#if someone else saw what he saw they easily would've turned it down and told gods to fuck themselves with this 'knowledge'
katyspersonal · 1 year
That one interpretation about Micolash’s fate now lives rent free in my head. I’m not opposed to the notion of him dying once and for all, and I like the irony of a scholar obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge spending his last moments in ignorance. But being forever trapped in his own mummified body seems like the perfect punishment and suits the theme of hopelessness so well. For someone who despised his humanity so much, who went above and beyond to escape the limitations of his body, being forced back into his pathetic, frail, powerless body must be pure torture. Once Micolash’s consciousness is brought back, he’ll have all eternity to ponder over the fact that his efforts were fruitless and he’s nothing but a withered corpse, a manifestation of human fragility and mortality. But in contrast to the situation with Lovecraft’s priest, there’ll be nobody around to destroy his brain and end his sufferings.
No, this is absolutely valid, and from the standpoint of a person that gives "proper" judgement to Bloodborne characters - yeah, he "deserved" it!
I just have a completely different way to look at the things, and Soulsborne games offer me the most freedom in this. Like I said, the whole theme of 'fate worse than death' applied to the war criminals we meet in these games just doesn't do anything to me. Doesn't make me mad (because, again, they probably "deserve" it) but also doesn't really excite me... The problem with Soulsborne settings is that things are so chaotic and flipped upside down that morality, principles and and judgement as we know them no longer apply in my opinion- heck, I always said I can't really guilt characters like Aldrich or Rykard for how much atrocities they've committed, because the world they're in is so fundamentally broken and doomed that in the end, what they'd have to do to escape it no longer matters...? Elden Ring didn't touch upon it well enough, and even gave us *gasp* OPTIMISM!!!!, but Dark Souls totally falls for this... mess.
On the other hand, characters like Allant or Shabriri in my interpretation I'd totally say deserved "real" judgement. And Micolash is kinda complicated... He falls exactly in the middle. Dude did quite the unthinkable things to break free from the humanity, but also his setting kinda falls for the trope of "humanity is doomed anyways" and his only fault is that he tried to escape, whatever it takes, rather than pull the whole 'I will perish but at least not lose my human decency uwu' thing. For most people, choosing the latter feels like an axiom and they don't need reasoning to why it is "the only acceptable way", but for this type of high IQ investigators not necessarily so. Because hooooow many tiiiiimes you fuckers need an evidence that huge intellect caaaaaan be as much of a cuuuuuurse.
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But, again, Bloodborne setting is less obviously... that. Dark Souls IS doomed, yes. Bloodborne is, like... well, he is (presumably) stuck in the city that will wither under endless cycle of the hunt no matter what. So I speculate his problem (and many other characters') is witnessing the knowledhe humans were not meant to see - and losing the sight of worth of his humanity as a result. Again, the smarter you are - the more damaging this effect will be! More simple-minded people would be able to withstand the comprehension of futility of humanity and the cyclic trap that deems both beasthood and Kinship meaningless because "but humanity is still important just because". (Also love how Bloodborne itself addresses this complexion by the fact that the higher person's Insight level is, the stronger Frenzy damage they take!)
Basically, what I am saying is, this is a "satisfying" fate for Micolash by common logic.. But I personally would rather either let the guy die a real death, or let him be reborn into something else. His setting and the things he learned make his pursuit to transcend humanity at all cost not only fair in my eyes, but even couragerous, in a way. Actually.....
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^^^ what really skewed my perspective on most of the Soulsborne's "war criminals" was Miyazaki himself perceiving Fauxsefka as a heroine xD I was instantly able to decipher it as the fact that her courage is doing a 'morally reprehensive' thing (turning people into cosmic Kin) for the greater good (so they lose any chance to become the beasts instead). Not everyone will "dirty" their own hands for some greater idea. But, yeah, Micolash is likely not 'heroic', as he simply cared for helping himself. The only other Mensis scholar we know of is Damian, who actively works against Mico's goals (which is very telling); the other participants of his ritual are prisoners (damn, Miyazaki, can we go against the dilemma of "deciding for everyone else" for ONE game??).
I am glad that you've found a resolution for Micolash's arc that is very satisfying and exciting for you, though! This sorta thing always feels cathartic!
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torukmaktoskxawng · 9 months
run away with me
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Pairing: Nor/Sarentu!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, fluff, angst, mentions of brainwashing and residential school trauma
Taglist: @mooniequeen
A/N: No one has requested me to write for AFoP so I decided to take matters into my own hands *cracks knuckles* Let's get to work.
This is basically my rendition of the cutscene you see when playing the game, after the title card. I made it lean more toward the angsty, romance play that we were robbed of when the game finally came out XD Enjoy!
Part 2
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When So'lek told you that Nor had left Resistance HQ to have some time to think, you knew you needed to seek him out.
Using your new abilities and talents to track him down, it didn't shock you when you found Nor on one of the highest cliffs near the base of their new home. You remember he made a comment earlier about how there were more colors on Pandora than he remembered and how he had no names for them. You suspected he'd be all the way out here, admiring those colors and maybe trying to invent new names for them.
He didn't react when you approached the small fire he made, likely expecting you to come find him. He turned to face you with lowered ears and a forlorn look in his eyes, "What must our ancestors think of us? Do you think they pity us? Sad to see what we've become?"
"We're still Sarentu."
"Teylan barely speaks our tongue, but then... he always preferred human words."
"Alma says we all need time to adjust."
"Alma is not Na'vi." He growled lowly, turning away to kneel down in front of the fire.
You weren't deterred by his attitude, knowing Nor better than you sometimes knew yourself. He felt things stronger than most. He was passionate about what or how he felt and he wasn't afraid to admit it, hence why he didn't shy away when he proudly proclaimed his feelings toward you. It was years ago now, just the night before Alma snuck you and your friends into cryosleep to wait out the war. All that time you could've been with Nor... lost to cryosleep.
Nor felt the same loss as well, and that is why he wasn't wasting any more time. When neither of you are out on missions, you're with each other, safe at HQ, making up for lost time. Your relationship is technically still new and can easily be chalked up to young love, but Nor didn't see it that way. He claimed that was the way only Sky People saw it, but not the Na'vi. He wanted to do this right, and in his mind, the only right way was the Na'vi way.
So he asked So'lek for advice, on standard Na'vi customs and what the older man might know about the Sarentu ways to court someone. Nor was determined and straightforward about what he wanted to make sure you only got the best treatment. The Na'vi treatment, something that you deserved to have when you were younger but it was taken from you.
That's what you loved about him, growing up beside him. He reminded you so much of your sister at times with their shared determination as kids, though you refused to continue making that comparison after she died... afraid that if Nor acted too much like Aha'ri, then he would die just like her. You couldn't bear to lose him, too, not after everything Mercer and TAP have done to you.
Even now, as you two stood on top of that cliff, you were afraid of losing him, either to death or to life, should life and fate decide to tear you two apart. You wished you could vocalize your fear to him, but you were never as brave or as straightforward as Nor. You were grateful he had approached you about his feelings first, or else neither of you would've ever known.
Although you were not one with words, you were one with actions, and even Nor knew that you communicated with deeds.
Walking up to him, you slide your hand over his shoulder, and while he doesn't say a word, trapped with the demons in his head, he places his own hand on top of yours, a gesture of gratitude. He was thankful for your comfort, knowing that your way of communicating stems from being touch-starved and you would rather voice your thoughts through your actions instead of just saying them because, to you, that means so much more.
You keep your hand on his shoulder, the warmth of his palm bleeding into your skin while you look up and over the cliffside, admiring the scenery with a sad tone in your voice, "Why did the RDA come back?"
"They wanted more of Pandora," he responds with defeat, "They always do."
"Then we'll need to fight," you express with determination, squeezing his shoulder, "Aha'ri would have wanted us to fight."
You try to pull away, but Nor is suddenly too fast. He grasps your hand, gently, and you pause in your movement. He stands to his full height to gaze into your eyes, trying to relay what he's thinking without saying a word. But he wasn't like you. He wasn't good at sharing his thoughts through actions. He was better at it by talking, so that is what he did.
"Or we could run," he suggests and is quick to continue when the expression on your face falls, "Leave this place. Find somewhere else to call home."
"We've talked about this, Nor," you sigh tiredly, recalling not long ago when you, him, Ri'nela and Teylan were all sitting around a fire as Nor suggested they could all run away together. You express the same thing you said back then, too, "Alma brought us here for a reason. She believes in us."
He snarls, though there isn't much heat behind it, "Alma just wants to control us."
Not even you believed what he was saying, lowering your voice to a comforting whisper, "Alma is not Mercer. She actually cares about us as People."
"She left us."
"She thought we were gone."
He steps closer until he's nearly pressed against your chest, his hands sliding up to gently grasp both sides of your face, entwined in your hair. His voice wavered, desperate eyes staring back into yours, "If it were me instead of her, I would've clawed through the rubble of TAP, and I would've looked forever. Un... until I knew for sure if I lost you or not."
You wanted to be touched by the statement, your heart fluttering in your chest while Nor could no doubt feel your heartbeat, pumping through his hands as they rested near both sides of your neck. You shake your head slightly, "That is different. What Alma feels for us is not the same as... as what you feel for me. For all of us."
He shivered, almost proud that you managed to admit your confidence in his feelings toward you. He leans his forehead against yours, breathing in the same air as you while he matches the intimate moment with a whisper, "Exactly. I can't trust Alma with my family. I can only trust myself or you to take care of the four of us, to ensure we stick together."
You wet your lips when they felt dry, deciding to play into his dream for a little bit, "Suppose we did run away... where would we go?"
'Wherever we want! All of us,' he wanted to say the same thing he told Teylan down by the campfire, but he says it differently with you, "Anywhere, far away from here."
"Just the four of us?"
"The four of us," he confirms with a nod, thinking that he had you convinced, "We'll start our own clan. We'll renew the Sarentu."
"And what will happen when the war eventually finds us?"
Your question drives Nor to freeze, and so you continue, "Either Mercer, RDA, or TAP, it won't matter. They'll find us. You know they will."
He unfroze finally, huffing with determination, "Then we will fight."
"But if we fight now, and we win, then we can leave and we will never have to worry about the Sky People again," your hands moved until they were wrapped around Nor's waist, a bold move to match his own, his fingers still wrapped up in the hair on the back of your neck,
"We would never have to keep running or look over our shoulders ever again," you continue, "If we can end this sooner than later, I will go with you. I'll go wherever you want. But... But I can't leave now knowing what the Sky People are capable of. I can't leave knowing that there would be another child out there whose clan was wiped out and I wasn't brave enough to stop it from happening. I would never forgive myself."
Your words stun him into silence, and the intensity of his gaze causes you to feel shy and embarrassed, lowering your head to avoid him until his hands pause your movement. He gently uses his thumbs to push your chin to tilt back up, and when your eyes meet, he pauses for a moment, his intense eyes scanning your expression before his lips twitch up into a small, fond smile, "Heh."
"What?" You tilt your head, hesitant but smiling as well.
"Nothing. It's just... Aha'ri would be proud of you."
He says it so confidently that you know you believe him, and his words make your heart swell with pride and grief, missing your sister. Nor leans back and digs in the pocket of his pants, "I have something for you."
"What is it?"
He provides a carved stone, bearing the mark you both have on your face to signify your long-lost clan, "It's something to remind you of me, whenever you leave HQ and I cannot follow you. It's also a promise."
"What promise?"
"That if I ever leave, it will only be when you are ready to come with me," he leans back into your space, pressing your foreheads together once more as he closes his eyes, taking in your scent, "This time, my love, I go wherever you go."
You clutch the stone in your hand, wanting the carved mark to brand into your skin as you close your eyes as well. You already plan to tie Nor's stone into the songcord So'lek had given you, and you hope that in time, the songcord will grow, and there will be many more milestones to signify. Milestones that you hope that Nor and your friends will share with you, as Sarentu and as your family.
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Starfall Arc & The Green Hill Zone Arc)
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The Starfall Arc
''Minami is kinda right, Lucas. You almost ran into a tree because it was too dark to see anything before you,'' Sonic said, giving Lucas a teasing grin. Lucas just sighed, with everyone else looking slightly amused. Sonic then glanced at Shadow, who was just observing the scene before him, before turning away and looking at the starry sky. Sonic ran up to him, giving him a curious look. ''Hey, Shads, are you excited for The Starfall?''
''I suppose I am curious to see the meteor shower,'' Shadow replied as he sat down, only for him to narrow his eyes as Sonic sat right next to him with a big grin on his expression. However, instead of telling him to leave, Shadow just let him be. After all, there was something that had been on his mind over the past days, and he needed to talk to Sonic about it. ''Your persistence is as annoying as it is admirable.''
''What do you mean?'' Sonic asked, confused. Shadow sighed, his ears drooping.
''I don't believe that I have ever apologized to you for my outburst,'' he muttered. Sonic rose an eyebrow, at first not understanding what he was talking about, but then it dawned upon him.
''You mean the battle we had a few days ago?'' Sonic asked, with Shadow nodding, only for Sonic to smile in response. ''Don't worry about that, all is already forgiven and forgotten. After all, you were placed in a difficult situation and I wasn't exactly the most helpful person.''
''Yet, you helped more than anyone else. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would've snapped out of that broken mindset,'' Shadow responded, staring straight ahead as he closed his eyes. ''Thank you for being a thorn in my side.''
''Awww, Shads, you're welcome,'' Sonic said, prompting Shadow to look up at his rival, a bit irked to see a smirk on Sonic's expression. However, he knew that Sonic wasn't teasing him, but was instead just happy to see that Shadow doing well. ''I'm sure you'd do the same if I were in your shoes.''
''I would,'' Shadow replied, with Sonic just giving him a cheerful gaze. Shadow paused for a moment, observing Sonic, then lowered his gaze. ''I still have difficulty comprehending how easy it is for you to just move on from the past so easily.''
''Well, I just prefer to live in the present. Why should I worry over past mistakes when I can just focus on doing better now?'' Sonic responded. ''I'm just doing my best to live my life to the fullest. Mistakes will always happen, whether I want it or not, but I'm not going to lose sleep over that. No one is perfect.''
''I was created to be perfect,'' Shadow said in a serious tone, with Sonic giving him a sympathetic look. ''I wasn't supposed to fail, no matter under how much pressure I was. Yet, I did.''
''Shadow…'' Sonic placed his hand on Shadow's shoulder, drawing the dark hedgehog's attention. ''If you ever feel under pressure again, I'll gladly share the burden with you.''
''I know. You made that clear during our battle,'' Shadow said, glancing at Sonic's hand on his shoulder. Sonic's eyes suddenly flicked from Shadow to his hand, only for him to quickly take it off, while giving him a sheepish smile.
''Right, sorry. You don't like people intruding into your space,'' Sonic said, only to be surprised when he saw a smirk on Shadow's expression.
''Don't worry, I don't mind your presence,'' Shadow told him, with Sonic feeling genuinely happy to hear that. Shadow just stared at him, wondering if he should even say the next part. After all, he was already opening his heart to Sonic, telling him what was on his mind and showing vulnerability. He took a sharp breath, deciding to at least tell Sonic part of what he had been bothering him for a while now. ''I suppose you are someone I can trust with my life.''
Shadow noted Sonic's eyes widening in joy, if not even sparking as he looked quite excited. Shadow wondered if he was going to regret this, only to get an answer when Sonic gave him a knowing smirk, his eye-lids lowered, ''So, you want to admit that you see me as your friend? I didn't expect I'd see the day this would happen.''
''Don't make any mistake, we are rivals and teammates, nothing else. Don't expect any kind of special treatment,'' Shadow told him in a sharp tone, frowning at Sonic. However, it was clear that nothing he said would wipe that smile off of Sonic's expression.
''Don't worry, I know that you're not the type who likes to be buddy-buddy with other people. Still, I'm happy to hear that you trust me and that you want to keep up with our rivalry,'' Sonic replied. Shadow wanted to respond that he shouldn't think too much about it, but he kept quiet. He was aware that, while he would never voice it, he did indeed see Sonic as a friend.
''Hey, it has started!'' Touka suddenly shouted.
Sonic and Shadow looked at the sky, their eyes widening when they saw a burst of light, followed by a trail falling across the night sky like an arrow. Then, another appeared, followed by another, followed by two more.
The Green Hill Zone Arc
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Sonic rung the bell, rocking back and forth on the balls of his toes, hoping that the person he was searching for was at home. He could hear steps on the other side, and then saw Shadow opening the door. The dark hedgehog's gaze was that of disinterest when he opened it first, only for him to frown when he saw that it was Sonic.
''What are you doing here, Sonic?'' Shadow asked, wavering between whether he wanted to know the answer or just close the door into Sonic's face.
''Hey, Shads! I was wondering, well…'' Sonic rubbed the back of his head, while Shadow just closed the door behind him and leaned against it, arms folded as he rose an eyebrow at Sonic. ''Uh, remember how we talked about how next time you feel like venting your frustrations through a battle to just ask me for a sparring match?''
''Yes, I do,'' Shadow replied, already having an idea where this was going.
''That's great, because I wanted to ask you whether you'd like to have a sparring match with me. You know, the two of hanging out together, beating each other up, but instead of you doing it because you have been traumatized again, we're just having fun. What do you say?'' Sonic asked, smiling widely. Shadow lowered his eye-lids.
''What if I don't want to fight you?'' he asked. Sonic gasped dramatically.
''Okay, who are you and what have you done to Shadow?'' he demanded, glaring at Shadow, who remained unperturbed. Sonic then snorted, unable to stay serious for too long. ''So, what do you say?''
Shadow was silent as he stared at Sonic, mulling over the proposal, but then nodded. ''Fine, but I want to know why you suddenly want to have a sparring match with me.''
''Hey, can't I just have a sparring match with you because I feel like it?'' Sonic asked, with Shadow giving him a doubtful look. Sonic groaned, rolling his eyes and wondering how was it possible that people saw through him so easily. But then, a sneaky thought crawled into his mind. ''Okay, I'll explain it to you if you manage to catch up to me.''
The moment he said that, Sonic ran off, startling Shadow, if only for a moment. The dark hedgehog immediately followed Sonic, both of them speeding through Eas. Sonic was grinning the whole time, only to get startled when Shadow appeared right next to him.
''Don't underestimate me!'' Shadow told him as he skated beside Sonic. Sonic flashed him a grin.
''Yeah, I had figured you'd catch up anyway,'' he replied.
''Where we you going to?'' Shadow asked him.
''Eh… I'm not really sure, I haven't thought about it,'' Sonic replied, trying to figure out a what would be a good place for a sparring match. ''How about Heizeru Park?''
Shadow nodded. ''Try keeping up, Faker!''
Much to Sonic's surprise, Shadow then sped up. Sonic chuckled, figuring that Shadow was getting a bit competitive and rest assured, he wasn't going to let his rival win. They ended up in Sentoraru, weaving through the crowds of humans and ARNavs, both being neck-to-neck. However, Sonic still had an ace up his glove and the moment the street cleared up and they got closer to Heizeru Park, he sped up again, using his Boost to gain an edge. Shadow was stunned to suddenly see Sonic turn into a blue blur, zooming past him and towards the park. Once Shadow arrived there, Sonic was already leaning with his hand against a tree, his other hand on his hip.
''What took you so long, Faker?'' Sonic asked in a teasing tone, a smirk on his expression and his eye-lids lowered.
''What was that?'' Shadow asked as he approached Sonic.
''I'm calling it 'Boost'. Impressive, huh?'' Sonic replied.
''I suppose it is a good asset to your current skillset,'' Shadow said, with Sonic grinning at him proudly. Shadow tilted his head. ''Is this why you asked me for a sparring match? To show off?''
''Well, to some extent,'' Sonic admitted.
''What is the other reason?'' Shadow asked.
''Do I really need one?'' Sonic asked, acting as if he didn't know what Shadow was asking about.
Shadow, in turn, just rolled his eyes, figuring that Sonic wasn't going to talk. He sighed and took a battle stance. ''Fine. Make your move.''
Sonic blinked in surprise, but then smirked. He charged at Shadow, attempting to punch him, but Shadow quickly side-stepped. Sonic turned back, now attempting to kick him, but Shadow side-stepped again, easily dodging the attack, a smug smirk on his lips.
''I thought you'd be more of a challenge,'' Shadow taunted Sonic, who gave him an annoyed look. Sonic charged once again at him, but Shadow managed to dodge it and kick him in the back. Sonic rolled back, but caught himself, curling up into a ball and launching at Shadow. Shadow did the same, with both clashing several times and flying back, grinding to a halt as they faced each other.
''How's that for a challenge?'' Sonic replied.
''Not bad,'' Shadow responded, adding in a taunting tone. ''Are you trying to prove something?''
''What are you talking about?'' Sonic asked.
''You wouldn't just challenge me to a sparring match for no reason,'' Shadow responded, then rose an eyebrow. ''Is this because you lost to Metal Sonic?''
Sonic groaned. ''Why is everyone assuming that?''
''Everyone?'' Shadow gave him a pointed look, with Sonic realizing that there's no way for him to come up with more excuses or avoid the topic. He sighed.
''Okay, I had realized that I'm not that good at close combat, especially in a confined space, and I asked Knux for some help. He and Lily gave me some pointers and I had figured that I could ask you about a sparring match,'' Sonic explained.
''You could've told me that earlier,'' Shadow told him, arms folded across his chest. Sonic rubbed the back of his head.
''I don't want people to worry about me,'' he said. ''Lucas is still blaming himself for not helping me when Metal Sonic attacked, even though I could handle the situation and there was a crisis that needed to be dealt with. I had told him I'm fine, but he he still feels guilty for not doing more.''
''Why don't you just talk to Lucas about it instead of acting like everything is fine?'' Shadow asked.
''I'm not acting like everything's…'' Sonic saw Shadow's doubtful look, then sighed, his ears drooping. ''Okay, I know I'm not good at expressing emotions, just like you,'' Sonic said, with Shadow glaring at him, torn between telling Sonic that he was quite open with Touka and the urge to smack him upside the head. The latter option was more appealing. ''But, I'm not going to let this hold me back. I want to be ready next time I fight Metal.''
Shadow observed him for a moment, then nodded. ''I can respect that.''
Sonic smiled back in response, then elbowed Shadow as he kept giving him a smug look. ''Aww, it's nice to see that you care.''
''Don't push it, Sonic,'' Shadow told him, frowning. However, Sonic kept smiling, leaving Shadow wondering what was going through his head. ''What?''
''Nothing, I'm just happy that we've managed to grow this close, especially with how things were in the beginning,'' Sonic said. Shadow hummed, having to admit that things really have changed over time, and while he wasn't to keen on being part of a team or just being around other people in general, he was content with his new life here. Shadow then suddenly felt an arm around his shoulder, noting Sonic smiling at him. ''I'm sure you feel the same.''
''How about we focus on the sparring match?'' Shadow responded, glaring at him. Sonic quickly stepped back, well aware what that glare meant and to respect Shadow's space. However, Shadow appeared just to be mildly annoyed, which Sonic took as a good sign.
''Alright, let's continue with the sparring match!'' Sonic said enthusiastically.
Sonic had no clue what had happened. One moment, he was exchanging blows with Shadow, and the next, he was racing across a green track with an invisible wall closing in on him. ''As if that thing could ever get me… huh?''
Sonic's eyes widened as he realized that the invisible wall was indeed getting closer, being able to sense it just behind him, almost touching his quills. He sped up, trying to escape it, but it seemed that, the faster he got, the faster the invisible wall was. ''That's not good!''
Shadow stepped back, having been caught off guard by Sonic's disappearance. He looked around, wondering if it was some kind of trick, waiting for Sonic to attack him, but nothing had happened. Suspicious, he walked over to where he saw Sonic vanishing, his eyes narrowing as he saw something translucent glimmering next to a bush. An AR Field? He walked over to it, placing his hand over it and realizing that he couldn't enter it, as it seemed as if there was a barrier. He looked down, noticing a device on the ground resembling the portable AR Field generator he had seen Warren and Tails carrying around. However, this one also had a strange marking on it, a wave in a white and black colour with five stars across it. He had no clue what it was doing here, but he had a bad feeling about this.
He tapped on his AR Visor, with a holographic screen appearing before him and calling Lucas. The teenager was quite surprised to see who had called him. ''Shadow?''
''Sonic has gone missing. I believe that this has something to do with his disappearance,'' Shadow showed Lucas the device. Lucas, in turn, was stunned, trying to process the sudden information dump.
''That looks like the device I had found when Tails had vanished,'' Warren said, suddenly appearing on the screen and holding up the same device. ''It seems to be a portable AR Field generator, but one that doesn't allow for anyone else to enter it.''
''I had figured that one out by myself,'' Shadow responded in a deadpan tone. ''I don't believe it was placed here or at the workshop by chance.''
''That's what we also assumed,'' Lucas said, glancing at the device Warren was holding, frowning at the familiarity of the markings on it. ''Someone placed it here deliberately, and I have a bad feeling in regards to who it is. Shadow, where are you now?''
''I'm at Heizeru Park,'' Shadow responded.
''Okay, stay there, I'll be there soon,'' Lucas said, grabbing his hoverboard and running off, the holographic screen closing. Shadow stepped back, glancing at the device in his hands, wondering where exactly Sonic was and what happened to him.
Before they could do anything, the portable AR Field generator suddenly short-circuited, resulting in a small explosion and causing Lucas to drop it, waving his hand as it had gotten burned. The AR Field then disappeared, with Sonic appearing on the ground before the two, breathing heavily and lying on his knees.
''Sonic, are you okay?'' Lucas asked, kneeling down next to the blue hedgehog.
''Y-Yeah… I'm f-fine…'' Sonic tried to get up, only to feel a sudden wave of dizziness and nausea, almost falling over. Luckily, Lucas caught him, with Shadow shooting him a glare. Sonic noticed it, rolling his eyes. ''Okay, maybe I'm not fine.''
''Good to see that you're finally being honest,'' Shadow snarked at him. Lucas gave the two a confused look, before turning to Sonic.
''Sonic, what happened? Shadow told me that you just vanished into an AR Field?'' he asked.
''So, that's what it was…'' Sonic muttered as he tried to sit up, placing his hand against his forehead. ''I just found myself on this field where I was forced to run as fast as possible. I had no idea what it was… what happened to your hand?''
Lucas looked down at the burn on his palm. It did hurt him, but it wasn't that bad. ''Don't worry, I'm fine.''
Shadow rose an eyebrow as he looked at Lucas, folding his arms across his chest. ''I suppose Sonic isn't the only one with a habit of downplaying his injuries.''
''Not now, Shadow,'' Sonic growled, now feeling annoyed on top of feeling nauseous, while Lucas was just confused. Sonic tried to get up, but his knees buckled and he almost fell over if it weren't for Lucas supporting him. However, he was determined to power through it, managing to eventually stand on his own. Lucas, who was still worried about Sonic's condition, took out a handkerchief of his pocket and wrapped it around his injured hand, trying to figure out what their next move should be. A moment later, he got a call not only from Warren, but also Lily.
''Blaze, Sana, these are my friends; Shadow and Touka!'' Sonic quickly introduced them. Sana waved at the two, both her and Blaze noting that neither Touka nor Shadow seemed to be keen on socializing.
''Wait, are you the…?'' Touka trailed off when she saw Lucas shaking his head, clearly not wanting her to say anything.
''Sonic and Lucas had been showing us around Neos City and suggested visiting the Solar Stadium,'' Blaze explained. ''I assume you two are hoverboard racers.''
''You're right, but someone else is currently hogging the track we wanted to race on,'' Touka said, slightly bitter. As if on cue, Chase and Jet emerged from the AR Field, shouting in victory. ''They've been at it for the past two hours.''
''Why don't you confront them about it?'' Blaze asked.
''We've actually been thinking about challenging them, but we'd prefer to wait until their arrogance has reached its peak to topple them,'' Shadow explained, with both Sana and Blaze giving them a confused look. Shadow then turned to Sonic, not looking all too happy. ''Jet wants to challenge you to another race.''
''What have you told him?'' Sonic asked.
''That I'm not your secretary and to ask you in person,'' Shadow growled, with Sonic sweatdropping, rubbing the back of his head.
''I'll keep that in mind.''
The platform they were standing on suddenly tilted, forcing the group to run towards the next platform. They were all breathing heavily, their surroundings becoming smaller and smaller as Sky Sanctuary was falling apart. They exchanged glances, only to get startled by a flash of blue light, with Sonic, Lucas, Amy and Minami appearing before them.
''Guys, are you-?'' Sonic was cut off by Shadow, who had managed to gather the Chaos Emeralds from Knuckles, Silver and Tails.
''Ask questions later, Sonic! We need to escape!'' he growled, with Sonic nodding, him and Amy giving up their own Chaos Emeralds. The seven gems started to surround Shadow as he focused on their energy, now far greater than the one he sensed from just one Chaos Emerald. A bright glow surrounded him and the rest of Team Neos as their surroundings grew darker and darker, turning into an unending void. ''CHAOS CONTROL!!!''
#Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Final Haunt Arc)
#Sonadow Moments in Sonic Cyber Revolution (The Team Dark Arc)
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 9 months
32. The truth
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You've been walking up and down your hotel room ever since that text. What if she hates you? What if she doesn't want to see you again after this? You can't really blame her if she did, you ignored her for days and gave a sorry excuse. She was right to be angry with you, you should've fought harder for her. Before you could spiral in your thoughts a knock sounds from the door, she's here.
With a deep breath you open the door and let her in quickly, "Hey, I'm sorry for earlier I didn't know he was going to be there." she smiles apologetically as she walks inside.
"it's okay." you smiled as you closed the door behind you, "why did you want to do this here? I mean... Not that I don't want to, it's just. we could've found a quiet place somewhere."
"because I'd be in a lot of trouble if anyone saw us together." she sat down on the small couch as she looked outside at the view. "your visit to starship raised some alarm bells and they told me to stay away from you. They had some staff drop me off at the restaurant and it took a lot of convincing to let chaewon drive me home instead of them. They could easily find me if we met outside and I know they'll send someone to my dorm when I get home to check if you're there."
"and a hotel won't raise suspicion?" you raised an eyebrow, smiling as she laughed.
"it will but they can't prove anything. The Hotel staff can't say anything about you being here since it breaches policy."
" did uh- does Jinwoo know?" She looks up at you like you grew a second head, "not that your here but earlier today when he walked in... Does he know our history?"
"Oh." she looks down at her shoes for a second before focusing on you again, "No. Why? would it matter if he did? "
"I guess not." you sat down on the foot of the bed.
"why did you ignore me? And please don't say you didn't know what to say because i know that's not true."
"I was hurt yujin," you sighed as you knew this was coming, you had to be honest and swallow your pride if you wanted this to go somewhere. " I couldn't talk to you after finding out you were dating someone new when we broke up 2 weeks before. I was hurt and angry, those feelings don't mix well with texting the person who caused it."
"How did you know if it was true? What if it was a lie? Did you ever think about that? You never asked me. "
"you want me to believe it's a lie when I saw him kiss you today?"
"on the cheek ! If you had seen it you would've seen that I pushed him away!"
"wow, okay. Thank you for sparing my feelings today but it would've been appreciated if you could've done that earlier on. You could've called me or even texted me that you were moving on."
"i didn't move on!" She snapped, "I know that it looks like that but I promise you, I don't like him at all." yujin’s voice was shaky and the tears in her eyes told you that she was hurting just as much as you were. "I don’t want anyone else but you." she stood up from the couch and made her way over to you. "I miss you.” she whispers shakily, pressing your foreheads together from below, and closes her eyes. "give me a second chance, I promise I won't let them come between us again, I swear."
"What about jinwoo?"
"there's nothing between me and him, it's all PR." she takes out her phone from her pants and shows you texts between her manager and her, "there were people who saw us on our dates and starship wanted to create a diversion before it could become a scandal. I just had to be seen with him, play the part until the pictures of us had disappeared. "
"what about your career? Yujin there are so many things working against us and i-"
"all our problems are starship related. I lost you once and I can't do that again. You told me to choose the girls and my career and I love that you wanted the best for me but I realized that it was your choice not mine. It's my turn now, I'm standing up to the company and the girls are behind me, they won't risk losing us. We're their biggest money makers, other labels are dying to steal us away, they won't say no. "
You passed her phone back to her and thought it over, should you let her do it? Risk her career just for you? Then again you knew she was right about other company's dying to steal them away. Truth be told starship would loose a gold mine if they refused yujin, you knew the girls would stand behind her no matter what and to lose the 6 of them? They would never be able to make another group like them.
"okay." The way yujin's face lit up at that single word was the best thing you've seen in a while, " but I'm not letting you do this alone. There are boundaries and rules for a company and I'm sure they violated some of them during this whole mess. If we can make a strong case against them they'll have no other choice but to agree to your demands."
"we'll do this." she assured, smiling as she intertwined your fingers, "together."
You two stayed like that for a couple of seconds, just staring at each other and letting the conversation sink in. It wasn't until yujin's eyes dipped down to your lips that you noticed how close you'd been, with a small nod from you yujin closed the distance.
She smiles against your lips as you pull her up into your lap, hands caressing her waist softly as the kiss turns more intense and needy. It felt like both of you were putting all your pent up frustration into this kiss to let go off all the emotions. "do you really have to go tomorrow?"
"yeah, I kind off left without telling anyone so everybody's waiting on me." she pouts at your words before stealing a few more kisses.
"I wish I could stay the night." she sighed, wrapping her arms around your neck. You tightened your hold as you layed the two of you down on the bed. "this isn't helping." she chuckled.
"we can stay like this as we wait for you to get picked up." you ran your fingers up and down her back as she opened her KakaoT app to order an uber, "you sure you don't want me to bring you home?"
"i'm sure. I don't want them to ruin the happy mood I'm in, which they will if they see you dropping me off." she dropped her phone beside her and cuddled Into your side with her head on your chest, "your heartbeat is so slow, it always makes me calm and sleepy."
"should you be listening to it then? Since you can't stay."
"shut up." she smiled.
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 12/18: Try Something New, Darling Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen (for gun violence in later chapters) Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Killian warns Emma about Tamara's evil plan. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: none Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @pawshapedheart  [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Emma sat in the Sheriff's station alone while her dad was out getting lunch. She'd been staring at the notes app for half an hour, trying to draft a perfect way out.
 "Killian and I broke up this morning."
 That sounded like a pathetic cover story, especially after how lovey-dovey they'd been the past two days.
 "Killian's going out of town for the week."
 Yeah. Like she could convince him to leave that easily, with unfinished business here in town.
 "I'm going out of town for a week."
 Even more ridiculous. She had responsibilities here and no excuses outside of town for her sudden departure.
 "We've been lying to you this whole time. Killian and I aren't really together."
 A confession like that over text message? How much lower could she stoop?
 "We need to talk."
 Bad move. It'd only make Neal feel so much more anxious- not to mention her anxiety at having this conversation in person- and what if he just didn't show?
 She sighed and set down her phone, then crossed her arms on the table and threw her head on them. This scheme was spiraling out of control faster than she could stop it- and it needed to end now. Every step she took to ensure that she and Killian looked like a perfect couple only made her wish they were. She enjoyed taking refuge under his arm a little more each time. Her smiles at him were becoming more and more genuine. She thought of him with every song that came up on the car radio.
 That's why she had to abandon this ruse. She couldn't stand falling for someone again- especially someone who she was sure didn't have feelings for her in return- that would be a big mistake.
 And even if she was sure he liked her back, even if he told her so plainly, even if he confessed love for her in dramatic speeches- not that he ever would, of course, and Emma scolded herself for even considering it- she'd heard all those words before, and they meant nothing anymore. She didn't know if she ever could trust him, and was almost thankful she wouldn't have to, that her feelings really were unrequited.
 Emma expected the interrupting footsteps entering the station behind her to be her dad's- and she never would've expected them to be Killian's- so when she saw him, she was hit with a sudden shot of panic, and wondered how to breach the conversation of their inevitable fake breakup.
 "No one else is around." Emma reminded herself, turning away from him after she saw he entered. "He'll be cold and distant again. I'll need to match that."
 "Hey, Hook." She said, pretending to be very interested in the stack of papers on her desk. "Something I can do for you?"
 "Swan, there's something I need to tell you." Killian said, almost sounding sincere. "But I'm not sure if you'll believe me."
 "I just found out two months ago that my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming." Emma deadpanned. "I've gotten a lot better at believing things recently."
 "Good." He said. "It's about Tamara."
 That was one of the last people she wanted to talk about right now. Tamara was one of those  people. She could do no wrong. She had this air of pleasantries and perfection that Emma found unsettling. She drove Emma's superpower haywire.
 "What about her?"
 "She knows about the fairytales, about the magic at the heart of Storybrooke, and she's out to destroy it."
 As much as Emma would love to believe that her ex's new fianceé was an evil mastermind, she didn't buy it.
 "How do you know?"
 "She thought she could trust the legendary Captain Hook to help her." Killian said. "She thought I'd leave this whole town to die just to defeat the Crocodile."
 "Wouldn't you?" Emma asked.
 She noticed that he didn't respond. She turned around to see him looking at her, staring at her, face tinted with hues of betrayal, shaded with despair.
 "Is that how you see…" he clenched his fist ever so slightly and shook his head, eyes closed, whispering almost to himself, "That's not important now." He then addressed Emma, "The point is, you, your family, and this entire town are in grave danger. Tamara's working with that outsider, Greg, and they're planning…."
 Emma's instincts had been telling her to trust him, and so did her superpower, but she was sure they were wrong, that her gut feeling was colored by her emotions- until he mentioned Tamara and Greg were in league.
 "She!" Emma interrupted him, then began digging through papers in her desk.
 "She?" Killian asked.
 Emma looked for her case file on the Greg Mendell crash. "Greg kept getting these phone calls while he was unconscious- calls from someone saved in his contacts as 'She.'"
 Emma found where she'd written down "she's" number, then pulled out her phone and pulled up Tamara's contact profile.
 "That's why that looked familiar." Emma said. "They have the same phone number."
 "What does that mean?"
 Emma grabbed her keys and gun off the desk.
 "It means whether or not you're right, Tamara's definitely not who she says she is." Emma said. "Can you take me to her?"
 "Of course." Killian said.
 She started to leave, but she was stopped by a hook around her arm. She looked down at it, then back up at Hook, readying to defend herself if this was the inevitable betrayal.
 "Why are you so quick to trust me?" He asked. "Aren't you afraid this could be a trap?"
 "I used to think everything was a trap." Emma said, "I still do. But last time I didn't trust you I was wrong, back on the beanstalk." She looked up at him and noticed some kind of genuine understanding in his eyes, then added. "I'm gonna have to trust you this time."
 He removed his hook's grip around her arm. "Thank you, Swan."
 "Don't thank me yet." Emma said. She turned away from him to build up a wall against his penetrating gaze, then tacked on an emotional barrier as well. "I could still be wrong about you."
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oathofpromises · 10 months
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much - from Data to Hiroto, in a moment when Hiroto is his most vulnerable and open
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No matter how desperately Hiroto yearned to escape the clutches of his past, it forever loomed over him like a relentless shadow, refusing to be cast aside. He may've successfully escaped the confinements of the cellar, yet but the scars lingering on his back and in his mind stayed. How many nights had the viper laid awake, hoping to finally have a good night's rest? For the longest time, he simply went without sleep. It was not the healthiest way to cope, but anytime he closed his eyes, all he would see were memories from his shattered past.
Biting his bottom lip, he leaned against the pillar and kept a watchful eye on Data as the brunet gathered some ingredients for dinner. Hiroto promised to show Data a few meals he learned as a kid from Tural. Hiroto warned Data that the food might be a bit spicy, at least compared to what he was used to around here.
They planned to buy the ingredients and return home quickly, where it was safe. The viper hated being so out in the open; he hadn't exactly left Tural on the best of terms, which meant the people there might have sent other vipers to take care of him. Either bring him back dead or alive, depending on what state they require his body to be in. He hadn't told Data that lately he had been receiving letters, mostly threats from some of the very same people who had scarred his back.
He's happy. The last thing I want to do is mess that up. Besides, as the Warrior of Light, he had plenty on his plate to deal with. 
Hiroto knew the last thing Data wanted was for him to keep secrets or to hold back anything, and it wasn't a lack of trust. The brunet became someone that the viper wanted to protect—to allow past the defenses he had built over the years. Yet there was a tiny part that feared that Data might not like what he saw.
'Well, well, if it isn't Hiroto Caelum, it has been awhile.'
Hiroto turned, and his eyes widened as he saw Jivu, Cizu'yi's girlfriend—or was it his wife now? He didn't know or care, but seeing her brought on flashes from the past. She laughed as they stabbed daggers into his back, using her magic to keep him in a loop. She was one of the ones who took pleasure in causing others pain.
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"Jivu. I don't know why you are here, nor do I care," stated Hiroto, as he already had a dagger out. He spun it around a finger before his crimson hues glared at the female Miqo'te. She had a lot of nerve coming here and right out in the open too.
'Hiro, still trying to act strong. We both know who you really are, and once that brunette you are hanging out with knows the full story, He will abandon you just like everyone else.'
Stop. I don't want to hear that. It's not something I haven't already told myself...
Jivu smirked as she leaned in and stabbed a dagger right near Hiroto's face, her hand traveling up his chest. Closing his eyes, he hated her touch—the way it made his stomach turn into knots. Normally, he would've easily had her off him, but she was using some paralyzing spell. She wanted to make him remember the cruel treatment he had received back then.
'Come now..Hiroto. You've slept with so many people before. Why not indulge yourself, or is this one different? Does he know that the man you loved was already taken, causing your heart to be broken and ripped into pieces? That he hated the sight of you.'
Please stop..
Hiroto felt a needle prick into his skin as his eyes widened, images from the past flooding into his mind. The pressure of the needle jabbing into his neck, the cold of the chains keeping him against the cellar wall The feel of each instrument they used craving into his back—the way he wanted to die back then. Why live when his life was a cycle of pain? Without his family, he was utterly alone.
Suddenly, he saw Jivu notice Data walking towards them, and without another word, she vanished. She desired him to break and reveal all that lay buried deep within his heart. Biting his bottom lip, the viper reached into his pocket, pulling out an antidote. Whatever she used was probably the same substance they had used on him years ago. Taking a deep breath, he tried to act naturally, yet his body betrayed him. His legs felt weak, and just as he was about to fall forward, he felt warm arms wrap around his body.
Hiroto muttered "Data..." as he observed the concerned expression on the brunet face. He had probably seen something was up and tried to approach calmly. The last thing they wanted was to cause a disruption.
'Hiroto, let's get you home..' whispered Data as he allowed the Viper to lean on him. He was so much smaller, yet he carried so much more than a normal person did. It broke Hiroto's heart how often Data had pushed his own feelings to the side.
They had barely made it into the house before Hiroto laid his head against the brunet chest, arms wrapping around the other waist before tears started to fall. It was rare that Hiroto allowed himself to cry; in fact, it had been many years since he had..not since that night in the cellar. For a time, he believed it was a weakness to show such emotions. It was only something a person could use against him.
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"I...I can't lose you too. I know that I am nothing and that there are so many others that would be a better fit for you. I carry too much baggage, and you already have enough on your plate. I didn't want to worry you, but people from my past are starting to come back. They want me dead—or to suffer more. It doesn't matter. I just...if I tell you everything, I don't want to scare you away." Hiroto muttered as sobs escaped his lips.
Slowly, Hiroto reached up and unbutton his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. Turning,  he took a deep breath. This was something he had never shown to a single soul; it was a lot, and either it would disgust the other or make them run in fear.
"I told you a bit about my past—that I was treated badly by the people I was sent to live with—but I never showed you to what extent. No matter how much magic is used, the scars will never heal. There are times when they burn horribly. The other night, when we were kissing and I suddenly ran, it wasn't because I hated it. Quite the opposite. Feeling your lips against mine was bliss. I just didn't want to scare you away. I come with a lot and have only scratched the surface at everything."
Hiroto closed his eyes as he felt the brunet fingers gently reach and trace a few of the scars. It wasn't painful, yet it wasn't a side that the viper wanted to show him. There was so much he had to explain, and yet the tears wouldn't stop falling.
"Please say something," cried Hiroto as his shoulders shook. His entire body felt heavy as all the emotions were pressing against his chest.
Don't leave me…
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Chapter 36: HELLO_WORLD
It was a bit of a cooler day than the ones recent to memory, even the robot could tell that. It made sense, however. Summer was finally starting to end, and the cooler and more bearable season of fall would be upon them. It was still a little crazy to think the clan had been here for about half a year. Surely the government was resting well on their earth, smug about the fact they got rid of the toppats for good. Oh, Platinum couldn't wait to hear what they had to say when the toppats got back.
Something felt…a little off about today though. He didn't know why. He felt like he was supposed to be remembering something but no one seemed to have any idea what he could be forgetting. What's more, Hat Girl was able to get some of the others to visit the place. There was no reason why, just 'Hey, come over'. It was strange but Platinum didn't want to question it. He finally got to show Adalyn around, and it was fun watching her steal things from the members while invisible.
As the day went on, he briefly saw Snatcher and Cooking Cat at one point. But they didn't seem to notice him and didn't seem like they wanted to be seen by him. Did he upset them somehow?
Maybe they just had to get some sort of work done, who knows? Platinum knew Snatcher had something happen recently in his forest. Didn't know the exact details, just faintly overheard that something happened while Macbeth was talking with Burt. As for Cooking Cat, she could be talking to anyone about anything. He didn't know her too well and hadn't tried much. Part of him was still annoyed about the cruise when she managed to figure out about his crush on Van…
He didn't let those thoughts stop him during the day. Even if the question of why things seemed off kept swimming around his mind like a fish in a bowl. It was afternoon now, getting late. They had headed to Hat Girl's room just to vibe. They pulled out a card game and you think Platinum, being a robot, would have an advantage. No, he was just struggling the whole time. In his defense, the random noise in the background didn't help his focus.
"Ugh, I can't get this phase for the life of me. Couldn't we have just played uno?" Platinum asked as he sat his cards down on the floor, leaning back a bit as Mu rolled her eyes nearby. He gave her a glare. "Don't give me that look. You got your phases in the first three turns easily!"
"She just got lucky, darling." DJ Grooves said as he pulled Dianna closer to him, gently. Apparently the mother was busy that day so the little penguin had to come with him, which no one minded. Apparently Hat Girl had also invited the Conductor's grandkids but they were all going to be busy with stuff today. Why didn't she just invite them for a later date? "Oh, speaking of which. Hat Girl, darling. Do you have a special someone yet? You're about that age."
"Don't rush me Grooves. I'll find her and tell her when I get the chance." Hat Girl said as she led back, before Platinum rose a brow briefly before smiling. "Oh yea, I'm lesbian. Didn't want to tell anyone until I was fully sure. I already told our Dads, would've told you too but you were busy with Van at the time, brother." Hat Girl said, glancing at Platinum with a smile. She gave a chuckle. "What's with that look in your eyes. You promised them you would be there that night."
"Well first, congrats on coming out. And second, our normal way back from that area of the woods was blocked by a fallen tree, so we had to go the long way." Platinum stated, rolling his eyes but giving a slight smile. Hat Girl went to say something else and he held up his hand to cut her off, giving a tiny chuckle. "And before you ask 'Couldn't you just, gotten back on the path after the tree', don't you remember from my first powering on how weird with my choices I can be?"
"Huh, to be honest I forgot you had to be powered on for a 'first time.'" Stated Adalyn from nearby while Hat Girl shrugged to Platinum's question. Platinum looked at the lazy paw gang member as he shrugged and got on Hat Girl's bed, rubbing his sleeves a bit to get some dirt off. To be honest, he kinda forgot at times he had a first 'power on'. "What was it like? Did you go try to break into a vault or something in the first, like, five minutes of you existing?"
"From what I heard of the story, no." Van said for Platinum, rubbing their arm as they took a small step back from the group. Platinum got up and headed over to them, pulling out the chair by his sister's dresser and letting them sit in it. Maybe it didn't help, but Platinum knew Van got shy easily in situations with people they didn't know well. "Thanks Platy.." Van said before sighing. "I, think he freaked out a bit actually."
"Huh, why am I not surprised." Conductor stated nearby, the card game they were playing having been forgotten by this point. Platinum started to head over to a small stack of books currently on his sister's dresser, maybe he could read one while they did something else. Considering how fast he discrated them from the game, it would probably be best to stay out of it. "Well, lad. What did happen. You can't just mention stuff like that and not expect us to be a wee bit curious.”
"Plus, it wasn't like you were aware before turning on the first time, right?" Mu asked. "I'm a little curious with someone just, coming into existence with the intelligence of a teen."
"Why would that be something of… actually now that I think about it, that does seem like a crisis waiting to happen." DJ Grooves said after having to pull Deinna back before she could begin to climb up to one of Hat Girl's relics, him briefly apologizing to the alien as he did so. Platinum glanced at Van who gave a shrug, not really sure on, anything. "How did you handle it? Were you ever used before you were you?"
"He was, but he doesn't really have too many memories of back then, from what he's told me and our Dads." Hat Girl said as Platinum gave a nod. She then glanced over at Platinum, and patted a spot on the bed beside her with one hand while motioning for him to come over with the other. She gave a smile as he just blinked. "Come on, I'm a little curious myself, never heard the full story. I just know Dad was glad he decided to turn you on before we met."
"Yea, I am too looking back. Wouldn't have been a good first impression." Platinum glanced at Van, who was looking up at him in a bit of curiosity. He then sighed. "Well, I guess I have time to explain a bit."
He walked over to his sister and sat down, jokingly pushing her aside, gently of course. As he began to think of how to start, he found himself pausing. Briefly glancing at his sister. It was funny, it was so easy for him to not exist as who he was now. He was also one of dozens, maybe hundreds of topbots. It was so easy for it not to have been him. To never feel the joy of being alive…
It was, scary when he thought about it. Which was more often they others may think.
"Alright, now let's get one thing straight. Like you all, I was curious about the exact details of my creation, so this first part will be what I got from my wonderful creator and father. If it's not exactly what happened." He shrugged. "Sucks for you, because again, I wasn't there."
"Platinum." Mu said with some frustration as the robot chuckled. And after a moment, begin to recount the tale of his creation…
It was around a little over three years ago, the evening that started his creation. Back when they were still on the airship, the orbital station only beginning to be worked on. Back when Right Hand Man had no clue one day half his body would be replaced by metal. Back before they knew one day they would be stranded on an alien planet by the government. Back before it seemed that one man came and almost managed to turn the clan's lives around for the worst…
It had been a busy week for the leader and his right hand at the time, so since they finally got some downtime, they decided to spend the night with their daughter. Sure, they tried to do this even when they were working, but this week made that near impossible. Lots of things to do and very little time. So it was in order, at least in Reginald's mind. And Hat Kid was happy, just messing around with the two all night long.
Although near the end Reginald had noticed something off. She didn't really talk about what she did the past week, something she normally did when they had the time for these talks. She loved to talk about what little messes her and the other kids got into.
"So Hattie, Mr. Macbeth said he caught some kids gluing glitter all over the walls despite the fact they know they aren't supposed to." Reginald said, glancing over at the girl who glanced to the side. He didn't mean to put her on the spot, but he was just curious and wanted to see if he could get her to talk. "He didn't give me any names, but it seemed like something you and the others would do." Reginald stated as Hat Kid nodded. "Were you one of them?"
"No… Even if I wanted to, they wouldn't let me." Hat Kid said, looking at Reginald with an innocent expression. Reginald paused what he was doing, and glanced over at his husband, who looked to confirm he caught the wording as well. Reginald turned back to Hat Kid, who was whistling. Must have realized what she said. She then glanced at them. "Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have stickers on my face or something."
"Why did ya phrase it like t'at?" Right Hand Man asked, being careful to have his voice in a more gentle tone as he came over, raising a brow. "Because t'ey knew you would get in trouble, and you were our kid?"
"Maybe? I'm not really sure." Hat Kid explained, before covering his mouth and mumbling something about not wanting them to be in trouble. Reginald led Hat Kid over to the couch in their room and had her sit down with him, Right Hand Man following. It took a second of silent reassurance that nothing bad would happen, before she sighed. "The kids haven't been playing with me lately. I'm not mad I just, don't get why?"
"Have you tried talking to them?" Reginald asked, and Hat Kid gave a small nod. He sighed, glancing to the side for a moment. Was it because she was getting older? She was about twelve, almost a teenager but not quite yet. He remembered his time in that awkward state, wasn't the best. He glanced down and slightly readjusted his daughter's hat. "I'm sure they'll let you play with them again eventually. And in the impossible chance they don't, you can start hanging with the teens."
"I've tried that, they won't let me either." Hat Kid said, sighing. "Something about 'getting hurt' or something, I dunno…" She yawned.
"Oh, I didn't even realize the time. Why don't you go get ready for bed?" Reginald said after he took a glance at the clock, it was already a bit past Hat Kid's normal bedtime. Luckily, she rarely put up a fuss when she was told that and this wasn't one of those rare moments. With a nod she said bye and left the room. Once the door was closed and a few seconds had passed, he turned to his husband. "I should have noticed something was up."
"Reg, don't start on yerself, she understands we're busy." Right Hand Man said, getting up with a stretch as he went to go take care of the little bit of paperwork they had left from that day. They already had to give a lot to Sven this week, so they didn't want to toss more. The man needed a break. Right glanced over his shoulder as he worked. "Still, I do find it a little strange. Is t'is normal? Ya know I wouldn't know."
"Maybe?" Reginald asked with a shrug, going over and unbuttoning his overshirt to help cool off from the heat in the room, helped him get ready to sleep easier, especially when he was worried. "Still, she doesn't deserve to be alone when we're not around."
"I know Reg, I know. Not muc' can be done t'ough. We can't make t'em be 'er friends. T'is is a criminal clan." Right Hand Man said, a small yawn in his voice. Reginald gave a sigh as he nodded and glanced at the ceiling as he layed in his bed. The idea of her being 'alone' worried him more then her not having a playmate, however. "Finally." He hard Right Mumble before heading over to the bed, untieing his hair for the night.
"What if something happens to us one of these days and she has no one?" Reginald asked as he turned his head slightly, glancing up at his husband. He saw Right pause for a moment, before sitting down beside him without an answer. She wouldn't be alone, they both silently reassured themselves, or at least tried too. "I know the clan would protect her but still, what if something happens and they can't? They're only human after all."
"We all are. Nothin' we can do about that." The future-cyborg said, leaning beside Reginald and allowing the man to run a hand through his hair. Right kept his annoyed mumble quiet, Reg needed this. "It's not like we can have her in a metal suit in case things go wrong." He tried to joke.
"No we cannot." Reginald said with the faintest chuckle in his voice, but the mention of metal brought an idea to mind. The topbots. They were rarely used and likely would be scrapped once they got the station up in a few years. Maybe he could take one, and reprogram it to keep an eye on her and keep her safe if anything happens. Who knows? Maybe he could even program it with some games. Make it act like a friend to her, maybe even like a brother…
"Ya ok Reg? Ya stared off into space again." Right Hand Man asked with a snap of his fingers, tilting his head as Reginald glanced at him. Reginald simply responded but quickly pulled the man closer, as fast as he could, and gave a kiss. Right rolled his eyes at the act, but didn't break for a few seconds. He chuckled as he glanced at him. "I swear I never understand what goes t’rough yer head sometimes, Reggie. I mean it."
"Maybe I like it that way?" Reginald asked, raising a brow as Right Hand Man chuckled. He then let out a yawn. "I'm heading to bed, night." He said as he closed his eyes.
"That quickly?" he could hear the head shake in his husband's voice and refused to move as he pulled the blanket out from under the 'sleeping' man. Reginald eventually got a 'night' in return as he felt an arm wrapped around him. Reginald smiled a bit more. He didn't know it then, but his and his son's fate had just been sealed.
Working on the topbot was strange. It felt like it took forever yet no time at all, as the time went by quickly once he had the freetime to work on it. He originally just played to reprogram it, but after deciding to lean into the 'brother' aspect as much as possible, ending up speaking a week alone remodeling the robot to look more human, especially more teen-like. Don't even ask him how he got the hair, he just black out mentally and it was there when he came back.
It all went smoothly, from the programming to the redesigning. The only incident he had was when he was working on some of the coding, something happened and he got shocked. He was fine and it wasn't even a bad shock, but something did feel a bit… odd afterwards. He couldn't quite place it however, so he didn't make a big deal about it. Would risk people finding out before he was ready. After at the very least a month of actual work, he felt the topbot was ready to test.
He didn't have the best place for the test, and he didn't want to use the same old, dusty space he’d been using to keep the topbot a surprise. So he snuck it to storage on a day he knew no one should be there, leaning the robot against a tank and removing the cloak he used to cover it while moving it, in case anyone saw.
"There we go…" Reginald smiled a bit as he glanced at the topbot. Its orange eyes were dull now, but he knew in a matter of moments they would glow with the light of life. If only he knew how true that statement was. He grabbed a few things from the box he brough, mostly just stuff for any adjustments he needed to make. "Well… no sense in holding back." He took the remote to the topbot, and pressed the 'on' button. He glanced up at the machine, no idea his world was about to be turned around.
The topbot's eyes lit up, and slowly blinked. It moved its head up yet its expression was blank. Reginald sighed inside, he was hoping he could get it to smile when he turned it on. But no matter, he could adjust that. Or maybe he just needed to give the topbot coding time to adjust to the new coding of being a protector, a brother. The robot glanced at him with the blank expression, tracking his movements faintly with its eyes.
"Hello Platinum." Reginald welcomed, despite knowing the topbot should know who he was. He grabbed a picture of Hat Kid he had brought, and held it up. He saw the topbot's eyes lock onto the picture quickly. "There's many things I programmed you to do. But…" He smiled. "Your main purpose is to keep her safe."
"Keep her safe…" The robot repeated his words, using the voice he spent a whole day working on so it was near-impossible to tell he recorded its lines… But that… wasn't one of them, was it? Inside the topbot's head, questions started to form… questions? thoughts? It didn't make sense… And that was when the new files began to try and find their place in it's- no, his head, and his eyes went wide.
"Platinum?" The man in front of him questioned, and the topbot glanced at him, shaking a bit as he stepped back. Platinum. Who was Platinum? He was Unit- No, No, His name was Platinum. How could he not know that? Why did he have a name? He glanced at the man in front of him, briefly words appeared in his vision and made the machine shout a small bit as he jumped back into the thing behind him. "Wait- Are you alright?"
"Am I?!" The machine asked, covering his mouth. That was an emotion in his voice, in him. He didn't know what it was, but it wasn't something he was supposed to feel normally. He then pause, he covered his mouth? He closed and open it, feeling the movement. He didn't have that before, did he? He didn't… He didn't do anything before, did he. Of course he did. He was a… "What's going on?! Why can I… feel." Platinum moved his hand slightly, watching with a mix of emotions he didn't know.
"How is this…" Reginald had begun to reach for the remote, but paused. The topbot in front of him seemed truly scared…
"Shouldn't you know Chef- No, Reginald- No, Dad?" Platinum asked in that one emotion, the words under the two hatted man kept changing as the files updated his information. The files, they were acting too quickly for him to try and focus. Trying to give him information on things he had zero clue on yet. Trying too, he didn't even know. "I-I can't do this. I-I can't, I'm broken. I-I can't do anything, there's too much, I-I-"
"Platinum, it's ok!" Reginald reached for the topbot's sleeved arm as the robot looked at him, his orange eyes shaking and some oily tears just starting to form in the bottom of it. He didn't understand why the topbot could be acting this way. He shouldn't be acting this way, it wasn't how he programmed his script… but maybe he wasn't running on it. "I don't know what's going on, but if you calm down, I'm sure we can work it out."
"Work on…me? Work means off!" Platinum backed up, pulling his arm away from the man. Something told him he didn't feel this way about being turned off against his will before. But that was when he didn't feel anything, when he didn't have a will. "I-I just wanna be left alone!"
"Platinum, I-" Reginald reached for him again, but Platinum pulled away and bumped his head into the thing behind him. He glanced back at it, and looked up slightly. He didn't know what it was, and it seemed the files in his head were racing to find an answer for him, which hurt his head more. But on top of the thing appeared to be an opening. "Wait, you can't go in that-" Reginald said once he saw the robot begin to climb up the tank.
"J-Just give me a moment!" Platinum cried out as he managed to open the tank and hop inside, closing it before Reginald had a chance to catch up with him. Platinum glanced around the dark space, letting out some shaky breaths as he got to his knees, taking his hand to his chest. He heard the entrance tried to be open, but he reached up and kept it closed. "P-Please! Leave! I don't know what's going on! I-I swear I'm not…"
Reginald was quiet as he listened to the sobs inside. "Ok… But you can't stay there forever. It's not safe." He said, gently patting the hatch. Even if he wanted to go in, Platinum had locked it so he couldn't get inside. "Just try and calm down.." he said as he began to head down the tank.
Once he was down on the ground, he sat for a moment, and thought.
Somehow, Platinum wasn't just an AI running on a script like he intended. He was alive, fully aware. Was every topbot like this? Having its own hidden soul waiting for the chance to express itself without being controlled… No, judging by his son’s reaction to, well, everything, it seemed Platinum had no idea what it meant to be alive. Just throwing the gift of life seemed to have caused him his panic.
"Well, know I wished I did this is small session." Reginald said, burying his head in his hands and letting out a mumble. He wasn't upset Platinum was alive, far from it. But he wasn't expecting to be the first to create a fully aware robot. One that was now sobbing inside the tank. It made him feel awful. If he knew, he would have taken it slower. Give Platinum time to adjust slowly.
It was too late for that now. Reginald glanced at the remote. He could turn Platinum off and move him somewhere calmer, but he was scared by the idea of being off… Which meant he was likely scared of Reginald now. He couldn't bring Hattie to him like this… that left only one option.
Right Hand Man was in his room, cleaning his bat with the tiniest hum coming from his voice. He just got back from a robbery and he got blood on it. Hey, it wasn't his fault the cop got in his way and refused to step away. He didn't hit hard enough to kill, so he was sure they would be fine after a month or two. That was just what you got when you messed with the Right Hand of the toppats. He wouldn't let himself or anyone else be taken away, not when he was around.
He heard the door open behind him and gave the smallest smile as he looked over his shoulder, seeing his husband. The smile faded a bit even as Reginald gave a small wave. Right Hand Man was no idiot. He could tell something was off. But he also knew just flat-out asking likely wouldn't hurt. Reginald had a bit of pride in him after all, and wouldn't acknowledge what was wrong unless it was him who acknowledged it. So Right would need to find a way to get him to do so.
He got up, tossing the cloth to the side as he went to put the bat back with the rest of his weapons. He glanced over as Reginald sat on the bed, glancing to the side with a look of questioning in his eyes.
"Everyt’in' went well at communications?" Right Hand Man started, Reginald giving a small nod. Perfect, he might be able to get Reginald to say it in conversation, without realizing it. Still, the nod seemed genuine as that was the only thing Right was aware of Reginald needing to do that day. And Burt wouldn't be the one to get the chef worried about something, that was Sven's job. "Good. Burt 'asn't 'ad any added stress about t'e eventually station plans?"
"He says he's sure he can handle the orbital station when the time comes." Reginald said with a smile. He looked at Right and sat beside him, and it made him sigh. God, how was he supposed to start this out. 'So, I made a living AI and he's our son?'. Right didn't even want anymore kids and he didn't mean to push one on him like this. He sighed. "Do you, remember when we first got Hattie?" He started, glancing as his husband nodded.
"Not sure I could ever forget." Right Hand Man said, glancing out the window nearby. The sight of that crashed spaceship would never leave his memory. "Why do ya ask? Because of 'er friends issue?"
"Perhaps… do you remember how she was sad about that rumba of hers?" Regianld asked, getting a nod after Right took a few seconds to fully remember. He could tell back then that it meant a lot to her, but she could tell they were a bit confused so she was doing her best not to seem too emotional over it. He didn't understand why but he wasn't going to question it. "I wonder what it must have been like for her, all alone with nothing but her little robot friend."
"Well, judging by her reaction, they were close." Right Hand Man said. He was a little confused by the way Reginald was taking the cover nation. Why bring up something she seemed to have moved on from? Was he, trying to fix it? He did catch Reginald going through parts of stuff they stole and borrowing tools, all while he thought Right wasn't looking. "Reg, why are you bringin' this up?" Right finally decided to ask as Reginald glanced to the side.
"I… might have done something…" Reginald said, like a child trying to avoid getting in trouble. Right just rolled his eyes and waited for Reginald to finish. The man sighed. "So I… took aside a topbot and reprogrammed it."
"All on yer own? Self taug't?" Right asked with a brow raised, and Reginald gave a sheepish smile as he nodded. Right was still full of questions, new ones like 'why' being added into that pot inside his brain. But he couldn't help but be at least a little amazed, he suspected Reginald was working on something machine based, but programming was a nightmare from what he understood. "Dunno w'y ya did it. But ya should be proud, Reg."
"I am. It's just… my programming went a little too far… and I accidentally gave him life?" Reginald said sheepishly, looking at Right. Right was caught off guard by that, and his face showed. Reginald had to hold in a chuckle as he explained more. "I made him to act like a brother to Hat Kid. Someone too keeps her safe even in the worst case scenario… I also had us programed as his fathers just for more of the heck of it, but now he's alive and-"
"Ya basically made us a new kid?" Right summarized it as Reginald nodded. He let out a sigh as he brought a hand down his face, shaking it slightly. "Reg, I love ya. But couldn't ya 'ave at t'e very least ask me first? We just got used to bein' Dads for Hattie."
"In my defense, I wasn't trying to make an actual son! Just more of a toy? …That sounds wrong knowing he's alive now." Reginald said, shaking his head as Right Hand Man nodded. He was a bit annoyed but it, couldn't be helped. He just had to live with it. Besides, it was a robot child so hopefully he would be a little easier then Hat Kid, and he had experience. "I should have told you, I'm sorry. I just wanted him to be a surprise."
"It's ok, but no more kids after this, please Reg. We're the leaders of a criminal organization, that alone puts our kids at risk." Right Hand Man said, and Reginald nodded. After a moment Right paused. He didn't know if the robot was listening in on the cover nation. He got up to check, ready to talk to him about things since he could have made him mad. "Well, I guess I should go meet him. He's outside waiting, isn't he."
"No, he's in a tank." Reginald said, and Right looked a little shocked. "When I turned him on the sudden self-awareness gave him a panic attack, he climbed into it and I couldn't get him out. I was hoping you could come help me?" Reginald asked. "I think he might be scared I'll just turn him off against his will."
"I suppose the concept is horrifying when you are a machine." Right Hand Man said with a sigh, adjusting his bandana around his neck so he could breathe just a little bit easier. Reginald got into the hall with him and they began to head to storage, Reginald silently hoping nothing had happened while he was gone. It was only about ten minutes at max, but it felt like an hour, somehow. "So, what did you name him? Or does he not have one yet?"
"His name is Platinum. It's not very creative but, I felt it fit." Reginald said, as Right nodded. Platinum Copperbottom, had a ring to it he suppose. He felt Reginald grab his hand and Right glance up slightly at him. He could see worry was starting to get to him. He just had his hand a slight squish and Reginald nodded. "It'll be fine, he'll be fine. We'll just have to take things slow. Hopefully he isn't mad."
"If anything he should be glad once he calms down." Right commented as Reginald glanced at him. "Not everyday you're the lucky one out of hundreds of soulness machines to be given life."
Reginald nodded, and couldn't help but think about it. Would 'Platinum' have ended up different depending on which topbot he used… Why was he wondering that? Platinum was Platinum. He just hoped they could get him to see that…
Platinum wasn't sure how long he was in what he now knew was a tank. It felt like forever. But he didn't mind it. He had managed to get the files to slow their uploading inside his head, and that allowed him to think more clearly, process things clearly. Looking back, he was a bit embarrassed about how he reacted in front of his father, but what was Dad expecting? Him to just turn on and be chill and ready to go? He just tossed awareness onto an object, of course the 'object' would panic.
He slowly glanced at his hands, moving them. Watching as the light from his new orange eyes shone off them. He was still fascinated. It was strange. His memory of being today was blurred. There was stuff but it was hard to recall because there wasn't any Platinum there to remember. He wasn't sure how to feel about this in the long run. But he couldn't stay inside this tank forever. He had a battery that needed to be charged eventually after all.
He climbed back to the hatch, and he took a breath. He didn't need to breathe, but it helped soothe the small nerves building up. He glanced outside the tank when he opened the hatch. Reginald was gone. Huh, he was honestly expecting his father to be waiting. At least he seemed to represent his space…
"Thank goodness he didn't turn me on in front of her." Platinum sighed as he rest his arms in front of him. By now he had fully recovered his programmed purpose, to be a brother to Hat Kid. And he wanted to be a good one, he genuinely did. He just didn't know how he would make any relationship if she saw him panic like that… he paused as he glanced down at the tank. "You know, I could get used to this." He went to go get a look at the controls.
"Oi!" A voice called and it made him jump a bit. Already the files were trying to speed up again, there weren't too many left, but he didn't want to risk freaking out again. He glanced over and saw his father come in with a man. Somehow the man looked familiar, probably had info but he had stopped that file to calm down easier. "Platinum, get out of the tank!" The man said. Platinum gave a smirk, he was programmed to be a troublemaker after all.
"You're not my dad." Platinum started with a chuckle, leaning back with a smug smile. The man looked confused and glanced at his dad. Reginald shrugged at his husband, he could only assume something went wrong in Platinum file's trying to be uploaded.
Right Hand Man tried not to get mad, just annoyed. "Get out of t'e freakin' tank, I am yer Dad!" He called, and Platinum pulled his head back to laugh right as Reginald nodded to his husband's words, so the robot didn't see it. Right glanced at Reginald again and he just mouth the word 'troublemaker'. Of course, Right rolled his eyes. The perfect kind of friend for Hat Kid but not the best type for getting a teen to listen.
"You’re not my Dad!" Platinum started with a chuckle, ducking his head back in for a moment as he heard the man let out a mumble of frustration. He wasn't lying, was he? And besides, this was who he was. It was his first day, they could give him some slack if he was pushing it. He glanced back out with an innocent smile on his face as the red haired man sighed. He glanced at his Dad and gave a thumbs up as Reginald sighed as well.
"Yes I am yer Dad, get out of t'e freakin' tank!" Right Hand Man said as the topbot teen laughed. He sighed. "Ya could get hurt!" He added.
"I'm in a tank and you're not!" Platinum stated boldly, glancing at the man. His bold smile faded when his files finally began to finish processing. And he was instantly hit with the relation that not only was this the second in command of all the toppats. He was, in fact, his Dad. He wanted to hop back in the tank but, he already made himself a bit of a fool here. "Alright, I'll head down. Sorry, my files just finished uploading, Pops."
"Good, but I'm makin' sure that tank is moved to a ground base." Right commented, the teen grumbling a bit as he came down. He glanced at Reginald and then back at the topbot. Now that the 'inside a deadly weapon' issue was taken care of, they were able to take in the fact that Platinum seemed fine now. That was good. "Just don't head into somethin' like that next time you get scared. I understand, but if you pressed a button, things could have gotten bad fast." Right stated, as Platinum nodded faintly.
"At least you're ok." Reginald finally spoke, glancing at Platinum with a smile. Platinum gave a look of 'why wouldn't I be?', but knew what he was referring to. Reginald faintly glanced at the box he still had nearby, with everything he had planned to use earlier if readjustments were needed. He scolded his past self a bit before turning back to his son. "Are you feeling alright? You're systems haven't overheated, have they?"
"I'm fine Dad. Just was… surprised?" Platinum said, looking at the two. To be honest, he still wasn't sure if that was the word he was looking for. He knew what emotions were now but actually pin-pointing the ones he was feeling was still a bit of a challenge. He assumed he would pick up on it quickly though. Just needed the chance to feel more. "Sorry to scare you, just, didn't know how else to react… And besides, you know how you made me."
"I do." Reginald said, a small chuckle in his voice as Right Hand Man rolled his eyes. Even as the man did so, there was a small smile on his face. Sure, Platinum was meant to be a surprise and he’d rather have been aware, but hey. He was his son, nothing would change that. Reginald glanced at Platinum. "Do you feel like you're ready to meet-"
"Dad, Papa? What's with the robot with you?" A young voice called that spook all three of them, at least a little bit. Platinum was the first to recover from the spook, glancing to the stairs where Hat Kid was heading down with a head tilt. She seemed to be eyeing the robot in curiosity and just a hint of worry. "Why is he looking at me, is he a topbot?" She asked. Platinum glanced at his Dads, and got a nod of 'go ahead' from Reginald.
"Well Hat Kid." He said as he headed over, being slow as to try and not spook her. He bent down to her level when he got close enough. "I'm Platinum! Dad and Pops have been working on me for awhile now, mostly Dad. I'll be your big brother and I'll make sure you'll never be alone!" He could have sworn he saw sparkles enter her eyes as she let out a small gasp of excitement. Before quickly hugging him. "Hehe, so you like me?"
"Yea! Thank You Dad, Thank you Papa!" Hat Kid said, calling over her new brother's shoulder at the men, before breaking free of the hug and grabbing Platinum's arm. "Come on, there's so much I wanna show you. Oh, the others are going to be jealous!"
"I bet!" Platinum said, before quickly running off with her, making sure she was in his sights at all times.
"Well, t'at went smoot'ly." Right Hand Man commented.
"Yea… You know, I didn't program every little thing about Platinum. I wanted to see if the script could make its own choices…" Reginald glanced back at the hall. "I can't wait to see who he grows to be."
"And that's pretty much it. Yea, My first few moments weren't pretty, but hey, I'm here today and that's all that matters." Platinum finished as he turned back to the group. For whatever reason, Hat Girl told him to tell the story on the go since she wanted to take them somewhere. A little odd seeing how it was almost over anyway at the time, but he didn't question his sister. He glanced back at the others. "Thoughts."
"Ye should have fired the tank and seen what would've happened." The Conductor said, Platinum chuckling while DJ Grooves and Mu facepalmed. He turned to the chuckle of his sister and smiled. He… wasn't the best at the protection role he was programmed for. But he made sure she never was alone. Back when Dad and Pops were gone, he rarely left her side. He didn't know what would happen if he lost all three of them. "So, what's yer birthday anyway?"
"It's around this time of year actually." Hat Girl said with a smile. A smile that seemed a bit too knowing for Platinum. He paused and sighed, glancing at his sister with a brow raised. "You finally got it, didn't you?" She asked. "You forget every year."
"Wait, really? Today is your birthday." DJ Grooves asked. "And you forgot?" Platinum let out a grone. He could see why they were excited, sure. But he was always just happy to be alive. And while he never told anyone, his birthday brought back the fact he was once a normal topbot, and it easily could have been another one who got the life he now would fight for… "I'm surprised they're not throwing you a big party right now."
"Oh, there's a party waiting, they just never make it big because they know I rather my own be small." Platinum said, pausing when Hat Girl opened the door. Shadow Kid jumped out and grabbed his leg, and he gave a small smile talking about what was inside. There was a sigh as Right Hand Man peaked his head out of the room, shaking his head. "You all weren't going to surprise me. And even if you did, there wouldn't be much of a reaction."
"Just get in 'ere Plat." Right Hand Man said, with an eyes roll yet a small smile. The room wasn't anything fancy, and there wasn't too much going on inside besides a few people who were welcomed to come. But if Platinum had to have his own party, that was the way he liked it. He chuckled slightly with an eye roll.
Luckily, he had been in this kind of situation twice before so he was decent at getting through the typical convos and stuff that came when you were the one the party was celebrating. The only thing he really had to do was eventually open the gifts, well, besides having fun. Luckily, his parents or Macbeth would step in if it was clear Plat was feeling a little lost in one convo and just wanted out. He thanked them for that, at least.
He ended up spending most of the time with Van and Hat Girl, just hanging out like it wasn't anything special. And it made it feel special. He found himself glancing at Van when he was sure no one was looking because they just looked so pretty today. The lights that Macbeth had dug up for the party almost made them glow and it seemed only he saw that. It actually made him a bit glad he had a party for once. At least he knew what he might be able to do for Van's…
Hat Girl eventually caught him and he had to snap out of his self-trace before anyone else noticed. Sure basically everyone on the station knew he had a crush on someone now, but he didn't want those who didn't know whom yet knew it was Van. Less of all let Van know.
"I'm surprised you aren't trying to sneak away and do something, if you really don't want to be here." Mu commented as she leaned against the wall while speaking with him, eating a bit of the cake. Platinum couldn't eat it but he didn't really mind because he didn't really care for food anyway. Because he couldn't eat. "It does seem nice for you, even if it's not anything grand… better than anything I've gotten." She whispered to herself.
"Sorry.." Platinum said, having heard her. Mu just shrugged like she didn't care, and Platinum stepped away and went over to his fathers. "Dad, is it ok if I open my stuff and go. I may have stayed up late the last few nights so my battery isn't as charged as it should be." A lie, but it allowed him to go with a nod from Reg. He made sure no one really noticed. Hat Girl thought about calling attention to it, but didn't. She knew her brother.
He stuffs the wrapping paper in his pockets to hide it as he opens his stuff. There wasn't too much, but he liked it that way. He always told his Dads never to get him much of anything, and they confusedly did so.
He did pause when he opened one though. "Woah." He said to himself. It wasn't anything too grand. It was just a jacket in the same style of the one he always wore. But the colors were those of the pan flag. He should've known his Dads would've gotten him that after coming out, but still. It stood out for some reason. Maybe because it reminded him of the joy it was to be yourself, even if it was a different type of 'be yourself' then the colors represented. He threw it on quickly, standing up and smiling at it. "Hey, thanks!" He called to his Dads nearby, before turning to the others.
He saw Van glancing at him. Was that a.. blush on their cheek? He decided to get a closer look. He heard a "Yer welcome!" From Right as Platinum went over to his crush.
"You look really good in that, Platinum." Van said with a smile on their face, the topbot giving a happy nod as he took a step back and did a little spin to show off… before almost losing his balance. Van quickly grabbed him and stopped, letting out a chuckle. "We know you're a star of the show, but try not to break a leg."
"Star? Nah, I'm more of the disco ball. Does that, even make sense." Platinum asked, tilting his head. Still, he felt his faceplates warm up a bit at Van's comment. But then he saw Van raise a brow. "What is it."
They hesitated for a moment. "Um…Did you get updated again recently?" Van asked. Platinum gave a confused nod, it was two days ago. Just replacing some parts that may have broken. Add any features Reginald could add, as long as they didn't risk messing with his code. "It's faint but… you're blushing."
"What?!" Platinum caught sight of his face using his hand. Van was right, it was faint but there was some sort of light shining through his plates like a blush. "How-"
"Oh, that was me." Hat Girl chuckled as she bumped between the two. "Dad had to leave to take care of an emergency while he was replacing some of the wires in your head, so me and Snatcher made a quick upgrade."
"You're welcome!" The ghost called from nearby.
"Sis, because it's my birthday and I'm generous, you get ten seconds. RUN." A timer appeared in his eyes as Hat Girl quickly darted out of the room with a laugh. Van shook their head a bit.
"If it makes you feel better. I think the blush looks nice on you." Van stated. That made Platinum's blush feature activate more. But yet, he couldn't help but smile.
He was so lucky to be alive…
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thunderbabybear · 5 months
(posting late, computer broke before I got to post it after the Alice one shot!)
"Not guilty", a chorus erupted around her from the party, she bit her tongue. Pearls never would've thought she'd find herself on trial, especially in the face of murder. The crime they suggest hadn't happened yet, but she still felt a heavy pit in her stomach.
"What would you do for a chance to have him back, would you kill for it?"
Her face drops to the ground.
Today has been oh so confusing, for poor, sweet Alice. When the day started, she almost could have sworn that she may have been someone she was not, but everyone insisted it was her after all, poor, sweet Alice. Her dad when he was alive, told her a few fanatical tales like this, of days that were off, people who were big and small and not who they really were at all, but it was too much for poor Alice even then, she liked the story's that started at the start, and finished at the end with a happy ever after.
But- this story was not like that at all, with a beginning and an end, it was one that made her feel like she was going in loops! She saw Kravitz, the white rabbit, she touched him even, hung gently on the long ribbons of his coat tail, and he just quickened away because he was late. Late, late for what? After all she was standing here! But that was the issue wasn't it, maybe, just maybe, she really was Alice, because she had never, when she was someone else, been shrugged off so easily from Kravitz. Or maybe he was right, and he was the rabbit, and not her missing, reaper father. How peculiar indeed, as she used to be one of his favorite people, at least she was, when she wasn't Alice.
She went through a variety of doors, that had not been there before, she swears. Then there was the tea party, without tea, her mind in absolute knots over being offered a cup and then none was given. To make matters worse, she was a rat at once, or twice! And then big, and then small! And she was so confused when she wound up on who she almost thought could've been her god-dad's doorstep, if she was someone else that is. She has a bite to eat, how peculiar that it was not off in this twisted place she thought. And then once more she stood in front of people she should've known, that should've known her, but her mind flipped around again and again seeing her catty friend, the Cheshire cat, here, one of the places they needed to go having told them poorly instructions. How odd it all was!
After a long, hard, very very confusing day for sweet Alice, she finally tumbled her way, ever so clumsily, down off a wall, into the rose bushes, face first; her blue dress and apron snagged on the thorns and her face, stung up and angry threatening to bleed. Alice couldn't have been more mortified. How embarrassing it would've been.
Everything stopped for Alice when she heard the Red Knight, brushing off her skirt, her eyes snapped up.
When she heard the Red Knight, she could've sworn that all along, she wasn't really Alice, she was Pearls Rortugal-Lavillant. And that the tall rabbit this morning was her missing father, and the red suit of armour grunting at her to get inside was her very dead, very gone, dad. He stood about the same height after all, didn't he, and he crouched to her. Pearls wailed violently, she held him like a shaking leaf, because she was here, and he was crouched asking her to leave. Why didn't he want her, why didn't anyone today want her!
"Get inside" the knight said. Poor, foolish, Alice, she sobbed so openly at his rebuttal for her to walk away, but not because he was asking her to leave, but because she remembered that he was truly, really, already gone. As she turned in her black buckled shoes, Pearls knows she heard him say softly, "Just play along, I love you.".
Her little shoes tromped to Enid, her mind a confusing fog, her lungs hiccuped in air trying to forget the sound of him telling her to leave but obeying his instructions. Pearls always listened to him, and now he was telling her play along.
How confusing it is to play along when you don't understand the game! When she entered the palace, she heard her options inside the great hall, they insisted she'd commit a crime she'd never even imagined. How could this be what Antolio wanted her to do, her ears must've played tricks, because she thought no dad would have wanted her to play along with being put on trial!
"Maybe it didn't happen yet, maybe it will. What would you do for the chance? Would you kill to have him back?"
Maybe -- she would play along. Maybe that is what he wanted. Maybe she had to play.
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thegrandharveyspecter · 11 months
Grumpy Lawyer, Sleepy Ant; a Harvey & Scott Drabble
Or; 5 times Harvey found Scott sleeping in an odd place, and 1 time it was normal
1. San Francisco Park Bench
Mike complained that Harvey had been working too much and he needed to do something else. So, Harvey took a flight down to San Francisco. He wasn't planning on meeting up with Scott; it just happened that way when Harvey was strolling through a park.
It was around 9:00PM, the sun was gone and the stars and moon were out. Scott Lang was laying on one of the benches, one arm hanging off the bench, the other draped over his eyes.
Harvey could've been gentle in waking Scott, like a normal human being, but Harvey wasn't normal and Scott shouldn't have been sleeping on a park bench.
Harvey kicked one of the bench's legs twice. Scott made a sort of straggled noise and jerked up. He would've fallen off had he not grabbed the back of the bench.
"What's happening?" Scott slurred, looking around in a daze. When his eyes landed on Harvey, he tilted his head. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you that," Harvey replied, dryly. "I thought you'd have more sense than to sleep outside on a park bench. You could be jumped any minute."
"Hey, if someone tried to attack me, I could defend myself easily," Scott said, stretching his arms above his head. "I don't always need my suit, you know. I can fight without it."
"I know, but it's still stupid sleeping outside on a bench," Harvey said. "Go home."
Scott got off the bench and smirked a little. "Be careful, Harv. It sounds like you care about my well-being."
Harvey rolled his eyes, turned Scott around and gave him a light push. "I don't. Now go home."
2. Subway Station
When someone called Harvey's office and told him that His Nuisance was sleeping in the subway station, Harvey thought for the hundredth time that he should get rid of Scott Lang. If the citizens of Seattle gave him a title like that, it meant too many people saw them together and assumed they were friends.
Harvey drove down to the subway station and wandered through the area. There weren't many people around but there was no sign of Scott. He started to wonder if it was just a prank call after a few minutes of nothing. It was when he was nearing a staircase that he saw Scott curled up like a cat under it.
Harvey kneeled and thought about how to wake him this time. He took his phone from his pocket and started searching for the alarm. He turned the volume up to 100 and pressed play.
The alarm blared obnoxiously loud, almost echoing. Scott shot upright and his head smacked against the bottom of the staircase. Harvey winced, thought Scott's helmet would've activated when he got up, but it didn't. Scott groaned and held his bleeding forehead.
"That hurt!" Scott whined. He turned and glared at Harvey. "What's the matter with you?!"
"That's what you get for sleeping under a staircase," Harvey said, unfazed by Scott's glare. "You're like a cat, curled under there."
Scott crawled out and Harvey stood with him. Scott continued to rub his forehead. He was going to have that headache for quite some time.
"Why were you sleeping under there?" Harvey asked.
"I was on a mission, I finished the mission, and then I took a nap," Scott said, still glaring. "It was nice until you came along. What if I got a concussion?"
"You're being dramatic."
"How did you even know where I was?" Scott asked, lowering his hand.
"Someone called the office and said they saw My Nuisance sleeping at the subway station, so I came looking."
Scott raised an eyebrow. "How did you know they were talking about me and not Mike?"
"Because everyone in Seattle calls Mike my kid brother or My Problem Child," Harvey said. "So when they said "Your Nuisance", I knew they were talking about you."
Scott was silent for a moment as he seemed to contemplate what that meant. Harvey could see the wheels turning and the lightbulb ding when Scott realized what being called Harvey's Nuisance meant.
"People here gave me a nickname for you, that means they think we're friends." Scott sounded too happy and his smile would've been contagious if Harvey was a normal person. "Are you still going to deny we're friends now?"
"We aren't friends."
Scott groaned loudly. "Come on! Stop being in denial!"
"Go home and sleep off that headache," Harvey said, waving him off. "Shoo."
"I have this headache because of you. You should at least give me a ride."
3. Harvey's Pocket
Harvey, as it turned out, was not safe from Scott Lang for more than a few days before he pounced. Or rather, when he half popped out of Harvey's breast pocket and nearly gave him a heart attack. Apparently it wasn't the first time Scott slept in there.
"I use your pocket square as a blanket. What can I say? It's soft," Scott sighed in content. "You also work as a taxi this way, getting me to places I want or need to be."
Harvey grabbed one of Scott's tiny arms and pulled him out of his pocket. The little ant started squirming, but Harvey knew if he wanted to, Scott could grow back to proper size in a flash. He was just being indulgent.
"Listen, Knievel," Harvey said, scowling. "I'm not a taxi service and I'm not a bed."
"But you can be, Pops! You need to have more faith in your abilities." Scott's helmet was on, but Harvey knew for a fact he was smirking. Harvey shook him.
Scott shifted out of his grip and grew back to normal size. His helmet retracted and Harvey could officially see his smirk. He was much too satisfied. Freaking brat.
"Look at it this way. This is the first time you didn't have a heart attack when I grew back to normal size in front of you."
"No, you gave it to me when you popped out of my pocket," Harvey said. "Stop sleeping in weird places. And this is the last time you're sleeping in my pocket."
Scott flatly said, "No."
Harvey didn't know which he was saying no to, but he had the feeling it was the latter. Or both.
4. Bonsai Tree
Donna said that their house needed more greenery, so she sent Harvey out to the flower shop to buy some kind of plant. He didn't really know what to look for. He was still bad at that kind of thing.
While Harvey was roaming the flower shop, he thought of asking the cashier for some advice when he saw something odd in one of the bonsai trees.
Scott Lang was laying underneath the branches of the tree like he was actually outside. Why and how Scott could sleep anywhere was beyond Harvey. He grabbed a nearby garden spade and poked Scott's side.
"Why?!" Scott complained, turning on his side and glaring at Harvey. "I was dreaming about pirate ships and dragons!"
"If you want to nap under a tree, why don't you go outside?" Harvey asked, ignoring his whining.
"It's too hot outside right now. I figured I'd nap here for a while," Scott answered, casually. "People would've left me alone if they saw me sleeping here anyway. Unlike you!"
By this point, the cashier and customers in the flower shop were giving Harvey odd looks. Right now, it looked like he was just talking to a bonsai tree and not Scott.
"Get out, come on." Harvey offered his palm for Scott to hop on. He did so and scurried up Harvey's arm and onto his shoulder.
"Hey. Hey...LISTEN!" Scott yelled, waving his arms. "Get it? Because you said I'm like Navi?"
It took all of Harvey's willpower not to flick Scott off his shoulder. "I hate you."
Harvey left the shop without any sort of plants and instead had Scott yammering his ear off.
5. Caboose
Harvey was scrolling through his phone while he waited for his coffee when he saw on the newsfeed that Ant-Man was found passed out in the back of a caboose. He didn't like the headline 'passed out' and wondered if Scott was actually injured, or if he was just napping like all the other times.
Harvey left the coffee shop and drove to the train station as fast as he could. When he got there, he wasn't surprised that there was a crowd of onlookers and some journalists. Harvey felt a sense of frustration building in his chest. Scott didn't need this kind of attention, especially if he really was injured.
He made his way to the caboose and pushed people to the side, easily ignoring complaints as he tugged them away, telling them to get away from Scott.
Harvey hopped into the caboose and walked over to where Scott lay on his side. His helmet was on, so Harvey couldn't make out any possible injuries there, but the rest of his body looked alright. It gave him some hope that Scott was okay.
"Wake up, Ant-kid," Harvey said, lightly rapping his knuckles against Scott's helmet. "Naptime's over. Wake up."
He knocked on Scott's helmet a couple more times until he finally shifted. Scott's helmet retracted. He had no injuries but he was sweating and ghost white. His eyes were glassy as he looked up at Harvey.
"Heeeey," Scott mumbled, his voice scratchy. "What's happenin'?"
"You passed out in a caboose," Harvey said, not quite sure if Scott finished a mission and got sick after. "Can you stand?"
Scott scowled at the idea but he nodded. Harvey gave him a helping hand and with some effort, they got Scott up on his feet. Harvey had to keep a hand on his shoulder to stop him from falling over.
The crowd only seemed to get bigger and Harvey was about ready to break a camera. He threatened as much when someone started snapping pictures.
Harvey said, "Get that camera out of here before I break it."
For some reason, Scott smiled.
+1. Harvey's Couch
It was a long, gloomy day. It was nonstop rain, thunder and lightning. Harvey had the house to himself tonight because Donna was back in New York to see her father. Normally, Harvey would think about a movie night with Mike, but he was too tired to deal with his Puppy Energy.
He was soaked when he got inside and just wanted a nice, hot shower. As he made his way through the house, he noticed a figure on the couch. At first he wondered if Mike somehow got here before he did as a surprise visit. He was proven wrong.
Scott Lang was curled up on the couch, head rested on one of the pillows. Harvey suspected that Scott shrunk and came in through the crack under the door or through the lock. He was in his normal clothes now, making himself at home.
This time, Harvey couldn't be bothered to wake him. Instead, he took the throw blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over Scott's body. He ruffled his hair a bit and left him sleeping in the living room.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. liii - sugar daddy
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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Dinner couldn't have gone better. Sure, Seonghwa's dad mostly ignored you, only throwing questions here and there to avoid Seonghwa's mom nagging at him. But he was mostly preoccupied with his phone. At one point, while his dad was so focused on his phone, Seonghwa leaned close to you and whisper 'one of the mistresses' to you, making you giggle.
"You know, (Y/N), I don't think I've ever seen Seonghwa smiled this wide when he's around us, you must be a pretty special lady," his mom said to you with a gentle smile.
You blushed in slight embarrassment at the compliment, "I sure hope so, ma'am, because I gotta say that he's very special to me too," you said as you look up to Seonghwa.
Hearing you said that made Seonghwa bit his bottom lip to prevent him from giggling out loud. So he opted to place a hand on your thigh and squeezed it gently, letting you know how he appreciated your words. Seeing this, his mom squealed and gushed about how adorable you both are and how glad she is that he found you.
Even after the topic was changed, Seonghwa didn't seem to lift his hand off of your thigh. He had actually moved to caress it gently with his fingers. You assumed it helped him be at ease so you didn't think much about it and let him be.
As dinner progressed to dessert, you found yourself having fun bonding with his mom and sometimes his dad when he wasn't glaring at his phone or when his mom directly addressed him. You realized that his parents are actually unlike most rich parents which then would explain why Seonghwa is who he is. Maybe minus the cheating father.
One other thing you realized is that Seonghwa's hand that was on your thigh had moved significantly higher, it was resting inside your skirt, just a bit past the hem, and that he was sitting closer than before. You felt your heartbeat quicken as his fingers drew shapes on your inner thigh, exhilarated yet worried and slightly embarrassed as his parents are directly across from you two.
"Honey, there's the Kims, we should go and say hi," his mom said, tapping his dad's arm and they immediately went over to the other table after excusing themselves for one second.
As quickly as they left, Seonghwa snapped his head to you in a panicked state, "quick, take off your panties!" he said in a hurried tone. You widened your eyes at him and stared at him as if he was crazy. But he kept urging you with a panicked voice, ultimately rendering you panicked as well. Nevertheless, you did as told and slyly slip your panties off and lift them with your legs to capture them but Seonghwa beat you to the punch as he took the panties and stashed them in his pockets. Just in time as his parents return to the table. Seonghwa sent you an inconspicuous wink and that was when you realized that he has a plan.
The first time he made a move was when you were taking a sip of your water. He let his finger roamed up and slip easily to your folds, almost making you choke.
"Oh gosh, dear, are you alright?" his mom asked you. You wanted to answer but you were still coughing slightly. Seonghwa took this as an opportunity. He used his perfect-boyfriend act when he pulled your hair out of your face and dab his napkin around your mouth, perfectly covering his other hand that managed to slip deep into your hole, almost making you choke again.
First strike.
His next move was when he was seemingly very much absorbed in a conversation about business with his parents, leaving you out of the conversation but still paying attention to you. Though his hand was still under your skirt, it remained stagnant and still.
But out of nowhere, as he talked about acquisition and mergers, his fingers pinched your clit rather harshly. You jolted up in surprise as your legs clamped shut, trapping Seonghwa's hand inside.
Again, his mom asked whether or not you were okay, and you tried your best to convinced her that you are despite Seonghwa's fingers' constant teasing. When Seonghwa turned around to look at you, you saw the smug smirk on his face and by God you never wanted to smack someone more.
Second strike.
The last strike was when you all were having dessert and Seonghwa pretended to have dropped his fork. You were on edge since he had taken his hand out for a while and the slick in your pussy had started to bother you.
He ducked down under the table just as you shifted the position of your legs. He saw his, literal, opening and slotted his face between your legs and licked a stripe up your pussy. Thank God for the table cloth or else you both would've been kicked out of the restaurant for sure.
You let out a sharp squeak which was thankfully held back a little because you had your mouth close.
Just as quickly as you reacted to him, Seonghwa also quickly returned to his position, playing the act of a perfect, doting boyfriend. "Baby, you okay? You don't look well," he made a fuss by pressing the back of his hand to your forehead and cheeks which were red because you've been blushing out of embarrassment and arousal.
"You know what, Seonghwa, sweetie, you should really take (Y/N) here home, take care of her, alright?" his mom said.
You smiled sheepishly at her and also to Seonghwa's dad, "I'm so sorry I had to cut things short," you told them. Seonghwa's mom laughed wholeheartedly at you as she waved her hands around, "it's no problem at all, darling. Besides, we're going to meet each other again soon, I'm going to make sure Seonghwa bring you to family dinner, okay?" she smiled warmly at you. Even his dad managed to look up at you and smiled genuinely.
After bidding your goodbyes to both of them, Seonghwa took your hand in his and immediately ran out to get his car from the valet. As you both waited, you grip on the lapel of his blazer and tugged him close to you, "how fucking dare you," you muttered lowly.
Seonghwa smirked and brushed his lips against the skin of your cheek, "can't help it baby, you looked so damn good and knowing I prettied you up made me... hungry," he growled. His lips moved to your ear to inconspicuously nibble on your earlobe, "who's your daddy?"
Your legs almost wobbled at that. If Seonghwa hadn't had his arm around you, you sure would've dropped to the ground and let him take you then and there.
But thankfully the car came right at that moment and to say you bolted yourself into the car.
Once Seonghwa got onto the driver's seat, he gripped onto your arm and stared at you intently, "you are not to touch yourself, you got me?" he stated. You stammered, you wanted to protest but he only stared at you, unmoving.
You jutted your lips and crossed your arms in protest, staring forward in disappointment. Much to your surprise, Seonghwa smacked your thigh hard enough to make it red, "I said, you got me?" he stressed each word, indicating that he needed verbal confirmation from you. "y-yes, I understand, I won't touch myself," you whimpered.
Satisfied, Seonghwa rubbed the reddened spot on your thigh and began driving.
Whilst Seonghwa was focused on driving, an idea popped into your head. A quite dangerous one at that. But you really wanted to get back at him for playing with you in front of his parents. You didn't know what made you decide on going forth, but you were sure your horniness had a large play.
Quickly getting yourself to work, you had somehow managed to unzip Seonghwa's pants and whip his hardening dick out. You licked your lips at the sight, your hand began stroking him as the other settled on his thigh in order to stabilize yourself.
Quickly getting yourself to work, you had somehow managed to unzip Seonghwa's pants and whip his hardening dick out. You licked your lips at the sight, your hand began stroking him as the other settled on his thigh in order to stabilize yourself.
"What are you-" Seonghwa's words were cut off with his own moan as you delved down to take his dick deep in your mouth. Hearing him moaned out only egged you to go on further.
You deepthroated Seonghwa as best as you could, sucking him whilst letting your hand play with his balls.
"B-baby, you ca-an't do this," he said through gritted teeth. You peered up only to see his eyes glued to the road, but his hands were gripping onto the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles turned white. You took him out of your mouth to pump him in with your hand instead, you rested your head on his thighs and looked up to him with a pout on your face, "you said I couldn't play with myself, well I'm not! I'm playing with you, you and your pretty cock," you proceeded to lick along the vein of his dick.
Seonghwa groaned as his resolve started to wither away. Even whilst preoccupied with Seonghwa's dick, you could feel that he was speeding to go back.
With every suck or pump, Seonghwa's dick hardened and along with that, his need to cum. It was a gamble, sure, but you couldn't help yourself. It was a sudden automatic urge to tease Seonghwa. Maybe you could blame it on hanging out with Wooyoung too much.
You continued bobbing your head on Seonghwa's cock as quickly as you can. You started something and you wanted to make sure that you're going to finish. And by finish you meant him cumming down your throat.
Due to being so focused on Seonghwa's dick, you hadn't realized that you both had arrived at the frat. The car came to a full stop in front of the frat and was put in park.
Just as you were about to release Seonghwa from your mouth, Seonghwa held your neck and groaned, "you best keep your head there until I cum so deep down your throat that you'd choke," he ordered.
You happily obliged and returned to work him. Seonghwa's demand to make him cum only encourage you. You'd bob your head on him, fondle his balls, graze your teeth against his tip, and squeeze his dick. It proved to be very effective as Seonghwa threw his head back and began to thrust his own hips up to your mouth, wanting more.
His lips began calling out your name in moans. You could imagine his eyes screwed shut as he desperately chased his release.
It wasn't until two, three more deepthroating that he came in your mouth. You could feel his dick twitched in your mouth as his warm cum trickle down your throat. The feeling made you moan and the vibration of your voice shot up from his dick to his spine, making him shudder.
You managed to swallow all of him clean, not leaving a single drop out. After you detached yourself from his dick, you could feel that he was about to pull you in for a kiss. But you expertly evaded him and dart out of his car into the frat instead.
"Hey- wait!" Seonghwa called out, cursing and immediately shoving his dick back into the pants and lock the car to follow after you.
When you walked into the frat, you ran past San and Jongho who were on the couch, watching something on the tv. You ran straight to the staircase and aim for Seonghwa and Hongjoong's bedroom.
Maybe it was because you weren't exactly running away from him, or maybe he was really just that fast, but he caught up to you mid-step and heave you up onto his shoulder wordlessly. He sent a spank onto your ass, making you yelp loudly. The sound of your voice didn't break his focus as he immediately entered your room.
As soon as he put you down on the floor, he gripped onto your chin and kissed you roughly.
"Strip naked for me," he said against your lips before letting you go. The serious tone in his voice made you hurriedly tug all of your clothes off and simply shove them to the side somewhere.
When you finally looked up, you saw Seonghwa on your bed, naked with his cock in his hand. He motioned for you to come to him with one hand while his other one was sliding up and down his slick shaft. The sight was so arousing, you could've sworn your juice leaked out of you.
"Ride me," he ordered as soon as you arrived next to the bed. You immediately obliged, throwing a leg over him and immediately slip his dick inside your pussy. Both of you moaned loudly when you felt how he filled you up and he felt how warm you are.
"Fucking move baby, I need you so bad," Seonghwa moaned out. His hips rolled up against yours and immediately you took the hint. You anchored yourself on his chest and began thrusting yourself up and down his dick. You threw your head back at the feeling and let out a long moan.
Not wanting you to work by yourself, Seonghwa gripped your hips and began meeting your thrusts. The sudden powerful hit from his hips made your arms weak and you almost toppled over onto his body.
"H-Hwa, you feel so good," you moaned out, moving your hips faster on him. Seonghwa reached a hand up to your breast and began squeezing and playing with your nipple, adding to the pleasure even more. "You feel even better, baby," he said, tongue licking his bottom lip.
The sight of his tongue was enough to drove you almost mad. You leaned forward and crash your lips to his, locking you both in a desperate kiss all the while your hips move as quickly as it could, not minding the fact that you might be sore tomorrow. Tonight, you only thought about Seonghwa fucking you.
Both of you moved in tandem with each other. Seonghwa held you as close as he could, a hand wrapped around your waist and another grabbing onto your ass, squeezing the flesh hard. Meanwhile, you were busy exploring Seonghwa's mouth with your tongue, his own tongue would even fight you for dominance.
Maybe it was because Seonghwa had been teasing you all through dinner, but you felt yourself so close to the edge. Your pussy clenched on his dick, signalling him of your impending climax.
As if to tell you to cum, Seonghwa planted his feet on your bed and began thrusting at a pace much quicker than yours. Because you were on top of him, you could feel him thrusting deep in you, rubbing onto your sweet spot continuously until you froze and came on top of him. His lips prevented you from moaning too loud which was a shame but you couldn't really protest.
It took Seonghwa a couple more thrust into your clenching pussy before he completely emptied himself in you. Both of your cum mixing and trailing down your thighs onto his and even dropping onto the bed.
The once ferocious kiss changed to a romantic one as Seonghwa nibbled onto your bottom lip sweetly. You could feel him smile against your own lips.
"You did great, baby," he said, letting your body drop down fully on top of him. When he was about to slip out of you, you whined in protest and hugged him tightly like a koala. Seonghwa chuckled at your adorableness, he carded a hand through your hair sweetly and peck your forehead, "we gotta clean up, baby, you've got cum in you and everywhere else," he said.
You whined and buried your face onto the crook of his neck in protest, "do that tomorrow, I like having you inside me," you pouted. Though his instinct told him to remove you and clean up, he couldn't say no to you. He knew he has no power if it comes to anything concerning you.
So he defeatedly sighed and somehow covered both of your bodies with your blanket. He made sure that you were in a comfortable position before closing his own eyes to get some rest.
The last thing you heard was him telling you goodnight and then a soft peck landed on your forehead before you drifted off to dreamland.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @spacebikerateez @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 11.
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
Authors note:I was reading up on the Newborn Battle and saw that it took place in June... I get that snow storms can happen on mountains but why is everyone else wearing jackets in the battle haha.
"When the mako flies Up from the bottom in your eyes Then I know the twilight skies Are not so broken hearted."
Stylo by, Gorillaz
Today was the day, they would finally arrive ending the constant tension of the inevitable battle. We all stood tense in the field, the wolves were hiding so they weren't immediately sought after.
"Fleur, do you think you could track Riley? We need to know how close he is." Esme asked.
"On it... They aren't to far from here, it'll take them about... 2 minutes before they find us. They're falling for Bella's blood trap quite easily."
"That's good, we don't need them finding her." Carlisle said.
I felt someone grab my hand I turned and looked at them, Jasper was staring back at me.
"We're gonna be fine." He said. I turned my head due to the sound of rustling coming from the far side of the field. I looked back at him and smiled.
"I know we are."
I then saw the crowd coming toward us, they all were yelling. We then began to run toward them as soon as the got close enough both Jasper and I punched two of the vampires heads off. The rest of us had separated at that point as the new born vampires spread out. Two vampires came toward me both of them trying to take out my head. I dunk under them both easily and took out there legs, leaving them defenseless. I then took off both of there heads, another vampire snuck up behind my and grabbed me by the back of my neck, I grabbed both of there hands and flipped them over, crushing there head into the ground and shattering it.
I looked around me and saw Paul with two vampires on his back, I quickly made it toward him. Kicking two other vampires in the process and flipping over another one that was being chased by a wolf before making it to him. I ripped the first one off his body taking it's head clean off with it. Paul had gotten the other one off of him and looked at me quickly before running off again. I ran toward a tree and rock, suspecting someone to be hiding there. My theory proved to be correct, I saw a girl coming out of the little nook.
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She looked about 15 years old and scared out of her mind. I stopped myself from attacking her and saw Carlisle and Esme next to me, we were unsure about her.
"Let's leave her here...I really don't think she'll try anything. She looks absolutely terrified." I said Esme and Carlisle nodded. I then ran back toward the fight. I was in the midst of a power struggle with one vampire, my arms, shoulders, sides of my neck, and cheeks began to crack from the pressure. It was unbearable, it was as if a thousand needles were stabbing each individual nerve rendering it useless. Suddenly the pressure was gone and angry amber eyes looked down at the vampire's dismembered body. I healed quickly thankfully and Jasper and I ran off together to defeat the remaining vampires left. They had all been taken out with ease with the exception of a few. Before we both could react a vampire bite Jasper right on the neck, trying to tear apart his skin. Jasper had let out a yell due to the pain and I quickly pushed him off of Jasper, stomping his head in. Emmett and Paul took out the last vampire. When we all dragged them to the middle of the field to burn them I noticed I never saw Riley.
"Hey... did any of you guys run into Riley?"
I saw uncertain faces on the Cullens, which gave me the answer.
I decided to track him, to see if he was still around. I saw him stalking up a mountain, Bella and Edward suddenly came into view.
"Riley... listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I’ll kill you. In fact, she’ll be glad she didn’t have to deal with you anymore." Edward stated.
Bella looked terrified behind him. I saw Victoria come down a tree landing on a rock covered in snow.
"Don’t listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." Victoria persuaded.
"I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks of you." Edward interjected.
"He's lying."
"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That’s the only thing she cares about. Not you."
Riley turned his head to her, and an unsure look was on his pale, deadly face.
Victoria froze, her eyes slightly widened.
"There's only you, you know that!" She said.
Riley then began to walk toward Edward again, Both he and Bella backed up.
"Think about it. You’re from Forks, you know the area. That’s the only reason she chose you. She doesn’t love you."
"Riley, don’t let him do this to us. You know I love you."
Riley turned his head back to Edward a smirk was on his face.
I broke out of trance before a fight could break out.
"Guys...They're both with Edward and Bella..."
All of the Cullens's eyes widened with shock.
"Look I got a plan, Dean, you're the second-fastest in the family so you need to get that girl out of here take her back to the house... I have a feeling the Volturi are going to show up and I don't think they'll spare her. I am going to get as close to the fight as I can from the mountains and try to get Victoria to hallucinate again. We don't have any time to waste, MOVE IT!" I demanded before running toward the fight. I could hear Jasper in the distance as I kept running.
"That's my girl..."
As I ran it felt like I was having deja-vu, it reminded me of the ballet studio situation 2 years ago. That same mantra was going through my head. "Please...let me get there in time." No matter how cruel and unkind Bella could be...I couldn't stand the thought of her getting killed by the cold hands of revenge.
Flashback: 4 years ago.
"THAT'S IT... I CAN'T STAND TO BE AROUND YOU TWO ANYMORE!" I yelled at Bella and Renee.
"How dare you..."
"What did I do.... what do I always do? Want love? Reassurance? Someone I can trust? That's not "causing problems"... that's something a parent should give to their child. Oh sorry... both of their children!"
"Well...it's hard to give that to a child you just can't stand. You act just like your father..."
"You say that like it's an insult... my father is an intelligent, compassionate man, I'm glad you left him... I didn't want to see him get abused like me."
Bella just sat back and smirked, enjoying the chaos that was in front of her.
"If you love him so much why don't you go live with him."
"Fine... I will just buy the damn plane ticket and I swear I will never come back here again!"
"I will... Bella will finally be able to get away from your poisonous mind."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes before speaking again.
"Goodbye Renee, I'll see you at my wedding. I know you won't be able to resist showing up, you'll have so much fun at the open bar being the boozer you were meant to be. Your speech will probably be you upchucking on the stage. It'll be a hit with the guest."
Renee and Bella's eyes widened with shock. Renee decided to speak up.
"Like you'll ever get married... no sane person would want to be with a disgraceful woman such as you."
I ignored her, I stopped at Bella and looked at her.
"Isabella... get away from her, you'll end up just as toxic and abusive as she is." I then ran upstairs and started packing my bags... eager to leave.
Flashback: OVER
I ran up the mountain and saw a glimpse of the fight, Victoria and Riley held Edward by the arms and neck. Bella stood there paralyzed in fear. I prayed that this plan would work, I tried creating that image of James again but instead... my body changed turning into him. I stood there for a second shocked before making my way up to them. Victoria froze in fear, Riley looked at her in confusion, and Bella and Edward didn't know what to think.
"J-james... how... how are you here? She isn't here is she?" Victoria asked.
I prayed my voice would've changed along with my appearance before I spoke.
"Who? Fleur... no no no, she's too busy dealing with the army you created with... this pipsqueak. I said, my voice was not of my own.
She dropped Edward, which in return made Edward throw off Riley who was then dragged away by a wolf... it seemed to be Seth.
Seth pulled him down the slope, I could still hear him scream on the way down. Edward just observed us, pulling Bella behind him again.
"James... you have to understand I did this for us, I thought you were dead. Why didn't you come and find me?"
"I did find you...but then I saw what you were doing, whoring yourself out there after you came back from Texas... persuading that man by kissing him the same way you kissed me. You're disgusting!"
"James no... please don't do this."
"You should know...we began this by me hunting you... you've always been my prey. And now..."
My voice switched back to my own.
"I will take you out the same way I intended to from the beginning."
Her eyes widened but before she could escape I snapped her neck, ripping her head off a few seconds later.
"Whoa..." I heard Bella say meekly.
Edward handed me a lighter he was carrying, I lit it and threw it on her body, it busted into flames. I saw Seth carrying Riley back up, he too was dead. I threw him in the fire too, making sure both of them were taken out.
"Fleur... Carlisle said you could make hallucinations... but you completely morphed into James." Edward said in shock.
"T-that's the first time I have ever done that..."
Before either of us could say anything Edward gasped.
"What is it?" Bella asked.
"Alice needs us to go...NOW!"
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
Worth It
"You can't save me...stop wasting your time trying to help someone beyond rescue."
"He doesn't deserve your mercy."
"After everything...you still look at me like there's something there."
"Would you really betray the colony like that? Betray me?"
"I don't know what you see in me, but it's not there...not anymore."
His fists were clenched, fighting voices that weren't there. Fighting emotions that could easily be subdued if he just had the strength to. "I want to believe in you," Flik choked out desperately. Hopper averted his gaze. He never looked back. It was like a game they played and Flik was sick of it. Constantly reaching out only for Hopper to recoil.
Taking a breath to steady himself, "But...I need you to believe in yourself too. B-Because I'm tired of being the only one who sees the good in you."
"There's noth--"
"Stop!" Flik squeezed his eyes shut, hands tensed mid-gesture. Had his eyes been open, he would've seen the grasshopper flinched at the tone. From his recollection, the first time Flik had ever risen his voice. "Stop saying there's nothing in you because I saw it, Hopper! I see it every day I walk in here! The problem is you're too scared to show everyone else what you show me," Hopper's jaw clamped.
"All that tough talk," Flik tried catching his eyes, "and all this time you've been hiding from us. It's...like I've met a completely different person. So--so who are you? Because the Hopper I got to know isn't a monster." He waited for an answer, but Hopper didn't seem intent on giving him one. Either that...or he didn't have an answer.
Flik turned to stare at the opposing wall. Something simple for his mind to process. The blank slate. Empty. Desolate. Even then, its purpose was to separate from whatever was on the other side. He sat down on the bed beside Hopper, "So why does everyone seem to think you are?" His voice didn't carry far in the room, but the audience it was intended for heard him clearly.
It was silent for God knows how long. Flik eventually grew weary of it, "I'm going to fight for you for however long I have to. No matter what the colony says...But I can't do this alone."
"If I told you to stop, would you?"
Flik looked up, dumbfounded. Hopper fixated on his hands in front of him. "You want me to stop defending you?"
"I want you to stop risking your life," Hopper finally looked at him and Flik was beginning to wish for the silence again. "You don't know how much you're putting on the line just to stand up for me. But I do. I've seen everything you've done to reshape this colony. To fix what I broke. And my life isn't worth forsaking all of that."
"What's your life worth then?" Flik bit back. Hopper shook his head, beginning to turn away. "No," the ant turned his face toward him again, "look me in the eyes and tell me what your life is worth."
"Not your time, I can tell you that."
"Really? Because I don't regret a single second, I've spent seeing who you really are. So, try again. What's your life worth?"
"Go ahead...say it. Anything at all," Flik urged.
Hopper growled, "You won't listen."
"I will. That's what I'm here for, Hopper. I've been listening this whole time."
A few more heartbeats, "My life...isn't worth yours."
Flik's posture softened, and he let go of Hopper's jaw. "Well, that begs the next question: what's my life worth to you?"
"Why does that matter?"
"Because I wanna know why you think my life is worth more than yours. What makes mine more important?"
Hopper gestured heatedly to the entrance, "Because there's a whole colony out there that needs you! If it weren't for you, they'd still be slaving away not knowing there was something better for them. You have people that depend on you. That look up to you."
Flik tilted his head, "So if I'm so important--if my life has so much of an impact on everyone else, and yet even then I believe you're worth fighting for...what does that say about your worth?"
"I know what's it's like to base your value on what everyone else thinks," Flik continued softly. "But there was a little girl that put all of her faith in me--the princess, having faith in some quirky, reckless inventor. If she thought I was worth believing in, then I had no excuse for not believing in myself.
"I'm not asking you to believe because you see something worthwhile, I'm asking you to believe because I see something in you that you can't yet. And you might not ever see it. But I do." He watched Hopper for a moment. Watched his eyes glisten with emotion he refused to bring to light. "I hope I mean enough to you that my opinion of you matters as much as everyone else's."
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
whatever’s happening between you and hajime , tooru is not having any of it .
word count : 1.7k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀the moment you walked into the classroom, tooru felt his chest compress with the sight of you and hajime attached to each other by the hip. everything about what he saw was wrong, in every single aspect of the word. it sickened him down to the stomach. digust could never fully cover the monstrosity he witnessed.
⠀what the living hell was his girlfriend doing with his best friend, of all people?
⠀dare he even call iwaizumi his best friend at this point? friends, even?
⠀he wanted to go up to you and greet you, to ask about your being and if there was anything you needed. that's what a good boyfriend would do, right? then again, a good boyfriend wouldn't treat you like shit. nor would a good boyfriend blame you for things you had nothing to do with.
⠀and a good boyfriend certainly wouldn't tell you to fuck off, leading up to a car crash that would most likely ruin him for the rest of the year.
⠀"oikawa, are you not going to say anything to y/n?"
⠀shook from his thoughts at the mention of your name, tooru winced as he eyed the individuals around his desk. they all had the same face; angry, disgusted scowls meant for only him. he deserved it, he really did; he had purposely turned his head to the window the moment you walked in. he wanted to keep his gaze outside too, if not for these people around him.
⠀shrugging slightly as he looked up at his unwanted company, he spotted you standing idly at your designated desk. turning his vision slightly to the right, there was iwaizumi, paging you over and over again, but you weren't listening.
⠀no, your eyes were completely on his.
⠀his heart skipped a beat as your eyes focused on him and him alone, a million thoughts ran through his head like a marathon as he tried to understand why you were looking at him, and why you were looking at him so... curiously. did you know? did you remember everything? how much did hajime really tell you? it didn't take an idiot to know he had been spending the most time with you, so there was no guessing of what he's informed you of. as far as tooru knew, he'd already told you of how shitty of a boyfriend he was, and that he'd never be worth your time again.
⠀but if that were the case, you wouldn't have looked over at him so fondly. just one second of shared eye contact was enough to brand the image of you in oikawa's head for the rest of the day, leaving him to ponder on what he should do about you, and how to make his own life less miserable than what he had already bestowed upon himself. part of him wanted to give up, to accept that he was a complete asshole unworthy of redemption.
⠀and he would've accepted it too,
⠀if hajime iwaizumi wasn't in the picture.
⠀something about the way he looked so perfect, so delighted, so content with being right next to you, at your beck and call - it was disgusting. truely, utterly humilating. the way hajime was so quick to answer to your every need; tooru noticed it all day, the way iwaizumi came to your rescue every time you needed anything. directions, assistance with assignments, even remembering names. whatever your problem was, iwa had the solution. and it sickened tooru down to the pits of his stomach.
⠀it's as if he wanted to replace oikawa as your boyfriend.
⠀he ignored it in the past, whenever he heard rumors about the ace's crush on you. makki and mattsun would constantly tease iwaizumi about it, but would stop whenever the captain enter the room. there were only a couple of times where the brunet had fully listened in to a couple of conversations, but he never thought anything of it in the past. why should oikawa care if iwa had a crush on his girlfriend? tooru knew you were completely smitten over him, so there was nothing he had to be self-conscious about.
⠀looking at the two of you now, ignoring iwa's growing feelings for you added to his list of never-ending regrets.
⠀seeing how his best friend was able to sweep you away from him so easily, it scared tooru, to say the least. had he been planning this for a while? was he always eyeing for the day you and him would finally call it quits? tooru remembered vividly how quickly iwaizumi was to act upon you running out of the gym that dreadful day, and how he himself was frozen in nothing more than confusion. his first assumption was that you were running home, since you didn't live too far from seijoh.
⠀of course, that assumption ran clear down the drain the moment iwa returned with you bleeding out in his arms. tooru didn't know where you were bleeding from - most likely the head, assuming it was a car accident. you were fluttering in and out of consciousness, which scared oikawa back into reality.
⠀you were dying in iwaizumi's arms.
⠀he... he's your boyfriend, so he has every right to see if you're okay, right?
⠀so why the fuck won't iwaizumi let him near you?
⠀who gave him the right to tell him to stay away from you? no, he should be the one staying away from you, you were oikawa's girlfriend. his significant other. not iwaizumi's.
⠀yet, he was the one treating you the way a real boyfriend should.
⠀tooru was left alone at school again after another long day, his thoughts in a scramble as he walked around the halls to think. he considered walking into the gym, but he hadn't touched a single volleyball in weeks. did he even deserve to pick up a volleyball again? it was the sport that drove him into an angry frenzy, unleashing a chain reaction leading to your accident. it was by chance you got by with just a concussion and amnesia; it could've been much, much worse - worst being you dying. and it would've been your own boyfriend's fault.
⠀tooru turned the corner to bump into none other than hajime himself, who seemed to be in a hurry before laying eyes on his former captain. the two males stood in front of each other in silence, the tension grew heavy in the air. oikawa didn't want to be in his presence, nor did iwaizumi want to be in his presence. their lips were sealed, there wasn't anything that needed to be said between them.
⠀"hajime? where are you?"
⠀tooru's posture stiffened at your voice, his eyes immediately wandering to spot your whereabouts. why were you still here? why were both of you still here?
⠀"y/n..." his decision made, tooru was going to find you. even with iwaizumi here, that shouldn't stop him. as aggressive as iwa was sometimes, oikawa wasn't really scared of him. if he was going to talk to you, then he damn well was going to talk to you. and the things you deserved to hear from him were endless. "i'm going to talk to y/n, iwa-chan." he spat out the nickname, one usually addressed out of endearment, like venom. it threw the other off guard, but not long enough for tooru to walk past him.
⠀"no, you're not going to."
⠀"excuse me? get out of my way, let me go see-"
⠀oikawa grunted as he felt iwa grab him by the blazer, slamming him against a locker with animalistic ferocity. he had never seen hajime so pissed off as he was now, his teeth visibly clenched together as he glared at his fellow third year. "no, you're not," he hissed, his fists clenching around the fabric even tighter to make sure tooru couldn't escape. "you're not fucking stepping near y/n today, tomorrow, or ever. you don't deserve to see her again, so do her a favor and stay out of her life. got it, shittykawa?"
⠀seeing how oikawa was helpless in his hold, iwaizumi waited for him to reply before letting him go. seeing how tooru decided it was better off remaining silent, all he really could do was let go anyway; you had just turned the same corner and came face to face with both boys.
⠀"hajime? what are you doing?"
⠀his name sounded horrible in your mouth. tooru felt sick as iwaizumi backed up and shrugged, faking a chuckle before focusing his attention on you again. "ah, y/n. nothing to worry about, just a small disagreement is all. have you finished collecting your homework yet? i'll take you home if you are, just meet me outside."
⠀"yeah, i'll go now." you nodded, but not before looking at oikawa once more. tooru wasn't even sure how to react, only sufficing with a half-hearted smile and a wave.
⠀"you're... oikawa, right?"
⠀his heart cracked in two when his surname escaped your lips. having been used to being addressed as tooru for so long, he should've never taken advantage of it. even so, all he could do in this present moment was bite his tongue to hold back from crying in front of the two of them. "yeah... yeah, that's me. glad to know you're alright... y/n."
⠀"thank you." unsure of how else to continue the conversation, you turned around and left, not wanting to pry into their conversation.
⠀iwaizumi waited until you turned the corner to face the other male once more, his facade for you completely gone. there he was back with his angry snarl, pointing a finger at him menacingly. "i'm warning you," he seethed, "stay away from y/n. you'll just make her life a living hell again, and i won't let you ruin her life twice."
⠀tooru hadn't even gotten a chance to reply before hajime turned the corner they originally bumped into, following your footsteps to walk you home, as promised. tooru couldn't process what had just happened, his brain not able to understand that iwazumi was going to take you home. that he was going to help you with homework.
⠀that he was going to be by your side everyday.
⠀no, fuck that. he couldn't let that happen.
⠀one way or another, tooru will prove to you that he can be the boyfriend you deserve, even with iwa as a thorn in his side.
⠀"fuck you, iwaizumi. i am worthy of redemption. i'll prove you wrong, just you wait."
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a / n : and how exactly is tooru going to prove that he’s worthy of redemption? well... that’s for another chapter ;) n e ways ! some of y’all have heard of me beginning an iwaizumi smau , and that’s correct ! keeping it secret though , but expect the masterlist soon :>
taglist : @ot127 @rena0921 @karlitabi-rrito @psychicpercyjacksonfan @crescentbitch @amelimiles @damnirina @pasta-warlord @blossomingbangtan @clinomanians @i-am-kinda-in-a-lot-of-fandoms @manq-fandoms @citruss @sugar-wara @haikoo @anime-simp @kairostatue @awkwardspontaneity @iwantapoptartqwq @aquariarose @softestdreamer @plantisnotplant @avylee @froppysgirl @that-animebitch @wisepandaslimeland @samanthaa-leanne @dumplingzumispam @0hakaashi @captain-janeway @afterglowkuroo @bellabelieveme @attixca @chickenrest @tycrackculture @ynjimenez @lissa-writes-and-does-matchups @lavieenblancetnoir @dabilove27 @cuddleslut @crypto-s @keigosbitch @readeretal @shittykawaa @donghyuckster @adriloen @ella-solei @emiyummy
closed ;
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buckysberrytea · 3 years
The First Time I Saw “Him”.
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Word Count: 963
Summary: You have been strictly told not to enter the garden. Seeing an opportunity, you go for it. That’s when for the first time, you see “Him”.
The big door slammed behind me. Hot tears start streaming down my face. It felt as if someone was squeezing my heart with their hand. "Mother d-didn't ha-ave to be so m-ea-n abou-t it!" The sentence is barely audible between my loud sobs. I just could not see why Mother would be so angry about me spending time in the garden. I start walking in that state towards my room. She had yelled at me quite loudly. Just when I thought Father would stand up for me, he turned a blind eye to her. He acted as if there was no one else in the room other than him. It shattered my heart as he was supposed to support me. He knew I did nothing wrong.
My feet drag through the doors of my bedroom. As soon as they shut behind me, I manage to cry even louder. Thoughts race through my mind at a rapid speed. Scenes from the "talk" started repeating in my mind. "I thought I made it very clear Y/N! You are not allowed to go in the garden!" Mother yelled. "It's just a garden. There is no danger in it that you can use as a reason to talk to me like this!" I argued back, turning my head in Father's direction as a sign for him to support me. However, he remains focused on his book even though he saw me. " I AM YOUR MOTHER IF I SAY SOMETHING TO YOU, YOU SHOULD FOLLOW IT!". Mother's ears are on fire. You could see a vein popping in her hand. "You are all alone here with us. We do not want to see you get hurt in any way!" she says, pointing at me. "YOU ARE CORRECT! I AM ALL ALONE HERE. ALL MY OTHER SIBLINGS LEFT. I AM THE ONLY ONE YOU DO NOT LET OUT OF HERE. THEY TELL ME STORIES OF THEIR FRIENDS AND THEM. ON THE OTHER HAND, I MOTHER DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE PERSON I COULD CALL A 'FRIEND' BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? YOU NEVER LET ME OUT!"
"THAT GARDEN IS NOT SAFE!". "THEN GIVE ME A REASON WHY IT'S NOT YOU CAN'T JUST SAY IT'S UNSAFE WITHOUT TELLING ME THE REASON!" At this point, both Mother and I have dialled our volumes to the max. As soon as mother opens her mouth to say something for the first time, Father moves. He looks up at Mother's face from the chair he sits on while his hands keep the book he was reading in his lap. By this time, tears have welled up in my eyes, I breathe rapidly. " Just.... leave Y/N go to your room." Mother forces the words out of her trying to calm herself down as she stares at my Father. You could see a hint of panic and fear in her eyes. She turned around and started walking towards a bookshelf as I exited the room.
The Next Day:
I wander through the halls once again. This place is huge but, I know every inch of it. I have always wanted a friend who could do activities with me, play with me, make me laugh etc. I did try to make friends. There was a girl with extraordinary fighting skills. She was strong, independent, and confident. Her shoulder-length red hair made her stand out from all the people in the meeting hall. She also dressed differently. Her black leather suit hugged her body perfectly. "Natasha Romanoff" I remember her telling me her name. If Mother hadn't intervened, we could've been friends. She told Natasha to stay away from me. There happen to be a guy I had met named Steve. Steve was a great guy, tall, handsome and respectful. I couldn't even ask him to be my friend. It was during that time Mother 'banned' me from coming into the meeting halls, her excuse being: "All sorts of people come to meet your Father there. You trust people easily. They can be dangerous for you". Even if I wanted, I could not enter there anymore. That reason never made sense. If I blindly trusted people, the reason was me not meeting anyone from outside. If she would've let me talk to outsiders, only then I could learn to differentiate between those I could trust and those I couldn't.
I stand at the archway again. On the other side is lush green grass, fresh air and flowers. I step foot out again. Mother and Father had to leave to attend to urgent matters somewhere, that gives me the freedom to do whatever I desire till they return. I walk straight ahead, spinning, dancing enjoying the cool breeze and the ticklish feeling of grass beneath my feet. The sky is the perfect amount of sunny and cloudy. I run off into the never-ending garden that stretches ahead that is scattered with groups of short trees and shrubs. I walk for maybe what feels like an hour. I can see a patch of shrubs with red roses in the distance. As they come into clear view, I get mesmerized. "They are beautiful." I breathe out softly. A few feet ahead, I see thick, dense trees uniformly stretching sideways on the width of the garden. They are not scattered like before, as if they are acting as a boundary wall. They are so thick that you can not even see what lies behind them. My attention is diverted back to the roses right in front of me. I try picking one when a thorn makes a cut in my finger. I hiss from pain as I look at the cut. A rustling sound catches my attention. Tilting my head in its direction, I see someone.
"There's a boy in the garden?".
NOTE: I haven't written this in like years 💀 but I do intend to complete it now that I'm back-
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Bro I gotta stop making these ocs 💀
Name: Jeremiah Cassidy Shih
Name pronunciation: jeh-ruh-mai-uh Cas-si-di Sh-ih
Personality: non-talkative, hot-headed, secretive, hides his true emotions, and violent
Age: 15
Species: Human
Sexuality: Unknown
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Looks: brown hair, blue eyes, white skin, and freckles
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Backstory: (Dis is loooooong) Before getting in his past, we first have to talk about his mother, Anne Larson or as her actual birth name Chenguang Shih. Chenguang was the daughter of the notoriously known unhinged pirate, Baozhai. Baozhai ended up having Chenguang completely by accident after she had a one night stand with one of her crewmates. She decided to keep the baby, wanting to start a long line of pirates like her. Baozhai had the baby girl just around when her torment was finally being taken seriously by the royals. Unfortunately, Baozhai ended up passing away on her boat when a cannon caused it to come crashing down. Luckily, Chenguang was safe as she had been taken by Baozhai's right hand man, Ironbeard with her. He did his best to care for the girl, holding up the legacy his captain would've wanted. Yet, he was a wanted criminal along with the other crewmates that survived the crash, so taking care of her was very difficult. But Ironbeard still pushed through.
Unfortunately, Ironbeard and the other were caught by a couple of guards and locked away. A judge sentenced them to be publicly executed by hanging the next. As for baby Chenguang, she was taken away and raised by the captain of the guards. Her full name being changed to Anne Larson just a few days later. When the day arrived for Ironbeard and the others be hung, the guards were surprise to see that they had escaped during the night. Ironbeard swore revenge for his captain and that he would one day return. As for the baby, he couldn't find her and gave up as the guards were on his tail. He regretted to not have fulfilled Baozhai's wish and those guards were going to pay for what they had done.
As for Anne, she was raised to never know of the events that took place. Her adoptive father, also known as Maxwell Larson, had told her of Baozhai and how she was a psychopathic murder that deserved what she got. So, Anne grew up hating Baozhai despite the fact she was actually hating her own biological mother. As she grew, Anne became educated and sophisticated. She quickly rose up to be one of the smartest students in her class. Getting all A's and being presented with awards for her achievements. Anne was asked to join a university of astronomy which she gladly accepted.
While she was attending, she ended up meeting a handsome young man by the name of Aaron Brown. Aaron was the typical bad boy that would rather get into trouble then be in class. He was charming, funny, and very attractive... Aaron easily charmed Anne which made her fall in love with him. Instead of focusing on her studies, she'd often daydream about him. Anne just couldn't get him out of her head. Eventually, Aaron asked her out and they went on a date. Which spiraled into several dates... Which turned into them dating each other. Anne would often ditch class just to be with him. This caused her to fail her class. Maxwell was angry at her for this. He demanded she'd retake the year and to leave Aaron. Anne was too far in love with him and didn't give into what he wanted.
Instead, Anne ended up dropping out of the university to further pursue her relationship with Aaron. They got married a few months afterwards and left their home planet. Anne decided to work as a weaver as Aaron became a marine. A year into their marriage, it all came crumbling down. Anne became severely depressed as she realized she gave up her dreams of becoming an astrologist. Aaron no longer found her attractive and began to pursuing other women behind her back. They argued a lot more than usual and it began to get physical. Finally the rose tinted glasses came off and they began to see how bad their relationship was. Anne wanted to save their marriage because she couldn't bare the thought being alone. Aaron still wanting the good things that came in a relationship while secretly having side pieces, decided to work with her on their marriage. The two came to a conclusion that having a child would be the best way to solve it.
Six months later, Jeremiah was born. Surprise, surprise, their relationship didn't get any better. Poor Jeremiah was now thrown into the picture of a broken marriage. Aaron became abusive towards Anne and didn't allow her to leave the house without his say. She'd get hurt if he didn't listen to what he said. Jeremiah wasn't safe from his abusive nature also. If the lad dared to bother him, he'd be met with a smack to the face. For five straight years had Anne and Jeremiah endured the abuse of Aaron. Anne finally decided to break from Aaron's abuse when something terrible happened to Jeremiah. One night during a drunken rage, Aaron put his hands on Jeremiah and tore out his left eye with a broken bottle. The event made Anne realize how horrible the situation was getting and it wasn't going to change unless he did something about it.
So during the night, she grabbed whatever she could carry and escaped with Jeremiah. Anne went back to her home planet where asked a place to stay with her adoptive father. Maxwell would've turned her away but when he saw the situation she was very distressed. He quickly let her in, where she explained what happened to her over the course of the years she's been gone for. Maxwell decided he would help her get back on her feet and get her son some needed medical attention. With his connections, Anne was able to earn a job as an assistant for an astrologist. She began to focus on her mental health which got better overtime. The same couldn't be said for Jeremiah. His worsened.
The abuse of his father caused major trauma in him that he wasn't able to get over. He became quiet, easily angered by others, and had thoughts about violence. Since he only had one eye now, he was bullied by the other kids once he was able to go to school. This aggravated him and he'd often get into fights because of it. Anne decided to pull him out of public school and into homeschool because things were getting out of hand. Jeremiah was taken to several doctors to see what was wrong with him. Each time, he refused to say anything. Anne stopped trying to help him since he was refusing to help himself. Yet, he was just a child. A child who wanted help but didn't know how to say it. Maxwell, decided to take over for trying to help him. Or what he thought would help him. He sent Jeremiah to a boot camp where he'd be straightened out for his bad behavior. Jeremiah loathed Maxwell for this and promised himself he'd get revenge. Life at the boot camp was utter hell. He was pushed to limits that caused him to have mental breakdowns in private. Jeremiah didn't have any friends. This caused him to be the target of the bullying of the other boys there. Throughout the torment, he was able to find comfort in the tales of well known pirates. His favorite being of the insane pirate captain Baozhai. Something about her unhinged, eccentric personality and her cruel brutality against others whenever the messed with her, manged put a smile on his face. (Baozhai in an old photo: *tearing someone's guts out.*
Jeremiah: 🙂)
At fourteen years old, Jeremiah made surprising a discovery that he was biological related to Baozhai. He had overheard Maxwell chatting with another guard about how he was glad Anne never grew up knowing that she was related to that maniac. Yet now that Jeremiah knew, he was angry that this knowledge was withheld from him. Why would they do such a thing? He tried telling his mother about this... His mother called him crazy... crazy... crazy...
That was the breaking point for Jeremiah. For a majority of his life, he was told that there was something wrong with him and that he needed help. Often being titled mentally ill or not alright in the head... Despite knowing he was, he was just tired of being treated like one.
Jeremiah ended up running away from his home planet by hiding on a cargo ship. He wanted to start somewhere fresh, where he wouldn't be as well known. He also wanted to know more about Baozhai, since most books didn't have enough information about her having a child, other than speculated rumors. For a while, he traveled around places, in search for more knowledge about his grandmother aka Baozhai. That's when he walked into a small tavern. He tried to figure out where else he could ask about her. An anonymous figure in the corner asked why he was wanted to learn about these things. Jeremiah, in the best way he could, explained that Baozhai was his grandmother. The tavern exploded into laughter after hearing him say that. They mocked him for a bit until the anonymous figure silenced the entire tavern by shooting a random person. They stood up and recounted the tale of Baozhai's fall. How she wanted the death of the upper class to continue. It was originally her plan to make a line of pirates to be like her. Then it was all ruined because of the guards. How he admitted that he failed because he wasn't careful enough... It was Ironbeard recounting all of this. He decided to continue with what she would've wanted... If Jeremiah wanted to join him. Jeremiah quickly took the deal, seeing as there was nothing holding him back now. On the outside, it didn't seem he was all too excited but on the inside, he was thrilled to finally be apart of something... And that he'd get to be just like his idol.
Likes: sharp objects, creepy bugs, reading, drawing, smoking cigars, and cats
Dislikes: his left eye, being told he's crazy, others trying to get close to him, physical affection (even though he sorta wants it), and long conversations
Other: Jeremiah doesn't like being called Jeremy or Jerry or literally any nickname to his name. If someone calls him "Jeremy" he would literally rip out their tonsils.
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