#if this breaches containment and they see it? good! i *want* to start a fight at this point!
this is going to be my last post on the matter because i have this person blocked in as many ways as i possibly can and i keep learning shit about them against my will but
i literally have NOTHING to say to ANYONE who agrees with this person's human + "human-acting" charr bullshit when they wholeass took a character that is SUPPOSED TO BE WRITTEN CANONICALLY AUTISTIC and said with their whole fucking chest "im glad they haven't ruined his characterization by over-humanzing him <3" go eat a fucking brick, actually.
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kayhi808 · 3 months
Now & Then
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Again, this all started with a request from @armystrong980 and I've run amok with it. I thought I'd wrap this up in 2 parts but now it may be 3...or 4. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for the reblogs or comments. You all kept me motivated 😘😘😘
Then & Now
Natasha sits in the pilot seat, flying back to the Compound because Steve insisted on being beside the Cryo-chamber that they just recovered. The steady hum of the Quinjet engines doesn't soothe Steve's racing heart like it usually would. Tony received intel on an abandoned HYDRA base, which wasn't unusual. Tony, Natasha & Steve flew out thinking it was supposed to be a quick survey of the base. Nothing more.
To their surprise, they found heat signatures for a small group of people, less than 8, not a problem for the 3 most skilled Avengers. Once Tony breached the small lab, blasting through the doors, making an entry for Steve and Natasha. Quickly they noticed it contained mostly researchers.
They were expecting a fight and was taken aback by HYDRA Agents gunning down the staff. Once the lab had been compromised, they started tying up loose ends. Getting rid of evidence. Because of that small pause, Tony and his team were only able to save 1 technician, before killing the Hydra Agents.
As Natasha zip-tied the techs wrists behind her back, "You have to get the Asset!"
Steve's head whips around, "What did you say??"
"The Asset is still in Cryo. No one will be here to tend it."
Did HYDRA get Bucky back? Did he return to them after saving him & pulling him from the river? Was that why Sam hasn't been able to locate him? "Where is he?!"
"Through the doors there."
Steve races through the doors followed by Tony. Along one side of the wall, are the 3 cryo-chambers, but only one is filled. Steve rushes over but the Asset is definitely not who he was expecting. A pained moan comes from the back of Steve's throat. Tony looks between the Asset & Steve. Steve who has turned as white as a sheet, can only stare at the chamber in horror.
"She's..." Clears his throat, moving closer to the chamber. "I know her. I grew up with her in Brooklyn." Runs his finger along the window, tracing the features of your face. "Her unit was ambushed during WWII, they said there were no sur...survivors."
"HYDRA had her."
With extra special care, Steve & Tony get the Cryo-chamber transported onto the Quinjet and hooked up to a generator. Natasha was tasked with hacking into the system & retrieving any information she could get on the activities of the lab & you.
Y/N. Steve still can't wrap his brain around finding you. First Bucky & now you. All the people he's loved has been taken by HYDRA. Miraculously, you've also both returned to his life. The telegram he got all those decades ago said there were no survivors, but here you were. You looked exactly the same as you did when he said good bye to you at the train station. Now if he can only get you back to the Compound & see if Banner & Dr. Cho can safely revive you.
A thousand different questions flood Steve's brain. What happened in Germany? Would you remember him? Did HYDRA mess with your mind the way they did with Bucky?
Natasha places the Quin on autopilot & checks on Steve who hasn't left the side of the chamber since they boarded. They sit in companionable silence, Steve with his head in his hands, palms pressed against his eyelids. Quietly, Steve starts to speak. "Growing up, she was my best friend. Y/N. Even before Buck came along. When I was sick, she'd always visit me & kept me company. She'd tell me the most magical stories so I wouldn't get bored. From the age of 4 we were inseparable."
"She must have meant a lot to you."
"She'd always insist we were twins because our souls were the same. Soul Twins." Steve chuckles & Nat smiles. "She was a nurse and wanted to help, do her part in the war. She enlisted in the Army Nurse Corp. I had never seen Bucky so furious. They had a bad falling out. I wanted to support her, but I was so afraid something bad would happen to her." Looks as her asleep in the chamber. "We should have talked her out of it. I should have talked her out of it."
"She sounded like an intelligent woman who knew her own mind. I'm sure she helped so many soldier on the front lines. She did what she wanted to do." Steve silently nods.
"Losing her, motivated us to enlist as well. Definitely, Bucky. He requested to be sent to Germany. He wanted to look for her. He had trouble accepting she was gone."
"And now you have her back."
"But will she remember me? What if HYDRA made her forget me?"
1943, Germany
All you remember is your blood being on fire. It felt like you were being burned from the inside out. Battery acid flowing through your veins. Your wrist and ankles would be bloody wounds from you fighting against your metal restraints. Your screams would go unheeded. The screams that they tore from your throat prevented you from catching your breath. You'd always lose consciousness, welcoming the darkness.
Whatever HYDRA had hope to accomplish with you, failed. The only thing that you noticed was that you healed remarkably fast. Your regenerative abilities where much greater than a human should be. No super strength or speed which is what these people were hoping for. That didn't stop them from experimenting on you. They'd torture & wound you to see how quickly you'd recover or heal. Everyday was a nightmare. You wished you were dead.
When better & more interesting subjects caught their notice, they left you alone. They stuck you in the lab & med bays, patching up injured assets. They didn't trust you with their actual experiments because you tried to sabotage them one too many times. They could never fully control you because of your stubborn streak. Until that one evening they brought in their latest triumph.
You've heard this poor man's screams for days as the serum ran through his veins. As HYDRA burned him from the inside out. They finally brought him in for you to tend and heal. The first thing you notice is his metal prosthetic arm. The edges of flesh, red and raw, sealed to metal. It made you sick to see what they've done to him. Long dirty hair laying limply in his face. Gently, you brush it back off his forehead checking for fever. His face. His face has haunted your dreams. Your Jamie. Bucky.
Stumbling away from the bed, hands over your mouth to keep your scream in. Wide-eyed you stare at him lying there. With tears streaming down your face, you make your way back towards the bed. Kneeling down beside him, "What did they do to you?" Staring at his metal arm and the other scars that litter his body. "Oh Jamie." You rest you head next to his and cry.
Hoarse and raw from his screams, "Don't cry, doll." Quickly looking up, red & bloodshot doesn't detract from those blue eyes you used to get lost in. Glassy and unfocused, he stares at you and gives you a sad smile before losing consciousness.
HYDRA agents returned the next morning for Bucky and you fought to stay by his side. You weren't going to let those monsters hurt him again. You cry out as they hit you, waking Bucky from his drug induced slumber. He recognizes you immediately, yelling your name as he rushes to you, quickly snapping the necks of the agents and tossing them aside. He pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you, chanting your name like a prayer. You feel his cold metal arm against your back. "I need to get you out of here, babe." You can only stare at him and nod your head. He drops a firm kiss to your lips while grabbing your hand in his. He takes the weapons off the dead mens bodies and pulls you after him.
You make it almost the end of the hallway before alarms start blaring and the sound of yelling and the stomping of boots can be heard headed in your direction. The hall is engulfed with Hydra agents. You're way out numbered but Bucky takes down as many men as he can before he is a overwhelmed and you're taken from him.
Grabbed from behind, an arm around your throat and used as a shield, you face Bucky. "Drop your weapon, Sargent Barnes." You shake your head at him until the arm tightens around your neck, choking your words off. "Do. It. Now." You hear the swish of a switch blade before you feel it embedded in you leg. You scream and you hear the clattering of guns as the guards tackle an unarmed Bucky to the ground.
"No! Leave him alone! Stop... Stop..." You scream in between sobs as they drag Bucky away. Your nightmare has gotten worse. HYDRA now knows that their super soldier has a weakness. You.
@severelykinky @panandinpain0 @elijahssuit @ordelixx @moonlovefairy @cjand10 @vicmc624 @marianastudiesart @k-marzolf @thefandomplace @snowkestrel @longlivedelusion @insomiaxx
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ijumpbridges · 1 year
Do a headcanon of scp 076, scp 049, scp 2396, doctor cleff, doctor iceberg, doctor kondrank, doctor glass on the first date.
First Date!
Ft. Scp 049, Scp 076, Scp 2396, Dr. Clef, Dr. Kondraki, Dr. Glass, Dr. Iceberg.
____ scp 049
Its impressive that you got him out of his lab to go on a date with you.
You were probably the one who suggested and it and he agree to it and decide to plan a picnic and restaurant theme inside his cell
Yall eating ok the floor but the 049-2 dress up as waiters.
Used 049-2 as the ones who would bring food or help around to make the setting for comfortable.
When you came in bringing the food he had the wine cups outside and bottles of stolen wine and the carpet and blankets on the floor.
The dinner was nice, you brought white spaghettini and he complimented it.
He gave you a lots of compliments.
He talked about the pestilence.
And you excuse yourself many times just to cough or sneeze cuz you don’t want to trigger him.
It was annoying, but overall the date was great, but you were removed from his cell.
scp 076
Blink twice you need help.
You date consist on doing physical work so im going to put maybe doing a sport together or taking care of animals in the foundations shelters.
If you chose to do a sport with him, be very careful, since its you are not strong enough to beat him.
It doesn’t matter if he says he will try to go ‘soft’ on you, he will throw you across the room.
If you chose to take care of the animals it would a nice heartwarming moment together, bounding with animals and you helps him a lot.
He was able to wash then and get them ready up to the standards.
You both also played with them afterwards in the artificial park and dog training section.
Throwing balls and training them.
You both would challenge each other, until it went wrong.
You ended up with a broken arm because of him.
When you told your friends they about it laughed at you, but at least 076 defended you to an extend until you told him not to and that it was fine since they were your friends unless it was someone from your outside group.
scp 2396
I think a movie night or a breach contaimenht to a theme park.
You cant chose cuz both thinks happen.
She invited you to watch a movie with her and you agree to it.
When you got to her containment chamber thinking you were going to watch the movie there, she tells you to wait out.
By ‘outside’ you though she meant outside of her chamber not the foundation.
She breach containment and actually made it out and when you heard this you went after her.
Afterwards you went to watch the movie, it was Barbie, she cry and while crying you two had to leave because the foundation had found you.
Luckily it was night and the theme park was close and since you both escape through the back door and no one saw you went to the theme park to calm her down.
You two when to the wheel fortune and got to the top and it felt relaxing and you even got a small conversation before a light from a helicopter showed up pointing at both of you.
A whole MTF squad showed up and took you both from the top.
They made you both climb up to the helicopter and went back tot he foundation.
Dr. Clef
Blink twice if you need help.
It was suppose to be a restaurant date night, but all went side ways and shit the fan and you are on the run with him.
The dinner date was not going great, the guy was being weird.
You kept your cool even with his weird comments.
Then a breach containment happen, this was a perfect time, since you could ditch the date.
But no, you see Clef told you he was going to take you to somewhere safe.
And you follow him, he took out his gun and then it was too late for you to make any decisions.
This man, brought you to the anomaly and not only that he started to provoke it.
So, now you that you are in danger you had to put your nerves aside and get your flight or fight reflex if you want to make it out alive.
He did a good job on containing that anomaly and he even protected you and hand you a gun to kill off any remaining of the anomaly.
Then you both got something to drink and part ways since its been a long night, afterwards you realize that he wasn’t so bad.
Dr. Kondraki
He took you to take picture with 408.
They were adorable and really friendly towards you.
They even surrounded you.
And he took a pic of that since he thought it looked cute, but he will never admit that.
He will take you around and bring you to the bar.
While you two talked he tried to control himself on the drinking.
But how could he if you were also tipsy too?
At the end of the date both of you only got tipsy not drunk, but a little which it was great for him.
You two mostly talked about anything and everything that wasn’t work related, he showed his works on photography and you showed him your hobbies and the things you achieve from it.
He dropped you off and then he went home.
It was a great night, you two really bonded, might as well get another date too.
Dr. Glass
He asks you out and you agree to a dinner night.
You two went actually out of the foundation to get dinner and wine together.
Being away from the foundation was actually nice and you two had a nice moment.
Until one of his client shows up at the dinner.
Like out of nowhere and uninvited saying he was looking for him cuz something fucked just happen to them.
And not only that just like a hardworking ants more two more came behind him. One was an Scp the other was a mtf chasing after it.
Then more people started to come in asking for your help, you and Simon looked at each other and sight in sync.
The date had to be cancel and reschedule, but you both got the left overs of your dinner and bought some wine.
Then you meet up at his place and set up a theme and mood for a dinner and had fun again talking.
The night went great with him.
Dr. Iceberg
Remember to blink twice if you need help.
And take pepper spray you will need it.
You either grab coffee in the morning or grab a drink at the end of your shift.
It was with mix feelings.
The guy will show some of his red flags.
Talking about the foundation and how they wont give him a promotion.
Ngl, it was a good vibe at first but then the guy was full of himself and probably made you uncomfortable.
You tried listening and giving him advice and everything and he took them to heart.
He tried touching you and you might have flinch med a little with how clod they were.
So, you tried to make room for you to talk about and he might have criticized some of the stuff that you say.
The end of the date the whole thing was on thin ice so it depends if you both reach out for another date.
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Hi! Ask game for a brief snippet. 💕 with helen and nikola please : )
Hi! Thank you! :)
💕 kissing somewhere other than lips
Okay, this and following asks are not brief snippets, because they really helped with writer's block, so they're full blown scenes/little one-shots. Hope that's okay!
--- "What the hell happened to you?"
"You always know how to greet a woman, Nikola, I truly appreciate it."
Nikola wasn't swayed by Helen's sour tone.
What he was more concerned about was the fact that she had come limping into the room, smelling like a campfire mixed with blood, hair in messy disarray, face smudged with dirt, and pale beneath that dirt.
Nikola felt his nostrils flare as the tang of blood became stronger the closer she came to him, and he saw droplets of blood on the floor where she had walked.
He marched over to her before she could reach whatever goal it was that she had, because it clearly wasn't with the intention of taking care of herself.
Before Helen could protest, Nikola scooped her up and headed out of the room with her.
"Nikola! Put me down at once!"
"Not a chance."
"I need--" Helen started, squirming enough that Nikola gripped her harder so that he didn't accidently drop her on the floor.
"You don't need to be doing anything, because we both know if the situation hadn't already been contained, you wouldn't have wandered away from it. The children can handle whatever it was that you were getting ready to do."
Helen huffed and tried to push herself out of his arms again.
"Your health is more important than your dignity and pride, ljubavi."
Helen was silent the rest of the way to his bedroom, where Nikola walked to the bed to place her on it.
"Nikola, I'll get blood--"
"I don't care about the blanket."
He gently dumped her on the end of the bed and pointed a finger at her.
"Don't move."
The way Helen's head dipped and her shoulders sagged told Nikola that she was hurting enough to stay put, which wasn't good.
In the bathroom Nikola got out the medical kit he didn't use, but Helen insisted everyone have in their bathroom, because she knew them all well enough to know that they weren't always going to go to the infirmary for various reasons.
Not that Nikola actually needed the kit, being a vampire.
He walked back out into the bedroom and dragged a chair over so that he could sit facing Helen.
"Where does it hurt?" he asked, though his eyes had already found the first gash in her leg, bleeding enough for it run down her boot.
"It--" Helen broke off at the look that he gave her. "Everywhere?"
"And what were you doing that made you hurt 'everywhere'?"
"An abnormal in the city. Running wild. We weren't as organized as much as we needed to be. We had to move quickly."
Nikola didn't bother asking what sort of abnormal it had been, because he didn't really care. It was a creature, it would be safe here, it would have everything it could want or need in the habitat. What more did he need to know?
Judging from the size of the wounds on Helen, it wasn't even small enough for him to sneak out for an experiment if needed.
He studied the gash, looking at Helen.
"Do you think you'll need stitches?"
"If I do, I'll do them myself."
"Don't trust me?"
"I'm more skilled."
"Oh, those are fighting words, Helen. Remember that."
Nikola reached up to undo the button of her close fitting jeans.
Helen batted at his hands.
"I need to remove them to get a better look at the injury." He grinned at her. "I don't see why you're suddenly considering this a breach of your modesty, because I believe I've...defiled it quite a bit already."
He smirked at her, even as she gave him a look that would have had him flat on his back if expressions had been capable of doing harm.
But he was worried about her, despite his teasing.
Helen didn't readily admit to pain or give into fussing over her like this. When she was doing so--perhaps not readily, but doing so--it was enough to cause concern.
She undid her jeans herself and Nikola pulled them down enough to get a look at the injury and no more, deciding to humor her for the moment.
Now that he could see her thigh and knee, the gash didn't look as bad as he'd feared, but her knee was red, a little swollen, and giving off some heat.
She had clearly twisted it and probably badly enough she shouldn't have been walking on it like she had been.
Nikola knew better than to scold her for this. What Hlene needed from him right now was to tend to her, even if she was going to grumble about it.
Helen was sitting and watching as he cleaned it, finally giving him leave to do the stitches.
When he started to clean it in earnest before numbing the area, Helen dropped back fully on to the bed, letting out a shaky breath.
"Where else?"
He numbed her and started stitching, being as gentle and thorough as he could be, admiring the soft but toned skin of her thigh as he did, eyes picking up on faint scars from some adventure he didn't know about.
Helen didn't answer and Nikola glanced up at her, just to make sure that she hadn't passed out or something.
She hadn't, but was biting her lip and staring at the ceiling before she closed her eyes.
Nikola finished with the stitches and gently kissed them once he had, making Helen pop up on her elbows.
He did it again, just as gently, then patted her thigh and turned his attention to her knee.
"It couldn't hurt."
Nikola kissed her knee too.
"Coming right up, madam."
When Nikola got back to his bedroom, he found that Helen had gotten most of her clothes off, which were in a mostly black heap on the floor, leaving her in her panties and bra.
The stitched gash in her thigh was a stark contrast to her pale skin and her ribs were mottled with bruises. There were also various scrapes and bumps, but none that concerned Nikola as much.
Helen looked at him, looking tired and vulnerable, face creased in pain.
Nikola didn't say anything else. He gave her the ice, dug out some aspirin, and filled a rinsed out wine glass with water from the bathroom for her to down the pills, knowing she wouldn't tolerate anything stronger.
Once he was satisfied she was comfortably situated on the bed, he dug out one of his shirt and gave it to her.
"Are the others as banged up?" he inquired, easing himself down beside her.
"Do they know how much you are?"
Helen winced as she shrugged on the shirt and Nikola gently tugged her down, examining her ribs, kissing her there as well, though he wasn't sure why.
Helen drew him back up and tucked her head against his shoulder.
"It's okay not to be okay." he told her.
"I know."
It was enough that she let herself be that way with him, but Nikola wished that it didn't always take the pushing that it did. She was too damn stubborn for her own good.
He reached down to button the shirt for her, not wanting to make her feel more exposed than necessary when he was fully dressed and not hurting beside her.
Helen pressed a kiss to his shoulder and lingered, letting Nikola rest his cheek against the top of her head.
"Thank you, Nikola."
"Of course."
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Request: hi, I was wondering whether you could do something where Carl stumbles upon the reader getting beaten by some of the kids in Alexandria and how he’d react? Thank you
Warnings: angst, yelling, cussing, blood, physical harm.
I’ve had the writing bug all over again so expect a ton of content. Love you all!<33
Safe with me
It was a late summers evening in Alexandria, you were knelt down beside the tomato plants picking all the ripe ones at carols request as she wanted to try make homemade tomato soup. She was always making cookies, biscuits, cupcakes and homemade food for everyone so you wanted to try and help her out as best as you possibly could.
A soft exhale fell from your lips as you put a handful of tomato’s into the container, the sun had set already, leaving a burning fire in the sky that slowly disappeared with time. You preferred to work at night as the hot rays of the sun didn’t do you any good and you knew your limits so did what you could when you could. As you picked one ripe-ish tomato you grimaced in disgust as it fell into mush in the palm of your hand “shit” you grumbled under your breath shaking your head in annoyance, dropping the tomato onto the ground as you rubbed your hand against your jeans before continuing picking the tomatoes.
As the container soon became full you wiped your hands a proud smile on your lips until your eyes caught onto a sudden shadow looming over you, the existing light from a few of the houses helped make the shadow visible. It was getting closer and closer and being afraid that a breach of walkers had happened you stood up turning around seeing Spencer “Jesus Christ, don’t sneak up on me like that!” You yelled- this wasn’t the first time he had done something stupid like that. You and him never quite got along, he was always commenting about you and he was always opinionated with you and only you as if he was trying to start a fight. “Why so jumpy?” He laughed out continuing to get closer to you and you quickly moved to the side walking in the opposite direction, you didn’t want to be anywhere close to him. He gave you weird vibes.
“Hey! I’m talking to you” he called but you continued walking “I’m done talking” you said hurrying towards the safety of carls home but before you could even get close to the house a sudden punch to your head knocked you down, your body hitting the ground “he’s talking to you, when Spencer talks you listen!” A voice you didn’t recognise yelled, “oh what a useless bitch” the familiar voice of Aiden laughed out. The Monroe boys always seemed to have an issue with you and you never knew why. Kicks landed on your stomach, your back and legs as over five voices were heard. You shielded your head in a desperate attempt to protect your neck and head. “Please stop” you cried out mocking voices only being the only thing to answer. As the kicking eased you were rolled onto your back as Spencer stood above you “this is for my mom…” he spat out before reigning punches down onto your face- blood covering your face as sobs began leaving your lips “please!!” You screamed out begging for some type of mercy. “You. Killed. Our. Mom! This is on you! I’m not stopping until you’re dead!” Spencer yelled out visibly in a fit of rage that he couldn’t control as you continued taking the beating, unable to do anything.
“Dad I’ll be back in a bit. I’m going over to see y/n.” carl called out pulling the front door open the porch light flicking on, giving him a chance to see outlines of people along with the horrifying sound of cries of agony and punches and without even thinking about it he sprinted out of the front door not shutting the door, pulling out his gun “hey! What the fuck!” He shouted as aiden immediately turned on him- knocking the gun out of carls hand as carl immediately began fighting him, throwing a punch at his head as aiden collapsed to the ground. As soon as Carl saw you his eyes widened “get the hell off of her right now.” He demanded his tone dark and dangerous as he held Spencer and six other kids at gunpoint “stop it otherwise I will shoot.” He demanded again and as Spencer continued punching you carl pulled the trigger, a gunshot immediately alarming everyone. He dropped the gun diving straight into Spencer knocking him right off of you as the both of them began fighting, the hat sat atop of Carls head got hit off as both boys punched at each other.
Sobs and pleads began leaving your lips as you tried to force yourself up “please stop! Stop!” You blubbered out blood spurting out of your mouth as you tried to get up. Yells from adults were heard but they were too far away. Spencer began mercilessly punching Carl and not stopping and that’s when you knew you had to do something and so with your blurry vision you grabbed onto Spencer’s leg before baring your teeth as you sunk your mouth into his leg biting down hard as a scream of agony left his lips “crazy bitch!” He spat out at you. “What the hell is goin’ on?” Daryl yelled out as Rick grabbed a hold of Spencer by the back of his shirt throwing him down to the ground “knock it off!” He said calmly yet his voice was slightly raised. Daryl was knelt beside you trying to see the damage done to you “rick this ain’t good” he grumbled worriedly as the both of them turned to look at you, your face was bruised- your lip was busted and your eyes swollen. You could barely move.
“What happened?” Rick asked. “Dad come on! She’s losing blood we need to get her to the infirmary!” Carl shouted and Rick held his hand out to his son trying to calm him down “okay. Tell me what happened” he said. Spencer’s lip trembled as he struggled to hold back his anger “y/n. Killed. Our. Mom.” He spat out and Rick sent a disapproving look at the older boy before moving towards you “I’ve got her,” Daryl assured “deal with him, he’s not in the right headspace” he murmured and Rick thought for a moment or two before nodding.
Daryl gently held your hands “c’mon work with me” he grumbled gently, you tried to stand your knees weakening from the pain you were in but that gave him enough time as he wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you, his other hand wrapping underneath your legs as he carried you bridal style to the infirmary. Carl rushed after Daryl his eyes filled with nothing but concern “is she gonna be alright?” He asked and Daryl kept his eyes forward “she’ll live. The doc will take care of her.” He assured calmly. Carl pushed the door open “Denise! Y/n’s hurt!” He called as footsteps were immediately heard both Denise and Tara appearing next to the door “alright bring her in.” She ushered as Daryl carried your limp body over to the bed carefully laying you down as you winced in pain fear evident on your face but you tried to be strong. You had to be strong.
“She killed my mom Rick. She’s the reason she got killed!” Spencer roared visibly effected by it all “son, I know you’re angry. But we were all the reason your mom died… no one could’ve stopped it.” He said and Spencer gritted his teeth together shaking his head “you’re wrong.” He spat out and Rick remained silent letting him get everything out anger on his face as he angrily blamed everyone in Alexandria and finally once Spencer had calmed down Rick spoke again “you’re wrong… violence is never the answer. You need to steady yourself. Figure yourself out.” As Spencer went to disagree Rick continued “take. a. walk.”
“Carl you’re bleeding too-“ “I’m fine Denise. Thank you but no. Just look after her okay? Please?” Carl pleaded, his head was pounding but he didn’t want to lose you. He was afraid of losing you. He pulled open the door as he left needing a breather to try and think straight.
“She’s going to be fine. She hasn’t lost too much blood” Denise explained as Daryl stayed in the corner listening to Denise. You were all patched up, clean and now Denise was simply washing all the blood off of your face. Daryl had agreed to look after you whilst Carl went to calm down. “That’s good” he murmured relieved and Denise nodded as you remained laying there peacefully.
The next few days went by rather quickly, you were nearly all better- practically ready to go back home. As you sat up in bed the sudden knock at the door grabbed your attention and Carl walked in a bunch of flowers held in his hands and you smiled “I got these for you,” he said softly as he handed them to you “thank you… they’re beautiful” you said happily and he smiled gently as he reached out grabbing onto your hand gently “I’m glad you’re okay…” he said before continuing “I was so scared I was going to lose you” he said quietly and you held onto his hand more securely giving it a little squeeze “don’t ever be scared because of what happens to me… I’m right here and I’ll always be right here” you said and he looked into your eyes pride visible on his face…
“You’re so strong y/n…” he murmured but before you could answer he took the hat from off his head placing it on top of your head as he smiled down at you “it suits you…” he then slowly began leaning in- he hadn’t ever expressed his feelings towards you and neither had you- too afraid of his response and just as his lips were going to press against yours the door swung open as Carl quickly pulled away “am I interrupting something?” Rick questioned looking at the both of you and you smiled nervously, Carl shaking his head as Rick noticed the sheriff hat on top of your head “looks like there’s a new sheriff in town” he said making you smile as you looked down “sure is” Carl said happily making Rick smile ever so slightly “Carol made some soup and cookies… housing it at our house. Care to join?” He asked and you nodded, Carl nodding too “sure, dad, thanks for the offer- we’ll be there soon.” He said and Rick smiled nodding his head as he left quietly Carl looking at you awkwardly and you smiled biting down on your lip…
The silence remained for a few moments before you waved him closer, and he got closer and just as he got close enough you grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him down at you kissed him deeply yet gently before smiling as you pulled away placing the sheriff hat back onto his head “you’re the real sheriff in this town, mister” you giggled out watching as a blush formed on his cheeks and you smiled… oh gods were you head over heels for this boy.
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totravelasfriends7433 · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes
Valkyrie: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess? Melissa: Your life? Valkyrie: I- well yes, but-
Valkyrie: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Murderer: Any last words? Valkyrie: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Melissa: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Valkyrie: It was me… Melissa: …Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Valkyrie: I am the most responsible person in the group. Melissa: …You just set the kitchen on fire. Valkyrie: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Fletcher: Cronch. Fletcher: You hear that? That's the sound of me eating sticks. Melissa: No, don’t— Fletcher: Too late.
Fletcher: I love you. Valkyrie: I love me too.
Fletcher: Big day today, Valkyrie. holds up two shirts Mustard stain or ketchup stain? Valkyrie: Mustard– looks less like blood.
Valkyrie: I hope no one lowkey hates me. Valkyrie: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being. Valkyrie: Go big or go home.
Valkyrie: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer. Fletcher: Why are we so fucking awesome? Valkyrie: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Fletcher: Hugs Valkyrie from behind Fletcher: Tucks Valkyrie's hair behind their ear Fletcher, whispering: Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and they'll never find your body.
Tsu: Do you support gay rights? Shinsou: I’m literally gay. Valkyrie: He's avoiding the question!
Valkyrie, to Shinsou: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice. Shinsou: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada. Valkyrie: You just told me you're pregnant. Tsu: Congratulations Shinsou, you're glowing!
Valkyrie: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT! Tsu: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone. Valkyrie: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch? Tsu: Somehow that's worse.
Valkyrie: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you. Shinsou: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool! Valkyrie: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
Tsu: Shinsou, Valkyrie, I love y’all and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you doing? Shinsou, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Valkyrie is sitting atop: Oh nothing much. Valkyrie: I love you too :)
Shinsou: I wanna sleep for 40 hours. Valkyrie: You know that's called a coma, right? Shinsou: Shinsou: That sounds so refreshing, I could totally go for a light coma right now.
Tsu: Isn’t it weird how we pay money to see other people? Shinsou: You mean movies? Valkyrie: Concerts? Momo: Prostitutes? Tsu: Wha…N-no, I mean glasses, what the fuck-
Valkyrie, dramatically: They called me a fool. Momo, sick of Valkyrie's shit: They weren’t wrong.
Valkyrie: falls down the stairs Momo: Are you okay? Tsu: Stop falling down the stairs! Midoriya: How’d the ground taste?
Valkyrie: I do two things and two things only. I devastate sorry motherfuckers, and get shit done as an awesome leader.
Shinsou: Eat shit and die, Midoriya!!! Midoriya: Eat shit and live, Shinsou.
Midoriya: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. Valkyrie: You're right, Midoriya.. Violence can't be the answer. Midoriya: Correct, Valkyrie. Now, on to the next lesso- Valkyrie: Violence is the question. Valkyrie: And the answer is yes! Midoriya: Valkyrie, no!!
Hatsume: If there’s one thing I learned from Midoriya, it’s to set people’s expectations real low, so you end up surprising them by practically doing nothing at all.
Store Worker: Would a “Valkyrie” please come to the front desk? Valkyrie, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to Midoriya and Hatsume: I believe they belong to you? Midoriya and Hatsume, simultaneously: We got lost. Valkyrie: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
Shinsou: What do I get? Valkyrie: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death. Shinsou: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one. Valkyrie: It won't be you. Shinsou: I'll get my coat.
Shinsou: walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone Fletcher: Hey, Shinsou, how was your day? Shinsou: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Fletcher Hell. Momo, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
Midoriya, bleeding out on the ground: Blood loss? No, I know exactly where it is.
Tsu: Hatsume noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Momo: This reminds me of the Hatsume who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Tsu: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Hatsume.
Valkyrie: Is this about me? Fletcher: No. Valkyrie: Then I've lost interest.
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The Agenda Today
A Lloyd Hansen Mini Series
WC: 3.7k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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            The walk back to your hut was dreadful. Your confidence at getting it over with—‘it’ being Lloyd having his way with you—was beginning to wane. Lloyd sauntered beside you, a proud smirk plastered on his smug face. You maintained a poker face. Of course, under any other circumstance the idea of barely consenting to any sexual encounter made your skin crawl—it wouldn’t ever happen. But if giving Lloyd what he wanted meant keeping Gracie safe, you would do anything.
It took everything in you to not halt abruptly in your walk as soon as your hut came into view. You knew deep down that even Lloyd knew you were faking it, but you didn’t want to crack. You had had mindless sex with men before—though you were much younger & into partying more. Unfortunately, there was no vodka or joints being passed around. This you would have to do entirely sober.
Lloyd walked close behind you as you climbed the small set of stairs to the hut. The doors to your room were already open. Holding your head as high as you could, you breached the threshold, knowing that when you left the hut again you wouldn’t be the same person.
You reached the end of your bed before turning around, watching warily as Lloyd slowly closed the doors behind him. There was an appraising look on his face as he looked you up & down. But it wasn’t of a sexual nature. It was like he was shopping at a dealership, trying to understand what the dealer was saying & what they were selling. He didn’t want to be scammed.
Clearing your throat, you shook your hair behind your shoulders, straightening your spine, “Well?”
With that, Lloyd lowered his head to an angle where his eyes looked most predatory. He remained leaning against the double doors, showing no sign of moving towards you. A cold sweat broke out underneath your pits. The way he watched you, observed you, made you more anxious then you already were.
Before your anxiety & doubts could expose you, you grit your teeth behind tightly pressed lips, crossing the small distance to him. Not looking to see what he thought of you making the first move, your hands instantly went to the leather belt that looped through his pants. Your hands were shaking as you unbuckled the accessory. Lloyd wouldn’t get the best of you, you couldn’t allow it. If you had to call the shots in this instance to get it over with then you would.
You had just dropped his belt to the floor & began to unbutton his pants when a large hand slipped under your chin, gripping your neck harshly. A small, choked gasp escaped you at the sudden assault. Lloyd held you by your neck at a distance, forcing your eyes to meet his own. He was studying you, & you could tell that what he was reading he didn’t particularly like.
“What’s the rush, nanny?” Lloyd questioned, “I thought you liked it slow.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, the air to your lungs slowly waning.
“I’m just giving you what you want.” You strained.
Lloyd cocked his head, “I want to enjoy this. And if I let you keep going the way that you’re going we’d be here for only five minutes.”
“Why? That all you good for?” The subtle insult wasn’t intended. But with your air supply getting cut it was hard to hold back the hate you held for him.
“Ooh hoo hoo.” Lloyd chuckled but an amusing smile never crossed his lips.
You nearly reluctantly apologized when Lloyd switched from your throat to your shoulder, adding enough pressure to force you to your knees. You hadn’t been planning on this.
“I think we oughta put that mouth to better use.”
Lloyd finished what you had started unbuttoning his pants. He held your shoulder tightly, to ensure you wouldn’t fight back or try to escape. Fortunately for him, you had no plans to do either. You needed to be compliant.
Pushing his pants down past his thighs, he exposed a pair of snugly fit white boxer briefs. He was already growing in size & what you could make out made your mouth dry. This was really happening…
You couldn’t look away as he pulled himself out. It was big, & angry. Lloyd yanked you closer, making you almost headbutt his hardened cock. You caught yourself on his muscular thigh.
“Open up, nanny. Show me where you get so confident.”
No feeble protest could pass your lips before Lloyd was forcing himself into your mouth. The corners of your mouth strained at the size of him. Your tongue nearly forced to the back of your throat as he made room for himself inside your mouth. Your vision blurred as he pushed himself further, hitting the back of your throat. You had never done it like this.
A low groan came from deep within Lloyd’s chest as he began thrusting his hips forward, jolting you back. You continued to grip his thighs, a small whine lodged somewhere around his thickness as he fucked your face. You forced yourself to breathe through your nostrils, needing to feel like you weren’t about to gag to the point of vomiting all over his cream colored pants. Above you, you could make out that Lloyd was grinning down at you, blatantly enjoying the sight of you choking on him. His assault on your mouth produced enough saliva to begin seeping out from the sides of your lips.
“C’mon, nanny. I know you got more than that to offer.”
His words made you cringe. Yet against your better judgement, you finally closed your lips around him, forcing your tongue to run along the underside of his dick. The action produced an inhuman growl from the sociopathic man above you. When you looked up a second time, the grin had fallen from his face; a look of pure, unadulterated hunger possessed him.
In a flurry of movement, air returned to your lungs, rushing in, & you were being tossed in the air. You landed with a small ‘oomph’ atop your bed. You barely had a chance to lean onto your elbows when Lloyd was on top of you. It was with a horrifying realization that he was already naked. In the amount of time it took you to fly across the room to the bed & recover from the landing, Lloyd had already removed his pants, underwear, & top. All you had on your body was the maxi dress. You knew it wouldn’t stay on for long.
Lloyd firmly gripped your wrists, bringing them above your head, locking them together with one hand. His other hand begins to trace the length of your body, taking time to pause in special areas. You say nothing & do nothing as his hand wanders with intent. He looks up at you as his hand finds the hem of your dress, bringing it up to your knees. You look away, finding a point in the room to stare at. You were being as compliant as possible, it didn’t mean you had to watch him do it too.
The raising of your dress stopped suddenly. The man above you pushed off, standing ahead of you. You felt yourself frown. What was he up to? But when nothing happened after a few seconds, you braved turning your head in his direction. Lloyd stood tall & proud, his sculpted arms crossed against his thick chest as he stared at you. But he didn’t look happy, or even—for lack of a better word—horny. Your eyes regretfully dropped further. He wasn’t as full as he was when he first pulled himself out.
Lloyd narrowed his eyes, forcing you to sit up.
“What?” You questioned. You were beginning to get annoyed yourself. Why wasn’t he taking what he wanted? The sooner he did the sooner it would be over with & you could put it behind you. But he was stopping… it made you nervous.
“The fuck you doing?” He seethed. His reaction left you at a loss.
Unable to find the words, you glanced down at your dress. What were you doing wrong? Trying to appease him, you began to reach for the straps of your dress to pull the top down. Your fingers had barely touched the fabric when a hot pain flashed across your cheek.
Lloyd had slapped you.
A yelp escaped you as you held your cheek. The abrasion that was still healing had split open. Blood on your fingertips.
You stared up at him in glowering hate.
“What the hell?!”
“You said you liked it rough, nanny. I’m only providing.” Lloyd returned, matching your facial expression.
“I’m giving you what you want!” You raised your voice, your whole body shaking.
Lloyd leaned forward until both arms were on either side of you on the bed, his nose practically brushing against your own, “I want your fire.”
You were fed up with this man & his childish games. Pushing yourself back, you kicked up your legs, not giving him an opportunity to stop you as you used both feet to kick him in the lower abdomen. Lloyd grunted, bending further at the waste. You scattered backwards, trying to get out of his reach. But Lloyd grinned devilishly, “That’s more like it.”
His hand caught your ankle, dragging you back towards him. You threw a closed fist, hitting him on the side of the head.
This was not how you & Raj fulfilled each other’s needs. There was no violence. But Lloyd appeared to want something more than just rough. You feared for your own well-being as Lloyd’s head snapped to the side with your punch. You went to throw another when he blocked it with his forearm, his other hand backhanding you. The slap forced you to lie backwards, stars dotting your vision. It was reminding you too much of his assault in the bunker.
In a flash, Lloyd climbed on top of you, straddling you. His hands found the top of your dress, tearing it in two like it was made of paper. A harsh gasp left your mouth. Your reached up, your hands finding his thick neck, your nails digging into his skin. Lloyd’s eyes fluttered at the action, seemingly enjoying the pain you were giving back. You tightening your hands around his throat but it didn’t deter him. He ripped the dress out from your mostly nude body, following the useless fabric with a yank & snap of your underwear.
You were completely naked.
Lloyd knocked your hands away from his throat, one of his own grasping you by the neck. Immediately you began to thrash underneath him. He reveled in it. Using his knees, he parted your legs, squeezing himself between your unwilling thighs. If you could’ve breathed, you would’ve cried out at the feeling of his head pressing against the entrance to your tight heat. Lloyd never unlatched his hand from around your neck as he bit along the tops of your breasts. The bites hurt, leaving you knowing you’d have marks & bruises from his teeth.
“Lloyd—” You forced out, your voice scratchy, “please.”
He raised his head, his eyes hooded with desire & pleasure. A sinful grin appeared beneath his mustache, “As you wish, nanny.”
With no warning, Lloyd sheathed himself with one thrust. You cried out, the pain shocking your body. Tears skipped down the sides of your face as you struggled to take all of him. Lloyd growled lowly, bracing his hands on your hips to push himself as far as he could go. You weren’t wet in the slightest. It felt like his dick was made of sandpaper.
Then as quickly as he had entered you, he pulled all the way out. You were momentarily relieved until you felt something wet & hot between your legs.
You shot upwards in horror, “No!”
But Lloyd placed a solid hand on your chest, forcing you to lie down as he delved his tongue along the folds of your cunt. You cried softly, his tongue flicking the sensitive nub before swiping it downwards to delve further. Your legs shook around him, your hands subconsciously finding the top of his head. Your fingers were constantly moving from trying to push him away to tangling themselves in his hair to pull him closer.
It disgusted you how good it was beginning to feel. A pleased sigh passed through your O-shaped lips as he lapped you up. You felt your hips gyrating beneath his ministrations. God, it felt…divine.
The noises you were making began to grow louder as he pushed you closer to the edge. A finger joined his tongue, sliding into you now with ease. The intrusion was almost welcome. You couldn’t deny how wet you were becoming, how horny it was making you, how desperately your hips pushed up into his mouth.
“Stop.” You whispered, unable to use your voice confidently. You felt Lloyd smile against you. Lloyd’s tongue joined his now two fingers, moving gingerly against you.
You grunted, feeling yourself so so close to that gnawing tension waiting to explode deep inside you. Lloyd wrapped his arms around your hips, pushing you as harshly against his face as he could. Then, with one swipe & suck over your bud, you came undone.
A silent cry left your lips as you grabbed his hair, pulling on it as you rode his tongue, your orgasm consuming you. Lloyd never stopped as you came around his fingers, his tongue continuously sucking you, forcing a surprising second smaller orgasm through your whole body. Tears still danced down your skin but you could no longer tell if they were from the pain, or the pleasure.
“Fuckin’ hell, nanny.” Lloyd’s voice sounded faint, muffled. You felt his teeth graze against your skin as he nipped his way up your middle to your tits, “You’re gonna become my new favorite pastime out here in the jungle.”
Words, thoughts, morals escaped you as you slowly found your way back to your body. You swallowed, your mouth dry. Your muscles were at ease, your body still gently shaking.
A hiss slithered between your teeth when Lloyd sheathed himself a second time. This time, your body welcomed him. One of his hands found the back of your neck, gathering the hair there to force you to look at him. It had been a long time since you came like that; it left you feeling dizzy & sluggish.
“Look at me as I fuck you.” Lloyd’s hooded gaze met your own. You fucking hated this man. You hated who he was, what he was about, how he got things done, why he did what he did. Most of all, you hated how he made you feel. And in that very moment, it was nothing but ignorant satisfaction.
He snapped his hips forward, a mutual moan shared between the two of you. Your hands gripped his sides, your nails dragging down his back. In a matter of seconds, his thrusts had sped up. The two of you never dropped eye contact as he fucked you mercilessly. He pressed his forehead against yours, your panting breaths mixing together. The room filled with sounds of flesh on flesh & your shared grunts & groans.
“Raj has never fucked you like this.” The mention of your boss—and lovers—name momentarily took you from the heat of the moment. Through the sensual fog that possessed your mind, everything began to come back to you. Lloyd’s hands dropped to your ass, angling it upwards so he could reach the deepest parts of you. Then as quickly as the fog had cleared, it returned with a vengeance.
The new angle forced a cattish mewl to escape you. Lloyd smirked down at you, pleased with your change in attitude. You reacted. Without warning, you slapped him. The thwack reverberated through the room. Lloyd didn’t stop in his actions but glared hotly down at you. His hand gripped your throat as his thrusts became harsher, more painful. Your hips cried out in pain as he pressed himself closer against you, your legs spreading obscenely wide.
“You hit me again—” He didn’t finish before you slapped twice more. The second one harder than the first two. His cheek was a bright red. A short-lived triumphant grin spread across your lips. That would surely leave a handprint.
But your smile was swiftly diminished as Lloyd wrapped both hands around your neck, using the angle to jackhammer fuck you. His teeth gritted & his eyes rolled to the back of his head. The speed ignited the fire in you once again & you felt your crescendo building. Air remained trapped in your lungs as Lloyd forced you both to the edge. Then, just before you felt your knot coming undone, he released your neck. Air rushed back into your lungs & you half choked, half-moaned through your orgasm.
Lloyd came with you. His head having fallen to the crevice of your neck as he grunted loudly. Your wails & groans matched, informing anyone outside the hut what exactly was going on in there. Lloyd collapsed on top of you, his chest coated with light sweat pressed firmly against your own. The two of you remained like that for quite some time, catching your breaths. Your vision swayed until your conscious mind returned to you.
When it finally had, Lloyd was already slipping back into his underwear. For a moment, you transported back to your early 20’s, remembering the few men you let into your apartment for a night of fun in the sheets. Then how almost immediately after it was over, they would dress, toss you a mediocre ‘thanks’, then leave never to be seen again.
But who stood before you wasn’t some guy you had drunkenly flirted with at a bar. It was Lloyd. He had kidnapped you, he had threatened Gracie, he killed Wanda, he beat the shit out of you. And now he had gotten you to successfully come for him a handful of times.
A sudden rage enveloped you at that moment, & dismissing your nude & likely bruised body, you flung toward him. For the umpteenth time, you slapped him. But you didn’t stop at that. You beat your fists against him, kicking your legs out, wanting to hurt him as much as he had hurt you. Lloyd had the audacity to chuckle at your attempts, easily maneuvering you until your back was pressed to his front, his arms locked around your upper body, holding your arms in place.
“Hey, hey, now, what the fuck.” He smiled against your neck as he spoke, “I thought we just had fun, there.”
You ripped out from his arms, spinning to face him. You pointed your finger at him, seething, “Fuck. You.”
Lloyd pursed his lips, amused, “I just did, sweetheart.”
“No.” You sobbed, sneering at him, “No, you—”
“Don’t act as if you weren’t willing & as much a part of that as I was.”
“I wasn’t!” You yelled, “That’s not what—”
“You had in mind?” Lloyd cockily walked towards you, his head angled as if he was consoling a crying child, “You thought it was going to be in & out, just like that.”
You shook your head. The memory of everything that just happened flooding your thoughts. You had participated in it, but you didn’t want it to be like that. You didn’t want to enjoy it.
Lloyd reached for you. You tried to pull away but he was stronger anyway. In a surprisingly gentle manner, he pulled you to him, caressing the top of your head, “It’s okay, nanny. I won’t tell anyone you enjoyed it.”
When he pulled you away long enough to offer a condolence smile, you wanted nothing more than to rip that hideous mustache off his face. “That’ll be our little secret.”
He let you go then, bending at the waste to gather the rest of his clothes. You remembered then that you were fully naked. Though the dress was useless, you still used the fabric to cover yourself as you sat on the bed.
“Your honey Raj will never find out.” Lloyd spoke casually & light-hearted to you, “Promise.”
“Fuck your promises.”
“Hey, now.” He stared at you wide-eyed, stern, “I let you see the brat, didn’t I?”
You couldn’t argue there. Moving forward, you changed subjects, “So, now what? You got what you wanted. Do I get to see Gracie regularly?”
Lloyd slipped his shirt over his head, sauntering over to the mirror above the dresser to groom his mustache. He ignored your question for a moment longer before he clasped his hands together, facing you, “I’ll tell you what, nanny.”
You already weren’t liking where he was going.
“I’ll let you have your regular schedule with her, the one you had before I picked you guys up.” You rolled your eyes at the comment, like he had rolled into school to pick up his kids for the day, “You can teach the brat math or play dolls or hunt for seashells, whatever it is you feel like doing to distract yourselves.”
You really weren’t liking where this was going.
Lloyd eyed you playfully then, “But then once you’re done with her. You come to me. You come take care of me.”
Your mouth went dry. You didn’t need to ask what he meant.
“But I thought—”
“Once isn’t enough, nanny. Once is never enough!” He laughed, “Unless you’re ugly, then once is plenty.”
You shook your head. It was unbelievable.
“Or.” He continued, approaching you. Once he reached you, you tightened the fabric around your body. He smirked at the action but didn’t address it. Lloyd took your chin in his hands, his fingers pulling down on your lower lip, “I make it so you never see her, & you take care of me anyway.”
For you it was a lose-lose, for Gracie it was a win-lose, but for Lloyd it was a win-win. You closed your eyes, wishing you could wake up from this nightmare & find yourself back at the villa. Wanda in the kitchen with Gracie at the counter drawing.
Opening your eyes, you glared up at him.
“What’ll it be, nanny? The suspense is killing me.”
“You win.” You muttered, “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“You were going to anyway.” He said what you already knew, “But at least you’re halfway on board. And I have the rest of the time you’re here to get you on for the rest of it.”
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cerberusthenking3 · 3 months
No Need To Say Goodbye
Warning:This story will contain soft,safe vore,mentions of digestion,minor digestion,willing,child prey,childish pred(its an adult though)
It's a little darker than my other ones, but it's still safe,dont worry,sorry if it's not your cup of tea
Gabriel POV.
I'm sat on the beach,facing the ocean as my tears start up again.My captor,still red with anger reaches towards his hip and says,with barely contained rage"Are you happy?Asshole,happy you got your bitch of a mom to safety,after all I've done for you two?ANSWER ME"I shake as I hear a click and he says"Well,hope you're happy cause I'm sending you to hell"I can't focus on his words because the water begins bubbling and I see a black fin breach the surface and cold metal against my neck,he continues"Now say good-”Everything gets loud when the fin becomes a monster.I hear my captor make a noise I don't expect from the monster I've come to associate him as.I watch as what looks like a drake?Orca?Steps out of the water and licks its lips while it stares at us like you would a particularly appetizing meal.I feel a hand grab the collar of my shirt and I'm thrown towards the creature,landing with the wind knocked out of my lungs.I look up at the drake with teary eyes but it doesn't even bother looking at me.It steps over my body as I hear my captor yelling"WAIT,EAT HIM NOT ME,HE'S AN EASIER MEAL ANYWAYS!!”The creature ignores his pleas and reaches him as he finally decides to use his gun and raises it,but a moment to late,it seems,because the drake knocks his hand away and opens it mouth widely to bite…..oh god,it's not biting.The drake swiftly pulls him into it's waiting maw and I hear a loud swallow which seems to finally click to him that,yes,he's being eaten and I watch his legs flail outside of it's mouth before it pulls his legs into it's maw but stops with an upset whine.I watch as it's tongue flicks uselessly against his shoes,as if trying to get them off his feet.I shakily step towards the drake and watch it's eyes flick to me before it turns towards me and shoves it's mouth at me,a clear call for help.I grab his right shoe and wrench it off his foot as I hear a muffled scream for me to pull him out but I ignore him and pull his other shoe off before stepping back and letting it finish it's meal.The drake swiftly swallows his legs down and I hear a deep rumble eminate from it's chest as I attempt to leave as quietly as possible but as I take a step,I feel something warm wrap around my arm.I turn and see the drake holding my arm in it's mouth before pulling me towards the beach.It lays down on it's side,pulling me against its full stomach,I shiver at the muffled screaming from the drake's newest meal and a small whimper leaves my throat.I hear the drake click in worry before noticing what is upsetting me.
Stormsong POV.
I coo worriedly at my new friend,why are you scared?Oh,is it him?You can hear him fighting and you're afraid he'll escape right?No need to worry,if I've decided someone is food then my tummy will never let them go,but if you don't want to lay on my tummy until he stops yelling and fighting that's fine.We can play a game,do you know how to play tag?I softly raise a paw and tap his nose before dashing away with a pace slow enough for a human to keep up.I hear a hesitant but delighted laugh,I want to hear more!He takes off toward me with an extended but I stand my ground until he's right infront of me before I use my hind legs to spring forwards and over him but just as I think he's missed me I feel fluttering fingers touch my stomach and the humans voice say"Tag,you're it”followed by another heart melting laugh.I feel another burst of struggles from my meal but pay it no mind,I'm trying to have fun right now,so melt quietly and make sure you're a good bed when my new friend is tired out.This happens many more times,to my delight.Turn's out my new friend is very good at tag,eveytime I get him and think I've dodged him I suddenly feel him tag me and I'm it again!His fear seemed to melt away at the same time as my meal did,because during one of our breaks he walks over and lays down on my tummy before gently rubbing against the less taught and more pudgy surface while I feel the,now super weak,struggles of my meal and my new friend flinches.I feel a bit frustrated,but not at my new friend,of course,no at that evil man who refuses to stop scaring my friend!!!I tighten my tummy walls to the point that struggling would be impossible for somerhing twice it's size!Scare my friend like that!As the rubbing becomes more confident I feel as though I'm melting,eveything mixes together and I soon find myself dreaming with my human pressed lightly under my soft tummy so he won't get cold and nothing will dare try to attack him.I dream of him deciding to stay with me,a life where he'll never have to worry about anything again,days pass with us just playing and cuddling,no more horrible,mean humans to hurt him.I suddenly a sharp jab shoot through my body and snap out of my pleasant dreams with a yelp of pain,a dull throb of pain shooting through my body,and the source seem to be from my stomach.I feel my new friend scamble up and hear his tired voice say"Whats wrong,are you alright?”I nod,sorry for waking you up little one,go back to sleep.This continues for a few weeks but the pain gets steadily worse and worse until its so bad I can't even move anymore.I've come the conclusion that evil human did something to my belly,something really bad,something I can't heal.I also reach the much sadder conclusion,I'm dying,I wish I could've spent more time with little Gabriel but if this is the outcome of saving him,I don't regret doing it for a moment.I feel Gabriel begin rubbing my stomach,he does this alot now because it eases the pain just a bit.I hear him start talking"I think I know what's wrong,Storm,That man you ate,he always carried a knife after my brother got my little sister and himself away by disarming his gun,he must have stabbed it into your stomach walls before he died"So smart little Gabriel,you must be right!But how will we get it out,if its stuck in the wall,won't be able to push it out or heal the wound myself.He keeps talking"So I've been trying to figure out how to pull it out of your stomach and ive come to one conclusion,you have to-
Gabriel POV.
“-eat me,I'll be able to pull it out and make it safer by putting it in this"Showing the sheath that her stomach rejctes with his clothes just yesterday.She looks at me with hope and horror,she'll survive but I'll die,I know this but I can't just sit back and watch her die because she saved me,I've come to peace with the fact that this is how I die.I walk towards her head and say"Open wide,and I know you probably won't but I feel like I need to say it,please don't bite,I need to get in there in one piece to pull the knife out,wrap it up,and sheath it"She nods before her opening her maw widely and showing off her razor sharp teeth and thick,muscular tongue.She gently slides me onto her tongue before she begins swishing me around and covering me in salivia.Somehow the tip of her tongue seems to always find its way back to my face to give me a reassuring lick.A resounding swallow pulls me down into the darkness of her throat,I nervously laugh a bit when she tickles my feet and hear her begin purring like she always does when she provokes a laugh out of me.I give a sad smile and hear another swallow which pushes me up against something tough before the final swallow forces me through it.I feel my body,then legs slide in after me before I reorient myself and pull out my flashlight,turning it on I look around and see that the stomach walls are light pink with speckles of black everywhere,like her tongue.The walls are clenched and I hear ragged,painful breaths coming from above me.I look around the quickly filling cavern and see the hilt of a hunting knife sticking out of the wall directly across from me.I crawl towards it and wince slightly at the tingling sensation that starts to cover my legs.My hand wraps around the hilt and I warn"This'll hurt,brace yourself"She clicks in confirmation before I swiftly rip the knife out of the stomach,hearing a shriek of pain and the stomach walls close tightly before slowly opening again.I watch in amazement as the wound begins closing already and her breathing begins to become steadier.She coos happily and I pull out the gauze I brought for extra measure before wrapping the blade in it and sheathing the knife.I feel numbness begining to spread all over me and I slump against the stomach wall,gently rubbing it as I talk,words slurring together"There,thatbetter right,shorry,your ashids are really shtrong”I hear a loud and worried chirp and feel my consciousness slipping away so before I pass out I say"Thank you…..for reshcuing me,and……….goodbye”I barely whisper the last word before all I see is darkness,I don't regret it for a heartbeat,I only hope my family understands.
Stormsong POV.
I whimper,no no no no no,it's not goodbye,it can't be goodbye.I begin pushing,trying to force myself to throw up,anything!Tears run down my face as I keep hacking and coughing.Then I remember something,I push him deeper,it won't be pleasant but from my heritage as an orca and drake,my tail evolved with another tummy but when I tried to eat twice as many fishies the ones in my tail didn't stop squirming until I pushed them into my normal tummy,my big brother told me it was for holding food for long journey's.You aren't food little Gabriel,but my tail tummy will be uncomfortable for both of us becuase I'm not used to keeping human sized creatures in there,it will be really tight,but it doesn't produce acid,I'll go find my brother,he will know how to get you out,you'll be okay,I'll feed you and give you water,we can get through this.I watch my tail get larger and for some reason,it's not that bad.A warm feeling spreads through my chest and I feel my muscles begin to relax,he's safe and as close as he could possibly be.I lay down and bring my tail up to my chest,lightly cuddling and cooing and chirping at him.My precious little human,so brave to go into my tummy to help me without a second thought,you will be alright,my tail tummy is much nicer than my normal tummy.I will fuss over you so much the moment I can cuddle you again,you're a hero and I'll treat you like one.I stand up,determined to find my brother and get my human out.I dive into the water,putting a lot of effort into my swimming as I cut through the water,it takes days and Gabriel wakes up very confused but happy until I finally find my brother"Wavefang,brother,am I glad to finally see you"He turns towards me and clicks back"Ahh,Stormsong,dear sister,what brings you to my territory?”I wave my tail a bit and say sadly"I'm sorry but this isn't a house call,remember how you told me that we can store stuff in our tail tummies,do you know how to get something out?”He cocks his head in confusion before saying"Just push it into your normal tummy"I shake my head and chirp"No,I mean out of our tummies in general"He looks even more confused and asks"Why would you wan't food out of your belly?”I slump my head"So you don't know how?”He shakes his head and says"No,I do,but why do you want to know?”I sigh in relief and say"You know those tasty two legged creatures on land,Hu-Mans I think they are called,I've learned that they are intelligent from my new friend,a young Hu-Man named Gabriel,I ate the evil man who was trying to kill him,but that mean man stabbed my stomach and I almost died,then Gabriel asked me to eat him so he could get the knife out of my stomach,I tried to get him out but couldn't and I didn't wan't my tummy to melt him,then I remembered my tail tummy and pushed him deeper into my safe tummy and came to find you,so how do I get him out?”Wavefang nods and says"First,lets get out of the water so your little hero doesn't drown"I nod determinedly and we shoot up towards the beach.
Gabriel POV.
I hear the clicks and chirps of Storm and another of her species as they talk before I'm disoriented by her moving,I've decided that I'm clearly not in her stomach or I'd be long death and from how the organ around me is so nauseating when she swims,I assume that I'm in some pouch in her tail,luckily I can't see or I'd be even more disoriented.I feel the pouch suddenly clamp closed around me and shove me roughly upwards.I groan in discomfort before I find my head slipping back into an area I recognize as her maw.Its opened widely infront of me and I see another Orca Drake with an inverted coloration of storm,a mainly white body with a black underbelly and a star on its forehead.It leans forwards and grabs my arm before pulling me out of Storm's gullet.I'm laid on the sand while I absorb the sunlight after not seeing light for a few days.I hear a worried coo and weakly raise my hand with a slight wave before saying"I'm fine guys,just a bit disoriented,give me a moment"They both lay down next to me and begin dually licking me,while this would usually make me groan in disgust,honestly,they're probably cleaning off all the stomach fluids.My burns throb dully but it feels nice to have cold air and warm tongues sweeping over them.I feel the tongues swiping me before suddenly a third tongue swipes my face and I look up to see a large group of Orca Drakes all around me.They begin playfully nipping and licking me as atleast eight tongues at a time sweep over me,though Storm's tongue never retreats,likely to try to keep me calm,but I'm not scared of this,Pod?of Orca Drakes.They all seem just as playful as Storm,so as long as I don't mind being completely soaked then I'll be fine.I'm suddenly only being licked by one tongue,presumably Storm.I sit up and instantly regret it as Storm suddenly flops on me and her chubby tummy squishes me to the sand and I groan in discomfort from the sand digging into me.Storm notices and shifts onto her side before the other Orca Drake’s begin a cuddle puddle,cuddling against Storm and in turn me.I hear soft purrs all around as Storm continues grooming me and cuddling against me.Tiredness begins slipping over me and the weight of sleep begins flowing over me and I nuzzle my head into her soft stomach before finally slipping into blissful slumber.
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area-zero-rogue · 1 year
It felt like he couldn't go fast enough.
Volo grit his teeth, his breach coming in sharp pants as he sprinted through the Distortion Realm. Twisted scenery and fractured landscapes of his world sped by him in a blur of colors and textures, his mind solely focused on the tug of the little silver string. Questions burned in his thoughts, mixing with the throbbing ache of his thrashing energy as he fought to keep it contained.
What was he missing?
Was this even a good idea?
What if... what if everything he knew was a lie?
He shook the thoughts away, spinning around a column of gravity to keep himself from veering off coarse. No... D-don't think about that now. Keep moving... he would get answers just... later... he had to GET THERE first.
The braided thread yanked right, and he pivoted midair to follow, his arms flailing slightly to regain momentum. He lets out a soft growl, his eyes flashing red for a moment. It was harder to navigate his world in his human form, he lacked the... limbs to keep him on course as he dodged through the conflicting gravity fields and pillars of ice, water, and stone. J-Just... keep... moving.
She... She can't see me in... t-that form.
At long last, he reached a small, flat islet at the outskirts of his realm, beyond his usual circuit of mirrors and pools. It didn't contain much, just a small, broken mirror... and a few trees miraculously still blooming even in the harshness of his realm. He knelt on the edge of the island for a moment, trying to catch his breath as the energy in his soul fought to tear itself free. It... it was getting harder to contain it... the Distortion World always fueled his power... typically he always reverted form while inside the confines of his own domain.
But he couldn't this time. He had to stay HUMAN.
He felt sick.
With a grunt of pain he pulled himself upright, staggering toward the mirror as he fought to swallow down the burning in his inner being. It was becoming a rolling, pressing ache, nausea and exhaustion from fighting himself starting to make even breathing a labor. W-why... why was the world... s-spinning? He had to... to get out of here if... if he wanted to make it. He had to...
He had to get answers.
Without giving himself another moment to think he pressed himself against the mirror, letting the pull of reality lure him into the material plane as he felt his consciousness flicker into darkness.
Tick, tick, tick, tick… She knew it would take a while for him to find her. What with all the different worlds and the sheer size of the realms that allow for travel between them. Time was also incredibly inconsistent anywhere else compared to whatever present reality one dwelled in. Even with that tether she left him, it was unclear how long that would take. For now, she could at least rest a bit and perhaps enough to talk without being on the verge of falling asleep.
Hours later, a rather ominous low-pitch let her know he was arriving before the warping reflections of the mirror spat out his body onto the cold wooden floorboards. Immediately after impact, she shot up from her bed and, with legs nearly as wobbly as a newborn Deerling, rushed to his side. As her hands went to grab him, she could feel the chill radiating from his soul. One so cold it felt as though it burned…
Angie stood close by and helped her get him up then into the bed she previously occupied. She pulled over a chair for her trainer to sit, not allowing her to get too riled up before she met the same fate as the man they just helped. She hadn’t healed entirely from whatever she transferred before coming back.
Rose went to work assessing him, checking the vitals of his body then dipping her soul gently into his. Somehow, there had been even more damage dealt than during his unstable episodes back in the realm she found him.
Her Zoroark gave her a look and knew that there would be no stopping what she would do next.
“You know I only do this when it’s necessary, mija…” She assured her, placing a hand on Volo’s forehead. “Will you let him know what happened when he wakes up? I am uncertain if this one knows what I can do just yet.”
She nodded reluctantly and stood there at the other side of the bed as Rosario inhaled deeply then focused just like before. Her soul was met with the same nauseating and mind shattering sensations, just elevated to a level that nearly had her stop transferring immediately. She armed herself as best she could and proceeded, sapping up even more of that damage until she succumbed to the massive energy consumption and collapsed beside him.
( @legendarysoulsau )
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I promise my tone is not malicious and I come in peace. This is in regards to the likes/reblogs situation. One of the issues that gets lost in the arguments for why reblogs died down is because, when this site was crawling with over zealous individuals who thought they were fighting the crusades, many people would get attacked over art or a post they didn’t tolerate. And no I’m not talking about actual bad stuff but like dumb things like not necessarily shipping a fandom’s main ship or adult content for actual adult ships and so on. God forbid some of us don’t follow the made up fandom rules. Some of us aren’t even trying to be an active part of those circles, we just wanted to reblog pretty pictures, cool art styles, or neat short fics. Like it was never that deep or real for some of us, it was just a little hit of dopamine, ya know? I’ve since removed myself from all fandom experiences as it’s just less hurtful that way. The other issue that also contributed greatly was the purge. So many artists had to abandon this sinking ship and I don’t blame them. So many of them relied on commissions and stuff and it sucked that they got hurt more than one way. The whole situation sucks, I’m sorry 😞
Hey, im sorry you had such a bad experience with fandom. I recall those days. I didnt spend 8 years in SPN fandom to not come out with some battle scars from all the nonsense! I remember vividly following an artist who posted amazing destiel art, but who was a multishipper who also posted w*ncest art and I remember getting angry anons being like *how DARE you reblog art from someone who ships w*ncest!!!* it was dumb and I ignored it. I always ignored all that crap.
I can understand not wanting to reblog for fear of getting stuck in some discourse and I was very saddened by the purge when so many great creative blogs quit tumblr for good.
I totally get having anxiety about reblogging as well. Its a stronger commitment to just liking something. But you can set up as many anonymous side blogs as you want and reblog stuff on there if it helps with the anxiety, and as always just ignore the discourse. Ive had 2 posts "breach containment" and some of the absolutely brainless comments i get on those posts are enough to set my blood pressure rising... but I ignore them because its not worth the effort to argue with a stranger on the internet imo. Nowadays idgaf about fandom discourse. Im just here vibing in my own little world and I'll be having as much fun here as possible. I just get a bit sad when i see no one is reblogging the awesome art i reblog or the gifsets someone spent so much time on. I wish more people would interact.
So when I see a backlash to posts begging people to keep the site alive by reblogging, it does get my hackles rising and I wanna shake those smug people who are like "oh you just want clout dont tell me what to do" because im like "well why the fuck are you even on tumblr then? Go back to twitter or instagram since that attitude is more suited to those places".
I want tumblr to succeed. I want it to gain more popularity and continue to be a hub for art and creativity and fun. There are so few places left on the internet for these kind of things. But we are a community, and communities only thrive with regular interaction, and interaction on tumblr starts with a reblog.
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minban · 5 months
"what happened earlier?" the question lingers in the space between them, and Mya does not yet know whether she should step any closer. she still cannot explain it to herself, all she has witnessed, how something appears to have taken a sinister hold of Cloud.
but, upon a closer look, she may be able to tell he is in pain. by now, she is sure, the both of them know when the other is in pain, struggling against something that seems too powerful. so, at last, she does step closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere," Mya feels the need to remind, "it's just that you almost scared me earlier!" ( okay and a feral one for Cloud mayhaps post one of those intense breakdowns and whatnot, you know what I mean )
"i don't know," cloud says softly, so very softly, in the aftermath of all that has happened. here he sits, curled forward with his hands clasped and pressed to his chest as he stares forward into nothingness. it is peaceful here, quiet and calm, not at all unlike what he had felt when he followed the soothing voice humming away in his consciousness.
it had been nice. the feeling of following a command and being filled with the warmth of appraisal had been a balm to his wounds, a break to his misery and suffering. he had enjoyed it, relished the feeling of being wanted, of being used, of having nothing to worry about so long as he listened and heeded mother's wishes. the world was alit with dewy colors, warm and comforting, soothing his hurts away, lulling his mind into a sense of peace. he had been promised a place in the world, a seat at the feet of the one who would make all of his toils float away as if they were whispers in the wind, batted away with a single powerful hand.
it had been nice and peaceful and beautiful and he wants that feeling back and all at once the dread of what had happened hits him at full force. that was not peace. that was not warmth. those were the claws of a parasite eating away at his heart, placing shackles around his lungs and suffocating him of all the love he holds for this very unfair world. there is no warmth in the shackles, digging into his skin and pulling his limbs askew so that he is flailing about with his sword in hand, heedless of who stands in front of him, friend or foe.
it had been terrifying to succumb to that sense of belonging while his blade nearly breached the skin of his friends, his family. there was nothing he could do, the fight all having left him. there was nothing he could do when the feeling of reunion was so sound. he did not want to fight, not when everything felt like so right. and it scares him, chilling him to his core until he is shaking and clutching onto his arms, until his skin starts to rip and shred from the force of his fingers, until there is red pooling around his nails and dripping down the length of his arms.
suddenly, cloud looks at mya. he focuses in on her, even as he feels his eyes becoming wet, even when mya grows blurry and hazy in his eyes. the hand placed on his shoulder is so warm, firm and comforting. it is not the poor imitation he had felt earlier, of hands wrapping steel shackles around his heart and tugging until it sat tight, leashed. no, mya is the warmth of a hearth, a heat so strong and fiery, contained so that it may bring comfort to the ones who surround it. and cloud sobs.
"i'm sorry." he had scared her. he had scared all of his companions. he lost control and he nearly hurt them. maybe he did hurt them and his faulty memory refuses to let him see the aftermath of his own actions. "I'm so sorry." what good is he, if he cannot protect the people who matter to him? "i- i didn't mean to hurt anyone." what good is he if he is the one who is hurting them? it plagues him, chokes him until he is coughing over his own sobs, trembling and shaking, until he is grabbing onto mya's hand on his shoulder and holding it like a lifeline.
he holds onto her hand with both of his, leaning into her arm and breathing her in, taking refuge in the comfort she brings him. she is a hearth, and she burns so bright that sometimes cloud believes he will be burned by those flames. maybe there will come a day when she will burn through him, maybe he will become nothing but ashes in her wake. but right now, he breathes steadily, letting her warmth wash over him slowly and steady. he looks at mya like that, tremors coursing through his veins, racking his body ever so slightly.
cloud calms. he calms down the same time he feels himself becoming greedy, ever so slightly. he doesn't deserve to be greedy, he knows he doesn't, feels it in the pits of his stomach. and yet, he cannot help that he does not feel remorse, not for taking shelter the comfort that mya gives him freely. it's just a simple gesture, a simple comfort with her hand on his shoulder. but he wants to bundle up the warmth he feels, gather it up until his palms are searing from the heat he is hoarding all to himself. "you said you'll stay? then please- stay. i'll do anything so just- please. stay."
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I figure it’s about time to talk about Sylvie’s relationship with big mama :D
They like obviously don’t like her but also she provides them with food and a safe place to stay, gave them training so they can kick ass now, and in general turned their life around completely!
They’re not upset about big mama mutating them, in fact they think it’s like the coolest thing ever. I mean what person with ASD doesn’t want ears that can be used to express emotions easier??
They didn’t sign any contracts with big mama until after being mutated. They were like “nah lemme see what this is all about before I agree to anything”
They also refused to sign the contract that big mama originally offered, and insisted they draft up their own so they don’t get tricked or manipulated too much.
Big mama just absolutely ADORES Sylvie. Not only are they a cool project that she funded, but also they’re a bitch and they know it. She looks at Sylvie drafting up their own contract, taking out as many loopholes as possible, and immediately thinks “they remind me of me at their age” and just immediately decided to adopt them.
The contract essentially boils down to a few things:
Sylvie is required to do various jobs for big mama at her request, not including fighting in the battle nexus.
Big mama must provide food/shelter/any other living necessities without containing Sylvie
If Sylvie manages to start a social life, their friends and such must be treated with complete respect regardless of who they may happen to be
Neither of them are allowed to alter or change any part of the contract with out the others explicit say so
The deal is upheld using mystics, meaning if there is a breach of contract on either end, deadly bad n uncomfy mystic stuff will happen
Big mama wasn’t super happy about how heavily the agreement favored Sylvie but decided it was worth it to keep them in her clutches!
After a few months Sylvie is like “uhh hey big mama I was wondering… there’s this thing called gender affirming care…” and big mama supplied them with top surgery no questions asked.
Sylvie has referred to big mama as a ‘capitalistic skank’ to her face, and she just thought it was hilarious and ignored the insult.
She calls Sylvie her ‘little kitty-boo’ and sometimes when she’s in a really good mood something like ‘my child’ or ‘my dear’. She also only calls them by their full name of Sylvester!
Sylvie got tired of saying ‘big mama’ so they call her ‘ma’ for the ease of it, but big mama LOVES it cause it gives the impression of them accepting her as a parental figure :P
I just really like the idea of big mama seeing a small 15 year old and getting attached on accident and thinking “shit I guess I’m actually a mom now”
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A Deafened Bard (Stephen Strange x Female!Reader)
I can explain. 
Please don't come at me for starting a new project before finishing Cult Girl Doctorate. I hit a wall and needed to take a break. I am trying not to let this one take up too much time.
Y/n is a sorceress-in-training who’s known for being hard to teach. Sensing her potential, Doctor Strange takes her on as an apprentice. 
You firmly believed that shattering the urn of Fei-Amie was the best thing that ever happened to you. 
It happened a year ago, but it still replayed in your head over and over again. You made a conscious effort to remember it vividly. 
Sure, it was terrifying, Stephen Strange's initial look of anger when he heard the ceramic shatter. It softened when he saw that the culprit was just a clumsy sorceress-in-training who looked on the verge of tears with remorse. Still, it was a face you never wanted to see again: his teeth bared, his already sharp features accentuated under the constraints of anger. 
It diluted into silent, simmering frustration that revealed itself to you in short sarcastic jabs and body language. 
"Just, stop." He cut you off after a string of profuse sorries. With no disarming smile in sight, you could tell he was tense. "Artifacts get broken all the time. Don't cry. It was an accident." 
His tone indicated that he was trying to convince himself more than he was you. You were a closed-off person and could hardly stand the idea that anyone out there didn't like you. The idea of the Sorcerer Supreme being mad at you, personally, made you briefly consider ritual suicide. You lowered your head. "Yes, Master Strange."
"Hey, butterfingers." He called out after you as you tried to make a painless exit. You looked back at him and he gestured to the pile of broken ceramic pieces. "You gonna fix what you broke?"
It hadn't dawned on you that an ancient relic could be fixed. Especially one that once contained the ashes of the ancient necromancer Fei-Amie. You were embarrassed to say that your knowledge of manipulating time was surface-level at best, and couldn't think of any other solution. 
You wordlessly gathered the pieces up in your skirt and carried them off, striking out any plans to go into town that evening. Instead, you poured through book after book for any instruction whatsoever on repairing broken artifacts. You ran out of desk space, so books were just floating in the air, suspended on pages that briefly mentioned relic breakage. 
You started to believe you were given an impossible task. Or perhaps all the resources you needed, he was withholding. Even so, you didn't want to go back to him empty-handed. You changed into your street clothes and opened a portal to the local craft store.
You returned with two types of extra-strong superglue and got to work. First, you made all the pieces come together and had them hover over the desk. Unconsciously, you began to sing as you pieced the urn back together. 
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
"Haven't heard that song in years." 
You dropped the tube of glue and the few remaining pieces fell back to the desk. "Master Strange!" 
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He said, though his apology was undercut by his smug tone. "Carry on." 
You picked up a piece and began to line the edges with glue. 
"Aren't you going to finish the song?" 
You looked up to see that he hadn't been just passing by. He was leaning against the threshold, watching you. 
"I don't usually sing for an audience." You laughed, uncomfortably. "Just me." 
"A man and his sentient cape should not count as an audience," he scoffed. "But, if you insist, I guess I'll have to just listen to Julie Andrews instead." 
"What's wrong with her?" You raised your eyebrows in surprise. 
"Oh, nothing. She's a treasure." He put his hands up. "But everyone gets to hear her sing. And I take it that only a very select few get to hear your rendition of my favorite things. I just have to be one of them." 
You blushed, suddenly forgetting all the words to my favorite things. 
"Girls in white dresses..." he offered, an impatient edge to it.
You swallowed. "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes-"
"Hey, butterfingers." He interrupted again. Before you could object, he pointed to the way that the pieces floated gracefully overhead at the sound of your voice. 
"I'd like to see Julie Andrews do that." He said with a wink.
"Looks alright," Master Strange said, running his finger along the tight seams that showed where cracks once were. 
"Will it still work?" You asked. That was really all you were worried about. 
"Beats the hell out of me." He shrugged. "I didn't know how to use it to begin with." 
"What?!" You spat back. "Are you kidding?" 
"I'm afraid not." He said, taking the urn and placing it back on its pedestal. "Don't worry, you did a good job. I'm not mad at you anymore." 
That was really all you needed to hear. "Thank you, sir." 
"You're an apprentice, right?" He asked. 
"I'm..." Your voice trailed off in embarrassment. "Between masters right now."
He raised an eyebrow. "If I were to ask around, would I receive glowing reviews from your last masters?" 
You admitted it point-blank. "No." 
"Let me guess," he folded his arms. "Something didn't make sense to you and instead of giving you the space to question it, they insisted you follow blindly." 
You wanted to throw your head back and shout in relief; finally, someone understood! 
"Bingo, bullseye." You put your hands up in surrender after being read so easily. "Right on the money."
"I see." He said, tucking that thought away for later. "Could I trouble you for one more odd job before you go?" 
"That depends." You folded your arms. "What is it?" 
He looked over his shoulder at his cape. "How are you with sewing?"
‘Sewing' was not the verb you would use to describe repairing the tears in the Cloak of Levitation. It was taller and stronger than you and it did not want to be repaired. It was closer to performing surgery on a fully grown mountain lion that could rip your head off at any minute. 
"Like putting eyeshadow on a cat," Master Strange said. It flicked its edge contemptuously, while still clinging to his shoulders for dear life. "I'm a licensed surgeon and it won't let me within 20 feet of it with a needle." 
"Thanks for the vote of confidence." You said, thoroughly discouraged. All he'd given you to work with was a spool of thread and a pack of needles. 
He tried with sincere force to remove the cloak, but it wouldn't budge. "Of course, now it knows you're coming at it with the sewing kit and it won't leave my shoulders." 
"Maybe I can work with that?" You shrugged. You threaded the needle and hid it in your hand. 
You approached the cloak, only for it to shove Master Strange in your way like a human shield. 
"Listen, you naughty little blanket." He scolded, turning around to face it as if it were a puppy that had just wrecked the living room. "If you don't let her fix you, you're going in the washing machine. Extra spin." 
It shuddered, and, for a moment, you thought it was going to comply. You slowly took a step forward, only for it to dart as soon as your foot hit the ground. It made its escape with a large crash through the heavy wooden doors of the library. 
"Hey!" You shouted, chasing after it. "Get back here!" 
You caught a glimpse of it headed towards the relic room, so, without thinking, you opened a portal to make it there first. You reached it only seconds before the cloak breached the threshold, with only enough time to grab it by the edge. 
"Come here!" You exclaimed, giving it a full force tug. It tugged back, overpowering you to the tenth degree. It dragged you across the room and into the foyer. You yanked on it, only for it to escape from your grip and send you flying back into the wall. You wondered for a second how such a sturdy piece of fabric could possibly be in need of maintenance. 
"Bastard." You mumbled, rubbing the spot where your head collided with the wall. The pain didn't stop you, though. You were on your feet within seconds, pursuing the naughty blanket all over again. 
You heard the words of one of your many, many masters ringing in your ears; "never outrun what you can outsmart". Or maybe that was from a Garfield comic. Either way, whether or not you could outsmart the cloak was still unknown, but you had to at least try. 
You took a second to catch your breath and tried to remember where you saw it heading next. Downstairs, you thought. To the laundry room. The one place you would never look. 
You slowly but deliberately descended the stairs to the basement where the laundry was. You turned the light on and saw overturned baskets of towels, clothes, and sheets everywhere. And then a washing machine door slammed shut. You turned your head and saw a twinge of dark red hiding in the washing machine. 
You removed your shoes and socks to minimize noise, then picked up a fitted sheet that had been thrown on the ground. You mounted the washing machine and affixed the sheet to the front. The cloak would have to come shooting out the door, and you would ambush it. 
You forced the door open with your heel, holding the sheet like a giant net. As predicted, the cloak shot out like a bullet from a gun, getting caught in the sheet. It thrashed around aimlessly, trying to escape, but you had a tight grip and it wasn't going anywhere. 
"It's curtains for you!" You said, then laughed at your own joke. "Stop struggling!" 
It flailed and fought, but eventually ran out of energy and sunk to the ground. Not trusting it quite yet, you pinned it down with your whole body weight before releasing it from the sheet. As expected, it tried to fly away, but couldn't get anywhere.
"The less you fight, the faster this will go." You said, examining the fabric for any visible tears. The rip presented itself right away. About as long as your hand, right in the center. 
"What did Strange do to you?" You asked, pulling the threaded needle from your pocket. "Hold still, I'm going to fix it." 
Once the needle hit fabric, the cloak stopped trying to fly away and instead writhed about on the floor like it was about to die. You fixed the tear with as many stitches as you could make, then pulled it shut. Once you knew the thread was secure, you rolled off the cloak and let it fly free. 
It shot up, but froze, noticing something was different. It swished itself around, unaccustomed to the feeling of air not blowing right through its center. 
"You're welcome." You said with a shrug. "It's not like I had to chase you all around the sanctum to make it happen." 
Without any warning, the cloak scooped you up and squeezed you. Your initial reaction was that this was its revenge and you were taking your final breaths, but you could tell it was gratitude by the way it gently set you down on the ground. 
"Happy to help." You gasped for air. "Just remember this feeling if I ever have to do this again." 
"Not bad, butterfingers." Master Strange told you, though the tone of his voice conveyed he was impressed beyond a simple 'not bad'. 
"Not bad?" You protested. "I absolutely crushed it." 
He ran his finger down the uneven but sturdy stitching. When his face met yours again, he was smiling with genuine enthusiasm that managed to eek through his dry, sarcastic exterior. It came out as an admittedly very handsome sideways smirk as his eyes scanned you up and down. 
“If you don’t need anything else, I’ll get out of your hair now.” You said, heading towards the open doors. 
“Wait.” The doors slammed shut before you could reach them. You turned around to see Master Strange still examining the stitching. "You wouldn't leave without tea, would you?"
A pot of chai tea sat between you, filling the air with an aroma of spicy vanilla. You held the teacup in both hands, determined to never give him a reason to reinforce the "butterfingers" nickname he'd become so fond of. 
"Chai is my favorite." You said, letting the scent waft into your nose. "Yerba mate used to be my favorite, but if I drink more than two pots of it I get sick." 
"Yeah, definitely don't do that." He chuckled, bobbing his teabag up and down in the cup. "Out of curiosity, are you wondering at all why I invited you to tea?" 
"Oh, definitely." You nodded. "I was just wondering about that." 
"Would you believe it's just because I find you interesting?" He raised an eyebrow. "Good company, perhaps?" 
"Interesting? Absolutely." You agreed. "Good company is debatable." 
"I can't believe I never thought to trap the cloak in the washing machine." He rested his chin in his hand. "It seems so obvious now." 
"If it makes you feel any better," you shrugged. "It was mostly dumb luck and reckless disregard for my own life, considering it almost threw me off the balcony.” 
He glared at the cloak. “What did I tell you about trying to kill our guests?” 
It lowered its collar shamefully in his direction. 
“Don’t apologize to me!” He scolded. “Apologize to her.” 
It turned to face you and repeated the somber motion. 
“It’s okay.” You shrugged. “My family adopted a retired army German Shepherd growing up. I’m used to high-strung creatures that could end my life at any second.” 
“Well, rest assured, butterfingers,” He said, leaning back in his chair. “This will never happen again.”
“I, uh-” You opened your mouth before you could even really pick up on the implication he was putting down. “Wasn’t aware that there would be a chance for it to happen again?” 
“I suppose we should get down to brass tax, then.” He folded his hands in his lap. “How would you like to stay here?”
“Well-” You said, not wanting to come off as too enthusiastic, which you certainly were. “Not if it’s going to kill me-”
“If I could promise you that your life won’t be in constant danger, I would.” He cut you off. “But if you wanted safety, you wouldn’t have started studying the Mystic Arts.”
“Got me there.” You conceded, your made-up objection withering away. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch.” He shook his head. “I’ll help you train and in return, you help me preserve the integrity of the sanctum.” 
“So an apprenticeship?” Your eyes widened. "Are you saying you want to take me on as an apprentice?" 
“I know you’ve got bad associations with that title, but yes.” He answered. “If it brings back memories of your previous masters treating you like garbage, we can call it a ‘partnership’, if you’d like.” 
Partners with the Sorcerer Supreme? You thought, butterflies materializing in your stomach. 
"That sounds great, but-" You broke eye contact and fidgeted with your fingers. "I feel like I should disclose that it wasn't really all that one-sided. I am… notoriously hard to teach."
"And who told you that?" He tilted his head. "The ones who refused to teach you?" 
You hadn't thought about it that way. "I guess."
"The way I see it, you've repaid your debt and are free to leave," he began. "But seeing how dutifully you reassembled that urn, wrangled my favorite piece of defiant outerwear, and how desperately this place is in need of some life, it might be a good idea to keep you around." 
You put your hand over your chest to still your heart. "It would be an honor." 
"Excellent." He nodded. "That saves me the trouble of having to convince you."
He brought you to a small but comfortable room with a bed and connected bathroom. 
"There's plenty of closet space for all your clothes." He said, gesturing to an antique looking bureau set. 
You dumped your duffel bag out on the bed, revealing the extent of your possessions. "Thanks, but this is all I've got." 
"Travel light, huh?" He asked.
"Yeah, I moved around a lot growing up." You admitted. "Got no real roots and all that jazz." 
"That changes now." He told you. "This is your home now so I want it to feel like it. Make the space your own."
“I don’t know how I can thank you for this.” You lowered your head, still feeling undeserving. 
“Don’t thank me yet, butterfingers.” He chuckled. “I’ve been told I tend to be a little on the egotistical side. That I don’t work well with others.”
"It's actually [F/N], if you were curious." You said, sitting on the bed and folding your hands in your lap. 
"Okay, [F/N]." he smiled. "You've been in and out of enough apprenticeships to know the drill. Early mornings, late nights. And I've got a laundry list of odd jobs for you that I'm too important to do." 
"Naturally." You nodded. His dry self-awareness inspired a little confidence that he wouldn't be a complete tyrant. 
"You did a good job today." He said, bluntly. "Thank you for your help. Keep it up and you'll make an invaluable addition to the sanctum."
You smiled downwards. "Thank you." 
"Do you often sing when you're trying to focus?" He posited. "Just, as an aside." 
You could tell the gears in his neurosurgeon's head were turning, undoubtedly trying to pin some kind of diagnosis on you as doctors were known to do. 
“I guess it’s just a force of habit.” You admitted. “I used to play piano, so when I’m working with my hands, it just kind of happens. My last master was not happy about that.” 
"Oh, screw him." He waved his hand dismissively. "He pissed away an opportunity to nurture a sorceress with a special gift for the sake of tradition. That's a mistake I won't make."
Special gift? You thought. Nobody who practiced the Mystic Arts had ever referred to anything you'd ever done as a 'gift'. Annoyance? sure. A symptom of ADHD? All the time. But 'gift'? That made it sound useful.
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savorysatori · 3 years
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“I’ve been reminiscin’, sippin’, missin’ ya.”
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— SYNOPSIS. being surrounded in work, keiji hasn’t been able to make it up to his love. one night when you get fed up the work is pushed away and scattered on the floor where your clothes lay.
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WARNINGS. dacryphilla (m), lil’ of selfish reader, teasing manner. oral (f), use of petnames, neglect-ion. age-gap, mention of smoking, daddy kink. praise at the end, fem!reader, dilf!akaashi, some fluff. milf!reader. slight angst, a bit of dom!reader, mention of blood.
% WORD COUNT. 2.5k.
↷author’s notes. ehehe, this was pretty fun to write! I enjoyed it a lot and I hope you all do too. annd let me not forget to say thank you to @kaijime for letting me join this collab. please checkout the other works, support them if you can!
➤ @kaijime, DILF COLLAB. <//3
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“Make it up to me. Let me hear your cries.” The soft beating in his chest sped up rapidly, eyes low to see you underneath him, smile so wide and bright, it was almost blinding. And he gave you exactly what you wanted that night; him. To make up for the things he’s done.
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“I didn’t forget.”
It was the night. The one night you the most had been waiting for, anticipating the wait for the clock to strike midnight, exactly. The night you went shopping just for, buying the most revealing lingerie you could find, muster up the courage to show him. The only night you could have with him without your kids in the way, the sounds of a child crying no more, they weren’t here and you could finally have the time to enjoy. The night of your sweet, sweet anniversary.
And he had forgotten.
Completely forgetting the night you both had met, gotten married, and wore the big shiny ring he had exactly picked out for you, pronouncing you as his dear wife. It was today. And the only thing you wanted was him. Dearly. It would all be made up, because you were certain things would go smoothly, once again. Like always.
Certain that the work cranking its way into his brain would vanish as soon as you walked in, alluring his attention onto you, for the night. Letting the overwhelming feeling of stress leave his body for you to be let in, soothing him with the words you both wanted to hear, letting him know that you were here and he could focus on you. Let his mind race till the thoughts turned to you, thinking of you. And no one else. Tonight was about the both of you, nothing was to interrupt.
“No, you did.”
You were enchanting. Younger, rocking the age of your late twenties, being married to someone who was much older, twice your age. Figure against the doorway of his neatly styled office, head tilted with eyes filled with the hues of anger and lust. Glimpsing at his regretful behavior; you knew. Knew he was sorry, and that’s what fueled you, made you feel good inside. You could see the desire to be in your presence, flooding through his face. You could hear the sounds of fingers firmly scratching against his scalp, in a nervous tic. A sure sign that he was anxious and worked up. You could almost feel his gaze through the thin fabric of your dress, leaving a pleasant warm sensation to the skin of your legs. You could hear his breathing hitch, as you slowly drag your nails down the center of his chest in a straight horizontal line. Smell the distinctive ichor of smoke and fresh cigarettes, mixed in a pleasingly intoxicating perfume.
You look at the man in front of you, dressed in an impeccably clean white button-up shirt with no tie, and a pair of dark slacks. His hair is slicked back from his face, and you can see the faint outline of a speck of lust in his dark-blue-covered eyes. Eyes that are looking at you in a mixture of hunger and longing. You can practically taste the desperation in his mouth, as he attempts to keep his composure. He is hurting, and you revel in every moment of it. After the countless days of feeling neglected by his act, you were the one to bring him to his knees, now. Feeling as if he only catered to his work — leaving you to deal with the cries of both your twins, feeling selfish.
Now, he is here before you. All of his anger, frustration, and need. You see it in his eyes, and you touch him to let him know how he can make it better. A gentle yet firm grab of his hand, pulling him towards you. Eyes meet, and he breathes in slowly, before you taking off his glasses, settling the tension with a kiss that felt fiery against your tongue, head swiveled with desires that was needed to be relieved. Whispers of encouragement, ensuring you.
“Fuck, ‘m so sorry.. so, sor- sorry, doll.” Keiji’s eyes looking up at you for hope. “I know.” You did. As much as you enjoyed the slip of “sorry’s” leaving his lips, that’s not what you wanted. You needed him inside of you right this minute, and you were desperate for it. The haze of your eyes cleared, and you could see the bulge in his slacks. He was sitting right in front of you, and you could practically touch his body through the thin fabric of his clothes. "Now, now, please." He pleads, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and lust. His words, and your body's instinct took over. Hooking a finger through the belt loops of his slacks, you gently tugged him closer to you. Your other hand moved to the back of his head, fingers lightly tracing his hairline as you brought his face closer to your own.
"Please, what?" You ask in a sultry tone, looking into the eyes of your husband.
"Please, let me make it better."
Your tongue darted out, licking the corner of his lips and tasting the bittersweet flavor of his saliva. He hesitated at first, as he seemed unsure of how to react. He was probably so used to getting his way. But, he didn't fight you as his hands began to roam your body. The kiss was met with your hunger. Tongues twisting and turning with one another, as the both of you tasted the vile flavor of each other's mouths. You could feel his tongue move, sliding against your questing tongue. He tasted like smoke and whisky, a scent that was all too familiar to you.
Keiji ran his hand up your thigh, to the edge of your thigh-length dress. His touch was hot and sent a jolt of electricity through your body. He moved his hand up your inner thigh, before slowly moving it down to your knee. Your hands moved from his head to his shoulders, digging into the fine hairs on his broad shoulders, as you both seemed to consume the other. His hands were impatient. Going from one place to another, stilling when the soft material of your panties rubbed up against his knuckle. He slowly, gently slid your underwear down, as you stepped out of it. You let out a gasp as the cool air hit your skin, and you felt lightheaded. Keiji's breath was hot on your neck, and he moved his lips to just below your breast — down to the curve of your hips.
Just a moment later, you felt his hot, wet tongue on your thigh, moving up towards your pussy. A shuddering sigh, pushing your head back as you felt his lips and tongue moving up your legs. You could hear his heavy breaths as he licked your thighs, his lips barely touching the sensitive skin of your folds. His wet, cold tongue ran up your pussy, almost tickling most amazing as it went over your lips, up to your clit. His lips closed around your clit, sucking on it gently as you felt your knees start to weaken. You fell forward, your hands grabbing at his head as you moaned into his ear. He giggled, before sucking your clit into his mouth, running his tongue over it. He sucked on it gently, and you could feel yourself starting to fall into the abyss of bliss.
Fingernails digging into the scalp of his head, mouth agape with heavy breaths escaping from your chest. Everything was incredible, the bucking of your hips didn’t stop when the churn of your stomach flipped you to whine, knowing you were close, close to cumming in his mouth with just a flick of his tongue against your bundle of nerves. You could almost feel it crashing over your body as the feeling was beyond description. Your eyes low with a glossy cover, head hammering with the feeling of euphoria coursing through your veins.
“Fuck. daddy, s’so good — ‘m gonna cum!”
You panted, barely managing to get out the words as your body shook and shuddered, hips bucking forward to feel everything at once. His mouth didn't stop, his tongue moving faster as you knew he wanted to please you, make up for the things he’s done. Mind going blank with eyes fluttered close, the warm flow traveling through you as you came with a stuttered breath — heavily, exhausted.
“Not done,” Keiji eased up from the ground, standing his full height to nudge your faltering legs open for him. “‘M gonna fuck you good, doll. Gonna let you know that I’m sorry, baby..”
You felt a deep, visceral desire to submit rising within you. It felt good to let him lead, let him open your legs for his hands to roam, part your soaked folds for something dark to stir within you, as he slowly sank into you — his thick cock breaching your tightness. He was sincere. Angling you onto your side, face against the wood exterior of his office desk, his cock his cock plunged in deep. You bit your knuckles hard enough to draw blood, as he began to fuck you slow and soft. Passive. Delicate. Showing you with heavy breaths of your name on his lips the whole time, eyes glistening from the overstimulation with tears of sincerity pelting from the swell of his rosy cheeks.
It felt so good to be taken like this. As he fucked you steadily, his breath hitching as he moaned, fucking you for all he was worth. You felt powerful, in a role reversal that you found wonderful. You felt your fingers dig into the wood of the desk as he started to speed up, pounding deep into you for your face to grimace in the act of ecstasy. It was too much. The pleasure he felt when he serviced you and when you clamped down around him had been too much for him to contain. Your attempts to contain him were in vain.
You were like a pretty drink on a sunny day, luring him in with your sweet essence contaminating his tongue. Keiji’s mind was woozy, his face puffed up from the starry tears heavy on his lashes. Cock stiff, but so so, hard to move from the way you were leading him on, he was happy to follow the rhythm you set. You could hear him whimpering, desperately holding onto the strength to keep him moving. He struggled to speak, but panted and groaned in a way that made it hard to tell what he was trying to say. “‘S my pussy, right? — it’s mine, m-mine. I know it, and I’ll show it to you, doll.” You could barely make out his words, but the tone sure was sweet. Your mouth curved into a smile as your head moved, nodding when you cranked it up to place your hand up against his cheek. “Y-Yes, daddy.. all yours.” Is what came from your lips, shaky breath with a small whine.
He was satisfied.
Keiji was pleased with your response. Palms gripping the fat of your thigh to place on his shoulder, a contented look with a sinister smile playing along on his face. You were sweet, a darling. His, to do as he pleased. You didn't know what he had planned at that moment, but you were ready to drown in the pleasures of the night. "Daddy, d-daddy! ..." you hiccuped as he fucked you, your vision going hazy. The sickeningly sweet taste of blood coated your tongue as you awaited his response. A devious smile spread across your face, as the pounding in your cunt became more intense. The wet sound of his spit and your fluids dripping into your moan peppered out as the sound of him fucking echoed in your ear. Tight... so tight... every thrust was met by a deeper, throatier scream, your hands clutching onto what they could find in his office to hang on to. He fucked you hard and fast, churning you into submission as your vision continued to narrow, each breath filling your lungs with pain mixed with the relations of pleasure. You felt something tighten inside of you, a release of sorts. The squeezing so intense that you thought you were going to shatter, as the feeling only spread from your cunt to the top of your head.
Keiji was satisfied, and so were you.
"C'mon, doll. Let's see how you take it. Let's see if your body — can take it."
Muscles tensed and relaxed, and it was just one long, pulsating wave of ecstasy. His words sent you spiraling into delirious pleasure, your mouth opening to release a whiny moan that sounded nothing like your own voice. You felt his finger trace circles against the inside of your thigh, as he bit down on your neck to leave aching hickeys. Your mouth was wide open, your babbles releasing, as you met his devilish eyes. He smiled as he gave you what you wanted, his cock throbbing within you as he bent over and bit into your neck. Keiji's rhythm was fast and wild now, his free hand clutching at your hair, as his hips slammed into you so hard that you felt like your back might break. You dug your nails into his hand and held on for dear life, reveling in the pure ecstasy of the rough, brutal fuck. He seemed to be enjoying this just as much as you were, if not more, his eyes half-lidded and dazed. Your body tensed up, as your eyes watered and your ears pricked. He was rough but deep, and you found yourself gaping with a moan on your lips.
“Da- Daddy! just like that, t-thank you! more, m-more! please- fuck me stupid.” Your throat hoarse, managing to let out a scream for his ears to pick up on. You wanted more; more of him. So badly.
“Look at me, doll. I’ll give you want you want, just- f-fuck.. — cum for me. Cum on my cock, darling, let me see you do as I say, just f’me.” The words sent you over the edge, as you felt your womb clench around his cock. He didn't stop, didn't falter, and didn't look away as he stared deep into your eyes. He was entranced, just like you were. His shaky voice was whiny and sexy, the pounding of his hand and your own pulse allowing you no other choice but to follow his commands. The head of his cock drifting against our velvety walls till the warm sensation of both your cum’s leaked down his cock, mixing to create a thick substance, his eyes glued to the way it dripped. It was nasty but enchanting.
“Are you alright, pretty? I didn’t go too hard, right?” After the rough intercourse, he was still soft, holding a sweet spot for your pretty face.
“‘M just fine, love. And I forgive you; you truly made it up to me and that’s what I love of you.” Manicured and polished fingernails stroked against his sweaty hair, as he brought you closer to him. His lips pressed against your cheek as a new feeling replaced the one you just experienced: love. You were beautiful, a doting little wife he adored, truly, giving into your small desires with everything you had wanted. A trance of love, enchanting falls. He gave you what you want that eventful night; him.
Just what you wanted, that anniversary night.
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Title: Night of the Storm
Pairing: Loki x Goddess!Reader
Summary: Story set nearer the Viking Age. You were a Greek sea goddess who crossed paths with the god of mischief. Continuation of previous chapter. Weeks after Loki’s last appearance you were finally beginning to give up hope, only to find you’d been on his mind all along as he lures you into being alone with him late one night. His other side shows more of itself as things quickly turn into relieving that pent up physical need.
Warnings: People drowning. Also *here comes the smut.* But the start and finish of it is still marked in red within the chapter if you want to skip that part. I know everyone has their own comfort levels. The only thing in this though that I would even consider slight kink is just a bit of biting and tiny bit of blood from that, like really small. Otherwise it’s just needy gods doing what needy gods do.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @rosaline-black , @lawfeys , @loveableasshole , @insanitybyanothername
My Masterlist
You had replayed your last words with Loki over and over so many times in your head. Had you been too forward after all? Was it too presumptuous to think anything could really come of such a random acquaintanceship?
The more days that passed, the more you questioned what you really remembered of your brief time together versus what you may have only imagined in your optimism.
The night he left, you remembered feeling so sure that he would return. Maybe you weren’t certain in what way he would want to see you next, but you had at least felt he would set foot in your home he called Midgard again. And that he would call your name to the waves once more.
So when the days eventually stretched into weeks with no further sign of him, you had to accept the possibility that you were very wrong on your assumptions.
As you stared upward now from the deep ocean, the blackness all around was only penetrated by the briefest strobes of white. The occasional lightning’s flash silhouetting the wooden ship hulls rising and falling far above you.
It was so late into the night, but your Father’s anger cared not for time. The captain of the fleet above had committed the sin of hubris. He had declared himself a master of the sea after too many trips safely across, and now your Father’s storms aimed to remind this man of a harsh truth.
Your uncle Hades would surely claim souls tonight, one way or another. That was already decided per Father’s orders. But should they all die, then none of the men could carry on this message, this teaching moment either.
So you waited, and you listened. Who among them would plead for intervention as the waters first breached their ships? Father could show his wrath, but he’d sent you to show the other side as well.
Mercy from the gods. Whichever ship contained the most believers, whichever prayed the hardest, that was the one Father had asked you to spare.
But the rest....you could only watch as their bodies joined you one by one in the darkness. And you knew soon that they would only find themselves upon the banks of the river Styx.
You bid the nymphs to comfort the men as best they could, to accept fate rather than fight it. The ocean above was simply rage, but down in this abyss they would only know peace.
When the chosen surviving ship had emerged in your mind though, you pushed only that one forward. The waves began to miss it, ignore it even as the ship fully righted.
“Follow them all the way to their home shores,” You commanded the nymphs. “Let none from that vessel drown under your guard.”
“Yes, goddess.” They answered, swimming quickly to join the now fleeing ship. These mortals would return home with tales of their brush with death. But they would also remember as their prayers had parted the seas only for them.
Yet you felt no satisfaction, even with your duty to your Father done. Your distraction still lingered as you only sank further away from the storm’s flashes in the time afterward, to the colder depths where you intended to again sleep alone.
Floating, suspended in the blackness as you’d closed your eyes, to any that could have somehow seen you, you would have looked most like a corpse as well. Albeit intact, unmarred, and with that smallest pulse of life as the thin slits on your neck pulled in those tiny breaths.
But after only a little while you’d opened your eyes again into the void. Because you felt that someone was watching you. It would seem impossible, but you were so certain of this fact so abruptly then that you called out, your magic giving your words wide presence even within the water.
“And what being are you that should watch a goddess as she tries to sleep? Do you now judge my actions invisible one?”
You waited, but of course the void would not answer back, could not even as the feeling of some ethereal eye upon you would not leave.
What did it want from you?
You startled harshly, even the distant voice of a nymph shocking you at this depth. She couldn’t reach you though, so you had to swim back upward to her.
When you neared further back towards the surface a quick moving fish cut across your vision. It circled, panicked, and calling again. A younger nymph who could not yet take on any larger form. “Milady, thank goodness I found you. Loki has finally returned! But he is injured!”
That was the last of anything you had expected. But you ordered her to stay where it was safe, to only join the others once more before you tore off into the darkness to head for shore.
As you emerged from the waves, they crashed rough against your back. You hadn’t realized father’s storms had stretched this far. The rain stung against your now exposed skin as you walked onto the beach in the downpour. Loki had never come at night before. And for it to be now no less, in this tempest, you breathed as you looked around for him in the darkness. But you heard nothing over the wind and waves.
“Loki!” You called.
At last you saw a shadow somehow darker than the rest, shifting then just within the tree line. You hurried towards it.
“They said you were injured!” You spoke over the storm.
“I’m fine.” He grumbled, though seemingly more agitated at the rain as he looked all like a drenched rat fallen off a moor line now, making you wonder how long he’d really been waiting for you here.
“I know a place, come on,” You insisted.
But even in these circumstances, you hesitated to touch him, yet knowing it would have been far easier to guide him if you could have only taken his arm. But you did your best to lead him regardless, further along the shore until you came upon the cave opening you were seeking.
“Even during high tide it stays dry in here,” You explained, now finally able to speak at a more normal volume with the sounds of the storm muted somewhat as you went farther back into the cavern together.
Yet light would be an issue, as you were already looking around for a way to at least make a fire.
But to your surprise one started from nothing, in the center of the cave now flickering as the light then shown on you both.
Loki lowered his hand afterward, evidently having just used some other kind of magic you weren’t aware of.
But as you turned to him, you could now see the deep bruising on his face even in the firelight.
“You said you weren’t hurt.” You spoke, that tone of concern not hidden.
“It is minor.” He answered, but offered nothing more.
You waited for one long moment, before finally deciding that any notion of privacy he may hold was now overshadowed by the obvious need for some explanation. “Minor enough to come here in the dead of night in the middle of a near hurricane?”
He gave you an odd look, but you didn’t shrink back.
“I only had another large, predictable argument with my brother.” He finally said. “He decided to help solve things in the only way he knows how. I used magic, he used his fists, and here I am.” Loki had already started to try and smooth his wind mussed hair back into place though, some vanity evident there even as he continued. “And this was only one of few places he would not follow me. Brother has no interest in this part of Midgard currently. He at least allows me this.”
“I see.” You answered, though feeling something was still not right here even as you tried to choose your next course of action carefully. “Would you like help drying off at least then?” You asked.
“You insinuate that you can control rainwater as well?” He questioned skeptically.
“Only if it’s made by one of my father’s storms, yes. Which this clearly was.” You replied, raising your own hands as you willed the water to leave him. And it did lift from his hair, from his clothes, even his skin as the reformed droplets floated strangely in midair before you cast them back out the cave entrance with another flick of your hands.
He watched the water leave with the slightest bit of interest before turning his attention fully back to you then.
“And what is your dear father so unhappy with tonight?” Loki asked, adjusting his now at least somewhat dryer clothing. You couldn’t pull out every bit of dampness true, but it was far better than being completely drenched.
“He felt a mortal had lost respect for the dangers of the seas.” You answered plainly.
But Loki actually was silent for a moment at that as only a dark smirk crossed his features. That little knot in your stomach seemed to tighten at the sight.
“And they say I’m petty.” He finally said. “How many mortals did you really let drown tonight, goddess?”
“So it was you.” You said abruptly, accusing him then and there as you neared closer. “You were watching me!”
“No.” He corrected, though looking pleased none the less that you had made the connection so quickly. “Heimdall was. Yet by my request.”
“Why?” You questioned, but not really knowing what to feel as a mix of anger and embarrassment rose in your confusion.
“I wanted to know if your parting words held any truth. And if you’d grow restless the longer I waited to return.” He smiled then, but there was still a cruelty to it. “Yet that show I did not expect. Heimdall can be quite good at relaying details when pressed. And sparing only the mortals that plead for you tonight, letting the rest become food for your sea beasts....ah, and yet with your servants still comforting the damned. It was really quite a finishing touch.”
“So this is the kind of god you are then?” You asked sharply, though still not sure what you’d really expected.
“I am.” He offered. “And I also am not.”
You tensed, patience truly beginning to wane. “There is no point to speak in riddles to me. What is your real intention here Asgardian?”
“Tsk. Now you wound? I am only back to the Asgardian again?” He tilted his head slightly. “No, you tell me. Why did you leave the protection of your seas so quickly at only the word I was wounded, so panicked that you did not even think to bring that spear of yours?”
Your eyes widened slightly, that realization only just hitting you with his question. It hadn’t crossed your mind once to bring it, even now as he stood so near with that growing look of triumph in his eyes.
“You play games with me.” You retorted, even as you watched those fake bruises now fade from his pale skin.
“And now I know what you would do if it were all true,” he answered, yet with that smirk returning.
“I could fill this entire cave and drown you where you stand you know.” You countered.
“You could try,” He agreed. “But you won’t.”
“You presume too much.” He was becoming maddening. Everything you said, he only grew bolder, he taunted harder. And the worst of it all was, you were not really fighting back. Why were you not fighting back?
“You missed me, goddess. It isn’t that hard to deduce. Not anymore. You wanted this.” He finally said. “And if it’s all the same, I share that frustration. I kept away long enough to be sure. But watching you, knowing what you’re willing to do...I wanted to come back and see it first hand.”
And in all these weeks, tonight wasn’t the only night you’d let mortals perish in Father’s name, or even caused it yourself as you’d manipulated the seas on his orders. And was that really what excited Loki tonight? Seeing you use your powers to this darker extent?
“Is this really how Asgardians flirt? Over the bodies of the innocent?” You asked, unable to keep yourself to sane words any longer. It had all gone too far so quickly.
“I am not all Asgardians. And you and I both know there is no such thing as innocence.” He murmured just as his hands first touched you, taking your wrists. The grasp of his long fingers was surprisingly cold. That chill honestly the first thing you noticed, even as you didn’t push him away.
You watched only his eyes for that moment. And in your own awe you realized he was actually still waiting for you to deny him. You were being given a choice here. But you didn’t refuse him. You couldn’t. You’d already thought of this possibility more than once in your many nights alone.
And it was only you who closed the gap first as you took his lips in yours. You felt him tense briefly though, as if he was still somewhat surprised himself before he returned the motion in full force.
The rock wall of the cave soon met your back as he pressed you against it. It hurt somewhat, but you weren’t made of glass.
As he pinned your arms against the wall as well, his tongue pressed its way into your mouth. But the taste of him was something you only wanted more of then. Yet when your own tongue fought quickly back, you felt him pull away just enough to look into your eyes once more.
His face hovered only inches from your own as he eyed you hungrily. “You realize I won’t be able to stop once this starts. It’s been far too long. Speak now...or be silent save for saying my praises, goddess.”
“Prideful beast,” You breathed, shifting in his grip. “You think I do this each night either? Try closer to never.”
He seemed even more goaded at that, pleased at the revelation, “Then tell me what you want, (Y/N).”
“You.” You answered immediately, reservation shattered as his body pressed further against your own.
“Then I shall enjoy the privilege.” He whispered huskily, and you leaned your head back just as you felt him bite suddenly after, his mouth rough on your neck. You were sure he was testing if marks could be made on your skin, trying to claim it any way he could now as he pressed a little harder and harder with those teeth.
The juxtaposition of a man who would sit with you for hours only reading, versus this possessive creature he was now shifting towards was so very interesting.
And as he released your wrists, his hands only moved to the straps of your dress next. Yanking them from your shoulders, and sliding the thin fabric easily from your chest, exposing your breasts to his groping touch before his mouth moved over your chest.
As he roughly kissed one breast, his hand squeezed the other tightly. In another too fast movement though, his other hand had now already pulled the rest of your dress away. He pulled you from the wall just enough for it to fall around your ankles then as you realized just how quickly he’d rendered you fully nude here before him. All while you’d only been nearly still, too wrapped up in the desperate feel of it all.
After the dress had fallen though, he did pull back not long after, seeming to admire the view for a moment before his hand then went between your legs.
“I wondered how much you’d taste of the sea,” He murmured, licking that slight residue of salt from his lips as his fingers massaged your entrance.
You opened your legs a little more, leaning further back against the wall to help support yourself as those little flicks and movements of his fingers weakened you further.
“You have entirely too many clothes on,” You panted quietly, not caring if your tone sounded more like pleading in that moment.
“You just want me in you already, don’t you, goddess?” He all but growled, taunting you even as he slipped his fingers inside then.
Before you could hope to really answer, he was kissing you again though, his tongue probing nearly as hard as his fingers were pressing below.
You could feel the resistance decreasing though, the more your inner wetness grew and his fingers slid in and out all the quicker. Something he no doubt could feel as well as he broke the kiss once more.
“Beg me then,” He commanded against your ear.
Even in your own need, you were realizing how much he wanted to be in control. Power aroused him, just as he’d evidently been watching you exert your own in all these days, and just as he wanted to feel dominant over you now.
But you also knew how little you cared either way in this moment. You wanted him to be satisfied just as much as you wanted your own release.
“I want you,” You tried again, locking eyes with him once more. But as you tried to reach for his clothing he only caught your hand in his free one.
“Not good enough,” He reiterated, needing more.
It was hard to think in depth though as his other hand only kept moving just enough to keep you stimulated, but not enough to finish you off.
But alright, you could play this game if you had to. You growled a little yourself, “Fuck me, Loki”. That’s what he wanted to hear wasn’t it? You could see that desperate look in his eyes grow and you knew you about had him. In the moment though, you added one more thing, this time being quick enough with your hand to grab hold of his crotch before he could stop you. “Do it, King. Fuck me.”
He let out another sound, somewhere between a growl and a moan as he pulled his fingers out from you before grabbing you by the arms to force you away from the wall entirely.
He released you only brief enough to face his palms towards his own body. The dark green cloak he wore separated at once from his other clothing, it then splaying out across the floor of the cave. And with another motion his black leather unwrapped itself, almost like invisible hands pulling it all from him as he stepped out of his boots. Then at once he was to you again as the rest of his clothing folded itself neatly out of the way.
But you wished time would slow down in that moment, yourself trying to see every detail of his naked form in the firelight before his body slammed back against yours. That vivid white skin, lean, but surprising you with the musculature that had still been hiding there.
In the ocean, you knew well that it wasn’t always the biggest, bulkiest predators to fear the most. Some of the leaner, faster ones could have your throat ripped out long before the others should you let them in too close.
And his mouth met yours just as harshly then, urging you down to lay on your back upon his cloak on the cave floor.
If your back was bruised later, you hardly cared, as you wrapped your legs around him and he laid his weight upon you. Your hands were free now, and you gladly used them, running them through his hair, and up and down his body to feel all you could of him. He was smooth, with that chill to him that was still so unique.
You found his already strong erection as well, stroking it with one hand as your other moved back into his hair. You held the back of his head as he moved down again to suck at your collarbone, his fingers digging into your hips harshly as he thrust against your hand, urging you to guide him in.
And you were more than ready, allowing him to push inside as you angled him as deep as he could go.
He took full advantage at once too, pulling almost all the way back out before slamming back inside as you gasped.
He lifted up onto his elbows enough to look you in the eyes as he pulled out again, before repeating the second harsh thrust, then a third, and a fourth.
It ached, yet somehow you couldn’t imagine this any other way tonight. He wanted to claim you now, as hard and thoroughly as he could.
And you could take it as you breathed his name. You wanted him to let out all his frustration as your hands moved to his back and your nails dug into his shoulders with each faster thrust.
He bore his teeth with a hiss of pain as your nails finally broke his skin. But he liked it you knew, even as he bit down on your shoulder in return.
You felt the pressure, maybe a little stinging, but your back only arched into him as his hips continued to slam against you mercilessly.
As his mouth let go of you again though, and he lifted up, manhood still inside you, you could see that slightest bit of gold ichor on his lips. The blood of the Olympians. Your blood.
He smiled, knowing full well what he’d done in his haze of lust. “Is that what the remnants of ambrosia tastes like?” He whispered, licking his lips.
Contact with ichor could kill any mortal outright, and here he was playing with it. Yet you truly had no idea what its effects could be on an Asgardian. “You do take risks, don’t you, King?”
He made a pleasured sound, still thoroughly enjoying that word out of your mouth as he grabbed your breasts again, thrusting hard once more. “Only when the odds favor me, goddess.”
Your muscles were tensing though, as he squeezed your breasts and changed his angle slightly to rub more against that sensitive bundle of nerves at your entrance as his cock slid in and out.
You couldn’t know what you really looked like to him right now, sprawled out on your back beneath him, laying on his own cloak as he fucked you like he’d never have the chance again.
But you could see his own expression, and his eyes were so intense, like under a spell of euphoria as his breath grew more rapid.
Would he pull out you wondered? Did you even want him to?
“Loki,” You spoke, raising your hand up to the side of his face gently, even though you realized his own red blood now dotted your fingernails.
He surprised you when he only turned his face enough to kiss your hand though, still watching you even as you felt him jerk inside you abruptly. You saw him shudder as that orgasm went through him, and you felt his seed pulsing out deep inside you.
But even as he came, his hand went back to your entrance, bidding you to do the same as he tormented your clit. You’d been on that edge for so long, it was easy to finally let go as you trembled beneath him, getting your own release then.
And even then he still didn’t pull out. He only tugged you so that you both rolled onto your sides on his cloak, still facing one another.
You were both breathing rather hard now, and you truly wanted to close your eyes to rest for a moment, but you felt his fingers edging along the side of your face as you opened your eyes again.
He kissed you once more, and you could taste that sweetness that you knew was indeed the leftovers of your own blood.
“Have you been sated?” You asked, reaching up to run your thumb across his bottom lip.
He grinned slightly at the touch. “To say yes would only be another lie now wouldn’t it? I am never sated, dear. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t thoroughly enjoy this.”
With that he reached out enough to touch his hand to the cloak beneath you. You felt the material shift before the sides of it suddenly extended, wrapping around you both like a blanket in the cool cave.
More of his own magic no doubt, but there were no complaints from you as you just rested your head against him, closing your eyes again. He allowed it, so you supposed he was also too tired to do anything differently.
You weren’t sure for how long he would actually stay this way. But for now you would only take comfort in this rarity of intimacy as best you could, breathing in his scent, and savoring the feel of his skin still against yours.
It was only the extremely persistent calling of seagulls that finally woke you. Groggily you yawned, only startled as you realized yourself fully naked and for one chaotic moment could not remember how in Gaia’s name you got that way.
You sat up abruptly as the green cloak fell away from your bare body. But the silky feel of it brought you back to reality as you ran your hand out across it.
The sunlight was shining brightly into the cave. The fire long gone, and Loki along with it as you now sat alone here. All his clothes that had been stacked against the wall were also gone. Though with some bit of humor you realized your dress was now neatly folded beside the edge of the cloak for you to find. Quite far removed from its original point of just being piled beside the wall last night.
Though with him gone it was interesting that none of the nymphs had yet joined you. Perhaps they had just been too polite. But when you saw those same annoyingly loud gulls with some now walking up and down nervously at the cave entrance, you realized them for what they were.
You pulled Loki’s cloak back around yourself before laying back down, even while calling out. “You can come in, girls! I’m awake!”
With that a flurry of seagulls immediately flew into the cave, landing all around. And in moments they were all beautiful sea nymphs again, staring at you expectantly.
“You cannot tell my father, okay?” Was the very first thing you said as they all nodded highly enthusiastically.
But when you didn’t say anything immediately more, you could tell they were all about to explode in anticipation. “Yes, we coupled. Yes, I’d do it again.” You finally said.
They all squealed, no doubt realizing as well how badly you’d wished for his return in the last weeks. Yet that was also when the questions came.
“But was he better than an Olympian?”
“Was he tender, or rough? Did he try to please you, milady?”
“Was he big? I’ve heard everything is bigger up north. Aren’t they from the north?”
“My gods, girls, I don’t know. It’s not like I do this all the time.” You grumbled a little, curling up further into his cloak. It still smelled like him you realized. A rich scent, likely whatever it was that the royal quarters in Asgard smelled like.
“Oh we know! But it’s just, oh this is so exciting! You’ve finally taken a lover!”
Though as they continued to chat away, you did think of something you could actually ask them in return.
“When did he leave anyway? Did you see him?” You questioned.
“Oh,” They considered this for a moment. “Before sunrise surely, but we were um, asleep...most of us. We roosted outside the cave to wait for you, goddess.”
“I followed him!” Another one said. “But he told me to leave him be and go home.”
“What form were you in?” You asked, surprised he would so quickly recognize a nymph if in another form.
“Oh...well I was a seal.”
You blinked, imagining the ridiculousness of a nosy seal trying to inconspicuously waddle behind Loki all the way back up the beach and hillside last night.
“You should have been a small shorebird, and stuck to the trees to watch from a distance.” You commented.
“Ah, yes, that probably would have worked well.” They agreed.
You sighed a little, but it didn’t matter much regardless. As much as you still wanted to savor last night, Loki was already gone again. Which also meant that once again you could only wonder when, if ever, he might see fit to see you once more.
He’d already showed his capacity to fake his own injuries just to lure you in faster. So there was always the possibility that everything, all of it, had just been some elaborate scheme to bed you. And with that pleasure won, he may only be off to his next challenge far away from here.
You would have to accept whatever the Fates allowed, because what other choice did you have? But there was still no question. If you could see him again, you would gladly do so.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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willowcrowned · 4 years
Okay but has anyone considered Obi-wan/Cody/Satien (is that how its spelled?) Regardless, hes got two hands for his two mandalorians, the au where this happend is gotta be top notch ridiculous ye?
Okay thank you so much for giving me a reason to think about this, because this AU contains three things I adore: polyamory, ships where everyone is frighteningly competent, and Obi-Wan
In this AU, Ventress is somehow even less well-adjusted (bear with me). What this means is that, instead of taking a gap year and finding herself after her family is brutally murdered, she decides she needs to get revenge even more now. What does this mean? In the short term, she still becomes a bounty hunter, but in the long run? She’s looking for a Sith lord team up so she can punch Dooku (with a lit lighstaber) in his stupid, elitist, backstabbing face.
So when Maul invades Mandalore, what happens? Ventress comes right along, ready to give her ‘I know we hate each other, but consider teaming up to kill someone we both hate even MORE’ space TED talk. And though Maul may be terribly annoying, a closet theater kid, always in a tits out kind of mood, and denying his gay awakening, he’s not stupid. He knows Sidious is coming for him, sooner rather than later, and he knows he needs more people on his side than his (impressively beefy) brother. He and Savage agree to the team-up.
Cue Obi-Wan showing up, ready to save his sort-of girlfriend, and finding Pre Vizsla, who got REAL sus the second ANOTHER lunatic with a red lightsaber showed up, occupied by capturing Maul, Savage, and Ventress. 
Obi-Wan saves Satie, who convinces him to call Cody for a quick evac, and they’re running away, flirting, and arguing over shooting things (as usual), when they spot Ventress, Maul, and Savage, about to be executed.
Oh, they both think, hell no. And then, because they have a stupid moral code that makes them do stupid moral things, they go save them.
A little background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has been fighting in a war for over two years. He is exhausted, close to a breakdown, and seriously questioning his place as a General. Next to him at all times, supporting him, helping him, and saving him, is Cody, who is clever, kinder than he has any right to be, and is, of course, devastatingly handsome when he does his special, unique-to-Cody half-smirk.
Obi-Wan, to put it mildly, is totally gone on him. Obi-Wan also, to put it less mildly, is his commanding officer in an army that Cody can’t leave on pain of death. To do anything— make any advance beyond the flirting that he engages in with most people— would put Cody in a very uncomfortable position, whether or not he returns Obi-Wan’s feelings. So Obi-Wan watches him from afar, hoping against hope that his affections are returned, and that one day, after the end of the war, there will be a future for both of them.
A little more background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has always respected Satine. Their correspondence fell apart just a few months after the end of his mission with Qui-Gon, but he’s been keeping up with her professional accomplishments for years. Over time, the love he bore for her faded, leaving him with good memories and an enduring appreciation for her courage, her cleverness, and her ability to deliver devastating blows to someone’s confidence with a few well-placed words.
Until he sees her again. And yes, alright, he might be angry that she’s choosing to stay out of the war— he knows what good she could do— but he understands her fears, understands the very real possibility that if Mandalore gets embroiled in yet another war, they may never recover. The thing is... well, she’s still very beautiful, especially when he’s yelling at him, and as slowly as his feelings had faded then, they come back in a rush now.
He has very much fallen in love with Cody, and he is very much still in love with Satine.
Cut back to the present— Obi-Wan and Satine rescue the three most annoying Sith in the galaxy and get the heck out of dodge. Cody, because he’s Cody, comes swooping in with a last-minute rescue.
At this point, two things are occurring.
The first: Obi-Wan is stuck in a room with four people he’s periodically flirted with over the past few years, two of whom he’s desperately in love with, one of whom he had a weird encounter with that he can never tell Anakin about when she and him got trapped in a middle school auditorium, and one of whom is definitely wearing no shirt and all that jewelry for a reason. It is Supremely awkward for him.
The second: Every single person in that room, each of which is (barring Savage) deeply attracted to Obi-Wan, is realizing that Obi-Wan is dressed in Mandalorian armor, and while Obi-Wan in three layers of tunics and a cloak is an absolute knockout, Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor may very well kill them (and he won’t even have to touch his lightsaber to do it).
For one single moment, everything is absolutely still as they all stare at each other.
...And then Maul starts on the ‘I will rend your flesh from your bones, feel my wrath, Kenobarrgh’ spiel, and Satine stuns him. Oh, and Savage. Ventress agrees to watch the two of them if they don’t stun her, and Obi-Wan agrees.
Which then leaves him, Cody, and Satine in a room alone.
A word on Cody at this point: He has been bred from birth to be the perfect soldier— loyal, clever (but not too clever), and rigourously adherent to protocol. Yet, within three months of knowing Obi-Wan, he’s, well, calling him Obi-Wan in his head. Even just that is a gross breach of protocol, but he’s compromised in more ways than one. He talks to Obi-Wan, now, not just as a subordinate, or secondary advisor, but as a friend, as a councilor. Every time Obi-Wan touches him— never for longer than a brief second— his skin lights up under his armor. One time, Obi-Wan fell asleep on him for half an hour, and Cody’s was sure everyone would hear his heartbeat. 
What he’s doing— how he feels— he knows it’s putting Obi-Wan in danger, knows that if the Kaminoans had wanted to the clones to be equals to the Jedi, they would have told them so. And look, he knows what the natborns would call the way he’s feeling, but he can’t feel that way. He’s a clone— he’s expendable by definition. Even if, on some off-chance, he makes it out of this war alive, there’s nothing for him. Obi-Wan couldn’t care for him like that, couldn’t care for a man with the same face as millions of others, born and bred only for war. So it doesn’t matter how he feels.
A word on Satine at this point: Obi-Wan, when he left, was a gawkish, bumbling thing of red hair and freckles and the sweetest smile. Obi-Wan, when he came back, was graceful, eloquent, and very, very handsome. He is also infuriating. (This does not change how attracted she is to him in the least.)
She’s not a romantic, really, but she is a realist, and she knows she’s loved him in some form or another for over twenty years. She knows she can’t ask him to return it— knows that asking him to leave the order for her wouldn’t just be for her, it would be for Mandalore, and while the politician in her cries for her to claim him, the person in her who loves Obi-Wan could not abide tearing him away from his culture for her own purposes. She still loves him, deeply and irrevocably, and she knows he still loves her. (Maybe, she thinks, after the war... But she can’t afford to be sentimental).
What do Cody and Satine have in common? They’re both extremely competent, both instinctively ruthless, and they both love Obi-Wan. Oh, and they’re also both immediately jealous of their counterpart.
They know they shouldn’t be. They know it’s not fair, not when Obi-Wan isn’t theirs anyways, but it doesn’t change the surge of envy and dislike that happens when they see Obi-Wan use the soft voice he only uses for the people he likes best on the person across from them.
Cody knows he can never compare to the Duchess, who is beautiful and well-spoken and has held Obi-Wan’s heart since they were fifteen. Satine knows she can never compare to Cody, who has been at Obi-Wan’s side every second since the war’s beginning, who is so much closer in ideals to Obi-Wan than she is, however it might appear on the surface.
Fortunately, they don’t have to deal with it for long, because Ventress comes in with Maul and Savage and proposes a team up, at which point Maul reveals the identity of the Sith Master.
Obi-Wan swears a string of words that Cody and Satine are both very impressed by, and agrees to the team up. Cody and Satine, who are both going to Coruscant anyways, agree to it too.
What ensues is a good deal of scheming, during which Cody and Satine avoid each other like the plague, Obi-Wan is repeatedly told to get some sleep, and Ventress cuffs Maul to a door on multiple nonconsecutive occasions. When they get to Coruscant, Satine has already told Padmé, who has in turn told her group of anti-war (and anti-Palpatine) senators, Cody has given Rex a heads up, and Ventress, Maul, and Savage have been metaphorically sharpening their lightsabers for ages.
(It occurs to Obi-Wan, at one point, after he’s woken up from his enforced 25-hour nap, that Palpatine must have created the clone army for a reason— must have a failsafe in place— and he asks Ahsoka to pull all the data the Kaminoans have on the clones. They find out about the chips, and Ahsoka immediately immediately holds the Kaminoans at laser sword point until they reprogram every order into a command that dissolves the chip.)
The thing about organizing a coup together is that it makes it very hard to avoid each other. Cody and Satine are forced to work together, and, what do you know, it turns out that even with seething jealousy at work, they end up respecting each other. (Note: Obi-Wan comes into a room at one point to see them both bent over a commlink, heads together and hands nearly touching. He short circuits.)
In any case, coup, Palps dies, Republic fixed, whatever.
What’s important is that Obi-Wan gets really, really injured— so much so that he might die. Cody and Satine have dealt with him being dead before (Deception arc anyone?), but this? Watching him slowly fade, knowing there’s nothing they can do about it? That’s worse.
One night, when Anakin has fallen asleep, they have a long conversation in low voices about Obi-Wan, darting from fond to furious to devastated over and over again. If he wakes up— if, not when— they agree to say something to Obi-Wan, to let him know that they love him. It’s a meager consolation after all they’ve been through, but this is the end, in one way or another, and they deserve to be honest with him.
(Cody thinks, privately, that he will be— well, not tossed aside, because Obi-Wan isn’t the sort of person who does that, but there won’t be a place for him by Obi-Wan’s side anymore. Obi-Wan is a Jedi, a negotiator, a peacekeeper, and Cody is a soldier for a now-ended war. He is already steeling himself to accept Obi-Wan’s polite rejection with equanimity, to not cause more pain to the man. (It will be easy, he knows, to wish him every peace, every happiness. Cody has only ever wanted to see Obi-Wan happy. This does not mean it will not be painful.) Obi-Wan said once that he would have left the Order for Satine if she’d asked— she will ask, now, and Cody knows Obi-Wan will leave, can see the love written in his face, in his spine, in his hands, whenever he is around her. Satine will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Cody will be left to look for a place in this new galaxy.)
(Satine thinks, privately, that Obi-Wan’s feelings for her must be long faded, replaced by his obvious ones for Cody. Obi-Wan is a warrior, a Knight, and Satine is a diplomat who foreswore violence long ago. She is already steeling herself to accept his rejection with grace. (It will be easy, she knows, to wish him well. She has only ever wanted good things for him. This does not mean it will not be painful.) He said once that he would have left the Order for her if she’d asked, and whatever he’d felt then for her pales to what he feels now for Cody. Cody will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Satine will rule as she always has.)
And then Obi-Wan wakes up.
Cody and Satine let him have his long talk with Anakin first, partially because they know how important it is to him, partially because Anakin wouldn’t let them if they wanted to, and partially because they are dreading their own coming conversation. When Anakin has finished, and Obi-Wan is asleep again, they go in, hand-in-hand, and wait for him to wake up.
When he does wake up, he sees them holding hands and immediately comes to several wrong conclusions. Wrong Conclusion A: Cody and Satine are in love. Wrong Conclusion B: Cody and Satine are going to try to break the news that they’re in love to him gently. Wrong Conclusion C: This conversation is about to break his heart.
Then they speak.
At the end of it, Obi-Wan has some Thoughts. Thought One: alkdfjhskhsgjljlbhkgkjbjvnab,gkjvn;qlerghjsv?????!!!!fwbfwlkrehwogwhuwrijvhfdbhkf!!!! Thought Two: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Thought Three: Oh, we’re all idiots. Fantastic. 
He then passes out, because being on the edge of death for days and then having a shock to your system this big tends to do that to you.
When he wakes up, he is mildly more coherent. Then he sees that Satine and Cody are asleep on each other, and the coherence is lost, but he does manage to wake them up and get across three things:
Thing One: He is desperately in love with them both.
Thing Two: He’s leaving the Order for a multitude of reasons, but they are a Significant Bonus.
Thing Three: He would very much like if they both held his hand while he falls back asleep.
Cody takes Obi-Wan’s right hand, Satine takes Obi-Wan’s left hand, and the three of them stay like that, fingers intertwined, for a long, long, while.
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