#if she comes I’ll probably ask her first anyway tho so
sharkieboi · 5 months
I might chicken out but my DnD group is doing a session at a party member’s place instead of the game shop tomorrow as a mini-housewarming for them, and I might try to be slightly emotionally vulnerable and humbly request that I can cuddle with someone, cause I am so fucking touch-starved right now that it hurts
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Omg Mae more Spence please!! I love him ❤️❤️ what about the team is out at the bar after a case and some guy is flirting with reader and not taking no for an answer and spencer steps in even tho it’s out of character for him bc he’s so so jealous
Thanks for requesting :)
cw: minor assault, fictional confirmation that most guys are douchebags
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 926 words
“Right,” JJ says, “so Henry had actually been trying to say ‘fork,’ but of course everyone heard ‘fuck.’” 
You double over, laughter bubbling to the surface even easier than usual with the help of the couple of drinks you’ve had. Garcia has far surpassed you, tears leaking from her eyes as Morgan all but holds her upright. 
“And Will’s mom was…” JJ shakes her head with a smile, taking a sip of her drink. “Well, she was pretty upset. She accused Will of using that language around Henry, because she said he’s always had a potty mouth.” 
“Will?” Garcia cackles. “Our sweet southern beaux? There’s no way.” 
“I don’t know,” Emily muses. “I can see it. But he wouldn’t do it around Henry, for sure.” 
“Actually,” Spencer pipes up, “studies show that many children pick up swear words regardless of their parents’ usage. Even if they don’t know what they mean, most have a vocabulary of thirty to forty offensive words by the time they start school.”
The humor drains from JJ’s face. “Like, kindergarten?”
“Sometimes earlier,” Spencer says, before seeming to realize JJ finds these facts more alarming than fascinating. “I’m sure Henry will have a higher vocabulary than that by the time he gets to that age, though.” he adds hastily. “Probably won’t even need to resort to swear words.” You grin at him, laying your head on his shoulder consolingly. You might not have done it if you were completely sober, but right now it feels like the most natural thing in the world, and Spencer only tenses for a second before relaxing.
It’s Garcia who notices first, stiffening and straightening in her seat, but Hotch is the one to ask, “Can we help you?”
“I think so,” drawls a voice from behind you. “You can give me your friend’s number.”
You turn, finding yourself too close to the man standing with his hand presumptuously on the back of your chair and grinning like your agreement is a done deal. 
“Thanks,” you say, not unkindly, “but I’m not looking for anything.” 
The man tilts his head as if to say come on. “But don’t you just love when you find it anyways?”
“I’m here with my friends.” 
“And I’m not asking you to leave them.” He moves his hand to your shoulder, undeterred when you lean away. “Just give me your number, and next time you can be here with me.” 
“She said she’s not interested.” Emily’s voice is hard. If this guy weren’t so unpleasant, you’d be impressed that he’s still here, with your whole team staring daggers at him. 
The douchebag only smiles. “She didn’t say that, though. Did you, sweetheart?”
Your blood runs hot at his disregard of Emily. A man like this, you know—the assertive, overly masculine type—can be dangerous to piss off. But so can you. “I’m not," you say, finally letting the disgust you’ve been holding back seep into your voice. “Leave us alone.” 
Anger sparks in the man’s eyes, just like you knew it would. You don’t expect your gaze looks much different. His grip on your shoulder tightens as he gets in your face, close enough for you to smell the alcohol on his breath. “I know you don’t mean that.” 
You tense, ready to shake him off you and drag him back to whatever musty corner of the bar he’d come from, but Spencer beats you to it. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” he says, prying the fingers from your shoulder. You stand, a protective instinct moving you in front of Spencer, but he pushes past you, badge outheld. “FBI. Do you really wanna pursue this? Because if so, I’ll have no problem cuffing you and explaining it to the local police.” 
The guy makes like he’s going to dart for you again, but Spencer steps in his way, pushing him back with a hand on his shoulder. His voice is quiet but clear. “Do not touch her.”
“Fuck off,” the guy shakes Spencer’s hand off, stalking away. He’s drunker than you thought, wobbling his way back to the bar. 
“Spence,” you say, taking his hand as though mere contact with the man’s shoulder could hurt it. “You didn’t have to do that, I could have handled it.” 
“You shouldn’t have to,” he replies, pulling back the collar of your shirt distractedly. His fingers skim over tender skin, and you look down to find your shoulder is red where the man had gripped it. It’ll probably be a bruise tomorrow. Spencer’s eyes darken. “I can still arrest him. That’s assault.”
“It’s fine.” You move your shirt back into place, pulling him back to your seats. “I’m fine, really. Sorry about the scene, guys.” 
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for,” Hotch says severely, still eyeing the man from across the room. 
Morgan lets out a low whistle, relaxing back into his seat. “Way to go, wonder boy. Got a little jealous there, did we?”
Spencer lets out a little laugh, though it sounds more strained than usual. “I just did what all of us wanted to do.” 
“Agreed,” Emily says gruffly, toasting with her beer. “I thought I was going to have to go all the way around the table to kick that guy’s ass.” 
You laugh. “I appreciate the support, but I can take care of myself, you know.” You adjust your collar self-consciously, and as soon as you drop your hand back to your lap, Spencer’s taking it in his under the table. 
“Yeah,” he says casually, thumb stroking soothingly at your wrist. “We know.”
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
She dares me
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Hello everybody!
I had a lot of request for Lucy Bronze, so here am I trying one with her :)
I have some other writing in my draft tho, I try to decide which one I will post first but I have to admit that I write for the one who inspires me the most according to my mood of the day x)
I hope you'll like it anyway ♥
Resume : You take care of you stubborn and childlish girlfriend.
TW : None
"Lucia Roberta Bronze, this is the worst idea you’ve ever had"
"But baby, she dared me"
You roll your eyes when you hear Lucy whine, before she gets an impressive coughing fit. Sighing, you hand her a tissue so she can blow her nose and you patiently wait for her to be able to speak again.
Sitting on her bed, in her room of her apartment, it’s been an hour now that you’re trying to take care of her. When she missed practice today because she was sick, you knew it wasn’t just a little cold. Lucy isn't the type to miss training for nothing or even to be fragile in terms of her immune system. She warned you in the morning that she was not feeling well, so after finishing your training, you hurried to find her.
After having assured you for a few minutes that it was nothing, she finally confessed to you that following a challenge from Mapi, she found herself all dressed in the Mediterranean Sea. In the middle of winter. Obviously she didn't have any spare clothes and had to make the way back wet from feet to head.
"In the meantime, Mapi only got wet to the calf, so I won."
You sigh again, looking at her with a distressed air. You are obviously in love with this woman, more than anything else in the world. But sometimes you have trouble understanding how she can be so spontaneous and childish.
"She also has a cold and I now understand better why Ingrid was giving her black looks every time she sneezed."
Lucy sneers at the news, probably playing the scene in her head. Despite yourself, you can’t help but smile too.
"But between Ingrid and me, she’s definitely the winner. Her girlfriend is not about to die of pneumonia."
"Not going to die of pneumonia" Lucy mumbles sleepily as she pulls up her sheet under her chin.
"How is it that in our both couples it's the youngest who are the most mature?" you ask rhetorically by putting your hand on her forehead, trying to find out if her temperature is starting to fall.
"Dunno. Maybe because you both aren't fun" Lucy mumbles before yawning.
"Maybe I should ask Ingrid to get in a relationship with me, at least we would be both not fun but happy and healthy?"
You pull your tongue out at her and Lucy slaps your hand, frowning at you.
"Hey! Don’t laugh with that"
"I’ll go out and get you some medicine. Try to get some rest."
Sulking, Lucy gets on her side to turn her back on you and you watch her do it with an amused smile. You kiss her shoulder covered with the sheet and slowly come out of the bedroom. You take the opportunity to tidy up some of the things that the English left behind during the day before going out towards the pharmacy.
The air is fresh and the night begins to fall, making you shiver. You make the round trip with a quick step, the face completely masked by your scarf and the hood of your jacket. It's with relief that you find the warmth of Lucy’s apartment and you decide to make both of yourself tea. You to warm up, Lucy to ease her throat.
A quick passage through Lucy’s room learn you that she sleeps deeply and you decide not to wake her. After preparing a soup in addition to tea, you sit on the couch with your hot cup of tea and your phone. After like one hour, your hear her cough again and made your way to her room.
"You ok?" you ask when you see that she’s awake.
Lucy nods and turn for her nightstand to take her bottle of water. You let her do it, making a quick trip to the kitchen to put on the tray that you prepared and the medicines. With your foot, you push the door of the room to open and you put the tray on the other night table. Then you lie down next to her, on the sheet.
"How are you feeling?"
"Terrible" she answers by dropping on her back on her cushion.
With an empathetic smile, you clear her face of the few strands of hair that block her eyes.
"I’m sorry I said you weren’t fun"
You laugh slightly before you lean over her to put a kiss on her forehead.
"I know, baby." You smile at her again before you put the tray between you two. "Your meds. And I think it would be nice if you ate a little"
You nod at the soup bowl and Lucy looks at it thoughtfully for a few moments before resigning herself to sit in the bed. Once she’s settled, you hand her the bowl and let her eat, telling her a few things that happened during training.
Then, when she’s done, you help her take her meds and drop her half-empty cup of tea on her nightstand.
"Where are you going?" she whines as you come out of the room.
"Do the dishes?"
"Fuck the dishes. I need hugs to get better, it was written on the leaflet of the medicines"
"Of course, I didn’t have to read the little sentence in the end"
You laugh and rest the tray to climb on the bed next to her.
Her big smile when she answers you goes straight to your heart and you spread your arms so that she can cuddle up against you. After offering to watch something on television, you find yourself stroking her hair while watching Malcolm. When you found out it was Lucy’s favorite show, you were surprised at first, but you got used to it.
Not used to seeing Lucy so clingy, you take full advantage of having her for you in this state. Usually, you're the needy one between you two. But that's ok because Lucy never refuses you a kiss or a hug. And the best part is, you don’t have to feel guilty because the meds seem to be working and she feels better.
And her health will continue to get better, since after three days she is fully on her feet and back to training. The only thing that’s changed is that with Ingrid you promised yourself that you’d never let the two women go out by themselves again.
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makethemhoesmad · 4 months
first sight
dancing with our hands tied part one!
paige bueckers x reader
brooke’s pov
“holy shit brooke,” taniya shouts from her room. 
“what,” i yell back. it’s a questionable method of communication, but it works for us. i hear her footsteps clambering towards my room, then my door bursts open and taniya, my five-foot-barely anything roomate flings herself onto my bed.
“paige FUCKING bueckers commented on your post and all you did was like it? i thought i taught you better than this, bee,” taniya says, shaking her head at me.
“well, it’s not like-“
“HOLD ON,” taniya cuts me off, “she liked this comment saying ‘the spine tattoo…my god’ brooklyn mae johns she’s fucking in love with you.”
i roll my eyes at taniya’s wild predictions, which aren’t new to our friendship. “first of all, my name isn’t even brooklyn, second of all, wait, check my phone, who’s that message from?”
taniya picks up my phone, reads something, then screams at the top of her lungs and chucks my phone at me.
Hey was just wondering what college you went to?
i stare blankly at the screen, starstruck. taniya nudges me, motioning at the phone to respond.
Uconn, like you. 
Oh shit really? I didn’t know you knew so much about me😏
“is she really tryna flirt with me IN MY DMS right now?” i say out loud. taniya giggles.
“no shit sherlock, that’s why she slid into your dms. tell her you like basketball or something!”
i mean, i like basketball and my dorm isn’t that far from gampel. the mcdonald’s like twenty minutes away is like ten times cooler tho.
“you sneaky shit,” taniya snickers.
Fr you should meet me there in like 30.
No shit?
Yeah i’ll see ya then
i swipe out of instagram and start pacing around my room, opening drawers and holding things up to my body.
“bee, cool it. paige is about to show up in team travel gear, so your sweatpants and cute ass tank top are fine. put on some mascara or something if it’ll help you chill, but you’ll look great.” taniya is a little psychotic most of the time, but she’s calm as fuck in these situations.
i twist my hair up into a clip and climb into my car, palms sweaty. i don’t know why i agreed, this is so creepy and random.
i’m otw, u almost there?
yeah almost, ps don’t text and drive
“hey brooke!” i hear a voice from behind the booth im sitting in, nursing a sprite and a small fry.
“hi paige,” i say, grinning. she smiles back, and slides into the other side of the booth, then reaches over and takes one of my fries.
“get your own,” i chide, while sliding the fries closer to her. “besides that, why’d you randomly want to know what college i go to?”
she shifts in her seat. as she opens her mouth, a waitress comes by with a happy meal. paige opens it up and dumps her fries into the other end of the nugget box. before she eats, i quickly snap a picture.
“you don’t mind if i post this? it’s kinda how im paying for my guilty pleasures.”
she nods, “yeah, tag me. anyway, i asked you about what college you went to because i thought i knew you from somewhere, but i just could not figure out what. also, you’re like, really pretty so i wanted to talk to you.”
she blushes at the last part, which makes my cheeks go a bit pink. 
“well, you’re not exactly bad looking yourself. when can i see you again, because it’s getting late and i want to see my bed,” i say. taniya would be proud of my straightforwardness.
“Well, i’ve got tickets to a Sun & Fever game for monday, and the person i was going with just bailed on me, so do you wanna come?” 
i blink at paige in shock. i’ve literally known her in person for maybe twenty five minutes and she’s already offering me things?
“i mean, im not doing anything, and the Sun’s arena isn’t that far, is it?” i ask, hoping to get any more information on whatever she’s proposing.
“yeah, it’s probably only like an hour with traffic, but i can pick you up and drive you home if you want? or we can get a hotel? i have a hotel, but i can cancel it if you wanna you home, i just didn’t want to drive again after the game because leaving would be hell.”
i nod, hoping it looks cool and confident and not utterly confused.
“yeah, we can keep the hotel, it’s okay.”
“aight, i’ll get you on monday around three.” 
paige walks me out to my car, and as i climb in, she grabs my hand and squeezes it. once i see that she’s gone, i call taniya.
“Bitch do i have so much to tell you.”
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WIBTA… my crush threw up when she saw my scars.
I (22ftm) have intense feelings for my friend (24 f ), we’ll call her Bee. For some background I met her through my job (we’re in the food industry). I’m have a big friend group and my crush use to work with everyone. Bee use to actually date someone within the friend group, Sandy (24 f). They’re still friends even tho they’re broken up.
I hangout with my work friend group a lot, and Bee sometimes will come along. I like Bee a lot because she’s just really cool, she’s always calm, she talks about anything and everything, and she’s beautiful. She even is working as a heating and cooling technician. It’s hard for her to hangout with all of us because she has so many other things going on in general. She even bough a house in this economy!
Sandy and Bee are still close friends. I’ve asked a Sandy about their relationship and if she’s over her, and Sandy basically just tells me they were both kids and have dated other people since breaking up.
I haven’t actually gotten the chance to hangout with Bee one on one. I’ll even invite her to hangout with our group, but most the time she’s either busy with her house, or her other friends/family/business trips/etc. At first I thought she was lying, but Sandy has told me Bee just does a lot in general now. I’ve invited her to see a few scary movies with me, but she’s turned down 3/3.
This is where I may have been the asshole for making Bee uncomfortable. I had gotten my top surgery (whoo hoo) and after some recovering I kinda wanted to celebrate. Our other mutual friend was throwing a game night and I asked if Bee was coming and if she could come. Our friend said that’s fine since Bee is cool, and I invited Bee and she said she’d love to. She showed up with her boyfriend. I know it sounds bad, I just wanna get closer to Bee in general, her and I don’t have to date (although I wouldn’t mind).
Anyway during the game night, Sandy and Bee went to a separate bedroom to talk. I did pretend to go to the bathroom to ease drop. Bee was just basically telling Sandy she’s been stressed about work and her family, and redoing her house (she and her bf are doing the work themselves) Sandy basically just offered to help and Bee was just like “oh you listening is more than enough!” And they kinda just talked a little more. I was kinda feeling betrayed by Sandy, I haven’t told Sandy I really wanna get closer to Bee, she probably knows tho, but she never offers any help on how I could get closer.
When the two got out I raised a toast to my top surgery and to just making my body feel more like me, and to thank all my friends for the love and support I’ve received through them. I took off my shirt to show off, and I immediately noticed Bee looked away.
Throughout the night I would try and talk to Bee, but she wouldn’t make eye contact with me. she was keeping the conversation short Was she afraid to sexualize me? Was she transphobic? Her boyfriend even got between us and tried asking me how I’m doing and was kinda being a block. My mind was racing and I just kinda grabbed her hand and said “Does this scare you?”. She cried out “sorry!” And ran away…and she threw up in the sink. She started crying and apologizing and Sandy and her bf kinda took her to the bathroom then the car. Bee came in said sorry to everyone for ruining the night, and like three people said “no you just go home and feel better”.
I watched Sandy talk to both Bee and her boyfriend for like 20 minutes “saying goodbye”. I was shocked by the whole thing. It finally took someone to ask me if I was okay. I asked if Bee was trans phobic, why wouldn’t she look at me, she never hangs out with me one on one. Everyone told me that Bee isn’t transphobic (gee thanks). One of my friends even said I shouldn’t have grabbed Bee like that, which I know now. She was just acting all weird around me, and she was what I thought the coolest person ever.
Sandy came back in, she was laughing and she told the group Bee was fine. I asked “what about me!?” Sandy basically explained “body stuff” makes Bee “queasy”. i was hurt and offended that no one cared about me or my feelings.
Later that night Bee called me to apologize. She offered to buy me lunch. I was still hot headed and asked how my scars make her throw up. She basically told me about an event in her life that does make her uncomfortable around blood/scars/etc. I asked if she supported trans rights. she said of course. I asked her if she would ever date me, and she said shes never thought about it because shes with her bf. i basically confessed my feelings which she did not return but wishes me luck.
We never got lunch. I feel weird reaching out to her. she hasn't stopped by the restaurant. She hasn't come to a group gathering since. i know her and Sandy still hangout which pissed me off. i tried talking to my "friend" about it, but they say it as a step too far. they also shame me for crushing on her (i was fine with just friendship).
Its been like two months and everyone is still weird about it. Every time i bring it up, everyone makes me the bad guy. was i the asshole? was Sandy or Bee or even my friends that didnt support me?
What are these acronyms?
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luffyvace · 7 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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gloomyluvr · 1 year
in which miles unexpectedly sleeps over
fem!reader x e-42! miles morales
fluff / kinda angst??
warnings!: none
a/n: hiii ! i promised a post. and even tho it's a week or two late, it's here!! i loved this one btw. heavily inspired by ari's song. it's one of my faves. this took me forever cuz i had so many ideas and versions of it and i couldnt decide which route i wanted to go with it. idk hope y'all like it ig. oh and miles is ooc cuz like... idk how he is.
“im sorry for coming over last minute.” it was almost midnight when miles had called you asking for a place to stay the night. you were the only person he knew who lived around this unfamiliar area. 
“no, it’s alright. don’t worry.” you looked down at the floor, avoiding miles’ gaze. admittedly, you were nervous. it was your first time seeing miles after your breakup. which didn’t go all too well, but it’s in the past now. 
“if you’re not comfortable with me staying here, i get it. i’ll find some other place.” miles had noticed your uneasy manner. 
“no! it’s fine! it’s late and i don’t want you out there by yourself” you finally looked up at him, “what are you doing here anyways?” 
“oh uhm, there’s this like robotics competition around here, good prize money y’know?” miles hesitated. 
you knew miles better than anyone, you know when he’s lying. he’s making it so painfully obvious that he’s lying. he was probably here for prowler business. but, it wasn’t your place to worry anymore.
“oh, sounds fun.” 
“your mom won't mind?”
“your mom wont mind that i'm staying the night?”
“oh uhm, probably not. she’s at her boyfriends house so…” you shrugged
 miles stood stiffly in front of you waiting for anything to happen. and you stood, well, also stiffly looking around your living room. god, this was so fucking awkward.
“um well, you can set your bag in my room and i’ll get you some old clothes of yours that i… still have.” you admitted, very very embarrassingly. miles slightly smiled, amused by your behavior. 
you led the way to your room, and miles trailed behind you. as he was walking, he looked around the apartment he once knew so well. he took notice of anything new, whether it was recent photos in frames or decorations your mother put up to match the season. 
once in your room, miles gently set his bag next to your bed. he observed you as you got clothes from your drawer. you were dressed in some graphic tee and christmas pajama pants. which miles so happened to have an exact pair of (maybe because you insisted on matching for the holidays and well, who was miles to deny you?)
“here you go.”
“thanks.” miles took the clothes from your hands and walked to the bathroom.
you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding in. why were you so nervous? a couple months ago you guys could act freely around each other and now you guys can barely even make eye contact. there was no denying that you missed miles. you missed the calls that would last for hours. you missed laying together in bed. you missed his laugh. you missed everything and anything about miles. 
you weren’t expecting his call at all. he was the one who decided on no contact after all. and if you were being honest you were mad that he had the balls to ask to spend the night after not talking to you for months. but you didn’t have it in you to say no to miles. 
when miles came back, you were lying on a makeshift bed on the floor scrolling through your phone. it couldn’t have been comfortable. 
“you’re not sleeping on that.” miles immediately advised you. you looked up from your phone with a grin. 
“oh i know. you’re sleeping that.” you got up from the floor and climbed on top of your bed. miles watched your antics with a hand on his hips. you looked at him and he rolled his eyes. 
“well at least i was tryna be a gentleman.” he huffed as he laid down on the floor. you rolled over to the edge of your bed to look at miles who was getting comfy on the floor (which was surprisingly comfortable.)
you wanted him to say something. anything. ask how you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. you wanted to talk to him, tell him the latest drama from your school. anything that would break this god-awful silence. but, nothing ever came. it was late, and if he wasn’t gonna try anything, neither were you. 
you looked at miles’ face, admiring your favorite features of his. he quickly took notice and looked back at you. miles smiled nervously, hoping you wouldn’t notice how his cheeks turned red because of your gaze. fortunately for him, you were as giddy as him, if not more. your cheeks also blushed up and you just couldn’t handle it.
“stop looking at me like that!” you cried before hiding your face in your covers.
“what! ¿qué hice?” miles chuckled, throwing his hands in the air in defense. 
“you know what you did!” you insisted with your face still buried in your covers.
“ ‘m sorry i can’t help it.” he whispered. you shifted to your lay on your side, facing miles.
“miles you can’t say that.” you whispered back. 
“why not?”
“i know, i’m sorry.” miles mumbled. 
and once again, silence filled the room. you could hear miles’ soft breaths and you were sure he could hear yours.
“k pues, goodnight.” 
“goodnight, y/n/n.” 
15 or so minutes had passed and you still couldn’t sleep. you were tossing and turning on your bed. why couldn’t you sleep? is it because it’s so cold even though it’s august? or was it the fact that your ex was sleeping on your bedroom floor? probably the first one. you shivered, trying to find some warmth within your blankets. why was it so fucking cold? you sigh, there was only one way you were gonna be able to sleep tonight. 
“you awake?”
“yeah, can’t sleep. why?” miles waited for a response but all he heard was shuffling. then, he saw you standing over him with your pillow and an extra blanket.
“can i sleep with you?” miles nearly jumped at the offer. how could he ever reject you? 
“yeah of course.” miles made space for you on the ground and you quickly set your pillow down next to his. you got under the same covers as him with the extra you brought being quickly discarded. 
it wasn’t until you were fully settled in that you realized your position. your face was merely inches away from miles’. though it didn’t bother you like you thought it would and miles didn’t seem bothered either. in habit, you rested one of your legs over miles’. instinctively miles wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. you brought your hand up to caress miles’ cheek. you closed your eyes as miles rubbed circles on your waist with his thumb.
you missed this. so did miles. but as long as he was the prowler, he couldn’t be with you. despite how much he wanted to. 
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leonw4nter · 9 months
Are they? Are They Not?
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Architect!RE2R!Leon x Boss!Reader
Tags - fluff, making out (it's short tho), office romance
“Good morning everyone! Picked up some coffee so we can all start the day right!,” Rebecca cheerfully chirps as she enters the office. She stops by everyone’s desks, placing paper cups of steaming hot coffee with their names before knocking at your door, the company’s COO. “Come in!,” you call out. She enters the organized office, spotting you sitting on your office chair and turning your work computer on. She notices a steaming hot paper cup on your desk, along with a brown pastry bag. “Got you some coffee but turns out you’ve already got a cup in. Oops,” she says with an apologetic grin. “It’s fine. I could use the extra caffeine anyways,” you respond with a polite smile. She leaves the cup on your desk before turning back to the door, walking out the office when she spots Leon come in.
“Mornin’ Leon!” “Good morning, Rebecca!”
Rebecca walks over to her desk and decides to officially start her day, answering emails and editing the current contracts that've been assigned to the company. Soon, the noise of chatter is drowned out by the clickity-clack of keyboards and ringing landlines. The morning can get busy very soon, not that they mind; the company does a swell job of making sure its employees are doing alright and are managing to balance their personal and work lives. People pour in and out of Y/N’s office, hoping to get her opinion or approval on a project before having their ideas sent to the CEO (aka Y/N’s dad). Most of the time, their ideas align perfectly so her approval could be seen as a sign that he’ll approve it too. It’s now break and everyone rises from their seats to stretch and get up to grab a bite.
“I’ll go ask Y/N if she wants to go grab lunch with us,” Leon offers just as Rebecca gets up. Rebecca nods before responding, “Okay. I’ll go join the others already.”
“She’s busy consulting with the engineers and said she's sorry and will make it up to everyone with drinks one of these days,” Leon explains before digging into a breakfast bagel. Despite it being lunch time, he prefers to have breakfast foods.
“Did she ask for help? I can help her out since I’ve got a blueprint or two to review then I'm done” Claire offers. Leon shakes his head but says that he thinks she’ll accept Claire’s offer anyway. The group continued chatting over their respective meals until it got to the topic of their coffee consumption.
“My brother is a beast– out here chugging protein shakes and coffee. I’m surprised he isn’t having a heart attack whilst I’m out here palpitating with two cups,” Claire pipes in.
“I don’t know what’s worse: your brother’s caffeine consumption or the sheer amount of sugar and creamer Rebecca puts in her coffee,” Jill jokes, earning a playful smack to the shoulder from Rebecca. “At this point it’s 99% sugar and a measly 1% coffee. How you’re not diabetic is beyond me!”
“Life’s too short to not absolutely go crazy with sugar and creamer, let me have my fun!,” Rebecca retorts and earns good-natured laughter from the table.
“How about you, Leon? How do you like your coffee?,” Claire asks.
“I’m not too picky with coffee. I’ll take anything,” Leon responds.
“Hmm. You’re just like Y/N; I just get her whatever kind of coffee and she always takes it,” Rebecca responds.
“Y/N? Oh she doesn’t like or drink coffee,” Leon corrects. Jill nearly chokes on her muffin when Leon says those words, eyes slightly widened. “Really? She’s the first person I have ever come across that doesn’t like or drink coffee.”
“But she literally accepted all the coffees I got for her!,” Rebecca says. “Wait… what if she just accepted them to look polite or nice–”
“Knowing her, she probably did that to not hurt your feelings or something…,” Jill softly says.
“She could’ve told me she doesn’t drink coffee. I would’ve gotten her a hot cocoa instead,” Rebecca says. “Guys, do I look intimidating? What if she just took the drinks because my outgoing-ness is intimidating her? We do know she usually keeps to herself too–”
“You’re the least intimidating person I know, Rebecca,” Jill responds. “She might’ve done that because she felt kind of bad… or something– I don’t know–”
“And how do you know that, Leon?,” Claire asks with slightly narrowed eyes, leaning into the table while resting her head on her hand.
Now everyone in the table is sitting in silence, curious gazes focused on Leon as to how he knows that. You've never talked about her preferences in food and drink– it’s not even on the company website. They don’t think it’s ever been mentioned anywhere.
“Oh, you know– we talk,” Leon responds with a neutral tone. “Oh my God Leon you almost got yourself killed! Calm down, calm down. They won’t catch on,” Leon thinks to himself.
“Talk? Talk like how?,” Jill asks.
“‘Talk’ as in we’re just coworkers who decided to strike up a random conversation whilst working on a blueprint that one time,” Leon says. He would’ve looked calm and composed– unaffected even, if it wasn’t for the tips of his ears flushing pink and his subconscious leg jiggle. “What?” Leon asks as Rebecca and Claire shoot him smirks that scream “is it what we’re thinking?”. “Can’t a guy and girl talk like they’re just coworkers?”
“You have a point,” Claire replies but Leon doesn’t miss how her blue-green gaze falls on his pinkish ears. They decided to drop the topic, much to Leon’s massive relief. “That was a close one, Leon. Careful next time,” he thinks to himself. Well, you two did more than just talk that day– no, not in that way; you exchanged numbers, began hanging around each other more frequently until you two took secretly took things to another level. Since there was only 15 minutes left before their break was over, they decided to leave early and go up to their office.
“Hey baby,” you softly say as you walk over to Leon’s cubicle. The others had already gone, the office dark except for Leon’s spot. He had stayed overtime to finish up a model so he would be free for the weekend.
“Hi,” Leon softly said as he pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. “Stayed a little later to finish the playground but I don’t regret it one bit if it means some time spent with you.”
“Congrats for making my heart race a million miles per hour,” you giggle. Leon shoots you a flirty wink before he finishes up packing his bag. “Ready to go, milady?”
“Let’s go,” you respond. You two leave the dark office, looking around for anyone lingering. You part your hands from his temporarily, making sure no one catches you holding hands with an employee; it’s not exactly rule-breaking to be fraternizing with an employee but it is highly discouraged. More importantly, it’s not exactly the best of look to be caught in such an act especially when you’re the daughter of the head of this entire company.
“Coast clear?” Leon whispers, to which you nod. Giggling like two school children who just confessed their crushes to each other, you two make your way down the dark hallways hand in hand. Leon kept stealing glances at you, a nerdy but hopelessly in love smile plastered on his face. Despite the lack of lights, you could accurately guess that there’s a glimmer in Leon’s eyes whenever he looked at you like you’re the sun, which you kind of are since you lit up his world.
Not too long after, you two get in your car. After starting the engine, Leon suggested that you two take his car so he could open the door for you and be the one to treat you lavishly, to which you responded with a small nod and an “I’ll think about it”. Leon connected his phone to your car’s bluetooth speakers, going to his Spotify and picking out a playlist he made that reminded him of you. Upon hearing the lyrics of the song, a warmth crawled up your cheeks and manifested in the form of a soft pink glow. Seeing your reaction, Leon beamed brightly as he leaned back in his seat.
“You know it’s your birthday next week,” Leon says, breaking the comfortable silence that settled between you two.
“Yeah, it is. Why, you wanna know what I want for a gift?,” you ask.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Oh then I guess just wear a light pink ribbon on your hair and call yourself a gift. Your presence in my life is the best present ever.”
“God that’s so cheesy,” he says with a small laugh. He keeps his gaze trained on the tall buildings around you two because he knows he’s going to scream like a girl if he looks at you once more. “It’s not a bad suggestion though.”. After a few minutes, you two finally reach Leon’s condominium.
“Good night baby, see you tomorrow,” you say whilst pulling him in for a kiss.
“Night, Y/N. Text me when you get back, okay?,” he says. You nod before he finally waves bye and shuts the door.
You’ll definitely be sending him some texts.
After another entire week of staying overtime and finally finishing the mountain of work assigned to you, you finally get up from your chair to move your body a little bit. This day went great: meetings went smoothly, everything on your planner happened, and most importantly, it’s your birthday. Of course, your father and those close to him greeted you and though you didn’t mind if someone know (or doesn't know) your birthday, the gesture warmed your heart.
“Baby?,” Leon called out.
“Huh? Leon?,” you asked. He emerged from the dark, a dainty bouquet of pink and white tulips in his hand, along with a card. Just as you recommended last week, there’s a baby pink ribbon clipped on his hair.
“Oh you didn’t have to–”
“I didn’t have to but I wanted to,” he says before pulling you in for a slow, tender kiss.
“Happy birthday to my only girl.”
Words won’t ever show how truly thankful you are for this gesture so you show it through actions. You pull him in for a hungry kiss, hands travelling to his black tie to loosen it up. Leon places your gifts on your desk, his finally unoccupied hands going to his own tie to help you loosen it faster. You kick your heels off, legs wrapping around his waist as the kisses slowly become more heated and passionate. His hand travels to your blazer, nimble fingers quickly wo–
“Happy birthday, Y/N–”
“LEON! Y/N?!”
You quickly push Leon off of you and get back up, fixing your hair and feeling around your clothes for any unclasped buttons or pulled down zippers. Embarrassment rushes through your veins, your heart lodged in your throat. Leon’s embarrassed too– shimmery pink lip gloss smeared on his lips, blond hair ruffled, and his tie hanging loose around his neck. His entire face is red and suddenly it’s not so bad if the ground collapses and swallows him up (though he prefers if you swallow him up but now is not the time).
“Uh… hey guys!,” you chirp with an awfully fake smile.
“Hi guys– we were–,” Leon stammers, hand behind his neck.
“Hey guys, if you were busy… we can… we can wait outside…,” Jill awkwardly mumbles, eyeing the poorly hidden bouquet on the desk.
“Yeah… we can wait outside the building if it’ll be noisy too,” Rebecca adds, which causes Leon to almost choke on air and for you to stare at her discombobulated.
“NO– No guys, you can um– now is fine, I promise–,” you stammer. Leon follows suit, trying to make it look as if you two weren’t interrupted in the worst way possible.
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NOTE - I saw the reception of my first fic in here and it's looking positive so far so thank you very much! The likes, reblogs, and new followers mean so much to me and I seriously started contemplating telling my parents that I write (I'm so not telling them lmao). I hope you guys enjoy this fic just like you have with my other one!
The dividers (the doodle-y ones) are made by @saradika , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
Hi love 💕 can you please write reader x damian where she has like a chronic illness \ pain and she has some of those days where all she wants is to be taken care of? thank you 💗💗💗
wrote this with high fever so probably not the best :(
damian priest x reader
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one of those days
being in that car accident when you were seven really fucked up your life. you were lucky to even be still alive, only getting out of it with bad injuries but nothing worse. expect your dream of being a wrestler fading away.
you grew up watching wrestling with your family. your dad was a fan. your mom was a fan too and you grew being a fan too. you remember asking wrestlemania tickets every year for christmas, nothing more.
but you knew that after being stuck in bed for over a year did nothing but more damage to your body.
it was a really bad accident, leaving you with the worst back pain you’ve ever felt. you thought it was going to go away but it never did. growing up the pain became stronger to the point you had to stay weeks away from school because you couldn’t even move. your dream of being a wrestler completely faded away but your lucky star made your wish come true anyway.
you were a sport journalist and even if you worked for hockey, baseball, football and basketball somehow you ended up hosting a wwe post game show. and that was everything you ever dreamed of.
you had the chance to meet amazing people, new friends and even the love of your life.
at first it was scary having to host interviews with the judgment day but in the end you found out they were the most caring and loving people you’ve ever met. you and rhea bonded immediately. she was the first to know about your pain and about the accident that happened and she made you promise to always call her in case you needed anything. same thing happened with finn and dom. with damian things were a little different. he fell in love with you the moment he saw you and he wanted everyone to know that he was in love. he started from giving you coffee in the morning to offering you lunches and dinners. he loved picking you up in the morning and taking you back home at night. he just loved being in your presence.
and you ended up falling for him too.
he always took care of you in a way no one ever did. not only about the physical pain. he knew you. he knew how to listen to you. he knew how to read you and that was all that mattered to you.
it was one of those morning where you were lucky you didn’t have to leave the house for work that day because you just spent the worst sleepless night ever.
your back was hurting once again and you couldn’t even move your legs to go to the bathroom.
“is everything okay princesa?” damian asked when he saw you trying to move your position in bed.
“just one of those days…”
“here let me help you” he smiled at you, moving his arms under your back, making sure to not hit the spot that hurts you. he helped you sitting more comfortably in bed, positioning some pillows under your back and under your head.
“thank you” you smiled at him.
“it’s my pleasure, do you need anything else? water? something to eat?” he asked softly, making sure he wasn’t overwhelming you.
“i’m okay, thanks” you whispered “can you just hug me?” you shyly asked him.
his heart melted at the sound of your soft and sweet voice “of course love” he said, helping you moving towards his body so now you were laying on his chest while his hands went to your back, gently massaging it.
“does it hurt?” he asked.
“today more than yesterday…it’s normal tho…i just have bad days too”
“i know…i just wish you didn’t have those days…whatever you need i’m here, food, water, a hot bath, just say it and i’ll make everything possible” he smiled at you.
“can we just stay like this forever?”
“as you wish my queen” he laughed making you laugh too.
“i just love you so much damian…thank you for always being here for me”
“te amo mi amor…so much” he whispered when he saw you relaxing against his chest and closing your eyes once again.
he never thought he would find love but you came and proved him wrong.
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Online Matchup 4
Summery: Y/N makes a trip back home last minute, ruining Jason's plan for a breakfast date, but that won't stop him from coming up with a different plan.
Warning: swearing, talk of surgery, Jason's being a sweetheart, fluff
A/n: this is becoming one of my comfort fics to write, and I can't be mad about it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Feedbacks always welcome
Words: 3097
Series master list
October 8
Jason (6:40am) Good morning How are you this beautiful morning?
Y/N Why in the everloving fuck are you awake at six in the morning?
Jason Aren’t you a potty mouth in the early mornings Someone should teach you a lesson
Y/N It’s to early for anything right now
Jason’s May I remind you, that you’re awake this early too
Y/N My sister decided it was the perfect time to call me Apparently it couldn’t wait until I was awake enough to call her back And now I can’t sleep
Jason Everything okay?
Y/N Define okay?
Jason It’s your dad isn’t it?
Y/N Yeah I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about it
Jason Fair enough
Y/N Now answer my question
Jason Demanding Wanted to know how you were doing after last night
Y/N Better now that I’ve slept I wish I could sleep longer tho Though my eyes hurt and it feels like I have a hangover
Jason Consequences of crying before bed
Y/N Make it go away
Jason Wanna meet for breakfast? Y/N?
Y/N (8:35am) Oh, sorry I fell asleep
Jason Uh huh It has nothing to do with the fact that I asked if you wanted to go for breakfast
Y/n Mm don’t know what you’re talking about And isn’t there a rule where a guy has to wait a least three days Before you ask the girl out again
Jason Apparently My brother advised me the same thing But since I could care less what he thinks about my relationship I have decided to ignore him and take the plunge and ask you anyways Besides he barely listens to his own advice So to each their own I guess
Y/N Why do I get the feeling that you ignore your brother a lot
Jason Couldn’t tell you So, breakfast?
Y/N Uh, wish I could But I have a train to catch 
Jason Where’s it going?
Y/N Metropolis 
Jason You're going home? Why so sudden?
Y/n The call with my sister? Apparently my dad is having surgery and my mom wants everyone there until he’s done Don’t know why I have to go, by the time I’m there it’ll probably be over
Jason Yikes What’s the surgery for?
Y/N Dunno, something to do with something? I’m not sure, I was half asleep when she called And she used that to her advantage and got me to agree to go home today
Jason Don’t you have class tomorrow?
Y/N Not until the afternoon
Jason Work?
Y/n Not until Tuesday 
Jason Huh
Y/n Yup tbh I rather spend my Sunday with you then go home But it’s family and I can’t say no to my sister
Jason I get that family’s first But I would choose you over my family
Y/n … You can’t just say that!
Jason But flustering you is becoming my favourite past time
Y/n Get a new one!
Jason Nah, don’t think I will Okay, so no breakfast How about I drop you off at the station?
Y/N Tempting But if you do, then I’ll miss the train Because I wanna kiss your stupid face And besides, I’m almost there
Jason My face isn’t stupid … You wanna kiss me? Colour me flattered
Y/n I rescind my statement 
Jason Can’t do that, it’s in writing Hold on, when you said you were sleeping You were actually packing, weren’t you?
Y/N Guilty I’m sorry I’ve spent thirty minutes debating on whether or not to ditch my family for you
Jason But in the end you’re ditching me Feels like your running from something I see how it is
Y/N I’m sorry D: I’m not running away or anything 
Jason It’s okay, really I’m not mad or anything Okay, maybe a little disappointed But he’s your dad and you don’t know when’s the next time you see him So it’s okay, don’t feel bad I’ll wait around until your back And I know your not, I just took the joke too far and I’m sorry
Y/n I’m still sorry
Jason Can I call you?
Y/N Uhhhhhhh Give me a minute 
Jason Take as much time as you need I can wait
Y/n Sweet of you But I needed to find a seat first And then my headphones
Jason So You’re good now?
Y/n Yup
It didn’t take more than a second before your phone rang after you sent the message.
“I thought you wanted to call?” you answered, moving your phone so Jason could see your face. He shrugged, shooting you a smile.
“Wanted to see your pretty face is all,” he said, and you could feel your face heat up at the compliment. Averting your eyes, you sink in your seat, trying to hide your face in your sweater. “Awe, is this what you look like when you get flustered? There’s no way I can't stop flustering you now. If this is what your reaction is going to be every time I do.”
“I’m hanging up now,” you mumbled into your sweater, and wondered if he heard that. Judging by the smile he gave you, he did.
“Nah, I don’t think so. You called my face pretty and you wanted to kiss it,” he said. That made you come out of your sweater and glared at him.
“I think I said stupid face,” you corrected, “you have a stupid face.”
“That you want to kiss,” Jason pointed out with a smile. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him laugh. “How’s the train ride?”
You shrugged, shifting in your seat trying to get comfortable. “A train ride I guess. We just left the station and it’ll be two hours until we get to Metropolis? My butts gonna hurt once I get there.”
“Gotta walk around once in a while,” Jason reminded, “did you bring anything for the ride?”
“Yeah, homework I still need to finish, my sketchbook and some books I’ve been meaning to read.”
“Sounds like a party,” Jason joked. You huffed out a laugh.
“Oh yeah, real life of the party over here.” 
Before either of you could continue, you faintly heard a door slamming open and closing before hearing a faint call of Jason! You promised me breakfast! From what you could make out, it was a female voice and you pushed down the bout of jealousy that came from nowhere. You didn’t have the right to be jealous. Jason wasn’t yours, he was his own person and you two weren’t seeing each other officially. He was free to do what he pleased. Still, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt.
You watched as Jason scowled, and turned towards the voice. “Yeah, give me a minute I’m on the phone.”
You schooled your features and raised an eyebrow as he turned back to his phone. “You already had breakfast plans, yet you still tried to make them with me? Wow Jason, didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a two timing bitch,” he clarified and you blanched at the statement. Damn, and you thought you hid it well. “And like I said before, I’d ditch my family for you any day of the week without question.”
“Aw Jason, you’d ditch your own sister! I see how it is,” the female voice said. Jason made a face as a blond haired girl came into frame, hanging off of Jason’s shoulders. Her nose pressed into his cheek and she smiled. “Tell me how you really feel, Jason.”
“Okay, I will,” he said, shoving her off, “you’re an annoying little shit.” She laughed and turned towards the phone. She was pretty, you had to admit.
“Oh, Tim’s right. You are cute,” she said, and you pulled your sweater over your mouth, trying to keep a laugh in as Jason looked offended.
“Steph!” he yelled, shoving her face out of frame. “Go away.”
“No, you promised me breakfast last night, and I demand pancakes,” she said, coming back in, shoving Jason out of frame as she did so. She turned to you and smiled. “Hello, I’m Jason’s sister Stephanie. You must be Y/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard virtually nothing about you.”
“And I’m trying to keep it that way,” he grunted, pushing her away. The two fought until finally they settled with Stephanie leaning on his shoulder. “How’d you even know their name?”
“Tim,” she answered. You raised your eyebrow in question. “He gets bored when he has nothing to do. And he decided to snoop around Jason’s life.”
“Well I’ll try not to be offended,” you said, though you furrowed your brows in concern. “Should I be worried?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephanie hummed, “not unless you have something to hide.”
“Do you have something to hide?” Jason pressed, a teasing smile dancing on his lips. You puffed out your cheeks and looked away.
“Oooh you do,” Stephanie sang, “tell us before we find out from Tim.”
“Tim needs to mind his own fucking business,” you muttered to yourself, causing Jason to laugh. “And no, I have nothing to hide. Lived a pretty boring life.”
“Don’t know, you tried killing your sister once,” Jason mused. 
“I didn’t try on purpose! I pushed her off the deck into the lake,” you corrected, “and my dad got to her before anything could happen. Man, he was pissed. I feared for my life that day. I’ve never known fear until I saw the look he gave me.” You shuddered at the memory.
“How old were you?” Stephanie asked, worry laced in her words. You shrugged, staring at the corner of your phone, avoiding their gaze.
“Ten I think? Could be younger, I don’t know. Thought it would be funny, and it was until it wasn’t.”
“Did he hurt you?” Jason asked, you shook your head and moved your gaze to him.
“No. But the way he looked, he wanted to. If we were alone he probably would have. I booked it into the car and hid there until we went home. Then I hid in my room for the rest of the day.”
“Yikes. Why was he so mad? Bruce wouldn’t have been if we did something like that.”
“That’s because we knew how to take care of ourselves and we knew how to swim,” Jason pointed out.
“And he probably doesn’t have favourites,” you chimed in. You hummed in thought, ignoring the worried looks the two siblings were giving you. “But he doesn’t strike me as picking a favourite among his kids, unless he’s really good at hiding it. But no parent is that good at hiding that.”
“Have experience, do you?” Jason asked, you only hummed not wanting to elaborate. You aren’t sure how, but what was supposed to be a lighthearted conversation turned sour. You scrunched up your nose as a thought occurred to you. If it was this easy to talk to both Jason and Stephanie, you were afraid how the rest of his family would be. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“What you guys are having for breakfast,” you said instead of you voicing your thoughts.
“Ooh yes. I did come here for breakfast,” Stephanie said, as if she had forgotten the reason for being here. She turned to him and poked his cheek. “Make me pancakes with bacon and ham and eggs and everything.”
“How can you eat so much and not gain anything,” Jason grumbled as he moved off the couch and towards the kitchen. Stephanie shifted slightly so she was more centered to the camera.
“I work out,” she simply said with a shrug. Jason grumbled something, and since he was too far away you couldn’t hear what he said. “So, how’d you meet Jason anyways? Tim won’t say and Jason doesn’t want to talk about you when asked.”
“That’s because you pester me so much that I don’t want to talk about them,” Jason called, “and you don’t have to answer anything you want too, Y/N. Don’t let Stephanie bully you into answering questions.”
“It’s okay, Jason, I don’t mind. I know what it’s like to have siblings,” you said with a smile. “We met online. Started talking a few weeks back and haven’t stopped since.”
“Ah, you guys are still new,” Stephanie mused, “that means you can still back out before you guys get too serious.” You laughed at the same time Jason yelled hey! “Kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t seen Jason happy in awhile. Please stick around, he’s more bearable when he’s happy.”
You watched as Jason stalked towards her, and plucked the phone from her. “If all you came here for was to make fun of me, you can go home without your food.”
“Noooo, Jason I’m sorry,” you heard Stephanie whine. And you couldn't be sure, but you saw Stephanie grovel a little bit on the floor. Although Stephanie couldn’t see Jason’s expression, you could and smiled at the little smile he shot you.
“Then go take a shower, you stink,” he said, and she was quick to race to the bathroom. “Your clothes are still here from last time!” he called and set the phone down so watch him as he prepared breakfast. “Sorry about her. I completely forgot she was coming over today.”
“No worries,” you dismissed, watching in awe as Jason cut up some vegetables with ease. “She was fun to talk to.”
“Prefer her over me, huh?”
“Nope. I like you more,” you said. “Where’d you learn how to cook?”
“Alfred taught me when I was young, and I kept going afterwards. Found it helped me when things got too stressed,” he explained. “Stress cooking is a lot healthier than other ways to deal.”
“I get that,” you mused, “I stress clean.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he grunted. He stopped for a moment and looked towards you; eyes narrowed. “Did you have breakfast this morning?” You bit the top of your lip and avoided looking at him. “Y/N,” Jason said in warning.
“It was too early to eat!” you cracked, “I had a coffee and that was it.” Jason shook his head, going back to his food.
“I hope you eat something soon.”
“I packed some snacks. But they’re nothing compared to what you’re making for breakfast.”
 “Well next time actually eat something or else I’ll just have to come over and cook for you.”
“That a threat?”
“No, more like a promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said with a smile. 
“Stop flirting and cook me my food!” Stephanie yelled after the quickest shower you have ever seen someone take. 
“So fucking demanding,” Jason grunted as you laughed.
“I should let you go so you can focus on the food instead of getting distracted,” you mused.
“But you’re the only kind of distraction I’d like,” he said, and you heard Stephanie gag. Laughing, you shook your head, trying to keep from blushing. “Okay maybe you’re right. Or otherwise, I’m going to throw Steph out the window.”
“Ha! I would like to see you try!”
Jason rolled his eyes and flicked them towards you. “Let me know when you’re there?”
“I can do that.”
Y/N (11:30 am) Ugh, I hate train rides
Jason Could have flown
Y/N Yeah but train tickets are cheaper
Jason True Made it in one piece?
Y/N Yup Now I’m making my way to the hospital
Jason Someone picking you up?
Y/n Nah, I’m taking the bus Need the extra time before I get there
Jason I get that 
Y/n How was breakfast?
Jason Good Though it would be better if it was you
Y/n Stoooooooopppppppp
Jason Never I’m sorry about Steph, we can be a handful sometimes
Y/n No worries, I like her Is the rest of your family that energetic?
Jason Some yeah, the rest are just tamed
Y/n Sounds fun
Jason Oh yeah, the best
Y/n I can hear the sincerity from here 
Jason Almost to the hospital?
Y/n Yeah I gotta go
Jason Tell me how it goes
Y/N (2:40 pm) I shouldn’t have come Why did I say yes?
Jason Because you were sleep deprived and you can’t say no to your sister Also because your dads in the hospital 
Y/n Right He’s fine by they way, now he’s just recovering Doctors say they did what they could and he’ll be out of here in a couple of days
Jason Figured out what the surgery was about?
Y/N Nope and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Jason Wow Why do you have regrets?
Y/n I don’t know how or why But somehow my sister figured out I was seeing someone Or at least talking to someone and kept pestering me until I told them I’ve been bamboozled 
Jason Guess I’m not your dirty little secret anymore huh
Y/n Guess it wasn’t meant to be Oh well can’t be helped
Jason So now that your dads fine, you coming home?
Y/n No Somehow I have been convinced to stay the night and take the morning train in the morning Which sucks, I already bought my ticket for tonight 
Jason That’s rough buddy
Y/n Can’t be helped I guess Now I get to play 20 questions 
Jason But at least you get to spend time with your family
Y/n True
Jason you know, if you want I can drive up there and take the train with you
Y/N That is very sweet of you and very tempting But you have work and I don’t want to inconvenience you
Jason You’re not an inconvenience If anything, you’d be doing me a favour I have the day off tomorrow and I’ve been meaning to do something I’m not very good at doing nothing
Y/N What about your bike?
Jason When I said drive, I meant the loosely I’d take the train or fly Or I can drive us back I have a car too, you know
Y/N Where would you stay?
Jason I have a friend living there that I’ve been meaning to visit Plus we can go for breakfast tomorrow before making the trip back
Y/N Very tempting But ultimately I’m not going to tell you what to do It’d be your choice
Jason See you in the morning then
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alexmeeksmartin · 1 year
enchanted to meet you
part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/alexmeeksmartin/716331255770333184/dont-be-afraid-to-jump-then-fall
pairing: chad meeks-martin x gn reader
synopsis: the one where anika drags her roommate, y/n, to meet her new friends from blackmore. one in particular catches y/n’s eye.
a/n: first fic, so probably is kinda bad but we’ll see how it goes ! sorry it’s so rough, still finding my footing lol !! originally wrote in the first person but changed it, might still be a mistake or two in there tho
wc: 2.0k
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“so, y/n, these are the guys i wanted you to meet!” anika starts as you study the four strangers that anika had just gathered around. the first was a tall boy with short curly brown hair, who shyly looks away the moment you make eye contact with him. from what anika had said, your bets are that he’s ethan. he’s totally what you expected from anika’s stories. “this is ethan, as you know we’re in econ together.” bingo.
next to him was a shorter girl with dark hair and freckles crossing over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. you make a mental note to find out where she gets her shoes. “and this is tara, her and her sister only live a couple blocks away from us.” tara sends you a large smile, to which you respond with a warm grin.
anika crossed the pair to walk over to the other girl in the group and wrap her arm around her shoulder. “here we have mindy.” in your head you think that those two would definitely make a cute couple, anika clearly has taken a liking to her. “i’ve heard a lot about you.” you begin before anika shoots you a look, quickly silencing you.
“and last but not least, this is chad.” anika finishes, showing you an absolute hunk of a man, with chad winking at you. you play it cool, giving him a raise of your eyebrows in response. as far as you know, he could be just another gross man. “well, I’m y/n obviously. um, so, it’s really nice to meet all of you! i’m gonna go get a drink now… but i’ll see you guys around!” you say, swiftly heading to the kitchen through the bustling crowds. you’re sure they’re all nice but anika is a bit more outgoing than you are, and they look like they could be a lot. plus, parties aren’t really your scene anyways, you think to yourself.
you head to the kitchen, seeing a bottle of vodka and pouring yourself a shot. a drink or two wouldn’t hurt, especially when it comes to getting you out of your shell. you’re just about to chuck it back, but an ecstatic tara comes barrelling into the room. “hey, i’ll do one with you!” she exclaims, pouring herself a shot too. “cool.” you respond, tara hurriedly getting herself ready, before counting the pair of you down. “1! 2! 3!” you both down it, tara’s face immediately screwing up while you seem to maintain a calm expression. little does tara know, you’re screwing up just as much on the inside. “how can you- does that seriously not burn or feel weird whatsoever?” tara questions.
“do enough shots in your time and you’ll be the same.” you state, winking at tara. the pair of you talk for a while, maybe even an hour or so before you depart to discover who else is around. you walk into the living room, seeing mindy & anika cuddled up on the couch together. anika spotting you immediately signals for you to come over. both of you having had a few drinks by now, you sink down into the couch beside the two girls.
“you enjoying yourself?” anika asks you excitedly. “yeah, your friend, tara, is a lot. in a good way, though.” you answer.
“you’ve got the best of her tonight I think,” mindy begins, “usually she’s fun-drunk for the first hour or two but then she gets messy. it’s hilarious from the sidelines, but not so funny when you’re taking her home to her sister.”
“anyways, you got your flirt on yet, y/n?” anika teases, with mindy mouthing ‘sorry about her’ over her shoulder to you while you roll your eyes at the question.
“ani, babe, do you really think that I want to get with any of these frat guys? the vast majority of the men at these parties are walking adverts for birth control.” you remark, slightly exasperated. anika had been bugging you for weeks about getting yourself out there.
“can i say, mindy? please please please?” anika pleads with the girl beside her, mindy giving an exhausted nod. “so, don’t say you heard from me-“
“anika, seriously? we’re not in high school.” you cut in, laughing.
“-but, i have on good authority that someone at this party has a crush on you.” anika finishes.
“what she is trying to say is that chad has been asking a lot about you tonight, y/n,” mindy explains, “you also may happen to be his hallway crush.”
“hallway crush?” you ask, curious.
“he’s seen you at blackmore a few times, says he finds you cute-“ mindy gets cut off as tara rushes in. “mindy! anika! shots!” tara shouts, “oh, hi, y/n!”
“hi, tara.” you giggle as the girl shoots past, with mindy & anika in tow.
you remain seated on the couch, as ethan makes his way into the room. “hey.” he says, plopping himself down beside you. “hi. having a nice night?” you ask. “i mean it’s okay, parties aren’t really my thing though.” you turn to face him, “i get it. wanna dance?”
“sure.” he says, smiling at you. seems like a lovely guy, you think as you get up to dance, ethan spinning you around.
you two dance for about 15 minutes or so before you part ways, ethan deciding to take a minute outside to himself. you stumble through the hallway before some random bumps into you, with force, knocking you to the floor.
“hey, dickhead, watch it.” you snap at him, the man turning around. “watch what?” he responds with hostility. “where you’re fucking going? you just smacked right into me.” you continue, glaring at him.
“oh yeah? I don’t give a fuck.” he says. “fucking prick.” you retort. his response? to chuck his drink on you.
“what the fuck? you asshole!” you yell at him, now absolutely drenched. seemingly out of nowhere chad appears, your knight in shining armour. “hey, what’s up? there a problem here, y/n?” he asks you, placing his hand on my shoulder. “yeah, this fucker just chucked a drink on me after basically shoving me to the floor.”
“seriously?” chad asks, and you confirm with a nod, “you think you’re a tough guy, pushing people around? throwing drinks? go take your ass home. now.” chad says.
“oh, yeah? what you gonna do about it if i don’t, man?” the man aggressively asks, stepping up to chad.
“i’ll kick your fucking ass, that’s what.” chad threatens. the man looks away before taking a swing, but chad catches his arm before he can make contact with his face.
“not gonna work.” chad says, still holding onto the guy’s arm, then hitting him with a slap taking him to the floor. the guy quickly scurries away, with you and chad making an escape to the outside as well. you burst out laughing at the guy’s failed attempt, chad practically pulling you with him.
“thank you so much for that, but i could’ve handled it, that was very sweet of you though.” you say to chad through your laughter, feeling cold air of the outdoors wash over your skin.
“yeah, well, just because you can handle it doesn’t mean you should have to deal with it. besides, it’s not like he was gonna actually do shit.” chad responds, as you warmly smile back at him, laughing. maybe you judged too fast, you think, chad showing you that he has more depth than just being some mindless jock.
you spend the rest of your night getting to know chad, finding the twin to be just as funny as his sister and also very kind. and of course, very attractive. it definitely made conversation easier to know he felt the same, even if he didn’t know that you were privy to that information.
as the party starts clearing up, mindy lets you know that she’ll let anika stay at her’s tonight due to your roommate getting herself far too drunk. you’re thankful, knowing that mindy taking anika home means you don’t need to spend the next couple hours holding her hair back as she throws up, nor do you have to deal with her being terribly hungover the next morning. the two girls get themselves an uber, leaving the group of you, tara, ethan, and chad to walk home.
you all talk as a group for the majority of the journey, chad kindly offering you his shirt and wearing his letterman jacket after yours is still soaked from the drink. after hearing of you and chad’s story from the night, tara repeatedly tells the three of you about how she wishes she had seen it, and would’ve ‘kicked the guy’s ass’ herself.
once getting to tara’s place, you and ethan wait outside while chad takes tara up to her sister, knowing full well that sam wouldn’t take too kindly to two strangers knowing where she lives.
“so, chad, huh?” ethan asks, leading you to tilt your head at him in confusion.
“what about him?” you question.
“he’s a pretty cool dude, y’know? very loyal, very loving-“ ethan continues, listing off chad’s positive traits.
“is this you being a wingman, ethan?” you laugh.
“no, i’m not- i mean, yeah, i am. it’s just he’s a really great guy, and i think you should know that, y/n.” ethan says.
“well, i’ve formed my opinion of him already. but that’s nice of you, i’m sure he’d appreciate it.” you say, smiling at the now flustered and blushing boy in front of you.
“um… a good opinion i hope?” ethan shyly asks.
“let’s just say that you guys might be seeing a bit more of me.” you answer, as chad makes his way back out of the building. “tara all good?” you ask.
“yeah, she’s fine. sam isn’t too happy but there’s not really anything i can do to fix that.” he responds. “anyways, we should be getting you home.”
“i can make my way back, don’t worry.” you reassure chad, but he shakes his head.
“no, no, i insist.” chad says, sweetly grinning at you.
“if you say so.”
“um- i think i’m just gonna head back to the dorm, i’m really tired… call if you need me, chad?” ethan awkwardly puts out there, and you feel like you can see chad’s smile grow ever so slightly bigger.
“yeah, that’s fine, man. see you in a bit.“ chad replies.
“we shouldn’t be ages anyways.“ you add. “it was lovely to meet you, ethan!” you say, giving him a hug before turning around and you swear you noticed the end of chad mouthing ‘thank you’ to his buddy.
the two of you walk to your place together, laughing and smiling the whole way, finding yourselves at your door much quicker than you anticipated, and also much quicker than you’d wanted.
“well, thanks again for letting me borrow the shirt and for sticking up for me with that guy earlier, means a lot. um, i can probably get the shirt washed and back to you by tomorrow night-“
“don’t mention it, y/n. suits you better anyways.” chad smiles. you smile too in return, not sure what to say next.
“but, maybe i should get your number just so i can make sure you get back into your apartment safe and sound…” chad trails off, handing you his phone to put my number in and you oblige, slightly giggling at his attempt to be smooth. “so, you already had enough of us four or do you think you’ll maybe consider hanging out with us? or me?”
“no, i’m totally repulsed by the idea.” you reply sarcastically, getting a laugh out of him. “i mean, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you guys. could still do a little convincing on you though, bud.”
chad’s face drops slightly, and you lightly hit his arm. “i’m joking, obviously. you’ve been ever so lovely tonight, chad.”
“i’ve had a really great night, y/n.”
“me too. i’ll see you soon. thanks for walking me back, and goodnight.“ you say before kissing him on the cheek and swiftly making your way into the building, leaving him flustered at the door. you walk back up to your apartment, praying that this was the very first page and not where the storyline ends.
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a/n: hope this was somewhat readable. don’t know how to use tumblr super well but will hopefully find my way, and if you read till here i hope you enjoyed!
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Okay listen hoes.
I’ve been surfing these anti Danneel, anti Jenneel, anti this and anti that tags for like… over a year. I’ve always been watching from the sidelines with my lil bag of popcorn, given an anon ask every now and again to other blogs, but never bothered to make a post about it. Because I didn’t think it was relevant, correction, I didn’t think Elta was relevant enough to make a venting post about — which is why I’m baffled as to why she even has stans — but also I just figured in the long run, none of our speculations, opinions or posts about this lady mean anything to anyone.
Actually, I may be incorrect there, as the AA’s may butcher me, or worse… Danneel may get Cliff to make another post… sheesh!
But anyway, seeing this latest Wales con, I got a real bad case of FOMO and decided I wanna bitch on tumblr as well (no hate to the bitches, I love scrolling through everyone bitching about the ‘perfect’ couple)
Here’s my take on everything, even tho no one asked:
Yes, it is painfully, horribly, excruciatingly obvious that those two don’t even like each other let alone love each other.
But I’ve seen some people and blogs talk about Danneel physically abuse Jensen, which I just don’t personally believe — each to their own opinion, though — but I just personally haven’t seen any evidence or receipts of that being true. Emotional abuse, yes, verbal abuse, definitely. But physical is something I ain’t gonna say I think is happening.
Danneel’s a bitch, as we all know, as the stans like to pretend isn’t true. But I really don’t think Jensen’s a saint or a victim — and I say he isn’t a victim only because in the end, looking over the financial consequences and the custody of the kids thing that would come with a divorce, she has little hold over him. He has the fame, the money, and what do you wanna bet that all of the Elta followers would do a 180 on their ‘Kween’ if Jensen ever spoke up about anything? And by no means am I suggesting that men can’t be victims before anyone jumps down my throat, I’m just saying that Jensen has the capability to fight back to her or leave her if he wanted to.
But he won’t, because — and I’m bracing myself for the hate I’ll get for this — he’s also kind of a narcissist and a liar!!! 😱😱😱 surprised I’m still writing and wasn’t just assassinated on the spot for saying that lols! Dare I say… he’s just as bad as Danneel in some aspects? That he has pretty privilege? Though not so much anymore since he and Danneel have clearly started doing couples Botox sessions. Wooof I’m really pushing my luck.
Trailed off a lil there, but what I was supposed to say is that he won’t because he’s embedded some kind of belief into his mind that his career will crash and burn if he doesn’t have his perfect ‘family man’ image. Even though let’s be honest about two things, your marriage is probably doing more harm than good to your image, and buddy, you’re a c-list actor who’s acting range is zero to none — I mean, he couldn’t stand playing anyone other than Dean Winchester that he tried, and failed, to make a spin off of Supernatural just so he got to play a brooding, macho hunter again. Though look how that turned out — your career isn’t some sacred artefact that can’t dare even be scratched, all he does these days is make money from cons, and a very occasional cameo playing as Dean in a different font. I’m worried the dude has Foreign Accent Syndrome but with Dean Winchester — as in he’s done it for that long that its irreversibly in his consciousness, to the point Danneel has to tell him to stop being Dean at home (sure she got a dig out of him mentioning that in the panel)
But I’m trying to focus talking about this con so far — even though I’ve trailed off multiple times already — first of all, ignoring the fact it’s insane that Danneel’s even at a Suoernatural con when her character (which was a nepotism role) wasn’t even in a full season, served no purpose, wasn’t even a likeable character — unless you like vapid, vain, and poorly portrayed characters — and added nothing to the storyline. And yet she gets treated like she’s a main cast member? Half of Dean’s flings who were in half an episode served more to the plot that Anael did in the whole five episodes she was on the show! And it pissed me off that Danneel’s getting the sort of treatment of main cast when Gen’s character was actually important to the plot, yet she wasn’t at the con. Not that I think Gen’s that bothered, which shows the difference between her and Danneel.
And apparently she auditioned for every single female role??? HUH?? Are we talking about the same Ms Gurl who made fun of Supernatural in the earlier seasons, claimed to not wanting to interfere as it was Jensen’s thing, demeaned and made fun of fans on twitter, criticised her own husband’s role and showed doubt of the series duration??? Make it make sense.
I’m kind of relieved Jensen hasn’t shared any of his made up domestic stories of them, to try and make it seem like they can even stand each other, although it would’ve been interesting to see him talk about it with Danneel there — just to see her reaction, cause I’m certain Jensen just makes up these stories as he goes along. But I guess my guy couldn’t even manage that, probably not after how much Elta knocked him down in front of everyone — she barely did anything else other than make jabs at him the whole time. Surprised my girl didn’t go blue from all the snarky remarks she was making.
Oh wait, it’s ‘sarcasm’, right? Silly me, I forgot that ‘that’s how they are with each other’ 😐😐😐 even AA’s have spoke up about her behaviour in this con — shows how much effort those two are bothering putting in to keep up the image. But hey, I’m proud that some of the delusional Jenneel shippers have developed a frontal lobe, probably because their self-insert isn’t doing what they want her to be doing!
Anyway that’s all from me, my thumbs hurt, can’t believe I wrote so much. Free will is a crazy thing. Excited to see what kind of hate I get from this ✌️😝
This ain’t grammar checked before anyone bullies me.
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My Opinion on Lance from Voltron:Legendary Defender
Sooo I’m finally doing a post on everyone’s favorite character from Voltron, Lancey Lance the Amazing Ninja Sharpshooter. But sadly, Lance was thrown around like a dirty rag, and not shown any affection or attention by anyone (besides Keef <3), including the creators of Voltron. Dreamworks did Lance dirty, and I will never forgive them because of that.
1. Lance’s insecurities. Lance has shown that he is insecure many times throughout the show. For example, when he visits Keith to tell him that he wants to leave the team so he doesn’t become a burden to anyone, Lance explaining his feelings for Allura to the mice and NOT HIS ACTUAL FRIENDS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP HIM, and etc. If I’m not mistaken, Voltron is a KID’S show. This will probably influence kids to bottle up their emotions and to always try to make everyone happy, just like Lance attempted to do. Lance’s insecurities could have been handled with in a better way.
2. Lance and his ‘friendships’ with other characters. In the 1hr episode, “The New Alliance” we are introduced to Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, who are supposed to be friends (I mean in that episode they mostly spend time together, so it hints that they are friends?..) Anyways, as Voltron progresses, Lance is constantly made fun of, perhaps even bullied by the other paladins. The episode “The Hunted” is a perfect example of that. Near the end of the episode, Pidge (and I believe Hunk) make fun of Lance for his “natural stupidity” and Keith joins in saying “I know it’s fun to make fun of Lance” or something like that idk my memory is rusty. But Allura is the only one to come to Lance’s defense. Another moment is the “Garfle, Warfle, Snick!” episode. The paladins are playing against the Galra, and there is a point where ‘Zarkon’ says, “Hmm.. I’ll go with the dumb one!” which Lance responds by saying, “Whose that?”. During the episode Lance is constantly being corrected for saying the wrong answer or making a small mistake. Also, it seems like every paladin has a buddy with them. Pidge and Hunk are always together
Same with Keith and Shiro, and Allura and Coran. This leaves Lance being alone by himself, with no one to tag along with. I think the paladins don’t want Lance to be with them is because they think he’ll ask too many questions or something like that idk. Y’know the episode where Lance, Pidge, and Hunk all visit Allura and Lotor? Lance asks, after Pidge and Hunk leave him (what a surprise 😒) if they need help, to which they give Lance the silent treatment. Lance leaves with an upset expression on his face, and that made me FUCKING CRY. I thought he would at least hang with Pidge and Hunk because they seem like best friends in the first episode, but it seems like they’re not?.. Tho there is this one episode where the Garriosn Trio have fun by playing with a Galran robot they reprogrammed, but that is pretty much it. Lance being alone and made fun of breaks my heart, and not in a good way.
3. Allurance vs Klance. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. The old days of the Voltron fandom where shipping wars destroyed the show. But this time I’m dead serious when I say Allurance was one-sided. Allura has shown NO interest in Lance in the past 6 seasons whatsoever. Whenever he flirts with her she just gets annoyed and turns away from him. But now, all of the sudden, she has a liking for Lance after her dead ex-boyfriend Lotor died. On the other hand, Klance, actually has build-up and chemistry (as seen in the sunset scene, “We make a good team” scene, and so on.) Klance would have possibly been canon if weren’t for the toxic shippers in the fandom. In the end, Klance, despite all its popularity, was not made canon, and Allurance was rushed and made last-minute. Basically Allurance and Klance shippers were disappointed (at least most of them) because of how their ship was handled. But still, Allura would still view Lance as her second choice, no matter what. That’s why I support Klance,because I want Lance to be happy with someone who loves him back.
4. Lance’s Character Development. As a HUGE Lance stan, I was raging at how he was treated. First of all, the poor man barely gets any screen time. I mean he does get screen time, but it’s only when he’s with Allura or it’s just filler to lighten the mood in the episode. The only character development Lance gets is in Season 7/8, where he finally has a girlfriend. Dreamworks basically did this: “Oh! Let’s just forget about the other characters in the show and only give so and so character development and a character arc because they’re the most liked by the fandom!” (Cough cough PIDGE SHIRO KEITH IM LOOKING AT YOU THREE) I thought that this was straight up stupid. Why create a character if you’re not going to give them just as much attention than the other characters? At this point Voltron should just be named “The Keith, Pidge, and Shiro Show!”. It’s also angers me that everyone got what they wanted at the end of Voltron. Keith wanted to be loved by his family and all that bullshit and guess what? He’s helping other people do that (I kinda forgot what Keith did at the end of Voltron forgive me for any mistakes) Pidge was super smart and wanted to be a scientist; She became a scientist. Hunk wanted to be a chef; Now he’s leading his OWN FUCKING CULINARY CHEF ARMY. SHIRO WANTED TO BE AT PEACE AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? HE RETIRED. AND LANCE BECAME A FARMER WHEN HE WANTED TO BE A FUCKING GODAMN PILOT! I’m so sorry, but Lance retired when he was probably still in his late or early twenties. Not to mention he was constantly looked down upon and yelled at at the Garrison, so that’s prob one reason why he didn’t pursue his dream to be a pilot. But Lance should have lived his life and enjoyed it while it lasted before he retired.
5. Conclusion. I will never forget about Lance probably 70 years from now because of how lovable and funny he was. Some people have said that Lance was treated in such manner because the creators disliked him, others have said totally different things. It doesn’t matter about how you think about the character, it’s about how you develop and describe them. Lance McClain was betrayed, and I want to give him an extremely huge bear hug because of that.
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seonghwaddict · 3 months
Im sad that nsn will be discontinued but i totally understands how it is for you. Im glad you are doing whats better for you, take care!!
Also, could you give the whole big spoilers pls?? Like the ending and the climax of the story and anything you wanna share cuz ill try to complete it in my head lmao
hii thanks for understanding, and of course i’ll share some stuff with you!
i’m not sure where exactly to start, but i suppose you’re probably wondering how yn finds out about the whole vampire thing, so that’s where i’ll start..
basically, you know how san has blood intolerance and specifically needs type O negative blood? yeah so there’s a shortage at some point and he doesn’t have access to it. over time he gets sicker and sicker but he’s afraid of telling the guys that he’s running out of his personal stash; he doesn’t wanna worry them. of course, once it’s too bad they obviously notice and he confesses it. whole of the guys travel around to look for blood bags, while the other ones stay and take care of san.
obv, yn has no idea what’s going on so she’s both worried and just like ??? through some connections, yeosang is able to access medical files of people that attend their uni (he paid a shit load of money he’s standing on business fr) and starts looking for people with that blood type, just in case. he just so happens to stumble across yn’s file in his search, who has exactly what they need.
after a conversation with the guys, they decide to admit to what they are. when the conversation comes around, yn kinda giggles and thinks it’s a joke, however after a long conversation, she’s convinced. and so after hearing about san’s state and what he needs to get better, she doesn’t have to think twice about offering herself.
anyways san gets better after that and the guys n yn grow closer than ever.
as for the climax
her friend, daniel, is also a vampy and is lowk obsessed with her but has been able to hide it alarmingly well. when he notices just how close she is to the guys, he tries his hardest to tuin their relationship and even kidnaps her (that might not be right because idk if it counts as kidnapping but i can’t think of a better word rn).
after like two days the guys realise they hadn’t heard from their fav girl in too long so some of them head to her apartment to check on her except she’s not there cuz she’s in a random cabin in the middle of a random forest with daniel.
throughout her stay there, while the guys are splitting themselves in half tryna find her, she grows more and more uneasy and tries to leave. daniel refuses to let her go and chains her up.
meanwhile, the guys interrogate her other friends to figure out where they could’ve possibly gone (they’ve alway smelled something fishy about daniel so it wasn’t hard to figure out who was responsible for her disappearance). sangmi mentions the cabin their little group goes to on some weekends, and then they’re immediately speeding to get there.
they kill daniel and save yn yay!
you’re probably also wondering how their romance ends up so..
obviously as time progresses, they all slowly but surely fall in love with yn and vice versa. for hongjoong tho, he was in denial for a long time. after the saved her he realised wow i rlly fucking like this girl and that scared him so he subconsciously distanced himself. he was partially afraid of losing her again bc he blames himself heavily for what happened to her and the trauma it cause for… certain reasons…
everyone caught on but the guys were aware of why but yn wasn’t cuz she’s a bit oblivious so one day she finds him in his room and decides to just ask what’s going on cuz she finally got him to look at her for the first time in like two weeks. she was afraid he was mad at her, and prepared herself for the worst, but then comes his 10 minute monologue confessing everything he feels and mentioning that the others feel the same way.
he’s crying but the end of his monologue and she can’t think of anything else to do but kiss him. anyways it’s a rlly cute scene i actually wrote it already cuz i was so excited for it.
and then after that they all gather to talk abt the elephant in the room and after a brief discussion they’re all dating and they live happily ever after.
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sqturns-blog · 11 months
Summary: In which you are Nathan does older sister y/n! who is in a secret relationship with one of Nathan’s best friends, no one will ever find out ! or will they……
Tw’s: Cursing, kissing
A/n: Green is Nate, Orange is Chris, Purple is Nick, Blue is Matt, Pink is you ofc! and ‘ and italicized text around words signify thoughts! and this wasn’t proof read
(Story Below ⬇️ )
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Y/N my older sister is sitting on the couch right now, doing god knows what on her phone but i’m not worried about her. i’m really worried about my friend Chris he’s been acting really weird like we can’t see his phone or whenever me, his brothers and him hang out he always at the bathroom, ‘maybe he has some issues where he always has to go to the bathroom 🤔’.
Well i’ve decided how i want to spend this weekend is by inviting Chris Nick and Matt over! Nick usually hangs with Y/N anyway they get along the best.
‘why is y/n always giggling at her phone🤔’
‘He’s so cute 🥰’ i think as i snap back Chris, i really hope Nate hasn’t caught onto us he has been asking if i have noticed anything weird about Chris. speaking of Chris he just texted me!
‘Hey your brother just
invited me, Matt and Nick over!’
‘Yay!! i hope there not starting
to get suspicious of us… we
have been being reallly secretive’
‘i know .. they won’t get off my back
at home there always asking
“why are you being so weird” ‘
‘well i’ll see you when you get here! drive safe!’
‘i will can’t wait to see you ma 🩷’
oh i can’t wait to see her, yeah i should be excited to see my friends but ‘something about that girl… she’s perfect.’. now i realize i’ve been standing by the door practically in a trance. “ GET IN THE DAMN CAR CHRISTOPHER. “ “chris get in the damn car dude stop acting like a weirdo.” “sorry guys” damn maybe i have been acting weird… but yolo !
the boys made it to me and Y/Ns house finally felt like they took forever. now i’m in my room playing fortnite with Matt and Chris while Y/N and Nick do whatever they do in her room, “Yo i’m kinda hungry” “okay? go get something it’s not the first time you’ve been here” “dude just come on” “fine i’ll come with, Chris you want something?” he’s blank again probably thinking about something idk what tho. “yo Chris ?!” “oh yeah sorry man i’ll come” now we are on our way to the kitchen
“Y/N/N you want something to eat i’m getting hungryyyy” “SURE!” “damn girl why are you so excited to get something to eat in YOUR house 😭” “oops sorry” maybe i was a little excited to get food… oh who am i kidding i just want to see Chris hopefully he’s already out there hehe
we’ve now all gotten our food nick and y/n are eating some chicken nuggets and me and the guys ordered canes cause why not (where i live i don’t have a canes so idk if you can order it or whatever) now we are all sat down on the couches y/n and chris are sat next to each other… ‘very closely that’s kinda weird.’ me and matt are sat next to each other and nick is going on a rampage about god knows what at this point then Chris gets up and says “i’m gonna go to the bathroom” ‘of course he is’ but before he gets up to go to the bathroom he grabs y/ns face and plants a tender kiss on her lips “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK” “MATT WHERES MY MONEY YOU OWE ME 50” “FUCK I LOST THE DAMN BET” “WE KNEW IT!” “y’all had a bet on this?!””OFC WE DID YOU 2 WERE ACTING SO WEIRD” “oops….”
“well i guess we don’t have to hide it anymore”
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youthinluv · 10 months
i know you
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I'll quiet down if it's what you want I understand I'm not the only one For you I'm here regardless of the pain Don't ever tell me to go away From you
sypnosis ; following his childhood bestsfriend's heartbreak, he decides to take the risk and come clean to her. [bonus chapter of this oneshot]
pairing ; gyuvin x fem! reader
wc ; 2,395
genre ; angst, non-idol! & highschool! au
tags + warnings ; swearing, unrequited love, one-sided pining, hurt no comfort, mixed signals, love triangle (kinda), zb1 members featured, mainly in gyuvin's pov, gyuvin's jealous and insecure and probably maybe has an inferiority complex
playlist ; i know you - faye webster, she likes another boy - oscar lang,
author's note ; RAHHHH even more angst and love triangle !!! i kinda hate how this turned out tho LMAOOO
the story's title and how it's integrated into the plot is actually more subtle than i'd like but i really wanted to push through w the ideas i had i mind w/o changing the title even tho it came out mess in the end saur don't mind that pls tysm
Gyuvin has hated Ricky on three occasions.
Or that’s what he likes to think, at least. They were the only times he acknowledged those harsh feelings anyways.
It wasn’t a feeling that lingered anyways, he didn’t actually hate him, of course. If anything, they were on good terms. It’s one of those times where you feel hate towards someone in the spur of the moment because of a situation.
The first time was when he was alone in his dark room, the dim light coming from his PC screen illuminated his face as he watched himself die in game for the nth time again, resulting in their team’s loss.
He sighs, unable to focus on the game he was playing with Gunwook and Hanbin. Glancing at the time, he noticed that it was getting rather late and you haven’t sent him a message yet.
“Hey man, you okay?” Gunwook’s voice broke him from his train of thoughts as he realized he was zoning out, and that his friends had actually been trying to get his attention for the past few minutes now. “You’re acting differently today, is something wrong?” Hanbin adds.
“Yeah, just tired. And a little distracted, but I just don’t think I'm in my best condition right now.” he runs his hands over his face. Gunwook tells his friends that he’ll be leaving to do homework, and Gyuvin doesn’t miss the chance to call him a nerd. As he leaves the call, Hanbin takes this opportunity to talk to him with no filter.
“It’s about Ricky and Y/N, isn't it?”
“Was it that obvious?”
“If they knew the whole story, yeah.”
The call falls into silence as Gyuvin stares blankly at his PC screen. As he opens his mouth to say something, his phone suddenly rings.
After seeing the caller ID, he tells Hanbin he’ll be muting to answer a call and rushes to answer his phone.
“Y/N, hey! How’d the whole thing go? Did you profess your undying love for him yet? Did you two kiss? C’monn tell me!”
Gyuvin teases, trying to make sure it didn’t seem like he wasn’t about to die of worry over you earlier.
“Girl, shut up! I just got home, it went pretty well, but that’s not why I called. I actually wanted to ask you something.” you shush him.
Gyuvin gulps. “Uh– yeah, shoot.”
You seem to hesitate, and shifting could be heard from the other side of the line.
“Um, so Ricky told me that he, along with your entire friend group, thought we were dating? And he mentioned that you’d act weird whenever they’d try to talk to you about me.”
Gyuvin goes silent, and you take this as an opportunity to elaborate and ask him more questions.
“Are you… embarrassed of me? I’m not mad, don’t worry! If anything it’s kind of understandable so—”
“No, no!” Gyuvin sputters. “That’s not it, I swear. I just don’t want them annoying you if they actually knew who you were. The last thing I’d want is them making you uncomfortable.”
“...Oh. Uh, yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, I’m a little tired so I’ll go now. I’ll see you and let you in on what happened.” you nod, giggling at the last part which somewhat put Gyuvin at ease. The call ends and he could’ve sworn he almost collapsed back in his seat.
“Everything alright?” Hanbin asks as soon as he heard that Gyuvin turned his mic back on.
“Fucking Ricky!” Gyuvin couldn’t help but curse, frustration and rage slowly seeping in. “He told her some stuff about how I act whenever she gets brought up in the group and she thought I was embarrassed of her. She could’ve snuffed me out if she didn’t think that! Who does he think he is, causing misunderstandings like that?”
“Okay, okay, calm down. You and I both know he doesn’t think before speaking sometimes, he probably blurted it out without thinking about the consequences…” Hanbin tries to calm him down.
Gyuvin starts to be thankful that he came to Hanbin with this problem as he always relied on the elder, always having seen him like an older brother. 
Hanbin understands that this was much deeper than Y/N finding out about Gyuvin’s feelings.
It was about how he was always jealous of Ricky for having the things he wanted.
It was about how Ricky was so much more likable compared to him.
It was about how Ricky, in short, was perfect.
And it was especially about how Ricky was blind to not notice the girl pining over him. The same girl Gyuvin has been longing for the same way she does for Ricky.
The worst part was that it’s not his fault, and Gyuvin knew that well. 
Ricky had no control over those kinds of situations, he was just lucky enough to be born into a life where everything seemed to go his way. Even if it wasn't on purpose.
And Gyuvin knew that better than anyone else.
The second time was more of a buildup, in comparison to the first which was a burst.
But at the same time, he wouldn’t really consider it hate. Disdain felt more appropriate to describe it.
It started when Ricky and Y/N started to get closer, making them spend more time together, and less time individually with him.
It progressed even more the day that Gyuvin and Y/N spotted Ricky and Alexa together. 
While his best friend’s expression was unreadable, he could see that she felt uncomfortable and pained.
Why couldn’t he see that you liked him?
Over two weeks passed and Gyuvin found himself back in his room with you once again. 
“God knows what I should do! I feel like it’s too late for me to go back on what I’ve done since I’ve been ignoring them for days now and it’s a little embarrassing to talk to them out of nowhere.” you finish, taking a breath after the long rant you went on.
“Maybe it’s better for you to talk to Ricky and Ricky only. This way you can communicate, tell him everything and probably even confess to him. At the rate everything’s going, it’s now or never.” Gyuvin tells you, putting down his controller and watching you throw yourself on his bed face down.
After a brief silence, you mutter a muffled “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
Getting up and grabbing your phone, Gyuvin sits next to you and watches you look for Ricky’s contact.
“hey. it's been a while. is everything alright? you’ve been avoiding and ignoring me all of a sudden. please let me know if i did anything to offend you and i hope we can talk again soon. i’m sorry.” it read.
He looks at you, seeing how you’re typing and deleting your message back and forth, you were finally able to send him a message.
“hi. I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened. are you free tomorrow? i was hoping to talk to you. does the nearby park sound good if ever?”
It took less than a minute for Ricky to respond, taking the best friends by surprise.
“oh my god, you responded. and ofc, it’s all good with me, i’m free tomorrow. i’ll see you then.”
You stared at your phone, rereading the short convo you two had. Getting up, you look over to Gyuvin to tell him you’ve made up your mind. 
“I’m confessing to him tomorrow.”
“Seriously?” He was completely surprised at this.
“I mean– go for it! I can’t believe you finally have the guts to tell him.” he stutters out in hopes that the twinge of disapproval in his tone wasn’t obvious.
“Yeah. You were right about the now or never thing. I’m gonna tell him no matter what happens. The sooner I do it, the sooner I’ll get over it. It’s much better that way.”
You sigh and grab your bag. “I’m going home. It’s getting late.” “You want me to walk you home?” Gyuvin purses his lips
“Nah. I kinda need some alone time right now. Y’know, to figure out what to do and say tomorrow.”
“Oh okay, get home safe.”
You exchange goodbyes, and leave Gyuvin’s house. 
As he watches you leave, the boy is left behind alone with negative and conflicted feelings to your plans.
He plops down on his bed, slightly tearing up as he sends Hanbin a message.
> it’s over for me
> ?
>What happened?
> Do you want me to call or come over?
> eh
> she’s gonna confess to ricky tomorrow lmao
>What? Really??
He tosses his phone to the side, ignoring the pings that followed.
Sighing, Gyuvin’s vision blurs as he contemplates everything that happened so far.
Would it have been better for him if you didn’t get close? Or meet at all?
Why couldn’t everything stay the same? 
Gyuvin pauses. Why was he even thinking like this? Shouldn’t he be happy you’ve finally gathered the courage after all these years? And then it hit him.
Ah. It’s because he’s scared that you actually have a chance with him. 
It’s the fact that despite everything that’s happened, there’s still a slight chance that Ricky can reciprocate your feelings. 
“I hate you so much.” Gyuvin whispers, unsure who he’s directing it to. Was it for you, Ricky or himself? Maybe it was all three.
Maybe he hated how you still tried to pursue Ricky even despite how things turned out. 
Hated how blind Ricky was for not seeing how he had someone who’d drop everything for him. 
Hated himself for being so frustrated and selfish. For how he felt about… all this.
Gyuvin eventually drifts off to sleep, dreading how tomorrow would turn out for all three of you.
Third time was when Ricky rejected you.
Initially, Gyuvin had mixed feelings. He thought about how this meant he still had a chance with you, before quickly shutting off the idea, feeling bad that he thought selfishly while you were still devastated.
He wouldn’t dare take advantage of your emotional state, right? Right?
A few days after you confessed, you actively avoided both Ricky and Alexa once again, especially seeing how often they’ve been together ever since. Gyuvin never missed the expression you bore every time you caught a glimpse of them, and one day, he decided he had enough of your state.
In the middle of lunch period, he grabs your arm and pulls you back as you were on your way to the cafeteria. “Hey,” he whispered. “Let’s skip the rest of school.”
You look at him with wide eyes before he leads you close to the exit, careful that no faculty member catches you. 
Once the coast was clear, he swiftly and quietly went through the exit, pulling you behind and now holding your hand while trying to keep it cool.
The both of you walked aimlessly afterwards, going to wherever your feet took you.
One free lunch later, you two spent the afternoon goofing off and exploring the city as much as you wanted. Then, the evening came and you found yourself enjoying the local fair with Gyuvin, before deciding you two were tired and walked home.
“Shit, I haven’t done that much walking in— well, at all, I think.” you sigh and Gyuvin laughs behind you, breaking the silence in the quiet, chilly night.
“Hey, thanks for today. Seriously. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time, so thank you.”
You turn to him and smile as you arrive in front of your house.
“Anytime. I kinda got sick of you moping around, so I figured you needed this, y’know?”
Silence hung between the two of you and you become unsure of what else to say.
As you turn to leave, Gyuvin calls out your name.
“Y/N. Can… Can I tell you something?” he hesitates, and you tilt your head.
He was unsure what possessed him to do this. He didn’t know if it was a spur of the moment thing, or because he felt that you two were still high on emotions, but everything he’d been keeping from you for years came out in seconds.
“I like you. I always have. And I have for years. I know now’s not the best time to tell you this, but after seeing everything you went through for Ricky, I genuinely couldn’t take it anymore. I hated how you were doing everything for him when I knew I could treat you better, but I didn’t want to ruin the years of friendship we had together. I’m so sorry.” 
Gyuvin confessed, the reality of the situation quickly hitting him as he watched your face morph into different expressions.
You were stunned, to say the least, and then you remembered what Ricky told you when you first hung out. And then all the signs you didn’t even notice before came swarming to you and everything made sense. In the end, you didn’t know how to feel.
“I’m– I’m so sorry Gyuvin.” you sputtered out, and you can see how his heart broke through his eyes. “I didn’t realize, I’m so stupid. I feel like an asshole now, I should’ve considered how you felt especially when I talked about—”
“It’s fine. Really. I knew I didn’t stand a chance with him anyways, so I kept quiet. I didn’t want to ruin the years we had together instead.” Gyuvin smiles sadly, as tears shone his eyes.
“Um, I should go. I didn’t mean to keep you this long, I’m sorry.” He turns and starts to walk away.
“Wait!” you call for him, but fall silent after seeing him turn.
“Hey, it’s fine, really. I didn’t expect much anyways. You know how you told Ricky it wasn’t his fault? It’s not yours, either. I understand I'm not the only one for you. So please, don’t beat yourself up over it. I might stay out for a while though, I need some time and space. But always remember that I’m here regardless of the pain, so don’t tell me to go away from you.”
Gyuvin takes a big breath to compose himself, before bidding his goodbyes. “I’ll see you around, yeah?” You couldn’t do anything else but nod and watch as he walks away, disappearing into the night and leaving you alone once again.
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