#idk what qualifies as an analysis
royalarchivist · 3 months
[A sad violin song plays over an image of a sad hamster]
Pac: This doesn't have anything to do with me – I wear a blue sweatshirt, you're crazy, this mouse doesn't even have a sweatshirt, this hamster! [Reading chat] Am I a depressed hamster?
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[ Transcript continued ↓ ]*
Pac: Actually– that's fine! I embrace that idea – of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy? [He hits his desk, then starts counting off people on his fingers] Fit is gone, Richarlyson is gone, Ramon is gone, Bagi and Empanada who were always there when we were there are also gone, I haven't seen them! It's just me and Tubbo, and sometimes Philza shows up.
Pac: I lost Chume Labs, I lost the Favela, I lost Murder Mystery, I lost Ilha Chume Labs, it's crazy! Look at how much I've lost, and I've gained nothing! Of course I'm going to be depressed, are you crazy?! How am I supposed to be happy?!
Pac: [Reading chat] "You have us Pac," that's true, thank you. No, that's true, sorry.
* NOTE: Please note that this is an incomplete transcript, as I was primarily relying on Aypierre's translation mod at the time and if I am not confident of the translation, I do not include it. As always, please feel free to add on translations or message me corrections.
#Pactw#QSMP#Pac#March 18 2024#As much as I love keeping people updated about Pac / the other Portuguese-speaking creators#I think I might not make as many transcribed posts for their clips anymore#I just don't think I'm qualified enough to be transcribing things for a language I don't know#like yeah we have the Qlobal Translator and Aypierre's translators to rely on#And I'm always upfront when I'm not 100% sure about a translation#but I've been thinking about it a lot and it kinda makes me feel a bit icky. Idk.#I might be overthinking this but I just I don't want to spread around translations I'm not super confident about#esp. since I know a lot of people cite my clips in analysis posts or link them to other people as resources#and 90% of the time I'm like ''Hell yeah I love seeing people getting a lot of use out of the archive''#but sometimes I get a bit anxious like ''Did I do a good enough job translating this''#''Am I ruining someone's entire perception of a conversation or character because I left one word out or mistranslated something?''#And like I said that's normally not a HUGE concern since if I'm not certain about a translation I just won't post a clip. but you know#idk it might just be the anxiety talking but I really really don't want to spread bad info#Happy to hear other folks' perspective#I'm really grateful for people like Bell and Pix and others who translate clips and I always try to reblog those#but we don't have a ton of people posting clips & translating things on Tumblr since we're so English-centric#which is part of the reason WHY I like sharing clips of the non-English-speaking CCs#but at the same time I want to do an accurate job representing what they're saying#Maybe I'll just start posting things and give a TLDR context of what they're talking about but not a transcript#that way native-speakers can hop in and add translations if that's something they're comfortable doing#and if not then well. at least I'm not sharing something that isn't super accurate#idk I'm just thinking out loud a bit in the tags#But I'm open to hearing other people's thoughts on the matter#Anyways giant rant aside. q!Pac is NOT doing ok rn
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
listen, i think you can interpret many things from this series that the author didn't intend but, as an afab poc, i think the reading of frostpaw's spaying as anything but the erins trying to create drama regarding fertility is kind of a reach like.... the erins do not care about poc and/or indigenous people and they have made that abundantly clear and trying to hone in on people saying "hey, give this series, who historically has profited off of and appropriated indigenous cultures is trying to talk about forced sterilization" is a naive reading at best and a generous reading all around. these white brits do no care about us please stop giving them the benefit of the doubt when they have made it abundantly clear we are a side show to them. where as with the over arching misogyny its not something they intend to write, it is just a reflection of how sexist brits see the world like for the love of god do not give them this when they time and time again have demonstrated they are just white cishet spectators
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I ended up going on twitter to find the thread just to see what was being said and....yeah, I still don't really agree it's to that level, but I read through and I still hesitate to knock down concerns from readers of color, you know? I definitely agree that the authors are definitely not trying to talk about political issues (I think Berryheart and RiverClan's occupation are filling that void for what it's worth), but I can't lie and say I don't understand where dots are being connected.
Anyways, I probably won't continue to answer asks on this. I just feel waaaaayy out of my depth in this discussion, so apologies for that.
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mkscatgirl · 1 year
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I will have my analysis out wednesday(idk what time but that day unless something drastic happens)
Ferrari are actually way closer on pace to Mclaren and Red Bull than it appeared. Based on the fact we are now better in the low speed corners than Mclaren if we'd had track position it would have been a win.
If Ferrari change nothing about the race pace and target qualifying we are going to be in a window to very seriously go for the top step.
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
A few days ago, I made a post vaguely talking about how there is a portion of Leon's Mercenary Theme that aligns with Jack's.
Well, I finally pieced together the audios:
I tried to explain what was being mashed together, but in short:
The guitar riffs for both themes are identical, if not very very close (section: A Challenger Approaches)
The buildups prior to that also align fairly decently.
After the guitar, the themes "clash" with one another. The beats match sometimes, mistmatch others (section: Knife Fight) I might be "blue curtain"-ing it, but I think it fits their dynamic as characters.
Then almost as soon as Leon's theme actually fades, Jack's mimics that "heroic" sound that Leon's had (section: Kennedy's Retreat/Jack's Theme). Kind of like how Jack taunts Leon througouht their fight(s) in the main game.
I'm not someone who's like, an expert at audio editing or analysis (in fact my ass is probably the least qualified person) but you know what? We have fun; we stay silly :3
Edit: Idk if this part is interesting, but here's whe waveforms for the part where both themes start, and the guitar riff (respectively)
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wildpeachfarm · 1 month
do you have any tips for an artist that is starting out? i feel like my art is good one second then bad the next and idk how to fix it 😭
oh god idk if I'm the most qualified for this but I will try to give you useful advice lol
First off: feeling good about your art one day and bad the next day is somewhat normal. Feeling bad about your art means that you are growing an 'artist eye' that is allowing you to identify the issues in your own art: that means you are already improving whether you know it or not!
I love this chart that describes it very well:
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And honestly, I think being willing to reassure yourself that these are just improvement periods can sometimes help soothe the frustration about your art.
Another thing: compare yourself to others but in a constructive way
A lot of people will tell you that "comparison is the thief of joy" and while that's great, that's not realistic for artists who are just starting out and feeling shitty about their work. So the best way to work with that is to change your approach!
When you look at art that you think is cool or an artist you admire, try to find things that you are impressed by that are more technical such as: the colors they use, dynamic posing, face details, lighting, etc. and use that to inspire your own art and help you improve. Art studies are actually super common in art school and by morphing your "comparison" to "analysis" you can start appreciating others' art but also using that to improve your own!
Final thing: draw what you absolutely adore over and over again, because you will WANT to get the details right and you will WANT to work on it for longer than a piece you're not interested in. It keeps you engaged and excited to draw while also allowing you to focus on details and different things you can experiment with and not be super intimidated by because you get to draw something you love!
I hope some of that helps you <3
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Hey idk if honourable mentions via asks are still a thing (if they are and/or you find this ask to be too long) but godDAMN Alphys Undertale should've been in this I really regret missing the submission period
Okay so Alphys is like, a mess??? Like, I don't know how to explain it all so I think I'll get a previous writing of mine that explains most of the deal with her (the True Lab stuff isn't explained but that is a Whole Mess that would make this 8 paragraph-long ask even longer):
Context: I made a comment mentioning people hating on Undertale characters after appearing to express an enjoyment for a character that I like, someone asked me to rant about it, and I did, making a third of my analysis about Alphys (the rest was about Asgore, who's on the competition, and Toriel, whose hate is fairly minor compared to the others):
"I said it a couple times that Alphys is the least popular character in the game, and it's by a landslide. Why? Well, there are a few reasons, mainly the irredeemable crime of being annoying, because Toby Fox didn't think it through fully and made it so that the Texts in Hotland and the CORE repeated after each death and replay, so you're forced to see the exact same jokes every time you die to literally anything.
That's just the main reason, though, we still have to talk about her manipulation and compulsive lying! She manipulates Frisk through the areas where she's present in a way to act as a Cool Supporting Character, deliberately delays Mettaton's Gender-Affirming Surgery body finalization because she's afraid of losing her only friend, and makes small white lies to Undyne so she can seem cooler to her. These are the main issues, and seem to come from a place of bad mental health and some sort of mental disorder, but a lot of people really dislike her just because of that and then proceed to tell Undyne that Anime is real not to hurt her feelings despite that being a dick move to Alphys because it forces her to say that AGAIN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
There's also the apparent incompetence of her actions in the True Lab but honestly those are like 5 cans of worms that I Do Not Want To Get Into, so basically a lot of people misinterpret Catty and Bratty's dialogue in a way that makes it seem like Alphys lied to Asgore to get the job, but that's a completely baseless assumption, and considering how Mettaton works and what was asked of her I don't think it makes much sense.
The issue here is that people are dunking on Alphys's questionable actions when Asgore has done much worse, and then completely missing the point of her character. It's annoying and pretty much omnipresent in the fandom, with a particularly bad case of it being in this video, that calls out the fandom's mistreatment of Asgore and then proceeds to literally call stuff that Alphys didn't do, or was forced to do, out, like lying to get her job (again, not true), or not warning anyone about Flowey (she was being manipulated by him). It's a huge mess that comes from a gameplay annoyance but turned into something way bigger."
Idk if she should qualify due to most of the feelings towards her being fully negative, but eh Mineta did and I'm yet to see someone who genuinely enjoys him :P
Tbh I had no idea Alphys was so controversial or so hated. Though I’ve only played Undertale once so I know I missed stuff
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redux-iterum · 8 months
OOOOH STARCLAN!!! This chapter was absolutely wonderful! Really gave a sense of dread the entire time! Tigerclaw's entire monologue I was like "oh fuck Firepaw, your dad's a fascist"
His motivations re rational only on a surface level, he dreams of a mystical past and, like a previous ask said, can't see that Thunderclan is actually harsh and strong. The other clans do respect them and outsiders do fear them, I don't think Thunder has had to deal with a predator like a fox, badger or even a dog this entire series so far. But that doesn't matter, Tiger won't be happy until they can uproot trees.
With how interwoven the clan is, it really shows what Tigerclaw is capable of. He murdered his own apprentice's father as well as his mate's brother! For what? His ideology? His nostalgia for a past that doesn't exist, that doesn't include his own son?
Idk if you got my last ask cause tumblr went a bit weird when I sent it but one more thing! I really like the progression of threat you managed between Tigerclaw and Brokenstar, in canon they were very similar to me and when starting to look at warrior cats in English (first read them translated to my native tongue) I used to get them confused all the time, but in the fic they seem pretty distinct. They are both authoritarian but Broken is a spoiled brat who demands power and only got it because daddy abused the system for him and the code is heavily flawed. Tiger, meanwhile, is terrifyingly competent as well as respected, he is the pinnacle of what a Thunderclan warrior should be and he will kill for what he thinks should be. Absolutely loving this fic
I am really loving the Tigerclaw discussion and analysis this ask and others previous have been giving me. I really, really wish I could contribute without spoilers, but, well, you know how it is. Once we get the epilogue out I'm going to be spilling everything, I can promise you that.
Apologies for not being able to respond with a lengthy, more satisfying post! I'm very glad you've liked the progression of the antagonists, and I really hope you'll like the progression to the next problems in the third book! Brokenstar, for me, was not done to my complete satisfaction, leading to me having to qualify a lot outside of the fic. Tigerclaw seems to be doing a lot better, thank god.
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kinnenvy · 9 months
i am having thoughts about brian and his parents (jack joan debbie). it's messy and chaotic but i need to take it out of my brain and put it somewhere
Jack and Joan
There's like a pattern that he must go through with his birth parents, especially in season 1 it feels as if brian likes to present his relationship with his parents in one way, when it's actually very different.
He feels troubled by his own fatherhood, by Justin's relationship with his dad and the first thing he does is search for his own dad. he tells justin he never sees him, but then at the end of ep 1x09 michael talks about brian's visit and heartbreak over jack like it's something that happens routinely (and it does for sure, considering that it seems like jack is depending on him for money). "When will you ever learn?" NEVER! HE WILL NEVER LEARN!
until s2 ig. to me his relationship with joan is the most puzzling. he visits her, brings her flowers, but it doesn't feel like he ever tries to indulge her in the same way he did with jack. i wonder if that's because he didn't grow up being scared of her, so there's no instinct to get into her good graces...? im not qualified for this kind of analysis i dont think
they've both surely put him under intense distress, in different ways maybe, but it's distress nonetheless. living in that house must have been like being taken apart constantly, nowhere to hide, no comfort, only pain.
im not sure what the timeline is, but it's possible that the first time brian felt loved and wanted must have been THAT DAY in the showers after school. it could be also why he has that twisted perception of what happened. (or maybe it's just early 2000s writing who knows)
she honestly makes me kinda mad. she saw a 14 y/o break in her liquor cabinet, get drunk and thought "this kid's kinda troublesome idk :/". i think making big speeches and saying pretty words she doesn't fully understand is very much part of her character (ben), but the way she does it with brian in relation to his parents is horrible to me.
(surely without knowing) she uses Brian's need for approval from his parents and convinces him to come out to his dad, what does that achieve? brian has to hear his father tell him he should die. brian has an important, vulnerable moment with her after his diagnosis and she shares it with joan without him asking or even wanting her to. what does that achieve? we remember what it achieves.
I think it's fair that she thinks about michael first and then everyone else, but i feel like she's softer on everyone else (david????) compared to brian. sure he kept their relationship vague enough to make him believe they could become a couple, but he isn't doing it to have a laugh, they're codependent. when brian is forced to break it off by debbie, she's happy to let brian take the fall on his own. she understands what he did, so instead of maybe idk helping him get at least Lindsay's support, she keeps her mouth shut, calls brian a good kid, gives him a pat on the back and is ready to send him his own way.
which brings me to the way she acts like she understands brian. it feels like the writers are telling us she understands him, but does she? idk. she picks up on things he does in secret one moment and then gets him totally wrong the next. she calls him a selfish asshole in front of everyone, but when it's just the two of them she suddenly has always known he's a good person. why is she never saying good things about him when everyone's around? why does it have to be just the two of them?
"Brian would hate it" "Brian would cringe himself to another planet" Sure but maybe Brian would also get home and maybe for once feel like the adult he imprinted on approves of him with no compromises :// idk
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mikeylivesattheend · 6 months
tw; right wing dudes saying right wing stuff in links,rant
I really want to know. Does anyone else hate the completionist drama, not bc of what the completionist did/did not do, but bc of the guys who started making videos abt it
Karl jobst had some drama like 2 years ago u can still see on reddit regarding him saying some racist shit and hanging around in nazi circles.
(Links are to karl accusations with receipts)
Someordinarygamer, at a glance, has not done anything that bad. But he's a centrist who operates a bit like moistcritcal, Aka responding to drama of the week. Also, If u don't know, american centrism is basically diet right wing, with some being waywayway more nazisish (I don't think he's as bad as jobst, but I don't trust people who say the left and the right are two sides of the same coin, links to reddit proof below). He was the kind of person to talk abt the hogwarts legacy backlash in a '""""balanced"""" way🙄
(SomeOrdinaryGamer being a centrist proof)
(Reddit is not the end of research obviously. Karls vibes are bad but I only felt it after a few vids. Someordinarygamer is easier to see red flags. So watch their vids if u don't trust reddit, I wouldnt blame u lmao)
Idk. Like i understand fucking holding charity money for 10 years is immoral, the company was absolutely mismanaged, and the completionist had no right claiming they were donating to various charities actively. BUT how am i supposed to trust those guys' analysis and the million other inflammatory drama channels covering it???
Has a legit lefty person talked about this in in depth, with their own research, since the completionists apology???
I know bad people can have correct takes, but I just cannot bring myself to trust their analysis. As silly as it seems, even I, when I watched half of one of their videos, noticed the e-signature issue. How much research are these guys actually doing, and are their conclusions truly reflective of all the information available?
Not trying to start shit, its just been on my mind, i guess.
EDIT: Literally like 5 hours I posted this Moon Channel said he would be covering this and I trust him a hell of a lot more. He's made major mistakes on one video that I know of, but he's owned up to them w/ links on correct resources, and hes not a fucking centrist wow. Hes also a lawyer so hes at least slightly more qualified to discuss this topic. I will update if the video seems solid
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homoeroticbetrayal · 1 year
hey soz just wondering if u don't find it at all problematic to call anakin and obi wan "homoerotic" when they met at ages 9 and 25
Okay. I have gotten questions in similar vein so I will answer it only once now that the tournament is over.
Yes. It's problematic. However...
This is a tournament for iconic homoerotic betrayals, not appropriate ones. If I am to only feature ships which are unproblematic, Judas/Jesus wouldn't be featured either. (I know a lot of you are atheists but Jesus is a deity people actually worship.)
A relationship does not actually have to be romantic to have homoeroticism. Regardless of how you read obi-wan and Anakin's relationship, it is a fairly large and influential ship (at least when it comes to eastern SW fandoms) with a fair bit of fandom history. So clearly a lot of people saw the homoeroticism between them.
In my call for submission, I included Seishiro/Subaru, another ship with inappropriate age gap, because they had such a big influence on BL in mangas. Therefore it would have been hypocritical of me to vet for age gaps in submissions. Obikin got quite a few submissions, and had a verifiable canonical betrayal, which means they automatically qualify.
Again this is the homoerotic betrayal poll not the healthy queer representation poll. Half these people stabbed each other idk what else to say.
Not what OP is asking but I also had similar comments regarding some of the contestants that are actually underage, like Vrisrezi or homumado, who were all 13. Well. Okay. A lot of the time homoerotic and homoromantic are used interchangeably when it comes to media analysis. Let's not split hairs here.
That's all! Reblogs will be turned off. If I get too many inflammatory replies on this post it will be deleted. No more questions in this line!
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light-wynd · 4 months
Rambling About Menthe and Elphane
(Alternatively: My Exams Got Postponed But I'm Still In Too Much Pain to Draw, So Here I Am, Going On About My Favorite Melusines For Entirely Too Long)
Yeah. I think about these two in particular a lot, and just wanted to talk about... basically everything I could think of that I felt was worth mentioning regarding them (and a bit about Aeval too) to take my mind off of feeling like shit, along with a few general thoughts and speculations based on what we know about them.
Putting this under the cut, not because it's got story spoilers or anything (I don't think it does anyway), but because it's longer than anything I've posted before.
Does this qualify as a character analysis? Idk man I'm not a writer, I'm not confident enough to call it that.
Think I'll just begin with Menthe since I have the biggest soft spot for her - I honestly relate to her a lot more than I like to admit, and just... really want to give her a hug, she could probably use one. All we ever really see her do is stand there sighing to herself at Arouet's café, drinking tea and coffee just to keep herself awake. It's a stark contrast from how we see the other Melusines act, to say the least - not to mention how much trouble she seems to be having with adjusting to human society in comparison to them too. She's really bothered by how large everything in the city is (and that everything that is actually her size was made for young children). She's struggling with her job in the Gardiennage and thinking about finding a different one, even if there aren't a lot of options she's suited for when it comes to "human work". She even wishes her body was more humanoid like Sigewinne's if it could make these things any easier, and there's just something heartbreaking about that - not to mention her constant exhaustion. Yeah, poor thing's not doing great. The fact that she says she was initially very enthusiastic to integrate into human society makes it all even sadder - all these difficulties must have hit her particularly hard.
For this next point, I feel like I should include this screenshot from the café's message board (there's a couple more entries about her, but this is the most relevant one):
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The thing about that is, all the other Melusines working for the Gardiennage must've encountered pretty similarly disturbing things just by the nature of the job, investigating crime scenes and all that - and yet only Menthe seems to be affected by it this deeply, judging by how cheerful the others act and how casually they talk about their work. This makes me think that she's either had some sort of traumatic experience that's unique to her (especially from the wording of "unfathomable darkness"), or that it all just gets to her more than the others for some reason. Either way, it would certainly explain why she'd like to change jobs - and I genuinely hope she manages to one day, for the sake of her well-being. Maybe she really will end up working in the infirmary together with Sigewinne despite her worries about the inmates not taking kindly to her, who knows. (Also I gotta say, when I first saw her "maybe I should just go underwater" line, I thought she meant she was thinking about giving up on human society and going back to Merusea Village - but of course she's talking about the infirmary in the Fortress of Meropide. Still, it does kind of sound like that is the last option she can think of when it comes to work she could do, which is a bit worrying in its own way.)
As for the adorably grumpy Elphane... can't really talk about her without bringing up Aeval too, they're a package deal after all. Most folks seem to assume that Aeval is the newer tour guide of the two, considering how enthusiastic she is, but funnily enough it's actually the opposite! (Probably just by a few days at most, but still.) It's easy to miss this since their aquabus dialogues seem pretty randomized and there's a lot of them, but these two both used to work for the Gardiennage as well - and apparently, Elphane was "the ace up the Marechaussee Phantom's sleeve", while Aeval on the other hand presumably didn't do so great (according to Talochard's quest, being assigned as a tour guide is what happens to a Melusine who's bad at being an investigator - and yeah, honestly I can see how that would be the case here). So first, Aeval got "promoted" to the aquabus (in her own words... guess nobody had the heart to tell her otherwise), which upset Elphane so much that she just quit her job - while on track to a high-paying promotion to the Opera Epiclese, mind you -, put on a new uniform and got on the aquabus with Aeval. Of course, they ultimately ended up assigned to separate lines, but at least they're colleagues again. It's pretty clear that Elphane isn't enjoying this job whatsoever, but she keeps doing it anyway for Aeval, and is still fairly skilled at it in her own way.
So yeah, Elphane is actually incredibly sweet and caring... when it comes to Aeval anyway. Hell, she even recommends that you visit Aeval's line at any chance she gets - whether it's for better commentary, a friendlier guide or just a more photo-ready aquabus, she directs you there. She genuinely seems to look up to her, and maybe even wishes she could do a better job as a guide like her deep down. Something that could point to this is that she gets very flustered by compliments, which might indicate that - unlike Aeval - she doesn't get a lot of positive feedback, so she's not quite sure how to handle it. Aeval looks up to her quite a lot too, and they seem to do pretty much everything together when they're off work (including shopping for cute clothes, which Elphane vehemently denies her interest in, ahahah) - I'm not sure what their relationship is, they just refer to each other as colleagues and Elphane being Aeval's senior, but they're clearly very close and it's absolutely precious. This is even reflected in their designs: they both have a very similar pink-blue color scheme too, just with Elphane being predominantly pink with blue accents and Aeval being the other way around - their uniforms included - and even their eyes are complementary colors to each other. Really cute way to show both their connection while also highlighting their personalities being pretty much opposites.
One last thing I want to point out is that both Menthe and Elphane struggle with their jobs in their own way, and seem to be among the few Melusines to really do so to this extent in the current time - but probably the biggest difference is that while Elphane doesn't show all that much enthusiasm or effort towards her work, it's kind of implied that Menthe on the other hand is overworking herself, judging by Arouet's comments on her constant mental and physical exhaustion. Of course, it could also be that she just has no energy because of how depressed she is - but in any case, she's doing her best to keep it together and power through it despite everything.
Aaand that would be all for... whatever this was. If even a single soul has actually read this whole thing, thank you so much, that alone makes having posted this feel worth it! And if anyone wants to talk Melusines, I'd be more than happy to ^^
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autumnbrambleagain · 2 months
decided to peek into a 50 minute video essay on why hazbin hotel has bad writing
"not even the angels know how people get into heaven! if no one knows, how do we know if charlie is succeeding or not? you need to establish some ground rules!"
my dude, how and why people go to heaven is literally a mystery in-universe and that is a plot point
media literacy isn't just dead, it's murdered on purpose so we can make millions of hours of analysis videos of people just saying random shit for advertising money
it's fun to be like "heh you don't need a fancy college degree" but look,
look i have a fancy college degree and when i see people making what amounts to what used to be my job, and doing it incredibly badly, it's kind of annoying
no, not. not just anyone can come out and make a giant critical thesis. you actually have to like. know what you're doing. we came up with rules for these things for a reason, and it isn't just arbitrary gatekeeping. there are ways to present information, and there are standards about criticism that we've spent a century debating over,
so when Chuckle McSchmucklefuck comes around with his 3 hour analysis video which is mostly "I think the plot would have worked better if the plot was a different plot entirely" it's like
god this is really where we are huh
i keep thinking about the ponett article which was like 30 pages mostly complaining about "well none of the characters are fat" and "these people who were sent to hell sure have bad relationships with sex :c"
MGS2's villains made the strong point that the internet is leading to a world where useless information is being preserved in too vast of quantities, and this was back in the early 00s
of course the qualifying criteria shouldn't be if you have a degree or not, but if you can't actually make meaningful analysis of information maybe. maybe don't? if your entire argument about something is "i don't really like this, personally" then like
if you can't say something entertaining about it, if you can't say something transformative about it, if you can't say something of merit about it,
idk man maybe don't clog my youtube recommended feed with 50 minute video essays that say nothing ngl
i could write like. a seperate essay about why ponett's essay was dumb and pointless but i admit my essay on how something's pointless would be pointless
look i watched hazbin hotel literally once and it was Fine. does it really need 70 hours of criticisms from the world's greatest scholars like "chunknugget7807" and "ActualRealReviewsdotHat"
does anyone have anything to say about media outside of "i didn't like it" anymore
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Hello again! I literally loved your analysis! I wanted to know what zodiac sign you think the characters would be? literally whoever comes to mind (I ask this without any proper knowledge about zodiac signs myself lol)
- 💫
Omg anon you have no idea how much I appreciate this thank you so much 😭
I had to do a lot of research for this (read: watched one video on YT)cuz the only reason why I can even name all 12 zodiacs is Fairy Tail XD I had zero knowledge about them before this day. I had fun writing this. Hope you like it ;)
Gray Yeon
Apparently Gray is canonically a Taurus. I kinda agree and kinda don't.
He's loyal and patient but he's far from being materialistic or lazy.
He strikes me more as a Virgo honestly.
Analytical, observing and reserved. He used to be kind of cold too before Stephan, Ben and Eugene happened.
He used to be very reserved and skeptical at the beginning of the series but is extremely trustworthy and gives good advice to those he warmed up to.
Goes to show how far he has come. I'm so proud of him.
Ben Park
So Ben is, according to canon, a Leo. Let that sink in. A Leo. Bruh hell nah. Just no.
Ben is anything but a Leo???
I think he'd be either a Cancer or a Pisces.
He's definitely the most selfless person right after Stephan.
He fits the description of a Pisces the most. He has the instincts of a wild animal and is adaptable when it comes to saving his friends. He's definitely sensitive, loyal, kinda clingy and very protective of his friends.
Now that I think about it, he could be an Aries too. I mean he is a great leader, enthusiastic, impulsive and very energetic.
Idk what do you think? Ben is Aries or Pisces?
Gerard Jin
Canonically, he's a Virgo which, I kinda agree with.
He is hardworking, kinda reserved and reliable but he's definitely not cold. He tried to be cold in middle school but that failed not-so-horribly in him saving the kid from the railway track.
I think he'd be fussy about his food cuz of his old man taste XD
He's also always been analytical and observing. An example of which would be him following Gray after gray beat up Colton, knowing that Colton wouldn't let it go so easily.
He's also really trustworthy after you warm up to him. Honestly no other sign fits him as well as Virgo does.
Alex Go
Alex is an Aries canonically and I definitely agree with this. Aries fits him perfectly.
He's enthusiastic and energetic. He is insecure because he thinks he's weak and hates it when Ben or someone else has to get hurt to protect him.
He has a desire to succeed and stand tall alongside Ben.
He can get moody and impulsive. He loves adventure. He even had his chunni era XD and can't stand boredom that's why he's messing around and skipping classes with Ben XD
Donald Na
Donald is a Capricorn according to canon, which fits him really well actually. Tho he could be qualified as an Aquarius too.
The only problem with him being a Capricorn is that he's not sympathetic or caring. Tho he would have a unique sense of humor I think. I hc that his sense of humor is either dark or dork and nothing in between XD and sarcasm. Definitely sarcasm.
Although Aquarius does fit him perfectly.
He is a progressive thinker and is intellectually driven cuz of his past.
He's rebellious, stubborn, emotionally detached, sarcastic and aloof.
Tho let's hope that he goes from an Aquarius to a Capricorn by the end of this manhwa *fingers crossed*
Wolf keum
This is a tricky one. It would be so much easier if we JUST KNEW HIS BACKSTORY AJHHEJDJEHRJJD.
Canon says he's an Aries. Which I don't know what to think of.
He is enthusiastic and energetic (only in relation to fighting). He is independent and extremely moody, impulsive and kinda selfish too.
He also has a low boredom tolerance but he definitely would not be a good leader. He's more of an uncontrollable wild card.
Does he have insecurities tho?? Everyone does right? So this mf should too. Let's just hope we get his backstory in this arc *tired exhale*
He definitely has a desire to succeed and win (again only in relation to fighting) so I guess Aries is a good fit for him. He could also be an Aquarius tho. Yeah definitely could be an Aquarius (less the progressive and intellectual thinking)
I never thought I'd be putting Wolf in the same category as Alex...
Jimmy Bae
According to canon, he's a Cancer, which I am totally in agreement of.
Before his backstory reveal, I would've thought of him as Leo but afterwards, oh boy, he has so much more to his character.
He's actually really sensitive, loyal and dependable. He's also very protective of his friends (Jack). My man readily threw his precious pride out the window for saving Jack.
He's also very moody tho and can be a little self absorbed too sometimes. Especially when it comes to training.
He can also be misunderstood by people really easily. Just like how half of the fandom had (including me) before his backstory.
He can be really difficult to understand but is definitely the kindest to a select few people (Jack).
Jake Ji
Jake is another tricky one. Canonically he's a Scorpio which is a 50-50.
He is independent, passionate and very emotional (Ace's death broke this boy XD).
He is unyielding in his principles and priorities but has to dance around Donald's pinky cuz he owes him one (which is so unfair).
He can be moody too but doesn't let it influence his "work" or his actions.
Tho I don't know about him being possessive, jealous or manipulative. He does strike me as a possessive guy but he's definitely not manipulative. I don't think he has that many brain cells or mental capacity to do that XD
He could also be a Pisces or Cancer because he's dedicated to keeping his friends and family safe. He could be an Aries too, honestly, I don't even know anymore XD tell me what you think would fit him best.
Alright imma end it here. This is getting a bit too long. Lmk if anyone wants a part 2 and I'll write about the rest of the characters.
I had a lot of fun doing this. Thanks to you anon, I finally got around knowing more about the zodiac personalities. I had wanted to know more but always kept pushing it down so thank you :D
P.s. my knowledge of zodiacs is limited to the one video I saw of Psych2go describing them so yeah if I made some mistakes regarding the qualities of the zodiacs then blame them not me XD (jk)
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alicentsgf · 1 year
i think your assessment of daemon and rhaenyra as a relationship is a bit unfair. i don’t even care that much about it but i feel like only chalking up daemon’s interest in rhaenyra to his misplaced feelings for viserys does a disservice to rhaenyra herself. condal, hess, etc. commented on the fact that their relationship is a lot complex than that, even tho it’s undoubted it contain psychosexual elements towards viserys. idk i love your analysis usually so don’t take it as a criticism (1/2)
Tumblr media
I sort feel like we're maybe talking cross purposes a little? Because I think what I said and what you've said can mostly co-exist.
What Daemon's subconcious is perhaps experiencing and what Daemon understands of it the moment are very tenuously connected imo - he's not exactly the most self-aware guy. I do think he feels some version of love for her and I truly feel like I didn't downplay him being an important figure in her life in that post? When I say he views her as an extension of Viserys I'm not saying she isn't individually important to him (I even think over time, after gaining some distance from Viserys, that understanding of her even wans slightly.) But that doesn't mean his relationship with her isn't also a reaction to his relationship with Viserys, and it doesn't mean he respects her as an individual.
And personally I can't figure out how its a "disservice" to Rhaenyra to point this out. I'd like to know why you think so (being totally genuine).
Also. It's worth noting I'm not unbiased. I would never claim to be that. I am always somewhat going to see the worst in Daemon no matter how hard I try to be impartial and I'm probably never going to bother tacking on a qualifying 'but he does love her in his own way' to posts where I'm picking apart Daemon's treatment of Rhaenyra because I think the type of love he expresses is pretty worthless.
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evenstarfalls · 2 years
Rereading Vicious because i can't control myself and i love this book so so much part 2
"He didn't often let himself indulge, but he couldn't deny that there was something simple and satisfying about using his hands" WHAT THE FUCK MAN
Poor Beth 💔
Victor's stick figures haha 10/10 ominous declaration
Eli is such a hypocrite
I feel like someone could do a really good analysis of how what happened in the flashbacks shaped them as villains. Not me but someone
them being in the some hotel is so funny until it isn't
as awful as Serena is her power sounds terrible to have like idk psychologically. it would be nice for about 30 minutes then it would make me miserable and drive me mad
I wanna hear about Eli killing someone with a bear trap
aww Victor's trying so hard not to care about them. most dysfunctional found family
Mitch is a much better dad than Victor. I mean they're both trying I think but Victor is so shit at it you can barely tell
oh so I know this is the villains series but sometimes I wonder if Victor technically qualifies. I mean he definitely does in Vengeful and he's got an evil attitude but he doesn't do much evil in Vicious. Like he's almost an antihero; he does bad things in persuit of revenge. In his case revenge means destroying his serial killer ex, which is a "good" thing to do, but it's really mostly about the hatred and revenge so I kinda don't think he deserves her points for that
I think Victor went through a phase at some point in his life where he talked in a fake british accent to try to sound fancy.
Victor literally radiating an aura of "go away don't bother me" is such goals I want to be able to do that
Vicious AU where Victor and Eli don't just miss each other outside the hotel and they have a verbal battle in the hotel lobby while eating takeout
Dominic...poor boy
Victor is so dramatic like what
"It was only the second execution she'd ever been to" bitch why do you have to say it like thatttt
Sydney was so excited to have matching phones with Victor and Mitch? Poor little girl I want to hug her
Specifically, safe had become Victor.
Specifically, safe had become Victor.
Specifically, safe had become Victor.
Good riddance Serena
Sydney is a good pet owner
Victor is having so much fun
Eli being religious is terrifying and horrible and ugly and brings back such bad memories but Dominic being religious I'm just like good for you babe <3
listen just imagining the scene where the cops come in and arrest Eli is so real and dark and haunting. Eli insisting he's a hero. Blood everywhere, Victor's body. The monster, exposed before god and man. Eli panicked, yelling for them to burn the body. It's overwhelming
Victor missed Sydney's birthday 💔
Eli love why the fuck wouldn't you burn the evidence. How have you even survived this long. so smart but so dumb
One more thought: I'm not obsessed with Eli but I'm obsessed with Victor and Victor's obsessed with Eli so i'm a little bit obsessed with Eli transitive property or whatever
god it's late oops. do i regret it no. i love this book so much. i loaned vengeful to my sister cause i'm trying to make her read it but i think i'm gonna reclaim it
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