#if I get it it's also going to be the busiest couple months ever
hobbitprincess · 10 months
decided to apply for a seasonal retail job because I want money and it's a place that might actually be a fun place to meet friends......... and their site died right in the middle of applying. need to start a prayer circle that my gumption does not run out by the time it works again.
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cathrrrine · 9 months
Perfect / Love Won’t Die
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi x Reader • Law and Order SVU • Domestic Fluff, AFAB!Reader
Summary: Sonny happily holds the bouquet of flowers he bought for his girlfriend only for her to open the door and start crying. He immediately panics, but soon finds himself amused when she reveals the true reason for her tears. AO3
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A/N: I’ve never posted any of my SVU imagines, but I had to with this one :) Happy 2024! My resolution is to post more of my work so I’m digging through all my drafts and posting them lol. Enjoy husband material Carisi <3
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In all the six months you had been dating Sonny, there were never many problems that couldn’t be resolved with a simple conversation or a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As far as Sonny was concerned, it was the perfect relationship. He had gotten to know all your little habits; likes and dislikes, pet peeves, niche obsessions. Six months wasn’t exactly a super long time but it wasn’t short either. After only half a year of dating each other, he’d confidently testify that he had fallen in love with you deeply, enough to want to spend the rest of his life with you. He was happy to get married, have babies, grow old together…the whole shebang.
Things were going steady with you. He couldn’t imagine himself being with anybody else, and he was over the moon to know that you felt the samw way. Long late-night conversations about the future the two of you dreamed of revealed that you wanted him to be a part of it as much as he wanted you. Sure, Sonny was aware of how much of a (hopeless) romantic he could be sometimes, but that was in the past, and all of those relationships weren’t with the right people. His sisters had been talking his ear off ever since high school, warning him about women that would only break his heart. It made him wince just to think about all the red flags they ticked off angrily; gold-diggers, manipulators, emotionally unstable women, emotionally unavailable women…and the likes of it. That and their own broken-heart experiences that prompted very fuelled lectures of examples of men Sonny shouldn’t follow always rang in his mind, even until now.
He’d also been made well aware of how right they were about his exes with a bunch of ‘I told you so’s’ and narrowed eyes, but those relationships were in the past and he was much, much younger (and dumber) than he is now. He only had a couple of serious relationships in his adulthood, which ended up not being the right fit for either parties. Then, his love life got buried under the heavy, heavy load of police work and law school and he never found the time to make himself available in the dating pool. He was always too tired, too beat, too mentally drained. It was never a priority.
Then everything came to a stop and his whole world wouldn’t do anything but revolve around you. Sonny was smitten, like a lovesick puppy who got shot by cupid’s nuclear-powered bazooka as fate would have it.
He never felt this way about anyone in his life before, it was a feeling he relished in and was adamant on not letting go.
You were perfect.
Obviously, you had your flaws, but all only human, none of them fatal. Like how you had a habit of ordering too much food but he ends up being the one to finish it up when you realised your eyes had been bigger than your appetite — but he didn’t mind that at all, in fact he secretly loved being able to feast like a King — or how sometimes, you would arrive 10 minutes late to your dates on one of your busiest weeks, which he never complained about because he had his fair share of being unpunctual as well. Plus, you always made it up to him one way or another.
You were absolutely perfect, inside and out. Sonny thanked God everyday for sending a woman as smart, beautiful and kind as you his way. He’s never felt so lucky.
Sonny knew and loved everything about you, down to your weirdest quirks. If there was a Jeopardy! game where the topic was You, he’d be waving around his trophy like a mad man. What you didn’t tell him, he learned. It was the same way you got to know him. The two of you were always honest with each other, trust being the pillar of your relationship, it was why you got along so well. You knew how to make him happy, as he did for you.
So, why is it that you were crying as he handed you a bouquet of your favourite flowers as soon as you opened the door to your apartment?
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” His sweet smile dropped to a concerned frown, uncomfortable and nervous at your sudden reaction.
There you were in front of him, dressed in your most comfortable pair of pyjama pants and an oversized tee that he was sure once belonged to him, messy hair up that he found extremely adorable. Nothing seemed out of place, except for the fact that…well, you were crying.
He always brought you flowers. Was he late? He glanced at the clock on your wall. No…was it something he said? Something he did? Something…he totally forgot about?
“Nothing- no, everything’s fine, nothing’s wrong.” You sniffed, hugging the fresh bouquet close to your chest, dipping your nose into the floral fragrance to smell it only to find that the tears had triggered an onslaught of snot. That only made you cry more.
The bubble of nerves in Sonny’s chest was bursting at this point, he was almost worried he was having a heart attack. “Doll, you’re crying, something’s wrong.”
He held out an arm to pull you into a hug and you eagerly sunk into his embrace. You buried your face into the fabric of his suit jacket, breathing in what you could of his faded perfume. His calloused hands stroked your hair, softly caressing your head as he cradled it. He gently peeled you off of him to get a better look of your face, now red and eyes puffy from sobbing.
He held your cheeks between his palms and you pouted, looking up at him with sad doe-like eyes, and if that didn’t break his heart that he must not have one because the look on your face was shattering him in every possible way right now. One of his thumbs swiped a fresh tear off your cheek, he felt you nuzzle into his hand.
The tall blond gently led you to your couch and set the flowers down on the coffee table before cuddling up with you close to his chest. You wrapped your arms around him desperately, wanting nothing more than to be absolutely engulfed by everything Sonny — scent, skin and biceps.
“You’re killing me sweetheart, you gotta tell me what’s gotten you all upset like this.” You felt him kiss the top of your head and love bloomed in your chest immediately. “Come on, doll, what’s up?”
You sighed, big and loud, huffing away all the choked up tears with one big breath. “I swear it’s nothing. I’m so stupid.”
He was quiet for a while until you felt his voice vibrate from his chest again, “Was it…me? Did I do something wrong?”
You whipped your head to look at him, only to be greeted with a very worried expression.
Oh, Sonny. Oh, sweet heavenly innocent Sonny. How could you not love this man with every fibre of your being when he’s got that look in his eyes? The one where his pupils are so dilated, you could see your reflection in his big, blue puppy eyes.
How could you have been so careless?! Of course he’d think you were crying because of him, the sweet stupid man — God, you loved him so much. The thought only made you more emotional…and just like that the waterworks came rushing back in.
“Oh, God, Sonny-“ you hiccuped, pulling yourself away from him to put your face in your hands. “I’m so sorry- it’s not your fault at all,”
The lovesick, worried-sick man shot up next to you to pull you into his arms once again, stomach churning at the wave of emotions you were going through. He couldn’t even detective his way through this, his mind going haywire with every sniff that came from you.
“Then what is it?” He tried to keep the panic out of his voice, “Did something happen at work? Is it that asshole again?”
With what he dealt with at his job, it wasn’t out of the question for his mind to be going down that dark path, but he shoved his anger and panic down to focus on your well-being, remaining rational until you were calm.
That made you shoot up to look at him again, words tumbling out of your mouth hurriedly to curb his worries. “No, no! I’m okay, I’m absolutely fine, Todd — that ass — didn’t do anything to me, I promise you, I swear to God. And it’s not you, it’s not anything even remotely related to anything sane at all. I don’t even know why I’m getting all worked up over a bunch of random things, it’s just so—“
“Doll.” Your boyfriend’s voice pulled you out of your rambling. The loving concern that radiated off of him was enough to bring you back to your senses. Gently, he asked again. “What is it?”
You melted immediately, both embarrassed and exhausted from all the sobbing you had been doing. “I’m on my period.”
“I know, I’m not usually this emotionally affected but my hormones are all over the place and my TV decided to autoplay The Notebook, now I’m a mess.” You sniffed. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have seen me like this, much less deal with me.”
It was only then that the detective noticed the TV screen, paused on Ryan Gosling’s frowning face.
He tried to stifle his amusement, but it came out in a fit of giggles, much to your dismay.
“It’s not funny.” You pouted.
“I just— I thought—“ His laughter consumed him, shoulders shaking as he held up his palms to his face and ran his fingers through his hair, uncaring of how it would mess it up. Sonny leaned back into the couch and continued to laugh with his hands over his face.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was so quiet it came out like a squeak, ashamed of how you cried like a baby in front of him. Although the two of you spent plenty times over at each other’s places and hanging out with each other, over the six months he knew you, you never had your hormones hit you this hard. It wasn’t uncommon to you, but it wasn’t a regular occurrence either, and it certainly wasn’t an event Sonny had the pleasure of experiencing…until today.
“It’s okay if you’d prefer to be at your own place right now, I totally get it. I won’t be offended in the least, okay? I’ll call you in the morning.” Some men in the past have been weirded out when this happened to you, so you weren’t lying when you said you wouldn’t be offended — it was ‘your fault’ anyway, that was what you had grown accustomed to.
But Sonny, the ever-loving and understanding guy, did not share the same view. Of course not! Raised-with-sisters, loves-his-mother, thoroughly Italian, good-Catholic-man-who-respects-women Sonny, would never in a million years ever even think about being upset with you just because your period messed with your emotions. And that’s why you weren’t sure why you were so surprised when he responded to your offer with a kiss.
This was Sonny. He would never think lowly of you because of something you couldn’t control.
“That’s crazy talk, doll.” He mumbled into the kiss, smiling as he continued to love on your lips. “I’d never leave you alone like this.”
You pulled away a bit to properly look at his face, “Really?”
This was the man your heart belonged to. You don’t know how you didn’t explode when he gave you the most charming smile that ever graced his lips.
Everything you were worried about solved itself into place, like sentient puzzle pieces figuring themselves out with confidence.
“You’re too good for me.”
Unabashedly, you continued to make out with your boyfriend on your couch, a newfound appreciation driving you mad with love.
“I’m only for you, babe. Don’t need anyone or anything else but you.”
Now that the two of you were freshened up and settled down with mugs of hot cocoa in your hands, you and Sonny were much more at ease.
There was nothing better to Sonny than to be cuddled up with his girlfriend with her head laying on his chest. You practically clung to the arm draped over your shoulder, making a nest out of his bicep for your face — which reminded him of a koala bear, but he kept that thought to himself. He was so comfortable, so happy that this was his life. His nose pressed against your hair, the scent of your shampoo reminding him of a holiday well-spent together in Mexico. Deja Vu hit him the minute he kissed your head, laughing through his nose when he remembered the events that happened just a few hours prior.
“Hey,” he nudged you with the arm you were glued to. You pulled your focus from the movie you were watching — a comedy, nothing that would make the ‘bloody demon hormones possess me’ as you put it — and raised your eyebrows curiously in response. “I’m just wonderin’…”
“Why did you cry when I gave you the flowers?”
You groaned, still somewhat embarrassed at the flurry of emotions you attacked the innocent man with. But you humoured the question anyway, “I opened the door and you were standing there, so handsome and so sickeningly charming, holding up flowers that you brought for me. You should be worried if I didn’t cry.”
“Wow,” he whistled. “I’m really that handsome, huh?”
You playfully hit him in the chest with your fist as you resumed your initial position, “Shut up.” A smirk managed to rip it’s way through your lips. “But mostly, I was crying because I was so sad that the flowers were going to die. I don’t know, just weird how my brain works on my period.”
It was a nonchalant mention, nothing big to you, but it stuck to his mind. Flowers dying made you upset. How precious was that? He catalogued the thought, filing it away for the future. The inkling of humour tempted him, though.
“So, not so much on the handsome part?”
You snorted, “Eh, I’ll give it a 60/40.”
“It should be in the news or something. ‘Guy So Handsome, Makes A Grown Woman Cry’” he gestured in the air as if there was a banner.
“How about, ‘Girl So Hormonal, Makes A Grown Man Cry With Her’?”
“Psh, I didn’t cry.”
“You so were.”
“Was not.”
You laughed, thinking he’d given it up when the sound of the movie began to fade into your hearing again.
“You should come over the precinct, tell the guys how I can make the ladies cry just by showing up at their door.”
He wore that goofy, toothy grin you were so accustomed to whenever he was joking around.
You rolled your eyes. Then decided to mess with him. “Excuse me? Ladies? Plural?”
The grin immediately wiped off of his face. “No- I meant lady, as in singular.”
“I mean— no, that’s not what—“
“Sure, Son.” The monotonous voice you used made him sweat.
“You know you’re the only gal for me! I was just joking…hey, baby, come on, look at me…”
Months passed by and relationship milestones came and went. You finally met his family on month eight, and him yours. Month ten, you got a promotion at work and thankfully — not by your doing — Todd left the company. Sonny and the rest of the SVU team made a breakthrough on a case, you met his coworkers you heard so much about for the first time when he brought you along for their celebratory dinner. He was teased relentlessly for ‘keeping such a wonderful woman from us all this time’. You enjoyed the camaraderie that they shared with each other, and felt like you won a prize when they extended it to you.
Time passed by you so fast that you barely noticed it was almost a full year since you and Sonny made it official.
The day of your anniversary, he made reservations for the two of you at a fancy restaurant — Italian, of course. You reminisced the journey of your relationship together over some fine dining and a delightful bottle of wine. The ambiance, mixed with the light-headed feeling from one too many glasses of wine, only made the love you had for Sonny so much more emphasised. It was a dream, to be loved by such an amazing man, to have found your soulmate. If you weren’t at such busy points of your career, you’d literally have his babies right then and there. A couple of mini Sonny’s would do the world good, you pondered. Unbeknownst to you, the subject of your thoughts was thinking the exact same thing, only he was dreaming up a babble of mini You’s instead.
Sonny and you walked home together — he had basically moved into your apartment by now, he was finding it harder and harder to be separated from you at night. Having you next to him made him sleep better, and just generally being around you made him feel better — the two of you never made his move-in an official thing, but there was no need to. It was almost like you shared a telepathic connection. Although, Sonny being Sonny, will make the moving in an official thing whether you needed to or not. Maybe into an actual house, with a backyard and a huge kitchen and a family to raise in to make it a home. One day. Maybe even tomorrow. He’d do anything, anytime with you.
“Got you something, by the way.” He grinned, keys jangling on the doorknob as he swung it open for you.
“Sonny, you didn’t have to.” You blushed. One year together and he still had that effect on you.
“Well, I wanted to.”
While you were taking off your shoes, he used it as a distraction to take it out of the hiding spot he so carefully planned — his height being an advantage to said plan — and waddled over in his socks to where you were sitting on the couch, handing it to you once he was sat as well.
It was a daintily patterned gift bag, not too big and not too small either, with a card attached to it on the front. You carefully removed it to read his words in neat handwriting.
Happy 1 year anniversary, doll. I love you so much. You make me the luckiest man alive. My love for you will never die.
You wanted to cry, so touched by his short but undeniably sweet words. He saw how your bottom lip jutted out, the way it usually did when emotions got the best of you, and smiled to himself with a bit of pride in getting his words right.
Slowly, you pried the top of the bag open, only discovering a plastic dome. “Careful.” Your boyfriend noted.
You wondered what it was, going over all the possibilities in your head as you took it out of the bag; lava lamp, necklace, tiny bottle, lantern…only to gasp when you saw what it really was inside.
A small sphere-shaped cactus with a crown of pink flowers, placed inside a white ceramic pot with the words, ‘My love for you will never die’ engraved in cursive writing around it.
Ahhhh, here come the waterworks.
“Sonny,” your eyebrows scrunched up, lips fully pouting now. “This is the sweetest fucking gift ever.”
Your use of words didn’t go unnoticed by the smiling man, earning you a chuckle out of him. “I remember the time you cried when I brought you flowers, and you told me it was because you were sad ‘bout them dying…it’s cheesy, I know. Corny, a bit. But I thought you’d like it.”
The rising inflection of his voice gave away his nerves, but you were quick to make your appreciation known. “I do, I do! It’s just the most beautiful and thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me. Thank you, baby. I’m- Aw…“
You choked up and he took that as his cue to pull you into his arms, careful to set the prickly plant down so you wouldn’t accidentally get hurt.
“It’s true though, my love will never die. You’re stuck with me for as long as you want me.”
“You know I’m shit at keeping plants alive, Son!” You couldn’t help the wavering in your voice, “Oh, but this is just so, so sweet. You’re just too cute for your own good.”
“Well, I was cute enough for you to accept the babbling guy who asked you out a year ago.” The giggling that followed made his blue eyes seem brighter.
“Yeah, I couldn’t say no to that face.”
You took the comfortable silence that ensued as a segue to your own offering to him, “Speaking of this cactus being put at the risk of dying, I’m gonna have to appoint someone to remind me it needs water every now and then.”
“I’m assuming that would be me?”
“Yup.” You shifted around to look through your purse. “So, I was thinking…”
Sonny narrowed his eyes at you, “Thinking…?”
You held out your palm and reached out for his, dropping a familiar weight into his hands. As soon as you pulled your hands away, the object revealed itself to be a single silver key with a brown leather strap keychain attached to the ring, ‘Det. Carisi’ engraved on one side and ‘Sonny’ on the other.
He looked up at you, meeting eager eyes that matched his own. You were practically bouncing with giddiness, excited to reach yet another milestone.
“Move in with me? Officially?”
God, you were so perfect.
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homestuckreplay · 3 months
turn the controls over to a more competent user!
(page 253)
Happy 2 month birthday to Homestuck!! I'm a couple days late but I need you to picture this: it's 1:30am on June 14th, I've just got home from one of the busiest and most important days of my life knowing I'll be doing it all again tomorrow, and I'm trying to keep my eyes open furiously playing this Homestuck game like I'm the one who'll get to save someone from the meteor this time.
Except, I don't think this page would meet lots of definitions of a game. It doesn't have any scoring metrics, goals or achievements, it doesn't progress through a story, and nothing about the environment can be altered by the player. I still think of Homestuck overall as a game, but this specific page is just a different way of presenting information. And that's helpful to us because....
Someone else is giving commands now????
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With our first whispered 'BOY' on p.252, I thought the sprite was talking to John through a sort of NPC dialog tree that John would have to learn to navigate - but this new command giver isn't familiar with the sprite. They're also not the existing player, because they don't have access to the player's knowledge (such as John's name) and their commands are very different. They write in all caps, don't direct their commands directly to a character, seem to have no idea what they can or can't say in a command, engage directly with the narrator and talk back to them, and display anger and frustration in their typing.
Really, we didn't know how good we had it with the last player. The last player just slid into the role so as to almost go unnoticed, while this one seems to be pushing against the story engine a lot more. I wonder if this is going to be part of the act structure - each act will see the commands coming from a new player, who will engage with the narrator and characters in a different way. I also wonder if any of these players will ever be given names or seen visually, or if they'll stay as abstractions.
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I had to make this diagram so I could make sense of the power dynamics in the meta of Homestuck. What I've tried to track here is who can directly communicate with each other at least some of the time, and whether that goes both ways. So, our narrator - the person expositing beneath each panel - can speak to everyone, as they have control over the second person and the direction of the word 'you'. We, the reader external to the comic, can communicate with the players mostly through clicking on commands. We also communicate with John directly on p.253 by moving him around his house.
The player is whoever is writing command lines, and they're able to communicate directly with characters and with the narrator through commands - although the act 2 player hasn't commanded Rose yet. Finally, John and Rose can talk to each other, and while they both seem aware of the players through acknowledging strange voices in their heads, any reaction they have is filtered through the narrator's interpretation of their actions and feelings. We don't see either one of them directly speak to any meta-entities, best I can tell.
To be clear, this page is also REALLY fun. The controls are simple, but the novelty of getting to run around almost every inch of John's house and see all the different ways to insult a harlequin is something special. It goes a long way to shake up the reading experience, keeping the audience on our toes, and it's a great way to share a lot of information that fleshes out the characters and world that might not be quite important enough for the linear panels.
It's all worth reading, but I've picked out what I think are the most important things we learn in the flash.
According to John's computer screen, the date is still 4/13, but the time is now ??:??.
The sprite is still incomprehensible in its new form.
John thinks that other punch cards could produce different totems and therefore different items. He also notes that the first totem produced a whole tree, not just the apple.
John's house still has power and internet, despite the power cables no longer being connected to anything.
John's backyard still exists, including the tree his trick handcuffs were launched onto and the Slimer pogo ride. The swing set survives, but has been partially wrenched from the ground.
Cirque du Soleil once filed a restraining order against John's dad, who is clearly some kind of extreme and nontraditional clown.
JOHN'S DAD IS MISSING. The crime scene is covered in oil. The Con Air bunny is also missing, also oily. The oil is seen coming from under John's bed and from the utility room door - the two places we saw strange eyes flash on p.250.
John actually doesn't like the movie Mac and Me.
I think John finding his dad will be a major goal of act 2. This could tie in SO well with the three other movies that can be clicked on in John's room.
Ghostbusters II: 'It was really cool and sort of gross how they hosed each other down with slime that made people angry.' Instead of slime, John could be up against some oil ghosts that follow similar rules to the ghosts in the movie.
Little Monsters: 'the thought of monsters lurking in your house scares the shit out of you... those monsters could also be your BEST FRIEND.' Unfortunately, we know John's fear came true, but could John come up with a nonviolent and possibly prank based solution to this problem?
Con Air: 'THE BUNNY IS NOT IN THE BOX.' If Dad and the bunny have both been kidnapped by monsters, we could be setting up a scene where Dad takes on the Nic Cage role and gets to give the bunny back to John, coming full circle from when they watched this movie together.
In addition to finding John's dad, we still have the mystery of the sprite and what 'Tier 2 Prototyping' means. We have the question of who this second player is, and what's happened to the first player. And we have a LOT of open questions about Sburb - I keep coming back to the swing set in John's backyard, with its two poles stuck in the ground that Sburb preserved and the other two falling into the abyss. Could the game not decide whether or not the swing set was part of John's house? Or did it decide one way or the other, but something stopped it from sculpting the ground perfectly like it did in other places? I'm so curious about the limits to the game's power and knowledge.
One last thing - both 'Showtime' (Kevin Regamey, Malcolm Brown) and 'Harlequin' (Mark Hadley) are listed as featured music. 'Showtime' plays when we click the piano, but I couldn't find 'Harlequin' for ages and I thought I was missing something. Turns out, it plays when you press Ctrl+T. Other stuff happens too, because this is Act 2 now and all bets are off.
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ouroboobos · 1 year
i need a new fucking job lmfao. ITEMIZED LIST OF GRIEVANCES AS OF RIGHT NOW
its customer service
i make less as a manager than the starting wage at mcdonalds
theres at least two grown men with sexual harrassment complaints against them because they cant stop hitting on teenage girls
the two guys got in zero trouble and continue to be treated like perfect hardware store angels
one of them gave me a rose on valentines day and kept trying to give me rides
theres a completely seperate third man in his 60s who continually makes comments about my body and touches me and tried to give me a massage in the break room one time
everyone loves him and hes been working here for like 8 years so even if it got bad enough to report him theres no way my boss would give a shit and no one would ever believe me and im worried abt retaliation
i havent told him to fuck off because im scaredcore so idk if he even knows hes making me uncomfortable
i get routinely sexually harrassed by customers and when i asked my boss abt how to handle it he basically said other girls have quit over it and "the real problem is when they dont call a manager up" so he definitely does not udnerstand what its actually like to deal with that and that its usually too subtle to do anything abt it
since i got promoted i almost never get my 10 minute breaks which maybe doesnt seem like a big deal but it is wearing me the fuck out
im surrounded by proud vocal conservatives
EXCEPT for my boss who is one of those people who doesnt think hes a bigot (hes very proud of being one of the chill open-minded Christians) but definitely is
also i couldnt make this up even if i wanted to, but hes 36 years old and a cpuple days ago he made me stand there and listen to him rant about hes not homophobic but why did they make Good Omens gay not everything has to be gay 😡😡😡 hes 36. hes fucking 36
we're almost always understaffed and they dont want to pay anyone so they dont start hiring more people until we're already in our busiest season and then we have to train a bunch of 15 year olds between dealing with 36 billion kajillion fucking customers
truly abysmal fucking communication. i didnt even know i was getting promoted to management until i was in the middle of supervisor training (which they never bothered to finish so i got like... tiny disjointed snippets of training over a period of a few weeks and then i was a manager)
i was functionally head cashier for months and they never gave me the title or the raise because i was "being trained for the position" when actually they allotted less than a day of training from the FORMER head cashier on her last day even though they knew she was retiring for months and then i just figured it out by myself and was already doing all of it
im finally going back to school and next semester when im better settled i want to transition to full time classes, so i met with my boss to give him a heads up and told him i wanted to start training a couple people on some of my basic responsibilities in case i have to cut down my hours, and he basically brushed me off and said we can talk about it in a few months.
and then he talked about his time in college for like twenty minutes and said i shouldnt overwhelm myself by working full time and going to school full time, which made it seem like he was on the same page
but then he kind of was like "well its good you want to get an education but if you go part time in the spring that kind of screws us over" so im not really sure what the fuck is happening in his brain but it almost sounds like he expects me to stay part time in school and keep working full time and doesnt want to prepare for anything else
also he didnt tell me i inherited the key department in addition to the front end until i was like hey whos ordering keys now? and he was like ummmm you? 🤨 ok thanks for the heads up man
its one of those places that looks pretty nice but theres like 20 things breaking throughout the store that theyre too cheap to fix
^recent example: the receipt printers arent working for duplicates (which we need for returns, special orders, etc) so now you to walk across the room to the actual printer and they dont want to fix it because "the printer paper is cheaper than the receipt paper". im not even that irritated about having to use the big printer but that is so fucking cheap for such a massive successful company that now im genuinely pissed off about it.
my boss is one of those guys who seems super nice and friendly and great at first, and pretty much everyone thinks he is, but the more time you spend with him the more you're like. hey buddy is something a little bit fucking wrong with you? and every day i resent him just a tiny bit more
they want us to follow homeless people around the store like fucking spies until we find an excuse to kick them out
theres a guy that comes in every now and again and harrasses female cashiers, walks around casually dropping hate speech, and once literally told one of our teenage boys about his rape fantasy and they wont do anything about him because he's rich and he spends a lot of money
we all have like 4 jobs with barely the pay of 1
i hates it
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merrybrides · 2 years
11 Tips You Need to Know if You're Hosting a Summer Wedding
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Summertime is often considered peak wedding season, and for good reason. With warm weather, blooming flowers and plenty of theme inspiration, it's a great time to say "I do." Summer weddings are notorious for including bright colors, airy fabrics and fresh, farm-to-table inspired food. Whether you're envisioning a rustic country wedding or a casual gathering in your backyard, we're here to help you bring your dream day to life.
When planning a summer wedding, there are a few things you need to know. Since it is a popular season, you'll want to stay on top of your planning schedule to get your preferred selection of dates and vendors. Plus, potentially hot weather and holiday travel schedules are important considerations to keep in mind throughout your planning process. Not to worry, though—we're here to help you every step of the way. Below, we're sharing 11 tips you need to know to have the best summer wedding ever.
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Start Planning Early
You don't have to start planning your wedding as soon as you get engaged. In fact, we recommend taking time to soak in the experience with your significant other before jumping into the details. But, if you want to have a summer wedding, be prepared to start planning at least one year before your preferred date. We recommend that couples begin their venue searching process 12 to 16 months prior to the big day.
Summer is generally one of the most popular times to get married. As a result, it's important to start planning as early as possible to get the best selection of wedding venues, dates and vendors. Summer is the busiest time for weddings, and the peak season spans from May through September.
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Set a Realistic Budget
Creating a wedding budget is the first official planning task to complete because this will guide every subsequent decision. The average cost of a wedding fluctuates based on a variety of factors including your location in the US, as well as the style of your event. The time of year may also have an impact on the cost. Since wedding services are more in demand during the summer, some costs may be higher as compared to other seasons.
With this in mind, be prepared to allocate more money in your budget for your venue and some vendor services. Pricing is often subject to change and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but there is a chance you might have to pay more for a summer wedding. Work with your significant other (and anyone else who might be contributing to your wedding, like your parents or in-laws) to set a budget that's realistic for what you can afford.
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Be Flexible With Your Date
Summer wedding dates are highly sought-after, so prepare to be flexible with your preferred timing. While you might want a Saturday afternoon wedding in June, you may be able to book more of your preferred vendors on a Friday evening or a Sunday morning—weekday weddings are also another option to consider.
Be thoughtful about selecting holiday dates as well. You certainly can host your nuptials on a big summer holiday like Memorial Day or the Fourth of July, but this may impact the number of guests who can attend. Take these factors into consideration when selecting potential wedding dates. It is your day, after all, so feel empowered to make the decisions that best fit your vision. However, it's helpful to be aware of potential roadblocks you might encounter during the planning process.
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Choose a Summery Wedding Color Palette
Flex your creative muscles by picking an appropriate theme for your big day. Summertime is the perfect season to experiment with bright pastel wedding colors or gauzy, airy fabrics like linen or tulle. While you can choose any color palette that speaks to you, darker, warm tones are generally best fit for winter weddings as they complement cooler settings.
You can also pick a specific summer wedding theme for your nuptials. You might want to go with a classic nautical style for a beach wedding or a waterfront celebration. Or, perhaps you'd prefer a bucolic country theme for an outdoor summer wedding in a barn or your backyard. Regardless of your personal style, consider using a color scheme or theme that amplifies the season—it'll make your big day feel much more intentionally designed.
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Invest in Durable Decor and Food
While you shouldn't skimp on your wedding vision, it's important to be realistic about certain elements that will (and won't) work during the summer season—specifically flowers and food. Some blooms are known to wilt in hotter temperatures, like hydrangeas or gardenias. This doesn't mean you can't include them in your floral arrangements or centerpieces, but you might want to pair them with a few heat-resistant plants too so that your flowers don't look too withered.
To avoid this completely, consider using durable summer wedding flowers like succulents or tropical florals like anthurium, orchids, protea or palm leaves and leafy greenery. Work with your florist to identify in-season blooms that fit your theme and overall vision. Plus, when your photographer isn't snapping wedding photos, ask a bridesmaid to hold your bouquet in a shady spot or place it in a vase of cool water. If your blooms will be exposed to the summer heat for an extended amount of time, keep a spray water bottle on hand and give them a light mist every hour or so.
Warm weather should also be taken into consideration when planning your food and desserts too, because the last thing you want is a melted buttercream cake or ice cream bar. Collaborate with your caterer to plan a summery menu, and ask your venue to store your summer wedding cake (and other food offerings) in a cool place until it's time for them to be served. This will save you from any wedding day stress about your food holding up in the heat of a summer wedding.
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Have a Backup Venue Plan
An old wedding superstition claims that rain on your wedding day is good luck. If you do encounter sprinkles on the big day, you'll want to have a backup venue plan. Most locations will have an indoor space reserved in case of inclement weather, or they may have rentals onsite to put up if needed. When hiring vendors, ask venue staff members about different options they have in case you need to move the party under cover for weather-related concerns, as this will help you choose a location that's right for your vision.
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If you're hosting an outdoor wedding in the summer, though, consider renting a tent to protect against the hot sun or unexpected rain clouds. Working directly with a rental company is recommended, especially if you're hosting a backyard wedding at your own home or if your venue doesn't have onsite rental options. Tents give you the ability to have a one-of-a-kind wedding nobody else can replicate. They can work at virtually any location, and they can be customized to be nearly any shape and size. The best part, though, is that they give you a blank canvas to create the exact, unique look you've always dreamed of.
And, while summer is notorious for high temperatures, evenings can get breezy too, especially if your wedding will be near the water. For late-night events near the beginning or end of the season consider renting outdoor heat sources as well. Reserving items like patio heaters and sidewalls is highly recommended, especially for cool summer nights. They'll be the perfect addition to keep your guests comfortable.
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Prepare for the Elements
In addition to summer rainstorms, be prepared for additional weather-related complications. Confirm that your venue has shaded areas for guests to relax under in case there are sweltering temperatures on your date. If you're hosting any events outside, like the ceremony, cocktail hour or wedding reception, consider purchasing items for guests that protect against the sun. Sunglasses, sunscreen and parasols are all handy products to have nearby in case the temperatures get high. You might even want to supply bug spray for an outdoor ceremony.
It's impossible to plan for all potential weather mishaps, so don't spend too much time stressing about the elements you can't control. However, taking time before the wedding to prepare for a few common weather scenarios will eliminate unnecessary day-of stress.
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Buy Versatile Favors
Since summer weddings can be on the pricier side, be smart with your budget. We recommend finding creative ways to make the most out of your investments. One of the best ways to do this, especially for a summer wedding, is to buy versatile favors. While wedding favors aren't required, some couples choose to give guests a thoughtful gift as a thank-you for attending. To get the most bang for your buck, look for favors that guests can use on your wedding day, like sunglasses, DIY personal fans, parasols or custom drink koozies.
Welcome bags are also an option that may be preferred by out-of-town wedding guests. For a summer wedding, consider giving guests a small goody bag that includes helpful products like a small water bottle, travel-sized sunscreen or bug spray if you'll be in a muggy area. Guests will appreciate your attention to detail, and you can be sure that your money won't go to waste.
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Dress for the Weather
Fashion is a key component of your wedding day. Feeling confident in your wedding dress or suit is of the utmost importance, so don't feel confined to traditional style rules. But, if you're saying "I do" in the midst of summer, know some fabrics and styles will be more comfortable than others. As you shop for your wedding outfit, look for breathable fabrics that won't feel too hot or stuffy outdoors, like chiffon, silk, linen, cotton or Merino wool. Functional silhouettes like short sleeves, a convertible dress skirt or a relaxed-fit suit jacket will provide maximum comfort. (You can also use this opportunity to change into a comfortable second look after the wedding ceremony.) While you can opt for a sleek long-sleeve dress or a velvet tux if that's what you envision, think about how you'll feel in your outfit when it's time to party on the dance floor during the reception and make your fashion choices accordingly.
Follow these guidelines when searching for bridesmaid dresses and groomsmen suits as well. It's important to make sure your crew feels comfortable in their wedding outfits, so keep the weather in mind as you look for attire options. (Trust us, they'll thank you for it.)
Take the weather forecast into account when planning your wedding hairstyles and makeup looks too. Your glam squad will help you choose a look that'll make you feel confident and comfortable in warm summer temps.
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Plan a Seasonal Menu
Summertime is synonymous with fresh, light dishes, seafood and backyard barbeques. If you're looking for creative summer wedding ideas, lean into seasonal trends—especially when planning your menu. Look to the local and seasonal offerings for food and beverage ideas. Local produce, fresh herbs and wildflowers will add a wonderful touch to your menu, and they'll bring your location to life through the small details.
Plus, planning your menu around local influences will give your wedding day a personal touch that can't be replicated. Highlighting food that represents a couple's hometown or venue location is a delicious way to add meaning to a wedding. Adding bits of history and tradition are what make a wedding memorable and extremely personal to the couple—and the easiest way to do so is to offer the most popular menu items from the city's most iconic restaurants.
There are plenty of meal options that'll amplify the season, from a nautical clambake to a casual barbeque. We also suggest offering a few summery signature cocktails too. You can't go wrong with fruity sangria, popsicles in champagne, wine spritzers or citrusy mojitos. Summer is also unofficially known as "rosé season," meaning it's the best time of year to serve guests this popular pink wine—or even better, a summery rosé cocktail. Since many people choose to host summer weddings outdoors, chilled rosé is one of the most refreshing beverage options you can choose. It's an extremely versatile wine that can transition beautifully from aperitifs to the dinner table, and it's even a great option to enjoy on the dance floor. My favorite way to enjoy rosé is as it is, but it can also make a refreshing signature cocktail inspired by its own flavor profile and aromas.
Your caterer and venue staff will have a robust understanding of local dishes and seasonal flavors worth highlighting on your wedding menu, so rely on their expertise to create a list of beverages, snacks, entrées and desserts that'll leave guests raving about their meals.
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Modern Calligraphy Wedding Brunch Invitation
Consider Hosting Additional Wedding Events
It's no secret that summer is prime travel season. If you're hosting a destination wedding (or your nuptials are in a scenic location), consider planning additional events throughout the weekend so guests can turn your wedding into a small getaway. In the summer, guests tend to be open to taking more days off to create a vacation around an event they're attending. Organizing additional activities in advance is a thoughtful option for them.
You might want to kick off your wedding weekend with a special happy hour event the night before you're wedding. Or, you can never go wrong with a Sunday brunch send-off. If you're familiar with the area surrounding your venue, share local sightseeing and activity recommendations to help guests get the most out of their travels. By encouraging guests to turn your wedding into a small trip, you'll get to spend more time with those you love most. If guests turn your wedding into a mini-vacation, you'll have more time to interact with them on your big day.
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animatedaf · 2 years
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It’s that time of year again, time to look over the last twelve months of creative productivity! This was my busiest year for freelance animation EVER, with six projects all pretty much one after the other, some of which lasted several months! For the first time in over ten years animation actually felt like my main job! Read on for full details on each month (with links to things in bold)!
I kickstarted the year with an attempt to keep myself busy (haha) by coming up with weekly personal illustrations to work on while livestreaming. This included a couple based on childhood toys, followed by fan art of games I was playing at the time. 
I also started my first freelance gig of the year about visiting a recycling center for Love Essex, which was finished and released in early Feb.
I continued the weekly art streams (though I did skip one week while I was wrapping up the animation work) that included more Balan Wonderworld fan art and another nostalgia trip based around old TV game show Fun House which was seen and approved by Pat Sharp himself!
I also made some Valentine’s day silliness for CherryT and with her help also created this ridiculous Art Data-Blast video featuring all of my art over the years with a 90′s TV inspired intro.
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A big turning point for my livestreams arrived here when I decided to create a PNGTuber using Veadotube Mini! I livestreamed the majority of my experimentation and process and the cutdown videos about it became some of my biggest hits on YouTube yet! Going forward I would now use this animated avatar instead of a webcam, though this would actually end up being the last month of the year that I’d have any time to livestream because...
..April would be the start of one of the biggest projects: six one-minute animated shorts for the Scottish Illegal Money Lending Unit about the dangers of loan sharks. This month was spent mostly storyboarding most of the films and completing the first one.
At the same time concepts were being developed for another six-minute piece of animation that I would need to juggle alongside the above project over the coming months!
I should also mention here life-wise I changed my daily job from working in a cinema to...working in a smaller, closer to home cinema!
This month was mostly spent storyboarding for the second big project and waiting around for approval while the Loan Shark project was put on hold, so while I had a bit of spare time I gave my website a new lick of paint (including some new art of old characters) and made several illustrations including my favorite Eurovision 2022 act (now my most popular Tumblr post ever for some reason!), joining in on the Catoon Network CMYK art fad, and fan art of a fellow PNGTuber. I was also commissioned by Jadypie to create some cute animal Twitch emotes!
After two pieces of quick art including another obscure game character and another excuse to draw Amy Rose, me and CherryT took a couple days away to visit the theme park Alton Towers, which I made a travel vlog about! 
The 2nd film for the Stop Loan Sharks series was completed this month and this was when the 2nd big project was given the official go ahead! The six-and a half minute long film has yet to be released and might end up staying in the private sector but it was a pre-birth social work training video for Essex County Council  with a similar subject matter and art style to the Annabelle’s Journey film I made last year. Clips of it can be seen in my latest showreel.
I also drew these guys for some reason.
This month was almost exclusively knuckling down to get the un-released film fully animated. Much like the Annabelle film this was a massive amount of hand-drawn animation squeezed into just over one month! I also made time to do this commission for PCWzrd.
With that long, time-consuming project out of the way it was time to jump back into the Loan Shark films. Two were completed in April and June but I still had four to go, so this month and most of September was day-to-day animating again!
I was getting these Loan Shark films done at a rate of roughly 10 days per film, though the last one took a little longer as it was yet to be storyboarded until now. This project was finally complete midway through the month and released near the end!
Somewhere in the middle of all this I managed to fit in some livestreams of the Sonic Fan Games Expo and some reactions to some gaming events.
In the last week of the month I worked on a pretty exciting commission that I need to stay tight-lipped about for now!
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This month was started by wrapping up the above commission and jumping into another, thankfully much shorter 1 minute animation for the English Stop Loan Sharks company that has also not yet seen the light of day, but you can see a short clip of it in my latest showreel. As soon as that was done another big project approached!
This freelance gig started at the end of October and lasted all through November and up until the middle of December! This one has released in January 2023, a short film called What a Waste! 
There was a break at the end of November when me and CherryT went to Birmingham for a few days to finally go to a concert we booked back in early 2020 that kept getting delayed!
Mid-month I also quickly doodled up my OC a couple times.
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Above: the moment I finished an 8-week long non-stop project on a to do list!
What a Waste ended up taking longer than I anticipated at around seven or eight weeks total, most likely because it’s quite unlike anything I have done before. After what felt like roughly nine months of almost non-stop animating the last half-month of the year was spent last-minute Christmas shopping and finally chilling out a bit, including going to a local video games expo for the weekend! The last piece of art I did this year was for the Newgrounds Secret Santa.
That was an intense year! I can’t wait till you get to see the stuff that’s not out there yet and in terms of 2023 I do already have a couple things queued up for January so we’ll see how it goes I guess!
Previous years: 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016
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aerinis · 9 months
Doing my belated 2023 art review. Putting it below a read more because a lot of stuff happened this year and some of it is kind of heavy.
2023 was a pretty good year for me, both personally and artistically. I had a couple of annoying minor medical issues that I'm still dealing with, but I'd say I was able to maintain my goal of drawing at least one little doodle a day for most of the year. I will say though that the vast majority of what I drew this year - probably like 95% - was personal art. Hopefully someday I'll be satisfied enough with it to post it. I'd also like to spend 2024 focusing more on painting and practicing landscapes. I spent the first three months of the year working on a piece for a local art gallery competition, which actually ended up getting accepted and subsequently spent the rest of the year touring around the state in several different exhibitions. That introduced me to the wonderful world of trying to figure out how the hell digital prints and shipping work, but everything turned out fine in the end. It remains the largest piece I've ever made at 18"x24", and hopefully once I get it shipped back to me I'll be sending it off to my parents. I also found out that I HATE writing artist's statements, like fuck off you don't need to know my background, just interpret the piece however. I'd like to post here, but I want to make sure first that it hasn't been uploaded to the internet by any of the galleries since I'd like to keep my personal info off this blog lmao What's funny is that I feel like I've come so far as an artist ever since I submitted that piece, that every time I look at the B-grade prints I have lying around I'm like "oh my god this looks terrible, I can't believe this got accepted". I guess that's just what being an artist is like Following that, I took the next month off from art, which was a nice little break. I did a bunch of art parties in FFXIV, which are always great for improving, because as counter-intuitive as it seems the best way to get good at art is to be forced to draw a whole bunch of different things under strict time limits. I feel like I can definitely see my lineart improving as the months go on. I also started working more with color, my eternal nemesis, and I'm hoping next year I can really start to nail down a style. I did Art Fight for the first time ever in July and it ROCKED, definitely going to do it again this year and I'm still pretty proud of the drawings I did. I love an event where it's socially acceptable for me to draw people's OCs. I think I'll probably focus on doing more WoW OCs this year. Unfortunately July is the busiest month for me at work, where I'm waking up at 5AM for basically the entire month straight and working in 100+ degree weather, so we'll see if I can maintain the energy for it.
And now the heavy stuff. Some of you might know that I'm pretty involved in the secret finding community in WoW, and back during BFA when we spent 11.5 months trying to find Jenafur, I did paint-overs of a bunch of cat memes to try and keep spirits up during the hunt. Unfortunately, the Make-A-Wish kid who created the pet ended up passing away in April. You can read about her life here in this article that will make you want to guillotine a chemical executive, and this older interview from 2020 about the secret. But what really got to me was this one line from the PCGames interview:
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And like, I don't want to be presumptuous but like. I think she was talking about my art. Every time I posted on she'd comment on it, and she even DMed me about them. This line fucking destroyed me. I'm not even going to exaggerate. For several days after we found out about her death I was a wreck. The thought that my silly little drawings actually had an impact on someone and made their life a little brighter just ruined me. The bill she was fighting for ended up passing, and I hope that someday the idea of 'forever chemicals' will cease to exist.
Downer ending but I'm kind of too bummed out to write more
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hotthotgarbage · 2 years
Week 8
After a few days using a dating app. I feel like I should have done this sooner. Like this shit is so easy. I get like 15 likes a day. But now I’m simultaneously talking to ten different people and the ones I would actually meet in person can’t take a fucking hint. Like one suggested that we watch a movie together. I tell them that I want to go see pearl. and their like “that sounds good” like bruh what do you meannn. this is a dating app try to plan the date my guy. 
My roommate is going crazy. She broke up with her boyfriend and is now coping with home improvement. She rearranged her whole room and painted our kitchen purple. It looks good so I honestly can’t complain. She also bought us a toaster so we no longer have to use the oven to make toast. But this is also starting to become a problem because she wants me to split the cost of things and I have never been more broke in my life. I’m gonna have to pull from my saving to pay rent because all of my paycheck went to fixing my car and getting a new computer. Neither of which were things that I could really put off. This money issue is making me extremely anxious. Like all I ever want to do is shut down. I took a day of work so I can go to my friends Halloween party and I don’t even have a costume yet. My boss is making my shifts longer, which kind of helps with the money but I'm also just so exhausted that being at work doesn’t feel that good right now. I can’t wait till the semesters over so that I can finally have a break. 
I had the worst day at work ever last Saturday. It’s the busiest day of the week and our manager had to be at the other location. The four of us on staff wanted to kill each other the whole time. Two of them are dating and got into an argument before work, making the day have a very rough start. She cried and he kicked a door and my other coworker and I were both ready to send the two of them home if it weren’t for the fact that it was the busiest day of the week and actually needed them there. And after they made up and pretended the whole thing didn’t happen, they decided that our other coworker was actually the problem. The fact that this whole thing is probably going to happen again this week is just more torture for the rest of us. They just need to actually admit that the two of them don’t seem to work as a couple, and they are starting to get super unprofessional. Now my work place is not the least bit professional to begin with, but it is an unspoken rule that if you are dating someone on staff, that you pretend like its not happening at work. They did this for a long time, but suddenly they are all lovey-dovey or mad at each other. And I am going to kill them. I was also just really weirded out when I found out they were dating in the first place. They kept it secret from everyone for like three months, and I was really good friends with both of them, so the fact that they didn’t tell me made it just eel wrong. Also, she is 19 and he is 30. fucking weird. I never took him for a creep, but why would he date a fucking teenage. And it does not help that she looks like she could be 15 or 16. It really is all men. 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Spector Spook-tacular
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Summary: for their first anniversary, Raymond takes his girlfriend to a cemetery for a Halloween picnic... having dinner while giving the spirits a show
Warnings: public sex, Oral sex, riding, creampies, public sex, pervy ghosts watching
word count: 1.6K
Spooky week Masterlist
For most people, a first-anniversary date is supposed to be incredibly romantic and meaningful to the couple… Y/N and Raymond met last Halloween in a graveyard while trying to hunt ghosts for their separate businesses. Raymond didn’t even know he had a rival in his industry, let alone a very sexy and tempting female ghost hunter that he couldn’t take his eyes off of— causing them to argue until the sexual tension in the room snapped like a stretched rubber band.
They ended up fucking against a tree, abandoning their hunt for ghosts for that night and eventually merging companies so they could spend more nights alone in random haunted places together.
A year later, they close up shop early on Hallows eve, even though it is their busiest day of the year. And by early, it’s midnight and he wants to take her somewhere special for the witching hour. So Raymond surprises her with a picnic basket and a smile, “happy anniversary, babe.”
“Babe,” she replies with a smirk, “I told you we didn’t need to go all out for this… it’s not even a real anniversary, we started dating officially in November…”
“I just want to go to the place where it all began,” he begs, puppy dog eyes included. She couldn’t ever say no to those big brown beauties.
“That’s one of the most haunted cemeteries in the area and you want to eat and then fuck me while all the ghosts watch?” She teases, down for anything with him but also loving how he blushes.
“Maybe we can catch them watching us this time…” he shrugs, holding up a camera along with the picnic basket.
“Oh,” she smirks slightly while biting her bottom lip. “Yeah… I think that would be good.”
They eat dinner by candlelight, spread out on a nice blanket as they kept their eyes out for ghosts. Most of the time, if they just asked a spirit to cross over, they would, but some of the spirits in this particular cemetery won't leave. They have a club of sorts, enjoying the company of haunting the same place and Raymond didn’t blame them… who knew what was on the other side once they did cross over.
Y/N sighed, looking at him with a growing smirk, “so we are going to fuck for them again or are you just going to look at me like that all night?”
Instead of replying, Raymond grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her forward, kissing her deeply. While Y/N was probably in the mood for a crazy hot fuck in the middle of this crowded cemetery, Raymond almost missed having regular vanilla sex that lasted a while with her.
He missed worshiping her and making her feel amazing. He missed taking his time and remembering it for the rest of the day. But October was the busiest month of the year for them and it left them with barely any time for loving.
He kissed her again, soft and sweet, drawing Y/N in and feeling her run her hands from Raymond’s cheeks to his shoulders and then down his arms. She licked his lip, asking to be let in, feeling her tongue on his, she tasted like the wine from earlier, she felt like home.
Y/N pulled back from him, sitting up again to pull her shirt off, to which Raymond ran his hands over her soft and adorably cute stomach and magnificent chest. “I love you,” he whispered, looking at her in awe.
“I love you too,” Y/N replied with a smile, walking back on her knees till she was near the end of the bed, taking the sheet with her. She placed one knee between Raymond's legs, spreading them and getting in the middle.
Raymond knew what was coming, he closed his eyes and laid his head back against the pillows. Suddenly his half-hard cock was being removed from his jeans, Y/N had wrapped her hand around it and was slowly stroking him. He could feel his foreskin moving, the light tension from the dry skin felt amazing, Y/N’s hand moved up and down, he felt all the blood in his body rush to his dick to the point it hurt to lose contact with her.
She had a wonderful, talented, wet mouth that he craved, swallowing sharply in anticipation as she engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth. He opened his mouth in response, no sound coming out as he’d had enough practise getting off quietly in his life. He could orgasm without making a sound at this point.
Y/N sunk down, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat before she hollowed her cheeks as she sucked back up to the tip, puckering his lips and dragging them back down his length only to make his way back up with the flat of his tongue and do it all over again.
“Oh my god, you need to stop soon or I’m going to cum,” Raymond gasped, trying his hardest to keep their communication between then and not with the spirits watching them.
She stopped, looking up at Raymond through her lashes, “why? Too good?” she teased with a cheeky grin.
Raymond shook his head, he couldn't believe her. “Yeah and I want to be able to actually fuck you for our little crowd of friends that's growing,” he gestured behind her to the green figure standing in the bushes and the others all around.
She quickly sat back on her ass and allowed Raymond to help her tug her jeans and panties down, getting her to lay back on the picnic blanket so he could return the favour. Pushing himself out of his own clothes so he could fuck her as soon as she started to beg for it. Sometimes she liked to just cum once, feeling bad if he made her cum on his tongue but couldn’t follow up after he fucked her.
“Fuck,” he groans, loving being between her legs with his lips on hers… “you’re so sexy like this, showing off for everyone.”
“Shh,” she gets bashful, hiding her face in her hands.
Slowly but surely, the longer his tongue is on her pussy the more she opens up and the louder she gets. Holding his hair with one hand, cupping her breast with another, she moaned in response to his movements. “God, fuck me already baby, please?”
She sat on him as soon as she could. Raymond ran his hands over her soft thighs, he really loved Y/N’s legs and her arms and her stomach and well, her everything. He just loved her. Y/N smiled, leaning down and whispering, “it’s time to put on the main event…”
Raymond lightly moaned, soft and breathy, not very noticeable. “You are something else, babe.”
She hovered over his aching cock, “shut up and get in me already,” she ordered, guiding the head of Raymond’s cock to her entrance, slowly sitting back down and taking him all the way inside.
She normally loved the feel of the stretch, Raymond would watch in awe as she worked himself into her. This time, however, she just sat in one go, making his gasp and immediately moan when she started to rock her hips.
It felt amazing as she continued to ride him slowly, pulling off just enough to grind back against him again, and again, and again. They got into a rhythm until Y/N up on her knees enough for Raymond to go to town, thrusting up into her as he held her hips and slammed her back down.
Y/N tilted her head back, mouth open making zero noise but probably wishing she could scream the way she did at home. “Harder,” she whispered into the air.
He watched as Y/N threw her hand over her mouth while she gripped the sheets with his other hand, clearly enjoying the new sensation. Raymond had his hands on Y/N’s hips, holding her steady while driving into her with vigour.
It felt amazing, Y/N always felt fucking amazing.
He would never get tired of fucking her, or loving her… or just her. Sure she was a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes but that’s what made him love Y/N more.
He started to feel the familiar heat bubbling in his stomach, his toes curling as the pleasure got more intense. His thrusts became less frequent, he felt Y/N’s legs start to quiver, growing closer herself. Noticing all the figures in the distance, some moaning as a sort of cheer, watching in awe as they fucked in the middle of a cemetery at 3 am.
Y/N started to cum, whining into her hand, she was never quiet no matter how hard she tried. She tightened around him, the pleasure hitting peak high, sending him over the edge as well. He pulls her flush against him, wrapping his arms around her tight as he holds her there and fills her with his cum.
“Fuck. You,” Y/N whispers between breaths, resting her forehead on his shoulder and barely holding on. Completely fucked out.
“I did,” Raymond replies with a small laugh, “and I think we got all of it on camera?”
“You sure got all of it in me as well,” she shakes her head, pulling off him and letting his cum drip out onto the blanket.
“Hey, at least it’s not ectoplasm,” Raymond teases her again, leaning in for one last kiss before getting cleaned up.
“Hey babe,” Y/N whispers, getting his attention. “The red light isn’t on…”
“We forgot to hit record,” he remembers at the last second. Smacking his hand on his face, “fuck!”
“Hey,” she stops him from freaking out too much, “we can just come back every year…”
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kayluh1915 · 2 years
Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Peter Parker
Words: 12,472
Warnings: Referenced non-con for the briefest second, anxiety, mild disassociation, 18+ only!
Peter shares his heat with Tony for the first time… which also so happens to be his first-ever heat with an Alpha partner.
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Okay, so this is my first fic for this side of the internet and I'm super excited about it… and relieved. I've been working on this fic since June of 2020, my dudes. It was initially written for a different fandom, but some horrid IRL shit went down over there and it stayed in my docs for a while until I showed up late to the Starker party after NWH and was like: "Yup… Yuppity Yuppers." This is also the longest fic I've ever written and is my first toe into the waters of A/B/O which also excites me!
That being said, I am SO done with this. There are loads of mistakes, and I'm not that happy with the end and stuff, but it's haunting me. Just seeing it sitting in my drafts and taunting me is driving me up the fucking wall so I'm posting it as is to get it off my chest. I will come back to it and make corrections and maybe even rework a couple of things and change the title (because yuck), but mentally I can't. Though it's not up to my toxic perfectionism standards, my friend has read it and CLAMMERED for me to post it so here we are! I hope you'll get some enjoyment out of it as well because FUCK I'm so done.
As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged.
You can also follow me on TikTok if you'd like. My content is of questionable quality, but I try my best.
Enjoy! :)
Read on AO3
Additional Warnings: Praise Kink, Kink Negotiation(ish?), Knotting, Anal fingering, Anal Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, and Rimming.
Peter was done.
Done with class, done with his unrelenting professors, done with notes, done with… just today entirely. Tuesdays and Thursdays were his busiest days and at the end of each one, he always finds himself exhausted and grumpy. Today was no exception, the crisp autumn wind tussling his curls as he walked back to his dorm. He's hoping he'll be able to make it back without anyone speaking to him, but it usually never happens so his hopes aren't too high.
When he walked into his hall, he thought that maybe this time would be different, but was proven wrong when a voice spoke to him as he swiped his student ID to check-in.
"Hey, dork. The day finally over?” Peter looked up as he put his ID back in his wallet, smiling when he saw MJ’s bored gaze.
She didn't count.
“Yeah. Today was particularly rough for some reason.” Her bored eyes shifted to concerned.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just tired from today.” She shrugged her shoulders, resting her chin in her palm.
“You know where to find me if you need anything. I’m always in my room, class, or here.” Peter nodded. He's worked campus jobs before and while working at the front desk of the dorm halls wasn’t the worst, it wasn't exactly the best. It could get boring and required you to pull all-nighters sometimes since someone always had to be there. At least he'd been allowed to study while on the clock.
“Thanks, MJ.” Peter felt the watch on his wrist vibrate which was… odd. He hadn’t taken his phone off silent mode yet, so he wasn’t sure why he was getting a notification. He lifted his wrist curiously, his eyes widening as soon as he saw what had alerted him.
It was the app called “H Tracker Pro.” He’s been expecting the notification for a while now… but he didn’t think he’d get it until around next month or so.
MJ noticed Peter’s demeanor shift almost instantly, her eyebrows furrowing as she lifted her head from her palm in an attempt to see Peter's watch screen. “Everything okay?” Peter looked up from his watch, nodding a little too enthusiastically as he covered the watch face with his other hand.
“Yeah! I just forgot to call May at lunch and she’s freaking out a little.” MJ cocked an eyebrow. He knew that was her bullshit detector going off, but she thankfully didn’t press.
“Alright then. Better go call her before she has a cow.” Peter laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, I’d better. See you around.”
“Bye loser.”
Peter walked through the double doors into his dorm hall, making his way towards the elevator in an almost zombified state as his mind began to drift back to the notification he had read on his watch. He usually keeps his phone on "do not disturb" on Tuesdays and Thursdays, only allowing certain contacts and apps to bypass the block so he could focus on his studies. So, it had been a complete surprise to see that particular notification and he was doing everything in his fiber not to freak out.
"Why the fuck is it so soon?" He thought. "I could've sworn I had more time..."
He doesn't remember the elevator ride or having a very short conversation with one of his friends that lived just down the hall. All he knows is that he's finally home and was trying to fish his keys out of his pocket. He hadn't even noticed how much his hands were shaking until they fumbled out of his grip and fell to the tiled floor with a high-pitched clink. "Fuck," he cursed, bending down to pick them back up.
When he got the door open, he was hit with the sudden smell of pecan brownies. Ned must've put in one of the homemade wax melts his Lola had sent him in the warmer. The heavenly scent relaxed him for a moment, his eyes closing to savor the smell as he closed the door. He kicked off his shoes and threw his backpack to the floor, collapsing down onto the bed with a relieved groan.
He desperately needed this.
He hadn’t realized he’d dozed off until he heard the door open and close again with its usual heavy slam. He groaned, annoyed that he had been woken up.
“Seriously, Ned? I was enjoying the peace, dude.” He grumbled. He expected to hear Ned scoff or say something snarky, but the snorted laughter he heard instead brightened his mood tenfold.
“Jeeze, such a grump. And here I thought you’d be happy to see me.” He’d know that cocky voice anywhere.
“Tony!” Peter exclaimed, jumping up from bed and running over to the older man. Tony let out a light groan in protest when Peter collided with him, squeezing Peter back just as tight while the kid clutched his shirt.
“Easy, Bambino. I’m not a spring chicken anymore.” Peter didn’t say anything, his horrid day and bad mood melting away as Tony’s arms and soothing scent flooded his senses.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Peter asked, his voice muffled in the man's neck as Tony began to gently sway them back and forth. Tony was supposed to be in California right now, but Peter wasn’t even beginning to complain about it.
"I wanted to surprise you. I know Thursdays are hard for you so I thought I'd come to cheer you up."
"Who checked you in?"
"Ned. He said he'd be downstairs doing laundry and playing some kind of… wizard… magic gathering game with your friends if you needed him."
Only residents were permitted in the dorms. Visitors were, obviously, allowed but only if they were checked in at the front desk by a resident. Student guests just had to swipe their ID, but non-students had to show their driver's license, or some kind of equivalent, and leave it at the front desk until they were checked out by the resident who checked them in. All guests had to be out by 11:00 pm unless it was Friday or Saturday. They were allowed to spend the night then if they wanted to.
Peter pulled away from Tony long enough for the pair to share a proper kiss, slow and sweet until Tony broke away.
"He also said to be safe and to put a sock on the doorknob which is a huge insult in my book. We don't need a sock if I do my job right." This made Peter laugh, but it also reminded him of the notification. He had nearly forgotten about it, the extremely short nap and Tony being here distracting him. He clutched Tony's shirt a little tighter, the older man noticing how Peter had suddenly tensed in his arms.
"Hey, look at me." He whispered, lifting Peter's chin with his knuckle so he was looking him in the eyes. "You okay, baby?” Peter nodded, flashing Tony a small smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long day. You have no idea how happy I am to see you." Tony smiled, bringing Peter into another sickly sweet kiss.
“Tell you what, how about you go take a quick shower and get comfortable while I order us some food and pick a movie for us to watch? You need some…" Tony gestured his hand in a circle in front of Peter. "... major TLC.”
Peter sighed quietly, a relaxing night in with Tony, some unhealthy comfort food, and a movie sounded excellent. “Okay.” Tony pressed one last kiss to Peter’s forehead before he began to grab his things for a shower.
“What do you want to eat?” Tony asked, sitting at Peter’s desk with his feet propped up as he browsed restaurants on his phone.
“Anything. Just pick something you know I’ll like.” Peter laid his bathrobe atop his bed, stripping down and tossing the soiled clothes into the nearby laundry basket. He could feel Tony’s lustful gaze on him even as he tied his bathrobe. “Stop staring.” Peter chided playfully, Tony scoffing meaninglessly.
“You're telling me that I can't appreciate my Bambino's gorgeous body? That’s cold even for you.” Peter smiled and shook his head, sliding on his showering flip-flops and grabbing his caddy.
“I’ll be back in a bit. Try not to wreck the place.”
“No promises!” He heard Tony call back right before he shut the door.
As soon as Peter walked into the community bathroom, his face fell. He no longer had Ned’s wax melts or Tony to distract his attention away from that notification and his phone was now burning a hole in his bathrobe pocket.
He sat his caddy down on one of the benches outside of the showers, sitting next to it and pulling out his phone. He opened the tracker app, not fully believing that it was right. He did have to back up his data once this past year as well as uninstall and reinstall the app a few times. That could've easily caused an accidental miscount of days… right?
As much as he wished he could say otherwise, his app was correct. His year was up. It was time to come off his suppressants and go into heat.
The Omega stared at his phone with a distant gaze, his mind running through all the things he’d have to do to prepare for what was about to come. Reporting his heat to his counselor was always the first thing followed by a visit to his doctor, shopping, and- wait… would his shopping list be the same? So many things are different now. Oh god, he’s not even in New York anymore. So He’ll have to find a new doctor on top of needing a new shopping list an-
“Hey, Peter.” Someone greeted, snapping Peter out of his head and causing him to jump about 3ft in the air.
“H-Hey Jared. What’s up?” He asked, running a hand through his hair and trying his best not to sound like he was freaking the fuck out.
“Eh, nothing new. Band practice ran a little late so I’m gonna take a shower and pass the fuck out. Mind if I play my music?” He asked, lifting his Bluetooth speaker.
“Nah, go ahead. Y-You won’t bother me.” Jared smiled.
“Thanks, man.” If Jared noticed that Peter’s demeanor was off, he didn’t say anything. Soon after that, Jared’s music began to play and one of the showers turned on. Peter decided to finally get in the shower as well. Tony knew how long he usually took and would start to worry if he took too long.
His shower took about 15 minutes, Jared’s music still playing as he dried himself off and put his bathrobe back on before pulling back the curtain and walking out. The chill of the bathroom caused a full-body shiver as he made his way back to his room, his shower shoes squeaking with every step. Tony was already laying on Peter’s bed propped up on a shit ton of Ned’s throw pillows as he watched some kind of techno show.
“Hey. Ned stopped by and dropped off some of the laundry while you were gone. I found a fresh pair of socks, one of my tees, and a pair of your favorite pajama bottoms that were still warm from the drier. Figured you’d appreciate that.” Peter sighed and nodded, setting his caddy on the floor by his desk and taking his robe off to once again expose his nakedness to Tony.
Tony whistled lowly, Peter smacking him in the face with the pair of boxers he had yet to put on.
“You know, for a so-called old man you’re pretty horny.”
“Hard not to be when he has someone as beautiful and sexy as you.”
Peter's cheeks flushed bright pink as he finished getting dressed, drying his hair off some more with the towel after putting on a pair of socks to stop it from dripping everywhere. After laying the towel across his desk chair to dry, he crawled up into his bed to lay against Tony's chest. The older man wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him close and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
Tony had picked Terminator 2 to watch, one of Peter's all-time favorites. However, not even Arnold Schwarzenegger could calm Peter's anxious mind. He’d zoned out completely, unaware of anything going on around him. He’d tried multiple times to get out of his head, to stop the constant “what abouts” and “what if’s,” but every single time he put his focus back on the movie, it drifted away yet again.
Tony must’ve sensed Peter’s inner turmoil, holding onto him tighter and rubbing his cheek atop Peter's head. "What's gotcha so worked up, honey?" He whispered, snapping Peter out of his head again with a light jump. Tony couldn’t help but be amused.
“Oh, uhh nothing. I’m fi-”
“Don’t you dare,” Tony interrupted. “If you’re zoning out it has to be something, so what’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Peter sighed, leaning against Tony and pressing his face into the man’s shoulder. It took about a minute or two before Peter responded and it wasn’t even an answer to Tony’s question.
"M’gonna go get some air in the courtyard for a minute." Tony’s concern grew, his eyebrows furrowing tightly.
“Are you alright?” Peter nodded.
"Yeah, I’m okay. I just need a breather for a minute.” Tony nodded, letting go of Peter’s waist and allowing the younger man to stand up from the bed. Tony hadn’t been dating Peter that long, but he’d spent more than enough time to know that Peter was worrying himself about something. He wasn’t sure what it was and wanted to know more than anything, but trying to get it out of the boy now would’ve been useless while he was so worked up.
"Call me if you need anything, baby."
"M’kay," Peter whispered with a single nod, grabbing his phone while stepping into his favorite pair of Nike slides. He was out the door before they were even completely on his feet, Peter unintentionally slamming the door shut behind him with a heavy metallic clack.
The courtyard was blissfully empty, Peter taking a seat on one of the benches by the small fountain in the center. Though the sounds of the dribbling water helped ease his headache, he was still teeming with anxiety, his leg bouncing wildly as he held his head in his hands and gripped his curls.
Peter had been having heats since he presented late at the age of 20, going on a dose of suppressants as soon as his first heat had lifted. Though he only really cared about not having a heat once every three months, he chose to take a combined suppressant that would also make his scent extremely mute so Aunt May would feel better about Peter's safety. While suppressants are a godsend, all Omegas who take them are advised to come off of them at least once a year to keep the intensity of their heats down and to ensure reproductive health.
Peter’s yearly heats have always been normal and manageable as long as he had a partner, but this would be his very first one with Tony who would also be his first-ever Alpha partner. He was so unsure of what to expect from his body, never being exposed to so many pheromones before so it was untelling what he’d end up doing. He had read tons of articles and even asked May for advice, both of them saying that he would be fine but he couldn’t help but worry.
If he was already super clingy without an Alpha, he could only imagine what he would be like with one right next to him in a full rut while he was delirious with heat hormones and sexual desire.
The sound of the courtyard door opening snapped him back to reality, followed by the gentle squeak of the door closing again and hesitant footsteps slowly crunching towards him under the fallen leaves. He could tell it was Tony just by the way he was giving Peter his space, but his distinct scent of firewood and dark chocolate was also a dead giveaway.
“It's alright, Tony. You can come over.” He heard the older man let out a puff of air, almost like he was anxiously holding it in until he knew for sure that Peter was okay.
“Sorry, I just wanted to check on you and tell you that the food’s here.” Peter’s eyes widened in shock. Had he really been down here that long?
He felt Tony drape something over his shoulders, the Alpha's scent and sudden warmth surrounding him. He unintentionally purred quietly, not even realizing that he had been cold until he was getting warm again.
He felt Tony sit next to him, the Alpha still trying to give him his space. Peter, however, wanted nothing more than to be held. He lifted his head and scooted towards Tony, wrapping his arms around the Alpha’s waist and burying his face in his neck, clutching onto what he realized was his throw blanket that was draped around his shoulders.
“Shhh.” Tony cooed, placing a kiss atop of Peter’s head before laying his cheek there and gently rocking them back and forth. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
Though he knew they were alone, Peter lifted his head long enough to look around the courtyard to make sure they were alone. It was inevitable that people would know about Peter’s heat when they didn’t see him for a week, but he’d still rather keep it private for as long as he could.
‘It- It’s time to come off my suppressants.” He felt Tony’s arms stiffen a little around him, his gentle rocks back a forth also halting.
In the eight months that they have been official, they’ve openly discussed Peter’s heat on several occasions. Peter was very clear with Tony when he agreed to share his heat with him, explaining that he would be his first Alpha partner and that he was extremely anxious about it.
“What about that one guy you told me about? Isn’t he an Alpha?” Tony had asked. Though they never officially dated, one of his close friends named Olliver from the decathlon team would always be the one to help Peter through his heats when he had no one else. Something that Peter couldn’t be more thankful for.
“Nope. Beta.” Tony comforted him the best he knew how, swearing on his life that he would take good care of Peter and never do anything they didn’t agree to beforehand. He’d even offered to go on suppressants before Peter’s heat to prevent triggering his rut so he didn't lose himself to the hormones.
Though he appreciated the offer greatly, Peter never doubted for a moment that Tony wouldn’t forsake him and told him that the suppressants wouldn’t be necessary. After all, it wasn’t Tony he didn’t trust… it was himself.
Well… that and Peter lowkey really wants Tony’s knot. He refused to admit that last part, though… while lucid, anyway.
Tony began rocking him again. “How long do we have?” He asked, finally breaking the tense silence between them and bringing Peter back to the present.
“Two weeks. It should be plenty of time to get everything ready… at least it usually is.” Tony rubbed his cheek on Peter’s head again, trying his best to soothe his anxious Omega.
“It’s okay, honey. I know you’re scared, but I’ll be right there beside you just like I promised.” Peter relaxed completely into Tony’s hold, The low purr growing louder in his throat as his Alpha gently scented him.
It took Peter about two days to gather himself up enough to begin his usual heat preparations.
He normally would've started immediately, but the uncertainty of this particular situation had nearly put him out of commission. He'd skipped more than a few meals, completely forgot about his physics test, and missed an entire night of sleep.
Tony wasn't having any of it.
He may have been able to make up his test, but that didn’t solve his food or his sleep deprivation. Tony was in Peter’s room again when he came back from making up his test, holding up a duffel bag and gesturing to the room.
“Pack an overnight bag. I’m taking you to the apartment.” Tony had ended up helping when he saw how tired Peter was, taking him straight to the apartment he was renting in the city. They only ever used it whenever Tony came to visit him, serving as the perfect place to get some extra privacy whenever they wanted it… or needed it.
He wasn't sure if it was because of his approaching heat or not, but something about having Tony by his side to make sure he was properly fed, showered, and rested made him feel safe and secure. So much so that he ended up falling asleep extremely early, the feeling of Tony's hand rubbing his back as they lay on the couch lulling him better than any remedy he had tried the previous night.
Peter slept through the entire night, only waking up once his alarm sounded the next morning. Though he was still anxious, waking up next to Tony in his bed mentally pushed him enough to begin getting things ready.
"Peter Parker?" Peter jumped up from the chair he was nervously lounging in and followed his counselor into her office. It was cozy and smelt really nice, like vanilla and honey.
"So, you're reporting a heat, right?" She asked once both of them were seated and his file was opened.
"Yes, Ma’am." She clicked her tongue and shook her head, her dark hair falling onto her face.
"I can't believe it's been a year already." She commented, fetching a paper from her drawer. “Time doesn’t go anywhere.”
Peter wasn’t sure what to say, so he just didn’t say anything.
"Since we've already been through this process you only need to resign a few papers. After that, I’ll ask you a handful of questions and then you’ll be free to go. Sound okay?” The Omega nodded, twisting his hands nervously in his lap.
Just like last year, her definition of “a few” papers turned out to be what felt like an entire stack. His hand was starting to cramp and his signature was beginning to look like mush every time he wrote it.
“Alright, now that that’s out of the way we can go over these questions. Hopefully, they'll be a little quicker than all of these.” she patted the stack of papers he had just signed, Peter silently hoping that she wasn't understating again.
Most of the questions were simple, things like “have you ever had any major complications during a heat” and so on.
“Are you sharing your heat with an Alpha?” That question caught him off guard. It must be a new one since she didn’t ask that one last year.
“Uhhh, yeah.” The woman nodded, leaning over and grabbing another paper from the other drawer. She wrote down a few things before continuing.
“Will this be your first heat with an Alpha?”
“... Yes.”
“Okay. Can you give me their name, age, and contact information please?” Peter hesitated, his mouth going dry. She continued when Peter took too long to answer and noticed his tensed-up posture.
“I'm sorry, sweetie. I know it's intrusive but after the incident with the Omega last year, we adjusted our policies. It's to help better protect our Omegan students and bring justice to the ones who deserve it."
Peter wasn't completely sure what happened, but he knew that the poor girl in question had been brutally beaten and claimed against her will. Just hearing about it made his stomach clench.
"T-That's good. I'm glad they're, umm, t-taking our safety into account." She smiled and nodded.
"As am I. Long overdue in my personal opinion. Now, may I have their name, please?"
“Right, yeah, sorry. It's Tony Stark.” The woman’s pen froze, her eyes darting up over her glasses to look at Peter.
“That Tony Stark?”
“Y-Yeah…” She hummed and made a “good for you” gesture with her head. Peter sighed with relief, glad that she didn’t ask him for any further details.
Once she had Tony’s contact information, they double-checked to make sure his emergency contact was correct, and then she closed his file.
"Alright, Peter, that's got you covered. Make sure you call your doctor when your heat is through to get an excuse and you'll be golden. Do you need an excuse for your classes?” Peter shook his head. “Alright. I hope everything goes well. Give us a call if you need anything.” Peter stood up a bit too quickly from the chair, more than happy to be done with this.
"Thank you, Ma’am.”
Two days later, Peter took yet another day from his classes to travel back to New York to go see his usual doctor for his pre-heat check-up. He had planned on finding one in Boston, but Tony knew that Peter wouldn't be comfortable with that and instead suggested the last-minute trip.
Normally, Peter tries not to use any financial advantage that Tony has, but with something this sensitive he made an exception
Peter thought he'd be going to the appointment alone since that's how he had always done it, but Tony insisted otherwise. “I said I’d be there for you and that includes your snooze fest doctor’s visits.” He’d said. Peter didn’t protest.
The waiting room was crowded and stuffy, Peter fanning himself with one of the many pregnancy magazines littering the tables as they waited to be called back.
“It’s so hot in here…” He complained, Tony only shrugging with a neutral hum as he scrolled through his phone.
“It’s a little warm but it’s not unbearable. I think it’s just your heat coming on.” Tony teased. Peter had taken his final dose of suppressants about two or three days earlier, symptoms of his incoming heat already starting to rear its ugly head in the form of sugary cravings and very mild cramping.
“Look, I know I’m showing a few symptoms, but I don’t start getting warm until a few days before. It’s just damn hot in here...” Tony laughed, throwing his arm to lay on the back of Peter’s chair and nosing at his neck.
“Maybe, but I can already smell it on you.” He growled quietly in his ear. Peter smacked him in the face with the magazine.
“Tony!”  Peter whisper-yelled, frantically looking around the room to see if anyone had noticed. “Not in public! Everyone’s already got a microscope on us. What if they take a picture or something?”
“Sorry, Bambino.” He meaninglessly apologized, backing away from Peter's throat to place a sweet kiss on his cheek instead. “You know I have a hard time controlling myself in public.” Peter didn’t listen, instead bringing the collar of his shirt up to his nose to smell it. He only picked up Tony’s scent and his own soap but that didn’t stop his racing thoughts.
“It’s… It’s not strong, is it?”
Tony shook his head. “Nope. It’s extremely silent right now since you’ve only been off your suppressants for a few days. The only reason I can tell is that I scent you all the time.” Peter didn’t look convinced, his muted scent souring with worry as his eyes continued to roam over the crowd to see if anyone had gotten a whiff of him.
Only Tony noticed the shift in Peter’s scent, pocketing his phone and pulling the Omega into his arms. “Calm down for me, Pete. No one can tell but me. I promise. Even if they could I wouldn’t let anyone lay a finger on you.”
Peter slowly began to relax after that, the Omega laying his head down on Tony’s shoulder and continuing to fan himself while Tony quietly scented him.
Despite how crowded the waiting room was, they didn’t have to wait too much longer before the nurse called Peter back. They took his vitals and his weight, asking him question after question as another nurse drew blood from his forearm. Peter quietly hissed when they stuck him, his reaction being more from a place of reflex than actual pain.
Tony's instincts, however, didn't see the difference, causing him to subconsciously growl at the Alpha who had caused his Omega "pain." Tony cleared his throat once he realized what he’d done, extremely rare embarrassment tinting his cheeks.
“Shit… sorry about that.” The nurse waved him off, not at all phased by Tony’s urge to protect. Once they were finally done, they placed them in an exam room where they waited again for about another 10 or 15 minutes before Dr. Wright finally came in.
“Hi, Peter.” She greeted. “That time of year again already, is it?” Peter nodded, twisting his hands together nervously in his lap. She then turned her attention to Tony. “Is this your Alpha?”
“Yeah. This is Tony.” She smiled at him and held her hand out. If she did recognize who Tony was she did a great job at maintaining her professional demeanor. “Hi, Dr. Kennedy Wright.” Tony shook her hand and smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you.” He greeted. Dr. Wright then proceeded to check Peter over just as she always has.
“Everything looks good.” She finished, putting her stethoscope back around her neck when she finished listening to his lungs. “You have the green light to proceed with your heat. However, do keep in mind that since this is your first one with an Alpha partner, it may be more intense than what you’re used to. I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about as long as Tony is there to help you.” She then directed her attention over to Tony.
“Make sure he eats protein-rich foods, drinks plenty of fluids, and rests in between waves.” Tony nodded, reaching out to hold Peter's hand when he noticed his scent souring with worry again. Dr. Wright picked up on his anxious demeanor and placed a hand on his knee.
“It’s okay, Peter. I’m more than confident that everything will go fine, but remember that you can call me at any time if you have any major problems.” Peter held onto Tony's hand a little tighter as he flashed her a gentle smile. “I’ll go ahead and send in a new prescription for your suppressants and Alisha will be in in just a moment to give you your birth control shot. Any questions for me?” Both Tony and Peter shook their heads, Dr. Wright giving Peter a few more words of encouragement and reminded them again to call her if anything were to go wrong before leaving the room.
When Peter got his shot about five minutes later, Tony thankfully didn’t growl at anyone, but what he said made Peter wish he had.
“Hopefully one day you won’t need that.” He winked, Alisha laughing hard as she injected the medication into Peter's arm.
Peter was up much earlier than usual, reading through the news on his phone while sipping on a cup of coffee. He had been unable to sleep the previous night, browsing through various websites for tips on being with an Alpha partner for the first time while Tony slept peacefully next to him. When he finally did try to get some rest, his mind was still going haywire and was far too jolted to properly quieten down. When the sky began going from black to navy, Peter finally just gave up.
This wasn’t anything new for the Omega, however. One of his common, and most dreaded, heat symptoms is borderline unbearable insomnia. He had hoped that it would pass this cycle but nope. He was halfway through his steaming drink when he felt Tony come up behind him and press a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Morning.” He gruffed, heading over to the coffee machine to get his own cup of brew. Tony would’ve normally been back in New York by now, but since Peter’s heat is approaching the Alpha didn’t feel comfortable letting the Omega stay in his dorm or leaving him alone in the apartment. Pepper hadn’t been too happy about Tony taking so many days off at first, but when he’d explained it was for Peter’s heat, the beta lightened up immediately and told him to take all the time he needed.
Tony suddenly stopped in his tracks while reaching up for a mug, walking back over to Peter and curiously sticking his nose to Peter's neck and inhaling deeply. The unexpected gesture sent a pleasant shiver down Peter's spine.
“Your scent’s getting stronger,” Tony grumbled, his voice low in his throat. Peter swallowed hard.
“Yeah… I’ve been off my suppressants for about five or six days now.” Tony gently traced his nose against Peter’s jaw, taking in the Omega’s scent some more with pleasing hums and low purrs.
“You’ve always smelled amazing, but it’s even more delicious than usual since you’ve stopped your medication. Like warm, fresh baked cookies and honey. There’s also a hint of spice since your heat’s approaching, but it’s still quiet.” Peter lolled his head over, submitting to the older Alpha as a moan spilled from his lips when Tony kissed gently at his gland.
“Tony…” Peter helplessly whispered, his hand coming up so he could lace his fingers in the Alpha’s hair.
“Mmm… you like that don’t you, baby?” Peter nodded, Tony then barely sinking his teeth into his skin. “Answer me, Omega.”
“Y-yes Alpha...” Peter whined. Tony chuckled lowly, continuing to press sweet kisses onto Peter’s throat. He then brought his hands up to the hem of Peter’s shirt, running his fingers underneath the fabric to caress Peter’s sides and stomach.
“Ahh!” Peter suddenly squeaked, jumping out of the chair and away from Tony’s mouth and wondering hands. Even though he had just been effectively cock-blocked, Tony couldn’t help but laugh.
“Get back here, you cock tease!” He play-pouted, reaching out for Peter again only to have his hands smacked away.
“No! Your hands are like ice!” Tony reached for Peter again, the Omega taking off towards the living room. Tony chased after him, the sound of Peter's laughter and tiny squeals as he tackled him to the couch like music to the Alpha’s ears.
When Peter’s laughing died down, they both gazed at each other lovingly for a while, a light blush dusting the Omega’s cheeks. Tony brushed Peter’s curls away from his forehead with the same dopey grin on his face.
“You’re so cute.” Peter laughed, his blush darkening slightly as he leaned up to steal a kiss. Tony melted into it, cupping Peter’s face as he kissed him back.
"Hey, can you take a break for a second?" Peter asks, placing his hand on Tony's shoulder while he soldered something to one of the motherboards he was working on. "I need to make a heat list. I normally already know what to get, but I wanted to make sure that you got the things you need as well." Tony sat aside the soldering iron and pulled back from his desk, giving the Omega his full attention.
"The only thing I ask for is a thousand boxes of those chocolate protein bars." Peter looked at the Alpha over his notebook, a look of bewilderment in his eyes.
“That’s it? Y-You don’t need any special Alpha stuff for when your rut hits?” Tony laughed, wrapping his arm around Peter’s waist and pulling him closer.
“Nope. The only thing I need is to make sure you’re comfortable and being well taken care of. So, just jot down whatever you normally get… and chocolate protein bars.” Peter giggled, setting aside the notepad to cup Tony's cheeks and rub his nose against his."
“Alright. I also wanted to go over some things regarding kinks and things like that You already know my safe word as well as what I like or not, but it’s a little different during my heat.” Tony pulled away, a confused and love-sick smile still plastered on his face.
“Its just- I tend to be a bit more…” Peter paused, trying to think of the right word. “Spicier… while I’m delirious with a fever and uncontrollable horniness, so I wanted to go over what I may or may not ask for that isn’t normally something I’d ask for outside my heat.” Tony’s eyebrows hitched at the word “spicer,” his dark eyes sparkling with lust when Peter finished explaining.
“Fire away, sweetheart.” He replied, his hands trailing down low to hold onto Peter’s hips. The Omega swallowed hard, pretending to not be affected by his Alpha’s undeniable sex appeal.
“So uhm… you already know I like to be lightly dominated, but during my heat, I might ask you to be a little rougher. Nothing too crazy like spanking or anything, but I might ask you to pull my hair a bit harder or even, in my more far gone states, ask you to break skin with your bites.
Tony felt his cock twitch to life in his joggers, the mere idea of Peter walking around with healing and bruised love bites weeks after his heat doing something to him.
“I might also ask for you to call me names that I usually don’t like. Like slut or dirty Omega whore. I don’t know why, but they tend not to bother me as much while I’m hazed out and even help me get off sometimes. Along with that, I’m extra sensitive to praise.”
Tony was already half-hard by now, unable to stop his mind from picturing everything that Peter was going over with him. The fact that the Omega looked incredibly adorable in the baggy sweater Tony had bought for him wasn’t helping anything either. “Anything else?”
Peter bit his lip. “I really like the idea of being bread. Obviously, any Omega does while in heat. That’s what these are for, after all.” Tony nodded once.
“However, I take it to the next level. I have this thing where I don’t want to waste anything… like at all. If I even lose a single drop I fall apart emotionally… which is why I’m kind of excited to share this one with you.” Tony chuckled.
“Already craving my knot, Omega?” Peter’s breath hitched.
“Well… I-I’ve never had one before so my Omega is going a little wild at the idea… yeah.” Tony growled quietly, digging his fingers into Peter’s hips and pulling him closer.
“I wish I could give it to you now. I bet you’d like that, huh?” Peter keened, Tony reaching forward to suck on Peter’s scent gland.
“So much…” Tony hummed happily, taking Peter with him as he stood up from his chair to sit him atop his work desk.
“I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want right now, baby boy…” Tony growled in Peter’s ear. “...but I promise you when your heat hits and my rut gets triggered, I’ll give you my knot as many times as you want. I’ll keep you stuck on me the entire time if that’s what you want.” 
Peter felt himself begin to slick, arousal causing his cock to pulse in his pants.“Touch me, Tony… please.”
Tony didn’t need to be asked twice.
After digging through the unfolded pile of clean t-shirts, he gave up. He was sure he had tossed his AC/DC shirt into the basket to be washed, but he didn't see it anywhere. Tony sighed. That was the fifth t-shirt he's lost just this past week. He instead just grabbed a plain workout shirt and tugged it on, heading upstairs and opening the door to their shared master bedroom.
“Hey Pete, have you seen my-” Tony interrupted himself. Peter was lying sideways on the made bed, the area around his face and the rest of the room littered with Tony's missing shirts and the throw blanket he’d brought from his dorm. Tony smiled, walking over to Peter so he could card his hand through the Omega’s curls. “Nevermind. I just found it.”
“M’sorry,” Peter muttered, Tony shushing him quietly
“It’s okay, Sweetheart. Your heat’s about five days out. I’m surprised you’re only just now starting to nest. I expected you to become a packrat a lot sooner.” Peter smiled and hummed a quiet laugh before bringing one of Tony’s shirts up to his nose and inhaling the Alpha’s scent with a deep and satisfied purr.
“I can’t start officially nesting until we get those supplies. We need to get something to protect the mattress.” Tony leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Peter’s temple.
“Well, let’s get going then before you can’t control it anymore.” Peter stretched out his limbs, reluctantly fighting his instinct to nest as he followed Tony out of the bedroom.
Peter stayed as close to Tony as he possibly could, leaning on the Alpha as they browsed the various aisles. Tony didn’t mind, wrapping his arm around his waist and holding onto him as they skimmed over various brands of sheet sets and comforters. Though it wasn’t anything abnormal, he could tell that Peter was putting off a bit more heat than usual.
“I think we should get these,” Peter says, voice low as he points to a solid white sheet and comforter set. “I’ve used this brand before and they’re great for not soaking up scents. Plus they’re washable so we can use them again.” Tony nods, reaching for the set and tossing it into their almost full shopping cart.
“Alright, what were the last two things?” Tony asks, watching as Peter scans over the list again.
“Just those and a mattress cover was it.”
“Okay. Is there anything my Bambino wants?” Peter ponders for a moment while they made their way over to the mattress covers.
“A popsicle.” Tony snorts a laugh.
“Really? A single popsicle and that’s it?” Peter knew that Tony was trying to joke around with him like he usually does, but he was drained from fighting his nesting instincts earlier and only quietly whined in response.
“Okay, a box of popsicles. Cherry?”
Peter nodded and added: “With sugar.”
“With sugar,” Tony confirmed, pressing a comforting kiss to Peter’s forehead. “Anything else?” Peter shook his head while Tony grabbed the most expensive mattress cover the store had, making their way to checkout as soon as he grabbed Peter’s popsicles. Tony let go of Peter’s waist to start scanning their things, the Omega feeling the loss of Tony’s scent and warmth instantly. He unconsciously let out a whimper, Tony right back by the Omega’s side when he heard him.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’m just paying for our stuff so we can get you home, okay?” Peter sighed lightly and nodded, closing his eyes and leaning into Tony’s hand. He tried to be as quick as possible, getting everything bagged and paid for in under two minutes. He grabbed the receipt from the dispenser and brought Peter back to his side as they began to walk out of the store. The Omega whimpered in relief, laying his head back on Tony’s shoulder.
Tony gave his jacket to Peter to help comfort him while he unloaded everything out of the car and prepared the California king for the inevitable. He barely even had the comforter out of the plastic when Peter finally gave in to his instincts, no longer able to control his urge to nest. Tony tossed the comforter onto the bed haphazardly and left the room, giving Peter the space he needed to confidently build his nest.
When he went back to check on him about two hours later, he was buried under the comforter and surrounded by a bunch of pillows and Tony’s clothes. He was sure he saw one of his designer suit jackets in there somewhere, but he didn’t care. Whatever his Omega needed he got.
“Honey, I brought you a popsicle and some water. You need to stay hydrated.” Peter poked his head out from his nest, his flushed cheeks and messy curls melting Tony into a puddle. Peter took the glass from him and gulped down a few drinks while Tony unwrapped the frozen treat for Peter. He exchanged the glass for the popsicle, smiling fondly when the Omega hummed happily at the taste.
Tony started to walk out, but his Omega’s whine stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned back towards Peter and smiled fondly when he saw him making a grabby hand for him while his other one held the popsicle.
“Hold on a second, honey. I promise I’ll be right back.” Peter reluctantly allowed Tony to leave, finishing up his popsicle with one last bite. He tossed the wooden stick in the nearby trash bin and cuddled back into his nest. Tony joined him about five minutes later. Peter clung to him like an octopus and purred loudly as the smell of warm firewood lulled him to sleep remarkably fast.
Peter stirred uncomfortably on Tony’s chest, a quiet whimper escaping his throat. Tony snuggled Peter closer, scenting the Omega to comfort him in his sleep. That was when he noticed the shift, the very mild spice that had been laced in Peter’s delicious scent since his check-up increasing in intensity.
His heat was starting.
It wasn’t supposed to hit for at least another few days, but it wasn’t surprising that it was hitting early. Being exposed to Tony's Alpha pheromones nearly constantly no doubt played a major role.
Tony growled, Peter’s sent intoxicating and damn near causing his eyes to roll back into his head. He unconsciously wound his fingers into Peter's hair, but let go quickly when clarity returned to him suddenly. Tony shook his head, almost violently, to rid the lingering fog over his mind.
"Friday, activate heat protocols."
"Sure thing, boss." A few seconds passed before the A.I responded again. "Heat protocols are now active. Ms. Potts and all other requested parties have been notified."
Tony sighed, thankful that he had programmed the protocol early in case something like this were to happen.
Tony's phone buzzes not a minute later from the nightstand with a call from Pepper. Tony grumbled. He really did not want to be disturbed with his Omega this close to his heat, but he answered anyway. He tried not to sound annoyed, but he couldn't help it.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry," she apologized. She could tell that Tony was less than happy to have his attention drawn away from his Omega. " I just wanted to check on him before his first wave hits." Tony hummed in understanding, pushing back his Alpha instincts as much as he could.
"Pete's fine. He's asleep right now. Friday is monitoring our vitals and will notify me and you if she directs anything concerning."
"Good. Remember what May and I told yo-"
“Call 911 then you,” he interrupted, the phrase engraved into his brain at this point.
“Right. Give us a call when everything lines out… and please take care of him. May and I both are all wound up for him."
“I will, Pep." Tony hung up after that. He normally wouldn't have ended it so abruptly, but, again, he couldn't help it. A distant rumble of thunder rolled across the dark sky as he turned his phone off and sat it back on the nightstand face down. The Omega whined quietly when Tony held him again. He shushed him quietly and brushed his curls away from his forehead.
Finally, after a week and a half of stress, everything was ready. All they had to do was wait... though if Tony had to guess based on Peter’s scent and warmer than average temperature alone, they wouldn’t have to wait for much longer.
Peter doesn’t know what time it is when he wakes up. It was still dark outside, heavy rain battering against the window with an occasional clap of thunder, but he could’ve cared less. The weather didn’t matter.
What did matter was the blazing heat. His entire body was impossibly hot as if he’d been out in the sun for too long and his mind was hazy at best. He’s laying on top of someone, he realizes, their soft breathing creating even more warmth atop Peter's head. He tried to remember who they were, but his mind was blank, clouded in a sweltering fog. He didn’t feel in danger, so he ignored it in favor of his thighs that were absolutely soaked with slick.
He pushes himself up and away from the body underneath him, trying to get in a more comfortable position for his cramps. Suddenly, the person underneath him growls quietly in their sleep, a strong hand forcefully pushing Peter back down to where he was. Searing shivers suddenly erupt from Peter’s cock when the hand pushes him against the other body, even more slick gushing out on his already drenched thighs as his hard member twitches painfully against the other person.
Somewhere amidst the fog in his mind, he was aware of what was going on. Fear shines through the haze like a lighthouse, his chest constricting painfully with worry as he suddenly remembers the situation he was in. His heat started a full three days early and was already much, much stronger than anything he had ever experienced.
In an attempt to calm himself down, he tried to remember what Dr. Wright had told him. Something about fluids… rest? Wasn’t there a shot in there somewhere as well?
He whimpers quietly, another rumble of thunder booming as he pressed into the body underneath him, a cramp tearing through his abdomen as he did so. He wanted it all to go away, to have something inside him so he didn’t feel all this heat and pain.
Tears begin to roll down his face, his hole gushing as it clenched down on nothing. The body under him moves suddenly, Peter barely aware of being raised with them as they sat up.
“Shhhh.” They coo quietly, the calloused hands wiping away his tears, the warm baritone, and the smell of burning firewood and dark chocolate cutting through the fog. He looked up to face the person who was trying to comfort him, all of Peter’s breath leaving him in an instant. He recognized the graying goatee, gentle lips, and deep mocha eyes right away.
Peter began to cry harder with relief, reaching for the Alpha as he sobbed quietly. “Please,” he says in a whisper. “T-Tony…” Tony shushes him again, wiping more tears away from his cheeks as he moved to lay Peter back down on the bed.
“I’m here, sweetheart.” Tony takes Peter's wrist into his hand and rubs his cheek against it, still trying to comfort the distressed Omega.
The fog hovering over Peter's mind suddenly grows thicker, desire completely taking over all of his senses. His hips bucked up gently off of the bed with a groan, no longer caring about how sweet Tony was being with him or about the tears still running down his face. His hands reached up to Tony’s boxers, tugging on the waistband to get them off, but they barely budged. Peter growled with frustration.
“Hold on a second, Pete,” Tony said, his voice sounding like it was underwater.
Peter whines, pure lust and desperation heavy in his tone. "I-I can't… hurts." He sounded pitiful, pain and scorching need overwhelming him. "Please… n-need you."
As confident as Tony was in himself, even he had to admit that he’d been a little anxious about Peter’s heat. He wanted to make sure that his first Alpha experience would be a good one, so he had planned to take Peter apart little by little during his first wave, wanting to worship Peter as he deserved. However, not even Tony had expected a response this intense.
As much as he hated to, he had to abandon his plan.
Thunder rumbled again as Peter curled in on himself with a groan of pain, moving onto his side in a fetal position from the agony of it all. Tony shed his boxers quickly and laid back down behind Peter, gently pulling him flush to his chest as he parted his soaked thighs to slide two fingers into his wet entrance.
Peter felt the pain ease up immediately, pushing himself back on Tony’s hand to shove his large fingers deeper with the sultriest moan that Tony had ever heard from the Omega.
Tony growled. “Fuck, such a good Omega. Absolutely perfect.” Tony withdrew his fingers just as Peter had started to rock himself back onto them, an anguished sound of protest spilling from his lips as the agony returned.
Tony’s heart broke at seeing Peter in so much misery, whining quietly as he lifted up Peter’s leg a little higher and finally pushed himself in. Peter’s cries stopped, desire once again taking over.
“Yeeesss…” he moans, his whole body quaking with satisfaction as Tony sunk himself all the way to the hilt. Tony couldn’t hold back, already pounding into Peter with hurried thrusts. He was so tight, wet, and warm. Such a beautiful Omega.
Peter clenches down on the prodding member buried inside him, overwhelmed with pleasure and relief. His skin feels as if it had been ignited, his nerves tingling pleasurably all the way down to his toes as Tony fucked him relentlessly. Peter felt weightless, barely conscious of anything else besides Tony pounding into him with loud, wet slaps of skin.
Tony was biting on Peter’s shoulder, applying as much pressure as he normally would during one of their normal romps. Peter, however, wasn’t satisfied.
“F-Fucking bite me, Alpha. W-Wanna… feel your teeth.” Tony groaned, voice heavy with lust as he sunk his teeth deep into the meat of Peter’s shoulder. The thigh he was holding trembled in his grip, slick pouring all over his cock when Peter orgasmed without warning.
Tony moaned into the back of Peter’s neck at the feeling, muttering broken words into the fresh bites. Peter had a difficult time making any of them out in his hazed state. It seemed like he had heard words like ‘beautiful,’ ‘sweet,” and maybe even ‘Bambi?’ Again, he wasn’t entirely sure.
Tony changes positions when Peter’s trembling slows, pulling out long enough to push Peter onto his back. He slides back in before the Omega could miss him, leaning down on his elbows to get as close to Peter as possible. The Omega mewled at the shift, Tony's stomach now brushing against Peter’s leaking member with each of Tony’s forceful thrusts. That’s all it takes, Peter spurting on both of their stomachs again as he repeats Tony’s name like a spell. His thighs were still trembling with pleasure when he coaxed Tony into moving again, his second orgasm not being nearly enough to satiate his appetite.
Tony hesitates for a moment, asking if the Omega was sure, but Peter’s only response was a whine, wrapping his legs around Tony in an attempt to pull him closer. The Alpha swallowed Peter's protesting whines with a kiss, going right back to pounding Peter into the bed as a flash of lightning lights the bedroom for a split second followed immediately by a deafening smack of thunder.
Not even two minutes passed before Peter was cumming again, his entire body clenching tight as he somehow spurts even more than the first time. Peter collapsed back down onto the sheets, Tony following him so he could stay buried to the hilt as he peppered gentler kisses onto his boyfriend’s cheeks. This would usually be enough to satisfy his first wave, but he was now three orgasms in and Tony’s scent was still hitting him like a freight train.
“Tony…” Peter whines, his eyes welling with tears again from the sheer intensity of it all. “I-I can’t… it’s too much…” Tony sushes him quietly, wiping away the tears on his cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m here, baby. I’ll make it better. I promise.” Tony kept his hands on Peter’s face as he pulled out and pushed back in, more tears rolling down Peter’s face from relief. Tony kept a steady, but gentle pace, taking his time to make sure Peter wasn’t being overwhelmed. Eventually, Peter was squirming under the Alpha, another orgasm building.
This time, he knew exactly what he wanted and wasn’t shy about asking for it.
“Alpha… k-knot me. Please…” Peter begged, bringing his own hands up to hold onto Tony’s that was still holding his face. Tony growled, speeding up his hips.
“Yeah? You-You want Alpha to breed you?" Peter nodded, losing himself in the overwhelming need to be filled and bread.
“Wan… your cum…”  Logically, they both knew that Tony couldn’t knot him since his rut hadn’t been triggered yet, but just the idea of it alone made the Omega’s head swim.
It didn’t take long for Peter to cum again, Tony fucking him through it as his own orgasm began to build. “That’s it, baby… surrender to it… nghh, God, M’gonna cum.” Peter clenched down on him tighter, the Omega’s orgasm still running through his body like electricity.
“Give it to me… G-Give it to me, Alpha.” With one last strangled grunt, Tony came, slamming himself balls deep as he pressed himself as close to Peter as he could. Peter could feel Tony’s cock twitch inside him along with the small jerks of Tony’s hips, delicious warmth spreading through his lower half as Tony filled him full.
The feeling caused Peter to have yet another orgasm. It wasn’t nearly as intense as the other four had been, but he always had what he called a “minigasm” whenever Tony came in him even outside of his heat.
Tony went limp atop of Peter, the Omega’s legs still shaking. Tony pressed gentle kisses wherever he could reach. Pride surged in his chest when Peter started to purr below him, finally sated and satisfied.
“Haven’t cum like that in ages…” Tony mutters, rubbing his nose along Peter’s neck. He didn’t answer, favoring to hum happily instead between purrs. Tony stayed in Peter until the Omega fell back asleep, gently pulling out his softened cock. It tried to harden again at the sight of his cum leaking from Peter’s hole, but he did his best to ignore it for now.
Tony grabbed one of the many clean towels from the dresser and cleaned them up the best he could, laying back down next to Peter once he had them both dry. The spice in Peter’s scent had his instincts on high alert and there was no way in hell he’d be able to go back to sleep, but Tony was perfectly content with holding Peter in his arms as the thunderstorm continued raging outside.
Peter's second wave comes and goes, the Omega falling asleep yet again as soon as Tony satisfied him. It had been far more intense than the previous one, Peter having seven peaks before he was sated. His third one would start anytime now and Tony was starting to worry.
He thought that his rut would've definitely been triggered by now but he was still calm and completely lucid. Without his knot, Peter's waves would only continue to get worse. It is the reason Omegas are extremely discouraged to endure their heats alone unless told to do so by their doctor. Without an Alpha’s knot, their waves would continue to climb in intensity until their heats ended… or until their bodies shut down. Whichever came first.
Maybe he should have asked Peter’s doctor about those rut triggers Rhody told him about… It may have been a lighthearted joke at the time, but he was seriously beginning to hate himself for not at least looking into them. What if his rut never triggers and he’s forced to watch Peter suffer while he remains completely helpless? Even worse, what if it got to the point where he had to take Peter to the emergency room? He would never be able to forgive himself for that, for failing to protect and satisfy his Omega.
"Mmm-Tony…" Peter cried, his third wave hitting him hard with the worst cramps he has ever felt. Tony shushed him quietly, gently rubbing Peter's stomach where he was the most tender as he wiped away the Omega’s tears with his thumb. He could also hear his own heart shattering into a million pieces, but he was pretty sure he was the only one who could.
"I know baby, I know." He whispered, turning Peter around to lay on his stomach.
Naturally, when Tony worries he thinks. It’s how he personally copes with stressful situations and the thought of not being able to please Peter was flat out exasperating. So, he’d spent most of Peter’s downtime getting lost in thought on how he could trigger his rut. He had several ideas rolling around in his head, but he decided to try his favorite one first.
Eating Peter out.
He wasn’t sure why, but something about eating out his partners always drove him mad. There was just something so intimate about knowing how the other tasted that made him downright feral. So, naturally, he figured that getting a good taste of the Omega would be the perfect way to lose himself… he hopes, anyway.
It won’t be the most satisfying thing for Peter in this state, but if it had the chance to trigger his rut he had to at least try.
Once he made sure that Peter was comfortable, he pressed a kiss to Peter’s shoulder and laid down on his stomach as well. He rubbed Peter’s cheeks with a groan, gently parting them after a moment to get to his rim. Tony’s cock  twitched in delight underneath him at the sight of Peter’s rim sopping with fresh slick, ready to take whatever Tony would (or could) give him.
He suddenly slapped one of his cheeks with a growl, Peter moaning loudly and clenching himself down hard on nothing. Tony hadn’t intended to do that, but he in no way tried to control himself. It was a good sign that he was on the right track.
Finally, Tony relinquished all of his control over his instincts and dove in to get a good lick. He’s tasted Peter before several times but it was nothing compared to how he tasted while he was in heat. So sweet and delicious almost like candy.
“Fuck.” Tony groaned, digging his fingers into Peter’s skin to spread him even wider.
“Tonnn…” Peter sighed, unable to finish Tony’s name. Though it was nowhere near enough, the feeling of Tony eating him like he hadn’t had anything to eat in days lit Peter on fire, the pleasure from it curling his toes as he fluttered on Tony’s tongue.
Much to Tony's surprise, he was already losing grip with himself, the delicious taste of Peter’s slick mixed with his fluttering hole and the downright sinful mewls spilling from his lips proving Tony's thought process right. In the back of his mind, he was overjoyed with relief knowing that he was finally going to be able to knot his Omega but was also shocked. It had been the result he hoped for, but he was caught off guard by just how fast he snapped.
He didn’t remain lucid long enough to dwell on it, however.
Peter sensed the shift in Tony’s scent, immediately going limp and submitting to the Alpha. Tony lifted up from Peter’s hole, the Omega’s slick dripping from Tony’s goatee as he manhandled Peter up from the bed and onto his hands and knees.
As soon as Peter was steady, Tony lined himself up and pushed himself into Peter with one forceful thrust. The move would’ve been painful for Peter outside his heat, but right now it was exactly what he needed.
“Yessss.” He moaned, tears of relief flooding his eyes yet again as Tony began a brutal pace. Peter lolled his head down onto the pillow, quietening his moans significantly. The intensity of his heat and the relief of Tony’s hurried pacing drained him to the point of not being able to keep his head up.
"No!" Tony snarled, grabbing a fistful of Peter's curls and yanking his head back, the lewd sounds returning much to Tony's delight. Peter moaned at the sensation of Tony’s fingers tangling in his hair, clenching down on Tony hard as the first orgasm of the wave hit him like a truck.
"That's it, baby." Tony groaned, watching the Omega squirm and drench on his cock. After Peter's second orgasm, Tony could feel his own peak building, that delightful tingle getting more intense with each passing second.
"Alpha…" Peter whined, pushing his ass back onto Tony's cock with each hurried thrust.  "Wann… want your knot… need it…" he groaned.
"It's-it's coming baby… fuck, it's coming. Gonna fill you up so good." Tony leaned over and pressed his face into Peter's shoulder, his hands tightening the grip on Peter's hair and hip as his knot began to swell.
Peter could feel it, the Omega becoming desperate and squirming against Tony with quiet and hurried variations of begs. Hearing Peter's pleas to knot him was the final straw for Tony, the added squirms from the Omega providing enough extra friction to bring himself over. He snarled into Peter's shoulder, sinking his teeth into the already broken skin as he popped his knot with one final and brutal thrust. Peter stumbled right behind him, his own dick spilling onto the sheets with every clench.
"Good boy. Good Omega." Tony groaned. "Milking my knot like such a good boy… Jesus fuck…"
It was the longest orgasm Peter ever had, finally coming down after what felt like hours of being lost to the pleasure. His dick still throbbed pleasantly to the rhythm of his heartbeat, a small but consistent stream of cum still leaking from it while Tony was still lost to his own orgasm.
When the Alpha finally calmed down, he retracted his teeth from Peter's shoulder with a shaky moan and kissed the fresh bite. Peter winced a bit, the pain finally registering now that his mind was clear.
"Sorry," Tony whispered, moving his kisses to his other shoulder. "You're so amazing… you know that, right?"
"Mmm…" Peter hummed, allowing exhaustion to take over as Tony gently moved them to lay on their sides. Peter tensed on Tony's knot when he accidentally jostled them too much, the Alpha letting out a strangled gasp as he came again. It didn't last long and wasn't that intense, but it still blissed him out.
"Fuck, you're milking me so good… I can't get enough of you. Couldn’t ask for a better Omega.” Peter began to purr loudly at that, Tony holding onto him as tight as he could as he drifted off back to sleep.
Tony woke to the sun shining on his face, his stomach grumbling loudly as soon as his eyes were open. Peter was sleeping in his arms, the Omega purring quietly in his sleep with his face pressed into Tony’s chest. Tony smiled at the sight, gently running a hand through Peter’s curls as his stomach growled again.
The last thing he wanted was to disturb their happy little cocoon of warmth and comfort, but his stomach was planning on doing that regardless of what he chose. So, reluctantly, Tony pressed a kiss to Peter’s forehead and scented the Omega a little to comfort him as he rose up from the blankets. Peter whined, Tony freezing in his tracks thinking that he’d woken him. Thankfully, he only curled into a ball while fisting at Tony’s pillow and one of his tees, his happy purrs resuming after a few seconds.
Tony sighed a breath of relief and padded quietly into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth, dressing only in a plush black bathrobe when he went back out into the bedroom and over to their supply stash. He grabbed a handful of the protein bars he loved, some grapes, a package of peanut butter crackers, and two bottles of water before making his way back over to Peter. Tony ate the bars and some of the grapes in silence, his phone remaining untouched the entire time.
Tony has helped plenty of Omegas through their heats over the years, but Peter was special. He’s never seen an Omega so enraptured with his scent before nor has he ever had such a strong urge to protect. Although it’s an exciting feeling, it’s also terrifying. Peter is the one thing that Tony hasn’t screwed up yet and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible… however, Tony’s love for Peter is growing deeper and deeper by the day and so does his fear of losing him.
Tony finished his last protein bar quicker than he expected to, heaving a heavy sigh as he threw away the wrappers and opened up the other bottle of water. He hated to bother the Omega, he really did, but Tony had to make sure that he was hydrated. Especially after their previous excursions.
Tony shook Peter’s shoulder gently. “Pete.” … No response. “Peter.”
“Hmpf?” He hummed, his face undisturbed.
“C’mon honey, you need to drink some water and eat.”
It took some coaxing but Peter was sitting up in bed before long, wrapped up like a burrito while Tony fed him some peanut butter crackers. He was down to the last cracker when the next wave hit him, Tony all but throwing the final cracker across the room.
The week had been exhausting. Peter felt like he had constantly leaking cum from his own cock, a pleasant low tingle thrumming through him at all times. Though his heat was pretty much done, that tingle was still there and he couldn’t help but purr with it.
"I think I got one more knot in me. Do you want it?" Peter opened one eye and looked over at the Alpha, shaking his head enthusiastically at the offer. He wanted to sleep for days but there was just no conceivable way he could resit sinking himself down onto Tony’s cock one last time, savoring every inch of it.
It didn’t take long for them both to finish, Peter stuck on Tony’s knot for the final time as he finally allowed himself to drift off to sleep.
Tony nudged a frozen strawberry against the side of Peter’s mouth. He bit into it weakly, chewing it slowly to savor the taste. He wanted nothing more than to sleep for the next fifty years, but he knew that he wouldn’t be allowed to doze off until Tony made sure that he was properly bathed and fed. He did have to admit, though, that the frozen fruit he was feeding him did taste amazing and felt refreshing on his parched tongue.
“You did so well, honey.” Tony praised, wiping some residual juice away from Peter’s lip with his thumb. “So perfect.”
Peter nuzzled into Tony’s neck a little more, enjoying the feeling of the hot water soothing his muscles while Tony held him close.
“Mmmm, so were you. That was the best heat I’ve ever had. I don’t know why I'm ever nervous.”
“Good.” Tony smiled, gently dragging the washcloth over Peter’s chest. “I’m glad I was able to take such good care of you, sweetheart. I take it that my knot was to your standards then?” Peter snorted.
“Yes, Tony. Your knot was incredible. Too bad I have to wait a whole year to get it again.” Tony hummed, feeding Peter another bite of strawberry after washing his back.
“Well… maybe you don’t have to…” Peter stopped chewing and rose up from Tony’s chest to look at him, his eyes wide and full of question.
“What do you mean?” Peter asked, his mouth still semi-full.
“Well, you can come off of your suppressants sooner than a year, right?” Peter nodded once. “So, if you really want my knot again that soon, you could just come off of your suppressants again in three months instead of 12.”
Peter looked down to the water with a sigh, finally swallowing the bite of strawberry that had still been in his mouth.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Pete. I don’t want you to think that you have to”
‘No, I know.” He interrupted. “I know you want me to make the choice and honestly, yeah I’d love to. I’d love to have your knot every three months or so… but the more you start and stop your suppressants, the less effective birth control is… and I… I know I said a lot of things while I was lust-driven, but I’m honestly terrified of becoming Pregnant. A kid would throw everything out of wack and I can barely deal with myself let alone a baby that needs constant care. And I know that you and May would help but I ju-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Pete. No one said anything about having a baby right now. I would never ask something like that from you. I only offered it to you so you'd know that it was an option. If you want to stay on your suppressants all year, that's perfectly okay… but I also won't ever deny you my knot. Seeing you stuck on me and all blissed out was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Peter smiled, closing his eyes and thinking about the previous week. He couldn’t believe how insatiable he still was. He’s had Tony’s knot all week but the thought of having to wait another year to get it again was downright daunting. He knew he’d have to at least look into it. Now that he’s had a taste of Tony’s knot, he wanted it as much as possible.
"I'll make an appointment with Dr. Wright and talk to her about my options. We’ll see what happens after that." Tony’s eyes twinkled with familiar lust, clearly excited that he was at least willing to discuss his options for going into heat more often. He tried to hide it, but Peter could tell he was excited.
"Okay, sweetheart. I'll take you wherever you need to." Peter smiled at Tony and leaned in for a kiss, laying his head back on Tony's shoulder.
"I love you," Peter said, taking another bite of the fruit when Tony held it up to him. The older man smiled lovingly at his perfect Omega,  placing a kiss atop his head.
"I love you too, Bambino."
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Do you have any hcs abt Last Legacy modern au?
Sorry for the wait! I just write very slow 🥺😭 btw I am still writing other requests! I'll post them as soon as I finish writing ✨😌😏 And YES I still take requests😏😏😏
Lol btw I haven't played the catboy Felix tale yet but found his delicious CG. Also, there might be typos etc. My dyslexia was a hoe for the last couple of days (・_・
Last Legacy Modern Au Headcanons
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Lmao the first time you went to his place you faced with an ancient-looking old computer that he found in a garage sale
"It still works"
"Sage with its monitor alone you can heat your entire house in winter"
"Aye, but I don't have to use that to get heated if you catch my drift."
Let me give you a concept: thrift store dates
You took him to a thrift store once and thought it might be fun
But at the moment you entered the store Sage found a damn fake fur jacket and gold sunglasses
He will buy anything with a famous brand logo and say it is original and is an antique
But he'll only do that to annoy people
Sage cares about his looks but doesn't go crazy about it
Before dating you he just lived his life like a street kid like in cyberpunk 2077
Sage and Tulsi grew up in slums and then Sage got an apartment so that Tulsi could grow up in a safe environment
He didn't go to college but made sure that Tulsi did
Sage basically works as a mercenary in the modern au as well
He travels a lot and has to disappear for a looong long time
Tulsi is used to it but you aren't
Once you two are in a relationship and he feels ready to settle down he might get a job closeby to your shared house
You made him realize that he needs his family around him
And now he is not alone to carry all the burden by himself
He knows that if he can't make it in time you will be there to help out Tulsi or take care of all the work for him
He feels lighter around you
Also, he makes many people jealous on the streets lol
Whenever you two are on a date no one can believe that you, a literal divine being, could look at a Boku no pico catboy maid-sama man like him.
He is also jealous of you
But never possessive
He likes to send you out of context memes in the worst possible times ever
Like you got Luigi and Mario animations, doing the waltz, with the Britney Spears' Toxic song during the busiest hour of your shift
He also texted "This us"
The audacity
Sage would also LOVE video games
Especially Final Fantasy games
But he suck at playing them so he makes you play instead
And he'll give instructions too
"I saw a checkpoint in the other room babe,"
"Love, I gotta run away from the boss right now."
"It's not the boss, bosses have their boss rooms. This is an obstacle"
Sage also suck at filing taxes
So good luck with that
I can see Sage having PTSD treatments because of his traumatized childhood and the life he had to live until now after settling down with you
You convinced him to go to therapy and Tulsi backed you up
So he will take medications every day
At first, you had to remind him a lot, but then he just made it an addiction and now doesn't need reminders
He was never happier and finally had a taste of a healthy and caring relationship with you
He is also not so terrible with putting the IKEA furniture together.
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He got expelled from Harvard.
Then his rich father had to convince the headmaster to reconsider the decision and Felix ended up with suspension instead smh
Felix's grades are great but he has disciplinary issues
I can see him majoring in criminal justice and mortuary science
Or maybe just mortuary science
Escell was very disappointed in him.
He is also famous for dating with the valedictorian among Harvard graduates
Then they broke up and you yeeted yourself in his life
Or he yeeted himself to your arms
He literally dramatically fell one day and you happened to be close to catch him
Then the Titanic music played in the background with the slow summer rain fell down to your heads
You are hot so he was flustered
Like he internally screamed when he fell in your arms
Or shall I say fell in love?
You two then started as friends since not too later he found out that he might actually have a chance with you after you mentioned your love of video games and romance books
After starting to date he confessed that he has an AO3 account asddgf
Rime was a burden too
He was the one who broke Felix's heart
But still wanted him to only love him and him alone
Then you were like
"Hoe listen to me..."
Rime hot
But no
Felix cried until morning the day you fist fought Rime in the grocery store parking lot
Scylla secretly approved your determination that day and watched the fight afar
Escell got drunk and Florian came home the day after for everyone's explanations
The deeper your relationship got the more a part of his family you become
I mean every Friday it was now a routine that Felix and you attended family dinner
No one even asks anymore they just put your plate down and Escell hides his most expensive wine bottles from everyone
Felix is not good to live in his own house though
He always lived with someone in the house so he wasn't alone
When you moved into the same house with him Felix was relieved
You two will be emos together and watch fifty shades of grey movies during the quarantine
Please ask Felix if he thinks the movie is interesting, he will avoid you all day long
Then become a blanket burrito at night lmao
Oh btw he might tell you random facts about mortuary
Like you are in the shower and he comes in to brush his teeth
Then he'll tell you a fact you didn't have to know then leave
"Truly fascinating, if you ask me."
He is also the type to text you from the other side of the room
Or call you from the other room to ask you if you can bring him something to eat
Felix would also love to go to the farmers' market too
"Finally some quality food."
Whenever you two go on a vacation together
lmao someone ALWAYS takes his hand and reads his palm
Only to be ended up getting scolded and getting a proper palm reading from Felix
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Call her and ask if she wants drive tru
"Love, it is thREE IN THE MORNING, I have work tomorrow-"
"So two? Or nah?"
"Get a coffee."
Actually, she wants a cookie but won't admit it
She knows you'll get her a cookie
You always get her a cookie with coffee
Anisa might be a great investigator if you ask me
If not a detective or a police chief or lieutenant
But I think she would work in law enforcement
Or she might also start her own company and rise as well
Unlike Sage and Felix, Anisa will not live in the same house with you before she decides to settle down for good
It's not because she doesn't want you around her
But because she is always at work and doesn't want to leave everything to you to handle at home
But she is always with you on her day offs
Will call you once a day at least
Text you during her breaks or whenever she can
If you can show up at her workplace during the lunch break she will take you to the nearest coffee shop
"Their coffee is not nearly as good as yours, but among other shops, this is the most drinkable one."
She will spoil you during your dates!
She likes to see you smile and will do anything for you to have a good time with her
So expect sweets, movie nights, amusement park dates, or just traveling during both of your yearly week/month offs/breaks
She won't admit it but likes it when you try to match your clothes with hers
She will know your favorite everythings lol
Take her to a dinner date and she will be so happy and feel spoiled
She will let you paint her nails
Let you get all the hot water in the shower
Will let you wear her clothes
Pillow fights are allowed every now and then
When she gets sick she'll try to power through but likes it when you baby her
Whenever you get sick she will try to not fuss over you but every 15 minutes she'll ask to take you to see a doctor
She is a cereal gal
You might have to drag her to bed many nights because she will take work at home
Oh my god, do play dungeons and dragons with her
If you visited somewhere she has never been she will ask a lot of questions about your trip
Likes to binge a tv series you two found online
Also enjoys just silent but comfortable moments with you
When you read your book she will gaze at you
All heart eyes
Will put her favorite picture of you two as her profile picture in her social media accounts
Will like your every post
Never leaves you on read/seen
She will either give you a proper text or just let you know that she is busy at the moment
Also if you come home later than her she will ask if you want her to prepare anything special you want for dinner
otherwise, she'll do dishes that you both like anyway
If she is late, she'll call you to ask if you need anything from the grocery store, etc.
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cielcius · 4 years
Hii suna and shoto a scenario in which they're in a secret relationship and how the others found out please ty!!
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includes: suna r. (hq) & todoroki s. (bnha)
from the writer: hello hello :) I hope ur having a good New Years and thanks for requesting. enjoy and have a lovely day/evening!
notes & warnings: reader is miya twins younger [adopted] sibling (suna), use of the term “hooking up” (todoroki)
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okay peeps, here's how it went 😌: it was the classic brother’s best friend trope with you as the Miya twins younger sibling and Suna, well, he’s the best friend
to be fair you were only a year younger so it wasn’t anything bad but uh, gotta keep ya man safe from the wrath of not one but two of your brothers even though he probably wouldn’t care about it most of the time
he was pretty chill when you said that you wanted the relationship to be a secret, that and there’s just something that makes you feel like you’re living on the edge being in a secret relationship
you definitely have a few laughs trying to hide from your brothers and will never forget the time Suna had to hang from your window to keep your brothers from seeing him
but you were eight months strong when you decided that you wanted to be bold and go out with Suna around New Years, knowing that your brothers would take the opportunity to sleep in
so there you were walking around on the busiest streets on town, trying to decide on a place to eat until Suna froze in his place, making you look forward to where the entire Inarizaki team was standing
Suna forgot that the team was supposed to meet up that day, including your brothers who weren’t sure who they should feel betrayed by: their sibling or their best friend
“I think you two make a lovely couple” thank you, Kita he’s perfect, your honor pls let me date him T_T
but surprisingly, neither Atsumu nor Osamu were pissed or angry in the end, though that does explain the multiple times they found you with your window wide open in the middle of winter since Suna couldn’t exactly walk through the front door
not to say that shit didn’t go down, cause it did but y’all were in public so you got lucky until you all got back home and received lecturing/entertainment by your brothers since they just yelled at each other half of the time cause your parents already knew about your relationship
he agreed to keeping your relationship a secret not only because it keeps you safe but he kind of lives in the thrill of secretly knowing that your his and his only damn possessive todo hits different
he also didn’t want his father to be breathing down his neck, thinking that you were a bad influence on him when really, you were the best damn thing that’s ever happened to him
he may have the most deadass face most of the time but he likes standing next to you and locking pinkies behind your backs without anybody else knowing
it was all good but to be frank, you both were starting to get cocky with being discreet and eventually, the class started getting suspicious
as nice as it was to be able to see you in the daylight, Todoroki couldn’t lie when he said that he preferred late-night dates more, especially when you snuck out to take walks around the city
and indeed it was one of those nights, with you snuggled up in one of his hoodies and (for the fun of it) a fake body made of pillows under the covers, you both made it out onto the streets of the city successfully
what you hadn’t anticipated was that a few of your classmates had also snuck out themselves as you spotted a few of the Bakusquad members with a shout from Kaminari
shiii Kami 😳 didn’t have to say it like that but uh, that's a conversation for another writer to handle hehe
it hadn’t even been an hour when everybody had soon woke up and started gossiping in the class group chat with Kaminari being the main source of pictures and info
though now that it was out, neither of you could do anything about it except try to keep it under wraps from Endeavor anybody else, and so you went on with your date cause you wanted to go to the arcade
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
inspired by 'rush hour’ (gaho).
wc: 2.6k ~ changmin x gender neutral!reader ~ slice of life!au ~ triggers: none ~ the boyz masterlist ~ 4 year anniversary drabble game (requests closed!)
for chair anon :)
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[ 6:00 pm : rush hour ] I try going forward to you But I lose you at this dead end
The traffic light is still green. Changmin sighs, tapping the board flipped up by his side. It’s been green for what feels like forever - is it ever going to turn red so that he and the growing group of pedestrians around him can move across this short stretch of the street?
If he wasn’t going to meet someone, he might just take a chance in the lulls of traffic and race the cars, letting them honk angrily as he jaywalks - jay-skates? jay-boards? There probably isn’t proper terminology for that, but jay-boards sounds okay - past, flashing them a quick smile to infuriate them a little more. It’s okay. This street isn’t too crowded. The only cars that pass through are usually old businessmen making their way back home to penthouse apartments, so Changmin feels less than guilty for screwing around with their evening.
But he is meeting someone. A very special someone, in fact. Someone who told him on no account was he going to jaywalk or jay-board (he’ll have to tell you about the new word he invented when he gets to you) if it meant risking his safety. So Changmin sighs, taps his board some more, and waits at this seeming dead end of a street corner where the green light never turns red.
It’s alright alright alright It’s alright alright alright
It’s alright. Changmin smiles as the flow of traffic begins to cease, lights on the streets ahead turning red. He can wait a little longer to cross the street legally.
Anything for you, after all.
I’m talking in circles around you But you always pass right by
Changmin still can’t quite believe his luck, even months later. He doesn’t know how he managed to catch your attention, the small skater he was who stayed quiet around others, really only raising his voice in the presence of his friends.
You were the noticeable one. You were the one with the guitar slung on your back and a friendly smile always on your face. You were the one everyone had a crush on, platonic or romantic. You were the one everyone flocked around at the park on weekends, sitting on a bench, strumming the strings of your instrument with the softest grin on your lips. If it wasn’t for Younghoon accidentally tripping over your guitar and subsequently you, sending you flying into Changmin as he rolled past trying to escape the monitor chasing after him, it might never have happened. Changmin might never have had the chance to do anything more than admire you from afar.
And what would’ve happened then?
It’s alright alright alright Who cares? I’m alright
But who cares? Changmin grins. It’s alright, yeah? Because you noticed him anyway, and even if he got a detention for skating indoors, it was worth it when you offered to buy him a coffee in apology for inadvertently getting him caught by the hall monitor.
It was the coffee that turned him into even more of a stuttering mess than he would’ve been. It was also the coffee that gave him the bit of energy and courage he needed to keep talking anyway.
It was the coffee, ultimately, that got that blinding smile turned in his direction. And it was the coffee that got him your number for future conversations, future meetups at the park, and eventually, a date.
The light turns green. Changmin nimbly leaps on his skateboard and rolls across the street, grinning.
Who cares about how it happened, in the end? As long as it did.
Everyone tries to get your attention One by one, honking at you
Honking sounds follow Changmin down the sidewalk as he weaves around office workers rushing home, people ducking in and out of small restaurants and cafes, either alone or holding someone else’s hand. His grin widens at the sight of a laughing couple that just manages to dodge around his board, giggles undeterred by the sudden interruption.
What will it be like when he gets to you? Will the crowds at the park be as large as the ones cluttering the streets? Will he even be able to see you on your bench, surrounded as you might be with children and parents and teenagers trying to get a peek at your guitar?
But I hope my voice can reach you Turn that music on
Does it matter, though? Changmin pauses at another intersection, watching the cars go honking past. Just the same way he can pick out your voice singing above the sound of the guitar, you can pick out his eyes, smiling at you from within the crowd.
You’ve always noticed him. He’s always noticed you.
There’s no reason that should stop now.
I got stuck on you My heart is in chaos right now
God, it feels like nothing’s changed since the day he realized he had a crush on you. His heart still flutters at the sound of your voice, his lips widening in a smile at the thought of your eyes.
I got stuck on you As if I’m stuck in traffic
The traffic light turns red again. Changmin skates across the street, ignoring the impatient honking of cars that follows him down the sidewalk. It’s kind of like the traffic clogging the streets, his adoration for you - stuck in one place, going with the flow but never really seeming to move.
Though if traffic meant he could stay with you forever, he wouldn’t mind it so much, really.
I want drama between you and me Trying to escape this trauma
It’s kind of like a drama, isn’t it? Unnoticeable boy, very noticeable love interest. Though maybe the roles are flipped - very noticeable main character, unnoticeable boy - because it doesn’t feel like Changmin has ever been the protagonist of this story. You’re the main character, and he’s the love interest who will support you in everything that you do.
Drama with you Feeling like it’s rush hour
Changmin grins, feeling wind rush past his face as a car speeds past.
If this is his part in the drama, it isn’t such a bad role to play.
I try to jump right into you But the conversation keeps cutting off
His phone buzzes. Not bothering to stop - you’d yell at him for that, but it isn’t as life-threatening as jay-boarding across the street and you’re not here to scold him for it - Changmin pulls it out, deftly navigating his way around a group of office workers as he accepts the call. “Y/N?”
“Hey, Changmin.” He can hear your smile through the phone. “You on your way?”
“Of course,” he replies, almost affronted. You agreed to meet at six - why would he be late? “Why aren't you playing? Is your little concert over?” You don’t usually end early.
“No, just a lull in traffic.” Your laugh sounds like music. “I’m taking a pause and thought I’d call. Almost here?”
“Almost,” he promises, rolling to a stop at the next intersection with a sigh. “The actual traffic here is murder.”
“Okay, sounds good.” When you pause, Changmin can hear the babbling of a little kid faintly over the phone - something about guitar and please? “I’ve got to go back in a minute. See you soon?”
“Go please your audience,” he replies, smiling. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Get here safe.” You pause again. “You weren’t talking to me while on your board, right?”
Changmin stays silent. His silence is much more telling than anything he’d say, anyway.
“Y/N,” he mimics in your tone of voice. Serotonin floods his brain when you snort a laugh into the phone. “I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“You better be,” you warn. “Bye, Changmin.”
It’s alright alright alright Turn that music on
He grins, already looking forward to hearing the strumming of your guitar in person, not over the phone. “Bye, Y/N.”
Everyone tries to get your attention One by one, honking at you
Two intersections later, Changmin finally finds himself at the entrance of the park. Children and their parents still abound despite evening quickly approaching, so he keeps to the sidewalk, carefully avoiding any paths full of shouting kids. It’s okay. Changmin knows the ways to your bench better than the back of his hand. A few honking cars and yelling toddlers can’t keep him from you.
All roads lead to you in Changmin’s world, after all.
I got stuck on you My heart is in chaos right now
The expected crowd surrounds your bench when Changmin finally steps off of his board. Fridays are always the busiest days, after all - people celebrating the end of the work week with a walk in the park and, by chance, some music as well.
He hears you before he sees you, crowds obscuring your face but not your voice that carries sweetly through the air, accompanied by the strumming of your guitar. Changmin didn’t think the smile on his face could get any wider, but when the first chords reach his ears, it somehow does.
Your voice is music, even more so than the instrument in your hands.
I got stuck on you As if I’m stuck in traffic
Then your face appears in a crack between the crowd as Changmin edges his way through, eyes closed in peace as your fingers pluck easily at the guitar strings. And nothing really has changed, nothing at all, just like the traffic stuck in rush hour -
Because as he watches you sing, Changmin feels himself falling in love with you all over again.
I don’t wanna lose you, never I just wanna hold you all day
Sometimes, when Changmin sees you like this, body framed in the pink and gold and orange of the descending sun, he panics. A part of him seems to think that when the sun finally dips below the horizon to be replaced by the moon overhead, it’ll take you with it, sparkling eyes and musical voice and all. Even your guitar. Because in moments like these, it feels a little like you’re an illusion, something too perfect to be true.
But then -
Your eyes open. They search the crowd like they’ve done it a million times (perhaps they have). They meet his, and immediately the sparkle brightens until it’s even brighter than the sun overhead, and it’s then that the panic fades because Changmin knows you’re real. Knows you’re not an illusion.
What illusion would become even more beautiful, after all, just because he happened to be there?
Even if the numbers on the calendar switch up I’m only thinking about you
Day by day, week by week. The routine is the same - you two get home from school, Changmin goes to work while you go home, and if it’s a Friday or a surprisingly free weekday, he’ll meet you at the park at six, like clockwork. You’ve been doing this for months now, almost a year - if it were anything else, Changmin is sure he would’ve gotten bored at this point.
But when you smile at him again before turning to the crowd and announcing your last song, Changmin knows he could never find it in himself to be bored with this. It’s you, after all, always you.
Day by day, week by week, it’s always been you.
You’re swimming in my ocean The waves keep growing larger
You sing a last song with a lilting voice, something about oceans and sunlight and waves whirling around you like the warmest hug. Changmin’s smile softens as you sing, fingers tapping his board not out of ennui this time, but to keep the beat of the music flowing from your guitar and from your lips. The waves of your voice wrap their arms around him, growing, growing, settling soft on his skin.
You’re swimming in my ocean You’re on my mind
Waves, crashing waves that mix with laughter and warm sunlight beaming down on the water. The beach is a couple of hours away - Changmin wonders if you might like to go when summer comes and you have a little more time to spare - but it doesn’t matter, not when he’s already swimming, laughing in the ocean of your voice.
I got stuck on you My heart is in chaos right now
You finish the song with a last chord and a smile, bowing in reply to the childish shouts and claps from the audience. Changmin lifts up his board to join the applause, eyes fixed on you and you only as you turn around to finally meet his eyes.
“Hey,” he says, and he knows you hear his voice even over the applause still carrying all around you.
Your smile widens as you step forward to give him a kiss. “Hey, yourself.”
I got stuck on you As if I’m stuck in traffic
Changmin helps you pack up your guitar, helps you organize the loose change and bills that some kind people left in the case. You get excited when you realize it’s enough to treat him to a meal that you make him swear not to pay for - he’ll try to, you both know, it’s just a matter of being faster than the other - and then Changmin lifts up his board with one hand and takes yours in the other. His fingers tangle with yours automatically, a promise to never let go. “Should we go?”
You nod, smiling. “Come on.”
I want drama between you and me Trying to escape this trauma Drama with you
It really is like a drama, Changmin thinks as you two walk out of the park, hands still locked together as you enter the busy streets once more. It’s cheesy, definitely, but does it matter? It’s the only way he can describe this perfection of the moment, holding hands with you as you argue over where to eat for dinner.
Changmin leans down to kiss your nose. You laugh at the touch of his lips to your skin, fingers involuntarily squeezing his.
He swears he hears music in his ears.
I want drama between you and me Trying to escape this trauma
Definitely cheesy. Definitely a drama.
You smile at him, and his heart flutters.
But when you make him feel this way, does it really matter?
Drama with you feeling like it’s rush hour
Another light turns green before you can make it across the intersection, so Changmin pulls you to a stop before you can accidentally take the next step into the street. “Now do you know why I’m always so impatient?” he asks, casting a pointed glance at the board under his arm.
“Yeah, kind of.” You roll your eyes. “Maybe we should stop agreeing to meet at rush hour.”
Six o’clock. Peak traffic. Rush hour. Just like Changmin’s mind, forever stuck on you, waiting at a traffic light that never seems to change.
But when he’s stuck on you, it really isn’t so bad.
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I like it.”
Your eyes sparkle into his. Changmin squeezes your hand and smiles.
“I think we can keep it as is.”
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 heart for the couple, they were so wonderful to write :D)
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Valentine Treats - G.W
Smut Masterlist, Posting Schedule, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
George Weasley x Fem Reader
About: The reader feels like George is neglecting her, she becomes upset, whiny and stubborn and George tries to make things up to her on Valentines Day. 
Warnings: 18+ smut, sex, oral (female receiving), squirting, creaming, multiple orgasms, praising, pet names, orgasm denial, safe word, aftercare.
“Will I need to get dressed up tomorrow?” you smiled, staring at George. 
George continued to stare at his tax form, the two of you still in the shop, hours after closing. He was pouring himself too much into his work that he didn’t answer, he probably couldn’t even hear you. 
you placed your hand on his shoulder “George?” 
George nearly jumped out his his chair, he dropped his quill on the desk and rubbed his eyes. 
“sorry, love, what were you saying?” he turned his chair around to face you. 
“Tomorrow, will I need to get dressed up?” you asked again, his tired eyes roaming your face, trying so hard to focus. 
George paused for a moment, panic took over his brain and spread through his thoughts.
Shit, I’ve forgotten something... think George, think! Birthday? no, anniversary? no-
“It’s valentines day George, that's the occasion.” pulling George away from his overthinking. 
Instant relief swept over him, despite not having anything planned, George could work under pressure and he would do it no matter what if it would be the underlying reason a smile formed on you face. 
George smiled, and took you by the hands, holding them in his “yeah”
You weren’t surprised George forgot, it was a miracle when he could remember something outside work. Fred had the next few months off helping Angelina with the triplets, and even though Ron was helping, he was nowhere near as fast and his product knowledge was... basic. George had to work hard not only to fill in the absence of his twin, but to also pick up his brothers slack. 
You were so understanding of George being tired all the time, when you were on your lunch break you would bring Fred his dinner that he had left in the fridge, only for him to leave it on the side, not even acknowledging it. 
When the shop closed and Ron went home, George still continued to work, he wouldn’t get home until hours later if he didn’t already stay at the shop overnight. 
But despite how understanding you were, you were starting to get sick of feeling lonely all the time, you were too familiar with you own company, so much so you refused to be alone when given the choice at work, you even made small-talk with strangers. 
You missed the intimacy, the spark the two of you once had, that same spark that didn’t fade when you reached your four year engagement anniversary (the two of you still not married)  but the spark was slowly crushed to embers, slowly giving out tiny bits of light. 
You felt bad for putting another thing on your fiancés shoulders but you didn't want to go ahead and book something he may not even show up for. 
“It’s okay, we’ll just do something another time.” your voice low and pained. 
George tried to pull you closer to him, trying to explain that he doesn’t mean to come across as uninterested, he’s just tired. You freed your hands from your fiancés and pulled your coat off the back of his chair. 
“I’ll see you at home, then.” you muttered, leaving the shop.
George turned his chair back around and faced his desk, his head in his hands whilst he stared at the blank form. Letting out a big sigh, he picked up his quill. 
Even though you’d be home in a flash with magic, you started to walk home instead, the cold air and early sunsets gave you lots to think about. Everyone around you holding hands with their lover, huge pink love hearts flashing you everywhere you went, you couldn’t escape - you just wanted to be loved - appreciated. 
Finally getting inside to your empty flat, you walked into the bedroom and got undressed, climbing into bed whist George continued to work. 
Whilst dozing off, you couldn’t help but ask yourself what you were doing wrong, why George couldn’t take just one day off for you, even the busiest wizards that worked with you, even more hours than George, couldn't help but share the plans they made for Valentine’s Day; in their eyes, George has no excuse. 
As you had the day booked off, you sat in the flat alone, flicking through the channels on your muggle TV, each and every film a love story, so romantic you either went green or cried a river. 
George never came home last night and he would be well into his day of work, you wondered if he even thought about you whilst he worked, but right now you just wanted to sink into the sofa, dissolve and disappear without trace - your heavy tear filled eyes closed, you curled up and went back to sleep; anything to escape this feeling. 
 Your fiancé felt so shit throughout the day, he was usually happy serving customers - he didn’t ever tire from it, but today sucked. Couples flooding the shop giggling and holding flowers, lonely singles flocking towards love potions, Ron not shutting up about his wife Hermione and the dinner reservation he had made for them. 
George started to panic, on his lunchbreak he rang up every restaurant in the area trying to book a table but each and every time he hit a brick wall, everywhere had been fully booked up. Knowing you were home alone made George feel even worse, he couldn’t do anything at the flat to surprise you. 
Most shops had sold out of flowers, cuddly stuffed animals, even cards. 
Once he finally closed shop, George started to pluck his brain, trying to think of everything you had told him you liked, looking across through the window of a rather empty shop, he spotted the expensive, top of the range mannequin that you once raved about when the two of you passed through Diagon Alley. 
When you thought you and George would be getting married, you constantly beamed about getting that mannequin to make your own wedding dress, you spent hours sketching out different designs and sewing when you weren’t at work - perfect. 
Hearing George apparate into the front room, you woke up, a little startled. George held the mannequin behind his back, trying not to spoil the surprise as he didn't have the time to wrap it up or put it in a box. 
You stared at him “you’re home early” you muttered, picking up the remote. 
George felt his heart pain “I know, I wanted to do something special tonight”
“Don’t bother” you sighed “everywhere is booked up” 
George shuffled in front of you and revealed the stunning gift he bought you, the stars in your eyes twinkling, but you got a sudden sour taste in your mouth. 
“Why have you got me this?” you asked George, making his face drop. “you said we weren’t getting married.” 
George didn’t know what to say, his last plan was as good as a deflated balloon. 
You stood up “I don’t want items, George. I just want your bloody time, your touch.” 
Trying to walk away, George gently took hold of your arm “wait” he said softly. 
Turning around you noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes, the glint you had missed so much, you want to pull away from him and continue being stubborn but you couldn’t, not with that look in his eyes. 
George smashed his lips against yours, sharing a long, heated kiss, the two of you spewing with lust. George pulled your top off, and took his trousers off, you unclipped your bra and removed your pyjama bottoms; the two of you only in your underwear bottoms - a sight you hadn’t seen for months.
Your fiancé dropped to his knees, kissing down your lower stomach and reaching the hem of your knickers, his index finger hooking the edge. 
Looking up at you, you smiled down at George and nodded, he pulled down your knickers, dropping them at you ankles. His soft pink lips attacked your heat, covering your clit in soft pecks, his hot breath comforting you. Sticking out his tongue, he dragged it up and down softly against your clit, sending shivers down your spine. 
Your hands gripped his soft hair, you hung your head back and moaned out, extra sensitive to George’s advances after not being touched for so long. George kept moving forwards, pushing you backwards so the back of your legs hit the sofa. 
Sitting down on the sofa, George detached himself from your heat, pulling down his boxers, you caught a glance at his erection. 
“I want you so badly” you breathed out, basking in your fiancés beauty.  
George pulled off you for a moment and licked his lips “turn around and bend over, darling” he breathed. 
Feeling excited, you turned around and got on all fours, trying to balance the best you could on the bouncy sofa.
George’s hard cock was coated in lube, he gripped you by the waist and slowly pushed himself inside of you, filling you up and making you let out a moan.
“You’re amazing” you moaned, feeling your fiancè start to fuck you.
George continued to pound into you, your moans and his groans drowning up the room, his grip on your waist became tighter as he fucked you faster and deeper.
“So fucking beautiful” he groaned out.
One of George’s hands let go of your waist and sneaked around to the front of your body, his long digits playing with your clit, stroking it in circular motions.
Your moans became louder and more frequent, the heaviness in your stomach increased and George could feel you tighten around his cock.
“Are you getting close, darling?” He asked, still penetrating you.
You nodded, gripping onto the cushion.
George smirked “don’t cum, whatever you do.”
You whined out, George’s teasing was too much to handle, you missed it and couldn’t bare it at times but today you were loving it, you had longed for this.
“Your cunt feels amazing, so tight around me” he breathed, getting you closer to the edge.
George suddenly pulled out, denying you of what you wanted most.
“Sit down, darling.” He growled.
Doing as you were told, you sat on the sofa, George pulled your legs and put them over his shoulders, his head resting in-between your legs. George spat on his index and middle finger and pushed them inside you all the while eating you out. His fingers pumping quickly and switching with the ‘come here’ motion, stimulating your g-spot. 
You moaned out, gripping onto the cushion next to you. George’s fingers making you squirm with pleasure, his tongue exploring you in circular motions. 
You stared down at George and bit your lip “such a good boy” you moaned out “you look so beautiful”
George moved his fingers faster along with his tongue, making your legs shake, your back arch and you stomach get heavier, clawing at you for release.
Getting closer from both stimulations, you couldn’t bare to sit still anymore, you were desperate - you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“G-George, please let me c-cum.” You whined out, looking down at him working hard.
George stopped eating you out and looked up at you, his soft, pink lips coated in saliva.
“I’m not stopping you now, darling.”
Diving back down on you, shocks went through your body, you gripped onto George’s hair and laid your head back.
The pressure instantly dropped, a liquid squirting out from underneath you, drenching the sofa and George’s thighs.
Still eating your cunt, you were feeling yourself getting closer. Your hips bucking and your legs couldn’t stay still, George held you down, making you cum again, this time the cum coating his fingers perfectly.
Unable to take anymore, feeling too sensitive for another round you sat up.
“Kiwi” you breathed out, “kiwi”
George stopped immediately and looked up into your beautiful eyes, he climbed out from between your legs and sat next to you.
“Is everything okay, love?” He asked, searching your body, his soft touch making you jolt.
You nodded your head “just over stimulated, that’s all.”
George lifted you up into his arms and took you to the bathroom, cleaning you up ever so gently as you kept whining out each time he accidentally brushed against your heat.
“Happy Valentine’s Day” he said softly, kissing your head.
You smiled “Happy Valentine’s Day, George”
George paused for a moment, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
“I do want us to get married” he softly.
“Me too.”
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
3 types of kisses - technoblade
so wholesome, I had to put it in here. forehead kisses signal the love he feels for you, which is perfect for him because sometimes he has difficulties talking about his love for you and would MUCH RATHER want to show you love through affection and actions instead of words.
nothing was going right for you.
the entire day had been a disaster from the moment you stepped out of your bed, and up until now, the moment you stepped into your boyfriends apartment.
number one, you had to wake up at 6.30 am for an early meeting at work, only to find that your coffee machine was freaking broken, which meant you’d be absolutely drained during the meeting. and as if that wasn't enough, your train decided to run 20 minutes late, so you didn't even have an option to buy a coffee before work.
number two, your boss had given you the most work a person could handle on possibly the busiest day ever, which meant that you had to stay at work for at least 2 hours longer to catch up on the work you had left.
number three, your boss had yelled at you for not being able to complete the work he’d given you, and even when you tried explaining by saying it was too much work at once for one person, and that no one could possibly finish it in time, he just yelled at you some more.
number four, once you finally got your hands on a cup of coffee, you spilled it all over yourself.
number five, you had to text your boyfriend that you had to cancel your date for tonight, since you had to stay overtime. he had been kind about the situation, as always, but you still felt guilty about having to cancel your plans with him on such short notice.
number six, the moment you stepped out of your work place to head home, it was pouring down with rain, and you had to run to the train station to prevent getting yourself completely soaked. it didn't work that well.
your feet squeaked as you stepped into the apartment, your nostrils taking in the pleasant smell of.. was that lasagna? the air felt warm and nice against your cheeks, like a newly lit fireplace would. you peeled your wet jacket off of your body and kicked off your shoes, staring into the dimly lit dining room.
you moved into the room, eyes landing on the dining table that was lit up with candles, making the room smell like cinnamon. the smell of food intensified and you could now hear the low sound of music playing from a speaker nearby.
with your brows furrowed in confusion, you were about to call out the name of your boyfriend, when he suddenly appeared from the darkness of the living room. once he saw you a smile spread widely across his face.
“oh, you're home baby,” he smiled, opening his arms up to a hug. your heart dropped to your stomach the moment you saw him, finally having something good about today. you felt like crying and yelling and thanking him all at the same time, but instead you dived right into his arms, wrapping yours around his waist.
he was taken aback at first at the powerful grip you had on him, but then pressed your head further into his hoodie-clad chest to bring you some sort of comfort. knowing you, you’d be feeling some sort of guilt from having to cancel the date, but usually you knew it wasn't a big deal to him. he knew you were a hardworking person, which was something he adored and looked up to.
you felt him place a warm hand on the back of your head, making you sigh into his chest, finally able to feel some type of relief from your stressful day.
“hard day?” he asked, and you just nodded, not wanting to talk about it just yet, but just enjoy the much needed silence. he sighed at that, but didn't further the conversation without you wanting to. instead he pressed your body as close to his as possible, rubbing your back up and down.
you stood there for a while, just breathing each other in and hugging it out, before he started pulling away. he looked into your eyes for a moment, seeing the frustration and exhaustion laying behind their glimmer, and then moved the hair away from your forehead to press a gentle kiss onto the soft skin there. you closed your eyes, a small smile stretching onto one side of your face as his lips lingered for a while. 
when he pulled away, he grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, before leading you into the living room and over to the couch. “come on, I made lasagna - your favourite.”
I knew it, you thought.
on the coffee table, two plates of nicely cut out and steaming lasagna were placed in the middle of it, surround by a couple of lit candles and two cups of what looked like freshly made hot chocolate. and of course he hadn't forgotten to hang up the fairy lights you got him a while ago. “wow, this is- this is amazing, baby. thank you so much.” you tilted your head up to kiss his cheek, whereas he let you linger for a moment before leaning in for a kiss on the lips.
you smiled lightly once pulling away, mirroring him, and then crashed onto the couch to finally rest your aching body somewhere. he followed after you, sitting down beside you and resting his arm over your shoulders.
“so, what do  you wanna watch on Disney plus?”
again, very wholesome. everything about him is just so wholesome🥺 prove me wrong. anyways, he would definitely use a hand kiss often as well, but in situations where he felt like leaving a more romantic and heartwarming touch. would def be the type to make sure you weren't uncomfortable or unsure of something before you did it, and would use the hand kiss as a way of telling you he’d be right by your side. sorry, I’m getting too carried away now;
tonight was a very special night.
you had been invited to a large dinner party by one of your friends, who was allowed to bring a plus one. it was a gathering with a lot of known youtubers from the gaming community, and your friend just so happened to be close with one of them.
well, in a way you were also familiar with them. you had met Technoblade a couple of months ago, not knowing anything about his popularity on the internet until you got to know him better. he revealed what he really did for a living, and you couldn't help but to be surprised. overtime you had grown very fond of him, and deep down you knew that your feelings for him was more than just a friendship. but your denial got the best of you and now you're running around your bedroom, panicking over what to wear since you knew he was gonna be there tonight.
of course he was, how could you forget? he’s one of the bigger youtubers who’s friends with even bigger youtubers! and who are you? just some stupid no-one in his life who happens to appear at the same party this night, who doesn't even know anyone!
maybe I shouldn't go, you thought. maybe this is the worst idea and is gonna end up being the worst night of my life.
you picked up your phone, about to text your friend that you had other plans tonight so you couldn't go, but the sound of the doorbell ringing stopped you in your tracks. “oh shit.”
you went downstars, deciding that you couldn't just ignore your friend because they always found a way to get you out of the house anyway. you opened up the door, only to be met with a glamorous looking person, also known as your best friend, dressed in the finest clothes you’d seen them in.
the smile on their face disappeared the moment they saw you. “why aren't you dressed yet?”
you scratched the back of your head, grimacing and not meeting their eyes. “well, you see…”
“ugh, we’re gonna be late! come on, I’ll help you get into something.” they grabbed your hand, charging up the stairs again before you had the chance to protest, and was at your closet in no time.
there had to be a way to get out of this
                                         • • •
there was no way you were getting out of this.
there you were, sitting in one of the lounging chairs all by yourself, sipping on your champagne in boredom. your friend had left for the dance floor with one of her fellow youtube friends, who you know they’d been crushing on for a while, which left you all by yourself in the corner of the room.
so far you had only seen a couple of recognisable faces, yet not the one specific face you were looking for. your friend had ended up picking out a deep red silky look for tonight, shade so dark that it matched the colour of your blood.
you spun your glass around in circles in your hand, bored from this party already since the only person you knew wasn't even there for you to talk with. but suddenly, your train of thought was interrupted once noticing a darkness stretching over your form, the change of lighting confusing you. you looked up to see what happened, only to be faced with the one and only person you’d secretly tried to avoid seeing the whole night.
“why is a person this lovely-looking sitting here all by themselves?” Technoblade’s eyes took in your figure with a light glimmer to them, a lopsided smirk etched onto his face as he spoke. you stared at him with big doe eyes, swallowing a lump that you weren’t aware had formed in your throat. you stared at him in awe, not able to believe that the handsome tux-clad man in front of you was the very same person you’d spoken too not that long ago, who you'd only ever seen in hoodies and t-shirts.
he chuckled at your lack of words, and instead chose to speak up. “I usually never end up in these kind of situations, so I’m not really that good at this… but do you think there's a chance- I mean if you want to- what I’m trying to say is; do you want to dance with me?”
it came as a shock to you - the whole situation was really just unexpected if you were being honest. you couldn't help but to let out a giggle nonetheless at his sudden shyness and stumbling of words, easing up the built-up tension between the two of you. you wondered if he also felt that tension of untold feelings, or if it was all just something you’d made up in your head.
anyway, you nodded at him, smile stretching out on your face, glad to have someone like him to ask for a dance instead of some weird creep like you'd feared. “I’d love to dance with you.”
the two of you moved towards the dance floor, blending in with the crowd of other people, who were too busy admiring one another's presence to notice the arrival of you and him. you looked at the way the other people changed pace in their steps as the song switched to a more slower-paced song, before turning around to see the very handsome man in front of you.
his hand was extended out to you, waiting for you to put yours in the rightful place of his palm. you did so, but not without a warmth weighing down on your cheeks. and just when you thought you couldn't get more flustered, he lifted your hand up to his face, gazing into your eyes as he placed a delicate kiss on your knuckles.
“I’m happy to see you here tonight,” he stated, lacing his fingers with yours to position himself in a suitable way for dancing, other hand resting on your waist as he slowly took control and started moving your bodies in slow motions. “I didn't think you'd be here, but I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.”
his hand on your waist was burning through the silky material of your clothes and onto your skin - well just about everything was burning at this point - and you could still feel the soft plushness of his lips tingling the skin on your hand. you felt like a million fireworks were going off inside your chest, your heart not catching a break from beating so fast. you didn't know what to do with yourself, but managed to let out a small; “I’m glad.”
he showed off his pearly white teeth at your response, nervous yet excited to spend a moment like this with you - and he wished for many more moments like these in the future. if only he knew you felt exactly the same way. though he didn't have to wait for long, for there was a whole night in front of you.
this man looooooves just cuddling up with you in his arms, leaving small love pecks on your neck when you're just chilling together. most of the time he just kisses your neck out of boredom - or when he isn't fiddling with anything, he’ll just start leaving pecks all over your neck. would be very subtle about it, though and probably isn't the type to kiss you in public. such a cutie though (I’m not simping, you are).
“I’m done!” a tired-looking Techno entered the living room to your pleasure, hair messy and wearing his usual hoodie he wore when recording videos. that one or the grey one that you may or may not be wearing at this very moment.
a smile spread onto your face at his presence. “perfect timing! I was just about to watch harry potter,” you said as he moved to crash onto the bed beside you. he left an long peck on your lips, craving the touch after the last time you’d left him to record alone. “you want to watch that?” you asked him once pulling away from the sweetness of his kisses.
“yes~. I haven't watched that movie since I was, like, sixteen,” he yawned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pull your back to his chest.
“you say that like you're old,” you laughed, resting a hand onto one of his by your chest, and with the other one you started the movie.
“I am old,” he responded, fiddling with one of your fingers, taking in the difference in size.
“shut up.”
as the movie progressed, he found it harder and harder not to do something else than just sit and watch. so what better way to distract his mind than to start showing you just how much he enjoyed spending time with you.
a warm smile reached your cheeks when you felt your boyfriend starting his routine of leaving loving pecks across the skin of your neck, making sure to push any hair out of his way to leave space for even more kisses. his hand resting on your chest slid further down, landing on the softness of your belly and rubbing the flesh gently.
you sighed in satisfaction, closing your eyes for a moment. you needed this - silence yet the three important words hanging in the air like silent screams of pure affection. you wished for nothing else in that moment.
kiss after kiss and a few belly rubs later, the two of you fell asleep silently with harry potter playing in the background. the perfect way to finish the night.
* *
hope you enjoyed! who do you want a 3 types of kisses for next? requests are always open, so don't be afraid to request anything! thank you for reading :)
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  7.4
Author’s Note:  I believe I’ll be doing a LIVE pulling for Xiao tonight around 7:45 PST.  Join me if you want to see me cry from happiness or from not pulling him LOL.  The link is in one of my previous posts.  Before, during, or after this chapter, listen to this song to get a feel of what’s happening!  https://youtu.be/ifQ3JRS4gqc
The voices never truly left you alone after that.  You were practically becoming unhinged by the endless whispers that plagued your ears, and the quiet of night only seemed to egg them on further.  When you were blessed with their silence, you were plagued the physical pains of the karmic debt and your depression from joining the harbingers.  Childe was obviously growing more and more concerned with each passing day; you were beginning to freak him out.  The Tsaritsa and the other harbingers, however, found great amusement in your...condition.  It was a blessing in disguise; they were manipulating you much easier now that you were exhausted from the sleepless nights.
And it wasn't like you were constantly needing medical care, though you wished they would give you some heavy pain killers.  No; whatever damage your body was burdened with would be repaired by morning thanks to Xiao's blood.  The pain wasn't nearly as dramatic as the first wave, but it was a constant dull aching that ate away at your bones.  Slowly but surely, the pains grew over time.
Xiao made his presence known to you only twice more; he showed himself in the late evenings for brief periods of time to quell your aching heart and mind.  At least when he was able to be with you, the dreadful screams would disperse if only temporarily.  At least when he was with you, you were granted sleep.  Small waves of peace would reclaim you as Xiao watched over your sleeping figure.  
But once Liyue's festivities were underway, Xiao's visits became nonexistent and your mind was once again thrown into deeper chaos while he fought off more demons.  It was the busiest time of the year for both the inhabitants and the demonic presences of Liyue; it was Xiao's task to fend the latter off since the festivities attracted their attention and strengthened their presence.  He felt you slowly shattering, and it hurt him to know he couldn't be with you as often as he wanted to.
One day out of the blue, over a month after you joined the Fatui, Childe approached you with a grand smile across his face.  "Ojou-chan!  Why don't I show you around Snezhnaya?  It's much better than sitting in your room all day."
"...Aren't you always saying we could freeze to death?"  Your unamused expression failed to hinder Childe's enthusiasm.  "Why would I want to go outside?"  The bags under your eyes spoke volumes about your continuous sleepless nights.
"Come on, Mezzetin, it'll be good for you.  You could use the exercise."
"Are you implying something?" You're eyes narrowed dangerously, but Childe's grin only widened when your normal quips shone through your broken character.
"Well, if you ever feel the need to put me in my place, I'm more than willing to oblige to a fight," he watched your expression lighten for a moment before urging you.  "Come on, I'll show you around."
Sheer cold wasn't an issue for this winter wasteland like it was on Dragonspine, but it had to be at least five times colder here.  Childe made sure you were bundled up in a large furry coat before guiding you out of the castle and leading you to a town square that was surprisingly bustling with people despite the frigid temperatures.  Stalls lined the streets.  People gathered around to buy the freshest local food that included some incredibly large seafood varieties.  Others were in line to buy trinkets, house decor, and a variety of other items.
"...A farmer's market?"  Your cold breath of a remark caught Childe's attention, and he turned to you.
"Of course!  Go ahead and look around.  If there's anything you want, I'll buy it for you."
He's trying to cheer me up?  You examined Childe's earnest demeanor as he eyed the fish stall with stars in his eyes.  Can he just pick a side already?!  You rolled your eyes.  Still, might as well bankrupt him if he insists.  You broke away from him and continued down the rows of stalls for awhile, unaware that the harbinger had rejoined you.  
You were busy examining a few intriguing necklaces made of materials you haven't heard of when the whispers of the damned regained their voices.  You staggered a bit only to be steadied by Childe's hand on your shoulder.
Childe noted your glowing eyes.  "Happening again?"  His genuine concern made you relieved that he wasn't a complete monster like the other harbingers.  "If you need a break, there's a café over there that we can sit in."  Your strained nod prompted him to guide you with a hand at the back of your shoulders.
"Hm?"  A strange sound reached your ears, and this time it wasn't from inside your head.  Your feet came to a halt before the two of you reached the building, and you tilted your head towards the sound.  
It was a light and effortless tune that floated through the open air from yet another building.  The melody was slow to build, yet you hung onto its every note.  It took you a moment to realize that it calmed the demonic voices from screams to hushed murmurs.  You followed the path of the sounds until you found yourself in an extremely outdated music shop.
"Mezzetin?"  Childe attempted to regain your attention as he followed after you.  He caught onto the childlike wonder glistening in your teary eyes.  "Care to explain?"
"The pain..." a tear fell.  "It's subsiding."  You continued to stare at the harpist that played her tune at the back of the shop, eyes never leaving the fingers that plucked the strings. The voices were gone, and now you were only overwhelmed with a sense of peace.  
Childe watched you silently listen to the music for a long while.  An idea struck him.  "Have you ever played?"
"Huh?"  You snapped out of your daze and wiped the tears away.  "Um...Granny used to play a lot when I was little.  I know a couple tunes, but--"  Childe walked to the shop owner without letting you finish, pulling out a large sack of mora while he was at it. "H-hey! What're you doing?"
"If it brings you happiness, then I don't see the problem in buying it," Childe argued back after he had purchased the most expensive harp in the shop and left a considerate tip.  The two of you were walking back to the palace now.  He had ordered for his subordinates to take the instrument back with them.
"But I haven't played in years! And I said I only knew a few simple tunes--"
"--Then I will ensure you receive lessons."  He was not going to budge on this, and he made it obvious with his firm gaze.  "The rest of the harbingers made it clear that they do not care for your wellbeing, but I do.  Think of this as a gift and a type of therapy.  You've been down ever since Xiao left you--"
"I left him," you corrected.  And I so regret my decision.
"I'm just trying to prove that you aren't in a prison anymore.  If you want to see it as that, then by all means, continue to be depressed.  But something tells me you want to see Xiao again and find a way with him, no?"
"Then at the very least accept my apology gift to you."
"Huh? Apology?"  You gave him a questioning look, but he either didn't hear you or elected to ignore you.
Xiao was being as antisocial as ever, but it's not like he would ever turn down an invitation for tea from Rex Lapis himself.  Here he was, sitting just outside of Wangshu Inn with his master in the bright of day.  Aether probably put the archon up to the task considering how Xiao pushed him away what felt like ages ago, but the yaksha decided to give Zhongli the time of day only because of his deep respect for his savior.
"I've also brought more pain killers," Zhongli handed the yaksha a small jar of other-worldly medicines as he continued to fill him in on the upcoming Lantern Rite.  He had yet to bring you into the conversation, most likely to avoid irritating the throbbing wound in Xiao's chest.
"Mm."  Xiao gladly accepted the medication and set it aside.  This ensured yet another lull in their conversations.
"Will you go this year?"  Zhongli sipped at his tea.  "To the Lantern Rite?"
"My presence would only hinder the festival.  Besides, I'm not great with crowds."  The yaksha had yet to meet the archon's eyes, and kept his gaze firm on the teacup in front of him.  Truth be told, he would have gone this year...with you, since it was you who had asked him.  But now that these circumstances have come to pass, why should he go?  "It's just another excuse for humans to discard their trash into the ocean."  Why should he go when it would only remind him of his failure to keep you at his side?
Zhongli narrowed his eyes as he pondered whether words of comfort would aid his yaksha.  "It would be good for you to experience something new after all your years of living."
"I already have," Xiao clenched his jaw, signaling that the topic was beginning to walk on thin ice.  "She--"
"--Is not dead," Zhongli reminded. "Do not mourn for a loss that has not occurred."
"But she's dying," he argued back, finally releasing the emotions he's pent up ever since they left you.  Zhongli's look of confusion prompted him to continue.  "She can feel the karmic debt bestowed upon me."
"When did this begin?"  The archon's usual reserved composure faltered slightly while his eyes widened.  
"A month ago.  I visited her; she can hear the voices of the damned.  She's been in physical and mental pain ever since."
"The bond..." Zhongli set his teacup down a bit abruptly as he thought to himself.  "It appears these side effects grow stronger in the other's absence.  How intriguing..."
"How do we discard them?  Is there a way?"
"Have you not interpreted my words in Qingce Village all along?  Or my words at the Dawn Winery?  I've already given you the means to act, Xiao."
--Can feel your emotions...emotions cannot be permanently ignored...fall on deaf ears...early grave...  Xiao scoffed and downed the rest of his tea before forcefully setting the cup back down onto the table.  "You think admitting my alleged feelings for a mortal human would solve the problem?"
"She's done her part, now it is your turn," he straightened.  "If you fail to do so, I fear she will perish from your karmic debt in no time at all.  If what you say is true, it's a miracle she's still alive.  Your admittance would seal the bond, as it would eliminate the side effects altogether."
Xiao's head whipped in the direction of the playing of an instrument note, but was only greeted with the joyful screams of children running around nearby.  "Tch.  How annoying," he played his mishearing off and returned to his normal sitting position.  Another sound reached his ears, but he neglected to react to it.  The notes are off.
Zhongli didn't question Xiao's sudden alertness, but that didn't take away from the fact that yet another side effect has revealed itself to the archon.  It appeared as though the yaksha was already aware of this side effect.
And man, did this one annoy Xiao the most.  He heard the most random of tunes and chords at the most random of times.  It would even jolt him awake when he managed to fall asleep on rare nights.  It wasn't all unpleasant though; there were times in which the melody struck all the right notes and the result was a beautiful thirty second song before it was gloriously ruined by the musician's hesitance or embarrassment.
He knew it was you.  Your constant need to practice was as pestering as your old daily prayers before he revealed to you that he could hear them.  At least he only sometimes heard the plucking of strings.  As pesky and invasive as it was, your insistence upon playing what Xiao only assumed was a lyre somehow brought a bit of joy to his heart.  It meant that you were doing better than the last time he saw you.
He just wished he could hear the end result and not your sloppy practice sessions.
Only on the eve of the Lantern Rite, several days before the celebration, did he come to appreciate the hours of hard work you were putting into practicing the music.
You had locked yourself in your room again after watching the failed experiments Dottore had forced you to witness.  How many did you see die today? Fifty?  He clearly needed to adjust the ratio of your blood to whatever else he had in that serum he developed.  What was worse was that you were beginning to become desensitized to the loss of human life; amused by it, even. Just as the Tsaritsa wanted. Sometime into the fortieth treatment, your pains grew stronger as did the voices of the slain daemons.
You retreated to your room, relieved that Childe had for once allowed you to be without his presence.  You sat yourself next to the window and allowed for the evening light to illuminate the music sheets the harbinger had bought for you.  Your fingers grazed lightly over the strings as the voices continued to grow louder, absently plucking one of them to ensure that you still had full control over your slightly twitching limbs.  You had nearly snapped the strings last time the voices overwhelmed you--
There's no time nor need to reminisce those incidents.  You pulled yourself out of your thoughts and began to play, the smooth vibrations of the harp humming against your chest and shoulder as the strings were struck.  Unlike your practice sessions, your hands glided over the strings from one position to the next like you had played for a thousand years.  No hesitation could be felt from the chords.  Finally, it seemed as though you mastered this song.
Xiao.  I miss you...your warmth...your embrace... Your infested thoughts soon cleared as your mind drifted to an image of him.  I wonder if he too finds comfort in music when the voices overwhelm him?  For you knew that when the voices grew louder, he too, was subject to them.  The music overcame the screaming daemons, and you were relieved with a sense of peace.  Your fingers continued to play through the music and repeated the song for as many times as you felt fit.  Your aching limbs continued to throb, but you didn't let that stop you from playing.  Your mind now clear as water, you poured your longing for Xiao into your music. You hummed the melody as you played.
One day you'll find your way back to him, or him to you.  Was it okay to allow yourself to believe in the possibility that he held the same feelings for you?  Did he love you? No--Could he?  It was already naïve enough to think he was capable of harboring such intimate feelings after living through hell for over two thousand years.  And even if he did, it's not like you'd live as long as he has.  Would he push me away again?  You shoved that thought out of your mind with another series of chords.
You wouldn't be able to put an end to your feelings no matter what he did.  He was too admirable, too strong, too strict, too beautiful.  He was too kind, even if he put up a front.  You loved him too much; perhaps that would end in your own downfall just as Childe predicted and beat into your head every day, but that was alright with you.  If the voices were to eat away at you until all that remained were ashes, you were okay with being true to yourself until the very end.  Even if he never thought of you as something more than a companion.  And as you thought of him, the longing to be reunited swelled within your chest and overflowed into your fingers.
Your song was your unspoken prayer, your love and dedication were your offerings.
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