#if anyone relates to these feelings and has some calming words that would be amazing
minamaybe · 2 months
anyone else feel all consuming dread the day before something they've been looking forward to is happening or is that just me?
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doobea · 7 months
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synopsis: you're serious about getting an A for your photography class. so serious that you end up fake dating your best friend. and, well, it gets out of hand.
contents: no curse AU, gn!reader, sfw, fluff, mr ed scares me but his songs are corny bops, friends to lovers + fake dating, choso has been secretly pinning but waits for you to make first move hehe, a satosugu kfc joke thrown in here, i always make my readers a stem major but they're an artsy major here, i feel like choso will always be some sort of chem major in my stories because it just works???, kinda PROOF'D, i finished writing this at 4am... word count: 3.8K (crazy ik) a/n: i love him, i love him, i love him sm *explodes* songs related to this fic: out of my league by fitz and the tantrums + photograph by ed sheeran
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The best part about majoring in photography is that you’ve enjoyed every single project you’re given. This year, your professor explained that she wanted all of her students’ projects to always follow a specific theme — happiness, sadness, anger, etc. And, throughout the year, you’ve gotten nothing but A’s on all of them. It’s something you’re proud about, something that you didn’t hesitate to tell your best friend Choso when he had asked about it the first time around. 
However, this straight A streak might soon come to a stop as the end of the semester wraps up. Your professor had just gotten engaged a few weeks ago and today's the first time she’s returning back to classes from her honeymoon, which she hasn’t stopped gloating over. She’s happy and you’re happy for her, you really are, but the themes of the projects for this class usually revolves around what she’s feeling and, unfortunately for you, the last theme just happens to be—
“Love!” your professor writes the word in big pink letters on the chalkboard and you immediately hear half of the class cheering and half of them groaning. Safe to say, you’re part of the other half.
“Oh, c’mon guys,” she frowns before pointing to her diamond engagement ring. “Love is amazing, it’s beautiful, it’s everlasting—��
“Some of us are single, you know?” one student calls out, several others joining in right after. “What if we don’t have a partner?”
It’s a valid point. This project will be a piece of cake for anyone in a relationship. Half of the class will probably submit a folder with selfies with their partners. And, given that your professor is in a particular good mood for this assignment, it’ll be an easy A. You, on the other hand, have nothing to submit because you’re not dating anyone. If somehow your professor suggests taking photos of your crushes, then that’ll be really fucking weird.
“You don’t have to be in a relationship for this project to work,” she explains with a smile. “For example, you could always submit pictures of your crushes.”
Fuck that.
“Kinda borderline stalkerish,” your thoughts slip out quite audibly.
Other students around you quickly agree while the other half of the class is arguing to keep the theme. Your professor opens her mouth to protest but only ends up shutting it again.
“Okay,” she laughs nervously before clapping her hands together in an attempt to calm everyone down. “If anyone would like a modification to this assignment, just send me an email by the end of the day and I’ll make a slight adjustment.” she says seriously. 
That seems to work as some of your classmates are already typing away on their laptops. You’re tempted to join the list, not out of frustration of being single, but rather because you’re not sure if getting an A is possible this time. You’re wondering if you should even bother asking Choso to be your little guinea pig, but that would probably be asking a lot from someone who already has a lot on their plate. Plus, it would be really weird to actually ask your crush to be your pretend boyfriend.
“How was class?”
Choso cocks a brow as he slides into the dining booth across from you. He has a brightly assorted platter consisting of various vegetables and a fat salmon filet. He’s been lecturing to you about healthy eating habits a week ago after catching his half-brother downing a bunch of fried foods and burgers. What a health nut. Which is why he splits his sides of vegetables and adds some on your sparse plate when he sees you have nothing but a lonely scoop of pasta and fries.
“No, seriously, tell me what’s wrong,” and he gives you that look where you know you can’t make up an excuse out of it. 
You gracefully jab your fork at some of the oven roasted carrots he placed down, chewing and swallowing them in a way that made it seem like they kidnapped your entire family. And, fuck, they taste really good.
“My professor told us about the final project today,” you start, eyes focusing only on your plate and avoiding your best friend at all costs.
“Yeah?” Choso slices a piece of the salmon off and plates it on top of your pasta. “What about it?”
You briefly frown at the action, feeling your cheeks burn up shamelessly because why does he have to be so attentive and perfect?
“The theme is ‘Love’ and… well, I don’t really have anyone.” you cringe, poking at the salmon until it shreds apart. 
Your friend goes silent, making a low humming sound as if deep in thought. After some pauses, Choso speaks up, “What about crushes? Or celebrities?”
Your eyes immediately flick to his face at the word ‘crush’ but you steel yourself before your emotions betray you. You begin coughing into your fist, pretending to be choking on a piece of noodle before downing your glass of water. 
“That’ll be weird, dude. I can’t just take a photo of my crush and I feel like celebrities would just be a shitty cop out.” Sadly, you’re quite the model student in your major, and you’re not going to half-ass a project just because it’ll still give you a passing grade.
“So, what’s your plan?” Choso asks genuinely.
You purse your lips together, shrinking back into your seat, gaze now downcast again. “I’m not sure… I’ve been doing really well in that class and, well, it would suck seeing a C on this assignment after all the hard work I’ve done.” you answer honestly. 
He’s silent again and you can feel his foot tapping against yours underneath the table. Choso doesn’t show emotion easily on his face unless provoked, but you can tell he’s really focused on finding some sort of solution because he’s chewing the insides of his cheeks, brows slightly creased under his bangs, and the tattoo on his nose is slightly scrunched up. You probably think he looks the same when he’s taking his exams and, for some reason, it makes you kinda happy that he’s putting this much effort into this silly dilemma. Though, makes you also feel slightly guilty, too. 
“Hey,” you put up your hands in defeat and laugh. “It’s alright, Cho. Unless you volunteer to be my fake boyfriend and I take cheesy selfies with you, I don’t think you gotta do anything for me.”
“No, I can do that.”
You go into a coughing fit again. “I-I’m sorry?”
“Well,” this time Choso looks slightly flustered, hand rubbing the back of his neck and the other drumming away on the tabletop. “If that gets you an A, then I’ll do it for you. If, you know, you’re okay with that?” When you don’t give him an immediate answer, Choso waves his hands dismissively in the air, shaking his head, “Actually, never mind, it’s a dumb idea.”
No, it’s a genius idea. An idea that you thought only existed in your fantasies. And, now, you can’t stop thinking about actually doing it. “We can do that,” you say quietly, swallowing a heavy lump. “A few sappy photoshoots and then we call it, yeah?”
Choso nods slowly. “Anything for that A, right?”
“Right,” you echo back.
The first photo shoot occurs pretty soon after the proposal. Choso had suggested that a dinner date would be a good start and he just happened to make a quick reservation at Kentucky Fried de Chicken, or KFC for short. He’s heard good reviews from his classmate Suguru prior and texted you its details.
Business casual, ambient lighting, and live jazz music. You’re starting to wonder if he’s taking this more seriously than you are.
The fancy restaurant is way fancier than you originally anticipated. It’s the type of fancy that only the richest of the rich would go to, definitely not where a bunch of college students like yourselves would hang around in. Still, it’s impressive that Choso managed to find a spot last minute. You hope to order just a mini appetizer to split and pray that they don’t charge for a glass of water like some places do.
“Fuck,” your eyes feel like they’re about to jump out when you breeze over the menu. “How do people justify these prices?”
Choso stifles a groan of his own, probably thinking about losing a week’s worth of pay to a side he can’t even pronounce. “Nepo babies,” he answers bitterly.
“Ugh, Suguru probably made Satoru pay for everything…” you mumbled. “Not that he would mind, I guess. He’s practically the definition of old money.”
“Sorry, next time I’ll pick somewhere less… flashy,” Choso frowns, seemingly disappointed in himself.
You feel a wave of guilt hit again. Shit, you didn’t mean to make him feel bad or poor on this pretend date. Hell, you can barely afford student housing but you would probably spend the last of your money in your bank account to treat Choso out. You’re under the delusion that he’s doing that right now. But, if anything, you should probably cover for most of it because it’s your project, not his.
You lightly kick his feet, careful enough to not scuff his only pair of loafers. “No, I’m sorry. This,” you motion to the hanging chandelier above the table and towards the live band across the room. “This is perfect, Choso. I’m gonna be jealous of your future partner.” you say fondly but also exasperated. 
This makes him tense up, and you’re wondering if somehow he does have someone in mind. You’re about to ask, but the waiter swings by with two glasses of lemon water and a side of complementary towels. When the waiter starts asking for your orders and you respond with ‘just the broccolini’, he gives you an eye roll and scribbles the dish down with most likely a complaint added to it. 
“Budget tight, I see.” the staff comments before moving to a busier table of actual business men.
You stick out a tongue once he’s out of sight. “Budget tight?” you mock his tone and Choso laughs from across. “Dude, the broccolini costs as much as a full tank of gas in this economy and he wants to complain about the size of our wallets?”
“Half of a tank of gas,” Choso corrects and waves his wallet around. “You’re my date for tonight, I think it’s fair that I pay.”
Your cheeks flush at his words and you’re glad that it’s dark otherwise Choso would probably think you’re having a fever right now. You swallow thickly, “Let me pay, you already cover for Yuuji’s groceries.”
“How about I pay for this and you can cover for the next photo shoot?” Well, you can’t really argue with that logic, as much as you do want to.
“I, ugh, okay fine,” and to lighten up the mood, you add, “As your date, it’s your job to spoil me tonight.”
Choso laughs a little, seemingly satisfied by your answer. “Yeah, I know.”
The broccolini ends up tasting subpar. But you both knew that, afterall, you couldn’t afford any of the entrees on the menu without going into debt. You split half of the dish, which really isn’t that much to begin with — maybe like three pieces for each person. You’ve seen Choso eat before, you practically have lunch and dinner with him almost every single day, but something about this feels entirely different.
He’s more careful, using the comically gold plated silverware to cut into the dish and making sure he doesn’t make a mess. There’s a certain softness in his eyes when he looks up, asking if the food is okay, if it’s too salty and if he should order more. Obviously, you say no, because you’re not the type to take advantage of his kindness, no matter how much he persists. When you manage to get a bit of sauce on your cheeks, he subconsciously reaches over and swipes it away with his thumb, only then do you smell his rich cologne and see that he’s freshly shaven in the face. It makes your dumb heart do even dumber flips until you remind yourself that it’s just for a class project.
The rest of the 'date' goes surprisingly well. Of course it does – you’re with your best friend, and the topic of fake dating doesn’t come up again in the night. You both end up making stupid games with each other about inventing fake backstories for all the rich old people in the restaurant, and you both have to bite down on your hands from laughing too loud.
It feels like a normal hangout but, in your mind, it’s so much more.
After another futile attempt to fight for the bill, Choso wins, and you both start leaving. You’re lagging behind him, hands fiddling on your camera settings as you look through the few photos you manage to take during the meal. The dim lighting makes Choso look moodier than usual, but the images still feel stiff and doesn’t really capture the whole ‘love’ theme. 
You only look up again when Choso tugs on your sleeves, dragging you gently out the revolving doors and finally into the cool, night air, and you can’t help but gasp.
Choso blinks and his hands fly to his face, rubbing around for any traces of green florets. “Is there something on my face?”
“Don’t move,” you angle your camera, getting down to one knee and making sure the moonlight is shining directly at his sides because he looks absolutely ethereal right now.
The camera releases its shutters several times, taking at least ten photos in case one of them ends up looking bad, which is practically impossible because it’s Choso — but you’re not going to tell him that. Satisfied with the outcome, you rush up to him, bumping into his shoulder, and eagerly present the finished results.
“One of these is definitely going into the project,” you huff out with pride and Choso nods besides you.
“I’m not usually the type to have photos of myself but these are good,” he agrees. “Mind sending a few over?”
“Yeah,” you give him a soft smile and laugh.
You decide to save the first one for your portfolio and leave the other nine for your memories.
The second photo shoot ends up being domestic themed. Which is way better than paying for an overpriced meal.
It’s the weekend and also your monthly movie night marathon with Choso, so both of you are currently laying on either end of the couch in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and sweats. You decide, in order to fit the theme, that the perfect movie series to put on is the After series.
“Did you know that this first started out as a One Direction fanfic?” you huddle your knees close to your chest, eyes practically glued to the screen as the introduction plays.
“Is that why the reviews are bad?” he jabs.
Your eyes widen, scooting close to his side and pinching his arm as punishment for looking up the movie prior. “Hey, you’re supposed to go into this blind.”
“You’ve already read it though,” Choso counters and nudges you back. 
“Yeah, and you haven’t,” you roll your eyes and somehow neither of you comment how close your bodies are. 
You understand why they have to change the names of the characters due to copyright laws but you can’t help but to cringe at the replacement names. Harry is now Hardin, Zyan is now Zed, and Liam is now Landon. And the acting? Pretty bad. Possibly even worse compared to the Sharknado marathon you both had last month.
“That’s,” you pull out your fingers to count, “like the fifth sex scene within the past hour.”
In the middle of it, when Choso is pressed up against you, you decide it’s picture time. You raise the camera to fit you both, and throw up a peace sign, because why not? It’ll make a cute photo.
Or so you think until impulsively, Choso leans down and plants a chaste kiss on your head.
The photo ends up looking comically cute, with his eyes closed and your surprised look, but you're pretty much trying to keep yourself together from exploding on the spot.
“Sorry,” he pulls back, and there’s a heavy blush running across his cheeks as he says, “I thought it would look good and fit the theme.”
“R-Right,” you sharply inhale a breath as you wordlessly lean back into his touch, continuing the film without bringing up the kiss again.
When the third film starts playing, Choso ends up falling asleep on your shoulder, and you take it upon yourself to steal yourself a kiss on his forehead, somehow convincing yourself it’s for the project without even taking a photo.
“Have you ever, I dunno, thought about the fact that he likes you back?” Nobara asks bluntly during one particular evening at the library. 
“Shh!” You press a finger on her lips, ignoring her muffled whines as you try to control the rapid beating from your chest. “Not so loud!”
Nobara sighs and pulls back, pen gliding across her notebook and draws a shitty version of you and Choso in the middle of the page. “This is you, and this is him,” she points at the figures before doodling hearts above. “This is you and him from everyone’s point of view—so disgustingly in love that it makes all of us physically vomit sometimes,” she says this in the nicest way possible.
“Dude,” you frown and hide your face behind a textbook, fearing that other students would overhear. “He doesn’t like me like that. We’ve been friends since forever and I feel like if we make a move on each other then our dynamic will be fucked.”
She blinks, unfazed by your frenzied state, and sighs again. “Keep telling yourself that.” Nobara rips out the doodle and slides it across the desk to you. You begrudgingly accept it, shoving it in your bag. “When are you guys meeting up? You have one more photo shoot, right?”
“Later tonight, in his dorm,” you mumble shyly, feeling yourself growing smaller at that fact.
Nobara snorts. “A sex photo shoot?”
“No!” and you slap a hand over your mouth once several students hush you. “No.” you repeat, softer this time.
She laughs and doesn’t push the conversation any further. “Mhm, okay, okay.”
A few hours later and you're browsing around in his dorm room, trying to understand some of his organic chemistry notes but all it does is makes your brain hurt.
“I don’t get how you’re able to do this,” you plop down on his bed, staring hard at the back of Choso’s head as he pulls out an earbud, chuckling at your frustration. 
“I can teach you,” he offers, to which you immediately decline. “Or not, that’s cool, too.”
It bothers you a little of how normal everything is. You’ve definitely moved on from the kiss. Definitely. Not like you replayed it every day of your life for the past week. Not at all. Completely moved on. Yeah. Maybe Choso’s doing the same thing? Or, maybe he’s completely engrossed in his studies and you’re just a sick, sick friend who’s using your best friend? Yeah, maybe that’s it.
You clear your throat after a few beats in silence. “What did you have in mind?”
Choso hums in thought before shrugging. “Maybe capture something personal in my dorm? I think that’ll work.” Then, he gets up and excuses himself to the bathroom. “If you’re hungry, I have some snacks in my drawers. Be back in a second.”
When the door shuts, you let out a deep breath that you didn’t know you were holding in. You’ve been in his room plenty of times and, after everything, it’s so hard to keep yourself composed around him. Ugh, this project wasn’t supposed to make you feel anything.
You take up his offer and start rummaging through his drawers. The top drawer consists of nothing but graphing paper and his carefully curated pens and pencils. His second drawer holds his other lab notebooks and extra scrap paper with scribbled notes. As you approach his third and final drawer, your gaze falls to an old photograph of you and Choso back in middle school on his desk.
It’s tucked away in the corner, just behind his lamp, and it’s a fond memory. Your arms are wrapped around his waist, his body slightly lifted above the ground, and your face looks absolutely constipated as you were trying your hardest to hold him. Choso, on the other hand, looks like he was about to burst into flames. Without thinking, you grab your camera and capture his desk, zooming in on the photo as the focal point. It’s slightly out of focus and a bit shaken up, like you couldn’t keep your hands still when you were taking it, but it’s perfect.
The following day you submit your portfolio, along with the rest of your classmates. Some complaining about how unfair the project was, some boasting about how it’s the easiest assignment out of the year, and some—you—are a bundle of nerves.
It’s not until the end of the week, where you’re having dinner with Choso in the dining hall, that you receive an email notification stating that grades are finally posted. 
You jolt from your seat, swallowing the last bits of roasted vegetables on your platter, before checking your grades. One. Two. Three… when the site loads, you practically screech in celebration.
“I got the A!”
“Congrats,” Choso smiles softly before it fades away, replaced by a nervous laugh and then a frown. “I’m sorry about kissing you the other day.”
Wow, that’s not exactly what you were expecting.
You choke on your drink but he continues, “I can tell you’ve been acting weird since then. And I think I stepped out of the line doing it. I’m sorry.”
Fuck, what are you supposed to say to that?
You scratch the back of your neck, face now equally as warm as his. “Don’t apologize, I’m actually kinda glad you did…”
He blinks. “You are?”
“Yeah,” you nod and Choso flushes more at that.
Then, his eyebrows shoot up. “You like me?”
“A lot,” and he gets even redder. God, he has no idea how much you’re madly in love with him.
“So, I guess we can start taking photos together like an actual couple then?”
You laugh, not fully believing that this is how your confession gets to be known. “Yeah, I guess we can.”
Looking back at every photo, every longing moment to the lingering touches, kisses, and the methodical layout of his room, you wonder if there was a moment where you faked your feelings for one another. The simple answer is no, to anyone, these photographs only contain unconditional love.
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© 2023 DOOBEA. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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kakushino · 7 months
I’m scared to ask because like I never done this before-
Anyway 👀
Do you think you can make a head cannon thing (or whatever they are called. 🥲) about a male y/n meeting (tanjiro, rengoku, or zenitsu) for the first time but y/n had like major anger issues because of their past (mostly because of their father) and they like later at night they like tell them that their dad was a horrible person and just and soft for the first time to them.
It’s fine if ya don’t want to do it I won’t mind at all :)! But if u do thank you! :D
Tanjiro meeting reader with anger issues
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Tanjiro would never judge anyone for their trauma.
Tags: mild violence mention, anger issues, GN! Reader, sfw
AN: I have to admit, this gave me some troubles to write, as I tend to forget "the bad" as a form of coping mechanism. Lots of thanks to A and G for beta-reading and their help in figuring this out! Thank you for your patience and for requesting this! I hope you like it!
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The first time Tanjiro sees you, you split your knuckles punching a man much bigger than you. The wrath and distress practically oozing from you make his nose scrunch up a little, but the situation is dissolved before he can step closer to you. You disappear in the next second like vapor above a cooking broth. It makes him wonder who you are, and why you have so much anger in you.
The second time Tanjiro sees you, he actually meets you. Your form is tense as you administer meds to a few of the slayers resting in Butterfly estate. He vividly remembers the way you laid out that man on the streets… 
One of the slayers says something he can’t hear but the next thing he knows, you’re pouring tea over that slayer’s head, much to his indignation. Yet again, the anger wafts from your figure as you stalk away, overpowering any other scent he might have caught on you.
Is there anxiety? Is there sadness? All he can smell is anger, and it makes his head spin.
The third time he sees you, you’re sitting on the engawa staring at your hands, callused from labor and fighting. An undercurrent of the previous negative emotions seemingly soaked into your clothing, yet your face is blank. He has to wonder, are you always on the edge? Or does he just happen to see you in such situations?
He feels compelled to sit beside you, and perhaps offer you an ear and a kind word.
Perhaps it is his openness and warmth, but you find yourself spilling your life story to him - how your past left a festering wound behind, and especially how your father created a deep chasm in your mind, heart, and soul. You tell him how you simply can’t keep calm when someone reminds you of the inadequacy and loneliness you always felt when under your father’s thumb, the shame and the distress fueling your fists, and you cannot hold back.
Tanjiro simply listens. He offers no judgment to your character, because anger is not what defines you, it never did. He understands the need to use it as a protection, a wall of defense when anything hits too close to home, he understands and he doesn’t blame you. He doesn’t know how it feels to be related to such a person, but he knows just how to comfort you.
He gives you his hand to hold, and reassures you, tells you that that man shouldn’t call himself a father, tells you that you will find happiness, and that’s one thing he will never experience. Karma is free, and it has its way of coming back around.
The warm embrace you share afterwards is the start of something great for you both, the stars being the only witness to your exchange.
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear Network: @enchantedforest-network
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YN Ackerman: Dating Jean Kirschtein
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Jean Kirschstein featuring the whole AOT gang x Yn Ackerman (Levi Ackerman's sister; she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, kissing 😍
AN: This is a request from @lilacveiledsea! I figured we need a tiny change in fandoms for the day 🥰 also this is kind of modern remix with some of the wording. I can’t and won’t be stopped on my emoji usage 😂
Oh my dearest YN
Dear dear, innocent YN
You precious angel I'm so sorry 🤣
Not only are you related to this 👇🏻
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But you are also besties with the chaotic duo known as Hange and Erwin 😃
Thoughts and prayers YN 🙏🏻
Because wow is your life hectic!
Seriously I'm not sure how you do it
You basically wake up and your life is in shambles
"YN WAKE UP!" Hange screams, banging on your door
"It's 4am!" You yell
"Get up YN you're late," your brother shouts
"Late for what?!?! It's 4AM!" You again
"If you have to ask YN then you're already behind," Erwin shouts
You 👉🏻😐 dear god why me?
Life in the scouts is anything but boring for you
Seriously being the baby sister of Levi is a full time job
Mans needs someone to just chill him out Ok ✋🏻
"Levi will you please just calm down," you say exasperated
"YN we have alot to do before the next mission," your brother says
"Yes and we have time so stop running everyone ragged if you expect them to fight off 15 meter titans!" You argue back
Levi 👉🏻😐😑
You 👉🏻😠
Please YN you are the only one (besides Historia) who can talk back to him
Not that he takes you seriously 😒 but still
Not only do you hold major control over Levi but also you are the calm Hange needs
"Yes but it can wait for you to sleep for a few hours," you say, pulling your friend from their station
"YN I'm so close to a breakthrough!" Hange exclaims
"That's great but it can wait for you to take a nap," you say full on grabbing your friend and dragging them from their workshop
Literally YNs job is not to fight titans, it's to babysit the scouts 😅
Even Erwin relys on you to keep him sane
"Alright times up, put the pen down," you say, bursting into your friends chambers
"Just a few more minutes," Erwin says, scribbling on some papers
"No! The timer went off and the pen GOES DOWN!" You say going up to grab the pen from Erwins hands
"Just a few minutes YN," he says quickly pulling it away as you glare 😑
"I swear to god Erwin I will set fire to this entire office if you don't put that pen down right now-" you 😡
Erwin 👉🏻😐 you wouldn't dare....
You 👉🏻 🕯 try me....
The pen goes down as Erwin stands up, moving past you
"You are ridiculous," he says
You 👉🏻😊 🤗
But you see YN, your efforts don't go unnoticed...
Because a certain someone is always watching 👀
Kind of creepy but listen, his intentions are good ok
You see, a certain Scout member just so happens to have a MAJOR crush on you
Literally he's hard-core in love with you YN
Jean has always thought you were perfect and an all around amazing person
He respects everything about you from the way you kill titans to the way you care for your friends and family
You've sort of formed an interesting friendship with Jean
While we all know he can act a bit "childish" we also know he is super reliable and helpful
Hrs always there when you need him 🥰
So much so that you sort of, kind of, develop a teeny TINY crush on the man's
Honestly, do not blame you YN 🥵
But you had always thought Jean liked Mikasa
I mean, would wouldn't be entirely wrong YN but he still had more feelings towards you than anyone else
In fact 👀 he'd often get a little jealous when he say you talking a certain someone
"Hey YN!" Eren would say as you turned and smiled
"Hey Eren! What's up?" You asked
Jean rn 👉🏻 >:(
"Not much just taking a break," Eren would say sitting next to you
As in, RIGHT next to you...
Less than an inch apart 😑
So leave it to our buddy Jean to waltz right up to Eren and tell him off!
"Aren't you suppose to be cleaning Titan boy?" Jean would growl
You 👉🏻👀 🍿
"I'm just taking a break and I thought I'd spend it talking to a pretty girl," Eren said as you blushed heavily
Oof Jean was not impressed in the slightest!
"Maybe YN doesn't want to talk to you? She looks busy," Jean said, bending down in front of Eren and glaring at him
You are still just like 👉🏻😃
"Well if I'm bothering YN she can tell me herself," Eren says back, standing up and facing off with Jean
Alright nows definitely the time to interfere YN
Too bad your big brother has that taken care of
"YEAGER get your ass back to cleaning! KIRSCHTEIN pick up a mop, if you have time to talk you have time to clean!" Levi yelled as you giggled at both men
“YN WHY ARE YOU INCITING A RIOT?!?” Levi yells at you
You 👉🏻 🧍‍♀️literally existing
You see, Levi knows Jean had a crush on you
And he also knows you have a crush on jean 👀
And he doesn’t like it one bit
Jean also knows that Levi knows that he has a crush on you
Phew 😮‍💨 it’s like a game of telephone over here
But Jean isn’t deterred
He does everything and anything to impress you
From finishing his cleaning first to helping you clean to killing 15 meter titans
“Did you see that Yn?” Jean boasts as you smile and nod
“Everyone saw that brat,” Levi says, swinging by and killing two more 15 meters right in front of Jean
However Jean just takes that as a challenge to win your brother over
So when your ODM malfunctions as you are swinging through the forest, you panic
“Crap crap!” You scream as you fall
“YN!” Erwin and Hange both shout as they race to get you
Fortunately for you, a knight in shining armor comes to your rescue 💅
That’s right, Jean is there to save the day!
He catches you, carefully swinging to a branch and setting you down
“Are you ok?” He asks as he checks you over intently
“YN!” Hange and Erwin shout as they land next to you
“I’m fine, thanks Jean!” You say as your brother swings by
“YN your lucky there weren’t any titans around or you would have been a goner,” Levi says as you glare
“Well thankfully Jean saved me!” You spit back as your brother rolls his eyes and continues on
Poor Jean isn’t going to get Levi’s approval that easily
Good thing your an independent woman and you don’t need your brothers blessing
So when you get back to base, you confront Jean
“Jean, I just wanted to say thanks for today,” you say, playing with your fingers as he looks at you
Suddenly, you lift your head and your lips graze his softly
Jean rn 👉🏻😐😳
“I like you Jean and I was kind of wondering if maybe…” you say before you are immediately cut off, his lips on yours again
“I like you too YN, a lot actually!” He says as you smile
And everyone lives happily ever after 😌
The end.
Just kidding 🙃
Because one thing about being in the scouts in that you literally have zero alone time
Every time you and Jean think you can be alone, someon interrupts
Once it was Armin, another time Mikasa, then Eren
Literally there is no safe space
Thankfully you manage to find a safe space behind the stables
That is, until 👀
“HOLY CRAP I KNEW IT!” You hear shouting as you and Jean quickly seperate to see Hange and Erwin staring at you
You and Jean 👉🏻😳😳
Erwin and Hange 👉🏻😐😍
“Please please don’t say anything to Levi!” You immediately beg
Hange rn 👉🏻😐😏
“Don’t worry YN, your secret is safe with us,” Erwin says as you sigh in relief
“Thanks commander,” Jean responds as he smiles at you
“You two really like each other huh?” Hange says as you both nod
“You really think Levi would disapprove if you were happy Yn?” Erwin asks
You, Jean and Hange 👉🏻😐 really?
“Ok noted but I really think you should tell him,” Erwin says walking away
Sure, you’ll tell Levi one day
It might be on his deathbed but you’ll eventually tell him right?
Well unfortunately for you, things don’t happen that way
You see, Jean is kind of, well he’s a possessive guy
Literally he gets so jealous and so incredibly easily
So when Eren is innocently flirting with you in the dining hall 👀
Everyone including Levi
“This is fine just don’t make eye contact don’t make eye contact… CRAP,” you think as you accidentally look at your brother who is now glaring at you over his tea
“YN, Kirstein my office NOW!” Levi screams as he stops out
Hange 👉🏻🫡 fair well YN
Jean 👉🏻😃 crap-
You 👉🏻🙏🏻 counting your days
You and Jean enter Levi’s office and sit down
Not only is he sitting at his desk but he’s staring at both of you
“Levi I can explain-”
“It’s not Yn’s fault-”
Levi 👉🏻✋🏻
You and Jean 👉🏻🤐🤐
“I just want to know one thing… why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Levi asks
You and Jean 👉🏻🤨🤨 wait what-
“I knew you two liked each other for a while and I suspected you were dating but I’m just wondering why you wouldn’t tell me?” Levi asks
“I- I just thought you wouldn’t approve,” you say
Levi sighs, “are you happy Yn?”
“Im happy,” Jean says : D
“I didn’t ask you Kirstein! YN?”
You grab Jeans hand and smile, “I am!”
“Ok well that’s all I need,” Levi says, “now get out of here.”
You and Jean stand, quietly moving quickly to the door
“Kirschstein, I’m not done with you yet!” Levi says as Jean gulps
You just smile, turning to kiss you boyfriend
“Thoughts and prayers” ✌🏻
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Hi, I need a lil pick me up and if you're up for it, how about Pickle cursing out her grandfather and/or uncle. My dad's family is horrible (my dad is awesome despite genetics) and one of the greatest moment of my life was my sister telling our uncle to fuck off. I think Delly would appreciated it... at least in secret.
(You absolutely got it, anon! This is told second hand, but is hopefully still satisfying.)
Delly: call me right now
Izzy: in the middle of something
Delly: now israel 
“Give me a sec,” Izzy said to the guy bleeding at his feet. He looked like he might be unconscious. Not Izzy’s fault, someone else had found him first. 
“Do you know what your niece did?” Delly demanded in lieu of hello. 
“How would I?” Izzy sighed, prodded the guy with the toe of his boot. He moaned and rolled. Alive then. 
“She used language I’ve certainly never taught her and practiclaly peeled the paint off of Da’s walls.” 
Izzy’s attention was now entirely on Delly. “What the fuck was she doing at Da’s, Del?” 
“I was dropping off groceries for him and she was with me,” Delly said quickly. “I didn’t think we were going to stay or even talk to him for more than a minute.” 
“Del, why the hell are you bringing him groceries?” 
“He’s shaky. He can’t carry much anymore and the man still needs to eat no matter how else we feel about him,” she said stiffly. 
“There’s...fuck it. Send me his list. I’ll even pay for the damn things and get them shipped to him.” 
“Oh,” she said softly. “Really?” 
“Yeah. I know I was shit at helping with Ma and I’m not running over to help the old man, but whatever I can do to keep you and her out of his line of fire.  What else does he need?” 
“Laundry service would be good. He can’t really get the stuff out of the dryer and if he just has to put it outside the door, I don’t think I’ll have to argue with him much over it. Honestly, what he needs is a home health aide, but he won’t let anyone in the damn house.” 
The guy groaned again, one arm twitching a little. 
“I’ll work on it,” he decided. 
“That’d be amazing. But don’t think I’m letting you off the hook for Dylan learning all those horrible words.” 
“She’s ten, Del. Could’ve gotten them from anywhere.” 
“She called Da a ‘fucking twat’.” 
“Mm,” he repressed a smile. “Did she? What was that in response to?” 
Delly went tellingly silent. 
“I’m not going to apologize,” he informed her. “Can I talk to her?” 
“She’s upset. Be nice.” 
“Uh huh.” The guy attempted to sit up. Izzy planted a boot on his chest. “Stay down.” 
“Put the girl on, Delly.” 
There was a rustling on the other end then a quiet, “Hey.” 
“Did you actually call the old man a twat?” Izzy asked. 
“Yeah,” Pickle mumbled. 
“You’re a fucking star, kid,” he grinned. “Wish I could’ve seen his face.” 
“It was epic,” Pickle whispered. “Like I punched him with a lemon.” 
“He saying shit to you?” 
“No. He ignores me. He was yelling at Mom. Calling her names. So I called him some names.” 
“Oh, there were others?” 
“Hold on.” More shuffling. “Sorry, I don’t want Mom to hear. She doesn’t like me swearing, you know.” 
“I know,” Izzy said mildly. “So what else?” 
“I told him that his god would be fucking ashamed of him, picking on someone who was acting all nice and doing charity for him. And that I was embarrassed to be related to him. And the he was horrible old son of a bitch.” 
“Holy fuck,” Izzy shook his head. “That must’ve been scary.” 
“I was so scared,” she gushed out. “I thought he was going to do something really bad, but he shakes a lot now and we weren’t close to him. Mom told me to never stand too close.” 
“She’s right. You were really fucking brave, kiddo. Don’t do it again, okay? Your mom and I are going to make sure she has to go over there a lot less and you don’t have to go at all.”
“Dad was saying we should cut him loose, but Mom won’t agree. They didn’t know I heard that part.” 
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Izzy could just imagine Thomas’ reaction to that story. He was a calm guy, but not that calm. “But we’re going to take care of it. You were brave as hell, but you’re not your mom’s protector, okay?” 
“But nothing. I’m not adding that shit to your job description. You’ll just want a raise and I’m not made of money.” 
“You don’t pay me,” she reminded him. 
“You think Pokemon cards grow on fucking trees?” 
“No, guess not.” 
“Damn right. You want to go see a movie this Sunday?”
“Great, ask your mom if you can and I’ll pick you up at 11, ok?” 
“Thanks! Love you!” 
Izzy ground the heel of his boot into the guy’s chest as he made a concerted effort to rise.
“Yeah, love you too.” 
The call cut out. Izzy stuck the phone back in his pocket and then looked down at the guy. 
“So. Apparently you’ve already told the wrong person some things. Let’s talk about fees.” 
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Belated Merry Christmas @captainodonoghue it is I, your gift exchange gifter, bringing forth an idea (and a part) for a story that I hope you will like as much as I adore your gifsets.
Additionally, I'd love to thank @superchocovian for being an absolutely amazing beta/santa's helper- asking the right questions and giving me helpful suggestions and feedback for the upcoming parts of this work.
I'd also like to thank @csgiftexchange for hosting the event, it was a true joy to join it.
When Princess Emma's childhood sweet heart (Lieutenant Killian Jones), is presumed dead. She sets out on a journey to find the truth- finding him in the most unsavory of places. Only to discover that she's nothing but a prisoner to him- will the power of true love shine through or will they forever be resigned to this cruel twist of fate.
Additional notes, related to the story are posted at the very bottom of this post. Hope you enjoy :)
The beginning:
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(Includes some minor tweaks and an
additional scene of sorts)
The first time she saw him was by the willow whisp valley. A dark silhouette just meters away from her. She moved towards the stranger- knife drawn defense on the ready, only to see a forlorn man. She moved closer intending to keep quiet- the snapping of a twig underneath her feet giving her away.
Stepping out into the light and cutting him to the chase
She asked- "What are you doing here? No one really comes here anymore."
Turning to face her he said "similar reasons to you love- peace, calm, serenity, tranquility.....you list it".
Later, they sat together by the lake, a certain sense of understanding forged between the two of them. Setting the foundation for an unexpected, yet expected bond that drew them closer together.
Leading to the present day: Emma raced down to the valley, Killian's letter clutched tight to her chest. Once at their, safe haven she devoured its contents, thumbing the faint imprint of words as a faint smile crossed her face.
My dearest swan,
Not a day passes by where I don't think of you my love. Perhaps one day your father will let you voyage with Liam, the crew and I.
The sights here are positively wondrous! Just last week we saw the fabled yeti on a hill! I'm just pulling your leg love, It's just one of me mates (will) dressed up.
All, humor aside, my dearest swan, what would you like back from our travels- a pin, a dress, perhaps some books, me? All flirtation aside, I hope you're doing well Swan- I await your reply.
Your dashing rascal,
Note (regarding a picture of an yeti in the letter): I like to think that Killian found a camera during one his voyages or that, he bought it from a rare artifacts shop.
Preview of the next part:
Times at Misthaven weren't looking too good for Emma. Just last week she had been riding high after receiving a letter from Killian and now- a messenger bringing forth a plank of enchanted wood, claiming it to be from the Jewel of the Realm.
Additional notes:
The next update will be up in Febuary (late ik but there's a couple of ideas, I have that I wanna see through- before I put a final update up).
I will be finishing this fic, if I don't feel free to hound me.
I think there will be a written down version of this chapter- not 100% sure.
PS: this was my first time making a gifset (hopefully it turned out okay- saddly the words were barely legible so appologies for that). Have a good day/night and stay safe- I'd love to hear any feedback or ideas you/anyone reading this post has *tips hat*.
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lightning-bringer · 1 year
Could I see hcs for Ahri, Lillia and Soraka with an adopted child that is heavily implied to have had a very difficult life before they took them in? The child is extremely quiet, fearful and timid, tends to suffer nightmares, is prone to crying, and is extremely starved for affection. Is this okay?
Oh I really like this request, I love writing for female characters!
Hope you like this
Okay I'm starting this with Lillia because despite everything I think my girl would handle it like a pro
Lillia would have found her by accident sleeping in the forest, and while she does tend to shy away from most humans, as soon as the little girl starts dreaming, Lillia is terrified for her
She would see that she has nearly no dreams at all, only nightmares, and for the first time she would not know how to help
And for the first time she would hang around until the girl wakes up
That would be scary for both... their personalities being very similar in the quiet and fearful part, but that's also what would kind of console them
Lillia would see the child being as afraid as she is and feel bad. She never wanted anyone to fear her, much less someone she wants to help dream again
Much less a child
So she would do her best to calm the kid and show her she's not any kind of threat, and she can be trusted.
Lillia would be baffled when she finally manages to pick the girl up and she won't let go of her, like a little koala baby stuck yo her neck (and it kinda makes Lillia want to cry for her)
For the first few days she would literally not let go of her unless when very necessary. Lillia didn't know she could be so protective of something or someone until this little girl showed up in her life
Lillia would be so very patient with all of her little girl's needs, be it her asking Lillia to stay awake while she sleeps (because she doesn't feel safe falling asleep otherwise), or when she has panick attacks. Though Lillia might not know how to react at learn, she will learn, and she will show unmoving patience
She would help bring her dreams if she can, teach her about the importance of having dreams, but Lillia would never try to get the girl to talk about what happened to her or how her life was before
Her main goal would be to get her to be happy again, and Lillia being a little childish herself, would accidentally be amazing at it. Running with her on her back on open fields, picking flowers, playing hide and seek (and then telling the girl they have to play it a little more seriously when other humans come around because Lillia is still a bit afraid... so they both hide giggling and trying to give each other courage tho they're both so shy)
Lillia wouldn't be very good at reintroducing the child to other people but honestly, she doesn't even think about it. She relates to her timid self, they have each other and their little family is perfect! In the beginning if she spent literal days in silence, Lillia would be silent too, waiting for her
She found her best friend and she hopes the little girl sees her like her best friend too
When it comes to helping people Soraka is a literal pro at it, but her heart would break into a million pieces when she finds this little boy's family and its too late to help them
She can only imagine the horrors he went through before she found him, so she threads very carefully around him, and even if it takes days for the boy to let her get close, to speak a single word, she would do everything on his time
3 days sitting on the snow too close to the top of Mount Targon, only for him to let her handle him water? It's fine she's smiling through it all and reassuring him
He slaps her hand once she manages to get close enough to handle him food? It's okay, she understands
After some time, once she got to heal his wounds and comfort him, her heart nearly bursts out of her chest once the boy hugs her lamb-legs, whispers about how fluffy they are, and falls asleep standing up
She tries to move him but Soraka knows he barely slept lately because of the nightmares, so she stands there, resting on her staff, and waits
And she knows then he needs her more than anyone ever has, so she makes her mission to help him up until the day he decides for himself, he doesn't need her help anymore
Soraka always makes a point of holding his hand when they're walking side by side and sleeps holding it too, if he even looks like he wants it. If the child is small enough to be held in her arms, she will carry him for as long as she can before getting too tired
Soraka will teach him to heal, to care for the people and help anyone he can, and she likes to have him around as she works her magic on some cases to help him overcome a bit of timidity
If she notices that it really upsets him to be around people for too long, she wouldn't insist though it would upset her a little bit
When he cries, she's patient. Lowers herself to his height, and tells him "it's okay, you can cry until you feel better. Do you want to tell me how you're feeling?" After helping the boy to take deep breaths and calm himself down
she'd be very big into encouraging him to talk, be it about his feelings or to ask for things, she would always ask things and if he doesn't answer, it's alright, but Soraka tries all the time to get him to talk a little bit
She grounds him and reassures him about his feelings, even the bad ones, and she would be SO good and important for that boy. Soraka is a master of healing, all kinds. She loves that child and she wants to do everything she can for him, for as long as he will let her
When Ahri finds a scared, crying little girl she feels terrified. She really doesn't know what the fuck to do
She can feel all her troubled emotions swirling around like magic, and she bites her lip. She's not about to devour a _child_, but she really doesn't know what to do
I mean the girl was raised by foxes!
Even if her first instinct is to eat the bad memories and plant good emotions in their place, she wouldn't be able to deal with the guilt of feeding off the little girl, even if she's trying to do something good
So she approaches warily, as if she's as scared as the girl, and asks her name. If the girl only cries and tries to hide herself, Ahri waits, while trying to talk to her like she thinks it's good for a kid
Ahri doesn't want to be in that situation but every second that passes she feels worse about stepping away so she just... waits. And once the girl comes out and shyly holds one of her tails Ahri's heart is stolen
She won't admit it, she tries to play it cool because fuck she has no idea how to take care of a child or help one, but she's literally that B99 meme "I've had this child for a day and half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself"
Also, when the girl says anything for the first time Ahri gets spooked because she was not expecting it and she has never heard her voice outside of crying, so the furs of her tails stand out and it makes the girl laugh, and Ahri is staring at her like "damn, I'll have to die for her now"
All Ahri knows about caring for a child is what she saw in people's stolen memories, so she tries everything, but when it shows to be harder than it looked (both because of the little girl's past, her nightmares and behaviors and because theory is very different than practice) she panicks a little
(She's the kind of person who kneels in front of a very small child and says in a very even tone "we have to work together here kid")
But she tries very very hard. She let's the little one lay on top of her tails while she sleeps so she can hug them when she has nightmares (though Ahri hates it). She sings to her when she's nervous because the girl once told her she has a nice voice
She holds her little hand in public and growls at anyone who looks her way because she knows she doesn't like it
(If Ahri finds something that makes the girl laugh, she'll make a point to do it a lot pretending it's an accident/coincidence so she can laugh at any time)
Ahri makes it a point to make her feel safe at all times, and they learn with each other. Ahri knows how to care for the girl, and the girl learns more about Ahri too, about her life and her new life, traveling with her now looking for her people
Ahri makes it very clear that she doesn't has to worry about being different than the vastayans or vesanis (a human), they're a team now and Ahri will only go to a place she can go too
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Okay but Jake is like the perfect comfort character for a person with borderline, hear me out (i also have bpd)
So he praises Mc all the time! He reassures Mc a lot too and can probably relate to a lot of things that people with bpd feels/have been through, since he seems to have a lot of trauma. He logically explains stuff which at least helps me because then there will be a lot less misunderstandings. He's straightforward you know. Sure he's not the best at communicating but neither am i. He's also so mysterious and takes control over situations so i don't have to make too many choices which also helps me from feeling too insecure.
idk if it's just me who's thought about this??? but i thought i'd share it with you since you might be able to relate/explain it better. Thanks for reading my rant
also love your blog and your works! Have a good day/night, you're amazing! <3
Okay, before that, three quick things:
1: I went into everything in more detail and also explained some things with the knowledge I have. So for anyone who doesn’t have borderline there are some explanations. (I’m not a psychologist, just a patient)
Point 2: I’m talking about myself and my experiences, my symptoms, every borderliner is different, no borderline looks 1 to 1. There are so many different forms of bpd, please don’t generalize my borderline and relate it to everyone else. It’s different for everyone.
3: (Yes, now I behave like the grumbling mother) The word 'trigger' or 'triggering' has become very normal and almost everyone uses this word. But I would like to point out that in this case it is really about real triggers that trigger real symptoms. It’s not 'it triggered me so much that I got angry' after watching a video, like you often see it these days. Here it really means a triggering of often also serious symptoms, and it is therefore not just simply said. (I am talking about this here so precisely, because as a person with real triggers one is unfortunately often no longer taken seriously (And with that I do not want to deny that the person can be triggered! It is only about the everyday use of the word) When I say "This is one of my triggers" I often get the answer "Haha, same" and it is no longer taken as seriously as it actually is, I do not want to attack anyone, just to point out that this word contains an important medical purpose and is not just a meme from the Internet.)
Maybe nobody cares about this, that’s okay, but I still want to have it addressed.
First of all: I’m sorry that you have this annoying persecutor bpd, I hope your next days will be marked by a good episode. <3
But yes, I definitely know what you mean and I agree with you. Well, with me it is generally so, instead of having real people as fp’s (favorite persons; Fixating on someone and making your own life dependent on that person (among other things! Also means more!!) symptom of bpd), I actually only have that with fictional characters. Simply because I hardly have contact with people and usually do not want that. All my fictional crushes are emotional support/comfort characters with real mental health reasons and they are always characters that I assume they can handle me and my borderline.
I mean, like you say, Jake is an absolute calming influence/haven of peace (?). While I am much too emotional and my emotions are much stronger* than those of a person without bpd, it fits so well with Jake. While I can hardly think clearly because of emotions, he will probably continue to be calm and not let me 'infect' or 'stress' him (*people with borderline feel emotions 9 times stronger and more intense than people without borderline or Emotion regulation disorder)
In general, one of the biggest points I think is that Jake is almost completely free of prejudices etc, at least in connection with bpd. If you say "Hey Jake, btw I have bpd," he won’t run away like many others do. At least it’s like that in my head and the way I judge Jake, he’s really like that.
I also believe that Jake takes boundaries very seriously and does not disregard them. I think when I say to him, "please don’t touch me now" then he wouldn’t do it either. And if I threw myself around his neck 10 seconds later* (*without exaggerating because that’s bpd) and didn’t let him go for the next 20 minutes, then he probably wouldn’t react with "WTF? You told me not to touch you." But with, probably nothing. Just "Okay"
Besides, and yes, this is unfortunately my toxic bpd side now, but don’t judge me, I’m in therapy because I know it’s not good. Also a big point that makes it easier is that Jake doesn’t have much contact with other people, or actually not at all. This means that there are fewer triggers and fewer "reasons" to be jealous for no reason, for example, or to feel another person is more important, etc., although this is completely irrational.
I also think that Jake is not necessarily someone who really fights/argues. Even if my bpd side loves to argue, I don’t think he will get involved in an argument in the way it can happen with me. While I have completely lost touch with reality, he probably not. He will continue to be rational and not lose his logical thinking. So I could probably yell at him and he would just ignore it and go on normally. And even if that would trigger me as well, I don’t think he would be influenced by that, which is good.
Also, I don’t think Jake is a pretty spontaneous person who wants to do a lot without planning beforehand. So he probably doesn’t suddenly say from one second to the next: Let’s get in the car now and go to the crowded shopping center. This is positive because I do not have to go to a crowded shopping center xD. But also because I think if I would say "I’m sorry but I think I can’t do that today. It's too much" then he would not be annoyed or something else but would understand it. Without trying to persuade or force me for two hours.
(It’s so typical, I don’t think about anything other than these topics all day long, now that I can talk about, it all gone. No more symptoms there.😂)
Also, his rational thinking and behavior is really good, as I said before, but it’s very good for many things. For example, even if I say something that might be hurtful or mean, which unfortunately can happen, but I do this on no account intentionally, I think Jake would have less problems with it. I mean, I can’t be angry with anyone who feels hurt by me, we're all just human being. But I think through Jake’s rational being he would probably let it get to him less because rationally he knows that I don’t mean it seriously and especially that I don’t do it on purpose and that it's not me but the borderline.
Personally, I also think, of course, it always depends, but that it is not bad if you are in therapy to take the partner with you sometimes. I think that many difficulties that can occur in a relationship where one additionally has bpd, are easier to change when talking about it in therapy. Maybe you see it differently, that’s okay of course. The point I want to make is if I ask Jake if it would be okay to go to therapy with me because of me, then he probably wouldn’t say no. But I think many might have a problem with it.
I could list millions of more things now, but then we would be still sitting here tomorrow. With your words, Anon, I can only agree and I really know absolutely what you mean. You described it very well.
Jake is just a really good counterpart for a very emotional person like me.
I’m not happy that you can understand it, but I’m glad not to be the only person and that someone still feels it and absolutely understand it.
I thank you from the heart that you sent me this ask and shared your thoughts and experiences. And thank you for giving me a chance to talk about it, I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me. I also hope that you can understand my words.
I wish you all well and a lot of strength as many positive episodes. Should you ever need something you can write me. Also you can send an ask if you want to get something going or if you want to add something or whatever. And I hope that you will have a wonderful day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy. 💚
Now at the end. When I first talked about me and my borderline here on my blog, I already said that if you have questions about borderline, you are welcome to ask them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, I am absolutely okay with that. Borderline has a very bad reputation and there are many prejudices that are really hurtful. And yes, bpd has many negative sides, that’s true, but there are also many positive things that almost nobody knows about. So no matter what you want to know, just ask <3
My last words now are: It is never embarrassing, bad or weak to ask for help. If you’re not feeling well, in whatever form, ask for help. There is no shame. <3
:jake smiley:
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reidsaurora · 2 years
babes are you okay?? why you have surgery? (if you're okay with me asking ofc) :(
hi, rups!!! thank you so much for checking in! i am so sorry i'm just now getting a chance to answer this, it's been a long and busy day for sure 🤣❤️
i was gonna say long story short but i feel like there's just no way to tell this story in a short version so buckle up! there will probably be a lot of reading 🤣 also i'm gonna highlight the important words just in case that will help to explain the important parts of this extremely long story 💀
so back in 2015, i got diagnosed with crohn's disease, which is basically where you can inflammation anywhere in the lining of your digestive tract, so anywhere from your mouth to your booty. mine has always been throughout different places in the digestive tract.
that being said, very soon after my crohn's diagnosis, i was diagnosed with something called hidradenitis suppurativa, which is basically just a bunch of lumps and tunnels in the skin... and they can pop up anywhere. the armpits, the sweat glands, the underboobs, the 🐱 area... yeah, anywhere. and i was blessed with the ones in ✨️the land down under✨️
so, i've had all these lumps and tunnels for over seven years. some of them have calmed down, some have popped up in new places (my armpits are now involved but that's a different story for a different day), and some of them unfortunately turned into fistulas. according to Google (just bc it's kinda hard for me to describe on my own), a fistula is basically a connection/tunnel through an organ to either another organ or the skin.
i have two fistulas, one from my 🐱 area to the rectum (i think, everything's been such a haze, i'm having trouble remembering how all this works), and then one from the skin to the ah noos (pls lmk if i need to explain this joke or if you get it 💀).
all that being said, i had to have something called a seton placed in both of these fistulas. a seton (i've been told) is sort of like a really thin rubber band that goes throughout the fistula like a tube to keep it open and draining, in hopes of drying up everything in the fistula to hopefully close it off in the future.
some setons are placed there for weeks to months. however, my surgeon has told me that because of how advanced my fistulas are (because one of them has been there for a couple years and we didn't have the money because medical expenses are awful in america), it may take longer than that for mine to heal. his hopes (yes... i had a grown man stick his fingers in my unmentionables 🥲) are that this is not the case, but he did warn me just in case that does happen.
the good news is that i've FINALLY!!! found a new gastroenterologist (the dudes that check up on the crohn's related stuff) after moving out of peds (the kiddo docs) over a year ago. i've met this doc twice and i already love him. he's so kind and so attentive and extremely smart, just an all around great doctor. anyway, he is extremely knowledgeable about my situation and fistula care and all that jazz so i have lots of hope that he will be able to help me through this, as well as my surgeon. my surgeon is also an amazing guy and is extremely good at his job as well.
now, to make a long story short. i had to have emergency surgery because fistulas are awful in the first place and mine are apparently even worse.
again, thank you so very much for checking in! if any of you guys have any other questions, feel free to send me an ask or a DM! i would love to help out as much as i can!
also! my wonderful friend @reidsbookclub (who is a medical student btw!!) has said that she could answer anyone's questions that i could not answer, if you guys have any questions about this procedure medical-wise that she might have more knowledge on. thank you so much, grecy! 💛
lastly, i would like to thank you again, rups for checking in on me! i honestly was just using this as a way to rant, i was never expecting anyone to see it on their tl or even read it because there's been a lot of lengthy, annoying posts about it at this point 🤣
so thank you for checking up and seeing if i was ok! i think i will be with time ❤️
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joycrispy · 3 years
Y’know what? Instead of a prediction post, I want to make an appreciation post.
So, in no particular order, here are the things I PERSONALLY love best about each player at the Critical Role table.
Sam -- Sam’s ability and willingness to GO THERE. He takes creative risks, in the sense that he well and truly lets the dice get final say, but also in being true to his character in ways he MUST know will be controversial. Scanlan chewing everyone out and leaving the party was ballsy as hell; it is also, now, one of the most iconic moments in CR1. And Veth was such a dark, complex, rich character because she was allowed to be a woman who wasn’t always aspirational; her feelings were allowed to be selfish, allowed to be messy, allowed to be gross. He is absolutely fearless as a storyteller, and we get some of the best plotlines for it.
Laura -- Everyone knows what I’m going to say here, because everyone and their dog has sung this particular praise for Laura Bailey already, but; the woman is a MASTER of improv. To use Travis’ wording, she catches the ball and throws it back harder and better than anyone else at that table. A lot of the time it’s hilarious. Some of the time it’s heartbreaking. All of the time it adds something so lively and dynamic that I actually can’t watch dnd shows that don’t have a bit of this quality. They need at least a fraction of what Laura brings in spades, to be worth the time. Like. It’s amazing that she can just do that. (also I’m going to miss Jester so much I can’t stand it).
Travis -- Travis is a. TEAM. PLAYER. In-game and out, and you know what? THAT’S IMPORTANT. He goes out of his way to make sure everyone is getting their moment in the spotlight, and even beyond that, he keeps things calm on the game side of things. It was SO SWEET in the M9 finale when he told everyone else to take their time, to not get overwhelmed, because the stakes were so high and they were starting to freak out. Not Travis. He was their rock. He is always their rock.
Ashley -- Ashley is go-hard-or-go-home for the aesthetic of her characters, which is GREAT because her particular sense of the beautiful is unusually rich. Yasha and Fearne were both such a careful balancing of elements to achieve particular (and distinct!) effects, but she threads that needle with such precision. Complete control and poise. But then also she busts out hot nonsense like “I smell like a crayon” and somehow it doesn’t contradict any of the rest of it. That is some impressive character-work.
Liam -- Have you ever noticed that, almost no matter what game they’re playing or who the other players are, Liam will always construct his characters in relation to another? The sibling relationship with Vex. The best-friendship with Nott. Hell, even in the Darrington Brigade or Honey Heist, he did this -- when he was Macaroni’s “Buddy,” or when he and Taliesin played a pair of brother bears. It’s a great instinct to have; it gets us some more complex social scenes right out of the box, it’s free motivation for everyone involved, and it’s a way of reaching out to one of your friends to play together all in one. I love it. (can’t wait to see who he’s picked out to be his buddy this go around :3)
Taliesin -- Oh, boy, Taliesin is a man after my own heart. He approaches this game with a writer’s sensibility, you can tell from the quality of the dialogue that just drops out of his mouth sometimes, but that’s not my favorite thing. My favorite thing is how generous a player he really is. He is on the lookout not just for his own character beats and moments, but everyone else’s too, and he is always willing to give up looking cool or competent if it would be more meaningful/story-rich for someone else. THIS IS A QUALITY EVERYONE SHOULD EMULATE, IMO. DND is a collaborative storytelling game, not a competition to make the bestest most awesome guy ever, and you can tell he’s really internalized this fact. Also. He said he made Cad to be an OP healer specifically so that everyone else could still have fun and not be gun-shy after what happened to Molly. A little ‘don’t worry, it’s going to be all right’ but in the form of his entire character. That’s...that’s so good you guys. Dang.
Marisha -- On a really bone-deep level, Marisha clearly understands her characters and why they are the way they are, and then she takes that understanding and just lets it go wild. Her roleplay feels GENUINE in a really rare and wonderful way --it’s easy to watch her play Beau and forget that that’s not actually Marisha’s speaking voice, not actually Marisha’s body language...until you turn on CR1 and witness firsthand how she embodies Keyleth so completely differently. Like...Gif of Patrick Stewart saying ‘acting.’ She’s amazing.
And Matt probably would need a whole post to himself lmao. Feel free to reblog with additions about him or anyone else.
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
happy birthday — tsukishima kei
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pairing | tsukishima kei x reader
genre | fluff
w.c | 1.6k
↪ part two of this
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second chance // an opportunity to try something again after failing one time
tsukishima kei wasn't expecting anyone. sure, it was his birthday, but he did have work the next day, and wasn't very keen on drinking himself senseless into the witching hour.
since yamaguchi, his mother, and akiteru had taken it upon themselves to inform half of japan of his birthdate, kei had just spent the past four hours repeating 'thank you' to people ranging from his junior high schoolmates and strangers he had never met. he was certain that 99% of the players involved with the japan volleyball league had shown up, much to the amazement of his museum colleagues.
the bell rings for the third time, and kei is suddenly hyperaware of how annoying the sound is. he had just sat down, for goodness's sake— was it too much to ask for one minute of rest?
with his socializing energy at an all-time-low, kei nearly tears the door off his hinges, greeting his unwelcome visitor with a fierce snarl. "what do you want—" the words clamp down on his throat, breaking his airflow for a whole five seconds as he stares, utterly floored. "... y/n?"
"...hey?" you look sheepish, holding a small, one-cake-slice-sized box in your hand. he's known you long enough to know that you did your makeup on the fly— the tremble of your eyeliner is a sure giveaway. "... uh... is this a bad time? cause i can come back later—"
"no!" he blurts, hands slamming onto the door frame. he hadn't caught a glimpse of you in six months, ever since that fateful night when you walked out through the same door you were now standing in front of. there wasn't a single night in those six, grueling months that he didn't think about you, or the warm feeling of having you contained within his arms. sure, there were nights when you two fought, heading to bed with your backs faced to each other— but when morning came, you would somehow be in his arms, and somehow kei just knew that things would blow over.
except maybe they didn't.
left with too much time to think, he analyzed every little argument the two of you ever had, critically examining every word he uttered. perhaps the break was needed— the two of you needed to take a step backwards, re-assessing what you two wanted for each other, what you two wanted together. what you said that night hadn't be wrong— there were just too many issues being swept under the rug, too many things you weren't communicating about, too many problems he elected to ignore, in hopes that they would just 'blow over'.
"i mean," he clears his throat, lifting his hand off the doorframe, groaning at the paint scratch he caused. "would... would you like to come in?"
mentally, he smacks his forehead. you don't need permission to enter! in his mind, kei still considers the apartment your home, too. even if you haven't stepped foot within its grounds for half a year.
"if that's okay?" you smile softly, holding up your cake box. "you've probably had some already, but i bought your favorite. if you're full, you could have it tomorrow morning, before work?"
"no, no, i'm not that full." kei instantly assures, even though he's already brushed his teeth. on normal circumstances, he would leave it for the next morning, but what was brushing his teeth one more time if he got to talk to you for the first time in over a hundred-eighty days?
you narrow your eyes at him playfully. "don't lie to me, tsukishima kei. i can smell your toothpaste. i'll leave it in the fridge."
a fond smirk dances over his lips as you brush past him into your apartment, leaving your shoes where you always do on the shoe rack. the sound of your sock-clad feet padding past the living room brings a truckload of tension that kei didn't know he had off his shoulders, and all of a sudden, the house feels a thousand times cozier, even if nothing materialistic has changed.
he watches you from the sofa as you bustle around the kitchen, and he knows by the number of beeps on the electric stove that you're boiling water for tea— green, probably. the ration of tea packets are restocked regularly, because when you moved in, you brought your tea addiction with you, too. kei's been lured into drinking it on a daily basis, right after dinner, as a way of calming himself down after a day of work and practice. typically, tea would be accompanied with you, snuggled up against his side as he complained about the kids he met at work that day (you both knew that he had a secret fondness for them, but shhh).
"i hope you don't mind. i made tea." you say, bringing the glass teapot you were adamant on buying a year ago. it was one of the best purchases kei ever made in the apartment, because he was reminded of the worth every single time the two of you did your regular tea routine.
"of course i don't mind." he replies instantly, picking up his mug (the green one with tiny dinos on the edge). "this is still your home, too. you don't have to ask to do anything."
he pretends not to see the flash of surprise across your features.
"right." you murmur, pressing your mug onto your lips, blowing gently on the surface.
the two of you sit in silence for a while, sipping on your tea as the clock ticks onto eleven o' clock. suppressing the urge to ask you to stay, kei taps the surface of his porcelain cup rhythmically, forgetting that you know all his tells, front to back.
"is there something on your mind?" you ask gently, setting your mug down. he grimaces.
"ah... it's nothing." kei brushes off, not wanting to come onto you too quickly. for all he knew, you were just here to deliver the cake, not to reignite whatever was left of the relation he let simmer for too long...
"... right." the tone of your voice spells i-know-you're-lying-to-me,-but-i'll-let-it-go-for-now.
the silence continues, like a set prolonged. it's starting to get on kei's nerves when you (thankfully) speak again.
"happy birthday."
"thank you." even though he's said those words a thousand times that night, it sounds a comparatively much less robotic than it had for the previous thousand times. perhaps it was thousand-first time's the charm. "i mean it. thank you for coming over."
you wave it off. "i couldn't have not come. tadashi sent me an invite, but my boss needed me to work late and i didn't manage to make it."
ah, so that was why his best friend routinely glanced at the entrance nervously throughout the night. that explained a lot.
"i don't mind." kei takes a sip of his green tea, enjoying the warmth that courses through his chest. it isn't warmer than the warmth you give him, though. "i like it like this. ... just the two of us, i mean."
you contemplate him for a moment. "i like it like this, too." you confess quietly, as if whispering a childhood secret to him behind the karasuno gym.
he couldn't bear it any longer. he's always been patient, yes, but he's seen the looks his mother and brother threw him through the night, because they both knew that the one person that really mattered wasn't there. he was pretty sure his mother was just about to introduce him to some random girl before he excused himself for the night.
"will you stay?" he blurts, feeling very un-tsukishima-kei-like. it isn't like him at all, to be brash, and bold, but how can he? for the past four hours, he's talked to countless people— heck, half of them were volleyball celebrities— but not the one he wanted to talk to.
"do you want me to?" you ask softly, shyly, and kei knows that you're thinking if he wants you back— which is stupid, honestly. he knows that you're always thinking that you're lucky to have him, when it should be the other way around. kei doesn't think there's anyone else willing to put up with his dry humor, his hectic schedule, and his dinosaur memorabilia. if anything, he should be the one thanking the gods for letting him have you.
"don't be stupid." he snaps, cringing internally at how his tone came off. "of course i want you to stay, you're the best thing that happened to me. i won't force you, but—"
"i left some clothes here, right?" you cut him off with a hum, and when kei looks into your eyes, he just knows.
there's still a long, long, long way for the two of you to go. there's still plenty of things he needs to learn. there's a pile of issues in the store room that needed to be tended to.
for every million arguments there are a billion conversations where you two need to sit down and work out the knots. for every insecurity, for every misunderstanding, for every conflict, there is a needed effort to clean up the mess properly instead of just sweeping it under the floorboards. but for every tangle there lies between the two of you, there is a universe of room to grow, and change.
kei knows he's willing to make an effort, for you. kei knows that he's willing to do anything to make sure you don't walk out that door without looking back again. kei knows he's willing to do every single thing he can do (and can't) to make it work.
he knows.
he looks into your eyes, and he smiles.
everything is going to be alright.
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haikyuu!! taglist: @ryuiki @hikari-writes @whootwhoot @folkloeren @definitely-yours @rirk-ke @cemeiia @animegirlweeb @mitzwinchester @fandomsgotmefucked
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MC is Half Demon and They’re- Oh Crap They’re Barbatos’ Kid!
This is the second part of that one request I answered for Dia and Barb’s possible kids. Sorry this took so long! Writer’s block, y’know? Anyhoo~ enjoy, everyone!
This story didn’t start on the first day of the exchange program, it started five days before in Barbatos’ room at three in the morning with the poor butler waking up in a cold sweat.
Oh dear, it appeared the exchange program would be up in a bit of a tizzy. He had… a child? Oh my… Barbatos hoped the young master wouldn’t be too miffed about the student not being a totally normal human.
On the day of the exchange program, Barbatos insisted he had to be present for the event, he carefully pushed a cushioned sofa in the drop zone before opening the portal. The child fell right out of the sky and landed perfectly on the couch, they were already wearing a helmet and looked quite shocked by the cushioned fall.
Well, it was a big shock to the assembled crowd, but the child gave everyone a lopsided smile and removed their helmet.
“So, I assume I’m here for the exchange program?”
Well, this child was incredibly… what was the word the kids were using? chill? They were quite chill considering the situation, and was surprisingly prepared for the sudden drop into hell.
“Oh, I had a dream that this was going to happen, and I dream about the future n’stuff. I thought I’d come prepared.” “Ah, that’s very sensible.”
Diavolo recovered quickly from his shock and was positively delighted to meet this little munchkin. He insisted that they had to stay with their dad.
MC was polite, if not a bit overly calm about a lot of things. They didn’t run off to start trouble, and they didn’t seem very impressed by the Devildom itself. It was sort of like this child had a very low maximum level of excitement. Barbatos was glad his child wasn’t some little hellraiser.
He was never a child himself, so he’s a bit clueless about what children actually enjoy. Here child, have a… have an old torture weapon. Don’t use it on anyone who doesn’t deserve it :)
(I’m kidding, Barbatos is too responsible to give one of his instruments of torture to a child. That’s for when they’re older.)
“MC,” Barbatos knocked on his child’s door. “Have you done your homework?”
MC answered the door with a grin on their face. “Yep, done this week’s and next week’s. I’m getting a head start on the potions project due next week.”
Barbatos almost breathed a small sigh of relief. Thank the stars his child was responsible, it already took a big chunk of his energy to make sure Diavolo didn’t get distracted from his paperwork. Though, his stress levels did rise a tad when he got a glimpse at the mess in MC’s room.
“Are you going to clean that?”
“Nah,” MC shrugged. “It’s whatever. I know where everything is and nothing’s a fall risk. See you at dinner, father.”
And with that, MC shut the door. Well… no child was perfect.
As much as MC’s lack of cleanliness bothers Barbatos, he knows his kid isn’t being maliciously lazy, just for the love of the Demon King please stop leaving cups on the coffee tables without a coaster!
Oh yeah, Luke has a big sib. Sorry- little sib, because Luke isn’t some chihuahua child, he’s a totally mature grown-up Angel.
Barbatos is the type of father who will let his child go off and have whatever kind of fun they want as long as they don’t slack on their important duties.
Barbs also has a goddamn torture dungeon so we here at Stupid Headcanons inc. do NOT recommend trying to eat MC. Doing so may result in you wishing you were dead.
Don’t fuck with the butler.
…out of literally everyone in the room, the last person Lucifer expected to have a secret scandal baby… had a scandal baby. Damn.
At least the human wouldn’t have to live with him and his brothers. The last thing Lucifer wanted was for Barbatos to be even more aware of the chaos that went down in that house every single day.
MC and Lucifer have a healthy level of respect for one another, but Lucifer just can’t shake the feeling that this kid is messing with him somehow.
Just, little things… MC offering him fruit and loudly assuring him that it was just blackberries and nothing poisonous, asking if the RAD uniform suits his tastes, proclaiming that the dirt was high quality-
MC wasn’t exactly visibly goading him, they said everything with an innocent smile on their face.
When MC starts getting nosy with the attic, he’s not terribly sure how to deal with it. He was going up against a child that could at least partially tell the future. After the first time Lucifer told them to scram, they never went back to the steps… at least not when Lucifer was there to guard it…
After everything goes down, Lucifer is glad that MC wasn’t hurt or anything. He’d come to like the child and it’d be awful to lose the only person who could get his more hyperactive brothers to calm down.
Mammon wasn’t present for the meeting, but when he was informed later, the news was met with an eloquent: “the fuck? Huh, wild.”
He isn’t too interested in MC at first. At least until the little runt saved him from getting busted for skipping class. Mammon was just eating his lunch in the courtyard when MC passed by and calmly told him that if he skipped class he should not hang out in the west staircase because Lucifer was going to walk down those steps during third period.
At first Mammon tried to brush off the warning, but ended up listening to the kid anyway, and what do ya know! He didn’t get caught by Lucifer!
That’s when it clicked that MC could see the future, right? Right?! Ya know what Mammon could use that for?! Right?!
Gambling! Scams! Schemes! General shennaniganery!
MC wasn’t terribly enthused about the entire situation, so they may have messed with Mammon a little. Just a bit.
It’s not like Mammon ever listened when MC told him to cut his losses and leave the casino anyway 🙄
First reaction? Thank the anime gods that there wouldn’t be another normie living in the house with him…
Reaction upon hearing that the MC was Barb’s kid? Really? Barbatos? Wow… well, to be fair Levi totally understood why someone would be attracted to Barbatos, I mean, Levi’s watched plenty of anime involving butlers, but Barbatos actually having a living breathing child? Damn.
But still, Levi wasn’t going to hang out with some normie brat. He had better and nerdier things to devote his time to.
Whenever MC visited, Levi was up in his room. But once MC decided to poke their head in the door while Levi was in the middle of gamer raging.
They calmly sat Levi down and explained to him that he could be upset about whatever happened in his game, but lashing out wasn’t going to fix anything or make him better at the actual game.
…damn it… they were right.
Slowly but surely Levi and MC built up a friendship, and the brothers rejoiced at the lack of rage related Lotan summons.
Out of everything Satan could have possibly expected from the second exchange student, this was not one of them.
Satan began to wonder exactly how MC’s powers worked, he didn’t exactly have any concrete data to compare them to because Barbatos was so mysterious
Hm, how very interesting. Satan decided that it was up to him to satiate his own curiosity and began to study MC. To be honest, MC wasn’t being terribly interesting.
They were a pretty normal kid all things considered. MC went to class, made friends, did their work, very very normal. Well, except for the fact that they seemed to dodge practically every unfortunate thing that could have happened to them.
They’d stop at the perfect time to avoid something accidentally being spilled on them, they always had pencils ready, and they always seemed to know exactly when a teacher was coming… mad sus.
Satan eventually confronted MC about this, and they just shrugged and explained that they tend to dream about what was most likely to happen the next day and would adjust their actions accordingly.
It may have been anticlimactic, but MC did inform Satan that there would be a cat in the courtyard in fifteen minutes.
Asmo had genuinely been looking forward to the new exchange program, he was excited to have a new face around the house to shake things up! He loves his dear brothers but spending thousands of years with them makes their shenanigans become a bit… well, a bit boring.
But my oh my, the new face was being obscured by that tacky bicycle helmet… the new face looked an awful lot like Barbatos…
Once Asmo registered what was going on, he was positively enchanted with the little half human. They were just so cute! They looked like a baby Barbatos with those adorably chubby cheeks!
Oh Barbatos~ he just had to let Asmo babysit!
When Asmo managed to sweep MC away for a fun day with shifty uncle Solomon, he was reminded of all the shenanigans that he, Barbatos, and Solomon used to get up to.
*sigh, Barbie was always so busy… no time for a fun night of torture, chaos, and revelry
Anyhoodles~ MC was always such a relaxed little thing. They let Asmo vent whenever any awful tragedies occur, like when Asmo finds a sweater that isn’t in his size… *sniffle*
A child of Barbatos? The best cook in the three realms Barbatos?! …hey kid want to hang out with cool uncle Beel?
Beel tried everything in his power to get MC to make him food. I mean, the genetic disposition for making good food has to have been passed down from father to child!
When MC finally made Beel food, he was ecstatic!
…Until the food touched Beel’s tongue and he realized it wasn’t good, it was just… okay. Average. Passable.
Aw man… but the kid looked so excited to have made something for Beel…
Beel really hammed up his reaction to make MC feel better. Beel was like “Wow. So good. Amazing.” “Thanks Beel.”
Very sweet child, they don’t mind being used in place as a dumbell.
Damn, and here Belphie was, thinking Barbatos has standards. Apparently not!
When MC went and walked up the attic steps, Belphie was almost bouncing on his toes in anticipation. This human had been a pain in the rear to call up, so he was excited to finally get a good look at them. And lo and behold, a half demon child of Lord Diavolo’s butler.
MC grinned and greeted Belphie first, using his name and asking why the Avatar of Sloth was stuck up in the attic of his own home when he was supposed to be in the human world. Belphie was flabbergasted and didn’t exactly know how to respond.
He came up with a new plan quickly. Belphie didn’t exactly know how this kid’s powers worked, so he’d continue with trying to trick them into opening the attic door. Allowing Belphie to end their miserable little life and thus ruining the exchange program.
The child continued to visit Belphie up in the attic, relaying the events of what was going on, and Belphie continued to play the part of prisoner. Until one day in particular…
MC appeared in front of the door, looking a tad more unkempt than normal, they weren’t smiling their usual carefree smile either. Their eyes bore holes into Belphegor’s skull as they flared at him.
“How long have you been planning on killing me?”
MC had seen the future where they died at Belphie’s hand, and they sure as hell were not going to let him out of the attic after that. Though, they did tell Belphie about Lilith’s true fate before they left, and assured Belphie they had no reason to lie to him about something he wasn’t directly involved in.
So, Belphie did get let out of the attic eventually, and even though MC smiled and welcomed him back all the same, there would always a barrier between the two. Broken trust wasn’t easy to mend, after all.
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eleteo125 · 3 years
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Naughty Wolf (m)
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Wolf!Baji x Red Riding Hood!Reader
18+ fic minors dni
Red Riding Hood is a title given to those with the duty of delivering food, crops, livestock, etc. to the wolves in exchange for the protection of the village. But what if you met one of those wolves?
CW: Sexual Content, biting, hair pulling
Word Count: 15,010 (yeesh haha)
A/N: I haven't written anything in a loooong time haha. Also forgive my smut scenes they aren't my forte when it comes to writing. English is also not my first language so have mercy if I made any mistake haha. And lastly @kazutoraholic here's the result of that little thirst post you had about Wolf!Baji hahaha hope you enjoy this too.
In a map of a far away kingdom, there is a dense forest that not many have travelled to. There have been so many sightings of large monsters and predators out for prey. Beasts so strong even the strongest knights cannot defeat. Said beasts has been observed to only reside in the forest not wandering outside so they just left it be. But in the middle of said forest resides a quaint village. As most would assume how could this village survive in such an environment where beasts of great magnitude reside? Well they don’t. They’ve enlisted the help of the “wolves” of the area whom have taken the responsibility of protecting the villagers from outside intruders from entering the village.
Mighty generous some would say but alas, their services are not for free. They have demanded to be provided some crops and livestock from the village every two weeks. And that’s where Red Riding Hoods enter. They are responsible of dropping off said supplies at a certain drop off inside the forest. Red Riding Hoods must be able to easily navigate through the dense forest for faster delivery of the supplies. They don a red hood as an indicator that they are allies to the wolves so as to not to mistakenly attack them.
One of those Red Riding Hoods happens to be your grandmother. She would be leaving for quite a while and come back with great stories of her adventures through the forest. It could be as great as catching sight of the mightily beasts or as mundane as finding a rare herb, you soaked it all up earning you a great curiosity what’s beyond those dense forest. She even mentioned coming across a wolf pup who wouldn’t let her go until she gave him some food. You both laughed at the story while also telling you not to tell anyone and it’ll be your little secret. She emphasized how the wolves are very private creatures and doesn’t really like interacting with humans. She brings life and wonder of what’s beyond the forest and not just a habitat of dangerous beasts.
But one day, your grandmother never made it home. She disappeared. She never came back from delivering the supplies. There’s a rule where once a Red Riding Hood haven’t returned in a week, they are presumed dead and a new Red Riding Hood is titled. A rule some would say is absurd, but considering how dangerous the forest is it seemed to make sense. And most cases where Red Riding Hoods not returning, they either end up found dead or still missing.
Your grandmother’s disappearance could be enough to drive you away from the forest, but you still have hope that she’s still out there. So you resorted to ways where you could go into the forest without trouble. Become a Red Riding Hood.
The only knowledge you have of the forest is your grandmother’s stories which does give information but not enough to get you to be a master navigator. SO you spent the rest of your teenage years studying about navigating and studying the on the forest that is available. After years and years of studying, you finally find yourself fit to be a Red Riding Hood. Teachers and Professors are willing to put in a good word for you when you applied to be a Red Riding Hood. And after going through a tedious process of paperwork and testing, you finally did it. You are now a Red Riding Hood. You may be doing it because you want closure on your grandmother’s disappearance, but you still felt that childlike giddiness now that you’re just like your amazing grandmother.
And here you are at the village gates waiting for the gates to open to enter the forest. Nervous and excited, that’s what you are. You’ve always been a curious little bean, so seeing more of the forest beyond just illustrations and books is beyond exciting. But you’re also nervous because who wouldn’t be when the most dangerous forest in the kingdom is right there where wild beasts could maul you anytime. So yeah, nervous and excited. To calm your nerves, you resorted to count the supplies and double…well triple check in this case.
“Nervous?” a man in knight uniform approached you.
“Atsushi! Yes. Seeing the forest up close like this is…”you looked up and took a view of the forest “pretty intimidating”
“Ah I told you Akkun is fine. Might as well get familiar with each other since I’ll be escorting you to the gates from now on. And if it’s any consolation, this is my first time being near the forest too.”
You chuckled at his nervous face when gazing at the forest which you can definitely relate too. Knowing someone else might relate to you comforted you a little.
“Welp! Off I go then!” you said cheerfully trying to ignore your nerves.
“Take care okay. And thank you for your service to the village.”
“An honor to serve the village. See ya!” you said before taking off.
You’ve been travelling for two days and you came to one conclusion. You were definitely being followed. You don’t really have any evidence you were being followed but you can just feel it. You barely slept last night, but at least you’re already at the drop off point. So you quickly did your tasks so you can travel back home already and hopefully not get mauled by a beast.
Just as you were thinking of that, you heard leaves from a branch rustle. Your face paled and your body was paralyzed. ‘Not on my first day please not on my first day” you pleaded with your eyes closed. You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head towards the direction of the rustle.
You came into eye contact with a guy. No wait, uh, he has dog or maybe was it wolf ears. He must probably one of the wolves. But when learning about the wolves you assumed they would look more…wolf-like and not human-like.
“Hey.” The guy? Dog? Wolf? Said trying to get your attention
“Uhm, can I- can I help you?” you hoped you said that loud enough for him to hear you still were shocked of what you came across.
“Ya got food on ya?”he asked and stepping out from the bush.
“Yea, I just locked it in the drop off point.”
He looked at the drop off point and looked back at you. “That’s great! But what I mean is a spare food you guys have a lot of those right?” he said with somewhat an excited look on his eyes. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail behind him.
“Well the food on me is for me while I travel.” You explained while patting your bag.
“Aww. How about a bite then?” he asked stepping near your bag and sniffing a little which caused him to drool a bit.
“No can do, sorry”
“A nibble then?” he asked crouching down next to your bag and looking up at you giving you the puppy eyes. You almost cooed out loud because admittedly he looked cute looking like that. You shook your head “N-no” you faltered.
As you said that, his face turned into a frown and his ears started to droop down. ‘Oh no not the ears, not the ears! Hhnnggg those cute ears and those fluffy hair aagghh!’You sighed and reached for your bag “Alright, fine”
“Hell yeah!” he stood up and took the sandwich you handed him with bright eyes. It isn’t a problem really; you made extra the amount of food for your travels to gauge how much you’ll need for next time. As the guy devoured the sandwich, you started to observe him. Long dark hair one of the noticeable trait of his after his ears. Sharp canines which he made great use of while eating, and amber eyes which were now looking at you. ‘Oh’ how long have you been staring at him? You felt yourself blush at the thought of getting caught but brushed it off.
“So, I hope you enjoyed it!”you tried making conversation
The guy gave you a smile that showed off his canines. “Definitely! It was just as good as your grandmother’s haha.” He said while patting his tummy.
“Wait-huh? My grandmother’s?”
“Was she not your grandmother? There used to be a nice old lady who gave me food all the time when she goes here.”
‘Could it be?!’
“A-are you by chance talking about my grandmother?!” you asked enthusiastically getting close to him in the process…well maybe too close judging by the fact that he stepped back a little.
“Yes…” he said now the one thinking you’re strange
“H-h-how do you know my grandmother and I were related?” your thoughts were going a mile a minute that turning those thoughts into words is a bit of a struggle.
“Well, you both smelled similar.”
“Your scent.”
You stared at him before backing away and covering yourself “Have you been sniffing me?!”
“Wha- I was sniffing your bag I just got a whiff of you!”
“And how were you able to do that?!”
“I’m a wolf!”
“Oh” you realized feeling a little bit dumb. But at least you got a confirmation of what he is.
The guy in front of you sighed and said “Why don’t we start over. I’m Baji Keisuke, one of the wolves defending you village from the forest a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand for you to shake, which you accepted. “Gotta say, didn’t expect for you guys to change the Red Riding Hood so soon.”
Feeling like some tension was taken off, you decided to be friendly. “What can I say, I guess I impressed the village head with my top notch navigating skills.” you giggled at your faux arrogance which also earned the now named Baji a chuckle.
“So… you knew my grandmother?”
“I knew her as that nice lady with good food, other than that I don’t really remember much, was just a pup after all.”
Ah, you remember now. You recall your grandmother telling you stories about a wolf pup always bothering her until he gets food. With how he acted earlier, you definitely can connect the dots now.
“So how is she? Haven’t seen her for a long time.”
At that you felt yourself get sad for a bit. “I was hoping you would know something about it actually.”
He raised his brow at that statement “What do you mean?”
You looked at him before saying “She…she went missing. Here in the forest.”
“Oh. I see.” He said while looking down having a guess on what happened
“Don’t look so down, I still have hope that she’s still somewhere out there!” you declared full of confidence, you were determined to get to the bottom of your grandmother’s disappearance and Baji could sense that.
“Mind if I join you in that little quest of yours?”
You looked at him in surprise and delight you grabbed his hands and looked at him with bright eyes “Really?! You would do that?” you asked brimming with gratefulness.
Baji blushed a little bit at the sudden contact and proximity but you were just so excited to get help from someone that has a connection to your grandmother outside of the village that you failed to notice his flustered face. “Of course. Consider that as payment from the snack you gave me.”
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that.”
He smiled at you at that “Still, I would love to help you. She’s been a part of my childhood too albeit not as much as yours.”
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!” you said while continuously bowing.
“H-hey save your thanks for later once we actually made progress.”
“Oh r-right, ehehe”
“You better get going. You’ve got quite a long journey back home.”
“That’s true. I’ll take my leave then! It was very nice to meet you!”
As you were about to leave you felt him tug at your sleeve prompting you to look at him “Hey what do you say I escort you back to your village?”
“Really?” you asked though you find it hard to say no to a little extra protection from the forest’s dangers “Would that be ok?”
“Of course! Besides I like you!” he declared which made you blush heavily “No-wait uh, that didn’t come out right. What I was trying to say is that uh, your grandmother talks about from time to time so I kind of got an idea of what you were like so yea.” He let out a nervous laugh and though ‘The hell was that explanation, did it even make sense???’
“W-well I’ll be in your care then!” you tried to change the subject since this conversation is making you more and more flustered.
“Right!” he gave you a mock salute and went off to lead the way.
Through your journey, the sunset came about you. Baji stepped forward and held his hand towards the setting sun. He seemed to be gauging something before saying “We got a an hour or so before the sun completely sets. Let’s settle right here and set up camp.”
“Ok ok, I’ll grab some firewood not far from here.”
“Hmm, got a tent with you? I can set it up while you’re gathering.”
“Yes! Yes I do.” You answered handing it to him “Thank you very much.”
“Not a problem. Off you go now make sure to gather enough before dark.”
“I’ll be right back then.” Just as you said that, Baji noticed something move in his peripherals.
Finding firewood wasn’t that difficult and you find yourself content with the amount you have gathered. As you were finishing up, you heard a rustle to your right. “Ah Baji you didn’t have to come here I was…just…” it wasn’t Baji. And judging by the fact that this creature was eyeing you up as its next meal, it was safe to assume that it wasn’t gonna be as friendly as Baji was.
You tried to keep steady so as to not provoke the creature, but that didn’t matter since it started to approach you sizing you up. You’ve had training where you were taught how to defend yourself from these beasts and escape quickly but facing off with the real deal like this caused you to have a mental block.
You tried slowly reaching for your weapon—which is a measly knife—but it’ll have to do. But even the smallest of movements is enough to provoke it and was now charging at you in full speed. You were about to run but in the blink of an eye the beast’s head was crushed. And right on top of that crushed head is Baji’s foot. You were about to approach him but then he started stomping on the beast’s head flattening it to the ground. He then went towards its body and started to slash at it with his claws that you didn’t notice until now. He slashed and diced until all that’s left was just minced meat.
He took out what looked to be a handkerchief and wiped his face and hands before turning to face you. What he saw wasn’t exactly pleasant. You had a pale face with your trembling hands in front of you. He hopes he didn’t scare you too much, but what he did was necessary lest the creature go limping without its head. He took cautious steps towards you and you seemed to be rooted where you stand.
Who wouldn’t be intimidated at such a display? You knew it was necessary for both your survival but that was just too much for you to handle right now. On your first day no less. When you noticed Baji stepping towards you, you didn’t know what to do so you just stayed there. You were so lost in thought that you were surprised when you felt warmth around your hands. You looked down and saw him holding your hands. It was so big and warm and so…comforting.
Baji held your hands tenderly trying to calm you down. Once he felt your hands stop trembling, he asked you softly. “You doing ok now?”
His deep voice was enough to ground you to reality and be at the moment. “Oh I’ll….I’ll be fine. Just trying to process everything really.” Seeing one of the said protectors of your village in action is a lot, add on the fact that you were just in grave danger it’s a lot to take in. And he understood that.
“Why don’t we head back to the camp and rest there for a while then?”
So that’s what you two did. Seated by the campfire while you both stare at the bonfire, both of you not really knowing how to break the ice. You decided and went for it though so blurted out “That was impressive.”
“What is?”
“You overpowering something thrice your size. Didn’t even had a chance against you, you just stepped on it like a small bug.”
“It’s technically our job to get rid of those guys fast and efficiently.”
“Was mincing it really necessary? I mean you destroyed it’s head surely it must’ve died by then.”
“It’s mostly just a precaution really. That thing found us quite near our camp so I didn’t wanna take any chances.”
“I see.” As soon as you said that silence overcame the two of you once again. It wasn’t a comfortable silence nor was it an awkward silence. Just silence.
Baji got tired of it though. He looked at his surroundings before letting out a grunt as he stands up. “Come on, I wanna show you something. It’s not far from here.” He said as he offered you a hand to help you up.
You let him lead the way. You two walked for about two to three minutes until you ended up in a grass field where he stopped in his tracks. Was this the place, there isn’t much to see around here.
Baji suddenly bolted and ran through the fields in different patterns. You looked at him incredulously wondering what the hell he was doing. Before you could ponder on what purpose of his running was, you suddenly see a trail of gold light following after him. It didn’t take long for you to realize “Fireflies!”
They looked oh so beautiful with the moonlit night. As beautiful as they are your attention was on something completely different. Seeing Baji jumping and hopping around somehow made your heart skip a beat. ‘I don’t know maybe it’s his handsome mug?’
“Hey! Come on run with me!” Didn’t have to tell you twice. For the next ten minutes all you two did was run around while also trying to catch fireflies and letting them go not long after. It’s a cute activity except when Baji started to catch them with his mouth asking if it makes him glow. Which you firmly said no and proceeded to scold him, except it happened more than once so now you’re chasing after him to free those poor fireflies.
You managed to tackle him down but when you looked at him there was nothing in his mouth anymore. So here you are lying on top of him. You blushed at your position and quickly got off him for you to then lie down beside him. He was still laughing from the experience doing his best to calm his laughter down. You two are now staring at the stars while lying down and surrounded by fireflies.
“Beautiful place isn’t it?”
“Yeah” you sighed in contentment
“The forest is a scary place. It’s full of dangers and predators ready to pounce on its prey. But at the same time it can also be beautiful. It’s little wonders like these that give life to the forest. What you experienced earlier is a terrifying experience, but I ask you not to let that incident define how you view this place after all, it is my home. And maybe…your grandmother’s too.”
You sat up from your position and turned to look at him. “Thank you.” You chuckled after saying that “How much did I thank you just for today?”
“Don’t know wasn’t really keeping count. Besides,” he sat up “nothing wrong with being grateful.”
“We should take our rest; we still have quite a lot of land to travel through tomorrow. Especially you, you just went berserk just earlier.”
“Are you kidding I could easily take one of those guys again right now with ease.”
“Don’t jinx us.”
“Hahaha my bad, my bad,”
Your two day trip was shortened to a day and a half. And now the village walls is in your view already.
“Woah! Thanks for the help and of course for escorting me all the way here.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. Managing to trek through these forests to the drop off point in only two days is commendable. You’re a Red Riding Hood for a good reason.”
“Oh come on you’re making me blush from those praise.” You muttered while holding your cheeks.
“Oh you got a thing for praises then?”
Baji cleared his throat and said “Well uh looks like we’ll be seeing each other quite often huh.”
“Oh yeah yeah.”
“Until next time then?”
“Of course!” you answered quite enthusiastically
“Save me some snacks for next time then!” he waved at you before disappearing in the forest.
A very interesting first day you must admit.
You’re currently at your home taking your rest until the next excursion in the forest. You’re gonna have to set a routine and a new lifestyle so you can get used to your new job. As you’re taking your rest, your mind started to wander to that wolf you just met. He’s very energetic but you had a feeling you haven’t gotten the full experience just yet.
Now that you think about it, was it normal for wolves to escort Red Riding Hoods? It would make sense since they’re carrying something that the wolves need but that doesn’t explain the continuous disappearances of them. Maybe it happens occasionally. When you were studying, you haven’t come across any accounts that states they’ve been escorted by a wolf before. The only explanation you could think of is that since wolves are private creatures they don’t want them talking about how they are. Well the best way to find answers is to ask someone who’s been a Red Riding Hood before.
“Who did what now?” the man in front of you asked, shock written all over his face.
“A wolf escorted me home and I was wondering if that were normal for us.”
“Y-you came across a wolf?” he asked still in disbelief. He then stood up instantly “Do you realize what this means?! No one has seen any of the wolves for decades now!” The man then started to mutter and spouting details you couldn’t really make out so you just slowly backed away. Well now you know it’s definitely not normal. He was probably just helping you out cause he was familiar with your grandmother…and the food, can’t forget about that.
After all that deliberation here you are again nearing the drop off point to of course drop off the crops and livestock. You’re sat beside a large tree near it taking a little bit of rest before travelling back home again. When you felt well rested enough, you reached for your bag to take off only to find out it’s not there. Well that’s worrisome, but said worries were set aside when you heard someone clear their throat from above you.
“Looking for this?~” Baji asked while holding out the bag as he sits on a tree branch.
“Baji! Come on give it back!” he lowered the bag to you but pulled it out of your reach went you went to grab for it which made you chuckle. You tried to grab it from him multiple times jumping up and down. “Hardi har har Baji, now give it back or else I won’t be able to give you your snacks.” You persuaded which surprisingly worked on him as he jumped down from the tree branch.
He held out the bag to you but went to a sprint before you could grab it. “Catch me first! Hahaha” run after him you did. You figured that he wasn’t running in his top speed as you were able to easily catch up to him. No way were you able to outrun a wolf and you weren’t exactly the fastest either. Just as you thought you were close to him, he jumped up and onto a tree.
He turned to you and held his hand out “Upsy daisy!”
That caught you off guard “I’m not exactly a tree climber.”
“Don’t worry I got you!” he smiled at you with that wide smile where his sharp canines were on display. With such a charming smile, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no so you took his outstretched hand. You were much surprised when he was able to lift you up with just one hand.
He then handed the bag to you and climbed up higher and reached his hand out again. “We’re going higher?”
“Yeah I wanna show you something”
“How will we get down?”
“I’ll carry you down.”
You gave this a thought if it would be a good idea. You concluded that seeing the forest from a bird’s eye view can be very helpful especially in travelling. “Alright then.”
The higher you two get, the tighter the grip you had on Baji. He couldn’t help but silently smile at the thought that you trusted him in such a situation. Not long after, you two were at the top of the tree where the view of the large dense forest came to greet you. “Wow!” you gawked at the view while Baji basked in viewing the wonder in your eyes. “Look! I can see a little glimpse of the village’s gate from here!” you exclaimed pointing at its direction.
“They are pretty tall.” He acknowledged
You continued to sightsee and take in the large display of trees. You were taken out of your attention when you heard howling. You turned to Baji whose back was on you. You saw his flattened ears on his head, so you adjusted yourself to look at him and confirmed that it’s him who’s howling. “What are you doing?” you asked curiously
He turned to you and gave you a smirk. And that view got you blushing, his smirk along with the wind blowing his hair back with the large forest as the backdrop. After giving you the reassuring smirk, he continued to howl towards the forest for a few more seconds before pausing, waiting for something. Suddenly you heard howling coming from different directions of the forest.
Baji barked out laughter when he heard them. “THOSE ARE MY PALS!” he declared proudly. “You wanna meet them someday?”
“Can I?!?!” you asked excitedly. The idea of getting to know more about him and his friendships excited you.
You realize that your spot right now is a nice place to eat. So you fetched the food that you prepared for him. You decided to cook two servings of stir fried noodles since you figured that this man most likely had a gigantic stomach judging by the fact with how he devoured your sandwich last time.
Baji being the ever vigilant wolf that he is, smelt the food you took out and quickly sat beside you waiting to be handed the delicious smelling food. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail.
You held out the container to him but quickly pulled it back as he went to grab for it laughing at his pouty face paired with droopy ears. “Payback time.” He went and grabbed for it again but you managed to swipe it away from his reach. He tried again and again until your entire arm was outstretched while he was leaning on you as he tried to reach the container. It didn’t take long for you two to realize that he was basically hugging you with both his hands stretched out to reach the container and you in between his arms.
Both of you were quick to separate and sat there a little embarrassed flushing at the thought of how close you two were. “Here” you placed the container on his lap.
A few moments has passed and you heard him starting to eat. Baji thinks that it’s delicious! It even reminded him of a certain food he loves back home but his mind is currently at how close they were earlier. You felt warm he could cuddle you all day just stay in your arms basking in its warmth. “Do you like it?”
“Mmfff!” He answered while also nodding his head. “We have something similar back home too!”
“Glad you enjoyed it. So uh,” you looked down from the tree “How exactly are we gonna get down?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ll just carry you down.” He offered you his back “Just hang on to me and I’ll do the climbing down.
You appreciated that he was willing to do something like that but the thought of hanging on his back at such a height makes you scared that you’ll accidentally let go of him.
Baji sensed the anxiety you were currently having and thought of something else. “Th-then how about hanging from my front then.”
“You clearly didn’t like the first idea and this is the only alternative I can think of.”
That was quite a smooth move whether it was his intention or not didn’t matter. Nevertheless clinging or basically hugging him until you get down didn’t seem like a bad idea. And you like being in his arms from earlier.
“That’ll do then.”
“Alright! Come on over here then.” He opened his arms with a wide smile trying to hide his fluster.
As you two got into position, both of you couldn’t help but focus on the breathing that’s right next to your ears. You give a pretty tight hug too. He lifted your thighs and guided them to wrap around his waist. The position was admittedly quite suggestive but he didn’t have any complaints and as he’s observed it seemed to be ok with you too. “Hang on tight.” He said as he started his descent.
As he was descending, you couldn’t help but pay attention to the breathing and grunts coming from him. You felt shame for thinking such thoughts so you just focused on the wind in your hair as he jumps from branch to branch and in no time at all you’re both back to the ground.
Once your feet were on the ground, you leaned back from your embrace with Baji. You still had your arms on his shoulders and his hands on your waist with you two just looking at each other. You caught a movement from his head and saw a caterpillar on his hair which made you giggle.
“What?” he asked concerned if he somehow looked silly.
“Nothing you just got a friendly guy hanging on you.” You reached for the caterpillar and let it crawl to your hand. As you wait for it to get to your hand, you felt how soft Baji’s hair actually was. You only assumed when since it looked like it, but getting to feel it it’s even softer than you expected.
The whole time Baji was just admiring you since he didn’t usually get a close look at you so he’s making the most out of this situation. He watched you place said caterpillar on a nearby bush letting it go in its merry way.
After that little encounter, you both agreed to start your journey back to the village. And thus another delivery as a Red Riding Hood has finished.
The both of you developed a routine where every time you are to do your duties, he would meet you at the drop off point, eat whatever you had prepared for him, and then show you a part of the forest he believes you would like. He never failed to bring a smile on your face when touring you through the forest. Then he’ll be on his way when you’re near the village. You’ve had this steady lifestyle for months until one day…
You were waiting for Baji because you just know that he’s on his way to get his precious snack. Your relaxed stated was disrupted when you smelt something burning. ‘That’s not good’ you thought It definitely wasn’t the smell of burning bonfire. You immediately rushed towards the direction of the burning hoping that it wasn’t the start of a forest fire.
Arriving at the scene, you were relieved it wasn’t a forest fire, but that relief was short lived because what you saw was somehow just as bad. There Baji was holding down a beast which is burning. “BAJI?!”
Your call made him turn to look at you. The sight of you made him widen his eyes in surprise “Stay back! I’ll handle this!” he said as he smacked the beast with a flaming torch before jumping away. He grabbed you in a hug and hid behind a tree where you only heard the flames getting bigger before silence.
You tried to look behind the tree but Baji only tightened his hold on you. The sound of something blowing up then overwhelmed you as you buried you head in his chest. A few more moments after that, Baji then loosened his hold on you. Once again you tried looking behind the tree only to find ashes everywhere. Nothing in the surrounding seemed to be burnt; the only evidence of there being a fire was the ashes and a missing patch of grass.
Before Baji could say anything, you smacked him upside the head. “What were you thinking?!?! You could’ve started something disastrous doing something like that!”
“But I didn’t~” he said before letting out a nervous laugh.
You went up real close to his face and said “You better NOT do this again or no more snacks for you!”
“Yes ma’am!”
You sighed and decided to take his word on it for now. “What even drove you to burning that beast?” you asked rubbing your temples
When you looked at him, he was guiltily looking down at his lap his ears droopy too, a clear sign of his guilt “I was hungry.” He said while in a pout.
“Come again?”
“I was hungryyyy” he whined “I easily get riled up when I’m hungry. That beast just attacked me at the wrong time.”
You sighed again not wanting to explore the topic any further. You took out a handkerchief and proceeded to wipe at his face “Look at you, you’re covered in soot.”
“So are you.”
“You know a place where we can wash up?”
Baji was silent for a moment trying to think of any. After a few moments, his face lighted up “I remember, there’s a river near hear with a small waterfall. I remember taking a bath there once.”
“Let’s head there then. Besides, a meal is much better after a bath after all.”
It wasn’t that long of a walk until you two came about the river he was talking about. The water in the river was crystal clear and the breeze around the area was refreshing thanks to the waterfall. You dipped your hand in the water to gauge its temperature which was just right it’s cold enough to be refreshing but not too cold that you’ll freeze. Maybe a little dip won’t hurt.
Unbeknownst to you, while you were observing the river, Baji was already shedding his clothes and was now running towards the river taking a dive. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a splash near you. You instinctively tried to cover yourself from being splashed. It doesn’t take a genius to deduct what was the source of that splash. “Baji!”
Baji resurfaced from the water and pushed his hair back all while laughing at your reaction “My bad, my bad.”
“You have to be mindful of others…around…you…” you drawled out after seeing Baji’s shirtless figure. Thank goodness for the sun’s reflection on the water or you would’ve gotten a full frontal view.
“You like the view?” he said with a big smirk on his face while also raising his eyebrow fascinated at how you were ogling him.
You were quick to turn your back to him to prevent yourself from staring. “Wh-why yes, this river is wonderful.”
“Not exactly what I’m referring to.” He teased
“Oh would you just shut it.” You blurted out in frustration. You were flushing so hard right now; you can’t bring yourself to face him like this.
“Oh well, it’s your decision to not take a dip. I mean it would be a shame for you not to experience the very cool river.” He sarcastically said while swimming over to the waterfall and washing his hair thoroughly through it. “ Ahh~ feels like I’m washing my problems away.”
You tried your best to remain firm but you find yourself turning to look at him curious as to what he was doing. And the sight of him washing his hair underneath a waterfall was such an enticing sight that you wanted to join him right then and there, but you were still embarrassed. You haven’t been naked in front of anyone, but the thought of being naked in front of Baji didn’t really bother you, you just felt shy.
Baji finished washing his hair before turning to look at you again. When he saw you still rooted in place, he swam over to you. “Come on take a dip, the water’s great. And weren’t you the one who said that a meal is much better after a bath?”
Few moments has passed of you just pondering the situation before answering “T-turn around.”
“Huh?” he asked in disbelief
“I said turn around. Don’t really feel comfortable being watched while getting naked.”
“Oh, OH right right! Uhh ok!” you heard a few splashes before you turned around to make sure. And there he is, his back turned to you—goodness even his back is such an eye candy.
You quickly make work of your clothes before taking a dip. In Baji’s opinion, the sound of your clothes rustling is much worse for him instead of just outright watching you get naked. Imagination is a powerful yet troublesome thing.
The soft sound of the water rippling as you stepped into the water rang in Baji’s ears refraining himself to look at your direction. “You should give the waterfall a try. It’ll also speed up the process if need be.”
Step under the waterfall you did. And to quote what Baji said, it really does feel like all your worries were being washed away. Baji then went back to washing himself once he was sure that you were settled nicely. Him minding his own business was quickly thrown to the side when he heard you let out a squeal. He quickly turned to look at you and he low-key regretted it. The sight of you and your pretty figure with water running down your body was more than enough to rile him up even more. He wanted to pounce on you right then and there. He clenched both his hands and his jaw trying to maintain what little is left of his self-control. But try as he might, he can’t make himself to look away from you his eyes stayed glued to you and you only, he was starting to have tunnel vision.
That tree branch sure did surprise you, now you felt silly for reacting such a way. You brushed that little incident off and went back to washing yourself which was paused the instant you felt an intense gaze on you. You turned to look at Baji since he’s the only person you knew who could be looking at you.
“Eep!” you squealed—yet again—out of embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction to how you look so you quickly swan to the other side of the waterfall where he couldn’t or vaguely see you.
The second squeal you let out was enough for him to break out of his aroused stupor. Now with only concern in his mind, he swam near the waterfall but didn’t cross it. “Hey you ok in there?”
“Why’d you squeal earlier then?”
“You were looking at me earlier and I was embarrassed!”
There was a pause from his side “S-sorry about that I didn’t mean to. I was just concerned. Are you ok by the way?” he asked. You can hear the worry laced in his voice, and he did apologize so you decided to let it go.
“O-o that I was just-uh” you paused a little embarrassed to admit “A branch brushed my leg and I was startled. N-nothing to be concerned about.”
“That’s good.”
There was a pause once again. You only stared at each other’s figure albeit being distorted from the waterfall between you. “You’re beautiful.” Baji blurted out
“Huh?” you blushed at the sudden confession.
“I’m sorry, you were so irresistible to me I couldn’t help but stare I-I…” you saw his figure hold his face in his hands as if in shame “You’re a grown woman, surely you have an idea on what I’m feeling right now.”
You didn’t really have any words, you were speechless. But that’s not to say you disliked the knowledge that he saw you that way. In fact, it excited you. You reached out your hand to his side and took hold of his hands which were still holding his face. “No need to feel ashamed, I’m flattered actually.” You said as you then cupped his cheeks “Besides, you weren’t the only one staring.”
That admittance caused Baji to tense up. The thought of you looking at him the same way as he was looking at you was enough to rile him up again only this time, you were only a step away from him with you touching him. Once again he clenched his fists and jaw to maintain what’s left of his self control “Stop that. You don’t know what you’re doing.” He said with a slight tremble at his voice due to him trying to keep himself in place.
“What if I do know what I’m doing?” right now at this moment, you wanted to be as close to him as possible let him hold you close and do whatever he wants.
You felt some sort of vibration on your hands on his cheek. Was he growling? “You sure know how to rile a man up.” You heard him say through clenched teeth.
You realized you’ve made him wait long enough. You pulled your hands away from him and stepped back further in the waterfall to make room for him. “Come on over, must be lonely out there on your own.”
At first Baji was worried that he scared you off when you pulled you hands away, but you inviting him over excited him even more that he just knows how dilated his pupils were. Good thing the water was above the waist too or you would’ve gotten a view of his tail wagging aggressively.
You watched as he slowly stepped through the waterfall between you and seeing him all wet with some of his hair sticking to his in his naked glory brought you to arousal already.
Baji could say the same too. The sight of you all wet shyly covering yourself out of shyness from him was too much for him that he ended up caging you between his arms and the wall.
You two were close, too close with just a few inches between you as he pinned you. And yet it wasn’t close enough to your liking so you decided to fix that yourself. You threw your arms around his neck and brought your lips together with his which he gladly reciprocated. You felt how he was still trying to be gentle on you so you decided to rile him up. In the middle of your kiss, you gave his lips a long lick making him suck said tongue in turn. He then went to focus on your lips again sucking and biting which made you moan. Said moan turned Baji on even more as he shoved you further into the wall and dove to your neck giving it a hard bite pulling yet again another moan from you. The bite was hard but not hard enough to break skin yet hard enough to leave a mark that’ll be there for days. He gave the bite mark a lick before trailing butterfly kisses from your neck all the way up to your ear.
“I should’ve warned you earlier.” He said kissing your ear “I bite” he then proceeded to nibble at your ear while his hands were now roaming all over you feeling you up.
You didn’t want to be the only receiving end, so you proceeded to feel him up as well. You hands going to places you’ve always been curious about. First being his hair. You ran your hands repeatedly through his hair feeling how soft it is despite being wet. The next is his back; you’ve wanted to feel it ever since you caught sight of it earlier. You traced your hands on every muscle you could feel on his back starting from his shoulder blades and lower. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’ll be like when he’s thrusting into you. Third is his ears. You’ve always wondered if they were sensitive since it always seem to react to the tiniest bit of sound that not even you could pick up. You gave it a tentative touch and watch it twitch. You played with it for a while until you felt Baji’s nibbling to go harder.
Baji pulled away from your ear and dove for your lips making out with you as you both felt each other up. You were indulging in Baji’s kisses too much that you didn’t notice his hands going for your chest until he started playing with you nipples, pinching and twisting it while also squeezing your breast from time to time. The whole time he was doing so, you’ve been whimpering at the sensation. Baji was quick to put your breasts into his mouth sucking and nipping. As he does so, you started to feel something hard between your legs.
Naturally, you went and grabbed for it giving him slow strokes which earned a growl from him. A very welcome surprise for you, so you gladly kept doing it while his bites on your chests grow harder and harder. Eventually, Baji had enough of it. He grabbed your hand that was busy and pinned it to the wall next to you as he buried his face to your neck. “Careful now.” He growled
“Careful of what? I’ll welcome anything you have to offer, Baji.”
He gave you a tender look before going to kiss you again. As he was kissing, his free hand snaked down to your private parts and began to rub at it. Your moans from the action were swallowed by Baji as he kept kissing you. “You’re quite wet already aren’t you.” He said in between kisses.
“You sure it’s not just the water?” you teased
“Why don’t we find out ourselves.” He said with his signature smirk while inserted a finger in you making you gasp in surprise which he took advantage of tasting every bit of you through the kiss. Baji started to pull his finger in and out of you feeling your very slippery walls.
“I don’t know, it seems to me that the wetness is from you not the river.”
You didn’t even bother to answer, only focusing the feeling of Baji’s finger in you. You waited in anticipation as a second finger went up in you pulling a loud moan from you.
“Was two fingers too much for you, babe?” he swirled his fingers in you that made you squirm against him. “How are you going to handle me then?”
“B-baji please!” you pleaded as you looked at him with glossy eyes.
Baji would’ve loved to tease you more, but the sight of you begging and being putty under his hands is the straw that broke the camel’s back. He pulled out his fingers from you and grabbed your legs to lift you up against the wall. While in this position, you can feel his tip rubbing against you. Baji not wanting a moment to go to waste, entered you waiting for you to signal him to enter more until he is fully sheathed within you.
For a while you two stayed like that, basking in this very intimate embrace until you get used to the feeling of him in you. Once you felt ready, you called out to him.
“Take me.”
Baji gave your lips a peck “Anything my lady wants.”
He then pulled out from you leaving only the tip before slamming back in you. The act caused you to moan and squirm against him spurring him on even more to do it again. The first few moments he gave you slow and heavy thrusts but over time his hips started to move faster and faster leaving you a moaning mess against him. You can hear him growling and snarling as kept thrusting into you bringing you bliss every time. Baji only seemed to get turned on even more as he make love to you. The combination your sounds the feeling of your body against him and the feeling of your insides was driving him over the edge.
He dove for the space between your neck and shoulders and bit you his primal instincts taking over. The feeling of him biting you caused you to grab hold of his hair as you clenched around him.
In turn, the feeling of you clenching around him and pulling his hair only caused him to bite even harder. The act making you clench around him again. And thus it became a cycle throughout your session with his thrusts only growing harder as you two came near your climax. All you could hear was his muffled grunting and growling against your neck, his mouth still occupied by biting you. Not long after the familiar feeling of climax came upon you.
“Keisuke please! I-I”
He paid no attention to your words as kept his pace steady already knowing what’s going on. It didn’t take long until he heard you moan out his name out loud and feeling you cream all over him. He paused for a bit letting you take a breather. He went for a kiss making out with you before continuing to thrust in you again. You let him have his way with you as he chased after his high. A minute or so has passed of him just thrusting up to you until you hear his stuttering moan before feeling him pull out and rubbing himself before shooting out his load. You mimicked his action from earlier and gave him a kiss after his orgasm.
He let you down from your position before pulling you into a hug which you gladly returned. Being in his embrace after such an intimate endeavour felt romantic for you for some reason.
“How are you?” he asked as he strokes your head with so much tenderness you just wanted to melt into him.
“Amazing. I don’t know how else to word it.”
“I wasn’t too rough on you was I?” he asked looking at your bit marks in concern.
You noticed where his gaze was before smiling at him. “I would’ve smacked you upside the head if I didn’t like anything what you were doing. And I told you I’ll take everything you had to offer.”
“That’s good to hear.” He sighed in relief before kissing you. Said kiss started off innocent but eventually grew in fervor where he was now nibbling at your lips.
He pulled away and asked you “I know it��s too much to ask of you, but can you handle one more for me?” while caressing your waist.
“H-huh? Already?!” you gaped at him in surprise
“I told you, you’re irresistible to me. And I’ll only do it If you’re ok with it.” He emphasized
You were tired and winded from your first round, but the thought of a second round only aroused you despite what your body feels. You were definitely lying to yourself if you told yourself you didn’t want more.
As an answer to him, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him again which he swiftly caught. “I’ll be in your care.
Baji definitely lit up hearing your answer. He gave you a deep kiss and said “I promise I’ll take good care for you the whole time.”
And just like that you were once again overwhelmed by the sounds of waterfall, your moans and his grunts inside the shallow cavern from behind the waterfall.
Just as he promised, he took good care of you drying you off, and dressing you up before cuddling you in a soft patch of grass beneath the shade of a tree. His arms felt so warm around you that you couldn’t help but fall asleep.
When you awoke, you realize you were lying down on his lap. The view that greeted you was Baji eating his serving of stir fried noodles. He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking “Hope you don’t mind me eating while you slept. After all that I got hungry.”
“It’s ok you don’t have to worry about it.” You said as you slowly sat up “Besides better that than waking up to you burning yet another beast. And whose fault was it I was this tired?” you teased
Baji only laughed at your teasing before holding your chin and guiding you to him to give you a kiss. “I’d gladly do all it again if I’m being totally honest.”
You looked at him and said “No one is exactly stopping you.”
He went near your ear and whispered “Is that an invitation?”
You playfully pushed him away “Not right now you doofus.” You said chuckling.
Baji scooped you into his arms and onto his lap hugging you tight “I just wanna gobble you up all day.” He said nuzzling his face on your neck before looking up and giving you another kiss. After having a taste of you he just couldn’t get enough. He wanted to go back for more and more. Baji’s feelings were translated into the kiss where he continued to deepen it while also beginning to nibble on your lips.
You knew where this was going you wanted more of him too, but unfortunately you decided against it tapping on his shoulder before pulling away saliva still connecting you both. You wiped your lips before speaking “Very tempting really, but we should rest. We still have the journey back.”
Baji’s face turned into a pout before burying his face in your neck again his droopy ear tickling your cheek. The sight was too adorable you couldn’t help but pet said soft looking ears. Baji hummed in content as his ears perked up again, taking pleasure in your attention. “Come on, Baji up we go. We still have to set up camp before nightfall.” You coerced while patting his back.
He let out a low whine before standing up picking you up with him which made you giggle while giving him a kiss on the cheek. Once your camp was set up, you two settled for the night, lying down next to each other. It didn’t take long before you’re all over each other again. Both of you agreed not to go further than kissing tonight, after all you still need energy to go home. Who knows how long you two were kissing until you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Baji holding you close and you holding his fluffy tail.
As you enter the village gates, Akkun happily greeted you “Welcome back! I hope it’s been a safe jou- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!” he looked you over in concern
“What’s wrong?”
“Look at your neck! You’ve got bites on you! You have to go to a medic right away!” he frantically said while pushing you to a carriage that was supposed to drive you home.
Oh goodness gracious. Baji’s bite marks didn’t even occur to you. You stepped away from his pushy hands and tried to reason with him “C-calm down Akkun. This isn’t anything fatal; otherwise I would’ve been rushing here. It didn’t even break skin, look just bruised.”
Akkun only looked at you in disbelief “A-are you sure sure? Those look pretty gnarly. Might be safer to get it looked over.”
“I’ll be fiiine~ It’s just some troublesome creature that didn’t let go until he was satisfied.” You said looking back at you and Baji’s intimacy. He really didn’t let you go until he was satisfied. You only chuckled at the memory.
“Sorry if I’m a little bit pushy, but are you sureyou don’t want that looked over?”
“I’m sure. It’ll disappear in a few days.” You then remembered how hard Baji was biting you and concluded that a few days might be too short “…maybe.”
You opened the carriage door before turning to the knight “Thanks for the concern Akkun, but I’ll be fine.” You said before boarding.
“Take good care of yourself. I wouldn’t want the reason for a new Red Riding Hood to be appointed because the last one died.” He jokingly said before closing the carriage door and signalling the driver that everything’s ready.
Akkun watched as the vehicle went off still a little bit concerned. Just then a knight came near him and said “I sense that our little Red Riding Hood has been having fun in the forest.”
Akkun gawked at the statement before giving said knight a light punch to the stomach “Get your head out of the gutter, Makoto!” he scolded one of his subordinates.
“I don’t recall any creature that can give such a bite and not break skin.” A knight with glasses stated.
“Not you too, Yamagishi! Takuya help me out here!” Akkun turned to the person who seemed sane along with him in their little team.
Takuya only turned to him and shrugged “I’m somewhat of a biter myself and those looked familiar to me.”
Akkun gave up, these three can be stupid in their own way at times, even more stupid than Yamagishi.
Seasons come and go faster than we realize and before you knew it, winter is upon the land. Since winter is a very harsh weather for travel, Red Riding Hoods are only required to deliver supplies once a month. As much as you’re happy at the little break from your job, you can’t help but be sad too. Seeing Baji less brought your spirits a little down, but a job is a job and you must see through it if you wanna live comfortably.
So here you are the lone red in a backdrop of a harsh white, like blood in snow. It’s not supposed to be there. You hope that thought coming to your mind is not some kind of bad omen.
Sadly fate followed through with that omen. You being the only red thing among the snow, you are very noticeable and a winter beast has been eyeing you for a while now. You noticed that someone or something has been following you, but you assumed that it was just Baji, but when he didn’t turn up you figured that it wasn’t him and now you’re extra vigilant.
As much as you would’ve loved to run, doing so in such a situation can only provoke what’s been following you into chasing you so you did your best not to make any sudden moves.
You were too focused on not spurring whatever’s been following you that you didn’t notice that you’ve already arrived at your destination. You make quick work of locking in the supplies in the drop off point since you suspected that whatever is following you is after the food.
Just as you were locking up, you heard a loud roar which likely came from the beast that’s now making a beeline towards the place containing the food. You tried to jump out of its way but it was still able to reach you and pushed you out of the way quite harshly. You ended but getting scratched by its claws but at least you landed on the soft snow.
You looked at the beast trying to claw at the container, but failing to get it to open. You took that opportunity to run away and put some distance between you and it. The beast having found the container futile, decided to go after the running prey. Just as you think you have lost the beast, you heard it coming near you. So you continued to run away trying to think of a way to shake it off you tail. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t see the branches that you ran into it. You were quick to get up but wasn’t able to run away since your red cloak got caught. You tried to make quick work on it, but you noticed that the beast is gaining on you. You pulled as hard as you could to your cloak that when it was free you stumbled back and hit your head to a nearby tree.
Now feeling a little dizzy, your run was slowed and a little wobbly. You eventually ran into a dead end. The wall didn’t seem to be too high; you know it’s within your abilities to climb it. But with your dizzy state, you were seeing double and that climbing said wall can result to even more injury.
You looked back and saw the beast slowly coming towards you. All you could do was close your eyes and hope that it won’t be painful. And so you waited…
And waited…
Until warmth envelopes you. You didn’t know what’s going on but you welcomed said warmth. It reminded you of the warmth Baji provided whenever he held you close to him. Oh how you so badly wanted him to be here right now.
You opened your eyes and was greeted by red against white. It was the blood of the beast flowing down onto the snow. You processed that someone was holding you and you were greeted by the comforting dark locks and amber gaze of Baji. He looks at you in guilt as if blaming himself of what just happened. You couldn’t stand the look of him bearing the sins of a mindless beast.
You reached out your hand to cup his cheek and gave him a grateful smile. “Baji, thank you. You saved me you have nothing to be guilty about.”
Baji tightened his hold on you and kissed your forehead. “I know, I just felt responsible since you’re very special to me and I want to protect everything that’s special to me.” Baji leaned down and pecked your lips “You’re one of my treasures. I can’t bear to lose you.” He said his eyes on the verge of tears.
“And I’m still here thanks to you. You protected your treasure.” You returned his kiss before hugging him “Baji, I’m tired. Can I go to sleep?”
“Not yet, we have to get you looked over.” He said worry laced in his voice as he gently stroke your head as if trying to push your dizziness away.
“I’ll be in your care.”
You didn’t remember much that happened after. All you could recall was the cold wind against you as Baji rushed through the forest, the sight of a cave above you along with a lilac haired man with matching ears before everything went to black.
Once Baji is sure that you’re settled, he put on his coat and started to head out.
“Where do you think you’re going?” the guy tending your wounds asked.
“Don’t stop me, Mitsuya. That beast’s body is still intact; I’ll go finish it off.”
Mitsuya stood up from beside you and took hs coat. “No you won’t, I’ll handle it. You watch over your precious. She’d be more comforted if she saw a familiar face when she wakes up.”
Baji clenched his fist, his eyes full of vengeance. “I’ll destroy every bit of that beast. I’d make its soul suffer if I could.” He muttered in clenched teeth his rage leaking out.
Mitsuya knew that Baji being in this state will only be bad for him in the end, so he decided to slap some sense into him. Mitsuya grabbed hold of Baji’s face and made him turn to your sleeping state “Look at her! You want to leave her here just so you could satiate your hunger for revenge?! You already killed the thing, she’s already in a safe state now go take care of her. I’ll handle the beast’s body.”
The sight of your peaceful face was enough to soften Baji’s intense anger and admittedly he really didn’t want to leave you here. If he could he would stay with you forever to protect you from ever being harmed again.
Mitsuya sensed that Baji has calmed down and let go of his face. “I’ll be off now. Take care ok?”
Baji only gave out a nod before kneeling down next to you. Mitsuya smiled at the sight of this Baji not having seen it often. But he’s glad that he has someone special that he can be himself with. No wonder he’s been in a good mood lately. And like that he’s off to the forest to leave the two be.
Morning came, and you roused from your slumber taking comfort in the warmth next to you. It was so familiar that you’re sure that it was who you thought it was. You looked up and saw Baji’s sleeping face his hair cascading across his face that he looked to ethereal. You wish you could burn the image into your mind. He’s as handsome as ever. You lifted your hand and slowly pushed the stray hairs on his face to behind his ears, but the action caused him to stir awake.
You waited for him to open his eyes, before flashing him a big smile “Sorry for waking you.”
Baji stayed silent just looking at you before his eyes widened and sat up quickly and leaning on to you. “Y-you’re awake?! Are you feeling ok, you feel anything unusual, hungry, thirsty?” he bombarded you with questions in concern.
Before you could respond, he dove for the bag right next to him and pulled out a canteen and handed it to you. Now that you’re looking at it, you did felt thirsty so you gladly took it and took a big gulp sighing in relief after quenching you thirst. Baji took the canteen from you as you were finished and handed you a container filled with food which you gladly devoured.
Baji only watched you closely trying to see if there’s anything to be concerned about. So far, you’ve been fine but he couldn’t help but worry after yesterday’s display. “How’s the cut on your arm?”
“Hmm?” you swallowed the food still in your mouth and felt around the bandaged wound. “It feels just fine. It’s like it’s never been there in the first place.”
Baji smiled at the information and gently grabbed your arm. He started to remove the bandages causing you to pull your arm in surprise “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” He held out his hand waiting for you to place your arm there. You trust Baji so you gave your arm to him.
He continued to remove the bandage and you were expecting to see a nasty wound, but what greeted you was your clean smooth skin which caused you to stare at your arm incredulously. Baji chuckled at your surprised face finding it cute. “A friend of mine patched you up. He’s no medic, but he’s very well prepared for situations like these.” He explained while caressing your healed arm. “He had an ointment on him that medics back home created made from herbs found in the forest. With a forest so big, there are a lot of things unexplored.” He looked up at you “It would seem that your village hasn’t discovered such a thing just yet.”
“That’s amazing!” you said still looking at your completely healed arm.
“I’d teach you to make it if I could, but sadly medicine isn’t a field I’m very knowledgeable with.”
“Then how about your friend? I wish I could’ve met him too.”
Baji chuckled “He doesn’t know how to make it too. He only carries it around because the rest of us can be muscleheads sometimes.”
“Well I get to learn it someday.” You said leaning into him as he hugged you “It would be a great asset to our village.” The thought of your village made you realize something. “How long was I out?” you asked concern written in your eyes.
“You’ve been out for a day. Why, is something wrong?”
“I-I have to get back home quickly!” you said quickly standing causing your vision to swirl. You wobbled but Baji caught you.
“H-hey calm down. Why in such a rush?”
“I have to get home quick!”
“W-why you shouldn’t even be moving too much. The ointment may have healed you but your body is still recovering from healing external wounds. You can’t be out and about right now especially in this cold weather.”
The reminder of the season caused you to shiver, suddenly feeling the cold. Baji tightened his hug when he felt you shiver. “I have to go home.” You said
“That sounded like there was an ‘or else’ was supposed to follow it.”
“I have to go home or… or I’ll be declared dead.” Baji tensed at that statement.
Baji pulled away from you to look at you but still close enough to hold you. “You’ll be declared dead?” he stared at the distance trying to figure it out but came to no reasonable reason “Why?”
“Being a Red Riding Hood is a dangerous job. We’re aware of what we’re getting into. They have a rule set in place where once a Red Riding Hood has not returned in the designated time, they will be declared dead.” You looked at Baji to see his reaction and he is infuriated. You could see his jaw clenching and his body tense ever since you started to explain the situation.
“Why don’t they send out a search party to look for missing Red Riding Hoods? Surely some of them only got lost.”
“Think about it Baji, you yourself are very familiar with the dangers of the forest. Do you think that those who went missing only got lost?”
“Then how about your grandmother, do you believe she’s dead too just because people who are too lazy to look for them declared that they’re dead?” he raised his voice which caused you to flinch a bit. He reached for your hand and you let him “I’m sorry, but you yourself have experienced the loss of someone out here. You still have hope to find your grandmother remember?” he reassured recalling one of your first conversations.
The rule has always been stupid in your eyes, but after years of studying of being a Red Riding Hood, they must have somehow buried that thought deep in you. Brainwashing you into thinking that said rule is a reasonable one. But thinking about it more, said rule is the reason you’re not with your grandmother anymore.
Too much emotion was going through you that you held on to Baji for comfort. In fact, it was too comforting that you ended up falling asleep in his arms. Baji gave the crown of your head a kiss before laying you back down and letting you rest. You need all the rest you can get because he just knows that you’ll insist on getting home once you wake up. He might even just carry you all the way there.
By the time you woke up, it was already evening. You smelled something good and saw Baji roasting something over the fire.
“Well rested?” he asked when he noticed you sit up.
“Like I could run a marathon!”
Baji sweatdropped and tried to reason “M-maybe not to that extent.”
“Well I technically have to run for a long time until I get home.”
“No need for that, I’ll just carry you. You can just enjoy the ride.” He said with a smirk no doubt confident in his abilities.
You chuckled at him “You know, when you say it like that something else comes to my mind you know.” You said blush slowly forming on your cheeks.
There was a slight pause as Baji processed what you just said just staring at you with wide eyes. He then smirked and said “There you are again riling me up.”
“Do you not like it?” you asked teasingly returning the smirk
“Never said such a thing.” He said as he took out whatever he was roasting off the fire.
You stood up and walked over to him not playing around. You lifted your leg over him and sat on his lap facing him. “Getting bold now are we.” He said his smirk growing bigger anticipating what will happen next.
“Are you still taking me for a ride?” you felt up his chest lacing your voice with a sultry tone trying to get him in the mood.
Baji placed his hands at your waist caressing it and occasionally wandering down to your butt. “In what context.” He teased
“You know…ride you.” You went close to him and gave his lips a kitten lick.
“I’m gonna need you to be more specific, darling.” He said before diving into your neck licking you there before giving you the first hickey of the night while also giving your butt a light smack.
“Please Baji! If you don’t take me right now I won’t be feeding you for the next month!”
“You treat me as if I’m some food motivated animal.” He said kissing you
“You sure act like it sometimes.” You responded in between his kisses.
Baji pulled away and looked at you with very dilated pupils. “Oh really? Then…” he lifted you up from where he was sitting and laid you down on your makeshift bed in the cave. “how about I eat you up. You’ll be my delicious meal for tonight.”
He went in to kiss you and took comfort of his tongue intertwined with yours. He indulged himself on your lips for a few more minutes before working to undress you and himself. Not long after, you two were passionately making out in the nude his hair cascading around you acting as sort of like a curtain, your only privacy.
Baji then slowly trailed kisses down to your neck where he placed a few more hickeys before proceeding to your chest. He took hold of it appreciating the feel of it against his hands before suckling on your nipples alternating between the two. After a few bite marks were given to your chest, he gave your tummy kisses.
You gasped when you felt Baji’s breath near your private parts. He adjusted himself and made room to slowly spread your legs. Guess you really were is meal, he looked starved when he caught sight of your glistening folds. Baji sat up and took a hair tie from his clothes and tied his hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way of my feast.” He placed your legs over his shoulders, held you down and gave your thighs a few bite marks.
Moans came out of your mouth as you felt his tongue give you a long lick tasting. Oh how he loved hearing those sounds knowing that he was the one to cause those. Baji gave her repeated licks savouring the taste of her burning it to his mind because he couldn’t get enough of it.
Baji was relentless, his tongue overwhelming you with sensations completely new to you. His pliant tongue a completely different experience from his thrusts back when you two were behind that waterfall. He was precise and you felt him everywhere, well it felt like it because the feel of him is the only thing you could feel and focus on.
After spending a while tasting your wetness, indulging himself in your taste. He figured he has tasted you enough that he should pay attention to your needs now. But you’d have to disagree as just his curious exploring was pleasurable as it is. Baji went to look for that bundle of nerves, and as soon as he came in contact with it, he felt you squirm away. Baji took hold of your legs on his shoulders and pulled you back and pinning you down. Now you’re a squirming and moaning mess underneath the mercy of his tongue. The stimulation was too much as you tried to squirm away once again but his tight grip on you prevented you from moving even a single inch from him.
The cave you two were in was filled with your moans and his slurping echoing across it which brought you an ounce of embarrassment and arousal. Just hearing those sounds excited you more, there’s something primalin the act of doing it in a cave, the thought bringing you excitement.
You felt around you trying to look for leverage to hold on to ground yourself from these sensations, but you settled at grabbing his hair and pulling occasionally. Since you couldn’t do anything but receive Baji’s actions, you were curious as to what he looked like and so you propped yourself on your elbows and peeked. What greeted you were Baji’s amber eyes staring at you intensely. The sight of Baji staring at you as he ate you out caused more wetness to gush out of you thoroughly aroused at the thought that he’s been watching you from the start.
Baji has been watching you, anticipating every single reaction he pulls out from you. He must know everything about you and how like to be pleasured, learning every single thing that brings you pleasure and excitement and exploiting them. Maybe even take advantage of it for the next time you get intimate. Everything about you just drives him crazy. He was in a daze he couldn’t stop and before he knew it a loud moan greeted his ears as fluids gushed out from you. He licked off every single drop off you clean before sitting up and licking his lips. He admired you and your limp and heavy breathing form, taking pride at his work.
As you were trying to catch your breath, you felt Baji lean over your figure and placed a kiss on your lips. Soon you felt something prodding at your entrance, but not right now. Not just yet. You sat up and pushed Baji into a sitting position with you leaning close to his face.
“That can wait. I have a different plan for now.” You said as you reached your hand behind his head and pulled his hair tie off his hair. You showed the object to Baji before using it to tie your hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way.” You quoted Baji from earlier which earned a chuckle from him.
You started to mimic how he went down on you. First kissing his neck and also leaving your little hickey before going down to his chest licking and tasting him. You took your time at his abdomen admiring it while also teasing him making him think that you’ll finally go down on him only to lick upwards again. You gave in after hearing him growl. You looked at him and his size seemed to lean on the bigger side. You weren’t sure if you could take all of him in your mouth, but might as well try.
You gave his tip a kiss and a lick before putting it in your mouth, swirling your tongue around just his tip. Trying to tease him more, you licked from the base of his cock all the way up slowly and flicking your tongue as you got to the tip. That seemed to be what caused Baji to snap. He grabbed you by the hair and shoved himself in your mouth. You giggled at his desperation before you started bobbing your head up and down your tongue still working in action.
Baji moaned loudly, throwing his head back as he indulged in the feeling of your mouth sucking him off. But he wasn’t one to pass up the sight of you and your face stuffed with his cock. He looked down and the sight almost made him come. He would’ve been done for if you were looking at him. Baji was quick to pull you away from him and kissing you. All the while kissing you, he pushed you down and hovered over you just appreciating in your beauty.
You could never tire of the view you have above you right now. Dishevelled hair around you both, his glistening lips, and the warm light of the bonfire made him appear even more sexier. It’s like everything around you was adjusting to you and Baji. Nothing else mattered except this moment between you two.
“Be a good girl for me and lie on your stomach, would you.”
Anything for him. You repositioned yourself and waited for Baji to make a move. You felt him kiss the small of your back his loose hair tickling you and made you squirm a little causing your butt to brush up to something hard.
Baji chuckled “Eager now, are we.” Ah, looks like he mistook it. No matter, you’ll both feel good later on anyway.
Baji’s hands explored your smooth back appreciating the feel of it against his hands and how you react to his every single touch whether it be a slight twitch or a whimper out of you, it excites him even more.
He leaned down to your ear “You ready?”
Once he saw you nod in response, he bit at your neck whilst inserting himself inside you. The feeling of each other’s closeness had you two letting out hot breaths, calming yourselves and letting you adjust to him. When you gave him the go ahead, he started ramming his hips into you. He couldn’t help himself from ravaging you, he’s been holding himself back ever since from the start.
You felt him lean down and felt his chest come into contact with your back as he continued to thrust into you. His pace started to quicken even more so you grabbed the nearest thing to you as leverage which happened to be Baji’s coat.
As soon as he saw you clutching at his coat, it sent him into overdrive standing on his knees and elevating your hips and holding your head down. He gave your butt a few smacks then proceeding to drive his hips into you once again. Baji pulled your hair up causing you to be on all fours.
“Look at you taking me so well.” He moaned out biting your neck once again “This is the third time I’ve been in you, right? You took me so well all times. Made me feel real good I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that.” He said between grunts.
Just as he said those words, he felt you clench at him “A-ahn~ you r-really do like praises huh.”
“You remember that? When I brought you back for the first time. You liked it when I sang you praises. Guess it carries over here too huh. Agh!” your insides clenched at him again. He grabbed your chin and made you face him “Driving me crazy here.” He kissed your lips tongue never failing to explore you.
After a few minutes of you two going at it, you eventually arrived at your climax which had you plop down on the makeshift bed ass still up. Baji rubbed himself a few more times before covering your back in white letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Your back covered in his cum aroused him again; it makes him want to cover you with even more. But he knows he can’t, you still have to rest for tomorrow’s journey. He leaned down at your shoulder and bit down as his last ditch effort to satiate his current hunger, but sadly it only turned him on even more as he heard you moan in response to his bite.
You can tell that Baji is still raring to go but is holding himself back. “Keisuke,” you called in a breathy voice still trying to catch your breath “What’s stopping you?”
“Tomorrow, you need rest for tomorrow.” He kissed you again finding your dazed look to be irresistible.
“I thought you offered to carry me all the way home.” You teased
“I did say that.”
“And speaking of rides,” You sat up and sat on his lap, your cunt sliding against his already semi hard cock “I haven’t gotten my ride for tonight.”
Baji relented, grabbing your waist and guiding you to hover over his cock. “Do as you please.” He said with a smirk licking your collarbone.
Slowly, you sank yourself onto him with Baji’s arms stiff on your waist restraining himself from just slamming you down on him. It’s your ride, you do as you please. But goodness you sure are a good way to train his self-control because you keep testing him. By the time he’s fully in you, you caught sight of his knitted brows and a few droplets of sweat on his forehead.
You decide to spare him and slowly bounced yourself on him with Baji groaning in pleasure in response. You felt his hand on your waist go tighter. You can tell that he wants more, but you decide to just go at your pace going slowly. You low-key anticipate the impending rough treatment of you when he gets fed up with your ‘teasing’.
It didn’t take long before he’s biting on your neck and is now the one bouncing you on his cock. Baji laid on his back and continued to thrust up into you. You were glad he took initiative in this situation because you weren’t sure if your thighs could hold you up any longer considering his treatment of you in your first round.
Soon enough, you billowed out a moan your body twitching ever so slightly before collapsing on his chest. Baji pulled out of you and closed your thighs together and thrusted in there instead. The feeling of your soft lower lips and thighs rubbing him was what brought him to his second climax of the night. He felt you slowly dozing off on him. He pulled the blanket over the two of you before repositioning you into a much more comfortable sleeping position. He made sure to clean up the both of you before going to sleep himself.
You were woken up with Baji shaking you. When you woke up you were already dressed. “Time to go.”
You yawned and stretched before getting up preparing to leave. Travelling through the forest on a wolf’s perspective is a very new experience. You can’t help but close your eyes in bliss as you felt the wind in your hair blowing against you from the speed Baji was running. You vaguely remember this feeling when you were still injured after he saved you from the beast. You’re just happy you get to experience it again more clearly.
Baji suddenly came to a stop and when you looked ahead there are the gates of your village. On a normal circumstance you’d be happy at the sight of your home, but right now you’re only filled with dread. The gate lock was adorned with a red ribbon.
You hopped off Baji and approached said ribbon. “We’re too late.”
“What?! But you still have the rest of the day to return!”
“I know. They sure are quick to claim my death. Guess that’s that then.”
“You’re just gonna let them do that?!”
“Baji, once the ribbon is set there’s no way they’ll let me in anymore. It’s another one of those stupid rules. I’m not welcome here anymore.”
After all the work you did for them, they’re gonna dispose of you just like that??? Hell no, fuck those bastards, you’re not going back there. “You still have another place you’re welcome to go home to.”
Baji held his hand out to you “Come home with me. You’re more than welcome there. The pack would love you!”
You immediately took his hand. “If I’m being totally honest, I would prefer to be with you rather than stay in a place where not a lot cares about me. I missed you a lot when I couldn’t see you.”
Baji pulled you in for a hug and kissed you. “You’ve always been in my mind too. Now we don’t have to be apart anymore. We can be together whenever we want, wherever we want.”
“Let’s go to your home then.”
“Our home.” He corrected
“Yes, our home.”
And with that the two of you ran into the forest ready to start a new chapter in your lives where a new companion is by their side.
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x11 thoughts
For an episode that ends with a journalist Ted trusts but has (understandably) recently lied to warning Ted that he’s publishing an article about his panic attacks, it was fitting that this episode seemed entirely about what all of these characters choose to tell each other. And after most of a season of television that Jason Sudeikis has described as the season in which the characters go into their little caves to deal with things on their own, it turns out they are finally able to tell each other quite a lot.
Which is good because, um, wow, a lot is going to happen in the season finale of this show!
Thoughts on the things people tell each other behind the cut!
Roy and Keeley. I absolutely loved the moment during their photoshoot in which they bring up a lot of complicated emotional things and are clearly gutted (“gutted”? Who am I? A GBBO contestant who forgot to turn the oven on?) by what they’ve heard. We already know that Keeley and Roy are great at the kinds of moments they have before the shoot begins, in which Roy builds Keeley up and tells her she’s fucking amazing. From nearly the beginning of their relationship, they’ve supported each other and been each other’s biggest fans. But their relationship has gone on long enough that they’ve progressed from tentative arguments about space and individual needs into really needing to figure out what they mean to each other and how big their feelings are and what that means in relation to everything else. Watching these two confess about the uncomfortable kiss with Nate, the unexpectedly long conversation with Phoebe’s teacher, and—most painfully—the revelation that Jamie still loves Keeley didn’t feel like watching two people who are about to break up. (Although I could see them potentially needing space from each other to get clarity.) It felt like watching two people realize just how much they’d lose if they lost each other, which is an understandably scary feeling even—or especially—when you’re deeply in love but not entirely sure what the future holds. Not entirely sure what you’re capable of when you’ve never felt serious about someone in quite this way, and are realizing you have to take intentional actions to choose that relationship every single day. I’m excited to learn whether Roy and Keeley decide they need to solidify their relationship more (not necessarily an engagement, but maybe moving in together or making sure they’re both comfortable referring to the other as partner and telling people they’re in a committed relationship) or if things go in a different direction for a while.
Sharon and Ted. I’ve had this feeling of “Wow, Ted is going to feel so intense about how honest he’s been with Sharon and is going to end up getting really attached and transfer a lot of emotions onto the connection they have and that is stressful no matter how beneficial it has been for him to finally get therapy!” for a while now. And Sharon’s departure really brought that out and it was indeed stressful. But the amount of growth that’s happened for both of these characters is really stunningly and beautifully conveyed in this episode. Ted is genuinely angry she left without saying goodbye, and he doesn’t bury it some place deep inside him where it will fester for the next thirty years. He expresses his anger. (I also noticed he sweared—mildly—in front of her again, which is really a big tell for how much he has let his carefully-constructed persona relax around her.) He reads her letter even though he said he wasn’t going to, and he’s moved. I don’t think Ted has the words for his connection to Sharon beyond “we had a breakthrough,” but Sharon gets it, and is able to firmly assert a professional boundary by articulating her side of that breakthrough as an experience that has made her a better therapist. And is still able to offer Ted a different kind of closure by suggesting they go out before her train leaves. No matter how you feel about a patient/football manager seeing their therapist/team psychologist colleague socially, I appreciated this story because IMO it didn’t cross big lines but instead was about one final moment in this arc in which both Ted and Sharon saw each other clearly and modeled what it is to give someone what they need and to expect honesty and communication from them. I liked that Ted ends up being the one saying goodbye. (The mustache in the exclamation points!) I like that whether or not Sharon returns in any capacity (Sarah Niles is so wonderful that I hope she does, but I’m not sure), the goodbye these characters forge for themselves here is neither abandonment nor a new, more complicated invitation. It’s the end of a meaningful era, and although the work of healing is the work of a lifetime, it’s very beautiful to have this milestone.
Ted and Rebecca. So, maybe it’s just me, but it kinda feels like these two have a few li’l life things to catch up on?! (HAHHHHHaSdafgsdasdf!) I really adored their interactions in this episode. I maintain that Biscuits With The Boss has been happening this whole time (even when Ted’s apartment was in shambles, there’s biscuit evidence, and I feel like we’ve been seeing the biscuit boxes in Rebecca’s office pretty regularly too), even if it might have been more of a drive-by biscuit drop-off/feelings avoidance ritual. It was really lovely to see Ted on more even footing in Rebecca’s office, joking around until she tells him to shut up, just like the old days. And GOSH—for their 1x9 interaction in Ted’s office to be paralleled in this episode and for Ted to explicitly make note of the parallel in a way Rebecca hears and sees and understands?! MY HEART. In both of Rebecca’s confessions, she is not bringing good news but it is good and meaningful that she chooses to share with Ted. In both situations, Ted takes the moment in stride and offers acceptance equivalent to the gravity of what she has to confess. And in both situations, he’s not some kind of otherworldly saint, able to accept Rebecca no matter what because he’s unaffected by what she shares. He is affected. When he tells her about Sam, you can see a variety of emotions on his face. Rebecca is upset and Ted is calm, and even if I might have liked for him to try to talk about the risk the affair poses to the power dynamics on the team or any number of factors, I also really liked that he just accepts where she is, and—most importantly—does not offer her advice beyond examining herself and taking her own advice. A massive part of being in a relationship with another person (a close relationship of any nature) is figuring out how to support that person without necessarily having to be happy about every single thing they do. It’s so important that Ted connects what she’s just told him about Sam back to what she told him last season about her plot with the club. These both feel like truth bombs to him, and he is at least safe enough to make that clear. These are both things that impact him, things that shape how he sees her and maybe even how he sees himself. He cares about her and is capable of taking in this information; he has room for it. But it’s not something he takes lightly, and neither does she. See you next year.
Tumblr user chainofclovers and the TV show Ted Lasso. My brain is going wild thinking about all the ways the next “truth bomb” conversation could go in 3x11 or whatever. Maybe they go full consistent parallel and Rebecca confesses something else, this time about her and Ted or some other big future thing that impacts him as much or more as the other confessions have. (The same but different.) Maybe the tables turn and Ted has something to confess to her. While the 1x9 conversation ended in an embrace and the 2x11 conversation ended with a bit more physical distance (understandable given the current state of their relationship and the nature of the discussion), the verbal ending of both conversations involved voices moving into a sexier lower register while zooming in to talk specifically about their connection to each other, so I have to assume there will be some consistencies in s3 even if the circumstances will be completely different. I don’t really know where I’m going with this and I obviously will go insane if I sustain this level of anticipatory energy until Fall 2022 but I have a feeling my brain and heart are going to try!
Sam and Rebecca. I know there’s been a lot of criticism about whether this show is being at all realistic about the power dynamics and inevitable professional issues this relationship would create. On some level, I agree; I like that pretty much everyone who knows about the affair has been kind so far, but you can be kind and still ask someone to contend with reality. But I also think that in nearly every plot point on this show, the narrative is driven by how people feel about their circumstances first and foremost. (It’s why the whiteboard in the coaching office and the football commentators tell us more about how the actual football season is going from a points perspective than anyone else.) This episode reminded me how few people know about Sam and Rebecca, and how much their time together so far has been time spent in bed. The private sphere. I thought this episode really expertly brought the public sphere into it, not—thank goodness—through a humiliating exposure or harsh judgment but through an opportunity for Sam that illustrates not only all his potential to do great things but how much Rebecca’s professional position and personal feelings are in conflict with that. Could stand in the way of that. I don’t have a strong gut feeling about where this will go, but I do think Sam’s face in his final scene of this episode is telling. He started the episode wanting to see Rebecca (his most recent text to her was about wanting to connect), and Edwin’s arrival from Ghana really exploded his sense of what is possible for his life. If he’d arrived home to Rebecca sitting on his stoop prior to meeting Edwin, he’d have been delighted. Now he’s conflicted, and whatever decision he makes, he has to reckon with the reality that he cannot have everything he wants. No matter what. And Rebecca—she has taken Ted’s advice and is attempting to be honest about the fact that she can’t control Sam’s decisions but hopes he doesn’t go, and even saying that much feels so inappropriate. And I’m not sure how much she realizes about the inappropriateness of the position she’s putting him in, although maybe she’s getting there considering she exits the scene very quickly. I’ve honestly loved Rebecca’s arc this season. I think it’s realistic that she got obsessed with the intimacy she thought she could find in her phone. I think it’s realistic that her professional and personal ambitions are inappropriately linked. (They certainly were for Rupert. It’s been years since she’s known anything different; even if she’s done some significant recovery work to move on from her abusive marriage and figure out her own priorities, she’s got a long way to go.) I know there are people who will read this interaction between Rebecca and Sam as a totally un-self-aware thing on the part of “the show” or “the writers” but what I saw is two people who enjoyed being in bed together and now have to deal with the reality that they’re in two different places in their lives and that one has great professional power over the other. If that wasn’t in the show, I wouldn’t be able to see it or feel so strongly about it.
Edwin and Sam. I really enjoyed all the complexities of this interaction. Edwin is promising a future for Sam that doesn’t quite exist yet, though he has the financial means to make it happen. He offers this by constructing for Sam a Nigerian—and Ghanaian—experience unlike anything he’s found in London. Sam is amazed that this experience is here, and Edwin’s response is to explain to him that the experience is not here. Not really. The experience in Africa. Sam has of course connected to the other Nigerian players on the team, but this is something else entirely. I’m really curious if Sam is going to end up feeling that what Edwin has to offer is real or not. That sense of home and connection? So real. And so right that he would want to experience that homecoming and would want to be part of building that experience for others. But at the end of the day, he went to a museum full of actors and a pop-up restaurant full of “friends,” and is that constructed authenticity as a stand-in for a real homecoming more or less real than the home he’s building in Richmond? (With other players who stand in solidarity with him, and with well-meaning white coaches who say dumb stuff sometimes, and an a probably-doomed love interest, and a feeling that he should put chicken instead of goat in the jollof, and the ability to stand out as an incredible player on a rising team.)
Nate and everyone. But also Nate and no one. Nate’s story is so painful and I’m so anxious for next week’s episode. For a long time I’ve felt that a lot of Nate’s loyalties are with Richmond, and a lot of his ambitions are around having given so much to this place without getting a lot back, and having a strong feeling that he’s the answer to Richmond’s future. But now I’m not so sure; his ambitions have transferred into asking everyone he knows (except Ted, of course), if they want to be “the boss.” But Nate is all tactics and no communication. When he wants to suggest a new play to Ted, he hasn’t yet learned to read Ted’s language to learn that Ted is eager to hear what he has to say. And while Ted has been really unfortunately distracted about Nate and dismissive of him this season, he clearly respects Nate’s approach to football and was appreciative of the play. Nate just can’t hear that. The suit is such a great metaphor of all the things Nate is in too much pain to be able to hear clearly. Everyone digs at him for wearing the suit Ted bought him (including Will, who’s got to get little cuts in where he can, because he’s got to be sick of the way Nate treats him), but when he gets fed up his solution isn’t to go out on his own and find more clothes he likes; he asks Keeley to help him. And then crosses a major line with her...and no matter how kind she was about it, she was clearly not okay. Everything is going to blow up, and I’m so curious as to whether Nate will end up aligning himself with Rupert in some way or if he’s going to end up screwed over by Rupert and in turn try to screw over his colleagues even worse than he’s already done. Or try desperately to make amends even though it could be too late for some. Either way, I’m fully prepared to feel devastated. (And there’s no way I’m giving up on this character. If he’s able to learn, I truly believe he could end up seeking forgiveness and forging a happier existence for himself. Someday. Like in season 3 or something.)
Ted and Trent. Trent deciding to reveal his source to Ted is a huge deal, and I’m torn between so many emotions about this exposé. I’m glad it’s a Trent Crimm piece and not an Ernie Loundes piece. I’m glad that Trent made the decision to warn Ted and let him know that Nate is his source. I fear—but also hope—that this exposure will set off a chain reaction of Ted learning about some of the things he’s missed while suffering through a really bad bout with his dad-grief and panic disorder. The things Ted doesn’t know would devastate him. I wonder if Ted will want to figure out a way to make Nate feel heard and reconcile with him, and I wonder how that will be complicated if/when he realizes Nate has severely bullied Will, gets more details on how he mistreated Colin, etc. I wonder if Rebecca, whom Nate called a “shrew” right before she announced his promotion, will be in the position of having to ask Ted to fire him, or overriding Ted and doing it herself. So many questions! I have a feeling it’ll go in some wild yet very human-scaled, emotionally-nuanced direction, and I’ll be like “Oh my GOD!” but also like “Oh, of course.”
This VERY SERIOUS AND EMOTIONAL REVIEW has a major flaw, which is that none of the above conversations include mention of the absolute love letter to N*SYNC. Ted passionately explains how things should go while dancing ridiculously! Will turns on the music and starts gyrating! Roy nods supportively! Beard shouts the choreography like the Broadway choreographer of teaching grown men who play football how to dance like a boy band. Everyone is so incredibly proud when they nail it. I love them.
I cannot believe next week is the end. For now. I’m kind of looking forward to letting everything settle during the hiatus, but I’ve really loved the ride.
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imaeraser · 3 years
Can I request platonic Akazaya nine headcannons
(Takes place before 20-year time jump)
He’s goofy
He isn’t even trying, it’s just that he’s a little slow on the uptake
And by that, I mean very
You can be making a joke, and he’ll take it seriously. Then five minutes later start laughing hysterically
Which makes you laugh at how ridiculous he is— and that just leads to you two rolling on the ground. No longer sure about what was funny, but each time the other person laughs, you can’t help but do the same
He’s a perv, so you catch him leering at girls
So of course you tell the rest of the 9, and you guys endlessly tease him
Then he starts yelling about how he’s the leader, and how he can punish you guys
But no one takes him seriously
Even Oden joins in on the fun. That’s when Kin’emon give up trying to save his pride (he ends up making fun of himself)
He tries to act like a big brother, which most of the time doesn’t work. But when it does you wonder where all the wisdom came from
10/10 Expect nothing less from Kin’emon
He’s serious
But in a funny ironic way. Unlike Kin’emon he will get the joke, but not laugh and scold you for not taking work seriously
When he loosens up (aka, when Oden tells him to relax) then he might laugh at your corny jokes, but until then you can expect him to act like a mom
He may not have much of a sense of humor, but he is probably the best when it comes to advice
Tell him your woes, and he’ll have an eight-step plan to fix them
If you do something amazing on accident, he’ll have a newly gained respect for you
That’s because he’s kinda naive
So if you pull an Usopp on him, and start telling grand lies. He’ll believe you
Be careful though, that may mean he’ll give you way more than you can chew when fighting enemies
He will fanboy to you about something cool Oden did
If you don’t get as excited as he does, he will scold you
7/10 too much of a mom
They are like an older sister figure
Pretty calm
Until you do something stupid, then they’re giving you the worst side-eye. They don’t even have to speak for you to understand what they’re saying
They like to dress you up in clothes that are as feminine as possible
If that’s not your style, deal with it. If it is, then you two can choose outfits for each other
You low-key get creeped out when they put on the Oni mask
Their entire vibe changes, and it’s intimidating
They wouldn’t protect you in a fight, since they trust that you can handle yourself
But if anyone picks on you outside a fight, expect hands to be thrown
I can see you two making food for the others
When Oden isn’t making oden… which is all the time
9/10 the only downside is the shade that is (occasionally) thrown
You two mess around together
You guys can act out several plays and have tons of fun making the characters as outlandish as possible
He’ll draw something cute for you, and you two get to play with it for a while
If you’re extra hungry, he’ll draw out some lettuce. But when that gives you a stomach ache, he’ll just rub your back
I can see him trying to be a good wingman, but failing (I think the only good wingmen would be Kawamatsu, and Denjiro. But Denjiro would never do it)
He’ll just stick to doing your Kabuki makeup
I think he would be a good hype man
I can also see you two just drinking tea, while the rest of the group is running around, trying to find where Momonosuke ran off to
I can see you two taking a pottery class together (and probably failing)
Anything art related you and Kanjuro like to do together
I can also see you two having dance parties, and (most) of the group joins in
10/10 very fun times
Similar to Kin’emon
But the difference is that he tries to impress you with his ninja skills
If you compliment him, he’ll act humble
But he’s beaming with pride
He uses his ninja skills to prank you
This leads to a prank war that no one is safe from
Even Oden wants to join in on the fun. Which ends up with him crushing everyone
Not very good when it comes to emotions, he ends up getting awkward
Unless you’re getting emotion about Oden because he’ll start crying too
He’ll ask you to help him pick up girls
It never works. It ends up with the girl running and screams, and you two bolting and having to explain to Oden why he got a complaint
9/10 it’s all fun and games until Oden joins in
Ashura Doji
Acts kinda like an uncle/older brother
He acts seriously a lot of the time, but when he does let loose he is fun to be around
Why can’t he be like that all the time?
He may not always have the most fun, but he is always reliable
If you have any problems, you can go to talk to him and he’ll listen. And if you ask for advice, then he’ll give the best words of wisdom
And if he thinks it’s appropriate for him to step in, he will
He smells like alcohol though, so if that bothers you he’ll just laugh
I can see him teaching you how to use a sword/fight, or give extra practice
Ashura also treats you like an errand runner
He’ll give you a few coins and ask you to buy him sake, or a snack
If you say no, he’ll get salty
8/10 stop sending people on errands
Him, Neokmamushi, and Kawamatsu are the best trio
Add you in, and the castle is in shambles
In the best and most fun way, but it is still chaos
It doesn't help when Oden joins in. It only makes things crazier (see the trend?)
Then the rest of the 9 has two stop you four, and Toki scolds Oden
I can see him also giving really good advice
He’s loyal to a fault, like dude calm down. All that person did was look at you, he does not need to whip out his sword
I can also see him following you around (like a dog)
He likes to act as he hates it when you pet him, but he secretly loves it
I think that he would like to read books with you and drinking tea
Can be annoying though, since he’s clingy
9/10 not too much to complain about
I think it would take a while for him to warm up to you
Him being a cat, that makes sense
I think that when he does warm up though, you will never be able to get him off of you
You can be laying down, digesting food, and he’ll just start kneading you
If you tell him to stop, he’ll get salty, and leave you for an hour, and then come back and try to sit on your lap
Like stop, you’re way too big to be doing that
He’ll also start to randomly rub your faces together
Like Inuarashi, he will follow you everywhere
That leads to those two into fights (sometimes), but if you pet both of them they’ll shut up
He’d be good at killing bugs. So if you are disgusted/scared of them, then he is the perfect partner in (bug) homicide
If anyone is bothering you, he’ll team up with Inuarashi to beat them up
9/10 there is a lot of similarities between him and Inuarashi
He is so cute
If you give him food he will love you forever
Especially eggs, he loves the texture
So if you give him an egg, he’ll thank you and do anything you say for a day
This can be useful if you don’t want to do something yourself
I can see him getting you two matching hats and clothes
Unlike the cat and dog duo, he doesn’t feel the need to be around you all the time. Instead, he lets you come to him
He’s also really good at giving advice and learning an ear
And as I mentioned before, he is one of the best wingmen. If you have your eyes on someone, he will go up to them and start talking about all of your accomplishments. How you saved fifty kids in one day (or something)
With him as a wingman, you are guaranteed at least one date. If you screw it up, that's on you
I also can see him as a very honest person, so when you ask him if you’re idea is dumb (and it is), he’ll tell you— in the kindest way possible
10/10 I need a Kawamatsu in my life
He’s kinda a bully, but in the nicest way possible
He just likes messing with you. I can see him beating you and the rest of the crew up at a board game when you guys were little kids
Like dude, chill
Don’t worry though, if you think he’s being an unintentional bully (since he kinda acts immature), you can just tell his wife, and he’ll stop real quick
But when it comes down to it, you guys are what means the most to him
Aka: If he sees someone or something bothering you, he will demolish it
Unless it's another one of the nine, then he’ll make a family circle to talk it out
He likes it when he sees you and the rest of the group take care of his kids. It’s like seeing his kids, take care of his kids
Then his eyes start stinging and welling up with tears
But if you ask him, he’ll tell you that he is not crying
He’s kinda like a dad, but also like a little brother too
10/10 just stop beating everyone at uno
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Acceptance › | Next:  ‹ Moonrise ›
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Hinata’s overwhelming greed to grow–will it be a blessing or a curse for the team?
As the temperature rise, so was the tension–at first you didn’t really acknowledge the heaviness present in the air, but now it was suffocating. Your team certainly had it around them at first, however it now increased tenfold after Hinata bumped to Asahi for the ball. The prickling in the air almost felt as if it was scratching your skin.
“I wasn’t imagining the tension between Hinata and Kageyama-kun, right?” Yachi asked uncertain, but Shimizu nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. But it’s not just Hinata and Kageyama. Ever since Hinata and Azumane bumped into each other, they’re all on the edge.”
“That, and Hinata-kun just blurted out what everyone’s thinking right now,” you added, making the two turned to face you. “Hinata-kun wants to rapidly change, if everyone couldn’t keep up or made their presence clear in front of him…”
They’ll be eaten by that overwhelming greed the orange-haired boy has.
When the penalty was over, you quickly distributed the water bottles and towels with Yachi while Shimizu handled the notes. The absence of Hinata, Kageyama, and Sugawara were clear because as soon as they finished their penalty, the third year asked them to have a private chat outside the gym.
“Azumane-san, you felt that, right?” you asked the older boy, handing his water bottle. “The feeling of being eaten up.”
“Yeah,” Somehow, Asahi didn’t really surprise hearing those words from you. For him, you’re rather different–maybe it’s because you’re quite knowledgeable about volleyball and a quite observant person.
“I think you should try putting him in his place,” hearing those rather bold words from you made his eyes widened.
“P-putting him to place!? L-like scolding him? I don’t think I can.”
“N-no, just declared out loud that the ball is yours? From what I saw, Hinata-kun is trying to steal that ball away from you. You need to tell let him know that it’s not his.”
Asahi fell silent at first, thinking over and assessed what you just said. He found that you’re right–it’s ace’s job to get everyone in the team grounded. He gave you a smile and a nod. “Yeah, I’ll try. Thank you for the insight, [Name].”
“Oh, Hinata-kun, let me see your chin!” Asahi then watched you jogged towards the shorter orange-haired boy.
“Huh? Why?” he asked in confusion.
“You hit it when you’re doing the diving drills, right? At least let me check if it’s bruising or not.” You bent down to take a closer look, although still keeping a respectful distance from the boy so he wouldn’t be having a heart attack.
“A-alright, thank you!”
Your team didn’t stay for too long–once the last practice of the day was done, all of you were already packing to return to Miyagi. This practice camp was short, but you heard Coach Ukai mentioned that it would be even longer the moment summer vacation started–at that time, you will be staying around for a week.
Huffing, you lifted up a big luggage with the team’s necessities and began walking towards the bus in the parking lot. Ennoshita mentioned that if anything’s too heavy, you should ask for someone in the team’s help–however you were reluctant, especially after knowing all of them were certainly tired from practice match and diving penalties.
“Here, let me help you,” suddenly, the weight was removed from you. You were greeted with Akaashi’s figure with the bag in hand, you almost felt jealous on how he could carry it with ease.
“Thank you, Akaashi-san,”
After that you didn’t exchange any word as you approached the bus, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable either.
“So, how is it being the manager?” his question threw you off guard, not expecting him to start a conversation.
Laughing nervously, you replied. “It felt like being thrown into a room full of color and being doused in ice bath.”
Once again, you didn’t expect him laughing slightly at your metaphor. You cursed the moment you laid your eyes on his figure because how can someone be so goddamn gorgeous from just laughing. Your heart skipped a bit and blood rushed to your face almost instantly.
“I could relate to that,” he hummed. “Especially having someone eccentric in the team, like Bokuto-san for example.”
“Hey, hey, hey, Otohaku-chan!!” As if being called, the mentioned boy jogged towards the two of you. Akaashi put the bag onto the ground after asking if it’s okay to do so. “Be sure to join the summer training camp so you can cheer on me, alright!?”
“That’s a wrong thing wrangled into one sentence.” Kuroo commented, accompanied by his infamous smirk. “And why would you drag other team’s manager when you already have two?”
“Please don’t request anything weird to Otohaku-san.” Akaashi deadpanned.
“What?? Why!? The only one here’s nice enough to compliment me is Otohaku-chan!!”
“You pushed her into doing so, Bokuto-san. Otohaku-san, if he’s bothering you feel free to ignore him.”
“Well, Bokuto do have something correct, though,” Kuroo folded his arm across his chest. “Be sure to join the summer training camp. The more, the merrier, you know?”
“I will,” you smiled. You had no reason not to join–a manager’s duty is to help the team grow by letting their mind off doing mundane things, so you would do your best to support your team.
Kuroo’s hand reached out, finding itself on your head again and ruffling lightly. “Then we’ll be waiting.”
“[Name]-san is already good friends with Fukurodani and Nekoma’s captain,” Ennoshita, who watched the interaction from the sidelines, commented. Sugawara and Sawamura nodded in agreement, smiling proudly. You were known for being rather reserved, but seeing you began to have more friends were a huge development.
“It’s good she begins to open up and make friends, but,” Ennoshite flinched from the murderous atmosphere surrounding Sugawara. “I hope they could limit the physical contact with our dearest manager, though.”
“Right? They’re too close to my liking.” Sawamura added, smiling but with menacing intent.
“Whoaa!! You’re so tall!” as if the world was trying to spite the two, Lev joined into the picture–his hand found yours and immediately had them in his grip. “And pretty!”
Ennoshita had to refrain Sugawara and Sawamura from murdering the oblivious first year.
It was quite late at night the moment all of you were back at the school. Assuming it was late, you didn’t have any reason to stay longer and need to go home as soon as possible. However, noticing how the gym was lit, both you and Yachi decided to check it out–finding Kageyama and Hinata were in there with net fully set along with volley cart.
“Huh? You two aren’t going home yet?” Yachi asked.
“It’s quite late. You should get some rest instead.” You added, knowing how harsh the practice match and penalties combined together.
“Yachi-san, [Name]-san, if you don’t mind, could you throw us some balls?” instead of answering, Hinata requested some help.
“Huh? I can do that?” Yachi yelped.
“You just have to throw the ball above Kageyama’s head.” Hinata pointed out.
“S-sure, I’ll give it a try.”
“If you’re tired, switch with me, Hitoka-chan.” You said and she nodded.
Yachi throw ball after ball for Kageyama to toss while Hinata tried to hit it–and he failed. The ball didn’t sync at all with him, his movement didn’t fully pull out because he’s too focused on the ball. It’s not just second or third, with every ball being tossed, not once did Hinata successfully spike it.
“One more time!” Hinata called out, however there’s no ball this time because they already used it all.
“Instead of practicing an attack we’re not sure you’ll ever be able to do, you should be working on the attacks we’ve been using as well as serving and blocking!” Kageyama spat.
“But if this quick doesn’t work, there’s no point in me being on the court!”
“And I told you, your will isn’t needed for that quick! I’ll give you tosses that won’t be stopped by blocks!”
“But then I’ll never get better!” Hinata argued.
This is bad, you internally said. It’s not the usual bickering the two always do.
“The prelims for the spring tournament start next month! They’re right around the corner, what do you think will be an effective weapon for us? A complete quick or an absolutely useless quick!? Huh!?” Kageyama yelled, his hand already clutching onto Hinata’s collar.
“N-no fighting, guys.” Yachi stuttered, trying her best to get situation under control. “Calm down, Kageyama-kun. You, too, Hinata…”
“I want to be strong enough to compete by myself!” Of course, the two wouldn’t give any spare second to your friend’s pleading. And Hinata’s words seemed to be the trigger that snapped the chord.
“Your selfishness is going to destroy the team’s balance!” shouting in anger, Kageyama threw the shorter boy to the ground–the sound that echoed throughout the gym made both you and Yachi winced.
“L-Let’s all be f-friends, o-okay!?” Yachi stuttered.
“Stop it you two,” you stated, making sure to said it out loud so it could be heard. “Fighting doesn’t solve anything.”
Your heart thumping against your chest, your ears were ringing from the adrenaline rushing in your bloodstream. If you or Yachi couldn’t do anything, thing would escalate to a bad degree–the worst would be fist fight. And that would result the two being suspended from club activities. Separating the two physically wouldn’t be a good thing either–as much as you want to, you’re a girl and it would be dangerous.
“I’ll toss to anyone who’s essential to winning.” Kageyama declared. “But I don’t think you’re essential to winning right now. And I don’t feel any different now.”
Hinata certainly didn’t accept those words–picking himself up, he threw himself to Kageyama and clutching on to him.
“Damn it, let go!”
“I won’t let go until you give me a toss!”
 The second time Kageyama threw Hinata to the ground full force, you knew you had to stop this somehow. Turning to look at Yachi, who’s standing behind you, you said, “Call someone, Hitoka-chan. We have to stop them!”
“B-but, what about you [Name]-chan-!?” she yelped, not wanting to leave you alone in a place where two boys were fighting.
“I’ll be fine, now go!” Yachi immediately bolted towards the exit to search for anyone who’s near–now that left you with the two. “Stop it, Kageyama, Hinata!”
“Don’t be ridiculous!”
“That quick was stopped!! Today and during Seijoh’s match!”
“Are you trying to say that my toss was a fault!?”
“Enough!” You tried to pry Hinata away from Kageyama, holding onto his arm and pulled it. And it didn’t end up good for you. Maybe he was too blinded by anger or desperation or your existence currently didn’t exist in his mind, he shoved arm to shook you off.
His elbow hit you right in the stomach, which made you winced in pain and the sheer power you never thought he had thrown to the ground. If it’s only the ground then you wouldn’t have any difficulties, but you forgot there’s a volleyball cart near by and your back just happened to hit that first before the ground.
There will be bruises without a doubt.
Their yelling flew past your mind because the pain from your back and stomach already had your mind occupied. Soon, you heard another yelling and another set of footsteps. Yachi immediately ran and kneeled beside you.
“Y-you okay, [Name]-chan!? B-blood! You have blood on your arm!” she yelped, hands trembling.
At the mention of blood, you lifted your arm automatically–Yachi was right, there’s a long cut running from your elbow to your wrist. You didn’t even feel any pain from it, maybe it was being overshadowed by the pain from your back and stomach even though the cut was dripping blood.
It was a rough night for the four of you.
“This will be enough,” you said, making Kageyama stopped on his track to look at you. “My house is just around the corner. Thank you for walking me home, Kageyama-kun.”
“Y-Yeah…” he replied in stutters.
You didn’t immediately turn your back to him and walked away–because he was shuffling on his feet while looking here and there, you knew he had something else to say. Kageyama isn’t the best in pouring his mind into words, that’s why after knowing that you tried your best to be patient and let him composed himself to talk.
“Is there something you need?” you coaxed, noticing he couldn’t get his thoughts straight.
“Uh,” Kageyama lifted his hand, finger picking on the band-aid you put upon his cut from where Tanaka punched him. “Y-your arm,”
“It’s fine,” showing him the long cut, he stiffened when he rested his eyes on it. “It stopped bleeding and I already cleaned it so it’s fine.”
Silence fell between the two of you for the second time.
“Sorry…” Kageyama finally said–you almost didn’t hear it from how soft he spoke.
“It’s fine Kageyama-kun, it’s my fault anyway. I should’ve waited for Tanaka-san instead of trying to stop you two on my own.” You sighed. “I’m worried about you two more, to be honest…”
The raven-haired boy outwardly grimaced at your statement.
“But, I know everything will fall into place soon,” you quickly added, trying to ease the guilt Kageyama was feeling. “Hinata will find a way to have mid-air battles, and you will look for a way to do something with your tosses. Then in the end, everything will connect and Karasuno will have a new weapon.”
Seeing Kageyama’s shoulders shook slightly, you understood this also took a toll on him somehow. Stepping forward until you’re one foot away from him, you reached your hand out to gently hold on to his. You didn’t really know how to comfort the opposite gender, usually you would just pull Yachi into a hug when she’s not having the best feeling. Kageyama replied to your gesture by tightening his grip on your hand.
Not caring for the time, you choose to stay with Kageyama until he let go.
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