#if I dont have the courage to straight up tell you;
ashtraysystem · 1 year
I'm writing a massage fic and making myself jealous of the characters. goddammit.
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glitterjay · 5 months
I need popular heeseung and unpopular y/n who has a crush on him but gets rejected when she tries and confesses but later on gets drunk and ends up in his bed
⭒ popular!heeseung, unpopular!reader, rejection, mention of alcohol / getting drunk, they dont fuck!!
⭒ c's note: it would hurt my following lives if heeseung rejected me
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @kissestoenha
lee heeseung, the captain of the basketball team and the man who has been your crush for as long as you can remember, was hosting a party this upcoming weekend to celebrate the team making it to nationals.
of course, the whole institute was invited because he's popular like that, and he knew his friends would want to invite others anyway.
your very own friends have been encouraging you for the past year to finally confess your feelings to heeseung. it wasn't that hard to talk to him at all. he wasn't a jerk type of popular.
"you won't know what could happen if you never try. what if he likes you back?" one of your friends said.
"and what if he rejects me?"
"then you'll be able to finally move on!"
you shook your head, still unsure. you always think you're ready to tell him how you feel, but you can't help but think that to him, you're just another girl who finds him attractive.
and you were right. you grew tired of your circle pestering you to go talk to him, saying how you could even have a chance to hook up with heeseung at the party. so you gathered the courage to approach him during your study hall while he was switching classes.
"heeseung, you've got a second?" you called.
he waved his friends off, shooting a kind smile that always melted you on the spot. "for sure! got questions about the party?"
you balanced on your heels, your hands playing with the hem of your shirt as you prepared yourself mentally.
"look, i know this is crazy and sudden," you started. "but i've liked you for quite some time now. i know you don't even know who i am; i'm just a phantom or whatever, but i just wanted you to know."
his smile never left his face, which was actually making you more nervous. he let out a giggle and ruffled your hair. "i appreciate it, really. there's no day where i don't get something like this told to me, so it's not sudden at all. i'm sorry i can't tell you my feelings, but what i can tell you is that i do know who you are. i've seen you a few times hanging out by the bleachers, and you were in my english class last semester! at least you aren't like those girls who are always on top of my ass." he shivered.
the entire world fell on your shoulders. it's true that you were expecting a rejection, but him actually knowing you left a bittersweet taste in your mouth.
"regardless of what just happened, make sure to have fun, mkay? see you at the party?"
"yeah, see you at the party..."
"i dont want to go!"
"but you told heeseung you'd see him there!"
your friend was trying to get you out of bed, desperately throwing things at you—which you were dodging by being under the covers—so you could start getting ready.
"i don't want to humiliate myself like that."
"it'll be more humiliating if you stay here like a loser. c'mon!"
"ugh, fine!"
it took you about an hour to get ready, considering you had been crying since the encounter with the boy.
once ready, you and your friends headed straight to the party's location. to be honest, you did not want to see heeseung at all, but you deserved to have fun after getting rejected.
but it was not your day at all. you saw him, everywhere. every time you wanted a mew drink, on the dance floor, with his friends, he was in every corner you looked at.
this made you get drunk quite fast, drinking bottle after bottle to help you distract yourself from the thoughts flooding your mind.
later through the night, your friends scattered all over the place. you could feel your head spinning, and you wanted to go home.
you got up from where you were sitting, holding on to anything you could as to not fall.
the amount of people was making it even harder to walk, and in the blink of an eye, you bumped into someone. when you looked up, you saw no other than lee heeseung himself holding on to your waist.
you weren't going to lie, he looked hot. maybe it was the alcohol in your system, but you felt like you could kiss him right there.
"are you okay?"
you didnt answer. you kept staring right at his face. his hair slicked back made his face features a lot more noticeable. he should start styling his hair that way more often.
heeseung dragged you with him to his room. it was the safest place he could think of since it was locked and only he had he key.
he sat you down on his bed and gave you a water bottle he had on his nightstand.
the water was able to sober you up a bit, and now you were aware of your surroundings. still, you had the urge to kiss heeseung's gorgeous face, something you would not think of if you were in your right mind.
"hey, heeseung?"
"can i kiss you?"
"only if you sober up."
© glitterjay | tumblr
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bloodycassian · 6 months
Damsel in distress - reader x Rhysand oneshot
Reader is rescued from torture by Rhysand. Short.
Warnings - things you'd expect in a torture scene.
Okay, maybe going on a solo mission during the Starfall party wasn’t the most educated decision. And maybe not telling anyone but Azriel where you were, and swearing him to secrecy wasn’t the strongest idea. Because now Rhysand, the shadowsinger and Cassian were likely all walking straight into a trap.
“That High Lord has trained you well.” The King’s own personal torturer muttered in his thick accent, his scarred throat bobbing with the words. He had the look and sound of a male who’d spent a lot of time screaming, and learning the secrets of what made others do the same. 
Even through the blood dribbling in your eyes you could see how he took pleasure in this torture. His every slice into your flesh had him gleeful, you could smell a hint of arousal in it when your nose wasn’t blocked up. He’d suspended you upside down, making all the blood he’s spilled roll onto your neck then to your face. Your hair was coated and stiff with it, like a animal’s fur. Soon, you suspected they may be gutting you just the same. 
the bindings at your wrists and ankles burning with every slight movement. The way his mind slammed into your mental walls was relentless and unending as the tides. The darkness of his thoughts would roll back, collect then slam into you over and over, testing for any weak spot to creep into. Your mind was a ship slowly losing buoyancy. 
“Tell me where to find The Library and you’ll be allowed to live.” He repeated, his tone as clear and neutral as if you were having a brunch together.
You’d spit if you had the courage to do it. Truthfully, this male was terrifying. The daemati abilities alone would have been enough to best anyone not trained directly from Rhys. That and his pleasure for inflicting pain created a deadly combination. 
A loud thud sounded in the hallway, the wooden door rattling on it’s hinges. The male stiffened, straightening and setting the carving knife aside in favor for the sword at his back. 
The door did not open or slam against the wall, it simply shattered. The wooden splinters of it shredding into the room, some of them embedding into your skin. The pain of it is nothing compared to the long cuts from the knife. 
The male takes in a long breath, and smiles. “Even better than I expected.” He muttered, then rushed to the door.
The sounds were all that told you there was someone there to rescue you. Azriel’s sharp hiss of pain, and the clash of steel as they fought. You couldn’t move, could barely open your eyes with the sweat that burned them. Surely it wasn’t just Azriel here to rescue you? 
The clatter of a sword against the stone floor, then silence filled the air. Your ears strained for something, anything to indicate that Azriel had survived. Tension had your muscles aching, your bruised body struggling for relief.
Near silent footsteps ghosted over the floor, approaching slowly. You cracked an eye, and blue light shed over the dark walls. A sob escaped you.
Then there was shouting. Echoing, frantic shouting and someone was at your side, cradling you in the air while Azriel worked on your restraints. The sobs wracked your body, shaking you hard. Someone, a familiar scent and sound comforted you. 
“I’m here. Dammit, I’m here.” Rhysand. Rhysand- Your sobs turned hysterical, and you pawed at his chest, pulling him as close as you could possibly be. This scent, this male was your home, your everything. 
“Dont ever pull this kind of stunt again.” He growled in your ear, and you nodded fervently in agreement. He said something to Azriel, and another, likely Cassian. 
“It was supposed to be a trap…” You sniffed, lifting your head, then letting it fall back to Rhys’s chest. The dizziness was overwhelming, and your limbs ached with every movement. “for all three of you, how-”
“There’s not a force on this planet that could keep me from you.” Rhys said low in your ear. Your stomach flipped and your cheeks heated, though you knew now just how true the words were.
“Seven dead generals and two guardsmen, not bad for something out together so quickly.” Cassian said admiringly, nudging Azriel with an elbow. 
“It wouldn’t have had to been so quick had someone not sworn me to secrecy.” Azriel shot you a dirty look, and guilt washed over you. If Rhys had shamed his brother at all you’d-
“If someone hadn’t tried to turn vigilante, you mean.” Rhys corrected, but squeezed you tighter in his arms. He started out of the cage you’d been trapped in, stepping over the body of the male who’d bled you for days.
“I mean it, don't ever do this to me again. Promise me that.” Rhys said, and you nodded against his chest, unconsciousness finding you swiftly in his arms.
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loveing-eyes · 2 years
say i love you for the first time (seprate) sero, shinsou , mina , kiri , deku , bakugo, denki , todoroki
"saying i love you for the first time"
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hanta sero
•he would be the one to say of first without hesitation around 3 months into the relationship
•you were laying on his bed just talking about life when you sat up smiling at him and laid a kiss on his cheek
•he smirked and said i love you senorita
•you froze for a moment staring in shock turning into the shade of Kirishima's hair while his smirk grew wider
•after a moment you realized what happened and hugged him saying you loved him too
•most of that evening was spent just cuddling in sero's bed
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denki kaminari
• you said it first from him being an idiot and getting hurt at the training camp around 3 weeks into the relationship
•hearing from jirou that your boyfriend got hurt had you freaking out you
•instantly had her take you to where he was passed out
staring at him and waiting for him to wake up was absolute torture the hour went by slower than the first day of school
• and when he did wake up he was groggy and you pumping on him crying didn't help that whatsoever
•confused him, even more, when you sobbed out "i love you ok you idiot don't do this shit again"
•suprisingly he didn't shortcircuit and quickly wrapped his arms around you in an attempt you console you
•"i love you too y/n/n" he would whisper back into your ear after a moment when he felt you had calmed down enough
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eijiou kirishima
•manly man said it first during a bakusquad hangout and 4 months into the relationship
• most of the 1-a class was just hanging out in the common area including you and kiri who were off just getting popcorn just talking about the date you had planned
•he just smiled and blurted it out "I love you" realized what he did when half the room stopped talking and you froze
•cue Kirishima turning the same shade as his hair
•you put down the bowl of popcorn grabbing Kirishima's hand and kissing him on the cheek "i love you too sharky" you teased and most of the girls gushed as most of the guys groaned and told you to get a room
•very nice the date the next day was wonderful
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shoto todoroki
•you said it first out of worry he didn't feel the same way around 13 months into the relationship
•you knew things would be very slow when you started dating shoto but after over a year and he hadn't said I love you it had taken 2 and a half months to so much as hold hands
•you felt like he loved you and you knew you were his first real s/o so you were patient but you felt insecure about it after 10 months and you had made barely any progress
•you distanced yourself a bit and shoto barely noticed you felt like he had been happier you felt stupid for thinking he was happier but something told you he was and you didn't know who to tell
•then came the next 3 months of a downward spiral and shoot realized you weren't just having a bad week
• finally you worked up the courage to tell asui and she told you to just be honest with him and if he doesn't feel that way just leave him and try to stay friends so you decided to do it
• finally you walked to todorokis room knocking wait for him to open and let you in
•sitting on the floor next to him you explained how you felt leaving out the fact it was because he never said I love you
•he felt confused and was mad at himself thinking he had done something wrong
•you had to explain it was from something he hadn't done
•which confused him even more making him think you distanced yourself cause you hadn't had sex yet
•which made you feel bad and apologize and tell him it was from something he hadn't said
•which brought you back to square one
•"shoto its cause i dont know if you love me I know l love you but its not extremely easy when your monotone"
he sat for a moment staring with a blank expression "well of course I love you I wouldn't be with you if I didn't" straight forward to the point
•like a weight was lifted off your shoulders you launched yourself at your boyfriend
•he wrapped his arm around you softly laying his head on your shoulder "I'll try to say it more dear"
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katsuki bakugo
•you said it firt in the middle of an argument around 3 months in
•you knew it he knew it everyone knew it katsuki was a total asshole with anger issues
•though no one expected he would get in a screaming match with his girlfriend's best friend (Denki) while she was out
•and when she got back and found out she wasn't happily marching straight to her boyfriend's room demanding an answer
•which he refused to give her one until they were in a screaming match themselves"it doesn't matter just know I had a reason"
•"well what was the reason" she wanted to know what would cause him to lose his shit "he said something" bakugo groanedd "well what did he say" y/n whispered taking a seat on the edge of his bed "it doesn't matter" bakugo groaned shoving a pillow over his face "yes it does you idiot I want to know why the bo I love screamed at my best friend"
•upon hearing "i love" he shot up "you love me" his girlfriend nodded "did you not know that" he shook his head "he was talking about if how I didn't ask you out he would totally be with you right now"
•y/n moved closer to him hugging bakugo "katsu dont worry ok I love you and only you" she whispered before kissing him softly on the forehead "I love you too idiot" he mubled hugging her back tightly
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mina ashido
•she said it first during a one-on-one sleepover 2 1/5 months in
•her sneaking in your room at 11pm saying she was bored and missed her girlfriend and laid in your bed watching tv with you
•during commercials she tuned down the volume talking about random things before peppering your face with soft kisses whilst cuddling
•in the middle of giggles she wrapped her arms pulling you closer to her whispering "I love you" in your ear barely audible
•cue you smiling and tightly hugging her back "i love you too" the two of you would gaze into each other's eyes smiling knowing you met "the one"
•short quick and sweet little sleepover with 2 lovers always wonderful
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izuku midoriya
•he attempted to say it first around 1 1/2 months in key word attempt
•you two were supposed to just have a cute study date which went to hand holding and not talking just scrolling on your phones to you laying in his lap fidgeting with his free hand
•glancing up you smiled adoringly at his concentrated face trying to do his homework your finger grazed over on few of his scares
•smiling you pulled his hand closer to your face you peppers soft kisses onto his scares which made him look down at you confused for a moment before realizing what you were doing
•"i love you...- uhhh your eyes they're very pretty" he flushed a bright pink and you pushed yourself up off his lap "zuku I love you too don't worry" that made him flush even more and you kissed his forehead before laying back down on his lap now with his hand slowly going through your hair as he attempted to calm himself down
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shinsou hitoshi
•he said it first hanging out 2 months In
•everthing was ready for movie night snacks displayed on your table you were dressed comfortably and your boyfriend was still picking out te movie he wanted to choose horror thinking it would freak you out
•you grabbed a few more pillows laying them on the floor pulling shinshou down with you laying on his chest as he turned on an American horror movie "it" apparently it was about clowns
• you were fine until the maggot doll showed up and you shoved your head into shinsous neck knocking the air out of him "ok babe you know I love you but never do that again" he groaned sitting up and rubbed his neck
•"you love me" you would stare in shock for a moment and he would realize his half-assed love confession "yes and a shame it was only said cause you almost killed me" he would joke
•"i love you too Toshi" you whispered as he pulled you closer "good good now help me pick a move that won't result in me getting a bruised neck"
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 1 year
• He would be the one to say it without hesitation around 3 months into the relationship.
• You were laying on his bed just talking about life when you sat up smiling at him and laid a kiss on his cheek.
He smirked and said, I love you, Senorita.
• You froze for a moment, staring in shock and turning into the shade of Kirishima’s hair while his smirk grew wider.
• After a moment, you realized what happened and hugged him, saying you loved him too.
• Most of that evening was spent just cuddling in Sero’s bed.
• You said it first about him being an idiot and getting hurt at the training camp around 3 weeks into the relationship.
•Hearing from Jirou that your boyfriend got hurt had you freaking out.
• Instantly had her take you to where he was passed out.
Staring at him and waiting for him to wake up was absolute torture. The hour went by slower than the first day of school.
• And when he did wake up, he was groggy, and you pumping on him to cry didn’t help that whatsoever.
• Confused him even more when you sobbed out, "I love you, ok, you idiot, don’t do this shit again.”
Surprisingly, he didn’t shortcircuit and quickly wrapped his arms around you in an attempt to console you.
•I love you too, y/n/n," he would whisper back into your ear after a moment when he felt you had calmed down enough.
•Many men said it first during a Bakusquad hangout and 4 months into the relationship.
• Most of the 1-A class was just hanging out in the common area, including you and Kiri, who were off just getting popcorn and talking about the date you had planned.
• He just smiled and blurted it out, “I love you." You realized what he did when half the room stopped talking and you froze.
• Cue Kirishima turning the same shade as his hair.
• You put down the bowl of popcorn, grabbing Kirishima’s hand and kissing him on the cheek. "I love you too, sharky,” you teased, and most of the girls gushed as most of the guys groaned and told you to get a room.
• Very nice. The date the next day was wonderful.
• You said it first out of worry; he didn’t feel the same way around 13 months into the relationship.
• You knew things would be very slow when you started dating Shoto, but after over a year and he hadn’t said I love you, it had taken 2 and a half months to so much as hold hands.
• You felt like he loved you, and you knew you were his first real sister, so you were patient, but you felt insecure about it after 10 months, and you had made barely any progress.
• You distanced yourself a bit, and Shoto barely noticed. You felt like he had been happier. You felt stupid for thinking he was happier, but something told you he was, and you didn’t know who to tell.
• Then came the next 3 months of a downward spiral, and you realized you weren’t just having a bad week.
• Finally, you worked up the courage to tell Asui, and she told you to just be honest with him, and if he doesn’t feel that way, just leave him and try to stay friends, so you decided to do it.
• Finally, you walked to the Todorokis room, knocking, waiting for him to open and let you in.
• Sitting on the floor next to him, you explained how you felt, leaving out the fact that it was because he never said I love you.
He felt confused and was mad at himself, thinking he had done something wrong.
• You had to explain it was something he hadn’t done.
which confused him even more, making him think you distanced yourself because you hadn’t had sex yet.
• which made you feel bad, apologize, and tell him it was from something he hadn’t said.
• which brought you back to square one
• "Shoto, it's because I dont know if you love me. I know I love you, but it's not extremely easy when you're monotone."
He sat for a moment, staring with a blank expression. "Well, of course I love you. I wouldn’t be with you if I didn't.” Straight forward to the point.
• Like a weight was lifted off your shoulders, you launched yourself at your boyfriend.
• He wrapped his arm around you softly, laying his head on your shoulder. “I’ll try to say it more, dear.”
• You said it first in the middle of an argument around 3 months ago.
• You knew it; he knew it; everyone knew it. Katsuki was a total asshole with anger issues.
• Though no one expected he would get into a screaming match with his girlfriend’s best friend (Denki) while she was out
• and when she got back and found out she wasn’t happily marching straight to her boyfriend’s room, demanding an answer
• which he refused to give her one until they were in a screaming match themselves.It doesn’t matter, just know I had a reason."
• Well, what was the reason?" She wanted to know what would cause him to lose his sh*t. “He said something,” Bakugo groaned. "Well, what did he  say?"Y/N whispered, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, “It doesn’t matter." Bakugo groaned, shoving a pillow over his face. "Yes, it does, you idiot. I want to know why the boy I love screamed at my best friend.”
•Upon hearing "I love,” he shot up, “You love me." His girlfriend nodded. “Did you not know that?” he said, shaking his head. “He was talking about how if I didn’t ask you out, he would totally be with you right now.”
•y/n moved closer to him, hugging Bakugo. "Katsu, don't worry, ok, I love you and only you,” she whispered before kissing him softly on the forehead. “I love you too, idiot,” he muffled, hugging her back tightly.
• She said it first during a one-on-one sleepover 2 1/5 months in
• Her sneaking into your room at 11 p.m., saying she was bored and missed her girlfriend, and lying in your bed watching TV with you
• During commercials, she tuned down the volume, talking about random things, before peppering your face with soft kisses while cuddling.
•In the middle of giggles, she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer to her whispering, “I love you,” in your ear barely audible.
•Cue you smiling and tightly hugging her back. "I love you too.” The two of you would gaze into each other’s eyes, smiling knowing you met “the one.”
• A short, quick, and sweet little sleepover with two lovers is always wonderful.
• He attempted to say it first, around 1 ½ months into the key word attempt.
• You two were supposed to just have a cute study date, which went from hand-holding and not talking to scrolling on your phones to you laying in his lap, fidgeting with his free hand.
•glancing up You smiled adoringly at his concentrated face, trying to do his homework. Your finger grazed over a few of his scars.
•Smiling, you pulled his hand closer to your face. You peppered soft kisses onto his scars, which made him look down at you, confused for a moment before realizing what you were doing.
•I love you... uh, your eyes, they’re very pretty." He flushed a bright pink, and you pushed yourself up off his lap.
• Zuku, I love you too, don’t  worry."That made him flush even more, and you kissed his forehead before laying back down on his lap, his hand slowly going through your hair as he attempted to calm himself down.
• He said it first hanging out for 2 months.
• Everything was ready for movie night. Snacks were displayed on your table. You were dressed comfortably, and your boyfriend was still picking out the movie. He wanted to choose horror, thinking it would freak you out.
• You grabbed a few more pillows and laid them on the floor, pulling Shinshou down with you lying on his chest as he turned on an American horror movie called "It." Apparently, it was about clowns.
• You were fine until the maggot doll showed up, and you shoved your head into his shinsy neck, knocking the air out of him. "Okay, babe, you know I love you, but never do that again,” he groaned, sitting up and rubbing his neck.
• You love me," you would stare in shock for a moment, and he would realize his half-assed love confession. "Yes, and a shame it was only said because you almost killed me,” he would joke.
•I love you too, Toshi," you whispered as he pulled you closer. "Good, good. Now help me pick a move that won’t result in me getting a bruised neck.”
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muffinsin · 7 months
Ok, please dont pressure yourself too much! Please delete my requests if there, well, shit.
Anyway, readers been dating one of the sisters for a while n for some reason or another rs mother visits. But rs mother isnt exactly the greatest mother to r and to summarise abuses them, emotionally or physically up to you tbh. Holding them up to ridiculous standards and tells them she wished she had aborted them, generally just being a bit of a dick- making fun of how the reader looks and thinking they have ownership of the reader and her body bc shes their mother. Lady Dimitrescu is not tolerating this in her castle and as much as she wants to ignore it she cares for reader bc her daughter loves them (idk if that makes sense) so she comforts reader like a mother should, praising reader when their mother has just shouted at them or something.
Queue to the sister finding Lady Dimitrescu reading to reader whilst there curled up on her lap with a blanket. (Motherly)
Idk if any of this makes sense, feel free to completely change parts of this.
With fruitiness,
Deluded anon
A rare Alcina post here! Because the prompt was just too adorable and I love this tall murderous woman as a mother figure🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ this one’s quite Alcina centered for once :)
Keeping this Bela/Cassandra/Daniela neutral for once! :)
You know, today is the day your mother is coming over. You know, it was bound to happen, too
The moment she picked up on you living in a grand castle, she suddenly acted interested and invited herself
A declination of her “request” is not possible. Aside from this, your lover is most keen on meeting her
You haven’t yet had the courage to tell her about your mother, nor about the woman she truly is
How can you, when your lover’s mother is just perfect?
Alcina is kind, and caring. She’s strict, but out of love. She shows affection, and she practically showers all three of her daughters in praise. She never fails to comfort them or point out that she is proud of them no matter what
Neither of the Dimitrescu family members notice your yearning look when you watch your girlfriend hug her mother and receive a kiss on the cheek or forehead in return
It’s breakfast time- your favorite time. In general, mealtimes are your favorite. It’s the times of days when all sisters and their mother are together
Alcina never misses it. She always pauses her work, even on busy days, to spend this time with her daughters and you. It feels almost like a privilege to sit among them, sometimes
However, now all you feel is dread, and yet: still hope
Perhaps your mother will be influenced by Alcina, positively
Still, you feel dread knowing she will be here shortly
A few hours later, you stand in the main hall and fiddle with your girlfriend’s dress as you wait for your mother. You know, she won’t be much longer
You almost flinch when the heavy doors open, yet can’t help the involuntary smile when you see the woman that has birthed you step inside
Your smile falters when she immediately begins to complain about the cold and the frustrating path it took to get here. Your girlfriend chuckles nervously, as though unsure what to say, and you can only join in
Then, your expression turns to a hurt one when she begins to criticize things and you already
Starting with the state of your clothes- a little rough looking from your roughhousing with Daniela earlier today
You blush in embarrassment and shame as you’re scolded, your hand squeezing your girlfriend’s tightly
Next, your posture is criticized. You stand straight again, tears welling in your eyes at your mother’s words
Unworthy. Filthy. Ragged. A waste
You’re quick to greet her and ask her how she is doing when she scolds you for this, too
But it seems even that can’t be done right, for she simply starts scolding you for not checking in more often
After all, how is it she only learns months later that you are dating one of the “monsters” of the castle?
Her displeasure makes it quite clear, even if it has been already: she intended for you to work there and earn her money until your demise
You flinch when she steps closer to you, as though to examine you
You spare your girlfriend a pitiful look as she attempts to interrupt, yet is cut off by your mother’s tsks again
She comments on your clothing. One of your favorite outfits, made to ruin by her. The colours, the fabric, the style is all criticized
Then, your body
You flinch when a finger sharply pokes your stomach
“And I thought they would feed you less, here”
The comment stings, and has both, you and your girlfriend, tense up. Her, in anger. You seem to only shrink into yourself
You know, she’s looking for a way to keep back your mother without causing offense. She is still your mother, after all
You hold back your tears when you’re criticized again, your hair, your face, your arms and hands
“I love them and how they look”, your girlfriend protests when your look as a whole is criticized
This makes you jump in surprise, and whimper when it causes your mother to finally turn to your partner
She examines her, as if determining her worth
She scowls at the tattoo on her forehead, yet her features soften at beautiful hair, a regal-looking face, a smooth neck sporting a necklace with a very obviously expensive gemstone
Smooth skin and a seductive figure, a beautiful, if gothic, dress clinging to her and hugging her body and curves perfectly
Your mother laughs for a moment
And it stings when she points out: you’re not at all worth your girlfriend’s time
Of course, your lover immediately corrects this. She assures: you’re her everything
And yet it is only met with a scowl
Your eyes snap back to your mother when she calls your name, her own eyes icy cold
Upon being asked how much money you make, you fall silent
Living at the castle and being in this relationship, you don’t make any. You work, yet not for money, but to support the staff and ultimately Alcina. You don’t get paid, simply work to keep busy and support
After all, why would you be in need of money? Your girlfriend’s money is yours, now. And hers is Alcina’s. Being paid for your work would only come from your own pocket, ultimately
You don’t dare tell your mother about this. You refuse to risk her taking any of the money that belongs to the Dimitrescu family. A warm flutter spreads in your chest momentarily as you realize: it includes you now
Yet, this doesn’t satisfy at all, and you flinch as she throws up her hands and yells
After all, she sent you to this place to earn money for her! And here you are, empty handed and happy? She’s fuming
She screams, calls you a mistake, a waste
When your lover steps in front of you, arms crossed and yelling back at last no matter the consequence, you take it as an opportunity to slip out the room
You run, tears blurring your vision as you sob so violently, your body trembles
You aren’t even sure where you’re running off to, or for how long you have been running
You’re ashamed as the staff sees you sob and run last them. You just want to get out of sight
You’re running fast, and before you know it, push through several doors until you burst into a room
Only when Alcina gasps in surprise at the intrusion do you notice you’ve stumbled, seemingly automatically, into her office
Her eyes are wide, and for a moment she looks ready to strike
Then, her eyes soften. She knows the little human that has stumbled into her study. You are no mere staff member- you are the that has wooed her daughter
She frowns in concern at your state. Your heart beats so fast, unnaturally so. You’re distressed
Your expression is pained, and tears stick to your cheeks and jawline
She can’t help but care for you. You are important to her precious daughter- as such you have grown into the countess quite a lot
You sob quietly as she gets off her chair and moves towards you. A door is closed, and a large hand sets on your backside
It’s guiding you, you realize, towards the large chair in the corner
To your surprise though, she sits down before you can. To your even grander surprise, you’re lifted on her lap
Ignoring the blush of embarrassment on your cheeks, you can’t help but reach out to feel the fabric of her dress
For a moment, Alcina watches you as you fiddle with it. It seems to help you, even as you still cry a little
You feel her large hand on your back, the other set over your knee, covering it whole. Her thighs are large and steady, but comfortable, and there is a warmth naturally radiating from her body that the sisters seem to lack
You feel grounded, with her here. It makes you feel better, even as you sit in silence
You find three loose strands on the dress, and she watches curiously as your fingers immediately move to it
Her hand hovers, ready to stop should you pull like her two youngest daughters like to do
You aren’t, though. Alcina watches in confusion as you begin braiding the little strings between your small fingers
You work gently, and meticulously
When you finish, you trace the tiny braid
“What meticulous grace you possess, little one”, she praises, her eyebrow raised curiously as she traces the tiny thing with her index fingertip
You can’t help but feel a light, happy feeling in your chest at her words, and feel it settle there among the darkness caused by your mother’s words
Your tears have dried, and yet new ones roll down your cheeks at the mere memory of her words just before
You aren’t quite sure you’re ready to share her words yet, but thankfully, there is no need
You feel her move about, until you find yourself pulled close to her, with your head comfortably resting against her chest. It’s rare you feel this at ease, even as sobs wretch your body. You feel warm when her arm slings around you, as though protecting you from the evil of this world
You see now, how the sisters are so devoted to their mother. You couldn’t quite understand from your own experience, but it’s clear: Alcina is different from your mother in every way
You sob quietly as you turn, your body tucked into hers. Due to her height, you fit perfectly against her stomach and chest
You cringe a little as you notice your tears wet her expensive dress, yet as you attempt to pull away, a hand comes up to the back of your head
Not strong, or forceful. Not even threatening. Reassuring, rather. She wants to keep you there
“Don’t mind them, little one. Tell me what happened”, she demands gently
You feel yourself relaxing against her, your hand coming up to hold onto her dress
When you open your mouth, it takes a few second for words to spill out. Then, you can’t stop yourself
You cry as you talk, slurring and stuttering, whimpering and trembling. But her piercing, golden eyes are warm and stay on you, and her arms do not untangle from around you. She does not interrupt you either, and yet it feels like she understands every little of your broken words
Her brows furrow in anger quickly at the words spilling from your lips
How dare someone treat you this way? Alcina thinks a lot of you. Obviously, or else she would not allow her daughter to be with you. She would not have a fool for her precious darlings, after all
Lucky for you, Alcina approves of you. And as such, she is enraged by your mother’s words
“Unworthy?!”, she gasps, utterly shocked upon hearing your mother said such a thing
“I am yet to deem people unworthy”, she protests. A silent, but honest phrase. You catch the meaning: you are worthy, according to all whose opinion matters
You feel yourself calming down a little again as she talks, praise after praise of your qualities falling from her lips
You’re quite surprised she has paid you much mind, really, but feel content in her arms
Eventually, as she talks, you feel yourself calming down
Your head is tilted upwards against her chest, and you feel your eyes slipping shut as she traces your features with her fingertip
Alcina watches curiously as she does this, first tracing your brow and nose, then your cheek
She remembers doing this the first time, with her eldest daughter back when she was a child and experienced distress the first time. Seeing as it calmed her down greatly, it’s now her go-to
And it seems to calm you, too
You don’t notice you’re hugging her and pushed up against her until she shifts her arms and you find yourself curled up in her spacious lap
Through heavy eyes you see her pick up a book, and with a tired smile on your lips, you cuddle closer as she begins to read
You don’t recall the last time you felt this relaxed with anyone that wasn’t your lover
As her words turn muffled the more sleep takes over you, your eyes feel heavier and heavier
Your mother’s words no longer linger on your mind, instead all you focus on is the comfort and love you feel in the moment, the happiness and acceptance
You don’t notice when your eyes slip shut, but with a smile, you fall asleep at last
An hour later or so, Alcina jumps when her door is slammed open again
This time, her daughter is the one entering the room, her fist clenched and a scowl on her face
“Mother, I’m going to kill someone!”
She laughs fondly at the remark, the book clasping close as she rests it on the small, unoccupied space left on her lap
Just as her daughter attempts to sit down there too, she shrieks in surprise and swarms backwards upon finding the space occupied by- you
Alcina smiles at the adorable expression on her face
She pulls you a little closer, then extends her arm and gently pulls her confused daughter closer
“Come here, my little fly”, she coos, sensing the woman’s anger at your mother. As expected, she purrs and eagerly leans into the countess’s touch
Alcina smiles lovingly as she, at last, too climbs into her lap, settling comfortably and purring contentedly
Even in your sleep, you feel your lover pull you closer, and even as you sleep; a small smile shows on your lips
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luna0713hunter · 8 months
Tell me a lie
Part 1
Modern au!Choso x reader,breakup,angst,hurt/comfort,happy ending i promise
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The day you break up with Choso, ironically,is the anniversary of the day you two met.
Breaking up with Choso,was easy;you two weren't real couples to begin with. The whole thing only started out as a joke;since the two of you kept getting hit on in College almost every day,you thought it'll be a funny idea to play pretend with your best friend.
"what if we pretend to date?i bet that'll help us out."
It was a joke. A stupid, thoughtless joke.
A joke,that got real too fast.
"what if we did?"
So you did. At that time,it seemed like the best idea; after all,you and Choso never had any romantic feelings toward one another,so it wouldn't hurt right?
But breaking up did hurt. No matter what.
Falling in love with Choso was easy. Of course it was;he was the kindest guy you've ever knew. He was your best friend since the first semester in college,and the only guy you could rely on.
Falling in love with Choso was easy, because you've always loved him deep in your heart.
The sky was blue,night was dark,and you loved Choso Kamo.
Simple as that.
But as you watch Choso stare down at his hands across yours on the small table tucked in the corner of a cozy cafe,you cant help but to wonder how easy it would be to reach out and wrap your fingers around his.
But no. You wont do that; because that wasnt the deal. You both had agreed that after college ends,so does your fake relationship. And thats why you're here;to end whatever was going on between the two of you.
"so...thats it." You clear your throat,trying to muster enough courage for an awkward smile, "the last day of college. "
Choso doesnt say a word.
"what,uh,what would you do now?"
Your eyes remain on the way his long, elegant fingers tap against the coffee mug he's holding.
"I'll look for job. Take care of Yuji."
"oh yeah!you mentioned he's gonna live with you from now on,must be exciting!"
And finally,Choso looks up. And how you wished he'd continue to look at you forever.
"if we're done here,i should go pick up Yuji from his daycare."
And you just nod, dumbfounded as he grabs his coat and pays for both of your drinks. You dont say a word,not until he's almost out of the door,before glancing back at you with the smallest,most forced smile you've ever seen from him.
"it was nice being with you,y/n. Take care."
"you too Choso..."
I Love you
You dont say. Instead,you just sit there,staring out of the cafe window as the first snowflakes of winter start to fall.
And if you've shed a tear or two,no one would know.
"yes!yes thank you so much!!! I'll head straight there!!!"
As you rush to the nearest bus stop,you check the address your friend has sent you. If you took the bus right now,you would be there in no time!
Why the rush?
Lets just say,job hunting was going nowhere. So as soon as your friend from college mentioned she knew someone who needed a sitter for their sibling,you jumped at the opportunity.
As you get off the bus,you double check the location your friend has sent you and smile;the house is nothing big,just a regular household you see on streets. The front yard has few flowers and plants,and when you ring the doorbell,your heart beats loudly against your ribcage.
The door swings open,and when you dont see anyone in front of you, you raise your brow until you hear a tiny,excited voice calling for you.
"Hi y/n!!"
Your eyes draws downward,and you let out a small squeak;the small boy standing in front of you is nothing but adorable. His spikey pinkish hair is messy,and his big brown eyes are so innocent. There are scratches and small bruises on his cheeks,arms and knees,and the huge, blinding smile he's giving you makes anyone's heart melt.
But that's not the reason you're almost having a heart attack no.
The reason is-
"Yuji!i told you not to open the door without me!!"
Yuji,the small boy turns around and smiles sheepishly.
You swallow,and as you're wondering if its too late to turn around and run,the man himself,Choso freaking Kamo opens the door wider and upon seeing you,grows quiet.
There's an awkward moment where neither of you say anything.
"...y/n. Why are you here..?"
You cough,and hold up your phone for him to see.
"Remember Yuki,from college?she told me her friend needed a sitter for his younger sibling...so.."
"You're my new sitter,y/n?!"
The small squeal has you melting and you knee in front of Yuji and ruffle his hair.
"hey Yuji,i see you still remember me."
The boy gives you a toothy grin, showing you he's missing a few,and nods.
"Big bro always talks about you-"
"Yuji," Choso's calm voice snaps both of your heads his way, "why dont you go watch tv while we speak?"
Yuji,the ever polite kid he is,rushes inside. Leaving you alone with your kinda-friend who you haven't seen in six months.
Not since your break-up.
When Choso clears his throat,you nervously glance up at him and hate the way your heart throbs,even after six months.
You still love him.
"so," he awkwardly steps aside, "want a cup of tea?"
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whumpy-wyrms · 13 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #6
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
content: whumpee pov, lab whump, sprained ankle, scientist carewhumper
You chose: It hurts. Comply and let him help you.
You sigh shakily. “Fine,” you say and hold your leg out towards him. You know you shouldn’t trust him, but you have to accept what help you can get.
He leans down to take a look. “Hm,” he hums. “It looks like a pretty bad sprain. Good thing you have me, this will heal in no time!” He notices your expression and his smile dwindles. “Are you in any other pain?”
…Besides the emotional pain of literally being kidnapped and taken here against your will and not knowing what’s going to happen to you, really the only thing that hurts is your ankle. The drug has worn off by now, and your head is surprisingly clear.
“…Just my ankle,” you say. “But it hurts. R-really bad.”
“Ah. I’m sorry. Really, I didn’t mean for all that to happen.”
He didn’t mean for that to happen? He was following you home and started chasing you. What did he expect, for you to come with him willingly? You stare up at him, but your courage starts to dwindle into a panic. You remember how you never stood a chance, and now you’re here, in this strange place, at his mercy.
“Why did you take me?” You ask. You can’t help your voice from breaking. “What do you want with me?”
His expression softens. “Hey, buddy, it’s okay. I’ll tell you everything once I fix your ankle. You’ll get answers soon, don’t worry. Everything will be okay.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod your head in understanding. You’ll be fine. At least he’s being nice. This could be worse. This could be much worse.
“…Nothing else hurts?” He asks.
“Okay. Your ankle needs ice. I’m going to go get some now, alright?” He stands up and starts walking towards the door. “Stay there, I’ll be back in a moment.”
He walks out and the door clicks shut behind him. You assume it must be locked, but it wouldn’t hurt to check.
But that would involve walking, so for now you look out the window and see him walking around in that… lab. It’s a pretty big place, with pretty strange things that you can’t seem to wrap your head around. It all looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. There are giant glass tubes of colorful liquid, shelves of weird looking plants and objects you don’t recognize, dangerous looking machines, a metal table in the middle, cages. You shudder as your mind wonders about all the horrible things he could do to you in there. 
Your eyes flicker back to him— Anton— rummaging around in a drawer. You’re alone for a moment, you should probably take advantage of that. You have no idea the state you’ll be in once he’s done with you, or if he ever will be.
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader @whumpinthepot @lumpywhump @paperprinxe
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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readingwiththestars · 2 months
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["it's a good thing you're not here, because i still havent found my courage."]
| ✮ 4.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers ahead]
okayyy let me just start off with WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK WAS THAT ENDING LAUREN???? i'm not okay because of it. like nuh uh get lost. u had no right to do that (im saying this as if it didnt get spoiled for me and i didnt gaslight myself the entire book read that it wasn't going to happen)
i would like to straight up say this seemed like a filler book. just a set up for the next one, it didn't really have all too much plot-wise aside from pae and kai's romance. it was less on the fantasy side and more on the romance but i still enjoyed it a lot. and obviously since it was a filler book there was less character development (for some- im looking at you paedyn)
kai and pae were really cute in this book honestly (and as it mostly focuses on the romance ofc they were) the banter and everything was so wonderful to read i was giggling and kicking my feet wayyy to much. the romance was romancing but also not romancing at the same time (im not even gonna try to explain that just use vibes)
i do feel as though lauren's writing has definitely improved from powerless. she has this whimsical magical style of writing that i love it really takes me into the world of the book (mostly). other times the long sentences were too much in moments. like lauren. we did not need to know the colour of the bricks in the market at this certain moment in time when you'd already explained the colour two pages ago-
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
paedyn - ok i love her. i really do she's such a good fmc BUT for me in this book she was boring-ish. and hella indecisive like girly pop if i had kai talking to me like that i'd be folding so damn fast- but yeah it felt like she didn't have too much character development aside from finding out her dad was actually her dad. also i idk who the fuck she was trying to fool with her 'i hate you' to kai, like be fucking for real bitch no you dont.
kai - ok bye i could write a whole rant on why i love this man. like im sat. this book felt more like kai's book (as powerless felt like pae's) imo we got more on his backstory and i think his character (and povs) were more interesting for me to focus on. also his flirting and little one liners had me giggling and shit my sister actually woke up to me grinning like an idiot under torch light-
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [its like all kai... im not even sorry about it either]
"you are my proof of paradise." - kai
"call us even. call me crazy. i don't care. just... just call me yours." - kai
"under different curcumstances i promise you im much more fun tied up." - kai (WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREECHED AND STARED AT THE PAGE. MALAKAI AZER-)
"just pae and kai." - kai
"she was supposed to be my forever. now i'll watch her become someone else's. because the beast doesn't get the beauty." - kai
jahsdgj i can't wait for the next book hehe
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vampireimiko · 1 year
can you write about 1610 miles with a girl that's bold and confident? like she flirts with him all the time and he's just so in awe and shy around her and she makes him feel confident ?❤️😭
rooftop lovin
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warnings, none at all !! straight up fluff :3
note, this request is coming out a bit late bc it wound up in my inbox RIGHT after i stopped taking requests so here it is now😭
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There was a million things Miles Morales was great like drawing, great at academics, and saving the city damn near everyday (but you dont know that 🙈) and more. Despite all of this, the one thing he could never do was talk to you properly.
He'd always get so nervous when you came around. However, you found it cute. You loved teasing and flirting with him whenever you got the chance. It was always so fun watching the way he'd rub the back of his neck nervously and try to stop himself from stuttering.
Regardless, you were surprised when he asked you out. He offered to have a picnic with you on the top of his building. Now fast foward to this very moment, your sitting down on the blanket Miles had sprawled out with various common picnic foods adorning it.
"Wow Miles.." You said taking in just exactly everything he did to decorate for you. It looked so magical. "You did all this for me?"
Miles gives you a nod and shoots you that cute smile of his. "Yeah I did! You- You like it right?"
You smile back at Miles, captivated by his sweet gesture. "I love it, Miles. It's absolutely amazing. You really went all out, didn't you?" You admire the effort he put into creating such a romantic and magical setting for your picnic.
As you both enjoy the picnic together, the sun begins to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. The two of you chat and laugh, feeling more comfortable and at ease with each passing moment. As the night sky emerges, adorned with stars, you lean back on your elbows, looking up at the vastness above.
"Miles," you say softly, breaking the comfortable silence, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you too."
"Yeah?" He said looking over at you with a look of curiosity.
"I've liked you for a long time, Miles," you confess, your heart beating faster with each word. "You may not always see it, but I admire you in so many ways. Your talent, your kindness, your bravery... it all fascinates me."
A smile begins to tug on the corner of his lips. "You really mean that?"
"Absolutely," you reply, reaching out to gently hold his hand. "You're a remarkable person, and I can't help but be drawn to you."
Miles can hardly believe his ears, feeling a mix of joy and disbelief that someone as confident and amazing as you could feel this way about him. But your reassuring touch and sincere gaze ease his nerves, allowing him to feel more secure in this moment.
With a newfound sense of courage, he leans in closer, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. "I feel the same way," he admits in a soft voice. "You've always been so incredible, and I couldn't help but fall for you."
Time seems to slow as you draw closer to each other, your faces just inches apart. Without any hesitation, you share a tender and sweet kiss, the magic of the moment enveloping you both. It feels like the beginning of something beautiful, as if the city itself celebrates the union of two souls.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐟 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
*ahem* please may I be honoured with asking for a fluffy ares w/ interviewer? 👀
*must boost the ares content any way I know how*
Idk if this is an interviewer!reader or not, so you guys can be the interviewer ^^
Ares w interviewer!!!
He's always acting cool and mighty sometimes but when I tell you this mans entire body throughout Olympus and back— WAS FROZEN.
He was sweating his biceps off, I swear on zues. I'm not kidding.
He's pacing around the room, multiple beads of sweat dripping down his face, and his head was storming with thoughts.
"how will I act? What questions will I have to answer? What if I DONT know the answer??? What if the interviewer is mean? Will this be the end?? I don't want it to end! WHAT ARE HOMOSAPIENS AGAIN?- wait..oh. WHAT??"
Hermes was just standing there with him, a little smile on his face as he awaited the interviewer, absolutely ignoring his brothers blabbering.
Hermes : "I'm sure it'll go well, brother ares. The interviewer is known to be really nice (⌒_⌒)"
Hermes : "I never said you were scared.."
The moment you walk in, your greeted with him sitting on the couch, his back incredibly straight. But his face? Drenched in sweat.
"hello, mister Ares. I'll be your interviewer...please feel free to relax around me..I don't bite.." you gave a little bow and sat down your things, getting out a pen and journal. Ready to interview him with absolute profession.
"er...y...yes...go..ahead..." The small response was a good enough giveaway of his discomfort. Well, not that you couldn't see his eyes that kept darting to his brother Hermes for support.
"thank you for taking your time for him, he's just a little nervous since it's his first interview..." he smiled, giving you a soft look while looking at Ares who started fuming out of embarrassment.
"I'm not nervous!!!" Hermes rolls his eyes and giving a soft smile, no other expression towards his brother's outburst.
"well then, I shall take my leave now. have fun~"
And with that, he shut the door, as ares gave him the biggest look of betrayal, thinking his brother would have stayed with him the whole time. But now, he was stuck with you.
You started off with a few easy question, like how his day was, what he liked to do. His hobbies, his favourite animals, which were all responded to with heavy hesitated replies.
He did eventually start softening up, which gave you hope. Going on further to more personal topics, which he started answering with clearer replies and detail.
In the end, you were happy with the outcome, and gave him a few pieces of candy.
"thank you for your time, Mister Ares...I hope to speak with you again soon."
You gave him a polite bow, which he also returned.
And with newfound courage, he spoke
"thank you v..very much..for your time."
When you looked back at the door, you saw his face flushed with embarrassed, but also with a shy look. Which put a little smile to your face.
And now, what is he doing? Munching on the candy, checking the calendar as zues and Hermes stood in the doorway.
"what's gotten into him all of a sudden?"
Zues looked at Hermes for answers, who chuckled in amusement.
"he's checking for the next time he'll get interviewed. He seems to have taken a liking to the interviewer."
"NO IM NOT!!" they both snicker to each other at an embarrassed Ares who was listening to them the whole time.
And let's just say, he will refuse to talk to any other interviewers unless it was you who he could talk to. Since he now had a shared bond after his first interview.
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onlyrains · 1 year
walk you home .2
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pairing: odajima yuken x female reader
warnings: grammar error, lowercase
note: i decided to make part 2, hope you like it <3
part 1 | part 3
days have passed since the last time you met yuken. nothing have changed and nothing special too, you never heard of him again until yesterday sachio brought him up to the conversation when he and yui walked you home.
“when would you come home?” yui's voice caught your attention.
her brother shook his head. “i dont know. yuken have been acting like someone else.”
“yuken?” you asked subconsciously.
sachio turned his head to you. “do you know something, y/n?” he asked.
you shook your head. “no,” you answered softly. you didnt had enough courage to ask any further even though you were dying to know.
“but its not like you cant go home, right? mom worried about you.” yui argued. you couldnt help to fidgeting your sweated fingers.
sachio ran his palm to his sister's hair, comforting. “i need to make sure he didnt do anything stupid, yui.” he said while smiled beautifully.
you heard it clear. what kind of ‘anything’ was it?
“what do you mean anything stupid, sachio-san?” you asked doubtly.
“he fought with high school Z few days ago. he seems so resentful.”
“by himself?” you couldnt hide your expression.
“by himself.” sachio affirmed. “he was not like this.” he added. he sounded so confused.
and today, after sawamura and yui walked you home, you made your way to a mini market nearby. you thought you need something sweet to drink to distracted you from your own curiosity.
you were drowned in your mind when you tried to picked your drink. thoughts full of the person who walked you home a few days ago and then he suddenly had fought high school Z’s bastards? unbelievable.
you grabbed a strawberry flavored soda in the middle row.
“i prefer the lemon one,” you heard someone talking right behind you.
quickly, you turned your body 180 degree to faced him and you were right. you knew it was him. you knew his voice.
“odajima-san?” you gasped covering your mouth with your palm.
a huge smile appeared on his face. “hi,” he greeted with both hands on his pocket.
and that was the first time you received a greeting with a big-big smile like that. though you couldnt decide if it was a warm or a flirty smile.
“you surprised me!” you blurted.
he clapped once then spread his arms. “surprise!” he exclaimed.
“what are you doing here?” you asked still confused.
“i saw you entered this store alone. where is yui and sawamura?” he raised one eyebrow and somehow you felt intimidated.
you closed the refrigerator behind you. “i was with them but suddenly i want something to drink.” you smiled innocently, showing your straight teeth.
“okay, then,” his eyes landed on your chest where you hold your soda.
“just that?” he asked. you nodded twice.
“okay, let's go, i'll accompany you home.”
you let him pushed your back gently without a word and he followed behind you to the cashier.
you almost got there but then your eyes met someone's in the queue. your reflex made you turned very quick and crashed yuken's body.
he placed his palm on your back and rubbed it before he asked, “something's wrong?”
you looked up to him slowly. “its them—cashier,” you almost trembled, not only worried about yourself but about what yuken would do too.
“ah, them?” he pointed at the high school Z boys without hesitation. “mhm..” you hummed.
“Oi!” he shouted and caught people's attention. you turned making him stood behind you.
they walked towards you and smirked. “you have someone now, huh?” the tall one recognized you so well.
“was he not there that day?” yuken asked the other two guys. “no.” one of them answered.
“you better tell him and make sure he shuts his mouth up before i do.” yuken leaned forward and place his chin on your left shoulder. “my hands tried not to leave my pocket this time.” he continued.
you could feel his breath in your neck for a moment, sending chills on your spine.
without a single word, they left with their stuff unpaid and you breathe as much as you could possibly do. “its fine now, you dont need to be scared like that.”
“you make me scared!” you shrieked spontaneously.
“me?” he pointed himself in disbelief. “why?”
“i thought you were going to do something to them.”
“i did something.”
“i mean physically.”
he smirked. “eh, you worried now?”
you chuckled in annoyance. “you did something to them a few days ago, right? what did you do?” you asked with a stern voice.
he laughed lightly and couldnt help to ruffled your hair. “you are really cute when you try to intimidate me, you know that?”
you swore to god your heart was about to burst but your brain said no. with all your strength, you tried to keep your threatening face and stared at him. “i wasnt joking, odajima-san.”
he chuckled, still. “i gave them a little lesson.”
“what kind of lesson?”
“my favorite lesson.”
“what is it?”
“oh, you want to know more about me?”
you sighed. you couldnt deal with him.
“let's go home.” you walked ahead of him to the cashier.
he stared at your back and smiled before join you in the queue.
at least he knows that you are safe now.
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jackrabbit-fandom · 5 months
Hi hi hi!!! I saw you write for one piece and was wondering if I could request something for luffy thats probably a little too specific..????
I headcannon luffy is somewhere on the aro/ace or gray spectrum and would just be so interested in reading about reader having feelings for him because hes like just you know luffy our boy😭 and luffy considers reader as practically oul mate type thsts how close they are.
Maybe like he feels just a tiny bit of something but decides to leave that until after he becomes king of the pirates but if its too hard you dont have to do this😭😭
Like doesnt have to be anything long or too grand and its okay if you dont want to write it🙏but thank you so much in advanve if you make it! ^^ (also hopefully no events that happen after sabaody because thats where i am right now im sorry but you dont have to if yoh dont want!😭💔)
AroAce Luffy headcanons (sorta)
So I'm not super versed on the aro part of the spectrum, but i am on the ace side, so i know more given that. Ether way, luffy is one of my favorites, and this is one of my own headcanons for him. More so, headcannon style then "story" cause im still trying to figure that part out, lol
Firstly, I'll say that to make this work, im going more so in the demi-romantic/sexual side. I am of the opinion that while he is slightly oblivious, and let's be honest, kinda dumb at times, luffy isn't completely clueless to these things.
Nothing too big here, gender neutral pronouns, fluff/tiny bit of angst, It's a tiny suggestive, but it's not really anything bad, Mabye, a bit of crack cause luffy
Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Like i said, I've never done this before, but hopefully, you liked it anyway
Having feelings for this guy would be kinda hard, mainly because he's very obvious when people do like him. Hed likely just assumed your best buds for a while unless you get the courage to just tell him. This can get frustrating when he's constantly hugging you and hanging around you.
If we do go fully on aroace luffy, it'd probably hurt a bit. He'd probably fully ignore your feelings for him or just not notice. It would be more so a one-sided pinning. If you're part of his crew, he likely clings onto you like he does with the others, which could also make things worse
If you confess to him now, he'd just straight up tell you he's not interested, or he doesn't care about that kinda thing
However, if we go more of a demi route and you confess, theres a few outcomes:
The first one is that he just bluntly says he's not interested, just like in the aroace one, which is kinda harsh but not fully unexpected. I don't think he'd mean it to actually hurt you, but he does mainly seem to tell the truth with these things
The second would be where he misunderstands your confession somehow? And it ends up as a kind of "i love you." "i love you too, buddy!" Thing which just gets awkward....
The third is where he's known you for quite some time and has been able to get close enough to develop some feelings. With him, he's a very loyal friend, but in terms of relationships, he's not used to feeling that kind of love, i guess? So it'd likely take him a bit of time to get used to the feeling and figure out what to do with it. It likely does come with confusion and a few questions, but as i said, he's not COMPLETELY clueless. He knows what a relationship is, at least. You'd have to essentially be his soulmate, which in his mind is likely someone who has his sense of humor and can cook. Obviously, he has a bit more to that, such as he'd prefer someone who doesn't manipulate or hurt ithers for their own personal gain
If he were to start a relationship, i do think it would have to be after he became king of the pirates. He doesn't really want many distractions in his adventure when it comes to that kind of relationship. Plus, like i said, he'd have to be very close to you, so assuming you a strawhat as well, I'd give him plenty of time to grow attached. So once his goal was reached, he may be willing to try a relationship. I still see him as a very goofy person even then, so he'd probably still just treat you like his best buddy but with a new title.
Like i said, i dont think much would change when it comes to how he treats you. He's already very affectionate with his crew, so he likely acts the same with you. If you asked, though, i think he'd try to give you a bit more than the others, but it still wouldn't be a big difference. Though if you asked for a kiss... you might end up with the sloppiest wettest smooch in the world right on your cheek.
Given that he's inexperienced, he might ask the others for some advice which likely wouldn't end well, its ether zoro giving him the dumbest awnsers sense they share a brain cell, sanji attempting to give luffy 'gentleman lessons" and getting frustrated, usopp acting like a expert just to not be that, or him finally getting to nami and robin and getting actual advice. That would somehow backfire anyway.
On the side of Ace, i don't think he'd be very interested in that kind of stuff. It's been confirmed that he reacts towards the bath scenes and such due to usopp being there. He just doesn't strike me as the type to be overly active in that area, again i dont think hes clueless,i doubt makima never gave him and his brother 'the talk' he just doesnt care for it. It's just never been something he's been interested in. He likely overheard Shanks talking about it at some point but didn't really care.
One piece and luffy are not my own characters, though the headcannons themselves are mine
Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors.
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xamaxenta · 5 months
Thots on student council president Sabo banging resident school delinquent Ace, who also happens to be his bandmate on the side??
Ahhh i love this i also had an au where Ace is like captain of some college sports team idk ice hockey or rugby or whatever and hes there on sports scholarships and Sabos like the top tier academically inclined nerdy ass student at the same college with that spicy 4.0 GPA and he and Ace are roommates and Sabos gay and has a huge crush on Ace but cant tell him bc he thinks Ace is straight (sabo sweetpea hes not, have you seen him?)
Anyway Sabos also the headliner lead singer and bassist of a punk metal band and theyre booked to play at a frat house party that Ace ends up going to
And Ace definitely recognises him without the pullover cardigan and the glasses, keeps fucking staring like its a little off putting really
Little did Sabo know Ace has been quietly working up the courage to ask him out on a date but he didnt know how bc he felt Sabo was too busy and ahh communication issues lmao theyre silly
Anyway during a break in their set Ace corners Sabo whos trying to mind his business among the drunk college kids and hes got these boots and skinny jeans and Ace is shirtless and they’re both staring each other down like holy shit i really like this guy but i dont own him i can’t think about him in this way blahblah high tension of the sexy kind ofc :3c
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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏: 𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚕𝚘𝚐
(i'm not alright.)
I physically cannot do this shit anymore oh my god kill me. Right so dream starts out i'm in my usual club, the layout is the same, the people are the same, everythings good amazing wonderful. mind you this feels REAL like i can feel people against the and taste the drink in my hand kind of real. I move up to the front where the DJ booth is, and i see this weird staircase leading up to it which shouldve been my first red flag because those stairs dont exist in realy life.
Of course this is a dream where i meet all four members of the band + the dare and fucking fumble so hard oh my god. i can still feel the nervousness like it was REAL. Right no so i see Matty first, then George. The height difference is comical as always, and Matty has his fuckass mustache and just is watching DJ man do his thing.
I can literally feel my phone in my pocket and i take it out to see notifications from a certain groupchat (you know who you are) talking about some sort of Matty sighting at a party and im literally THERE so i start fucking freaking out man idk because he's just THERE like he isnt being out of the ordinary or anything.
So i just walk up to him and say his name like three times and he turns to me, gives me a look and his face weirdly changes and he offers a hug which i could FEEL mind you. I have sunglasses on and im litch tearing up this whole time and SOMEHOW i manage to muster up the courage to ask him to sign a napkin with a weirdly short felt tip pen whilst im on the verge of a menty B.
George is sort of stood behind him the whole time and i ask him for a hug too and i swear to god and all that is good i could feel that mans body temperature and his hands on my back im so so so fucking serious.
Next i see king of gay people adam fucking hann and oh my goddd he was just THERE LIKE ????????? I could see him smile and he hugged me and signed my fuckass napkin and gave me a kiss on the cheek after i started raving on about his spot on that one guitarists list and whatnot. His hug felt so REAL im going to sob like. get these men out of my LIFE i cant fucking take this someone shoot me in the face.
Ross i couldnt see which fucking crushed me but i felt matty's hand on my shoulder and he said we'd go look for him and i was like okay king??????? huh??????? but whatever we go back down thus fuckass staircase and i fall down flot on my face but also somehow i didnt and i keep walking until we reach this weird, long, oktoberfest-esque type of table which has NO business being in an indoor club okay whatever moving on.
He sits down at this table and i sit across from him, and he fully takes my hands and starts yapping about some fucking weird shit whilst im on the verge of spilling actual tears which freaked me out. also i just start talking about his music and solo career and asked what George was doing on aug. 2nd (which he did NOT give an answer to).
Whatever im clutching his napkin like only death itself could rip it for me and Matty asks go see it and i'm like. mate.... okay fine whatever here. this bitch straight up forges Ross's signature and shows me it and it LOOKS SHITEEEEE IT LOOKED SO BAD im going scream and cry but whatever.
I tell him it looks horrible and he laughs his stupid twink laugh that we all miss and i get back up to hunt for ross ( which is what we should have been doing in the FIRST PLACE but alas)
I find this massive fucking 8'4 rock of a man and hes so large his hug is weird and awkward because his hands are just on my head the whole time (height difference was COMICALLY big, omg hi twin matty and george).
Right so i get this autograph, and they all leave and im just stood there in fucking shock and terror because i get met the core members of british band the 1975 in a GERMAN CLUB nad im just like... okay...... what the FUCK mate im literally mortified. That conversation with Matty at the oktoberfest-esque table was LONGGG mind you it took fuckign ages it was so so so insane.
So naturally i text my 75 ride or die fuckign tumblr user @dh--ii (love you G) and i fully cant remember his reaction to ANYTHING. but i just know i sent a picture of the george part of the napkin for him to freak out about.
right this is where things get foggy because now im texting in previously mentioned GC, and i look up and im in this weird security camera security room with THE DARE. Hes shirtless (mmhmmm thank you brain 4 that) and is giving cunt slash neg when he looks at me but like. who can blame him honestly.
Right so i introduce myself and he does the same and gives me one of half assed bro side hugs and i accept because its fucking him who wouldnt.
This man yaps and yaps and yaps about guess and his production and how amazing charli and george are and how he loved boiler room so so so much and this is when i see charli and george full making out on one of those security cameras. i look away out of respect and shes fully got her tits out but i STILL look away xxxxxx
I go to open my phone to text G a picture of the fucking dare shirtless IN FRONT OF ME because that man shares my obsession with this little cunt and its insane. Thats when i fucking wake up from this fuckass dream and i literally start going mental trying to figure out if this was a dream, trying to litch cope with my life i was so so so so disoriented
this was simultaneously the best and worst dream of my life like. jesus fucking christ. If you read this far youre a legend and also insane
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hai,,, what r ur sulemio headcanons
they are autism4autism this is Very important to understand. suletta stims by swinging herself around miorine stims by being swung around and the distinction is small but IMPORTANT. this also because literally every time i try to write suletta being happy i always imagine her straight up wiggling around with it and i Fully imagine that when they're lying around some nights and cuddling she will just swing miorine around with her while she joyously rolls entirely from one side of the bed to the other on her back giggling and kicking her feet etc etc. miorine is like This is perfect for me I am winning
this also relates to this one tweet that changed me as a person lmao i am of the very firm belief that miorine needs to sometimes be Crushed into a Hug. compressed into a file even. flattened like in a tom and jerry cartoon. and suletta needs to be Holding something all the time. autistic girls who stim by hugging (they are in love). you understand. miorine discovers weighted blankets and her life is changed.
adding onto this they need to be touching All the Time they cannot go anywhere without grabbing onto each other. miorine consistently is like no you dont understand i have to be holding onto her every second of every day or i'll die and for suletta this is just normal behaviour that everyone expects
personally i do Not see miorine as butch (i see the vision though.... i see the vision) but i feel like she would get to earth and start looking into earth history and discover butches and her mind would be BLOWN
EVEN MORE AUTISM!!! miorine has sensory issues regarding clothes and is very specific about the work outfits she wears because otherwise she will have the literal worst day in the world and come home and just Not talk for a 24 hours straight. suletta of course is like. why do you own this blazer anyway it's Evil
they are always talking to each other all the time every moment of every day when they are separated for work reasons LMAO i keep seeing art thats like. work mio vs talking to suletta mio and i think that idea is SO funny. she goes from being your very serious boss to 'affgdhfjdsfggfsgjfgsdh hiii ♥♥♥♥♥♥' the MOMENT her wife is on call and she is So insufferable about it. suletta is equally annoying she will literally get a call and be like 'excuse me MY WIFE is ringing :)' and be on the phone for the next hour telling miorine about her day in excruciating detail (they are going to call again when miorine's meetings end in less than 2 hours). earth house is very divided on whether it's absurdly cute or not (chuchu vs Everyone Else)
miorine and elnora very specifically only get along for the purpose of making suletta happy LMAO they don't hate each other but they are absolutely not at any level of friendship and will likely not be for a very very long time. elnora does help with her work stuff a lot because she's used to the insane machinations of loser capitalists though
speaking of relationships with elnora i think it takes suletta a long time to work through the whole repli-child stuff and it's very important to her that she starts on that separately to spending more time with elnora. she tells miorine about the whole thing (she's been trying to work up the courage for months) and miorine is immediately like. do you want me to punch her for you. i will punch your mother for you. this is great for suletta because she fully thought miorine was going to break off the engagement and everything (there is no basis for this) + she continues to have a lot of identity issues about it as regular life progresses because it turns out that pretending that everything is fine does not in fact make it fine!!
i choose to believe that there is enough space in the cockpit of chuchus mobile suit for them to squish in behind her seat when miorine comes and finds her after quiet zero. suletta is barely conscious but miorine (who is terrified she will just die there and then) keeps talking to her (mostly sobbing hysterically and telling her off for making her think she was dead) and its at this point that suletta asks her if she loves her. (chuchu is very pointedly pretending not to notice and doing her best to tune them out)
miorine, still sobbing hysterically: oh my g-d. are you insane. of course im in love with you. what do you think all of this was about suletta: oh sweet! :3
i have written this scene out and will post it one day i think it's the catradora in me thats like. they HAVE to have a love confession and kiss NOW. i just think itd be so neat if it paralleled their first meeting even more.... miorine helps suletta take off her helmet and kisses her.... do you see my vision
suletta plays the guitar and miorine sings. you agree. reblog.
genuinely though i think suletta would pick up guitar to help with her hands and miorine, who is also getting back into playing piano around this time, gets into the habit of singing along while she's doing things around the house
suletta calls her wheelchair aerial 2.0 and nuno and ojelo help her paint it in aerial's colours. when she moves to crutches they get the holder colours
technically they still have a year of school to go but for most of it suletta isn't able to go to lessons + focusing mainly on her physical therapy and miorine is too busy dealing with the benerit group's funds that for all intents and purposes they're no longer enrolled. miorine's rooms aren't wheelchair-accessible and so they stay in earth house instead until they turn 18 and can legally buy a home on earth. all of earth house subsequently has to third wheel
they don't get married for a little while. mostly because suletta is in recovery but miorine also needs to work up the courage to actually ask. (eri bullies her into taking her with her when she goes ring shopping) eventually she gets around to it after suletta's health starts improving and when she pulls out the ring box suletta is like Oh! and reveals that she literally cut up and made paper rings one day for this specific purpose
their wedding is on earth, to sort of start the official move. miorine pulls some strings to get nika to at least be able to See whats going on + they have the ceremony in a big field not far from their new house. suletta's chair (aerial 2.0) is decorated with So many flowers as per the instructions of the kids in the neighbouring town (who love her + want to be her first students) and miorine absolutely did not get away without getting Flowered too. they both are crying the whole day and neither of them are subtle about it
miorine's hair gets shorter and suletta's gets longer. miorine just wakes up one day and is like I HAVE TO GET RID OF IT
mio fell basically immediately but i think that its only when suletta is in space with el4n that she realises + it clicks for suletta when miorine literally starts a company for her lmao
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