#if it doesn't u can just skip to 8 minutes
aisquaredchoco Β· 2 years
welcome to another episode of...
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Hey y'all! Thank you, as always, for leaving comments on my posts. And I'm not gonna leave them unresponded so here I go again...
>> 26 Jan 2023: Fibonacci fence with symmetrical post matching railings
@kevinvoncrastenburg: "Your creations are so great and useful. Thank you so much for sharing! πŸ’š"
@fluttereyes-ts3-blog: "Thanks for this. The reason you modified them is the reason I have never used them, I hated those posts."
@joshttew: "It's nice to see how versatile these addons can be! thanks for thinking of everything!"
A never ending thanks to you guys! It's always good to know people having the same thoughts on the original EA objects that knowing editing on them can be much more useful even in others' games.
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>> 02 Feb 2023: Here's my last TS3 screenshot before upgrading to a new PC...
@nornities: "All fingers crossed!"
Thank you for the well wishes! Would like to let you know the reinstall went well so far..
@bioniczombie: "good luck on your reinstall <3 can't wait to see pics from your new pc!"
Thank you too! I already had my test gameplay and hoo boy, it was waaaaaay smoother than before. And the pictures, mmmm...they look crispier!
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4 Feb 2023: 🎢✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎢
@fluttereyes-ts3-blog: "Had this discussion this morning already with someone else. I'd love to do this but my musical taste is so eclectic and you wouldn't know half the people I listen to. I like, for example, 60's R&B. psychedelic late 60's, yesterday and this morning it was Yanni, especially Aria, I've rediscovered the pretenders and tears for Fears. To me this is one of the sexiest songs ever written https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzpPy9hJYA8"
hmm..yeah I feel that. Having a varying music taste sure is weird, but cool too!
@puffkins2000: "Ahhh, I LOVE that song by Chicago! <3 Thanks for tagging me, I'll have to think on this and work on it when I get home. ^^;"
yes, and their other songs as well. They're never going to be skipped no matter what my mood is!
@hazely-sims: "Yeahh Phil Collins is the best! And yeah somehow the 10 minute version of All Too Well doesn't feel long at all, it's perfect and I love it. Thanks for sharing!"
Agreed. Try playing GTA: Vice City Stories and you'll love Phil more! And about All Too Well, the ten minute version even made it more perfect, and a classic example of a ten minute song that isn't boring. I even joked with my coworker (who is a die hard Swiftie) we could listen to it repeatedly a whole shift (8 hours) long. That's about 48 times on repeat lol!
@curmudgeonness: "Thanks for the tag, but I haven't listened to music in a long while, so I'll take a pass!"
No problem! I just want to mention people out of appreciation and that's about it..
also thanks to @autonomousllama for mentioning me in this tag game as well!
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cocogoat Β· 2 years
here watch this it's so silly so fun so beloved 2 me
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strongermonster Β· 2 years
i've been emailing avery (guy from this post) almost every day for about a month now, and he's been a dream to work with bc i am a very anxious person about dates and instructions + i tend to over-explain things bc i'd rather risk being Very Clear and having someone be slightly annoyed w me but have done the task right, vs under-explaining and having to fix their mistakes, and wrt dates and times, i always get nervous and think "fuck wait, was it tuesday? maybe she said thursday and i got it mixed up. was it 1pm or 11am? both have 1, what if i read it wrong??" compulsively. but he not only doesn't seem to mind at all, he seems to actually really enjoy that i write out stuff step by step with multiple examples bc i'm terrified of being misunderstood.
which got me thinking "damn, maybe it's me that sucks at emails? maybe i'm a shitty coworker?" but i just went back thru a series of email chains that happened this week and i can GUARANTEE you i'm actually So Good At Emails and it's everyone else who is wrong. for example, real actual copy/pasted snippets from email conversations with my store manager:
me: hey i just need to know what time the meeting is this week, thank u boss: Thursday me: okay πŸ‘ what time? [does not answer for 24hrs. i close this email thread and start another]
me: hey what time is the meeting on thursday? boss: it's Thursday afternoon. me: can you narrow it down? [does not answer yet again. new email]
me: i need to know what hour the meeting on thursday afternoon is so i can prep boss: it will have to be after 10. (that does not narrow it down because that's still a five fucking hour window) me: got anything more specific please? i need 10 minutes to get [coworker who covers my job when i'm not there to do it] situated + another 30 to get notes and teams ready [STILL NO FUCKING ANSWER]
me, who has 451 other fucking things to do and so i decide to just pick the goddamn time myself: hey all [everyone else who'll be in the meeting] does 1230 work for u? boss, responding to me and only me: it can't be in the afternoon I have [insert other tasks to do]
this is insanity. it drives me absolutely batshit that so many of the people i have to talk to on a weekly basis do that thing where i will send EXACT INSTRUCTIONS in an email and they'll... idk. read it too fast? skip parts? and then ask me "oh how does X work?" when it's right there in the goddamn email oh my gooooooood. it has to be because i talk too much in text. it has to be. everyone's like "oh this person doesn't talk out loud much, they must be normal" and then you give me a keyboard and i'm like "what if instead of 8 words i used 47 million"
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ironicsopsychotic Β· 2 years
First Line Tag Game! Rules: List the first lines of the last ten stories you published (or works in progress if you’re feeling brave lol). Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
okay imma thank you first (i love this game omg) and say that i WANTED to be ambitious and do both published fics and wips, but i started on wips first and this is long af. so here we are. over half are hoa fics but i threw in some random oneshots for other fandoms.
#1 the hard part (hoa; 03. in neddie au series)
Two days. Two days after Amber gave the breakup news, two days of incredibly uncomfortable Sibuna meetings, two days of Eddie blatantly lying to himself that ending their whole tryst wasn't a big deal. Two days of all of that, and then Nina sent him to the clearing in the woods for a solo mission but showed up five minutes after he did.
Two days, and she told him that waiting for things to cool down wasn't cutting it for her. He took in her words slowly, but he took them in, and he took in the meeting place, and then he took her in.
#2 golden opportunity (hoa; jeroy college au)
It's the day after sophomore finals week ends and Joy honestly has to wonder how the fuck Mick convinced everyone to go out drinking in celebration. Drinking itself is fine; drinking with Mick at the helm is a lot like trying to swim upstream without a paddle. No good could possibly come from it.
#3 i summoned you (hoa; nina&eddie time loop s2 finale au)
Nina doesn't remember events normally when Senkhara's using her.
The mask is like a film over her eyes, everything distorted just enough that she doesn't feel like herself. She knows what she's doing when she pushes the mask into her skin, but the moments after shift into slow motion, a nightmare she can't stop.
#4 the hookup (hoa; jamber college au)
Try as he might, Jerome Clarke could not, with whatever remnants of a conscience he had left, claim he didn't know who she was.
#5 definition of an extended play (btr; kucy college soulmate au)
The first time he met Lucy Stone, he figured some part of his soul just knew, even without the mark.
His head's the one that has some catching up to do.
#6 exile (good witch; nace post-s5 finale)
Smiling up at her onstage giving her graduation speech is the very least he can do. He can smile, and clap, and even cheer like all the cheesy coming-of-age movies she'd made him watch over the years.
What he can't do is gather her up in his arms afterward. He can't press a kiss to her temple, congratulating her with words but also with every single love language there is. He can't hold her hand as they all go out to eat before heading back to Grey House for their joint grad party. He can't look her in the eyes and revel in the fact that she knows everything he's feeling, and that she feels it too.
He can't do any of that, so he smiles and hopes it's enough to tide him over.
It isn't.
#7 new place, same feeling (supah ninajs; amanda/flint post-s2)
Spending the summer away from Empire City and the dojo was kind of fucking with her.
#8 road trip to your heart (spooksville; adally +watch road trip)
It starts like this:
road trip. u me and watch.
be seen in public w you? oh hell nah
i'm serious
so am i ;)
senior year.
senior prom.
you need an opportunity to step up your game before you ask me to it, and i'm more than happy to give you that chance.
#9 it's a wedding, not the end of the world (hoa; after anubis series, jeroy wedding)
kindly join us for
the wedding of
5:00pm | July 31st | Calderstone Park: Ornamental Garden
~lil skip ahead of a joy, patricia, willow, & kt group chat~
[willow] you don't have to worry about a thing, joy!
this'll be the best wedding ever!
[kt] agreed! :)
[patricia] sit back and relax, we've got this
five months later...
"Holy shit, we don't got this."
Alfie kept his face smushed on the outside of the leaning cake box and breathed out harshly. "A little HELP??"
#10 in more ways than one (hoa; neddie s2 soulmate au)
Nina spent the morning after Senkhara marked Amber feeling braindead and searching for long socks.
She felt helpless. She couldn't help getting marked herself; she barely cared about that anymore. Besides Victor seeing it and the occasional burn, it wasn't too bad. Sometimes she could even pretend this was just another fun mystery like the beginning of the previous year. But then Fabian lied to her, he got a mark himself, and she realized that, yet again, she couldn't protect anyone. She couldn't even protect herself against Rufus in their final showdown--Jerome had thrown the flies.
so the trend i'm seeing here is i like starting w a (hopefully) intriguing hook, usually just one line. i try to make it at least a little ominous yet simultaneously all-encompassing of what the fic's about. but i already kinda knew that, so lemme know if you see any other trends? and if you wanna do this game, i tag you! :)
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natsukicookies Β· 3 years
Exsβ‹…β „βœ―βˆ˜β „βœ§
Ship: kageyama x F!reader
Words :2.2k
Type: angst to fluff || ex to friend? Idfk
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Kageyama tobio and l/n y/n were dating since the first year of high but things started getting not too good in the 2nd year.
Kageyama would focus more on volleyball more than y/n, and it was fine by her since she knew how much he liked volleyball.
But then again everyone had a limit. Her limit broke when he forgot their dates not 1 time not 5 time BUT 7 times in a row.
It made her feel as if she didn't matter to him anymore, it made her feel as if she's the only one who is even trying in their relationship.
And so in the end she was tired of crying on the floor of her bedroom because of him and told him they should break up.
"Tobio.." She called out to the male who was walking beside her. He looked at her confused as to why she has such a serious expression.
"I think" she bites her lips trying not to cry. "I think...Β  we should... break up." She finally said the thing she wanted to say.
She looked up at kageyama who had an unreadable expression. "Why...?" He asked so quiet it was barely noticeable, but she still heard him clear.
She looked down at her feet. "It's because" her voice broke, but she still continued "I don't think we can work it out anymore.."
At that point the warm tears slowly starting to fall from her eyes. She looked up again while Also wiping her tears.
She saw the boy who she loved so much looked away from her it pained her more.
"I-" kageyama opened his mouth but closed it again. "If...Β  that's what you want" y/n eyes widened but before she could say something he already beat her "I have to go.." Kageyama exclaimed and walked away with his bike.
While y/n stood there heart broken. She wanted him to stop her, tell her he doesn't want to break up...Β  but well life doesn't always go your way.
That day she ran to her room and cried all her tears out. The next day she skips school and when she finally went to school everything was normal.
It as if both of them never meet. Yes, it made her cry and shit. thought out the whole high school they both pretend they didn't exist.
She saw him on TV, becoming a pro volleyball player while he saw her becoming the CEO of a big fashion company.
It was going all good until her friends text her saying there will be a get-together party in their high school. Of course she didn't want to go there.
All the sore memories were there but in the end she got no choice since her friends dragged her there.
In the party she was hoping her best that HE wouldn't be there or at least she wouldn't meet him...
But well her luck wasn't on her side...Β  she was 20 minutes in and she meets the one she didn't wash to.
Kageyama tobio aka her ex-boyfriend. Her eyes meet the dark blue one and it seems like the time has stopped, but then she broke the eye contact by looking away.
Her face had remained straight but her heart was feeling all the pain it did 8 years ago.
'I want to go home' She sighs as she looks for her best friend, but she was nowhere found.
She went towards the exit, and dialed her best friend number, but as she was dialing someone grabbed her hand. She looked up in surprise and saw none other than kageyama tobio.
Now that she was taking a closer look at his face she noticed he changed a lot, the way he used to part his hair or the way he smelled...Β  Hell he was now even more taller then her.
It made it seem as if she was the only one who was still stuck in the past. She hated this feeling this was getting in her heart, she hated the way he is looking at her right now.
Those dark blue ocean eyes looking at her e/c eyes as if they were still in love. As if he didn't pretend like she didn't exist when they broke up.
"Let go of me" she ordered glaring at him, he let go of her hand as his eyes soften "how have you been?" He asked, his voice was soft but nervous just like how it was when he had asked her out 9 years ago.
Her lips formed into a line as she replied with "was doing great before you decided to show your face" and then cross her arm. Kageyama Sigh'ed at her replied feeling all the same pain he did 8 years ago.
"Look i-" he pauses and looked at into her eyes, which took her by surprise. "I really didn't know how to reply back then" he spoke. Y/n bit her inside cheeks as she felt like she's going to cry if not.
"I really regret that. I was never good with words, so when you said that you wanted to break up.." He pauses taking a deep breath and was about to talk about but y/n beat him "I didn't know what to say so I left you there all alone then also pretend to not know you though out the whole high school" she mocked him while doing that v figure thingy.
"Well, good for you" She let out a bitter laugh as she continued "I guess, you're getting everything you want." She put her hair behind her ear as she tried her best not to let her emotions get to her.
"You brought a new car and your career's really taking off" her voice was strained and even though she said it with a smirk, it hurt remembering all the good times they had together.
But then again she also remembered how he acted after they broke up "its like we never ever happened" the male fist turned white as he also remembered all the things he did wrong. He regretted that he didn't buy her flowers or spend time with her.
"Baby, What the Fuck. Is. Up. With. That. " She Snapped as the warm tears finally started falling out of her eyes. Tobio eyes widened at the sight of the girl crying, a worried expression took over his face as he reached out his hand to wipe away her tears but y/n slapped his hand away.
"Well SCREW THAT AND SCREW YOU" she seethed and stepped backwards. Tobio eyebrows knotted as he bites his lips so he too wouldn't cry. "It hurt me too okay?!" He wanted to yell, but it came out as a whisper.
"All the photos in my room were ripped in half" his voice was so quiet it was barely above a whisper but anybody could tell just how much pain it holds.
His shoulder dopes as he looked at her beautiful eyes which still hold tears "but it all comes back, burning in my mind that I should have treated you better." The girl looks down at her feet since she didn't want him to see her crying face even though he already has seen it.
The whole entrance was silence since everyone was already inside which made y/n sob quite louder than her liking. And as for kageyama he was too busy to even notice his surrounding all he cared was to have her back in his life.
The h/c haired girl wipes her tears then look up with a smile at the guy she still loved from the bottom of her heart "you realized that after 8 years?" Kageyama was about to say something but y/n shh him with her finger.
"That's a little too late.. isn't it?" she mumbled and went closer to him to cup both of his cheeks. But as she did, she noticed the smell of alcohol that was coming from him. "Huh?" Then suddenly it finally clicked 'He's drunk!'
She sign'ed to herself and wiped her crying face. She backed away while he was giving her a pout face. "I will call hinata and he will come get you, okay?" She said then take her phone to call the ball of sunshine. After that she looked at him, his red face was now a bit more noticeable than before.
Y/n looked at the time on her phone and it was passed 10:30 pm.. she had to go home before 11 or it might be dangerous... quickly she texted her best friend that she's going home. Then look up at her ex boyfriend who was still looking at her as if she is the only thing he could see.
She bites her lips before saying "I have to head home now, so wait for hinata here." She points at where he was standing "okay?" She asked him which he replied with "no! I want to talk to you more.." he whispered the last part but she heard him.
She again Sighed "we can talk again, okay?" She exclaimed and it that the male's face lit up. He then started searching for something then finally put out his phone and gave it to her, "H-here" he shuttered his eyes getting a bit sleepy.
She tiled her head sideways confused but still took the phone. After a few seconds later she finally got it "you want my number?" She asked and then he nodded like a cute little puppy.
Y/n thought to herself 'Should I?..' She was really questioning herself if she should or not because 1st she doesn't know if that would be a good thing or not, 2nd this was supposed to be an angst only not angst to fluff..
But then again the puppy looks he was giving her was doing no good to her heart. 'He would never make that face if he was sober..' She sweatdrop as she had never seen him make that face before. 'He's cute..'
"FINE" the h/c haired girl gave in. But then she saw it was locked, well she doesn't know the password to it or that's what she thought. And now she should have given his phone to him and instead for some unknown reason she decided to put his old password which was her birthday, because why not?.
'It unlocked!' Her cheeks were now more than kageyama's drunk face. To be honest it kinda made her happy that he still has her birthday as his password. After she cool off she quickly put her number in and hand him the phone.
"Ah! L/n chan!" A familiar voice called out, both Kageyama and y/n turned thier heads towards the running tangerine, "hi.." The female awkwardly wave at her high school friend. "Hi! It's been so long!" Hinata gave her a big smile and turned his head towards Kageyama.
"Bakayama! I was looking for you, you know!" He yelled at the drunk raven haired male. "Uh I think he's already out.." y/n mumbled. After some talk she had to leave since it was getting late.
While driving she couldn't help but wonder if it was a good thing to give her ex boyfriend her number.. "oh well.. it's what is it."
But in the end a smile appeared her face as she thought about how cute he looked when drunk also the fact he was giving her a pout. "Ahh!" She screamed as a red hued covered her face.
Next morning the raven-haired male woke up to a pretty bad hang-over. he groaned as he walked towards the bathroom, trying to remember what happened in the party but it wasn't doing any help since it was all blurred.
He looked at all the notifications on his phone and answered some text messages but then noticed a particular number that was online. "L/n y/n" he read out loud.
His eye went wide as he remembered some memories of last night "right! I saw her in the party!" He tried remembering more but unfortunately he didn't remember a thing.
He read her name again and again while thinking if he should maybe call her? But wait what if he did something embarrassing in front of her in the party? No no no!
Then the phone started ringing making the poor guy have a heart attack and reading the caller ID didn't help at all.. it might- no definitely made it much worse.
"H-hi" he awkwardly said while also awkwardly walking around the house "Hi tobi- I mean kageyama" the girl on the other side of the call correct herself making the boy frown. He so wasn't used to her calling him by his last name..
"You.. can call me tobio.. like you used to" he mumbled the last part but she heard him "sure, tobio" the way his name roll out of the girl's mouth made kageyama's face as red as tomato. He felt the same butterflys as he did 8 years ago.
"Um tobio, you there?" He snapped back to reality "y-yeah!" He replied back while mentally cursing at himself for shuttering.
"So did you got home safe?" She asked and he answered, And so on. Maybe it's a new beginning for them? Who knows?
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emetophobiahelp Β· 3 years
Euphoria Masterpost
Quickly want to say that I avoided this show for so long because of the scenes, but I'm so glad I watched it because its honestly amazing. The scenes in season 1 particularly are very easy to skip, if you get through it and wanna watch season 2 - I just recommend watching episode 4 and 5 with someone to be safe xx
Disclaimer - there are scenes throughout the show where characters have said terms related to v* such as "t* u*" but nothing happens. I will put an asterix next to the episodes that have mentions but are still safe during that scene.
Season 1:
Ep 1 - Unsafe* - ONE SCENE
When Rue is doing a pee test, her Mum starts talking about what happened and it flashes back to Gia walking up the hallway slowly, when she opens the door, look away. The v* is visible next to Rue however we do not see or hear her v*. Just look away for a few seconds until you hear Rue start to talk again.
Ep 2 - Unsafe - TWO SCENES
The first scene is the same flashback as the first episode, but closer up. It flashes back to this scene when Rue is talking about drugs, she says how they "Wreck your skin" then it shows the scene with the v* around her. It lasts a few seconds.
The second scene happens when Kat is walking through the school, everyone is staring at her and she walks into the bathrooms and v* in a stall. She shuts the door so we don't see anything, just mute when she goes into the bathroom until the scene changes, its very quick.
Ep 3 - SAFE *
A guy runs off a ride at the carnival holding his stomach and we hear him v* into a clown bin . The only visual if from behind him so we don't actually see the v* and the camera pans away pretty quickly. It doesn't last long at all. The rest of the episode is safe, despite some people being on drugs.
Cal gets called into the school and is walking through the corridoors before excusing himself and walking into the bathrooms. He v* in the toilet but there is no visual, just audio. It is safe once the scene changes.
During the opening scene, there's a montage of McKay playing football, after the line "without a shred of terror, malice" we see him v* from exhaustion. The scene changes quickly and is safe from there. Definitely look away and block your ears/ mute for a few seconds.
Ep 7 - SAFE
They're all at a party and Jules gets a text then goes into the bathroom. The shot is a birds eye view of the stalls and in one of them, someone is v*. We hear it, but only see the back of their head. Over pretty quickly, I would just mute until the camera angle changes.
Season 2:
Ep 1 - SAFE
Ep 2 - SAFE
Ep 3 - SAFE
This is by far the worst scene of the series. I will mention that the character is very drunk throughout the episode and I was worried she would v* before the actual scene, but she doesn't until she gets into the hot tub. At roughly the 39 minute mark, they're all in the hot tub and Maddy says "move with me, marry me, have my babies" then Cassie v* 3 times in the tub... Full visual and audio, as well as some g* from another character in response to what happened. I personally didn't watch for probably longer than I had to just to be safe. I would recommend watching this one with someone if possible, so they can tell you when its safe. I believe it drags on a little from what I've seen others say.
I will mention this episode is quite hard to watch throughout, if you're easily triggered. Due to the nature of what's happening, Rue is visibly unwell throughout the episode and looks like she may v* at many points where she doesn't. However there are definitely some scenes to skip.
A bit before the 32 minute mark, a police officer asks Rue where she's headed, she starts to answer then v*, visual and audio.
Then around the 36 minute mark, she g*. I classed this as unsafe as the sound is quite triggering.
The last scene is easier to see coming, at around 41 minutes in, Rue is sitting, talking to someone and she says "I think I'm going to be sick", then she runs to the bathroom and v* twice. Audio only - I would mute but it's worth watching the rest of the scene.
Ep 6 - SAFE
(Rue holds her belly and runs to the toilet at one point, but she doesn't v*)
Ep 7 - SAFE
Ep 8 - SAFE *
(One mention, and one scene where blood is coming out if someone's mouth, may trigger some.)
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anne-white-star Β· 4 years
Exchange student modern au jon pertwee x reader: Studying abroad
Notes: reader is a student from the netherlands she's 20 years old (jon is 24) and goes to england to studdy. She goes to frensham heights school and meets there jon pertwee as her asigned student for the year. It may not all be acurate but please enjoy reading jon lives in rowledge (this is an au and probably not completly acurate)
Words : 2488
Warnings : bullying, cursing
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Y/n was working on her degree in (prefred feeld). Her year of studying concidered also of studying one year abroad, she was extremly exited about it
"Do you have everything dear?"
"I think i do don't worry mom everything will be alright"
"Alright just wanted to make sure, here is your ticket for the train"
"Thanks mom" She hugged her " once i arive i'll call alright
"Alright, take care my dear "
"Take care mom" y/n ran to the train while waving "bye!"
"Bye sweetheart!!"
The wissel went off and a few seconds later the train started to move she kept waving at her mom, once she was out sight y/n sat down it was going to be a long ride.
She had to get from the netherlands to belgium to France and then to London england but she had brought some stuff to sketch a bit the ride was about 7 u 47 min.
Y/n drew the landscape around her sketching with difrent kind of colors
Finaly after almost 8 hours the train had finaly arived, packing everything back up y/n grabed all her things and got out
She had to wait for an other train to frensham cause there was the school she had to go to
Once the train had arived to bring her to frensham y/n sat down again it was going to be about an other 2 hours oh wel she thought its better than biking everywhere.
Late that afternoon y/n finaly arived at frensham heights school the princable greated her " Ah you must be y/n y/l/n" he shook her hand
"Yes thats me" she smiled
"I hope the ride went wel here"
"Oh yes it did everything went alright and the trains were on time"
"Good, you will be staying at a room for one night and tomorow you wil go back home with one of the students he has already been informed of your stay"
"Alright great" she picked up her suit case "please show me the way" about 30 minuts later y/n was seteled in the room, she wasn't going to pack out everything also because of tomorow. She grabed her phone and dialed her mothers number
"Hey mom"
"Hey sweetheart have you arived?"
"Yes i got here about 30 minuts ago and im now in my room where i stay for the night"
"Oh for the night? I thought you would stay there for the whole year"
"I do but they informed me that i would stay with a student for the year"
"Do you know who it is?"
"Not yet they will tell me tomorow"
"Alright wel i don't have to worry about you your 20 years old dear"
"I know mom its fine really, Anyway i should be going i have class at 9 tomorow"
"Alright sweetheart sleep wel"
"Night mom" She hang up And placed the phone on the bedsite table "wel Its time to sleep" she grabed her pyjama out her lugage and put it on, then she went under the blankets and went to sleep
*time skip to 8 o'clock next morning*
Y/n got out of bed and started to dress her self breakfast was waiting then she left her room to eat
"Good morning sir"
"Ah good morning y/n did you sleep wel?"
"Oh yes i did "
"Good im glad to hear that, breakfast is waiting for you it might be difrent from what you normaly eat"
"Oh thats alright im not making a big hassle out of it as long as it is bread its fine"
"Alright then once school starts you will be inform who you wil stay with"
"Thank you, see you later sir"
*skip to 9 o'clock*
Everyone had sit down for class and y/n walked in with the teacher
"Good morning everyone we got a new class mate she is an Exchange student from the netherlands please introduce yourself" the teacher stept aside
"Hi im y/n y/l/n and i hope we will have a Nice year with echoter im really looking forward to it"
"Good miss y/l/n do you know yet who you are going to stay with this year?
"not yet im suposed to get the info today"
"Alright the student you wil be paired with is mr pertwee" the teacher pointed at a guy with big grayish blue eyes dark brown wavy hair and he was wearing a school uniform "you can sit right next to him "
"Alright thank you sir" y/n sat next to mr pertwee
"Hi my name is jon its Nice to meet you y/n "
"Like wise"
"Please grab your english books and turn to page 45"
The day went by fast
"Oh now i don't know who im going to stay with this whole year"
"Y/n You are staying with us"
"Oh... we i guese that we should get my stuff then "
"Good idea, please lead the way" jon grined
"Here is everything"
"Three suitcases and a bag i have seen girls who brought more"
"Oh wel that doesn't really mater i only brought things that i would need, and i got my school uniform today"
"Ah i see, we should go i bet my aunt is waiting for us"
"Alright lets go" They grabed everything and went out
Once they arived home they went up the stairs jon opend the door
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"This will be your room for the upcoming year"
"Oh its absolutly wonderfull" she looked around on the otherside of the room stood a desk and a big closet
"The bathroom is down the hall first door on the left, i leave you be so that you can settle your stuff"
"Alright thanks jon i'll be down in an hour"
Finaly an hour later y/n was done with packing out and placing everything in the right place , then there was a knok at the door
"Hey y/n I just came to tell you that dinner is ready "
"Oh thanks jon im coming with you" she stood up and followed him
Y/n sat next to him at the table "jon i have a question, um where are your parents? "
"They devorced and they don't want anything to do with me anymore so i moved in with my aunt"
"Im so sorry jon i din't know"
"Its fine y/n don't worry" he smiled softly
"Hello everybody!" Came a voice from the front door
"Hi bill, y/n This is bill my cousin"
"Nice to meet you" she shook his hand
"Like whise"
After dinner Everyone went to bed early to get a good night of sleep, the next day was going to be a long day
*time skip to four months later because im to lazy *
"What lessons do we have today ?"
"Um english, biolgy, art , music, history and french
" and Tomorow ?"
Mathematics, science, sport and geography
"Alright noted"
Once they arived at school they went to their class room
"You go in jon i need to check something"
"Well wel wel if it isnt the Exchange student" y/n turned around and looked at a girl and there where two more behind her , y/n knew her of course she had been there already for four months
"what do you want erica" (Im sorry if it is your name you can change it if you want)
"Oh don't try to be all smart and stuff you know what i want and don't think you get a chance with jon, he's one of the best looking boys in the school and he will be mine"
"Honestly i don't mind i only stay at his place, in 6 months i'll be going back home"
"Good because he wil never like a whore like you, now bye" she fliped her long blond hair over her shoulder and walked away while her friends followed while snikering
Y/n signed and looked down "he's just a Friend Anyway" she mumbled while walking back to class
Once she was back in class she sat down next to him "what took you so long" he wispered
"Sorry i could't find my book" it was a lie of course, y/n doesn't want to talk about the struggels she's having with erica, and stuppid enough she's in the same class as her so she always has to look at that dumb face
Y/n Her thought were stoped by what the teacher was saying "as we all know we have a ball at the end of the year and because its you guys last year here you get to decided the theme of the party"
Erica raised her hand "Oh what about a party with lots of alcohol" she grined
"No erica alcohol will not be tolareated" said the teacher
"Whats the fun then if there is no alcohol tsjk" she scold
"Sir what about an all decade event everybody can dress up from the 40s thill now, difrent food will be served and all kinds of music will be played"
"Thats a Nice idea miss y/l/n" People around the room agreed with her idea
"Tsk sounds boring" erica said and her friends agreed
Y/n got angry but calmed her self down "wel if you think its boring please come with a better idea im curious to hear it" she said with a smile, erica went quiet and turned away
"Alright then its setteled this will be the theme of our ball it will be held 6 months from now"
*skip to the end of the day*
*sigh* "im glad this day is over" y/n sat down on the coutch
"Me to" there was a pauze between them "you know y/n Im really proud of you how you handeld yourself in class
"Thanks jon"
"Are you ok?"
"Oh yes i am, im just tired" she stood up
"What Are you going to do? "
"I have to call my mom to sent some of my stuff over for the party"
"Alright im going to make dinner"
Y/n went upstairs and called her mom "hi mom"
"Hi sweetheart Hows everything going ?"
"Everything is fine ..... mom i was wondering if you could sent some stuff over here"
"Sure thing what do you need?"
Could you pack my hair curler some of my make up, my black evening dress with glitters, my 1930s evening coat, the silver high heels i bought with the dress a and the ear rings and necklace i got from grandma ?"
"Sure thing i will sent it in a big box anything ells?"
"Oh yes my trolley i have to take my stuff back home as wel so thats the best idea i guese"
"Alright i noted it i will look everything up And sent it to you"
"Thanks mom love you got to go now"
"Love you to sweetheart speek to you later"
"Bye" she hang up And went back downstairs to eat.
About a month later everything had arived that she would need to dress up
*time skip to 4 months and 20 days later*
The bulying got worse and worse, y/n had been atacked, spit on and called names but never had she imagined that jon would go to the dance with erica.
She had done her hair but stoped with everything els it just wasn't worth it she would rather stay here at home, jon already left a bit sad by the news y/n don't want to atend
*knok knok* the door opend "hey y/n?"
"Oh hi bill"
"Whats wrong"
"Jon has gone out with somone wich i din't expect him to go with"
"That stuppid bitch Erica"
"Really with her? Goodness i expected better from him"
"Me to" she sniffed
"Hey don't give up now there is still a chance come on get dressed chop chop"
"Are you sure I mean..."
"Yes 100% sure you are way more pretty than her come on "
"Alright if you say so.... but how am i going to get there?"
"I have a car"
"Alright give me 30 minuts" y/n started to get dressed put on her necklace, ear rings and shoes she then did her make up, she grabed her long coat and walked out.
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She opend the door and heared a car horn
"Hey y/n over here" it was bill he sat in a old black vintage car "here is your ride my lady"
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"Why thank you kind sir, lets go" she steped in and sat down
Bill started the car up And drove away
"Thank you so mutch for the help i really need that"
"Its nothig everything for a friend, now come on lets go i also have a date"
Everything was nicely decorated and music was playing, people were dressed up in all Difrent kind of dresses and suits, a table stood against the wall where there wer all Difrent kinds of food it looked all So good
"Look there is jon"
"Alright thanks bill" she hugged him and walked to jon who was dancing with erica, people looked at her as she walked acros the dance floor she tapped his shoulder "hey jon"
He turned around " hey y/n I thought you were going to stay home "
"Bill convinced me to go anyway so here i am" the was caught of guard by a cough from behind her
"Im sorry but jon is my date so shove it you whore"
"Excuse me what did you say?"
"You heared me"
"You know what fuck you its a wonder jon would even want to dance with you, do you even know how miserabel you made me feel this past year, you are also 19 years old you really should be more mature" She was caught of guard when erica shoved her " I get it now you are jelouse of me for staying with jon get a grip, come on jon lets dance" she took his hand and walked to a chair and placed her coat on it, then her beautyfull evening gown got revealed
People stared at her "y/n you look absolutly gorgeous"
"Thank you" she blushed
"May i have this dance "
"Of course jon"
Jon leaded y/n to the dance floor and they both started to do the walz
"Y/n i have to tell you something"
"Tell me jon what is it"
"Well i really enjoyed this year with you staying and i wish you could stay longer, but y/n Im really realy in love with you and i wish i had told you ealyer "
"I love you to jon i really do"
"May i give you a kiss?"
"Sure" she smiled softly at him, He leaned in and gave her a kiss
"Perhaps i can stay a little longer but i need to inform my parents first"
"Thats all fine with me"
"Lets hope they don't mind"
"So do i" he said smiling
And both danced the night away
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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butter-egg-toast Β· 5 years
Living with them Headcoans part 1
What would it be like living with the boys πŸ€”
Long post be prepared
How organized:
How do they sleep:
Sleeps Normal
Sleeps Wild
Light sleeper
Heavy sleeper
Doesn't snores
How they wake up:
Early bird
Late bird
How they cook:
Bad cook
Ok cook
Good cook
Amazing cook
Other Headcoans:
Home life
Love making aka sex life
Haru How organize:
He can be disorganized and organized at the same time, would leave something on the floor but he'll pick it up.
🌟"oh I'll get it"-Haru
He cleans after himself.
Likes to make his bed after he leaves.
He does the dishes (he prefers it done his way).
He hates a dusty home. Often will dust off the appliances.
🌟"No I got it, but thank you"-Haru
How they sleeps:
Normal light sleeper who doesn't snores.
Would probably hog the blanket for himself on cold nights.
Likes to put his arm over your waist while sleeping.
Occasionally he sleep on the opposite side not cuddling with you.
🌟"It so hot.... I'm making a cold bath"-Haru
How they wakes up:
Naturally he's early bird.
He cooks his grill mackerel.(sometimes for you)
He needs to get up early for his daily long bath.
🌟"Come on get up, I made breakfast, I dont want it to get cold"-Haru.
🌟"If you don't wake up, I'll leave you behind"-Haru
How he cooks:
Mackerel for days. (Not everyday)
Amazing cook
You both would probably cook separate meals, But you'll still eat his mackerel.
🌟"What's this called again? It's pretty good"-Haru
Would try to cook different meals for you.(He doesn't want to bore you with mackerel)
He prefers to do all the cooking but he likes it when you do it once in a while.
🌟"I'll try and make it, but I can't promise if it turns out great"-Haru
Other Headcoans:
Hope you Get use to the smell of mackerel.
🌟"It's not that bad"-Haru
Baths toghter
🌟"Hey stop moving, enjoy the water"-Haru
🌟"Do you want to take a bath with me?"-Haru
When it comes to sex Haru usually give you singles like: Hinting that he may want a little action, being more affectionate/touchy
🌟"you're hair looks amazing"-Haru
He likes sex on the weekends(Doesn't have to worry about school work)
Makoto: How organize:
Sometimes he's organize but mosty unorganize but not to a point were his room is a mess.
He can be forgetful at times.(not all the time just minor stuff)
🌟"Sorry (y/n) I forgot your book at the cafe"-Makoto
Tends to misplace items
🌟 "Do you remember where I put my phone at (y/n)?"- Makoto
How they sleeps:
He's very careful when he sleeps; he doesn't want to crush you(like accidentally rolling over you)
Heavy sleeper
Both snores and doesn't snores (if he's really tired then he will snore, but on a normal days he doesn't snores ).
He cuddles with you morning and night.
🌟"Lets stay like this for a few more minutes before getting up"-Makoto
How they wake up:
Another early bird he has morning classes/work
He wakes you up.
If you wake up before him, you'll cook breakfast a head of time for Makoto.
🌟"ahhh come on, You can't stay in bed all day”-Makoto
🌟"I know you don't want to leave the bed but you have too.. come on"-Makoto
How they cooks:
Both of you do the cooking (mosty you).
He help clean the dishes afterwards.
He love curry and chocolate cake
🌟" I made breakfast today!"-Makoto
🌟"How does it taste? Is it okay?"-Makoto
Other Headcoans:
Really good at massages.
🌟"Your leg is hurting? Well come here I'll fix that for you"-Makoto.
When he is in the mood he would become touchy(not to a point were you are uncomfortable): kisses on the cheek, and longer hugs.
Would rub himself against you(not in a weird way)
🌟"..that was a cute reaction"-Makoto
Rei: How organize:
Really really organize.
Everything in alphabetical order or numeric order.
🌟" keep it in a beautiful order"-Rei
Book on the shelf all perfectly organized
Both of your clothes are neatly folded.(by him)
Sometimes he would nag you to clean up.
🌟"(y/n) San please don't leave your socks on the floor"-Rei
He likes beautiful decorations like: photos of you and him, family photos and art
🌟"I'm going to frame this picture of us"-Rei
How do the sleep:
He seems like the type to sleep with one of those beauty mask over his eyes.
He has a night facial routine.
He does not snore because it's not beautiful.
🌟"I breathe through my nostrils instead of my mouth, breathing through your mouth can cause your throat muscles to dry up during your 8 hours of sleep"-Rei
Sleeps on a tight schedule.
How they wake up:
Early bird.
He's the one that AWALYS wakes you up
🌟"Ahh come on its morning already"-Rei.
🌟"If u wake up properly, I'll will consider giving you a reward."-Rei
Likes to keep everything on a tight schedule.
🌟"we can't miss first period"-Rei
How they cook:
An AMAZING chef.
He does all the cooking, he wants a healthy well balance meal.
He love to eat sushi
🌟"Having basic nutrients is the key to a Beautiful body"-Rei
He HATES juck food, but he knows you like it.
🌟"(y/n) are you sure? There a lot of sugar in this"-Rei
🌟"You sure eat alot of that.... I'll try it once"-Rei
🌟" *cough* *cough* t-this is too sweet"-Rei
Other Headcoans:
He studies and read alot.
He's usually too afraid/embarrass to ask for sex, but he will throw hints: random shoulder rubs, out of nowhere kissing.
🌟"hmmm? You look tense, that's all"-Rei
🌟"..Well if you want to make love then, I'll be happy too" Rei
Nagisa:Β How organized:
Not good at keeping things tidy.
Occasionally forgets his clothes on the floor.
🌟"Ahh, sorry I forgot, I'll pick it up"-Nagisa
Tends to throw clothes on the bed and forgetting it later
How do the sleep:
Doesn't actual fall asleep right away
Heavy sleeper who doesn't snore.
Mosty likely to stay up watching tv or talking to you.
Also he'll wake up at 1am to get him a midnight snack.
🌟"oh I was hungry, want some?"-Nagisa
Tends to sleeps talks
🌟"(y/n) chan, Rei chan give me my iwatobi bread"-Nagisa
How they wake up:
He has to wake up early
He hates it but you sometimes force him out of bed.
🌟"...ok... I'll get up"-Nagisa
When he wakes you up, he's really gental
🌟" (y/n) chan if you don't wake up I'll tickle you"-Nagisa
How they cook:
Not a very good cook. (Bad cook)
All he eats is just food and Iwaotbi bread.
🌟"eh? It's a healthy diet"-Nagisa
So yeah let's hope you can cook a meal he would like.
🌟"mhhh!! I can eat this forever"-Nagisa
Other Headcaons:
Broad games with him. (He always manage to win every game)
When in the mood he gets playful.
🌟"yeah? That feels good"-Nagisa
Rin:How organized:
Never makes the bed though
🌟"That's pointless we're coming back home to it."-Rin
Keeps all his clothes folded.
How they sleep.
Just like Rei He perfers sleeps on a very tight schedule.
Night Exercising
🌟"oh sorry if I'm loud... i just couldn't sleep"-Rin
He's a light sleeper but he may snore on busy/tiring days
How they wake up
early bird
he'll kiss you goodbye in the moring so he could do his morning jog.
🌟"tch..i told you not to stay up last night."-Rin
🌟"no way you're not going to skip class today..come on"-Rin
He always complain every time when he wakes you up but he loves doing it anyway.
🌟"wake up already IT'S morning."-Rin
🌟"why do I have to wake you up everytime."-Rin
How they cook:
Good cook
likes to keep his diet healthy but occasionally he'll a burger or junk food
He hates sweet stuff.
🌟"no way I'm not eating that"-Rin
He prefers to make his breakfast
He'll make your breakfast and put it in the refrigerator when he leaves early
🌟"I put you food in the fridge"-Rin
Other HeadcoansΒ 
Home Exercising
Its a actual Headcoans that he shaves all his body hair.
🌟"What? It makes it easier for me to swim"- Rin
Loves going to the movies
When in the mood he tends to hug you from behind whispering in your ear
🌟"Hey let's have some fun"-Rin
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xerox-candybar Β· 3 years
hey! wassup (im bored)? which is the hardest asana you've had to do? can u do shirshasana? (i cant for the record)
OMG <3<3 thank you so much for the ask. This made me really happy to answer.
"What is the hardest asana..." that's a difficult question! In teacher training, we learned the hardest asana is actually Shavasana (corpse pose) because it's so easy to lose focus and let your thoughts wander away from the practice. I was told you're supposed to stay in corpse pose for 8 - 10 minutes. Most teachers have to cut this short because of the way classes are structured (who wants to pay for 10 minutes of lying on the floor?!?), and even in my personal practice I'm guilty of skipping it because it doesn't feel like, well, practice. That's not true, of course.
"Hardest Asana" has meant different things to me at different times. I'm terrified of anything that puts a lot of pressure on the shoulder joints, like Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose) or even just plan Chaturanga Dandasana. I am weirdly good at Crow Pose because I am weirdly good at falling forward. Anyway... I am very partial to Shirshasana (supported headstand), because of the very poetic way it was taught to me: this pose invokes perspective changes, you're literally flipping your world view. (In my teacher training we learned inversions are supposed to help you overcome your fear of death... and yeah, definitely, if nobody is around to spot me or support me during inversions my life flashes before my eyes).
I *have* been able to get into Shirshasana in the past. I finished my yoga teacher training in Feb 2020, and I was probably in the best shape ever -- then COVID hit and my practice changed dramatically. I remember my very last in-person class, because my teacher complimented how much progress I had made in my headstand.
I actually have a video of myself practicing headstand (forgive my outfit, it was laundry day)... I had to clear an entire bookshelf to get wallspace but I forgot to move a picture frame, so... anyway, watch it with the sound on.
Thank you so much for dropping the ask. I hope I entertained you/answered your question. Whatwith Covid and all, I don't do a lot of (yoga) teaching these days since my last mentorship ended, and I sometimes forget how much I enjoy talking about this stuff.
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leonarun-blog Β· 6 years
It's been so long since I wrote what was on my mind.
This is what happens when u stay up.. well when I post this it should be 32 hours awake just trying to get our new YouTube accounts ready and also real paper work from Amazon cuz we have a small snow bord and ski shop but we do all of out sells online since we moved out of the city. Anyway I'll tell u what guys. I haven't been on here in so long I'm surprised ppl r still on it. Well if that's the case I really came here for a main reason but also still a good hand full of other possible reasons too. So the main reason is me and my fiance broke up back in September 2018 and well got to a point it's time to open the doors back up. I tell ya one thing iv moe got a hard time doing is looking for the next one. U know. I just let it happen and hopefully they'll run into me cuz for like 24 years if been and I remember how minutely tired I was. Dating it like mildly exercising but for the brain as well. Hey its what ever I'm not saying I'm not or just get lazy about it just go with the flow of it and let time take me by the hand and slowly make our way down a road u have no idea how long it is, where it goes, or how dangerous it could get but like most chance takers out there would say
!!!!"Fuck It"!!!!
So hope at least someone out there would see my post and understand where my little story went. *sigh* you know and I'm not trying to sound desperate or needy and if u meet me in person or happen to be some of the few luckiest people the r my close friends u would know that, but hey your opinion is yours and no one can change it only u can. So I guess with all that said I'm not on here to much any more u know? I do and am on other stuff like the other messengers, streams, social media sites (not like Facebook). I'll just make a list of what I'm on way more cuz u know the most thing people keep with them more then anything eles in history and the world today. Cell Phones.....sorry just bored and feel like written a bunch of stuff and crap. So ya love to meet some new friends and it doesn't matter if you live 100s of miles away anything could happen someday and allways good to know people all around the country, especially someone like me that loves to travel and just not be bound down by stuff like a house, kids, all kinds of bills witch we all got but ya have a open mind and loving heart but allways remember our mind and heart can tell us what we need and want and what we can and can not do so think and feel on this one. Our mind will tell us we can and sometimes what we should not do or can not do. We must allways when we r at the point of letting go, giving up, or freaking out that the one thing that should have a tattoo on it that just says two letters. "DO" it is your heart that says dont give up the one that sometime we can feel a sensation of sarinaty come over us knowing we r loved in some way. The feeling of right and wrong it inspires us in unknown ways, it drives us and some say that's where our spirit, soul, vessel is at. Was going to go into something about our dreams and why the molecule in our heads named NN-DMT has such a huge role in all living things and is what creates for us a way to cope transition to the next life, world, dimension, or Holy Realm. So with all that said I'm going to leave you with this short poem I wrote about 8 years ago and also I'm just going to skip down 2 lines and attach the name of media first and then username but if I can use links instead of u retyping my user name.
Thanks for reading.....Late!
Telegram. LeonArun
Twitter. Leon183Arun
Instagram Leon183Arun
Discord. LeonArun183
My Discord server below https://discord.gg/8JKTFT
Tumblr. leonarun
Furaffinity http://www.furaffinity.net/user/leon183arun/
Howlr App. Leon Arun
Skype. leon18301
Xbox Live. Leon Arun
TikTok. @garrettturner14
2 upcoming YouTube channels witch I'll put the main one first.
(GampagE "Times Infinity Equals") I got the hole logo/Banner done. I'll attach it.
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The other picture is basically my mind atm lolz
Oh also here is the other YouTube channel working on at the same time.
(Lunacy of Imagination)
Facebook, ya I know what I say about FB but on it catching up with what's going on in the family and the new town I moved to. It's a mobile site but should work all the same.
Secondlife. Got 2 usernames
Umphery Toxx & Lucia snow
also if you want to see my other fursona Lucia. She's the cutest, sweetest, innocent, little Arctic Fennec/Wolf Herm or like a say Futa. Just sounds way better then herm. Anyways here is her Furaffinity account if u want to check it out.
So any who if u made it to the end of this I know....NO I can feel you'll at least say Hi or *Woof* or something. Thank you for letting me talk away and u read it TY
OK Later......!
P.S. dont forget the poem I rather attached or just posted under this.
Well thought I could put a picture of it cuz its written down on paper and also on my phone so here u go
"Definition of Life in the Now"
Hate we seek for the love we lose. Promises we keep in the Defection of truth. One part heaven, two parts hell, The balance tips We know this challenge well. We search for love, we search fore truth, Hurts so much to see the love we loss. Seek the answers form seer tent questions. Never spoken, never know, The cycle is unbroken The cycle slows. A heat of glass, face of stone. Question asked, answers unknown Lies and truth, the tools we use. Focus on the feelings Worlds can fuse. Life and death, living and dreaming This is a test-this is a test Only an experiment no meaning
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