#idk why i chose my index finger
crumb · 4 months
“be yourself! stay weird! let your freak flag fly!” is what they say but as soon as people find out I’m growing one of my fingernails long just to see how long i can get it all of a sudden it’s like pump the breaks
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jinkiezzsstuff · 4 months
Hate That I Love You
adam x insecure!tsundere(ithink) GNreader
Summary: You’ve been Lutes friend for a long while, and occasionally you ran into Adam; after finding out about the extermination thanks to him, you become a three party group. Except you can’t accept liking Adam, him being obnoxious and egotistical, you pretend you hate him. That blows up in your face.
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing, angst ish, hurt/comfort i think, insecurities around strength (mental and/or physical), implied but never confirmed virgin reader, readers looks get insulted nothing intense nor specific, descriptive panic attack/fainting, reader throws an object at adam’s head, NO YN, GN, No alluding to or mention of bodytype/hairtype/skin colour. oh possibly OOC adam idk, not proofread so sorry luvs, I think that’s it if not let me know! enjoy :3
Word count: 2K
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Your index finger sat atop the straw sitting in your drink, moving it around the glass as you mindlessly listened as Adam ranted to you and Lute, mostly Lute, about Charlie Morningstar. You weren’t an exorcist- no, you actually didn’t know about the exterminations at all…up until recently. Thanks to one of Adam’s childish outbursts, you had a long night with Lute explaining the whole situation to you. Now you were sworn to secrecy, and conversations of the madness that the extermination were and everything they came with, AKA Charlie.
Adam wasn’t ever your buddy, he was just someone who shamelessly attached himself to Lute's hip; but you put up with it because of your good friendship with Lute. Now, he’s somehow weaselled his way into believing you were part of this weird “team” purely based off of association.
“I mean who does this long horned, pointy teeth, pussy mucher think she is?!” Adam screamed slamming his hands against the table, you rolled your eyes at him and his stupid antics. “You’re one to talk,” You replied, his eyes snapping toward you. “You’ve got both horns and teeth. Why don’t you take that funky band mask off anyways?”
Scoffing he rolled his neck side to side. “Because this is my job, my persona, how’re people gonna recognize me without it!? Duh, dumb bitch.” Muttering the insult quickly, he leaned his cheek on his palm and went back to sucking his drink.
“With all due respect sir, this is really bad news, we can’t let Charlie persuade Sera.” Lute piped up, her mask discarded showing the genuine emotion on her face. Sometimes you couldn’t tell if he was a friend, someone she was in love with, an annoying brother-like figure, or just her lazy ass boss. Maybe all of the above.
Which is probably one of the reasons you kept your tiny little crush on Adam to yourself. He was cruel to you anyways, always comparing you to someone faster, funnier, stronger, hotter at least that’s what you told yourself. Instead you chose to be more of a bitch back, acting as disgusted and disinterested as you could, especially when Lute was around as she could sniff out a lie like some psychic canine.
“Yeah, duh Lute i fucking know that. You think I've been jerking off this whole time! No, eyes, ears focused, I haven't cum in days.” He whined, throwing his head back. Lute only scoffed glancing over at you slumped back in your seat barely sipping your drink, eyes casted downward. “You don’t have to be here for this kind of talk,” Lute started saying, her hand inching across the table to yours, but she was stopped by Adam once more leaning forward, gloved palms slapping against the table.
“The fuck are you saying Lute!? We get another fucker in this circle and you wanna cast her out. Un-fucking-believeable. It’s like you want Charlie to win.” Throwing a napkin at Adam, Lute slid her hand away from you. “They’re not even an exorcist Adam, you’re the fuck head who got them in on exterminations!”
“No i didn’t, they walked in on a private conversation.” Eyebrows knitted together you lurched forward, anger fueling you. “Oh piss off Adam, how many times are we gonna go over this stupid situation! I’m not your fucking friend, i’m not ‘in’ on it, i’m here for Lute and you won’t fucking leave!”
Adam had a bored expression on his face while you ranted, unfazed by anything you’d said. Lute however bit her lip clasping her hands together. In a fight between her boss slash friend, and her friend, she didn’t know what to do. “You always have your nose up in Lute's business, it’s so annoying. Lute’s my man, okay she works for me! Guess who comes first in this business chica? Not you.” Adam mocked sticking his tongue out at you.
Standing you picked up your cup whipping it at Adam’s head, he dodge it easily, but your emotionally fueled violence made you quickly regretful as both Adam’s and Lutes eyes looked at you questioningly. You’d never really lost your shit before, and this wasn’t the worst Adam has said, so they were a little confused at your outburst, yourself included.
“Listen, Adam, I’m-“ Before you could finish Adam keeled over, laughing maniacally as you watched. After a few short laughter filled moments, Adam straightened, elbows on the table, hands hammocking his chin as he smiled up at you.
“Got some bite in you for sure huh babe, ha! I’m not surprised, honestly when i saw you i was like ‘this bitch has a face made for hell’, you probably got up here cause you were unfuckable so, like, virgin. Oh! Oh! That makes so much fucking sense dude! Ha! Bummer, I could smell the weak loser on ya, didn’t I tell ya danger tits?” Adam questioned head turned toward Lute after his animated, and very condescending speech.
Lute only looked down, not responding. Meanwhile you were horrified, you’d always felt a little less than Lute, after all she carried out holy duties, ones that you hadn’t fully known up until recently, so hearing Adam say the same things you thought of yourself, shattered you. Your face felt hot as tears gathered on the waterline of your eyes. You didn’t belong here, you said it for the longest time everyone here was mindless optimist zombies, Lute was your only lifeline, and for a few months you suppose-Adam.
You never hated him, but it’s clear he’s only fond of Lute. You’re the intruder, you’re the odd one. Clenching your fists you didn’t even bother with a come back, you slid out from your table booking it to the door. Tears unwillingly slid down your cheeks, your chest heaving as your throat closed silencing whatever weep dared to exit your throat.
You could hear Lute calling after you but you genuinely didn’t want to be followed by her, you were embarrassed; the last thing you wanted was the strong exorcist coming to witness you crumble. Throwing the door to the building open your wings sprung out on reflex, and after a few quick steps you took off. You couldn’t quite see, or breathe for that matter. Your mind lagged behind you, replaying the moments in your head that matched up to Adam’s insults.
You blinked rapidly as you attempted to focus on the clouds beneath you and breeze around you, but you couldn’t. You choked once more, your stomach convulsing inward causing you to gasp, a sob violently escaping you as you rocketed toward whatever surface you could find. Suddenly you hit something solid, stunning your flight and causing you to spin down, plummeting. As you fell, the breeze stabbed you as you cut into it, your wings sagging and loosely flailing above you, it felt so calm and freeing you didn’t feel the will to stop.
By the grace of god, however, you were caught and roughly smacked against the chest of someone, their arms clutching you tightly. You barely heard a ‘gotcha’ before your vision tunnelled, stomach flipped and you lost consciousness.
Waking slowly, your eyes stung the moment they opened, nearly watering at the blinding white that invaded them. Willing yourself to rise, you lazily scanned the room you laid in. A living room, coloured with yellows, creams and whites, it was, in all honesty, way too much. A large portrait of a man with a woman, meticulously scrapped out, hung above the fireplace. You’d never seen this man ever before, and the woman was too scratched out to get any idea on who it was. Suppose these people never existed as it was a painting, but there was something about the man that captivated you so deeply.
“Look who finally rose, sleeping bitchy.” You immediately felt sick, turning your head unsurprised to see Adam standing there smugly. You frowned deeply, it felt nearly impossible to twist your mouth in such a way, but there was no hiding your distaste in seeing the angel. “Why am I here, Adam.” You say scaldingly, eyes closed attempting to shield yourself from whatever foul look took over his face. “Well after your little shit show, a little over dramatic by the way, Lute left to find you, and I went for a fly. Then suddenly minding my own business I see you tryna play asteroid! Then when I caught you, your dumbass went out.”
Sighing loudly you pulled your hand down your face. “Please, admit Lute put you up to it.” Slamming a glass of water down on the table along with a platter of fruit, including oranges, pomegranates and mangos, Adam grunted moving his hand to sit on his hips. “The fuck she did, she’s not getting the praise for this one.” You looked up at him and then down at the fruit and drink on the side table just to your right, you nodded at it. “What’s this?”
You barely whispered out. Blowing air out threw his lips effectively raspberryingring the air, he shrugged. “Stuff for you, duh, you’re like sick or something right?” You nearly smiled at that, you’d never had Adam have that reaction. Quite the array of fruit as well, carefully you picked up a few pieces of orange, as well as mango that had a toothpick sticking up from them you munched down. You hummed, watching like a hawk as Adam walked across from you and sat on the other couch.
“How long was i out?” You questioned after swallowing, gulping down some water feeling the soothing sensation on your raw throat. “Maybe thirty minutes, not long. I texted Lute, I told her you were with me, safe.” That made you pause, you gazed up at him from the bowl of pomegranates you started digging into. “What? Why didn’t she come?” Adam huffed, throwing his hands behind his head and leaned back. “Because I told her not to.” Your mouth fell open eyes wide.
“Why thee holy fuck, would you tell her not to come?” Sitting up straighter you swung your legs over the side, sitting properly instead of lounging. Adam wouldn’t meet your gaze drifting off to the left and right. “Fucking… fuck!” He exclaimed almost in what sounded like exhaustion. Watching him closely, you waited as he seemed to have an inner debate with himself. Then swiftly he gripped his face and ripped off his mask.
The face you were met with was like a punch in the gut, yeah he could be compared to men you’ve seen in your lifetime probably at a gas station or cheap bar, but it was Adam. The man you’ve been trying so hard to hate, getting into cussing battles, throwing insults at each other that rolled off the back, occasionally praising each other's insults, forcing yourself to loathe him when you both kinda knew it wasn’t and now it was real. You got to look in his gold eyes, the dark thick lashes accentuating the uniqueness of his eye colour, the chin hair that crawled just under his chin -which you never expected him to have-, his tousled brown hair, thick eyebrows one eyebrow pierced - also a shock to you-.
He looked like the asshole he was, and it made you fucking sick. Trying so hard to hate him had come to this? Him unmasking himself after saving you? Cruel, you wanted to hate him, get over him not know that all he said about him being the hottest, the dickmaster, pussypounder-whatever, was probably true, that he’s hot. You were embarrassed to feel the nasty hum of jealousy claw at you when you could see the woman in the painting in your peripheral, that was obviously him, with some woman. He was wanted, and taken before.
Flicking his tongue over his lips you caught a glimpse of a tongue piercing because of course the pretty boy would get whatever he wanted without worrying about rules. He shuffled nervously biting his lip as you eyed him shamelessly, which to him was judgemental, his nerves suddenly making him feel sweaty. “Why?” You ask breathily, you were too enchanted to care how he perceived that however. His eyes properly met yours, your legs crossed subconsciously at the zap you felt just by a look.
“Youre fucking dumb you know that? You think I hang with Lute when you’re around because Lute’s there?!” Adam stood after the exclamation, his eyes shooting around the room, hands flying to his hair. “I can’t fucking do this a third time! Fuck!” Tossing a vase across the room you watched unfazed by the sudden explosion, after all this was your thing too.
“I only go round Lute like that because you’re there dumbass, i tried easing up on you; just like Lute said! But you, oh noooo little bitch, just had to be so fucking bratty.” Standing over you sneering, you made no attempts to move, not genuinely scared of his anger but instead, perhaps, a little aroused. You in a way understood where his frustrations came from anyway, you in a sense felt the same way. Might be why you lost it earlier, the yearning had gotten too real, and he seemed so focused on Charlie.
“I am so disgustingly attracted to you, not even in a sex way! And I know how to deal with that a lot better.” Swinging his hand out sassily, he smirked to himself. Plopping next to you he rested his cheek on his hand, elbows rested on his legs. Plucking an orange from the table you watched him eat it, juice moistening his lips. “You think i’d peel fruit, save, house and give water to some broad I genuinely hated? No, stupid.”
Laughing dryly, you looked up away from Adam’s intense gaze. You smiled, eyes falling from the ceiling to your lap. “God i fucking hate you,” Adam’s face looked horrified, opening his mouth to speak, you stopped him grabbing his cheeks and pulling into a searing hot kiss. Your lips crashed against each others’ lazily but passionately, opened mouthed and slightly sloppy. It was slow however, a kiss that wasn’t just a kiss, neither of you wanted to haste past such a moment, such emotion. Adam’s arms wrapped around your hips nudging you forward, understanding the message you moved in closer, your body’s pressing against each other as much as you could from the seated position on the couch.
You dug your fingers into his hair, brainlessly playing with different strands as your tongues slid along one another’s without care, tasting the orange he just ate presently on his lips and to tongue. It felt heavenly being up against him, Adam smelt so good, he was so warm and you could feel how badly he wanted this. His body jittered, his hands gripping you like you’d disappear if he loosened. Pulling away and looking at Adam, he made no effort to move eyes still closed like trying to etched this memory in his mind. You hummed lovingly, brushing hair away from his forehead. “You’re a dumb bitch.” He whispered raspily, opening his eyes, although not by much as they lidded with lust.
You smirked at him brushing your thumb against his bottom lip. “I know. You too.”
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leslie057 · 1 month
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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kiskisur · 9 months
so idk if your request are open but if not kindly ignore
may i request a childe x male where childe is the most popular guy in town but he only has his heart set on m!reader and reader wants to know why
thank you -🍓
It'll always be you, dear.
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warnings: a shitty girl is gossiping (real), insecure (?) male reader x famous childe, fluff only ehe
note: so sorry it took long! but yeah, my requests are open as always <33
note: if y'all noticed my writing changed it's because I realized those long ass detailer stuff is boring sooo...
IMPORTANT <- must read
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a crowd shoved you away, causing you to stumble to the side and look at the direction they were heading to.
a ginger guy with sparkling eyes was surrounded by them, squeals and giggling could be heard even a nation away.
"calm down, everyone! you might hurt people!" childe laughed, shaking his head as he placed his index finger in his lips as a sign to lower their voices.
his eyes was observing them when it landed to you, smiling widely as he politely excused himself and headed towards you.
"if it isn't my favorite guy! (name)~!" he exclaimed, spreading his arms and hugging you tightly as he earned a soft laugh from you
"childe!" you giggle, your heart skipping a beat as you felt eyes on you.
"that's (name)..? why would chi-" a girl was caught off by childe clearing his throat, trying to tell her to shut up before facing you.
"come, let's go somewhere!" he winked, holding your hand and dragging you away to a stand that was selling candy.
"hello, sir! would you like some candy? there is.." the guy's voice started drifting away, your head full of questions on why childe even likes a quiet guy like you?
"(name)? (name)~ ehem!" childe waved his hand in front of you, trying to get you back into the world before focusing on him again.
"oh, sorry childe haha what were you saying?" childe frowned in confusion but shrugged it off repeating the things the guy has said.
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you both sit on the table, childe scanning your figure as he sighed and placed the candies you chose from earlier down.
"heyy.. what's wrong? you seem down the past couple of hours you know!" the ginger pouted, crossing his arms and whining.
"I'm just curious, why me?" you look back at him, causing him to raise a brow in confusion.
"why you..? what do you mean?" he asked with concern as he leaned closer in front of you and held your held your hand causing your heart to skip a beat when he closed the distance between you.
"why.. do you like me? I-I mean I'm just a simple guy who's quiet so why me?" tears welled in your eyes as you try to ask the question without breaking down.
"oh, honey.. you may think you're a simple person but in my eyes it's a whole lot different" he reached over and touched your cheeks to wipe away the tear that was about to fall.
"I like you because you're you. I like the way you express your feelings freely, the way you don't mind other people and the way you just be yourself. I love everything about you not just your reputation"
the way his words touched your heart made you so emotional you wanted to cry right there but he just laughed softly and pulled you closer, hugging you rightly
"hey, it's okay to cry it's alright!" he reassured, causing you to cover your face in embarrassment making him giggle and blush heavily
"heyyy~ don't hide your handsome face!" childe pouts, gently removing your hands and kissing you softly.
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
Build-A-Bear with the Boys
Request: Idk if you know what a build-a-bear is , im just going to assume you do sry♡
I havent had one since i was a toddler but for my 21st my friend got me one and had put the "birthday cake" sent in it, and they last a long time!! And the fabric is so soft, its v comforting.
Sooo i wanted to ask for Shig,Dabi,and Jin reacting to their partner getting them  a bear or whatever animal you want, that had a sent that was personal to them, for their birthday/anniversary. Idk what they all carry sent wise so we can just pretend they have whatever lol
Another idea; maybe theyre away from reader for a bit and they end up cuddling the stuff animal ?
Whatever works♡
A/N: I wrote a BAB piece a while ago, but that was for Tenko rather than Shigaraki, so it’s a different feel for a different character 
Bubaigawara Jin:
You look excited. Much more than usual when you sit yourself beside Jin with a generic gift bag sitting by your feet. The tissue paper is all sorts of colors, a mix of pastels peeking past the opening of the bag, and he can see something peeking out from it. There’s this wide grin that you keep trying to suppress by sucking in your bottom lip, but when then, it’s like you’re unable to stop. The palms of your hands smack against the wooden table, too erratic and too jittery to form any sensible beat. You’re waiting for him to ask you something relating to your mood. He takes the bait, sniffling and running the back of the index against the tip of his nose.
For whatever reason, you don’t answer him, simply grabbing the bag and urging him to take it. You want to tell him; that much is clear when you part your mouth open, ready to spill whatever has you in such a happy mood, but you refrain. And now he’s holding a bag in his hands, the paper crinkling and something stopping his fingers from pressing too harshly into the bag. His hand pulls out clumps of paper and he doesn’t give a second glance as the papers fall onto the floor. He pulls out a teddy bear, the fur of it coiled and shaggy. The stitched mouth smiles up at him, and it wears a basic white shirt with a blue bear head embroidered at the bottom.
He turns to you, asking why you’re giving him this. Immediately after, he begins to worry that he’s missing an important date and that if you can give him an hour or two, he’d make it up and he’s beginning to trail off, his foot tapping nervously against the floor and teddy bear held tight in his hands that you’re almost afraid the eyes will bulge out. You urge him to smell it and his eyes squint as he tries to figure it out. He can hear you laugh and your hand rests between his shoulder blades. It’s peppermint. You nod, coming in closer to him, your legs squished together as if the room was packed full of people, when in reality, it’s just the two of you alone in a room, pressed tightly together. You go on to explain why you chose peppermint, your body squirming and holding tightly onto the back of his shirt, voice much lower and much more timid than before. All he can really catch on is that peppermint is meant to reduce stress, or something like that as he holds the bear in gloves hands. 
The stuffed bear has transfixed him, and he is unable to look away. You wanted him to have something nice and you took the time to pick out the scent and the animal, and he’s grateful that he has a mask because there are tears in his eyes. He loves it so much, he can’t even convey it. There have only been a few people that have been kind to him, and even when he was a kid, no one would have done this for him. He has a mean looking face and for so long he tormented himself if he was real or not, and you have given him this- a child’s toy. In his calloused hands covered in blood and gloves, he holds something soft and his hands now smell like peppermint. 
It’s just a gift. No real importance associated with it other than you had thought it would be nice for him to have something like this. He doesn’t really talk about his childhood with you- something about claiming not to remember- and it gave you the impression that perhaps it’s not something worth remembering, or wanting to remember. So you took it upon yourself to get him a standard bear, hoping that it would help him feel a bit less lonely when you aren’t there with him. His smile twitches for a moment, and he’s brought back to reality in remembering that one day, you probably won’t be with him because he is a villain, and he can’t promise his safety, and he won’t make you promise to stay with him, even though the desperate, selfish part of him wants you to swear to it. For now, Jin holds the bear, his index tracing over the eyes and down to the soft swell of the muzzle. 
It’s early when Dab is awoken by you shaking him and calling his name. His mind can’t catch up quick enough, sleep lulling him back in and he pulls the blanket over his head, hoping that you’d let him rest for a minute longer. But, of course, that's too much to ask for. You’re desperate, begging and shaking him, and with great reluctance and a loud groan, he peeks past the blanket, with an unamused look on his face. He knows that you’re safe, if you were in any danger, you’d be much more frantic, much more shrill and harsh with your shakings. When you pull out a gift bag with the tissue paper spilling out from the top, he can’t recall any important date. 
The bag is thrusted into his hands and you’re much too eager. He’s tired and you’re giving him a bag, and talking, words meshing together that you hadn’t meant to wake him, but you were too excited to keep this to yourself for a moment longer, and that he had to have this now. He doesn’t know why he has to have it now, there’s no rush in you kicking him out of your home, there’s no rush in him leaving, but when he turns his head to your direction and you have this wide smile as your hands fidget and twist the comforter in your hands, he takes pity on you and accept the gift with a thanks that comes out softer than he had meant to. The colored paper falls onto the bed, and he pulls out a stuffed wolf dressed in a black shirt with a bear head embroidered at the end of it.
He isn’t sure what to make of it, and he holds it without much of a grip in his hands. You’re staring at him, and he can feel it, and he knows that he needs to have some type of reaction to your gift, a simple thank you, or even just a half hearted hig to the thing would be enough, but he can’t bring himself to do that. He stares at the wolf that smiles back up at him, and he’s far too grown to own a stuffed toy. You tell him in a much quieter voice that it’s supposed to smell like lavender- something about helping him sleep. And slowly, he meets the wolf in the middle, taking a sniff to find that it does smell like lavender.
It’s dumb. He feels dumb having his face pressed against the belly of a stuffed animal, and you watch with your legs bent under you, and he turns to you slowly. It’s difficult to pull any emotion off of him, and it’s easy to read you. You give him a taut smile, pulling on a loose thread from the blanket, and without a word, the tissue paper is shoved back into the bag, crumpled and messily pushed to the bottom. He isn’t sure if he wants the wolf or not, but he knows enough about you to know that if he rejects this, you’d give him these sad eyes and turn your back on him. The bag is shoved to the foot of the bed, and he turns to you, throwing his arm over you in a half-hearted hug. It’s enough for either of you, and you kiss his cheek, laying down and patting the empty space beside you. 
There is a cloth and stuffing on his chest and it weighs a ton, and it makes it hard to breathe and difficult to think. The scent of lavender is faint, and he smells it on his hands. He tries to think back to when he last received a gift like this- something so trivial and soft. Dabi finds that he can’t remember. He isn’t one for stuffed animals, and he isn’t one to keep mementos, but he finds himself gripping the shirt of the wolf tightly, and suddenly his hands are much too raw and dirty to hold something this sweet, to touch something given by you, something so simple and new. Something that was meant for comfort is given to him, and twists to you, the wolf falling between the both of you, and he thinks to himself, that when he’s dead, he’d like for you to cry on the wolf and smell that smoke that follows him.  
Shigaraki Tomura:
His body is sore, and he can feel himself become faint from too much blood loss. It’s come to a point that walking has become too much of a strenuous task for him at this moment. The only thing actually pushing him to walk further is that fact that he knows once the door is closed, it’ll just be you and him, and while you’d be asleep, he knows that no one is going to bother either of you. At least not until the morning when preparation for a war begins to happen, but that’s for the morning, when he’s at least had a few hours of sleep and his body has recovered from whatever it is that the doctor is doing to him and his body. Tomura stops in front of his door and through the bottom crack, he can see orange light spill and light the tips of his shoes. He hopes that you’re asleep, he never liked the look on your face when you see him covered in bruises and blood.
You rise from your place on the bed and though your smile falters when you take notice of his rugged appearance, you encourage him to sit on the bed. He’s grateful he had the sense of mind to shower before coming to you, but as he sits on the bed, he finds it difficult to keep his eyes open. You run to the closest and pull out a gift bag, tissue paper dotted in sparkles rising past the opening of the bag. You know that he’s tired, but it would mean a lot if he would open your gift to him. Has he missed an important date, or is this just an out-of-the-blue type of gift for him, and when he looks at you, and you encourage him to open it without shifting your eyes to some corner where you think he’d place a present, he knows it’s an out-of-the-blue thing that you’ve done for him. The sparkled paper falls to the bed and onto the floor with the gust of air. His hands grab at something soft and he pulls out a stuffed dog. 
He has to remind himself that you don’t know. That this is all just some coincidence, and he can’t breathe. It looks nothing like Mon, but even so, after his memories came rushing to him, and after he experienced it all in a moment’s blink, he can’t help but realize he never truly processed it, simply accepted it and ran with it. He looks at you and you move close to him, resting your chin on his shoulder, asking him to smell it. He does so, and smells the top of the stuffed dog’s head, and it’s sweet. You tell him that it’s peaches with a kiss on his cheek and he holds the dog in his hands, nails digging into the blue shirt with an embroidered bear head at the hem of it. 
With everything going on- the experiments and the other things, that you leave just as that because he can’t tell you what he’s doing and what he’s planning- you thought that he could have used some comfort. It’s childish, and small, and he’d never take it out this room, never risk letting anything of his or anyone else’s things or blood get on the dog and ruin it. He’ll keep it tucked and hidden away and think of it when electricity courses through his body. He’ll think of the peaches and the soft fur, and you chin on his shoulder and hands on his waist. He’ll remember how you asked in a whisper if he liked it. 
Of course, he likes it. He loves it beyond what words can convey and he hates it with such a passion because he knows that the dog won’t last. It’ll stay forgotten in a corner, and he’ll long for it like a child clinging and yearning for something that was caressed by love. You lay down, and exhaustion is evident in your eyes now and it’s catching up to him. The room is engulfed in darkness and he’s holding the dog listening to your soft breathing and even though his eyelids are heavy and keep closing, he keeps them open, looking at the dog and hugging it close to his chest. He’ll fall asleep with the dog tucked under his chin and in the morning, he’ll keep it tucked in the bag, hidden in the closet, safe from danger.
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againtodreaming · 9 months
hiii :3 for the 3 things ask game hehe (it's nice that you found this in my blog again, i tried to find it but couldn't lmao ;-;)
3 things you are the most passionate about
3 topics you’d love to learn more about
3 quotes that have a special place in your life
Hiii Johnny!! :D Tysm for the asks <33
@vinylbiohazard you also asked this one: 
3 things you are the most passionate about:
idk like, fiction-fandoms-writing-art like all that storytelling emotion stuff?
3 topics you’d love to learn more about
3 quotes that have a special place in your life:
Edit: WHY DID U ASK ME THIS?!? 😭 You are going to kill me but anyways—:
Edit #2: ………ended up deciding to go big or go home during the last quarter of my time spent on this response so ahh…beware? ┐('~`;)┌ (^◇^;) 
…okay so I tried to pick a few but I can’t, okay? 🥲 I’m indecisive and my quotes would feel so betrayed if I picked one over the other one so I’ll just break the rules and put…every quote that came to mind (and then I had to look them up bc I only got a few of them completely memorized): 
Nakahara Chūya:
“When I consider, it's easy. / In the end it's a question of will. / I must muddle through. / As long as I do that, it's all right, // I think but nonetheless, / that winter evening when I was twelve. / The steam whistle that echoed / in the sky above the port, where is it now?” Innocent Song
“O song of the skies, song of the sea, / I think I now understand the essence of beauty, / Even so, it’s tough, I can’t escape this idleness!” Exhaustion
“I am not completely quiet in the midst of that desolation. / I am seeking something, always seeking something / in the midst of this terrible immobility, but also terribly impatient. / For the sake of this, my appetites and lusts are as nothing.” The Voice of Life (this one is translated by Paul Mackintosh and Maki Sugiyama and there is also a version of this in the latest Ry Beville translation but I read this one first and I like better how it flows so yep, went with this translation) (...I really need to learn Japanese to read the original sobs) (if it wasn't so long, I would also add part III of The Voice of Life here) (...and some other parts…a lot of parts…these poems are just so good, okay? 😭💖)
“O eyes of mine, wide open with doubt, / O eyes, momentarily unmoving while wide open, / O heart, trusting too much beyond my self, / O expectation of mine, you old, dark air, / Be gone from me, be gone! / I entertain myself with nothing but my meager dreams” – Poem of the Sheep (I memorized this one with another translation but this is from the bilingual edition/new translations by Ry Beville book so yeah, chose this translation for now)
“Today, though, I return to who I am / Like a stretched rubber band released // And thus, from the window of this idleness / I spread out my index finger like a folding fan, // Inhale blue skies      imbibe the calm / And like a frog afloat on water // I see the stars of night come night / O    depths of sky, the depths of sky.” Exhaustion (I have several faves in Exhaustion but yeah, I would say these 2 are the ones I like most? …okay, only the ones I had mostly memorized bc every line is amazing) (also memorized the earlier translation but this is the one in the new translations book so–)
…can't resist, last one, promise, this one is also from The Voice of Life: “No matter what, it is indescribable! / Sometimes I want to explain it briefly, but / since it’s inexplicable, indescribable, I believe my life is worth living. / That’s reality! Unsullied happiness! Anything anyhow is good!” (honestly, just this entire poem)
(Spring Day’s Caprice is also amazing, doesn’t rank as high as the poems I mentioned above but still, the only reason I’m not adding it here too is bc I can’t pick a verse without feeling I’m doing it a complete injustice bc it’s…like you need to read it whole. Like, the same goes for the other poems but this one is like…it feels too much like a united progression to be able to take a quote away, it would feel like taking the meaning away ig?)
Alice in Wonderland: 
“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.” (stuck with me when I first read when I was like 10 or 11 maybe and and even more relatable now)
“That's just the trouble with me, I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.” (this one echoes in my head every time I don’t follow my own advice 😅)
Dazai Osamu:  BSD: 
“But your anguish isn’t yours alone. What should one do, when what they want to be isn’t what they’re best at? Everyone fights, searching for the correct way to live their lives. What do they seek by fighting? How ought they live? No one can say. All we have is the right to waver. Like stray dogs that have hit rock bottom.” (gave me hope and some direction)
Schoolgirl (blaming @yumaisbored—hope u don't mind the tag 😅—for it becoming a favorite look how many quotes I copied here and I highlighted a lot more bc there was just so much, this one stabbed me straight through the heart and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT o(*>ω<*)o) (most of these ones are too long to have memorized and I haven’t read this a million times like I’ve done with my favorite Nakahara’s poems but I remembered the gist of each one and just had to look up my highlighted in orange parts) (this story has no right to be so relatable): 
“The truth is that I secretly love what seems to be my own individuality, and I hope I always will, but fully embodying it is another matter. I always want everyone to think I am a good girl.” 
“Let me be natural, let me be genuine."
“I didn't know whether it was better to maintain a fierce distinction between yourself and your acquaintances in society in order to deal with and respond properly to things in a pleasant manner, or rather never to hide yourself, to remain true to yourself always, even if they say bad things about you.”
“My face was like that of a stranger. An animated face, liberated from my own sadness and pain and seemingly disconnected from such feelings.”
“I felt like trying to cry. I held my breath for a good while, in order to make my eyes bloodshot, and I thought I might be able to squeeze out a tear, but it was no good. Maybe I've turned into an impassive girl.”
“There I go again—pondering the purposelessness of my day-to-day life, wishing I had more ambition, and lamenting all the contradictions in myself—when I know it's just sentimental nonsense. All I'm doing is indulging myself, trying to console myself.”
“I envy such a rigorously efficient and disciplined daily existence. It must be easier to relax when someone always told you who you are and what to do. For instance, right now, if I wanted to do nothing, then I could just do nothing. My circumstances are such that I could be as bad as I wanted, but then again, if I felt like studying, I could study for as many hours on end as I liked. If someone were to give me a particular limit to abide by—to start here and use this much effort and finish there—you have no idea how much it would assuage my mind. I think I rather would appreciate a certain amount of constraint. I read in a book somewhere that soldiers in battle at the front had only one desire, to sleep soundly, and while on one hand I feel sorry for those soldiers, I am also terribly envious of them. To break free from this vexatious and awful never-ending cycle, this flood of outrageous thoughts, and to long for nothing more than simply to sleep—how clean, how pure, the mere thought of it is exhilarating. If someday I could live a military life, and be disciplined harshly, then I just might be capable of being a self-contained, beautiful daughter.”
“In my heart, I worry about Mother and want to be a good daughter, but my words and actions are nothing more than that of a spoiled child. And lately, there hasn't been a single redeeming quality about this childlike me. Only impurity and shamefulness. I go about saying how pained and tormented, how lonely and sad I feel, but what do I really mean by that? If I were to speak the truth, I would die. While I am perfectly aware of what I should do, I can't even utter the words. All I do is feel wretched, and in the end I fly into a rage—I mean, really, it's as if I were crazy.”
“I'm sorry, I formed the words softly. I only ever think of myself, I thought, I let myself be coddled by her to my heart's content, and then take such a reckless attitude with her. I can't begin to imagine how hurtful or painful it must be for her, instead I always avoid thinking about it.”
“Nobody in the world understood our suffering. In time, when we became adults, we might look back on this pain and loneliness as a funny thing, perfectly ordinary, but—but how were we expected to get by, to get through this interminable period of time until that point when we were adults? There was no one to teach us how. Was there nothing to do but leave us alone, like we had the measles? But people died from the measles, or went blind. [...] But if those people were to think about it from our perspective, and see how we had tried to endure despite how terribly painful it all was, and how we had even tried to listen carefully, as hard as we could, to what the world might have to say, they would see that, in the end, the same bland lessons were always being repeated over and over, you know, well, merely to appease us.” 
["You said you wanted summer shoes, so I looked for some while I was in Shibuya today. Shoes have gotten expensive, too, haven't they."
"It's okay, I don't really want them anymore."
"But don't you need them?"
"I guess so."]
No Longer Human: “The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness”
Fyodor Dostoevsky, White Nights:
“at this moment a thousand valves have opened in my head, and I must let myself flow in a river of words, or I shall choke” “allow me, Nastenka, to tell my story in the third person, for one feels awfully ashamed to tell it in the first person” “I was already regretting that I had gone so far, that I had unnecessarily described what had long been simmering in my heart” “Because it begins to seem to me at such times that I am incapable of beginning a life in real life, because it has seemed to me that I have lost all touch, all instinct for the actual, the real; because at last I have cursed myself; because after my fantastic nights I have moments of returning sobriety, which are awful!” “And one asks oneself where are one's dreams. And one shakes one's head and says how rapidly the years fly by! And again one asks oneself what has one done with one's years. Where have you buried your best days? Have you lived or not?” “But how fine joy and happiness makes any one! How brimming over with love the heart is! One seems longing to pour out one's whole heart; one wants everything to be gay, everything to be laughing. And how infectious that joy is!” (I was actually only looking for the ones in red but I passed through the other ones while I was looking for them and like…i mean, what was i supposed to do?!? Leave them behind?!? …okay probably but like look at them!! How could I?!)
“You'll never know if you can fly unless you take the risk of falling.” – Dick Grayson, The Secret Origin of Nightwing
…okay, the entire lyrics of Hourglass by Set It Off but if I had to pick a verse…oof, okay, your fault, you asked and there are just so many good lines and I can’t decide so umm, yep, I already have like 1 and a half pages of quotes so who cares at this point, right? (why did u ask me this 😭😭😭) (edit: now it's like 3 pages and smth ashdjdjsndjsj) (i'm doing the quotes part in google docs) so here is practically half the song: 
How did we get so jaded? I don't know / Was it the white lies feeding our egos? / I never valued minutes I burned through / Is that just how it goes? / Seconds I wasted, I was fixated / You're devastated, sorry to say / I can't fix it, is this where I give in? // I'm falling through the hourglass / And I don't think I'll ever make it back / So I throw stones at walls I'll never climb / Victim to the sands of time / Falling through the hourglass, the hourglass // Time is strange, it's ever flowing, never going back / It moves but only in one way / Turn the page, look back at what you wrote / Do you still feel the same? / I'll bet your mind has changed
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 years
Hi idk if you are taking requests or not but can you make an angst fic where y/n (OR OMG FEYRE) and azriel are going behind rhys's back and rhys and reader are mates. Maybe like rhys goes "So Az this is what you really meant by 'I think the cauldron making a mistake?' The mistake was that my mate shouldve been yours?' And az and reader or feyre just say idgaf we love eachother and just omg rhys spiralling and them saying we should prolly stay apart for his wellbeing but i still love you???
too much?
I am 100% a Feysand shipper, but it is really interesting to write about Feyre and Azriel. Hope you like it. This is btw inspired by a scene from The Crown.
Feyzriel | Morning, Noon and Night
type: angst warnings: curse words, betrayal, cheating word count: 800 words
The High Lord’s power stretched out like a dark cloud, enveloping Feyre and Azriel, making their stomachs churn and twist.
“I demand an explanation from you!” Rhysand shouted, his voice bouncing of the wall and rumbling through the wall. The power that rang with it could shake the Illyrian mountains. 
Not for once had Azriel and Feyre believed that they could keep their relationship a secret–yet they had hoped. That hope had vanished just like every happy feeling they had once felt. Their betrayal became public. 
“Why do you this?” Rhysand growled and snapped his head into the direction of Azriel. He grabbed the shadowsinger by his arm, glowering into his eyes.
Azriel shoved the High Lord backwards, his features nothing but pure rage. “Because I care about her. Morning, noon and night I care about her. I love her with my whole heart and she does too.” Azriel’s shadows encircled him, crawling up their owner and forming something like a protective armor.
“You are just too blind to see it. With what you are saying you hurt her. And if you hurt here, if you hurt Feyre, you hurt me.”
Azriel pointed at his chest, right to the spot above his heart.
Rhysand closed his eyes, fighting against the rage burning inside him. The veins in his neck and on his forehead popped, his hands forming fists at his side.
“You are stealing my wife. You are stealing my mate, my High Lady and you dare speak about me hurting you!” the High Lord growled, shouting.
“It wasn’t his choice. Azriel is who I want. He is the one where my loyalties lie. I…The cauldron must have made a mistake.” Feyre stepped forward, leaving some distance between her and the shadowsinger to not enrage Rhysand anymore. 
“I am the father of your son—“ “Don’t bring Nyx into this!” Feyre’s voice trembled, her legs feeling wobbly. Azriel wanted to reach over, hold her, but through mind-to-mind talk Feyre stopped him. They couldn’t do this to Rhysand in that moment. 
“I am the male the Cauldron has chosen for you. I am the one you accepted the bond with. You fucking betrayed me. My brother and my mate. Was this what you meant when you said that the Cauldron made a mistake—that you deserved what his mine, Azriel?” the High Lord once again addressed Azriel, stepping forward and poking his index finger into the shadowsinger’s chest. 
“You cannot blame him. I am the one who chose him as well. I am the one who betrayed her husband, her mate. Don’t put all the blame on him, Rhysand.” The High Lord’s gaze snapped to his High Lady’s, tears brimming his eyes. His mouth opened and he shouted, shouted so loudly that the cutlery in the kitchen rattled. 
“Did you ever love me? Or was it all fake? Was it all fake from the first moment on? Every I love you? Every nice little thing you told me? Did you fake it all just so you could be close to him?” 
Power once again radiated from the fuming High Lord. Azriel sucked in a sharp breath, his own hands forming fists at his side. 
“I loved you, Rhysand. More than anything. I loved you for centuries, but I started falling out of love with you in the last decades. I am so sorry, I wish it had been different. I wish I could have—“ “Spare me with this bullshit,” Rhysand spat and slammed his hands over his face. A sob left him that made both Feyre and Azriel’s chests clench. 
“Rhys—“ “Don’t,” Rhysand said and lifted a hand. “Don't talk to me now. Don’t ever talk to me again. You two truly deserve each other. Leave, leave this place. Leave Velaris and leave me alone. I never want to see you again.” 
It was the last thing their two of them heard before black mist appeared and the High Lord was gone, vanished into thin air. 
It was then that Feyre let her tears run free, sobbing. Azriel wrapped her into his arms, held her till there were no tears left to cry. Her shoulders still shook when they started talking—talking about what they should do from now on.
“I love you so much, but you know what we have to do now,” Azriel whispered, his own shoulders, trembling.
Feyre dipped her chin and wiped a hand over her tear-streaked cheek. “I love you, Azriel.” “And I will come find you. I will find you again, Feyre. I will come for you. Please—“ Azriel’s voice broke, scarred, trembling fingers curling around Feyre’s wrists. He pulled the female to his chest and kissed her forehead. “Please wait for me.”
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amaya-writes · 2 years
The Setters Reacting to You Tending to Their Injuries After a Game
Notes: ok but taking care of a guy's injuries is such an attractive concept to me and idk why
Warnings: established relationship, mentions of wounds and blood (like very little), hand/face injuries, mentions of first aid things like bandaids and disinfectants and all.
Characters involved: Sugawara Koushi, Kenma Kozume, Miya Atsumu, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Toru, Akaashi Keiji
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Sugawara Koushi
"Stop moving Koushi."
Sugawara couldn't help but squirm more at your words, making you sigh and tighten your grip on his wrist as you dabbed his index finger with the cotton ball.
"I can't believe you actually ripped off your nail."
"It's not like I did it myself."
You couldn't help but smile at the offence in his voice, but chose to refrain from speaking until you had wrapped a band-aid around his finger.
It was then that you leaned for and placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth, followed by another kiss on his lips that had him pulling you in further.
However, the fear of getting caught in the changing room by his team was enough to have you pull away a second later, but not before you placed yet another kiss on his lips.
"Please take care of yourself while you play."
Sugawara swore he felt his heart melt at the concern in your voice, one that had him reaching for your hand with his injured one to lace your fingers together.
"I promise I will."
Sure, volleyball was important, but the reckless abandon he usually felt during a heated moment on the court was nothing compared to the pang of guilt he felt for making you worry, which was why his promise was more to himself than to you.
Kenma Kozume
"I can't believe you actually fell."
Kenma's small pout at your words was enough to make you giggle as you continued dabbing at his nose, only stopping once the dried blood was almost non-existent.
When you had gone to watch the Nekoma boys volleyball team's practise match against Karasuno that day you certainly hadn't expected it to get so intense.
However, the most shocking part was how the cats had won but sacrificed their physical state for it, with Kuroo and Kenma both crashing to the floor in their haste to score the last point.
The sight of blood spurting from your boyfriend's nose had been surprising at first, but your shock was quickly replaced with concern as you led him to the back of the gym to clean up.
Kenma, however, seemed adamant about pretending he never fell.
"Don't remind me, it's embarrassing."
You were quick to conceal your laugh as you got rid of the bloody tissues in your hand, only replying once you had returned to his side again.
"But you still won."
"I did, didn't I?"
This time you actually did let your amusement show, feeling genuinely relieved that he was okay.
Kenma, on the other hand, was too busy replaying his fall and soaking in the embarrassment to comprehend your initial concern, but felt thank for your presence nonetheless.
Miya Atsumu
You shouldn't have been laughing, especially not when your boyfriend and his brother sat before you with a busted lip and bleeding nose, but you couldn't help the giggle that left you as you wiped at Atsumu's bleeding lip.
"Oi, what are you laughing about?"
Atsumu seemed more amused than offended at your actions, but his amusement was quickly replaced with annoyance as he heard his brother reply for you.
"Probably the fact that you fell on your face."
"At least I didn't hit my face in the net!"
The two brothers were quick to begin bickering.
Usually, you would have just stood by and watched the scene play out, but as their fight began to get physical you couldn't help but tug on Atsumu's waist until he was far enough from his brother to not be able to get hit.
"Stop trying to more injured. And you should be more careful when you play, 'Tsumu."
You didn't notice the light blush that coated your boyfriend's face at your words, but his brother certainly did.
"Goin' soft, are you?"
"Shut up 'Samu!"
Somehow, the two found it in themselves to continue fighting, a feat that made you sigh and retreat to the other end of the locker room, leaving Kita to do the rest.
If only you had seen the way your boyfriend practically turned red as he replayed your concerned words in his head, maybe you would have stayed and teased him with Osamu.
Kageyama Tobio
"Does it hurt?"
Kageyama shook his head dismissively at your question, but the wince that followed was enough indication that it did in fact hurt.
You weren't surprised, after all, he had basically split open the side of one of his fingers in his haste to win the last match yet for some reason he insisted on not going to the nurse to 'cause a scene'.
It was clear that Kageyama just didn't want to leave halfway through their practice matches, but his persistence was nothing in comparison to yours.
"Tobio, missing one practice match won't be the end of the world."
He seemed ready to argue back but was cut off by your annoyed 'fine' as you began to tend to his finger yourself.
It was only when you were done wrapping a bandage around the wound that you finally noticed how silent your boyfriend was being, which was a little too silent for your liking.
You couldn't help but feel amused as you noticed the blush coating his cheeks as his gaze remained fixed on your joint hands, only drifting away when he noticed you were looking at him.
He looked away as he said it, allowing you to plant a small peck on his cheek that not only worsened his blush but also drew the attention of some of his team members, who took pleasure in teasing Kageyama for the rest of the day.
Oikawa Toru
"Honestly, Toru, you're such an idiot."
The boy in question gasped at your words, pulling his hands away to dramatically place them on his chest as he complained about how you should be nice to the patient.
It was only when you once again reached for his hands that he rid himself of his dramatics in order to properly reply.
"Excuse you I had to get that receive to win."
You scoffed at his response, winding the band-aid around his ring finger just a little too tightly as you recalled his decision to set the ball rather than receive it.
"No one asked you to receive it with a set."
Oikawa remained quiet for a moment after that, choosing to tug on your hand until you were kneeling in the middle of his knees rather than beside him.
It was only when he spoke again that you realised just why he chose to increase your proximity.
"You're...worried for me."
"Am not!"
Oikawa giggled at your response, using his free hand to turn your chin upwards so you could look him in the eyes.
"Don't worry, it's cute."
"Keep talking and I'll let Iwaizumi deal with the rest of your fingers."
He did keep quiet after that, but little did you know it warmed Oikawa's heart to know that you genuinely cared about him enough to worry.
After all, he didn't get that sort of love a lot, and hoped you would stay around to give it to him for years to come.
Akaashi Keiji
It had been a while since Bokuto had stopped fawning over both of you and apologising for crashing into Akaashi, but your boyfriend had remained quiet since then.
You weren't one to pry, so you chose to silently clean up his scraped elbow and knee and band-aid his hand, which had scratched against the net.
It wasn't until you were completely done that he finally spoke, but with a voice that was a little above a whisper.
"You don't have to look after me, you know."
Akaashi was accustomed to always being the one to take care of others rather than being taken care of, perhaps that was why he thought of himself as a burden for making you tend to his wounds, even if you were the one who insisted on doing it.
His thoughts, however, were far from the truth and made you cup his cheek to ensure he could see the truth in your gaze as you replied.
"You look after everyone, including me. It's only fair that I do the same for you."
The two of you didn't talk much after that, with Akaashi being too busy nervously contemplating your reply to say anything back, but as you walked out of the locker room hand-in-hand and felt him squeeze your palm reassuringly you couldn't help but smile.
Akaashi was always the one to take care of others, but you just hoped he would allow you to stick around long enough to do the same for him.
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miekasa · 2 years
now Now with that royalty AU of arranged marriage...I'm kicking and swinging my feet and biting my lip like a fool!!
like aside from the bonding, there is also the growing of the physical affection. of course, there was a customary kiss at the wedding...but aside from that there has literally been nothing aside from the usual holding on to arm at those balls and all (cue Hange dying)
but when it does start, it's slow. lingering looks first. then touches. falling asleep on Levi's shoulder during long carriage rides. gravitating towards each other. nothing overtly noticeable to the public, it's only Kuchel who catches on (smirking). but like the first time you share a bed...thinking many thoughts as to how and why this could go down. could be angsty after you sustained some minor injuries from an ambush, could be fluffy after particularly exhausting work things, could be highly domestic...anyway all delicious!
not to mention the next kiss and idk how long it'd take for the fucking, but Hange has points, it's bound to happen in the clocktower one day, that's for sure!
God... thinking.... thinking. The closest he ever is to you immediately following your wedding, physically, is when you make appearances in public. You stand at Levi’s right hand side, shoulders straight and head held high, and that’s where the lingering looks start. He’s more focused on you than the merchandise at the market, spends more time looking at you than dyes when you meet with a dressmaker, and he can’t help but to stand back and watch as you play with the children at the orphanage.With the right amount of determination, anybody could fake the prestige of a princess to carry themselves with false confidence, and charm whoever they please with sweet words; but children don’t lie. Levi is in awe every time you two visit, and even finds himself fighting a blush when you hold a newborn because there are thoughts in his head way too many steps ahead of himself. 
Fleeting touches were always integrated into your lifestyle—Levi offering you a hand when dismounting your horse or carriage, offering you his arm to enter formal meetings, a careful hand at the middle of your back to usher you out of a room—but they soon become intentional; you both begin to seek them outside of pleasantries. You find yourself reaching to wrap your arms around Levi’s on your weekly strolls through the castle garden; he takes it upon himself to carefully dab excess lip stain from your lower lip, his index finger lingering for just a beat; you help him to straighten a pin on the lapel of his blazer, palms spreading across his clothed chest to iron out any remaining wrinkles, and he returns the favor when he’s on his knees adjusting the strap of your heels. 
You call him reckless when he returns from a retreat to a neighboring kingdom with cuts along his hand. There was a small ambush—nothing he and his accompanying knights couldn’t handle—but Levi chose to ride the distance with just a torn piece of his shirt as a bandage to his left palm, instead of heading Erwin’s advice to stop by a trusted apothecary before returning to the castle. “Your kingdom praises you for your stoicism and calm demeanor,” you note, carefully spreading salve to the gash along your husband’s hand, “They might change their minds if they knew of your behavior.” Levi inhales deeply when you take fingers with one hand and continue dress his wound with the other, “They would understand, that I waited to return home to you.” (Levi notices that you stand to his left for the following few weeks, and holds his breath when you hold his hand as if it’s made of glass, nimble fingers weaving through his own and a squeeze so feather light, he’d miss it if he blinked). 
It’s a secret to nearly everyone in the castle, but there are two beds in the prince’s quarters. He had the second one added shortly before your wedding, in an effort to provide you with as much comfort and privacy as possible without raising the concern of traditionalist council members. Every night since being wed, Levi would ensure that you were safe and comfortable in your bed before he big you a warm goodnight and rounded the corner of the suite to his own. Soon, he begins to feel too far away from you, but he doesn’t dare say a word until you ask him. It’s after the first time you visit the clocktower together—you catch him by his hand before he can step away to his side of the suite, reaching your other hand to cup his and ask, “Would you... if you don’t mind, I’d like you to lay with me, Levi.” And Levi is a fool in love, so he only nods; he can feel his heart in his hand when he lays under the sheets next to you, when he feels your hand in his the entire night, “I’ll lay here as long as you wish, my princess.” 
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outivv · 2 years
Hey! Tysm for my last ask it was so nice
Ur so cool! I hope you're doing well
Could I maybe ask for hu tao and whoever listening to their s/o's favorite songs with them? Maybe laying on the couch or in bed? (Modern au I guess idk) And coming across a love song seemingly picked out just for them :3
(I'm thinking like oneofone.rwk or flowers ftnori)
Again, thank you, take care of yourself :)
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Synopsis: listening to your favorite songs with your lover, and suddenly the song that reminds you of them starts playing.
Warnings: not proofread
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: hu tao, shenhe, kazuha, and kaeya
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
Note: Modern au cause dang I love modern au stuff, also I for some of the characters I chose some songs that I felt fit them, I hope you don’t mind!
A/n: hello again! You’re super cool too! I also really like the songs you recommended for this, I had to go look them up cause I wasn’t really familiar with them, and I actually really like them now! Hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself! Drink water! <3
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— hu tao —
Riding the train home from a long day with hu tao, you decided to listen to some music to pass the time.
Hu tao rested her head on your shoulder as the music played through the earbuds you were sharing. You both had a eventful day, as you went to an amusement park since both of you had the day off. Now, riding the train you both felt as though you could doze off.
“Oneofone_Rwrk” started playing through the earbuds, and made hu Tao’s eyes close shut. The music was calming, and a good song to decompress to. You entangled your fingers with hu Taos, and tapped your index finger against the back of her hand to the beat of the music. The song faded out, and your eyelids became heavy.
— shenhe —
You both were in the kitchen, making some dinner together as you did every night. It was almost like tradition for you at this point. Listening to music and dicing vegetables, meat, and fruits to put in your dish.
You tapped your foot to the upbeat and exciting music you were listening to, singing along at all of your favorite parts. You had to be reminded to concentrate a few times on the soup you were making.
The familiar opening part of a song started playing. You look at your phone to see “we fell in love in October” playing. “The soup.” Shenhe deadpans, not looking up from putting some bread in the oven. “Soups fine.” You say, wrapping your arms around her from behind.
Shenhe sighs, and puts her hand over yours. “I don’t get why you like this song.” She quietly says. “Because it reminds me of you.” You respond. You can’t see her face but you can tell shenhe is a smiling, and flustered mess right now.
— kazuha —
Going back to kazuha’s house after a long day at the beach, you have some tea and listen to music while on sitting on the porch.
Kazuha was always talked about how the view from his porch was gorgeous at sunset. And he of course… was right. Holding your mug close to your chest, you watch the waves go back and forth on the sandy floor of the beach.
“Care for some music?” Kazuha asks, “only if it’s mine.” You respond with a cheeky grin. Pulling out your phone and hitting shuffle on your favorite playlist. A few songs roll by, and your absolute favorite starts playing. It’s a song that reminds you of kazuha, from the tone of the song, to the lyrics.
“What song is this? I really like it.” Kazuha says, “oh ah… Stella brown. It’s funny you like it, it actually reminds me of you.” You say with a chuckle. Your words made Kazuha smile, and dart his eyes away from you. It’s cute cause it reminds him of a few songs that make him think of of you.
— kaeya —
You’ve been working from home for a few days, but haven’t been able to focus (that’s to someone) so what do you try? Listening to music! Kaeya sits beside you and reads, as you work, and listen to some of your favorite songs.
Typing on your computer, you sing along to the music playing on your phone. Kaeya occasionally looks up from his book, and smiles at how cute you are. He promised not to distract you, but that doesn’t mean he can’t admire you right?
A new song starts playing, and your so wrapped up in your work that you don’t even notice what song it is. “What song is this?” Kaeyas asks, snapping you back to reality.” “What? Oh uh… oh.” You say looking at your phone realizing which song it is, “it’s “good little girl” from adventure time…”
Kaeya smiles. A smile you’ve seen too many times. The smile that literally says “I’m gonna tease you for this until the day you die”. Kaeya puts his book down, “interesting name for a song.” He says teasingly. “Kaeya don’t.”
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
what your father says — park jihoon
words: 1.6k words
warnings: mention of cigeratte,racing(once!), swearing, grammatical errors
pairing: jihoon+fem!reader
notes: inspired by the vamps what your father says! idk why the vamps are so underrated😫 but anyway i hope you enjoys this story as i enjoy writting it!
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you gone.
the girl he truly loves walks away from him. he admits, he never falls in love with anyone since he thought love is for the weak, he never got the love from his parents who's treat him like a stranger. he never relies on anybody and he likes to be alone, with his empty mind and cigarette.
but you, you're the only one who changed his obstinate mind. you're the only one who cares and affirm him with love. you don't care about his bad reputation— some kind of bad boy student in university. you love him just the way he is, you just love how he is such an awkward person when you guys are together and the way he loves language is the act of service that made you fall for him more since you hate all those cringy i love you.
but when your father heard about him, he goes insane. he heard bad news from him. he is a party boy, he loves racing, he is a smoker, he got anger issue, he is bad at studying– in short, your father see he's a person with no future and there's no way he wants him to be with his only daughter.
of course, you're not that stupid to break up with him because of your father's 'concern'. he's not like your father thought. he never goes to any party, quit racing, never smoke, never raise his voice at you and he's now started studying with you. all of the rumors your father heard are total bullshit.
notwithstanding, your father starts to threaten you to send him away from you if you not breaking up with him. with all the money he had, he can do everything he wants. he thought he rule the world with his money.
the next morning when he thought he's gonna see your pretty smile, he's wrong. he could feel all the blues in you. and when you tell him to break up, he didn't feel angry or sad. he dumbstruck by how stupid your father is to judge him too early. nevertheless, he agreed to break up after seeing you full of tears and you scared of losing him because of your father's words.
but of course, he can't give up on you so easily
after all, he is park jihoon, he never listens to anybody besides himself and you of course.
that night, you were busy studying for your upcoming exam until you heard a tap on your window. you frown but still getting up from your study table and walk towards your window, you gasped as you saw park jihoon in front of your house, throwing stones at your windowpane. you quickly open your window and put your index finger to your mouth gesturing him to quiet. he smirks and climbs to your window smoothly likes he has done this before, you don't wanna ask, you're too nervous if your father heard him. as he steps into your room, he grabs your arms, pull you closer to him, and kiss you passionately— he wants you to know that he will never give up on you just because of your father's threat.
you lost with his soft lips against yours, you feel like you on another world, the world filled with only you and him. his hand down to your waist and your fingers start caressing the back of his hair. both of you panting hard after the kiss, you smile at him, you miss his kiss, you miss his face. you regret breaking up with him but knowing your father, you had no choice.
"i'm sorry ji"
"no, it's okay baby. forget about what your father said about me."
you shook your head.
"i can't.. he would do anything if i—"
"and i will change his mind towards me. i'm not like the rumors he heard anymore" he said, caressing your cheek. he wants to kiss you again, but he holds himself, both of you would be in trouble if your father suddenly enters your room.
"ji, even his daughter can't make him change his mind, how you're gonna do that?"
"trust me, love," he said
"i trust you," you said, making he smile and once again he leans to kiss you
it's a saturday morning, you wake up early than usual because of jihoon. yesterday both of you plan on how he would impress your father, you grinned as you thought how much he changes after he met you. he would come to your house at 8 am sharp, just to meet your father.
the doorbell ringing making you nervous, you look at your father who frowns while putting his morning coffee on his coffee table, who is the crazy person who would come to someone's house early on saturday morning?
you bite your lips when your father opens the door, showing jihoon with his usual outfit, black band shirt layered with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans, with his cocky smile, he politely greets your father.
he turns around to look at you who's acting like you don't even know what's going on.
"come on in," he said
jihoon enters your house and wink at you, you smile at him and mouthing him good luck before entering the kitchen, making a peach tea for jihoon.
"so you're the famous park jihoon? the one who's clinging around my daughter?" your father asked. eyeing jihoon from head to toe. how dare he come here with this kind of outfit?
"yes, i am sir."
"what's your intention?"
"i want you to know that i'm nothing from all of the rumors you heard sir. i am not that kind of person anymore" he said
your father arched his eyebrow
"do you have any proof to show that you're not the kind of person i heard about?" he asked, leaning on his expensive leather couch.
jihoon smirks at your father's words
"do you have any proof to show me that you're you?"
"excuse me?"
"why do i need proof to show you who i am?"
"because you're some street rat that doesn't belong with my daughter"
"i changed"
"yeah you changed, but the fact that everyone thinks you're street rats doesn't change a thing. you may give y/n troubles if you ended up with her" he said
jihoon not surprised at your father's word. what would he expect from a rich family? a nice behavior? how funny before anyone can say anything, you approach them with a cup of peach tea. you put the cup on the table and take a seat beside jihoon making your father glare at you
"trouble? what kind of trouble do you think i'm gonna give to your precious daughter sir?" he asked
"you will ruin her perfect life. she will suffer every minute with you and you have no works and no money, do you think my daughter would end up with you?" he asked
jihoon lick his lips and put his hand on your waist
"well your daughter made my favorite tea and sit beside me. do you still think she doesn't want to end up with me? she can't resist me sir" he smirks
"if you could change than she could too. i can make her forget about you, disgusting street rat"
"dad!" you raised your voice, you are very angry at your father right now, he's crossing the line.
"you see sir? she defended me. i'm sorry to tell you this but she can't forget me" he said
"and don't you see you turn her to a bad girl. she never raised her voice at me before, clearly, you giving her a bad influence, now get the hell out from my house before i'm losing it"
"if he leaves,i'm leaving too," you said making your father looks at you
"i don't want you to decide my choice anymore, all this time i listen to your words, do what you want me to do. you never care if i'm okay with it or not! you selfish dad! and this is the first time i chose for myself, i love him and i don't regret it. i would leave if you don't respect him as my boyfriend"
your dad didn't seem to care about your words. his heart is made by stone
"you crazy girl, don't you see he has no future! don't you want to be with him in his rented small apartment?"
you scoff, you don't surprise at your father's behavior but you're disappointed with him, he thought very low of people like jihoon.
"i rather be with him than you dad" you said
"oh, did you hear her well sir? do you still think she's doesn't want me?" jihoon asked in a teasing way, he's never want to impress your dad, he's just want to show him how his daughter can't resist him.
your father exhale angrily
"go, go with him i can't change your mind, sooner or later i know, you would kneel in front of me for this kind of life again," he said, standing up, he would rather be in his office room than facing you and jihoon.
"no. i won't" you said and he doesn't turn around, and that is the last time you see him.
you both love each other too much to care about what others think about you both.
"i love you, baby, i'm so proud of you for standing for yourself" jihoon hugs you tightly, you could feel his soft lips land on your head.
"well just say, i forget about what my father said and trust you,"
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
Ok but. What is JGY’s reaction to hearing. that. Apparently. A-Fu... doesn’t? Have a knife/lock pick on him at all times???
LXC: Why Would Our Child Have A KNIFE (the lock picks a LITTE more reasonable)
NMJ: Hmmmmm (idk What he’d say)
JGY:.....(trying to figure out how to answer ‘perverts and theifs’ without revealing more of his messed up childhood)
[WOW, I apparently wrote this months ago, put it in my drafts and completely forgot about it?? This happens when A-Fu is about 3, so before And A-Fu Makes Four. TW: Vague allusions to hypothetical and past child abuse/predatory adults]
[3zun Raise Jingyi AU] [Main Fic][Ao3 Link]
“When were we thinking he was going to get one?” Jin Guangyao idly pressed his index finger around the rim of a tiny sauce dish. The force he exerted fell into sync with the steady, confident rhythm of Nie Mingjue’s knife cuts, echoing throughout the kitchen, his eyes watching the dip and flash of the gradient of blue, like the waves of the ocean. Dark to light to dark to light.
Lan Xichen hummed in thought as he sorted the vegetables A-Fu had helped grow in the little practice garden with Huaisang near the late Second Madam Nie’s flowers. His long fingers lightly turned them this way and that against the heavily marked counter. “Their progress dictates when they receive their first spiritual tool, but they received practice swords to build their strength when--” he obligingly cut himself off when Jin Guangyao gave a light, correcting shake of his head without looking up.
“Not a spiritual tool; his first knife for defense. I was taught the precautions of it when I was much younger than him, so I wondered if you had spoken to him about it already and decided to wait.”  Dark to light to dark to--the knife strokes had stopped and there was silence. He raised his eyes and found both of them looking at him with varying degrees of confusion and concern.
“What are you talking about? We’ve barely just taught him that knives are not to be touched,” Nie Mingjue demanded with a frown. “The ‘little Baxia incident’ only happened last month. Have you forgotten already?”
Jin Guangyao bit the inside of his cheek to quell the rush of irritation at the accusation in his voice, and responded with a cool smile. “No, I haven’t.”
“Usually they begin with wooden swords to build their strength and to teach them proper etiquette. I’m confused. Have we talked about a knife before?” Lan Xichen was studying his face as if he were trying to draw the answer from him through his gaze, searching and puzzled.
A strangeness that sometimes rose in Jin Guangyao all at once widened the gulf between their lives impossibly under their gaze, yawned to show the canyon of space that separated their experiences and his own. Gentry. Safety. Comfort. The outlines of his own wickedly sharp blades, tucked into sash, sleeve, and boot seemed to warm at his awareness. As soon as he had been able to understand speech and balance on his own feet, there had been a blade in his possession and it was not until this exact moment that he realized this might not be universal.
It shouldn’t surprise him--and in a way, it didn’t. It made sense that they would feel safe within their own lands, their own homes, tucked away in neat little boxes of what was ‘yours’ and ‘mine’. They had not had to live in a place that was ‘theirs’ where you were unwelcome and unsafe. Where anyone could come and go as they pleased. Could use whatever they chose. He had just never considered that anyone would be so...arrogantly confident. Naïve. He had simply thought that perhaps they waited a little longer before teaching their children--though 3 had seemed almost egregiously old.
This was a different world that he was raising his son in. This had been an alienating mistake, once again reminding them that he did not belong, that he was not the same as them. He smiled. “My mistake, I must have misheard.”
The other two traded a look that immediately told him that this was not something they would allow him to brush past. Nie Mingjue’s frown deepened. Purposefully, Jin Guangyao relaxed his shoulders and went back to spinning the dish, as if the tension of an uncomfortable conversation was not already creeping through the room. 
“A-Yao,” Xichen said in that gentle way that felt like his hair was being stroked, but in the wrong way, prickles that were not wholly pleasant nor wholly uncomfortable. He wanted to swat away the sensation. This tone was the precursor of being Seen when he had not meant for it. “A-Fu doesn’t need to protect himself here the same way that you did. The sort people he is with are different from the ones that you grew up with.”
His press on the bowl rim was a little too hard this time, spinning it out from under his hand as it wobbled around noisily against the wood. His smile tugged up lopsided, the edge of it sharpening. Because they were alone, together, and they knew him. Because so often he was completely sheathed away. Because it was such a sweet and thoughtless thing to say. 
“Er-ge,” he said in the same patient, understanding tone he had used. “I think maybe you’ve forgotten the sort of people who visited where I grew up in the first place.” 
The silent consideration that deepened in Lan Xichen’s face was exactly the point; not pity, not shock. But the allowance of a redirection and the reminder of exactly how Jin Guangyao had come to be in this position. Who his mother was. His father. The gentry are not more civilized. Their coin makes their weight and words heavier and their rules and learning help to veil their nature. But at their core, they are just as despicable. The only true difference between them is power. 
Watching this disturbance cloud the eyes of the man he loved, he felt the bite of his bitterness melt into a dull ache, a yearning. Except you. Except the most principled and gentle of men. Beyond him, Nie Mingjue was frowning with narrowed eyes and that yearning grew barbs, the sharpness of it a million tiny pinpricks. And you, you....
“Have you seen anyone....” Nie Mingjue’s voice was a dark growl, grating to a stop before he could voice the unspeakable.
When he would have bowed his head or deepened his smile in the presence of others, Jin Guangyao instead let the mask drop away entirely and stared at him. Voice tight and low, he asked, “If I had, would I stay silent?” Would they still be breathing? hung heavy between them all, unspoken because it was unneeded, because he, of all people, knew. 
Nie Mingjue blew out a breath and considered the knife in his hands, the bits of greenery clinging to its blade before he shook his head and met his gaze again. “No.”
Well. At least they had that understanding. “No,” he agreed, bringing his voice back to mild, settling his expression. He picked up the dish and set it delicately on its side and spun it, the blurred blue whirl making a little orb slowly traversing its way over the table. “It’s simply something to consider, I suppose.”
He felt the weight of Xichen’s gaze move off of him and knew he was trading a look with Nie Mingjue that he didn’t want to unravel. So he kept his eyes on the liquid shine of that sphere. It was clear to him now that speaking to the both of them together had been a mistake. He had thought it efficient, since they so rarely could bear to inhabit the same room all together. Stupid.
“I’ll start teaching him some more hand to hand combat. Would that suffice?” The rhythmic, solid ‘thunk’ of the knife was back under the shortness in Nie Mingjue’s tone. 
A warmth pressed to his side as Xichen slid onto the bench next to him and Jin Guangyao’s hand was engulfed in his gentle grip. He did not look up, but instead used his other hand to flick the now wobbling sauce dish, tilting it off its axis so it rolled out of its spin and clattered noisily to a stop, upside down. No. “Whatever you both think is best. I suppose was being paranoid.” 
Xichen’s hand squeezed and Jin Guangyao knew there was enough strength in him to crush every slender bone in his hand. And that Xichen would never use it. “You’re being a good father,” Xichen murmured. “But, remember, A-Yao, he has us. He will never be alone.” Not like you were, he seemed to mean. Oh, Er-ge.
Did your mother mean to die when she did? He wanted to ask, oh so gently. Mingjue’s parents, Huaisang’s? Our son's birth parents? Of all people, would my mother leave me in that place willingly? His palm rested over the back of the little bowl, let the coolness of it combat the spiced and rising wet heat of the kitchen.
“A-Yao?” A murmur as, across the room, Nie Mingjue began loading the wok and loud hissing flooded over them, blurring Xichen’s quiet voice.
Jin Guangyao looked up at him; the sweet sympathy in his dark eyes, the tug of sorrow at his lips. He pulled out a smile and laid his head on Xichen’s firm shoulder. Turning the dish over, he set his finger again on the rim, tipping it rhythmically, now soundless in the boiling noise around them. Dark to light to dark to light.
“Of course.”
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 5: The Three Day Hike
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
Oh, what was that you said about progress? Liu reveals what you could only guess and you reveal a deep secret that's been eating you alive. It doesn't go well.
A/N: I love writing you yelling at each other and then having deep emotional baggage moments Lol. I also just love angst, idk. I just do. It's fun to make characters hurt! Hope you guys are doing well. Smooches. As always, open to suggestions for nonsense.
First Chapter << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
A wall of shadow rose into the heavens above, melting into the clouds, and spreading darkness like ink through veins. Red light shone through the gaps in the clouds and the ground began to freeze before your feet. Kung Lao’s face was just before yours. His familiar long face, broad jaw, worry in his dark eyes, all things you missed so desperately. You touched his cheek and his skin turned gray beneath your fingertips.
“Wake up, Y/N.” He begged you and your fingers froze. Ice crackled over your palm and spread up your arm. “Please.” He grabbed your shoulders and you gasped at the feeling of cold in your chest, sudden and violent. Shutting your eyes tight you tried to breathe but when you opened them, you were in the little cabin, tucked neatly into bed, the bag with Kung Lao’s trinket in your arms.
You were alone in the cabin and trembling, so you pulled the bag closer to comfort you. A nightmare, of course. You’d had them a thousand times since he’d died but this felt different. Your hands were stained with ink and that worried you too. Kung Lao had been so desperate to wake you up and the imagery had been so obscure and yet specific. You’d suffered a curse of visions once, but Raiden had helped you through it. It had been worse when you were a kid but back then it had disappeared after a few years too. You’d grown out of it.
This hadn’t been a vision, right? Not in any way that you could interpret. It was just you missing Kung Lao and feeling guilty for living without him. Probably feeling guilty for sleeping with Liu Kang. And feeling guilty for making it harder on him.
Guilt. That was to blame.
You got ready for the day and slung your bag over your shoulder and stepped outside the cabin. The sun was shining and it was unseasonably warm. Liu Kang sat near the door in the grass meditating. That was much more like the Liu Kang you were used to. You smiled. Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad. Last night had been nice. Even a little comforting.
“They offered us supplies for the hike. We should grab some before we go. Food at least.” You greeted him and he heaved an annoyed sigh and looked to you as if frustrated that you’d interrupted him. “Sorry-“
“I’m good.”
“…but it’s a… three… day….” You began and he returned to his meditation without hearing you out. Never mind. Bitchy Liu Kang was back. So much for that. You bit you tongue and decided it best to leave him be. There was no point in fighting so early in the morning. You were too shaky from your nightmare and had bigger things to think about than hot and cold Liu Kang. It was like he’d borrowed Kung Lao’s ego to make up for the loss of his brother. “Fine.” You went on your way. If he wanted to be a moron about it, then you would let him be a moron.
Once away from the intoxicating stink of Liu Kang, you felt much better. The people of the village were exceedingly kind and generous. You took only what you thought you would need for your journey and a day’s extra just in case something went wrong. Both you and Liu were resourceful so if you got into a pinch, you would manage. He’d trained his whole life for survival, and you’d gotten pretty good at it since coming to Raiden’s Temple.
You packed up the supplies and then thanked them again for their hospitality before heading out of town with Liu who was silent the whole time. He didn’t even say goodbye. It was going to be a long hike if he continued like this. You wished that Raiden would have just sent you alone. He had the foresight to know that it would be uncomfortable. Then again, you weren’t sure just how much Raiden knew of your complicated history. He was a god, what was he aware of? You didn’t know and you didn’t want to ask. You did kind of want to shake him and cry though.
Liu was infuriating for the rest of the day as if he were making up for being nice the night before. You’d fought about every crossroad. Fought about when to eat. When to sleep. When to take a break. What kind of tree was on the hill. Everything. Every time one of you opened your mouths it was a fight. He couldn’t be blamed for all of the annoying arguments. You were annoyed too and every so often you caught yourself saying things that you hadn’t meant to say in a tone that was far harsher than you’d meant it to be. You supposed one good conversation wouldn’t eliminate two months of snippiness and one wild night of passionate lovemaking gone wrong.
You tried to remind yourself that Raiden had known you were both grieving and had probably hoped that you would work through some of your grief together. You could picture him saying it. But you also could have strangled him by the end of that first day. On the second morning, you’d meditated on it and decided to focus on patience. You would try to listen to Liu Kang’s suggestions and come to an agreement with him rather than argue with him. But that only worked if Liu wasn’t picking a fight with you. Which he was. He was absolutely picking fights with you. Why was beyond you.
By the second night you were out of patience and had no grace left to deal with him. You had agreed upon a path that morning and he was changing it for the fifteenth time that day. You were tired. The more tired you became, the more aggressive he did. His attitude had drained you and so had the hike. So had the fighting. “If we go up this path then we can shave off some time.”
“Or we could get stuck again and end up backtracking for six hours and since you wouldn’t come with me to get supplies, we’ll run out. Then we’ll have to forage and waste even more time. Is it so much to ask that we just stick to the damn plan?” You were snippy again but tried to check your tone by the time you’d finished speaking.
“You can do whatever you want. I’m going this way.”
That was the problem. Your fighting was less like fighting and more him just being stubborn and obnoxious. You threw your bag down and marched in front of him to stop him from walking. That was it. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. “What is your problem? What is going on with you?” He was taken aback, surprised by your harsh tone. “I get it, Liu. You’re grieving. But you know what? I’m grieving too and your attitude the last couple of days? It’s absurd. You’re being a child. A petulant brat. Here I thought we’d made some headway and then you double down on being a bastard. You have to argue about every single thing. Every single decision is a fight! Then when I’m right you just don’t listen to me! You march off and do your own thing, which would be fine if you were alone or in charge. But you’re not either of those things.”
“Y/N, I…” He was stiff. Rigid.
“It’s exhausting! You are exhausting me! So, please, enlighten me and tell me why it is that you insist on being this exhausting! Why do you keep belittling me and then going out of your way to make this journey so much harder than it already is? We used to be a good team, I thought. We talked, I thought. You even kind of look at me with a little pity before you just…” You clasped your fists and let out a sound of frustration and then felt the blood pressure in your head as you finally breathed. Oops.
Liu was looking down at you, jaw clenched and you expected him to yell at you and correct you on what you thought like he’d done all those years ago when you’d been sleeping together. Your heart raced again as he looked you over.
“Every time I look at you, I see how hurt you are. How much worse I make it.”
You swore steam was coming out of your ears.
“How the fuck is you being an asshole helping any of that?”
“Maybe it’s easier for me to be mean. To argue with you. Maybe it’s better than watching you suffer for the same reasons I’m suffering on top of losing my best friend. And having to remember that I lost you to him in the first place.”
“Oh, don’t you dare.”
“Then thinking about the other night and…”
“Liu, I swear. Don’t do this shit. Don’t. Just don’t.” You pointed an angry and accusatory finger at him and tapped his chest with each of your next words. “Don’t turn this into that. Don’t.”
“You’re the one who got all high and mighty and asked why. I answered.”
“I came to you.” You had not expected to have this conversation with Liu in the middle of the woods or really ever. “I came to you before I gave him an answer. Don’t you dare make me feel guilty about that. I gave you a chance and you were a complete dick. Like wildly…. A dick!” You stuttered in frustration.
“I was a dick, huh?” He laughed in disbelief, rubbed his hand over his jaw, then walked away from you. He returned and pointed at you and then with a smack of his lips he threw his hand in the air as if to say fuck it. “Kung Lao came to me before you did. So yeah, I was a dick.”
“Excuse me?” You did a double take. What was that supposed to mean? Some of your anger deflated.
“Kung Lao… came to me… before… you… did.” He spoke slowly as though you’d had trouble understanding what he’d said. You could have smacked him right in the mouth. “He was already head over heels for you. How was I supposed to compete with that? Asked me if I was working up to something with you since you hesitated to tell him yes. I was honest… to an extent. Didn’t tell him that we’d already been there and done that for months.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He was asking to be slapped. Just the way he chose his words and the bite that he spoke them with. It took every bit of your restraint not to just smack him to shut him up.
“I told him I was attracted to you and I’d been thinking about it. Kung Lao asked me to step aside because he thought he could love you.” Liu deflated a little too. The anger he’d built had petered out. Talking about Kung Lao drained him. You were still mad but also shocked. You were lost between being floored by this revelation and furious with his behavior. “So, I did, Y/N. I stepped aside.”
“And you had to be a real dick about it, huh?”
“Yeah. That’s why I was a dick. I watched that one conversation completely destroy our entire relationship. Our friendship.” Liu shrugged and looked suddenly exhausted. “Kung Lao deserved you more than I did. He was ready to jump in headfirst and I was just… nailing you.” He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and looked away from you but there was something smug about the way he phrased it. Then it was silent.
Where did you begin. Surprised? Confused? Hurt? Speechless? He’d crushed you. You’d thought that you’d had something tremendous and then he had made you feel cheap and worthless. You hated this conversation. You just wanted to be mad and move on. Accept that this wasn’t working and deal with it civilly. But the reasons it wasn’t working were too complicated. “You really hurt me.” You managed but your voice cracked and betrayed you. You were mad, dammit! Don’t cry, brain! You wanted to stomp off yelling about how he had some nerve dragging this baggage into the middle of a three-day hike, but you didn’t.
“It hurt me too, believe it or not.”
This couldn’t have gone worse. You supposed it actually could have but it felt pretty bad. To find out that it had been a lie after years of repeating it in your head? You were devastated. And you had to let it go. You didn’t know what would have happened if Liu had asked you to stay with him instead of being with Kung Lao and it hurt too much to theorize because that wasn’t what had happened. You loved Kung Lao. Your relationship had been far different than the one you’d had with Liu Kang, but you’d loved him nonetheless.
“I…” You began when you realized he was waiting for you to say something, almost desperately and that he had taken a step closer and invaded your personal space. “I’m sorry.” You were though you weren’t immediately sure what for. You just knew you were sorry. Sorry that you’d brought it up. Sorry that it had come to this. “That it wound up like this. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not.” Liu looked past you. “You and Kung Lao were happy for a time.”
“And what about you?”
“Does that matter?”
“Of course, it matters. We were friends first. Even when I was with Lao we were eventually close again.”
“Yeah, well, I was pissed at first. Mad at you. Mad at him.” He turned his gaze back to yours and dared to step closer which made you instantly on alert. It was obvious now that this had been on his mind for some time. You hadn’t considered yourself that important. There had been plenty of moments where things between you had been unsaid. You had never known and had no right to his innermost thoughts. That attraction had never burnt out. Even now, you were torn between smacking him and throwing your arms around him. “With time I realized that all I wanted was for you to be happy. You were happy, right?”
That was a probing question and you hated it. You meant to say yes. You had been happy, but instead you hesitated. Had you been? Of course, not all the time and things had been difficult the past few months, but Kung Lao’s memory was one that you would always cherish as having been happy. “Yeah. Yes.”
That had sounded terrible and forced.
You walked away from him and sat down next to where you’d set your bag, defeated. Liu stood awkwardly before tapping a finger against his leg as if deciding if he wanted to pursue this conversation or return to the uncooperative mess that he’d been before. He sat next to you, leaving almost no gap between you. You were either going to have to remind him of your personal boundaries or get used to him being close.
“What does that mean?”
“It doesn’t mean anything, Liu.”
“You hesitated like… in a really big way. Weren’t you happy?” He was watching you but when you turned to look at him, he turned away.
“I love…” You hadn’t gotten used to the change in tenses yet. It was painful to misspeak. “I loved Kung Lao, but we were in a weird place before this and I… I don’t know what would have happened. I can’t pretend I do. We fought a lot these last few months over stupid things. Over big things. Over nothing.” You teared up but fought it back. You were not going to cry in front of Liu Kang after he had been a complete ass for two days straight. “And then he died, Liu. And finding out was like losing a part of myself. Something I’ll never get back and must learn to live without. I don’t know what would have happened because that chance was stolen from me. And I won’t complain about it. I won’t… because you lost your brother and I lost… a boyfriend and there’s no comparison.” You hesitated on the words, and you hated that you were struggling to breathe out of your nose. “We’d been together for years but…” You drifted off. The guilt was too much. Did he really expect you to air all of your dirty laundry to him? And why were you? He’d been such a dick.
“But what?”
“I don’t want to say.”
“Did you do something bad?”
“That’s relative.”
“I can help be a deciding factor on that if you like.” He half-heartedly joked but even as he did, he groaned in frustration and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he rested his hand on your arm. “But what, Y/N?”
“I think I might hate you right now.”
“Don’t deflect.”
“Kung Lao proposed.” You hadn’t told anyone that. There was too much guilt for how it had happened. “Right before I left to run that errand.” Liu Kang shook his head as though you had doused him in cold water. “I told him no, not yet. I turned him down. I told him that we would talk more about it when I got back.” The guilt of turning him down and then having him wind up dead was unbearable. “I will live with that guilt forever. The look on his face when I didn’t jump for joy when he got down on one knee with a ring… oh I’ll never forget it.” You shook the image out of your head. You’d had nightmares about it on repeat. You should have just said yes and pretended it was a dream come true. That would have made him happy.
“I’m…” Liu Kang rubbed his temples then started again. “Why didn’t you say yes?”
“I meant what I said. We weren’t ready. We fought literally all the time. We had no clear vision of what our future looked like. We’d never talked about marriage or families or anything like that. On top of that, we were in a weird place. The tournament was coming and I… commitment makes me kind of itchy, you know? I felt like a villain, Liu. I feel like a villain. He just wanted to love me and tease me and be loved by me. That was it. It wasn’t more complicated than that for him.” You were proud of yourself for not breaking down into a sobbing puddle as you spoke. “And he died not knowing any of the reasons that I told him ‘not yet’. He died before we got to figure it out. That was all I wanted. Was time to figure it out. Time for us to just be and to figure out if it was right for us.”
“And now there’s no time.”
“Yeah.” You couldn’t help it. You were going to cry. You closed your eyes and allowed the tears to gather and tried to keep them from falling. Liu was quiet and contemplative next to you. You’d both thrown huge revelations at each other. It was a lot to process.
You felt like a monster.
“You would have married him, huh?” Liu broke the silence, somewhat bravely you thought.
“I have no idea what I would have done because he’s gone and I’m alone.”
“You would have made him a very happy man.”
“Maybe. Even if I had, I don’t know if it would have made me happy and that kills me.”
“Yeah, that’s the tricky part, I guess.” Liu leaned his elbows on his knees. “You would have done it.”
“Bold of you to assume after everything.”
“I know you. You’re a people pleaser, Y/N.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come on. You always folded when you and Kung Lao fought. Even with the big stuff, you just rolled over and let him have his way.”
“I am not arguing with you about this again especially not after losing him.” You’d had this fight before. Liu Kang had always tried to keep you from folding and stick to your guns. You had refused to talk to him about the personal stuff with Kung Lao but somehow Liu had always known when you were upset and managed to get it out of you. He’d always been there, you’d realized.
“If I had known it would end the way it did then I never would have once complained. I would have just made him happy for as long as I could.”
“So, what, only he got to be happy? You’re being ridiculous.”
“Liu Kang! I was happy!” You stared at him aghast. You had been happy. Most of your relationship had been incredibly happy. You’d fought and you’d been hurt sometimes, but that was normal.
“Yeah, except you weren’t sure if you were which is why you hesitated, right? That’s the real reason you turned him down.” There was that snippy tone again and you stiffened up as he grabbed your arm to turn you toward him. “At least have the guts to admit it, Y/N. Don’t fool yourself and definitely don’t try to fool me.”
“Fuck you, Liu.” You pulled your arm free.
“Yeah, that was probably part of the problem too, wasn’t it?”
You smacked him across the face and hard, then pulled your hand back to your chest, surprised you’d done it. He rubbed his jaw that immediately turned red and turned his gaze away from you, nodding his head slowly.
“I deserved that.”
You picked up your bag and walked away from him. You didn’t need this. You didn’t need him rubbing your failures and guilt in your face. You didn’t need him taking his complicated feelings and burying you in them. You didn’t need him making you second guess yourself. Kung Lao was dead. You wouldn’t dishonor his memory with this crap.
You weren’t sure how long you marched away for, but it had been long enough. Leaning your head back, you breathed, and fought tears that you knew you should just let out but god dammit, if Liu Kang followed you and found you crying then you would be furious. The last thing you wanted was his comfort right now. Besides, every time you got close like that you ended up naked and you couldn’t emotionally do that right now!
His comfort was double sided with guilt. There was no comfort for you like this. You leaned against a tree and held your bag close and closed your eyes. Sometime later, Liu Kang joined you but he didn’t try to talk to you even if you could feel him watching you. It took ages but you finally fell asleep, angrily holding your bag against your chest.
Next Chapter >>
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hnghg c!karlnapity adopting ranboo and sheltering him until we was old enough, idk why i chose to switch povs i hope it isnt confusing, i tried to separate them. @jupiter-oak im sorry it didnt turn out like i wanted, i have another idea tho <3
They’d always been a bit wild, the thought of adopting a child had never crossed their minds. Yet here they were, following the faint cries of a child through the forest.  “You’re sure it was this way?” Quackity questioned, sparing a glance at Karl and Sapnap. “Yes! You’ve asked the same question at least five times Quackity!” Sapnap exclaimed, exasperated. “That’s because we haven’t found anything yet!” Quackity shot back, making a face at the taller male. “I heard it too, it’s not our fault you’re basically deaf-” Karl paused, whipping around to firmly press his index finger to his lips at his fiances.  Sapnap and Quackity gave Karl matching quizzical looks, watching him creep over to a large bush and silently slide behind it, disappearing from view. ________________________________ Karl was trying his best to be quiet, and he was successful for the most part, up until the soles of his sneakers met a twig. He managed to snap it clean in half and make a very loud noise. Abruptly, the quiet sobs he’d been following stopped and the bushes in front of him rustled. A small black and white face peered out, it’s eyes wide and scared.  Karl faltered, slowly dropping to his knees and holding out his hand. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He murmured. The figure hesitated before slowly creeping closer, revealing a small humanoid child, rather tall for a toddler. It had small horns, mismatched eyes and spotted skin, a small wispy tail trailing behind it. It stopped in front of Karl, who smiled warmly in an attempt to come off as friendly to the child. It eyed him carefully as it placed a small spotted white hand in Karl’s. “Hello to you too.” Karl chuckled, gently wrapping his hand around the child’s. “Are you lost?” It nodded, quickly attaching itself to Karl’s side. “We can go to my house and eat? Then maybe see if we can find your parents.” Karl suggested gently, slowly rising to his full height. The child opened and closed it’s mouth before rasping out a quiet. “..Gone..” Karl tipped his head to the side. “Gone? Your parents are gone?” It nodded, gripping Karl’s hand tighter as it stared at the floor. “Well-- you can stay with me, at least while we get you cleaned up. You can leave whenever, alright?” Karl took a cautious step back the way he came, still gently grasping the child’s hand. It nodded, quickly taking two steps to follow Karl. ___________________________________ Karl emerged from the brush, a small child holding his hand. “What the fuck.” Quackity deadpanned. The child immediately ducked behind Karl, who carefully coaxed it out, murmuring quiet reassurances that Sapnap and Quackity were friendly. It peeked out from behind Karl’s legs, eyeing Quackity and Sapnap. “Friend..?” Sapnap and Quackity exchanged glances, giving in and nodding at Karl’s pleading look. “Let’s go home.” Karl hummed quietly, leading the child past them.  ___________________________________ Years passed, the child shyly admitting it’s name was Ranboo. Learning to live with the three fiances and slowly accepting them as father figures. Karl teaching him how to speak, read, and write proper english with gentle coaxing(he also had a strange thing for history). Quackity teaching him how to defend himself with words rather than violence and slide out of sticky situations with sly words. Sapnap teaching him how to survive and collect resources in the forest, while giving back to it in turn.  Around the ages of 16 or 17, Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity woke Ranboo early morning. Only giving him the vague information that they were traveling somewhere he hadn’t been ready for before. The sun rose along the horizon, the pale light falling over tall manmades structures. Some crumbled, and others new and polished. Karl looked remorseful as he turned to Ranboo, his eyes dark, like he knew something nobody else did. “Welcome to the Dream SMP.”
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svnaslove · 4 years
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summary: y/n trying to get s/o flustered
genre: fluff + suggestive
characters: akaashi keiji, kenma kozume
part II | part III
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it very lowkey kinda pissed you off
he could always make you such a stuttering mess, even after dating for about 5 months now, akaashi can make you blush and flustered whenever he pleased
you had made so many attempts lately to try to see even the slightest of a tint on his cheeks but it just never worked?? IS HE HUMAN??
it was not a question of whether he loved you, he told you and showed just how much he loved you everyday, you knew how much he loved you
but you just wanted to nudge him a lil to see him stutter just once
so you started racking that brain
akaashi didn’t really do much PDA, it’s not that he didn’t feel comfortable with it really since you guys would do it a lil here and there, it was more like he just didn’t think much to do it since you two were always together anyways, how you are always cuddled up in private
so you just assumed this was your best shot at flustering him since it’s not something he was used to
ngl you’re not used to it either but you were willing to sacrifice whatever just to be able to tease him
you had waited for the perfect time, you were sat in the bleachers of the gym, watching the volleyball practice develop
you intently watched as the practice match went on of the Fukurodani team split in half, one half on one side of the court and the other half in the other
even though you watched his every move, you held back on your cheering, even though you cheered loudly every time you saw Keiji play 
this is how it was going to start
you were going to confuse him a bit, he wasn’t a whiner but you could tell that deep down he was getting a little whiny to not hear his s/o’s yells and yips of love for the setter
the match had ended, concluding the practice for the day
you half jogged over to Akaashi who was still surrounded by his teammates, a huge smile branded on your face.
“you did amazing baby!” you yipped to Akaashi who smiled softly. 
“thank you, you were kinda quiet today though, why weren’t you cheering?” he pouted slightly, you could tell that the way you held back on his best moments had downed him a little. you almost felt a little guilty but you had to go on with your plan.
you raised your voice slightly higher than the rest of the team, a tone where it wasn’t too loud, but it wasn’t too quiet either, one where everyone would hear the soft voice and not think you were doing it on purpose.
you looked down and up and your finger curled around the band of Akaashi’s volleyball shorts and tugged so he became closer to you. you already felt him start to stiffen at the sudden difference in your movement.
“i was being kinda quiet and had dialed back on the cheering because uhm... im a little needy Keiji” you said looking up at him, trying to look as innocent as possible.
Akaashi’s expression went from a pout, to a confused expression to panic as your words settled in and he understood what they meant. when he realized that you had said it just loud enough for the rest of the team to hear you and that you two were a little too close and your index finger was still tangled around his band of his shorts he immediately turned red.
“woah, get it Akaashi!” yelled Konoha laughing at the state of his setter, how his calm and cool demeanor had totally been shattered and now instead his face was fully covered by a deep blush and his eyes were widened at the embarassment. the team mates around him started chuckling slightly.
i don’t even have to tell you who said that.
you know who said that.
and that was the final straw of Akaashi’s panic.
He grabbed your wrist, tugging your hands from his volleyball shorts and speed walked as fast as he could to get yourself and himself out of that gym as soon as possible.
“y/n w-why did you d-do that” he asked stuttering over himself.
this was a sight to behold, you had never thought you could get Akaashi to loose his cool that much.
“Awee sorry baby i’ve just never seen you get flustered.” you replied feeling a tinge of guilt at his current state, wrapping your arms around him.
“what do you mean you never see me get flustered?” he asked confused.
now it was your turn to be confused, you looked up at him with your head tilted to the side.
“babe, i get flustered by you like ten million times a day, im just better at hiding it then you” he laughed at your bewildered look.
“you do ?!?$@%$#*”
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okay okay, you’ve seen him get blushy one (1) time, and that’s it
but you just could never get over the pretty sight of him shying away from you and you were always dying to see it again, it was just so cute
so your started thinking
what can i do to kenma’s eyes to pay his upmost attention to me just enough to get him blushy again?
it clicked
you were always just wearing hella baggy clothes
no matter where you went, to the store, uni, hanging out with friends, shopping, the theatre, at home
since you and kenma just started dating you realized he had never really seen you without your baggy clothes and with just tighter fitting clothes
it’s not that you were insecure of your body, you just felt more comfy with baggy clothes, but it was fun to wear fitting clothes here and there
so one day you and kenma were going to go out together on a little date, just walking around and have a little lunch
one thing was already working out, kenma never brought his games when you two were going out together, so you knew getting his attention wouldn’t be hard at all
you chose to wear a frilly and cute sundress, it was light blue and it synched in at your waist, it truly enunciated your features and your curves
even yourself, as you looked in the mirror was in awe at how nice your body was since you had forgotten because you always wore those baggy clothes
you and Kenma were to meet each other in front of the water fountain in downtown. you stood there waiting for him, making sure to have arrived a little early to be there before him. you stood excitedly to get his reaction. 
you peaked, looking around all the people walking by when you noticed the familiar stature of none other than your boyfriend. he hadn’t seen you yet, since he was still kinda far.
you watched where his eyes travelled around all of the people and then his eyes laid on you. baby wasn’t used to you wearing fitting clothes and he had to take a double take to make sure it was you SFJSLDKJ
his eyes lit up when he saw your face and then dazed down to your dress, “you look so good baby🥺” 
he was getting closer and closer towards you when he finally got right in front of you, and then it really hit him.
“thank you kenma :)”
his eyes were avoiding your gaze and he started fidgeting with his fingers a little bit. 
“ken, are you okay?” you asked a little worriedly.
your voice sent a jump through him and it was the cherry on top, Kenma’s face turned a deep red and all he could do was just stare at you.
“uhm, you just look really pretty” he mumbled, still looking down
your heart literally melted. he was so cute T-T
you reached for his hand and went on tippy toes a little and gave him a kiss on his cheek, “thank you baby” (kenma is like 5′7 and idk ab u but das kinda tOLL, maybe im just short fml)
you two started walking together to the little greek cafe for lunch that was around the corner holding hands and the entire time kenma was just so out of it (poor boi)
you two sat down at the tables that were outside after ordering and you two were just talking to each other and enjoying each others company.
you loved watching the way Kenma’s eyes would light up when he started talking about volleyball or about a new game that he was excited for. it made you so happy.
a wind started blowing and your napkin flew and landed next to Kenma, before he could reach for it for you you were already up and reaching.
and let me tell you.
you thought kenma was a mess before?
you thought wrong.
being your clumsy self you forgot you were wearing a whole dress.
and you just leaned down to get it and the angle that Kenma was leant down gave him the perfect view and your entire ass was on display, your cheeky, lacy underwear inches from his face.
he was so stiff and he just looked straight ahead, his face was so red and the tint was now starting to reach for his ears.
you stood back up and sat on your chair parallel to his not knowing what the hell just happened.
“Kenma what happened to you?” 
“i- uh...uhm,, y-you, im sorry”
“w-when you leaned down, y-your,, umm”
you finally realized what he was trying to say and now it was your turn to get flustered.
you freaked out and you were so embarrassed, to make matters worse, Kuroo just happened to have been walking by the very front of the cafe and witnessed the whole thing
“Kenma, you dog” Kuroo smirked.
Both of you jumped on your seats and turned to see the captain of the Nekoma team, smirking at you two and the events that had prevailed.
“i was just walking by and noticed you two so i came to say hi but i think it’s best to leave you two alone” Kuroo winked walking away leaving you two just sitting there both short-circuited.
Error 404
y/n.exe has stopped functioning
kenma.exe has stopped functioning
this whole plan had slapped you across the face.
both you and Kenma were both so flustered that for the rest of the day you two would blush just looking at each other.
ahh mon ami, young love.
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4haechie · 4 years
spell it out
➵ request: can i request for a (light-ish) angst w/happy ending (or like fluff but w/ jealousy idk does that make sense?? for 6 + 1 + 17? thank you so much!!! -💙
➵ lee donghyuck x reader | fluff, comedy (?), hogwarts au, enemies to lovers au | 2,773 words | “you’re the single most annoying person i’ve ever met.”
➵ warnings: swearing (shouldn’t even be a warning anymore. i curse like a sailor)
➵ a/n: ur the sweetest little bean, 💙 anon! i hope u like this <3 also, this is written in donghyuck’s pov :D
want to request? check this post out!
“i don’t know what’s so great about him, anyway. like, okay, he’s taller than me. maybe even a little stronger and buffer? but he doesn’t know the first thing about y/n.”
renjun groans for the nth time during lunch. “donghyuck, my dude, let it go. it’s not like they’re dating.” he butters his croissant before adding, “and it’s not like you two are dating either,” with a not-so-subtle wiggle of his eyebrows.
donghyuck glares daggers at his best friend. “shut up, huang!” then, he goes back to sulking.
it’s been like this for a few weeks now, ever since you became all buddy-buddy with one of the students from the visiting school. donghyuck is not jealous, don’t get him wrong. he’s angry because he’s your one and only enemy. but here you are, competing in all sorts of lame contests with the new guy when that’s something you and donghyuck do–or did.
he watches from the other side of the slytherin table as you and the new guy compete to see who could fit the most number of marshmallows in their mouths. donghyuck rolls his eyes, “losers.”
renjun’s ears perk up, “if you’re so pissed, then maybe do something about it? do you know how annoying it is to watch you complain loudly?”
“do you know how annoying it is to watch someone steal your enemy away from you?”
“yeah, i was pretty mad at y/n for stealing you away from me when we were twelve.”
“exactly my point!”
renjun flicks his friend’s forehead and gets up to leave for the next lesson. “c’mon, loverboy, it’s potions time.”
donghyuck reads the instructions, once, twice, three times, before tossing the necessary ingredients into the cauldron. today, the wizards are required to make any potion of their choice, test to see if it works, as well as say why they chose it.
donghyuck chooses to make liquid luck, just because he’s made it before and is confident in brewing it. he stirs the mixture in the cauldron, making sure it’s perfect, before scooping some up and pouring it into a flask. he labels it with his name and house, and raises his hand.
“yes, mr lee?” the professor says.
“i’m done with my potion, sir,” he says a little smugly and glances at you, at the front of the class. you’re already looking at him when you mouth ‘fuck you’.
he smirks; bet you don’t do that with your new “friend”, do you?
“may i know what you have brewed over there, mr lee?”
“of course, sir. i made felix felicis,” donghyuck announces proudly.
“wonderful! now, test it out to see if it works,” the professor says.
“um, sir, i can’t exactly–” donghyuck protests.
“oh, that’s right...its effects won’t be seen immediately. but i know you’ve probably done a good job since you’re not new to felix felicis. tell me why you’ve chosen it, mr lee.” the professor tugs on the string of his reading glasses hanging around his neck.
“oh, yeah, of course. um, i just have the most confidence in making it. i’m not new to it like you said.” donghyuck says.
the professor sighs. “very well. who else is done?”
“i am!” you beam, with a hand raised.
donghyuck watches keenly as you finish stirring the liquid in your cauldron.
“what have you made, y/n?” the professor inquires.
the class goes pin-drop silent. no one ever brews the love potion unless they want to confess to their loved one or check to see who loves them. why did you decide to make amortentia? donghyuck prays to all the gods out there that you didn’t make it for the new guy. donghyuck has known you since you were both twelve–he knows pretty much every single thing about you (the new guy doesn’t, but that’s irrelevant), but he has no clue why you chose to brew amortentia. he definitely can’t ask you right now. he figures you’ll tell the professor some lame excuse, and he’ll have to find out by asking you while everyone’s distracted.
“i beg your pardon?”
“amortentia, sir. the strongest love potion in existence,” you say confidently. donghyuck now, for sure, knows you’re up to something.
“i’m not going to ask you to consume it, as that would simply be too risky. why have you made amortentia, young wizard?” the professor walks over to you and takes a look at your potion. he seems to be satisfied by its appearance and aroma.
“i’ve never made it before, so i wanted to give it a shot. i added all the necessary ingredients and stirred it the right amount of times. i think i did well, professor.” you insist.
the professor nods and goes over to examine the other students’ potions.
donghyuck gets up, brushes his hands over his robes and walks towards where you’re seated. he gives the new guy, who’s sitting right beside you, a look of pure loathing, but gives you a slight upturn of the lips. “hey, y/n.”
you give him one look and start writing your report. the class is noisy and the professor isn’t paying donghyuck any attention. “why did you make amortentia–really?” he bends down a little so that he’s eye level with you.
you glance at him again, “why do you care?”
donghyuck rolls his eyes, “y/n, i want to know.”
you exhale. “because i needed to know something.”
“know what?”
you push your chair out and stand up to face donghyuck. you’re nose-to-nose now, and donghyuck has a perfect view of all your features. not that he cares. he also catches the scent of your sweet-smelling lip balm–again, not that he cares.
“donghyuck, what do you smell?”
“what kind of a question is that?”
you clench your fists and huff out a breath. “you’re the single most annoying person i’ve ever met,” you say as if that clears up everything.
the professor, upon ensuring every wizard performed well in potions, dismisses all of them back to their respective common rooms. even though donghyuck leaves you alone after that, why can he still smell the sweet, annoying scent of your lip balm all the way here, in his room?
“i’m going crazy, man.”
renjun shoves his friend away from his desk. the moon shines brightly outside their dorm room’s window, the sky is a navy blue colour, and renjun is busy working on an assignment for defence against the dark arts. but of course, donghyuck isn’t going to let him without ranting about you first.
renjun takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, counts to ten, and spins his chair to face donghyuck, who’s sat on the edge of his own bed now. “i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say this is about y/n.” donghyuck nods sadly and renjun almost feels sorry for the guy. “is this about what happened in potions earlier? look, you know y/n’s obsessed with that lip balm. maybe it’s really strong-scented? you don’t have any proof that it’s because of the amortentia.”
donghyuck groans at the sound of the cursed potion. he didn’t even ingest it, but just standing next to it was enough to fill his stomach up for a lifetime.
“i guess you’re right. y/n always wears that lip balm, but it was super strong today,” donghyuck falls on his bed, closing his eyes as if in deep thought. he gets up suddenly, “wait! if y/n made amortentia to check something...” he trails off, lost in thought. donghyuck groans again and paces around the room.
“donghyuck, do you really hate y/n?” renjun asks.
donghyuck doesn’t have the courage to answer. he simply sighs and crawls into bed, tucking himself under the covers. he falls asleep watching the shimmering moon that night.
“today, you’ll be learning the disarming spell! it’s very commonly used in battle, so it’s a useful skill, nonetheless,” the defence against the dark arts professor says, walking on the small runway situated between the two rows of students. “the spell might seem simple, but you have to concentrate. you have to focus on your opponent’s weapon only. it’s very easy to get distracted while trying to disarm the other, so focus, and you shall be victorious.”
donghyuck glances across the runway and his eyes find yours in the crowd. you raise an eyebrow and point at him with your index finger, before retracting the same hand and jutting the thumb out, dragging it across your neck threateningly. donghyuck scoffs.
“now, watch closely, students. huang renjun, come up here. he’ll be my example.” the professor beams at renjun and pulls out her wand, renjun following suit. he stands his guard as the professor chants, “expelliarmus.” she points her wand at renjun’s and it goes flying out of his hand. renjun lets out an airy laugh, and upon receiving an okay sign from the professor, he collects his fallen wand and goes back to his place in the crowd.
“ten points to slytherin! oh, and you’re going to work in partners.” the professor says, smiling brightly as if this is a party and not a magical defence class. “you may challenge someone to a duel or–!”
“i challenge lee donghyuck to a duel!” you shout, your voice echoing in the defeaning silence that follows your sentence.
donghyuck winces, but manages to regather himself and nod at you. “bring it on, y/l/n.”
you chuckle and gesture at him to join you on the runway. the professor steps down as donghyuck climbs up. you stand a few feet in front of him, in position, wand raised. donghyuck doesn’t even have time to blink before you cast the spell. “expelliarmus!” you chant without hesitating, and his wand gets knocked out of his hands, clattering against the floor of the runway. you smirk and blow air at the tip of your wand.
donghyuck looks at you sheepishly before grabbing his wand and heading straight to renjun. his eyes drift to where you’re standing again, but this time they see the new guy closer to you than ever. he’s saying something, whispering something in your ear, and you’re laughing. laughing because of what he said. donghyuck grinds his teeth and glares at the floor.
“what the fuck was that?” his friend shoves him.
donghyuck groans, “i don’t know!”
later that day, donghyuck runs into you at the common room.
“oh, hey, y/n.” donghyuck glances around the room. no new guy in sight. that’s odd since you've been joined at the hip with him ever since he arrived. you guys must’ve been surgically separated, huh.
“he’s not here. he’s leaving tomorrow night, so he wanted to check the school out. you know, explore and stuff.” you say, making him widen his eyes in surprise.
“don’t play dumb, lee. i know you don’t like the new guy.”
he feigns a look of hurt and clasps a hand over his mouth in a silent gasp, “why would i ever hate that guy?”
you roll your eyes and walk to lean against the back of the leather couch. “i don’t know? but i’ve seen the way you look at him. it’s okay, by the way. i don’t care. he’s nice, but he’s...not my type.”
he takes a few steps and stands in front of you. “then who’s your type?”
you look into his eyes as if trying to communicate through them. “donghyuck,” you pause, and for a second he thinks that’s your answer, but you continue speaking. “what did you smell? when i made amortentia?”
donghyuck gulps, “i–uh, peach lip balm.”
the corner of your mouth lifts to a smirk. “do you know anybody who wears peach lip balm?” you inch closer, decreasing the proximity between the two of you to mere centimetres. donghyuck’s eyes momentarily flicker to your lips before meeting your eyes again.
“what are you two doing up so late?” renjun enters the scene with an amused expression on his face. he looks at you two like one watches a tennis match, and his lips are drawn to a smug upturn. “what’s going on here?”
when you don’t answer, donghyuck clears his throat, “we were just talking about–uh, what we learnt today.”
renjun doesn’t look impressed. “right, and i was discussing strategies on how to become headmaster with mark at the library. no, seriously, it’s almost midnight and it’s just the two of you here.”
donghyuck glares at the boy, “fuck off, renjun!”
renjun throws his hands up defensively, “alright, alright. but hurry up, okay? i need your help with the potions assignment.” he’s about to leave when you call out his name.
“renjun, what were you doing here so late?”
he whips his head around, “well, i was at the library with mark. but we weren’t discussing strategies on how to become headmaster. we were just looking at some ancient spell books,” he says, and walks away to his dorm.
you cross your arms over your chest. “so, where were we?”
donghyuck presses his lips together for a second. “i asked you who your type was?”
“nice try, lee. but, seriously, do you know anyone who wears peach lip balm?”
donghyuck clenches his fists. “y/n, fucking hell. you! you wear that stupid peach lip balm. you made that stupid amortentia and i smelled your stupid peach lip balm. you probably smelled whatever cheap cologne the new guy wears, anyway. so why does it matter?” donghyuck heaves a sigh and is about to back away from you when you tug on his sweater.
donghyuck glances at you, “what?”
“i, um, didn’t smell anything that’s to do with the new guy.” you tug on your lower lip, unsure of how to put your thoughts into coherent words, but donghyuck focuses on the fact that you’re calling the new guy “new guy” instead of his name.
you’re tongue-tied, but you manage to sputter out a few words. “i smelled lavender-scented fabric softeners and chocolate.” you look up at him through your eyelashes.
his heart stops beating. his brain melts into a puddle of goo. his organs stop working, his nerve endings go haywire. he’s frozen, a block of ice. he’s not even able to comprehend your words. you...smelled...him?
donghyuck’s favourite fabric softener is scented with lavender and his favourite food is anything chocolate. he makes sure to use the fabric softener for his uniforms, sweaters, pants–pretty much all his clothes. and he’s pretty much always munching on those blasted chocolate frogs whilst trying to collect all the best cards.
“y/n...” he says. that’s all; just your name.
you remove your hand from his sleeve and use it to push your hair back. “yeah,” you whisper. “it’s getting late. i better get to bed,” you step away from him.
“no, wait!”
you turn back around, eyebrow raised.
“what does this mean for us?”
you exhale, “it means whatever you want it to mean. you smelled my peach lip balm. i smelled your fabric softener. it’s a lot for me to take in. but that’s amortentia, i guess. tells you what you’re really feeling, without even saying anything.”
“y/n, i want it to mean this. i want it to mean that we can be together. we don’t have to be enemies any more. i...i like you, y/n. and seeing you with that guy, all happy and having fun–it made me,” donghyuck closes his eyes, “jealous. i’ll admit it, but if that’s who you wanna be with, then i can’t decide–!”
“you idiot! you absolute loser!” you exclaim, taking angry steps and landing in front of donghyuck. you push him back, causing his lower back to crash against the back of the sofa. “you’re so fucking annoying.”
“gee, uh, thanks...”
“shut up! god, do i have to spell it out for you? fine!”
donghyuck’s in a pure state of shock when he feels your soft lips on his, slowly kissing him, while also trying to knock some sense into him. he doesn’t waste any more time; he kisses you back just as slowly and carefully. he smiles when the familiar peach scent embraces him. you pull away first, but your angry demeanour seems to have washed away.
“thanks for spelling it out for me,” donghyuck circles his arms around your waist.
you reach to loop your hands around his neck and smile. “you’re most welcome, lee.”
(donghyuck’s hand never leaves yours the entire way to quidditch practice.
“what the fuck are you guys doing?” renjun gawks at your interlocked fingers.
“what does it look like we’re doing?” you ask, tip-toeing to press a kiss against donghyuck’s cheek.
“i could’ve gone my entire life without seeing that.”)
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