#if supposed to be platonic then why are they HEAD OVER HEELS FOR EACH OTHER
paint-tastes-ok · 1 year
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s0urw00lf · 1 month
Hii, I would like to request a Derek Morgan angst/fluff imagine
Like she sees him with another women and thinks he’s with that women and she’s heartbroken. So her and Spencer (because why would Spence miss out on messing with Derek) come up with a plan to make him jealous. So she and spencer pretend to be together, yk hugging each other and being touchy when everyone is around and so Derek finally confronts her like “so when we’re you going to tell me about you and spencer.” You can make up the rest but that’s basically it!
Two can play that game
Pairing: Derek Morgan x reader, Spencer Reid x platonic!reader
Summary: Derek cant keep himself from seeing other women (or so you thought) so with the help of spence you give him a taste of his own medicine
Warning: Derek is a man whore, Spencer is a sweetheart, the literal tiniest bit of angst.
AN: whoever requested this I love you. When I read your request I was so excited to start it.
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You knew Derek Morgan was a… lady’s man, to put it lightly, which is why he made it so easy for you to fall for him. He was good-looking and a natural flirt but also a protective sweetheart who cared more about the people he loved than anything else. So when he walked into the BAU headquarters with a pretty woman at his side your heart nearly dropped. It wasn’t one of his sisters or his mother so who was she? They seemed to be in a pretty serious conversation, one that you couldn’t hear.
The two of you had been more involved than not, but you weren’t dating much to your dismay, so that meant technically he could still lay with any woman he wanted to and you guess he did.
You hadn’t realized you were staring until a hand waved in front of your face. “You okay?” You looked up to see Spencer holding a coffee in his hand, you’d forgotten that you asked him to make you one when he went to make his. “Do you know her?” You asked nodding your head to where Derek and the unknown lady stood. He looked over tilting his head. “I can't say I do no” he replied with a frown. He turned back to you “Why did something happen?” He asked. You sighed leaning back in your chair and grabbing your coffee from his hand as you did so.
Spencer wasn’t good at social cues, but it didn’t take a lot for him to see that you were jealous, the way you intently watched Derek and the mystery woman with creased brows and an unmistakable frown that only made its way to your face when the situation involved Derek. “Are you jealous?” Spencer asks quietly, tilting his head in question. You almost choked on your coffee at the question. “Sorry, what?” You quickly asked, clearing your throat. “No, I'm not I'm just… curious” you finished with a tight-lipped smile. “Oh she’s jealous,” Penelope spoke from behind you.
You whipped your head towards her “Seriously pen?” You hissed. She shrugged while sipping her coffee “Not like you're trying to hide it, even Reid picked up on it” she said with a playful smirk, gesturing to the curly-headed man standing next to you, he looked offended at the statement. “Okay so what, maybe I'm the tiniest bit jealous.” You muttered, looking back at Derek and the woman. “So, make him jealous,” Penelope said, dragging out the ‘so’. “And how do you suppose I do that?” You asked, leaning back in your chair. “Very simply, use Spencer,” she said casually.
Both you and Spencer turned toward her, “Think about it, as much as he wouldn’t admit it, Spencer is kinda like his best friend, other than me obviously. And there’s no doubt he's attracted to you” she said. You thought about it, looking at Spencer who shrugged “I don't mind” he said. So you nodded, agreeing to her plan. Penelope squealed in excitement, “This is so going to backfire on me but if it means you two finally get together I am completely okay with that” she said. Just then, Pen's face dropped and she urgently whispered “he's coming, Spencer be natural and not so well… you.” She said before scurrying off in her hot pink kitten heels.
Derek approached you and Spencer, eyeing the scurrying blonde, “what was that about” he asked with a raised eyebrow pointing to Penelope’s office. You and Spencer looked at each other and shrugged “No idea” Spencer answered. Derek didn’t look convinced but decided against saying anything. Then Spencer placed an arm over your shoulder, “We should get to work, I'll see you later hmm?” He asked, you were surprised at how naturally it came out but didn’t let it show. Smiling you nodded with a quiet ‘yeah’ playing into your part. Derek's brows raised even more at the interaction, he didn’t seem pleased with it. “Wanna tell me what that was about?” He asked, tone a little deeper than usual.
You held back a smirk and let a confused look consume your features “What?” You asked. He pointed between you and Spencer who had just sat down at his desk “There something goin’ on between you two” he asked skeptically. You huffed a laugh “C’mon Derek you know better than that” you said purposefully sounding unconvincing. His expression hardened, giving you and Spencer a look before walking off.
Penelope's plan was officially in action and you and Spencer were playing your parts perfectly. As the day progressed the two of you got more and more into it. Hugging, whispering, even going as far as holding hands. And it went on for days, the team could feel the tension radiating between the three of you.
“I don't think I can do this much longer, he looks like he wants to murder me every time he lays his eyes on me” Spencer whispered to you as he walked you to your desk. You laughed “I can see that, don't worry he'll break soon. I can feel it,” you said, and even right there, and then you could feel Derek’s glare from his desk.
Derek's final straw had been when the team got a new case and instead of sitting in your usual spot, you sat next to decided to sit with Spencer. So when you landed Hotch assigned you and Derek the task of talking to the victim's parents. The tension in the car was unmistakable. You were holding your breath, waiting for the moment he decided to say something. You didn’t have to wait very long because about three minutes into the car ride he started “So something is going on with you and Reid” he said with an even tone. “No, I told you that already” you replied, matching his tone. he scoffed “So this past week with the giggling, hugging, and secrets, you're still telling me nothing is going on” he pushed. You smiled “If I didn’t know any better Derek Morgan I'd say you sound a little jealous,” you said teasingly. He took his sunglasses off, keeping his eyes focused on the road “I just want to know the truth” he sighed.
You frowned slightly. “Derek nothing going on between Spencer and I,” you told him honestly. “But,” you said, making him tense. You tried not to let him see the smile growing on your face “We did exceed our plan” you laughed. His face morphed into confusion “What are you talking about?” He asked “Well… we kinda came up with a plan to make you jealous and it worked very well,” you said dragging out the ‘well’. He looked as if he was processing the information before he let out a laugh “So you mean to tell me this whole week has been a big joke” he asked. You nodded, humming a ‘mhm’ with a smirk. “Oh y’all play dirty,” he said. You laughed even louder “Oh yes we do” you confirmed. He nodded “Alright I'll give it to you, but what made you do it anyway?” He asked. Your smile dropped at his question “You're a profiler, I'm sure you can figure it out” you said, turning to look at him.
You watched the gears turning in his head, and then you could see the answer dawned on him. “This about last Tuesday?” He questioned. You nodded “Right in the net Derek Morgan” you answered. “Now it was his turn to laugh “Baby girl, you tellin’ me you did all this because of my cousin?” He asked. You frowned in confusion turning your whole body to face him. “Cousin? That’s who she was?” You asked. He laughed, giving you a nod “Yes she was arranging for a family dinner, wouldn’t leave ‘till she had a date to set” he clarified. Your face burned and you wished you could crawl out of your skin. “I thought you slept with her.” You muttered embarrassed. He laughed extra loud at this “You should know there ain’t nobody else for me but you miss thing” he smiled.
“I- you-“ you stuttered but he cut you off “I’ve been waiting for the right time to ask you,” he said. You sighed, sinking into your seat. He stopped in the driveway of the victim's home and grabbed your hand “Come on, pretty mama let me see that pretty face” he teased. You sat up looking at him “How about this, after this case is over I'll take you on a date and we can go from there.” He said. You nodded in agreement he smiled giving you a quick pack on the lips. “Now come on mama, let's go talk to these parents,” he said exiting the car.
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mactavsh · 2 years
Right Behind You
Synopsis: Ghost tried to keep his distance from the youngest member of the 141, it did not work.
Relationships: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 2.2K  
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
Note: this was my first request and I am so excited it may have run away from me, please enjoy!
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Task Force 141 is an unstoppable force. The team effectively works as one unit squashing any threat in its path. Sergeant Y/n L/n is the youngest member of the task force. You rose quickly through the ranks landing yourself on Price's radar. It had been a few years since Price added you to the team and you had quickly become the heart of the group.
The task force had been sent to the Urals, a Russian mountain range, to infiltrate a base Laswell had located nestled within the forest there. In the hunt for General Shephard, Laswell had been sending you to any and all Shadow Company bases she could get the coordinates of.
You sat on a stack of crates in the old warehouse the team was currently calling their base. The sun had just set, and the sound of distant insects echoed through the broken windows. Price, Gaz, and Soap have huddled around a small table a few feet away. The trio was meticulously going over mission details and you absent-mindedly listened. 
Ghost stood next to you arms crossed and leaning on the crates, the height of your perch meant you could see the top of his head. The way the top of his mask was stitched piqued your curiosity. 
"How did you sew this?" You leaned over poking at the careful stitching that curved over the top of his head. 
"With needle and thread." Ghost spoke matter-of-factly. 
You scoffed at the lieutenant. "No seriously, did you sew it while you were wearing it? It's so snug."
"Sergeant you paying attention?" Price raised his voice so you could hear him. 
"Aye, I've been here the whole time."
"Not you, Soap." Price responded in an exasperated tone as Gaz snorted.
Ghost looked over at you, his eyes squinting a moment before he silently left to join the others. 
"Aw, come on!" You jumped off the crates and followed behind him. Approaching the table you squeezed yourself in between Ghost and Soap. Price stared at you with a thinly veiled look of disappointment as he waited to continue his briefing. Soap ruffled your hair as soon as you were close enough and you to tried to swat his hands away.
The captain pinched the bridge of his nose and then continued. “Listen up. Alpha team; Myself, Soap, and Gaz, will clear the first floor.” He spoke as he pointed at a set of blueprints spread on the table. The first floor of the building was substantial, many rooms were scattered along the perimeter with larger rooms situated in the middle. He then shifted the paper to the next page showing a much smaller second floor. “Bravo team; Ghost and Y/n, will climb up here and enter through the balcony then clear the second floor. The officer's quarters are supposed to be these rooms so, look for anything useful. Remember, this is Shadow Company, they are highly trained idiots so watch each other’s six. From what Laswell can tell, they're still on Shepard's payroll. Any questions?”
The question was met with a chorus of No Sirs and Price nodded. “Check your gear we move out in an hour.” The Captain spoke before stepping away.
Ghost moved silently to a corner of the room where his vest was, you quickly on his heels. He grabbed his vest off the floor and swiftly buckled himself in. The weight of the garment like an old friend.
“You never answered me.” You spoke as you stood next to him.
The lieutenant simply grunted in response. He put his hands on your shoulders and then gently turned you around. Meticulously he checked over the gear packed on your vest before patting your shoulder twice signaling you were good to go.
“Kid,” He sighed. “why the hell would I sew it while I was wearing it?”
“Dunno,” You shrugged looking up at the large man.
He gave an exasperated sigh again, something you heard often from him. As much as he pretended to be annoyed at your presence he had grown to enjoy your company. As did the whole team. You were by far the most lighthearted of the group, followed closely by Soap, and the team found solace in the levity you brought after hard missions.
The two of you fell into light conversation as you waited. Eventually, Soap and Gaz joined in and the conversation quickly devolved.
“You did what?” Gaz looks at you incredulously after you finished telling a story from your childhood.
“Wanted to be like Batman.”
Soap laughed. “So you tackled a kid who stole your fruit snacks.”
“I don’t see the problem, MacTavish.” You smirked as you responded.
“Got what they deserved sounds like.” Ghost spoke with a vague tone of pride lacing his response.
“Aye, sure did.” Soap's laugh echoed through the room once more.
“Time to go.” The captain's voice halted all other conversations. You all fell into step behind the captain as he led the way outside and toward the jeep. Pilling into the vehicle you all began readying yourselves. Silence filled the vehicle as Price drove, stopping just a mile away from the location he parked within the woodline. From there you trekked through the dark forest, the only sound heard was the whistling of the wind as the group expertly traversed the terrain. 
The building eventually came into view through the trees and if you hadn't known better you would have assumed it was abandoned. There were no exterior floodlights, the only light emitting from the building came from a few windows littered along the exterior. 
Soap raised his sniper rifle and peered through the scope. “No guards on the roof. The people I can see through the windows seem to be minding their business.”
“Good, won’t see our approach.” Price spoke adjusting his grip on his rifle. “This is where we break off. Bravo team, we will radio when we breach that's your cue.”
“Copy. Let’s party big guy.” You spoke as you broke off from the group, following right behind Ghost as he lead the way toward your breach point. The two of you quickly approached the side of the building, sticking close to the wall to stay in the shadows. Ghost expertly threw a rope up and anchored it for you both to climb up as soon as Price gave the go-ahead.
As you waited your eyes settled on the sky. The stars peppered the darkness and you could vaguely make out the misty outline of the milky way. If the area wasn’t about to become a hot zone, it would have been a beautiful spot to set up camp.
“Breaching.” Gaz’s voice over your earpiece brought you back to the present.
“Copy.” Ghost responded to Gaz before he knelt next to you, putting his hands together so he could give you a boost. You stepped your boot into his offered hands and deftly jumped as he pushed. You grabbed the rope up high and climbed the rest of the distance quickly maneuvering yourself back into the shadows once you were topside. 
Ghost was on the balcony seconds later, gun at the ready. He nodded toward you as he moved to open the balcony door. The only light filtering in the room was from the single overhead light. Slowly he moved deeper into the room scanning each side for anyone.  When he was satisfied that the room was clear he turned to you, pointing toward a desk situated against the wall. “Check the drawers.”
“On it.” You dropped your rifle to your side and moved to sit on the large leather chair that was situated behind the desk in question. Your eyes quickly searched the loose papers for keywords: Shepherd, Laswell, 141, your codenames, anything that could be remotely useful. You grabbed a few pages and folded them before tucking them away into your vest. 
You moved out from behind the desk and toward the door. Raising your weapon to the ready position you settled behind Ghost. He moved his hand onto the door knob while you set a hand on his shoulder to signal you were ready to move.
He slowly opened the door peeking to each side before stepping into the hallway. You followed right behind him. There were two other doors, one on the left and one on the right. Ghost held a hand up to signal to the right and you acknowledged, falling into step behind him as he pushed forward.
The smell of cigarette smoke gently wafted out from under the door. As you both prepared yourself to meet resistance, you placed your hand on the door nob. Meeting his eyes he nodded, signaling you to open the door. Quickly you pushed it open as he breached firing off three silenced shots before you even entered. The men who once occupied the room now lay in pools of their own blood. Silently you shut the door before taking in the room around you. 
Moonlight filtered in from the windows on the far wall casting an eerie glow to the room. A small lamp on the desk illuminated the computer one of the now-deceased officers had been using. You thanked your lucky stars that your ambush worked - the officer didn't have time to lock the device. Your fingers quickly pressed the keys as you scoured every file. Smiling to yourself you pulled a thumb drive from your vest and plugged it in.
“This thing's a damn gold mine.”
“Just be quick about it, still have one room to clear.” Ghost’s voice was as low as he positioned himself by the door.
A few minutes passed before the screen signaled it was done with the file transfer. You pulled the thumb drive and stashed it in your vest alongside the papers you had previously found. 
“All set.” You stood moving to resume your position behind Ghost.
You both moved back into the hallway and toward the final room. The sound of gunfire began echoing up the stairwell that connected the two floors and a pit of worry settled in your stomach. Just then, Price’s voice crackled over your earpieces. "Bravo team, we're meeting heavy fire. What's your status?" 
“Almost clear up here.” Ghost responded to the captain.
Movement caught your eye from the stairwell just as Ghost was passing by it. Time slowed as you saw an enemy soldier come into view and raise their gun toward Ghost. On instinct, you lunged forward pushing him out of the way as the soldier fired. Hot searing pain rippled along your back as you fell onto Ghost.
The lieutenant quickly regained his footing, spinning around to fire one shot into the stairwell negating the threat. He grabbed you gently pushing you back into the first room you had come in through.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Ghost’s voice contained a mixture of anger and worry. He gently turned you so he could see the wound. The bullet had grazed your back along your shoulderblade, he grabbed some gauze from his med bag and set it on top of the wound tucking it into the straps of your vest to keep it in place. He squeezed your other shoulder in a silent apology as you winced from the pressure. Turning you back around he spoke more sternly. “You could have been killed.”
Under his intense gaze, you felt so small. Ghost was the type of man to put everyone's well-being before his own, you knew that you had scared him though he would never outwardly say so. “I’m sorry, but I was not going to let you get killed.”
Ghost shook his head. “Don’t do that again. I’m supposed to protect you, kid.”
“No guarantees big guy. Someone has to look out for you too.” You look up at him with a mischievous grin.
The large man sighed, he knew arguing with you would be futile. “You good to keep going?”
Ghost stared at you for a moment, the expression in his eyes something you couldn't quite read. “Stay behind me.” He spoke simply before he raised his weapon and motioned for you to follow.
The final room was luckily empty and you found a few more documents that might be useful. With the second floor clear, you and Ghost moved to join the others.
“Alpha team, the second floor is clear we’re coming to you.” You spoke into the radio as you and Ghost descended the stairs. 
“Copy, about time you joined the party.” Soap’s voice sounded tired as he responded but still carried his signature teasing.
You made quick work of any soldiers you passed while moving to rejoin the team. Once the team was whole again, the base was clear not long after. You gathered any more intel you could find then the team exited and began their trek back to the jeep. Their makeshift base was a welcome sight, once inside everyone looked for a hopefully semi-comfortable position to get some sleep while Ghost offered to take first watch.
You had fallen asleep on Soap’s shoulder, the sergeant was still awake working in his journal but careful not to move too much. Ghost's eyes settled on you, the innocent look on your face only served to solidify his protective nature toward you. He would never admit it, but something changed within Ghost that day. Death had always been something on his radar but seeing it creep up onto yours filled him with worry. He made a new promise to himself that day - he would sacrifice his life for yours.
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anxiouspotatorants · 6 months
Actually you know what I need to rant about this: while literati is technically a good girl x bad boy dynamic it is written so incredibly well and avoids so many pitfalls and stereotypes that it makes a good girl x bad boy hater like myself (I’m only half joking — I don’t think any trope is inherently good or bad but I tend to dislike most pairings with this dynamic) fall head over heels for their story and relationship.
So much of what makes the two of them work is the contrast between how others perceive them and how they truly are. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who understand who Rory is as a person (Lorelai, Lane, Paris, Richard and Emily to a certain degree for starters), but she's constantly met with the expectation that she just does good and is supposed to make everyone proud 24/7. Stars Hollow as a group especially are big on this, as seen f. ex. through how Taylor takes Rory's one comment about an inappropriate DVD and twists the whole thing into a censorship crusade and makes Rory its poster-child even though she wants nothing to do with it and tells him so repeatedly. But instead of hearing Rory disagree with him (like he would Lorelai and Luke) he assumes that she actually agrees with him - and why shouldn't she when she's the perfect sunshine paragon of good who would never disagree with her elders? Also her grandparents treat her as incredibly fragile and childlike, like she must be too innocent to ever do anything wrong and so whenever she does something it has to be somebody else's fault (usually Lorelai, but occasionally Jess or whoever else was present). Time and time again Rory is treated like something innocent and naive and weak — but not by Jess. He sees her as a person.
And it obviously goes the other way too. Jess is treated like shit by pretty much everyone else. Either people hate him unprovoked or very much provoked (he did do a lot of pranks in his first few weeks and while I'm a Dean-hater I'm not blind to how much Jess picked fights with him), or they’ve simply given up on him. He tells Rory himself that every authority figure he had back in New York gave up on him too, from teachers to principals to his very own mother. But Rory doesn’t treat him like a lost cause, she treats him like the smart, brilliant and asshole-ish teen that he is. By having faith in him she also often holds him more accountable than others. Where f. ex. Lorelai or the other adults just roll their eyes, Rory physically drags Jess into doing his shifts at the diner. While others write him off, Rory chews Jess’ ear out for not helping Luke more and for willfully making enemies out of the Stars Hollow adults.
They don't put each other on pedestals or below each other. Jess doesn’t try to make a sinner out of Rory and she doesn’t try to make a saint out of him. There’s genuine respect between them. They expect each other to have integrity and treat others with kindness and honesty, and the rest is good old chemistry and common interests.
I particularly love how in so many of their scenes (especially pre-relationship) when they spend time alone they just get to be these goofy nerdy kids. They argue about controversial authors and dig through records shops and eat hot dogs and make fun of each other and try to make each other laugh. It’s not just sexual chemistry as it too often is in a dynamic like this (and often uncomfortably sexual when writing teenagers - looking at you Gossip Girl), and not just well written intellectual chemistry — they have platonic chemistry too. A hell of a lot of it actually.
While I don’t think ASP wrote them through a purely deconstructionist lens on the good girl x bad boy dynamic (if she did plan on writing the dynamic at all), there is something to be said about how where many around them treat them like stereotypes they treat each other like people. To so many people, Rory is a perfect small town princess, a little miss sunshine with booksmarts for days but too delicate and sweet for anything with grit and weight. To a lot of the same people and many more Jess is a pathetic brutish and maniacal lost cause, hell personified in a chainsmoking leather-wearing teenager. But to each other they are actual human beings. Kind and mean and flirtatious and scared and reckless and smart. Rory really thinks that with the right motivation and mindset Jess can be the kind who does (and at the end wrote) incredible things. Jess really believes that with a little more practice and support to step out of her comfort zone she can be the amazing journalist she wishes to be.
They don’t have this stupid «we’re so bad for each other but we can’t stay away» thing that too many trope users rely on and don’t even justify in the plot. Everyone else might think they’re not fit for each other, but they knew they were each other’s person from the very first day.
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mentallyisekaid · 11 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 1 ✦ 」
[Part 1] Part 2 Part 2.5. Part 3 Part 3.5
Pairings: only hinted/platonic (will change to something "more" later on if I decide to make more parts)
Warnings: spoilers regarding Signora's lore and a certain event in the Inazuma Archon quest, possibly some spoiler-ish stuff about other things too
Word count: 2.7k
This fanfic will include direct quotations from "Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo" that belongs fully to miHoYo. I'll write these quotes in bold, so copyrights won't haunt me like Khaenri'ah lore :)
Even among the Harbingers, not much was known about the Fair Lady's (may she rest in peace) younger sister, except for the fact that you existed and had somehow managed to live for over 500 years, just like her. They were all aware of Signora's special circumstances that had made her essentially immortal, but Celestia knows how you had done it?
This is why you'd become something of a urban legend among the lower ranking members of the Fatui. Maybe La Signora had just been delusional, some of them thought - maybe there wasn't a sister, at least not anymore.
You were fine with that, though. You'd never wanted anything to do with your sister or her morally dubious organization anyway.
But she was still the only blood relative you'd had left, and now she was gone.
Attending her funeral was only appropriate.
You arrived at the grand doors of the cathedral, stopping for a moment to adjust the expensive-looking cloak that someone had sent you along with the invitation to the ceremony, requesting you to wear it. Much to your displeasure, it had the Fatui Insignia on it, though you were slightly more bothered by the fact that they'd somehow figured out where you live...
Or maybe they'd known all along.
But even if the invitation wasn't just out of courtesy, you had only showed up because Rosalyne was family, and only to pay your respects.
Their agendas meant nothing to you.
Pushing the doors open, you marched inside, the click-clack of your high heeled boots echoing in the eerie silence.
Curious gazes followed as this visitor, shrouded in mystery, made her way through the aisle - some of them curious, others a bit doubtful - but you ignored them.
Sitting down in the front row, you crossed your legs, leaning back with your eyes glued to the coffin highlighted by faint moonlight. A girl with child-like, seraphic features was leaning her head on its surface, singing a calming tune...
"Well, I never... this must be the Fair Lady's rumored sibling? And here I was starting to think you wouldn't make an appearance, dear."
You sighed, really having hoped that no one would bother talking to you; you had nothing to say to any of them. But for Celestia's sake, you still had some manners...
Glancing over your shoulder at the man who had just addressed you, you gave him a slight nod.
"It does seem my arrival was rather tardy. My apologies."
The man who you recognized as the Regrator, also known as Pantalone, chuckled a bit.
"No matter, it is rare a pleasure to finally meet you~"
For a moment, your eyes wandered over each of the present Harbingers, these... co-workers of your sister's, before returning to stare in front of you just as indifferently as before.
You spoke a few more words, though.
"Everyone else as well, I suppose. Oh, and please pay no attention to my discourtesy... A lovely night for a funeral, is it not?"
Your charade was poorly put together, and intentionally so; you didn't know these people anymore than they knew you, but it was already clear that no one was here to pay their heartfelt respects for Rosalyne's memory, much less to exchange pleasantries.
A funeral? No, this was nothing but theatre - and here comes the first actor...
"We have gathered here today to remember our dear comrade. In honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns her passing."
Hearing these words come from Pulcinella, the Mayor of Snezhnaya himself, you mentally scoffed. So now these crazy diplomats justified mistakes as sacrifice?
Pantalone seemed amused by this declaration, though you noticed a shadow pass over his face.
"Hehe, merely half a day... People say that Northland Bank's true currencies are blood and tears... But Mayor, even speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable."
Well, it was as you'd expected? Even in this situation, the Harbingers only cared about their own agendas, and Rosalyne would've been the same way.
The next words belonged to someone you found a bit more familiar.
"You speak of her as if you knew what she had to go through," the silver-haired woman started, a derogatory look in her dark eyes.
You glanced curiously at her. This was surely Arlecchino? Out of the Harbingers, your sister had seemed to trust her the most, so you assumed they must've shared some sort of a closer relationship.
The Knave noticed you gaze, and gave you a small nod before continuing.
"Rosalyne died in a foreign land. But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland... You couldn't hope to understand. So why don't you keep your mouths shut!"
"Ah, bravo...~" you commented with a small chuckle, your sudden boldness slightly surprising some of them.
It seemed that La Signora's hardly known sister was indeed an interesting individual?
The ginger sitting on the other side of the aisle apparently found your remark entertaining, since he gave you an amused smile. But he threw his comrade's a much sterner look.
"Hey, c'mon now, even I don't think this is the right time or place for a fight."
Tartaglia, the infamous maniac always looking for a fight? Present~
"Utterly risible," a blonde woman scoffed from her place, sitting on the arms of a weird looking robot. Sandrone, you presumed.
And naturally, the oh-so righteous Capitano also had his opinion to share.
"Though her methods tarnished her honor, Lohefalter's sacrifice is still a great pity."
You sighed, shaking your head. There they go again, degrading her death as a mere sacrifice.
"Her loss shall not hinder our progress," the Captain continued, disregarding the matter. "But Dottore, what of Scaramouche --,"
...to which the crazy Doctor answered something incomprehensible.
Right. They weren't even talking about Rosalyne anymore. By now, the whole ceremony had turned out as a complete farce, and you wished nothing more than for Celestia to nuke it with another one of their divine nails.
Someone else had had enough as well.
"It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. This time, you have no captive audience."
The Jester's voice echoed menacingly in the cathedral, silencing his fellow Harbingers.
You gazed at him from your seat, raising an eyebrow when he gave you a look as well. In that short moment, unspoken words were shared between the two of you - after all, he knew things about you that the others didn't.
In any case, the speech went on for a while after that. Pierro's exaggerated sympathies, the Damselette needling Dottore about his segments, and... well, you weren't really listening anymore?
Once they finished and scattered from around the coffin, you silently walked over, placing a few frostbitten Cecilias on top of it. They were flowers from your homeland, though to you, Mondstadt was a memory at least five centuries old.
"Pretty flowers," a soft voice came from beside you. Columbina was back to presumptuously leaning on the casket.
You gave her a sidelong glance.
"Well, they're frozen to death by now - but that somehow fits the moment, no?"
The ceremony was seemingly over, though you could still sense their presence. Your back was facing them, but it felt like they'd moved closer to the coffin again - or, perhaps, closer to you...
"I don't believe anyone has yet offered their condolences to this poor child," Capitano remarked solemnly, disregarding the fact you were chronologically speaking a living fossil.
Tartaglia sighed, "She doesn't want us to, I think."
You turned around to face them, crossing your arms.
"Well, firstly, you're calling me a child about 500 years too late. And no, I don't need your pity. It's hard to see your last family gone, but we weren't that close to begin with. Besides, Rosalyne knew full well what she was doing - when agreeing to a duel before the Shogun, and when joining the Fatui in the first place. You reap what you sow, and that's that."
The Doctor chuckled. "La Signora would surely turn over in her grave if she heard that."
"Let the dead rest, Zandik," Sandrone scoffed.
Columbina had scooted next to you.
"Poor thing~", she sang in that eerie voice, tilting her head. "How long have you been living by yourself? Maybe you could have Signora's former chambers in the headquarters."
Hmm? What a laughable suggestion, you thought. She was obviously toying with you.
Arlecchino gave the Damselette a warning look.
"Such a thing is something only the Director can decide. Though," she gave you an unreadable look. "I wouldn't be against it. In Rosalyne's honor, of course."
The usually ruthless Knave's comment was found somewhat unexpected among her comrades.
You gave her a weird look.
Something was clearly going on, the atmosphere was strangely expecting and you didn't like it in the slightest. It seems the theatrics weren't over after all?
Pantalone was gazing at you, an amused smile on his lips.
"You look a bit lost there, dear. Don't worry, Pierro will explain some things to you in a moment~"
You frowned. So, there was more in the game here - that letter wasn't just an invitation to the funeral of a sister you hardly even cared about, you'd doubted as much from the beginning.
Not that it really changed anything. As already mentioned, you'd only come for the ceremony...
And now that it was over, there was no reason for you to stay.
"That won't be necessary," you stated, nodding curtly. "I will be taking my leave now. Goodbye."
Your cloak shuffled as you walked past them, heading toward the exit. However, Childe, who had been standing the closest to the doors, now moved to block your way.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Tartaglia, right? If you could move aside, that would be much appreciated."
"Sorry, no can do, girlie," he laughed a bit, scratching his neck in an awkward manner. "Boss wants to have a chat with you, so I can't just have you leaving like that, now can I?"
"Right," you sighed. "Well, I don't really care..."
You rudely moved past him, reaching the doors and about to push them open, when you suddenly felt a hand on your wrist. And the grip they had wasn't exactly gentle.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Childe still wearing that stupid smile of his but there was now a shadow over his usually cheerful expression.
"Look, you seem like a smart girl." His voice was soft and menacing at the same time. "Things don't have to get ugly here, if you just cooperate a bit."
Ugly? Oh, you could make things turn ugly.
But this wasn't the right time for that - not with the majority of the Harbingers present. It's not like you had a death wish, for Celestia's sake... though, it did seem like Tartaglia was only half serious about what he had said?
You looked past him, seeing the other Fatui diplomats standing there, all with hardly readable expressions on their faces. Your gaze stopped when it reached the Jester. If this was about Pierro having something to discuss with you, you were fairly sure you knew what he wanted anyway...
So, no harm in amusing him a bit?
"Ha. Well, it seems like I have no choice, then."
Childe smiled. "That's more like it."
He started making his way toward the front of the cathedral, while still holding onto your wrist - basically, he walked you back there like a toddler. After all, you might've had a change of heart any at any given moment and sprinted out of there like a lunatic.
You awkwardly sat down on one of the seats, wrapping the cloak around you tigther. The Harbingers were now standing in a semicircle in front of you, gazing down at you like their you were property. Pierro took a step forward.
"Now then, Y/N Lohefalter..."
"You are going to ask about my Visions, right?" you asked rudely. "As in, plural. Both of them. Is my assumption wrong?"
Pantalone chuckled. "Well, aren't you clever, my dear~"
"No, I always knew Rosalyne had told you, which is precisely why I tend to keep a lower profile than this. There's no reason to be so melodramatic over a couple of Visions."
Dottore seemed amused by your remark.
"But most humans never receive one. Yet, here you are, blessed with two."
"That, or cursed" you pointed out.
The Jester had allowed this interruption, but all it took was one gaze of authority from him and even you realized it was better to watch your mouth around this man. You tilted your head slightly downward.
"This assumption you made isn't necessarily untrue," Pierro stated in a low voice. "But it's not the whole truth, either."
It wasn't?
You heard footsteps approaching and carefully glanced up at Pierro who was now standing mere inches away from you. Things were getting more interesting, that's for sure.
"I asked you to come here today out of respect for Rosalyne's memory, and of curiosity toward the fact that you indeed bear the power of both Cryo and Pyro, much like your sister, albeit without a Delusion. My intention, however, was also to make a request of you..."
The Jester suddenly kneeled before you, his gesture confusing you. The infamous Director of the Fatui, kneeling before you?
You gave him a doubtful look.
"And what might that request be?"
"To put it simply, I want you to take Rosalyne's place as one of the Fatui Harbingers."
"...come again?"
The other Harbingers didn't seem surprised in the slightest.
You shook your head.
"You want me to join the Fatui?"
"We've been keeping a close eye on you, Y/N Lohefalter, ever since the Cataclysm and Rosalyne joining our ranks. Back then, she herself made the request that should she ever perish, you'd be asked to take her place."
"Ha," you chuckled. "That does sound like one of her selfish whims... but still, why would you even consider such a thing?"
You looked at Pierro, tilting your head.
"Can you really trust that my agendas align with yours?"
"Every person in this room has their own ideals and it has not proved to be a problem." The Director nodded. "You need not but work in the name of the Fatui, and swear your loyalty to the Tsaritsa. Of course, the latter is expected of you as a citizen of Snezhnaya anyway."
You crossed you arms, contemplating this unexpected proposal.
"And if I refuse?"
This earned displeased looks from the other Harbingers. Pierro's solemn expression, however, never faltered.
"It's far beyond my dignity to be forceful here. That would be disrespecting Rosalyne's legacy, and risking to make you a powerful foe of the Fatui."
He paused for a while.
"But I should also clarify that with the kind of power you hold, you are facing but two choices - to be with us... or against us."
So that's how it was going to be?
You'd almost forgotten that Pierro was still half-kneeling in front of you; even though one of his eyes was covered by a mask, his gaze held such intensity that you were completely enchanted by it for a moment.
And to think you'd make this kind of a decision on a whim, just like she once had - you really were more similar to your sister than you'd care to admit...
You sighed, standing up and glancing at the other Harbingers.
"Is this how he recruited you as well?"
Sandrone made a 'hmph' sound, "hardly."
"Heh, to think the Jester would kneel in front of someone?~" Pantalone commented. "You're quite an impressive girl, my dear."
"Then again," Dottore chuckled, "she has yet to witness the crueler side of the Director, no?"
Are you sure about that?
Tartaglia sighed, "now, now, don't scare her away..."
Pulcinella and Capitano didn't seem too amused by their comrades' antics. You, on the other hand, had their undivided attention.
Columbina was sleepily humming along to some tune, giving you discreet glances.
Arlecchino shook her head.
"Pierro still awaits for an answer, Y/N. Despite of what he may seem like, the Jester is not a man of great patience. It's time for you to decide."
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Then, I'm in?"
But for the love of the Tsaritsa, you had no idea what you'd just gotten yourself into.
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Hoof Race
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic
I’m going through ALOT because of a dickwad of a piano teacher. So imma just project and vent here. I love piano, but I don’t love the piano teacher. My own personal Umbridge. Bleck. So it’s gonna be sloppily written, projective, just. I’m going through a lot right now. A lot a lot.
Summary: Your first detention with Umbridge. Needless to say, very traumatizing. At least you have a pair of red heads to comfort you. Along with formed an escape plan to get you out of there. With some help
Warnings: Umbridge, scars, blood, depression, anxiety, stress, crying, trauma, Umbridge being Umbridge. Physical Violence against Reader from Umbridge, Humanism(Racism against other species) Surprise Guest Appearance for the Book Lovers from one of our favorite Divination Teachers
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“Where is our little lab rat?” Fred huffed, as he was looking around for you. With George trailing behind. Looking in all the directions that Fred wasn’t looking. You had promised to meet them at Hagrid’s to test out a new product to help with calming animals. Something that was more so a Comission’s for Hagrid than anything else. Would be a nice little treat. Tea, fang, and laughter. Just one problem. Where are you?
“Should have never given Harry that map.” George would grumble, as he was getting worried now. Where were you? You aren’t one to break a promise. Especially to miss out on hanging with Hagrid. Who wants to purposely avoid a cozy evening with him? Especially since the twins had hoards of candy to share. If you missed a treat like that, it has to be beyond your control.
“Checked the dorm, checked Myrtle, checked the Requirement’s, checked the green house-“ The twins would finish each others sentences, as they walked. Trying so hard to think of where you could be. That’s when they stopped infront of the Defense Room Doors. They were open, but the office door was closed. They slowly looked to each other, before bolting inside.
“But Miss Umbridge, it hurts-!” They heard you shout, now that they were pressing their ears to the door. “It’s not suppose to feel good, darling. I should have expected such idiocy from someone who found it wise to speak out of turn-“ Umbridge would huff, as her heels could be heard pacing. A mixture of sharp clicks, and your hiccups.
“Mr. Firenze is not a THING-!” You snapped, only for a sharp smack to echo in the room. Made the twins wince, as you hiccuped again. “That beast is indeed that. Why defend that vile creature, when it even identifies itself as a beast-? Hm? Shouldn’t expect much from an idiotic child like yourself.” She lectured on.
“What do we do?” George whispered to Fred. What could they do? She was still a professor after all. Regardless, they had to do something. Anything. SOMETHING. They had to think fast, before you got even more hurt. Or worse. Expelled.
“Twins-?” A voice called itself, making the duo look over. The familiar blonde hair, and clips of hoof steps, made it clear who it was. Their newest teacher, given Umbridge very literally fired their old one. What a god send, as the twins were able to hatch a plan.
“Please please-“ They made praying hand gestures, as they pointed at her door. Making dramatic movements to try and convey they needed a distraction. Not wanting to get detention next. Never thought detention could be worse than anything Snape could offer.
The echo of another slap was what made the ever calm teacher connect the dots. Oh how he dispised such treatment. It was inhuman. That’s saying something from a man who used to live with trantulas the size of buildings. He would quickly motion for the red heads to quickly go hide under the stairs, before he cleared his throat.
“Mistress Umbridge? I need to speak with you about a matter at hand-!” He called, with a hoof stomp for added volume. The duo was quick to run under the stairs, and narrowly miss her gaze. An ever-plastered fake smile was on her lips, as she would walk down the stairs. A twitch to her eye was given, as she was now forced to speak to the centaur.
"Yes, Firenze? Whatever could you need at this late hour?" She asked, while the twins were quick to rush into the classroom. Left quite a sight. There you were, with bloody hands. To bloody to even make out what scars she had to make your write this time. Along with a firm bruise on your cheek, from her had no less. They were enraged, to put it lightly. This was the last time she would ever do this. That was their promise.
They were quick to your side, as you wrapped your arms around them. Your savior. "She just kept insulting him, and it wasn't right. He's a good teacher-" You would sniffle, as George would use his wand to try and clean your hands. He sneered at the words on your skin. Busy with tending to your immediate wounds, as Fred tried to calm you down and explain the plan.
"WAIT WAIT-I UH-I AM JUST A CENATUR! A WITCH LIKE YOURSELF KNOWS MORE THE I!" Firenze shouted, making the twins realize their time was running out. "Just be quiet, and follow our lead-" Fred just said, and you listened. Typical behavior, after all. They were always scheming, and you were happy to get into any mess they offered.
"Well....You are just a centaur. You aren't modern, or cultured, such as myself. I suppose i can remind you how we properly function here." Umbridge would smugly say, as Firenze tried so hard to not roll his eyes. Was worth it, as he was able to watch you be escorted back under the stairs. That firey red hair hidden away. Just in time, because even his calm soul can only take so much.
"Oh dear, Mar's is infront of Saturn. You know what that means, I better return to my classroom-!” She had no idea what that meant, no one did since it was a big lie. Least it sounded good enough to make her scoff. Feeling as though she wasted her time with him. Regardless, she gave a friendly smile. Now walking back towards her office.
The second her back was turned, the blonde stallion quickly motioned for the three of you to hurry to him. Fred and George basically carried you, as they did. Needing to work fast. Was just yanked around like a doll, but there was no choice. The moment Umbridge had gasped, noticing you were gone, you three were on his back.
“Where did-“ But it was faded, as you three were not having a horse ride of your life. Escaping her, this night. Quite the adrenaline rush. Riding the back of your teacher, as he tried to not trip down the stairs. Least you had Fred and George to comfort you. Holding on to the straps on their teachers body, for his supplies, and comforting you.
“Well clean you up, and make sure that this is the last time she ever hurts anyone.” Fred said, with a firm nod. You never thought the twins could look so angry before. Was scary, but also a morbid reassurance. Given Umbridge’s gaslighting was getting to you. Thinking you were a burden, failure, worthless, just horrible. Didn’t even noticed you were starting to cry. It was all too much. The boys would hold you close, and just hold.
“Dreadful woman. Dreadful dreadful just oh so dreadful-“ Firenze would keep on muttering, as he tried to not break an ankle on those ever moving stairs. Full of much spite as anyone else. Suppose that meant the twins had someone on their side, at least.
“You are gonna crash with us tonight.” Fred said to you, as Firenze took that as advice on where to go. Now heading to the Gryffindor common room. “Think of it as a big sleep over. Chilling in the common room’s living space.” George echoed. Childish, but there is joy in childhood. Had you smile in approval.
“Here, allow me to offer some assistance.” Firenze then spoke, as he rummaged in his bag. Still trotting along, as it was just a hallway roam now.
“This should help with your healing and recovery. Sometimes spells can not solve all problems.” And a small bag was offered to you three. Most likely a herbal of some kind. The kind textures were very reassuring. A reminder you weren’t crazy. That she was in the wrong. Not you. Still, made you tremble in fear.
“Gonna be ok. She’s not gonna hurt you anymore.” Fred reassured, with a kiss to your head. Followed by George hugging you tightly. Just helping ground you, as the centaur finally stopped at the painting. She didn’t even ask for the password. As if she wanted to delay much needed rest.
“Rest, if you can. When you join me for our class, tomorrow, you are permitted to not join. You may just relax, and star gaze. That often times relaxes myself.” Firenze offered, as he laid down at the open wall. Allowing you three to get off. He understood you were a victim, and offered sanctuary where he could.
“Thanks…” You sniffled, as to not be rude. He knows, he knows. He gave you a pat on your head, and a smile, before taking his escort away. Leaving you three with your thoughts. The twins mostly thought of how to make whatever happens to Umbridge look like an accident, while you were still shaking from the ordeal. Murder plots can be for another time. You were first.
Escorted to the common room couch, you were as pampered as you could be. Hands properly wrapped, the herbal deal brewed, helping clean up the blood stains, using their latest invention to help clean up your bruise. Just doing what they could, as you sniffled and hiccuped.
Once done, you were soon lying against Fred. With George semi on top of you. As if some kind of pressure therapy. A means to make sure no one could touch you, or sneak up on you. Was nice. What was nicer was the random fellow classmates who walked around. May it to get something to drink, unable to sleep, what have you.
They took notice of you, could quickly grasp it was Umbridge, and let you have your comfort. May it be making sure you three had a blanket, staying extra quiet to not disturb you, or asking if you needed anything. Just some humanity against the darkness.
The comfort of the twins, the easing calm of the tea, and the sound of the ever lit fireplace. It helped you come back to earth again. Just what you needed. Reassurance that you were the victim. Not the other way around. Just deep breaths of fire, cinnamon, and gun powder.
You’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, and the twins promised.
As if they ever would break a promise.
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visinox · 1 year
What is your favorite ship and why?👀👀👀
Ehehe what a question :) I'll answer this for iterator ships! I do have favorite slugcat ships as well but those will come with my slugcat design post.
I have two favorites actually, that would be trafficlight and lilypad! Both of which are present with my version of the iterators.
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Trafficlight is appealing to me in a way I haven't really found a way to articulate ahah. I just think Hara and Suns' personalities provide excellent contrast, I always am a sucker for the charismatic bold type and shy nervous type falling for each other. With the added layers of Suns making mistakes at times and Hara having the guts to tell them how it is.
With how I portray trafficlight, they realize their feelings at the exact same time but have absolutely opposite responses. Hara accepts it and begins to watch if Suns feels the same, while Suns is absolutely petrified AAHAH.
My version of Suns is quite cynical and tends to overthink, they also feel obligated to not go against the ancient's wishes lest something terrible happen (at least they think something might). They feel if they were to love Hara they would become tethered to life, which obviously they aren't supposed to be. So they fear angering the ancients spirits or whatever.
They are also aware they are absolutely head over heels for Hara, and they also fear loving him too much- Like they won't know how to move on when something bad inevitably happens.
Meanwhile, Hara has none of this existential dread LMAO. He doesn't care what the ancients think, and he has accepted they will all meet an end at some point, so they might as well enjoy things while it lasts. It takes Suns time to calm their anxieties, but they do eventually.
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My version of Lilypad, meanwhile, is queerplatonic! That's why I kind of struggle tagging it as specifically lilypad- But y'know AHHWFUIIHFW. I will probably in the future though just with the addition of queerplatonic tags :) I'm still a bit new at this Tumblr buidness
But mine at least, they have an incredibly intimate friendship, they love each other very much, they know each other better then anyone else, they are besties 5 ever
If Suns is Hara's romantic soulmate, Moon is Hara's platonic soulmate. They are the oldest in their local group so they have a very particular "old friend" dynamic, something they call each other frequently. They're just a couple of geezers, they've always been a constant for each other through thick and thin.
I love this because they're just two goobers who love each other and I love that for them! They're mellow, like to have a good laugh, a very comfortable ship indeed. When things aren't going to hell that is.
And that's the post!
So sorry it was a bit lengthy, but thank you for asking this, and thank you for reading! It was very fun to answer aha. And both include Hara, alas he has two hands for a reason <3.
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cheeriecherry · 2 years
5 sentence ficlet for viktor, please??
You and he had always been more than friends bur not in an established relationship and someone tries to flirt with you after finding that you're not 'technically' seeing anyone- jealous viktor??
For as long as he could remember, you and Viktor had been close. Even as children, you’d appeared in his life one day and dug your heels in: you encouraged him in everything he did, stood up for him when he felt like nothing, made him laugh when he was unhappy and, when you couldn’t get him to laugh, you were his shoulder to cry on and his ear to talk to. Hell, he even listed you as his Partner on his school documents, so he wouldn’t have to leave you behind when he became a student at Piltover’s academy. You were his friend, yes, but your relationship far exceeded that - you were soulmates in his opinion, if such a thing even existed.
But you were also platonic, in every sense of the word; you knew this, Viktor knew this. Even if your lives revolved around each other -and HexTech, of course- you were just friends. You’d tried on multiple occasions to set him up on dates, first with women, and then with men when he seemed nonreciprocal to your endeavors: but each outing had ended the same way - with a mutual agreement that a relationship wouldn’t work, and no plans to meet up again. And always you would ask him why he wasn’t putting effort in, assuring him that if he just wasn’t into dating then it was totally fine, because not everyone feels that kind of attraction. He -perhaps stupidly- had agreed with you. I’m just not interested in other people, he’d told you, and had nodded your pretty head and agreed to drop the matter.
What he didn’t anticipate was how drastically you would misinterpret his words. Ever since he’d lied to you about not wanting to date anyone, you’d been distant; missing dinners with him, rescheduling your study sessions, canceling outings. So much so, that it was nothing short of a miracle he’d managed to get you to come to this stuffy little party: full of rich sponsors he and Jayce were supposed to impress, and non-negotiable in terms of his attendance. But at least you had come, dressed impeccably in navy velvet, and were keeping him company.
Or you would have been, if you weren’t letting some complete snob slide their arm around your waist. It was none of his business, but he couldn’t shake the way it made him sick to his stomach - seeing someone else’s hands on you. Is that where you’d been the past couple weeks? Going out on dates, or to parties, meeting people and getting close with them? You don’t belong to me, he reminds himself, even as he makes his way over and coolly dismisses the person at your side; even as you shoot him a glare and quietly ask him what the fuck was that, Viktor? “What indeed?” he replies, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. “You’re mine, miláček,” he says faintly, against the shell of your ear, “and you have been ignoring me for weeks.” You frown up at him, and tell him softly that you weren’t ignoring him, and that you just wanted to give him space, since he wasn’t interested in being around you. It takes him a couple seconds to remember the conversation you’re referencing, but when it dawns on him, he squeezes you further into his side. “I said I was not inclined to other people, dear, but us?” he presses a kiss to your temple, “You are the only person I have ever been interested in.”
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mxanigel · 11 months
I'm starting to feel like I need to create a slide deck to explain Shion's sexuality and perspective on sex 😅
She can enjoy sex but doesn't desire it? At least, she doesn't feel like she desires sex the way others seem to. She craves intimacy with someone she loves, and that kind of physical closeness tends to overlap with the other person wanting sex. Because sex is supposed to happen when you're in love, right?
[more OC rambles that ended up extending beyond aspec things below the cut]
Before the OT3, Shion had two relationships: Zane Armbrust and Rena Hoffmann. Zane was her partner during their cadet days when they were both in their late teens, and in hindsight her feelings were more platonic than romantic (which contributed to them breaking up around graduation). Being with Zane helped Shion begin healing from the long-term emotional abuse inflicted by her mother, but between that and her parents' unhealthy relationship as her main example, she made many mistakes, including sleeping with him because he wanted it, because the act was expected. (To be fair, Zane was also figuring himself out; a few years later he meets a man who he ends up marrying.)
Thanks to that growth, the version of Shion who meets Rena is in a much better place to have a relationship. And Shion falls head over heels for her. I don't think Rena was aspec, instead a deeply empathetic person who worked hard to identify and meet her lover's wants and needs while communicating her own. Often with teasing involved. Sure, they had their stumbles along the way as they figured out who they were together. But through that safety and acceptance, Shion first found pleasure in sex with Rena, later even initiating it on rare occasions. Despite their crapsack world, they were happy for years. And then Shiganshina was attacked, taking Rena's life alongside so many others.
(Why did Rena have to become such a wonderful character?? I once again must apologize to an OC for putting them through so much anguish.)
Shion throws herself into the Survey Corps in the wake of Rena's death, alternating between Expeditions and helping train new recruits, never rising to a captain rank due to occasional reckless behavior. Her luck runs out when she breaks both legs fighting a Titan, leading to months of recovery and then post-recovery physical therapy and training to rejoin the Survey Corps. She should have given up, retired, changed jobs, but if she wasn't a soldier fighting Titans, what would she have left?
It's this version of Shion who joins Squad Jonas, and her time with them slowly helps her realize how much the past few years have rocked her to the core. How far she's strayed from Rena's desire for her to seek joy. In trying to recover that better version of herself, Shion changes to the point that she catches Hange's attention, and soon after that is when Cut to the Feeling begins.
Given all this, Shion is utterly unprepared to fall in love again, let alone with someone like Levi. Yet she won't suppress those feelings because they were unexpected. In fact, she finds joy in loving Levi (and Hange, albeit under the assumption that her feelings are purely platonic there).
It's the physical aspects of that love which Shion struggles with. Unlike Rena, Levi isn't one to talk about such things. He's direct, blunt, and forward. And Shion will prioritize his needs and wants over her own. Which leads to tension between them once Hange turns their pair into a triad.
Because, subconsciously, Shion prefers physical intimacy with an AFAB partner. She's never had two people juxtaposed to be able to figure that out. But Levi notices, quickly, and later confronts her about it in his characteristically brusque fashion (because he doesn't know she hasn't realized this herself). It isn't an easy conversation. Yet the three of them insist on honesty with each other above all else, and because they work to maintain this foundation of trust, they can have these conversations. Which leads to a three-way relationship where each person can freely express wants and meet needs because they love each other, whether those needs are for sex or for the absence of it.
(If you got this far, thanks for reading. <3 If you and/or any of your characters are also aspec, I hope some of this resonated with you.)
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Prompt: Jealous Viktor?
For as long as he could remember, you and Viktor had been close. Even as children, you’d appeared in his life one day and dug your heels in: you encouraged him in everything he did, stood up for him when he felt like nothing, made him laugh when he was unhappy and, when you couldn’t get him to laugh, you were his shoulder to cry on and his ear to talk to. Hell, he even listed you as his Partner on his school documents, so he wouldn’t have to leave you behind when he became a student at Piltover’s academy. You were his friend, yes, but your relationship far exceeded that - you were soulmates in his opinion, if such a thing even existed.
But you were also platonic, in every sense of the word; you knew this, Viktor knew this. Even if your lives revolved around each other -and HexTech, of course- you were just friends. You’d tried on multiple occasions to set him up on dates, first with women, and then with men when he seemed nonreciprocal to your endeavors: but each outing had ended the same way - with a mutual agreement that a relationship wouldn’t work, and no plans to meet up again. And always you would ask him why he wasn’t putting effort in, assuring him that if he just wasn’t into dating then it was totally fine, because not everyone feels that kind of attraction. He -perhaps stupidly- had agreed with you. I’m just not interested in other people, he’d told you, and had nodded your pretty head and agreed to drop the matter.
What he didn’t anticipate was how drastically you would misinterpret his words. Ever since he’d lied to you about not wanting to date anyone, you’d been distant; missing dinners with him, rescheduling your study sessions, canceling outings. So much so, that it was nothing short of a miracle he’d managed to get you to come to this stuffy little party: full of rich sponsors he and Jayce were supposed to impress, and non-negotiable in terms of his attendance. But at least you had come, dressed impeccably in navy velvet, and were keeping him company.
Or you would have been, if you weren’t letting some complete snob slide their arm around your waist. It was none of his business, but he couldn’t shake the way it made him sick to his stomach - seeing someone else’s hands on you. Is that where you’d been the past couple weeks? Going out on dates, or to parties, meeting people and getting close with them? You don’t belong to me, he reminds himself, even as he makes his way over and coolly dismisses the person at your side; even as you shoot him a glare and quietly ask him what the fuck was that, Viktor? “What indeed?” he replies, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. “You’re mine, miláček,” he says faintly, against the shell of your ear, “and you have been ignoring me for weeks.” You frown up at him, and tell him softly that you weren’t ignoring him, and that you just wanted to give him space, since he wasn’t interested in being around you. It takes him a couple seconds to remember the conversation you’re referencing, but when it dawns on him, he squeezes you further into his side. “I said I was not inclined to other people, dear, but us?” he presses a kiss to your temple, “You are the only person I have ever been interested in.”
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Please write Halloween/Fall Prompts “48. Haunted Mansion” with the squad x platonic fem reader
EEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!! Babes, I'm screaming!!! I have the perfect idea for this!!! hee hee
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New Orleans, Louisiana
Halloween Night, 2022
The giggles of a wispy little girl ghost filled the halls of the huge, spooky looking mansion, knocking on the doors and causing a commotion in the halls, waking almost all of the Dagger Squad from a late afternoon nap.
Bob startled awake at the noise, nearly knocking his glasses, his crystals and several small statues of his family deities off the little altar shelf next to his bunk bed. "God, why is it always this hour of the night when she's doing this?" he groaned sleepily.
"She's a ghost Bob," Phoenix mumbled, rubbing the grog out of her eyes. "And the worst part is, she's eternally five-years old."
A black cat screamed in the hallway before skittering into the room. Two more ghosts zoomed down the halls while Rooster stumbled his way in, still groggy from the nap and the cat curling about his ankles. "Should I threaten her with an exorcist now? Or wait until after the party?" he yawned.
"We'll see how she is later," Phoenix said, pulling her black hair into a ponytail. "I heard it's supposed to be a good one this year."
"Yeah you know how they are down here," Rooster said. "They go all out for Halloween."
A startled yell echoed down the hall from one of the bathrooms as Coyote ran out in nothing but a towel. "CLARY!!!!! You'd better knock next time or I'm calling an exorcist!!!!" Coyote bellowed.
"Guess I didn't need to threaten he this time," Rooster chuckled.
Bob shook his head as he climbed down from the bunk, reaching for his glasses that had been tucked away in the little niche along with everything else. He disappeared to the bathroom to go and get cleaned up while Phoenix lit a few sticks of incense and stuck them in the little holder, the image of her namesake emblazoned a bright gold on a piece of blood red silk amongst fiery elements and family deities that controlled fire.
(Y/n) stuck her head in a minute later once Rooster and Bob had disappeared. "Hey Nat?"
"What's up (y/n)? Glad to see you're finally awake."
"Yeah you can thank Clary for that one," you said with a roll of your eyes. "Do you mind helping me with the hair? It's gonna be a little tricky."
"Oh honey, hair and makeup are my expertise," Natasha chuckled. "C'mere and we'll do each other's."
You and Natasha gladly did each other's hair and makeup, carefully applying what needed to be applied before helping each other on with the masks that went over your eyes. God, you two were going to look gorgeous, and the guys? Everybody there would be head over heels for them.
"Oh my God, Nat you look like you're gotta set the whole place on fire!!" you said excitedly.
She looked amazing, all in red and gold, the shoulder pieces forming birdlike wings that went in a gentle gradient from smokey black to bright and burning shades of red, orange and yellow. You however were something to behold all on your own, your hair done up with a thin string of pearls laced into the braiding. All around your eyes were clear little dustings of silver glitter and your sheer, white dress showing just enough cleavage for the boys to look and keep guessing. Natasha practically gasped when she saw the thin little angel wings on your back, wondering if indeed you had flown to earth.
"Bestie!!!!!" she gasped, clamping her hands over her mouth. "(y/n) seriously, you look amazing!!!!"
"You like it?" you asked excitedly.
"I think she looks positively stunning," chortled a voice.
You both looked up to see Essie, one of the more wild and feral ghosts who spent her days flitting about the garden and making the Spanish mosses on the willows shudder with her breezy touch. Her transparent and wispy form stuck her head out from the ceiling, giggling like a smitten schoolgirl as she hung upside down. "You ladies are going to make the boys go crazy," she giggled.
"We'd better," Phoenix told her. "We put alot of work and effort into this."
"Oh darling, the hard work is only the half of it," Essie replied, dangling by her ankle from a ghostly rope, reminiscent of The Hanged Man. "Perhaps a little teasing here and there in the bedroom will rile them up a little."
"You think that will work?" you asked, knitting your eyebrows together.
"Well, your friends, Hangy and Roo-Roo seemed to think so," Essie cackled.
Yours and Natasha's jaws hung opened wide in shock. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!" you blurted out.
Essie cackled again and apparated quickly back into the ceiling before you had a chance to throw Natasha's hairbrush at her. "She's gonna get it one of these days," you hissed.
Natasha laughed and shook her head. Mickey stuck his head in soon after. "You ladies ready?" he asked.
"Hell yeah we are," you told him.
Mickey took both you and Natasha on each arm, all of you ready for one hell of a night, where the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was to be lifted, all of you celebrating not death and darkness.....but life itself.....wonderful, beautiful, joyous life.
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soapysudz · 2 months
I think that one of the reasons I'm not usually a huge fan of romance is that I don't like love at first sight/instant physical attraction, or romance that's mainly physical attraction. Few things will annoy me faster than a character meeting the intended love interest and they just go straight to describing their thighs or dreamy eyes or what have you.
Not to say these things are bad, I just really really REALLY get annoyed by them, especially because a lot of stories have that as the main mode of romance.
These types of stories have me wondering where's the chemistry? Where's these characters caring for each other and not just in a weirdly shallow possessive way? Could these characters grow old together? They don't really seem to communicate so how the heck am I supposed to believe they're gonna last any significant amount of time with any happiness? In the case that the characters are supposed to be happy ofc, because I do think its interesting when characters regress or are in relationships that aren't necessarily good for them but the writer recognizes this and is purposeful about, not just glossing over it and trying to convince the audience that it's all good.
ANOTHER THING I absolutely DESPISE is when at the end of the story all the characters get paired up and its pretty obvious that the writer(s) just did that because they thought they needed that for a happy ending. This brings me back to my point (not previously mentioned in this rant) on how in this society (USA bc that's where I am) places more value in romantic relationships over platonic ones, and while people are consciously trying to move away from that it's still massively represented in media, such as the dreaded Studio Mandated Romance that is in so many action movies and many ti.es the only reason a female character is in the story.
Going head over heels for someone you've just met and practically abandoning your friends or your relationship being viewed as less than a romantic relationship is so incredibly messed up and is in so many stories. Even the phrase "I want to be more than friends" or anything along those lines irk me because what!? Why is romantic love the end all be all and pinnacle of relationships? Who decided that? Because they sure didn't check in with everyone first (knowing the US its probably rooted in colonialism smh).
It just makes me so mad that platonic relationships are de/undervalued.
Ok so this post ran away from a but it is what it is and what it is is me rambling
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
I just realized how rich (or poor) the reader must be to feed 6 boys everyday like 6 bentos, snacks for 6 people, and occasionally breakfast and dinner for all of them almost everyday. In addition, there will be more stomach to feed in the future (Takemittchi Chifuyu, black dragon boys, etc.), so yeah I am a bit worry about the reader’s wallet.-Winky Wink anon
ohhh boy no way you feed all 6 of them everyday winky wink anon! BAHAHAHAHAAH - just feeding you and one other person lunch and snacks is enough to burn a hole in your wallet . its more of a once a week kinda treat for all 6 to get fed together and only for one meal (lunch), normal days they'll have to take turns, one for every day of the week. and three meals would be an even rarer occurrence
and what makes you think the boys will allow you to feed anyone but them? your cooking is reserved only for them.
have a short drabble!
Recommended Readings: High Heels
tw: none
Yandere Platonic Toman Boys AU
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"Mikey, come on, you're gonna get me fired."
"But that's a good thing." Muttered into your chest and arms wrapped tight around you, you still indulgently ran your only free hand through his soft locks even though you really shouldn't be encouraging this behaviour, the other gently holding the handle of your mop. "Why do you even have to work?"
The underlying question was clear. Why weren't you spending more time with them?
Lips pulled into a kind smile, you let out a chuckle, taking your time to reply your spoiled friend even as his full pout was turned at you when you retrieved your hand from where it had been rested, mid-comb through his soft golden locks. "You boys are expensive to feed, you know."
And there was no response, Mikey only moving to push his face into the crook of your neck instead, you humming a short tune under your breath. Both knew how picky your Toman friends were when it came to their lunch bentos, and the amount of love you poured into crafting each and every one didn't come cheap. Yet, was it selfish to only want more time with you?
It wasn't a question you had the answer to, but you supposed your friends did, seeing how hard they worked to always be present in your life no matter where you were or what you were doing.
The only thing that broke the stillness of the store was the same track playing for the third time today over the radio, combined with the gentle whirling of refrigerators next to where the two of you were hidden near the back of the shop, though the silence between the two of you was a comfortable one.
You supposed you were lucky in a sense that there was not a single soul in sight - lucky for your store's potential customers that is, you mused, suppressing the shudder that would have run through your body at the thought of Mikey jumping on the next innocent high school student that wandered in. Yet you couldn't help but wonder if it was really luck, the lack of customers since the start of your shift an extremely suspicious coincidence, given that the store was located just below one of the busiest stations in Shibuya.
Then the dreaded creak as the door to the manager's office swung open, the now-familiar head of greying hairs poking out from the entrance. "Hey, I need you to pack the shelves at the cashier once you-"
Words trailing off as the store manager's eyes landed on you and your baggage, it seemed that he immediately reconsidered when the Toman President turned irate eyes on him, promises of a world of hurt if he dared speak another work to you from his unworthy mouth pouring from his gaze. But you were faster, quickly pressing Mikey's face back into your chest, before turning a sheepish look on the manager.
"Mikey, you can't scare my boss like that!" The obvious cold sweat pouring down the older man's face had you already mentally prepared to have to find yet another job, though it would be really difficult to explain to any potential employers why you had burned through three different part-time jobs in just two months. "Sorry, I'll get to it right away!"
"No, no, just take your time." The door slammed shut before he had even managed to get his words out, once again leaving the store completely deserted save for your little duo.
Sighing, you released Mikey from the grip you had on him, but the blond-haired boy barely moved.
"You know, Koko always offers to just give me -" An instant jerk of Mikey's head up, his hand shooting out to grab and squeeze your cheeks together, the irritation that had vanished earlier once again washing over his features, though it seemed this round it had only grown further, the pinch of his eyebrows tighter on his forehead.
"You still talking to him?" He demanded, blank eyes searching yours for any sign of untruths. But you never lied, not to your friends.
"I don't, since you boys don't like me speaking to them," Was somehow mumbled through squeezed cheeks. What went unsaid, of course, was that Koko and Inupi were content with carrying the conversation with no input from you, spending whatever time they could between your classes when your Toman friends would be absent huddled up against you, each of your hand running through either head of hair. That would be unnecessary information.
Releasing your quickly reddening face, all you could do was sigh in relief, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead. "We'll go get that taiyaki you like so much after I'm done for the day, okay?"
"Right away?"
"Yes Mikey, right after I'm done."
The reluctance in his movements as he finally pulled away from you was clear, though it seemed that the promise of your attention later on did the trick. But even as your friend started his trudge back towards the front doors, the sudden flash of black hair, visible through the double glass doors of your store and over the low shelves of the store, combined with the immediate scattering of potential customers, instantly resolved any doubts you had about the strange circumstances that had been plaguing the little convenience shop since the start of your shift.
Letting out yet another sigh, you replaced your mop in its holder. "And tell Baji to come in for his turn already, would you Mikey?"
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Shy Girl - Jamie Campbell Bower (One-Shot)
If you love my work please consider reblogging!
Summary: Diana is a good friend of Joseph Quinn's from another movie set where she helped as a makeup artist. When the actor mentions he doesn't have a date to S4 premiere afterparty Diana is more than happy to give her sweetheart friend a boost of confidence. Only it ends up with her in a dress and heels while feeling like such a wallflower amongst the fun-loving actors that are so out of her league.
Requested by: Shy One
Song Inspiration: Shy by Leon Bridges
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A soft sigh left her slightly parted lips as she popped her head back into the view of the screen and squinted at her phone at the video of one of her good friends who looked so glum as he finished ranting on and on about something or another. Something about a premier for his latest gig and the afterparty. First it was the concern for an outfit that he wanted to look good in and the next they somehow got to the part that he didn't have a date to go with him. A man like Joseph Quinn could get anyone he damn well pleased but much like Diana herself, her friend was kind of shy when it came to speaking with women in that manner.
"Stop it." her British accent thickened slightly on those two words as she propped her chin on her palm while she sat at her kitchen island with a cup of steaming tea in front of her. "You look like a kicked puppy. I can't deal with that look Quinn." she pointed a manicured finger at the screen seeing the guilty look the man returned as he slouched in his leather chair; probably in the hotel somewhere.
"You act like it's the end of the world. Why can't you just go alone? It's not that big of a deal is it?" one perfect brow rose as she peered at his image on her screen.
The pout he gave her was adorable and brought out a smile to her face which she promptly hid behind the rim of her mug as she sipped her tea. She was trying to stay strong in her resolve and not cave to that man. They'd been friends for many years ever since she met him on the set of Dickensian back in 2015 and it's been what like…she mentally counted back 7 years that they've known each other when she had been working as a makeup assistant as an intern for the set; they realized they were two peas in the same pod and never went a day without talking even when they could not be there in person all the time. Like this current moment here for instance. While he was in New York right now stuck up in a hotel the day before the premiere he was supposed to attend with his fellow cast members of Stranger Things, Diana was holed up in her studio apartment all the way in Birmingham, the UK enjoying her morning. She often forgot that her hometown was actually 5 hours ahead of New York time so while it was 2 in the afternoon here it was 9 in the morning over there for her friend.
"Can't you come, please? It would mean the world to me, love!" her grey hazel green eyes refocused on the man looking like a lost soul staring at her and it was probably that look that made her guard crumble if only a little.
"Joseph, I'm 5 hours ahead of you right now sweets. I don't think I'd be able to make it. I'd have to cancel my appointments, find the first flight available, pack, find me a hotel, fly over there-" she rambled listing things off on her fingers as she went
"I'll pay for everything. You don't have to worry about finding a hotel, you can just come stay at mine with me for a few days and I'll find you the quickest plain ticket out here. Come on Ana please love!" oh he was begging now, she knew when he begged like that he could get whatever he wanted. God bless her that small miracles happened or else if that man was here with her now he most likely would have cuddled, tickled, and given her kisses (all platonic of course!) until she'd have agreed to go with him.
She pinched the bridge of her nose a moment and inhaled trying to keep her cool but as soon as her hazel eyes opened again to look at her phone screen she knew she was done for. He knew it too as soon as he'd seen the way her shoulder slumped and her lips pursed in just the way he remembered when she caves. Grinning wide the British man gave her a few air kisses as he thanked her over and over despite her not verbally agreeing to go. They already knew she would. Damn that man for being a freaking Golden Retriever best friend and her for being such a dog person.
That is how she ended up in New York dressed to the nines in a fancy dress that did not suit her clothing style and a death grip on her friend's arm. She preferred to be the girl in the background who no one really noticed but she knew that would change as soon as she stepped out of the car on Joseph's arm. The man rarely ever went anywhere with a pretty lady on his arm so to have something change would definitely set the tabloids on fire in mere hours. She should have thought of that sooner but now it was far too late. Her only condolence was that she was not alone and she had faces that she recognized. She had spoken to a few cast members of Joseph's on a rare occasion that he'd face time her during a break in filming a scene so the hugs and smiles exchanged between herself and those lovely human beings were genuine and helped put her at ease. All except one. He made her nervous just by existing but he did not know. It had been a back and forth thing since the beginning of screening of Stranger Things Season 4 that Jamie Campbel Bower was in many ways part of Joseph's life. As they had stated once before in an interview they were friends for a while after they had met during script reading and sort of clung to each other on day one despite it being a few years before they would actually film together.
Diana was content to merely be the eye candy for Joseph because just like Diana as stated above they were rather shy creatures so big parties like this was not exactly what they were used to. That much was evident as Jamie and Joseph seemed to be all over each other and chatting it up while Diana stood to the side or often enough with a hold on her friend whenever she feared he was leaving her. She should have tried to enjoy herself but the dress she wore was just too fancy and her shoes were too tight on her feet. The music was pumping though but she didn't have the bravery to go seek out a dance partner. She enjoyed others dancing though; Gaten was one of her favorites as he stole the show with his solo number. She hadn't even realized whenever Joseph had excused himself to speak with someone wanting his attention and that the arm that was resting near hers was not his but in fact Jamie's; not until she absently wrapped her slender fingers around his bicep and froze taking a second to realize that the muscle beneath her touch was most certainly not Joseph's. Not only that but also the fact…there was no white suit jacket covering the tanned flesh she gripped. She let him go like he burned her and glanced up with flushed cheeks to see him smiling down at her and she was grateful for the colorful lights in the hue of pink and purple that hid her flush of mortification.
"I'm sorry! I thought you were Joseph." she said weakly clasping her hands in front of her and turning her gaze away frantically
"You're alright darling I promise! No harm done." the tall blonde replied with a friendly grin on his too perfect face. "How are you liking the party? We don't often get graced by your presence you know. If I hadn't met you over video chats I'd have thought Joseph was making you up." he teased but his joking had not brought a smile to her face as she refused to look at him
It was not that she did not find Jamie's company pleasant enough or his conversation entertaining but more from the fact that her heart was hammering in her chest making it hard to breath; it didn't help but every breath she did take was intoxicated by Jamie's cologne that invaded her senses and made her want to melt into a puddle or better yet buried her nose in his neck and inhale like a mad woman. Or perhaps it could have been the fact that Joseph dressed in all white from his suite to his under shirt all the way down to his damned shoes looking like an angel while Jamie looked like the opposite of angelic wearing tight black slacks held up with a black belt around his slender waist and a T-shirt two sizes too small clutching his upper torso and black shoes on his feet. If Joseph looked innocent and angelic, Jamie looked like sin; sex on two legs sort of sin, and he was making her nervous. When Diana is nervous she shuts down whether by defaulting to short answers or just altogether zoning out from anxiety as she was trying to do now but the ever presence warmth of Jamie's body next to hers as they stood off to the side enjoying the fesitivies of others people having fun Daina was simply trying to focus on breathing.
"Are you alright love? You're looking a little pale." a ringed hand came into view and she jerked her head away in surprise looking over with wide eyes at a concerned looking Jamie as his brows knitted on his forehead. There was something about his eyes that made the woman feel guilty. She hadn't meant to react so violently and she tried to cover it up with a small smile as her hazel eyes downcast down to the floor as the lights from above danced on the glossy surface
"Sorry Jamie. I'm just…I'm not used to these events like you said." her voice was so soft that Jamie had to bent down a little to try and hear over the laughter and music.
"Well, if you need a moment love, we can always step outside. I was going to take a smoke break anyways-" he pointed over his shoulder with a hopeful look but her head quickly shook making her long hair slide along the skin of her exposed shoulders.
"I'm okay thank you. I'm just going to wait for Joseph since I'm here with him." her tone was a little bit off putting and Jamie's friendly demeanor fell just a bit as he nodded.
"Yeah alright. No worries." he replied before giving a polite smile and drifted away.
Gone from the orbit of his presence the woman inhaled shakily and placed a hand on her forehead. God had she been so rude to Jamie? The look his eyes held could have rivaled Joseph's puppy eyes and it made a stab of guilt lace through her chest. When her friend finally returned he saw her looking a bit anxious and figured she was going into another panic attack but when he opened his mouth to speak in favor of comforting her Diana beat him to the punch.
"I think I've upset Jamie." she stated looking around the room worriedly. "I-I was just so nervous to speak with him and made a fool of myself that I like…you know I shut down and stuff. A-and I think I was unintentionally rude to the poor man because he left with such a kicked look" she rushed to say as she lifted a hand to bite at her thumbnail
"Hey hey love calm down. C'mere sweets. C'mere." Joseph pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back soothingly as he rocked them from side to side. "You're alright. I'm sure there was no harm done. If you really want to make sure I just saw Jamie out for a smoke. Would you like me to go speak with him?" he asked pulling away to peer down at her with concerned brown eyes.
A small smile graced her features and she shook her head. "No…I need to be a big girl about this and face the music. Just…point me out in the right direction and I'll only be a minute." she said just loud enough for him to hear.
There was a glitter of warmth in the actor's eyes as he booped her nose before allowing her to leave the cage of his arms. "Through those curtains and out the door to your left that says exit." he informed her.
With shaking steps and trembling fingers clutching into the fabric of her dress the young woman gave a curt nod and walked across the room avoiding everyone else before her figure disappeared through the black-out curtains. An amused look flashed behind Joseph's smile as he shook his head; love birds. He may be slow sometimes but he knew when there were crushes in the making. Diana found the exit door minutes later and pushed it open just as the door itself was swinging out and she found herself collapsing into Jamie's chest. Oh god let the ground swallow her whole!
She peeked up at him smelling the hint of cigarette smoke on his breath as his eyes peered down at hers in surprise not expecting a pretty girl to just flop into his arms while he was on his way inside. Straightening up Diana bit her lip and allowed her arms to drop from his chest and to wrap around herself instead.
"Sorry, Jamie." she flushed; the light above the door making her blush prominent against her skin now that the colors of the party room no longer hid it. "About this.." she waved her arm around "A-and about in there." she exhaled shakily.
Jamie's face softened slightly as he took a step away just so he could lean against the railing behind her and give her some space. "No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or if I offended you-"
"You didn't." she quickly interrupted rubbing her arms a bit as if she were cold even if it was a nice summer whether that night. She took the courage to sidle up to him and lean against the railing beside him as she looked down at her heels. "I've just been stressed all night you know? You hit the nail on the head earlier when you mentioned I don't come out very often…I'm a recluse…" she laughed a bit to herself "And I may have been unintentionally rude back there. I'm sorry. I just shut down when I'm nervous."
Jamie let out a little laugh as he looked up at the stars above them. "You're alright love. I'm glad I didn't do anything to scare you though. Truth is I like you Diana. You're a sweet woman and Joseph won't shut up about you." he commented thoughtfully.
That comment made her flush a bit and she looked over at him in a bit of wonder. "But I'm nothing special. I'm little old me."
"That's what makes you so special love. See, I have met many fans and people out there who are fake because they want the money or the fame that knowing a celebrity gives them. But you, your nothing like that. You're sweet, smart, prettier than you give yourself credit for, and yeah perhaps shy but that's an endearing quality." he shrugged
Endearing quality huh? She wasn't expecting shyness to be such a good quality but Jamie seemed to like it for whatever reason and he thought she was pretty. She didn't want to believe it because she'd focused more on the beauty of others she often criticized the fact she never matched up for fame's sense of beauty but listening to Jamie talk about it actually gave her a slight hope that perhaps she wasn't half bad.
"I like the fact your shy actually." he went on drawing her from her thoughts just as much as the gentle bump to her shoulder which made her gaze up into his face. "As long as you're shy around me. It's cute." he sent her a wink. "Also, makes it that much more endearing when I can tease you about it." she laughed at his audacity and she playfully shoved at him but he grabbed her hands in his much stronger ones.
When she turned towards him there was a softness about his eyes that made her cheeks flush. "And that," one ringed hand came up to stroke her pink cheek; feeling the warmth of her blush under his fingertips. "That's very cute too. Gives you a glow about you, love that makes it very hard to resist."
Her lips parted as she ducked her head with renewed shyness "Stop it Jamie you're embarrassing me!" she laughed weakly. But his hand under her chin made her reddened face that had reached the tips of her ear right back into his line of sight.
"I'm trying to say I like you, shy girl." he confessed with a bit of a laugh. "Have since the day I caught you sitting there in your fuzzy duck onsie with your birthday sash on drinking some sort of cocktail in a glass with an umbrella in it."
Her eyes widened and she slapped a hand to her face as she turned her head away. "Omg I asked Joseph if he was alone when he face timed with me!" she groaned but there was laughter in her voice as she peeked up at him through her lashes.
"You were adorable."
"And drunk."
"But you were still adorable." he grinned back at her cheekily. "And if it makes you feel better I own a unicorn onsie that I would love to pair with your fuzzy duck for Halloween."
Diana cocked her head at him finding some courage to give him a cheeky smile back. "Holloween huh? Planning on something I should know about?"
"Flying you out in October for Holloween so we can spend it together getting fat on candy dressed to our finest, of course." they laughed together but it died down as the actor/musician grasped her hands in his and looked down at her with a softer smile. "That is if you'd be willing to give us a try?"
She pretended to think a moment before looking away feeling those damned butterflies in her belly again. "Well, I suppose I don't have anything to lose. Did you know that once you adopt an introvert it's for life?" she commented as if it was the most serious thing on the planet but that sly little smile that hinted at bashfulness made the blonde snort out a laugh and pull her against his tall frame
"I'm in the business of adoption." he teased before looking down at her with a raised brow which she just shook her head and hid her face against his chest as her arms wrapped around his waist and held on tightly for dear life; very much enjoying the warmth and scent of this damned but beautiful man.
And Diana realized that night that perhaps being shy wasn't such a bad thing after all and looks could be deceiving because for all you know. And there was also one more thing she realized. She owed Joseph Quinn one hell of a thank you dinner for begging her to come out here to New York.
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Nobody asked for it, but I've picked a few prompts I wanted to write around. This is "I can't do this anymore" Garvez, Platonic Morvez, 427 word count.
"Seriously?” she screeched out again. 
"Would you let it go?” he chuckled, inching closer. 
"Newbie, seriously? This is why you will never move past Newbie. I can’t believe you came dressed as an agent! You ARE an agent, that’s not a costume! You know who I know who dressed as agents for Halloween?! My GOD SONS. You can’t be yourself, that’s not a costume!” 
“You already said that. And what are you supposed to be? Goth fairy princess?” 
"I am a CAT” she snapped, jerking a clawed finger to the ears on her head.
“I dunno, looks a lot like what you wore to the office Tuesday…” he smirked, twirling a blond curl and eyeing her up and down.
"I can’t do this any more. Get a room.” Morgan yelled in exasperation over the music as he got up to get more zombie punch.
Everyone had been watching with varying levels of amusement, curiosity, disgust, and annoyance from around her apartment. All knew to come dressed. It was Luke's first time making it to her Halloween party, so everyone had individually made sure he knew too. Costumes were required. Even Rossi came dressed up after his first year in a suit.  
“I- What?” The pair paused, turning towards him, Penelope squinting "Derek, my room’s right there."
"Baby girl, the two of you are ridiculous. Seriously? Just kiss already!” he laughed out. "I thought y’all were exaggerating. But, damn, Mama, how hard are you gonna make him work?” 
Penelope’s mouth gapped open at the implication her best friend had just made in front of the whole team and their partners. Her cheeks started to color and heat, she was glad for replacing the light bulbs with green and purple ones for the party so that no one would notice. 
“Alvez if you don’t make a move, I am ending this friendship right here and now.” He continued, sipping the heavily spiked green mystery drink.
They looked back to each other, thrown completely off guard. “Ah” Luke started, “We can’t have that.” Penelope finished, gripping his flack vest, crashing into him. 
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the fact that the secret was out in the open, or maybe they'd just reached their boiling point. But neither seemed to mind as Luke's heavy boot tips slammed into her black heels stumbling against her, sending them both careening. His arms clamped roughly around her waist in an attempt to keep them both upright, tripping backwards and colliding into the wall where he fell solidly against her. And neither paid any attention to the cheers and whoops around them as they continued the kiss that had waited years. 
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Prompt: Laura and Max on their first date!
at-least-but-not-exactly-six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
There were a lot of tricky things you had to handle when you were absolutely head over heels goo-goo bonkers crazy for your best friend - things like, uh, well, everything, actually. There was all the Disney Channel stuff, sure, the getting jealous when they laughed at someone else’s joke thing, or the finding a million excuses to explain why your face went so red when they brushed against your hand thing, but where the whole thing really got sticky were the question marks.
For example, Max had absolutely no idea whether what was currently happening counted as a date. Just...just none. Absolutely zero. It felt kind of like a date, he’d give it that much, but it also felt a whole lot like just hanging out with your best friend. Best friends went to movies together all the time! Best friends hung out in the park and made fun of joggers in their awful shorts! Best friends definitely went to Olive Garden after all of that too - their commercials sort of depended on friends sitting around and happily waving breadsticks at each other, after all, or at least pretending to steal each other’s soup. Not that they’d done either of those things, actually.
The point was getting away from him.
The point, as it stood, was that maybe it was a date? But maybe it wasn’t? Just like he thought maybe Laura was interested in him too, but maybe she wasn’t? It was just a lot of maybes, a lot of question marks hovering around his head, and God help him, it was already nighttime and he was pulling into Laura’s driveway to drop her off, so like...if there had been an acceptable window of time for him to ask whether or not this was supposed to be a purely platonic outing, it had closed roughly, uh...four hours ago.
He parked just out of the arc of light coming off of her porch and Laura undid her seatbelt, and something about the routineness of it all, the familiarity, the we’ve-done-this-a-million-times-ness had him fairly convinced that it hadn’t been a date after all. 
Until she leaned over the center console and kissed him.
For a second he was so taken aback, so fucking baffled by the idea she hadn’t said her usual “Later, gator” and hopped out of the door with a joking little half-salute that all he could do was blink, which...yeah, okay, absolutely that was the wrong thing to do when someone was kissing you, huh? Not how that was supposed to go.
“Oh,” Laura said, springing back a little, her elbows still on the console and her face still very, very close to his, close enough that he could smell her gum and see the very moment her cheeks started to go pink. “I...wow, okay, sorry, I guess I...”
“So this was a date?” Of course that would be the first thing out of his mouth. Of course it would be. Close on its heels was an anxious bubble of laughter that made his voice crack like it hadn’t since he’d hit puberty, which was also just...great, honestly. “I thought it was, but I wasn’t sure, and I’ve been sitting here thinking ‘Shit, sure is a good thing you didn’t ask, because that would’ve been embarrassing.’ Now it’s more like ‘You should’ve asked, because this is embarrassing,’ and, uh...”
His voice trailed off and they looked at one another across the console, both clearly embarrassed, both clearly on the verge of collapsing into giggles, neither sure which of those emotions would win out.
Until Max leaned over the center console and kissed her.
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