#if anyone wants a better explanation of the setting feel free to ask
ggsbooks123 · 10 months
Memories — part two of memory garden
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warning: gets pretty angsty here and character deaths 😓 mentions of suicide (jude bby is guilt ridden)
summary: you don’t know how much longer you can take it. The thoughts eating away at you telling you to kill someone in your heart you knew was pure good… but what happens when the voices turn on you?
a lil disclaimer yall i mixed cressidas name with cresta without thinking and realised half way through… i couldn’t be bothered to go back and fix it so i continued using it 😭 cresta is cressida!
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The next morning I woke up to Boggs shaking me and asked me to step outside, the sun was only just making its ascent.
I notice my restraint is off, Boggs must have taken them off before waking me up, I took a deep breath. I wasn’t sure why he had done it, I was in no right mind.
My eyes lifted at the doorway, Peeta was right there… No. I shook my head, following Boggs out the door.
He stood gazing over the destruction of the city, I tightened my fist when the echo of a voice tried to break through. Not now. This was the outcome of war and nothing I did to them now would prevent this. But the voices never agreed.
“Wanted to check how you were feeling after your first night” He explained once I joined him at his side, it was nice that he cared.
I shrug, glancing back over my shoulder “I don’t think it’s a good idea that i’m here, I was getting help back at the district… I don’t know why i’m here” I definitely didnt think it was a good idea, Coin had sent me here knowing i was far from recovery.
“Coin always has a reason” Boggs muttered like he’d been reading my thoughts “I think she has no use for Katniss and Peeta anymore-“ He eyes filled in the blanks his words didn’t…
“She sent me to kill them” I whisper back realisation smacking into, I was a weapon, again. But it wasn’t the capital this time, it was the rebellion.
When will i be free?
The voice sounds almost sad and I realise that it’s not a voice, it’s my own thoughts. My own depressing and given up thoughts.
“She can try and turn you into some psycho killer but the people in that room care about you, even if you don’t see it. So do I, the three of you kids have seen more hell than anyone deserves” Boggs explains, finally turning from the city to face me. “You’re just kids”
I frown, glancing down at my hands. Kids. We weren’t even eighteen years old, it was something that defined so much about someone and id forgotten.
“Thank you” I whisper, movement from inside alerts me and I reach for my gun, what if Peeta took this distraction as an opportunity but then Katniss stepped out, my heart didn’t slow but my hands dropped.
“What’re you doing out here so early?” Katniss asked stepping closer but keeping a respectful distance, my hand clenched.
She’s with Peeta, they will kill us all. The desire to kill Katniss was easier to push down but when it came to Peeta is was a thirst for blood like no other.
I shake my head, not hearing what Boggs responded with.
“How are things?” Boggs doesn’t respond to this question so I glance up and see they both have their attentions on me.
How are things? I wanted to scoff, but I knew that I was an accident waiting to happen, they didn’t know what would set me off. Apparently just saying how are things is one example. I shake my head and I notice the flash of concern.
“I can only get better right?” I spit, I don’t mean for it come out like that but she flinches and Boggs places his hand on her shoulder.
I feel it, my hand moving on its own before my right slapped down on it, instantly both their eyes slammed to me and without further explanation i declare, “We need to put my restraint back on”
And with that Katniss went inside and woke the others and Boggs cuffed me again.
Finnick was the first to step out, alongside a girl with a vines blooming flowers across the left half of her shaved head “Jude, I wanted you to meet Cresta, she’d one of the directors for this whole thing”
I smiled lightly at her, hoping to be polite since she no doubt had to stay up for an hour and watch me last night. “Nice to meet you, are you from the Capitol?”
She nods, “Do I give off that capitol ignorance?” She asked as a joke but in her eyes I could tell she was pleading I said no which made me smile slightly wider. I liked her.
“No, no. I was just asking didn’t mean to hit right on the money” I shrugged, “Maybe after this I could read palms?” I raise an eyebrow at Finnick who seems to just be smiling at me. “What?”
“Nothing, just glad you’re finally started talking about an after this” And with that Cresta and him left me, sending my mind reeling.
— —
The next few days were especially hard, we had to travel a few streets at a time due to these devices called pods, the game makers had created them, no death should be boring apparently.
One of the pods had contained thousands upon thousands of snakes, luckily they seemed to stop at a certain point. Just like in the games except we could activate them from a distance.
Some of the other pods though, made it harder to remember where I was and who my friends are. Boggs had set off the last pod, four explosions had destroyed the road before them and each explosive made unbidden thoughts enter my head.
Now we were slowly making our way through the Capital streets, it seemed bizarre to think that it was once luxury.
“How’re you feeling?” His voice breaks through everything, and my neck snaps to him as I take a step back, bumping into Finnick who seems to have noticed why and is already guiding me to walk again.
Peeta frowns, turning away for a moment before looking back at me “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” Maybe he was trying to be nice, because we both knew it hadn’t been the reason.
“It’s- It’s okay. Really. Just a lot going on, and I think I’m feeling better. The questions that i’m asking help” I respond, trying to stay calm and push the voices away, though they’re not really there at the moment.
He seems to perk at my words before shooting over his shoulder “Ask one now, can’t hurt” I blow a breath, rattling through my brain for anything and then it clicked.
We’re back in the 75th Hunger Games, it’s a couple days in and we look utterly spent, I don’t even look like i’m making my next five steps.
I try to remember when this was, must’ve been right before the arena been destroyed, Peeta and I had run into the Careers and I’d paid with three strikes to my chest, Peeta not much better off.
The thought of the wounds made me reach for my chest, but they were gone. Magically healed by the Capital just to be tortured mentally.
I watch myself trip slightly but Peetas there in an instant, arm looping around my waist, holding me for dear life.
It looked so natural. Right. Together, his eyes never leaving me, concern dripping with every blink.
I hear him whisper like he’s next to me “We’re almost at the beach alright, just a little further” I can feel the desperation in his words, he needed me to make it.
I remember the exhaustion now, the utter fatigue I felt. The thought to close my eyes was over bearing but I couldn’t let Peeta down… win, I couldn’t let him win!
I snap out of the memory, luckily Finnick has my arms in his hands because i’ve stopped again and Peeta is looking at me with concern over his shoulder every few seconds. “Jude?” Finnick whispers and I take deep breath.
“In the last Hunger Games,” I began, trying to sort out the memory, he was saving me or was he the reason I ended up at the Capitol? “You saved me after the Careers attacked us, real or not real”
He frowned at the question, was it concern or hurt in his eyes, I didn’t know because when he blinked it was gone but then he stopped turning to face me. This time Finnick doesn’t push me forwards. He didn’t save you, and now he knows that he can’t get away with his lies anymore. Kill him!
Before I could act on the voices that abruptly awokened he speaks up, “I got you to that beach, then the arena went out and the Capital got you. So yeah, I saved you from the Careers but I couldn’t save you from the Capital and it’ll kill me everyday that you had to go through that and this and I couldn’t do anything”
His voice grew more anguished and devastated with each word and I found tears falling down my own face as he took deep breaths in front of me. The old me would’ve known how much this was eating at him, would’ve helped him but how could I?
I didn’t know me anymore. Or what I could do before I snapped.
I didn’t know what to say so I said “Haymitch told me that I- I told them if it came down to it, to save you” His eyes sharpened on me somehow, “I don’t blame you for what happened in the Capital, I never will. I’m sorry”
The air hung still as Boggs turned to them finally, breaking the moment “Keep up! We haven’t got all day” Peeta sighed, glancing at Boggs before solely landing on me again.
“Real. I saved you from the Careers” I smiled lightly, kill him, I shoved it down not paying any attention to it.
“Thank you” Finally, we began to follow the others down and around another corner. Soon we were arriving at our next pod, this one had a large arch with completely and utterly destroyed walls surrounding it left to right.
More destruction passed as they continued, how long before it’s too much, until the city isn’t even salvageable. Boggs told us to hide behind the walls while he set it off the next pod and then checked for anymore. We did as told, I took position between Finnick and Katniss and two other guys i didn’t know, Peeta and Cresta, Jackson and Pollux on the other side.
I felt anticipation, the voice had free roam when the pods went off. Too much going on at once, I couldn’t control it.
The pod detonation sent my mind spiraling, as I assumed, this one, four guns emerged from the wall and rained bullets into the archway destroying bits of the wall they were behind.
If you killed them their symbol would be gone, who would push that hope and if not for Katniss and Peeta, it would die with them. The voice stronger than it’d been in days.
No! I crouched further agaisnt the wall we’d taken cover behind, I’d been given my blank gun back for the promo but this was all too much, I felt the butt of the gun against my temple as I curled into my self.
I bring my head up and smack it against the gun, get out of my head. Get out. Get out! “My favourite colour is purple, I can’t wear red bows. Peeta saved me. My favourite-“ I repeat the words, whispered and keep bringing the butt of my gun to my temple.
A hand on my shouldern brings me back, at first my eyes catch the utterly devastated ones across from me. Peeta. He looks like he’d burn the world… For me. I break the eye contact quickly and the look in Finnicks eyes said it all. He didn’t have to go through what I had to understand, I didn’t know if I’d be able to do this without him, or Peeta… No matter how much I wanted to kill him sometimes.
Suddenly an explosion going off catches us off guard, did they set off another pod? “Boggs!” Katniss screams break the air, Finnicks hands move under my shoulders and lifts me to my feet, hauling me around the corner.
We both freeze at the sight, easily three of our squad members had been hit by the bomb. But it’s Boggs who lays in Katniss’s arms that makes my stomach drop and I’m almost sure I would have crumbled if not for Finnick. Bogg’s legs were gone, nothing but two stumps and onrushing blood.
Oh god, oh god. I slam my eyes shut and a ringing breaks out in my head. This is my fault, it’s all my fault, I never should have trusted them, Boggs should have never trusted them. The thoughts come harsher than they have in weeks and I can’t break away from them.
Kill them before they kill us all. This one isn’t my voice and I snap my eyes open sure I’d see his old and drawn face in front of me, but he’s not there. Relief fills me, but the twitch in my hand isn’t as my eyes dart to Peeta.
He must’ve been hit by the backlash of the bomb, Jackson was helping him to his feet as Cresta was helping one of the twins, who’d I forgotten were even there amongst all the chaos. His blue eyes darted around until they met mine and then they drifted to my hands.
I was holding my gun… I didn’t remember grabbing it, and it was full of blanks but it could still be a weapon. Kill him, I shake my head taking a step back at the same time I hear a click from afar, my head shoot’s up and I look to see l the other twin had rushed to help the other and had set off another pod.
I flinched ready for another bomb but instead the walls to the archway we just entered and the three others all begin to close, Katniss now standing from Boggs and holding the device he had seems to catch sight before anyone of us and the look of horror on her face is enough “Run!”
An arm grabs me and yanks me forward but my hands tighten on my gun, it was his fault. I can’t shake away these thoughts anymore, not after Boggs.
“Jude, keep it together!” Finnick spoke from beside me but nothing could bring me back, not after everything, everything that he’d done.
I felt my mind unscrewing, going barbaric at the thought of Peeta being so close and safe, he would make it out of this courtyard. And I tried to fight every single part of me that wanted to change that.
I couldn’t… Not after Boggs. You’re just kids, Peeta was a kid that had been the reason of hundreds and thousands of people… He had to die.
The air thrums around us as we rush up the stairs and I take this moment to look over my shoulder, a wave of black liquid lurches towards us and with utmost certainty I don’t want to find out what happens if it reaches me but then my mind flicks.
No consequences, kill him and die knowing you saved innocents. I wanted to shake these thoughts away, Peeta rushing up behind me tells me that he’d probably only run when he realised I was safe but a larger part of me knew he had some hidden agenda to kill me and cause more harm than good.
I had time.
It was the last confirmation I needed, shoving Finnick off me and throwing myself at Peeta, I let one of hands release the gun as I grab for his shoulder but his foot catches something and I only manage to grab his shirt as we go rolling down a few of the steps as he tries to fight off my grip, I hoped I had timed it right.
“Jude! Don’t” He cried out, finally managing to grab my wrist so I raise the gun in the other, “You have to die” I whisper, unsure why I needed to say it before I bring down the gun and finally, finally-
I’m shoved, NO. Snow’s voice screams in my head and I let out a cry, the yell breaks my skull open and I feel every ounce of rage pouring from the word.
His anger becomes my own and fuels me as I jump up from the ground and grapple the man from our squad who had ruined ruined ruined everything.
I knew it was wrong, some part of me as my ears rang and my mind exploded, but I couldn’t stop stop stop. The liquid rushed behind the man in my arms now, we’d spun, had I done that? Before my foot lifted and connected with his middle and I sent him into the abyss of oil.
Then it was all gone, the ringing, the voices and my mind was clear. I just killed a man. Someone must have grabbed me because i’m moving but I don’t feel it and I don’t care I’d killed someone, killed killed killed.
I feel the tears now as a door slams shut behind me and I hauled up my stairs, these are wooden not stone. The voices come back but they are no longer on my side. And it’s my own voice.
You killed an innocent. You need to die, you’re a danger. And I agree, I scream and scream that I want nothing more than to be dead and I must’ve actually been screaming because soon all I see is the same abyss I had forsaken another to.
— —
An explosion wakes me up and proceeds to remind me of everything that had happened before I succumbed to the darkness, I took in my surrounding the only light coming from the curtained window that Katniss and Gale were peering out of.
Whatever had just happened outside had affected Katniss more than Gale, and as I shift my position to get a better look but it’s useless, Gale lets the blinds close.
I let my eyes dance around the room, there’s more people in our group than I had realised, two men sat together checking the other for injuries, another man I seen but still didn’t know the name of stood with Cresta while Finnick and Peeta sat watching the window that Katniss and Gale were at. Jackson was no where in sight, I didn’t want to see her anyways, the guilt would twist even further. The twins… gone.
I swallow the sickness I feel, I had been so crazed I hadn’t taken the time to even get to know them.
All of the squad was far from me, I realised I was placed on stairs and the rail along it is what my hands are cuffed to.
Now you can’t hurt anyone. That hadn’t changed, no longer would I fight the urge to kill Peeta, somehow my wish of not killing him had been granted. Now I had to try not to kill myself, though that statement was half hearted.
Suddenly the familiar ring of the Capitals announcement played and my veins grew cold until one of the squad members spoke up “All the tvs in Panem are connected to the announcements, if the powers on then the shows running”
I rolled my eyes, the power that they could flush into abandoned apartments was incredible when some districts could barely keep the lights on for an hour or half.
The anthem continued, causing me to close my eyes but that only let the voices free reign in the darkness.
You could’ve been helping them stop this instead you let the Capital control you. I grit my teeth together not being able to take in what was happening on screen from the inner battle I was having with my own thoughts. You nearly killed Peeta and you were proud of it.
I nearly threw up.
My skin was on fire, pure and unadultered disgust and shame with myself, how could I have not realised that killing Peeta was the worst possible thing I could do, I would be nothing. Nothing, there was no way to put into words what would happen if he died.
And by my own hand, I closed my eyes. No. Never again would I let them win, hurt him. Never. I’d kill myself before I ever did something like that again… If I was even given the chance of redemption after what I did.
I open my eyes as I hear my name mentioned and see that the Capital is replaying everything that’s been haunting me since i woke up.
I watch the black oil like substance hurtle it’s way towards us, and I see it clearly now, Peetas eyes are on me waiting until I’m safe and clear before he runs after me and in that split second decision i’ve made one aswell.
Watching it on the screen was horrifying, my arm reaching for his throat but finding his shirt instead, us rolling together and still the look of murder on my face, so twisted it doesn’t even look like me before Mitch yanked me off and I thanked him by kicking him into the pod trap.
His scream echoed through the screen and I flinched, I’d been so full of rage and out of it I hadn’t heard it or seen as a metal cage lined with spikes shot from the oil, encasing the now dead Mitch.
I close my eyes unable to watch the rest. Monster, monster, monster. My voice spits over and over again, these I can’t shut out. It’s simply my thoughts the more I push it triples.
“Well, what’s next?” Jackson asked out of sight, I glanced around the room yet none of them seemed to look at me. I understood why they wouldn’t, some of them knew Mitch.
I killed their friend. Yet no one responded.
Was it not obvious? “I- I killed him” I whispered, all of their heads snapped like my voice was the last they expected “You should either leave me here or put a bullet in my head so no one else dies”
In the corner of my eye I see a hint of blonde flinch at my words, but I’d nearly killed him if it wasn’t for Mitch… Now he was dead, I didn’t get to live. “It’s the only reasonable solution, you can’t tell me i’m wrong”
“You’re wrong” Peeta cut in before anyone else could agree or disagree, I couldn’t tell by their faces and yet none of them cut into Peeta “You are restrained and we have a watch on you, Mitch knew what he was signing up for, we all did”
I looked away from him. This wasn’t right, my thoughts were against me now but what happened when they turned on him again? Because they would.
“You saved me once, you’ll be saving me this time aswell if you just-“
My eyes met his and I knew I’d never seen the fire in his gaze that he’d held this moment, Peeta was not budging on this. I frowned, I was a liability why couldn’t he see that?
My mind flashed to solutions, none came to mind. “There has to be a way where if I know i’m going to snap that I can stop myself” My words break at the end as I gaze around the room, there’s only silence “Please… please”
Gale steps forward and I see Peeta take a step but Katniss stops him, and I’m grateful as the brunette boy crouches down and pulls something from a hidden pocket.
A small pill, it was hard to think it’d do what i asked, delicately Gale pushed the pill into my own hidden pocket and patted it “It’s Nightlock, no pain and instant. Only if you have to”
I nodded, hesitantly but promising “Only if I have to”
And with that they set out, planning a course of action. The pods were too often now, they would have to stop constantly.
It was time to go underground
- … sooo part three?!?
taglist girlies💓: @yazminetrahan @solarbxby @abbersreads @antonietta18
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uroboros-if · 2 years
Multipronouns in SugarCube
Hello guys!! So sorry for my absence! I've made JS code free for anyone to use in their Twine game, which allows you to have multiple pronouns for your main character -- for example, she/they, she/he, she/he/they, whatever combination!
Some features include:
Completely customizable, and therefore neopronouns-friendly!
No limitations as to how many sets of pronouns you can add—you can add even just one.
Can determine singular and plural pronouns, even if you use pronouns that are different
Automatically switches between pronouns -- and you only need to write ?mcthey, ?mcthem, etc.
If you want to stick to one pronoun temporarily (e.g. so a character refers to MC as she/her and not switch to they/them mid-sentence), it is possible, too!
DEMO (playable online + downloadable) // CODE (+ documentation)
SHOUTOUT to @magiciansvoyage for inspiring me to do this for Twine!! :)
Why I Did This
I was inspired by @magiciansvoyage (!!!) who made multipronouns in CS, and I wanted to make multipronouns in Twine. Shout to them for this, they're amazing!!
I'm aware there are other gender code out there, but as far as I know, I don't know of any that can have multiple pronouns and switch between them using she/her and they/them automatically, for example.
How to Implement?
Just copy and paste the JavaScript code into your JavaScript, and copy and paste the variables into your StoryInit passage! Link to code here!
You can find the macro with in-depth explanation of what everything does here! I will include a How To underneath the readmore as well for a quick and dirty, but you will still benefit a lot from reading through the readme on GitHub.
How to Use?
This section will be more process-oriented than detail-oriented. For a better explanation on ?mcthey, $mc_they, and the <<gender>> macro, look at my readme on GitHub where you pull the code!
The Setup
Allow the player to add their pronouns for themselves as you would normally. Set these to $mc_they, $mc_them, $mc_theirs, $mc_themself, and $mc_plural (true if plural, false if singular).
Then, you can add this to your MC's pronouns with < < gender $mc_they $mc_them $mc_their $mc_theirs $mc_themself $mc_plural > > (had to add a space between the triangle brackets because Tumblr is weird). This will add that set of pronouns, which will be in rotation throughout the story. Make sure to add every argument, or else the macro will complain you've added too little.
When you want the player to add a new set of pronouns, repeat steps 1 and 2. You can keep prompting the player to add pronouns until they're satisfied. Make sure you give them a confirmation and reiterate what pronouns they've added, as there will be no way to remove pronouns once done (I may add this feature in the future if needed).
If you want to change between she/they, use ?mcthey or ?mcThey for capitalization. For her/them, use ?mcthem or ?mcThem. And so on.
If you want to use is/are, use $mc_is (a $ this time, not a ?), or $mc_was if you're writing in past tense. It will take the latest pronoun mentioned to determine whether to use is/are. If "they" was last mentioned, it will use "are". If "she" was last mentioned, it will use "is".
If you want to use a contraction like they're or she's, then use ?mctheyre or ?mcTheyre.
If you want to stick to one pronoun temporarily, use $mc_they, $mc_them, etc. It will stick to the last pronoun mentioned by ?mcthey, ?mcthem, etc.
If you want to use singular verb vs. plural verb, use $mc_s. Again, it will take the latest pronoun mentioned to determine whether to add "s" to a verb or not.
I also added $mc_has that follows the same logic as $mc_is to determine has vs have.
If this isn't super clear, make sure to read the readme. Also, feel free to DM or ask questions otherwise! :)
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cowgurrrl · 11 months
I've been rotting away in bed all weekend recovering from a cold and I made the mistake of rereading some parts of OFTM and I miss them so much 😭 how's our favorite famous duo doing? I can't stop thinking about reader having to defend/support joel for whatever reason, but it's with the vibe of this meme LMAO like that is HER man, how dare people say anything about him
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J!!! I love this request!! Thank you for sending it in and I’m sorry it took so long 🩷
Girls on Film
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Summary: this ask
Warnings: unedited because you can’t make me, discussions of toxic behavior, language, Joel being a dilf, June once again not knowing how to properly end a fic, I think that’s it??
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Joel is protective of his kids. Sometimes, a little too much, in your opinion but you didn’t marry him because he does things half-way. With each new addition to the family, his papa bear instincts grew and grew. And if you’re being completely honest, his protectiveness and love for his kids is part of the reason why you ended up with five kids to begin with.
When he was giving his interview to People during his Sexiest Man Alive shoot, he was asked what accomplishment of his he’s most proud of. Without missing a beat, he said, “my family.” He went into what little detail you use to talk about the kids in a public setting, even getting a little misty-eyed in the process. The second the crew was out of your house, you nearly jumped his bones right then and there. You found out you were pregnant with the girls about two months later.
So, yeah, he’s a great dad, and it’s super hot. Whatever. It’s universally known within your family that there’s almost nothing he wouldn’t do for his kids. He just loves them with everything he has and wants them to live full and happy lives. Which is fine until he bears his claws in public.
Following a particularly problematic documentary with some of today’s biggest stars, Joel was more than ready to say what had been on his mind when an interviewer stopped him on a red carpet and asked, “are there any people in the music industry you wouldn’t let your daughters date?” The daughters in question were never specified but it’s either between his married thirty-one year old, his lesbian (also married) twenty-eight year old, or his three year old twins. He wasn’t comfortable thinking about any option.
“My kids are free to date anyone they want, but we have a strict no assholes policy in our house.” He said and the interviewer raised her eyebrows. “Like I wouldn’t let ‘em date any of those idiots from that documentary.”
“Why do you say that?” The interviewer asked and Joel shrugged.
“My kids deserve better than some fucker in black eyeliner claimin’ to save rock ‘n roll when all he’s doing is being a sexist pig who makes shitty music.” By the time his words reached your ears, it was too late to stop him. The clip from the interview was making the rounds before you can even get home.
Paul, his poor, poor manager of several years, reaches out to him the next morning to ask if he wants to make a statement, amends, anything to smooth this over. Joel curtly responds to his long email with a short, “no,” and that ends the conversation. What’s even worse if you can’t even argue with him. He’s right. You’ve seen first hand how people in the music industry treat each other and it’s awful. Why should he be the one who gets shit on because he spotlighted other people’s behavior?
You are able to dodge questions, paparazzi, and others wanting to know the inside scoop for weeks until you feel yourself getting just as frustrated as Joel was. Leave it to the press to want the wife to offer explanation for her husband’s actions. It isn’t until you get an offer from Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen that you agree to even think about saying anything.
That night, Joel stays home with the kids and watches you walk out on stage with Carolina in a long bell bottoms, platform wedges, and your (Joel’s) favorite vintage band shirt. You and Carolina hug Andy and get some initial questions answered but it doesn’t take long before the subject turns to Joel.
“Now, I know everything’s been very hush, hush but Joel started a lot of discourse online about the music industry. What can you tell us about what he said?” He asks and you nod, smiling and playing with your wedding ring.
“That’s been like the question of the month, hasn’t it?” You joke to break the ice. “Look, I think we all saw the same documentary. We all heard what those men said and to act like we didn’t is, honestly, kind of ridiculous. Joel knows the industry better than I do and he knows that nothing is going to change unless you call out the people making it miserable for younger kids.”
“So, you agree with what he said?”
“One hundred percent. He was right that we have a no assholes policy for our kids but, other than that, we really don’t have rules about their dating lives,” you say. “And I think he was right to call out those guys. It’s not fair that they get protected by their little boys club and that just has to be the way things go. I think it’s bullshit.”
“You seem to feel passionately about this.” Andy says and you nod.
“Well, it’s not just because people are coming after my husband. It’s because we’ve both seen what any toxic environment can do to people which is why he owns his own label now.”
“And it’s doing very well. He just signed one of the biggest breakout stars of the year, didn’t he?”
“He did. And you know why it’s doing so well?” You ask, leaning in like you’re about to tell him a secret. “Because he doesn’t sign assholes. He doesn’t put his name next to theirs. He doesn’t even want to be associated with them because for as much as it’s his name, it’s also my name and our kids’ names. So, people can say whatever they want about what Joel said but I will support him and his mission and when his artists start winning Grammy’s and spots in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we won’t even remember the names of the people who got fifteen minutes of fame and a shitty sound bite to show for themselves.” You say and somewhere in California, Joel nearly jumps out of his seat with excitement, praising you like you’re there with him.
The second you walk off stage, your phone lights up with Joel’s contact photo and you laugh as you answer it. “Will you marry me?” He asks before you can even say hello.
“I’m assuming you saw the show.”
“Saw it? Baby, I recorded it,” he says. “When are you comin’ home?”
“Tomorrow. You’re supposed to pick me up, remember?” You ask and he groans.
“You ain’t allowed to be that sexy on TV across the country.”
“Keep it your pants, cowboy. I’ll be home soon.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He sighs dejectedly like a ten-year-old.
When you get back to California the next day, the discourse has been put to rest and Joel is almost giddy when he watches you come down the escalator. The flowers in his hand get crushed when you hug him tight and let him kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years. “Where are my children?” You ask when he finally pulls away and he smirks.
“With Ryan. The kids wanted to have a play date.”
“So, the house is empty?”
“And clean.”
“Joel Miller, will you marry me?” You echo his question from earlier and he laughs.
Then, like a perfect gentleman, he takes your suitcase, opens doors for you, and drive you home to properly fuck the shit out of you. (Author’s note: I want to put <3 right here so mf bad but I won’t because I’m a professional. PS old man rockstar!joel fucks severely. PPS it’s canon because I say so)
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heyy I've been very confused on what age dreaming is- none of the definitions i found were helpful
So when I saw you're an age dreamer, I though I'd ask you??? Who better than a creature who is an age dreamer to explain what age dreaming is? So if it's not a problem for you, I'd like an explanation of what age dreaming is and how it works /nf
I hope you're having a good day/night and that you can buy clothes for the swirly bunny and your other stuffies!!!
I’m actually pretty new to age dreaming, so I don’t know everything there is to know about the topic. we should probably explain what age regression is first, just so there’s a basis to explain age dreaming.
age regression is where someone will mentally and/or emotionally regress to the mindset of a baby, toddler, child, or any kind of “little” person (usually ages under 10/11, but that’s not set in stone). this regression can be involuntary or voluntary, and is NOT a kink. age regressors usually enjoy things associated with young kids, such as cartoons, stuffed animals, toys, cozy clothes, or other activities and objects. this is not strictly the case though, as some regressors like media aimed for older kids or even teens. those who regress to that of a baby may enjoy things made for babies, such as pacifiers, sippy cups, teethers, onesies (or anything that emulates the vibe of baby clothes), baby blankets, or other things aimed towards babies. diapers are NOT usually involved in age regression (at least not normally), as this is more associated with ABDL (adult baby diaper lover), which is a kink and not at all related to age regression. age regression is strictly sfw, and anything nsfw is most likely age play or ABDL.
SO. we got a basis for what age regression is. now, age dreaming is where someone engages in things aimed for little kids or acts like a kid WITHOUT regressing into the mindset of a kid. age dreaming can be a basis for regressing (like if you’re dreaming and start to regress during that period), or it can be something totally separate from regressing. for me, I don’t regress at all into being a kid; my mind stays pretty intact and has the same thoughts and emotions as my “big age” (the age that you actually are, versus “little age” which is the age you slip into when regressing/dreaming). I enjoy dreaming as a coping mechanism when things are getting too stressful, and I just do it for fun! I also really enjoy dreaming because I get to engage in nostalgic media and feel more happy and carefree. age dreamers still enjoy the things that regressors do, they just don’t regress into the mindset of a child. I personally like watching old shows that I watched as a kid, cuddling with my stuffies, wearing cozy clothes (especially onesies and my fleece hoodie), eating fun snacks, and stimming in fun ways.
hope this helps you and anyone else having questions about this topic! sorry it was such a long post, I just went way overboard with the details and wanted to make it as comprehensive as possible. other age regressors and/or dreamers, feel free to tag in with your own information, thoughts and experiences, I won’t mind!
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soobrat · 6 days
this isn't whining, this is an explanation and a request for information. if not, I may not be active anymore
So recently I've become a more disciplined and driven person. If you don't know, I'm in college and I have a job. I've recently realized my dream and have set aside hours of my time to dedicate to it. I've also put more time towards things like skincare and exercise and meditation etc. Why am I saying this? Because after hours of productivity, I have a gap. Free hours where I don't have anything that needs to be done. This is where I decide to write for you guys. And every time I do, I wonder if it's a good use of my time. I wonder if I should use that little time for video games instead.
You are free to ignore this, but just being transparent, that makes it more possible that I don't log in again. I used to be afraid of addressing this head on as to not offend or upset you guys, but honestly vitriol and annoyance would be better than the embarrassing silence I'm met with. This isn't coming from high levels of emotion, I'm actually very calm and kind of excited to finally get this off my chest. These are just the facts of what's going on in my brain.
If you just want to know what to do to guarantee I'll stay, scroll to the bottom of this. If you don't care that much, that's cool too.
I'm working on Mosquito part three because I realize it's been much too long since it's been updated. I'm busy, but still. And I can't even have fun with the story I admittedly really like because the entire time I'm overthinking. You see, when a story doesn't get notes, that in itself isn't the problem. The problem is what's in between the lines. Did this not get notes because people didn't like it? Does this topic bore them? Do they not like idol/celebrity aus? And while I'm writing, I can't stop nitpicking what I think is causing the eerie silence.
I used to be spoiled. Fics like loosen up, brat/slut, oblivious were very well received. I would be reblogging feedback constantly, see notes fill up my notification center, I would get the message. I did take a lengthy hiatus and stopped updating as fast, but when I finally came back, people would never guess my follower count by my engagement.
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Don't be fooled though, this number has been hovering around this for possibly a year, maybe even longer. It dips and then rises by a few and then dips again. Repeat. I started to think that this just wasn't a lot of followers. In the grand scheme of things, it ain't. But then I look on my dash and see a writer thank their readers for 300 followers. I click on their page and a fic they posted yesterday have ONE HUNDRED times more notes than a fic I posted several months ago. And it's not just a fluke, most of their fics are this way. People who have been writing as long as I have and have a similar follower count (I assume) have very high note counts as well. Some of them even have spotty posting schedules and have had lengthy hiatuses.
Again, I want to stress that this isn't coming from heightened emotions or jealousy. Honestly it's mostly confusion. Wondering if I did something wrong. The closest I've gotten to getting emotional is with the embarrassment. I see other creators get flooded with asks and response to their normal posts just talking about their day. And when I do it, radio silence. Again, this sometimes happens with writers with a fraction of my follower count.
I'll make a confession. I have been sending myself anon asks. Which ones are me? That's for sherlock holmes to deduce. Why did I do it? I've already admitted it, it's embarrassment. I feel embarrassed when I post something and am met with crickets. I honestly feel pathetic.
I am diagnosed with anxiety so I'll chalk up the following to that: I have come to the conclusion that I annoy you guys. Even that I annoy other writers since I don't have many writer friends on here. It's gotten to the point where I feel like every interaction I make with anyone on this website in any way is annoying someone. When I changed my theme and no one commented on it at all, My mind automatically went to "God the theme is obnoxious and embarrassing" and I already want to change it despite all the time I put into it.
Can you see now why I dread opening up Tumblr? I dread opening up docs of my fics for this reason. Idk how to transition so I'll just pivot to my next point.
My fics have a head scratching amount of notes. This started around when I posted Industry Babies and Amusement, when I was genuinely shocked by the lack of notes. I stopped Mortal Sin out of embarrassment because I posted a part and it only had ONE note for DAYS. Let me show you the best performing recent fic:
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This is Mosquito pt. 1. I'm very proud of this! It made me so eager to continue the series. In hindsight, this is still a negligible amount of notes, and a chunk of these are ICYMI reblogs from me, but I'm still happy about it. Here's part two even with a lot of ICYMI reblogs:
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I'll be honest, this was a head scratcher. This has barely budged since then, too. The message I ultimately received is that people won't read if there is 0 smut. Well? That fucking sucks because this is a slow burn fic! And honestly I don't want to throw in Soobin randomly fucking random girls just so people will read.
I also recently posted the final part of FUML. Final parts always get the most notes (I always assumed people just skipped to the last part which always perplexed me) and here's how that did (with ICYMI reblogs):
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This is so so good and I'm so grateful. And it got a lot of notes very fast.
Now I did two requested fics, mind you this is the amount of notes they got with NO ICYMI reblogs:
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Now, I'm about to say that this is pretty damn good, because I actually think so and I'm thankful for it. But every so often I kinda sit there and think about how it feels like I'm begging for pocket change. This feels so conceited and ungrateful of me. But remember, the reason why we're even talking about this is because my time has become a lot more valuable, and to be frank, the notes are making writing fanfics seem like a bad way to spend my time.
I'll be sad to go, but after all this, you have to understand while I'm hesitant to stay. I'd have to be a narcissist to think anyone actually sat and read through all this so I'll do a little TL/DR:
The lack of engagement has changed from a little disappointing to mixed signals being sent about what you guys want (hence all the polls)
The lack of banter and casual asks or just engagement to my casual posts has made me a little embarrassed compared to writers with similar follower counts or less followers
The simple act of not liking a post affects the overall notes and can harm the chances of a fic being posted, or send a message about what you want to see
I get the unreasonable feeling I annoy you guys and other writers so frankly it makes opening tumblr or interacting with this blog in any way just. not. fun.
I forgot to add this in the doc but to be frank (again), it kind of annoys me to see a fic get little to no interaction, and then I reblog a picture of an idol and all of a sudden my followers are acting. Juuuust being honest.
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As a reader who doesn't want to see you go, what can I do?
Be honest! Now, I'm not asking for lengthy dissertations on why my writing is bad. I'm not looking for writing criticism. What I am looking for is for the people who are silent readers or just straight up scroll past what I post, tell me why. Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. Is it my posting schedule (or lack thereof)? Is it because you just don't feel the same as you did when you read my older stuff? Or do you just never bother with pressing the buttons? The silence is worse than whatever you have to say.
Let me know that you always press like on my fics, but are just a bit shy and don't like leaving comments or asks. This is totally fine by the way, knowing you exist is enough.
Be more active from now own, reply to posts, send asks, reblog and just keyboard smash in the replies. ANYTHING is good. Don't take this as me scolding you, just as a suggestion in case you wanted to know how to help.
I won't be sending myself anons anymore (yeah... if you missed that, scroll up the the indented section) so if you see my blog in it's natural dead state, disrupt the deadness! You'll actually make my day.
If this flops, I'll still proooobably use my main acc. But honestly I'll probably just be on my poll acc (@kpolls ) because it's actually really fun lol. See you all on the flip side!
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youcouldmakealife · 1 year
SOTM: Willy/Owen; shared interests
For the prompt: Willy/Owen
Feat. the spectre of ScratchnMoney being trouble tweedles.
When Tate was a kid, he had a brief obsession with science experiments. The usual suspects, the sort that come in kits for curious kids — anything that would change colors, or ominously bubble, he was officially intrigued, and if a volcano was involved, Tate was there no questions asked.
They were all simple chemistry, really, but it was fascinating to him, that he could follow the directions and something like magic would happen. It wasn’t magic, of course, but science; he knew that. It was, in fact, the entire point. But still, it felt like it. Even when he knew exactly why it was happening, exactly what he was doing to make it happen, understood the scientific basis of things, at least as much as a curious but not particularly scientific kid could, it still felt a little impossible.
He told that story to Owen, years ago, one of those nights on the precipice, and Owen had smiled through it all, a little one that said he understood, maybe better than anyone, and Tate felt like if he leaned in right then, that would have been it. Turned it into a capital M Moment, the kind they’d be retelling for years, ‘and that was it for me, right then, that’s when I knew we were meant to be together, the night he told me about magic and science, or a little of both’.
So Tate had asked if Owen wanted another drink, and even though Owen said ‘I’m good, Tate’, voice low, everything still imbued with double meaning, Tate got up, and he went to the bar, and by the time he returned, a drink in hand, the moment was over, the window closed. Owen excused himself not long after, citing a class the next day, even though Tate knew tomorrow was his evening one, and Tate went home and took a freezing cold shower, feeling like he needed to punish himself somehow.
It didn’t even work. Tate’s spent far too much time in ice baths for a cold shower to feel like anything but training. And training cannot be punishment. The moment training starts to feel like punishment, that’s when it’s all over for him. And one day it will be, he knows that. He still dreads the day that comes, but a little less than he used to.
Part of that’s three Cup rings, nestled in velvet and glass, a career for the record books even if he hung up his skates tomorrow. Part of that has a lot more to do with a kid working his way through science experiments, less interested in the explanations than the doing, the seeing something new, doing something new. Of being the instigating force. Wanting to see what happens.
When Owen was a kid, he spent most of his free time in his backyard. He watched the ants go about their business, the worms appear whenever it rained, the birds fight over the feeder him and his dad had set up, the squirrels scavenging the remains. He had a pair of binoculars he brought with him everywhere, watched the world through those, far away enough not to interfere, but close enough for a front row seat.
He liked the science kits too, the kind Tate loved. They were a default gift for him from family members that knew he was a nerdy kid, but little else. They weren’t particularly targeted about it, Owen recalls. He had the volcano, the kitchen chemistry, but he also recalls rock kits, simple robotics, fake fossils to excavate. An ant farm, though he never used it, thought it was cruel to put them in his room when they could be free outside, and anyway, his mother would never have allowed it, as squeamish about bugs as she is. She probably thanks God every day he didn’t become an entomologist.
But generally, Owen was told to go outside, get some fresh air, act like a normal kid. Which probably didn’t mean ‘go stare at ants in the backyard with binoculars’, but they didn’t really care too much, as long as he wasn’t underfoot, being just a little too unlike either of them.
That was the look they shared sometimes, Owen thinks — ‘did this come from you? Well it didn’t come from me’. Not fault, exactly, blaming one another for this child of theirs that made no sense, but bafflement, incomprehension. It made it easier to come out a decade later, already knowing his parents didn’t understand him at all. Not easy, but easier. Came out and then ran off to the furthest school that offered him a full-ride. They could afford it, his parents, had been saving up for college since he was born, but he didn’t want to owe anyone anything. Why should they have to pay for something they didn’t, couldn’t, didn’t want to understand?
He came back eventually, of course. He wasn’t planning to, and then he was planning to leave as soon he finished his Masters. And he did leave, for a little while, but he missed it too much to stay away. Things work out like that, he finds. Some have said you can only love what you understand. Owen doesn’t think that. He thinks trying to understand is an act of love, though. The greatest one there is, at least in his view.
It’s Money’s fault, as so many things are. His sister gets him worrying about what he’s going to do to pass the time in retirement, and that begins a frantic search for a hobby that isn't hockey or his literal other half. It doesn’t go so well. His efforts range from gardening — he kills it, and Tate doesn’t mean it slangily — to tipsy painting with Scratch and Owen that Tate was not allowed to join. Apparently he’s ‘too good at it’ and ‘needs to quit being awesome at everything because it is both obnoxious and enraging’, which Tate takes as a compliment. A rude as hell compliment: Money’s specialty.
All of this inevitably gets Tate thinking about retirement. He isn’t particularly worried about passing the time; he knows that his retirement is going to come with a job offer, one that he’ll probably take, if not necessarily immediately — Owen’s always wanted to go to South America, and Tate’s looking forward to going with him — but it also gets him looking back, thinking about what else interested him before hockey became his entire life.
Money keeps picking up all the stereotypical childhood hobbies in his quest, cycling from doodling to Lego, to declaring war on Lego, to making horrible beaded bracelets then foisting them on poor teammates, and Tate ends up idly looking at science kits, because he figures it's just a matter of time before Money gets there.
There are a few that haven’t changed much — kids are always going to like making volcanoes, and who could blame them? — but they’ve evolved significantly since he was a kid; for starters, they have kits for adults now.
Tate knows better than to pick anything that even approaches Owen’s field of expertise, which limits his options considerably, until he wanders into the technology branch of STEM. The robotics kits have certainly progressed in the last two decades. You can apparently even build a robot bartender. Tate didn’t know he needed that in his life, but he does. He absolutely does.
The box arrives in Kansas City while Tate’s in Dallas, Owen sending a string of question marks, then a smiley when Tate texts, Don’t start it without me. It’s a few days after his return they unbox it in his basement; it’s massive, but so’s Tate’s downstairs bar, and obviously that’s the best place to build a bartender.
“It’s not exactly like the ones we did as kids,” Tate says. “But I didn’t know if any of the chemistry ones would be too much like work.”
“Is playing street hockey with the kids on your block too much like work?” Owen says.
“Touche,” Tate says. “Also, ouch. They said this one’s for grownups, so no inviting Scratch and Money.”
Owen laughs. Tate loves his laugh, how easily it comes, how Tate’s misfit band of oversized children is something that delights Owen, rather than something he endures.
“You can build a bunch of different models,” Tate says. “Bartender, camera dolly, catapult — I mean it, do not invite Scratch and Money. They’re not allowed anywhere near a catapult.”
That laugh again. “You just got it so I’d build you a robot bartender, didn’t you?”
“Come on, a robot bartender is awesome!” Tate says, and Owen’s smiling at him the way he smiles at Money sometimes, as fond as it is amused. “And I’m going to help, obviously.”
He doesn’t know how much he’s going to help, but he’ll do his best. He never allows himself to do anything less.
“Let’s build a bartender,” Owen says.
Tate’s fist pump is quite restrained, at least in comparison to the guys he works with on a daily basis, but it makes Owen laugh at him anyway. But as always, there's warmth behind it, so as always Tate doesn’t mind.
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feralcorpses · 7 months
Féachann Siad AU.
Féachann Siad meaningTheyWatch in Irish, is a interactive Hermitcraft, Esmp, and Life Series (some other creators as well) au.
Little warning that this au is almost definitely gonna get ditched lol (not like there was much story anyway 💀)
Originally I was making chapter like things but I wasn’t enjoying doing that, so I swapped gears and now it’s just like a small kinda thing for me to practice story telling every now and again and mess around with different aspects of storytelling. (sorry to the people who followed me for that sorta stuff. I will be leaving the already made stuff up as of now, really depends on how I’m feeling and stuff tho.)
Explanation. - Goes into better detail abt why I stopped doing the whole chapters shenanigans.
It’s set in a timeframe where there’s just a bunch of wars both civil and global, the wars aren’t exactly intense as of now. (FORESHADOWING!?!) The wars are mainly bickering for now but will escalate if I feel like it.
You can also interact with characters via my ask box, some you can directly interact with and others you can partially interact with.(I won’t tell you who you can partially and directly interact with just for funsies.) You can give them gifts or just ask some questions. Also feel free to ask about characters, dynamics, certain aspects of characters, really anything you want to know about the au. (You can ask me questions ofc, if you need more context on smt abt the au or anything your curious abt in general)
If you have any character you want too see aswell feel free too ask (again via my ask box) and i’ll make a little doodle or smt!
I will try to include as many people from Hermitcraft and empires. (Life series has most people from these severs so that’s why I didn’t mention the life series here. Also I will not be including people I don’t know too much about I will look into their characters eventually but I don’t want too butcher anyone’s story/plot because of a lack of info.)
The interacting with characters is inspired by this absolutely amazing blog. (I don’t have the guts to @ them sorry-)
(Normal tag -> just for looking at everything to do with the au.)
Jimmy, Tango, Scott. (Their all on the same post.)
Grian and Scar. (On the same post and also outdated designs!)
More designs coming soon. (aka whenever I feel like it.)
(If your gonna read the Whoops comic than the hints might be a fun interactive thing before you read it!)
Smaller Comics:
Whoops. - Lizzie and Cleo.
Parts: (no longer being made.)
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buddiefix · 8 months
Fluff (Hugs/Kisses/Cuddles) Fic's
The following are some of my favourite buddie fanfictions that involve accidental kisses, hugs, and sleepy cuddles!
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(Any new fic's I find that fall under this category will be added to this post, so feel free to check back for edits!)
and i feel just like i want to kiss you underneath my mistletoe by oklahoma
9-1-1 (TV)  
“So, you’re telling me,” Ravi starts in, all wide-eyed and giggly like he’s been given a secret he can’t wait to share, “that you’ve never kissed anyone under a mistletoe? Ever?”
Eddie shakes his head. “Nope,” he replies, shrugs, and adds a few extra spoonfuls of sugar to Buck’s coffee before sliding it his way.
5 times the team tries to get Eddie and Buck to kiss under the mistletoe and the 1 time they do. Kinda.
Language: English Words: 9,313 Chapters: 1/1
Loud as a whisper, soft as a feather by Klaerenn
9-1-1 (TV)  
“I didn’t have my money on Eddie kissing you after you lovingly rearranged his shirt,” Chim remarks.
Neither did Buck. Then again, he didn't have his money on Eddie kissing him in the middle of the station at all. No matter how sleep-deprived the man was or how brutal the last few days have been on their nerves.
Or after Abuela gets injured, Buck is determined to help Eddie get through the week preceding his flight to El Paso and, in particular, through an intense shift that ends up hacking the last bits of distance separating them.
Language: English Words: 9,785 Chapters: 1/1
kiss me, kiss me (i don't know if i can let you go) by ipretendtobesane
9-1-1 (TV)  
If anyone ever asks- they were both drunk.
Eddie knows they weren’t, he and Buck don’t like to drink during the week, regardless of whether or not they work the next day. If they are working, they don’t want to be out of it on the job, and if they’re not they don’t want to be out of it when Christopher wakes up the next morning at 7:00am with more energy than either of them can handle.
But there’s not really a good explanation otherwise. No other way to explain why, as Buck was walking out the door, Eddie leaned in and gave him a soft kiss goodnight.
Language: English Words: 10,285 Chapters: 1/1
Feels like falling in love by justhockey
9-1-1 (TV)  
It’s just - it’s too much, and not enough, and Eddie isn’t sure if he’s allowed to want more than this, but he does anyway. He wants everything with Buck.
(Or, five times Eddie doesn’t mean to kiss Buck, and the one time he does.)
Language: English Words: 5,245 Chapters: 1/1
if you say it with your hands by hammersmiths
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck thinks it must be a habit he still hasn’t dropped from his days in the army, or maybe it comes with the territory of being a dad – but Eddie can nap pretty much anywhere.
or, Eddie starts casually falling asleep against Buck, and Buck is very normal about it.
Language: English Words: 9,936 Chapters: 1/1
The Day That Actually Did Get More Ridiculous by R_E_R6
9-1-1 (TV)  
"Any sign of Breaking Bad?" Buck voiced only to receive chuffs from the others before Eddie replied "Nothing yet, think I found the point of origin though. Rug is completely charred between the stash and a nice comfy chair, I'd bet my oxygen tank that the idiot was smoking his own stuff and set the place on fire"
"This story just gets better and better, I don't think this day could get much more ridiculous"
Now Eddie is not very superstitious, but as Buck said these words he could hear his Abuela in his head making proclamations of jinxes. The two had no idea how much more ridiculous this day was about to become.
Language: English Words: 12,869 Chapters: 2/2
Buck's New Normal by Booklover3600
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck has trouble sleeping after the events of 4x14.
Correction: Buck has trouble sleeping alone.
Or Buck and Taylor never kissed, Taylor, May, and Buck are besties, Eddie just wants his best friend to get some goddamn rest, and Chris is confused as to why Buck has his own apartment.
Language: English Words: 8,273 Chapters: 1/1
Close Enough for Comfort by allyasavedtheday 
9-1-1 (TV)  
Their first hug doesn’t happen at the firehouse.
It’s at a bar where they’d decided to get a drink after work. Eddie arrives a little after he does once he drops Christopher off at his aunt’s place and when he joins Buck at the table he pulls him into one of those casual, back-slapping kinds of hugs.
It’s nothing to write home about. It’s friendly, comfortable, but Eddie’s hands are warm on Buck’s back and for the briefest second Buck can feel Eddie’s smile imprinted against his shoulder before it’s over.
He puts it down to missing Abby that he finds himself thinking about it when he’s trying to fall asleep that night.
A look at how Buck and Eddie's physical relationship develops from season 2 to season 5 AKA the one with all the hugging.
Language: English Words: 14,074 Chapters: 1/1
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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firstkanaphans · 8 months
Sarah, given your last ask about FK, I actually wanted to ask, I wondered about this before Do you think that all the things FirstKhao have done together before being paired up, like the live that you linked that they flirt and stare at each other for so long and even the matching outfits, were on purpose to HAVE them be paired up? And is it better for a BL couple to have a set pair or to be "free", like Neo for example?
One last thing!! The white and orange hearts they always use in their captions and so on, does it have an explanation? Or it was just them choosing the colours and rolling with it? I know their cat mascot thingie is orange/black/white and both are often referred to as 🐈‍⬛ 🐈 , but I always wondered!
Anyways, you're one of the best sources about the babies that I've known and I love seeing you talk about FirstKhao cause you're always sound so loving and proud! 🥹🥰 Thank you for helping us!! 🫂
I, personally, think they did all of that on purpose, but obviously there’s no way for us to know for sure. Part of it is probably that they have the same manager and I imagine when she set up their appearances and wardrobe appointments it was easier for her to send them together since they were always together anyway 😂
As for whether it’s better to be in a fixed pair or independent, I think it depends. But at GMMTV? Definitely better to have a partner. GMMTV offers a lot more opportunities to their fixed pairs than they do anyone else. LOL Fanfest is a good example. Being in a pair also guarantees them steady work. Since they have a built-in fanbase, GMMTV is incentivized to give them more shows because they already know people will watch. Since Neo doesn’t have a partner, he keeps getting relegated to side roles and is excluded from a lot of the fan meets and events that he should rightfully be able to attend. Or at least that’s my opinion.
As for the orange hearts, they are a reference to the fandom name. FK call their fans Soms (or SomSoms). Som means orange in Thai. To be honest, I don’t actually know why they call us Soms. Someone who is more active on Twitter could probably tell you. I’ve always assumed it was a reference to Khaotung’s orange cat emoji, but I’m not sure. Ironically, their manager is also named Som so I always feel like I’m stanning her too. Lord knows she deserves it. The woman works hard.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰you get me so high !꒱
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your old best friend (whom you very much still have feelings for)  is the last person you were hoping to see when you get into trouble in avidya forest.
character x scholar!gn!reader
includes tighnari !
warnings : none.
word count : 3914
a/n : sorry for being inactive ! i just got back from an mcr concert recently so i wrote the last half of this exhausted, i hope its coherent still ! i am so very normal about this fox boy (lying).
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youre not sure whether youre just abnormally clumsy, or dangerously stupid, but tighnaris best guess is a little bit of both. 
you should know better than to walk around the rainforest by yourself, its common knowledge, but you were far too stubborn to listen to anyone elses warnings before you set out on your travels this morning. the most embarrassing part was that you didnt even find the items you needed for your latest research project for the akademiya before you wound up in trouble. 
you had made the rookie mistake of wandering away from the designated path throughout the deep forest, and before you knew it you had tripped and found yourself caught in some vines. no big deal, at least at first. attempting to free yourself, you found the hold around your body had become tighter instead of loosening up, and at that moment, you had realized youd fucked up.
the thorns had begun pricking into the skin of your arms and legs, and you cursed yourself for wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts. you finally managed to swallow your pride and call for help, praying that you wouldnt draw attention to any hungry animals in the nearby area.
not too far away, a familiar pair of ears perked up at the sound of your distressed voice, making a quick pace over to where you were, quite literally, screaming from. although tighnari knew it was you the second he heard you, he still couldnt help but feel slightly shocked at seeing you in person again. he cant recall how long its been since you were studying side by side at the akademiya.
"alright y/n you can relax. struggling will only make the vines tighter, as youve clearly already figured out, and your screaming really hurts my ears." your eyes widen at the figure standing in front of you. out of everyone who could have stumbled upon you in the forest, tighnari was the last person you were hoping to see.
"oh.. hi tighnari. uhm, fancy meeting you here, huh?" you awkwardly laugh, hoping he doesnt ask you for an explanation before helping you out of your predicament. he raises an eyebrow at you. "any particular reason youre so far off from the designated trail? i thought something so obvious could get through your thick skull, but i guess i was wrong." you cant help but scoff at his comment, he hadnt changed a bit.
"you can lecture me all you want, but can you at least help me out of here first?" he sighs before examining the root of the vines, presumably figuring out how to free you while damaging the least amount of the forest possible. he looks at you for a moment, silently asking if its alright for him to touch you, and when you nod your head you feel his gloved hand firmly wrap around your upper arm. "your muscles are too tense, relax them." he states. you try to let go off all the tension in your body, but when you do you only feel the thorns dig deeper into your skin. you can begin to feel blood drip down your limbs.
tighnari gently unwraps the vines from around your arms, being careful to not rip the thorns from out of your skin. he places them on the ground next to you, before kneeling in front to unwrap the ones around your legs as well. youre not sure why, but something about the position change makes this whole situation just that more flustering, and you try your best to hide your red face from him. of course he notices it, but he simply assumes its just from embarrassment and continues his work.
after all the vines have been unwrapped from your body, tighnari grabs your hand and leads you back towards the path. he mentioned something along the lines of "not trusting you to walk behind him without getting into more trouble" under his breath as you walked back to the ranger station.
you cant stand the awkward air between you two, and casually ask "what were you doing all the way out here, anyway?" without even looking back at you tighnari quickly responds with "its my job as a forest ranger to patrol these areas, is it not?" ah right, you probably could have guessed that. you mentally beat yourself up for that one. but although tighnari seemed uninterested, hell never grow tired of your seemingly stupid questions, despite yourself being a scholar, he finds it amusing. a cute smile is secretly on his face the rest of the journey.
upon arriving, tighnari leads you to his workshop, and instructs you to sit on the lone bed while he fetches the remedies for your wounds. you glance around the room, there isnt much personality in the decor but you suppose theres only so much you can do while in the middle of avidya forest.
not long after tighnari has returned with supplies in hand, and silently begins work on patching you up. you feel small under his stern gaze, and eventually opt to staring at the floor like its the most interesting thing in the room. both of you can sense the tension, but whether its not commented on because of fear or stubbornness is a question that may never be answered, no matter how many knowledge capsules one may use.
you hiss when tighnari applies ointment to some of the deeper cuts, and he fights back the urge to apologize. of course its going to hurt, its stupid to even try to comment on it, he thinks. but he still finds himself muttering a soft "sorry" under his breath as his cheeks grow slightly red. he tries his best to ignore it, the awkwardness is all in his head anyways, after all.
"how humiliating to be made of flesh, am i right?" you notice tighnaris ears slightly twitch at your statement. "what do you mean?" he refuses to meet your gaze, for fear his face will end up warmer. you hesitate before answering, "well, for starters, you finding me like that in the forest was not how i expected us to meet again" you both feel your body slightly tense up again, talking about how you felt was never really a common occurrence between you two even when you were close. feelings only get in the way, its the research that matters at the end of the day. a bit of a stupid rhyme but you and tighnari were even more foolish to believe it.
tighnari debates on if what you said is even worth commenting on. nobody necessarily wants to be found like that, but hes not sure how he feels about it being you of all people that he stumbled upon. he refuses to ponder about it any longer and instead, he silently nods his head, before entirely ignoring what you said and letting out a forced laugh. "you know, that other line you said is probably the smartest thing ive heard from you." you pout slightly at his words.
hes not the easiest person to talk to when its not about botany, you know this, but you cant help but feel that maybe your time apart had finally changed that aspect of tighnari, especially since its what you hated the most about him. 
he was so incredibly observant, his ears definitely helping with that, but yet he had an awful time reading the room, specifically when it came to you. or, more accurately, he chose to ignore any lingering thoughts, for reasons youre unsure youd be able to understand.
tighnari, on the other hand, disliked your stubbornness. he wishes you would at least listen to all his warnings about the forest, since its what he knows most about, but yet you would (and still do, apparently) wave off his words, invalidating not only his knowledge, but him. hes not sure how you havent gotten yourself killed yet, but deep down hes glad youre managing to stay alive somehow, even if its off of spite alone. 
that, and of course he wishes you would just ignore the tense atmosphere like he does, so you can both save your breath. many were surprised you had managed to find a friend in tighnari, as not many were able to say the same. they claim that opposites attract, and that couldnt be more and less true at the same time.
back then you both knew that something had grown between you, and yet you both refused to let it blossom for reasons the other cant comprehend. tighnari pretended the feeling wasnt there, inevitably drowing himself in research instead, and you werent going to be the person to say something first, so instead of something more, you had both ended up silently resenting each other. the longer this continued the more strain was put on your rocky relationship. when tighnari had announced he was leaving the akademiya, you had hit a stalemate. 
you assumed that the first night he was gone youd sleep better than you had in the entire time youd known him, but unfortunately you had found yourself unable to sleep. tighnari was usually there to the rescue when your insomnia was at its worst. but he was long gone now, and that was when you regretted holding in your thoughts before he left.
you swore the next time youd see him, youd either have finally moved past your emotions, or have the guts to tell him the truth. now that you had finally meet again, you wanted to scream at yourself for accomplishing neither.
shortly after, tighnari finished dressing your wounds, and mumbled a "finished" under his breath. he takes a seat on the bed next to you, silently stretching his back and neck. before you even notice what youre doing your hand finds itself stroking the base of one of tighnaris ears. your brain is on autopilot at this point, and you wish you could blame your actions on the medicine. 
tighnari was hyper aware the second you touched him, and he almost pushed you off the bed and yelled at you with how sudden your actions were. almost. he noticed the glazed look in your eyes, and he feels a little guilty for not connecting the dots earlier. youre exhausted, the stress from today seeming to be almost too much for you. so tighnari decides hell let you continue, since its so very obvious that you need it and he absolutely doesnt.
by the time you realize what youre doing tighnari is a flustered mess, a deep blush all across his face and neck. you can see his tail swishing behind him and him holding back any noises he might accidentally make like his life depended on it. you immediately retract your hand and he puts a hand over his mouth to muffle the whine that leaves him after you pull away. hes not sure if hes ever been this embarrassed in his life. 
"s-sorry. force of habit, i guess." you apologize, and tighnari refuses to meet your gaze. "its…. fine. you already know i dont mind if its you." he almost dies on the spot after his own words process in his head. hes immediately sputtering out "because we were close friends and all! and… i dont mind if its…ugh…" he facepalms, this is exactly what he was trying to avoid. you know he didnt mean to, but those words made you feel a pain in your heart nonetheless. were close friends, but not anymore. you knew it was true, but it felt taboo to even mention it.
what were his feelings toward you the entire time tighnari had been helping you? sure, you hadnt ended on good terms but he certainly wouldnt have come to your aid if he hated you, would he? he was all the more hard to read when hed trip over his words like this, tall ears falling flat.
desperate to change the subject, he glanced outside to see the setting sun, and swallowed his pride to ask you to stay for the night. "its late, you know. i think its best you stay here until morning if youre comfortable with that." you were now sure that the plant from earlier had killed you, there was no way he was seriously asking that, was he? you squeak out an "okay", surely the akademiya will understand why your research was a day late.
"i will… leave you to rest now. goodnight." tighnari stands up awkwardly, before beginning to walk out of his workshop. you quickly grab his hand to stop him and he looks back, confused. "why are you in such a rush? we havent caught up in ages, you know. surely im not boring you that much, am i?" he stares at you for a moment, before silently sitting back down next to you on the bed.
he sighs. "you should also know then, that im not the most interesting person to talk to." "oh im more than aware." you snicker when he glares at you. "so what is it then?" tighnaris not dumb, hes known you had something on your mind since the moment you met eyes in the forest. but now that youve been the one to further push the conversation, he doesnt feel as scared about continuing it.
he cant help but roll his eyes when you respond with "oh, i have no idea." he refuses to let you back down. "dont give me that. if you have something to say, you should just say it now and get it over with." you laugh sarcastically at his comment. "thats rich coming from you… but yeah, i suppose youre right. nothing good is going to come from keeping it in." 
you take a deep breath in, and look towards him. "i just want to apologize." okay, now hes confused. "youre sorry? sorry about what?" "im sorry for the way i acted when you left. for just… completely brushing off our entire friendship simply because…. forget it, it doesnt matter." 
out of everything you could have said, an apology was not on tighnaris bingo card. it was scarily uncharacteristic of you to apologize, especially to him. plus, this had happened who knows how long ago, so did it really even still matter? "i dont understand why youre bringing this up now. if youve felt guilty this entire time… than perhaps it is me who should be sorry."
you shake your head. "no, its because of my own dumb ego that i couldnt be honest with you. truthfully, even just admitting to that makes me feel a little sick, but i dont want it to plague my mind anymore, and hopefully it hasnt been bothering you." tighnari almost cant believe what hes hearing. your attitude has changed drastically since when you had first arrived, and your words are giving him whiplash. 
he ponders for a momemt before responding. "well, to be quite honest, i cant say ive thought about it much in recent years." ouch. "but i know its far out of your comfort zone to admit youre wrong, so… even though i dont find it to be a big issue, i accept your apology." silence fills the air, and none of the tension from earlier has dissipated. its thick enough to be cut with the dullest of knives. you feel defeated.
"was there… anything else you wanted to tell me?" yes, but the words die in your throat. tighnari decides to take a leap of faith. "well, im sure youve noticed it too, but… i can sense some… lingering feelings." you sigh. "of course ive noticed. but youre insane if you thought i was going to bring that up." he plans his next words carefully. "is that because it had something to do with… the reason why we ended on bad terms?" he sees your body tense up again, and nows the first time hes realized how intense your heartbeat is.
you turn away from him before answering. "what are you implying?"  "oh, i dont know.. maybe resentment? or perhaps… infatuation?... no, actually. id assume a little bit of both." you whip your head back towards him. "...what makes you say that?" he casually shrugs, despite the blush on his face becoming increasingly noticeable again. "lucky guess? obviously i was just assuming the feeling was mutual. you dont think were that different, do you?" he retorts. you sigh. "no, i suppose not." finally, some progress. the path up to this point was rocky, but this was something you both could work with.
“well, your assumption was… correct.” you mumble under your breath, almost completely forgetting about the fox ears decorating tighnaris head. “hmm… are you sure? you didnt sound too sure of yourself there. perhaps this hypothesis needs further testing before we can draw a conclusion, what do you say?” you roll your eyes at him. “how very amusing it is to use my work against me, it makes me want to puke.” there was an unfamiliar glint in tighnaris eyes. youre not completely sure when it first appeared, and perhaps that was a mistake on your part for giving him the upperhand in the single handedly most important conversation you two have ever had.  however you both had already come so far, so you decided to let him keep up his act. after all, you know hes never been much of a charmer, so why not see how far hell take it? 
“oh? youre feeling sick now? are you sure this isnt just a ploy for me to stay longer? youre  at least clever enough to know you dont have to lie to me to get me to pay attention to you.” however, who said tighnari was going to have all the fun? “now we both know thats not true. after all youre the one who agreed to stay to begin with, so why would i pull a stunt to further it? you clearly have no intention of leaving now.”
the atmosphere was slowly starting to become more bearable, even if only by a little bit. youre 99% sure that its the homemade medications alone that are fueling the fire in you right now, that and the cute fox boy in front of you and… hold up what are you even saying? this however, is completely unlike tighnari, to be so forward, and you can only assume its because hes finally let his guard down enough for the first time since he stumbled across you this morning. its dangerous, the way youre making him feel right now. it all feels too sudden and not quick enough at the same time. was he growing impatient? or falling farther and farther behind?
he was a fool to ever be honest with you, is what he would have said only hours ago. but now, for the first time in forever, tighnari doesnt know what to think. hes saying and acting in a way he never would, especially in front of a friend- if he was even still allowed to call you that. but the best part about no longer being friends is there is no worry of ruining the relationship if it didnt exist to begin with. that was how he justified himself, nothing to lose and everything to gain, it was all going almost too perfect. his body was on fire, and if he werent inside he would have assumed he was (somehow) overheating.
“you are right about one thing.” tighnari starts, hes staring directly at you, his intense gaze leaving you feeling unfairly flustered. “that im not going anywhere this time.” you raise an eyebrow. “this time? are you suggesting that… you dont want to go back to being strangers?” he almost wants to laugh at your question, but one look at the scared look on your face and he drops any hints of a smirk immediately. “oh come on y/n, does this erase your doubts?” before you even realize whats happening, tighnaris hand is gently holding your face, caressing your cheek. he glances at your lips, then back towards your eyes. before he gets the chance to ask first, you quickly stutter out, “c-could you kiss me?”  tighnari leans in closer, until your lips are directly on his. as soon as its begun, its over, and he is yet again staring drunkenly into your eyes that you notice have been glossed over for the majority of the time hes been sitting closely next to you.
“are you positive youre really tighnari and im not just asleep right now? because this is exactly how i had pictured this going in a dream, not just your casual weekday… or weeknight, i guess i should say.” he shakes his head with a sly smile on his face. “if it were a dream i bet wed both be way less nervous.” “good point. but do you have to keep staring at me like that?” you hide your flustered face in your hands. “like what?” tighnari asks, back to his completely unaware self. “like… like youre in love or something!” he lets out a laugh that was unreasonably cute. “confidence. dare i say its even more valuable to me right now than a knowledge capsule is to… well you. it just took something to finally ignite it i suppose.” “well im glad thats all it was, for a second there i was thinking you were secretly taking shots while i wasnt looking.” you laugh. “that could have worked too, ill have collei remind me to pick up some alcohol the next time i head into sumeru city.” “make sure you stop by the akademiya to share a glass with me if you do!”  “oooh, drinking on the jobs not a very good look for a scholar now, dont you think?” you playfully slap his shoulder. “thats not what i meant! just come by during a break!” 
the silence that fell over you two was different this time, it was comfortable. you found yourself resting your head on tighnaris shoulder. hes the first to break the silence. “so i guess this means we can start talking again?” “more than just that. dont you think we owe it to ourselves at this point? think about it, this whole time we were both living with this regret and just… chose not to acknowledge it! im no doctor, but i dont think thats good for our health.” he chuckles. “well i cant argue with that. although i will mention i didnt hear an actual confession of undying love from you yet.” “oh, is that what you were expecting? good luck with that. lets just be glad we got this far.” he pouts at your words. “you mean i went through all of this and i cant even get an “i like you, tighnari”?” 
you sigh extra dramatically, and lift your head off his shoulder. holding his face in between both your hands, staring at him the same way he did to you earlier. “i like you, tighnari. a lot, way more than younger me would ever admit to. and im thankful for whatever force of nature that brought us together again.” you place a gentle kiss to his nose, and he stops you from pulling away to kiss you properly.
tighnaris been unsure about many things today, but one thing for certain is you get him higher than any psychedelic mushroom he could stumble upon in avidya forest.
inspired by you get me so high by the neighbourhood , give it a listen if you havent before !
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tinyarmedtrex · 1 year
Fake dating/accidental sexting
Hey, better late than never right? This is also for the weekly prompt from @i-can-read-to-him
“Last chance to back out.” Jesper said, pulling into an empty parking spot. 
“I’m not the one who wants to back out.” Wylan said as he tugged at his jacket. “You’re sure I look okay?”  
“Yes Wylan, you look amazing.” 
Wylan swallowed. Jesper’s voice had gotten softer as he’d said that and it made Wylan’s stomach flip. He forced himself to look away so Jesper didn’t see his blush. Jesper would have said that to anyone in the passenger’s seat, that’s just who he was.  Wylan wasn’t special. 
The two got out of the car and Jesper slipped his hand into Wylan’s. “We need to sell it after all.” He said as an explanation. Wylan opted to only nod. He couldn’t trust his voice. 
Jesper whistled as they entered the country club, “Damn, they went all out.”
“They really did.” The room they’d entered was decorated with fairy lights and flowers. Wylan could see at least a dozen waiters walking around with trays of food. 
Wylan spared a glance at Jesper. The wedding was for one of his cousins and Jesper was had been having a lot of feelings about it. After today, he was the last single cousin and his family wouldn’t let him forget it.  They’d offered multiple times to set him up with someone and each time he refused. It all came to a head when his aunt said she had the perfect wedding date for him and his reply had been that he already had a date, his boyfriend. 
Of course, the issue there was that Jesper didn’t actually have a boyfriend. He’d been complaining to Wylan about his predicament when Wylan had offered to go as his date. 
“People always think we’re dating anyway,” Wylan had said as he’d taken a pot off the stove. Jesper had been at his apartment, a place he spent most of his free time, and Wylan was making them dinner. 
“Wonder why.” Jesper commented as Wylan scooped pasta onto his plate. 
“It’s hard to cook for just one.” Wylan muttered. Jesper had just chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to the top of Wylan’s head. A casual gesture but one that made Wylan’s heart race. 
Things had moved fast after that. Wylan had picked the fish dish, so he and Jesper could try both options, and then he’d had his suit dry cleaned. Before he knew it Jesper was picking him up outside his apartment and driving them to the ceremony, which had been mercifully short. The easy part was now over. The reception was the trust test. Jesper had prepped Wylan for invasive questions and lots of hugging. 
“We can do this.” Wylan said as he squeezed Jesper’s hand. “It’s just four hours. And there’s an open bar.”
Jesper shook his head affectionately. “Look at you, being optimistic. I love it.” Then he threw his shoulders back. “Okay, let’s get this started.” They finished crossing into the party and almost immediately a family member approached, asking how long they’d been together and crooning about lovely it was that Jesper was finally settling down. Jesper took it all in stride, smiling and saying that it had taken someone like Wylan to tie him down. Wylan had felt himself flush.
This continued happening throughout dinner. Jesper’s family was all lovely and shared his lack of social graces. Wylan had never been asked so many questions that turned his whole face bright red. 
Then the dancing started. Jesper had whisked him to the dance floor and everyone melted away except for the two of them. Jesper’s long arms wrapped around Wylan, holding him close as they danced. 
And that was when Wylan made an excuse to leave. It was all too much. Having Jesper’s arms on him, how they’d been leaning into each other all night, how Jesper had insisted on feeding Wylan his cake. Wylan needed a moment to catch his breath, to remind himself that none of this was real. 
Wylan went outside to the balcony, which was mercifully empty. Then he pulled out his phone and saw he had several missed notifications. Some were from Nina, telling him to make a move on Jesper. Others were from Inej, telling him to have fun. Then finally one was from a hook up app he’d joined. He hadn’t met anyone from the app yet but he’d been messaging several people. 
He glanced around again. It was dangerous to listen to the note here but he didn’t wait to wait. The guy had a way with words, his messages always sent a tingle down Wylan’s spine. Wylan had no idea how much of what the guy told him was true but he really didn’t care. All he wanted was for someone to want him. 
Confirming that he was alone Wylan hit ‘play’ on the converted voice note, feeling himself blush as he listened. The man certainly was inventive. Wylan opened his recorder to reply. 
“Love your ideas baby. I’ve dreamt about having your tongue on me, how it would feel to have you take me apart. Tell me what other ideas you have.” 
Wylan hit send before he could second guess the message. He may be here with Jesper but that was just for tonight. Tomorrow they would go back to being just friends. 
The reply came faster than he expected. Wylan hit play. 
“You want ideas?” The automated voice read to him.  “You have no idea what I’ve thought about doing to you. I’ve wanted to kiss you for ages but that’s just the start. You’re sure you want to hear them?”
Wylan frowned. It was unusual for this guy to check in, usually he just whatever he was thinking.
“I’ve been waiting all night to hear them.’
Again, the reply came uncharacteristically quick. 
‘I want to push you against a wall and kiss you senseless. I want to throw you on top of your purple bedspread and crawl onto you, pushing my body against yours. I want everything with you.”
Wylan’s eyes grew wide. He’d never sent a picture of his bedroom, let alone his bedspread. He quickly check who he’d been messaging with. 
Wylan’s blood ran cold as Jesper’s name glowed bright at the top of his screen. 
Fuck fuck fuck
He nearly dropped his phone, trying to figure out how to undo what he’d done. He’d fucked everything up. 
“This is bad. This is bad.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair. 
“I hope that comment isn’t about my spelling.” A voice called from behind him. 
Wylan turned to see Jesper standing in the doorway. 
“No- I - it’s not-” Wylan stammered. He could feel himself flushing down to his bellybutton as he tried to string words together. “I thought you were someone else.”
Jesper strode towards him, stopping in front of Wylan. “Another fake date? I saw one of my uncles checking you out.” 
“No. Um-” Wylan pointed to his phone. “The messages.” 
Jesper physically deflated in front of him. “Oh, that makes more sense. I probably should have figured that out. I thought it was an uncharacteristic way for you to confess your feelings.” He started to step back but Wylan reached for him. 
“Wait.” Wylan blinked, trying to put everything together. “You thought- you thought I was confessing my feelings?”
Jesper looked away. “No. Maybe. I had hoped the romance of tonight, the dancing- it’s stupid.”
Wylan rushed forward and took Jesper’s hands in his own. His heart was pounding but he forced himself to say the next part. “Jesper yes, I want that. With you.” 
Jesper still looked skeptical so Wylan took Jesper’s face in his hands. “I’ve wanted that with you for years” He continued. “But  I never thought you would want me.” 
“Wylan,” Jesper shook his head. “How could I not want you? I assumed you didn’t want me. ”
Wylan chuckled. They really were meant for each other. “Jesper, how could I not fall for you? Look at you.”
Jesper’s wiggled his eyebrows them looked Wylan over slowly. “Look at yourself. Especially in that suit.”
Wylan smiled, fighting this blush. “Should we go back to the party? Prove to your family that you can land a boyfriend?”
Jesper shook his head, his hands curling on Wylan’s hips. “I’d rather stay out here and talk more about those texts.”
“Just talk?” He teased. 
“No, not just talking.” Jesper said, dipping his head to bring their lips together. They didn’t make it back inside for a long time. 
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hi im gonna write a drifteris fic (with different names) for a creative writing contest but i desperately need a prompt, you are The Drifteris Person™ and i would trust you with my life so please do you have any prompt recommendations 😭
I do not know when I became the Drifteris person but, while I feel unworthy of the title, I will try my very best to give you something lovely.  If at some point in future you wish to share what you've written I would love to read it.  Anything I can do to increase the amount of Drifteris in the world delights me intensely.
Here's a bunch of story ideas for things I might write some day that you (and anyone else who wants) are free to use (ideas are not stories - take them, use them, write your thing and revel in the glory that is human creativity).  Some are quite unoriginal, but the thing about writing is if you get too original no one can relate to it, so always give yourself permission to do something that's already been done.  Only you can write a thing like you.  No matter what the base idea is, the actual writing is still your own.
Specifically set in Beyond Light: Europa (because I feel robbed we did not get enough of those two in BL - for research, watch the awesome cutscene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAD6E_vESJY&t=18s or the videos of their conversations with the player by the fire)
Exo Stranger is busy and there's a strange signal so they go investigate
They find something in an ice cave
Why did they leave Europa? (We just showed up one week and they were gone - maybe there was a specific reason that caused them to run off?)
There is a blizzard and one of them is late coming back from a patrol so the other goes out looking for them
Ice fishing gone wrong
Snowball fight
Scenes from learning how to use/practicing Stasis
More generic anytime/anywhere:
One calls the other after waking up from a bad dream
"Saw this, thought of you." (bonus points if it seems vaguely insulting on the surface but is actually really sweet)
Cooking lessons
Pick a location in the game, think of a reason for Eris to want to investigate something there and drag the Drifter along in a similar manner to the Eidolon Pursuant clothing ( https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/eidolon-pursuant-suit-warlock?highlight=eidolon+pursuant )
The Drifter takes Eris fishing to one of the fishing spots in game (why does she go with him?  she lost a bet? or perhaps she asked him to take her fishing and he's nervous about them getting shot? so many possibilities!)
Drifter shows up on the Moon having fixed something for her (maybe he stole it and she didn't know he had it? maybe she asked him to fix it so he made it better?  maybe she didn't know it was broken?  maybe he broke it?)
She shows up to the Annex because he asked her to come look at something he found after one of the Salvage operations on Titan (and of course he never mentioned it to anyone because Drifter be like that)
Immaru says some shit to Eris and gets bullied (the possibilities are endless - I support more Immaru bullying in the world) 
Eido asks Eris about something the Drifter once said to her and wants an explanation of what that 'human custom' means (it is of course something Drifter-terrible - or maybe not - perhaps it’s emotionally revealing and he never expected Eido to notice never mind ask about it - you decide!)
Ikora asks Eris to investigate something in a lost sector and Eris brings the Drifter along (or the Drifter finds out Eris is going and shows up uninvited - I love lost sectors - they're such interesting bits of the game and easy to explore for research purposes after you've cleared them out)
Go in game to one of their locations (Annex or the Moon or Athenaeum...) and wander around looking at the details.  Find something intriguing.  Have one of them ask the other what it is and why it's there (why the hell does Eris have Hive eyeballs floating in her bowl in the Athenaeum?  Seriously... what is she even doing with that?)
Sometimes I just go stand beside Drifter in the Annex or Eris on the Moon and listen to their idle diaogue and then go “I wonder what that was all about.  There’s a story in there!” and get inspired.
I will stop now or I'll just keep going on forever.  I would love to read any/all of these.  Please write them.  I may write them too at some point but that’s ok.  There’s no such thing as too much Drifteris.
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
Alright, here's a ref sheet of the five main characters for the secret AU I've been working on. Its a Ninjago AU. I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do for the story yet, as I'm still figuring out characters outside the main five. I'll post doodles of this AU later, but for now here's the ref I've drawn up.
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For those who don't know what Ninjago is, its a lego show about ninja with elemental powers. I don't really watch the show any more but its a fun concept so here we are.
I'm too tired to fully explain my reasoning behind why I picked which element they all got so I'll give you the very short answer. Fell free to ask questions though if your curious about anything.
Fireheart is elemental master of fire(for extremely obvious reasons)
Graystripe is water elemental master because of his connection to RiverClan
Ravenpaw is elemental master of ice(I don't have a good explanation for this one, it just fits somehow)
Dustpelt is the elemental master of earth because of his name
And finally Sandstorm is the elemental master of lighting because of the storm part of her name.
Now for the part where I'd love some feedback. Not sure if I'll actually get any but I'll at least leave this here in case anyone actually does have something to say. If you don't care, feel free to ignore the rest of this.
For anyone what knows the show or at least wants to throw your two cents in, I've considered putting Bluestar in the role of Sensei Wu and Tigerclaw in the role as Garmadon, but I would love to hear if anybody has a better suggestion. Wu is the mentor figure and teacher to the ninja. If you've only ever watched the movie, he's just another mentor figure that gets killed off, but in the show, he's currently still alive. Garmadon in the show, is the brother of Wu and a villain for a while before getting the evil taken out of him and becoming a good guy, and then sacrificing himself. He is then later revived, but in his evil form which is currently how is is in the show, kind of(I haven't kept up too well so I could be wrong about this).
Basically, who should the mentor figure be and who should the villainous counterpart be. I can work around family trees and make two characters related somehow, if anyone has better suggestions than Bluestar and/or Tigerclaw.
Also, in the show, Zane(ice ninja) has a falcon friend, and since I made Ravenpaw the ice ninja, I thought it would be cute to give him a bird friend as well and have considered making Barley the bird since I'm a huge FireRaven shipper but still appreciate the bond Barley and Ravenpaw had in the books. I thought making Barley a magpie bird that follows Ravenpaw around would be a nice little addition to the AU. I'm totally down for suggestions for different birds since I'm not set on a magpie, thats just currently the one I'm thinking about. I am also open the hearing suggestions for different inclusions of Barley, with him being an actual character rather than being Raven's bird friend. The falcon in the show never got a proper name so Raven's bird doesn't have to be someone specific, it can literally just be some bird.
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gallierhouse · 2 months
All your talk of iwtv character perfumes has me wanting to get into perfume—do you have any tips for a complete newbie to the world of ~scents~ because whenever I look at perfumes they write a novel on what it smells like but I have no clue what it means
Smell things! Really, that’s it. I’m not being patronizing, but to learn about scents the first step is always to sample a lot of things while knowing what notes they contain so you can learn what each note sounds like. The most efficient way to do this is to go to a perfume store and ask to sample different things. I’d recommend going somewhere like Le Labo or Diptyque, or really anywhere that would employ people who have a certain amount of perfume knowledge. You can ask them to write down the name of each scent on the sampler strip so you can smell them again later and write down your thoughts or attempt to identify the notes in greater detail. If you already own perfume it’d make sense to look them up on Fragrantica so you have an idea of what scent family you gravitate to. Short explanation of what scent families are. I know it can be daunting to go into stores and ask to sample things, but that’s literally why brick and mortar stores exist — to introduce potential clients to their offerings. If they’re not friendly or helpful (but they most likely will be), simply go somewhere else. If you’re going to buy anything always ask to try it on your skin first and let it develop for a few hours because all perfumes smell different on different people because of their skin chemistry. Anyone who pressures you to buy anything immediately after trying it is not a serious person, because that’s not how perfume works. Some other stores I’d recommend going into would be Penhaligon’s, Kilian, Tom Ford, Frederic Malle, Serge Lutens, Creed, Acqua di Parma, Initio, Roja, DS&DURGA, Amouage and Parfums de Marly. I’m not suggesting you buy anything, because these are all really expensive, but their perfumes are generally well-formulated so it’s a lot easier to learn to identify what notes are supposed to smell like and how they’re supposed develop in extremely nicely made perfumes than they are in something made by less accomplished perfumers. None of the staff at these shops are going to care how much you sample, so feel free to spritz away. Samples are for sampling. Not all of these brands will have solo stores, but if you live in a city it’s common for them to be stocked at a perfume department or something like the Scent Bar, so I’d look up the brand and wherever you live to see if it’s available. If you’re looking into collecting, I’d recommend buying samples or decants from somewhere like Luckyscent or Scent Split, because it makes it a lot more affordable. Finally, a perfume being more expensive doesn’t automatically make it better than something cheaper, and there are a lot of good perfumes made by small brands or individual perfumers as a hobby, like Universal Flowering or Marissa Zappas. There are iconic and excellent perfumes made by department store brands too, like Dior and Chanel and Gucci, so it’s never really about price or branding, just about what’s good and what’s not. If you’re interesting in learning more about this I’d recommend looking on Fragrantica (a lawless, but sometimes useful place) and Reddit (which has a semi-competent perfume community). I also follow Scout Dixon West, who’s a perfume influencer I like.
Finally, if you have $100 or $200 to drop and really hate talking to people, I’d buy an exploration set from any of the houses I’ve listed here and use that as a starting point. It’s not really the best use of your money, but it is efficient and easy.
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xxbabydragonxx · 2 years
"Little Wanderer"
Ch. 1: The Beginning
Summary:V finds out about your "Little" secret and takes care of you.
Very self-indulgent. I've been playing Devil May Cry 5 again and decided to write this! 1000% Sfw! Diapers are mentioned but it's just a comfort item!
This was originally posted on my ao3 page! Feel free to check my bio for a link to it!
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You’ve been traveling with the crew for a long time, even becoming an official member. You trusted these guys with your life, but even so you kept your little secret to yourself. Deep down you knew it wasn’t bad, it was actually healthy. I mean everyone needed a way to cope with the whole killing demons, saving the world thing and being a little was yours. You even had a few supplies that you were fortunate to get from an abandoned store during your time in Redgrave. You hid this little bag in your room back at the DMC headquarters. It was a tad difficult to be little knowing that demons could pop out at any time.
Today on the other hand was perfect for a little day. Dante and Nero were out on a mission, Nico was back in Redgrave with Kyrie, and V was out to a bookshop which means he would be there for hours. Everything was right and you proceeded to get your little bag out from your back closet. You excitedly pulled out your little things; a black paci, a dragon plushie appropriately named Dragon, coloring books, crayons, a baby bottle with dragons on it, some of your favorite little movies, and one other thing that you’ve been wanting to try for a while. You bought the pack of diapers on an impulse. You went out shopping for some things for the crew and stumbled upon them at the store. They were just too cute to pass up, I mean they had little animals on them and paw prints. So you bought them and sneakily brought the pack back to your room.
You were not so sure about trying them due to worrying that you may get a call, so you decide to wait a bit. You got dressed into your little outfit which is just a onesie with some cute shortalls on top. You clipped your paci to your shortalls and grabbed your bottle and went downstairs to fill it up with some apple juice. As you went down the stairs you were humming and singing the Paw Patrol theme rather loudly and jumping and skipping your way to the kitchen. As you hopped and skipped about to your little song, you didn’t notice that someone came back and you happened to bump into them on your way to the kitchen. A startled scream escaped your mouth when the impact was made.
You looked up to see who you bumped into and it was none other than the mysterious V. Your cheeks flushed a bright crimson as you began to stammer out an explanation only to be interrupted by a finger on your lips and a soft “Shhh” from V.
"Shhh. It’s alright little one, I’m not going to tell anyone about this precious side of yours.”
At that you couldn’t hold on much longer and you started to cry. As if on cue, V picked you up into his arms and started to bounce you on his hip while softly rubbing your back. He did this until your crying calmed down. Still in his arms he looked at you and asked “Do you feel better now my dear?” You just gave him a simple nod and a small smile formed on his lips. “I wouldn’t want to leave you in such a state alone, would you allow me to do the honor of taking care of you?” You were surprised at his offer and really it was all a dream come true but at the same time you didn’t want to bother him. You thought about it for a while and you just gave him a simple nod. You were just so tired emotionally from the crying and the events that happened prior.
V readjusted you on his hip and carried you upstairs to your room. He set you down onto your bed and then he sat down next to you. “Tell me little wanderer, what is it that you like to do?” You were embarrassed and shy and really you didn’t want to speak. You just averted his gaze and started to play with your paci that was clipped on your clothes. “Would you mind if I look through your box of little things?” You gave him a simple nod and you got the box of things from your closet and brought it to him. “Thank you for bringing it to me” with that he gave you a small pat on your head that made your cheeks turn bright red. You got back on the bed and laid down away from V as he went through your things. You could hear him hum to himself as he pulled out things and your eyes went wide as you heard the telltale sign of crinkling that he pulled out the pack of diapers.
You stayed quiet and still, thinking that if he couldn’t hear or “see” you, you would be invisible to him. I think he realized your plan because he said “Little one I know you’re there” and with that you let out a huge breath of air that you were holding in.
“You have quite the collection and I’m certainly impressed. Though I must ask if you would like to wear one of these, I’m certain you’re not wearing one since the package isn’t open.”
You stayed in your same spot and just shook your head no. “Little one it is nothing to be embarrassed about” he put his hand on your head and began to pet you. “You’re a baby and babies need diapers. So please don’t feel any shame.” You turned red again and tried to cover your face. “Ah-ah, don’t cover your beautiful face from me baby. Please tell me what you would like. You deserve a break at the least.” You mustered up all the strength you had just to say “You pick” You regressed rather deeply and that in turn took a toll on your vocabulary. Thankfully V understood. “Ah, so you would like me to decide our activities for the day?” You gave him a quiet “mhm”, which he then proceeded to turn you on your back and now you were looking at him directly.
He gave you a warm smile and said “Well first let’s put one of these on you” he gestured to the package of diapers. You looked away as he grabbed the supplies from the box and to your surprise he handed you Dragon.
“What’s your friend’s name? I’m quite curious”
“Dragon” you said quietly
“Ah what a lovely and suiting name”
He then proceeded to unbutton your shortalls. “Please let me know if you’re uncomfortable in any way” he gave you another one of his soft smiles as he brought your paci to your lips in which you shyly accepted. He chuckled and continued to unbutton your onesie and began to open the pack of diapers. V got one out and placed it next to you. He then removed your underwear and placed the diaper under you. He then sprinkled a generous amount of powder and taped the diaper up.
“See, now that wasn’t so bad Little one.”
He began to dress you again and when he was finished he picked you up. “You did so well during your first change. I’m quite proud of you.” You were rather ecstatic from hearing those words of praise. V must have noticed, “You should be pleased, you made quite a big step today and I do believe that deserves a treat!”. He took you down to the kitchen with you in his arms and made way to the small but full pantry.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! I’m planning to go on a binge read once this term of uni ends and im stacking up on christmas related fics. So far, I’ve only gotten around to bookmarking two. May I ask for some suggestions?
Hello! We have a lot of asks, so this is only getting answered now, a couple of months after christmas, i'm afraid. We do have a bunch of fics on our #christmas tag that folks can check any time. Here are some more to add to the collection...
Mistletoe and wine by HolRose (T)
Crowley is just settling into life post-failed apocalypse when he receives an invitation to the annual Heaven and Hell Christmas party. It turns out Aziraphale has one too, and makes a plea for Crowley’s help with a particular assignment he has been given. Crowley, of course, can’t help getting involved even if he does put a little demonic ‘spin’ in more than one sense of the word, on the assistance he decides upon giving.
When The Lights Go Out by Sleepless_TurtleBoy (M)
“Look at this one dearest. Absolutely stunning.” Aziraphale’s eyes sparkled as he took in the changing colours, the inflatable reindeer, and the lit-up candy canes that were stuck in the ground. Children were running around pointing at the lights as they flickered into a new colour, and their parents were smiling brightly as they took it in. Most couples were holding hands or had some form of skinship happening. It honestly made Aziraphale feel like he was missing out. Crowley was right there. Right next to him. But he wouldn’t want to hold the angel’s hand. That’d be absurd.
While Aziraphale is setting up for Christmas in his bookshop, Crowley is making plans for a temptation. He'd like to get it over and done with, but it'd be easier with a helping hand. He turns to Aziraphale with a brief explanation, and the angel agrees without much hesitation. What could possibly go wrong?
The Christmas Party by LadyMango (M)
Two strangers meet at a Christmas party. Neither of them got the memo that it was no longer fancy dress.
The Christmas Wedding Scammer by Aracloptia (T)
“And - thank you for saying yes on such short notice! I tried to plan the thing myself, but … sometimes you actually do need help, right?” “Yeah”, Crowley mumbled, grabbing his phone to write down the name of the restaurant. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“That’s what everyone kept telling me; it’s always better with a wedding planner. I guess I should have listened earlier.”
“Er”, Crowley said. “Did you say-“
“Anyway, I have another call to make! I have to fire the costumer, the dress we agreed on turned out horrendous. Hey, in the future that’ll be your job! But I’ll do it just this once. See you tomorrow! And please bring suggestions for the bridal wear. Bye!”
“Hold o-”
The famous wedding planner Antonio Cowley is retired, sworn to never plan a wedding again. Perhaps the right sum of money can persuade him?
He is not to be mixed up with out-of-business Anthony J. Crowley, former florist, currently unemployed.
OR: In which Crowley accidentally becomes a wedding planner.
You're All I Want For Christmas by theshoparoundthecorner (G)
"Soho was uncharacteristically empty. As the wind calmed a bit, the streets were as quiet as the snow that fell upon them, not a single person in sight.
A good thing, too. No one should be caught dead in this weather.
The bookshop was wonderfully empty, and Aziraphale had spent the whole day doing as he pleased, knowing the weather would deter potential customers from sticking their noses in. Sure enough, he hadn’t had one person come in to bother him. He had been completely alone with his books all day, free to read, and watch the snow, and not worry about anyone dropping by unexpectedly.
But that thought didn’t thrill him as much as it usually would.
It was Christmas Eve. And he was alone.
Aziraphale didn’t mind being alone. In fact, he rather enjoyed it.
But tonight felt different. Tonight, as he had sat down for his annual re-read of 'A Christmas Carol', a melancholic feeling had washed over him, like he was meant to be doing something else at the moment. That was absurd, of course, he hadn’t made any particular plans, but something just felt…wrong.
Someone was missing."
Five Times Aziraphale and Crowley almost spent Christmas together, and one time they did.
Turning Page by Beckers522 (T)
Alone on Christmas Eve and finding himself in bad spirits, Crowley has a bit too much to drink and wakes up to find Santa Claus inside his house. What follows is a series of meetings one year after the next as the two slowly come to learn more about each other and eventually fall in love. But Crowley is human and his visitor is far from it. They come from two very different worlds with every odd stacked against them. Can they figure out how to cross the distance between them and find a way to finally be together?
Based on the Norway Postal Christmas Commercial (When Harry met Santa).
- Mod D
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