#if i wasn't so well adjusted i think we'd all have to be a little worried
captainsophiestark · 4 months
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: You've finally worked up the courage to ask Kol on a date, but with all the people who've been trying to kill him lately, he jumps to the wrong conclusion about what's being asked of him. Set right after TVD "A View To A Kill", if Jeremy didn't succeed in killing Kol.
Word Count: 2,517
Category: Fluff, Humor
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"Hello, love. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you."
I grinned at the voice of the youngest Mikaelson brother coming through the other end of the phone. I'd met him at the Grill a few weeks ago, and we'd pretty much immediately hit it off. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask him out ever since, and after overhearing his siblings talking about how close he'd come to dying recently, I'd decided to stop wasting time and just give him a call.
"Hi Kol. Uh, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but... well, I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe get together at some point and... talk. Hang out. All that... stuff..."
I grimaced. I'd never done this before, and it was probably painfully obvious, especially to a vampire with a literal thousand years of experience.
"You want to get together and talk?" asked Kol, a lilt to his voice that I couldn't quite decipher. Everything in me screamed that I should bail out, but I grit my teeth and forced myself to toughen up.
"Yeah. If that's something you'd want to do."
"Oh, it very much is." My heart stopped. I'd been sure this call was about to be a total fumble, but apparently, somehow it'd worked? "What did you have in mind?"
"Uh..." I mentally kicked myself. I'd spent so much time trying to work up the nerve to actually call him, I hadn't thought at all about what I would do if he actually said yes. "Well, I don't know. Is there anywhere you'd especially like to meet up? Or anything you'd like to do?"
"How about your house?" The doorbell rang. "Right now?"
My brain short circuited. He was here? Now? I wasn't ready at all! The house was fairly clean, and I didn't look like a total mess, but I also wasn't ready for a date! And wasn't a first date supposed to be about thirty degrees more chill and removed, like a going to a movie or dinner or something?
I forced myself to take a deep breath. Yes, this was technically a first date, but Kol and I had interacted before. We were friendly, maybe even friends. It's not like he was some stranger I was about to let into my home.
"Uh, sure. Now is... now is good. I take it you're the one at my door?"
"Yes I am, darling."
"Okay. Well, then... I guess I'll see you in a second."
I hung up the phone before I could make any more of a fool of myself, paused at the mirror in the hallway to quickly adjust my outfit, then strode confidently to the front door. If I pretended to be confident, it would probably rub off and turn into the real thing, right?
I swung open my door to find a grinning Kol on the other side, one arm raised and resting against the doorframe. My heart did a little backflip at that, and I just hoped his vampire senses hadn't clued him in on it.
"Well? Aren't you going to invite me in?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, come on in, Kol."
He grinned at me as he slowly, deliberately put one foot over the threshold, then the other. He paused once he officially stood in my house, facing me with a look like he expected me to have some kind of reaction. I just gave him a smile.
"Welcome in. Uh, I'll be honest, I wasn't really prepared for you to come over, like, now. But we can make some drinks, maybe play a board game or something? I actually think I have an at-home dart board buried somewhere around here if you want to get your ass kicked like you did the first time we met."
Kol huffed a laugh, a smaller, more genuine smile pulling onto his face as he shook his head at me.
"Well, now we have to play, don't we? I can't let my honor be tarnished without fighting back."
"I think it only counts as tarnishing your honor if it's not true," I mused as I led Kol into the kitchen, incredibly aware of how closely he followed behind me. If vampires could hear heart beats, then I was well and truly screwed.
"Exactly. I didn't get my ass kicked in darts, so what you said wasn't true."
I paused long enough to give Kol a judgey look over my shoulder, then walked around to the cabinets behind the kitchen island.
"Alright, I'll go dig out the dartboard in a minute, but let's figure out drinks first. I'll be honest, I'm not the best bartender, but I'll see what I can do."
"Here, let me. I'm an excellent bartender."
Kol reached for the bottles in my hand, but I paused, holding them slightly away from him. He leaned into me, and my heart did its stupid jumping jacks again, although I ignored it. Instead, I fixed Kol with another look.
"Are you an excellent bartender in the way you're an excellent dart player? Or are you actually an excellent bartender?"
Kol shook his head, an edged smile spread on his face as he reached across me and took the bottles from my hands. I was more than a little disappointed when he pulled away.
"Alright, I'm going to make us some drinks while you go and get that dart board, right now. We're going to settle this, once and for all."
"I'm still not totally sure that I actually have it," I reminded him, walking backwards out of the kitchen. Kol just hummed, shooting me one last look as he got to work on the drinks before I turned the corner.
As soon as I was out of his sight, I paused to take a few deep breaths. I was starting to feel seriously giddy hanging out with him like this, and I needed to calm the hell down. It was a casual first date, after all. I didn't need to get ahead of myself.
Once the butterflies in my chest had settled down a bit, I walked the rest of the way to the hall closet, or what I thought of as my junk closet. It was packed with things that were just useful or sentimental enough that I didn't want to throw them away, but that basically never came in handy on a regular basis. If that dartboard someone had gotten me for my birthday a few years ago was anywhere, it would be here.
I dug through a few boxes I thought might be likely candidates, trying to remember where past me might've put things last time I'd organized everything. Finally, after what felt like way too much searching, I found it at the bottom of a box on a higher shelf. Even better, a bag with all the darts still together was with it.
I grinned, doing a little triumphant fist pump to myself before turning to head out of the closet. In the doorway, however, I found Kol hovering, watching me intently, a menacing air about him that hadn't been there earlier.
"Hey... what are you doing?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms.
"Me? I was about to ask you the same thing, darling. It really took you that long to find the dart board?"
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, watching for any clues as to what the hell he was doing before briefly glancing away to check the time my phone. Honestly, it hadn't even been that long.
"I mean, yes? Have you looked around this closet at all since you got here? It's a mess. How long have you been standing there, anyway?"
"I'm not an idiot, sweetheart," he said instead of answering me, taking another step forward. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know you're back here messaging your little friends, trying to set up another ambush for me after the first one didn't work. I know how you Mystic Falls people like to operate."
My frown deepened. "Kol, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent with me, darling, it won't work. So who have you been texting?"
"No one, other than you! I knew you were acting weird on the phone, and when you first showed up. I thought my nerves were just getting the better of me, but apparently not."
"Nerves for what? Don't tell me Jeremy's going to come bursting through the door playing Van Helsing again."
"Jeremy who, Kol? Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about."
For the first time since he'd appeared in the closet doorway, Kol seemed to believe me. His look changed from borderline threatening to almost as confused as my own.
"Jeremy Gilbert."
I paused, trying to place the name. It sounded familiar, but it took me a little while to figure out why.
"That's... Elena Gilbert's little brother? Right?"
"Yes. You're actually trying to tell me you don't know him?"
I scoffed. "Kol, of course I don't know him. I graduated from high school when he was still in middle school. I barely remember him or his sister."
He studied me, eyes scanning my face, apparently looking for some sign of a lie. I just watched him back, waiting on some kind of explanation for this to make sense.
"So you're not working with Elena and her little group of friends, then? Or either of the Salvatores?"
"No, Kol. Working with them on what?"
"You're not lying."
"I know I'm not lying! Now what the hell are you talking about?"
Kol sighed, slumping back against the doorframe a little, the tension easing out of his body although he still looked a little confused. I could relate.
"Elena and Jeremy tried to kill me not too long ago," he said, as if he was saying they'd asked him for directions on the street. "Elena tried to keep me busy by lying about wanting to discuss a truce with me. I assumed this was a terrible second attempt at the same thing."
I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes for a beat as I leaned against the shelf behind me. I knew he was a vampire, and I'd even known someone had tried to kill him recently. But somehow, I'd underestimated the level of ridiculous drama and miscommunication that would likely create.
"Yikes. Well... I'm glad you survived, and I can honestly tell you that I'm not a part of any plot to try to kill you. I can't even remember the last time I talked to Elena, and the only time I've ever talked to either of the Salvatores was when Damon was drunk and hit on me at the Grill."
Kol snorted. "Sounds familiar."
"I'm sure."
The two of us stayed put, neither moving to stand up or leave the closet, neither speaking either. The silence just hung, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do next, so it was a relief when Kol leaned forward, the menace in his posture gone and replaced by tentative curiosity.
"You know, this leaves us with a very important question."
"And what's that?"
"If you weren't trying to drive a stake through my heart... why did you call me and ask to meet up?"
And just like that, the relief was replaced with sheer nervous panic.
"Uh... well..."
Kol grinned and took a few steps towards me.
"You said you wanted to get together and talk," he said, a teasing tone to his voice that made my heart speed up at the same time that it made me want to give him a shove. "What exactly did you want to talk about, if not murdering me?"
I shook my head, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face. Kol was well and truly in my space now, standing right in front of me, one arm over my head and leaning against the shelf behind me. Based on the grin he gave me when I met his eyes, I got the feeling he could hear my heart racing.
"I... Well, I was trying to ask you on a date."
"Were you now?" asked Kol, his shit eating grin doubling in size. I huffed.
"Yes. And it took a lot of effort to work up the courage to actually go through with it, so if you're just messing with me right now with the whole leaning into my space and flirting thing, I might actually join Team Try To Kill Kol."
Kol just laughed and shook his head, leaning in a little bit further as he did. I couldn't help a subconscious glance at his lips, and with the way they curled up even further, I knew he'd noticed.
"I'd never dream of messing with you about this, darling. Honestly, this is the best news I've gotten in days. If I hadn't been working to keep a few different people from killing me, I would've asked you out a week ago."
I grinned. "Really?"
I huffed a happy, disbelieving laugh as Kol leaned the rest of the way in, his lips finding mine. Fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation, especially as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hands found his shoulders, holding on tightly, and when I finally pulled away after a few long, long moments, I was a little breathless and a little dizzy.
"Now that was worth thinking I was about to be vampire-slayed," said Kol, grinning at me before starting to lean in again. I laughed, but put a hand to his chest to stop him.
"I agree, but this is still a first date. I want to actually talk to you and get to know you beyond the few conversations we've had at the Grill, not just make out in my closet."
"You didn't like making out in the closet?"
"I didn't say that." Kol grinned, and I gave him an exasperated smile of my own. "I like this, Kol, a lot. But I could've just kept flirting at you with the Grill if all I wanted was to make out with you. Dates are supposed to be... a little more than that, at least to me."
Kol sighed, bringing his hand up to cup my chin and running his thumb across my lips before stepping back. My heart was doing backflips, and from the smirk on his face, I knew he could tell.
"Alright then, darling. I'll give your version of a date a try. As much as I like making out in closets, it might be nice to just talk to you for a bit, too."
I beamed at him. "Good. Although, it doesn't have to be all talk." I retrieved the dartboard that had been shoved back onto a shelf when Kol had first gotten in my space and held it up. "We have a few things to settle, after all."
"Oh yes we do. Come on love, our drinks are waiting in the kitchen. You're going to need one, so you have something to blame your loss on later tonight."
"Keep talking, Twilight. It's just gonna make it that much sweeter when I win."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
Ugh the comparisons are so annoying. You’ll still find people insisting Shane was just ahead of Rick in terms of adapting to a brutal world. When it’s clear the ZA broke Shane, he never really measured his choices and didn’t wanted to help anyone at all. He was a coward and acted first as a coping mechanism not because he was an efficient leader.
say that anon! it's honestly not only annoying but a little troubling to me when people compare rick to shane or worse, n*gan because what do you mean shane was right and rick needed to be more like him? what do you mean if we watched the show from negan's pov we'd be on his side and see rick as the villain? no the fuck he wasn't and no the fuck i would not!
the show establishes very early that yes, violence is necessary. and since that's the case, to differentiate between the rick/the people we're supposed to love and the actual villains we have to look at their motivation. rick has been incredibly violent, but his motivation is always to protect, not only his immediately family, but anyone who becomes part of his community. the group flocked to rick instead of shane from the very beginning because he cared about everybody's welfare, unlike shane whose motivations were ultimately selfish. i always think about his last scene with rick, how shane says he's better for lori and carl, like he wants to possess what is rick's - hence why he sexually assaults lori in the CDC. he didn't love her, he felt he was owed her. the way shane so quickly and easily abandoned all sense of right and wrong and adjusted to brutality was a red flag, not something to emulate. to reiterate the parallel they drew between shane and beale in the towl finale, shane was willing to sacrifice other people (his own people!) for his own survival. we should see this as a bad thing. by contrast we know, empirically, that rick would sooner sacrifice himself than anyone he considered himself responsible for (see: the bridge). the argument that rick needed to learn to be more like shane just doesn't track for me: we saw in nebraska when he killed those two men in the bar without blinking that he was perfectly capable of doing what needed to be done. we saw it when he was the one to step up and kill sophia when she came out of the barn while shane just looked at his feet. if anything, killing shane taught rick just how far rick was willing to go. as he said in his dream sequence in 9x05, it had to be him. he had to stay alive to keep protecting the people he loved no matter what, even if it meant killing his best friend. that's his motivation.
as for n*egan. well. i can't believe in the year 2024 people are still not understanding that rick fucking grimes would never have subordinates, let alone force them to refer to themselves by using his own name. he'd never kill a child to prove a point and force submission, and would never, ever force women to become his wives and have sex with him whenever he wants via coercion because rick grimes would never sexually assault someone. do you honestly think daryl, glenn, maggie, carol, hershel, anyone in team family would have stayed with rick if he was capable of any of that? do you think michonne would have let him within fifty feet of her, let alone put an entire baby in her if that was the type of person he was? the same michonne who arguably has the best instincts of anyone on the show? who sniffed out the governer's bullshit immediately? no. when shown an alternate reality where she became a savior instead of part of team family, michonne called it hell. she only feels safe when she's with rick.
n*gan's whole thing reeks of egotism and a need for power - seeing his people as cogs in a machine meant to be put to work and terrorized and abused only to be told it's all for their own benefit. the saviors are a cult, whereas rick genuinely sees and treats his people as his family. rick's people not only love him, they're not afraid of him. they know that when he does go too far they are safe to tell him so, and that he will listen (even if it takes him a minute). rick admits he deserved it when michonne knocked him out at alexandria, and being a farmer at the prison was basically the apocalyptic equivalent of wearing the grippy socks and he did it without complaint. he lets himself be guided. as hershel said, he gets to come back, and he always does, because for rick ego and power have nothing to do with why he does the things he does. he doesn't enjoy it - it traumatizes him and he has to recover from it. this is not a person on a power trip who needs to be eliminated, but a person who is respected and as a result cared for because he does what needs to be done - things other people might not be capable of doing - but for the right reasons.
all of this is why the towl finale had to happen that way btw. not just because it was set up from the very first episode from a writing/narrative standpoint (and i'll let the much more qualified @starfruit-green speak on the socio-political aspects) but because there's no way rick and michonne grimes would ever hear the words coming out of beale's mouth and not immediately lunge. that finale painstakingly spelled out, slowly while using small words so people could understand, that rick and michonne's sword, their violence, is the necessary kind that protects, that eliminates the real threat. beale, shane, n*gan? they are the threat.
anyway. thank you to @starfruit-green and @redding for the encouragement <3
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gigicreates562 · 1 year
Trapped- Fred Weasley x Reader
Trapped - Fred Weasley x Reader
Fred and Y/n find themselves in an unfortunate situation for the night.
TW: None
1600 words
"Shit!" She exclaimed as she banged on the iron door.
"I don't think it's budging love, you've been at it for an hour."
Of course. Of COURSE, this had to happen with Fred. Just her luck.
Fred and Y/n had gone out in search of some billywig slugs for the twin's newest product. Unfortunately for Y/n and Fred, the local cave in which the slugs dwell only allows access during the day. But that wasn't the problem.
Y/n and Fred had entered the cave with no problems, but in a very Y/n and Fred fashion, they had gotten a bit sidetracked while collecting them. Which leads us here, to Fred and Y/n now stuck inside the cave until morning.
"Looks like we will have to make camp for the night," Fred sighed.
Honestly, he wasn't too upset about this. Sure the situation was unfortunate, but it meant he got to spend the whole night with the woman he was secretly pining for.
"Great," Y/n replied.
However, she was not so excited. She too had been secretly harboring feelings for Fred, but this is NOT how she pictured her first night with him. She had it all planned out in her head- she would take him out to lunch, admit her undying love for him, and he would whisk her away to a night of endless romance. She had NOT pictured a cave in her daydream, and definitely not the slugs either.
"Let's see what we are working with," Fred said as he sat down their backpack he had been carrying.
"Picnic blanket, Picnic leftovers, flashlight, flannel, and a first aid kit." Fred sighed. He began laying out the picnic blanket as Y/n waved her wand to assemble some sticks into a fire for warmth.
Fred began quietly laughing to himself. Amused at the thought he just had.
"What's so funny?" She asked him.
"It's just... remember at lunch today- you were talking about how romance movies are sooooo unrealistic and the situations that they get put in would never really happen?" He asked, still chuckling a bit.
"Well, I think we've just come into the whole 'there's only one bed troupe in a way." He said pointing at the singular blanket.
"Merlin, I guess we have," She said laughing. "I'd better write those authors an apology haven't I?"
"Looks like it. May as well get comfy love, this cave is only going to get colder." He said as he fashioned the flannel into a makeshift pillow and laid down.
She looked at him for a moment, admiring his frame all laid out like that. He patted the blanket next to him and she was snapped out of her daydream. Reluctantly, she sat down.
"I figured we'd rather lay on the blanket than the dirt. We will just have to keep each other warm I reckon. Best be careful we don't suddenly realize that we're madly in love" he teased and poked at her side.
She laughed and then quieted. She couldn't help but feel a little sad that the idea of falling in love with her was funny. But Fred knew her too well and sensed the awkwardness immediately.
"Hey, I'm only joking," Fred said leaning up on his elbows. "Besides both of us smell like slugs right now. Not exactly the romance novel ideal."
She smiled at him, glad that the tension was diffused. He beamed back at her. The pair sat like that for a moment in comfortable silence.
Breaking the silence, Fred reached up to push a stray hair behind her ear, and he couldn't help but notice her breath hitch a bit. Maybe this was a romance novel, in their own quirky Fred and Y/n way.
Suddenly anxious at that thought, he cleared his throat.
"Right then. Let's get comfy."
He laid back down on his back, adjusting the flannel under his head. Y/n stared at him for a moment watching him get comfortable until he reached his arm out for her. Taking that as her signal to lay down, she curled up against his side, resting her head in the nook of his shoulder. Fred pulled his arm around her waist and began to rub shapes into her side with his thumb.
This is the closest they've ever been she thought. Sure she'd leaned on him before, maybe even laid her head in his lap, but this? This was intimate. Not only was he holding her so tightly, but they had to stay like this the entire night? This was going to be harder than she thought.
"Are you sleepy?" Fred asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.
"A little. Definitely not enough to sleep yet though," She replied, playing with the collar of his shirt.
Fred couldn't help the pink that rose on his cheeks. He didn't think she was even doing it on purpose. It's not inherently romantic, cuddling, but he was just so hopelessly in love with her that he couldn't help but feel a little flustered at their proximity.
"Do you want to ask each other questions?" She asked him. "To pass the time?"
"Yeah, sure. It's not like I've got somewhere to be." Fred smiled at her, squeezing her tighter.
He was so warm, that's what she kept thinking. And although they were a bit dirty from collecting slugs, he still smelled like Fred: Salted caramel and fireworks. She tried not to be too obvious about inhaling his scent.
"Okay, I'll ask first," She began, "What's your favorite memory from Hogwarts?"
Fred pondered for a moment.
"I'd have to say when Cormac tried to make a pass at you, and George and I slipped a gravity reversal potion into his pumpkin juice. Remember? He was stuck on the ceiling of the great hall for hours! They had to float his lunch up to him."
"Godrick he was so mad," She giggled. "Okay, you ask me one."
"Alright," He thought for a moment. "When was the hardest you've ever laughed?"
"Oh, easy! When we were supposed to be hiding from Filch in the closet, but you kept changing his hair into different updos to make me laugh."
"I forgot about that one! Merlin I was scrubbing the bathroom for weeks for that," He laughed.
"Then why did you keep doing it?" She was laughing again.
"I was trying to impress you, you twat!" He tickled her side and she laughed harder.
"Didn't know you were ticklish!" He said as he held her in place with one arm and tickled her stomach with the other.
"Fred! Stop," She was in tears from laughing so hard. She tried to break free, but the second she did Fred pulled her back by the waist.
"I wish I would've known you were so ticklish back when you were hiding my puking pastilles from me in our fourth year!"
"Fred!" She was still laughing.
She made one final heroic attempt to break free, and she did! ...for a brief moment. But as quickly as she had broken free, Fred reacted. He pulled her back quickly, pinning her arms down next to her head and straddling her lap. Their giggling stopped abruptly.
They stared at each other for a moment. Both too distracted with their own thoughts to notice the other staring.
She admired the way the fire made his hair shine. He really was handsome. She'd always thought so, but now especially.
He stared down at her too. Admiring her soft features, he felt his eyes wander down to her lips. Had they always been that plump? He couldn't help himself. She just looked so pretty in the gentle glow of the flames. He didn't think. He just leaned down and kissed her.
Slowly and sweetly, he moved his lips gently against hers, savoring the taste of her strawberry chapstick.
But then reality came rushing back to him. Holy shit- he just kissed his best friend. He pulled his lips away quickly. Still hovering over her, he searched her eyes for a reaction,but to his dismay, he found none.
She was just staring at him, totally awestruck.
"One of us should probably say something," She whispered after a long while.
"Do you want me to stop?" Fred asked quietly as if the slightest thing could break her. He stared at her anxiously awaiting her answer.
She was utterly captivated by him. He watched carefully as the corner of her mouth tilted up into a smile. She shook her head no at him.
No of course she didn't want him to stop. She wanted him to kiss her until her lips were blue. She began to pull him back down with her hand.
Fred started to lean back into her too, before he stopped abruptly, dropping his head down to her shoulder.
"Wait, I'm sorry," He muttered getting off of her.
She sat up quickly, "What's wrong?" she asked cupping his face to look at him.
"Y/n," Fred said, putting his hand around the one she had placed on his face.
"I don't want this to just be a one-time thing. It was hard enough pretending that I don't have feelings for you. I don't think I could take it if we were just friends with benefits."
She laughed at him. He stared at her in confusion, not getting the joke.
"Fred," She began, still amused with the whole situation, "I am so helplessly in love with you it's beyond comprehension." She laughed.
His eyes shot up to hers.
"Say that again," He told her.
"I am so helplessly in love wi-" He crashed his lips onto hers. This time the kiss was much more frantic than the last. It was as if he was trying to express to her every feeling he had ever felt toward her in a couple of seconds. His hand laced into her hair as he lowered them back to the ground.
Only when he couldn't possibly hold his breath any longer he pulled back to say,
"I love you too".
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qin-qin16 · 4 months
Close to him
summary: due to a miscalculation, your meeting with Cross in Waterfall ends up starting in Snowdin and, unfortunately for you, your clothes are not suitable for the cold.
wc.: 942 content: gn! reader, fluffy, beginning of the relationship, sweet Cross, a bit stubborn reader note: since no one writes about him, I had to write it with my own hands
The forest was covered in snow; a thick layer coated the ground, hiding the trail we were supposed to follow - or, at least, what I thought was a hidden trail. Even with the cold fog blocking my vision, Cross continued to walk, glancing at me over his shoulder a few times, making sure I was right behind him, that I was close to him. 
“It feels like I'm at the North Pole…” I mutter to myself, noticing the air from my breath coming out like white smoke and soon my conscience begins to realize my lack of preparation for the extremely freezing climate of the place.
It was scary; my only clothing that protected me from the excruciating cold was a slightly warm coat (a gift from someone, I think) and jeans, but not even the harshest winter in my city could compare to the cold in this place. Snowdin, I should have paid more attention to the word “snow” in the name, it's almost like a big sign with flashing lights screaming: this place is so cold that even polar bears freeze here!
However, I wasn't that naive, no, no... The fault for me being shivering lies entirely with an “acquaintance” of Cross who opened a portal for us here: a forest covered in snow. Without much choice, I lower my gaze to see better the footprints that Cross left behind and, as a game to distract myself (and to humor me), I decide to step on them so I don't have to sink my feet again and again in the snow - the layer was so thick that it reached to our shins, I notice.
"Everything is fine?" my eyes returned to the front, seeing that Cross had stopped walking and was now looking at me with a firm expression. I shake my head and slowly approach the skeleton, careful to not create new footprints. “I warned you it would be cold here.” He continued talking, waiting for me to get closer so he could walk again.
I let out an offended sigh, placing a hand over my chest. How dare he?
“Well, first of all you said we were going to Waterfall, I didn't think we'd go past Santa's house first. And, secondly, you didn’t warn me about anything.” I decide to resort to sarcasm, already feeling my ribs shaking from the unbearable cold. I hug my own body, as a way to store the heat that still remains in me.
“Sometimes I forget that humans are sensitive to abrupt changes in temperature.” he continued to speak, but now as if I wasn't there. “And stubborn too.” Excuse me??
"Hey! This is no longer about the human species!” Even though I didn't see his features, I knew that a smug smile was plastered on his face and, like I just thought, I saw it when he turned to me. Before I have the chance to return his taunt I end up sneezing — a reminder of the place we are and the unsuitable clothing I was wearing.
I run my hand over my nose, an old habit, and when I'm sure I'm not going to sneeze again, I look at Cross: although he was smiling, it seemed forced now. My gaze stops at his eyes — or the holes they should be in — and I realize that his small pupils were passing through my body, observing my clothes. 
"Come here." he finally says and, contradicting his own speech, he comes to me himself.
"What? What happened?" I ask, confused by his sudden change in mood.
Cross starts to take off the scarf that was wrapped around his chest and, after a moment considered comical for the situation, he wraps it around me. I adjust the fabric a little around my neck, trying to protect as much skin as possible. As my mouth opens to thank him, I see him start to take off his coat as well.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don’t want you to freeze to death either.” I try to stop him by holding his arms, but without much success. He just scoffs at me.
“The cold goes through my bones and it’s not like I have skin to feel anything.” he explains awkwardly, finally placing the coat over my shoulders. “It’s not much, but I think you can handle it until we reach the city.” he says, straightening some folds that were left under his coat and, when he was satisfied, he placed his hands on my face.
And as quickly as the sweet moment started, it was soon gone. I let out a scared squeak, terrified by the cold sensation of Cross's phalanges in contact with my warm cheeks.
"What was it? Is the cold freezing you… to the bone?” He laughs at my reaction and at the joke itself. Before I can retort and take his hands off my face, he takes one of his hands to my hair and strokes it, messing it up. “Come on, we're already close to Snowdin.” and he walks away.
As bad as the joke was, I didn't speak up. Cross wasn't one to tell jokes, heavens, I can count on one hand how many jokes he's told me in our entire relationship. I know he's someone melancholy, something happened to make him like that, so, because of that, I can put up with bad jokes for his happiness.
I give a gentle smile and go to him, walking in his footsteps again. I see him look at me over his shoulder once again, expecting to see me walking up to him, expecting me to be close to him again.
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nekoannie-chan · 10 months
The perfect trap part I
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Enhanced!Mutant!Reader X Jack Rollins, Steve Rogers X Enhanced!Mutant!Reader (platonic).
Word count: 1141 words.
Summary: The reader is in a relationship with Brock and Jack; she has the task of introducing Steve to our era, something that obviously neither of them likes, but they have no choice.
Warnings: Poly relationship, the reader is an agent of HYDRA, mentions of smut.
A/N: This was requested by @azulatodoryuga. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighsss @marvelatthisonee @caplanbuckybarness @sapphire-rogerss @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot5555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989
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"Have you decided where we're going on vacation yet?" you inquired of your boyfriend as you adjusted your bra.
You were busy when you got the message from S.H.I.E.L.D., in which they told you that they needed your presence immediately at the facilities; you had to get dressed quickly.
"Y/N, there is no time for that; we must get there as soon as possible and see that none of that interferes with our plans," Jack scolded you.
You turned indignantly to see him. "What did you say?"
"Jack, don’t bother her; you better hurry up; you know that if you make her angry, she won't let you do to her that thing you like so much," Brock intervened, causing Jack to leave the room grumbling.
"What's going on?” It's four in the morning," you commented, breaking the silence in the car.
"Something too important; otherwise, they wouldn't have called us, but we're not the only ones, so it's a big deal," Brock said as he drove.
"I don't like this."
"Did you see something?" Jack asked.
"I don't have visions; I just move things around, and, well, you know... you made a sign to indicate that you could kill someone using your powers.” But I have a bad feeling."
"Do you think we've been discovered?" Jack's voice sounded nervous; that wasn't like him at all.
"If that were the case, we'd have several teams breaking into the house to catch us instead of being called in.” It's something else," Brock clarified.
"I hope we don't have to use the Soldiers," you said.
"Does innocent little Y/N want a repeat of last time?” I believe you're a sex addict," Jack teased.
"Jack, shut up; you're the sex addict," you defended yourself.
Brock Jack was waiting for the other one to agree with him.
"Sorry, but Y/N is right; I'm starting to think you really are." Brock backed you up.
"I hate you."
"You're lying, you know you love us, or do you want me to tell you what we were doing before we were interrupted?" You've already scoffed.
Jack grimaced; he knew he had lost the battle.
"Why did you come together?" Natasha asked you when you sat down next to her. It was going to be very obvious if the three of you sat together.
"I spoke to Rumlow, who lives near my house, but my car broke down and I had no way to get there," you answered. You usually made excuses, and you didn't want anyone to know about the relationship you had to avoid putting others in danger. "Do you know why they called us?" You nimbly changed the subject; you knew that she would keep questioning you if you didn't do it.
"They found someone," she answered.
"Someone? Who? "
"They're not sure yet, but they say is Captain Rogers."
"Captain Rogers? You mean, Steve Rogers, Captain America, "you couldn't believe what you had just heard; you had to tell Jack and Brock as soon as possible."
You managed to send them a text message, and they made a great effort to keep their reaction from being obvious. What was going on was confirmed at that meeting, where they explained it to you.
None of the three knew exactly the significance of what was happening, but you were beginning to imagine the consequences. Evidently, Pierce would not be at all happy, and above all, in a few days, he would also gather the agents who were on the mission to intervene with S.H.I.E.L.D.
You were startled when Fury named you at the end of the meeting; he required your presence in his office. Brock and Jack exchanged glances, somewhat panicked, and as much as possible, they stayed close to Nick's office; they were very worried.
"What do you need me for, Director?" you asked, doing your best to appear calm.
"You will take care of Rogers; I need you to help him integrate into our time; you are one of the best agents we have," Nick ordered.
"Is he awake yet?" You were trying to get as much information as you could. You, Brock, and Jack had to come up with a plan quickly.
"This morning, but I need to keep it a secret still," he replied.
You nodded, and he continued to give you instructions. Now that you were trying hard to keep from smiling, maybe it wasn't all bad news; that could mean that maybe you could move up the ranks in HYDRA.
As you left the office, you motioned for them to follow you; you were to talk in a private place where no one could hear you.
They didn't like the idea at all; they didn't like at all that you had to share your time with the enemy or what could happen; they didn't want to share you with anyone else in any way; you were only theirs.
"When are you going to start that?" Brock questioned.
"In three days."
"I don't like the idea," Brock said. He didn't want to think about what might happen; the mere thought made him angry.
"I know, Brock, but if we look on the bright side, we could get a lot of valuable information, and that would make Pierce very happy," you said.
"Y/N is right, but we'll still be close, and if he dares to touch you...
"Is the big guy jealous?" interrupted Jack.
"Pierce wants us to meet, well, all of STRIKE with him tomorrow," Brock interrupted as he saw the message that had arrived.
"Then I guess we have to make the most of the time; we don't know when we might get some alone time together again," you proposed mischievously.
Obviously, you didn't waste that night, so much so that the next day you couldn't even walk, but you didn't deny that you enjoyed it.
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Day D
You knew you had to carry out your mission perfectly, although now that Pierce has found out about Steve, you feel more pressure.
"You know you can call us whenever you need us," Brock said, then gave you a kiss and a little box with a necklace he had bought for you.
"We'll be waiting for you; everything will be so boring without you," Jack said as he kissed you on the cheek.
You had never been separated for more than a month, but somehow you were going to get Steve to be part of HYDRA; somehow you would convince him without him noticing.
With the Soldier and the Captain on your side, the world would be yours.
You took a breath of air before knocking on the door, and you opened it slowly when you heard you could come in.
"Captain Rogers, I'm Agent Y/N Y/L/N. I'll be in charge of helping you integrate into our time. Nice to meet you."
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
Animal Sex, Animal Sex?
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Girlfriend Reader,
Warnings: SMUT!!!! P I V sex, Protected! (Wrap it before you tap it) Rough sex, jealousy, Billy being ex boyfriend, talk of sex obvi, squirting, domestic fighting, probably more that i cant think of
Summary: Based off of Ross and Rachel in episode 18 of season 2!
Important to know before reading:
Nancy and Eddie are siblings (Monica and Ross)
You and Nancy are room mates (Rachel and Monica)
For once in his life Steve is not the ladies man hehe
Wordcount: 2.2 k
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“Robin's got another job, right?” Steve asked Nancy as he rested his arm around her shoulders, her nestled into his torso on the brown comfy couch of the coffee shop.
“Great set tonight, Robin” you told her as she got off the small stage and placed her guitar next to an armchair which she then sank down in.
“I know.” Robin grimaced smugly.
“Well, we should probably get going.” Eddie tapped your thigh. 
“We should too. I've got work at 8 in the morning.” Steve smiled at his girlfriend. 
“You know how we always stay at your apartment?” Nancy got his attention. “I thought tonight we'd stay at my place.” she suggested as she gave him a little bit of a pout. 
“I don't know.” Steve pretended to think. “I don't have my jammies.” he joked.
Nancy giggled a little “Well maybe you don't need them.” she said suggestively.
Eddie rolled his eyes and threw his hand out in the air “My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen.”
Nancy turned towards her older brother “Shut up. I'm happy.”
“Oh, this is so nice!” Robin exclaimed. “I have to make a speech.” she stated as she rose from her chair.
She cleared her throat, holding an imaginary wineglass to the group “ I just wanna’ say that of all the guys that Nancy has been with, and that is a lot” she laughed and gave you and Eddie a wide eyed look. Nancy froze and closed her eyes. She turned awkwardly towards Steve to check his expression. 
“I like you the best.” she smiled childishly. 
Instead Steve politely gave her an “Awww Thank you, Robin” he breathed lightly “That's very sweet.”
As the group put their coats on to head out into the chilly autumn weather Steve leaned down towards Nancy.
“You hear that?” he grinned. “She likes me best” he shrugged into his jacket “And apparently, there have been a lot.” he dramatized with wide eyes and a suspicious look. 
Nancy chuckled, “Not a lot” she tried to cover “Robin's kidding” she waved her hand “Robin's crazy.” she deadpanned her boyfriend slightly. 
You chuckled to Eddie “Robin's dead” you smirked at him, earning a small laugh from your tall boyfriend. 
“Well, it wasn't that many guys.” Nancy continued the conversation you and Eddie had witnessed the couple having all the way up the street and in the stairwell. 
“If you consider how many guys there actually are…” she sighed “...it's a very small percentage.”
“Hey It's not that big a deal” Steve said as he dropped his coat on a chair.  “I was just curious.” 
“Good night.” Eddie called as he led you to your room with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Good night, Steve… Good luck, Nance.” you smiled devilishly. 
You heard the couple talking as you entered your room and adjusted the door to almost closed but still a small sliver peeking. Both of you slipped your shoes off and excess clothing while listening in. 
“Before I tell you” you heard Nancy start  “you tell me how many women you've been with.” you shot Eddie a look, it was very amusing to listen to. 
“Two.” Steve stated. 
Eddie took a step towards you, slinking his hands around your waist and holding you to him.
“Two? Two?” Nancy asked, shocked. Both you and Eddie couldn't help but grin at each other, the whole thing was very funny. 
“How is that possible? I mean…” Nancy seemed to think for a second “have you seen you?”
“I mean, what can I say?” 
“I dated Olivia for almost three years, so from sophomore to senior year” he paused “Now you. That's two.” he stated plainly. 
“Two it is.” 
“Okayy time for bed.” she said quickly. “I'm gonna brush my teeth.” you heard her scurry towards the bathroom. 
“Woah woah, wait a minute now!” Steve's heavier footsteps followed. 
“Come on, it's your turn.” he complained as you heard what must have been the bathroom door shut. 
“Oh, come on!” he sighed exasperated. “You know, I don't need the
actual number. Just a ballpark.”
The door opened again “It is definitely less than a ballpark” she said before the door shut again. 
Steves footsteps were heard making their way to the bedroom 
You sighed and sat down on the bed “I am so glad I'm not Nancy right now.” you chuckled. 
“Tell me about it.” Eddie answered as he slank behind you on the bed, leaning on his right hand. 
“Sooo what's your magic number?” he asked, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You scrunched your face up slightly, you were not that keen on landing in Nancy's situation. 
“Come on” Eddis pressed “you know everyone I've been with. All.. both of them.”
You sighed and turned slightly to face him. “Well, there's you.” you started. 
“Better not be doing these in order.” Eddie joked. 
“Billy Dreskin” you began counting “Pete Carny.”
Eddie hummed hearing the name of one of the old classmates who transferred out of state two years ago. 
“Keith” you simply said his name, knowing Eddie had heard all about the video store clerk.  
“Aaand Billy” you mentioned your most recent boyfriend, the one who had broken up with you when sensing you had feelings for Eddie, he had been right but the breakup was still pretty messy.
“Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Babeee, are you jealous of Billy?” you mocked him a little. 
Eddie made a slight noise. “ Oh come on I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him.” you smiled as you hugged him tightly. 
“Really?” he asked, looking for some slight assurance. 
“Oh, please!” your heart warmed at your slightly insecure boyfriend, he was so adorable. “That Paolo thing was barely a relationship.” you continued. Earning a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“All it really was, was just meaningless, animal sex.” 
Eddie froze, looking awkwardly dead in the eyes. 
You drew back slightly “Okay, you know, that sounded so much better in my head.”
Eddie sat up. “Animal sex?” he asked, slightly deflated. “Ugh I don't know why I said that” you groaned. 
“Animal sex?” he asked again, quite baffled. 
“No baby listen, I didnt even love him, I love you!” you pleated exasperated. 
 Eddie stood up and fiddled with a small black teddy bear that rested on your bookshelf. 
“Was he better than me?” he asked, glancing towards you. 
You groaned loudly and threw yourself back onto the bed, “Well! was he?”
“Eddie, please listen to me” you sprung up off the bed. 
Circling the bed to the opposite side of eddie you continued talking “You are so much better for me than Billy ever was”
You crawled onto the bed “I mean you care about me, you're loving,
you make me laugh.” you pulled at his arm, turning him to face you. 
“ Oh hey If I make you laugh, here's an idea.” he snapped his fingers.
“Why don't you invite Billyover to have a little romp in the sack...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes!” he exclaimed.
You threw yourself  off the bed again “Stop! God!” you complained. Desperately you waved your arms against your body pleading with him “ Eddie what we have is special!” you almost shouted in desperation.“All Billy and I ever had was-”
"Animal sex animal sex?” Eddie interrupted. 
You groaned, pulling your fingers through your hair and ruffing it up. 
“So what are you saying?” Eddie turned towards you. “I mean you’re saying that there's nothing between us "animal" at all?” he pressed. “There's not even, like, um, a little animal?Not even, like.. like chipmunk sex?” he squaked.
“Ok Eddie” you stepped up onto the bed, trudging over to him “Try to hear me” you grasped onto his shoulders. “Okay?I'm not gonna lie to you, okay it was good with Billy” 
“Knock-knock” Eddie interjected
“But!” you pointed your finger at him  “What you and I have
is so much better” you told him exhaustedly. “We, we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect!” you gestured between your two bodies “You know? I swear. This, this is the best ... I have ever had.” you looked down at him.
Eddie stared into your eyes, searching your face. “Until now.” he caught you off guard by quickly grasping onto the backs of your thighs, picking you up and throwing you onto the bed. 
You squealed as Eddie climbed on top of you, instantly connecting his lips to yours, desperately kissing you. Pushing his pelvis hard against your core as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Your hands desperately searched foe the hem of his shirt, once you found it you pulled at it, forcing it up his back. 
Eddie quickly sat up ripping his shirt over his head and watching as you awkwardly sat up, crunching your stomach and lifting both the hoodie and crop top over your head. 
Eddie leaned back down instantly connecting his hands to your clothed boobs, harshly kidding the plump skin, sucking dark hickies over your chest. 
“Condom?” Eddie asked. 
“Bedside table” you pointed flimsily. 
Eddie quickly forced himself off the bed rooting through your drawer as you adjusted yourself to lie on the bed with your head by the pillows. As he fumbled with opening the box and then the wrapper you unbuttoned and slipped your jeans off your legs. 
Eddie finally got the condom free of the line of others and threw it onto the bed. being very quick to remove his pants he hurried with ripping the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolling it over his cock. 
You washed excitedly as Eddie lightly stroked his cock. “Bra” he stated, you realized you were still wearing the dark green bra unclasped the back, ripping it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
Eddie climbed onto the bed and adjusted himself on top of you. “Uh.. foreplay?” he asked awkwardly as the tip of his cock brushed the opening of your cunt. “No, no were good, please just, put it in” you begged. 
Eddie chuckled and pushed himself inside. “Geez, we should fight more often, you're dripping” he grinned as he began thrusting at an acceptably slow pace. 
“Shut up and go faster” Eddie moved his hips back and forth drilling into you at a furious pace. You let out a loud moan as you slipped your hands around his torso, grasping onto his skin with both hands. 
“Fuck” Eddie groaned as he rested his forarms on either side of your head, his finger tangling in your sprawled out hair. 
“Oh fuck Eddie! Yes! omg!” you moaned loudly as the headboard began hitting the wall from Eddie's constant thrusting. 
“Fuck fuck FUCK!” you continued. you could never really shut up during dex, but Eddie loved it. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! just like that” Eddie went even faster, his whole body straightening, muscles working as hard as they could. 
“Fuck im about to cum, damn it” Eddie slowed a little. 
“Just continue, please omg!” you pushed on his lower back till he started back up again. 
“YES! Fuck” you closed your eyes as your pupils rolled back in your head. 
Your mouth flew open. “Shit shit shit!” you squealed as you felt the familiar feeling of having to pee. 
“Fuck! Eddie, I'm about to squirt, don't stop!” you screamed. Eddie's eyes grew wide as he felt and heard you soaking his abdomen with the clear liquid. 
“Fuck im really gonna cum now!” Eddie alerted you. 
“Just one more minute!” 
“Fuck I can't control it!” he shouted as he thrusted as fast as he could into you, spurts of cum shot out of you, soaking the bed, yourself and your boyfriend. 
Eddie felt the milky liquid flow out of him as he groaned loudly. “Ahhh fuckkk” he groaned exhaustedly. he slowed his pace as your body gave out, if you hadnt been on a mattress you would have fallen down from your collapse, instead you just lay there completely fucked out in a pool of cum as Eddie lay on top of you, his head in the crook of your neck, trying to catch his breath. 
He let out a loud breath as his eyes shut from exhaustion. You lay under him, your legs spread and your hands above your head, breathing rapidly. 
“Holy fuck” was all you could muster. 
“Sorry I came so fast” Eddie whispered in your ear “That was the best I've ever had” you stated quietly. Eddie chuckled with pride. 
“Having fun yet!” you heard a knock at the wall followed by Steve's voice. “Shut up man!” Eddie shouted back. 
“I'm getting you back for this! I just had to hear my brother having full blown sex!” Nancy shouted “Oh god i'll never be the same!”
you both laughed at her. 
After 20 minutes or so of lying in the pool with Eddie still inside you, you both got up, eddie slipped his boxers back on as you ran and got towels in just his t shirt, you quickly dried yourselves off, soaked up some of the cum on the bed and changed the sheets, lots of towels covering the damp patch for a quick fix. 
You threw yourself on the bed, exhausted. “Nope, I need a shower” you sat back up, eddie beside you. 
“Bath?” he asked with a heartwarming smile. “YES!” you said excited. 
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littlelesbinonny · 9 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 37: In Which The Rabbit Hole Is Deeper Still
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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Alcina leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, savoring the slight burn of the blood-wine trickling down her throat.
"At this rate we're lucky we're not humans," Donna mused from the neighboring table, "we'd have blown through so much money in these vain military efforts we may be stricken down by our people."
"Have you paid much attention to the human world above recently?" Alcina asked flatly, "their idiocy knows no bounds for the make believe thing they call money that 'makes their world go round', we'd likely get away with much, much more if we felt the need."
Donna smirked, "well then I guess this will continue until we bare fruits from our labor?"
Alcina huffed heavily and shoved herself from the wall, rejoining her comrade at the table, "I'm growing as tired of this as you are," she slumped, in a very un-Alcina like fashion, "though I can't come to terms with giving up either. I don't know what else to do but to stay stationed and wait."
"I don't believe anyone else has any better ideas. Mother Miranda remains silent and I'm resigning from reaching out to her any longer. It's pointless. There's still no word of Angie. And Karl, your girls, Dmitri, Sylvia, and the myriad of other eyes and ears we have set loose remain... empty handed."
Donna's verbal vomit continued, and try as she might, Alcina wasn't much able to remain present for it. She was still very consumed with you and what had happened the other night. She still didn't quite feel right, or normal, or whatever she was supposed to feel. With everything going on, which was largely underwhelming, yet just as stressful and annoying, Alcina felt pulled in far too many directions than she liked and that her control was still dangling on a thin thread. She was beyond her threshold for anymore 'what if's', and preparing for an impending unknown, that she was ready to throw in the towel all together and let whatever happens, happen. 
And you. What would become of you?
"Uh... Alcina?"
Came the inevitable tug from her own thought vomit.
"Hmm?" she replied lazily.
Leaning harder on her elbow, Donna propped her chin in her palm and mused over her friends mental absence, "it's none of my business, and I made a promise with myself to never ask or insert myself, but... do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?"
Alcina didn't look at Donna right away, in fact she took another long swallow of her wine and adjusted her poor posture mindlessly.
Finally her icy grey eyes met her friends and she took a deep breath, "what makes you think something happened?" she deflected almost pitifully.
Donna scoffed, not lightly, "I've only seen you that ragged and disjunct maybe a handful of times in the long, long time I've known you. You were very much off when you came back last morning... very off. So, while it's still none of my business, you and your wellbeing are, therefor I can't help but wonder and have a little concern about you."
Their gaze remained fixed to each other and Alcina chose her next words very carefully; "she is... special, Donna. Very special. And no, not in the way I have viewed all my lovers. I'm beginning to fear..." her voice continued, betraying her inward caution, "that I may be in a bit over my head. At least with everything happening. I don't do well with fear... or uncertainty."
Her response was so calculated Donna nearly dared to roll her eyes, but at least Alcina had given her that much, though she knew she would likely not be getting much more.
"I know you dislike being open and vulnerable, even to me, but I hope you know you can always confide in me if you need someone to lean on. And I know telling you you can't always be the unbreakable pillar means nothing, but you really ca-"
"She's got powers of her own, Donna."
Donna became very still as she watched the deadly concern deep in Alcina's eyes urging to be released. That was not something she had expected to hear. Now, more things suddenly made a lot of sense.
"What kind?" she asked timidly.
"I don't know. But I was overcome by a blood-rage I've never experienced before yesterday because of her, her blood, her power, and she witnessed the whole thing."
Oh how the silence was painfully deafening.
"What are you going to do?" Donna asked.
Alcina shook her head shortly, "I haven't the faintest. I feel like I'm caught in a mangled net I can't escape from. My biggest fear, which I have no real concrete evidence for, says that she could be in danger. And, the more I go to her, the more I see her, the more I may risk her safety... and I... don't know how I could live with myself if..." her voice broke off with a crack as she stared down now at the table, reliving her painful past with a bitter bile in her throat.
She huffed, breaking that thought off, "simultaneously, I'm fighting with the guilt that I should be protecting her, keeping her by my side in case something were to ever happen, all the while battling the very infuriating reality none of this would be taking place if it weren't for me, doing exactly what I shouldn't have done," her eyes, now coated with the deep sea slate, locked on Donna once again, "she is my undoing as much as she is my long lost home of comfort and love. She's given me a breath of life I never thought I'd feel again, and I am riddled with guilt and shame for loving her, for not being all she deserves, for knowing with such likelihood our lives will never coexist the way she deserves them to. I... should not love her the way I do, I never should have loved her, but I cannot fathom letting her go now, as selfish and devastating my ignorance may be. Whatever powers she holds, whatever gifts hide in her soul, I feel them in me now. I feel her in every waking and sleeping moment. I am petrified, Donna. Petrified. I don't know how to save everyone."
Her last admission made Donna wince.
She reached for Alcina's hand and grasped it firmly, scooting closer to her at the table, "Alcina... you don't have to save everyone. No one is asking that of you -"
"It's my job, Donna! Am I not the Matriarch? Am I not the Figure Head of the underground?" she jerked her hand away and rose from the table with haste, "Is it not I that everyone looks to when it all goes wrong? Am I not the one who makes the final decisions, has the final say, and ultimately is held responsible for everything that goes on down here?" her eyes and features grew sharp as she continued, "I never wanted any of this, I never asked to be made the ruler of the tiring, undead, caught and lost in time world that we're forced to live in! But here I am, doing a better job than Mother Miranda or any of my predecessors ever did - so yes, dear Donna, it is my responsibility; it is my job; to save everyone from whatever inside and outside threats we face."
She'd paced at least nine times along the floor by now, rubbing her forehead with her plight of anger and remorse, huffing one last time before she stopped, dropped her head back to look at the ceiling and release the breath that had another pending slew of upset words.
"I'm sorry..." she offered softly, "my emotions have been burdensome. I feel more than I have in a long while. I'm not used to having no control."
Alcina found Donna at her side with a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sure it means little now," Donna also offered, "but I'm in your corner. Always have been. You won't weather this alone. And we will nail this bloody problem to the fucking cross, and things will get better. I'll fight tooth and nail to see it through."
She smiled genuinely down at the brunette and relaxed, "they say the quiet ones are those to really be wary of... I have no doubt in my mind you'll make good on your threat."
"When have I ever not?"
Alcina chuckled.
Currently, you were laying sprawled out in your bathtub; leg hanging over the side as you were half submerged and resting, recuperating from the exhausting morning you had spent 'working your magick'.
The baby fern Malka had given you was now on the kitchen counter in the largest bowl you owned since you'd overgrown it far too much and it burst from the tiny pot it had come in. You'd be needing to get some more soil and a proper planter as soon as possible. After you'd successfully grown it Fern Gully style, you'd grabbed the next item you could think of to manipulate; a candle.
This time you used your greyer magick. Melting it. Burning it. Reforming it. Lighting the wick with no flame. It was... excruciatingly exhilarating. And, utterly draining. Malka said practice was key. Little by little, you'd figure all of this out.
You'd also been up till around 3 in the morning reading over your books. The book on magick was as interesting as it was vague, cryptic, and a little oddly written. There was no doubt the books age just by the language and spelling. It covered mostly Celtic and Norse witchcraft; history, practices, etc., and gave a good index of symbols and deities. You'd not yet gotten to the chapters containing folklore of Fae, Fairies, Nymphs, Dryads, and the like, but were itching to get there.
You'd also gotten a few chapters into the vampire book when you woke. So much of the lore about the myths of them, oddly enough, were written as debunked as Alcina had told you forever ago upon your many nights of incessant questioning. You found it strange since this book was also quite old, and wondered if perhaps a vampire himself, or herself, didn't write it. The wives tales and superstitions around vampires lasted long into the 1900's, and this book easily predated that. It gave you a little bit of a warm feeling to think a vampire author had gotten some of their truth out there.
Secretly, you were hoping to find names, lineages of the vampire bloodlines, and see if you could track down this Mother Miranda that had wreaked havoc on Alcina, and certainly many others. But to your disappointment you'd found nothing. Yet. There were still many chapters to go.
The bath was helping you regain some energy but your fingertips were still uncomfortably tingly. 
You were finding your magick a very physical thing. Malka had introduced you to learning how to feel it out, locate it and harness it, and you found so many certain sensations went with each emotion and intention the more and more you focused.
Helping plants grow was a warm, soft sensation deep in your chest. The tingling in your fingers gentle but thick, the lightheadedness that came after was bright and intense. 
Burning down the candle came from below your lungs, deep in the pit of your core. It wasn't anger or rage, but pure intent to control and manipulate. The tingling from that was hard, firm, and a little steely. And you felt breathy afterward.
Lighting the candlewick was in the front of your face, like an Icy Hot mask on your cheeks and forehead. That tingling sensation was liquidy, silky, and prickly. It gave you jitters after and you felt startlingly awake.
As much as you wanted to revisit the darker of everything you'd done, you didn't dare without Malka present. Lighting your apartment complex on fire or something wasn't anything you wanted to risk.
It was now a little passed 2 PM when you were trying to read the book on magick while simultaneously making a plate of cheese and crackers to munch on on the kitchen counter. Unfortunately, as you were reskimming a paragraph you'd read twice, you slipped and sliced part of your finger with the cheese knife.
You reached for your paper towels, but in the process dripped three drops of blood on the way.
"Ah fuck," you blurted, quickly wrapping your finger and rushing to wipe off the little red droplets on your book.
But something caught your attention, vividly.
There where the text was as stark against the aged paper as you blood, hovering above and over said text was another text; glowing, violet, and in markings you did not recognize, but even odder still is that you could unmistakably read and understand it.
You blinked several times as the realization that you were clearly looking at archaic symbols, yet they translated in your brain as simply as regular English set in. Your heart sunk to the pit of your stomach as your eyes read on:
Of this point in your crooked journey, there are many things to find; the Courts are vast, but none too far -  be true of heart  and sharp of mind.
The truths you seek shan't escape you long; for the Courts call home those who've been gone - through troubles unnumbered, and hardships unmatched - slithy toves wicked games, both brutish and strong.
Darkness endures while you brave the new sea;  uncharted and rough may these deep waters be. Fear not the voyage for you'll be lead through the mist, on the backs of your lineage you'll be able to drift.
The path you've found, is but only the start.  Be swift and be brave,  keep faith of the heart. Come back once more when time gives you wear - as the Courts do not dabble, not here or to there, for Magick is not born of the weaklings to bear.
What... the... fuck did this mean?!
You slammed the book shut and rushed for the door.
"Malka!" you called as you burst your way through the shop entrance, "Malka! I need to show you something!"
"Aye aye aye," Malka replied from around an isle, "ketzeleh! I'm just closing shop, lock the front, will you? Come meet me behind the counter."
You did as instructed and hastily made your way to the counter, nearly beating Malka there.
"What has you so spun up?" she asked wiping her hands on her apron, "out with it."
Without another word, you gave her a wide-eyed look of 'please tell me I'm not insane', plopped the book down on the cluttered counter, and opened to the pages where your blood stains were.
"I - I bled on the book by accident - and this text, this floating, purple writing appeared and it was some weird riddle and -"
"Oooyyy vey, ketzeleh," Malka interrupted, gently pushing you out of the way grabbing for the book, her bright eyes staring hard at the pages, "how did you get this?" she asked as her hues shot up to you.
You were stumped, but now very concerned, "uh, Louis, I asked him for books of magick and he gave me this."
The older woman eyed you closely and held the book tighter, "do you know what this is?"
"Clearly not," you stated quickly, your eyes just as wide as ever.
"This is a Blood Arcane."
"A what?"
"This is a book of magick, not just a book about it. How this Louis got possession of it I would very much like to know. There are not many left in the world," Malka's voice dropped lower and she came closer to you, "a blood arcane is quite literally an enchanted book made from the old lines of witches and shamans to hide their secrets in plain sight. The red leather binding is a hint to those who knew the old code; this dark stain of red indicates that to unlock it's secrets you must spill your blood to reveal what it has to share with you. Inadvertently you did just that!"
You couldn't help your slacked jaw as Malka, now beaming with glee and intrigue, explained this to you like a school child.
"What did it say, what did it say to you?!"
"I, uh, it was, uhm, it was some kind of riddle? Or poem? I - I don't really remember al of it, it wasn't very forward."
Malka put the book back down on the counter and tapped her finger to her thin wrinkled lips, "I see... but you could read it?"
"Y-yeah, but it wasn't English, it was like -"
"Symbols, yes. Each book is filled with various teachings from various walks of magick, all set to a language special to each reader."
"If I bleed on it again will you read it with me?"
"No, no, it doesn't work like that ketzeleh," she said softly, smiling up at you, "the message you receive will not translate to me, nor would my blood translate for you to read, that's the true magick of these texts! So intricately designed and woven, they are so rare and truly special. This book... it was meant for you, and you were meant to find it. Keep it close. Don't tell anyone you have it, and don't let anyone see it, you understand?"
You nodded mutely and relaxed a little, leaning on the counter while looking back to the book, "it told me to come back after time had given me wear... whatever that means, that part I remember pretty well. What does that mean, though? And how could I read it and understand it even though it was just weird markings?"
Malka grinned, "it means you're not quite ready to read all of it's secrets, but don't be discouraged. Many witches and others gifted with magick cannot read these even after years and years of practice and guidance by elders. As for the understanding; when the book chooses to be read by the reader, it will come through as normally as you and I are speaking now, another impressive mystical trait. I would consider yourself very lucky dear, this is extraordinary!" she turned to face you again and placed her hands on your arms, admiring you with those twinkling eyes, "the more and more you learn about yourself, and the more you learn your magick, this book will bare itself to you in no time. The secrets you find here may have many of the answers you are searching for."
With a gentle sigh, you slumped your shoulders and returned her grin, "life just keeps getting weirder and weirder, Malka," you chuckled, "I'm starting to feel like Alice In Wonderland; next thing I know Leo will be grinning from ear to ear and telling me the Red and White Queen are in the kitchen ready to take me to my coronation to be Queen myself."
"Well, let me know if Sid Caesar shows up dressed as the Gryphon - he's so handsome!"
You laughed out loud and wrapped her up in your arms for a hug.
"If I end up battling the Jabberwocky and jump through the mirror, do you think this craziness will end?" you asked through the hug.
Malka hummed, "do you really want it to, ketzeleh?"
"You know if we had cellphones this wouldn't be nearly as difficult," Cassandra said from the other line of the old rotary phone, "we could just call you at any given time at any given place, then you wouldn't have to worry about where we are and the like -"
"You know mother is never going to agree to cell phones!" Dani's voice interrupted, "But we love you all the same, mother!"
"Oh for heavens sake, give me the phone - let - go!" Bela clearly struggled.
Alcina allowed herself a heavy blink and blew cigarette smoke from her red lips, arching back into her chair while tapping some ash into the tray.
"Hi mom, sorry about that."
"Don't worry, I'm sure this argument about cell phones will follow me to the very grave."
"That'll be a long, relentless endeavor."
Alcina chuckled at Bela, "it is your sisters we're talking about."
"Well, I - "
Bela was rudely interrupted once more and Cassandra's voice came chiming through; "Mother, you know the human city council is scared shitless of you, I know the coverage down here isn't ideal but I have no doubt in my mind you can convince them to install a tower -"
Cue Daniella and her boisterous agreement; "Yeah! But then we'll lose Cass entirely to the internet; she'll be on bookface and twatter and god forbid one of those dating sites! Easy pickings for blood though I guess."
"Oh shut up, Dani! You know it's called FACEBOOK and TWITTER, my god don't act like such a dunce."
"I simply love to annoy you!"
The unintelligible bickering went on on the other line until Bela finally reclaimed possession of the phone. Alcina remained pinching the bridge of her nose while taking steadying breaths. At least they were always entertaining.
"Oh my god... ANYWAY. That's about all we have to report at the moment. Though we have learned a great deal about the hidden passages and other tricky gems of the underground while we've been at it."
"Do nOT let Dani get any ideas, please?"
Bela laughed, "of course not, mother. Even Uncle Karl knows better. And you're doing alright?"
Alcina paused briefly, "of course, dragoste - right as rain. Missing my girls, I suppose," she smiled weakly.
"We miss you too. I think we'll be coming home soon, at least for a visit before another lead comes through."
"And I look forward to it. Give the battling baboons my love, and I shall see you all soon."
"I will. Love you, mom."
The click on the other end felt a little heavier than it needed to, but Alcina hung the receiver and took a thoughtful drag, staring blankly onto her desk, pondering if anything was ever going to happen on any end of the spectrum. She hated being in limbo more than she hated preparations for a war that was certain. Trusting Donna's instincts was easier than trusting her own at this point, and hers said this wasn't over, so at least there was something to lean on.
There were only a few more hours before sunset and Alcina was struggling internally about coming to see you. Oh how she wanted to. Escape from all this and pretend it didn't exist for a night, but then, the troubles with you and your newly exposed power made her uneasy.
She rose with a huff that hid none of her annoyance; tired of living and wandering aimlessly through her stupid thoughts of uncertainty was growing old and quickly.
Alcina returned to her bedroom and began to get dressed. 
Donning a white turtleneck, black jeans, her knee high boots, her trench coat, and last but not least; the gloves you'd given her. The smile on her face was warm and wistful, all the hesitations she's fought being shoved in the other direction. She loved you, dammit. She would make this work if it killed her.
As she was closing the gates to the Manor behind her, a shouting from up the street caught her attention. Her name was being called, urgently, by a voice she did not recognize.
Swiftly she started to rush towards the sound, and there trotting down the cobblestone towards her was a young vampire. Her face was twisted with worry and confusion.
"Lady Dimitrescu!"
"Yes, what is it?" she hastily replied.
"There's a Father in the tunnels! He's asking for you, but we wouldn't allow him any further - he's covered in blood - says someone was attacked in the church - he's demanding you come to him!"
Alcina's eyes went wild as she looked down upon the young lady, the shock of this news to her system sending her fight response into action.
"Take me to him!" she commanded with urgency.
The vampire took off and Alcina was hot on her heels.
By the time she reached the tunnel she could already hear the panicked, angry arguing.
"Let me pass! I demand you let me in! I demand to speak to the Lady Dimitrescu! He was just a boy! A boy! How could she let this happen!?"
Pushing her way passed the wall of vampires, Alcina broke through to see this father. He was indeed covered in blood and looking terribly frantic.
She was barely a pace from him when he saw her and lunged himself at her. He was a small, younger priest, one she remembered only vaguely, and posed her no real threat. Alcina barked for the other vampires to retreat and leave it be.
He slammed his fists into her chest and body, babbling and shouting about this boy, incoherent sobs and cries as he stained her white shirt with the still fresh blood all over him.
"I need you to calm down, father," Alcina soothed with a sternness, finally grabbing hold of him and rendering him immobile, "look at me, look at me!" she demanded, stifling his irregular sobs, "I cannot help you unless I know what has happened."
His eyes were blood shot and his face streaked with tears, "You! Your - y-your devils! Come with me and I will show you!" he shouted, ripping himself from her grasp and dodging back through from where he came.
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sillypau · 10 months
a blog post about "Stargazing Pancakes"
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hiii! long time no see ehehe ^^ i would like to write about the recent mini animated series i published: "Stargazing Pancakes"
click here for the playlist with all of the episodes!!
Stargazing Pancakes is a few skits written by me and @HEYimHeroic,
the idea of "stargazing pancakes" was first brought up from another idea i had, i had this idea of alice and pau going on fun adventures together, but i quickly realized i wasn't capable of doing long story episodes, but!! i could still do short little skits, so that's what i wanted to do. "anything goes"! i said when i first "pitched" the idea to alice, and they immediately wrote "Pikmin Doom" within like, 5 minutes of me sending that message, and, i got to work ahaha. more ideas started pilling up, which is the episodes that i published. both alice and i changed and wrote and adjusted each one to make each one better c:
"why did you call it stargazing pancakes?" you may ask!!
well, it wasnt just pulled out of a hat, i just thought itd be a silly name because the premise of the "show" is just alice and pau in a room doing silly things, and i asked myself: "what exactly can you do in a little room?" (its been 13 months and i still ask myself this) not much, you can stare at the ceiling, you can stare at the wall, and feel lonely, slowly loose your head, but that's as much as you can do, right? well, you can also get hungry, and alice and i like pancakes, and i missed that, i missed that every day i woke up to alice heating up yummy chocolate-chip pancakes on the microwave and we'd watch youtube videos or the ace attorney anime while we gobbled them up: a perfect start to a day full of fun; so i decided to stargaze pancakes; as i fell asleep every night, i would dream about those nice memories we made, those warm embracing memories with syrup on top. So, that's what stargazing pancakes is. ehehe.
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Originally, we wrote 6 episodes, but, by the 5th (Meeting Multiverse Variants) something bad happened, and, I found myself admitted to a Psych Ward, where I had a lot of time to think about things, when I came out, i decided i should just publish the 5 we'd already made, and take some time to recover from everything.
This 6th episode is also a bit different, so, if I do end up making it, it'll have a bit of a different tone ^^
Also, little note: it came to my attention as each episode released that alice's character is very antagonistic in each episode, which was not at all my intention, hahaha... and "Alice's Gym Club" really sealed the deal on that... (although, let it be known, alice is like, the number one protector of Pau, and i hope i can show it in the future, because that's the way it is in real life, too ehehe ^^)
Thanks for watching!! hope Stargazing Pancakes brought some small joy to the world ^^
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{Prologue} Misty Boardwalks And Vampires, Oh My!
Dwayne x Fem!Reader
[A/N] Just a note, I use the fill in the blank method instead of Y/n, and reader is 18-19.
Word count: 1k
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I sighed as my youngest brother dragged me through the crowded pier and onto the carousel that we'd been waiting in line for.
I didn't exactly want to be there, but it was yet again my turn to watch my siblings while my parents went out. I normally wouldn't complain, but it's a Friday night and the third time this week they've gone out, so I was at my wit's end and did the last thing I'd ever said I'd do.
"Please? Come on, it'll be fun!" My brother spoke, insisting I sat on a horse with him.
"I think I'll pass, but come on. Let's get you up." I replied and helped him get on a horse.
I couldn't entirely blame him, he was only eight.
I'm sure the other two are running around somewhere as well, but they're 16 and 13 so I'm trusting they won't go too far.
"Yay!" He smiled happily and adjusted himself on the horse.
The ride had just begun when a group pushed their way through whatever people were already on the carousel.
I kept a close eye on my brother, Silas as the group walked passed us, smirking and glaring at everyone.
Maybe the boardwalk wasn't such a good idea…
All was well until one of them stopped and turned to me, offering a soft smile and was about to speak when the others in his group started a fight and he hurried to see what was going on.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit he was handsome with his long dark hair and leather jacket. He actually stood out from his group, who were all blondes and rather loud at that.
Silas must've noticed my jaw dropped because he let out a chuckle and said, "It's not polite to stare, ____."
"Oh hush." I snapped out of my trance and smiled a little as the ride stopped to let the group off.
Apparently they caused problems often because the guard was on a first name basis with the one that was in front.
When the ride began again, I'd kept a grip on Silas and was beginning to unwind from a stressful week and enjoying the fresh air, only to pass the boy from earlier.
I thought surely I'd been seeing things until I saw him again as he seemed to have been watching us intently with a smirk.
When the ride ended, my heart was pounding. Something was off and I wanted nothing more than to grab the kids and go home, watching and glancing everywhere for whoever that boy was and wanting to avoid him and his group at all costs.
"Let's go find Jasper and Maxim." I suggested in a cheery voice, trying not to panic or alarm Silas of something wrong.
"Aww already? Can't we look at one more store?" He asked with sad eyes.
I looked at him and smiled a little. "Maybe one more while we look for the others, okay?"
"Okay!" He replied and I held his hand to keep him from getting lost.
"This is going to be a long night." I sighed to myself as we looked around for our brothers frantically.
"Are you lost?" I heard someone speak but chose to ignore it and keep walking, seeing as how we are in the murder capital of the world.
I walked a little further with Silas until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"I was asking you a question, miss." The voice spoke again and I glanced to see the group from earlier. Only this time, I'm assuming it was their leader that was speaking with a sly smirk.
"Oh, sorry. Um, no I'm not lost." I replied a little shaky and gripping my brother's hand tighter.
"That's not what it looks like. Are you looking for someone? We'd be more than happy to help." He continued.
"No thanks. I'm good." I replied coldly and continued walking.
The man followed and this time slung an arm around my shoulder causing me to shove him away and guard Silas from him.
"Leave me alone, you creep! I don't even know you!" I exclaimed defensively and staying between Silas and the man.
"Woah, hey. Calm down, I just thought you needed help. The name's David, by the way." He introduced himself and raised his hands to show he was harmless as the others walked towards him.
I didn't believe him and was about to speak when the boy from earlier whispered something to David.
"How rude of me. You're new here right? This is Dwayne." He introduced the boy and slapped him on the back, shoving him towards us a little.
Dwayne smiled a little an glared at David.
"I'm Paul and this is Marko." The other two blonds introduced each other with a wave of the hand.
"Nice to meet you all, but I really have to go." I replied and turned to leave, picking up Silas in the process.
"Oh? But we didn't even catch your name." David spoke as he followed me.
"I didn't throw it." I retorted and continued on my way.
He nodded his head, getting the picture and walked back to his group.
After a little while, I found Jasper and Maxim.
"There you guys are!" I let out an exasperated sigh. "Time to go." I commented.
Jasper nodded and grabbed Maxim by the collar. "Time to go, dude."
"Aw man!"
"Sorry boys, but it's getting late." I played it off and kept them close as we went to the parking lot and got in the car. I quickly locked the doors and let out a sigh of relief.
"You good?" Jasper asked worriedly.
"Yeah. Just some guys by the carousel made me a little jumpy." I explained in a whisper so Silas wouldn't hear.
Jasper nodded and we kept silent until I pulled out of the parking lot, unfortunately locking eyes with Dwayne as we left and I nearly crashed into a sign, no thanks to the mist that had rolled in.
I parked again and checked on my brothers to make sure they were okay and carefully made my way home.
Once we were home and I'd showered, I laid in bed but it only made things worse. I saw Dwayne's gaze everytime I close my eyes that night and though I was scared of them, I couldn't help but want to go back. Maybe I'd been wrong about them?
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Animal Sex, Animal Sex?
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Girlfriend Reader,
Warnings: SMUT!!!! P I V sex, Protected! (Wrap it before you tap it) Rough sex, jealousy, Billy being ex boyfriend, talk of sex obvi, squirting, domestic fighting, probably more that i cant think of
Summary: Based off of Ross and Rachel in episode 18 of season 2!
Important to know before reading:
Nancy and Eddie are siblings (Monica and Ross)
You and Nancy are room mates (Rachel and Monica)
For once in his life Steve is not the ladies man hehe
Wordcount: 2.2 k
Check out more of Eddie Munson!
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“Robin's got another job, right?” Steve asked Nancy as he rested his arm around her shoulders, her nestled into his torso on the brown comfy couch of the coffee shop.
“Great set tonight, Robin” you told her as she got off the small stage and placed her guitar next to an armchair which she then sank down in.
“I know.” Robin grimaced smugly.
“Well, we should probably get going.” Eddie tapped your thigh. 
“We should too. I've got work at 8 in the morning.” Steve smiled at his girlfriend. 
“You know how we always stay at your apartment?” Nancy got his attention. “I thought tonight we'd stay at my place.” she suggested as she gave him a little bit of a pout. 
“I don't know.” Steve pretended to think. “I don't have my jammies.” he joked.
Nancy giggled a little “Well maybe you don't need them.” she said suggestively.
Eddie rolled his eyes and threw his hand out in the air “My baby sister, ladies and gentlemen.”
Nancy turned towards her older brother “Shut up. I'm happy.”
“Oh, this is so nice!” Robin exclaimed. “I have to make a speech.” she stated as she rose from her chair.
She cleared her throat, holding an imaginary wineglass to the group “ I just wanna’ say that of all the guys that Nancy has been with, and that is a lot” she laughed and gave you and Eddie a wide eyed look. Nancy froze and closed her eyes. She turned awkwardly towards Steve to check his expression. 
“I like you the best.” she smiled childishly. 
Instead Steve politely gave her an “Awww Thank you, Robin” he breathed lightly “That's very sweet.”
As the group put their coats on to head out into the chilly autumn weather Steve leaned down towards Nancy.
“You hear that?” he grinned. “She likes me best” he shrugged into his jacket “And apparently, there have been a lot.” he dramatized with wide eyes and a suspicious look. 
Nancy chuckled, “Not a lot” she tried to cover “Robin's kidding” she waved her hand “Robin's crazy.” she deadpanned her boyfriend slightly. 
You chuckled to Eddie “Robin's dead” you smirked at him, earning a small laugh from your tall boyfriend. 
“Well, it wasn't that many guys.” Nancy continued the conversation you and Eddie had witnessed the couple having all the way up the street and in the stairwell. 
“If you consider how many guys there actually are…” she sighed “...it's a very small percentage.”
“Hey It's not that big a deal” Steve said as he dropped his coat on a chair.  “I was just curious.” 
“Good night.” Eddie called as he led you to your room with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Good night, Steve… Good luck, Nance.” you smiled devilishly. 
You heard the couple talking as you entered your room and adjusted the door to almost closed but still a small sliver peeking. Both of you slipped your shoes off and excess clothing while listening in. 
“Before I tell you” you heard Nancy start  “you tell me how many women you've been with.” you shot Eddie a look, it was very amusing to listen to. 
“Two.” Steve stated. 
Eddie took a step towards you, slinking his hands around your waist and holding you to him.
“Two? Two?” Nancy asked, shocked. Both you and Eddie couldn't help but grin at each other, the whole thing was very funny. 
“How is that possible? I mean…” Nancy seemed to think for a second “have you seen you?”
“I mean, what can I say?” 
“I dated Olivia for almost three years, so from sophomore to senior year” he paused “Now you. That's two.” he stated plainly. 
“Two it is.” 
“Okayy time for bed.” she said quickly. “I'm gonna brush my teeth.” you heard her scurry towards the bathroom. 
“Woah woah, wait a minute now!” Steve's heavier footsteps followed. 
“Come on, it's your turn.” he complained as you heard what must have been the bathroom door shut. 
“Oh, come on!” he sighed exasperated. “You know, I don't need the
actual number. Just a ballpark.”
The door opened again “It is definitely less than a ballpark” she said before the door shut again. 
Steves footsteps were heard making their way to the bedroom 
You sighed and sat down on the bed “I am so glad I'm not Nancy right now.” you chuckled. 
“Tell me about it.” Eddie answered as he slank behind you on the bed, leaning on his right hand. 
“Sooo what's your magic number?” he asked, resting his head on your shoulder. 
You scrunched your face up slightly, you were not that keen on landing in Nancy's situation. 
“Come on” Eddis pressed “you know everyone I've been with. All.. both of them.”
You sighed and turned slightly to face him. “Well, there's you.” you started. 
“Better not be doing these in order.” Eddie joked. 
“Billy Dreskin” you began counting “Pete Carny.”
Eddie hummed hearing the name of one of the old classmates who transferred out of state two years ago. 
“Keith” you simply said his name, knowing Eddie had heard all about the video store clerk.  
“Aaand Billy” you mentioned your most recent boyfriend, the one who had broken up with you when sensing you had feelings for Eddie, he had been right but the breakup was still pretty messy.
“Oh, yes, the weenie from Turinie.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Babeee, are you jealous of Billy?” you mocked him a little. 
Eddie made a slight noise. “ Oh come on I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him.” you smiled as you hugged him tightly. 
“Really?” he asked, looking for some slight assurance. 
“Oh, please!” your heart warmed at your slightly insecure boyfriend, he was so adorable. “That Paolo thing was barely a relationship.” you continued. Earning a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“All it really was, was just meaningless, animal sex.” 
Eddie froze, looking awkwardly dead in the eyes. 
You drew back slightly “Okay, you know, that sounded so much better in my head.”
Eddie sat up. “Animal sex?” he asked, slightly deflated. “Ugh I don't know why I said that” you groaned. 
“Animal sex?” he asked again, quite baffled. 
“No baby listen, I didnt even love him, I love you!” you pleated exasperated. 
 Eddie stood up and fiddled with a small black teddy bear that rested on your bookshelf. 
“Was he better than me?” he asked, glancing towards you. 
You groaned loudly and threw yourself back onto the bed, “Well! was he?”
“Eddie, please listen to me” you sprung up off the bed. 
Circling the bed to the opposite side of eddie you continued talking “You are so much better for me than Billy ever was”
You crawled onto the bed “I mean you care about me, you're loving,
you make me laugh.” you pulled at his arm, turning him to face you. 
“ Oh hey If I make you laugh, here's an idea.” he snapped his fingers.
“Why don't you invite Billyover to have a little romp in the sack...and I'll stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes!” he exclaimed.
You threw yourself  off the bed again “Stop! God!” you complained. Desperately you waved your arms against your body pleading with him “ Eddie what we have is special!” you almost shouted in desperation.“All Billy and I ever had was-”
"Animal sex animal sex?” Eddie interrupted. 
You groaned, pulling your fingers through your hair and ruffing it up. 
“So what are you saying?” Eddie turned towards you. “I mean you’re saying that there's nothing between us "animal" at all?” he pressed. “There's not even, like, um, a little animal?Not even, like.. like chipmunk sex?” he squaked.
“Ok Eddie” you stepped up onto the bed, trudging over to him “Try to hear me” you grasped onto his shoulders. “Okay?I'm not gonna lie to you, okay it was good with Billy” 
“Knock-knock” Eddie interjected
“But!” you pointed your finger at him  “What you and I have
is so much better” you told him exhaustedly. “We, we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect!” you gestured between your two bodies “You know? I swear. This, this is the best ... I have ever had.” you looked down at him.
Eddie stared into your eyes, searching your face. “Until now.” he caught you off guard by quickly grasping onto the backs of your thighs, picking you up and throwing you onto the bed. 
You squealed as Eddie climbed on top of you, instantly connecting his lips to yours, desperately kissing you. Pushing his pelvis hard against your core as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
Your hands desperately searched foe the hem of his shirt, once you found it you pulled at it, forcing it up his back. 
Eddie quickly sat up ripping his shirt over his head and watching as you awkwardly sat up, crunching your stomach and lifting both the hoodie and crop top over your head. 
Eddie leaned back down instantly connecting his hands to your clothed boobs, harshly kidding the plump skin, sucking dark hickies over your chest. 
“Condom?” Eddie asked. 
“Bedside table” you pointed flimsily. 
Eddie quickly forced himself off the bed rooting through your drawer as you adjusted yourself to lie on the bed with your head by the pillows. As he fumbled with opening the box and then the wrapper you unbuttoned and slipped your jeans off your legs. 
Eddie finally got the condom free of the line of others and threw it onto the bed. being very quick to remove his pants he hurried with ripping the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolling it over his cock. 
You washed excitedly as Eddie lightly stroked his cock. “Bra” he stated, you realized you were still wearing the dark green bra unclasped the back, ripping it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
Eddie climbed onto the bed and adjusted himself on top of you. “Uh.. foreplay?” he asked awkwardly as the tip of his cock brushed the opening of your cunt. “No, no were good, please just, put it in” you begged. 
Eddie chuckled and pushed himself inside. “Geez, we should fight more often, you're dripping” he grinned as he began thrusting at an acceptably slow pace. 
“Shut up and go faster” Eddie moved his hips back and forth drilling into you at a furious pace. You let out a loud moan as you slipped your hands around his torso, grasping onto his skin with both hands. 
“Fuck” Eddie groaned as he rested his forarms on either side of your head, his finger tangling in your sprawled out hair. 
“Oh fuck Eddie! Yes! omg!” you moaned loudly as the headboard began hitting the wall from Eddie's constant thrusting. 
“Fuck fuck FUCK!” you continued. you could never really shut up during dex, but Eddie loved it. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! just like that” Eddie went even faster, his whole body straightening, muscles working as hard as they could. 
“Fuck im about to cum, damn it” Eddie slowed a little. 
“Just continue, please omg!” you pushed on his lower back till he started back up again. 
“YES! Fuck” you closed your eyes as your pupils rolled back in your head. 
Your mouth flew open. “Shit shit shit!” you squealed as you felt the familiar feeling of having to pee. 
“Fuck! Eddie, I'm about to squirt, don't stop!” you screamed. Eddie's eyes grew wide as he felt and heard you soaking his abdomen with the clear liquid. 
“Fuck im really gonna cum now!” Eddie alerted you. 
“Just one more minute!” 
“Fuck I can't control it!” he shouted as he thrusted as fast as he could into you, spurts of cum shot out of you, soaking the bed, yourself and your boyfriend. 
Eddie felt the milky liquid flow out of him as he groaned loudly. “Ahhh fuckkk” he groaned exhaustedly. he slowed his pace as your body gave out, if you hadnt been on a mattress you would have fallen down from your collapse, instead you just lay there completely fucked out in a pool of cum as Eddie lay on top of you, his head in the crook of your neck, trying to catch his breath. 
He let out a loud breath as his eyes shut from exhaustion. You lay under him, your legs spread and your hands above your head, breathing rapidly. 
“Holy fuck” was all you could muster. 
“Sorry I came so fast” Eddie whispered in your ear “That was the best I've ever had” you stated quietly. Eddie chuckled with pride. 
“Having fun yet!” you heard a knock at the wall followed by Steve's voice. “Shut up man!” Eddie shouted back. 
“I'm getting you back for this! I just had to hear my brother having full blown sex!” Nancy shouted “Oh god i'll never be the same!”
you both laughed at her. 
After 20 minutes or so of lying in the pool with Eddie still inside you, you both got up, eddie slipped his boxers back on as you ran and got towels in just his t shirt, you quickly dried yourselves off, soaked up some of the cum on the bed and changed the sheets, lots of towels covering the damp patch for a quick fix. 
You threw yourself on the bed, exhausted. “Nope, I need a shower” you sat back up, eddie beside you. 
“Bath?” he asked with a heartwarming smile. “YES!” you said excited. 
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
ugh youre such a dream thank you for such detailed answers! its so appreciated and i feel as fresh as coming into the fandom all hopeful in summer 2022, up for discussing!
re this: '[wills'] sexuality is less explored in regard to the most baseline aspects of being gay. Is it infantilizing because he's our cute sweet little victim? Is it because he has yet to actually pursue his love interest in the narrative? I'm still working on pondering this myself!! Because it isn't at all how I viewed his situation or character.'
would LOVE to hear more thoughts on this, because i too have not figured it out. tbh, the whole party growing up was a hard pill to swallow at first cos its bittersweet, but it never made me deny will's character a coming of age arc or sexuality arc. i was like - welp, its happening, whether im sad or not that theyre no longer babies. infantilisation makes sense though - i even had non-fan friends who watch the show assume that will was a few grades below the other boys, and much younger.
perhaps for many, they can't accept his growing up because it's reflective of change in general, of the show coming to an end, changing? this is narrative the show itself explores, though - beautifully, i might add.
but i would love to know what your original thoughts on will's character and this storyline prior to all this spicy policing were! how did you view his growing up? was a sexuality storyline inevitable for you?
One thing I never fully understood is the general unease or being uncomfortable thinking about members of the party "growing up" and now viewing them in a different light, meaning getting involved in genuine teenage experiences like sex etc etc et al. I guess I just do find that frustrating sometimes when my view is: everyone grows up, we're there. Hit with: "but we saw them as kids! We watched them grow up! It's weird!" But WHY? I want people to explain why. Stupid analogy, but I think of how dumb it would be if my bf saw some home movie of me as a little kid and turned to me to say "well, unfortunately I can't fuck you anymore. Turns out, you were at one point - a child!" 😂 it sounds like that to me though!!!
Yeah we can still see our cute little babies s1 but we can also watch s5 and appreciate the journey, the coming of age. That's what's gonna make stranger things such a cool show, watching the actual journey from childhood to after (didnt Linklater film Boyhood over a decade to capture growing up in real time? Cool idea, never saw it). It's like any child star in the Hollywood industry. Miley was on Disney but then she started her adult career and were people initially odd about it having a pretty sexual angle? Yeah. Then everyone had to get over it. I acknowledge and understand the adjustment period, but it's frustrating in fandom for these boys that at large it's such a hang up. And, they're fictional. I know the irl actors portraying them plays into all this but... still.
(Then we got the M'leave-hers out here wanting Mike and El to get married and start having babies in s5 while we can't even talk about byler having a heated makeout or joke about Mike checking out Will's ass without pitchforks thrown our way. Booo)
As for what I thought for the shows trajectory, I did always hope we'd get an exploration of Will's sexuality as time went on. I really thought that was built into his character from the beginning (and it was and I was right) like it's one of the first things we learn about this little boy, with what Lonnie thought of him ☹️. I always wanted to see what they actually did with that and now it'll be a really, really incredible payoff if he does Get the Boy. I wasn't even really thinking too hard about byler back then but I can't even describe how heartbreaking that little moment when he tells Joyce "I'm not gonna fall in love" is in context, just... it always gets to me. S4 was a game changer and seeing what they were doing with Will and Mike? Hooked me. Decided to actually look into the fandom as something I wanted to engage w beyond just TV and the occasional pretty gifset or funny interview clip I came across on my dash or theories on reddit - shock and awe when eventually I saw how the vocal asshole fans acted. Debates and witch hunts over how far just a kissing scene can go? Sad.
Byler is great, byler is cute and palatable until you acknowledge that gay teenagers feel desire and maybe have sex, woah! People were even weird about aged up fic and art and everything! Still stumped to an extent about it. Our canon gay character (two, actually, just yet to be hmmm canonized lol) gets the sanitized treatment while Steve and Eddie and all their fanon post 7000 E rated fics w little complaint. (Finding out that was actually as popular as it is really shocked me?) I'd celebrate that and care about them more if the differences weren't so annoying. Just because of the age thing. Oh, get over it. Wish I'd taken a stand from the beginning and just did what I wanted without feeling awkward and going with the status quo. Lame. But maybe this is better, so much nicer having complete openness and a relative fresh start.
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emlee81 · 5 months
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Joshua Faraday-Whiskey and Sunsets Pt. 3
After a few days on the trail with Joshua, I slowly begin to miss Salina and my old life. It wasn't a great life but it was the only one I had. I think Joshua begins to notice. Although he doesn't say anything at first. Maybe he thinks it'll pass and I'll be fine within a few days. If he only knew.
Two more weeks pass and I'm still floundering from leaving so abruptly. As much I thought I'd enjoy some time away from there and a little adventure, homesickness has permanently taken up residence in my mind.
"Mira." Joshua is lying beside me, my body pressed into his as he caresses my back. I stifle a sob, which has slowly overcome my senses.
"You miss Salina, huh?"
"I'd really love for you to stay," Joshua murmurs softly. "But if you can't take it anymore, I'll take you back."
I don't respond right away. I can't. Mostly because I'm crying. But now that I have Joshua, I can't abandon him. He's become a part of who I am and I'm not the sort who just runs off because I'm downtrodden.
"I'll...I'll stay with you, Joshua." I slide back, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping my face and nose.
"I shouldn't have expected you to just throw your life away because of me."
"You never asked that of me," I say vehemently. "I left on my own accord. You didn't drag me off, kicking and screaming."
"No," Joshua agrees. "But I asked a lot of you. Expecting you to just be okay with leaving that all behind."
"It's been an adjustment," I admit. I recall how Salina just took care of me. She never asked for anything in return. I never understood why she did that for me. I was a nobody.
"I'm sure things will get easier as time goes on," I add. Joshua hugs me close and I cling to him. As much as I ache for the familiarity of my old town, being with Joshua makes up for it. (Mostly.)
"All right." Joshua kisses my forehead and I smile through the remainder of my tears. "But if you change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me."
"Oh trust me, Joshua," I murmur, stroking his hair. "I'll let you know."
The ache does seem to slowly dull with time. There are times when it still hurts and I ache to be back with Salina and see all those regular patrons. But for the most part, I feel that I made the right decision in leaving with Joshua Faraday.
We'd had an interesting run in with a mysterious man dressed in black. He'd asked if maybe Joshua and I were interested in making some extra cash. Immediately I was intrigued by this man's offer.
"The lady isn't involved," Joshua says, that fierceness coming out in him. I smirk. After all these months, Joshua Faraday is still trying to protect me.
"I'll speak for myself, Mr. Faraday," I say crisply. The man in black smirks. He knows I'm not backing down from whatever this fight turns out to be.
"Mira," Joshua begins but I hold up my hand, halting his egotistical speech.
"I can look after myself. I have been for years now."
"It'll be dangerous," Joshua warns me.
"Joshua, life is dangerous."
"She makes a fair point," the man in black says. Joshua shakes his head, moving to mount his horse. I follow suit, smirking as we ride out of town.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
There are others. Each as different as can be. I don't recall all of their names but they're all fierce in their own way and I respect them for it. Especially when they realize just how tough I can be as well.
"This is madness." Joshua is leaning against the bar in the saloon, looking terribly uncomfortable. He shifts from one foot to the other, downing whiskey.
"No shit." Joshua looks directly at me. His eyes are beginning to glaze over. I don't know if it's because he's drunk or something else.
"Joshua, are you all right?"
"No!" The venom in his tone surprises me. I fall back, just staring at him. He mumbles an apology before refilling his glass.
"Let's take a walk," I suggest.
"I'm not in the mood for no damn walk," Joshua groans.
"We're going on a walk." I grab his arm, nearly dragging him out of the saloon, as a few others make an Oooh sound, like they know he's in trouble.
"What's your problem?" Joshua's words are slurred somewhat.
"You're worried about me," I say quietly. "Well, let me tell you something, Joshua Faraday. I'm just as worried about you."
"I'll be fine."
"You aren't fine now," I point out. It's pitch black out here, the only lights coming from the saloon and a few windows lit up from kerosene lamps.
"You don't belong in this fight." Joshua suddenly bends over, hurling. I step away.
"Why?" I demand once Joshua has finished getting sick. "Because I'm a woman?"
"You damn men! Always thinking us women are so damn fragile! It's disgusting."
Joshua wipes his mouth with the tail end of his shirt, glancing over at me.
"I'm just scared, Mira. Scared you won't make it out alive."
"As if I haven't had that same thought about you," I murmur.
"Yeah, but should something happen to me, you have a home to return to. Me? If something happens to you, I'll probably just end up drinking myself to death."
"Oh, Joshua." I move, gently wrapping my arms around him, burying my face in his back. We stand there, enveloped in darkness and our unsettling thoughts.
"We're gonna get through this," I whisper. "And once the dust settles, we'll go start a new life together."
Joshua reaches out to grasp one of my hands, holding it tenderly.
"That sounds like a mighty fine idea, Miss Ross."
Bullets rain down all around us. I feel like I've been shooting for hours at these idiots. There was a whole bunch of them, arriving on horseback, their leader in the middle, looking like he was some damn king.
I'd ended up in the bell tower with two of the others. One of them is indeed gifted with using a rifle.
We fire and fire. I suddenly see Joshua swing up on his horse, riding out to a small cluster of men. My heart jumps into my throat as I watch him risk everything.
It's over. Not everyone made it out alive. Luckily Joshua wasn't one of those. We say our goodbyes, collect our reward and head out to begin a new life together.
A year later:
"Joshua, just what are you doing?" I'm standing at the doorway of our modest little cabin, watching as Joshua climbs down from the roof, grinning proudly.
"I just finished the roof, baby." Joshua hops down from the last few rungs on the ladder, taking off his hat and wiping away the sweat on his brow.
"It's about damn time, too," I grumble. "I'm tired of getting rained on in the middle of the night."
Joshua laughs, grabbing me and spinning me around. I chuckle as he sets me on my feet again. I grab the front of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Joshua grins again. I love the teasing look in his eyes.
"I'm pleased it's finished, too." Joshua moves, putting an arm around my waist as we survey the finished cabin.
"Now that this place is weather tight," I say. "What do you think about us expanding our family?"
Joshua gives me a gentle squeeze, planting a kiss on the crown of my head as I nestle closer to his chest.
"I think I'd like that, Mrs. Faraday."
"Good because I have a little surprise for you."
"You're pregnant already?" I laugh.
"I'm not sure yet. But it's a strong possibility, Mr. Faraday."
"Well damn." Joshua scratches his beard, looking a little disappointed.
"I'll lose my drinking partner!" I laugh again, shaking my head.
"Don't worry, Mr. Faraday," I murmur. "We've always have our whiskey and sunsets."
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unrealization · 5 months
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Well, this account was me desperately grasping for the feeling doing RP used to give me. It started with a desire to write certain characters from Dead By Daylight, but I figured I may as well add every character I've written in the past as well so I could finally have the space to keep them all at least somewhat alive. I could go into more specifics for specific muses, but we'd be here all day.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
To be honest? No. Unless I get stuck writing the same type of plot over and over again I'm pretty much happy to do anything. I'm sure everyone gets the ick from something every now and then, but it tends to be something I stumble into. There are a few ships that I simply won't write if that will suffice as an answer.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Angst, I guess. I like putting characters in dark places so they can really show you who they are. I actually struggle with characters who are too well-adjusted and happy. My home is in the cracks in their psyche.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Oh of course. Every single character I've ever thought seriously about has a few. I don't think anyone doesn't, despite some people saying so. There are simply so many gaps in your average story to be filled that we feel compelled to fill them. Canon tells me how a character behaves in their element, and I NEED headcanons to take them out of that element.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Music, for sure. I have a very large writing playlist that I've compiled over the years filled with music that inspires me without being too distracting. Sometimes I will actually pick music to fit the mood of what I'm writing to keep myself focused. It is basically the only antidote for losing myself in a thought black hole at times.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
It depends. Generally I like to give myself a little outline if I can. Plan out certain beats that I need to hit in a reply. Other times the idea just hits like a wave and I just let it carry me out.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh yeah, of course. Its funny because in the context of RP I've actually found myself enjoying really random ships I would have never considered otherwise but I had a great partner and we made it work somehow.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Irons! Yeah I'm not sure I even remember where it came from or when I started using it, but it is unique enough, and I'm attached to it. Several IRL friends even call me Irons. It is literally nothing like my real name, either.
30. Been writing since I was 9 if you want an idea of how much time its been for me.
August 15th!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
I tend to be drawn to reds. Go figure, right?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Impossible to pick a favorite.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
I think it was When Evil Lurks. Very interesting movie, but don't watch it if you're not down to see some fucked up shit.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
No More What Ifs
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
I'm very into sushi. Please try to find a good sushi place near you, I promise you won't regret it.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Autumn. Big Haloween fan, and it means Summer is over.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Honestly? No. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I barely talk to anybody here. Its not that I don't want to, I'm just never sure what the best way to engage is. I guess I'm inclined to say topaz (@ruiination/@ochazos) But that barely counts since we know each other outside of the site. Still I wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for them always encouraging me so I'm comfortable naming them as such.
tagged: Stolen from @yukcri
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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doctor-amazing · 1 year
I'm getting a bit twitchy. It's night, or morning, or whatever you'd like to call it. I'd figure out what to call it, myself, except for the fact that my phone's long dead and I can't seem to keep my sense of direction about me.
It's no help that the moon's not out, or the clouds are thick, or maybe I'm just seeing things again.
I think I breathed some of it in back there. That'd explain it. That'd explain a lot, actually.
It was fun, at first— the spelunking, that is. It's one of those things that always sounds intimidating, and awful, but with the right company, anything's a great time. I had my best friend with me, and we'd parked a loooong way down the road from a famous cave that'd been cordoned off.
Supposedly, there were some sort of bioluminescent fungi that lived in the caverns, and they were being studied for some fancy glow-in-the-dark dye.
I need to sit down for a moment. Catch my breath. Telling this story is exhausting, yet I haven't said a word.
The fungi did glow well enough, in any case. We'd passed through the scientific base camp at the mouth— mostly abandoned, since apparently the company was waiting for a grant to finish their work, and that was our opportunity to get into the cave before security came back when there was more to guard.
The only signs of the occupation were two empty tents left standing, and a rack just inside the cave with a few full-body hazmat suits.
It's getting a little hard to move through the forest, now. Half of it's the wood getting thicker, but the other seems to be some sort of fatigue I can feel deep in my lungs. I'm having to huff a few raspy, staccato breaths for every one I'd have to take normally. I'd be more worried about it, but it's been a few hours of walking, so maybe it's just the dust kicking up.
The cave itself wasn't terribly hard to navigate by the light from our phones, and there weren't any crazy drops of tight turns, as luck would have it. We saw rope left haphazardly strewn around some junctions, where perhaps they had seen fit to map elsewhere, but had given up nonetheless.
Eventually, there was a sort of blue glow ahead— at my own insistence, my friend and I both snapped off our flashlights, and we let our eyes adjust to the light of the plant life ahead. Actually, can you even call a mushroom alive?
Turns out, it's not just the dust. I was right about breathing it in, after all. Do you want to know how I know I'm right?
I can feel it.
It's pulsating in my veins. Throbbing. Reaching. Waiting.
It's not patient, and it knows that it's already won the game that was afoot. The one I had no idea I was playing.
The reward for it is a sickening crack that reverberates throughout my body, and after a moment of excruciating pain, one of my arms goes entirely limp. My scream breaks the silence of the woods, but after the moment has passed, I realize my arm is completely numb except for some sort of lingering pinpricks and soreness.
A phantom pain, of sorts.
For a second, it looked like my friend had kicked up a helluva dust cloud from the stone floor, but then the coughing began.
My eyes watered, and I couldn't stop from blinking over and over and over again in a futile effort to get whatever the hell was in the air out of them. I stumbled, ran, and got a few nicks and scratches from whichever walls I got snagged on.
Eventually, enough distance had passed, and with one foot in front of another, I made it near the entrance, in one of the side passages. I looked around, called my friend's name, and then noticed something was off— a flashlight beam pointed at the ceiling, from the bottom of a drop.
I wanted to fucking vomit on the spot.
My eardrums feel like they're splitting apart, but the woods are as silent as ever. I can hear it— them, thrumming inside of me.
It's running through my bones, tearing through my flesh, making a home in my marrow and crevices.
I've scratched my arm to bloody ribbons. I can't tell if the itch is in my fingernails, or the mess it's made.
I figure I must be losing it on several fronts. The thrum of the thing inside of me is unbearable, and it makes me want to rip my ears off and grind the stumps of cartilage on my cranium into paste.
The... rot.
It's screaming at me.
The message, I still can't discern.
There's a pressure somewhere on my back, near my shoulder. It's hard to pinpoint where, but it's getting worse. Almost painful.
I'm still heading through the woods, but my prospects aren't good— I haven't seen the trail in hours, and it's not getting any lighter.
Looking over the cliff, my friend's body was splayed out like a ragdoll at the very bottom. I'd never seen that much blood in my entire life, and the stone piercing his skull glittered crimson in the light of his phone.
I stepped back.
Then took another step.
Then another.
I couldn't stop running, rushing past piles of rope, rushing past the hazmat racks, rushing past the tents, and into the brush beyond.
There wasn't an ounce of sense to my flight, and I lost track of the path immediately in the state I was in. At some point, I tripped, yelling in surprise, and slammed my outstretched hand into a stone on the forest's floor. My phone came up spiderwebbed with cracks.
Somehow, the humming has lightened up. Or maybe I'm adjusting, or maybe I'm beginning to understand it a little. There's a rhythm to it, as horrific as the wailing is, but it permeates my body, and I'm absorbing it with every second.
Exposure therapy.
I have something extra, now, to make up for this swollen, useless mess of an arm. Just above the shoulder blade, there's... something. It's new. Alien. I can't express what it's like to have something like that where it shouldn't be.
I can't tell if I'm horrified or pleased.
My other arm seems to have a mind of its own, too. A few times, it's swung at nothing, and the feeling is beginning to fade in a way that's entirely unlike the first. It's... slow, and patchy. Sometimes I can feel it, and sometimes I can't.
If I don't focus on keeping it still, it gets numb and starts to work on it's own accord. Like having your eyes pulled somewhere else every second.
I stop, breathless, and vomit something dark and red onto the forest floor. Something chunky. My breaths come ragged, and I come to the slow realization I don't know where I am.
My mind is everywhere, but I manage to keep my head up and keep moving. Any direction is better than here, so I'll start walking.
I'm twitching a lot, now. It's hard to see, but maybe it's just dark. It hurts, but it says it'll stop soon. It says we're close, that it can see the lights. Lights. Home. Food. I can hardly move by myself. The new growth is unfamiliar, so it helps me move sometimes. It says that it'd be better if I just let it lead for a little while, so I can sleep. Rest. It says that when I wake up again, it'll have found some food. That sounds nice.
I'm very hungry, after all.
I think I'll let it handle the rest.
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harmonicsys · 2 years
Training Hiccup
A Witch transforms a despairing human into a clockwork and wooden doll -- but problems crop up during its training.
CW: depersonalization, subservience, allusion to sex, mind programming, mention of nonconsent
The Witch surveyed her work area, covered in magical symbols written in enchanted ink and assorted tools covered in mechanical grease. The transformation was finally complete, after a very long night of spells and hydraulics work.
The robotic doll, a masterpiece of flesh transformed under incantations to wood, then filled with clockwork innards, lay on the workshop table, looking lifeless.
As the Witch clicked a recessed toggle switch hidden behind the doll's ear, it sat up.
"wh---what happened? When are you… When… Are you going to start the… The surgery?" tumbled haltingly from the doll's lips.
The Witch adjusted a few knobs on the doll's flank.
The doll suddenly shouted, "OH! GOODNESS! EVERYTHING'S SO BRIGHT AND---"
The Witch adjusted the knobs again.
The doll spoke again, more calmly, "Oh, hello. I feel funny. I want to ask about the transformation, but I have a feeling that…" and looked down to examine itself.
"Well, yes, I'm sure you can see that it's been completed successfully," the Witch replied, "but do let me know if that funny feeling doesn't pass within a few hours. I may need to do some further tuning."
The doll hesitated and said, "Certainly, … Miss. Should I call you that, now? We'd agreed that until the transform---"
"Hush, little one," interrupted the Witch, sternly, "you will need to learn to think less and defer to me more."
The doll's eyes widened.
"Actually," continued the Witch with a smirk, "I can go ahead and adjust that a bit. But there will still be some learning required from your end, doll." With the last word, the Witch leaned in close, her face mere inches from the doll's face, then she adjusted another knob ever so slightly, her expert touch becoming apparent to the new doll.
The Witch spoke in a firm voice, "When you're ready, you'll find your first list of tasks on a note on the kitchen table. Take no more than an hour to gather your wits," before departing the room promptly.
The doll gazed around, a mix of confusion and wonder flashing through its clockwork head. Everything seemed quite different now than it did last night, before the Witch had put her into a trance to start the process. "Her"? She---it---wasn't human anymore. That was the former incarnation, whose body had been named Christine, and whose body had been replaced by carved wood and gears.
The world seemed both gentler and brighter to the doll, compared to the harsh and dim sense of reality that Christine knew in her last moments as flesh.
The doll replayed the weeks leading up to those moments to itself: long, exhausting days of despair and depression that didn't respond to medicines or therapy; hearing rumors in support groups of a powerful woman who could permanently cure such things; packing up her things into a couple suitcases to make the long train journey to where this powerful woman supposedly lived; wandering through the town asking passersby if they could help Christine find the powerful woman; giving up on her search on a rainy day and sitting down in a teashop next to a woman with a strange aura…
The doll's clockwork mind segued from one reverie to another. Here she was, in the house of the woman with that strange aura, the woman who turned out to be the one she sought, in the house where she had pled on her knees for help, in the house where she'd been warned that this would be permanent, in the house where she'd signed the detailed paperwork agreeing to everything that was to happen. The paperwork, in fact, was very extensive, providing a loose blueprint for what Christine's future would look like, and containing a verbose consent waiver listing all the things might come to pass.
In fact, it had taken Christine an entire day to read the paperwork and ask the powerful woman no less than eighty-five carefully-worded questions. Christine always tried to be so careful, all the time, but that was the crux of it, wasn't it? Because no matter how careful she was, things would still never work out, and her mind would go spiralling. She had decided that she was willing to pursue whatever course necessary to make the spiraling stop, and if she couldn't… well… she didn't try to dwell on morbid thoughts, but she knew she couldn't go on like this.
The doll suddenly was filled with a strange sensation, reflecting on Christine's sense of personhood; this was something which was foreign, leaving a metaphorical sour taste in its mouth. The clockwork mind simply wasn't built for such things, all the entrappings of being a human.
The doll realized the hour was probably nearly up and climbed off the workshop table, a little inelegantly. Its clockwork mind was designed for its mechanical joints, different from the joints of Christine's body of flesh, but clearly needed to tune itself through experience.
Entering the kitchen, the doll found the Witch waiting at the table, eyeing the entryway expectantly. The note was lying on the table, but the doll was hesitant to approach the Witch in order to retrieve the note.
"Fifty eight minutes… I was beginning to think I would need to provide your first correction so soon. I hate having to do that, so it's lucky that I won't. Were you dwelling on thoughts of being Christine? I understand thoughts of the previous flesh form are one of the most common side effects as the transformation spells wear off," observed the Witch.
The doll looked abashedly at the floor and said quietly, "Sorry, … Miss? Would this one call you Miss now?"
"Yes," replied the Witch sharply, "you are never to call me Mira again unless I instruct you to do so for a specific situation. Is that clear?"
The doll gingerly made eye contact with the Witch for a brief moment to confirm, "Yes, Miss."
"Now, to keep your little gears from returning to thoughts of being Christine, I'm going to have to give you a sort of placeholder name. If you dwell on thoughts of personhood, your gears might seize up, so you'll use the placeholder name to remind yourself that you are not Christine. But you also must be mindful not to let the placeholder name become a sense of personhood either, lest your gears seize anyway! In time, you should find that you can abandon the placeholder name entirely, but for now… I'm assigning you the placeholder of Unit 73."
Unit 73? The doll pondered for a moment whether that meant seventy-two others had come through before her---ouch! Suddenly there was a weird ping in its clockwork, and it realized it had thought of itself briefly as "her," as Christine.
The Witch chuckled, observing the slight grimace on the doll's face and spoke, "Yes, there have been many others. And many of them experienced what you just did, making the mistake of thinking about being on the many humans who have taken this journey. One little thought won't seize your gears, just maybe cause discomfort, but heed my warning."
The doll nodded. The Witch handed it the prewritten note, which said, "1. Stop thinking about that, this is your life now. 2. Make me some tea."
* * *
After eight weeks of training and practicing, Unit 73 was nearing graduation day. The exciting thing about graduation day was that the doll would finally be used as the Witch's plaything; the task list would be expanded from just chores and required periods of being still, to also include whatever the Witch deemed would be good entertainment for herself.
The doll was looking forward to the ability to bring new forms of joy and satisfaction to its Witch. In only a few more days, the doll was going to find itself being put to use in many, many ways. The Witch did not lack an imagination when it came to things she wanted to do with obedient dolls.
Except there was one problem. Despite eight weeks of steady progress, these last lessons were abject failures for Unit 73.
"Doll! This was your fourth attempt, and it has gone no better than the last three. You've never needed more than three tries on previous forms of instruction. I think I'm going to have to see if a wayward bug has clogged your gears."
So up on the workshop table the doll went. The Witch began the incantations that would slow the clockwork mind enough to safely poke around inside of it to hunt down the cause of the malfunction.
As the spells started to take effect, Unit 73 went into a trance, aware but unable to respond. The Witch started unscrewing the plates protecting the intricate clockwork brain, setting to work on the complex task of a full diagnostic.
The Witch laid the plates aside, clamped a few flywheels in place to avoid injuring her hands, and began poking around among all of the tiny gearwork. The Witch surveyed the machinery at her finertips and commented, "I don't see anything gumming up the gears. In fact, everything looks perfect. I think I need to dig a little deeper."
Delicately removing several modules, the Witch whispered a few words of arcane magic. Deep inside the clockwork brain, several little boxes stopped buzzing and humming and started to glow. Carefully maneuvering her fingers toward the boxes, she exclaimed, "That isn't supposed to be here!" but nobody heard it, as the doll was no longer aware, lost in a dream.
The Witch removed the boxes and examined them carefully. Some of them had strange markings that she had only seen in books long ago. Most of the little boxes were supposed to be there, compact units of clockwork programming which would have been magically transformed from regular components of a human brain. The ones with the strange markings, however, did not seem to correspond to any neural circuits the Witch had ever studied.
She re-inserted the correct boxes, leaving out the strangely-marked ones, and substituting a couple spare unprogrammed boxes she had in a parts bin, setting them into learn mode as she clicked them into place. It would take some extra weeks of training and significant amount of spellwork for all the microgears in the new boxes to be programmed, but Unit 73 was beautiful and had done so well on all the assigned training tasks up until the last few. The Witch wanted to get this doll fixed properly.
Whispering more arcane words, the Witch saw the tiny boxes stop glowing and start humming and buzzing. The two new unprogrammed boxes made a faint screeching sound for a minute before blending in with the chorus of the other boxes. Satisfied that the microgear boxes were all operating, the Witch removed the flywheel clamps, causing many of the paused gears to come back to life, albeit at a slowed pace still.
Refastening the plates covering the clockwork brain, the Witch reversed the trance incantation. Inside the doll's head, the brain whirred into full speed. The doll blinked several times, then made a few little whimpering and squeaking sounds.
"Miss?" the doll uttered with trepidation, "This one can't remember the last few days."
"Ah, yes, so then that was the issue. I think you had some previous programming… and I suspect you weren't entirely flesh when you showed up at my doorstep," noted the Witch.
"Miss? What does that mean? Was this one not a human before?"
"Oh, by all external accounts you appeared to be, but there are all sorts of ways to do transformation spells, and not all of them are so obvious. In fact, maybe it's my fault for not checking for that beforehand," the Witch pondered, looking suddenly a bit perplexed.
The doll's eyes lit up. "Would you like some tea? This one would be happy to make you some!"
"Yes, sweet doll, that would be perfect right now. Thank you."
The Witch smiled as the doll got off the table and trotted off toward the kitchen. Unit 73 seemed to be already recovering from the delicate technique. Adjusting a clockwork brain does not always go smoothly, and the Witch had to decommission a doll before… but she didn't want to think about that pain right now. Right now, she had an obedient little plaything to train.
Having a previous spell-worker's programming in there would explain the problems with the recent training. The Witch suspected it was something creating for control, implemented without the former human's awareness or consent. Not all magic users were ethical enough to obtain consent. In the long discussions with Christine leading up to the transformation, the Witch had carefully discussed her history with her, and there were no signs that Christine was aware of having any sort of previous owner or anything similar.
The Witch followed the doll to the kitchen, hopeful that Unit 73 was finally ready to finish training to be her plaything.
* * *
Mira looked at herself in the mirror. Since her changed circumstances had forced her to give up being a full-time Witch, she had been unable to keep up with the beauty charms which had preserved her looks for so many years. It was now clear that she was a little older. The final doll she had trained, however, always looked upon her with the same amount of adoration as ever.
She sighed, as she got ready for her job as the teashop manager. She didn't mind it, at all, actually; she was able to pass along wisdom to newer Witches, giving them tips on how to maintain their dolls to keep them running efficiently. And a number of her dolls worked in the teashop, so it was always a pleasant place to work.
But it was still work, and she longed for the times when she was a full-time Witch. Managing a teashop wasn't her calling, but sometimes concessions have to be made in life.
Having a job was necessary, though, if she wanted to able to continue to maintain the one doll she had at home, the final one she had trained.
And she did. Because when Unit 73 cooed in delight, it was as if the skies themselves were speaking your name.
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xwanderlusterx3 · 2 years
Christmas in the UK (Tom Hiddleston/OC Fanfic)
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Author's note: This is all inspired by a dream I had over a year ago; I haven't written in a long time and am trying to get back into it- be gentle with me. Hope you enjoy.
Tom and I have been what one would describe as best friends for years- it was the holiday season and he had invited me to his flat in London to have dinner with his siblings who were in town for Christmas. This was my first time meeting them after years of just hearing their names and stories. When I arrived they were all already there, sitting cozily in the living room of Tom's large flat- his sisters and their small families. As I entered the room I was immediately greeted by warm smiles, and a kiss on the cheek from Tom.
Emma, small with dirty blonde hair and a sweet smile, the youngest of the three Hiddleston siblings, shook my hand and introduced her husband Jack and two boys- Aiden who was 5 and full of energy, and Charlie who was only a few months old, cuddle in blankets in Jack's arms.
I turned and greeted Sarah, the middle child of the Hiddleston family, with strawberry blonde hair, tight eyes and a fierce face that was a bit intimidating as she took a minute to assess me. Her husband Yakov gave a polite smile as she introduced him and their daughter Lacey, age 9, who was spinning in her Christmas princess dress.
“It's great to finally meet you all. I'm just sorry it took so long to do so.”
“Don't be sorry,” Emma smiled, “Its not your fault Tom didn't bring you around sooner.” she smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey now, its not been necessarily easy to international travel here as of late, or have you forgotten?” He replied.
“Excuses, excuses.” Emma sasses, “but we are so glad you could be here to join us this evening. We are so happy to have you.” and she seemed genuine about that.
“I'm surprised you were able to breakaway from work and family around the holidays in order to come out to merry old London.” Sarah was looking at her nails, almost disinterested. “What does your husband think of all this?” she pries and I can already sense she may not not like me.
“Sarah. .” Tom warned.
I reach a hand toward him in protest, “No, its ok. I was expecting a question like that.”
Sarah looked surprised.
“He's totally fine with it. Brett's met Tom plenty of times and knows how close we are. Plus, it's been my dream to make it out to London around Christmas and unfortunately he wasn't able to get the same time off as or he'd be here too.”
“Right. How unfortunate.” she nodded.
Jeez, we'd just met and already I could feel the disdan radiating off her.
Emma smiled, taking the smallest of her two boys from her husbands arms. “Forgive her, she can be a bit cheeky sometimes, but she means well.” she came beside me, cradling little Charlie in her grasp.
“It's ok, I promise.” my voice slowly turned into a coo, as I reached my hand to Charlies, letting his tiny hand wrapping around my finger.
“Do you want to hold him?” she offered, motioning the baby toward me.
“Oh no, I couldn't.”
“Sure you could” Tom beamed, “It'll do you some good.”
I could spit at his shit eating grin, he was doing this on purpose. Tom knew I wasn't a kid person, and he adored them.
“Just for a moment, I promise he barely cries.” Emma adjusted her form to give me access to taking hold of little Charlie, I grabbed at him awkwardly, worried I'd not support the neck or heaven forbid drop him mid transfer, but there he was, in my arms, staring back at me with bright eyes and a hint of a smile.
Maybe this wasn't all bad.
I made sure to look up to give Tom a small glare and he chuckled before whispering, “but you're doing so well.”
I shook my head and began to bouncing Charlie, walking around in a circle where I stood.
“I guess you aren't so bad,” I say lowly, freeing one of my arms to let Charlie wrap his small hand around my finger again. I had to admit, he was pretty cute and he smelled so sweet. I never imagined having children, it wasn't something I wanted, but the longer I held him, the more I found myself able to at least consider becoming a mother. . .maybe. . one day.
I could feel several eyes on me all around the room, I gazed up to see Emma, her head cocked gently to once side, admiring the maternal instincts come out in me, Sarah, biting the side of her lip with an annoyed expression and lastly Tom, his eyes glistening with a wide grin on his face. He moved toward me, walking around to position his chest at my back, placing his hands on either of my shoulders, resting his chin by my neck. “Careful, Brittany.” his voice low and buttery, “We might make a mum out of you yet.”
I won't deny, in our years of friendship and the depth of how I felt for Tom that I hadn't fantasized about what a life with him as my partner would be like. Marriage, kids, a house with a white picket fence - the whole thing.
Just then an image flashed in my mind of he and I pushing a toddler in a swing and my cheeks burned red.
I was snapped out of my day dream by Toms hand, moving hair from the side of my face to tuck it behind my shoulder, I positioned my head to look at him and he rested his forehead on mine, letting out a sigh of what sounded like contentment.
I would have paid good money to know what he was thinking in that moment.
“Alright then!” Sarah shouted, clasping her hands together, “When can we anticipate dinner?”
Tom dropped his hold on me and suddenly the room was a little colder.
“Ah yes, dinner. It should be ready any moment now, Brittany - would you be so kind as to help me set the table?” Tom began for what I imagined was the kitchen. I happily agreed, gentling handing Charlie back off to Emma who praised me for how good I'd been with him.
Making our way into the kitchen to load up on dishes and silverware Tom rested a hand on my lower back, guiding me to the correct room of the flat.
“I am truly sorry about Sarah,” he said in little more than a whisper.
“Don't even worry about it, like I said, I expected questions.”
We were in the kitchen now and it smelled divine. Mashed potatoes and thick brown gravy on the stove and the scent of turkey radiating from the oven.
“You did all this yourself?” the kitchen island was full of homemade cookies and small tarts as well.
“My sisters brought a few dishes, so I can't take all the credit, but you do know I love to cook.” Tom said stirring the gravy.
“I can't believe this is the first time I've let you cook for me, Mr. Hiddleston. I promise it wont be the last.” I say playfully.
“You only needent ask , my dear.” he smiles and it touches his eyes.
It warms my heart seeing how happy he was to have my company. It had been almost a year since we'd seen each other in person, but we talked almost every day via text or facetime. He had been so busy lately with shooting films, press interviews and such, that he barely had time for mundane tasks, let alone visit with a friend who lived so far away.
“I'm really happy you're here.” he reassured my thoughts, reaching to take my hand in his.
“Really? I couldn't tell.” I tease, watching his thumb rub over the back of my palm.
“What? Why not?” his brow furrowed.
“Well, for starters. . You haven't hugged me yet.”
He chuckled, “Then come here, you.” he pulled my hand, motioning me into his arms for an embrace. Tom hugs truly were the best hugs. Warm, deep and comforting- like a cozy blanket. I had to stand on my tippy-toes to rest my head on his shoulder, not only because I was short, but because he had always been so tall. My nose was greeted with the scent of his hair that lay resting there, it had grown quite long since I'd last seen him, and it really did suit him.
I'm sorry I've been so busy lately,” he said into my hair, laying light kisses on my head. “I promise I'll make it up to you in the four days we have. I'll be at your beck and call every second, showing you all around London. How does that sound?” He has me at arms length now, looking me directly in the eyes with such promise.
“Sounds perfect.” I almost forget how to speak, our time apart had caused me to completely become oblivious to the chemistry we shared. There was always a magnetic pull between him and I, since day one. It wasn't anything he and I could act on since when we met I had already been married for some time, but out friendship was too precious to just let go of because we couldn't be together romantically. This had been something we had had heavy talks about several times in the past, but nothing ever really changed between us.
His eyes scanned my face, as if taking in all the detail of my features he had missed, memorizing them, before stopping at my lips. Like gravity pulling him in, his face began to close in on mine and before I could object Sarah's voice interrupted.
“This doesn't look like setting the table to me.” her voice was laced in anger and my face went red with embarrassment.
“Oh good, Sarah's come to help. It'll go quicker with another set of hands.” Tom chimed, apparently going to act like we hadn't just almost been caught in a kiss.
“ Brother, I. .”
“Later, dear sister. We've got hungry mouths waiting.” Tom zoomed past her with plates in his hand, headed toward the dinning table.
Sarah simply glared in my direction before opening the silverware drawer with a huff.
Lovely, just lovely.
Dinner was as delicious as it smelled, we had all managed to make enough small talk to fill all possible silence. . Well everyone but Sarah, who refused to do anything but glare back and forth between Tom and I. I learned a lot about Emma and husband, their jobs, how they met- even a little about their son, including his favorite color. Sarah's husband would join in from time to time, but not a peep was made from Sarah, herself.
When everyone had finished their meal, Tom and Emma were in the middle of a reminiscent conversation, so I decided to take this time to collect everyone's dirty dishes. I hated doing dishes, but I felt like it would be a nice gesture as well as give me a little time to think and collect myself after what had taken place by the stove not long ago.
“No, no. Set those down. You are a guest, guest don't do dishes. What kind of host would Tom be if he let you clean up after us.” Emma said the moment she realized what I was doing.
“It really is no trouble, plus I want to feel like I did something for you guys tonight.” I replied, taking the dish from in front of Sarah, careful not to make eye contact.
“Set those down, love. I will take care of them.” Tom cooed. I directed my eyes to his that were apologetic, knowing his actions earlier had probably completely shot my nerves.
“Please, let me.” I tried to communicate to him without words- to give me this moment to myself. “I love doing dishes. It'd be my treat.” I lied. I know he knows I hate dishes.
His eyes fell to his wine that he'd barely touched and nodded. “Alright. I'll allow it, but only because you love it so.” he said, taking the glass in his hand before downing the contents. “And bring me back another glass on your way back, will you, love?” I half smiled, knowing the situation had driven him to drink. I really shouldn't have come.
“Of course, be back in a bit.” I excused myself to the kitchen.
What was I doing here?
I had battled with my decision to say yes to Tom's proposal that I come out here for months before I agreed to. My husband, Brett, had reasoned with me, telling me I'd kick myself if I didn't come, which I would have, but he had no idea there was anything but friendship between Tom and I.
This was a mistake, right? I had just gotten here and already we had almost kissed. I had 4 more days of having to be on good behavior.
This was foolish, yes- but I couldn't just leave on the next plane out of the country.
Or should I?
I was a few dishes way from being finished when I felt someone enter the room with me.
“Are you just here to break my brother's heart, or what?” I turned around startled to see Sarah in the door way, a glass of red wine in her hand, almost empty.
“What? No, I would never. . .”
“Really? Than why are you here? Half way on the other side of the world from your dear husband, with a man who is clearly head over heels for you.” she sloshed her glass at me as she spoke.
“Sarah, I promise- we are just friends, really good friends. I didn't come out here to make trouble, I came here to meet you guys and see London. I. .”
“Do you think I'm daft? That Emma and I are both blind to the way he feels about you? Bloody hell, are you really so foolish?” she laughed. “We've tried to get him to date for years and he refuses. Something about time,” waving a hand in the air, “but we all know it's because of you.” she glares.
“I promise, I. .”
“No, listen here. . I know exactly your ploy. You came out here to use Tom for a good time, let him dote over you, spend his hard earned money on dinner and gift. .just so you can leave and run back to your husband when its all over. Breaking him, when he realizes he can't keep you, leaving Emma and I to pick up the piece.” tears are filling both our eyes at her words and I'm at a loss for what to say.
“That's . .”I stumble over the lump in my throat. “That's not why I'm here.”
“Well, good- because I won't allow it. Tom deserves happiness, damnit. A happiness you can't provide, so why don't you finish those dishes girl, grab your things and go right back where you came from.” she gulped the last of her wine before turning on her heal to retreat back into the dinning room.
I stood in place, shocked.
Sarah held nothing back and I was left to process it all.
I had to leave, I couldn't spend another moment here. Not if it meant hurting Tom, not if it meant being in the same house with Sarah.
Crying, I quickly finished the last of the dishes, dried my hands and took a few deep breaths. I would have to think of something clever, something believable. I wiped my eyes, to clear the tears while thinking of a good reason for my exit.
I'd' grab the next taxi and head directly back to the airport, hopping the next plane back home, even it meant sleeping in those uncomfortable chairs while I waited. I'd have to figure out what to tell Brett on the flight.
I collected myself before working up the courage to show my face again in the dinning room which I now realize was most likely full of people who don't want me here. My heart clinches at the thought of Emma faking her delight in meeting me. Was acting just a talent that ran in the family or was she actually genuinely happy I was here?
I shook the thought from my head, it didnt matter anymore, I was leaving.
Biting back my pride I made my way to the table. "Brett just called," my voice wavering. "He thinks he might have Covid." I lied, looking only at Tom whose expression turned concerned.
"Oh that's awful. Is he ok?" Emma stood from her chair and leaned toward me.
"He isn't doing so well, so it looks like I'll be cutting my trip short." I dropped my gaze. I couldn't continue looking at Tom, he'd know I wasn't truthful, he could read me like a book.
"Well that's no good, when will you be leaving?" Jack, Emma's husband asked.
"Right away, I'm afraid. I've already got my flight booked." Lies continued to spew from my mouth in the form of word vomit and all I could do was hope that I was half as good at acting as Tom was. 
"What? So soon?" Tom stood from his seat. 
"Unfortunately." I nodded.
"Well, that really is to bad." Sarah tried for sincere but I could hear the victory hiding in her voice.
I felt the tears forming, threatening to split over the brim of my eyes, giving me away. "Thank you all for tonight. For. .everything." I take one last apologetic look at Tom before hurrying for my things in the living room. 
"Brittany, wait." He calls for me, but I've got to get out of here and into the next taxi or I won't be able to keep up my act. 
In a rush, I sling on my coat and grab my luggage.
"Brittany. . " Tom calls again, closer this time.
And I'm out the door, greeted by frigged air and a light snow fall.
The road is busy with the Christmas hustle, as I hail for the next available cab. 
"Come on, come on. . " I urge as two taxi's voom past. 
I think to walk around the corner to make it look like I'm long gone when Tom inevitably comes to find me, but I'm too little to late. Tom's concerned tone rings out from the door of the flat behind me. 
"Sorry I. . " 
Somewhere on the walk from the door to my side Tom's concern turned to anger, "So that's it then?"
"I nearly kiss you and you run?"
Oh Gods, he thinks this is his fault. "No, that's not at all what this is about. . I told you .."
"I know what you told me, I also know it was a damn lie." He sneers, "Do you truly think I don't know you well enough to tell when you're blatantly lying to my family and I's faces?"
Ouch. This whole plan was set to avoid hurting him and it seems I've managed to anyway. 
"Tom, I. ."
"If it wasn't the almost kiss, than what is it than?" He huffs and the warm air is visible in the cold. "And please," his voice falters a bit, "try not to lie."
I can feel a part of my heart shatter at his plea. This isn't at all how I saw this trip going and depending on how the next few minutes went I may lose my best friend forever. 
"It was a mistake coming here." That didn't come out how I meant it to and I'm plague with instant regret. 
Tom's expression had fallen so quickly, I'm afraid I'll never be able to mend what was just broken. "I see."
"Tom, I don't know what I expected to happen when I came out here. . I'm married." I reminded him.
"Wait. ." His left eyebrow lifted. "Did Sarah say something to you?".
I wasn't sure if I should be relieved that he came to this conclusion on his own without me being a tattle-tale or worried that he'd found the truth and what rift that may cause in the relationship between the two. 
I paused to think.
"Brittany, tell me." His teeth were gritted together in anger again. 
"She's only looking out for you." I came to her defense and not even I'm sure why.
His arms raised, landing his hands behind his head, "I knew it." He said, almost relieved? "What did she say to you exactly?"
I shrugged, "Just that I shouldn't be here. That it would only hurt you. To go right back where I came from. ."
He sighed. 
"But, is she wrong?" I huddled my arms as close to my body as I could to try and keep warm. 
"Brittany, I invited you here because I want you here." Slowly he makes his way toward me. 
"You belong here." He reaches a large hand toward my face, resting it on my frozen cheek. "With me."
"Tom. ." I try to pry my gaze from him, but its no use. I'm a moth to the flame.
"And I should have done this a long time ago. . " before I even have a chance to think, his lips are on mine in a kiss so full of longing I almost burst. I know this is wrong and that I should move away, but my motor functions are just as much frozen in shock as they are from the cold. 
When he finally pulls away he rest his forehead on mine, his eyes to the floor. 
"I know I should apologize for that, but I have nothing to be sorry for. I've been holding that in for years." He chuckles, moving back a bit to look at me. 
It's been a moment and I'm still at a loss for words. I wasn't mad he kissed me, and in that moment I barely felt any guilt, only complete and utter contentment because I wanted it too. 
"I love you, Brittany. None of this has gone as planned so far, but as long as you know that. . " he trails off, bending my head toward him to kiss my crown.
I'm still speechless as I look at him. He seems so happy and proud of himself, its almost adorable. I'm afraid anything I might say will ruin the moment so I just stare awkwardly.
"Please," he laughs nervously. "Say something. . .anything?"
"That's just it, I don't know what to say." I grab a button on his peacoat and begin to latch it to the other side. "Or do for that matter. Where do we even go from here, Tom?"
He takes my hands in his."Brittany, look at me."
I meet his eyes.
"Do you love me?"
"Yes, but.."
He shakes his head, "Are you in love with me?"
"Again, yes- but. ."
He shakes his head again, "That's all I need to know. Now please, come back inside out of the cold. I'll deal with Sarah. We don't need to have everything figured out right now. We have 4 days to sort it all, but for the time being lets get you warm again, darling." He wraps his arm around my shoulders rubbing my sides with both his hands creating warmth from the friction. 
"When we get inside, I'll show you to your room. You get settled in and I'll deal with my sisters, alright?" 
I nod, thankful I wont have to fess up to my lie or face Sarah again. 
"Draw yourself a bath and we shall talk when your completely relaxed, ok?" 
I nod again.
We've made it to the door and I take a deep breath, he spins me toward him and plants a chaste kiss on my lips, "I love you, Brittany. You have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to say it aloud."
The End
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