#if there are any other characters you want to hear my HC for my inbox is open just let me know!
jankwritten · 2 years
i just saw somebody do this and it made me want to do it as well. For me, these headcanons are largely subject to the AU that I'm writing or the version of canon that I'm working with (PJO versus HoO versus ToA etc. etc.) so some of these may contradict!!!! and that's okay baby we love them anyway. the idea is from @/s3okj (I'm not entirely sure if they're okay with being tagged). Also this got really long so I'm putting the actual HC under the cut SORRY
(some of) my lgbt pjo/hoo headcanons
Percy: bisexual almost always, though he also fluctuates between being aromantic/asexual or some blend therein. I also tend to hc that he forms really close, non-romantic bonds with people that are often misconstrued as romantic (Grover, Piper, Nico, etc. etc.) but that he is polyam which makes it fun when he's trying to explain who is his boyfriend/girlfriend versus his nonromantic partner.
He uses he/him pronouns more often than not, but sometimes he winds up with he/they pronouns (or even he/they/she pronouns) in AUs where he leaves camp for some time to himself and meets some mortals. I think that if asked, he would describe himself as genderqueer/genderfluid. I do usually headcanon him as AMAB.
Annabeth: I almost always hc her as biromantic asexual. That is in part because I hc the Athena cabin in general to have a predilection for asexuality ngl. I HC that she doesn't necessarily identify as polyam, but that she is okay with being in a polya relationship, she just only tends to keep maybe one or two romantic partners herself in that case.
This one is actually very new in that I've not used it in any writing yet, but now I hc that she is a trans girl and uses she/her pronouns.
Grover: TBH I don't write him as much as I should, considering. I would say he's...biromantic but heterosexual? I think? That's kind of where I'm leaning, I think that he labels himself that way but that he's only really ever had a crush on one boy, and then he met Juniper and it was game over for him.
Again, I've never really written him, so I haven't had time to develop any "non-canon" HC for his gender. In my head he's a cis male who uses he/him pronouns.
Thalia: I love hc Thalia as aroace but with a tendency to form QPRs with people because of her feelings of being abandoned by her mom. I think that she cares really really deeply for people, but that she's never really experienced what people always describe as "love".
Thalia in my mind is very "just call me whatever you want to call me", but she DOES like when people pull out the non-she pronouns. I hc her as a cis female.
Nico: My boy! Nico to me is homosexual but biromantic. sometimes he's biromantic asexual (can you see a trend with these so far hm it's almost like I ~project~) but more often than not he's allo. I think he just loves so much sometimes that he doesn't really know what to do with himself (he's polyam in my HC as well which I think he'd be scared of), not to mention the fact that he wasn't really raised in a way that let him explore identities etc. I think that he doesn't realize he's biromantic because he didn't realise that the way he experiences romantic attraction could be different from the way he experiences sexuality (I also HC that either Will or Percy is the one who taught him the language to differentiate). OH AND HE'S ALMOST ALWAYS DEMISEXUAL!!! I nearly forgot about that one.
He is the one who flip flops most consistently between being trans and cis, it really genuinely just comes down to the story I'm telling at the time. He goes by he/him no matter what, he finds they/them pronouns uncomfortable (for himself) but is more than happy to help his friends experiment with pronouns.
Will: now THIS BOY. is truly the most unpredictable he could be really just any thing in any given story (except straight, normally he's not straight). I think that he really enjoys the blanket term "queer" and feels very comfortable with that as his label. He's almost never aro/ace, but he'd be comfortable in a relationship with an ace person. I do hc him as polyam sometimes.
He is almost always a trans man in my writing, even if it's not explicitly or implicitly stated. He uses he/they pronouns, though the "they" days are pretty rare and he will tell people if that's his preferred pronoun that day. He also has an ATROCIOUS sense of fashion (that's not a gender/sexuality hc I just think it's funny to dunk on him).
Piper: Another very recent addition to my average HC, but I do see her as biromantic. I think that she'd identify as asexual, but that she's like "Eh" about it, like she's fine either way, she just uses the label kind of as a way to say "I probably won't ever initiate this kind of thing". I also HC that she doesn't realize that she's ace until after her relationship with Jason. I do also think she has a preference for women, but is okay dating men too.
I get very she/they lesbian vibes from Piper. She identifies as nonbinary and LOVES playing with fashion as a means to express herself. I think that she and Percy are fucking killer at coming up with GNC outfits for one another.
Jason: oh, another one of my BOYS okay. So Jason is another one of those ones that kind of fluctuates a lot depending on the story I'm telling. I think I'd say that like Nico, he's homosexual but biromantic, but with WAY more of a penchant towards aro/ace vibes. He's almost always demisexual, and I think he struggles a lot with his attraction to women - I think that he'd feel like a horrible person for a while after he figures out that he's romantically but not sexually attracted to women, because he gets it in his head that that means he's misogynistic/inherently abusive somehow. I tend to HC that he's always known that he was attracted to men but he's always ASSUMED that he was attracted to women as well, and that's where his views of himself get challenged the most, in his relationship with Piper. I also hc him as polyam, but very selectively so - he would only be okay with dating a select few people. He wouldn't mind if his partner had other partners, though.
For a long time Jason was just a cis he/him male in my head, but recently I've been persuaded to the HC that he's trans. I think that it's another thing he's just always known about himself though, like ever since he was a little kid he's always known that he's a boy. Most of the time when I write him he's still cis, but in more of my recent stuff (and hockey AU) he's trans.
Frank: Again, I don't really write Frank as much as I should, considering. I think that he's never really put much thought to his identity, but that he wouldn't necessarily call himself straight either. He's not necessarily asexual, but he's not entirely not, either, and it's kind of the same for his romantic attraction - he's not necessarily into people, but at the same time, he does on occasion "catch feelings" for people (like Leo or Hazel). I think that he's very comfortable existing in his definitively grey-area. I think when someone asks what he is, he says, "I dunno," shrugs, and moves on.
I get cis male he/him vibes, but again, I haven't written much of his character, so that could change. I do think the idea of him identifying as agender could be interesting, like maybe sometimes when he shifts animal forms he's not a male animal and he feels the same way when he's in his human form. That could be interesting.
Leo: here's a fucking doozy. Leo is the most homophobic bisexual guy you will ever meet /hj he's like. So unaware of his attraction to men that he circles around to being weird and an asshole about it, like he's trying so hard to not see that part of himself that he shits on attraction to males in general, all while drooling over his best friend's biceps on the reg. So I DO think that he's bisexual (sometimes he's even just flat out gay) but it would take a pretty drastic thing to happen for him to realize it.
This dude made attack helicopter jokes until Jason or Nico dropped it on him that he's trans one day fr fr. Leo is such that eighth grade bully kind of vibe in my head when it comes to sexuality and gender, he's the kid who's soooo repressed and in the closet that he lashes out at any hint of the LGBT just so people will never attempt to associate it with him. I do think that once he gets his head out of his ass about it, he would identify with he/him pronouns (and privately use it/its pronouns with Festus, though I feel like that's more of him being a downer on himself and removing his own humanness on the days when he's feeling particularly Disconnected from people, ala the Tism. This is not to say that I view it/its pronouns as dehumanizing, I just think that that's how Leo would use them against himself, does that make sense?). So yeah, Leo's an asshole cis male he/him "I don't use pronouns" typa guy /j.
Hazel: I think that she's pretty solidly straight and allo in my mind, but she's also the kind of person who is VERY close to her female friends, to the point that it's sometimes misconstrued as attraction. I think that she's just a very physically affectionate, friendly kind of person and that that reads, in some situations, like she's coming on to people. I do think that's she's very well read on LGBT stuff, and that she kind of was even before Nico came out to her, like I feel as if during her time at Camp Jupiter no matter how limited it was, she discovered some myths with LGBT topics and it FASCINATED her.
She would experiment with pronouns all the time, but I think that she's, at the end of the day, a cis she/her female. I do like to think she's comfortable with any pronouns though, and will sometimes introduce herself with he/him pronouns around kids he suspects might be trans.
Reyna: Reyna is yet ANOTHER character I don't do enough with. I think that she's very firmly aro/ace but that she's constantly at war with herself over the aro part of it, because she experience very very deep platonic bonds with people, like Jason. She's convinced that that is romantic love, even though if anyone asked if she wanted to marry Jason/kiss Jason etc. etc. she'd immediately say no. I think she would eventually settle on idenifying as an asexual lesbian and then just never date anybody ever.
For some reason, I do see Reyna as trans. I think that maybe she didn't realize until on Circe's island or something (i can't remember enough of her canonical past rn to really piece together a proper headcanon) but that she is a trans female who uses she/they pronouns.
Rachel: I guess I kind of have no HC for Rachels sexuality? I'd say ace, because of the whole oracle thing, but I also believe that that was just a copout for Riordan to not have to pursue a love triangle with her anymore so fuck that at the same time. I just think that Rachel is Rachel and she's doing whatever the hell she wants to in that funky cave of hers.
I can see her being genderfluid for some reason, maybe the whole artsy side we see during the canonical books. I just like genderfluid characters alright, sue me.
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I'm the anon who asked that one ask you didn't make. Let me rephrase that, just in case the first one was too much.
How about the M6 who saw MC burying their head underwater when they cry? MC has this habit of hiding their problems and always keeps a strong persona in front of everybody. But when they breakdown, they go to a stream, a lake, the bathhouse, whatever place that has bodies of water so that they can put their head in the water and scream out their tears and inner conflicts. Because when they do this, nobody can hear them cry underwater.
Hopefully this one is more acceptable than the other one. Thanks, Brainrot. I'll try to be more considerate for the others :)
Hi anon,
I want to be clear from the beginning of this that what I'm saying is not coming from a place of anger or hate. Rather, there's been a small but growing trend in my inbox lately that I want to address, and this request is one of the clearest examples of it. I intend no harm against you and I'm not requesting any kind of apology, I'd just like to give some boundary reminders.
I understand your frustration with your first request not getting written. The opportunity to have content for a favorite set of characters custom made to your ideas is exciting! Much of the time that it doesn't happen, it's because there's more mini-hcs in the inbox than I can write, or it's because due to the amount of traffic through it some of the asks get lost. (I still write well over 90% of the prompts that come in, though, which is how my current posting output is roughly 2 full headcanons, a Vesvuvia Weekly prompt, and 21 mini headcanons a week!) It's why I usually don't mind receiving a request a second time in case there wasn't space for the first one ^.^
However, I still have the right to pick what I do and don't write. While my guidelines are written with the comfort and safety of my readers in mind, they are primarily there as my own personal boundaries. Writing about things like waterboarding, torture, child abuse and neglect, toxic relationships etc. without a context of healing, recovery, and personal growth is and always has been off the table. I chose not to write your earlier, more extreme prompt because it would violate the boundaries I outlined in my pinned post, and I'm choosing not to write this one either for the same reasons. I don't judge you for wanting to consume content with those themes (we all have our tastes, and that's okay!) but I'm not going to compromise my own boundaries or mental health to write something that's meant to be a free gift of my own creativity. There are other authors you can ask for those themes who would be happy to provide.
I don't bring this up often because I don't want to ruin the chill vibes, but I do in fact do this for free. I clock easily 30+ hours of work a week putting content on this blog alongside my full time job - and that is work that I am happy to do! I'm privileged enough to do this without needing to monetize it, and I find my reward in being able to share my writing with people, make friends, and create joy where I can. Even if I did depend on this for my livelihood, that still wouldn't entitle anyone to my services. I'm immensely grateful to the people who send me their ideas and support my work and give me feedback, but the work I do for the people on my page is out of joy and love, not obligation.
For the few anonymous requesters who send me prompts with disturbing content outside my guidelines, I understand that not everyone has an interest in checking my boundaries (listed in my pinned post) first. I'm not angry about that. However, I in turn have no interest in writing for requests that disregard those boundaries. Those requests are not entitled to being fulfilled or responded to.
To the vast majority of my readers and requesters, thank you!! Your ideas are a constant source of creative delight and your feedback and interest and joy light up my page. You guys are the best and have a special place in my heart :)
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montypng · 1 year
new follower here, love your art so much it's filled with so much character! I saw your tag on the lovely ghoul art; so, thought I'd send an ask: I'd love to hear your thoughts on danger days! Any things at all, feel free to ramble if you want! I always love hearing others hcs/opinions/etc on the series!
HELLO this ask has been sitting in my inbox since january sorry..its mostly bc i have sooo many things 2 talk about and i wasnt sure what i wanted 2 say in this answer but whatever im just gonna ramble SO!!! U get a bunch of random hcs and maybe thematic analysis yippee!! and thank u soo much for the kind words :]
imo all the kjs have some form of body focused repetitive behavior because this is my world and i do what i want.. poison and ghoul have dermatillomania (compulsive skin picking), and kobra and jet have trich (hair pulling) maybe. I think constantly being on the run + adrenaline highs and lows would lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms for all of them and desert living leads 2 pretty shit skin (poison+kobra have at least had bad acne for sure) which is conducive to skin picking..i think the venom siblings and ghoul are bat city runaways too so the withdrawal from bli pills (+shakes and sweats) contributed to them developing bfrbs.
ghoul also gets really bad shakes and jitters from withdrawal, so when it gets so bad that they can’t work on their explosives he blasts mad gear as loud as it can from its speakers and lets himself scream all the frustration out.
also ghoul definitely has hearing loss from bomb detonation in too close proximity. tell me it would know abt proper hearing protection safety protocols with a straight face its impossible.
kobra was born w microform cleft lip, which means he has a little deformity/groove in his upper lip kind of similar to a snake’s . also he broke his nose at some point and it healed wrong so crooked nosebridge↴
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both jet and kobra are prone to migraines bc of eye strain and sensitivity (jet is nearly fully blind in his right eye and both kobras eyes are extremely sensitive to light, hence the sunglasses).
sometimes when the migraines are too much they both lie down in the trans am seats together at night and close their eyes and breathe in the dark
prior to jets eye injury they were the teams best marksman, and im not sure yet how greatly that changes after they lose depth perception, but one thing i like to believe is that jet is also a great sniper (stereoscopic vision due to retinal disparity is also only effective up til about 30 meters too so he wouldnt need to rely on binocular vision for that), so maybe they focuse on that skill post-injury. how i picture their scar ↴
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this is so long already but 1 last thing more in a thematic analysis vein: i need ppls opinions on the girl and her story PLEASE. she has so little agency in the canon narrative but . Where r the girlposters around here i need to hear others thoughts on her guilt complex from the fab 4s sacrifice and her running away from her own role as the protagonist of a story she never wanted 2 be part of and her blowing up the city that killed her family and whether or not that alleviated her neuroses and brought catharsis or not and her characterisation as a literal bomb and destructive force even though shes just a kid and ughhh. Linking this girl post i made a while ago w an anne carson quote that makes me crazy ANYWAYS. Talk 2 me about her. Im begging.
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axelthegreat101 · 3 months
Masterlist ♡
Heyyaaa! My name is Axel, but you can call me Axe. My pronouns are Xe/Xem, and welcome to my blog! I’m a fanfic writer, and this is my masterlist and introduction so you can know a bit more about me.
Fandoms I write for:
The Bad Batch
Team Fortress 2
Wings of Fire
What I will write:
Head cannons
Character x Character
NSFW head cannons
GN, male or enby reader
Polygamous hcs
What I won’t write:
Full on smut
SH or SA of any kind (I want this blog to be friendly to everyone)
Female reader ( not comfortable with writing that)
OC x Character (I want the people who read to feel included, specific oc requests kind of make it difficult to do that)
general no no list (weird fetishes, just general gross stuff that would make anybody read it go "what the actual fuck" )
Important!! Please read!
I have every right to ignore/delete your request. Please don’t pester me with requests. I will try to write them but I can’t keep up with multiple requests at once. My writing is a side hobby and I am busy with my personal life.
I will not write any requests that make me uncomfortable, or if it’s confusing to me.
Other than those things, feel free to request whenever you want. I look forward to hearing your requests! P.S: Please request in my inbox, my messages aren’t working for some reason
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also here’s a picture of my cat. =]
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sapphickocho · 11 months
hihi bestie heehee i am here to drop shit abt ur au now cuz u did to mine so YES. (it's abt the tokito traitor au btw <3)
1. yui would take so many habits from koku just because (ex. like talking so slow, staring off to the distance, death stare, etc.) he would most prob remind lower rank demon slayers to respect the heirarchy
2. mui would ramble so much shit to koku that sometimes koku can't keep up (ex. what happened during his missions, what he did today like what he ate, etc.)
3. mui is known to sleep heavily even to loud noises, so who knows yui would do the same, before they were demon slayers koku has to protect their asses from other demons attacking them.
4. there would be one game they would play with koku is try to guess which tokito twin is which, they have to look exactly like eachother and koku has to guess (for mui's left arm he would hide it in a long baggy sleeve), but koku would always guess correctly cuz of the see through world lmao
5. yui would mostly remind him of himself cause of how similar they are in some ways, thanks to that koku is much more harsher on yui when training (he doesn't know why but he guesses cause he only has one arm hehe)
6. koku is more softer w mui at times cuz of how he reminds him of yoriichi he would do things that would make him seem out of character with mui, like... a protective older brother 👀, koku doesn't really like how similar mui is to yoriichi but he keeps it to himself, also there might be times were koku freezes up over something mui said that really reminded of yoriichi 🥺
also sorry ramble hehe, it was my turn HEHEHHEEHE enjoy these, hcs/ideas? eh- anyways love ya! can't wait to see for whats to come!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I have so many thoughts about this !!
First of all for context, this is a refence to this post here.
So for the first one, yuichiro would TOTALLY do that. All of the lowermoons are absolutely terrified of him because he is like a mini version of koku and if any of them act up he doesn't need all six eyes to death stare them. It shuts them up easily. I feel like he would also talk in fancy traditional words that confuse tf out of the hashiras + the kamaboko squad since koku talks like the sengoku period and well, yuichiro idolizes him.
2. This reminds me of the fact that muichiro would totally talk shit about people behind there back. And you know who hes telling it too? Our one and only number 1 dad! Kokushibo is just tired of hearing demonslayer corps gossip because he cant follow along.
3. Oh for sure. I bet he was also especially nervous when they went through final selection and he couldnt protect them. especially since they had to sleep during those seven days.
4. He would totally play along tho, so he would be like "hmmmm this is so difficult.....Yuichiro is on the left."
5. poor yuichiro but YES this exactly!! Koku would often be like "Your not strong enough to protect your bother" and "Your worthless if you let him die" to motivate him but also because it feels like he is talking to the child version of himself, and all the stuff he wants to say so things can turn out diffrently.
6.🥺 stoppp thats so cute. and its so true. muichiro would look at him with his big eyes that have the same look as yoriichri's and kokushibo would have to look away. Its just. too cute.
what if kokushibo gives him a gift and muichiro says "I'll cherish it, like it was you" and suddenly koku is getting whiplash to how similar the words were to when his brother said it all those years ago.
Thank you so much!! Feel free to drop your ideas in my inbox anytime ♥♥♥♥
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khuzena · 2 years
Hello! I love your writing and I hope you have a good day, I just want to say I absolutely in love with the valorant protocol and their s/o who's good at cooking, I was wondering if you can make similar one with non-agent s/o? Maybe s/o work in a cafe or restaurant and val agent keep visiting them, either hc or fic is fine with any character you like 😔 go wild go crazy
Order up!
Yoru, cypher, chamber, sova, viper, fade, neon, jett x g/n! Reader
Tw: just wholesome and fluff, them being super in love with reader
I was looking for some request like this, lately my inbox was flooded by horny bitches and their horny requests and it's such a breath of fresh air of a request like this (no hate to those who requested smut, love yall)
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Yoru first met you in a cafe, he would usually order a warm cup of matcha tea with no sugar and some bread on the side.
After you both started dating, you'd see him less albeit he tries to spend time for you.
Your timezones and work are completely opposite of each other but when he's given day offs by his boss, brimstone, the one he mentioned once a conversation with you, he'd pass by the cafe you worked at and order the usual with a smile in his face, you knew was so rare to see when he's with other people but it's much more common with you.
Sometimes when you serve him, he'll try to spark a new conversation just so he could hear your voice; he'll sip the tea you offered while he listens to you rambling about your day and when he has to go, he'll lead you into a corner which you both know there won't be anyone who'll see you both.
In which he'll lightly peck your lips and the side of your nose, telling you about how he'll promise he'll try to get more time with you then proceeding to leave the cafe with a sad smile on his face.
The next day though, he'll show up at the building and would order again, but this time, you had no idea he snuck out of work just to see you.
When he told you this, you scold him, telling him how he should prioritize his work rather than fooling around here but your complains fell onto deaf ears as he continued to talk over you.
Cypher isn't one who'll dwell too long in such a crowded restaurant so I can see him dating and spending time with his s/o in a cafe too.
He'll order black coffee with a splash of milk as he narrows his eyes to you carefully brewing the coffee with extra love than the other orders.
He'll take a seat at the less crowded corner and invite you to talk with him, he never shown his face to anyone but you; looking from side to side and making sure no one else is looking at his unmasked face.
Cypher would crave the beverage you would always serve him, that's why he always visited, by the sound of his shoes you already knew he was there as you slouch over the corner and watch him act unfazed of you doing your job but what's running in his mind is how dedicated and sweet you are at the moment.
Before he knew it, he's visited the cafe for more than 2 times a day every single fucking day, week and he starts worrying about him being too annoying, always found at the cafe when he's supposed to do work somewhere else.
But he doesn't care either way, you have no idea what his work is like so you assume he has a very loose schedule to which he does.
Though he could be a creep who would stalk you outside the windows just to watch you converse with co-workers and customers.
This french man would meet you at a restaurant, surprisingly.
Now you thought you'd both meet at a cafe? Probably but no.
He first set his eyes on you when you walked over his table with a list on your hand and tapping the table lightly to catch his attention, asking him what he would like to get.
Now, he first thought you were some ordinary worker, but he found himself often eating at the Michelin star restaurant just to see you.
Even if he wasn't craving anything in particular, he'd buy the most expensive meal the resto could offer just to see you smile because you got a big order for the day, and a big tip he'd slide under the table just for you.
After a few months per se, you'd both be in a relationship and you'll always greet him with a happy smile when he walks in, he became a regular there just to see you.
Of course the mouth-watering delicacies are great but seeing you serving people left and right including him with a bright smile always lightens up his days.
Like cypher, he'd visit you often and would sometimes order you something you like, because you can't afford it and he'd just get it for you.
Now, you and sova met through a common friend and started hanging out together.
One day, he asked you what kind of job do you work in and to which you replied a small cozy restaurant your family made a few years ago.
He asked if he could come and you agreed to bring him there, the cozy ambiance of the resto was really welcoming and you offered to make him a meal since there were only a few customers around.
He insisted on paying and you both chatted about, talking about family stuff until he had to go, he promised he'll come again and you said you'll wait.
After 2 days he arrived, it was like he was beat up or fatigued of some sort but you knew not to question him about work.
He ordered again and asked to talk to you again if you could but there were many customers that day so you barely had any time for idle chit chat; he doesn't mind though, just seeing you working hard and great like this was enough.
If he's stressed, he'll visit, if he misses you, he'll visit. He'll always visit the restaurant because he wants to support you and your family's business and just so he can see you everyday.
She secretly loves visiting your cafe, or maybe not secretly.
When you were both dating, she'd often call you to eat somewhere and she had no idea where you worked, not until she was looking for a cafe where you guys could have a date in and she saw you right at the counter, working your ass off to serve the customers in line.
A soft smile creeped up to her face as she watches you from the window, she enters the small aesthetic cafe, she sees you and orders like she's just a stranger but she wants to see how you do your work up close.
She'd sip the piping hot coffee while inviting you for small talk.
Viper would visit often because it's not everyday she'd hang out with you for a long time, even if she just sees your face atleast for 5 minutes and rushing to work, she'll be really happy.
The other agents don't know why she keeps getting up early in the morning, so eager to get coffee; they think she's being possessed after she comes back from the coffee shop because of the wide grin in her face as she scrolls on her gallery of pictures of you.
This routine will carry on for a long time, one time she was on auto-pilot and her body just knew that she should go to the cafe, to order, and to just see your face.
Before you both got into a relationship, she asked you what your work was and you said you worked at some restaurant somewhere, she was so excited to see the place and seeing the pretty exterior of the place made her more excited.
At the table she'd start asking so many questions about the place, how long did you work here? When's your shift? How did you find this place?
Seeing you work, just like the rest, would admire your dedication for your work and would be in awe, the way you handle rude customers or the way you keep serving with a smile on your face.
Neon loves to order new dishes, especially when you made it and would order for seconds just to taste the food you made.
She won't visit often because of her work in the VP but she'll dash right outside of the restaurant whenever it's your work shift so she could greet you and see you again.
She might not even notice she spent so much time to the point where brimstone found where she was(through cypher) and dragged her out of the building because they were running late behind schedule and she decided to not go to her work.
She definitely met you at a quiet cat cafe you worked in, fade would go to different cafes that weren't too crowded so she could have some piece.
She showed no interest in you at first, but the way you tried to lighten up the mood definitely piqued her interest and decided to why not be friends with you for a while? Just friends.. right???
Fast forward to a year now you guys were dating and she's a regular there, whenever she's not making other people's lives a nightmare, she'd cool off to your cafe like it was a quiet paradise.
The cats, tasty food and seeing you made her love this place more.
She'd pay extra just so you won't kick her out because she spent the whole day here distracting talking to you and playing with the adorable cats.
This is the best cafe in the world for her because only few know this place and she'd always give a big tip so this place could still be up for a long time.
She's pretty lonely most of the time so fade would come here every day at the exact same time, to the point where everyone working in the cafe knows her.
Jett used to work in a restaurant like you do, one time while walking in the city she found a new restaurant open up.
As she opened the glass door she saw your enthusiasm that you finally had your first customer even though she hasn't ordered anything yet.
She thought it was love at first sight and she tried to maintain her composure when you walked over to her excitedly and asked what she wanted to get.
Then she asked you out, she may just be a customer but she'd give some tips and give actual good criticism to your cooking so she could help.
From that day on, she'd invite her co-workers like phoenix or yoru to eat there while watching the tv and chit chatting about stuff.
They would see the sappy demeanor whenever her eyes sets on you and you bet they teased her and would joke how down bad she is for you and stupid she looks when she's around you.
Sometimes, she'd come alone and would order a shake and some dessert, jett would always compliment your culinary skill and tease how you're so excited to see her walk in the resto.
One time she invited a bunch of the protocol to the restaurant and they enjoyed the food you and your other chef mates(yes i made that word up) made, even asking jett how she found this unique but great place and she'd bashfully answer back.
Her co-workers feel like they're all third wheels when you both interact, now they're not surprised why she comes here often.
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Meow meow fuckers, I'm writing like 10 recs all at once like its a full time job, anyways my writing progress will be much slower because i have a tight schedule, but i hope you like this fic hehe, thanks for reading and requesting! ☆
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the-writing-mobster · 5 months
could we get some group chat hcs about the bf gang 🙏
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| Baby Face Boys & Babes HCs! | Group Chat 💬| 💖🤘🏻
If you have any Head Canon requests like this, go ahead and drop them in my inbox. These are so fun to write out, so I'd love some ideas hehe. Also, let me know if you want head canons for specific characters ;)
Sans: The Lurker
This guy literally made the group chat, and then as soon everyone was added, he muted that shit immediately.
"Nope. This is too much."
Rarely talks in the chat, if at all, but occasionally the boys will see him pop in or see that he's online. Maybe sometimes he'll like something that Nick sent or respond with a thumbs up if you're super lucky.
The guys will start freaking out like; "SANS!? SANS IS HERE!"
Only for him to immediately leave again.
The boys have to DM Sans directly if they really need him to respond or see something.
He just prefers hanging out in person, is all. In person he's the life of the party. He's just nigh impossible to get ahold of.
Nick: The Planner
He actually uses the group chat for its intended purpose: planning in person get togethers and band rehearsals.
Always sending live show flyers or Event invites like "guys we have to go to this thing!" Only for his stuff to get buried under Jonas and Midas's constant spamming.
"I need to just invest in Remind for you pricks."
But because Nick is adamant their plans usually do come to fruition. It's just a matter of herding cats for him.
Some other uses for the group chat:
He sends lyrics and music bytes he writes & records to the chat to hear feedback.
Spreads current politics/news and information about protests, or local organizations to volunteer at.
Jonas: Meme spammer
Exactly as the name suggests. This guy fills the group chat with every meme and Tik tok he happens to find even a little funny.
He is Nick's greatest enemy, because it's always Jonas doing the burying with his silly like jokes. It's not intentional or malicious, he is just easily distracted.
Will always be trying to start a group call so he can just vibe with his friends at all hours of the night.
He and Alphys talk the most to each other. They just yap on and on.
Constantly sending videos of new tricks he learned on the skateboard, only for Midas to tell him he looks goofy.
Midas: The Instigator
This boy liiiiives for the drama.
Anytime Jonas begins sending memes while Nick is trying to plan he'll be like "epic Jonas moment," or "imagine interrupting our supreme leader," or even better, "thank the stars we changed the subject," which never fails to get both Nick and Jonas riled up
Midas just mutes with a shitty little grin on his face as chaos ensues.
It's all in good fun. He's just a much of a hype man as he is everyone's personal menace.
Especially for Maeve.
When Jonas sends videos of him doing a cool trick, Midas does the same trick with a finger skateboard and makes a joke like "mine's way sicker."
The embodiment of this emoji: 😈
Never sends pictures of himself. He never really knows if he can trust cameras with his eyes. It's just a constant thing he has to be conscious of, unfortunately.
Alphys: Chronically online / Talkative
She is the first to open the groupchat any time someone sends anything. Immediate responses.
Some say it's being chronically online, some say it's a crippling fear of being forgotten, either way she's the first to speak.
Double texts like no one's business. No one mind's though, she's just got a lot to say and she's a lot more confident online than irl. Less stuttering.
Will ask if people want to go on a convenient store run with her at 3 am. For some reason, Sans actually responds? (it's because they're both awake. The boys will read over the chats and go insane.)
Is constantly sending pictures of cute girls like "omg, should I talk to her? Should I ask if she's gay? omg"
Only for Midas to be like "why are you taking pictures of random people."
If someone begins venting to the chat she's the one to try ad offer advice and comfort before anyone else.
Maeve: The Tea Spiller
"Guys, you're never gonna believe what happened/who I saw/what I heard--"
"Oh my god, I need to tell my girls!" she says about her groupchat filled with rambunctious boys and a lesbian.
The tea can range from political talk, petty school/subculture scene gossip all the way to, "Oh my stars, I just saw a squirrel steal an acorn from another squirrel! Someone call TMZ!"
She's the first to know about anything going on outside of the friend group.
But also the first to defuse gossip beginning to spread within the friend group.
"Hey, let's not talk behind Sans's back. If you have a problem, you need to go to him. Don't be a coward."
She usually calls Midas down from his gremlin hours and laugh the hardest at Jonas's memes.
All around amazing friend. Always keeps the conversation interesting. LOVE HER!
Frisk: Fit Check!
Sans reared his face in the group chat just to warn them that he was adding Frisk. (He only does this after having a discussion about it with Nick in dms to make sure it's okay and won't be weird)
Frisk doesn't really look at it a lot since she prefers just talking to Sans, but she does enjoy having access to everyone she considers her friends.
Uses the groupchat as a personal hype train. Will send a picture of her trying on a cool alternative outfit at the mall like "what do you guys think? Any suggestions to make it cooler?"
Midas, Nick and Maeve give actual fashion advice, meanwhile Alphys and Jonas are always too busy telling her how pretty she is.
Sans doesn't know how to feel about it... contemplating on kicking her but so far it's been sweet and innocent. He's weirdly more active.
Probably doesn't mean anything.
Hope you enjoyed that! Sorry this took so long to answer lmao, I have severe inbox procrastination sometimes hahaha.
Here's a lil song I thought fit the mood of these headcanons
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corpus-chorus · 4 months
Hi there! I hope its not too random,i was Always curious to hear if you had favorite hcs regarding mark egos ?
so it's been straight up three months since you sent this and i have once again let an ask I really wanted to answer fester in my inbox for way too long.
Gonna put this one under a read more outta courtesy :]
Okay, but headcanons! I actually don't have a huge amount, since I tend to lean towards strictly canon or just exploring different ideas rather than having specific hcs. But for a few:
Illinois is ace or aroace. I don't remember who I first saw say it right after Heist came out, but I mentioned it to my (ace) wife as an example of what a headcanon was 'cause she didn't really understand them. And then she got really invested in it and now I just have an attachment to it lol. But just, I love the suave, sexy, put together stereotypical adventure hero who's very aware of his charm and sex appeal just having . . . zero interest in pursuing it. The whole "married to the work" and especially the line "Sorry if you fell in love with me - they always do". It just makes me happy lol.
Dark isn't anywhere near as strong as he pretends to be. I was such a Dark whore in like 2017/2018, but the more time I spent exploring him as a character, the more he really started to shape into this manipulative posturing thing, and I just really like the idea of him not actually being that strong. So much of his position and "strength" comes from his reputation and image instead of things he's actually done. And even if he is still strong, he'd be disincentivize to show off just how strong, since others being afraid of how strong he might be based off rumor and image is better than someone realizing they might be stronger than him. Idk if that makes any sense, but god I just love the idea of all of Dark being a lie XD
Bim Trimmer is a cannibal. I literally cannot unsee this one. This motherfucker just has teeth filed to points in my head and eats people. Zero idea why, that's just . . . that's just his entire character to me. Markipler-flavored Hannibal Lector.
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ghostherlig · 5 months
I went off tumblr for a little and apparently missed the awakening of the trans Johnshi fandom in your dms omg haha. THAT BEING SAID… idk I was just gonna ask if you’ve thought about other characters being trans? maybe it’s bc I’m trans but I think about EVERYONE being trans. like… raiden, kung lao, bi-han, shang tsung (he can SHAPESHIFT of course he’s not cis). and like… the love and also the wild queer sex it entails haha. personally I like t4t railao or like… trans!raiden and kung lao + a lil breeding kink BUT THAT’S ME SPEAKING A CRAZY AMOUNT idk I just… you are the only person who I know will hear me out so I beg… hear me out [perhaps even a little trans harem we can get going here with the characters WHO KNOWS] (also the video I’m watching while I typed this just said “trans-trans product” thank you chemistry)
oh my god i think about other trans characters in mk all the time- please excuse me while i rant a lil about this-
trans railao is definitely one i think about all the time (and dont even get me started on the breeding kink-) but i definitely do go back and forth with them whenever i write them (which hasnt been posted at all unfortunately (thinking back to lost wips of them and crying rn-))
but trans raiden and trans lao live in my brain rent free (trans lao esp for some reason, he just itches my brain ajsdlfksdf) and i definitely need to write a railao fic sometime soon ahsdflksdf
i also- okay this one i havent thought about much but i was brain blasted a while ago and it hasn't left me- but reiko is someone i also think about- i dont have a lot to elaborate on here, just smth i think abt
i've seen trans rain around a lot and i like that hc too!! i definitely want to write something with him too, i just haven't set aside the time for it
and of course the lin kuei brothers!! i've seen all three be hc as trans and i really enjoy those hcs too- trans kuai i think i've seen the most of but i can def see bi han and tomas as being trans as well aslfjkahsdf
i also think so much about shang tsung being genderqueer in any way at all bc he is so asdfkjhsdf the shapeshifting!! i feel like he switches it up whenever he wants since he has the ability to :') which, the genderqueer dream, honestly-
also sonya!! i think about trans sonya all the time, t4t cageblade lives in my head rent free- asdkfjhs i love her sm
tbh i love all of the mk characters sm-
anyway- all of that to say: i think about other characters being trans all the time!! if ever there are any specific characters or other trans-related (or just any other-) hcs my inbox i always open asldkfasdf i love talking about hcs and characters fr and i always love hearing other ppls hcs :) <333
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LMK - Sun Wukong & Macaque HCs!
Sun Wukong
He's shorter than Macaque (I was drawing him with Ragnarok, my self-insert sona, and he looked so small and now I keep imagining him being the shortest)
Even if he has some muscle I just know he has that chub
Literally the type to gush over anything cute as his tail curls up into a heart shape
Also touch-starved but unlike Macaque he would just go for that hug!
He probably cries when a sad part comes up in a movie/show
His tail curls up like a chameleon's when he's happy/doing
something he enjoys (like eating peaches or hanging out with his friends)
I also think he's dramatic but in a 'lets out a really loud sigh' to get someone's attention
If he drew his own sprites for his game this means he most likely likes drawing and he probably makes comics of himself!!
He totally sees MK as a son!!
I can imagine him throwing a banana peel on the ground one time and later on he slipped on it like characters do in cartoons, then he never threw banana peels on the ground ever again
When sunlight hits his eyes they appear to be more of a red-ish shade rather than golden
Tends to get headaches from time to time after the LBD incident
He hates it when it's stormy because of his sensitive hearing and the loud thunder makes him want to curl up in ball; this also counts for any other loud noises like fireworks or being at a concert (especially the really loud ones)
He most likely feels pain in his right eye from time to time
His right eye is also a bit more sensitive to light
He probably likes to hide under blankets
He won't admit it but he likes being scratched behind the ears!! (he just doesn't let anyone touch them either)
He's taller than Wukong and his tail is slightly thicker
The way he draws just tells you that he has an interest in anime..
Probably reads manga too
He's a tall, a bit slim (but also muscular) and timid guy (despite having toughened up during the years I still see him being a bit shy sometimes)
Touch-starved but hesitant about physical contact!! Will most likely allow it after his trust is earned
When he's trying to hide his excitement about something (like if someone coomplimented him) he'll discretely hold his tail to prevent it from wagging
He likes to hang out with Bai He the most and he's her father figure!!!!!!!!! Protective of her
During the day his eyes are their normal golden color and at night they seem to change to purple
After what happened regarding LBD, I imagine that on the right side of his body, his fur would turn white if it came in contact with cold water/weather (like those Barbie's that changed hair color after you dipped them in cold water)
These are just some silly headcanons (somewhat linked to canon things) that I tried coming up with so I hope you guys like it!!! IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN HEADCANONS ABOUT THEM OR OTHER LMK CHARACTERS FEEL FREE TO DROP THEM IN MY INBOX!! (or you can also ask about my self-insert sona, Ragnarok!)
ALSO ALSO if anyone wants HCs of this duo but with an s/o involved just drop the request in my inbox too!
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fleursbending · 1 year
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⤷ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 : (1). prompts will always be open for requests, however at the time this is being posted - i am prioritising the current ones i already have. so pls be mindful and patient! (2). maximum of prompts that can be included in a request is three. (3). pls include your desired genres in the request, three is the max as well for this. (4). make sure you include the character you want me to write for, you can request multiple if you want it to be like hcs. (5). read my rules before requesting anything, they apply to prompts too. (6). i am allowed to decline your request if it somehow makes me uncomfortable! (7). you can request for "junie's pandora". all you have to do is specify what character you want and either provide the following - prompts or genres. not both. the rest will be up to me, and it will be a surprise for you - genres or prompts, once i post it! (8). if you have any questions at all regarding anything in this post, please leave them in my inbox!
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I’ve been falling in love with you since the day we met."
"Not a day goes by where I don't think of you."
"You really think I won't choose you in a heartbeat?"
"Would you acknowledge my feelings for you if I kissed you right now? You can't seem to take a damn hint, Y/n."
"If I'm causing you so much trouble, why won't you kill me?"
"Be brave for me, love."
"Can I cross your boundaries just for the night?"
“You’re a dumbass and I can’t believe I’m related to you.”
“So what? you’re still my [name], idiot. I don’t care about what they say!”
“You are a menace and you almost died back there if it wasn’t for me.”
“This—” [points at their chest] “—this belongs to you. always.”
"How long have you been hiding this?"
"You moron... Why are you so careless!?"
"I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this!"
"Never do that again. Please."
"...Who did this to you?" || "Let it go (Name), it doesn't matter-" || "Yes, it does. Who did this to you?"
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“Let me do this, please.”
"You were put on this earth to give me a headache!"
"What? I have never-"
"In my defense, I really wanted to."
"I don't hate you."
“Did I stutter?”
“This sounds like you’re flirting with me.”
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?”
"This isn’t adrenaline, I want to spend my life with you.”
“Just to clarify: me holding your hand doesn’t, like, mean anything, by the way. Not in that way, at least. Unless you want it to mean something. I don’t mind. That’s cool.”
"You're an idiot."
“Don’t cover your face, I want to see you”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“I don’t know what to do.” || “Then let me teach you.”
“If you interrupt me one more time— so help me God.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
“We were friends! why did that have to change?”
“I’ve never heard you laugh before.”
"It feels like torture, but I don't want it to stop."
"I may have gone and done something slightly insane."
"If you lay a goddamn hand on them, I promise you'll regret it."
"I'll give you whatever you want, just- just stop!"
“Everything I’ve ever known has led up to you.”
"Just take my hand and relax, nothing bad is gonna happen."
"You taught me that love doesn't make us weak, it makes us stronger."
"Seeing you here felt a lot more like coming home than when I actually got here."
"Your strength isn't yours alone."
"You don’t have to talk about it, just let me make the pain go away."
"You know..that almost made me reconsider whether i hate you or not" "Oh really? What’s the verdict" "Hmm..nope not even a little less" "Not even a little? Let’s see if we can change that".
"Oh no, there's two of them."
"So, if we didn’t absolutely hate each other, do you think this *gestures at both of them* could be a thing?" "Hm. No. You’re not my type" "Oh please I am the definition of your type" "You mean funny cute smart and adorable isn’t your type??"
"It'll work out...right?"
"Please say something... anything. Even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone... just say something."
"I’m here. you got that? I don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. I don’t care. I’m not going away, and I’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because I know you’re not. I know."
“You’re so excited all the time… it’s kind of adorable.”
“I’m sorry that it had to come to this.”
"I don't know what to do."
"Only one of us can make it."
"Do you trust me?"
“I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable.”
"Did you just seriously insinuate I would do something like that to you?"
"You owe me nothing."
"Let’s just call this what it is… just really close talking."
 "I didn’t ask for this… to feel this way."
“Please, don’t cry.”
“Do you– can I– do you want to be held?”
“…Who do I need to punch?”
“You’re allowed to be weak, you know.”
“I– please, help.”
“Why can’t you understand? You’re too good for me!”
“I can’t do this. I can’t– I can’t– I can’t–”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Look since the events of last night I can safely say that I have discovered multiple new techniques to shut you up, and I am not afraid to use them.”
“Should we like. talk about it?” “Aboutwhatnothingweirdhashappenedlatelywhathahaha- “ "Oh really? let me see if I can jog your memory.”
“When was I meant to find out? When it was too late!?”
“I’m better than you could ever dream of being!”
“Like I’d choose to waste my time around you!”
“Shh, don’t be afraid. It’s me. You’re safe.”
“You deserve to be taken care of. ”
“It wasn’t your fault. You know that, right?"
"You’re so stupid it kinda turns me on."
"How could I ever forgive you?"
"Please, I would rather swallow shards of glass than ever date you."
"Being physically attracted to you doesn’t mean I’m in love with you."
"You’re over me? When.. when were you under me?"
"You’re so in denial, even you don’t know how you really feel."
"I only said all those things because I felt sorry for you."
"Do you really hate me that much?"
"You’ve been avoiding me and I don’t know why."
"I thought you knew!"
"I don’t want anybody else touching you like I do."
"I wish I never met you."
"I should have never kissed you."
“You’re so cute.” “What did you just say?” “I said you look like a boot.”
“We should compare hands, you know. science.” “What?” “What? It’s not like we haven’t done anything worse.”
“Yeah, okay, so what if i dreamt about kissing you? Don’t we all do that to our best friends? …No? What do you mean no?”
“I feel strange when you’re around.” “Do you have a fever or something?”
“I can’t get you out of my head.” “…Thanks?”
“You’re cute.” “What?” “I said you look like a fruit.” “That doesn’t even make any sense.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute otherwise you would be six feet under right now.” “You think I'm cute.”
“Do you actually hate me I know we’ve had our differences and stuff but like-“ “Y/n. I’ve never actually hated you”
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For loving you.”
“Prove it.”
“Stop doing this to me!” “Huh? I’m not doing anything?!” “Stop lying! You’re making me all fuzzy inside!”
“not so feisty now are we?” “Shut up and kiss me.”
“You’re so cute when you’re not trying to sabotage me”
“We aren’t blood-related but you’re the most important family member of mine, you know that right?”
“Can you just please listen to me! Just this once. Please.”
“We won’t grow old together will we?” “No, but we made memories that’ll outlive even us.”
“Repeat that one more time.”
“Try that again, I dare you.”
“I trusted you.” “Did you really think I’d just forgive you?”
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Are you pleased with yourself?”
“I promise you that if you hurt them, I will return the favor tenfold.”
“Speak. Now.”
“Did you touch them?”
“You hurt them.”
you can req anything from the following: ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆. ☆.
please make sure to include the exact dialogue prompt (copy and pasted) for the nsfw ones so i know exactly which one they are!
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thank you and all the credit to the following creators : @casualwriter @clovenly @urfriendlywriter @dumplingsjinson @promptplanetblr @mangocherri @writinginstardust @a-crumb-of-whump @honey-writes @mswritingthings @userprompt @jasminesfury @soulmemes @rosewritingprompts @hyprmemes @incdntlprompts @promptful @just-plenty-of-prompts @letsmakeitwrite @ogdoadfates🎀🎀
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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lovely-showtimes · 4 months
I was meant to give you a fic or something for your bday and thought I'd make my writing blog before that, but I had to push it..
Ah, well, have some hc's for ur week-late birthday !! I'm not sure if u like any other characters apart from mino, rui, kasa from ur rb's but some tired physical affection hc's !! I hope they're ok hehe
- Tsukasa is always a little clingy.. wrapping his arm around your waist or your shoulder, holding your hand (it took a while for him to get used to that one without blushing hard..), public or private, anything you're comfortable with, he just can't help it! He needs his co-star to know that he loves them so much!
When he gets tired, he's a lot calmer, which is adorable, but make no mistake, he still wants to be by your side as much as he can! He's a biiigg fan of cuddling, asking you softly if you want to join him in bed, or just hugging you from behind then and there and following you around drowsily.
- Rui's definitely clingy towards who he loves to me, but he'd be a bit embarassed and hesitant at first. He'd melt at your touch if you were the one to initiate anything. He grows more confident as he gets used to affection, and who's Rui without his playful teasing?
When he gets tired, he completely loses his hesitation, silently laying you on his chest or lightly placing himself in yours if you're relaxing together. He can't help but sigh out in content as he kisses the top of your head or the bottom of your chin.
- Minori is so jumpy around you, she just loves you so much! She'd do anything to let you know she loves you, excitedly calling out your name in a sing-song voice whenever you're around. She loves loves loves hugging you, and would never take her hands off of you if you're comfortable, she just can't believe she gets to be with someone so cool!
When she gets tired, I don't think she could ever lose her excitement around you, she'd say being around you just energises her - nonetheless, when she's physically tired out, she does calm down, seeking you out just to grab you in a hug again and hum your name. She likes hearing your voice or watching you go about your day when she's too tired to talk or participate in whatever you're doing.
i saw this a few days ago actually and didnt respond yet because i wanted to keep it in my inbox and stare at it and giggle and kick my legs BUT i think it deserves to be out in the wild <3 ESPECIALLY so i can let you know how much i love this!!!!! ITS SO CUTE HFSHGDVFHJSDGJKLJHBDSG THANK YOUUUUUU please imagine me staring up at you with the biggest eyes ever please thank you because thats how this makes me feel <3333
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simptasia · 8 months
I know you ship them (I think), and I've filled your inbox with them but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Desmond x Charlie. I know that's kind of vague, but anything really any hcs and you know porn hcs, your perfect dynamic for them
i love charlie/desmond but my brain trips over it a bit, because as much as possible in The Version Of LOST In My Head, i do try to have it work with canon. like not contradict anything
as such, charlie/des is a lovely thought aesthetically, emotionally, sexually... however i know it could've never happened on island because des would never ever ever cheat on penny
same applies to charlie/des/claire
i think these dynamics absolutely would work and would be lovely but des has utter loyalty to penny. yes, i'm all about that poly shipping but penny isn't There to tell des "yes, fuck the little manc and that aussie girl too, i'm cool with it"
so for charlie/des to work, and i mean Work, it's gotta be a post-island charlie lives au thing. which is great! (one even adds penny in that situation) but i do also like the idea of charlie/des on the island. it's appealing to look at. that and it's enjoyable to add in desmond's season 3 Haunted By Tragic Visions thing
another possibility is for charlie to manage charming des into it... but that seems disrespectful. charlie is pro des/penny. but charlie also is far from perfect. i'm overthinking all of this, as is my way
i do try to keep everything as in character as possible
there is a line of thought i toy with where des could be convinced to think, ya know, penny wouldn't mind if you moved on, des. she's probably moved on. like, des is insecure and severely touch starved, that could work
i'm not one of those "grrr girl is getting in the way of my slash ship!" kinda people, i promise. i'm just rolling thoughts in my fingers here
following this line of thought, des/charlie would have to start off at least a little angsty. two sad people reaching out for each other and pushing bad thoughts away with carnal pleasure
whatever happens, des did Not start this jfskjhfs. no matter what i do with this ship, either taking it Canon Compliant Seriously or just flippant Fucky Sexy Fun Times, charlie is the instigator
anyways putting all that aside, here are some charlie/des thoughts
an idea i love and i wanna see in fanfic is des finding out he's gonna be with charlie, because of a vision. it's kinda funny (that the universe would care) and it could be a way, a weird fucked up way, to get them together despite the issues i mentioned earlier. i think it'd be a good jumping off point for like angst and pining
that thing i've said, "the only way to shut charlie up in bed is to keep his mouth occupied", that started because of charlie/des. i imagined them making out, hands all over each other, and charlie Will Not Shut Up, i imagine he's super talkative in bed. people who care little about charlie have been pissed off by it. and like, des is into charlie but its actually getting annoying. des doesn't tell charlie to shut up but he does lead the situation to charlie blowing him, and my brain narrator supplies the quote, pretty much
catholic4catholic. this is honestly one of my favourite aspects about this dynamic, the fact that they're both Very catholic. not enough to be losers about it, duh, but enough to have some hang ups. especially charlie
height difference. despite it only being a 3 inch difference, the different in face shapes, body types, body languages and attitudes makes it feel like des is like a clear foot bigger than charlie. des could also overpower charlie very easily if he wanted to. in a sexy way, not a violence way. (tho, sexy violence?) charlie would fold like lawn furniture under des. (honestly the size difference thing is also a major reason i started shipping jack/charlie and sawyer/charlie too. sometimes something just fucking looks good)
"des: i've never been with a man before" "charlie, has a pussy: it's alright, i have a feeling you'll know what to do". jokes aside, normally charlie is way more afraid of guys finding out (because of. violence) but he doesn't get that vibe off des, so he's strangely giddy at having a surprise for him?? like, ta-da, Extra Hole. this is a thing i've decided for charlie, where he almost never tells people he's trans before intimacy. pretty much because he's impulsive and thinks with his blood well before his brain. so, obviously, des is surprised. who wouldn't be at least surprised
i was thinking about what their dynamic would be like. basically take what's presented in the show, add sex of course. but also i suppose they'd just be closer, like be affectionate. in little ways, like des putting his hand on the small of charlie's back, charlie fiddling with one of des' shirt buttons, either one of them pushing a stray bit of hair out of the other's faces. liberal use of the pet name "love". and that thing in des/charlie fanfic where charlie calls des "dessie" a lot? love that, absolutely for that. they're not doing full on PDA on the beach because 2004 was a nightmare but there's a noticeable closeness and warmth ("jack, a month late: are they gay...?" "kate: jack, you're gay")
as for social dynamics? let's lookit the characters here and see what'd factor into a relationship. they're both very protective people with an aching desire to Take Care of a loved one. they'd both have varying levels of catholic guilt (yummy). and they're both deeply insecure in a "i'm not good enough for anybody ever". so we got a couple of very loyal boys full of powder kegs of angst waiting to blow up at any moment. on a lighter note, these two would have arguments over who pays for dinner at restaurants. they both grew up poor and this manifests in them not liking to rely on other people. I'll Take Care Of You. No, I'll Take Care Of You (boys, boys please... you have a sugar mama who is rolling her eyes). but yeah they have a decent amount in common while still being very different people, so it's interesting to think about that
des doesn't like charlie's music. he will never like charlie's music. it's best not to discuss it as criticism feels like a stab wound to charlie
charlie: [wearing a plaid miniskirt] how do i look?
des: gorgeous, brutha, but that still isn't a kilt
charlie: [big faux-innocent eyes] it isn't? but im wearing it in the... traditional way
des: wh- [realises what charlie means] [404 error, Desmond Hume.exe is not responding]
charlie: you can check me for authenticity if you like, brutha
yes, boys, make your ancestors scream out in horror
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taruruchi · 10 months
Hello taru just checking in how are you doing recentlyyyy🫶🫶
HI SIPPYYY so happy to see you in my inbox!! I'm doing all right, no more having to go to school for now 💪 Finally free to draw and writeee 🎉🎉 I hope you're doing great as well <33
You're asking me to talk about Azul?? Oh, well— *tucks papers away in my suitcase*
My favorite Azul hc is he has a hot mom /hj (but it's true guys I've met her /j)
I don't know if I have a fave hc? Mostly bc I don't remember them sjkdfka My favorite things about him are canon, y'see, so hopefully it's okay if I talk about that instead? Prepare for a lot of rambling which I will put under the cut bc I'm afraid it'll be too long
One of my most favorite things about him was shown in Chapter 6: the fact that he still doesn't think he's doing enough and still wants to do SO much more. The scenes I'm talking about showed that he's super ambitious and wants to achieve all of those goals—beating Riddle at #1 in their grade, opening a new Mostro Lounge branch, etc. I already admired him a lot before because he's a dorm leader as a second-year, runs a business, does research related to economics, and tons of other things. I was like, “Wow, he's doing so much for his age and he's still doing so well?? I wish I could be like that.” It's especially because Azul and I are practically opposites I think? We're really different. That's probably mostly why.
Slightly going off topic, that scene is so special to me, though. Azul and Riddle know each other's strengths and how they both work hard to get to where they are and I'm just *sobbing on the floor*.
Anyways, continuing what I was saying, he also talks about when he was younger and how he didn't try as much before. He talked about how his family wouldn't be strict about schoolwork and just let him do what he wanted. He was spoiled when he was younger, but after he got bullied, he was motivated to become better (as he should, he did not deserve that and I'm WKSNCKSNF). And I'm just so proud of him because he didn't just give up and he became a version of himself where he could be more confident and I *curls up and cries* And this isn't even remotely close to a hc anymore I'm just talking about everything that's canon...
... I think that's it for that part. If you wanna hear about more light-hearted things, tho, we have: the fact that he can play the piano and he's REALLY good at telling what ingredients are in something just by tasting it like hello???
I'm a sort of musical person, I enjoy playing the piano, singing, listening to music, so. That's probably why the fact that he plays the piano stands out so much to me. You can tell me about any character that plays the piano and I will turn my head so fast. And I NEED CONTENT OF HIM PLAYING THE PIANO, DISNEY, PLEASE I'M STARVING
As for the second thing, the first time I read about it, I went “Wh. What?? Hello?? How did he— What?????” BECAUSE LIKE?? THAT'S SO IMPRESSIVE??? (If you wanna read it, it's Azul's dorm uniform vignette. Not completely sure if there's another time he does that but Jade does mention it either in the Applepom story or vignette, idk)
AND NOW I ACTUALLY DO THINK OF A HEADCANON. He's very good at cooking. Period. This is based on facts. I will not take criticism because I'm right. (And I cannot cook for the life of me, I am asking for his hand in marriage rn. This is why we'd be a good match /j)
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kayakosaekiss · 4 months
Tumblr media
rules/request info — ♡
↳ Requests Currently: Open !
— Request/Blog Info ღ
when requesting, please try to keep it to a minimum of like 3-4 characters, for my personal sake. though you can make separate asks of the same topic with different characters if you really are struggling to keep it to a small amount!
please note that i try to keep the reader as gender neutral as possible unless specified otherwise! i can write for any type of reader - female, male, gender neutral, etc! this includes trans readers (so if you want a reader to be a certain agab but a gender different from that, please include those details!)
i'll write a variety of things: fluff, angst, some more bloody, gorey situations if you desire, even more platonic or familial asks or okay! you're free to ask for hcs but if you also desire a little scenario written that's fine too!
i do write smut, however, all characters involved must be adults.
note that i am a fairly slow writer as i stay incredibly busy in my daily life. some days i might write more than others but as a general whole it might be best to prepare that i might take a minute to get to requests, apologies!
— Rules ღ
i do not want minors interacting with any sexual content on this blog, if i notice such happening you will be blocked. you are free to interact with any other content on here, just nothing that is 18+ in nature.
if you ask for something that is already stated in my rules that i won't write, i'll probably just delete the ask, apologies
please be respectful, trying to be rude about others in my inbox will get you blocked.
if there's a character you don't see on my list however, do feel free to ask before requesting! i'm not the best at remembering everything so i know i've left off plenty of characters by accident! and if i havent seen it, being informed of it might make me go and watch it when i get a chance (i get curious very bad lol)!
if you don't have a request but just wanna come into my inbox and gush about your faves, please feel free to do so! i love hearing ppl gush about characters they love <3
overall, i hope you enjoy yourself and this blog!
— Things I Won't Write ღ
as stated earlier, i will only write smut for adult characters. this is not negotiable for me.
other things i won't do are including but not limited to: noncon, incest, sexual age regression, adult/minor, teacher/student, any form of abuse (unless it involves a reader/character's personal trauma).
kink wise im not personally comfortable writing watersports, scat, or cnc. will add to this if i remember anything else.
i also can't really write for a character i don't know, so once again, please do ask if you're curious on if i know a character or not!
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
HQ boys thigh riding hc
Warnings: NSFW, swearing ? it’s thigh riding so I mean,,
I have been ITCHING to post this one ok, and now that I made my official minors DNI post I feel ok to post NSFW works here on my blog , but this is some hq boys and how I think thigh riding would go down ☺️🤲🏼 I hope y’all enjoy and pls feel welcome to come in my inbox with your thirsts and thoughts 🥳 all characters are aged up and generally always are!
Characters: Kenma, Tsukishima, Hinata, Oikawa, & Kageyama
He loves when you sit on his lap period. When he’s gaming, when you two are watching a movie, it doesn’t matter he just loves when you come over and slide yourself onto his lap to cuddle. He loves feeling your weight and how warm you make him, so of course he’s gonna love when you ride his thigh.
Sometimes he initiates it when he can tell you want his, attention, it’s usually while he’s gaming of course.
You’d be squirming on his lap, moving back and forth on him and sighing while his arms are wrapped around you and he’d lean forward a little to talk in your ear, “go ahead then baby, I know what you want.”
He’d bounce his leg while your face is buried into his neck and your hands are gripping his shoulders, your hips are circling on him while you do your best to get off and he’d only give you side glances and little kisses to your cheek.
“You got it baby, almost there.”
But other times, especially when you initiate it, he is a VERY involved man.
Kenma’s lips would crash against your hungrily, his hands squeezing your hips almost as roughly as your pulling on his hair.
He’s not talking much now, only groaning into your mouth and breathing heavily against your neck between licks and kisses.
Cocky. That’s all I gotta say.
It doesn’t matter how obviously hard he is, he’s gonna act unbothered and tease you.
He’d have his hands lightly resting on your hips, but he’s not gripping you at all or helping you move, it’s just more convenient for him to keep them there.
He’s making you do all the work while he just barely kisses your jaw and whispers in your ear about how dirty you are the whole time.
“Oh what baby, you only gonna cum on me once? You made all the fuss for that?”
You never get to bother him and only cum once. He’s gonna want a show.
Now he’s squeezing your cheeks and making your lips pout, paying no mind to how you’re whining.
“Maybe if you’re a good girl and do it again I’ll help next time.”
He’s probably the most excited of them all.
There’s just something about seeing you get off that gets him painfully hard. He doesn’t know if it’s how you sound, or how you start to move the closer you get, and how you get this look on your face like you wanna cum so bad with your eyebrows furrowed; but he swears he could cum just at the sight. So when you want to ride his thigh he thinks he’s gonna pass out.
He has his hands on your hips moving with you an urgency as if he’s chasing his own high, and his moans are getting louder with yours. He sounds more desperate for you to finish than yourself.
“Fuck, please cum on me baby.” His voice is raspy and needy and he can’t help but bury his face in your neck.
You start moving faster and you swear you’re gonna draw blood with how badly your digging your nails into his biceps, but something tells you he wouldn’t care.
“Fuck, Shōyō, m’close.” You whisper breathlessly with your head thrown back.
He whimpers into your neck and starts bouncing his thigh, kissing at any exposed skin.
“C’mon baby please, do it. I wanna see you cum so fucking bad.”
You grind against him one more time when you feel yourself let go on his jeans, Hinata’s moaning sweetly into your ear at the sight.
“God, I wanna see you do that again.”
He’s just SUCH an asshole
He will be mocking you and embarrassing you probably the whole time, he just gets so cocky seeing you get off on him like this.
Your face is buried in his neck while he’s pressing his cheek against your head, whispering with a hoarse voice into your ear.
“Yeah? You like that pretty baby?” His voice has a rasp and need to it, he needs you to be louder and he needs you to want this more.
“Oh, you feel too good to answer my question now? Hmm?”
You grip onto his shirt tighter and nod your head, starting to speak before he did something dramatic.
“Y-yes, I like it.”
“Y-yeah? Aw I like when you sound this pathetic.”
Your breathings getting heavier as you’re practically panting now, not caring how desperate you seem anymore while you start to move faster, needing that release so bad. Your throat is dry when you let out a breathy moan, just a few moments away from coming undone.
“C’mon, I wanna hear you nice and loud when you make a mess pretty girl.”
And who are you to not oblige?
God you got this boy mf entranced. You always catch him staring as is, he just finds you so beautiful and can’t help it sometimes. And it was hard for him to always have the confidence to tell you how how gorgeous he thinks you look all the time, but slowly he got better at it.
Eventually it wasn’t just glances and embarrassed red cheeks, but blunt compliments, and then little touches or kisses, and now you’re here.
Grinding down on his thigh while his eyes are burning into your face and his hands are gripping your hips so tight you think his thumbs are gonna leave a bruise.
He’s not a big talker, he’s too busy watching you and groaning with you at your every move.
He especially loves when you press your forehead against his and kiss while moaning into each other’s mouth. It might not be the same as getting to watch you make a mess of yourself on his thigh while he fights the urge to stroke his cock and cum with you, but something about your mouth moving against his and your hand pulling on his hair, your grip getting harder the closer you get, is just as good enough for him.
Ahhh ok look posting this did make me a lil nervous alright so please let me know what you guys thought Okie 🥰🍆👍🏼🏐 I hope you enjoyed! send an ask or message if you’d like to he added to my taglist!
taglist: @plutowrites
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