#if my coworker had just told everyone he was taking today off i wouldn't have to work when i feel like crap
cyazurai · 1 year
It's almost like I knew I'd have to work today, since I sent my queue up to go through tonight.
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WIBTA for kicking someone out of my D&D campaign for reasons not entirely related to the game?
This is long but the context is important I swear.
About a year ago, I (30X) tried to assemble a D&D group with my coworkers. After a whole lot of fucking around, the guy who was going to DM moving across the country, and a bunch of people quitting or getting fired, it ended up being me as the DM, my brother, a few other people who I met through a different campaign, and one guy who used to work with me.
This guy, J (23M), had a lot of personal problems when he worked for us, most of which contributed to him being let go. He had a lot of family issues that led to him missing a lot of work (and I mean A Lot. We have a Very good PTO system for the US that basically amounts to accruing one day off for every 50 hours you work, earning more the longer you stay with the company, and more allowance for attendance infractions than any company I've ever heard of in the states). He also had a lot of interpersonal issues with some of the employees, one in particular, K (21F), with whom he had some kind of situationship. I try not to get involved in work drama, so I don't know all the details.
J also has issues with money, transportation, and depression/suicidal tendencies. I'm not judging him for any of those, as I have experience with them as well, but he has been leaning on me pretty heavily around every time we hang out to play D&D. I would cover his 120$+ Uber rides home, which he would sometimes pay me back but sometimes not (if I couldn't afford it once a month, I wouldn't do it, but he insists he's going to pay me back; since he has lost yet another job I am not expecting it at all and don't hold it against him really, but I do think it's kind of shitty to insist you're going to when you clearly won't be able to), pay for his food, work with my family members to get him home, and let him crash at my house to avoid ordering an Uber. He also messaged me when he was feeling suicidal - bad enough to be institutionalized after I sent him the number for the suicide hotline. Again, no judgement, but it made me uncomfortable because I struggle with the same things. He seemed bothered that I told him I wasn't able to talk him through it, but that may have just been the crisis talking.
After all that, we come to a game session that involves more than just navigating dangerous spaces and fighting off wild animals. The rest of the party does fine, but J really botches the social interaction part, despite everyone telling him what he's doing is a bad idea and me doing my best as a DM to communicate that he should change tactics. He does not change tactics and instead doubles down and goes full murderhobo, which is not the kind of player I'm interested in playing with, something I thought J understood from previous conversations.
My original plan was to say something to the table at our next session about removing themselves from the game if the themes weren't something they were interested in engaging with, but then I get some additional info today about J and K.
Apparently J has been incredibly possessive towards K - someone who, again, he was not dating in any meaningful capacity - for weeks or months, to the point that she has blocked him on social media off and on. And then this past week, J has sent her screenshots of her location, contacted her ex who she still lives with for logistical reasons, made him upset to the point that K thought he was going to kick her out of his apartment, and harassed K's brother to try to get her to talk to him again. K is seriously considering taking out a restraining order against him at this point. J has also been updating his social media to imply that he is going to kill himself.
To say this behavior raises some red flags is an understatement. Clearly J needs help, but as a regular guy, that's really not something I'm able to provide beyond sending mental health hotlines, and I don't feel comfortable being his support system in the way he obviously needs.
All that said, I feel like I might be an asshole for kicking him out of the campaign full stop, because he's been really excited to play this whole time. But the combination of all this really worrisome, potentially dangerous behavior and the mundane reality of him just being a really annoying player kind of has me at my wits end, so, WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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theseeingfawn · 1 month
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The infamous Shadowsinger finally reveals himself to the new gang in town, sending shockwaves through the criminal undergrounf. Meanwhile, Elain struggles to come to terms with her growing desires. As tensions rise, Azriel and Elain embark on a charged first date, unable to resist giving in to their powerful mutual attraction.
Why is it the moment you know you can't have something that's suddenly all you can think about? Last night, after Azriel left, I spent the rest of the evening in a daze. I washed the tea set we had used so many times I ran out of soap. I decided to binge watch Peaky Blinder but had no idea what was happening. I tried to take a bath but the one thing the water couldn’t cleanse were the dirty words Azriel had said in his deep shadowy voice. Gods the way he looked at me, somehow touching me without using his hands. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t stop thinking of him. His words echoing in my mind, playing on repeat. No fucking. No fucking. No fucking.
My body felt like a live wire of restless energy with no outlet. It took me hours to fall asleep. HOURS. 
When I  finally managed to drift off, I dreamt of him. He was doing the very thing he said he wouldn't. 
Now it’s morning and I’m barely awake floating between dreamland and reality. My skin is flush, my clothes feeling too restrictive. A part of me thinks he planned it. He seems devious in that way. Like he’s playing some reverse sex mind games on me and godsdamn him it’s working. 
The sound of my phone going off reminds me that I have to return to the real world. It’s Cerridwen begging to let her in the shop. In my panicked daze I throw together an outfit that doesn't make me want to die from heat exhaustion. I rush down the stairs and let her in. She whistles, “damn girl, you're looking hot.” I squint my eyes at her, “Why is it so hot in here? Is my AC broken?” 
She looks at me with concern, “it's a normal temperature, what has gotten into you? Oh shit, do you have a fever?” She slaps her hand onto my forehead. “Nah, you feel fine. But maybe you are fighting something? Do you know anyone who's sick?” I nod and mutter, “Azriel.”
“What did you say?”
I don't bother responding, I just head straight into the walk-in freezer for some relief.
“I’m telling you, it's a crime wave.” I hear Pauline shouting all the way from the kitchen. It's the morning rush when the townsfolk come in for their coffee and pasties. My shop is the first business open on Main Street and everyone, and I mean everyone , comes here before the day gets started. That's why I am scrambling from one end of the kitchen to the other preparing and finishing up orders. Usually I work up front but I'm not feeling up to socializing, despite the three shots of espresso I've had. I'm grateful I opted for less clothing today, with the heat of the ovens and me running back and forth, I am liquid fire. 
Cerridwen pops her head in looking flustered, “are you finished with those orders? I'm dying out here.” Cerridwen and her twin sister Nuala are my best friends and coworkers. They help me run the bakery. Sometimes, they even run it without me so I can take time off here and there. They’re the only people I trust to take care of my baby. So, when one of them says they need help, I know all hell has broken loose. “Let me plate these quiches and I'll be right out.” I finish up my task and carefully balance five plates on my forearms and hands. When I step out of the kitchen, I see what Cerr meant. It's standing room only and there is barely any standing room.
“I'm telling you Lucien, first Gabriel was streaking and now Lainey’s got her tits and ass out.” I nearly drop my plates. Thankfully, Cerr is there to lighten my load and help me out. Lucien has his back to me and gently pats Pauline on the arm, “Now Pauline, I told you Azriel was just running. It's not unusual for a man to take his shirt off while exercising. Besides, that is why we have the citizens watch.” Pauline huffs, “that's what I'm trying to tell you Lucien, our citizen watch has a report on Lainey.” I sit my plates down at their respective tables and walk up to Pauline. 
“What the hell Pauline?” She gasps like we’re on a soap opera, “Lainey, don't you run that potty mouth around me. Look at you dressed like a harlot and cursing like a sailor, what is happening in Hewn Hills?” 
Lucien looks me over, utterly bored. I glare at him until he turns his head away. “It's called a mini skirt Pauline,” I deadpan. She scoffs, “Well, Lucien, what are you going to do about it?” I cross my arms and look at him, “Yeah Lucien, what are you going to do about it?” I'm in no mood to humor the citizens watch today. I'm cranky, hot and out of fucks to give. Azriel has given me  permission to be bad, and after my terrible night of sleep, I’m more than willing to embrace the dark side. Lucien sputters, “well I… you see… Look Pauline, Elain isn't dressed like a harlot. So, I don't see an issue here.” She narrows her eyes at him, “Not like a harlot? She's all sexed up!” I hear Cerr snickering in the distance. The whole bakery goes quiet and turns toward us. Lucien looks me over one more time, “I don't think there's anything sexy about it.” 
Pauline guffaws, “I see what's happening here. It's like a boiled frog situation. You are so used to Elain's naked body you don't recognize when she's barely clothed.”
I feel my whole body shake with rage. Enough is enough . “Pauline, Lucien has never seen me naked. We are not in a relationship!” There is an awkward pause before Bob, the hardware store owner, says, “Didn't you two just go on a date?” 
Oh for the love of… how is my every move tracked by the people in this town. Lucien just stands there silent, not saying a word. It dawns on me that his unwillingness to speak up and clarify things has hurt me just as much as the gossip. All he has to do is set the record straight, say that we aren’t dating or he hasn’t seen me naked. Or heaven forbid I’m not required to date him. That I don't belong to him like I'm some sort of broodmare, but he doesn't. He is content with the status quo because it isn’t hurting him the way it’s hurting me . That spark of confidence, or maybe rage I felt earlier returns. “Lucien and I aren't dating. I'm… I’m seeing someone else.” I'm not exaggerating when I say the shock that filled the room was like a thunder clap. 
Before the town can scrape their jaws off the floor, I walk back to the kitchen and hide in the freezer. Not that I can escape the torrent of messages currently flooding my inbox.
Feyre: You're not dating Lucien? *read*
Nesta: Who is the mystery man I need to kill?! *read*
Cassian: Get it gurl! 🍑💦🍆 *read*
Rhys: Elain, Please respond to your sister. *unopened*
Hewn Hills Hussies group chat: 
Nu Nu: 🍾 girls night stat
Cerr: we need the deetz
Mr. Naked: Got something you want to tell me?
Elain: I didn't name drop I swear! I just panicked.
“Well … well… well if it isn't Mrs. Naked.” I groan. He laughs. I bang my head against a 20 lb sack of flour. “It’s not funny, I panicked Azriel, I couldn't handle the whole town thinking Lucien’s seen the goods.” He hums, “yes, they are clearly concerned for you.” I let out a long suffering sigh. 
I hear loud music and talking in the background, “Where are you?” 
“A bar.” 
I laugh nervously, “Why are you at a bar at 8 am? Why is a bar even open at 8 am?” 
The echo of pool sticks clanging fills the air, “I'm at work.” What kind of job does this man have?  
The image of him smiling wickedly as he said “bad things done extremely well” pops into my head. He rendered me speechless with those words, so much so that I forgot to press further. If he thinks I'm going to drop it he's delusional. I'm nosy and love a good secret. Nothing will keep me from finding out. But he doesn't need to know that. I can play the long game. 
“Well, your job seems a lot cooler than mine and I'm in a freezer.” 
“Why are you in the freezer if you're barely clothed, Mrs. Naked?” 
I groan pathetically, “I'm not naked Azriel, I'm wearing a mini skirt and a crop top.”
“And no bra.” 
I gasp. “What!?” I nervously look around. Does he have spies everywhere? Maybe he is James Bond. “How do you know that?” 
I can almost hear his smug smile. “Did you know there is a town discord?” I shake my head, the horror of my reality hitting me at full force. I let out a pathetic little, “No.” 
“Well there is and according to slimjim46 you're not wearing a bra. Sadly no pictures though.” 
What in the hell is going on?  
“Ughhh, how do you know about the town discord but I don't? And my chest is no one's business.” 
“It's my job to know these things and some might say it's your boyfriend's business.” Before I can respond he asks almost tenderly, “Do you need to give them my name so you come out of the freezer?” 
My stomach does a little flip. He's willing to take on the insanity that is this town for me and gods know what with his job. “That's sweet of you to offer but I need to woman up and clean up my own messes. Besides, it's more fun to leave them guessing.” 
I can hear his grin through the phone, “it's also the bad thing to do.” I agree and whisper, “so bad.” I swear I hear a groan before he says, “tell me Elain, what's got you so hot and bothered?” 
I roll my eyes, “who says I'm hot or bothered?” 
His voice dry and straight to the point, “you're currently hiding in a freezer and your teeth aren't chattering. Seems like something or someone has gotten under your skin.” The arrogance of this man is unbelievable but my gods is it a turn on. 
“Elain, I told you we can't fool around.” 
I let out a very unconvincing, “pfft that's not what's going on here.”
I sense his damn smug smile again, “Good, then you are ready for our first lesson in being bad.” I swear he pauses for dramatic effect, leaving me waiting on bated breath.
“I’m busy the next few days but I can take you out on our first date on Thursday night, if that works for you?” 
I pretend to think about it, “Yeah, I'm free.” 
“I’ll send you instructions, and Elain be sure you’re dressed to ride.”
It took me several minutes to realize what he meant by ride. Hello gutter, have you met my mind the last twelve hours? He meant a ride on his motorcycle… obviously. The problem is I don’t have any cool clothes for riding a motorcycle, but I know someone who does. I spend the rest of the day dodging questions at the bakery and avoiding my growing list of unanswered text messages and voicemails with the exception of one person… Nesta. 
She usually avoids me and everyone else for that matter unless she needs something. Which is why she attends Inner Circle dinners, Rhys and Feyre are bankrolling her life. I take a deep breath and text her…
Elain: Can I come over after work?
Nesta: 🙄 fine but you better tell me about your boyfriend. 
I worry my lip with my teeth. There is no way I am telling her about Azriel but as long as I can get my foot in the door, I can sweet talk my way into what I want. 
I change out of my skirt and throw on a pair of cut off shorts. I am still feeling overheated and decided to ride my bike over to Nesta’s place just so I can feel the wind in my hair. Her studio apartment is located in a less desirable area of Hewn Hills, which doesn’t mean much since the whole town is beautiful. What makes the area rough is the slightly overgrown lawns and the occasional abandoned vehicle. I knock on the door and wait for Nesta to answer. I hear the sound of empty cans and bottles being kicked around before the door cracks open. The light from outside reveals a sliver of one of Nesta’s cold gray eyes looking at me. She slides the chain off the rail and opens the door wider. 
Her apartment is littered with empty alcohol containers. It smells of spilled beer and stale sweat. I take a steadying breath, trying to remind myself that she doesn’t want my help, no matter how many times I offer or down right beg. That doesn’t mean I don’t bring her food when I can or find excuses to bump into her. She turns away and slinks back to the ratty used couch she found near a dumpster. She plops down and covers herself in a throw blanket before she barks, “What do you want?” 
I take an uneasy step inside before I say, “I came to see if I could borrow some clothes.” She eyes me suspiciously and nods her head toward the rack of clothes near the bed. I start to comb through my options when she asks curtly, “so, the boyfriend. Who is he?” 
I close my eyes and brace myself for the interrogation before the fight, “No one you know.” I hear her stand from the couch and approach me, “where did you meet him?” I avoid looking at her, “I met him in Velaris, after my failed date with Lucien.” It was close to the truth, I did see Azriel after my date with Lucien. The best lies always hold some truth to them. 
“Does he have a name?” I exhale sharply, “Yes, but as I said you wouldn’t know him.” My hands catch on a pair of black leather pants. They are dark and sleek, they remind me of Azriel. Not my usual style but that's why I'm here, to step out of my comfort zone. To break out of the box I've been in my whole life. Maybe I'm not the kind of girl who wears leather pants but I'll never know unless I try. I pull them off the hanger and ask Nesta if I can borrow them. She raises a sharp eyebrow at me, like she can’t quite believe what I am asking. “You want to wear those?” she says incredulously. “Yup,” is all I can manage. 
She scoffs, “They're a bit sexy for you, don’t you think?”
Before I can answer, she barrels ahead, “Do you need to impress this new boyfriend? Is he not into prim flower girls?” 
I cut my eyes to her, “Why do you care?” 
“I don’t. It just seems rather sad that you have to pretend to be dating someone. When are you going to grow a spine and tell Lucien to fuck off?”
I sigh and take a calming breath before I reply, “Lucien knows I'm not interested and I assure you, he is not interested in me.”I hate the way she makes me feel, like I need to answer to her, that she is the arbiter of my life. I try to remind myself that she is in a vulnerable place right now. What she needs from me is patience. T his is what Nesta does, she lashes out before anyone can hurt her. And I always have to be the bigger person, the kinder sister, the one willing to bend so nothing else breaks.
I remind myself that deep down Nesta is sensitive, she loves fiercely and that’s why she behaves the way she does, she is frightened. She hasn’t been the same since our fathers death. Despite her claims she hated him, she was deeply hurt by his years of neglect. She hasn’t truly healed. I’ve learned the hard way that there is no helping Nesta unless she wants to help herself. 
I settle on avoiding a confrontation that will lead nowhere, “Can I please borrow the pants? I promise to return them.” 
She sighs, “Fine.” 
I mutter a thank you and head for the door.  “Good luck with your fake boyfriend Elain, don’t come crying to me when it blows up in your face.” I’m two steps outside her front door when a lonely tear falls down my cheek. I take the small bag of groceries from the basket on my bike and I place it on her doorstep. I pull away and wait for her to open the door and take the food before I go home.
I end my call with Elain and look at the photo that’s now saved in a secret folder hidden among the apps of my phone. I lied, there was a picture of Elain on discord and she’s wearing a skimpy little outfit, so far from her typical attire I’m surprised she owns such a thing. I, of course, tracked down the user who posted it and got his IP address. The background check is in the works and I fully plan to ruin his life. I take one long look at the picture before I block her from my mind for the next few hours. 
The email Devlon sent me yesterday included a report of a bar fight where an unregistered handgun was seized. One of the suspects was reportedly wearing a leather vest with a gang emblem associated with The Attors, a broken crown with three drops of blood. Hybern’s crew has officially made their move and now I can make mine. After I left Elain’s, I spent most of the night staking out the bar from the safe house. No gang members were spotted until this morning. One of the peculiar things I’ve noticed about this bar is that it never closes. A sign the Attors’ are up to no good. Which is why I am now sitting at the bar first thing in the morning waiting to strike. The code phrase worked at getting me inside but if the weary looks of the patrons are any indication, my presence is both noted and unwelcomed. I suppose they are not used to seeing people this early in the morning who aren’t a part of the “business.” I feel more than see a figure come to stand behind me. 
“Are you new to this area, friend?” I refuse to turn and look at him, if he wants to talk he can look me in the eye. Sensing my unwillingness to bow to his display of intimidation the man steps forward and sits beside me. I note the hint of an accent and the vest he’s wearing. I fight back the smug grin threatening to reveal itself. It’s go time.  
“No, but you are.” I note the barely perceptible tick of his jaw as he glares daggers at me. Clearly not used to losing the upper hand. The nervous bartender comes forward and places a wobbling glass of whiskey next to the Attor. I use this opportunity to pull my hand out and place it on the bar. The bartender stumbles back and mutters a curse.  A wave of awareness sweeps through the bar. The faint whisperings of Shadowsinger sound like screams in the now quiet bar. The scars on the back of my hand have become something of a signature. A grim calling card that not only echoes my fathers cruelty by my own reputation. I can feel the confidence of the man next to me slip, suddenly unsure of the situation he now finds himself in. 
“You are in my town, friend .” The throat of the Attor bobs in apprehension. “Let’s get acquainted, shall we?” I let myself smile, one I reserve for men like him and unsheath the dagger at my side. 
It takes an hour to scrub the blood off of my body. I am barely dressed before Devlon calls and congratulates me on a job well done. My little show at Amarantha’s has already sent a shock wave through the criminal underground that the Shadwosinger is back in Windhaven. “Lucky for you that your father’s legacy hasn’t faded in all of these years.” I don't respond. The only legacy my father left is fear. The same legacy I’m leaving behind. Devlon takes my silence as an incentive to keep talking, too often silence only breeds more drabble. “The local police called to beg for our help already, you should be proud.” I snort. “The local sheriff told me that organized crime has been down over the last few decades, it’s a good thing you showed up when you did.” I grunt like a brute because that’s exactly how I feel after the little display of violence at the bar. 
“Why Devlon, that almost sounds like praise.” 
”Yeah well, don’t let it go to your head, your ego is already over inflated.” 
I should feel proud but instead I just stare at my hands and feel shame. This is why I need to keep my relationship with Elain superficial. She can’t get close, I can’t expose her to this side of me. I tell myself I do the things I do for work to help make the world a better place. But the truth is I enjoy it. I like taking power and exerting control over someone. I like the sound of them pleading. Whether it’s because I was once weak and fragile I don’t not know. What I do know is Elain deserves better. I close my eyes. Rhys was right to be worried. To warn me away. But, I am a selfish bastard and I can’t keep away. 
The next few days pass in a blur. The rumor mill about who I’m dating was in full swing and I noticed more than a few people keeping a close eye on the bakery. Feyre calls several times but I let them all go to voicemail. I’m grateful she’s too wrapped up in Velaris to give me the full weight of her attention. 
I join Cerridwen and Nuala for a girls night where I tell them about my new boyfriend. I don’t give them Azriel’s name but I share what I can about him. Including the sex embargo he’s imposed. They listen intently, they don’t tease me or pressure me to reveal more information than I am comfortable with. That’s one of the things I love most about them, they meet me where I am and never demand more than I am capable of giving.
“He sounds like Jason Bourne or maybe a mafia don.” I nod, “That’s what I’ve been thinking!” Cerridwen pours a generous helping of margarita before plopping down on my couch. “Have you Googled him to see if you can find anything?” offers Nuala. “Of course I Googled him but he’s off the grid. Not even a social media profile.” They give each other knowing looks, “definitely a spy then.” 
Nuala giggles, “Wait, is that why you were so flustered the other morning?” I feel my cheeks start to heat, “umm… yeah, that was after the whole no fucking talk.” 
She thinks for a minute, “Maybe penis is broken?” I choke on my drink,“No, I don’t think it’s that.” They both take a minute to think it over before Cerridwen adds, “Maybe he’s afraid of intimacy, those strong brooding types always are.” That makes more sense than the broken penis thing. 
Nuala gives me a devious smile, “You should test him!” I glance at her confused, “test him?” She nods and sits her glass down, “you know, see how committed he is to abstaining. If you are this hot and bothered there is no way he is unphased.” 
“I don’t know he seems like the type of man who is unflappable. Besides I get the feeling he won’t like being pushed. He’s been more than kind so far, I want to respect his boundaries.” 
Cerridwen rolls her eyes, “Uh huh, aren’t you supposed to be bad?” I smile at her, “baby steps.” 
Nuala claps her hands excitedly, “I know what you need!” She reaches for her phone, fingers flying as she types. Nuala looks at Cerridwen. They do that creepy twin thing where they communicate without speaking and then say in unison, “vibrator.” 
“I’m not sure that’s what I need.” They both wave their hands dismissively, “Come on Elain, you are dating a hot man who refuses to dick you down. And you're too nice to test him on it. How else are you going to survive?” I pause for a second and realize they have a point. Before I can answer Nu ominous replies, “it’s done.” 
The next day, date day, I find a manilla envelope under my door. Inside is a note from Azriel addressed to me:
Elain,Meet me at the townhouse at 6 PM. Don’t deviate from the plan. 
Inside is a map with detailed instructions on how to walk to the townhouse without being detected. There are handwritten notes in the margins explaining which position is better and why. There are timestamps and coordinates. I half expected the note to self-destruct after I finished reading it. One thing's for certain the man is thorough which begs an intriguing question of what it would be like to kiss him. Noooope I’m not letting myself go there. 
I put on the leather pants and stare in the mirror. I feel a little bit like Sandy in Grease when she goes through her bad girl makeover in an attempt to win over Danny Zuko. But mostly I feel like I'm on the cusp of a fundamental shift. Like I'm finally becoming who I've always wanted to be. Someone bold, adventurous and willing to be a little dangerous. I trace the curve of my hip and a thrill shoots down my spine. I'm about to jump off a cliff leaving the old Elain behind. I'm going to embrace the side of me I've hidden away. The part of me that's clawing to be let out. 
I look over at the pink package that was delivered this morning. The vibrator Nuala ordered taunts me like it knows exactly what I’m thinking. But I can’t go there, not now. 
Inhaling long and hard, I focus on the plan. I’m to meet Azriel inside the townhouse garage. He claims he will orchestrate a diversion so that we can pull out of the garage on his motorcycle undetected. Listen, this is high stakes stuff. Even Jack Ryan would be sweating if he were faced with the potential of Pauline’s discovery on one of his missions. I might as well go on Instagram Live with it because everyone from here to Velaris will know that Azriel is my secret boyfriend before I even have time to ride his motorcycle.
I snake my way through trees and hedges just as Azriel instructed, clinging to the shadows. I ignore the weeds in Josie’s flower bed that need to be pulled and the whining of Bob’s hound dog begging for pets. I slink my way around corners and alleyways as I make my way to the townhouse. I spot the side door of Feyre’s garage. It’s left cracked just as he said it would be. Here’s the tricky part. I have to sneak in undetected. There is just one neighbor with a clear shot of the door. Azriel said to wait until exactly 5:55 pm. That’s when Sam, the town’s only accountant, will leave his home office for the rest of the day. I peek up to see his window is cracked and he’s on a business call. My cell says it’s now 5:56 and I start to panic. I’ve followed his instructions perfectly at this point. Should I just run for it? Do I not care if Sam see’s me sneak into my sister’s house? Before I make a decision I hear Sam end his call and the sound of his footsteps fading. I rush for the door and slam it shut behind me. A thrill runs through me, I feel dangerous, my blood pounding and my chest heaving. I’ve never felt this way before and it’s intoxicating.
I turn to see a panting Elain pressed against the side door, her eyes pressed closed and a small smile forming on her lips. I’m far too pleased to see that she followed my instructions. “Hi,” I say, looking her over and holy gods.“Hi yourself,” she says in a flirty tone. Her long golden hair is braided and draped gently over her delicate shoulder. She’s wearing skin tight leather pants that hug her supple curves. They look so good on her, like she’s destined for the dark side. My eyes trace up her form and snag on the sheer white t-shirt that reveals a hint of the baby pink bra underneath. The sunlight from the door window lights up her heart-shaped face. I swear the sunlight hits this woman differently than other people. The golden rays sink into her skin and make her glow. 
The urge to run my hands over those curves causes my fingers to twitch at my side. Desire punching me in the stomach. I can’t help it, I keep staring - and everything gets so much worse as Elain turns around to look out the window, making sure the coast is clear. My gaze sweeps over the dip of her waist to the swell of her perfect ass. My cock twitches.  
As hard as it is, I remind myself to focus and pull out the amethyst gift bag I’ve stashed away. “For the ride,” my voice is more husky than I anticipated.  
Her hand gently grazes mine as she takes the gift from me. A pulse of energy sends a shiver down my spine. I watch as she pulls out the black leather riding jacket I spent way too much money on. Her fingers sweep over the supple buttery material and dance over the delicate flowers embroidered down the forearms and along the collar. The pattern is a mix of bright red roses, plum colored violets, and pink begonias intricately stitched with verdant leaves. The letter E is elegantly sewn along the left lapel. It’s probably too much but it reminded me of Elain and I wanted her to have it. Even if all we get is this one ride together it's worth it. 
She tugs on the jacket an asks, “How do I look?” 
I swallow the lump forming in my throat, “Perfect.” More than perfect . Elain walks toward me, placing her warm hand on my arm as she stands on her toes and kisses my cheek. “Thank you.” The gesture takes me by surprise and nearly unravels me. All the brooding self deprecating thoughts from earlier this week melt away with that painfully sweet gesture. 
Clearing my throat, I turn my attention back to the point of our date and gesture Elain toward my motorcycle. We walk through the proper way to get on and off a bike. Noting to avoid the muffler pipe on the side that will get hot enough to burn. I explain that we’re going to ride to the base of Ramiel, a mountain in the Illyrian steppes. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as I pass her a helmet. I lean forward and gently tighten the strap under her chin. Unable to resist the opportunity to help her, to touch her, to do more. 
Swinging my leg over the bike, I turn to her and pat the spot behind me. Her soft thighs press into mine and a thrill runs through me knowing how intimate riding together will be. 
As we take off, I hear the explosive I put in the neighbors trash can go off, providing us with the perfect distraction to ride off and leave the world behind. 
“Hold tight and don’t make a sound.” 
I try to take in the sensations of riding but all I can think about is the feel of Elain’s soft body pressed against mine. The way her hands grip my waist. Despite all the layers of leather we still feel impossibly close. It takes awhile for my thoughts to clear long enough to feel the familiar rush of the wind as it moves past us. How the motorcycle hugs the curves of the road. I increase the speed, feeling the familiar rush of blood pounding in my ears as adrenaline takes over. I feel free. I feel alive. I hear Elain giggle in my ear. Like she can’t help the burst of joy that springs free as we fly down a steep hill. I laugh with her, unable to mask my own happiness. “Oh, I didn’t realize the helmets have mics.” Her shyness quickly fades as we round another curve. “This is amazing,” she shouts like she might burst with joy.
For the next half hour we make our way around the winding road that leads to Ramiel. I point out interesting parts of the terrain. I find myself sharing funny stories of my childhood with Rhys and Cass. It’s always easier to open up with Elain, even when I have every intention not to. When we’re not talking I relish the peaceful quiet moments. Content just to be here with her, where I don't have to share her with anyone else. 
The summer evening is fading into the golden glow of dusk. Ramiel looms ahead like a great mythical beast. “There is a small bar up ahead that we can stop and eat at. It's nothing fancy but it's one of the only places in Illyria I like.” I hope she doesn’t hear the subtext of my statement. Unlike Cassian, I loathe Illyria and my past here. But she doesn't push me.  As someone whose worst days constantly define her present, I think Elain sympathizes with my reluctance to share my darker memories. I try not to think about those now. Not while I'm with her. I don't want to tarnish this precious time I have with Elain for anything.
We pull up to a small building, aged and weather worn, there is a rustic sort of charm to it which is why I felt safe bringing her here. It’s not the type of spot tourists would visit but a hidden gem that only a local would love. The parking lot is gravel with a few motorcycles parked out front. The sign was faded but legible enough, ‘Siphon Station.’ We park the bike and get off. Turning to Elain. I gently unbuckle her helmet and offer her a scarred hand to help her down. I watch as she nervously messes with her braid, making sure it is suitable. 
I gently place a hand on her lower back and walk us through the front door. The place is smaller than I remember, there’s the familiar bar with eight stools, a few booths on the far side and a pool table in the back. Adjacent from the pool table is a dart board on the wall. Some of my favorite memories of Illyria are from this bar, getting drunk with my brothers and emptying their pockets when I beat them at every game we played. 
There are just a couple of other customers scattered around and a barman. They all stop and stare at us as we walk in and they quickly avert their eyes. I see Devon is right, my presence has already spread like wildfire . I lead us to a booth where Elain sits while I grab us something to drink. The barman pours us two whiskey shots while avoiding looking at me. Before I can pull out my wallet he mutters it’s on the house. I walk back to Elain, who is carefully taking in our surroundings. I hand her one of the glasses and sit across from her.
“Is this bar you called me from the other day?”
“No, that was a place in Windhaven.” 
She nods, “What kind of work required you to be at a bar so early in the morning?” There she is. No one else dares to ask me such direct questions, especially not about my work. I like that she isn’t afraid of me, that she feels safe asking but I can’t share that part of myself with her. So, I down my drink and stare into her eyes, “the kind I can't talk about.” 
I can see the urge to push me on it, to fight the rules I laid out. There is a quiet rebellion in Elain, one that tells me she doesn't like to do what she's told. Neither do I. That fact that we share that same defiant spark turns me on. I rub my hand through my hair, in an attempt to clear my head of my treacherous thoughts. 
“Have you checked out the town discord yet?”
She shrugs, “I'm afraid to look, why?”
“There's a poll on who your secret boyfriend is.”
“Oh gods,” she groans and puts her head on the table. “I'm half afraid to ask but, who are the contenders?”
I pull out my phone and show her. The options are Lucien, Graysen, Mr. Naked and lastly Elain is lying. Currently the last option is winning with Lucien not far behind. 
“Well, it looks like our secret is safe,” she says. Elain doesn't seem surprised by the results. She sighs heavily, “Nesta said I was making up a boyfriend too. I don't know which is worse, that they think my love life is their business or that they don't seem to know me at all.”
The barman places two plates on the table with sandwiches and pub chips. We eat quietly for a few moments before I ask, “Can I ask you something?” she nods. “Why don’t you tell them how you feel?” She looks at me confused, ”Who?” I give her a knowing look, “your sisters, the town, Lucien, you know… all of them.”
She mulls it over for a minute, “I don't want to hurt their feelings.” I shake my head, “You just walk around all day worrying about other people's feelings?” 
She gives me a bewildered look, “Yeah, don't you?’ 
“No.” Then more teasingly I ask, “Elain, how do you get anything done?” 
She gives me a small teasing smile, “It's really hard.”
I laugh. A deep belly shaking laugh. She is so funny when she’s not hiding herself away. 
“What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about what everyone else thought or expected?”
She takes a deep breath, like no one has ever asked her the question before and it makes me angry and sad for her. “Well, I’ve always wanted to travel. Anywhere really but if I had to choose where to start, I would want to see the tulip fields in the Netherlands first.” I listen, completely mesmerized by the quiet passion in her voice as she explains the cultivation process and the wide variety of bulbs used. She raves about how special the flowers are because they bloom for such a short period of time. 
Desperate for me I demand, “What else?” 
She looks at the rose on my hand and nods to it, “I’ve always wanted a tattoo.” I lean forward, feeling more than a little pleased.
“Why haven’t you?” 
She shrugs, “I don’t know. It would be too shocking. It would be out of character.” 
My eyes meet hers, “It seems to me, Elain, that you are waiting for someone to give you permission to be yourself.” 
She lets out a ragged breath, “That’s not true.” 
I click my tongue and run the pad of my thumb across her lips, “Did you know, you press your lips together right before you lie?” She closes her eyes, as if savoring the touch. She's so beautifully responsive. It makes me want to lay her out on the pool table and see how many little gasps and moans I can draw out of her. 
She says softly, a barely perceptible whisper, “I don’t know how to be anything else.” 
I release her face, “that’s not true, the hiding is the act, who you are is already there.”
She looks at my hand again, I see her fingers twitch as though she’s tempted to trace the ink there. She says shyly, “I’ve always admired the tattoo on your hand.” I look at my mottled hand and a wave of affection sweeps through me at the memory. 
“I actually designed this, I got it for my mother.” My heart squeezes a little. I wanted a reminder of the beauty in the world, a reminder of all the happy moments with her and I could think of no better place than my mutilated hand. My mother has always been the only person I could feel safe with, the only one who truly loves me no matter what. Before I realize it I start to speak.
“When I was a child, I rarely got to see her. I told you of how she taught me about flowers and told stories. Her favorite flower is a rose and she had these massive hedges of them in her backyard. Roses of every shade and variety. They were so beautiful. I would play there pretending in those hedges like they were part of my enchanted gardens. When it was time for my father to come and get me I would hide in those hedges. I knew he couldn’t reach in and grab me without cutting himself on the thorns. He didn’t know all the secret ways to slip in without getting scratched. I was safe there, tucked away in my mothers roses. Since then roses have reminded me of my mother, of the beauty she cultivated and the safety they provided.”
I notice her watching me closely and I know what she’s thinking. “Come on - don’t give me that look, please.” 
“Am I giving you a look?”
“Yes, a heavy one.” I bite the side of my cheek, “I’m fine now, it’s in the past.” Her eyes soften as she looks at me with concern.
Her soft finger grazes over my jaw, “If I press my lips together when I lie, then you bite the inside of your cheek when you do.” I turn away from her touch, stunned by how well she can see the truth behind the carefully constructed facade I hide behind. 
I turn my attention back to the topic at hand, “Let’s figure out what tattoo you should get.”
She gives me another look, like she might push me but to my relief she decides to drop it instead.
“Hmmm…  I don't know, maybe a slice of pie or a piece of cake here.” She points to the delicate skin on her wrist. “Or even here.” She turns and runs a hand along her ribs and underneath her breast. I let myself imagine it for a second and I run my tongue along the front of my teeth. “You should definitely get that it would be very sexy.”
“You think I would be sexy with a tattoo?”
I snort out a quick laugh. She must be joking. “No Elain. Don’t get it twisted. I already think you’re sexy without a tattoo. So I know you would be with one.”
She shifts uncomfortably, a look of anger and maybe even disappointment on her face. Something I said struck a nerve but before I can ask she quickly adjusts her expression. She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. It’s the smile I’ve seen her give Lucien a thousand times. Never once has it been directed at me. My hands clench and I want to demand for her to tell me what’s going on in that head of hers but she didn’t push me on my childhood and the least I can do is let this go. For now.
“Anything else?”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I was a fan of Sons of Anarchy. I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle. So, thank you.” I give her a mischievous smile, “You want to drive it?” She stares at me unsure if I’m sincere, but she nods emphatically. I stand up and reach out my hand, “then you'll have to earn it.”
I hold onto her hand and take her over to the dart board. “You'll have to beat me if you want to ride.” The tension from a moment ago is gone and is replaced with something else. 
She crosses her arms over her perky chest drawing my eyes to the lace peeking through the thin fabric. “and what do you get if I lose?” 
I grab a handful of darts and walk toward her, “if you lose, you'll have to get that tattoo.”
“But I've never played before.” Her doe eyes batting at me innocently. If she thinks I’m going to go easy on her because she’s beautiful shes got another thing coming. I have a reputation to uphold. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy myself though. I look her over and a plan is starting to form. If she wants me to teach her a lesson, I’ll be more than happy to. In fact, I'm going to see if my theory is correct, that she's been thinking about me as much as I've been thinking of her. 
I tug her in front of the dart board and sweep my hand down her arm, appreciating the trail of goosebumps I leave behind. I place a dart between her unmarred fingers and bring her hand in front of us. She smells divine like jasmine and honey and I fight the urge to press my face into her neck. 
“The trick to darts is in the wrist. Keep your elbow up at a ninety degree angle and use your wrist to propel it forward.” I let my hand skate back down to her elbow and grip her there adjusting her position. 
Pressing my lips to her ear I whisper,“There you go honey, show me what you've got.” 
I smile as I feel her shiver in my grasp. She’s clearly still worked up from earlier this week. I decide to be nice and step away from her so she can focus on taking her shot. 
Elain sends the dart  forward and it hits the far left side, narrowly missing the board. 
She turns to me disappointed. Swaggering up for my turn I give her a pat on the back for effort and then easily send a dart into the red circle in the center. 
“Now let’s try this again. Remember to flick your wrist like this,” I say as I take her hand into mine and move it back and forth. She bites her lip as she leans back into me. “And I keep my arm up like this, right?” My hand tightens on hers. I’m momentarily lost to the feel of her ass pressing into my cock and I imagine Cassian in the sauna to try and keep an erection from forming. Thankfully that does the trick. “Azriel?” Elain asks completely oblivious to where my mind has gone.
“Yes, just like that,” I manage to say. 
She steps out of my grasp and I watch as her shoulders relax and she loses the dart and it lands directly in the middle, a perfect bullseye. Almost too perfect. She turns to me with a satisfied smirk on her face. I narrow my eyes at her, “Elain.” 
Her smile drops ever so slightly, “beginner's luck?” she says innocently. 
“ Elain .” 
She steps toward me, “maybe, you're just that good of a teacher.” 
Her eyes meet mine, a twinkle of wicked delight is dancing there.
“ Elain .” I nearly moan. 
“What's the matter? Afraid you'll lose?” 
I know she’s bating me. I know she’s using my competitiveness against me. I’ve been played and I’m too turned on by her devious smile to be mad. I want to taste that smile. I want to pin her against the wall and see what other little games she’s like to play. But I also want to win.
I scoff, pressing forward, nearly nose to nose with her. I lean down to press my words into the hollow of her neck, “if you learn one thing about me honey, it’s that I never lose.” 
I reach down and pull the dart from her hand. I stalk toward the board, determined to get what I want. I always get what I want, one way or another. 
When we get back to the motorcycle, Elain has a faint pout on her lips. I would have never suspected her to be a sore loser, though she's too polite to admit it. Those brown eyes meet mine and I feel a little bit guilty. Normally I wouldn’t feel bad for winning so decisively but this is Elain. I never planned on denying her a chance to drive my bike. As if I could deny her anything. We get back on the motorcycle and I explain how there is an old dirt road at the base of Ramiel where she can safely practice driving. She whispers faintly through the mic, “Thank you, Azriel” and I smile to myself.
All around us are beautiful views. We’re elevated enough to see the rolling hills below but far enough down to see the peak of Ramiel standing proudly ahead. I bring us to a stop and help Elain off the bike. Then I slide backwards and pat the space in front of me. Placing my hands on her full hips, I gently guide her down until she is seated in front of me. I’m aware of her every move as I feel her lean back into my lap. My hands graze down the sides of her arms, placing her hands on the handle bars. I describe how to use the throttle and break, all the while I let my fingers hug hers as we practice gripping. 
“You think you got it?” She nods, I slide my hand down to her plump thigh and give her an encouraging pat, “‘whenever you’re ready.” 
Elain gently eases the throttle forward and we start moving, tentatively at first but with encouragement she becomes more confident in her ability. Her giggles of excitement fill my ears as she drives us down the road. I let my hands snake up to the middle of her waist, my hands nearly covering the entirety of her. The thought of it thrills me. I can’t resist the urge to pull her further into me. “There you go honey, you’re doing so well.” 
We near a curve and I bring my arm fully around her waist, pulling her tight, “lean into the curve with me,” enjoying the feeling of her ass pressing deeper into my lap. The route is quiet with nothing but views and the fading sun to keep us company. I focus on the road as best as I can. But I feel Elain everywhere. The sensation of her in front of me and the smell of her hair somehow getting through the face shield of my helmet. She presses her back into me and my grip on her tightens. Without realizing it, I find myself tracing circles on her lower belly. I need a space if I am going to maintain any sort of composure.
I direct Elain to pullover at a clearing up ahead. She awkwardly tries to break, failing to slow in a steady manner. I lean into her taking the handlebars to help. The change in the angle pushes her down beneath me and I swear I hear a faint whimper through the mic. She quickly takes off her helmet like she wants to avoid being heard. The last bit of the sun is falling behind the horizon. Dark blues and pinks paint the sky as the end of day nears. “Thank you for bringing me here, it’s beautiful.” Her expression is so open and trusting.
I changed my mind, the last thing I want is space. I wrap my arms around her and she leans back into my frame. “It’s one of my favorite spots in Illyria.” My head suddenly racing with how wrong it is to hold her like this, to want her when I shouldn’t. How she wouldn’t want my touch if she knew what my hands had done. Suddenly the image of the blood that coated them earlier this week flashes before me and I flinch.
She tilts her head back to look at me. My breath catches, my head suddenly quiet. I tenderly rub my knuckle across the apple of her cheek. For a moment, I think about kissing her but I remember the flare of hurt from earlier and can’t resist asking. “Elain, earlier when we talked you seemed to get upset with me. I'm sorry, if what I said bothered you.” 
“You have nothing to apologize for, Azriel.”
“I do though - I called you sexy and you seemed upset. I think I crossed a line and I want to apologize.”
“No, oh gods,” she buries her face in her hands, “I’m so embarrassed. Let’s just forget about it.”
“I’m sorry but I can't do that. What happened Elain? Are you upset I think you’re sexy? Are you afraid it’s going to change things between us?”
“No. I’m just upset because you’re teasing me!”
“Teasing you?”
“Yes, teasing me! I was finally opening up about the things that I want and you were mocking me. I felt silly because you are you and well I’m angel Elain. I forgot who I was supposed to be and you reminded me I’m nothing like the girl who gets tattoos, wears leather pants and seduces men in bars. It was just too much, it felt like a lie.” I press my hand against her lips to silence her.
“None of that was a lie Elain. I swear to you I’m not mocking you. I certainly don’t think you’re silly. And the part where I called you sexy is true you are unbelievably sexy. You weren’t even trying and you were seducing me.” And that’s when I notice the tears welling up in those honey colored eyes. I shift my hand from her mouth to her cheek and rub the tear rolling down her face. “Elain why does that make you cry?”
She turns her gaze from mine and shakes her head desperately like she’s hoping to shake her feelings away. “Because no one has ever said that to me before.” Those eyes open again and a burst of potent feelings hit me square in the chest. “They say it about Nesta and Feyre - but never me. I’m always praised for being sweet and kind and obedient. I’m the girl next door, the innocent one. I’m never viewed like that. Just the other day when I was at the bakery Lucien,” she trails off. 
“What did Lucien say?” I ask, feeling every muscle in my body go rigid. 
“Pauline was demanding he do something about my outfit and he said I wasn't sexy.”
“I’ll murder him.”
“Azriel,” she reprimands me with a surprised laugh. 
“I’m serious Elain. That guy doesn’t deserve to go on living for making you feel so shitty.” She laughs and I shift my hand around the back of her neck pulling her to face me completely. Not willing to let her go. “And he’s wrong about you. First, he was wrong about you being boring. You say you aren’t the type of girl that seduces men in bars but you had me eating out of the palm of your hand. Even when you think you’re doing something wrong you’re so godsdamn tempting that I wanted to lay you out and do things to you in the middle of the bar so filthy that they would have arrested us for public indecency. Second, how can you be boring when you light up every room you walk in with that perfect smile. My gods, you are drop dead gorgeous. So beautiful it’s hard to look at you and continue persuading myself that kissing you would be a mistake because of our agreement. And third, that ass.”
She gasps, “What about it?”
“Your ass is a masterpiece. Soft and curvy, it kills me. Your ass kills me Elain. And I need you to know if we weren’t just dating in the short term I would have already…” I let the sentence dangle as my eyes rake over her, implying everything I’ve dreamed of doing with Elain but not saying it out loud because I’ve already said too much as it is. In fact I think this is the longest I have talked in ages. What scares me the most is how much I enjoy talking to her. How I enjoy teasing her and coaxing out her reactions. I’m so good at playing games at seducing women. At strategically moving pieces around so that I can be seductive without having to actually give anyone a piece of myself. Without risking my feelings. But just now I was more honest than I’ve ever been in my life. 
I’m not playing games with Elain - I’m practically spilling my heart out to her. When our gazes lock again, her tears are gone. Instead her cheeks are rosy and she’s pressing a smile into the back of her hand. I gently angle her face closer to mine, “do you believe me?” She nods silently. And then her gaze drops to my lips. “You were wrong about something.”
“What’s that?”
“It wouldn’t be a mistake to kiss me.”
My heart pounds inside my chest. “It wouldn’t.”
“No. In fact, I think we should kiss because I could use the practice.”
“Elain, I told you we have to keep things PG.”
She smiles at me, “Kissing is PG according to the British Board of Film Classification.”
I fight back a smile. “Besides,” she adds, “I want to change the terms of our agreement.” She shifts until she is sitting facing me on the bike. “The whole thing started with me wanting to prove I’m not boring like Lucien said. That I can be bad… but the more time I spend with you, the more I feel myself coming to life. Something I can’t quite pinpoint but I don’t want to lose either. You make me feel different. I feel free when I’m with you. I feel adventurous and… curious.” A naughty twinkle sparks in her eyes and I feel my stomach clinch. I don’t respond, I have to know where this is going.
“So, I was wondering if you’d be someone to help me practice taking risks with, doing new things, and… maybe finding out who I am now?”
“Is that really what you want Elain?” I ask, dragging my thumb across her lower lip. 
“If it’s not too much to ask,” she says in a quiet whisper. 
“And tonight, you want to try kissing?”
Her chest rises with a heavy breath, “I haven’t kissed anyone in a couple of years. I need to shake off the cobwebs. See if I’m any good at it.”
That stuns me. 
I wrap my arms around her tugging her closer. I ask, “No one has kissed you in years Elain? How is that possible?” I’ve wanted to kiss her every second since I’ve met her. 
I feel her tremble against me. “Maybe there is something wrong with me. No one ever tries. I think my reputation makes men think I don’t like this stuff.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” I push back the hair that’s fallen loose from her braid and do what I’ve been fantasizing about since the day we met and sink my hands into her thick golden hair. I tug her head back and angle her face just the way I want it. I bend down to the corner of her mouth and whisper, “Nothing’s wrong with you honey.” 
“I might be bad at this,” she warns, eyes wide, watching me as I tease the edges of her lips. 
“I’m prepared.” And then just as I am about to close the gap, an idea hits me and I pull away. She looks disappointed, she thinks I’ve changed my mind.
“We still can’t fuck Elain, not unless you’re ready to fall in love with me.” She looks relieved that I still plan to kiss her. Those doe eyes are heavy lidded as if she’s intoxicated, “Good idea,” she adds and I smile. It’s not clear if she agrees with me that we can’t sleep together or if she thinks it's a good idea that we should. Either way,  I like the ambiguity of it. It will drive me crazy later wondering what she meant. The tension between us is cracking and I can tell she wants me to rush this and kiss her already, but the truth is, I love drawing it out. I love taking my time torturing us both. Truth be told there is no one I love torturing more than myself. 
Wrong - so wrong. It has never gone this far before.  But I don’t care. I need to know what the skin of her neck tastes like. What those perfect lips taste like. 
I sink my face down to her throat and lay one soft kiss there at the base. Her breath catches and I move to kiss under her jaw, opening my mouth to feel the warm press of her skin along my tongue. She shivers and I smile, moving up to kiss the corner of her mouth. The moment her warm, plush lips press into mine, my world spins. Any finesse or control I feel is destroyed, and I am suddenly at her mercy. 
She presses her body into mine and even though we aren’t doing more than pushing our lips together it already feels impossibly good. I force myself to keep it light even though I want nothing more than to have her bare and writhing beneath me. 
I only intended for it to be a quick luxurious kiss to get her blood warm. But damn . Her lips respond to mine as she rises to wrap her hands around my neck and my body thrums. My fingers curl into her hair and along the skin of her back. She’s so damn supple and as I slant my lips against hers I can’t help the slide of tongue into her mouth. 
Elain sighs the sweetest moan into my mouth as she parts her lips for me. Inviting me in to take more of her. She presses up and wraps her legs around my waist and our kiss quickly turns from chaste to devouring. I’m pulling her against me, my head swirling like I’ve had multiple rounds of whiskey. I savor every gasp and flick of her delicious tongue, every intentional press of her body into mine. And as I adjust myself back allowing her to climb even further into my lap the bike rocks unsteadily underneath us. What the hell am I doing? 
I want so much more than a kiss from her, and that’s why I pull away and slowly unwrap her arms from around me. “We should stop.” I say with a shaky voice. She doesn’t protest, seemingly agreeing with my thoughts. 
I rub the back of my neck. Get a grip Az it was just a kiss. 
“Was that okay?” Elain asks, self-consciously, and the very question is so absurd I nearly laugh. How she can doubt how sexy she is, how she unravels every ounce of my control. With my hand still on my neck I look at her knowing she can see how utterly wrecked I am by her. “Yes, honey, that kiss was more than okay.”
Elain turns away just a fraction and smiles to herself, and then does something so innocent, so honest it tears my cynical, terrified heart in half. She rests the tips of her fingers to her lips and smiles. 
As we pull into the garage later that night I have to ask, “Out of curiosity, what is your favorite flower?”
She drops her gaze to the flower on my hand and smiles. “Roses.”
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taomyou · 11 months
The Romance of Reimbursements - Chapter 1
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Status: COMPLETED Summary: There’s a guy you see every Friday on bus 143, and you think he’s pretty hot. It wouldn't hurt to tell your best friend about him, would it? or, you and Levi take the same bus home from work every Friday, and you fall in love slowly, clumsily, and with all the time in the world to fold as many paper stars as your heart desires. Word Count: 5.3k Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, modern au, office au, fluff, romance, meet-cute, matchmaking
(A/N: this fic is already completed and entirely available on ao3 here if you would like to read it. i am currently in the process of crossposting everything to tumblr, so please be patient!)
Chapter Navigation Accompanying Playlist
a bird keychain
“Thank you for helping me today! Have a good weekend,” Armin beams at you, sending you off with a wave.
You shoot him a small smile and a wave back before turning on your heel to go for the door. On the way out, you keep your briefcase tucked under your left arm as you wave with both hands to the rest of the people still on the floor.
Once the door behind you is shut and you’re out of your coworkers’ view, you let a smaller, more bashful smile break out on your face as you make your way over to the elevator. Your shoulders loosen up, and you find yourself taking lighter steps. Your arms are swinging freely, not paying any mind to how idiotic you might look. Ordinarily, you'd be walking normally when you clock out, so what has you acting so different today?
Well, it’s Friday, and Friday is when that guy on your bus is there.
You first saw him in September, right around when Armin, Eren, and Mikasa started at your firm.
You remember Erwin begging you to give up your parking spot for Armin; it wasn’t hard to forget when the tall, usually levelheaded man got on his literal knees to ask you to find a different ride to the firm. You worked at a fairly busy downtown building with its own parking structure, but it wasn’t big enough to hold both client and employee cars.
Erwin was only able to negotiate a number of spots for your department, and, even then, most of them were reserved for clients. Erwin reasoned that Armin drove Eren and Mikasa to work, so it would be more logical for a spot to be given to them instead of having you, who drove only yourself, own it.
At the time, you didn’t know them all that well yet. They were freshly hired interns, the lot of them, and you had only worked with Mikasa so far. You were inclined to refuse Erwin, but seeing him on his knees was so… pathetic, and so you found yourself giving him a polite smile and saying you'd try to figure out a new ride.
Part of you also felt bad because Armin had already gotten ticketed 5 times by city security for parking at a client parking spot, and Mikasa had already asked you on several occasions where Armin could park without getting fined (to which you told her, "I don't know any better than you do. Before I got my parking space, I got so many parking tickets that I just stopped counting them.")
You and Erwin weren’t super close. Friends, sure, but you never interacted much outside of work. He was your work superior, and even if he was kind and cordial with you, he was like that with everyone. Perhaps he was more so with you because you were an intern around the same time he was starting out after coming from a different firm.
As the two “newbies,” the two of you would eat lunch together in the breakroom when the other coworkers got into heated arguments about workplace politics on the main floor. You'd eat in silence for a bit to ease out the stress from work, but you’d both talk about random things you did over the weekend when you had extra time before you had to go back to your desks.
You didn’t really peg him as the sort of guy to be into Gundam building, but most of the stories he told you from these small lunch breaks were about what figures he had in progress at home or how hard it was to find a certain model he wanted. You usually talked about the new recipe you tried that weekend or what you had planned for the next week, and he seemed as interested as he could for a guy who knew next to nothing about baking.
Back then, you always brought food from the family-owned Chinese takeout place across the street because... well, you were a struggling grad student without enough time to make lunch for yourself to bring. You'd make little paper stars for Erwin with the chopstick wrappers you got there whenever you saw him after lunch (even when you didn't eat together).
He found it odd at first, but you explained that they were good luck charms (and that you had a habit of folding them for people any time you got your hands on a long strip of paper).
It was a peaceful thing—what you two had going on.
Just two coworkers who ate lunch and talked to each other sometimes. That went on for a long time until those others coworkers went on to other departments or other firms, and the two of you were promoted into your respective positions now and got too busy to have lunch anywhere besides your desks.
Well, more like he got promoted and you were hired full-time after graduation.
And even though there was less time for the two of you to talk like before, when he first showed you his new office, you didn't miss the small jar of white-with-red-lettering paper stars sitting at the edge of his work desk.
Either way, no matter how tight you were with Erwin, you were left without a parking spot now.
He practically leapt to his feet in joy when you said you’d at least try to find a way around it, and he apologized profusely for asking you to give up your spot. He knew you lived relatively far since you had to drive 30 minutes to get to work everyday, so he promised to get you an unlimited-use pass for the bus if you weren’t able to find a ride at the firm, which you took him up on, not wanting to bother your other coworkers with the inconvenience of picking you up from a neighborhood far from the building.
He also promised to give you a spot as soon as he was able to negotiate another one for the department, and you forced him to link pinkies with you to seal the deal.
Now, you weren’t inexperienced taking the bus.
You took it every day in university, only getting a car the summer before your first year in law school. Even if it had been 5 years since then, you figured it wouldn’t be any different. Erwin did promise he’d get you a spot again soon, and you knew him to be a man of his word.
Besides, gas prices were crazy—maybe you’d be better off giving your wallet a break for a while.
The day you first took bus 143, you were wearing an outfit you wouldn’t normally wear to work.
Erwin was the only superior working in the office that day, seeing as the others were off at some conference in the next town over, and he was fine with you wearing whatever you wanted to—within reason, of course. You had on a nice pink two piece blazer and skirt, as well as a white blouse underneath it.
You also remember your outfit because Petra, another one of your coworkers, complimented your outfit and asked if the two of you could go clothes shopping together sometime. You promised to invite her the next time you went out shopping, remembering that she was nearing her first anniversary with her boyfriend Oluo (who worked on the floor above you), and that she’d maybe want your help choosing an outfit.
On the walk to the bus stop, you weren’t nervous at all.
You already looked over the bus route several times at work during your breaks. It was quite the convenient route—you only needed to take one bus, and your apartment was only a 5 minute walk from the stop after the 45-minute ride.
You spent the earlier parts of the week at another office in a different building (with actual parking) because Erwin had sent you to handle some business there, so that explained why you didn’t have to take the bus until the tail end of the week. You had breakfast with Hange that Friday, so you didn’t have to figure out the logistics of actually getting to work since they dropped you off, but you’d figure it out next week.
"Get home safe! Text me when you're home!" They yelled for you through their rolled-down window. 
It was good that you waited until Friday to try the bus anyway. You got out early on Fridays, so if you took the wrong bus or got off at the wrong stop, there would still be time to figure out the right way to get home. You were hardly worried about it, but it was nice to know that the sun would still be out if you ended up stranded.
You checked the time on your phone; 3:02 PM. You heard the screech of the tires seconds later, and you went to scan the card Erwin gave you earlier that week.
Well, curse you for thinking the ride would be normal.
It wasn’t until you actually got on the bus that you felt nervous.
After you settled into your seat and put your briefcase on your lap, you saw an admittedly really hot guy sitting right across from you.
He was clad in a neat suit, not unlike the ones the men at your work wore. He had a neat pair of cuff links pinned on his dress shirt and what looked like a watch peeked out from under his sleeve. His hair was trimmed neatly in an undercut, and it looked so impossibly soft and shiny. And even though he was looking down at his phone, you could still see his face quite well. His lips were downturned, his features were sharp and strong, and, worst of all...
His eyes were gorgeous.
They looked to be some shade of blue. Maybe even grey? Silver? You hadn’t even seen them fully yet, and your heart was already starting to race.
You didn’t even want to imagine how you would feel if you made eye contact with him.
You didn’t need to be knocked out of your staring. You knew it would be weird to stare any longer than you already had been, so you busied yourself on your phone while fighting off the blush you felt blooming on your face.
You occasionally stole glances at him throughout the ride, pretending that you were looking out the window he sat in front of, but your eyes never lingered on him for fear of getting caught. He never seemed to look back up at you though, so maybe he didn’t care that you were even there in front of him.
You were grateful for your choice in outfit, since you felt quite pretty in it—you wouldn't want such a handsome stranger to think you had poor fashion taste. Not that he probably cared. He didn't seem to look in your direction at all.
You were grateful he didn't look at you. Well... some part of you was grateful he didn't.
You had gotten bored of switching between the random games you had on your phone, so you took note of his bag. You were so entranced by his face that you hadn't even taken a look at his backpack yet, almost 30 minutes after you got on the bus in the first place.
It wasn't unlike the one you used in university and grad school—simple, black, practical.
What caught your eye, however, was a bird keychain looped onto the outermost zipper. It looked like some sort of white dove, but you didn't know anything about birds, really, so you couldn't guess what kind it was.
It was... cute. It didn't seem to really match him, but you suppose it added to the mystery of him. Maybe his girlfriend gave it to him? It seemed like it could be part of a matching set.
Before your brain could even wrap itself around the idea that this stranger could've been already taken, the bus stopped at 3:40 PM, and he got up from his seat, and left the bus without so much as a sound.
The rest of the ride was a bit of a haze.
You remember you got off the bus 2 stops later, walked the short route to your apartment, and put down your briefcase at your dining table after opening the door. You walked over to your cupboard and grabbed a mug, then you moved over to the fridge to take out a chilled pitcher of water you had in there. As you filled the mug, you felt a quiet bloom in your chest.
In the privacy of your own home, you finally let the blush you’ve been fighting finally reach your face in full, and it seemed that even your cold water couldn’t cool you off. After taking off your heels, you went over to the bathroom to start taking off your makeup.
The first time you looked in the mirror after taking bus 143, your face was alarmingly red.
What was up with you? You saw attractive men all the time, and you'd never been this flustered before. It had to be the mystery of a stranger, right? You splashed water onto your face, trying to calm down your burning cheeks. Hell, even your ears were red. 
After you removed your makeup and got dressed in some home clothes, you plopped yourself down on your couch and groaned. This wasn’t you. You weren’t one to even care for looks all that much in partners, and you were all hot for a guy you didn’t even get to make eye contact with.
You decided then that the stranger on bus 143 would be someone you didn't think of outside of the 40 minute-ish ride you just shared. You’d probably never even see him again anyway.
And you were right. You didn’t see him that following Monday. Not on the ride to work, not on the ride home.
When you didn’t see him on Tuesday, you figured he would just be gone forever, and he could stay someone you could form an answer around if someone asked what your type was.
Truth be told, you probably didn’t even have a type. Your university days were filled with LSAT cramming and trying to figure out where you wanted your life to go, and when you got into law school, the academic rigor was too much for you to even consider having a crush on someone. Now, as a practicing attorney, you were able to relax a tiny bit, and you certainly had more time than when you were a student, but you didn’t have any particular interest in dating. People were attractive, sure, but that had more to do with their charms than it did their appearance.
The week continued as normal, with Erwin popping by your desk more than usual to ask about how it’s been taking the bus. He sounded just about ready to give up his own spot given how guilty he sounded, but you reassured him that he was probably the only person in the department that absolutely needed to have his car on him.
Armin, Eren, and Mikasa offered to grab lunch for you (seeing as you didn’t have a car to go out for food anymore), and you spent that entire week eating with them in your office.
You were glad that they were able to explore the city a bit more now that they didn’t have to worry about parking, and it was nice to be able to have lunch with someone else. You hadn't had lunch with anyone since Petra started going to the upper floor to have lunch with Olou. The three of them seemed to really appreciate you giving them their spot too, even going as far as to try and pay for your lunches that week, but you just waved them off and explained you had more than enough money. They weren’t too much younger than you—just 3 years younger—but you knew better than to let them waste even more of their money on downtown food that was already overpriced.
By the time Friday came around, you had completely forgotten about the man on the bus, and your days were filled with paperwork, meeting with clients, and having lunch with your new favorite interns.
Imagine your surprise when, a whole week later, you saw him again, sitting at the exact same spot as last time.
You guess you didn't consider he only takes the bus on Fridays. Or maybe just at a different time, since you got off of work at 5 on other days of the week. Either way, you avoided looking at him altogether to save face, but you still felt a bit of heat reach your face at just the thought of him being there.
When you got home, you went through the same motions as last Friday.
Splashing your face with water, looking at yourself red as a tomato, and groaning into your couch cushions to curse the universe for making such a perfect looking man.
After the fourth Friday you see him, you accept that this is just how your weekly encounters with the devilishly handsome stranger will go.
You don't even get to decide whether or not the stranger on bus 143 ends up becoming someone you think about every week.
You sigh as you step into your apartment, letting your blush settle just as it does every Friday.
The air has gotten colder now that it's January, and you're grateful you wore a scarf today to both shield you from the cold and hide your blush. After hanging your scarf over one of the chairs in the dining room, you head immediately into the bathroom to get a quick check at your reflection, not even bothering to try to get the red to go away. You just empty out your pockets on the countertop, not wanting to deal with the discomfort of your items pushing into your skin in a few seconds.
You know all too well that you need to go take a breather on your couch to cool your face, so you just head over and throw yourself into your cushions, groaning and kicking your legs. In your anguish, you hear the faint ringing of your phone from the bathroom. You barely register it as your phone, but once you do, you bolt up off the couch and rush to the sound and pick up without checking the caller ID.
"Hello?" You say into your mic, bringing your phone up to your ear and trying to sound as neutral as possible.
"Hi! Can I come over?" You immediately recognize the voice as Hange's, so you relax into yourself again.
Before you even try thinking of an answer, you go back to your couch and flop onto it again. You move one of the pillows under your chin and shift around so you're lying on your stomach. Your phone's on the couch itself, and your hands keep your face propped up.
"Huh? Why? Aren't you at work?"
"Do I need a reason to see you? I miss you, and I got out early today!"
You shake your head with a small smile. Leave it up to Hange to joke with you.
"Hange, you live 2 doors down from me, I see you every morning. I got breakfast with you yesterday too!"
You can almost see them nervously smiling and scratching the back of their neck at your comment.
"Still! Can I come hang out? I've been craving some of your cookies, and you haven't made them in so long!"
"What cookies are you talking about this time?"
"I'm feeling like snickerdoodle today."
You roll your eyes, starting to get up. "Yeah. Yeah, you can come. If you're already at my door, it's unlocked."
There's a beep from your phone, indicating that the call's over.
Sure enough, Hange comes through your door in record time and saunters across the entryway and living room to give you a hug.
"Hange! Shoes!" You chastise. You return their hug, nonetheless, and they just laugh wholeheartedly.
They pull away from you before taking off their shoes and walking over to the shoe rack to drop them off. "Sorry! I got too excited thinking about the cookies. Besides, it's been forever since we hung out on a Friday!"
Lately, they've been staying late at their lab on Fridays. Something about some new scientific discovery and wanting the lab to themselves to research.
Oh well, such is the life of a scientist.
"How'd you even finish so early? You're usually at work until night on Fridays."
They laugh and motion for you to move over to the kitchen. They rest their face in their hands at the countertop, and you go to a cupboard to start grabbing ingredients and tools for the cookies they wanted. "Some other guys are staying late to work on a project, so I figured I'd head home after lunch. I got a snickerdoodle ad when I was—wait! Why's your face all red? Are you sick?"
At the mention of your apparently still-present blush, you look up at Hange to see them lean even closer to you.
"What? No, I'm not sick."
"Are you sure? You look really red, even your ears are pink."
You turn away from Hange as quickly as you can to avoid their gaze, opting to go to the fridge and get the rest of the things you need for the cookies. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing."
And just like that, you can almost hear the smile break out on their face.
"Holy shit! Do you like someone?"
You stop moving, milk carton in hand. You quietly shift to put it on the counter before turning back to get the eggs.
Your silence is probably more than enough to get Hange to keep going.
"So you do like someone! Who is it? Who!?"
Your face heats up at Hange's comment, and even though you have all the ingredients out and ready to go, you suddenly feel too shy to start. "I don't like anyone. You're making things up. Seeing things, too."
To that, they just straight up laugh in your face.
"You got even redder! Of course you like someone! Who is it? Is it one of those interns at your firm? Nothing's hotter than an office romance!"
You make a face of disgust at them and decide to start weighing out what you need. "God, no! They're all so young!"
"Well, they're the only people you talk about nowadays, I figured it'd be one of them. It's not your senior at work, is it?"
"No, it's not him. I barely even talk about him, I think I only brought him up when I was talking about how I had to give up my parking spot a couple months ago."
"Well, who is it? Is it me? I can keep a secret," they tease, continuing to badger you.
You roll your eyes at that and sigh.
It wouldn't be so bad to tell Hange about him, would it?
Besides, there's no way you actually like him. No, you don't even know him. You just... think he's pretty hot.
That's all.
Maybe they'd drop it if you explained it was just a stranger you saw every week. Maybe actually telling someone about it would help you not feel as anxious having to see him every week. It wasn't like you actually liked fussing over a man you didn't know.
You've been mindlessly mixing the ingredients together, now switching over from a whisk to a spatula to get the wet and dry parts combined. 
You know Hange's gonna get you talking at some point, so probably better to just rip the band-aid off now.
"There's this guy on the bus. I think he's attractive, that's all," you mutter. Hange seems to light up at the information, and the excited cheer from them tells you that you maybe didn't make the greatest choice telling them about your bus guy.
"Well, tell me about him! What's he like? Have you talked to him? What's his name?" You nervously laugh at their questions and sort of bitterly continue mixing the dough.
"I've got no idea. He just sits there, looks pretty, and gets off, like, two stops before the one I do."
They whistle, not seeming to care that you knew nothing about him. "He's gotta be a real looker if he's got your attention with just that! You're gorgeous, your kids together would be beautiful! Describe him to me, maybe I know him!"
You scoff at that, reaching over the counter to give them a playful punch to the shoulder. "No fucking way, Hange. There's no way you know him."
"If you're so sure of that, then tell me!"
You dramatically groan, wanting to play up your frustration, but it's nice that Hange's so invested in this to keep asking questions.
The two of you met 5 years ago, about a month before your first year of law school started.
You struggled to get your couch up the stairs, and they laughed at you for a good minute or two before helping you up.
Turns out, they only lived 2 doors down and were excited to get a new neighbor their age because, quote, "all the people on this floor are old and grumpy!" It worked out that they wanted to hang out so often because you didn't know anyone in the area yet, and you probably would've become a hermit without them to drag you around.
Hange was doing their master's program, though, so it's not like you went out all the time.
On nights where they had too much on their plate, you'd come over with a batch of cookies and your textbooks so they wouldn't feel so lonely working alone. When you were crammed, they'd come over with some poorly brewed coffee and their laptop so the two of you could watch a bad movie when you were done studying. When you both graduated, you shifted to doing more homely activities, like doing laundry together or meeting up to buy furniture, but the two of you still met regularly outside of when you'd bump into each other in the morning on the way to work.
It was nice to have a friend who accepted you as you were. You knew too that they had a larger friend group that met every so often, but Hange never forced you to join them on their nights out. They'd ask, you'd decline, and they'd happily come back sometime later, usually the next day, and talk all about all the fun things they did. It wasn't that you didn't want other friends.. It was just daunting to try and become apart of a group of friends who've known each other for what seemed like forever.
You made other friends in grad school and later at work, but having Hange at your side throughout all the changes of the past couple years was greatly comforting, even if the two of you didn't really know each other's friends beyond quick descriptions and stories.
To hell with it, there's no way Hange knows this guy. They're right, it wouldn't matter if you told them what he looked like.
You grab some plastic wrap from the far side of the counter and start transferring your dough onto it.
"Alright. Let me put this in to chill first, and we can gossip on the couch."
They almost look surprised, but they get over it pretty quickly and rush over to the couch, making a big show out of getting comfortable. You roll your eyes yet again and close up the plastic wrap around the dough, turning to open the fridge and chuck it in.
"Hurry up! I wanna hear all about him!"
You walk over to them with a shy smile, and when you sit down, you wrap the blanket around yourself before turning to face them.
"Well, what do you wanna know?"
"Everything! But let's start with appearance! What color's his hair? What does he wear when you see him?" Your face starts to burn up yet again at the image of him in your head, but you figure you can bear with it while you talk to Hange.
"His hair's black. It's styled in an undercut. He's usually wearing a suit, but he's probably just coming home from work or something."
Hange seems to be a bit surprised again, but instead of lingering on it, they move on quickly to the next question. "And his face?"
"I've never really gotten a good look at it since he's always looking down, but his eyes are this really pretty grey. I.. don't really know how to describe faces without sounding stupid."
Hange's just eating this up, aren't they? They look like they're racking their brain for other questions, so you figure you could tell them about his keychain to give them some more time to think about what to ask next.
"He has a bird keychain on his backpack, it's pretty cute! It's white, and-"
"Did you just say bird keychain?" Hange interrupts, eyes seemingly boring into your soul. You nod slowly.
"Yeah? Does that mean something to you?"
Instead of answering, Hange goes to their back pocket to take out their phone. After some swiping and tapping, they hand you their phone. On the screen is a picture of... a bird keychain? It's pretty blurry, but it looks just like the one that guy on the bus had.
"Hange, you're messing with me. You just googled a picture of a white bird keychain and got lucky, right?"
You see them shake their head, and it takes you a second to process what that could mean.
"Please tell me you're fucking with me. Please tell me you have no idea who I'm talking about." You stare at them intensely, waiting for an answer from them.
"You take the 143, right?"
You nod slowly.
Instead of asking another question, they break out into a huge smile and tackle you into a hug, squealing excitedly. "I totally know who you're crushing on! Oh gosh, I gotta introduce you to each other immediately! You two would be so good together!"
Well, at least you know now he's single.
"I told you, I don't like him! He's just someone I see on the bus!"
They let go of you but keep their hands on your shoulders, that shit-eating grin still on their face.
"Darling, I'm not letting you get out of this one! Oh, this is perfect! We're having dinner on Sunday, you have to come!"
Before you can even protest, Hange starts rambling on about the details (most of which fly over your head) while animatedly moving their hands.
You knew how hard Hange went when it came to things they wanted. They worked relentlessly in their master's program, they were in charge of setting up plans for their friend group, and they even got your landlord to lower the rent a couple years back.
There was no way you could stop them from dragging you to this dinner. You knew that you really weren't going to "get out of this one," whatever that meant.
Better to accept your fate than fight it, you guess.
But... even though you know you'll be embarrassed to death and you'll probably have to figure out a new bus route to completely avoid this guy after whatever shenanigans Hange's bound to pull, you somehow don't regret telling them about him. They look so happy just thinking about you coming to dinner with them (who even is them?), and you don't have the heart to refuse them and break that joy. They'd never pressured you before into hanging out with their other friends before, so... maybe this could make up for you never taking up their offer to go out with the group.
Or maybe you could figure out how to change your identity and move continents by Sunday.
Yeah, maybe you could do that instead.
But first, you'll have to finish baking those stupid snickerdoodle cookies for Hange.
Next Chapter
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nancypullen · 7 months
Weird Stuff
I spent a very long day at work today, nothing was just simple - everyone had an issue to be solved. That's fine, it happens. It isn't like that every day. People come to the library seeking answers and wanting help. I can't always give them the answers they want (no, we can't do your taxes for you, and no, I can't file your divorce papers either) and they're not always nice about it. Today a woman absolutely wore me out because I couldn't/wouldn't transfer the info from her old phone to her new phone. I told her gently several times that she'd be better off taking her phone to Verizon/AT&T/or whatever her carrier might be, and they'll gladly assist her. She wasn't having it. Turns out she has basically a burner phone from Walmart on a plan called StraightTalk. Then she told me that she didn't even have the new phone yet. What?!? She was so testy with me because I couldn't grant her request and she didn't even have the dang phone! Another guy needed help printing some mailing labels attached to an email he received. I printed his attachments and then he gave me hell because he thought they were too small. I printed them exactly as he received them! Note: they were perfectly-sized mailing labels, clearly legible. All day long it was just a parade of disgruntled patrons. That's not even my beef with the work day. Here's what I have a problem with - since my very first day at the library (a month ago!) I can count on one hand (maybe one and a half) the number of times I've heard a please or thank you. Not even kidding. Maybe it's my years in the south, where no one would dream of asking anything of anyone without a please and thankyousomuch, that makes it grate on me so. But I don't think that's it. Even in my airline years, from Alaska to South Florida, most folks used common courtesy and manners. Here in Denton, that's not a thing. I mentioned it to several coworkers and they all concurred. I suppose they're used to it, but I hope I never grow accustomed to it. Would you ever dream of walking up to anyone in a store, library, coffee shop, etc and barking out your demand before snatching it without a word and walking off? It's the darndest thing. I'm truly puzzled by it. When did that become okay? Am I old-fashioned to think that manners are important?
The silver lining to all of that is that I don't feel bad when I have to tell a rude person that I can't grant their request. It used to kill me to have to disappoint someone. The philosophy at the library is "get to the YES", meaning find a way to satisfy that patron. So I can't file your divorce papers, but here are some contacts for free legal advice. No, I can't fill out your tax forms but let me put you in touch with the AARP folks in Federalsburg who will do them for free. No, I can't tell you what that lump is (and please pull your shirt down) but here's the number for Public Health, let's get you an appointment. That sort of thing, all day long. I think most people think of libraries as lovely, quiet places where middle-aged women in cardigans point you toward the books you're looking for - that is not the public library of today. And that's okay, but please use your best manners! I'm begging you. PLEASE. <---See how easy that was? Okay, my ranting and whining is over. Surely tomorrow will be a delight, right? My schedule for Wednesday shows that I start my day with a couple hours of "circulation prep" which means pulling books to transfer to other branches, filling hold requests, emptying big plastic totes that come back to us from other branches and processing those materials - all blissfully tucked away from the ungrateful public. Perfect. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing, I hope it's satisfying for you. I hope it's more than just a paycheck (not that paychecks aren't important, after all they buy chocolate and feed the cats, right?). I hope that your soul feels satisfied at the end of the day. I used to leave the school library knowing that I'd helped some kids, perhaps saved them from a disastrous grade (here's how you cite a source), introduced them to a new author, or just let them hang out in a safe spot during a lonely lunch. That was a good feeling. I wish that for you. Honestly, I wish that for all of us. That's it from me. I'm off to bed. The mister is in Minneapolis visiting Matt for his birthday week (I want to be there!!) so it's just me and the cats. We watched a little murder on tv and had soup for dinner. Girl party! I've had a good soak in the tub and now it's time to snooze. I need my rest before getting pummeled by the public again. Until next time - stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Things that happened this week
A pigeon sometimes hangs out at my apartment and starts making noise around 5 am. On Thursday, it not only started making noise, but it went on nonstop. Such a racket. It was raining, so it spent a longer time on my balcony. Actually, when I looked outside at 7, it was still there, taking shelter right above my washing machine. By then it was quiet, so I opened the door... nothing happened... closed the door... pigeon flew away. Idk.
Played "We're going on a lion hunt" (youtube video) for my class. Every year it's a big hit, but this year's class is the most mesmerized. It's the first time I worried they might be legitimately scared, rather than just having fun pretending. Of course, if even one kid was really scared, I wouldn't make them watch. But they were having fun, they just are more expressive than other classes. One kid had his hands covering his mouth and eventually his eyes. When I checked on him, he was laughing. Another girl started saying "Scary! no no!" so I asked if she wanted to hold my hand. Not only did she hold my hand, she came riiiight up close to see the video better hahahaha.
The understaffing has reached critical levels. I did overtime twice this week. My coworker was supposed to have a day off, had been approved and everything, but at the last minute the manager asked her to make it a half day because there was no one available to cover her. We have help from other campuses almost every day. Today, after the kids woke up from nap, I was supposed to be in a room with three other teachers... none of whom are ECE teachers or work at my school regularly. I was able to switch one of them out for a sub who used to be one of our regular classroom teachers, so I trust her. But if she'd been subbing somewhere else Idek.
Have a student who I think I've mentioned before, his parents are super overprotective. Although now it seems to be mainly the dad's issue. Dad's been keeping his kid home on days that he doesn't have to work. I don't even understand what he's upset about, although I'm told it began last year when his kid went outside, and then had a fever later in the day (???). What does he want, to keep the kid indoors his whole life? He won't meet and talk to us about his concerns. He sent a condescending letter with a list of requirements for caring for his son, all of which we were already doing. We have simply started doing them more (ie. when the kid doesn't actually need it - like changing his shirt every day even if he doesn't get sweaty). It does not impress him. This kid has seizures when he has a high fever, and when it happened last month we followed his chart meticulously. What did the parents do? Complain that their kid was "just hot," come pick him up at their usual time, and then go out to eat. When they got home, kid had a seizure. Guess who's at fault? Us, because... reasons??? Again, we did EVERYTHING we were told to do by his doctor and parents, so. I'm not sure, but I get the impression the parents think we should have given the kid his medication. But as none of us are doctors, there are only certain circumstances where we can give meds, and those are stipulated, again, on his chart. At the time, the criteria for us to give meds wasn't met - the whole reason for informing his parents so they could take him home and care for him themselves. Despite the fact that this was the approved plan by everyone concerned, parents still think we should have been able to miraculously prevent this. Another time his parents complained that we weren't wiping his nose. Yes, we are, every five seconds. It just so happens that one time out of the hundreds that they picked him up, his nose had gone two minutes without being wiped while teachers cared for you know all our other kids. We have made a very obvious point to wipe his nose in front of his parents since then. Today, I had been up and down literally nonstop wiping lots of kids noses. I'm not exaggerating at all. And this kid has the runniest nose of them all. I had literally just wiped his nose and thrown out the tissue when I turned around and saw it was running again. So I asked him to go get me another tissue. The tissue box was right there, the kids help themselves all the time, and all he had to do was grab a tissue and bring it to me bc my legs were freaking exhausted. Of course, this is when his mom decides to show up. XP She couldn't arrive during the 99 other times I'm running around after her kid with a tissue, only during the 1 time I ask him to get his own tissue. She immediately grabs the tissue from him and wipes his nose herself. Idek. I'd love to show her the video of how all I've done in in the last half hour is run around wiping noses, but I know it wouldn't make a difference even if I could. In this family's opinion, only their kid matters. Dad wants to pull the kid out of our school. I love the student, but to be rid of the parents, honestly, I'm not gonna fight it too hard...
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kyetalksshit · 6 months
Another dream log!!!
I remember being in college for a lot of it even though I was also 29 in the team and it felt weird, and I acknowledged that I was living in a dorm again and about to move again (everyone else was moving out because it was the end of the semester) and since irl I know I'm not staying here long my brain decided that my place was a dorm in this dream.
A lot of that is fuzzy, I remember driving at one point and trying to hide from a cop, and I think there was a murder or something and a whole thing about a vampire? Oof I'm not sure what the plot was but I was in this big dark house locking every door and window so terrified someone would come in and the one who did was like... my vampire boyfriend or something I guess? I may also be misremembering the context because I'm awake.
Anyway, the most prominent bit that is still in my brain was at the end. It was my last day at petsmart (did not look like petsmart at all tho, I didn't recognize any coworkers, and the cage cards for the animals looked like the ones at my current job but I digress). There was a whole section of adoptable cats. And even knowing that I have a dog and two cats at home (irl AND in the dream) I was still determined to adopt one of these cats to give someone for my cats to play with, not totally taking the consequences into play such as I WOULD SUDDENLY HAVE FOUR ANIMALS AND STILL NOT OWN A HOUSE.
So at first I do the paperwork myself at the end of my shift to adopt this black cat. As we're getting him out I see that he has an ear infection and meds. I sign the cage card like I did the medication for him because I will now that I'm his new parent.
I take him home and my pets like just don't acknowledge him at all and vice verse. He is sweet and wants pets but he doesn't have the vibe I was looking for and he ends up looking entirely different up close than I'd thought. So the next day even tho I don't work there anymore I pack him up like I do, and take him with me. I quietly put him back and reverse the charge (I remember thinking he was $111 but when I was ready to adopt him saw he was $1,114 and was like uhhhhh wait I can't afford that, so my coworker at the time -- who looked like Jackie from my current irl job -- took off anything extra and just charged me like $60 for his shots and chip and stuff. So when I went to return him I expected $60 back but I got like $32 instead).
I do also remember feeling guilty about adopting and then immediately returning a cat and I rehearsed in my head what to say so nobody would think I was a bad person for it, and after I returned him and was looking back and forth for another one, my irl coworker Jackie came back and was being judgy and I said what I'd rehearsed, that he didn't really mesh or get along with my other cats, and Jackie was like ???? So???? You need to try harder! And I was like ???????? Because I don't know how to tell them I just didn't like this cat's real personality when I got it home.
I then walk back and forth and see that there are more cats today and keep almost getting different ones! I remember a little blonde cat named Nervous who ate Doritos and I was told that she was 11 years old. I met another black cat (name was like Friskie or something I don't know) with a few prominent white hairs and I wanted to take her home, but she was too much of a cuddlebug and wasn't going to play with my first cats. There were a couple times I saw a cat I liked but there was something that kept me from adopting them, or I wouldn't like any of them and keep pacing back and forth like when you expect the fridge to magically have what you're craving but it doesn't.
And then finally, FINALLY it occurs to me that hey, my cats are fine, they can play together or with me? And having 3 pets already makes it hard enough to move around LET ALONE if I had 4 and cats are expensive too so maybe I just shouldn't get a 4th cat?
And then I woke up.
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storylocke · 10 months
Alolan Dusk 16
[The man made island was always a madhouse first thing in the morning, and there’s a buzz in the air as dozens of Foundation Employees all try to make their way to their stations for the day. Even if the president hadn't told them of the details from the night before, it’s clear that speed is on their minds. But not everyone is off and running, and it's amusing to Guzma then how easy it still is to spot Molayne in the rush of white uniforms.]
[And yet, the guy still wasn't alone. Casually walks up to the pair of researchers] Morning. Where are you two off to? 
[Surprisingly chipper] Good morning~! Did you sleep well? 
[As if his friend didn't notice.] Better than him. Colress? You alive there? 
[Yawns as he leans against the wall and nods at him] I'll be alright, just… Discovering even I have limits. 
[Motions for Guzma to lean in close and keeps his voice low] We ended up working late last night, and I was able to show him some of my… hidden talent. You know clock manipulation is always a little disorienting. I don't think he's caught up yet. 
[Crosses his arms and shakes his head at him. Softly] Yeah, I remember the first time ya did it to us, we were all wound up for like a week. 
[Harshly] That one was an accident. It was more like, uh… a defense mechanism.
[Perks up a bit in curiosity. Even if they are trying to be secretive about it, he takes a guess.] Hold on. Guzma knows you…? 
[Straightens up, speaking more normally] Yes. Guzma and Kukui did their trials the same year I did, so we've known each other a long time. I wouldn't say we've always been friends, but he's been kind enough to not spill my secrets. 
And find out what you could do if you were actually mad at me? I ain't touching that! Besides, we had other stuff going on. [Smiles as he sees Colress is dozing off on them again] Tell the truth, how far did you go? 
I think I bought us another six hours last night? But I would estimate that made for a twenty two hour work day for him yesterday?
You guessed wrong. It's been much longer than that!
Hehehe… He's gonna be so dead at that meeting then. 
[Alarmed] Meeting? What meeting? 
Ah, he didn't tell ya? I just came from Gladion's office, but he told me to go on ahead with the others and he'll meet me in Po Town. Said he needed to stay here so he could discuss some things with Colress about whatever it is you two are up to. 
[Frowns] If that's the case, I should probably go too. 
I appreciate the offer, Mr. Lillie, but didn't you promise Professor Burnet something? [Waves him off] The meeting is not until nine, and I can still try to get an hour's rest before then. 
[Amused] Yeah, you heard the man. Just dump him in one of the offices, and he'll be fine. 
[Sighs, but they both have a point]  
[Slaps him on the back] Cheer up, Mo. The cafe should be clearing out by now, so why don't we get you guys some Komala Coffee, and then you can decide which way you're going? 
In a moment, but what have we here?
[The other two turn to see what he means and find some of their coworkers had started gathering where the path widened to go around the elevator.] 
It seems Ilima will be able to come off the support sometime today. 
[Nervously] That's wonderful, but I'd rather discuss that in private. 
With everyone about to leave, when I see you? And it's not a secret when- [A look of intrigue at her companions, but feigns surprise] I mean, considering how much you two have been in contact since we arrived, I thought the professor would have been the first to be informed on our guest's conditions. 
[Frowns] Quips and I were just happy to hear Ilima reached you after the attack, I just thought…. I hoped he wasn't at dinner with us because he would have gone back to the Interpol Headquarters. I wouldn't blame him for lying low after nearly getting killed back there for just delivering the message. 
I'm afraid not. You wouldn't have seen him because he's been in the hospital wing since he arrived. 
Yes, and we'll need the hospital wing for other passengers soon enough. It's been suggested, given the circumstances of how and when he came to us, that he be moved for safer observation. 
Are you for real? 
Gah! [Slight jump as he moves next to Wicke] I wish you wouldn't sneak up on everyone like that. 
Is it really "sneaking" when you choose to hold your discussions in the middle of a walkway?
Exactly. I'm sure you mean well, but I wasn't planning to discuss this with the others until we knew Ilima's condition for sure. [The shakiness in voice only increases as she gazes down the hall again.] With all due respect, Mr. Faba, I need to attend to something. Wicke? It sounds like you have some new information to go over, would you mind going with the others to sort things out? Gladion and I will meet with you all later.
Of course. [Gives a little bow to the girl and watches her leave before turning to the ex-chief.] She is right, you know. Unless there was something more urgent you needed to tell us?
[No need to hide his hostility between them.] Only urgent to me. But as the young mistress says, we have other things to attend to. [Hands on his hips as he looks at the three who interrupted them] I don't suppose you have anything better to do right now?
Always! But she did tell us to go with you. 
[Gestures to quiet the group before these two can get started] Then I suggest we all get to our business. Burnet, Molayne, you're going with Lillie to Akala, correct? I'm sure she can explain more on the ferry. 
[Holds himself open. What gives?] 
You can ask Gladion when he arrives. And remember, as per the young mistress's wishes, try not to start rumors until we know anything for sure. 
[There comes a muddled murmur of agreement, and the team starts to break up again.] 
[Burnet was right to say it wouldn't take long to pack up what remains of the Dimensional Research Lab. As a handful of Employees help to pack and haul out dollies of boxes, Wicke observes it all through the large central screen and categorizes each item in the Aether inventory before seeing it packed away.] 
[They're more or less done now!] Thanks, guys. It's SO MUCH easier having a direct line to Aether now to know what we actually need to take instead of grabbing everything. It's still going to be weird working with my old teacher again. 
[Pleasantly surprised] I thought when you said you knew each other in college, you meant as classmates! 
I think the original Dreamyard has been gone since before I was born. 
[Wrapping up a spool of cords] I could see that. I think the Chief was working with your grandmother when I first visited Aether as a boy. [Nervously at the screen] I mean no offense. 
None taken. [Vainly brushes her bangs from her face.] A rare benefit of Outsider corruption, you could say. But unlike a few others I've known, I've found the best way to not dwell on the long years is to keep moving forward. 
[Growing concern] Others…? 
It's more common than you think. You'll meet them some day, I'm sure. Hold on. [Looks over at someone off screen and steps aside while the other three continue looking over the equipment. Returns.] Sorry about that. It seems Colress will be heading to Melemele, so he wanted me to pass a message on to you three: Get some rest when you get back, you'll be doing a test run tonight. No time set yet, further instructions will be given. 
[Now he's the one concerned] Test run…? 
You said that's for all of us? What am I testing?
[Shrug] He's gone now, so I'm not sure. But given the subject of our plans last night, he likely means for you to demonstrate the Reveal Glass to the others. 
I was afraid of that. I guess I could showcase one of my partners…[Goes to her desk where she had hidden the unusual object while working and peers into the looking glass. She should heed her own warning about using it too much, but all she sees looking back this time is herself. A bruised, sleep deprived version of herself with tear stains deeply marked. She wonders then if it was so obvious to everyone who saw her.] I don't know if I can do this. 
If all we need is to use the mirror on Necrozma, one of us could do it instead. [Thoughtful] And we can still test it on other things in the meantime. 
Like what?
Perhaps as a sort of detection device. One of the things Aether hasn't figured out yet is how to tell a Shadow Pokemon apart from a regular Pokemon until we have time to analyze its aggressive behavior. I heard Alola hasn't fared much better. 
[Hesitates] We can try it. But once we put some distance between Aether and Alola, we really should hide it again. 
[Sly grin] Aww, even from me? 
[Bluntly] Especially from you!
Well if you don't mind… [Shifts uncomfortably as she debates on asking] Would it be alright to use it for… something similar? 
[Look at her with curiosity and uncertainty]
Shadow people, I mean. [Saddened as she focuses on Burnet] I was wondering if it might be possible to use the Reveal Glass on Ilima. 
Miss Lillie, you were supposed to- 
I did, but all I told them was about the message and the ship and… Gladion and I were somewhat arguing about it after I found out the plan this morning, and I wasn't sure about asking yet. [Turns to address the other two] Gladion wants him moved because, if he's a Shadow, and we've long suspected he is, we don't want him to wake up and go on a rampage with other patients around. But even if his wounds have been healing and he's reported to be stable, I just don't feel like it's a good idea to move him right now. [Little nod to Burnet] I told Gladion to at least wait until I could talk more with you since you said the mirror could tell us for sure if he's any kind of threat instead of us just guessing like we have been. 
[Thoughtful] You said the mirror can cause a form change, maybe show how things really are… [Softly] but does it do anything to the Shadows? 
[Shakes head] It's only certain Pokemon that change, but I admit I was curious and tried it on Kukui since I was holding this in case Roark came back. The reflection… [Curls into herself] Just a misty, black silhouette of who he was. With how blank the Shadows seem to be, I'm sure it's some indication of what he remembers about himself right now. 
Hmm… That might change as he calms down, like we've seen with the others. I guess if we try it out tonight, we can see if there's any variation between the Shadows. If nothing else, we just need some obvious difference with Ilima to confirm his state of being. 
When it sounds like the situation is so dire, how could I say no? We'll see what we can do when we settle in for tonight. 
[With all of the willing Shadows already taken out of town, the plan had shifted to Lillie's suggestion of having to wait for the more fearful to get curious of their visitors. Gladion decided the best place to stay out of the way as he answered for earlier was for him and Guzma to head to the roof where they could oversee the rest of the town] 
She said she understands the need for precautions, but I don't think she gets the urgency of doing it as soon as we can. I don't want to call Lillie out for caring too much, I just feel like her personal ties might be causing some poor judgment. She's pretty fond of him.
[Voice dripping with sarcasm] Of course she is, that's part of the problem. Everyone loves Ilima. Melemele's golden boy.  
[Pauses as he stops to do the math] You would have moved off the island by the time he was born. What's your problem? 
Ya want a list? The only thing I need to know is what happens when Detective Gumshoos wakes up? Is he along for the ride or getting shipped back to HQ? Because Burnet was pretty sure he had already left until this morning. 
[Feels kinda bad to admit it] The conflict right now is we're not sure he will. I want to have him moved downstairs before he wakes up, so we don't have a new Shadow on the rampage. She's worried if we do anything before he's had the chance to fully recover, it'll only make his condition worse. If I guess wrong, there's a chance he could be unconscious indefinitely, but if we do it her way, he may need to be kept under intentionally until we have some kind of breakthrough.
[More curious than concerned.] Wait, so he's not a Shadow? I thought you guys were keeping him under so he didn't run off.
I'm more than sure he is, but it's not just that. He… I drove out to the Interpol cruiser and we found him inside not far from the wheel. The door was broken, [forms his fingers to mimic the claw marks] there were these huge gashes along the inside, and… a lot of blood. [Closes his eyes to fight against the memory of it. The scene had weighed heavily on him ever since he saw the video] A lot of blood. I'm no medical person, but if it was me, I would have said he was dead. Even getting him into the ward, I didn't think he'd have long. It's still some miracle he survived in his state for likely over a day since he had no way to address his injuries while unconscious. Ilima isn't just recovering, he might somehow be fully functional after all this. 
[Wry amusement] Except you don't believe in miracles. 
Exactly. There's something that's been bugging me about the whole thing. [Drops his head in thought] I can only assume one of two things: either Shadowfication causes a victim to be locked in a sort of stasis so he couldn't get any worse; but if that were the case, I'm not sure how he was able to get better either; or there's something else sustaining him. And if it's the latter, I'm scared Necrozma may have wanted us to find him.
So you're worried he's a Voltorb?
[Softly nods] The more I try to think about it, the less it makes sense. If Necrozma fed off of his aura for the energy like any other Shadow, why leave him there? Why not blast the ship like it did to the lab to ensure there was no possible way for Ilima to do any more damage? Why not stay on the boat to reach Aether and stop us before we could even begin the evacuation? That's why it tried to kill Kukui and Ilima before was because it wanted to stop the messenger, right? And even if it didn't know Ilima had set the autopilot to find us, why leave a Shadow adrift at sea? [Concerned as he looks at his old boss] I just feel like I've been on thin ice with Lillie for a while now, but after seeing the damage on the boat, the ending of Ilima's message keeps haunting me. [Moves to face Guzma] Just before Ilima was cut off, he taunted Necrozma about failing, but it just started laughing. With this being before we arrived, I just… it's plotting something. I'm sure of it. Am I just getting paranoid or does this make any sense? 
I think you've got every reason to be. [Even with Gladion venting to him, he can't help but gaze down the main road where a young Shadow slips out from around one the hedges. Seems the girl is intrigued by the Yungoose one of the Employees had let out.] That just opens a bunch of other questions. Y'know, like… why create Shadows at all? What's the point of them? It's one thing If we could just say that's just Necrozma's nature, that all it wants is to survive, and these shells are just some by-product. But that would still mean they're supposed to play a role in the natural hierarchy, right? Like Shedinja. In the wild, they can't do much, but they make great decoys so the new Ninjask don't get eaten. 
[Curious] So what do you think it is? A decoy?
I couldn't sleep last night, so I looked into that "Shadow Incident" Dexio mentioned. [Shifts awkwardly] It's some crazy stuff, the way those Cipher guys got Shadowfication down to an art and were just handing them out on the streets. It was like shoving an Outsider into a vessel and then that just seemed to attract bigger Outsiders, which they used to make more dangerous Shadows. The scary thing is, the only way they were able to pull this mass capture off was because Outsiders are dangerous but they're still pretty social. A lot like the Shadows. [Gestures to the show they're watching in action] You've seen it yourself: the ones that have gotten to know me, will pretty much do what I say. And in the reports, Shadow Pokemon might turn on their Trainers, but Cipher never had that problem. Maybe because they're the ones who made them. But even if ours are supposed to be different, ya gotta ask: can Necrozma do the same? If the Shadows belong to it, maybe it wouldn't have to waste any energy possessing people if it can just command them.
[Thoughtful] And I bet something obsessed with consuming energy wouldn't like anything that requires it to spend more. But if it was building up a sort of army, why hasn't it utilized it? I would think the Shadows would have attacked us long before we could put them in lockdown. 
[Shrugs] And maybe that just means I'll be paranoid with ya. [He points out the girl and the Yungoos playing around as the Preschooler mimics the Pokemon. The Employee moves closer, likely preparing to nab the child if he can.] Heh…. That ain't gonna end well. 
[Gladion watches intensely as the girl manages to avoid being grabbed, and shakes his head at the man as he told them not to use force. Suddenly, the girl becomes like a true shadow herself as her body seems to radiate with black energy and she lunges at the man with a speed that causes the energy to trail behind her in a blur! The Yungoos jumps in front to defend its' Trainer and recoils from the hit. It appears dazed from the blow, but before the girl can do much, a second Employee comes up from behind to scoop her off the pavement.] 
Looks like we better go help 'em. 
[Still staring down at the scene, he catches Guzma before he can walk away. Disturbed.] Isn't that black aura like what Burnet described happened with Kukui? 
Yeah. Why? 
[Flustered how he can say that so calmly] Because none of those we've been working with have ever done that?
Of course not. It just started a few weeks ago. New Shadows have been showing up with weird abilities now. It's like they're evolving. Which is why I'm on your side in thinking moving Ilima would be smart. If he became a Shadow the same night Kukui did, odds are he can do something like that too. 
[As the former Boss takes off, he lingers behind for a moment and watches the commotion on the street as the second Employee struggles. The little girl appears to be trying to climb out of his arms and onto his shoulder. Softly to himself.] Evolving…?
A/N: Just some downtime as the day moves on. Surely nothing important here. :)
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Today is a dreary day in more than just weather. I mentioned in a previous post that the coworker whose daughter I was making a sweater for had some health issues this year. Said coworker took extended leave and up to today we'd gotten positive updates.
Cut for medical talk.
A, my coworker's daughter, had begun having absence seizures early this year, shortly before her first birthday. Initially they were rare and never more than a minute or so. My coworker likely wouldn't have even noticed except that A is very engaged and active little girl. To have her suddenly spacing out like that was unusual. Her doctor dismissed it as something she'd likely grow out of. The seizures even stopped for three months or so.
When the seizures started back up they started happening more often--2 or 3 a week, at least--so my coworker (C) took A back to the doctor, and they were referred to a specialist. The specialist scheduled an EEG, which came back normal, and they were told it was nothing.
The seizures continued and increased in frequency and duration, so C fought for the specialist to run more tests. Another EEG was done and still came back normal. This time the specialist told my coworker that it was probably just indigestion, based on two normal EEGs and a couple of videos of the seizures happening. (Two nurse friends of C's, the primary doctor, the specialist's nurse, and everyone who saw the video agreed that it was not just indigestion.)
Naturally, C wasn't happy with this answer because something did not feel right. She went back to A's primary doctor, with the videos. The primary agreed something was wrong and contacted the specialist to try to get more answers; she told C that she was going to refer them to a different specialist, though, because she wasn't happy with the answers she got, either. C was given anti-seizure medication for A and told to try that until they could get into the new specialist. It seemed to help, and A was suddenly sleeping better and was less fussy.
The first specialist had agreed after the second EEG to schedule an MRI after a lot of pushing from C, so C kept that appointment since it took so long to get in.
A week before the MRI, A had a full on seizure. C called 911; the seizure lasted the entire 5 minutes it took an ambulance to get to their house. A was given a strong anti-seizure drug in the ambulance but continued seizing, and her pulse and oxygen levels dropped down to dangerous levels.
The ER refused to do any testing or take it seriously (one of the paramedics even gave C his phone number, telling her that she could contact him for his incident report because there was definitely something wrong and he couldn't believe the ER was ignoring it).
The MRI was at the end of August. It showed a small mass on A's brain, and they were airlifted to the children's hospital in Kansas City (about a 3 hour drive from where we live) and surgeons operated the next day.
Even though A had a stroke on the operating table and lost almost complete use of her right side, the surgery was successful and doctor's said there was a 95% chance that there would be no re-occurrence. She was put in extensive rehabilitation in KC for a couple of weeks and made fantastic progress.
Every update we've gotten up to now has been good. A continues making progress and is talking and walking and using her right side like nothing happened; physical therapy is continuing through the end of the year, and C opted to remain off work until then.
Apparently, though...A had another major seizure. The details I have are sketchy and I'm not going to bother C for more right now. Testing showed a bleed on A's brain, though, and they have her on some kind of medication. They're having to return to KC for another surgery to hopefully correct this.
I feel so bad for them. It's bad enough that C and her husband are having to watch their little girl go through this, but everything was going so well for weeks and then...this happens. I'm glad A is young enough that she likely won't remember this, but her parents are going to.
All I can really do is pray and make offerings to my gods, and...I don't know. Start another thing for A, as a way of telling the universe I refuse to believe she won't be here to use it? That she's going to pull through, and be fine, and nothing else is allowed to happen to her or her family, because they've gone through enough, damn it?
For now, I'm going to go finish a sock.
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jeysbvck · 2 years
hi shan! <3
can i request '' i haven't been able to stop thinking about you. '' + '' all i want to do is kiss you. all the time. '' for steve harrington?
a/n: HI RISH!<3 i hope this is okay, i'm sorry it took so long, i wanted to make it perfect! i've never wrote for Steve before, so here's my debut (that absolutely ran away with me i'm so sorry it's so long!)
warnings: none, i don't think!
word count: 2.4k
Steve Harrington was your weakness. Everyone knew it, everyone but Steve, that was. You met him when your best friend, Robin Buckley, started working at Scoops Ahoy, and you spent most of your time hanging around the ice cream store. At first, you only went there to see Robin, but the more you hung out there and got to know her very cute coworker, the more you started to conveniently forget when Robin was and wasn't working. Steve was oblivious each time, completely believing your very obvious lie, and he'd spend his shift talking to you and slipping you free ice cream.
Robin had caught on to the mutual crush pretty quickly and had become bored of watching this will-they-won't-they scenario, so she decided to give you both a little nudge in the right direction. Her plan was to make Steve throw a party, and then organize a game of 7 minutes in heaven, where you and Steve would be locked in a room, or a closet, until you both gave in. You thought it was a ridiculous plan when you realized what she was doing, but it worked. "My plans always work." Robin had said, and you couldn't disagree.
But then things started to go wrong. Hawkins became unsafe, with Steve right in the middle of it each and every time, all while keeping you at a distance. It became a cycle; Hawkins would crumble, you and Steve would argue, he'd go off and almost get himself killed but ultimately save the day, he'd come back and apologize, and everything would be okay until Hawkins fell again. It all became too much when he was attacked by a horde of demon bats, and although it broke your heart to do so, you walked away. Your feelings hadn't changed, not one bit, but it had become too hard, and you had to break the cycle. 
Hawkins had been quiet for a while, and your friendship with Steve had strengthened, going from awkward exes forcing a friendship to best friends. You were still head over heels in love with him, and it was hard sometimes, but as long as he was alive and in your life, it was fine. Robin and Nancy had been badgering you to talk to Steve, to get your relationship back on track since everything had quietened down, but you shut them down. You couldn't take going through everything again, and it was going to be hard enough if everything went to shit again, even if you were just friends.
With Robin and Steve now working at Family Video, it was a lot easier to spend your time hanging out with them while they worked. They were usually left alone on shifts, and you would help out occasionally, especially on release days when the store was bustling. Today was not one of those days, and with Nancy being out of town with Jonathan, you and Eddie were hanging out with Robin and Steve while they worked. Eddie Munson had been a surprising new addition to the group, but he was a welcomed one. You got along with Eddie amazingly, he was like the annoying brother you'd never had, and having Eddie in the group had changed the dynamic for the better.
While Steve and Robin were in the back taking stock, you and Eddie were sitting on the floor behind the counter facing each other, throwing Skittles at the other, trying to catch them in your mouth.
"So, are you going to Robin's party at Steve's?" Eddie asked, throwing a Skittle at your head. You glared at him as he laughed at you, making you throw a handful of sweets at him as you rubbed your forehead. "Hey, no fair!"
"Yes, I'm going to Robin's party." You told him, popping a Skittle into your mouth. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason." He said with a shrug. "Are you gonna tell Steve you're still in love with him?"
"Why would I tell Steve I'm still in love with him?" You enquired. Eddie let out a very loud, very sarcastic HA! and this time, you gave him a little kick.
 "Don't make me come over there." Eddie threatened, smirking at your smug face. "It's so obvious you two idiots are still in love with each other. Are you really going to let that go just because some crazy shit has happened?" He carried on and you chuckled dryly.
"We didn't break up because of the crazy shit, Eddie. We broke up because of how he reacted to the crazy shit." You clarified and Eddie scoffed.
"Please, can you honestly say you wouldn't have done the same thing? Tried to protect Steve if you knew this unexplainable stuff was happening? Of course he didn't want you to follow him into the jaws of death!"
You groaned. "Why are you all obsessed with this?" You sighed. "And this is basically the same thing Robin has already preached to me. Do you guys just get together and talk about our relationship?"
"Maybe we're just sick of watching you idiots dance around your feelings, and you're getting defensive because you know we're right." Eddie shrugged, popping a few Skittles into his mouth at once. You extended your leg to kick him again, but this time, Eddie grabbed your foot and pulled you towards him. "That's it, you asked for this!" He yelled, pulling you closer to him as you squealed.
"Eddie! Stop it!" You giggled, kicking out as he laughed loudly.
 "You never should've broken up in the first place, should you?!" He said loudly, as he put you in a headlock, ruffling your hair.
"Should you?!" He repeated.
"No!" You confessed, unable to contain your laughter as you tussled with Eddie, trying to release yourself from his grip.
"And wouldn't you want to be with Steve if the world was going to end?"
Before you could reply, Steve and Robin came out from the back. Steve jumped over the counter, and you watched his face drop as he saw you and Eddie practically wrestling on the ground in front of him, Skittles scattered around the small area.
"Seriously guys? I'd expect this from Dustin and Eddie, but you?" Steve chastised, as he glared at you, making you and Eddie giggle. Eddie let you go as Steve muttered "Jesus Christ."
"Sorry, Steve." You said, scooping the rouge Skittles up off the floor and throwing them in the bin. He rolled his eyes as he helped you up and you put your chin on his shoulder, ignoring Eddie, who was wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively. "Now cheer up and tell me the plan for tonight."
The party was nothing like you thought. You were expecting it to be a small gathering, consisting of you and your friends; mainly set up so your friends could play matchmaker, but this was an actual party, full of people you didn't know. You were pretty sure that Robin also had no idea who they were, and that Steve was the one who knew them, but you were ready to have a good time regardless.
You had noticed that Steve had been avoiding you, whenever he noticed you were in the room he'd just walked into, he'd walk out. However, when you mentioned it to Robin or Eddie, they blew you off. "He's just being a good host." Robin replied, to which you answered, "Isn't this your party?"
Instead of spending the night wondering what you had done to make Steve pretend you didn't exist, you decided to get drunk. You managed to swipe a bottle of wine from the kitchen and slip out of the back door undetected. There weren't too many people outside, which wasn't surprising, considering it was a cold November night, and you sat at the edge of the pool, slipping your sneakers off and dipping your toes in the cold water, staring out into the woods behind Steve's garden. You thought about the last time you'd sat here before everything went to shit. How Steve wrapped you up in his arms and peppered you with kisses, making promises that he'd break a few weeks later.
Eddie was right. If Hawkins was burning, you'd want to be by Steve's side when it happened, no matter where it was. That was the problem though, wasn't it? Steve was so protective of you, he hadn't ever given you that choice. He never thought about what would happen if things went south, or if you never got a chance to say goodbye to each other.
A hand on your shoulder made you jump and you let out a small scream. You had been so lost in your thoughts - and in the bottle of wine - that you hadn't heard anyone come up behind you, let alone say your name.
"Whoa, sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you!" Steve said, squeezing your shoulder before he let go and sat next to you, also putting his feet into the pool, hissing slightly as he got used to the cold water. "You okay?"
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "I'm fine." You replied, glancing at Steve out of the corner of your eye to see if he believed your lie; the look on his face told you he definitely didn't.
"What's wrong?" He asked you, and you answered with a question of your own.
"Are we okay?"
It stunned Steve into silence and when you stole another glance at him, you couldn't help but smile slightly at his bewildered expression. "Why wouldn't we be okay?" He asked, and you exhaled a short breath out of your nose in fake amusement.
"Steve, I've watched you walk into at least three rooms tonight, see that I'm in there, and walk straight back out. You've been avoiding me all night! If it's about me and Eddie, at the video store this afternoon then-"
"I know there's nothing going on between you two, Eddie's already assured me." Steve replied, making you arch your eyebrow.
"Assured you? You really thought I'd-"
"Yeah! I mean-No! I didn't think you and Eddie were...you know? I just- I didn't-" Steve groaned and sighed, as he ran his hands through his hair. His arm caught your attention, the way his t-shirt clung to the muscle, almost like the fabric was about to burst at the seam. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."
You blinked a few times, trying to register what Steve had just said. You were pretty sure your brain was malfunctioning, his words were rattling around in your head, yet you weren't actually sure he'd said them, maybe you'd misheard him.
"What did you say?" Your voice was barely audible. Steve lifted his hand up, wavering above your thigh before he changed his mind and grabbed the bottle of wine from between your legs. He took a large sip from the bottle and then took a deep breath before repeating himself.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I know we've been spending a lot of time together, and maybe that's why. I mean, you're one of my best friends, y'know? But I don't think about Robin, Eddie, or Nance as much, or the way I think about you."
Steve was rambling on but you weren't listening, all you can hear was the thumping of your heartbeat. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said anything. I know it's my fault we broke up, and we're in such a good place right now. I've just been talking to Eddie and Robin about you, about us, and they made me realize-"
"Steve." You put your hand on his thigh and his eyes darted down at it before he looked back at you, his eyes wide and lips parted slightly. When he made this face, he resembled a Golden Lab, and it was one of the most adorable sights in the world. "It was my fault we broke up." You told him, making him frown and shake his head.
"No, I pushed you away. I thought I was protecting you - and I was - but I was also protecting myself. I was being stupid. I thought it would be easier if you weren't with me, but I was just more worried, wondering about what if it went wrong, and your last memory of me would be of us arguing and me walking away. Eddie made me realize I wasn't being fair to you. I wasn't thinking about what it would do to you, I wasn't thinking about you sitting at home being terrified for me."
You couldn't help but laugh, which made Steve's mouth drop into a small 'O'. You grabbed his hands and tilted your head, staring into his big, beautiful, hazel eyes, and smiled. "Funny you should say that, because Eddie made me realize that I would've done the same thing if the tables were turned. I'd do anything to try and protect you, so of course I'd try and keep you away from danger! I love you!"
Steve grinned. "You love me?" He asked, and you nodded. He put his forehead against yours and smiled, "I love you too."
"Who'd have thought, eh? Eddie Munson being a great matchmaker?" You said, and Steve chuckled. "So, what do you want? What do you want to happen now?"
"All I want is to kiss you. All the time!" Steve replied, and you giggled as a grin spread across your face. "So can I?"
"Yeah, you can." You said. Steve pulled you closer to him - careful not to knock you into the pool - and tucked your hair behind your ear before he gently pressed his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss instantly, you had dreamed of your first last kiss, craved the rush you got when he kissed you for so long. His hands cupped your cheeks, deepening the kiss, and his tongue slipped into your mouth as the passion intensified.
You pulled back before you both got too carried away, a bashful smile on your face as Steve kissed the tip of your nose. "Does this mean we're back together?" He asked, his fingers lacing around yours. You arched your eyebrow, your smile turning into a smirk.
"I'm in if you are." You confirmed, rolling your eyes affectionately at his incessant nodding. "But I swear to God, Harrington, if you pull that shit again-"
"Never." He cut you off, his hands leaving yours to cup your cheeks again. "Whatever happens, no matter what, we'll deal with it together."
"Together." You repeated, smiling against Steve's lips as he kissed you.
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Okay so- I've had a really bad weekend so far, I missed my anti-depressants so I was sad, ate cookies and cream ice cream to drown my sorrows (which was a really bad idea since I ate a whole thing of it and had pasta AND am lactose intolerant), and had a panic attack today so ya boi really needs some comfort haha! Anything remotely comforting with any of the dbd killers (though preferably including The huntess, the legion, ghostface, and or the trickster) with a gn reader would be amazing. 💞💞
Warnings- mentions of panic attacks.
I get you, as I am writing this I just got done with a super bad day. I hope everyone seeing this is having a great day. And if not, I hope this makes it better!
Anna "The Huntress" (Tw: is fem sex)
You suffered from panic attacks. You were lucky enough that most times they were at the campfire and you could simply sneak off into the woods and calm yourself down. Except for this time. When you felt that familiar feeling of emptiness in your head you knew what was happening. You needed to get it together. There were already two sacrificed and someone else on a hook. You started losing your breath as you fell up against a wall crying. Soon you heard a familiar humming that started to calm you down for a second. It was Anna. She would spare you sometimes, and the other times she wouldn't. The thought of her sacrificing you scared you. Soon she was right at your side pulling you in close and hugging you. Without a second thought, you threw your arms around her and hugged her tightly. She rubbed your back and lifted you up. She was humming in your ears as she carried you. Soon you were placed next to the hatch with her stroking your cheek. "Would you like to come to see me when you get back, little rabbit? You may should you wish. You are always welcome." Blinking back tears you nodded and she smiled. "Alright then. I'll have some hot chocolate and a blanket ready for you." She kissed your head and motioned to the hatch. You jumped in feeling a lot better now that you'd get to see Anna.
Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson / Ghostface
You were one of the journalists working for the Roseville Gazette alongside Jed Olsen. You hadn't told anyone yet, but you had been receiving calls from the Ghostface killer for a few weeks now. You knew that him spending so much time on a kill wasn't like him so the fact that he was prolonging your demise was making the situation more stressful. At this point, you were scared to leave your house in fear that he'd be outside. You did your best to stay as late as you could to the point you were taking on others' work for them so you'd have a reason to stay behind. It was usually only you and your coworker Jed who stayed late. He was the one covering all the Ghostface stories. You have been meaning to ask him questions about Ghostface for a while now. Tonight was the night. Standing up, you made your way to his office. The door was open so you knocked on the frame. He looked up from his laptop at you. "Ah. (Y/N). You are here late. Why have you been staying after so much lately? You are the first one here and the last to leave." You pressed your lips into a thin line and shrugged your soldiers. "Just love my job." He thought that was a cute attempt at a lie. "Can I ask you some questions about Ghostface?" He smiled at you and nodded his head. "Absolutely! Please, take a seat." You sat down in one of the chairs across from him. "How long does he usually take with a victim? Does he tend to toy with them before killing them?" Jed thought for a second before shaking his head. "Not usually. I think the most he has spent on a victim was four days. And he doesn't usually toy with them the way I think you mean. He lets them know he is on to them but other than that he doesn't tend to make himself known to them aside from the phone calls." So then why had he been stalking for three weeks now was unusual. You felt yourself starting to get breathless. Jed frowned. "(Y/N) are you alright?" Danny feigned a shocked expression. "Is there something you're not telling me?" You were shaking at this point. "G-Ghostface... h-he's been stalking me. For three weeks now." Jed raised his eyebrows. "Wow... he must really like you. Have you considered that it could be someone you know? You could be the key to finding his identity." He leaned forward with his elbows on the table. "It could be someone close to you. Someone you trust. Someone you are around all the time. Maybe you did something to catch his attention. Something that sets you apart from anyone else he's encountered." You started breathing rapidly. Danny frowned before rushing to your side. He almost exposed himself right there. He hugged you and started rubbing your back lightly. "It's okay, I won't let him hurt you. He won't hurt you. I promise."
The Legion (Frank, Joey, Susie, Julie)
tw- bullying and flashbacks of abuse
Everyone knew FJSJ. The four kids of Ormond High that you steered clear of. Them, and one other person in the school. You weren't any different. Any time you saw one of them you quickly turned around and avoided them at all costs. Until one day they came the people that meant the most to you. You were the kid in school that fit the nerd stereotype. The one that the football quarterback came for to do his homework so he'd be eligible to play. Until you got tired of it. Which is how you ended up pressed against the wall with a bulky football player keeping you there. "What did you just say to me?" With a shaky voice, you attempted to stand your ground. "I said I'm not doing your Calculus project." He smirked. A smirk that reminded you so much of watching the way your mother's ex-boyfriend would when he was hitting your mom in front of you. You began to lose your breath and tears began to form. He reeled his fist back and you shut your eyes waiting for the blow that never came. You felt someone pulling you to them, another person rubbing your back. You could hear someone on the ground grunting in pain. You finally opened your eyes and saw.... pink? Susie, the nicer side of the group that called themselves Legion, was hugging you. She noticed you were looking at her and smiled at you. Julie was the one rubbing your back. You looked or just in time to see Frank, the leader, pick up your attacker by the collar of his shirt after Joey got one last kick to the ribs in. "You ever lay a hand on them again, I won't be so merciful next time, got it?" The football player nodded before getting to his feet and running off. Frank looked at you. "You okay?" You sniffed and nodded. Susie hugged you. "Hey, it's okay. Breathe. It'll be alright. We are here and no one else will mess with you again. You nodded into her shoulder. That was a few years ago. Now here you stand eye to eye with Frank in your first trial in the Entitys realm. "This is where you guys disappeared to?" He stared at you. "You need to run. This isn't Kansas, Dorthy."
Ji-Woon Hak- The Trickster
You were the next to debut at Mightee One Entertainment. A soloist. You were backstage with seven minutes to spare until you were going to make yourself known to the world. A thought that absolutely terrified you. You were breathing really heavily trying not to cry so you didn't ruin your makeup. You had your head in between your knees until you heard a singsong voice call "(Y/NNNNN) are you almost ready- oh dear. What's wrong starlight?" You shook your head. "I can't go out there. I can't. What if they don't like me. What if they don't like my music." He lifted your head to make you look at him. "Don't think such silly things. They will love you. They'd be crazy not to. The people that hate on us are the ones jealous that they don't have the talent we do." He pulled you to your feet. "Don't let them scare you. After this they will be worshiping the ground you walk on and they will be triping over themselves to get a glimpse of you up close. You'll do great. Think of how hard you worked to get to this point, you will do great." He kissed your head. "Thank you, Ji-Woon." Yun Jin came in. "(Y/N) let's go. It's time." You looked back at him. "Thank you." He smiled his famous grin at you. "Thank me when you are accepting'your award for best performance. Now go out there and steal the show, Starlight."
I hope you enjoyed
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jamiewintons · 2 years
Break Time (Chris Pitt-Goddard/F!Reader)
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Summary: You've got a massive crush on Chris, but you don't believe he'd ever see you as anything more than a coworker. Things might be set to change when you walk into the back room to a very interesting sight...
Tags/Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY). Coworkers to Lovers. Awkward Crushes. Semi-Public/Workplace Sex. Oral Sex (F!Receiving). Desk Sex. Insecure!Reader. Unprotected Sex. Chris being a little shit.
A/N: Once again, this is dedicated to everyone over at the Baynton Babes server. I wouldn't be able to write these kinds of things without your support and encouragement, and I appreciate every one of you. I’ll put the AO3 link in the replies!
Word Count: 3974
Chris Pitt-Goddard was a very strange man, and often you found yourself wondering why it was that you liked him so much.
To be honest, he had a habit of making your job far more difficult than it needed to be. The amount of fights he picked with customers that you ended up having to resolve had to number in the hundreds by now, and you’d only been working with him for about six months. Sometimes, he’d just skip out on work on a whim because he got bored, and went looking for something more interesting to do.
But despite all of that, you did like him. You really liked him. It was getting to the point where you were embarrassed by the effect he managed to have on you. Any time Chris so much as looked at you, you would blush a shade of bright red and had to avert your eyes like an infatuated teenager. You knew that you were definitely too old to be acting that way, but you couldn’t help it. You weren't exactly great at hiding it either, and you wondered whether Chris had any idea of how you felt about him.
Even if you did, you knew that it really didn’t matter. Chris was weird, sure, but he was also one of the hottest guys you’d ever met in your life. Not only that, he was pretty much a genius, and he had an insane amount of confidence that you could never hope to match. He could probably get any girl he wanted.
You’d never considered yourself to be particularly attractive, and you were awkward as hell, so you knew that you were deluding yourself even imagining that a guy like Chris would ever look at you as anything more than a coworker.
Sure, you guys had fun goofing around together when you were on the same shift, and one time he had even told off a rude customer who had shouted at you until you were on the verge of tears, but at the end of the day, you were just two people who happened to work at the same tech shop.
Today had been one of those days, and it wasn’t even half over yet. There had been a huge rush of customers after you’d just opened that had lasted for a couple of hours, in the middle of which, Chris had simply disappeared. It would have been almost impressive if it weren’t so annoying; you hadn’t even seen him actually leave. You’d turned away from him to speak to a customer, and when you looked again, Chris was gone without a trace. How did he always manage to do that? And what kind of blackmail material did he have on your boss that allowed him to keep getting away with it?
Once you’d finished helping the sweet old lady who had been looking for a camera for her grandson, you glanced at the clock and noticed that your break had technically started six minutes ago.
“Go on, go and take your break,” said Sarah, another one of your coworkers. “The rush is over, I can handle things on my own for a bit. I’ll let you know if Chris shows himself again.” She rolled her eyes. You knew that she wasn’t exactly Chris’ biggest fan, and as someone who did really like him, you could kind of understand why.
“Thanks so much! I’ll see you after!” You told her with a smile and a polite wave, before walking towards the breakroom to collect your things. You’d been so busy that you hadn’t really found the time to think about what you were going to have for lunch. There was always that nice Chinese restaurant down the street, or maybe you could go for something more simple like a sandwich–
All thoughts of food – and anything else, really – left your mind in an instant when you opened the door to the breakroom, and were greeted by a sight that you were sure you would only ever see in your dreams.
Chris was standing in the middle of the room in his underwear.
If you had been capable of rational thought in that moment, you would have wondered, very reasonably, exactly why Chris would be standing around only in his undies at work . But as soon as you laid eyes on him, your brain essentially ceased functioning. The only adjective that came to mind to describe him was ‘beautiful’. He was thin – though you already knew that – but he didn’t look sickly or scrawny. Every inch of him was absolutely perfect, far better than anything your daydreams could have ever conjured up. You wanted to run your hands all over his body and feel his soft skin under your fingers, or to trail kisses down his torso…
You weren’t sure how long you were staring, but you were only broken out of your daze by Chris’ voice. “My eyes are up here,” he said, and worried that you’d creeped him out by so shamelessly ogling him, your eyes quickly darted up to his face. Chris seemed far from uncomfortable; in fact, he was giving you his trademark cheeky grin. It was something that you saw almost every day, but somehow it affected you even more when he was in such a state of undress.
Was this a dream? There was no way that this was actually happening, right? People just didn’t strip down to their underwear at their place of work in real life. That was the kind of thing that only happened in porn.
Chris was looking at you intently, as if he was waiting for you to say something, but you still found yourself incapable of forming a coherent sentence. If you tried to speak, you were pretty sure all that would come out of your mouth would be a string of confused noises and something resembling the words ‘please take me now’.
“Y/N?” Chris said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He’d thought your reaction was kind of cute at first, but he was starting to seriously worry that you were going to faint or something. He took a couple of steps towards you, and for the first time since you came into the room, you made proper eye contact with him. “Are you okay?”
Without thinking, you closed the extra distance between the two of you, before cupping Chris’ face in your hands and crashing your lips against his. You didn’t even have time to consider whether it had been the wrong thing to do, your instincts had simply taken over.
Luckily for you, Chris did not seem disappointed. He made a little squeak of surprise – he certainly hadn’t been expecting this from you of all people – but within a few seconds he was already kissing you back with even more fervour, one of his hands tangling into your hair. His other arm wrapped around your waist, pulling your body closer to his, so you were flush against each other.
After a few moments, your need for oxygen overtook your need for him. You pulled away from each other's lips, but found yourselves unable to break away from each other's gaze. Seeing the desire you held for Chris reflected in his own eyes affected you in a way you weren't even sure how to describe. There was no doubt about it; he wanted you too. It was like a fire had been ignited inside of you, and you never wanted it to be extinguished. That knowledge gave you a boost of confidence, the likes of which you’d never felt before in your life.
With that fire still blazing inside of you, you kissed him again, like it was the only thing keeping you alive. Soon you felt Chris beginning to tug at the hem of your shirt, and you were so dazed that it took a moment for you to process exactly what he was trying to do. When you’d figured it out, you helped him to lift it up and over your head, only breaking the kiss once you absolutely had to. Now it was Chris’ turn to shamelessly ogle you, though it didn’t last very long, because soon enough his mouth was at your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin there.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” Chris groaned against your throat, and God , hearing those words come out of his mouth made you feel like you were going to melt. Just knowing that he wanted you too drove you crazy. One of his hands trailed up your torso to cup one of your breasts, squeezing it gently but firmly and making a soft moan escape past your lips. “You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this.”
“I’ve been thinking about it pretty much since the day I met you,” you told him between harsh breaths, struggling to get the words out. “It’s so hard to focus on computers… when all I can do is imagine what your lips feel like.”
“Now that you don’t need to imagine any more, maybe you’ll focus better,” Chris suggested, before tracing his tongue over an already fading bite mark.
“I doubt it. Now that I know what it’s like to kiss you, I’m never going to be able to think about anything else.”
Chris laughed softly, and he kept moving downwards until his kisses reached your still partially covered breasts. He seemed particularly enamoured with that area of your body, judging how much attention he was lavishing on it; while he kissed one, his hand squeezed the other, and you soon reached your arms behind your back to unfasten your bra so Chris could remove it.
Now, without the pesky fabric hindering him, Chris was able to continue further, eagerly licking and sucking at your nipples and making you gasp. He revelled in coaxing reactions out of you, you could feel him grinning each time you made even the slightest noise.
Chris seemed entertained by his current activity, but you ached to go further. Your mind was far beyond thinking about your lunch break – honestly, you barely even remembered you were at work anymore – but somewhere deep down you still recognised that your time was limited.
“Chris,” you breathed, making him stop what he was doing to look up at you. He knew what you were asking, you didn’t even have to say a word. Chris tore himself away from your chest and took your hand in his, leading you across the room to a desk, covered by paperwork and miscellaneous computer components. 
Before you could even wonder what he was going to do, Chris pushed everything off the desk with a sweep of his arm, the objects scattering onto the floor and making a rather loud noise. “I’ll clean it up, I promise,” he told you, though you weren’t sure if you believed him, nor that you even cared, as you sat yourself on the edge of the desk, hurriedly kicking off your shoes as Chris began working on your trousers.
You assisted him in removing the garment, and Chris unceremoniously tossed it aside, to wherever your shirt and bra had ended up. Now you were left only in your panties, and Chris was quick to drop to his knees between your slightly spread legs. He smirked at the sight of the sizeable wet area on your underwear, at how much he had already been able to affect you, and starting from your ankles, began slowly peppering kisses up your legs, closer and closer to where you really needed him.
Once he’d reached your inner thighs, Chris began leaving gentle bites against the sensitive flesh there. You were pretty sure there would be marks there later, but really, you didn’t mind. If anything, you wanted him to leave marks, so later when you were wondering to yourself about whether this had been a dream, you would have concrete evidence to remind you that it indeed was real.
After what felt like an eternity, Chris’ lips had come to the top of your thighs, pressing right against where the edge of your panties met your skin. He looked up at you, eyes sparkling with mischief, as his fingers teased the sides of the thin fabric. You were sure he was going to pull them down, but no, instead he stuck his tongue out, gently licking you through your underwear.
As frustrating as it was, it still felt good, even if he wasn’t touching you directly. His tongue focused on the wet spot that had formed, tasting what he could of you, but you could tell that he was quickly growing impatient – as were you – and he wanted to try the real thing. 
Chris hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties, pulling them down the length of your legs and once again throwing them aside. His gaze returned to your face, as you stared down at him hungrily. “Think you’re ready, babe?” he asked smugly, and taking a deep breath, you nodded. Chris gripped your hips before lowering his face between your thighs.
He wasn’t one to start slow, ready to enthusiastically devour you right from the beginning. Already, you found yourself having to grip his hair between your fingers. “You taste so good,” he moaned against you, the vibrations of his voice sending shockwaves through your body and making you cry out. In a clearer mental state, you would have been concerned about someone hearing you, but the world outside this room didn’t seem to exist to you anymore. All that mattered was Chris and his mouth and how good he was making you feel.
Perhaps it was due to your relative lack of experience, but it wasn’t long before Chris had you whimpering, squirming against his tongue as he lapped at you. You knew that you were already teetering on the edge, feeling the wave of pleasure just about ready to overtake you, when suddenly everything stopped.
You opened your eyes to look down at Chris in utter shock, only to once again see that cheeky grin plastered across his face, his lips and chin glistening with your wetness. You let out a noise of confusion, unable to find the words to question him on what he’d just done, why he’d stopped when you’d been so, so close to finishing. Chris laughed, clambering up off his knees and standing up. For the first time, you chanced a look down, noticing his prominent erection through his boxer briefs. You bit your lip.
“Don’t worry, babe, it’s not over yet.” Placing a hand against your cheek, Chris leaned down to kiss you, making you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. The kiss was very brief, and he broke away from you, smiling devilishly.
Chris stepped backwards, scrambling to remove his underwear and nearly tripping over in the process. Then you were treated to the sight of a fully naked Chris, which you had to say, was a wonderful one. Your gaze fixated on his thick, leaking cock and you ached to finally feel it inside of you.
“Usually I don’t like exerting so much energy, but I’m feeling generous today,” Chris told you, pressing a few more kisses to your neck and pulling you closer to the edge of the desk. You could feel his cock pressing against you and it made you even more excited. “But next time, you have to make it up to me.”
“Oh, you’ve decided there’s already going to be a next time, have you?” you teased, but truthfully, the thought that he would want to do this with you again made you feel a little giddy.
“Babe, once I’m done with you, you’re going to be begging for a next time.” Chris winked at you, and once again, there was his cheeky grin. You rolled your eyes affectionately.
“Well, hurry up and prove it,” you challenged, smirking.
Chris moved his hips back, and you braced yourself for him to push inside of you, but instead he just decided to slide his cock between your dripping folds, the head nudging against your swollen clit. It felt good, and with how close you had already been before, you were incredibly sensitive. You were pretty sure that you could probably come just from this – in an embarrassingly short amount of time – but you didn’t want to, not when the alternative seemed far better.
“Chris,” you whined, and still he continued to tease you, smirking wickedly as he did so. You felt yourself approaching the edge again, and all you wanted was for him to hurry up and fuck you already. “Christopher Pitt-Goddard, I swear if you keep teasing me like this, I’m going to–”
Your threat transformed into a long, drawn out moan as Chris used that very moment to finally sheath himself inside of you, all in one movement. You were once again left speechless, staring at him with wide eyes.
“You were saying?” Chris asked, still keeping that grin, as he immediately began moving his hips, too eager to allow you even a few moments to adjust. Really, you didn’t feel like delaying things any longer either. You’d been wanting this for far too long.
Hooking one leg around Chris’ waist, you did your best to move your hips in rhythm with his. It was unbelievable how amazing it felt, far better than all of the times that you had touched yourselves and pretended it was him. Your imagination couldn’t have given you the little whiny moans he let out, or the way he desperately grabbed at your hips to push himself further inside of you, or how he would lean down to nip at your neck whenever he felt the urge.
You leaned back slightly, struggling to keep your eyes open so you could watch Chris’ face. He seemed to far more focused on this than you’d ever seen him be on his work. It was kind of sweet, and you couldn’t help but smile. Chris saw your expression and smiled too, bending down to capture your lips with his. His thrusts sped up slightly, and you moaned into his mouth, leaning back a little further. Breaking away from his lips, you shifted your weight onto your elbows so you could lift one of your legs to rest on his shoulder. The other leg followed, so your calves were about his neck.
“Oh fuck,” Chris moaned breathlessly, pressing his body against your legs so that they were pushed back further towards your chest. You were practically bent in half beneath him, but you didn’t really mind. He put his hands under your hips to help him guide his thrusts more easily. Chris hadn’t been lying before when he said that he didn’t like to exert too much energy, even during sex – honestly, if the situation had been different he probably would have preferred you to ride him – but this position allowed him to reach so much deeper inside you, and he couldn’t even think of how tired he was going to be afterward.
Chris stared down at you with blown-out eyes as he crashed his lips against yours, devouring them hungrily. You were gasping, barely able to kiss him back at this point. The way you were breathlessly moaning, trying to pull him even closer with your legs over his shoulders was intoxicating. He could tell you were getting closer and closer, but he worried that he would end up finishing before you, and that just couldn’t be allowed to happen.
He grabbed your legs and put them back around his waist, placing one hand on your back so he could pull you back up towards him. His other hand, the one that wasn’t holding you steady, snuck between your legs to stroke two fingers against your sensitive clit. Chris felt you tighten around him as you whimpered, and he knew that he was on the right track.
“I can feel that you’re getting close, babe,” Chris whispered between kisses to your throat, his thrusts becoming more intense as his fingers continued to dance against your clit. “I want to feel you come for me.”
His tone – unbeknownst to him – was almost a begging one, and the sound of it combined with all of the pleasure you were feeling began to overwhelm you. You’d already been so close anyway, so Chris’ encouragement was the one last thing you needed to push you over the brink. Crying out his name, you dug your fingernails deep into his back.
“Holy shit,” Chris groaned with a shuddering breath, finding the rhythm of his hips difficult to maintain. Not just because of how tightly you were gripping him, but because of the sight of your face in such ecstasy, because of him. A few more thrusts were all he needed and then he was coming too, clenching his eyes shut and moaning your name along with a string of curse words as you felt his warmth flood you.
You both took a few moments to come down from your highs, breathing heavily. With his body still shaking a little, Chris slowly pulled out, before practically collapsing against you and pressing his face into your neck. Your heart skipped a beat; after all of what you had just done, something as simple as that shouldn’t have affected you. Nevertheless, it did, and you brought up a hand to stroke his hair, feeling him smile and relax into your embrace.
“You know, I meant what I said before. I think you’re really hot,” Chris told you, mumbling sleepily. “I wasn’t just saying it to get into your pants. I like you. I’ve liked you for ages.”
“I like you too, Chris,” you said, feeling a blush creep its way onto your cheeks. All this talk of liking each other seemed awfully childish, but it felt really good to admit, knowing that he felt the same.
You looked around at the state of the room, as you slowly came back to reality. Your clothes were scattered everywhere, along with the paper and computer parts that Chris had so carelessly swept off the desk and onto the floor. “We’d better clean all this up and then get back to work, I suppose.” You sighed.
“I don’t feel like going back to work. Too tired,” Chris whined, nuzzling against you like a cat looking for attention. You couldn’t help but smile, and enjoyed the feeling of his soft hair as you ran your fingers through it.
“You know… if you’re really good and help me clean up, then do everything else you need to do for the rest of the day…” You took a sharp inhale, hoping that this would work and it wouldn’t come off as too forward. “I might let you come over to mine after work? Maybe we could… do this again?”
Chris’ eyes widened. You had never seen him move so quickly in all the time you’ve known him, as he darted around the room, collecting your clothes and delivering them back to you. He was so enthusiastic that as you got dressed, he even tidied up all of the mess that the two of you had made, before dressing himself.
Before you stepped out of the breakroom and into the main area of the shop, Chris pulled you towards him and kissed you, much softer and sweeter than the other kisses you’d shared since the first one. It wasn’t until later when your stomach started rumbling that you realised you’d forgotten to eat. Thankfully, your new boyfriend – as Chris had referred to himself that night – was perfectly willing to share some of the snacks that he apparently had hidden around the shop, so you had no reason to regret how you had decided to spend your lunch hour.
Requests for fics/drabbles, headcanons, and character preferences are currently OPEN!
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dokueshi · 3 years
You don't need anyone or anything but me.
Yandere!Chuuya Nakahara x Female!Reader
Request: @shoutooooooooooooooo
warnings: yandere, stalking(i guess?).
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9:00 PM.
The gas station at this late hour is rather deserted. From time to time a few drivers parked here to refuel or buy something in the shop, where a young woman sat behind the counter who should not be sitting there.
She was a young sophomore who decided to earn some extra money by working at this gas station.
She didn't fit there.
Her beautiful complexion, so smooth and delicate, resembling the surface of a porcelain doll that no one should touch because it could be easily scratched.
Nobody should touch you except him.
Her H/c hair, soft as silk that everyone cannot afford, so soft no one should comb it because no one deserves it, not even the richest people.
He wants to touch them so much.
Her beautiful little hands, so tiny and slender they might break if she wanted to pick up something heavier than a carton of merchandise for a store.
He wants to hold them until he dies.
Her beautiful smile, as beautiful as the sun on a stormy day, warming, gentle, giving hope for a beautiful sunny day. More beautiful than all the works of art and nature that exist on this Earth.
He would do anything to make you smile at him like that every day.
On weekends off she would meet her friends, go to the cinema, park, sometimes for ice cream or at a restaurant with them. Unfortunately, apart from female friends, she also had male friends. They were terrible, they talked to you constantly, touched you on the head and shoulders, told you dirty jokes and gave you strange hints that you clearly didn't notice.
They were hideous, but you didn't see it.
He knew sometimes you didn't feel safe in your home. He knew that when the evening began, you close the front door and windows that could be accessed by intruders. He also knew you had nightmares that made you unable to sleep at night, he knew you felt watched.
You muttered dissatisfied, rubbing your eyes.
Why did you always have to be sleepy when your night shift started?
-"Oi Y/n, you'll have to be left alone here today."
Your coworker said. Himari was a difficult person, energetic even chaotic, but still nice to you and you liked her.
-"Why? Do you have a date or something?"
You said jokingly, watching Himari remain silent for a moment, caught red-handed.
-"Seriously?" - you sighed, resigned.
-"It's important for me!" -brunette cried.
-"Okay, okay, but you have to make it up to me later!"
You heard the loud roar of the engine, and as you turned your gaze to the sound, you noticed a red motorcycle parked fairly close to the station.
After leaving the vehicle, the driver took off his black helmet, revealing his red hai-
-"Excuse me?"
You were interrupted by a blonde woman who was standing in front of you with a few things on the counter.
-"Oh! Sorry!"
You responded embarrassed, then started picking up the products, forgetting the man who had just walked in.
-"Here you go, that's all?"
-"Yes, Thank you."
She briefly replied to what you just handed her a bag with her purchases and wished her a nice evening.
After the woman left the station, you could now take a look at the man.
He had red, slightly long hair that framed his slightly tanned face, with tiny freckles on his nose. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, and dark blue jeans. Honestly, he was even attractive.
The male went to one of the drink racks in front of you. But his behavior was quite strange?
Time and time again his eyes fell on the blonde who was getting into her car, as if he wanted to make sure that she would leave. Was he following her?
When the woman was far enough out to be seen, the man turned his gaze back to the drinks, pretending to be interested. After a while he took a random bottle of soda and walked over to the counter. He put the bottle on the counter and waited calmly for you to take it.
-"That's all?"
You asked politely, hiding your awkwardness. The redhead looked at you with his sea eyes and replied shortly:
-"Allright, that will be 549¥." (5,29$ i guess)
The man grunted shortly then took out his wallet and paid you. Before he left the station, he leaned his elbows on the table and asked, smiling friendly.
-"You know, I was wondering...maybe you would like to go out for a drink or meet up someday?"
You stopped for a moment. What should you do? Honestly, you wouldn't have a problem with that, after all, not every day a handsome man invites you somewhere, but you couldn't shake the feeling that he was suspect.
-"Um, I'm not sure, I have quite a lot on my mind and-"
-"I'm sure you'll have time. Maybe Saturday?"
-"Actually, I already have an appointment with a friend so-"
-"I'm sure they won't mind."
-"Sir, if you'll be so pushy, I'll have to call the police."
You said grabbing your phone from your pocket, to which the man laughed slightly.
-"Relax! There is no need to be so nervous! Actually, I would asked for a pack of cigarettes." - he added.
You looked at him suspiciously and slowly put the phone back in your pocket. You turned to the cigarette and lighters regiment behind you.
You have already reached for one of the colorful packages when you felt a strong pain in your head. You crashed to the floor, grabbing your head and throwing some lighters off the regiment.
You looked in horror at the redhead, who did not have the same soft blue eyes as the sea, but dark, lifeless eyes that pierced your frightened figure.
The man jumped over the table top and hit the bottom of his shoe hard against your throat, pinning you to the floor.
-"I tried to be nice, but you had to act like a brat. Well, if you want to be treated so badly, you'll get it."
He said in a monotone, then quickly and smoothly stunned you...
You don't need those friends of yours or that crap station to be happy.
Don't worry, I'm doing this for your safety, I will take care of you...
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I hope you like it.
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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hello!! this is my first ever collab and man o man am I happy to be participating in @buttershouse ‘s Magic March with so many talented people!! Please go check out everyone’s work, there’s so many delicious pieces to choose from.
without further a-due, please enjoy this 7k word mash of a magic coffee shop/witch/ college au that I have goin here
pairing: Sero Hanta (with a FUCKIN UNDERCUT !) x gn!reader (afab)
warnings: she’s WHOLESOME, implied sexual themes throughout and then actual smut at the end !! , sex on aphrodisiacs
a/n: thank you so so so so so so so much to @keishinslove @hiddenbluee @spikesbimbo @scorpiomoonslutt and @dymphnasprose for reading and beta-ing this big boi- you guys helped me so much and 🥺🥺 you guys seriously mean the world to me.
tag list: @hiddenbluee​ @undersero @sawam0chi
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“Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble,” you hum as you steep black tea before shifting to the other part of your station so you could add the guise of vanilla to the milk you were about to steam. 
You hear a snort come from your coworker as she looks over to you before smirking, “You think you’re so funny,” she teases while heating up a chocolate muffin for the current order. 
“I do, I really do,” you muse, holding the metal pitcher up to the espresso machine’s steam wand. The distinct smell of the liquid luck wafts around as you begin blending it in with the milk; it makes you smile, a comfortingly warm feeling washing over you. 
You always hoped people stepped into the shop hearing about the rumors and whole-heartedly believed them; believing in the magic that went into each drink when they ordered something off of the special menus- and that it wasn’t just for the unique taste. 
When you first started out, you often heard that with each new employee, the magical feeling tends to die out sooner or later; the happiness of creating spells and potions for others fleeting with the ever-growing pessimism towards all things unexplainable. After working at the shop for three years, one would think the feeling would have caught up to you, instead you felt anything but. With each new regular whose eyes sparkled with excitement as you handed them their unique concoction of a drink, your smile grew wider. Sometimes the familiar faces would come back and whisper about how each drink gave them the right energy to deal with each individual situation… almost like magic. You could do nothing but smile, sometimes a coy little wink was added, exciting the customer more and more. They'd leave with a newfound pep in their step. That's what has kept you going for so long. All anyone ever has to do was keep an open mind and believe that true magic does exist, and when you do, it's almost as though a door opens up, full of delightful possibilities.
As you called out the finished order and thanked the satisfied customer, the shop’s entrance bell chimed, welcoming in the newest one. 
You look up and made eye contact with someone who seemed oddly familiar; you tend to remember almost every person that has shown up more than twice at the cafe, so the fact that you can't fully recognize him only shows that the cafe couldn't have been where you’ve known him from... You couldn't quite put your finger on where you've seen him before but you definitely couldn't forget the welcoming aura he radiated. With his black hair pulled into a ponytail, exposing his undercut, and his extra large t-shirt hanging off of his lean frame, he flashed a bright smile, heading up to the counter to order.
Accustomed to ‘hey’s, ‘hi’s, or even an immediate order, the first thing out of his mouth somewhat surprised you. With a tilt of the head and a squint of the eyes, he mumbled out, “.. You look really familiar.” as he tried to place the face.  
“You know, I was thinking the same thing...” you trailed off. 
After a few seconds of analysis with no conclusion, he seemed to shrug and let out a little chuckle with a passive “it'll probably come to me in the middle of my next class…” before his eyes caught sight of the menus off to the side. Not wanting to make it too obvious that you were tempted to stare, you aimed your gaze elsewhere, only occasionally sneaking a glance at him while he was preoccupied with the menu.
“Ahh… can I get…” he kept his sights on all the options he could, as if it was going to make him any more decisive. Part of you hoped to hear something special, something magical, only to hear, “uhh a… hot latte please?”
While a very solid drink, you subconsciously waited to hear a flavor come after it; staring at him, almost in a daze. 
“Did I forget something...?” Your eyes grew wide, mind blank, trying to come up with an excuse for the elongated silence but before you could spout something out, his smile grew as he rolled his eyes, “Oh, duh, I forgot the size!” A breathy laugh came after his revelation and your chest  felt lighter once the sound hit your ears. “Could I get a large please?”
“Yeah, absolutely!” you chime as you grab a large paper cup and mark down his order with a sharpie.“Will that be all for you today?” looking back up at him, your customer service smile makes its awaited appearance like clockwork as it did when wrapping up every order. His eyes darted to the full pastry case before he could conclude, causing an actual smile to grace your lips, “Tempted?”
“One way or another, yea,” he said with an undertone of something else being implied, causing your cheeks to heat up. The smile that he threw in there further caused a little flutter of your heart.  
“Well luckily for you, we just restocked, so you've got a wide range of goodies to choose from.”
He licked his bottom lip and smoothly responded with, “Well which is your favorite?”
“My favorite? Hmm… Well, I always love a good chocolate croissant whenever I'm drinking regular lattes. The chocolate adds in that kick of sweetness that compliments the lack thereof with the coffee and bonus, it's not too heavy where it will make you feel bloated.`` 
“You really know how to sell a guy… That sounds amazing. Could I have that, please?” the tone in his voice was playful, fun, possibly flirty- and that was something that you were not going to think about. He’s a customer; he might not come back when he wants his next cup of coffee.
“You want me to warm it up for you?”
Picking up the prongs, you took the freshest croissant from the batch and placed it in the microwave oven, turning back around. 
You voiced his total with a soft smile, “Cash or card?”
“Card. uh .. Can I leave a tip on here?” 
Cue the airy sigh that left your chest. A man who knows to leave a tip: you were in love with him already.
“Yea!” you squeak before clearing your throat, “Yea, once you remove your card, the option should pop up on the screen!”
You throw one more smile back at him before turning around to start his drink, not missing the incredibly hard stare your coworker was giving you. You try not to look at them throughout the duration of making his drink.
Handing the handsome man his order, your hands lightly brushed against his and you fought hard to ignore the hefty thump in your chest. You looked back up at him and swore that there was a tint of rose dusted across his cheeks. 
You saw the beginning of his outburst before you could hear it. 
“Sero!” he said quickly, “Sero Hanta. That’s my name.” 
You smiled, sticking out your hand and saying your name, “I’ll be sure to remember it… Sero.” 
The rest of the shift went by pretty quick after that. Your coworker couldn't keep their mouth shut about how he was flirting with you and how you just so happened to be flirting back. You two were giggling so much that the rest of the shift just seemed to slip away and before you know it, it was time to clock out.
“Is there anything you want me to do before I head out?” you shout, asking the newly present night shift as you’re halfway out the door. 
“No no, we got it,” both your coworkers chime, “just hurry up and get to class!” one of them adds. 
Rolling your eyes, you wave goodbye, double checking that everything needed for class was in your bag before fully lugging one of the straps onto your shoulder and heading off.
The walk wasn't that far from the shop, luckily- taking your time and enjoying the world around you was such a cooldown from the hustle and bustle of your work shifts. 
The college town was quaint, warm, homely; It felt like everywhere was a short walk away- which it was. There was an ample amount of time for you to stroll to class after one of your shifts.
As you peruse down the street, you took note of how bright it felt this time of day and how soft the glow emanating from the sunlight hitting the trees was; the kiss of the sun heated your skin, allowing you to bask in the warmth of everything: the environment, the vibe, the mood. What a great feeling. 
Random thoughts passed in and out of your brain as you got to the entrance of campus- but the continuous train of thought halted at the station when the image of that man who came into the shop, the one with the undercut- Sero Hanta, popped up.
He was really attractive… where had you seen him before?
You mindlessly head towards the lecture hall, with the image of Sero’s face ever present behind your eyelids. The approaching building was a beautiful brick with ivy climbing up the side, a framed golden plaque near the large double doors announced that people were about to enter the Mirai Sasaki building- something you would normally stop to admire but today, you headed straight inside and towards your seat, still mentally preoccupied. 
Plopping down, you situate yourself, getting everything out; your textbook, notebook, pens, pencils and even a highlighter. You take a deep breath before slightly shaking your mind to wake up and concentrate on the human sexuality lecture that was about to start. Sero Hanta can wait.
Is what you told yourself and yet, the thought of him wouldn't leave you alone. It went so far as even hearing the professor call out his name. 
“So, I just wanted to clarify,” your ears perk up at the voice, “The article you gave us was about how unequal the orgasm ratio- the orgasm gap- is for women… but I feel like there is a new wave of um… feminine orgasm appreciation. Not to get too personal, but I know between my friends and I, we make sure that our partners always come… first.” He trailed off at the last part, probably coming to terms with the awkward phrasing he had ended with. 
You had to take a second to get a grip; too many things were happening at once and the one that held most of your attention was the fact that Sero Hanta blatantly admitted to wanting the girl to orgasm first. 
What a gentleman.
“Thank you for your… input … mister Sero- but with what you pointed out, it’s actually a perfect segway into the first project of the semester! If you notice in your syllabus, I typed a very vague title for the next class’s date. We're going to talk about it more next class but until then, please read the assigned articles by the next class and have a good rest of your day!”
While the majority of the class was packed and headed to the door, your eyes stayed glued on Sero as you mindlessly put things away. It seemed as though he was taking his time as well. Maybe he needed to talk to the professor? 
Seeing that your desk was now cleared, you slowly began descending down the stairs to get to the floor level, eyes glued to each step in front of you, mind somewhere completely different until your head is met with a firm back. With wide eyes, you step back and begin a stream of apologies, head bowed and eyes still on the floor as if you didn’t learn your lesson the first time. A warm chuckle hushes you accompanied with a light, “It’s alright, it’s alright!”
You look back up and are met with the mind-dizzying smile of the man who failed to leave your thoughts alone. 
Before your eyes could get any bigger, he murmurs your name. “So this is where I know you from!” He slightly cheered, lopsided grin growing comfortable. 
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ 12 oz Time Flies with soy milk, hot; cinnamon orange black tea latte brewed with charmed orange peel to bring back the most nostalgic feelings (add a shot of our very own vanilla -liquid luck- to help Luck stay on your side!)˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
“Hey! Hey- you guys aren't closing are you?” You hear a panting voice rush through the door- the complete opposite of the energy the cafe currently held. You and your coworker were just winding down from your shift, cleaning and making sure everything was restocked for the next shift, soft music aiding the mood. 
Sero was attempting to collect himself when he realized the two pairs of stunned eyes staring at him. 
“I just- I wanted to walk with you to class. If that’s cool,” he said to you, flattening his shirt down, “and maybe get a coffee.”
Warmth fills your face as you try to suppress a smirk, “in that order?”
The already flustered college student blushed just a bit harder. Before he could come up with a response, your smirk eased into a soft smile, “okay Sero, what could I get you to drink?”
He steps further inside and orders the same thing he got the first time: a large hot latte. It doesn't take long until the drink is in his hand and you're shooing him off to a table, “I’ll be done in like 10 minutes, is that alright?” you ask, hints of your customer service mannerisms kicking in. He nods and you get back to cleaning, unaware that your movements became a bit swifter. 
After clocking out, you’re met with an eager grin and a glint of something unnameable in sero’s eyes. 
“The coffee was excellent, by the way. Both times I had it. Do you do something to it? I feel like it’s so much more than just a simple latte.” 
You smile at two things, him opening the door for you, and the fact that he was absolutely oblivious to the fact that his drink is one of the few drinks you don’t add any magical properties to. 
“I make it with kindness.” You say as you two start your walk, intertwining your hands behind you.
“So mister Hanta… have you been stalking me?” 
His eyes grow wide as his cheeks taint red, “N-no! I just thought that maybe you work every shift that’s before our class.”
“Hmmm… So were you going to come by every day to test out your theory if i wasn't there today?”
“Well, luckily you were there, so I guess we’ll never know the answer.”
After you hummed out a response, the walk turned into a comfortable type of silent.
The both of you had several things passing through your mind, but outwardly, one was caught up basking in the fresh spring air while the other was admiring how the wind would slightly shift your hair.
Deciding to break the silence, you turned to face him, “Hey, so, why did you choose to take human sexuality?”
He didn't seem surprised to hear the question but he took a moment; it didn't seem like he was scrambling to find the perfect answer, it was almost like he just couldn't properly find the words. 
“Honestly, I love intimacy. I think its really cool that not one person’s views on sex and sexuality and the miniscule details within it, are the same.”
While the words you were hearing made sense, it must have shown that you weren't prepared for such an insightful answer because he let out a hearty laugh that seemed to go on and on, even after he took a deep inhale. 
“I’m sorry-” he choked out as he grabbed his chest, “your face just-” he gulped another breath of air, trying to regain composure.
Throughout his fit of laughter, you almost joined in a few times if it weren’t for you biting your cheek in attempts to keep the annoyed facade up. 
As soon as it seemed like he got it all out, you try to pull a convincing pout. 
“So what's the real answer, then?”
He cocks his head at your question, a smile still playing on his lips, “whaddya mean?”
“You're telling me that what you said wasn't just to catch me off guard?”
“Oh! No no, that's really why I'm taking the class. But i bet you thought i was going to say something asshole-y like ‘i just wanna learn more about sex so i could be better’, hm?” he said the last part in a dopey voice before smirking back at you.
You rolled your eyes in return, “not necessarily, that was just a really… refreshing… answer.”
By the time you got to class, it seemed pretty full, which was a bit odd seeing as though there was still some time before the lecture started. Part of you was hoping that you could snag a seat next to Sero or he could snag a seat next to you- but both of your usual seats were surrounded by others already. There was also always the possibility that maybe he didn't want to sit next to you; you didn't want to get your hopes up so you turned to him, waved goodbye, and headed to your normal seat. Unbenounced to you, he physically slouched in disappointment before heading to his spot.
The lesson went on, and while he wasn't crowding your mind today, you subconsciously kept stealing glances at him throughout the lecture in hopes that one of the times you'll find him glancing back at you. The only time you did catch him staring at you was with wide eyes when the professor announced that you two were going to be partners for the upcoming project.
“So I guess this means it's an appropriate time to ask for your number… I wanted to ask you for it but I didn't want to move too fast…?” he said as you two approached eachother after class, cracking a shy smile while he absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck, a subltle flex of his muscles on display. It was a bit hard to concentrate with a combo move like that attacking you, as if he was going in for the kill. 
“I wouldn't have thought it was too fast.” you softly counter, flashing him a tender smile.
It was one thing to feel the heat go to your face, it's another to visibly see it appear on his.
You both traded phones at the same time with the promise to text each other later that night; you put a little coffee emoji by his name while he put the sun next to yours.
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚20 oz The Charismatic ! with hemp milk, iced; freshly brewed jasmine tea with a shot of our very own vanilla (liquid luck) to help your attitude and chances toward  any situation˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
Sitting at the furthest table away from the register, you start to unpack your laptop and make yourself comfortable- you're gonna be here a while. Powering up the device, Hanta pulls at the seat across from you and begins to mimic your movements. 
“So you want our first project meeting… at a coffee shop?” you start, trying to keep the smile from coming onto your face. Looking up at him would mean automatic defeat seeing as it's getting harder and harder for you to look at him without your lips twitching upward.
“I thought it would be very symbolic.”
A snort greeted both of your guy’s ears as your eyes went wide and your hands shot up to cover your mouth. “Anyway, so the project.”  Blushing around him was starting to become a regular occurrence, as well.
“Right,” he says clapping his hands and rubbing them together.
“So the project is to point out common sexual misconceptions and back it up with statistics and research articles. The fact that we got dibs on the misconception of the orgasm gap all because you had bragged about your personal sex life…” the thought alone shot a wave of warmth down your spine and right to your lower region. A flash of a Sero you hadn’t faced yet appeared in your imagination; him looking up at you, hungry and eager to please. It made your breath hitch. 
“Well, yea! I had to voice it. I mean, I feel like it’s common sense! When you have sex by yourself, then you can focus on what makes you feel good and what makes you cum. But when you’re with a partner…” he trailed off and your gaze snapped to him, “you should make sure they cum at least once before doing… whatever you two.. had.. planned on… doing.” Sero finished, his eyes flickered between your eyes and lips. 
Oh fuck. 
You felt yourself throb. 
“Y-yea! Uh I completely a-agree.” 
It’s almost as though he could tell that you were flustered so just to top it off, he smirked, “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” before deciding to drop it and move on.
He took a sip of his drink and sighed, “You guys really do make the best coffee. I got the same thing as I did with your place and yet… I'm here longing for your coffee.” you snort once again.
After that, the conversation eased into the project and what exactly needed to be done; the assignment was very simple but sorting out what dates you guys were going to meet up and how exactly you were going to go about gathering the information was all crucial. The project was due in a month and needed to be submitted in powerpoint format- which the both of you were relieved about.
It was really cute seeing Hanta’s eyes all lit up when it came to the part of how you two were going to go about getting all the information needed. He even suggested to conduct a little side research if you guys were ahead of schedule. It was something that made your heart patter. It was almost like you had smelt some of the charmed rose petals from work because every time you looked at him, you couldn't stop the warmth that flooded in your chest.
With that thought, there was the fact that he was more than likely going to be spending large amounts of time at the cafe- would he notice? Should you just come straight out and explain it? Explain that you were considered a witch, someone who was open-minded and was in tune with their intuition and can work with certain herbs, charms, and spells to create wonderful things? It didn't seem that big of a deal to you, it was something you had grown up with; simple spells and practices that just made day to day life more simple. Not every witch has been through the same childhood you had, there’s no special school- not that you were aware of, anyway. Your parents kept their grimoire out in the open and let you frolic about as they eased basic wholesome rituals into your life, and when you got old enough, they let you take in chapter by chapter each spell they casted, each potion they brewed. 
When you applied at the cafe, your first interview was full of normal questions worded in a way that almost sounded like it had a double meaning, thankfully you caught it and later was asked for a second interview- conducted by the boss himself. He had asked you to perform a basic potion/drink you grew up with, something that made you feel like you were walking on air. It was simple; a butterfly pea tea with a breath of life, with just a little bit of lemon activated the spell in the brew. When the well made drink hit his tongue, he offered you the job not a second later.
No. You wouldn't tell Sero yet. It never came up; It’d be odd to tell him straight off the bat- there's really no need. If he ever asks… then you’ll tell him.
But he hadn't so far.
Each meeting so far felt incredibly productive. It seemed like getting work done came naturally, with the topic being easy to discuss between the two of you and getting the articles to support your claim was fairly simple- apparently a lot of studies have been done about people’s orgasms. 
Since drafting up a skeleton outline the first time meeting, the bits and pieces really started coming together, but the get-togethers sometimes didn't go as planned- however, what was a constant was that no matter what the meet-up consisted of, there would always be a paper cup from your work, filled with a hot latte.
Some of the days, rather than working on the project, the two of you would use the allotted time to sit in your cafe and goof off, or sometimes you would host “tea time” in your apartment and talk about anything and everything- and it was okay because very early on, you both gathered all the adequate articles that involved your topic and sifted through them to get the statistics you needed. Collecting the data was simple enough and putting it together just came easy to you. 
Looking up from your laptop, finally done with sorting all the cited sources in each slide, you wave your hand at Sero to get his attention. Hanta was working on phrasing the facts and statistics from each work, so when he tilted his head up, gaze still on the screen until he finished typing the last sentence, he took his headphones out and hummed as he looked at you. 
“You get the same thing everytime we’re together… why?” 
He glanced at his almost empty cup before fully taking out his headphones, “I get it all the time because it really is the best latte I've ever gotten from a cafe before. I tell you this all the time.” 
“You never… wanna try anything new?”
“Is there something in particular you want me to try?” he asks, quirking his eyebrow upwards.
“Well no, not necessarily…”
“Well then how about you give me a recommendation? What’s a drink you think I would love?” 
This one stumped you for a minute. Though the thought had crossed your mind quite often, you couldn't quite pinpoint which special drink he’d appreciate the most. Something warm… something reflecting how you feel about him.
“I think that you should get the Time Flies; it's this black tea latte with orange zest and it's really… cozy.”
“Okay, I'll try it the next time I go.” 
And he did. The first sip he took felt like smooth gold hitting his tongue. So warm and rich that it had apparently induced the vivid image of the sunset from his grandmother’s porch. He was remembering the orange glow of everything the light touched. The whole day, he was feeling incredibly nostalgic, he even did some of the things he used to do when he was a kid, like watch old black and white movies and make dinner with his mom (even if it was through a phone call).
He told you all of this with one of the most handsome smiles you've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚16 oz Love Me or Love Me Not with oat milk, hot; our very own pink rose syrup (enchanted candied petals inside and dried petals on top) steamed in the milk meets a double shot of espresso for a deep, sweet, cozy drink˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
 “So,” you start once everything is situated on your living room table, the two floor pillows that play hosts to your guy’s lower halves sit diagonal from each other.
“Everything is practically done, I just wanted to… call this meeting so we could just quickly skim over it and see if there was anything in the powerpoint that needed fixing and or adjusting.”
“Very reasonable reason to call this meeting but both of us have been looking at this practically nonstop… so I’m pretty sure it's good.”
“Well it’s due next class and I know we finished it up a few a couple of days ago but… there is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for perfection. And if anything, I’m trying to save your reputation.” he choked at the accusation you were attempting to make, “Oh yea! How are you going to get away with making that bold statement in front of the class, do a whole project on it, and then just… have it not be anything short of jaw dropping?” you didn't even wait for him to speak, “exactly. Your rep is on the line, I'm just the sorry person who got stuck with you.” You smirk, driving your ludacris point home while crossing your arms over your chest. 
Scoffing, he leaned over and lightly shoved you, “we got to choose are partners for this project! You chose to be with me!” his cry caused a chuckle to fall from your mouth as you readjusted yourself onto your pillow, “that's neither here nor there.” you try your best snotty act as you stick your nose up in the air.
“Okay okay then, your grace, let us go over the powerpoint,” he jested along and gave you a slight bow.
After a quick runthrough, everything seemed spick and span, so the two of you became more relaxed and sunk into the larger floor pillows once again. 
“So… I noticed that you finally got something from your shop.” Sero gestured over to the other paper cup on the table. “I have never seen you with your own coffee before, why today?”
Your cheeks involuntarily began to heat up; the drink he was referring to was none other than the Love Me or Love Me Not. Usually, you never went out of your way to make it, but for the occasion, it was necessary. It was the last time you guys were going to meet up for the project and you just… had to know. 
Let it be known, messing with love potions wasn’t your forte, you preferred for everything romantic to be consensual and untampered with- that's why this brew in particular was one that you preferred out of all the ones that are out there. When made correctly, the person drinking it should be able to look at their crush (in person) and if the crush liked them back, then the drinker would get a fierce wave of goosebumps; if the person did not like them romantically, their head world ache for just a few minutes before going back to normal. Simple and effective, plus no one gets roughed up or drugged.
Not a single sip had been taken yet, you were on edge about the situation. This was the first time you had ever made it for yourself, and it was pretty nerve wracking to see if this man who you began harboring feelings for liked you the same. 
It’s surely gone cold by now but that wasn’t going to stop you. “Oh! Uh- I was just really craving this drink today.” You say lamely before bringing the cup to your lips and taking a gulp. 
The smell of rose hit your nose before you could register the taste. The evenly sweet syrup paired with the strong espresso danced on your tongue before you swallowed it. You softly sighed, it tasted delicious. Another sip slipped past your lips. 
A roll of relief cascaded through you when an intense wave of goosebumps rose on your poked at your skin, causing you to cough and sputter. Eyes going wide and squeezing shut as the coughs wracked through your body. 
He likes you.
While coming down from your fit, you semi glance at Hanta who had almost instantly appeared by your side, patting and gently rubbing your back. 
“Is there liquor in that?” He joked as he handed you your drink so you could have more liquid to ease your throat.
You shook your head after drinking some more and cracking a grin. It might’ve been too big of a smile for someone who just choked but you didn’t care. Sero Hanta… likes you. 
Unable to help it, you glance down at his lips only to realize how close he is. Your grin slowly drops, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Can I uh.. can I try your drink?” He says, face red with blush. 
As you go to hand him your drink, he leans in and cups your jaw- causing your whole body to still, even your heart stopped to join the languor.
 He peaks his tongue out to softly lap up a drop that must have been on your lip, before capturing your lips with his. 
It felt like your mind shut down, and all you can feel is how soft his lips are and how sweetly he’s kissing you. Almost hesitantly. 
He pulls away in attempts to find your gaze to decipher how you felt about it. 
Your breath is ragged as you look back at him- everything and nothing is going on in your head in that moment, unable to speak, until you see the goosebumps that coat his body. 
Your heart thumps impossibly faster as you realize that not only does he like you… but he truly believes. He believes in the two of you, he believes in love, and he believes in magic. 
Without another second to waste, you tackle him in a hug and find your lips on his in a way that you know you’ll never get enough of. 
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special extra ! : you and Hanta in the fall- Season of the Witch with almond milk, hot; dirty chai latte with a bewitched cinnamon stick to help keep you warm ;) , even on the coldest of days ˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
The cold nips at your nose just as big hands nip at your waist, causing you to let out a noise between a squeak and a gasp. A flash of soft black hair blurred your vision before cold lips meet yours. “Hanta,” you sigh into the kiss before pulling away and giggling. 
You were heading back to your apartment after a day shift at work, the sky already becoming darker because of the autumnal equinox. 
“What are you doing? I thought I was gonna meet you at my place.” You say as your fingers intertwined and your step fell into pace with his. He pulled you closer so that you were basically leaning into him as you walked.
“You know those chocolate and pumpkin scones you baked for me? The special ones?” He quietly moaned. 
Your eyes go wide as he purposely guided your intertwined hands over his blatant bulge.
“Hanta you weren’t supposed to eat those until later, the spell usually kicks in within the next 30 minutes!” You giggle again. 
A few weeks after you two started officially dating, you formally sat him down and explained everything you didn't when talking about your guys’ past- the memories of frolicking through tall grass and talking to your mother’s familiar, to getting your job at the cafe. He told you that it was a lot to take in, but never did he push you away. When he went to the cafe, he was more observant. Somewhere in the months between June and July, he slowly became more and more interested in the rituals you would do and the potions you would make. He wanted to start joining in. Now in October, he loves seeing your crystals around your house and all the different herbs you grow in the sills of your window. When he found out that you could bake magical pastries with certain herbs, he almost immediately asked you to bake him some. At first, it started as something simple like a sage and rosemary savory loaf that helped cleanse your pallet of any negative energy. Then it started becoming more and more intricate, and that's how the two of you ended up here.
 “I know but fuck-- I was hungry and they looked so good, and now I’m hard and I need you.” he spoke lowly. 
This was going to be fun. 
The rest of the way, you were casually asking him things that shouldn't be heard in a public setting, “What is it you want to taste first, Hanta?”
“How badly do you want to fuck me into the mattress? Hm? Have your big cock stretch me out?”
“Wanna fill me up?”
By the time you both got to your apartment, there was no fumbling with the keys to get your door to open, you already had them out; getting through the door took three seconds tops. Next thing you know, your back was against the closest wall, your hands pulling at his tied up hair and scraping your nails against his scalp when the soft locks fell. One of his big hands lifted up a leg of yours and he groaned as he thrust upward against your heat.
“Fuck-” he panted into the kiss before trailing down your neck, still holding up one leg while the other hand finds itself under your shirt, his fingers hot to the touch. 
Releasing your leg and dropping to his knees, he looked up at you as he fumbled with the button of your pants. You lace your fingers in his hair, feeling him yank the material down your legs, tossing the one leg over your less dominant leg over your shoulder, and when a warm muscle hits your sopping clothed core, you pull his hair harder to apply more pressure.
“Look at me when I have you in my mouth, I wanna see how much you enjoy this.” 
You felt yourself clench, and apparently so did he, because a smirk grew on his lips. “Oh, you like when I say things like that?”
“H-hanta, please.. '' your voice wavered before you sucked in a sharp gasp. He had a finger, then two inside of you in no time, the other hand keeping the underwear out of the way so his lips could wrap around your clit.
He was pumping in and out of you faster and faster, occasionally switching the pace to unbearably slow and when you would whine, he’d tilt his head up, mid lick, to throw you a teasing glance before picking up the pace. He bagan curling his fingers, hitting a spot that had your eyes rolling and with the pressure building up, it had you panting out a breathy repetitive stream of his name. 
“‘M gonna cum Hanta, hh-” you moaned out before clenching your eyes shut, your body involuntarily shaking above him. And right below you, he was ready to lick up everything you had to offer.
Holding you steady as he came up to kiss you, your juices still on his lips, “you ready for me, sweetheart?” he asked when he pulled away. The short sobering moment hit as soon as he scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom, but after he tossed you onto the bed, the look he gave you as he was unbuttoning his pants drew your mind hazy again.
“Can't wait to pump you full of my cum, to have you a drooling mess because of my cock.” he huskily whispered, giving you so many delicious previews of how the night will go. “You want that, pretty? Use your words.” he said as he crawled over to you and caged you in. The scent of cedar wood and citrus clouded your senses.
“Yes please Hanta!” you whine, “wanna feel stuffed b’cause of your cum. Please fill me up--” you whimper out, cutting yourself off when you felt his leaky tip at your wet entrance. 
Just like each time you two have been intimate, he guides himself slowly until he's in to the hilt of his pelvis, “shit, squeezing me so hard- c-an i move?” he moans out. 
Unable to form coherent sentences, you frantically nod and squeak out, “yes!”
With your permission granted, he eases in a thrust before he starts snapping his hips into you.
“Fuck, look at you, milking my cock so good-” he moaned, as he leaned in and kissed you. Each sharp thrust jolted you upwards, proving just how powerful his thrusts were. You threw your arms around his neck for the slight stability.
You began to let out little moans into the kiss that spurr him further; everything was beginning to get to him. How tight you felt around him, the feel of your tongue against his, the sloppy wet noises of your cunt.
“I’m gonna cum-- i'm gonna cum!” he choked out. 
You clawed at his back while whimpering pleas for him to fill you up, “fill me up with your cum, your cock fills me so good, please Hanta, more- more!”
You were clenching around him hard, and to bring you right to his level, he found your puffy clit and began a quick circular motion that made your jaw go slack, causing more frequent clenches.
His mind blurred as he pushed himself the deepest he could, moaning out your name and a gruff curse before emptying himself into you. 
You felt him twitch inside of you right before hot seed coated your already warm walls, and that’s what pushed you into a convulsion of ecstasy. 
He lazily humped his hips into you as you rode out your high before pulling out and rolling next to you.
Calling out your name to bring your attention to him, he pulls you into his chest where you could feel his racing heart, “what if… I started singing that song from hocus pocus? You know the one..” 
What a goof, you thought to yourself, playfully smacking his chest as you roll your eyes, looking up at him. 
“I put a spell on you… and now you're mine…” you begin to whisper, earning a hearty laugh from you boyfriend.
Maybe it was mutual, but quite possibly he had put a spell on you. And you were more than okay with it.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
greetings and salutations my friend. i am back at it again with another request but this time its a lot more angsty :)) so i request cc!quackity x reader who is initially very cold to him, but one day while they’re talking reader just bursts into tears and finally opens up to him, it doesnt have to be anything specific, just angsty in general but cuddles with quack ensue :> ill leave it up to you how they know each other, whether it be they're neighbors, coworkers, or they sit next to each other in class :)) tysm as always! -froggy
This was honestly some of the cutest stuff ever, how do you come up with this stuff <3
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Summary: Quackity’s roommate is always so cold, until they aren’t
Genre: fluff
Pairing: P!Quackity X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are open :] <3
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Having a roommate in college is cool, unless you happen to have (Y/n) as your roommate. They're the coldest, most boring person ever. At least that was how Quackity felt. The dark-haired man had tried his best to get his roommate to open up to him, or at least say hi, but they never did.
They had only spoken to him once, and it was to tell him to fuck off after he had been pestering them all week. Now they just flip him off or glare at him until he leaves them alone.
Now you hadn't meant to be cold to him, it was just how you were as a person. You hated everyone and everything. Yet you couldn't hate your roommate, he was always so happy and he gave off this warm and safe feeling. Despite the way he was always so kind to you, and how you couldn't hate him, you pretended you did.
You had gotten home late today, you had been swamped with assignments and had stayed at the library later than you intended to. Opening the door to your apartment you had expected Quackity to be asleep, he had no reason to be up this late. Though to your surprise, Quackity was sat on the living room couch, and he shot up immediately upon noticing you.
"(Y/n), you're ok. You worried me." You just looked at him confused as you closed the door and took off your shoes.
"I was worried about you, you were out later than you usually are and I was afraid something had happened to you." You didn't say anything, only hung up your coat and headed off towards your room. Though you only made it a few steps down the hallway when you turned around. Quackity was still standing in the living room, though now he just looked sad.
"Why do you care?"
"Huh?" Quackity looked at you quickly, surprised you talked to him.
"I said, why do you care? It's not like I've been particularly nice to you, if anything I've done the opposite."
"A very important person once told me that 'you never know what someone could be going through, so take every opportunity to be nice regardless of how they act.' I don't know what you're going through but I don't want you to think I hate you. I worry about you because you're my roommate and this apartment wouldn't be the same without you." You had started to tear up at his words.
Not knowing what to say you simply walked over to him and hugged him, hands gripping his shirt tightly. Quackity was quick to hug you back, comforting you as best he could.
When you had finally calmed down enough, Quackity separated from the hug and moved the two of you to be sitting on the couch. His hands held yours in his lap, his thumbs running gently over the tops of your knuckled.
"I'm sorry, it's just that. I've been through so much and no one believes me or understands. I sorta gave up on the world and believed it had done the same to me. But you've proven otherwise." A sad smile wormed its way onto your face, tears falling less and less frequently by this point.
"I would never give up on you. You're (Y/n), my roommate and my friend." You smiled at the word 'friend,' finding comfort in the title.
"If it's not too much to as, can we cuddle and watch a movie, as friends?"
"Of course, what movie do you wanna watch?"
"It doesn't matter, anyone is fine." Quackity nodded and got up to grab some fluffy blankets and the tv remote.
"Do you wanna go change into some comfier clothes while I find a movie" You nodded and waddled off to your room, coming back out after a few minutes.
You had changed into your comfiest pajamas and settled back on the couch with Quackity, who you cuddled up with after climbing under the blankets.
"Thank you."
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bobawitch · 2 years
Saving my Rebel (Eddie Munson x Reader)
A/n: this is my first time with this kind of thing, I hope everyone likes it
It was a typical Tuesday and you couldn't help but bite your bottom lip as you looked at the clock waiting for Eddie and his band to burst through. Your focus snapped back to your job when your coworker walked up by you, bumping your shoulder. 
"I'm headed out buddy! Don't get too distracted tonight. We still have the drunks to serve." 
You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird, your other hand wiping down the bar. You threw the rag over your shoulder, feeling it dampen your Dio shirt. You brushed a hand through your frizzy bangs before pulling a hair band from your wrist and tying your permed hair. 
You were the outcast back in the school year of 84 but Eddie was too. He wasn't so confident back then either but he managed to compliment your metal band shirt and you and him hung out since. You got him into dnd and he taught you the basics of guitar. You were a drum player but you wanted to switch so he helped you out saying something about owing you for his vest. When you graduated but he didn't you were ready to repeat the year so he wouldn't be alone but he told you to wait for him when he does graduate. But then another year went by and he didn't graduate. You were by his side and made him feel a bit better but he was still isolated for a while. By the end of your summer break away from Hawkins with your dad Eddie and you had fallen off. Not completely but you guys just kind of drifted apart. It wasn't until he came into your work with his bandmates that you guys reconnected. 
"Hey pretty lady! You spacing out already?" 
You snapped out of the memory to be faced with Eddie smiling at you, his band already setting up. A smile spread across your lips and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hey Munson. Shouldn't you be helping your bandmates up there?" 
He shrugged, leaning across the bar. He wore his usual Hellfire shirt which you recognized since you guys made it together. Back when you helped him plan it they hadn't thought of shirts, it happened after you graduated. The only difference today was that he didn't have his leather jacket on. His vest was there but not the leather jacket. You eyed his chest and he noticed, opening his mouth to tease. 
"BARTENDER" A drunk yelled and your eyes shot away. 
"Sorry! Coming!" And you gave Eddie a smile, grabbing a glass and filling it with that customer's usual. 
He sighed and walked up to the stage with his band as the show was starting. Once you took the last few orders and delivered the drinks you just sat behind the bar watching and listening to them play. 
You and Eddie kept making eye contact but you broke it anytime he made it. After what felt like nothing, you sighed as you looked at the clock, closing was soon and you had a lot of cleaning to do. Almost all the drunks had cleared out so you felt decent about starting to mop around. 
As you mopped behind the bar and turned off the taps you looked up at Eddie who was all packed up but he stayed unlike his friends. You tilted your head and a confused expression furrowed your brows. 
"Whatcha doin Munson?" 
"Waiting for your shift to end so I can take you home." 
You scoffed but a big smile spread on your lips. 
"How long till Spring Break?" 
Eddie sighed loudly and rubbed the sides of his head. 
"2 weeks." 
You laughed and set down the mop, hopping on stage to sit next to him. 
"You gonna pass this year?" 
"Oh hell yeah! 86 baby!! It's gotta be my year." 
You nodded before jumping back off the stage. 
"It better be dork." 
"Awe you missing me??" 
"Nah I just need a ride" you teased. 
He mimicked an offended scoff before smiling. He hopped off the stage with his guitar and you both walked out of the bar, you locking the doors behind. 
In the car Eddie pouted angrily since you had beat him to the music, slipping in your favorite mixtape. 
The car bumped down the road as David Bowie's Rebel Rebel filled the air between you two. You sang along happily and even if it wasn't the typical metal that you and Eddie liked he still sung bits and pieces. As he turned on your street you nudged his shoulder. 
"This song should be your theme." 
He rolled his eyes. "Suuuure" 
You smirked and hopped out of the car, leaving your mixtape. Eddie popped it out and leaned over the passenger seat trying to give it to you. 
"You left your mixtape goon!" 
"Keep it!!" You shouted back before running into your house.
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