are all about characters finding someone who gives them unconditional love and acceptance that then leads to their own self love and acceptance?
i mean, maybe not, but that's really none of my business is it?
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Cool Guy
Anon: Heya! If you're still doing them, could you make a tickle fic on Luke and Han but js Han getting Luke? I love the whole Luke being like Hans lil bro 😭 An idea being maybe Luke is embarrassing Han in front of Leia and Han gets him back, Leia maybe helping Han a bit? I like your fics a lot haha! It's alr if not ofc, js have a good day! :D <3
Summary: Han is cool, suave, and absolutely irresistible. Luke vehemently disagrees.
Han knows logically that he cannot not squish the galaxy’s last hope like a bug. That would be unwise. There is, however, zero question of if he deserves it.
Luke is almost better at being a little shit than he is at being a Jedi.
“Princess!” Han leans against the wall. The Falcon’s internals hum behind it. Leia looks up at him blankly. 
“Pest.” She takes a bite of a sandwich. “What do you want?”
Nothing. Not a thing. He just loves the irritated curve of her eyebrow, the sharpness of her gaze, the curl of her lips--
“I’d love it if you’d stop taking what’s not yours.” He nods towards the sandwich. Leia regards it, then makes deep eye contact on her next bite. Han chuckles in something like disbelief, but he knows her. Knows how she likes to provoke. 
“Nice boys share their food.” She takes another bite.
“Well, I ain’t nice. Keep your thieving little hands to yourself.” Han considers wrapping up the sandwich, just to be petty, but he knows she hardly takes interest in his things unless she needs something. He could find something else to eat. 
“Or else what?” She plays with the crust of the bread. Eye contact. God, he loves this game of theirs. She leaves him breathless too often for his liking, though. As he flounders for a comeback, he hears a high-pitched noise from the other side of the room. 
Luke. Great. 
“What are you wearing?” Luke laughs incredulously. Han looks down at himself. He’d put on a fur vest today instead of his usual cargo one. It was something he’d snatched off some mook that’d tried to set him up with a dishonest deal. It’s old and it smells a little funny, but he likes it. It’s his now. 
“Wh—it’s a vest. It’s cold.” Han frowns. 
“You look like Chewie shed on you.” Luke leans his hip against the doorway as he settles in to mock. There’s a Wookiee outcry of indignation from the cockpit that goes unanswered.
“It’s a fashion statement.” Han adjusts his posture, gives them a new angle. Luke snorts. Han scowls.
“What exactly are you stating?” Leia rests her chin in her hands. She’s got a crumb on her cheek. He does not think about brushing it away. 
“You’re both terrible.” Han stomps off to change. 
“Right back atcha!” Leia calls after him. Her laughter is sweet, even at his expense. 
Run-ins with Empire patrols always put Han on a fine edge--he’s a well-oiled machine with Chewie at his back, but recent additions to the Falcon have proven…distracting. As he slams them into a hyperspace jump, the twins’ noise somehow drowns out the noise of the engine. Leia’s complaining that he took too many risks, Luke’s insisting he took too little, and Han’s half tempted to spin send the Falcon into a barrel roll just to hear a different sound.
Chewie won’t let him. The honorable bastard.
The moment they finish the jump, Han swivels out of his chair and goes…well, he’s not sure where he’s going, but he knows he needs to see and hear something besides Luke crunching angrily on crackers. 
Leia follows on Han’s heels, Luke follows on hers, and Han considers just ejecting himself from the airlock and being done with it. 
“If you want to die, be my guest, but don’t put us at risk for your ego.” Leia smacks his chest. Han can’t tell if he’s imagining the lingering touch of her fingers. 
“No, you’d miss me too much.” He fires back, pulling out of her grasp. He takes long strides, taking a petty sort of joy in hearing significantly shorter legs scramble after him. 
“Not a chance in hell,” Leia snarls, snatching the back of his vest. He whirls around. 
“Yes, you would, because things are boring without me. You like having me around.” He leans into her space. She stands her ground. 
“The fate of the galaxy is boring?” She conveniently ignores that last part. Han doesn’t miss it. 
“It is without me. Face it, princess. You’re attached.” He puts his hands on his hips. Leia’s face turns an interesting color.
“Ha! See? Attached!” Han points triumphantly. Leia smacks his hand away. 
“I didn’t say anything!”
“You didn’t need to. The truth’s all over your face.” He circles that pointer finger in her face. She smacks it hard enough to bruise this time. 
“The truth that I can’t stand you, more like. You’re arrogant, reckless, irresponsible—“
“And exactly your type.” Han grins. “You like having me around. Meanwhile, I’m cool, casual, and unattached.” Han clicks his tongue. Leia attempts to burn a hole through his forehead with her gaze. He worries for a moment that she might. 
“Really?” Luke crunches loudly. “I heard you telling Chewie that you like having us around. That you wouldn’t know what you’d do without us. Didn’t sound very cool and casual.” 
“I was drunk.” Han’s face burns. Leia snorts. Han scowls. 
“Drunk mind, sober thoughts.” Luke grins teasingly, waving a chip in his face. Han tries to snatch the bag, but Luke twirls effortlessly out of the way. Damn Jedi. 
“Sounds like you’re attached, laser brain.” Leia circles her finger in his face, and Han wonders if turning himself in to the Empire might be better for his ego.
Han’s not sure when his game with Leia stopped being a game and started being this, but he’s not complaining. He’s made out in worse storage rooms than the ones on the Falcon. They’d started with fetching a rations restock, devolved into bickering, and, well…their arguments usually end in violence or the threat of it, so Leia trying to climb him like a tree is a much-welcomed departure from form.
Normally Han’s great at keeping his emotions in a cold, dark little box where he never has to deal with them, but Leia looked so pretty yelling at him that he just…had to kiss her. He knew at that moment he’d die if he didn’t. It’s not the first time they’ve kissed and he hopes it won’t be the last, but each touch with Leia is like drifting closer to the beautiful terror of the sun. The best part, the overwhelming part, is that she wants him too. 
All of that would’ve been well and good, great even, if Luke hadn’t been standing in the doorway. 
Luke and Leia have some kind of stare-off that Han suspects involves their twinness--there’s lots of flustered, offended noises without words being uttered. Luke raises his eyebrow in a way that really seems to get to Leia, because she splutters, which she expressly does not do. 
“Don’t you start! I tolerate him!” She glares at Luke, her cheeks turning red. 
“Aww.” Han smirks. She elbows him in the ribs.
“With your mouth?” Luke’s near hysterical. 
“Among other things.” Han smirks wider. Luke’s face twists in sheer disgust. 
“Shut up,” Leia hisses, blushing and hitting him harder. He grins.
Luke levels a finger at Han, a habit he picked up from him in the first place, and then stalks off. 
“Chances he knifes me in my sleep?” 
“Lower than me doing it myself.” Leia swats his arm once more for good measure, but she’s still glowing, and Han thinks he might want to see that smile of hers for the rest of his life.
“I’ll take those odds.” 
The difference between Luke and his sister, in Han’s opinion, is that Luke’s noise goes inwards. Leia will scream at Han until she’s red in the face and then she’ll miraculously find more air. Luke gets quiet and vengeful, which is why Han starts to suspect foul play the third time he trips over thin air. 
Han really wants to fight back, but every time he opens his mouth, Leia’s lurking around some dark corner. 
On hour three of Luke’s temper tantrum, Han’s eye begins to twitch. He’s probably bruised every inch of his shins by now, he’s tired, and he thinks if he can close his eyes for an hour he might remember how to function. Just a sweet, Skywalkerless hour. 
Han drags his hand over his face as he walks off to his cabin. He finds Luke standing in the hall like an omen. He doesn’t move when Han approaches. The little furrow in his brow is probably meant to be intimidating, and maybe one day it will be, but Han can’t bring himself to care. 
The desire to lay down overcomes his rational thought, and he does to Luke what he often does to Leia: jams his hands under Luke’s arms and lifts him out of the way.
Except, unlike Leia, Luke doesn’t try to kick him. He lets out a giggle at a pitch Han didn’t know he was capable of. 
Han pauses, raising an eyebrow at the rapidly-reddening Jedi in his arms. He twitches his fingers. Luke chokes out a surprised laugh. 
Han’s suddenly not tired anymore. Funny, that. 
“Han, don’t you dare, c’mon--”
Han sets Luke down but doesn’t release him--he viciously wiggles his fingers where they’re trapped under Luke’s arms. He goes down like a sack of droid components, filling the Falcon with bright, bouncy laughter it so desperately needs. 
“You get a minute for every bruise, and my shins are looking mighty purple.” Han whistles lowly, pressing into the gaps between Luke’s ribs. Luke lets out a giggly hiccup and kicks his legs. 
“That’s not f-fair!” Luke clutches Han’s arms desperately. Han twitches his fingers and he curls up, shaking his head. Han distantly wonders when Luke last laughed like this. If he ever has. 
“Yeah? Tell me about it. Pick on someone your own size and maybe life will be fairer.” Han tries to keep his stare blank, but his mouth quirks up at the corners. Luke lets out an indignant gasp, but he quickly tumbles right back down into laughter.
“Let go,” Luke growls, his whole face scrunching around his smile. 
“Kid, I can’t let you go if you’ve got my hands.” Han gives a dramatic tug. He stops, raising his eyebrow expectantly. Luke pouts--pouts!--at him and lifts his arms at glacial pace. Han pulls away…
…and goes right for Luke’s exposed stomach. His shout of betrayal mixes beautifully with his laughter.
“Rookie mistake,” Leia tuts, snickering at Luke’s misfortune. Han jumps at her appearance--man, he should put a bell on these two--and Luke takes that as a signal to start wriggling away. Han reels him back in with a hearty laugh.
“Leia, fetch your--” Han cuts Luke off with a squeeze to the side before he can say anything embarrassing. 
“You gonna help, Your Worship? Or are you above getting your hands dirty?” Han casts a glance at Leia. 
“Never.” Leia smirks, kneeling beside Luke. They stare at each other for a long, tense while. Leia’s gaze drifts over him the same way she sifts through a plan for holes, until she stops at his knees. 
Luke’s eyes widen. Leia grins.
She latches on like a viper and Luke squeals, drumming his feet on the ground. He throws his head back and cackles himself into silence, flopping around uselessly. 
“Remind me to stay on your good side,” Han chuckles, a little nervous.
“You’re notoriously bad at it,” she smirks. Han swears he feels the ghost of her fingers on his own legs. He shudders.
Luke’s surrender is less of a cry and more of a wheeze, but they let him go quickly all the same. He tosses his arm over his glowing face with a great, heaving sigh.
“You alright over there?” Han chuckles, nudging Luke’s boot. He lifts his arm to glare.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Han pats his ankle. Luke kicks him. Han squeezes his knee and he immediately blurts out a tired, giggly apology. 
“Stop being a little shit and trying to trip me up. It’s not gonna work. Too cool for that.” Han pats Luke’s stomach. 
Warm hands wrap around his waist and he leans back, scaring himself with how easily he fits into Leia’s arms. She hooks her chin over his shoulder.
“Are you ready?” She murmurs, brushing her fingers over the fabric of his shirt. 
“Ready for what?” His hand finds hers. He’s more than ready, if he’s reading this right. She’s rarely like this beyond closed doors, and it sends a thrill through him. Her lips brushing his ear drives him just a little crazy. He starts to stand, but she pulls him back down. 
“To be tripped up.” She smirks. He feels it. 
Leia’s fingers dig in with deadly accuracy. Han crumples and his bravado goes with him. Loud, hearty laughter bursts from him as he slides to the floor, boneless in her arms.
“Aw, look at you cool guy.” Luke sidles up next to him with a shit eating grin. He tickles mockingly under Han’s chin and he, mortifyingly, giggles. Luke chases the sound, having way too much fun for Han’s liking. 
Han growls and tries to kick him. Leia’s fingers find his hips—cruel and unusual—and he’s toast. He resigns himself to die in her lap, which isn’t the overall worst way to go, and makes a mental note to write Luke out of his will. 
As long as Chewie thinks he’s cool, he supposes it’s still a net win. 
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witchygfsgf · 8 days
rarepairs i think would be interesting but there's no love for
remus lupin/frank longbottom: 10/10 would read
hestia jones/edgar bones: hufflepuff4hufflepuff, bi4bi, adhd x autism <33
charity burbage/aurora sinistra: not quite academic rivals but, like tutor!aurora with top grades and tutee!charity both with very repressed feelings leading into a romance when they're teachers. perfection.
benjy fenwick/any man ever: i have a specific image in mind and that image is the gayest gay to ever gay
peter pettigrew/james or remus: the fact that both of these have less fics than jegulus makes me viscerally upset, like not hating but they're the main group?? you didn't play around with the dynamic a lil bit?? anyway pete thought all boys felt that way about each other but, growing up more involved in muggle culture (hc but it feels right to me, half blood tho) where it was less accepting of homosexuality, learned to repress it. remus, being the first person in hogwarts that showed him kindness by allowing him into the group when the others didn't want him, that's so good to have blossom into something else, even one sided, and i think every marauder had a crush on james at one point. love it love it love it
emma vanity/lucinda talkalot: lesbian quidditch rivals need i say more. emma being very committed to keeping her position as captain and lucinda sweeping in and claiming the title after she was injured in a match. actually as im writing this my brain is being flooded with headcanons. they...
barty crouch jr/being banned from being spoken about in fandom: hate this bitch.
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this is my favorite scene ever
all i can think about is Sanji thinking “this bitch-”
but then i was enlightened to the Ace/Sanji agenda and yk it still works with this context
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dubiousdisco · 2 years
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kaijoohobbit · 11 months
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posted this WIP on twitter so i might as well post it here too
marcoh x tanaka 💞
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skysquid22 · 10 months
In the car ride after Kiryu captures Tsuruno in chapter 1, Tsuruno basically immediately figures out that Hanawa is going out of his way to help Kiryu out/is soft on Kiryu and this is just before Hanawa gets kidnapped and Kiryu goes to save him leading to the “I can’t… I could never kill you.” line. 🏳️‍🌈 After Tusruno points out Hanawa’s crush shaped bias Kiryu goes “🤨 what does that mean?” And before Hanawa could cover his ass the car crashes.
Also Tsuruno had this moment in his parking lot fight with Kiryu. Hot damn dude.
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scribbles-n-lines · 3 months
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doodles from the past week :3 feat. [heart emoji]'s art and 1 drawing from my friend who i drew some girl over
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dipplinduo · 8 months
What about Carmine x Nemona?
Just the two battle obsessed girls together
Oh my god they're also SO fun of a dynamic too. I'd imagine Carmine would get really competitive/gaurd dog over Juliana, and Nemona is just Goku like ":D !!!!"
It's a different kind of grumpy/sunshine
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