#if the anon about the past sees this. there's a lore drop coming
awkwardgtace · 2 years
82). "You know I trust you, right?" With Melody and Kyrie (Knight AU) ? l love them :D
Anon thank you so much! I continued from the cave in for them it seemed like a fun choice! Thank you so much for sending it in!!
Truth of Trust
Kyrie held back a groan as he woke up. Another nightmare of how that cave in could have gone wrong. He hoped they’d stop if he could check on Melody, but that was still a while away. Byss and Pel had to get a lot of materials to repair the crack in his armor. That mixed with Melody’s injuries being a lot worse than they seemed meant no news. He pulled himself to a sitting position.
He knew he was lucky giants didn’t have to eat or drink often. It would be a lot harder to deal with times like this. He bent forward, stretching his arms towards his feet. He froze up when he found a small form standing in the clearing of his home. If he’d just grown he might have thought it was Melody, but it was clear Caprice was the small person standing there staring at him. The small man had his jaw set with his arms crossed. Kyrie felt like he’d been caught doing something wrong.
“Caprice?” he mumbled. The brunette nodded his head and stepped closer. Kyrie would prefer not to move, but he couldn’t hold this position very long. He sat back up, staying as hunched over as he could.
“You don’t seem injured, that's good,” the small mage said. Kyrie nodded. “I… Melody’s doing better. She can walk around, just shouldn’t do too much. The medicine we have is making her a bit out of it though.”
“I’m glad she’s doing alright…” Kyrie tried to keep his smile small. Caprice had always intimidated him. It took him longer than Melody to bother calling Kyrie anything other than sir knight. As far as he was concerned any progress in being trusted by the mage was ruined by his secret.
“I… I need someone to watch her. I have to take care of something and we can’t rely on Nutmeg’s size staying stable enough to keep her home.”
“Pel and Byss aren’t anywhere nearby. I could try and find th-”
“I came to you, not them.” Kyrie winced at the harsh tone. “She wants to see you and she said she’ll get here on her own once I leave. I… I need you to keep her safe while I’m gone.”
“I can’t leave here. Pel’s not around to spread the enchantments or the illusion either.”
“I’ll bring her to you. So will you keep an eye on her?”
Kyrie hesitated, but eventually nodded. Caprice seemed to soften just before digging his hands into his bag. The mage pulled out two bottles, but it wasn’t possible for Kyrie to tell the contents. He dumped some of one on the ground then dumped the other on himself. Kyrie widened his eyes when the small man disappeared. It was the first time he’d seen a transport potion actually used. The bottle Caprice emptied on the ground must have been to bring the twins back to him. He kept his eyes on the empty spot as he climbed to his feet, wary of being too close when they returned. A flash of light occurred in the spot just as he started to take a step back.
Kyrie hesitated when he saw Caprice supporting Melody. It felt easier to just stay still and wait, but he couldn’t. The longer he stood the more likely the illusion keeping him hidden would break. He moved quickly, first to his knees then lying on his stomach. He folded one arm under his head using the other to circle around the two humans.
Melody pulled herself from Caprice and walked towards Kyrie. She sent him a big smile that made his heart pound. He smiled down at her, relieved to see her up and moving again. Despite both the twins saying it was a boulder from the cave in, he couldn’t believe it. He would have smelled blood if it was from that. Plus he saw her hit the ground from his shove.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Mel don’t forget what I’m doing,” Caprice said. The mage dumped another potion on himself before either could respond. He was alone with Melody now, something amazing and terrifying.
Kyrie couldn’t think of a thing to say. Melody didn’t try to talk, she usually did. Instead she started to walk around. It seemed almost like she was dancing. He’d always thought there was a grace to her movements, but she’d never believe him. Grace may not be the best word, it might be care. Either way it reminded him why he loved to be near her.
“Caprice panicked when he came to get me,” she said suddenly. Kyrie jumped, frowning when his movements made her stumble in her near waltz. “He thought I was overreacting about your size because I hadn’t met a giant before. He forgot about the one he and I met. Although it might have just been someone who looked like my brother with me.”
“He didn’t seem scared,” Kyrie whispered. He chose to ignore the lookalike comment. She’d know if it wasn’t him, illusions didn’t work against her. She hummed a bit before facing him with a big grin.
“He was staring at your leg for ten minutes before you sat up. Although he did move past the size quickly. He had different complaints.” She spun around before staring straight up at him. “The stupid giant acted like I wasn’t there to get his help. Talking about the others. Then he said my name all weird. Like he was going to call me Cap and changed his mind. He should know it’s fine by now.”
Kyrie couldn’t stop himself from laughing as she mocked Caprice. She didn’t even try to get his voice right, just speaking with a lower tone. He heard her laugh with him. He stopped and just listened to the laugh he enjoyed. It was so free. He knew there was a lot she hid about herself even now. The laugh was like a beacon of hope to him, a promise of survival.
“The medicine Caprice has me taking almost makes me feel like I’m walking on air,” she said. “It makes me want to use my wings.”
“You have wings?” he asked. She turned away from him. “Did you grow them after Pel left?”
“I don’t have wings.” He wanted to ask more, but the way she emphasized I kept him silent. There was something she couldn’t or wouldn’t say. Regardless he’d never push her. He brought his hand a bit closer to her, leaving plenty of room for her to return to her walking.
“Well, I can always hold you in the air.” She didn’t turn to look at him. When she finally turned her smile seemed strained. “Melody, I don’t mind if there are things you can’t tell me.”
“Thank you.” Her voice was quiet enough he almost missed it. They watched each other in silence again, Melody staying still. Eventually she offered him a real smile before beginning to walk next to his hand.
She returned to the pseudo waltz as she walked. Eventually starting to hum with it. Despite his attempts to focus on now, to just be happy she was here, alive, and healthy, tears slid down his face. She kept up her wandering without looking his way. He preferred it, she’d been almost killed because of him.
“You know I trust you, right?” she asked. It caught him off guard, the serious tone didn’t match how she’d been acting. Melody leaned her back against his hand. She wasn’t out of it at all, he could see the change. “I’d hoped acting silly might make you calm down. It wasn’t working. Honestly I feel more like when I steal some of your drink at the tavern.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. The tears were falling constantly now. All he wanted was to go back and stop himself from pushing her. To use another way to protect her. He could have grabbed her and held her. He could have done something different.
“Did you know my armor has some spells to see how I get injured. Cap and I change out the enchantments and prepared spells if we see something leaving me vulnerable.”
“So Caprice knew… that’s why he was scared. You both sh-”
“Nope. You did hurt me, I can’t lie about that.” He grimaced. The tears cascading down his cheeks made him feel guilty. He shouldn’t get to cry over hurting her from his own choices. It was just like his nightmares, one day he would go too far. “You pushed my stomach not my chest and caused a pretty awful bruise. Cap thinks something inside had been hurt a little, but the healing in the armor took care of it before I could feel most of it. Then I hit my head when I landed after your shove.”
“Melody you couldn’t speak. When you got home you couldn’t walk there’s no way that-”
“A. Boulder. Fell. On. Me.” He bit his tongue to keep himself from speaking again. When she spoke like that he knew better than to even risk interrupting. If he did he’d be lucky if she even spoke to him again before a week passed. “It landed squarely on my chest and crushed my ribs. If the healing hadn’t already been working because of your shove I would have been hurt a lot more.
“Plus, anything else probably would have killed me. If your armor cracked before the cave-in separated us then you would have pulled me closer. If you kept me close we would have been lucky to both survive, even if you blocked it or were careful when your armor cracked things wouldn’t be smooth. Kyrie I trust you. This isn’t the first time you saved my life and I know it won’t be the last.”
Melody stood back up and started to climb on his hand. He tilted it to make it easier, reluctant to fight her while she healed. She curled up on one of his fingers so he couldn’t curl it over her. He couldn’t believe her, but he’d seen her lie. She wasn’t this good at it. He risked pulling his hand closer to himself.
“I still hurt you,” he said. 
She raised an arm up to the sky. After a second she made a grabbing motion. She did that a lot, just holding her hand out. Usually he’d grab her hand and hold it for a few seconds. Right now all he could manage was bringing his thumb close to her. That small small hand grabbed his thumb like a lifeline. It almost felt like she was relying on him to keep her there.
“And I’m alive because you did,” she said. “Kyrie, I can’t make you believe me, but I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. I’m going to keep trusting you. Plus Cap and I can work with Pel for better protection in my armor from your strength. That way if it ever happens again you won’t even bruise me.”
“I don’t think you should trust me,” he whispered. It was the first time he tried to voice his thoughts. “I’ve had so many nightmares where I hurt you. I just… if it ever happens, really happens, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“You’d do everything to find a way to help me after, and I’d tell you how to do it. When Cap gets back I’ll have him show you the history spell we put in the armor. It can prove you weren’t the reason I got hurt so badly.”
“How can you act like this so easily?”
“Because it’s you.” 
He let the words hang in the air, slowly moving his thumb to be able to see her better. He didn’t have an argument, he didn’t have ways to make her hate him. He couldn’t use them if he did, he could never hurt her on purpose. It didn’t feel like she was seeing him anymore. More like she was staring past him. He worried when she grabbed her right arm, bringing her closer to his face.
“Did you know, a lot of people hate me for being part fae. They think I’m a changeling or something else entirely. They don’t know the truth, just stories. You’re one of the first not to hate what I am,” she said. Her voice sounded weak. He decided to move her. Gently, he tipped his finger so she slid down into his palm.
“I can’t see a reason to hate you. Nothing about you changes by being fae,” he said. She rolled onto her side facing away from him.
“Someday, I’ll tell you about my wings. About the giant I met with someone who looked like Caprice, why I left my home, where Cap went today. I don’t know when, but I will.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. I can’t right now, but someday I will. Just like someday you��ll believe me when I say I trust you. When I say I feel safe when you’re holding me.”
“I don’t trust myself.”
“Do you trust me?”
“I love you as much as I trust you.”
“Then trust that I trust you. I don’t have a death wish. I wouldn’t stick around if I thought you’d kill me.”
“I’ll try.”
“Kyrie… I love you.”
His face went bright red. Melody hadn’t said it quite so plainly before. Any hopes of responding died as the small weight in his palm grew heavy. Her breathing evened out. He watched, squinting his eyes a little, to see her chest moving. He couldn’t understand how she would trust him, but he did trust her. He’d try to push his doubts away and have faith in her instincts like usual. Trust that she saw something he missed in the monster she faced.
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pilfappreciator · 8 months
Did another oopsie and accidentally deleted another ask (*bangs head on table*) BUT HOPEFULLY THE LOVELY ANON WHO SENT IT SEES THIS!!
DADZONE & Child! Reader: John Dory
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Includes: GN! Reader, Child! Reader, Adopted! Reader, accidental DILF John Dory, slight angst
TW: mention of spiders and body horror near the end (nothing too graphic but just in case)
🥽 This man doesn't trust himself enough not to fuck up another meaningful relationship ://
🥽 Personally, how I see it, becoming a father is probably the last thing on JD's to-do list. I mean he's definitely got the skills (being the oldest of five and having to raise his brothers means he's picked up a few things), and I like to think that it's something he longs for deep down, but considering how BADLY he fumbled with his brothers the last time they were all in the same room...
🥽 So yeah. In theory would be SO down to start a family of his own, but in practice?? He is EXTREMELY hesitant
🥽 THAT BEING SAID!! Chances are he probably found you as an egg
🥽 He was out one day, hiking out in the forest or exploring coastal coves or rock climbing, when all of a sudden he just… stumbles across an egg. Just sitting there in a patch of moss or nestled into a log
🥽 Ends up taking the egg with him back to Ronda, but not before an actual HOUR of confused staring? Distressed pacing back and forth?? Panicked rambling all the while???
🥽 (the fact that Ronda tried to eat the egg upon his return doesn't help at all)
🥽 John Dory spends the next month or so visiting nearby troll villages and asking anyone who crosses his path "Hey man did you drop this? 😬"
🥽 In the end he decides to take you in himself. Partly because he's gotten tired of all the looks other trolls keep giving him for trying to force an egg into their hands, and also because he… may have grown attached to said egg in the past few weeks. I mean by the end of day 3 he'd already given you a name so you know he's screwed ahsjkakaa
🥽 He tells himself he's taking you in because it's what any good citizen would do (He is a lair. He is 100% doing it for himself)
🥽 The day you hatch is LITERALLY one of the best days of his life? Like he's just making himself some dinner and suddenly he hears crackling coming from his hair?? And then there's babbling???
🥽 This man is going about his day with you nestled in his hair (basically the troll equivalent to carrying a baby on your hip lol). He's choppin trees, foraging for food, and driving his armadillo van all while he's got an actual egg sitting on his head. Absolutely talks to you the whole time, too. He has no idea if you can actually hear him but like.. this man spent the last 20 years all alone in the woods, okay, his ass is lonely :((
🥽 Yknow that thing parents do where they hold up headphones to a woman's womb and play Mozart or whatever to make the baby "smarter" or some shit?? Yeah that's JD. He's doing the same thing to his egg
🥽 If he's really feeling himself then he'll sing the songs himself. And then proceed to give unprompted lore behind the lyrics and the songs "true meaning" (songs include Brozone classics such as Baby Boy Got My Heart In A Headlock Boy and Baby Baby Love You Like A Pizza But Hate You Like There's Pineapple On It Babe)
🥽 "holy crap YOU'RE SO SMALL—"
🥽 Will die if you reach for him with your tiny baby hands or just smile up at him
🥽 He's still gonna carry you around in his hair while he goes about his day and stuff ngl. Like for him, it's a signature of your guys' bond and you bet your ass he's gonna be milking it for as long as he can (definitely dreads the day you become too big/old for it)
🥽 Most definitely tries to teach you survival skills as soon as possible. He's teaching you how to fish, he's demonstrating how to start a fire with the bare essentials, he's letting you DRIVE RONDA—
🥽 "It's an important skill to have, champ, trust me!"
"...but I'm only five."
"Never too early for a learner's permit!"
🥽 Defnitely tries to reel in that controlling/perfectionist mindset of his, at least for your sake. The last thing he wants is a repeat of what went down with his brothers. As a result he's probably more lenient when you get into trouble or do something wrong
🥽 Fr tho like... you'll accidentally(?) cause an explosion and his ass will be standing, hands on his hips like "I'm not mad, just disappointed 🤨"
🥽 You thought you were getting spoon fed Brozone content as an egg?? Well congrats on being born cuz now you're getting served Brozone content for BREAKFAST 👏 DINNER 👏 AND 👏 LUNCH
🥽 JDs most definitely the type of guy to break into song whenever he's doing the most mundane of tasks (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc), and yes he fully expects you to join in and know all the lyrics helloooo?? You've basically been raised on Brozone songs at this point like cmon, don't leave him hanging!
🥽 FR THO!! If you grow up to be a Brozone stan, he's never gonna be more proud of himself <33
🥽 This man definitely has a physical collection of every song/album/cover his band has ever done (I'm mean this is the same guy who kept his brothers underwear in a frame for 20 years so ://). He treats every CD, record, cassette tape, etc. like the priceless artifacts they are and YES, HES GONNA PASS THEM ONTO YOU LIKE THEYR FAMILIY HEIRLOOMS DID YOU EXPECT ANY LESS
🥽 If you grow up to lean more towards a different genre of music or Brozone just doesn't end up being your cup of tea... JDs gonna be a lil devastating ngl
🥽 Pls assure him that he has not failed as a father
🥽 Jokes aside tho! I feel like despite his wounded ego, JD will at least TRY to see your point of view. I mean he's definitely gonna be a bit of a grandpa about it—
*while the two of you are listening to your favorite song*
"I mean, I GUESS it's okay... not nearly as lyrically genius as Brozone's hit single: Baby Girl Ur Sweet Like A Milkshake Girl But I'm Lactose Intolerant Baby 🙄"
"Dad. Please shut up."
—but rest assured that he WILL support you and your music taste <33
🥽 You want merch of your favorite band/artist? No worries he's (stealing it right off the shelf) got money to pay for it! Is there a new album about to drop? He's (breaking into a store in the middle of night like a rabid racoon) patiently waiting in line just to buy it for you! You wanna go to a concert? He's using Ronda to (break speed limits, run people over, disobey every known traffic rule) get good parking at the venue!!
🥽 SPEAKING OF CONCERTS!! I feel like he'd be able to offer solid advice on the do's and don'ts of attending a concert. Like... my guy was in a popular band back in the day and he knows first hand how outta hand concerts can get. He has SEEN some shit ajskskaka
🥽 JD definitely has a photo album full of pictures from back in the day. Some of them are snapshots of him and the rest of Brozone, but a majority of the pictures are just of him and his family— away from the stage and cameras. Just him and his brothers and grandma Rosiepuff too...
🥽 He remembers the exact moment every picture was taken, and he'll tell you every bit of context. Birthday, pranks gone wrong, holidays, first day of school— there's a snapshot for just about every milestone. All you have to do is ask and JD is more than happy to relay every childhood anecdote he can remember
🥽 It gets to the point where you eventually know just about everything about your uncles... WHO YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN MET YET AKSKSKAKAK
🥽 It's definitely something that freaks them out once you finally DO meet them
🥽 Like you'll have a conversation with Clay and they'll be like "yeah I'm not a big fan of spiders haha" and you just go "Oh that makes sense considering you used to have vivid nightmares about them crawling under your skin and tickling you to death" and Clay's just like "how the fuck did you know that????"
🥽 "Dude stop telling your kid everything about us"
"I haven't seen you guys in 20 years! I just wanted them to feel close to their uncles ;(("
🥽 John Dory, Older Brother Who Overshares About His Younger Siblings my beloved <33
Ermmm yeahhhh this was originally gonna be one big post including ALL the brothers... but then I started writing for JD and got carries away... so yeah this ask is gonna have to be a multi-parter AJSJSJAKKA SORRY ANON I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF 🤥
Bruce | Clay | Floyd | Branch
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Hey have you seen the latest Mufasa trailer? It shows us Scar or Taka as he is called in the film in a positive light. He saves Mufasa, who is an orphan, and accepts him as his true brother even though the other lions in the pride reject Mufasa. I wonder if this is the history that is taught in Twisted Wonderland because the King of Beasts is also seen as a noble figure.
[Referencing this trailer!]
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Yes, I took a look at it! I believe D23 happened like… yesterday? That’s the annual convention where Disney drops a ton of news about upcoming projects, and the new Mufasa trailer was one of the announcements made.
I was really skeptical about Mufasa when I first heard about it, and that snowballed into dread when I saw the previous trailer. The wording of that one basically yells us that Mufasa is an orphan with no real claim to the throne, which only serves to justify Scar’s outrage when he was overlooked for the position of king. Not only that, but it nullifies Simba’s claim to the throne since the implication is that blood apparently doesn’t guarantee that you’re next in line. The new trailer makes this issue all the more apparent, because now it seems to be completely redeeming Scar…? I think they’re trying to explain his downfall and his turn to “evil”, but from the looks of it, it instead feels like unintentionally give grounds for Scar’s hurt and rage in The Lion King. It’s definitely… a choice… and I’m not sure how much I like them adding that to the animated TLK lore.
Thar being said, I do think this poses considerations for Twisted Wonderland. I had very similar thoughts as you did, Anon! It has already been suggested that the version of history being told in their universe is “twisted” or altered from the versions Yuu/we, the audience, are familiar with. So… what we see in the new Mufasa trailer (up to a certain point) could very well be the “real” version of what is taught in Trein’s Magic History class. It fits SO well with the canon narrative we already have on hand. The King of Beasts is described as a hard worker and someone who accepted animals of all kinds, including hyenas that had once been excluded from the Pridelands. What better way to exemplify that virtue than a story of the King of Beasts himself accepting a no-name orphan cub as his own brother when all the other lions claimed the cub would never be accepted as part of the royal family???
I wonder how the story of Mufasa (if incorporated into TWST in the future) is interpreted by the characters too?? For example, Leona doesn’t think too highly about the concept of the great kings of the past in the sky, nor does he like “Hakuna Matata” (deeming it self-serving rather than as something positive). These are both things introduced in the original TLK. However, I’d imagine that Leona would actually admire the King of Beasts for his act of selflessness. (“He didn’t just talk the talk, he walked the talk too. They weren’t just pretty words, the King of Beasts lived by his ideals. The world he envisioned is one where beasts of all kinds could come together in harmony. Heh, what a guy.”) BUT AT THE SAME TIME Leona might be cynical about himself living to the legacy of the King of Beasts. He still bears resentment toward Falena and he refuses to cooperate with his older brother (despite Falena, their dad, and Kifaji all asking him) to govern Sunset Savanna. The King of Beasts wasn’t nearly so narrow-minded—he accepted a peasant and orphan as his equal. Leona in this hypothetical is, of course, tunnel visioning on his shortcomings and not paying attention to what he has accomplished: many younger students who look up to him, a dorm of students (many of which are beastmen of different varieties) that unite under his rule, and his own acceptance of “lowly” beastmen like Ruggie. I would love to see how he grapples and deals with these kinds of stories and how he reflects on his own life through them.
Anyway, the new Mufasa trailer sure sucks for Scar’s character but this has so much interesting potential for TWST 😭
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aitadjcrazytimes · 1 year
It's been a good run
But it's time to bring this to a close!
The saga is over, C, T and I are all together. T and I are in the swing of it, C approves as much as it is possible for him to approve of anything, everyone knows about the blog and is chill.
C is back at his rightful place of walking his sister down the aisle.
I'm getting everything I want, and we're all free to make each other miserable until the day we die.
I'm not going to be updating this blog anymore! Nobody else involved with the situation will be submitting any more AITA posts either, because they are either not on tumblr or agreed it would be annoying.
I will say that there is some stuff on here that I've alluded to that isn't necessarily 100% in the spirit of things, so I've included some stuff below the cut for the folks who have caught onto that. I would not suggest reading it if you like how all of this played out and want to keep it that way. I know that's incredibly vague, but I'm not sure how to phrase it without making it weird?
Thank you all for listening and talking to me over the past few days! That's where I'm leaving it!
...Is everyone who wants to keep believing in the disaster polycule gone? Yes? OK!
So, this was fake. I made up the whole thing. TK and C and T and everyone else are fictional characters. Did I lie? Yes. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Q: All of it? Even the og AITA post? The followup AITA post? The screenshots?
A: All of it.
Q: Wh... Why did you do this...?
A: Well, first this all started as a Red vs Blue fanfic for the ship Chexer (Church/Tex/Tucker)-
It started as a fanfic for Chexer. However, I was already working on a different fanfic for RVB that was totalling about 15k words at this point (+ at least 90k to go), and I knew I would never have the time or energy to write this one. I thought: yknow. this would be really funny as an aita post.
Q: It was a fanfic of a Halo fanfic series.
A: Yep!
So, I submitted Tucker's perspective. I did not expect for it to get more than maybe 100 notes at most. I totally thought someone would call it out right away.
The funny part is, if I'd dedicated all this energy to a fic instead of this blog, I'd probably have about 15-20 thousand words of fic already, but whatever, can't ruin my personal day!
Also, I wanted to see how many people would figure it out/how long it would take for it to become too obvious that this was a fandom thing. I was dropping names and RvB lore since the beginning. A few people did figure it out, and I DMed them in private to let them know.
Q: But why make the blog then?
A: Because I love to lie and be a nuisance to the general populace! <3
It was always my intent to wait until Carolina's perspective got posted (i am honestly still shocked i got away with "Carey/Georgia/West Virginia/Alabama/Miss Louisiana 1988"), let it simmer for about a day, then come clean. Which is what I'm doing now!
The reason I'm coming clean now instead of dragging it out is because I don't want anyone to feel stupid or like they got duped. You're not stupid! You were a part of this story! This was, as one anon said, a creative writing project. It was a collaboration! Thank you so much for helping me!
That said, I'm sorry to anyone that finds this disappointing! I had a blast doing this, but I will not be doing it again. I have gotten my fill. I have had my taste of being an influencer, and now I can go on with my life without ever feeling like I need to start a youtube channel.
Q: How did you keep up with a consistent timeline?
A: I didn't, especially at first. But in my time as a liar who lies about things, I have found that usually people are willing to believe you when you say "yeah, i lied about that".
Q: Wait, what about the thing with your kid?
A: Yeah, I fucked up on this one. In the other fic I was/am writing, Tucker was around 33. So, when I was saying what Junior's age was, I subtracted it from 33 and got 18. It wasn't until I was showing my partner the blog and they said "Wait, he had his kid at 13??????" that I realized I had fucked up. Oops!
Q: Was it really ALL fake?
A: For the most part. I will say that I did actually drop chocolate cake all over my tits that one time and had to shower by myself like a fucking loser. That one was true. I did also get my nails done for the first time ever, which did actually affect my typing. And I am in a band (but so is Tucker, canonically)! There are a few other things as well, but I don't want to list all of them.
Q: DID you ever read homestuck?
A: Nope. And I never will.
Even the title, though I will say that the title I came up with was "Leonard "Alpha Bitch" Church's Decidedly Not Lo-Fi Beats to Get Nasty and Get Clean To: The Movie"
Q: So there was never a combination sex/bathtime playlist?
A: Maybe! But perhaps more accurately: the combination sex/bathtime playlist was inside of you all along. You can make it. There are only three songs on there that are canon to the lore of this blog. Those are No Children by The Mountain Goats, Take It Out On Me by Thousand Foot Krutch, and one unknown song from the album Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV by Coheed and Cambria (Yep, the call was coming from inside the house, I gave Church my music taste). I had intended this to be Wake Up, but it's out of my hands now. The rest is yours to fill in.
Q: What's your main blog, so I can follow you?
A: Hi, this is aitadjcrazytimes. You're not getting that.
Q: Your AO3 handle?
A: Nope, not that either.
You will never find me. And that's the way I want it. You will see me in every blog. Every new follower. Every stranger you meet on the street. You will look into your discord kitten's eyes, and you will absently wonder if he was the one behind aitadjcrazytimes. And you will never know for certain.
Q: But-
A: Let me live on in your memory. The only person who knows both who I am and the fact that I did this is my partner, who is not into RvB or commonly on tumblr. I am not a RvB blog. I am not a writing blog. I am a nobody on the fringes of tumblr society who's been here long enough to know how to remain in the shadows.
And, even if you do manage to find me, against all odds:
No one will ever believe you.
I am closing my askbox. I am also closing my messages. If you have anything to say to Tucker or Me (tumblr user aitadjcrazytimes), you are welcome to do so in the replies or reblogs, but you will not be receiving an answer. I'll keep this blog up for anyone that wants to go through after the fact and do a deep dive or what have you.
Thanks to everyone who made this into the wild ride it was! Live long and get fucked or whatever! Xoxo <3
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anonymous-dentist · 11 months
I’m just begging for people to stop using Roier only as a tool to further cellbits lore.
My cubito has lore too!!
No I fully understand you anon, I’m out here waiting for Roier to acknowledge his own lore (rip)
But also? This is Roier’s lore. His lore right now is ignoring his own lore and everyone else’s because his self esteem and sense of self worth has been fucking abysmal ever since Spreen and Quackity’s betrayal. It’s just so much more obvious now that he’s visibly ignoring his own problems/lore because… well. He’s Roier! :D He’s just a silly helpful guy! :D Nothing’s Lore about him! :D And that’s the point!!! He’s portraying himself in that way and that’s his lore!!! And it’s so cool to see from a meta perspective!!!
I made a post a couple of months ago all about how Roier purposefully makes his lore as Not Obvious as possible because that’s literally what his lore is, he’s trying to be Just A Guy even though he’s quite literally the guy on this island with the saddest island backstory going on (as in stuff that’s happened since the start of the smp, no pre-smp backstory.)
Because of this purposeful Lore Ignoring, it actually makes a lot of sense that a lot of people don’t realize that he actually has lore. Most of his most important stuff happened before the eggs even arrived. Since then, it’s been Bobby’s death, Cellbit, and the eggs disappearing.
The eggs disappearing has finally let everyone realize that Roier’s lore is him ignoring his own lore because he’s visibly upset, eyebags on his skin and eyeliner irl, but he still pretends that nothing is wrong and that he’s just fine. Older viewers remember this happening in a very similar way in the month or so between The Betrayal and when he got engaged to Cellbit.
His lore is being sad and pretending he isn’t to the point of painting an unreliable narrative showing that he’s Happy And Fine, and it’s also his husband, because he would drop everything to help Cellbit out. That’s been the one constant that everyone’s been able to see since June. Outside of seeing him being married, a lot of people just haven’t seen his lore because… it hasn’t really come up or been apparent since he took his eyeliner off after getting engaged. It’s only now, as in within the past month, that people are remembering that he actually has lore.
It makes sense!
But also. Please. More people talk about him and his lore please
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utilitycaster · 5 months
You mentioned previously that Bell's Hells going to Yios earlier in the story or starting from there (I don't remember which) would've fixed most of early campaign issues. Could you elaborate on that? Which issues would it have fixed and how?
Hi anon, sure! It was going to Yios before Bassuras, but I actually have two separate pitches after talking through this with some people: Either have them go to Yios, or, alternately, get rid of Yu (either to show up later or, frankly, Erika can and has played far better characters).
The issues to be addressed:
general lack of party interactions. I've covered this before but basically...bonding is a subjective and nebulous term so I'm deliberately not using it, but there is, objectively, a culture in this campaign of doing far fewer check-ins, group conversations that aren't "what do we do next" or rehashing the same theological discussion, taking watch together/having conversations before bed, or just...little moments, honestly, than compared to the past two. I think this is because the foundation was not laid earlier, and, indeed, may have been disrupted.
pacing. the Bassuras arc is an overstuffed slog with no real wins and two entirely externally driven missions, both of which go rather badly. I say this as a person who advises people to still watch the first 27 episodes of Campaign 1 and who refuses to give C1 and C2 abridged versions: I would happily put together a "what to watch and what to skip" for C3.
related to the above, infodumping. It is somewhat unavoidable in this campaign, but chunks of the Bassuras arc and then, much of the Yios arc, are just Grim Verity Wizard or Fey Says Things About The Apogee Solstice At Bells Hells.
The fact that Otohan Thull holds the dubious distinction of being the most deadly villain CR has had, while having said about 10 lines total of which zero were remotely interesting. Everything that is intriguing about her is, well, infodumping that has ultimately been entirely irrelevant to the plot.
Letting the party choose where to go next rather than sending them directly to Bassuras after the Heartmoor would likely have sent them either to Yios or to where the Gorgynei are, on their way to Yios; those were the two main hooks. (A third is the caravan for which Cyrus Wyvernwind was blamed for the robbery, and if the party followed that hook, one could very easily have the trail lead to Yios.) This would not have been on business for Eshteross, so it would have likely been slow travel. The party had already shown some promise in the Heartmoor and on their journey there so this would have kept up that momentum of taking watch together, sharing information with each other, and making decisions on their own steam, without a guiding patron. I think it would have laid that stronger foundation of a culture of, well, talking to each other, by giving that nascent 20s and 30s episode period far more time to breathe. Upon arriving in Yios, they already knew to seek out the Grim Verity and Kadija Sumal; the same exact outcome could have occurred. The one major wrinkle is Ludinus, but that could be set in Bassuras, with him coming to talk to Otohan (thus introducing him and giving a much richer insight into the Vanguard generals' dynamic). The party wandering around a city themselves and learning of Liliana and the Vanguard and perhaps getting hints of the Grey Assassins would set the groundwork of the core apogee solstice plot. You could even, and this is very much a hindsight is 20-20 situation, have Planerider Ryn give them some sort of favor a la J'mon Sa'Ord - use this sending stone and I'll come get you out of a sticky situation, with a price (the price being destroying the Feywild Malleus Key). You could also achieve the lore drops from Ira here; either move him here or have someone else show them a telescope that has been enchanted to see the city. And, of course, you could have Otohan in Imogen's dreams.
While in Yios, having had some time to get their bearings as a party and to more slowly lay out the moon plot, you could then have Eshteross have someone message them or send word via the airship that Treshi has escaped prison and fled to Bassuras, etc etc, please infiltrate the Paragon's Call. From there you could run it roughly as before, with the party having more information about the Vanguard and the Paragon's Call as a front for it and thus acting with more subtlety and caution and giving the party more time to interact with Otohan so that she possessed literally any interesting features that weren't just told to us out of character. Honestly I think saving Yu for later in the campaign would still be wise (or playing a different character but honestly, introducing Yu on the moon as a disgruntled Zathuda underling? could have been great) but I think the party and the plot would have been better able to accomodate them. It's worth keeping in mind that by the time Yu left (episode 29), there had been a guest in over half the campaign's episodes. No shade to Dorian, who I think was great, but the party needed some time to readjust and figure out who they were.
In Bassuras, the party could then have Ryn as their Otohan Fight Hail Mary should that come up, which would send them to the Feywild, and things would proceed from there roughly as they did before;
Which brings me to option 2, which is that actually, I think just not having Yu there would have done wonders. Think about how much time the party spent talking to them and their story instead of like...to each other. There were some good early conversations on the ship over and their first night in the city! And then they spent most of their time in Taste of Tal'Dorei talking about someone who, ultimately, served to introduce Fearne's parents and nothing else. Imagine if they'd just...talked with each other.
In this scenario, I'd have the party focus on FCG and Ashton's connections. I think you could have introduced the Calloways later, in the Feywild (in this scenario the Yios arc still unfolds roughly as it did, so just...have them there at Morri's the way they were there in episode 78), but if you did want to include that, you could have just had Imahara Joe notice that Fearne looked a lot like Birdie and say something, since going to Joe's would be easy to guide the party into doing. You also, by focusing more on FCG and Ashton, could explore the culture of Bassuras and the Stratos Throne and therefore actually get a sense of what "Legend of the Peaks" actually means.
As before, I really think having Yu show up either as the party made their way to the Feywild Malleus Key, or on the moon, would be a much better showcase for the character and would fit the story better. As is, we learned nothing about Zathuda from them other than that he exists; the Moontide Crown was yet another MacGuffin in The MacGuffin Slog and as discussed Ira's role could have been achieved in Yios (he also could have shown up causing problems at the Material Plane Malleus Key to establish the enemy of my enemy is my friend so that he could be in the same position as the moon mission); and the Calloways could easily have been introduced by Joe or when the party went to the Feywild.
I also really think you could just save all the infodumping for Yios; I think one giant lore drop would have been stronger than two decently sized ones. Naturally I still think going to Yios first would be more graceful, but truly, just a little more breathing room in Bassuras would have done so much.
As an aside: I think one thing that would have mitigated the pacing of Bassuras/Whitestone is, well, not going to Whitestone. In the Yios-first model, theoretically they would go to the Feywild (perhaps Morri could bring people back had that been necessary, which would have been fun as hell to explore) but in the Bassuras w/o Yu scenario, Whitestone would still be an option. Now, what's done is done. However, I do want to point out, if any Crown Keepers fans are in the audience, I strongly suspect that the Jiana Hexum connection not being leveraged in favor of going to Whitestone is a major factor in the Crown Keepers not coming into the story, because the hook for them was via Cyrus being sought after by Jiana and they went with Keyleth.
Obviously this is D&D! As mentioned above, hindsight is 20-20, Monday morning quarterbacks are a day too late, and so forth. I still think that a session zero would have also been very helpful (not the typical CR main campaign "play out a scenario with your pre-existing companions," but one like they showed for Daggerheart and for the various Candela seasons; I have separate thoughts about how the screen test strategy vs. a more traditional session zero has twice now had less than impressive results). But either of these changes would, I think, have made it a much stronger campaign.
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mekkanicalsol · 3 months
I agree with the last anon! Love any and all Dione content, she's adorable!! Really curious about that lore you mentioned, too
glad to hear!! there already has been some tidbits of it posted here such as this and that— and also kind of want to elaborate on my personal interpretations and additional ideas of ‘moons’
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the lore i mentioned i want to end up visualizing stuff from much earlier in the past, to the events of MMV, and then after, and I have some key things that i already have jotted down so i’ll just drop in what i have so far. (not the best grammar since they’re notes i put down)
In line with the titles, these are artificial beings in the same species category as Stardroids, entities also created by the supercomputer Ra Moon. They are specified and sorted to a corresponding commander equivalent to the planets of the solar systems and their moons– they are of a lower rank than the typical Stardroid. However, they are not Kuiperdroids either, as they are distinct in their builds and not often produced in mass. Their abilities also correspond to the schematics of their commanders, boosting their specialties to make for more effective combat. Moons don’t have the same authoritative power as their commanders, so they work with Kuiperdroids also.
Moons while not as often as a Kuiper, remain more expendable than a Stardroid, and they don’t get replaced as often, mostly because they end up lasting a bit longer. Some might just end up as materials to be connected to another.
In the Case of Dione
TW: Implied Suicide Ideation
Dione is one of many Saturn’s moons made also by RM after taking the reins over their initial creators, though a huge error and anomaly with her concerns her general structure and lack of a special ability, etc. It was unknown on how RM, a self-proclaimed perfect being ended up messing up for just specifically this creation — labeling her as a defect.
Since this was in the more earlier stages of developing their units they couldn’t be bothered to dispose of her right away nor command another to destroy her. The only thing that managed to keep her around was her skill of support/repairs. She could act as walking extra energy source to help replenish an ally, added with the fact that she made efficient repairs and maintenance.
Other than that, she had nothing to defend herself with. It was anticipated by RM (and maybe other stardroids) that she’d eventually crumble on her own at some point and there’d be no significant change after. Not only did all of this start a subtle downfall of her self worth it also grew a rather strong desire to be useful and a fear of severe disapproval from their superiors. She is especially dedicated and grateful to Saturn, however, for seeing her uses.
Anytime there was damage done to her, a crack, etc, she’d repair herself. In the process, over time, she drastically modified herself to fit her purposes (and maybe personal preferences) but somehow, never could be able to ‘fix’ her obvious errors.
As time passed on with countless battles of conquest, it also came as an expense for the other moons of Saturn and plenty of other units. Years of seeing her own perish before her very eyes or brought back as scrap, Dione’s mental state only worsened from the fact that her, a weak link barely holding on to life, was outliving so many others who were optimally able to do what she couldn’t— and that even included a sibling that she was close to.
Not wanting to be weakened or deemed an obstacle for her strange tendency to sympathize, Dione shut off most of her emotions. The desire to be useful and help her subordinates and superiors remained (especially for Saturn, who also suffered greatly from the many losses of his moons and grew desensitized), but she grew no longer concerned of an inevitable demise whether done by her own kind or through many battles to come.
She waited and even actively anticipated for her end to come sooner— but somehow, it never happened. And all she could do from then on was continuing what she did best, repairing, providing.
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desultory-novice · 11 months
Another Lightning Round!
This time, we're answering:
-Borb Feet -Shadow Dedede and The Mirror World's Dream Fountain -Kirby Royalty -Soul of Kirby?! -Forgiving the "unforgivable" Dream Friends (a lo~ng post for an old ask!)
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Hee hee! I'll tell you what, anon, at first, I wasn't sure how to take this comment (something I mentioned on stream) because getting good at drawing feet on the internet is... well...you know!
But given I myself started this by pointing out how bad I was at it with Galacta Knight, I really do appreciate the compliment! Next on my list.... borb hands. I've seen so many people draw Kirby's n-nubs (?) in ways that really make them look so marshmallow-y and fun!
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Hello?! That idea of the Star Rod never getting repaired after Shadow Dedede broke it?! Fantastic! Imagine it drying up, and of course, the effects something like that would have on the mirror world!
(Has anyone else stumbled across that gorgeous but haunting series of "bad end" pictures a certain Kirby fan artist did on Twitter? I remember one had Dedede with a dried up Dream Fountain. That's very much what I'm visualizing here!)
Now, I vague~ly recall that there's some debate about the "darkness in his heart" part of the Shadow Dedede pause screen?  That the English version says it is Shadow Dedede who has to overcome his darkness whereas in the original, it is OUR Dedede who has to overcome his "shadow" that being Shadow Dedede.
...But just because it isn't saying that Shadow Dedede is trying to overcome something doesn't mean he doesn't represent a painful mark in both Dedede's histories. And such a "mistake" (unknown at the time) is an excellent possibility!
Lastly, thank you! The steady influx of lore and theories everyone drops into my inbox reminds me of my favorite parts of fandom in the old days and is a major treat!
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This is NEAT! While they may not have known about each other in the past, you bring up a great point that after so many games, these various planets (dimensions? in the case of Fluff) are forging bonds with each other. Everyone likes the Galactic Star Alliance from the anime, right? What's interesting is that we kind of have a basis for such an "alliance" forming in our current Kirby-game verse!
Kirby has helped these monarchs get in contact with each other, becoming a link across multiple planets. So I think the idea of them getting together and talking now, in the present~post-game of Forgotten Land is a possibility! Let each other know if any suspicious activity is happening or if everyone is still doing all right.
Although that reminds me of something that came up in the stream... Since King Dedede is the "self-proclaimed" ruler of Dream Land... is there an ACTUAL ruler of Dream Land/Popstar waiting in the wings? Waiting for their return? Or sealed away even? (D-Dark Nebula, is that you?)
Either way, a meeting between those 5 sounds both intense and fun! I would love to come back to this idea with a sketch or illustration of some kind!
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I'm digging into the backlog for some of these. Also, I can't believe I never answered this one?! Sorry if this ask is too old even for you, @emeraldcoloredwinter
(I'm also sorry in case I did in fact answer it in the past and can't find it - because Tumblr's search is really unreliable. If I repeat myself here, I'm sorry. If not and this turns out to be relevant...great!)
Frankly, I would love to see all kinds of soul lore expanded upon in future games. Partly because I have my headcanons as to why Sectonia/Pres. Haltmann died for realz versus why Marx and Magolor came back and if we get more tidbits, I can come closer to completing my conspiracy corkboard!!
(As well as figure out just where Drawcia lays in the current state of "canon." And maybe figure out some stuff about Zero, Zero 2 and the Dark Matters and what happened to them!)
On the one hand, I feel like Void did a rea~lly bang up job at feeling like you were battling the soul of Kirby. Or at least "a Kirby." I mean, seeing Kirby's face appear on Void, with all those childish movement patterns and that smile before defeat?
But Void was also composed of a variety of thoughts and feelings, so it wasn't exactly our Kirby. Then we've got the Shadow Kirby battles in Kirby Fighters 2, which also come somewhat close in concept, as you're fighting someone with the same ability set as you. That would be another good way to do it, I think.
But it still doesn't quite scratch that itch, does it? ... Now, I feel silly that I can't remember if this is a real thing or I'm just combining a bunch of games in my head (I-I may be old but I'm decades away from the point where I should have to fear being senile!!) but watching some Castlevania longplays... there was a part of one of the games where you go through one of the old castles, right? Maybe it wasn't in black and white, but it is in my memories.
And Kirby had a part like that too, in one of the games! At least, I think it did...? (Okay, maybe I AM going senile...)
:cough: That aside, something like those visuals above when combined with the feelings evoked by the 8-bit nostalgia portion of Void Termina's The Star Conquering Traveler Suite...
I can only imagine it would be sad. Maybe it would involve some kind of sacrifice or some kind of origin story. A time-travel game even? Something that takes us back to our favorite hero's beginnings. Despite it inevitably being THE penultimate fight, I can't picture it being a big dramatic battle so much as one of those interactive cutscenes, or something with never-seen-before-now gameplay elements. But it would feel like a true goodbye to the Kirby series. Oh, it might be able to continue on past that, just like things didn't end after the Star Allies completion picture either.
...But expect a lot of fears (and tears!) of something happening when it finally did.
Personally, I can't help but think Kirby's Soul would look like Retro Kirby or Popopo from Twinkle Popo. It might not even be called "Kirby's Soul" but have a more archetypical name like "Soul of a Traveler" or "Soul of Youth." 
...Soul of the Spring Breeze.
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Another super old one. Gah, me and my slowness... The sad thing is, I had nine~ty percent of this written out a while ago but just didn't know how to finish it. I'm so sorry about that, @vexx-ation !
It was a really good ask though and I'm glad I gave it another shot. Now then, I think that in large part, this would boil down to who was most harmed by those characters and in what ways!
[Dark Meta Knight]
Dark Meta Knight is the biggest mystery because... DMK refuses (or can't) talk to anyone so we know nothing about his feelings. And we don't even know how he returned the first time after death (?)
Meta Knight is the one DMK has arguably hurt the most (excluding maybe Kirby) but I feel like Meta Knight is also the one who needs nothing from DMK to understand forgive them. It really all depends on where Dark Meta Knight is coming from. Was DMK a willing agent in Dark Mind's takeover? Then Meta Knight would be more hard on/untrusting of his shadow for certain. But being his mirror counterpart, I think he would take it as a sign of something lacking in himself. That he is only one step away from making such a turn. But if you, like me, think that the placement of certain objects and events in Amazing Mirror (Radish Ruins as DMK's "stage" and Shadow Kirby showing up one last time before you face off against DMK) are indicative that something more subtle is going on, Meta Knight may not even require an apology from DMK at all. Either DMK was manipulated or was attempting to manipulate the situation in the Mirror World's favor. In which case Meta would just silently nod and go on with his day.
Then there's King Dedede, who, at least in his own parallel mode, was seemingly attacked at random by DMK. That certainly puts them off on a wrong start, but I also think that Dedede would be able to eventually laugh it off and compare it some of his Meta Knight's more belligerent actions in the past (something that would probably fluster Meta Knight, as he wouldn't expect that comparison, mirror counterpart or no.) IE: I find it hard to believe the guy with a wrestling ring in his castle would hold an ambush against somebody for long, especially as he won.
It would take Bandee probably a bit to come to terms with the scary version of someone he most likely respects, but DMK has his cute (?) side too (like in his idle animation) so I think Bandee could come to accept DMK, especially after both Meta Knight and Dedede express that they no longer hold any hard feelings toward the dark knight.
Kirby would probably be the closest thing to a "holdout" here, only because Dark Meta DID ambush two of his friends (depending on the timelines) and he'd want to know that's not going to happen again. Afterwards though? DMK's right to be a part of the group is never questioned again!
Susie... ahhh, Susie. Let's just note that all the classic Susie discourse disclaimers go here and remind everyone once more that they're on a Susie-friendly blog and to some of you, what I am going to say may come off as being exceptionally "light" on Susie's crimes. It is what it is, however. If you want a brutal takedown of Susie, there are dozens of other blogs who will give it, I am certain. I can only go in-depth on things from my view of my Kirby-verse.
In random order: Bandee was the only one to not be incapacitated for large chunks of Planet Robobot's story and I believe that were the game to be remade in the modern style (or even had it been released on more powerful hardware than the 3DS) Bandee would have been a second player character just like in Forgotten Land. And if we assume that of him, then we can assume Bandee would have been exposed to Susie's entire plotline same as Kirby.
Bandee is, at least in the novel-verse (and it's not a bad HC in general) the most empathetic member of the Dream Team. Bandee can sympathize with and care about just about anyone. And Bandee might have been wondering if there was something going on with Susie before even Kirby started to see the cracks in the secretary's facade of corporate perfection.
While Bandee wouldn't like the things she, her father, and the HWC have done to Popstar, I think that once he sees where she's come from, his own anger would be tempered down. That everything reverts at the end (ironic (?) that everything is almost "magically healed" except the Haltmann's shattered family bonds) would be enough of a relief for Bandee that I think he could move on to looking at Susie as just a person. (And isn't he the one in the novel who gives her the pocketwatch back or am I mis-remembering that?)
I actually think Susie "as a friend" could be more intimidating to Bandee that Susie as an enemy. She's a sympathetic enemy. As a friend, she might be a considered too "extra" for the small warrior Dee! XD
On that note...I don't know why, but in most cases, I just see King Dedede as being very forgiving toward people in trouble. Oh, he will grumble about it to no end! But I don't see him EVER hurting anyone while they're down.
Of course, Dedede was also unconscious for 99% of Planet Robobot. Was he even awake when his DNA was stolen? Does he know? I mean, not knowing wouldn't be great at all, but I can't help but think that more than being harvested and bottled, his biggest concern, just based on his priorities, would be that his castle got destroyed AGAIN. Why can't the poor man keep a castle?! He didn't even do anything this time!! (Even the Halberd made it!) So, yeah, imagine a confrontation with Susie and Dedede and Susie tries to imagine all the things Dedede is going to call her out for and no, he's just upset about his castle getting wrecked. Susie is surprised he even cares about that "dinky, dusty old thing" and thus, a shouting match begins.
But again, I don't think it would last for too long. I think the things Dedede and Susie would clash on would be petty things. Dedede is pretty manly in his interests and Susie is very girly. They're blue and pink, even. I think Dedede would forget or just plain ol' not care about Susie's more "human rights" crimes and make MOUNTAINS out of the little things. Although they do share a love of machinery, and that might be something that would bring peace to the VERY petty disagreements. At least until Susie chastises Dedede for using "old parts" while Dedede goes on an old man rant about how those old parts are three times as reliable as all this easy to break new stuff! (Dedede is the equivalent of the guy who put his first car together by hand. Susie is the "born plugged in" type.) So, yes, they fight, but not for the reasons you think. ^^;
...As for Meta Knight, I think countless paragraphs have already been written on these two and most people know where I fall about now. Meta Knight, whether we saw it happen on screen or not, was able to figure out what Susie's deal was faster than anyone else, and while he didn't care for having his autonomy stolen (not to mention, I can't imagine he liked all the bulk of his un-asked for cybernetic upgrades. Mecha Knight is a tank. A stark contrast to Meta Knight's fast "here and away" style.) But if anyone in the entire FRANCHISE understands that sometimes your morals take a backseat for your goals, it would be him and now that the dust has cleared and the HWC was on the losing side with Susie as it's sole survivor (speaking brutally) there's no reason to be angry with her anymore. That said, I believe that, much like happens in the fandom, Meta Knight probably gets questioned fairly often (by people who know) if he's upset at Susie, with some not believing its possible he wouldn't be. But I really think to him, it's just something that happens when you're pushed into a corner.
What Meta Knight would care about is not what Susie has done in her past (to him) but what she does now.
...That said, I think he will find an "excuse" to be somewhere else when she looks at him with stars in her eyes and a wrench in her hand. (I am a firm believer that the Star Allies scene is meant to be taken comically, not seriously. I have nothing against Mecha Knight unwanted modification angst but that scene should not be your sole "proof" such a thing exists.)
And of course, as for Kirby, Kirby has already accepted Susie. He ran to her side when she was injured. He agreed with her request to stop Star Dream, and he accepted her invader armor. There's nothing else to forgive. Acceptance is freely given.
Marx is the silly one. Very silly. I think, on my first draft of this post (I made the choice to write it again from scratch rather than base it on my previous version, so that it was up to date with my current feelings) I took the concept of Marx and forgiveness very seriously, but then I booted up Star Stacker (SNES) again and remembered that the story began because one day, Dedede saw a sparkling star flying through the sky and decided, "I'm gonna shoot it with a cannon!" So, in case this needs to be restated...
The people of Dream Land are absolutely buck wild.
Probably, due to the comparisons with his spiritual successor Magolor, there's been a casual attempt to try and make a bigger deal out of the "ship in a bottle" events of Milky Way Wishes.
I don't want to be a hypocrite here. I'm a huge fan of "Let's try to expand on Marx's backstory, personality, and motivations using every tiny scrap we've got" and I do so relatively shamelessly. I love the idea that there might have been buckets and buckets of angst and pathos behind his decision to trick Kirby into bringing Galactic Nova into Popstar's orbit so he could kick our beloved puffball into the darkness of space and wish to make the planet his own...
...but do I think that those acts in a vacuum are on the same scale as what all the other big, bad, last bosses have done?
Not really.
Well, not like the modern villains. Marx is a bit more like Dark Meta Knight or Daroach in the breadth of his bad guy-ness. His act harmed very few people in practice. It could have gone on to harm more eventually, had it succeeded. It might have even been devastating! Similar to if Dark Mind's reach was allowed to expand into the peaceful non-Mirror Popstar. Or if Dark Daroach went on to rule as the second coming of the Lord of the Netherworld!
But... it wasn't. The clown's dreams lasted only a few brief minutes. To the people on the surface, Nova exploding probably looked like no more than a shooting star. ("Everyone make a wish!")
...The only person Marx needs forgiveness from, then, is Kirby. And that is the story of several hundred different fanfics and fan theories and frankly, I enjoy all of them because the ~potential~ dynamic these two characters share is one of my favorite things in the series.
And, leaving the "middle" of that journey for we, the fan creators to come up with, I believe we can at least say that, in the end, the two seem to have made up successfully.
...Now, there's still the question of would the rest of the Dream Team LIKE Marx or forgive him upon hearing what he did! I think Meta Knight would be wary of him for a lot of reasons. He's unexpected and uncontrollable. He hopped in to attack the group during the Star Allies credit sequence. But Meta Knight also (in an alternate timeline) thought wishing on Galactic Nova for a ridiculously selfish wish was a perfectly sane thing to do so I gather he would have little issue with Marx's ambitions, if not his actions. And as for his attempted murder of Kirby, Meta Knight is :cough: also guilty of that so yeahhhh. Maybe he doesn't LOVE the jester's antics or even tolerate them, but he wouldn't decry them from a moral high ground...?
I personally love the idea that King Dedede is headache-inducingly familiar with Marx. I like the idea that Marx might have even gotten his title of "jester" thanks to King Dedede. According to the Dedede Encyclopedia entries on twitter, Dedede had no idea about Marx's attempted takeover of Popstar nor did he know about Marx's "true form." Thus, it's easy to imagine that to Dedede, Marx is nothing more than another cute, silly resident of Dream Land, like the Waddle Dees. He may even treat Marx with the same paternal kindness he gives the Waddle Dees. At least until Marx goes a step too far!
TLDR, I love the version of their relationship as implied in the Kirby Storybooks, where Marx is one of "those troublesome kids" who teams up with Kirby to play harmless pranks on Dedede. It's so crazy wholesome, something that you can't always say about Marx!
...Lastly, Bandee... Oh, empathetic little Bandee. I feel like Bandee would probably be the one to eye Marx the most critically. Because Bandee has eyes on the ground level to NOT be fooled like Dedede nor so extreme that he can't hold Marx accountable like Meta Knight. I think Bandee is probably the closest to Kirby in seeing Marx for who Marx really is, but doesn't have the "complex" relationship Kirby and Marx does that inspires Kirby to forgive him no matter what he does.
Not that I think they fight or don't get along, necessarily. (In fact, the sudden spike (?) in MarDee - am I spelling that right? - shippers has rekindled my interesting in their dynamic) But I do think that while Marx is giving everyone his "Who? Meeee?" eyes, Bandee is off on the side giving Marx a narrow-eyed look of "You don't fool me."
But again, I think that honesty may be something that could turn into a kind of closeness they don't have with others! Plus, biased, but I also completely love, love, love the idea that the one Waddle Dee who is tired of being "just a Waddle Dee" and the one Noddy who is tired of being "just a Noddy" have an understanding that none of the naturally over-powered residents of Popstar can ever understand.
It's possible to write them as rivals or enemies. These two, quite frankly, could be very cool together in a variety of ways!
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pastel-rights · 1 year
Rate your friends
oh this anon finally decided to come around [insert tracy happy here]
uhhh it'll be underneath the cut because it's gonna be. long as hell BWAHAHA apologizing ahead of time if I get sappy 😶‍🌫️
Rina [ My first real internet friend 🫡]
RINAAA I see you. I see your art. I perceive you.
And, even if we don't talk as much as we used to in the past, you'll always be the first of many great people I've met. And, I really love and appreciate your presence in my life. Dare I say it was life-altering!!
Ocean, Shamia, Arella, and all your other ocs, I'm cradling them in the palms on my hands so so lovingly. I have so many things I need to tell you to be honest !! But goddamnit I have work every night so I'm always busy doing something wahhhh
New Shamia reference when? I need to draw her and her blonde bitchass dog [ jack ] again they're so funny and I miss them 😭
Blue [ My lifelong irl to internet friend ]
From an IRL friend to now an online friend, we just can't get rid of each other. You're so cool...
You don't use tumblr so, I won't talk much further... but I do appreciate you. And all your silly Itto shrine moments.
Tae [ My Beloved Wife 🫶🏼]
She's the Cro to my Lee.
The Shuichi to my Kaede.
The President Barbie to my Stereotypical Barbie.
The Kafka to my Bladie [ unfortunately /lh ]
Theeeee Raiden Ei to my Yae Mikooooo.
My wife is many things to me!! I really really love your art and your writing, and you're always so kind and funny and I just wanna grrrrr I just want to hold all your ocs and all your muses so close I love them all 😭😭😭
I HOPE YOU FALL THROUGH THE SKY, JOHN. KER-FUCKING-SPLAT, BITCH. I think you've driven me insane. A little bit.
We're so good we are so good. Don't even WORRY about it.
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Sam [ My Infamous Brother-in-Tumblr Law ]
Sam you're so. /pos
I think the Immortalpheus AU has permanently altered my perception on life.
Your writing is. well. it's painful /pos
You're so cryptic and really funny yet you and your sister make me say some weird shit during work. Like the uno cards and the Dazai shenanigans and Immortalpheus moments and whenever you drop some life shattering fics and shit you drop on others.
You're a very nice and fun person, all jokes aside!! You're very cool and very amazing and a delight to game with and just fun to be around??? your AU lore and your bots and everything is just so.
good friend good friend!!
french /j
Piano Immortalpheus forever immortalized isn’t that funny
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Navi [ My detective in arms ]
Your art and your way of expressing your characters and your son in your writing are just soooo good I rotate them in my head so often.
Whenever I see you posting about your crimes to Tumblr, I simply giggle. Get em, Navi!!
We don't talk very often but like. I'd love to talk more. plot. commit shenanigans. heart hands.
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Fifi [ fucking fifi /lh ]
I want to clasp my hands around your neck and rattle you violently /lh /pos
How are we friends /lh
We've been friends so long, it's kind of insane??? I remember first talking to you during Amy's opening event and everything just sort of spiraled from there... and every day with you is. an experience!! /pos
Still waiting for the Tower Bifty interaction fr fr [ they try to murder each other within the first five replies /j ]
Carrie [ my favorite mike enjoyer ]
Number One Mike enthusiast the real Mike enjoyer.
Im always so giddy whenever you occasionally message me, even if it's just to check on me or show me how you torment Sam /lh and your writing and way of interpreting differing IDV characters and skins is so good??? I love reading them they make me so giggly.
Overall 10/10 friend would ramble to given the chance
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Pins [ my boss /ih ]
pink enthusiast
My actual best friend, dare i say the bestest friend in the world???? every moment I spend with you is a blissful and amazing moment, and you've been through so much with me and the fact you stayed throughout it all????
I'm just... really glad you chose to stick with me this long. I can be a very abrasive and impulsive person, and yet you care for me, even with all my flaws and I think that just... says a lot about you.
You're the Jade to my Chiaki.
The Rook to my Epel.
The Deuce to my Ace!
Also your art just solos everything I glow whenever I see it
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Skye [ my twst buddy !! ]
Grabs you
Holds you
Rattles you
Is friend.
Is friend shaped.
Approved /lh
Four [ floyd kinnie moment ]
Stop tormenting me with the take a break floyds you SCARE me
Never will be over the fucking
Ghostbusters Floyd edit
I flex my Beans Floyd in memory of you
You’re not dead I think you’re just somewhere in the distance squeezing someone like your life depends on it
10/10 friend when we ignore the four imposed breaks /j
Beth [ my favorite aesop and naib enjoyer ]
Holds you gently.
The Aesop player
The Panda Naib haver.
The beloved
The silly.
✨ Beth ✨
Your art? Immaculate. I such a adoration for your art, and whenever I’m able to catch your drawing streams??? I’m just in awe!! Your colors and outfit inspirations are just so cute so nice so well done???
You’re so. You’re so cool uwahhh
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MarioGuy [ where do you keep coming from I know damn well it isn't the door /lh ]
I feel like you kind of just break into my house sometimes and make yourself known before randomly disappearing through a non existent back door /pos
You’re a delight to be around!! Every match with you is a bit. It’s uhm. Something!! /lh
Please stop breaking into my home
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Rice [ i occasionally remember that Mi Bianca thing and cry a little ]
Every time I see you pop up in my notifications I just smile and giggle.
We don’t talk often but you’re just so cool and awesome and your muses are so funky fresh and your art is so good and ????
Klai [ you. ]
Chaos gremlin.
You never learn.
But you’re funny so I guess it’s okay.
Your art is so. It’s like a shiny gem 💎 and I WANT it. Holding it hostage.
My precious friend’s doodles.
Never trusting you to prime a cipher though. No hard feelings /lh
10/10 friend!! 0/10 decoder though /j
Orange [ ORANGEEEE my favorite chaos gremlin ]
So funny
So talented
So cool
So so cool
Your art is so good, you’re so funny and talented and a wonder to talk to. Your ideas are so creative so unique and yet so unequivocally you and I just…
I love it!!
Orange stop being so cool /j
Clown [ the greatest step-parent on the scene!! ]
This is utter insanity Clown you can’t be EVERY MUSE’S step parents there has to be a LIMIT!!!
A LINE in the SAND!!!!
But also your art.
I’ve talked so much about everyone’s art
Yours reminds me of the feeling of waking up on a snow day and realizing school is canceled.
It’s always such a delight to see!!
And while every time you open your mouth, I get a little more worried about you, you’re so so cool /lh
Lupi [ you. x2 ]
imagine arson? imagine it no more im approaching your house at rapidly increasing speeds with my hello kitty lighter /j
Sleepy [ 🫡 ]
Sleepy!! 🫂 so cool,,, you’re so cool,,, /pos
Emma [ Sorry. Only one monster lover can exist in this server peacefully. GET EM. - emma ]
The caption says it all.
Also Tatya stop accidentally seducing all the muses or nearly getting stabbed or exploded or hypnotized you are worrying the GIRLIES! /lh
Al [ you have the vibes of the drunk wine family member in a /pos way ]
I don’t talk to you often but whenever you come around, it makes me so giggly. You’re very funny and your art slaps!!
Joe [ joe the silliest ]
Your art? Funky fresh.
The lore? So interesting I love the little snippets I see floating around.
You’re so creative
Your Embrace is so funny they scream sacrificial lamb uncle who’s kind of fun at parties /lh
They’ve also got a really nice and warm personality, chaotic yet chill and relatable.
Kind of reminds me of Sam but without the entities 🫶🏼
Nakki [ you. x3 ]
Grabs you like a squeaky toy
That’s it that’s everything tbh
Kory, Boris, Brian [ and the rest of the McMun's Hut /lh ]
And this goes out to all my friends and acquaintances in the McMun’s hut! What is wrong with all of you /pos/lh (except you Boris, you’re an Angel)
Everyone there is super chill and super nice, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. So many differing personalities yet it’s always a vibe somehow.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
also its canon that some designers reflections can become their own people, so like what if diluc's 'red dead of night' became his own person and joined nikki and the creator to protect them (cause he knows that reader is the creator).
cue diluc and diluc doing the spiderman meme
- curse anon
oh my god they can- DUDE-
(note that i know nothing about nikki lore! i am just saying words!!)
diluc’s red dead of night coalescing into a physical person while he’s fighting off enemies, a mix of his determination and the elemental energy from the slimes fighting alongside him turning his blade into real steel.
it takes him a few hours to come to terms with it, but eventually he gets over it. this just means he can help you better without draining your energy or the energy around him, right? and your friend, nikki, she doesn’t have to worry as often. if anything, his flames can assist in summoning- no, really, he doesn’t mind, don’t worry about him.
when he meets diluc for the first time, it’s when he’s hunting you. he’s dropping back with morax, letting barbatos and fischl lead you away towards safer territory, summoning his claymore. when he sees his double, he doesn’t really react. he knows he’s a different version of diluc, from the past, and though he was fundamentally based on anger and turmoil… he’s learned to push past that. with your help, with nikki’s, with silent conversation with fischl, who he’s almost certain is beginning to split as well. he knows who he is now, and knows that the man in front of him will never know you like he does.
and so he swings.
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sparklingdemon · 1 year
Out of curiosity, when it comes to your more interactive stories like Pokemon Monochrome, the Fallen Leaf askblog, and to a lesser extent the Explorers of Death askblog, do you have specific story beats or a general direction you want the story to go in planned in your head? If so, what do you do if the audience unintentionally steers things in a different direction?
thanks for the question! this is a long one, as each blog is a bit different, so please excuse me!
for fallen leaf, i had no plan for any sort of major plot. it was meant to go on for as long as i had things about her character left to explore. the magic anons that made up the "story" were relatively unplanned and were used as short "events" to make the blog more interesting before returning to status quo.
for explorers of death, the past side had no major plot plans - you could ask the eod trio anything and they'd answer from whatever point in time that was best suited for the question.
for the future side, i meant to establish a little more about how squirtle's "happy ending" wasn't what it seemed, and focus on her struggling to cope with this- but the need to draw so many backgrounds was a huge turn-off, and i eventually decided to drop the blog altogether.
pokemon monochrome is a bit different - the initial concept was made up on the fly, with vague lore ideas that i hoped askers would help me flesh out, instead of having Absolutely Everything planned from the beginning. that's why i feel like the beginning parts of the blog have some "awkward season 1"-styled answers. (nothing plot-breaking, just some odd characterization choices before i got a full feel for their character.)
however, i had a very strong idea for monochrome's overall story - the three ghosts tormenting cody was always planned, as well as cody's origins. (however, cody's name was only decided after the blog had already been started...!)
the intention was always to see if the audience would be curious enough about the ghosts to try and force cody to add them to the cast of available characters, and to explore what the consequences of that might be. the players' attempts to capture the ghosts is a very important part of the overall story.
when cody encounters the ghosts, the scenes are very on-rails - i have everything planned for how they'll play out in advance, and i only answer asks that help the scene play out the way it's supposed to.
asks that try to "think outside the box" are usually thrown out before things can steer too off-track. if things get a little thrown off, i just try my best to answer asks with a similar emotional tone to segue out of the subject until i'm ready to come back to it. askers will usually jump on the current subject, so it's important to know when not to continue it and move on to another one.
pokemon monochrome is the first ask blog i've had in a long time that has a heavy narrative story, and it's definitely a lot of pressure to see it through. usually, i'm more comfortable with blogs that can go on for an indefinite amount of time with no major status quo changes, as i think those kinds of blogs were my most successful…
that said, i am determined to try my best to see pokemon monochrome through to its end. i have no idea what that ending will be, but i'm glad i have an audience who's willing to help me get there!
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laurelnose · 11 months
how are we feeling about book of hours? or have you left your cultist sim phase
I was a bit confused by this ask bc I’m actually pretty active in Secret Histories fandom and then I remembered my activity for this fandom happens to be like, exclusively on reddit and the wikis, lmao. My Secret Histories phase has not ended, anon! I am always thinking about the Histories!!
Book of Hours: good! I find myself tripped up by choice paralysis every time I get ready to commit a History to paper (it takes so much LONGER to do a Librarian run than a Cultist run, Alex, I know you didn’t actually intend for us to replay the game 100+ times but also 😭) but it’s fun it’s cozy!
It is just flatly not as good or tight an experience as CS — some of the writing is weaker, like the proliferation of just... existing quotes from elsewhere? and the humor attempts are a little ehh; there are still missing features, tho’ yes, these are being worked on at an impressive rate; the replayability is not really there, on purpose — but Cultist Simulator is really fucking good, so BoH falling a touch short isn’t much of a criticism at all. I genuinely really like it and have very much enjoyed the lore-digging. There’s soooo much new stuff abt my problematic apostate fave 🩵 Coseley and Naenia? Coseley and an Hour from Nowhere? Delightful! The patches have been big QoL improvements. Plus I can’t discount the part where the first time I launched the game and the SH kachunk sound played it just—felt like coming home, and that feeling didn’t abate at all as I started working through the Library.
I’m waiting for DAYMARE before I start another descent (and, like, I also need to finish BG3 before Stardew 1.6 drops? besides all the holiday stuff I gotta get through in the next couple months) but I’m gonna do Magnate next I think. I’m a Moth/Lantern sucker so my past Librarians have been mostly the Twice-Born and the Prodigal. Time for Edge!
anyways here you can have a little sad Christopher fic snippet, as a treat
The Hotel Ciervo offers a continental breakfast. You pass over the buns and pastries glistening with sugar glaze, the sausages thick and dripping fat, the scrambled eggs beat to improbable voluminosity. You do not fear to eat the food of the Long. (Haven’t you eaten enough of it between your lovers?) But you lack any appetite.
You get a cup of Dawnlion coffee to have something to do with your hands and take it into the Hart Room. Choose a table near to one of the floor-length windows overlooking the glittering waters. In the distance you can see the fog-elided outline of Raven Isle’s caldera. It’s something to look at as you nurse your coffee and wait.
You’re not sure how long it is. Time in the Isles passes more like a memory than an experience, and you’re in a poor state of mind to keep track regardless. But presently a man of middling height with his dense curls cropped close to his head pulls out the chair across from you.
“So, what was so important that you needed to come to Noon in person?”
Coseley will look just as you remember him. He always does; he has been Long for centuries before your own birth. Out of the corner of your eye you see his fingers still long and graceful, his palms smudged with the walnut ink he favors, as he sets his teacup on the table and sits down. When you turn your head from the window and meet his gaze, his face is unchanged as expected. No new lines crease the deep warm brown of his cheeks; no fearsome new depth of Winter shines out of his familiar frost-pale eyes. Further heights of the Mansus have been closed to Julian for almost as long as he has been immortal, and thus he remains as he was when he first ascended.
You know he does not see the same changelessness in your face, the face of an occultist of middling power who is feeling the march of time, for no denizen of the Mansus are you. You are, and remain, merely mortal. You must not be able to keep the desolation out of your eyes, because his brows draw together like an oncoming cold front.
“Where is Teresa, Christopher?”
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magicalbats · 11 months
hi it's doesn't-play-genshin-but-loves-your-genshin-fics anon i just wanted to report back: i've completed so many 'genshin lore for beginners' and 'genshin storyline so far' videos, and i'm eyeballs deep in fanart and random fics (especially childe dear LORD him especially god i love him oh my goddd) and i'm so blown away by how deep the story is for the game ???
i knew people praised the game for the characters and story but i didn't think it'd be THIS good, and i'm so grateful you encouraged me to go read up on it.............. the fact that some of the characters are just like regular people and others are straight up literal gods among men is hilarious and also sososo cool to me. zhongli's story was so cool and i love the fact that he's so deeply and intricately intertwined with liyue harbor and its people ;-; ♡
anway thank you it's all thanks to you ily thank you for broadening my horizons
Omggg anon 🥹 I’m so glad you’re enjoying everything so far! And just to tell you a little bit about my own experience, so you know it’s not just you who was a bit blind sided by the depth of the world building xmdmxmdm
I’ve tried a handful of other gacha’s in the past and I just could not get into them for anything. There was one I do actually really like on a theoretical level xmsmxks but I hated the game mechanics. I only played it for a few months before dropping it completely so I was very wary about getting into Genshin at first because I honestly thought I’d be wasting my time and it would just be something else I got no enjoyment out of. Im sure you can imagine my great surprise when I quickly realized this wasn’t just another cheap gacha with bare minimum effort put into it. It’s a whole ass world with extensive history and real, honest to god lore. The characters not only have their own individual backstories that span across various fields and interests and cultural inspirations, but Mihoyo at least puts in some work to further flesh them out beyond that too. Even the ones we’re still waiting to get any real spotlight shown on them have a fountain of potential just waiting to be untapped! It’s super exciting imo, to see how everything slowly fits into place to create the bigger picture of a fully functioning fictional universe, how each character is leading their own individual lives, but then you also add onto that how there are plenty of mysterious unknowns and future developments ahead of us too …
Frankly Genshin’s lore has done nothing but impress me. It gets confusing at times, yes, and occasionally theories that don’t make a lick of sense will gain traction to blur the lines even more, but overall this world feels very alive to me and our role as the traveler can be a very immersive one. I have been nothing if not impressed by the world building but it’s the characters that truly pulled me in and never let me go. lol I started playing specifically for Zhongli … and by the time I actually met him I was already hooked. 🤣 I’ve been obsessed with this damn game basically since day one and I’m still in a chokehold over a year later.
But ooooh, a Childe fan are we? 👀 I am in no way surprised, he is QUITE a man. Idk how up to date you are with the current storyline but uh, I am eagerly awaiting version 4.2 so we can see him again! (Potential spoiler??) The way he gave us his vision in 4.0 actually had me
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Please feel free to come back and share all your thoughts with me! What other characters do you like? Favorite region? Which bit of lore do you find the most interesting?? I need the deets, anon! Please!
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total-drama-takes · 2 years
Hi, it's anti Bowie anon. I thought I would drop by and say good luck to you with whichever you do with this blog. I loved sending asks and seeing how the fanbase was doing on the old blog, but I am excited with whichever you do with this blog. The great thing about life is that it's ours. You may hold the title of "total-drama-takes", but ultimately, this blog is yours. Reinvent the name and become something bigger and better for the new fans, or you can do nothing with it, or anything else in between. The internet is a fascinating asset and you can choose how you connect and interface with us, if you would like to at all. I can only imagine an intense stress and pressure that may be loosely tied to a blog such as this, and so I can only hope you remain as kind to yourself as you are to others.
I think there's beauty in asking others to name you. I think it's beautiful you respect the legacy this blog name has. However you will shine when you embrace your identity. If you decide on a moderator name, embrace it and own it. If this will become a Kpop fan blog, I know that you are expressing your true interests.
I cannot tell you how to live your life, but I spent years wanting people to tell me who I was, but I think that's because I wasn't ready to come out as gay when I was younger. And this was when homophobia was a bit more common than it is nowadays. There are years of my life I wasted that I am making up for now because I was scared what other thought, and I didn't want to disappoint those around me.
I think I should stop. I recognize I am projecting. However I would hate for you to experience even a fraction of the pressure I felt. I had to deal with my inner circle, you are dealing with the world wide web. Whatever you do, have fun.♥️
i don't think there's much i can say to this except 'thank you' and 'you're right' but really thank you for this. i hear and appreciate everything that you've said.
total-drama-takes is so infamous and has far more lore than i'd expect from a fandom this size, and while it is intimidating it's also, strangely, kind of freeing? because even if i majorly fuck up, it'll just be another piece of lore, and if i don't fuck up then maybe i'll be liked by a fair amount of people and that'll be neat!
i still don't really know what i'm doing with this blog. i think i'm just going to be whatever people want this to be, and if people want the same experience as the past total-drama-takes blogs then i can attempt to provide, and if not then i'll come up with something mildly entertaining (whether for the fandom or just for myself lmao) to do. maybe nothing. i think doing nothing would be amusing enough in its own right.
i wish you the best, anti Bowie anon! feel free to send an ask any time whether this blog ends up being total drama takes 3.0 or something else entirely lmao
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frozenambiguity · 11 months
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Anonymous asked:
hi, i saw your post and tags about how you see kaeya as an introvert at his core so... i love reading your thoughts/musing so if you'd ever want to write something like that i'd read it... no pressure, just letting you know &lt;3
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Ooc; Goodness, it has been so long since you have sent this ask, anon. I apologize for not getting to it earlier. Either way, yes! I do believe Kaeya is an introvert at his core.
It is more noticeable during his younger years since he had yet to develop his present-day social veil. He was described as shy in the past and sometimes said shyness still shines true ( mostly when someone openly cherishes him or shows affection toward him ). Nowadays, he is a smooth talker. He is someone whose charisma alone can get him what he wants or aims for. But that is a skill that was developed, both out of need and interest, regardless of his innate talent and power over words.
The truth is that the current Kaeya we see is, in most instances, a product of his circumstances and a result of the cards he was dealt when younger. Over the years, he has grown more perceptive regarding social interaction and how to use it to his own advantage. Fun fact: I honestly believe Kaeya would be a brilliant political actor ( he even enjoys political intrigue, as we have seen in the game ).
We must bear in mind something, though: just because someone has successful social interactions and is capable of getting along with almost everyone does not mean that they are an extrovert. No. It only means that they know how to read situations and that they know how to adapt well to said situations. Kaeya's mastery of deception comes into great play here.
What we find in Kaeya Alberich is a perfectly crafted social chameleon. Almost to a fault. And what happens when that mask falls momentarily? Kaeya backs away. Sometimes, he even purposefully removes himself from the interaction, most often under the excuse that he has other things to tend to or that it is getting too late and he must leave. It is all a strategic escape, however.
Kaeya is a person that needs time on his own. To process things. To think deeply about issues ( i.e. him appearing for 2 minutes in Caribert and after a major lore drop, doing the peace sign like "see you later!" and disappearing right after ). Another fun fact is that I believe that he tends to intellectualize situations and feelings: a very common trait among introverts. Not to say that he is someone who is not emotional ( he clearly is, otherwise he would not have let his selfish need to be free of guilt and lies ruin his relationship with Diluc during a very crucial, sensitive moment ). But Kaeya is someone who tends to want to find reasons for everything. Everything has a cause. And he tends to use rational thinking to distance himself from emotional turbulence.
Then, there is the trust and proximity aspects of the equation. Although Kaeya is not against them, Kaeya does not necessarily seek connections. He aches to be connected to someone, of course, due to his wish to be accepted as he is ( although he puts himself inside this torturous mental cage by telling himself he will never be ), but he does not fabricate or work towards those close connections. That is to say, although Kaeya is friendly, he does not necessarily seek friends as some extroverts do. If a friendship happens, then it happens. But it all flows naturally. Kaeya is someone who prefers having 2 close friends to 40 friends in general.
Kaeya is someone who is used to being alone and acting alone. As seen in the game, or even in the manga. I am recalling the specific moment when Amber complained about him never including her or telling her his plans ( and Kaeya just promptly waved at her and went on his merry way, lmao ). Even the traveler has sensed it: Kaeya can be extremely social while also being extremely solitary. Sometimes, even his troops don't know what he is up to, but they heavily rely on his intuition and way of achieving things, as pointed out by Jean herself ( though his ways of doing so and methods may be questionable or puzzling to some ) .
Kaeya prefers to have others relying on him than relying on others. He is a very independent person. He does not share his inner thoughts easily, and when he does, as I already stated, he needs time on his own to digest everything. On this topic, allow me to briefly discuss his in-game mechanics. He is a character that can be a dps, sub-dps, support, self-healer, and self-shielder. That is to say: he can do it all without wanting or needing to rely on others. He attacks and he helps to attack. But he also self-heals and self-shields. And that says plenty.
Truthfully, there are many aspects I could cover that makes me think Kaeya is an introvert, but this is getting too long already. If you ever have a topic you would like me to cover, let me know! Heavens know I can spend 79 hours talking about Kaeya Alberich and how much of a fascinating character he is.
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shxwmaster · 1 year
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                         “ i’ll have my people talk to your people, sound good ? ”
Independent RP + Ask Blog for Mathias Shaw
• 9+ years RP experience • Est. July 29, 2020 , Rebooted March 2023 • Mun is 25+ • PST Timezone | Limited Availability
Penned by Mimi
          MOBILE LINKS: ( About | Rules | Thread Tracker )
          POSTS ( Plotting Call | Permanent Starter Call | Promo )
Personals / Non-RP Blogs are ALLOWED to follow, BUT do not reblog my posts !
— MUN —
Hi guys, I’m Mimi, 25, She/Her— I’m returning to the Tumblr RPC after having left it 2-3 years ago and I’m excited to be back!
In total, I have 9+ years RP experience, both on Tumblr, ingame and on Discord, and I’m very flexible with most types of RP. My default style is multi-para with icons, but I’ll always mirror your style!
I'm very active on this blog, but also tend to be very sporadic, distracted and forgetful. I have severely untreated ADHD and suffer from a lot of social anxiety, so at times that can throw a wrench in things or slow down my activity significantly. Just a forewarning!
I operate on PST, but I have VERY sporadic availability. I'm usually working Wed-Sun, and I'll be starting college classes soon, so I'll probably only be around either in evenings, or Mon-Wed if I have time. So uh, yeah, between that and the ADHD, please forgive me if I end up very slow or even forget things altogether. Don't be afraid to poke me for threads though!
I also DM occasionally for my RP guild, <Knights of Repentance>. This might occasionally cause a drop in activity. But I still love y'all!
PLEASE poke me if I’m taking too long with a thread and you want to know what’s going on. I will ALWAYS endeavor to try to appease. Sometimes I’m either genuinely working on it and I got stuck, or I really just forgot. Hit me!
I’ve mained Horde for about 15 years now, and though I’ve since read up now on Alliance lore, there are still corners that I’m lacking. If I ever slip up or mistake canon or any Alliance lore, you are legally allowed to kick my ass and correct me. In fact, please, please do that, I encourage it, the last thing I want is to get things wrong, and I like to be as accurate as possible. You can message me, don’t stop yourself from messaging me.
My strengths in writing reside in improv and crafting random situations, scenarios and settings on a whim. I take joy in throwing muses straight into action, so I’m your guy when it comes to that kind of stuff!
Canon-typical violence, blood, mentions of death, parental death, emotional abuse, torture and knives are present on this blog.
Personals / Non-RP blogs are free to follow, BUT, please do not reblog any of my posts or threads. Non-RP blogs that share my stuff will get blocked! Otherwise enjoy your stay!
Personals are free to send in asks on or off anon!
Please don't mention incest to me in any shape or form.
No god-modding or meta-gaming
I am mostly canon compliant, though I do have some minor canon divergences, all of which can be read further in my about page. I make it a point to adopt about 85% of RPG lore into my own canon for my own purposes.
The rest of this page are general guidelines.
— RP —
VERY OC friendly. If you've got connections or something you want to establish beforehand, hit me up, I'm ALWAYS open to plotting with OCs.
On that note, I'm always open to establishing any connections or relationships or dynamics ahead of time with any muse! You need only message me!
I will always read your rules and about page thoroughly before interacting with you
I am multiship! I love ships, I'm open to ships! Past or present, AU or otherwise, hit me.
I ship with chemistry. Yes, I love ships, but I definitely prefer to have our muses interact first to see how they get along before moving forward.
You are always welcome to RP unrequited feelings or have your character act or feel however they would around Shaw, I've no problem with that, so long as you're not forcing a ship! Again, chemistry and communication beforehand is a must before a ship.
However, I am uncomfortable with some age gaps. If your character is in their 20s (or equivalent to their 20s, if they're an elf), shipping's off the table.
At the moment, the only universes I have available for Shaw are in WoW and Overwatch (Blackwatch!Shaw), thus I'm more inclined to interact with folks from those franchises, but there are always exceptions!
I have a small handful of AUs that can be found on my verses page.
If you want to interact with any of my AUs, just specify or message me!
I'm welcome to creating new AUs with folks as well!
IC =/= OOC! Shaw is a very serious character and tends to be rather apathetic and rude at times. I, however, am not him, it is not personal!
Mirror RP - I match your length, and would ask you to do the same! If I write a paragraph or two and only get a sentence back, chances are I’m prooobably not going to RP with you again, sorry!
Dash Games are Free Game! If I didn't tag you in a dash meme or game, like one of those quizzes or templates to fill out, take it anyways. Feel free to assume that I've tagged you, tag me in it too if you complete it. There's nothing I love more than seeing other folks ramble about their muses!
EVERYONE is invited to send me RP memes! ESPECIALLY if we haven't interacted yet!
Asks being turned to threads are awesome and welcome
In fact, I make a habit of turning my asks into starters, so you’re more than welcome to reply to any of those ICly if desired! I scarcely do drabbles for asks unless the prompt is specifically for a drabble.
Please note however, that I prefer to keep all threads to text posts, so if we’re turning an ask post to a thread, I will repost it in a new text post altogether!
— MISC —
I’m a legal adult, I’m cool with NSFW. Only send NSFW prompts IF I reblogged/invited them though!
IF NSFW threads were to take place here, I would 1. like to discuss it beforehand, and 2. put it under a readmore
If you need me to tag triggers, just message me, I’ll do that
My Discord is available upon request. I will never publicize my Discord information. Same for my BNet info.
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