#if i do pls come bug him 👀
dollcherray · 5 months
GREETINGS! I wanted to ask you if you could do a SMG4 x reader who's after the Mr puzzles movie very like VERY traumatized, won't get out from their bed and wouldn't say a word, since Mr puzzles did very horrible things
If you don't want to it's alright!
BTW love all your blogs
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A/N: you guys are making me feel so loved istg</3 btw I LOVE YOU!
Tw: Traumas, Illusions, flashbacks, reader probably has PTSD,if theres any TW missing, pls warn me so i can put it!
type: Headcanons, Fluff/angst, romantic.
Song(s) recommendation: Lucy / Treehouse
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୨୧ SMG4 would be a very caring boyfriend, so when he noticed how traumatized you were because of the events of the puzzlevision arc, he would be extra caring for you, trying to make you better in all possible ways.
୨୧ He would do anything, give you gifts, stay with you whenever you needed to, he wouldnt let you be unsupervised for more than 3 hours, hes just too scared to something happening with you that could make you even worse.
୨୧ He would be there for you whenever you just felt the need to talk of how terrifying it was to you, he would hear everything you had to say even if he was in the same events with you, he knows how it feels to have the need to just, let it out so he will be all ears for what you have to say.
୨୧ But when you are eerily quiet, he will be a little more sadder, he enjoyed your voice so much, so he wouldnt really enjoy when you are mute, but would respect it since he knows better than pushing you and making you possibly stressed and worsening things.
୨୧ He would bring anything you needed to the bed, water, food, you name it, he would go to the ends of the earth to get something especific that you asked for, just so that you could feel a bit more at ease.
୨୧ If you have any episodes or illusions, SMG4 would come bursting through walls, doors, or anything on his way just to get to you and hug you to support as much as possible, he would panic, sure, but he would try to keep his cool so he could help you. (even though he has NO idea on how to help you.) if you have any flashbacks of Puzzles, Smg4 would be there to reassure you that he will never come back to hurt you, he wouldnt allow it.
୨୧ He would give you more peace by not taking you in adventures anymore, also would start sleeping with you so that you could feel safe and him unconcerned about any possibility of you having an anxiety attack and to also hold you close to him in his sleep </3 (he feels at peace when holding you)
୨୧ SMG4 would be so worried, so so worried, he really loves you and you were in such degrading situation, he wish he could just take your pain and fear away so that he could only see your eletric way again</3
୨୧ SMG3 would try to help, watching over you when SMG4 couldnt and giving anything you needed while hes gone, Smg3 would just be a tad careless when it comes to trying to help you, since he doesnt have that MUCH worry of SMG4 on helping you, dont get him wrong, you are his friend and all but he's still a little bitch sometimes.
୨୧ SMG4 would miss having you in his adventures, he fears that you can stay like this forever, feared that you would be in a anxious and painful to see state, he would still love you, he will always love you, but what worries him is that you would be in such heartbreaking state forever.
୨୧ Mario is proihibited to enter your room, SMG4 would burn Mario himself if he ever enters there just to bug you or mess around in your room, so if Mario ever tries to sneak in while hes not looking, just text him in one second and in the next second, Mario is being burned alive.
୨୧ ...he already went to find the destroyed TV just to smash it over and over again in pure anger of what Puzzles did to you...👀
୨୧ “I love you, aint that crazy?...”
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A/N:oops i did it again... i connected the title with the final quote 👍🏼
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slashersteve · 1 year
Dream Girl
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pairing: Walter “Keys” Mckey/Female Reader
summary: Keys helps you pass a seemingly impossible boss battle in a video game you’ve been playing.
warnings/extra tags: cursing, a kiss kiss, probably ooc keys? I tried 😔, poor hacking things i got very vague but for this imagine just trust me bro, beta read, edited by me so if i missed anything pls ignore :')
note: Consider this my debut to writing Keys and who knows…maybe I’ll write more of him 👀 also yall this has been in my drafts for decades and today i was like?? it's bri's birthday, so i should post this right??? happy birthday @userdjo !! Thank you for reading and enjoy ♥️
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“I'm not doing it.”
"Why not?”
“Uh, because it's too risky?”
“Seriously? Too risky? Do you hear yourself right now?”
Keys was standing across from you, leaning on the kitchen counter holding a cup of coffee that he had only taken a single sip of seeing as the moment you heard the coffee maker come to life you stalked out of your own office to try to convince him to do what you wanted him to do all morning.
“Keys!” You were exasperated when he didn’t reply to your rhetorical question.
He just wanted to spend a bit of time during his break to look at something that wasn’t a screen of codes he could read like the morning paper. He wanted to talk to you in this kitchen like you always did throughout the day and unfortunately your conversations had to be this.
“We could get into a lot of trouble, I could get into a lot of trouble,” Keys told you firmly, to which you scoffed and crossed your arms, “I’m serious.”
“Only if you get caught, which I know you won’t,” you replied, before huffing and adding, “Where did this goody two shoes attitude come from? You literally took down an entire gaming company by causing trouble with Millie.”
Keys sighed, turning away from you as he set his mug down and brought one hand to his face to remove his glasses just so he could properly pinch his nose. That was different, and you knew it, but still wanted to try and guilt him into helping you.
“And you can’t do it yourself?” He asked, fully knowing that you couldn’t because you wouldn’t be asking him otherwise. If you could you wouldn’t be bugging him so much, pushing him to do what you wanted.
“I’d get caught, we both know it. Nobody can do it but you- Millie probably, but she’s not here,” you explained, “Come on, please? If you do it I’ll do every coffee run for the rest of the month.”
You were trying to bargain now, which amused Keys as he wiped the lens of his glasses before sliding them back over his eyes.
“Yeah me hacking into a game of another company is definitely worth you doing coffee runs,” he said sarcastically, resting his eyes back on you. You shrugged weakly and shot him a sort of sheepish smile, not caring that he was obviously irritated with you.
“I think it is- unless anything else is up for grabs? Anything you know…you would like?”
You wiggled your eyebrows at him, and he felt his chest tighten slightly, unsure exactly what you were getting at and suddenly being afraid that you did know. The sight of his expression had you smirking before you said, “She is my best friend- like yours- but girls mostly listen to each other…I could potentially lead her in your direction. You know…get that date you’ve always wanted lover boy.”
Keys blinked, understanding after a moment or two that you were talking about Millie and the hopeless crush he had on her, something he had confessed to you a while ago. Just that, nothing else…thank god.
“Don’t-“ Keys laughed awkwardly, “Don’t. I actually don’t like her like that anymore.”
You gave him a look, and he felt his cheeks heat up, embarrassed by the mention of his old crush on her. Not because he was embarrassed of being in love with Millie once, but because he had thought you had known something else now, that had nothing to do with Millie but with the woman standing in this kitchen with him.
“Oh…when did that happen?” You questioned him, not believing a single word that just came out of his mouth. Truth be told, long before he confided in you his crush, you had been aware of it. How could you not be? It was the way he looked at her, brown eyes longing and yearning. He had it bad for her, for years, so it was hard to believe he’d moved on, that he’d fallen out of love.
“A while ago, actually, just sort of happened one day,” he replied awkwardly, eyes flashing to his watch. He had a few minutes left before he had to go back in there and start coding again. You both worked from home, made up your own hours and he liked to keep a more timely schedule than you did.
“Huh,” you said, still curious as to how that happened at all, but knowing he was going to be escaping back to his office/room was enough to make you set it aside and continue your prior conversation bargain.
“Anything else then? I’m really desperate here Keys, I wouldn’t be asking you to do this if I wasn’t, you know this,” you continued, watching as he picked up his basically untouched coffee and pushed himself off the counter, ready to return to his coding.
“The coffee runs do sound nice, but like I said, not worth it,” he told you again, this time a bit more firmly and now it was you getting frustrated with him as you followed closely after him through the living room.
“Oh come on! I can do it for longer? The rest of the year- Keys!” You grabbed his arm, the one that wasn’t holding a coffee thankfully as it definitely might’ve spilled, “I’m begging you, do you want me to get down on my knees and beg to show you how serious I am?”
He cheeks suddenly became flushed as you started to descent to your knees and he had to catch you to keep you from doing that. The last thing he needed was to know how you looked when you’re on your knees in front of him. The last thing.
“No! You don’t have to-“ he said a bit too frantically. You stared at him, confused by his sudden behavior (even noticing his suddenly very pink cheeks and wide eyes underneath his glasses). Keys blinked rapidly for a moment, before he turned his head and cursed, “Alright alright, it may take a day or so- we need to make sure our schedules are clear- which means you gotta do work.”
He gave you a pointed look, knowing your tendency to move away from your work computer to what you called your fun gaming one whenever you felt like it.
“Oh yeah of course!” you replied like you did work all the time, “If that’s what it takes then hell yeah, I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
You didn’t say it like a joke, which made him swallow thickly at your words and push down some thoughts he’d been having about you lately. Some romantic, some not so romantic and more in the carnal sense. Both equally terrified him and made him feel a sense of guilt.
It didn’t help that your favorite lounge at home outfit was a sports bra and biker shorts you usually paired with a zip-up hoodie that you never zipped up. It was mostly that pretty silver chain necklace you wore all the time and how it would fall underneath the fabric of your bra, making his eyes and thoughts wander to forbidden places.
Something he was doing right fucking now. It was almost like getting caught in a spell of some sort, which embarrassed him greatly.
You were too distracted by the fact that he technically agreed to helping you out to notice his eyes resting on your chest area, “I can’t believe you’re going to do this for me- okay- okay you get back to work and we’ll meet up tonight?”
You were giddy, almost bouncing in your spot and Keys suddenly snapped out of his trance caused by you, and he quickly forced his eyes to meet yours, realizing you’d just been speaking and that he wasn’t listening.
“Uh- yeah- yeah totally,” he told you in an attempt to not sound like a creep. You didn’t notice though, you didn’t notice a lot of things actually, and you merely flashed him an excited grin before you turned and jogged back into your own room, for the first time being excited to do some work and actually complete it.
Keys just stood there long after you had slammed your door shut, long after you probably sat at your computer and started replying to messages or reworking some mods like you were supposed to.
He felt like an idiot. A fool. Yet another hopeless fool who developed feelings for somebody he was close to, somebody in the same friend group.
He hadn’t intended for it to happen. It had always been Millie, not that anything was wrong with you of course, he just had some odd attachment to her because for a long time he considered her to be his dream girl, but after a long hard look at himself and their friendship he knew that’s all she would ever be.
And he was okay with that…eventually. Eventually his heart stopped fluttering in his chest when their eyes would meet, eventually his mind was no longer foggy and warm when they spoke. Eventually, he felt nothing but a platonic love that would always be there to stay.
With you, he wasn’t anticipating feelings like that to come up. It honestly came out of no where one day. Millie and Mouser had left, and you decided to stick around a little longer.
Keys wasn’t used to being alone with you, as at the time you were closer to Millie only and you two were like a package deal. So when you said you’d stay, Keys suggested you two play a game of your choice as an ice breaker. You chose this shooter game, 1v1, or on a team together online. That would be his choice and he decided to go with 1v1, not wanting to deal with teammates he didn’t know as he wasn’t up for a headache or trash talking from strangers or kids who aren’t being monitored by their parents and cursing like sailors.
He didn’t catch the wicked look in your eyes when he chose that one.
Keys learned very quickly how much you liked shooter games, even ones at the arcades. Your aim was impeccable and your sportsmanship was completely out of the window. You quipped back and forth like old friends, teasing him when he’d lose, cursing him when you lost, which wasn’t as often as Keys would’ve liked.
It was fun, very fun, and you ended up spending the entire night with him, playing your favorite games, and his favorite ones. Then, you just talked and got to know each other better.
Keys had liked you before that, and it was after that he started to like you more. And when you and him moved into together- things changed. They changed a lot.
He really liked you, but like with Millie, he was probably forever going to keep it to himself because how could you ever like him in return? He was your friend, and you knew he had been hopelessly in love with your best friend- he couldn’t see that working out. Not one bit, even if it broke his heart knowing that it wouldn’t.
Like Millie was, you were just another dream girl, and like her again, he eventually learn to be okay with that. It’s what was keeping him going, honestly, but he knew it would take longer as you were around him constantly. Eventually, he told himself as he took a sip of his now cold coffee, eventually.
✦ ✦ ✦
Keys had gone to bed the minute he finished up.
He washed his face, taken off his shirt and put on his pajama pants, took off his glasses, and laid spread on his bed under the covers on his stomach. One side of his face was nuzzled into his pillow, heavy eyes shutting on their own accord, mind ready to be overcome by well deserved sleep.
Just as he felt sleep wash over him, something had weighed down the mattress from his left side. Well, not something, more like somebody had.
He opened one eye to see you on his bed, and he quickly sat up, moving away from you as he asked what the heck you were doing in his bed like this. You were taken back by his reaction, but then raised a brow before saying, “We agreed to meet up tonight, remember?”
Keys just stared at you, blinking wildly as he tried to remember if that was true. You shifted in your spot, spreading your thighs a little more so you could actually sit on his bed. He let his eyes move down for only a split second, though his vision was blurry, before forcing them back up at you.
“I seriously don’t remember, just-“
“God relax,” you suddenly said, a smile starting to grow on your lips, “You’re so nervous by a girl being in your bed.”
You were teasing him again, and he coughed into his hand before he shook his head and said in an attempt to change the subject, “I told you it might take all day, we can’t start tonight we’ll be up for hours.”
You frowned now, “Then why’d you agree tonight? You said ‘yeah totally’ I remember.” You pointed at him, and Keys suddenly recalled that he did say that to you- he had just been distracted that he didn’t know what he was agreeing to.
He cursed under his breath, knowing that you weren’t going to go away at all, but thinking he should keep his word as well, especially when you titled your head and gave him what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. You even fluttered your lashes and stuck out your bottom lip.
“Fine, get everything set up-“
“Already done,” you replied, already moving to stand, and you gestured him to follow you as you took long strides out the door. Keys could only grab his glasses, forgoing a shirt, so he could keep up with you.
Everything was set up, the game, the laptop with the games codes there- he was sure you made sure IP addresses couldn’t be tracked as the last thing your guys new gaming company needed was a scandal that involved one of the key founding members hacking into a game made by a separate company. Why on earth did you want to do this? It was insanely risky.
You moved to sit on a stool you had brought in from the kitchen, leaving your vibrant teal gaming chair to Keys. He sat in it, eyes glossing over the game and he asked you for clarification what it was you wanted him to do exactly.
“I’m having trouble with the items- okay so every time you buy one the price goes up and it goes insanely high- insanely that it makes it impossible to buy more,” you explained, “So I need you to either keep the prices from going up, or to give me infinite items or coins. That one sounds great.”
Keys ran his hand through his hair and laughed at your request, and said teasingly, “You know you can just earn all those coins by being a better player.”
He felt your hand lightly smack his shoulder, “I’ve been on this for weeks, Keys, and I’m desperate. This boss is kicking my ass and I’d like an infinite amount of healing potions.”
Rather than going to the coding, he actually moved to the game instead, starting it up and waving you off when you asked him what he was doing.
“I just want to see which boss is kicking your ass so much that you want to cheat,” he told you, and you started to protest, knowing that this was one the games he actually introduced you to and would definitely tease you when he found out which one it was.
Keys promptly ignored you as he loaded up to your last mission, and as his eyes danced around the screen, taking in the familiar surroundings and music even, he started to laugh and shake his head- doing exactly what you were afraid of.
“Alright yeah laugh it up-“
“No, no I actually don’t blame you,” he said with another shake of his head before he pushed his hair out his face, “I think I stopped playing for a while because of this fight. Have you gotten asked to play easy mode yet?”
He was looking at you now, and you moaned in distress before nodding. Keys laughed, remembering how this particular boss battle had humbled him and other players who thought they were god at video games greatly. He leaned back in his chair, clasping his hands together and resting them over his chest.
“It’s a bad idea,” he told you again, this time more firmly, “Also I’m sorry- I’m not going to let you cheat. We’re beating this guy here and now.”
He was turning away from you to look back at the screen, and you groaned.
“Keys there’s no way- no fucking way we’re going to beat him- you said even you had trouble,” you tried, “Just let me go the cheating route.”
You grabbed the laptop, but Keys had taken it from you swiftly, shutting it and setting aside as you grumbled at him.
“No you’re going to beat this guy fair and square, we just need to replay missions, get every objective checked off…” he trailed off as he started moving the character away from the boss battle zone. You just sat beside him, dreading the idea of having to go back to do all that.
“Keys…” you moaned in complete despair, “That’ll take too long.”
“It won’t, I’ll help you,” he replied back, and dropped your head on his shoulder while he grinned, amused by your reluctance to replay any of this.
“Fine, fine, we’ll take turns,” you said, lifting your head up so you can look at the screen. Keys agreed to these terms.
A few hours had passed, you and Keys switching off who plays and who watches- and Keys was a much better player than you were at this particular game, getting through past battles you also had trouble with and barely passed with ease, slicing through the bosses like butter, and going on his merry way. You were almost embarrassed honestly whenever it was your turn, but he sat beside you on that stool, and just helped you.
Normally, whenever you played together or watched the other play a single player game (a sort of ritual you two had every other night when you were both available) you’d go hard on each other for every little mistake.
“Uh triangle is the top button Keys? Need to study the controls a little longer there big guy?”
“Haha- if you’re just going to be so critical the door's over there…”
All would end with a laugh and you leaning back on his bed as you continued to watch him, teasing him within the next few minutes.
Right now though, he’d still occasionally tease here and there, but it wasn’t condescending or serious enough to irritate you. You actually liked it, liked him sitting next to you, leaned in slightly so he was closer to you and the screen, telling you directly in your ear what to do, when to trigger your characters power, what weapons you should go with- you liked him being so close, and especially liked it when you did good and he praises you.
It really urged you to play well, wanting to hear those words again.
Then, you got to the boss you’ve been having so much trouble with you wanted to cheat your way into beating him. By now it was past midnight, closer to 1 in the morning, and you have both been at it for at least another hour or so- switching spots again and again as you did your best to fuck the boss up. He was the only one who got closest and you at least got farther than you normally would…more than half of his life had been down before you were taken out.
“Yup- I’m dead,” Keys said with a sigh. He leaned back, pressing the back of his head on the gaming chair and you grumbled, knowing you were next to try.
“Don’t even move,” you said in a gruff voice as you moved from the stool and sat onto his lap. Keys eyes widened when he felt you there, hands moving to grasp your hips almost instinctively but quickly dropping them as if it was a crime to hold you.
“What are you-“
“I’m going to die real quick, so you moving would be a waste,” you said, shifting slightly before you restarted the mission. Keys just say there staring at the back of your head, trying to fight the heat that was overcoming him.
You weren’t putting your weight fully down on him, your own feet touching the floor and holding yourself upright as you clicked away at the keyboard, too concentrated on the game to notice Keys having a slight panic attack underneath you or how tense suddenly became.
Curse words were slipping through your lips toward the game, and you shifted in your spot again, making him hold onto you once more, deciding to look over your shoulder now and focus on the game and not how you felt on his lap.
You were doing pretty well, actually, dodging with precision, getting well aimed hits on the boss. Your characters power bar was growing drastically, and when the bar was full you managed to trigger it at the perfect time.
“You know, for somebody’s who not even trying you’re doing pretty damn good,” Keys mumbled, leaning forward so his head was over your shoulder. Focusing on the game had been successful in distracting him from your current position.
You merely hummed in response, acknowledging his compliment, and the villain’s health bar was so low- it was in the red and Keys said, “Holy shit! You almost got him!”
He held his breath, and also you, as he watched you dodge some his quickest attacks that you struggled with before triggering your character's power again and putting the boss to sleep with one final blow and a final scream.
You just stared at the screen, in pure disbelief, and perhaps a dash of denial that you’d finally beaten this fucker who had been haunting you for weeks now, taunting you every time you looked at your computer screen. You did it, you beat him - or did you?
"Did...did I actually beat him? Or did I fall asleep watching you play and this is a fever dream? Please tell me this is fucking real-"
“It's real! You kicked his ass!” Keys was practically hugging you from behind and you threw your hands up and shouted with excitement, the smile on your lips wide as you really took in that you finally beat him.
"See! You didn't need to cheat," Keys told you from behind, making you laugh and move to stand, making Keys let you go as you did. He stood up too, and you were turned around to hug him tightly, which seemed to have taken him off guard.
Keys settled into your tight embrace, returning it by wrapping his arms tightly around you before you tilted your head up at him with a wide grin on your lips.
He looked down at you, “He wasn’t worth hacking into a game, right?”
"I mean if we cheated it wouldn't be almost...2 in the morning right now," you joked, making him laugh, his lips pulling into a sweet smile as his brown eyes held your gaze, "But...no you're right...totally not worth that."
He nodded, happy that you agreed with him.
"Thank you, Keys, I mean it...just thank you, I know it's just a video game but you know...this stuff is basically our life, so just...thanks," you told him truthfully.
Keys sucked in a tight breath before he nodded, "You're welcome, anything for you honestly...except you know...hacking into a beatable game."
He made you laugh, again, and because he was pretty sleepy right now with the adrenaline rushing off, he couldn't really hide the way he was looking at your lips.
There was little light in the room, with only your bedside lamp and the light emitting from your computer screen behind you. It reflected back at you slightly, courtesy of those cute glasses Keys wore, but you could see his eyes weren't on yours.
You honestly don't know what compelled you, the adrenaline that still coursed through your veins from the win, or maybe the fact that you were still holding each other like a separated couple reunited- you couldn't really pinpoint it, but you were starting to lean forward as if you were going to kiss him...well...you were going to kiss him.
Until he was leaning away, causing you snap out of it. Your eyes widened as they snapped upward to rest back on his. He looked so very confused and your felt your cheeks heat up immediately with embarrassment, feeling like an idiot that you just about almost stole a kiss from him without asking.
“What...what was that?” Keys asked you, attempting to keep his voice as steady as possible as he felt his heart start to race and his stomach between to twist and turn with nerves.
You were pulling away then, saying in an exasperated tone, “Nothing- sorry- I think I just got too caught up in the moment.”
You were trying to laugh it off, make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal what you were about to do and you stumbled backwards, wanting to shut the game off for the night and lay under your covers in your own embarrassment.
Keys just watched you, piecing together exactly what you were close to doing- how close you had leaned in, how your eyes had looked- were those what they call kiss me eyes?
His heart nearly swelled in his chest and he grasped your arm gently, making you turn to meet him with a curious expression and he asked, “Were you about to…kiss me?”
Your expression turned horrified.
“What? No,” you said, panic rising in your voice before you cleared your throat and continued to say, “I wasn’t- no- did it…did it look like it? Because I wasn’t...”
He blinked a few times, knowing that you were lying. He knows what he saw, and he knows you and your tells, the way you refused to keep eye contact, and would press your lips together as if conflicted. You were lying, and you were embarrassed. He didn’t like that you were.
"Well! Anyway! Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it and uh- we should totally do this again. Well we probably will but-"
“No wait I wasn't finished," Keys said, making you pause and look up again to meet his gaze. He looked serious now, less shocked and more...determined. You didn't know what to say or do, just standing there and waiting for him to finish.
"Just..if you were trying to kiss me…I’d be totally okay with it,” he said, his voice a little softer. Your eyes widened softly at this statement.
"Really?" you asked, and he swiped his tongue across his bottom lip before he nodded.
Things had suddenly grew tenser, the room quieter and darker, more intimate. You hadn't ever expected to be in a situation like this with Keys, sure you sometimes thought about Keys romantically, but you quickly stopped those because you had always known Keys was in love with Millie.
He was cute, he always had been, you had thought so since you first met him. He was funny...smart, the best video game partner, and roommate, coworker...friend, it always struck you as odd that Millie never saw him the same way he saw her.
And here he was, looking at you how he looked at her, except it felt like something even more and he was basically asking you to kiss him. And you wanted to, you wanted to so bad suddenly, but conflict raised in you because of the fact you thought it was always Millie he loved, wondering in these split seconds if he was suddenly into you because he couldn't have her.
He must've seen this, your hesitation, and he swallowed thickly before starting to speak, "I've actually...liked you for a long time now, you asked me when I lost feelings for Millie and...I think- now I know...it was when I met you because...yeah...it's you."
He trailed off awkwardly, and you watched as his cheeks dusted pink and his eyes shifted away from you. You couldn't really believe what he had just said, but when he finally got the courage back to look at you...you knew he was telling you the truth.
And you were leaning in, tilting your head upwards so that you could press your lips gently against his. You practically felt his breath get taken away as your lips touched his, just before he returned your gentle, almost shy kiss.
You both leaned away at the same time, your heart pounding in your chest and your eyes fluttering open as your eyes met. A small smile had returned to his lips, and suddenly you felt his hand in your hair as he grew more confident and you both leaned in to kiss a second time, this time the kiss was longer, your lips melding together tenderly as you titled your head to deepen it.
Then, things went further...because of you mostly. Your hands planted against his bare chest as you made him walk backwards, your lips never leaving each others and he was on your bed with you settling into his lap, straddling him.
Keys looked up at you through his lashes, his hands placed onto your waist, in almost the same way they were placed moments before when you on his lap playing and defeating the boss. His body felt so warm against yours, and you were sure your body was just as warm against his.
You moved your own hands to his hair, and said, "Do you want to keep playing, Keys? Or do you wanna keep doing this?"
He seemed taken back by your suggestion, but laughed breathlessly as he said, "Yeah...yeah let's keep doing this."
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astrophileous · 1 year
Love Bugs (Pt. 03)
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female Reader
Synopsis: You and Derek Morgan have an arrangement. At work, your relationship is strictly business. Under the sheets, it's all about pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. Until, of course, your feelings start to get involved. Your situation is complicated enough without the unexpexted predicament that suddenly befalls upon you. But with a maniac serial killer on the loose, will you ever get the chance to make everything right?
Warning(s): pregnancy, brief talk of abortion, stalker behavior, kidnapping, curse words (this shouldn't even warrant a warning at this point lol) pls lmk if I miss anything
Word Count: 2000-ish
Author's Note: told ya the pt 3 would be here sooner than you'd expect! as always, LIKE+COMMENT+REBLOG cause these give me the motivation I need to finish the parts sooner and maybe upload more frequently 👀
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
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You always took pride in your ability to predict things correctly. It was one of the best traits that made you a great profiler.
Not this time, though.
This time, your ability to conjure correct predictions just seemed like a big joke that the universe purposefully played out to torture your ass.
The ringtone of your phone's incoming call snapped you back to reality. Without looking at the caller ID, you pressed the green button and brought the device to your ear.
"(Y/L/N) speaking."
"Hey, Beets. Where are you?" came the voice of one Penelope Garcia. "Hotch is looking for you. Are you coming in today?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm coming in. Sorry, it was an emergency. Tell the others I'll be there shortly."
After ending the call, you rushed through the rest of your morning routine as quickly as possible. The three opened boxes on the bathroom sink were thrown into the garbage can in no time. Their contents sitting on the counter, however, required you to pause and contemplate what course of actions you would want to do to deal with the problem at hand.
Upon realizing that this was not the kind of dilemma you could solve in a matter of minutes, you decided to fuck it before dumping the items into the same garbage can.
The three tests with two little pink lines would have to wait.
You had a serial murder case to solve.
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If five months ago someone had told you that you'd someday end up carrying the child of Derek Morgan, you would have ordered a psychological evaluation for them right then and there.
The past few days had been a catastrophic turmoil. At first, the irrational anger had devoured you whole. You were this close to calling the company who produced your pills for claiming that they had 99% chance of preventing exactly the kind of mess you were going through from happening. Granted, they had put the minus 1% up there to save face in case anything like this were to ever happen. But what were the chances of you being one of the outliers in that small percentage?
Apparently, a pretty good one.
Then, the panic quickly had taken control and messed up with your head. The endless anxiety of having to bring a child into such a cruel world and bearing the responsibility of raising it, while having witnessed what kind of evil lurked underneath its facade, almost threw you to the brink of insanity. During those moments of fear, you had even entertained the idea of possibly terminating the pregnancy, even going as far as calling the nearest facility to question more about the procedure.
But once the fog had cleared, and you were able to start thinking rationally again, realization soon dawned upon you.
You wanted to keep the baby.
In some curious plot twist, you discovered that the idea of having this baby wasn't as scary as the knowledge of having to face Derek and inform him of the news.
And that was exactly what had been occupying your entire mind: how to break the news to Derek.
You barely even had the guts to talk to him directly anymore. Yet somehow, you had to find a way to tell him that you were pregnant, right to his face, as if you were bringing the news of a new movie that had just premiered in your nearest local theater.
How the hell were you ever going to do that?
And it wasn't like you were worried that Derek wouldn't be supportive about your decision to keep the baby. Even if he was unsupportive, there was nothing he could do to persuade you to change your mind. But Derek--sweet and kindhearted Derek--would never do such a thing. Having lost his father at a very young age himself, there was no way anyone could keep him from taking care of his child, no matter how they came to be in this world.
So, before you could gather your thoughts--and yourself--you had decided to put off telling Derek about your current condition.
"Still nothing, Garcia?" Hotch asked from his place in front of the board.
"I'm so sorry, sir. I've tried everything, but there was nothing else I could uncover from that tape."
The rest of the team was seated around the round table. It had been two weeks since the BAU received the video tape from the UnSub, and Garcia had finally revealed that there was nothing more to be analyzed from the tape despite having only obtained insignificant details out of it.
It also didn't help that the UnSub had been lying dormant since that video was delivered.
"It just doesn't make sense," Rossi said frustratedly. "Why would he stop now? What is he waiting for? This guy gets off on attention. Stopping his theatrics at a time like this doesn't fit his profile at all."
"He must be looking to get his attention from somewhere else," Derek chimed in.
"Yeah, but the question is where?" Reid interjected.
"And what is he planning to do to make sure he gets it?" Hotch let out a long sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright, we're not going to stop just because this guy has. Emily, JJ, try interviewing the victims' families, friends, and the witnesses again. See if they suddenly have something useful for us. Morgan and Rossi, follow up on our other leads. Reid--"
"The case files. I know." Reid nodded.
"Right. And (Y/L/N)--" Hotch pinned his stare towards you, "--I need to talk to you. Thank you, everyone. Dismissed."
"Are you in trouble?" Emily leaned in as the rest of the team scattered out of the room.
"Not as far as I know," you whispered.
As you walked the path to Hotch's office, your mind began searching for the possibilities behind Hotch's sudden request to see you privately. You didn't get to guess for too long, though, as you finally arrived in front of his door almost in no time at all.
"Come on in, Agent. Close the door behind you," he commanded. You turned around to nudge the door closed. "Have a seat."
You didn't spend any time beating around the bush once you had sat down.
"Can I ask what this is about?"
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Hotch looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "I heard you requested a half day off today."
"I, uh... yes. Yes, I did. Is that why I'm here?"
"No. That is not why you're here." Hotch leaned back against his seat. "You've been distracted lately. You're coming late to work, and you can't seem to focus when you're around."
"I-I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."
"You should know that I've received concerns about you from the other members of the team."
"Was it JJ?" you asked. "Because if this is about what happened in the bathroom--"
"It was Garcia, actually."
Hotch looked at you curiously. "What happened with JJ in the bathroom?"
"Nothing, sir. It was nothing."
The next few seconds were drowned in silence. The ticking clock on Hotch's desk became the only sound echoing against the walls. Hotch was examining you as if you were a suspect in the interrogation room, and with how much scrutiny was sizzling inside those eyes, you might as well have been.
"They're not the only ones concerned about you, (Y/L/N)," he spoke carefully. "I've also noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. You seem tired all the time. You look paler every single day." Hotch readjusted his tie before continuing, "I know that what we do here isn't easy. This job, it's not for everyone. Sometimes our limits are much smaller than what we thought it would be, and that's okay. If you'd like to put in a request for a transfer, I'm sure I will be able--"
"Sir," you stopped him before he could go on any further. "I don't want to transfer. I like working here."
"Just because you like working somewhere, it doesn't mean--"
"Hotch," you cut him off once more. "I'm pregnant."
The priceless look on Hotch's face at the sudden drop of your announcement would forever be ingrained in your brain.
"I found out two weeks ago." You smiled tentatively. "I've been having severe morning sickness, and my appetite has also not been the best. Probably why I look tired all the time. I didn't mean to let my condition affect my work, I'm sorry."
"No, no. That's... wow. You're pregnant." Hotch started to nod as if the news was just beginning to fully settle upon him. "Congratulations, Agent. That's wonderful news. You are... happy, right?"
You smiled at his considerate question. "I am very much. Yes."
"How far along are you?"
"My guess is eight to ten weeks. I'm not so sure. Today is my first ultrasound, hence why I requested for half a day."
And then, by some unknown piece of miracle, Aaron Hotchner started to laugh. A real, actual laugh that had both of his eyes wrinkling in the corners. You didn't even know that he could do that without Jack around.
"When I called you in here earlier, this isn't exactly how I pictured the conversation would go," he admitted.
"Neither did I."
"Well--" He cleared his throat, "--there's, of course, a few things we need to go over in rumination of your current condition, but I'm sure we can manage that some other time."
"Of course, sir."
"And (Y/L/N)?" You stared at him expectantly. "You can come to me if you ever need anything. You know that, right?"
The sincerity in Hotch's declaration nearly brought you to tears. You immediately tried to blink back the emotions before you could make a mess of yourself in front of your boss.
"Of course, Hotch. Thank you."
You got up from the chair and began walking towards the door. Before your fingers could touch the handle, you decided to turn around once more.
"I would appreciate it if we kept this between us for now."
"Of course, Agent." He nodded. "You have my word."
And with that, you exited Hotch's room before heading back straight to your desk.
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A few hours later, you were finally returning home after attending the doctor appointment.
Confirming your earlier prediction, the doctor had put the estimated age of your fetus at around ten weeks. According to the internet, your baby was not larger than the size of a mere apricot. It was nothing more than a tiny blob in the sonogram image, but the sight of it alone somehow made you want to break down in tears.
Before you could turn into a sobbing ball of mess, you decided to put the picture right on the front of your fridge.
"Alright, I think that's--"
Your head instinctively whipped around at the mysterious sound.
Without wasting another second, your hand immediately reached for the gun tucked safely in your holster. The tiny footsteps you took sounded deafening in the silence of your apartment. You first checked the bathroom, finding it empty with nothing out of the ordinary. The two bedrooms were pretty much the same. Quiet and a little messy just the way that you had left them that morning.
Sighing, you brushed off your paranoia as a result of your overactive hormons and creeping exhaustion.
When you reemerged from taking a shower nearly an hour later, the feeling of dread once again washed over your entire being.
At first glance, not a single thing in the apartment seemed to be out of place. But somehow, the feeling of another presence in the room was indisputable. Your wet feet slowly moved along the floor, careful as to not make as much sound as possible.
Once you arrived in the kitchen, you took in your surrounding, making sure that things really were staying in the places they should have been in.
You were about to sigh in relief until you saw it.
The sonogram image you previously had glued to the fridge.
It was now lying on the floor.
Before you could have a chance to grab the nearest weapon, the door to the second bedroom behind you suddenly began to creak.
That was the last thing you remembered before everything went dark.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Mon!! I think Aaron might love reader tying his tie for him in the mornings so much that one morning on a case he actually momentarily forgets how to do it. Which he is puzzled by because he’s done it a million times before but in just two weeks without cases out of state he’s somehow forgotten and he has to YouTube tutorial it to remember again 💀 bless him he’s just a guy doing his best
This is also SOOOOO Greg as well but Greg doesn’t travel as much so he’d forget even easier how to do it
Ehehehe yes<3333 I love<3
You have been tying his ties for him and he just loves it so much. I'll bet he gives you a kiss after every single time you tie it for him🤭❤️. And when he's away he's standing there with his tie and he looks in the mirror. But he's like ".......?🤔?....how do I....?" And it's like his brain is bugging out and just having a glitch or malfunction as he stands there staring at the tie in his hands with his brows furrowed with his face all >:( 😭🤣. So he considers calling you for help but figures it's easier and more convenient (he doesn't want you to tease him and he also doesn't want to chance waking you up if you're sleeping) to just look it up on YouTube. And he does and when he's watching he's all >:| he just wants you to do it for him forever. He would even employ you to tie his tie if it meant he could take you everywhere with him to have you do it. Pls he hates that he forgot something that is so natural to him 😂 and is a little embarrassed about it.
Greg literally forgets and never relearns how. You do it everyday. And if he does travel? He calls you "Honey, how do I do this again? I forgot." And you just chuckle a little and walk him through it over the phone. And every single time he has to wear a tie when he's away your phone rings and you know it's because your sweet baby boy needs your help and you think it's adorable 😂❤️. He even considered getting a clip on tie but decided against it because this gives him an excuse to talk to you when he's not there.
I love this idea and I don't think I ever thought of it until now but I will think about this so often 🤭<3 thank you so much for this I love your asks<3 definitely keep them coming if you have more you'd like to share 👀
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phoenix--flying · 7 months
Pls elaborate on luke grows up at chb au🙏🏻👀
Okay, so I've always thought it was a little fucky that Hermes allowed May to take Luke home after her spat with the Oracle, because judging by how he was acting about her taking it on, he knew, or had an idea of what would happen to her. With that knowledge he then allowed her to take an infant home?
Shoving my fatherly Mr. D bullshit SO HARD at this AU because he says NUH UH and takes Luke. He is, as the AU name suggests, raised at CHB! He knows his father is Hermes, but he sees Mr. D as more of a father so like 💀
When it comes to Thalia and her finding her way to camp in this AU, she makes her way to Hals house as she does in canon, while Luke is sent there/the area for a quest! They do their lil thing in there and then find Annabeth outside LOL so no tree-ified Thalia!!
don't ask me how the prophecy works i havent thought that far into it ok
WHAT I DO KNOW is that Kronos starts bugging Thalia when she gets to camp and she sort of just pulls away from everyone, which leads to Luke being suspicious and trying to confront her. That doesn't go very well, she kind of freaks out because Kronos had been planting seeds of doubt in her mind, making her think Luke never truly cared for her and that she was a pity project for him. This winds up with her shocking him with lightning a few times because she doesn't know how to handle her powers.
But Percy isn't the prophecy kid so he comes to camp a little later and he just gets to live his life man
and barely any familial trauma for luke 💀 that he remembers igs
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
I’m here to (lovingly) bombard you on your sleepover Saturday and request any and all Oberyn thoughts you have floating around in your brain (or really any GoT thoughts in general) <3 <3
scout my darling my angel my sweet game of thrones confidante 💙
I’m so sorry this took me so long 😫
truthfully, I ALWAYS have oberyn martell on the brain. I got bit by the fic bug and this man straight up set up shop in the back of my head and kicked his feet up. he ain’t going ANYWHERE FAST, and thirteen Game of Thrones Wiki tabs I have open right now aren’t either.
I seriously wasn’t lying when I said I planned out the first ten chapters of an Oberyn x female!OC fic. and there’s more plot after that, I just haven’t fleshed out actual chapters past those ten.
SO. that being said, I thought I’d share a snippet! my plan is to start posting in the new year, I wanna get at least 5-6 chapters written before it starts going up, but a saucy sneak peek under the cut! (pls tell me your thots on it 👀)
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“Would you visit?” you ask, blinking slow. You’re dead on your feet, nearly asleep as Oberyn turns to stand in front of you, his hand curling down your forearm and around your wrist lightly. “King’s Landing.”
“If it means seeing you, little star,” he murmurs, and his other hand comes up under your chin, pinched softly between his thumb and forefinger, “nothing would keep me away.”
Your breath stutters in your throat as his thumb stretches up, drags along your lower lip. One of your hands floats up, curves around his elbow, your fingers digging into the fabric of his sleeve. “My prince…”
“Have you been kissed before, sweet thing?” he purrs, and his thumb dips lower, like velvet against your skin. “Tell me.”
“O-once,” you stutter out. “No, twice. When I was young, the first time, and…” You trail off, your eyes stuck to his mouth, as it curves into a grin.
“And the second?”
“My eighteenth nameday,” you murmur, mouth moving against his thumb. “One of my brother’s friends.”
“Did he kiss you properly?” he asks, and your brow creases.
“Properly?” you repeat.
“Properly,” he breathes, and then his lips meet yours.
It’s soft, and slow. His grip on your chin doesn’t falter, and his other hand tugs you closer. You don’t know what to do with your hands anymore, but as he pulls you into him, they fall to his chest, curl in the silky fabric, hold him in place. He kisses your bottom lip first, letting his teeth scrape lightly against your flesh. It makes something bubble up into your chest, warm and heady like a heavy sip of wine. Then he moves upward, caressing your upper lip, giving you access to his bottom one, and you follow his lead, nipping at it with your teeth, drinking down the taste of Oberyn Martell. 
He’s warm, the hand at your wrist moving to the small of your back again, pressing you into him much like he had on the dance floor. You want to bury yourself in the kiss, that delicious feeling he’s sparked crawling up your chest, spreading through your limbs and making them tingle. You hold onto him tighter, sighing into him deeply as his tongue pokes past your teeth. It makes your toes curl in your shoes.
You’re breathless as he pulls away, a broad grin on his lips that you want to kiss away. You find yourself chasing his mouth, leaning in for more, but he only gives you one more sweet peck, another to your cheek, then your forehead. Still, you crave more.
“Was that proper?” you ask, licking the taste of him from your lips. You feel almost drunk, like you’d drank too much wine; you swear you only had two cups.
“Indeed, little star,” he replies, his hand now cupping your cheek, the other resting at your waist. “That’s how you ought to be kissed.” He gives you another quick kiss, like he can’t help himself. “From this day, until the end of your days.”
You can’t decide on words, just offering him a bleary eyed smile as he brushes the hair from your face, reaches for the handle of the door. “Right,” you remember, finding your voice. “Bed. Sleep.”
Oberyn chuckles, pushing the door open. He reaches for your hand, squeezes your fingers, lifts your knuckles to his mouth. “Sleep well,” he tells you, speaking against your skin. “I will see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, my Prince,” you reply, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip, chasing the ghost of the kiss he’d given you.
“Goodnight, my little star.”
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
Bug, I need advice
I want to ask my master to start using it pronouns for me (not for gender reasons- I'm staunchly they/them- but BC I'm pathetic and don't deserve anything else). I want to show him that I'm nothing more than his pathetic toy.
...but I don't want to just ask him. That would be too easy- to put it into conversation like I'm a person. I don't deserve that.
So what can I do to ask him? What show should I put on to make him stop respecting me? I want to be degraded and sobbing and a desperate leaky mess for him when I ask but I can't think of anything 😭
Assume nothing is off the table. Edging covered in drool, licking the toilet, anything.
Thank you bug. Us leaky cunts gotta stick together.
arf this is a tough one!! obviously you know your master, but just in case it hasn't come to mind, remember that for some people this may feel like misgendering or orientation play, so it's always best to gauge your partner's limits first. (this warning isn't necessarily for you, bc i trust that this is a committed relationship w good communication, but for anyone else interested in something like this!)
here's what i would do. think of the thing that makes you cry. humiliation? pain? edging? whatever it is, think about that. for me, it's easier if i'm put into subspace slowly before whatever makes me cry is starting; i'm more open and emotional that way.
ask your master to plan a scene for you. you're basically asking him to break you, possibly in a way he never has before, so please please take advantage of his care for you--make sure you'll have ample time and supplies for any aftercare you might need; this is gonna be a tough scene, a show of devotion and ownership that is going to be intense. tell him that at some point during this scene, you're going to give him a gift somehow.
what i would do if i was doing this (pls bear in mind im a dumb fuck): i'd write it down. maybe on a piece of paper. maybe on a dog tag to attach to my collar. or go fucking crazy and have a plaque made, or a custom paddle, or cross-stitch some shit...make it unique, but tangible. here are some ideas for how i would say it:
pathetic toys don't deserve pronouns (and on the back it says "it/its")
congrats! it's an it! (im trying to riff on cringey cishet 'gender reveals' but idk if its working lmaooo)
fleshlights don't have pronouns (this prob only works if ur a bottom and he's a top so disregard if needed lmao)
dildos don't have pronouns (if ur the top and he's the bottom)
certified object (TM) (and on the back it says "it/its")
sex toy (and on the back it says "it/its")
if i was a toy 👀and u were a real person 👀would u respect me 👀or nah? (check yes or nah) and if u checked nah 👀would u maybe 👉🏽👈🏽 call me it/its? 👀 haha jk,, unless....?
omg or,, one of those like fake certificates? or a deed of property?
Here on this 14th of February, 2024, by Notarized Declaration, has been bequeathed to You, the Undersigned, a certification: that [sub's name] has been deemed a Material Object, pursuant to Code 98.706 of the Consensual Dehumanization Act, and shall hereby be referred to by "it/its" pronouns throughout any Proceedings of Consensual Power Exchange (PCPA). (Initial)___ I, the Undersigned, hereby agree to this Declaration and the Conditions elaborated herein...
did yall think i was joking about being a clownpuppy
anyway. whenever you've figured that shit out, be it a plaque, a fake contract, a dog tag, whatever the fuck, hide that shit. whatever your master has planned for the evening, incorporate it.
is he gonna tie you up and put you in a suspension rig and pretend he's livestreaming you? hide that shit in his ropes.
is he gonna make you hump his shoe and bark? hide it in ur mouth and drool it out onto his thigh.
is he gonna edge you and call you names until you cry? fam, put that shit in your holes. that is the ultimate objectification (to me): be the vase you hide your v-day roses in.
so that's my advice, basically. if you don't want to ask outright like a person, then symbolize it in your play. it's still communication, which is vital for a scene that's gonna be as intense as you want it to be, but it also fits the theme of what you're trying to tell him. come up with a basic plan for the night, then place your declaration somewhere accessible either by you or him when you hit the point in the night that you want to reveal it.
i'm so excited for you. idk if i really helped, this is just *my* style of play (read: stupidtown to the max), but regardless i'd love to hear how it goes, whatever you end up deciding!
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cathymee · 1 year
not me reading chapter 7 (am so silly lol)
Guess Simoun still comes back, huh?
also Lucky Basilio for finding out Top secrets that the government still cannot find out lol.
Uhhh... Are they having a healthy debate? But yes, keep going, I love listening to Simoun mansplain and Manipulate out of our protagonist XD
But Sir Simoun, I just wanna be a doctor ;-; —Basilio, probably
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Dear Simoun, what did they do to deserve that?
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Sorry for the caps, but like. I need Basilio's last name XD
not me taking the time to answer this when i have classes in like 7 hours from now and i still have not slept— (blame rizal & his stupid stupid book (affectionate, revering))
chapter 7 my absolute beloved!! this banger of a chapter is still one of my most favorites even now – i have so many Thoughts™ over this chapter it's making me absolutely insaaaane like. these bitches be going back and forth making good points occasionally. and emphasis on occasionally bc,, god,,, their other arguments,,,,,, garbage. shut up. both of you.
1. Ibarra is a BUG that should be SQUASHED on sight. i will throw him on a garbage disposal. we all should. (i say, knowing full well i have a history of ranting to my friends about how sad i get over him)
2. hdghjvfjhd pls this is so funny to me like,, sim 🤝 that superman guy i forgot the name of. it's all in ze ✨glasses✨
3. goDDD simoun was such a boomer in it too like,,, you kids 🙄 chasing butterflies and being all innocent 🙄 when you should be planting b0mbs in celebrations like a REAL MAN 🙄🙄 smh smh. bro would be the equivalent of boomers in our time being like 'oh. OUR generation endured abuse from our parents and teachers and that's why we're disciplined and tough. you kids are WEAKLINGS, that's why you're all undisciplined and unprepared for life.' (<- me typing this up, horrified but laughing over the realization that simoun would unironically support ROTC & the other useless, nonsensical programs & plans of our government for our educational system rn SJGHDHBHDV)
4. yeah!! poor basi's just trying to study man 😞 can u imagine tho a debate between sim & isagani….glorious (also bc 'gani is like. the elias of el fili. both of these mfs threw hands with friars and other powerful figures.)
(isagani once he hears the first bullshit argument from simoun:
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5. IK LIKE??? BRO CHILL LMFAOOOO that was such a batshit insane confession but what were we expecting from a tyrant and a fascist
6. oh..you know full well who the noble soul he's referring to… 👀 /lh jkjk but yeah he was referring to his dad in the first two sentences, and the noble soul is elias,,, whose spirit is probably there screaming at simoun's face throughout this whole monologue, throughout the whole chapter (and throughout the whole book tbh)
no apologies needed, you're always welcome to scream with me over all this (sorry for my late replies tho) ^^ and as for basi's last name…*grabs a shovel and heads over to luneta* /j
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senditothemoonn · 1 year
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Fran obviously 💖 although I can see Artie giving him lil pecks when he's sad or tired - just coming to engulf Fran in his arms and press his lips against his worried lil forehead. Of course, the odd soft lil nose kiss first thing in the morning, that’s also adorable.
Gets jealous the most: Arthur. Like I said, he's an insecure, anxious lil guy and I imagine Fran is constantly reassuring him. That's not to say Francis doesn't get jealous either, I just think that while Arthur sees anyone as a threat, Francis will be really intimidated by certain people in particular. Like those he sees acting particularly soft with Arthur - he thought he was the only one who got to be soft with that grumpy little gremlin ! >:’(
Takes care of on sick days: overworking RT Chan strikes again 😩 like take a break before Fran forces you to take a break.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: do I even need to say? The image of Arthur clad in T-shirt and knee length swimming trunks reluctantly being dragged towards the sea by Fran all sunny smiles is SO clear in my mind. Perhaps I need to draw this...
Brings the other lunch at work: Francis. But I also think that Arthur would bring some form of takeaway to Fran because he knows he won't eat otherwise. Like just bringing him a sandwich and coffee from Pret and then he does the James Acaster bit like 'I like to manger un sandwich' and Francis rolls his eyes but he laughs anyway and please they are so CUTE.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: we all know they'd both be into the nastiest freak shit, but honestly I'm not sure who would initiate it. I can imagine, in the heat of the moment, Francis being like 'choke me' and Arthur obliges with suspicious vigour and later they're both like 👀👀
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Arthur, it's always gonna be RT. And I think his dancing gets progressively worse with every drink he has ajsjsjs
Cheesy disco moves that would make even your grandpa look cool.
Why is this guy forcing his boyfriend to foxtrot in the middle of a club?
Oh dear lord he's twerking.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: ofc I think Fran is the queen of dressing up (I mean he's out every Saturday night in the club in full drag) and Arthur thinks dressing up is for kids. But once Fran gets him into it, he adores it. Like this is the man who goes to battle reenactments in historically accurate chainmail. He may pretend to be above it on Halloween, but this man loves dressing up and he needs to admit that so he can have the fun he deserves by dressing up like an evil wizard and scaring children.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: I think they both would. Francis would initially (he can't help it, he is a man of expensive taste) and since Arthur has come to expect this, he will also go all out and try to outdo Francis. Only these 2 could turn gift giving into a competition.
Makes the other eat breakfast: they are the type of couple that has to force each other out of bed in the morning. It's more like brunch at that point and it's basically just Francis telling Arthur to at least bring a slice of toast with his flask of tea on the way out and Arthur reminding Francis he needs something besides a cup of coffee and a cigarette.
Remembers anniversaries: neither of them are good at this so maybe they've just given up. Equally, they have to plan anything months in advance if they want to do something on a special occasion because I think they're both a little scatterbrained. Fran because that's just who he is and Arthur because this man is so stressed. Seriously, someone get him some help.
Brings up having kids first: I see Arthur being similar to Alasdair in that, even if it sucked at times, he looks back on his childhood with fondness and part of it is because he had such a big family and I think he wants to recreate that with Francis. He wants to be a dad 🥺
Kills the bugs: Arthur ajsjd the spider fiend.
First to define them as a couple: I think they would get off to a rocky start no matter the au but once they've settled, I think that Arthur would be kind of shy and anxious about speaking too soon and Francis would recognise that and voice what they were both thinking. (That they are in love 💗)
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: Arthur. This man is riddled with shame and anxiety.
Snorts while laughing: Fran ✨
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tmntxthings · 1 year
…so i heard you do matchups 👀 (feel free to ignore this ;w;)
i’m 5’2, with brown hair and brown/green (central heterochromia, woo!) eyes. i have a taste for music, drawing, reading, video games, and puns, and know the basics on how to play the guitar. i also hope to one day get into botany, woodworking, animation, and coding, with a dream job of being a voice actor ^^
according to my friends i’m a considerate person who goes out of my way to make them happy, but to me i’m a menace for the bit who likes to bug people to hang out constantly. i’m usually a super cuddly and clingy person to people i like, but always make sure to get permission if they’re touch-adverse. if someone infodumps to me, i listen, though i also tend to infodump a lot as well. according to my friends i’m also a great conversationalist, according to me i can’t hold a conversation on one topic longer than 5 minutes unless someone is infodumping.
you heard correct!! and thou shall be my last one of the night <3333 (pls forgive me everyone! this has been fun tho hehe)
oki oki let’s hop into this dear anon
my first thought was to match you up with our best gal April O’Neil
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& I have reasons!!! but just in case you wanted a turtle I also shall match you up with one too down below c:
I mainly chose April because it sounds like you are quite the busy bee!! You are doing a lottttt, multi-tasking even??? And April has those tendencies as well, she cannot stick to one thing, she’s done all kinds of clubs, and has all kinds of diff jobs!
Perhaps the two of you met through woodworking?! I wouldn’t be surprised if April decided to pick up on that hobby too XD, and ever since she met you, she’s starting to try out all the cool stuff that you’re into c: isn’t that so sweet hehe!
April is in desperate need of human relationships, whether that be platonic or romantic totally up to you! She’s doing her best not to be super duper awkward, she’s shy at first, has a harder time relaxing when it comes to humans, but with your great conversation skills & kind consideration she’s finding it super easy to open up to you! Plus you actually want to hang out with her?!? She’s got all sorts of ideas planned out! Let’s go to karaoke or the arcade??? what about the park, you can tell her all about the plants, heck let’s go to a flower shop/botanical gardens?! (is that a thing for the public???)
now now turtle time! i match you up with Donatello Hamato
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hehe see what I did there ↑ ;D
okay okay, my reasons I’ll keep quite short,
I rlly think Donnie is into botany too! He’s Mr. Science afterall, and I find a lot of that can deal with yk plants! The two of you bond def over that , not to mention you are a great listener when he has his urges to infodump!
You never seem bored with him and his long talks, your attention is something he craves!! now you might not think ur the best at conversations or holding conversations but no worries Donnie can take up practically the whole convo as long as your eyes are on him intently, he can go on and on about his inventions to you
while April may better for the hugs and cuddles, Donnie is completely against the idea when it comes to you! Though he appreciates it greatly when you ask first c: if he’s ready he’ll open his arms wide for you to jump into! he thinks your menace side is cute~~~ he too has that crazy evil genius side to him, just imagine the two of you when you both are in that mindset/mode oml unstoppable chaos !!!
teehee, yeah that’s all I’ve got, I hope you enjoyed <3
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“ 🔥 “ tell me more comic grievances pls 👀
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// Hm. do I step on a landmine, or do I throw myself into a bonfire with this? well fuck, you're the only one who's sent one, so I guess we're just going to give you a hot take that I know is going to piss at least a few people off.
So let's talk multiverse, casting, and adaptations, yes? Because the way I see it, most people can't keep their outrage or fandom straight, and it bugs me.
Give you an example. Everyone lost their shit about the Scarlet Witch casting. Lost their shit. Torches and pitchforks and all that shit. Doesn't matter that she's a person who in her own series has an entire town begging her for death rather than living under her control, nah, the only thing anyone can talk about is who's playing her.
And you know what? They have a point. Or they would, if they didn't immediately adopt entirely counter opinions that contradict that one.
Because you know, Quicksilver is in that show too. And he's been in the MCU too. And he's had two actors. And he's her biological brother. But I don't see any huge outrage over either of them. I don't see people going 'if you use either of them as a FC I will literally call you hitler.' So what gives? Because the thing is, if you're mad about her casting, and there's good reason if you are, you also need to be mad about his, because they're the same. Imagine if some insane guy decided to cast Black Panther and Storm as white people, but people were only mad about one of their casting choices. That doesn't make sense! You either need to be mad at both of them, or neither of them, because the same rule applies to both. Both of them are whitewashing, which means that it's entirely contradictory to have a fire and brimstone take on one and not the other!
But while we're on the subject, I distinctly remember that for a while on tumblr, people were mad pissed about genderbending. And you know what? They had a point! Saying it was transphobic is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Personally, I think it's a weaker argument than saying it's sexist, as the idea that men and women live exactly the same lives with no differences is not a thing that happens, but I see the point being made with people who think it's transphobic.
And then the multiverse got popular.
Apparently, all you need to do in order to get rid of the transphobia stink is say 'oh, it's not a gender bend, it's an alternate universe.' So now we got everything from a female Batman who Laughs to female Dr. Octopus to female aquaman batman, and everyone is like 'yay! multiverse!'
Now I will say that this may be because this only seems to go one way. I'm not seeing anyone make an alternate universe version of Batwoman where Kate Kane is a gay man or anything.
But it also comes off as distinctly hypocritical because the entire argument before was 'if you change this character's sex you don't change their gender, and thus you're being transphobic by doing so.' Apparently, the only thing anyone needed to say was 'oh it's just the multiverse' and everyone agreed that was fine.
Like I have seen people's rules that say, explicitly, 'I don't write with genderbends' and then literally have multiverse characters that are exactly what they say they hate. Apparently, it doesn't count if a megacorporation does it! Then it's not bad, it's just creativity.
Sorta like how no one gives a shit if your dude is not romani, they only care that the woman is. 'The dude is hot and we like hot sexy guys, so who cares if both the guys we had play him aren't romani? I know we said that a white woman playing a romani woman is bad, but a white guy playing a romani man isn't, and I am entirely consistent!'
Drives me up the wall. Absolutely blows my mind.
All I ask is that, whatever your take, whatever your belief is, just be fucking consistent, or at least, admit what your actual beef is. Because you can't clothe yourself in moral righteousness while you're engaging in the very things you claim to hate. That's like if you claimed to hate drinking while you were four shots into a bottle of tequila.
It. Makes. No. Sense.
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mrhowells · 2 years
Smallville 1x02
first of all: bugs. why. pls no.
I also find it funny how when bug boy stalks Lana the shows makes sure you know it's the creepiest shit ever (which it totally is) but when Clark watches her through his telescope I'm supposed to think "aw, look at this sweet sad boy and his unrequited crush :'("
I love Clark, like that's my son but come on now
Also that Lex and Lana interaction? Knowing what I know, creepyyyy (though he's a real one for snitching on Whitney)
Lex: "If you hadn't pulled him out of that truck, your problems would be solved"
"I'm kidding of course." ARE U LEX👀
"so you'd rather spend time with him? Is he more important than me?" Dudebug, Bugdude, you're not even friends with Lana, wtf is this entitlement?? Lana bestie, run
Clark trying to straighten his flannel before going up to Lana, lmaooo
"fortress of solitude" he's so angsty, same tho💀
Lana: "Did u know you can see my house from here?"
Clark: "NO. Really???"
Ok but Lana wearing a piece of the meteor that killed her parents, they're both angsty asf, like jeez
Bugdude again, being gross in the shower🤢 I can't believe he's the guy from the Homecoming episode
Martha being sassy with Jonathan, okokokok😌 she needs more screentime
Jonathan ruffling Clarks hair like that😭😭
"Chloe I could never outgrow you. Other than vertically." *adorable grin*
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Chloe spot on with those theories, I see u Sherlock😌
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Clark being afraid of heights lmaoooo
"I didn't believe (the treehouse) was structually sound." pls i love him
Yuuuup, he killed his mom💀
I don't want to praise Clark too much for returning the necklace to Lana even though he knows he'll be sick around her because it's what he should do, BUT since the bar is pretty low: You did good Clark, that was very selfless and sweet of you, I'm proud.
Do we get an update on Greg or his mom in future episodes? Because I have QUESTIONS
I don't know if any of this is coherent, also WOW this is long
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sunmoonjune · 2 years
so i'm here because my review would have been too long in the comments.
OKAY here we go.
so chapter 11 of like the moon had me in tears. i said that before already but anyways, holy moly your writing is just perfect. that part where she said that ateez had candles and how their fire was bringing light into her life, then her saying that wooyoung would be part of that soon 😭 i cannot wait to read that part when it comes. WHEN SHE ASKED FOR SAN TO COME WITH THEM PLSSS MY HEART 🫠 plus ateez being so considerate and understanding of her and not wanting to push her to do things she wasn't comfortable with! i mean, that's basic manners but her old clan was so inhumane that she didn't think she deserved how they were treating her 😭 but ateez, they're so sweet and patient and protective! she deserves the way she's being treated by them and so much more, they all do.
PROTECTIVE!! the way they kept her in the middle so she was guarded and her admitting to herself that she felt safe. SAFE WITH THEM 😭 also lemme at those old clan members of hers, lemme just make them all pay pls 🙏
don't even get me started when sh*t started to go down. THE WAY SHE JUST FIT SO PERFECTLY WITH THEM WHEN THEY WERE FIGHTING TOGETHER 🤧 and when san got hurt, she literally killed the dude responsible without batting an eye??? that was so cool of her 😌
but san got hurt! and now she's spiraling and blaming herself again and she ran away and my heart hurts bc i just want to hug and reassure her that it was no one's fault but her old clan 😠
wooyoung 👀👀 you saw what happened with her and what she did at the end, what are you gonna do about it???
thank you for another amazing chapter!! even though you hurt my heart with it
omfg this comment <333 my heart <333
when I was writing the part with the matches I had sad music in the background and I literally made myself cry :')) like there were literally multiple times I had to step away cause I was just weeping xD also the past with yeosang in chapter ten!! I had that 'what it feels like to fall in love' playlist going and I just sat there like happy crying - I don't think I've ever been so emotional attached to my own writing before ;.;
and yes!! ateez has lots of experience with trauma so they're so patient with bug and her progress :)) it may be the bare minimum to be patient like that but it means so much to her D':
yes yes!! protective ateez!! they were so ready to fight for her and keep her safe! they immediately moved to put the reader between them and she felt so safe and she didn't even know 3:
sannie :(((( one of the absolute loves of my life and I've injured him D: bug was running on pure instinct when she threw that sword - no thoughts other than killing the guy who hurt her san :') but now she's spiraling :(((
but wooyoung ;)))) wooyoung my love ;DDDD I wonder...
heheh I'm so so glad you enjoyed the new chapters lovely!! thank you so much for leaving showing so much love for them <33 the comments and everything literally had me kicking my feet when I woke up and read them all xD
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First and foremost, i absolutely love that Helaena is the undisputed bug wh8sperer here. Her and her little companions? I love every scene with them.
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AEMOND MY DEAR i see this scene so vividly in my head and i love it to bits, low how he tries to act all confident vut he is not entirely confident and just hopes it will please our girl abdjejekdkek so cute
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This part warmed my soul. The way you wrote it was so beautiful it was a joy to read it, especially that you compared them to books and it just resonated with me so much. Most beautiful paragraph of your fic 💚
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Ok I have to say I laughed way too much every time Aegon appeared in our girl's room. And finally a fic where I can like Aegon (from the Aemond centric ones, I'm still not over my Aemond phase so I can't read anything Aegon-centric yet). And this part?? Him showing that he cares without letting the people whe care about know about it??? Instant angst and trauma for me (and Aegon tok) but you go kinnnnng!!!
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OMG THIS PART I LAUGHED OUT LOUD I can imagine Aemond's face once she said it and her laughing like a madwoman after this, because this, here, is god tier humour.
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And this, here, is the another best part of this fic. It's so true and so painful and i can't do anything but nod and agree with Aemond that he has given enough. Let him be pls 😭
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Since I can't attach all the parts I wanna screan about I'm sending it in another ask, sorry 🥺
PLEASE NEVER STOP SPAMMING ME, I AM IN SHAMBLES 😭😭 This is one of the best gifts I have ever received 😭😭 I will never forget this and will be smiling about it for the next 50+ years of my life, thank you and goodnight 😭😭
Helaena is so childlike and sweet that people discount her, but like...homegirl KNOWS things...all sorts of things... 👀
Aemond has spent his whole life feeling like he wasn't getting what he deserved and now he FINALLY has something all his own that makes him so happy but it's all in jeopardy!!! No wonder he went feral!!! Homeboy snapped 😭
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🦅Being Shiratorizawa's Manager🦅
Tendou Crushing On The Manager
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Tendou Satori featuring Shiratorizawa x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing probably (I just put this because I swear alot 😅)
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
I totally believe Tendou would be on the the best partners in the HQ realm
So when I say that you are SO lucky to have grabbed the attention of this one YN 😍
I mean it whole heartedly!
Tendou is friends with alot of people
BUT he doesn't have crushes of flirt with just anyone...
Oh no no no!
So when SHIRATORIZAWA 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 gets a new manager
Tendou is intrigued to say the very least 🤔
Only Ushijima and Semi have met you so far and they both refuse to tell Tendou your name
"Come on Semi Semi!"- Tendou
"No and stop calling me 'Semi Semi'"- Semi
"Ushiwaka 😭😭😭"- Tendou
"No 😐"- Tendou
So Tendou not so patiently waits for your introduction
And when the day comes, let's just say he's completely knocked on his butt
Because omg are you amazing!
No stunning? No perfection? No awesome sauce?
All of the above ✔️
Tendou immediately starts in on you
He will latch himself to your side the entire practice
It does not matter what you are doing, Tendou is there
Filling water bottles 👉🏻 Tendou's carrying them
Helping Ushiwaka with spiking practice 👉🏻 Tendou's blocking
Helping Semi with serving 👉🏻 Tendou is yelling "GO SEMI SEMI" from the sidelines 🤣
His crush is gradually developing on you
He finds you attractive from day one but Tendou needs more than just attraction physically
He needs emotional and mental attraction too
So when he cracks a joke and you laugh, you are mentally earning points
When you get a pop culture reference he makes, he probably dies a little inside 💀
And when the latest issues of Shōnen Jump falls from your backpack, omg he will probably faint 🤣
In fact, that probably seals the deal for him
However 👀 there is one tiny little problem 🤏🏻
That tiny problem comes in the form of other middle blockers
Mainly Matsukawa from Seijoh
You see, I think Mattsun would be the most viable threat to Tendou
Fellow third year and resident hottie next to Iwaizumi Hajime himself 💅
So when Shiratorizawa faces Seijoh in Season 1
Forever freaking bitter we will never get to see that match 😒
Tendou is on edge 😳
Like I dont think he shows that he's on edge but he's been building up the courage to ask you out for weeks now
Please he's bugged Semi and Reon for weeks to help him out
He totally planned everything out
Like he wanted to do something so sweet and so Tendou
Reon suggest sparklers
It probably was going to involve fireworks but Semi shut that down
I feel like Tendou would be a pyromaniac
So Tendou was going to ask you out by lighting sparkles and writing it in the air 🥺
Please how freaking cute
Anyways, too bad your name is YN and you don't get nice things 😅
Because the moment you guys step into the finals, Tendou is on edge
Pls being in the same arena as Oikawa would make anyone jumpy 🤣
So far, there has been no sign of Mattsun or any of Seijoh
You go about your tasks, completely oblivious to everything
You live in your own world YN 🌎
The guys are practicing then you tell coach you are going to fill the water bottles
Tendou is mid spike so he does not notice you've left
But someone else notices 👀
At the water fountain, you gracefully fill the bottles and put them back into their holder
You turn to leave and run smack into Matsukawa and Kindaichi
Seriously they were having a middle blocker meeting or something 🙄
"Oh I apologize! I didn't see you there!"- you
"Really now?"- Mattsun
"Well I mean you are tall but like you just kind of appeared"- you
Mattsun just watches you with a smirk 😏
"Ok well, I've got to get back to my team"- you
"Here let us help you with those"- Mattsun
"Uhh ummm thanks"- you
I mean why strain ourselves yn 💅
You talk with them while you walk because why not!
You hand the crates over and walk with the trees
It's like walking in a forest
Relaxing 😌
They are nice guys and we aren't rude
Back in the gym, Tendou finished his spiking drills and looks for his Yn
Sorry YN you've been claimed
You might not know it but it's happened 👏🏻
So when Tendou sees Matsukawa helping you
He freaking loses it
Tendou 👉🏻🔥 👄🔥
He will stomp up to you and pull you towards him
Heck he will literally throw you over his shoulders and hall you away
"Tendou what the heck!"- you screaming
"I'm saving you YN don't fight it"- him
Tendou turns to face Matsukawa and does the "I'm watch you" finger gesture
You know the one
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Matsukawa just smirks as Goshiki takes the crates from him
Kindaichi is so confused and also kind of scared 😅
Tendou finally sets you down and you just glare at him
"What the heck Sat-"
"YN go out with me!"- Tendou
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 whet-
"I like you YN go out with me"- Tendou
Yn was too stunned to speak
👁👄👁 you- you like me?
Great job keeping it together YN 👍🏻
"Yeah I have for a while! So what do you say?"- Tendou, practically begging you with his eyes
"Ok 🥺"- you
Seriously he will give you a hug so tight that your bones will probably break
Hug him back
Semi is actually tearing up 🥲
He might look hard but he's so happy 🥰
Tendou doesn't release you for the rest of the game
His eyes train from you to Matsukawa the entire time 🤣
After Shiratorizawa wins, you give him a huge hug and he finally chills out 🫂
You fall asleep on his shoulder on the bus on the way home
He's taking a million selfies 🤳🏻
Just let him be YN, he simply adores you 🥺
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catcze · 3 years
Kazu sfw headcanons!!
- cuddle bug
- holds your hand and buries his face in your neck lightly
- will press sudden kisses on your collabone and will make you laugh because haha ticklish
- 'i love you' '*sleepy hum of acknowledgemebnt'
- always gets a little cookie or something sweet when he goes to a store or cafe
- you, him and Tomo often go out on mall dates
- poor Tomo carries everything cuz he's the strongest and loves to flex
- kazuhas very curious, he won't pry but he's here to listen to any gossip or tea you have
- he has definitely went to the store to get u period supplies or sum, and tried to ask what size you were
- knows about a lot of things, and it's like winning the lottery when you tell him something he genuinely didn't know
- kazuha is so sweet omg
now the nsfw ones 😈😈
- I hope you have stamina
- you could cockwarm this man and have your eyes roll back
- he's fucking huge dude
- super gentle, too
- teases you a lot, tho
- edging... he lives for that shit
- then once he decides you've suffered enough, he oversrims you until you're shaking
- 'whats that, sweetheart? use your words.'
- sit on his face
- I do this trope with every character but yes
- I hC that the first time you do it, it feels weird to enjoy it properly
- lots of twiching and squirming, begging and all that lovely stuff
'kazu- kazuha- I swear to g- mmmMm- kazuha please-!'
- music to his fucking ears
- you're so sweet
- he's be into mutual masturbation don't even try me
- and a voyeur
- Imagine this scenario right
- it's late and you're horny and kazuhas not home
- you slowly slip off your garments and tease yourself toll he does get home
- and when he does, he's greeted with a high pitched moan from his room
- mans thinks you saw a spider
- he goes in and immediately goes red
- there's you on the bed, fully naked with your eyes shut right
- moaning and begging for him
- he loves it too much to say his presence
- as soon as you finish, you look at him and grin
- homies face is a tomato
I completely forgor how to write HAHAHS and do ignorethis being a bit late for his bday but yeah!! 🎱Anon but I bet you could already tell ;)
i write for female Reader and modern au don't come for me LMAO
NSFW !! 18+ ONLY !!
PLS these are so sweet n 👀👀 delicious as usual akjsndaks 💞💞💞💞
pls ik the second half is supposed to be h word smut content (and it is omg akjssda <333) but i find it so sweet that Kazuha's first instinct upon thinking the reader saw a spider is to immediately come to the reader's aide aksjksas (Man's gonna b getting head just bc he's sweet)
BUT YES YES i agree kazuha would be a whole sweetheart omg aksnkajs <333 MMM both in bed and just generally in a relationship aaAAA<333
Mine is on the 27, and his is on the 29!! like, two days apart HAHAH
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