#if I weren't exhausted and about to fall asleep right now I would draw them lol
fitzfunnymoments · 1 year
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I'm feeling the effects of the disease™️ (my period) right now so I figured I'd take this moment to post a few of my fave designs/details from this book :]
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flowershines · 11 months
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Request: Open
Mike Schmidt x F. Reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, virginity, penetration, reader in pain, nicknames, protected sex
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Mike’s bed always felt so lonely without him there right next to you but that is how it has been for a couple weeks now, ever since he got his new job at Freddy’s Pizzeria.
Tossing in turning felt never ending, hours had gone by since you had last checked the clock.
Closing your eyes once again you tried to go into the scenarios you were creating in your head trying to help you fall asleep, Mike usually talked you to sleep and just the feeling of him next to you always had a special place in your heart.
Always being close to him was your favorite so this new job where he is gone at nights was hard to but at least you weren't the only one going through this adjustment.
Abby was having a hard time falling asleep, Mike would read her bedtime stories till she fell asleep.
You took over his job of reading her stories, you could tell how much she missed her brother.
She started to draw him in her drawings more and would show them to you once she was done with them asking if he would like them.
One thing that had always helped you sleep was thinking of the memories you had with Mike throughout the time you guys have been together.
So that is exactly what you did and it helped you fall asleep till he came home.
Feeling Mike’s side of the bed being filled made you wake up right away of course he just wanted to sleep but now you can sleep peacefully knowing that he is right there with you.
Turning over to his side you were met with an exhausted Mike, he was sitting up rubbing his thumb and index finger over his eyes trying to get the sleepiness out of his eyes.
You grabbed his arm and moved closer to him, putting your head over his lap.
“Is someone still awake?”
You mumbled a small “Yeah”
He started to run his fingers through your hair then following the end of your hair down your arm and rubbing your arm lightly.
“How was work?”
“Interesting as always, missed you to much”
You smiled slowly due to you still being tired from just waking up, he laid down as you crawled up onto his chest.
His heartbeat filled your ears almost like a small lalabye, in a couple of hours you knew you were going to be woken again from him moving to go bring Abby to school.
You were right, Mike had gotten up and picked out his outfit, closing the door so that way he could get changed.
He thought that you were still sleeping just like you were on how he had left you, little did he know that you were wide awake watching him get dressed he found out as soon as he turned around after he was done changing.
“How long have you been awake for?”
Shrugging your shoulders and smiling he got the gist that you had watched him.
“It's not my fault, you were in my peripheral vision.”
“Weirdo” he says before walking towards the door leaving it open a crack just in case you wanted to follow behind him.
You were still tired and just wanted to lay in the bed all day but you couldn’t, so you were just going to lay in bed as of right now.
The sound of Mike’s car honking making sure that it was locked made you turn in the bed towards the door.
He walked into his room seeing how you still were awake he placed a kiss on your forehead and went towards his side of the bed.
“What do you plan on doing today?”
“Honestly I don’t know”
Turning towards your boyfriend to face him you gave a kiss then pulling away, he grabbed the back of your head and leaned in closer making the kiss longer.
The kiss felt passionate and made your heart flutter as his other hand rested on your waist.
Kissing him made you think about having sex with him.
Of course you wanted to he is your boyfriend and you love him after all but neither of you brought it up.
You always wanted to bring it up to him but you always just over thought the idea of it, coming up with things he might say.
What if he doesn’t want to?
With me?
Questions always flew into your head when this topic approached your mind, wondering if he had the same questions as well.
You both were familiar with each other’s body, like he has fingered you and you have done stuff with him too.
But he knew that you were a virgin because you told him the first time that he had ever touched you in that way.
“Mike” You said pulling away from the kiss
“Why haven’t we had sex yet?”
“Have you wanted to?” He says out of breath
“I mean I don’t know, I was just asking why don’t we?”
“I guess neither of us had brought it up before, how long have you wanted to do it for?”
“Every time we have kissed it has crossed my mind.”
“I have wanted to with you for a while but i just haven’t wanted to force it onto you. ”
“I want to.”
“Okay, when?”
Suddenly all the questions that were roaming in your head were slowly starting to fade away as they had been answered.
“Now?” You asked looking up at him innocently
He looked like he was a kid on Christmas day about to open the first present.
He turned toward his side dresser and opened the small drawer and grabbed a condom.
“You never know.”
You giggled as he knew you guys would be having sex any time soon.
“Are you 100% sure, we can stop at any moment I won’t mind.”
“I’m sure.”
“Just let me know when you want to stop, okay?”
“Okay.” You kissed his cheek
He started to unravel the condom from its packaging and tossing it to the side as he gave you the condom, wanting you to put it on for him.
Stripping his clothes off till he was just in his boxers he motioned for you to continue for him.
You pulled out his dick from his boxers and slid them down his thighs and you placed the condom on his tip and slowly moved it down till it was on the base of his cock.
He mumbled a small “Fuck-” as you slid the condom down his dick.
After finishing the job for him you stripped your clothes off till you were just in your bra and underwear.
He had scooped your lower back and moved you down so that way you were laying down, pulling your underwear off in the process.
“You sure?” He asked aligning his tip at your entrance.
He placed some lube on the tip and then slowly started to insert his member slowly making sure to look at your face for any signs of discomfort.
Small muffled noises were heard from your mouth along with short whimpers.
“Does it hurt?”
You hummed in response as the stretch from him did hurt really bad but he didn’t need to know just how bad it hurt.
He stopped his movement and kissed your face all the way down to your neck telling you just how good you are doing.
“Okay, you can start moving again.”
Which he soon obeyed slowly moving inside inch by inch.
He pushes his whole length in you and was just waiting for you to adjust to his size before continuing.
You nodded you head as a okay for him to move again.
He slowly moved in and out of you not wanting to hurt you, desperation grew on his end.
Resulting him to ask, “Can I go faster?”
To which his question you responded with a yes.
As soon as you told him you could feel him starting to move faster by the second.
Small grunts and airy moans left his mouth trying to gain his composure.
On the other hand you were a mess moans leaving your mouth and many different emotions builded up on your face.
He started to move faster and faster as time went on till you could hear his breathing begin to start shaking.
His grunts turned into groans as for you, you were about to reach your peak he had been going for a while and when he started playing with your clit you were on the verge of cumming then and there.
“Y/n- I’m close-” he lets out a airy moan once again.
“Me two”
“Cum with me, please princess”
That sentence right there sent you over the edge as you came on his cock, he filled the condom in you.
Pulling out he had thrown the condom in the trash then laid down next to you in the bed placing his hand on your stomach.
“I’ll always love you, please never be scared to talk to me about something like that.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Love is Outside the Screen - Part III - Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
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Summary:  The one where Reader plays Vision in the MCU and she falls in love with her co-worker Elizabeth Olsen.
Warnings: (+18), smut, sexual themes, strap on use, teasing, fingering, sexual suggestions, explicit language, explicit, obscenity, a bit of praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, bottom reader mostly, switch dynamics, power dynamic changes, slight possessive sex, brief angst, alcohol mentions, arguing, jealously, fluffy.
Words: 7.935 K
A/N> Instead of writing my series, I'm continuing works that were finished already. This is basically porn honestly haha No, but jokes aside, we have fluffy moments with a lot of smut. Good reading everyone!
Part One | Part Two | All Works Masterlist || AO3
Love is Outside the Screen - Part III
Northern Ireland, two years ago.
You slipped under the long wooden table as the script indicated.
Your character was supposed to give a slight nod, and then gasp because of the torso injury, and you followed the script perfectly.
When the director yells cut, you stand up, trying not to bump into the makeover they did on your clothes.
"That was great, guys!" Shouted Alex Graves in the direction of the cast scattered around the medieval set. "Let's call it a day."
You were exhausted.
The Game of Thrones footage was absolutely grueling, and time-consuming, although it allowed you to learn something new with almost every scene.
Walking back toward the dressing room to clean up your makeup, you smiled shyly at the girls in the salon who congratulated you on the day's performance while helping you to remove your costume.
While they were going through your hair, you decided to check your cell phone.
There were two missed calls from Lizzie, and you felt your heart swell with guilt immediately.
She had also sent you messages asking if everything was okay, or if you were busy, and saying that she missed you, and you wish you had answered them all, but your routine had been completely absurd.
You felt your chest ache with longing every time you thought of your girlfriend.
When you signed the contract, you knew the conditions, and so did Lizzie. But nothing prepared you for the real thing.
Almost three months without a decent conversation, not even video calls, and the lack of her in your life was making you frustrated and irritated all the time. You were sinking into the screenplay and the recordings, because you simply hated not having Lizzie in your day-to-day life.
"Thank you girls." You said as soon as you noticed the makeup completely removed from your abdomen.
The change in the script killed your character sooner than expected, and you should go home early, even though it was going to take two or three months, it was much less than originally planned.
Grumbling softly, you went back to the dressing room, deciding to call Lizzie now that you would have a little time alone.
She doesn't answer until the second-to-last ring.
"Yes?" Her husky voice signals that she was asleep, but all you can feel is your body shaking at the sound.
"It's me, baby." You reply tenderly as you sit back in the armchair, pressing the cell phone to your ear as if you wish you could reach into the device and touch your girl.
"Oh, hey." She comments sleepily, and you wonder if she has closed her eyes again, or even opened them. "It's late."
"I know, I'm sorry." You say leaning back in the armchair. "I wanted to check that everything was okay because I couldn't answer you earlier."
"Don't worry, darling." She says softly, almost sleepily. "I just missed you."
"Me too, my love." You assure her, feeling your chest tighten slightly. My god, you just want to see her, hold her, touch her. "Lizzie, darling, are you asleep?"
"Yes." She whispers, making you smile.
"I love you baby." You say. "Call me when you wake up, I will interrupt as many scenes as it takes to talk to you."
"Behave yourself in the studio, love." She mumbles sleepily, and you laugh lightly. It was the same warning she gave on your last day in California, on the way out of the airport. "I love you. And I miss you."
You cursed the entire movie company at once when you could perceive the upset in Lizzie's tone, even in her sleepy state. You repeated that you loved her one more time before hanging up the phone.
As you put your cell phone away to grab your keys and head back to the hotel, you wondered if a breach of contract was really so bad.
Present, California.
You felt Lizzie's arms wrap around you as soon as you made mention of getting out of bed. You smiled, turning your body to look at her.
Her sleeping figure with her eyes closed, her hair slightly tousled made your heart warm with affection.
You loved her so much.
Raising your hand to her face, you stroked her cheek gently with your thumb, and watched the woman sigh softly, and even in her sleepy state, lean into your touch.
"Lizzie." You called softly, trying to wake her up. And did so again until she mumbled softly, leaning her face against the pillow. You let your hand wander to her hair, enjoying the softness as you stroked her scalp with your fingers. "We need to wake up baby."
Lizzie just mumbled again against the pillow cotton, making you smile at the cuteness of that scene.
You moved closer only to deposit short kisses across her face, and only stopped when she let out a husky giggle.
"Good morning, love." You whispered against her ear, and were about to pull away, but she tightened her arms around your waist, keeping you almost on top of her, making you smile.
"Good morning." She sighed back against the skin of your neck, and you blushed slightly when you felt her inhale your perfume and then tighten her fingers around your waist. "Fuck, I love you."
You laughed softly at her sudden, hoarse confession, but let your arms slip around her shoulders, burying your body against Lizzie's. The tenderness was wonderful, and she moved one hand up to caress your back while the other remained on your hip, her thumb moving across the skin beneath your blouse.
You tilt your face away just to look at her, and already you find her with her eyes wide open, a shy smile on her lips.
"I love you too, babe, but we need to get up." You tell her, and you almost get the impression that she's not even listening, because all she does is look at your face with adoration.
You bite back a smile as you feel her legs move beneath you, her bare foot caressing your ankle before she spins you around quickly and stands over you, the sudden movement making you sigh and tighten your arms intertwined around her neck.
"Lizzie!" You exclaim humorously, but all you get is a low murmur as she sinks her body against yours and buries her face in your neck.
"How much time do we have?" She asks against your skin, her lips dangling on that sensitive part of your collarbone and sending a shiver up the length of your spine.
"Enough." You reply already affected by her touch, closing your eyes to enjoy the sensation.
Lizzie smiles against your neck, beginning to deposit chaste kisses against your skin, making you sigh softly.
It didn't matter how many times you had been together or for how long, your body reacted to her in the same way. You only hoped that you wouldn't be late for your appointment with the Marvel directors, but when Lizzie slipped her hand up into your pajamas, you didn't care about that anymore.
London, 1 year and 9 months ago.
It's your third time on "The Graham Norton Show."
You finished taping Game of Thrones the day before, and this was your last appointment before returning to California. To Lizzie.
Part of the cast is sitting next to you, and you are glad for that because you are distracted this evening and can use the time they answer questions to think about your girlfriend. And you miss her for sure.
Graham, the host, asked questions about the final season, and about day to day life on set, and after Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke commented on everything being amazing, and not telling anything about the plot since they weren't allowed to, you were slightly surprised that the subject shift went directly to the romance rumors between the cast.
"I hear that some of you have been becoming close friends outside the set." Graham begins with a chuckle, and you and the cast share a chorus of dissatisfaction that makes the audience laugh. "Which is normal in a long series of course. But we wanted to bring that in because we love gossip."
"Since I'm married, can I have a drink in the dressing room?" Kit jokes, drawing laughter from everyone.
"You're supposed to help us with the arguments". Graham replies humorously. He leans back in his chair slightly to point to the monitor behind him. "We have some behind-the-scenes photos here. And Miss Clarke looks very comfortable."
The audience laughed at the comment, and you tried to cover it up with an awkward laugh. It was a picture of Emilia Clarke, your colleague who plays Daenerys Targaryen, on your lap. But the moment was badly misinterpreted. The photo was taken right after one of the prom rehearsal scenes, and Emilia had gotten one of the coordinations wrong, and you laughed when she fell on you.
Of course, this kind of insinuation was happening because to the media, you two were two single women. And you were used to this kind of questioning, but still, it was always uncomfortable.
"We were dancing, Graham." Emilia argues humorously. "It's not what it looks like."
The audience lets out a chorus of disappointment, and you and Emilia giggle awkwardly.
"Was that the mating dance, ladies?" Graham teases and you want to dig a hole in the ground, but all you do is keep up with everyone's laughter. "Despite all the jokes, I think Marvel's couple is going to be threatened."
The comment makes your heart race, but the audience is very approving, applauding heartily.
At least with this you can talk about Elizabeth.
"Is tonight the night you are going to take over America's dream relationship or can we just keep saying that you and Emilia are together, since there is not the slightest chance that someone that attractive is single." Graham tells you with humor making the audience and cast laugh. You try to keep up, not wanting to seem rude. You wish you could tell him that there is nothing wrong with being single, but you don't think you want to create an awkwardness so you just settle back in your seat as you joke:
"Unfortunately I will deny it again, Graham" You reply. "And I'm not dating Emilia either, I assure you."
You spend the rest of the evening dodging the comments, and are exhausted by the time the interview is over.
"Hey, are you going back to the hotel already?" Kit asks you just as you walk back to the dressing rooms, and you deny it with your head.
"No chance, I'm leaving." You reply. "I'm going straight to the airport, I have a flight in two hours. What about you, Harington? Aren't you going home to see your wife?"
"I didn't know we were talking about wives." He jokes making you blush and look away. Kit didn't know about Lizzie, but he knew you had someone. "Of course I want to come home, but I still have some appointments here. And Rose is in Spain."
"That sucks, man." You comment and he murmurs in agreement, shrugging.
"Yeah, but longing sure makes the sex better." He retorts with amusement and you grimace before laughing.
"You're unbelievable." You joke before waving yourself off in farewell, turning in the direction of your dressing room.
As soon as you enter, you take your cell phone out of your pocket and try to call Lizzie, but it goes to voicemail. You leave a message saying that you can't wait to see her and get your things ready to leave.
After saying goodbye to the cast again, and taking a taxi to the airport, you receive a message, but it is not from Lizzie.
*Sara evil agent* sent you an attachment.
You frown at the matter. "Off-screen romance? Would GOT star Emilia Clarke be dating queer Marvel protégé?"
You call Sara the same minute.
"I literally said I wasn't dating her!" You complain as soon as she answers and hear Sara laugh on the other end.
"Oh, honey, I told you, the media loves a little gossip." She says. "And you need to stop setting up fake girlfriends so quickly, I can barely keep up."
You grumble in irritation and your agent lets out a giggle.
"Don't be so grumpy, it's just a rumor and the last time I checked you were a single woman so I don't see a problem." She says and you bite the inside of your cheek. Since your lack of excitement about GOT, Sara suspects something. Neither of you says anything, but you know she's not an idiot and figures you have a girlfriend. "Are you going back to LA already?"
"Yes, I'm catching my flight in an hour."
"I hope you're ready to record, Lady Vision." She jokes. "Your scene schedule is getting closer."
"I plan to rest this week." You warn, slightly distracted. "Game of Thrones really was something different."
"I just hope people like the ending."
You giggle and Sara wants to know why, but you don't give her any spoilers. After asking if everything was okay, and assuring her that you had eaten something before the interview, you hang up.
Lizzie didn't text you back and you fell asleep on the plane.
California, three years and eleven months ago.
Your heart was beating so fast that you could hear it in your ears.
But Lizzie's hand in yours was doing a good job of calming you down.
Maybe it was just because you had waited, or maybe it was because you were so much in love, but you don't remember feeling so nervous about the idea of having sex with someone. Not since your first time.
And well, now with Lizzie, it was actually only the first time you two were going to sleep together. You didn't have to be nervous, but you were.
Liz opened the bedroom door as soon as you two reached the room, and dragged you inside with her. You closed the wood as you entered.
The tension was palpable in the air, and you wondered if you stayed still long enough, she might hear your heartbeat.
You looked at her, your eyes locked on each other, and a shy smile on your lips as you approached, stopping inches from her body.
Lizzie holds her breath.
"Are you nervous?" You ask in a husky voice, raising your free hand to go around the length of her arm with your finger, admiring the way her skin shivers at your touch.
She just shakes her head and you smile, resting your hand on her cheek.
"It's just me." You comment as you lean your forehead against hers, and you both close your eyes in anticipation. "We can stop if you're not sure..."
"I'm sure." She interrupts half breathlessly, her hand tightening its grip before letting go of yours, so that she brings both hands to the sides of your neck. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You assure before breaking the distance, bringing your mouths together in a firm kiss that draws a sigh from both of you as your hands move up to Lizzie's waist.
It doesn't take long for the kiss to deepen, your tongues fighting together and the sensation making your head spin and your body heat up.
Lizzie gasped against your mouth before parting for breath, and you used the opportunity to let your fingers run down to the hem of her shirt as you pulled it up. In motion the piece was off, and she copied the same to remove your blouse.
You bit your lip as you looked at the sight of Lizzie's exposed torso in front of you, her nipples hardening in the air making you feel the tightness beneath your stomach increase.
You lunged forward, grabbing her left breast with your mouth, and Lizzie let out a loud noise in her throat, throwing her head back as your tongue skirted her left nipple.
She was so hot and smelled so good, and the sounds she was making were driving you insane.
You moved your hands up to her breasts as soon as you brought your mouths together again, your tongue circling hers as you played with her hardened nipples, and it wasn't long before Lizzie began to whimper, closing her legs and thrusting her hips towards yours for more friction.
You smiled against her lips, you would give her exactly what she needed.
California, one year and nine months ago.
Leaving your keys on the counter, you were surprised by the silence as you entered.
It wasn't that you wanted Lizzie to stay late to wait for you, except that it was exactly what you wanted.
You left your bag on the living room floor and called her name twice before assuming she was asleep.
Sighing slightly, you went up the stairs to your room, but it was empty. All the other rooms were empty, which made you frown.
Okay, you didn't expect Elizabeth not to be home just the day you were returning, after months of not seeing each other.
But you didn't have much time to think about what might have happened, because a clearly drunk Lizzie stumbled into the house, fighting against the lock and her own balance just as you were coming down the stairs.
"You're drunk?" You ask in a voice in a mixed tone of disbelief and concern upon seeing her, and Lizzie is startled for a moment before giggling.
"Look who's here, California!" She announced to the room with irony and with open arms, stumbling inside. "Hollywood's most eligible bachelorette, watch out ladies and gentlemen."
You frowned at the little scene, Lizzie walked with difficulty to the kitchen as you finished going down the steps, she murmured quietly and you with your arms crossed, trying to understand exactly what was going on.
"What happened to you?" you ask as you follow her across the room, Lizzie takes off her shoes with difficulty, almost falling to the floor at least twice. When you make mention of helping her, she holds up her hand for you not to, and you are starting to get worried.
"I went to have fun." She replies with a humorless laugh. "I can have fun."
"Of course you can." You retorted with a raised eyebrow, watching Lizzie take a deep breath and close her eyes as she leaned her back on the countertop, probably getting a headache from the way she buried her face in both hands for a moment. "Who did you go with?"
"I don't know, Mom." She sneered wryly, and you clenched your jaw. Lizzie laughed at your expression, and pouted. "Oh, did I upset you? Sorry, darling, I'll try to be a good girl for you."
You shook your head slightly.
"Babe, what is happ..."
"Don't call me that." She cuts off quickly and you look at her in surprise. Lizzie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and when she looks at you again, she has thick tears in her eyes and you feel your heart soar. "I saw the pictures on television, Y/N. I saw the pictures, I saw your interview, I saw the videos on instagram. And I guess I understand, because she's beautiful and we haven't seen each other in months but I thought you loved me..."
"wow, what are you talking about?" You interrupt, confused and frightened, and Lizzie looks like a complete mess. She is crying and you reach up to touch her face, and try to calm her down. "Babe, breathe, I don't understand."
She whimpers softly, and you wonder how much booze she really has consumed.
"You are going out with that woman and I love you and everything is horrible." She declares in a whiny voice and you look at her with a frown.
"Lizzie, what..."
But she pushes you and walks off toward the bedroom, and you try to keep her from falling over drinking at least three times until she can get up the stairs properly.
"Lizzie, wait, talk to me." You beg but she keeps walking and you enter the bedroom a moment after her, watching her walk to the closet and start throwing all her clothes out while mumbling about cheating.
You take a deep breath with your hands on your waist, letting out a humorless laugh. It was an absurd scene to say the least.
"Elizabeth Olsen, stop this immediately!" You command as soon as she steps out of the closet, and she widens her eyes slightly as she shifts the weight of her feet before veering to the floor. You sigh as you walk toward her. "Babe, look at me."
Reluctantly, she does so. You soften your expression, feeling your heart soar at the image of her face, longing invading your whole heart.
"God, I missed you." You confess half breathlessly and Lizzie looks on the verge of tears. "Darling, where did all this come from? I'm not seeing any other girl."
"I saw the pictures..."
"Lizzie." You interrupt seriously, shaking your head slightly as your hands land on her shoulders. "I have no one but you. I would never cheat on you, I don't know where that came from. I wish you hadn't drunk so much so we could have a serious talk."
Lizzie gives a mischievous little smile, her gaze half lost because of the alcohol.
"I'm not drunk." She mumbles clearly intoxicated, making you chuckle slightly.
"Of course not." You said as you pushed the loose strands of her hair behind her ears. "You made a mess in the bedroom, babe. Why don't you try to sleep while I clean up?"
Lizzie sighed, clearly tired but shaking her head in denial
"I don't want to sleep." She said as she brought her body closer to you, her hands squeezing your shirt. "I want you to fuck me."
You bit back a smile, looking at Lizzie with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah?"
She murmured in agreement, her fingers trying to open the buttons of your shirt, but she was clearly in no condition to do so.
"I'd like that too, but you're drunk." You say as you move your hands to hold hers, smiling at the grumble of frustration she lets out. "Go lie down, I'll get some water."
"Bed, Lizzie." You ordered again as you intertwined your hands to lead her to lie down.
She was reluctant a few times but eventually agreed and lay her down on the mattress, placing the comforter on top.
When you made mention of getting up, she held your hand.
"Don't go." She asked softly with her eyes almost closed. You smiled.
"Aren't you thirsty?"
Lizzie denied and pulled your hand, you moved closer to lie beside her and she wasted no time in entwining her body in yours.
You let your fingers run through her hair and she sighed lightly, not taking long to fall asleep. You waited a few more minutes before moving, getting out of bed as gently as possible so as not to wake her.
After collecting the clothes Lizzie had thrown across the room and putting them away in the closet, as well as putting the party clothes she was wearing in the wash, you went back downstairs, looking for your bag to take to your room.
Your cell phone vibrated as you walked up the stairs.
It was a message from Scarlet, and you laughed lightly as you read its content.
“I heard you're coming home today, right? Lizzie was really upset about the rumors that you were dating, and asked me to take her out for a drink. I dropped her off at home, but she was pretty shaky. I didn't know you two had a thing, can we talk about it over coffee tomorrow?”
You were relieved that Scarlett was the person accompanying Lizzie, but now she knew you two had something. You were tired of it honestly. The secret. All you wanted was for everyone to know how much you loved Lizzie. And judging from recent events, that was a problem for her too. Or at least it was enough for her to drink more than she should.
But you would have to wait until Lizzie woke up to have this conversation, so you went back to your room, and after putting away the clothes from your bag, you took a shower and put on your pajamas, wasting no time in joining Lizzie in bed again.
Caribbean, one year and six months ago.
Following the music, you continued to dance slowly, your hand around Lizzie's waist while the other was entwined in the air with hers.
The luxury hotel where you were staying that week was hosting a Hawaiian themed evening, and well, after spending the day in the pool area, you decided to dance a little.
In that moment, with Lizzie in your arms, you were at peace completely. Moments like these, like waking up with her in your bed, or cooking together, or rehearsing your lines while curled up on the couch under the blanket were more than enough to make you sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Lizzie.
You smiled before pulling your body away slightly, just to look at her. And she looked back at you with the same adoration, her cheeks flushing slightly.
You spun her into your arms then, making her laugh as you pulled her back, your hands resting on her neck as your hips swayed to the rhythm of the ukulele of the band playing on the stage.
There were a few other couples around, but you could hardly notice anyone but Lizzie.
You continued dancing, and you rested your forehead on hers, closing your eyes and breathing in her perfume. Lizzie smiled, stealing a quick kiss before resting her chin on your shoulder, following the rhythm of the dance.
When the show ends, you follow the crowd in the clapping for a moment before Lizzie entwines your hands and pulls you toward the bar.
"That was fun." She comments with cheeks flushed from the dance, her smile soft as you stand near each other, your hands intertwined as you reach for the menu.
"Dancing with you always is." You retorted charmingly, releasing her hand only to fit it against your waist, drawing a chuckle from Lizzie.
You ended up sharing some drinks and snacks, and you were starting to feel higher with each sip.
Lizzie was in the middle of a joke when you interrupted her.
"Marry me?"
She blinked in surprise, a confused chuckle escaping her lips.
Maybe it was the drinking. Probably not, because with the emerald eyes looking so intently, you suddenly felt very sober. Your heart raced too, but you were never more sure of anything than you were now.
"Marry me." You repeat with a confident smile. Lizzie blushes with wide eyes.
"You... Are you serious?" She asks in surprise, and you let out a sigh, moving closer to take her hands and put them down on your racing heart.
"I love you." You tell her with nothing but sincerity. "I want to spend my life with you. I was planning something bigger, perhaps, at your parents' summer house. I would get down on one knee in front of your family and hand over the ring I've been carrying for three months." You confess and watch her look at you in shock. "I've been waiting for the right moment, Lizzie. But I've just realized that every second with you is the right moment. I want you to be my wife. Do you want me to be yours?"
It took a second for her to react, her expression changing from shock to pure happiness, the tears appearing in her eyes and the smile so big it made her eyes small.
"Yes, yes, of course." She replied between one shy laugh and another, moving forward to kiss you over and over again.
You couldn't stop smiling as you kissed her, and you giggled against each other's mouths, pulling apart to embrace each other.
It didn't take long for the people around the bar to notice and start clapping, but you didn't care.
All you were seeing was your future wife.
California, 1 year and 9 months ago.
You finished putting the coffee jug on the tray, the last missing item, before carrying it to your room, taking careful steps not to trip over anything on the way.
Lizzie was already awake, but still in bed. The glass of water in her hands and the missing pill on her bedside table indicated that she was already treating her hangover.
"Good morning, darling." You greeted as you entered, walking over to the bed to leave the platter on top of the sheet next to Lizzie.
"You're home." She commented in a mixture of surprise and embarrassment, you just made a noise with your mouth as she sighed, running her hand over her face, probably because of her headache. "When did you get home?"
"Last night." You respond by watching her. "Just before you."
"Sorry." She says moving closer. You gently pull away from her attempt to kiss her lips, and Lizzie frowns. "What?"
"I was worried." You state seriously. Lizzie lets out a sigh, leaning her back against the bed completely. "I thought you were going to pick me up at the airport, but you didn't call. And then I find the house empty. Until you arrived, completely drunk at dawn."
Lizzie crossed her arms, looking away. It was your turn to sigh.
"What's happening, Elizabeth?"
"It 's nothing."
"Stop it." She asks impatiently, turning her face to you again. "Don't call me that."
You just frown in confusion. "It's your name."
"No." She exclaims annoyedly, closing her eyes for a moment. "You only call me Elizabeth when you're angry. And you can't be angry at me because I have the right to go out!"
You watch her stand up, as if running away from the conversation, and you sigh impatiently, massaging your temple with your finger. Lizzie begins to remove her dress, clearly intent on going to take a shower.
"I never said you had no right to go out, Elizabeth." You retort ignoring the annoyed grunt she lets out at you continuing to call her by her full name. "I just think I have the right to ask why after we agreed on something, you changed plans at the last minute and decided to disappear."
"It's funny that you want to demand something from me when you've spent the last few months without giving me any satisfaction of where or who you were with!" She accuses angrily and you grimace in indignation.
"Oh, so it's about my work?" You retort angrily. "The last time I checked we had decided that I was going to record and come home. You said you were fine with that!"
Lizzie gave a humorless laugh, her dress falling to her feet as she worked to remove her bra.
"Well, you know what, I wasn't!" She shouts angrily, throwing the bra angrily into the closet. You need to remember that you are angry with her as you have the vision of her breasts exposed in front of you while she is yelling at you. "I didn't agree to the endless get-togethers with all those sluts around you! And I sure didn't agree with your flushed face on television flirting with Emilia Clarke in front of the whole country!"
You stared at Lizzie in shock, but she just grunted in irritation before turning to go to the bathroom.
"No, I think it's so funny you bring that up, you know, Elizabeth." You spoke aloud as you stood up to follow her. "Because when I said Aubrey Plaza was flirting with you, you told me it was just business. But suddenly, Emilia is something that bothers you!"
"God, this is so different from Aubrey!" she retorts in irritation, finally naked, before stepping into the shower. You were beginning to find it hard to remember why you were fighting now that you had the view of her wet silhouette in the shower stall, as she raised her voice to be heard beyond the sound of the water. "We were supposed to be flirting in the interviews, it was all for the movie. You were just falling all over Emilia for no reason. All those smiles and giggles." She declares angrily, making you bite back a smile. Lizzie naked, angry and jealous was hot as hell.
"I really can't believe we are having this conversation." You complain as you unbutton your pajama shirt. "The most absurd part of it all is you thinking I would have anything with anyone else."
"You say these things but don't live up to them with your actions." She retorts, annoyed. "I wouldn't think anything of it if you didn't flirt with other people!"
"I didn't flirt with anyone!" You return defensively, your blouse finally coming off. Lizzie's annoyed expression almost falters, but she keeps her gaze above your breasts as you take off your pants. "And honestly, none of this would be happening if everyone knew we were dating!"
Lizzie frowns, her anger finally dissipating with your sentence. You step into the shower stall with her, and she looks at you dubiously.
"You...you want to go public?" She asks, studying you as the water falls on her back. You swallow dryly, keeping yourself in front of her.
"Only if you want to."
Lizzie holds out her hand for you to take, and when you do, she pulls you gently until your breasts are almost touching.
"Do you think we're ready for that?" She whispers as your foreheads lean against each other. You sigh as you rest your hands on her waist.
"With you, I'm ready for anything, Lizzie."
She sighs against your lips, her hands moving up to your neck.
"I can't think about that with you naked in front of me." She mumbles before moving forward against his lips.
Kissing shouldn't feel this good.
You slide your tongue over hers a moment later, and you both sigh in need, feeling the effects of so much time apart. Your hands move down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and forcing her against you, and the direct contact of exposed skin makes Lizzie whimper.
You press her against the glass of the shower stall, feeling the shower water against your back as you hold your mouths together in a passionate, hungry kiss.
When air was needed, you ran your kisses down your girlfriend's exposed collarbone, enjoying the way she sighed in anticipation, her hand moving up to the back of your neck to encourage you.
"God, I missed you." You sighed before sucking on the sensitive spot on her collarbone, making Lizzie whimper as she dug her nails into your shoulder.
She pulled your face back to hers, kissing you urgently, and you pressed your body against hers, your hands moving down to her thighs and up so that she entwined her legs around your waist.
The contact of your exposed intimates together made you both gasp in the kiss, but you slid your tongue against hers again, savoring her taste as your hands moved up to her breasts, squeezing and cupping them with a full palm, your fingers playing with her hardened nipples and making Lizzie sigh wetly.
"What is it baby?" you teased when she was unable to keep up the pace of the kiss, throwing her head back as she felt your hands pressing her breasts hard, and Lizzie grunted as she bit her lips to keep from moaning, looking up at you with dark eyes, clearly struggling to keep her expression impassive. You smiled, pressing your hips forward and watching her close her eyes tightly, unable to contain a low moan that escaped her throat. "I want to hear you, baby."
"I'm still mad at you." She declares in an affected voice, and you murmur in understanding, lowering your face to her collarbone, and licking and kissing the skin, making her shiver.
"Is this angry sex, then?" You sneer as you move your hips forward again, the sensation bringing a rising wave of pleasure to both of you. "It doesn't seem like it."
Lizzie sighs impatiently, and puts her legs on the floor, pushing you away by your shoulder.
You are so stunned by the sudden break in contact that you barely have time to absorb her turning off the shower before she pulls you by the hand out of the stall.
You were about to ask what she was going to do, but she pushed you onto the bed, and disappeared into the closet.
"Lizzie?" You called out uncertainty, preparing your apology speech for what exactly you couldn't say. But she walked out next, and the sight made your mouth go dry. "Damn."
Elizabeth was wearing a strap-on, the rubber penis already fitted in the front and ready for use. And from the determined expression on her face, she was more than willing to prove to you that she was pissed.
"Fuck me." You breathed aroused by the view, and Lizzie gave a wry chuckle as she approached the bed.
"Oh, I will." It was her only warning before she broke the distance, kissing you fervently, her tongue exploring your mouth and pulling the air from your lungs, making you see stars.
You let out a low moan, moving your hands up to her waist to pull her to you, but Lizzie pushed your hands away, breaking the kiss and moving one hand up to your neck, squeezing lightly as she made you look at her.
"Knees, ass up." She commanded in a husky voice, her gaze glittering with lust, you bit your lips to keep from moaning again, feeling your pussy pulsate with desire as you obeyed, turning on the bed quickly as Lizzie positioned herself behind you. "I'll teach you not to flirt with other girls."
"I was n-fuck." Your speech turned into an horsy whimper as she suddenly penetrated you with the dildo, you were so wet that she had no problem at all, the toy slipping into your folds with ease, filling you completely. Lizzie chuckled breathlessly, her hands steadying your hips.
"God, you're so hot." She murmured, moving slowly inside you, the action making you clench your fists in the sheets and arch your back, your pussy clenching against the dildo.
"Fuck, Lizzie."
She thrust again, this time hard, her hands squeezing your hips as she went deep inside, making you moan loudly.
Before establishing a rhythm, she leaned against you, her hand coming up to your hair and pulling you back as she brought her mouth to your ear.
"You are mine." She whispered before she thrust hard inside you, making you moan. "Do you understand?"
"Not quite yet, try harder." You teased breathlessly, the pleasure at having the dildo all the way inside you making you half dizzy. Lizzie grunted angrily, this time stroking even harder, making you see stars as you whimpered, your body beginning to tremble.
"Quit being a brat or I'm going to fucking stop." She warned against your ear, thrusting more slowly this time, and you moaned breathlessly, barely able to keep your eyes open.
Lizzie set a slow pace, but thrusting hard as you moaned and whimpered, every time the dildo entered you making you even wetter and aroused, to the point that you were unable to hold back the loud moans, and she giggled.
"Look at you, a horny, begging mess." She sneered against your ear. "You are mine, and only mine."
She whispered, her strokes deep inside you. "I want you to remember that when you flirt with other girls. How good I make you feel."
You whimpered, your pussy clenching against the dildo for more, Lizzie keeping the strokes torturously slow. Seeing your state, she laughed softly, pulling out of you completely.
Before you had time to complain, she turned you over on the bed, spreading your legs as she bent down, thrusting deep inside you. Your moan died against her lips as she kissed you hard, laying against you as she buried the dildo inside you.
You could feel Lizzie everywhere. Her breasts against you, her lips on yours, and it was too much. She thrust hard again, deep and fast as you had your legs around her waist, and her tongue on yours, and you began to tremble in spasms, pleasure spreading throughout your body.
Lizzie smiled against your lips as you lost the ability to respond to the kiss, moaning and whimpering at the closeness of your climax. Her mouth moved down to your neck as she kept up the pace of the thrusts inside you, and your hands tightened around her waist, pulling on her hips for more friction.
It wasn't long before you fell over the edge, the tightness under your belly exploding, the pleasure spreading to the tips of your feet as you moaned against Lizzie's ear, crumbling under her.
As you tried to normalize your breathing after such an intense orgasm, she straightened to look at you, her eyes had adoration in them.
"You did so good." She praised against your lips. "Did you learn your lesson?"
"I did." You replied in a husky voice, taking a deep breath to control the effects of climax.
In one swift motion, you spun you two around on the bed, sighing as you felt the toy move inside you.
"Now you will learn to honor your appointments, Miss Olsen." You warned as your hands moved down to the latches of the strap, removing it as Lizzie bit her lips, looking at you with a mischievous gaze.
You shifted to remove the strap and toss the toy on the floor, returning to sit on Lizzie's lap, your mouth returning to hers immediately.
When she began to move beneath you, you smiled against her lips, pulling away as you rested your forehead against hers and let your fingers play with her wet entrance.
"Use your mouth." She asked breathlessly, her nails digging into your arm.
"My baby wants my mouth?" You teased, moving forward to lick her lips and pulling away with a short laugh when she moaned as she chased your mouth unsuccessfully. You circled her clitoris with your fingers, and Lizzie gasped. "The next time you want to get drunk, at least text me, my love." You warned as you penetrated her with two fingers at once, feeling her hot and slippery, while Lizzie moaned loudly against your mouth. "Do you understand?"
You removed your fingers, playing with her entrance until she nodded frantically, pushing her hips toward your hand. But you laughed lightly, pulling your hand away completely, and leaving her with a confused expression.
"I thought you wanted my mouth." You scoff, already ducking, as Lizzie looks at you expectantly.
"God, you always fuck me so good." Lizzie comments as you kiss her thighs, moving down. You smile against her skin, finally reaching her pussy.
You stare at her before moving forward, your tongue against her clitoris as she sighs with need.
"Don't torture me." She begs breathlessly, her wrists locked on the bed, you smile, lingeringly licking her, and she closes her eyes tightly.
"I won't, my love." You assure her before returning your mouth to her pussy, kissing her entrance before you begin to suck and lick, devouring her with desire.
She moans loudly, letting out affected sighs with each movement of your tongue inside her, and you hold her thighs to keep her open for you as you eat her out.
It doesn't take long for Lizzie to reach her edge, already near the limit from fucking you, but it's still delicious to have her crumbling against your mouth like a weeping mess, her orgasm on your tongue as she screams your name.
You climb your body back up onto her, and kiss her tenderly, unlike anything so far.
Lizzie is trying to control her breathing from the climax, but sighs in satisfaction as she tastes herself on your tongue.
As silence falls over you, you sigh lightly, your hands caressing her face.
"Are we okay, Lizzie?" You ask as you settle down to lie across from each other. She leans into the touch of your hands, as her hands come up to your waist.
"I don't know." She confesses. "But I want us to be."
You smile, using your finger to take a strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear.
"Do you think going public will make us better?"
"I don't want to love you in secret anymore." She says and you feel your heart soar. "Do you understand?"
You smile. "Yes, babe. I feel the same way."
She gives a relieved smile, her gaze passionate. You break the distance, and kiss her gently.
When you break the kiss a moment later, you look quickly at your bodies. "I think we should have this conversation with clothes on." You comment and Lizzie giggles.
"Later. Now I show how much I missed you in my bed." She says before bringing your lips together again.
You certainly wouldn't object to that.
Atlanta, three years ago.
You hesitated at the entrance to the restaurant.
Through the window you could see Lizzie, and all your cast mates, as it was the closing celebration of the WandaVision filming.
You swallowed hard, the object in your pocket suddenly becoming too heavy.
You startled slightly when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"I guess we're both late, huh?" Kathryn Hahn, your cast mate, remarked gently, putting her car keys away in her pocket clearly having arrived right with you.
You gave her a lopsided smile and she noticed your hesitation, assuming a worried expression.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
You shifted your gaze to the window again, watching Lizzie giggle shyly, her gaze shining slightly. She looked around too, searching, and you knew it was for you.
"Yeah, I just...I was just having a moment of doubt." You say still looking at Lizzie. Kathryn followed your gaze, and smiled, but didn't comment on it.
You sighed, reaching into your pocket and pulling out the object.
"Wow, are you going to...?" Kathryn asked in surprise but you gave a humorless laugh.
"No, I couldn't." You say swallowing dryly, and looking away from the velvet box. "I don't know if I'm ready."
"And when either of us are?" Kat returned, making you smile.
"How did you know you were going to say yes to your husband?" You asked next. Kathryn sighed thoughtfully.
"I didn't." She replied. "There's no way to know until you get asked. But what I did know was that I loved him. And that's what really matters."
You absorbed her words in silence, and then put the box back in your pocket.
"I think she loves me." You say. "That will be enough until I find the right moment."
Kat murmurs in understanding, and then pushes her shoulder against yours lightly.
"Just don't wait too long." She warns with a smile, nodding her head signaling for the two of you to enter the restaurant and join the rest of the team.
When you enter, any thoughts of Lizzie denying your marriage proposal are driven out by the image of her contented smile when she sees you arrive.
A/F/N> I'm not even gonna try to say this is the last time i'm continuing this work because at this point, I just know I don't believe my own words anymore haha. Tell me what you think people.
Tag> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight
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helloalycia · 3 years
just a kid [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: you're a field medic at the Avengers Tower and get into an accident where you hurt your head. It was only supposed to be a mild concussion, yet things don't seem to be going right when you try to remember the accident.
warning/s: mentions of violent/dark scenes.
author's note: here’s the first of a little two-parter I worked on not long ago, hope you all like it!
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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I woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head, momentarily dazed.
"Hey there, Doctor Y/L/N... can you hear me okay?"
Breathing deeply, I found the energy to clear my throat and scan the view above me. I was laying down on a bed, in a hospital room, I think. The lights were ever so bright and I now knew how annoying it felt to wake up like this as my patients had.
"What happened?" I asked, eyes roaming around until they settled on my doctor. "Doctor Maya? What am I–? Why am I here?"
I recognised Doctor Maya as a colleague of mine, though unlike me, she was a doctor who worked at the Avengers Tower whereas I worked as a field medic so was more on the move. The only reason I'd be here is if I was in an accident. Was I? I wasn't sure.
"Something happened when you were on your last mission," she explained gently. "I– hold on. I'm going to get Miss Maximoff, okay?"
"Wanda?" I asked, furrowing my brows and pinching them to relieve the stress in my head. "Where is she? Is she here?"
"She just nipped out," Doctor Maya said, before backing up. "One second, Y/N."
She left the room momentarily, leaving me to try and remember what had happened. I was on the quinjet and was getting briefed with my team. There were casualties that we had to get to and an agent– an agent I was helping, yes!
I groaned, clutching my head when I tried to remember. Deciding I shouldn't push myself so soon, I waited until the doctor returned with Wanda. Maybe they could tell me how I ended up here. I wasn't exactly injured, at least not physically and that I knew of. My head hurt and that was about it.
The door to my room opened suddenly and I looked that way, seeing Wanda rushing in wearing her civilian clothing. The doctor followed soon after, gently closing the door behind her.
"You're awake," Wanda said with relief, stopping by my bedside. Her hand rested on mine, squeezing it comfortingly. "How are you feeling?"
I smiled upon seeing her, even if she was staring at me like I was a fragile piece of glass. We'd been dating for a while now and she always had the power to make me feel better with her presence.
"I'm alright," I promised. "Just a bit confused to what happened. The last thing I remember is going into the field. Then I woke up here."
She chewed on her lower lip, exchanging unreadable glances with the doctor.
"There was a mine that detonated near you when you were helping an injured agent," Wanda explained softly, and I opened my mouth to speak, but she quickly added, "The agent is okay before you ask. But you hit your head from the impact. Mild concussion."
"That's why your head hurts and you're having trouble remembering," the doctor said, earning my attention. "You should be feeling better soon. And I've got some medication for the pain."
Now that Wanda mentioned it, I did vaguely recall being thrown back by a blast. But remembering it was like watching a film with poor satellite, the screen fuzzing around the edges and remaining unclear even though you focused hard. I was sure it would return to me soon.
"Thanks," I said, before attempting to sit up straight. Wanda helped me as I looked to her with gratitude before paying my attention back to Doctor Maya. "Am I alright to leave?"
"Of course, yeah," she said, nodding quickly. "Feel free to come back if you have any trouble. You should be okay though."
I nodded and smiled gratefully before watching her leave. Sighing, I pushed my hair from my face and looked to Wanda who was hanging by me patiently, eyes twinkling with concern.
"I'm fine," I promised her with a knowing look.
She gave me a small smile – her way of saying I'm still worried, but I'll dial it down – then moved to the chair beside the bed and grabbed some clothes.
"You can change into this," she said about the clothes in her hand, and I was sure they were some of hers; mine must have been ruined from the mine. "And if you want, you can stay with me whilst you recover."
I raised my eyebrows as I accepted the clothes. "You sure? It's nothing serious. I can take care of myself."
She shrugged, eyes avoiding mine with embarrassment as her hands played with mine. "I wanna help. I like looking after you... plus, you've stayed at mine before. This isn't any different. And you can be closer to Doctor Maya in case anything is wrong."
I weighed the decision briefly before giving in, unable to resist how cute she was when she was worried. "Okay, yeah, sure, why not?" She smiled widely, and I added, "Any excuse to cuddle with you, right?"
She chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Just let me get ready and we can head to your room. I'm actually a little tired."
She nodded and helped me up so I could get ready. I didn't think much of the whole thing, until later that night when I fell asleep beside Wanda.
My dreams never usually meant much. I wasn't one for reading into them, nor was I one to get seriously affected by 'nightmares', knowing they were usually a concoction of bad horror films and stupid ghost stories from my childhood.
But tonight was different.
It wasn't a dream and it wasn't a nightmare, but rather a memory that couldn't exist.
There was debris everywhere, a mixture of yellow rays blinding my sight with dark shadows looming over me. Destroyed buildings and scattered bodies – none were alive – surrounded me. The heat was too much, but I had a job. I knew I had a job, but I couldn't focus because of how fast my heart was racing, beating an incessant drum in my ears, and how rigid my body felt.
"Help!" a voice was shouting. A young girl, I think – she sounded like a kid. Who was it?
Before I could make sense of anything, I heard a loud noise, like an explosion, that sounded so close yet also extremely distant. Nonetheless, my eardrums weren't spared. The mine, maybe? Was this a memory? Was this how I got hurt?
I was thrown back, head hitting a wall, but I didn't pass out. There was a figure looming over me, short, like a child's shadow, but with no visible face or features. Nothing, actually, just a dark outline staring at me though I couldn't stare back because there was nothing to stare at.
The shouts for help returned, but it was distant like the explosion. I couldn't make sense of anything, and when I closed my eyes to blink, I opened them to find debris washing over me all over again, flying in the air along with my body. It had to be the explosion, my memory returning.
This time, when I hit the wall, I woke with a start. My eyes snapped open, taking in the dark room and nightly blue hue casting over the ceiling and walls. I swallowed hard, finding my breath, and raised my hand to gently massage my forehead. An aching pain was shooting all over, forcing me to sit up as slowly as I could as to not wake up Wanda, who appeared to be fast asleep beside me.
I checked the clock beside her bed and saw it was closing on half three in the morning. I went to bed around nine, which was also when I last had my medication. Doctor Maya said I could have it every five to seven hours and when I got a severe headache.
"I guess this counts...," I mumbled to myself, before grabbing the medication and bottle of water beside the clock.
I downed the two tablets within seconds before sitting upright for a few more minutes, needing a moment to myself before attempting to get back to sleep.
"Y/N...? Are you up?"
I winced at the sound of Wanda's groggy voice, immediately feeling bad for waking her. I turned around and saw her rubbing her eyes with one hand whilst blinking away her fatigue.
"Just have a headache, don't worry," I reassured quietly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. "You can go back to sleep."
"Do you need me to get you anything?" she asked, finally able to keep her eyes open long enough to meet my gaze with her cloudy green ones.
I smiled through my exhaustion. "I'm okay, love. I've had some medicine."
"Well, I can get you something to–" she began, trying to make a move to sit up, but I pushed her back down gently.
"I'm okay," I repeated sternly, before slipping back into bed beside her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, I said, "Get back to sleep."
She nodded tiredly, getting comfortable and pulling me closer to her. I felt her arm wrap around me as I snuggled closer, relaxing in her embrace.
"Wake me if something is wrong," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you, too," I returned, kissing the closest thing to me which was her chest. "Goodnight."
Admittedly, it was still difficult for me to fall back asleep. It must have been no longer than ten minutes when I heard Wanda's breathing and felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath me – she'd fallen back asleep. I sighed, slightly jealous, but stayed close to her and tried not to think about my accident or my weird dream/nightmare. Eventually, slumber found me.
The next morning, I didn't exactly feel well-rested, but I didn't want to concern Wanda nor draw attention to it as I knew it was probably just a rough first night. Instead, I let myself get distracted with Wanda wanting to cook me breakfast.
I soon found myself in the kitchen, sitting at the island and watching Wanda cook some pancakes for us both with an endearing smile on my lips. She was still in her pyjamas like me, her red hair pulled into a messy ponytail as an afterthought, and she radiated beauty. Right there, I could only wish my future looked exactly like this.
My moment of admiration was interrupted when someone came into the kitchen, earning our attention. It was Sam, one of the Avengers and a colleague of Wanda's.
"Good morning, ladies," he greeted with a smile. Already dressed for the day ahead, he asked, "Do I smell pancakes?"
"They're for Y/N, so back off," Wanda said playfully, pointing her spatula at him threateningly.
He raised his hands with defeat as I chuckled.
"Relax, I've got a shake," he said, grabbing said protein shake from the fridge. "Enjoy your pancakes." He glanced to me, expression softening as he added, "And I hope you feel better, Y/N. I heard about your accident."
"Thank you, Sam," I said gratefully, noticing the way Wanda flinched at his words. "I'm already feeling better, so..."
"That's great," he said genuinely, before looking between us. "I'll catch you guys later."
We both waved our goodbyes to him as he left. I wanted to question what was up with Wanda just then, but as Sam left the kitchen, the door slammed shut and startled me more than I thought it would. The noise sounded so familiar, so loud, kind of like what I heard last night in my dream. It must have been the mine when it exploded, a ghost of a memory that was returning. But that didn't seem right. Why didn't that seem right?
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Wanda asked, and I looked up, only to notice she was now standing by my side and looking down at me with concern.
I licked my lips, nodding. "Yeah, sorry, I just... yeah. I'm fine."
Her eyes were swimming with doubt, but she chose to say nothing. Instead, to my relief, she pulled me close, giving me a quick hug which I appreciated. As my head rested against her chest, I tried to ignore the familiar striking pain travelling around my forehead.
It was two nights later when another strange dream plagued my sleep. Similar to last time, there was a strange combination of scenes that I was sure I remembered and scenes that made no sense. This time though, all that I could feel was a tenseness in my whole body, like I was in a frozen state and my mind and body couldn't communicate. I couldn't move, paralysed by... fear? Shock? Disbelief? I didn't know what it was, but I woke up in the same way.
I'd heard of sleep paralysis, even experienced it a few times without realising. I think this was one of those times, with my body frozen in bed beside Wanda, but I didn't know it at the time. It just felt like a horribly-real dream. The room was dark, the familiar, yet unsettling, nightly blue hue casting shadows on the wall. But on the ceiling, bright and terrifying scenes played out before me. An explosion. Debris. Screaming.
None of it made sense and all I could feel was shock, horrified at how I couldn't move a muscle even if I tried. I tilted my head, seeing the alarm clock glowing red in the dark, letting me know it was past midnight. To the left, I saw a sleeping Wanda, lost in her dreams and unable to help me. I wanted to get up, run my hands over my face, have some water, open a window, do something. But I couldn't move. All I could do was watch the nightmare dance across the ceiling as my heart struggled to beat regularly and my lungs struggled to get enough oxygen.
I didn't know how long I was stuck like that, tears brimming my eyes and body paralysed with fear. But it finally ended and I opened my eyes, only to find the ceiling blank and myself able to move. Reluctantly, I lifted my hand, wiping the tears from my cheeks. It was just a dream (or form of sleep paralysis in hindsight). It wasn't real. But God, it felt horribly terrifying.
Admittedly, I was scared to go back to sleep for fear it would occur again. So, my eyes stayed wide awake, burning with exhaustion, and I continued to stare at the shadows on the wall, feeling my heart pounding in my ears.
I must have fallen asleep again at some point, as I woke up the next morning to Wanda getting out of bed. Sitting up in bed, I looked around and found the fear of last night wearing off now that the room was bathed in the morning light. Still, I was more shaken than I thought.
Not wanting to draw attention to it though, I let the day go on as usual, deciding to appreciate the free time I had from work to spend with Wanda. We decided to go to the park for a walk – Wanda thought it would help get me out of the Tower and I was hoping the fresh air would give me some clarity and help me to recover.
Only, it did the opposite.
We were walking hand in hand, myself listening to Wanda as she chatted about something that happened in training. If I'm being honest, I wasn't really listening; my thoughts were preoccupied with the jumbled mess that was my mind. Glimpses of memories were dancing across my head, teasing me with elements of the truth I couldn't quite make out.
My eyes drifted around mindlessly, settling on a little girl playing by the swings with her parents. I didn't think much of it, but then the familiar shouts for help from my nightmare plagued my mind, making me flinch. The dark, looming shadow returned and I suddenly felt a headache coming on, the pressure against my brain making me nauseous.
I stopped abruptly, letting go of Wanda's hand. She stopped speaking, turning around and furrowing her brows with concern.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" she asked, and I winced, clutching my head to relieve the pain.
The wave of nausea left after a moment, but the headache remained. I heard Wanda repeat my name quietly, sensing my discomfort.
"I think I need to see Doctor Maya again," I finally found my words.
"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked, resting a hand on my cheek and tilting my head up to meet her eyes. "You can tell me."
Her eyes were reassuring, calming me in an instant. I wanted to tell her everything, but I didn't want to burden her with my anxieties, so I offered her a small smile.
"I just don't think my recovery is as straightforward as I thought," I settled. "She may be able to help."
Wanda chewed her lower lip, nodding slowly. Thankfully, she didn't question me anymore. Instead, she took me back to the Tower to see Doctor Maya. I was grateful as she waited with me for her to be free, until I had to convince her I'd be okay going in myself.
"Are you sure? I don't mind," she said, exchanging looks with Doctor Maya, who looked away quickly.
I glanced between them, mildly confused, but nodded to Wanda. "I'd rather go alone, Wanda. I'll be okay."
She nodded, squeezed my hands comfortingly, then let me go. When I headed into Doctor Maya's office, she took a seat behind her desk and motioned for me to sit before her.
"You said this was urgent," she spoke first, after I took a seat opposite. "Is everything okay?"
I licked my lips, looking down at my hand as it scratched the arm of the chair nervously. "No... not really."
After a moment of hesitation and partial embarrassment, since I knew this was only supposed to be a mild concussion that felt like so much more, I explained everything that happened to Doctor Maya. The odd dreams/nightmares, the headaches, the overlapping memories and sleep paralysis. As hard as it was to relive, I told her everything in hopes she had an answer that maybe I hadn't realised.
When I finished speaking, she looked distracted with her own thoughts. I waited patiently, watching as she nodded to herself before looking to me calmly.
"It doesn't seem like anything to worry about, truthfully," she said, which I didn't expect. "You suffered a mild concussion, yes, but it must have rattled you more than we thought. The dreams and trouble sleeping are a result of your headaches and returning memories. You do remember what happened, right?"
I nodded, though something felt incorrect. "I think so, yes. I was helping an agent when a mine went off. I was thrown back, covered in debris. Hit my head."
She hummed. "Yes... and you're taking your medication?"
Another nod. "Of course. I just want to get better. The sooner I do, the sooner I can return to work."
"Then it seems that your only opponent is stress and impatience," she said simply. "You need to relax. Keep taking your meds. Try not to worry about returning to work just yet. Focus on getting better. I can prescribe you some sleeping pills if you think that will help."
Sighing disappointedly, I nodded. I was expecting more to be honest, possibly an explanation. Her words made sense logically, but it still didn't feel right. Nonetheless, I didn't want to hold her up any longer, so I let her prescribe me some more medication before leaving. Maybe I'd give relaxing a shot.
"It's a meatball."
I stifled a laugh as I studied the oddly shaped ball of meat in Wanda's hand. "Is it?"
She narrowed her eyes playfully. "It is otherwise you're making your own meal."
I laughed, pressing a haste kiss to her cheek. "Okay, okay, it's a meatball. Add it to the tray."
We were cooking spaghetti and meatballs for dinner about six days after my incident out in the field. I was still staying with Wanda at the Tower, and I was taking Doctor Maya's advice with my recovery. I didn't worry myself with returning to work which, admittedly, helped out, and the sleeping pills knocked me out long enough to get a good sleep. Though, sometimes the nightmares would still return. I didn't think about them too much though, not wanting them to hinder my recovery. Instead, I focused on getting better with my very supportive girlfriend by my side.
Wanda added the meatball to the baking tray, alongside the others, but as she reached to form another one from the bowl full of minced meat, she accidentally knocked it to the floor. The meat splattered across the tiles, making her gasp.
"Shit," she cursed, eyes widening slightly.
"Very clever," I teased with a smile.
"Let me just–"
"I got it," I cut her off, already bending to clear it up. "Just put the tray in the oven, yeah? Try not to drop it."
"Ha-ha, very funny."
I looked up in time to see her rolling her eyes playfully, but she grabbed the tray as I said.
I kneeled down, scooping the meat up and throwing it in the bowl, knowing it would have to go in the bin now. As I did, I realised how familiar the meat looked. Pink and flesh-like, covering my hands and sticking to me. Suddenly, my hands were shaking, the fleshy bits surrounded by blood, and I tried to blink away the sight, expecting to just see minced meat, but I couldn't. They were covered in what I somehow knew was the flesh of body parts.
Startled, I fell back onto my butt, my back hitting the drawer behind me and pulling me from my daydream. Wanda looked down at me with confusion, before sensing something was wrong and leaning down beside me. She rested a hand on my head, thumb stroking my forehead.
"What's wrong?" she asked, confused eyes staring between me and my hands which were still shaking. She grabbed the tea towel from the counter above us before wiping my hands for me and holding them. "Y/N. This has happened a few times. Please tell me what happened."
I was still shaken, unsure why there was a discomfort in the pit of my stomach. I risked glancing at my hands, which were clean and no longer covered in human fle– I mean, meat.
"I don't know what's going on," I finally admitted to her, shaking my head. "It's like my thoughts aren't my own. I can't control them. I just keep seeing stuff that isn't real."
She frowned, eyes peering through mine patiently.
"I still can't remember what happened with the mine," I said, swallowing the lump forming in my throat. "It's like, I know what happened and I know it's real, but when I try to remember, it just doesn't happen quite right. The picture doesn't appear. And I don't know why."
She pressed her lips together, jaw clenching slightly. I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but her eyes wouldn't meet mine.
"What did the doctor say?" she asked lowly.
I sighed, the discomfort still lining my stomach. "She thinks I just need time."
Wanda nodded, finally lifting her gaze. "Maybe she's right."
I knitted my brows together with frustration, nudging her away and standing up. "I don't need time! I'm a doctor, too. I know it shouldn't take this long. It was a mild concussion. I've treated hundreds of those."
"Just forget it," I said with exasperation, pulling away from her as she tried to reach out again. I knew it was uncalled for, taking it out on her for no reason, but I was too frustrated with the situation to care. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk."
She sighed from behind me, running a hand through her hair. I left her in the kitchen, suddenly not in the mood to eat. Clearly all of Doctor Maya's advice wasn't working – what I was experiencing wasn't normal. I needed to see her again.
So, after cleaning my hands properly and having a walk around the Tower to clear my head (as expected, it didn't work), I headed to Doctor Maya's office, hoping she was still in work today. To my surprise, when I reached her office, I saw her door was slightly ajar and she was already speaking to someone. My intention wasn't to eavesdrop, but when I heard my name said in a hushed whisper from a familiar voice, I knew I had to stay.
"...can't say anything," Wanda finished. "She'll get better."
Doctor Maya sounded frustrated. "It's not right, Miss Maximoff. This is against everything I stand for. Against everything Y/N stands for, too, I'm sure."
"This is for her benefit," Wanda snapped, before taking a deep breath. "Look, she can't handle the truth. It'll break her... I haven't worked out the kinks, but it'll be okay. She'll get better."
What the hell were they talking about? What truth could I not handle? Wanda and the doctor were in on something together, something they didn't want me to know... and it was something to do with why I was feeling like how I was. I knew I wasn't going insane – something was wrong!
I left them to it with plans of seeing the doctor afterwards, not wanting to get caught, and tried to wrap my head around the fact that Wanda had been keeping something from me this whole time. How could she? I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I thought that we could trust each other.
What was she hiding?
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afictionalwhore · 4 years
Oh Baby!
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A/N: this was something sweet inspired by some of my babies at the daycare but then at 1 am, it turned into something completely different. I’ll try to make a part two out of the original idea. I struggled hard with a title. Titles are the worst
TW: mentions of kidnapping, soft yandere, smut, pregnancy
2.4K words
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Ever since Keigo kidnapped married you, he had kept you tucked away in your new home, a cozy cabin up the side of a secluded, lesser known mountain. You lived so high up in such a densely forested area that only Hawks could find you, completely cut off from the outside world. He never had to worry about you leaving, one woman with a common healing quirk that would do nothing to help in navigating down the mountain. The locals, inhabitants of a small village at the foot of your mountain, believed the woods to be enchanted, so Keigo had to worry less about a villager managing to stumble their way into your backyard.  
It wasn't so bad. Keigo made sure you were never bored. For when he wasn't home for you to tend to his needs, Keigo kept your home well stocked with books. It was the first thing he had shown you in your new home: your personal library. A whole room of the quaint house, your favorites, a whole shelf dedicated to just literary classics, as well as everything on your "to read" list. There was never a shortage of cookbooks. He was so excited that his large wings were flapping as though he were a young puppy wagging their tail, the giant scarlet curtain nearly knocking a shelf down on you.
"I hope you like it." Keigo looked at you, his eyes shining like an innocent puppy. "As much as I love you, I can't be with you all day. Someone has to keep food on the table." He chuckled while keeping a tight grip on your waist, and looking down at you expectantly.
"Oh. Thank you," you replied, your voice small, but loud enough for Keigo to hear. The hold on your waist loosened, and Keigo resumed his tour of your new home.
Of course, there was no TV, lest you stumble upon the news. While he's at it, no newspaper either. You didn't need those to know what was going on outside. It was a scary world out there, full of villains who wouldn't hesitate to snatch you up and use your healing quirk for their own. You were perfectly safe here with him. 
It took some time, but eventually you had come around and loved Keigo back. You were always curled up on the couch, book in hand, waiting for him to come home. As soon as he was in the doorway, you'd make your way to him, like clockwork, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek while helping him shrug off his heavy coat. Your voice was still small and hesitant around him, as though you were afraid of him. This irritated him, as Keigo didn't understand what could make you so jumpy still. He had never raised a hand against you. The two of you would have dinner, usually having to reheat whatever you had made because Keigo often worked overtime. Keigo was so happy you were making use of the cookbooks he gave you. 
You were turning out to be the perfect wife. Keigo was certain you loved him just as much as he loved you, or as close as someone could come to that level of love. He didn't believe anyone could match the way he felt about you. You were even going to have a kid together, a testament of your love. 
When you first announced your pregnancy to him, Keigo was ecstatic. He had come home that day, exhausted and overworked, excited to be welcomed home by his little wife. His stomach growled as he landed in your front yard, and he wondered what you decided to cook up for him. He noticed you'd gotten experimental in your cooking, always asking how things tasted. You were so cute when you had him guess whatever secret ingredient you added. 
When you weren’t at the door to greet him with open arms and a kiss, Keigo was disappointed in you. You were doing so well. He shook off his coat and stretched his wings, taking up the better half of your living room. You weren't nestled in the couch, engrossed in a book, as you sometimes were too distracted in your literary world to realize he had come home.
"Baby," Keigo called out, his voice echoing against the wooden walls of your homely cabin. "I'm home. I know it's a lot later than usual."
 Keigo figured you must have gone to bed already. He could forgive you for not staying up for him, he thought it was rather cute, though next time, he wished you'd fall asleep on the couch. 
When he entered your shared bedroom, Keigo saw you curled up on the bed, your back facing the doorway. You trembled—or was it a shiver? You must be cold without his body heat beside you. Keigo was his own heating unit.  
“Baby bird,” Keigo took a step into the room. “I’m home."
No response from you.
Another step.
"Can I get a kiss?”
You shivered again.
Keigo had taken off his uniform as he was making his way towards you and the bed. Now in just his boxers, Keigo heaved himself on the bed, his weight causing the mattress to sink slightly. He laid on his side to spoon you, wrapping a large, warm arm around your center. At this distance, Keigo heard it: your small sniffles. You weren't asleep; you were crying.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Keigo asked, worry sickening him. "Did ya miss me that much?" He tried to joke, more for his sake than yours.
After no response from you, save for a few more sniffles, Keigo asked once again what was wrong, a little more urgently. His racing thoughts of you leaving, of you not loving him, were sending him into a panic.
You mumbled incoherently.
"What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you." Keigo struggled to hang on to his cool.
You mumbled yet again, causing Keigo's growing panic and frustration with you to snap. He clamored over you, swinging his legs so that you were caged underneath him, his hands at either side of your head. Golden eyes locked onto your watery ones, staring you down.
“(y/n),” Keigo said firmly. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
"I'm pregnant" you spat at him, frustrated at the fact itself and having to repeat it three times. The more you said it felt like the final pat of a shovel packing the dirt above your grave. You wiped away a tear before turning and shoving your face in your pillow. 
“Oh baby.” Keigo was almost at loss for words. He had been anticipating this moment—stocking the bathroom cabinet with pregnancy tests the moment you arrived—yet in it, he didn’t know what exactly he wanted to say. He took your face in his hands and turned your head to look at him.
“Are you for real?”
“What would I gain from lying?” You attempted to make your words hit him like poisonous darts, but your quaking voice only managed to soften him.
“I love you so much,” Keigo dipped his head down to give you a chaste kiss, softer than his usual greedy ones, as though he were afraid of breaking you. Your eyes shut instinctively.
“This is so exciting, (y/n). You have no idea how happy I am."
A kiss to your cheek. 
 "I love you."
A kiss to your other cheek.
"I love you."
Keigo rose up on his hands and knees again.
"I promise to be the best father to our child."
You felt something splash on your cheek. You slowly opened your eyes again to see Keigo crying above you. 
"I love you, too," your voice small and shaky as you looked up at Keigo, knowing he would just continue to stare at you and cry until you said it back.
Keigo beamed down at you before dipping down for another kiss, this one a little rougher, more passionate is how Keigo would describe it.  His warm mouth worked against yours, his lips chapped slightly from the harsh wind on his rushed flight home. 
You thought Keigo would deepen the kiss, expecting to feel his impatient tongue poking between your lips and licking your bottom lip. Instead Keigo pulled away and sat back on your legs, the bottom half of his own legs tucking your legs under him. He studied your body, eyes trailing down your form, stopping briefly at your stomach. 
Keigo bent down again, lips now hungrily, but gently, pecking at your neck. He pulled your shirt off, delighted by your lack of bra underneath, before making his way down your chest to pepper your body with kisses. Between each small kiss, Keigo whispered "I love you" against your body.
His large hands came up to cup your breasts, careful not to squeeze too hard lest he hurt you. Usually Keigo would give them more attention, but that wasn't his main focus for tonight. He hummed as he kissed between them, flicking your nipples lightly. You couldn't suppress a small moan.
Spurred by your shy noises of pleasure, Keigo continued to move down your body. When he reached your lower abdomen, right below your belly button, Keigo's whispers of "I love you" grew more frantic, as though he was trying to tell the baby that was forming in you that he loved them.
When Keigo finally reached between your legs, he planted sweet kisses on the insides of your thighs while dragging your panties down. He tossed them to the side and lifted your legs onto his shoulders before nestling down. Keigo's face between your legs was hit with your heat. He inhaled your sweet scent, and his honeyed eyes looked up to meet yours.
"I love you, (y/n)," he stated before dipping down to lap at your puffy folds.
Keigo was excited, as any man in his position would be. As much as he wanted to pound into your until your voice hoarse from your cries and screams of his name, his main goal tonight was to make you feel good while being as gentle with you as possible. He was terrified of hurting his child in you because of his lack of self-control.
His tongue flicked at your clit, continuing to hold your gaze until your head rolled back with a low groan. Your hands found themselves tangling into his tousled golden hair, your back arching in attempt to push yourself into his mouth. Keigo chuckled against your swollen clit, the vibrations causing you to cry out and tug on his golden locks.
This spurred him on more. Keigo pushed a rough finger into you before hooking it and dragging slowly out of you, drawing a sweet moan of his name to fall out of your lips. This repeated motion combined with his sucking and lapping at your clit caused you to climb higher to your orgasm.
“Keigo, please,” you begged, seeking relief from the coiling in your gut.
Keigo hummed again against your clit, eliciting the same sweet moan and tug from you as before. He took his chance to slip another finger into you, curling both fingers against your spongy spot before dragging them down your walls.
"Keigo, I'm so close," you whined.
"Then come, baby bird." That was all you needed for the band to snap. Moans of his name and incoherent phrases tumbling out of your pretty lips.
While you were climbing down from your orgasm, Keigo found the time to remove his boxers.
Keigo sat down back down on the mattress, settling beside your shaking form with his back to the headboard. His own need was now too painful to ignore. Not wanting to put any unnecessary pressure on your stomach, Keigo pulled you up and into his lap, your entrance, slick with your own cum and his spit, hovered over his weeping cock, close enough for the heat radiating out of you to tease him. 
“I love you.” Keigo held eye contact with you as he sank you down on his cock, his large hands holding your hips. Once you were fully seated on him, Keigo leaned back against the headboard. He gave a few shallow thrusts to test what you (and the baby) could handle.
Keigo settled on a steady, but gentle rhythm. You splayed your hands on his broad chest as he bounced you on his cock. Despite the gentleness and the shallowness of Keigo's thrusts and your bouncing, you were quickly climbing your way to a second orgasm. Already sensitive from your first, Keigo's cockhead managed to nudge against your sweet spot with every roll of his hips.
"Keigo, I'm close." you cried, hiding your face in his neck. One of his hands left your hip to allow his thumb to roll your sensitive bud, causing your walls to tighten and convulse around him.
"Me too, baby." Keigo said, breathless. "I'm so close. So close. Come with me, baby."
With a strained groan, Keigo's thumb on your clit sped up, causing the heat that had once again built up within you to break. You scratched desperately at Keigo's back, hiding your face into the crook of his neck. Your hot walls clamped down on him, the final push Keigo needed to fall off the edge himself.
With chants of "I love you", Keigo began to hump his cum into you before stilling, his hips flush against yours, head tilted back and back arching off the headboard.
Once you had both come back to earth, Keigo laid you onto your back before pulling out his softening dick from you and rolling off you onto his side, white cum leaking out of you. 
"Not that this really matters anymore now," Keigo couldn't help the chuckle that left him. With the pad of his index finger, he pushed his now cooled cum into you. 
At that statement, the fog of your two orgasms lifted, and the realization of your situation set in; you could never leave now. You let out a choked sob as Keigo rested a hand on your stomach before pulling you into him and wrapping a large, red wing over the two of you like a personal cocoon. Nuzzling his face into your neck, facial hair tickling the crook, Keigo gave you soft kisses and gentle words of praise, chalking up your soft sobs to the hormones adjusting your body to his child.
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chroniclesinlacuna · 3 years
oh man.... this is gonna break my heart, but marcid, whichever one of your pairings strikes you? ;u;
total honesty - this started out much sadder so you weren't wrong lol - but it turned out a little bit more lighthearted! Hope you like it 💛
marcid - incredibly exhausted
Pairing: pre-mShenko | Words: ~650 | Rating: G read on ao3
“...should we wake them up?” It’s an attempt at a whisper, Shepard will give her that. He can almost feel Garrus staring at them too before he hears the shuffle of feet.
“...Nah, let ‘em sleep.”
“But, Kaidan needs to see Dr. Chakwas…”
“Shepard will get him there.” More shuffling before the heavy hiss of the shuttle door sliding closed and the muffle of conversation fades away.
It’s quiet, for a long, dark moment, and if Shepard really, really wanted to, he’s pretty sure he could actually fall back asleep. Just, turn his head a little, rest back on the one currently leaning on his shoulder and fade out for a bit. It’s a nice idea.
“...Are they gone?”
“You know, one day, they’re gonna catch on.”
And Kaidan snorts out a laugh, hand coming up to rub at his eyes. He doesn’t move away from where he’s leaning on Shepard, and honestly, he’s in no mood to make him just yet.
“If they haven’t yet, I don’t think they’re going to Shepard.”
“Wrex knows.”
“Old bastard knows everything. Hasn’t said anything about it though.” Point. If anyone on this ship knew the importance of catching rest where they could, it would be the old man.
Shepard just hums softly, shaking his head and leaning back heavily against the shuttle wall. It’s not the most comfortable of places, but he’s had worse rides back to the Normandy, so he can’t really complain. Kaidan huffs out something that sounds like a curse before forcefully readjusting himself to lay his head in Shepard’s lap, apparently determined to get an actual nap in before they have to rejoin the crew.
And Shepard…Shepard can’t blame him. They’ve been going, going, going in the last three weeks since the Battle of the Citadel. They got about a week to take a breather before getting unceremoniously - well, no, there was a ceremony, a pretty nice one too - shooed out of the Citadel and into Geth space. And since then, they’d been getting ping-ponged through every relay from the Caleston Rift to the Far Rim, barely staying long enough in one spot to get an all-clear and their next coordinates.
Continuous back to back jumps planet side, and a crew so hopped up on victory and the come down no one ever talks about, and there wasn’t really a quiet spot left on the ship. Shepard could feel his edges fraying - leaking blue at the nervous energy crammed into the already tight quarters. And Kaidan was no better.
It wasn’t so bad…no, it was worse, but it was…it was directed when they were chasing Saren. They had a focus. A point to break. A breakdown could be put on the backburner because they had something so much bigger to focus on. It didn’t matter that he could feel his implant overheating most days, and it didn’t matter that Kaidan couldn’t sleep around the migraines or that when he grew staticy, even Liara had to pause and step back. It didn’t matter that the rest of the crew was falling apart in little ways they all noticed but carefully never mentioned.
They had a goal, and they won.
And now? Now there was nothing. Nothing but the energy and a relentless go go go spurred on by the Council’s indecision and the crew’s own cresting morale.
It was great and it was awful.
And goddammit, the crew let them sleep in the shuttle undisturbed by some unspoken agreement.
So no, Shepard really can’t blame Kaidan for using him as a pillow. Hell, he was only returning the favor from last time.
“Liara was right though - you do need to see Chakwas.”
“Later…” Kaidan mutters, a yawn drawing out the last syllable. “Barely a graze.” And Shepard snorts, but just crosses his arms and settles further into his corner, careful not to dislodge the other man.
“I’m telling her you said that.” 
“Careful, Casey. I know where you got shot too.”
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #13
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((edited because I figured out to add some more history facts that I think are important))
~POV Sinbad~
"The Kou Empire, huh?"
"That is going to make things risky."
With all of the Generals caught up with what happened in Balbadd, they needed to start planning for King Sinbad's trip to the Kou Empire, as well as catching him up with everything that had happened in Sindria while he was gone.
"LadY YamuRAI H AA AA A" A yell came from the hallway accompanied by the sounds of running.
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((Sinbad is hidden on the left. There's a hint of him poking out.))
A panting magician gave apologies for disturbing their meeting and ran to the head of Sindria's magicians. "I wish I knew you were here so I didn't search the tower first~" Then he started explaining about some magical proof. Most of his words sounded like gibberish to the rest, but it was clear that he had made some kind of break though.
Yam jumped out of her seat. "How did you finally figure it out?! Who figured it out?!" She whipped her head to her King, "Sorry your majesty," and then looked back to the other magician.
"It was the work of the Prophet!” the magician answered. "We were talking about her illness and she pulled out scrolls that- you just have to read them for yourself!”
Mori had said that she had written other scrolls before she started coping down Fate. This must have been what she was working on.
Both magicians bowed out to go test out this new information. Before they could leave, Sinbad ended the meeting; there was no way he was going to wait to learn what other information Mori had blessed them with. Ja'far followed as did a few of the other Generals.
When they got into the court yard, the doctors that had been sent to take care of Mori were already pushing their supply cart back to their main building. The magician that had stayed behind spotted them and raised two scrolls up triumphantly. "She let me take the scrolls!"
News of the scrolls written by a Prophet spread throughout the Black Libra Tower within an hour. Yamuraiha and the doctors explained their significance to King Sinbad.
If even a fraction of the theories in the scrolls proved true it would completely changed their understanding of how illnesses work. If Mori wasn't sick she would undoubtedly be swarmed with questions and demands for proof. According to the magicians, nothing in the scrolls went against any known information. Instead, they gave explanations to why certain things that had been attempted in the past had failed. What she wrote about 'cells' was what really caught the eyes of the white magicians and doctors. As an example, according to Mori's writing there were blood types and most couldn't mix; that would explain why most past attempts at blood transfusions had failed.
The 2nd scroll showed a break down of even smaller particles, and how the structures of different particles made up everything. This was going to bring alchemic magic to a whole new era. Sure, such things would most likely be limited to high magicians, group efforts, and the Magi, but it looked possible now. A lot of common magic of the current day took extreme amounts of magoi in the past because they hadn't found the right formula yet. Mori's writing -if true- could easily be used as a guide to finding the right order of commands for many spells.
And even more than that, Mori had said that she had even more information to share; she had just ran out of scrolls and ink.
Mori's presence in Sindria, and everything that went with it were Fate and the Rukh's guidance. King Sinbad could see it -the future he wanted.
~POV Mori~
In Sindria's Palace there is a Great Bell. It is rung during celebrations, and to signify the King returning home like it did earlier that day, but it's main use was to ring every 2 hours to tell everyone the time since clocks weren't invented yet. So even though I was a sick person trying to rest during the day, I was woken up by the Great Bell every 2 hours... which of course is also situated right on top of the guest tower.
For obvious reasons, I was awake again.
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I wish I knew how the others responded to the scrolls. I really wanted to know Yam's opinion most. Those scrolls basically gave away the secret to Yunan's signature alchemy magic.
I still had the first scroll I had worked on -the one on the science behind blimps-, and the last science scroll I had started. That one was on DNA, and reproductive systems. It was the last one I started in Balbadd. I hadn't started working on it until sunrise on my 2nd sleepless night and it showed; there were missing words everywhere, many incomplete sentences, and I couldn't stay in topic.
These mistakes were too great to fix with an ink knife. Editing was going be super annoying and time consuming since I couldn't work digitally. I'd have to physically cut up the first draft to put everything in the right order before making the next one.
Wait- Did this world have scissors???
Back home the first evolution of shears that could be labeled as scissors was in Roman barber shops in the last hundred years or so before Rome fell. China would spontaneous also create something akin to scissors not long after. Reim and the Kou Empire seemed to line up with Rome and ancient China for the most part, so I tend to use them to place the time period, but the dress Princess Dunya wears is centuries off and throws all historical accuracy questions out the window. Rome was long gone by the time boning was added to women's undergarments, and that dress had all the signs of boned corsetry.
Fuck it. I'll ask for scissors and if they don't have them I'll just invent them myself. I had been drafting professionally for the past 4 years. That may have been for microelectronics, but it uses all the same skills; I could do this. I needed to get a ruler -or at least a straight edge- and a drafting compass which they probably have based on the look of maps in the series, and pencils, or at least colored inks if they had them. I probably needed to reinvent the French curve(stencil tool used in art & drafting)...
Since I was struggling to fall back asleep I moved to the table and pulled out my test scroll. It was full of random marks and some of my early drawing attempts that I used to practice with the dip pen -it's also where I wrote down the dreams from the Rukh. I'd write the list of things I needed, rip the section out of the scroll, and pass the list to someone who could get me what I was asking for. I added some living necessities too like sleep wear and a comb.
The maids that came to give me dinner, and next dose of medicine were not pleased that I wasn't in bed -I was an important guest who was sick after all. And I wasn't pleased to have to drink more of that bitter medicine, but we can't have nice things all the time, now can we?
My voices was strained but I managed to communicate enough. I gave them my list, and laundry (the clothes I wore on the boat) before they left. They'd get me the things the next day. I was instructed to sleep until someone brings me breakfast the next day... which is what I was going to do anyway since the sun was practically gone. I might be a bit of a workaholic but I'm not going to let myself pull an accidental all-nighter when I know I'm still sick. I'm far more self aware than that.
And besides, the Great Bell didn't ring at night.
Maids brought my breakfast (& meds) the next morning and let me know that my clothes would be cleaned and dry by the end of the day. I guess they didn't use magic for everything.
They also gave me all of the drafting and inking supplies I asked for except for scissors. In one of the omakes Sinbad was shown cutting his hair with a knife as a part of his normal grooming. I had hoped he was just old fashioned.
For the greater good and the future of my own hair care, I drafted up detailed designs for a few different types of basic scissors. They wouldn't look fancy, but hopefully I had put enough of a detailed explanation on everything for the smith to figure out what I was asking. Steel wasn't developed until the middle ages and some of the counties of this world matched that so I hoped
that God and anime were on my side. I really wanted scissors that would be a good quality.
And if that didn't work I'd just have to get used to using knives and bladed rollers like a regular person.
The Great Bell rung for 10 am. There were at least another 2 hours before someone would show up, to give lunch, that I could ask to take my draft for the scissors to a black Smith.
I should be resting as a sick person. I should be more exhausted and in pain as a sick person. What was making me recover this quickly?
I still didn't feel like laying back down, so I decided to start drafting up the materials and equipment for proving everything I had written in the scrolls I gave the previous day.
Globally, micro-organisms, viruses, and bacteria were not really accept or proved until the late 1800's. Since Magi seems to take place some time around our 100AD-1300, and Yunan hinting at chemical compounds was seen as shocking by Yam, I knew that my bio scrolls were probably causing an uproar in the Black Libra Tower. I refused to use actual people or wait for an outbreak to prove it like how it happened in history -like how John Snow proved it when finding the cause of cholera outbreaks in 1848 and 1854 England. No, I needed to show how to prove these things in a lab, and to do that I was going to need to explain how to keep samples and invent a way to see microorganisms.
First was for a glass petri dish and other containers for samples. I'd need at least 3 -preferably more. I know glass works have been around since BC, and that this world had glass windows in some scenes, but I worried about the quality of the glass contaminating the experiments. I was going to have to boil them beforehand to sterilize them anyway.
Gosh I wish I had access to nonporous, air tight containers, and a temperature controlled environment. The heat and humidity of Sindria could easily mess everything up.
Wait... I suddenly remembered a scene from the Magnostadt arc when they showed how a sample was being stored. They already had good enough glass. I knew there were magic bio experiments but I had no idea how they worked.
With the realization that I was getting ahead myself, I switched to writing about how to use the scientific method to test for germs. It was basically the bread in a bag test to teach young children about germs but with petri dishes. I also wrote about how to analyze samples with a microscope to see micro organisms so I was going to have to figure that out next.
Lunch came as the perfect break.
Just thinking about reinventing this thing made me nervous. I knew magnifying glasses existed in ancient Rome, but they would be nothing like what I was used to. I had to explain how light moves and made multiple diagrams showing how concave and convex lenses affect light as well as the material of the lens. I ended up also showing how to make a telescope even though I knew Yam already had one.
Magicians were the only ones shown with glasses. Maybe now the rest of the world could have them too.
4 o'clock came and so did 3 doctors and a magician. It was less than yesterday, but still more than necessary to treat or analyze one person. I only recognized one of the doctors from the previous day. All of the new faces looked nervous. None of them looked young by any measure, so I really doubted this was their first time treating someone.
They weren't happy to see me at the table and made me return to my bed -their loss.
The doctor from the previous day was the one doing most of the talking. "Your recovery is amazing. You will most likely be better in another 3 days at this rate if not sooner. It's practically a miracle."
I smiled. "It's pretty shocking for me too." As long as I spoke quietly and kept my comments short, I found I could talk again for a bit.
The doctor was silent for a moment before changing the subject. "I know you need rest, but would you be willing to answer a few questions about those scrolls from yesterday?
The 3 other men looked expectant. This was why they were here.
"I don't mind as long as you don't make me talk too much."
Then came the question I was expecting since I had first made the scrolls. "I know you are a Prophet and the information came from your visions but is there any way you can prove what you wrote?"
I pointed to the table with the scroll I had started earlier. "I can't prove it with the current equipment I have, so I've been drafting up the needed equipment and processes for proving it."
They all turned to look at where I was pointing.
I added, "It's not done, but you're welcome to read what I have so far."
I was thanked as they went to the table they had called me away from when they entered.
'He called it 'visions?' Really?' I had to ask Sinbad later what he was telling his people about me so I could keep the story straight.
The magician confirmed for the others what I wrote about light bending. There was magic to do that, but not everyone is a magician. I had just invented a way for non-magicians to bend light.
Just wait until I show them a prism that can split light into colors. Or teach them how light is perceived in the eye. Or even better, show them the double slit experiment that proves that light is a particle not just a wave... Did they know light was a wave yet?
"Lady Prophet."
I was pulled out of my thoughts.
"You said this isn't finished and there is plenty of space in this scroll for more, but would you let us take this back to the tower so we can get started?"
I wanted to say 'no.' I was still coming up with things to add to it, but I also knew that holding things back because I wanted to save paper was a fool's game. Besides, I could always add more to it later.
I nodded and they thanked me before making me promise not to leave my bed. They were grateful for this new scroll but not at the expense of my health -they were doctors after all.
And then they left.
It was probably about 5pm if my internal clock was on schedule, so I had about an hour before the next ring of the Bell.
Even if I wasn't a man of my word, I would have lost the motivation to work with my current project taken from me while I was still in the middle of making it.
So, I did the thing I grew up doing when I was bedridden from illness: I looked out the window. From the bed I could only see the tops of the buildings on the other side of the courtyard. The Tower that was just poking in from the left had to be the Black Libra Tower.
The waves in Sindria were calmer yet stronger than those in Balbadd. It was probably due to Sinbad's influence. He brought stability and security to his people. I could understand why so many chose to follow him or ally with him. But I knew where all this would lead. As he obtains more power and influence he will stop being able to see himself from the pedestal that he and everyone else put him on; his greed will make him blind to the wants and needs of others, and like a middle aged parent that isn't ready for their child to leave the nest he will take out his frustration on the world that was moving on without him. When Sinbad dies at the end of the manga, Drakon realizes that they all put too much on Sinbad's shoulders.
To change Fate, I was going to have to make sure I never put him on that pedestal nor rely on him for much. And I was going to have to convince the 8 Generals to do the same -or at least to start pulling more of the weight.
The 6 o'clock Bell came faster than I expected, as well as my dinner not long after. They brought my clean laundry, a sleeping gown, and some other common clothes and things for my convenience.
I would have preferred something much shorter for the night gown since I hate having a lot of extra fabric around my legs when I already have blankets. I was not going to risk being walked in on by doctors or whoever when sleeping naked, so I would make do for now.
There was no way King Sinbad wasn't going to reward me for those scrolls. If it was some kind of treasure I'd sell it and buy a new wardrobe for myself that actually suited me, and if the reward was a request then I would ask that he pay for everything directly.
The light coming in my windows changed, and I watched my 2nd sunset in Sindria.
When Sinbad found this island 10 years ago, he completely terraformed it. He didn't get rid of all of the vegetation that was here, but he did break down one of the sides to allow for easier access by boat. The side he carved out faced northish towards all of the other known countries, so no boat would have a reason to circle the island. It was a decision that would benefit the merchants and make it easier to defend.
It also meant that my windows faced west, so I could watch the Sun set every day. I couldn't help but see that as a blessing and a curse. Sure not getting the sunrise meant I'd need to put more effort into
waking up in the morning but that wasn't the part I was worried about.
See- The thing is... I have synesthesia (having 2 or more senses overlapping). I see sounds, letters, and numbers as colors and textures. I have it mild enough that I can normally block it out so it's not too distracting (thank God because music is a main stim), but sometimes I'll hear something and get overwhelmed by how it looks.
Each letter and number is a color. So every voice can make every color, but language, pitch, tone, and accent all affect the colors and textures I see from a person's voice like a filter. There have definitely been some people that I struggled to give my full attention to when I first met them because I was entranced by how their voice looked. The more I hear a person's voice the more I'm able to move its visuals to the background so I can focus -desensitizing myself to it.
Luckily, Sinbad's voice is normally not so distracting that I stop paying attention. Since it's like a merger of every voice actor I've heard play him (All the characters I had met so far were like this.) I'm already desensitized. The similarities across all of the VAs meant that his voice looked like a sunset -full of deep purples and magentas, and bright reds, peach, and gold, and with a smooth and flowing texture like painting in acrylic with a wet brush -like a painting of the last moments of a sunset.
His voice was as pretty as he was.
I hadn't actually gotten to see or hear him for a whole day. But I'd get to look at his voice's equivalent every day while living under his protection.
It was frustrating to admit -I barely knew him as a real person- yet I couldn't deny that I missed him. I feel asleep watching the sun set.
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((I wasn't going to write about my synesthesia, but this is my fanfic and I thought it might be fun to reference the colors peoples voices make when the characters talk. I'm not going to paint every VA and head cannon, but I will describe them as I go. Ja'far's Japanese and English VAs have voices that look very different so finding the middle ground is proving tricky.
Also, anyone who noticed that the purple I see in Sinbad's voice is the same as the purple I've been using for the illustrations and comics is super smart and cool.))
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taxicabinmemphis · 4 years
48. “I’m a little drunk right now.” + 52. “Are you showing off for me?” Logan x Janus, Roman, or Virgil (I don't care who out of those three), Logan being the drunk one. The other side finds them in or by a bar, they weren't there before or while Logan got drunk
so my mind saw this and went from broke: logince woke: loginceit/roloceit bespoke: analoginceit/roloanxceit
(tw swearing, alcohol, food, kissing without consent sorry)
(please forgive the inaccuracies for drunken behavior, hangovers, and that I wrote way too much lol. also logan is a teacher or professor and roman can cook but it’s hardly mentioned)
Logan rested his head on the bar table, just having downed a shot of vodka. His three roommates who he just so happened to be in love with got together a couple of days ago, but only decided to tell him this morning.
The worst part was, he understood why they were together. They made sense. In his very professional and totally-not-drunk opinion, Logan didn’t fit. Despite this, he was still head over heels.
He liked three people and instead of liking him, they liked each other. It was just his luck. So now he was here, drinking away the emotional pain.
He lifted his head off the table and asked the bartender for another shot of vodka. The bartender gave him a concerned look but complied.
Logan was lifting the glass to his lips when he heard it.
“Logan! Oh my god, Logan!”
Logan snorted, taking a small sip from the vodka. The person calling his name sounded like Roman. He set the shot glass down and someone then grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. Logan was just able to make out the beloved face of Roman looking at him in concern.
“Oh, thank goodness I found you!” he exclaimed in relief. “I’m gonna text Janus and Virgil.”
“What do you want, Roman?” Logan slurred.
“What do I want?!” Roman repeated incredulously. “I want to make sure you’re alright. You said you were going out to get lunch and would be back in an hour and a half but you weren’t! It’s eleven right now!”
“So what? Ten hours longer than expected, not too bad.”
“Not too bad? Janus, Virgil, and I were worried sick!”
Logan shrugged sloppily. “Not my fault.”
“Are you blaming us for worrying about you?”
Logan took another sip of vodka, clearly more calm about the situation than the flailing Roman.
“Roommates normally don’t scream at each other for not telling each other their every plan for the day. It’s not my fault y’all are overbearing.”
“Overbearing? Over-fucking-bearing?! You told us you would return, and you didn’t! Virgil was yelling about car crashes and kidnapping and murder and scared the shit out of me and Janus! We just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine,” Logan stated. “I’m a little drunk right now, but besides that I’m good.”
Logan’s attention was stolen by Virgil and Janus racing over to where the two of them were. They were both wide-eyed and out of breath.
“Logan!” Virgil said, grazing his hand over Logan’s shoulder as if to make sure he was real. “Roman, is he okay?”
“He said he’s a little drunk, but fine,” Roman said angrily.
Janus gave Logan a once-over. “A little drunk, my ass. Bartender!” he called. The bartender turned. “How much has this nerd had?”
“I don’t have the recollection to be precise, so drunk as a skunk is all I can tell you, dude,” they replied.
Logan’s three love interests made various noises of discontent. Logan rolled his eyes and went to take another sip of vodka.
“Ah, no,” Janus said, taking the glass from Logan’s hands. “No more for you.”
“Can’t you just let me get drunk in peace?” Logan asked.
Virgil shook his head, motioning the bartender back over to take his drink. They did and gave the four a look.
“You gonna take him home?” they asked.
Logan sighed, taking out his wallet. “Putting up a fight will only draw attention and there’s three of you and one of me. I’ll go with them.”
He handed the bartender his card to pay.
“Nonsense, let me pay,” Roman offered.
Logan snorted. “Fuck off, Roman. You’ve been overbearing since you got here, can’t you let me have this?”
Roman looked taken aback and even a little hurt. The bartender cautiously took Logan’s outstretched card, likely not wanting to upset someone sober and angry.
Once Logan had paid, he got off the bar seat and stood shakily, crossing his arms. He was hardly standing up but didn’t want his three roommates to notice.
“Who’s gonna drive me?” he asked.
“We walked, as we were checking around everywhere. I, currently the most competent gay as you are drunk, will drive,” Janus stated, holding out his hand for Logan’s car keys.
Logan fumbled for his keys, getting them out of his pocket with shaky hands and giving them to Janus. Virgil frowned in concern at Logan’s movements.
“Are you sure you’re alright, L?” Virgil inquired. “You’re rarely this unbalanced.”
“He’s drunk, V, what do you expect?” Janus pocketed the keys. “Let’s go.”
The four started to walk out of the bar. Virgil took Janus’ free hand, Logan suppressing a sad whine. He looked down and wished he could stir in his feelings away from his roommates. However, they just so happened to be naturally caring and worried people who wouldn’t leave him alone.
His negative thoughts consumed his focus, prompting him to lose his balance. He started to fall, only for a pair of strong arms to catch him.
“Woah there, you good?” Roman asked.
“Fine,” Logan mumbled, trying to get back on his feet but slipping again.
“You’re really drunk, huh?” Roman seemed much calmer than before. “Here, let me help you.”
“N...no,” Logan protested quietly.
Roman either didn’t hear him or didn’t care as he picked up Logan bridal style. Logan had no choice but to put his arms around Roman’s shoulders. Fortunately for him, his blush could be attributed to the high amount of alcohol he had consumed. He saw Janus and Virgil glance at them, a look on their face similar to that of their friend Patton’s when he saw a kitten.
“Aww...” Virgil cooed. “Look at you two.”
“It’s disgusting and not cute at all,” Janus agreed with a smile.
“Put me down,” Logan huffed.
“Nope,” Roman said with a grin.
Logan frowned, pausing for a second. “I don’t need to be carried, especially not like this. Are you showing off for me?”
Roman’s face reddened.
“Wait no, it’s not that...you wanna show your boyfriends you’re strong,” Logan said, his slurred words dragging out the final word longer than intended.
Virgil snorted. “Is that what it is, Roman?” Virgil opened the door to the bar for his roommates.
“Whatever, you two.”
They walked out to Logan’s car, Janus unlocking the door and sitting in the driver’s seat. Roman opened the back door and set Logan in the car before taking the passenger seat. Virgil sat on Logan’s left.
The drive to their shared apartment was short and next to silent, Logan starting to show signs of fatigue. Eventually, Janus pulled the car into the driveway. He stopped and turned off the car but didn’t get out immediately, instead throwing his head back against the seat in exhaustion.
Virgil felt something hit his shoulder, and saw that Logan had passed out on his shoulder.
The anxious emo’s mouth opened in awe and he decided to brush Logan’s hair out of his eyes.
“Look,” Virgil called to his boyfriends. “He’s asleep on my shoulder.”
Roman let out an “aww” and Janus chuckled.
“Let’s get him inside,” he suggested.
Virgil sighed in disappointment and pushed Logan’s shoulder to wake him up. Eventually, he did, and when he noticed where his head was, he shot himself into a sitting position. Virgil’s heart sank a little in disappointment.
Roman opened Logan’s door and offered the now awake side his hand. Logan unbuckled his seat belt after four unsuccessful tries and refused Roman’s hand. The refusal was a mistake, however, as Logan almost fell again.
Roman caught him, shaking his head in disapproval. “Just let me help you sometimes, Teach. I don’t bite.”
“I don’t wanna.”
Roman picked Logan up again and followed Janus and Virgil. They eventually made it to their apartment, Janus unlocking and opening the door for them. Roman placed Logan gently on the couch in a sitting position. Virgil sat next to him and Roman sat in an armchair across from them.
“Where do you want your keys, Logan?” Janus asked. “I’d hate for you to be unable to find them tomorrow.”
“Coffee table is fine till morning,” Logan murmured, Janus hardly catching what he said. He set the keys there and stayed standing.
“Should we ask him why he was gone for so long?” Roman asked.
Janus shook his head. “No. We’ll do it in the morning. Look at him, he’s already drifting off.”
They watched as Logan fell asleep again, leaning over towards Virgil. Virgil grinned at this, guiding Logan’s head to his lap.
“We should let him sleep. Then, we can ask him after lunch.” Janus stood behind the chair Roman was sitting at, putting his hands on Roman’s shoulders.
Roman turned to Janus. “Why wait that long? I want to make sure he’s okay.”
“Yeah, me too,” Virgil agreed. “He could be going through some shit we don’t know about.”
“He’ll have a hangover. We don’t want to trouble him or put a lot on his mind when he’s in pain.”
The two nodded. Virgil started to run his fingers through Logan’s hair, appreciating its softness. He removed Logan’s glasses, smiling at how pretty his face was even without the spectacles that completed his look.
“He’s so pretty,” Virgil said quietly.
Janus hummed in agreement.
“It’s a pity we couldn’t tell him like we planned to when he returned from lunch,” Roman stated.
“We can tell him tomorrow,” Janus assured him.
“Unless he’s going through some bad shit, then we shouldn’t bother him with feelings-y stuff,” Virgil objected.
“Of course,” Janus agreed.
They stared at him in silence for a moment, Virgil finally deciding to wake him.
“Hmm? Virgil?” Logan asked sleepily.
“Let’s get you in bed, L,” Virgil said, a tired smile on his face.
Logan put his fork down, just having finished Roman’s delicious lunch of chicken alfredo. His headache was going away and he no longer felt sore or dizzy. He was close to getting back to normal, but he was still pretty tired and sometimes felt a little nauseous. And he was also a little bit irritable.
Roman immediately took his plate, Logan starting to object as Roman was being so nice to him but nothing leaving his lips.
Virgil and Janus had both finished already, and were now talking in the living room. Virgil was on an armchair and Janus was on the sofa, seeming to be deep in conversation.
“Logan,” Roman started, walking over to his friend. “Would you be so kind as to sit with us in the living room?”
Logan nodded, standing up and pushing his chair in. Roman took his hand and gestured to the sofa, where Logan sat on Janus’ left and Roman on Logan’s left.
“Hey there, L,” Virgil greeted. “Feeling better?”
“Significantly,” Logan answered. “Thank you for dealing with me.”
“It’s no problem,” Roman replied, putting his arm on the sofa, behind Logan’s head. “You’re kinda cute when you’re out of it.”
Logan glared at him. “I have no desire to be cute.”
“Hate to break it to you, dude, but you can’t always get what you want,” said Virgil with a short laugh.
“Logan,” Janus started seriously after a moment, “we wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh dear,” Logan said quietly, before sighing. “What did I do wrong this time?”
Virgil gave him a sympathetic look. “You’ve done nothing wrong, L, we just wanted to talk to you. And ask you a couple of things.”
“Alright, I suppose I have no way out of this. Fire away, as they say.”
“Why did you say you would come back in an hour and a half, only to...well, not?” Roman asked, starting the conversation.
Logan shrugged. “I guess I forgot I promised I’d return soon.”
“No text?” Virgil raised an eyebrow.
“It wouldn’t track for me to forget my plans but remember to text you about changing them, would it?”
Virgil’s confusion erased from his face.
“Fair, but why were you gone so long without returning? Where did you go?” Roman queried. “Ten hours is a lot of time.”
“I got lunch, went to the park, walked in the park, went to Starbucks which had quite a long line, went to the library, and then the bar. I have a great love for books, remember? I could spend days at the library.”
Janus nodded. “Why did you go to the bar?”
“I wanted to drink.”
“Alone?” Roman asked.
“For a long time?” Virgil continued.
Logan shrugged.
“Why did you get drunk?” Janus asked bluntly.
Logan stared at him strangely. Logan wondered why all three of them were so intent on digging into his personal life and reasons for everything.
“Does it matter?” Logan shot back. “Why do y’all care, anyway? I wouldn’t ask these questions of a roommate, myself.”
“You’re not just our roommate, L,” Virgil objected. He got off his chair and moved to sit on the coffee table, directly in front of Logan.
Roman and Janus nodded in agreement.
“Yes, and you’ve gotta stop using that as an excuse to not answer our questions or doubt the validity of our reasons for them.” Janus gave Logan a pointed look.
Logan snorted. “What are we then? Friends? Still doesn’t make your inquiries unnatural.” The three boyfriends shared a look. “Can’t you just let me live?”
“We want to know if something is troubling you, Logan,” Janus stated, cutting to the chase. “If there’s something troublesome going on in your life, we’d hate to know about it so we can help you if we can, or at least understand you.”
“We also have something else to talk with you about and don’t want to talk with you about it if you’re in a bad place,” Roman added.
Logan closed his eyes, put his head down, and massaged his temples. They were probably going to ask him to move out as they were now in a romantic relationship and wouldn’t want him around and disturbing their time together.
Logan didn’t want to tell them that something bad was bothering him—he figured it would be easiest to get this over with. And if he did tell them something was bothering him, they would likely try to force it out of him and Logan did not want that. So, he decided to lie, despite having no ill intentions towards them.
“Nothing is bothering me; I’m fine,” Logan stated. “You all can talk to me about what you have on your minds.”
Logan’s roommates shared a look.
“I can tell you’re lying, Logan,” Janus said softly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Logan said sharply, lifted his head to face Janus. “Nothing of major consequence is troubling me, do you understand? You three clearly have something you want to talk with me about. Please get it over with.”
“Logan...” Virgil protested weakly.
“We can tell something’s bothering you,” Roman said slowly.
Logan turned away from Janus to look between Roman and Virgil. His face contorted into one of accusation and irritation. “What’s bothering me is you three’s pushy and presumptuous attitude towards my every action these past twenty-four hours and your blatant refusal to take my requests and statements to heart! I don’t owe any of you anything so stop acting like it.”
Yeah, that might’ve been a little too rude and a little too blunt, but glossing over the matter at hand and not listening to what Logan wanted out of them was getting on his nerves. The three should either get to the point or leave him alone. Sitting here and coddling over him was doing nothing.
Each of Logan’s roommates acquired a look of pain and offense, some more than others. Virgil looked like he had been physically pushed back and his eyes were wide with pain swimming in his irises, Roman’s mouth was open and he had a hand on his chest, and Janus looked down in shame.
“We apologize, Logan,” Janus said after a long silence. “We have gone a bit too far with the interrogating and the digging into your actions which we have no business in. We simply want to make sure you’re okay.”
“And you’ve asked three fucking times in this conversation and gotten the same answer,” Logan snarled. “My not being in constant contact and not spending time in your presence doesn’t mean I’m in trouble. My life doesn’t revolve around any of your presences. I’m fine, so just tell me what you wanted to.”
Roman looked between his boyfriends carefully. “Well, now might not be a good time anymore, considering the sharp turn the conversation has taken.”
“Oh, so my irritation with your obsessive actions has made you unable to continue?” Logan asked sarcastically. “I guess it’s not too important, then.”
“No!” Virgil exclaimed quickly, putting a hand on Logan’s knee, only to remove it when Logan flinched at the contact. “It’s v-very important, but...” he trailed off.
“It’s delicate as well,” Janus completed for him. “It shouldn’t be addressed with-”
“Irritation? Anger?” Logan interrupted. He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m done with those right now. I have to accept that the three of you either worry too much or overstep your relationships with people. I’m just exhausted, okay? So it’s probably best for you to tell me now before I get too tired of your presences to listen anymore.”
The last comment seemed to strike another blow to Logan’s roommates. Logan sighed when he noticed this. His hangover was making him get too careless.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so blunt about that,” Logan muttered. “Though, I guess it won’t matter much longer.” The last part was extremely quiet.
“What?!” the three all asked.
“Oh dear, I said that out loud, didn’t I?” Logan asked, exhausted with himself.
They nodded.
“Are you...”
“I’m fine, Virgil. For the last fucking time. I’m just pretty damn sure I know what you’re gonna ask of me,” Logan assured his anxious friend.
“You do?” Roman asked, perking up.
Janus put a hand to his forehead. “No, he doesn’t. He thinks he does. If he did, he wouldn’t have said that, much less thought it.”
“Oh yeah, you’re right,” Roman agreed.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “No, I’m pretty sure I know.”
“What is it, then?” Roman challenged.
“You want me to move out,” Logan stated tiredly. “And don’t worry, I won’t-”
“Stop,” Virgil said, holding out his hand as a gesture for Logan to stop talking. “Right now. I don’t wanna hear it. Too painful.”
Roman nodded vigorously in agreement.
“I’m not wrong, so why not let me say it?” Logan argued.
“Yes, Logan. You’re not wrong,” Janus said sarcastically. “We only went out of our way to walk wherever we could think of to find you last night, waited till later in the day to even talk with you about this, ask you personal questions and repeatedly ask if you were alright, and check to make sure you aren’t in a bad place, just so we could tell you to move out. Makes complete sense.”
Logan frowned in confusion, face acquiring a slightly pink tint. “I...I don’t really believe you. What else could it be?”
“Well, why don’t you sit back and find out?” Roman asked, a small smirk on his face.
Logan looked between their unwavering stares that showed no signs of deception, before conceding and leaning back. “Alright, go ahead.”
“To preface, we in no way mean to pressure you,” Janus started sincerely. “And if you do feel uncomfortable with us after this, we will understand if you want to move out. We can even help you find an apartment.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “I was righ-”
Virgil put his index finger over Logan’s mouth. “No, you weren’t. Moving out is not what we want at all. Janus is just saying we will understand if that is what you want after this. And we will be down for helping you, as we care about you and want you to be in a healthy and safe living situation.”
“We’d honestly be devas-”
“Roman,” Janus interrupted. “We don’t want to pressure or guilt him.”
Roman nodded and didn’t finish, electing to take Logan’s hand between both of his instead. Virgil reached at Logan’s right hand. Janus noticed this and that Virgil couldn’t reach and gave Logan’s hand to Virgil. The emo took it, and ran his fingers over the back of Logan’s hand. Logan’s cheeks went slightly pink.
“Logan, we have something to confess to you,” Janus said quietly.
“It is of great importance,” Roman continued.
“And we mean it from the bottom of our hearts,” Virgil finished sincerely.
“The three of us got together after that one dinner we all had a three days ago.”
“You left early, however, and had ‘business to attend to’ or whatever,” Roman continued after Janus.
“We were all being flirtatious with each other that night, and so it really just came about naturally,” Virgil said, looking pleasantly nostalgic. “We just kinda asked what the three of us were to each other a few minutes after you left and we decided on boyfriends.”
“However, we also needed to talk to you. We were going to after you returned from lunch,” Janus told Logan.
“That’s why we were so worried and I was so angry,” Roman admitted. “I wanted to get to tell you this and not have to put it off.”
Logan didn’t think he could take much more of this; they were unknowingly playing with his heart and it was torture. “Can you please just tell me?” he asked weakly, practically begging for them to end this and break his heart once more.
They looked at each other for a moment, then back to Logan, a silence coming over them for half a minute. Virgil, however, decided to break it.
“You’re so fucking lovely, L,” he said passionately.
Logan looked at him in surprise, like a deer in the headlights.
“And analyzing your previous statements and actions, you likely don’t want what we do,” Virgil continued, looking disheartened. “You likely don’t feel the same.”
“But we love you so much,” Roman confessed.
“And we want you,” Janus finished. “In our hearts, minds, and relationship.”
Logan was too shocked to speak. They wanted him? They loved him? He left the conversation at dinner to grade papers because the flirting going on around him was making him both flustered and jealous, but if he stayed...
They were asking him to join their relationship. They didn’t want him to move out, they wanted him to be more to them. And did Logan want that too?
God, yes.
He didn’t know how to speak anymore.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Janus stated. “Virgil was right. It would be unwise to presume you feel the same for us, considering your irritation with us. If you’d like, we can leave you to your thoughts and-”
Logan turned his head and cut him off with a kiss. Janus’ eyes widened, and he kissed back, putting a hand on Logan’s jaw. Logan would do the same if he wasn’t holding hands with Roman and Virgil.
They parted after a minute, and Logan was finally able to find words.
“I have a romantic interest in the three of you as well,” Logan said breathlessly.
Roman squealed, taking one of his hands away from Logan’s and using it to turn his head.
“May I kiss you?” Roman asked excitedly.
Logan nodded.
Roman connected their lips. His arm went around Logan’s waist, and he squeezed Logan’s hand tighter.
The two pulled away after a second. Logan turned his head away from Roman slowly and stared at Virgil.
The emo, looking absolutely ecstatic, got off the coffee table. He sat on Logan’s lap and tilted Logan’s chin up to face him with the hand that wasn’t holding Logan’s hand.
“I don’t supposed I can kiss you as well?” Virgil asked with a teasing tone, running his hand through Logan’s hair.
“You’re welcome to,” Logan consented.
Virgil grinned and captured Logan’s lips in a passionate kiss.
This one got sooooo far away from me I’m so sorry. Hope you enjoyed! If you were just really looking for a single ship and not poly for the four of them, shoot me an ask and I’ll write it! (My brain just went “you say ‘or’ I say ‘and’” and decided to do all lol). Thanks, this one was really fun.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Four [PT.1]
Words: 3.1k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of substance abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"My wife doesn't tell me she's having an important surgery done, no, no, she just tells her girl friend Sharise who tells Vinnie and I'm the last one to fucking know about it." I tell Amber. 
"I didn't wanna stress him out." Vivian insists, raising her brows. 
"No, you just don't wanna keep me in the know just to piss me off." I argue. 
"Nikki, go to hell." She tells me. 
"You're not talking to him like that in here," Amber scolds her. "Just like he's not talking to you like that. We aren't doing that anymore. That was the issue last week. I didn't stop you two from talking trashy to each other and it got you where you are right now." She states. "Vivian, why didn't you tell Nikki about your procedure?" 
"I didn't even tell the father of my kid I was having it done--I'm just a private person." She tells her. 
"Duff doesn't even know?" 
"No, he doesn't, and he's not going to." She looks at me. 
Note to self: call Duff when she leaves. 
"Why haven't you him?" Amber asks her next. 
"Because I was freaking out over it enough as it was. I didn't need more people freaking out over it." She says. "So I just told Sharise because she was the one driving me home from it."
Amber just raises her brows and thinks for a second, her lips pursed. 
"You see what I have to deal with?" I ask as I motion to Viv. 
"Nikki, please." Vivian rolls her eyes. 
"And she wonders why I won't fuck her. She doesn't deserve it at the moment." I add. 
"Your dick isn't made of gold, Nikki, it's some trophy I should have to earn--especially when you clearly have no qualms tossing it around like a hot potato from one pussy to the next." 
"That's not how you were acting last week." I argue. "
"But you won't fuck me because I'm not Vanity." She says back. 
"I won't fuck you because the thought of screwing a pregnant chick makes my skin crawl." I admit. 
"You'll go down on me while I'm on the rag but me being eleven weeks pregnant--barely showing--is where you draw the line?" 
"Right, sorry, 'I won't fuck you because the thought of screwing a pregnant chick makes my skin crawl when she's pregnant with a baby she cheated on me to conceive,' there, that's better." I correct myself. 
"At least I know the lovechild I have, exists. Do I even wanna think about the girls you've probably knocked up across the globe the last several years?" She accuses me. 
"Unlike you, dear, I know how to fucking use condoms." I cut back at her.
"Gee, can't imagine where I learned to hate condoms in the first place." She sarcastically adds. 
"Fuck if I know, you were telling me to take the damn thing off the first time we even had sex, little miss, 'I'm a virgin', 'this is my first time,' which looking back now is so obviously bullshit." I scoff. 
"I was until you fucking corrupted me." 
"My apologies, I didn't realize I was creating a cum monster whose main ambition was to procreate." 
"And I didn't realize I was creating a codependent junkie." She doesn't hesitate to throw back at me and we're both silent just enough for Amber to cut in. 
"I am going to give you two homework." She says, sighing, glancing at the clock. 
We're out of time. 
"I want you two to write each other a letter, one that doesn't involve putting one another down, and I want you to pick a time--any experience or memory with on another--that you consider the happiest you've been with each other, and I want you to mail them to each other, and next visit you'll read each other's letters back to one another to remind that person what they wrote. Sound easy?"
We just look at each other, not saying a word. 
I didn't want to waste my time writing something for her that she'd just rip up without reading, and I knew she would, and I could see she didn't want to do that, either.
I'm great at song writing...but love letters? 
I think back to the last love letter I wrote for Viv...the one in the back of her Bible I gave to her. 
It kind of hurts that one of the last physical confessions of love I gave to her was practically a suicide note. 
I close my eyes and groan, rubbing my forehead. 
I try to think back to my happiest time with her over the last years. 
Like flicking through the index of my mind--as best as I can, at least…
I let out a heavy sigh as I flip from channel to channel, chewing my gum, getting frustrated when I can't find anything interesting to watch. 
"Are you gonna find a channel and stick to it or are you gonna keep flipping through the same channels and expect programming to change in a matter of seconds?" Vivian asks in a borderline snap, getting aggravated with me. 
I just roll my jaw and turn the T.V. off, tossing the remote onto the coffee table. 
"I didn't say turn it off, Nikki, you can watch T.V., just pick a channel and stick to it." She sighs, her Bible still in hand, the pad she's using to take notes in, in her lap. 
"No. You just read your shit in peace and quiet. Sorry for the interruption." I reply, passively. 
"Nikki, turn the T.V. back on and watch it." 
"I'm good." I state. 
"Ugh, you are such a whiney baby." She mumbles and I raise my brows, looking at her. 
"I'm a what?" I ask, and she looks at me. 
"A whiney baby." 
"A whiney baby?" 
"Yeah." She says it surely. 
I'm grabbing her socked foot that's in my lap, making her squeal, her Bible and notepad falling in the floor when she kicks at me as I start tickling her foot. 
"Nikki, stop!" She laughs out, sitting up and trying to fight me off of her. 
"No, I'm a whiney baby remember?" I remind her, letting her foot go, getting on top of her, my hands moving to her waist, making her laugh again, trying to push me off of her. 
I lean down and kiss her exposed neck, and stop tickling her, instead wrapping my arm under her, pulling her against me, settling between her legs. 
She sighs and kisses me when I lean down to her. 
Once we pull away for air, I run my thumb over her lip and she blinks up at me, slowly. 
I can tell she's thinking, "what the hell is this? What are we doing? We aren't dating, we're not just friends, though, so what are we, Sixx?" 
I don't know, either. 
I'd tell her that but I don't want to freak her out or something. 
I like her, a lot...more than a lot…
"What is it?" She asks me, and I realize I've just been staring at her. 
"I, uh...I'm not really seeing anyone else anymore, you know?" I say, hoping she gets the hint, and she raises her brows a little. 
"Oh." She replies.
"Not that it's a big deal or anything." I add. 
"I wasn't thinking it was." She shakes her head a little...but I can practically see her doing little mental cartwheels and screaming out with joy. 
I just smile at her, kissing her again.
I wrinkle my nose at the memory, not quite sure if that's when I was at my happiest with her. 
I just decide to keep digging through more of my memory--what's left of it, that is--until I'm grabbing my pen, and writing away at the paper. 
"Shhh, shh, you're gonna wake her up!" Vivian whisper yells at me as she holds a sleeping Skylar, the little baby wrapped up in a thick blanket, pacifier in mouth, knocked out cold.
"It's nearly 5:00a.m., what the hell are you doing up?" I ask her, trying to talk straight after a night of booze and blow. 
"She hasn't slept since midnight. I've been trying everything but she just dozes for a few minutes and then wakes back up and whines." She explains.
She looks tired...exhausted, really. 
"You want me to hold her and you go to bed?"
"She doesn't like you, the second she gets the feelings you're holding her, she'll wake you screaming." She reminds me. 
"She likes me." I argue. 
"Nikki, she purposely pees on you anytime you change her diaper, she gets antsy when you hold her--not to mention the amount of times you weren't paying attention and put her clothes on backwards or inside out and she pitches a fit." 
"Hey, trying to dress a squirmy kid is military-grade patience training. If you try to perfect whatever it is she's wearing, she gets irritated and just wants down and starts moving around more and making it more difficult to get some clothes on her." She just chuckles a little and gets quiet in the light of the little reading lamp, her eyes closing slowly. 
"Go put the baby in the little crib thing Sharise brought over and go lay down." I tell her, quietly. 
"I'm fine where I'm at." She insists, but I know she's not. 
I take the chance and gently pick Skylar up, causing Vivian to say, "Nikki, don't wake her up," and I carefully make sure not to wake her as I carry her to the guest bedroom and put her in her playpen on her back like Sharise drilled into mine and Viv's heads to be sure of. 
She doesn't wake up, and when I get back to the living room, Vivian's asleep in her chair, cuddled under the blanket she had Skylar under. 
"Alright," I nudge her awake and she hums, furrowing her brows. "C'mon," I say to her, and she reaches her hands out. "What is it?" I ask her. 
"Can you carry me?" She asks and I sigh out. 
"Yeah, baby," I don't tell her, 'no,' despite not knowing whether or not we'll get to the bedroom because I'm tired and I know she obviously is, too, and she's not light as a feather--which will just make me more tired by the time I head to the bedroom. 
I scoop her up and make it to the bed, only nearly dropping her once due to losing my footing--which that's not her fault. That's just the evidence of my night out. 
When I lay her on the bed and pull my clothes off, crawling in beside her, she's snuggling up to me under the covers.
"You smell good." She mumbles to me. 
"I don't know how. I smell like cologne, sweat, and booze." I mumble back, my eyes closed. 
"You smell good." She repeats it. 
"You do, too." I reply. 
"I showered. You should try it some time." She says. 
"Okay, Sixx, don't make me whoop your ass at five in the morning." I tell her, keeping my eyes closed, and she giggles, pressing her lips to my cheek, and my jaw, her nails trailing down my chest to my abdomen, deliberately running over the trail of hair leading down to my…
"It's five in the morning." I groan out, biting back a moan when her hand wraps around me, another kiss being pressed to my cheek. 
"We can be done in a couple minutes." She tells me. 
"I thought you were tired." I reply, trying to wake myself back up being that a certain part of me is up and alert. I rake my hands down my face as she straddles me, before looking up at her. "You're like those spiders that wait for the males to be vulnerable then they fuck 'em and kill 'em." I add, despite my hands running up her thighs to her waist…
"You always complain about early morning sex but then by seven o'clock you're the one not letting me tap out." She reminds me. 
I just grab her hips and push her off of me before getting on her, making her laugh before my mouth catches hers, my teeth bitting at her lip before my tongue smoothes over it, making her moan softly. 
By the time we're finished and satisfied, I'm getting off of her with deep breaths, the both of us gasping for air, covered in sweat--even our hair. 
We don't hear Skylar down the hall which is a good sign that she's still asleep. 
It's weird having a baby in the house. I know it's temporary, until Vince and Sharise get back from their little Florida getaway, but it's odd taking care of someone else aside from Vivian.
I wonder what it would be like if Viv would've actually been pregnant when we got married like she thought she was. 
We'd have a two year old by now. 
How fucking bizarre would that be raising a kid in this life at the moment. 
Sure, Vince is doing it, but that's because Sharise is solid as a fucking rock. 
I'd take a bullet for Vivian--fucking die for her--but she's not solid like that, not right now, at least. She used to be. 
I mean she's still sober as shit but sobriety doesn't help much when you're wired even though you don't have a drop of anything in your system.
Look at me, like I'm one to be talking about dependability.
I look over at her, she's passed out, damp red hair across her pillow, covers pulled over her shoulder…
I reach over and run my fingertips across her cheek, the palm of my hand moving up to smooth over her hair as rays of sun start to filter through the small parting in the blackout curtains.
I'd love to have a kid in a couple years--maybe even within the next year--it just depends on the band, whether we're where we need to be by then or not...whether me and Viv are where we need to be or not, too. 
Which as of right now, we're great. 
We're more than great. 
We haven't argued in two weeks. 
Two fucking weeks. 
Who the hell goes that long without arguing? Certainly not us, but here we are. 
We weren't fighting as much because we were having sex like bunnies. I'm talking at least twice a day--Twice. A. Day. For two and a half weeks. 
Looking back, I know it's because she was in the wake of a miscarriage, I was in the wake of Vince and Razzle's tragedy, we were both craving a quick fix and I guess sex is how we were illusioned into believing we were healing. 
In reality we obviously weren't solving anything, just brushing it under the rug, but it was honestly the happiest I had been with her for our marriage. 
It was peaceful. We weren't at each other's throats. We weren't at war. We looked forward to seeing each other and spending time with each other, and it was the closest we got to being how we were when we were just dating...so that, for me at that time, was the happiest I remember us being.
The next day I'm taking my enveloped and stamped letter down to the mailbox in the hall near the recreation room, passing by Amber on my way, seeing her nod at me in acknowledgment before I'm halting myself and coming back to see her. 
"Hey, Doc, I need a word." I tell her. 
"Can it wait, Mr. Sixx, I'm running late for a meeting?" 
"I wanna know why having sex with my wife is a bad thing?" I ask, and she stops and looks at me. 
"It's not. Nobody said it was." She tells me. 
"You told me it might jeopardize our progress if we move too fast." 
"Because it very well could. You both have co-dependence intertwined in your sex lives." She explains.
"Well, I don't know if you've been paying attention to the last couple sessions but my wife has needs right now. And not having sex with her right now is jeopardizing our progress because she thinks something's wrong with her." 
"But you've told me, and her, you don't desire her because she's currently carrying another man's child."
"I've been thinking about it and I told her I'd work this out with her and how I've acted towards her is kinda contradictory to that." I admit. "And I can't go home and screw her into next week because you've got me paranoid about messing things up, now." 
"Have you told her my opinion on sex in your relationship as of now?" 
"Well, then, tell her about it and I'll take the blame for it." 
"I don't want you to take the blame for anything, I want you to 'ok' me banging my wife." 
"If you want to, 'bang,' your wife, then you can do that. There's not a law in the universe barring you from getting intimate with her."
"Sure as shit feels like it." I argue. 
"Tell you what, you talk to her about it--tell her my opinion--and we'll touch on it in the next session." She suggests. 
"Pun intended?" I ask and she furrows her brows, looking unamused. 
"...Okay, nevermind." I mumble. 
"I'll see you Friday for your session with the boys, have a good day." She tells me, giving me a nod before walking away. 
I just shake my head a little, irritated, and drop my letter in the mail box, heading to the payphone to try to call Vivian. 
"Hello?" She answers on the second ring and I clear my throat. 
"H-Hey, it's me," I say, and she's quiet for a moment. 
"Hey," she finally answers and I let out a breath of relief. 
"Do you wanna visit tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something." I tell her. 
"Is this where you tell me you're filing for a divorce afterall?" She asks and I rub my lips together. 
"No, Viv, it's not. It's about our sex thing." I struggle trying to define it. 
"Can we even have a sex thing if we aren't even having sex?" 
"Ha. Ha. Smartass." I state. "Seriously, you wanna come?" 
"More than you know." She replies and I can't help but laugh. 
"Pun not intended." She adds. "I'll be there around nine o'clock, if that's okay? I have another appointment to check on the baby since the surgery and then I'm gonna try to go shopping for some decently healthy things because I'm gaining too much weight at the moment." 
"You're pregnant--that's your excuse to eat whatever the fuck you want, when you want it, isn't? Like a chick liberation thing or something." 
"I'm eating too much junk, I don't want to pop out a fifteen pound baby. My pussy will rip to my ass." She says and I get a horrifying image. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Nikki, I gotta go." 
"Alright, see you then. Bye, baby." 
"Bye." She replies softly before hanging up.
I pick at the inside of my lip with my teeth, another thought coming to mind...and my eyes shift to my pinky ring on my right hand...the same one I'd proposed to Vivian with back in '83.
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queenofgotham800 · 4 years
(Roman Sionis x Reader)
Requested by: @stardancerluv
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Warnings: Gramatical Errors, Swearing, OOC Roman, OOC Victor
Summary: Roman and (Y/n) have their 5th anniversary and (Y/n) would want to spend it only with Roman in their apartment. Roman is used to give her tons of gifts and take her into expensive restaurants. But this time he calls Victor for help.
(A/n): Sorry it took me so long to write it, but here it is. Hope you will enjoy it 💜
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Getting up from bed early morning wasn't your favourite thing. Today was a big day. It was yours and Romans 5th anniversary. Getting up from bed, you nearly tripped over a big gift packed in blue paper with little hearts all over it. Roman loved to give you expensive gifts, not just on anniversary but every day. And if you two had anniversary, or if it was valentine, birthday, christmas or any other festive day, Roman always nearly drowned you in gifts. Not just one... Many of them. On last anniversary he bought you car, dresses which matched with his suits, vacation in Paris and many more. You were always happy, but you weren't materialistic type so you always told Roman that he doesn't have to buy you such expensive things. He always explained that making you happy, makes him happy too. 
You already packed few gifts for him, but you were sure that he has much much more gifts for you. Not like it was an competition, you wanted to enjoy this day with Roman and only Roman.
As you opened the gift with big bow, you found inside beautifull dresses your favourite collor and high heels shoes matching with them, which were packed in box next to those dresses.
You smiled, becouse Roman also left a note on them.
My dearest (Y/n),
I bought you these dresses on our special day, hope you like them. Please meet me in club, at the place we first met. I'll be waiting.
You put your pajamas down, putting on fancy dress and shoes. After you dressed you went to have some breakfast in kitchen. Roman wasn't there but that was no surprise, he never ate breakfast, only if you made them for him.
He would never reject your delicious food.
On the counter was another gift, new mug with hearts in which was written in initals R+(Y/n). It was so cute that your heart nearly melted. The food was also prepared on it. That was probably Victor's job.
You took the dishes with mug and went to dining room.
"Hey, (Y/n)," Victor greeted you and sat next to you.
"Hey Vic, how are you?" you asked him, slowly sipping tea from new mug.
"I'm good, happy anniversary by the way," he smiled and pointed on the mug, "It's from Roman."
"Yeah thanks, this is so cute," you smiled at both, mug and Victor, "I just wish he... I don't know," you gasped.
"What's wrong (Y/n)," Victor watched your worried expresion.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful, but sometimes I wish he was romantic the other way," you said.
"How?" Victor asked, he was lost in these romantical things.
"Like...Something sweet, not big that would involve just the two of us," you said thinking, "I'm not saying that these gifts are not sweet. They are very sweet, but... You know what I have in mind."
"Yea-No..." Victor mumbled.
"Remember how he bought me tickets to concert?
"Yeah, it was nice," Victor smiled. He met somebody there, but didn't wanted to speak about it.
"But you know... Just for once. Tonight we will probably go to the best restaurant in Gotham," you smiled slowly collecting your dishes from table.
"And if I understand it, you don't want to go," Victor said.
"Well, it's not like I was ungrateful, but you are maybe right. I would like to spend the time with him here, watching movies together, cooking together, I don't know," you said.
"Yeah, I think I understood," Victor said, collecting his dishes.
"Okay, I have to go," you waved to Victor and left to club.
Roman was sitting on the couch you two first met years ago. He was wearing his best suit, smiling at you, like the first time he saw you. Little blush spread across your cheeks when you sat next to him.
"Hi babygirl, how you like these dresses," Roman smiled, pulling you closer to him.
"Roman, I love them, thank you! And thank you for the mug, it so cute," you hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"I have much, much more for you, don't worry," Roman laughed teasing you becouse he knew your oppinion on expensive gifts and you rolled eyes.
"Boss, I... Henry is here," Victor strolled across the club and tapped Roman at shoulder.
"Victor, I... We are celebrating something," Roman frowned on Victor.
"..." Victor was waiting on Roman, speechless.
"Honey, if it's so important I don't mind," you said and gave him kiss. You knew who was Henry, it was one of Romans bussines friends.
"Are you sure babe?" Roman asked and you nodded. Roman smiled and walked with Victor away to the main entry hall of club.
You stayed in club, looking at your phone in thoughts. This is probably going to take hours and hours.
Meanwhile in the entry hall, Victor and Roman exited the club, going to the stage doors back to apartment.
"Thanks for reminding Victor. I nearly forgot," Roman said opening the fridge and taking out of it food.
"She wasn't picking up the food in fr-"
"The fridge? No, I prepared it on the kitchen counter next to your mug," Victor said.
"Great, bring me the bag with projector and technical stuff," Roman said and closed the fridge, "And maybe some picnic basket for the food."
"On my way boss," Victor yelled and ran for these things.
Roman hoped that this idea, which Victor gave him few years back will go well. You were telling that he didn't had to be so generous towards you, that you are not materialistic person. But always when he gave you some gifts, he saw that your eyes sparkled and you were geniuenly happy. He loved seeing you happy.
You were waiting in club, used to these things. Roman had to have some important things to do, that was his work. It came in unexpected times and you completely respected that. He was so bussy that sometimes he just came home at midnight and laid next to you on bed exhausted. He always woke you up, it was not becouse he wanted but his steps were echoing through the whole apartment. When he came exhausted like that, you used to pull him closer to you and play with his hair untill he didn't fall asleep in your arms. He looked so innocent when he slept in your arms.
Your thoughts were interupted with familiar man walking around in club. Where was Roman if Henry was here?
You put your phone back to bag and headed to Henry.
"Henry, welcome in club," you smiled, like nothing was happening.
"Mrs. Sionis," Henry smiled.
"Oh, I already told you to call me (Y/n). Romans friends are also my friends," you were still smiling, "Speaking of Roman, didn't he had some meeting with you today?"
"No, no we met yesterday. Why are you asking?"
You took a deep breath, "Nevermind. Enjoy your time here Henry," smiling, you took a drink from passerby waitress and turned to leave. When you turned away from Henry, your smile fastly dropped and on your face appeared wicked smirk.
It was time for preparations.
"Victor we have to prepare it fast. I don't like the thought of my dearest (Y/n) waiting on me in the club while we should spend that time together," Roman mumbled, walking up to the roof of Black Mask club. Victor was right behind him, taking the basket with food, huge case with projector, candles, radio and blankets. Roman took four pillows and that was all.
"Yeah, yeah boss," Victor nodded, carefully putting the stuff down on roof.
After he put it down, from somewhere sounded the song Everybody loves me-One Republic. Victor lifted eyebrows, while Roman serached for his phone.
Victor smirked, turning his head away from Roman's sight, so he wouldn't see Victors quiet laugh.
After Roman finaly found his phone, he picked it up.
It was you, calling him.
"Hey honey, I have to do also some work, I hope you don't mind. I'll be back as soon as I can. When you finish your job, you know, that appointment with Henry, call me or something," you said.
"Yeah, It's okay babe, I'll wait. Love you," Roman told.
"Love you too honey," you said and cancelled the call.
You didn't knew that somewhere above you are Victor and Roman. They also had no idea that you are under the building, next to the car ready to go for Roman's gift.
You had few gifts for him. Tailor texted you that you can go to pick up the gift for Roman.
Driving through the Gotham City you saw many couples which held hands, hugged and kissed. Your mind was on Roman, what was he doing if he didn't talked with Henry? Maybe something in warehouse... He just didn't wanted to tell you that becouse of the anniversary. Yeah, probably.
"No, Victor you have to put it like this!" Roman yelled on Victor, who was putting the pillows around the blanket on roof.
"Well, you can do it boss. Just land me over that projector," Victor said. Roman was preparing the projector and screen, but he struggled with it more than Victor with decorating.
"Yeah, sure," Roman nodded and placed few candles around the blanket, "You know what Victor... I'm gonna go for another blanket."
"Sure boss," Victor mumbled and whistled as he slowly build pieces of screen together.
Parking in front of tailor shop, you made sure you had sunglasses and cap. You were sorta famous in city, mostly becouse of Roman. Paparazzi were all over the city and you didn't wanted drawing attention now. Roman made sure these people with cameras wouldn't be following you all the time, but there was still more and more of them.
You entered the shop and came to counter.
"Mrs. Sionis," older man greeted you and waved at you.
"Oh- I hoped this would sorta..." you pointed on cap and sunglasses. Surprised that he recognized you.
"I expected you," said the man confused.
"Oh, right," you laughed, "So, I am here becouse of that suit, is it finished?"
"Yes, I wrote it in the text."
Well, this was an uncomfrontable comunication. You cringed at your previous words, but decided to continue confidently.
"Yes, can I see it?"
"Sure, sure," he slowly went to the back of the shop.
You were anxiously tapping with feet, looking at the expensive watches that you got from Roman last year.
"It's here," he told, putting the suit on the counter. It was truly magnificent.
"I hope you got the size right," you mumbled, sliding your fingers across the velvet suit. It was Roman's favourite collor, he didn't had suit like this and he still talked about how much he wanted it.
Your second gift for him was waiting in the trunk of your car.
"Victor, I found five blankets and I couldn't pick just one so I brought them all," Roman came to rooftop, putting those blankets and ground, looking on Victor. Roman was surprised, Victor actually builded the projector and the screen in such short period of time.
"How did you managed to build it so fast?"
"I had a good teacher," Victor smirked.
"Are you talking about the mysterious person from the concert?"
"Maybe," Victor mumbled and looked around, "You know that you need to have computer to play those movies."
"Sure," Roman said and pointed at doors, "Go and get it mister technician."
Running to the car, you put the velvet suit in already prepared big gift box in the trunk, next to the second gift. After closing the trunk you looked on the phone and texted Roman.
Hey honey, I'm going home. Everything is alright in fact great. I can't wait to see you soon <3
-(Y/n). S.
How you sent this message, you drove back to club, parking your car on the usual spot.
Roman looked on his phone and opened your message. He loved to see your initials under it. He also wanted to buy you gloves with your initials. Roman still wants, but not now, he may save that for later. Maybe christmas...
He texted you back.
My dear (Y/n) I can't wait to see you. I'm dealing with something now, but I'll be done any minute. Can't wait to see you too <3
"Boss, I found only this one," Victor came and brought Roman's old laptop.
"Yeah, my old laptop," Roman looked on it, slowly blowing the dust away from it's surface, "I hope it will work."
"I'll try it," Victor took the laptop from Roman, trying the it on the projector. It worked!
You were already in club on the way to apartment, taking those gifts upstairs to the kitchen. Kitchen, since Roman refused to go anywhere near it when you weren't by his side.
"Fuck, these things are not working," Roman broke the last match on the match-box.
"Those never work, that's normal," Victor mumbled, "Wanna lit up candles? You have to use the flamethrower for that."
"What?" Roman turned to Victor with terrified look.
Victor laughed it off and Roman bursted it laugh too.
"On a second I really thought you did it," Roman said.
"Yeah, few times. Nearly lit up the fucking place," Victor laughed and Roman stopped.
"Do we have some matches?" he asked.
"Yeah, they should be in kitchen," Victor told.
"Okay, this time I have to go for them I guess... Freaking pyroman" Roman mumbled, walking to the stairs, watching how Victor couldn't stop laugh at his remark.
You hid the gift boxes under the kitchen counter and heard how is someone walking through the hallway.
Those were Roman's steps, you knew them very well.
Hopefully he's not comming into kitchen, you thought.
Roman was walking to kitchen, anxiously fixing his sleeves. What if (Y/n) was already here, Roman thought. He entered the kitchen to found out that he was right.
"Roman, hey honey, so... How was the job?" you asked, blocking the kitchen counter.
"(Y/n)... Hey babe, it's- well," he laughed and nodded.
"Yeah? I met Henry in club," you said carefully, "You know that whatever happened you can talk with me."
You were both so anxious, it was obvious.
"Yes, yes... Ehm... Have you seen here some matches?" Roman asked you.
"No," you said.
"Or a flamethrower?" Roman smirked.
"What? No, that's not in kitchen. Actually I heard that Victor has few at his apartment," you said. Victor lived right next to your and Roman's apartment for safety reasons, becouse he was Roman's right hand and also becouse he was a great friend.
"So it wasn't a joke... Heh..." Roman lifted eyebrows and left. You turned back to the kitchen counter to check the gifts, but you stopped when Roman's hands touched your hips. His chest was on your back and his head on your neck.
"I love you, (Y/n). After the bussines I want to spend the time with you," Roman whispered in your ear and you smiled, giving him kiss.
After Roman came back to the rooftop, candles were lit and Victor was playing with his knife.
"What? Victor? How?" Roman pointed at candles.
"Oh, I forgot that I had a lighter in pocket," Victor smirked and Roman rolled his eyes.
"She is here Victor what should I do?" Roman asked Victor.
"Well, invite her upstairs. I'll go to take care of the club," Victor said and patted Roman on shoulder.
"Thanks," Roman said. Victor smiled and walked away.
You were still standing in kitchen, thinking if the place under the kitchen counter was good hiding spot for gifts. After you heard Roman's familiar steps echoing through the apartment again, you decided to get to him first. Walking on hallway, you locked the kitchen and put the key in your bag.
"(Y/n), I would love if you would follow me," Roman said, cupping your cheeks.
"Alright" you smiled and followed him to the rooftop.
He opened doors and you smiled in surprise.
"Oh my... Roman, this is so sweet," you turned to him to kiss him.
The scenery was truly romantic. Few blankets on ground, candles around the place, pillows, picnic basket, projector ready to play some movies.
"I cancelled the dinner in restaurant. I hope you don't mind," Roman said. You hugged him, "No. I love this," you smiled and looked at the rooftop.
"You do?" Roman lifted eyebrows.
"Yes I do," you looked up to him and he smiled. You had those sparkles in eyes.
"Let's party then," Roman smiled and poured you wine into glass.
"Alright," you laughed as Roman spilled the wine at himself.
"That is not funny (Y/n)," Roman said, but laughed too. He couldn't resist your sweet laugh. You then got a genius idea.
"Wait here," you smiled and ran to the kitchen, taking your bag with key.
After you came back to roof with box, you found Roman trying to wipe the wine stain away from his suit with napkin.
"Honeey," you smiled, gently shaking with box. He looked up to you, throwing the napkin aside.
You sat next to him and Roman unpatiently unpacked the gift.
"Thank you my dear," Roman looked on his new velvet suit of his favourite collor, "I'm going to get changed, I'm back in second," Roman said, but then his eyes drifted to second gift.
"And what is this?" he asked with smile, taking the second gift out.
"I hope you will like it."
Roman opened the second gift and pulled out of it small model of Rolls royce.
"I love it," Roman leaned closer and gave you small kiss, "I'm gonna go to dress this beautifull suit."
After few hours of spending time with Roman, he asked you, "What do you want to watch?"
You said the name of your favorite movie which Roman also liked.
"Okay babe," Roman gave you kiss.
The movie was running and you leaned on his shoulder. You smiled when you felt his hand gently rubbing your back.
"I love you my dear. Happy anniversary," Roman whispered in your ear and you felt how he put something around your neck. It was beautifull golden necklace with rose.
"When I first saw this, it reminded me of you," Roman smiled. The necklace was truly beautifull.
"Thank you Roman," you smiled and kissed him, "I love you too. Happy anniversary."
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starkovsnesta · 5 years
Darling, I'm with you (a bellarke one shot)
Hey everyone, this is my first work for @bellarkebingo.
It's set after s6, when Clarke comes back in her body, and it is a little angst(cause, of course, I can't write happy things)
Hope you enjoy it!
Read it on ao3.
We fell asleep to escape from the sun
And we woke up to the sound of a storm outside
-I'm with you, Vance joy
It still didn't feel real.
Laying on one of the ship's cabin, Clarke kept staring at the ceiling.
She knew she was exhausted, Josephine had refused to sleep for a long time, but she just couldn't manage to fall asleep.
Sleeping should have been a release, a solace. But to her, it was a cage.
She had been forced to face her fears, her sins, and now that she had seen them all, now that she had acknowledged her deepest demons, ones that she had kept away from her own mind for too long, she was just too tired of monsters.
She knew she would have seen them all again, once she had closed her eyes.
Panic flawed inside her. She touched her chest with one hand, trying to control her breathing.
In with the nose, out with mouth.
It had been her mantra for a long time, now. She knew her friends, or the ones that she could once call friends, thought she was cold and insensitive, always ready to do what others couldn't.
She knew she had grown the ability to keep her emotions aside, to rely just on rationality, and it was everything but easy.
As much as she hated it, Clarke was still a person. She had feelings, emotions, she had fears and hope and dreams, sometimes. She felt.
More than she wanted to.
She tried to deny some emotions to herself. But she just couldn't.
And in that moment, alone on her bed, trying to gain control on her brain, she just felt helpless.
A few tears escaped her eyes.
She had been lonely for most of her life. Even on the Ark, besides her parents, the only person who had loved her and accepted her for who she was, with all of her flaws, was Wells. And she had lost him, twice.
Clarke had always known that the only person she could rely on was herself, but she wasn't able to trust her own mind lately. Or even worse, she was scared of it. What could she do? There was no escape. She couldn't run away, although she wanted to.
Wherever she went, her demons would have followed. It had always been like that. But this time, she was just too tired to fight them.
She thought of Madi.
She had failed her, too.
She had promised to protect her, to give her the life she couldn't have, to make her happy.
But what she actually did was throwing her to war, giving her the responsibilities and fears that a child should never have.
She had ruined her.
Wherever you go, death follows.
Some other tears had fallen from her eyes.
Even though she was back in her own body, Clarke felt lost.
She knew she had chosen to bare all this pain. I bare it, so they don't have to.
But what was the point?
She thought of her friends, of their surprised and relieved faces when she came back.
She thought of Miller, Emori, even Echo, slightly smiling. She thought of Murphy's guilty face, his eyes staring at her with a mixture of challenge and regret.
She thought of Raven's watery eyes, her mouth still spitting out bitter words, but this time the insults had come out trembling.
Clarke would have thought a hint of affection was in them, but she didn't dare to hope.
And then she thought of Bellamy.
He was there was she returned.
The first thing she had seen when she had opened her eyes, when she had realized she could see and hear and touch things again, was his worried face.
His eyes full of insecurity, his mouth trembling with fear.
What was he afraid of? That she was never coming back?
Without even realizing she was doing it, Clarke had touched Bellamy's cheek, just to make sure he was really there.
"Bell" she had whispered helplessly.
His name on her mouth sounded like a cry for help. She was reaching to him, like she was drowning in deep waters.
It was like that little word had given him some sort of impulse, because he inmediately locked her in his arms.
The feeling was so relieving, that Clarke started sobbing. All the fear she had kept away to save herself washed over her, and she couldn't control it anymore.
With every sob, Bellamy's caresses on her hair felt lighter, more delicate than the previous ones.
It had reminded her of six years ago, when he had comforted her right before the end of the world.
This time was different, though, because he was crying too.
She could feel the wetness of his cheeks against the back of her neck.
The only sound she could hear, after her desperate sobs, was her name on Bellamy's mouth.
"Clarke" he had repeated over and over again, each time more consciously than the other, as he was realizing, like her, that she was really there.
She closed her eyes, still trying to gain control, and she thought of Bellamy saying her name, again and again.
She thought of his soft lips against her shoulder, of his hands on her hair.
Right before she fell asleep, she could have sworn she heard the sound of his heartbeat against hers, like he was lying next to her.
She woke up gasping, in desperate need for air. She felt her cheeks wet, she must have cried in her sleep. Clarke brought a hand to her neck. Her throat was aching, it burnt like she had been screaming for hours.
She knew what she would have seen in her dreams, there was no way to escape them. The images were so vivid in her head that she wondered if she was still trapped in her mind.
It was hard to understand what was real.
She closed her eyes, trying to gain some control.
She had dreamt of Madi, her body covered in blood and her eyes a storm of rage, strong enough to destroy a planet.
She had seen her with a sword, her grip so stable and her posture so confident that she looked like she was meant to war all along. That last part was probably true, Clarke thought.
She had tried to avoid that, but she had failed.
And her failure had ruined Madi's life. She had lost her innocence, her joy, her curiosity. How could have she done that to her own daughter?
In her dreams, Madi looked right at her, spitting bitter words to her face.
"Wanheda" she had called her. Commander of death.
That word alone was enough to send a chill down her spine. Every time she had heard that word, it was full of disgust, of despise.
But Madi had told it with a toneless voice, like the word didn't scare her.
"I knew you would have come for me." she kept saying.
Clarke had took a step towards her, but Madi still looked so far away from her.
"Madi, I would never hurt you" she had said in her dream.
But her daughter just looked at her, a grin on her face, and told the words she would have never wanted to hear from her.
"Did you expect to protect me from the world, Clarke? Did you really think you could do that?" she laughed bitterly, and Clarke felt like somebody was stabbing her in the chest.
"You could never have given me the life I deserve, Wanheda. I was doomed the moment you found me in the woods."
A few tears escaped Clarke's eyes. She knew it had been just a nightmare, but deep down she thought those words were true.
What had she done?
How could have she expected to love Madi without causing her any harm?
She started sobbing loudly, incapable to control herself. Not that she cared about anyone hearing her, anyway.
The sound of her cry was loud in the silence of the night. With every sob, a small part of her crumbled.
The door of the cabin cracked open.
Instinctively, Clarke started to clean her face from the tears. She stopped when she saw who was standing right in front of her.
In the weak light of the room, Bellamy looked more tired than ever. His face was worryingly pale.
He walked to her slowly, as if scared she would have pushed him away.
She felt her heart tighten up in her chest.
After all those years, he still didn't know how much he mattered to her.
She helplessly watched him sit on the bed beside her, and a small sigh left her mouth.
She smiled tiredly when she said "I'm sorry for the noise. I didn't mean to bother anyone"
Bellamy stared at her, scrutinizing her face as if he was in front of a mystery nobody had ever solved.
He took her hand in his, holding it tight.
"Don't worry, princess." he whispered "you didn't wake anyone. I barely heard you."
A small smile brightened his face.
Relief washed over her. She was happy he was there with her, trying to make her smile.
The burden in her chest slightly lightened.
But it still hurt.
Bellamy must have noticed the resigned look on her face, cause he moved closer to her.
"Clarke" he said, his voice slightly trembling "it was just a dream".
A little laugh escaped her mouth.
"Sometimes, I wish it was all a dream. I wish anything I saw was real." she took a small pause after this last sentence "I wish I wasn't real".
She closed her eyes, her body still aching for sleep. How long had she been asleep? A few hours?
"What time is it?" she weakly asked, her eyes still closed.
"The last time I checked, it was 4 a.m"
Although he had said it with a humorous voice, she could feel worry wash over him.
His eyes were still studying her.
He was probably afraid she could have started crying again. Honestly, she was afraid, too.
Bellamy had already had problems by trying to rescue her. She didn't want to make things worse for him.
"Why were you awake so early? Couldn't sleep?" she tried to change the focus from herself.
"I couldn't." she heard him answer "I had to make sure you were fine"
If the words weren't enough to make her heart lose a beat, his serious tone certainly was.
She opened her eyes, looking at him.
"You mean" she started, not sure what to say "you were behind my door all the time?"
Her surprised tone made him laugh, his cheeks assuming a timid shade of red.
Clarke couldn't help but analyze him.
She had always found him beautiful, like an ancient creature of the earth, some of those mythological figures he seemed to love so much.
She had always been scared to draw him, afraid some of his beauty would have gone away because of her hands.
In that moment, she wished she had her pencils.
"I didn't have anything better to do" he merely answered.
They stayed like that for a while.
Side by side on Clarke's bad, their hands still locked together.
Each of them looking for words to say, but neither of them daring to break the silence that seemed to create a calm atmosphere around them.
"It was Madi" Clarke heard herself say. The words escaping her mouth without her consent.
She didn't have to explain what she meant, because Bellamy already had an aware look on his face.
She took a breath, and started telling him about her nightmare.
Repeating the words she had heard Madi say was painful, but somehow she managed to let everything out without breaking down into an ugly cry.
Maybe it was because of her need to talk with somebody.
Or, maybe, it was Bellamy's firm and steady grip on her hand, that somehow kept her from fading away.
When she finished talking, she just stared blankly in front of her, not expecting an answer.
Bellamy's words came from the distance.
"I'm sorry" he said, his voice breaking on the last word. "I should have been there. For you. For Madi. I'm sorry, I let you down."
A small tear escaped his eyes.
Every word he had spoke were soaked with guilt. Typical Bellamy, Clarke thought, always beating himself for not doing enough for the people he loved.
An electrifying feeling crept through her at the thought she belonged to that category in Bellamy's life.
She smiled at him, even though he wasn't facing her anymore.
She hadn't thought what losing her meant to Bellamy. A part of her hoped he would come rescue her from her personal hell, but she had pushed that hope away in order to save herself. She knew it was unfair to expect him to give up to his friends, his family's safety in order to save her life. He had already lost her once and managed to survive anyway.
But even though she kept repeating those words to herself, she still waited for him to take her away from that place, to save her one more time.
And that little, weak, almost invisible beam of hope was enough to keep her alive.
"Bell" she called for him, like she had done many times before.
She wished she was good with words. She wished she could let her feelings out easily, like he did.
There were just too many things to be told.
After all they had been through, after all the loss and the pain, she thought he deserved to know.
But instead of revealing feelings she had tried to keep away from him, and from herself, for so long, she asked "Will you sleep with me?"
The question lingered in the silence for some minutes.
The surprise in his face made her blush a little. Before she could deny her offer, he nodded, his smile still slightly open.
She laid down on her bed, its softness so comforting she let out a sight without wanting.
She felt exhausted. Her tired eyes were slowly leading her to sleep.
Before going back to the darkness, she saw Bellamy smiling reassuringly at her. His eyes bright in the weak light.
Their bodies separated only by their hands, still locked together.
A warm feeling washed over her, and this time, she felt more brave when she faced her mind.
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