#if Eddie has 0 fans I’m dead
cherishingstydia · 6 months
I’m just saying if Eddie hurt Buck even accidentally so many of you would drag him and probably even say he was abusive yet so many of you are acting like he deserves to be hurt??
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
I’m devouring your fics on ao3 and… idk how I have lived without reading “nice to meet you, where have you been?”
the whole fic is complete perfection!!! 🥺💚
I was twirling my hair and kicking my feet the whole time while reading it!!! giggling like a high schooler!!!!!! 🥺🥺 i’m such a sucker for fluffy stories and your work is honestly my favorite of all i’ve ever read!!! if you have any more ideas you didn’t write out for this world I’d love to hear it 🥺🥺🥺
feeling like a little goblin just reading every work you published there!!
I’m also so happy I found your blog so that I can share with you how lovely your work is!!! the whole story is a fluff fest but you still put little things that add to the underlying struggles that eddie and steve have faced in their life without overshadowing the fluff and it makes the world build so so so incredible!!! if you ever decide to make a patreon or anything similar you can bet I’ll be there to support you!!!
I have a big passion for writing and seeing someone so sweet and nice with such amazing writing skills makes me want to support your work anyway i can!!! just idk if this is just a hobby but if you ever do decided to make it more than that I’ll be your #1 fan!!! 💚💚💚
if flowercrowngods has 1000 fans, I’m one of them!
if flowercrowngods has 10 fans, I’m on of them!
if flowercrowngods has 0 fans, I’m dead!
(you know the meme? hehe)
much love 💚💚
i’m horribly embarrassingly late to answering this but i just wanted to hold on to this a little longer.
i love that you really really liked my lil tattoo shop au, i think it’s the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written for this fandom? because it’s like unadulterated joy, very little heaviness woven into it 🥹
i don’t actually think i have more for it? just that chrissy has this bakery and steddie almost had their morning after date there. eddie’s gonna introduce them, though, because the second he meets robin he thinks “wow i think you can be the love of my platonic soulmate, i need you guys to meet”. buckingham is a no-brainer for me.
robin also draws the most obscure tattoos and dares steve to tattoo them — either on himself or on costumers he deems worthy. the binder, remember? Upside Down tattoos, etc. she makes steve draw on her skin, too, because she’s afraid of needles still but loves his art, and they spend some of their nights like that, with music on and just drawing on each other.
i also love that you found my blog :D and i love even more that i found yours first, way back when 🤍 the thing about you asking if i have a patreon or just claiming that you’d support me there has taken me out for real, i swear. that’s. that’s so 🥺 unbelievable idk, i can’t put it in words; what that means to hear someone say this 🫶 especially because like. this ain’t my first language. so really all the compliments etc just feel so much more special for it 🥺🤍
anyway i’ll stop gushing now, i’m just really really touched. thank you thank you thank you 🥺 i’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my words so far, the happy and the sad ones 🌷
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deadboyfriendd · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Thank you for the tag <3 @jo-harrington
1) How many works do you have on A03? - none, actually. I haven't made it to tht neck of the woods yet.
2) What's your total AO3 word count? - That would be a big ole 0
3) What fandoms do you write for? - Stranger Things currently. I used to be a writer for The 100 back in my Wattpad days. Sometimes I throw around the idea of writing for Fargo or Criminal Minds.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? - I would say probably Stains in the Granite, Cochise, Stone Gothic, H E A D L I N E R S., Kate, and The Bisbee Letter Series
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - I try really hard to respond to the really meaningful ones, but if I have poo brain that day it slips. I read all of them and reread them over and over until they're engrained in my noodle brain though! .
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - Stone Gothic or Sockpuppet. Stone Gothic is angst in terms of bodily violence Sockpuppet in terms of ouchie feelings OR OR OR She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty. Can you tell I love angst?
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - Hallmark, probably. That was kind of the whole point of doing a Hallmark movie themed fic.
8) Do you get hate on fics? No.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? - Yes but it has to be there as a plot catalyst. I write very flowery very feelings-oriented smut, even if the characters don't have feelings for each other. Though, I feel like everything I write is feelings-oriented.
10) Do you write crossovers? - It never went I don't think I've written one yet but if I get a good idea I'm not opposed to it. Maybe if you wanna count SITG or Cochise since they're based off of 50 First Dates and Tombstone?
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Not that I’m aware of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? - Again, not that I'm aware of.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? - Nothing that I would explicitly credit myself with but @dr-aculaaa and I loom over each other's docs like God. I'm pretty sure Drac has inadvertently written half of my fics.
14) What's your all time favorite ship? -We're big Steddie fans around here. Keep an eye out for a Steddie fic I have brewing.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? - LMAO might be that steddie fic that I just talked about. I also have a very flowery and angsty AU of an AU of an AU baby about Robin that I've been screaming to her about that is on the very back of burners.
16) What are your writing strengths? - I'm really good at analogies and descriptive writing. I've always written about feelings because I have a lot of them and I'm painfully self-aware of them.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? - LMAO editing process? I don't know her. Every work you get is beta read by Drac and that's IT. If it misses Drac then it was meant to be a part of the fic. In terms of my actual writing, I think it's smut writing. I'm good at making people love each other not good at making them fuck.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - There has to be a place for it that makes sense. I used lines in Latin in Cochise and Bisbee because my Eddie is very much based off of Doc Holliday, who spoke Latin, and used that line very much as a plot catalyst. I use a lot of analogies to Marlowe's Doctor Faustus which also has Latin in it, which was crucial to the storylines of both Bisbee and Cochise.
19) First fandom you wrote for? - The Walking Dead when I was entirely too young to be fic reading or writing. Maybe One Direction before that? Also W A Y too young to be fic reading or writing. The first fandom I ever had success writing in was The 100. Still too young but I'm proud of those 100k notes.
20) Favorite fic you've written? - The Cochise and Bisbee universe. I LOVE writing in that prose and I LOVE reimagining these characters into Tombstone. It's so personal to me since I'm from Arizona and I love living here and all of the cowboy stuff. It feels like I neglect it sometimes but really, I'm trying so hard to get them perfect because this is absolutely my passion project and I'm so proud of them even though they get like zero reads.
No Pressure Tags: @dr-aculaaa @bettyfrommars
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wlwfav · 1 year
ep 0 volume 5 spoilers/thoughts below 👇👇
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huuuh interesting that the fake scenery from b7’s window was hellfire for deborah, but a big blue moon for ray 👀 i suppose the background changes depending on the sacrifice? this really shows that gray knows more about the sacrifices than he lets on, and he especially knows the reason why he chose them as a sacrifice…
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….foreshadowing! considering everyone in this panel is dead lmfao
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i dunno why but i really like this moment so much!! seeing gray take charge and make it clear to the angels that this is his experiment and they are very much apart of it….. it’s just so good
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just want to say shin is so pretty??!!??!!?!?!?! we don’t talk about him enough and i think that’s a crime tbh. shin fans rise up
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this is really funny and intriguing to me. the rules clearly state that all angels have to stay on their respective floors when a sacrifice is in the building, and i know eddie isn’t technically an angel here yet... but with how strict gray is, i’m kinda surprised gray appears to be fine with eddie hanging out with shin when shin is supposed to be, you know, working.
then again gray does have a soft spot for eddie, so maybe in the rules there’s a fine print beneath the “all angels need to stay on their respective floor*” rule that says “* except for eddie if he wants to hang out with shin :)”
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i guess the “leaving their respective floor” rule is just something that needs to be broken by the b6 angel 😭
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eddie and cathy whispering about danny is so cute and funny HELP
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eddie being worried about shin 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ughhh i really love their friendship, so knowing how it ends….. 🫠
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this is actually a pretty common feeling shin! if you take the murder part out of it, anyways
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THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM UGHHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! eddie really looks up to shin so much it’s adorable
and again with shin giving eddie a head pat 🥹🥹🥹 reminds me of zack with ray LOL, kind of a shame they never met shin…..
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eddie has no idea what’s about to happen….. T___T
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makes sense gray would think this way… but it still hurts 🥹
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i am in SHAMBLES!!!!!! at least eddie is taking shin’s death way better than i am 😭
the last panel is really really powerful to me. shin’s ghost-like appearance on the other side of the mirror, with his back to eddie… it symbolizes he’s passed onto another life without actually saying it, and despite the barrier between life and death, eddie’s words still reached shin… 🥹
(shin's ghost is also sitting, almost like he's waiting for eddie to cross over as well... perhaps he already knows of eddie's fate and wants to be there to greet eddie on the other side? ..... or maybe i'm looking way too much into this panel...)
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nice foreshadowing of danny’s ultimate fate here as well 👀 pretty sure he said the exact same thing to gray in the main story when the building was going down, and that’s where he got his answer… that yes, his desires did not make him an angel, but a human. a nice little callback to the main series, despite this being the prequel!
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“father gray said it’s my turn on the xbox”
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gosh it feels SO GOOD seeing zack again!!!!! it’s been so long……. missed this guy ☝️☝️☝️☝️
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aaaaand that’s the end of volume 5! so we leave off on how gray discovered zack!
also imo, “the laughing reaper” is a much better name for zack than “the back-alley murderer”. laughing reaper fits him much better!
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them… i will never emotionally recover 🫠
overall another really good volume of ep 0!!! i love seeing how everything builds up to the main story!!! i’m gonna be really sad when this story ends….. i will miss it </3
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
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Oz’s Boneyard of WIP’s
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• 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐮𝐭 - An unexpected counter between Eddie Munson and the beat-up King of Hawkins High somehow leads to an unusual agreement. Eddie does the reading and Steve does the paying and maybe, just maybe will Eddie save Steve’s life. (3/5)
•zombie stomp- Eddie Munson finds himself alone and nowhere to go when he loses contact with his Uncle Wayne in the middle of Indiana. Heading to what’s supposed to be a safe house and a meet spot with his Uncle, Eddie meets a mysterious man on the way. Learning said man, Steve Harrington is mostly mute (except a grunt here and there) and has some hearing problems, Eddie feels inclined to help the other out as much as he can, to only discover Steve is a better survivor than him. Starting on the wrong foot Eddie and Steve slowly begin to grow close and realize that the apocalypse maybe ten times better than before shit hit the fan. (0/9)
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𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧 . . .
• Megalomania - When Steve and Robin finds themselves stranded without a job (aka a working con) they must find their next target. They think they find the perfect one when a mysterious ship pulls up to shore looking for new crew members. They both decide to “help” the ship on their quest of finding a certain big bad vampire, but don’t realize that there may be one right underneath their noses. (Aka; vampire pirate Eddie Munson x Con-artist Steve)
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About Me
Hi! My name is Oz (not really, but I would prefer to keep my identity kind of secret so that’s the name I chose) and I write a decent amount of Steddie. If you are a rock and roll fan like myself, you should notice by just looking at my account that I’m deeply inspired by Ozzy Osborne. Most of fic titles come from either a Black Sabbath or Ozzy song and even the title of this WIP page is inspired by is radio thingy. Though enough about Ozzy, I am 19 years old and currently going to college for accounting. I enjoy writing for my free time, and enjoy the comments and attention I receive from it more. I do have a lot of random ideas, and do ramble a lot so don’t mind me!
(Also don’t be afraid to participate in my WIP Weekend or Wednesdays :)
Fandoms I’m In
Stranger Things (Steddie) (main ship)
Good Omens
Supernatural (bisexual Dean Winchester is winning over my heart)
The walking dead (gay Daryl Dixon that’s it)
Arkham Universe (Batman/Dc)
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@hearteyesforbuck asked:
I have been dying for a meet-cute au where Eddie takes Chris to the gym once a week and they box a little together before Eddie spars; usually Chris sits by the ring and reads but one day Eddie finds him laying on a bench, lifting an empty bar while this really cute blond guy spots him and gives him encouragement ....
guess who’s asks are still broken?
Tumblr keeps adding the “Read More” into the ask box, which breaks the entire post when I try to post it. Why is it happening? No idea, but if anyone knows how to fix it, please let me know, this is getting really old.
anyway, fun fact that I just learned about myself—if you want me to dedicate 100% of my brainpower to writing 4.5k of something in one sitting, you just throw in Christopher Diaz.
Eddie liked to think of himself as some kind of a “do it yourself” kind of dad.
Most of the time, that was a good thing.
Kitchen faucet broke? No worries, Eddie has some plumbers tape and three different YouTube videos telling him how to fix it.
Car wouldn’t start? Not a problem, Eddie bought the full repair manual offline and knows his way around a wrench.
Christopher needed forty gluten free, egg free, dairy free cupcakes for class tomorrow? Eddie was perfectly capable of... admitting when he was outmatched by a stand mixer and calling thirteen local bakeries to see if they delivered, because his car still wasn’t starting.
Point is, if there was a way he could work on something, Eddie would at least try it—and needless to say, that got a little complicated where Christopher was involved.
Eddie still wanted to do a lot of it on his own. Chris was his kid, and no one else's, and he didn’t even like being away from him while Chris was at school—he wasn’t sure if that was guilt stemming from leaving Chris as a kid, or guilt about introducing Shannon back into his life only to have her wind up dead, or guilt about... well, pick-a-thing, but he was pretty damn sensitive about what he perceived he could do to help his kid.
Which is why, when Chris’ physical therapist gave Eddie some suggestions about how Chris could work on strength training at home, Eddie dove completely into the deep end, head first, no floaties.
Working on Chris’ fine motor skills had been cake. Writing, drawing, arts and crafts, even playing video games, all helped improve Chris’ hand eye coordination (and if Eddie ran out of room on the fridge for Chris’ masterpieces and started framing them instead, well, that was his own business, no matter how nosy the busybodies at Michael’s got).
Working on his gross motor skills, though, that was another story. They could go on walks, sure, and they did every day. Eddie could hook up the trail-a-bike to his own once or twice a week so Chris could ride along with him, without worrying about his balance, but those were both leg heavy activities—and while it was great that Chris was building his core strength and leg strength, Eddie wasn’t about to just strap a wrist weight to Chris’ arms and call it a ‘well rounded workout’.
Short of more physical therapy, Eddie was at a loss as to what to do—so when Google Maps pushed him off the 101 to avoid a wreck on his way home from work and he got caught by a stop light right next to "Ricky’s Boxing Gym”, Eddie felt like his prayers had been answered.
Over the next few months, they had set up a pretty good routine. Eddie would bring Chris to the gym, they would hop into one of the many rings, and he and his son would get a half hour of quality time, three times a week. Eddie had his own set of boxing mitts, and Chris thought that spending a half hour trying to punch his dad’s hand was the most fun a kid could have after school. Chris would tire himself out and sit on the bench, drawing or reading for a while more, while Eddie would actually spar with one of the staff members, get his own workout in, and then they’d go home.
Nine times out of ten, they’d stop for ice cream or pizza, and completely undo any of the workout they had actually done, but Eddie thought that was a small price to pay for the whoop of joy Chris let out when he actually managed to hit Eddie’s glove dead center.
Eddie’s sparring partner of choice (well, after Chris) was Tommy Kinard. He was nice enough, and kept Eddie on his toes, giving him plenty of time to look over to Chris to make sure he was safe, and happy, and occupied, and (“Dad, I’m fine! Go punch someone!”) okay, maybe he was helicoptering a little bit. He hadn’t really thought it was a problem until Kinard went on paternity leave, leaving him in the capable, and brutal, hands of Boscoe.
Boscoe was a beast. He didn’t know her first name—didn’t know if she had a first name—but what she lacked in pleasantries she more than made up with strength. If Eddie was being honest, though, he kind of loved it; even after the first day they sparred together, when he wound up limping into the 118, proudly admitting to Hen that he had been beat up by a girl.
The thing was, Boscoe was intense, and while that was a good thing, it gave him less of a chance to helicopter over Chris.
Which, okay, maybe that was a good thing too. Whatever.
He knew the gym pretty well by that point, and knew the people who worked there, knew he could trust Chris with any of them—which is why when he looked up after dodging a jab from Boscoe, and saw Chris absent from his bench, he only panicked a little bit.
When he managed to take a wider look around the gym and saw a familiar pair of shoes laying down on a workout bench, the rest of him obscured by a bigger, bulkier body, that panic went from 0-60 real quick.
He only barely managed to dodge a glancing blow from Boscoe as he ducked beneath the ropes, grabbing a towel to blot at his face as he hopped down. His voice was little more than a quick bark through the gym as he stepped around another group of machines, his frantic pace slowing a little as he got into earshot.
“... yeah, come on buddy, you can do it! Come on, give me one more rep! You got this little man!”
Fuck, had this stranger actually given Chris a set of weights?
His temper was white hot by the time he finally got around the front of the machine, opening his mouth to shout, to get a manager, to do something, but the words died in his throat as he took in the scene before him.
Because Chris was definitely on the bench, and he definitely had his hands on the bar—the bar that was completely devoid of weights, Eddie noticed, the same bar that had two much larger, stronger hands attached to them. Hands that were probably doing all the actual work of lifting the bar, because Chris was laying back, unable to speak, because he was giggling so hard.
The bar landed back on the rack with a dull thunk as Chris pulled his hands back, sticking them straight up in the air triumphantly as he sat up. The man behind the bar gave a big show of leaning against the frame of the bench dramatically, fanning himself, giving Eddie a full view of an employee shirt, name badge, and the gym logo stitched across the polo he was wearing.
Whelp, that was almost very embarrassing for him.
“Holy cow, that was such a good job! Man, you have got to be the strongest kid I’ve ever met in my life!”
“Dad, did you see me? Buck says I’m super strong!”
Eddie had to admit, he was a little thrown by whatever was happening here, but Chris was obviously having a good time, and he felt the white hot anger dissipate into something a little less angry and a little more embarrassed.
“That was some pretty impressive work, buddy! Have you been holding out on me?” Eddie dipped down and tossed a few playful jabs at Chris, selfish only because he wanted to prolong the joy his son was obviously feeling, but it was all worth it as he was handsomely rewarded when Chris started giggling again.
The man—Buck, Eddie gathered—laughed, drawing Eddie’s attention upward, and for a moment, his brain short circuited, because there was no way on earth a gym rat could be this... pretty.
Because damn. Buck was pretty.
Pretty enough that Eddie was easily distracted, waxing poetic (internally, thankfully) about beefy arms and a plush lip that he didn’t notice what was happening until Buck stuck a hand out, smiling, and Eddie could only guess what was going on. He reached out and took the hand, his own smile hitching as Buck’s face slipped into confusion.
“...I was asking if you wanted me to take your towel for you and get you a fresh one.”
Oh. Right. Towel.
Eddie’s face burned as he pulled the towel off his shoulder, handing it over, giving a too-tight laugh as he nodded his head. “Yes! If you could get me a new towel so I could strangle myself in embarrassment, that would be great.”
Well, at the very least, that got Buck to laugh again—death would be worth it if that was the last sound he heard. “Sorry I kind of stole your kid. He was wandering in between the machines, and it’s my first week off of the evening shift, so I just wanted to make sure he didn’t get hurt—but then he started asking about all the weights and pulleys and stuff, you have a really smart kid!”
Total Gym Hottie (Buck, his mind corrected. If he was going to drool over someone the least he could do was use their name) was complimenting his kid now, and Eddie was so star struck he was actually proud to say he didn’t stumble when Buck nudged his shoulder, head jerking back to the ring he had abandoned.
"...anyway, I think strangulation is the least of your worries, if I know that look, Boscoe has an entirely different death planned for you if you don’t get back in the ring. Go on, I’ll help little man here wheel you out on a gurney when she’s done with you.”
Buck sounded way too positive about that, and it was all Eddie could do to groan and walk back to the ring, tail between his legs.
Sure enough, even after he had the next day off, he was still sore when he walked into the 118 for his next shift.
Buck became easily, seamlessly, a part of their routine, in a way that probably deserved a little more insight on Eddie’s part, but insight was for suckers. At least two days out of the week, their schedules aligned—Eddie and Chris still worked on their exercises, but now it included Buck giving a dramatic play by play on the sidelines, talking up Chris like an announcer, or just otherwise causing shenanigans.
It was worth it, easily, because while Chris was certainly never a negative kid, Eddie had never seen him in brighter spirits. And Buck... well, anyone that could find a way to help out his son in a way that Chris clearly enjoyed earned an instant gold star in Eddie’s book. The fact that he was easy on the eyes wasn’t a bad thing, either.
“Diaz, I swear to God—”
Eddie only barely ducked under Boscoe’s extended hand, forcibly rooting himself back in the moment, looking guiltily back to her instead of watching Buck and Chris.
“—can you pay attention for like three minutes so I can hit you without feeling bad about it?”
Eddie tried, he really did, but it was hard. A few weeks had gone by since their initial meeting, and Eddie had gone from “wow he’s pretty” to “full high school crush” in no time flat. It wasn’t his fault, though—because what sealed the deal wasn’t the moment Buck had switched to tank tops over polos, or how happy Eddie was to spend time staring at Buck’s magnificent ass (and it was really, really magnificent, let the record show), it was how he interacted with Chris that sent him over the edge.
Buck was good with Chris, but somehow that was the understatement of the year. He was kind, and he was bubbly, and he was just in sync in a way that Eddie wasn’t even sure he had reached, and Chris was his son. Buck was patient in a way that seemed effortless, easily slowing himself down or changing what he was doing when he noticed Chris struggling, wether it was in going over a math problem while Eddie got the crap beat out of him or just showing him how some of the different machines worked.
Hell, right now, Eddie had his hands securely around Chris’ hips as he lifted the other male to a chin-up bar, helping Chris count out the pull-up’s he was doing—and while all Eddie could hear was Chris’ laughter, all he could see were the thick cords of muscle attached to Buck’s arms, lifting Chris like he weighed nothing.
Eddie wondered, not for the first time, if Buck could lift him like that.
Like she was a horrible mind reading pervert, Boscoe smacked him with an open hand—not hard enough to hurt, but not soft enough that he was going to ignore it.
“Diaz, this will be our last session together. Kinard is back next week—” Another punch, a quick jab that Eddie blocked with his forearms. “—so the least you could do is focus on me and not the apple of your eye over there.”
“Buck isn’t the apple of my—fuck—my eye, grow up.” Eddie huffed as he threw out a punch of his own, his hand knocked away violently, only barely dodging the sharp hook that Boscoe sent to him.
“God, I was talking about your kid, Diaz. You’re embarrassing yourself.”
Ignoring how red his face was, Eddie grumbled and threw another quick jab, though he missed completely as Boscoe stepped back, a grin on her face, and Eddie knew better than to trust that look. The last time he trusted that look, he had been talked into fighting bare-handed, and he still wasn’t sure his knuckles would ever really work again.
“You know, Kinard is supposed to take you back as a client, but I bet if you asked nice enough...”
Oh no.
“Hey, Buck!”
Oh no. Eddie looked up in horror as Buck easily lifted Christopher onto his shoulders—god, so much muscle—and jogged over, with the nerve to not even be out of breath when he smiled up to the pair in the ring. Eddie bit his tongue and leaned over to high five his kid, fully prepared to deal with whatever terrible thing was about to come his way.
“Kinard was supposed to take Diaz here back after he’s off leave next week, but I know he wanted to ease back into things after being away from the gym for a few months. You think you could spar with him in the interim?”
Oh, no, didn’t seem to cover it anymore. Eddie was having a hard enough time focusing on the task at hand when Buck was in the same building, he would be signing his own death certificate if he had to stare Buck in the face, and then try to hit said face. He hadn’t even seen Buck break a sweat before—he didn’t know if his little bisexual heart could take it.
He was somehow both relieved and regretful when Buck shook his head, looking plenty apologetic as he pulled Chris up and off of his shoulders, making sure that he was steady on his feet before he leaned up against the ropes. “Sorry, Eddie. I don’t really box, and besides, I think Chris and I are making real progress while you get your butt kicked. Show him the guns, Chris!” Buck said, and Chris immediately started some classic strong-man poses, Buck posing dramatically behind him, and Eddie felt his heart melt for two entirely different reasons.
Buck turned around mid pose as the door chime went off, giving Eddie ample time to count out the individual strands of muscle fiber in the moment before Buck relaxed, turning with a smile back to the gang in the ring. “Lena, that's my next client. Chris, Eddie, I’ll see you both next week, yeah?” He said with a grin before he fist bumped Chris and waved to Eddie, slipping back into Professional Buck mode. Eddie waved back, brows almost in his hairline as he looked back to Boscoe, who was scowling at him.
“No, Diaz.”
“Wait, why not? Buck gets to call you Lena!”
“Beat me in the ring as often as Buck does and I’ll consider it.”
Eddie had his mouth open to retort when Chris cut him off, pushing his glasses up on his nose as he tilted his head. “Can I call you Lena?”
She didn’t even hesitate a moment, nodding her head seriously. “You can absolutely call me Lena, squirt.”
Chris promptly stuck his tongue out at his dad, and Eddie reacted in sort, falling to the floor of the ring as he grabbed at his chest. “The nerve! Betrayed by my own child, my own flesh and blood!”
Chris looked thoroughly unimpressed, sitting back on the bench as he started to pack up his schoolwork. “Lena, can you tell my dad to stop being such a drama queen?”
It wasn’t until they were both in the car, that Eddie, thoroughly beaten down by his son, his trainer, and his own brain for providing a play by play of Buck that day while he was in the locker room shower stall, really thought about what Buck said.
He didn’t box. Which was strange enough in a boxing gym, but whatever, there were plenty of machines that Buck could be working on instead.
But them Boscoe (god, he couldn’t even call her Lena in his head, it felt like she would figure it out and beat him to death) basically admitted that Buck regularly whooped her behind the ropes
If Buck wasn’t boxing in a boxing gym, what the hell was he doing?
As it turned out, Eddie didn’t have to wait long to figure it out. Barely a week had passed before Eddie had received a call from Chim, all but begging Eddie to switch shifts so he could take the girl he had been seeing out on a proper date. The switch was a no brainer—Maddie seemed like a great girl, and as much shit as he gave Chim for... well, being Chim, he obviously wanted to see his teammate happy, especially when the only thing he would have to change was a gym day from a Monday to a Sunday.
If he had known that this would be the day that sealed his fate, he probably would have reconsidered the switch all together.
The gym was packed—which probably wasn’t surprising for a weekend day, but damn, Eddie had been glad he booked a ring with Kinard ahead of time. It was nice to see a familiar face in the gym anyway, one that wasn’t trying to beat the crap out of him in the ring, and once Kinard joined up with them, it was easy to shoot the shit. Eddie congratulated him on his step into fatherhood, ruffling Chris’ hair as he did—not that Chris noticed, busy scanning through the machines for a familiar blond head.
Not that Eddie could judge, when he was doing the same thing.
“Hey, I’m gonna toss my stuff in a locker. See you out here in a sec?”
“Yeah, sounds good! Buck and Boscoe are almost done in their ring, we have it next.”
Eddie was halfway to the locker room before what Kinard had said clicked in his brain, and he immediately did a 180, making a beeline to the rings set up on the far side of the gym, easily spotting the pair when he knew what to look for.
It was no wonder that neither he nor Chris had recognized Buck when they walked in—he was literally drenched in sweat, his usually fluffy blonde hair dark and slicked to his forehead, scowling around his mouth guard as he danced around Boscoe.
Boscoe, who Eddie had never seen so worked up. Damn, she really hadn’t even had to try during his matches. Wasn’t that a blow to the ego.
No, Buck definitely wasn’t a boxer, because this was a dance. Every move he made, he made with his entire body, his energy flowing through each form, moving easily and gracefully in a way that shouldn’t have been possible with such an incredible amount of force and flat out violence. He almost felt dazed as he followed Buck’s movements, but in the best possible way, his eyes snapping back and forth as he tried to trace where one hit ended and the next began.
Eddie was glad that Chris said it, because he still couldn’t find the muscles needed to pick his jaw up off the floor. He didn’t know if Chris had followed him over to the ring or if his Buck-radar was just that good, but for the time being, Eddie was more than thankful for the minute distraction as he ruffled his kids hair again.
Boscue was moving more desperately as the match continued, launching into a series of quick jabs, but even Eddie could see where that was her downfall. Buck knocked her arm back with her last punch and sent a kick straight for her shoulder, but then he twisted his entire body off of the mat and his other leg was in the air too, and Eddie instinctively sucked in a breath as Buck locked her neck between his thighs. They both came crashing down to the mat, struggling impressively until Boscoe slapped Buck’s thigh twice, and then—
—and then Buck was all smiles again, beaming as he released her and took a knee on the ring, helping her back into a sitting position, spitting out his mouth guard with an excited moment of praise for her technique.
Eddie could not compute. This was his downfall. Eddie is dead, long live Eddie.
“Holy cow, Buck! That was amazing! You’re like... you’re like a ninja crime fighting super hero!”
Well, that was one way to put it.
Buck’s head whipped around at Chris’ excited outburst, lighting up when he spotted Eddie and Chris near the bench, eagerly scooting forward into a sitting position closer to the ropes.
“Thanks, little man! That was some mixed martial arts, it’s super fun. I’ve been teaching Lena for a few years, she’s getting pretty good!”
Buck’s grin slid into something a little more proud and pleased as he looked to Eddie, and Eddie felt every muscle in his body tighten as Buck’s gaze burned through him.
“What did you think of that leg lock, Eddie? Total knock out, right?”
Oh fuck, was Buck flirting with him now? That had to have been flirty, right? Come on, Brain, do something.
“... legs.”
“...my legs?”
“Buck, your... your legs.”
Buck’s smile looked a little more pinched as Eddie groaned, shaking his head. “Okay, I, I’m sorry, but I have to ask you this or I will completely die. Can I take you out to dinner sometime? I know a great place off the strip, you’ll love it, my treat.”
The look on Buck’s face was skeptical, at best, but at least he wasn’t shutting him down, giving Eddie the benefit of the doubt (and giving him a moment to get his brain back online). “Because of my legs?”
“No. Well, okay, you have amazing legs. And arms, though, and like... a stupidly handsome face, and I would be blind not to notice those things—” shit, Eddie probably sounded like such a shallow asshole right now. “—but I’m asking because you’re really smart. And you’re kind, so kind to Chris too, and you’re patient, and... Buck, you’re really really sweet. And I would love to take you out for a dinner date the moment you can look past my apparent inability to form a single coherent thought.”
After a moment that felt much longer than the three seconds it was, Buck sighed and leaned past Eddie, looking critically to Chris. He slid down to his stomach, squinting as he dropped down to eye level with the boy. “What do you think, Chris? Should I give your dad a shot?”
Well, at the very least, Buck was asking the one person that Eddie knew he always had in his corner; and sure enough, Chris delivered. “I think so. Dad really likes you.”
That’s his boy.
“Last week he spent my whole entire physical therapy appointment telling Dr. Wilson how much help you gave me and how nice you were and how much he appreciated it. It got kinda annoying.”
...well damn, Eddie wasn’t expecting to be called out by his own kid like that, but if the suddenly soft look Buck was giving him was any indication, it might have been the necessary push to get him to understand how serious Eddie was.
Eddie tried to keep his excitement tamped down when Buck nodded, sitting back up. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll make you a deal. Only because you managed to ask me out before I could ask you.”
Wait, Buck wanted to ask him out anyway?
“If you can land three hits on me in three minutes—should be easy after spending a weeks with Boscoe—then you can pick the time, the place, and I’ll even talk Lena in to letting you call her Lena. But if you don’t...” Buck reached through the ropes to help Eddie up, tossing him a wrap for his hands as he did. “... then I get to pick the time, the place, and you start training with me in MMA instead of going back to boring old boxing.”
Eddie blinked at him in abject horror as Buck dipped his voice low, seeing with terrible clarity exactly where Boscoe had learned her terrifying grin.
“That way you can see my leg choke up close and personal. Deal?”
The stakes were too high, and Eddie couldn’t say no.
He was screwed.
He was elated.
But fuck, he was screwed.
(Three minutes later, Buck asked if Eddie was free on Friday at seven, promised to pick somewhere nice, and gave him a searing kiss before he disappeared into the staff locker room. Eddie, on the other hand, needed a spatula to peel himself off of the floor of the ring.
He had never been so happy that he could barely move in his life.)
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Oh my Fuck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
by pathologic_trash
This is sooo freaky lol!! You gotta read it to believe it!!!! Comment like subscribe there’s more to come my little fandom freaks!!!!!!
Words: 43, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Мор. Утопия | Pathologic, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sanders Sides (Web Series), Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Stanislav Rubin, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Loki (Marvel), Loki, Self-Sides (Sanders Sides), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Tony Stark, Vlad "The Younger" Olgimskiy | Vlad "The Younger" Olgimsky, Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh & Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Stanislav Rubin, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Stanislav Rubin, James "Bucky" Barnes/Thomas Sanders, Dogma (Star Wars)/Hunk (Voltron)/CT-5385 | Tup
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, No Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Original Character(s), Past Relationship(s), Original Character Death(s), Relationship(s), Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Interspecies Relationship(s), Major Original Character(s), Loss of Parent(s), Long-Term Relationship(s), Assassination Attempt(s), Dead People, Presumed Dead, Talking To Dead People, Nobody is Dead, Everyone is Dead, Inspired by The Walking Dead, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is Robin, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc References, Waterbending & Waterbenders, Water, Water Sex, Waterboarding, Watercolors, Water Balloon Fights, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Based on a Tumblr Post, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, NSFW Art, Art, Digital Art, Inspired by Art, Podfic Cover Art, Gift Art, Alternate Universe - Art School, Alt Modes, Alternate Universe - Alternian Invasion, Alternate Universe - Altered Carbon Fusion, Episode: e044 Crisis of Leadership and Oatmeal, St. Patrick's Day, St Mungo's Hospital, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Top Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Hurts So Good, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Sobbing, So Married, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bottom Keith (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Top Jeon Jungkook, Top Toni Topaz, Top Harry, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Don't Examine This Too Closely, To Read, Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, To Download, To Rec, To Comment, Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Unrequited Love, Friendship/Love, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, Late Night Conversations, Late at Night, Ten Years Later, Years Later, Latex, Late Night Writing, Tags May Change, How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Contain Spoilers, Tags Are Fun, Dog Tags, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, AO3 Tags - Freeform, DONTNOD Entertainment, Saarebas, Sabaody Archipelago, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, WWE NXT, Where We Are Tour, We Just Love Each Other, Strong Woman/Weak Man, Wow, Reverse Ed Edd n Eddy, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Episode: s09e01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here, Threesome - F/M/M, Episode: s01e13 Le Morte D'Arthur, E-mail, Episode: e002 Living Pictures, Episode: e001 The Coldest Cut of All, Episode: e003 River of Night, Post-Ending E (NieR: Automata), Episode: s07e01 Makaukau 'oe e Pa'ani? (Ready to Play?), Chuck E. Cheese's, Moaning, Mob Boss Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Mobfell (Undertale), Park Minkyun | MK-centric, SPN A/B/O Bingo, Human E. Aster Bunnymund, Good W. D. Gaster, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Inspired by Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., Parent W. D. Gaster, Pre-Accident W. D. Gaster, W. D. Gaster Being An Asshole, Underfell W. D. Gaster, Goopy W. D. Gaster, Face-Fucking, Fuck Or Die, Fucking, Breast Fucking, Fuckbuddies, Phrack Fucking Friday, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome - F/F/F, Pre-Timeskip | Academy Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Firebending & Firebenders, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Earth, Middle Earth, Earth C (Homestuck), Homelessness, Home, Homecoming, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Male Homosexuality, Homosexuality, Alex Mercer's Parents Are Homophobic (Julie and The Phantoms), Wraith, Wraith (Stargate), Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Modern Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Leonardo da Vinci is an Assassin (Assassin's Creed), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Assassins & Hitmen, Attempted Sexual Assault, Quintessential Works for Everyday Reasons To Yield (QWERTY), Villain Ojiro Mashirao, Song: Bitch Lasagna (Dylan Locke ft. Felix Kjellberg & Party In Backyard), Community: hh_sugarquill, community: xmen-on-lj, Episode: s09e10 Pio Ke Kukui Po'ele Ka Hale (When the Light Goes Out the House is Dark), H/D Food Fair 2018, H/D Erised 2018, H/D Fan Fair 2019, H/D Career Fair 2017, Episode: s05e02 Good God Y'all!, Pokemon X & Y Spoilers, Episode: s02e05 Smell Ya Later, Ya Dead Ya Dead (Achievement Hunter), Hydra (Marvel), Post-Civil War (Marvel), Arachnophobia, Alternate Universe - Arabian Nights Fusion, Arab Character, عربي | Arabic, Racism, Rabbits, Race, Alternate Universe - Race Changes, RuPaul's Drag Race References, Lesbian Catra (She-Ra), Episode: e045 The Great Race, Racist Language, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), Racing, Fairy Tail: When We Take Different Paths, Renaissance Faires, Fabletown (Fables - Willingham), Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game), Mentioned Demon Brothers (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Murphamy Week Winter Weekend, Cute Ed (Ed Edd N Eddy), JJ Style Week, Studio Ghibli, Butt Plugs, Butt Slapping, Butterflies, Butterfly Effect, Peanut Butter, Butt Dialing, Butterfly Miraculous, Wade Wilson Likes Peter Parker's Butt, Butterbeer (Harry Potter), Steve Rogers's Butt, Protective Star Butterfly, Butterfly Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Ass Play, Assassination, Ass to Mouth, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassin's Creed III, Video, Embedded Video, Video & Computer Games, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Video Format: Streaming, Video Game Mechanics, Porn Video, Were-Creatures, WWE Draft, WWE SummerSlam, WWE Royal Rumble, WWE Extreme Rules, WWE Money In The Bank 2016
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
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punk-tozier · 5 years
Social Media famous Eddie and Bill au (part 1)
Part 2 Part 3
- okay so, if Tik Tok/Vine was around in the 80s you all know for a fact the losers would be all over that shit
- Richie LOVES making stupid videos of him yelling random shit, doing stupid stuff and pranking the others
- and Bev join in with Richie 90% of the time with the stupid videos
- they don’t get many views though, they have maybe 12 loyal followers
- but Eddie and Bill are the real famous ones
- Bill loves to make horror themed videos, like the ones you see with fake blood and spooky edits
- He also loves to tell horror stories/write short horror films
- Every week he does a story time where he tells a creepy story
- it’s either something he and the losers have witnessed or just something he made up
- the losers also star in his films, they’re all semi decent actors
- except Richie, he’s not allowed to be in them anymore because he can’t take himself seriously
- Stan thinks it’s stupid but loves his director boyfriend too much to say no
- All of Bill’s fans love Stan and quote the shit he says often
- on more than one occasion on Bill’s live shows the viewers get to overheard the best conversations between the losers
- this is because Bill likes to stream whenever they’re all at the club house because it produces the best content
- ‘Stanley why the fuck have you labelled everything in here’
- ‘I had a meltdown last week and that’s how it is now’
- Which was the first of many quotes Bill’s fans have stolen
- others include
- ‘Shut the fuck up before I end everyone in this room and then myself’
- and
- ‘Im friends with the biggest idiots in the world, HOW AM I NOT DEAD YET’
- let’s just say Stans a favourite in the Bill Denbrough community
- The viewers also have a conspiracy that Stan and Bill are dating, they are but they find it hilarious to see people argue about it
- ‘L-Look, someone in the chat said I’m obviously dating Eddie because of how much we make videos together
- ‘HAHAHA really? okay, tell Richie that’
- ‘Everyone now wants to know who R-richie is, look what you’ve done Stanley’
- Eddie has more fans than Bill so that comment obviously caused an uproar
- Eddie makes cute soft videos like outfit videos (he’s a Pastel queen) and aesthetic videos
- he also tells funny stories of the losers often
- ‘So today I was convinced to jump of a cliff’
- ‘Heres the story of how I got stuck in a hammock for 5 hours’
- ‘Today I want to tell you guys about the time Bill got stuck in a mirror maze’
- however most of his followers are just there too adore how cute he is
- Richie likes to also post comments about how adorable he is because he loves his cute as fuck boyfriend too much
- ‘Wow you are the cutest human ever’
- once in one of his aesthetic videos he had a short clip of him holding hands with Richie but the video just showed their hands
- This caused 50% of his fans to get jealous and the other 50% get super excited
- Richie also commented on that video
- ‘your boyfriend is so lucky’
- Eventually the amount of comments asking who Richie is got annoying so he posted a photo of them both
- the photo was one that Bev took of them holding hands but the shot was from behind so people still didn’t know exactly what Richie looks like
- this was 100% because Richie is insecure and doesn’t want to get bullied by jealous fans
- the photo got a lot of comments
- mainly people commenting about their height difference as Richie is 6’1 and Eddie is 5’6
- Bill also commented saying ‘omg I wonder who that could be lol’
- Which was a mistake on Bill’s part as he also began getting comments asking what eddies boyfriend looks like
- It got annoying fast so eventually Eddie managed to convince Richie to be in a video
- The video was basically a compilation of stupid shit Richie has done
- the video included but wasn’t limited too
- Richie falling out of the hammock at the club house
- The time he forgot his glasses and walked into a lamp post
- Him shouting ‘SUP FUCKERS’ whilst jumping down the stairs at the club house and immediately falling over
- Richie yelling ‘aaaaa’ whilst running to Eddie and hugging him with Eddie saying ‘I haven’t seen you for ONE day it’s not that dramatic’
- Eddies fans went from obsessing over him to obsessing over his boyfriend in a matter of hours
- Eddie likes to live stream in his bedroom and often does live Q&As
- the questions are usually about the losers because many of his and Bill’s fans are in love with the group as a whole but only get to watch them through Bill and Eddie
- so the questions are things like
- ‘What is Beverly’s social media’
- ‘Are Stan and Bill dating’
- ‘Is Mike a vegan’
- He often gets asked about Richie as well who is usually doing something stupid in Eddie’s room or sleeping
- ‘Richie someone asked you why you stuck duck tape to your arm last week’
- cue the camera panning to Richie standing on Eddie’s desk chair and trying to spin
- ‘It was funny and now my arm is SMOOTH AS FUCK’
- ‘HEY someone asked you how you get your hair so fluffy’
- this time the camera pans to Richie sleeping with his head on Eddie’s chest
- ‘??..blow dryer?’
AGAIN with the spelling mistakes, I’m sorry I have d y s l e x i a
Please add more, l love reading your additions
Also please request themes/aus, I love writing but have 0 ideas xoxo
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 9
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 241: Shit day at work. To cut a long story short, I could complete a task Sueanne gave to me and then I got it in the ear, including a snotty email ay 5:40pm. Pissed off.
Day 242: Had a meeting with Sueanne (our weekly 1-2-1 actually) and she was alright. I feel much better tonight. Last night I didn’t even have an appetitie - unheard of! Going to make up for that tonight, pie and loads of veg! A much better day. Ridiculously, I believe yesterday was all my own fault - I take work for granted sometimes and I let myself down by ignoring the urgency of a task just because it was Sueanne asking me to do it and she was a peer. She is now my boss, and I should respect that.
Day 243: So-so day at work. It’s strange how used to work I am after over six months on furlough. It’s been less than two months back but all the highs and lows amd frustrations are commonplace. Most importantly, it being Thursday, I cannot wait for tomorrow eveninga dn to kick back, drink and smoke. Spoke to dad this morning, he’s same as...that’s always good to know. Sugar levels have been a fucking roller coaster today, and it has really fucked me off! No salad at lunch due to them being so fucking high when I got back from my walk. It ended up being my tea. Sarted watching The Undoing...it’s OK. 
Day 244: Glad it is Friday. Just cooking a (very hot) chicken madras, cracked open my first beer. Gonna eat, drink, smoke and watch a good film.
Day 245: Gold was the film I watched last night, with Matthew McConaughey and it was a good choice. I then watch a Kevin Hart stand up show on Netflix...very Eddie Murphy, very funny. I did a 12 km walk today...fucking felt it in my legs. Walked the footpath from Stoke Doyle road to Benefield road for the first time. I liked it and it comes out between Lytham Park and Wakerley Close....I posted on FB about the fact that when I move to Oundle, Clifton Drive was the last street heading out of town. Saw Becks on the walk down Benefield road, She mentioned she’s tired of lockdown. I replied that I’m tired of the virus!
Day 246: Up at 1pm, nice long walk, ordered new slippers and waterproof jacket (my Craghopper is bust again).
Day 247: I screwed up at work today, went for a (ridiculously) late lunch right when I was meant to be at an online meeting that Sueanne had reminded me about in the morning. There’s mitigation but, when push comes to shove, I fucked up and now Sueanne’s on the warpath - one more slip up and it’ll be an offical disciplinary matter. 
Day 248: Suzanne wants me to troubleshoot a ticket she has in her queue, some database request for a Cork guy. It’s a test and it’s fucking me off.
I did testing for a network change tonight...8 till 11:15pm.
Elliot and Aaron cleaned the windows today. It was nice to see them.
Rita sent a couple of emails recently. Dad’s ear is all clear but Paul has got testicular cancer.
Day 249: New waterproof jacket arrived today. It’s very nice, bargain for £25 odd. Also picked up slippers from M&S food hall in Corby so, while over their, did a shop at Tesco’s...£109 mainly booze.
By the time I was back, I ended up doing my evening walk at 9.30pm!
Day 250: Leigh from Oundle Chronicle has got back to me. She (he?) has selected the photos that are going to be in the article and wants me to write a sentence on each - where they were taken and what inspited me to do so. Whether that means the stuff I wrote before is not going to be used, or not, I dunno! New slippers are OK and the new jacket is still impressing me.
Day 251: Typing on Day 252. Usual Friday, beers, meatballs, pizza, long chat with Fog. I should mention that, as we approach the end of Lockdown2 in England, Boris and his government have laid out a three tier structure for how the second lockdown will be eased. It’s caused confusion and consternation across the board. None of it affects me, still isolating like I was on day 1. Day 252: Totally forgot about my diary entry yesterday! Up at 1pm, nice long walk, nipped rong Elliots to pay for my windows, had a chat with him, Artron and Camilla - it’s so nice to socialise! Gonna make fish pie and supp a few ales. Day 253: The weekend is over way too quickly. It’s 7.30pm on Sunday as I type and I wish it wasn’t. I wish it was 7.30pm on Friday. Day 254: In a meeting, a working Zoom, with Andy Ashler in the US re: qfiniti, which Sueanne pissed me off about earlier in te day (RCI diary updated), but the meeting went well. I am desparately trying to buy an iPad on Black Monday. As usual with tech, I cannot make my mind up which to buy! Day 255: I haven’t bought an iPad....I’ll wait for the 10.2″ iPad to come down in price. I had more involvement with Andy Ashler and in the US with the Qfiniti project at work. I’m really enjoying it, it’s very technical...although I didn’t finish ‘til 6pm because of it. The Oundle Chronicle is out and an article about me and my pics is on the back page. Leigh, the editor, sent it to me electronically. It’s good. I am chuffed!  Day 256: I booked some holidays today, making sure that I didn’t include any days off in the week December 14-18 (SB’s off). So, this coming Friday (4th Dec), Next Weds-Fri and Monday 21st. I know I have only been back from Furlough a couple of months but I am more than ready for some kick-back time.  1-2-1 with SB today, it was a relaxed affair, most espcially becaus eof my success thus far with the Qfiniti project - that being said, I got pretty much nowhere with it today.  Ordered a couple of long sleeved Ts and a fleeced hoody from a shop called Doubletwo today, well cheap in the sale. I saw half a dozen joggers on the Milton Road blind bend tonight, oblivious to any other potential path user. I posted about it (in my own, sarcastic way) on the Oundle Chatter FB group. It was met how I’d expected plus some direct digs so I deleted it. Cowardly but, I figure, I don’t get my point across, the vast majority of joggers really don’t think they are doing anything wrong by bulldozing there way around town and, lastly, I couldn’t be bothered with the flak, and its tennis like back-and-forth!
Day 257: Got tomorrow off so worked late tying up loose ends, including the qfiniti project - fucking nuts really, making sure no one asks any questions of SB or the team, in terms of my work load, for just one day off! Still, just had tea, cracked open a beer and am watching Shaun of the Dead. Nice.
Day 258: The main thing I did today is walk. It was about 12km but felt much longer ‘cos it was wintry, pissing down, windy and slippery as fuck. And I really enjoyed it! Badge messaged me today to ask how I am and, in replying, I mentioned that I think I am becoming addicted to walking...it wasn’t a throwaway comment. Just cooked up a chilli (which I think I have ruined with a Knorr beef stock pot), and will tuck in with beers, smokes and telly. While it’s been a day off, this Friday evening will be as all others are at the moment, late, drunken and solitary fun - no doubt.
Day 259: Typing on day 260. That chilli last night was actually OK. Plus I ‘invented’ a meatball wrap - moving on from the TikTok ham and cheese wrap you fold into the toaster, I tried the same with meatballs but no fucking way could I fold it into the toaster slot (pissed up kitchen shenanigans), so I wrapped it in tin foil and heated it in the oven, Fucking delicious. I watched Shaun of the Dead. I think it’s the first time since its release and I couldn’t help thinking “zombies just aren’t like that [in real life]” Wtf?
Day 260: I was quite sensible (for a Saturday) last night, in bed by 2am, up at my alarm this morning, 10:30am. Nice long walk, taking in a new path up by Biggin Grange and took plenty of pics that turned out really good. Btw, posh lost yesterday at Portsmouth (with 2000 fans there) and they lost midweek and last weekend in the FA Cup to Chorley, at home. 
Day 261: It’s freezing today...actually 0 degrees. This house is so fucking cold, even with the heating on.
Day 262: Typing on day 263. Last day of work for 5 days. Beers are in order. And a sausage casserole. Day 263: I completely forgot to do a diary entry yesterday....concentrating on starting my work break off on the right foot, which I did. As a result, I didn’t get up until 1pm. So, to stop that sort of day wasting, no beers tonight. Just got back from a shop (£90 in Tesco’s), trying to sort out Romiley’s Christmas present, then something to eat (more sausage casserole) and a early, sober night.
Day 264: So, after abstinence last night, I was up before 11am and did a walk that included the track from Benefield Road to Monson Way past Park Wood. It was fucking hard work due to mud. I have lost coumd the amount of times I nearly slipped right over. Throw into that a hypo, the 12-13km walk was tough. Sorted out Romiley’s present (guitar stand, music stand and guitar exercises book). Took soime nice photos today as well which I’ve prepared and shared. No booze today/tonight either. Some break, a younger me would say!
Day 265: Friday, and I am typing with a beer, balti on the hob and I am just gonna choose a film and roll a single skinner. I am knackered. Up at 10am, cleaned the hall and stairs after a 10km walk. Also, I spoke with dad who is, as always, fine.
Time to make up for the last two sober nights.
Day 266: I am typing this on day 267. So drunk last night I left nearll a full can of beer and went to bed in my jogging bottoms and t-shirt. I have had a day off from any exercise at all which felt very odd. A few beers and watched Snatch. Day 267: While I was nowhere near drunk last night, due to sleeping in late (2pm) I was up ‘til 3am watching TikTok so today I struggled out of bed at just before 1pm. Watch the start of the season’s final GP (Verstappen won from pole and it was boring af), back on the exercising including a 9km walk. Back to work tomorrow which I feel totally conflicted about! Posh won yesterday at home to Rochdale (with the allowed 2000 fans) 4-1 including a 17 minute first half hatrick from Jonson Clarke-Harris.
Day 268: Back to work - Sueanne’s off and it’s the first day I’ve been at work with Jon in charge which involves a daily ‘SUMO’ (whatever that acronym stands for?) at 9.30am every day. I am still involved with te qfiniti upgrade project which seems to have taken a step backwards in the 3 days I had off, so I was working until gone 9.30pm! I have decided to do a quiz, hopefully for Christmas, whereby I don’t want the actual answers (to 25 particular questions, all with a common theme in the answer), merely an omitted question!  
Day 269: Stand Up Meeting Online. SUMO. Ian Bird told me. I might struggle with double Y for my quiz. Work was OK, more Qfiniti stuff. Posh drew away to MK 1-1. Posh were 0-1 up but Lincs lost at home. I can’t undertsand why that pleases me so....oh, yeah I can Steve Dee.
Day 270: Struggling to order Dad and Rita booze for Christmas without it being a Morrison’s delivery that I can do through Amazon Prime. That would be OK but it’s just a bit clinical! Meanwhile, now I am paying for Prime, and they are showing some Premiership games (for example, tonight I watched Liverpool v. Spurs (2-1), I really have to contact Sky - I am paying £71pm atm! Sam posted pic of her Christmas tree but mentioned how she’s finding it hard to get in the spirit - Paul has testicular cancer and the outlook is bleak - fuck know’s what she’s going through with all that, trying to shield Romiley from the worst without lying!
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
Emotional roller coaster
I just have so, so, so many feelings about last night’s episode. I’m not going to sit here and waste time onhow Maria Baez is too good for this trashcan show, or how ridiculous it is that every damn thing is a huge conflict of interest now (Erin being sent to deal with her dad re: some controversial issue? Frank saying “if I can’t get my daughter to do what I want...” or something like that? Me still watching when every scene nauseates me? Gross x 3). Today I’m just going to talk about Jamko. I went back and forth between (almost) 👀😍 and like, crying in misery every scene so join me on this emotional roller coaster of ridiculousness.
Scene: crossing paths in the precinct between shifts
OMG this scene is actually almost cute.
Eddie in a t-shirt (even if it’s pink)? Jamie in short sleeves? Omg omg 😍
“You look like a partner I used to have.” Is this... an attempt... at old style bantery Jamko?!
I can’t figure out what’s up with Jamie even after watching multiple times (thanks @jamkosarmyoftwo). He looks better/less dead than he has in a while (maybe it’s the short sleeved uniform? 👀👀) But lol his voice/inflection/line delivery is still a little off.
It feels noteworthy that not only did Eddie volunteer to be the decoy driver in this operation to catch the cab passenger — the whole operation is her idea.
A steak sandwich waiting in the fridge after a long night at work? This is like the first Real Evidence that Jamie actually loves her. Let me tell you, I’d pretty much marry anyone who feeds me after a night shift on the spot.
Eddie waving at him is cute not gonna lie. 😍😂
Sidenote: what’s the status of Jamie and Eddie’s relationship at the precinct? We know their superiors know they’re married at this point, but what about the other cops? Are we just ignoring that little detail they spent a year apparently hiding? Yes? Okay cool.
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Scene: Eddie and Witten at another cab robbery
😂😂😂 someone else besides Eddie now gets to be the STEP BACK yeller! Amazing! Eddie’s moving up in the NYPD y’all.
Why is it daylight? Is it the next day after the precinct scene? What happened to these middle-of-the-night robberies? I have many questions about this, folks.
I legit cracked up when Eddie goes to check on the victim and he falls forward, dead. Is this meant to be some comic relief? Why do I watch this show?
Scene: Jamie and Eddie’s apartment
Eddie’s making Jamie dinner after he left her a steak sandwich. Again, I have questions about the sequence of these scenes... Eddie’s already had another shift so it has to be the next day right? Nothing makes sense.
I’ll try to ignore Eddie choosing to make Jamie a damn salmon (because that’s a reasonable, quick-ish weeknight dinner before rushing off to work) and apparently only making one (would she not have like, fed herself too???) because omg for a second, they’re almost cute 👀👀
I would’ve liked to see a quick little kiss when Jamie walks in like they’re some kind of normal couple but it’s whatever, I guess
“Aw, you didn’t have to do thaaaattttt!” Again with the weird inflection. Maybe this means he’s trying for something other than ugh-just-get-through-the-scene-without-dying? But lol.
Aaaaand then we go from almost-cute to cringey super fast.
Eddie asks about the decoy operation (reasonable) and then gets weirdly upset about the wrong things when Jamie updates her.
Old Eddie would easily have understood the selection of a decoy who closely resembles the victim profile. Like don’t even with me @ her getting all butthurt over not being chosen for a role where they need a male.
It bothers the fuck out of me that Eddie reacts the way she does to Jamie getting the driver job. Again, objectively, she should realize why she was passed over. And Old Eddie would not have expected Jamie to give her this ~special treatment~ she’s asking for here when she says he should have told the sergeant that she wanted that job. And... she wants it because the last scene “got to her”? And she claims Jamie’s being “overprotective”? God I hate it all.
Talk about an inappropriate ~work-life balance~ when they’re having these emotional Disagreements about work-related matters at home. Gross gross gross.
Oh we’re mentioning last year’s decoy op when Jamie jumped out of the damn bushes to save Eddie (which was totally overprotective and inappropriate)? GOOD LET’S file this away for later shall we?
Now Eddie’s basically storming out. Nice. I hate it. I feel like this ~argument~ was done completely the wrong way and I can’t take either of them seriously right now.
Scene: family dinner
Remember that time Eddie waltzed into Jamie’s apartment all “you got ESPN?” And that deleted scene where she tried to win Mets tickets? And the general idea in earlier seasons that she’s a sports fan?
SO WHY THE FUCK does she get this horrified look on her face all “that’s part of the game?!” when Sean says he hit the opposing pitcher with a pitch?
Yes dude. Payback in the form of intentionally hitting opposing players with pitches is a part of baseball. I will withhold my personal opinion on this topic but the point is, yeah, it’s a common thing in the game of baseball. So gross @ Eddie up in here acting like she’s never heard of that before and she’s all horrified by it. I don’t buy it.
“Where’d you get that, G Gordon Liddy?” Lol when I asked @ontherockswithsalt who tf G Gordon Liddy is, she was all “ASK YOUR DAD THAT’S WHO” so cool @ Eddie casually referencing this Watergate dude when she was not born yet when that went down.
0/10 I hate it.
Scene: decoy discussion after dinner
WAIT Tell me more about Jamie’s past sports gambling. 👀👀
Last time we talked about this, Eddie was pissed that Jamie was chosen instead of her and accused Jamie of being overprotective. And here she is being overprotective asking if there are any safer alternatives? 🙃 I’m tired.
Yes please Jamie. Explain to Eddie ~how the job works~. Good good.
They don’t annunciate at all in this scene and I can barely understand what they’re saying. Glad to have you back, Will “just-get-through-the-scene-without-dying” Estes.
Sidenote: Lol @ his short sleeved button down. Dad Look on point.
Jamie picks up the suspected perp in broad daylight with a huge ass black van not at all discreetly following him. Nice.
Eddie anxiously listening to police radio somewhere in her own car. Nice.
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“Just drive.” Lol @ everything.
By the way cabs in NY have partitions between the driver and the backseat to protect the driver so this entire premise is bullshit and they would’ve done better to make it like, Uber drivers getting whacked or something. but who cares about realism?
“What the hell are you going?” Like he’s so damn casual @ having a gun held to his head. I’m dying. 😂😂😂
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OH NO THE HUGE ASS BLACK VAN LOST THE FEED. WHATEVER WILL THEY DO?! Also highkey dying @ this ridiculous graphic. 😂🙃
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The fuck @ this entire car ...chase? Whatever you’d call it when Jamie is driving with his knees for blocks and blocks while holding an armed attacker at bay.
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The “find my phone app” is more reliable than NYPD technology? Nice.
And then Jamie rolls his eyes before they do this weird jerky grab-each-other thing and I hate it all.
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SOME ISSUES: Eddie listening in on a police operation while off duty. Eddie using the fucking FIND MY PHONE APP to interfere with said police op. Eddie shooting a perp while off duty.
Normally this would prompt a huge ass investigation into all of Eddie’s activities, including off duty discharging her gun. This seems like very clear evidence that they can’t safely continue working out of the same precinct. Yet I’m sure there will be zero consequences and we’re just supposed to be all 😍😍 @ Eddie saving the day.
It’s all so ridiculously absurd, y’all. I can’t take this shit seriously. I mean is the show even trying anymore? When I watched this scene live last night, I literally thought “wow this is it, this is where I stop watching Blue Bloods.” And I mean that may or may not be true but like... I hate it so much.
Scene: Eddie and Jamie’s apartment again. Sitting Like This on the couch.
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Lol @ this casual transition from watching a cooking show to “that’s the second time you’ve saved my life. Thanks.” 🙃🙃🙃
This discussion that “if we accept the risks for ourselves we have to accept the risks for each other” is actually a great line and it’s a thing they should’ve talked about a long time ago, way before getting married. But that doesn’t mean I’m cool with Eddie taking it on herself to be Jamie’s guardian angel (who the fuck basically calls themselves someone else’s guardian angel? 🙃) for the rest of their careers.
THIS KISS. Geez I’m not here for it. Like every kiss they’ve had since getting engaged has looked just like the 2 kisses they had before that. I need to feel something different in these married people kisses okay?
IN SUMMARY: These contrived Jamko work situations are about to get really old really fast and I need a change if I’m going to keep tolerating this bullshit on my tv every Friday night. They don’t have a healthy coping strategy re: each other’s inherent risks as cops and they don’t have a healthy coping strategy to allow them to work out of the same precinct and constantly be aware of/involved in the other’s work activities. It’s stupid from a marriage standpoint, stupid from a work and realism standpoint, and ridiculous all around. Do better, folks. I hate it.
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nowitsdarkfic · 5 years
meet the blogger/the fic writer
name: Hannah 
nickname(s): nirvhannah, Chris, alisonchains 
hometown: Ventura (southwest of downtown LA, on the way to Santa Barbara)
age: twenty-six
gender: female 
myer-briggs: ENFP
sun sign: Aries 
moon sign: Aquarius 
sexuality: who knows 
religion: agnostic 
height: 5′7″
hair: dark brown with blonde and reddish streaks 
eyes: solid brown 
weight: 228 (I’m a big girl)
color: purple 
food: too much to choose from—really I’m better off saying what I don’t like
family member: my parents and my grandparents 
actor: Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino, Edward Norton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Johnny Depp (fight me), David Spade, Idris Elba
actress: Brittany Murphy, Sharon Stone, Audrey Hepburn, Uma Thurman, Charlize Theron, Gilda Radnor, Scarlett Johansson
beverage: coffee
country/countries: France, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Georgia, Mongolia, South Korea, Haiti, the Ivory Coast
city/cities: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, New Orleans, New York City, Santa Fe, Helsinki, Auckland 
book: The Portrait of Dorian Grey, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Interview with a Vampire, Blindness, the Harry Potter books, the Great Gatsby, the Hobbit
movie: Erin Brockovich, Midnight in Paris, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pulp Fiction, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Blazing Saddles, The Goonies
show: Seinfeld, Friends, Sex and the City, Nip/Tuck, House, Sherlock, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Beavis and Butthead, South Park, Ed Edd n’ Eddy (just Cartoon Network, really), Portlandia
music: (ha) Soundgarden, Nirvana, Chris Cornell, Audioslave, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, The Doors, Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Joey Belladonna, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Mad Season, Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver, Mother Love Bone, Truly, Screaming Trees, Nine Inch Nails, Hole, Garbage, Rihanna, Avril Lavigne, Demi Lovato, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Mark Lanegan, Marilyn Manson, Type O Negative, Green Day, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Pink Floyd, The Smashing Pumpkins, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jane's Addiction, My Chemical Romance, The Cure, Oasis, Blur, Tool, Korn, Deftones, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Bullet for My Valentine, Avenged Sevenfold, In This Moment, Opeth
app: Sketchbook 
scent: my perfume which is legit called “a little sexy”; i’m not sure how to describe it other than “soapy”, like I just took a shower 
holiday: Halloween 
season: springtime 
dog breed: Chinese crested (’cause my best friend was one 🐾🐾)
strawberry vs blueberry: blueberry (although strawberries are so luscious)
coke vs Pepsi: ehhhh, can’t stand either
grape vs cherry: cherry
day vs night: day
cats vs dogs: both 
Batman vs Superman: Batman
movies vs TV: movies
hockey vs football: hockey
fries vs onion rings: fries
likes: art, earth science, biology, books, cats and dogs, horses, reptiles, grunge, thrash metal, boys, erotica, pin-up style, 70s/dark 80s aesthetic, graffiti art, psychedelia, the Goth subculture, sci-fi, steampunk, things considered “taboo”, baseball, field hockey, tennis, cycling, Formula 1, hiking, the ocean, road trips, pastries, pasta, my mom’s baking, my grandpa’s cooking, trying on new clothes 
10 random facts:
I speak with a stutter (it’s not as bad as it used to be when I was little but I still have it and I’m still kind of insecure about it)
Refer back to my weighing over 200 pounds: I don’t even look it, and it’s kind of a trip to see women weigh less than me who are freaking huge. I’m as big as I am because the other alternative was literally starving to death: I almost became an anorexic when I was 13, and it came to a head when I was 19 and wouldn’t stop losing weight from depression. So as part of my recovery, I reconciled my relationship with food, and I just started eating. I’m trying to get up to 230 and tbh, I wouldn’t mind climbing up to 240.
It’s funny because I feel like such a rebel liking Joey as much as I do. The latest thing is to like fat boys and “dad bods”, and even taking it further and getting like almost morbid about it--when I was writing Have Your Cake I often lurked in the feedism tags on here to grasp the idea of the community; when I visit them now, the latest thing is to be like “this lifestyle is totally gonna kill you but you’re sooo hot so keep it up!”. This almost feels akin to when Audrey Hepburn came on the beauty scene with her thin elegance, the reaction to all of the full figured woman: he’s a slim, lush, gorgeous man who needs a lot more love (”raw beauty if I ever did see it” as Mr. Lang put it).
I’ve always wanted to get inked but I never know what to ink myself with, or where to put it for that matter.
The one time I ever cut my hair, like had it cut short, was 20 years ago in the first grade. The longest it’s ever been was down to the halfway point of my thigh when I was... 15? Right now it’s down around my butt.
Recovering cutter: I started in 2006 after my grandpa passed and then I stopped; did it again after my parents split in 2011, and again after Chris passed; I’ve been clean since August 22, 2017, three months following his death. 
Chris was a fan of my art. It’s true! My little cartoons never would’ve become the entities they are now without him.
My cartoons have been labelled everything from “grunge” to “metal” to (recently) “emo”. I’m actually fine with just any label you throw at them: just don’t call them anime because that’s not technically correct (anime is animation; manga is printed works, and even that’s bit of a stretch)--my writing meanwhile has been simply labelled “unusual”
I’ve always been a fic writer, but I never actually wrote-wrote a fanfic until I was a freshman in high school. I never went online with a fic until 2013 and then I pretty much stopped it for a few years to focus on school and preserving my mental health until earlier this year with Have Your Cake and Eat It.
Fuuuuuuuck I love food. Yeah, when I say you’re better off asking me what I don’t like I mean it. I will eat just about anything (i’m actually surprised I’m not fat tbh). I’m as much a lady of the flesh as I am a lady of intellect.
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creativitymouth · 7 years
The World Forgetting By The World Forgotten Part.12
A/N - this is a dark one guys so please read slowly. There’s some details that make sense if you’ve read every part and remember it. Also, I love ya’ll. 
Summary: I’m not sentimental. This skin and bones is a rental. And no one makes it out alive. 
Trigger Warnings: Swears, Sexual Assault Mentions, Gore, FEELS. 
Dedicated to @davejr123
Chapter 12
The Final Battle
Richie had spent the last week at your house, but you relieved him of his duties for the day. You parents had come home some point in the week and asked you and Richie if you were dating. Neither of you responded choosing instead to blush and look away. You smiled at the thought. The week had consisted of Richie playing the caretaker roll. Slowly getting you to eat, sleep, and laugh more. Every action genuine. You weren’t perfect and still had breakdowns, but he was teaching you how to cope with the thoughts for yourself. Reminding you that life was a battle worth fighting. You continued to smile lightly as you munched on your butter toast. Richie and you weren’t just friends, cuddling together every night and waking up to breakfast each morning but neither of you had said anything about the sudden development either. Beverly had come over twice, and though she and Richie still weren’t on the greatest of terms you were happy they were trying for you. You looked at the clock it had been about 4 hours since Tozier left to the arcade and you were proud of yourself for doing so well alone. Pulling you out of your thoughts was the loud banging on your front door, your eyebrows rose as you placed you’re your toast. You marched over to the door, swinging it open.
“Richard, I told you I’m fine on my own,” you stopped when you noticed it was Bill at your door looking out of breath and terrified. “Bill?”
“It took Bev.” He said looking at you. “He has Beverly.”
“You’re a fucking liar.” You said your eyes wide, knowing at once what he was referring too. For a moment he looked taken aback at your sudden outburst before quickly recovering. “I saw her yesterday.” Bill looked at you sadly as you continued to shake your head in disbelief. His lips never quirked up and Beverly never ran towards you yelling fooled yah. This was very real.  “Fuck, Fuck!” You ran past him and to your old bike. Pennywise had messed with your head, messed with integrity, and now your best friend. This was it, you were done. Your eyes welled with tears at the thought that you weren’t going to get to Richie fast enough.
“Where are you going?!” Bill yelled in panic at your retreating bike.
“To get Richie! We’ll meet at Neibolt!” You biked faster than you could have imagined, reaching the arcade in 10 minutes. You ran inside huffing for breath as your eyes scanned for Richie.
“Look at that sweet ass. Missed me already babe?” You heard from next to you and spun around to face the smiling Trashmouth. His toothy grin disappeared when he saw the tears on your cheek. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?” He took his hand from the game controller and walked briskly closer to you.
“IT got Beverly.”
“What?” His voice cracked, and you knew he only pretended not to know what you meant. “What are you talking about?”
“IT, Richie.” You said, considering his eyes. “IT got Beverly.” Fear was burning in those wide eyes. Fear was what this was all about. “I know you don’t want to go back to that house Rich. I understand, we all saw our worst nightmares in that hell hole.” His mind flashed to your lifeless body and he winced. “But this is my best friend, my entire world right here.” You spoke rapidly. “And I need you. I need you Richard Tozier. I can’t do this alone.”
Your friends were climbing down the well with a rickety old rope. It had taken some persuasion to get Stan back inside but once he saw you he had sighed and agreed. You weren’t completely okay yet, and didn’t know if you’d ever be but you knew losing Bev would take that 50/50 chance and make it 0/0.
“I’ll be right behind you.” You said to Richie who stopped before climbing down the rope to look at you.
“I’d rather be behind you, the view would be nicer.” He smirked as a mischievous smile danced behind his eyes.
“Oh, go idiot.” You smiled, and he smiled back. You watched him as he climbed down the well unable to stop yourself from wondering what a life with him would be like. “You ready for this Mike?” You looked at him with a wary expression.
“If I had known becoming your friend would have meant I would battling a killer clown before applying to college I wouldn’t have done it.” You laughed turning to the rope and placing your hand on it.
“I’m not a huge fan of this rope.” You began when a thump echoed behind you. Before you could turn around there was a hand on the back of your neck pulling you back.
“Good because you won’t be using it.”  Your blood ran cold as you processed the feel of the hand on your skin, and the sound of the voice. Henry Bowers. He was down here, he was touching you, and he had thwarted your escape. He turned, you to face him and your eyes frantically scanned the room. When you saw Mike lying unconscious with shallow breaths, you screamed.  
“(Y/N)!” Eddie called up to you. “What’s wrong?”
“Bowers.” You said softly but the boys still heard it through the echo. His eyes were feral and decided and you knew he was capable of all things evil. You entertained the idea of what Henry would have been like if he wasn’t raised in Derry. Would he have still have become a psychotic murderous 20 year old, or would he have had a happy successful life.
“Fuck, I knew I should have stayed up there.” Richie’s voice followed. Mike stirred, and you sighed a breath of relief, until Henry turned you around in his grasp so that your back was pressed so far over the well you were afraid you might fall. The boys argued quietly before pulling the rope down so that Bowers couldn’t reach them.
“I move one finger and you’re dead meat.”
“Leave her alone!” Stan screamed out, but you couldn’t help but chuckle. That was so going to save your life. In Henry's distraction you were able to take the advantage and push him back roughly. He stumbled for a second before dropping to the ground on his back, you ran from him to Mike who was beginning to get up.
“Mike’s okay!”
“Not for long.” Henry growled as he inched towards the both of you. You looked next to Mike and grabbed the gun he used to slaughter animals at the farm. Henry’s attention was focused on Mike, so you were able to go unnoticed. “You didn’t listen to me when I told ya did ya?” Henry laughed looking at Mike like he was a caged animal. “You should have stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn’t and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes, sad that I couldn’t have done it myself.”
“Fuck you.” Michael growled and if it weren’t for the pressing moment you would have gasped at is choice of language.
“(Y/N)! Babe!” Richie yelled, it had been quiet for too long. Though Richie’s choice of words had just slipped out it had successfully switched Henry’s attention from Michael to you.  
“Fucking the blind kid now?” He snarled. “How many times do I have to remind you that you’re mine?” He was menacingly close to you now, and you felt as though you could feel his breath on your skin. You knew Henry’s intention was to scare you, but he only succeeded in making you angry.  “Do I need to kill your friend to make an example?” Henry was quick as he lifted Michael, but you were quicker. You’d grabbed an old piece of plywood and swung hitting Henry in the head and causing him to drop Michael back down on the ground.
“(Y/N)?” Michael whispered as he watched you panting heavily. Henry was dazed only for a moment before he looked back towards you holding where his head was now splintered.
“I always liked it when you fought back.” Bowers was laughing as if your small hit had done nothing to his ego. Your blood boiled as images of your lost innocence presented itself inside your mind. “Do you want me (Y/N)?” He knew what he was doing, playing on your vulnerabilities as he brought up the sensitive memories. He expected you to crumble and give him the upper hand. What he didn’t expect was the blood curdling scream you let loose as you charged at him with the plank in your hand. You had never considered yourself a violent person, having always cringed when punches were thrown. Sure, you had struck a couple of men where it hurts before but never with the intention to kill. But in that moment, all your old values went out the window. You were swinging at Henry Bowers with a determination in your heart for vengeance, you couldn’t even hear Michael calling you from behind. You had continued to miss Henry blinded by anger until he stumbled back behind him.
“I’m not yours!” You screamed hitting him in the head with the plank as he laid on the ground. “I don’t belong to anyone!” You were tired of being objectified, tired of the nightmares you had were he hovered over you. Each word you spoke was followed by a hit of the plank. “My body is mine and no one else’s!” You hadn’t noticed that Henry Bowers had stopped breathing. His head done in so much by your blinded rage. The world continued to show itself to you in shades of red until Mike’s arms came around you and pulled you away,
“It’s over! (Y/N), It’s Over, He’s dead!” The plank fell from your hands as you dropped back into Michael sobbing. You had killed a man, and only wished that you could blame Pennywise for your violence. Mike tried to silence your sobs with comfort though he was relieved Bowers had met his end.
“Guys?” One of the losers called up, though they all had a clever idea of what just happened.
“We’re coming!” Mike yelled back, hugging you tightly once more. “You did good kiddo.” The rope was thrown backup and Mike caught it. “Go first.” You nodded your hands sweating as your grabbed on and climbed down. Hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you in to safety. You thought it was Richie and turned too quickly only to be confronted by Ben. You were too close to his face and a red blush spread across your cheeks.
“Oh!” You said backing up an inch. “Sorry.” The losers looked on with confusion though Eddie seemed to be aware of the mistake you had made.
“Hands off, hands off.” Richie joked as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. No one talked about the murder of Henry Bowers and you were grateful. That was an extra thing you didn’t want on your conscious. Mike looked behind him and gave Henry’s body a firm kick just to make sure he was dead. He swung down a moment later and Bill and Ben helped him steady his feet. You all glanced at each other.
“Let’s go get my best friend.” You said, and the others nodded walking behind Bill into the trenches of the well. “I’m going to punch Beverly when I see her.” You said to Richie quietly, your hand in his. He rose his eyebrows. “She isn’t allowed to be kidnapped, it’s in the best friend code of conduct.” You felt the vibrations from his chuckles and though the timing was impeccably distorted you smiled.
“Come on, guys, where’s Stan?” Ben asked. You all stopped walking flashlights swinging in the darkness. Stan had been walking with Mike just a moment ago, hadn’t he? You glanced at Bill who was already looking in the direction you had just come from.
“Stanley!” You screamed out.
“Oh shit, gray water.” Eddie mumbled near you, though he was looking as well.
“Stan?” You all looked around through different tunnels and passageways, but you couldn’t find him. It was as if Stanley just disappeared, or worse, something had taken him.
“Wow.” Richie rolled his eyes in response to Eddie’s comment about the gray water. “Stanley!”
You hit Bill twice in the shoulder causing him to flinch, you pointed at a dark door.
“Here we go. Quiet.” Mike instructed as he began to push the door open.
“Stan?” You whisper yelled taking a step in, but Richie grabbed you back. You twisted to look at him with pointed eyes. Now wasn’t the time to be over protective. You had to get to Stan and then to Beverly. It felt like there was a clock ticking over hear, telling you that you didn’t have enough to save everyone. Someone wasn’t going to make it.
“Your flashlight.” He said pointing to your hand taking in your upset expression. He wanted you to take a cautious step and not just strut into danger. You nodded pointing it into the darkness. You jumped when you saw a figure leaned over eating something. “What the fuck is that thing?”
“Oh shit!” You yelled when you noticed Stanley. The figure sat up and hissed before backing away.
“Fuck!” Someone else yelled but you had already moved away. There was a string of more curses behind you as you ran over to Stanley. You helped him sit up, his face covered in blood. The squashed face of a woman flickered and changed into Pennywise who hissed at the lot of you.
“No!” Stan swatted at you, but you ignored his protest hugging him to you.
“It’s okay.” You hushed him, though you knew it wasn’t. He was dripping blood as he shook. The rest of the losers crowded you patting Stan.
“You left me,” Stan cried, “You aren’t my friends.”
“No Stan –“ He twisted away from you as he continued to sob.
“You made me go, you made me go!” He was looking at Bill now, screaming. You hadn’t noticed prior how all of this was taking a toll on Stanley but now you saw it. As vivid as you saw your own horrid thoughts, this Pennywise mess was cracking him. From the inside out.
“I’m sorry.” Bill whispered.
“You made me go to Neibolt.” He was crying harder now but his head was on your shoulder. You resisted the urge to shudder at the blood dripping onto your shirt. “This is your fault.”
“We would never let anything happen to you.” Richie spoke up walking closer to the Stan huddled in your arms. “We’re here. You know I wouldn’t do that.” Stan looked up with unsure eyes. “You think (Y/N) would have let any of us let it down if something happened to you?”
“My foot would be shoved up their asses for the rest of their miserable lives.” You joked, and Stanley nodded. “Come on.” Your hand was stuck out towards yours and he took it gently standing back up with you as the group continued the journey to save your best friends life. The silence was thick and long, the only sound the rapid breathing of the terrified group you walked with.  “Guys.” You mumbled.  Everyone stopped to look at you. “Bill.” You heard loud splashing footsteps but couldn’t place where they had gone. You wanted to roll your eyes but knew it was nothing more than the tricks of Pennywise that kept splitting you up. Well that, and Bills heroism so like yours.
“Bill!” Mike yelled.
“Why the fuck do we keep getting separated?” Richie asked you.
“Like Bev said, Pennywise knows we’re stronger together.”
“Bill!” Your footsteps quickened as you trailed after where you assumed Bill had gone. The nerves were coursing through your veins like fire, this was all Bills idea, yet he had left you down there to run off.
“Bill?”  Eddie muttered one more time until he fell over into the water. The group stopped to turn around, Richie was the first one to run over to him.
“Come on, get out of there Ed,” Richie spoke gently, he could see that his best friend was shaking with nerves as he took his aspirator. “That’s gray water.” You wanted to smile at the comment. It had been 2 months ago now that you’d all first traveled down into the sewers.
“W-wait, where’s my fucking flashlight?” He said as he stood, slightly leaning back down. A head peaked out around the corner you had just come from, smiling at the vulnerability Eddie was giving off.
“Eddie!” You screamed, Richie looked up seeing Pennywise and grabbed Eddie away from searching for his flashlight any longer.
“Let’s get the fuck outta here, come on. I can’t lose you.” The boys walked up to the rest of the group and the adventure carried on. Richie was watching you as you held onto Stan. He was nervous about the set determination in your eyes, this was it for you. You didn’t want to have to deal with Pennywise anymore. That’s what scared Richie the most. Sure, you both had come so far in the last week, having an unspoken mutual love for each other. At least, that’s how Richie saw it. That didn’t ease his fear about your hero complex anymore. He shook his head as you screamed out for Bill turning into the last corridor. He wanted to see you graduate high school, go to college, leave your parents far behind. He wanted to see you with him, in a relationship. Like the one you had now but where he could voice his love for you and keep you safe without coming off as pushy.
“Bev?” Your panicked voice snapped him out of his trance as you ran over to your floating best friend. “Beverly!” You screamed when you made your way under her. You jumped in the air repeatedly and Mike tried to help you, but she was just too far from your reach.
“Oh shit.” Richie commented, and your panicked eyes flickered to him.
“Bev.” You whispered a new fear in your belly as your breathing quickened.
“How is she in the air?” Stan was asking the important questions, but you couldn’t seem to focus on the how she got there, only the how to get her down.
“Guys,” Mike’s voice called your attention and you looked away from Bev for a moment to follow his eyes. “are those the missing kids?”
“Floating.” Eddie sounded so genuinely horrified, but a flicker of hope coursed through you. Bev wasn’t as high up as those other kids. Your girl wasn’t petrified.
“Just let me grab her.” You gestured to Mike and he bent over so that you could climb up his shoulders. It wasn’t an effortless process, but you managed to grab her by her ankles. “Fuck.” You were hanging in the air off Beverly’s body. “I’m slipping.” Ben’s hand reached up and started pulling you down with Beverly. When you reached the floor you sighed, but her eyes were blank. “Bevy?” Her pupils were pure white, her head still tilted upwards looking towards the top of the floating kids. “Beverly fucking Marsh.”
“Why isn’t she waking up?” Ben asked from behind you as he paced back and forth. You could feel his nerves as he loved the girl as much as you did though it was a different kind of love.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Beverly, come on.”
“Is she going to wake back up?”
“What if he fed on her already?”
The Boys were firing questions at you as you stared at your blank best friend. You shook your head, your eyes growing glassy. You would have felt it if your best friend left this earth. You would know.
“Shut up!” You screamed causing the boys behind you to fall silent. “Beverly Marsh. If you die on me, I’ll hate you. I will hate you forever.” You cried as you grabbed her by the cheeks and looked straight into her blank eyes. “We met in the 8th grade, Greta Bowers was trying to harass you. I saved your ass with my quick thinking and then my even quicker running.” You chuckled at the memory. “Then we went to go see a reshowing of the breakfast club and I called you Molly Ringwald for 3 weeks after that.”
“What is she – “
“Shut up.”
“You hated that name and started calling me (N/N). When you started smoking cigarettes I would always smack them out your hand but when you got taller than me I would have to jump to reach it.” You took a deep breath of determination. “Point is Marsh, you’re my best friend. My best friend with her own keys to my house and a bedroom. My best friend in the world and I love you.” You kissed her cheek gently causing Beverly to gasp. “Bev!” The tears in your eyes spilled over as life filled hers.
“Oh you fuck mother fucker I could kill you dead right now, I am so mad at you how dare you.” You rambled on as you squished her to you in a tight hug.
“I see you picked up Richie’s vocabulary.”  She hugged you back. You smiled with watery eyes happy that your best friend was talking.
“Ben.” You mumbled, and she pulled back to peer at you. “January Embers.” Her expression morphed but she moved away from you and instead took 3 steps to Benjamin before crashing her lips onto his. Near death experiences seemed to make her romantic.
“Woah.” Richie’s eyes widened. “Damn.”
“January Embers.” She whispered as she pulled back from a stunned Ben.
“My heart burns there too.” He said a small smile on his lips as he gazed into Beverly’s eyes.
“Not to ruin the mood,” Stan said as his eyes surveyed the sewer “But where’s Bill?” Your heads all snapped to where Bill was standing a few feet away, a small Georgie in front of him. There was a collective group of gasps. Georgie was alive?
No. You thought. It’s IT.
You all walked over to where Bill was, his face in a tight-lipped line as he gazed at Pennywise who was trying to play tricks with his weak mind.  
“I couldn’t keep up with It.” Georgie said as he cried. He had one arm as the other was just a space where Pennywise must have taken a bite out of his prepubescent body.
“She, Georgie.” Bills voice cracked as he spoke inching towards Georgie. Your brain told you to move to him, but your feet were sown to the spot. “They call boats, She.”
“Take me home, Billy.” You could see it in Bills face that he wanted to reach out and scoop Georgie up. “I want to go home. I miss you, I want to be with mom and dad.” You noticed the gun that Mike carried was now behind Bills back, you couldn’t remember when he’d gotten it.
“I want more than anything for you to be home with mom and dad.” Bill sucked in a breath as he faced the illusion. “I miss you so much.”
“I love you, Billy.”
“I love you too, but you’re not Georgie.” Bill pulled the gun out from behind his back and pulled the trigger. Your eyes widened as you stared at Bills trembling hand.
“Holy shit.” Richie gasped from behind you. Georgie’s body collapsed on the ground and all was quiet. For a second you were afraid that Bill had killed the actual Georgie and that you all assumed too quickly but when the body started to convulse you were reassured. A small arm was growing out the wound and you stopped yourself from gagging. Georgie was returning to his true form, Pennywise. And as the body began to grow and the bones expanded you all took a step back in horror.
“Kill him now, Billy!” You screamed. “Kill him!” Pennywise was looming in front of your fearless leader, his expression convey annoyance and a deep seeded hunger for your leader. Fear flowed in your veins.
“Shit!” Richie yelled and your friends all followed with chants to kill the clown.
“It’s not loaded!” Mike yelled over your insistence for Bill to kill Pennywise. “The gun isn’t loaded.” No one seemed to be able to hear Michael causing him to grow nervous.
“Do it, Bill! Kill him!”
“Hey, it’s not loaded!” Mike tried again but it was too late. Bill had shot an empty gun at Pennywise who smirked in victory. Richie swore from behind you. You and Beverly standing in the front of the group.
“Bill, watch out!” Bill dodged Pennywise’s attempt to grab at him. “Leave him alone!” Beverly yelled she inched toward Pennywise no longer having any fear but your hand reaching out for her arm stopped her.
“Bev, don’t!” She stopped. Your group was scattering, someone yelling someone’s name every few seconds. You could almost taste the collective fear. The world stopped when Pennywise successfully grabbed Bill and yanked him to his chest.
“No, don’t let him go!” Beverly’s voice was desperate as you all stopped moving to peer at Pennywise.
“Let him go!” You yelled yourself, the group inching back together to face Pennywise and Billy.
“No.” Pennywise hissed looking at you. “I’ll take him. I’ll take all of you and I’ll feed on your flesh as I feed on your fear.” Eddie gasped. “Or, you’ll just leave us be I’m taking him, only him. And then I’ll have my long rest and you will all live to grow old and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds.” There was a collective pause as you all glanced at each other. Was pennywise, bargaining? As you formulated your own plan in your head, you missed the wheels turning in Richie’s as well.
“Leave,” Bill said his voice defeated, “I’m the one who dragged you all into this.” His gaze landed on Stan as he remembered what he said to him earlier, “I’m s-s-s, I’m s-s-sorry. S-s-s-sorry.”  No one moved as your eyes stayed on Bill, your fearless leader. Ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. Richie had always told you that you had a suicidal hero complex, today you were going to prove him right. “Go!”
“Guys we can’t.” Beverly whispered desperately. Pennywise’s jaw opened and you saw your opportunity. You loved your family, they had welcomed you into their ragtag group when you were just in 2nd grade. They loved you just as much and you knew that you couldn’t live without any of them. They were all stronger than you, they could take losing someone better than you could. They would heal, you would never get over it. Feeling responsible for the death of your friend. So, you ran over to Bill ripping him from the clown’s death grip and flinging him to the side, you had moved so fast that no one had gotten a chance to scream your name. Not until the clown’s jaw clamped down onto your neck ripping out the flesh. You fell soundlessly to the ground, your head colliding with the pavement.  
“(Y/N)!” You couldn’t place the multiple voices that yelled out above you as you watched Bill inching from you in horror. His eyes were glassy for less than a second before anger replaced the expression. You had saved him and that was all that matters. It was surprisingly cold to you for the middle of the summer and your jumbled brain was wishing you had worn a sweater. You saw Richie above you a bat held over his head as he brought it down roughly on the clown. He looked so mad, his expression twisted. It sounded as if your friends were warriors yelling out their battle cries in your honor. You wished you could chuckle, oh how you loved your losers. Did death always take this long? Your head lolled to the side as your breathing slowed. You hummed lightly seeing the images of you friends flicker by above you. You had had a wonderful 9 years with them, your sacrifice was worth it. They would be okay. They had each other and with the love they all had they would put themselves back together again. You hear a scream and you know that it’s Bev. Was she screaming for you, or was she screaming out her pain?  
It’s okay Bevy, it’ll be okay. You think the words falling quiet. You wonder what’s taking so long for your eyes to shut and your heart to give out. Suddenly the group was crowding your bleeding figure. Richie had you in his arms though you couldn’t feel them.
“I fucking knew it, I fucking knew you would do this.” He sobbed as your head eyes struggled to still be open. “You and that dumb superhero complex.”
“P-penny.” You wheezed.
“He got away.” Mike answered you. Your eyesight wasn’t clear enough to see the tormented expressions on each of their faces. You were going to die down here in these sewers.
“We need to get her to a hospital.” Eddie said frantically pulling at Richie’s arm. “Come on you fuck, move it, move it, move it.” Richie shoved him away and Eddie fell onto his ass crying.
“Saved Bill.” Your eyes were closed. “Happy.”
“I was going to save Bill you idiot.” Richie was torn, he couldn’t believe this was happening to him. To any of them. Sure, it had been his biggest fear, but he had never thought he’d have to face it so soon. “I was going to beat pennywise with a bat after a dramatic speech.”
“Mmph.” You responded resting your head on Richie’s chest. “Sorry, didn’t think through.”
“Hey!” Beverly yelled at you. You didn’t re-open your eyes, but she could tell you were trying to listen. “If you die on me I’ll hate you forever (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” She crawled to your side putting her hands on your neck. “We have to stop the bleeding, we have to – we need to –“
“Tired.” You said as your eyes flickered open. Richie knew this was going to be your final goodbye he could see it in your face. Your calculating.
“Don’t say goodbye.” He warned clenching his teeth. “Don’t fucking do it. You’re fine.”
“Richie, I love y-“ You couldn’t get it out, the cold was too welcoming. The silence too filling so you fell to it. A small smile on your lips.
“(Y/N).” Richie shook your lifeless body. “(Y/N), open your fucking eyes this isn’t funny!” The losers all sobbed as Richie put you on the ground trying to revive you. He had his lips pressed to yours as he administered failed CPR. “(Y/N).” He sobbed, his head to your cold on. Your skin was clammy and soaked in your own blood. “I love you (Y/N), I love you.” His body rocked with emotion. “Please don’t leave me here alone.” Richie couldn’t understand that you weren’t coming back. He was telling himself this was a nightmare and when he woke you’d be in his arms. Just another one of Pennywise’s tricks. Beverly’s body had closed in on itself as she grabbed at her hair. She was crying just as hard as Richie if not more.
All the Losers felt ruined, responsible even. Richie had warned them about your superhero complex. He had even fought with Bill on it, but still he had asked you to fight with him for a brother her secretly knew was gone. Everyone was crying over your dead body, minds whirling. Fucking Pennywise. Eddie was rummaging in his Fanny-Pack as though something he found was going to help you. They stayed like that for what felt like 30 minutes, the bodies above them falling to the ground. Death surrounded the losers. Even Benjamin was crying, he hadn’t known you as well, but you had shown him the most kindness out of anyone he could have ever met.
“H-her parents.” Mike hiccupped. “Who’s going to tell her parents?”
“I will.” Bev muttered. “I’ll tell them she died like a fucking hero.”
AUTHOR NOTE - OKAY WAIT DON’T RIOT LEMME EXPLAIN!!!!! It makes sense to the story, she always had a “suicidal hero complex.” and I didn’t want to put it in there for no reason. Pieces have to fit together you know? Plus there’s an alternate ending coming soon. Probably Tmmr. 
TAGLIST - @apartofthelosersclub @firstfannypack @mikoalabear @glue-lamp @shittyfandoms @justmedonturemeber @fightmebub @toziers-girl @mysticalreadingnerd @imaginethis-st @snarkpunsandsarcasm @neonshock @mari-melancholy @teenwolf2424 @michaels-hands @ima-lover @glamouredbigby @the-queens-shadow @lunalife101 @distantsmile @parisbautista @jakefromstatefarm143 @holycoldcoffee @interstellar-brownies @hello-mynameisfinn @thatonefangurly @missingeddiekaspbrack @funelatra @emperor-otis @eli-cya @directaylor-klaus @hammymanlam @anton-shudders
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lostinyourears · 6 years
Masked Matches of May XIX : Fuerza Guerrera, Pentagon & Psicosis vs. La Parka, Octagon & Rey Mysterio Jr., May 31st 1995 AAA Sin Limite
Video link to the match over at Youtube : https://youtu.be/Dth3j9pwMWg
Cagematch page for this match/event.
Who’s Who?
La Parka
What good timing for this entry! I had no idea La Park was going to debut when I watched this match and did some of the legwork on this entry.
La Parka made his debut in 1982 a decade before AAA would be founded. He would hold no titles in that time. Before the La Parka(The reaper) gimmick Parka was most notably Principe Island a mask he lost in 1987 to El Hijo del Santo. ending his 5-0-0 streak. I’m sure he had his fans, but he wasn’t super well known at all as those gimmicks his first decade in the business. 
1992 came around and the AAA walkout happened. Antonio Pena, the leader and head booker of AAA who use to be a CMLL booker came to La Parka with the idea for the gimmick. The skeleton based loosely on the Day of the Dead tradition Mexico practices each year. The character was a hit out of the gate and the first major match was vs Lizmark at the first ever Triplemania for Lizmark’s  Mexican National Light Heavyweight Championship. Not covering that match because I talked about it last year when highlighting Lizmark.
That belt would be around Park’s waist before too long. That and the WWA World Light Heavyweight Champion were the only 2 belts Parka had held at this point in 1995. 1992 to 1996 he worked with AAA until 1997 came around and the peso crashed. Like many people he left the company at that time following many other luchadors to bolster WCW. Where despite becoming a household name and one of the most memorable guys on the roster... he never really won any accolades. Post WCW he would return to Mexico working indie and CMLL dates from 2000-2008. Which is when clashing between La Park and AAA happened. They debut a new La Parka while he was doing dates for WCW as La Parka Jr. the two didn’t clash in the late 90′s because Parka wasn’t working with CMLL or rival companies instead being a WCW ad for their character and working US indie dates. 
Octagon made his debut in 1981 working mostly with EMLL as well. He didn’t become the Octagon character until the late 1980′s though when Octagon came to EMLL booker Antonio Pena with the idea of incorporating his legit martial arts training into a character. Octagon was the name based on the Chuck Norris film of the same name. This character took off and become a big hit. Octagon being in a couple of movies in the early 90′s which had become rare as the height of luchador movies had ended in the 70′s. Octagon was also of course sorta a proven gimmick as both Kung Fu and Kato Kung Lee had success, but most would agree that in the 30 years since Octagon debutted, that he has eclipsed both men’s success with his take on the gimmick. 
Octagon at this point had captured and lost :  Mexican National Trios Champion (with Atlantis and Mascara Sagrada), Mexican National Middleweight Champion(x2),  AAA World Tag Team Champion (with El Hijo del Santo) and was still currently Mexican National Trios Champion (2x) (with Rey Misterio Jr. and Super Muneco). We covered his unmasking a few days ago vs Huracan Ramirez(II) since then he also shaved Bestia Negra I, then La Pareja del Terror(Eddie G and Art Barr) with his tag partner El Hijo del Santo.
Octagon would become the posterboy for leaving EMLL for AAA when that company launched. Antonio Pena walking out to form AAA with Octagon and many talents following him. Octagon is famous for being the hold out. Working strong with AAA even after the peso crashed in 1997 and most people left AAA. Octagon stayed being put in their HoF in 2011. Though strangely Octagon left AAA 2014 and sued them for money owed. Even working with CMLL again in 2017 after leaving the promotion 25 years earlier… a sight literally no one thought we would see. 
Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rey Mysterio made his debut in 1989 in a World Wrestling Association promotion in Tijuana where he would work under various names until his Uncle allowed him to take the Rey Mysterio mask and name. Rey Mysterio Jr. would make his presence more well known in 1992 by joining AAA. Which signed lots of talent from Tijuana as well as all the walkout talent from CMLL. Rey Mysterio only worked 10 matches for CMLL in his career from what I can tell in 2001.
Rey Mysterio has won 5 hairs/masks at this point while in AAA. And held the following titles : Current Mexican National Trios Champion(with Super Muneco & Octagon), WWA World Lightweight Champion(x2), WWA World Tag Team Champion (with Rey Misterio Sr), and Mexican National Welterweight Champion. He would of course go on to hold gold in both WCW and WWE carving a career in American wrestling. He never held a AAA branded belt, mostly repping his original promotion WWA’s titles. 
At this time he was one of many great young talents filling AAA. He Psicosis & Juventud Guerrera were the big 3 feuding in AAA/ECW/WCW the three of them all going to WCW once the peso crashed an AAA had to slow down and do less shows. Which lead to his mainstream career for all the the 2000′s and into the 2010′s still an international draw outside of the WWE asked to work NJPW, LU and recently a show for WWE in Saudi Arabia. 
Fuerza Guerrera
Making his debut in 1978 working primarily with EMLL from what I can tell. He became a bigger star towards the late 80′s and early 90′s. He had taken the mask of Rocky Star who we covered in that brazos trios match from earlier. To many fans in the states Fuerza Guerrera may be a bit of an unknown with his son being a more well known name. His son of course being Juventud Guerrera and getting mainstream exposure thanks to WCW and his fantastic feud/rivalry with Rey Mysterio Jr. His father though was a great luchador in his own right and is considered a legend even if he never became a well known name in the states. 
In the late 80′s he captured the following titles, arranged in the order he worn them from his first title to the latest before this match : Mexican National Lightweight Championship, Mexican National Welterweight Championship,  NWA World Welterweight Championship(x2), WWA World Welterweight Championship,  CMLL World Welterweight Champion,  Mexican National Tag Team Champion (with Juventud Guerrera),  WWA World Tag Team Champion (with Juventud Guerrera) and WWA World Trios Champion (with Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis). 
Those last 3 team titles he was currently holding at this time. Rey and his uncle would often tag vs the father son team of Juventud Guerrera & Fuerza Guerrera.
Of course with this being a mask vs mask match, I have to go over his Luchas de Apuestas record which at this time was 3-0-0 with him taking the mask of Rocky Star in 1989 and with his first win coming in 1985 when Los Bravos : Fuerza(Mask) El Dandy (hair) and Talisman (hair) won a trios betting match over Los Destructores : Lemús II (mask), Tony Arce (hair) and Vulcano (hair).
Juvy would not debut until he was 18 in 1992. Though he may have started training before that obviously. Where and and Rey Mysterio quickly became rivals which would continue into WCW in the late 90′s.
Pentagon I(Espanto Jr.)
Making his debut in 1971 Espanto Jr. would find his most fame in the mid to late 80′s where he would lose his mask and then hair several times to El Hijo del Santo. By 1995 he wasn’t really going to be a draw as a maskless guy who had lost to Santo half a dozen times despite that being a good rivalry. So AAA founder and head booked Antonio Pena repackaged him as Pentagon I an evil twin to the Octagon Character. A trope that would have 3 incarnations over the following decade. 
Of course in late 2012 Pentagon Jr. would debut. Which is the one most people are familiar with and the most famous of the incarnations. Likely put in that gimmick to play off an Octagon Jr. Though, that never came to fruition in AAA. With Flamita being put in the gimmick only for Octagon to freak out on him and pull his mask off post show. Flamita left AAA, then Pentagon Jr. did and then Octagon did. Getting ahead of myself though. So this is the start of a decade of evil Pentagon characters for Octagon to fight.  
As Espanto Jr. in the late 80′s and early 90′s held the WWA World Welterweight Championship, WWA World Lightweight Championship, UWA World Welterweight Championship, & UWA World Lightweight Championship. He would not win gold as Pentagon before retiring from the character and wrestling in 1996 instead becoming a trainer as the same wrestling school as his brothers.    
Making his debut in 1989 Psicosis got his start in the same WWA Promotion Rey Mysterio started at. 
It’s estimated that Psicosis and Rey Mysterio Jr. have met each other in the ring over 500 times in their careers. He like La Parka and a few other AAA talents would go to WCW in the late 90′s Psicosis like La Park had issues with AAA who owned the Psicosis name and gave it to a new guy when Psicosis started working with CMLL in the early 2000′s where he instead went by Nicho el Millonario which is the name he still works under today. 
He’d work briefly in WWE 2005-2006 after that he would return to AAA for a long stint from 2008-2016, but more recently has become a staple in the hot Mexican indie company The Crash where he has worked 8 matches over 2017 & 2018 throughout all of his career Psicosis has always been someone you could see on a Mexican Indie shows never really being a company man after 2000. 
At the time Psicosis was holding both the WWA World Welterweight Champion and  WWA World Trios Champion (with Fuerza Guerrera and Juventud Guerrera).   
How is the match?
Great, this one is really fun to watch because you have lots of starpower here in hindsight since Park/Mysterio/Psicosis would go on to be big stars in WCW and after in Mexico and Rey in WWE. Even Psicosis as noted had a short stint in WWE in the mid 2000′s. While this is a great match, I think it sorta hurts as a follow up to yesterday’s trios match which is the best one I think we have looked at in this series. This is fun, but knowing where Octagon/Pentagon went sorta deflates Pentagon here. I also, think the evil twin thing is a bit of a strange trope in general. It’s sorta akin to Tiger Mask/Black Tiger in NJPW I’d suppose and that had worked in the past. In fact it was working fairly well with Eddie G being Black Tiger(II) around this time in NJPW. So I get why they wanted to do it, as it had proven to work other places. 
Still it’s nice to see young Rey/Psicosis/Parka along with Octagon an Fuerza as well. It seems like a waste though to have Pentagon here instead of Juvy, but you can’t have everything. Parka is fun and Psicosis dancing to taunt him is as well. They try to sell Octagon in dire trouble here with the mask ripping and all that jazz. Which leads to a nice moment after the match when all three tecnicos are in the ring together at the end. A really fun trios match, I’d recommend checking it out, but it isn’t anything too wild. It does feel like a television match and not a PPV or Supercard match because that’s what it was. 
Highlights :
Fuerza Guerrera, Pentagon & Psicosis vs. La Parka, Octagon & Rey Mysterio Jr., May 31st 1995 AAA Sin Limite
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lizacstuff · 7 years
7x04 Anons
I have a ton of asks so I’ll answer a few under the cut.  A lot of them deal with negativity over the ep and season so be warned and don’t click if you don’t want to read that.
Anonymous said:Liza, have you watched tonight's episode? What did you think of the Rumbelle send off? And of Alice being Roger's daughter?
I had zero emotional reaction to Rumbelle’s story in this episode. None. It’s been too toxic and gross and I have never really cared about it so it didn’t make me feel anything at all. I was curious what they were going to do. Now I know. 
As far as Alice being WishHook’s daughter. Eh. So they take the only interesting character and now she’s a fake Wish person too?  I just can’t with this nonsense. I’m having  a lot of problems with WishHook, so I’m not thrilled she’s tied to his story. 
Colin is still hot and an awesome human being and a terrific actor, but the plot... it’s a no for me.
Anonymous said:Sometimes I think Adam and Eddy believe they are the most clever people to ever write, and that everyone else are simple minded peasants. Like that one post-7x04 interview where the interviewer asked if Alice is wish Hook's daughter. "You're very perceptive." Uh, no, Adam and Eddy. You just have all the subtlety of a freight train. You had Alice and Rogers play chess. Wish Hook and his daughter played chess. It's obvious. Don't talk to people like they're stupid for figuring the obvious out.
This show has always been pretty obvious about some things, but they used to pull off some twists. I remember a time when fan speculation was way more wrong than it is right.  
However, season 7 is just really obvious in terms of some of the “big twists.”  Take Alice being the LGBT character, the entire fandom speculated that from the first second she appeared in shooting spoilers based on stereotypes. I have been hoping it’s not her because of those stereotypes, but nope! They had no surprises up their sleeve with it. Then most people immediately assumed she was Roger’s daughter the second we found out he had one... and apparently no twist there either. 
I guess the days of the entire fandom being shocked by finding out Hook is the Dark One and Dark Swan did everything for Hook... are over. 
Of course we should have known this reboot lost all subtlety in the second episode when everyone and their mother kept asking Henry if he was in love with the random woman he just met.  
Anonymous said:I know the promo pics didn't spell anything good for Belle, but I'm still surprised that they actually had her die. I kept thinking that there would be some twist to it.
As I was just saying... no twists, no turns. It’s exactly as everyone predicted. 
Anonymous said:I didn't watch the ep, but shit Henry and ivy have so much more chemistry than the other girl. Cinderella I think lol damn talk about epic romance also I saw comments that also agree with the Henry and ivy
If you haven’t watched how do you know they have more chemistry?  Seriously, that’s kind of ridiculous. What are you basing that on?
Anonymous said:ouat is a weird show, it requires you to pay really pay attention but not to close of attention or you will notice all the plot holes
100% accurate.  This reboot is creating so many more plot holes with all the magic mcguffins that are suddenly in play.  I guess you either have to accept it and go along for the ride, or recognize it for what it is. 
Anonymous said:hey liza, who are your favourite characters from the new cast? some of them don’t really impress me but i quite like ivy and tilly.
Both of those characters have some interesting aspects to them.  It may have a lot to do with the performers.  I haven’t been impressed with Gabriel, Dania or Mekia’s choices so far, but Adelaide and Rose have interesting screen presence. 
Anonymous said:Drizella really is a Mean Girls version of Regina. I'm between finding her general attitude annoying and finding her somewhat sympathetic considering she has to deal with Tremaine all day.
You mean Regina when she was a girl and under Cora’s thumb?  I could see that comparison.  Lets hope Drizella doesn’t follow in Regina’s footsteps and become the mass murdering rapist in town.
Anonymous said:Did Rumbelle build the house in Storybrooke?
Um... I’m not sure I understand this question.  In the show I believe that Up-inspired cabin where they were living isolated from everything and everyone else (do people really find that a happy ending?) was in the edge of realms. 
Anonymous said:I'm almost mad that we got to see more of Belle and Rumple's story than we did of Captain Swan. We all know they are living their happy ending but it would still be wonderful to see a little clip of Emma sitting on the beach with their daughter waiting for Killian to show up and join their picnic. Just some good ole domestic Captain Swan on scene would make me so happy. *sigh*
I have a number of anons like this, and just NOPE.  
First, we did not see more of Rumbelle than CS on this show.  Rumbelle was a backburner story that was most often characterized as a cautionary tale of abuse and manipulation and the pair were mostly apart and had very little focus through the run of the series. 
The showrunners decided that going forward they needed viewers to feel good about Belle and RB so after making them a gross, toxic mess for seasons now (it was just last year that Rumple was fucking the Evil Queen while Belle ran and hid for her life as he stalked and threatened her) they gave fans a bunch of twee scenes of her growing old (a life she lived isolated from everyone but two people) and dying in order to get rid of her and give Rumple motivation for this idiotic S7.
You’re jealous of that? Seriously? Fuck no. 
Also you need to understand that 7.02 and 7.04 were very different episodes.  7.02 was still really Henry's story and a moment in time where he called for help and got to see his parents for a few minutes and we all found out that Emma and Hook are doing great and gonna have a baby and living a blissfully happy life together.  It was just a check in where it was confirmed for us that Operation Happy Beginning has been a success and things are amazing. Also it spun off WishHook and completely separated the plot of S7 away from CS.  7.04 was 100% Rumple plot and his story. It explained why he's there and what is motivating him in Hyperion Heights.  Very different.  For 7.02, CS were not the focus because they didn’t need to be. Nothing in S7 requires knowing exactly what is going to happen to them minute by minute.  I'll take less screen time and my OTP being completely disentangled from this mess any day of the week.
Anonymous said:Lol my jealousy of Rumbelle having more focus than CS has dropped to 0%, that episode was eh. CS is expecting a baby, and Belle is dead after spending her life trying to fix rumple's. Nice.
Yep.  Look, I’m happy for any fans of Rumple or Belle that are happy about this episode and found peace in Belle’s life, but the writers did too much damage to this pairing over the years for me to care about it at all. 
Anonymous said:While I can't stand rumbelle I feel for the shippers. They did get some happy scenes but their ship is going to spend the rest of the season apart and in pain until the half alive dies.
Yeah... I would not like that, I don’t think. It’s just kind of creepy and icky and ew-ey. However, to each her own.  
Anonymous said:Agreed with that anon, there some good moments, but this was definitely not even close to one of the best episodes of the series. I have to respectfully disagree with Colin on this one. (Actually season 7 in its entirety lol)
Oh dear sweet Colin. Just trying to do his job.  So many cast and crew and media have shot their hyperbolic wad with this episode. Calling it the best EVER!!!!!  What will they say for the rest of the season?  “This is the second best episode EVER!!!!!” Or will they keep one upping every time they have to promote an ep?
No one with an economic interest in S7 can be trusted when talking about the quality of this season (and I include Mitovich and NA in that.) 
Anonymous said:I didn't watch the episode but I'm curious: are we supposed to believe that when Belle dies Emma and Killian are old too or was there some timeline glitch and Emma and Killian are still young in Storybrooke at the time of HH events? 
Who knows. Belle and Rumple were off living at the Edge of Realms for the last years of her life.  Rumple said something about time standing still there except for Belle??? I think. (my mind kept wandering duiring those scenes becuse they were so boring) Then after she died he opened a portal thingy to go to the time and place where the Guardian (the deux ex machina that is going to cure him of the Dark One curse) lives and Rumple was then transported to the newEF (that looks exactly like the old, I mean couldn’t they have given this new storybook’s fairy tale land some stylistic differences???)  on the night of Cinderella’s Ball and we see Henry drive by on his motorcycle. 
So yes, I think some of the flashforwards could have been from far in the future, and some could have been not all that distant because they were in a weird realm with weird time mechanics. 
However, I think Rumple and Belle left Storybrooke well before Henry did (they talk about it at Gideon’s first birthday and Henry still would have been about 14 at that time) so by the time this Hyperion Heights stuff is happening they would have been off in Fairy Tale land “traveling?” (ie living their lives in dusty libraries searching books for a way to cure Rumple.)
It hurts ones head to try to sort it all out. 
Anonymous said:After watching this episode, all I think is how sad it is how far this show gone from greatness. Going back 3 years, I would’ve never imagined ouat would be like this now. Sorry for being dramatic, it’s all just so jarring.
I think one of the most unfortunate things about this is that I really think OUAT could have been a valuable and viable franchise for years to come.  However, they tried to reboot it too soon.  As I’ve said since last spring, I think it would have been much better to let it rest a year or two and then come back with 10-13 episode event series for ABC.  
However, this experiment will probably negate any opportunity for that.
Anonymous said:I think it's a little sad that in real time, Belle died like 5-10 years after the s6 finale. I know it was longer for her but to everyone else that knew her, it'd be like she died young.
Yep. I’m not sure if in Hyperion Heights or Storybrooke in 2017 if Belle is dead, dead, or still living out her life at the edge of realms or wherever and Rumple traveled back in time???  
I don’t know. 
Anonymous said:Do you think killing Belle off is going to decrease the ratings more?
Nope. If ratings do decrease, I don’t think that will have been a factor.
Anonymous said:They lost viewers even with the episode they promoted the most wow 
They did and yes, other than the premiere, this has been the most promoted episode.  As I’ve said since the premiere, ep 5 ratings should be the most telling. I’m guessing that will be the baseline for the rest of the half season. At that point anyone in the audience who was just curious if they would preserve our favorites happy endings from the first 6 season will know and there won’t be a bump from that.  We’ll see. 
19 notes · View notes
tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de mayo 2020
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Tenemos mucha suerte de seguir más tiempo con el confinamiento, así podremos disfrutar con calma de todas estas series y de todas las que tengamos atrasadas. Además, hay mucha comedia entre las novedades.
¡Feliz mayo!
Verde: series nuevas
Negro: regresos de otras series
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos
Morado: season finales
Púrpura: midseason finales
Calendario de series
1 de mayo:
Hollywood (1T completa), Into the Night (1T completa), Casi feliz (1T completa), Mrs. Serial Killer, The Half of It y All Day and a Night en Netflix 
Trying (1T) en Apple TV+ 
Betty (1T) en HBO
Upload (1T completa) y Amaia: Una vuelta al Sol en Amazon
Charmed (2T finale) en The CW 
3 de mayo: 
Billions (5T) en Showtime
Rick & Morty (4bT completa) en Hulu
Good Witch (6T) en Hallmark
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (1T finale) y Good Girls (3T finale) en NBC 
4 de mayo:
Reno 911 (7T) en Quibi
The Neighborhood (2T finale) y Bull (4T finale) en CBS 
5 de mayo: 
The A Word (3T) en BBC One
El ministerio del tiempo (4T) en TVE
Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind en HBO 
The Conners (2T finale), Bless This Mess (2T finale) y Mixed-ish (1T finale) en ABC 
6 de mayo:
Becoming en Netflix
SEAL Team (3T finale) en CBS
Riverdale (4T finale) en The CW 
7 de mayo:
Blindspot (5T y última) en NBC
Brassic (2T completa) en Sky
Bruh (1T) en BET+ 
8 de mayo:
Dead to Me (2T completa), The Eddy (1T completa), Valeria (1T completa) y 18 regali en Netflix
Solar Opposites (1T completa) en Hulu
Madres (1T completa) en Amazon
Dynasty (3T finale) en The CW
MacGyver (4T finale) en CBS
10 de mayo:
I Know This Much Is True en HBO
The Rookie (2T finale) en ABC
11 de mayo: 9-1-1 (3T finale) en FOX
12 de mayo:
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend (especial interactivo) en Netflix
The Flash (6T finale) en The CW
13 de mayo:
The Wrong Missy en Netflix
American Housewife (4T finale), Single Parents (2T finale) y Schooled (2T finale) en ABC
14 de mayo:
Station 19 (4T finale) y How to Get Away with Murder (series finale) en ABC
Katy Keene (1T finale) en The CW
15 de mayo:
The Great (1T completa) en Hulu
La unidad (1T completa) en Movistar+
White Lines (1T completa) y Chichipatos (1T completa) en Netflix
The Blacklist (7T finale) en NBC
17 de mayo:
Hightown (1T) en Starz
Snowpiercer (1T) en TNT
The Simpsons (31T finale), Bob's Burgers (10T finale) y Duncanville (1T finale) en FOX
18 de mayo:
Stargirl (1T) en DC Universe
Dead Still (1T) en Acorn TV
19 de mayo: Sweet Magnolias (1T) en Netflix
20 de mayo:
The 100 (7T y última) en The CW
SWAT (3T finale) en CBS
Motherland: Fort Salem (1T finale) en Freeform
22 de mayo:
Control Z (1T completa), The Lovebirds y Survive the Night en Netflix
Homecoming (2T completa) en Amazon 
25 de mayo:
Barkskins en National Geographic
Grant en History
27 de mayo:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (7T y última) en ABC 
Love Life (1T) y On The Record en HBO Max
Grant en History
29 de mayo:
Space Force (1T completa) en Netflix
Ramy (2T completa) en Hulu
Central Park (1T) en Apple TV+
Defending Jacob (1T finale) en Apple TV+ 
Estrenos de series
Hollywood (Netflix)
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Descrita como una provocativa e incisiva carta de amor a la edad de oro de Hollywood, sigue a un grupo de aspirantes a actores y directores que intentan triunfar sin importar el precio después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y muestra y examina los injustos sistemas y prejuicios basados en raza, género o sexualidad y las dinámicas de poder que continúan hasta hoy y cómo se vería la industria del entretenimiento si hubieran desaparecido. Con Darren Criss (Glee, American Crime Story), David Corenswet (The Politician), Samara Weaving (SMILF, Ready or Not), Jeremy Pope (Choir Boy, Ain't Too Proud), Laura Harrier (Spider-Man: Homecoming, BlacKkKlansman), Patti LuPone (Pose, Penny Dreadful), Holland Taylor (Two and a Half Men, Mr. Mercedes), Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory, The Normal Heart), Dylan McDermott (American Horror Story, The Politician), Queen Latifah (Chicago, Hairspray), Maude Apatow (Euphoria, Girls), Joe Mantello (The Normal Heart), Jake Picking (Patriots Day, Dirty Grandpa), Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite, Condor), Rob Reiner (All in the Family, New Girl), Harriet Harris (Desperate Housewives, Frasier) y Michelle Krusiec (The Invitation, Hawaii Five-0).
Creada por Ryan Murphy (Feud, American Crime Story) junto a Ian Brennan (Glee, Scream Queens). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo Estreno en España: 1 de mayo en Netflix España
Trying (Apple TV+)
Todo lo que quieren Nikki (Esther Smith; Cuckoo, Uncle) y Jason (Rafe Spall; Roadies, The Big Short) es un hijo, la única cosa que no pueden tener, así que deciden adoptar. Conociendo a sus disfuncionales amigos, sus excéntricas familias y sus caóticas vidas, ¿estará de acuerdo el comité con la adopción? El reparto cuenta con Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride), Daren Boyd (Fortitude, Lucky Man), Jackie Mouzo, Robyn Cara (Life), Jonathan Rhodes y Phil Davis (Poldark, Riviera).
Comedia escrita por Andy Wolton y dirigida por Jim O'Hanlon (Catastrophe, Inside No. 9). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo Estreno en España: 1 de mayo en Apple TV+ España
Betty (HBO)
Comedia inspirada en la película Skate Kitchen (2018) que se centra en un grupo de chicas de Nueva York que practican skateboarding. Repiten en sus papeles Rachelle Vinberg, Nina Moran, Kabrina Adams, Dede Lovelace y Ajani Russell.
Creada, escrita y producida por Crystal Moselle (Skate Kitchen) y Lesley Arfin (Love). Dirigida por Moselle. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo
Estreno: 2 de mayo en HBO España
Upload (Amazon)
Sitcom en la que Nora (Andy Allo, Pitch Perfect 3) es una trabajadora de atención al cliente en un ambiente de realidad virtual en el que puede vivir la gente después de morir y al que llega Nathan (Robbie Amell; The Flash, A Series of Unfortunate Events) tras sufrir un accidente de coche.
Con Kevin Bigley (Sirens, The Moodys), Allegra Edwards (Briarpatch), Zainab Johnson (American Koko), Elizabeth Bowen (Fargo, No Tomorrow), William B Davis (Continuum, The X-Files) y Owen Daniels (Space Force).
Creada, escrita y dirigida por Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de mayo
Bruh (BET+)
John (Barry Brewer, Games People Play), Tom (Mahdi Cocci, The Gifted, Sistas), Mike (Phillip Mullings Jr., American Soul) y Bill (Monti Washington, Games People Play) son cuatro amigos afroamericanos ya en la treintena que buscan guía y apoyo entre ellos mientras tratan de aprender a ser independientes, ya sea en temas amorosos o laborales. Con Chandra Currelley (Madea's Big Happy Family), Candice Renée (Bodied), Alyssa Goss (The Bobby Brown Story), Caroline Harris (Shook), Brandon Sutton, Angela Marie Rigsby (Too Close to Home) y Sarah Hudson (Bluff City Law).
Creada, escrita, producida y dirigida por Tyler Perry (Sistas, Too Close to Home). Veinticuatro episodios.
Estreno: 7 de mayo
The Eddy (Netflix)
Drama musical ambientado en París y centrado en un pianista (André Holland; Castle Rock, Moonlight), divorciado y con una hija adolescente (Amandla Stenberg; The Hate U Give, The Hunger Games), que se ha convertido en el dueño de un club y mantiene una relación intermitente con Maja (Joanna Kulig; Cold War, Hanna), una cantante que tiene problemas con la bebida. Les acompañan Tahar Rahim (The Looming Tower, The Last Panthers) y Melissa George (The Slap, The Good Wife).
Escrito por Jack Thorne (National Treasure, This Is England) y con música original de Glen Ballard. Dirigido por Alan Poul (The Newsroom, Six Feet Under). Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash) producirá y dirigirá dos de los ocho episodios.
Estreno: 8 de mayo
Estreno: 8 de mayo en Netflix España
Solar Opposites (Hulu)
Comedia de animación sobre una familia de alienígenas que abandona su planeta y se muda a un suburbio de Estados Unidos. Con las voces de Justin Roiland (Adventure Time, Gravity Falls), Sean Giambrone (The Goldbergs, Clarence), Mary Mack (Golan the Insatiable) y Wendi McLendon-Covey (The Goldbergs, Reno 911!).
Creada por Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 8 de mayo
I Know This Much Is True (HBO)
Miniserie que explora la identidad estadounidense siguiendo las vidas paralelas de dos gemelos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Protagonizada por Mark Ruffalo (The Normal Heart, Spotlight), Melissa Leo (I'm Dying Up Here, Treme), Rosie O'Donnell (SMILF, The Fosters), Archie Panjabi (The Good Wife, The Fall), Imogen Poots (Roadies, 28 Weeks Later), Juliette Lewis (Secrets & Lies, Wayward Pines), Kathryn Hahn (Transparent, I Love Dick), Guillermo Diaz (Scandal, Weeds), Aisling Franciosi (The Fall, Clique), John Procaccino (The Good Wife, Madam Secretary), Rob Huebel (Transparent, Childrens Hospital), Philip Ettinger (One Dollar, First Reformed), Michael Greyeyes (True Detective, Fear The Walking Dead), Brian Goodman (Chance, Rizzoli & Isles), Bruce Greenwood (The Resident, American Crime Story), Marcello Fonte (Dogman), Tom Stratford, Simone Coppo y Bethany Kay.
Basada en la novela de Wally Lamb (1998). Escrita, dirigida y producida por Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 10 de mayo Estreno en España: 11 de mayo en HBO España
The Great (Hulu)
Comedia sobre el ascenso al poder de Catalina la Grande y la relación con su esposo. Protagonizada por Elle Fanning (Maleficent, A Rainy Day in New York), Nicholas Hoult (Skins, X-Men). Completan el cast Phoebe Fox (Close to the Enemy, The Hollow Crown), Adam Godley (The Umbrella Academy, Breaking Bad), Gwilym Lee (Jamestown, The Midsomer Murders), Charity Wakefield (Close to the Enemy, Wolf Hall), Douglas Hodge (Catastrophe, The Night Manager), Sacha Dhawan (Iron Fist, Mr. Selfridge) y Sebastian De Souza (Skins, Medici: Masters of Florence).
Escrita por Tony McNamara (The Favourite). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 15 de mayo
White Lines (Netflix)
El cuerpo de un famoso DJ de Manchester es encontrado en Ibiza veinte años después de su misteriosa desaparición y su hermana regresa a la isla a investigar. Con Laura Haddock (Guardians of the Galaxy, Da Vinci's Demons), Daniel Mays (Good Omens, Rogue One), Marta Milans (El embarcadero, Shazam!), Juan Diego Botto (Good Behaviour, Plenilunio), Nuno Lopes (São Jorge), Laurence Fox (Lewis, Victoria) y Angela Griffin (Turn Up Charlie, Ordinary Lies).
Creada y escrita por Álex Pina (La casa de papel, Vis a vis) y producida por Andy Harries (The Crown, Strike Back) y Cristina López Ferraz (La casa de papel, Vis a vis).
Estreno: 15 de mayo Estreno en España: 15 de mayo en Netflix España
Hightown (Starz)
Drama que trata la actual crisis de muertes por sobredosis de opiáceos en Estados Unidos y que se centra en Jackie (Monica Raymund; Chicago Fire, Lie to Me), una chica lesbiana de Provincetown, Massachusetts que trabaja como agente federal en el servicio nacional de pesca marina y tras encontrar un cadáver en la costa, se obsesiona cada vez más con resolver el asesinato mientras se enfrenta a su adicción. Le acompañan James Badge Dale (The Departed, 24), Amaury Nolasco (Prison Break, Deception), Dohn Norwood (The Sinner, Hell on Wheels), Shane Harper (Happyland, Awkward), Atkins Estimond (Lodge 49, StartUp) y Riley Voelkel (The Originals, The Newsroom).
Escrita y producida por Rebecca Cutter (Gotham, The Mentalist) y producida por Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI, Lucifer).
Estreno: 17 de mayo Estreno en España: 17 de mayo en Starzplay España
Snowpiercer (TNT)
Después de que el mundo se convierta en un desierto helado, los humanos que quedan vivos viajan en un tren gigante y en constante movimiento donde se mantienen la lucha de clases, las injusticias sociales y la política de la supervivencia.
Forman el reparto Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind, Requiem for a Dream), Daveed Diggs (Hamilton, The Get Down), Mickey Sumner (Battle of the Sexes, Low Winter Sun), Iddo Goldberg (Salem, Peaky Blinders), Sheila Vand (Undone, Argo), Lena Hall (Becks), Annalise Basso (Captain Fantastic, Slender Man), Jaylin Fletcher (The Female Brain), Sasha Frolova (Red Sparrow, Little Women), Steven Ogg (The Walking Dead, Westworld), Rowan Blanchard (Girl Meets World, The Goldbergs), Karin Konoval (The Good Doctor, Dirk Gently), Timothy V. Murphy (Quantico, True Detective), Happy Anderson (The Knick, Mindhunter), Sam Otto (The State), Stephen Lobo (Continuum, Travelers), Katie McGuinness (Hollywood, Roots), Miranda Edwards (Arrow, The Magicians), Susan Park (Briarpatch, Fargo), Manoj Sood (Salvation, Insomnia), Dylan Schmid (Shut Eye, Once Upon a Time), Mike O'Malley (Glee, My Name Is Earl), Andrea Ware (Van Helsing), Shaun Toub (Homeland, Lois & Clark), Jonathan Lloyd Walker (Continuum, Flash Gordon), Kelly-Ruth Mercier (Bates Motel), Roberto Urbina (Narcos, Recovery Road), Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing, iZombie), Shaun Toub (Homeland, Iron Man), Kerry O'Malley (Shameless, Annabelle), Aaron Glenane (Picnic at Hanging Rock) o Fiona Vroom (Altered Carbon, The Man in the High Castle).
Adaptación de la película de 2013. Creada por Graeme Manson (Orphan Black). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 17 de mayo
Stargirl (DC Universe)
Courtney Whitmore (Bella & the Bulldogs, The Goldbergs) es una estudiante que descubre que su padrastro (Luke Wilson; The Royal Tenenbaums, Roadies) fue un superhéroe en el pasado. Además, recibe el poderoso bastón cósmico de Starman (Joel McHale; Community, The X-Files) y se convierte en miembro de una nueva generación de superhéroes. Con Amy Smart (The Butterfly Effect, Felicity), Trae Romano, Cameron Gellman (Heathers), Neil Jackson (Absentia, Sleepy Hollow), Hunter Sansone (Drama Drama), Yvette Monreal (Matador, Faking It), Christopher James Baker (True Detective, Ozark), Henry Thomas (The Haunting of Hill House, Better Things), Joy Osmanski (Santa Clarita Diet, Shameless), Neil Hopkins (Lost, Matador), Nelson Lee (Ten Days in the Valley, Sneaky Pete), Kron Moore (The Oval), Jake Austin Walker (Rectify), Meg DeLacy (The Fosters, Recovery Road), Anjelika Washington (Runaways, We're Not Friends), Lou Ferrigno Jr. (SWAT, How I Met Your Mother), Brian Stapf (The Purge, The Walking Dead) y Hina Khan (Hit the Floor).
Creada por Geoff Johns (The Flash, Arrow) y producida por Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Riverdale). Trece episodios.
Estreno: 18 de mayo
Estreno en España: 19 de mayo en HBO España
Dead Still (Acorn TV)
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Ambientada en Irlanda a finales del siglo XIX, sigue a un conocido fotógrafo de cadáveres que investiga los asesinatos de los fallecidos. Estará protagonizada por Michael Smiley (Luther, The Aliens), Kerr Logan (Cormoran Strike, Game of Thrones), Eileen O'Higgins (Brooklyn, Mary Queen of Scots), Aidan O'Hare (Jackie), Jimmy Smallhorne (Clean Break), Mark Rendall (Versailles, Transporter), Peter Campion (Derry Girls, Brooklyn) y Martin Donovan (Big Little Lies, Boss).
Escrita por John Morton (People Like Us, W1A) y dirigida por Imogen Murphy (Red Rock; Can't Cope, Won't Cope) y Craig David Wallace (Slasher, Murdoch Mysteries). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 18 de mayo
Sweet Magnolias (Netflix)
Adaptación de la serie de novelas de Sherryl Woods sobre tres mujeres y amigas de Carolina del Sur que lidian con el amor, el trabajo y la familia. Con JoAnna Garcia Swisher (Once Upon a Time, Kevin (Probably) Saves The World), Brooke Elliott (Drop Dead Diva), Heather Headley (Chicago Med, She's Gotta Have It), Chris Klein (American Pie, The Flash), Jamie Lynn Spears (Zoey 101, All That) y Justin Bruening (Good Behavior, Grey's Anatomy).
Escrita y producida por Sheryl J. Anderson (Charmed, Detective McLean). Producida también por Woods. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 19 de mayo
Estreno en España: 19 de mayo en Netflix España
Control Z (Netflix)
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Cuando un hacker empieza a revelar los secretos más íntimos de muchos estudiantes, se desata el caos en el instituto. Los más populares comienzan a ser acosados, los marginados ganan estatus y todos se convierten en sospechosos. Sofía (Ana Valeria Becerril; Las hijas de Abril, Muerte al verano), una empollona sin amigos, intentará descubrir y detener al hacker mientras sufre todo un proceso de autodescubrimiento. Completan el reparto Michael Ronda (Soy Luna, Como dice el dicho), Yankel Stevan (Papá a toda madre, Como dice el dicho), Rodrigo Cachero (Las malcriadas), Lidia San José (Paquita Salas, A las once en casa), Zión Moreno (Gossip Girl), Luis Curiel (Doña Flor y sus dos maridos, Como dice el dicho), Samantha Acuña, Andrés Baida (Los elegidos; Like, la leyenda), Patricio Gallardo (Silvana sin lana; Tony, la chef), Macarena García (Papis muy padres; Like, la leyenda), Iván Aragón (El Chapo, Enemigo íntimo) y Xabiani Ponce de León (Violetta, Esto no es Berlín).
Creada y escrita por Carlos Quintanilla Sakar (La bandida, Rosario Tijeras), Adriana Pelusi (Rosario Tijeras, Sin rastro de ti) y Miguel García Moreno (La candidata, La esquina del diablo).
Estreno: 22 de mayo
Estreno en España: 22 de mayo en Netflix España
Barkskins (National Geographic)
En Canadá, en el siglo XVII, ocurre una misteriosa masacre que amenaza con provocar una guerra en la región. Los colonos, de todas las clases sociales, que buscaban fortuna en el Nuevo Mundo se encuentran con bosques profundos y oscuros e indígenas que les reciben con desdén pero saben que necesitarán buscar alianzas con los recién llegados para sobrevivir. Con David Thewlis (Wonder Woman, Harry Potter), Marcia Gay Harden (Pollock, Mystic River), Christian Cooke (Ordeal by Innocence, Witches of East End), Aneurin Barnard (Dunkirk, The White Queen), Thomas M. Wright (Top of the Lake, The Bridge), Tallulah Haddon (Kiss Me First, Black Mirror) y James Bloor (Dunkirk).
Adaptación de la novela de Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain) publicada en 2012. Escrita y producida por Elwood Reid (The Chi, The Bridge). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 25 de mayo
Love Life (HBO Max)
Comedia que sigue el camino desde el primer amor hasta el último. La primera temporada estará protagonizada y producida por Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect, Up in the Air) y nos mostrará a un novio distinto de Darby (Kendrick) en cada episodio. Con Scoot McNairy (Halt and Catch Fire, True Detective), Zoe Chao (Strangers), Sasha Compere (Miracle Workers) y Peter Vack (The Bold Type, Mozart in the Jungle).
Creada por Sam Boyd (In a Relationship) y producida por Paul Feig (Freaks and Geeks, Other Space). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 27 de mayo
Space Force (Netflix)
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Comedia sobre la gente encargada de formar la fuerza espacial, la sexta rama que quiere crear Trump en las Fuerzas Armadas. Con Steve Carell (The Office, The 40 Year Old Virgin), Lisa Kudrow (Friends, The Comeback), John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich, The New Pope), Ben Schwartz (Parks and Recreation, House of Lies), Diana Silvers (Booksmart, Ma), Tawny Newsome (Brockmire, Bajillion Dollar Propertie$), Jimmy O. Yang (Silicon Valley, Crazy Rich Asians), Alex Sparrow (UnREAL, The Vatican Tapes), Noah Emmerich (The Americans, The Spy), Fred Willard (Modern Family, Eveybody Loves Raymond), Jessica St. Clair (Playing House, American Housewife), Don Lake (The Bonnie Hunt Show) y Owen Daniels (Upload).
Creada y producida por Steve Carell (Angie Tribeca, The 40 Year Old Virgin) y escrita por Greg Daniels (The Office, Parks and Recreation).
Estreno: 29 de mayo
Central Park (Apple TV+)
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Comedia musical de animación centrada en los cuidadores que viven en Central Park y acaban salvando el parque y básicamente el mundo. Contará con las voces de Josh Gad (Frozen, Angry Birds), Leslie Odom Jr. (Smash), Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock), Kristen Bell (Frozen, Gossip Girl), Stanley Tucci (BoJack Horseman, The Hunger Games), Daveed Diggs (Undone, Ferdinand) y Kathryn Hahn (Transparent, Mrs. Fletcher).
Creada por Josh Gad y Loren Bouchard (Bob's Burgers). Trece episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 29 de mayo
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stillunusual · 5 years
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Leeds United 0 Sheffield Wednesday 2
Leeds United: Casilla, Ayling, Cooper, White, Douglas (Alioski 56), Phillips, Dallas, Klich (Hernandez 66), Harrison, Costa (Stevens 75), Bamford.
Subs not used: Meslier, Berardi, Shackleton, Casey. Leeds finished 2019 on a high with an incredible 5-4 victory away at Birmingham, and in doing so kept up our tradition of being top of whatever league we're in at the start of each decade since the 1990s (on 1st January 1990 we were top of the second division, at the beginning of 2000 we were top of the Premiership and we began 2010 at the top of the third division).... On the morning of 1st January 2020 we were only ahead of second-placed West Brom on goal difference and they were our first opponents of the new year. It was rumoured before the game that it would be Eddie Nketiah's last appearance for Leeds and his recall by Arsenal was confirmed in Bielsa's post-match presser. Nevertheless we came away from The Hawthorns with a very creditable 1-1 draw that kept us in top spot. Five days later we also played well against Arsenal in the third round of the FA Cup, but lost the game 0-1 (a result most Leeds fans were happy with, given that we need to concentrate on the league). Illan Meslier made an assured first team debut which pretty much dispelled any fears we might have had about Kiko Casilla being suspended by the FA if he's found guilty of making racist remarks. Robbie Gotts also finally started for the first time, having previously been on the bench 35 times since Marcelo Bielsa arrived at Elland Road. Luke Ayling won December's Championship PFA player of the month award, and we were boosted by the announcement that Pablo Hernandez and Jamie Shackleton would be in the matchday squad for the encounter with Sheffield Wednesday, so everybody was pretty upbeat before the game. But it ended in disappointment. Not for the first time this season Leeds dominated all the match stats except for the one that really counts - we wasted a hatful of opportunites and then paid the price by conceding two late goals, the first in the 87th minute and the second in the fourth minute of added time. Up front Patrick Bamford was terrible - he squandered chance after chance - and with no striker on the bench we had no plan B. Jack Harrison also missed a couple of sitters. Helder Costa was barely involved and Jordan Stevens failed to make an impact when he replaced him from the bench. In central midfield Mateusz Klich and Stuart Dallas never really got going. It was good to see Hernandez back when he came on for Klich, but he was unable to change the game. Kalvin Phillips was also very poor, in contrast to Barry Bannon, who was easily the best player on the pitch. Liam Cooper and Ben White spent much of the game passing the ball to each other, from right to left and back again. We looked vulnerable on both flanks, with both Luke Ayling and Barry Douglas easily beaten for pace by Wednesday's wide players. Gjanni Alioski was no improvement when he came on and was usually too busy pressing forward to actually defend. Although we had the lion’s share of the possession (as usual) we were never really in control of the game. We did begin to exert some pressure in the last 20 minutes and Wednesday's main response was gamesmanship - feigning injury and time wasting. But there always the chance that they'd nick one on the break and rob us. Their first goal came from a ball over the top to Jacob Murphy down the right, and with Alioski AWOL, he was able to score with a shot that somehow beat Casilla at the near post from an acute angle. Very poor goalkeeping.... We did push for an equaliser but got caught out again a few minutes later and it was game over. Sheffield Wednesday didn't really deserve to win but they hung in there and took their chances when it mattered. Garry Monk took six points off us last season, and has taken four this time. "Leeds are falling apart again" sang the Wednesday fans as we were walking out of the stadium - and the sad thing is that they could be right. Last time around we looked like dead certs for automatic promotion half way through the season but blew it in the second half, and all the same issues that stopped us from getting promoted are still there - a small squad with lack of cover in key positions, a goalkeeper who makes too many mistakes, vulnerability from set pieces and persistent wastefulness in front of goal. And our problems up front have been compounded by the loss of Nketiah. Right now the only alternative to Bamford is Tyler Roberts, who's more of a number 10 than a number 9, and he's currently not fit enough to make the matchday squad, having spent most of the season on the sidelines due to injury. How on earth are we supposed to maintain a promotion challenge with a single striker who doesn't score enough goals? We had the opportunity to address these issues last summer but our forays into the transfer market have failed to do that. In particular, letting Kemar Roofe go and bringing in Nketiah on loan to replace him now looks like a bad mistake - and I'm getting a distinct feeling of deja vu....
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