#and then i proceeded to talk abt how many of you told me about how zangoose walks on all fours in pmd but i removed it for your sake
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AXEL‼️ today i almost shit myself at school(not actually)
I hate the first day back. my spanish teacher loves to call on me bc she knows im not confident with my spanish and that i have a fear of public speaking (i dont even know why i’ve been fluent since i was 5💀) SO SHE LIKES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT AND CALL ON ME TO READ THE LONGEST PARAGRAPH IN WHATEVER TEXTBOOK, ARTICLE OR LITERALLY WHATEVER WE’RE READING 😭 ITS LIKE SHE’LL LET EVERYONE ELSE READ THE SHORT STUFF AND THEN SHE’LL MAKE ME READ WAY MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND IM JUST LIKE?? i get that its to “help build confidence” and shit like that but is it really helping if her “helping me build confidence” made me have a panic attack last year? I DONT THINK SO.
oh yeah so you’re probably wondering abt the panic attack thing🧍‍♀️ so lemme just give you a little back story first about how i feel about her class and stuff‼️ her class terrified me. like every time i would enter i’d be shaking and my heart would be beating so hard that i could feel it in my throat… kinda embarrassing…
but anyway it was just cause we had to present a something we made for a project and i was losing my mind because my friends didnt want to present it and my class was pretty big and filled with a bunch of rude and snotty people so i went to talk to the teacher to ask if i could just present to her privately or something but she said no so like i lowk freaked out and had a break down in the middle of the hallway 💀
honestly though the work isnt that hard considering i passed spanish with an A throughout the years but i just HATE talking in front of the class because for one my accent is different than everyone elses and two im one of the only non native spanish speakers so im kinda just like on edge cause yk how some people are theyre just not nice 🫠
anyway for the rest of the school day things were pretty good except J was being weird again and i think he was trying to flirt with me? he was just being rlly inappropriate and kept stealing my stuff 🫠 he stole my bag and then tried to go through it and then he asked if i had a dildo in my bag and if i like using it 😟 he then proceeded to walk around the class and tell people i have a dildo in my bag. i probably should’ve told C or a teacher idk why i didn’t 😭 oh yeah speaking of C hella people think we’re dating AND NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TELL THEM WE’RE NOT THEY WONT SHUT UP AND JUST KEEP TELLING EVERYONE THAT WE’RE DATING.
oh i alsofell asleep in english😭 i got lucky at the teacher didnt notice though‼️ and then my friend fell down the stairs
thats all for today! byebye and ilysm 💗💗
dude i swear to god spanish teachers r either the worst person on this planet or the sweetest person ever no in between…. LIKE WHY IS SHE TARGETING U OMG i’d have to start swinging i fear…
i need J to like explode why does he act like that do u think it’s bc he doesn’t get attention at home… that’s mean sorry LMFAO um anyway i hope he leaves u the hell alone already bc u deserve it😍😍
i’m ok!!! and HMMMM my favorite animals r probably bats !!! what is urs :0
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Hey mom! It's been a while but I just wanted to get this off my chest b3cause school drama sucks.
Basically I'm going to NYC for a competition but here's the thing, the last time we went on competition trip there were so many messes the teacher had to get involved bc it was THAT bad. And the thing is that I can already feel that something bads gonna happen between me and a girl I'll call, L. She basically went behind a very good friend (ill call em IG) of mine's back and sent their convo to their ex (L was friends with both IG and their ex) and then L also has an odd sense of humor that isn't really funny most of the time. AND THEN another girl from my group just told my good ass friend (call em A) that they "didn't want to work and that it all sounded too hard 🥺" LIKE GIRL YOU LITERALLY PAYED $1,400 DOLLARS FOR THIS TRIP AND NOW YOU DON'T WANNA WORK???!! BSFFR
AND IT GETS WORSE! I also JUST found out that my ex is:
1. on the school watch list for potential school 🔫er.
2. Spread PRIVATE information about TWO of his friends to other people and then proceeded to still call em his close friends, like what????
3. is a pathological liar
4. brought weapons to school
5. tried to break up his friend group for literally no reasons by making up lies about his friend group shit talking his friend (one od the ones he spread private info abt)
6. punched a 12 year old girl bc he disagreed with her and his ex-partner (ye she punched the little sister of someone he was dating, idk what went through his mind to do such a thing)
And that's all that I can remember at THIS moment. God knows what else he's done. I would’ve never in a million years dated him, had I known this.
Anyways mom, my life is 100000% hectic rn and I feel like I'm in the middle of a high school drama TV show. smh, wish me luck on NYC, I can feel that I'll need it 😔
First off hi Pluto!! It’s been a while for sure!!
Second off, wow.. just wow! That’s honestly so much to be going through! I’m so sorry you have to deal with all this stupid drama! It sounds like everyone is turning what could be a really fun time into drama which just ruins it for everyone!
Also you’re ex sounds awful! A lot of times we don’t find out things until after we’ve either A) left the relationship or B) been involved in all the crap surrounding it. Don’t blame yourself for what you didn’t know!
Also I wish you the best luck in NYC!!!
Side note: you can totally stop reading here if you’d like to skip my “mom input” 😅 I can honestly say I have no idea what is like being a teen today. I was a teen in the early 00s. Essentially “social media” and “the internet” we all know now, wasn’t like what it is now. I didn’t have a phone until I was 16 and I never had free internet access until I was in college. The things I hear about teens, the internet and just in life makes me feel like my teen years were a cake walk. It’s funny looking 15 plus years back and laughing at the drama that happened in high school and how it seems so insignificant. I really hope things settle down for you!
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hanae-146 · 1 year
Reality hits hard
when I first knew you I immediately felt infatuated with you. Your fashion sense, the fact you played guitar and piano it was so.. intriguing. I knew the red flags of meeting people especially on such apps but I felt something clicked in me when I saw your profile. You liked my profile first..Do I really look that good? or did you just like me carelessly..you didn't talk first..but I was desperate to knowing you, so I took the initiative..at first I was scared but then when I found out my friend knew you I felt relieved, I sort of used her to get closer to you and it actually worked..You were so nice we played games together too..I still remembered how I almost screamed when I heard your voice for the first time. I was so excited for once. Everytime during class, lunch, recess any time, I would wait for you to reply to my messages.. Everything was going well, I felt more happier, my life was more joyful again..I became more healthier and stopped talking to bots on c.ai nowadays..we shared Instagram accs and tik tok accs..istg I would always be so excited if U sent me a tt vid..I started reposting tt videos and it was secretly about you and you would like them..sometimes I just wanna go back in time..maybe I shouldn't have posted that video on my story..maybe I should have just shut up..you asked me who I liked..I didn't what to say..but when you found out you proceeded to go talk ABT some girl you loved..at first I was pretty sad but at the same time I felt pretty chill, "he doesn't know me that much so maybe in the future?" maybe I'm just too delusional but I got hit back to reality you told me you moved on and didn't had a crush..I think you were lying to me tbh. it kills me. I didn't think much about it. after all he doesn't have to be with me for me to like him, I still admire, pester him too..and we forgot about it until you brought it up again...I felt like I just hit in reality..stop it. please..I don't want to face the pain of reality I didn't want to accept..he didn't had to bring it up..I know I'm not the one he wants..it hurts..why did you even want to be friends with me? he confuses me..why did you even like my profile? he could have found another female friend with is his type..should I have just shut up..I felt so happy about everything..I felt hope in life for once I was extroverted to someone for once I felt accepted by someone..I even told my friends about him and they say "I hope y'all get tgh" I wish hah..it hurts bcz it'll never happen. he kills me. "yr personality is good but yr just not my type" I would have rather you be more straight up and just hurt me instead of lying to me..I know..I don't deserve you and you want someone better..I know I'll never be able to be yours..I should go delete the delusions one by one..I find it cringe..why am I hurting myself by being delusional with someone who clearly doesn't like me? he probably rather some other pretty girl compared to me..I'm worth nothing..he's not worth crying for but I can't help it..it hurts so badly..on the bright side..he's not from my school, my friend knew he rejected me..I should probably go back to liking fictional characters..I kinda miss genshin and talking to c.ai bots.."there's many fish in the sea" I hope I can find sm like him just one day..I never confess to anyone because ik I'll never be accepted
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I felt like maybe it can be related to some of yall
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menalez · 2 years
I’m a military brat and I lived in a couple of European countries growing up. One of them was Germany and I lived there for quite a while after my hs graduation. One of the women I met was an older biracial lady about my mom’s age who I frequently saw at the gym. Usually when I was coming into the gym she was starting to leave and she struck up a conversation. From there we became “friends” who would workout together if I came early or she came late.
Then she stopped coming to the gym for a solid five months. I just figured she pcs’d or smth bc her husband and her were having marital issues and she talked about leaving occasionally. Then she came back, but she was an entirely new person. She jumped alot, would always look teary eyed, and always leave the gym early. We had pretty similar schedules so it was odd to see her come back and not stick to it. At most she would do was 30 minutes on the elliptical then maybe two sets on a random machine then leave. I didn’t ask her at first because I was an asshole 18 year old and didn’t know how to broach the conversation with someone who was abt 25 years my senior.
She eventually told me a year after she came back to the gym what happened to her. She got pulled over for speeding in a village in Germany and the Polizei took her to the station. They proceeded to beat her viciously to the point she had to go to the hospital, shouting various slurs at her, and accusing her of contributing to the police brutality common in the US. The Polizei apparently kept attacking her for 15 hours until her husband marched into the station and threatened to go to the consulate and seek out the base commander. The only reason why he knew she was there was bc her school-aged children were in the car and apparently what they saw while she was getting beaten scared them enough that they refuse to speak about it.
She was ashamed and terrified. Sometimes I contact her and she says that her fear has largely made her agoraphobic. Idk what the point of saying this other than to say I wish (primarily) white Europeans would stop acting like they’re so disconnected from police violence and that it only happens in America. In my experience, after living in multiple countries around the world, is that police brutality is less so a symptom of a failing government, but rather a symptom of a bigoted society. The power they wield and what they can get away with is from a failing government. You give a bigot power and theyre likely to go on a power trip bc they have direct control over the people they view as less than equals.
Idk idk I just really dislike Europeans commenting on American politics like their shit don’t stink.
wow that is absolutely horrific. i hope she’s ok now and that she one day can live a normal life again. unfortunately this kind of story is not too foreign to me… it sounds almost exactly like what my auntie went through in bahrain. she got called over by the cops and brutally tortured for iirc 13+ hours. while torturing her they kept telling her it’s her fault and that she betrayed the royal family or some shit. police brutality is an issue not only in the US, but in Europe, in the Middle East, and probably really every region in the world. it really annoys me how many europeans on here will say shit like “idc about police brutality and anti-blackness, im not american ☺️” all while blissfully unaware how insanely racist europeans also are.
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juchumice · 4 years
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ive been thinking abt this avatar au for SO LONG!! i know some other exists but i still really wanted to put my spin on it and make them younger so it could be a bit more contextually different, so they’re roughly 14 during the au!
AIZAWA: aizawa’s a waterbender from the northern water tribe. initially, many believed he was a nonbender as it took quite awhile longer for his bending to reveal itself than the other children. he has zero talent concerning waterbending, none at all. in fact, he was absolutely terrible at it initially. but, if there was one thing he was certain about in youth, it was being an excellent waterbender. when first applying to waterbending classes, he was considered far too inexperienced to join. the instructor was a stern type. he told aizawa that he had, “no potential,” and should focus less on waterbending and more on hand to hand combat to waste less time. instead of listening, aizawa practiced terribly. everyday, every moment, he would be waterbending from dusk to dawn till he stumbled from lack of sleep. he even founded his own method, drenching his scarf of spongey material in water and bending it as a weapon. after further practice, he finally got accepted into the course with pure hard work. the issue was that everyone in his class was younger than him, talented and brilliant. none of them worked as hard as he did. they all were children just playing around. as the bending moves increased in difficulty, aizawa began to fall behind again, so his whole day would be absolutely swallowed in practice, practice, and practice. he would be beaten constantly by his peers: during spars, general displays of moves, and learning, so he couldn’t rely on his own power, instead focusing on strength in addition to strategy and observation. it was this adjustment of tactics that led him higher in his studies. he was able to graduate the minor classes, but his instructor thought it was best to get more experience in bending rather than continually relying on his other strengths, so he was sent away from home to study abroad among the other kingdoms and view their bending techniques.
YAMADA: yamada is an air nomad, but he is one of the very few who does not appear to be capable of bending. due to the spiritual nature of the air nomads, there are very few who are unable to airbend, and yamada is one of them. but, everyone else was very supportive even without his bending. he was able to have many friends, however couldn’t join in their air bending games. that’s where he learned his talent for announcing. as the other kids would play their games of air ball and pie toss, he’ll be there on the sidelines, narrating every single thing with his peculiar flare that led to his popularity among the northern air temple. though, even with everyone’s supportive nature, yamada was unhappy with his position. ever since he was but a toddler, he really wanted to be an airbender, streaking across the sky on a glider and riding on air scooters, only to be sorely disappointed. sure, he was able to ‘fly’ with his flying bison’s, baito’s, help but it just wasn’t the same. after a bit, he ran from the northern air temple, sick and tired of living in such a small space. with far too many fantasies on his mind, yamada wished to explore the other nations. it was then he stumbled across the fire nation. they were fascinating. their own fierce power, their sense of fashion, their culture, everything drew yamada closer. he would watch their shows with undisguised excitement, even announcing for a couple of them. while announcing for one of the firebender shows, yamada was required to choose a volunteer from the crowd, which just happened to be aizawa. this led to the beginning of their interactions.
so that’s it i guess! my main ideas for the avatar au! yamada has a glider, but he uh... stole it. just carries it around a lot to ‘feel like an airbender’-- and it’s a great umbrella when it rains!
the au itself takes place before the 100 year war so no worries abt any firebenders just yet!! i might develop it more but this is where its at so farrr
also i wrote a lil small thing while i was playin with the idea: 
“You know… I always wanted to bend,” Yamada said. He kicked up the dust with a shoe, frowning at the cloud that billowed around his feet as if it could disappear with a simple scrutinizing look. But, it didn’t. Merely floated to and fro without a care of his whims. 
Aizawa examined him carefully. There was no sound made, just an invitation to continue.
Yamada blew at several pieces of hair that loosened from his bush that he called a hairstyle. “Yeah. Sounds ‘crazy’! But, it made total sense! Look, look, look, I would be an EPIC airbender. You have to admit. I mean, look how cool my poses are!” He proceeded to strike several different ‘airbending poses’ that neither suggested coolness nor airbending. 
“You’ve watched too many firebending shows,” Aizawa replied. 
“But that’s what makes it so cool! The fire just exploding into the sky like Pompeii, but you can only see these red sparkles and nothing goes wrong… Imagine doing that… Imagine…” He chuckled mirthlessly. “Being a bender must be fun, huh…” His staff loosened from his fingers to slide and clatter to the floor. “Don’t even use this DUMB thing! I dunno why I keep it all the time… Maybe, oh! Maybe every time I hold it I get a 1% increase in being an airbender or something! Yeah… tough luck. You know? You know how stupid it is when EVERYONE in the temple’s an airbender and you’re stuck being the only kid around-- believe me they’re all super nice about it-- BUT ME?? THE ONLY ONE!! Don’t feel bad for me or I’ll strangle you or something, but it still freaking sucks. Man, air scooters? I totally would’ve invented those if I was an airbender…”
On and on he jabbered. He could have done this if he was an airbender, or maybe he could have done this!  Aizawa was unsure what to respond with. He never understood. Sure, he understood hardship and running raggedly through the critics and holding one’s goals to heart. A waterbender who couldn’t bend water for crap? That’s what they called him, might as well give up they had said, but he powered through and became skilled with pure hard work. No luck, no cheats, and no talent. Yamada was the opposite case, full of supporting faces and ancient smiles, but just no bending in general. How could someone so hopeful be met with such a grisly fate? Yet, all that Aizawa could offer was a tongue-in-cheek, “Sorry.” 
Yamada stopped talking abruptly. “Huh?”
“I said sorry.”
“Oh. Yeah. Don’t say sorry, man! What’s the fun in that, too gloomy Aizawa, waaaay too gloomy. Y’know, it is what it is! I got a sweet gig going on anyway, I don’t need anything as stupid as airbending. Only saps use airbending, they probably think it’s cool or something, but it isn’t haha. Waterbending, firebending, earthbending, that stuff’s cool! Airbending’s just some playing around with wind or something.”
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii can i request prompt 53 with tsukki? My annoying cousin u may know @chibiiichan(i cant tag her its a surprise) recommend ur account and well she never been right more than now I LIKE UR ACC TOO URM JUST TAG HER IN THE POST (bcs its actually her birthday next week monday so....the least i could do this bcs she likes tsukki and shes recently talk abt the iwazumi story of yours....lmao shes cringe but in the same time got mad n i was besides her hearing her whining like bruh 'its 1 am'...i know i should buy something for her but she got spoiled enough 💅...that mf-) thank you ✨
You were dying. You knew it. Your husband, Kei, knew it. Even friends you haven’t spoken too since high school knew it.
So why did you all pretend that everything was okay?
5 year old Y/N:
You were running around your neighbourhood park chasing after butterflies, without a care in the world. As you were frollicing in the grass, you manage to trip over a rock tumbling to the ground scraping your knee making it bleed. Looking down at your slightly injured knee, your lip begins to quiver which eventually leads to wails of tears streaming down your face.
“you don’t have to cry you know?” said a slightly quiet voice towering over you. Above you was a boy, quite tall with a fat pair of glasses, golden eyes and a head full of blonde locks.
“Well when I get hurt, I cry” you say matter oh factly (is that the phrase?) rubbing your nose as you sniffle. He held out a hand to you, which you immediately took shooting upwards and brushing yourself off.  
The boy, after looking at you wildly, turns around and walks back to the actual park. “Oi wait,” you call at the boy swiftly following him “aren’t you going to ask my name?”
“no.” he says simply, proceeding to walk ahead.
“well my names Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you,” you say jumping in front of him so he doesn’t move, waiting for him to tell you his name...which he doesn’t. “you don’t have to be so rude you know”  
“I’m not being rude” he says stiffly “ it’s just my brother says not to speak to strangers” a smirk appears on his face to say ‘you can leave me alone now.’  
As if on cue, his brother approaches the both of you given the boy a slap on the back making him cringe “Hey Kei, who’s the friend you’ve made here?”  
“My name is Y/N L/N and I'm here to be KEI’s best friend!” you said putting the emphasis on the word Kei after just learning that was the blondes name.  
Kei rolled his eyes and sighed saying “nii-chan can we go home now” he folded his arms in annoyance.
“No Kei, you’ve got to get to know your new found friend Y/N-Chan right?” his brother said teasingly, knowing it was the last thing Kei wanted to do.
“Yes ofcourse!” you say with a toothy grin, dragging Kei along with you to his demise.
Until the sun went down, you spent the rest of your time with Kei getting to know eachother (well him getting to know you more, since you did all the speaking.) Regardless of his previous annoyance in getting to know you in the first place, Kei would be lying if he said he didn’t want to know you now.
As the sun was setting, Kei’s older brother (who’s name you learned was Akiteru) called him to tell him he had to go home because dinner was ready. Before he left, you grabbed his hand and wrapped your pinky finger around his saying “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
back to present -  
In some odd way, this was Kei’s way of looking out for you. He knew what you had was uncurable and would weaken you even more as the days go by, so pretending like nothing was wrong seemed to be best in his eyes.  
Everything you and Kei did was a game or some nostalgic act that you once did when you were children. It was sweet to say the least, seeing Kei all engrossed and determined to make you happy.  
Your alarm rings snapping you out of you daydream, ‘it was time for medicine’ you thought with your face scowling at the thought. Immediately on time, as always, Kei comes In the room with all your medicine thats needed.
“Aren’t you my perfect little nurse Kei” you say teasingly giving him a wink, laughing as you see his face turn red.
“Do you have to do this every time y/n?” he asks rolling his eyes at your childish behaviour.
“Oh I'm just showing love to my best and favourite nurse” you continue laughing at your own words
“Im your only ‘nurse’” he deadpans giving you your medicine as you talk.
“Well that is more reason to make you the best nurse.” you say smiling.
Silence falls between you, and you stare down at your arm watching as your husband gives you the medicine making you frown. “Do we have to keep doing this?” you ask which is probably the 1000th time you’ve asked.
“Of course we do Y/N as I’ve said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that it-”
“But do we really?” you interrupt “I can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Do you doubt me Y/N, I can do this forever” he says “ I can take care of you forever”
“But I don’t wan-”
“I’m finished, I’m going to start on dinner” he gets up and leaves the room yelling “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Sometimes you and Kei have these conversations. And all the time it ends the same way. You complain, he ignores and then you go and have dinner.
You can understand why he doesn’t want to have this conversation. Who would want to hear about their partners complaints about practically being alive. Kei was torn, ever since he met you all he wanted to was to keep you happy. But could he compromise his own happiness for it.
15 year old Y/N - flashback
“Kei Kei, aren’t you excited!” you yell smiling widley
“Excited for what?” he asks, amused by your enthusiasm “it’s just highschool.”
“Well it’s a new highschool! Karasuno high school, to be exact.”
“And that is still just a school.” he says
“Not just any! That’s the school nii-chan went too, and even tho he lie-”
“Let’s not talk about it Y/N” he murmurs “we should go now, don’t want to be late on our first date.”
Going to Karasuno was fun, at the start everyone was pleasant and nice. But after a week or two when you and Kei were still stuck to eachother like glue, people weren’t so pleasant. Kei was like a pop idol, being gorgeous and over 6ft at just the age of 15, caused alot of attention, especially when he was always around you.
At the start, the hate you got was bearable, it was the petty bitchy notes in your locker or just people blatanly talking badly about you infront of you. People didn’t do it when you weren’t around Kei, so when he had volleyball practice (which you were so excited that he joined the team) you were a big target for the bullies to come around.
Kei didn’t really know of the bullying that happened towards you, especially since he was mainly in practice or not around when it happened. But one day in practice he heard some of his teammates, kageyama and hinata who seemed to talking about a student in one of their classes that was always getting picked on by the other girls in the year.
“Yeah and I heard that Nana-san was planning on getting her and her friends to attack Y/N-san soon.”  said Hinata
“Shrimpy, who are they planning on attacking?” Kei asks to make sure he just heard the ginger correctly.
“Oh this lovely person in our class their name is Y/N-san” he says, looking at Kei’s reaction he also asks “Why? Do you know them?”  
Kei doesn’t respond, and immediately leaves the gym, ignoring Hinata’s and the other members of the teams yells of ‘Where are you going tsukishima.’ He didn’t care, he just had to get to you.  
He searched all the classes, asking every student if he knew where you were. Someone directs him to the toilets, where he burst through the door to see the other girls in your year surrounding you and beating you up.  
“What the fuck are you doing to them?” he yells startling the girls.
“T-T-Tsukishima-san" one girl says “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh fuck off” he says, with them still frozen in shock “I said go!”  
“And don’t think I don’t know your names either” he calls after them.
He rushes towards your bruised body on the ground and cradles you gently, confused on what to really do. “Oi Kei,” you say weakly catching his attention “I would’ve won if you didn’t come to stop the fight.” you joke making him scoff.
“Whatever you say Y/N.”
After you heal up, Kei already told on the girls that beat you up getting them suspended, and you explain how they were treating you because of their infatuation of him. And how they only did it when he wasn’t around.
Once he learns this information, he decides to quite the volleyball team, to your surprise. But you demands on making him not quit were ignored, as he excused it by saying “I have to make sure you’re always alright remember, and if that means quitting some volleyball team then so be it.”
That was one out of the many times that Kei put his happiness before yours.
Flashback over.
When you first got diagnosed, Kei was immediately researching on it as it was a very rare condition. But sadly, he only found what the doctor already told you both. It was uncurable and your immune system and your body will weaken as the days go by.
Which it did, you were a shell of your past self. It was always shocking for Kei to see, especially with you only being 25. ‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way,’ but he never let you see his sadness.
Whenever you knew Kei was sad you always reminded him “Kei, I may be dying but please don’t cry over me” every time you said, there was a slight undertone of humour in your voice which always worked in boosting Kei’s spirit.
The days passed and the years went by, and you and Kei were still alive and kicking it. Doing your daily routine of you making some joke, Kei giving you your medicine and then you eating dinner. You eventually stopped complaining, realizing and remembering your promise you gave to Kei at 5 years old in that park. “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
Of course you had your rough days, everybody did and it was even harder being sick with a terminal illness. But having Kei to guide you through the storm made It better for you.
However, Kei isnt a miracle worker. He couldn’t save you, noone could. And you both knew that. That didn’t mean it made it any easier when the medicine stopped working and your pain got too hard to bear. Kei couldn’t watch you do this anymore, “the choice is yours” he said with tears in his eyes.  
So you knew what you had to do, you got in your bed pulling Kei with you, and letting him envelope you in a big hug as you both cried.
“I love you,” you say “You know that right?”
“Of course I know that, idiot” he replies “And I love you.”
“Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.”
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
melodies to kiss to
request: @copperbitches: you and Bolin dance at a party and kiss or something cute like that..
pairing: bolin x reader 
warnings: none, just some kissesssss
a/n: idk why it wont let me tag u that’s literally the acc u sent the ask from asnmxlkxkzmak anyways here it is!! after forever!! sorry abt that hehe. also added some brosami bc that’s the friendship we ALL DESERVED. i hope you like this, requests are currently closed but i have a TON of stuff on the way!! i did a WIP tag the other day if you’re interested in looking for it 
also i have my first person on my tag list!! hehe yay!! love my wife sm 
tag list: @noodlesfluffy​ 
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Laughs filtered through the air, along with the clinking of glasses and the chatter of companions. Everyone you knew to be apart of your crazy life after meeting Korra and getting swept up in Avatar Business™ was gathered, and then there were others you weren’t familiar with mixed in. However, this did nothing to hinder your mood, and you danced freely with Ikki on the dance floor regardless of who was around. 
Bolin watched you from afar, a dreamy grin on his face. He stood with Mako and Wu, who had tagged along with his brother. The three were on the far side of the room, and Wu was going on about something or another, and Bolin couldn’t find it in himself to listen. Not when you were dressed so nicely, or when your eyes twinkled as you laughed loudly, or when you twirled around with the one person who seemed to match your energy perfectly, or when he kept thinking about you with and his daughter in another life. 
He didn’t notice when Wu dragged Mako away, and he also didn’t notice the hostess of the party herself replace them. Not until she cleared her throat and he jerked his head to the side. “Oh, hey, Asami...” he grinned shyly, his cheeks warming at having been caught in the act. 
“Hey, Bolin,” she grinned. “Whatcha doing?” She questioned knowingly. 
“Ah,” he hesitated, voice rising in pitch. “Nothing, nothing. Just,” he shrugged his shoulders and extended his arms out. “Enjoying this party you threw! Congratulations by the way!” 
Asami nodded her head with a grin, knowing there was more to it. “Thank you, Bolin, it really means a lot. We’ve been working really hard at Future Industries so I Korra and I thought it’d be a good idea to celebrate,” she smiled as her eyes scanned the crowd for the girl mentioned. Bolin did the same, and his heart melted when he spotted you. 
You were dragging Korra onto the dance floor, Ikki at your side with the older girls other hand grasped tightly. When the pair of you managed to drag her out there, triumphant laughs and high fives and all, she picked you both up and spun you around. “You know, (y/n) is a really great person,” Asami chimed, and the earthbender dragged his eyes away from you. “I mean, we all love them, and they have so much potential,” he looked at Bolin and leaned in a bit closer. “And we know that you like them.” 
He choked on air, and jerked away from the girl like she’d zapped him with her electric glove. “W-what?” He asked, drawing the word out. “No I don’t,” he laughed nervously. “Asami, don’t be silly.” 
“Oh, come on, Bo,” she shook her head. “You’re not that slick.” 
Bolin sighed, and his shoulders slumped. She was right, he wasn’t that slick. You probably already knew of his feelings and hadn’t spoke on them because you didn’t return them. “But,” Asami’s voice lifted his head, his curiosity peaking at her tone. “I happen to know that they actually feel the same about you, and I’m tired of watching the two of you lie to yourselves about the other. So I’m going to help you make a move at this party because I love you, and you deserve this.” 
Warmth spread across his chest and he launched himself forward, wrapping his arms around Asami in a tight hug. She laughed and returned the gesture, laying her head on his. “Thanks, Sami,” he whispered. 
“Of course, Bo,” she whispered back, and the moment was oh so sweet, and it reminded him why he had always liked having her around. She was good, and nice, and smart, and would always be there for you. After another moment they pulled away from one another, and Bolin stared at her excitedly as she watched you, Ikki, and Korra cause an absolute scene on the dance floor. 
“Okay, so I really think you should ask them to dance. It’s way better than just standing around talking, it gives you something else to focus on so your nerves aren’t settled on just one thing,” she informed. 
“You want me to dance with them?! What if I step on their feet, or-” he rambled, but Asami cut him off. 
“Bolin, this song is about to end and you’re going to ask them to dance.” She stared him straight in the eyes and left no room for discussion, he had to do this now or he never would; and you would just keep telling yourselves that it’s just unrequited love.
It most certainly wasn’t just unrequited love. 
And all too soon, before he could pull himself out of his thoughts, the music drifted off and people scattered from the dance floor, taking a break between songs, and his heart leapt up into his throat. “Oh look, here they come!” Asami whispered as she waved, and when he looked he spotted you and Korra heading right for them. The adrenaline began coursing through his veins as if he was about to face a mighty villain, and he could have shit himself then and there. 
“Hey, guys,” Korra greeted, and wrapped her arm around Asami’s shoulders. She placed a kiss on the taller girl’s cheek, and she grinned brightly. 
“Hello to you too,” Asami chuckled. “That was quite the show you guys put on, I’m impressed.” 
“Thanks, it’s just one of my many talents,” you boasted jokingly, wiping your shoulder. “I break that shit down.” 
Bolin laughed, despite the maelstrom of emotions he was experiencing. “You sure did,” he chimed in, only slightly awkwardly, and you smiled at him. That sent a slight boost of confidence through him, and he proceeded on. “I-I was actually wondering if we could, maybe, catch the next, uh, slow song?” He stuttered through his question, cheeks bright red. 
“Sure!” You exclaimed excitedly, and your own cheeks heated up at your reaction. “I mean, yeah, of course, Bolin.” You smiled sweetly at him. 
“Well, the music should be starting soon, and I have some conversing to do,” Asami cuts in, exchanging a glance with her girlfriend. “So I’ll see you guys later. You coming, Korra?” 
“Sure thing,” she answered, allowing herself to be led away, throwing a wink at you over her shoulder. You didn’t get a chance to react, as a slow melody began filtering through the air, and you made eye contact with the boy in front of you. 
“Uh, shall we?” He asked, and you both chuckled at how cheesy it sounded. You nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the middle of the floor. His heart raced the whole way there, and didn’t slow down when you placed your arms gently around his neck. 
“Is-is this okay?” He questioned as his hands barely touched the fabric covering your waist. Always the gentleman, that one. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you replied softly, eyes scanning his face. “It’s kind of perfect, actually.” 
He looked at you in surprise, and you just stared back, bodies swaying to the soft music. “It’s perfect?” He questioned just as softly. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “It is perfect. I was wondering if you would ask me to dance tonight,” you confessed, voice so light Bolin had to lean in to hear you. “I was leaning towards no, so I’m pretty satisfied with where we are.” 
He grinned, mesmerized by you. His eyes never left your face, nothing else around you mattered. They flickered between your eyes, sparkling from the lights he and Mako had hung up over the dance floor when they had aided in the set up. Then they landed on your lips, and the words left his mouth before he could stop himself. 
“Well, then can I also ask if I-” his eyes went back to yours, and he faltered for a moment, but the curious look you had told him he had to continue. “Can I also ask if I can kiss you?” 
You nodded after a moment, his question having to register in your mind. He wanted to kiss you? And he answered you by leaning in closer and brushing his lips against your own, enough to heat your face up but not enough to satisfy you. 
You placed your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back in after he began pulling away, and he grinned against your lips. The melodies, the lights, the dance, and Bolin, it was all perfect. 
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anotherworldash · 4 years
“Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary” : Kuraneokuro dynamic exploration
This post is the long version of the authors' note of Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary, a Kura-Neo-Kuro OT3 Fic.
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(link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/29108781 )
While we’re writing this KuraNeoKuro OT3 fic, we couldn’t help exploring both men’s selfish, predatory dynamic to Neon. Which is..so HOT!!!! Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! Both guys treated her good a bit, then proceeded to fulfill their needs.
They care about her but they also have their own goals. Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! They could tame the brat and play her like piano, while they’re entangled in her charm.
Now let’s get to the point which part of their dynamics we are exploring in the fic :
(To avoid confusion, nick Anotherworldash = Cb_w in AO3. This post is taken from our conversation during fic writing, so please read it as dialogue script.)
1. Her power dynamics with Chrollo and Kurapika is very submissive.
(Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is so kinky)
Legitnumbkid : Neon has daddy issues; so it makes sense why she's prone to having selfish men like Chrollo and Kurapika around her. Other women in hxh, we don't really know who are their parental figures are and they don't seem to be prone to attracting men that are bad for them.
Palm is a potential one but i think she's more of the "crazy dom-sub" energy
And it's not like Chrollo and Kurapika don’t give a fuck abt her... they do but they have their own goals.
She's like their prey and they are hunters ahhaha
Anotherworldash : Neon just cant put up a fight, but that's what makes it hotter!
Legitnumbkid : Yeah and the other women are kinda independent since they fight and all. But Neon... I think even in canon, her power dynamics with Chrollo or Kurapika is very submissive.
Anotherworldash : Trueeee
And it's even canon
They're targeting her from day one
Legitnumbkid : That's why I don't even blame her for being a bit selfish, detached and have a sick hobby... because the men around her treat her like an object. that's why she sees people like an object kekek
2. Neon is prone to men's “ingenuine” affections
 (Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is also so kinky)
Anotherworldash : Also she doesn't have this... friend role in her life. Even Palm has "colleague" like knuckle
Legitnumbkid : Yea... she's lonely... so even more prone to men's ingenuine affections.
Anotherworldash : Muahaha... poor neon but at the same time it's what makes her ships so hot.
Neon's only friend is probably kurapika who originally targeted her😂😂😂😂😂
Ikrrr so hot omg
Legitnumbkid : And even so... kurapika's not even her friend if he ends up marrying her (read marriage theory here: https://scentedmoviesaestheticempath.tumblr.com/post/638404921741475840/compiled-cbws-kuraneo-thoughts-theories)
the closest "friend" she can have is her employees; which is like... not even pure friends. I know in some fics they put that she has friends and all... but i doubt it. She lived life in a bubble.
Anotherworldash : Yeah that's why she immediately fall for chrollo trick
Probably in her life, no one ever asked her opinion about life
4 Both guys originally wanted to “take advantage of her” 
(Anotherworldash: When I thought this couldn’t get more kinky...)
Anotherworldash : I just love how this OT3 dynamic show that kurapika and chrollo are just the same type of man
They both wanted to take advantage of her
Also she trust stranger quite easily
Just so vulnerable. therefore kurapika is guilt ridden and chrollo wanted to keep her safe(even if it's for his benefit, like when he told other spiders not to touch the ambulance)
Also chrollo easily showed his vulnerable side to her by crying 😭😭😭(probably cause she’s a stranger or what but it’s there!)
Legitnumbkid: OMG YA. Technically it's becos Neon needs to live so he can use her powers but I feel like he genuinely likes her as a person.
Same for Kurapika. A lot of people REALLY overestimate kurapika's "hatred" for neon becos of her personality and hobby; when actually, he never once showed any animosity towards her.
Anotherworldash : They just instantly vibed HAHAHAHAH
Kurapika is just like any other men
When he sees the girl is pretty. He is having second thought 😂😂😂😭
Legitnumbkid : and neon feeling uncomfy... it shows that she does have feelings but she's just not that exposed
HAHAH. I love kurapika's hypocrisy
he acts like he is noble and shit.. went to think leorio is a sleaze during the hunter exam for wanting to touch a girl
5. We love the ‘Animals by Maroon 5′ Vibe
Anotherworldash : OT3 just reminds me of  : https://youtu.be/7BJ3ZXpserc
I love how the snakes are shown more than one
Legitnumbkid : YESSS those are chrollo and neon haha
Anotherworldash : Chrollo and kurapika wants to tell her "I'm the man here"
"And you are my woman so you are here to serve me"
Legitnumbkid : Even the original music video is so hot
It's like... so animalistic
Anotherworldash : Adam levine is observing through window when behati is sleeping, calculating. Just like kuraneo and kuroneo 😂😭. Even the pictures thing!
Legitnumbkid : I feel like... this is more appropriate to Chrollo tho. Idk why. He's like... stalking/hunting her in YorkNew City.
i bet my jenny money that chrollo jacked off to her pic ahhaha
So hotdamn. "You can't deny the beast inside" HAHHA
Anotherworldash : And his move is so violent... He legit knocked her out
Legitnumbkid : Fangirls be mad bruh but... he just knocked her out? before catching her? ya'all really want that?? HAHHA
Chrollo will steal her heart too
Anotherworldash : Chrollo said "Don't need consent when I'm the man 😬😙"
He legit say that... He stole her and touched her too
6. Their ‘Rivalry’ and their conversation when mentioning Neon 
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Kurapika is so mad Chrollo approached and did something to Neon that he forgot abt their ‘hostage exchange’ rule :( where he’s not supposed to harm Chrollo.
Chrollo has mentioned many times he’s not scared of the situation, but Kurapika was not that provoked... until Chrollo mentioned Neon. How awesome
7. Their Parallel to The Great Gatsby (We are fans of the Series!)
Legitnumbkid : Honestly the amount of people in the hxh fandom that hates her without analysing her character is such poor taste and a lack of observation. It’s also similar to how Daisy is so hated but people need to understand that …
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OMG SIS I was reading The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 (when Gatsby was talking to Nick) and LOOK AT THIS LINE:
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Anotherworldash : And the way Chrollo Grabs neon... Giving her the things she want then claiming her, is just Tom x Daisy  ~
Please refer to this post for more : https://anotherworldash.tumblr.com/post/641807577123012608
That’s the post. Hope you like this OT3 too!
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Oh also, have I mentioned that Kurapika was dowsing Neon when she was literally having coffee with Chrollo? O.M.G.
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smol-grey-tea · 3 years
I was gonna write the romo attraction thing today but honestly i dont feel like doing it bc im just rlly upset about smth that im sure a lot of ppl can relate to
So my irl friend groups are very... well they dont know much about these kinds of things, i had to be a walking encyclopaedia for them about my identities like nb stuff bc they didn't bother to just... look it up.
When i told them i was trans they would say "omg are you actually trans?? I have a trans best friend!!" Yikes
Instead they would ask me to explain it. Which is fine, i kinda hate having to explain for the 5th time that no, using the correct terms and pronouns is not a fucking burden, and that yes, dysphoria is awful and wont just magically go away.
and when i tell them to yk, not use pronouns for me and just use my name instead, not 1 person did that. They just... misgendered me and used she/her when i explicitly told them that it makes me dysphoric. I then told them to use coo/coos/cooself instead bc i quite like it, but they still didnt use it.
Then i gave up and told them to use they/them since it doesnt make me dysphoric even tho i lowkey hate it. They still misgender me but said "they'll try to get used to it". Its not that hard guys what the actual fuck???
Anyway, i was actually going to talk about aspec stuff. So i only told one of them that i was demiromantic demisexual, and they said "wtf is that" which yk is not a nice way to react to someone coming out, but i have thick skin so i just explained it bc again they couldnt bother to search it, and they said "ok ig" and changed the subject when i wanted to explain my attraction???? I've never had anyone that i could talk to about my complicated feelings with being aspec and just when i thought i could i was shut down.
I thought it was over and done with, until they started to... ignore my fucking identity??? Which i would say is way more important and personal to me than my bisexuality??? They never did any of that bs with my bisexuality probably bc they were pansexual themself, but jfc is it that hard to not make jokes about me being horny or having a crush or joking about setting me up on blind dates??? It legit made me so uncomfortable and i have no idea what to say.
Bc remember, they didnt exactly respect my pronouns and kept using gendered terms to refer to me even more after i came out??? I swear it feels like its on purpose every time they called me a girl but whatever
Istg they forgot that im demi bc they keep making these jokes and ignoring that i dont feel sexual or romantic attraction like that and keep acting as if i want to date ppl or fuck them when i say they look pretty??? I spent way too fucking long mistaking my aesthetic attraction for sexual for ppl to once again reinforce this idea and im done with it. Please for the love of god stop it.
I said i liked wilbur and thought he was rlly cute and they then proceeded to, you guessed it, act like im in love with him or that i want to fuck him. First of all, hes a real person on the internet that i do not know, 2nd of all, fucking eww, and 3rd of all, hes a whole ass adult and we r both in high school. Yikes again.
Ofc i didnt tell them these things and just said that i dont like him that way and just thought he was pretty and nothing else. They completely ignored this and thought i was just embarrassed or smth or that i was in denial. Yikes again again.
So yeah. The only lesson i learned is to never come out as aspec to anyone irl ever again. Tbh i kinda want to tell them that im not bi and that i dont feel any kind of attraction. It would be a lie but christ i wish they would stop. They can validate my bisexuality but not my nb or aspec identities? I knew that queer sexualities were more normalized now which is awesome but why cant they do that for trans ppl or aspecs? Why does it have to stop there?
Sorry for venting like this but i thought this might be relatable for yall. Ive never had the experience of feeling "broken" bc of any of my identities, im very confident in them. I just wish other ppl other than my online friends would feel the same.
Also sorry for delaying the romo attraction thingy i just rlly dont feel like it rn. Idk when i will write it but hopefully if i feel better i will finish it today
There's no pressure to write it up dude it's cool :) whenever you're ready ❤
And those ppl do not sound like good friends- idk exactly how old you are but ik I'm older, and I can tell you for certain that you will find better friends one day. It's guaranteed :) they don't deserve your friendship and I am glad to validate and help you in any way you need ❤❤
Yee I've never felt broken either! I think an element of that is that I thought I was allo for a very long time? But on the other hand I was bullied in my childhood for not having attraction so idk why that hasn't manifested into a phobia of romance but eh I'm better off this way whether it makes sense or not.
It makes me happy as well cuz a lot of ppl in the community seem very pessimistic abt how we're treated but it's nice to know that not all of us feel broken cuz the 2 of us are living examples of that :)
But unfortunately yeah, your experiences above are things many ppl can relate to. I'm sure almost everyone can remember a time where they came out to someone and weren't met with good responses,,
Let this be a reminder that this is not right and we deserve more support for something so personal. Even if you don't understand someone's identity that doesn't give you the right to dismiss or ignore them. Our identities are very important and personal to us and supporting them is basic respect.
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
stud.hui.o fanatic
hello!! i see that your requests are open so,,, could i request a non-romantic gender-neutral reader & hui scenario where the reader brings food to the studio late at night and convinces hui to eat and get some rest bc everyone is worried abt him? maybe with some platonic hand-holding.........? thank u so much 😖
Hui (Hwitaek) x (gender neutral) Reader - platonic fluff:D | 2.1k words
synopsis: late night phone calls weren’t uncommon when you’re lee hwitaek’s best friend, because more often than not, the man is sucked into the void known as his studio, and it’s your responsibility to drag him out of there.
a/n: hey there anon!! gosh when i say that i loved this prompt i really do mean it, so i hope that you enjoy this fic and that it’s what you were looking for:) apologies for the multitude of italicized words they just felt necessary.
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Your phone had to buzz endlessly for a second time to bring you to your senses. It was far too early in the morning for a phone call, and typically, you would’ve just ignored it and gone back to bed. But when you read the caller ID, you begrudgingly hit the answer button.
“Wooseok?” His name came out slurred as you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “What’s up? Everything okay?”
“Hi y/n, sorry to call you at this time, but Hui’s been in the studio literally all day, plus for like, half of yesterday, and we can’t get him to go home and rest. Practice ended like an hour ago, but he’s still in there.” His reply came out in a tired rush, and his voice was hushed as if he was trying to hide from someone. That someone probably being Hwitaek himself.
You caught onto what Wooseok was asking of you. This wasn’t the first time you had to drag him out of the studio. Being his best friend had many perks, way more perks that outweighed the few downsides that came along with it, and one of them was that you now carried the responsibility of kicking some sense into his overworking butt when he fell into this overloaded phase.
“I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” You answered without asking for any more details and bid your brief goodbyes before hanging up. Then, you got changed into some comfier clothes to match the chillier weather outside and grabbed your car keys.
It was late, and the only restaurant still open on your way to the studio was a small shop next to a karaoke bar, and you stopped by to pick up some fried rice. It wasn’t the most exciting meal out there, but for a 2am dinner run — or rather, breakfast-lunch-dinner run, if you were Hwitaek — it seemed pretty fitting.
When you arrived at the building and made your way to the studio floor, you saw the tall boy sitting on one of the benches in the hallways. He was hunched over, scrolling mindlessly on his phone and you could tell he was trying his hardest to stay awake for his leader’s sake.
You said a soft greeting as you approached him and he sent you a smile before letting a worried expression wash over him again. The door to the studio slightly ajar and Wooseok gestured for you to take a peek into the small gap, placing a warm hand on your back as he stood behind you.
“Just look at him.” He whispered, and you stared at your best friend working away on his computer, seemingly without any breaks to even think about what to do next. He simply clicked a few times, played something, shook his head, and then repeated the process all over again.
You turned back to Wooseok and began ushering him away from the door. “I’ll take care of this. I’m also guessing he hasn’t eaten much—” He nodded in agreement when you said that. “—so I brought some food with me. Go home and get some rest, I know you’re tired, just tell the others that I’ll bring him home... eventually.” You smiled reassuringly, but had to add in that “eventually” because deep down, you knew how just stubborn Hwitaek could be, and getting him out of the studio was a hefty task. Add in the upcoming planned promotions, then you get an even more stubborn version of him to work with — one that doesn’t understand the boundaries between work and self care.
Wooseok nodded slowly and your heart melted at the exhausted expression on his face. They’ve all been working so hard recently, heck, their packed schedules were a constant these days, and you could sense that it was taking a toll on them. Though no matter how tired they were, they always made sure to look out for each other, and you wanted to do your best to help ease at least some of the stress off the group. With a little more convincing, you finally got Wooseok to leave, giving him a hug before he did, and then you turned towards the task at hand. Even though the door was already opened, you knocked once to grab Hwitaek’s attention.
No answer.
You knocked again, this time calling out his name a couple times.
When he still didn’t answer, you gently opened the door all the way and let out a sigh when you fully took in his appearance.
“Hey, Hui.”
Still no answer.
You walked closer to him and leaned over to get a better look at his face. His eyes looked like they were seconds away from slumber, and his head rested on his hand like a makeshift pillow. “Hui? Hwitaek? Hui? Pentagon of Leader? Huiiiiiii?”
You placed the takeout gently next to his keyboard and then slowly nudged it so that it touched his arms resting on the table. When he didn’t respond to that either  — and opted to mess around with the dynamics of the percussion in his composition instead — you stood straight up and let out a huff.
“Lee Hwitaek!” You called boldly and for the first time that day, he took notice of your presence.
“Oh, hey y/n. Could you check if this sounds okay?” He greeted you nonchalantly as if you hadn’t travelled all this way in the middle of the night to see him, and proceeded to play an excerpt of what he had splayed out on the screen. You stood there speechless until the music finished blasting from the speakers and then just stared at his expectant face.
“Hui you need to snap out of it! I know this comeback means a lot to you and you want to get the work done but you can’t do it like this.” You told him exasperatedly.
“What do you mean I can’t do it like this? I’ve always been doing it like this, and it works every time.” He defended, and he replayed the section for you to hear, but you still refused to pay attention to it.
“You do this every time only to have one of us literally drag you out of the studio! And then you face the consequences days later ‘cause your body’s exhausted, your mind’s exhausted — don’t you think you’ll work better if you were refreshed?” You moved his hand away from the mouse when he tried to go back to work and ignore you.
“I just have a little bit left to do and I’ll finish up soon, I promise.” He muttered. It was almost as if he was entranced by the idea of never ending work hours, and Lee Hwitaek was being sucked into the void of his monitor right before your eyes.
“I’ll finish it up soon, my ass. We’ve been best friends for what? 12 years now? I know you’re lying when you say that, and I know that you’ll be sick by the time you ‘finish’ this and then you’ll regret it later. It’s the same cycle over and over again and you need to stop, please I’m begging you, we’ve been through this so many times already.” You tried to calm yourself down. Getting frustrated over his stubbornness wasn’t going to do any good, if anything, it’ll only make the problem worse. He finally gave you his full attention when he noticed that you took a deep breath to collect yourself. Taking a deep breath has always been a sign that you meant business.
And yet he still replied to you blatantly. “If I don’t finish it up all at once, I’m going to forget about it later.”
You rubbed your forehead, trying to get rid of the annoyance that was building up within you. “And then you’re going to finish that part, only to think of another idea to work on right after that. Like I said, it’s a cycle and you need to realize that. Please, I’ll give you 30 minutes to finish what you’re doing and write your notes down, and then we’re going to take a walk, no matter what you say.”
He nodded at your firm tone and quietly got back to work after muttering a small “okay”. You spent the next 20 or so minutes watching him work, occasionally feeding him spoonfuls of the rice you brought, until he finally shut everything down and turned to you to scarf down what was left in the foam container. 
“I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” He pointed out the obvious when there was no rice left, and he stretched before getting up from his seat. You giggled when you heard his joints crack at the sudden movement.
“Geez, you really are getting old, huh? And that’s what happens when you get stuck in sitting in this chair for more than 24 hours.” You lightly smacked his head to get some sense into him. “You don’t take care of yourself and don’t realize that your body needs food.”
He rolled his eyes, giving in to your light scolding. “Okay, okay, you’re right.” 
“Sir, I am always right.”
Not too long later, you were both taking a walk outside the building, entering the quiet night life of the city.
The winter air had a chill to it and you shivered a little, taking Hwitaek’s free hand into yours. He responded by squeezing it gently. 
Small physical affirmations like these have always got you through your friendships. As people who both relied on them as a source of comfort, it’s what allowed you to be as close as you were now. Though there were times where you’d have your disagreements — take the little argument you had earlier — holding hands especially, has always been what you used to remind yourselves that in the end, you still loved each other. That you were still best friends.
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” You told him quietly.
He laughed. “What? Am I getting a pep talk now?”
Your cheeks heated at his words and you stopped walking, pulling him into a stop as well. “I’m being serious here!”
He gave you a teasing look. “I know you are, and I appreciate you always coming to take care of me. Even though I’m not in your shoes, I do know how stubborn I can get and how frustrating it must be for you guys to watch me make the same mistakes over and over again.” He let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head. “But some habits are hard to break, yeah?”
You let out a small hum in agreement. It was true, everyone had their own habits — some good, some bad — and while Hwitaek had a fair share of endearing habits, between you and the rest of the boys, his were also the most concerning. You’d all rather have him stay healthy than have him work his soul away on some songs that can ultimately, only do the group so much. And getting him to realize that was a challenge, but it was a challenge you were all willing to take.
Your walk didn’t have a set destination, and you crossed streets and changed directions on a whim, adding more thrill to your little adventure. At one point, you even stopped at one of the convenience stores still open so that he could buy himself a drink. Which ended up simply being a carton of milk after you insisted that no, coffee at 3 am is not going to help him rest at all. You allowed him to at least get chocolate milk though. And you spent your time talking about anything unrelated to his work, sharing stories that you’ve missed during your time apart.
The two of you pretended like it wasn’t the middle of the night and that you weren’t freezing in the cold because neither of you were responsible enough to have prepared layers for the weather. Because so what if it was pitch dark and the only sign of life were the lonely taxis that drove by? If the only sound joining the chirps of the crickets were your laughter and you couldn’t feel the tips of your ears anymore? Your best friend finally had the chance to rest and be himself once again, and you’d be there for him no matter what time of day it was. As long as you got to see his shoulders relax a little and his smile genuinely reach his eyes again. As long as you knew that he’d listen to you, as his best friend, and that he’d let you take care of him when you needed to. It didn’t matter how often that had to happen.
When you turned the corner back to the entrance of the entertainment building, you looked at Hwitaek and nodded your head towards the floors upon floors towering above. “You wanna go back to the studio and work for a little while longer to let me hear what you’ve got so far?”
Getting him to take a break was already a miracle, and as much as you wished he would at least spend the night resting, you felt bad for dragging him out like this. You understood that he probably worked best if he was allowed to follow his train of thoughts without disruption, as bad as that habit was.
Thinking that he would agree to your offer, you were already making your way towards the entrance. But to your surprise, he grabbed your wrist to stop you and instead gave you a relaxed smile.
“Nah.” He pulled you closer to him and slung an arm around your shoulder, leaning into it a little bit. His body was pleasantly warm against yours.
“Let’s just go home, work can wait.”
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arodrwho · 5 years
incomplete list of favorite nott moments, in no particular order:
when we first meet her & she scarfs down all that food in the inn
after she & caleb did the brief con where she fake-attacked him & he punched her in the face, & he asked if she was okay and how were her teeth & she just “they’re all over the place!!
when she first told caleb she’d learned message!! trying to pass all the credit off on him & being so startled when he tells her no i don’t know this one, you figured this out yourself!!
i love the hc that he was trying to teach her alarm & she tweaked it here & there & wound up w/message instead. that’s the best hc. 10 out of 10
oh man when she was looking for traps & she fucked up & afterward was like “uhhh hahaha my bad y’all,” specifically the sentence fragment, “...and i missed many of them...”
i would die for her.
when she called fjord a bastard man for the first time
when she first sniped back at him in the tunnels, with the comment about Eyes to parallel the buttonbeard bullshit
when she said “i know a place” and then took them to the fucking river she was drowned in to tell them the story of how she drowned
the drama of it all
when she offered fjord the dagger
when she first offered yasha a flower
all one collector to another, g od.
sidenote but i   a l w a y s   wanted nott & yasha to bond over collecting things but after learning that yasha was collecting flowers for her dead wife & nott was sending the bulk of her collections home to her husband who thought she was dead, ie collecting them for her husband as a formerly-dead wife--
i rly rly rly want them to bond over collecting things y’all
yasha come back so u & nott can be losers together thanks
when she last offered yasha a flower
when she blurted out “yeza was his name” in the field with caleb. “the halfling man, from before. i just wanted to say it out loud. it’s been a while...”
like that’s so soft
when she ordered & purchased those really awful flesh-colored gloves, with i believe attempts at like. details to represent nails & such? all uncanny-valley n shit? & then proceeded to actually wear them
when she gave herself a fucking pun for a name
as someone who also gave themself a punnable name, i am contractually obligated to approve
when she dumped out the pitcher of cucumber water & ate the cucumbers off the ground in that bathhouse like the goddamn gremlin she is
i can’t stand cucumbers myself but the outstanding gremlin vibes overrule her awful taste in vegebles, so
when that bastard at the festival was like lmao this lil lassie can’t win my archery game but she can try and she proceeded to fucking demolish the archery game
when caleb tried to talk to her abt her drinking & she stood the fuck up for herself like “i don’t do this for fun” & also finally admitted to several v difficult feelings she’s held n deeply internalized for months now
i’m so proud of her
that time she told caleb to tell fjord she was dead & he killed her, & then went, it’s me fjord why did u kill me jus to make him scream
what a bastard i love her
when fjord was mocking her love of buttons & also infantilizing her at the same time & she played along mockingly before going this fucker,,,
she so rarely stands up for herself but Oh Man when she does.....
it’s so good
when they were on the island after the happy fun ball and she put meat in her pockets to give to caleb later
what a fucking weirdo loser. i love her
also as someone who used to tuck food in their pockets growing up i am contractually obligated to love her (& also beau, but this post is abt nott, so)
when she made herself look like a tiny fjord
when she took the flower back out of jester’s hair & “i think it worked”
when matt addresses sam and nott just screams abruptly
i love & fully subscribe to the hc that nott does this in-canon specifically bc she’s just remembered she exists
when she tells caleb she’s been hoping one day he’ll be strong enough to kill her w/fire & bring her back as veth
i just. i love the logic there
in general, that whole bit, her asking caleb to try to change her back
“case closed”
“but it’s because i love them”
when caleb puts her on his shoulders & goes “that one’s another planet” & she’s all [squints] “no, we’re on the planet”
as funny as it is to read the phrase “nott’s a flat-earther” i would humbly like to invite u to consider: nott knows damn well there are other planets & she’s just fucking w/caleb here
and, similarly--
when caleb’s all, “this is called a bath” and she goes [exaggeratedly awed voice] “i’ve heard of them”
she is also fucking w/him here
i like to think one of nott’s fave pastimes, pre-backstory-reveal, is seeing how much ordinary shit she can pretend to not know about & still get away with it
when caleb’s invisible & she kisses him & “i think i got an ear! :D”
when she loses to jester at cards & immediately draws her shortsword Ready 2 Fite
tbh in general every time she sUDDENLY YELLS and is prepared to THROW DOWN is. my fave
oh also the time. fuck i lost it what was it OH RIGHT also the time jester asks her for romantic advice and nott starts off with some bullSHIT abt playing hard to get & rounds off with “aND THEN CUT HIS THROAT AND KILL HIM” or sth along those lines, and rounds that off with “....just kidding! ha ha!”
there is a reason i felt she might be aro before we learned abt her husband & that right there is 50% of it
the other 50% is the “i don’t know” when asked if she loved “the halfling prisoner”
& tbh i still think she’s grayaro
but anyways.
whenever someone calls her “he” & she quietly-but-firmly corrects them
i know i keep saying it but i’m team “nott x loving & standing up for herself” 2kAlways
when fjord tries to give her a pep talk abt how she’s “thriving! surviving!” and she just deadpan “this was the worst day of my life.”
when she takes apart & puts back together the gun & goes “whoever invented this must have been a very smart person. yes, she must have been a very smart person indeed....”
which like i know that was sam fucking w/taliesin but listen. it’s good incanon aswell. it’s realgood
when she adopts her Serious Voice and talks abt how weak caleb is and it’s like a joke but also not but also yes
it’s like. teasing, but also serious, and also teasing because it’s serious
and it’s very good
when she turns herself into a pink fairy goblin
“molly said not to steal from happy people”
when she made the manticore laugh with a rly shitty pun
“well fuck him”
and the subsequent apology
when she gave yasha a rat
when she negotiated w/zorth......... all her interactions w/zorth were so good.........
“round here i’m fuckin beautiful”
when she holds caleb’s hand, after the gnolls
when she’s high on weird underground fruit & FLUFFERNUTTER,,
to conclude:
n ot t,,
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chamelis · 4 years
I mean no offense in asking this but what about that "curry" song is offensive? Is curry not an important dish in Indian culture and eating beef against the majority religion of India (Hinduism)?
dude... are you kidding?? have you been reading any of the posts?
*sigh* ok. since u asked so nicely, let me spell it out for you. and for anyone who has been too afraid to ask bc they really should have caught on by now.
first, have a look at this post i made, where i talk abt what south asians face generally. in that post, i put a screenshot of some of the lyrics of that song. first of all, the whole tone of those words is extremely unsettling to me - two Korean men making a song about a culture that they're literally not a part of. like, don't even say "appreciation". if you want to appreciate my culture and food, just eat the fucking food??
but that's not even the main thing. the thing that quite literally made my stomach drop was .... i can't even bring myself to quote it accurately but, smth like "if two people were eating curry and one dropped dead, the other wouldn't notice"?? smth along those lines.
so you're telling me that you like eating indian curry so much that you went wrote an unnecessary song about it, and proceeded to make a disgusting joke about how made it smells??? comparing it to a literal corpse?? what the fuck???
and yes, i know this song was made in 2010 and the original artists have now apologised for making it. but it took them 10 years??? really??? other groups have done this before, btw. stray kids and oh my girl, as far as i can remember. and when they did this, their fans also spoke up about it. im not quite sure what the groups did in response, but, clearly this has been an issue within the last 10 years. but only NOW the original artists realised that they majorly fucked up by making this song??
and dont even get me started on their apology. it was full of "we love indian culture we just wanted to make a fun and catchy song about it". norazo, you didnt just do that. you made a song by taking random 'buzz' words from our culture ("shanti", "TAJ MAHAL", "namaste" and all that shit), referenced random things that we abide by without context (eating with the right hand, no beef etc.), and descriptions of curry that you thought were funny ("its yellow, but it doesn't smell nice" or some shit. again, these arent direct quotes because i refuse to look those lyrics up again.)
what you need to understand, anon, is that this is the worst way you could appreciate someone's culture. that song is made by people who clearly know nothing further and deeper about our culture and traditions past "taj mahal" and "namaste". they think it's hilarious that our food tastes so great but smells so shit. you mean to tell me they loooove our culture, but then thought it was okay to take random hindu terminology which has a deeper meaning and relevance, and just throw them in a song about curry??
by now, i really hope you're seeing why the existence of this song is deeply unsettling. but there's more of a problem here. clearly, over the recent years of kpop groups' controversial encounters with this song, svt never realised that the song is offensive. they've had the luxury of not learning why this song is stupid and derogatory and berating to our culture. they've been able to ignore the fact that south asians across the world are misunderstood and discriminated against because people like norazo reduce our culture to these songs with no meaning other than to """appreciate""" something in the worst way possible.
and that's the worst part to me. svt clearly dont have to care about racism and the struggles of other asians. they're famous and rich and they have a korean fanbase to rely on, so they dont have to care about the struggles of international fans. but south asian culture is REPEATEDLY used in kpop for the aesthetic - there are so many examples of this that you could probably Google it and find a plethora of kpop controversies explained by south asians.
and you know why this keeps happening?? because culturally, in korea, people aren't understanding why shit like this is dumb and wrong. when it comes to idols and their companies, they're either ignoring the uproar (like pledis), or making a half assed apology and then proceeding to appropriate and diminish another culture for their next comeback. so yeah, svt and other idols aren't forced to care about this shit, but they need to start caring. and if they don't, i and a lot of other south asian fans aren't gonna keep loving and supporting and paying them just for them to turn around and slap us in the face by perpetuating harmful and stupid stereotypes of us.
my friend v made a good post here which explains how kpop has brought global east asian rep and broke stereotypes, and now we need the same for south asian cultures. we have an incredibly beautiful and rich cultural background, but when people make songs like this and idols sing them and find them catchy or funny, they reduce our cultures to a couple words and stereotypes. they make us feel small. insignificant past being people that eat smelly curry with our fucking right hand. i am more than that. south asians are more than that. and at this point, i don't even know if svt, the people whom I've given so much love, know that.
I'd like to believe that they had no racist intentions. but that frankly doesn't matter either way. they fucked up by singing that song and seeing nothing wrong with it. and they're still fucking up by staying silent about it. and this is gonna allow some rookie group to make the same fucking mistake in the future, and the cycle repeats, and south asians are continually discriminated and made to feel shit about themselves because of some song that their favourite idols can't stop singing no matter how many times they're told to.
lastly, if you've read all of this and decided that south asian fans are being dramatic and we're "cancelling ppl for no reason", just send me another ask saying so. then I'll block your IP address.
alternatively, if you have a genuine question about this, if my wording didn't make sense at any point, my inbox is open. but pls be polite. it's the least i ask for.
you can refer to this post which is pinned on my page which has resources you can use to contact pledis and tell them to make an apology statement and urge svt to understand their mistake + inform themselves on this issue.
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holdvns · 4 years
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hi friends ! i’m farah nd im coming at u live frm the pst timezone to bring u a new muse of mine. so excuse me as i ramble abt holden under the cut. like this post and i will come bother u for plots?? that or u can im me on here or on my discord (farah#1263), whatever works rlly! anyways, super stoked to be here and to get to write with u all!!!!
pinterest board / tag
holden grew up between upstate new york and manhattan in an extremely wealthy family. from the outside, his family had the appearance of perfection, but underneath that facade lay years of shocking and hidden family secrets that one way or another got out into society, even if his family tried to put them down as merely rumors.
his father is a highly respected but also deeply feared business man/media magnate known for his cutthroat attitude in his business dealings and personal relationships. he had an extremely difficult childhood, having been orphaned at a young age and passed from relative to relative around europe, many of whom were not very kind to him. still, he was incredibly intelligent and wanted to make something of himself, having this belief in the american dream and wanting to move there if he ever got the chance. after attending college on a scholarship, he was able to use his connections and move to new york, where he founded his own start-up that eventually led to him building his own personal fortune.
his mother was very much a hustler. she grew up poor in new york and at an early age, learned how to use her good looks to manipulate men for the finer things in life. she had a short stint as a model before she met holden’s father, charming him enough to call it quits with his first wife. underneath her obvious beauty, however, was a fiery temper and substance abuse problem. the thing about her was that she really wasn’t made to be a wife and mother. holden’s father thought he could turn her into this perfect socialite/housewife (marrying her and then proceeding to have his older brother, cal, and holden in a very short span of time), but the task proved impossible. she was always only looking out for herself and didn’t enjoy being tied down, certainly not with kids to take care of despite the nannies his father provided. they fought constantly, and their home life was extremely unstable. it was a normal occurrence for holden to see his mother being dragged off to an institution by his father’s security guards or for his mother to use him and his brother as bait to get his father to give her money for drugs, to leave him, or sometimes just to try and get back with him.
eventually, she finally did leave, having told holden and his brother the three of them were moving to los angeles, but leaving without them and dying of a drug overdose shortly after. holden was about six at the time and thinks he has successfully hidden this entire episode from his memory, but it’s definitely something that affects him whether he likes it or not.
although his family claims this was merely just a rumor, it was often said that there was some foul play behind her death and that his father had some involvement, not wanting her to ever leave him and move on with her life. while holden deep down may admit that this could be the case, it’s never something he would really say.
at this point, his father rarely talks about his mother and when he has, he has poisoned her memory so much, holden feels like he never really had one. when he was younger, he’d often make up stories about her in his head, which were far different than who she actually was. it helped at the time, but after a while it was easier to just forget her altogether.
while his father cares deeply for his children and has provided them a life of ease and luxury, he’s certainly not innocent in all of this mess. he’s extremely manipulative and often psychologically traumatizing to them as well. he often finds his children to be lazy and ungrateful and resents the way they’ve been raised (even though it was his own doing), while he suffered from poverty and abuse in his own childhood. he often pits the two of them against each other, always trying to see who’s the stronger, smartest, who will do whatever it takes to be the best, especially because there’s always talk about who’s going to be the one to be the one who’s going to take over when he retires. it is usually said to be his older brother, because it’s no secret that he’s his father’s favorite.
because of this, holden and his brother never really got along. or so it seems. they did when they were younger, but their hatred runs so deep that the even thought of that feels like a distant reality. they’re only two years apart, but they couldn’t be more different. while his brother is a complete perfectionist and will do just about anything to please his father, holden gave up on that idea along time ago. it didn’t matter what he did, he never seemed to be able to measure up against his brother. maybe it was because he was younger, maybe it was because he was more sensitive and seemed to feel things at a deeper level, maybe it was because he wasn’t as competitive, or maybe there was no explanation why his father simply liked cal better. holden’s never seemed to figure out. he’s always felt like the screwup of the family, so eventually that’s what he became.
he started drinking and using drugs at an early age, basically trying anything to mask his pain and trauma. while his brother excelled academically and in sports in high school, holden never applied himself. he fell in with the wrong crowd and gave up his spot on the football team to run around the streets of new york and engage in all kinds of debauchery. it was common for him to disappear for days on end, spending his father’s money and racking up drug and gambling debts. obviously his father wasn’t happy about this and would constantly remind him of that, but he didn’t exactly do anything to stop him either. if this was a cry for help or attention, it didn’t exactly have the desired effect and only left holden feeling empty. 
he started dating this older hippie girl who was in college while he was a senior in high school who influenced him to want to detach from his family and money and the crowd he was running in. he kind of... took it to the extreme and started talking like timothee chalamet in lady bird lmao, even though he reeked of privilege. honestly, it was just another way to annoy his father and brother, which was always his goal at the time. they ended up breaking up because he cheated on her, but he kept some of her ideas and mindset afterwards.
after high school, he wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do. so he ran off to europe for a year and didn’t talk to anyone from home. just traveled around by himself with little money and getting into all kinds of trouble. he probably would’ve stayed longer, but one morning he came across an american newspaper while he was in greece reporting on how his father had suffered a heart attack. he rushed back to the states and luckily his father has survived, but in that moment of weakness he manipulated him into attending college. his father pulled some strings and got him into yates, and while it isn’t exactly his idea of fun, he’s taking it day by day and looking it as another way to push back actually having to enter the real world.
~ personality wise ~
acts like he hates his family, new york, and everything that comes attached with money and privilege, but completely reaps the benefits of all these things when he can. claims everything having to do with high society is vapid and that he wants more out of life.
a bit of a compulsive liar. will make up fake identities and pretend to be other people or tell people he doesn’t know some sob story about growing up poor. rlly just gets off on stuff like that and doesn’t tell the truth. like ever.
doesn’t always like people knowing how rich he is or who his father is. for those that do know, he doesn’t like to talk much about his family. probably won’t ever say a word about his mother.
has no real ambitions in life or any sort-of life plan. has switched his major at least 10 times and never goes to his classes.
very much a hedonist. likes to party and hates being alone. hooks up with too many people and finds it very difficult to be in any sort of real relationship. he’s just not reliable or faithful enough.
also goes through phases where feels like he doesn’t connect with people? or that he hates everyone?
always attracts chaos of some kind. black eyes from a fight over kissing someone’s girlfriend or owing his drug dealer money.
lives life day by day. doesn’t plan for the future. usually always drunk or high.
kind of... morally ambiguous. with the way he was raised, he doesn’t see life as black or white. it’s sort of grey. usually doesn’t do the right thing, usually doesn’t feel bad about it... but there is a heart there somewhere. he just doesn’t usually care enough to use it.
rlly tries to avoid feelings as much as possible. he’s actually quite a sensitive person, but after being constantly told that makes him weak by his father and having a robot of a brother he’s always felt ashamed by that. so he uses his vices to try and not feel things.
wanted plots
hook ups, fwbs, exes, someone he cheated on, friends, enemies, someone he owes money to, someone who knew him grew up and knows his family, someone he actually rlly cares about (romantic or platonic)...i’ll add more to this when i think of more things!
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sweetcheol · 5 years
got7 reaction; their s/o has a cold
aka i have a cold and wish i was their s/o
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he’s so caring.
ears perked up the first time you sneezed.
tried not to worry because you tend to sneeze as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. 
but you kept on sneezing as you ate your breakfast.
which you never did.
so by the time he came back home from the studio, he was prepared.
hot tea in a travel cup in hand, he joined you on the couch, where you were snuggling in a fuzzy blanket with a pack of tissues by your side.
“here, you’ll feel so much better,” he says as he hands you the warm drink.
you thank him with a quick peck on the cheek ‘cause you don’t want him to get sick too, but he just responds by cuddling closer to you. 
won’t get away from your side.
cooks you dinner (or he probably just orders some fried chicken) and has a lot of midnight snacks prepared.
u too watch fluffy movies until u both doze off. 
all of the cats cuddle up with u two and it’s just the best thing ever. 
probs wakes up feeling a bit sick too bc he really did refuse to get away from u lol. 
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ngl he probably freaks a bit at first.
healthy boi isn’t used to being sick.
and since you take care of yourself too, he isn’t used to you being sick.
so u have to constantly remind him that it’s nothing to worry about.
u just left the house without a jacket the other night and caught a cold.
feels kind of bad when he sees u trying to sit away from him on the couch so he won’t get sick.
so he turns to pamper the living shIT out of you. 
lets you not drink the morning shake. 
texts the guys and doesn’t go to practice or the studio so he can be with u the whole day. 
which you appreciate a lot since him spending the day home is rare as he’s a very busy guy. 
tells you a lot of jokes in an attempt to make you laugh.
gets you nearly a thousand cups of warm, organic green tea.
lends you your favorite hoodie of his as you cuddle up in bed.
even breaks his diet a bit by ordering not-so-healthy take out for you and eating it in solidarity.
we stan boyfriend!jackson sm. 
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the softest bean.
was in practice with the boys when u told him you weren’t going to catch up with them for lunch because you were sick.
you didn’t tell him it was just a small cold so he got super worried.
bolted out of practice and to your apartment.
and even when he saw you weren’t actually dying, he still proceeded to be the sweetest boyfriend ever and took such good care of you.
he ran you a nice, warm bath.
prepared your fluffiest and fuzziest blankets and hugged you so close to him as you play some videogames.
feels bad for you bc he hears you sneezing too much and lets you win <3333. 
sighs and plays with your hair when he feels you nuzzling your face into his neck.
you end up napping for a few hours until you hear some banging on the front door.
turns out it’s the guys trying to make sure you were okay bc mark was supper worried and had told them he just had !!!! to see you because you were sick.
blushes and proceeds to cuddle you even closer to him, if it was even possible.
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you weren’t answering your texts and the two of you had kind of gotten into a small argument the night before, so bby boy thought you were mad at him and didn’t want to talk. 
bought you flowers and went over to your apartment to apologize.
found you sleeping on your bed with tear stains all over your cheeks.
and :(((((( thought you were crying bc of him.
so when you woke up he apologized and gave u the bouquet.
but then you told him you were sick.
and he kinda felt relieved but then proceeded to worry abt you. 
sings for you as he cooks you a warm bowl of soup.
and then snuggles the living shit out of you as you binge-watch some random show.
it’s a comedy so he’s laughing the whole time.
and it brings a smile to your face bc his laugh is the most adorable thing ever.
gives you a ton of forehead kisses.
he makes me so soft and i literally can’t thx.
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we know how caring he is with the boys.
so you can just expect him to be just as caring with you.
if not more.
literally spends the whole day by your side.
won’t listen to you as you tell him to go on with his day because it’s just a cold and it’s not like you’re actually gonna die anyways.
no. he sees it as his duty of bf to make sure you’re well-taken care of !!!!! at all times !!!!!
makes sure your tea cup is always full.
gets u a lot of nice snacks.
gets u a brand new tissue pack right next to your bed before u go to sleep so he can close the bathroom door without feeling guilty. 
if there’s anything else u need he gets it for you in record time.
will propose a scary movie marathon.
does it both because he likes scary movies and also because you always end up hugging him for dear life.
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okay so
it’s kind of his fault that you’re sick.
it’s definitely his fault that you’re sick.
he had been kind of catching a cold for a few days but boy kept on kissing you like everything was fine.
even shared offered you water straight from his bottle when you told him you had left yours at home.
he was just kind of sneezing here and there so u didn’t think he was actually sick.
but then you got sick.
bby bam feels really guilty so he offers to take u shopping.
but u are sick !!!!
so he shops for u while u are taking a nap.
comes back home bearing so many gifts it actually kind of scares you.
he also gets you some flowers bc he’s just devilishly charming.
gets u matching hoodies and u wear them for the rest of the day while u lounge around the house.
bam is lowkey trying to take selfies with u the entire time.
u don’t let him because your nose is red and your eyes are puffy.
“but you’re still so beautiful”
u watch a movie while eating a nice bowl of soup that he tried his best to make.
even looks up recipes online and ends up following a yt video.
is kissing you the entire and doesn’t take a no for an answer.
he literally doesn’t care if he gets sick.
“i’m the reason you’re sick anyways :((((”
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woke up to find u sneezing while sippin on some tea in the kitchen of your apartment.
u didn’t want to wake him so u left the bed.
but he can’t sleep without u next to him so he was bound to wake up anyways.
gets u to go back to bed with your tea.
and cuddles u under the covers.
doesn’t go back to sleep even when u do.
puts something on tv on like... super low volume and stays awake to check up on you the entire night.
and when it’s morning he tells you he already told the boys he’s not going to practice because he has to take care of you.
cooks you breakfast and the two of you have breakfast in bed.
tbh you don’t really leave the bed much for the whole day.
only when he gets to run you a bath.
bc your muscles were getting a bit sore and you were feeling a bit uncomfortable.
updates the guys on your condition that sounded weird lol.
gets u in a nice fuzzy sweater of his and sings softly in your ear.
low-key laughs when u get one of those particularly harsh sneezes.
hdkjfdgkdshfj i love him.
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thosch3i · 5 years
on the topic of chinese theres an asian (maybe hes korean idk) guy in my chinese class who has repeatedly asked me korean-related stuff before class despite the fact he knew from the first day of class that I am in fact chinese, not korean, and i dont listen to kpop. the questions include:
"do you listen to kpop" on like the first day and subsequently being very shocked for some reason that I dont and then proceeding to forget my answer to this q for every subsequent interaction
if his hairstyle makes him look korean/like a kpop guy because "girls like that" or something, again, after I've already told him I know nothing about kpop
"can you read that" referring to korean written on the chalkboard, prompting another girl to ask me if I'm korean, and when I told her no I'm chinese, she then looked at the dude in question weirdly and asked why he asked me if I could read korean, prompting him to then say "I thought she likes kpop" or smth similar but atp my brain shut down bc how many times do I need to tell you i dont listen to kpop man. I listened to like one (1) bts song bc halsey was in it and that's abt it. if you want my opinion on kpop stuff so badly give me some song recs idfk
he definitely doesnt have memory problems bc I told him I liked jjba once and he remembered that several classes later
I'm just. so confused why he talks to me. it's not like hes practicing his chinese w me or anything since our convos r literally in english. if hes trying to make friends he should like. remember the one thing I have told him repeatedly at least maybe
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