#idk what happened that Johnny looks so cute
chevvy-yates · 9 months
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Please do not repost any of my art. Beloved Arki belongs to @nervouswizardcycle. ♥️
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
So, could you do task force 141 + König and whomever you’d like, how they would react to you kissing their cheeks as a dare or something? Idk my brain just thought of this
I love this it’s so cute 😭❤️
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He short circuits honestly
He’s sitting there stuck in place, processing what happened
In the short second your lips made contact with the fabric of his mask, everything in his brain went silent
All the chaos, all the worries, all the voices, everything went silent like coming into the eye of a hurricane, there was peace for a moment
On the outside though? He’s deadpanned 😶
You almost feel like you’re in trouble but then he finally blinks and looks at you, you couldn’t detect any anger or resentment so you beamed at him and went about your merry way
As he’s watching you walk away, that kiss is all he’s thinking about. He’s wondering what it would’ve felt like if he didn’t have the stupid mask on, how soft your lips must be, if it was a little wet or not, he knows the feeling of your lips would be seared there for the rest of his life
He’s thinking about that moment of quiet, that moment of peace, and he’s suddenly questioning himself, almost talking himself up to give it a try, to pursue that peace that you gave him, that peace that he could have with you
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
Don’t think you’re getting away lightly
As soon as your lips made contact with his cheek, his face went red hot and his eyes were glimmering
He looked up at you with a huge grin going from ear to ear
“What’s that for?” He laughed, when you shrugged with a cheeky smile, he melted,
“Dare you to do it again.” He winked,
You stepped in to meet his challenge but before you could even get close, he kissed your cheek instead
Now it’s your turn to be a blushing mess, and Johnny finds that the look suits you quite well
John Price:
He’s been hearing about the date floating around for a while now and brushed it off
At least until you came into his office under the guise of turning in paperwork, when he heard stifled laughter coming from the hallway
You handed him your papers and leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek, your lips were so soft as they made contact with his skin, it sent lightning up his spine
He looked at you with disapproval and you felt the cold sweat bead on your forehead
He motions for you to come in close and you do as you’re told, leaning in, bent at the waist, waiting for him to speak. His face was close to your ear, the hairs on his cheek tickling your skin as he leaned in,
“Next time you feel like doing that, don’t hide behind a dare, love.” He sat back with a knowing glint in his eyes, “That’ll be all, sergeant.”
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
Oof sweetheart, he already knows about the dare that’s been circulating on base, he’s been waiting
And then he sees you walking towards him like the cat that got the cream
He already knows and he’s a little smug about it smh
What isn’t prepared for is how his brain fires on all cylinders the moment your lips pressed against his cheek
It was like a jolt of electricity shot straight through him, like something in him came alive
He’s not one to be rendered speechless too often but he’s dumbstruck
He had a plan of pulling you back in so he could return the kiss but he was stuck in place, slack-jawed with his hand slowly coming to rest on the spot you kissed
He’ll get you back eventually, right now he just needs to process what just happened
Error 404. König not found
He appreciated that you didn’t lift his hood so you could kiss him but in that moment he wished it wasn’t there
He felt the warmth of your skin through the fabric and he mourned not feeling the soft skin of your lips against his cheek
It felt like going outside and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, breathing the fresh spring air and sitting on a blanket in the park
He started imagining you there, sitting in the park among the flowers, your eyes closed in bliss as you take in the warmth of the sun and breathing the freshness of the air
He wasn’t on an army base in god knows where, he was sitting there in that park with you, mesmerized by your smile, holding your hand in his
He was snapped back to reality when you waved your hand in his face, apologies pouring from your lips
He can barely process the words as he leans in and repeats the action, pressing his clothed lips against your cheek
He can’t help the satisfaction when he sees you short circuiting as much as he was
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httpseiki · 9 months
🪐 things bf!minho does:
a small blurt about lino!
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note: I offer this as a piece offering since I didn't finish my promised work!! I'm trying to get it done, but it's tough with my college and my extra class lining up 😭 not do add that I have a major writing block rn😺 🔫
genre: fluff, boyfriend!minho, a little idol!reader au.
wc: not many, idk.
song choice: flower - johnny stimson
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🪐: having the urge to tie anything around your finger
a piece of tissue, a string of grass, a flower's tulip, a stray string... literally anything he can find it's good material to wife you up. this was started by you, actually, getting bored in the waiting room. fidgeting with the tissue wasn't cutting it anymore, and when a long part ripped, you called over to minho, asking him to show you his hand. oh, that bubbling, sparkly, warm pink feeling that erupted inside him when he saw the small knot around his pinky made the tip of his ears turn red. since then, he wants to return the favor to you, tying your finger with anything he has around.
🪐: passing you little notes when no one is looking
being an idol steals a lot from you, a big part being privacy. with eyes on you at all times, even inside your own company, your bf never really gets to compliment you. so, he sticks to cute little notes. he gives you one under your water bottle that you somehow forgot in his practice room, "you're getting better at dance than me." another one when he randomly, very randomly, bumps into you on the hall "you were so cute on your livestream." and one more when you're sitting in the cafeteria with your members, "i can't wait to get home and kiss you." minho being minho, he's gonna jureumify every single note, and as a good gf you are, you pass notes back to him, folding it in shapes of hearts.
🪐: bringing you breakfast in bed
he actually made it a thing to bring you breakfast in bed every Saturday. usually, he makes you coffee, eggs, cuts some of your favorite fruits and brings you yogurt. that's why you're a bit surprised when you see him struggling to open the door with his elbow, a big, long wooden charcuterie board, full of light snacks, occupying his whole arms. you were sitting cozily tangled between the sheets when he sat next to you. "min, when I asked for breakfast in bed, I was expecting some eggs and potentially a coffee, not a whole ass five star boufet." you giggle, "really? because I can take it back if-" "don't you dare."
🪐: biting as a form of love.
you're doing your makeup in the mirror? well, minho will come behind you and pretend to back hug you. when you fall into his illusion of affection, his teeth will sink into your shoulder blade. and hard. hard enough to leave a mark, "min, what the fuck?" or when you're too cute for his liking, he just has to scrape the tip of his teeth against you. that, or you're just sitting together, boredom filling the air, minho just picks up your arm and bites, holding your flesh in his mouth as if he's some type of feline showing its prey. if you do it back to him, he'll short circuit, his ears burning hot.
🪐: communicating through blinks
it always intrigued you how minho's body reacts before his mind can. especially when something unexpected happens, his eyes close rapidly and repeatedly, as you finish telling him the latest gossip from work. or when he comes home and looks a bit more tired then usual, minho blinks two times at you. that's how you found out about the gone-wrong practice. and when you're in a room full of people and somehow, your bright smile and cheerful laugh erupts from the other corner of the room, your boyfriend turns his head in a second, in a search of you. your eyes immediately find his. you looked so ethereal, shining so much, that he couldn't help but slow blink at you, a silly smile on his face. that one means I love you. and you return it in no time.
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© httpseiki, all rights reserved. ☕
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phyrestartr · 3 months
Vampire | Miguel x M!Reader
Vampire!Miguel x Reader W/C: 5.9k
#NSFW, vampires, blood, gore, violence, bottom!reader, top!Miguel, mentions of sex work, mentions of assault, it's kinda cute idk, posessive behaviour, questionable relationship, reader is morally grey, reader is lowkey a criminal though lol, Johnny Blaze = Nic Cage 5ever sorry not sorry
Note: I FINISHED IT! Lost steam with editing so some bits may be kinda weird and word-y, but I really enjoyed writing this honestly :clap: ty guys for voting for me to finish this o(--( I actually finished it so quickly wtf--
Vampires. Blood-sucking, man-killing, devil-calling creatures. Many feared them, even now, even after the legends of Dracula faded into obscurity and out of the minds of mortal men. But there were some who kept weary watch on the old castle looming before your meager town: older folks, the ones with bleached scars and haunted voices, with quivering hands and a phobia of the dark. 
You thought they all spun tales, convinced themselves of a time that never happened thanks to whatever their parents hushedly told them come the waning of the sun. “Don't leave the house after dark,” “be wary of the man you know not,” “pray to God for his protection,” is what you figured they'd been told. You couldn't blame them. Not really. Mass hysteria, mass lies told to the young had a penchant for warping their minds, destroying their futures. 
But still, you'd listen. Face alight with a smile, one ear turned their way as you poured drinks for whatever patron came bumbling your way that night. There was one man, one who claimed to have been touched by the devil himself, momentarily transformed into something wicked and unholy, who frequented the establishment. 
“Come on now, Johnny,” you chided with a laugh, “you don't really believe all that rubbish. Touched by the devil? You Americans really are the dramatic sort, aren't you?” 
“You don't need to believe all of it,” Johnny said mildly. “You just need to believe a sliver of it. It'll do you some good. Keep you safe.” 
You smiled to yourself as you busily made a drink for a new customer. “Yeah? Keep me safe from what, exactly?” Your eyes met his, then, and you found your blood stood in place for a moment. 
“You know what.” The devil. He'd said it too many times to count without uttering his name. “Just be smart.”
“I'm always smart,” you said with a phony laugh, the sort you used to lull women and men into some cheap sense of comfort. 
“Smart people do dumb things, too.” He took a swig of his drink before peering down at the amber pooling against crystal. “Like sneaking around old, unhallowed castles.” 
You pursed your lips. “I'm just curious, old man, you don't need to worry. I've not been inside, yeah? Just looked ‘round the outside of the old place.” That's probably filled with loads of goods. 
But Johnny only stared at you, calculating, thinking. It almost unnerved you. 
“Just be careful.” 
And in that moment, a man whose name you didn’t know, but whose body you knew too well, walked into the bar. His shoulders were impossibly broad, his frame unnaturally tall, and from the glimpses you were allowed of his face hidden away under the brim of that hat, you remembered strong lines and proud cheekbones. His eyes, a bizarre colour, always glimmered ruby in the firelight thanks to some strange disease you never quite remembered the name of, and his hair, a dark oaken hue, wisped like tendrils of shadow rolling off his strong neck. 
He didn’t look at you, but you couldn’t look away. Your gaze followed him to where he found a quiet seat off to the side by a small table. He wouldn’t order anything. He never did. He only ever waited for your shift to end. 
“Kid?” Johnny prodded, freeing you from your momentary curse.
You blinked and sputtered, nodding in earnest to whatever Johnny had said. “I–right. Careful. I’m always careful.” 
Just be careful.
But that was impossible with this otherworldly spirit around you, waiting for you every other night just for the sake of bedding you, and leaving before morning with nothing but a stack of bills (or sometimes some jewelry, if you were lucky) to remember him by. Your favourite client by far. Your only client, per his request.
Your fists twisted into the bedsheets as you gasped with every brutal crashing of the man’s hips against yours as he took you from behind. He was in a bad mood tonight, it seemed. Normally, he liked to take it slow, he liked to savour his meal, but for some reason–
His hand clasped over your mouth when his teeth tore into your neck again. The cry that left you was hoarse and tired, but not so surprised, no; the man had his kinks, and one just so happened to be biting. He did quite the number on you, too, always breaking skin and leaving scars and scabs in his wake. But it felt good. It felt right to be claimed. The greedy, ugly little part of your heart wanted people to know you were taken and owned by this strange, captivating man.
“Fuck, I–” You buried your face into the mattress as another orgasm hit, striking your dull nerves like hammer on hot iron thrust after thrust. Soon enough, you felt his body stutter against yours just before an uncanny, liquid gold filled your guts and seeped into your core–he was finally done. Finally. Though part of you wished it didn’t have to end. 
His teeth, the pointed, feral things, dislodged from your neck before he ran the flat of his tongue against the weeping wound. Somehow, that always staunched the bleeding. You didn’t quite understand it, but you weren’t exactly well-versed in medicine.
“Tired already?” He mocked in that smokey, American accent. “Thought the young had more than that to offer.” The purr of his voice soothed the pulsing start of a headache as you came down from your high. Yet another strange effect he had on you. 
You took a good handful of moments to catch your breath before you tried to hazard an answer. “I’m–you’re in some kind of mood, darling; can’t blame me for your brutality.” You turned your head to rest your cheek against the scratchy sheets, and the beast took the opportunity to leave nips and kisses along your jaw. 
“Tch. I’m just reminding you who you belong to. Where you belong.” Sharp teeth grazed your skin again, and you shuddered. “No one likes to see theirs fawning over another man.” 
You strained to look back at him. “You–you mean Johnny? He’s not–I wouldn’t let him bed me, are you mad?” A rough push of his hips against yours reprimanded you. “H-He’s a mate, love, that’s all.”
The man twitched. “A mate?” 
“A friend, you bloody idiot.”
He relaxed, but still sought confirmation. “A friend.”
“A friend, indeed. Father-figure, maybe.” With a bit of effort, you managed to wriggle free from the strength of the man pinning you in place, and laid on your back to gaze up at him. “I’m not interested in him, he’s not interested in men, so you needn’t worry a thing.” One of your worn hands reached up and smoothed over the curve of his sharp cheekbone, drawing a pleased hum from the chamber of the beast’s chest. 
“Fine.” He rested his weight on you, and you sighed, content and warmed. But that bony chin digging into your chest was a tad bit fucking irritating. “Then if he’s not trying to fuck you, what makes you listen to him for hours on end, hm?” Hah. Annoyed. Jealous. Quite endearing. 
“He has stories to tell,” you offered. “Words about the devil and the curse of the undead. About Dracula and that old castle.” 
The man’s brows raised in interest. “Oh? And you like ghost stories, is that it? Here I figured I'd be enough to keep your mind entertained,” he said with a taunting smirk, like he thought your suggested belief in those spooky tales was laughable. 
Heat washed over your face. “I–you–shut up, I just like me a good story, is that so wrong? Tch, stupid American.”
He laughed, a sound you adored to hell and back. “I’ll keep it in mind. Might have a few good stories up my sleeve, too.” His head tilted the slightest bit. “Maybe then your eyes won’t wander.”
“Terribly jealous one, aren’t you? I never would’ve guessed it.” You raked your hands through his hair and he sighed, deep and ancient. But your words were true–this man, your mysterious client-turned-lover, he captivated all wherever he traveled. With so many eyes on him, why did he want you to look nowhere else but to him? 
Greedy man. That’s what you decided. He wanted everything and more. 
“Other men don't get to look at what's mine,” he mumbled after a time of you pampering him with pets and scritches. “And you're mine, for the record.” 
“Hm. I quite like the sound of that.” 
“Then marry me.” 
“I'm not sure I can,” you lamented. “I find myself in trouble too often. It puts me on the run, jumping from town to city and back again.” 
“You'd never have to run again if you let me have you.” He picked himself up and loomed over you, brushing his nose against yours as he spoke against your lips. “You'd be safe, cared for, never want for anything. None of those sacks of shit would would lay a finger on you again.” His lips trailed down, brushing against the thick vein in your neck. “I think it's for the best if you agree.” 
You almost argued back, but the large hand engulfing your throat gave you pause. He didn't hurt you, no, but gave you a silent warning. The power that man held over you contradicted his weakness to your wants and desires, and twisted your thoughts into unorganized knots. 
“I'll think on it,” you breathed, not wanting to say yes but unwilling to say no. You didn't want marriage, but commitment was a tantalizing idea. You'd just never thought it'd happen to you. 
His eyes came back to yours again. Your heart fluttered at the glints of carmine shimmering in candle-lit eyes. God, he was beautiful. 
“I better like your answer.” 
You left. You hated doing it, you hated running from your problems and whatever seemed to haunt you day to day, but too much happened in too short a time. 
For one, the landlord demanded more and more rent money from you when he noticed your gifted jewelry and newly tailored coat, and then, when you didn't give it to him, he took to trying to get payment another way. You shot him, obviously. 
Which led to your second reason for leaving–you'd shot a man and fled the scene, unknowing if he was alive or not, and uncaring of the outcome, quite frankly. You figured the lowlife would be more pressed about the money than dying, anyway. 
And third, the bar you worked at found out you'd been swindling and stealing on the job, pocketing tips and taking home near-empty bottles to refill with something of your own design to sell on the streets. Admittedly, it was fine work, but you'd long abandoned that method of money-making once that stranger wandered into your life and offered you more cash than you could imagine.
But you liked that bar. You liked those patrons. No strings attached.
And that's why you were back. Not with the intention to stay, no; you were back to scout out the castle after getting confirmation from some university lads about how valuable the old place was. You figured you could find enough in there with the scoundrels you'd come with, and maybe you could pay the old owner back before leaving for good. 
You'd never have to run again if you'd let me have you. 
Maybe you should've just said yes.
The castle stood beautifully, even with the screams of the slaughtered ringing through the halls. It was big, too, eagerly letting you get lost in its enchanting halls and inviting rooms as you tried in vain to remember the way out. 
That's when you crashed into one of the uni snobs you'd come with, Harry. He was a mess, clothes and hair out of place for once, with a spray of sticky blood coating his face and white shirt. Osborn must've seen their tormentor. 
He grabbed your shoulders as you grabbed his arms. “We have to go, we have to go–” he chanted, pulling and pushing you in undecided directions. 
“Osborn, where did you see it? Where–” Another scream gave you a hint. Your eyes snapped down the hallway, staring deep into the torchlit halls and finding nothing but the unknown staring back. 
Then, there were footsteps. Slow, methodical things that rung to a tune hidden in your memories.
“We have to go,” you whispered, like that'd help. “Osborn, we have to–” a splitting pain electrocuted your senses and sent you stumbling backwards. The world spun. Your head ached. Funeral bells shrieked. Worst of all, that dress shirt and that fancy jacket you loved so much were stained suddenly, a foul colour of darkness that reeked of pennies and iron. It took you too long to look back to the student, and to see the smoking pistol held out in his shaky hand. 
“I had to,” Osborn whispered, so, so haunted. “I had to. You understand.” And quite frankly, you did understand; wounding a lamb to leave behind for a wolf to indulge in was a sure way to let a farmer escape. 
Harry took off. You grasped your stomach and leaned hard against the wall, trying to pull yourself together to make some kind of run for it before those languid steps found you and cut your story short. But you felt so tired, so dizzy. The red weeping under your hand and the bewildered pants leaving you left you colder and colder. You wondered if Osborn had shot himself in the foot with this one (hah), killing the sacrificial lamb, rendering it useless to what was believed to be a vampire of all things. They devoured the living, not the dead. 
Clack, clack, clack. The haunting echo of fine shoes on wooden slats passed you by, then vanished all together. You collapsed to your knees and heaved in the burning air just as a deafening screech ricocheted through the halls with the echo of frantic gunfire, and the slosh of viscera. You fought back the burn of bile in your throat when you braved a look; there laid a body on the floor, and a corpse standing above it, illuminated just barely by torchlight. 
His shoulders were impossibly broad, his frame unnaturally tall–
“We could have avoided all of this,” the creature growled. 
–from the glimpses you were allowed of his face hidden in the swath of darkness around him, you remembered strong lines and proud cheekbones–
“But you didn’t listen.”
–his eyes, a bizarre colour, glimmered ruby in the firelight thanks to some strange disease you never quite remembered the name of– 
“Why couldn’t you just listen?”
–and his hair, a dark oaken hue, wisped like tendrils of shadows rolling off his strong neck.
He appeared beside you so suddenly, so soundlessly, you wouldn’t have known he approached if it weren’t for the strength of your fluttering eyelids seeking the truth. You stared hard at the tips of his leather shoes. Perhaps you should’ve known it was him all along. Perhaps you had known. 
He knelt before you and forced your chin up, making your eyes meet his as he stared down through you. Blood marred his face, matching the wine-red hue of his furious, gem-cut eyes; even like this, teeth bared, about to kill you, he was beautiful. 
“Look what you’ve done. This is your fault–”
But that beauty was wasted on such a foul-mouthed monster. 
“My fault?” You spat. “Fuck you.” You tore your chin from his grip, but his hand sought out your throat instead. “Don’t fucking touch me–”
He smiled, bitter but so wholly and infuriatingly amused before he chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ll do whatever I want with you.” And before you could lash out, before you could throw a fist at his stupid face, he yanked you in and bit.
A winter breeze rippled through you. Cold. Piercing. And you gradually froze like water dripping from the gutters, no longer able to fight back, too sluggishly slow to do anything about your fate. You breathed hard, feeling the hole in your stomach and ache of your heart weep and worsen with every shattering breath you took. Your hands, gentle in their weakness, pawed at his chest and sought a spot to dig in and hold on to for dear life as the waking world turned its back to you.
But despite the bitterness, and despite words exchanged, he held the side of your face as you faded in and out of consciousness. He called something, and a flurry of orange wisps appeared above you. 
You awoke to the echoes of a dream, one you hadn’t had for a while. A cloudless night where you’d been caught in bed by a taken woman’s man and beaten half to death; in return, you shredded through the man's chest with a knife from the kitchen while the wife watched on in silence. You'd been ready to kill her, too, slit her throat in one easy motion, but she never screamed, never looked at the wild animal with fear. 
Tell the police he attacked you, miss. 
Well, it wouldn't be the first time.
You fumbled through the alleys after leaving the scene, but others, foul things that roamed the streets where not even rats lingered, found you, threatened to use up the last of what you had to offer this pitiful world. It seemed as though they disappeared in the time it took you to blink, though, and a man was left, standing in their wake. He looked somewhat disheveled, like he’d just finished some grand task, but he was just so put together, too. You struggled to make sense of it, but you didn’t really care to. 
“Well, isn't that impressive,” you said with a breathless laugh. “Not a shred of blood on you. Are you the ripper the paper’s gone on and on about?”
The being glanced over his shoulder, eyes alight in curious mirth. He turned your way and stepped closer. You saw it then, the slightest bit of dark smears on his face.
“Is that what they're calling me?” He adjusted his cuffs, and rolled his shoulders. “Huh.” 
Adrenaline poured into your heart. “You're quite the dangerous man, aren't you, sir?” you swallowed thickly as you looked him over: fine shoes, expensive coat, luxurious rings. “And, ah, well-off. You wouldn't happen to be interested in spreading the wealth, hm?” 
His hand cupped your jaw, sticky with freezing blood, and he leaned in. The pungent scent of iron curled your gut as he breathed you in, making up his mind with what to do with you. Then, with the dry, warm back of his gloved hand, he caressed the side of your face and watched your eyelids flutter, devouring the simple gesture. 
“Let's see if you can convince me to.”
“I know you’re awake,” he mumbled.
Curiosity willed your eyes open, and you gazed down at the hollow tube connecting you to the walking corpse. You fought to ease the jump of your heart, but it became impossible when a dark red raced from the vampire's arm down into yours. 
“Is that going to make me like you?” You whispered, nerves twitching and burning with the bite of restless fire ants. 
Crimson eyes found yours and looked deep. “It won't. You can relax.” But you weren't convinced, and your lover could tell. “You'd have to drink my blood.” 
“Why're you giving me your blood, then?” 
“You'll die without it.” He pumped something, you now noticed, and realized it was what drew the blood from his veins and drained it into yours. 
Curious. “Were you a man of medicine?” 
He scoffed. “Still am.” He threw you a wary look, one brow raised. “How many more questions are you–” 
“Your name?” That was something you'd requested before, but always through a veil of uncertainty. You didn't like to ask much of him. He didn't ask much of you. But you didn't know him, yet he knew you. 
Your vampire frowned, unapproving. “What difference will it make?” 
“You asked me to fucking marry you,” you bit out. “And yet you keep so many secrets from me, still. I've given you more than I have, and you can't even–” 
“Miguel.” You both paused–him to gauge your reaction, and you out of shock. “Miguel O'hara.” 
The cracks in your chest mended, just slightly. Miguel O'hara. What a name that was. Formidable and wholly suiting the beast of a man you'd known and craved for far too many years. 
“Miguel O'hara,” you whispered, staring tiredly at the red thread connecting the two of you. The name felt good on your tongue. 
Nothing more was said, then. He must've still felt the tension in the air, or maybe the coil of apprehension in your body, for he worked on in silence, quietly saving your life for no reason. 
It was when he pulled free the needle that you found the will to break the silence on your own. 
“Why didn't you tell me?” It came out a pathetic whisper, sounding as broken as your mind felt. 
He paused before pulling the needle from his own arm. “Tell you what?” 
It was a good question. You didn't know what to ask him to elaborate on. You didn't know if you wanted him to elaborate on anything, actually, because it'd make it too real, too tangible. 
“Everything.” And when he stayed silent, you narrowed it down to just, “all of…you.” 
Miguel licked his thumb and stroked it soothingly against the pinprick of a wound while his brows furrowed and his lips twisted into something of a frown. “How could I?” You both watched the tiny dot of red cease weeping. “If you'd moved on and you knew, it could put everything at risk.” 
If I'd moved on. It felt wrong. It felt uncomfortable to know he felt that somewhere between his ribs and his heart. And for how long? How long had he not trusted you? Did he even trust you in that moment, knowing what and who he truly was? Or were you now doomed to this castle just as he was? 
“I'll let you rest,” Miguel said as he clasped his medical case shut and stood. “Lyla'll bring you food.” 
Thump, thump, thump, echoed his footsteps, those fine shoes muffled by old carpet; but the sharp clack, clack, clack in the hollow echoes of your memories, just before the truth revealed itself to you, swallowed up your thoughts.
“(Name),” Miguel said, and your eyes opened to find the tall, proud back of his silhouette stood at the door, one hand clutching the knob. “Don’t leave this room.” 
And he left you there, heart aching, mind melting, soul shattering. 
Solitude reminded you of what else happened. The lads you'd come here with, nothing more than acquaintances, were missing, or perhaps dead. It ate at your mind. Could you have done something different? Could you have convinced him to let them go?
More importantly, would Miguel let you leave? He claimed he wanted to marry you, but words were just words if not put to use with actions. Staying by his side would mean stomaching the fact he'd consume countless other people, wouldn't it? How were you expected to watch your partner(?), your groom-to-be(?), hold and pierce others the way he promised to you and only you?
But could you let him stay here alone, hunted and hated by believers, laughed at by the average skeptic? If you were not here, how many more would walk in on a dare, and meet a terrible end? They didn’t matter, no, but the legend of a vampire would turn more and more true, summoning devil-hunters to his doorstep, stake and flames in-hand.
The thoughts plagued you, filling your head with the terrible buzzing of bees. You couldn't fathom why you cared so much; most of your life you'd lived for your own sake, doing what needed to be done to get by, to have a better tomorrow. You hated other people. A few of them you'd personally buried six feet under, whether they were dead or lived still, and you never batted an eye. You had no patience for those who'd oppose you. 
You would have killed Osborn yourself if O’hara hadn't. And that was the truth. That'd been the truth the whole time, ever since you saw just how expensively he and the others lived; gold dripped from their tongues, silver ran through their veins, diamonds fell from their eyes. You wanted to claim a bit of that for yourself. 
And Miguel had shared his wealth with you, just in exchange for a bit of blood and your body for the night. Surely you could look past what he did to survive, even if it put your heart into a spiral. 
Lost in thought, you found your way to his chambers, freely disobeying his orders
He lounged in a clawfoot bath. Stuffy heat lulled you into a daze, something like a carefree summer evening wherein the sun took too long to vanish. Though when he noticed you approach, shedding clothes the entire way, the heat grew near unbearable.
Miguel's claws creaked against the enamel in anticipation when you stepped into the water. You watched him with the same delicate intrigue as prey investigating something that could be a threat as you found your place between his spread legs, getting close enough to feel the pounding of his undead heart. You'd only seen his body in dim candlelight or withering rays of the moon, never truly illuminated by the glow of floating chandeliers nor the collection of sconces arching from the wall.
Slowly, your fingertips dragged along muscle, warm and firm under your calloused touch. The scars littering your hands and knuckles shone so stark against his perfect complexion. He really did seem too perfect. It would have sparked jealousy in your gut if he didn't apparently belong to you, and you to him. No one else got to touch. No one else got to see. 
Now, you were built finely yourself, but the man before you was something entirely different. You didn't know if it was thanks to his supernatural existence, but his body was built in a near-animalistic way that screamed power and speed, not similar enough to a human. Though, looking back, you did always think his manners in bed were more beast than man. The growling, the clawing, the marks of claim on the nape of your neck, it all clicked and made sense in the whirlwind of your mind. 
“I think a werewolf would suit you better,” you admitted. “What with the claws and biting and general uncouth behaviour.” 
Miguel huffed. “You must be talking about yourself.” His voice rang low and quiet, too aware he might scare off his prized hare if he put too much into his words. “You're the one acting like a rabid animal.” 
“No, you.” 
“Don't think so.” 
“You're difficult.” 
“You're one to talk.” 
“How long have you been like this?” Your fingers combed through his hair, and his eyes fluttered shut. “A vampire. Or whatever you are.” 
“Lost track,” he said, sounding too honest. “I have records. Notes. From experiments. The dates on those are close to when it happened.” Experiments? Colour you intrigued.
“So you weren't exactly practicing white medicine?” You tilted your head in thought. “You were doing something more–” 
“It wasn't black magic,” Miguel scoffed. “It was science. Genetics. Studying how other organisms function, learning about them.” His expression darkened just the slightest bit. “Trying to…recreate them.” 
Your head spun a little trying to fill in the blanks. It wasn’t too hard, but it was hard to accept as reality. But if anyone were to unlock the damned secrets of immortality, of course it'd be this man. This cocky, genius, charming man. God really did have favourites, though they always did seem to disappoint him.
“I see. So you're telling me you're a genius who rebirthed vampires,” you summed up, letting your hands melt down his body, below the water's surface. “How is it you only get more and more impressive, Mr.O'hara?” 
A smug smirk bloomed across his lips. “It's just in my nature.” His head tilted back with a pleased sigh when your touch finally landed on that annoying thing prodding your thigh. “I have no choice but to succeed.” 
“Tch. Americans are so arrogant.” You hummed and leaned in, ghosting kisses along his vulnerable neck while your hand pleased him slowly, teasingly. His talons screeched against the tub again. “But maybe you have reason to be, hm? Given how accomplished you are.” 
A dark, scarlet haze like the sky of the blood moon illuminated Miguel's eyes in the few moments they slipped open to catch a glimpse of you. You wondered if he needed a reality check. Maybe he thought he was hallucinating, maybe he thought that you weren't really there despite being pressed up against him and murmuring useless quips into his skin. You'd be sure to leave an impression on him; your hand quickened, gripping tighter and pulling the way he directed you to far too many years ago, but his barbed hand caught your wrist. 
“Stop,” he gasped. His chest rose and fell with his light panting as he stared you down. Want radiated off of him like an animal starved. You knew what was rattling around in his mind before he even spoke. 
“You want to fuck me, is that it?” 
Miguel's breath hitched. 
You made him ravenous. You were the only thing he wanted to feast on, delicacies and sanguine temptations be damned. 
One of his large hands held your waist in a death grip while his other hand held your head down, forcing your incoherent ramblings into the soft, silken sheets as he rammed you from behind like a beast in heat. You took it well, too, not that you hadn't before–he always held back, appeared to you as human when he fucked you previously. But now that you knew the truth, now that you knew what lay hidden in the dark nooks of his bones’ marrow, he felt complete. And that meant he could completely lay claim to you, too. 
He matched the curve of your back with his chest when he leaned over you, burying his nose into your neck and shoulder to indulge in your scent. Your vampire's desire to breed slowed and steadied into deep, thoughtful rolls of his hips. Perhaps his mind had caught up with him and ushered him to slow down, to abandon some of that reckless excitement. 
Miguel heard the slightest mumble of his name on your lips and leaned down further to touch his own to your cheekbone. One arm looped underneath your throat in a benign chokehold of sorts, while his other hand threaded through your hair–if he wasn't fucking you like an animal before, this makeshift mating lock he had on you sealed the deal. 
“You feel good,” Miguel murmured, voice tickling the shell of your ear. 
“Hah. I, ah, always feel good,” you tried to quip back, but your expression betrayed the fraying threads of whatever self-control you still desperately clung to. “You’re, uh…unhinged, hey?” Miguel scoffed. “Like a…a wild beast.” 
“Oh?” A purr hummed through his chest, piercing your body and rattling through your own lungs in seismic pulses. “A wild beast? Flattering.”
“Really, darling, you don't have to be such a sarcastic asshole when you're–” a hard snap of his hips sent you spiraling for a moment, “--in my ass.” 
“Maybe you should watch your mouth,” he suggested. 
“Maybe you could watch it for me,” you countered. 
The warmth of his laugh sent chills scattering across your skin. He pulled out of you and turned you over, dragging your hips back against him before his powerful body engulfed yours again. Miguel liked this more. He liked the feeling of your hands grabbing and clawing at him, the way your thighs attached to his waist, how you bit your bottom lip while your eyes screwed shut from the overwhelming feeling of your partner destroying you.
And of course, his lips could meet yours like this. The sweet tang of copper and berries, a taste so familiar and so you, was shared between tongues, kept secret in the crevices of teeth. It amazed Miguel how much one little kiss could push him over the edge and make the bed creak and groan with you as he loved on you and made sure to send the message straight to your core. 
Your hands fisted in his hair when you came undone. That lovely voice of yours poured into Miguel's eager mouth, and you tightened, pulling him to the edge and pushing him over with the might of a wild stampede. Claws nipped your skin, fangs pierced deeper, yet his rutting hit deepest, and burned you alive with unbearable, liquid heat.
“Why me?” You asked into the stillness of the room. 
Calm silence answered you for a long moment. The sun bloomed beyond the thick curtains, you noticed in your wait, and you wondered if you would ever miss the sight. England never truly had bright, sunny days from what you recalled; stretches of smokey, grey overcast clouded the skies and your memories more often than not. Could your vampire walk amongst the living like this?
Miguel sighed, leaning into the hand carding through his hair. “Figured you’d understand.” 
“I’d understand what?”
“Killing to survive.” 
“How long have you known?” You wondered, unsurprised. 
“Blood tells stories,” he whispered. Long, dark eyelashes fluttered a moment before crimson eyes peered open the slightest bit. “Your story’s long. Complicated. You’re too young for it.” 
A smile twitched onto your face. You adjusted in the bed, getting more comfortable on your side in those pooling, satin sheets. “So you thought I’d be an easy target for sex, then? Desperate and young as I was.”
He found your eyes, his gaze earnest and bleeding. “I–you–fine, at first it was like you said. Maybe. But after enough time, I decided you weren’t like the rest. You’re as supernatural as I am.”
“Supernaturally handsome? I agree.”
“You didn’t think I’d be afraid of you.”
“I’d hoped as much.” 
“And you still didn’t tell me.” Your fingertips danced along the arch of his cheekbone, leaving pleasant sparks against his skin in their wake, unbeknownst to you. “Were you scared?”
“I’d rather have you as a man for whatever time we had together than to lose you to a beast,” he explained, cryptic as one would expect an old legend to be. “I’ve lost too much already because of…this. Because of me. I didn’t want to lose more.” Miguel’s dark brows furrowed. “If you ended up fearing me to, I–”
You silenced him with a hand over his mouth. “Enough. I understand.” You palm smoothed back up to cup his face. “You needn’t be afraid of me–well, being afraid, I suppose. I’ll stay.” You took a deep breath and leaned in, pressing your forehead to his. “This bed’s too comfortable to give up, after all.”
His breath fanned against your skin as he chuckled, tired and perhaps tinted with disbelief. “Well, you can stay here as long as you want.”
“Brilliant. Would you even let me drink your blood?”
The rumble of a growl, or perhaps a purr, rolled through his chest into yours. You searched his eyes, wondering, hoping, and found mere slices of ruby peeking out from behind eclipsing pupils. 
“We’ll see.”
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kisses4lao · 7 months
kung lao x reader where they are like secretly dating and little by little making it more obvious to everyone??? Like, leaving hickeys, bite marks etc, until they start noticing and pointing it out??? Sorry if its confusing😭
I'm a sucker for a good secret dating romance, I gotchu anon
Tw/cw: gn reader I think??? Idk do correct me if I'm wrong, not really NSFW but mentions of sex, a lot of marking and Kung Lao being a tease, cursing
Not proofread as per usual
You were a really good friend of Johnny's, just so happened to be one of Liu Kangs pupils as well. Although you didn't have super strength like your best friend did, you were highly trained by him.
When everything started going to shit and everyone had to go team up at the request of Liu Kang, you were quick to try and make friends with everyone, making it less awkward for potential missions.
You made quick friends with Kenshi, Tomas, even Raiden. But you had a very odd relationship with Kung Lao. According to Johnny, he'd often times catch Kung Lao, eyes drifting over you, not leaving unless you looked directly at him.
Other times, he'd say Kung Lao would attempt to talk to you, but Johnny could sense by his body language he was nervous.
You couldn't help but admit Kung Lao was attractive. He was exactly your type and everything you wanted in a man. But to his credit, you were nervous as well, not wanting to make small talk either.
That all changed when you two were sent on a mission together, basically just to scout something out or some shit. To be fair, Liu Kang seemed like he was making this mission up on the spot. Almost as if he knew you two had feelings for each other.
When you got to the spot he told you to scout out, it was a waterfall. A fucking waterfall. You both were told to stay there for the entire day, at a waterfall.
Either there was something actually going on or Liu Kang just has a twisted sense of humor when it comes to this sort of thing.
Truth be told, Liu Kang could tell you two liked each other. He could feel the perverted thoughts of each other just bubbling in your minds and decided he couldn't take it anymore. So, he decided to basically send you two on a date. Completed with nice scenery, no one around, and he even gave you guys a basket full of little finger sandwiches. How cute.
The two of you ended up just talking the entire time bonding over such a silly fear you both shared. You both had eventually realized what was going on and why you were sent on this "mission" and decided to make the most of your alone time.
During that "making the most of it", you had taken each others firsts, under the pale moonlight while the sounds of the waterfall next to you drowned everything else out. All you could think about in that moment was each other.
The original plan was to make it so that nobody found out at first. However, Kung Lao had gotten extremely caught up in the moment and ended up leaving hickeys on you in visible places. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
The love bites on your neck and the scratch marks on his back were very evident the day after, however. While you were upset that they were so visible, Kung Lao was more than happy to show off his back to everyone. He even offered another round just to get more.
He assured you that everything was gonna be alright, a few marks isn't gonna kill you and it shows your affection for one another, which is why he loved his scratches so much.
Neither of you thought it would be a good time to say you guys were dating, so you decided to try and keep things on the down low. You did, at least. However, with the hickeys he'd leave on you, it became very hard to come up with excuses on the spot.
When the two of you got back from your little mission, mostly everyone could sense something was different. Raiden was consistently asking Kung Lao why he has scratches on his back because he decided today was the day he'd train shirtless (because of course he would), and Johnny would NOT leave you alone.
Johnny just would not stop asking you where you got the hickeys from, even though he knew the answer. You would always blush from embarrassment when he asked though, eyeing Kung Lao as you did.
When it came to night time, Kung Lao made it a point to sit next to you. This made Johnny sit across from you, which you could tell he wasn't very happy about. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, arms crossed as he watched you and Kung Lao talk like there was no one else at the table.
Mostly everyone picked up on the small touches you'd leave on his arm and the way he'd caress your thigh. The way the both of you were laughing made it seem like you'd known each other for years.
Over the next few days, you'd continue to sleep together. You'd start leaving hickeys on Kung Lao as a lesson, but instead of being upset , he was ecstatic at the way you'd left a mark on him. He'd ask you over and over leave more marks on more visible places.
Practically everyone in your group knew you were together, you'd just stopped hiding it. You'd occasionally climb onto his lap while he was sitting down and watching him train, while he'd give you small kisses and wrap his arms around your waist very often.
Johnny had decided he's had enough with your very obvious mutual pining and asked the question that should've been clear.
"are you two fucking?"
EVERYONE snapped their heads to look at the three of you. Kung Lao has his arms around you and you were hugging into his chest, while Johnny was in front of the both of you with his hands on his hips.
The silence from the both of you was enough for the answer to be known. Raiden and Kenshi let out small disappointed sighs as Johnny scolded you about keeping this from him.
All the whole Liu Kang was internally patting himself on the back for being a good wingman
A/n: if my fics ever become proofread, immediately assume my account has been hacked. You guys ever go over shit you wrote??? That's embarrassing, I'm not doing that.
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i4oba · 3 months
mark as… 💭 / your college friend !? ⊹◞✿
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your first ever lecture being anthropology, out of all options, was pretty much chaotic and a really humbling experience
you kind of felt lost?? with the lecturer throwing in some of his own antics, with a little too much of little pop culture doses
i mean, he was trying??? talking about batman all of a sudden, comparing a pretty much real theory to his logo or something
(not that you didn’t mention that during that really crazy one on one oral exam… BUT STILL?)
now that’s how you got to know mark lee
i mean, not during the exam, waaaay before that – the first lecture, being just as confused as you, he was.. probably trying to look for someone who was taking notes (preferably good ones at that)
and that’s when your eyes met his!
i guess the panic was so evident in the look you gave him, he just.. couldn’t help but laugh loud asf at your CONFUSED face
i mean, if it was the other way round, you would’ve laughed as well, what can i say..
but still, you had to whisper shout at him (which was weird in the middle of the lecture, being literal meter away from each other) ?? telling him to stop the shenanigans or else you’ll throw hANDS!!!????
(you ended up not doing that – you decided his face was too cute… yeah… pathetic…)
anyways… he literally waited !!!!!!! for you not so far from the lecture hall after it was finished and.. he kind of just??? approached you when he saw you exiting, face representing the Thousands of questions you were left behind
i mean, he felt the same kinda–
but anyways, it was quite.. awkward when you two first interacted. he didn’t really know what to say, you couldn’t really respond to him since all he could muster out was
well.. it sounded stupid
(because he was nervoussssss–i mean, who wouldn’t be when they are trying to hit on a pretty girl like you.. DUH?)
he ended up asking for your notes though.. but it was strategic, you know???
you gotta slide into his dms that way!!!!!! so he can try again!!!!!! (a little bit harder maybe idk)
i mean, you agreed but had a suspicious look while nodding, still trying to figure out his intentions
it really wasn’t clear honestly, he seemed so weird at first, and then he was friendly, offering help around the campus, and then suddenly he wanted to chat???
YOU HAD EYES OF COURSE. even at the omnious, freaking awful freshmen camp you couldn’t spot anyone that looked even half as good as him
but still…
he had that kinda “pretty boy next door” type of vibe which you honestly adored–probably that’s why you agreed on going to that party as well, he invited you to
it was silly of you, of course, and you couldn’t not notice the confused looks of your dormmate
you two knew each other for like.. 2 days and she was suddenly acting like your mother
“ughhh… that dude, you know, that johnny fella has that kind of reputation on campus…”
“he’s a compsci major” she said, shrugging
“that’s literally where the fuckboys are at”
you were like What.. are yoU EVEN SAYING LMFAO
(every compsci major dude i’ve ever seen was a loser though… ?)
where she got that information???OUT OF HER ASS????
later on, like two days had to pass at most???? maybe just one and a half??? and she got invited as well–some chenle dude and her went to the same seminar and things just happened
not her opinion changing.. lol
but it was set now that you two are going together! mostly because she knew you don’t have any friends so.. she might as well help you out–that’s the least she can do after you two changed beds
she kind of made you out to be a loser that way.. like WHAT! YOU HAVE Friends… just
having a major on a different campus.. BUT STILL THE SAME SCHOOL!!!
she was always giving you that weirded tf out look whenever you mentioned it. like okay girl, go off, say whateva lol
but she felt the need to accompany you (GOD BLESS HER TBH)
looking all hot and stuff, you two both paid a visit to the house party which was… honestly pretty boring looking at first
like yeah, just a couple of dudes, not hype enough music either
you expected some kind of shitty techno untz untz music like in those german clubs
those are HYPE. or the eastern european clubs’ music.. elite tier i swear
but you got none of that, only a silly and honestly pretty mid ?? spotify playlist
it’s like giving the aux to someone who only listens to tiktok music like BFFR
right before you were about to leave this horrible gathering, you spotted mark, having a really heated conversation with a Damn Tall boy, snapback on both of their heads
they kind of looked like a couple lmfao OR TWINS
you were hesitant whether you should go and greet him but there was no actual reason that could pull you back
since your roommate literally found someone from her sociology 101 lecture and literally vanished from the surface of earth
Leaving you alone, with a horrible mix of vodka and some other shit you would’ve spit out if only there weren’t too many people
so yeah, there wasn’t any other choice you could’ve made, outside of leaving way too early
that’s how you ended up in the conversation with mark (and, later on you found out, johnny, who wasn’t actually that big of a douchebag your roommate had explained)
it was nice honestly, you got a chance to expose some Drama from high school, you got to talk about your arch nemesis (who attends the same college as you) and some other, unimportant stuff
but they were soooo interested it made you feel??Idk special or something
it really isn’t that frequent that you can shittalk and someone wouldn’t shut you up
and that is why you got back to mark every time–he listened. not only the funny bits of your life, he listened to everything you had to say: your life, school and problems with coursework (he even offered to help), and yeah..
lovelife as well.
you got together with someone from the same major as you–jaehyun.
he was funny, and charming, absolutely adorable and such a great lover??? And then… and then yeah
shit happened, like it always does and you were officialy Heartbroken
you couldn’t really handle it, even though it wasn’t your first time
(in high school, you dated one of the jocks and then got surprised he cheated on you like Dude those are infamous player lmfao…)
so the first person you went to was
your roommate! But she was busy as hell with assignments and exams so she kind of.. I mean she tried to help, but half of her attention was on you, and the other half glued to the monitor of her computer, reading stuff for her research paper
so you went to the second choice of yours–mark lee. but you didn’t mention that fact to him.. it would’ve hurted his heart deeply
you two went to the movies after you raged a little, cried a little into his shoulder and begged him to punch jaehyun in the face
he figured you should focus on something fun, instead of the self deprecating shit you’ve been on lately
and he was Absolutely Fully (ahah!) Truly right
you bought a ticket to the first movie you two saw, not even paying attention what it actually was
(it was a damn horror movie which was So Fucking scary you BOTH were left trembling from fear… pus-)
he used this fact for his own good… he invited you over… to his dorm… since his roommate went home for the weekend…
and the funniest thing is that you agreed, hurriedly messaging your friend, telling her not to wait for you, then ignoring ALL of her furiously typed down responses and calls even
she needed to focus ANYWAYS
so that’s how you ended up in mark’s dorm room… Yeah, yeah yeah
some might say it’s pathetic, some might say you’re dumb as Hell but what could you doooooo
he was looking at you with that extra adorable puppy look on his face… how could you resist
there was no way you could say no, it would’ve been heartless ????????
and you know what would’ve been even MORE heartless?????? Not giving a kiss on his beautiful lips that were literally SCREAMING for yours
It may or may not have been a bad choice but you couldn’t care less… suddenly you felt at ease, kissing him vigorously over and over again
soft hair between your fingers, his breath on your lips and sparkling eyes looking at you
maybe… maybe he was more?? Than a friend
(your roommate was about to slap you right then and there when you told her about the story though…)
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Hey hey! I was wondering if you could do the greasers with a hyperfeminine reader? 🫶🏽
Sureeeeeee pookie
The Gang x Hyperfem! Reader
(Tried to find accurate pics but there’s like none on friggin google- ps I could only find pink but hyperfem doesn’t necessarily mean always pink! And Hyperfem can be an umbrella term for many aesthetics (Lolita, coquette, old money, etc. that help you embrace a youthful look and femininity!)
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Ponyboy Curtis
-he sees you sitting under a tree, studying one day
-and he’s like Whoa
-the background is fitting, it’s just begun spring and all the flowers are blooming around you
-quite fitting indeed for your flowy dress with light pastel heels
-he really loves your style
-and loves that you embrace your femininity
-he would try to get you things that he thinks you would like
-he smiles when he sees a pretty fabric that reminds him of you 😊
-he compares you to a lot of similar women he sees on screen with similar style (Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, etc. maybe not time period accurate but whateverrr)
-“Hey uh Y/n! I saw one of those girls that dressed like you in the movie the other day!”
-absolutely draws you
Johnny Cade
-he thinks you’re stunning
-he really loves your style and how it stands out from most people
-I think fashion wise you two contrast pretty well with you wearing more lacy things and him wearing a jean jacket
-just an aesthetically pleasing couple tbh
-he calls you things like “lovely��� “love” “princess”
Sodapop Curtis
-he also adores your style
-you two fit like a key and lock
-I think for even his time period sodapop is the most embracing of his own femininity
-and he loves that you can appreciate yours
-he would let you doll him up for fun
-like putting lace or bows in his jeans and hair
-he shrugs it off whenever the other greasers give him shit for it
-he’s simply above their opinions
Darry Curtis
-he’s stunned when he sees you
-you look as graceful as a swan
-his illusion is quickly destroyed whenever you fall on a rock, right in front of him
-and before you fall he quickly catches you
-and you awkwardly get up, uttering a small thank you with an embarrassed smile
-which he thinks is adorable
-I love you guys yall are such perfect husband and wife vibes
-he loves your outfits and you both are such opposites fashion wise
-💀he throws on whatever is clean
-while you spend thirty minutes deciding what to wear
Dallas Winston
-oh, he hasn’t seen a broad like you since New York
-he thinks you’re amazing
-all dolled up
-you two definitely met when he was catcalling you on the street (why is it always Dallas 💀😭)
-and you know walked up to him, in pretty neat strides despite your heels
-and gave him a hard slap (poor dal I always make y/n slap him)
-(cuz he needs it)
-but anyway he’s kinda like whoa… you’re feisty. Don’t worry, I like that. (bc he would say that 😭)
-and you would roll your eyes at him, giving him a polite hand gesture
-before storming away in your heels
-I don’t even know how he’d manage to date you it would take months of effort
-but once you both are dating you’re pretty cute together, and you try to make him less of an asshole
-(which idk what voodoo you pulled out to make that happen but it eventually works a little)
Two Bit Mathews
-when he sees you his jaw drops to the ground
-he really loves your style
-he touches the lace and various things a lot in admiration
-he shoplifts things for you that he thinks you’ll like
-“Aw, Two! This is so nice! But, where’d ya get it?”
-“Y’know…. Don’t worry ‘bout it, y/n.”
-he makes jokes but their kinda more just about admiring your outfits
-he’s really proud of you
- drinks less when you both are a couple
Steve Randle
-he pretends to not be super impressed and amazed at your style whenever you walk into the gas station
-but he totally is and talks to Sodapop about you way too much
-“Hey, but, did you see that one chick, y/n? With all the pretty clothes and stuff?”
-sodapop makes him talk to you next time you’re at the DX
-you actually think he’s pretty cool and you two hit it off really well
-even if you both have different styles and hobbies you both love learning about eachother
-he remembers all the small things, what perfume you like, what lipgloss is your favorite brand, etc.
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restinslices · 5 months
We going fluffy for a lil? YAY! Can I request EarthRealm guys being dads for the first time?
This is longer than what the Earthrealm guys typically get. Usually they all get around 200 words because writing for them takes longer because it’s 5, but this was so cute I got carried away and they all got around 400-500 words😀
Johnny Cage
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A mini Cage? Are you serious? 
Can I be honest with y'all? I think this kid would be an accident 
Because of that he'd be nervous. Johnny has a huge ego but he also has huge debt and a dwindling career so he'd be worried about how he'd even take care of this child 
He'd work extremely hard to get more money. He'd even sell his house to get a smaller one that's more affordable (that's how you know he's serious)
He covers his nervousness with humor. This is a whole human he's gonna be raising now
The closer the delivery date gets, the more nervous he gets. His partner moves a little weird and he's “IT'S COMING!”
Calm down Johnny. Damn. 
The entire delivery he's jumpy as fuck. He didn't realize how long it'd take and his nerves are through the roof 
Does Johnny have a huge ego? Yes. Is he an asshole? Yes. Does he make everything a joke? Yes. But this is different. There's a human that's relying on him to survive 
Everytime he looks at the baby he's like “oh shit, I got a baby”
Baby accidents actually make him cringe. His baby vomits on him and he has to physically stop himself from throwing it 
Johnny as a girl dad? Omg. 
That's his little princess. Any money he makes goes to her. She has so many unnecessary toys and he dresses her like an actual princess 
The baby got its own room from jump 
He'll never be against a tea party or a makeover 
During those makeovers he's giving pointers. “Don't use that color, it'll clash with my hair” type of shit 
Be prepared. No matter how hard you try, this kid is becoming a mini Johnny 
He tries to be really active in her life when he's not acting 
Has debated on retiring but you need money so that's not happening 
You'd think he'd want his kid to become an actor but he knows that shit is not safe so absolutely not 
He makes little films with her though. Really cute shit he'll rewatch when she's older 
Time to him goes by so fast. He feels like he blinked and suddenly she was 18 
He's the dad that gets emotional at her graduation. Straight sobbing as she walks the stage
“I'm a cool dad” *puts on shades*
Ok Johnny 
His ability to not take shit serious doesn’t entirely disappear. He’s the parent the child wants the principal to call when in trouble
Little fashion shows? Absolutely
His kid is so spoiled, it's ridiculous. Even if he didn't want a child, he loves them with every part of him 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Another accident baby-
He's trying to fix this whole clan situation so a baby is not something he was thinking of
So when he's told he's gonna have a baby his heart stops for a quick second 
Being terrified is a normal reaction and trust me, he's terrified 
He doesn't know how to be a dad at all and videos aren't helping 
I know I mention this whole on the run from the Yakuza thing a lot but that's a big ass problem. How do you have a baby when mfs are gunning for you?
Why does he agree to keep it? I ain't think that far but anywho, it's too late now. Too far along-
He tries to prepare himself by looking up videos and reading books. He wants to be an amazing dad for his baby 
We don't know how his parents were but I'm assuming his childhood wasn't the best
He promised himself that he's gonna care for this baby and give it a fantastic childhood 
Idk how his vision works now tbh. I'm assuming he can always see so I'm guessing that's not a problem 
Once the baby is here he's all over it. You'd think he gave birth with how much he's playing with it 
I wanna make all of them girl dads tbh and I'm the one writing this soooooo that's what imma do-
Kenshi is making sure everyone is comfortable. His partner and the baby. He's gonna help anyway he can
Having a tiny human depend on him is definitely a wild concept to him
He wants to teach his daughter how to fight but he doesn't want to make her a monster if that makes sense 
He wants to make sure she never uses her skills to harm others for no reason and because of that, any school reports about violence is taken seriously 
Let that school call him and he's asking 20 questions tryna see who the aggressor was. If his daughter was being harassed and she defended herself  then as long as someone wasn't seriously hurt then it's ok. If his daughter was the aggressor? Oh nah
Kenshi is not afraid to lecture and discipline (I don't mean whooping. Whether or not you think any of them would is up to you. I'm not getting into that. Be free) his daughter 
His kid is never walking all over him. He don't let them slide with shit 
He's harsh but it's in a loving way. He's not on her ass for no reason. He wants her to conduct herself well and to be a good person and better than the people he's been surrounded by. He carries this out by being a bit more harsh and strict than he needs to be
That teenage rebellion phase is gonna kick his ass. Omg
He's strict but I don't think he'd be unsafe for his daughter to go to, yk? His daughter knows she can go to him if she needs anything 
If she felt like she couldn't tell him something, his poor little heart would break
I don't think he'd ever take his bandana off around them. Idk how the healing would work but I could imagine it'd still look brutal 
So protective of her. Let someone move towards her a little quick, he's on his feet before he even realizes it 
He doubts his parenting at time and how safe he can keep her but he's doing a really solid job 
Kung Lao
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Idk whether or not his baby would be an accident or not 
Either way, Kung Lao has a huge ego and he'd assume it can't be that bad 
He definitely can figure all this out as he goes along. It'll be easy. Nothing to worry about 
He wishes he could go back in time and smack himself for being so stupid 
At first it's fine, then he remembers he has to consistently deal with a baby and he's like “I may have miscalculated”
Why do babies shit so much? They're so small. 
Terrible Twos have him stressed 
When the baby's teething he slowly starts to lose his grasp on reality. All the yelling drives him nuts but he's locked in now 
He tries to use his baby as a challenge to keep him motivated but honestly babe, you're never winning that challenge. Babies are unpredictable 
He has to learn that. Babies are a learning experience and you can't try to use them as some great challenge. Just relax and take things one at a time 
He also teaches his baby how to fight 
Makes them a mini hat but puts something non sharp on the edges, like crayons or something 
Some may think “oh a daughter! She has to be feminine and sweet and blahblahblah!”
Nah, that's now how it works with him
His daughter is learning some Leon Kennedy moves 
After what he's been through he's definitely teaching them how to fight because conflict will always happen. You're never catching his daughter slipping 
The dad that asks “did you win?” if his child gets in trouble for fighting at school 
Let's his child watch scary movies 
He's never doing that bullshit again. She was up all night and he's never regretted anything more 
The type to “randomly” decide to sharpen his hat when his daughter brings a boy over 
“What are you doing dad?” “I'm sharpening my sharp hat that's sharp enough to cut through humans… because it's so sharp”
Puts “The Great” in front of her name whenever describing her 
His daughter probably has a huge ego also. This dude does not teach her to be humble and compliments her when she does anything 
You think a mini Johnny is bad? Mini Kung Lao gives them a run for their money. 
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I feel like Raiden would have kids when he's older. Idk why but I think he'd be way more careful than everyone else 
So when he hears he's having a baby, he's both nervous and excited 
He's on it. Decorating the nursery, reading books, looking at websites, he's on it all. 
He wants to be prepared so he doesn't mess up 
Messing up is inevitable but don't tell him that 
Once the baby is here, he's super happy. The room is already decorated and he's so glad they can lay in there 
Super affectionate towards his baby. Constantly kissing her head and playing with her 
If any of the other Earthrealm men have a baby, he insists on playdates 
Even if they don't, he plays with his daughter enough 
The type to actually make his voice higher when playing with dolls
Gives his kid cute nicknames that they'll undoubtedly get embarrassed by when they're older 
Are we surprised he also teaches his daughter to fight? No. 
He was minding his business and was told he had to help protect Earthrealm. His kid gotta know how to scrap 
He keeps a good balance of combat and normal childhood so it's fine 
He does little lightning shows for his kid. Is it irresponsible? A little. Is Liu Kang gonna take it back though? No. 
Raises a daughter similar to him; soft spoken and sweet but is willing to throw down when necessary 
He's the parent that genuinely hears his kid out when they get in trouble 
Since this is his first kid he's new to all of this so making mistakes is something that'll happen. Good thing about Raiden tho is that he's willing to apologize when family conflict happens 
He takes so many pictures, it's ridiculous 
Takes pictures the entire first week of school and is spamming Kung Lao with them
He's really invested in child drama ngl. A kid threw a book at another kid? Tell him more so he can gossip with Kung Lao
Discipline is difficult for him because he honestly doesn't know what to do. He's worried he's being too harsh and doesn't wanna push his kid away. It's common knowledge that they'll grow up, move away and he won't see her as much so he doesn't want to push them away and lose them earlier than necessary 
Kids need some sort of discipline though so he gotta figure it out 
When his daughter no longer needs him to check the closet for monsters, his heart might shatter a little bit ngl 
He's taking it one step at a time and honestly? He's doing really good 
Liu Kang
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Probably didn't even know he could have kids
He just assumed a keeper of time was outta the game so wdym a baby is on the way?
Liu Kang has watched humans evolve so he's watched plenty of parents raise their babies so he has a lot of references 
He's not as nervous as everyone else. Like I said before, he has plenty of references of what to and what not to do so he's pretty confident in his abilities 
He's only nervous about the threats they'll face once they're alive. Man is used to fighting for his life 
Decorates the nursery and child proofs the entire house 
Makes sure his partner is incredibly comfortable. He wants them completely relaxed 
He packs the bag for when the delivery happens, he doesn't leave the room unless necessary, he's really supportive. 
Once the baby is here he's lowkey hogging the baby 
Thinks his partner should be relaxing after so the baby is always in his arms 
This baby to him is the most precious thing he's ever seen. Having a family is something he really wants so he's on cloud 9
Watching over his kid to see if they get any powers like him, which is likely 
Liu Kang has a good balance between discipline and softness. He's not super strict but he doesn't just let them get away with anything 
Imma sound like a broken record but his daughter is scraping. This is Liu Kang we're talking about 
His daughter is gonna become Gamora-
Fighting skills will be impeccable. Say excuse me if you bump into her or she's going 2 back flips, lighting her body on fire and blowing the area up 
He wants to spend so much time with his daughter. He knows how fast time flies. He's seen humans not appreciate each other and that's not happening with him. His daughter will know she's loved 
He has references like I said earlier but that doesn't mean it's the easiest to do. He tries his hardest though and is probably the most patient
He's more excited for the firsts than they are. This is not your first day of school Liu Kang, why are you so geeked?
Tons of photos of his baby 
Other dads can be really stressed when it comes to their kid growing up but I think he's more accepting of it. Is it sad seeing his baby grow up? Yes. He's used to the idea of aging though. Also his kid is immortal like him so he's comforted by the idea of them never growing older than him 
Liu Kang is a parent that is 100% ok with admitting when he's wrong. There's no toxic shit with him. If he fucked up, he fucked up. 
Probably has the most or one of the most humble kids 
Very affectionate 
Probably wants more kids 
10/10 dad and imma stand on it
“Forgive me Kenshi. I misspoke.” Liar.
I always ramble at the end of these so here I go: y’all I am out of dry dog food and I’m broke so I can’t pay my sister to get food from her job so I’ve been feeding my dog wet food, right. It is 3am, so naturally we’re not on a walk rn. Why did she drop the most devastating shit? I actually wanna walk into traffic. I did not know it could be audible. She didn’t even eat anything before she did it. Donate to $JMentallyUnstable for my cause😔 (I’m joking but not about my suffering. She’s small. HOW is a felony coming outta you bro?) (If I find a tall building-)
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blackraged · 9 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Thoughts Pt1.
[❌❌contains SPOILERS❌❌]
I've been waiting for this for such a long time and we finally got it. Now with MK1 being practically a full reboot, A LOT of changes are to follow. So here are my current thoughts in order how the story went:
Chapter 1
Kung Lao and Raiden being practically brothers is my fave thing in the world.
Half of the MK1 boys are full on babygirl and honestly? I love that for them. Except for Shang Tsung because that feels very much illegal.
That last scene with Madam Bo felt like a fcking fever dream.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN KUAI LIANG IS SCORPION? WHAT THE FCK DO YOU MEAN?? WHERE IS HANZO?? That feels very wrong. Only Hanzo is allowed to say "gET OVER HERE" that is HIS iconic line. I'm not sure if I like this change.
I KNEW the boys were pulling their punches. I KNEW IT. The entire fight felt so awkward and staged. For a short moment I legit thought NRS pushed down on their fighting animation.
Chapter 2
Sooo...Johnny is a failed Actor now? What happened to the glamour? That's not very Cage behavior.
Okay but I love love LOVED Liu Kang literally showing up in front at Johnny's Door all serious, and Johnny being Johnny.
What made NRS choose to paint Kenshi as a former Yakuza?? I mean the idea isn't too bad, because it would make sense for him to be searching for Sento to free his family. But I still prefer his revenge timeline more. Hell, even him being a cocky arse warrior trying to fight anyone and everyone made more sense.
Chapter 3
Idk why but I half expected Kano to show up in this chapter. The trailers made it look like he was at the Wu Shi academy
Liu Kang practically pathed the way for human Raiden to be champion and it shows. I'd like to think it's out of respect for former God Raiden from before, who practically raised Liu Kang and was a father figure to him.
General Shao is so fine, I can't. He was hot before, but now he's so....so..... y'know?
Liu Kang really wanted to give Kitana the loving Fam she deserved qwq
Everyone is so mean to Li Mei :(( I feel so bad for her
Reiko tho😳😳😳
Raiden has a cruuush~ Raiden has a cruuush~ unexpected but cute. I wonder what Liu Kang thinks about this.
Chapter 4
Johnny and Sonya are forever iconic...but Johnny and Kenshi? I didn't know I needed it until I had it. Their bickering is GOLD. They're so married.
Wealthy merchant Baraka???
Props to Quan Chis new look. He looks like a clown escaped asylum. Very uncanny.
Are they...are they trying to redeem Shang Tsung? No,that would be way too obvious. Plus that intro scene with Krusty Kronika makes it super sus.
Called it.
Chapter 5
KENSHIS BLINDFOLD WAS PART OF JOHNNYS ARMOR. Y'all NRS knew what they were doing. I am eating this up
I adore Reptiles human form. Very baby girl, very cute.
So if Tarkat is transmitted via physical contact, wouldn't that mean that the guys would have it too when they fought the prisoners in this chapter? You even see Johnny react in Chapter 4 to that fact when Baraka told them. Could it be that it's not infectious since they're clones/experiments?
So help me out here... Baraka is strong enough to rip the cages open that seem to be made of the same metal as their cell door, but failed to open that? Plot, I know, but c'mon.
REPTILE IS EVEN MORE BABY OMGGGGG. Pls let me hold him,, poor baby boy,, his sadness is literally tugging at my heart strings.
I love how honorable Baraka is. This is great character improvement. For a beast (visually) to be showing mercy. It's like he accepts who he is now but still holds onto that human (edenian) side of him.
Stopping here for tonight, but will continue tomorrow. So far it's going great but I have a hard time remembering which of some stories in this timeline are kept the same as from the previous timeline.
I'm still pleasantly overwhelmed by the amount if babygirls.
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ariamadd1228 · 2 years
Ponyboy Head Canons <3
He is way too underrated so here's some hcs
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He is so in love with you
like the moment you showed even the slightest of interest he was head of heels
Asks you out while you guys were studying at the library
you said yes obvi like who wouldn't
He takes you to watch the sunset and have a picnic (omfg ahhh😍)
so sweet and polite and sooooooo nervous oml
after he walks you home and you kiss him on the cheek
his face turned TOMATO RED
like oh my god sooooooo flustered
on the way home he replayed the moment like 100 times
told johnny (and maybe soda idk) EVERYTHING
Def asked you out again
prob the drive in movies
when y'all started officially 'dating' he would always leave you notes in your locker and give them in class <3
things like "You look pretty today love" (or just you look pretty today, depends on how far along the relationship is) or "Hello sunshine is great to see you :)
he said 'I love you' first.
def writes poems about you
He LOVES when you play with his hair
like you will be reading under a tree watching the sunset and he will have his head in your lap so you'll play with his hair (he knows that when he sits with his head in your lap you absentmindedly play with his hair)
He especially likes when he just washed the grease and gel out so you compliment him on how soft it feels.
reads to you all the time and loves when you get super into the book
"No Pony please keep reading I wanna know what happens!"
"Alright fine" (Huge smile omfg)
You call him 'cutie' or 'love'
Whenever you call him cute he will turn so red and smile, even after months of dating.
he will you call you 'love/lovely' or 'sunshine', sunshine because he loves sunsets.
You guys call each other 'love' or 'lovely'
Absolutely hates it when you cry, he will start tearing up too
"Oh no y/n whats the matter please dont cry you're breaking my heart here sunshine"
!TW! (Y/n) "I just had a bad day is all, my dad is drunk again and this time its really bad"
(pony) "oh love come here" *he hugs you* "you can just stay at my house if you want, Darry and Soda wont mind."
Rocks back and forth in that hug until you stop crying
The most gentle person ever oml so sweet
Anyway thats all for now hope you liked it!!!
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babiebom · 4 months
Ranking my Mechat Matches Based on how much I Like Them(currently)
A/N: this isn’t to be mean or say I hate them or anything lmao it’s just for fun since I don’t see many Mechat posts on here and I wanna post something to make it obvious that I will write for them? Might be ooc for the writings but I try my best!!
Tw: cursing, some sexual mentions, maybe a little bit of bullying(affectionate and derogatory maybe), SPOILERS (maybe)
BC: at least 5 for each
Mechat Masterlist
First the guys since I am actually attracted to them:
1)Tamura Blood
Literal love of my life I’m always thinking about him
Like it’s not even like exaggerating when I say he’s taken over 90 percent of my daydreams
Like I was never really into the whole mafia romance thing before
But I genuinely want this man to be happy
Like I know he’s a character but I want him to be happy and if I have to write a million fics just to make it true for him I will
Like he actually cares even if he doesn’t show or say it and while I usually hate it he’s just so….
Idk how to explain it
He was my first match and when I first finished his story before they updated it twice I actually was VERY upset and checked on it every day to see if it would ever be updated
Idk what happens next because I’m playing through the updates now but
If me and him don’t get a happy ending I’m going to have a breakdown
I need a happy ending with him <3
The cheek kiss is the last thing I saw and I’m so mad he cheek kissed instead of lip kissed
Slow burn isn’t usually my favorite to read so this is actually killing me
But I literally look forward to his messages every day.
2)Yasuda Hitoshi
Honestly he annoyed me at first and I found it fun to mess with him
But he grew on me
Like even before him and me(the character obviously) started getting along he started to slowly work his way up on my list
And now that we’re getting married and he has told me about the monsters or whatever that he had to save me from
He’s super sweet even if he’s still sorta a big meanie
I think it’s cute
Like YES I love the guy who is mean to everyone but me trope
Like yeah he’s not mean but he isn’t really outgoing or nice with other people
Like he jokes and is cute and UGH
And the way he actually stands up to his parents for you is literally swoon worthy
3)Johnny Roe
Honestly I think I skipped him the first couple times he popped up as a match
And then when I saw everyone talking about him I thought it was like
…..everyone was over hyping him
But then I got him as a match again
So I matched with him
And he’s actually so cute
And his storyline is cute
And he’s like one of my favorites (obviously seeing as he’s number three)
I now understand the hype surrounding him because I would actually kill someone for this man
And I want to fight the mother so bad
It makes me upset how he’s always like “she’s still my mom”
Like yeah but she literally ABUSED YOU?????
Like I understand completely and I know it would be hard to just turn off loving her for him
I want permission to throw hands
And honestly not to trauma dump my mom is the same way
Like she’s not abusive but she was abused by our family when she was a kid(including my grandmother)
And she’s so fiercely protective of her and like I love my grandmother but UGH I have like a place of resentment in my heart for her because e my mom didn’t deserve any of the bad things that has happened to her
So I know firsthand what it’s like to have a parent somewhat like Johnny(my mom doesn’t have agoraphobia)
I guess that’s why I’m super fond of him? Because he’s familiar in a way to me
I just want him to be happy :(
4)Optimo Lynx
I got a crush on him slowly
Like at first I was MEH about him
But then he was a cute nerd who is studying to be a….doctor(????? I forgor sorry)
AND on the other hand he’s a superhero who has literally saved me twice
Like actually I love him
Very smart and cares about people
Like actually HE SAVES LIVES
Like ?????? It’s sad that the public can’t know his identity bc the government will be mad
And the fact I think he would hate that
But he deserves to be paid for saving people the way that he does
And studying on top of that
Like I wouldn’t be able to IMPRESSIVE MAN
wanna give him kisses
I don’t think I’ve EVER mentioned this on my blog
But black hair blue eyes combo is my favorite
So actually he’s my dream man
I wanna give him more kisses!!!!
And maybe suck his dick if he lets me
5)Zander Echo
When I first started his storyline I only wanted to get him to like me bc he hated me
Like Oh? You hate me? You won’t after I follow this simple plan
But then he started growing on me because he calls me his little snack
And I know he means it in a cannibalistic way but it’s hot so oh well
Then he actually started caring about me kinda
And showed me the ocean in a way that didn’t terrify me (I’m afraid of the ocean)
Like actually while this is lowkey my worst nightmare
I can breathe underwater and I’m not dying or anything so it’s less scary
But I’m still scared of the ocean
It he has a castle that I live in so it’s FINE
Literally would help me get over my fear if he wouldn’t eat me
Also I wish I could give him smooches
6)Azur Blackshade
Ghost man ghost man grim reaper ghost man
Hot hot man
Actually so interesting
And sad
I wanna know how he works
Like I wanna pick at his mind
Honestly ghost types aren’t my favorite monster types but UGH
He makes me wanna write a fanfic of a ghost love interest or something
Really really like him
7)Jozef Chrobak
He was my number one for a HOT WHILE
like I think he’s so hot
And his art style is attractive
Like he’s a VERY good looking man
I do like making people like me
And the fact that he was so against love in the beginning made it more fun
And then the ex appeared and pissed me off
But we ended up together
The only reason he’s this low is because I stopped playing his route bc my own character was pissing me off
Like she’s such a bitch
Like omg he’s romantic now I hate it
Are you a dumb ass hoe or what?
I liked the poly aspect and he was VERY cute
And I’m pretty sure he was a nurse or doctor or the person in an ambulance and I find that super attractive
Like YES save lives papi!!!!!!!!!
And for the most part I liked the story
I could see myself having a crush on him irl
Sweet sweet man
I don’t remember much else since I finished it MONTHS ago
To start off Felix and Brook are pretty much equal
Like it’s a poly relationship and I like them pretty much the same
They’re both sweet men and they’re both attractive
Even though I hated that they all abandoned me
I do think it’s attractive that they all took time to better themselves and their relationship
Like it takes a lot to realize when to step back because the situation you’re in isn’t a good one or might lead to you resenting someone
They were cool
And he was a model so obviously he was hot
Love them
10)Vile Darko
Actually insane?
I like him a lot simply because he seems psychotic
Like WHO makes someone go through insane things for money or whatever
Like actually a clown and it’s attractive
Even though I’m scared of clowns
He makes it hot AND scary
Like I’m genuinely fearing for my life (in game) but I’m also like yeah if he kills me it’s fine bc he has to touch me to do that :)
11)Enzo Gomez
I was SHOOK when I realized he wasn’t just a dog man
Like he’s an actual human that was cursed
He’s a werewolf but Doberman style
His human form is attractive
And don’t kill me but the dog form is somehow attractive(maybe it’s the teeth? Idk)
And his story is kinda sad
Well sad in that he is cursed
I’m pretty sure he was a horrible person and that’s why he was cursed
And I’m glad he has become a better person because of it
12)Lan Ying
He was up at the top before I finished his story a while ago
And now he’s back but I’m not as crazy about him because I’m crazy about tamura so I haven’t played his update yet
But I do LOVE him
Like actually a dom that isn’t an asshole
And I do like shibari and he’s nice
I hate that he ties other people up though
Like mine and only mine?
Seems like a very level headed guy and that’s very attractive
Probably one of the least toxic in this list ngl
13)Eichi Hirano
I’ve never really been crazy about him
Like even though I’m a hyper sexual person his is ONLY sex and sometimes him having trouble with his hotels or whatever
So I wasn’t really interested in him
In still not all that interested :/
He’s cute though
And obviously the sex is good for my character so I guess
I do think he’s kinda nice though, so I do like him
I think he is the SWEETEST guy in an unfortunate position
Because his sister is manipulating him into being basically a scammer and he doesn’t wanna do it
But she gets pissy with him if he refuses
And while I know he could take himself out of that situation
It’s hard with siblings that you wanna keep in your life or whatever
Especially because they’re twins
My only problem with him is that he doesn’t have much of a spine
Like I would like him to stand up to her
But like he’s sweet and I hope the rest of the storyline is good. I kinda stopped playing it
It’s like only two dates that they have?
I don’t feel like wasting diamonds on them right now lmao
I think he’s hot
But in reality I would hate him
I hate playing truth or dare bc it makes me anxious and I can never think of anything
also he knows exactly how he’s making those people suffer and acts like he doesn’t
Actually manipulative
And everything is a game to him UGH
It just annoys me
The sex was cool though
And he is kinda interesting
But like the whole four horsemen thing is an ewie to me
16)Ezra Michelle
I do actually really like Ezra
But I hate the fact that I can’t romance him
I wanna romance the pastor man
I wanna give him smooches but NAUR he’s dedicated his life to the lord
Also he’s cool for a pastor
Obviously they weren’t gonna put a total asshole extreme Christian person in the game
But I do think the way he’s written is very Joseph dream daddy coded but cooler and less shitty
Like Joseph was a shitty man
But Ezra is really cool so far
He’s only this low bc I stopped playing bc I was sad I couldn’t marry him and went after people I could romance instead
He wasn’t really there in the storyline
Like dare was the main character I guess out of the four
Drink and dance barely showed up
But I liked him
And I think his super power of making drinks is cool
Because I hate alcohol and how it tasted I think he would be really dangerous for me if he can make a drink that doesn’t taste like ass
And was kinda nice when we finally got to talk to him
But otherwise he wasn’t really there oof
He was more there than drink and dance but he annoyed me
Literal definition of influencer
I was ANNOYED the entire time I had to talk to him
Like his only personality trait is social media
And yeah granted his name is social
But the others were much more interesting than him
His only good trait is that he’s hot and could probably make me famous if I wanted him to
19)Joon Hwang
I don’t remember him oof
I think I liked him a little bittle but I don’t remember anything about who he is or his storyline so eh
20)Seong On
Like Joon I have no idea who this guy is even though I know I did play through some of his storyline
I have nothing to say about him yikes
Now onto the women since I did match with them!!(my storyline beliefs might be wrong because I speed through them for gems)
1)Naya Honoka
Like actually I was like OOOH a cute nurse when we first started talking
Then as time went on I was like oof she has no time to herself but she’s so nice and cute
And it was just the right amount of spicy that I was like yeah this is KINDA realistic
Then it went into a whole hostage witness protection thing
And I was like HUH
My character in this pissed me off
Bc why when she says HEY don’t say my name call me Hannah instead
My character says Naya 400999 times like MAAM
Anyways she’s so sweet and deserves love and I want her to be happy and get more breaks from working
Only thing I currently don’t like is how she literally is spending our honeymoon being a nurse
But also irl I would be okay with that bc that means I can be alone for some of the day so oof
2)Eiko Suzuki
I like her more now than I did in the beginning
In the beginning she was kinda annoying
But now I’m like OKAY she deserves the WORLD
Like not because she’s a kitsune but like she is SO PRETTY
And I do like that she’s a family girl
I do think it’s weird that she was like “I don’t want anything serious”
But wanted us to help her with everything
Like I think at this point we’re something more but they haven’t made it official
Which bothers me bc I need to know I’m the only one
And her storyline is also insane
Like WTF your ex boyfriend ruined your life and is BACK to ruin it even more
AND your family can turn into cute ass foxes and you didnt use that to your advantage and KILL HIM?
Literally just maul him as a fox and be like
OH NAUR my bf got mauled by a wild animal I wonder how this could’ve happened?!!!!!!!!!
I do think she’s cool though even though we have to help her with everything and she doesn’t think things through sometimes
I also think it’s funny that since I’m not spending diamonds on her choices that my character is a complete asshole
Like she left her to die LMAO
3)Lexi Rose
like actually her being an otaku is so cute
And I’m pretty sure she got a tv show opportunity at some point I don’t remember
Like I’m proud of her
Sad that she feels like her true self isn’t very cool
Bc I really like her
She seems sweet and cool and her interests are ones that I like
Like I might not be the biggest anime fan
But I would watch several with her as dates
Like we do not have to leave the house lets snack and you can tell me all the attack on titan lore.
4)River Morales
would’ve been number one had I played her recently
But I haven’t played her for WEEKS
so she went down as I lowkey forgot about her
Honestly she was cool and I love that she’s an artist
And I do like the poly dynamic
And the fact that she was REALLY honest about her feelings towards the end
Hate that they kinda abandoned me
But I do like her a lot
Super sweet girl
I think she was sorta insecure in her storyline and I hate that for her
5)Reko Lamarr
Dommy mommy dommy mommy
She’s kinda a bitch
And as a dom I feel like she’s pretty……
Like I feel like she should just be a bratty sub or something
Maybe it’s bc I prefer service doms?
But she’s like serve ME worship ME
instead of being a cute dom?
Like MAAM tell me what to do but love on me too
She’s cool tho
Like LOVE a business woman
Get that money queen
She’s VERY stressed
And actually kinda hot when she spanks us
Just wish she was more service-y instead of demand-y
I want to be babied pls
6)Alice Young
She’s okay I guess
I’m not really into sports
And I just started her storyline
And I kinda find the sports thing annoying
Maybe it’s bc I’m not…enthusiastic? Driven about sports that I’m like????
Just FIRE HIM??????
He’s a coach not your dad
Hire someone that cares about your mental health as well as you winning
Like girl just say that you wanna just be friends until you’re done with your tournament or whatever
Like why even join Mechat if you have a whole sports thing you wanna win
Like focus on that THEN join dating apps?
Other than that she’s pretty and cool
And I think her being athletic is attractive
She’s not that bad at all
But we hardly have content of her?
Like we barely see her during the storyline
So she’s okay I guess
Likes to dance and so do I
The only downside is that she’s part of the four horsemen
The upside is that I found the dancing plague in France to be funny and as soon as I saw this party was like that I cackled
But also not really funny in theory
Also kinda dislike her bc she thought the people were having fun when she knew they weren’t
I think she would be fun to be around in small doses.
8)Eura Alabaster
I actually HATE her
Like overconfident people don’t really bother me
It’s just SOMETHING about her that pisses me off
Like the way she is makes me want to beat her to death with my fists
Like she’s annoying and overconfident and stupid
AND she kidnapped me
Granted I’m not against someone kidnapping me(in the fictional world)
I HATE boats
I hate the ocean
I think that’s why I hate her so much
The fact that it’s the ocean we’re dealing with
And she’s triggering my irrational fear of the Bermuda Triangle
So it’s stressing me out
I just hate her
I haven’t finished their storyline so if she turns out fine later sorry
But right now
I hate her and how she treats Rei
Like she’s an actual bitch and I hate that my character hasn’t said so
Like actually I would’ve been like ??????are you dumb or stupid why are you such a bitch ass hoe????
She’s so mean and for WHAT
He has done nothing wrong but she acts like he has
Like he doesn’t want to scam people but this scamming ass bitch is forcing him to
And I know someone is gonna be like “he can make his own choices”
Sometimes when it involves family and staying on their good side you don’t really have a choice if you want them in your life good or not
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vintagelacerosette · 6 months
Tag game Tuesday/picrew catch up!
Oh how I've missed doing these! Thank you so much to these sweetpeas who tagged me to do these tag games/picrew. Lyle @milkovetti Michelle @michellemisfit Bri @y0itsbri Evie @energievie Julia @juliakayyy Georgia @iansw0rld Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Cross @crossmydna Willow @ian-galagher Lyds @ardent-fox Vey @look-i-love-u Molly @deathclassic Jay @surviving-maybe 💕
💟Name: Myn/Shermyn
#️⃣Age: 27
🗺️Location: Sydney
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. Yeah a pink silky with lace trim one my older sister gifted me as my maid of honour gift 🥰
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. Why yes! It's one of my prized possessions! My Gallacrafts mug I made art with the darling & talented Ling @lingy910y
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🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. You know I don't think I do & that's tragic 😔
🍵Coffee or Tea? Tea
↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold it's been so damn humid & dry in Sydney rn 😓
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves but the fingerless kind so I can scroll/read fics on my phone lol
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Fireplace
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? Both baby! They work in tandem to give us life ☀️🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Sugar 🍭
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Sweet
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I haven't had pumpkin spice before
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early but i don't sleep early to make the happen 🥲
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal in milk I especially love the sweet ones. American cereal certainly hit the spot with their cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms 🤤
🍞Potatoes or Bread? 🥔
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And Finally…
🚬 Gallagher or Milkovich? It'll have to be MIlkovich even tho objectively the are more terrible ones than good. But to be fair the great stole my fucking heart 💖
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Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
I think Johnny Rose from Schitt's Creek would be a funny dad plus loaded 🤣
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
I'd love an otter omfg they're so damn cute 😭
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What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Sweet & sour pork & spinch noodle with wild mushrooms.
What's your favorite emoji?
🥹 I'm particularly fond of this one bc it's the marvelling of beauty for me
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
I think greenhouse. I think would be so soothing & I feel like I need more plants in my life hahaha
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Cardcaptor Sakura 🌸
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I joined 2012 it was so aesthetic & I wished be one of those vintage aesthetic blogs hence my tumblr name lmao. I kinda got confused & scared how to use it so i stopped for 2 years. So i missed out all the fun drama i guess lol. Then I started using it as like a scrapbook of things I liked hahah
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
50s but I feel that would be such an effort to pull off
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Pokemon but like in the switch games. I've been playing too much instead of sleeping lmao
What is your favourite piece of art? 
Idk if I have a favourite but one that impacted me in high school was a piece called 'Atomic: full of love, full of wonder' by Nike Savvas. Funny thing is that I got to see it in person may 2 or 3 years after seeing it in a high school text book & having to do essays on it. It was by complete accident & I had no idea see was displaying her work in our national art gallery. It was magic to see a piece irl after studying it 🥰
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
My bestie jusr got me this steel pink hello kitty tumblr that was a collab with a bubble tea shop! I love it I take it to work 💖
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I think time travel with younger selves meeting their older selve & seeing how they fot their happy ending 🥰
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
Yeah a carry bag for work. It's this tote bag another bestie got me for my last birthday. It's really cute. It's pink & mint green with a cluster of cute things like teddy bear.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Respectfully no ❤️
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
I'd say mafia au especially bc of the amazing fic by Kay/Shamelessquestions, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
He sure could! He's our swol lil man
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Look at them guns!!
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
I kind have this tie between Fiona getting it or it being passed to Liam & Franny to keep the legacy going
Not tagging any bc I'm late but if you see this & you want to go ahead starlight 🩷
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summerwritesfics · 1 year
🩷We’ve Got Time Left To Be Lazy
Pairing: Nightwolf/Reader Length: 1209 Words Rating: General Warnings: Reader-Insert, Gender Neutral Reader, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Cooking, Love is stored in the act of cooking meals together, Domestic Fluff, Planning a family, I do not write X Reader normally please be gentle with me.
Mortal Kombat Oneshot Masterlist
Notes: Last of my giveaway fics! This times it’s for @moonwasnthere :) They asked for Nightwolf X Reader fluff. Like I said in the warnings, this is the first time I’ve ever written X Reader content. It was a fun request and definitely a challenge ^^;; NGL I originally started it in 2nd person POV but I just couldn’t make it work ;_; I did kinda bend my request rules for this one, and idk if I’ll ever write X Reader content again. Just a heads up so no one follows me and then is immediately disappointed that the rest of my fics are SubScorp all the way down XD Title is from “The Gambler” by Fun.
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The room was filled with the scent of onions cooking on the hob.
Y/N reached over for the wooden spoon, using it to stir the onions inside the pan. Glancing over to their right, Nightwolf was standing just a few centimetres away from them. He was concentrating on chopping some mushrooms, so much so that his tongue was sticking out slightly and his eyes were narrowed at the chopping block. A giggle erupted from Y/N’s mouth, he just looked so cute they just couldn’t help it.
The sound of their laughter seemed to break his concentration, as he turned his head and blinked a few times.
“Is there a problem?” He questioned, although the small smile on his face told Y/N that he wasn’t ignorant to what had amused them so. Their further giggle resulted in him tilting his head at them. “Is there something you find amusing?”
“Nope,” they replied in a sing song voice, turning back to the onions and smirking to themself at the little huff that left his mouth. The onions were done, so Y/N took the pan off the hob and put them onto a nearby plate. They glanced over to Nightwolf, to see he was still staring at them, a fondness in his eyes that caused butterflies in their chest. “Now who seems to have the problem?”
“Hm, my apologies,” Nightwolf replied, one hand on his hips and the other went under his chin. “It is just you always catch my eye, and I am in such awe I can’t help but stare.”
“Wow,” Y/N gasped in mock disbelief, although they could feel their face heating up from the compliment. “Have you been spending time with Johnny again by any chance?”
Nightwolf didn’t reply, just stepped forward to put his hands around their waist, leaning forward to kiss their forehead. Y/N sighed, closing their eyes and wrapping their arms around his neck.
These moments seemed to be such a rarity in their lives, but that just made them all the sweeter when they happened. With Earthrealm seemingly in constant danger and Nightwolf’s duties to both the protection of the world and to the Matoka, it felt like they were both constantly on the go. Yet, occasionally, the dust settled. The world was safe and at peace, and Y/N could take a moment to breathe.
“I love you,” they whispered, resting their head on his shoulder. “I hope you always know that.”
“Of course,” he assured, his embrace getting slightly tighter, like he was afraid of letting you go. “I love you too, I always will.”
Y/N nuzzled into his neck, breathing out. Yes, these moments were a rarity, that was why they held onto them so tightly. This life they both lived was so hard, but everything was okay so long as they had each other.
A strange noise between a bark and a huff got both of their attention.
Turning their head’s slightly, Y/N found Kiba sat a few feet away. His ears were flat, tail swaying slightly, as he somehow looked at both of them in silent judgement.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you need something?” Nightwolf asked sarcastically, but Y/N was thankful he didn’t break from the embrace.
Kiba made another strange whine, ears twitching and eyes flicking over to the counter briefly. Y/N began to laugh suddenly, completely understanding what the wolf wanted.
“Are we not giving you any of the meat fast enough?” Y/N asked, and Kiba’s ears immediately perked up. They snorted, as Nightwolf gave an exacerbated sigh. “Aw, poor you.”
As reluctant as Y/N was to do so, they pulled back out of Nightwolf’s arms, reaching for the side where the chicken sat, uncooked and unseasoned but diced. They took a piece between two of their fingers, Kiba’s eyes fixed on the treat awaiting him. Y/N bent down, holding it out. Despite how eager the wolf was, he was still gentle as he took it from them.
Although once it was in his mouth it was gone within seconds.
And then Kiba was looking at Y/N with hopeful eyes, practically begging for another piece.
“For a spirit, he sure does like to eat,” they commented, reaching to pat Kiba on the head.
Nightwolf hummed and muttered “he’s not the only one.”
Y/N glanced over their shoulder, Nightwolf was looking in the same direction as them, but slightly over, as if something else was going on behind Kiba. They shifted their head to one side, to see behind the spirit wolf. Komo was sitting behind them, ear low and looking awfully dejected, while Hana sat perched on his head.
“Oh, fine,” Y/N laughed as they got back up on their feet and returned to the chicken.
They picked up one piece, and held it up and out. This prompted Hana to take flight, grabbing the meat with her claws as she flew past, eventually landing on the fridge. One claw balanced on the edge, while the other held up her prize as she tore into it with her beak. Y/N then took another piece of chicken, throwing it up into the air and in the direction of Komo. The bear’s jaw snapped and just like that, the chicken was gone.
Y/N felt a hand on their waist again, before Nightwolf’s lips gently pecked at their cheek.
“Do try to save some for us,” he teased lightly making Y/N reach up to flick his nose slightly.
“Well, maybe we should just start making bigger portions,” they answered with a cheeky smile. “I mean, we’ll have to start doing that in the near future anyway, may as well start to get into the habit.”
The way Nightwolf’s face lit up made their heart race. It was so sweet, that just the hint of expanding the family made him so happy. He was going to make an amazing Dad, they just knew it.
“Well we do have some extra chicken,” Nightwolf said with a shrug, doing a poor job of hiding how giddy he was.
“Hm, then I guess I’d better go get some extra thyme from the garden,” Y/N replied, pushing themself away from the counter.
As they walked over towards the back door, they heard a quiet but panicked cry of “Kiba no”. Y/N turned around just in time to see Kiba sliding his front paws down the side of the counter, having clearly attempted to sneak some more chicken the second both their backs were turned.
As they watched their beloved gently scold his pet, Y/N considered that this truly was the family they’d always imagined they’d have. Granted they’d expected a domestic pet rather than 3 animal spirits, but that was just being a bit pedantic. The only thing that would make it even more perfect, would be the pitter patter of tiny feet. And Y/N wouldn’t need to wait too much longer for that to be reality.
As Y/N finally stepped out the door, they felt content.
Despite the dangers of the world, the two of them would give their family a good life, they believed in that above all else.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 10 months
just marathoned the infatuation sungchan story <//3 i love sungchan too much sorry renjun if i see him in the pet store i would have fallen head over heels
i kinda wanna see the infatuation series to be like flipped (??) idk how to explain but yn is basically the yandere one or theyre also a yandere w him obsessing w eo
like yn and somi going to the pet store and he gets infatuated by sungchan with how cute he is and completely forgotten theyre getting stalked and becomes obsessed w sungchan
but also a part 2 of the recent sungchan drabble sounds good it may be angst but also comfort fluff w yn becoming guilty over leaving sungchan and even though somi and renjun is near they ran cause what is happening w sungchan? they see him crying and they comfort him (u could make it seem like somi and renjun followed yn idk)
INFATUATION thats a name i haven't seen in my inbox in a hot sec (aside from that one req) but also ugsdfhgfdjhg no me too Sungchan u caught my heart boyo!!!!
But also you know what I actually toyed with an idea similar before but with a different idol group, ATEEZ. It's in the drafts rn, but the whole thing is Seonghwa is the first Yan while YN goes through some descent into madness but yeah fun stuff! Maybe that will be a spooky season thing hehe
But no yeah that's a solid idea! There was a time that I planned to do a silly after-end thing once I finally sat down and finished Johnny's ending buuuuut we'll see hehehe anyway a part 2 👀 sure why not?
Infatuation AU Pairing: Yandere!Sungchan x Reader TW: Unsettling themes, Blood, Implied Self Harm Notes: I can see the need for a good ending but these infatuated boys will never know joy >:) [Part 1]
"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" Somi's arms wrapped around you tight, not letting you go for a minute, even when you eventually separated her hand still held yours. "Where have you been? We've been so worried!" She clasps her hands over yours now across the booth. You'd both decided to meet up at the Starbucks by campus, it was just the easiest place to pinpoint, you'd spent almost all of your undergrad there together and, for some reason, it seemed to be the safest place right now.
"I... I don't even know where to start, Soms..." you shook your head slowly. "I missed you guys so much..."
"Where were you?" Her eyes were desperate.
"Do you..." You looked around. "Do you remember Sungchan?"
"That kid from the pet store? What about him?" You were silent, and Somi pieced the story together herself. But, before she could say anymore, the door to the cafe opened and someone rushed in.
"Somi! I came as soon as you called!" Renjun was frantic, but he seemed to calm down as soon as he saw you. And you felt your heart melt at him. "(Y/N)..." your name was fragile on his lips. "Oh my god, (Y/N)," he reached for you and, for some reason, you flinched back, and Renjun's heart broke.
"Sorry," you muttered, rubbing your wrists habitually. Renjun fell into the seat next to Somi.
"What happened?" If Somi was desperate, Renjun was crazed. "Months, no contact, no sign, we've been looking for you nonstop and here you are... okay," he says. You didn't blame him for looking this way, hell, he's never looked worse.
"It's such a long story," you said. Then, your phone rang. And you answered it before Somi and Renjun could even think of looking at it.
"Hello?" You said quietly. The other two listened with baited breath.
"... Where are you?" Sungchan's voice was quiet too. You hesitated.
"At a Starbucks," you didn't exactly lie.
"... where?" He asked again. You swallowed harshly. "Please come home, I'm sorry, I know I said you could go, but... I didn't think you'd be gone this long. Please come home. I don't know what I'm going to do without you here. Come home, (Y/N)."
"I," you looked at your friends and you couldn't read their expressions. "I'll be right there." You rushed out. You remembered the last time this happened, the last time you were gone for just a bit too long and at that time you were just in the pet shop with the bunnies, imagine now, you're in a whole other town, and you had to take the taxi just to get home.
You were fumbling with the keys to the apartment when you realized the sheer ridiculousness of your statement. Home? When did you consider this hellhole your home? You didn't know. You didn't even have time to close the door when you ran in.
"Sungchan?" You looked around the apartment. It was quiet, too quiet. You started opening doors and cabinets, anything you'd think to check regardless of whether it was plausible or not, until, finally, you looked in the bathroom. You threw open the shower curtain, and Sungchan sat in the bathtub, legs pulled up to his chest and shirt twisted in such a strange way that you couldn't even fathom how it got like that in the first place. Sungchan looked up at you, phone still in his hand as if you were still on it, and he relaxed. "Oh..." you pitied him. And he reached for you, wrapping his arms around your legs and pressing his head against your thighs. You bent down slowly, adjusting so he was holding your shoulders instead. "It's okay, I'm here," you reassured him.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"It's fine, it's fine," you comforted him.
"I thought I was ready."
"It's fine," you ran your hands through his hair now.
"I..." Sungchan is cut off by a gasp. You look to the door and Somi has her hands over her mouth and Renjun... he was just quiet.
"Blood... blood," Somi's voice was muffled. You pulled Sungchan away from you for just a moment and near gagged. How did you not see that before.
"What the fuck..." Renjun mutters. "This? This is what you've had to do for months? Oh fuck..." he mumbles. His hand clutched his phone. "I'm calling the cops."
"Call an ambulance first! Oh god!" Somi panics.
"Sung? Sungchan?" You held his face in your hands and you look down at his arms again. "Why?!"
"You took too long."
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville  
Infatuation: @lune1897 @beefchippp @nawkamoto @shiningstar-byulxx @treasuretaeil @jaesspresso @huangberryyy @yutafrita
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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seesternsstuff · 3 months
Prepare yourself for a long babbling session with me:
Daniel became a doctor ( a physiotherapist? Or maybe Kinesiologist?) after KK3 he’s done with martial arts and went to college, he’s divorced and a single dad.
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Johnny is a popular carpenter in the area, after losing the ‘84 Karate Tournament to Larusso (and almost dying choked by his sensei) he decided to take a break from karate and started some carpentry classes or yk handyman work, he’s divorced and a single parent too.
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They met again after thirty something years, how? Probably Johnny fell off his stairs while doing some work or maybe got a killing cramp in his leg idk, the details are not clear. They met at the hospital, Daniel it’s assigned to take care of a patient (Johnny) that had some absurd accident.
They looked right into their eyes, you know that phrase “When you meet the love of your life, time stops”? Well that’s what happened to them, at first glance Johnny doesn’t seem to realize that it’s Daniel the little punk that stole his girlfriend and trophy Larusso (But Daniel does, he knew right away)
Anyhow, Daniel did the normal procedure and run away from that room (not from Johnny, how dare you) and that’s all, Johnny it’s free to go home and never ever see that cute doctor again.
Now that led me to my last point ☝️I’ve been hearing this Spanish song since I was a kid and I heard it a few days ago again and now I can’t stop:)
It’s called “emergency call” and please hear me out ‼️ Johnny it’s head over heels for that doctor, so with the help of one of his friends (let’s say Bobby) started hunting him down (obviously at some point Bobby told him it was Daniel Larusso and Johnny had a mental breakdown) but at the end of the day he was at the hospital with some kind of wounds and Daniel lecturing him about it.
One day Johnny was at the Diaz’s house (yep Miguel, his abuelita and Carmen) installing a water system and the teenager boy was playing this song and Johnny just couldn’t help himself from laughing and ask him about the lyrics, Miguel translated some parts:
“The paramedic have to come, I need you to give me electro shock oh oh of your love”
“A serum of your love is what I need, I want you to give me mouth to mouth and may the medical stretcher be our bed (wink wink)”
“Come here quickly, come here and save me. It’s an emergency call”
Obviously Johnny said to himself “That’s the perfect song ever to serenade” and then you have him singing (with a poor and atrocious accent) in Spanish in front of Daniel’s house 👍🏼 waking up Daniel and his children.
THAT’S ALL FOLKS! Sorry if it’s too long or doesn’t make sense 😭 it’s just a silly thought of mine.
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neopuppy · 5 months
How did your biases and wreckers become your biases and wreckers. Sorry if you’ve answered this before and please feel free to ignore.
I believe you ult Jungwoo & Jeno and Johnny, Jaemin, Jisung are your bias wreckers?
im sure at some points I answered this yeah, but its ok
Jungwoo became my bias when he debuted in 2018, from the vlive that introduced him/kun/lucas. I been into nct since T7S/2016 and Ten was my original ‘bias’ but he disappeared for quite some time and I got into 127 and considered myself biasless…..those guys rly never did it for me. Johnny joined during Limitless and he was my bias for like 2 weeks chejxjjdjxjd, so I’ve always liked him but not enough to be like THATS MY BIAS! idr exactly why, but I’m an exo-l and when Johnny debuted, Sehun posted abt it on his IG and I was like omg they’re friends👁️👄👁️ and I got more into Johnny lore from there, but yk……Johnny in 2017……..what a god damn nerd cjejxjsjjd
2016/17 I was like welllll guess I dont NEED a bias! I love their music! and I didn’t listen to Dream(knew of them, and tried to) bc I was like yeahhhh this is not my style….
so yeah 2018 Jungwoo debuted and instantly I was like HE’S SOOOOO CUTE HE LOOKS LIKE TAEMIN(who I also love), I called him ‘baby Taemin’ for a good couple months until halfway thru the Boss promotions I was like ykw I rly like this baby Taemin…..time to google, and I’ve been in hell ever since. I only like him more and more over time🥴
Jeno, I had seen him often around nct content here and there, like that 2018 live I was like ahhhhh he’s very cute but I’m not into Dream like that. then Black on Black came out and I again saw Jeno and GO came out…….and again I saw Jeno. I realllllllllly did not want to get into Dream or bias him, but you see……..GO IS A GREAT SONG….and then my friend was like “you should listen to Drippin’ by Dream since you like that song.” and I did…….and then I got into Dream, and out of all of them I really only found Jeno attractive.
even when I started writing for the other members I was like mehhhhh, I like Jeno… I think it wasn’t until Boom that I started side-eyeing the rest of them.
I would say Johnny is my only bias wrecker bc I have always liked him and he’s really….brick house… I sometimes consider myself double biased in 127 but I’m really not committed to him like that, it changes day to day.
Jeno tho, by Ridin’ I was already hooked and then lockdown happened and I caught up on a lot of Dream content/really started to love them more for their personas than looks(except Jeno), and I diddddddd like Haechan for a while too. he was more my bias wrecker for some time in 2019/20. but yeah I’ve been a Jeno girly from my start with Dream!!!
as for Jaemin/Jisung……I mean Jaemin’s a gorgeous dude, he’s not my type much outside of physical attraction though. I was never into Jisung until I saw him irl💀 he hit a little different inperson💀💀💀
I’ll say overall Dream are the most visually attractive NCT unit, without a doubt. Wayv very close second(but I haven’t seen all of them irl💔). for 127, its Jungwoo. U GUYS DONT GET HIM THE WAY I DO!!!!
Jungwoo irl is very stunning imo, and super tall and broad and cute and sexy and fnejcjjdjcjd I need him but. the height on him and Johnny definitely gets me bad💀
Jeno’s my tiny…..😅 HE IS TALLER THAN ME BY SOME INCHES BUT even irl he looks small🥹 still my big Alpha idgaf😅
idk if I could list anyone else as my wrecker these days…..I like Johnny a lot😇
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