#which is not to uwu at him because people do bad things for sad reasons every day and the game is full of them
convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
competitiveness and rules brain and mortal fear of becoming a disposable outsider going hand in hand in hand < ---------- is thinking about the loneliness again
#I find hitching specific diagnoses to characters in the pop psych way kind of crass and overly neat#but you could hit Kim with the autism stamp for this shit alone#the lengths he goes to to not only be exceptionally Good (derogatory) but to also never reveal himself or trust others to have his back#like he's not surprised by most of the asshole behaviour you can pull off as harry hes surprised when you stick up for him as a person#if I am not misremembering completely lol#it feels like for this reason above any apathy or desire for power it would be hard to get him to quit being a cop#because its an in group sure#but (more importantly) its a precarious in group#cops protect cops for being cops#he does this for you whenever you steal or do drugs or solicit bribes#he does this at the end of the game regardless of how much youve dicked around and/or become a nazi#I have forgotten where I was going with this because I had to go look something up on fayde#but the uuuuuh the POINT is that he understands the expectations and compromises of a community of strength#and I dont know if you could show him a social support network not upheld with violence and complicity#and have him trust it#I think it would feel unsecure#which is not to uwu at him because people do bad things for sad reasons every day and the game is full of them#but its interesting to try and puzzle out how he could plausibly be un-copified#my current theory is that he'd need to be frog boiled into it by way of something he perceives as a community of strength#only to gradually realise that it isnt#and even then I think it would disorient and disconcert him enough that it might have to happen a few times to stick
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bestworstcase · 4 months
First i want to say that i love your rwby analysys, but i just discovered your blog, so can you explain to me why you hate Ozpin so much? Like, every minor thing he does and says must have some malicious intention behind it, but everything Salem does is part of a big plan that means that she's not actually evil?
ooh it’s been a while since we had one of these! 1. i think perhaps a closer read of my salem analysis is called for, because you’ll notice that i am, er, not shy about noting that salem is evil and this is in fact a central tenet of my reading of the narrative; i just don’t think she’s a one-note genocidal lunatic and it is extremely obvious that the narrative is heading in a "the brothers were and are wrong, and salem wants them gone" direction; 2. oz is second in my heart only to salem and cinder, which sort of speaks for itself in terms of "this character did bad things!" not being remotely a bad thing in my book, 3. and speaking of cinder, i get exactly as cranky about uwuified fanon sad wet rag ozpin who’s never done a thing wrong as i do uwufied fanon poor wittle cindy who doesn’t want to hurt people but salem makes her do it for exactly the same reason, which is that it strips out everything that makes these characters narratively and emotionally compelling in favor of mashing them into gutless marshmallow pod people for the sake of… i don’t know, making them neat and bland and easily digestible, i guess? uwu?
4. this is an ozlem house
5. i don’t think ozma has ever acted with malicious intention; rather, he’s been coerced into this situation where his faith in his god, his intense desire to do the right thing, and his terror of what will happen if he fails or disobeys—in combination with a divine curse that is literally designed to prevent him from being able to change or break free, because he has a reflection of himself monitoring his thoughts and actions all the time—are at war with his true desire (he wants to be with salem) and his conscience (he knows that salem was right about what is necessary to fulfill his task, that uniting the whole world under one creed is impossible except by genocidal conquest, and he cannot bring himself to do it because it’s wrong). he’s trying very hard to do the right thing in a situation where he genuinely believes his only options are to commit genocide for his god or sacrifice the whole world for his love and he is desperate to figure out a third option that does not end with "rocks fall everybody dies;" thence the lies and manipulation and all the miserable moral sacrifices he’s ever made.
6. the reason this is an ozlem house, in the sense that my reading of the narrative in its entirety is predicated on the ozlem reconciliation, is that salem and ozma are two sides of a coin: she is doing terrible things in pursuit of a world where the gods aren’t holding a knife to remnant’s throat and he has done terrible things for the sake of the same. their conflict isn’t evil-vs-good, but apostate-vs-zealot; salem believes the gods can and must be defied and ozma believes her defiance is doomed to failure. salem tells him that in order to unite the world he needs to spread his word and crush all who deny him; as the king of vale, ozma uses the divine relic of destruction to lay waste to not only his enemies but even his own allies, thus he forges the vytal accords that established the united global order in which the story takes place. he’s a better person than she is—because she’s been living in exile for thousands of years and her capacity for caring about other people has withered away to almost nothing as a consequence—but they are in every sense equals.
7. the narrative is overtly not on ozpin’s side? he has a whole atonement arc about it in atlas—& this is why i made the comparison to uwuified fanon cinder earlier, because the framing with regard to ozpin is very emphatically clear that he does a lot of things that are not good, and are in fact pretty sinister and in some cases (amber, pyrrha) outright evil, and he has to make the choice and put in real meaningful effort to be better. i don’t think there’s anything to be gained from ignoring what is plainly in the text of the story, especially when rwby is categorically disinterested in sorting its characters into neat little good-or-bad boxes. there’s no such thing as pure evil—that’s been the explicit textual conceit since volume one—and the implied converse is that there’s no such thing as pure good, either. (which is a conceit that ozlem exemplifies.)
8. i threw a fucking PARTY when we found out salem razed vale, i get the vapors every time i think about what sort of narrative escalation we can expect in V10 given that something as huge as razing vale can happen off screen to set the stakes for vacuo. not that i don’t also adore characters who are good or who (like oz in v7-8) grow and change to become better, because i do, but i really can’t emphasize enough how much i Do Not hate fictional characters on the basis of them doing awful things. what i want from a character is for them to be interesting, which ozpin is. what you’re perceiving as me hating on him is me dissecting him under a microscope because i love him to bits.
9. the ozlem screeds will continue until morale improves
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
My opinion on Stolas might be a bit different from most people who openly voiced their hatred towards him.
Honestly I wouldn't say he's evil, but I also won't say he's a saint either. The guy just honestly needs a bit of a wake up call that yeah, he kind of was looking down on Blitz by calling him his little imp plaything and what happened in Ozzie's. To truly think about how the way he treated him and being called those things would lead Blitz to thinking that he doesn't love him.
And to be blunt... it seems more like he in love with falling in love. Let me in explain. The guy was trapped in an unhappy marriage where the only light in it was his daughter, so of course he might wanna look for an escape of sorts. Something akin to a knight in shining armor saving a princess from an evil witch, taking her on his steed and living happily ever after.
But the problem here that in pursuit of that fantasy, he's also neglecting Octavia. So what I'm hoping for is for the call out to come from her and that would be the breaking point for Stolas, that he really wasn't the innocent party in this as he thought to be and take the steps to truly improve and find a way to make it up to Blitz.
The thing is, that is exactly what Season 1 was trying to do. Season 1 Stolas was a man who made many mistakes that ended up hurting others, he was consumed by his own lustful desires and in the process he hurt the ones he cared about.
Part of what makes Loo Loo Land such a fantastic episode is that Stolas goes through some level of character development in that episode; he realizes that he made a mistake that hurt his daughter and, he decides to fix it by taking her to a place that she likes, even if he probably doesn't care for it.
It shows that he has more dimension beyond being a horny twink. Season 1 knew that Stolas wasn't a great person but it still gave him redeeming qualities to make him at least reedamable. I don't Season 2 Stolas (as a person) is irredeemable, but Season 2 really took everything that made Stolas interesting and threw it out the window.
The fundemental problem with how Season 2 is handling Stolas is the season's insistance of painting him as the vitcim in every situation he's in; I've said this many times before but it bares repeating; anyone who was hurt by Stolas' past actions is demonized by the narrative. Stella is turned into a one-dimensional bitch so Stolas cheating on her could make him look sympathetic. Octavia is told to cut her father some slack because he's "trying his best" even when the series shows us the exact opposite. And Blitz is told that he just hates Stolas for being a prince and is frammed as jaded and biased by the narrative even when he has no reason to think Stolas loves him given everything Stolas did to him in Season 1.
Every problem Stolas has as a character began in The Circus, where it decides to add in that "Stolas just wanted genuine affection and thought he had that with Blitz" thing, which came out of nowhere and directly contradicts what Season 1 first established, it's such a weird change in his character and feels completely different to what Season 1 gave us. It's a retcon because it doesn't line up with what was set up in the first season.
And this, in a vaccume, isn't even a terrible idea for a character, it could be interesting on it's own, but it contridicts what was previously established and turns Stolas into an UwU soft sad boy.
I don't really think that they are going to call Stolas out, at all. From what I've heard there are leaks that say that Octavia was tricked by Andre and Stella into hating Stolas, so he is now being frammed as a victim again.
Stolas had the groundwork for being the best character in the show but bad writting turned him into the worst. And at this point I don't think there's any fixing him at this point, it'll just come across and as too little too late.
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sophiethewitch1 · 6 months
UwU any spoilers for the next chapter,,
I have meant to do this multiple times but keep forgetting so here's an extra long snippet in apology! It's basically the entire start of the next chapter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Damn. Your indulgent TV stalking of the Wayne’s really doesn’t hit the same once you technically knew them. And you were hiding inside one of their bedrooms, inside one of their clothes, using their TV subscription. It just didn’t feel right. Morally, of course, but that wasn’t what you were talking about. No, you were just pissy your favourite passtime was basically ruined. You shovel another spoonful of cookie dough ice cream into your mouth, glaring through tired eyes at the screen.
There’s an up close shot of Dick Grayson’s abs. The presenter ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ over his physical form, and you have to agree. You wish you had abs like that. Unfortunately you did respond to most unwanted experiences with stress eating. As always with these celebrity figures, you can’t really tell if you want to be Dick or be with Dick. Your butt is nowhere near the level his is at.
While you hadn’t really set out today looking for shirtless pictures of the Waynes, it wasn’t like you were going to say no to them. So, when the gossip channel had switched from the reactions of the Waynes to last night’s fiasco to… this… you’d just kept watching.
You wonder if you should stop doing this. It’s definitely kind of creepy, and now you’d technically once been his… step sister. What a mind fuck. You’ve been crushing on these dudes for a while, and now they were your ex-step siblings. This was like the start of a bad porno, but you knew you were not that lucky. And it wasn’t like you were going to start thinking of him as a brother any time soon. You hadn’t even met the guy. No, he was still firmly in the ‘celebrity crush’ section of your mind. Pretty and untouchable. The way things are supposed to be.
Which was also bad because you would probably have to meet and interact with him at some point. Probably in the near future. God knows you’d absolutely humiliated yourself in front of the fucking Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne,. Twice, in fact. You didn’t even want to think about the display you’d shown for Bruce Wayne or Damian Wayne.
You didn’t really know what to do with your slightly obsessive crushes. And you could see it definitely being a problem in the near future.
…You decide that what you do in your private time is absolutely nobody but yours business, and keep watching. It’s a mix of bitter spite and geniune mental breakdown levels of desperation that leads you to that decision. You feel like you’re a child with their toy being taken away, and it’s making you mad. And sad too. Even if you shouldn’t do this anymore, you still wanted to keep the habit. You’d mentioned before your creature comforts were one of the few things that kept you going. And while you were mostly very good at not being the jealous, heinous creature you really are, you knew you wouldn’t be giving this up.
They’d have to tear your gossip channels from your cold dead palms. You weren’t giving them up, not without a fight at least. Unfortunately for you, the universe seemed determined to wrestle away literally everything you loved.
Guilt’s for tomorrow. Today is for ice cream and purposefully ignoring everything. Speaking of which, you can not remember the last time you had a good Ben & Jerry’s. They were so expensive these days, as all groceries were. You simply couldn’t afford it. The Waynes, of course, had multiple tubs in multiple different options. Alfred had seemed delighted that you’d taken the ice cream, for which reasons you could not perceive.
Oh, yeah! His name was Alfred. Very butler-y. You’d remember it this time, he was a very nice man. And he called you ‘young miss’ which earned him points. He also didn’t seem to hate you on sight, or treat you like a two-headed freak, like some of the other people in this household. Not naming names. Yeah, fuck that noise, Damian Wayne obviously has issues and it’s much less attractive in real life.
The woman drones on, and your eyes flick to your phone. Yup, she’s still yapping. It’s not like you don’t appreciate Dick’s abs or anything, it’s just that you think she might’ve been talking about this one specific photo for over half an hour now. Lady should get a hobby. Wait, wait, this is her job. Maybe you should start a podcast where you rant about the Wayne’s excercise regimes. It seems to be quite a lucrative field.
You shriek when the door slams open, nearly tumbling backwards off the bed. Hands manage to grip the bedcovers before you tip over, not making a complete fool of yourself. As it goes, you lose your spoon to the carpet. Bits of cookie dough spread over the floor in a divine sacrifice. And you lose your sanity to the man standing in the doorway. To be fair, he looks just as confused as you feel.
You blink at the physically perfect form of Dick Grayson, and then turn your head to the TV to look at the other physically perfect form of Dick Grayson.
…You really wish you had a good explanation for this.
He mutters out your name, lips parted. Dick Grayson seems absolutely shocked to find you here. His eyes flick around the room, and eventually land on the TV. Said baby blues widen to the size of saucers when the reporter makes a really, really unneccesary comment.
“And in news that broke the hearts of both ladies and gentlemen everywhere in Bludhaven, Dick Grayson has announced he will be returning to Gotham to assist his family in this difficult time. My cousin in the Blud is probably crying right now. There’s no ass out there quite like his, and there’s no replacement for Bludhaven’s favourite young rich bachelor,” she winks at the camera, and then the shot of his tone stomach phases forward to take up the entire screen.
Well, there’s a lot to say about that. First of all, fuck. Second of all, shit. Third of all, she really couldn’t have said that part about Dick coming back to Gotham sooner? Per chance, before you’d found yourself in this situation?
You said you weren’t that lucky, you meant it.
“But still, ain’t that lucky for us Gothamites? I myself have spent a lot of time on Dick’s Tiktok and Instagram, and his thirst traps have been used in a lot of my personal-”
You snatch the remote from the sheets and pause it right there. The silence is tense.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
I second completely what you are saying about Claire Nakti's work, it's so male centered and heteronormative, and she always has to find a way to make it about sexuality or attraction when it frankly is not relevant.
I know that this is a personal thing, but as an ashlesha native I could not finish watching the ashlesha video, I found it so triggering as a person that has been sexually abused before. I found it really disturbing how she, in my opinion, seemed to romanticize abuse scenes or even directly say that it was part of the ashlesha "allure". She didn't criticize the men for being abusive, and placed responsibility on the ashlesha natives. I have absolutely no desire to be dominated or subjugated by a man, and the BDSM connection was just completely uncalled for, as she also ignored the fact that women can also be and are the Dom. Then again, she might have mentioned this but I couldn't finish the video.
Comparatively, I'm also a Purva bhadrapada native, and when I watched the Purva bhadrapada video, I learned a lot thematically yes, but I cant ignore the one dimensional representation she gave the women. Just like I don't have the desire to be dominated by men, I also don't have the desire to ruin their lives for absolutely no reason! 😭 It's cartoonish, a Femme Fatale is just the male version of "the bad boy" archetype but without the grace men are given by women cause they think "uwu he's sad I gotta save him♥️". Archetypes do not represent real women, they are just a way to dumb them down.
I think that part of the problem is using movie and movie characters to represent nakshatra themes, when most of these movies are made by and for straight men. They do not represent the experiences of women or queer people. Also, Movies aren't real life and I feel like it would be more realistic to study the patterns in natives lives and use movies more sparingly.
I've actually heard the same comment from multiple Ashleshas about how uncomfortable they were with how Claire sexualised the whole Ashlesha experience. I haven't watched the whole video either so idk but something I've noticed with Claire's research in general is how she fixates on one or two recurring themes (usually sexual/romantic/somehow involving men) and makes the whole video revolve around that?? she nitpicks examples to further her narrative. whenever she makes videos that are more centred around planetary dominance, its very apparent that the examples she is citing aligns with one nak or two more than the rest. In her Jupiter women video, most of the examples cited where Vishaka with some Punarvasus thrown into the mix and virtually no PBP girlies cited. i think the whole concept of planetary dominance is skewed to say the least because each nak manifests the planet's energies in a way that is unique to them so the qualities we associate with a planet are perhaps actually just the qualities of one single nak that exhibits it the most.
claire's research is also rooted in western esotericism, like kabbalah and whatever Aleister Crowley was teaching folks idek, and those are heavily based on weird sex rituals and male gaze-y teachings which if the rumours of her creepy bf doing the research are true, makes sense
she correlates vedic astrology to "archetypes" so each nak is "femme fatale" or "mother of maya" or whatever but its 1000x more complex than that?? its really really hard to narrow down a nak's energy into just one or two aspects, even when i do research i am acutely aware of how this is just a glimpse that i have into this energy at this moment, i find it very icky how claire will outright claim some nak is a succubus or some other nak is a tantric initiatrix without giving them the complexity they are due??
yeah same i think relying heavily on movies and fictitious works is not reliable because even beyond the fact that men make it for men, all art is the source of imagination. imagination and reality are very different. in my research i found out that many dictators have Jupiter naks, i wouldnt be able to make that connection by looking at movies because Jupiter themes manifest in movies are very different?? (surreal punarvasu, transformation heavy vishaka and chaotic destructive PBP and their mafia movies) what art we make and how we channel our naks through art is different from how these naks affect our personalities and behaviour
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 26 days
ASK GAME ! ASK GAME ! ASK GAME ! which as I chant out loud sounds like I'm saying "ass game" ... same difference honestly sksksksk
Hiii for the violence ask game (love being a hater) I wanted to know 1, 2, 3 and 23 for whatever fandoms you feel the most passionate about
I wouldn't say that I love being a hater, but I do love being right lmao
also I am feeling spicy so these are gonna be for different fandoms
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
especially the fandom interpretation Titans version, but like damn
(even other canons get him wrong, and Titans did him so right and people refuse to acknowledge it)
(I could also say Lori Grimes, and Andrea Harrison, and Dick Grayson, and Michonne Hawthorne, and even Gar Logan tbh but this is the rant I am picking)
white cis fanboys just see him as the violent revenge perpetrator - distilled rage, 'the bad sibling', the criminal, the cool one, the gunslinger. fucking whatever
but I am not even so big on a lot of women's interpretation of comics Jason - as some big soft cuddle bug who just needs to be treated softly and cuddled uwu, someone who rip out the throat of anyone who looks at you the wrong way and basically acts like a big bad doberman guard dog in your life (someone possessive and angry and jealous in a love life). again - no
Jason is one of the most emotionally complex characters and the only people who truly understand him are me and Curran Walters.
Jason is a wreck. he was set up to fail - his backstory of poverty and sadness isn't just about giving him some revenge to seek or making him a more conventional criminal, it's his emotional core. everything that has ever happened to him in his life makes him who he is, and so many people don't understand those layers. (so many people don't even acknowledge the differences between him and Dick before Jason became Red Hood). Jason is depressed, he's insecure, he thinks that he's nothing but a problem in other people's lives.
he uses violence as a tool because it's all he's ever known. in a relationship, he would be difficult to connect with because no one has ever truly tried before. he wouldn't be instantly loving - he would be guarded as hell.
I could go on a long time, but anyway - Titans Jason is largely a thing that the show got right and so many people refuse to acknowledge it because they just want to mock Curran's looks and it makes me want to bash my head into things
2 - a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
I have to do it to em - Spencer Reid would never be a fucking dom. NEVER
(also I know that bottom and top aren't synonyms for dom and sub but I think this ask game was created with mostly mlm ships in mind, so I am talking about this in a dom/sub context because I mostly write and consume x reader fics with bdsm dynamics)
Spencer is a sub. anybody who says that he is a dom, even a 'soft dom' is fucking lying to themselves because they have a particular fantasy that they want him to fit into. even later seasons Spencer would never be a dom
just because someone has rage and acts intimidating towards someone they consider an enemy doesn't mean they would ever feel the confidence to actually be dominant and in charge in bed. that man is walked like a dog constantly by other people in his life, and the only time he 'takes control' of a 'romantic' interaction is when he is with Cat - someone he also considers to be an enemy, an unsub that he can psychologically control. see the pattern?
3 - screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I have discussed this before, and I wish I had a screenshot because without proof it almost doesn't seem real
someone saying that Spencer loves Henry more than JJ does - in a massive post where they listed all the reasons that JJ 'ruined' Spencer's life (which just gobsmacked me)
that post was a huge inspiration for the JJ/Spencer friendship scenes in [REDACTED]
I just cannot believe that the fandom is so fucking detached and unrealistic about JJ
23 - ship you've unwillingly come around to
this is in large part from what I have seen about The Ones Who Live spin-off, and I recently realized that the title of the spin-off comes from a scene where Michonne punches Rick in the head in order to literally knock some sense into him, so I fucking love that (and it seems like that's what the whole show is - her literally forcing sense into him after he's become detached from reality due to being held hostage by whatever the fuck that group's name is)
and I think The Thrifty Typewriter really put their relationship into terms that I was struggling with. so many Walking Dead ladies were relegated to nothing but being 'the love interest' once they became a love interest to someone. and if they were struggling with what to do with a female character, they turned her into a love interest for someone
Andrea being paired with a Governor, Rosita not getting more interesting storylines until after she parted from Abraham, Sasha being with Bob and then Abraham and then dying (although I think Sasha has a lot of interesting emotional beats, I see the point in saying that), Jessie (who could have had so much potential outside of just being a love interest for Rick, especially when they clearly had Richonne in mind), Lori's entire existence, etc.
So my huge problem with Richonne is that Michonne was so interesting before she got with Rick. And after she got with Rick, she lost all of her interesting traits, and she was stripped down to 'Lori 2.0'. Pregnant housewife character who stays at home and almost never fights. Rick was spotlighted and she was almost never around until Rick drowned. And I think I loved The Ones Who Live because it gave her back a lot of her fire and her autonomy as well as adding more to the romance, so it was the best of both worlds. (And it really made me come around to the pairing.)
And another huge problem I had with Richonne is the same problem I have with Dickkory - people who ship them act like the entire show was created to drive the ship. And the shippers get really annoying because they act like all the other interesting characters and plot lines do not exist. They act like the producers and writers made the show as a vessel to carry the single ship when that is clearly not the case.
For Dickkory, people boil Dick and Rachel's entire relationship down to 'omg, she is Dickkory's child' - which is very annoying. And for Richhone, people act like Andrea just does not exist, when she pulled Michonne out of a very dark place - Rick did not do that. Michonne said so herself. Andrea is a very important character in Michonne's story.
Anyway - I do like Richonne a lot now. More than I ever expected I would
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Thoughts about Ninjago DR S2 eps 18-20 (finale):
I'll put the summary here so the spoilers can stay hidden. Overall, I think this might be my favorite part of Dragons Rising so far. So many things have been improved upon by leagues from season 1, with the villains being more likable, the setting and plot way more interesting, the new characters growing into their own, no more filler side plots, even the humor is better. While of course it wasn't flawless it is finally making me excited and eager to see the next season, rather than cautious and apprehensive, and not even just because I want to see the OG characters, but because I'm genuinely invested in the new gen ones.
And now for the spoilers:
Lmao Zeatrix went all uwu suddenly with that apology. But it is nice to see she's not an all the way bad person like her sister (maybe). Wonder what she'll do now?
Wyldfyre schooling her on how to apologize was so cute haha. And her suggestion of punishment hilarious. (Also when are we going to get more about how she grew up??)
It's fun seeing Wyldfyre and Arin as a duo together (despite how sad it is that Arin is still rebuffing Sora).
"Normal people lock doors. I was raised by dragons and even I know that." So many good Wyldfyre moments in this episode.
Okay Lloyd is unconscious but Zane and Cole are RIGHT THERE to help you instead Sora, you know they're spinjitzu masters too right? Heck they LITERALLY used to be teachers at one point!
Aw, Frak is a good boy actually, I like him.
The way Sora balanced on her tiptoes at the edge like that was cool haha
When Jordana handed Sora the note with the math equation on it my sister said "Sora, help me with my homework", and for some reason that made me and my other sister crack up so much we had to pause the video.😆
Yeah knew it, Roby was a red herring, of course the old guy who likes tradition is the bad one.🙄
Ahahaha Arin jumping on the exercise ball and it launching away was too real. XD
I'm not a fan of shows making young characters not know what older technology is, so I was glad that Arin called it a rotary phone, BUT it was also funny when Wyldfyre said she still doesn't know what they are because in HER case it actually makes sense.
Also my sisters reminded me that Lloyd, who's likely close to a decade older than Arin, didn't know what a VHS tape is, which makes it even funnier.
Woah woah woah what the heck that evil lair was DISTURBING, bro wants to murder his own nephew!
Love we're still continuing the joke that no one can remember Jordana's name.
Yooooo Lloyd saw Arin betraying him in a vision!😭 This boy is going to get traumatized worse than Wu with Morro.
Oh okay, Cole temporarily got his powers back through the Chekhov's gun mech, sure. I mean it's not the first time characters have gotten their powers back after losing them just through sheer will, and you know what, this isn't even the worst way it's been done, so whatever. Also guess the mech really did belong to Lilly.
Lloyd used wind!!! That feels SO satisfying somehow. Just imagine Morro's reaction if he'd seen. XD
Yikes, freaky mask...
Wyldfyre is a smart cookie with that switcheroo.
Oh my gosh, Cole's reaction to seeing Wu was so sweet, he missed him so much.😭
He really asked if he died omg
Sora's apology to Jordana was so sweet, I hope she heard it all.
Zur is revealed to actually be a very nice guy haha. (Had to search up his name though, seriously why are all the names of the new characters so unintelligible?)
I like that Arin feeling even more betrayed that Lloyd didn't immediately leave Sora's fight to deal with his revelation that Wu caused the merge, felt believable; he's young and already not in a good mental space right now, and mixed with his anger at Sora and not having learned proper spinjitzu from Lloyd, it's no wonder he'd feel especially bitter towards Lloyd not giving him more credence in favor of helping Sora, the new golden child, even if that's not what Lloyd was doing. Like really, Arin's whole "turning to the dark side" arc is written crazy good!
Lmao why was Geo cheering Nokt's win??
Nothing like making sure the audience knows your new protagonist is better than the old ones by having the previous protagonist tell her so. Hey I know that's just Lloyd trying to be a good teacher by encouraging her after her loss but still, that line felt kinda self-indulgent on the writers' part.
What do you know, someone evil took all the powers and stopped you from taking them back with the cup, Roby. Actually, what's the point in giving all the powers to the winner in the end when they're gonna return to their original owners anyway? It's not like they'd need them to fight.
So uhhh was it PLANNED by Nokt and Rox for Sora the tech master to be their final opponent? Cause there's no way they could've known that (especially considering her first match was rigged to sway in her opponent's favor), much less that she would've used her powers to remove the shock collar thingy.
DANG Ras not holding back with that warhammer, that looked painful! XD
Nya came back! Without Jay but I'm glad she's not missing the finale.
Again, Frak is a good boy. He deserved to say that "ninja go"
"I sincerely detest rising dragon" lmao at that line delivery XD
Oh my God Roby, how long does it really take to activate that cup thing?? Stop talking and just do it!
"How did you learn perfect spinjitzu?" "Not from you." BRO I KNOW I WANTED ARIN TO THROW IT IN HIS FACE BUT THAT WAS SO COOOOLD!!😩
Okayyy see Wyldfyre roaring in Roby's face instead of going for the kiss? That's more in character for her and really funny. And Roby just going with it? Very sweet.Still, glad this is going to stay a long distance relationship.
KAAAAIIII! Kai coming to save their butts! Kai soloing Nokt! Kai saying "don't you dare touch her"!!!
Nokt really said he would end Kai with his own daughter's powers, I can't
Love Euphrasia taking out Cinder immediately after they got their powers back. XD Good girl!
I really felt Lloyd and Sora's heartbreaking cries for Arin, it's just like seeing a father and daughter losing their son/brother.😭
Awwww the group hug tackle on Kai!
But... I'm a little disappointed Kai and Cole couldn't get their own moment together, since they're reuniting for the first time after the merge.
Aww but the Cole and Bonzle hug was cute.
Look, I don't dislike Sora as a character or anything, but calling her the "greatest elemental master of the merged realms" isn't sitting right with me. She only won by default against Nokt, without even knowing rising dragon technique, and probably would've lost to Frak too if he hadn't had a change of heart. The entire tournament was purposefully written so that she'd be the winner; Nya would've beaten Nokt if Blekt hadn't cheated, and Lloyd was disqualified for being injured, not even to speak again of how Zane was taken out like garbage for no reason in the first round, without it even having been rigged like Cole's game was. Maybe this wouldn't bother me so much if Sora wasn't designed to look so obviously appealing to the "new gen" crowd with her pink-haired catgirl thing going on, I mean she looks just like an overly designed fan OC, but the fact that she's a child genius, and always being told by others how amazing she is - except of course by the people who were completely wrong about her and were getting in the way of her potential - and now being celebrated as "the best" mostly by circumstance... is kinda making her dangerously close to becoming a special snowflake in my book.
Oh hey it's Frohicky lol. Can't say I really felt his absence.🤷‍♀️
Love that Kai promised Nya they'd find Jay together, best big brother for real.
Lloyd already putting Arin's picture up like he departed, what is it with these ninja overreacting 🤣
*chants* ev-il Ar-in ev-il Ar-in!
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
I’m rewatching the first seasons of the 100 right now and am again reminded. How. HOW. did/do people like bellamy. He’s so annoying I literally have to skip every scene with him cause he’s so stupid 😭
It was literally 90% just hetero thirst. Which on a basic lizard brain level I don't object to at all, because lord knows I have loved plenty of characters for their hotness alone, but whew Bellfuck is A Choice. I mean I personally don't understand the attraction. Dude always looks sweaty af in that thing. Like he is constantly running a low grade fever. And I've said it before, he just generally has this aura that makes me feel like he smells like old hot dog water 🤷‍♀️
But that aside, yeah idk dude he was a terrible character. Like just... bad. He was poorly written, they kept trying to make it seem like he was just a ~sad boy with a heart of gold who made bad choices for good reasons was always UwU dOiNg HiS bEsT~ underdog hero instead of reality, which was that he was a controlling, hypocritical asshat weirdo who slept with underage girls and tried to kill/imprison/manipulate Clarke along with anyone who didn't bow to his stupid bitch boy rules that inevitably fell apart anyway because was,,, an awful leader🙂 (my "I'm fine" smile only my eye is twitching)
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onlyglass · 5 months
people hating shuro just gives like racism a bit.... ooooh the character from Fantasy Japan has a rigid sense of the importance of Subtlety therefore has difficulty speaking his mind and setting boundaries when your favorite uwu autism white boy can't pick up on social queues which makes him uncomfortable. literally no one is in the wrong here and the fact that fans will give laios so much sympathy but not try at all to attempt to understand where shuro was born and what kind of society he was raised in and why he might act and feel the way he does towards laios. also he has like 100 other reasons to hate and be pissed off by laios.... the falin stuff.... laios butchering his name and telling everyone else his name is Shuro instead of Toshiro so he becomes KNOWN TO EVERYONE on the island as SHURO‼‼ wouldn't you be fucking pissed!?!?!?!? if no one called you by your fucking name anymore and it was all the fault of this One Guy who still thinks you're fucking Besties because despite trying to communicate in the way You Best Know How he STILL doesn't get it and it's so hard for you to rationalize that bc this situation SUCKS. OF COURSE SHURO WOULD DEVELOP A HUGE FUCKING GRUDGE. and yes i feel extremely sad for laios as an autistic person not realizing someone he thought was a dear friend actually wasn't that and also wasn't being Blunt to you and telling you and trying to work things out.... and shuro even recognizes laios isn't a bad person and part of him is very envious about the earnesty laios is able to freely show. so it's like wtf. even shuro knows they're both not in the wrong and if they talked more i'm very sure laios would too. AND THEY DO reconnect and come to an understanding. saying you Hate Evil Bully Shuro is fucking crazy to me
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the way you’re handling this is sad. Quackity is not only ignoring Dream but some of the people on his own SMP who also reached out with concerns. Dream has been nothing but mature, concerned and empathic throughout this entire situation and your response is to call him pathetic?
Quackity ignoring a friend that he’d been very close with before is concerning in itself and I personally find his silence to be very worrying. It isn’t right to just. go after dream for no reason when compared to Quackity i’d say he’s handled this drama with a good amount of maturity and concern for someone he considers a friend.
And bringing up dsmp lore in comparison to this rubs me the wrong way. Dream admits that he’s been being stalked, harassed and threatened because of *minecraft server drama* and your response is to compare it to c!dream knowing.. c!tommy didn’t want to be his friend?
i’m just overall a little bit appalled how you can possibly respond to the situation like this when it is Quackity who has been the one handling this poorly by putting off an issue and allowing his fanbase to harass and attack other creators.
“Dream has been mature” he’s been constantly going on about how omg quackity hates me when he didn’t have any communication with quackity about it. that’s not mature. that’s the fucking opposite of mature. that’s petty high school mean girl shit.
cutting off someone who got nudes of fans at the Very least and potentially groomed minors is Normal Actually. why would you wanna say a tearful goodbye to a sex pest. Plus, the thread indicates that other people struggled with getting into contact with quackity meaning he was probably fucking busy and had a life and not focusing on Twitter drama!!! how tf is he meant to know about drama and shit if he's spending most of his time working on his server.
quackity has done Literally Nothing, yet you blame him and see him as the aggressor. everything quackity does he gets judged a million times harder than any white creator. when quackity doesn’t engage with a situation at all, that he has no reason to because hes clearly uninterested and has busy work of his own, he’s at fault for the harassment his community sends, but when dream quote retweets someone and makes fun of them for petty shit it’s all uwu he can’t control his fans! when dream buys a trump flag it’s swept under the rug, when quackity downloads a popular mod that has racist mobs in it (which is bad and I’m not trying to downplay it but it’s nowhere near as intentional as buying a literal trump flag) hes irredeemable even when he removes it. and it’s so obvious that you’re doing this because he's a person of colour. maybe not consciously, but you’re condemning him for doing shit dream has done that you defend. do I think quackity is perfect? no, of course not. but it’s weird to condemn a poc for things you let his white peers slide on.
and there’s like 0 indication that the threats involved anything to do with the usmp. dream himself doesn’t even provide any evidence or proof they’re related. a lot of people really hate dream. from racist kiwi farmers who hate that he’s openly nd to people who don’t like misogynistic creeps. we have no indication which one of those groups tried to harm or stalk dream and his family, and assuming it was Quackity's fanbase with zero shown evidence or even ancedotes is fucking weird. it’s weird to put that into a statement about how your friend fell out with you- it’s implying they’re somehow related when they’re not. even if they were, there was literally no way quackity could have known and it’s wild to bring it up in a post about him ghosting you. it’s guilt trippy and weird. no one should trivialise or accept what happened to dream, but you shouldn’t try and tie it into private friend drama if you’re not gonna provide any proof of it being relevant.
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
Hi i have 3 questions plaguing me that you dont have to feel the need to answer at all!
What is momdori like as a floormaster?
Whats sous trauma surrounding her?
And most importantly...
thank you 💕
how naive of you to ask me questions about Sou Hiyori and expect me not to answer. /j
no but seriously i am happy to answer these questions ty!
1. Momdori takes a very similar role to Midori in that she’s the target for the….idk what do you call it. Murderer game? Basically they have to kill her. so in that sense the main “plot” of chapter 3 goes very similar in ytr. the differences come mostly in momdori’s personality. it always struck me that in the actual game when meeting midori sara says that he’s a little bit like sou (aka shin. the names get so confusing to me) but that there’s something distinctly different. in that same way i think there would be a lot of similar mannerisms between sou (the actual sou. real sou hiyori) and his mom, but she’s very much different in how she portrays herself and in how she views asunaro. momdori doesn’t have that same sort of childish “heeehee i want to see what makes people tick” characterization that midori has. Her work is very much more of a duty to her rather than something for entertainment. she views asunaro as something almost divine, and trusts that the organization knows what the correct path for her and all the candidates is. to her, asunaro comes before anything else (yes, even her family). it is an absolute.
2. …which brings us to the elephant in the room. god, where do i even start with these two? sou’s trauma surrounding his mom is less of a “specific incident” and more of like. a pervasive, continuous thing. i definitely don’t agree with the take that sou & momdori have a great relationship when she says things like this
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i don’t think momdori was a loving mother. i think she would’ve treated sou in a sort of apathetic or “logical” manner, focusing on making him remain loyal to asunaro. because of that, i see her as controlling a lot of sou’s decisions in his childhood, deciding what he can and can’t do, teaching him to revere/fear asunaro and to treat others “below him” as means to an end. so, sou grows to see his mother’s treatment of him as normal (and even thinks that that’s what “love” is supposed to be!), and it definitely plays a huge part in his frankly shitty behavior towards others.
part of the reason why sou is so attached to shin in this au is because shin is basically his first real friend outside of asunaro. and it’s so bewildering to him that anyone would treat him with genuine friendship/affection that he is just utterly fascinated by this boy. unfortunately, despite his genuine care for him, sou ends up treating shin with a lot of the same behaviors that his mother did to him </3
3. ok sorry that was getting kind of sad i just. i love sou. but anyways NOOOOOOO THERES NO WHOLESOME SOU AI BUT THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE </3 a lot of the stuff on the fourth and fifth floors is still catered towards sou because he was originally intended to be the floormaster before he ditched asunaro and his mom had to take over. (basically imagine like being a kid and you piss off your mom real bad and she takes all your legos and says these are mine now) so there’s still a shin ai BUT i didn’t want to just leave it the exact same so i was like. yknow what. screw it. kanna ai. GREENBLINGS AI. BOTH OF THEM!!!! (no haha this isn’t because i regret killing off kanna immediately what do you mean haha-[shot])
they are very cute :) until they get Killed again. sorry
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This Is A whole Judgmental Villain Post
I am going to be judging how good of villains each of these idiots are, if they have a low score I can hardly call them a villain. These are specifically MyStreet villains for now.
Ein. He definitely meets the criteria for a villain but he's just not... That good of one. First of all, how the fuck did he go from genuine emotions to "oh wow I was faking it to become the alpha and bla bla bla"? No one fakes emotions that good, this story plot was bullshit. His main goal is to... WaiT what's his main goal again? There's the turn everyone into a werewolf supremacist thing, the fuck lemme make out with this basic ass chick thing, the uwu get revenge on ultima thing[get in line with everyone else lol], and then there's the simping for Michael thing. The main one is probably the last one in season six cause that's all he talked about. He got a lot of people killed but he can't do it without help. He is nothing but a sidekick. 3\10.
Zack. he doesn't meet any criteria why the fuck is he in the villain place. The whole reason he even worked with Michael was money yet his dumbass wasn't willing to kill for it? He's pathetic as fuck. His main goal was to threaten and torment Derek in Starlight, that's not intimidating to the rest of the group at all. if he actually did something besides torment and be a condescending asshole to his ex boyfriend then maybe he's meet the criteria, but he doesn't. The cheating doesn't make him a villain, as that would put so many other characters as villains too. Yeah he's an asshole and all, just not really a villain. 0\10.
Elizabeth. The fuck she do besides kick Garte's kneecaps out and have a fairly seductive voice? She also saved Zack from drowning, how dare she he wanted to die anyways[which is sad but let's not talk about that]. She'll probably be better in the future so I give her 4\10.
Derek. No. No no no. He is not a villain in the slightest he is an antagonist, there is a BIG difference. His actions are more fucked up then the others though so he gets to be talked about. First of all the nicest thing he did to Aaron was get him a dog, then lose it. Now for the actual options, Derek has a weird way of showing he cares about Aaron. That includes making agents stalk him to make sure he doesn't hang out with humans he could put in danger, hiring some weird stoner dude to assault his son then hug him, intentionally calling his son a monster whenever he does anything wrong, throwing a temper tantrum and breaking his phone, and he's also really good at lying. probably learned it from Michael cause there's no way he picked it up himself. Oh also 7\10 for creativity.
Xavier. Best villain 100% \s. He really needs to take a break from the internet because it is damaging his emotional health and also his villain vibes, I can't really take a computer need who's really only obsessed with seeing the ultima seriously. He gets really fucking emotional when it comes to exposing the ultima so it messes up all his Damn plans. He only stayed in FCU because he's only a villain meant for college. 5\10 cause I feel bad for him.
Ivan. This bitch could've just stayed a player and saved his pathetic life from becoming an asshole, yet he chose the wrong path because he's really stupid. All he does is prank people and harass Lucinda, and also turn people into babies. He's literally nothing but a kindergartener to everyone. 1\10
Michael\The Demon Warlock. Wow someone who literally could give less of a fuck about Aphmau and Aaron's relationship's existence? Perfection. Amazing. Anyways, some of the bad things he did were controlling people to kill others for him, kill Terry's dad who apparently existed, beat up Travis because he's a nuisance and he's in the way, try to kill a useless God who does nothing for the community, didn't kill Derek cause Derek killed himself, killed one of his partners daughters cause he doesn't give a fuck, and he also killed Rachel. The fuck is up with that. How dare he. His main goal is to kill Irene cause fuck if I know I guess they broke up or something. He is also weird and predatory just like Terry, which is why I can't tell them apart. 9\10 cause the Katelyn thing ruined his intimidation.
That is all for now.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep38 (2/3): heartbreaking: the worst person you know just came out
man I feel like xxc is SUCH a romantic. he likes being in love he likes having a partner he's drawn to those idealized fairy-tale romances he doesn't look too deeply below the surface (consciously or not) because he just loves having that kind of connection with someone. and ah he and song lan were perfect for each other. if not for that foolish mistake...! but tragically he's not a main character so his suffering will lead not to a happy ending but to death
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anyway. scream? I assume these are yi city residents? fuck, but that's so many. an entire city
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he just loves giving those expressions to xy for no reason. unhinged menace
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this is honestly hilarious. obviously 'all he wanted was a domestic life with famer's market trips uwu' is a patently absurd claim because look what he DID with that life but I cannot lie this is very funny to me. like sure maybe DEEP DOWN that's all he wanted but my sympathy for him is like. nonexistent because look what he chose to do
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also. this man is gasping in fear. does xxc not notice?? willfully ignorant, perhaps
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SONG LAN!!!! thank god you're here there is such bullshit going down here xxc needs you. he just lit up so much when he heard about xxc
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she's such a little survivalist <3
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omg remember that translation meta that described sl's answer as like 'he is world-endingly beautiful' or something? first of all he was right. they casted xxc perfectly, second of all how the hell did she write this and not make them canon gay. insane.
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this kills me bc at this point SL KNOWS but I don't think he even considered approaching this with the care he would have needed to. and why not just confront xy? it's not like he knows xy has a tool to make xxc kill him
also sl is standing here in broad daylight and xy just walks past him? I mean his back is to sl but that's weird, I feel like he'd notice him just STANDING there esp if a-qing jerks away and hides
damn I hope she hasn't been hiding every time xy is around. that's her home too. she could technically leave but I doubt she wanted to abandon xxc. and she's not likely to trust any of the sects to intervene either even if she told them. and I don't think she understands that xy is making xxc kill living people
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witnessing sl see how xy treats xxc (familiarly, cruelly, lying) is like. that IS a man watching someone he loves involved with someone else who's hurting them. not even jealousy, just heartbreak and righteous anger. li bowen NAILED it
I don't think sl and xxc were ever actually together which just makes this entire thing more exquisitely painful
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oohh and the BLOOD
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at this point a-qing is distressed enough to grab onto wwx for comfort :(
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it's not often that I see the xxc/xy situation described as abuse but xy DID abuse his power over xxc to trick him into murdering people (and then the heavy implication that they were in a relationship too 😬)
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I love this expression from SL. no detached justice here. this man is furious and ready to kill
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this fight scene is actually good? so many fight scenes in this show are bad and this one just rules. the chemistry, the action, the drama, the tragedy. what a neat and tight little narrative
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ohh double-meanings. KILL HIM SONG LAN
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this was so insane of xxc to do. man had one great love of his life and he dug out his eyes for him then walked away 😭
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this is so funny though. he is the worst. oh SHIT THERE'S THE CHEETAH-PRINT ROBES. what a slay
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also now xy won't stop rubbing it in his face and playing on sl's insecurities. deflecting from his own crimes. as jgy does, later in the temple. xy probably learned from him honestly. but don't fall for it song lan!!! he is literally using xxc to murder people!!!
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this is a taunt eerily reminiscent of wwx. his voice goes up all high, like 'awww, were you SAD? huh?' wwx taunts like this, all sarcastic. but also he's not like, evil
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when sl's tongue gets cut out, a-qing gets all this splashed on her. ugh
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iratusmus · 1 year
*cue Katy Perry LOL*
😳 Hottest Sonic Take?
ok definitely not my hottest sonic take but some things are best left unsaid. regardless uhhh one of them . at least in the realm of scourge fans specifically is that m*ghtourge as a ship SUCKS it SUCKS its HORRIBLE and i cant even begin to bring myself to apologize for it. like i dont feel sorry at all like you take away scourge's tacky sunglasses and you take away the tacky flame and then you make him into a smol uwu bean housewife for some godforsaken reason (namely because you dont understand the character even a little bit like this is top ten fundamental misunderstandings ever of all time) for your bad yaoi. im not even going to call it m/m its YAOI. then you ship him with .... mighty ? mighty, a guy who has 1) Standards 2) absolutely no relation to scourge even a little bit 3) NO DYNAMIC THERE TO EXPLORE. THERES NOTHING INTERESTING HERE. its literally. ok sonourge is onecest (its not like . problematic i guess its just really weird) and i am notably not a fan but at least theres something to EXPLORE. the amount of character assassination you would have to do to get that to work is truly incredible but with m*ghtourge its literally character assassination but for the worlds most boring cardboard box bland instant gratification fanon crappy yaoi GARBAGE. theres NOTHING interesting here and none of these people even want to write a scourge redemption arc anyways they literally just want to make everything he ever did not his fault because a) moebius lead poisoning or something, which weirdly enough does not apply to any of the other moebians except for scourge b) his daddy issues c) his trauma or d) some combination of the above. so basically "he was never evil to begin with he was just really sad and lonely 😌✨" which is literal trash like i dont even know where to begin on this one. look. im a huge fan of redemption arcs but this is neither a redemption nor an arc this is an EXCUSE HEEL-FACE TURN. ITS TRASH. ITS TRASH. OHHHHH ITS JUST GARBAGE i actually have way more i could say on this but i will spare you the rest . this got a little out of hand. oh well
🫡 Coldest Sonic Take?
i dont like surge and kit all that much im SORRYYYYYYYYYY im sorry but its TRUEEEEEEEE. literally they have been redeemed so much in my eyes by the passion for them of my dear mutuals bunnymajo and cartoonrival so we're back to "decidedly neutral" but like . im sorry its not even their fault theyre just .... okay because the thing with me is that when characters who i feel decidedly neutral on get super popular and nobody will ever shut up about how amazing and perfect and poor uwu bean they are ... this is the quickest path to get me to dislike them.
added on top of the fact that they were literally like the entire idw focus for a year AND people (non-archie fans, specifically,) kept . bafflingly. beyond all reason and comprehension. comparing surge to scourge (which i have already ummmm written about my opinions on) it just. im sorry guys 💔 theyre okay. theyre Fine. they just never really clicked with me and then people were super annoying about them and particularly annoying in the direction of archie sonic, a series which i am aggressively defensive over in the face of idw fans 😭
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
Holy shit-
PLEASE watch this video if you're ok with sensitive topics. Madeline Maye doesnt just go so well into the show's issues but also says what Stolas and Blitz's relationship actually is-
Which completely changed my view on Stolas and Blitz's relationship.
Stolas and Blitz is worse than I thought. As it has not just SA but full on r^pe (TW: The video actually has the word.) since Blitz feels that he "needs" to have sex with Stolas to keep his job rather than for it to be a choice, and Blitz only saying "ok" to the job in ep 5 not because he wants to be with Stolas but because he wants to be with Moxxie and Millie- people he actually likes and wants to consent with.
Not Stolas, the man who's r^ping him and using the fact that Blitz is lower class to do so. So all the merch and tweets calling this relationship "romantic" or "naturally developing" are bullshit.
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No, this is not sex work. This is trafficking of a minority group by a classist. Not the same thing as sex work! Sex work is not r^pe!
Sex Trafficking (aka what Stolas has been doing to Blitz without actual consequences since Ep 1.) is r^pe! NOT SEX WORK!
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Of course, this doesnt excuse his own r^pe of Stolas in Season Two's flashback, but it just goes to show just how irreasponsivly that Vivziepop and Brandon delt with the subject matter because people are making fun of the subject of male r^pe in the mainstream again!
So much civil rights progress- ruined! Because of two people.
Extra Criticism down below:
Also (so sad that the fans didnt censor this person's name, we all know that they did this to get them bullied. How rude....) the problem with the fandom is that they keep trying to twist our words to make it seem like were saying that there's "nothing sympathetic" about a HB character or that we're saying "mcs should always be a nice type character or ur a bad person for writing a meanie!" when in reality-
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They're just twisting our words as a way to convince people that these characters "should" continue to be with the people they're horrifically ab^sing because "lol it's ok for them to stay with their victims they'll change it will be all wholesome again and then they'll live happily ever after as endgame!" to sugarcoat the fact that they like the way they are currently as they dont actually want them to change in the first place or that it's "ok" to portay these subject matters in this kind of direction. The "point" of Loona is to make abuse look like a "consequence" for Blitz's actions and not literal abuse and to make men being abused look like something to be seen as the "joke". The "point" is that she's from a writer who thinks that the character being abused is "karma." Which is a terrible way to present abuse, and let's face it, only enables abusers further by depicting what they're doing as a "punishment" by showing this kind of representation as a "good" thing.
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Which is the main reason why this person made this post, besides the fact that like most people, are sick of all the sugarcoating.
Abuse is not a "punishment." It's to deliberaltey harm someone for self gratitification. Loona might have her "nice" points, but it doesnt make her any less ab^sive than Stella, or make it so she "deserves" to be around Blitz just because she is sometimes "nice. Stolas is a r^pist, and Loona is a abuser, and neither deserve to stay with their victims no matter how "uwu sad!" that they are.
End of Story.
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overheaven · 1 year
hypmic spoilers
hahah nooo don’t humanize Rei he’s so sexy and unknowable…
no but really i do want him to always be at least a smidge “irredeemable” if you know what i mean. “redemption” is so trite and misused in fannish type stuff these days so i don’t even like using that word but it’s the best i’ve got. i really hope his motivations don’t end up wholly justifying his actions yknow? i don’t think he needs to be a villain (i don’t think there are any villains in hypmic actually, just antagonists. characters with wildly different motives and morals yknow.) but i would be very sad if all of his edges got smoothed.
while i love guys who are just Bad and Gross all the way through, it makes for an interesting character that he was “good” (or at least “honest”) at some point but then he got burned or even just backed into a corner and had to play the villain to get [his loved ones or even himself] out safely. again, Hypmic just doesn’t have many characters who are just evil for the sake of being evil, the main characters DO often have good intentions and multilayered backstories, complex conflicts that they have to deal with and navigate imperfectly. they all get messy. but i do fear Rei’s choices being undermined by a big HAHA IT WAS ALL AN ACT!! AND I’M SORRY!! moment. he’s a lot like Ardyn from FFXV for me, where yeah the guy as we know him was forged in grief and genuine good intent, but that doesn’t absolve him of the dubious things he’s done on the way here. remorse doesn’t mean shit when you’re digging your heels in and continuing to stomp down a path of spite.
i mean he even tells Saburo that one time like “even if i had a good reason for it, i still abandoned you kids.” so he’s aware of the role he’s been given, he’s not biding his time until he can shuck off this slimy facade and reveal a kind sad repentant man uwu— he IS a bit of a scumbag and he knows it. & he doesn’t expect his family to forgive him! (also i personally would love if he’s been kind of like. leaning into it too much and yknow. might as well have fun with it! if you want me to be a suspicious scheming conman, i will be! he’s committed to the bit too much etc etc. his solos are all about hustling and manipulating people and all that… it would be charming if that’s a genuine side of him just as much as his more “noble” ideals are)
ULTIMATELY i don’t want fans to end up with a really shallow take of “aw he was just a wife guy all along 🥺 he made some mistakes but he’s trying to take the world back from these Evil Women 🥺 he loves his sons 🥺 which means he’s Good, actually” UGH. like that’s my worst nightmare lol. but i guess other interpretations don’t have to be my problem even if that comes to pass because yknow he’s subject to my own He Would Not Fucking Say That sense when i come to this fandom & i can always pretend i do not see it i just. (claws at my skull) please let him be gross. just let him be sleazy and mysterious. he can have a heart of gold underneath but please understand that he’s still Like This now and he can’t go back.
THAT ALL SAID i don’t take issue with the most recent events, he’s still not showing us all of his cards and he’s still always cryptic. there’s a lot of potential for him to still be dishonest and stubborn, weaving webs and burning things down, all that. Otome is posed as someone who had good intentions but became “corrupted” so to speak. Rei even says he thinks something of this nature & that’s why he’s trying to destroy what she’s done in order to correct it all. so narratively, Otome is the Big Bad and Rei is “on our side” (i.e., on a team, part of the main cast) but we really shouldn’t forget that he’s a foil for her. whatever ideals he has are not The Solution just because he’s on this side— they’re his ideals, not the story’s ideals. his goals & methods are probably just as Wrong as hers by now. also i love them both a LOT i think they should both get worse.
i don’t have a conclusion to this post lol. just pondering the state of things and admiring the complexity of this character that i love, and how you can’t have his complexity without baggage, and hopefully things will get even MORE complicated as the story goes on… it’s great.
also i hope he pays attention to Jiro soon because i don’t want my baby suffering from too much middle child syndrome please please please let him have a one on one with Jiro too
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