#if riot wasn’t a coward maybe
tfgraves and jayvik are both canon t4t btw just letting you guys know since it’s not that known of a fact ❤️
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Jason died cause he boring. He literally an all American boy someone who would have been popular in the 90s. Compare all main characters first chapter to Jason and you can tell he bland like white bread. Jason lacks the popularity of Percy cause if Percy was dead expect a riot plus we already had a better Zeus contrast with Thalia. Apollo is the more interesting character and Apollo son is a better contrast to Nico. Had he not had a GF maybe he could have been Nico love interest but Rick decided on Nico being gay extremely late he said it himself and what does it look like having a guy break up with his GF (poc) to be with Nico(white emo kid) in a kid series. Will was convenient no weird background no known relationship and the complete opposite to Nico and people get mad but it work you don’t get a solo book if the fanbase wasn’t big. The
There’re so many points at once in this ask and I don’t think I’m comprehending them right so I guess I’ll just post my reactions upon reading this.
- Jason’s bland like a white bread -> Good news! I like white bread. I think white bread is a perfect canvas to add all of your favorite toppings to make the best meal for you. ☺️😋😋
So if Rick really did kill Jason only bc he’s bland then he’s a coward solely bc he can’t figure out what color to put on Jason’s canvas.
- Apollo’s son is a better contrast to Nico -> This is subjective so I’ll leave it for any day. Though it got me thinking. Why, exactly, should the contrast matter?
Because fun fact! Jason and Nico have many working parallels that can be great materials for relationship development. Ask a random Jasico fanfic writers and they’ll give a thesis.
On the other hand, to be honest?, we already have Percabeth as the opposites-attract/bantering/significant annoyance trope. I ngl can do without another similar one. 🤷‍♀️
- Err i’m not American so I don’t think I’m in any position to talk about the poc girl vs white emo boy thing but if anything, I find it’s valid. Smh shame
Edit: Haise pointed out that Nico is not white, he’s Venetian and has olive skin. I honestly don’t know what it makes this…
- You don’t get a solo book if the fanbase isn’t big enough -> This is undeniably true.
Pal. My friend. Mate. Listen. Just wait until I show you how many people absolutely despite the existence that is TSATS——
I’m all for letting people enjoy things. Though, if you ask me - me, who came to PJO solely for Solangelo and binge read TSATS in like 2 nights and cried a river on my pillow, I would say TSATS is Rick’s poor attempt of:
1/ milking the franchise (which is understandable. Capitalism you know bla bla bla)
2/ giving a half-heartedly made closure to the fandom’s favorite (which is sort of fanservice? Idk)
3/ and along with it solidifying the foundation of his gay love story, which didn’t have the… err prettiest start? (which I reckon accounts for a lot of the franchise’s popularity).
And yeah it’s easy to see that Nico being gay is a late decision with how Rick worked it out lmao.
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vickyshinoa12 · 5 days
Will you still love me if I’m… this? (Sebastian Solace x Victoria [OC] fanfic)
Warnings: mentions of violence, experiments on a human, brutality. Just adults stuff around but not NSFW like sex :) it’s kinda angst instead
Sebastian has been down in this hellish site for years… to be trapped again when he caused a riot around is just another cut in his mental state. They were hunting him… they were going to search for him for releasing the identities around. He didn’t care. He wanted revenge on everyone who wronged him. The first one with Urbanshade and their sickest excitements they did on him.
They cut him up. They shoved every kind of fish dna into him. Just because he was wrongly accused of killing people? No… they took pleasure of this. Sebastian was sure he wasn’t the only one who had to go through it. That’s why he released the rest, so they can also too get their revenge.
Whenever guards came down to try and get the crystal, Sebastian would always let his ally Painter know. Painter would hack every single camera, security system, door… whatever was hooked on the internet. He sometimes would also too give chase to those poor men and women and slaughter them in the halls. Sometimes even mocking the higher ups by using their walkies to tell them to clean up their mess.
This continued until a little small human, an expendable, came upon the site. She was scared and her teammates were going to get her killed. Pretty much it happened. He knew it after all, he’s seen it many times. When he went to give her the document of what killed her, she didn’t want to go back. Many prisoners especially expendable would keep trying… she wanted to leave. Coward. He thought but couldn’t help but feel bad for some reason, he didn’t know why. She was apart of the very organization that made him like this. What made her so special?
Sebastian met her the next time and this time in his shop. He ran down what he did and explained that he needed documents and will traded them for wares. She understood and did as planned. Heck… the woman shocked him when she afforded his whole stock. He just shook his head and told her good luck… if only he could have that luck sent… when he went to gather the items for other expendables. He saw her corpse… laid upon the floor lifeless. Whoever took her life was quick and didn’t bother cutting her up.
His heart burned. Like he lost something if value to him. Almost like a friend, a family member, maybe even…. A lover? He knew he couldn’t think of that stuff cause again, she was an amazing expendable… but something within him told him that this expendable might be of use. She’s scared, she wants to get out, she was basically forced into the roll of grabbing the crystal… she didn’t even volunteer. He smirked knowing what he can do.
The two had conversations as she came to visit and but his stuff. Countless times he would see her corpses littered amongst the floors of the site. More and more his heart hurt for her. His plan of deceiving her was running out of his head and instead… an idea where he can help he’s get out… along with everyone else.
Sebastian never told her though. He wanted to make sure she didn’t tell another expendable up top about it. When they met again she told him her name, “Victoria! But you can call me Tori for short!”
“Victoria? That’s… a normal name…”
“I know. Mom gave it to me.” She laughed.
Damn, why’d he like her? She’s weird, dumb, naiive, clumsy, and just downright bad at doing her job she was sent to do…
But he continued having those feelings for her and it just got more fierce every time she died. One day a thought ran over him… Will she love me… if I’m like this? He thought and looked upon himself. She wouldn’t love him… she would hate him. He killed many people, caused this whole shit in the first place… If he was still human.. would he have a shot? He growled and threw a hard punch to the metal wall, crushing it without fail. “I cant…” he cried, “I can’t tell her… it’ll hurt if I do…”
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solarwindswriting · 2 years
Cherry Blossom Secrets p.1
Part 2
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
Word Count: 1341
Summary: Eijiro knew the one thing to never say to Y/n, the one thing that could only hurt coming from him, and he uses it as a weapon against them. Now he’s realizing just how much his life had begun to orbit around Y/n’s. 
Inspired by She Used To Be Mine by Chloe Adams
Warnings: general angst. Bakugo’s normal name calling. The spilling of secrets.
A/N: It’s sad boi hours. I’ve been in the worst writing slump and I’m hoping writing and posting this will help me out of it.
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Eijiro pulled the top half of his hair into a bun, tying it with a scrunchie Y/n had left in his dorm months ago. He examined the inch of black grow out near his scalp, much longer than he was comfortable with. He hadn’t bleach and dyed his hair without help in almost a year and suddenly felt nervous while looking at the mixed bleach infront of him. He held the brush and bowl in his hand for a moment more before giving it one last mix and getting to work on his roots. Eijiro had forgotten how much effort went into hold your arms in all those weird positions to get the bleach everywhere. He called it a night, convincing himself he’ll dye it red in the morning before breakfast.
Laying in bed, Eijiro stared at the ceiling, taking a deep breath before turning onto his side and pulling the heavy blanket over his shoulders. A breeze from the window wafted the scent of cherry blossoms into the room and filling his senses. They hadn’t spoken to hime since then. Everything around him reminded him of them, from the way they would move his head around to make sure they hadn’t missed a single strand of hair without dye to how he’d found cherry blossom petals in his pocket after they had told him something they hadn’t told anyone else. 
Eijiro Kirishima had never considered himself a coward since coming to UA, but that was changed with just one sentence that came out before he could think of what he was saying. His mouth went dry thinking about what had happened during training nearly a month ago. He shifted onto his back, looking up at the ceiling that was decorated in the glow in the dark stars Y/n had gifted him. 
He knew better than to say what he did, but he was offended for Bakugo. The worst part was that they hadn’t been wrong. Bakugo wasn’t a team player whenever the two of them were partnered together, they wouldn’t be allowed a word of opinion when they were. But what he said was definitely lie, one that was meant to sting. It had even surprised Bakugo when he said it. But it was too late, he had already said it out loud: “maybe you’re just jealous cause Mineta’s quirk is more powerful then yours will ever be and you know it.” Had he said it to Kaminari or Mina, it would have been laughed off as a joke between friends, but Y/n wasn’t just one of the boys.
Y/n was the only other person other than Mina to know about his natural hair color, they knew he still sometimes slept with his old Crimson Riot plushy when he missed home, they knew Eijiro saw the sun and the stars when he looked into their eyes. And Eijiro knew the one thing to never say to Y/n was that they would never be as strong as the rest of class 3-A. Eijiro twisted and turned for hours until sleep finally over took him.
Eijiro woke up the next morning to his blaring alarm, reminding him he had to dye his hair before classes. He had barely made it to his seat when the bell rang and Mr Aizawa walking into the classroom.
“Since it is Monday, I will once again go over this weeks training,” Aizawa began to drone the same training schedule as the last few weeks to the class.
Eijiro took the time to look around the classroom and that’s when he notice’s Y/n desk was empty. He looks back forward, lost in thought of where they could be. They had never missed class, except when they had the stomach flu and Aizawa forced them to go back to the dorms to rest. A small blast on his desk pulled his attention from his thoughts. Bakugo spoke brash but Eijiro hadn’t heard the words he said.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Eijiro asks, shaking his head to gather his thoughts.
“I said, let’s go, Shitty Hair. It’s time to get changed for training. You good, Bro?” Bakugo repeated himself, his eyebrows knit together in confusion at the red head.
That’s when Eijiro realizes he dissociated for the entirety of first period.
“Where’s Y/n?” Eijiro asks before he can stop himself, a bad habit he has seemed to pick up recently.
“Y/n? Did you not hear what Aizawa said? Something about having a meeting with Principle Nezu or something. I assumed you were payin’ attention.” Bakugo said casually, walking towards the classroom door.
Eijiro’s blood ran cold at the mention of Principle Nezu. You didn’t get a private meeting with him unless it was something really serious. He continued to fester in his own thoughts throughout the rest of his classes. The school day was over before it started and Eijiro now sat on one of the common room couches, listening to Denki and Mina fight over who the better Smash player was. He felt someone walk behind him before stopping, as he went to turn around, a small chunk of his hair is pulled up towards the ceiling, causing his face to turn towards the carpet.
Y/n’s voice rang out for everyone to hear, little emotion attached to it, “looks like you missed a chunk of black while you were dying your hair.”
Eijiro quickly swipes the piece of hair down, turning to look at Y/n in disbelief.
“Oh, did I say something I shouldn’t have? Something you didn’t want everyone else knowing?” Y/n’s eyes were cold as they spoke.
Eijiro opened his mouth to speak, but Y/n turned and started walking away before he could say a word. He was shocked they would do something like that so casually, something that was such a big secret, and as Eijiro watched Y/n wait for the elevator, it made perfect sense why they did it. An eye for an eye, they had told him once, taking a black pawn that had just taken one of theirs. They had always been smarter than him when it came to strategy. They had also always been better at comebacks when insults were being thrown between them and Bakugo.
Mina and Y/n now sat in Mina’s dorm catching Y/n on the notes they had missed that day.
“So, why’d you have to miss all day of classes just to talk to the Big Mouse?” Mina’s cheery voice warms the room.
“I talked to more than just Principle Nezu,” Y/n sighed, continuing to copy Mina’s notes.
“Are you really going to leave the hero program?” Mina’s voice was now filled with concerned.
Y/n stopped writing, looking up to her best friend. “Who said I was leaving the hero course?”
“It’s all Kirishima has been muttering about since you got back to the dorms. He’s convinced he’s the reason you’re leaving the program. I tried to tell him if you were, it wouldn’t be because of something he had said on accident, but he wouldn’t listen. He made me promise I wouldn’t mention it to you. Finally, he stormed out and towards the running track. But I just have to ask, because this class would be so boring without you bossing Bakugo and Kirishima around.” Mina spoke quickly, the way she does when she knew she was spilling secret that she shouldn’t.
“N- no, I’m not leaving the hero course. He really thinks him being an asshole to me would make me drop the hero course? I’ve heard worse things from my own mother. It’s honestly very bold of him to think it’d be because something he said.” Y/n finished with a scoff, going back to copying Mina’s notes.
“So, you’re set on cutting him from your life then?” Mina’s voice was somewhere between irritated and sad.
“That is yet to be decided,” Y/n response, pretending to be more focused on their notes than the conversation.
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boom-bakugou · 4 years
‘Wherever You Are’ - Shoto Todoroki/Eijiro Kirishima
A/N: This piece is for my @bnhabookclub bingo card! I’m crossing out “Be Quiet” and ‘Heated Argument’. I would also like to thank @honeytama @shoutogepi and @dragonhrte for beta reading <333
Pairings: Pro Hero!Todoroki x F!Reader / Pro Hero!Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, mutual masturbation, minor temperature play, minor angst!
Summary: Todoroki already broke your heart when he said he was leaving for 6 months, but Kirishima can glue your broken heart back together before he returns...right?
Word Count: 5.2k
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“6 months.”
The words stung more than they should’ve. Half a year of not being able to see his face, hold his hand, sleep together in the same bed.
“Does it have to be so long? Do you really have to go?”
God your mind ran at a hundred miles a minute. Searching his face for any semblance of wanting to rethink the offer about heroing in America. But the sympathetic glance in his eyes was enough to tell you what his words could not.
Of course you were proud of him, of course you were. It wasn’t a minor thing in his career and not many heroes would be selected for such an astounding opportunity. Top heroes in Japan touring around America to show their quirks and how different cultures portrayed their heroes. A bit flamboyant for Todoroki but you presumed he was only following as Deku and Ground Zero were also picked for the once-in-a-lifetime gig.
“I’ll be back before you know it baby, I promise.”
So you took that promise to heart.
In the following months leading to his departure, there was a heavy air between the two of you that wouldn’t be mentioned. As if you both knew the inevitable was coming. How would you two manage a relationship from thousands of miles away? You had read every article on the internet, even bought books and followed tags that allowed you to know how to keep the fire burning between the two of you.
Shoto was typically quiet, he always was. But as he began packing his bags for the long tour, he was deathly silent. The guilt of leaving you by yourself in your shared home burning him up inside. He knew he had to say something to you about this whole ordeal, but how could he? He was taking this life changing decision and ruining what you two had perfectly here. But you two could survive right? Or was that the right decision overall? Was prolonging you two the right decision?
It all came down to the day he had to leave. Helping him pack the last of his necessities into his very packed suitcases which had been neatly placed upon your shared bed.
“I completely forgot to ask, how’re you getting to the airport?”
“Bakugou and Midoriya are dropping me off.”
Oh. You had hoped you could get those final moments of couples bliss before he left, but you couldn’t not indulge in having the two young heroes watch in jealousy of you and your boyfriend.
“Can I come? See you off before you leave?”
Your tone was so bittersweet. Not really wanting to see him leave into the airport gates.
“Of course you can.” Todoroki zipped up his final case before pressing a chaste kiss upon your forehead, lingering for a moment to then head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for you both.
The familiar ring of Todoroki’s phone signified that Bakugou and Midoriya were outside. Bakugou had convinced Kirishima to drive them to the airport (which he did not appreciate as it was far too early for him) and he was the one to head up to help Todoroki with his cases.
“I’ll get that for you Y/N, no worries.” His toothy grin glimmered to you as he picked up the heavy case with ease. It must be fun being a pro-hero.
The ride to the airport was sweet, despite being squashed in the back with Bakugou and Todoroki. It was mostly filled with inside jokes between the four boys and Bakugou screaming for the aux cord because ‘Shitty hair’s music is shitty’. You’d miss the small moments like these.
After checking the three men and their bags to the plane, Todoroki and you parted from the group to have a few last moments together before it would only be facetimes and snapchat stories in seeing each other’s lives.
“Y/N you know this will be difficult right?”
“I know, but I’ve planned everything out! We’re gonna be fine.”
“I’m going to be so busy though, I’ll barely have time for calls and I’ll be so tired at the end of my day and-“
“That’s why when we do call, it’ll be so much more special! We have date nights planned and-“
“Y/N, look I just don’t think I want to push this.”
You could have almost spat your coffee out at his interruption. He wasn’t even looking at you, springing this up on you in your last moments before not seeing him for 6 whole months.
“Wh-what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that… I don’t know, maybe you should see other people. I just don’t think- with how busy I am-it willon’t work.”
You hadn’t even realised you were crying. Your glare towards him basically begging for him to look you in the eyes. Coward.
“So you won’t even try?”
“I just don’t see the point-“
“The point in us?” The daggers in your voice finally made him look up at you, the snivelling mess he had made you into. He had gotten your hopes up that it would work, that you’d still be there for him and support him. “Have fun on your tour Todoroki.”
You left your coffee half drunk, not even wanting the takeaway cup with his name on it. It wasn’t worth your time.
“Hey Kirishima could I have the keys to your car? I just wanna sit down for a bit.” Your eyes were practically glued to the floor, as a means to not show him that you were seconds from fully breaking down.
“Sure, but, aren’t you gonna say goodbye to Sho?” He reluctantly pulled his keys out from his sweatpants pocket, dangling them in front of you in hopes that he could see your expression.
“He just did.” You try your best not to snatch them from him but your attempt fails. You just wanted to be out of there. Even pushing past Bakugou and Midoriya to exit the building and sit alone with your thoughts.
Selfish bastard. If he’d been thinking about this for so long why not just break up with you when he first told you? Why wait so fucking long for him to just break your heart when you did so much to salvage anything if things got bad? You hit your hand on the steering wheel so hard that the horn beeps and you sob more from the fright. You must’ve looked insane.
Kirishima arrived back at his car about 10 minutes later. Sliding out from the driver’s position to the passenger seat silently, you had at least cleaned yourself up a bit in the thought of knowing that he would soon be back.
“So, he told me.” Kirishima breaks the silence. Hands gripping the wheel with a nervous intent. Knowing it’s a very touchy subject.
“It’s gonna be fine y’know? At least he’s not like in your face or anything or you can’t awkwardly bump into him in the street.” His attempts to pick up the mood fall on deaf ears.
“He didn’t have to drag me along for the ride though.” Your tears slide down your face and pool on your neck, not even having the strength within you to wipe them away.
“Well we’re all here for you no matter what Y/N-“
“Can I go to yours for a bit? I know it’s early I just… don’t want to go back to the flat just yet.”
“Course you can.”
Staying at Kirishima’s became a regular thing. Not really being able to confine yourself to the four walls of the apartment you used to share with Shoto.
He’d let you sleep in his spare room, his gym equipment keeping you company in the night. It was a fine arrangement. Kirishima was always so nice to you when you were with Todoroki, and since your abrupt breakup; you had an inkling that Kirishima wasn’t on the best of terms with him anymore.
The barren walls and blankets kept you safe from old memories, but your mind followed through with the nightmares.
Your body shook from the antagonising scowl upon Todoroki’s face, it was terrifying but mostly upsetting. You couldn’t help but sob yourself awake. Your pillow a wet mess and your throat dry from screaming.
Kirishima stood in your doorway, the light from the hallway pooling around him and the sympathetic gaze in his tired eyes.
You nodded, sitting yourself up in bed and wiping the wet from your cheeks. Kirishima sat on the edge of your bed, rubbing your leg comfortingly over the duvet.
“Do you need anything?” The tired croak in his voice broke your heart further. You felt like such a burden.
“No I’m okay; thank you.” With a small smile, Kirishima got up to go back to bed before you intervened. “Wait- will you stay with me?”
There’s a small glimmer of confusion that passes over Kirishima’s face, but in the end he accepts. You’d known each other for many years and had many sleepovers in each other's dorms that this was nothing new.
Taking off his dressing gown, Kirishima was dressed in a slightly ripped top of his own ‘Red Riot’ merch and loose-fitting boxers. It took you a few moments to drink him in, this really was the most intimate you’d ever seen him.
And that’s how it went for 5 months, just you and Kirishima periodically sleeping in each other's beds to just be with each other. Nothing explicit or sexual, just sometimes touching feet or waking up near enough in each other’s arms.
Until 2 weeks before Deku, Bakugou and Todoroki were meant to come home.
Whether it was the heat of the night or just an off day from not having been intimate for so long you couldn’t help but just need someone to touch you so badly. Thankfully Kirishima was in his room so you at least had some alone time to run your fingers against your slick folds, fingers sopping wet from just how aroused you actually were.
It was infuriating about how you could barely get yourself off, and stifling your moans with a weak lip bite was getting you absolutely nowhere. You knew how thin Kirishima’s walls could be from that night he brought a girl home once. You barely got a lick of sleep just from the noise… or from the slight twinge of jealousy.
Because it had become such a norm to you both, you hadn’t even noticed Kirishima enter your room with your eyelids pressed shut trying to picture any sort of scenario to get the edge off. So when you felt him tugging at your covers; your whole body turned to ice.
“Kiri wait-“
But it was far too late. He had no choice but to see the bottom half of you completely naked and drenched in your own slick.
“Oh fuck Y/N- I-I’m so sorry look I’ll go I should’ve knocked- fuck I’m sorry.” Even in the darkness of your room you could clearly see the blush on his face as if it was illuminative. You also couldn’t peel your eyes away from the rising tent in his sweatpants. You could’ve licked your lips at the sight.
“It’s alright- I’m sorry I didn’t notice you sooner.” You tried your best to catch your breath, with no real success as your tone was so ragged. You covered yourself up and place your hands on top of your covers; allowing for some form of minor stimulation to yourself without Kirishima noticing.
“D-Do you want me to help?” He sounded so innocent but the way he licked his lips sent chills to your spine. Could you really sleep with your best friend?
“I-I don’t know, but- you obviously need some help yourself.” You do your best to joke about the awkward situation, something that was rather natural for your friendship. Kirishima couldn’t help but slyly place his hands over his crotch despite you already noticing the dark grey patch of pre-cum staining the fabric.
“Well… we could just… masturbate together?” The thought hung in the air for a brief moment as it washed over the both of you, Kirishima gulping as the silence lasted longer than expected.
“Okay…” Your tone was hesitant but he could tell by how dilated your pupils were that this would probably be something neither of the two of you would mention in the morning. He’d be okay with that… maybe. Maybe not.
Sliding to his usual side of the bed, he leaned against the headboard and you sat yourself up a bit further. Pulling the covers to the side so everything was fully out in the open again. You could hear Kirishima hiss between his teeth at the sight of you even more drenched at the thought of you two doing this together. You watched with the same anticipation as him as he pulled his sweatpants down to let his cock spring free. The sight of it so red and flush couldn’t stop your hand from sliding back down to your heat.
Seeing the two of you like this was enough to get you both off, the room was filled with an air of silence but it wasn’t heavy. No, it was littered with the soft moans of you and your best friend.
Your eyes traced each other’s bodies as if you needed to discover every inch of each other with just your eyes. You’d seen Kirishima without his shirt many timesa time but you could practically beg for it just to see the way his muscles move as he pumped his cock. Kirishima gave you the same attentive look as he studied the way your fingers slid in and out of yourself.
After a few minutes of pleasure filled and moan ridden ecstasy; your hand began to cramp and the frustration of still not being able to get yourself off had tears streaming down your face.
“Fuck Kiri-“ You whined, hearing his name come out of your mouth was a sinful kiss to his ears. He wanted to hear it all the time.
“Yeah, me too princess.” He sounded so low it was basically a grunt of a sentence. “Do you want me to-?”
“Please.” He didn’t have to wait, you lifted away your tired hand from yourself and he slid along the bed to run his fingers up your slit. Just the feeling of another person touching you so intimately was enough to release the tension from your sore head, the scream released from your throat could’ve made him come undone right then and there.
“Just like that baby?” Kirishima’s calloused fingers danced delicately along your folds, squeezing ever so gently at your clit making your back arch. Your hand drifted along his midriff until it found the way to the bottom of his cock. He hissed at the feeling of your hand around him and his fingers stuttered against your core.
“Please, mmmf… need you in me.” You managed to choke out. Kirishima didn’t need another sign as he plunged two fingers into your wet self. He set his hand just above your head, leaning down on you as you fisted his member at the same rate he thrusted his fingers in and out of you.
You both silently knew that it’d be too weird if you two actually had sex. You were just helping each other in a time of need.
Kirishima pressed his knuckles down on the spongy part of your insides, making your hand falter aagainst him before finding your way to pick up your pace again.
“Fuck fuck, Y/N- I’m so fucking close.” Kirishima forced the words out of his mouth as he watched you writhe in pleasure underneath him.
“Me too Kiri oh fuck-“ You could feel the coil tightening within you ready to burst and you felt him twitch beneath your hand.
“Fucking hell fuck Y/N I lo-.” The sound of him moaning as he came into your hand and parts of your stomach drowned out his sentence and the way he curled his fingers while inside of you was enough to also tip you over the edge, grabbing his shoulder with your free hand for a reason to ground you to reality.
Catching your breath, Kirishima slid away from above you. The reality of the situation almost settling in for the two of you. He lifted the waistband of his sweatpants up before pressing a chaste kiss on your head. He wished he would have lingered longer.
“I’ll get something to help you clean up.” He returned with two hot flannels, rubbing wherever his come had landed on you and using the other to wipe any sweat or where your slick had coated your thighs.
“Thank you Kirishima.” Your throat croaked from the pleasure of it all, Kirishima couldn’t help but give a short chuckle as he crawled into bed with you after throwing the flannels in the washing machine.
“I should be thanking you too.”
With that you both fell asleep, a little closer to each other than usual. But, what was he going to say before he got interrupted? You didn’t have time to think of that now.
Within two weeks, you and Kirishima had become a lot closer after your little ‘sexual altercation’. Your social media was flooded with photos of you and him going out to eat and going to the movies together and just dumb stuff you’d do at his apartment. So after 6 months of living on and off together; you two decided that you’d officially become roommates. Not a couple just… roommates.
“You gonna need any help or anything?” Kirishima smiled as you opened the door to your old apartment you used to share with Todoroki. Thankfully for the last time.
“Just go to work silly. I'm just grabbing the last of my stuff. It's nothing big, just clothes and ornaments.” You waver him off with a shake of your hand. “You gotta head to work and finish that paperwork.”
That earned a groan from him.
“I’d rather be manly and helpful to you.” He leaned his arm against the doorframe as you unlocked the door.
“Yeah? Well you can go and be manly and helpful to the public, I’ll see you later Kiri.” You smirk, he rolls his eyes. You parted with a small hug and you began to get started to clean up the final things in your old apartment with Todoroki.
It looked almost barren now, you didn’t realise how much of you was in this house and not him. He was always reserved, unlike Kirishima. Even though it was never a fully agreed upon thing that you were living with Kiri as you’d come back to this old house for most of the week- it didn’t feel like home. But it did with Kirishima.
You placed old bedcovers and old clothes into a cardboard box, humming to yourself at the glee of not being alone in the birdcage of your ex. You didn’t even hear the keys go in the door. It wasn’t until you were exiting your old shared bedroom with the box in hand did you notice him. You couldn’t help but drop the box as there was Todoroki, unchanged from the day he left you at that airport cafe.
“I was just leaving.”
“Leaving where? Where’ve all your things gone?” He couldn’t not help but notice your decorum missing, it brought life into the modern studio apartment.
“I don’t live here anymore Todoroki. I’m just getting my things and going home.” You attempt to save yourself the embarrassment of already dropping the box by spitting back with venom.
The look of confusion on the bicoloured man’s face was evident. You had no time to play his games.
“I live with Kirishima, I’m getting the last of my things. I didn’t even realise you’d be home today.” You sigh. Though, maybe you subconsciously did. Maybe you knew that he’d be home today and that’s why you decided today was the day you’d get the rest of your things.
“I thought you were getting a bit close.” Todoroki grumbled under his breath, but he knew you heard him. “Always on dates together, always at his house.”
The loud ‘hah’ you let out of your mouth was a jutter in the conversation, Todoroki was obviously taken aback.
“What’s it even to you? Why should you give a shit about my life when you just up and disappeared for 6 months on your own volition huh?” You spat despite your whole body shaking, you couldn’t have missed him right? “You left me alone even when I supported you, did all that shit to make sure we’d stay in contact and now you have the nerve to be jealous?”
His eyes scanned your face before watching you intently, crossing the space between you to finally stand in front of you. You could smell his cologne, citrus and sharp. You’d forgotten how much you missed that smell.
“I didn’t know how much I’d missed you Y/N.” You could feel his breath fan your face catching your own ever so slightly. “I missed you so fucking much baby.”
“Come on baby tell me you didn’t miss me too.” His voice was so soft and sweet to your ears, you couldn’t even stop him from leaning in so close to your face.
“I-“ But before you could speak his lips had encapsulated yours, the box in your hands losing grip.
God had you missed his lips upon yours, you sunk into the kiss as if you had never slept and he was the comfiest bed on earth. He pushed the box from your hands and it landed to the floor with a large thud, taking you by surprise. Yet despite you breaking the kiss from the surprise he swooped you back to having his lips against yours once again.
Kicking the cardboard from the separation of the two of you, Todoroki pulled you close. Taking you in his arms and furthering the kiss. He’d gotten more toned in the months that he’d been gone, your hands dancing over his muscles which were taught against his jumper.
“I should’ve never fucking left you baby girl.” He moaned against your lips, hand to the back of your neck as he drank you in. “Never. I missed you so fucking much.”
Sliding his hands from your neck to your lower back until he reached your thighs, Todoroki pulled you up and you gripped onto his waist as if it was clockwork. How could you have ever thought about anyone else but him? Todoroki walked with ease with you around him to your old bedroom, and when he lay you on your bed it didn’t feel so small anymore.
Buzz Buzz
“Fuck- Shoto my phone,” You whined as Todoroki left nipping kisses down your neck, you shifted beneath him to grab your phone from your back pocket to only see Kirishima’s name flash before you. You could feel Shoto’s heterochromic gaze as the photo of you and Kirishima lit up the screen.
“Answer it-“ Todoroki’s voice was a commanding growl and by the way he squeezed your breasts roughly you couldn’t help but coincide. “Answer it, but be quiet.”
With a gulp you shakily clicked to answer the call and put it on speaker as Todoroki began to slide down your jeans.
“Hey Y/N! Look I know this is out of the blue and I’m at work but- I can’t just stop thinking about us and you know… what we did.” Kirishima’s voice rang through the phone and you feel that Todoroki’s eyes could have pierced through you right then and there.
“But I just think you know with everything we’ve been through together- god this is so not manly asking over the phone but… do you wanna go on a date sometime? I’ll take you out somewhere nice and proper.”
Todoroki rolled his hips into your clothed core after taking off your jeans and a moan threatened to erupt from your throat. Sliding your underwear down his fingers pressed against your wetness and slid down before he bent his head down licking a strip against your sensitive clit. He knew your body like the back of his hand- you missed his gentle touch.
“And I know it might be weird because of Todoroki but he broke up with you so it’s understandable right?” Todoroki’s grip on your thigh became tighter as he lapped your pussy you thought that if you bit your lip any harder it would surely bleed. “I talked with Bakugou about it and he didn’t exactly give the best advice but… I like you… a lot Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but let out a whimpering moan as Todoroki slipped his tongue inside of you and moved in and out of you slowly, relishing the small moans you made.
“Y/N? Are you there? You okay?”
Todoroki’s hand left your thigh and he sat up, allowing for his bulge to once again grind against your core. You gasp at the friction of his jeans against your sensitive clit.
“Y/N? Hello? Please tell me you’re alright?”
With a swift grab of your phone and a hand pressed to your lips; Todoroki began to basically growl back at Kirishima.
“She’s busy.”
Making a scene of pressing the end call button, Todoroki through your phone to the carpeted floor where it thankfully didn’t smash.
“So you’ve been messing about with Kirishima, baby?” You whimper at his words as he harshly presses his bulge against you. “Also, didn’t I tell you to be quiet?”
He grasps your chin with his forefinger and his thumb, placing a gentle kiss against your lips before bringing his other hand and slapping your ass hard. You wail at the contact which only gives Todoroki a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.
“It was only once Shoto I promise-“
“Shh shh shh, your filthy mouth needs to be quiet baby girl.” Todoroki leans up from you and begins to unbuckle his belt painfully slowly. His hand gestures afterwards as if telling you to finish disrobing yourself by yourself. “I should’ve never left you, no one else gets to know that this pretty little pussy is mine and mine alone. Got that princess?”
He brings his belt to slap against your thigh when you don’t give him a reply immediately, to which you soon nod your head.
“Let me hear your words baby girl.” His hands slide down to his boxers, jerking himself off as if to tease you as you couldn’t fully picture how he was fisting his cock right now.
“I’m yours Shoto, nobody else’s. Only ever yours.” You’re a whimpering mess and you try to cling to him desperately. He lets out a low chuckle before pulling his boxers fully down and letting his cock spring free.
Todoroki settles himself in between your legs, savouring a taste of your slick before angling his body back up so you were face to face, leaving wet kisses down your neck but biting at all the sweet spots he knew too well.
“Gonna mark you so that everybody knows that you belong to me.” His voice whispered against your skin, the tip of his member prodding against your folds; sliding up and down against you for some friction.
Shoto made his way back up from your nipples to your mouth before pressing his lips against you hungrily. He settled his hips neatly against yours and you instinctively wrapped your thighs around him as he pushed inside of you. Moaning into the kiss with each thrust until he completely bottomed out inside of you. You felt so full and right, you were Todoroki’s.
“God princess I forgot how much you felt like you were made for me.” Todoroki grunts as he begins to set a pace for himself, entangling his hands in your hair and tugging slightly so he has free reign over your neck for every bite and mark he saw fit. “Isn’t that right baby?”
“Yes- fuck me Shoto I’m all yours.” You dig your nails into his back, hard enough to leave marks tomorrow. Shoto starts pistoning his hips into you and you both can’t help but groan at the friction of your two bodies melding together.
Shoto slides his hand up your body until he reached the small of your back, arching you at a deeper angle into him as he fucked you directly into the bed. The sound it made only added to the erotic symphony of your bedroom combined with your moans and the wet skin slapping together. You fist your hands into the sheets in fear of clawing Todoroki’s back any more and you swore you could’ve torn the covers.
“Does that feel good princess? Am I the only one who knows how to make you feel as good as this?” Todoroki’s laugh is almost sinister as he brings his right hand to your clit, making it drop in temperature just to see you squirm.
“You make me feel so fucking good Shoto- so full I only want you- I only need you. Fuck I’m gonna-“
“You gonna come for me princess? Gonna come all around my cock? Good girl, come on come for me.” He whispered into your neck, feeling you tighten around him. Your back arched even further as you came undone around him, pushing himself even further into you to feel you convulse against his cock.
“Shit Y/N!” He groans, absolutely exasperated as he comes inside of you. Letting hot spurts of come dribble out from your pussy. His hands slide from your sides and into your hands as intertwines your fingers together. Shoto catches his breath, his bicoloured hair stuck to his forehead with sweat as he leans into your chest- the two of your synchronising your breathing together.
“Did you miss that my baby? Miss me taking care of you like that?” Todoroki showers your fluttering body with kisses as he pulls himself out of you. Your heart raced but also the pang of guilt was there from the phone call from Kirishima.
“I missed you Sho.”
Todoroki took care of your heavily bruised body, apologising for the bruises upon your waist where he gripped you too tightly and covering you up tightly into your old bedsheets to lay together just like the old days.
However Kirishima was just glad he had a lock on his office door. He gripped his phone tightly in his hands after hearing your orgasm brought him to his own. The pretty profanities that fell out your mouth drove him insane. He’d have to seriously clean himself up after jacking off to your explicit moans from over the phone. Did Todoroki mean to hang up? He didn’t care right now, he just cared about good he could still make you feel.
He was going to make you his. Todoroki or not.
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more-stuff-of-pi · 3 years
I’ll Fight For You
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a/n: lmao i swear i’m fine, just needed good ol’ kiri to assist me in a v self-indulgent fic. also, sorry for taking forever to write something yoinks
notes: did i read through this after i wrote it? nope. we’re fucking rolling with the audacity of not even a single ounce of beta-ing. requests are open :) find my masterlist here
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader | genre: angst (w/happy ending) / hurt/comfort | warnings: abusive mother (mental/verbal), a father who doesn’t intervene | word count: 2,018
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Your boyfriend was practically vibrating with nerves as he adjusted his hair in the mirror. It was artfully piled on top of his head, his dark roots making a sharp contrast against the vibrant red.
“Ei,” you smiled, “you’re gonna be fine.”
He worried his sharp teeth against his bottom lip, frowning all the while. “But what if they--?”
“They’re going to love you, Ei. Probably even more than they love me,” you joke, coming up behind Eijirou’s monstrously large form. Hero work had been both kind and harsh on him but he made it look effortlessly good. You gently slid your arms around his waist as you angled yourself so that you could still eye his reflection.
“I’m just… worried, is all.”
You cock your eyebrow. “About what, Ei?”
He incredulously meets your gaze through the mirror. “What do you mean, about what?!”
It dawns on you a little bit. “Oh, well, she’s not going to be mean to you, Ei. She knows how to play nice when it counts. And you, good sir, count.”
“That’s not as reassuring as it is worrying, you know.”
“My mother is just a little intense, babe, it’s nothing I’m not used to. Like I said, she knows how to tone it down in front of others. I’m sure tonight will be fine. I probably just exaggerate everytime I whine about her, so she’s probably not even half as bad as I make her sound,” you shrug, leaning more into Eijirou’s side.
“Baby,” he sighs, twisting a little to look directly at you, no mirror this time. His eyes are sad yet firm as if wishing you to understand that there’s no need to defend yourself with him.
You squeeze him tighter before letting go and walking to the door. “C’mon, we’ll be late if we don’t leave now.”
You always forget that you don’t really ever exaggerate your mother’s behavior towards you until you’re around her again. Everything as far as introducing your boyfriend to your parents has been going incredibly smoothly. Your dad enthusiastically engaged Eijirou in hero stories, talking about Red Riot’s  most recent media appearance where he was dressed in pajamas and carrying tubs of various ice creams you both had wanted to try when he dropped everything to prevent a construction beam from falling on clueless bystanders. Only one tub of ice cream had survived and luck had it that it was your least favorite flavor combination. Your mother praised Eijirou for his success and his coupling good looks at which she winked, making your boyfriend flush both at the phrase and the uncomfortable comments your mother directed at him. You winced at that, having forgotten to prepare him for the habitual talent your mother had of sexualizing anything, especially if it would ‘embarrass’ her child.
Your mother had made off handed comments throughout the whole night that you seemed to be the only one to pick up on. Your dad might have noticed a few but, as usual, he only looked at you apologetically, never interrupting his wife to stand up for you.
As much as you loved both of your parents and as much as they had their good moments, this fucking sucked.
“--not that she’s any good with that quirk of hers, of course,” your mother snickered as she brought the glass to her lips. You had become a good actor over the years in order to avoid your mother’s bullying over your ‘sensitiveness’, but something about her dismissing your hard work always immediately dismantled whatever mask you had thrown on. To cover what you know must be a crestfallen look, you give a laugh, something that could be called half-hearted at best. Your eyes remained trained on your food. “Oh come on, Y/n, that was funny.”
You chuckled again, hoping to force some genuineness into it. “Yeah--”
“No, it wasn’t,” Eijirou immediately cuts you off, voice straining with anger. You felt your face drain of blood as you noticed how tightly he was gripping his chopsticks. He was fuming. You don’t think you’d ever seen him angry before. The thought scared you. “That was just mean.”
Your mother quirked an unimpressed, subtly pissed brow at your boyfriend. “Don’t be sensitive, Eijirou. House rules: if it’s mean but funny, it’s okay.”
“As long as you get a laugh from it, it’s okay to abuse your child?” He spits at her like venom.
Your mother sets her glass down, eyes narrowing. “Excuse me?”
“You heard--”
You slap a hand over Eijirou’s bicep, squeezing so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up bruising. “It’s fine! Nothing I’m used to! I grew up on the ‘if it’s mean but funny’ rule, so it’s fine.”
The look he gave you was of incredulous anger. “No, it is not--!”
“Please, Ei. Please, just--,” you averted your eyes, ashamed of your own familiar defeat. “Just sit.”
Shamefully, you slide back into your seat, nervously smoothing out a napkin back onto your lap. Eijirou still stood beside you, staring daggers at your mother who effortlessly returned it. His fists were balled, the veins in his hands flexing with the effort of restraining himself. His jaw snapped shut with an audible clamp as he resolved himself to sitting back down.
Your dad clears his throat, more so than necessary as if the harder he did it, the better he could dissipate the tension. “Done, everyone?” No one answers him. He takes that as the go ahead to begin clearing dishes, desperately jumping at the opportunity to escape your mother’s impending tantrum. You loved your dad very much but, god, he was nothing if not a coward, always leaving you to fight your own battles. You don’t think you’ve ever won.
Your mother returns her cold attention to you, the ice starting to thicken and your mother’s hollow kindness starting to retreat along with her patience. “What are you even doing to help train your quirk, sweetie?”
Taken aback, you met her gaze. “W-what do you mean?”
“I mean, I don’t ever see you doing anything at all to help. You do realize that training takes work, right? What does it take? It takes--,” your mother trailed off, flourishing both hands to motion for you to finish the sentence.
“Effort!” She clapped with your word. “It takes effort! And I only want the best for you, sweetheart, which is why I’m just asking what you’re doing. From where I stand, it doesn’t look like you’re doing anything at all to help improve yourself! As your mother, your concerned mother, I’m just looking out for you, sweetheart.”
Your mind is reeling at her words. You so badly want to defend yourself, assert all of the effort that you have painstakingly put in-- but you are reminded of the precise way your mother is able to leech any ounce of power or confidence from you. You would think that was her quirk if you didn’t know any better. “Mom, I am putting effort in, I train almost everyday--”
“Do you really?” Her voice drips with venomous shock. “It certainly doesn’t look like you do,” she gestures vaguely at you, eyeing your body with a vulture’s gaze. “Maybe you should consider morning and night. Oh! And a diet change, too. You know, since the popular heroes have a specific look to them and I just want to make sure that you can fit that. Since it’s your dream to be a popular hero. Like I said, you have to be willing to put in the effort. Oh, sweetie, don’t look at me like that. You know the difficult position I’m in! Trying to encourage you and help you achieve your dreams while not seeming too enthusiastic. You’re putting that stress on me, sweetie, I’m only trying to help.”
It really was incredible how quickly your mother could erase any confidence you had. Normally, you would stand beaming, more than happy to assert yourself and stand up for yourself and others. All it took was a couple words from your mother, and you turned into a dog with its head down and its tail between its legs, fearful of its master.
Your gut sank and hatred swirled throughout your body for both yourself and her as you once again let her have power over you. “You’re right. Sorry, Mom--”
“Do you know where your daughter ranks as a hero?”
Stunned, you both glanced at Eijirou, having almost completely forgotten that he was there. Throughout her tirade, you had felt a tragically familiar loneliness, used to having to defend yourself when no one, not even your other family members, would. Used to always submitting and used to the shame that always accompanied your forced silence.
“What?” She spat.
“I asked if you knew your daughter’s ranking. I just was wondering, is all. It would make sense if you weren’t aware that she ranks in the top 30 since you were asking about the effort she puts in. I would think that that accomplishment -- at such a young age, too, might I add -- was evidence enough of the countless hours, blood, sweat, and tears that she has poured into this. The effort she’s painstakingly put in. You’re right that being a hero is her dream, and she’s a damn good one, too. Saved my life more than once with ‘that quirk of hers’,” he sneered bitterly. “And, on top of that, she’s so beautiful through and through that sometimes it’s all I can do to stare at her in awe. Your thinly veiled shaming of her appearance is never the result of a mother’s so-called difficult situation, only the result of your own insecurities.”
Eijirou suddenly stands, having finally had more than enough for one night. “The only gratitude I will ever have towards you is for bringing this wonderful woman into this world. I hope one day you’ll actually realize how amazing your daughter is and how proud of her you ought to be. Because I am. I am so incredibly proud of her and her accomplishments and the results of her efforts.”
“And who’s to say that I’m not proud of her, Eijirou?”
He scoffs. Eijirou, the kindest, most patient man you know, scoffs in your mother’s face. “Haven’t you ever heard that actions speak louder than words?”
Your mother gapes up at him, opening and closing her mouth like a fish. In that moment, she resembles a fish and you couldn’t be more pleased with that comparison.
“He’s right, mom.” You rise to join him. “I know you love me. I have no choice but to believe it because I think it would destroy me if I didn’t. But maybe someday I won’t constantly have to defend myself to you and you’ll accept the things I say without dismissing them. You always say you admire me most for my assertiveness but you shut me down anytime I use it to stand up for myself against you. And that makes you nothing but a hypocrite.” You stare her down, reveling in the confidence Eijirou gives you in this thing against your mother. For the first time, you are not alone as you fight this battle. For the first time, you have help. And for the first time, you feel like you’ve won. “Now if you’ll excuse us.”
You take Eijirou’s hand and lead him out of the house, leaving your parents to stare after you in shock. As soon as you make it out, cold air hits you like a slap in the face that harshly wakes you from a daze.
“Holy shit, Ei, did I just stand up to my mom?”
He laughs and squeezes your hand. “It was pretty manly, too.” You laugh breathlessly, still in disbelief as you push your other fist against his arm. “And you know,” he continues, “that I’m the best judge of that.”
“That must mean a lot,” you grin, swinging your linked hands between you as you walk further from your parents’ home, feeling the fullness of a good meal and a battle won.
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taglist: @samwrights, @mayaoliviee, @luluwiie​, @gigglyparker​ (i thought i would tag you since you commented on the draft that i posted of this, hope you don’t mind <3)
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Green Lantern Jaune!AU
*In the middle of the Fall of Beacon*
Jaune: *To Cinder* In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night--
Cinder: *Hopped up on her ego* Really? This is the best you have, Nikos? A cheat who’s read too much manga?
Pyrrha: *Staring in horror*
Jaune: --No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!
Cinder: *Rolls her eyes, aims arrow at Jaune instead*
Jaune: Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might, Beware My Power--
Cinder: *Shoots arrow*
Jaune: Green Lantern’s Light!
*A flash of green and Jaune’s wearing Alan Scott’s Kingdom Come Green Lantern suit*
Cinder: What!?
Pyrrha: *Gapes*
Cinder’s Arrow: *Disintegrates*
Jaune: Don’t worry Pyrrha, I got this!
Jacques Schnee: *Blinded by Jaune’s transformation* What the devil!?
Weiss: *Sees her chance, kicks her father in the groin* That dolt, what does he think he’s doing? *Worriedly, poorly mimicking Jaune’s voice* ‘Oh no, I can’t do that Snow Angel, it’s bad enough I let you know but Remnant’s nowhere near ready for the attention of the rest of the galaxy!’ How is transforming in front of all of Vale supposed to be keeping that a secret!? *Stalks off worriedly in Jaune’s direction*
Jacques Schnee: *Rolls on the ground in agony*
Blake: *Stemming Yang’s bleeding* I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so--
*Jaune transforms, Blake yelps*
Blake: *Gapes at the barely visible figure of Jaune* W-what!? Jaune’s the Emerald Knight!?
Yang: *Waking, weakly* B-Blake?
Blake: *Still stunned but realizes she can’t run now, not with Yang looking like at her like that*
Adam Taurus: *Seething in apocalyptic fury* You again. You bastard, you just won’t stop interfering where you don’t belong!
White Fang Grunt: *Terrified of the emerald glow* Sir? What do we do? The last time we fought the Emerald Knight he nearly killed you.
Adam Taurus: *Audibly grinds teeth* We retreat.
White Fang Grunt: Sir!?
Adam Taurus: Don't make me repeat myself. We retreat. The only way we live to fight another day is if we live and that accursed blight on faunuskind won’t hesitate to kill our brothers and sisters in droves if we fight him now!
Nora: --EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ren: *Sighs in defeat*
Nora: *Stops, cackling maniacally* If fearless leader’s a superhero then that means we are too, Renny! *Pink electricity crackles, Nora’s eyes begin glowing pink* Call me Thundermaiden! *Lifts Magnhild*
Worried Beowolf: Aroo?
Velvet: *Breathes* Bloody rippa.
Coco: *Lips pressed together, exhales explosively* Nine out of ten. That armor is sleek, aesthetically pleasing from any angle, those pauldrons are just muah and if Arc had been born with just one more X chromosome I’d have my head buried in his thighs and he’d be screaming my name for that fucking cape. *Sighs wistfully*
Neptune: *To himself* Oh yeah, because now’s the time for a boner.
Reese Chloris: *Zipping about* Maybe focus on the badass armor later, cause if you haven’t noticed-- *Is cut off by the roar of Coco’s minigun*
Coco: Yeah, yeah.
Emerald: Get back here you traitorous coward!
Mercury: *Running away* Nope, fuck that! My old man fought the Emerald Knight last year, got his ass whooped up and down the Purple River and the Emerald Knight just straight up disappeared the fucker! Not only is fighting that dude suicide but I owe him one!
Emerald: You traitor! How dare you turn your back on Cinder, after all she’s done for you!
Mercury: *Rolls his eyes, kicks a Beringel at a now shrieking Emerald* Cinder offers me the chance to kill my old man. Emerald Knight wipes him off the face of Remnant. And these are the people I worked with.
Ruby: Pyrrha, don’t worry, I’m holy guacamole with a side of chips. *Stares at Jaune in awe* OMIGOSH YOUR ARMOR IS SO COOL!
Cinder: *Incoherent screaming*
Ruby: *Gasps at Jaune’s massive emerald longsword* Th-th-th-th-- *Goes into a pitch only dogs can hear*
Jaune: *Cuts through two more of Cinder’s swords, creates a massive riot shield to block fire* Like Crocea Mors, Rubes? *Ruby shatters glass with her voice* Just a bit of my power. Alright, enough of you.
Cinder: You dare!? I am the Fall Maiden and I will have your girlfriend’s soul!
Jaune: Uh, Weiss is nowhere near--
Pyrrha: *Slumps, mutters* Thank you for reminding me Jaune, I had almost forgotten.
Jaune: You say something Pyr?
Cinder: *Flabbergasted* Then why!? Why stand in my path!? This will only end one way, you cheat! You’re a nobody! Nothing you have can stand before the powers of the Maidens! Not your strange aura or your paltry armor!
Jaune: Because. Pyrrha’s my friend. *Pyrrha gets teary eyed*  It's not about where you were born or the powers you have or what you wear on your chest; it's about what you do. It’s about your actions. And I refuse to let innocent people be hurt in your lust for power! *Disappears Crocea Mors, creates heavy shackle constructs on Cinder and a muzzle construct over her mouth* And you’re right. The Guardians of Oa will be your judgment.
Cinder: *Wide eyed, stunned at her immediate defeat*
Ruby: *Gapes, is inspired by his words*
Pyrrha: *Stunned, happy to be alive, touched*
Weiss: *Arrives* Our hero. *Smiles* So much for secrecy, huh?
Jaune: *Sheepishly* Heh, yeah. Not sure Remnant’s really ready for the Corps. and all that comes with it but no way could I call myself a Lantern if I let Pyro Lady here get her way.
Weiss: *Haughtily* Yes, quite. *Smiles cheerfully* Well the good news is you seem to have given the others a second wind. *Gestures, strokes Jaune’s cheek*
Jaune: *Stares blankly as Huntsmen and Huntress tear through Grimm like they’re barely there, sees retreating White Fang and Atlas making arrests, mowing down Grimm; Grins* All in a--
Grimm Dragon: *Roars*
Cinder: *Eyes widen in glee*
Weiss: *Clutches Jaune’s side, aims Myrtenaster*
Jaune: AAAHHH! DRAGON! Trust in instincts!
*Giant green penis construct forms above the Dragon and slams down onto it, crushing the body*
Cinder: *Goes into catatonic shock*
Jaune: *Ignores Weiss pounding on his chest as she blushes furiously* Instincts bad!
Grimm Dragon: *Dies feeling oddly humiliated*
Weiss: Why!? Of all the things, why t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that!
Jaune: *Embarrassed, not making eye contact with a stunned Ruby or Pyrrha, defends himself* I didn’t hear you complaining last night when I made to-scale copies of Jaune Jr. so you could get spitroasted by your boyfriend! I *realizes what he just said* Oops.
Weiss: *Mortified beyond belief* I-I, you, n-no... *Sees gaping Ruby and Pyrrha, buries her face in his cape* H-he’s lying! I-I, noooo, I hate yoooooouuu!!!!!!
Jaune: I love you too, Snow Angel. *Blushes* Well, as far as official debuts go that could have been worse.
Winter: *Sounding angry and embarrassed as she stomps up the CCT stairs* W-Weiss, I’m well aware of how happy you are in your relationship but that is no reason to allow your boyfriend to advertise to the world in s-s-such lewd detail his p-p-p-his dingaling!
Yang: *Further down the stairs, sounding pained* BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Weiss: *Face is a tomato and she starts kicking an embarrassed Jaune’s armored shin*
One: Look my Homelander avatar in the eyes and tell me Alan Scott’s armor in Kingdom Come wasn’t just made for a GL!Jaune story.
Two: Yes, that is a (very lightly) paraphrased Superman quote Jaune used.
Three: Instincts bad is a reference to a Spider-Man panel.
Four: Velvet is terribly accurate. My girlfriend is Australian and she uses ‘ripper’ regularly. It’s basically Australian for awesome.
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queenofmalkier · 3 years
This is it :(
OMG OMG OMG - me, to myself the entire time. Okay but he's not the dragon reborn he's just the dragon.. okay fine. I get it's to help show-only people BUT STILL LTT should just be a bad bitch in his time. He made The Dragon happen! THEY DID IT. FAM THEY DID IT IT'S FUTURE PAST TIME AGE OF LEGENDS. He just wants to save the world, poor bby Lews. ~Mushroom Man~ Oh you mean LIKE RAND Moiraine? Egwene, just breathe. You poor thing. You're all so fucked. Look Perrin gets lines LET ME JOT IT DOWN. Oh we're talking about it? Interesting. I like that they're like "Hey, sooo we good?" Still hate that story choice but whatever. Moiraine is in like, some kind of manic state I swear. MALKIER. Okay if they can't touch things why can they SIT on them. Blight inconsistencies bugging me over here. Moiraine "I have three feelings and you are not privy to any of them" Damodred. NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Baby. Oh fuck all of this is so good but so sad. Nope, crying again. WE'RE GETTING THE FUCKING LINE. CRYING CRYING CRYING. It's so fucking good. Okay we didn't get ALL of the line, but it's enough. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This is a dream right? "That was rude" Sup Ishamael. Somebody definitely got lost in the cull (RIP Be'lal) Rand Means Business. He's such a baby though. Nobody takes it seriously. Maybe don't insult Tam, Ishy-boy. Tam is Everybody's Dad. Rand "I have more feelings but you're not privy to them, take that!" LITTLE GREEN MAN. WE GOT 'EM. Introduction of Rand's self-esteem issues in 3, 2, 1... Nynaeve can't hear the wind anymore?? :( Moiraine is stressssssed af. Interesting, so she had a block? I do love their bonding over trauma. The blight looks like a cluster of starfish starfish. That's what it reminds me of. Everybody harassing Min and she's just like "I didn't even want to be here today." Oh shit. OH SHIT. Rafe you had better not hurt my baby Nynaeve or I will fucking riot. Uno :D :D :D I am traumatized already but he makes me smile. Uh wait I don't know what they need to do? Agelmar :( IT'S A WELLLL!!!! OMG I recognize that from different photos, I think from India? Rand, honey, she's on a death march. She's not gonna stay. Lan :( I really do love Amalisa's dress. Focusing on that instead of being sad. Failing. Oh god it's going to fall. Fuuuuuuck. Crying again. jfc. Everybody is doing what they can but they have no hope in themselves. It's breaking my heart. Not exactly the dark one, kiddo. That's a cradle. That's a fucking CRADLE. The Rand/Egwene dream baby we expected. But that does but an interesting spin on Min's visions. OH FUCK. Did he just fucking STILL her???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Good on you to run Min! What have we here? "Let them buy every step they take with blood" Five fucking channelers. Fuck. I mean Egwene and Nynaeve are EVERYTHING but damn. Perrin's anger showing up! God I love his casting. It's so fucking good just allow him to ACT YOU COWARDS. Snap out of it Rand. You know this isn't real! Ishamael you fucked up, because Rand KNOWS Egwene. And he knows she wouldn't want this and it’s not real. Well nevermind. He looked like he knew. Whelp, he knows now! Ishamael, you're peddling to the wrong Good Boy. You can't say she wasn't prepared. I love that everybody supports the builders. Like they could be pissed as fuck and immediately pause to be nice. I'm not ready. It's coming and I AM NOT READY. Noooooooooooooo. They couldn't make the horse sit still lol. RAND. RAND AL'THOR. I don't know if I love or hate Ishamael's suit. I'm still deciding. Padan Fain has entered the arena, the motherfucker. The HORNNNNNNN. Wondering when it would come say hello. Alright ladies, put your fucking game faces ON. It's go time motherfuckers. But also like, maybe be careful Nynaeve is a beast and she might be able to burn you out. I don't know the rules in show world. GET HIM PERRIN. Rand please just tell me you're trying to learn how to channel. I think you are but I have concerns. Also why didn't Moiraine tell him that she couldn't teach him because men channel differently???? NOW HE'S LEARNING FROM ISHAMAEL. Foreshadowing? I like that the lines from Egwene and Nynaeve are stronger. But Amalisa come on, calm down. BE CAREFUL. Don't fucking leave it there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rand. Oh god. That look on his face. Ishamael you're about to have a bad day. FUCK UP THOSE TROLLOCS. WAIT WAIT WAIT AMALISA. AMALISA HOLD ON. THERE HE FUCKING IS. RAND IS A FUCKING ANGEL SENT FROM ABOVE. ANYBODY WHO HATES HIM APOLOGIZE NOW. Moiraine is confused. "I did it." Oh honey :( Perrin FUCK UP FAIN. NOW. Loial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to fucking god. If they kill Loial I will personally cancel the show. Rut roh, I told you Amalisa. Breathe. Stop it. Nynaeve. NYNAEVE NYNAEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Oh fuck, Amalisa burned out but FUCK. I knew it happened but to see it like that... I always imagined the aftermath was like when [redacted] went out, but this is... honestly kind of prefer this, as awful as it is, it highlights the awfulness. The dagger! Mat in Shadar Logoth, interesting way to use existing footage of the actor. Rand :( Suicidal ideation coming on strong. Don't do this Rand! Fain fuck you. God the fear he has, it's so GOOD. Give this boy more lines! She lied to LAN!? HE DID STILL MOIRAINE. Perrin I'm so mad at you, but also like, I get it. Hold up. HOLD UP. You better clarify she didn't die. Because you can't heal death and we know that. I wonder if Rand is going to end up in the waste? Yeah, yeah it wasn't. What do we got here? Here they come to wreck the daaaaaaaaay! Dig the ship choice. The historical references are on point. OH MY GOD. ARE THEY FUCKING GAGGED??????? THE DAMANE ARE GAGGED?????? Ummm. Guys. Guys I cannot handle that. You can't just end on that.
(Although I did see brief spoilers that made me think the production still were FAR more kinky - didn’t see th ephotos themselves, just chatter and it had me concerned..)
(Full disclosure: from first look... I hate the makeup choices for the Seanchan. But we'll see if they grow on me.)
And that's... that's it. What the fuck am I going to do for the next year?
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ground-riot-jack · 3 years
Number 1 |k. bakugo| chapter 2
ok so chapter 2 is here!! Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback or just come say hi in my inbox!!
summary: you’re pro hero Angel, you work at an agency your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, created. When you finally hit number one your world seems to crash around you.
"Angel? You have a case,"
You look up from your desk and see your secretary standing there with a case file pointed towards you. You stand from your reports and walk towards her.
"Give me the run down," You say opening the file and looking at it.
"The Hero Commission has been surveilling an underground group of villains, their mission is plain and simple destruction, to cause mass panic. The commission believes it's a much smaller and less organized branch of the league of villains since some members have been seen communicating." She begins as you walk to the conference room where the agency's team goes over cases.
"It says here their preferred method is mass shootings? Why hasn't the police already handled this?"
"Because the leaders' quirk is gunfire, hands made out of guns and as long as he can breathe he can make bullets" Kirishima interrupts, joining you in your walk to the conference room.
"So this is an open and shut case? Stop the bad guys before they get a chance to shoot and take them into a quirk-free facility?" Why do we need the whole team?" You question as you walk into the room.
"Because while the leader is the one doing all the shooting the rest of the group is inciting the panic, taking out police on the scene, killing victims who manage to survive, and making things a lot more complicated" Kiri sighs, taking his seat. You nod in understanding and take a seat beside him.
"Have you talked to him?" Kiri whispers as the rest of the agency's team begins filing in their seats.
"I'm not sure what to say Eji, if he wants to make things better he will apologize, until then, I don't know how we can go on." You sigh, you hadn't gone back home even though it's been 3 days, of course, you still go to work but today will be your first time seeing Bakugo since the fight. He hasn't reached out to you and you know it's because of his ego, but you weren't here to get into a pissing contest with your boyfriend.
"Y/n he is sorry, you know-"
"Alright, everyone here's what we know" Kirishima is interrupted by Bakugo's thundering voice entering the room. His eyes quickly scan and land on yours, but you look away.
While he goes over basic intel, you stare at the pictures of the group in your case file, trying to avoid his glare. You can feel it but trying to combat Katsuki head-on in a large setting like this will cause nothing but trouble.
"Angel, you, me, and red riot will be second. Once our target is in sight, we get him. I want that bastard in custody alive, can you handle that?" You pipe up at the mention of your hero name. You give a quick yes and shut off your feelings. You had a job to do, people to save, you can’t let your relationship drama jeopardize that.
"RED, He's heading towards you, me and ground zero will cut him off on the right!" You speak into your headset as you fly into action with Bakugo.
"I can get him, watch my back."
"Wait, I have a better vantage point, he won't see me coming."
"I said-"
"Now is not the time Katsuki, your explosions are too noisy, he’ll know who's coming and from where if you go.'
"Damn right, gives him time to be scared" He growls
"Just cover me and when I give you the signal, blast him. That's an order Ground Zero." You both hated when you ordered each other around, but you don't have time for Bakugo's pettiness when it's the middle of a battle.
"Whatever angel."
You fly up and head in the direction of the alley where Kiri is waiting, there one entry point but 2 exits so it's important you do this right. You watch as the leader of the group runs into the alleyway, you slip into the right exit and blast him with light. He fires his guns at you as you dodge them. Then he does something unexpected, he runs into a door in the alleyway.
"Ground Zero! He just entered a door that leads down somewhere, I'm going after him.
You hear Kiri say wait in your comms but focus on chasing the villain. You stop in an empty room, you can hear the rumbling of the battle going on above you on the street. You look around cautiously trying to find him.
"Oh angel, for a number one hero, you sure are naive." You hear a disembodied voice. You blast light from your hands like flashlights to look around
"Come out coward, we don't want you dead, but ill do it if I have to." You keep searching the room but can't find anything.
"Oh, feisty, that's not very holy of you angel." You spin around at the voice but find nothing. You hear an explosion back from where you came, you turn around to go find bakugo but as you're running you're snatched from the side.
You begin kicking and moving your wings as much as possible, causing the attacker to drop you. You spin around and find the Gunman with 2 other men, where had they come from. You decide to attack the gunman first and dive into a heavy fistfight. You’re flying around dodging not only his hands but the bullets that fly from them. You hear another explosion and the ceiling begins to crumble, you look for an exit but can't find one, where did you come in from anyway? You fly away from the men firing at you and try to exit from a rusted door but the stairs have been blocked by rubble. You try to radio someone, anyone but the lines have gone dead.
Another explosion goes off and the room begins collapsing, you look up and see light, an exit. You fly quickly but a large price of rubble falls and smashes your wing in between rocks. You pull and pull as the room continues to crumble finally ripping a large piece of your wing off. You scream in agonizing pain but try your best to fly towards the hole that’s getting smaller. As you approach it smaller rocks fly at you, hitting your face and body, some leaving scratches and others staying lodged in your skin.
You manage to exit and find yourself in another alley. Your legs hurt too much to stand so you try to crawl but your arms fail you. You lay on your back and let a tear fall, this isn’t how you end, is it? Bakugo would find you, he always does. Your vision blurs and your head is pounding, you let out a final deep breath before falling unconscious.
Muffled sounds stir you from your sleep. You open your eyes and sigh. Maybe someone’s come to help you, your heart begins to pick up at the prospect of being saved. You attempt to move but still seem to hurt to move more than your toes and fingers. Your tired eyes move back to where you heard the sounds but you can’t see anything other than the hidden alley you’re splayed out in.
“T-That’s her wing!” It’s Katsuki! You’d recognize that voice anywhere. Finally, your love has come for you, you’re already imagining the warm bath you’ll take when you get back to the comfort of your home. You begin to speak, but your voice won’t rise above a raspy whisper.
Then as if the nightmare wasn’t bad enough, another voice speaks.
“You’ve done the right thing Ground Zero, you belong in that number 1 spot, and to get there sometimes you have to do bad things for the sake of the greater good. Angel was a threat that needed to be eliminated, and the commission will not forget your assistance and continuous efforts. Congratulations” You hear the man pat Bakugo and walk away, before another set of footsteps, presumably Katsukis, follow after.
Tears fall from your eyes as you whisper scream in intense agony. It couldn’t be true, he would never do that, would he?
“It’s best you try to speak” A voice whispers beside you. You turn your head too fast and your vision blurs.
“W-who are you?” You whisper, gasping for air in between waves of pain.
“Don’t worry. Just rest, you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
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misterewrites · 3 years
Shattered Echoes (Arcane)
Hello everyone! E here with a surprising update! Arcane. Great show, great writing, great characters! just amazing! I love it so much! BUT if this makes you wanna play league of legends....maybe don't it. It's not as bad as it used to be but...yeah....toxicity. If you do wanna play, try wildrift. it's a lighter version of league and not as toxic but still a bit. There’s also legends of runeterra which is a hearthstone styled card game with a single player experience.  You can also just play league with bots. Less likely to have assholes chilling out in the lobby. Oh! the ruined king rpg which is a really good rpg especially 30 bucks BUT follows the adventure of some other characters and might be spoilery for future seasons. If you’d like more information about this story, beyond the keep reading sign for spoiler purposes. 
So some things I wanna clear up with this: Spoilers for episode 7 of Arcane. That's why I didn't tag them in case. Also possible spoilers for future seasons about a character's abilities cuz this is based on a single line interaction in game along with other factors. Given how well integrated their in game abilities are to the show characters, yeah it's happening (I’m so excited!)
Have a great day! happy holidays, may you be happy, safe and sound. Wash your hands, wear your mask, keep yourself and your loved ones safe, push for global vaccination cuz im getting really fucking tired of this shit. BYEEEEE! Enjoy! share with your friends, comment, reblog and feedback i love it all! and deeply appreciate it.
Here’s the story over on Ao3 *no character tags for now so everyone has enough of a chance to catch up but I will add them later.* https://archiveofourown.org/works/35929279
Here’s the rest of my work over here https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/pseuds/MrE42
And I hope you’re doing great! Bye! to the other side of the fence!
Okay this is your last warning. turn around lest ye be spoiled.
Ekko and Jinx. Honestly their little interactions in the Enemy music video, that one line of dialogue “I used to have a crush on you. Until you started talking to the gun) and honestly the whole idea of them being fierce enemies that used to have crushes on each other. It was too tempting and it was perfect to break ya'll hearts. Also not too intense descriptions of violence but just warning in case.
Also I'm not too caught up on all of League lore and it's not official but Ekko is probably bi given that pulsefire Ekko skin and Pulsefire Ezreal were dating and one of the artists or writers have a link to a little story they had them being flirty exes if that's more your speed. *not official cuz riot are cowards and need to try to hit every demographic they can*
Summary: Remember when we were kids: playing war with toy guns and wooden swords, caught up in glory and revenge without realizing the price?
 Remember the childish promise I made you when I went too far and you cried? A home beyond the dirtied streets and polluted air we wallowed in. 
Once upon a time I wanted to give you a new life but now you keep trying to take mine.
Life has a twisted sense of humor sometimes. It pushes and pulls people towards their destiny in complex, unforeseen ways. It doesn’t matter how long it takes: A second, a week, a year. Every choice you make leads you to the middle of a messed up punchline.
The uncaring, unrelenting grand clockwork of the universe and it loved punching Ekko in the face.
That’s why he was here on this stupid bridge, surrounded by corpses with the smell of iron and smoke burning his lungs.
The sheriff of Piltover had been in Silco’s pocket which is why the enforcers were putting so much pressure on the Firelights while Silco worked unopposed. It’d been so obvious in hindsight but like they say in the lanes: Hindsight’s a bitch.
Thankfully so was dumb luck. The asshole shot his armor and while Ekko was going to have one hell of a nasty bruise, he’d live.
Which was good because he wasn’t finished yet.
Ekko gripped the bat tightly, his fingers stiff and cold from the night air. His heart raced with only the thundering of blood all he could hear as he took his place between Vi and Her.
Jinx stared his way, her gaze cold and ruthless. Her usual manic demeanor was gone today. Maybe seeing her sister buried her insanity for a moment, maybe she recognized her childhood friend. Either way it didn’t matter. It claw its way out of her sooner or later.
It always did.
Jinx’s heart raged violently in her chest, each beat sending an uncontrollable fury coursing through her body as the world turned dark and static.
Vi. Vi. Vi. Vi.
She left. She left me. SHE LEFT ME! VI!
“Is that Ekko?” Clagger’s voice asked curiously from nowhere “He seriously grew up.”
Ekko. Ekko. Ekko.
Mylo’s voice scoffed in that irritating way only he could manage “Come on. Scrawny Ekko grew into that? Please. What’s he think he is? Some kind of boy savior?”
Hee boy savior. That’s a good one.
“Oh look who it is.” Jinx growled, unable to keep the anger or hurt out of her voice “The boy savior!”
Ekko looked away for a moment, feeling small and foolish. He’d wanted to believe Vi. He wanted to believe that Powder was still inside the monster he had fought tooth and nail for years. He wanted…..hoped that seeing him without his mask or the trappings of her hated enemy would stir something, anything in her.
He used to have a crush on her. Until she started talking to the gun. Oh yeah and helped corrupt Zaun and murdered his people.
He sighed tiredly.
Yep, he could feel the bruise starting to form.
This was all a game to Jinx: Pain, death, even the rage and horror meant nothing more than a sick thrill to Silco’s ward.
‘Fine’ he chuckled to himself, a small grin forming on his lips despite the situation ‘she wants to play? Let’s play.’
He slid the chain of his pocket watch into the palm of his hand and swung the timepiece back and forth, the ticking of the gears beating rhythmically as if keeping tempo to some unheard song.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Jinx scoffed to herself. He was really going to drag this out huh? Typical Ekko.
“Man, he really loves that watch.” Mylo sneered rudely.
“Well yeah.” Clagger replied gently “He used to carry it all the time.”
Jinx smiled cruelly while she placed a new round into her gun ‘I’ll play. We all know how this ended last time.’
Tick tick tick tick.
“Heh.” Jinx smirked, turning away from him and taking a gunslinger’s pose. A familiar one.
Powder’s laughter filled the air for a moment, an echo from a time long past. He could still see her clearly: The crudely drawn eyeball thing on an old cooking pan she’d use for her helmet. Bright pink war paint on her cheeks, giggling and smiling as she threw up a mocking peace sign.
Ekko still remembered that fight distinctly even now: His reckless charge forward, wooden sword high in hand. The paintball whizzing by his head as he bobbed back and forth between them. Powder’s first shot followed by two more in quick secession. His ill fated jump and the decisive blow, paint splattering across the metal plate he used for armor. The embarrassment he felt as he angrily tossed his pocket watch to the floor and broke it.
Took him a whole month to fix it up. Finding the parts alone had been a massive headache but taught him a valuable lesson about breaking things in the Lanes: Don’t unless you want to spend the next few weeks fixing it.
Well this time it was going to be different because this wasn’t pretend anymore. No second chances or mercy for either this time around.
With one fluid motion, he pulled the watch into his hand. He clicked it, stopping the timer and breaking into a furious sprint.
Jinx drew her pistol with an expert hand. She bit her lip in anticipation as the gun twirled in her grip before she fired the first shot.
Ekko ducked low and pushed forward, the bullet barely missing his head. He rose to his feet, a fierce scowl on his face.
Pew, pew. Jinx let out two more shots out of habit than any conscious choice but Ekko was counting on it: He pivoted his on a foot, bending his body away from his hated foe before launching into a side flip, the projectiles sailed by without a scratch as he contorted his body to avoid the attacks.
He landed gracefully for a moment before launching himself into the air with as much force as he could muster. He rose his bat, gripping it for dear life while he prepared a mighty swing.
Jinx was awestruck by the sight before her: the spotlight flickered on and off yet illuminated her enemy in its harsh light. Terror washed over her as she saw Ekko for as he truly was: not a child clutching onto a piece of wood and playing hero. Nor was he the leader of the Firelights, thorn in her and Silco’s side as they rose to power.
In this moment Ekko was beyond Jinx’s fragmented comprehension: He was an avenging angel, blazing with the fury of the dead and wronged. He descended from on high to deliver judgment onto her personally and would show her no mercy.
Jinx eyes widened in surprise and fear, the weight of her sins crawling down her spine. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. Her finger trembled on the trigger but she couldn’t bring herself to pull it.
“It’s not like that.” Clagger’s voice whispered softly “It’s not your fault.”
Mylo’s laugh echoed harshly through the night air “Of course it’s her fault! Look what’s she done. Bridge full of dead enforcers and Ekko, little baby Ekko about to bash her skull in! How much of a jinx do you need to be piss off Ekko?”
Ekko swung, knocking Jinx down and sending her tumbling to the floor face first. She whirled around and aimed her pistol directly at Ekko’s face. He batted it away and swung again. She reeled backwards and was unprepared for Ekko’s fist to slam into her face.
Jinx’s main advantage was that she was stronger than she looked. She was no Vi but most people assumed she couldn’t be much of a threat without her guns. They, of course, forgot this was the girl who totted a minigun around no problem all the time.
Ekko knew better. Ekko had been fighting Silco and Jinx long enough to know Jinx would knock him off balance and regain control of the fight if her let her.
So he didn’t.
He drove another fist into her cheek then pinned her with his makeshift bat. She thrashed wildly: She pushed back against him, trying to get him off her. She lashed out with her hands and tried to scratch and claw his eyes out but Ekko remained steadfast.
Ekko pulled his hand back and balled it into a fist.
He paused, breathing heavily as he found himself looking upon not Jinx but Powder. Her eyes were wide with fear, blood dripping down her nose. Scared, unsure Powder.
She really was in there under the layers of sick joy and twisted mania.
Vi was right.
Ekko could feel his heart stop. He could feel pain and regret seep into old wounds he’d thought he healed.
What happened to us? How did we get here? Two enemies fighting to the death on a ill fated momentum to our failures.
She recognized him, confused and lost about what was going on.
'I used to have a crush on you.’ Ekko thought to himself.
Powder wasn’t sure how she got here, pinned under her friend and beaten into an inch of her life.
Actually she did know how she ended up in this mess: She remembered being Silco’s attack dog. She remembered the lives she took, the destruction she caused. How she helped her beloved Lanes descend into a cesspool of crime, drugs and corruption.
Vander wanted them to be better, to do better than he did. He wanted his children to live in an age of peace and love, where no one was lesser because Piltover said so.
And she ruined it when she killed him. Killed Mylo and Clagger. Broke Vi.
She really was a jinx, huh?
She was so tired. Her bones ached, her heart felt like it was tearing itself in two. Everything she’s done and for what? She just tried to murder Vi! She just tried to kill Ekko! And all over some random girl Vi was with? Because she couldn’t see how the world was burning and she was the one that lit the match.
God she was pathetic. No wonder she was alone.
No. Not alone. Not really.
Ekko never left her. He stayed with her. True it was thwarting her attempts to take over the undercity but he never stopped. He was always there, ready to stop the next shipment of shimmer or robbing Silco blind.
He grew to be so handsome. She remembered them hanging in the alleyway, dancing and laughing without a care in the world. When they both tried to copy Vi’s form, her strength. The terrible way they both punched.
Ekko never left her.
Maybe he never would.
‘I’m a monster.’ She whispered silently ‘a terrible creature who shouldn’t exist. This needs to stop. I’m sorry Ekko, Vi. I think it’s time Powder fell down a well for good.’
She pulled out one of her chompers from her belt.
She needed to say goodbye to Ekko. To warn him to get far away from her as she finally ended this madness once and for all.
Powder tried to force her broken jaw to speak.
Jinx clamped it shut.
‘NO!” The mania grinned and leered as Powder felt herself slip into the darkness. ‘If we’re going to go I’m taking him with me! After all, we’d never be alone. Not anymore!’
Powder tried to fight back but it was too late, she was too weak to keep going. Jinx had returned. Her hold on their psyche was too strong, too overwhelming to overcome.
Goodbye Ekko. I’m sorry.
Jinx felt nothing as she pulled the pin on the chomper. She just laid there and waited for the explosion to go off. She always wondered how effective her booms were and now she’d get to finally find out.
Ekko stared in confusion at the chomper biting at empty air. Powder was gone and he found himself staring at Jinx again.
Realization hit. He had lost her again and she had returned.
She always did.
He pulled back, loosening his grip on Jinx and trying to find way out.
Ekko’s eyes fluttered open. There was a cold sense of dread that washed over him in his sleep but it seemed to be gone now.
That happened on occasion: Little chills or phantom pains he felt out of nowhere. Aches, stiff joints. Once or twice his bones would throb dully like he’d broken them once upon a time. But they always passed a moment later and the doctors said he was perfectly healthy. Not a single thing wrong with him. Well all things considering.
He glanced back to see Powder still sleeping, her arms clutching onto his waist tightly as if she was afraid he’d vanish into thin air.
He looked out the window and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the massive tree still looming over them: a reminder that even here in the dark, dank sewers life thrived.
Him and Powder actually found this place not so long ago when they were exploring. It took forever to convince Vander and more importantly Vi to let them take a few of the younger kids and elderly here so they could be safe while the pair worked to clean up the streets of the undercity.
It wasn’t perfect by all means and lord knows every other week some sort some asshat or the sheriff of Piltover Marcus tried to undermine Vander’s control but luckily he had Vi looking out for him. And she finally learned to stop blocking punches with her face.
Clagger was somewhere around here. He’d come by to run some ideas about a new gauntlets for Powder’s sister. Vander’s old mining gear was classic but just because something worked did not mean it could not be improved.
Benzo had taught him that. He really missed the old man.
Ekko slowly slipped out of Powder’s grip as not to wake her.
Life was good. It was better than he had ever dreamt.
He smiled to himself before noticing one of his unfinished projects haphazardly laying on his drawer.
It was his old pocket watch he used to carry around everywhere, its hands still frozen in place when he chucked it to the ground after losing to Powder for the fifth time in a row.
He’d been meaning to fix the old thing up but between Silco’s attempted coup a few years back, helping Vander keep peace in the Lanes and this new side project among all the other ideas he’s been playing with, he never really had the time anymore.
Boy what he’d do for an extra few seconds in the day.
“Ekko?” Powder’s voice groggily called from bed.
Ekko smiled gently “Here sweetie.”
“Ugh. Don’t call me that.”
“Stop! It’s too early for this.”
“You love it.”
Powder waved him off tiredly “yeah yeah you dork. Why you up?”
Ekko paused, wondering if he should tell her about why he wasn’t sleeping.
“That thing I told you about” Ekko admitted after a moment “The whole feelings of dread, phantom pains?”
Powder nodded in understanding “You are way too stressed out.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“I’m perfect angel.” Powder stuck out her tongue at at him “Mostly.”
“Mhm. You mean like that time you were gonna chase after your sister to the clearly dangerous warehouse with orbs you barely understood?”
Powder pouted “One time….Hey. Did I ever thank you for staying with me that night?”
“Only every time it comes up.” Ekko chuckled before he waved her away “we were kids. It was a scary time. I don’t blame you. I was going to hide in the shop but….I didn’t want to be alone.”
Powder smiled gratefully “Me either. I was losing my mind when Vi left me. Thank god you showed up when you did. I was ready to throw all those hexstones in my monkey and just throw caution to the wind.”
“You? Cautious?” Ekko raised an eyebrow playfully “Never heard that in the same sentence unless not is in between.”
“Shut up and come to bed. It’s cold and my heater is picking on me.”
“Yes dear.”
“You sound like Vi when she talks to her girlfriend. A piltie of all things.”
Ekko grinned to himself as he made his way back to bed and let his loving girlfriend clamp onto him for dear life.
He really should fix that watch.
Eh, maybe later.
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
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Pairing: reader x ivar
Warnings: angst(?), death, my terrible writing because I haven’t been feeling well
Sum: Hvitserk moves his way through a snowy Kattegat where Y/N and Ivar moved to live after a heavy loss.  
Hvitserk walked over the cold, harsh ground, pass the Great Hall, pass the different houses, and pass the market. The thick carpet of snow crunched underneath his feet as he stepped on it. The icy wind felt harsh against his face and made his braided hair dance behind him. The fur wrapped around his shoulders gave him the comforting warmth he had left behind in his own home.
Only a few people were out on the streets. Everyone chose to remain inside, warming themselves above a fire or sharing a story about the Gods. Anything was better than to face the cold weather outside. Hvitserk felt glad to be spared of their judgemental eyes. They always seemed to know when he was out...
With each step, he distanced himself from the heart of Kattegat. The narrow streets widened. The houses stood further apart uptown. They were a bit smaller, a bit more run down. But at the same time cosier, more private.  
Exactly what they needed.  
Uneven footsteps and a long, thin line carved in the snow as if something were dragged over the ground left a rather odd and uneven trail in the snow that could only be left behind by his younger brother and his cane.  
He had been out. Again. And in this weather. 
Ever since that fatal day, the people of Kattegat watched how their former king walked around the city. Never missing a day, dragging himself forward if he needed to. No cold weather, mud or rain could hold him back. Every day, they watched as he passed them. Not meeting their eyes with his jaw clenched and his face blank. Not one emotion visible. The people had not forgiven him. How could they? He was not worthy of their love or care. But as they watched how he pushed himself forwards, they felt something they thought impossible to feel for that tyrant: they felt compassion.  
It was a punishment, really, those walks. Given to himself for ruining his own life. For ruining hers. For ending his.  
Every day, the former king walked to the same spot. An old tree stump that now was covered in lots of snow and gave a look out to the Fjord. Once there, he sat down as if he waited for someone that would never arrive and listen to the deafening silence around him.  
Ivar never liked the quiet before.  
He would talk. To the quiet atmosphere around him. He would whisper words of comfort, of regret and hope, before returning to the cottage given to him by Kattegat’s new king.  
Every day, Ivar walked this path alone.
Hvitserk shook his head. How long had it been? Weeks? Months?  
He had seen it all crumble apart right in front of him. How his little brother went mad. How the people turned against him. How he had the best person standing beside him, and he completely ignored her. How he fell for that other woman and left the perfect one behind as he was slowly consumed in a web filled with horrible lies. And still, she remained loyal to him. She stayed and held her head up high. And after he had to flee like a coward and lost everything he had... She still loved him. And Ivar was beyond grateful for her support. He thanked the Gods, he thanked her. He knew he did not deserve this. Suddenly, having her by his side was more than enough. Power, fame, … It all meant nothing anymore.  
Little clouds of hot air escaped Hvitserk’s mouth as he came to a halt before a small home. A wooden fence stood around a small garden. A few goats were standing next to each other, scratching their hooves against the ground. It wasn’t the palace she deserved to live in... but it was decent.
Hvitserk looked to the left. Where covered under the thick snow, an axe lay on the ground. Thrown there once in a fit of rage. Never picked up as the person who it belonged to never returned home.  
It was a heated argument. Shouts echoed through the woods. An unknown man had gathered a crowd on a cloudy day, complaining how the two sons of Ragnar were just allowed to enter their city and live amongst them. And that the ‘great’ Ivar the Boneless, could just walk around as a free man. That he was able to get back to the life he had left behind after his horrible leadership and the riot that came out of it. The man spoke out harsh words and scattered Ivar’s pride. A young man, Ødger, was amongst the men and women standing around him and had the hardest time to contain his anger. Still, the anger blinded him, and he opened his mouth before he could hold himself back, challenging the man. Until they both agreed that words could not bring them to a solution, but a fight would.  
In his blind rage, Ødger ran home, expecting to be welcomed and offered advice. But he just ran into his father’s disapproval, not understanding how his son could let this happen. How he could put his own life at risk by accepting this challenge. But still, Ivar could not ignore how his heart was warmed by his sons love and willingness to protect his pride. And so, Ivar watched how his son parted later that day to a hidden spot, unknown to most men and women in Kattegat, well informed and in his eyes ready for the battle.
Sadly, Ødger died in the fight trying to protect his father’s honour.  
Y/N’s scream of anguish that echoed through the woods made even the cruellest person’s heart clench, but Ivar’s heart... It shattered. Because he knew... He knew his wife could not take another heartbreak. And yet, he did not prevent it.  
Hvitserk swallowed. It was after that, that they both moved and went to live uptown. Away from the people and their eyes filled with sorrow. Away from the whispers that commanded anyone that spoke with a voice filled with hatred to have pity. To the peace and quiet, Ivar had said to her. In a vain attempt to convince her, or maybe even himself.  
Ever since then, Ivar has started these walks, paining himself while he missed his son, and his heart longed for his wife. He wished each day to hear her speak once more. Because even after all of this, she stayed beside him. But to his horror, she went quiet and did not meet his eye again.  
Summoning all his courage, Hvitserk walked towards their little garden, where he would often find them standing together when he visited. But as he neared the home, he followed the trail of his brother's step and saw something lying in the snow that made him breath in deeply. Ivar’s crutch. Obviously just thrown there, as he saw that the trail of uneven footsteps continued until he saw the imprint of a body that had fallen onto the snow and then dragged onward. Bending down, he took the crutch off the floor and brushed the cold snow off it. Hvitserk shook his head, fearing for what he would see when he turned the corner to enter their little garden.  
His breath hitched. And he felt the crutch slip out of his hands.  
The both of them were not just standing next to each other, they were sitting next to each other. In the ice-cold snow, looking at the broken fence where a couple of chickens ran around in search for food. Their shoulders almost touching. A single fur carelessly thrown over Ivar’s legs, without a doubt not doing much in providing him the comfort he should be getting.  
But... Hvitserk saw them sit together.  
With small steps, he neared them, torn between interrupting this moment to look after his brother’s health and letting them reconnect. But even as he stepped on the snow, that crunched loudly underneath his feet, the couple remained unfazed, as if they could not hear him.  
And Hvitserk stopped moving.  
If he had stepped further, he would have seen her pale face, her red eyes staring wide ahead, the tears running down her cheeks... And the hand that tightly held onto him. With her thumb running small circles on the back of Ivar’s hand in a soothing way.  
If he had stepped further, he would have seen her lips move, trying to form words... Until her soft, broken voice filled Ivar’s ears, making him look up in surprise.
“It's quiet uptown”, she sighs.  
Hvitserk realises and walks back. And Ivar breaks. Tears run silently over his cheek as he nuzzles his head in the crook of her neck. She does not feel the need to push him away. No. Instead, she wraps her arm around him, comforting him. Silently promising him, she would never leave his side. That they would go through this pain... together.  
Hvitserk watched in awe, nodding his head at the sky. Thanking the Gods, and her, for giving his brother another chance.  
If, by now, you guessed that this is based on the song “It’s quiet uptown” from the musical Hamilton… Then, you are right. And I love you. Sorry that this isn’t “wow”. I am not feeling well >_<
Thanks for reading xxx
Tag: @fairyofvoid @youbloodymadgenius
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headstrongblake · 2 years
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@imnobodysson​ asked : ∆ LIFT ∆ - sender grabs receiver’s hand to help them climb up\down from somewhere // (is it their tree in eden? maybe.) /  𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 
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after inciting a riot to give herself the release she sought in death ( i made you all into wonkru warriors, fighters. look at you, i gave you something to believe in. what are you now? you’re cowards. you want absolution? take it. take it. please. please do it. ) it’s almost becomes more essential to octavia that murphy’s idea of a tree house works. with the cool blade against her neck, anger and despair driving a former wonkru member to cut, she’d saw the end. but now, it’s clear that she won’t get what she seeks from wonkru ( abby, stop this! you’re giving her what she wants, can’t you see that? / wait! let her live with what she’s become. ).
a tree house in the sky is his idea, but this giant and sturdy tree away from the noise of the village? she’d picked it on another one of their wanders. it feels like climbing the tower in polis, although admittedly only slightly safer. wind blows the branches and her hair the higher they climb up until murphy finds a thick branch that extends out away from the tree just a little bit further than most. his hand reaches for hers, helping her to make the last branch before they stood atop, looking out at the valley. for once, amazement fills her features like the girl who’d discovered glowing butterflies. “ whoa. ” she can’t quite explain the feelings that swirl inside of her as octavia balanced on the perch, walking out further before sitting where she can feel the sun kissing her skin. “ murphy, you’ve gotta see it from here. ” she tells him, patting the space further away from the trunk of the tree. they’re up so high, it makes her feel invincible. there’s no one around for miles except the two of them and it’s calm up here. is this what the rest of her people felt like just walking into shallow valley with the promise of peace? is this what draws them all in to create a new home together? this intense peacefulness that makes the last six years seem almost weightless, no longer as heavy or suffocating.
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eyes wander the surrounding area then the length of the tree. without trying, a home appears before her eyes, imagining what it might be like to do more than exist. her gaze moves to murphy. maybe he’s right. living up here in the sky could transform into a real home. a full life. something she wasn’t convinced she deserved a few days ago ; let alone deserved to live. “ a tree house it is... ” octavia decides with a soft smile lacing her lips. a small crack in her dark foundation forming.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by anonymous)
“Let me be sure I have this correct.” Siege was at the assistant’s desk, rubbing her eyes after a long day of shuffling papers. “As of right now, Rhodes Island has no Originum or LMD to its name, and when paychecks go out tomorrow, there will be nothing to give out?”
“Yep.” The Doctor stared at the front wall of his office as he poured himself a tall glass of whiskey.
The sole Aslan employee of the company continued her train of thought. “With no paychecks, Closure will have no way to sell her stock, and some of the more mercenary Operators will start rioting; the riots will turn into real fighting, which will likely damage the ship enough to ground it, meaning it’ll be even harder to make money. Where are we flying right now?”
“Over a small Victorian settlement.” He gulped down half his glass. “Which we’ll certainly crash into if the timing’s wrong.”
“Bloody beautiful. What’s the escape plan?” When he didn’t reply, she looked up at him.
He’d poured a second glass and was now handing it to her. “There’s not one; at least, not for me.”
“No emergency evacuation?” No response. “Doctor, surely an asset like you would have some protection ready for them.”
“If it wasn’t my fault the money’s all gone, maybe; I spent it all on promotions and upgrades and parties. There’s one person who deserves to suffer what’s to come, and that’s me. You’re gonna want to drink that before too long, or the ice’ll melt.”
Siege set the glass out of her reach before taking the Doctor’s closer hand. “I have a plan - come with me and the girls.”
“Where are you headed? Londonium?” It wasn’t a question of clarification, simply a courtesy. “Won’t be any better there than here will be when everyone realizes there’s no more cash inflow.”
“I don’t know where I’m going, but it’ll be better than dying here.” She squeezed his hand, trying to convey a thousand things in a single gesture.
It didn’t seem like any made it through as he pulled over his chair with his foot and sat down, although he did keep hold of her hand. “In all honesty, this isn’t the worst way for me to go; owning up to the consequences of my actions feels better than dying a coward-”
“Doctor, please.” The grip on his hand tightened. “Come with me.”
“...I’m sorry, Siege, but I just-”
The Aslan pulled him out of his chair and onto her. “Then at least give me this.”
“Oh?” He looked her in the eye, momentarily confused until he saw her expression up close. “Oh, Siege-”
“Would you call me Verna? If these are our last moments together?” The vulnerability was almost impossible to reconcile with his image of her.
Almost. The Doctor’s off-hand drifted behind the back of her neck. “Verna. You never told me you felt like this about me before, Verna.”
“I thought I had time,” she admitted. “Being here at Rhodes Island this long, I got used to the idea of ‘home’ again. Doctor, I don’t want you to die. I want us to grow old together, to overcome every challenge together...to have a family together.”
“I’m sure Indra will love th- ow.” He winced as Siege squeezed his hand again, the hardest squeeze yet.
Verna found herself tearing up, something that hadn’t happened in years. “I will fight by your side until the end, Doctor; if my happy ending is impossible, a noble sacrifice will have to do. Perhaps this royal blood is worth something after all.”
“Royal blood, you say?” The Doctor pulled down his mask. “I think, Verna, you just saved Rhodes Island, but we have to act fast. Also, um...” Rather than continue his thought with words, he took action and kissed her, blushing wildly when he pulled back. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a little while now.”
“Trust me, Doctor, there will be plenty more once you’re safe. First, though, what do you need me to do?”
He whistled through his teeth. “We have some phone calls to make.”
“That was so humiliating.” Verna was reclined on the Doctor’s desk, mentally exhausted. “Bringing my father to the phone was so unnecessary.”
“It got us enough money to tide us over, at least. A shame it’s technically your dowry, and that they’ve already picked a date, but all things considered, it’s better than dying today.” That hadn’t stopped him, or the Aslan, from drinking several glasses of whiskey.
She groaned a little as she sat up. “True. Dinner? I’ll cook.”
“I wanted to cook for you, honestly.” He stood up to help her down. “Let’s make dinner together, then.”
“That works. Oh~” Siege inadvertently made that sound as the Doctor picked her up; he would have set her down, but she wrapped around him too much for that to happen.
Voice strained, he managed to say, “Verna, I’m not that strong.”
“Oh.” There was a soft note of disappointment as she uncoupled from him, only to pick him up in turn. “I am, however.”
“...I think I understand the love for the ‘carry me to your bed’ trope now.”
Verna smiled as they walked out of his office. “Then I’ll be sure to bring you there often. Oh, and Doctor?”
“Yes, Verna?” Her hold on him suddenly tightened. “Oh no.”
“Please be more responsible with our funds.” She stopped crushing him, but did settle into pressing him to her chest and occasionally flexing, lovingly tenderizing him as she carried her prey to her den.
Indra, noticing them pass as she was leaving the training area, smiled to herself. ‘About damn time.’
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golddaggers · 4 years
girl crush
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pairing: best friend!harry styles x reader;
warnings: none really just a smidge of angst but plenty of fluff. 
a/n: so here we are! i just ask of you to go kind on me because this is my first time, ok? and sort of self indulging. anyway. leave a comment/reblog if you do like it!
word count: about 2,8k. it’s a quick little thing.
It was a typical Tuesday, I’d woken up, drank my large-sized cup of coffee, and then spent almost five hours straight staring at my computer screens. Not that all of those hours had been any good, I searched and searched, but still hadn’t cracked just how I was supposed to solve the problem. Hell, about three times I was yelling at the machine, calling it ‘bloody stupid’ before trying another approach, still proven worthless. 
Lunch had been skipped, I barely took a bite of my grilled sandwich before diving back to the code lines, analysing. I’ve always been so good at cracking things, finishing hard puzzles… At least I needn’t worry about a deadline breathing down my neck, this particular feature would only be out to the end-users on the major release. 
Either way, the idea of not being able to come up with a solution bugged me. I could never leave things well enough alone if they were unsolved. It was only when one of my friends texted me about some old high school chick we both used to hate that was pregnant that I realised how late it was. My back hurt from spending too much time sitting down on my chair and I could feel my eyes tired, staring at a computer screen for so many hours wasn’t exactly too healthy. 
At least it put the tornado of thoughts I’ve been having for the past couple of weeks to ease. I didn’t want to think about how I had the worst timing ever. Or how I was a big coward for keeping this to myself. 
But… I couldn’t just tell him. Falling in love with your best friend seems easy in the movies, in reality, I was overwhelmed with anxiety. Harry and I grew up together, we were inseparable from the first time we shared toys in our old town’s playground. Never before I would’ve thought I’d be here, with butterflies rioting in my stomach when he flashed his green eyes at me. It’d be easy if I could just open up, only opening up meant I could lose our 20 and something years of friendship. That was just too much to lose.  
Now it seemed as if I had lost my chance. He’d gone out on a date with a girl. They’d been going out for a while. She was… breathtaking. Golden hair, brown eyes, freckles, and a body I wouldn’t ever have. Harry wasn’t the easiest to commit to someone, not that he was a womaniser or something within those lines… He just had problems. Like we all do, I suppose. He seemed genuinely interested in her, though, and it killed me inside to realise it. 
I looked toward a corner where a tiny pink ukulele rested and decided I could do with some singing. So I go over to pick it up, playing a couple of notes to see if it was tuned. It’d been a while since I last took it between my hands. Hadn’t enough time to do anything, if I was being honest. 
Sat back on my chair, I take my time to reminisce over a song I heard him humming a few days ago. Harry had been doing the dishes, something he hated, but I’d cooked for the two of us, so it was the least he could do. He laughed like a child all the way to the sink, even put on my pink apron. It wasn’t unusual for him to do them when he was in fact at home - which happened only a few handfuls of weeks at a time. 
Leaning against the counter top, I watched him. Then the humming began. One would think a singer would get enough on the stage, well, maybe they do, not him though. In the shower, sending texts, doing the dishes… Harry was always singing something. Low and more to himself. I couldn’t lie, even if I wanted to, that I love when he’s home, his entire being enough to warm up the place. 
That night I had been wearing one of his old tees, he leaves them everywhere. And it wasn’t unusual for me to “steal” some for myself, besides being comfy, especially the cotton sweaters, they all smelt like him. Felt homely to be inside them, as if he were sleeping next to me. 
“I’ve got a girl crush…” I start, unsure if I’ve got the tone right, “Hate to admit it, but I got a heart rush, it ain’t slowing down.”
My legs are crisscrossed as I rest further back onto the black cushion of my chair. Each note fueled the turmoil growing inside my chest. It was so true, every time I looked at her, the pictures on her Instagram were flawless… I wanted to have everything she had. Because if I did, maybe he would look at me differently, he’d see me in a different light. 
The very instrument on my hands had been a gift from him. I have always enjoyed playing the guitar, I came to write a few songs myself… But I’ve never seen it as something I’d want to do for a living. Didn’t like the spotlight very much, not that being friends with a worldwide known popstar helped. Paps seemed to be everywhere. It was just annoying how we couldn’t enjoy a single outing without being awakened with a buzzing phone. My other friends texting me the several headlines saying “Harry Styles has been seen yet again with childhood best friend, could they be dating?”
Got worse when we moved in together. The thing was… We didn’t really live together, yes, the house, more like a mansion if I was being honest, belonged to him and he stayed there whenever he was in London, which, if he was working too much, seldom happened. So no, we didn’t live together. Harry just thought it’d be nice for me to stay there since it was so empty all the time and I only said yes because I needed saving money to pay off the loan I had taken to cover my university tuition. It felt like a lifetime away. 
I stayed because I had grown spoiled. At first, I was annoyed he didn’t let me pay for the expenses whenever he was away, I was nowhere rich, but now I made more than enough to cover the bills, even for a house as big as this one, since most of it was inhabited. He insisted on me keeping it, doing fun things I wanted to do, and I shouldn’t worry about anything else. A couple of months later, I saw the appeal to his offer. I also knew my best friend well to know he was a stubborn son of a bitch.  
Everything changed when Harry told me about his golden girl. After so many years, we had grown aware of the other’s quirks, as I like to put it, we knew how to deal with one another. My point being was… Harry could be a bit sensitive when I told him about my dates, now it lights a spark of hope within me, back then, however, I brushed it off as him trying to act as a protective big brother. He, on the other hand, never had problems when talking about the people he dated to me. Often I wouldn’t care. This time… It happened right after the fatidic Tuesday. 
The pain stung like a sharp edge of a knife against my heart.  
“I wanna’ taste her lips, yeah, ‘cos they taste like you… I wanna’ drown myself in a bottle of her perfume...” The notes come out soft, I can hear a little metallic sound as my hands switch the notes and I keep singing the sad lyrics, “Yeah, ‘cos maybe then, you’d want me just as much...” 
“Thought I had a nightingale in this room,” His accent slipped through the sentence like butter on a warm toast, “‘lo, love.”
His presence startled me, I almost dropped the ukulele. It was way too early for him to be back home from his date. Part of me wanted to ask how it’d gone and in any other situation, I would’ve. Not tonight, though. Didn’t wanna know if she had kissed him good night. If he gave her his signature green-eyed glare when he wanted something… If he’d asked for another date. My heart wouldn’t be able to cope. 
“You scared me.” 
“I reckon you said I was fit like a daydream,” He stuffed his chest and I couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Are you actually quoting your ex-girlfriend?” Harry rolled his eyes, dismissing my comment completely, “Why are you home already?”
“D’ya want me to leave?”
“You are ridiculous,” I say as I stand up, the Fleetwood Mac tee I had on falling to my mid thighs. It was oversized because it didn’t belong to me,  which doesn’t go unnoticed by him, who has a cheeky grin directed at me. “Stop looking. You keep ditching them and I just happen to like these shirts.”
“I didn’t say anything, doll. But I was looking for that one, though I settled for that old pink striped sweater of yours.”
“So it’s with you?” My indignation seeps through, “I went nutty looking for that.”
“Looks better on me anyway.”
The laughter shakes his whole body, yet again I am plowed with our childhood memories, that right there hadn’t changed. Harry still laughed like a little child, a boy with his blue truck toy. I felt warm inside, to watch him like that. To still have, after so long, a friend like he was to me.  
Harry goes quiet then, bright green staring right at me. I know what’s coming. It’s happened before - I sang about the boys I liked quite often, I suppose. So it was obvious he wanted to know who was stealing my attention this time. He wanted to know who I was singing about. 
“Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Wha’? I didn’t even open my mouth.” 
“I know you,” Back on my feet, I grab my plate with the remains of what was supposed to be my lunch and head out to the kitchen. He followed me around like a stray puppy. 
The kitchen is an enormous place. Wooden cupboards with just about every piece of china one could dream of, fine crystal glasses for wine and champagne, bowls, plates, even goblets could be found. Inside the several drawers, besides the silver cutlery, I had managed to fold some table sheets I bought at a flea market. Harry would lose his mind if he knew where they came from. On the left corner, a tall two-door grey fridge, with a shopping list on its door to remind me that I needed to go out tomorrow to get things. Next to the two basin sink, was an electric cooktop that had become my best friend, I loved to cook there, staring out the window - the yard was beautiful, green grass all year long, though during spring the most gorgeous flowers blossomed. I loved that place very much.
Right in the middle was an island, my lone cactus trying to make it a little less plain. Which wasn’t that hard, the dark marble surface glimmered under the led light.  
After I threw out the sandwich and put the plate on the sink, I started pacing around to gather things for dinner, fresh tomatoes to make the sauce with homegrown onions and garlic. I liked cultivating my food. I got flour, eggs, olive oil, and salt. It was all I needed to make the dough.  
I could still feel his eyes on me, as I moved effortlessly through his kitchen, collecting everything I needed. 
“What do you want?”
“You’re too stressed,” Harry says, standing up straight and standing next to me, “Is it about the boy you were singing about? Or girl. I dunno.”
“Seriously?” Can’t help but shake my head, “That’s your approach? ’M not telling you, H.”
“Oh, you’re keepin’ secrets from me. That’s new.”
He grabs the knife on my hand, starting to chop the onion into tiny cubes. Always skillful with his hands, he was.
“‘M not keeping secrets. It’s just none of your business.” 
“Ouch.” Harry pours the onion into the pan, stealing the tomatoes to start chopping them as well. I focused on the dough. “You’re so adamant about not telling me I’ll start thinking it’s me.” 
The entire world stills for me when he says that out loud, and I don’t know what to say, so I keep cracking the eggs, pouring them over the flour then adding, by eye, what I considered to be enough of olive oil. At last, I put two pinches of salt into the mix.  
My silence seems to annoy him further. 
“C’mon, it was a joke.” He tries, gently grabbing my arm and I see myself having to stop mixing, “I really want to know, though, have to make sure you’re with someone worthy of you.”
Couldn’t look him in the eye, I have them glued to the bowl with the sticky batter. The hand on my arm sneaks to my back, he’s warm and I tremble under his touch, my breath comes out a bit harsher. 
Harry takes a deep breath before answering, “I care about you, bunny.”
“Is that all it is?” Now I dare to look up, to find those emeralds. I liked quite a lot to look at them, they were akin to shiny jewelry and I was the dazzled child. Right now they showed nothing but a shade of confusion. 
“What else?”
A tightness in my chest grows, I know right away I am about to cry and I don’t want to. Don’t want to fall apart in front of him. In the middle of cooking. When things seemed to be going amazing for the two of us. Despite my most intimate wishes, I ended up doing just that, my dirty hands falling limp as he held me in his arms, asking over and over what had happened. 
His chin rests on the top of my head and I can hear his heartbeat, slow and steady. My bottom lip is quivering. I was so tired of being tough, I just wanted to be loved. To be loved by him. 
“I need to tell you something,” A sniff makes me sound whiny, “Promise me you won’t be mad.”
“Never,” Harry speaks so quietly I believe him. “Could never be mad at you, bunny.”
I bring his much bigger hands into my own. They warm up under his touch. If I’m being honest, I warm up completely. Body and soul. He gives a soft squeeze, urging me to speak. It’s needless to say that he’s anxious, always being the curious one between the two of us.
“The song… Well, um, I was singing for you.” It was as quiet as a whisper, “I like you.”
“Don’t be silly.” His face goes serious, “You’re not kidding me, are ya?”
“Do you think I would?”
There’s a lump at the bottom of my throat, tears still falling. I didn’t have a problem being vulnerable with him, or opening up - now I was embarrassed. I would apologise if I hadn’t felt his warm lips start kissing my salty-teared cheeks, only to finish up with a chaste kiss on my own. 
“What are you doing?” I pull back, shocked that he’d kissed me. “Do you...”
“I am so glad you’ve said first, fancying you for the longest time hasn’t been easy. But I suppose it gave me quite the inspiration.”
“You’ve written about me?”
“More times than I am proud to admit.”
This time it’s me who kisses him, standing on the tip of my toes, losing my fingers into the soft curls. It seemed very much unreal to me. He never struck me as the type to keep feelings in check or to himself. I should’ve seen something. Or maybe I did and didn’t want to face that the best person I could’ve fallen for was right in front of me. 
Then I think about her. The golden-haired beauty. She wouldn’t be too pleased.
“She’s just a friend, bunny.”
“Reading my thoughts now, Styles?”
“Nah, just know you too well.”
“Yeah, I guess you do.”
Harry lifts me, kissing me again. And I can’t help but feel whole. Like a bit of me that was missing had been set on its place. 
Bless the will to play a song. 
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Damsel in distress
Pairing: Buffy Summers x fem!reader
Request: hey, if you haven't already gotten too many requests for Halloween could you write Buffy x (preferably female) reader with the prompt “I dare you to go in there. Alone.” my idea is that some students from their school/college are kinda bullying the reader into going into some building rumored to be haunted and Buffy stands up to them but the reader goes in anyway to prove shes not scared and then the place turns out to actually be haunted and Buffy needs to save her.
Requested by: Anon
Warning: A very mild hint of homophobia. 
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You didn’t know why you hung around with them. They were never nice to you. But at least it was better than being alone. The only saving grace, was that she was there. Buffy, her name was. You loved the way her name sounded on your tongue. Calling her over or just saying it. She introduced herself to you one night when she was hanging out with you and your group.
She had moved from LA a few years back and you had seen her around school, but you had never had a class together. Which was a shame - you would have loved to have a class with her. A reason to talk with her more. However, you would have probably not been able to get much work done. You would have just been dreamily looking her way.
You hung around with a few people you knew, usually just around the streets on the nights the Bronze was closed. Trying to find some fun in the wasteland of a town. You didn’t particularly like the group of people you hung out with, now mainly coming for a chance to speak to Buffy.
Buffy had started joining you a few months ago, you weren’t sure who she knew but she usually spoke to a few people briefly before coming back over to speak to you for the rest of the night. In reality, she had started to grow attached to you. And you spent a lot of time out after dark. She wanted to make sure you were okay.
You got on really well and she was incredibly sweet. And funny. Oh, and did I mention completely gorgeous? She would usually twist strands of her hair with her finger as she spoke to you, laughing and looking down at the ground before daring to look back at your face.
Tonight was Halloween night, so nothing was going on. Sunnydale wasn’t big on the 31st, they did appear to observe Halloween the rest of the year though in the form of vampires and demons running riot. You knew who Buffy was, she had revealed it to you one evening. She didn’t warn you much about staying out after dark – she wanted the excuse to meet with you.
You hadn’t been getting on with the rest of the group, they had noticed you and Buffy had been getting on so well. They were probably jealous or didn’t like to see you both happy. So they had started to single you both out. This evening had been no different. 
She had slid her hand into yours and squeezed. You had told her a secret, confided in her. It had been one you had never told anyone before. Only her. The gesture was comforting but you couldn’t help wishing it meant more. You both looked down at your hands, they fit together so perfectly. As if they were made for each other. But neither of you had said anything about it.
“Look at them!” You jumped, moving your eyes away and they jeered at your visible shock at them shouting. They started to crowd around you, noticing the way you had been holding Buffy’s hand.
“Ew, what is she your girlfriend?” one teased and you looked at the ground. You hadn’t expressed your attraction of women yet, but you weren’t necessarily ashamed.
“So what if she was?” You muttered, your eyes not lifting from the ground now as Buffy had a glint in her eye at the suggestion. They continued to tease you, until you eventually got up and started walking down the lane away from them. Buffy quickly got up to follow you, telling the rest to leave you both alone. 
But they wouldn’t leave. Buffy swung around as the group approached you, her knuckles curling into a fist. You put a hand on her shoulder, that they all jeered at, to tell her not to. 
“Aw, God, y/n! You’re such a coward!”
“I’m not - you’re just not worth a fight!” You exclaimed as Buffy nodded her head, moving her arms to cross them over her chest. You didn’t realise what house you were stood outside of until they mentioned it.
“Okay, then if you’re not a coward - I dare you to go in there. Alone!” the ringleader of the group said, pointing towards the abandoned house that had been abandoned since you had lived in the town. That place even gave Buffy the creeps and she was a slayer. They all gasped and made creepy noises in anticipation. Everyone knew about the house and countless rumours had been associated with the large house over the years. You looked up at the house and although you had nothing to prove, decided you would do it. Anything to get away for them for at least ten minutes. 
“Fine” You shrug, not usually one to backdown so easily. But Buffy was concerned.
“You don’t have to, they’re just bored. And cruel. And… remind me again why we bother to hang with them?” She asked, dropping her voice.
“Well I wouldn’t have come back if it wasn’t for you” You whispered softly. Your words echoing her own thoughts, “I’m going in” You then shrugged, despite Buffy’s best efforts to put you off. She had heard things from demon snitches and she hadn’t got around to looking into it yet.
Before she could say anything else, you had made it to the front door with everyone watching with their mouths open. Nobody went near that house anymore. But you had flung the front gate open and stalked up to the door in the blink of an eye. No hesitation.
You turned the handle and it let you straight in. Weird, you would think they’d lock an abandoned building in the middle of town. The door slowly opened and you stepped inside. Alerting anything residing in the house of your presence as your footsteps echoed loud through the house. 
When you were over the threshold, something happened. Something you, really, should have expected. The door slammed shut behind you. You jumped, gasping and turning to confirm that you were now shut in. You tried the handle and it had locked fast. 
Unknown to you, Buffy had run straight after you, realising the door was now locked and she tried to find an alternative way in. While this was happening, the rest of the group got scared. They turned to leave and ran off to their respective houses. Leaving you and Buffy to deal with the house alone.
You intake another deep breath of the musty air, steeling yourself. Telling yourself you would be okay. You decide to explore a few rooms and then head out, maybe the door would have unlocked itself by then.
So that’s what you did. You tentatively stepped through the hall, the wallpaper yellow and peeling as nobody had lived in there for years. There was some graffiti started on the walls and it gave you a strange feeling when you noted that none of it appeared to be completed. 
The only furnishing in the corridor an abandoned coat stand, evidently not precious enough for the previous residents to take with them. You reach out to touch it, wondering what the varnished wood may feel like.
A strange feeling, goose bumps begin to form slowly up your arm. You can physically feel them starting from your wrist up to your shoulder. It makes you rethink this. Moving your hand away from the stand and moving on. Quickly.
You walked into what you guessed had been the living room. The room was damp and dull. You suspected it had been dull before the house had been abandoned. Whoever had decorated liked beige. You were staring at the patches on the walls, where paintings or photographs had been fixed there. The wall was a lighter shade from where it hadn’t been exposed for so long to the elements.
It was a cemetery for the life that had once been inside the house. A family home. Full of hopes and struggles and laughter. But now it only held-
Suddenly, a crack rang out through the empty house. The floorboard was splintering under you and finally gave way. There was nothing you could do, except fall through the floor and down into the basement. The one room you had never intended in going into. 
Buffy had managed to sneak in through a window and had been trying desperately to find you before anything bad happened. She had heard your grand entrance into the basement but couldn’t find you. She kept getting lost. The house was big, almost like a maze and she was desperately trying to follow the sound of your voice.
“Is this the part where I play the damsel in distress?” you sigh, asking an unknown entity that the slayer couldn’t see. You were trying not to show your fear in any way. You spoke loudly and clearly, the wavering in your voice hidden to anyone except her. Her heart ached, she just wanted to get to you. Stand by your side in the face of this threat.
Buffy heard your voice but the vibrations were bouncing through all of the empty rooms. The echoing making it even harder to locate you. Buffy was worried for you. Almost losing her cool as she bit herself back from shouting and ruining any element of surprise she could take.
What Buffy couldn’t see was that as soon as you entered, the basement had started to grow incredibly cold. Freezing. You hugged yourself, trying to preserve the warmth as cold air started to whip around you as if you were stood in the eye of a mini tornado. 
A voice sounded. A low, incomprehensible murmur to begin. But it slowly grew louder. And it sounded angry.
You do not belong here! You do not belong here! You do not belong here!
Then you saw it. The translucent figure with the most striking yellow eyes. There was no soul behind those eyes. It was a man. His skin was cracked and his hair was swept back. His outfit told you he had only been a ghost for a decade, the way he was dressed still somewhat familiar although nobody would be seen dead in it anymore. Well, maybe they would.  
You started to panic, he was pointing now. Eyes dead-locked on you. No matter where you shifted slightly, his eyes followed. You kept talking, non-stop at first. Scoffing and acting uncaring. Trying to distract the ghost as you slowly backed out. You were looking for an exit in the periphery of you vision, but the room appeared to be sealed. 
You managed to pull your eyes away, feeling along the wall and checking for some kind of door. This was a mistake. As you had looked away, the demon became corporeal and was stalking towards you. It didn’t appear to want to give you a hug either. When you had turned back from your fruitless effort of finding a way out, it slapped you across your face. As if to shut you up from your nervous rambling. You had angered it, clearly.
The shouted got louder. Piercing your skull so acutely it felt almost as if you were being lobotomised. You tried to speak over the shouting, but it progressively got worse. In the blink of an eye, you found yourself curling into yourself on the dusty floor of the basement. Not of your own will. The figure looming over you, menace in those eyes. Unable to hear yourself think, let alone talk.
You scrunched your eyes up tight, some unknown force keeping you on the floor. You never saw it when she jumped through the hole that you made in the floorboards above. Landing on her feet easily and tapping the demon-ghost on its shoulder. It was somehow corporeal, so she managed to land some blows leaving it staggering backwards. 
The demon, for someone only part-time corporeal, was a surprisingly good fighter. This meant Buffy had been looking around for some kind of weapon. You missed it when she found an ornate hunting knife in the corner of the basement, that happened to be its one weakness. She stabbed the figure straight through the heart. You even missed her brilliantly executed pun, the wind had still been rushing in your ears. 
You had been expecting pain. Horror. Some seriously disgusting demon goo (you had seen Ghostbusters). But instead you felt a soft hand on your shoulder. Her hand. She had come straight to kneel by your side, helping you up. You both stood and the tornado-like wind finally subsided. Leaving a quiet you didn’t know you had been waiting for wash over you. It made you feel calmer.
You gazed into her eyes, smiling softly, the relief painted on your face as you mouthed thank you. She nodded, her hand was still lingering on your shoulder. You enjoyed the sensation, hoping she wouldn’t move away any time soon. The close proximity was enough for you to wanted stay in a haunted basement just to get to stay by her side. 
“Is this the part where I kiss the damsel in distress?” She teased, but the sentiment was there. Her eyes wild from the slaying, the adrenaline still pumping around her body as she smiled so sweetly. You couldn’t have guessed that she had just beat that ghost back into the hell-dimension it came from. 
Her hand slid to rest on the side of your face, the warmth of the gesture making your close your eyes. A slow blink before returning to her eyes, the sparkle still there. You sighed into her touch, moving into her hand further. You had never felt so good. Never felt so safe.
You nodded softly, willing this to happen. Willing her to feel the way you felt for her. You had been craving this. Dreaming about it. Her touch. It was everything you had hoped it would be. And more.
Before you knew it, she had leaned in and your lips had met hers. Your eyes fluttered closed once more as your hands slid around her waist, one hand resting on the small of her back. She pulled you in closer, both hands now sliding along the side of your face. Her lips were so soft you found yourself instantly addicted. She sighed into your kiss, this had been something she wanted since the first time she met you. You never wanted this moment to end. You were both vibrating with happiness as you moved back slightly, contacting the wall behind you. 
The basement was still creepy and there were thick cobwebs along the wall, tangling in your hair - but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It was her. All you wanted was her.
 All you cared about is her lips against yours.
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gffa · 4 years
peppermint-shamrock said: 
!! I’ve definitely thought similarly about TCW’s emphasis on anger for Anakin. The films, I think, give a reasonable amount of attention (as much as it can in the time it has) to each of the states highlighted in Yoda’s speech: fear, anger, hate, suffering. Maybe slightly more on the fear and suffering start and endpoints. But TCW almost exclusively focuses in on the anger, with some hate. There’s fear in places too, but it…just doesn’t get the same emphasis as it does in the films, or at least it seems that way to me. Can’t quite articulate why. But it’s especially odd with how much more time it had to work with.
I do think a lot comes back to how much hate the prequels got and it combines with this idea that often seeps into a lot of media, where falling into darkness (whether the dark side or just a bad mental place, what have you) needs to be kind of a totally badass moment, which gets shown through rage, because OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO HOT WHEN HE JUST RAZED EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND. In the prequels, watching Anakin’s struggle with the dark side was deeply uncomfortable--not just because he was whiny, but because he was genuinely  unstable, I have been around people just like that when they’re in a spiral (not to that degree, obviously) and it is hellaciously uncomfortable in a visceral way that’s hard to put into words because they’re so unhinged. It’s not that there wasn’t anger in the movies, Anakin’s absolutely furious at so many points, but it’s also this riotous mix that includes fear and hurt and terror and pain and suffering.  TCW seems to default back to anger as the emotion that overshadows everything else and, as a result, watching Anakin’s bad moments is less uncomfortable and there’s a lot more OOH THAT’S SAD BUT ALSO BADASS feeling to it, imo. The films seem to have a strong view of how each of those feelings feeds into each other, how they lead into each other, because that’s literally what George Lucas describes as How The Force Works.  I can make TCW work, because the war probably changed a lot of what Anakin was propping himself up with, that he was funneling himself into fighting as a way to prop himself up/get the praise that he endlessly hungered for and that constant fighting made it easier to shift into rage mode instead of the riot of emotions mode, but some part of me is forever going to think, “LET ANAKIN CRY IN TCW, YOU COWARDS, IT’S OOC FOR HIM NOT TO.”
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