#if i see a fellow author i adore and look up to leave a kudos on my fic i go like 'dammit you shouldnt have read that'
darkkitty1208 · 1 year
You ever have that feeling after you post a fic and go like "please please comment and leave kudos" but simultaneously you hope to god that nobody reads this shit because it is absolute Trash^TM you wrote at 3 am without a beta and barely any effort in proofreading?
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laytonlover3 · 7 months
Happy Halloween, all! I bring some exciting news for my fellow League of Legends fandomers:
As of today, the ezko ship (Ezreal x Ekko) has over 100 fanfics posted on AO3!
Ik this is a silly thing to get excited over, but I couldn’t be happier about the attention that my favorite ship is getting. I thought I’d take this chance to shoutout/recommend some of my favorite fics (I tried to pick just one favorite, but was tied between these 5):
First Fic I Ever Read with Ezko in It: The Years Nearly Forgotten by albawrites (Rated M for violence, but imo this one fic - not the rest of its series - could safely be rated T.)
This fic is part of a longer series called On the Way to Piltover which is a canon-compliant Twisted Fate x Graves story with a friends(?)-with-benefits to lovers arc. Ezko makes a notable, if short appearance, but their dynamic is adorable - this fic, accompanied by Michael Yichao’s “Out of Time” (the Riot-sponsored Pulsefire ezko short story) was what first got me interested in what has since become my OTP.
First Ezko-Centric Fic I Really Loved: Paradox Rebound: First Paradox by ArinieKat (rated M for sexual content)
If you read any ezko fanfic, you’re definitely familiar with ArinieKat because they’ve single-handedly written like 10% of all the ezko content on the site. This fic of theirs really stood out to me because of its beautiful angst - it follows Pulsefire Ezreal as he ends up in a timeline where he married Ekko, then died, leaving Pulsefire Ekko widowed until he shows up. A few months ago I outlined a Pulsefire ezko angst fic idea that I had on here, and a lot of the inspiration for it came from this particular fic. It’s funny, it’s emotional, and while Years Nearly Forgotten and Out of Time made me think “huh, that ship’s kinda cute”, it was reading this fic that truly got me hooked on ezko.
Favorite AU Ezko Fic/Favorite Fic with Artwork: Underneath Your Silver Screen by VeryNoodleMan aka @satans--waifu (rated E)
1960’s Hollywood AU Ezko? Let’s just say I’m obsessed. Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous movie-poster-style artwork on the author’s tumblr. Even though this fic is on indefinite hiatus, it’s definitely worth checking out the first few chapters: the research and worldbuilding that went into them is really impressive. Being able to read your favorite ship in an entirely new context is like rediscovering and falling in love with their dynamic all over again <3
Current Most-Kudosed Ezko Fic: Blondie and the Beat by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
As someone who typically filters by kudos, I’ve grown used to seeing this fic at the top, and with good reason: for a highschool AU where Ezreal, Ekko, Lux and Jinx struggle to pursue queer relationships in a homophobic society, this fic is surprisingly funny and upbeat. While updates have not been super consistent, it has been a cute fic to follow over the past year or so, and it’s done a great job of balancing ezko with lightcannon without shoving either ship into the background for too long (a complaint I have with lots of other fics tagged with both lc and ezko).
Favorite Ezko One-Shot: (Loosely) Holding You by Mechanical_Hanz (rated T)
If I’m ever looking to reread something short and sweet for ezko, this is my go-to fic. It’s set in the Arcane universe, where Ezreal and Ekko are… acquaintances? Friends? Until one day Ezreal ends up spending the night with Ekko (not sexually) and the two end up together. The banter is really on-point, and Ekko’s followers from LoR make cameos, so needless to say I’m a big fan.
So those are my recs! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has made or supported ezko content over the past few years, and here’s to having 100 more fics written soon (maybe if Ezreal gets added to Arcane, lol)!
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whumphoarder · 4 years
Do you have any fics that you want more people to read? Not any specific trope, just fics you really like and wish more people gave love to. Self-promo encouraged too :)
Sure, I’ll give some underrated fic recs. At the moment, all of these have <300 kudos (but hopefully we can change that):
To Protect and Serve by AgentNerd
Happy Hogan looks after the people in his life. It's all he knows how to do.
^This is the character study of Happy Hogan that I wish everyone in the fandom would read. It’s just so richly detailed and fleshed out and I love how they dive into his youth. I’ll wait 6 years for an update, i don’t even care man
May the Fourth Be With You by Undercover_Royalty
Peter’s funeral is on May the 4th.
Ned is... trying to cope.
^An AU one-shot in which Peter dies in the snap and Ned is left to give the eulogy. Not the kind of fic I typically read, but I adored this one and I’d love others to give it a chance too
Leave out all the Rest by @xxx-cat-xxx
“Listen, Peter,” Tony says. “You need to promise me one thing. Don’t stop being Spider-Man. The world needs you, more so than it ever needed me. More than you know.”
Then he gets up, walking away at the slow pace of an old man, and Peter never sees the tears on his cheeks.
^Listen, if you want your heart to be ripped out of your chest and smashed into a million pieces, but in the best way possible, give this one a go. It’s Tony with brain cancer and all of the people who love him coming to terms with that
Open fire by @builder051
“I hoped you would at least acknowledge it. Maybe ask for a little help, for someone to stay with you or something. Go buy you a gallon of ice cream or take you to see a movie, I don’t know.” Steve bounces the heel of his hand against the steering wheel. “You think I’m stupid, Nat, but I’m not. You’re not the first person in the world who’s ever felt bad and not known what to do about it.”
^ A Nat & Steve centric story that just hurts in all the right places. Mind the warnings, but it’s my favorite of the author’s series and really hits in an angsty-but-warm way that I don’t really have a word for, but you’ll understand if you read it
For He's a Jolly Green Fellow by @twentyghosts
On the anniversary of Bruce's gamma radiation accident, Tony finds Bruce baking a very large cake for the day that he's come to consider Hulk's birthday. Party-loving Tony is scandalized to learn that Bruce hasn't made any plans for the day beyond the cake, and he scrambles to plan the party the Big Guy deserves. The resulting event isn't particularly elegant, but it's full of love. And frosting. A lot of frosting.
^ This is just incredibly sweet, but also really dives into Bruce’s mind and his own struggling to accept the Hulk side of him. Brilliantly well done <3
Ordinary People by tasalmalin
The Avengers are an extraordinarily effective team of superheroes, but their lives outside of fighting aren't quite so together. This is illustrated by their first real team bonding activity: dinner
^It’s a bit crack, but it’s really well-characterized crack, which imo is the best kind. Definite 2012 Tower vibes and just disaster superheroes being disasters
Eggnog and Tums and a Stairlift and Too Much Pie by @whimsicalethnographies
“Okay, they’re gone…”
Peter looks up from his spot on the floor, where he’s dutifully cutting out snowflakes to add to Morgan’s collection. Mr. Stark is in his chair at the window, where he’s been since Happy ushered May and Pepper out the door ten minutes ago.
“...now’s our chance to be bad.”
^ Tony & Morgan shenanigans with poor Peter along for the ride and trying to be the responsible adult. Hilarious and adorable without at all being saccharine, and Morgan’s characterization just makes me grin
It's all fun and games by @frostysunflowers
Peter loves playing pranks on Tony.
Tony isn't so keen.
^I am such a sucker for Peter faking being hurt/sick for some kind of decent reason and this one is just superbly well done. I won’t give away the plot here, but when it hits, it hits brilliantly
And for the self-promo:
Sweet 50  by @awesomesockes & @whumphoarder
While setting up for his 50th birthday extravaganza, Tony manages to hurt his back. Bruce and Peter try to help.
Key word: try.
^This is just fun disaster-Avengers whump, and we name drop a lot of celebrities for the lols
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five-wow · 4 years
Hi, I'm a fellow writer in the fandom and I admire your work. I wanted to ask, as a popular writer, do you get fixated sometimes on the number of kudos/comments/hits etc that your new work gets, and does this impact your motivation/inspiration? I think comparison is the thief of joy, and I really want to get over this feeling when I post my own work, so was wondering if even popular and regular writers such as yourself feel like this to, and if , what's your secret? Thanks!
Hi! 1) You are so sweet, ahh, and 2) YES, I DO. Gosh, yes, I absolutely do get insecure about those kinds of things, and I think that anyone who says they don't ever feel that way is either lying (to themselves, possibly) or maybe just pure magic, like some cross between a writer and a unicorn.
I love ao3 and I love all of its metrics and I love numbers and statistics, but there’s definitely that shadow side where having all of that easily available makes it deceptively easy to compare your own work to other people’s. I do it all the time! It honestly makes it a little hard for me at times to read h50 fic and fully enjoy it, because I keep... looking at it and wondering how my own stacks up against it, unwillingly. That's not a relaxing experience, and sometimes not even a very fun one. (Another part of it is that I just write SO MUCH for h50 and there is SO MUCH I still want to write, and I don’t want to risk reading something that’s very close to an idea I had and then never being quite sure if what I write after that was influenced by the other person’s work or if it’s really still my idea, because I have this (pretty irrational) fear of accidentally stealing someone else’s work even though one of the really great things about fandom is that it’s a very collaborative process as a whole and being inspired by other people’s stuff is usually totally okay, buuuut that’s a different rambly story.)
And I definitely do also get... some cringey feelings, hardcore, around fics I posted that don't do very well numbers-wise. Sometimes it's expected - fic that doesn't follow traditional formats or doesn't feature Steve/Danny, for example, is always something where I KNOW it won't get as much attention because I know how fandom works and that lessens the sting because it doesn't HAVE to hold up to those other fics that perform way better, because I already know it's not really comparable. The truth is, of course, that most fic is not really comparable to other fic, but it’s easy to fall into that trap anyway. If I post something that seems like my average kind of work and it gets less kudos or comments than usual, I do start to doubt the fic and second-guess myself - is something about this weird? Is it too [insert quality x]? Is it bad? Did I unknowingly do something terrible and people are now avoiding me? The answer to all of those is probably no, and going through it a bunch of times has definitely helped, because what usually happens is that I end up somewhat avoiding the fic in question because it makes me a little ashamed and awkward to think about it (a relative failure! oh no! I'm human!) and then, eventually, I return and reread the fic. By that point I have enough distance from it in time that I can look at it a lot more objectively, and it's way easier to see what works and what does not than when I posted it and I had just read it a dozen times in twenty-four hours and the words were burned into my brain. And upon that reread, inevitably, I realize that, holy shit, it was NOT AS BAD as I had made it out to be in my mind! It’s actually kind of fun! Imagine the ego boost of realizing your most cringy recent work is actually pretty okay, haha, and it's silly, but it's a revelation every time. The quality of a fic is not dictated by how many people read it or comment on it or like it, and intellectually I absolutely know that, but it’s hard to remember when it’s about yourself and you’re still in that emotionally vulnerable place of having just shared your work with the world and it feels like the world is not as into it as you thought (or hoped) it’d be. It’s honestly very, very reassuring to have those experiences to fall back on, but sadly the only way I know to get there is to just tough it out and feel super awkward for a while.
When I’m writing, on the other hand, I usually don’t really think about what other people might think of it. I have the advantage that (pretty much) all of my work consists of fairly short stand alone stories, which means I don’t have to struggle with keeping my motivation up for a second chapter of something but I get to start fresh every time, and that’s nice, because I can just lose myself in the joy of throwing words around and making characters do things that make me giggle. That’s not to say I never think of the outside world while writing - I realized, pretty recently, that I occasionally end up constructing paragraphs or pieces of dialogue a certain way mostly so it will make for a good excerpt to put in the eventual fic description, which might give me a sense of accomplishment because it’s nice when things work out and look good, but in all fairness it’s probably far more motivated by attempts to package the finished work attractively so other people will want to click on it than by anything else. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. I don’t think so - I don’t feel like it lessens my work and it doesn’t interrupt my enjoyment of it in the moment, which are the key elements for me - but other people might disagree.
But the heart of thing is, just, there are SO MANY factors that influence a fic’s numbers, and not all of them are visible (I’d argue most of them aren’t, in fact), and it always helps me to keep that in mind. It puts things in perspective somewhat and softens the harshness of a black and white kudo count judgment. Numbers can depend on when you post a fic (what day of the week, time of the year, time relative to big fandom moments, whether you’re in the middle of a global pandemic or not), how you pick your title, what you put in the description, how you use the tags, what genres or tropes are popular in your specific fandom, the genre of your fic in general (pwp as a rule tends to get lots of hits and few kudos or comments, for example, making it totally unfair to compare it to G-reated fluff fic with super different ratios), how much you’ve posted before (because if someone likes one of your works, they’re often likely to check if you have more in the same fandom), how many fics other people post around the same time (because yours might be gone from the first page of most recently updated works in a fandom or ship tag very quickly if others push it out), how big your fandom is(!!!) (over two thirds of my works on ao3 are for h50, but h50 only makes it into the top 10 of my most kudo’d works by the skin of its teeth) and definitely also what your fandom’s culture is like (compared to a lot of other fandoms, h50 fans are a-ma-zing when it comes to leaving comments, my gosh, and as a writer I adore all of you), how old your ao3 account is (the longer you’ve been around, the more likely a higher number of people is subscribed to you as an author or has read your previous work or has encountered your name, etc), how long your fic is (under a thousand words in my experience generally does less well than 1-5k, but longer fics might end up with lots of chapters which switches things up because people come back to it when there’s an update, and even if a long work is all in one chapter it will probably stand out for the wordcount and might attract attention that way, etc), whether or not your fic is part of a series (in my experience it will probably get more hits because it’s a chain of fics that leads you to the next one, but the kudos might not go up at the same rate because people might forget a kudo or reread previous works when a new one is added), whether you make a habit of commenting on other people’s fic (I’ve had comments saying MY comment on their work led them to my fic!), if you have social media like Tumblr or Twitter where you can promote your work (it’s advertising, basically), and any of a bunch of random little other factors. Sometimes, I see a sudden little cluster of kudos on an old fic in the daily ao3 kudos email, and I assume someone somewhere maybe recced that fic, but it usually remains a total mystery who or where or even if it happened at all and wasn’t just a weird coincidence to begin with. Sometimes the thing a fic’s popularity depends on is really just whether it clicks with people at that point in time, whatever that means, which is an even more impossible thing to grasp or predict than anything else.
Or you can look at things from a totally different angle and not try to make yourself care less about numbers, but just accept that you do because you’re human and we all crave validation, and instead try to roll with that. A brain hack: when I do start getting down about numbers, it also helps me to focus on one work and just... try to visualise what those kudo (or hit or bookmark or comment) counts mean, if you were to translate them to the real world. While it can be super helpful to remember that there’s a LOT going on that you can’t see and that’s virtually impossible to really explain, it’s also nice to somewhat do the opposite and try to make things as concrete as possible instead. I like measuring in school classes (~25-30 heads, I’d say) and “my fic only has fifty kudos but this other person’s has ten times as many” could easily make anyone sad and demotivated, but “my fic has fifty kudos and that’s TWO WHOLE CLASSROOMS packed full of people that all read my work and liked it so much they wanted to give me a little thumbs up for it” is actually pretty cool and encouraging, I think. Or you could measure in sports teams (I don’t know sports, but soccer has 11 players on the field per team, so as soon as your fic has 33 kudos that’s three teams which means you’ve got yourself a little beginning league! how exciting!) or in DnD campaigns (variable of course, but most of mine have had around four players plus a DM, so if you have twenty kudos? that’s FOUR WHOLE DnD campaigns that enjoyed reading your fic, and it’s fully up to you how many half-orcs that includes). You could apply this method using literally any other measurement that works for you, too. If you have a hard time painting a mental image of numbers, you could even open up a Paint doc or get a piece of paper and start counting out little dots or copy-pasted images of a person, or get a big bag of physically present M&Ms and count them out, or take a good look at your dog and then go around the neighborhood and collect forty-nine more dogs and pile them all into your home and be slightly frightened by the utter delighted fluffy chaos that ensues in your living room. That’s how many people liked your fic! That’s a heck of a lot of wagging tails! Who knew a kudo could bark this loudly!
Disclaimer: maybe keep the dog thing as your very last resort, because your neighbors might not be super into their pet getting dognapped for the purpose of visualizing fanfiction stats. The point is really just to remember that there’s an actual person behind every kudo you get, no matter what the cumulative number is, and even if you have seven or five or three kudos, that’s seven or five or three very real people that hit that button. That’s pretty damn awesome. Also keep in mind how you feel if you read a fic, and take some time to realize that every single person that left you a kudo went through that same process of spending time reading words (the words you wrote!) and experiencing that story and THAT’S why they left that kudo. It’s a real person’s real investment.
This ended up very long and rambly, so tl;dr: You are in no way alone in feeling that way, it's okay and normal and so very very human to feel like that, but you still shouldn't let it get you down, because numbers fake being meaningful very well but are deep down just little squiggles on your screen and they’re more scared of you than you are of them, while at the same time there are real individuals that enjoy your work even if you usually never see them. Your fic is worth posting. That’s the one factor in all of this that’s a constant, not a variable.
(And as a very important sidenote, just be kind to yourself, always. Does it truly stress you out? Are you feeling really bad about it today? Does it make your anxiety spike? Then give yourself room to take a little step back and allow yourself some time away from it. Go watch something you enjoy, or read something nice, or do something else that makes you feel good. Fic is something that should add to your life, not subtract from it. You don’t owe anyone anything, not even yourself in this context, and I used to push myself occasionally to get something finished TODAY, and eventually I started realizing, well, why? Why not instead of reading it over again just get some sleep or watch an episode of something I want to watch, especially if I literally just finished the fic and I feel a little unsure about it and it might actually be beneficial to me and my own feelings about it if I just give it a day or even a week and let it rest and then look at it again and THEN post it, if I want to, whether that’s with some changes beforehand or not? Who set me that deadline that’s apparently looming over me? I did, and it’s fake, and it’s there for absolutely no good reason. Breathe. Put yourself first. Be really really really selfish about your own fic writing experience, even, because it’s supposed to be something you enjoy (that’s what a hobby is!), and the rest is secondary.)
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davidthetraveler · 4 years
David’s Fic-Rec Friday:  2020/02/07
Hey guys.  Sorry about last week.  Real life basically took over all my time, and a little bit this week as well, which is why this is coming out so late.  But I still managed to find a little bit of time to get another eight fics to recommend to you all.  So let’s get started.
Tired by JoWritesStuff (aka @afulldeckofaces)
To start off, we have a short Prinxiety story about a creativity blocked Roman.  After straining for hours to try and get some new ideas flowing, especially with his future career on the line, Roman is finally dragged to bed by his boyfriend Virgil.  And while he might not have worked out any new ideas, wrapped around the love of his life he finds it easy to slip into a calm and restful sleep.  Very cute and very sweet, and very worth a read.
Bollocks to the Teams by snick_s (aka @truckload-of-bubba-gump-shrimp)
A longer, more in depth tale, this one is a slowburn enemies-to-friends-to-possibly-lovers Prinxiety story wrapped up in an easily digestible length.  Roman is not happy having to room with his arch rival from an opposing track team.  But over the course of their time spent together leading up to and after the meet, the two find themselves not only getting along but seeing more in each other than they ever have before.  And when Roman does something truly courageous at the meet, it’s almost expected that there might be some loyalty adjustments in view for these teens.  You should seriously give this one a look.  I practically squealed at the ending.
Icarus by mediocrityatbest (aka @mediocrity-at-best)
A more serious but still loving tale, this one being Logince centered.  Roman just loves to find adventure and excitement wherever he goes.  Climbing trees, jumping off cliffs, taking all manner of risks for the sake of fun, he’s an untameable adventurous spirit.  But to his boyfriend Logan, he’s very much like Icarus, flying too high and too close to the sun, and he worries about what could happen.  But no matter what might happen, Logan will always love the man who brings such thrill and excitement to his world.
“Come over here and make me.” by sociallyawkward_fics (aka @sociallyawkward--fics)
A rather nice little analogical story featuring Logan overworking himself to the point of having low blood pressure.  Luckily, his boyfriend Virgil is there to make him take a break and get something to eat.  Lots of sassiness and bad flirting ensue, but oh boy is it adorable.
The Worth of a Name by DragonSaphiraReads (aka @dragonsaphirareads)
Now here is a story that took me rather by surprise.  Set in modern times but borrowing more antiquated ideas, Logan is the second child of a powerful family, who’s been promised to the elder only son of another powerful family in an arranged marriage.  This is in hopes of making up for Logan’s older brother’s misdeed:  leaving behind his family name and prestige to be with someone he loved.  And while the mother of his betrothed, Roman, puts up quite an act of business savvy and power, she’s as doting as any truly loving mother would be, especially after Logan and Roman fall in love for real and make a most daring choice for what to do about it.
This story does feature a less-than-caring father, modern arranged marriages, and briefly mentions Remus (in a sympathetic way).  But other than that it’s a wonderful story with a lot of heart.
Galaxy by Storytelling_Sparrow (aka @quoth-the-sparrow)
Another short but sweet little analogical(ish) story that’s fairly straight forward.  Logan goes to an art show and finds a beautiful space themed painting.  The painter of said painting comes up and thanks him for his interest.  An adorable meet-cute ensues.  It’s simple, sweet, and downright cute.
Eeeey, Macarena! by nomsie500 (aka @nomsie500)
In this rather silly tale, Logan’s efforts to plan out Thomas’ schedule are interrupted by the sounds of loud early 2000s pop music.  Going to investigate, he’s flabbergasted to find Virgil and Roman laughing their butts off as Patton demonstrates how it’s possible to dance the Macarena to any popular song from the early 2000s.  Logan does manage to convince them to turn the music down, but even he is rather bemused by his fellow sides’ antics.  A happy little piece about family zaniness that’s definitely worth a look.
The Old Grandfather Clock by Dibleopard (aka @dibleopard-writes)
An interesting piece centered around each of the main four sides’ life journey as it relates to an ornate grandfather clock in one of the hallways of the mindscape.  Each side has its own draw to this fascinating time keeper, and each takes away its own lessons from its steadfast ticking and silent watch over all of them.  A remarkable character study, and excellently executed to boot.
And for this week, our featured writer is:
Oreokitkat_21 (aka @omgoreokitkat-21)
A truly wonderful author with a number of excellently crafted stories under her belt.  And an amazing friend of mine who deserves all the praise in the world.  Seriously, go give her a look, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Well, I believe that wraps things up for this week.  Be sure to give each of these stories and their authors some love with some kudos, some comments, and maybe even a bookmark or two.
Also, if you’d like to know more about my Fic-Rec Friday program, or would like to see previous weeks’ selections, you can check out the Fic-Rec Friday Masterpost.  And if you’d like to be added to the Fic-Rec Friday tag list, or if you’re on the list and would like to be removed, just hit me up and I’ll take care of it.
Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend, and happy reading!
General Tag List:
@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @panicattheeverywheremcr
Fic-Rec Friday Tag List:
@kunnuglegur-tortimandi @max-is-tired
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x05
If I wasn’t already excited about this episode, discovering that ‘Stiff Competition’ was written by Joe Murphy certainly would have got me there. Maybe it’s because he is a fellow Australian or maybe it’s because in every interview I’ve heard I find him utterly delightful and intelligent or maybe it’s because he is a damn great writer, but one thing is certain after this week’s episode of Younger: J. Murphy, I Stan (there was a time I might have been embarrassed about gushing so unabashedly but now I write weekly essays about fake people so I figure the shame level is zero at this point). This ep had the combination of playfulness, funny, flirty and drama that hooked me into this show in the first place and I feel like we got further insight into a number of characters, broadening our understanding of them and where they’re at. Plus kudos must be given for managing to use the title “Stiff Competition” and make the feature book “The Third Leg” in the same ep (one might even call it a riDICKulous feat…and no I’m not even a bit sorry).
A couple of weeks back I wrote about the Liza and Charles dynamic and how it really thrives on the build and resolution of tension. Up until last season it was the sexual tension and now that’s resolved there needed to be something to keep the fuel on the fire, so to speak. Cue the opening scene of this ep, with the competitive fuel well and truly lit and honestly, this whole scene just rocks my world.  We had the drama building the past few eps with Charles being secretive and while that would’ve resulted in the destruction of the relationship had it been left unresolved, it has been used to transition into this next type of competitive cat-and-mouse style tension that the characters are embracing (at the start anyway) and using to their benefit and, let’s be honest, we all benefit because it. is. HOT.
Walking into the National Arts Club party very quickly establishes Charles as well versed at such an event and I am so into the immediate retort from Liza that feisty isn’t the ‘f’ word she would choose to describe Charles setting up Mercury. That does of course come after Charles introduces her to Michael Cunningham as his girlfriend which is just so bizarre to hear but also YES. Their banter, the competiveness in the art of the schmooze, bringing her A game; the whole thing set them on such equal footing and seeing them as ass-slapping sparring partners was something I never knew I needed and could have watched an entire episode of with its feature film feel (Kickstarter for a spin-off series of nerdy espionage-style escapades but about books and authors and literary events…and maybe the odd murder to keep it interesting). 
While Liza was certainly showing that she can work a room, Charles’ reputation and professionalism was on fine display as authors greeted him warmly and Liza’s introduction of him to Meg Wolitzer as her boyfriend (seriously I’m living for these gf/bf drops) just got more and more awks as Meg and Charles clearly knew each other, Liza snatched his business card from his hand and then asked the photographer to identify him as her ‘guest’ in the pic (loved Sutton’s delivery of this and extra loved Meg’s ‘just pretend you’re talking to me’ to the rando so she could get away from the slightly unhinged antics of the editor she just met). Yet Charles is loving every minute of it and I so appreciate that now the whole Mercury situation is no longer a secret Charles is talking openly about it with Liza, evidenced by his telling her he received a message from Zane (about Mercury being highbrow/brilliant nonetheless).
Where there is highbrow there must be lowbrow (old tv proverb) and unfortunately for Kelsey, the head without a neck aka ‘a floating tragedy’, she has taken prime position in that quadrant of New York Mag’s approval matrix (can we take a moment to appreciate Liza’s ‘well it is a good picture of him’ remark re: Charles? Way to make your friend feel better but also lol and accurate). While I sympathise with how stressful it must be to lose authors, this ep once again highlights that our pal Kels is in quite the spiral. Luckily Liza has managed to pull in Chip and Joanna Gaines, I mean Hayley and Cameron Butler, who are promoting their cringe-worthy new book, ‘The Third Leg’, off the back of their New York Flip success. I heart the way this show parodies real people so hard.
I have said it week after week, but Diana has been such a scene stealer this season (Diana Trout proudly pointing out Shiplap, I don’t know why but this just made me grin). The writers keep bringing it with the lines and Miriam Shor’s delivery somehow magically seems to get funnier and funnier and her heart eyed gaze as she recounts her and Enzo’s third leg(s) (like a centipede…but also nothing like a centipede, speaking of A+ lines and delivery) was no exception. The whole pitch meeting was a bit of a train wreck, with Kelsey’s bitterness about the hot or not list spilling in, Liza’s attempt at diverting resulting in Diana railroading the entire thing and Liza wondering if she and Charles are in fact lacking the third leg (Empiriconda notwithstanding) that two home reno celebs have deemed a necessary factor in a successful r/ship (though theirs hardly seems the picture of happiness unless #relationshipgoals is taking jabs at each other through strained grins).
One relationship I am digging on every level is Josh and Lauren’s and this week’s ep gave us a mighty fine dose. Of course Lauren set up a GemmaLoves Insta and I’m 100% willing to overlook the slight ickiness of her pushing a SM account for the baby without asking Josh because it’s Lauren and she is sublime and also without it we would not have had THE film-worthy (minus the butt plugs) montage. I freaking adore that Lauren is so unapologetic about promoting stuff and getting freebies and Josh’s stance on not letting his daughter be a pusher for consumerism lasts approx. 25 seconds as Lauren points out all of Gemma’s favourite things that she will happily take back (Josh’s ‘but she loves it’ was just too good). Lauren’s declaration that both Josh and Gemma are gonna get free swag ‘and ya both gonna love it’ (the Eleanor Shellstrop vibe is strong and I approve) leads us into the shopping montage that made me want to dance around my lounge room and could sit comfortably in any rom-com from the late 90’s/early 2000’s. From ‘Baby Love’ to Josh and Lauren feeding each other cupcakes to that glorious moment of Josh parading back and forth on the pavement like a chorus boy, I bow down to Younger pulling rabbits like this out of the creative hat six seasons in, it was just such damn fun.
You know what else I adore? That throughout the series we have seen so many different aspects of Diana’s character and we just keep seeing more and more layers peeled back through her relationship with Enzo. I am so enjoying the side of her we see being open about her feelings for him when she’s around others, then the way she is with him; proud of their relationship then honest about her disappointment that they have to cancel dinner, rather than shutting down and pretending she doesn’t care. Enzo offering to buy Diana any necklace she chooses made my cold dead heart swell with the sincerity and sweetness of it all, but Diana revealing that she does not choose her necklaces, they choose her = the revelation I didn’t know I’ve been waiting six seasons to hear. Not to be dramatic but it felt like coming home.
 Side note: I’m finding the parallels between the Diana/Enzo and Liza/Charles relationships really interesting. I don’t know whether it’s deliberate or not but these two couples navigating relationships in their 40’s, trying to strike a balance between career ambition and their personal relationships, I am beyond desperate for Diana to know about Liza’s age and for these two to talk about it all tbh.
Speaking of balancing career and relationship, can we please talk about the dinner date because sweet lawd, my heart was already full from the Diana/Enzo goodness, but then along came Liza and Charles with this whole out together with the authors situation and quite frankly, I’m surprised I survived.  Bringing together the book and the earlier meeting was just so well done and the moment Hayley dropped the ‘and you’ and we discover that Charles had indeed gushed about Liza and their shared love of books as their third leg (still sounds weird and gross but totally worth it for the sentiment and post-dinner tie in), I too was staring at my screen the way Liza looked at Charles, but I was also a little bit deceased because I am romantic trash and him casually rubbing her back almost did me in.
I feel like each ep is adding another dimension to Charles this season and seeing him relaxed and candid outside the restaurant was certainly another insight into this character. The entire interaction between him and Liza was effortless and I love that it went from Liza ribbing him about using their relationship to secure the book to Charles being so frank about where it’s all at and how he’s feeling (and does anyone else hope a little bit that Charles does end up needing that room in Liza’s bed coz I am very on board with the idea of C. Brooks living in that loft for a while for many reasons). Bring on lusty Charles and I kid you not I let out a little scream of delight at Liza noting his excitement and then heading straight for the cab (yes Charles, she is just going to leave you like this). Thank you Joe Murphy for the ep and the book title combo so Liza could remind Charles competition is stiff out there while glancing at his crotch and telling him to take care of the third leg himself, you truly are doing God’s work. And I’m just all ‘round loving seeing these two adults in a relationship being flirty and lustful and open with one another.
I have to put it out there that Liza’s hustle game is so damn strong this whole ep and as she is questioned by Kelsey and Diana about how Charles is getting all these authors, I a) am very glad she does not blab, b) find it interesting that Kelsey assumes that Liza mustn’t know if she hasn’t told her and c) wonder why Liza is the only one who seems to understand that other publishing houses will be vying for books and that Millennial will lose some fair and square. But Liza once again has another potential author lined up in the musical prodigy turned conductor Gloria Rivera, but this is Younger, we’ve had lots of fun, flirty and funny, so it must be time for the drah-mah.
The moment Liza ran into Charles at the concert I think we all knew the competition might have just about run its course, and I had legit second-hand embarrassment as Liza so confidently gloated she had been in touch with Gloria ‘for months’ in response to Charles’ knowing her ‘quite well’, though Charles clearly wanted to explain further as he said he wanted to talk after the show before the lights go down and Liza needs to get to her seat. Insert appropriate amount of unimpressed for both Kelsey and Diana and it all goes south pretty quickly once Diana discovers that Gloria was the recipient of the Brooks family Arts Scholarship so knowing Charles ‘pretty well’ is a bit of an understatement.
Now I get that it must feel like a series of blows and I also get that we need a way for Kelsey and Diana to be at the axe throwing bar so that whole scene can play out, but for them to both bail on Liza and not even try to convince Gloria to sign with Millennial, I mean, you’re not going to get any authors with that attitude ladies. At this point Liza should just bail and start her own damn company, give it a great name starting with ‘M’, maybe Majesty? Mendacity? Or Mitosis and she can just expand quickly and open identical offices all over the place? Either way, Liza had no time for Charles’ girlfriend game post-show (and it is clear here that to Charles it is still just a game and he hasn’t quite clocked that to Liza this is her career being compromised).
While I think Diana and Kelsey leaving Liza to make a last ditch pitch to Gloria solo was a low blow, seeing them together, rage throwing axes while drunk (I both love and am terrified of the idea of people drinking and axe throwing in one place FYI) was pretty damn great. These two are always so messy together and Diana taking off her earrings and prepping only to have such a terrible axe throw was only surpassed by her saying that she tells people Enzo is a surgeon which is why he’s on call and Kelsey offering up that they both wear gloves. LOL. And Diana Trout peeing beside a dumpster is one thing I never thought I’d see on this show, yet here we are and her ‘I don’t know her’ and running away from the cop when Kelsey produces the axe was ridiculous and excellent and a great excuse for some chin-skin holding mugshots.
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My one gripe at the mo is the ongoing distrust Kelsey has of Liza, first at the axe bar asking Diana if she thinks Liza is helping Charles land these authors and then when Liza turns up after Enzo has bailed them (can we just pause a moment to appreciate the ongoing mafia jokes since their first date and also Enzo calling Diana a jailbird and her smitten reaction. I heart it all). Seriously, this is just yawn at this point and while I get that Kelsey is scared (and thank you Liza for pointing out that she’s not the only one) surely Liza is over having to prove time and time again how loyal she is only to have Kelsey continue to question it? I know I am. Again, Liza – ‘Mitosis’. Think about it.
Our Maggie moment this ep is of course just prior to the déjà vu of Liza and Josh chilling on the couch with Gemma, a little throw-back to the cacao-induced dream from last season’s finale. But I gotta say, my heart hurt for Charles when he walked into that awkward af loft situation, because while I have no doubt that Liza is solid in her feelings for Charles, seeing your girlfriend in a super domestic looking moment with her ex has to feel like a kick in the guts. I want to bottle the look Liza gave Josh when he said ‘you two seem good’ because if I could whip that out on demand, it would be mighty useful.
The final moments of this week’s ep certainly heightened the drama all round. I feel like this episode really highlighted the insecurity of both Kelsey and Charles, which puts Liza in the interesting position of having to navigate this with two people she loves but also put her foot down for her own sake at some stage. Liza immediately quashes any concerns Charles may have about being in competition with Josh and uses the baby’s inability to talk ergo. steal authors as a way to broach the ongoing company rivalry. As Charles reveals that Gloria will be signing with Millennial, it is evident it is all still a bit of a game to him (though him saying that all he cares about is that he doesn’t lose her, ugh *heart emoji*) until his true take on it all is revealed, that he sees it all as shared victories rather than rivalry. Eeek, I tell you, I get and appreciate the dick theme of this episode but I struggle with the dick line ‘when you get to the bottom line, it’s still all me’ so much. I had an actual physical reaction to how awful this was and it certainly was not something I imagined this character saying. Yet I do think it also gives credence to the type of man Pauline said she was married to.
It felt insecure, like he was trying to talk himself up in some kind of misguided attempt to sound impressive, but it also was a glimpse of the man whose ambition contributed to the demise of his marriage. Pauline herself said that when they got married she thought they would be a team but right away it was all about Charles and she was there just to be his rock (S5E3). The difference now of course is that unlike Pauline, Liza has called him out on it and in the final second, the expression on Charles’ face (it’s gutted for those playing at home) is hopefully one of realisation that he is repeating behaviours of the past and that moving forward, we see that realisation play out and this character develop.
I have no idea how the rest of this season is going to play out but you know what all this drama and intrigue pave the way for? Growth. Liza’s growth as she becomes more sure of herself and her right to decide and demand what she wants and deserves, who she wants, what she will and won’t stand for, Charles to learn from past mistakes and work to redeem those and think about the kind of man and partner he wants to be, no character’s growth has been as glorious to see unfold up until now as Diana’s and I’m sure this will continue and Kelsey...well I’m sure hers will come. We’re almost halfway people and season six is proving to be quite the ride.
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lupienne · 6 years
Comic Negan Fic Recs!
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Alright, guys! It’s high time I start posting this again! As of last update (July ‘17 I believe?) there have been some fics that appear to have been deleted :(, so I removed those. But never fear, there are new additions.
At the beginning of every month, I’m going to repost this. New additions will be in italics (and most likely at the bottom).
Here’s a little list of Comic Negan (or at least comic-leaning) fanfiction! These are all great authors and entertaining fics. If you’re looking for that good ole original Negan fiction(with each author’s personal twist, of course)… check these out. And if you like them, give ‘em a warm fuzzy feeling with a like, favorite, kudos, reblog,shout-out or comment!  (List after the cut)
In no particular order:
Stigmatic by 217. Follow Negan’s POV as he leads the Saviors in what starts off as comic canon, before venturing into wonderfully AU territory. Also featuring 217’s most excellent OCs; she is truly a master at crafting real, well-rounded and interesting characters. She also has such a talent for writing Negan true to the comics and yet making her own unique version of his character as well. The plotline of this story is always moving forward as the Saviors travel through the highs and lows of life in the apocalypse. On ff.net On A03
217 has also done some AU series within the Stigmatic verse:
Phlegmatic: which is an AU take on Alice and Negan if they had met before the ZA. On ff.net On A03
Haematic which is another pre-ZA AU take where Negan struggles to raise his and the late Lucille’s daughter, Lulu (and her pet lobster, Crusty!), all by his lonesome. On ff.net On A03
Fics by Harleyquinzel. She has quite a few Negan fics, most of which are nice bite-sized reads and quite enjoyable. Here’s three of my favorites.
His Favorite Girl Smut involving Negan and his favorite girl… why, who else but Lucille the Vampire bat?
Making Like A funny and sexy Negan/Rick fic.
One Night Stand Negan and Olivia smut. Hell yeah.
And here is her complete TWD list
A Wolf at the Door by Misterkingdom: A very well-written fic where Negan makes sure Rick knows who the King Dick Motherfucker is around here.
Beautiful Tragedy by 217: Yet another gem by this master writer of ole Negan. However, RM (aka ‘Rude Motherfucker’) the OC of this story, doesn’t see Negan in the most flattering light. One of Negan’s (aka ‘Dumpy’s) wives, she uses his perks to support her ongoing drug addiction, that is, until Negan takes note…and he doesn’t approve. The dialogue in this story is absolutely a riot, as RM’s mouth and thoughts are every bit as vulgar and outrageous as Negan’s! On ff.net On A03
217 also has quite a few shorter fare for those that balk at lengthier stories (but trust me, they are worth every word!) My personal favorites are The Cleansing which is a pitch-back affair, Negan’s Number What? (a birthday present to me a few years ago, and the hottest Negan/Sherry smut EVER!), and Non-NEGotiable which is a Stigmatic smut where Negan loses a bet and his ass to Alice. On ff.net On A03
The Life of Negan & Lucille by TeamCarlisle: Based off the ‘Here’s Negan’ backstory, it’s Negan and Lucille’s pre-apocalypse days before it all fell apart. Sweet and yet heartbreaking, it’s a treat to see Negan in his pre-Savior days. But get your tissues out for this one!
Recollection by 217: Another goodie by 217, this is based off the ‘Here’s Negan’ backstory and contains part of his life with Lucille. On ff.net On A03
Embracing the Apocalypse by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightyDazed) Sanctuary and the Saviors has gained a new member, Rebecca, who struggles to find a foothold in this new society, but soon has captured the attention of Negan. He himself has been newly reinstated as the Savior’s leader and is also on unsure ground, unlike his previous bout of leadership. The two share a similar sense of humor and a need for a new start, but nothing is ever easy in the post-apocalyptic world.
This is yet another story that captures the charm, awkwardness and humor of Comic Negan, and features a very funny OC as well. Very much worth a read!
SomewhatSlightyDazed also has several shorts (mostly smutty, but a few aren’t.) They’re great for a quickie. A quick read, that is. ;) My personal favorites are: Post-Apocalyptic Driving School, Guys Like Him (Olivia and Negan, always a treat!), and Double-Dare (Smutty threesome with Negan and his wives. Yum!)
Through the Valley by Dusty Cookie Another merry jaunt into Sanctuary and the lives of the Saviors. Several Saviors, while out on a run, spot a female apparently living all on her lonesome and think she might be a good asset for Sanctuary. Now Negan just has to convince her she has a place there, and our story begins. :)
Dusty writes an absolutely fantastic Negan and her OCs are also well-written and interesting. Her dialogue and overall writing style is also so entertaining, witty, and just a pleasure to read. Try Chapter 1, and you’ll be hooked! On ff.net on A03
Dusty also has several short fics that are all equally great… but watch out for that catty Miss Fiona in The Hand that Feeds!
Tender Prey by bigcatsandkatanas I’m very bad and haven’t reviewed this one yet. I haven’t read a lot of them, so maybe it’s a bit pre-mature to say, but I think this is my favorite Regan fic. We have a bit more of a humble and lonely Negan due to his incarceration by good ole Prick Grimes, and it makes for one smutty tale I adore. Negan is written really great in this and despite being mostly smut, it’s also got some nice character moments for Negan. I really like it.
Gifts by redheadedwhat A nice little Negan/OC smut for your reading pleasure. Some humorous bits and of course, some very lovely smut.
Hurt by opheliadawnwalker3 Perhaps leaning more towards TV Negan, this is still a really good (and heart-wrenching) short about Negan and Lucille and her very bad news.
Satellite Days by Kinkozan After the Whisperer War, Negan has been living in an old outpost from the Savior days, and he finds himself in the company of Toni, another survivor who isn’t quite welcome around her old communities anymore either. They must try to survive in their new environment, as well as survive each other.
Backspin by Kinkozan Negan’s wife Charli’s plans of giving him a much-deserved spanking and trying to assert herself in the relationship might come back to bite her in the ass. Smut and angst.
Lupienne’s Negan fanfictions. Here’s my additions to the Comic Negan bookcase. I have a long WIP involving Negan and the boring domestic affairs of his wives, as well as a few shorter reads that are mostly of the smut variety. On A03 On ff.net (I don’t have them all on there, but if you prefer reading on this site…)
Enigmatic by 217: Based off Here’s Negan 15, where Negan receives a nasty wound from a fellow survivor. Upon going to clean out his wound, Negan meets an OC who is all too eager to give him some ‘healing.’ On ff.net On AO3
Love(d) by Dusty Cookie A pre-ZA short with Negan and Lucille. Dusty doesn’t just tug at your heartstrings, she rips them right out of your body.
WIP by Metal Butter Metal Butter mentioned a prisoner Negan fic they were writing, and upon my request, posted a snippet of it! It’s not complete, but it’s awesome just as it is. I love the way Negan is written as he narrates from his prison cell. Also contains shades of Regan. Yum!
In the Twilight Kingdom by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed) Filled with grief over his recently deceased Lucille, Negan struggles to live and find a reason for doing so in the dangerous new world of the apocalypse.
Decomposition by 217: “Do you know what decomposition is? Answer the goddamn question.” A dark short of Negan’s thoughts as Lucille claims another life.
Bedtime Stories by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightyDazed): What happens when Negan finds out some of the Sanctuary women have been writing porn about him?
Wounds to Mend by Lupienne: A short based off events in Here’s Negan 14. Sherry tends to an injured Negan’s wound (with a little sexual healing involved.)
Last Chance Revival by 217. This fic follows an AU, non-ZA Negan as he tends bar in a rough part of town, where the highlight of his night is watching quirky OC’s Murphy’s ass leave the bar in her tight leopard print spandex. On ff.net On AO3
Heart in a Blender by Bigcatsandkatanas. A Negan/Rick fic set in a non-apocalyptic AU verse. Negan, lonely and despondent after his divorce with Lucille, decides to take a chance and use a dating app. When he accidentally matches with Rick Grimes, it’s the start of an awkward friendship (and maybe more?) Bigcatsandkatanas writes an excellent Negan, from his personality to his dialogue.
I Bless the Rains Down at Sanctuary by Redheadedwhat. Negan’s wife Tallulah discovers the hilarity of a drunken Negan. And an important question is pondered…just what did happen to the band members of Toto after the apocalypse?
Exhaust by Spliced-up Angel. An AU take on All out War. What if Negan hadn’t lost that last battle? Told from Carl’s POV, the young Grimes struggles to adapt to Negan’s rule over Alexandria. Since the story is all from Carl, Negan isn’t painted in the most flattering light. His dialogue is hilarious and poor Carl finds himself in a few embarrassing situations due to Negan’s lack of shame.
The tumblr Masterlist for Dusty-cookie. Suitable for liking, rec’ing and reblogging!
Dixon Dallas by 217. An AU smut involving Negan as a porn star :D
Sometimes You Just Need A… by Lupienne. My latest fic. It’s a fluffy short with platonic Negan/Rick.
Priorities by Dusty Cookie. A fluffy short, perfect for snuggling up with on a cold winter day!
Happy Fucking Birthday by Dusty Cookie. Negan gives the present of smut to his favorite birthday girl.
Careful What You Wish For by Dusty Cookie. More glorious smut! I only wish for more!
The tumblr Masterlist for Embracetheapocalypsewithme. Great for reblogging and giving this writer more exposure. Do it! 
An Enemy of the Crows by redheadedwhat. A chance encounter with a crow will change Negan’s life forever. :)
Don’t Look Back by Lupienne. Lucille’s last hours as she lays dying from her illness.
Cursed Land by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). This tale begins with a map with a blacked-out section Negan refuses to speak about… a fic to read with all the lights on!
The Love You Take by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). A lonely, exiled Negan investigates mysterious music he keeps hearing at night…
Yes, Mistress by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). Negan gets some new jewelry for Sherry to wear. She isn’t exactly enthused about it…but Negan can be pretty convincing ;) Glorious smut!
I’ll Always Be With You by Maggie Monster. Lucille has passed on, yet she has never left Negan’s side.
Alright! That’s it for this update! There’s some really good fics here, if I do say so myself. We need some more Comic Negan writers in the game though! Come on, people! ;) (And by all means, if you have a comic Negan fic, or know of one…be sure to let me know.)
For now, enjoy the fics and don’t be shy about commenting if you like any of them! Writers appreciate it so much.
And if you’d like, please reblog this post to give these authors some more exposure. :) See you in February!
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hi-n-oops · 7 years
Fic Rec #3
New weekend, new fics to read!! 
the pink album by suspendrs  @suspendrs
They don’t really discuss how hard it is to be in this situation, or to be doing the things they have to do to continue being together. It’s just something they don’t talk about, and that’s alright. Or maybe it isn’t, but they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it.
Or, a love seven years in the making, inspired by Harry's debut album.
**I have been keeping up with this fic for a long time and I will add it ti my ‘canon’ Larry fic rec. Read this, guys. 10 chapters on each of Harry’s songs.
if it's me you're looking for by eleadore @eleadore
Louis has a bad habit of getting drunk before he confesses--or maybe it's the other way around. AU.
**I dunno why I waited so long to read this fic. It was great!
I Don't Wanna Hurt Anymore by offwiththeirheads @hazzabooween
Harry walks a thin line between breaking his best friend’s heart and fighting a losing battle.
**This was so good guys! It is short but powerful!
Never Too Late by dimpled_halo  @dimpled-halo
Harry’s confused for a moment before it hits him: the little boy is signing. Harry squats down to get to the boy’s level again and mirrors the same action.
“Dad?” He inquires. Harry learned basic sign language after having met a fan who was deaf. He made it his mission to learn signing so that he’d be able to communicate with other fellow hearing impaired fans.
The little boy smiles brightly, his tears now long gone. He goes on to extend both hands, palms up as if he’s asking where? Followed by the previous sign which means Dad. Harry smiles to himself at the amazing little guy standing in front of him.
He stands up taking the boy’s hand, “Let’s go find your dad,” he tells him making the motion with his hand.
Just having come out of the closet and recovering from vocal surgery, famous recording artist Harry Styles needs to get away from LA to work on new music needing to prove to his label that his career isn't over. Little does he know that his life is about to change forever when he runs into an old friend at the city he's decided to escape to.
give me things to stay awake by embodied @crossnecklace
It’s shitty and it’s counterproductive and it’s self-indulgent, but he lets it become a thing. On Saturday nights Harry goes out and gets so pissed he can’t stand, and when the bartender cuts him off he rings Louis and is in his car within an hour. It’s not a cycle he’s proud of, but it’s also something he can’t resist, and he keeps doing it as long as Louis keeps showing up. AU. It's been a year since Louis broke up with Harry.
**This is a break up/getting back together fic. So be ready with those tissues (seriously, you will need them)!!
If It's Meant To Be (It'll Be, It'll Be) by lululawrence @lululawrence
“So, anyway. I’m done here and on my way to the airport. I think I’m expected to be there in the morning, around ten. I’ll let you know when I’m getting close.”
“Sounds good.” Harry pulled back from the window and threw himself onto one of the beds. Once he got comfortable, he steeled himself and then went for it. “It’s been too long this time, Lou,” he finally whispered. He watched as Louis bit his lip and nodded slowly.
“I know,” Louis agreed, just as quiet in return. “We have to swear to never go this long without seeing each other again. Two months is just...unacceptable. I’m gonna go now, but I’ll see you soon. ‘Kay?”
“Yeah. See you. Be safe,” Harry said, far too fondly for his best friend. He couldn’t help it though. It was how he always had been and probably always would be.
They hung up and Harry threw his arm over his face.
“I am so in love with him,” he whined to himself. “Fuck.”
** This fic was so adorable, guys! MUTUAL PINING!!!
We'll Be Seamless by waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee (dinosaursmate) @dinosaursmate
Green reblogged an old photo of himself. It was from back in October, a Halloween special. A pulse shot all the way through Louis because this photo was his absolute favourite, and it had taken the rest of the year for him to wean himself off of it.
Green was on his knees, arms stretched out in front of him with his fingertips digging into the surface of his bed. He was wearing a pair of cat ears on his head, his curls falling forward. His back was arched, and in the foreground of the picture, Green’s bum was high in the air, a long, black cat tail sitting neatly between his cheeks. --- Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
**I dunno why I did not come across this fic before because it is GOLD! I love tumblr fics and this was so awesome!! (Also, check out the blog this fic is based on...life changing *cough*)
Like a Bullet in the Dark by Vurdoc  @vurdoc
Prince Harold Edward Styles Lancaster is second in line to the throne of Great Britain. He is also your average Uni student- or he tries to be, anyway.
With a promise from the press (and his father) that they'll leave him alone for four years, he sets out to be a student at Cambridge, when he meets his very normal, very working class, very handsome suite-mate, Louis Tomlinson.
Louis makes Harry feel more like a person than he ever has before, which might cause some issues later on- 'cause Harry has a secret that he's only told his sister Gemma about.
Little does he know though, that Louis has some secrets of his own.
A Will & Kate Au- with a twist.
**This is sorta WIP because the author is writing a series. Saying too much about this fic will probably ruin it, so.. just read it!
Take Me To A Dream by waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee (dinosaursmate) @dinosaursmate
“Hiya,” Harry said, beaming up at him. “These sandwiches any good?” Words failed Louis, and he felt his shoulders shrug. “They’re fine for, like, eating.” Harry paused, mid-swipe of Louis’ staff discount card. “I don’t use my sandwiches for much else, personally.” Louis sighed to himself, embarrassed. A small smile was playing on Harry’s lips, dimple denting his cheek. God, Louis felt like a bloody idiot. --- There's just something about the new checkout boy that makes Louis lose his cool and act like a complete idiot, which doesn't escape the attention of Liam or Niall. As much as Louis hates embarrassing himself, there's something about Harry that keeps Louis coming back for more.
**Erm... same author twice. But both fics are so different! This is FLUFF!!
i want you so much (but i hate your guts) by becauselarry (WIP) @obviouslybecauselarry
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
**I know its WIP but its so good!! And ENEMIES TO LOVERS! Go and read it! 
i'm still learning to love by stylinsonau (WIP)
“Hello there.” Louis crouches in front of the small child, brunette with light sleepy eyes. He smiles fondly. He looks a lot like his father, but with a little less laugh lines, and frowns, and grumpiness.
The child continues to rub at his eyes, clutching at his little shark before he asks, “Are you gonna be my new Dada?”
Harry stiffens.
An au where Harry has almost everything in the world except for the will to move on.
** ANother kid fic! Babysitter Louis! 
I wanna rec so much more. But its getting pretty long. And DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A KUDOS AND NICE COMMENTS FOR THE AUTHORS!! 
Happy Reading!!!!!!!!
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rosewhipped22 · 7 years
Whump!Cas/Hurt!Cas fic recs
Hurt!Cas fics are my absolute favorite, (in case you couldn’t tell that from my own writing) so here are some I really enjoyed.  I hope you will too!  Please, please, please read and heed the warnings/ratings/tags. Some are super dark.
Repent of your Sins by Anonymous
AU from the end of Season 8.When Cas returns to Dean and Sam, human, confused, disoriented and scared, they take him in. What else can they do?But Dean is still harboring some resentments. Sam is still sick and damaged from the trials, and Dean feels that Cas is to blame for much of what's happened to them in the past couple of years - things he's never really made amends for...
This one is really good, but definitely dark.  Dean is not his usual kind and forgiving self and Cas is hurting throughout.
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see by  Enochian Things (Salr323)
Cas is human and alone in the world; Dean's not handling it. At all. But then again, neither is Castiel.
I tagged this in my bookmarks as ‘homeless Castiel, Angst, lovely’ what else do you need to know??
Kiss the Baker by @ltleflrt  
Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!
Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
I feel like everyone needs to read this fic at least once.  It’s amazing from beginning to end.  I adored it.  It’s fluffy too <3 (@ltleflrt, you were looking for dark fics the other day--maybe you’ll find something you haven’t tried here!)
Blackbird Fly by artsyUnderstudy
Nearly a year after starting the fire that claimed the lives of Ruby Darvelle and Anna Novak, fifteen year old Sam Winchester returns home from his stint in court ordered rehab. Sam and his older brother, Dean, struggle to remake their own complicated relationship and the home they’ve lost in the wake of this tragedy, while a chance meeting brings Anna’s brother, the troubled and secretive Castiel, into their lives. Fighting with his recovery, Sam finds himself drawn to the strong and lively Jess, while Castiel and Dean find comfort in one another. As consequences of their past emerge and threaten to tear apart what they’ve carefully rebuilt, they are all forced to reevaluate who their family really is, and to what lengths they’re willing to go to keep it safe.
Great fic! Plenty of Sam in this one too.  
Stitches by Askance
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
This was so much better than Cas being left at the hospital with Meg.  I’m glad the boys stick together and help each other.
Dean Is His Mission by LisaEllyn
Castiel is stunned -- absolutely astounded to still be alive. But he needs to focus on healing himself. He needs to get out of the bunker before Dean returns because he has no doubt that the hunter will stay true to his word and not “miss” next time.
He is far from healed when he hears Dean approach the library. “You just aren’t the listening type, are you, Cas?”
This picks up after Dean beats Cas in the bunker after 10.22.  Good stuff. 
Less Than Angels by ashitanoyuki  
Newly human, Castiel moves in with Sam and Dean to the Men of Letters bunker. Unfortunately, his presence attracts the attention of Ezekiel, who develops a dark fascination with him. Hiding behind Sam's face and body, Ezekiel coerces Castiel into a sexual relationship, threatening to kick him out of the bunker if Castiel denies his advances. As Castiel wonders if he himself is to blame for "Sam's" actions, Sam himself is blissfully unaware of the angel inside him. Only when Dean catches wind of what's going on can they come up with a plan to get rid of Ezekiel once and for all.
I enjoyed this one a lot more than I should have.  More than once.  Poor Cas, man.  Poor Sam..
A Hunter's Prey by alpineshoodratt
A blue eyed boy he locked gazes with at a stoplight. His prey sat in the back of a pricey SUV, 4 other boys in the car, rowdy and loud. This kid sat quietly, watching out the window, until he noticed Dean looking. His sapphire eyes met Dean’s emerald ones for all of three seconds, before blushing and looking down.
This is another dark!Dean one.  Like serial killer dark.
And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who
This fic is set after season 4 and totals ~122,600 words. It's a story about friendship and love, recovery and trust, free will, and Dean and Castiel's journey through it all. It's also about chocolate and hugs. If you read it, I really hope you enjoy it. ♥ 
I really love this fic!  If you love whump!Cas and early seasons Cas then you will too!!  It’s really fabulous.  Please give it a try, you won’t regret it.  
Hesitation by apokteino
Zachariah orders Castiel to seduce Dean in order to strengthen his allegiance to heaven. Castiel thinks it will be something to endure. Dean just thinks Castiel wants him. Neither one is right.
Oh man, this fic.  Apokteino is amazing and this fic is too! Read everything by this author.  Bonus: Early season Cas is so well written.
Hautley's Bend by ColdIntheStudio 
Castiel Novak is used to change. He's used to being the new kid in school. So when he moves with his family to the small town of Rail Pass, he doesn't expect things to be much different than the last three towns. But then he meets Dean Winchester, an aggressive fellow student who sees Castiel as the shiny new toy he and his friends get to mess with. Castiel has had his fair share of bullies in the past, but nothing like this. He's never felt this way about a bully, or anyone for that matter, before. Maybe something's wrong with him, that he could feel so attracted to someone who makes his everyday life hell. But then again, he sees the way Dean looks at him sometimes. And there's a lot more to Dean Winchester than meets the eye.
Wow! Buckle in for 500k words of an excellent HS au.  My favorite one.  It’s a slow burn enemies to lovers and it’s simply fabulous. 
It’s Not Easy Being Dean by strangeandcharm
The Winchesters are given a mission: they have to save Castiel. The trouble is, Castiel isn’t really Castiel any more…
I’m really shocked this fic doesn’t have more kudos, I so enjoyed it!  Zachariah is a colossal dick to our favorite angel via his AU creation powers.  
Pay Your Dues by Huggle
Castiel knows he has a lot to make up for and now he's human it will be harder than ever.
The Winchesters know it too, and they won't let him forget it.
Dark Winchesters.  A shorter option for you kids, but it still hurts so good.  
Unforgiven by coldrottingtrees 
For the SPN Kink Meme.
Prompt: "Abaddon, wearing Dean, uses and abuses the hell out of Castiel. (Who probably figures out it's not really Dean...eventually.)"
I’ve reread this one several times because I have issues.  It’s really well done and Abaddon manipulates Cas like a pro
Specimen Two Eighty Five by @hazeldomain
Prompt: Cas gets taken prisoner by the MOL or some other people. They lump angels in with all the other supernatural creatures, and believe they’re little better than animals. They keep Cas restrained and burn or tattoo warding on him. They talk about him like he can’t understand them. They strip him, examine him, make him manifest his wings. He can’t escape, and every day brings new mistreatment and misery.
Hazel is amazing and has lots of good fics--definitely a whump master. Her fic  It Was On Sale is fabulous as well but it features wincest if that’s not for you.  It worked for me because it’s an AU and Sam and Dean aren’t brothers.  Plus Cas is a total BAMF.
Paid In Full by Huggle 
Dean and Sam get word of a book that might hold the key to stopping the Apocalypse. Desperate times, and all, so they don't hesitate to steal it.
Unfortunately for Cas, its owner holds a grudge and has a rather cruel way of settling scores.
This is a short fic (with a 2nd part!! that I actually like even better) but so satisfying.  Huggle is on my list twice because this is one writer who knows how to make things hurt and they have a way with words that just sucks you right in. 
Love in a McHopeless Place by @weasleychick32
Throughout his years working at McDonald’s Dean has experienced a great number of awkward, unsanitary, and just plain strange situations, but what exactly is he supposed to do when he finds a homeless man sleeping in the playplace? This isn’t in the employee handbook.
I almost forgot this one! Yikes, that would have been a mistake.  A great AU with homeless!Cas. This one’s got fluff too!!  So probably a good one to end the list with.  It’s well written and highly recommended.
I do have more, but this should keep you kids busy for a while I hope.  Enjoy! and please leave comments for the authors if you like something!  They really do mean so much.  <3  (Authors let me know if you want your tumblr linked to your fic.  I’ll add it!)
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Gloomy Days VI
(Or chapter VIII, or .. just as I wrote in the last post, I messed up with this)
Well fellas, here it is, my magnum opus’ next chapter (huehuehuehuehuehue). Actually, there are only two more chapters to come (plus the epilogue) before it’s finished. All of this has taken me a long time, thinking about the musings and of a coherent plot etc., the writing itself was done relatively quickly. And I just wanted to use this preface to thank you for the incredible amounts of support I’ve received. This author is very grateful for every like, every reblog, every kudo, every fav and every follow. Most of all, that shouldn’t be too surprising, I’m grateful for the people who’ve taken their time to leave a comment, that’s .. I don’t know, probably the Holy Grail for every writer (besides fanart, I guess, but contrary to commenting, not everyone can do that or has the time for it).
Where am I going with this? Well, dunno. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this ride with you very much and I hope that I’ll be able to give the story a satisfying end.
As a last note, I’d like to dedicate this chapter to user @alaznesweeran / @onepiecefeatstuff for being an infinite source of support. I appreciate it more than I’m able to express with words. Hope you like it.
Disclaimer: One Piece and its characters don’t belong to me. Which still is a shame.
Chapter VI – The Maiden of Honour / Tying Loose Ends
Can you hear the silence, fighting with the wind?
Numbed by the illusion, that nature is a wind
Flying trees can’t handle needs
Waiting for your call
In this kingdom, queens are ruling, all for you all
Witchcraft – Ghost House
She was a dream dressed in the colours of the night. The light tone of her skin went perfectly with the gown of night-blue she had chosen, it was flawlessly tailored aswell, emphasising all the fine, feminine assets she had inherited from her mother. Paired with her unusual height and her black, flowing hair, she sure was a sight to behold, frequently drawing lecherous looks from men old and young (besides the jealous gazes she gathered from a lot of women). All of these attributes together, her incredible looks, her height and the mysterious air of a seductress that was surrounding her, were carefully put together, though. Old habits did die hard and on more than one occasion in the past, she was able to gather informations from their adversaries, acting as a spy in all but name. Even at an occasion like the one she was attending right now, it definitely wasn’t to her disadvantage.
It was true, men were easily manipulated by looks and some of the older fellows might drop a hint or two about their families history, providing her with more vital informations for her line of work. At least sometimes.
Knowing all too well that she was able to turn men’s heads around the world, the recent moments were even more surprising to her, if slightly amusing. As mentioned, she was well aware of the fact that her looks were indeed working at peak performance, which made it all the more strange that the one man she knew who possessed an outstanding ‘beauty radar’ didn’t even take notice of her. Amusing and interesting at the same time.
Maybe it has something to do with the woman he was talking to? Maybe a conversation with her could be worthwhile. If she’s a witch, the worst thing that could happen would be her biting my head off. Oh, exciting!
The woman that had caught the cook’s undivided attention was leaving him alone at the bar, giving herself to the everflowing current of guests that surrounded this oasis for the brokenhearted, as it seemed. It wasn’t much of a problem for the maiden of honour, though, as her eyes and wits were as sharp as ever. She was quick to notice that the woman’s movements left the impression of not being mundane at all, even though she was surrounded by people, none of them even grazed her. The grace and flow that gave life to her movements were not natural, but in a good way. They were inhuman and it seemed to the archaeologist that her feet never really touched the ground, as if she was floating on a low air stream to reach her next destination.
Oh, shouldn’t I be looking for Luffy? There’ll still be time for that. Well, if she doesn’t bite off my head. Wouldn’t that be an interesting way to start a marriage?
She was quick to follow that woman’s trail, her height alone was enough to enable her to stride through the crowd. Maybe not as graceful as the other woman was, but it worked just fine. And if even that wasn’t enough, there would always appear a literal ‘helping hand’ to make space for her.
It took a few minutes to catch up to her and another few until both of them reached the crowd’s edge, a place were a normal conversation might actually be possible. Robin’s eyes met the woman’s back and she was astounded to see that her skin took the word ‘flawless’ and raised it through the roof. She wasn’t able to find even the smallest scar or the slightest disturbance on the woman’s skin, a fact that made her even more unnatural. The only people she could think of that might even be able to come close to it were the Celestial Dragons, but she was sure that this woman didn’t belong to them. The dragons, even though they didn’t have to breath in the ‘polluted’ air normal people were living on, were oftentimes hideously deformed due to countless generations of inbreeding. This strange woman though, at least as far as the archaeologist could say, was perfect in every sense of the word.
The only thing that was up for debate might have been the small tattoo that adorned her left shoulder blade. Tattoos were indeed prevalent in many parts of the world, but they usually didn’t appeal to the upper echelons of society. Instead, they were mostly found on the bodies of gang members or pirates, both professions not really fitting for the woman in front of her. It also was a rather peculiar and dark motive: A diving black bird, quite possibly a raven or a crow. Robin wouldn’t have thought twice about it if there wasn’t something special to it, though. The bird had three legs.
Just one more reason to start a conversation, and this would be the best time to do it, too. Robin raised a hand and softly touched the woman’s shoulder.
“Excuse me, madam?”, the touch made her stop in an instant and while Robin was lowering her hand, the woman turned around, a warm, approachable smile on her lips. The maiden of honour was indeed a little disappointend that she didn’t transform into some abomination from beyond the deepest depths of the ocean. A little disappointed.
That being said, the beauty found within her face easily matched the flawlessness of her body. I will never see eyes as clear and green as these again, not in a thousand years. Maybe the reason that cook-san didn’t notice me is more simple than expected?
“Pardon my impudence, but would you mind if I asked you a question or two?”, she began.
“Oh, I’d be delighted to, my dear.”, her smile widened a little and she brushed a lose strand of hair aside, a simple gesture that appealed to the subconscious mind, making the person who saw it think that they had their undivided attention now.
“I’m very grateful, thank you very much. When I was standing behind you, I couldn’t help but notice the ink on your shoulder and since then, there’s the gnawing question on my mind if it is what I think it is. Travelling the earth, I think I’ve seen this particular bird a few times already, venerated mostly by the inhabitants of rural and reclusive villages and a few hermits along the way. May I ask if that is indeed Yatagarasu, the heavenly messenger?”, the woman’s smile widened, if that was possible.
“My, I’m very impressed by your knowledge, my dear. Very impressed. Your assumption is correct, this little piece of ink depicts one version of the messenger, the most accurate one, in my .. opinion. It’s the version most relevant for the rural people from the North and West Blue, as a lot of their myths tell the tales of the Three-legged Crow.”
“While in the East and South Blue, he’s the Eight-headed Crow. I’ve stumbled upon a few of such tales whie I was working in those parts of the world.”, the archaeologist complemented the facts she stated, much to her delight.
“My, you are a sage and a scholar, my dear! I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be recognised.”
To be recognised?, Robin raised a brow, waiting for a correction that should never come. Unfortunately for her, this was not the time to think too long about such trivialities and she moved on to the next topic, deciding not to pay attention to this remark.
“The last thing I wanted to talk to you about, though .. a few minutes ago, I saw you talking to one patrticular blonde man at the bar. He’s an old friend of mine, but we didn’t have the chance to have a conversation in years and I fear that this marriage might be a lot to stomach for him ..”, she paused as the other woman raised a hand, returning to this enchanting mixture of smirk and smile that was sure to break men’s hearts by the dozen.
“Ah .. I see, straight to the point, right? I adore this attitude, even though I’m of the opinion that the mind needs rest, at least from time to time. Oh .. alright, I’m guessing that you want to know how he’s holding up? Appropriate, regarding the circumstances, but still on the verge of making or breaking, if you allow me the jest. This man knows that the abyss returns even the boldest of gazes, but his decision to shy away from it is crumbling.”, Robin was left speechless. This woman wasn’t talking to Sanji for more than five minutes, yet she still possessed a unique insight both into his thinking and into the situation at hand. This could not be the work of five minutes of conversation alone.
“I’m .. astounded, to say the least. You seem to be understanding him better than a little chit-chat should allow you to. Could it be that you knew him way before your meeting here?”
“Dear, my dear .. this is not what you want to ask, we both know it. For all of your life, you have been nothing but efficient, there is no need to stray from that way, now.”, the woman was right. All throughout her life, Robin had to be efficient, she had to be sharp to outsmart those who hunted her, to forge bonds that she could use to her advantage. The dangerous knowledge she carried was a burden for her but a blessing for those who seeked the truth.
“I understand. So .. that leaves me to the question if he’s willing to accept that she’s getting married to another man.”, usually, it would have been more fitting for Robin’s nature to give a snide remark about the whole situation and move on with more important things, only that this time, the exact thing that was of the utmost importance was this situation. Even though she usually didn’t show it in the same flashy and over-the-top manner that her former nakama did, she cared deeply for these people. Her true friends and the closest things to a family she had all over the seas.
“At this moment? Yes, he’s willing to accept it. Even though he’s on the brink of crossing the river, all his strength and willpower will fail him when push comes to shove. Thus, yes, he’s going to accept it, her marriage and the fact that it will break him. As you probably have expected, this man is more than ready to sacrifice every single little thing that’s keeping him alive to see her happy. Even if that last thing is hope.”, her smile had faded away and the tone of her high voice had become increasingly sombre while she was speaking, according to the topic she was touching.
“What .. what is going to happen after the wedding?”
The strange woman shrugged before she answered. “I don’t know, to be honest. Nor do I care. Don’t mistake my role for an active one in your stage play, Nico Robin. It is my wish and my purpose to show the actors another way, but I can’t force it upon them. This is what free will is all about. The decision is up to any single person involved, and neither the Heavens nor any God can change a thing about that. The world keeps turning, my dear, but it’s neither stagnant nor unalterable. Personally, I’d like to see a world in that people are free. So free, in fact, that some of the branches of the current World Government would consider it a crime. Your former captain might have been able to bring about this future, but with how things currently are, the situation looks dire. I hate to say it, but this is the point of no return. The true test, Nico Robin: Hold fast! Or expire.”, she was turning away by now, ready to move on to wherever. Still, there was one question left to be asked.
“Does he still love her?”
She stopped in her tracks, turning around once more. This time though, she was smiling again.
“Irrationally so, yes. With all his heart. Dreams might be shattered, bonds might be broken or forgotten, but the love that this graceless knight is carrying within the depths of his heart will never waver. It is what will drive him insane.”, with those words, she vanished out of sight. Like feathers in the wind.
But Robin wouldn’t have been Robin if she was easily shaken. There were other, pressing concerns to be taken care of. The wedding was about to start and the clock was ticking lives away.
Her feet were moving on their own, carried her to the next destination without failure. The archaeologist’s former captain was still waiting were she left him and she used these few moments of reprieve to slip into Nami’s room, knocking twice while she was already opening the door.
“Sanji-kun?!” was what greeted her. (Author’s notes: See chapter II for their entire conversation, it’s been a while, I know)
“Not exactly, dear navigator-san. He’s here, though.”
With all the additional impressions she had gathered from her time here, this conversation was bound to be unpleasant. At the climax of it, the archaeologist finally asked one of the most important question of all.
“Are you happy?”
The appropriate answer for a bride would have been ‘yes’, but only silence was heard, occasionally interrupted by Nami’s sobbing.
Cook-san might have said that a woman’s tears always told the truth., she contemplated when she softly embraced her former navigator. There might have been some truth to it, too. As her tears were falling, her tongue was loosened.
“I should be .. I really should be, this was supposed to be the most wonderful day in my entire life .. look at me now .. it’s not, I don’t even know if it can be .. he’s here, Robin, you said it yourself. Is his purpose to mock my damn heart? Has fate decided that it would like to see me suffer? Why did I ever write his invitation?”, her sobbing became uncontrollably and it took her a few seconds to regain some composure.
“I’ve .. I’ve told myself that the only reason for his invitation was to prove to myself that I was strong again .. but from the moment the letter was sent, I felt weaker and more frail every day. Now that he’s here, I .. I just don’t know what to do! Can you send him away, Robin? Is that possible? Would you do that for me?”, irrational thoughts within a stressful situation were the norm, the mind was clinging to everything that might be able to reinstate normality.
“Shh, my dear navigator-san .. everything’s going to be okay, I promise. But .. if it helps you and if you really want me to send him away, I will do it.”, Robin knew all too well that this was a dangerous gambit, especially considering what some parts of her were hoping for each and every day of her life, all since the great divide. She had taken it with more countenance than most of her male nakama, but she wasn’t the ice queen that she used to be. And quite happy about that, too.
For a second it seemed that Nami would indeed beg her to send him away, and that would be the end of things. The true funeral of dreams, as throughout all of these lines, the central conflict was always the one that the human heart fought with itself.
Adversaties, though, could foster hope. And resilience. Within the darkest hours and against the backdrop of despair, sometimes, all it took was a moment of valour to burn the shadows away.
Though the tears didn’t subside, her voice was steady again when she answered.
“No .. no, Robin. I have to go through with this, I have to see him one last time or my mind will never have peace. It .. it might not be the most wonderful day of my life anymore, Robin, but clarity will do ..”, Robin was quick to recognise how much her friend had to fight with her demons to remain calm and composed, an admirable effort in the face of tragedy, past and present.
“We’re going to work something out, my dear. That much I can promise you.”, while she was talking, the powers of her devil fruit were invoked. Arms that came from nowhere sprouted on any possible surface, all the way from her dresser to where they both were sitting. All for the simple act of carrying tissues to her friend. She was a bride and had to look like one. Robin took the initiative, let go of her and began to dry her tears and clear up her makeup. A sysyphean task, but a much needed one.
“Why did he accept the invitation, anyway?”, the archaelogist had been afraid of this question for a long time, because back then, she wouldn’t have known what to answer. To be perfectly frank, she didn’t exactly know it right now. Up until this point, things went reasonably well, Nami had even regained her composure when she was standing on the very precipice to oblivion. This matter was a completely different one, though.
Well, what did my mysterious acquaintance say? ‘Hold fast! Or expire.’ Does it really matter what I say now? The situation is bound to end in tears, but what’s the lesser evil to go with? Wouldn’t it be my duty to tell her the truth? But what’s to come after that? She might cancel the wedding and they’d still be in the very same situation of days long gone by. Then, should I lie to her? I don’t like the prospect, even if navigator-san is able to live through the wedding just fine, wouldn’t I be damning her to sticking to the second-best? People are complicated and I’m not even a single step closer to knowing what to do.
“Robin .. are you still with me?”, the navigator sounded hesitant, excited and fearful to hear the answer at the same time.
“Yes, my dear .. I’m not going to leave your side until all of this is over.”, this might just buy her a few more seconds of thinking. This is not going to work out, I need a little more time .. just a little more. With a little luck, the others might have an opinion of their own on how we should act. Despite her undeniable intelligence, the archaelogist was a supporter at heart. It had always been like this, others would know where to go, but she would work out how to get there and collect intelligence.
“My dear navigator-san, he’s here for the same reason all of us are. He wishes to see you happy, no matter the cost.”, that was vague at best and distracting at worst, but some decisions could not be made on her own.
Nami affected a laugh and straigthened her back. She sure was grateful for everything Robin had to say, but a clear answer would have been very welcome.
“Would you excuse me for a moment? I’d like to have a word with our former captain, my dear. We’ll be with you again in a few minutes, if that is alright.”, Nami nodded and rose up from her chair, making her way to the dresser. She had to renew her makeup at all costs, a bride wasn’t supposed to look the way she was. “Don’t take too long, please.”
Leaving the room, the first thing to do for her was to look after Luffy. Surprisingly enough, he wasn’t ruining the whole buffet, instead patiently waiting for the beginning of the ceremony. The only odd thing about this situation was the deathly pallor his skin was showing. One more reason the archaeologist had to chuckle, stygian humor always was her go-to.
“Captain-san? I think that our navigator-san is as ready as she can be to .. say the words. Oh .. you look pale, captain-san. Could it be that you’ve seen a ghost?” The rubberman was known for his strange antics, no questions asked, but this time, his serious face was the source of all the weirdness.
“I don’t know, but .. Robin, I don’t think that Nami belongs here.” That actually was astounding. Monkey D. Luffy, as obstinate as he most of the time was, wasn’t one to take matters of the heart, at least of other people, into his own hands. Especially not if these matters promised a bright, or, at least, a good future. Nami’s marriage fulfilled all these qualities, Robin had a few conversations with Cassian and thought that he’d make a fine partner. Maybe not the perfect one, but a good one, nonetheless. If she had any other opinion, she would’ve told her good friend. It was still too early, though. And she had to act fast
Within an instant, hands were sprouting from his cheeks and pressed against his mouth to stop him from talking. The archaeologist closed the distance between the two and her voice was nothing more than a whisper. She was good at thinking fast, waiting for an opportunity. These things might have come with her past as a criminal, even an assassin. Acting too hurriedly was almost certainly bound to bring about a catastrophe. Not regarding the stress, her mind was working as quickly as ever and assumptions were made.
When I first talked to him, he wasn’t exactly delighted about the occasion, but he was still willing to take the role of being  her surrogate father for the ceremony. This has changed now. ‘It is my wish and my purpose to show the actors another way’, those were her words. I’ve seen her talking to cook-san and talked to her myself. Could it be that she had a little conversation with captain-san, too? And the others? That woman also said that she’s not playing an active part, only showing us another way. We were all supposed to be guests, to support her at such an occasion, could it be that ‘the other way’ is us taking a more active role? One that might change the outcome of this stageplay, as she called it? Oh, what a sly little devil the heavenly messenger is ..
“Please, captain-san, I can understand your doubts about her wedding, all of them. But I beg you, have a little patience. Just a few more minutes, until all of us .. until the ‘troupe’ is ready and the stage is set. No matter what happens, just .. just wait a few more minutes. You’ve seen her, too, haven’t you?”, she lowered her voice a little more. The door to Nami’s room was thick enough, but her navigator’s senses had been exceptionally sharp all throughout the time they’ve known each other. Finally, I’m beginning to get a grasp on the whole picture. I think.
To her surprise, the rubberman was shaking his head and mumbled something into the palms of her devilish hands. She loosened the grab enough to understand what he was actually saying.
“To her? No, Robin, I’ve talked to a long-haired fortuneteller! Yes, he really was one! Oh, he also has something to do with the wedding, but I didn’t care about that. He reminded me of something, Robin. Something that we used to live on.
Hope. Hope, as long as we still draw breath, there is hope. And as long as there is hope, we dream. For too long, I had forgotten what it meant to be dreaming. That is no longer the case.”, this man was incredible. Normally, during a conversation he was prone to make absolutely idiotic remarks, living up to his fullest only when facing danger. Could it be that his subconscious mind recognises Nami’s wedding as a danger to dreams that we thought long gone? But moments of clarity were just that, moments.
“Also, I think I’ll call him Halflight. When I was trying to get a grasp of him through my haki, this is what he appeared to be. A sudden glimmer of light within mostly confusing things. I think that he might like that name.”
“I .. eh .. yes. I’m sure he’s going to like it.”, she couldn’t add anything else, being astounded how quickly he was able to switch between insightful and inspiring to .. a child.
“I’m going to tell her that she’s got to bail out of the wedding. Right now.” Did this man ever listen? She stopped him before he was able to move, pressing her hands against his mouth again.
“Captain-san, please, listen to me. I’m of the same mind as you. This wedding is not what’s going to make her happy. But we have to wait just a little longer. I assume that your ‘Halflight’ was not only talking to you, but to all of us. And if I’m right, he .. or, well, she, is trying to show us a different way. Remember how we were invincible when we were together, no matter the odds? We have to act flawlessly, my dear captain-san. And soon. The bride is waiting, but the stage is still missing something. I will take care of that. Just heed my words. No matter what’s going to happen, wait for the right time.”, his nodding was good enough. She hoped that it would suffice. The hands that were pressing his mouth shut vanished into flowers and she took his hand, wanting to lead him inside of Nami’s room.
“Remember, alright? Don’t act until we’re all ready.”, the task was simple, but little did Robin know about the test to his resolve that was about to come up.
When they entered Nami’s room together, the bride was quick to hug the man who had been a brother and a surrogate father foremost, being her captain was of secondary importance. There was the test coming up, though. When they entered and both of them greeted each other, Robin was slightly relieved that he didn’t shout his thoughts out, as she expected he’d do. Up until now, things were working quite fine. Then, the request came up when the navigator walked towards her wardrobe. What’s she .. oh, please, no ..
“Luffy .. I .. I do have another request, one that you might not like. Most of these people here don’t know who I am and what I was. I .. I admit that I have forgotten myself for some time. But just this once, maybe for the last time, I want them to see my true colours. And I can’t think of a better way to do it than through you. All of you, my family.”, with these words, she grabbed the lonely strawhat out of her wardrobe, turned around and presented it to her former captain.
Needless to say, Robin feared for the worst. An emotional outbreak, him crying and telling her all the things they talked about, telling Nami to bail out of the wedding. Again, he surprised her. A truly astonishing man. Monkey D. Luffy, a feared pirate, a child, a relentless eater. But he also was deeper than one might expect, insightful when it was necessary and he was able to stick to a plan when his subconscious mind thought it being the right thing to do.
And within just a moment in time, king and crown were reunited once again, and even though they were just three friends standing in a dressing room, when he put it on his head again after too many years of absence, Robin was able to feel how the weight of the world fell down from his shoulders and shackles, thought unbreakable, vanished.
“I’ll see you outside, navigator-san, captain-san. There’s just something very trivial I have to take care of. Don’t worry about it, your rings are safe with me.”
After leaving the room, the archaeologist approached her objective as quickly as her feet carried her. Together, they were invincible, but how could they be together if one of them wasn’t walking the earth anymore? The solution was all too obvious.
“Storm’s coming, mates. It’s going to hit the harbor in about half an hour, if the folks here can be trusted.”
“So what? You afraid of a little wind and rain, man? Let’s just get hammered inside. If you’re lucky enough, one of the girls here will be drunk and blind enough to take ya home,” another one answered him.
“Oh bugger off, you know that I ain’t afraid of no storms. It’s what’s livin’ within these that I’m wary of!”
“Better shut the hell up about all your deadly fogs and storms and whatnot, man, I ain’t buying your shit about freakish voices in the dark and ghosts sailing ships! No ghost in his right mind would do that, they’d just swoosh around and find the first comely girl taking a shower!”
Robin cleared her throat and won their immediate attention. Too easy.
“Gentlemen, would you be so kind as to grant me a request?”
The men were looking at each other, under different circumstances, they’d have probably thrown themselves into the waves to impress the lady, but they had a job here and the ceremony would begin in just a few minutes.
“Please, it’s just a little change of plans. It actually is a request of the bride herself, she’d be very grateful if you grant her that wish, she said that she’d even take to you to meet some of her bridesmaids if you would find it in your heart to do her this favour.”
The men were still hesitant, looking at each other, as if one of them had the answer. But Robin knew that they’d accept. They didn’t know it, but they would, soon enough.
“Well .. if it’s the bride’s wish, I guess we’re ready to comply, miss. What’s the song she wants us to play? And when?”
“I’m very grateful, gentlemen, as is the bride. I’ll give you the sign, just don’t take your eyes off me, hm?”, she said, winking.
“And the song in question is ...”
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