#if anyone knows if they've said anything please lmk
It's bothering me that I can't find any statements on Palestine by Green Day or Billie, Mike, or Tre. Like I feel like they generally take a stand on such big matters
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What You've Done, You Cannot Undo (Medieval AU)
Chapter 4
Dew tries to protect his pack, but it's harder than he anticipated.
Rating: M Content: mild descriptions of violence and death, injury, peril, (wrongful) imprisonment Words: 4130
Links to full fic: Tumblr | AO3
Hello tag alert ghesties @revengeghoulette @everybodyshusband! If anyone wants to be added/removed from this list just lmk! 🥰
Read below, or on AO3!
Ghouls were functionally immortal creatures, even when they lived topside in clans or amongst humans. They were immune to most diseases and any accident or natural disaster would simply return them to the pit, unharmed. Ghouls who failed to care for their vessels through starvation and neglect would meet the same fate. Life was easier down below, albeit less enjoyable, with many elderly ghouls choosing to return voluntarily. Despite all of this when there was intent to kill, ghouls were just as mortal as humans.
Dew burst through the door to the cottage, almost ripping it off his hinges. Before he had a chance to warn his packmates of what he'd seen, he was met with an equally concerning sight: Swiss was sat at the kitchen table, head in his hands and whimpering in pain. Mountain was knelt in front of him trying to coax his hands away from his face, while Aether had returned and was hovering behind him looking lost and panicked.
"What's happened?” Dew almost shrieked, surprising himself at the pitch of his voice.
“Swiss had a vision,” Aether wrung his hands anxiously, “Nothing specific, but look how it's left him!”
Swiss let out a deep wail, like the mournful bellow of a whale. His tail curled around Aether's calf, constricting tightly and making the ghoul wince in pain.
“It hurts, Aeth! Make it stop!”
Aether frantically locked eyes with Mountain.
“I can't give him any more quintessence, he'll go mad!”
“Please calm down Snapdragon, try and breathe!” Mountain looked near tears himself.
Together, the huddle of terrified ghouls followed each other's shaky breaths until Swiss was able to speak clearly.
“Something's very wrong, all I can see is pain! But I don't know who's!”
“It's Rain,” Dew panted, “Something's wrong with Rain, I saw it. Dark clouds over Wilkins’ farm, his magic must have got out of control!”
The three larger ghouls looked at him in confusion.
“What do you mean, lost control?” Mountain asked, “Rain's not got enough power to lose control of yet.” he looked at Dew sternly, “He's perfectly capable of moistening a field or two on his own, no matter what you think of him. This has to be something else.”
Dew shook his head furiously.
“There are storm clouds over Farmer Wilkins' that aren't natural, they've got to be from Rain!”
"Swiss' vision...” muttered Aether, “if it's all connected...”
“Then we have to get out of here.” finished Dewdrop, “Someone's got to go and find him before the humans do!”
"Maybe we should keep a low profile until we know what's happening?” Mountain suggested. “Swiss is in no state to move right now, it's probably just an unexpected summer storm.”
“If we rush over all guns blazing it will attract even more attention that a freak rainstorm, then we'd all be in danger.” Aether said, nodded slowly in agreement. “Rain won't be back for ages anyway, he only just left.”
Dew looked between his packmates, appalled. They were happy to just wait things out when their most vulnerable packmate could be in danger? Maybe it was residual guilt over his comments that morning, but Dewdrop felt he had a responsibility to ensure the young ghoul's safety. They were pack, after all.
“So you're just going to sit here?” the silence from the larger ghouls was all Dew needed to hear. If they were prepared to just sit and wait until Rain was due home before doing anything, he would have to fix this himself. Dew turned on his heel and bolted back out the door he had just entered through, his golden hair swinging behind him the only response to the upset shouts of his packmates.
Dewdrop set off into town, jogging along the hedgerows to stay hidden. The sun overhead taunted him, belying the icy fear in his veins. As he got closer to town Dew ducked into the shadows, creeping through alleyways to stay hidden. Nearer the centre, he picked up Rain’s scent. His normally sweet essence of kelp and lemongrass was acrid and burned, the smell of fear unmistakable.
Scaling a wall, Dew leapt lightly down into the courtyard behind the town hall which was thankfully empty. Rain's scent was strongest here. He followed his nose across the area, staring in confusion up at the seemingly blank wall next to the building where the wafting smell of terror was so strong it made him feel nauseous. Looking around, wondering what could be behind it and if Rain could be there, he noticed a small metal grill at floor level. Dew crouched down to peer into the darkness and the continued stench of fear combined with filth and decay coming from inside made him retch.
His eyes adjusted slowly to the darkness, until he could just make out the shapes inside. Curled up and chained to the far wall, was Rain. He was clutching his knees to his chest and gently rocking back and forth. Dew couldn't make out many details, but he could see the silhouette of Rain's unglamoured horns cast by the dim column of light from above.
“Rain!” Dew whispered. Rain made no sign of acknowledgement and continued his absent swaying.
"Rainy!” Dew hissed, louder this time. He saw Rain's ears twitch, and he turned his head to look at him. Even in the darkness, Rain's eyes were dim and blank. One clearly had a deep purple bruise around it, the eyelid swollen almost shut. He stared straight through Dew, without seeing him.
“Oh Rain, what have they done to you!” Dew whimpered instinctually at the sight of the broken and injured ghoul. “I'm going to get you out, okay? Hang in there, you're going to be alright!”
He pushed a soothing scent towards Rain, trying to comfort him. Rifling through his pockets, Dew found a small amount of dried fish wrapped in paper; his uneaten snack from that morning. He wriggled a hand through the iron bars, grateful for once that his arms were skinny enough to fit and tossed the little package towards Rain. It landed close to the water ghoul, his tail snaking out to prod at it when his chained arms couldn't reach.
“It's fish, eat it. I'll bring you more I promise!”
Getting to his feet, Dew brushed the dust from his knees while he considered his surroundings some more. The only way out of the courtyard was through the town hall itself, or back over the wall. He could melt the bars and get Rain out that way, he was just skinny enough to fit through the opening, but there was no way Rain had the strength to climb the wall alone in his state, and Dew wasn't capable of hauling them both up. He'd need to find another way out, or get the others to help.
Dew bent down again to whisper through the gap quickly, “I'm gonna find a way out Rain, I'll be back soon!” He gave what he hoped was an encouraging wave and jogged lightly over to the big oak door. It was tempting to try the main handle, but Dew knew that getting himself caught wouldn't help either of them. At least he would have the element of surprise though...
Forcing himself to consider other options before making the rashest, most impulsive decision, Dew spotted another small window, this one a floor higher up but without metal bars. The building thankfully had large gaps between bricks, just enough to form a few risky footholds. The rough edges of the stone were cold and foreboding under Dew's fingertips, but he eventually got hold of the windowsill. Dew pulled himself onto the narrow ledge, his skinny arms straining and his feet scrabbling against the rough stone, sighing in relief when he saw the inside of the room. It was a latrine, and even better it was unoccupied. Dew shimmied through the small opening and dropped to the floor below. He was in.
The tiny room was dark, the deep brown panelling on the walls and floor absorbing the small amount of light that filtered in the window behind Dew. He pressed his ear to the door and, hearing nothing, slipped into the corridor. The whitewashed walls stretched in both directions, a number of moulded arched alcoves thankfully providing him with some cover. The ceilings were high here, and the cold stone made every footstep echo.
Dew had only been in the large building once before, but he remembered where the main council room was, where he expected the townsfolk would be discussing Rain’s fate. He crept along the hallway, ears pricked like a guard dog, until the murmur of voices could be heard in the distance. Dew pressed himself into an alcove, behind a spindly plant that had seen better days. When it was clear the voices were not getting closer, he inched closer to them to try and pick out words.
Emerging from the long hallway, Dewdrop found himself in the open expanse of the staircase. The ceiling here was even higher, a peak in the centre supported by numerous crossing wooden beams. A vicious draft wafted up the cold stone stairs. Windows high in the wall cast beams of sunlight down onto the stairs, reflecting off the white lime walls in a way that made Dew feel very exposed where he stood.
The sound was clearly coming from the large chambers on the ground floor. He knew that the stairs led directly down into the main meeting hall, and walking down would be tantamount to the grand entrance of a bride at a wedding. He crouched out of sight at the top of the stairs and let the conversation drift to him.
“I always said they’d be trouble! How do you expect any of us to sleep soundly knowing these monsters live amongst us?”
“They’ve always been benevolent until now, maybe this was an accident?”
“Three people are dead Marcus, even if it was an accident he’s not safe to have around our children!”
Three people were dead? Well shit, thought Dewdrop, we really are fucked.
“What if this flood was just the start of it? We need to stamp out this witchcraft before they kill us all!”
“I say we hang him, and the rest too! Burn down the farm, and rid ourselves of these demons that walk the earth. If this is what the weakest one can do, what are the others capable of?”
“We owe it to ol’ Mr Wilkins after what that monster did to his daughter!”
“All in favour of hanging the demon?”
A chorus of ayes made Dew’s blood run cold.
A week. They'd given Rain a week. The mob had demanded time to plan their hanging day celebrations and to try and capture the rest of the ghouls too, or at least run them out of town first. They clearly didn't understand pack loyalty: once Aether, Mountain and Swiss finally realised Rain was directly threatened, pack instincts to protect would take over and they would fight to the death. Dew had to get back to the farm and tell the others; maybe now they would believe him.
The ruckus downstairs providing cover for his echoing footsteps, Dew turned and bolted back along the corridor. He debated squeezing back out the window he had entered through, but at the last moment he remembered he had meant to find Rain some food. And water: as a water ghoul he was especially susceptible to dehydration. Judging from the sounds echoing up the stairs, Dew expected all the building's occupants would be down there for a while longer. He started trying doors at random, hoping to find one with some supplies he could steal.
The first door Dew tried opened easily. Inside was a small library, the books mostly covered in a thick layer of dust as very few of the villagers were able to read. From a quick glance, it seemed most of the books pertained to the laws of the land, and historical records of the town. Dew spun back out of the room and tried the door opposite. It was locked, but that posed no issue to Dew as he effortlessly melted the latch.
This room contained haphazardly stacked ledgers of documents and a small writing desk, empty for now. The window was cracked open, letting the warm summer breeze in, but Dew could still smell the recent presence of a human. He scanned the room carefully, his eyes eventually landing on a small woven basket under the desk. Dew pounced for the basket, ripping the cloth covering off to reveal the bounty inside. Food: lots of it. Clearly clerical work was hungry business. Dew snatched up the fruit, meat pies and small wax-covered cheese, filling his pockets. He also grabbed the full waterskin and took off back out the door.
The noise from the main hall was beginning to quiet, the mass of intermingled voices separating into distinguishable conversations as the townsfolk dispersed. Dew made a break for it, before he was caught too. As he hurled himself from the office, back in the direction of the small bathroom, he heard one conversation becoming louder, two sets of footsteps echoing up the stone staircase at the end of the corridor. He slammed the door to the latrine shut not a moment too soon, and braced himself against it to hold it shut as he heard the men get closer and eventually pass by.
Dew let out a shaky breath and hoisted himself up to the window. He stuck his head out to check the courtyard was still empty, before wriggling back through it and letting himself fall to the ground. His ankle rolled as he landed, making Dew hiss out a stream of curses, but he knew he had to move fast to get out of here. Bending down to the small opening above Rain's jail cell, Dew saw him look up at the noise with more recognition in his eyes this time. Clearly the morsel of food had helped shake him from his shock. Dew fed the stolen lunch items through the window bars, tossing them in range of Rain as best as he could. Once again, the water ghoul's thick blue tail snaked around them to bring the food to him. Lastly, Dew lowered the waterskin down, desperately hoping it wouldn't burst as it landed. It didn't, and Dew was pleased to see Rain immediately open it and take a deep gulp.
“I'm going to get the others, Rain. We're gonna get you out of here!”  He didn't have the heart to tell him about the sentence the townsfolk had just decided on; it wasn't like the knowledge would make any difference anyway. Dew chose not to acknowledge the inherent selfishness of keeping Rain's proposed fate a secret from him, as dark eyes stared back up at him almost accusingly. The disconnect still present in them made it hard for Dew to tell if Rain was fully with him or not.
“Look after yourself Rainy, I'll be back as soon as possible.”
With a final encouraging smile, or at least that's what Dew was aiming for – it felt more like a grimace to him, he scurried back across the courtyard and over the wall, his ankle protesting the whole way. He was more cautious on his way back, and even more careful to stick to shadowy alleys and stay out of sight. As he finally reached the dirt road leading out of the village to their farm, he had to resist the urge to sprint headlong back to his pack. It was too exposed for comfort; he could be seen by anyone on the road for a mile in each direction, and the shooting pains lancing up his leg begged him to be careful until Aether could heal him.
An agonising half hour later, Dew limped up to the farm door. He had snapped a branch from one of the hedgerows he slunk behind to use as a makeshift crutch, but he could feel the swelling getting worse nonetheless.
“Dew! You're back,” Mountain exclaimed as he stumbled through the door, “I think you might be right – Rain still isn't back, and Swiss's visions are getting worse!”
Dew gritted his teeth against the urge to tell Mountain he told him so – that wouldn't help Rain right now. He didn't know what would.
“They've got Rain. We have a week to break him out before they kill him. Are you ready to listen to me now?” his voice broke into a snarl at the end as he tried to hold back his tears of helplessness tinged with guilt.
“Dewdrop?” Aether reappeared in the kitchen and paused as he saw Dew leaning against the doorframe in pain, and Mountain frozen in shock.
“Get Swiss.” growled Dew, “I'm not repeating myself again.”
Aether nodded quickly before vanishing back deeper into the house. He returned moments later with a drained-looking Swiss clutching his arm.
“Rain's in the town jail. They want to hang him next week.” Dew was struggling to keep his composure, every word shook.
Aether went as white as a ghost, staring at Dew like he had grown an extra head. He stumbled as Swiss collapsed against him with a howl.
"W-what happened?” Mountain asked.
“It's worse than I thought. He flooded Wilkins' field, it killed his daughter and two others. And then he went full gills-out ghoul on them all.”
“How? He can barely make a ripple in a puddle, let alone cause a deadly flood!” the earth ghoul looked to the others as though for confirmation that Dew must be exaggerating, but they were still staring at Dew in silent horror.
“I don't know! Something must've happened, and I think it broke his glamour – he's sat in a cell under the town hall with his tail and horns still out!”
“You spoke to him?” Swiss looked up with hopeful eyes, shining with unshed tears.
“I don't know if he heard me,” Dew sniffed back the beginnings of a sob, “he's completely out of it. I got him to eat a bit, but I don't know if he even recognised me. Something bad happened, something really bad, and the townsfolk are coming for us next!”
“We have to go and get him...” Aether finally murmured.
“That's what I've been trying to tell you!” frustrated, Dew almost yelled. “We don't have time to ask about the whys and hows, we're all in danger. We need to get Rain and get out, now!”
The slightly frantic nodding of his packmates told Dew that – finally – they realised the severity of the situation. Dew pushed off the doorframe to start gathering their belongings to leave and hissed in pain as he put weight through his bad ankle.
“You're hurt too?” Aether looked like his world was collapsing around his ears. Dew guessed it sort of was.
“Just my ankle,” he gave it a test wiggle, “I rolled it earlier, I think it's a sprain.”
Aether ushered him into a chair, picking his boot laces undone, before laying his cool hands onto the enflamed joint. Dew sighed at the relief, moaning as he felt the burning from the injury dissipate throughout his body and evaporate away until only a dull ache remained.
“Take it easy Dew,” he begged, still on his knees in front of Dewdrop, “I can't have you hurt too!”
Dew nodded noncommittally; he could take it easy when they were all safe. He looked around at his packmates and had a horrible realisation about the futility of their current situation. Aether and Mountain, the natural pack-leaders, sat shell-shocked and totally at odds with their normal calm and controlled personalities, Swiss was barely able to speak and still being rocked with aftershocks of his visions, and now Dew was slowed down by an injury. How on earth were they going to stage a rescue mission and escape unscathed? Someone was going to get hurt. If they all shared an element it would have been easier: they could have overwhelmed the town while remaining unaffected themselves. Sure, Dew could burn down the whole village, razing every building to the ground, but it would harm Rain in the process. They needed help.
Thinking on his feet, Dew knew who he could ask. He had sworn he'd never go back; his new life was a world away now, but he couldn't see any other solution where they didn't all end up dead.
“We have to get moving, before the village comes for us.” Dew declared, “Aeth, Mount, go and gather all the plants and herbs you need for basic potions, and some vegetables that will keep. Me and Swiss will sort stuff in here.”
The pair paused, not used to taking orders from Dew. They looked cautiously at Swiss, still zoning out at the table, until Dew made shooing motions outside with his hands, silently pleading with them to fall for his plan and leave.
“I'm gonna grab a few things from upstairs, you good to stay here for a moment?” Dew received only a small nod from Swiss in return, as he grabbed as his head and groaned from the onslaught of another wave of pain.
He took the stairs two at a time before bursting into his bedroom. He grabbed a sheet of paper from the desk and scrawled a quick note, addressing it to his packmates. Stuffing that into his pocket, Dew next set about prying up the loose floorboard on the far side of his bed. This was the only place he allowed himself to hold onto memories of his life before, and the small collection of items had been untouched since the day Dew put them there. He took the battered diary and the metal amulet from underneath it, and neatly placed them in the bottom of a knapsack. On top of them, he threw a change of clothes.
Dew cast one last look around the room he had called home, and closed the door. There was nothing left he couldn't replace; the most precious things in his life were his pack. As an afterthought, he ducked into Mountain's room and took a leatherbound notebook from his writing desk. Him and Aether had been collating an anthology of medicinal plants together over the last several years, it would be unforgivable to let that suffer whatever fate the townsfolk had planned for their house. It could also be a useful bargaining chip: where Dewdrop was headed, knowledge ruled far above gold.
Just before he went back downstairs, Dew saw Rain's door open at the end of the hallway. He'd barely been here a year, yet the whole room was so distinctly his. Shells and rocks he had collected dotted every available surface, the transparent ones thew rainbows across the walls from the sun that poured through the window. Dewdrop knew which one Rain would want saved; a pale stone with tiny fossils embedded in it, polished smooth by millennia of water flowing over it. He'd had it in his pocket when he'd arrived, his only material possession besides the clothes on his back. Dew didn't know what made it special, only that was. He tucked it carefully into the knapsack beside his own amulet.
He barrelled back down the stairs. Swiss was still at the table, and barely looked up when Dewdrop re-entered.
“Swiss? You in there?” the larger ghoul looked up through dark eyelashes. The mental pain from his visions swirled across his eyes, the normally deep amber colour muted and foggy.
“You need to remember your guitar, okay? Go and fetch it now.”
Like a puppet, Swiss lurched to his feet and in the direction of the living room. Dew snatched the last heel of Mountain's bread from that morning off the table, placing the brief letter he had written in its place. He quickly opened the pantry and threw as much dried meat and fruit as would fit into the top of his bag, maybe a day or two's supply if he was careful. Lastly, he filled a waterskin, shrugged on the knapsack, and headed out the door.
Dew could hear Mountain and Aether's voices from around the other side of the house by the herb garden. He walked quietly and quickly towards the gate, refusing to allow himself time to feel guilt for abandoning them like this; they could curse his name until the air turned blue, but if he could save them then that wouldn't matter. Once he was sure he was out of earshot and his footfalls wouldn't be heard, Dewdrop spared a single glance behind him at the place he had been proud to call home and broke into a run.
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cloud-somersault · 3 months
so just read your review of s5 and i definitely think that this season wasn’t lmk’s best and tbh the ending falls flat for me
i honestly think it’s the pacing and how everything is fixed with a bow too quickly and there’s not enough time to really process and delve into. which the specials help with, but we didn’t get one here and it just makes me go :/
there were a lot of good moments like you said (and i am latching onto them for my own safety bubble lmao) but omfg yeah when you mentioned the unexplained magic system i could not have nodded harder because HOW???? HOW DOES MK JUST KNOW THE SPELLS????? i can only suspend my belief for so much. i do trust them to explain eventually but how long do i gotta wait ;-;
sorry for the mini rant at the end. i just haven’t seen others also mention lmk’s issue with its magic system and yeah
first off, i love people using the smaller text to appear as if they're whispering. LOVE that. it's so cute.
second, that wasn't my full review. more of my initial thoughts. If I did a full review, it would be 10 pages long with sources and it would be peer reviewed and have footnotes and stuff. I still might do that. LMFAO
but s5 spoilers ahead, ofc.
but! yes. The pacing in LMK has always been quite fast! and that was less noticeable when the stakes were lower. but now that the world's always going to be in jeopardy, apparently, then. the pacing is really too fast for what they want to do.
We don't have time to delve into what the characters are feeling after each major event. Why are we JUST NOW learning about how Mei has the Samadhi Fire still and it's been inside her all along? During s4, there weren't any clues (that I saw) of her still having it, like no emerald swirls of fire, just electricity. So, the fandom, as a whole, thought she lost it, but noooo, it's been there all the time. Like, what??? That's a great way to make your audience feel stupid.
There's no -- like how did Red Son feel being locked in the scroll. What about everyone else. How are people feeling after Azure nearly destroyed the world. What about that aftermath? That part...that part that people largely think is filler is crucial to telling a story like this. We have to have moments where we sit with the characters and check in on them, see what they're thinking, how they're coping. We don't get that. We don't get enough of it. And it makes these characters feel flatter than they actually are.
They sneak in what they can in snippets and one-liners but that's not enough at this point. It's not enough when every season is going to be a world-ending catastrophe. We need to know these characters. And they've had 5 seasons to do it, and I still don't know critical things that I should know by now.
Also, worldbuilding? Can I get some, please? If the worldbuilding was good, we could go without a magic system! Think Lord of the Rings --- such WONDERFUL world building and history baked in, I don't have time to worry about the magic system. I've got so much information to go off of, I can suspend my disbelief because the world is so developed and magic can happen in a whimsical way.
But there isn't any...we travel around but WHERE ARE WE GOING?? How do-- can humans use magic? Can they see it? Have humans stumbled upon the celestial beasts ever? What bout the temples scattered about? NO one has? What if a human gets their hands on an artifact, what then? They fight in areas where humans are; is there no concern about being spotted? Sorry, but if anyone fucking saw a creature that looked ANYTHING LIKE Sun Wukong, he would be swarmed with pictures and selfies like.
And Nezha is just?? walking around??? WHAT??? I know in S3 they did this, too, but at least it was contained to those people on the train. this is a whole ass....city now.
I feel like people are just hearing me whine and complain about the magic system and they don't think it's a big deal. It's a HUGE DEAL. There is so much magic in this show!! There is so much magic that is just flung around by using seals and fancy circles. What do those circles mean??? Does everyone have their own special circle. Why does Macaque not have a circle, is it because he uses shadow magic?? Or chaos magic?? Why are they fucking with the magic now WHEN THEY HAVEN'T EVEN FULLY EXPLAINED WUKONG'S/MK'S MAGIC!!!!
Spoilers for the end of s5. But how. Does. MK. Know the spell. For Wukong's circlet. HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DOES HE KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He saw Li Jing cast it maybe 3 times, but that's enough? How, MK? When did you study that magic? When did you learn how to use seals? When DID YOU LEARN HOW TO CLOUD SOMERSAULT??
How can I follow MK anymore when he's going places I can't pinpoint? I started off with him knowing nothing, now he picks up powers whenever he wants. If that's the case, just make him as strong as Wukong then!! Just do whatever. There's no power balance either. How strong is Macaque against MK? How strong is Mei against Macaque? I need a magic system or something so I can measure these values!!
They are never going to explain it to us. You can search through the series and look for clues, but that frustration is caused by the show not telling us crucial information. They want you to suspend your belief over and over and over again, but there comes a point of pure frustration where the audience is so disconnected from what's going on, because there's no rules. Characters can do whatever they want whenever they want.
Think about how that affects the plot. Think about how they came across these stones so easily. Think about how MK suddenly got the power to reach the top of that pagoda. Think about how they just so happen to stumble and find the White Lion and Azure Dragon like!! The plot is suffering! The characters have been suffering! And i'm suffering!!!
Sorry for my SUPER LONG RANT but i'm just so fed up.
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piplupod · 1 year
I actually had no idea you had so many followers, didn't mean to make it feel super vague or weird I just know this person IRL so it caught my eye. my apologies for it coming off weird.
this is the link to screenshots, and the blog titles are vistorille and bloodlikefire
AH OKAY, yeah no we're not mutuals, idk how i started following that person to be entirely transparent fshdgjkl I recognize the url (the first url, not the second) but not the typing style of this person's original posts. the only thing I can think of is maybe I followed them way back in my witchblr days because I see they've rbed some stuff around that, and it feels like a blog I would've followed when I was 17/18/19 and waistdeep in that sort of thing (never radfeminism to be clear, just ... occultism and paganism stuff).
however yeah it looks like they've popped off on radfem/terf type bullshit recently (i did a quick blog search and scroll and everything seems to be from within the last week or two RIP and theres a bunch of trans inclusive posts before that ???) and they state they're a "trans inclusionary radfem" which is ??????
wish I'd seen this behaviour but apparently I haven't been actively refreshing my dash while they've been active or I missed all those posts in the sea of all the other posts FDSJKL
unfollowed and blocked though, thank you for bringing this to my attention! i genuinely appreciate it since I can't keep up with everything! (and obviously if anyone else sees me rbing from ppl like this lmk, just PLEASE give me a url to go check out so i can actually investigate)
also idk if it needs to be said but please don't any of y'all seeing this go send this person hate or anything on either of their blogs, just block them if you need to lmao. don't feed the trolls etc etc
EDIT: okay yeah thats a blog i followed back in 2018ish sdgjkl they changed their url but its a witchblr i followed back in the day RIP we hate to see old followings turn out to be nasty ppl :[
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tarotrans · 1 year
Jarchivist Season 4 AU warning for Emetophobia. This is sorta out of character, and it's based on a fanfiction on Ao3. And references to starving.
Imagine: Jon starts spitting up ink when he lies.
Now, someone suggests that Jon try taking breaks between statements. Jon realizes that now they've started to cough up ink, even if he hasn't said anything.
Jon is not realizing that The Eye is reacting to them, starving themself.
Now, Jon is just coping with it. He's just started to bring around a handkerchief so that they dont get ink on anything. He's just in a little pain. It doesn't matter. They're fine.
They aren't being weird about this. They are fine. Sure, they are in a bit of pain, but it is fine. They aren't eating trauma. That is a good thing. This is good progress. Jon is doing well.
Jon starts just throwing up ink after a while. They aren't okay. They don't know how to get the hunger to stop. They can't talk to anyone without ending up with ink all over himself.
Jon, who slowly descends out of their humanity because they don't feel good about taking statements, but they are starving. The Archive is hungry. Jon slowly stops being able to differentiate between what The Eye wants and what they want. It is hungry.
Jon, who ends up not being Jon anymore. Jon becomes The Archive. The Archive does not care about humanity or connections. The Archive just wants to be fed.
The Archive, who ends up killing all of its assistants because it is hungry. It is hungry. It needs to be fed. It has everything it needs. It is pleased with its physical archive. It is no longer hungry. It is content. The Eye is content with its Archive.
Jon is not content. Jon is terrified. Jon has no one. They lost everyone. They lost everything. They don't feel okay. They are not okay. Although, they aren't hungry anymore. They don't want to have to deal with this anymore.
Jon wants a hug. No one wants to be around Jon. Everyone wants The Archive now. They are alone. The Archive is complete.
Please lmk other things I can tag this as, because I wanna make sure that people can avoid this if needed.
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halcyon-hero-head · 2 years
Ayo, whose polar? Looking for new heroes to follow
love to spread the word hell yeah
ok so. what we know:
- POLAR is made up of Impulse (powers: electricity. looks: blue color scheme, cowl and cape), Shadow King (powers: being super fucking cool also, illusions. looks: full on fucking knight armor, LITERAL king) Centerfold (powers: portals. looks: red/orange color scheme, like dream but cooler, risqué jester vibes?) Copycat (powers: waterbending with herself?? cool looking but not sure exactly what's going on there. looks: cat themed suit) Xolaris (powers: tech/inventor wiz from what I've heard! looks: Soltarian so you'll know her when you see her!)
- for the most part I think Xolaris is the only offworlder, she's Soltarian and Monarch's apprentice, working/living out of their embassy near downtown (i think that's where POLAR base is but that's neither here nor there)
what we don't know/speculation
- there's some evidence to back this up BUT Copycat may also be a shapeshifter! it's a whole other tangent on its own but im a CC shapeshifter truther ^__^
- we have no idea what POLAR stands for. Shadow King has said that it's an acronym for something but gave no further explanation. all my guesses are shitposts
- sometimes there's duplicates of them/an extra random person so a lot of people think they have a shapeshifter friend that sometimes helps them out?? "friend" is kind of putting it a bit lightly imo because Copycat was arrested at some point by AEGIS for something this "friend" did so idrk
- most recently there's been a lot of storms happening around them/whenever they're together soooooo imo i think they have a new member who has storm powers. but some people think it's a villain???? honestly don't understand bc there's like. plain af evidence. do people not watch Lifeline??? there's a video. like the new member is right there. but w/e 🙄🙄
so yeah that's the gist of it i think! I could go more into detail as to when theyve been seen/what exactly theyve done but we'd be here for a bit longer so this is like. sparknotes version (btw anyone else who follows POLAR, lmk if I left out anything please!) so far they've been doing great work and i really think they're going to go far<33
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karelysse · 2 years
alright, at long last... it's time. i'm breaking this up into multiple asks because tumblr is evil. if anyone feels like i've missed something crucial, please hop in and lmk. also it's currently 1 AM, please forgive any typos you see. so, what the fuck do javi do, exactly? the short answer is he gave some rather... poor commentary re: yuzuru's SP. *when* exactly this happened is in question, some say it was once the entire men's event was over, others say it was right after the SP (1/?)
what did javi say? well it was in spanish, but here are some links for you to browse on twitter. here's a generous translation + vid: + the follow-up and here's an alternative translation (scroll down). this sparked a lot of backlash. why was he questioning yuzuru and his work ethic? why would he imply yuzu was lying?
this post does a good job of summing up the disappointment people felt. there was also a weird comment he made about yuzu getting gifts after an event but i can't find the clip. sadly some took it too far and flooded javi's insta, he ended up making a not-apology-apology post about it (tracy + brian both commented under it). but the damage was done, the majority of fanyus dislike/are neutral about him now
to me, the whole thing was very... odd. almost out of character, imo? javi hasn't always been the best with words, but he had so much praise for yuzuru's FS at these Olys, so why would he do such a 180? he knows the scrutiny yuzuru is under, he knows yuzuru wouldn't lie? it just doesn't make sense to me. that said, they're both grown adults and they've known e/o for 10 years. i have faith they'll sort it out for better or worse (especially since they're both scheduled for FaOI this year)
imo, after taking a month to reflect on it, i've decided that this one ugly moment (and i DO think it was a bad take from him tbh) shouldn't mean i can't look on the past with fondness. ultimately we don't know these people! again, it's up to them to figure out how they move forward from here. that's not my call and it's not the fandom's call. more than anything, i want yuzuru to be happy. and that's all for now! next time, i'll fill you in on the poetic tragedy of the whole mess. 💕
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this! It's such a concise yet complete overview of the situation, and very lovely of you to send it to me. Now, after reading @fieryrondo's post, so beautifully worded, I don't think I have anything of notable interest to add.
I'll be honest and confess that I have no emotional attachment to all of this, learning about it so late and not being a direct witness to the events (which must have been a lot more dramatic for fans, as it was paired with the pain of Yuzuru losing at that time, I can only assume).
At the end of the day, Javi's a professional giving his opinion on something that wayyyy surpasses my understanding in terms of technicalities. I'm just here for the glitters. But I do think people have been way over the top in speculating on Yuzuru's woe and hurt and feelings of being mortally betrayed. This is not, in my humble opinion, the absolute treason people frame it to be. This isn't an attack to Yuzuru's integrity, and even if it was, welp, Javier Fernandez probably knows Yuzuru Hanyu better than I, a person on the internet who's never met him, ever will, so idc.
As I've been talking about with @sophia-helix, we can't silence every critical voice that raises itself against Yuzuru, that's silly + literal censorship + doesn't serve him in any way, shape, or form. And people are allowed to make mistakes!!!!
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adash-ofstardust · 3 years
i am at the tail end of the worst anxiety attack i've had in years, so please enjoy this self indulgent and mostly fluffy, with a bit of angst, drabble of Mammon and my MC...
TW: mentions of anxiety, depression, self isolation, and lack of eating and sleeping
idk if i did those trigger warnings correctly, if not please lmk
Mammon > Lucifer
Mammon: oi, Lu
Mammon: has Abel talked to you at all lately?
Lucifer: Hm? About what?
Mammon: like, is something goin’ on with 'em?
Lucifer: They haven’t mentioned anything to me.
Lucifer: Why?
Mammon: they've been pretty distant with everyone lately
Mammon: they haven’t even hung out with Levi in like a week
Lucifer: That is odd.
Lucifer: I had noticed that they haven’t come to study in my office lately, but I had just assumed it was because they were getting a handle on their classwork.
Mammon: i think somethin’s up
Mammon: i’m gonna go talk with 'em
Lucifer: Alright. Please let me know what’s going on.
Mammon: yep
Mammon balanced the drinks, bag of snacks, and movie that he had purchased carefully in one arm while he knocked on Abel’s door with the hand of the other. “A~bel! Open up! I got somethin’ for ya’!”
It took a minute, but eventually the door slowly cracked open. “Mammon?”
“Hey!” he grinned brightly as he shifted around some of the items he held so he could hold out the movie for them to take. “Time for a movie night! I know ya’ve been wantin’ to see this!” When they took the movie from him to look over, he pushed past them into their room without waiting to be invited in. “I got drinks and snacks too! And I know ya’ got all the blankets and pillows, so we should be good to go!” Mammon spilled everything he held onto the table in Abel’s room before he looked around. All the lights were off. “Sure is dark in here…” He turned back to them, “I didn’t wake ya’ up, did I?”
Abel softly shook their head as they shut the door. “No, I started getting a migraine a while ago so I turned the lights off.” They gently smiled as a look of concern crossed his face. “I took some medicine and I’m better now - no worries!”
Mammon looked them over for a moment before he turned back to the table. “Well, I did get ya a couple o’ these,” he said as he held out a can of Devilbull. “I know they’re yer favorite! And they help with yer migraines! Win-win!” he grinned.
Abel’s smile softened as they took the can. “Thank you, Mammon.” They gently sighed before looking around the room. “Let me get the laptop Levi loaned me. All the blankets and stuff are on that chair if you wanna grab some more for the bed,” Abel pointed to a chair in the corner as they made their way over to their desk.
Mammon looked them over again - noting how they seemed more sluggish than usual - before grabbing all of the extra blankets and pillows from the chair and throwing them on the bed. He didn’t worry about arranging them too much before he shucked his jacket and dropped it on the floor. Mammon grabbed all of the snacks and drinks and threw them all on Abel’s bed as well before climbing on and making themselves a cozy nest.
“Why aren’t we watching this in your room, by the way?” Abel asked as they climbed into the bed - laptop in hand. “You have that big projector.”
Mammon gestured to the bed, “Yeah, but you got all the blankets.” He grabbed one and threw it over his head like a hood, as if to further prove his point.
Abel laughed - but Mammon noted that it was softer and less bright than their usual giggle. “Fair enough,” they said as they began arranging themselves and the laptop within the nest that Mammon had made.
“Ya okay?”
Abel’s head whipped to face Mammon and they stared at him in silence for a moment. “What?”
“Are ya okay?” Mammon repeated as he slid the blanket off of his head. His expression was devoid of all of the joy that he had previously and now regarded them in complete seriousness. “You’ve been...distant lately. From everyone.”
“Oh, yeah,” Abel said as they smiled - a forced one - and turned back to the laptop. “The weather’s just been giving me a lot of migraines, so I’ve been sleeping a lot.”
Mammon was quiet for a moment. “I thought ya normally slept yer migraines off in Lu’s room since it’s quiet.” There was a slight edge to his voice - still gentle, but he knew that they weren’t being honest with him.
Abel froze for half a second before they shrugged. “It’s been happening so frequently, I felt bad bothering him all the time.”
Another moment of silence passed before Mammon grabbed Abel’s wrist - stopping them from prepping the movie. They jumped slightly at his touch before their gaze met his. His sapphire eyes bore into the cerulean of their own. “I know ya’ haven’t been eating.”
Abel did their best to suppress a gasp. They forced a confused look onto their face. “What do you mean?”
Mammon’s expression and tone remained the same. “You’ve been skipping lunch at school. And ya’ hardly eat anything of the meals we have here.” He gently reached out and grabbed their other hand - his eyes never leaving theirs. “Ya’ have a good mask, human. It’s easy ta’ see that yer used to hiding yer negative emotions - ye're even foolin’ Lucifer.” He took a deep breath and let out a sigh as he gently squeezed their hands. “But I know better. I know there’s somethin’ goin’ on that you don’t want anyone ta’ see. But, Abel, ya don’t have to be so strong here - not with me. I’d protect ya’ from anything - ya’ know that. Please talk ta’ me.”
Abel had been frozen in place by Mammon’s words. And at his plea, tears began to well in their eyes. “Mammon, I-...” they whispered.
Mammon tugged them into his arms and hugged them tightly - a blush burning upon his cheeks. “I’m here, Abel. I got ya’. I’ll take care o’ whatever it is. And if I can’t, I’ll be here for ya’ no matter what.”
How…? Abel wondered as tears began cascading down their cheeks. How could this demon break me, when no one else ever could? Their breath hitched in their throat as they began to sob. They gripped onto Mammon tightly and buried their face in his shoulder. He only held them tighter - gently running his fingers through their hair.
After a few minutes, Abel was finally able to collect themselves. They still had their face buried in Mammon’s chest when they finally spoke. “I’m sorry, Mammon…” He stayed quiet and let them continue. “I have anxiety and depression. Sometimes they just get the better of me, for no discernible reason. And when it comes to my mental illnesses, I have very self destructive tendencies. I don’t eat. I don’t sleep. I self isolate. It’s...problematic,” they sighed.
“Can I ask why ya’ never told any of us this before?” he asked, quietly.
Abel pushed themselves back so they could meet Mammon’s gaze. “I’ve never been able to talk to anyone about it before. I was always the one who took care of everyone else and their problems...I didn’t have the strength or resources to take care of my own, so I just hid it. And dealt with it when and how I could in private.” Abel shifted uncomfortably and hugged themselves. “My entire life has taught me not to show negative emotions to others. I exist to help them, not be a burden to them. So, at my lowest, I just fake being what everyone expects me to always be, push those feelings aside, and just...suffer when I’m alone.”
Mammon grabbed their shoulders a bit rougher than he meant to. “Ya’ don’t have to suffer, and ya’ don’t have to do this alone!” His face was red and there were tears in his eyes. “I dunno what yer life was like before ya’ came here, but there are people here for ya’, Abel. We all care about ya’. I-I care about ya’!” He pulled them into another tight hug. “Yer not a burden. I’m here for ya, Abel,” he whispered.
Abel began crying again and hugged him tightly in return.
Mammon > Lucifer
Mammon: idk if ya need to put this in their file er somethin, but Abel has anxiety and depression and gets self destructive
Lucifer: I was aware they had anxiety, but the rest is surprising.
Lucifer: What do you mean by self destructive? Is Abel alright?
Mammon: they don’t eat or sleep, and self isolate when things get bad
Mammon: i got 'em to eat some snacks and they fell asleep watchin a movie with me
Lucifer: Thank you, Mammon. I knew I was right in choosing you to look after them.
Mammon: *blush demoji*
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banghwa · 3 years
hi! i saw your post about the un performance being called a publicity stunt and in it you said the mcdonalds thing was one of the least questionable things they did, and i really didnt want to ask but that phrase got stuck in my head and im so curious about what other questionable things they did (i wasnt very active in the fandom until recently so apart from mcdonalds and maybe the d2 thing i cant recall anything) please feel free to not reply, i know you might get weirdos in your asks because of this
hey! most of it rly comes down to anti-blackness/racism, of which i personally feel they've worked hard on and it shows but i think you should read up yourself, as well as cultural appropriation, the most recent instances being the use of native american cultural objects like dreamcatchers during BE/life goes on promotions im not really sure i should speak on bcs 1. im not indigenous and 2. ive heard opinions from both indigenous armys who are rightfully upset and k-armys who say that it was they were atually inspired by jeju's indigenous customs...im honestly not the person to ask about it and i would really suggest you do your own research on it and reach out to indigenous armys about it
i think it would probably take a while to go over everything else individually lol so im gonna redirect you to a really informative post about it by user leepacey. i think its a little outdated, maybe by a year, but i haven't really heard of anything big or concerning since it was posted....if i am missing anything tho anyone pls lmk so i can check it out myself and also add it to this ask <3 or if there's anything specific you wanted to ask or talk abt im here for that too! its just that its Kind Of A Lot To Go Over lmao
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sauveteen · 6 years
like this | s.m
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note: so i had this idea, and it isn't really a one shot, just a... concept? if enough people like it/are intrigued i might turn it into a series of slow burn shawn and a soft boy in love. so please lmk if you'd like that! (:
if u like it, just reply & i'll add you to a taglist for chapters wayyy longer than this thingy
“Wha’ d’you mean Aayat likes Noémie?”
“What I just said,” Calum presses, “Aayat. Likes. Noémie. Do I need to spell it out for you? Like in those weddings, all glittery and big on a styrofoam heart? AAYAT WEDS NOÉMIE. SHAWN GETS ROYALLY FUCKED.”
“Shut up,” Shawn seethes, waving his hand around to dismiss his friend, “God, just fucking shut up, Calum.”
“Don't shoot the messenger, dude.”
“M’about to more than shoot you. M’going to…”
“Yeah, think it over,” Calum smirks, bringing his cigarette to his lips, “Your preferred mode of murder is probably tickling. Pussy.”
When Shawn smacks Calum on the head, he simply chuckles, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke back into Shawn's face, who makes a face and leans away, too wasted to do anything else. He feels faint, and not the I'm-drunk-off-my-ass kind, but the numb kind. Like that feeling you get when you know something has gone terribly wrong, and you know there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Nada. Zilch. Probably mourn, though, like Shawn currently is. And then decide to shoot the messenger even further, also like Shawn currently is.
“S’you're telling me..,” Bringing a hand up to his head, he runs a hand through his hair, pushing the unruly curls away from his face. He bites into his bottom lip, really craving another bottle of beer as he says, “That Aayat likes Noémie.”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Calum mumbles, shaking his head, already regretting being the one who had to bring this up to him. All of his and Shawn’s friends had had a lengthy debate (sans Shawn, of course) about who would be the one to bite the bullet and just tell it to Shawn like it is. Calum, like the dumbass he is, had volunteered. Volunteered. The others weren't willing to do it even when threatened with a stick up their ass. “Yes, Shawn. The girl you're in love with likes your best friend. There, I said it.”
“Uhh..” Shawn scrunches his face, scoffing, “I'm not in love with her?”
“Sure, dude, whatever you say.”
“I am not in love with her. I'm not. I just… think she's cute. But I'm not in love with her.”
“Maybe saying it enough times will help you fool yourself, huh? Heard that's good strategy.”
“Oh my God, Cal,” Shawn’s head drops to his propped up hands as he mumbles into his palms, “Am I in love with her?”
“Would you get her name tattooed on your right ass cheek?”
Shawn lifts his head to give Calum a weird look, like this isn't something they've discussed before. Calum doesn't think Shawn remembers, though, because he was black out drunk when the gang had sat around a patio table and given their two cents about What is Love? Not like any of them had any sort of worthy experience, whatsoever, but it was fun while it lasted. Shawn's contribution had been on the wilder side, proudly claiming, ‘If I fall in love, I'll get her name tattooed on both ass cheeks.’ Calum’s glad he refrained from drinking that night.
“Would you?”
“No?” Shawn sounds unsure, eyebrows furrowed.
“Then you're not in love,” Comes Calum’s simple reply. He taps his cigarette on the lip of the ashtray, watching the gears slowly turn in his friend's head. He knows he should've broken the news at a better time — perhaps a time when Shawn hadn't downed two glasses of vodka and God knows how many bottles of beers, a time when he at least had some of his mental faculties together. Thing is, though, that Calum is shit with emotions. Had he managed to catch Shawn at just the perfect time and made him cry — which he really, really can't put past Shawn — then he would've also done the shittiest job at consoling his friend.
Now, however, Shawn is barely conscious. Some of his words slur together when he talks, cheeks and the tip of his nose rosy and warm. His actions are delayed, soft, like you're looking at him through a vaseline covered screen. The realisation of what Calum’s telling him takes a while to settle in, and even then, he doesn't really grasp the concept in all its shitty, fucked up glory.
“And Aayat wants me to help her win over Noémie?” Shawn echoes what Calum had told him earlier, blinking dazedly to keep his eyes open.
“And Aayat wants you to help her win over Noémie,” Calum nods, confirming his worst suspicions, "She says no one knows Noémie better than you."
“S’fucked up, man,” Shawn mutters, running a hand over his face. He rubs his eyes while softly shaking his head, repeating, “S’fucked up. S’all fucked up.”
“I mean… it could be worse?”
Shawn's eyes fly up to meet Calum’s at a speed he didn't know was possible, squinted in accusation, “How could it be worse? Lit-eral-lly my worst case scenario. Sure, s’also the fear that I'm way out of her league… but this?” His head tilts to the side, helpless gaze focused on nowhere in particular, “Fuck, dude."
"Maybe this is for the best the best. You could try to.. woo her in the process?"
"Woo her with what? My lanky ass body and average personality? M'only defining character trait s'that I can whistle through my ears. And then there's Noémie... fuck. Mie's just.... Mie. I stand zero chance next to her?"
“I don't think you should be comparing yourself to your best friend. Kinda unhealthy.”
“And I don't care you what you think!” Shawn screeches, wagging his finger in Calum’s face, “I really don't. You've got me fucked up real good here, bud-die. Now shut up.”
“But like…”
“Wha’ d’you not get about.. shutting up?” Shawn mutters, “It's literally so easy. You just.. don't talk.”
“Shawn,” Calum exhales heavily through his nose, dropping his cigarette butt to the ground and crushing it under his shoe, “I know this sucks, but chill the fuck out for a second and listen to me. There's no point wailing like a baby if you won't even remember this tomorrow morning.”
“Morning,” Shawn echoes, muttering to himself, “I am mourning.”
“No — morning. Like sunrise, morning. Like AM morning.”
“Yeah, AM,” Shawn muses, “Aayat Mendes.”
“Sometimes I wonder why I bother,” Calum mumbles, and then reminds himself why. He bothers because he loves his friends, and he loves Shawn, and if ever found himself in a situation like this, he'd want his friends to try and console him. The only difference would be the fact that his friends are good at consoling, unlike Calum, who wants to punch anyone who shows any sort of emotion in the throat.
Sometimes he thinks his violent tendencies stem from being around a bunch of meatheads. And then he reminds himself that he's also around Aayat and Shawn just as often, and if their soft asses can't influence him, then nothing can.
“Hey, you,” Calum leans over the table, putting a pause in Shawn's mumbling by softly poking him in the chest, “Now you listen to me.”
Shawn gives him a half hearted hum in reply, pretending to focus his gaze on his friend while his mind wanders. Makes up scenarios. He almost throws up when a picture of Aayat and Noémie holding hands is conjured up in his head. Holding hands — not even kissing, or making out, or sleeping together — just holding hands like two middle schoolers too afraid to do anything else. Or two people in love — that makes Shawn's stomach turn. So yeah, perhaps he is a goner. Perhaps he will die alone with no one no to care for him. Perhaps Calum is shouting in his face right now, and so he really should try to focus.
“....And so what if they're sleeping together, you know? Fucking doesn't equal feelings, believe me—”
The scream that leaves Shawn's lips then has Calum tumbling off his lawn chair, chin hitting the edge of the patio table in the process. His body hits the ground with a loud thud, and groaning, he makes absolutely no effort to get back up.
Shawn's head peeks under the table, eyebrows on the top of his face. Pink, swollen lips parted in surprise. His grip on the table is strong, knuckles turning white in the process as he screeches, “They're also fucking?!”
“I thought you knew that!”
“Does my reaction make you think I knew that!” Shawn all but roars, nudging Calum’s shin with his pointy shoe.
“Everybody fucking knew!”
“Fuck this shit, Calum,” Shawn shakes his head, holding his hand out to help him up, “Fuck everything. And fuck Aayat.”
“Oh, we all know you want to.”
Shawn lets Calum’s hand go and watches his head hit the ground again, a loud shout of protest following soon after, “Dude, fuck you too!”
“Life already has.”
if you're confused please read this!
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