#if there's demand for it in the market i shall supply.
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minhosimthings · 11 months
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Hold Me Without Hurting Me
Chapter 3: Carnations and Cold Winds
A/N: In which an old friend fills your life with flowers again, along a bumpy sided road.
Pairings: Ceo!Jay × Ceo!fem!reader, includes rest of Enhypen and certain other groups
Warnings: angst-fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to enemies to fake dating to enemies to lovers, Mentions of food and alcohol, swearing, nothing much but it's a bumpy story.
Story prompt: If I had a flower for every time I fell in love with you, I would walk in my garden forever. (This story is based on the language of flowers.)
A/N: Third chapter, i know its short but my dumb brain cant do shit rn. the next chapter will be released really quicky since ive already completed it! and then we'll see about the fifth chapter which i'll start if writer's block doesnt magically hit me.
"Ma'am are you quite sure, that you are- ahem- ok enough to go to today's meeting?" Jungwon basically jogged behind you, as you once again made your way down to the meeting hall. You had gone home the night before and ate mint chocolate ice cream while listening to Hozier on full blast. Jungwon didn't have the heart to tell you that he could listen to you crying so he let you be, wondering how on earth you were going to go to the meeting today.
You took a deep breath and looked at the files in Jungwon's hands. Truth be told, you felt terrified to go to the meeting today. But the ship has got to face the storm someday, so you kept a calm expression on your face, choosing to scream internally. "I'm quite alright Jungwon." You walked further to the door, stopping at the handle. "We can do this."
You pressed down on the cold handle on the door, and opened the great oak creation, to a sight which made your heart drop. All of them were already sitting there with only your seat lying empty. "Miss Y/N." The man with the sharp nose and plum brown hair spike first, "You're late." You frowned slightly as you entered the room, making sure to tap your heels noisily on the floor. "I belive I was informed that the timing was 8:30 pm?" You asked, looking at the plum haired man, who furrowed his eyebrows and want back in his chair. He looked very much like a ginger cat in your opinion. "I'm sorry Miss Y/N, but all of us were told to arrive here at 8 am." Mr Hwang said, as you dropped down to your chair next to Sunghoon. "Well If you would like proof that I was wrongly informed, my assistant will gladly provide you with it." You snapped, this time glancing slightly at Jay. He had that smug smile on his face, which you so very disliked, and his hands were twirling the calla lilies which he had taken out of the vase.
"Anyways-" Heeseung spoke up, setting his hands on the table, "-as we were discussing about the recent market changes worldwide, I was wondering whether any of you had noticed why it has been happening?" You promptly took up the file in front of you and cleared your throat. "I had an entire presentation ready, if you are willing to lend an ear, Mr Lee." The corners of Heeseung's mouth twitched slightly to form a gentle smile which you gladly returned as he gave you the gesture to speak up. You got up from your seat and went over to the board, passing Jay and not once even glancing at him.
"And that's why, gentlemen-" you put your pen down finishing with your very detailed presentations that you definetly did not work on for three months, "-I think we should focus more on the aspects of supply and demand rather than entirely focusing on profitable trades." The entire room watched with faces akin to something like awe as they gently applauded, nodding their heads in approval. You held your chin up, proud of yourself, as you returned to your seat, noticing the little thumbs up Sunghoon gave you beneath the table. "Yes amazing presentation Miss Yang but-" you heard Jay's voice say, laced with smuggish tones, "-why shall we, as the heads of leading companies focus on mere tiny details like this when we have people hired to do that?" A murmur of agreement came out from among the other beings in the room. "Mr Park does make a point Miss Yang." The plum haired man spoke out. "Why should I, Choi Minho, the heir and owner of a billion dollar company, do all the economic work when I have people at my feet who can do it for me in a jiffy?" You clenched your jaw at his words, trying to keep your anger in. You could see Jungwon from the corner of your eye, looking at Minho with that face he made when you asked him whether or not he likes mint chocolate ice cream (spoiler alert: he hated it).
"Well Mr Choi-" you smiled at Minho, slightly startling him, "-I must say that you'd be beheaded by now if we were living in 18th century France, with those appalling morals of yours." Minho slammed his hands on the desk, gritting his teeth tightly, and glaring at you. "How dare you, you fucking-"
"Calm down, Mr Choi." Jay's cool voice rang through the room, slightly louder than Minho's, "Miss Yang was just making a joke wasn't she?" Jay glared at you, as he finished his sentence. Not wanting to create conflict with your colleagues, you meekly looked down at your skirt and then looked up at Minho. "I'm sorry Mr Choi. I shouldn't have said that. I hope you'll forgive me?" You tried not to smile, as Minho stopped fuming and mumbled a 'you're forgiven', making you feel as proud as a peacock dancing in the glittery rain
"Ma'am that was awesome." Jungwon panted as you exited the meeting room. "I have such a cool boss." You blushed at his words, only now realising how cold it was, as you felt your skin shiver. "Wanna head up to the bar Jungwon?" You asked him, pressing the button of the elevator. Jungwon shook his head and smiled up at you. "It's actually my mom's birthday today and she expects me to call her at eleven pm to talk." He sighed dramatically, "Guess I need to go be a good Korean son, without a girlfriend." You giggled at his words and were about to get into the elevator when- "Miss Yang, a word please?" Ugh that voice, you thought, why did he have to follow you?
"Not now Mr Park." You stated, turning back to see Jay with his hands in the pockets of his maroon suit, "You see I was just heading up to the bar with my assistant." You hoped the blatant lie wouldn't be caught but- "Y/N, you blink twice whenever you lie." Jay chuckled, "And anyway I just overheard the conversation between you and this young man. Mind if I take you boss for the night?" He asked Jungwon, who turned red and looked at you with widened eyes. You sighed heavily and gave the files in your hands to Jungwon. "Go Jungwon. I can handle myself." You added a smile in order to comfort him a bit which he returned, showing off the dimples on his cheek.
"Now that I have a drink in my hands-" you took your Margherita glass, "-what the fuck do you want?" Jay stuck out his tongue at you and sipped on his champagne. Then after a few moments, he pulled out a bouquet. You rolled your eyes at him. "Really Jongsoeng? A fucking bouquet now?" "Just take it Y/N." He huffed, to which you took the bouquet in your hands, twirling it around. Crocus and Yellow Carnations. "You're asking me why I'm mad at you? And you couldn't have asked that directly like normal human beings?" You scoffed, trying to ignore the amazing fragrance coming from the carnations. Jay motioned for another glass of champagne as he looked you up and down. "What?" You said, glaring at where his eyes were going. "Nothing." Jay raised his hands up in defense, "Just wanted to say that you really did change a lot. The Y/N I knew wouldn't call talking through flowers abnormal human behaviour." "Well just assume the Y/N you knew is dead and I'm her imposter." You took out the umbrella from your Margherita. "Please-" Jay scoffed, "-the Y/N I knew would always suck on her umbrellas like a seven year old child." "That was one time Joengsoeng! One time!" You said in protest, a smile slowly creeping up on your face, as Jay giggled slightly.
"Alright enough with the festivities." Jay said, his eyes now becoming more serious. "Have you thought about the little offer I made?" You spit out the sip of Margherita you had in your mouth and stared ahead with widened eyes, before looking into Jay's eyes, hoping that you were staring into his soul. "No Jay." You huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf, "I'm not doing it. Plus-" you smiled proudly, "Mr Lee has already accepted my offer and we are to begin the actual work when I get back to Seoul."
The smirk on your face was wiped off very quickly however, when Jay burst out laughing. "Heeseung accepted your offer? Oh my yarrow-" he wiped a tear falling from his eye, "Perhaps I forgot to tell you, but I own Heeseung's company. I'm literally his boss and I told him to accept the offer." Your entire body freezed over as you watched the words being formed by Jay's mouth. The cold November breeze outside seemed to reach you even though the heated mess of the bar. This wasn't the Jay you used to know either.
"Now my yarrow-" Jay leaned forward, putting his glass down and adjusting his watch, "If you want Heeseung to keep his offer, and I know you want it because you were basically halfway to your knees begging him for it" he smirked, "You'll have to do me a favour." "Joengsoeng what the fuck." You finally breathed out, having nothing but anger in your veins. "Tch tch princess." Jay clicked his tongue, "Hasn't anyone taught you to clean that mouth out?" You clenched your fists together and finished off the last sip of your Margherita. "What do you want me to do?" You said with a defeated tone. You didn't know whether it was from the pure exhaustion or from the fact that you didn't want to lose you offer, that made you utter those words, which made Jay's smug smile grow ever larger.
"Hmm maybe it'll upset you a bit princess but-" he got up from his seat and patted down his suit nearly, "I want you to be my girlfriend for some weeks."
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shrinkrants · 2 months
Jason Hickel Describes Capitalism
The word capitalism tends to cause immediate confusion. For most people it calls to mind things like businesses, markets and trade: the ability of people to produce and sell things to one another. Who could possibly be against this? But in fact businesses, markets and trade existed for thousands of years before capitalism. Capitalism is a relatively recent system, having emerged in Western Europe only about 500 years ago.  If one was to point to the single most important defining feature of this particular economic system, it would be that it is fundamentally anti-democratic. 
Let me clarify what I mean. Yes, many of us live in electoral systems where we select political leaders from time to time.  We have something approximating political democracy, as corrupt and imperfect as it may be.  But when it comes to the economy, thesystem of production, not even the shallowest illusion of democracy enters. Production is controlled overwhelmingly by capital, meaning large corporations, the major financial firms, and the 1% who own the lion’s share of investable assets.  Capital determines what gets produced, how our labour and resources shall be used, and for whose benefit. And for capital, the purpose of production is not to meet people’s needs, or to achieve social progress.  The purpose is to maximize and accumulate profit – that is the overriding objective.
Capital seeks constantly increasing accumulation. To achieve this, it needs to cheapen the prices of inputs as much as possible (labour, land, energy, and materials), and maintain those prices at a low level. It also needs a constantly increasing supply of these inputs.  This process cannot go on for very long within a bounded national economy.  If you over-exploit your domestic working class, sooner or later you are going to face a revolution, or a crisis of overproduction. And if you over-exploit your domestic environment, eventually you will degrade the ecological base upon which all production relies.
To overcome these contradictions, capitalism always requires an “outside,” external to itself, where it can cheapen labor and nature with impunity and appropriate them on a vast scale; an outside where it can “externalize” social and ecological damages, where rebellions can be contained, and where it does not have to negotiate with local grievances or demands. This is where the colonies come in. From the origins of capitalism in the late 15th century, growth in the “core” of the world economy (Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan) has always depended on the mass appropriation of labor and resources from the “periphery” (Latin America, Asia and Africa). There was no lag between the rise of capitalism and the imperial project. Capitalism has always required an imperial arrangement.
This was obvious during the first several hundred years of capitalist history, which I detail in this book. European colonizers went about destroying self-sufficient industries in the periphery and forcibly re-organizing production to serve consumption and accumulation in the core. Historians have documented that extraordinary quantities of value were siphoned out of the periphery and into the core, subjecting the former to deprivation, misery, and mass mortality while furnishing the latter with unprecedented wealth.
-- Jason Hickel, in the new preface to The Divide.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
The general pattern we are investigating here is characterised by an all-pervasive feature. These [high-scoring] subjects want no pity for the poor, neither here nor abroad. This trait seems to be strictly confined to high scorers and to be one of the most differentiating features in political philosophy.
At this point, the interrelatedness of some of the ideas measured by the PEC [politico-economic] scale and certain studies caught by the F [fascism] scale should be stressed. Abolition of the dole, rejection of state interference with the “natural” play of supply and demand on the labour market, the spirit of the adage “who does not work, shall not eat” belong to the traditional wisdom of economic rugged individualism and are stressed by all those who regard the liberal system of being endangered by socialism. At the same time, the ideas involved have a tinge of punitiveness and authoritarian aggressiveness which makes them ideal receptacles of some typical psychological urges of the prejudiced character.
This is one of the more “obvious” findings in this book (ie, right wingers hating the poor), but it should probably be stressed over and over and over again that fascists do not give a fuck about poor people. They actively despise poor people. The logical conclusion of this political philosophy is the eternal immiseration and disenfranchisement of poor people - in effect, a policy of extermination that is framed as “being their own fault” for not working hard enough. When fascists speak of economic anxieties they are not speaking to the lower classes. Their “grassroots” working class aesthetics are completely insincere.
This goes hand in hand with fascistic essentialist thinking - the underclass of society must inherently deserve their place. People are not poor by circumstance or history, they are spiritually poor, ontologically poor - the very fact that they are poor proves they deserve their fate. When fascists speak of “the common man” or profess concern about downward economic mobility, they are bemoaning the struggles of the middle class, who do not deserve to live in poverty amongst the “real” poor people. They view economic hierarchy as an unchanging rigid system, and the only reason the middle class would be losing power in america is because of some unseen, omnipresent force in the government that is secretly attempting to destroy American values and way of life. This is where the antisemitism becomes explicit - Jewish people are “the misfit bourgeoise,” this class who has infiltrated the natural eternal hierarchy of American capitalism and perverted it for the express purpose of punishing the white middle and upper classes.
So Nazis are not poor bigoted hicks, nor is their political base made up of poor people. Poor Nazis certainly exist, but those people hold very little political power by simple fact of their economic position. Fascism as a political force holds the most power in those higher classes, and were fascism to be fully realised in our political and economic systems, poor people would suffer across the board. Fascists hate poor people. I feel like I can’t stress that enough. Any account of fascism you read or hear about that focuses on the working class aesthetics or elements of right wing rhetoric misunderstands the political goals of fascists
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Benedict & Sons Manufacturing Co. 123 Old Town District St., Windenburg
To Whom It May Concern,
I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to propose a mutually beneficial business venture between Brindleton Trading Company and Benedict & Sons Manufacturing Co., a legacy I have had the privilege of inheriting from my late father.
The primary objective of this venture is to establish a long-term partnership for the supply and export of raw materials and machinery parts, which Benedict & Sons specializes in manufacturing. These materials and parts are essential for various industries, including construction, transportation, and potentially, national defense.
Proposal Details
Supply Agreement: Benedict & Sons will supply Brindleton Trading Company with high-quality steel, iron, and specialized machinery parts.
Export Facilitation: Brindleton Trading Company will act as the exclusive export partner for these materials, handling all logistics and overseas sales.
Pricing: Prices will be negotiated on a quarterly basis to reflect market conditions.
Quality Assurance: All products will undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the standards set by both companies.
Delivery: Benedict & Sons will be responsible for the timely delivery of all products to Brindleton Trading Company's warehouses.
Payment Terms: Net 30 payment terms, with a 2% discount offered for payments made within ten days of delivery.
Contract Duration: Initial contract to last for two years, with an option for renewal based on performance metrics.
Economies of Scale: A long-term contract will enable both companies to benefit from economies of scale, thereby reducing costs.
Quality Guarantee: Our long-standing reputation for quality will ensure that you receive only the best materials.
Strategic Positioning: This partnership will strategically position both companies to quickly respond to any surge in demand, particularly in sectors that may require rapid scaling, such as national defense.
Global Reach: Brindleton Trading Company's extensive network of international partners will ensure a broad market for our products.
Next Steps
Should you find this proposal agreeable, I suggest we schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the terms in detail. I am open to further negotiations and am keen to finalize an agreement that will be mutually beneficial.
Thank you for considering this opportunity. I am confident that this venture will prove to be mutually beneficial and look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
Benedict Thompson Owner, Thompson & Son Manufacturing Co.
Date: June 16, 1913
Today proved to be a momentous occasion. Mr. Carmichael has seen fit to appoint me as "Head of Strategic Partnerships" for the forthcoming venture with Thompson & Sons Manufacturing Co. The responsibility is immense, but so is the opportunity. I am to oversee the entire operation, from contract negotiations to the final execution of the trade agreements.
The meeting with Mr. Carmichael took place at the very café where I first encountered Daphne. The coincidence did not escape me. It was as if the universe conspired to bring my life full circle, from the moment I met the woman who would become my wife to the day I received an opportunity that could define my career.
Daphne would be pleased, though she remains blissfully unaware of the details. I shall inform her in due course. For now, my focus must remain on the venture at hand. Success in this endeavor could very well be the cornerstone upon which the Crale dynasty is built.
(lot credit again: @antiquatedplumbobs!)
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Work Talk
Livia: *Sits silently, looking focused*
Ramon: *Watches her curiously, Deevin handing him a cup of apple juice*
Livia: We should increase the marketing for the broaches, since nobles are lining up to buy some
Anubis: What should we increase the price to?
Talzen: Yes, I was going to ask that as well
Livia: Hm...five gold coins per broach..
Talzen: But, Ma'am, that would-
Livia: I know it'd make people less likely to buy it but I have a new item coming out in my shops~
Anubis: New item?
Livia: Mhm! A fabric item actually, it goes well with the broach, so once people see that, they'll be lining up to get the broach and the pretty fabric~
Talzen: That might actually work
Livia: Talzen, what did the Western Company say to my reply letter
Talzen: Actually, ma'am, they had the bright mind to send one of there higher ups to me and demand some of our items...
Anubis: The disrespect.
Talzen: I told them, a hundred diamonds per item if they wanted it so badly
Livia: *Grins, her eyes glinting* Good job~
Talzen: All I do is for you, Madam...
Livia: Zander!
Zander: *Walks in and bows his head* Yes?
Livia: Tell Raviola to prepare a meal for Ramon..
Ramon: *Perks up having thought she forgotten about him with all the business talk going on*
Zander: Understood.
Livia: *Looks at Anubis and Talzen* Back to work...hows Lacey doing?
Anubis: She's winning every auction, our supplies are skyrocketing...
Talzen: She lost once to the Western Union but that was because of the spy we caught since then we've been winning
Livia: *Nods, looking over the papers* Good, good~
Livia: *Stands up and grabs her cloak* Shall we go see the newest product
Anubis and Talzen: *Stands up and nods* Yes ma'am...
Ramon: Wow...Lady Livia is only sixteen too..
Deevin: With the support of Queen Maleficia, Nilo and Prince Malleus, she's been able to open her own shops
Ramon: *Looks up at him curious* Whys that?
Deevin: *Grins, his eyes glinting* To mess with that damned Senate~
Livia: *Smiles at the Senate when she passed by*
Talzen and Anubis: *Walks after her, carrying paperwork*
Livia: *Grins at the fury emitting from the Senate behind her* Two can play at this game of Chess~
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198 @teddymochi
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kodakconsulting · 2 years
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ruby-gemstone · 1 year
Pigeon Blood Ruby: The King of Precious Gemstones
The Pigeon blood Ruby has enchanted people with their beautiful beauty and rich red colour for millennia. The history of these priceless gems, which spans several ancient civilizations, continues to captivate people even today.They are also renowned for their mesmerising deep red hue and captivating allure. These precious gemstones at Giri Corporation have fascinated humanity for centuries, captivating the hearts of gem enthusiasts and collectors around the world.We shall travel through time to investigate the history, cultural importance, and continuing fascination of Pigeon Blood Rubies and its role in our lives.
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Ancient Beginnings :  The history of Pigeon blood Rubies dates back to antiquity. The Mogok Valley in modern-day Myanmar (formerly Burma) was the first location where these rubies were discovered. The area is well known for its outstanding quality and has been producing rubies for more than 2,000 years. These rubies were prized for their deep red colour by ancient civilizations including those of Burma, China, and India, who associated them with strength, protection, and wealth.
Royal Adornments : As time passed, Pigeon blood Rubies made their way into the regal courts of kings and queens, according to the 200-word essay "Royal Adornments". These diamonds were highly prized by royalty and nobles in mediaeval Europe. Their striking crimson hue was thought to represent power and fortune. A renowned Pigeon Blood Ruby ring was among the exquisite ruby jewellery that Queen Elizabeth I of England was reputed to hold.
Legends and Mythology : There are many myths and stories about pigeon blood rubies. In prehistoric Hindu culture, rubies were seen as a representation of the sun and as having the ability to grant the wearer invincibility. Legends about the ruby's power to shield its possessor from harm and deliver wealth were prevalent in Southeast Asia. The mystery and fascination of Pigeon Blood Rubies were further enhanced by these fascinating tales.
Burmese Ruby Trade : For years, the area of Burma was the main supplier of Pigeon Blood Rubies. However, political unrest and shifting trading patterns had an influence on the supply of these jewels. A booming trading business was fueled by the British colonisation of Burma in the 19th and 20th centuries, which raised demand for Burmese rubies.
Modern Discoveries and Market : In recent times, Pigeon Blood Rubies have been discovered in other parts of the world, including Africa, Mozambique, and Madagascar. These new sources have provided additional supply and expanded the market for these highly coveted gemstones. However, Burmese Pigeon Blood Rubies continue to be regarded as the most desirable and valuable.
The Enchanting Colour : The captivating red hue is what gives them their appeal. The term "Pigeon Blood" describes a particular shade of red that has a deep, lively, and somewhat purple tint. The name comes from the frequent comparison of its hue to the brilliant crimson of a just shaved pigeon's eye. Trace quantities of chromium in the crystal structure of Pigeon Blood Rubies combine with light to generate their alluring colour.
Origins and Mining : The Mogok Valley in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is the main source of Pigeon Blood Ruby. Ruby mining in the area has a rich and colourful history that dates back more than two thousand years. Burmese rubies are prized for their extraordinary quality, unparalleled colour, and remarkable clarity, particularly the highly sought-after Pigeon Blood Rubies. As miners harvest the gemstones from the soil using conventional methods, the mining process is labour-intensive and frequently includes artisanal methods.
Symbolism and Cultural Significance : Pigeon Blood Rubies have long carried significant importance in a number of civilizations. Rubies were regarded as potent, protective, and lucky symbols in prehistoric Burmese and Indian cultures. The deep crimson hue was thought to represent vigour, passion, and bravery. The owners of these jewels were said to enjoy good health, riches, and happiness. Pigeon Blood Rubies are still prized as signs of adoration and loyalty today, making them attractive options for wedding bands and anniversary presents.
Rarity and Value : Due to their extreme rarity and high price, pigeon blood rubies are extremely valuable. Their value is based on elements including colour, clarity, size, and provenance. The most prized Pigeon Blood Rubies have a deep red colour with little overtones and show exceptional clarity. Due to their historical significance and unrivalled colour, Burmese Pigeon Blood Rubies are thought to be the most expensive. These priceless diamonds are frequently the subject of strong competition between auction houses and collectors, pushing prices to unbelievable heights.
Pigeon Blood Rubies in Jewellery : Even in the realm of jewellery, Pigeon Blood Rubies are desirable. Because of their scarcity and vivid red colour, they are highly prized for use in producing stunning sculptures. High-end jewellery pieces including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings frequently include Pigeon Blood Rubies in their designs. To further accentuate their brilliance, they are commonly combined with diamonds or other jewels. Pigeon Blood Ruby jewellery displays refinement, elegance, and a timeless appeal whether it is in old or modern designs.
Thus , Pigeon Blood Rubies continue to captivate with their intense red hue, strong history, and unparalleled beauty. These gemstones, born deep within the earth, carry the legacy of ancient civilizations and hold profound cultural significance. As we admire the exquisite colour and rarity of Pigeon Blood Rubies, we appreciate their timeless allure, and the enduring impact they have had on the world of gemstones and human fascination.
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To conclude, the rich history of Pigeon Blood Ruby showcases their enduring allure and cultural significance. From ancient civilizations to modern times, these gemstones have adorned the crowns of kings, enchanted legends, and captured the hearts of gem enthusiasts worldwide. While the world has changed, the deep red beauty and symbolism of Pigeon Blood Rubies remain timeless. Today, they continue to be cherished for their rarity, intense colour, and the touch of ancient mystique they bring to those fortunate enough to possess them, as we take in the beauty of Pigeon Blood Rubies, we can recognise the extraordinary trip that these jewels have experienced, spanning decades and making a lasting impression on both the field of gemology and human interest for a long time now! 
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lethimfertilise · 4 months
“To Buy, Or Not To Buy? That Is The Question!”
CNBC published an article on their website on Monday titled "This agricultural trade is bottoming with more upside likely ahead, according to the charts".
Okay, I’m not disputing this article now, but let's assume the author is right and we shall expect prices to rise. Coincidentally, this happens when the Northern Hemisphere is entering a phase of slow demand, dictated by the end of the spring application programme. So, will a possible uptick in agricultural prices trigger the purchase and price of fertilisers, particularly nitrogen?
My view on urea supply these days is quite simple: any importer, in any part of the world, can have a shipment of any quantity of urea within the latest two weeks from the moment of placing the purchase order:
- Brazil is easily covered by floating cargoes, urea from Russia and Nigeria.
- India - well, you know it better than me.
- Europe is a sandbox of Algeria, Egypt, and Russia.
- Etc...
This makes the summer refill programme less attractive for importers and farmers unless an exchange ratio between future crop prices and fertilisers becomes very attractive. Question - what does "attractive" mean? How much is the fish?
Let’s look at Egypt, which was a newsmaker yesterday, with several Egyptian producers selling 85,000 metric tonnes in the range of $286-293 per metric ton FOB. Corn on the CBOT meanwhile ended the day at $4.78 per bushel, making the ratio equal to 59.83 (using the lower indication of $286 per metric ton). Last year, a similar price of $285 per metric ton FOB was the lowest indication, before the market took off and was reported on June 6, 2023. Corn cost $5.34 per bushel, making the ratio equal to 53.37.
If we follow the logic, and based on today’s corn prices, urea should be around $255 per metric ton to be considered "attractive" for a stock refill purchase. Or even lower. Needless to say, it's way too early to talk about "refill" at all.
I do think that yesterday's purchases in Egypt were made to cover the existing shorts in Europe and to catch the last demand of this prolonged spring demand. Sorry, my fellow friends-producers, but I still think another correction is on the way.
However, I’ve been wrong many times before!
#fertilizers #fertilisers #corn #ration #urea #egypt #india #price #brazil #eu #imstory
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electronalytics · 9 months
Electronic Resistors Market Analysis, Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
The global electrical resistors market size reached USD 6.03 Billion in 2023. expects the market to reach USD 10.60 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% during 2024-2033.
The competitive analysis of the Electronic Resistors Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Electronic Resistors Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Electronic Resistors Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/electronic-resistors-market/12545/
Market Segmentations:
Global Electronic Resistors Market: By Company • Yageo • VISHAY • Bourns • TT Electronics • ROHM • Viking • Cyntec • Susumu • Panasonic • Samsung • Ohmite • KOA Speer • Crownpoc • TOKEN • TA-I • Walter • Caddock Global Electronic Resistors Market: By Type • Fixed Resistor • Variable Resistors Global Electronic Resistors Market: By Application • Industrial Electricity • Computers and Peripherals • Automotive • Consumer Electronics • Commercial Electrical • Household Electrical • Other
Regional Analysis of Global Electronic Resistors Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Electronic Resistors market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Click to Purchase Electronic Resistors Market Research Report @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/electronic-resistors-market/12545/
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Electronic Resistors? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Electronic Resistors? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain? Customization of the Report:
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ict-reports · 11 months
Automatic Labelling Machines Market Size | Industry Growth, And Trends
the global Automatic Labelling Machines Market growth is a cornerstone of economic development, influencing the prosperity of nations and shaping the lives of individuals. research proides a diverse array of sectors, each with its unique characteristics and contributing in distinct ways to the overall economic landscape. The growth of Automatic Labelling Machines Market is driven by a multitude of factors, including technological advancements, shifts in consumer preferences, government policies, and the global economic climate.
An extensive overview of the global Automatic Labelling Machines Market Size is provided by the Growth, Share, Price, Trends, Report and Forecast 2027, which evaluates the market based on segments such as types, applications, structural designs, and major regions.
Request for Free Sample PDF - https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/101967
Automatic Labelling Machines Market Segmentated By:
By Type
Self-Adhesive/Pressure Sensitive
Shrink Sleeves
Glue Based
By Configuration
Stand Alone
By Industry
Food & Beverage
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Consumer Goods
Other (Automotive, etc.) 
The report examines the most recent market updates and their effects on the whole market. In addition, it analyzes price and demand indicators as well as market demand. Additionally, the report uses Porter's Five Forces and the SWOT models to track the market.
List of Top Key Players in Automatic Labelling Machines Market:
Krones AG (Bavaria, Germany)
Sidel (Tetra Lavel International S.A.) (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Sacmi Imola S. C. (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Herma (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Fuji Seal International Inc. (Kansai, Japan)
Marchesini Group S. P. A. (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
I. M. A. Industria Macchine Automatiche S. P. A. (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
KHS GmbH (Salzgitter AG Consolidation Group) (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Barry – Wehmiller Companies (Missouri, U.S.)
ProMach (Ohio, U.S.)
Novexx Solutions GmbH (Bavaria, Germany)
Accutek Packaging (California, U.S.)
Wuxi Sici Auto Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu, China)
Worldpack Automation Systems (Maharashtra, India)
Weber Marking Systems GmbH (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Kunshan Bojin Trading Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu, China)
CECLE Machine (Zhejiang, China)
PDC International Corp. (Connecticut, U.S.)
Newman Labelling Systems Ltd (London, England)
Quadrel (Ohio, U.S.)
The global Automatic Labelling Machines Market is divided up according to the type, application, country, company, etc. As they utilize the report as a potent resource, players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Automatic Labelling Machines Market will be able to gain the upper hand. Sales, revenue, and forecasts by type, application, and region (country) are the main topics of the segmental analysis.
COVID-19 Impact on this Market:
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected both short- and long-term trends in the Automatic Labelling Machines Market. Though the precise impacts might differ depending on the area and sector.the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Automatic Labelling Machines Market in a variety of ways, including supply chain disruptions, shifts in the demand for necessities, price fluctuations, and a renewed emphasis on supply chain sustainability and resilience. The Automatic Labelling Machines Market in the post-pandemic era will probably continue to be shaped by these changes' long-term effects.
The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand that this health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses across industries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments and several companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease. There are some industries that are struggling and some are thriving. Overall, almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
We are making continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreaks across industries to help you prepare for the future.
Report Highlights:
A thorough rundown of Automatic Labelling Machines Market Size and the current developments influencing the sector, Provide information on past and anticipated growth rates.
Important elements supporting, limiting, challenging, and offering the market a chance.
Significant industry advancements and important insights.
Prominent entities operating within Automatic Labelling Machines Market Size.
Players' major tactics include launching new products to increase revenue generation, collaborating with other businesses, and others.
Some other market trends.
Regional Analysis for Automatic Labelling Machines Market:
North America (the USA and Canada)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia and Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, Southeast Asia and Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America)
The Automatic Labelling Machines Market Size research report provides a thorough evaluation of the sector. The report's estimates were developed based on well-established research philosophies and hypotheses.
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metamoonshots · 11 months
Wall Avenue analysts at JPMorgan and Bloomberg Intelligence made the prediction in a report out Wednesday. The word stated it's “most probably” the SEC will approve a Bitcoin ETF earlier than January 10, 2024. They anticipate the U.S. Securities and Alternate Fee to approve a Bitcoin ETF someday quickly regardless of its misgivings about cryptocurrency. “Bitcoin ETFs will arrive in a couple of months,” JPMorgan wrote. JPMorgan: SEC will grant spot ETF approval by January Crypto markets have been breathlessly awaiting the SEC’s approval of plenty of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund proposals. Earlier this week, an incorrect report that the SEC had already authorised a spot Bitcoin ETF despatched the BTC value soaring to $30,000. In the meantime, institutional traders are chomping on the bit for SEC approval to get some digital asset publicity of their portfolios. An exchange-traded fund for spot Bitcoin costs would likely rally crypto markets with a flood of institutional investments from hedge funds: “The absence of a spot variant within the U.S. stays notable, even because the SEC has authorised Bitcoin futures ETFs.” Nevertheless, SEC Chair Gary Gensler has remained tight-lipped as to what the SEC intends to do in regards to the in style demand for a Bitcoin value ETF. Coinbase authorized chief expects Bitcoin ETF “briefly order” Coinbase’s chief authorized officer, Paul Grewal, told Bloomberg Friday that he's “hopeful” of an SEC approval someday quickly: “I’m fairly hopeful that these [ETF] functions shall be granted, if solely as a result of they need to be granted below the regulation.” Grewal added: “I feel that the companies which have stepped ahead with sturdy proposals for these services are amongst among the greatest blue chips in monetary companies.” Gensler gave mostly boilerplate solutions in an interview with Bloomberg this week: “The SEC chairman spoke to Bloomberg about his company’s work on ETFs however avoided something greater than normal feedback.” JPMorgan is anticipating competitors amongst hedge funds to supply exchange-traded funds that monitor with Bitcoin value because of the hotly anticipated SEC approval. Ark Make investments CEO Cathie Wooden said in a latest Bloomberg interview that she expects the SEC to approve a couple of Bitcoin ETF proposal all of sudden. Corporations with proposals embrace BlackRock, Invesco, WisdomTree, Constancy, and lots of others. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Provide: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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dvtunitedkingdom · 1 year
Staff Augmentation: Another Approach To Increase Your Team In 2023
By outsourcing certain IT capabilities to a staff augmentation supplier, you possibly can enhance your business's agility and skill to reply shortly to altering market conditions. This can be especially useful for businesses that function in fast-paced industries, the place the ability to adapt rapidly can be a key aggressive benefit. With staff augmentation, you'll have the staff augmentation services ability to scale back the burden of managing a large group by outsourcing certain duties and duties to the staff augmentation supplier. This might help unlock your time to give consideration to different essential areas of your business. Moreover, staff augmentation suppliers have established processes and procedures for ensuring the safety and confidentiality of your data.
Scaling your corporation often could be a trouble since every staff in your organization shall be on different duties. A new certified rent provides more palms to operations and will give a giant push to rushing up your scalability. Hire a professional skilled from Hybytes right now and speed up your scalability in real-time. Every business needs to grow, and this development means outcomes to progress and elevated productiveness.
Staff augmentation makes it straightforward to subtract and add the assets as per the demand of the project, task or the pattern. Place your software within the palms of specialists and and enjoy your company’s development. So, should you need a complete staff or you’re simply missing a couple of particular consultants don’t hesitate to contact us for extra info. For German, Austrian and Swiss companies, cooperating with an IT associate that follows the same European rules is essential – particularly by method of the labour law or copyrights.
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reenajain · 1 year
How does IV skew vary across strike prices?
Implied volatility (IV) skew refers to the difference in implied volatility levels among different strike prices of options. IV skew can vary across strike prices, and its behavior is influenced by market dynamics and factors specific to the underlying asset. Generally, there are two common patterns observed in IV skew:
Normal Skew: In many cases, especially in equity markets, IV skew exhibits a normal skew pattern. As strike prices move closer to being in-the-money, the implied volatility tends to decrease. Conversely, as strike prices move further out of the money, the implied volatility tends to increase. This reflects the market's perception that there is a higher potential risk associated with downward price moves compared to upward price moves.
Reverse Skew: In certain scenarios, such as during market downturns or events with heightened uncertainty, IV skew may exhibit a reverse skew pattern. In this case, the implied volatility of out-of-the-money options is lower compared to in-the-money options. This can be attributed to increased demand for downside protection, driving up the prices and implied volatility of deep in-the-money put options.
It is important to note that IV skew is not always consistent across all strike prices and can vary depending on the specific market conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and the sentiment of market participants. Traders and investors analyze IV skew, the curvature and other characteristics to gain insights into market expectations and use it to inform their options trading strategies.
Refer this video which I am sending across, for your reference. This shall enable option traders understand the behaviour of prices and shape of the skew.
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menkhu · 2 years
pfwotr commander snippets, since i got two gift fics that i love so very dearly that feature my commander in some capacity and they made me want to give him some screen time of his own, do his character more justice than a two-sentence biography. all set in chapter 2 (so far)
Queen Galfrey presents Adan to an assembly of buoyant crusaders, high off their victory in Kenabres, and announces his new title. A cheer goes up from the crowd and it’s pure reflex honed by his years tending bar that has him smiling alongside them.
Galfrey is watching Adan with a shining expression of pride and surety, as though she hadn’t just handed the reins of the entire crusade to a man defined more by his fuckups than anything else. He isn’t sure whether to feel angry or sick, but he knows that whatever his instincts are they aren’t positive, and he has the eyes of so many soldiers on him, soldiers whose morale is his concern now, somehow, so he lets his emotions sit, unprocessed, and broadens his grin like he knew this was going to happen all along.
“Well, why don’t you say a few words?” Galfrey invites playfully, gesturing between him and the crowd.
Adan blinks. “Who, me?”
It hits him a moment later.
Of course she was talking about him.
He’s the Knight Commander.
He’s the Knight Commander.
Queen Galfrey laughs like he’s just made a fantastic joke, though there’s a note of wariness to it. He had heard laughter just like it all the time from customers when someone a little too drunk got a little too friendly with someone both uncomfortable and polite. He pretends not to notice.
Adan takes a step forward and raises a hand up next to his face to draw attention. He needs to remind the crusaders - his crusaders - that they have difficult trials ahead of them, but that they’ve overcome some pretty demanding shit already, so they’re capable of overcoming anything. He doesn’t want to use those words exactly, though. Too disingenuous, even if he isn’t lying when he says them. He needs something more real. Not too real, though. Reality is bleak. They don’t need to be reminded of the way the smoke choked the streets of the Market Square, or of the rust-colored puddles outside The Defender’s Heart left by the rain a full week after the cultist’s assault, of the cries of their compatriots who threw their bodies between the building and the alchemists’ fire.
“Let’s, uh.” He clears his throat. “Kill some demons, shall we?”
Ineloquent as his words are, they resonate with the soldiers, who whoop with delight.
When he turns to face her, Galfrey nods at him, though he can’t read anything in her expression anymore.
“So, Knight Commander, have any plans for your first order of business now that you’re our leader?” Irabeth asks. She’s trying to sound casual, but Adan knows just how important the chain of command is to her. Every word out of his mouth holds more weight to her, now.
“Sure,” he says genially, though how could he; his top priority not an hour ago had been taking a nice nap and he doubted that as an answer would satisfy her curiosity about the crusade’s trajectory. “Mandatory biweekly worship of Cailean, in honor of their commander’s faith.”
“Are you serious?” Irabeth asks, and, bless her, she actually sounds uncertain, though Adan can’t say it’s unearned. In the past couple weeks, she had seen him do plenty of carousing, but precious little knight commanding.
“Of course not,” he says, wounded. “I’m not so irresponsible.”
Supply lines. They’ll want to strengthen supply lines. It’s clear to any crusader that their lack of numbers is among their biggest obstacles in fighting off the demons, but jumping headfirst into recruiting without first ensuring they have the supplies needed to support new recruits could see people starving or sent to the front lines without proper arms. He doesn’t know jack shit about supply lines and certainly isn’t going to lecture anyone about them like he does, but learning will have to be one of his priorities; he doesn’t want starving crusaders on his hands.
Irabeth nods at him, relieved, and waits expectantly for his real answer.
“Those who are underage or have certain health conditions will be exempt.”
“Tell me, what do you think of me?” Daeran asks. [or y’know. whatever it is he actually says in-game LOL]
The answer, for once, springs easily out of Adan’s mouth, like it had been waiting on the tip of his tongue. “I think you aren’t half as simple as you say you are.”
A smirk curls Daeran’s lip. “Well! How very judgement-neutral of you. I suppose fence-sitting is a useful skill in politics, right among kowtowing and pageantry. You may just be cut out for this commander job after all. You know, I only asked because the answer to such questions says more about the answerer than the asker, and I must say, your response was very enlightening.”
“Neutral?” Adan frowns and tips his head, still stuck on the very beginning of Daeran’s speech. “Well, I like it, anyhow.”
After a beat, Daeran snorts. “Of course you do.”
“So you’re telling me you’re actually not curious about how people see you from the outside, even a little?”
“My dear commander, I know exactly how people see me; they’re always quite eager to make it known. I’ve heard every unflattering remark. But even were that not the case, I still wouldn’t ask. Their opinions simply don’t matter to me.”
“You and I differ in that regard,” Adan says after a pause, so light and easy that some might not recognize it as a confession.
In his position, he’s always being observed, and he knows he doesn’t handle the pressure well, but he doesn’t know how to be any other way. He hopes that when everyone sees him, all the many people relying on him, they know he’s trying. He hopes he can do better for them than try.
“Hey, clever mind games and sly tricks aside, how do you see me?” Adan steps back and holds his arms out, presenting himself. When Daeran only observes him, eyes drifting from his face to his feet and back up again, he grins and prompts, “Go on. Or are you afraid you’ll tell me something about yourself?”
Adan plucks at the strings of his lute, aimlessly shifting between tunes, a drinking song he learned from a group of Shackles sailors in a previous life, the score of a play he saw once and only half remembered, a few bars of the Song of Elysium. His hands always seem to wander back to that one, even when he tries to pry himself away. Tonight, sitting by a campfire with a circle of his comrades, all passing around bottles of wine, watching the smoke rise until it fades among the stars, the tune feels particularly fitting.
He hums along in harmony. He feels good. It’s been a while since he last had enough liquor in him for his joints to feel loose, his skin flushed with warmth. It’s been a while since he last had a chance to relax and appreciate the beauty in all things.
“Aneviaaa,” Adan sings as he strums.
Anevia, who had been chatting with Wilcer about supply lines or something equally toilsome, snaps her head towards him, and it’s funny how concerned she looks.
Fighting back laughter, Adan continues to sing, “Oh, Aneviaaa, I’m not trying to steal you from your wife, but where have you been all my life, there’s no advisor quite so strong and quick and smart, and all those words are just the start, Aneviaaa.” He can’t hold back the laughter anymore, she’s looking at him, and that’s just too funny. “Anevia is so smart,” he continues, now speaking rather than singing, playing a couple repeating notes that don’t fit with the song he had been playing previously, “that she knows this is all a joke, right? And that I think the world of her and Irabeth?”
Anevia rolls her eyes. “Just don’t make it too bawdy.”
Adan laughs again and returns to his previous melody with a little more vigor. “Anevia’s the height of class, the sort to suffer nothing crass, so I won’t say or sing a word about her lovely--”
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lethimfertilise · 5 months
Will Brent hit $100 in Q2?
Over the last couple of days, I've been reading a lot of differing analytics referring to recent spikes in oil prices. I can't say that oil prices are constantly on my radar, but I do check them at least once a week. So, below are some of my thoughts and numbers I have found.
Brent oil prices have been trading in the range of $85 to $90 per barrel for a month now, which is a record since September 2023. At the same time, there is occasional market discussion about the possibility of prices rising to $100 per barrel.
The price increase is partly due to the introduction of new OPEC+ quotas since the beginning of this year, which have led to market tightening: while in Q4 2023 global supply exceeded demand by 400 thousand barrels per day (b/d), in Q1 2024 demand already exceeded supply by 250 thousand b/d (Energy Information Administration (EIA) data).
This deficit has led to a reduction in commercial oil and petroleum product inventories in oil-consuming countries: according to the EIA, as of the end of March 2024, their volume decreased by 0.5%, reaching 2735 million barrels - the lowest level in a year and a half. Also impacting is the rise in logistical costs due to the need to bypass the Red Sea, which increases the transportation time from the Middle East to Europe from 19 to 34 days.
So, what shall we expect now?
The emergence of a deficit alongside the reduction in commercial inventories and increased tension in the Middle East has led to oil prices trading at six-month highs. However, prices are unlikely to reach $100 per barrel, partly due to increased supply in Iran, where production reached 3.23 million b/d in Q1 2024 - the highest level since the US embargo.
Iran is not part of the OPEC+ deal, while its key participant countries have faced a record surplus of oil production capacities: according to the EIA, the surplus in oil production capacities in Middle Eastern OPEC countries reached 4.1 million b/d by March 2024, comparable to the current production volume in Iraq, the second-largest oil producer among OPEC countries.
In addition to the surplus (i.e., the potential for rapid production growth), the market will also be influenced by the slowdown in the Chinese economy, which will be associated with the exhaustion of recovery potential after the COVID-19 pandemic. According to IMF forecasts, China's GDP growth will slow from 5.2% in 2023 to 4.6% in 2024.
So, I don’t think that oil prices will reach $100 per barrel: Brent prices by the end of Q2 2024 will balance in the range of $80 to $90 per barrel.
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