#if i tell my mom then she wont be allowed at our house anymore
mooncalf87 · 6 months
When I send her those pov videos and say "us <3" im falling for her so fast and so hard im actually going insane
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Hello, your followers have a lot of wisdom to share and I would like some guidance if that’s okay? If not then I totally understand- delete this no worries.
Here is the whole situation…….
The Issue: BF wants to get a tattoo.
He is enmeshed with his family.
He want's me to be as close with his family as humanly possible.
He withholds stuff they say or do from me because he is afraid I will say 'bad things' to him about them. (I respectfully disagree with their behavior only to him.)
His family indirectly criticizes me often but my BF makes excuses saying they are really just criticizing him. The things they say are (you talk to her too much, you spend too much money on her, you shouldn't sleep over her house she has female roommates, you shouldn't get her flowers again, you should go on vacation with her.)
He calls / texts / them everyday for at least a few hours when he is with me. He also lives with them.
He wanted me to build a relationship with them at the same time we were building ours.
I felt overwhelmed and put up a lot of resistance. I started to feel like his sister not his GF.
This caused a lot of fights. He accused me of hating his family.
He said he wouldn't date me anymore if his family didn't approve. (Fair enough, same with mine but mine is way less needy and doesn't need someone to 'prove themselves' in order to be in the in group.)
I decided to tone down the resistance and go with the flow. Hoping that the closer I was to them the closer he would get to me.
I worked hard putting in the time and effort to build a relationship with them.
After a while I started to enjoy the family functions and feel like I found a new family outside of my own. I thought I made a lot of progress.
My Situation Now:
My BF's life long friend recently passed away. My BF want's to get a tattoo ( his first one) in memory of said friend.
I have no opinion on this either way, if he wants it, I support it. Hard stop. His body is his choice. This was completely his idea. I never mentioned it to him once.
However he looked at me yesterday and said “my parents are going to blame this on you, you know that. They are going to think you’re influencing me.”
And I said “but why?”
He said “that's just the way they think.”
I said “Don’t let them believe it.”
He said “No I'll fight them on it, say it's my idea.”
It shocked and really hurt me. Now I have two choices,
#1. RAT HIM OUT TO HIS MOM BEFORE THE APPT - Be a bad partner, go against everything I agree with in terms of partnership, but not be blamed for this, and preserve the relationship I built with them. Have him not like me short term, but have his family like me, thus have him like me long term.
#2. NOT SAY A WORD - Be the bad guy in his family's eyes (even if he says it was his idea, they wont belive it), but support my BF like a great partner should, through this really challenging time for him. BUT have his family not like me, thus him not like me in the long run.
I don't know what to do. In every situation I am a bad guy. I've never dated anybody with this much family drama that leaked into our relationship. I need help and guidance please. I don't want to bring this up to him at this time since I don't want to add to his stress and grief.
The family is not going to get better. PERIOD.
If anything it will get worse. Imagine planning a wedding, or (if you want them) having kids. Everything will be your fault.
Unless your boyfriend goes no contact with them, you will have this family drama.
You have three choices.
Accept that you are going to be blamed and have a ‘think what you fucking want’ attitude.
Dump him. Because it’s not going to change.
Tell them all to fuck off.
Personally, I think your boyfriend needs to set some boundaries with his family. And not allow them to treat you like this is your fault. Because regardless of what he says….he’s allowing them to continue this behavior.
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vacker-jew-au · 4 years
Chapter One: Alden Sucks
Our first oneshot centers around Alden being an anti-semetic asshole! Credit goes to @we-wont-dissapear, @gay-otlc, and @hyperlollypop. You can read it on ao3 or keep reading below the cut. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @cadence-talle @jam-is-my-food
“Why do they need to miss school for this? Della, you’re ruining their education. This-” Alden gestured at the open shul door, “-is worthless. I just don’t get it.”
“Is that my fault? Alden, you just aren’t a believer, it’s fine, but you can’t stop us from being faithful.”
Biana wandered over, “Mama? When is shul over? Shira asked me to play with her after. Can I go?”
Della pulled Biana onto her lap and Biana fiddled with the purple fabric of her dress. “Half an hour, baby. And if Shira’s mothers say yes, then you can go over after the kiddush.” 
Alden shook his head. “No. Biana, you have to come home and work on the school work that you’ve missed. Besides, I don’t want you spending any more time with…” he gestured again at the shul. “These people than you have to.”
“But… I like Shira, she’s my friend,” Biana pouted. “Her moms said I could eat lunch there, and, and she just got a baby banshee. I want to play with her.”
“Too bad,” Alden said firmly. “Them being Jewish is bad enough, but now you’re telling me you want to go to a house with lesbians? I won’t allow you to corrupt her like that,” Alden said, looking at Della with venom in his glare.
Della stood pulling Biana to rest on her waist, safely away from her angry husband. She walked away from him, stopping outside the main sanctuary. “Baby,” she said to Biana, “They are good people, I love them, Hashem loves them, and I think you should sleep over there tonight. I… need to talk with daddy, okay?”
“If Bi’s sleeping over at Shira’s, can I sleep over with Keefe?” Fitz asked enthusiastically.
 Della turned around, surprised, “Hey, sweetie, I didn’t hear you come over, I was about to ask you if you wanted to, so of course, just remember to ask them nicely, love.”
“Yes, Mama,” Fitz grinned before running off to a quiet corner to hail Keefe.
For the rest of the service, Della devoted her attention only to praying, ignoring Alden every time he spoke, and he did keep speaking. Fifteen minutes later, he stormed outside, claiming that he “wouldn’t participate in this madness.” 
Good, thought Della, you are only making this worse for my lovely babies. You are only hurting this shul, and only making our relationship harder… Why am I even with him anymore? She thought bitterly, Wait. Why am I?
Although part of her hurt to think it, by the time the service was over, she’d reached a decision: Della would be divorcing Alden. She could swear that He had helped her get there, and she never looked back on that moment without a positive feeling, never worse than bittersweet.
After services ended Della found her children. “Darlings,” she began, her forehead wrinkled slightly as she tried to find the right words.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” Fitz asked, he could always read her.
“Well…” she began, then she paused. “I have bad news, but in the long run, I think it’ll be good news. Your father and I… we’re going to get a divorce.”
Biana smiled, which worried Della. So did Fitz, which Della understood, she saw what Alden was like to him, even when she intervened. More than anything, she wished she could undo her decision to have stayed with Alden for so many years, but she would leave now. She would leave him. And she would protect her babies like a mother should, like she should have for all these years.
“In my office, sweetie!” Alden yelled, there was an edge to his voice, sweet yet condescending, you are an object, and as dumb as one too, it whispered, and she did not like it.
Della pushed open the door without knocking. “Don’t call me that, you son of a-”
“Darling, the kids will hear.”
“‘The kids’ are at their friends’, and we,” she took a deep breath, “We’re going to talk.”
The paperwork was filed after Shabbat. Every time Della signed something, she felt a strong sense of satisfaction. She was reminded over and over that it was the right thing, like when Alden handed over custody without a fight. He doesn’t care about any of us, and he hates our traditions, she thought, she was right.
“You have one week to get out.” One week to find a home. One week to pack it all up. One week she was still in his house. One week he was still near her children.
Alden owned the house. When they got married he had money, Della did not. Even though she had a job, Della still didn’t have much. So she decided to reach out to an old friend. 
Livvy Sonden was Della’s best friend from Foxfire, she got divorced a year before after realizing her lesbianism, but when Della asked if she had heard of any open apartments or cheap houses that she could move into, she was not intending to move in on Thursday. But they couldn’t find any listings, and they only had a week.
And she was gorgeous, so Della said yes, and she told her daily how incredibly grateful she was. In fact, it was in her speech for her wedding, though when and to whom are both things we can’t yet tell you.
We can tell you, however, that all of the Vackers were much happier now that Alden was gone. They were free from him, free to practice their religion without rude comments, free to be themselves, free.
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jovialtorchlight · 3 years
That scene from like 2014
MEL: Didn’t win the scratch today.
AND: [Under breath] Course you didn’t. Mel, we got to talk about the tickets.
MEL: [Sighs.] You got a problem with the tickets?
AND: Got a problem with your tickets? A fucking problem with your [trailing off]... Of course I have a problem with your fucking tickets. Every single fucking day, more tickets. We couldwallpaper the upstairs bathroom with all the fucking tickets you buy.
MEL: Want me to stop?
AND: Stop buying the tickets?
Yeah, of course I want you to fucking stop buying so many tickets. Or at least don’t bring them in the house. Throw them on the sidewalk, throw them away before you bring them in the house-
MEL: I got money for the tickets. I don’t spend a lot on them.
AND: [Anger Grows] Oh for fucks sake Mel I don’t care if you have money for them or what. That’s not what we’re talking about, we’re talking about you fucking throwing them on the floor of the kitchen-
MEL: Alright, I won’t throw them on the floor anymore, And.
AND: Will you, Mel? Will you? I don’t know, every time we have this discussion it stops for a couple of days and then I come home and there’s a new pile of fucking tickets on the floor.
[Mel rises, goes to the fridge, opens it, gazes at AND]
[Speeding through]
I got enough to worry about, it’s a safety hazard Mel, I could slip on the goddamn tickets on the linoleum, the scratch side has no traction, Mel, one good fall and I’m out of work Mel. Mel?
MEL: Yeah.
AND: Yeah? Yeah what?
[MEL moves to answer, AND does not allow for it]
You don’t give a shit about whether or not I slip and fall on your goddamn tickets, do you AND?
AND: [Manages to spit out an answer] Course I do-
MEL: No you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t throw them on the fucking floor. Jesus, AND, I get it, you can’t watch the lotto numbers on the news, it depresses you, but look, MEL, don’t you give a fuck what depresses me? I get depressed when I come home and you’ve thrown the fucking tickets on the floor. You don’t have the energy to get up and put them in the trash?
[The fridge is still open. AND has tightly gripped in door so hard his knuckles have turned white]
Put them in the fridge, in the pantry, in the fucking radiator, set them on fire and throw them out the window, AND, throw them off the fucking Casco Bay Bridge, AND, put them under my pillow, but for the love of god, don’t throw them on the floor.
[The silence is deafening, and an invitation to escalate]
Jesus, your mom never caught you to keep your shit off the floor? If you were a dog you could shit everywhere, AND, but your a fucking human being. We don’t shit on the floor, we don’t put our shit on the floor. We clean it up, we put it in the proper receptacles-
[AND pauses, sits at table, and seems like he may end the conversation. Mel relaxes a bit, and goes back to analyzing the contents of the refrigerator. AND takes a cookie from the table, looks at Mel, and snaps the cookie in half, throwing in at the fridge. He leaps up, propelled again by the argument.]
What if my ma came over, AND? Right the fuck now, she comes over on her way back from church, and she’s carrying a gigantic plate of leftover brownies, chocolate chip cookies, [speed rising] all that shit piled so high she can’t see over the top of the plate, she takes two steps into our apartment and her church shoes slip on a loser two dollar scratch [even more speed] and she falls backwards, the plate flings in the air like a projectile weapon of granny goodness, she falls back into the door, [spitting with anger] smashes her head into the doorknob and has a heart attack on the way down, so now there’s granny blood and smashed cookies and flying brownies and my mom’s dead, [screaming ] ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR SHITTY SCRATCHES?
[Has not lost any intensity, but has slowed down.] Tell me you won’t.
AND: Alright.
Mel: Alright? Alright? Alright what? [Moves and pokes AND in the center of his forehead.] Is there any sign of intelligent life in that hollow fucking skull? [AND flinches, ducks behind the fridge door.]
Don’t hide behind appliances, you gigantic fucking child! Come out from the door and promise me you wont leave piles of lottery tickets on the floor of our apartment-
AND: [Peaking around the side of the door, quietly] You don’t like my scratches.
I’ll stop buyin’ em, Mel. I swear.
[Mel sits at the table. And musters up the courage to pull himself from the floor. He shuts the fridge, and starts to walk to a counter.]
AND: What are you doing?
MEL: Going to get a papertowel. The fridge melted a puddle on the floor.
[MEL moves to get a papertowel. AND digs in.]
AND: So you clean water up off the floor?
MEL: Yeah, of course-
AND Of course, you clean water up off the floor, but you don’t clean up your goddamn tickets?
MEL: I just said I wouldn’t buy them-
AND: Last week you said you’d clean up the Diet Coke bottles in the bedroom, but you never did that. You said you’d take the laundry, but you never did that either. You said, you said, you said, you said [chanting] you said, you said- but did you ever fucking do? Do you ever fucking do, AND?
ME: I won’t buy the tickets, AND, I swear to god-
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booksandseventeen · 4 years
Haikyuu! Playing House
I’ve been playing with this idea where Hinata has to bring his little sister along to the Tokyo training camp and the boys get caught up playing house with her. Please Enjoy! 
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“Do you remember what mom told you, Natsu?” Hinata asked as the two of them got off the bus at Tokyo.
“Yup! Stay close to you and don’t talk to strangers!” she said and pulled out a candy bar from her pocket.
“Good! I can’t wait for you to watch me play!”
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“oh my god.” 
Daichi received Shinzen’s serve and glanced at Hinata who was currently looking rapidly under the coaches bench and the opposing teams ball carrier.
“Oh this is not good.” 
Suga grabbed ahold of Hinata’s jersey right as the orange haired boy ran past, successfully choking him and making him come to a stop.
“What has you all worried, Hinata?”
“I lost her.”
Yamaguchi froze, a sweat drop forming on his forehead, “you-you mean-”
/At the Same Time Somewhere Else/
“Pretty!” Natsu crouched and pounced on a butterfly, the velvet wings tickling her palms.
“whatchya got there?” 
Natsu blanched and slowly turned around, staring with wide eyes at the tall boy behind her, her eyes followed from his feet all the way to his pointy black hair, making him look like a rooster.
“She looks familiar.” 
Natsu jumped as another boy joined the first, this one was shorter and held a game in his hand.
“are you lost?” this was the rooster again. 
Natsu zipped her lips shut and stood up, her body shaking under the scrutiny of two strangers.
“ahhh, I see. You’re not supposed to talk to strangers.” Kuroo smirked and stuck out his hand. “But if we were to properly meet, we wouldn’t be strangers anymore would we?”
Natsu thought this over, her tongue sticking out of the corner of mouth and she finally smirked.
“Okay!” she said and pointed at Kuroo, “you’ll be the mom!”
Kuroo froze. 
Natsu then pointed at Kenma, “and you’ll be the doggy! Now come on! We have to go to the grocery store and make dinner!” 
“What just happened?” Kuroo asked as the little girl grabbed both of their hands and began dragging them away. 
“I believe we are playing house, woof.”
/At the “Grocery Store”/
“Hey! Hey! Hey! What do we have here?”
Kuroo turned around, Natsu on his shoulder as she reached for apples that they needed for ‘dinner’.
“Hello Bokuto, Akaashi, this is Natsu and we are playing house.” Kuroo set Natsu down on the ground and she hid behind his long legs, “she won’t talk to strangers,” a smirk appeared on Kuroo’s face, “but perhaps if we were to all play together, we wouldn’t be strangers. What do you say, little kitten?” Kuroo stepped aside and Natsu peered out. 
She pointed at Boktuo, “you can be the DAD!”
She pointed at Akaashi, “and you can be the little sister.”
“we got everything for the dinner mom! Should we go back home and cook it now?” Natsu tugged at Kuroo’s pants. 
“Come on kids!” Bokuto yelled and grabbed Akaashi’s and a giggling Natsu’s hands. “I’m starving! I hope mom knows how to cook!”
/At “Home”/
They decided that “home” would be the kitchen area. Considering how they all had missed supper they raided the kitchen looking for something to eat and agreed on rice balls. 
“I just...I just don’t know where I went wrong.” Bokuto stood with his back to Kuroo, an apron tied around his waist.
“You can’t be this blind. We’ve been having marital problems since the beginning.” Kuroo laid a hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll try harder.”
“you’ve said that before.”
Bokuto turned into Kuroo’s arms. “what are we going to tell the kids?” he whispered.
“tell us what?” 
Bokuto and Kuroo turned around to find Akaashi and Natsu in the doorway, rice balls in their hands that they set on the counter to eat.
“Nothing sweetie. Did you feed the dog?” Kuroo asked as he set around napkins.
“um, you might want to set out another plate, Ku- I mean mother.” Akaashi said
“And why is that young lady?” Bokuto asked with crossed arms.
“Because my boyfriend is joining.”
“WHAT?” Kuroo and Bokuto exclaimed at the same time and Natsu clapped in excitement when Tsuki walked through the door.
“Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Tsuki.”
The tall blonde stood in the doorway with his hands stuffed in his pockets, “I’m only here to eat. And i’m not pretending to be your boyfriend.”
Natsu looked up at him with crocodile tears, “y-you w-wont?”
Tsuki looked away, a harsh glare on his glasses, “......fine, just until I eat.”
Kuroo set another napkin down with a glare, Bokuto sat at the head of the table and motioned for everyone to sit. Natsu snug between her sister and the dog.
“So, Tsuki, tell me, where did you and our little Akaashi meet?” Kuroo asked with a sniff.
“Just outside.”
“honey, please.” Kuroo set a hand on Bokuto’s arm. Natsu giggled watching the exchange. 
Tsuki coughed into his napkin and pushed his glasses up, “I have honorable intentions, sir.” 
“hm, we’ll see about that.” Bokuto growled and took a massive bite out of his rice ball. 
“Please, honey relax, we have company over.” Kuroo dabbed the side of his mouth with a napkin. “you better eat your rice ball, dog.”
“woof, shut up, woof.”
“I’m allowed to question our daughter’s first boyfriend.” Bokuto shot back.
“but perhaps not at the dinner table, hm?”
“I can do what I please, i’m the man of the house!”
Kuroo raised an eyebrow, “then why don’t you act like it?”
“mom, dad, please not right now.” Akaashi said, sending Tsuki an apologetic look. 
“thats it! I can’t take it anymore. Angelic Akaashi, Little Kitten, me and your father are getting a divorce.”
“y-your getting d-d-divorce?” Natsu grabbed onto Akaashi’s sleeve who glared at Kuroo and Bokuto. 
“Did you really have to do it in front of Natsu? She’s upset now!” Akaashi growled. 
“Maybe I should leave.” Tsuki went to get up.
Tsuki plopped back down. 
“Nothing is going to change I swear,” Kuroo walked around to pat Natsu on the back, “just...a little different for now.” 
Natsu hiccuped while fat tears rolled down her face.
“You two are idiots.” Akaashi rolled his eyes.
Bokuto gasped “Don’t you dare speak to us like that!” 
“i’m not really your daughter!” he shot back
Kuroo clutched at his invisible pearls, “you take that back!”
back and forth it went, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi all yelling at each other and it soon evolved into a full food fight. 
“are you ready to go, Natsu? Your brother has been looking for you for a long time.” Tsuki got up and gabbed Natsu’s hand. 
“Hinata? Yes i’d love to see him!” Together they walked out of the building, the sound of screams and crashes fading into the background. 
“WHAT!?” Hinata screamed when he had finally asked Natsu where she had been all this time. “MOM AND DAD ARE GETTING A DIVORCE!?”
Ok this was mostly crack but I hope you enjoyed!
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Artist!Keefe hc
When Keefe gets nervous he draws
Sometimes on himself, little flowers and fires on his fingers
but mostly he likes drawing on other people
Fitz and Biana could almost always tell how bad the day was buy how crowded his hands are
during Black Swan meetings, he’ll wordlessly grab Fitz or Biana’s (really whoever he feels comfortable with unless they’re really into it and he thinks he’ll be distracting) and grab a pen or pencil from his pocket and start doodling
When they thought that Sophie and Dex had died, Keefe was at Everglen almost everyday
He would lightleap over, walk up to Fitz’s room, and grab his arm
Keefe and Biana were the only people allowed in Fitz’s room at that time, sometimes they’d all sit on his bed, Biana leaning on Fitz, Keefe holding onto Fitz
And when Keefe’s pen would sometimes poke a little too hard Fitz would say anything he would flinch either, because if Keefe had to deal with Fitz throwing things across the room and yelling and anything and everything, he could take a little pain
Then while Alden was broken, Keefe would find himself in Biana’s room, the sparkle pen that Biana had given him for midterms one year, drawing on her while she cried because after so many years of it, the feeling of the pen on her arm slowly moving was comforting
While they hid in Mount Everest Keefe found himself resisting the urge to reach into his pockets and grab his pen, but he left it at home because he it wasn’t the time
And after when they found out that it was his mom he found himself running out of reachable room on his arms and ankles
Then they were at the Black Swan and his co-revenge with Dex he finds himself trying to calm his panic attack that shouldn’t be happening why now?? Dex asks what helps him and finds himself rubbing his back while he draws beautiful designs on his arm
Keefe knew he was coming apart but he didn’t find himself in front of Fitz’s door, he was in his own room surrounded by papers on the walls because he didn’t need to calm down he needed to figure it out
and when he decides to join the Neverseen and he feels even more alone because they took away his pen so he was left with tracing ideas on his arms
When Sophie tells him it’s time for him to come home he grabs his pen along with the caches because screw it Biana gave it to him and like hell he’s gonna leave it and he finds himself trying to keep Sophie alive with his nonexistent healing skills and he’s done all he can waiting for some to 
and she does she doesn’t say anything about the pen marks on her arm because they have bigger things to worry about and he’s ignoring them just as much as her
when Sophie tells him that he has to stay home Ro makes fun of him for drawing like a crazy person but when he wakes up from a nightmare and she has to calm him down she lets him draw on her only moderately complaining about how sparkly it is couldn’t he have any other pen? but only when she knows he’s okay because she cares guys
and when he visits Quentin for something that he was supposed to pick up, he finds no one home, and the package on the table when he hears muffled sobs coming from another room
after a bit of debating he tries to trace them through the house he finds Amy curled up on a couch sobbing into her knees he approaches her slowly and asks if she’s okay to which he gets a soft shake of her head and so he sits next to her and asks if she wants a hug to which she launches herself at him and he holds her for a bit because keefe would be an amazing older brother and loves kids and he asks if he can draw on her arm, because that helps him and he’s been told it’s soothing
so he lets her talk as he draws and she talks about her family and her life in the Forbidden Cities and she asks if she can draw on him and at first he’s surprised but he hands her his sparkly pen and lets her draw on his hand and he tells her about things in the Lost Cities and she asks about Sophie and their friends so he tells her
Eventually he remembers the package and she asks if he could come back again and they become friends and when she goes back, they find a way to keep in touch because amy’s like his little sister and amy wants to keep an eye on this reckless idiot that’s her older brother
In the library when they’re searching their way through books and Tam passes out what it’s boring and he’s never actually had a full nights sleep and what’s a better time than now? and he wakes up to his left arm having stars and trees drawn on along with this little icon that look suspiciously like his bangs and on the inside of his wrist is surprisingly nice handwriting “Sorry Bangs Boy, you passed out” 
Tam just sighs and washes it off after showing it to Linh who laughs and thinks it’s cute that that’s what Keefe does when he’s stressed because they’d be lying if they said they didn’t notice how tense Keefe had been
Three days later while combing the streets of Atlantis, he finds himself ranting to Linh who just nods and listens and when they sit down at a shop he finally feels comfortable to ask if he can draw on her hand and Linh gets very excited because he’s trusting her and he acts like it’s no big deal when she compliments the henna like drawing on her hand and asks if Biana gave him the sparkle pen
During the trials he goes to draw on Fitz’s arm, but as he reaches out Fitz yanks his arm away and blankly stares straight ahead and there’s a small part of Keefe that cracks a little because Fitz hadn’t done that before and Biana glances over at him and gives him a sympalizing look and he remembered that he was supposed to be comforting them
When Fitz and Sophie got stuck in the Healing Center Keefe felt his gut wrench everytime he looked at Fitz because the last time he had been awake he had made it clear that Keefe wasn’t allowed to touch him
the days he’s not with Sophie he’s with Biana, because she needs someone, but in turn he’s hanging around Dex again and often he’ll find himself in Dex’s room testing out some new gadget with Biana, ro makes fun of him often for it or they’re training with Linh and the best part is it’s often that they ask him to draw on them
When Biana feels anxious about her scars he makes them in to falling stars or flowers, at one point he makes them into a snake and she decides that that’s her favorite a very pink and sparkly menacing snake
When they’re all tired from school Dex finds himself with Keefe holding his arm connecting the freckles as the rest find new things that they look like
And Linh always wants a new fancy henna-like design on her hand
When Tam gets taken and Fitzphie becomes a thing, Keefe is with Linh drawing as she cries chanting that they have to get him back, “We will, we will”
He’s there for the others, like he always has been, to the point that their parents aren’t surprised anymore when he randomly light leaps and finds his own way up to their rooms
he talks to Amy too, making sure things are okay, and he smiles and jokes around with her when she asks about them, he doesn’t want her to worry
Dex and Biana tell him about Team Valiant the first chance they have
And when Sophie needs him he’s there, but with a smile and a joke and a plea for human cookies because she didn’t need art, she needed him
And when he comes up with the plan to go to the dwarven city Linh and Marella immediately agree because there was no way in hell they were keeping Linh away from her brother
When he goes into acoma everyone loses it
Sophie and Fitz switch off on days
Linh hasn’t washed off the last mark he gave her, she won’t not until he wakes up, Marella and Marcua go with her sometimes Tam will too “Never thought I’d miss you making fun of my hair buddy”
Biana gets more sparkle pens for him and draws her snake twisting around his arm “She’ll protect you”
Keefe only has a few freckles, and they’re mostly on his hands, so Dex makes sure to connect them “Come on Keefe, I can’t prank people without you”
After the first week when it really set in, Fitz cried next to him for hours while Biana held him, “You can draw on me everyday for the rest of our lives if you just wake up” he says pounding the nightstand
As Sophie watches the drawing appear she starts adding some of her own, some are candy from the Forbidden Cities, and she claimed the inside of his wrist with Alicorn wings like he drew the first time 
When Amy asked why Keefe wasn’t returning her calls Sophie realized that she didn’t know, and she didn’t even realized that they talked and when she tells her Amy goes absolutely feral Sophie comes to grab her and she barges right into the Councillor’s meeting room not giving a shit that she could be banned forever, and pounds her fist into the table and tells them that she will be visiting once a week after so long it got moved to once a month and she dares any of them to tell her otherwise
Bronte and Oralie are the first to agree and Emery is the last, and he tries to give this girl his hardest stare, and even Sophie cringes a little but Amy stares back jaw set, face hard, hands in fists on the table and finally he agrees
So she visits and sometimes if others are there they’ll fill her in on somethings, and occasionally they’ll tell her stories about Keefe about their history and she’ll sit their holding Keefe’s hand in a death grip and will listen
Elwin quickly learns what marks he can and cant wash off most of them stay some they like to redraw, he learns who will leave easier and who wont and he learns to be a bit harder but a bit softer with these stubborn kids the only one he won’t kick out forcefully is Amy the one and only time he tried she let a massive string of human cusswords and yelled that she wasn’t going to leave her brother’s side and Elwin knew not to mess with the young human who made the Council bend to her will Amy makes a bit of a reputation for herself they learn to fear her a bit
Ro is the only one that never left Keefe’s side because he was her charge but more importantly her friend 
Most days she sit in the corner silently, her gaze flickering throughout the room, checking all the exist and checking on Keefe and even after her father relieved her of her duty over Keefe and said she could come home she refused and said she wasn’t leaving til he wakes, Amy was the first one to approach her she plopped herself down next to her and stared at her dagger until she would let her hold it, when she comes over Amy demands that she teaches her how to fight and she does sometimes Elwin asks if they’ll go outside before they ruin his office please and thank you I can look after him for a few minutes and so they do and Ro teaches her everything and sometimes Sandor and the others while help train her a bit, no one knows against what, she says it’s to keep herself grounded and maybe a bit because she wants to storm up to the Neverseen and tear them apart bit by bit
But all it took to get this many people to care about him was one simple quirk of drawing on people’s arms i might make one of these about ro and amy’s friendship because it’s adorable and I think it would be great
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jackalopefreckles · 4 years
I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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its-norea-wong · 4 years
Yall don know crap about me so here:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal than milk. I don like to have a bowl full of milk after.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter-y day? Yes.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Random pieces of old sketch paper I have lying around everywhere.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I drink green tea as is. I’ll have that or cocoa, with milk and sprinkles.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes, I don smile often.
6: do you keep plants? Yes, I have a small sunflower in my window.
7: do you name your plants? Yes, her name is Vivi. Don fuking judge me.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I use oil paints.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yeah, I hum to the music I play when I draw, sketch and/or paint.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Sleep? Hah, I don’t, but If I take my sleeping pills like I’m suppose to, usually on my side.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Er allein, dem die Jugend gehört, gewinnt die Zukunft.  
12: what’s your favorite planet? Saturn.
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Watching Shiloh trip and fall.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? I’m not going to live in the city once I finish school.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! It would take nine years to walk to the moon.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Ramen.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I want to get rid of the blonde patch at my routes.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.  When I learnt German only to give our Jewish history teacher wwII flash backs. Nate was mad. I didn’t care.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yes and just small outfit ideas.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue, purple or orange. Why? Idfk.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My hello kitty little backpack that I brought with me from japan, I now use it as a purse when I go shopping. It confuses people.
22: are you a morning person? hell. no.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Lay in bed till 4 pm.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Fuck no.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? The boy’s dorm room.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My black and pastel coloured converse.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? bubblegum.
28: sunrise or sunset? sunrise. I’m not a morning person but it looks nice.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? no.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, when? I wont tell, unless asked.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. They’re okay ig, yes?, no, no, and no thanks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t really hang out with friends at 3 AM.
33: what’s your fave pastry? dessert mochii.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It’s name is Kuma. It’s a brown fluffy bear. yes i do.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? not anymore, I used to write to my mom while I was at school.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Bo burnham. That’s it.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! JB. just JB hitting on. every. single. guy. That or Shiloh. Just Shiloh being Shiloh. Also Bae thinking he’s better than everyone else.
39: what color do you wear the most? Black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I own a small necklace with purple beads. It has meaning to me I guess.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?  The One Safe Place.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! No.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? JB. 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? When I was 11.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yeah.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. uhhhhh. To the guy who invented zero, thanks for nothing.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Store bought ramen. It’s so gross.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Thunder and Lightning, and yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? The last CD I bought? Beetlejuice the musical.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Knifes. Pencils.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? uhh. Jeremy with sad song by scotty sire.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Ugandan knuckles, i know its dead but it’s still my favorite.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i love beetlejuice.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idfk.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? I climbed up a shelf at the library to prove that I could be tall.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? no.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? im not answering this one.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? uhh idk.
59: what’s your favorite myth? Any Japanese urban legend.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? uhh. no.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I once gave away some floppy hat that my step dad gave me.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Yes, pineapple.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Yes. I make sure they’re organized on genre and then in the genre it’s alphabetized.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? blue.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? My mom, but in order to do that, i’d have to die. :)
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Pink daises and sunflowers, small ones, plus some bits of lavender.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Happy, it’s nice.
68: what’s winter like where you live? no snow, it’s like 60 degrees.
69: what are your favorite board games? idk.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? ya.
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? green.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? No, i have an okay memory.
73: what are some of your worst habits? I bounce my leg around whenever i’m not moving, that or I flick my pencil around.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. big ass hole.
75: tell us about your pets! I only have one and she’s a blind kitty. She’s white with spots and has a fluffy tail.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? My homework.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? uhh i really don’t care
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? I was given a flower by some girl during lunch, i never got her name though.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white, i didn’t get to choose cus I live in a dorm room.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. northern star.
82: are/were you good in school? ya i am.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? idk.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? no.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Ya i guess, and deadpool.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no. not really.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? my neighbor totoro, kikis delivery service.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? not really.
89: are you close to your parents? I was close with my mom.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. tokyo. i don’t have to explain.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? no where.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i don’t put cheese on my pasta.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Shaved under my lil floof bangs.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?  Jeremy.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?  Draw.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I update immediately.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INTJ - The Mastermind, libra, and huffle puff.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? idk and no.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. no.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the past, and for reasons.
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adlexegam · 4 years
please tell me, am i in the wrong?
so basically i decided to join here cause i at least know my post wont get removed here. i tried posting my story on reddit’s AITA but my post kept getting removed because on their posts you cant post about abuse. so fuck it, here i am, hoping for someone other than my bf and myself to tell me im not wrong. context:i decided to invite my boyfriend over without telling my parents, i did it max 5 times. i was 16 at the time and he was 18. i got caught and my punishment was to get my phone taken away, my number cancelled, im no longer allowed to drive a car or get my license, im only allowed one friend, im not allowed my laptop anymore, im no longer allowed outside without constant supervision, cameras were installed in and out of the house, and just about every day since december of 2019 ive been getting told how disgusting i am for wanting to be with a n****r (my bf’s half puerto rican half white, i’m half hispanic and half white too), how if he was white he would have come to the front door and shook my parent’s hands and asked for permission to date their daughter, how im a dirty n****r lover who will get pregnant from him and have to slave away to take care of our half breed mistakes, how if i stay with him he’ll sell my body on the streets for money, how if i have sex with him ill get every std on the plant, all that 50′s bullshit. ive gotten pregnancy tested (im celibate), drug tested (mom claims she smelled weed in my room, so he’s a dirty n****r drug dealer apparently forcing me to do drugs, guess what i am against drugs since i know itll change my brain chemistry and i have weak lungs),and std tested (still celibate).  for the first few months after they found out i was allowed my laptop at home to do homework, and only allowed my phone during school. one day i got home and i got greeted to the fact that i no longer have a laptop and now have to use the house computer to do all my work at home. of course i got mad because for months ive been doing everything they wanted, and suddenly im being punished for being suspiciously good? my mom got on top of me and fought me to take off my backpack to take my airpods too, left my phone on the kitchen table. i grabbed my phone and locked myself in my room. she found out i took my phone, and once i unlocked the door i held my phone above my head so we can just talk. instead she got on top of me and started scratching me and all over my arms to get to my phone. i dropped it from the pain of the scratches on my arms. earlier that same day i was getting ready for school with my laptop open, camera taped over, looking for any school assignments i missed. my mom unlocked my door and saw my nude body getting ready with my laptop open, and just went back to the kitchen table and told my dad how much of a slut i am and how im posting my nude body on the internet. i quickly put on clothes and came up to her yelling how im just getting ready for school and how theres tape over the camera. i even told her to look at the laptop, the only thing open was google classroom. my dad got up and started yelling at me for being a slut and for talking back. for once i finally got tired of being yelled at, i finally stood up for myself. he punched me in the face and when my mom got in between to defend me (she caused the whole situation), his swings went back in on her stomach. i screamed dont hit my mother and tried to push her off him, he used the oppurtunity to grab my shoulder by my uniform and punch me in the shoulder. everything was a blur after that. my mother drove me to school and yelled how i shouldnt have been a whore on the internet. i fought back. before i got to school i yelled “please, just fuck off”. this is important later, because she used me saying that as the excuse for her getting on top of me and scratching me and ripping my backpack off my back. because i swore at her. it was okay. but here’s the important part. he hit me in front of the camera. i knew the police would ignore the emotional abuse ive been getting for my entire life. i got my physical evidence. finally, after 16 years, i had my evidence. i told my boyfriend what happened, and we agreed to meet after school the next day and call the police. i wanted to be emancipated, since my parents adamantly agreed that i (apparently) only wanted to be emancipated because my ‘poor street rat n****r boyfriend’ was manipulating me into it. ive been dreaming of this day since i was 8, when i realized what ive been told wasnt normal. they showed up on the corner of where i called. i told the policemen what happened to me the day before. they asked if i had any scars or bruises. i said no, he didnt punch me hard enough to get a bruise the next day, and my mother didnt scratch me hard enough to get scars. they knew what would happen if they gave me physical evidence. after i said that, the policeman interrogating me asked me something that will stay with me until the day i die. “he never really hit you, did he?” i began crying and saying yes! yes he did! i have video footage to prove it! we have cameras in the house! it happened right in front of the cameras! more questions ensued, and i was brought to the police station while my boyfriend waited at a local coffeeshop for me to finally be free from the abuse. at first i was scared, but the cops calmed me down. i told them everything. all my memories spilled from my mouth like water from the niagra falls. everything came rushing out, my fears, my forgotten memories i forced into my box of never to be remembered, the times before i feared for my life, the times i knew something wasnt right. i told them everything from the bottom of my heart. they listened and asked all the right questions.(if you want to know what happened to me and what i told them, ill post them in a future post if anyone cares)  one of the officers, the only one with melanin skin and a father to a beautiful girl, expressively felt sick from my stories, from my life. not even he could understand why, as a father, why any parent would find it right to do to me what they did. he was my favourite police officer, he was the kindest and the only one who really wanted me to feel comfortable. he talked to me on the level of a person, not a child. eventually cps came and he told me to tell her everything too. i did. she asked where i wanted to go if i got emancipated. i said to live with my boyfriend, his family is willing to take me in and once i get a job ill pay minimal rent so i can be free. she said ‘no, you cant live with a minor.’ i said he’s not a minor, he’s 18. she said ‘oh, then yeah you definetly cant live with him’ she said if i wanted to leave i would be put into a women’s shelter since i was too old to be adopted/put into foster care. she said i would be r*ped if i was put in there. she said i should just take it until im 18, then ill be fine. she said that there were no scars or bruises, so it wasnt that bad. (this part is blurry, the more i remember it the more the memories overlap, im sorry for any confusion) the police interrogated my parents. they believed every word they said. my mother used whitepages as a source to prove how my boyfriend lied about his name. my mother used our hours long calls to prove how im obviously being manipulated to lie. she said how im just a liar, as my father said, a pathological liar. they had no cause to me being a pathological liar, i was just born that way. i was lying to get into my manipulative boyfriend’s arms for my body to be used by him and his friends. i was obviously being manipulated, why would i want to leave my loving parents arms? i was obviously doing this just out of anger of getting my laptop and phone taken away, obviously. its not like they EVER did anything wrong to me, they were just teaching me to grow up a mature adult, ready for the world. they would never put their hands on me. the police never looked at the cameras. they never questioned me again. i was a liar. at home the child protective services lady said my room quote ‘ranked of weed’. i have never done weed. my boyfriend has never done weed in my room.  at the station they said they couldnt find a record of my boyfriend. i later found out that, even after he gave them his social security number, they still questioned his existence. at the station they told my parents they couldnt find his record (he has none, hes never committed a crime). at home a therapist came. to my knowledge, my boyfriend was never real (no record) and i would still have to be at home. i wanted to die. the therapist said she wanted to take me to a mental hospital. my mom was there and consented. my dad later came home, yelled at me in front of the therapist. she said im suicidal, with his consent she would call her supervisor to take me to the local mental hospital. he consented. while she called her supervisor from across the kitchen, he said: “she wants to kill herself? fuck if i care, she can drown herself in a river for all i care” i sat there shocked.  the mental hospital was a blur. once i got home i got my phone taken away too. my only communication would be from the 10+ year old computer we have in the kitchen. facing out so anyone that walks by can see what im doing. one of the cameras is watching me at all times, but is positioned so that it cant see what i am doing.  once i got home i used our kindle fire. i logged into discord on incognito mode. i asked him to send me his birth certificate. was he even real? was i even real? was our late nights of cuddling nothing? were the walks in the park nothing? were the ‘i love you’s nothing? did meeting his family from an hour long train ride mean nothing? were the chinese food dates nothing? were the confessions of our embarassing secrets nothing? were the times we had non-vaginal sex and laughed in the middle from how silly we were being mean nothing? were the times we had tiffs and talked it out mean nothing? did he save me from my ex-abusive partner just to use me? were the times we layed down next to each other with the only covering being my blanket, staring at each other in wonder of how lucky each of us were, was that nothing? when we spent hours telling each other our  entire life stories, was he lying? did the times he called my body the most beautiful thing he ever has seen, the times he’s said he didnt think he’d ever fall in love again from his ex, was that a lie? he sent his birth certificate. it was real. his birth date his name it was all real. he told me what happened to him. i told him what happened to me. he apologized for it going the way it did. i apologized for doubting him. child protective services sent a therapist me and my mother had to meet with weekly. 2 hours, 10 times. it lasted until the first weeks of quarantine. me and him are still in the same love we’ve has since before he found out how truly insane my parents are. the only reason we’ve ever gotten into fights is from how much he wants me to run away (before you say ‘ok maybe the parents were right, he sounds manipulative’, no, he only says that after every time something else happens at home and how he has to cope with the fact that im okay with being abused since its my normal. he wants me to run away from the abuse, not just so we can see each other again, so i wont be hurt anymore). he’s still the man i want to marry, the man i want to call mine and for him to call me his. we get scared the other might get tired of the waiting and just decide to leave for someone each other’s family would like. we talk through it. we know we can wait. i know i can take it until im 18. he knows he’ll be prepared to take me in once im 18. we know we can take the late nights awake, missing each other. we can take it because this isnt puppy love. this isnt purely passionate love. he wants me to be safe, and i want to finally be free. so you’re up to this point and you’re probably thinking one of three things: jesus christ can this lady capitalize anything?? or holy FUCK this is long it better be good or why did she title her post that? first of all, i do what a want nehenehenehneh second of all, whoever reads this needs the full context before i ask my question third of all, because of what happened a couple of days ago. a month ago my dad passed from covid-19. ive become the housewife while my mother has taken over the family business and my brother does the grass once a month. my mother still cooks, but i clean the dishes and fold laundry every day and vaccuum the whole house twice a week. a letter came in the other day stating how our child protective services case is now closed. they never found signs of physical abuse or neglect. my mother reminded me for the infinitieth time how stupid i am for getting manipulated. how much of a dirty n*****r lover i am. how i will never be anything without her. then she brought my father into this i started the situation, which made him depressed. he was depressed, so he couldnt fight off the virus. because he couldnt fight off the virus, he died. she blamed me for killing my father she blamed me for my father for deciding to go out every day without a mask for my father deciding to put in his eyedrops in an insanitary environment she blamed me  it was my fault i knew i was leaving when im 18 i knew i wanted to tell my mother at least a month before i left that i was leaving but now theres no going back once im 18, im gone im never turning back i will never be treated like this or talked down like this ever again but who will clean? who will vaccuum? who will make sure the house is organized? do i stay? can i even go? i just dont know anymore should i go? and well, what i started this post with, please tell me, am i in the wrong? for planning on leaving when im 18? to finish this post, i just want to say a few things. dont tell me to call the police or child protective services.i already did. they believed my abusive parents and told them how they can protect themselves against me, since i was the one who started all this. plus, look at the fucking news. no fucking wonder they believed my parents. my boyfriend looks hispanic and i look white. no fucking wonder they believed my parents. fuck cops. not all cops are bad, but no cop should fucking gun down people for their race. no person should be judged from some racist  person saying “oh im fearing for my life” and the person in question is black/a poc and is doing fucking nothing. they believed my fucking abusive parents because they threw my bf under the bus as bait and the police went for it. dont come after my family. all that will do is make everything worse for me. my mother can’t even look at a poc without claiming they’re related to my boyfriend and are going to follow her to kill her. dont do anything to me. just please answer my question. please just tell me if im in the right or if im in the wrong. i know this is abuse. i know whats happening to me is wrong. but i know i can take it. i know i can survive. i will survive and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. i will be my own person. i am me
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frigidvm · 4 years
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✧・゚(   khione + kaylee bryant + cisfemale   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   eleanora “ella” duponte  ) around ? (  she  ) has been in kaos for (   six months   ). the (   twenty two year old   ) is a/an (   unemployed   ) from (   ontario, canada   ). people say they can be (   fierce   ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   cunning   ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   the numbness in your fingertips when touching ice, frost patterns along a rose petal, & the warmth of hot chocolate on a winter morning   ).
hi usually i have a pretty intro graphic but ya girl is feeling ultra lazy today and photoshop is being a big bitch and so i just ... decided to use a little gif that truly encompasses ella as a person EIRUFLKND
BUT ANYWAYS hey it’s me again, lou, i also play julietta and i am soooo excited to be introducing this baby to you all !! i’m gonna be frank, she’s not the easiest to get along with ?? i kinda based her a little bit off of how khione was in the pjo books but Less Evil and Less Messy if that makes sense ?? she’s just really blunt and kinda sorta rude and very much the queen of RBF. below is a bio i wrote in second person -- it’s pretty long so u dont have to read it if u dont want to i promise it wont hurt my feelings ill be happy to give u a tldr if u want me to. 
i hope u enjoy my baby ,, pls dont be afraid to plot with her i promise she may seem like a meanie but she rlly does have the Capability to be nice ,,, she’s just forgotten how ,,
on december 25th, in the year 1997, you made your way into the world in the midst of the coldest night ontario had faced in months. your parents, evelyn and nathaniel duponte, had prayed and prayed for a baby girl for years. years and years and years of trying and trying and trying until eventually, they had given up. and it was only when they’d given up that you came to be.
as a child, you were nothing short of the brightest light in the house. your smile was enough to brighten even the darkest of hearts, your laughter sweeter than even the daintiest christmas bells. you were a dream child – that is, until they stole your light. and how did the do that, you ask ? well, this is truly where our story begins …
no one is entirely sure when the passion blossomed, but some rumor it to have started on your fourth birthday. your mother and father thought that a fun trip to an ice skating rink would make for a good present, and much to their surprise, you were a natural. it was as if you were born specifically for the ice. one step into the rink and off you went, able to hold yourself upright and balanced even at such a young age. a prodigy, they said. absolutely incredible, they praised. you left that evening with a new pair of skates and weekly lessons scheduled into your routine.
after two months of lessons, they went from weekly to three times a week. and then every day. before you really knew what was happening, you were spending every second of your life at the ice rink, honing in your skills. this talent that you possessed was going to get you far in life, your coach had said. what he didn’t seem to realize was the monster that it would awaken within your mother. it was gradual, at first. a slow trickle. one day she was more proud of you than any parent ever could, and then a week later she was subtly criticizing your technique. and then she was restricting you from going out with friends, saying that practice was far more important. and then she was pointing out every single flaw that you had, and harshly at that. pretty soon, the joy in your eyes winked out, the warmth in your chest icing over entirely. if a machine was what she wanted for a daughter, a machine was what she would get.
competitions came and went, gold medals were secured, and you were on a fast track to competing in the olympics. your once bright and bubbly personality had since faded into one of cold and cunning, of ice and harsh. you only ever smiled when you won. your mother was no longer the nurturing woman you remembered. your father allowed her to treat you like her own personal doll. you began to fold within yourself until you were nothing but a frozen front, a heart iced completely with no chance of thaw.
your first olympics were terrifying. but you persevered, and came home with the gold for your division. a landslide win, they’d called it. rookie sensation, they deemed you. the praise went right to your head, and the arrogance bloomed in your chest. you knew just how good you were, and didn’t let anyone tell you differently. four years later, you competed again, and yet another gold. a two time olympic champion, a national ranking – what more could you need ?
and then you saw the zillow ad for a nice house on a small island called kaos. for the first time in forever, something besides ice caught your attention. it was an impulse decision, and a quick move. she waited until both of her parents were out of the house to have all of her things collected, and just like that, she was gone. vanished. no word as to where she was going other than a note that read ‘see you whenever.’ it’s been six months since then, and she has no plans on leaving kaos anytime soon.
iii. details.
she is not very nice ,,,
she also comes from a fuckload of money. very high society.
is a world ranked figure skater
has won two olympic gold medals
her favorite color is champagne ( shes so boujee i hate her )
always has very manicured nails
honestly the best way i can describe her is like
blair waldorf except not whiny ??? very much a “i’m important and idc what you say about it” vibe
definitely lives in designer clothing
used to be very artistic and was actually fantastic at painting and drawing and sculpting but then her mom was like “its a distraction no more for u”
she really …. doesn’t know how to have fun anymore ??
MAAAAAJOR slytherin vibes. like major. very ambitious and cunning and will do anything to get to where she wants to be
like she doesn’t care who she has to go through
and she also doesn’t care who’s feelings she hurts
has a maine coon named fluffernutter ,,, because he is white and brown and reminded her of the sandwich. however she commonly refers to him as fluff and refuses 2 tell anyone his actual name
wears only one piece of jewelry and it is a silver necklace with a locked heart pendant ( this is absolutely symbolism thnx )
does not have a job because she does not need a job
really likes the luxurious lifestyle
definitely owns a rolex
really just … doesn’t care abt anything
someone thaw her out pls & thank u
iii. wanted plots !!! im also super duper open to brainstorming things of our own ! these are just ideas !!!
1. the former best friend - this is someone that she spent a good majority of her time with before her mother limited interactions with people. they did everything together, whether it be watching a movie or trying to see how long they can get away with hiding in a grocery store after they close. it’s been nearly four years since they’ve spoken, and this might be one of the only people to bring a genuine reaction out of her.
2. the almost, the maybe, the “there’s something there” - they met recently. or maybe they met awhile ago. could work either way. this person was almost successful in attempting to worm their way into her heart. almost, however, is the key word in that statement. having gone so long without genuine human interaction outside of her sport, she hadn’t realized just how much she had longed for a friend. and then, she suddenly liked them as more then a friend, and that was when ella cut off everything. she’ll never admit it, but the idea of building a connection with someone terrified her.
3. the rival - oh, these two do not like each other. the why is something that can be discussed, but just know that there was some sort of altercation that led to the level of dislike between the two of them. could it possibly change ?? maybe so. i’d actually like to see how that pans out. however, as of right now, the most they do is snipe at one another mercilessly
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Lights Out
Chapter Five
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I groaned, feeling like my face was completely swollen. All I could hear around me, was beeping and light chatter. I couldn’t understand what was being said though. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I tried moving my body a little. Feeling pain shooting up my legs and back, I winced and ripped my eyes open. Looking up, I noticed a white ceiling. It smelt really clean and the air was almost as fresh as water. In the process of trying to sit up, I ripped a few chords from their machines.
I was in the hospital, although I couldn't remember how I got here.
“Zoey?” I called out. My voice was hoarse and my throat was so itchy. “Oh honey, don’t move.” 
A nurse came walking in and gently pushed me back down on the bed, hooking my chords back up to the machine. “Everything is alright, just relax and try not to move so much.” I immediately started crying as I thought about Sapphire. “Where are my sisters?” I could feel the tears running down my face as I looked around the room for them.
Junwon’s POV
Looking past the curtains, I glanced out towards the crowd of people. I was actually surprised at how many people decided to show up. Oddly enough, I didn't see Hazel. She was never late and the show was about to start. Pushing the curtain closed, I threw my head back and sighed. I was never nervous, but the fact that Hazel wasn’t here, made me feel that way now. 
“Come on, Haze. pick up.” I mumbled as I listened to her dial tone. Nothing. I tried again but, same result. 
“My man, Ph-1!”
Quickly turning around, I spotted Mr. Jay Park, himself. My mouth hung open a little and I smiled. “What the hell.” I laughed. “You didn’t think I was going to miss this, did you?” we gave each other a quick handshake. “How did you know i was performing tonight?” I asked.
“I stalked your instagram dude. It was actually everywhere on my feed. A few people sent it to me and told me to come and check you out. I'm here with my team.” Jay turned around and pointed to about ten people standing behind him. “Okay, so you roll deep?”
I was shocked that he was here. We talked a few times via dm on instagram and he did say that he liked my music, but I didn't actually think that we would meet in person.
“I wanna run a few things by you tonight.” he said with a huge smile on his face. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse man.”
Hazel’s POV
Laying on my side, I curled into a ball as best as I could. All I wanted was Junwon. 
“Hazel?” I heard Zoey’s voice. I shot my gaze to the entrance of my room and there she stood along side with Sapphire, in hospital gowns. I immediately started crying.
“I’m so happy you guys are okay.” Sitting up slowly, I stood to my feet and opened my arms. They both ran over to me and gently hugged me.
“I’m so sorry..” Zoey mumbled.
“Don’t be. This wasn’t your fault, Zoe.”
She cried on my shoulder before pulling away. “I shouldn’t have drove in the first place.
Sapphire wrapped her arm around my sisters shoulder. “Stop beating yourself up over this. we’re all fine and everything's okay.”
“How are you guys?” I asked sitting back down on the bed.
“Just a sprained wrist, thank god.” Sapphire announced with a soft chuckle. Zoey nodded. “Just a few bruises, but i’m okay.”
“Woojae’s here and he’s worried sick about all of us.” Sapp announced. “So, he went to go get some real food.”
“And Junwon?” I mumbled. “He probably hates me for missing the show.”
Zoey shook her head. “I don’t even think he knows, Hazel.”
I sighed.
“He can’t be mad after he finds out.” Sapphire said approaching the side of the bed. “Do you know his number by heart, we can call him right now.”
I shook my head as she picked up the phone, ready to dial. “I don’t even know my mom’s num- Oh my god! Mom.”
Zoey sat down next to me. “She’s on her way. I already know that I’m so dead when she gets here too.” She admitted.
“She’ll be happy that we’re alive Zoe, stop.”
later that night
the ride home was quiet. mom and her boyfriend sat in the front seat, holding hands like they were on a romantic boat ride of something. yeah, she was worried, but i was expecting a different outcome.
zoey’s head was rested on my shoulder and she was slowly falling asleep. i winced as pain shot through my back. i lied to the doctors when i told them i was fine. i just wanted to go home, badly. tonight was a complete mess and i just wanted to be in my bed.
getting up the stairs, zoey helped me to my bed.
“you know i can walk on my own.” i joked. she didn’t respond. i watched as she pulled back my sheets and picked out a pair of pajamas for me.
“sheesh, shut up- will ya?” i chuckled.
her eyes shot up and she had the look of a baby deer, who was lost in the woods.
“i said it’s not your fault.” i calmly repeated. zoey looked down at started to play with the fabric on the sheets.
“i feel like it is though..” 
i slowly climbed into my bed and zoey did the same.
Junwon’s POV
after the performance, i waited outside the venue and expressed how extremely happy i was that everyone came.
as the crowd started to die down, i leaned against the hood of my car and dialed hazel’s number again. still nothing, so i decided to leave her a voicemail. 
i was pissed.
why would she just diss me like this?
“hey..i don’t know where you are or if you’re still mad at me or whatever. i think it’s pretty fucked up that you missed my show tonight.”
i sighed and paused for a moment.
“you’re probably with bryan.”
just saying his name made my blood boil.
“i dont even know why you’re with the kid. how do you ditch me for someone who doesn’t value you, hazel? i’m always fucking there for you and you know i value your time and i would never-”
i stopped myself.
“i just feel so damn stupid cause i had something really special planned for you.. for us, and you just.. whatever”
hanging up the phone, i shut my eyes and clenched my jaw.
“trouble in paradise?” i heard jay’s voice say. i quickly switched up my attitude and chuckled. “nah, i'm definitely single, bro.” 
the words pinched my sides.
“well, you’re in luck cause someone was really feelin the show.” jay nodded in the direction of a small framed girl who stood just off to the side, with the rest of his crew. i glanced over at her and she smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
i thought of hazel for a moment. 
she’s got an entire boyfriend, so who cares if i entertain this chick.
“she’s single.” he added.
smiling back at her, i felt my anger slowly disappear.
“so, how does korea sound bro?” jay asked as he changed the subject.
caught off guard, i furrowed my brows. “what?” i turned my attention back to him.
“i wanna sign you. but i need you in korea.” jay laughed. my eyes got big. “wait, you wanna sign me?” i said confused. “why else did you think i showed up tonight? i wanted to see if you were down to be apart of h1ghr music.”
what he was saying, still wasn’t connecting in my head. “so, you wanna sign me?” i repeated. jay rolled his eyes in a playful manner.
“yes, dude. think about it. here’s my number.” he said slipping me a piece of paper. “think about it and get back to me by the end of next week.”
i took the paper and glanced at it.
“we’re going to an after party at this club, wanna join us? tons of beautiful ladies will be there, plus your little secret admirer.” he said rubbing his hands together. “maybe you guys can get to know each other.”
the next day
Hazel’s POV
the next morning, i woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. i furrowed my brows and sat up, making my way to the hallway.
i tilted my head as i heard sapphire’s voice.
“sapp?” i yelled out. “haze? you awake?” her voice was happy and i could tell she was skipping over to me by the sound of her shoes.
“hi.” she said looking up at me. i leaned over the ponywall and smiled down at her. “what are you doing here?” i laughed. “get yourself together, you’re coming with me today.”
i shook my head. “for what?” sapphire groaned and stomped up the stairs. “go! zoey needs to get herself together too. we’re going to be late.”
“late for what?” i asked.
moments later
getting in the car with sapphire, i sighed. it felt so weird to be in a vehicle after the accident.
“so, where are we going exactly?” zoey said strapping her seatbelt on.
“my house- we need a girly time and i’m also throwing a party tonight and i need some help setting up.” she smiled back at zoey through the review mirror.
i looked over at sapphire. “a party? sapphire, we just got into a car accident. how do you have to energy to have a party?” i said annoyed.
she rolled her eyes and sighed as she began driving. “look, we almost lost our lives last night. by the grace of god, we’re alive and that deserves to be celebrated.”
as we pulled up to sapphire’s house, zoey gasped. “no way! this is your freakin house?” she shouted. sapphire laughed. “its my parents’ house, i just happen to be their roommate.”
walking in, zoey grabbed my hand- squeezing it tight.
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“remind me why you’re always at our house.” i said sighing. every time i walked into sapphire’s house, i instantly felt like a peasant.
“cause, it’s too quiet here. i hate it. the place is too big for just one person all the time.” she wined.
as we walked through the entrance, she lead us up the double stairs and into her room.
sapphire’s room
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“sapphire, you’re not allowed to come over anymore. we’re moving in.” zoey said standing in the door frame. sapphire laughed. “be my guest. my parents are never here.”
later that night
looking through sapphire’s closet, i groaned. “sapp, i wont be able to pull any of these off. can’t i just stay up here while you have your party?”
she shot her eyes up from her phone. sapphire was busy sending out invitations via text message and dm.
“absolutely not. now move.” she laughed. making her way towards her closet, she went straight to a tan dress with sleeves. “this. now go get dressed so we can do your hair.” sapphire patted me on the head and shooed me away.
“as for the princess, this one will look amazing on you.” 
as i walked past zoey, her eye lit up and i shook my head.
hazel’s outfit:
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sapphire’s out:
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zoey’s outfit:
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as the house started to fill with people and the music blasted, i felt so out of place. zoey was out in the center of the floor, dancing with sapphire like we never got into an accident in the first place. i didn’t want to do much moving since my back was on fire. even these heels were hard to walk in.
i walked over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink. i said hi to a few familiar faces then made my way back over to the bottom of the stairs and took a seat. i kept a close eye on zoey, since wondering eyes were already drooling over her. as i took a sip of my drink, i heard sapphire squeal.
that was the ‘woojae just walked into the room’ squeal.
i turned towards the door and seen him and junwon walking inside. i dropped my drink, letting it spill all over my dress. 
he was with another girl. 
she was glued to his side as they pranced through the crowd of people. sapphire’s smile instantly faded as she spotted the female with junwon.
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Ship(s): None
TW: feels, death
Bill ran down the street trying to get home before he was caught by Henry. Turning the corner he ran into Mike. "Whoa, Bill slow down! Take a breath!" he said helping up the tired boy who shook his head violently. The other losers walked out of the building and stared at the boy. "Bill, what's wrong?" Eddie asked. "C-can't t-t-talk g-g-gotta go!" Bill said after catching his breath a little. Before he could get far Patrick grabbed him and carried him back over to where the losers now stood watching. "Let him go!" Ben yelled. "Hush up tits," Henry said walking over to the younger boy who struggled to get out of the death grip.
"H-hey B-b-b-billy." Henry mocked. "Now now William! Don't give me that look. I'm being nice by doing this to you and only you well these losers are here! Show me some respect." he seethed. "I am sh-showing you all the r-r-respect you deserve. None!" Bill yelled kicking Patrick in the shin only to be grabbed by Henry. "This town should have no fags allowed rule!" he hissed. "Yea b-but it s-s-seems to have an open-door policy t-t-to assholes though," Bill said glaring at the older boy who held him up against the wall.
"Time to show you a lesson you little-" before he could finish Bill's mom walked up. "Henry what are you doing to your bro-"
"MOM! You saved me from his game he tried to break my leg!" Bill yelled not stuttering causing Henry to glare at him. "I did not! I'm just trying to have a friendly conversation with him," he said but it was too late Bill had already wrapped his arms around his mother and was pretending to cry. "Oh, my William are you alright?" She asked then glaring at the older child she just sighed. "Henry go home to your father now I'm talking to him later," she said no longer looking at the stuttering boy who just smirked and grinned at the bully. "Yes, ma'am," he said walking away.
~Flash Back~
Bill ran up to Henry laughing. "Momma said I'm going to be an older brother just like you!" he smiled jumping up and down. Henry laughed and picked up the little boy and hugged him. "I'm sure you'll be great. Hoping for a little brother or sister?" he asked. Bill thought about it and smiled. "Sister!" He chuckled.
"Henry?" Bill asked as he laid next to his brother. "Yes." "We'll always be close right?" He asked sleep filling his voice. "Why Billy?" Henry asked running his fingers through the boy's hair. "The book the teacher is reading to us the sibling's fight and don't get along. She said that some brothers, especially ones that don't have the same father don't get along. I don't wanna fight." He said tears threatening to spill.
Henry pulled the child close to him and hushed him. "I promise you we will always be close." He said softly. Calm gentle breathing came from Bill and Henry smiled carrying him to his room.
~end of flashback Time skip~
Stan sat across from the worried boy who had told him everything years ago when they first met. The losers waited to be told why their friend was almost called a brother to Bowers. Watching the boy start to panic Stan moved over to sit next to Bill. "h-Henry is my older b-brother." Bill whispered. "That can't be true he tried to kill us!" Richie yelled causing Bill to shudder. "That was b-before -"
"Before what!? Multiple times he has tried to kill us!" Beverley said. Bill stood up and slammed his fists on the table. "Don't you dare take his damn side!" He yelled surprising everyone including him. Stan went to calm him but Bill slapped his hand away and ran off. Henry sat outside waiting for him.
"Didn't go well?" He asked well Bill kicked and punched a bag. "How do you think it went asshole?" He snapped. Henry held his hands up in surrender. "I have news." He said. Bill nodded. "Mom got a new job. But we have to move." He said. "We h-have to m-move again!" Bill groaned. "Yes! Now start packing we leave tomorrow afternoon." He said walking away. "Henry! Where are we g-g-going this time?" Bill asked. "Back to Hawaii." He said after a moment of silence.
Bill sighed and rode his bike around town until he saw the losers. Walking over to them he was quick to apologize. "Look I'm s-sorry for n-not telling y-you I sh-should have and-" before he could finish Stan pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry. They understand the thing now." Stan said.
"Bill! Hurry up!" Henry yelled across the street looking as though he was waiting. "You w-wont have to d-deal with Henry anymore a-after tod-day! He's moving," he said his voice full of sorrow. "What about you?" Eddie asked. "I'm g-going aswell. S-s-sorry." Bill said leaving his group walking over to Henry.
~Later Raining~
Bill stared out the window watching the rain pour. "They've b-been gone for a l-long time," he said. Henry nodded as he got up to answer the door. "Yes?" he asked. Bill didn't bother listening to the conversation but all he could remember was short and brief. "I'm sorry for your loss."
~Time skip one month~
Henry banged on the door waiting for his brother to unlock it. "William open this door!" he yelled only to have his brother turn up the music. "Leave me to die!" he said. "Ugh, Bill we don't have time for this! The social worker will be here any minute!" Henry yelled trying to unlock the door. "You are so dead when I get in there! I'm going to-" as Henry continues he didn't see a man walk up and pull him away from the door. "This is good what's in it! I'mma say- Love! And nurturing and- Hello you must be-" Henry said dropping the hammer in his hand and outreaching the other to shake.
"The stupid head." the man said."Oh! Oh, I am so sorry about that if I had known who you were I would have- I can pay for that." Henry quickly said. "It's a rental. Now inside your house-" he began as the Losers rode up to watch the scene next to Henry's friends. "This will be fun," Victor said. "Yea!" Richie said. "I was thinking we could talk out here?" Henry said. "No? Okay just-this way," he said walking around the house. "Do you often leave your brother alone?" the man asked. "No this would be the first time." Henry lied.
Looking over he rushed to the stove and turned it off. "You left the stove on?" the man asked. "Just a shimmer- AHHH!" Henry yelp. "Found that this morning," Bill said from behind them. "BILL! There you are!" Henry said trying to hide the anger he had towards his brother at the moment. "Hello I'm Mr Fury (haha I'm keeping it) are you happy here?" the man asked. Bill smiled and nodded. "I'm v-very well cared for and h-have a great friend g-group. I am healthy and strong. My b-brother likes to- d-discipline me!" Bill said.
"Discipline?" Fury asked. "Yes! Sometimes with bricks!" Bill said. "Alright, that's enough sugar for you!" Henry jumped in pushing his brother away.  "Let me get one thing straight I am the one they call when things are not alright and things are not alright! I'll give you two days to change my mind! Here is my number William. Call if things don't go well." he said walking out the front door handing Bill his work card. "And if you were wondering this did not go well!" he said as the others walked into the room. "Where's Big Bill?" Richie asked.
Henry turned around to see his brother. Yelling Bill ran into a different room only to be dragged back into the living room. "Let me g-go!" he yelled. "What is wrong with you?! Do you want to be taken away?! Do you understand what would happen?!" Henry yelled. "NO!" Bill yelled. "No, you don't understand?! No what?!" Henry questioned. Bill gave up and fell unto the floor mumbling something. "You are so impossible!" Henry groaned. "So why d-don't you sell me and b-buy a d-dog instead?!" Bill yelled. "I am trying here Bill!" Henry yelled. "It's not good enough, try harder!" Bill yelled slamming his room door.
Henry groaned and fell onto the couch ignoring the guests. "So! Didn't go well?" Belch asked. Henry just muttered something that no one could understand. "I'll order pizza!" Richie said standing up fast and walking over to the phone.
After a few hours, Henry walked to Bills room only to see his little brother face down on the bed. "Hey, Billy," Henry said trying to smile. Bill sat up and let his brother sit next to him both boys ignoring their friends standing at the doorway listening and watching. "Brought you some pizza." Henry chuckled setting it down next to the bed. "We're a broken family aren't we?" Bill asked suddenly without stuttering. "No!" Henry said getting a questioning look from Bill. Henry sighed. "Maybe- a little," he said. Bill sighed and looked away. "Maybe a lot. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Or have done any of those things." Henry said looking at the sheets and the floor.
"We're b-b-brothers it's o-our job." Bill tried to joke. Henry sighed and nodded about to say something but Bill interjected. "I like y-you b-better as a b-brother than a f-father," Bill said quietly getting a chuckle from the older boy. "I love you as a brother way more than a dog." Henry joked trying to get a hug from Bill who still wouldn't look at him. "We'll get through this Bill. I promise." Henry said quietly smiling at his brothers laugh. "Okay!" he said nodding.
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angel-bunny-moved · 5 years
im so goddamn sick of my mom its unreal. i feel so helpless. i cant work a full-time job because i am disabled. even if i did get SSDI its not going to be enough for me to take care of myself because SSDI aint shit. and I could work part-time to earn some extra income, but it STILL wouldnt be enough because wages are really low in nevada.
so basically i have two choices: withstand the abuse, or become homeless. i could try to rent a room from someone or find some lgbt/disability housing but i dont know how that would work out.
i just want to be alone and i dont want to live with her anymore. it isnt healthy and its bad for me. she treats me like a child and doesnt give me any personal space or privacy and it fucking sucks. even when i had my own room id specifically tell her to knock before entering and stop coming in my room unannounced, stop using silverware or coins to unlock the door anyways. but sometimes she'd come in anyways JUST to get on my nerves. she'd just come in and stand there for a second, then leave. just to piss me off.
she also threatened to call the cops if i didnt answer my phone when she called so they could do a "welfare check" and i told her they arent going to do a fucking welfare check on a grown ass adult.
and if i mention being an adult she'll go "oh you're an adult?? aww" and then baby-talk me. even right now im on the verge of tears because its SO irritating. but she doesnt want to call it abuse but thats literally what it is. infantilization is abuse. being condescending is abuse. gaslighting is abuse.
and dont even get me started on all the shit she has going on internally. she's definitely showing symptoms of psychosis but refuses to go to a psych or get any help at all, instead she makes real-life decisions based on her delusions. she'll move out of places and we'll become homeless because she thinks we're being watched or stalked by whoever lives closest to us or that they have cameras installed in our unit. she'll talk about people getting "excited" whenever i take a shower or change clothes, because she thinks theres people watching us. and one thing she does is she has this ongoing deuision where our neighbors have access to a powerful ray-gun that "shocks" her and makes her body tingle (???) she also blames that for me being disabled. also if i say i feel sick AT ALL she'll blame it on that. when i was breaking out in hives from mold in the apartment she claimed it was from "static" from the ray gun and wouldnt pay attention to me when i said it was because of the mold.
also i have debt now because she installed the internet and cable in my name in the last place we moved in, and then didnt pay the bill because of her delusions, once again. she says the internet can be used to stalk people and turn televisions into cameras, or that it can send live feed of us in our house to another person's computer through a satellite or something. so she allowed them to disconnect it but wouldnt pay for it.
im just over it. i love my mom but if she gets any worse and refuses to get help, she cant come stay with me. she'll have to go to an assisted living or something bc i dont want her calling the cable company in the middle of the night and having my shit disconnected, unplugging my wifi/cable at night, or calling the police to tell them about people yelling at her from other units or that she hears the neighbors fist-fighting/domestic violence (also a recurring hallucination she has)
i just cant do this anymore. if i tell her i want to leave her she'll lash out at me and say im being selfish because she's homeless too and im only thinking of myself. she feels like i should be trying to live with her anyways and help her out of the fucked up situations SHE gets us into. i really dont want her to be dependent on my like that, because if i want to leave and get my own apartment i dont want her to be saying "you left me in a fucked up situation" bc she wont be able to pay the rent on her own without me.
all i can do is just pray to my spirit guides and ask them to help me.
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mikexfaisty · 5 years
My first IT fic and it’s finally reddie! Terrible pun but please go review! I’m going to be posting more IT related stuff on my AOA account. I have a couple ideas in mind. Send me prompts! I’ll write about any of the losers! 
Title: Forever
Summary:  Eddie reveals to Richie he's leaving Derry. Takes place after IT Chapter 1.
"My mom's selling the house".
It had came rather abruptly and for once, the loudmouth Richie Tozier was too stunned to speak. He turned to look over at Eddie, who was looking away from him. Maybe he had misheard his best friend. Eddie had his scarf so tightly round his neck, it was covering his mouth. He looked like the little brother from A Christmas Story. Perhaps Richie had just misheard him.
"I'm sorry did I hear you correctly? Your mother is selling your house?" Richie asked when he was finally able to find his voice. Eddie nodded, refusing to look at him.
Richie should have known something was up since earlier that morning. Eddie had been oddly quiet, not quite himself. It was the first week back since winter break. February had been a harsh winter for Derry. This past weekend had brought a lot of snow. It was Thursday and the pair were doing what they had always done, walked home from school together. Usually, they would have taken their bikes but that was hard to do in the winter. It was easier, and safer, to walk in the snow. Lucky for them, the sidewalks were neatly paved. Though it hadn't been that way on Monday. Derry high school didn't close for shit and Richie had spent the whole walk listening to Eddie freak out about how they were going to get frostbite. Though he had played off being annoyed, he secretly liked Eddie's little rants. God, for once he wished it was still Monday.
"Fuck," Richie muttered, before getting louder, "Fucking christ this sucks the rot Eds! First Bev, now you" He kicked angrily at a rock that was in their pathway, watching as it sunk into the snow, "Maybe no one will take it," he added quickly. His mind coming up with a million reasons on why and how this move was not going to happen, "I mean, who in their right mind would move to this shit-hole anyway".
At first, Eddie didn't say anything. He didn't even object to his hated nickname. But then Eddie had stopped walking, which in turn caused Richie too as well. Eddie looked nervous, his eyes darting everywhere except at Richie, "She already sold it," he mumbled softly, twiddling with the zipper on his jacket, "We leave for New York right after school ends..."
Richie was dumbfounded, "Are you fucking serious?! That's only like...four months from now". This was all happening way to fast. He had been to Eddie's house nearly everyday the past few months. Not once did he see a for sale sign or any other indication that Sonia had been trying to sell, "I guess property value goes up when the child eating clown gets killed! Who the fuck knew!" It had been several months since the defeat of Pennywise and nearly as long since they lost Beverly to Portland. The once seven members would soon be down to five.
Eddie had always knew his future laid outside Derry. After all the shit he had been through in Derry, he knew he couldn't stay here for the rest of his life. It was being separated from his friends that was going to be the hard part. He thought he had three years till they would all go off to college. Now he would have to start high school all over again at a new school... with no friends. Eddie shook his head, "She sold it pretty quickly. I didn't know until she had already done it".
"I can't believe we had to spend our last summer together nearly getting eaten by that shape shifting fuckface," Richie said angrily, "What's so great about New York anyway?"
The smaller boy was looking a little green, "My mom's sister lives there. She's got cancer and mom wants to be closer to her. We're the only family she's got," Eddie sighed, "Plus what had happened this summer".
Sonia Kaspbrak had always disliked his friends, that was abundantly clear. After his arm accident on Neibolt, she had sworn that he would never be allowed around them. Hell, if she had had it her way, he probably would have never left the house unless it was to pick up his medicine. Oddly enough it had been Gretta who had freed him from his mother's lies. After he confronted his mother about his medication, it had been a whirlwind. The night he had returned after the defeat of Pennywise had been particularly rough. Unsurprisingly, she had freaked out when he had come home covered in filth and shit. After he had taken a shower and convinced his mother he was physically alright, they had continued their talk from earlier that day. She had once again denied making up his illnesses and was quick to blame his friends for his problems. Eddie had been firm. It took a lot of convincing, and mild threats that he'd never speak to her again, for her to back down. Their relationship was far from perfect, but he had hoped this would set them in the right direction. Although, there was no convincing his mother to at least hold out till he graduated. The house was sold. There was no going back now.
"And the others? Do they know?"
Eddie shook his head, "No. I-I want to but..." he was shaking a little now. His left hand was deep in his coat pocket, digging, "I was thinking maybe tomorrow bu-but,"
Richie stared at the inhaler which Eddie had removed from his pocket. He frowned, "I thought you got rid of that thing," Richie grabbed it, much to Eddie's protest. He shook it and sprayed, holding it out of Eddie's reach, "Gazebos remember?"
"Yeah I know just..." and Eddie continued in his attempt to grab the inhaler, "Stop you're wasting it!"
"You don't need this stuff," Richie said firmly. He had stopped spraying but still help it above Eddie's head, "Not anymore,"
The inhaler had sat on the nightstand in his room since the day they defeated Pennywise. Eddie hadn't thought he would ever need to use it, not since the confrontation with his mother. The day she had revealed they would be moving, he had felt drawn to use it. He had lasted about a week, before he had slipped it on his coat early this morning. It had sat there all day. As soon as he had announced the move, he could feel it weighing down in his pocket. Eddie knew Richie was right. He didn't need it. But there was still a part of him missed the comfort the inhaler once gave him. He stopped reaching, "Fine I wont use it,". Richie didn't look to convinced, "I wont", he insisted again, "Just give it back. Please". At first, Eddie wasn't sure Richie would. But after a beat, Richie had capped it and placed it in Eddie's open hand.
"Fine," Richie said shortly. He watched as Eddie hesitated, before it was slipped back in his coat.
They continued to walk for another two blocks. Neither of them spoke until they had reached Eddie's house. There was no car in the driveway indicating Sonia was still at work. The two stood in silence, as if waiting for the other to speak first. The person ended up being Eddie. He was shifting back and forth in his spot, his bottom lip quivering, "Remember what Stan asked in the club house awhile back?" he began, once again refusing to meet Richie's eyes, "He asked if we'd all remain friends....if we'd still remember each other"
"No way I could forget that ugly mug of yours".
Eddie's eye twitched, but he once again ignored the jest, "We'll still be friends right?"
Forget the losers? Forget Eddie? Richie wasn't sure it was possible to forget them. They weren't just his friends, they were family. The thought of losing touch with any of them was scary to Richie. And he could tell Eddie had similar feelings. But after all they had been through, they were worth fighting for. Richie had to believe their friendship could withstand distance.
"Forever," Richie said, trying to sound as confident as he could. Eddie nodded but the worried look on his face stayed the same. Richie gripped Eddie's arm, "I mean it Eddie. Derry, New York, wherever. You'll never be able to get rid of me," he said teasingly. He let go of Eddie's arm before adding, "No way I'm letting any of you guys go," and for a moment, Richie could feel a twinge of pain on his hand where Bill had sliced it.
"Forever," Eddie echoed back.
Richie could see Eddie was relaxing a bit. He nodded "We'll make sure to do everything," he promised. As he gazed at Eddie's house, he felt a bit uneasy. The thought that by this time next year, some other people would be living there crossed his mind. He pushed those thoughts away, putting on his best smile, "We'll see ever movie the Aladdin has to offer, the arcade, sleepovers with the other guys, panty raids, finally getting someone to touch your dick beside your right ha-"
"Bee-beep, asshole," Eddie interrupted, shoving Richie lightly. He tried to sound annoyed but Richie could tell he was trying not to smile.
"I'm serious spaghetti man! Make me a list of all the stuff you wanna do and we'll do it," Richie was already coming up with a million other ideas, "And...and I can visit New York,". Fuck his parents better let him. Even if he had to do extra chores all year. Hell, he'd hitchhike to New York if he'd have to. Although, he'd probably have more of a problem convincing Eddie's mom.
For the first time of the afternoon, Eddie smiled, "Thanks Richie,". He then made to turn towards the path that led to his house. But suddenly, Eddie stopped himself. He turned back, slamming his body into Richie's and wrapping his arms tightly around him. The hug had took him by surprise, though definitely not unwanted, causing Richie to fumble back a few steps. Then sudden warmth had brought a tint of red to his cheeks and caused his glasses to began to fog up. When he got his bearings, Richie returned the hug. After what seemed like forever, Eddie finally pulled away and headed up to the house.
Before Eddie made it inside, Richie called out to him, "Give your mom a kiss for me!"
He watched as his friend paused at the door. Not bothering to turn around, Eddie slipped Richie the finger. Richie laughed and watched as Eddie went inside.
No way I'm letting you go...
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crimsonheart01 · 6 years
Without You Here (Happy x OC/Reader)
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a little Happy, Mama Lowman and an OC. 
Word Count: 2,863
Playlist: Present Without A Bow - Kasey Musgraves
Warnings: some swearing and intimidation. 
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“Ma?” he called out as he pushed open the front door.
No answer came and he searched the living room. It was empty. He listened to the house, noticing how quiet it was. His mom was too old, and too sick to be going off on her own. She wasn’t one to go out alone anyways. There was the perfectly simple explanation that she was sleeping, but being a Son for so long had him thinking that something could be amiss.
He slid his hand over the hilt of his gun, gripping it tightly as he forcefully shut the door behind him. He hoped that the slamming of the door would rouse anyone in the house. He lifted the gun out of it’s holder and began his perusal of the house. He eyed up the kitchen and nothing. He made his way to the back room, noticing immediately that the back door was wide open. Tightening his grip, he moved towards the sliding glass door. He poked his head out at the same time that someone came barging through the open door. They crashed into one another.
“Shit.” The intruder swore.
He grunted as he was knocked backwards but kept his balance. The other person fell down, landing on their backside. He heard the small exclaim that came out and figured the intruder to be a woman.
“Who the fuck are you?” The intruder exclaimed, spotting the gun and scrambling backwards, trying to right themselves back up.
He took a moment to regain his composure and noticed the light blue scrubs. The woman standing there was clearly the personal care worker he’d taken the time to hire. Being up in Tacoma didn’t give him the chance to be here all the time. When he went Nomad that would change, but until then, he’d been resigned to hire a PSW.
“Where’s Ma?” He demanded.
The fear fell from her expression and a subtle disdain took over. She raised one eyebrow, crossing her arms. 
 “You must be Happy.”
He licked his lips, “Where is Ma?”
“Sleeping. In her bed.” She rolled her eyes and shouldered past him.
He tilted his head, and watched her retreat into the house through the corner of his eyes. When she was out of sight, he peered into the backyard to see the shed opened. There was a box of old Christmas ornaments and lights opened. He glanced back, wondering why this woman was pulling all that shit out.
He closed the back door and turned to try and find out what this woman was doing to his mother’s house. He followed the sound of tinkering and found here balancing on a stool and looping lights from the curtain rod in the living room.
“What are you doing?” He questioned.
She ignored him and continued to hang the lights from the front window. He saw that her feet weren’t level on the stool she was using. She was moments away from going ass over tea kettle. He was wont to let her fall, but knew that if Ma found out he let it happen she’d cuss him out.
She took an unsteady step forward and the stool began to tip. He reached out and grabbed her by the arm, swinging her down and standing her back up right. She ripped her arm out of his grip and stomped away from him.
He narrowed his eyes at her. What was her problem?
She disappeared into the back again, this time emerging carrying the heavy box. He sighed, remembering the manners his mother instilled into him and moved to help her with the box. She grunted at him and shuffled past him, refusing to let him touch the box.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He growled.
She turned her back to him, draping garland around the front door, “Why don’t you go back to wherever it is you’d rather be, and let your lonely old mother die in peace.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” He seethed.
She whipped around, fury to match his in her eyes, “You heard me.”
“Don’t talk about what you don’t know.” He warned.
“What I don’t know?” She shouted. “I’m here every day, looking after your mother. The woman who thinks the sun rises and sets with you. I think I know a little bit about her fragile state of being. I know exactly what I’m talking about. In the entire year you’ve hired me, I’ve never seen you. Not once. Why even bother coming to see her? It’s going to break her heart when you leave again. Why pretend you even still care? She has me now, right? Your replacement.”
He charged forward, backing her into the wall, “I didn’t hire you to run your mouth.”
“Don’t feel obligated just because it’s the holidays.” She sassed, all her anger and attitude filtering into her tone.
He lifted his fist and slammed into the wall next to her head. She didn’t flinch. He had to give her that. He didn’t scare her. That was a first. Most women ran frightened from him the second they set eyes on him.
He opened his mouth to tell her off again, but their yelling eventually roused Ms. Lowman. Her frail body casting a shadow over the both of them. Stopping mid sentence, the girl raced over to his mother, grabbing her arm and holding her steady.
“Mijo.” Mama smiled, “Is that you?”
He turned to fully face his mother, giving her his version of a smile, “You shouldn’t be out of bed.”
The caregiver nodded, “Something we actually agree on.” He rolled his eyes but kept any more comments to himself. She began leading his mom back up the stairs, “Come on mama, let’s get you back into bed. I’m sure your son won’t leave before he has a chance to visit properly with you.”
He could hear the accusation in the woman’s voice and it sent another lick of rage through him. Who did she think she was? Questioning him, or his love for his mother. He was paying her salary wasn’t he? Didn’t that say enough? He stomped off to the kitchen, ripped open the fridge and grabbed the first alcoholic beverage he could spot. Thankfully, it was beer.
He leaned against the counter, his fingers squeezing around the bottle in his hand. How dare this random woman speak to him that way. He wasnn’t left to his stewing for long when he heard light footsteps coming back down the hall. He looked up in time to see the care giver place both her hands on her hips.
“I’ll be damned if our arguing upsets your mother.” She hissed, “I don’t care how long you plan to stay this time, but if you love you’re mother you’ll find a way to leave without breaking her heart again.”
The woman stepped menacingly into the kitchen and jabbed him in the chest. He smacked it away.
“Leave.” He rumbled, “Get out of my mother’s house. We won’t be needing your services anymore.”
She swallowed, backing up to glare at him.
She curled her lip up at him, “Have fun explaining that to your mother.”
She spun around towards the living room. He kept on her tail, making a point to let it be known that she had an escort out. They glared at one another as she slipped her running shoes on and tied them up with jerky movements. As she stood her eyes lingered on the decorations half done.
“Make yourself useful and make sure these decorations are up by tomorrow morning.” She commanded.
He scoffed at her audacity. She was in no position to be bossing him around.
“Why the fuck are you here on Christmas eve anyways?” He baited, “Your own family not good enough?”
“Fuck you.” She glowered, “You don’t know me.”
Without another word, she whipped the front door open and disappeared down the steps. He ground his teeth together, still infuriated by that woman. He slammed the door shut, hoping that she heard it wherever she’d gone off too. Signaling that she was no longer welcome in his mother’s house.
He pulled his vest on over his head and he descended the staircase. His muscles ached and his bones cracked. It’d been too long since he slept in the proper bed. The clubhouse bunks weren’t good on lumbar support.
“Mijo?” His mother called from the living room.
He rounded the corner and found his frail mother attempting to hang the angel up on the top of the tree. He rushed over and snatched it from her hands, while guiding her back to the couch.
“Mi carina never forgets to decorate.” She commented.
He inhaled, “It’s fine Ma. I’ve got it.”
He turned away from her and reached up to balance the angel figurine one of the top branches. Proud of his work, he turned around and gestured to the tree.
His mother shook her head, “You fired her, didn’t you.”
“Ma.” He intoned, not interested in having this conversation.
His mother crossed her arms, “That’s not how I raised you, Happy. That woman comes here every other day to make sure that I have everything I need. Every holiday she goes out of her way to decorate the house, making me feel as if my house is still my home and not a prison. You never once tried getting to know her. All you’ve done is send her paychecks and nothing else. That woman is more like a daughter to me than the babysitter that she is.”
He gulped, unprepared for his mother’s wrath. With all the fury of a Latina mother, she stood up and smacked him hard on the arm. He hissed and backed away.
“You’re going to go to her apartment and apologize.” He opened his mouth to protest but she smacked him again, “No. You’re going. I don’t care how long it takes, you’re not allowed back in my house until she’s heard your apology.”
He groaned. Of course. How was it that he accidently paired his mother up with a woman as hard headed as she was? He wiped a hand down his face and brushed past his mother and her glare to go get dressed.
He stood in the courtyard, counting the numbers above each doorway. He glanced down at the paper his mother handed him and found the right address. He trudged towards her apartment door, unhappy and pissed. He wouldn’t even be in this situation had he not hired her in the first place.
Balancing the three containers of warm homemade food, he rapped his knuckles against her door. He waited, listening to her rustle on the other side of the door. She opened it, took one look at him and slammed it shut again.
He sighed, knocking again.
“Fuck off.” She called through the door.
He tried a third time and was answered by the sound of her sliding the lock into place. He closed his eyes fighting the twitch in his arm to grab his gun. If he shot her, then he wouldn’t have any more problems. However, the image of his mother’s glare reflected behind his eyes and he bowed his head.
He set the containers down to the left of her step and sat down. He leaned back against the door, getting comfortable. There was no way he was going back to his mother’s house without following through on her orders.
… 3 hours later …
He was popping out each bullet from the chamber one by one, into the palm of his hand. The monotony keeping his mind busy and blank. A click from behind him had his reflexes taking over. He had the chamber filled and gun chocked within the seconds it took for her to open the door.
He was standing two feet from the door, killing stance equipped. She jumped at the violence of his demeanour before narrowing her eyes and frowning. He dropped the gun, making a show to put it back into the holster hidden under his cut.
“I just got off the phone with your mother.” She noted, “I’m here to hear your apology so you can get off my doorstep.”
He rubbed a hand over his head and cracked his shoulders.
“I’m sorry.” He bit out.
She gave a bitter laugh, “Wow. That was pathetic.”
He ground his teeth together, “Fuck this. I can find Ma another worker. If you’re gonna be a bitch about it.”
“I’m being the bitch?” Her voice raised, “You’re the one who showed up, yelled at me, fired me and then held me at gunpoint. But I’m the one being a bitch.”
He rolled his eyes, “I have better things to be doing.”
“I’m sure you do.” She hinted.
Her tone set him off again and he flew into her face, his entire body looming over hers. She put her hands on his chest, intending to shove him away from her when he captured her lips with his. She protested at his advance, leaned back and slapped him across the face.
“No one gets to kiss me,” She admonished, “Not without my consent.”
“Woman, I’m going to kiss you now. OK?” He growled, emphasizing the last word.
She licked her lips, giving him an evil smirk, “That’s better. Yes, ok.”
He bowed towards her as she grabbed the lapels of his cut. They crashed into one another, her door swinging on it’s hinges and slamming into the wall. The sound of their anger turning into something more passionate.
… 5 years later …
I heard the sound of his boots before he even knocked on the door. I chuckled inwardly. Opening the fridge, I grabbed the beer that I kept around for when he decided to visit. His knock was hard and with a purpose, a reflection of him as a person. I opened the door to find him standing there with three Tupperware containers under his arm.
“Ah,” I smiled, “She’s making you make the yearly trip then?”
He grunted and pushed past me into the kitchen. He dropped the containers onto the table, toed off his boots, grabbed the bottle from my hand and stomped his way into the living room. I smiled and shook my head. I nudged the door closed, flicking the lock and picking up the first container. I grinned. Mama Lowman knew my favourites. I peeled off the top, grabbed a spoon from the drawer and followed after Happy.
I relaxed onto the sofa next to him, tucking my legs under me. Happy was leaning back, beer at his lips and remote pointed at the TV. He was channel surfing, hoping to find something to keep himself occupied. I plunged my spoon into the Tupperware, shoveling a bite of homemade macaroni and cheese into my mouth.
The two of sat there in relative silence, enjoying each other’s company. Him drinking and me eating. I ate through half my snack, before placing it on the coffee table. We’d been in this routine for a few years now. Every Christmas he ended up on my doorstep with a peace offering.
The first year it was unexpected, seeing as Mama forced him into it. If anything could be said about him, it was that he loved that woman. Unconditionally. She knew it too. Knew the kind of hold she held over him. He’d never not listen to her, even if what she asked him to do pissed him off.
On the second year, I offered him a beer and that’s loosely how we ended up here. It didn’t explain the off season visits I generally got, but obviously we fell into some sort of relationship.
“Do you think she’s caught on to us?” I asked.
He gazed down at me, and paused to think for a moment. He ended up nodding, “Probably.”
I shook my head, laughing, “You ever going to tell her?”
“No.” His answer was simple.
I smiled, “Should I?”
He glanced at me again, before shrugging. I nodded with a pout. He was keen to just leave things the way they were. No labels, no explanations. It was easy this way. I wondered how long it would take Mama to pry it out of me. She’d left it alone for quite some time now.
I was pulled from my thoughts by Happy’s arm sliding across my shoulders and tugging me towards him. I reached for my throw blanket, and draped it over both of us as I laid my head in the crook between his neck and shoulder. He turned his head towards me and pressed a kiss to my temple.
“Merry Christmas.” He murmured.
I wrapped my arms around his stomach, snuggling against him, “Merry Christmas.”
I caught the simple smile on his mouth and let him be. I wouldn’t out our situation to Mama. If she wanted to ask, then I’d answer her questions, but this was good. We were good. I enjoyed him and his company. I didn’t need anything more. I was content to just have him, as he was.
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quietly9 · 5 years
im copy/pasting this joke here bc i just read it and cant find it anywhere else online
its so long but i swear its worth the read
okay so once upon a time there was this boy named Jimmy and when he was 5 years old he was starting his first day of kindergarten
so Jimmy packed his backpack in the morning. He had his folder, his thermos, his 64 pack of crayons (you know, the one with the sharpener)
Jimmy goes downstairs and his mom makes him his favorite breakfast and then walks him to the bus stop and hes so excited and he goes and sits on the front of the bus
so Jimmy is sitting on the bus and they're driving to school and as they pass they see this beautiful butterfly 
and Jimmy is looking around and nobody seems to notice the butterfly and hes like “wow, im so lucky to have seen such a beautiful butterfly!”
anyway they get to school and theyre lining up and jimmy sees this butterfly AGAIN and he's like “wow! Twice in one day im so lucky!!!”
he turns around and realizes that everyones already gone inside and he’s been abandoned
he found his way inside and a nice old secretary led him to his class
jimmy gets to his class and his teacher tells him where to sit so he sits down and he takes out his folder, his thermos, and his 64 pack of crayons (you know, the one with the sharpener) and gets himself all set up
so jimmy’s teacher goes to the front of the class and shes like “alright everyone, we’re going to draw our favorite animals and present them to the class for your first assignment”
jimmy is sitting there and hes thinking “well, my favorite animal is a dog, but dogs are pretty mainstream. I also like cats, but those are really popular too. A dog and a cat is like the two most common animals out of the 12 animals that a five year old might know”
so jimmy thinks “i know, i can draw that butterfly”
so yes, jimmy is the cool kid with the 64 pack of crayons (you know, the one with the sharpender) and he uses every single crayon to create the most amazing drawing of a butterfly that a 5 year old has ever seen
so the first kid goes up to present his project and he holds up a marker drawing of a dog and says “i drew a dog!”
then the second kid goes up and she holds up a colored pencil drawing of a cat and says “i drew a cat”
so now jimmy is like “well now i wont look like i was copying them AND i used crayons!”
so he’s feeling pretty good about his drawing, and he’s the last to present and when hes going up he’s nearly shaking with excitement as he holds up his paper and goes “i drew a butterfly!”
IMMEDIATELY all the kids gasp and the teacher tells him to get out of the room and that she never wants him back in the class
so jimmys a little confused as he goes to the principal's office and obviously he can go right in because its five minutes into the first day of school so the principal is j chillin
anyway hes like “alright, jimmy, whats up. Its been like. 5 minutes. Why are you here”
and jimmy goes “well, i drew a butterfly…”
immediately he’s expelled, kicked out at that moment, and he’s never allowed back in the school
so jimmy is walking home because obviously the busses have left already and a police car drives up to him and hes like “hey uh. Youre like, 5 years old. Its the first day of school. Shouldn't you be in class? What happened? Maybe i can give you a ride”
and jimmy is like “well, um, i drew a butterfly”
immediately he’s arrested and sent to court in front of every other case because this is HUGE
so the judge is real confused hes trying to figure out if this is even legal to test a 5 year old
so hes like “well lets just get this over with. What did you do”
and jimmy says “everytime I tell someone what happened, something bad happens to me”
and the judge is like “sorry buddy now its law”
so jimmy goes “well,,, i drew a butterfly” and is immediately sentenced to 25 years of prison
So while he’s in prison, these big burly guys come up to him and theyre like “aw look at the little five year old we’re gonna beat you up why are you even here”
now jimmy has caught on that he did a Bad Thing so he puts his hands on his hips and he goes “ i drew a butterfly!”
and the men go running away screaming like little girls saying “get away from me! Dont come near me!”
20 years later, jimmy gets let out 5 years early because he was a good boy, and hes on the prison bus back to his house
so hes on the bus back and the bus driver says to him “youre, what, 25? And youve been in prison for 20 years? How did you go to prison at 5 years old?
and by now jimmy is tired of this story and hes like “look, dude, i wanna put the past behind me, i dont want you to be mad i just want to get home to my mom so i can tell her about my first day of kindergarten, do i really have to tell you?”
the bus driver is like “ive been doing this longer than  you've been alive, ive seen everything, nothing scares me anymore, dont worry about it. What happened?”
so jimmy says “well,,, i drew a butterfly”
immediately gets kicked off the bus and has to walk home
so jimmy goes to cross the street and he immediately gets hit by a car and dies
and do you want to know what the moral of the story is?
look both ways before crossing the street
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