#idk writing is so difficult and scary but i want to try....
milfspiggy · 2 months
my god how do you people do this, writing is so fucking hard man
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pearlpool · 3 months
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rintoki · 1 year
Hey six. Idk if you got my previous ask but i just am sending one again idk if u didn’t see it. Big fan of yours uk and finally got the courage to say something now lmao. How are you tho?? I miss your writing.
i just saw it lol i think you sent a submission on accident. but thank you again !!! i’m doing fine, a little more active now but i still haven’t really felt like writing anything, i’m sorry :c
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pizzapizzadickz · 1 year
I feel a lil bit better today after getting some rest in. I always feel better when I can spend a day at home. I think tomorrow I'll wear my noise cancelling headphones or something so I can chill even more.
...funny how my way to chill is just trying to eliminate all external stimuli
(Pt 1 for description rant)
#diary#personal#i rly wanna book a therapy appointment but im having a rly hard time trying to get myself to do that bc i need to check i can vid call#cuz my computer monitor is broke and havent fixed it yetttt ugh.#i rly feel like researching autism again. idk. i saw a video about communication badges being used at furry conventions#and by god that sounds so fun ;-; like. i really struggle with interaction with others and talking is sometimes really hard.#mainly bc if theres a lot of noise i usually wanna block it out and if i gotta take my earbuds out to comunicate all the time its not fun#idk. i just wish i could go around writting shit out for ppl to read and thats that. no need to speak to clerks or crap.#bc imma be honest. i have a hard time hearing too. like in crowded places. its so overwhelming all the time.#its both a good and a bad thing that im giving myself the permission to be overwhelmed in situations#but its also making it much more difficult to actually be in those situations.#idk. i used to force myself through it. tell myself i like it or whatever. but by god everything just hurts nowadays#like. i dont like leaving my house mostly bc of the sensory overload.#i wonder how things'll change in the future. just how much more accepting will i and society be. i dont know.#but i hope i learn to cope more. bc life is really hard and imma be honest im struggling at best.#idk. i find it so hard to work lately. i love my thoughts. they are so fluid. and just. language doesnt keep up.#everything i say or write isnt quite right. and it bothers me. i sorta wished telepathy existed just soley so i could comunicate#idk maybe someday ill learn sign language. and maybe that could help. but it wouldnt help when im shut down. or having a meltdown#yknow. i find face to face human to human contacr really scary. i worry theyll want to do something and i wont#i worry i wont be able to get across my reasoning as to why. i worry that theyll see just how odd my behaviour can be.#and above all i just sorta worry they wont work with me to meet me halfway. like. im stuck with my family i dont want that with friends too#i hope if i visit them itll be okay. that like. i wont cause a problem or accidentally offend them or something?#idk. i wanna make friends n hang out. but as ive gotten older ive discovered just how much i hate that.#like i saw a rly cool tik tok about how they set up their home for all their autistic friends when they come over.#like. its established you can just stop talking and remove urself if you wanna. and theres stim toys n plushies n shit. and low lighting#and just. that sounds like heaven. i struggle so much in social situations. bc i eventually get tired.#and it makes me feel sorta burnt out/depressed. so itd be nice if i could just remove myself from a stituation whenever.#or just lay my head down on someones lap and silently observe.#i wish i knew what to do when i get overwhelmed in public. bc it happens a lot. and i freeze. and idk what to do.#and ill cry and get overwhelmed and shutdown or meltdown. and i start to aimlessly wander and its sorta dangerous tbh?
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drdemonprince · 4 months
It’s “urks me” anon. I agree with your reply very much. I know I sent the ask but you did not have to reply as in depth as you did and it genuinely made me feel a lot more comfortable with the space you are creating. I kinda wish you had explained yourself that well in the beginning but hey I of all people know online communication is difficult and this is an evolving convo. Also I’m going to be real your followers have been being a lot more annoying than you ever could be and it was affecting my mood when talking to you. It’s less that healthy people talking about risk management inherently annoys me and more that they are constantly slipping in microaggressions and minor misinfo when they talk about it. Even if the choices they are making are (sometimes…) reasonable it is so obvious that they were not listening to the important technical details vulnerable people were speaking and only heard “blah blah blah scary stuff and restrictions blah blah blah” like…!? I think overshaming is one piece of the puzzle. But I think a lot of people, including many so called allies and covid-aware people, simply don’t listen to us very carefully regardless of how diplomatic we’re being. Maybe they think they already know the technical details even though they clearly don’t? Idk it’s very irritating.
Thanks for your message. This is another place where I get very enraged at our public institutions for failing us so catastrophically! We have all been so systematically misled about COVID, and the actual infection numbers and other ever-evolving data on how it's currently spreading is actively covered up, and not made accessible by journalistic institutions, so on that level I do not hold individiduals reponsible for not understanding things.
Chronically ill, disabled, and otherwise COVID-conscious people have been forced to become the public health information apparatus and have done incredible amounts of thankless work geneating the data, reporting on it, monitoring wastewater levels, delving deeply into the latest research, creating infographics, and trying to spread the word to the public about it, but they have no assistance in it, and no platform beyond what they can build online. and those online communities tend to become siloed because of how social media algorithms work, and so people who have been spreading the facts relentlessly every single day routinely bump up against people who do not see those same posts hardly ever because they are in different pockets of the internet. Which comes down both to their choices and priorities, and due to algortihmic echo-chambers, and economic and political incentive structures silencing the work that COVID-conscious folks do.
And yes, also, people very much do shut down and turn away when confronted with scary information... that's a very well-established fact within public health and persuasion science that has remained a real barrier to public awareness campaigns for a long time. People do not process information about death and threat well at all. So much so that many public health intitatives of the past had to limit talk of death and scary outcomes if they want people to things like get a cancer screening or contemplate quitting smoking. the cigarette companies themselves funded "anti smoking" campaigns that were awash in images of death and bodily decay because they knew those kinds of messages shut people down and actually make them less likely to quit. (i write a lot about this stuff in my new book).
This is where conversations about tactics do become relevant again -- mentioning death or the direness of long COVID isn't "shaming", it's not moral sanctimoniousness, it's not "wrong" to do, it is accurate! but it doesn't usually work persuasively. and I do think there is more we could do to frame masking and taking covid mitigation measures as a thing for a person to take pride in, feel empowered by, and feel connected to others by doing, which generally is what we find to be more effective in public health research.
to return to the cancer comparison, we tend to find that "think of how much peace of mind you'll feel after your cancer screening! take a positive step for your health!" is a more effective framing that actually inspires behavioral change than "if you don't find out that you have pancreatic cancer in time you will most likely die. here are the stats on how many people die of it." That kind of messaging tends to make people less likely to take proactive steps. even though it's all rooted in actual facts.
I have seen some propaganda (postive connotation) evoking a kind of positive, empowering idea regarding masking at protests, but I'd love to see more of it. Sounding the alarm repeatedly does not work for a variety of psychological reasons. people get both numb to it if they've heard something is a "pressing serious life and death emergency" for long enough, and paradoxically, they also overwhelmed by the bleakness. we see a similar thing happening with climate change. these situations ARE dire and people SHOULD care, but in order to make caring feel concrete and possible, behaviorally, we have to frame information in an empowering way.
of course, there are COVID conscious people who do do that and devote lots of energy to crafting such persuasive messages! and still have to cope with being silenced, downgraded by the algorithm, ignored, attacked by anti-maskers, etc. and lots of people understandably feel that they have tried everything and that people still don't care. from where they are sitting as one person that's the emotional reality and that's often the lived intepersonal experience. but that appearance of other people not caring was engineered...and lord i hope we can find a way to socially engineer a collective way out of it, because what we are doing isn't working well enough. unfortunately the thing we need the most desperately is just more people spreading the message and giving a shit.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kyojuro Rengoku reacting to his darling having a difficult childbirth
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Request(ed?): Yes! – idk if this is a bit difficult/too descriptive but how would rengoku react to reader almost dying from the birth yet surviving... sorta like in hotd? Hope that makes sense. Your work is fantastic btw — requested by anonymous.
Warnings: Childbirth, reader has stockholm syndrome and talks about fear of death.
Authors Note: Akk!! I love hotd, it's so well done!!! Happy to do this request. Tysm for sending this in, I had a lot of fun and crying writing this; sorry if this is short and less detailed. I hurried this ://
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Rengoku was visibly scared. His stoic face, his shaking hands, and the brute body were making the nurses and doctor nervous; he was unsure of what to do.
This was your second child, Rengoku had always wanted a big family... dreamed of having replicas of him and you running around the shared home of yours as they cuddled with him and you.
But, when he learned that you may die in the process of your second baby... he didn't know how to react.
When you reached over, below-whispering his name and held his hand in your weak state; he knew he needed to make a choice—fast.
Normally, as the Flame Hashira and his fast strategy thinking, you would think he would know what to do next, right? Wrong. His beloved is on the brink of death at the moment and he's sitting beside you, like a coward.
As sad as it is, he will put your life before the child. He's not willing to lose you, not when he's almost lost everyone around him.
The moment he agrees the doctor tried to continue, trying to console his emotions, and your screams... he didn't know what to do except comfort you; whispering small 'i'm so sorry.' and 'you are so brave, squeeze my hand.' Every now and again.
Rengoku is there, holding your hand while you're squeezing him; he's praising you as best as he can, trying not to cry from the immense screaming you're letting out.
But, when he hears the baby cries and hiccups... he's purely relieved.
As much as he loves you and wants more. He's not gonna be upset or mad if you decide to not have anymore. This was a scary incident for both of you.
— Rengoku is looking down at you, giving you a soft smile as tears fall down his face: "You did so well... it's a little girl. I'm so proud of you, you are so brave; my love. Please rest, I'll be here when you wake up." He kisses you on the forehead, resting his face on your cheek before he leans back, holding your baby girl whilst rocking her back to sleep.
He sighs in disbelief and relaxation, the little girl has your features already.
Check out my masterlist for more content!
If you enjoyed this, please reblog, comment, and like. These mean a lot to me, stay well!
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
Can you do a fic where reader has a disorganized attachment style in relationships and robin is confused why reader is always acting weird and like reader says “don’t go away but don’t get to close please”
Disorganized Attachment
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↝a/n: I didn't even know what that was, so I went to Google. Sorry if I wrote it wrong, I really tried. Also sorry I wrote this more of a head cannon(?), it was rushed and I didn't know how to write a full one-shot. If you enjoy this, I can try on the one-shot...maybe. feedback is appreciated. Call me out if I wrote this wrong!
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
↝ warning: disorganized attachment relationship(?), angst, negative thoughts, confused Robin, idk
↝⎙ 6.21.23
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Robin wasn't really sure what your relationship was... honestly. It had just happened one day.
You two met, went to see a movie, continued meeting up, kissed for the first time. And it seemed like the relationship started there. There wasn't any actual 'hey, will you be my girlfriend?' or anything. But It's not like she minded. She adored you from the minute you met.
But as the days grew, she started noticing the little things you do. Like, how you would just look at her with such adoration, and then the next second, as if someone whispered something bad about her in your head, you looked at her with uncertainty, distancing yourself.
She had asked you about it early on, but you brushed it off.
Robin also took notice of your anxiety and how you deal with it. Out in public, she could see how it affected you, noticing how you would constantly look at her to make sure she was around, but never holding onto her to make sure she never left your side.
When you two got further into the relationship, it was like whiplash for her.
When going to sleep, she wasn't sure what to do. Touch wasn't your thing, but it was hers. She respected you though. She knew you wanted her close, just not too close. What she didn't know was that you wanted her to be so close but the thought of her leaving and never being there for you ever again clouded your mind every second. It was scary to love someone and have the daunting thought that they'll leave in your head constantly. But you were not going to tell her that, absolutely not. Openly discussing your feelings and fears was like willing them into existence.
So you kept these fears to yourself.
A little over half a year into the relationship, Robin had had enough.
"Look, I get it. I get you don't want to open up, but I need you to. For our relationship. I can't keep dating a brick wall." And just like she knew you would, you brushed it off. On the outside, it looked like you didn't care. But you did. Maybe a little too much..
The house was silent, just Robin staring at you as you looked down, keeping your eyes on the floor. "Please talk to me." You hated how her voice was pleading. It wasn't fair to her.
So you opened up, despite your brain telling you to stop.
As cliche as it sounds, your brain was keeping you protected, while also being the one to make up these terrible thoughts, while your heart ached for her. For her touch.
Robin wiped at your tears anytime they rolled down your soft cheeks; expressing your feelings and emotions was difficult. Especially when you avoid it for so long. It starts eating at you.
But Robin would be there.
Every negative thought, she'd be there to shoo it away, replacing it with compliment after compliment.
Going out, she'd stay close, maybe having a hand on the bottom of your back, or hooking her pinky with yours.
Bed time calls for her being close, but not too close. You two would lay facing each other, taking.in every imperfect perfection.
She saw the love you had for her in your eyes and in your actions. She didn't need you to constantly be cuddling or telling her how much you loved her to feel the love.
It would take a little while for her to have you gain control over your feelings and communication. But you get there eventually, or however close you need to get. She'd push you out of your comfort bubble, only because she knew you could deal with it.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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thinking about matty and u clearly having mutual feelings for each other. and hes such a cocky bastard that u dont understand why he wont just be straight up with u and say it. but really hes just terrified of fucking it up somehow. so ur both just painfully pining for each other but no one is saying what everyones thinking. and the whole time matty is just trying to learn how to be soft around u because yk. sincerity is scary !!!! but as time goes on the words "i love you" start getting extremely difficult to not say and all of a sudden smthn clicks in mattys head and he just needs to make a fuckin move and idk exactly how it happens but. one day it falls into place and u share this kiss that makes u both realize this kind of love transcends actual words or like. verbal explanations of what this feeling is. and maybe matty is just in ur arms and without really thinking about it he just says "i dont want you to think this ego thing is who i really am. i want to place my heart in your hands and trust you with it. i want to love every last moment of you, if youll have me."
i should probably write this as a full length thing but ... u guys know me well enough to know that will take approximately an entire lifetime to happen
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cyranonic · 1 month
I've had this massive Tellius IkeSoren longfic idea in my brain for years, but I will never have time in my life to write it, so instead I'm just gonna publicly process the idea here.
Imagine that I actually wrote this if you want (please imagine that I am a very good writer and so special and talented :D)
So the premise is an AU where Ashnard decided to raise Soren, rather than discarding him as a failed experiment. Soren isn't his official heir, but most people in the court know he is a bastard son of Ashnard. Because Daein is kind of a weird meritocracy based on combat strength, Soren basically gets trained to be a general for his father after he displays aptitude for tactics. Let's go out on a limb here and assume that much of this training is an unpleasant experience.
At some point, Almedha shows up and tries to escape with Soren back to her people. Soren doesn't realize that she is a laguz. They hide out in Gallia for a short time. Soren is kind of a shitty, emotionally-closed off kid, but he still has a Meaningful and Significant encounter with another boy who treats him as a friend rather than as a potential rival to sabotage. Eventually, the boy vanishes, and Soren is taken back to Daein when Ashnad's Four Riders find Almedha. Ashnard tells his son that he is a Branded and basically uses that to emotionally manipulate him away from Almedha.
Jump to the invasion of Crimea and the beginning of the war: Ike still ends up escorting Elincia. Soren has become a pretty scary and well-respected general in his father's army by this point. He is ordered to eliminate the mercenaries causing trouble. Cue him repeatedly showing up as an early game boss, but right when he is about to destroy them, he recognizes Ike and kind of chokes. For the rest of the war, he continues his pursuit, furiously trying to prove to his father that he isn't going soft, but also deeply conflicted about Ike.
They bond. They probably fight a few times and pin each other to the ground and stuff (insert Mononoke screenshot here idk). Ike slowly erodes Soren's determination to murder them through being an empathetic and reasonable person. By the time that Ike is marching on Daein with aid from Begnion, Soren is faced with a crucial choice--abandon everything he has known growing up (which was shitty, but still, it's his whole life) or turn traitor and side with Ike.
Soren decides to side with Ike, giving his people cause to lay down arms and not get totally butchered by Begnion (because he is Soren, he must obviously frame this choice as a logical strategic maneuver). They all head to Crimea together and kill Ashnard (emotionally distressing for Soren, but also weirdly cathartic).
By the start of Radiant Dawn, Soren is now in the difficult position of being the Begnion-preferred ruler for Daein, but the Senate wants him to essentially be a puppet who will pacify the locals with his semi-legitimate claim to power. As part of the treaty with Crimea, Ike is regularly checking in on him to make sure he isn't getting too murdery. Soren gets to use his tactical expertise to try to play the Senate into thinking he is compliant, while also quietly seeking to better his home country. Unfortunately, Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade are making that difficult for him (eventually they will work together, but they gotta start out as opposed).
Basically, the rest of the plot is just Soren simultaneously grieving his dead evil dad, going through the most high-stakes political intrigue of his life, failing to repress his messy and inadvisable attraction to Ike, and eventually having a deeply traumatizing reunion with his mom (who he has been gaslit into hating, and also she seems to be working with the rebels who are actively making his life hell???)
Anyways, that's my idea that I will never write. I hope you enjoyed going on this hypothetical journey with me.
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cryptidafter · 3 months
do u remember some time ago when we where talking about woh and its potential for a horroredit??? im gathering inspiration and ill probably ask u at some point to lend me ur expertise in that area but for now i just want to ask what u like abt horror, as a viewer! what do u enjoy? what would u like to see explored more, what have movies (or books!?) done before that excites u and that u could talk abt for hours? if u want pls do go deep into the technical aspects if u have any thoughts from a storyteller's perspective! youve shared your thoughts with me a bit before so view this as the extended cut!
Oooh yes, of course I remember (and am still incredibly excited about the idea)!
You asked for the extended cut so this is probably going to be another long one (get comfortable lol).
If we're specifically talking about film, what I like about horror as a genre is its ability to personify and often contextualize the complicated and uncomfortable emotions most of us have a difficult time unpacking. Grief, trauma, rage, anger, fear - they're all given a name and/or a face and by taking those abstract concepts and re-imagining them as something tangible and real, it provides me with a sense of catharsis that few other genres can.
More below the cut <3
I enjoy having that control. I'm choosing to sit down and watch a piece of media that will force me to confront those abstract unknowns in a way that's not as overwhelming as IRL. I've been drawn to darker themes from a young age (I think because death was something I had to grapple with when I was too young to really understand it) and I've always been fascinated by the parts of life people shy away from or outright refuse to acknowledge. I grew up on Goosebumps, Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, and whatever vampire books I could get my hands on. Horror just hooked me.
Something I'd like to see explored more in horror is race but not in the way it's usually done. I don't want the story to be tailored for a non-black/non-poc audience. I want horror that focuses on all those nasty bits of racism that fester beneath the surface. The microaggressions and the respectability politics and the ever-looming discomfort that comes from trying to fit yourself into spaces that were never made for you in the first place. Get Out touches on some of this (hence why it's such a cultural touchstone) but even it doesn't get down into the weeds like I want. Give me the specter of racism! Make it a silent, sneaking embodiment of minstrelsy that waits in the shadows to mock you. Give me two versions of the same person: code-switching taken to its extreme. Idk, I just think there are so many terrifying but subtle ways that racism presents itself that could be personified in a way that might be hugely impactful for non-white audiences. Most people understand that slavery is bad and that you shouldn't call people slurs. Now, lets go deeper.
I've made posts about some of my favorite horror media but, like you said, I can talk about this stuff for hours and I don't think I've discussed unique types of filmmaking/writing execution before.
I'm a huge fan of psychological horror. Yes, I can get down with a good gory slasher, I LOVE zombie everything, but psychological horror is my true love. I'm a sucker for horror where something isn't quite right even if you can't put your finger on it. Something that seems ordinary and should be a safe space (like your home) suddenly becoming unfamiliar. That lingering sense of dread that comes from feeling like your surroundings are off but not knowing why or how. Seeing something that should not be possible and trying to apply logic and reason to what can never be explained. That will always fuck me up in the best ways lol. Taking the mundane and twisting it beyond recognition *chef's kiss*, I love it.
Junji Ito is one of my favorite manga writers for this reason. Not only is his art style PHENOMENAL but a lot of his stories revolve around the ordinary turned monstrous (Uzumaki, Tomie). A town that's doomed to always be consumed by spirals for reasons unknown. A girl who dies only to suddenly turn back up but something about her isn't the same. So great!
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Another fantastic example of this is House of Leaves, which genuinely unnerved me so much so that I still haven't finished reading it.
The way House of Leaves has the text itself morph and change, becoming entirely nonsensical at times, really heightens the anxiety and discomfort I feel. I never know what's going to happen next, both in the actual narrative and on the page. Books have always frightened me more than visual media because my mind will always conjure up the most terrifying images imaginable lol. It's difficult to make something look as scary on screen as it does in my head (not impossible, of course, just tough).
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Skinamarink is another fantastic exploration of this theme. Your home - the place where you rest, make memories, get to fully be yourself - has become a hostile environment. I won't get into how the movie is (imo) an incredibly well-done metaphor for childhood trauma (your house becomes a prison that you can't escape and your parents are demonic entities that frighten and harm you; though I can also get behind the other theory I've seen where normal things can seem more confusing and scary as a child because you have no frame of reference for what's happening). But wow this movie stuck with me. I know you're not into horror but I have to share the short film that was the inspiration behind the full-length movie to really get the message across (headphones are best because there's a lot of audio distortion).
Visually, my favorite types of horror do a lot with a little. You don't need jumpscares and buckets of fake blood to get the job done (though those are fun lol). Playing around with lighting, depth of field, focus, etc. can do a lot to make you disoriented or nervous. Take liminal spaces for instance (which I love).
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There's nothing inherently strange about these images but they're unnerving. You get the sense that something could be lurking, that you might turn a corner and encounter danger. Something about being utterly alone does weird things to your brain sometimes which is really the core of what I'm getting at: good horror asks the viewer to sit with discomfort, get familiar with it.
Okay, I have rambled long enough lol. You know my DMs are always open for more discussion of this topic (especially as it pertains to WOH) <3
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SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 70 PN BELOW Lets fucking go cap! ok it’s the weekend, I have my own writing block and I finally finished my fucking assignments and handed them in, I’m practically free forever!! (exams loom in the distance, i willfully ignore their shadow)
I’ve started by reading from chapter 67 just to bring myself back into the mindset (and because they are hype as all hell chapters), this is faster than starting my like 7th re-read.
I even made myself a cuppa to really settle in, the vibes are immaculate, I played Bizet Carmen while reading this time
The dichotomy of Juleka:
I don't want to hurt anyone!
Extreme violence is efficient. 
The fact that we didn’t get ladybug trying to kiss rena when she was shot by dark cupid is tragic
This time i listened to shoot to thrill by ACDC, and Burn it down by awolnation for the badass parts
Anyway finally onto Fei, that only took me two hours (i briefly wrote shit so yknow, a good time!)
Fei’s tragic backstory be upsetting frfr, Like damn brother you watched your dad die in front of you? Do you need a blanket and a hug?
The tone change from “My life ended when my dad died.” to “summer was awesome!!” made me snort horrible it’s not funny- but it kind of is-
Oh my god Juleka got a break for weeks AND WE DIDN’T GET TO SEE IT??? Tragedy. (i’m kidding, so happy that she got a break <33)
Rose thirsting over Panthera in a crop top is too funny- you just know if it was anyone else Juleka would be pouting like “damn what do they have that I don’t?” 
Oop her hands still kinda fucked, curiouser and curiouser. I wonder if she has tried to practice her secondary power. Which rq, it was SUCH bullshit that LB gets two and the cat miraculous gets one in canon, so happy you retconned it
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD OK CAP I AM SO HYPE HYPE SHE GOT A MODELING INTERNSHIP?????? Like sure cause nepotism but i’ve been wanting to see Juleka try out modeling in a real environment for ages cause like thats something she is interested in yknow and i just- 
Augh, hype as hell. And an excellent reason for her to be going to Shanghai, I applaud your problem solving to fit Juleka into the show's narrative! I applaud it always, but this one was more difficult than usual methinks
I have pizza now it is 8pm
Oh my poor awkward Juleka… Gabriel wasn’t helping but this is so funny, dude you vowed to kill this girl like a month ago open your eyes
I NEED juleka’s modeling arc to be a thing. Idk how into detail you went but i’m hoping for some i’m rabid i’ve been waiting for this for like 3 years
Oh airports SUCK i feel her anxiety so much, poor thing… i forced my friend to share her location with me one time so we could stalk each other, we never turned it off its kinda funny
… why is Anarka banned from airports?? Being “a living weapon” is so vague.
Killing myself rose and juleka are so cute- and obsessed with each other- every hour is insane
I love Juleka instantly becoming a disaster on baby’s first flight
Juleka instantly being on high alert around gabriel is so real.
“Right,” Mr Agreste’s face didn’t twitch nor soften much in response, just nodded in understanding and turned back to stare forward. “The opening of this store is essential to the future of the Agreste Brand, you two. Opening it much sooner is very good news. There will be other fun times with your friends.”
Hardass, fuck off!!
Poker with literal chips made me laugh- adrien would be terrible at poker
Spiderman far from home? Nah, Panthera Noir far from home. 
“Oh that building looked fun to climb.” please Juleka unhinged parkour arc when?? Like people turn away from her and then look back and she’s up a tree. 
HELP “bye bye bag” is so real-
She’s so scary, but I wanna ask what her hair dye is. Do it. Please. I think you would factory reset Nathalie and she would answer on autopilot
Awkwardly playing chess is so real, also; yippee!! Adrien and Juleka bonding even more after the acting debacle!!
“Knights were cute. Little pony’s. Rose always wanted to move her knights cause they reminded her of unicorns.” please this is literally my strategy in chess, i just move them around and sometimes i win because i confuse people so badly
LB overthinking chess is hilarious. 
Adrien POV???
YOU CAN LEARN MANY THINGS FROM JULEKA SUCH; HOW TO BE A CAT. sorry i just had the mad idea that Adrien might find out this chapter… i would go insane if that turned out to be right
“Knowing info about me is pretty easy when your Wikipedia is super detailed” that’s fucking depressing. Adrien baby that’s a terrible way to get to know someone and not the same experience at all- 
Gaelic is a real language!! And a bitch to learn- I briefly tried with my dad and we both gave up, we’ll just stick with scots english
“Where do you disappear during akumas?” hard hitting question Adrien, ten points!
And is also making me high key suspicious about him finding out, the vibes are there
Nah, nah evil. Gabriel spend time with your son goddamnit 
The fact that she thinks she isn’t brave sometimes infuriates me, like babe i get your insecure but your brave as hell. 
Juleka ripped him to shreds hell fucking yeah.
Wait. why did she give him the king? Hawkmoth called himself a king… cue the x-files music
Who the fuck is this asshole? Fei. Kick his ass, i command thee. 
Oh curious, she has burn scars from the fire, i like this detail. 
I feel like Fei and Juleka will get along, based on the ever present rage against one guy
She is being used augh
“Your father deserves to be avanged.”
I want Cash to gtbnrvice this asshole is just using her desperation for information- 
I want Juleka to scare him into telling them, as Panthera, i think she would be quite good at that. 
Juleka is a feral beast who needs her outside time (i like how she wants to run on rooftops a lot its cute)
Excited. The prodigious?? Tell me more silly cheese guy
Ummm. i need the prodigious to show up, i can’t remember if thats what Fei has or if this is future future foreshadowing, this is exciting
New arc unlocked: freeing the Kwami from their jewelery or the curse. 
Also; yes sadistic plagg in the face of the guardians temple being destroyed, you go girl
Guardian temple? Swallowed whole? Sounds frightening. What a feast.  HA
Model Juleka yippee!
Help- adrien your advice is trash-
Ok existential conversation, yes girl let me spiral-
No sick girl Nathalie let adrien speak i want to know what he thinks of the best girlies-
Plagg wanting to take him under his wing- Juleka saying he wants to replace her with Adrien- ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER. 
Nah if you actually do have a reveal to Adrien i am going to go buckwild- cause either the vibes of the chapter got me but i think I guessed before any of the concrete foreshadowing
Ok sick girl nathalie actually has some sound advice and is being lovely to Juleka 
Yes Juleka use your strength
Get her ass Juleka, or- politely bite her arm juleka?!?
Juleka is just brawling in an alleyway- like damn sister- watch out for bruises you might not be allowed to model-
Oh god what if she took plagg during some of their scrapping- actually, that would be fine. Juleka would just go insane and fight her
Juleka; desperately grasping for something familiar and bantering with Fei
Fei: what the fuck is wrong with her?
Nicest mugger I’ve ever met real and true
Plagg stays with Juleka yippeee!!
Help their dynamic is so funny- exactly what i was wanting. 
Juleka would want to learn how to disappear even better than she already does wouldn’t she
Nah not Fei thinking “well that was fucking weird” while juleka is like “Oh that was cool” Juleka is so weirdgirl core i love her
Oh shit she stole marinettes stuff Tiki is there- 
Kick the asshole in the balls Fei, i command thee.
I am so happy Nathalie and Juleka have some sort of alliance, in my as to be written huge tragedy based on Nathalie Gabriel and Emily (which is extensively planned), I think Nathalie is more similar to Juleka as a teenager. 
Adrien and Nathalie interaction- “yes we- we did it” agyuhtvrinjfeok love her. 
Marinette blinked vacantly, standing in the back alley streets of Shanghai with a paling expression on her face and her entire inventory ghosted from her person.
HELP SHE’S SO FUNNY- i love disaster marinette please-
and thats a wrap for Fei! i started this before five and it is now ten pm- i did other things though.
this was awesome cap, I look forward to the next chapters and I shall review them tomorrow!!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed <3
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ipsen · 5 months
Noro and Tatara for the latest character ask please?
a necrophilia ship ask, huh... i'll try my best! LOL
when I started shipping it if I did: literally never heard of this ship until you brought it up. very interesting, if a bit difficult to do so
my thoughts: well, it's another black and white aesthetic-type ship, and features the two quietest aogiri members. They're both very efficient in their own ways, and i like the image of tatara helping noro feed since the latter is... out of commission. tatara learning to care for a walking corpse because everyone he loves is already dead... there's something there.
What makes me happy about them: Well that's pretty easy. clears throat
What makes me sad about them: they can't kiss with all the masks and rotting skin :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me: what fanfics
things I look for in fanfic: WHAT FANFICS
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: houji and shiono, i guess? i don't know.
My happily ever after for them: A quiet life, much like their demeanors, and surrounded by those who care about them, even if it doesn't amount to much.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: tatara is the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: relaxing in silence. there's a comfort to being understood without speaking.
:P here's the character versions
How I feel about this character: Eto's dad, and an underexplored individual. I write him like he holds a few anti-imperialistic views that Eto would eventually inherit, since a journal from a dead woman isn't enough in my eyes. Also was extremely intelligent and only really lacked a proper education.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uh...
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him and Eto! I think they're neat together :]
My unpopular opinion about this character: Uh...... he's not very scary....?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wanted his backstory with Eto explored. I need to know his parallels to Ryouko Fueguchi right now.
my OTP: him and shiono :] (half joking)
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: when eto was at the orphanage, he pretended to be a stuffed mannequin in the corner of the broom closet. also, when he was noroi, he made a mean hamburger steak.
How I feel about this character: very cool! he should get his own spinoff series because he's almost a main character in like, a shounen or something i dunno LOL
All the people I ship romantically with this character: scratches head i mean kousuke houji is right there. why not. i intimately get it. i wonder why. also putting in a vote for one-sided etora. i want him prostrating himself before her, only for her to do nothing about it. i want that man like a doused, wounded dog.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him and ayato :] little brother stand-in.
My unpopular opinion about this character: i guess... i like that he was killed by t-owl? giving him his wish of dying at houji's hand while allowing him to "get away" with all the things he did to get there would be kinda messed up.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want to know about his relationships with arima and eto. who were they to him, and how did he fit into aogiri's power structure?
my OTP: sure i'll say houtata
my cross over ship: idk
a headcanon fact: he got his mouth sewn shut by eto, but she grew bored and never really finished the job. take that as you will.
thanks for the ask! LOL
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trenchcrows · 3 months
@alli0s chain was looking a little scary long 😔 Ty for the tag :3
Name: crow
Pronouns: they/them
Star sign: Libra
# of siblings & fun facts about them(if you have em): a brother, he's really into fortnite
# of pets & their names: 2 corgis (dogs) Trevor and Lenny
Fandoms: uhhh idk I'm kinda at an inbetween, dsmp, hc, mcyt ig, and Lockwood & co
Favorite color: burple :3
Favorite song: it's so difficult :((( I think atm its the well by the crane wives
Favorite author (of anything readable-- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): gotta say bonesandthebees super fun fic ideas and they're a lotta fun to read
Hobbies: writing, drawing, embroidery, sewing, guitar :D
Favorite fic type: found family and hurt/comfort
Favorite holiday: ahhhhhhh idr have one :( ig Halloween but it's not rlly a holiday and no one celebrates it around my area :(
Do you have any partner(s)? (romantic, qpp, anything!): in a qpp with good friend of the channel sailor :3
Fun facts about you / anything extra you wanna share: uhhhh I once got a story I didn't try too hard writing into a collection series at my school 👍
@transdogday @gay-mooshrooms @yoki-loves-stars and whoever wants to :) no pressure tags
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12romy · 7 months
Thanks @sebchal for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Oof. 57, damn that's a lot, what am I doing with my life?? 53 of them in F1 (I know it says 52 but one of them is on anon lmao)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
F1rpf, although I have a fic for The Sandman and one for Our Flag Means Death (let's forget about my works for spn lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So the first one is Odd ducks, the fic I wrote for The Sandman, which is pretty normal since the fandom is bigger. After that, only F1, with Let's try something else (sewis fake dating feat Seb and gay panic), A Change of Habits (my lonnnnnnng chewis fic following the 2022 season), Your Crush is Showing (Brocedes, the first long fic I completed. Lots of smut.) and finally, Remember to forget (me), brocedes lewis!amnesia fic. I am very proud of the last one, mostly because it's super angsty and I torture Nico so much in it lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, actually, but usually I procrastinate on it, and I took ages. It's just, like, I feel it important to thank everyone for the comments, but it can feel a little repetitive and so I just tend to... Push it back to the next day, again and again. When it's on a multi-chapter fic, I reply before publishing the new chapter usually, but if it's a one-shot or the last chapter... Well. You'll get an answer but god knows when ahah
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, that's between Losing it all, a really dark fic about Nico, and Too Late, a bad ending 3344 fic based on Monza 2021 :)
(be careful about the tags if you go and read them btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn, that's a difficult question, I love writting sappy endings... But actually I think it's the ending of Welcome in the family!
It's a cute fic about Kimi/Tonio/Minttu, and the ending is definitely what I consider one of the happiest, mostly because of a little time-jump that allows to see the future ^^
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once, actually, on the 3344 fic I mentionned earlier. I think the person was just a max fan and didn't appreciate the way I make him suffer... I had put the write tags and all, so idk why they clicked on it. Anyway, it was scary and upsetting and I'm glad it only happened once ^^"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah. Go have a look, honestly, there's no way I can summarise it. I write way too much of it, I think (and most of it hasn't been published yet I think)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, but I should, it could be fun! Actually, I'd like to write a Lewis/Lil Nas X one day, so who knows. That's not at the top of my list, though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I... Don't know, actually? How do you even check that? I hope not ahah ^^"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone offered to translate one of my fic in Chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I DID, The Prince and the Knight, with my wonderful @feuerspirit !!!!!! And I don't want to spoil, but me and @metheevilgenius miiiiight publish a little os at some point ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh, such a hard question... I'll go with brocedes, but it's really mean to make me chose only one. They're just.... *siiiigh*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely this BDSM seb/charles/mick and lewis/pierre I have started. I didn't publish it and it's like 20k long but I'm completely stuck and haven't worked on it in a long time. Not totally happy with it either ^^"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh, good question? I don't know, I get compliments about the characterisation... But other than that, I like to think I have a pretty good sense of humour and I'm able to make people laugh (or like, I hope. I make myself laugh, which is a good begining)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The fucking dialogues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like to use petnames in other languages cause petnames always feel more personnal when you use it in your own language. So with the F1 drivers, it's nice cause not all of them are english! I tend to put some German or some French sometimes in my fics for full sentences, but I try not to do it too much. If you don't understand the language, it can be very frustrating.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Time to dig up my old ff.net account lmao
Nah, actually, I remember very well of my first fic. I was 15, it was two pages long, I was feeling bad about writing a fic in the first place although it didn't involve any romance. I deleted it a few hours after posting it, ahah. It was for the fandom of a french youtube show called Aventures. It's like, people playing a dnd style game, it's pretty cool and I was really into it for a long time.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
The fic I love the most of is definitely Up or Down. It's one of my favourite fic I've wrote. It's one of my early work, so it's a little clumsy and far from perfect, but I have good memories of myself writing it. I was in vacation in Rome at the time, alone, and I spent my time wandering in the city and thinking about my fic, it was amazing. And well, the content of the fic is also nice I guess XDDD
noooo idea who did this thing, and who didn't, so ignore if you've already done it or don't want to! I tag @feuerspirit @n-ico-ando @sunshinesebby @sionisjaune
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Hello!! How are you??
I saw your requests are open so I wanted to come by and drop one in if that’s alright, and I hope this isn’t to hard or anything… but anyways…
May I request Natsuki and Monika (both separate not separate posts lol) with a GN! S/O who has a Basil Personality from Omori??
Thank you!!
Signed As: 🇵🇱 Anon @polish-anon
A/N: hi polish anon!! i like ur whole poland color scheme going on
Natsuki and Monika with a GN S/O who has a BASIL personality from OMORI
A/N: this is my interpretation of BASIL's personality, so i'm sorry if anything isn't what you expected!
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she kind of understands if you're shy or awkward at first
she feels that way often, especially with people she doesn't know
if you have a savior complex, she doesn't really understand it
she's very caring but honestly? she hates it when people rely on her
might say stuff like "get in there" or give harsh encouragement if you're having trouble with social situations or confrontation
despite her sometimes hard exterior, (which especially shows when you two aren't dating) she's very kind, and won't make you do anything you aren't comfortable with
any interests you might have, she'll try to educate herself in and talk about it with you
the thought of getting closer with someone is scary for natsuki, so be patient with her
she has intrusive or obsessive thoughts sometimes, so if you do as well and decide to talk about it she'll try to be as understanding as possible
between you two, there's sort of a barrier that needs to be slowly chipped at
natsuki builds her walls up, and it takes a special level of trust to let you into her world
and as for you, you're a little jumpy and anxious, and you might even have some sort of traumas but natsuki tries her best to hold your hand and tell you it's okay
she understands being anxious sometimes, but it kind of worries her when it gets to a certain point
i think she struggles with some obsessive thoughts, so she takes yours seriously and doesn't judge you for your mental state
super caring, and will make sure to let you know she's there for you
helps you with studies
monika doesn't pressure you to open up at first. she knows that it's difficult, and she loves you, so she won't force you into anything you don't want
the things you like are important to her, and you two often do things like draw or write poetry together
if you have some sort of separation anxiety or abandonment issues, she'll be sure to let you know she's not going anywhere
she sees some of herself in you
she likes you a lot, and is willing to be patient with you about anything
rlly likes hearing about your interests or just how your day went
honestly i think she finds it cute if ur like. shy or somwrhign idk
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2soul2 · 3 days
The Aquarium
(Shouta Aizawa with child/teen reader)
Okay so a week or so ago I asked you guys what kind of character you want a fan fiction about and most people voted Aizawa, so here it is!
Summary: Y/N and Shota didn’t had father daughter time for a decade, so he decides to have a excursion.
I’m sorry for my bad english
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Times were hard, Shota’s job was being extra busy. And school was being extra difficult for Y/N.
Both didn’t had the time for father daughter moments. And both felt in need for it.
Soon shota will be out of that School and away from this Computer, no patrol today.
Y/N is probably already home, it depends on the traffic and if she fits in the train.
Hizashi’s voice calls through the hallway.
Traffic wasn’t that bad so he came home earlier than usual.
Finally home.
The living room is weirdly dark. No one in there.
“Over here!”
The voice came from the kitchen.
There she is, sitting in the kitchen doing her homework.
Shota leans against the kitchen counter.
“Did you eat?”
“School lunch.”
There’s a quiet moment.
Shota closes her book.
“Come on, we’re going to the aquarium.”
The aquarium is a grate place for the two of them.
Half of Y/N‘s plushies are from the souvenir shop here.
The tired teacher prefers the jelly fish tank, there aren’t too many people there and they kind of seem calming.
But his daughter is obsessed with the shark tank, there are sharks, it’s big and there are sharks.
There are more people but it’s alright for shota as long as she’s happy.
But first they go to the jelly fish tank, it’s tradition. Hearing random facts about jelly fish’s from shota is also tradition.
“You know, jelly fish’s don’t have a brain.”
Y/N watches the weird creatures move in the water.
“Oh? So just like you?”
Shota smirks and rubs her head.
“Sassy child, let’s go to the sharks.”
Sharks are scary creatures, they move so slow but can move so fast. They both watch the big scary creatures that kinda smile.
Some kids run around, but since it’s already late there aren’t too many people.
“Oh! Dad! Look at this one, that’s a big boy!”
“Indeed, want to go to the clown fish tank?”
The clown fish tank, the sea ​​urchin’s, sea horses and the souvenir shop later they got out and went to the car, Y/N is holding an otter plushie.
“Nice afternoon, wasn’t it kid?”
The kid he was trying to call was already sound asleep in the backseat.
Wich means today was a great day at the aquarium.
And it surely won’t be the last.
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Hellooo! I hope you liked this ff! :) it was kinda hard for me to write, idk why. I sadly didn’t put much aquarium in it than I originally wanted to but eh, everyone got a story that’s not their favourite.
Anyways stay hydrated!
Requests are open!
Again, I’m sorry for my bad english.
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