#if I am not misremembering completely lol
convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
competitiveness and rules brain and mortal fear of becoming a disposable outsider going hand in hand in hand < ---------- is thinking about the loneliness again
#I find hitching specific diagnoses to characters in the pop psych way kind of crass and overly neat#but you could hit Kim with the autism stamp for this shit alone#the lengths he goes to to not only be exceptionally Good (derogatory) but to also never reveal himself or trust others to have his back#like he's not surprised by most of the asshole behaviour you can pull off as harry hes surprised when you stick up for him as a person#if I am not misremembering completely lol#it feels like for this reason above any apathy or desire for power it would be hard to get him to quit being a cop#because its an in group sure#but (more importantly) its a precarious in group#cops protect cops for being cops#he does this for you whenever you steal or do drugs or solicit bribes#he does this at the end of the game regardless of how much youve dicked around and/or become a nazi#I have forgotten where I was going with this because I had to go look something up on fayde#but the uuuuuh the POINT is that he understands the expectations and compromises of a community of strength#and I dont know if you could show him a social support network not upheld with violence and complicity#and have him trust it#I think it would feel unsecure#which is not to uwu at him because people do bad things for sad reasons every day and the game is full of them#but its interesting to try and puzzle out how he could plausibly be un-copified#my current theory is that he'd need to be frog boiled into it by way of something he perceives as a community of strength#only to gradually realise that it isnt#and even then I think it would disorient and disconcert him enough that it might have to happen a few times to stick
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
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sigh cmon
#STARING SPECIFICALLY AT GOLD KING AND YELLOW DRAGON GENERAL#oh and lapis lazuli queen maybe too bc. lapis.#kanon is heavily implied to be the hero but. yellow dragon general huh......#gold king. i've been thinking abt it a LOT actually..#nero who is hermedes' only remaining prince with platinum blond hair and magenta eyes#there's no way though right because there wasn't any hints of nero being the reincarnation of the gold king#it would be fucked tho bc if lapis and nero turned up to be reincarnated too lol then that'd make frey a black sheep 😭#unless he's the silver king or something#also my bad i think i completely misremember stuff the green prietess ISN'T a reincarnated magician#......is she a character in maydare or am i making stuff up#so out of 10 we've met 6 or 7 of these.......#if 7 including kanon as yellow dragon general then there's 3 remaining..... 3...#3..... 3 × 3 = 9..... g.garnet team 9.......#goddammit i actually do want lapis nero and frey to not be reincarnated and just happen to play important roles in mayda-#fuck okay the thing is nero knew them four will play important role in whatever the fuck's gonna happen in maydare involving#the great magicians. does nero consider only gt9 to be involved in it or not? bc if that's the case that implies gt9 have greater role than#just being 'pawns'#since pawns can also become something else#also lmao if lapis lazuli queen real and if lapis = lazuli queen then. will she be a queen in ther future#goddamn oh my god my head is aching#i actually need to reread. my god.#sylhea talks maydare#edit: MY BAD seems that kanon isnxt the yellow dragon general 💀#when i read yellow dragon general i did not take dragon literally#anyway ig uhm yellow and blue are on heavenly empire's side#i need to distinguish that hermedes = the empire that used to be ruled by nero's family#heavenly empire = heremedes takes over#white sage = ulysses..... silver king.. silver being a color close to white...... silver king.. frey being ruschia's next king..... cmon...#what the hell oh cmon
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gigizetz · 8 months
Hi! Did you have an odysseus and penelope shimeji, or am I severely misremembering? tumblr search does not work
Wolfy did them some time ago, so you're not completely misremembering you just confused the artists lol
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attollogame · 3 months
hi! i have a question about movies in attollo. it's really not that important so u dont have to answer lol
so it's been a while since i read attollo and my brain has the tendency to remember and hyperfocus on very specific bits and pieces and completely disregard major details, but the citizens of attollo still have access to art from before the separation with the outside world right? cause iirc vasilisa said "like airports in the movies" or something of the like, and she played ac/dc. now i also remember u saying attollo has its own tv shows and stuff and that also means attollo probably makes its own movies
now i was wondering, what would the movie quality be like? would it be more like movies from the 1980s, or would it be similar or higher quality than modern movies considering they're more technologically advanced (right? lol i might be totally misremembering). would they use cgi or just cast powered individuals? are actors considered a big deal in attollo, with celebrity status like we have, or would it be more low-key?
lol thanks if u decide to answer! its a bit nonsensical but im sick so i dont have much else to do hehe
This has been chilling in my inbox and I am so, so sorry LMAO. In terms of movie quality in Attollo, they've sort of... evolved their own tech, if that makes sense? So the quality excels past the 80's because Attollo, even on its own, has developed and evolved tech to the point that it can be considered almost "on par" to us!
A lot of times with Attollo cinema it's a mix of powered and cgi. Powered works for scenes that might involve individuals with abilities, but also powered people are hired to help create scenes. Manipulators can create unique backdrops, shifters can fill in if actors are sick or make really great extras, element users can create seasons for certain scenes, etc. So although Attollo has kept pace (even if they are lagging a little), powered individuals in film have allowed them to do things we would need cgi for without the cgi.
In terms of actors, it's the same as here! Some are really big and tend to mesh with the High Tower 'elite' crowds. Most actors tend to be more lowkey though, going to smaller venues or just trying to live a normal life. It's hard being famous in Attollo because Attollo is 1 city. You can be robbed of privacy a lot easier then what actors in our world endure. So although some mix with the high class crowds and really love the fame their films bring, as I said, most try to keep their peace and just go to premiers.
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grandmother-goblin · 6 months
Okay, I swear I'll be done talking about how I miss EA Wyll for a while after this (not to say I don't love Full Release Wyll! I love him too! I just grew attached to certain aspects of EA Wyll)
One thing that I found really interesting about EA Wyll was his relationship with Mizora. In Early Access, we do not meet Mizora, but it's heavily implied that Wyll and Mizora had an entirely different relationship than the do in the Full Release version of the game. A relationship that I personally thought was really interesting!
Now, I'm drawing from knowledge from MONTHS ago since I don't have EA in front of me, but I did have 500 hours in EA so I like to think I'm not completely misremembering stuff lol (if I am, please kindly let me know!)
Here is what we knew (or was implied) about Wyll's relationship with Mizora in Early Access.
Mizora originally came to Wyll as a human, seemingly seduced him as a human, and it was only after he took her deal did she reveal that she was a devil (which pissed him off).
Mizora was kidnapped and imprisoned on the Mind Flayer ship too! In EA, Wyll wasn't looking for Karlach, he was desperately trying to find Mizora! (In EA, you could find Mizora's pod beneath the bridge leading to the Blighted Village and Wyll would comment on it. The pod is still there in Full Release, but there isn't any interaction with it.)
Wyll was actively in negotiations with Mizora to end his pact! Wyll seemed decently convinced that she was going to wilingly end the pact too!
Mizora actually uses Wyll's Sending Stone eye! This one was easy to miss; you had to have Wyll in the party as you were approaching the Goblin Camp for the first time. As you were walking, you suddenly heard Wyll say something like "Wait... hello??" and then he'd a ! over his head. When you spoke to him (I can't remember the first line exactly, but I believe he just tells you that it was Mizora reaching out) and then the interaction ends with a desperate cry from Wyll saying "Mizora! Where are you?!"
When Wyll calls out to Mizora, it's not angry; it's fearful and desperate. Like he's actually worried about her. I think this points to Wyll and Mizora having a more amicable relationship (but, of course, there are different and equally valid interpretations of this such as Wyll fearing for what might happen to him if something happens to Mizora, etc)
Wyll could potentially torture an innocent man to get information on Mizora's whereabouts. If I remember right, he will do this if you don't step in yourself and let him make the choice.
Lastly, Wyll also says the goblins would be doing him a "great favor" if they killed Mizora, "or so [he] thought on his darkest days" (quotes are approximations, again, I don't have EA in front of me).
I guess I miss the potential complexity of Wyll's relationship with Mizora from EA! In Full Release, it is very clear that Mizora is wicked and Wyll pretty much hates her, but that didn't seem to be the case in EA. There seemed to be a fascinating push and pull to their relationship that I was dying to learn more about!
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honestly, the more i think about it the more certain i become that winds of winter and specifically the kings landing plot/vale/gc plot will significantly parallel the dance of the dragons (mainly the end of the dance).
others have already made great metas on this lol
i think cersei’s downfall will resemble alicent’s. im sad but certain that both tommen and myrcella will be killed (maybe paralleling aegon and rhaenys deaths?). i’m kind of hoping the sand snakes will go through character development and not choose revenge… but i kind of doubt it. i’m sure that cersei will definitely break down even further tho. that’ll be interesting and horrifying to read.
tommen will certainly die first, leading to myrcella being crowned. i think it’s likely that tommen is killed by the sand snakes, but i think myrcella will be killed during the fall of kings landing to (f)aegon. i wonder if the sand snakes try protecting her and fail?
i highly doubt that dorne is going to join (f)aegon. i think arianne will see the truth and will be able to successfully maneuver her way back to dorne. (tho i think she’ll have a run in with aurane which would be cool to read). however, (f)aegon will think that arianne is on his side. i’m worried that lady lance wont leave with the dornish party tho…
anyways, after the fall of kings landing cersei will likely be locked up as she won’t be considered a threat. but this won’t be enough to stop the crazy that will be childless cersei.
the high sparrow will certainly support (f)aegon.
i’m 50/50 on whether margaery marries again. i am worried that margaery will get jaehaera’d :/. i think it’s certain that she’ll be held hostage tho. what if she goes the helaena route… yikes… that’s a sad thought.
at this point in time i think the starks will hold winterfell once again and the freys will have be destroyed. the tullys will probably hold the riverlands again.
euron will be causing absolute havoc in the reach.
i think the vale plot in winds will resemble what happens during the dance. harry and robin will both probably die, so i think littlefinger, who’d be in trouble at that point, would try to gain power through sansa. so i think the knights of the vale will make their way to kings landing with sansa with the intent of making her queen.
this is where the tourney at ashford theory comes into play. though jonsas have it completely wrong, as (f)aegon will be the one taking the place of prince valarr. i’m a bit iffy about sansa marrying (f)aegon due to sansa’s marriage to tyrion… but it could be annulled i suppose? but would the high sparrow do that? i think it’s possible.
i wonder what will happen to trystane and the sand snakes tho? i do think that the sand snakes are savvy enough to be able to escape on their own but trystane worries me :(. and he’s gonna be devastated by myrcellas death.
anyways if the plot does move in this direction then i totally expect to read many littlefinger vs varys showdowns.
this will definitely be a false dawn tho. euron will likely be making his way to kings landing and i’m fairly certain that he will sit on the iron throne at some point. bet this is when cersei is able to rise again.
i’ll admit that this prediction for winds has many holes in it. i may be misremembering some stuff as well and i likely haven’t considered all variables either, so take everything i just stated as a vague prediction.
some questions i’m asking myself rn lol: would the tyrell army go down that easily (or maybe varys friends in the reach will help the golden company win the battle?)? will sweet robin really die :(? baelish won’t be able to try and take back the north bc the starks will hold it once again, and going north would mean definitely giving up his hold over sansa… so wouldn’t trying to make sansa the new queen make more sense? since he’d still be able to isolate her and she’d likely need to depend on him? but wouldn’t going to kings landing again be dangerous for him? well if his and varys interests line up then maybe not… but would the knights of the vale follow him? i guess if both harry and robin died then they’d be totally lost too…
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay I finally have something to say about Lesson 17. Not because I didn't initially but man my thoughts were all over the place.
Spoilers below as always.
First: Solomon because what!
Let me begin by saying that I am not here to discuss whether or not anything that either Asmo or Solomon have done in regards to each other is "right" or not. They're fictional characters, as far as I know they've both always been morally grey, and there is more than enough discussion about this elsewhere. If someone wants to know my opinion, feel free to ask, but if that's what you're looking for, it isn't going to be in this post.
That being said!
Why is Solomon telling us this story about his pact with Asmo again? I mean, he already told us about it several lessons ago. Not only that, but he tells it differently. The first time he says he met Asmo in his hometown, but this time he says it was just some town after a festival. The stories aren't the same. So either he's just too drunk this time around and he's misremembering things or he lied to us the first time.
Either way, the fact that they have made him bring it up so much means it has to be relevant to the story in general. I mean, that's Storytelling 101. If you keep bringing something up in your story, you have to do something with it. That's Chekhov's gun, you know?
If the purpose is for us to notice that his story has changed, then maybe my theory about past!Solomon is more true than I thought? It might even just be a completely different Solomon from a different branch of time.
Because I noticed something else - Solomon is the only character whose outfit changes regularly throughout the story. (Aside from the latest one where everybody wears their RAD uniforms.)
He starts out in what they call his casual outfit - it's the sorcerer one with the cape. But then he switches to what they used to call his human world outfit - the one with the trench coat and fancy necklaces. He stays that way for several lessons, then switches back again. He switches back and forth between them one more time throughout the lessons we have. And he's wearing the human world outfit the first time he tells us about Asmo and the casual sorcerer outfit the second time when he's drunk.
This might not mean anything at all, but it just seems like we may be dealing with rotating Solomons.
ANYWAY. Every time a new lesson comes out I say I'm not going to analyze it too much because my theories always get out of control. And yet here I am doing the very thing I say I won't do!
Pfff. I can't help it, this game has taken over my brain.
It also seems a little out of character for Solomon to straight up get drunk because MC was gone for one day. Like this is the guy who spent most of his life alone and all that? Hmmm. It was pretty funny when he was hungover the next day though.
They want the brothers to go BACK?!
Listen here, I am not okay with this development. I hope they're not gearing up for a season 2 about a war in the past. I want to go back to the present already. I want to know the truth about who Nightbringer is. I want to know what the HELL is going on! I wanted all this story line to wrap up in one season! But we're already on lesson 17, I feel like we're no closer to knowing who Nightbringer is and NOW the Celestial Realm has basically declared war on the Devildom?
I mean, there's no way the bros would actually go back. Not after everything they've been through. Though I could see Lucifer trying to take on the responsibility all by himself somehow. All I know is that MC better pull out their OP abilities and fix this before the end of lesson 20, thanks.
Okay, that's all I had to say, I'm gonna get back to writing some fluffy fics now lol.
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marley-manson · 1 year
My main takeaway of Fade Out, Fade In is that Hawkeye is extremely chill and secure lol. I feel like I've seen it used as an example of Hawkeye's egotism and I think that must be due to misremembering the episode because Hawkeye is constantly gracious wrt Charles as a surgeon. He's overjoyed that Charles knows the aneurysm operation they need to do and more than happy to let him do it, assist, and learn from him, asking questions and complimenting him. He's quick to give him the credit afterwards when Dr Berman wakes up as well.
When Charles finds a flood of patients too intense and doubts himself, Hawkeye reassures him by saying, "We're not any better than you, it's just that by sheer repetition we've gotten fast."
What Hawkeye takes issue with and makes fun of is Charles' superiority complex. He rolls his eyes when Charles pointedly insults him or anyone else, he mocks his haughty demeanour and upper class accent, calls him Chuck to annoy him, etc. This is all separate from his skill as a surgeon, which Hawkeye vocally admires, and all completely warranted because obviously Charles is an asshole lol.
The second takeaway of this episode is that I wish Potter was a villain. I'd forgotten this, but he's the one who arranges to keep Charles at the 4077 when otherwise Baldwin would've taken him back. Blah blah blah they need good surgeons and saving lives is important and someone's gotta do it blah blah blah, fact is Charles is well within his rights to hate Potter for this and I wish he did, and I wish we could be on his side about it properly, because I absolutely am on his side here.
Instead it's framed as something Charles deserves for being haughty, and a trial by fire to improve him. I would prefer to see it framed as a personal tragedy that engenders sympathy, perhaps planting the seed of comraderie between him and Hawk and BJ. Not a fan of framing being forced to work in a warzone as character building.
And now some miscellaneous thoughts:
-- Hawkeye clocks that Berman is jewish after hearing him speak one sentence (i assume, since hawk immediately jokes about him kibitzing), for the jewish hawkeye headcanoners
-- also love how overtly gay Berman is, I'm calling the "you doctors are all alike" joke as evidence of Berman clocking Hawkeye in return
-- "command me, o tall one with the presbyterian features" is such an amazing Klinger line
-- Hawk stealing Frank's boxers for himself
-- the scene with Margaret and Hawkeye and BJ is such an awful bait and switch lol, I go from 'aw they're friends!!' and loving Hawkeye when he tells her she doesn't have to tell them what's bothering her but she's clearly upset so she should sit and have a drink either way, to 'nooooo' when the (narratively endorsed) answer given to Margaret is she's too much of a flirty slut and it hurt Donald's feelings :(
-- Hawkeye being nice to Frank on the phone even when he's pissed at him and throws the phone immediately afterwards was cute honestly. Hawk speaking for both him and BJ was cute and married too ("we both think that's wonderful. we're proud to have known you")
-- BJ and Hawkeye both collaborated on the snake prank but Hawkeye's the one who gets a comeuppance >:( "Please, Mozart" is a fantastic final line though.
-- OH! the patient who didn't want to go back to the front because he doesn't want to kill anyone else! When he speaks to Mulcahy, Mulcahy starts off with his usual rote 'yeah it's scary go fight anyway' thing, and when dude corrects him about his reasons Mulcahy doesn't say anything, just stares off into the middle distance. And that's the end of that storyline.
Like man I would've liked to know what Mulcahy said to him lol, how Mulcahy squared that with himself. It's a fantastic counterpoint to his usual encouragement but I want more. Wish we could've repeated this premise in a Mulcahy-heavy episode.
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Hellooo I am not sure if this is the right place to ask so feel free to ignore me, but I have been looking for a Lance langst fic and I swear you rec’d it once but I can’ find it or your rec so I could be COMPLETELY MISREMEMBERING. Honestly I’ve been looking everywhere for it and I can’t find it so I’m half-convinced I made it up but uhhh
It was an older fic (I’m pretty sure) about Lance getting caught up in some Haggar nonsense (I think) and he ended up, like, getting turned invisible and the entire team forgot about him. They ended up remembering him eventually but until then he was just kinda wandering around in the castle. It wasn’t that long, I don’t think. I’m pretty sure there was also a running thing where Blue refused to fly unless Lance was in her and he had to beg her to let Allura(?) fly her. It was Keith who remembered him by name first
Anyway again feel free to ignore me but this has been driving me crazy lol
hm. this fic does ring a bell but i havent read it, i think ive skipped past it a few times. for sure if anyone recognises this let me know, but if no one days, these tags will work to narrow down the search:
Lance (Voltron) Angst
Lance (Voltron)
Keith (Voltron)
Keith/Lance (Voltron)
optional includes (i.e. include them for a trial but if you can't find the fic then don't include them):
Insecure Lance (Voltron)
Blue Lion (Voltron)
Allura (Voltron)
[other characters as well, if you know they were in it]
Fluff and Humor
Alternate Universe -- Modern Setting
Alternate Universe -- [other]
Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
[any other characters that were not in a relationship]
[other characters that were for sure not in it, e.g. Lotor (Voltron) or Lance's Family (Voltron)]
that should narrow it down pretty well tbh. if you want to narrow it further then try date restricting, but once you hit 100-200 fics you really just have to manually go through them. start at the older fics, that's what i usually do. let me know if you find it!
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serpercival · 2 months
Hiiiii this is bfpierce hello I’m loving the fox!trapper series so far but i have one question that’s driving me INSANE so I’m completely new to this magical realism or whatever it’s called and his ears are driving me INSANE so i think in chapter like two or something of the mating habits of the American red fox it’s mentioned that these fox features developed later rather than him being born with it (unless I’m misremembering it lol i have read like ten chapters since then) so that makes me wonder does he have two sets of ears or just the fox ears? also ily mwah <3
HI HELLO!!!!! Aah I'm so excited to get an ask about this :3 In my head he only has the fox ears and I believe @trappper-johnathan has mentioned picturing the same. His hair's puffier thanks to the undercoat and he wears it a little bit longer to hopefully cover up the lack of normal ears so tbh from more than speaking distance it's probably a little hard to tell at first glance. I'm literally in the middle of writing a scene where BJ gets to do a pretty thorough exam and this is such a good reminder to include a bit about that dksghsghshg. It is, of course, extremely sexually charged.
I'm really into speculative biology thanks to following Biblaridion's Alien Biospheres from the very beginning and my subsequent mild insanity about what the hell Doctor Who's Time Lords look like on the inside, so one of the major things keeping me hooked on this concept has been trying to make all of these things vaguely anatomically possible. God knows if I'm succeeding. I've drawn diagrams but I am not an artist by any means so I sincerely doubt they would be helpful for anybody except for me.
Please send more asks if you have more questions, I would be unbelievably delighted to answer!!! It's made me so happy to see the positive response to fox!trapper, it's such a goofy concept but he is my best friend.
ALSO. Your Coda series has been so much fun! Loving every single piece of it. I'm deeply unwell about Requiem for a Lightweight and the fic associated with that episode knocked me out of the goddamn park.
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rowanisawriter · 3 months
I think I remember when I first started following you, you said you didn’t really have very fleshed-out bg3 ocs (unless I’m misremembering). They seem very complex to me though, and I’d love to hear more about their backstories!! Especially with how they tie into religious symbolism and stuff. And I’d love to hear about your inspiration for making them as well :)
hi bestie thank you!!
you’re right, i am the pantser lol i dont plan anything, things just happen, they appear to me in visions as i write. when it comes to ocs i dont create them until i create their circumstances. maybe we can use mira as an example for this
when i wrote mira for the first time i wanted a cleric of mystra to make a dramatic pairing for gale. she didn’t have a name even until i wrote her explaining her name to gale (she was named for mystra) and all the other details about her came about while i was writing specifically so i could put her in certain scenarios. her job at the temple before Nautiloid kidnapping was to maintain ancient books, this brought her closer to gale because he also likes books and has spent a lot of time in his own library, it’s like that. over time as i write her again and again, she becomes a developed character lol but when i first start, its always completely blank just a set of circumstances that is filled out over time
i hope this makes sense lmfao im very moved that you think my characters are developed, most of the time i am running on pure vibes and nothing else so this means a lot 😭
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 2 years
I wish anxiety/depression wasn’t such a taboo topic in the Christian circle😔
Specifically regarding my post that prompted this, it really only seems to be taboo in mainstream evangelical Christianity. I’ve never had Lutheran/Presbyterian/Anglican/Catholic* or others in the historic traditions tell me these things. It’s only ever been the mainstream evangelicals (non-denom/baptist/Pentecostal/and it’s adjacents) who seem to hold these beliefs. It’s a combination of legalism/law-based preaching and the false prosperity gospel.
*the only exception I can think of is Matt Walsh but he’s an odd duck. And even then, I don’t think his position is that “anxiety/depression is a sin” but that they aren’t even “real” in the first place lol but I could be misremembering, so take it with a grain of salt
Anyone in historic Christianity will tell you that yes believing in Christ and praying and reading the Bible can and will help. It’ll help give you hope through the storms. But it’s not a guarantee to magically make these things go away. And we need to deal with people struggling with these things — even if brought on by their own sinful nature — gently and point them towards where they can find truth and comfort and hope and peace.
What really mind boggles me is that even if we concede that these things are inherently sinful (they are not) if you have a Christian seriously struggling hopelessly with sin, you remind them of the real hope of the gospel, you don’t continue to beat them down with the law as they are already aware of the law and it’s why they’re struggling and despairing. Absolutely nothing about this approach makes sense and it’s completely antithetical to the gospel!!!!
I think it’s only “taboo” in the more historic traditions in the sense that people in those traditions are incredibly reserved so it’s not a favorite topic to discuss, but neither is anything that makes one vulnerable or draws attention to oneself. I think that’s something that does need to change in those cultures (which is a culture I am in)
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
i heard that it was mentioned in an early interview that minami's real name isn't "minami", but in your post about the mona manga it looks like it is...? did they just retcon that or am i misremembering lol
no, you’re not misremembering it at all! they did say that his real name wasn’t minami (in the interview for the herotaru/1% no koibito single… i think?) but you ✨know✨ how continuity is like in this series lmao.
maybe moge had her own ideas about the origins of minami’s stagename and just went with it, especially since she was the one who designed him (and nakuru!)? maybe it was a series-typical retcon? ✨who knows✨
either way, that still leaves us completely in the dark about minami’s last name lmao. unless his full name is minami minami or something, i guess. or maybe he doesn’t even have a last name. we may never know~~~~~~
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yeastinfectionvale · 10 months
God I remember back in 2021 and you were still @/bhenchod and I wanted u to follow me back so bad so I had to talk about it to krish and urvi to recommend me to u like this is so embarrassing to think about also if I'm misremembering I'm going to kms
To be completely honest I thought you were so cool and was always so careful when sending you asks (still am lol)
I also literally have to say that you got me into F1
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
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i screen shot your ask just bc it was super long and i wanted it to be a bit easier for ppl to read your ask and then my response, so i hope you don't mind !
as for your opinion about the last video being somewhat scripted…. i don't really agree. but let me explain. first and foremost, there is too much riding on snc constantly telling the truth. if they were ever caught lying or faking evidence, they would lose their career. obviously there would be fans that stick by their side no matter what, but a lot of the fanbase would dip out if they thought snc were truly faking shit. and it would call into question every single investigation. so unless you believe that they also scripted/faked other videos, i don't think they would start now. and especially not at some random location most ppl have never heard of/isn't as popular as some of the other places they go to.
tbh, i think this was just a severe lack in research. snc aren't exactly known for doing the most thorough research on these places. prime example being the winchester house. it took until their third visit to finally find out that sarah winchester wasn't a crazy lady building room after room like a sims game. they believed what the caretakers said but also what the legend or folklore was, bc that's a lot more interesting than the real story. so, personally, i believe that snc just took the caretaker's word for this place and did no research after it. last time snc talked about having a team, they said they had one person that would help them with research, and with the amount of places snc go to, it might be easy for that one person to get a little lazy at times (or possibly they might not even have a person anymore since they haven't mentioned a researcher in a long time).
now, is it possible that celina knew and then embellished on the story? yeah, i guess so. i don't think that's impossible. but correct me if i'm wrong, bc i don't feel like going back and rewatching the video, but i thought she was saying that ed shot himself thru the top of his head, not the side (like the actual reports say). that way it would look like someone killed him, not that he killed himself. that way the murder could be placed on the doctor - according to celina's theory. i thought that was what she was pointing out in the drawing too. that it was a guy pointing a gun down at his head from the top and blood was running down his face. i might be misremembering so if i am, my apologies.
also if i'm completely honest, and sorry to snc if they ever see this, i don't think they are smart enough to script something like this. and i mean that with respect, even if it doesn't sound like it lol writing out a story that makes cohesive sense is very difficult - take it from the fanfiction writer who also majored in film and theatre in college. and that's a lot more difficult if it's based off a place that has actual evidence that point to the contrary. if snc were the first to go there, and there was little to no reports on what actually happened, they could kinda make shit up and no one would really know. but clearly it's a quick enough google search to know what the reports really said. i think they just took the caretaker's word for it and didn't give it much more thought. i also kinda think they just don't have the time to do it. bc again, this would assumingly not be their first scripted video (bc why start now, especially when you have so much proof that you don't need to script things to be entertaining?) so then that means how far back did they start? and if so, when they were pumping out multiple videos in a month, they were scripting those too? and since they collab with so many ppl, nobody - not a single person - has let it slipped, even on accident, that they script things?? it all relies too heavily on too many ppl keeping their mouths shut and snc don't have enough money to be paying off that many ppl sksksksk
if you really feel like snc did script this video, that's fine. you're allowed to think that. i don't personally believe they did. i think they just didn't research this place enough bc it wouldn't be the first time they got information wrong.
also i did the quickest and laziest of research aka i just googled the mansion, and the wikipedia page even says allegedly committed suicide so….. it might be possible that snc were trying to figure out did he actually do it or was he killed and then they just worded everything incorrectly. this also doesn't explain how celina knew if assumingly she didn't google anything beforehand. idk, either way i still don't think they scripted it. but if you disagree, i get why. i just don't think it would make sense for them to do it.
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lansangprincess · 1 year
It's probably not going to happen and I am probably the only one shipping this but I would love for Aubrey (Mohana Krishnan) to come back and be endgame with Conrad after Conrad has gone to therapy and worked on himself and such.
omg am i just misremembering the show or was Aubrey there for just that one funeral scene...? I wouldn't be able to say anything about their relationship bc I don't remember her at all lol but I mean, if you went to your ex-boyfriend's mom's funeral and comforted him, I'd assume you're a pretty nice person.
Personally, I would like to see him together with a completely new person that we haven't seen yet. I feel like Conrad as a character has been pretty much defined by his pain and I would really like to see him in a new environment interacting w someone who could make him feel like he's getting a fresh start.
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