#if i. remember correctly. i might not. i dunno i just forget about this guy bc dusknoir haha funny pmd
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
i love when vocal synth characters are like over the age of forty LIKE i get why teen and young adult is the marketing move but god i love a good grown ass adult. show me that mortgage-paying singing robot NOW
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tekatonic · 2 years
2023 blog update !
Sooo happy new year everyone, and let's get into the thick of it, because I have a lot of words to spew out from my little tired brain ( i swear i started writing this at 4am, how's it past 6 already ? ). Beware long post...
I'm ditching the "sonic fandom" categorizing tag, most of my blog is sonic stuff so it doesn't really matter ( i'll change out the old tag on my old posts later when i remember... )
I wanted to change my url, cause i don't like what it stands for now, but it's what I'm credited as in the SWA zine and i don't wanna inconvenience them this late in the thing, so I'm gonna keep it for the time being. Maybe in a few months I'll change it ?
I kinda hate tagging my posts so i think i'm gonna stop using most of my tags when i'm reblogging, just doing my regular comments instead and content warnings if it needs it ( don't forget you can always ask to tag ! ), and of course, the reblog tag stays.
This doesn't mean I'm ditching the categorizing tags entirely though. I'm gonna try something. At every end of the month I'll go into the mass post editor and just correctly tag everything. ( I might still tag characters and fandoms the regular way for non-sonic stuff ).
I might reblog a little less. Or at least try to. The amount of stuff I usually reblog kind of overwhelms me ( sideblog will not be affected as it's a lot less pressure ).
I have a lot saved up in my likes tab that i still need to get to reblogging... might be time to revive the 'queued' tag ?
I'm still gonna be serial-replying, sorry... It's just less stress for me.
In terms of resolutions... I wanna post more art ! I basically stopped entirely in the later half of 2022 cause of ID anxiety and that's no good, art is what i made this blog for ! I also still haven't introduced you guys to my AU and I was supposed to do that in, like, June 2022... So I'm gonna do that. Lemme know what format you think I should post the 24 ( and more ) images in ? ^^;
Maybe I could post my long rambles and weird ""essays"" ( heavy quotations because those are basically liveblogging of my current thoughts ), if you guys would like to see that. A lot of questioning logic, lore, headcanons and theories. Stuff like that.
I want to interact more with the fandom ! Provide actual content ! Be active, be friends, y'know. Do the club activities and all that jazz. Art challenges, redraws, collabs, whiteboards, dtiys... I wanna be part of the cool/uncool kids and have fun while doing it !
I'm gonna go through sideblog-exclusive stuff below the cut since I'm sure most of y'all don't care about that. I only have 3 or 4 followers on there since I've only ever shared it with friends, so you probably don't even know it exists.
Alright so for ekana-to-hana.
It's basically gonna stay the same
I haven't been drawing my sonas and their universe a lot, so sorry about no new original art... I'm gonna try to draw them more !
All this time I've been just reblogging random stuff, but I think I'm gonna start sharing the things I like. Of course those posts won't get any more than 3 notes unless people actually like what i care about ( plants, fashion, ultra-specific aesthetics, various potential craft hobbies ), but hey whatever.
So in short, more original posts.
I might ( emphasis on 'might' ) start posting personal life updates like, i dunno, plant pics, merch if i get some, ramblings about life and shit.
Unlike my main blog, tagging remains unchanged, since i have way less to organize ( no characters and fandom tags ).
I should sort out my organizing tags for personal clarity tho.
Maybe I'll do some OC+fandom art, to promote the account ? But honestly I wouldn't really count on it.
And that's all folks.
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
You’re mine // Draco Malfoy
A/N: This is an anon request I received. I had to alter the wording of one of the prompts a little bit for it to make sense, I hope that’s okay. Also please be mindful that this is my FIRST smut I’ve ever written. I’m happy with how it turned out but omg was it difficult. But anyway, enjoy and don’t be afraid to request! {Prompt list}
Summary: Draco and Y/N are friends with benefits until Y/N decides she’s done with him. Cedric tries to get with Y/N Draco gets jealous and smut follows.
Warning(s): SMUT! Swearing, Angst, Fluff
Word count: 4.4k
Prompts: #1 #4 #7 #28 #35 #47
All she could think about was his face. The way his grey eyes had pierced her soul last night—the feeling of his hands on her hips. 
“Earth to Y/N.”
Her attention snapped back to the present. A perplexed Hannah was looking at her. “You alright? You looked really zoned out.”
Y/N blinked rapidly, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Sorry. What were we talking about again?” Y/N asked while lightly slapping her cheeks to bring herself back to reality.
“We were going over our plans to study for the transfiguration exam. We agreed to meet in the library on Sunday.” Hannah said, her tone sounding slightly irritated.
“Oh yeah, that’s…” Y/N caught sight of him, her eyes glued to him until he left the Great Hall, “fine. That’s fine.” 
Hannah followed her gaze. “Seriously, Y/N? Malfoy? That’s who you hooked up with last night?”
Her friend’s words drove fear into her chest, “Would you shut up? Someone’s gonna hear you!” Y/N whisper yelled. Hannah threw her hands up in exasperation. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and picked up another slice of bread.“So what if it was Malfoy? What’s wrong with that?” she asked, oblivious as to why Hannah was so upset.
“What’s wrong with that? Y/N, you simply can’t be serious. Malfoy’s an arse. He bullies anyone who isn’t a Slytherin. Hell, he’s bullied you numerous times. Not to mention he’s not even that attractive.”
Y/N’s mouth fell open upon hearing her friend’s words. “Not attractive? Hannah, have you gone blind? Have you looked at the guy?
Hannah rolled her eyes and dropped her face into her hands. “There’s no hope for you. It’s over. I mean, I can already tell you’ve caught feelings.”
“I most certainly have not!” Y/N exclaimed, inadvertently causing the people around her to stare. “I’m not an idiot, it was a one-time thing,” she muttered while picking at her eggs.
“I hope you mean that,” Hannah said. Y/N couldn’t meet her eyes.
Her friend sighed and reached across the table to grasp Y/N’s hand. “Don’t think too much, you’ll give yourself a headache.”
Y/N ignored her and pulled her hand away while saying, “Snape will have our heads if we’re late, we’d better go.”
The two Hufflepuffs rose to their feet and made their way to the doors. As they were walking through them, Y/N felt a hand grab her wrist. She let out a little yelp and whipped her head around to see none other than Draco Malfoy. “I need to speak with you,” he said, his tone firm.
Hannah had noticed her friend disappear from her side. When Y/N looked back at her, her hip was popped, and her eyebrow cocked. Her facial expression suggested she wouldn’t be happy if Y/N stayed behind to talk with Draco.
Y/N gave her an apologetic smile, hoping it would appease Hannah. It did not. She shook her head and promptly stomped off to class. 
Slowly, Y/N turned around to face the blonde boy behind her. His hand hadn’t left her wrist, but he let go once he realized he was still holding it. Clearing his throat, he looked both ways before speaking. 
“Have you told anyone?” his grey eyes once again pierced her soul.
She shook her head, but then remembered Hannah. “I haven’t told anyone, but Hannah did figure it out,” she said, nervously biting her lip. His eyes flickered to her lips before returning to her eyes.
“If we are to continue this, nobody can know. Do you understand me?”
Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes from widening in shock. “I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? You want to continue this?”
Draco raised his eyebrow. “You don’t?”
Her hands waved frantically. “No, no, I do, I just… I dunno, I didn’t think you’d want to is all. But I’d like to continue, yes. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
Draco gave her a displeased look, “You’re very annoying,” he said, “But you’re accessible so just keep it under wraps, alright? Besides, you wouldn’t want to see what happens if I find out you’ve told people. Understand?”
Y/N was quite frankly insulted by the way he spoke about her. He straight up, had called her “accessible.” She was about to give him a piece of her mind, but then he gave her a look, and she thought better of it and nodded frantically. 
“Yes. My lips are sealed.” She rocked back and forth on her heels in an attempt to calm herself down.
Draco scanned her up and down before nodding. “Good,” he said. And then he began to walk away. Y/N didn’t think before calling out to him. 
“How will I know when you wanna, you know, do it?”
He didn’t bother to stop walking when he called back, “I’ll find you.”
Y/N buried her face in her pillow. If she concentrated, she could still smell his cologne on it. She breathed in deeply as she reminisced the events of a few nights prior. Somehow, Draco had found her while she was taking a midnight trip to the kitchens. He didn’t have to say anything to her, she knew what he wanted, and frankly, she wanted it too. 
He took them to her dorm since it was closer. He pushed her up against the wall, wrapped his hand around her throat, and whispered in her ear, “Such a pretty mouth. You’d better keep it shut, though. Wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, would you, darling?”
She still got chills when she thought about it. Lucky for her, it was a Saturday, meaning she could stay in bed as long as she liked. Or so she thought.
“Wake up. They’re serving pancakes today. You don’t wanna be late,” Hannah said in a sing-song voice. Y/N groaned; she really needed Hannah to stop interrupting her daydreams.
“Oh, don’t be like that. They’re serving blueberry pancakes.”
Y/N flung the sheets off her chest. “On second thought, let’s go,” she said. Hannah laughed, “I knew that’d get you up. You really need to stop staying up so late, though.”
“Yeah yeah, you need to stop getting up so early. The plants aren’t going to die if you fail to water them at exactly six in the morning.”
“How do you know? You forget to water Pepper all the time.” Hannah replied.
Pepper was Y/N’s little cactus. It sat on her nightstand in a yellow pot. She loved Pepper dearly.
“Hannah, Pepper is a cactus, and cactuses don’t need a lot of water, so take that!”
Hannah rolled her eyes. “Come on; we might legitimately miss pancakes if you don’t hurry.” And with that, the Hufflepuff threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and rushed down to the Great Hall.
Y/N was practically running through the corridors; she could almost taste the pancakes on her tongue. “Geez Y/N, wait up!” Hannah called after her, desperately trying to keep up. 
In her haste, Y/N didn’t notice the group of people turning the corner, and she wasn’t able to stop her feet. She crashed right into the boy in the middle of them.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you,” Y/N stammered, holding out her hand to the boy she’d knocked over. 
He got to his hands and knees and pushed himself up. When he turned around and faced her, Y/N’s heart sunk. 
“Y/L/N?” He scoffed. “Look where you’re going next time. Blimey, what a waste of space,” he shouted, his minions laughing along with him. Y/N felt her face burn with embarrassment and a little bit of hurt. 
Hannah, who had caught up to her friend, chimed in, “Shut up, Malfoy, why do you insist on being such a git?”
“You wanna say that again, Abbott?” Draco threatened, reaching inside his robe for his wand.
“Hey, hey, let’s just calm down, alright? Nobody’s hurt, we ought to keep it that way,” Y/N reasoned, despite her desire to give Draco a right punch in the gut. Reluctantly, he put his wand away.
“Come on, boys, these twits aren’t worth our time,” Draco said coldly as he and his friends strutted away.
“What a knobhead, I mean honestly, you’d think he’d be a bit nicer towards the girl he’s sleeping with,” Hannah said through gritted teeth. Y/N didn’t even care about her friend’s volume. After all, it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Well, he’s not sleeping with me again. Not after that, I’m done with his shit,” Y/N said, tears gathering in her eyes.
Hannah smiled upon hearing her words, “Bloody hell, it’s about time you realized he was no good. Now let’s get some pancakes, yeah? Come on, you deserve some.” The pair walked into the Great Hall to begin their pancake feast.
A few weeks later, Y/N was sitting on a bench by one of the many windows in the Hogwarts corridors when a boy wearing a Hufflepuff scarf walked up to her. She looked up and noticed it was Cedric Diggory. Cedric was only a year above her, but they hadn’t talked much.
“Cedric? Do you need anything?”
He smiled, “Nothing in particular, no. I just saw you sitting alone, and I thought you might enjoy some company. Am I mistaken?”
Y/N felt her face flush. “Oh, uhm no, you’re not wrong at all,” she stammered.
Cedric stood awkwardly. “Oh! How can you sit if I don’t move over?” Y/N asked while she gave a nervous laugh. Cedric was by far one of the most attractive boys in Hufflepuff, so it only made sense that his desire to sit with her, of all people, was making Y/N nervous.
He chuckled at her anxiousness and took a seat next to her. The bench was relatively small due to Y/N’s things taking up a quarter of the space. This caused her hips to touch his. This made her face burn even more.
“So why are you all alone on a Friday afternoon?” he asked.
Y/N felt her heart clench, “Oh well, my best friend, Hannah, and I are actually in a little bit of a row at the moment. I may have unknowingly talked about her crush a bit too loudly, and they overheard. She’s not very happy with me, understandably.”
“Ah, I see. But it was an accident, and surely she’ll forgive you sooner rather than later. Don’t you think?” Cedric asked, trying to reassure Y/N.
“I hope so. Lately, she’s been a bit dodgy. She’s been really short with me, yelling at me all the time. It’s not like her,” she remarked. 
“Perhaps she’s dealing with something personal. And if she is, then she’s probably taking out her frustrations on you. And don’t get me wrong,” he said while holding his hands up, “that doesn’t make her actions, okay, but if that is the case, then that would mean you’re not the problem. Does that make sense?” Cedric asked.
She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head. “Yeah, actually, it does. Thank you, I never thought about it like that,” she said.
He laughed, the deep baritone of his voice coming to the forefront. “Well, I’m glad I could show you a different perspective on the situation. Sometimes that’s all you need.”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” she said. When he didn’t reply, her eyes fell to her lap, too nervous to look him in the eyes. But then she felt his hand on her face. He gently took her chin between his thumb and fingers and turned her face upwards to look at him. He was smirking. 
“You don’t need to be nervous, sweetheart. I don’t bite,” Cedric said as he moved his hand from her chin to her hair. He pushed some stray strands behind her ear so that her face wasn’t covered.
Y/N’s heart began to pound. This boy was making her sweat. She noticed then that he had grey eyes, just like Draco. Her chest grew tight at the thought of him. She hated to admit it, but often she found herself missing the blonde boy, even if he was an arse.
Her attention was brought back to Cedric when he spoke, “If I were to ask you on a date, would you say yes?”
Air got caught in Y/N’s throat, and she launched into a fit of coughs. Cedric immediately reached for his wand. He took her hands and put one on top of the other to create a makeshift bowl. Pointing his wand to her hands, he said, “Aguamenti.”
Water spouted from the tip of his wand and flowed into Y/N’s hands. She eagerly slurped it up, soothing her dry throat. They repeated this process a couple more times before Y/N was satisfied.
“Thank you, that was so embarrassing. I’m sorry you had to do that.”
Cedric only laughed. “No problem. You sure you’re alright?” he asked.
She nodded fervently, “Yes, I promise.”
“Well, in that case, what do you say? To the date, I mean.”
Y/N tapped her finger to her lips, pretending to think. Cedric gave her an unimpressed look that made her giggle and break character. “Yes, Cedric, I’d love to go on a date with you,” she said.
A huge grin broke out on his face, and he rushed to his feet, “Brilliant, I’ll meet you in the common room tomorrow night at eight. Don’t be late!” he called as he sprinted down the hall. Y/N could only laugh at his playful nature. “Okay!” she yelled back to him. 
Once he rounded the corner and was out of sight, she let herself plop down on her back with a dreamy sigh. “I’m going on a date with Cedric Diggory,” she spoke out loud.
“How pathetic,” said a voice.
Y/N sat straight up and sharply whipped her head around. Sure enough, there stood Draco, this time without his minions.
“Shut up, Malfoy, what do you care anyway?” Y/N muttered.
“I don’t,” he said before he took a bite of the green apple in his hand, “It’s just that you fancied me a few weeks ago, didn’t you, Y/L/N?”
Y/N shifted in her seat and crossed her arms defensively. “So what if I did. I reckon you were starting to grow fond of me too.”
Draco scoffed, a smile appearing on his lips. “You’re insane to think I’d ever fancy you.”
His words were like a slap in the face to Y/N. She honestly thought that he would have developed some mutual feelings for her. It turns out she was wrong.
“Well, at least I’m not a low life scumbag like you. All you care about is your reputation. Don’t you have any emotions? Did you even care about me when we were fooling around, or was I just a toy to you?” Y/N’s chest heaved with anger as she finished yelling at him.
He stood eerily still. Silence fell over the corridor.
“You don’t even care anymore, do you? You never did.”
Draco clenched his fists, trying to control himself. But the longer he looked at her, the weaker his resolve became. Without thinking, he bolted towards Y/N, startling her as he did so.
He grabbed her chin forcefully and tilted her face upwards, a stark difference from how Cedric had just minutes ago. She avoided his eyes, breathing heavily with fear. 
“Look at me,” Draco demanded. Her eyes remained fixated on his chest.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said, look at me!” 
He was yelling now, his grip growing tighter. Y/N was afraid of him leaving bruises, so she caved and let her eyes travel to his. His pupils were wide, and his teeth were gritted. He saw the fright in her eyes and smirked. “Scared, Y/L/N?” he asked, chuckling at the look on her face, “you should be. It seems that you’ve forgotten who you belong to, little girl.”
Y/N’s heart must’ve been going a mile a minute; it felt like it was going to break out of her ribcage. The man in front of her looked so attractive. She began to feel her temperature rising.
“You’re mine,” Draco said before he pressed his lips to hers aggressively. She gasped into his mouth; he took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He ran his hand up her neck and into her hair, where he grasped it tightly between his fingers. This new leverage allowed him to angle her chin upwards. He kissed her intensely until he was forced to pull away to catch his breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw Y/N’s flushed face and swollen lips. She wasted no time and smashed her lips back onto his, letting out a soft moan as she did.
“God, you’re breathtaking,” he muttered, pulling away once again.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I hate you,” she laughed. Draco smirked and looked away from her lips so that he could gaze into her eyes once more. “Liar,” he said. Y/N bit her lip. 
“Perhaps,” she said while giggling. 
Draco rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss her neck, simultaneously running his hand underneath her button-up shirt. He heard her breath waver as he did this. Little noises escaped his mouth when he sucked her skin between his teeth. She squirmed under his touch, unable to sit still. His hand reached her breast, and he gingerly squeezed her through her bra. 
“Let’s take this elsewhere,” Y/N suggested. Draco paid her no mind and continued to suck on her neck. 
“Draco, please. We can’t do this here, and I want you now,” she pleaded.
He pulled away to smile smugly at her. “Desperate today, aren’t we?” 
Y/N whined in response, wiggling her hips. Draco laughed at her eagerness. “Alright, alright, let’s go.”
They jumped to their feet and grasped each other’s hand as they dashed down the hallway and all the way to the Slytherin common room entrance. “Dementor,” Draco whispered. The walls opened up to reveal a stairway heading down into the dark common room Y/N had come to be familiar with. Luckily, nobody was in the main room.
They practically ran up the steps to the boys’ dorm. Older Slytherin boys had figured out how to dispel the charm preventing females from entering a long time ago, so the pair were able to get inside easily.
Draco burst through the door to his shared room with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. “Out,” he demanded. The boys didn’t ask questions. They simply dropped what they were doing and left the dorm room.
He turned to Y/N. “Where were we?” he asked playfully while he took his shoes off.
“Don’t tease me, Malfoy,” she replied snarkily as she did the same.
“You’re not the one in charge here, love,” Draco snapped while pushing her backward towards his bed. She fell onto the emerald green sheets covering his mattress. He wasted no time climbing on top of her. She immediately rolled her hips upwards, craving friction. Draco grabbed her hips and pushed them into the bed. “Patience, love,” he said softly.
But Y/N wasn’t having any of it. She writhed underneath him, trying to break free of his hold. He didn’t like this one bit, so he put his hand on her throat. This halted her movements instantly.
“Be still, little girl. Good things come to those who wait,” he said in a sultry voice. Y/N nodded, her eyes wide open. 
Slowly, he trailed his hand from her hickey covered neck down to her chest where he began to unbutton her shirt. She struggled to remain motionless as he skillfully removed her shirt and tie. He licked his lips when her shirt was out of the way, and he could see her full breasts. 
“Take it off,” he commanded. Y/N sat up and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. When it fell from her shoulders, Draco latched his mouth onto her nipple, causing her to let out a deep moan. He smirked as he flicked her nub with his tongue. His other hand was making its way to her center. 
Y/N didn’t notice his touch until a finger slipped inside her. She gasped sharply and felt herself clench down on him. He detached his mouth from her breast and lightly laughed. 
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
Y/N moaned and whispered, “Just fuck me already, you arsehole.”
Draco hummed, pretending to consider her request. “No, I don’t think I will. I don’t think you deserve it.”
She whined and rolled her hips again. As she did this, he slipped another digit into her pussy. “Fuck, Draco,” she groaned. Suddenly, he removed his fingers. He watched as she pressed her thighs together, trying to stimulate herself. “What the hell?” she asked angrily. 
“Do you want me to get naked or not, darling?”
Y/N crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. He simply laughed at her and began to unbutton his own shirt as well as remove his belt. She took this time to kick off her skirt and underwear. 
Draco bit his lip when he saw her bare pussy. He felt his dick twitch in his pants, and he sped up his pace, eager to continue what he started. 
Once he’d gotten his pants off, he leaned his face downwards and began to kiss the insides of her soft thighs. She propped herself up onto her elbows so she could watch as he got closer and closer to her center. When his tongue made contact with her pussy, she felt a shudder go through her entire being, and she let her head fall back onto the plush pillows.
“Draco,” she moaned as he sucked on her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her hands found his hair, and she gripped his blonde locks tightly, trying to keep herself stable as he continued to lick and suck her.
He continues eating her out for nearly ten minutes before adding his fingers back into the equation. He swiftly slides three fingers inside her wet pussy. Y/N gasped out in pleasure. “Please,” she said, not quite aware of what she was begging for. Draco moved his fingers in and out of her while still sucking her clit. “Fuck! Right there, right there, please don’t stop,” she pleaded.
Draco obliged and maintained his pace. Y/N arched her back as it all became too much. Her mouth fell open as her climax overtook her system. Draco didn’t stop his motions. He continued stimulating her through her orgasm, only pulling away when he felt aftershock jolts pulse through her body. Y/N’s eyes began to close.
“We’re not done yet, sweetheart,” Draco said while pulling his boxers off and beginning to palm himself. He leaned down to kiss her softly, allowing Y/N to taste herself on his lips. She moaned into the kiss and ran her hands up his scalp. His hand reached for his nightstand to the left of his bed. Pulling away from the kiss, he dug into the drawer and pulled out a condom, quickly rolling it onto his dick.
She pulled him back in for another kiss while he lined himself up at her center and slightly pushed the tip inside. Y/N couldn’t resist the urge to wiggle her hips, successfully making Draco hiss. He put his hands on either side of her head and, without warning, slammed his dick inside her and began thrusting in and out at a quick pace. 
She cried out in ecstasy as she finally felt herself become full. The pressure in her abdomen began to build again. Draco’s eyebrows were tightly knit as he focused his energy into each firm thrust of his hips. The sound of skin slapping seemed to echo through the dorm.
Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist as he slowed his pace, opting to tease her rather than chase his own climax. The feeling of him gently pushing into her made Y/N whine in frustration. She wanted to reach her high so badly, and Draco was making it difficult. She decided she wanted to cum, so she sneakily stretched her hand down to her clit. But it was promptly slapped away by the man on top of her.
“Don’t even think about it, little girl,” he growled. But he began to pick up his pace, making Y/N mewl delightfully as the pressure once again began to increase. It seemed like Draco was getting close as well, his thrusts were sloppy, and he was panting hard.
“Please, please, I’m so close, Draco,” she cried out.
“Me too, sweetheart, me too,” he said in between grunts of pleasure.
He felt her pussy grow tighter as it contracted around his dick. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Each thrust felt better than the last. Her hips met his, eagerly, over and over until finally, she felt herself tip over the edge yet again. Y/N saw stars as Draco pounded into her even faster as he chased his release. He drove his dick in and out of her pussy until he, too, met his climax, cumming into the condom while her walls twitched around him. 
Draco lets his body collapse on top of her, both of them breathing heavily as they came down from their highs. Slowly, he pulled himself out of her, hissing as he did. She whined at the loss of her feeling of fullness. He took off the condom, threw it into a nearby bin, and then lied down next to Y/N.
“That was incredible,” Y/N uttered quietly. Draco laughed when he saw the blissful look on her face. He rolled over so that his body was facing hers, and he pulled her towards him. She nestled her face into his chest. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. However, I do need to clear some things up,” Draco said while stroking her hair. She hummed against him.
“And what would that be?” she asked.
“Well, for starters, I’m gonna need you to tell Cedric you’ve changed your mind about your guys’ little date,” he said in a firm tone of voice. Y/N laughed into the crook of his neck. 
“I’m dead serious. If you don’t tell him, then I will. Don’t test me.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll tell Cedric I changed my mind. But does this mean we’re…”
“Official? Yes, it does. I thought I conveyed that when I told you you’re mine,” Draco said, reminding her of today’s previous events.
He felt her wiggle in his arms. “What’s got you so squirmy tonight? You haven’t sat still for even a moment,” he chuckled. She mumbled an answer.
“Didn’t quite catch that, love,” Draco teased.
“I said, you, you nitwit,” she whispered angrily. He laughed and placed a kiss on her head. It felt good to have her back in his arms. And this time, he wasn’t going to let her go.
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edith-moonshadow · 3 years
I have always been a fan of dark fantasy comedy movies. So I think a good au to do, would be bedazzled. Billy as a nerdy guy gets seven wishes for his soul. I mean all the possibilities. Plus another good one could be the witches of east wick. Steve as a witch who just found his power and Billy as the handsome devil who has come to seduce and control him.
Spoilers For Bedazzled (2000)
I haven’t seen Bedazzled in years but if I remember correctly the devil sabotages all of his wishes so that they don’t work out for him and I was thinking it could be interesting if they followed the seven deadly sins, they might in the film the only one I remember is he wants to be sensitive maybe and he ends up crying at the sunset. So I think for his trial wish, the devil should bring out his better physical attributes, I’m going to say that Billy is already pretty, with a good body but he lacks confidence may be due to Neil and so he doesn’t dress well and hides in a corner, always trying to make himself the smallest thing in the room. The devil fixes his clothes and hair and shows him that he’s attractive by walking down the street and seeing people’s reactions to him, this doesn’t change how he feels but he does have a little more confidence and dresses better as a result.
I also can’t help but think of Robin as the devil in this instance like a sarcastic lesbian who low key is always scoffing at Billy’s wishes and rolling her eyes at how pathetic he is but she has to keep him hopeful so she’s kind when it suits her agenda. God can be whoever you want, I dunno if you want to stick with more biblical themes making God Robin’s dad or if you want to think of them as two wayward angels who have their own side bet going and are secretly in love with each other so are trying to win the bet to impress the other so you could make it Heather, for instance.
I’m imagining the wishes taking place in an alternate reality so that he can get a taste of them so Robin can make the reality anything, these could almost be a bunch of small AU stories within this larger story. So just a quick thought of what some seven deadly sins wishes could be and how they could be sabotaged:
Pride: For Steve to want to be seen with him in public holding his hand but in reality Billy is famous and Steve is only using him to get his own name out there while he has an affair with another man called Pierre who is a lot more romantic than Billy and he catches them together hidden in a corner of the club that they’re at where Steve finally tells him the truth that he’s only using him, he would never be seen with him in any other circumstance.
Lust: He wishes that Steve was so turned on by him that he can’t stand it, Steve in this reality wants Billy all the time driving him to the brink of exhaustion, nothing he does satisfies Steve, he always wants more until Billy can’t take anymore.
Gluttony: Steve to be so hungry for him that he needs him, Steve claims that he’s on a diet but insists on making Billy a huge meal and a cake, he seems very disappointed when Billy doesn’t want any. Billy thinks about kissing the pout off his face and replacing it with one of gasping ecstasy. So to please Steve, he eats until he’s near bursting happy when Steve seems to get amorous only to discover that he’s trying to eat him. Maybe Steve is a vampire with a sweet tooth?
Sloth: For Steve to want to do nothing else but stay with Billy all the time, maybe he thinks about them lying in bed together but when he goes to this reality Steve is a sleepy baby who is completely dependent on Billy to care for him.
Greed: Steve to be greedy for his love, then he wakes up in a reality where Steve is completely enamoured with him, they share a lovely night together where Steve seems happy and satisfied. He gets up the next morning to leave for work but Robin makes him forget his wallet and when he returns to the house Steve is with someone else acting the same way he did with Billy, he needs constant attention or else he gets lonely as he’s so hungry for affection.
Wrath: Billy is a little obsessed with Steve and there’s a dark part of him that wants to punish him for not immediately liking Billy back so he wants a scenario where Steve is at his mercy but that Steve enjoys a little kink so he’s happy for Billy to be a little rough. So he has rough sex with Steve where he says all the possessive things that have been in his mind all this time and Steve is receptive much to his delight but it turns out that Steve works in a dungeon and he gets paid to be a sub so even though he seemed receptive it was only because that was what Billy paid for and he’s cold and dismissive to him afterwards.
Envy: Because he’s watched Steve from afar for so long he wants him to be envious of anyone that Billy interacts with as Billy has felt this way for a long time and knows that if he was given the chance to be with Steve he’d jump at it only for the people that he interacts with to end up dead but Steve doesn’t seem to want to be with Billy he just doesn’t want anyone else to have him either.
Or you can follow the film’s kind of wishes just general ideas that are twisted by the devil to make sure that Billy never gets what he wants.
As time goes on Billy becomes more and more despondent thinking that Steve will never love him in any reality but the devil keeps stringing him along with hope. If I remember correctly in this film at least in the remake they make his last wish be that the girl has a happy life so I think that’s a good last wish as in this version it turns out that for Steve to have a happy life he just needs Billy. So Billy doesn’t have to give up his soul and he gets his wish in the end also.
Could also have Billy interacting with the real Steve in-between where little hints are given that Steve is noticing Billy and reacting to him which gets Billy’s hopes up and fuels his hunger for more when the devil turns up to quickly interrupt so that he’ll make a wish.
Spoilers For The Witches Of Eastwick (1987)
I love the Witches Of Eastwick it’s a great film I love how normally in films like this the devil is depicted as being beautiful and alluring kind of like Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled but the Witches Of Eastwick doesn’t do this as Jack Nicholson’s character is described quite unkindly by the female character’s they don’t find him appealing at all but when they are alone with him he understands them on a level that no one else does.
So I love how this subverts expectations but also in the case of Billy it aligns with how some people in fandom see him I’ve seen him called a trash rat and king rat, I’m taking this to be because in Stranger Things he’s shown as being covered in beer and spit, he’s sweaty a lot of the time, the whole tongue thing and he works out while smoking and drinking beer.
So I like the idea of Billy being very attractive but he’s kinda gross too, he also acts towards Steve in a way that he finds offputting. Steve is only coming into his power and he just dismisses Billy but he keeps showing up and eventually they end up alone and Billy turns out to be this really charming person who seems to be able to see right into Steve’s soul and Steve starts to fall for him and Billy helps Steve with his powers. Could have Steve talk to Robin about the perfect person for him and Billy turns up and ticks all the boxes which he eventually realises after he’s already involved with Billy.
Could also be Alpha Beta Omega story if you’re looking to stick a little closer to the story with Steve being the perfect Omega for Billy who’s the devil and wants to bring a child into the world, maybe due to his own upbringing Steve wants to have children but is afraid that the psychological trauma inflicted on him by his parent’s neglect would make him a poor parent so he has sworn off Alpha’s and even though he desperately wants children he chooses not to. Or he could have wanted to have children but due to being a male Omega, it’s incredibly rare so he went to a fertility specialist to be checked and they told him there was no chance. So he starts to develop his witch powers but he doesn’t want to be any more different than he already is as a male Omega so he keeps them on the down-low.
Could have Steve in a relationship where that person is happy not to have children, they don’t even want a pet as they’re very career-driven and are looking to work their way to the top with no distractions or are just a cold person, someone like his mom who is all about appearances. So Steve keeps his wish close to his heart, trying to ignore how desperately he wants it, maybe he works in a career where he can be nurturing and that appeases the pain a little. Then Billy comes into town and he’s this overly familiar Alpha and he rubs Steve the wrong way but Billy talks to Steve about children every time he sees him, igniting the little spark in Steve’s heart. Eventually, they have a heart to heart and Steve succumbs to Billy’s charms falling pregnant right away even though he was on suppressants or was unable to have children and that helps Billy in making Steve his.
So at some point, you could do that someone is judging Steve for being with Billy, mainly because it’s a small town and Billy isn’t subtle and Billy kills them because they’re causing Steve trouble. This makes Steve afraid of his powers as his guilt rises and he wants a little time alone but Billy doesn’t take this well at all. So like in the film Billy becomes desperate and punishes Steve for abandoning him could take one of the punishments from the film such as Sukie and the physical pain she’s put through. Or you could do a more psychological one like Steve feeling more alone. To stop the pain, he must return to Billy but does he then perform a spell to keep him away? Does it work? Can he truly live without him now after having been alone for so long?
In terms of other dark fantasy comedy movies have you seen Death Becomes Her? (1992) I can totally see them as Helen and Madeline, bitter rivals so consumed with each other that they can’t see their true feelings.
Or another film that is a little heavier on the horror would be Re-Animator (1985) with Billy as the obsessive incredibly smart Herbert West character who is all about his work until he meets the beautiful doctor Steve Harrington, the Dan Cain character who has enough heart for both of them but he’s in love with someone else which frustrates Billy who has problems of his own in the form of Doctor Hill.
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starcountesseevee · 4 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 26)
Part 25 / Part 27
     Kali was pacing excitedly around the kitchen, it was Monday and Cliff was finally back in town after what felt like forever. While he had “work stuff” -his words- during the day they had already made plans for the evening and Kali couldn't wait. Mara had insisted that Kali take today off but she found herself actually kind of wishing she was working just so that the time would go faster. The sound of Mara’s bedroom opening alerted Kali and she looked over with a grin as Mara came into the kitchen. 
     “Good morning!”  
     "I thought I smelled bacon." Mara plopped down. “You’re certainly in a good mood. And up early.” 
     “Why wouldn’t I be?” Kali beamed. “Although, that’s the last of the bacon so I'll probably run out to the store today, need anything else while I'm out?" 
     "Yeah I think we're low on patience, too. Think you can pick some of that up?" Mara teased as she made up a plate for herself. 
     "Oh hush. I'm plenty patient."
     "Says the girl who's been counting the days...nay hours until today." 
     "Okay so I've just been a little excited to see my boyfriend, is that a crime?"
     "Ahh to be young and in love…" Mara batted her eyelashes at Kali and threw her hand across her forehead dramatically. 
     "I...don't know about all that." Kali mumbled as she felt her cheeks flush.
     "Sure you don’t.” Mara rolled her eyes as she passed Kali to head back to her bedroom. “But everyone else does. And by everyone else I mean me. I'll be at the studio if you need me!" She called back, cutting off any further argument Kali could have had. Love, Kali thought to herself with a scoff. Mara didn’t know what she was talking about. 
     Kali checked the time again as she headed down Skiploom Street. It wasn’t even noon yet and a trip to the store wasn’t going to waste the hours she had until this evening so she decided to take a longer walk and scan some Pokestops to maybe get her mind off the time. It had also been a while since she’d been able to stock up on some supplies and she would need the coins to do that anyway. Most Pokestops in the city only gave five to ten coins a day so getting a decent amount to spend was a job but there was one just around the next corner that Kali was pretty sure gave twenty. 
     “Hey,” Zeke nudged his co-trainee, Bradley, as he saw a red-headed girl with a pokeball dangling from her belt turn the corner. “Looks like she might be a trainer, guess we’ll get to show off to the boss after all.” He thought he had said it low enough but Cliff overheard from where he was leaning and rolled his eyes. They weren’t here to show off, they were here to do a job, he thought as he scanned through his emails from the weekend. Their training was over and this was supposed to be their first time out on their own, Cliff was just there to make sure their training paid off but so far he wasn’t impressed. 
     “Yeah she’s cute too, maybe I’ll get her to bet on more than just leaving when I win.” Both boys chuckled. Cliff frowned at that, he didn’t support that kind of talk. Another tick in the unimpressed box, he thought as he paid a little more attention to what was going on to make sure they didn’t start harassing whoever it was.
     “What do we have here?” Zeke stepped forward taking the lead. Kali sighed as she spotted the two. Of course she would run into a Grunt here she thought as she questioned whether or not she felt like battling or turning around.
      “Looks like a little troublemaker.” Bradley chimed in, mimicking Zeke by crossing his arms as well. Kali raised a brow and glanced between them. She had been considering backing down but “troublemaker”? What were they, five? 
     “Really? That’s the best you’ve got? Did you forget to pick up your brains this morning with your uniform?” Kali quipped and Cliff’s head shot up, he knew that voice.
     “Hey, watch what you say, you’re messing with Team Rocket you know!” A sudden firm hand on his shoulder caused Zeke to turn around. Kali couldn’t hide the look of surprise on her face as Cliff pushed his way between the two grunts with a smirk.
     “So these two idiots are yours?” 
     “They’re a work in progress.” They began to protest but one look from Cliff had them retreat a few steps and he turned back to Kali. “This is a nice surprise.” He said low enough for only her to hear. As much as he might have wanted to pull her in for a kiss right there he didn’t want to presume that she wanted their relationship status publicized, especially not in front of others from Team Rocket. And he was on the job. But mostly the first reason.
     “It is.” She smiled coyly at him. “So that means you’re going to let me go scan that pokestop, right?” Cliff opened his mouth to answer but immediately shut it. There was no way he could just let her waltz right by with Zeke and Bradley watching. Not only would he look weak but they would probably go back to base and tell people he broke the rules. Kali must have read his silence correctly; when he glanced back at her she was eyeing him with a look that said are you really thinking about doing this? Okay so maybe challenging his girlfriend wasn’t the best idea but on the other hand maybe it was about time they had a battle.  
     “I think you know how this works, the only way you’re getting by is battling first.” 
     “Seems like a silly rule, but okay. Which one of those kids do you want me to trounce?”
     “Neither, I think it’s about time we faced off don’t you?” 
     “Oh?” Kali held his gaze for a long moment. “Alright, if you’re so ready to get your butt kicked so be it.” 
     “I don’t think that’s how this is gonna go. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll even go easy on ya.”
     “You can, but I won’t.” Kali could practically taste the tension hanging in the air between them. Cliff had a bit of an advantage as he had seen her battle before but she was pretty confident she could win regardless. And now that she had said it there was no backing down.
     Cliff could hear the two idiots, as Kali so eloquently put it, behind him snickering something along the lines of “she’s gonna get her butt whooped” and had an idea that would probably shut them up. “How about we up the stakes then? If I win you have to go on a date with me.” He kept his expression neutral as he heard the two guys gasp behind them. 
     Kali bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, he was trying to show off in front of those kids wasn’t he? “And what if I already have a boyfriend?” She decided to play along. 
     “I’m sure he won’t mind.”  
     “I dunno, he’s a pretty big guy. Tough. I don’t think he’d like his girl making such deals with another man.” Kali stood her ground as Cliff took a few steps closer and crossed his arms over his chest. 
   �� “Maybe he is, dollface, but so am I.” He winked.
     “Tell you what if you win, and that’s a pretty big if, I’ll think about it. But….” She glanced behind him to the QR code a little further down the street and decided on a term of her own. “If I win you have to abandon this pokestop and can’t block it off ever again.” She looked back at him challengingly. 
     “What?” Cliff frowned, fighting the urge to turn around and yell at the peanut gallery behind them, and lowered his voice before continuing. “That’s not something I can promise, doll.” 
     “Then don’t lose.” Kali smirked and reached for a pokeball before proclaiming loudly to get this match started, ending any further arguments on the matter. "Standard match I presume? Last one standing out of three?" She questioned as she racked her brain for any time Cliff had mentioned pokemon so she could pick a starter. If she remembered correctly he had mentioned Tyranitar and maybe Onyx and Torterra as well, all of which were rock types. Maybe there was something there. 
     “Right.” This had suddenly gone from playful banter to something a little more serious. He was a Leader with Team Rocket, there was no way he could just promise to not do his job. Didn’t she understand that? Not that he was going to lose.
     “Ready when you are.” Both of them tossed pokeballs forward at the same time. Kali had chosen Clover, her Leafeon, gambling on her rock type theory. Her choice paid off as an Omanyte appeared across from her. Perfect. “Razor Leaf!” She tried getting the upper hand with a first move but Cliff was just as quick to have his Omanyte attack, but Mud Shot wasn’t going to do much against her grass type. 
     “Dodge!” Cliff was cursing inwardly as Kali’s Leafeon hopped swiftly around his slower Omanyte getting in far more hits than he would have liked. Within moments it was apparent that his Omanyte was outmatched and he swore under his breath as he was forced to return it. The two Grunts snickered. 
     Kali grinned as Clover returned to stand anxiously in front of her for Cliff’s second choice. By the look on his face he was not as amused as she was. “Alright, what’s next?” She murmured to her Leafeon as he tossed forward another ball. It was clearly something large, Kali thought as the pokemon began to take shape in front of her before becoming recognizable as an Electivire. Alright, so maybe her theory was wrong but an electric type wasn’t a huge obstacle and her Leafeon hadn’t taken much damage from the Omanyte anyway. At Cliff's command the large yellow pokemon charged forward, electric energy cracking between the two antennas on the top of its head. "Clover, dodge!" Her Leafeon jumped aside but not quickly enough and a jolt of electricity hit its hindquarters causing it to stumble. It quickly recovered as Kali called for it to use Razor Leaf again. The larger pokemon took the hits as it shot a few more bolts of electricity at Clover who managed to dodge most of them. 
     "Use Thunder Punch!" Cliff called with a grin, he might have had a rough start but the match was turning back around in his favor. The Electivire charged at Kali's Leafeon again, this time gripping its tail to get more of a charge on its attack. 
     "Hold and use Energy Ball!" Pulling this move off meant that Clover would most likely take the full force of the Electivire's attack but it should also be enough to knock out the opponent as well. The leaf shaped sprout on its head began to glow white as a green ball of energy started forming in front of its open mouth. “Now!” Kali called as soon as the Electivire got close enough and the ball of energy shot forward into the other pokemon’s chest but just like Kali had predicted it was able to hit Clover too, both pokemon skid backwards and were spent. As she returned Clover she made a mental note to make sure it got extra treats later. 
     “Dammit!” Cliff swore under his breath as he was forced to return his second pokemon. He had hoped to get Electivire’s charged attack in before it got hit but it was too slow. The smug look on Kali’s face was only fueling the well of anger rising in his chest, he couldn’t lose in front of two trainees! He had an example to set!
     “I thought he was supposed to be tough.” Zeke whispered to Bradley but not quietly enough and his eyes went wide as Cliff rounded on him. 
     “One more word out of you two and it’s desk duty for a month!” 
     Two down, one to go. Kali took out her second pokeball as Cliff reached for his third. She wasn’t about to let up and chose her Vaporeon, Lyra, who was arguably her strongest Eeveelution. She was very much relieved when she saw Cliff’s selection, a Tyranitar. They had plenty of training against this particular pokemon after training with Cole so Kali knew she wouldn’t have to give Lyra much direction as they had a tried and true strategy. 
     “Water gun!” Lyra jumped into action sending small but quick jets of water at the Tyranitar that was advancing. Its stubby arms swatted away at some of the jets as it went in for an attack and Lyra just managed to jump out of the way of its teeth, although Kali had to admit Cliff’s was much faster than the one Cole had. 
     “Use Iron Tail!” The large green creature swung around deftly as its tail began to glow white and before Lyra could jump out of the way its tail crashed into her Vaporeon’s side. Cliff wasted no time in having his Tyranitar attack again as the Vaporeon got back on its feet. 
     “Dodge!” Lyra obeyed and before Kali could call for another attack she was already shooting more jets of water at the Tyranitar, she seemed angry that it had gotten a hit in on her and was retaliating in full force. “Yes, go girl!” 
     That Vaporeon was too damn fast. Changing strategies Cliff shouted for his pokemon to use Stone Edge, hopefully this would give him the upper hand again. Turning to face its opponent the Tyranitar slammed its hands onto the street and a wave of rock pillars shot towards Lyra causing her to stumble as she scurried to avoid them. “Quick, Iron Tail while its recovering!” But Lyra wasn’t falling for that again and shot a quick jet of water at the Tyranitar’s face to distract it before moving swiftly behind it. 
      “Hydro Pump!” Kali practically yelled with excitement. Before Cliff’s pokemon could react Lyra opened her mouth and a large, forceful jet of water slammed into the Tyranitar’s back causing it to crash forward into the ground. 
     “Get up, dammit!” To the creature’s credit it did try to but wound up slumping back down onto the pavement defeated.
     “Yes!” Kali cheered as she recalled her Vaporeon. “Told you I’d win.” 
     “What the hell?!" Her elation was short lived as Cliff stormed towards her with a scowl. 
     "What the hell, what?" She glared back at him, why was he so angry about this? This was certainly new, was he really that big of a sore loser? 
     "There's no way you should have been able to beat me with just a couple of Eeveelutions!" 
     "Excuse me?! Just what is that supposed to mean?" A hot spark of anger flared in her chest as her hands clenched into fists at her side. 
     "It means I shouldn't have lost to a...to a pipsqueak like you! You’re not even on a Team!" 
     “Pipsqueak!? Did you forget who you’re talking to?” Kali glared up at him, she wasn’t going to show it but the not being on a Team comment stung more than the name calling. She was clearly just as good as anyone else regardless of not being on a Team and he knew it. 
     Cliff took a deep breath as he met her furious gaze. “No…” He relented a little and lowered his voice before continuing. “But really, you had to beat me in front of my trainees?” 
     “I told you I wasn’t going to go easy! I’m not going to lose just so you can show off!” Stars, she was angry. “You know what, forget this.” Kali spun on her heels and stalked off towards the corner. 
     “Kali, wait!” Cliff jogged after her, catching up right before she reached it. “Babe look I-” 
     “Save it.” One look told Cliff he should probably back off for now. 
     “Alright, we’ll talk later then.” He replied weakly as she walked off. It was probably better to wait until they both had a chance to cool off anyway.
Part 25 / Part 27
A huge shout out to @rubystartrail for always being willing to chat through writer’s block! And to @nenalata for being an avid reader!
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snow-pitch-grimm · 5 years
Summary:   "And then I said 'neat'! Neat! Nobody says neat anymore!"
                                                                                                   - Baz to Dev
I don’t think this counts as a vine meme reference per se but this scenario wouldn’t leave my head so you guys get to read it.
This is the fifth time Simon had sighed out loud, and it's getting a bit on my nerves. I think he's trying to study for something, but it doesn't seem like he's getting anywhere.
When he had first sat down, I had been glad for the opportunity to stare at him without him noticing.
(Is it creepy? Yes. Do I care? No)
So I had picked up a book, placed myself on my bed, so I had the perfect view of Simon's freckle filled face. The sun was shining a little through the window, causing him to look like an angel bathed in light. His blue eyes looked bluer than usual, and his bronze curls kept falling in his hair.
God, I wanted to run my hand through his curls.
However, the reverie had broken when he had tilted his head back and sighed loudly. And then he had done it again. And again. And again.
When he sighs for the sixth time, I get up from my bed and sit up on my desk, leaning in close to him.
"What wrong with you, Snow?"
He glares up at me.
"What do you want, Baz?"
"Just wondering what's gotten you knickers in a twist. All this huffing of yours is distracting me from my reading,"
He snorts, "Well, sorry your Majesty,"
I raise my eyebrows at him.
He sighs again but answers my question, "The maths test tomorrow. I'm going to fail it. I don't understand anything,"
I frown, "Isn't that the one thing you're usually good at?"
"Well, yeah," he says sighing again, "But apparently not this time,"
I take a long look at him, his drooping shoulders, sad eyes and pouty lips and come to a decision.
"I can't believe I'm even considering this," I say, "But if you want, I can help you study,"
He looks like me as if I've gone insane. Maybe I have. Must be those blue eyes.
"Seriously? You don't even like me,"
Oh, Snow. If you only knew.
"As I said, your sighing is bothering me. Do you want my help or not?"
Simon tilts his head, and it's a testament to how much I'm obsessed with him that I know exactly what he's thinking.
He's considering the costs and benefits of taking my help. At one hand, I might hold this over him (I won't, but he thinks I would). On the other hand, he's here on scholarship and can't risk even a minor slip up. The consideration takes about twenty seconds, and he decides...
"Fine. You can help. But only because I really need it. I still think you're a posh asshole,"
A part of me is thrilled. Another part of me stings. I ignore both and tell Simon to show me what's wrong.
It takes a couple of hours and some extensive groaning from Snow, but in the end, he seems to understand most of the concepts, and if the practice-test I gave him is anything to go by, he'll get a pretty good grade too.
When I show him the practice-test grade, he instantly lights up and grins at me. (Be still my heart)
"Oh my god! Thank you so much, Baz. God, I'm so happy I could kiss you!"
I'm so shocked that I can only laugh and squeak out, "Neat,"
Then I grab my shoes, make an excuse and book it out of there.
"And then I said 'neat'! Neat! Nobody says neat anymore!"
My cousin looked up from his notes and grinned at me, "Aw come on, Baz, don't beat yourself up. Remember what I said when Niall told me he fancied me?
I think back to a year ago and grin, "Didn't you thank him?"
Dev sighs dramatically and looks at the ceiling, "I thanked him,"
"We're disasters aren't we, Dev?"
Dev looks at me, and we stare at each other for a few moments before bursting into giggles.
"Do you think he'll bring it up?" I ask him once we've calmed down a little.
"Dunno, Baz," says Dev, grin still on his face, "You're the one who's obsessed with him,"
I lightly smack his shoulder, "Speaking of, Where's your other half?"
"Oh, Niall? His dad's in town for something and took him after class. He would have told you, but his dad surprised him,"
"Good for him, he seemed to be getting a little more homesick,"
The rest of us got homesick too sometimes, but Dev and I had each other and could talk about past holidays and annoying aunts whenever we felt a little off. Poor Niall didn't have that and was also a lot more sensitive.
"Also, knowing Snow, he probably didn't even notice,"
"Well, he's an idiot, but he definitely noticed me running out like the hounds of hell were after me, so what do I do? He's going to think it's his fault. I either tell him I'm obsessed with him or he thinks I'm the sort of bloke with fragile masculinity that can't take a joke about kissing,"
Dev snorts, "Baz, the way you dress, no one thinks that you have fragile masculinity,"
Hmm, I did wear a lot of pink flower patterns.
"Also, just tell him you were surprised and then insult him a few times to distract him. It should work,"
"You think so?"
Dev puts his arm around my shoulders and smiles at me, "Would I lie to you, cousin dearest,"
I sigh and put my head on Dev's shoulder, "What would I do without you?"
It's a dramatic rhetorical question, so Dev doesn't answer.
Instead, he had a suggestion of his own, "Stay here tonight,"
I grin at him, "Like we did in first year?"
Dev nods and smiles, "It'll probably be a tight fit, but we can make it work,"
My cousin gives me some of his clothes to wear, and once Niall comes back, we stay up until late, talking and laughing. I almost forget about the whole Simon Snow thing.
When we finally decide to get some sleep, Dev, who's laying behind me, pokes me in the back.
"What?" I whisper
"You could tell him, you know,"
I don't answer, and he doesn't push, but it still lingers in the back of my head.
One great thing about being obsessed with your roommate is that you know his schedule pretty well. Simon has rugby practice in the morning. I get to the room after he leaves, and any class we have together, I calculate the time correctly, so I arrive after him and leave before he even has a chance to talk to me.
However, my luck runs out at the end of the day. The plan was to come earlier than Snow and pretend to be asleep. Snow, it seems, for once used his brain, and figured out my plan.
Right now, he's sitting on my bed with my book with a big smile on his face. His blue eyes are on me, and I feel like a deer caught in a headlight.
"Oh, hey, Baz," said Snow, standing up, "Lovely to see you,"
I close the door behind me and try to get everything back on track, "Why are you on my bed Snow. I thought even you were smart enough not mix up our sides,"
The remark is weak. I know it, Simon knows it, but it's all I got.
"Baz," says, Simon and he's very close now. When did he get this close?
"You've avoiding me,"
"No, I haven't," I said, "We'd have to hang out for me to avoid you,"
Snow shakes his head, "Uh uh. You've been avoiding me. Why?"
I'm about to refute again, but Simon shushes me.
"Wait, let me guess?" he says, "You ran out of here after I made the kissing joke. So at first, I thought maybe I'd offended you. But then I remembered you were gay,"
Wait. What? How did he know that?
"You came here drunk with your friends once," he says, probably answering my surprised expression
Ah. That does make sense.
"Anyway, as I was saying. You're gay. So then I thought maybe you just didn't like that I was the one making that joke. But if that were the case, you wouldn't have run away. You would have stayed and insulted me a few times,"
And here I thought I was the only one who knew my roommate well.
"So I figured maybe I was just making a big deal out of nothing. That went out the window when you started avoiding me and don't even deny it. You were avoiding me,"
I click my mouth shut. There's no point, really.
"Do you want to kiss me, Baz?" he says, and there's still a smile on his face, and I feel like crying.
I didn't know he could be so cruel.
"Yes! Yes, okay! I want to kiss you. You don't have to- you-"
Then Simon cups my face, and I nearly choke on my own words. What is going on here?
"Baz," he whispers, "Can I kiss you?"
This is a dream. This has to be a dream. There is absolutely no way this is real life. I pinch myself
Except that Simon is still cupping my face and waiting for me to answer with a patient look on my face.
So I nod my head. What do I have to lose?
Snow leans forward, his lips gently meeting mine. It's everything I imagined- no better then I had imagined.
It starts gently at first, but then his lips become a little more insistent. I don't really know what I'm doing but it feels so bloody good that I just follow his lead. His hand slips from my face to the back of my neck, and I pull hs closed by the waist. His other hand is rubbing my stomach, and I feel like I've died and gone to heaven.
Simon pulls away a little, and I whine at the loss, clamming a hand over my mouth out of embarrassment.
He laughs though and pries my hand away, giving me another short and sweet kiss.
"That was fun," he says
"Wanna do it again?"
"Definitely, Simon,"
"You called me Simon,"
"No, I didn't,"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Hey, Baz,"
"Yes, Snow,"
"Will you m my boyfriend?
"God, yes!"
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fifteenskies15 · 5 years
Flamboyantly Worked it Out
(Tengen Uzui)
Summary: Your son is sick right in Kodomo no Hi festival, he wanted to spend it so badly with his family and friends, not wanting to make him unhappy you, Tengen, and the rest of his wives decided to make an "indoor festival" for him
Admin's Note: My first fic about Tengen and reader, this is all for you my dearest fellow Tengen stans, But I'm fully aware that you mostly spend time with his wives too
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"I have renewed my clear and flamboyant priority..."
"First the four of you..."
"Then respectable humans"
"Then myself"
"Even if we're no longer in the corps, we're still going to protect the plain and carefree people, of course since we're still demon hunters till the end of the day"
"Hehehe! Papa!!"
"Ah.. How could I forget?"
"I mean the five of you..."
"and frankly speaking, you guys are all so precious to me, so remember..."
"... Don't die"
"ACCHOO!!!" a high pitched sneeze enacted out from your son's bedroom, lately he's been sneezing a lot "Mom/Dad...what happened? My nose feel stuffy" you compared your body temperature with his "Oh my, Ginjiro, you catch a cold"
"Is it bad? Can I still participate in children's day?" He say as he break into another sneeze, you had a sinking feeling inside your stomach, your son, Ginjiro had been looking forward to spend children's day with his moms and dad/dads, you gulped, trying to be as gentle as possible to say that he can't participate in the festival he's been looking forward to.
"Ginjiro, I'm sorry, but you had to rest... Can you please do that for us?"
Ginjiro's (E/C) eyes start to tear up, you feel guilty to see your seven year old son can't do much for now "B-but...I have been looking forward to this day... I even made my own Kabuto helmet..." You sighed and gently stroke his white hair "I'm so sorry, but chin up... there's always next year..."
Little Ginjiro just sighed and lay back down to his futon, dejectedly, "... It's okay mom/dad... You're just looking out for me...If that's the case, I'll just take a rest..., Love you Mom/dad..." You sighed and pat his head "We love you too, son..." Ginjiro smiled and close his eyes as you came out of his bedroom, sighing.
"I know that sigh quite well, (Name), is everything alright?" Hinatsuru asked you, visibly concerned "It's Ginjiro... he's got a fever and..." You sighed for the second time "...Do you remember that he wanted to go to children's day festival together with all of us this year? Well I'm afraid he can't..."
Hinatsuru then pouted sadly as she heard that her son is sick, with a sigh, she put a comforting hand on you "Oh, I'm so sorry, dear (name), I can't imagine how sad our son is" you sighed softly but smiled at her "It's okay, Hina... It's not even your fault" Hinatsuru hugged you and stroked your (H/C) hair to console you, you lean in to her motherly touch.
"Oh! But I just have a good idea!" Hinatsuru say beaming up, you looked up to her, slightly tilting your head "What is it, Hina?"
"What if we just "bring the festival in"?" She smiled at you, as you tilt your head again "How can we do that, Hina? She just smiled at you until you get what she meant by that.
"Oh, I see how it is" you say smiling at her "Well all and all, we're going to make a koinobori, each carp represent us as his parents, the biggest and black carp, Magoi, symbolize Tengen-sama/and me as his father(s), the red and smaller carp banner, higoi, represent us/all of you as his mothers, Ginjiro is our only son, and frankly speaking he's also our first son, so he's going to have blue carp banner"
Hinatsuru listened closely and nodded as she did, "I see, very well then, what about the food?"
"Hmm, if I recall correctly, we make sweets for him is chimaki (bamboo dumpling) along with Mochi and various array of rice cakes, I don't remember much, but we could always ask Suma, she and Ginjiro had a lot of fun on last year's festival, so she might knew"
"Ah, okay then! Suma and I will handle the sweets, you and Makio can make the carp banners, and that leave Tengen-sama to watch over Ginjiro, and... Maybe stall him for a bit so he won't know what surprise we store for him" you smiled at her and nodded "Great idea! Well then, chop chop! We can't waste the sunlight!"
Hinatsuru smiled as she see how hyped you are, she chuckled and kissed your cheek "Well let's get to work, dear wife/husband" you giggled and do the same gesture to her as you scurry off to find Makio.
"You need me to help make a carp banner? Well, no problem, (name)! I have plenty of free time to make those!" Makio said, grinning at you "That's good to hear, Makio, well let's gather up the items we need!"
"Alright, what do we need?"
You recall what items are required to make the carp banner "Let's see, we need a ryudama, yaguruma, and fukiganashi, I'm sure the general store had those for us and we could make the carp banner ourselves" Makio nodded as she memorized the items you said "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get them now!" She said as she headed out and you follow her.
You and her then bumped into Tengen "Whoa there, what brings my wives/my wife and husband today? You both look agitated"
"Ah, Tengen-sama! Well...we..."
"No, let me guess, you both are going to get item for the carp banners, right?"
"Actually, yes, has Hinatsuru told you what to do?"
He nodded with (unusually) gentle smile on his face "Yeah, she did, don't you worry, my girls/and boy, I will get him busy with my flamboyant tales" he said, slightly flipping his hair as you and Makio giggled at him "But on one condition"
"What is it, Tengen-sama?" You and Makio said in unison "You should let me help you both so this impromptu festival will goes flamboyantly" you and Makio share a look and then nods "Only when Ginjiro is asleep"
"Deal, well now godspeed, you two, time's a wastin'!" He said as he gave you both a "flamboyant" hug as you and Makio headed out from Uzui estate.
"Well! Isn't it just nice! It's been quite a while since I came to the town aside from taking Ginjiro to children festival all those years ago" Makio said taking in the bustling town, people are passing by, vendors selling so many stuff and even food and array of unique shop, "Well since we're both are kunoichi/we're a shinobi we don't have much time to act like normal people"
Makio grinned and elbow your side, slightly chuckling "Hey, I take an offense, I can be normal too, you know?!" You giggled at her "I dunno, you looked angry and hungry 24/7 so basically you're hangry, get it?"
"Oh, I show you hangry!" She said laughing as she chases you as you run while giggling like a kid.
You and Makio had cat and dog chasing game around the town, you were at your advantage at least until Makio use her ninja trick and got you.
"Gotcha, you cute girl/guy!"
"Aaahh!! Noo!! Spare me mercy, Divine Makio!!"
You and Makio burst out laughing before you remember why you're in the town now "Oh dear, we better get those items now!"
"You're right, I'm having fun chasing you around though" she said giggling as you both headed to the general store, a kind old lady greet you both with a smile
"Well, hello, hello! What a pair of beauties/cute couples you are, is there anything I can help with?"
"Well, old lady, do you have...umm...what was it again, (name)?"
"A Ryudama, yaguruma and fukiganashi"
"Yeah, those things"
"Ahh, I see you're going to celebrate the children day, give me a moment, dearies, I'll be right back" the old lady said as she got the item you both required.
"You know, it's a good idea to have the festival in the estate so little Ginjiro can have a good time with all of us, last year we take him to the festival separately, you on his first year, then Hinatsuru, me, Tengen-sama then lastly with Suma"
"Hehe, well it's Hinatsuru's idea, I'm just doing what I need to do" Makio smiled warmly at you and put her hand on your shoulder "Still, it's good to know that you both find a way so we can cheer our son and let him enjoy the festival even though he's under the weather"
"Well, anything for our only kid, and maybe...if Tengen-sama agrees, our future kids too" you say wiggling your eyebrows as Makio laughed and playfully smacked your shoulder "(name)! You naughty girl/boy!" You both burst out laughing again as the old lady bring the required items "Here we go, dearies"
"Thank you, ma'am!" You took out a pouch of money, but the old lady stopped you "Oh, it's free for you, dearie, I may be old but I can't help hearing your conversation with this lady, I take it you made a koinobori for your sick son?"
"Yeah, we are, he's been looking forward to this and there's no way we make him sad just because he can't enjoy it with other kids" Makio said, huffing a bit "Well, you both are certainly are good parents for him! I wish that he'll get well soon so he can enjoy the festival"
You and Makio smiled at her and bowed your head a bit "Thank you very much, old lady! Sorry for the trouble!"
"Think nothing of it, dearies"
You thanked her once again before you and Makio headed home.
"Hina, Suma, how's the food?" You said as you checked the other wives at the kitchen "Oh, (name)! We're doing great! We're just going to make the kashiwa mochi and the Kabuto namagashi, how's the carp banner doing?" Suma asked you as she made the pickled oak leaf for the mochi "Oh we're going to make it now, if you're finished why don't you join us on drawing the carp banner?"
"Oh! I don't know...I mean! I would love to but what if the carp banner turned out to be a mess because of me??"
Hinatsuru shakes her head at Suma "Oh, Suma, it's okay, you're going to do well, and (name) we will join you later, alright?"
"Alright! We're at the genkan if you looked for us!" You said as you headed to the entrance area to join Makio making the carp banner, and to see Tengen already sit next to her
"Oh, Tengen! You're here, I take it that Ginjiro is asleep?" You said as you sit down, joining them "Yup, I figured out I'm going to help you and Makio making this carp banner, we're going to make it, flamboyantly!"
You chuckled at him as you took the fabric "Well in that case, we better get going before our son is awake"
The three of you worked on the banners in peaceful silence, sometimes though, you're being cheeky by smearing the fabric paint on your wife and husband's face "Whoops, my hand slipped" you said nonchalantly while drawing the higoi, trying your best to hide your smirk, unfortunately, Tengen saw that and smeared some on your cheek "Oh, the God of Festivies didn't mean to smear a paint on his wife/husband's face" he said jokingly, as you retaliate him "You were saying?"
You and Tengen keep smearing each other faces with the paint, Makio who made the banner for Ginjiro just laughed and shake her head at her wife and husband/husbands antics, "Now, you guys are going to wake Ginjiro and the banner won't be finished!"
You and Tengen share looks before you both smirk at her and smeared a red paint on her face "Ohh, so this is how we're going to finish the banners huh! It's on!"
The three of you basically chasing around trying to "paint each other faces" while laughing
"Ha! In your face, Makio!"
"You're not getting away with that, (name)!"
"Eat my Flamboyant Surprise attack!!"
Tengen manage to get the paint on your and Makio's nose, you gasped with her "The audacity!" You both then tackled Tengen and smear paint all over his face "Aahh!! Betrayed by my wives/my wife and husband!! I have fallen!!"
The three of you burst out laughing, you hear a giggle and to see Hinatsuru and Suma on the doorway smiling at both of you "Well it looks like you both have fun with making the banners"
You, Tengen and Makio sheepishly get up "Hehe, umm...sorry, we got carried away" Hinatsuru just smiled and sit down "Well let's not waste our time"
Suma joined her with a napkin on her hand, wiping the paint off your face "Hehe, you're actually cute with paint on your face, (name)" you smiled at her and kissed her cheek as a thank you gesture "Thank you, Suma-chan" she smiled and clean Tengen's face then Makio as you all continue making the banners and it pole.
"How's the Magoi banner, Tengen-sama?" Hinatsuru said as she helped you paint the higoi banner "I have made the most flamboyant banner the people ever seen!" Tengen said as he flaunt the black carp banner with jewels that similar to his eye patch he had, you and the other wives smiled at him.
"That is a flamboyant banner, alright" you chuckled "Now then, Tengen, if you don't mind can you attach it on the pole along with the fukiganashi?"
He nodded and start to attach the banner and wind bag on the pole,
"Suma!! You got the color mixed up!!"
You and Hinatsuru look over Makio and Suma's banner, the white paint smeared on the blue paint
"Ahhh!! I'm so sorry, Makio-san!! I knew I would mess it up"
"Quit talking like a coward, Suma!"
You, Tengen and Hinatsuru can only sigh as you approach them "It's okay Suma-chan, I will salvage this, you help Hinatsuru on attaching the ring in the carp's mouth"
"O-okay..." She then went to help Hinatsuru as you help Makio salvage the banner, she sighed "We don't have much time to salvage this" you shook your head and smiled at her "We still can, just leave it to me"
You dip the brush in the bowl of water to clean it and cover the white smudges on the carp's body with blue paint and carefully draw it's scales "See, we're almost finished so don't worry about it, Makio"
Makio sighed and smiled at you "Well, I shouldn't doubt you then" you all continue make the banner together and only few hours later, it's finished.
"Well, looks like we flamboyantly worked it out!" Tengen said as all of you all see how the wind fluttered the carp banners "Not really, Tengen-sama, Ginjiro haven't seen this yet so it's not finished yet, besides I have another thing I got for him" Hinatsuru say smiling at him.
"Hmm, yeah you're right, I wonder if he's awake now"
"I'll go check on him then"
His wives smiled at both of you "We'll get the tea and sweets ready then"
"Thanks for doing this, (name), it was a flamboyant idea to celebrate children's day like this" Tengen said as you both head to Ginjiro's bedroom, you smiled and shook your head "It was all Hinatsuru's idea, so you'll have to thank her instead"
Tengen smiled at you and ruffled your (H/C) hair "Hey don't sweat it, you both did amazingly and flamboyantly, Suma and Makio too, you don't know how lucky I am that I married to four amazing women/three amazing women and a flamboyant man and I have even more flamboyant son, too"
You chuckled and playfully punched his chest "save your sappy words for later, Tengen" he just smirked and slid open the shoji door and to see your son, huddled in blanket hugging his self made Kabuto helmet.
"Hey there kiddo" Tengen smiled and sit next to him "Hey Dad, sniff, and hey Mom/father" he say smiling weakly "what's up?"
"We know you're feeling under the weather, but do you want to get some fresh air for a bit? Spring wind is never that cold so don't worry" he thought of it for a while then smiled "Yeah, okay"
Tengen smiled and carried him on his shoulders as you both lead him outside "We're sorry that you couldn't celebrated the festival at the town, we knew how much you want to"
Ginjiro only smiled and shook his head "It's okay Mom/dad, I know you're worried about me..."
"Damn right we are so we decided to have a little festivies here and now" Tengen said as you both stepped out of the estate "Huh? What do you mean, da...-" he then looked up at the carp banner and his (E/C) eyes sparkled in happiness "Waahh!! A koinobori!! It looks so cool!! Did you guys made this??"
You and Tengen nodded as he pointed out at the banners "That black one is me/and your dad, the red ones are your moms, and the blue one on the bottom? It's you kid, you look awesomely flamboyant"
"Cool" the little boy marveled the carp banner and bounce up excitedly "This is the first time I saw this up close!! It's so cool!"
You and Tengen share a smile before back to Ginjiro "Hey kid, I know you're supposed to eat something warm like soup, but for today, it's an exception"
If it's possible, Ginjiro's eyes sparkled even more "Really?? What is it??"
"You'll see, your moms prepared something for you"
"Ah! You're awake, Ginjiro! Come, come! Sit down and enjoy the food!" Suma said as she excitedly usher Ginjiro to sit, his eyes widen in surprise when he saw array of sweets in front of him
"Wow!! A Kashiwa Mochi!! I got this with Suma kaa-chan last year! Can I eat it? Can I eat it pleeaasee??"
Makio laughed and ruffled his white hair "help yourself! It's all yours!"
"Yay!!" He happily gobbled up the mochi as you, Tengen and the other wives watch him as you all are the rice cakes Hinatsuru made and sipping green tea, you notice once your sullen and sad son became happier as he gobbled up the mochi happily.
"Oh and I have one more thing" Hinatsuru then walked away get something and come back with Kabuto helmet "Here! This is an actual Kabuto helmet to commemorate this day" she said as she displayed it in the middle of the room, Ginjiro excitedly approach it and look at it in awe "Would that mean it's mine too now?" He said looking up at Hinatsuru with his wide and sparkling eyes, she smiled and gently stroked his hair "Yes Ginjiro, We had hope that you will grow into a strong and healthy man just like...-"
"Just like dad/and father!! I will grow up into a strong shinobi and save people..."
The boy strike a dramatic pose
"... Flamboyantly!"
You all laughed at him as if he forget that he's sick, apple really did not fall far from its tree...
"Well, how about it? What's your thoughts on this "in home festival"?" Suma asked him with a smile, Ginjiro smiled brightly that it melt all of everyone's heart.
"This is the best children's day festival EVER!!" he said jumping up and down and hugged all of you "You guys are the best!! I love you all!!"
You share smile with your husband and wives as you both huddled up in a warm hug
"We love you too, Uzui Ginjiro"
Admin 15: Oh whoa, that's the longest story I have ever made, I'm actually quite proud of the outcome, I'm terribly sorry if this story made no sense
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hanramm156 · 5 years
Rammstein Family Game: Get to know me! (Warning: a long ramble)
I’m honored to be tagged by @cherrisplace​ and @momoredcrow​. ^^ It’s been a pleasure to read other people’s Rammstein memories and opinions, so here comes mine as well. Writing is one of those rare things that keep me sane during this crazy season, so I apologize this being super long. More rambling is probably coming when everything’s cancelled and I have nothing else to do.
Rules: There are no rules. Tag whoever you want. Don’t tag yourself. Tag yourself. You don’t have to answer all the questions. Do what you please. Have fun.
Created by: @vapor-stein
1. I’m curious: when did you discover Rammstein?
2004 properly, but I might have heard Du hast or other popular songs even earlier.
2. Tell me your story. How did you discover them?
As said, it was 2004 and I was watching some random Finnish music show. Back in the days, I watched a lot of music videos from the tv and recorded my favorite ones to VHS. One evening Rammstein’s Amerika came from the show and I was like “??? What on earth is this??? Sounds interesting…”. I wasn’t into metal music back then (I mostly listened to indiepop and alternative rock), but for whatever reason, I got hooked instantly to this German band’s dark, eerie sound. It was refreshing to hear something else than English and the video was also thrilling.
Rammstein had intruded my mind already, but the final straw was when I saw the Mein Teil video. I liked both the song and the video A LOT - so much that I even felt kinda “dirty” for liking something this dark. A 14-year-old me was constantly asking from myself that: “am I even allowed to like this kind of stuff this much?”. The backstory for the song was creepy, but so mesmerizing – like I had been introduced to the darkest corners of human mind: yes, this kind of stuff happens, and we shouldn’t close our eyes from it. So next, the only thing I could do was to buy Reise, reise album, listen to it on loop and sketch my German notebook full of Rammstein lyrics. Here’s a proof:
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I have so many stories about my relationship to Rammstein that I might have to write them all down now when there’s a lot of time.
3. Favourite song?
This topic would be worth a novel itself, but here are some of my favorites:
Asche zu Asche – So badass, gives me such an energy every time – plus, not to forget the burning microphones and SILVER REESH!
Bück dich – Yes, it’s a horrible story once again in this song, but I can’t help but to admit that the song is freaking catchy and in a weird way, hot. Also, there’s a funny backstory when I was in 9th grade and we almost performed this song in our official graduation party with my boyfriend and a bunch of our friends (maybe good that the idea was abandoned in the end…). We had a vague clue what the song was about, but we just thought it was funny – also, our German teacher dressed always in leather and loved Rammstein (she played us Bestrafe mich during one class and I’ll always remember the awkward atmosphere) so we were thinking to dedicate the song to her for as our goodbye. XDD Seriously, why I have been so weird for all my life…
Sehnsucht – In most of the pop songs, longing is described by tender words and soft lyrics, but not in Rammstein’s case. I’ve had this weird feeling of “longing” all my life that I can’t describe properly. It’s kind of an inner emptiness, only arts and music can help to deal with it when it hits. I think Sehnsucht describes so realistically what is longing about in reality: it’s this angry pressure in your heart which you want to get out of your chest but can’t. In the end, you just want to scream your lungs out.
Mein Herz brennt – Powerful song that always gives me goosebumps. I can’t even explain why. Maybe the fact that “tough” men being emotional is my soft spot and Rammstein hits that spot hard.
Links 2-3-4 – I have always been kind of a rebel and I feel like when everyone else is going to the “right” I have to go to the left, to the unknown. My heart is longing for adventure, for the paths the others are not going. I dunno, but this is such a powerful song for me. When I hear it, I always just want to jump around. In Tampere concert I went totally nuts when Links started as the second song, lol. From that moment I felt like I was back home with my boys.
Mein Teil – No need for further explanations anymore.
Los – The harmonica solo!!! The dropped c tuning and the acoustic sounds!! I love it.
Amour – My favorite R+ ballad. I confess that I listen to this and think about the lyrics when I’m in the mood for writing something painfully romantic.
Weit weg – There’s this painful longing once again that always resonates to me. I listened this to a lot after the “after blues” of Ratina concert.
Tattoo – A song that I didn’t care about so much at first, but for whatever reason, it’s almost my favorite from the new album nowadays. It’s catchy as hell and I like the “rattling” guitar riffs.
4. Least favourite song? Come on. I know you have one.
Feuer frei – Too much Vin Diesel vibes. I also get a picture of drunken, middle-aged Finnish guys on a R+ gig who don’t care about to band, but just want to have a party of their life and get drunk, far away from their wives. (No offense to anyone, but as music is almost like a religion to me, I can’t help but to have a bit of disrespect for kind of people who just “consume” music.)
Pussy – Both musically and lyrically, so bad, but I get the point the guys tried to give with this nonsense.
5. Favourite album? & 6. Least favourite album? aka. I ramble about all the albums.
Tough one… as the rules were vague, I decided to have a short opinion about each of the albums.
Herzeleid – Summary: a bunch of guys, born and raised in DDR, are tired of everything so they get together and play aggressive songs - you can almost smell the testosterone miles away while you are listening to this album. I have to admit that I love this album even though it’s not musically super creative. It’s just raw men with raw feelings – and I have to say, it works for me.
Sehnsucht – I was creeped out of the album art as a teenager, lol. But yeah, musically improved from the former one and there are some classic songs that make Rammstein as they are nowadays. I listen to this often when I’m driving.
Mutter – The album that they had the most struggles with if I have understood correctly. The pain can be heard through the songs and it’s so honest and raw. I lost my friend in 2004 tragically and this album was one of the things that kept me sane back then. Especially the beginning of the album (MHB, Links, Sonne) hits me hard in the guts.
Reise, reise – The album that started all this hype in me, so it has a special place in my heart. I also liked how they tried something different to their usual sounds in this one, like orchestral and acoustic songs.
Rosenrot – To be honest, this album has always left me a bit “cold”, so I cannot even make a real opinion of it. There are some good moments though, like Mann gegen Mann that really speaks to me.
Untitled: This has been on the loop since last August and I was honestly surprised how good the album was. I hadn’t listened to Rammstein for a while, but when I got this album to my hands after the concert, holy shit it hit me. I like hearing the path the guys have gone: their new music is much more mature than the first angry albums. Also, I love Till’s poetry in this one, like Was ich liebe and Weit weg.
I think I answered the question #7 already, so I’ll skip to #8.
8. Unpopular opinion about a member? A scandal? Anything?
Even though I appreciate Till as an artist and a poet, I don’t find his appearance attractive. You can throw rotten tomatoes at me now, but this is just my opinion, no means to offend anyone. Maybe the reason is that my taste for men tends to go for androgynous side, so I am not drawn towards very masculine men.
I’m not interested in Lindemann project and I don’t like their music so much, but the tour looked entertaining though. I bet all the people who attended had a lot of fun.
How Richard pronounces English is extremely sexy to my ear, even though it clearly sounds like a German guy trying to sound American - still, it’s like honey to my ears. Stupid man who makes my knees weak with everything he does.
I hate to admit that I don’t like Ohne dich so much. I don’t know why. :(
9. Have you ever seen them live? Tell me what you felt.
Three times this far! Oh man, I could talk about for hours how the concerts have made me feel, but I try to be reasonable now.
Ruisrock, Turku, 2005 – My first time seeing them live – and going to a festival without any adult supervision, so it was a special experience overall – and they blew my mind. It was raining and thundering and we were completely soaked with my friends, but it was worth it!
Bonus for everyone who managed to read this far: teenage me waiting for Rammstein to start playing, looking so badass with my denim jacket and R+ logo drawn with eyeliner. :D
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Hartwall Arena, Helsinki, 2012: We went to the show together with my boyfriend to celebrate Valentine’s day and holy shiiiiit it was awesome. Hands down one of the best evenings of my life. I was so hooked to Rammstein afterward that when we were at my bf’s family’s cottage, his brother had to tell me to stop blasting Herzeleid all the time in the kitchen. :’D
Ratina Stadium, Tampere, 2019: Aka. byebye my life, say hello to fics, listening to the band all over again, stupid memes and all the content this fandom creates. I fell in love again with Rammstein during this concert.
I have tickets for Düsseldorf and Tallinn, but now I can only wait and stress that will Corona ruin everything. In that case, I’ll weep alone and write fics about the tour 2020 that ended up never happening.
10. Do you play any instruments? If you do can you play any song by them?
Yeah, I play guitar and piano but nowadays I mostly sing. Rammstein songs are super easy to play with guitar and I recently learnt to play Tattoo and Sex. Have been practicing Engle on piano as well. Some songs I like to sing are Deutschland, Tattoo and Engel. The “speaking” parts are difficult though. ^^;
I’m not sure who I could tag to this who hasn’t done it already, but I’ll try my luck: @ah-its-too-much​ @soronya​ @einemelodie​ @xiaolianhuax​ @so-darya-darya​ @maximaembra​ @kvidasjuklingur​
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crassussativum · 5 years
ooc: Enemies and Allies- Chapter 8
((We’re on a quick roll now that I have a plot that’s not just character development lol
Chapter 8
Blackwatch operatives used code-names in the field. Crassus’ was Overseer because as a sniper primarily, he tended to hang back. To oversee the whole of the battlefield so he could act tactically on-the-go as the situation called for it. The Blackwatch called Mav Mayhem because six grenades in the span of half an hour- while certainly effective- was excessive. His wild laugh rang through the comms with every boom and Crassus grit his teeth together as the reverb shook his cover.
Geth limbs and servos and whatever else it was that had the machines up and moving with continuous deadly purpose were now just bits of metal and wiring scattered to the winds. Mav had told him they’d only face a handful or two units of the bastards, give the Alliance soldiers a little back up and then be on their way. When they’d touched down on this outpost though it hadn’t been near that simple. The Alliance soldiers were dead or had simply retreated with no word left behind and the Geth numbered near to fifty. Or they had before Mav had planted himself behind an outcropping of rocks and started lobbing grenades one by one.
Crassus covered his head with one arm as the scaffolding above him groaned and shifted. A few large pebbles bounced off his helmet and he cursed hotly. “Six is enough!”
Mav’s laugh echoed in his ears. “That was lucky number seven, big guy!”
And just like that, the area was quiet. Crassus scanned around with his scope as Mav left his cover to explore. There were Geth pieces everywhere, the grenades had seen to that, and some of them twitched sporadically before going still again. The death-throe similar movements had Crassus’ mandibles tight to his face and his stomach in a knot. Geth were borderline sentient but they were still only machines and machines didn’t feel pain: they shouldn’t be twitching like that.
“I’m callin’ this in to Command,” Mav said. “They need to know the Alliance up and left and just how many of these fuckin’ Geth were kickin’ ‘round.”
Crassus hummed an agreement, avidly watching the fingers of a disembodied arm as they  spasmed. It made his plating crawl and he turned away from it, his eyes roving across the high rock walls of the canyon and all the embedded and stationary construction equipment. He guessed the Alliance had hoped to build a real outpost here but they had only just started to before the Geth had arrived. He spotted an eezo powered crane at the top of the canyon, dormant for the moment but he could imagine the hum of the machine when it powered up. They had been common on Invictus and if he remembered correctly, it had been one of the machines to inspire Taren into engineering…
Mav paced by in front of him. “I can’t get a damn signal,” He snarled.
“The Geth probably planted a jammer somewhere.”
“Them or the Alliance-”
The glint of metal registered in the corner of Crassus’ eye. He turned and lifted his rifle without thinking, muscle memory and something like instinct. At the top of that eezo crane he saw the Geth sniper through the scope and he squeezed the trigger twice. His rifle kicked hard against his shoulder but Crassus didn’t lose his stance, watching and waiting… He saw the Geth fall and lowered his rifle.
“I bet the jammer is by that crane,” He told Mav. “High ground, a defensible position and a sniper to protect it. I’d place it under the machine.”
Mav didn’t reply. Crassus turned toward him with a question on his tongue and saw the smaller turian sprawled on his back on the ground. The Geth sniper had gotten him in the split second before Crassus had returned fire. He couldn’t believe it… Spirits, what was he supposed to do? Obviously he’d contact Command and tell them but, Mav… He blinked several times and almost jumped clean out of his armor when Mav lifted his head off the ground and rolled slowly to his feet.
“By the Spirits!”
“I can’t hear a damn thing you’re sayin’, my fuckin’ ears are ringin’ so damned loud.” Mav growled, brushing himself off. “Dunno if you can hear me either actually.”
Crassus reached him in half a step and grabbed the front of Mav’s chest armor, holding tightly to it as he looked the smaller turian over. At the same time, Mav reached up under his jaw and unclasped his helmet to pull it off.
“Fuck, look at that.” Mav pointed to the streak of embedded debris that peeled away the matte black finish of his helmet along the side of it. The Geth’s bullet had only grazed him but it had done enough to send him to the ground and knock out his comms. “I reckon that might legitimately be the closet I’ve gotten.”
Crassus stared at him. “...Really?”
Mav hung the helmet off his belt and shrugged. “Maybe so. I dunno. Lotta folks try to kill me.” He stretched. “What were you sayin’ while I was makin’ sure my head was attached?”
He blinked at Mav again, his mandibles working along his jaw inside his own helmet. A half centimeter in either direction and…  Sometimes he genuinely didn’t know if he wanted to shake Mav or strangle him. “You’re welcome,” He said tightly. “I said if the Geth installed a jammer, the best spot for it would be under that crane.”
The smaller turian looked up at the canyon walls and sighed. “You feel like takin’ a climb up there?”
An hour later after they’d climbed up an almost straight incline, Crassus bent forward with his hands on his knees and huffed as he tried to catch his breath. Mav was doing the same next to him.
“I hate this Spirits forsaken place,” He panted. “My fuckin’ head is poundin’, I’ve got sweat poolin’ in my boots and these fuckin’ humans can’t even build proper fuckin’ stairs. And it smells like fuckin’ decomp up here!”
Crassus straightened up and his mandibles flared widely. “That’s because there are bodies up here.”
“...Ah for fuck’s sake.” Mav spat on the ground.
They’d found the Alliance soldiers and even more dismantled Geth. Along with scattered pools of dried blood and what could almost be called a swarm of insects. Mav strode past him with a hand over his mouth and nose, giving bodies a poke with his foot as he went. Crassus followed him more sedately, respectful of the dead even if they weren’t his own species.
“Fuck, I feel bad sayin’ shit ‘bout the stairs now.” Mav muttered. “This ain’t no way to die. Look at this mess.”
“I’d rather not.” Crassus muttered. The Geth had torn them apart and literally in a few cases.
Mav loitered by the operating cab of the crane, running his hand back and forth over his fringe. “Yeah, fair ‘nough I reckon. Shit.” He said. “Alright. I’m gonna wiggle my way in under the crane and see if I can’t find that damn jammer. You just don’t let nothin’ else shoot at me.”
Crassus nodded his head and pulled his rifle down into his hands again. The smaller turian muttered a few more things to himself as he got down on his belly and did indeed wiggle in under the crane, his feet kicking against the dirt until he was out of sight. That he could fit beneath it in his heavy armor was a testament to how small he was. Crassus paced a tight loop around it, his head tilted as he listened to every sound… The buzz of those insects, the creak in the joins of his armor as he sifted, Mav displacing dirt and rocks and whatever else beneath the crane… A footstep not his own. Crassus stopped pacing. The insects had gone silent.
“Mav,” He called. “I think you should forget about the jammer. We need to leave.”
“In a sec, big guy!” He yelled.
Crassus’ every instinct in the seconds that followed told him to run and he marched over to the crane, knelt and reached under. He found Mav’s ankle and wrapped his hand around it, Mav cursed and kicked at him.
“Spirits! You scared the shit outta me!” He snarled.
“Shut up and put your head down so I can pull you out.” Crassus snapped back at him.
“Let me the fuck go.”
“Yes. You should let him go.” There was a click and a whir sound and Crassus stilled even his breathing.
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djddueces · 5 years
An Idol in Teal, Chapter 1
Hey guys. I wanted to ask you something. I wrote this years ago, and I’m only just finding it now, nostalgia hitting me, me crying like a little baby (kind of lol). If you have the time to read this, tell me what you think of it, and feedback is greatly appreciated. I am trying to be a journalist, and by writing like this, I think it will help me.  
“Miku, we’re ready for your mic check,” yelled Luka from backstage. The pink haired beauty trotted over to the audio panel.
“Hai! One sec!” said the teal haired diva. She picked up a microphone and walked onto stage. She looked at the empty seats that would be filled up within the hour. Every time she got up on stage, she felt as if her stomach had butterflies in it. She wanted nothing more than to sing to her heart’s content to her loyal fans.
“Luka, ready when you are!” Miku yelled towards backstage. The microphone made a humming noise, indicating that Luka had heard Miku’s request. Miku took a deep breath and sighed into the microphone.
“Hey Luka, if you can hear me, isn’t this crazy? I mean we’re just two average girls who flew halfway across the world to the most famous city in the world. Actually, forget that. TO THE USA! Who would have ever thought I would be doing some kind of mini World Tour like this. It’s surreal. Also, pardon my language I’m just really happy about all of this! Thinking about my life, it’s been such a roller coaster. I’ve had my ups, my downs, my blackouts, my fights, but most importantly, I’m doing what I love. I couldn’t be happier right now.” Miku sat down on the edge of the stage and standing behind her was Luka, who sat down next to the girl with the pigtails.
“Well, you ARE Hatsune Miku you idiot. Everyone loves you. Seriously, what’s up with that? You know I joined your little “group” just so I could get more famous than you.” She sneered and tilted her head away from Miku, who just snickered in response.
“How is this my fault?” Miku giggled. “You WANTED to join me. If I remember correctly, you were all “MIKU LET ME JOIN AND DO A SONG WITH YOU I CAN PROVE IM A BETTER SINGER THAN YOU!” Man, the tears that were rolling down your face was too funny.” She continued to laugh, which just angered Luka.
“Listen you little shit, you wouldn’t be where you are today, and you owe me!” She scowled at Miku. Miku stared up at the ceiling, as if this was some magical anime moment where something sentimental was about to happen. That or a wind would come out of nowhere and over exaggerate the whole scene.
“You’re absolutely correct. I wouldn’t. Not without you, without Len and Rin, Meiko and Kaito. Even the other Vocaloids like Gumi and IA and Yukari. All of you have taught me so much….” She placed her face into her palms. Tears formed at the edge of her eyes. Thinking about all of this caused her to become emotional, and the only one she could really cry in front of besides her mother, was Luka.
“Miku, please don’t cry.” She wrapped her arms around Miku and stroked her hair.
“Everyone’s moved on with their lives. I mean, I know Gumi and IA are around for me still, and there’s the other up and coming Vocaloids, but I miss the original crew. And soon, how do I know that I you’ll still be around Luka? Everyone else left, so how do I know that you’ll still be around. Why am I even thinking about this right now? I shouldn’t be crying over the past…..” She continued to sob as Luka hugged her.
“This is the life of an idol. It’s the life YOU chose. You have to take the good with the bad, and turn it into something positive. You’re creative, you’re talented, and you’re amazingly perfect in every way Miku.” Luka blushed.
“Are you…trying to hit on me or….?” Miku wiped away her tears and glanced up at Luka, curiously. Her eyes were like kaleidoscopes. They glimmered in the stage light due to the leftover tears still engulfed in her eyes. Luka retaliated and pushed Miku away, her words and face flustered.
“Idiot, what are you saying?!?”
‘I’m saying that you’re hitting on me. Do you want to be lesbian lovers? I mean, I’m cool with that and all, and if we are, I’m glad it’s you.” Miku gave no hesitation in her answer, speaking almost as if it sounded believable.
“I dunno, just a thought.”
“Miku, you know you’re like a sister to me right?”
“Ah, friendzoned, the classic.”
Luka sighed and stood up. “Come back to me when you’ve gotten more mature.”
“NO LUKA DON’T LEAVE ME IN MY TIME OF NEED!” She pounced on Luka like a cat and clinged to her waist.”
“GET OFF OF ME! How do you go from happy, to sad, and now to excited?? You are so weird Miku it’s not even funny…..”
“Heh heh, excited.”
“OH GROW UP BITCH.” She stormed off the stage, returning to her dress up counter backstage. Miku scratched her head and yelled towards the backstage.  
“NO LUKA COME LOVE ME!” but Luka ignored her. “Seriously, I was just trying to cheer myself up.” Miku looked around once more at the empty ballroom. “I never noticed how pretty Hammerstein is. New York City itself is gorgeous, but there are also the people that give me the creeps.” Goosebumps trailed down her shoulders and a she shuddered.
“Luka is right though, I choose the idol life.” She hopped off stage and towards the back entrance of the ballroom, where hundreds of fans would rush into soon to see her perform. She peaked through the little crack in the door to see if the coast was clear to venture around. It was empty. Slowly, she pushed open the door, which creaked slightly. She walked into the hall, where her merchandise stand was still on display.
“I want a hat of me.” She took the hat out of the box behind the counter, and put it on. She proceeded to take out her phone and open the front facing camera.
“Haha, selfie time.” Just as she was about to snap the picture, a tall figure stood behind her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” said the tall figure, his voice deep and intimidating.
“Umm, selfie time?” Said Miku jokingly.
“What’s with the hat?” He pointed to Miku’s head.
“Ummmm, I’m wearing myself? You know I’m Hatsune Miku right??”
“How do I know that?”
“Wanna check my ID?” She searched for her wallet, which she couldn’t find. “Oh damn I must have left it back stage.”
“Uh huh. Come with me missy.” He snatched the hat from her head and threw it back in the box.
“IM SERIOUS! IM HATSUNE MIKU!!” She screamed, but almost immediately covered her hand with her mouth. She didn’t want the crowd outside to hear her. Who knows what would happen if they found out that Hatsune Miku was live and unguarded. The thought made her fear for her life. She loved her fans and all, but with the good also comes that bad, and she didn’t want to meet the bad.
“I’ll give you one chance to prove it. How do I know you’re REALLY Miku?” The tall figure, who was actually one of the bodyguards from the ballroom, folded his hands across his chest and sneered at her.
“Dude, seriously? Wipe that weird look off your face. It’s creeping me out.” She took out her phone again and dialed a number.
“You’re lucky I’m giving you a chance, don’t tempt me lady.” The phone started ringing and a familiar voice was on the other line.
“Hello?” said the familiar voice.
“OH GOOD LUKA! Thank you for picking up!”
“Huh? Miku? What’s going on? Where are you? Did you get yourself into trouble again?
“E GASP LUKA! Why I never! Why would you accuse me on such grounds?”
“Because I KNOW you Miku. You always wander about and do stupid things and then I come bail you out like always.” She sighed and Miku knew she was facepalming by the “smack” noise that she heard on the other line. “What do you need me to do now, Hime-sama Miku??”
“Here’s the story. So I wanted to get my mind off of what we were discussing before. I strolled around and took a look outside. I got curious about my merchandise here and took one of my own hats and baldy here caught me and is accusing me of grand larceny and I need you to come here and prove to him that I’m Hatsune Miku and not some fan with a wig before he throws me in the slammer and makes me clean bathrooms for a living, okay? Okay. Thanks hun. Love you!”
“Baldy?!” said the bodyguard. Miku chuckled nervously.
“Not happening,” said Luka.
“WAIT? EH!? WHY NOT!?” Miku went into a panic frenzy.
“Because you said we were lesbian lovers and I do not approve against some heinous accusations.” She was about to hang up, but Miku’s constant pleas were annoying Luka, and she eventually succumbed to temptation.
“FINE. Holy shit, shuddup!” Luka screamed and Miku had to pull the phone away from her ear since Luka screamed so loud she might blow her eardrum off.
“Heh heh, you’re picking up a New York accent. I think it’s sexy. Rarwl.” She bursted into laughter but there was no one on the other side of the line. Luka had hung up.
“Huh? Hey? Luka? Luuukkkkkaaaa? DON’T LEAVE ME IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE IN PRISON!” Miku got onto her knees and held out her hands. “Take me away coppa I’ve been a bad girl.” He grabbed her arm and picked her up.
“I know that voice anywhere. That’s the real Luka. And you’re the real Miku. I’m sorry for accusing you….” He bowed his head.
“It’s no worries. I just didn’t want to be cooped up in that ballroom. I mean, it’s beautiful and all, but I really want to explore New York City. I’ve been here before in 2014 when I did my first ever show here, but was confined to a very tight schedule filled with guest appearances and photo shoots and I really never got time to spend alone in the city, ya know? Man, guess I’m picking up your accents huh?”
The bodyguard handed Miku her hat back. “But don’t you have a show soon? You can’t disappoint your fans can you?”
“No, I meant after my two shows here. Sadly, I’m departing from here tomorrow morning. I can still spend one more night here. I always wanted to know what a Saturday night in New York City feels like, but since my show lets out late just like in 2014, I don’t think I’ll have time to.” She slouched her shoulders. “Man, I need a vacation.” Interested in her story, the bodyguard walked towards the ballroom doors.
“They’ll be letting people in soon. About an hour right?” He looked at his watch. It’s 12:30. VIP ticket holders are about to enter. And you’re show starts and 1:30, but you have someone else as your opening act, correct?
Miku nodded. “Yeah, Anamanaguchi, so what?”
“Well,” the bodyguard continued, “that means you won’t start until about 2:15-2:30 since your show initially starts at around 1:30. Since concerts never start on time, we’ll say around 1:45. I’d love to hear about your backstory.”
Miku was shocked. Never once has someone been curious about what her childhood was like and all the struggles it took to get here. A small smile crossed her face and she was really happy. She had so much pent up energy and she wanted to rant but no one would ever listen to her.
“But why?” Miku asked curiously.
“Honestly, to kill time,” the bodyguard said straightforwardly.
“Thanks….” Miku said sarcastically.
“Not only that, but I never get to do shows with idols like you. Most here are stuck up and crazy. But you, I can tell you’re not like that, and deep down, you’re caring and have a lot of sympathy for the ones around you. You’re different.” Miku’s smile was obvious now, and she started tearing up again.
“I haven’t heard someone talk about me like that in a long time that’s not named Luka or my mom. Thank you, er, what’s your name?” She looked around for some kind of ID, a nametag specifically, but found nothing.
“You can call me Jasper,” the bodyguard said.
“OOOH, cool name, and you already know mine,” she giggled. Jasper stood up and pointed upstairs. Come on, I know a place where we can chat quietly. Plus, your fans will be entering soon.” Miku nodded and stood up, following Jasper. They walked up the stairs, and down a long hallway, which led to another flight of stairs. Another hallway soon after led to the upper-most level of the ballroom.
“WOAH! I can see my house from here!” Miku said, jokingly. “But wait; won’t fans be coming here also soon??”
“Yes, in about a half an hour, but we’re not staying here, follow me.” At the back of the upper-most level was a small room, which looked to be some kind of mini-bar that was built into the ballroom. “Come, we can talk here.” Without hesitation, Miku continued to follow along. The room was small and comfy. In the middle was a small bar, filled with all kinds of different assortments of drinks, from kid-friendly such as Coca-Cola and Hi-C to hard liquor like Jack Daniels. Miku could sure use a drink right now.
Surrounding the back of the room were couches with coffee tables. To the inner-most part of the room near the entrance, were small dining tables, no larger than the size of a desk. Jasper directed Miku to one of the tables and sat down.
“We should be fine here. We’re out of sight. If someone comes in, they’re gonna have to look pretty hard at you to see who you are unlike if we sat at the other end of the room where we’re exposed and everyone can see easily.”
“I guess you have a point.” Miku eyed the bar, but knew she would have to wait to guzzle anything down until after her show. She didn’t want to be drunk on stage after all.
“So what do you want to know about me? My name is Hatsune Miku, I’m an idol, I sing, I dance, I do commercials. I’m basically like a puppet that can’t cut its strings loose from this industry.” She folded her hands and sat upright. “I understand I choose this lifestyle, but sometimes it can drain me, both physically and emotionally. I need a break, but I’m doing show after show after show. I’m tired man.”
Jasper looked at Miku not with sympathy, but more of curiosity. “So how goes it?”
“How goes what?” Miku said with one eyebrow up.
“How did the famous Hatsune Miku come to be? What motivated her? What got her in the clear? How did she become “Hatsune Miku?” That is your real name right?”
“YES, that IS my name,” she said sarcastically.
“Sorry, but you know how other singers like to change their names for some reason.”
“Yeah dude I know….They’re dumb. I try not to associate myself with people who are don’t even know their own identity.” Jasper let out a hardy laugh.
“For someone who seems to be so nice, you also have anger issues.” Miku kicked him from under the table and pouted.
“So you really want to know all about me? I guess this is some kind of interview, or oral biography.” Miku nodded her head and folded her arms, smiling confidently.
“Well, here goes. The life of me, the most famous idol, HATSUNE MIKU!”
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Survey #178
“for such a little thing, you sure are in your own way.”
What’s your favorite type of bird? Barn owls are actual deities. What was on the last sandwich you ate? Pb & j. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? Same stuff I listen to now, although I had a mild screamo-ish phase. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? No. How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? Some cheap dollar store in the town, dunno names. What is your favorite Thai dish? Haven't tried any. When was the last time you made out with somebody? Over a month back. What month of the year was your mother born? August. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No. What TV show(s) have you been watching currently? None. How many apps do you have on your phone? Six. My phone has so, so little storage ugh. Have you ever dated a smoker? If not, would you? No to both. Are there any movies you’ve seen so many times? Yeah, sure. Of course a lot as a kid, Finding Nemo and The Lion King 1 & 2 especially, then I've watched both Blair Witch Project movies a lot, Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas... How would you describe your sense of humor? Sarcastic. What’s your favorite type of bread? Pumpernickel. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings? Yeah. Have there ever been any brushfires/wildfires in your area? Yeah. What did you have to eat for dinner last night? Nothing (Thanksgiving was lunch). Do you have separate emails for personal and business? No. Have you ever missed a flight? Yes. Do you know your significant other’s passwords? No, I have no reason to. Would you like to study abroad one day? No. Does someone have a crush on you but you don’t feel the same way? Idk. Who do you feel most beautiful around? Sara. /v\ What’s one makeup item you cannot live without? I could easily live without any. Is there one thing all of your ex’s had in common? All guys. Did you french kiss before you were 16? No. Imagine your spouse just died; would you get re-married? I don't know if I would. Like... I'd never stop loving her, so "moving on" to someone else just because she's no longer physically here would feel disloyal. What’s your favorite thing about life? New, fun experiences and creating strong bonds with people like you. Who pays for the first date? Idrc, but probably whoever proposed the date? Or split the bill? Have you ever had a friend that got a bf/gf, and then completely ignored you? Yeah. Do you play any computer games, if so, what ones? Not currently 'cuz my gaming laptop has to be fixed. :| When it is and I have my own income, I might return to WoW, but I'm not sure. I think the subscription is kinda high, and I have more important things to handle. What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? Idk why I find White Chicks so goddamn funny. What lyric means the most to you? Off the very top of my head, "A bloody war behind my eyes; I'll come all right on the other side" from "Free" by Mother Mother. Really makes me think of all I've been through but how I keep coming out stronger. Who is the smartest person you know? Girt. What’s the next movie you will see in theaters? Idk. Are you adopted? No. What band do you like that most people hate? You canNOT look me in the face and say you don't like at least one Nickelback song. I don't get the hate. Any new bands that you actually enjoy? Oh idk. What is your escape from reality? RPing. Do you have any self-inflicted scars on your arms? You can only just barely see them. Do you like “scene” hair? YEAH AND I ALWAYS FUCKING WANTED IT BUT I COULD NEVER POSE IT CORRECTLY 'CUZ MY HAIR WAS TOO THICK AND HEAVY. Have your parents ever been to jail? No. If your friend asked you to hold their drugs, would you? Definitely not. Does it scare you when a relationship moves too fast? Y E A H Would you ever consider hitchhiking? I don't know if I would even in a desperate situation... I don't trust people. Have you ever hitchhiked? No. Have you ever been to a music festival? No. What color car do you want to have? Burnt orange. Would you rather hike a mountain or explore a cave? Explore a cave!!! Would you rather wear a flower crown or veil? Probably a veil? Do you believe peace on earth is attainable? I honestly don't believe so. What type of tattoo do you want? s o  m a n y What is your favorite insect? Butterflies. Would you ever live in the desert? Nooooo. Fuck the heat. Is your town beautiful? I don't really live in one, but the closest town isn't. Which season do you want to get married in? Autumn. Are totem poles cool? YEAH! Favorite art forms? Conceptual photography. What kind of music do you enjoy? Plenty sorts of metal, rock, and alternative. Do you have any gay friends? Yeah. Where is your favorite place to go? The zoo, even though I have mixed feelings about them... Do you know your dad? Yeah. How often do you get on Facebook? At least once a day. Are you related to anyone who’s in prison? Don't think so?? What concerts are you attending in the near future? Y'ALL I MIGHT FUCKING SEE OZZY IN JANUARY. He and Megadeth are coming to Charlotte and the tickets aren't too bad. :') It's a loooong drive but Mom was like "hell yeah" when I told her and wants to buy tickets after she gets her tax return AH. Metallica is a possibility too, but Mom doesn't think she can afford it. If you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first? Dad's. What are you currently looking forward to? Sara's b-day, Christmas, hopefully getting my laptop fixed, aforementioned concerts, and school. What was the reason you got grounded for last? Idk, that was a long time ago. But most likely for "talking back" to Mom. The last two people you kissed, are they virgins? Yes; probably not. Is there a guy that knows everything or mostly everything about you? Yeah. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? A bit to the left. If you could have anything delivered to your doorstep each morning, what would it be? Um,,, money?????? What is one vacation destination that many people think is just fabulous but which you personally have no desire to visit (or revisit)? New York City. Heard from my sister it's a shithole with the craziest and rudest people known to Planet Earth. I'm not big on cities, anyway. Which animated character is your all-time favorite? Uhhhhhh... Dory, maybe? If you could own a home on the shore of any body of water in the world, which waterfront would you choose? I WANT THE PINK BEACHES OF THE BAHAMAS. But I'm scared of the Bermuda Triangle so will probably never see them. :'''''') What serves as the greatest motivation for you in your daily life? MY RECOVERY. If I got through what I have, I can't ever give up and roll back down that hill. I'm focusing to always improve. If you could have any round object in the world, what spherical item would you want? t h e  g a m e s p h e r e ,  l a d s If you were left alone for one hour with nothing more than a pen and a notepad, what would you be inclined to draw or write during those 60 minutes? Practice eyes or start a poem. If you could witness anything at all in super-slow motion, what would you want to see? Hmmm... OH, maybe a big cat's tongue licking meat. See how it actually shears tiny bits off. Cats' tongues are cool. What do you forget to do more often than anything else? Take my anxiety med at the right time. If you could teach everyone in the world one skill, what would it be? Compassion. You’ve been offered the chance to paint a billboard along a highway with any message you choose, as long as it’s only 10 words long. What is your message? Oh jeez, I'd have to think too hard on this. Who’s the last guy to give you roses? Tyler. Did your parents do drugs when they were younger? Not to my knowledge, and I doubt they would've. Do you have any relatives who live on a different continent than you? I don't believe so. What are your religious beliefs? Were you raised with those beliefs, or did you develop them on your own? I'm a theist, entailing I believe in a creator, but I know nothing about him/her/it. I personally picture them as a peaceful and sage deity that allows life to go on without it intervening anywhere, letting the world evolve on its own and see how we adapt to our unique settings and handle life. In the end, I believe we are either given some form of paradise or a type of damnation depending on how you wrote your story. I like to imagine the good go to their personal vision of "Heaven," and I wonder if the paranormal activity some experience in life are the acts of the damned, apparently confined to remain on Earth or something. Anyway, I wasn't raised with such beliefs; they were developed. I was brought up Catholic, then I turned to just simple Christianity as I didn't agree with a lot of Catholic ideas, and most recently I abruptly turned away from that in favor of theism. How did you and your significant other celebrate your last anniversary? We went out for breakfast. What has been your favorite house/apartment/etc you’ve ever lived in? My last house for location, as a house itself, my childhood one. What’s something in your house that currently needs to be cleaned? I need to vacuum my room. Do you still remember any of the dreams or nightmares you had as a child? Yup. What’s the most bizarre conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard of? The world is donut-shaped. Yeah. Do you have a good sense of direction? Not. At. All. Who was your first crush? Did you ever actually date them? Dylan, and no. What’s the weirdest, rudest, or most ridiculous thing a guest has ever done in your home? Who knows. Has anyone ever told you you’re manipulative? I don't think so. Do you know anyone who owns their own business? No. When was the last time you weren’t 100% sober? Uhhh maybe that movie night with Colleen and Chelsea. Is obtaining a college degree something that is important to you? Well, for my possible career future. Have you ever eaten at a vegan restaurant? No. Do you view substance abuse as a disease or a choice? I have... mixed feelings here. Starting something, that is indisputably a choice. Becoming addicted though, I'm not sure. Some people have addictive personalities so have a bigger inclination to become addicted, but isn't that just a personal trait/weakness you can fight?? I dunno. I know it's labelled as a disease by people way more informed than me though, so. What does the last text you sent say? Don't feel like checking. Does it bother you when people call you ‘ma'am’ or ‘sir?’ No. I live in the South, that's polite. Have you ever been obsessed with a television character? Does Dory count for movies? ha ha Do you ever wish you had powers of invisibility? Not really. What was the last thing that changed your life completely? Recovery. Do you have any step siblings? One. Have you ever been questioned by the police? No. In which state/country were you born? NC, U.S.A. Have you ever been to an amusement park out of state? Disney World. What do you normally drink when eating at a fast food restaurant? Coke or Mountain Dew. Have the police ever been looking for you? Not because I did something wrong; I've told the beach story a few times. If you chew gum, which kind is your favorite? I love the watermelon Hubba Bubba one asjfawoeu Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yeah. What was the last liquid that you choked on? Water, just this morning when I was taking my meds ah. How many times did you wake up today before actually getting up? Well, I woke up once in the middle of the night like usual, then I woke up at like, 6-something and went back to sleep. Who did you celebrate your last birthday with? Mom, sises, Ash's husband and kids, and Dad stopped by. Was your last kiss initiated by you or the other person? I think it was kinda a simultaneous thing. We were saying bye. Do you buy a ton of things at the store at once or just for that day? Mom does the shopping, but it depends on how much time she has and what's at the house. When getting dressed do you put your pants or shirt on first? Pants. When you kiss a person where do your hands usually go? I actually don't know if it's a consistent thing for me??? I don't kiss anyone regularly so I don't recognize a pattern. What is one song you listen to that you’re sure not many people do? "False Flags," probs. Massive Attack is so neglected of the attention they deserve. Do you use a handrail on stairs if there is one? Yes, I'm scared of tripping. What was the last thing you saw that made you smile? Teddy came right up into my face wanting attention. What is your favorite drinking game? Never played any. Do you have any tattoos that you don’t like anymore? I think I've mentioned why I don't love my "ohana" one now. I'm getting it covered at some point. My "perfectly flawed" one is probably getting covered by a much bigger piece; I picked a bad location for it to want a sleeve. I'd just maybe redesign it, put if somewhere else. Do you have a shower curtain or door? Curtain. Who was the last person from your high school graduating class you saw? Probs Colleen? Who was the last non-relative you hung out with? Sara. Are you listening to anything right now? I'm way too obsessed with "Black Wedding" by In This Moment (feat. Rob Halford). Rob makes it, and the chorus is awesome. How many keys are on your keychain? One. Who was the last person you took a photograph with? Ryder, my nephew. Are you left handed? No. What were you most scared of when you were little? Losing my mom/being separated from her. Are you biracial? No. When was the last time you painted your nails? What color(s)? I couldn't even guess. Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? Thank fuck no. Have you ever overflown a bathtub? Don't think so. What’s at the top of your to-do list in life? Stay positive, never stop aiming to improve. What was the last thing you shared? Well, Thanksgiving food. Where are you most ticklish? Feet. Do not- Which cartoon character do you want to keep as a pet? Uhhhh how 'bout an Espeon. I imagine them to be calm and silently affectionate like cats and very intelligent. Have you ever considered a career in music/acting? No. When was the last time you felt seriously embarrassed? Getting food yesterday. Per usual, let things die down, but I still ended up crammed in a corner, unable to go in any direction while someone was trying to get past me. I was headed for an anxiety attack and felt like a total nuisance. I'm pretty sure it showed in how I was whipping my head around, shuffling in various directions, clearly wanting the fuck out. Have you ever liked a song, looked up the lyrics to it, then hated it? No, lyrics can't ruin a song I like the sound of. What would be the icing on the cake for you this Christmas? A PS4, omg. I have to get my laptop fixed and a new camera, so I highly doubt I'm getting that or a tablet considering cost. I want to play the Spyro Reignited trilogy beyond words, like I refuse to even watch a let's play because I want to experience it all first-hand, but. Yeah, unlikely anytime soon. If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? Noooooo. Do you like quesadillas? Only chicken and/or cheese ones. Did you like the show Invader Zim? I surprisingly never saw it. What’s the greatest/most influential song you’ve ever heard? "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy always makes me wanna get off my ass and do something. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in a grocery store? A HUGE BOX OF ANIMAL HEADS IN THE MIDDLE OF WAL-MART, BECKONING THE FURRIES INTO ITS DEPTHS. Have you ever bought yourself a present on Christmas? No. Well, I've used money I've been given on Christmas, if that counts. Have you ever been on a mechanical bull? No. Do you need a key card to get into the building you live in? No. Have you ever stepped in chewing gum? Yes. Name all the people you know that you’ve seen today. Just Mom.
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yo-namine · 6 years
Lots of KH3 talk under the cut. This post contains spoilers from the start of the game through the scenes just before Toy Box.
Oh my GOD, those first few notes of “Dearly Beloved.” I just sat and listened to it until the menu trailer started again. It sounds really… romantic? Somehow? I teared up a bit, ngl. 
That opening FMV was a thing of beauty. I'm so glad I didn't watch the full thing when it leaked because it really sets the tone for the game. I love the final shots of young Xehanort eyeing Sora's chess piece and Sora holding Xehanort's. It makes me wonder if this game is going to end with Sora keeping Xehanort's heart in his after all. Also, the part with the Seasalt and Wayfinder Trios standing in the dark and a door opens to the light and Utada Hikaru is chanting backwards (I think) gave me chills. 
I loved the intro tutorial; it was such a nice callback to KH1's opening. I chose the Trinity's "all for one" scene and then Naminé and Sora's pinkie-promise for my playthrough. I'm too scared to google to see if I'm remembering this correctly, but I think that meant I chose balance and the power of the guardian. While making my choices, I had a sick feeling that maybe this game would have multiple endings, and who you saved depended on what you chose during the tutorial. I'm pretty sure if just determines how you level up/when you get certain abilities like in previous games, but idk. 
The Kingdom Hearts II.9 title card was so fucking rude lmao. That paired with the intro to Olympus, with the narrator saying the planets had FINALLY aligned for this momentous occasion was hilarious. 
Herc talking about being with the one he loved was more important than being an all-powerful god… idk, it has me wondering how Sora’s story (where he’s constantly reminded how weak he is) is going to play out. 
Oh God, the DREAD that filled my heart when the game switched over to Riku in the Dark Realm. I was NOT emotionally prepared to see Aquanort, and I was so relieved when he and Mickey decided to leave. I do really like Riku and Mickey’s relationship in this game so far, though. I’m generally not a big fan of Mickey in this series (save for CoM), but so far, his interactions with Riku have felt really organic and genuine, and it makes him more likable. Also, their conversation about how much Riku’s grown over the past couple of years has me really, really concerned that he might die after all at the end of this game… I hope I’m wrong about that. 
The effect on Repliku’s voice inside the demon tide was really cool. I can’t wait to see how his storyline developes. 
Also, I like that you get to briefly play as Riku so early in the game just because it really emphasizes just how much weaker Sora has become. Like Riku's casting thundaga and curaga and warping across the battlefield, keeping up with a fucking demon tide like it's nothing; meanwhile, Sora's out here splashing level 1 water spells at little soldier heartless and hoping for the best. It's kind of like a nod to how Riku saw them both in KH1 when they reunited in Traverse Town, when he was patronizingly telling Sora that he'll take care of everything and that Sora shouldn’t worry his pretty little head. That said, all this talk about how weak and puny Sora is really makes me think they're priming him for a Terra-style storyline, and that's... worrisome. 
I may’ve teared up at the Twilight Town intro. The world is just SO beautiful. 
lmao @ “It hasn’t been that long.” I am seriously loving how self-aware the writing has been so far. In fact, the writing in general for this game has been surprisingly… good? For one thing, I’m honestly getting blown away by characters just casually referencing things from previous titles. And that’s not really something that should be all that impressive on its own, but I can’t help but be surprised because it’s not something that happened that much in past games. A lot of KH feels episodic, where characters will vaguely reference past events occasionally, but rarely does a character just straight-up say, “Hey, remember when we went here and did this and learned this? Let’s build on that.” And just that simple writing change is already doing this game’s story wonders. 
The dusks refer to Roxas as "our liege," and I love it. That was such a genuinely creepy and interesting way to introduce them in KH2. And I can’t get over the fact that Sora understands them.
Sora sounding so sincere when he says Roxas is a cool guy is just adorable. Like you know Roxas is probably in Sora's heart listening to all this and cringing, but he's also lowkey flattered, haha. 
I also like the scene where Sora resolves to bring Roxas back. He mentions that Herc said he would need something to fight for “with all his heart” (and sidenote: I LOVE how relevant the Disney worlds are in this game. They’re not just filler between story cutscenes; the worlds are actually important.), and he decides that saving Roxas is it. 
God, the sheer RELIEF I felt when Sora actually brought up Naminé living in Kairi's heart is indescribable. I was so, so sure Nomura would just forget that in favor of connecting Naminé only to Sora's heart, but I guess I was wrong. I hope he keeps surprising me like this. 
Not to harp on about this, but the dialogue in this game is seriously such a step up. A whole staircase up, actually. I had a bunch of lines I wanted to quote, but there are just too many. The script has so much life and charm to it, and so far I haven't noticed any awkward/stilted lines or forced comedy that was common in the other games. 
And the gameplay! I love it. It’s essentially 0.2′s system, which utilizes the best parts of KH2, BBS, and DDD. I'm always forgetting just how many options I have to take out mobs, lol. I should probably make a list.
Ienzo is so... nice? It's kind of weirding me out, tbh. I just expected him to have a little more edge to him, or to at least be a little condescending, but no. He's just your friendly neighborhood science guy. You think he's ever gonna bring up the fact that Lea murdered him a past life or nah? 
I did like Aeleus’s reintroduction, though, how he just side-eyed Ienzo talking to Sora and kept walking. 
I'm so easily overwhelmed by any mention of Kairi in this game, lmfao, like every time they mention her in passing the fucking room starts spinning a la Mr. Krabs meme. They actually remember her! And talk about her plot relevance! 
Kairi’s letter from the orchestra concert is in the game!!!! I wonder if Naminé’s conversation with Terra will make it in, too? I did really like that scene with Kairi and Lea/Axel in the forest. They’re not super best friends or anything, and you can still sense some awkwardness between them, but you can tell that Axel is genuinely trying to be kind to her, and that Kairi’s open to it. She’s at least comfortable enough around him to talk about her writing, which is something. I’ll admit that I’m still uneasy about Axel potentially only seeing Kairi as a Xion stand-in, but I think I’m willing to give this subplot a chance. I know Nomura’s writing is always a letdown when it comes to Kairi, but given how much stronger it’s been in this game… Would it be that stupid to hope for a decent character arc for her? Not even a good one lmao, just a decent one? I dunno. I’ll just keep playing and see how it goes.
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ebhenah · 6 years
Fictober 18 Day 13
Prompt: "try harder, next time."
Original fiction, Original characters (a continuation of my Fictober Day 7 story: Uncharted and my Fictober Day 8 story : Anchor. This one featuring Wraith and Spook)
Rating: T Mentions of war, death, LGBTQ2SIA+ relationships
"Hey Spook." He found her sitting by the sakura tree in the huge garden on her city-ship… well, not HER ship really, but he still thought of it that way. The gardens provided food and helped to scrub carbon dioxide out of the canned air, but they also provided a much needed source of beauty and tranquility. He wasn't surprised to find her there, sitting under the tree she'd planted in memoriam to her late wife. There as some kind of special significance to the tree that he didn't grasp, but that was fine. He didn't need to know WHY it was special, just that it WAS. "So, if memory serves me correctly, today would be your anniversary?"
She nodded, "five years. She's now officially been gone longer than she was my wife." A deep breath shook her small frame.
"But you guys were together for a while before that, right?" he asked gently, dropping to the floor to sit beside her.
"Yeah," she gave him a watery smile, wiping at her eyes, "I was 14, she was 16… but our species age differently, so I was technically closer to adulthood than her, at first."
"Your first love stuck, huh? That's rare."
"Soulmates," she stretched, "people like to pretend that's just romantic bs, but it is a thing. A real thing. You know what I mean."
"Are you saying that he's my soulmate?" he blinked at her.
"You didn't know?" she was visibly surprised, "yeah- you guys are. Anyone with any magical ability can see it. So are my Dads. She was my soulmate. I knew… I dunno, the second or third time we met, I was 13… which translates to about 16 or 17 for a pure human. She… took longer." She laughed softly, "when we met she thought she was straight."
Wraith laughed, shaking his head, "poor thing, I suspect you weren't the most patient person while she figured that out."
"No, I was a serious pain in the ass. I mean, I gave her space… but I had a bad habit of parading my many, many dates under her nose. For a straight girl, that really bothered her an awful lot."
"You are evil," he teased, "but it looks like it worked."
"Yes and no," she answered, "I'm sure it was part of it… but mostly, it was that I got sick. Really sick. Like, 'might not make it' sick and she," she shook her head, smiling again, "my first coherent memory is of her telling me she loved me and I wasn't allowed to die."
"That's very dramatic and intense… it suits you."
"God, I miss her. I realized yesterday I couldn't remember her laugh. Not the 'that was a good joke' laugh… I have enough videos where she's laughing at something that I'll never forget that… but the little laugh- you know the one I mean? The spend-the-day-in-bed-and-pretend-the-world-doesn't-exist laugh that was just for me, just for us. The honeymoon laugh. I can't remember her honeymoon laugh."
"That kind of stuff is always rough," he commiserated. "Grief is brutal. Tell me your favorite story about her… that doesn't involve sex- you seriously have strange boundaries when it comes to sex."
"I wouldn't tell a sex story about her. Those memories are sacred. Okay, my favorite story about her… would be the proposal. She was like, quietly romantic- little private gestures, unexpected stuff. But, as you can probably guess, I'm all about the big showy stuff. So, I was planning on proposing in a way she'd love. There was this big formal event coming up that we both needed to attend… for a ton of boring political reasons. Anyway, I wrote this poem for her, and I got a ring- it was made of this mineral that doesn't exist on earth, a soft flexible green metal. Rare, but much safer for a fighter, and she was one hell of a fighter. I set everything up on my little ship, so that when we got back from the event, she'd see the note and I could get down on one knee with the ring held up. Perfect."
"It sounds it,” his face was so kind, so sympathetic. He knew her pain all too well.
"So, we're at the event, and I'm making the rounds, shaking hands and letting people kiss my knuckles… all the hob-nobby stuff. My whole family is there, actually pretty much everyone I knew was there... and all of a sudden my sister is smacking my arm and pointing to the little dias where they'd been making speeches and toasts and stuff… I look up and it's her, and my kid brother, who has a guitar. She apologizes for interrupting the festivities and my brother starts playing and she starts singing. She had a beautiful voice- like little bells. She'd written me a love song. I was a mess- ugly crying… it was a whole thing. So, I'm wiping my eyes and I look over at my dads, and they are holding this sign that says 'will', which didn't make any sense, so I like look around a bit, and my sister is holding one that says 'you' and then my brother flips his guitar over and the back has a sign that says 'marry', and then she's holding out this like treasure chest thing with a ring box and another sign that says 'me'," she smiled, eyes on the blossoms of the tree, "it was this big, showy, romantic proposal that was everything I could want. I said yes, obviously."
"Obviously," he agreed, "even if she did steal your thunder."
"She didn't steal my thunder. She WAS my thunder. I was just the rain. When we got back to the ship and she saw what I had done, she burst into tears. I was like 'I was trying to be romantic your way, but my timing was off, I guess.' and she kissed me and laughed- that honeymoon laugh I can't remember anymore- and then she smiled and said, 'looks like if you want to beat me to the romantic moments, you are going to have to try harder, next time.' We were so young. So clueless."
"But you had each other, at least for a few years. Some people don't get that much. That's what I used to tell myself… when I thought he was dead."
"Did it help?" she asked, her voice raw.
"Sometimes… but not often."
"Thanks, Wraith… most people avoid talking about her with me. That's worse, somehow."
"Anytime, Spook. I know what it's like. Now, I've got cognac back in my quarters," he said, "let's go make a dent in the bottle and you can tell me more about her. We'll start a new anniversary tradition- happy memories."
"Happy memories. I like that."
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fallen029 · 7 years
Cards and Cigars
"Boss? You around? Sure is dark," Bickslow grumbled softly as he opened Laxus' apartment door, letting himself in. It was their standard Thursday night though, as none of them were off on jobs, so it was commonplace for him to do so. "Me and Freed are here."
"Laxus," Freed called out as he walked through the dark apartment to the den. "Are you- Ah. Here you are."
Both he and Bickslow smiled at the sight of the figure over at the card table, draped in Laxus' usual coat, hunched over in the darkness.
"Why you got it so dark, boss?" Bickslow went to hit the light switch. "Are-"
They both about died as, to their shock and (Freed's) displeasure, they found that the person at the table was not Laxus at all, but rather Mirajane Strauss. She even had one of the man's signature cigars dangling out of her mouth, toothy grin and all, as she stared at the men. In front of her laid stacks of jewels, no doubt Laxus', which she seemed to be organizing into different piles.
"M-Mirajane," Freed said slowly. "Where is Laxus? And why are you…here?"
"Yeah, Mrs. Boss," Bickslow said as he came closer. Laxus hated when he called Mira that, as the two were very much so not married, wasn't even on the horizon, but Mira liked it. "Somethin' didn't happen to boss, did it?"
"Of course not," she said, reaching up to take the cigar from her mouth. "He's gonna be a bit late though, so he sent me here to entertain you boys."
Bickslow blinked. "W-Well, not that I don't appreciate the offer, but I'm sorta in a committed relationship now. Remember? Your sister? I just don't think she'd be too-"
Freed sighed. "Bickslow, she did not mean…sexually entertain and you know it!"
"How was I supposed to know that? Huh? You sure assume a lot."
"Compared to the assumption you just made?"
Mira was blushing heavily then. "L-Laxus just told me to make sure that you guys knew he'd be late. I don't-"
"He was kidding, I assure you," Freed sighed as he took his seat at the table. "And if he would like to keep his head, he should tell you that before this gets back to Laxus."
"Of course I was kiddin'," he said with an easy grin as he took his seat. "I was just-"
"And what are you doing with Laxus' cigar? Do you know how expensive those are?" Freed almost sounded concerned for her, really. "He will hit the roof. Are you even smoking it?"
"Ew, no, gross. I was just playing dress up."
"Dress up?" Bickslow repeated. "As…the boss?"
"Mmmhmm." She sat up real tall then, showing off that she was indeed wearing one of his button up dress shirts underneath his coat. "I had his headphones on too, but his music is so boring. I think I'll change it for him-"
"What? No. Mira, honestly, do not even attempt it," Freed told her hastily. "He will kill you. Honestly."
"You think?
"W-Well, I already kinda did sorta maybe."
Mira sighed. "I've been over here all alone forever. I had to do something."
"You deleted the boss's music?" Even Bickslow was concerned. "Why would you even think to do that?"
"It's all loud and noisy and… I think he'll like what I put on there."
"Perhaps," Freed said slowly, "you should go ahead and get out of here, yes? Before he shows back up?"
"Maybe, uh, try and get his music back on his player, yeah?" Bickslow offered. "Sooner rather than later."
"Mmmm…I think I'm okay." She put the cigar back in her mouth and made a face over at them. "Do I look like dragon?"
"That's what I call him, silly," she told Freed with a giggle. "He's my dragon."
"This is the boss we're talking about here? The boss? Our boss? My boss?" Bickslow whistled. "You've got him strung, huh?"
"I believe," Freed sighed, "that the expression is sprung."
"What? No. What could that possibly- Oh. No. You're right. You got him sprung, Mira. Don't ya?"
"Well," she started, pausing to think, "I know that he loves me, if that's what you mean."
"Yes, yes," Freed complained. "He has said that he loves you. But only when you prompt him, right?"
"No." She even giggled. "He tells me all the time, silly."
Nodding, Mira added, "We talk about our life together and how he wants a little son that looks just like him. And he wants to come home from jobs to see me taking care of the boy and whatever other kids we have and he'll just love us all so much, he won't hardly even want to leave, but he'll have to, of course, sometimes. And we'll have a big house, but not too big, and the kids will like to sleep in our bed and snuggle with us, because, you know, they'll love their mother and father and we'll just be-"
"Laxus has not run any of this by me," Freed said in a huff. "Therefore it is slanderous and a dangerous thing to say, Mirajane."
More giggles. "I haven't even told you about our wedding yet-"
"Oy," Bickslow sighed. "You and boss sure talk about the future a lot. When are you doin' this then? This marriage? Becoming the real Mrs. Boss?"
"Oh, not for years. We want to do a bunch of stuff before we take that big of a step."
"Right," Freed said with a nod. "His excuse to get you off his back so he does not have to actually marry you."
"Uh, Freed?" Bickslow frowned over at him. "Maybe you should, I dunno, not upset Mirajane before Laxus gets here? He'll already be all pissy that she messed with his stuff-"
"No," Mira said, frowning now. They were making her and Laxus relationship sound a lot worse than need be. "He won't be."
"We will just see then, won't we?"
"Yes, Freed, we will."
A sharp knock at the door stopped the conversation for the moment and, hoping that it was Laxus (though he quickly realized the man would never knock at his own door), Freed rushed to go answer it.
"Another tagalong, I see," he sighed when he returned to the den a minute later not with Laxus, but rather Mirajane's little sister, Lisanna.
Bickslow and his babies, respectively, both perked up at the sight of hr. She was busy staring at her sister though.
"Mira," she complained with a glare. "Did we or did we not have plans to meet for dinner tonight?"
"We did," Mira said as she smiled over at her sister.
"Then why did I have to track you down all the way here, at Laxus' place, when-"
"Lisanna, he just asked me to stay here while he took care of something. That's all. You know, let Freed and Bickslow in. Keep them company."
"Lissy is more than enough company, thanks." Bickslow sat back, wagging his tongue at her. "C'mere, kid."
As she went over to him, she asked her sister, "So you blew me off, without warning-"
"I thought he'd be back by now, Lisanna. Honest. I didn't forget."
"Well, I just find it suspect that I found you at your boyfriend's house-"
"And look. Now you get to spend some time with Bickslow before we go out to dinner." She smiled at her. "You should really be thanking me."
"I'm thanking you," the seith said as he pulled the younger woman down into his lap. Lisanna just giggled as he snuggled her up real close. "Thanks, Mira."
"Thank you," his dolls cooed as they circled around the room. "Thank you!"
Still, Freed seemed put out. "This is supposed to be a night for the three of us, as guys, to spend time together. Not for the two of you to invite your women over to ruin it."
"I didn't invite Lissy," Bickslow complained. "And I don't think that you should be bossing the, well, boss around there, man. He don't take well to it. Unless it comes from Mrs. Boss. I mean- Mmmm, Lissy."
She just kissed him again. "Stop talking. And take your silly visor off."
"Do not start doing this in front of us," Freed told them as Lisanna shifted in his lap and Bickslow pushed his visor off. Even Mira, who had been happy at first by not only the appearance of her sister, but also the sight of a relationship she'd help form blossom, was then horrified at the sight of her little sister behaving such a way.
"Uh, Lisanna?" her sister tried. "Maybe you two should stop-"
"They're right, Lisanna." Bickslow pulled away from her slightly. "We should be doing this at home. At my place. Alone."
"But it's your boys night."
"Right now I want a me and you night."
"I forbid it," Freed told him. "You are not allowed to leave. Not unless Laxus allows it."
"Boss didn't even show up, man," Bickslow pointed out as he and Lisanna got to their feet, her retrieving his visor and putting it over her own head with a giggle. "It's just you and his woman now. So don't make her cry. Or put the moves on her. Or anything else with her that might piss him off."
"Sage advice," Lisanna agreed, taking his hand as the babies followed them out of the room. "Bye, Mira."
"But Lisanna, what about dinner?"
"You ditched me. I'm returning the favor."
After they were gone, Mira and Freed found themselves just sitting there, in the den, staring at one another. Reading the situation correctly for once, she could tell that for some reason, he was a little peeved about something and was trying to find a safe subject.
"So," she said slowly, glancing at the other man. "Are you and Laxus still going to play cards or-"
"You and your siblings," he said with a shake of his head. "We had a system, Mirajane. A nice system. Ever dated men who never cared much for her and would come to complain to us about it later. When she and Elfman got involved, we all thought it was great. Finally, someone beneath her that couldn't make her feel horrible. Though her tastes are another topic-"
"That is my brother, you know."
"And then you and Laxus. I believe I have taken that well. Just like your sister and Bickslow. Or at least I've tried. But you've taken our leader and you've taken our comic relief. What's left, Mira? Hmmm? Just me. The faithful follower. I will take this ship down to the lowest depths of the sea, but I will not stand idly by as it sinks and say nothing."
"…I'm sorry, is Bickslow really the comic relief? Because I think you're much funnier. And dragon. Even Ever. I mean, he's definitely the weirdest, but-"
"The point, Mirajane, is that the last thing that we had was these nights, the ones that we spend playing cards, just the three of us. But here you are, ruining this too. And now your sister has taken Bickslow-"
"I think he went a little more willingly than you're letting on, if not the one taking her."
"I just wish that you all would stop trying to mess things up. Things were very complete before, without you Strauss siblings, and now-"
"Demon! Are you still here?"
The door opened and closed then, rather loudly, before they heard the sound of Laxus walking through the apartment.
"Did they even show up?"
He was in the doorway of the den then and, with a grunt, he nodded at Freed.
"Where's the other one thing?" he asked as he came over to Mirajane to pat her on the head. "Bickslow? Late?"
"Lisanna showed up," his follower said, "and made off with him."
"Even better." He was standing behind Mirajane's chair and rested his hands on her shoulders. "He'd have just complained the whole time about being without her. 'sides, with Mira here, she can take his place. Demon, you wanna-"
"No." She got out of the chair quickly, shrugging off his jacket. "I have to… I don't want to ruin your night."
"You wouldn't be. I mean, I am offering you to stay, after all, so, really-"
"I just should go. That's all."
"Why?" Laxus caught her arm. "Me and Freed want you to stay. Don't we, Freed?"
"Of course we do, Mirajane," he sighed as she glanced over at him. "I was just…talking to you. As a friend. Before. It was just a…personal conversation about our feelings, yes? Perhaps mine made you feel unwelcome, but I was just being-"
"Get to the point, Freed," Laxus growled. "Before my woman leaves."
"Right. Of course. Um, Mira? Laxus and I would both enjoy it if you stayed and played cards with us."
"Very much so, demon," the other guy agreed as she glanced up at him. "I'd also enjoy it if you make me some snacks."
"Quickly, demon. I have quite the appetite, yeah? Then you can come and play a few hands with us, huh? And what's my box of cigars doin' out on the table?"
"I was playing with them."
"What? Mira-"
"It went with the coat," she said, nodding at where she'd left the garment on the back of the chair. "And the headphones."
"You used my headphones?"
"I changed the music in your headphones." Mira patted him on the arm. "It was horrible. Your music was, I mean. The music I put on there though is very relaxing and soothing and it'll just do wonders for your little attitude problem."
Freed about dove for cover. She'd dropped all of those things on him at once. Was the woman truly crazy?
For a moment, Laxus just stared at her. Then, oddly enough, he broke out in a grin.
"You just like pushing my buttons, don't you, demon?"
"You really shouldn't smoke those nasty cigars anyways," she said simply as he moved to kiss her head. "Honestly, Lax, you shouldn't. They're not good for you."
"Mmmm. Go make me something to eat, huh? Whatever's fastest. And bring me and Freed some beers too." He patted her on the head before moving to take the seat she previously occupied. "Silly demon. You keep this up and I might invite you over to all game nights. Let you serve me. And what are you lookin' at, Freed?"
Laxus, that was what. He was still in shock, honestly. Was the man not even going to yell at Mirajane? Not even bother with getting upset with her?
What sort of hold did she have over him then? Hmmm? It was like no other woman he'd ever been with, it appeared.
"It's just…" Freed couldn't say all that, of course, and needed a valid reason for his staring. "I was wondering what you were doing, is all, that you were so late."
"Oh. That." Laxus snorted. "Demon didn't tell you?"
"N-No. What-"
"There was a slight complication over at her house that I had to tend to."
"Evergreen, for some reason, told Elfboy that he was invited over here and, well, I had to go argue with him, yeah? To convince him otherwise? Make him not even want to come?"
"Laxus," they heard from the kitchen. "I said to go explain to Elfman that you were spending time with the Thunder Legion only. Not that you two hate one another, so don't even bother showing up. Why would you do that?"
"Just hurry it up with the food, demon. My stomach's growlin'."
"Then you see it too?" Freed asked.
"The sancaty in the three of us, you, Bickslow, and I, spending these days together? That there should still be something left for just us? For the others not to impede upon like they have so many of our other traditions?"
Laxus blinked. "I just don't like Elfman. If that's what you're asking me, then yeah. If not, then maybe still yeah. I dunno. What I do know is that Mira don't impede on nothin'. And what traditions? The only reason we only ever hung around one another only is because most everyone else couldn't stand us. Not for traditions sake or whatever. But if it keeps Elfman from popping in, sure, whatever."
"I've told you before, Laxus," they heard then as Mira came back into the room, a plate of sandwiches balanced one hand, the other cradling to beer cans against her chest, as not to drop them, "to stop talking badly about my brother."
"I wasn't, demon. Honest."
When she sat the plate down as well as the beers, Laxus just moved to pull her into his lap.
"Now," he said as she shifted to get comfortable. "What card games do you know, demon? We'll play whatever you know how to."
"Mmmm…I know the one where you gotta make a house out of them."
Freed blinked. "Do tell me you're joking."
"Don't tease my demon." Laxus snuggled her up real close. "She wants to build a house of cards, let her. You help her. I gotta eat anyhow. Then I'll teach you how to play some real shit, huh, Mira?"
She just giggled, shifting in his lap. "No cursing, dragon."
"Yes, ma'am," he said as he moved to grab one of his cigars then. "Whatever you say."
As Freed and Mira got to work on building the card house that she seemed so enthralled by, he found himself asking, "How is it that you spend so much time with Cana then, Mira, and have not even learned a simple game? Not even Hearts or Gin or-"
"Oh, I know those. And I know how to play Six-card Stud and-"
"Then why," he sighed, "are we building a house of cards?"
"Because," Mira giggled as it collapsed when she tried to start on the third tier. "This is more fun!"
Laxus just took a puff from his cigar. "My woman's an individual, man."
And even though he wanted to be annoyed, wanted to hate every minute of the whole thing because it wasn't how they usually did things, he couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face as Mira giggled at the mess she'd made.
"Yes," he agreed with a nod of his head. "I know."
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Idiots Bonus Scene: What’s in the Box?
I was trying to write the next full chapter of this story, but I kept coming back to this little scene and it was distracting so I wrote it down. Hope you enjoy the bonus backstory!
Author: fangirlwonder (wordsandwonder on AO3)
Warning: Minor (like unnamed and never mentioned before or likely after this) character death and mentions of alcoholism and neglect of a child.
Unbeta’d (and also written at like 3am, so my apologies for any mistakes and/or straight up bad writing, lol)
Sitting cross-legged on his bed with the now open shoebox in his lap, Kid couldn’t stop the huge grin from spreading across his face. “Man, I told you there’d be porn.”
Killer shook his head disapprovingly, but chuckled nonetheless as he held the beat-up magazine gingerly between two fingers. “Uh-huh. I can’t believe I let you put this in here when it’s so obviously, uh … well used.”
“Hey, you probably used it too.”
The blonde glanced pointedly at the cover, then back to his friend. “I seriously doubt that. This sort of thing is much more your style.”
Kid snatched the magazine back and looked it over fondly. “Fine. Then you don’t mind if I keep it.”
“I really, really don’t,” Killer agreed with another small laugh. “Law might, but I don’t. What else have we got in there?”
“Well, looks like we have a … what the fuck? We have a brick?”
Killer took the brick from Kid and examined it thoughtfully. “Ohhh, you know what? I bet it’s from the arcade.”
“Oh yeah!” Kid exclaimed, brightening. “From when they almost tore it down with us still inside it, protesting.”
“If I remember correctly we were actually sleeping at the time.”
“Well, yeah. We had gotten up really fucking early to go protesting, we were tired.”
“We were idiots.”
Kid flashed a thousand watt smile at the man. “Yeah, but we had fun.”
Shaking his head again, Killer leaned over to peer into the box. “Is that a broken bottle?”
Kid’s smile faded slowly as he pulled out what was, in fact, a broken beer bottle. “Oh … shit. Why the hell-“
“Is that the bottle you used …”
Killer’s mouth tightened into a thin line as he nodded. “Yeah. I guess we did do this that summer, huh?”
“Why the fuck did we keep this?” Kid asked again, frowning at the jagged brown glass.
In a voice so quiet Kid almost missed it, Killer ignored his question to ask, “Hey, is … do you see, maybe …”
He didn’t have to finish his sentence for Kid to know what he was talking about. Shifting some baseball cards and an empty pack of gum around, he finally felt his fingers brush against cool metal. “Yeah, it’s here.”
“Can I …”
“Oh, yeah. Of course.” Kid pinched the small heart between his thumb and forefinger and slowly lifted the necklace out of the box to give to his friend. “Here.”
Killer’s hands shook a little as he reached out to accept the piece of jewelry. “Damn,” he muttered. “You know how long I looked for this? I thought I lost it. Broke my fucking heart, too.”
“I remember,” Kid replied, watching the blonde closely. He should have anticipated something like this, really. After all, this was a time capsule from that summer, and that summer wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows. He should have remembered; should have been more prepared for what could have been in that damn box. But he hadn’t remembered, and hadn’t been prepared, and now their fun little stroll down memory lane was turning into something far less pleasant. It was hard to believe it had really been ten years since that summer. The summer Killer’s whole world fell apart.
“I dunno what’s gonna happen, man.”
Kid shuffled his feet and stared at his lap. He hated how small his friend looked, hated how broken his voice was. Killer was always his rock, had always been the stable one Kid could turn to when shit got to be too much with his mom.
And now this. Now Killer needed him to be the stable one, and he had no idea how.
“They don’t even know what fucking happened. She was in remission; they said she was good. All that treatment, how hard she fought … and now …” Killer trailed off and swiped angrily at his eyes. “And of course my dad is nowhere to be fucking found. I just … I dunno what to do. What the fuck do I do, Kid?” he asked desperately, his eyes bright with unshed tears.
“I …” Kid wanted so badly to say the right thing, but the depth of emotion, the absolute agony on his friend’s face, had his throat constricting and made any words of comfort he could think of seem dismally insufficient. “You’re … you’re gonna take it one day at a time. You’re gonna do what you gotta do. And I’m gonna be right there with you! Probably getting in your way, but … still …”
“You got your own shit, though.”
“Yeah, and you’ve helped me through pretty much all of it, so just shut up and lemme help you for a change,” Kid argured gruffly.
“There’s so much to do,” Killer admitted. “I gotta call the funeral home, and I gotta figure out if she had a … a will or something, and I gotta go through her stuff, and … shit.”
“You think your dad can handle doing any of that?”
Killer scoffed and kicked a rock rather aggressively. “Hard to say. But I can’t really ask him for help when I can’t actually find the asshole.”
“You have no idea where he is?”
The frown etched into Killer’s usually calm face deepened. “Oh, I’ve got an idea, alright,” he answered darkly. “You know he hasn’t been home since she got taken to the hospital? I don’t even know if he knows that she … that she’s gone.” Taking a steadying breath, Killer unclenched his fist and stared at the necklace in his hand. He’d been clutching it so hard there was a heart-shaped imprint on his palm. “You know … I never saw her without this.”
“What’s inside?” Kid asked, rolling with the topic change because it seemed like his friend needed it.
“I don’t even know, actually. Let’s see.” It took a moment of fumbling to pry the locket open, but when Killer finally got it open his eyes started to well up again.
“What is it?”
“It’s … It’s me. It’s a picture of her and me, from before the cancer. It was a day out at the beach.” For the first time in the past few days Killer’s mouth twitched up at the corners. “That was a good day. Can’t believe she held on to it like this.”
“Well hey,” Kid offered. “Now you can too.”
“Yeah,” Killer agreed, still smiling softly at the picture. “I guess I can.”
“That …” Killer’s voice cracked a little, instantly bringing Kid’s attention back to him. “That summer was something else, huh?”
“Yeah, man. I guess that’s one way to describe it.”
“And isn’t it just like us to decide to make a time capsule to remind us of a time like that?”
Kid gave Killer a lopsided, half-hearted smile. “Yeah, sounds like us. We were assholes.”
“You still are.”
Kid snorted and punched his friend gently. “So I get why we kept the necklace – although that probably wasn’t our best move, considering, you know, this isn’t exactly a secure storage place – but I seriously can’t get past this stupid bottle. Why did we keep this?”
“Cuz I didn’t want to forget what-“
“What a fucking crazy person I was?” Kid interrupted.
“What you did for me,” Killer corrected. “You barged into every bar in town, and when he wasn’t there you went to every bar in the next town, and the next one, until you found him, remember?”
“Yeah, and I just about got myself killed,” Kid laughed. “There was this one dude who looked a lot like him from the back, so I went up to him, grabbed his arm and was all like “listen asshole …” and then he turned around and he had these crazy fucking eyes and a fucking hunting knife … I about shit myself, I thought I was gonna die.”
“But you didn’t and you kept looking until you found him, even after that. And then when he tried to ignore you, you took this bottle out of his hand and smashed it and used it to threaten him into getting in the cab and coming home.”
“Yeah,” Kid agreed, rubbing his hand over his eyes. “And I still can’t believe he didn’t press charges or whatever. I cut his cheek when he still wasn’t taking me seriously.”
Killer nodded. “I remember. Honestly, though, I think he was too embarrassed that he got bullied by a thirteen-year-old to press charges or anything like that.”
“That or he was too drunk to know it was me.”
“Also a possibility,” Killer agreed.
A comfortable silence fell between them as both men thought about that summer. It had been a rough one for sure. First Killer’s mom died, and then his dad got court-ordered into rehab. They’d made this time capsule when they thought Killer was going to get taken away and put into foster care, before his grandma stepped up and took him in so he could stay in the city where he’d grown up. They’d filled it to bursting with pieces of their lives, from the stupid things that made them laugh to the precious things that they wanted to treasure forever, and then hidden it away for ten years. It seemed fitting, really, that they were going through memories from one of the roughest times from their childhood, a time when they thought they were going to be torn apart, now, after having almost been torn apart again.
Kid looked back down at the items remaining in the box. It was mostly just trinkets in there now, little mementos that thirteen-year-old boys thought were important. Dumb stuff, really. Things that they definitely didn’t need anymore …
“Oh my god!”
“What?! What?!?” Killer jerked at Kid’s sudden exclamation, worried that something was wrong.
But Kid was anything but distressed as he raised the object that had caused his outburst triumphantly in the air. “I stashed my fucking SuperBall in here! Yes!”
Killer couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the redhead turn the glittery ball, once clear rubber now turned yellow with age, in his hands, his face alight with pure joy. He should have known better than to think that Kid would want him out of his life. This was the same guy that had once plowed through every dingy divebar in the county searching for Killer’s drunkard father. This was that same guy that had figuratively held Killer’s hand through the process of making funeral arrangements, and then literally, at the funeral itself. No, there was no way Kid was going to just let him fade away, and he was an idiot for even thinking of trying to. Because when it came down to it, whether it was a stupid bouncy ball or a stupid, misguided friend … Eustass Kid didn’t let go of the things he cared about.
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