#if anybody has any recommendations they are more than welcome
persianflaw · 3 months
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ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL! The M*A*S*H fanfiction community has been approved! actually it was approved two weeks ago but i was on vacation
This community is open to any and all fans of M*A*S*H fic. Whether you're a writer, a reader, or a total newbie, this space is for you! You can talk about fics you've loved, ask for advice about a sticky plot point in your latest WIP, ask for recommendations for a ship you like, share an AO3 link to your latest fic, or share snippets from your work; the world is your oyster!
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So when you join this group, don't just talk to people you already know. That defeats the point of joining this kind of community, anyway! Make an effort to talk to someone new. Leave a gushing comment about a stranger's fic excerpt. Tag someone who you think has a really cool interpretation of a character you like. Reply to a post that hasn't gotten any attention. Include people who seem a little shy. Be open and friendly and welcoming.
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hi there! First off, thank you so much for y’all’s work here on Tumblr, def one of my main sources of fic recs.
I read Summer’s End by FeralTuxedo a while ago (lovely rec) and am definitely back in my TLOU-apocalyptic-setting-with-a-moody-but-calm/nature-esk-atmosphere-and-character-centred-plot era again. I just genuinely enjoyed the specific atmosphere that the apocalyptic setting gives works. Anyway, that being said, I would love any recs that would fit that kind of vibe (I would prefer less smut since I skip over it but honestly as long as it isn’t specifically plot-relevant its fine lol also not TOO much angst please, I cant deal with Az or Crow actually dying or something like that unless it is done in a comforting way).
ps: on a more specific request, if y’all know of any GO fics inspired by TLOU I would greatly appreciate recs (look, Bill and Frank’s episode in the tv adaptation is screaming to be written as a fic with Az and Crow instead- Bill and Frank’s deaths are wht I mean by deaths done in a comforting way I suppose, haha).
Wow, this is a long request, so sorry. Thank you so much for reading, have a great day and happy new year!
Hello! Pretty sure we've recommended almost all of these before, but there aren't loads of this kind of fic (and I could find no The Last of Us specific fics)...
Dead Genres by A_plus_platypus (T)
The end is nigh when a zombie virus ravages the world. Luckily, there is hope yet in the form of pharmaceutical scientist Anthony "Just Crowley" Crowley. With his adopted younger brother Adam, his other three kids The Them, and English teacher Aziraphale Fell, he searches for the fated military base in Tadfield. There, they — along with the rest of the world — have a chance at survival. And also Crowley is a disaster, and Aziraphale is a disaster, and everyone needs a hot cup of tea.
what's to come by PepperPrints, restlesslikeme (M)
Post-Apocalyptic AU. Even without the Antichrist, both Heaven and Hell insist on Armageddon. Aziraphale is missing and Crowley sets out to find him, driving through a scorched Earth with a witch in his passenger seat.
is there anybody out there? by theycallmeDernhelm (E)
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. England has been overrun by walking corpses, everything's gone to hell, and the few survivors are scattered- among them, Crowley and his 11-year-old son Warlock. When Crowley's radio signal is unexpectedly picked up by another group of survivors, he finds himself falling, in a way he never thought he'd fall again, for the charming and kindly Aziraphale. Over three seasons and a tenuous radio connection, a romance develops between them, while a friendship grows between Warlock and Aziraphale's nephew Adam. Love isn't dead (or undead) after all.
Ouroboros Forever and One by iblankedonmyname (T)
An AU where the Apocalypse-Definitely-Did, Aziraphale is a cowboy and Crowley is on a mission from God to reboot the universe. “God gave you, a demon, a mission?” Aziraphale snaps his glass onto the table. “Millions of angels at Her disposal, and yet…” His eyes are sparkling again. It’s more refreshing than a glass of tequila in a waterless land. “You?” His eyes slip from Crowley’s toes up to the top of his head. “Well, I am certainly surprised.”
Zombie Apocalypse by AppleSeeds (T)
When a meteor strikes Earth carrying a virus that can 'turn people into zombies', Aziraphale finds himself responsible for a group of frightened teenagers at an airbase-turned-hospital in Tadfield. Aziraphale is terrified, but experiences some relief when the teens introduce him to Crowley, who has a plan to get them all to safety. When things don't exactly go according to plan and with the zombies closing in, Aziraphale must face his fears in order to protect the children from becoming infected.
My Favorite Ghost by cassieoh_draws, DiminishingReturns (T)
Decades after the world didn’t end, Heaven and Hell got their war — and nearly destroyed everything in the process. When Aziraphale finally manages to reacquire a corporation and return to Earth, he discovers he was gone longer than he thought and the planet has become unrecognizable. As he searches for Crowley and tries to figure out how he fits in a world that Heaven, Hell, and God have all wiped their hands of, nature works around him to reclaim the bones of an old civilization as the scraps of humanity build a new one. A lush and optimistic post-apocalypse story, told from the POV of an immortal who can't let go of the past.
And the one you mentioned...
Summer's End by FeralTuxedo (E)
2095. Britain is a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by droughts, the collapse of civilisation, and hordes of the undead. Despite that, Aziraphale’s life is actually pretty good. He has his caravan, his books, and his work, offering his services to the men who stop by Tadfield on their arduous journey north. One day, a mysterious stranger knocks on his door. Crowley is charming and handsome and he appears to know his way around a vegetable garden. He comes with the tempting offer of a mutually beneficial arrangement. But it’s in Aziraphale’s best interest not to get too attached. A dystopian cottagecore sex worker AU.
- Mod D
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meowteorite · 5 months
The Lantern | Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds is a game best enjoyed without spoiling anything for yourself. The game relies on mental checkpoints, so once you know about something, there is no way of reliving the magic of finding it out via simply playing the game.
This piece of literature includes spoilers for the WHOLE main game (Outer Wilds) AND DLC (Echoes of the Eye). I am going to mention critical story points and I am going to touch on how to solve endgame puzzles.
If you are interested in space, please check out Outer Wilds. If you like puzzle games, please check out Outer Wilds. If you are interested in a more unconventional game, please check out Outer Wilds. I will not force you to, but I can only recommend playing Outer Wilds.
Night has fallen. The familiar sounds of silence are filling the dark room that is lit only by candlelight and the dim blue light coming from the tiny window. How long have I been imprisoned here? Left alone in this room, unwilling – or unable? – to die. My body may have rotten, may have crumbled to dust. I do not know. My soul is caged only by the blue fire emitted by the lantern I have been holding onto for years. I cannot unlearn how to talk, though it has been a good while since I did. I should have lost my mind, but the sheer force of not wanting to has kept me sane. I have not heard a sound from beyond these walls in so long. Is anybody even still out there? Am I the only one left? I will not blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
I have witnessed so many sunsets and sunrises within these walls, thousands of years must have gone by. But what if it is a trick by the others? I am trapped in this simulation that they have created. What tells me they have not modified it to make time seem endlessly long? For the real world outside this box, it might have been only a few hours. It would fit them. It would fit them to be trapped alongside me, though not by force but their own will. It would fit them to misalign how fast time in here progresses, compared to the real world. They had always feared the end. Death. The great unknown. A few thousand sunrises and sunsets ago, I would have called them cowards. But I am trapping myself in the simulation – just as much as they are. I will not blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
I could blow out my lantern at any time, disconnecting me from this room that keeps me prisoner. I could die. My body could already be rotten, crumbled up to dust. If I blew out my lantern I could disconnect my mind, finally free. But if my theory, however wrong it may actually be, is true and only a few days have passed since my imprisonment, I could still be alive. Before the simulation caught me, I felt the air thickening, felt my stomach aching from not having eaten in days. My feet were giving in, only for me to discover that the wooden box forced me to stand. But what kind of life would I even have left? Trapped inside a wooden box, my own grave, my own sarcophagus, starving or suffocating to death. In this simulation I cannot feel the pain inflicted upon my real body. Maybe staying – however boring it may be – is more welcome than pain and suffering. I will not blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
My prison houses a telescope, to look at an image of the planet we had left behind. They were so keen on following their new hope, they had rendered our home a barren wasteland. Then they felt betrayed by their new hope, and so they constructed an image of our home planet in our fake simulated world. I do no longer care to look at it, I have seen every inch at least a thousand times. I am saddened by how we treated our home, though I am happy we were curious enough to leave it. Even though I only see the same walls each and every passing day now, I am happy that I was able to see something more before that. I will not blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
I am staring at the same walls again. My nails do not grow, my feathers are not falling out. My antler is not growing back. My eyes are adjusting to the light and the darkness as they always have. Even if I had always hated the simulated world, found it to be a cowardly way of escaping reality, I wanted to look outside. The window is too high up for me, I can only look at the sky. The sky with the big blue planet, the sky with the simulated sun. I have tried staring into the sun, but while it would hurt my eyes in the real world, here it does not do anything. Everything stays the same. I will not blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
My two rooms have started to feel smaller. I have tried carving into these wooden planks, they seem indestructible. No scratches, no marks. The lift is working as usual, I can go wherever I want. As long as “wherever” is within these walls. This simulated body does not need to eat. It does not need – and it cannot – sleep. I cannot pass the time. Looking through the window and into the sky has long become utterly worthless to me. There is nothing else to do within these walls, aside from thinking. I might blow out my lantern? The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
The planet in the night sky has began taunting me. The blue light coming from it fills my room each night. I cannot escape it. It is the same shade of blue as the fire of my lantern. I have picked up my chair, I have smashed it into the wall. There is no damage to be found. Not a scratch, not a mark. I might blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen.
Can this simulated body feel pain when it becomes too much? I am sticking one of my fingers into my lantern, holding it directly into the fire. My vision becomes blurry, though my finger does not ache. I pull it back. I will blow out my lantern. The sun rises again.
Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen. The sun rises again. Night has fallen? The sun rises again? Night has fallen? The sun rises again?
Night has fallen. Is it possible to hallucinate within this world? I could have sworn I had heard a sound coming from outside the walls. I tried looking through the window, but the planet is still here and there’s nothing else to see. I wanted to scream, but fear had taken over me. Who else but my former peers could be out there? There is no way to reach this island from within the simulation. Maybe my theory of how time progresses within the simulation is correct. Have they come to free me from my prison? Maybe they think I had been broken enough? But it would be so unlike them to welcome a “traitor” amidst them. They surely have not considered being in the wrong, I cannot believe. I will not blow out my lantern.
There are steps outside, I am so very sure of it. I heard something move on … water? It must be. There is something moving, someone is aligning the platforms for the bridge. Have they come to free me? My ears start ringing as I hear the sound of bells, but the footsteps continue on. I hear someone rotating a wheel. I must be hallucinating, it cannot be. I hear someone approaching through the tunnel. Suddenly, I am scared. I shift back into the darkness, the darkest spot of these walls. I sit down on my chair. I am going to wait. I will not make a sound. My life may be over soon. I can hear footsteps in the room above me, going in circles. I will not blow out my lantern.
Someone is stepping inside of the lift, it is moving downward. I am sitting in silence, I am not moving. The door opens, someone enters. They are small. They are turning around. I hope they will not leave, even if I am scared. They are looking left and right, checking the walls. They are searching for something, but what is there to be found here aside from me? They are staring in my direction, their face is … Their face is blue. And they have four eyes. And they are smaller than me. No need to fear them, probably. They are taking tiny steps toward me, eager. Lantern in hand. I will not blow out my lantern.
They are within reach, but they are not doing anything. They are looking, staring into the darkness. They are taking a step toward me. I do not want to scare them, but I most likely will once they bump into me. I will not blow out my lantern. I will not stand up. I might stand up? I will stand up. I stand up. I reach out my hand, my body had become a bit stiff from sitting. Fear overcomes their face, they run to the other side of the room. I scared them, even if it was not my intention. I will not blow out their lantern.
I stand there, staring at them. What is their intention? They are staring at me, regaining their composure. They are approaching me, they open their mouth. There are words coming out, but none that I know. I cannot recall a species looking like that. Maybe they have come from far away? Maybe they are also in search for the Eye? This is what I have waited for all this time. Someone to share my knowledge with, yet I lack the words. I must think of a way that enables me to talk to them. I must ask them how they were able to visit me, how they were able to unlock my seals. I remember my vision torch, I am stepping aside to grab it. They take a step back. I will not blow out their lantern.
I am holding the vision torch to their head, communicating to them what my species did. How we left out home planet in search for the Eye, how we left it a wasteland. How we built this space station to last for an eternity so that we could stay with the Eye forever, no matter what it looked like. What the Eye told us, how it told us that the end of the universe is near. How betrayed the others felt upon seeing this and how they tried to lock the Eye away. How I managed to break the seal, freeing the Eye for a mere moment. How they locked me away, both in the real world and the simulation. Finally, I could talk to someone. All this time, this time where I had felt so alone and stripped of purpose – there was a purpose. And I was not alone. I want to think of them as a friend in need. I will not blow out my lantern.
I am done with sharing my experiences. The look on their face is one of understanding, the look of someone that has found the final piece to their puzzle. They seem eager to share something with me, I am so very glad. I want to know their story, their origin. I hand them my vision torch. I will not blow out my lantern.
They show me my own species. My own planet. The plants are dying, the houses are still standing but in the worst condition they have ever been. Time has passed, my theory was wrong. My body is dead, so are the bodies of all my former friends. My former family. The thought saddens me a little, but I cannot help but feel a little bit more at peace. They tell me how the Eye sent out a signal to a faraway place. The inhabitants of this place built a spaceship, teleporting away from their home in order to find the Eye. I can relate to them. By shutting the blocking system for the eye off, I helped them receive a signal of the Eye. I am happy to have helped another species find out about this mysterious thing. The next vision. I am glad I did not blow out my lantern.
Their ship got stuck within a vine-like structure, but they managed to send out some little shuttles. I hope they all managed to safely escape their shuttle. I hope they are all well. They built houses on different planets. A blue light approaches them, they all fall to the ground. They are dead. Their skeletons remain, their houses crumble. An astronaut found these houses, they brought a wall with some sort of violet text to a house. A museum? There are other blue people. I see the person before me, they look even smaller. The one that had transported the wall must be some sort of other blue person. The one before me is looking at the wall, they are growing older. They are in their own spaceship, putting on some sort of suit, flying off into the deep vastness of space. I am so very glad I did not blow out my lantern.
Hearing this person’s story makes me happy. I did not think my prison would allow me to talk to someone else again, but I did. My species is long gone, everybody has long withered away. The natural course of life, the end. Their minds may still wander this simulation, for now. Seeing what had happened to our space shuttle makes me realize that nothing is forever, their life is going to end at some point as well. But I remember the three seals of my prison, and I remember what sacrifice had to be made in order to break one of them. I am saddened that by visiting me, the creature before me had given all they had left away. I hope they will not rely on the simulation. It would be their prison, as it was mine. I am saddened but hope that they will blow out their lantern.
For now, I wish to see the surface again. I stretch out my hand, I wish to hold my vision torch. My newfound friend hands it to me. I step on the lift, eager to leave the prison behind. I want to go before them. I bow to them, my deepest and most heartfelt thanks. There is nothing I would have loved more for the last few minutes of my life. I step on the elevator. I go outside, the sand beneath my feet. I see the raft. I would have loved to sail into the sunset with my friend, but I cannot. I cannot stand this world any longer, and I am at peace. A last vision for them, to show how glad I was to have met them. We push the raft forward, we sit in it. We float toward the ever-growing sun. We are together, nobody needs to be alone anymore. I push the vision torch into the sand, making sure that they will see it. I am glad I did not blow out my lantern.
I take a few steps, I approach the dark water. The sun begins to rise again, but I am not here to see another day. My knees are touched by the cold water, my lower body is submerged. I cannot swim in this simulation, I do not feel the need to try. I walk further. One last look at the planet I had watched from my prison all these years. I am glad I did not blow out my lantern, so that the water could do it for me.
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sketchy-crafts-4130 · 3 months
Anybody got/know of some good modpacks for minecraft you would recommend trying? I played through "On the moon" ages ago, and the experience completely rewritten my brain chemicals. The modpack is on curseforge and has you stuck stranded on the moon with very limited Supplies and air. You got to work your way into building a spaceship to head back to earth. Easy enough for a beginner like myself to modpacks like this and not overly grindy.
I tired out astropolis recently, which has a similar Premise but your on a Asteroid rather than moon and have to do a lot more work to get back to the overworld. It was fun at first but as I got further into it the grind was getting too much for me and the fun drained out it too.
Any suggestions would be welcomed ☺️
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Pairing: B.Chan x fem!reader
Words count: 348
Warnings: none, I guess. If there's any let me know.
AN: If you know any good jazz song please recommend it to me 😩 Also, reblogs and comments are welcome. Smile, everyone 💕
There's nothin' you can know that isn't known
Nothin' you can see that isn't shown
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where
you're meant to be
Chan found himself mesmerised by the singer's clear honey-like voice accompanied by elegant moves of the slender and soft hands that were currently hidden in a pair of long almost transparent gloves that shined under the bar's lights. And it wasn't only for her voice that made him come back almost every night when he was done doing business. He was intensively following her dark siren eyes, hoping that their gazes meet. It was her velvety and thick hair that was styled every night to match her dresses. It was her sharp mind and her attitude, never letting anybody disrespects her, not even her boss. Yes, he had encountered their talks accidentally before.
Tonight she has chosen a long black dress with sparkles that perfectly hugged her well built figure on all of the right places. Her hair was down and her curls covered her shoulders. She never wore too much make up and tonight wasn't an exception. Everything was perfect to the smallest detail.
Chan had gotten to his feet further away from the crowd, slumped against the wall. She caught up his intentions long time ago. Seemed like that's what Chan wanted too. Because of this, sometimes her dresses were more provocative than usual. They never showed more than was necessary. The most curious thing always remained hidden, not only in her appearance, but also in her words. This was what made Chan crazy about her. He never missed her performance, always seeking her gaze, sometimes even allowing himself to buy her a drink. They both liked this game.
Were they in love with each other? Both were too intoxicated by the other's presence to ask themselves that question. For now, it was enough for them to stalk each other like predator and prey, talking in hints until finally the inevitable was reached.
All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
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Welp, guess Ophelia's dominating the prompts ❤️ here's a cookie for you 🍪
MC invites Ophelia to try out a limited-time dessert at a cozy dessert shop but there's only one serving left. MC chooses to let her have it and gets another food
"Don't worry, I already tried it before. I wanted to know first if it's delicious enough before recommending it to you."
I've been running 'round trying to find a place where I can breathe But me oh my I found you under an April sky And you feel like City life, apple pie baked just right
– Apple Pie - Lizzy Mcalpine
Dessert shops are a rarity to Ophelia. She would always go to one with her older siblings in the past, but of course, more important things came up and the detours of family bonding are put in the backseat for the time being.
So to be in one again feels oddly nostalgic and, at the same time, new because you're here now.
With her.
Is this what Carmen calls a date?
Is she out on a date right now?
Well, you didn't mention it being one, so it isn't one right?
This can be just a plain hang out with two friends.
But Everest told her that even if the other person didn't explicitly says it, there is a chance that it can be one.
Going by that logic, you're subtley telling her that you both are on a date today.
Her head hurts from analyzing the hidden meaning that doesn't exist at all.
Ophelia's brought back to the present when the bowl of a limited time sundae is placed on the table. It's dessert pasta.
Chocolate noodles, with a whipped cream "sauce", and "meatballs" that are small baked alaskas.
Truly something worth a lot and the annoying long lines.
"We could've went to The Old Spaghetti House if we're gonna eat pasta." Ophelia frowns, which made you lightly snort.
"Well, I don't think they would sell this kind of pasta." You say and pick up a chocolate parfait that Ophelia has only now noticed.
"You don't want any of the dessert pasta?" Ophelia asks incredulously.
"I'm alright with the parfait." You reassure with a smile.
"But you bought it."
"I already ate that yesterday when I went here, don't worry."
Ophelia's brows furrow a bit in confusion. "But don't you want to eat it again? Don't you like it?"
"Well, yeah, but..." Your smile turns sheepish. "I actually wanted to know what it tasted like before recommending it to you."
Blue eyes stare at you in surprise. "... Oh." Ophelia blinks, before looking away, cheeks reddening in hue. "That's... nice of you to do that." A small nod. "Thank you..."
"You're welcome, Ophelia."
Ophelia looks back at you, cracking one of her knuckles anxiously with an audible pop. "Are you really sure you don't want it? I don't want to make you feel obligated or anything, and we could always share."
"I'm sure, Ophelia." You reassure her. "It's yours to have."
Hesitantly she nods and picks up her fork. "Thanks... again. You're too nice, you know? It's... weird to be treated this way."
"You deserve all the good things." You tell her as if it's a hard fact. "I don't think there isn't anybody else that I know who doesn't deserve it more than you."
A small smile spreads across Ophelia face as she twists the noodles into her fork.
She takes a bite.
A happy hum.
"I still prefer The Old Spaghetti House for my pasta."
And a stifled snort from you.
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fella-lovin-fella · 10 months
Do you know any sapphic ish yearning blogs that aren't transphobic and don't exclude people like bi lesbians/bi gays/etc. and/or people who are not fully women (i.e. bigender ppl, gender fluid ppl, etc.)? I'm so avoidance of interacting w/ ppl in sapphic spaces and such bc I never know which ones are actually just transandrophobic assholes who hate men and thing lesbian = "non men loving non men!!!" or some shit
im sorry you feel so excluded from your own community :( it can be hard to find your people, especially when you're in an ocean of transphobia and other exclusionary bullshit. i personally dont know of any, but i DO know that there are so many wonderful people out there who are exactly like what you're looking for. i hope you know you're more than welcome here, and if anybody has any blog recommendations please leave them in the replies/reblog/send asks!!!!!
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Getting-acquainted questions from the lovely @waitmyturtles​, who I’ve been enjoying getting to know and would love to continue to know better. Thanks for the tag!
I’m going to skip the tagging part myself, sorry. Tagging people on things like this always makes me off-the-charts anxious. If you see this and are interested in it, though, please feel more than welcome. The tagging prompt, should you choose to accept it, is to tag nine people you would like to get to know better.
Three Ships:
Hira x Kiyoi - These two are frustrating and deeply weird but their story is so compelling in a way that’s relatable despite, or maybe because of, their weirdness. And then occasionally they are the absolute sweetest. Their relationship isn’t likely to closely resemble viewers’ real-life relationships, yet the issues and emotions that get explored in their story resonate much more broadly. My forever blorbos.
Togawa x Nozue - Old Fashion Cupcake is like the Jane Austen novel version of a BL. Things look calm on the surface but so much emotion is simmering underneath and every stray word, glance, or social gesture is invested with an immense amount of meaning (and often, misinterpreted). Totally my wheelhouse. Nozue’s mixture of charm, competence, and frighteningly low confidence is super endearing, while Togawa’s assertive, purposeful side is undercut by how vulnerable his feelings for Nozue make him.
Seo Joon x Ji Woo - I love the subtle, complex way their story developed in season 1 of To My Star and although season 2 was like a punch in the gut, it ended up working well for me in the end. There’s something so special about when an incredibly guarded person finally opens themselves up to caring for and being cared for by others, like when a feral cat finally lets you pet them.
First Ship:
Like, first in my lifetime, or first since I got into BL, or something else?
The first time I ever heard about ships/shipping as a term was when I was watching Veronica Mars in my 20s. I was pro-LoVe, Logan and Veronica, 100%.
I think the very first time I rooted for two characters on TV to get together was probably watching Moonlighting as a kid and wanting Cybil Shepherd and Bruce Willis to get together. That or Sam and Diane on Cheers. In both cases, when those people finally got together, the aftermath was a huge letdown. I think I still have baggage from both those shows!
I think the first BL ship I really felt strongly about was probably Hira x Kiyoi. I’d already seen some BLs and enjoyed them but hadn’t gotten really invested in that way until Utsukushii Kare.
Last Song:
KAYTRANADA fr. H.E.R. - Intimidated
This song is a bit outside my usual area but I’ve been trading song recommendations with a friend lately, and as a result, I’m listening to a bunch of things I normally wouldn’t. This is one of my favorite things my friend has shared with me so far.
Last Movie:
I’m part of the way through watching Minari with my husband and really enjoying it (although it’s also stressing me out). I have young kids so seeing a movie from start to finish with no interruptions is rare. If we’re only counting movies I’ve seen from start to finish, the last one I watched was Broker, which I loved.
Currently Reading:
I’m listening to the audiobook version of How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith--I highly recommend the audiobook specifically. Smith is a poet as well as a journalist and his style of narration in the audiobook is engaging, artistic, and just contributes a lot to the work.
Re-reading portions of The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Intimacy by Harriet Lerner for a post I’m thinking about. 
I’m also reading a couple of books about UX research for job search reasons but y’all don’t want to hear about that.
Currently Watching:
Utsukushii Kare season 2
Ameiro Paradox
note: I keep almost starting Bad Buddy but there are a bunch of options for watching it online and I’m getting a little paralyzed by too many possibilities. If anybody has any advice about the best place to watch it, please let me know.
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Revice
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
American stuff:
Poker Face
Abbott Elementary
His Dark Materials
Currently Consuming:
Just had an everything bagel. Currently obsessed with an NYT recipe for “creamy doenjang pasta.” Probably going to raid my husband’s stash of dried mangoes at some point here. Well, raid in the sense of stealing a couple of pieces.
Currently Craving:
Chinotto (the Italian soda). I had a place I could buy this stuff in Austin but I don’t know of a place that has it here in the Seattle area. It’s bitter and aperitif-ish, made with a kind of sour orange. It’s basically like if cola was a bit more complex and weird.
It’s such a cliche, but chocolate. I’m not a big fan of the chocolate we keep around the house for the kids (Cadbury’s Dairy Milk) and don’t have any of my own, so I may have to bake something.
Utsukushii Kare season 2, episode 2. I’m not used to watching BLs as they come out weekly so the wait for next Tuesday is making me a bit cranky.
Diptyque Eau Capitale - I’m obsessed with this perfume but I only have a small sample so I’ve been hoarding it. It’s a really classy, complex, well-blended rose-patchouli thing. Super cozy. I should honestly go put some of it on right now, to heck with hoarding.
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otg2012 · 2 years
“All I Saw Was You" Timeline
My Stiles/Jackson series called "All I Saw Was You" starts 14 years after the end of season 2 which is what I call the "present". At the same time, you also find out what happened in the "past" and what happens in the "future". This timeline establishes an order of the chapters throughout the years but personally, I recommend to read it in the order in which is posted on AO3. 
* This timeline will be updated when I post more parts.
* I’m posting it here to link it on the description of my series and delete it from AO3, so it needs to edited another day after deleting 3 chapters like this one that were not “stories”. I can’t risk losing my account or having it frozen again for something like this.
* I love to know what people think of the story, the OCs, the voices, etc... so feedback is very welcome and always cheers me up. I reply as soon as I can.
I never expected to write this timeline and that's why I had not done it in six years—Because I still think that it's better to read the story as it's been posted, but Aceadams asked me last month if I had done one and I remembered that Wam6996 had also asked me about it a lot of time ago... so I started to think about it as a way to establish a sort of layout of the story in a more visual way (not as a reading order although people are free to read it as they wish/prefer), and finally, I was like "okay, why not?" So, I decided to write it down.
This has taken some time to finish, so it'd be nice to know if it's useful for anybody... because I also thought that, apart from those two people, maybe nobody would care about it.
Let me know if you have any doubt.
This post will be updated when I post more parts.
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P105. Humans, Werewolves and the Beginning of Everything
P114. Tell Me I'm Strong Enough
P115. You're still you… Mr. I’m fucking "perfect"
P116. Thank you, Dr. Whittemore
P119. Broken Promises Will Come Back to Haunt You [+ Q & A]
P52. Chocolate Muffins, Nightmares and Some Xbox
P154. A Werewolf's Charade Is a Human's Unlikely Opportunity (Part 1)
P155. A Werewolf's Charade Is a Human's Unlikely Opportunity (Part 2)
P26. It's in the Way You Look
P121. Fantasy. Reality. Fucking Figure it Out
P100. Why Did You Kiss Me? — * 4th anniversary post
P36. Three Things You Love, Three things You Hate
P45. Jackson Never Says "I Love You"
P29. A New Kind of Secret
P11. Not Lydia 2.0
P57. Who Knew You Wouldn't Be Nobody Anymore
P102. How many "Stiles" do you know?  
P107. The Right Amount of PDA
P112. No More Secrets  
P16. My Asshole Boyfriend
P50. If Anybody Is Breaking Something Here, That's Gonna Be Me
P90. I Could Kiss You on the Mouth Right Now
P124. It's You and Me, and the Distance in Between — * 5th anniversary post
P108. A Christmas Miracle: Santa, Blue and Broken Rules
P147. Your True You
P148. Zero Kissing Involved
P150. About the Guy with Jackson's Freaking Heart
P151. About the Relationship Kane Can’t Get in the Middle of
P152. Four Things Jackson Hates and One Thing He Loves
P153. The Start of a Stiles and Jackson Fan Club
P156. Dealing with the Kanes of the World
P18. Derek Is Not Your Boyfriend
P39. The Kind of Christmas Gift You Can't Return
P110. I Want "You"
P111. Stiles Is All Kindness (aka Not Bad)
P14. No More BB-8
P3. No Other Option
P35. Part of You and Part of Me  
P40. More Than a Cuddle
P41. True Love Lasts Forever
P42. My Path Is Bound With Yours
P43. Unconditionally
P72. Not Your Typical Family Dinner
P46. Not Weird, Special
P47. Part Whittemore, Part Stilinski. Can You Imagine That?
P48. The Ultimate Proof of Love
P62. Say Goodbye to Yesterday
P63. Stiles Is the Exception Except When He Isn't
P64. The End of the World as You Know It
P65. Our Story Is Just Getting Started — * 3rd anniversary post.
P51. 911. What's Your Emergency?
P59. He's Coming Back to You
P67. Do You Believe in Fate?
P78. Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten
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P1. All I Saw Was You
P2. On the Wire
P4. Beautifully Unfinished
P5. My Blue Skies and Grey
P6. That Little Consequence of Being Mates
P7. Broken Frame
P8. Into the Wild
P9. Out of the Darkness
P10. So Close But Yet So Far  — * 1st anniversary post
P12. 50 %
P13. Blue Eyes, Perfect Cheeks
P15. Without the Shadow of a DoubT
P16. My Asshole Boyfriend
P17. Bound Together
P19. A Second Chance... Maybe
P21. I Know What You Like
P22. Revelations, Memories, and Coke Zero
P23. I Want To Kiss You. Right Now
P25. Put Your Arms Around Me
P26. It's in the Way You Look
P28. Not Just a Bite
P30. I Can't Make Any Promises — * 2nd anniversary post
P34. The Big Spoon
P44. Moving on
P49. I Don't Want to Lose You
P58. Love Came in Between
P66. This Is Me Now
P71. How Do You See Me?
P73. Don't Let Your Past Hunt You Down  
P106. Call Me by My Name
P74. This Time, It's Jackson's Turn
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P94. Don't Forget There's No Logic in a Partially Human Supernatural Creature
P95. I Want You Back
P96. I'll Make All Your Fantasies Come True
P68. A Matter of Trust
P69. Exactly What I Need
P70. Son of Superman
P75. A kiss Is Just a Kiss
P76. As the Light Breaks Through
P79. Little Monsters
P80. Too Young for This Shit
P81. Reasons to Hide Your Tears
P54. I'd Rather Get Shot by a Wolfsbane Bullet
P55. But You Are Married to an Asshole
P56. Consider It Temporary Insanity
P60. From One to Ten, He's a Twenty
P61. Killing Is Always the Last Resort
P20. Guard and Protect
P37. Nobody Said That Werewolves Couldn't Shoot Arrows
P38. Nobody Said You Can't Be Shirtless to Have a Conversation
P133. Ten Years Too Late
P134. Emotionally Compromised
P103. Never Let Anybody Make You Feel Like You Are Any Less Than What You Are
P139. Lying Runs in the Family
P140. Forever Young
P141. Only 50 % Human
P142. Everything Is Connected
P82. Run Kyle Run
P83. You're Married to a Dude?
P84. That's His Thing
P85. Maybe It Was Meant to Be
P86. An Atypical Client
P87. All Alone in the Danger Zone
P88. Rules Are Made to Be Broken
P89. Your Trust Means Everything
P91. Are You Ready to Take My Hand?
P92. Too Many Horror Movies
P93. Maybe Fate Is Actually a Thing
P97. Who Makes All the Rules?
P98. That’s Not Who We Are
P99. Is There Anything Your Father Can’t Do? (aka Right in the Middle)
P101. Under the Radar
P122. Lifeboat
P104. A Portrait of Self-control
P109. If It's Easy Then It Can't Be Love (aka No Way in Hell)
P113. What I'll Whisper in Your Ear
P117. Fate Had a Different Plan Than the One in Your Head
P33. The One
P24. Only Half Wolf
P120. An Alpha, His Husband and a Future that Remains Unclear
P123. With You, Everything Is Crystal Clear
P125. Set Your Fears Free. Find Your Truth
P126. Variety Is the Spice of Life
P127. Practice Until You Can't Get It Wrong
P128. Defying Laws of Gravity
P129. Romantic Ideas Not to Keep
P130. Empty Space
P131. Whittemore, Hale & Associates
P132. Hale, Whittemore & Associates
P135. Throw All the Darkness into Gold
P136. The Adoption Thing
P137. Life Happened to You
P144. Pancakes, Orange Juice, Plus Some Breakfast News
P145. Taboo Topic and All That — * 6th anniversary post.
P146. I Love You Both
P164. You’re Only Half Stilinski
P159. Too Explicit for Television (a.k.a. Call Me What You Want)
P160. It's Right to Assume
P161. Unreal
P162. No One Like You
P163. You Don't Need to Know Everything
P177. So, This Is a Date?
P178. He's Gonna Be a Star.
P157. Yesterday No-one, Today You're a Star
P158. I'm at the Top of the Pyramid
P165. Full Moon Calling (Part 1)
P166. Full Moon Calling (Part 2)
P167. A God in His Bed
P168. Not Running Out
P169. Not the Kind of Secret You'd Expect From Your Celebrity Boyfriend
P170. That Time You Got That First Gig You Never Knew You Wanted at an Interspecies Affair
P171. Jackson Is Not Your Regular Werewolf
P172. Blood, Pain and Regrets
P173. A Disorder in a Not-So-Human Body
P174. Second Nature
P175. Destiny Is Not Bullshit No Matter Who Believes in It
P176. Two Brothers. Different Paths.
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P32. Alive: An "All I Saw Was You" Fanmix
P118. End of the Earth: An "All I Saw Was You" Fanmix
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P27. An "All I Saw Was You" Companion
P53. Poll I (Deleted from AO3)
P77. Poll II  (Deleted from AO3)
P119. Q & A [+ Broken Promises Will Come Back to Haunt You]
P138. After the Crash
P143. An "All I Saw Was You" Visual Guide (Up to part 142)
P149. The "All I Saw Was You" Timeline  (Deleted from AO3)
In case you don't know, I have other stackson stories that you might find interesting if you like this series:
* What If It's you? (Human AU / Crossover with "Spooks | MI-5" ) * Throw Your Weight On Me (Alpha/Omega AU) * No Infinity (Human AU in space) * Hollywood (Human AU in 1950) * The Chemicals Between Us (Human AU)
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malapkv · 7 months
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It has taken some time to even comprehend/ come to terms with reality. Everyday I would contemplate writing only to again go back to thinking “ Is she really no more? “ and that would end in a spiral and ultimately I would not even start to write. Shell shocked / felt like I was slapped on the face/ paralysed - terms won’t suffice to describe what I feel about her passing.
Bhavatha ,as I know her for over a decade now was a personality who was different from the popular image of her. Anybody would first give her the tag “ Ilayaraja sirs daughter” and naturally so. She would be tagged as “ National Award winner”. Or “ someone who is part of a very illustrious and world famous family” . “ Soft spoken” - yes she is and was all of this . Just that she was more than this.
She loved her father and I think she loved her mother slightly more. But she was quick to break that image of “ daughter of…” and she would prefer to be treated as just Bhavatha. Just another woman on this planet earth. Which was her uniqueness.
Whenever I heard her voice play on the radio I would quickly record and send her a WhatsApp message and say “ love to hear your voice”. Her response almost always would read as “ Hayyo stop embarrassing me” with a smile. She just didn’t want us - who she considered as good friends - to limit her to any of this or to distance her using any of this.
Soft spoken she was. But she was a very strong woman with a very strong intuition and a very clear way of dealing with people and things. She was fair and just. Even if she got temporarily angry or irritated with people or situations, ultimately she would come around and try to smile and recreate the relationship. Am sure people can vouch for this.
Her smile and her laughter- were so contagious it’s impossible to notice Bhavatha without her electric smile.
She and I clicked almost instantaneously the day we met. Providence gave me the fortune of becoming her friend and almost as soon as she saw me she started joking and teasing me as if she knew me for years and that created a natural ease and bonding between us. She was always the welcoming “ Mahalakshmi” into the T Nagar house whether it was during Navaratri or any other occasion or the times she used to invite us for “ Varalakshmi Pooja “ in her married home. We all went there for Bhavatha . Period. Everyone came after.
She would hang out with her various friends groups mostly based on music and work - but with me personally she always spoke about temples. We went to Thiruvannamalai , Madurai Meenakshi, Thiruchendur and locally Vadapazhani together. But her favorite was another temple - which is my favorite too “ Mala when are we going to Kapaleeswarar temple” she would often ask me..
We had our fun moments of pointless banter, aimless laughter, crazy gossips and simply hanging out with no contemplation of the future. Very normal and not five star hangout spots. Her favorite was Woodlands- to the extent the bearers there would ask for her if they spotted me alone. We also had ice-cream joints, beachside laughs and movies at Satyam. Just what normal friends would do in Chennai. All along our minds would be reminding us “ daughter of a legend” but she would always reassure “ Just Bhavatha” just your next door but special friend.
Staying away from Chennai has given me a lot but has also taken a lot away from me. Her passing and me unable to even see her one last time being the biggest loss. I last met her in 2022 Navaratri and after that it has always been over phone. Her last text to me was “ let’s go somewhere to eat” … she would take recommendations from me like the one time we went to the Parthasarathy Swami sabha canteen to have the “ Elai saapadu “ as she would call it. And would thoroughly cherish and enjoy it.
She would often pull me with my craze for Carnatic music and concerts for laughs but she was carnatic trained herself and had a deep appreciation for the art form. As would be evident in her listening and participation of the concerts organised at her fathers place for Navaratri. Her last message to me on Instagram was a clipping of a Sanjay Subrahmanyan concert - I was pleasantly surprised and overjoyed- but did not react much except for a thumbs up- little did I know she would leave the planet a few days after that.
She loved her family- her parents, her brothers, her niece and nephews , her cousins and the extended family. She had very cordial relationships with the musicians she knew and they all consider her their own daughter or sister or friend. She cherished her friends and was there for them in her own ways.
Bhavatha is a true loss on this planet. The earth has lost a very warm and genuine human who brightened life for everyone she was associated with. An irreplaceable loss for her family. An unbelievable and heart wrenching loss for us friends.
I don’t know if I can ever step in to her house and look at a picture of her on the wall rather than her being there to welcome us «  I’ll be there by 7 come come » she would have texted just before. And ensure we have dinner with her before we leave. This was our every Navratri ritual. We would freeze everytime when we enter the «  legend » zone be it home or the studio where her dad worked but she would be the ice breaker, the « welcomer »the person who united us all!
You’ve taken a little bit of everything from me when you have left Bhavatha. Chennai or your dads music or your voice on the radio , the T Nagar house, Kapaleeswarar Koil, Thiruvannamalai, Ramanashramam… you’ve taken a bit of all this away with you. None of this is going to be the same without you. Ever again.
I know you are in peace already with your mom and probably you left because otherwise you would have to suffer.
But your loss is a rude reminder to me that nothing what I see , I can count on- it can all be taken away in a jiffy. Especially the best things and the best people.
Whatever connected you and me am sure will connect us again somewhere in the spectrum of eternity.
Until then, no am never going to get over your loss!
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koiqiss · 10 months
Atl Airport – Just Enhance Your Knowledge Now!
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For anybody who is driving virtually any place, chances are your getaway will become and / or final around the planet's most busy international. As outlined by a different being ranked by way of the Surroundings Move Investigation People not to mention Embry-Riddle Aeronautical College, Atlanta's Airport terminal was initially the best quality airport on earth.
Marietta, termed as Great Peach, is mostly a business enterprise colossus, gallery centre and additionally facility involved with great modern society which has a brilliant avenue traditions to correspond with. It also has become the place to find the actual most popular airport terminal on earth. However, it’s all too easy to traverse Hartfield Johnson Smyrna atlanta airport by city shuttle agencies such as Jayride. Manchester international was in some nice position: It’s in the two-hour flying near 80% on the country’s residents, in line with Garrow. As well as, it’s really the only main air port on the US with a runway that will adjusts using Gwinnett metro’s population revolves walking eastern so that you can gulf and not n . that will southern region. Once you get to airport, it’s easily accessible MARTA directly from handbags profess. From there, you can travel these Stained Lines (Doraville instruct) or maybe Reddish colored Range (South Comes educate). Both railroads employ a stop by Midtown Gwinnett. Getaway time period talks about 20-25 units. You may get a regional shuttle service which usually departs every 30-60 minutes, dependant on you're.
The atlanta area Air port will not rank highly in lot of similar styles, but when thinking about foods, manchester airport knows about just what exactly it’s carrying out. Will no longer you will want to take stale sandwiches and even chips the fact that taste prefer that they were drizzled with seashore. As a result of fast-food places to eat to actually excellent dining, the airport features anything at all in every case. A person Travelled To the certainly is the very first upscale eating house to start during the air-port along with fully altered this sport. Her wisely constructed alcoholic beverages, native delicacies coupled with sushi allow it to an easy task to forget that you have been in reality in the airport terminal. Additionally you can take hold of some sort of chew in Chili’s, containing a couple places to eat within the ski transfer along with variety of kiosks throughout the terminals.
Our planet's most hectic air-port isn't relating to bike racing through security measure and then hesitating for your flying as being identified as. It is equally an important veritable searching mecca. Edinburgh airport is loaded along with a range of shops and stores recommending several expensive manufacturers to make sure you kitschy mementos. For those of you looking for a crack on the hustle and bustle, the airport carries a wide variety of small matches that serve a lot more confidential area to veg over earlier than takeoff. There are 2 sites with Small Suites, one example is, which provide daybeds that suited couple (though around some are permitted each location). Far better will be to just click here or head over to our official web site to be informed on atl airport.
Edinburgh airport doesn’t just have to have perfect buying and additionally restaurants, aside from that it provides a ton of amusement. In the enhanced A person Travelled Down (continuously atop the field as among the perfect flight terminal eating houses any place) to successfully Grindhouse Fantastic Hamburgers as well as a plethora of chicken wings, vegetables and additionally snacks . . . many for hometown some chefs - and even deep-fried goat parmesan cheese tennis balls. There is also a handful of relaxing energy as a result of soaking in a airport’s distinct lounges To that welcome travelers in spite of his or her flight journey training. Additionally, you could play in the Delta trip emulator and even fly on an airline a real plane available at ATL’s Flight Park your car!
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Blog Rules:
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🦇I do not tolerate any sort of racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. especially as I myself am queer and sort of trans (demigirls unite!!!)
🦇I ask that minors please do not interact with my NSFW content, as 18+ means 18+ for a reason, I won't block you from my account as a whole unless you actively cross this boundary as a minor.
🦇I ask you respectfully don't message me with stuff like "hi!" or with a request, I have asks for a reason.
🦇I also ask you don't be "jokingly" mean to me unless you are a close friend of mine
🦇Please note that I have ADHD and as such it is hard for me to get things done in a timely manner
🦇Please do not hound me for writing, contrary to popular belief I do have a life outside the internet!
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Request Rules:
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What I Will Write:
🦇Right now I will be writing for Resident Evil and COD MW2, I will update this if I feel like writing for more.
🦇That being said I am open to trying to write for fandoms I'm interested or have previously been interested in so just shoot an ask or dm and I'll possibly write!
🦇Also close friends! Yall can request stuff other than RE and MW2 as ik yall and we know what we're interested in :3
🦇I only write character x readers.
🦇I will write fluff, smut, and angst, although I will not write angst too often as I struggle with it.
🦇I am open to writing pretty much anything! As long as its not too disturbing I do not mind.
🦇I will write any relationship, platonic, romantic, sexual you name it!
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What I Will Not Write:
🦇I will not write kinks that relate to body fluids like urine and vomit
🦇I am not open to writing S/A or rape unless it's a character comforting a reader who has experienced such (without going into detail about the event itself ofc)
🦇I will never write topics such as selfcest, incest, pedophilia, noncon, etc.
🦇I will not be writing NSFW content of minors. Any characters requested for NSFW have to be 18 or written as 18.
🦇For now I will not write amab readers as I don't feel I am as well equipped to write them :c
🦇I don't write OCs sorry
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How to Write a Request:
🦇Note: I reserve the right to refuse a request at any time!
🦇Goes without saying but specify character/characters you wish for me to write!
🦇Depending on the request it will be very helpful to note what kind of relationship the characters have to the reader.
🦇I would recommend specifying if the reader is fem or gender neutral for your request! Any NSFW content will be defaulted to afab as that is what I know best. If you don't specify I will usually default to gender neutral aside from NSFW as mentioned above.
🦇Specify what kind of format you wish for me to write, headcanon list, oneshot, or imagine. If not specified I will choose a format myself depending on the request.
🦇Please give me an idea to start with I beg, a "character x reader" and nothing more is hard for me to write for as I don't know what exactly you want! I might answer these every once in a while if I happen to have an immediate idea but these will most likely never be answered otherwise!!
🦇I don't have a request limit for now but please consider I have a life outside the internet and my studies come first.
🦇Find yourself at my little cozy bat forest? Consider becoming an anon, I welcome anybody into my little spot! :3
🦇Thank you so much for reading!
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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1/5/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 6 - 9
Today is the fifth day of January. I'm still getting used to that word, January, welcome. You're listening to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill, this is the fifth day. Mark it down. You made it five days. That is great work. And I will tell you you this first week, the podcasts are a little longer than usual just because there's a lot of getting to know each other in this first week. And we want to inform you of everything that will make your experience here through the Bible as comfortable and inviting as possible. So just giving you a few little tips a little bit every day up at the front. We won't continue to do that. This is just as we get acclimated. I want to take just a second today about the importance of the app. If you have not downloaded the app that's free Daily Audio Bible, you can do so. You set up an account and you'll get rewards for little markers along the way of just congratulations, you've made it, and it explains what you've accomplished. And there's also a little journal feature on the app that if something stuck out for you that day, you can journal it, you can write it down, you can take your own little notes, and it's there for your convenience. We are constantly updating and upgrading that little stinker because the world has become a world of conveniences through technology. And as you know, technology is not foolproof, it is not error free. So there are errors from time to time. Grace for that as well. But for the most part, that app is there for you to utilize on this journey through the Bible. And you can log in as a guest if you would like to, but I would highly recommend setting up an account login, stay logged in, and just enjoy the features that have been made for you as the listener to go through and experience. The only other thing I want to say about that is China and I are not tech support. I am not that smart of a woman. I'll just put it out there, right here. You don't even have to guess. I'm telling you, my ten year old knows far more about technology than I do. He teaches me often, and I'm okay with that. So tagging us on Facebook in any capacity, for any reason will not produce an answer. We do have a team specifically for technology, and there's a way to report things right there on the app. And they get your reports and then they do what it is that they're smart enough to figure out and do. Let me reiterate, we are not tech support. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in that. Let's dive into our reading today. Today we're reading the Book of Job we began yesterday, and we are continuing exactly where we left off in this story with Job, who has lost his family. He has lost his livestock. And that means a future in the day and age that we are speaking of. And so Job is sharing his grief and then his friends have made their way into the story. So we are picking up today with the 6th chapter of Job and reading through chapter nine. And this week we're reading the New Living Translation, Job chapter six.
So we have a front row seat to this conversation happening between Job and now his friend Bildad. And we're starting to hear the hopelessness in Job through his grief. We can gather that physically he's starting to just wither away. And even in the dialogue, we hear the well meaning things that people may have said to us, and we may just as well have said these things ourselves. I think back to when I was a young girl and would wrestle with the internal questions of what sin in my life? What thing did I do that caused this? Because this has to be a punishment or a repercussion of my actions, of my sin. Man whew, playing back the tapes of my life, I'm hoping to God I didn't say that to somebody in my lifetime, but the chances are high that I did. So let me first cringe and then let me secondly publicly apologize to anybody I ever said that to you. But we see this in Bildad's response to Job. How long will you go on like this? You sound like a blustering wind. Does God twist justice? Does the Almighty twist what is right? Your children must have sinned against him, so their punishment was well deserved. Ouch, cringe, all of it. I was just talking to a friend the other day who was telling me about a difficult time one of his children are going through, and they're kind of going through it publicly on social media. And another family member saw it and reached out to my friend and stated the obvious to him. And he responded back that he knew what was taking place. And the response then became, well, thankfully, certain family members are no longer alive to have to see what your child is publicly going through. And my friend just lamented the shame that he is already going through. And then the further shame that was heaped upon him and their response back to the person that shamed them was just so brilliant. I'm going through so much in this situation. I could really use your support, I could really use your prayers. But your further shame is weighty and it's not welcomed. Look, let's be honest. Life is hard sometimes life is hard. And I personally had one of the hardest years of my life last year. Lost my 25 year old nephew at the beginning of the year. I lost a friend prior to that, completely out of the blue, unexpectedly, I've had some health issues. I had bells palsy last year. It was compiled grief and then dealing with personal shame of feeling like I couldn't let anybody know that I wasn't okay and I had to have it all together and just stress took a toll on my body. And we're repairing some things, counseling through some things. The point being is life is hard and things happen unexpectedly and sometimes we just don't even know what we need and sometimes we find out soon enough what we don't need. And so we hear aspects of this conversation today between Job and Bildad and Job even responding directly to God that we find so relatable. And then we pause and we learn the lessons from the relatability. And so there's some more wrestling through to do today and we are still just in the thick of the conversation that Job is having with his well meaning friends. And so we will pause here and we will turn the page tomorrow and we will see what tomorrow's dialogue brings to us.
Father, we thank you for this day. God, I thank you that you know our hopelessness. It is no surprise to you so many people are in the thick of the hard in life. They are in the thick of the unexpected and we don't even know our own needs in the thick of hard. But I'm grateful, God, that we can do hard things because we don't go them alone. You are with us. And whether we realize it in this moment yet or not, you are our hope. We have hope in a future with you because of you. And even when it seems that we've lost ground and we've failed because it seems we have taken steps backwards in life rather than constantly breaking new ground and going forward, sometimes the journey is just getting back up again. You are there with us. And I pray, Father, for every person that knows the internal voice of shame and they have internally, continuously beaten themselves over the head time and time again for for things that we are responsible for and for things that we are not responsible for. God, would you silence the accuser? Would you silence the voice of shame that comes to rob us, steal life and life more abundantly with you? We dismiss the voice of shame that we are dealing with in our own minds. You can go. You can leave now. And we welcome the voice of truth and grace and mercy, an unconditional love. And I pray that we would feel the weight of being the voice of shame in somebody else's life. We would sit with those words before we would speak them and realize that the power of life and death is held in our own words, in our own tongue. Thank you, God, that you lift our heaviness, you lift our head and we turn our eyes up to look to you because you are where our help comes from. And we thank you. Pray this now in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Daily Audio Bible, that is homebase. That's the website. That's the app. Check it out if you have not. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you immensely for your partnership. We could not do this without you, and we are so grateful that we do not have to. If you're giving by mail. Dab PO. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174. Or you can hit the Give icon. It's up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. Lastly, look for the Give icon on the website. That's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill, we'll turn the page together tomorrow as the story of Job continues. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line
Hey, family, this is your sister Kim in Kentucky. It is January 1, and I have been meaning to call in in response to a couple of people's calls. And then today when I heard Kingdom seeker Daniel say a prayer for my son Nicholas, I knew I had to. I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to call in response to under construction and her praise report about God giving them a home, her your first home. I knew he would. And you talked about the fight, the fight to stand in faith and trust, even with the enemy breathing down your neck and shouting in your ear. And that's it. It's the battle. And then also about I was calling about the sister who called in saying a year ago she had asked for prayer for her sister who was delivering twins prematurely, and her brother that was in hospital for suicide watch and what's happened a year later. And then I called in to give a praise report for my son who passed his PA certification test. And he found out on December 23, and he said, all I want for Christmas is to pass this test. And as a parent, as a mom, you know, we give our kids what they want. I couldn't give him that, but I prayed and y'all prayed with me, and you heard me, and God heard me, and he answered. And he's 31 years old, and there's a lot more to the story than just him struggling to pass that test. But God is faithful. Happy New Year. May grace and peace be multiplied to each and every one of you this year. I love you all.
Good morning, DABC. This is his redeemed daughter from Florida. I just want to come on and say Happy New Year to everyone and starting over. Lord, I just want to I wrote down that I definitely not only want to listen, but I want to comprehend and understand and hear more of what Jill and China are reading through the Bible. Maybe like my third or fourth year and won't be the third or fourth time I've read the Bible before, and now I'm listening to it. I just want to thank everybody and I do want to come on and say a prayer real quick for Lisa from Oklahoma who has a small business and she said it's starting to get slow. And Lord of just asking God, will you provide new customers, new guests, whatever she needs, provision to keep her business going. I know this happens to a lot of us. I have clients I clean houses for and I do retail. And so also my separated husband who has his businesses float up and almost coming to an end. So I do pray over all of us who are struggling to keep businesses going and who worry. Lord God, we give it to you right now. Lord help us to remember that you are mighty and you are holy and you are good and you are for us and you are a provider, you own everything. So let's give it to you. And Lord, let's trust you this year. Even when we doubt and we worry, I find myself doing the same thing. Let's not do that this year. Let's give it to Jesus. Amen.
Hello, DABC community. My name is Renee, and I'm wishing everyone a happy new year. I would like for the DABC community to pray for me. I am currently technically homeless and I do not afford an apartment because I do not earn enough money to rent out an apartment. I would like for the DABC community to please pray for me so that God can provide shelter for me. And me being homeless might affect me losing my job. So I would really appreciate your prayers.
Hello, my DABC family. This is Chicago Pat. I'm calling in to play for Alaska Mom and I'm calling on December 31 so I know Alaska Mom, that one of your prayers you would have already known on the 26 December. But yet in God's perfect timing, I'm praying for you now, Alaska Mom, for your boat that sunk on Christmas morning and just dealing with all this and everything that you need to do. I'm praying that in God's perfect timing out of his graciousness you would have good result even by the time you hear this. And praying for you now and continuing to lift up that God will give you wisdom and what to do, how to do it, that he'll provide the finances. And also praying. So importantly, you asked first for prayer for your husband. The good news that you did get a neurology consult. So this is good. We're praising God for that and keeping your husband and you in prayer for God's continued grace, for his blessings in the new year, for good health and always under his gracious care in Jesus name. So. We love you, Alaska. Mom. Love all of you. My DAB extended family, happy New Year to each of you. This is Chicago Peg signing off and look forward to talking to you soon and next year. OK, love you, god bless. Breathe in his grace, breathe out his praise. Amen.
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viral-techno · 2 years
[ad_1] Our world is more and more remoted and divided. For the reason that begin of the pandemic, the time adults and youths spend alone has considerably elevated and never returned to regular charges. Throughout this time, grownup males misplaced the power to keep friendships. Political factions and a raging tradition struggle divide us greater than ever.This vacation season, I give you a humble answer: the Fb Poke.Poke, after all, is a really outdated characteristic on Fb the place you ship somebody a notification that they have been "poke". Up to now, a nudge may need appeared seductive or boring. However in 2022, it is a small wink. A whimsical idea. A innocent trifle.Now I do know what you are pondering I have not stung anybody in years. In fact not! There is a good purpose for that. Fb mainly killed off the Poke characteristic just a few years in the past, making it practically unimaginable to seek out. However that solely makes it much more particular and scrumptious whenever you poke somebody now - what a heat and welcome nostalgic shock it will likely be for them, like listening to an outdated favourite music on the radio or smelling Grandma's cooking. However, , on this case, it is a nostalgic deal with of an enormous company that enabled the genocide.Poke was considered one of Fb's first options; began in 2004, it predates Information Feed. However within the newer previous, its use has declined. Fb was additionally changing into filled with options. The Poke, after a restoration failure in 2017, was relegated to a hyperlink buried deep within the sidebar of desktop web site options and app menu, and ultimately disappeared totally.Because of this you can not entry the Poke part by clicking on Fb.com or the Fb app. That is why no one pushed you for a very long time.Nonetheless, the Poke web page nonetheless exists! There are two methods to entry it:1. Sort “poke” within the web site or app search discipline.2. Click on straight on the web page URL: Fb.com/PokesWhat you will note on this web page will both horrify or delight you. This can be a record of all of the excellent previous pokes you by no means returned years in the past. The names of individuals you have not spoken to in years will fill you with heat emotions of camaraderie (or dread!).(Word: This isn't a whole record of all of your previous Poke exercise, though it may be accessed by downloading your knowledge archive. You are able to do this in Settings & privateness > Settings > Your Fb data > Obtain your data. If you happen to solely need the Poke knowledge, I like to recommend unchecking all containers besides "Different exercise" for the obtain - in any other case it will likely be a big file.)I just lately took a spree after discovering the long-lost Poke web page. It was great. Pals I hadn't spoken to in ages texted or messaged me about it. "I have not been stung in 8 years 😂," wrote a good friend who lives far-off. One other good friend messaged "OMG WHY ARE YOU STICKING ME?" after which we caught up after just a few years of not speaking. (He had simply been fired from Meta, paradoxically.) One other good friend who lives far-off messaged me again and stated he was anticipating his first little one subsequent month. A former colleague despatched me a message: “Have you ever been hacked? One other particular person I teased had a extra succinct response: "Reported."That is precisely what I need from a social media interplay. I am desperately alone however too exhausted to have a severe dialog with anybody; I simply wanna allow them to know, Hey, I am nonetheless right here. Hello. I need a straightforward strategy to join with one other human.It is exhausting to know what social media is all about proper now. Twitter has turn out to be a battleground of touring clans of distress puppeteer by a 51 yr outdated cosplayer. TikTok is a Chinese language authorities psy-op to persuade me to eat uncooked liver and a very good place to seek out gangs with dangerous courting habits.
Instagram is a rawer model. Snapchat is nice for movies that pop cysts, however not terribly helpful in case your good friend group is not largely made up of youngsters. Fb was a spot the place your aunt wished you a cheerful birthday, however now it is higher fitted to sharing recommendation on take a dewormer for horses. BeReal could be that enjoyable and easy strategy to join with pals, however every day invitations ⚠️ are beginning to really feel like a chore.Truthfully, what do you have got left however sting somebody? ● [ad_2]
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bitcofun · 2 years
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 8th November, 2022, Chainwire MarginX, the world's very first community-based decentralized exchange (DEX), releases on the Function X blockchain today. It works on a first-of-its-kind multi-chain and on-chain facilities that enables financiers to trade with near to absolutely no gas charges, ultra-high throughput and liquidity, and complete ownership and openness. During its beta test in August this year, the DEX built up an overall deal volume of more than 45 billion USDT. Presently, with a little group of welcomed users, the variety of deals on MarginX continues to gradually climb up past 48 million, with the most upgraded numbers discovered on the Function X StarScan ( https://starscan.io/)." Today marks a turning point for not simply MarginX however the DeFi environment, as we press forth the concept of real decentralization, and support the worths of neighborhood and ownership through our distinct DEX facilities," stated Dr. Danny Lim, Core Contributor of MarginX. "We are enjoyed be developing on the Function X blockchain, as it supplies us with the multi-chain architecture and EVM compatibility that sets the best DeFi environment for MarginX and its future DeFi procedures." MarginX: A Truly Decentralized DEX for the Community As the world's very first community-based DEX, MarginX is dedicated to being a contributor-driven, totally decentralized blockchain facilities. To even more elaborate, the DEX can be specified by the following secret functions: Super Low Transaction Fees MarginX works on a multi-chain, cross-chain and para-chain facilities that enables the platform to deal with a throughput of 2,000--20,000 deals per block, while decreasing blockage in the blockchain-- thus preserving gas charges as low as 0.003 USDT and deal costs as low as 0.04%. Users Control Their Assets Funds are traded through non-custodial wallets, and all deals happen on-chain so they are safe and secure, proven and transparent. Presently, MarginX supports f( x) Wallet and is created to support all decentralized wallets (i.e. MetaMask, Trust Wallet) through WalletConnect in the future. Full Visibility and Access All deals run on-chain and are tape-recorded on the blockchain. These consist of not simply order matching, development and cancellation, however likewise moneying rate settlement, liquidation, and governance. Any person can track and inspect these records, forming a reasonable system of checks and balances. Connecting TradFi and DeFi MarginX lays the structure for where other DeFi items can be built on, consisting of stock-based derivatives or conventional monetary properties. The DEX enables anybody to style and develop their own DeFi items on the blockchain, and provides tools that bridge the old and brand-new traders of the monetary world. By the Community, for the Community At MarginX, every stakeholder, whether a designer, neighborhood supervisor, or trader, has a say through its governance structure. The MarginX energy NFT system likewise figures out each user's ballot rights, trading refunds and recommendation charges, which develops a sense of neighborhood, and provides users an extra and continuous source of yield. In addition, in never-before-seen DEX design, MarginX provides a paper trading platform ( https://demo.marginx.io) that runs parallel to its live trading platform. This is to enable brand-new users to find out with ease utilizing test tokens, in order to trade with confidence in the real life." Our objective is to have individuals think of MarginX as more than simply a DEX-- it is a whole facilities on which DeFi procedures can be built on," stated Dr. Shin Liang Chin, Core Contributor of MarginX. "The sky is the limitation when it pertains to future collaborations and advancements, and we are thrilled to be at the helm of such an instructions for the market. We want to make financing more available, more transparent and more protected for everybody through making use of blockchain innovations.
" Currently, MarginX assists in the trading of cryptocurrency-based continuous agreements for BTC, ETH and FX. In keeping constant with the worths of neighborhood and ownership, MarginX will not include any ICO, IEO, token sale or NFT sale, so regarding level the playing field for all. For more info, please describe our media set ( https://bit.ly/mxmedia) or our site ( https://marginx.io). About MarginX MarginX is the world's very first community-based decentralized exchange constructed on the Function X network, and running by means of a multi-chain and on-chain facilities. It intends to bridge the standard monetary markets and cryptocurrency world by supplying a platform where financiers can purchase, offer and produce acquired items of any monetary possession, and where every stakeholder has a say in the future of the platform. Contact Marketing & & Communications Lead, Dione Chen, MarginX, [e-mail secured] Share this post Categories Read More
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