#if someone disagrees they're entitled to their opinion
nights-at-crystarium · 10 months
Does your WoL consider themselves a nice person? Is that true?
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deadbeatbirdmom · 4 months
I get that not everyone likes Bumbleby. Anyone who doesn't is entitled to their opinion, we can agree to disagree and preferably not interact if they're vocal about it. I do block to avoid seeing hate, it's just part of curating what I see on this hellsite.
But I don't understand why someone bothers to leave comments on FFN for my clearly marked Bumbleby fic just to say they hate the ship. Nothing about the actual story, just hate for Bumbleby:
'Bees? Huge pass. RT trying to fool people into supporting them? Nah. Fuck them'
'Bumblebleee was a mistake'
Definitely a troll.
At least a reader saw the hate before I did and left their thoughts on how much it makes the troll look like an ass.
I just... why waste time with hate? I guess I'll never understand it because I'd rather read and write fic, and devour fanart of what I love. And I love the Bees.
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oldphanny · 1 month
I think it's really great that we all have our own opinions on Dan and Phil related stuff, but I also believe that there's no need to bombard other people's posts shoving those said thoughts down throats as fact. Believe in the hard launch? That's awesome, but it doesn't give you the right to go after posts against it and flooding them with reasons why they're clearly heading that way. Think they're just friends or some other nuance relationship? Also awesome, but looking down on people who are discussing the concept of a hard launch and being belitting in comments isn't the best way to represent that opinion. Same with people who believe there will be no hard launch but think they are a couple. Great! There is no need to tear down other opinions.
This space is supposed to be open to all opinions. Sure, it's totally fine to disagree! Just do so maturely. If you have extended thoughts on your own perspective, then save those for your own blog, not on other people's posts that illustrate an opposing view unless specifically welcomed. There are ways of expressing your opinion without diminishing someone elses ideas and posts. Also, if you don't agree with something, it's ok to just scroll past it.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but that doesn't entitle you to start fights in comment sections or in asks.
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well students,
i really thought we might get have a nice quiet weekend without the resident wannabe-queen-bees trying to make a play for the kingdom. but here we are with grassy checking in for duty posting their harangue against the 'opinions everyone is entitled to, but cling to the pr angle and isn't it weird...'. normally i write this fool off to another wannabe-mean-girl who thinks they're doing something while no one actually cares about them. but, they've made posts policing this fandom (and me, but i'm more focused on the fandom) and i feel the need to share my piece. since everyone is entitled to their opinion and all.
this person made an account to purely give attention to the 'delulus' they can't stand and call out 'bad behavior'. yes, those delulus are fucking insane and need to be called out; but isn't what you're doing giving them the attention they want? it's all you talk about. this constant back and forth, launching thought turds to try start a fandom war is played out. but now you are going after the people who think this might be pr and lumping them in with the crazies? i hope you are including yourself with the crazies, because you sure are one. everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? just not these people who are discussing a celebrity's relationship on their blogs or in group chats. and probably not my opinion when you read this (hi!) and start using terms you don't understand to call me names. imo you are trash just like the rest of them. you and your friends are deeply concerned about those group chats, aren't you? odd. but i digress.
why do you care so much what these mods think, when by your own accord, they aren't harming anyone or sending nasty notes or hate? sorry, i added that last part, but it is implied by your other posts. you spend so much time fighting to confirm a marriage that isn't yours. you give the 'delulus' airtime time and time again. are you that bothered by people disagreeing with you? and why does it automatically have to be jealousy if someone doesn't believe the bill of goods they are being sold? fyi, seeing the awkwardness or plot holes is not confirmation bias. maybe these fans are trying to grapple with the upset of their favorite actor not living up to ideals he has claimed to hold. maybe they are just trying to continue to enjoy his projects without associating her in them. we do not have to bring her into absolutely every conversation about him, but both dumb ass 'teams' sure try. and yes, his wife is plenty problematic. she may not have directly said the horrible things her friends have and then tried to throw (at least one of) those friends under the bus, but you know what is said: when someone sits down at a table with three nazis, and if they don't call them out, there are four nazis at the table.
so what's the real reason for your constant vitriol and desperate attempt to make people 'see the truth'? why are you fighting so hard for a relationship that isn't yours? do you, just like those 'delulus', think you'll get some big prize for being his biggest defender? you don't want to have genuine conversation with anyone, you just want to argue your point of view time and time again. you want everyone to see things through your lens and agree with your confirmation bias.
yes, you, your friends, and the delulus all just love to police the fandom. i thought it was a joke when i was told about the constant policing, but here you all are, over and over, day after day. telling people what to think, telling people what to post, cruising around tumblr to comment on posts that have nothing to do with you. for what? i'm starting to believe the rumblings that you all are part of the plot to advance a certain narrative and keep the nunemployed at the forefront of the discussion. i can't prove it, but again, it's rumored.
i'll close with some words you might recognize, grassy.
these two people do not know you. they don’t care how you feel about them. you will likely never meet or know them in your lifetime. therefore it is really weird to INSIST you are right about certain things happening in their lives and/or behind the scenes when absolutely none of his fandom knows anything beyond what he presents to us.
think about it for a while. why do you care so much if someone doesn't believe this narrative? are you getting paid for this? because if not, it is very strange to be this invested in someone else's marriage. maybe you are jealous because you aren't married. i don't know. but jealousy is your go to.
from the archives: you once told people they would be accepted by you and your ilk if they admitted they were wrong. that announcement and offer gave very strange, cult leader- like vibes. so fucking odd. so here's this -if you can admit you're just a bitch who wants tumblr notoriety (HA) and has an axe to grind, we'll accept you. there's no prize for being an asshole online. ce will never care if you were his greatest warrior on the world wide web. you're just another asshole existing on the same coin with the others and think you are better than everyone else.
i will definitely be using tags on this. i will continue to use them. and as you say: most people are doing no harm. they are discussing things in private chats, but i understand that you all are so upset about not being invited. i promise, being honest with yourself will set you free.
and grassy? shove your dollar store, rip off musing up your ass.
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demonqueenart · 3 months
- dan and phil have no reason to come to latam at all, they are ENGLISH content creators who make videos in the ENGLISH language and whose majority audience speaks ENGLISH. it's kind of baffling to me that you feel entitled to them going completely outside their audience when no other content creator does that, youtubers need to make money off their tours, they need to go to the places where their fanbase mostly is, other people and even artists do exactly this because why would they come here? there's an entire language barrier in between. all the other countries they're going to that speak a different language are either physically closer or they have more english speakers as a second language and they aren't giving that many dates in them. and of course they have a lot of dates for the US? that's where most of their audience is? they need to know where their audience is, that's their job, so they definitely know more than us about it
- saying they can just "dip into" mexico for a few shows is ridiculous, if they were to give a show here the most likely place for their audience to be is mexico city and, again, even that would be risky
- i can't speak for other latam countries but i have never in my life met someone who's offended at getting called a third-world country. that's just? the correct way to say it? like i'd rather he say that than call us poor or smth obviously. i will say that i agree it's a *stupid* term because it doesn't apply to the modern world anymore, the US has many problems that third world countries also have and third world countries have a lot of progressive aspects that first world countries don't. however, acting like latam is only big cities and progressive people is ignorant and avoids talking about the real problems we face. the term comes from a war that has been used to stereotype us but it is also the way it's taught in schools, society and the internet. dan saying this seems to me like it was just the way he knows how to say it (which is the way most people know) and he didn't strike me as having malicious intent which is always what is most important
- dnp have never promoted this as a world tour. they don't owe us explanations or apologies as to why they're not going to certain countries. it's okay to be upset that they aren't coming to yours, i was too, but they really have no reason to go because it's *their* tour not ours.
- the one thing i agree with here is the racist stuff they've said and done in the past, especially dan. the things he did were disgusting and not okay. but i am absolutely giving him the benefit of the doubt because, in my opinion, actions are better than words. he was a teenager (!!!) and he hasn't repeated his behavior since, i'm also pretty sure he Has apologized but even if he hadn't i'd much rather he actually fix himself, which is what he's done imo, instead of saying sorry and continuing to do the same thing
- racism is a constant problem in most fandoms and it should be addressed directly as to put a stop to it. it makes sense to me that you think the way you do as you said you've never experienced such a thing in your life but please please please take a step back and realize that dan and phil don't know every single internal problem happening with their fans and giving up on them completely the way you seem to have is insanely and undeservedly pessimistic when they most likely don't even know what's going on.
Sincerely, a mexican dan and phil fan.
That’s a very valid point! I won’t disagree, what you said could be the reasons underlying all of this events that’s been happening. And mind you, I don’t even care if they’re not going on the tour in my area. It’s never been about that. The problem is tho, why does this explanation come from a fan instead of dnp. Don’t get me wrong, these are very valid points! If dnp were to say that to me and others, I would have been okay! There has been many instances where dnp knows their actions have hurt others, but they stay silent and try to cover it up. These reasonings are not bad! And it won’t make them look bad if they say anything about it. But it’s weird why they wouldn’t say anything when so many of us have been hurt by them staying silent.
I’ll give you an example to clarify this. Mirian from twt, one of the community team that did subtitles for dnp videos, she has expressed she was very hurt by the term 3rd world country. And although you and others are not offended by it, you should not tell others how to feel about the term because we have different experiences. This term are derogatory to a lot of people, and diminishing other people’s experiences is not right. Mirian and many others have addressed this issue multiple times: during wad, when dnp did a fake apology. And dnp could just dip in and say, “we’re sorry that the term offended you. It was taught in school and we didn’t mean anything by it.” Does that look bad to you? It’s not to me! But they never did! They turned a blind eye on it, and so are other people in this community.
Do you know what that feels like? When white people just keep ignoring you as if we’re crazy for feeling offended when they have offended us? There has been far too many shooshing in this community, and in the name of them keep doing this to us! We want them to address things because we want to know that they are there for us, that they are trying and didn’t mean by any mistakes they’ve done. Instead, they keep trying to bury us up, pretending we’re not there! How do you think I would feel about it? Should I be glad that they see me being hurt as this ugly thing that should be buried down because that’d make them look bad? I’m telling you right now, if they do not acknowledge those people they’ve hurt, you cannot say this space is inclusive to everyone.
I was hoping to bring light to these issues, not pretending it’s not there, not enabling them or this community. What do you think it says about this community that we cannot bring light to issues that can hurt people so severely. If people were to be called out about someone saying transphobic slurs, you would not have diminished their feelings. You would speak up in hopes that it won’t be repeated again. This whole thing could be solved by just a good communication, but them not choosing to do that means they’re not choosing us to be here. And to that, idk. Maybe I should find a space that actually treats me like a person, not a thing that keeps making excuses for others
Auto-message: This ask’s purpose is to acknowledge dnp’s past/present exclusivity, not to cancel them! But to embrace mistakes that they’ve made so that 1. we won’t exclude people in need in this community, and 2. we can normalize bringing up exclusivity so that improvement can happen. Hopefully this will one day help dnp realize that this is a safe space for them to talk about their mistakes, so that this space can become safe for people of all kinds too <3
*If you don’t understand what is happening, scroll through my blog for context. And I’ll be taking time to answer my asks, so don’t think I’m ignoring youuu*
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themoodyestj · 6 days
I'm actually friends with a married couple, they've been together for a while, and they are adorable. one time I heard her call him a retarded pig, and I thought "wow, rude" but, you know how he responded? he started making pig noises on her face, and she freaking melted at that. he jokingly calls her an evil dictator and whenever she asks his opinion he always replies first with "I don't know, you are the dictator here, tell me what to do" I've heard her say things to him that are way meaner than anything Danneel has ever said about Jensen, but whenever anyone points out to them that she's too mean to him, he's like " oh yeah she treats me like trash, please help me" in a melodramatic voice. please note that I'm talking about adults here, older than 30. point is some couples are like that but that doesn't mean they don't love each other and even if they are my friends, I'm not entitled to poke my nose onto their business.
Ok, first of all, if you're the same anon from before, thank you for reading my reply and for using critical thinking while interpreting it. It makes you a far smarter anon than the ones I have been talking to this week. It is actually a pleasure to talk to someone who actually tries to consider a different opinion even if they disagree. You have my full respect.
Also, thank you for your anecdote about your friends, it actually helps me make my point. People have weird dynamics, right? We can be easy on making a wrong judgement, and even though I have a very strong opinion about this, I don't assume I know everything. But let me show you why i feel your friend's case is actually different: one time I heard her call him a retarded pig, and I thought "wow, rude" but, you know how he responded? he started making pig noises on her face, and she freaking melted at that. he jokingly calls her an evil dictator Here's the difference between laughing at and laughing with: he clapped back. It's an established dynamic between them, they both give as good as it gets but they know what the other means. In J and D's case, it's only her doing the talking, and he's taking it. Most often than not, he's praising her, but im yet to hear her say something nice about Jensen. It's not balanced, it's not a game with the same rules for both. Even the setting is different: would your friend call her spouse a retarded pig in front of his boss, or in a setting where he needs to look professional and presentable? D does it in interviews, where Jensen is trying to establish his image. Of course couples will have a weird dynamic in more private environments. But when a spouse refuses to adapt to the environment for the couple's needs (because his needs are the couple's needs) and uses said environment as a platform for veiled verbal abuse as a way to become relevant... that screams disrespect. Especially because he's making the money to feed her children, but even if he wasn't. whenever she asks his opinion he always replies first with "I don't know, you are the dictator here, tell me what to do" She asked his opinion! She considered his feelings! J, at some point in time, expressed his wish to take a break and live a bit more with the kids. He even expressed his joy for simple things, like spreading peanut butter in his kids' toast. He was away for months on end while shooting, he wanted to enjoy his family, and what does she tell him (which the AAs surely supported): "Get a job." Never once he said (to my knowledge) that they sat and discussed things. She mocked him for wanting to stay at home, and told him to get a job, even though she has none. I bet even though your friend's husband calls her a dictator, he deep down knows that if he expressed his opinion, it would be considered. I know other couples have different dynamics, different love languages, and they may not all make sense to me, but there will always be something that tells me they're in love with each other.If it's not words, it's actions. It's a mutual touch. A mutual understanding with their eyes. Something that tells me wihout telling me they are in the same team. Something that needs no words, but it's still there. I'm yet to figure out what Danneel's love language is. I've never seen an ounce of love in her. Not even self love, to be honest.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
(long ask, sorry - there was a lot of unpack)
I read the fix-it fic (it's very cute and wholesome!) and looked at the comments expecting to see a few flames or people disagreeing with the premise, but it's an out and out dogpile in there.
it's so ugly to treat someone just writing a vent fic like that, & they must have been actively looking for people daring to criticize Viv given that there's nothing in the tags to suggest it
also like, one of the flamers being like 'how can you say Viv and Raph didn't handle the topic of SA well but still say people are entitled to like the episode or find it cathartic? if people like it and you recognize that, that proves Viv and Raph handled the topic well!'
which is like, no. that's not remotely what they were saying or how it works. they're just giving grace to people who got something out of it, but they still think the depiction and handling of the topic as a whole was bad themselves. being compassionate for someone else's take on media & their feelings doesn't objectively prove that take is correct, they're just making space for other opinions in a way a lot of these 'it was handled well, end of discussion' type people aren't
it's such an all or nothing, combative way of thinking about art, that if you dislike it you must also call everyone who likes it stupid or something otherwise it means you secretly recognize it's good or some nonsense like that. that and it's just populism - if some people like it that means it's objectively good. which is funny because usually we treat something everyone likes as just 'having mass appeal' not 'high art'.
but I guess when people get terminally online they assume the vote of the majority is correct - it reminds me of this one debate about something pewdiepie did (I think it was an edgy joke or something, I'm not interested in relitigating it, it's just an example) where one of his supporters claimed 'we've [already framing a constructed audience] already decided he's innocent because the amount of support/likes he got on a response to [insert controversy here]'. it's literally the logic/rhetoric of 'if the mob decides something is good, it's good' which is horrifying logic and has been used to justify any number of irl awful things. but I digress
you could just as easily argue it the other way - if someone likes the scene but makes space for criticism of it, does that automatically make the criticism right?
also like - there's so much evidence in those comments that people do not understand what SA is. like so many people have this conception that SA is the same as rape - like, unless there was penetration of some kind no assault happened. but like if you actually look at the legal definition of SA, multiple places define it as
1 did person A touch person B? 2 did person B not want to be touch and person A should have reasonably understood that? 3 then it was sexual assault
dragging someone into a room while they yell and plead and say no is sexual assault, even if they got away before they were penetrated. being set upon and kissed and groped by a crowd of people is sexual assault, even if they also were not penetrated (and given Blitzo's dialogue there it's doubtful)
Sir Pent was SA'd, Moxxie was SA'd
anyone who has been held down or groped against their will but was rescued or escaped was sexually assaulted. sexually assault can include rape, but it doesn't always
we desperately need better literacy around this, it's legit disturbing to see how many people will pull the 'well technically the show doesn't mock SA because [insert logic solely reliant on the idea that Sir Pent and Moxxie were not SA'd]'. & it's such a revealing line of debate because they know they can't argue whether or not the show is making light of sensitive topics (it absolutely is) so instead they do the internet thing of making the next argument - they claim no, this wasn't SA and demand people debate them on those terms instead. it's falling into their trap because the issue behind that is the one they don't want to talk about - that Viv does not know how to handle this topic with the slightest bit of sensitivity
(tangent but back when HB aired I didn't judge Stolas as harshly for the full moon deal mostly for the tone the show had set up, if that makes sense? I thought the show wanted us to understand that Stolas and most of the cast were all terrible people and that was the entire 'joke' of the show. that Stolas definitely did a bad thing but the show was more interested in dark humor and the audience just kind of had to meet it where it was at. when they started moving towards there being dramatic consequences in Ozzie's I still though the show understood Stolas was a bad person, only now they were actually paying off a dramatic plot point they'd set up so he would actually have to grow and change. Then season 2 happened and the show is insisting he never did anything wrong, he's perfect, etc. and everything that happened in season 1 looks way worse by comparison. it was already bad, but I thought the writers understood that. they don't. instead they've engaged in the most laughable, embarassingly written domestic violence storyline I think I've ever seen in any media, ever, just to get him off the hook for anything he's done. do I respect the opinions of people who find him standing up to Stella cathartic? yes. does that automatically mean those people are right and it's good writing, actually? no. hard no. a million times no. survivors of dv, especially male ones, are often starved of media representation. I want them to feel seen. it doesn't stop me thinking they deserve far better than being represented by a terribly written character like Stolas, who himself is accidentally the show's best representation of a convincing abuser, but that's a rant for another time)
also also, it's kind of annoying that A03 allows guests to post under any handle instead of assigning a random one, because now if anyone points to AyyLmao that it's unhinged behavior to try to police fics people post on the Organization for Transformative Works (the clue's in the name what fanfiction is for!) he can just claim someone tried to frame him, even if there's plenty of reason to suspect he would totally do that (some of the more hateful bigoted flames strike me as exactly that - going as far as possible with it to be able to turn around and say 'look how hard the Viv haters want to frame me! look how cartoonishly bigoted they make me out to be!'
this is so deeply bizarre to me. I've been in fandoms where the media in question is less than perfect and fix-its exist for entire arcs of shows and everyone else is happy to be like 'I see why you had a problem with this even if I think it was OK or not a big deal', or 'I don't see the problem at all but I'm just going to let you vibe like an adult would do'. and the same with character shilling fics, I'm old enough to know that the best solution for fanfic or transformative works you don't agree with is to just click off. but some HH/HB fans are actively out to create a high control group where any criticism must be policed. if I ever get annoyed enough by HH/HB to make my own vent fic, I'm posting it under anon and with comments moderated. I'm not interested in providing an open forum for people to send me hate for a show that is far from worth defending (and even if it was, who cares? they ought to be able to get on with their day if their fave show is so obviously above criticism)
last point, sorry for the rant - it's kind of laughable to me that the author in the comments provided a long, objective list of what Viv and Raph have been doing that anyone can check and all of which happened publically, because they did it publically, and I don't recall seeing many comments in that thread attempting to respond to any of it; it just got ignored. it's pretty funny they simultaneously want to act like Viv is the victim of unfair hate campaigns when she's actively cultivated a fandom that attracts people like them, who bully people to the point they fear making even the mildest critiques. like you want to act like Viv is some bullied saintlike professional, but can you imagine the showrunner of any much bigger TV show encouraging the worst elements of their fandom to the point that said worst elements think harassing an SA survivor in the comments section of a fanfiction where they process their feelings about how lousy the show is in handling SA, and trying to claim said showrunner is still a professional?
to repurpose a point Viv herself made, a professional would know that any show with more than a cult following will attract criticism. a professional would not encourage people like AyyLmao and Norry, they would shut that shit down and know to leave the writers of a fanfic a couple hundred people at most will see that's dealing with a topic sensitive to them, in peace
No apologies needed, it was an excellent ask!
It's absolutely insane that any of this happened. In all my years of moving through some pretty aggressive fandoms and seeing (and writing) some pretty contentious fics for them, never have I seen anyone dogpiled like this just for writing a small, intensely personal fix-it fic. It's just beyond disgusting.
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nestaismommy · 1 year
Die- hard acotar stans are so damn sensitive. It is no wonder why everyone outside of sjm thinks the same about them..
Someone on a tik tok comment section asked if acotar is worth it. Some people confused the person because, some said it's really worth it and others said it's not. I just explained to them that if they're there for only enjoyment with no braincells required it's worth it, but if they like worldbuilding exploration, characters development and good plots then acotar isn't for them. Another acotar stan disagreed, saying the books have good worldbuilding and good character development and when I told them no they started to get all pissed, complaining why I don't respect their opinion even though they don't respect mine. The conversation shifts to Rhys: When I told them the bs that he pulled such as lying, SA, hurting others etc. They laughed and said I'm delusional. Apperantly what he did wasn't SA and he "needed" to touch her in order to save her life. He "needed" to withhold important medical Information from Feyre because he didn't want her to worry. I very much made it clear that intentions don't f*cking excuse their actions, it's still not right.
They also told me I'm a hater and whatever, telling me that I have a problem because I read a book series that I hate. Apperantly we aren't allowed to critize a book anymore? Apperantly me saying the worldbuilding and character development in acotar isn't good is an insult to society I guess?
I can't deal with these stans. Sjm brainwashed them.
Hi Anon I’m so sorry it took so long to reply, I am just starting to get more active on here.
Trigger warning: SA
It is not a surprise that you’ll get attacked whenever you express an unpopular opinion.
ACOTAR is poorly written and not a lot of people see that. Sjm destroys her characters, there are many retcons, she can’t write about mental health, and don’t even get me started on the misogyny. Especially when it comes to Rhysand, his stans can’t accept any criticism about his character because he’s just so “perfect” and a “feminist king”. He “needed” to SA Feyre. But there will never be a valid reason to SA and abuse someone. They’ll call you delusional, they’ll tell you that you don’t understand the book, and that you should reread it. And that they don’t “think” it’s SA. And so on. At this point, I stopped trying to explain because honestly, they are the delusional ones.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, if you hate the series then there is absolutely no problem with that. ACOTAR fans need to get their heads out of there assholes and accept that not everyone will agree with them.
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konigsblog · 8 months
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with so many annoying anons that can't just behave like adults and scroll past content they don't like or upsets them. These people wouldn't survive five seconds back in the day when there were no tags or warnings for fics.
I dislike how entitled people are about these sort of things, acting as though just because they dislike reading about something or they disagree with a certain headcanon, that no one can. They can dislike or be squicked out by whatever they want, but that doesn't give them the right to harass writers just minding their own dang business.
Anyway! Keep your head up lovely and give your beloved König a kiss for me <3
thank you for the support :( i appreciate it so, so much, especially now considering i've been dealing with a lot of hate anons 😵‍💫 i appreciate it, mwah, thank you, again!! :'3 (flowers for you ☀️💐🌷🌺!)
they could either, 1. act maturely and scroll or block, or 2. act like childish, irresponsible and immature and blame me for writing it... i'm assuming a lot of these anon's don't know how to react when someone doesn't agree with their ‘oh, so important’ opinions, as if the world only revolves around them, and people can't have different coping mechanisms, and/or kinks. 🤷‍♀️
but, i appreciate your support a lot, and don't worry! i don't take any of their opinions to heart. it's clear they're sending it out of spite and anger, so i don't value their opinions! :3 if they ever wanna act mature, they can dm me, and stop hiding behind anonymous like a pathetic freak... 🫣
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1. Only eps. 119 and 121-124 were schedueled to be delayed, not ep. 120, which gave the implication that she might have found enough time to sub one episode. The fact that 120 still got delayed anyway just reinforces her laziness and irresponsibility (along with the fact that she will delay subs for episodes centered on characters she irrationally hates).
2a. Not every GR!! fan either has a Twitter or check Aura's Twitter for different reasons, yet she expects everyone to do so and be up-to-date with her shit.
2b. Also, if she could announce genuine delays on Tumblr because of a loved one's ailment and Eid al-Adha, then she is certainly capable of announcing a delay because she's moving on the same platform.
3. She had a few other people do the subs for the penultimate season 2 episode for her (for no reason other than she irrationally hates Yuhi), yet she still wants the final checks to be done by her (she is egotistical like that, believes her subs are flawless, and accused YGOrganization/Yugipedia of being "rude and disrespectful for revising them to be more accurate). If she could do that for said episode, then she sure as hell could've done the same for the most recent episode while she moves, unpacks, and starts settling in.
4. She is LITERALLY a fucking entitled brat who acts like she owns the Bridge era because of her fansubs and thinks it's a perfect excuse to do whatever the fuck she wants. Someone has genuine criticisms about GR and its quality? "They're a hater! How dare they not indulge in toxic positivity and treat GR as flawless perfection!" Someone has an opinion different than hers? "You're not allowed to disagree with me! I'm always right, you're always wrong!" Someone likes ships she doesn't? "Eww! Why are you into incest and pedophilia, you sicko?!" And her echo chamber ALWAYS takes her shit as fact. No real evidence needed whatsover; play the victim card by twisting the facts to villainize those calling her out, and they automatically believe her like the bunch of kiss-asses they are.
considering they blocked me, they probably don't really care for an answer but I will repeat one important point that has been ignored:
"getting a notification about a delay is a privilege not a right"
and remind you all that you can make own fansub team or pay for one and stop relying on people you hate and despise.
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it seems like youve been speaking up a little more on the blog the last few days and I really like that!!
also Im sorry you got hate anons. consider this a love anon 💜
yes, I've felt a lot more positively about this blog as of late! and I am, at my core, a yapper. I'm very glad to hear at least some people like it! I feel like people don't really want to hear from me from the most part, so feeling like people care about what I have to say here brings me alot of joy.
in regards to the hate anons, it happens. they're mostly few and far between, but they're annoying when they do show up. the first one I got just said "don't put your disgusting filth in the main tags" and I'm.. still not entirely sure what that was about? this most recent one literally just said this blog only serves to spread negativity (I disagree, but they're entitled to their opinions) and called for everyone to block this blog. which, okay, I'm not sure why I'd post someone saying everyone should block me.
Most the hate anons I get are just sort of.. claiming I only do this to "spread negativity/hatred/etc" which is far from true. I started this blog so people could share any opinions amd was really expecting more like.. ship love, headcanons and theories, general opinions, etc (maybe even ask questions to the fandom?)... I really didn't expect there to be so much ship hate (most of which seems to be kbms hate for some reason?). I post everything as long as it does not promote real world harm, and I think people just don't like that.
I've also had people assume I agree with the opinions I post without any evidence towards it? not the ones I post about agreeing with, just random asks that I've given no response to. like.. I feel the purpose of this blog should be obvious by name alone? idk, maybe I overestimate people.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Long Post Ahead
Ok yesterday and today I've been busy, so I haven't had time to write up that "ongoing codywan fic recs" post yet, but I promise it'll be up soon (that shit takes a surprisingly long time).
Right now, though, I just want to say something--and yes, I know I said some of it in the reblog of another post, but I was pissed when I wrote that and now want to expand on what I said a bit better.
Everyone and their mother knows, by now, that Glimmer deleted all of their fics off of Ao3 because some asshole decided to harass them and make them feel like shit. Glimmer isn't the only creator that's been harassed off their platform before and I highly doubt they'll be the last, especially if things continue like they are, but I think a wake-up call is in order.
Everyone has been talking about supporting creators you like and making sure they know they're appreciated, which you absolutely should be doing, but I the bigger issue is entitlement.
Let me spell it out for some of y'all:
Creators don't owe you shit.
I think a lot of people harass creators for liking things they don't because they feel entitled to having their opinions validated by their peers--and having their peers not validate their opinions, whether that be by shipping a different pairing or not agreeing with some of their theories or whatever, makes them angry and feel like they've been personally wronged.
They also feel entitled to interacting with everyone and everything, so they think other people should change what they post rather than just filtering out tags, blocking people, etc--because they want to reap the benefits of creators without having to engage with things they might disagree with.
They don't want to give something they like up so they don't have to interact with something that makes them uncomfortable, but they also don't want to have to interact with (read: see) things they don't like in order to see the stuff they do.
Like I said: entitlement.
But here's the thing: people are going, and are allowed, to disagree with you.
That's life.
It is your responsibility, and your responsibility alone, to cultivate your feed and keep yourself from seeing shit you don't want to. No one else's.
You don't like a certain ship? Filter out the tag.
You don't like someone's opinion on the fandom media? Block them.
A post popped up that you didn't like? Hit "not interested."
If you like one thing from a creator but not something else then that is on you to decide whether or not to keep interacting with them/their works, it is not their responsibility to cater to you.
Again: creators don't owe you shit.
Not their art, not their fics, not their recs, not their theories, not their time, not their responses, not anything. Getting to interact with them and their works is a privilege, not a right, and y'all need to start acting like it.
You do not get to harass them for not agreeing with you on everything or validating your opinions.
And if you do harass others? Then you are a shit person and you don't deserve to ever interact with another creator's work again, because you are the reason we're losing so many talented and genuinely kind people to fandom toxicity.
And if one of your favorite creators gets harassed off a platform and you've harassed others? Then I feel sorry for them, but you don't have a single fucking right to complain about losing them when you are the one who's created a space where harassing creators for their work is ok.
Start minding your own fucking business and leave creators alone.
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iheartstarssm · 11 months
i'm gonna be so fr rn, doxxing people for writing smut about the triplets is unhinged. all you are doing is indulging in the problem and even being a part of the whole issue yourself. and if you're one of those people going on all the smut writers accounts and harassing them with the "the triplets don't like being sexualised." comments, you're just giving them a reason to clap back and then you guys get upset with it. everyone's entitled to different opinions on how they think fics of the triplets should be written within the fanbase. personally, i like to read fics where they're just nice and cute and i know i can usually read a well-written fic without it getting tooooo sexual.
and since we don't know how they feel about s*x fics being written about them, i don't think it's safe to assume anything. if they want to speak out and say "hey, just for the record, we still don't want smut fics written about us", then cool. if they come out and say "hey, we really don't give a fuck what you write", then cool; it's their decision and we have to respect that and what other writers do with that info.
as for smut writers, i've seen some of your guys' blogs and the fact that you are CONSTANTLY talking about how stupid and "sensitive" sturniolo fans are is just plain annoying and uncalled for. sure, you can have your own opinion but when you make your opinion the ONLY thing you post about on your blog, it's really annoying. you don't see "sensitive" writers constantly complaining about the smut fics rn. they say what they want and move on but you guys are the ones who are going on rants about how "sensitive" and annoying some fans are for not agreeing with you writing smut about chris, nick, and matt.
as for the whole nick x fem!reader stuff i keep seeing (i won't say names or accs, you guys know who you are), it's honestly pretty sad because it shows me and other fans around you that you don't respect nick or nick's sexuality. he has always said he's always known he's gay and that he's never liked another girl so why are you writing fics where he's making out with a fem!reader?
and also, all i can say is, the whole incest shit and "oh, i had a dream chris made out with nick" thing is just gross. they are brothers, not fuck buddies.
also, the whole thing with "suggestive" fics is honestly something for each reader/writer to decide if it's okay to them. i know some writers use the word "suggestive" heavily and lightly. for some writers, "suggestive is making out without actually getting to a point where sex happens (which can happen a lot in real life! you can definitely makeout with someone without having sex with them). and for other writers, "suggestive" can be alluding to sex or suggesting that sex was going to happen. personally, i'm fine with a fic that has a small makeout moment but if it gets to the point where sex is going to happen, that's where i will probably just silently scroll away and find a different fic to read without makking a fuss on every smut/suggestive writers account and it’s not because i hate smut writers, i’ve just had bad experiences with sexual things and i personally choose to avoid it! there's some writers who have a few works i read but they also write "suggestive" fics about the triplets and that's where i agree to disagree with a writer but i can still enjoy other fics they write. it's like strawberry picking what works for you.
and to tie it all up, smut is usually poorly written and not accurate to how real life s*x is. so for a young fan to read that and get a poor representation of how sex is can be really damaging and can cause insecurities in someone. i know when i was younger and people introduced me to smut, it made me insecure because i thought my body was supposed to be a certain way for men to like me. so with that being said, if you are a smut writer and want to continue your writing, no one can forcefully stop you. but i would suggest that if you are going to write smut, label it mature so people can turn on/off their mature tags and get the fics they actually want to read. wattpad writers do it with their work and i think it's only respectful for you to do it as well on this app.
also, i'm tired of seeing smut writers saying "Well they aren't minors anymore and they didn't like it when they were minors". they can still not like it even if they're 20. smut about a real person is very invasive and can make someone insecure about their body. if someone you didn't know wrote smut about you and they knew nothing about you, you'd be uncomfortable and grossed out too.
all i'm saying is at the end of this, no ones going to win their case. smut writers aren't going to get "sensitive" fans to stop rambling about smut since there are always going to be people who don't agree with you or what you do. and non-smut writers aren't going to get smut writers to stop writing smut since they think it's fine and will continue to do whatever the fuck they want. i still stand by my thought that if you are a smut writer, label your sexual works 'mature' so people who don't want to indulge in smut can turn that tag off.
that's all i got to say about it !
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
There’s a difference between getting blocked for simply not liking BT, and being blocked for making negative posts about BT, especially when you say things like “anyone who likes BT just wants to see two men kiss.” that’s a hurtful thing to say about someone, and it makes sense that people who do support the ship—especially queer men, who have been vocal about the way fandom has repeated homophobic rhetoric when criticizing BT—don’t want to see that. I’m sorry you’ve been blocked by people, but that’s the real issue here.
I'm assuming you're referencing this post
First of all everyone is entitled to curate the kind of online experience that is best for them. I was not telling anyone they can't block me or anyone else. Personally I'm not someone who likes to block a lot and a do follow people who ship B/T usually they're multi shippers or people who I was following before they started shipping them.
I have blocked a lot of B/T shippers though because a lot of them have been vile towards Buddie, Eddie, and the Buddie fandom and it's not just been on their own blog it's been right in the main 911 tags or even in the Buddie tags. Or sometimes right on my own posts in reblogs and comments. That has been my main issue because if it was just on their blogs most of the time I'd simply unfollow. I'm not telling anyone else to do the same btw that's just how I usually operate.
In my post I wasn't just trying to whine about being blocked, like I said people have the right to have whatever online experience they want, what I was mostly talking about was how upsetting it is that the Buddie fandom as a whole has changed drastically since B/T became a thing. I'm sad that I've lost people I followed for a long time some who were even mutuals now that Buck is dating T*mmy. And yeah you can say it's not just that it's also because they don't like what I'm posting but a lot of these people used to be all about Buddie and I always assumed they would have been ride or die for them no matter what. It's hurt to see to so many of them drop Buddie all together or even if they haven't completely they're defending B/T hardcore now.
As for you talking about how there's a difference between simply not liking B/T and making negative posts about the ship what you're really saying is I'm not allowed to voice my opinions about the show. I see no issue with talking about why I don't like B/T so long as I am not harassing anyone with my opinions and keeping it on my blog away from the people who like that ship.
Not sure if or when I said "anyone who likes B/T just wants to see two men kiss" in the post I'm assuming you're referencing I said "Did so many of you really only care about seeing two men kiss?" It's possible I have said that before though I've ranted a lot on my blog and sometimes I do talk about the fandom as a whole when I'm venting. But I do get that not everyone thinks the same as they collectively might come across. I get that there are different reasons why some people might be drawn to a ship.
I know there are different reasons why people might like B/T but for me that ship has had very little substance (especially compared to Buddie). I do believe everyone should be able to ship who they want. I have plenty of ships I've loved that aren't even canon and had no kisses. At the same time B/T shippers call Buddie shippers delusional for even hoping for Buddie to go canon. So yeah I'm going to get defensive and say you're attacking us for shipping two men who share six years of history, intense chemistry, and are literally raising a son together when comparatively most of the things B/T have shared have only been physical.
I have a huge problem with people trying to equate any criticisms of B/T with homophobia. You can't call any criticisms of a queer ship homophobic just because you disagree and frankly as a queer person myself that really bothers me. I hate when people try to weaponize our sexuality like that.
My problem with the ship is I don't like T*mmy as a person. Like other characters on the show (Taylor, Buck's parents, etc) they haven't done enough to show how he's grown from who he was in s2. More importantly I haven't liked how T*mmy treats Buck. He's been snappy, dismissive, unsupportive, and just doesn't seem to get who Buck is. I'd also argue that we saw T*mmy putting all this effort in when he was spending time with Eddie, literally flying him to other states and we haven't see a single shred of that kind of effort in his relationship with Buck.
Also as for the dinner scene in 7x10 because I've seen a lot of B/T shippers claim it was homophobic to criticize that scene. That people just didn't get that is how queer men talk. I made a post about that here. The issue was not kink the issue was that it wasn't the time and place. And btw if it was a convo Buddie were having I still wouldn't have wanted Eddie to say that within the context of that conversation. You don't talk about daddy kink when your partner is literally talking about how their dad almost died.
Honestly though I don't get why so many B/T shippers seem to be messaging me or even care what I'm doing on my blog. I'm sorry if you've seen my posts and you didn't want to like I said I do my best to keep them out of your tags. But I'm also not going to just stop sharing my thoughts on the show. The main reason I even do is so that other Buddie shippers feel supported and know they're not alone in feeling frustrated with the show and the state of fandom right now. If that means I get blocked by people who once claimed to love Buddie well then so be it.
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what do you think about it?
The points I agree with
1 - A ship being canon or not does not tell us anything about the quality of said ship.
2 - Zutara fans need to chill with craving canon validation.
3 - The spin-off works like the comics and The Legend Of Korra often contradict the canon of the original show, and thus people need to either take only one as canon and ignore the other, or have "double-thinking" to take both as true. Honestly, even just within the original show there are canon inconsistencies: We are told in Book 2, by Iroh himself, that he got the nickname "Dragon of The West" by breathing fire on his enemies like a dragon, but in Book 3 we get ANOTHER explanation for that name, that it is a title given to someone that killed an actual dragon.
4 - Bryke can be real dicks sometimes. Saying "you like this ship, therefore you're doomed to always have bad relationships" is just pure nonsense, because even with stuff that actually IS deeply problematic, what really tells if a person's idea of how romance works is deeply unhealthy is not their enjoyment of the fictional relationship, but rather if they can tell what would or would not be okay okay in real life. I LOVE Beauty & The Beast, this does not mean I think people should marry someone that held them as prisoners. Azula is my favorite character and I would like her to have a redemption arc (and for the comics to stop claiming that being mentally ill means you're evil and any abuse you suffer is justified because you're "crazy and unstable" even when you're not doing anything) - this does not mean I think she never did anything wrong and am "part of a cult" like Bryke said.
The point I slightly disagree with
"There is no canon confirmation that Aang and Katara kissed for the first time in Cave Of Two Lovers" that one is partially true - we did not see the kiss, and the characters did not mention it at other points in the story... but COME ON, if they didn't kiss, why were Aang and Katara blushing at the end of the episode, when hearing the song about Oma and Shu? Sure, it's not explicit confirmation, but it is the show VERY STRONGLY hinting that the kiss absolutely happened.
The point I REALLY disagree with
"Zutara would have objectively been a stronger narrative choice" No. Just no. Not only do I feel it would not have been a better choice than Kataang and Maiko, I say it would be a TERRIBLE writting choice.
I could end this post with a "we'll just have to agree to disagree", but unfortunatelly I can't, because this person did not say "In my opinion, Zutara would be the superior choice, here's a link to my thoughts on why that is" They said "OBJECTIVELY Zutara would be the superior choice, here's the list of 'proof' I got."
And that's the thing I cannot stand with Zutarians. Even when they're making a solid point (in this case "This fandom gotta chill with using canon to dunk on other people's personal preferences, or demanding their headcanons to be elevated to canon so they can dunk on other people's headcanons") they HAVE to ruin it by going "But Zutara is totally the best and if you disagree with me, you are just completely incorrect" without a shred of irony or self awareness.
This really is their equally terrible alternative to "It is totally canon, people just think otherwise because of an evil conspiracy Bryke was in charge of." Instead of saying that, they go with hidden entitlement "Canon does not equal good... but Zutara SHOULD have been canon because it is scientifically proven, by me, that it is the best ship ever"
People have every right to disagree with me when I say Zuko and Katara would never work as couple, or ever be into each other in the first place. They can write all the meta about it too. But they do not have the right to try to force me to change my mind - be it explicitly or trying to be sneaky about it.
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keischreiber · 8 months
Something that's been on my mind lately, I dunno...
Recently I have been seeing people getting bullied for:
Not liking a character liked by the majority
Not liking a ship liked by the majority
liking an obscure ship or rare pair
liking a character disliked by the majority
And I'm like... what's wrong with having a difference in taste and opinion? It's not a necessity for everyone to love or hate the same thing. Everyone is allowed to love or hate the things that they like or hate.
I don't see the reason for anyone having to get the heat for not sharing an opinion.
For example. I see people getting hated on for liking Jeankasa or JeanPieck, people getting hate for liking EreHisu, people showing dislike for Gojo, someone liking Mahito, etc. ...recently, there's a thing going around where Jean's Seiyuu is being flamed by comments from certain shippers who didn't like how he expressed his opinion and his thoughts on Jean regarding Mikasa... or how some fans are flaming Mikasa's Seiyuu for wanting Mikasa to return to Eren.
At the end of the day, regarding our social status... whether we're celebrities or not, we're all entitled to our opinions and how certain content will appear to us. However, no matter how entitled we are, it's never alright to hurt or attack anyone for them. They're just as invested in these characters as the next person. Whether that investment is them liking the character or disliking them. Everyone has their own reason for how they react to something.
But again, if you do not share the opinion, I think it's fine to simply "agree to disagree" and move on.
There are perfectly good people behind their keyboards getting hate for enjoying something that means to them... hate from people who continues to consume things that trigger them.
Maybe let's not do that if we know that we're gonna react badly to it?
Because like... again, I don't understand why... if, let's say, you don't like EreHisu, but you purposefully go to a person who likes EreHisu just to berate their content and shit on them. Like. Why? What are you after? It's not like bashing them will stop them from liking it.
What are people so insecure about when it comes to an opinion that may or may not be applicable to them? What are they threatened by?
I'm not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to dislike. What I'm saying is, you can hate something without being a dick towards the person who likes the content you that you don' t.
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