#if this doesn't format well I'm going to cry
lunatih · 1 year
i’m shy sorry for the anon
i like your art it’s very similar to mine. do you have any fan fiction recommendations for me??i’ve been getting into the breath of the wild fan fic’s recently but idk where to look i feel like you might know of some??? i also want to explore different fandoms so anything you’re reading right now? thank you, mwah x
Oh boy fanfic recommendations! 
You've asked and you shall receive!
I haven’t read a lot for botw but I can recommend these:
The Curious Minds by AllTheGoodUserNamesAreTaken The story is amazing and I’m pretty much obsessed with it. It’s a BL (Link / OC), slow burn. It’s still in progress but Holly (all hail Holly!) updates it pretty regularly.
Another BL (this one is finished) and also Link/OC is Something Greater by busket. It has quite a bit of humor and is much more lighthearted than The Curious Minds. The OC is also pretty interesting.
If you are a Link/Mipha fan then there is A Fish out of Water by JamesYorke. It’s an old story, still unfinished but it’s very good.
If you want some other fics from different fandoms then below is The List. Divided into fandoms so you can decide what you want. (some of them are from fanfiction.net ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Surprise surprise, most of it is BL xD
-- Naruto --
Doing the Work by MarbleGlove [ The mc is an adult female and not a ninja. Amazingly interesting for something that follows a housekeeper life]
The Medic-Nin's Guide to Casual Revolution by spideywhiteys [BL,  male medic OC, haven’t read all of it but the gay panic at the beginning is funny]
Making Lemonade by Meeceisme [male OC is not a part of team 7, no parings for now, wip, very much not welcomed daddy Kakashi]
-- For Trash of the Count's Family --
[very good story btw, got a manhwa adaptation last year]
After-Thought by Mango_to_sleep [if you know this fandom and want to feel pain this is a story for you, no pairings]
Silver Lining by RUNA_HADES [female OC, wip, humor, the romance is slowly starting]
-- I Was a Teenage Exocolonist --
If you know this game I can recommend this little story. It’s cute af.
Like a Fairy Tale by MaetheEllen 
-- SK8 the Infinity --
If you know this anime and like Langa and Reki then this fluff is just the fluffiest. It’s my comfort fic.
go and grab your sweater (the one that you like) by tiedbows [BL but nothing graphic, completed, seriously fluffy vibes]
-- Star Trek  --
Atlas by distractedKat [BL, Spock/Kirk, completed] It's an amazing story, that will have you yell at the end ‘Ah that’s why he does it!’. I think it keeps both Spock and Kirk very much in a character and I highly recommend it
--  Miraculous Ladybug --
Obsession by Kryalla Orchid [completed, 3 parts + an extra!, everyone’s favourite fake love-square and an interesting take on the main villain] 
-- Inuyasha --
All of these are Kagome / Sesshōmaru
Frivolous Sentimentalities by Tally Mark [humor, one-shot, a bit of Inuyasha bashing]
Beside You in Time by RosieB (oh so much not humor, slooow burn, dark and with a lot of incorporated history]
Unspoiled by forthright [cute humor, cute romance, also baby Sheshomaru]
-- Harry Potter --
The Chronic Hero Perspective by niklitera [BL] I’m in the middle of reading the first part and it.is.AH-mazing. The main character is an OC and a new professor in Harry’s third year. It touches a lot about growing as a person and about mental problems and it’s rather dark but very worth it
-- The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System --
Metagaming by esama [tagged as BL but nothing happened in the first two parts yet, humor, part 2 is already written and it’s just as good]
Qiong Ding's Littlest Shidi by Araceil [BL, between OC and Binghe. It’s tagged as Harry Potter crossover but I’ve seen nothing connecting it to HP and consider the mc as an OC instead of Harry’s reincarnation. It’s abandoned but the author posted a summary of the rest of the story at the end. I love it for the wonderful portrayal of YQQ and SQQ and the way it shows them actually explaining their past and making up. Also, it’s a FOUND FAMILY and I dig this shit]
If you know the Scum Villain then you also probably know Modao Zushi. Then I present you with:
-- Modao Zushi --
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami [BL, time travel, a lot of very diverse characters and load of family interaction, also very funny take on redoing the Water Abyss arc]
I’ve said that I have a lot of BLs , haven’t I? xD
Hope you will find something that you like here ^^
And send me your favourite fics - no matter the fandom. If you want to of course ;)
Anyway, thank you or the ask!
If you ever feel like sharing you art I’d love to see it ^^ No pressure though. Glad you like mine.
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thoughtidtry · 28 days
Mr. Perfectly Fine - MV CL
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SUMMARY: Angst: After your break up you take time to reflect on the man you once thought hung the stars. Who knew another would help you find the beauty in the stars as they fell. PAIRING: Ex!Max Verstappen X fem!reader, Charles Leclerc x reader at the end. A/N: Inspired by Mr. Perfectly Fine by Taylor Swift. Experimenting with formatting so please let me know if it helps with reading! 2.8k+ words... I apparently can't write anything smaller let me know if you all would rather have it in thousand-word parts instead of one long post!
"Mr. "Perfect Face" Mr. "Here to stay""
"You're so beautiful liefje"
Max hummed in the crook of your neck as you lay back on his chest while watching a movie. These moments were your favorite, the quiet murmurs, and gentle touches while enjoying each other company. The times when you had him all to yourself with no cameras or teammates looking at you both.
"Look who's talking pretty boy"
You responded back with a playful smirk knowing he hated being called pretty.
"Only pretty liefde really. I'm offended"
All you could do was giggle before looking back at your boyfriend to find him clutching his chest like you would imagine an old lady clutching her pearls.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know being pretty was a bad thing now"
Faking an innocent look as you apologized for your disrespectful comment. You wanted to see how far you could tease before he reacted. Already he looked like he was mulling over whether or not to accept you heartfelt apology.
"Of course pretty could never fully articulate how a face as perfect as your looks. I again am so sorry for the offen-"
"Oh that's it!"
You were interrupted by being picked up and tossed on the couch beside him before he was on top of you looking done. With a smug smirk on his face, he pinned your hands above your head with one hand before starting to tickle you with the other.
"You gonna really apologize now"
You couldn't help but laugh as he poked and squeezed your sides till you were gasping for breath. His laughter echoed in your ears as he continued to torture you.
"I-I'm sorry p-please max"
You finally gasped out and he stopped still chuckling before leaning down to peck your lip quickly.
"That's what I thought"
He declared with a look of triumph on if face. You study his face for a moment with a soft smile before you glance over to see you already looking at him.
"What, liefde?"
Max questioned, his eyes filled with curiosity. You shrugged before answer as if it was the most common phrase ever spoke.
"I just wish we could stay like this forever. Here. Just the two of us."
He softly smiled back at you taking in how relaxed and angelic you looked in the soft glow of the TV.
"Well, I don't plan on going anywhere without you. I'm here to stay as long as you'll have me."
"Mr. "Change of heart" Mr. "Leaves me all alone""
You had never minded Max having to travel to races it was a part of his job. He used to love you tagging along with him to the races, being in the paddock with all the other girlfriends and wives of the other racers, and going back to the hotel with him after to help him relax after a long day. It made sense that you wouldn't be at every race but recently it seemed like he didn't want you there at all.
There was always some last-minute reason he needed to be at the track days before free practice started and you couldn't get off work in time before he had to leave. Trips started to become longer and longer to the point he was never home. You tried your best to understand but you missed him.
You talk on the phone when possible but they were always short. He always had an excuse why he had to go. The engineers needed to talk to him about the car, Checo was waiting on him for a video, or he had made plans to hang out with one of the other drivers.
"Mr. "Never had to see me cry" Mr. "Insincere apology so he doesn't look like the bad guy""
At some point, you stopped trying to call him and just resorted to texting him. His responses were few and hours apart with a made-up reason why he hadn't answered. You were beginning to lose hope when your phone rang one day. The excitement in your voice was evident when answering the call.
"Hey Max, how's the race going?" He sighed in annoyance that you even asked. "Yeah it's fine, look we need to talk" You took a step back at his tone. He was cold or maybe even angry. This wasn't like him at all at least not the side of him you knew. "O-okay yeah. What's up? Everything alright?" You were panicking a little worried something bad had happened. Was he hurt? Did something happen at the track? "Look I just don't think this is really working out. I think we should end things." You froze in shock, this had to be a joke right? He did just say that. All you could get out was a whisper like your voice had been stolen and tears started to well up in your eyes. "W-What?" Another sigh came from his side of the phone. As if this was becoming a more tedious conversation than he had planned. "We just aren't the same anymore you know. I'm sorry, I need someone less clingy, someone who understands what I do for a living." There was a pause as you heard another voice before he continued "I got to go, Christian wants to talk about something. I'll send you any stuff you left in my apartment when I get back. Bye."
"Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand-new girl. I've been picking up my heart, he's been picking up her"
The last few weeks had been nothing but painful. Ever since the break up you've had several people calling and texting you. From the girlfriends and wives you used to spend time with in the paddock check to see if you're okay to random acquaintances wanting to hear all the dirty details. It made you sick thinking about that call, you thought that would be the worst of it until you got a text from Charles Leclerc.
At first, you thought he was just another person trying to figure out what had happened. You had spoken to him multiple times and were able to joke around with each other before everything happened but you weren't surprised. At least you weren't until you opened up the messages.
Hey, I know you probably want to be left alone, but I don't want you to get blindsided by seeing later. Max is seeing someone else. None of us knew until yesterday when he brought her to the paddock and started introducing her to everyone. I just wanted to let you know instead of you finding out through the media.
All the healing you thought you had done crumbled like a house of cards. The tears started to fall before you even got to read the last message. It hadn't even been a full month. How could he have moved on so fast? Through tear-blurred gaze you decided to respond to Charles.
Thank you for letting me know.... I appreciate your honesty. You're right I would like to be left alone. I'm glad to have met you and everyone else, but I can't keep talking to you all. It hurts too much, too many memories. Hope you have a great race, Charles..... Thank you again.
Charles felt a pang of guilt reading those messages. You had always been kind to him and seemed to care a lot about everyone you came in contact with. He felt angry at Max on your behalf and wanted to help you in any way possible.
You are an amazing person chérie. I know you want to be alone but I can't abide by your wishes. Please let me be there for you. We don't have to talk about anything in particular, just tell me about your day or we can talk about our hobbies. Just let me be here for you, please?
It took you a moment before responding to the process. Charles wasn't a bad guy from what you knew of him. You had been isolating yourself from everyone the last couple of weeks not wanting to talk about everything. Maybe having someone to talk to about normal life would be nice? A sigh of defeat left as you messaged him back.
okay.... so what do like to do in your free time?
Charles softly smiles at your message. It was a start and he'll take it. He responded back quickly telling you about how he likes playing the piano and how he had released a few songs. This was a pleasant surprise for you and you told him you listen to them.
"Oh, he's so smug, Mr. "Always wins" So far above me in every sense."
The end of the racing season came quicker than you could have imagined. You and Charles had become closer than you had ever expected. He was there for you to cry to and laugh with and as your heart mended he filled in the cracks still seeping sorrow with his own love and compassion.
Sitting on a stool in his kitchen while he tried to cook you dinner, you couldn't help teasing him for his terrible cooking skills. He mocked you back at how inept you were when it came to baking. The conversation lulled as he began to focus on not burning the food before he hesitantly brought up the award ceremony. "If it's too soon I understand, but I would love for you to be my date."
You took a moment to consider the proposition. As long as you were in Charles' life Max would be in yours. You knew you would have to see him sooner or later, so why not now? With your decision made you smiled a bit.
"I would love to be your date, Charles. This is your night to celebrate a great season. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The night arrived sooner than you had anticipated and there you were walking on Charles' arm in a velvet red dress looking in his words like an angel. You held the compliment close as you made your entrance together.
Friends and acquaintances were rightfully shocked at your attendance. They quickly came to hug you and let you know how happy they were to see you before you all were seated for the ceremony. It felt good to be around everyone again, you had missed them. Missed the funny moments and heartfelt chats. The night seemed to be shaping up to a great time.
Max made a speech when accepting his WDC trophy. He made sure to thank a woman named Kelly, who you assumed was his girlfriend, along with the normal thank you to his team.
He seemed so calm, relaxed, and perfectly fine. It had only been a few months, how could you still be recovering while he was at ease. You felt so small and lowly at that moment, looking up at him at the top of his career.
Charles, of course, noticed like he always did and grabbed your hand in his with a soft squeeze before running his thumb across your knuckles. Once the ceremony ended, the people who had not noticed you before came to say hello while others said their goodbyes.
"Now I'm Ms. "Gonna be alright someday" and someday, maybe you'll miss me. But by then, you’ll be Mr. “Too late”."
Max stood near the front smiling as he talked to some of the other racers. He was dressed in a simple black suit with a bow tie to match and a beautiful woman on his arm. You could see why he liked her, she was gorgeous and seemed to fit perfectly beside him. As the commotion around your appearance began to reach an all-time high, he looked to see who it was about.
Never did he expect to see you, in a criminally perfect red dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, hanging on to none other than Charles Leclerc. He couldn't have stopped himself from staring if he wanted to. You looked amazing and he could tell you smile was genuine.
The sharp sting of past memories hit him as he studied your body language. So open, warm, and cheerful as you spoke you Lily, he realized how much he had missed you. Once your eyes locked it was over, your grip on Charles' arms tightened as Max strides forward completely leaving his girlfriend behind.
Charles noticed your discomfort, immediately following your gaze. He thought something might happen, Max would never just let you attend without having something to say. Looking down while shaking his head, he swore so quietly you barely heard before leaning close to your ear.
"Let me know if you want to leave. It's okay if you don't wanna talk to him."
Looking up at him, you softly smiled at how empathetic he was about your feelings. The worry in his eyes was evident but you had prepared for this. Resting a hand on his chest you shook your head.
"No, it's okay. Let's just get it over with and have a great night."
“Goodbye, Mr. “Casually Cruel”, Mr. “Everything revolves around you”.”
Max's blood boiled as he watched you touching Charles. How did you even know him? You had barely spoken to the Ferrari driver during your relationship. When did you get so close to him? He would find out soon enough as he drew closer.
"Charles" He nodded to the driver after coming to a stop in front of the pair before glancing over at you.
"What are you doing here Leifde"
He hadn't meant for that to come out but it still felt natural to call you that even after all this time. It sent a surge of anger through you to have him call you that again.
"I'm not your Leifde anymore Max. You lost the right to call me that. Would hate for your girlfriend to hear you."
You sneered back like venom making it clear you did not appreciate the name. He smirks at your reaction, loving that he still has an effect on you. Turning to look back at Charles he decided to try and get a raise out of him. After all, he's the reason your here right.
"What couldn't find your own date so you settled for my ex?"
Charles' composure snapped at that. How dare Max speak about you in such a disrespectful manner. You, even on your worst nights, couldn't say a negative comment about this man and here he was acting like you were damaged goods. He went to step forward and get in Max's face when you held him back getting in between the two placing both hands on his chest. Looking up at him, hoping he would understand what you were planning to do.
"He's not worth it, amour."
You loudly spoke the last word to get Charles' attention. He snapped his head down to you at the sound of his native language on your tongue. With a cheeky smirk on your face, you lean up to whisper in his ear.
"Please just play along."
There was a hint of mischief he caught in your eye as you moved one hand slowly up to the back of his neck.
"Mon chéri, let's just go home. I wanna slip into something more...comfortable"
Not only did this make the Dutchman scoff from behind you but also stormed off mumbling something under his breath. Charles can’t take his eyes off you, not when had just hinted at being a couple to get Max to leave. He didn’t mind it. If he was honest, he had actually enjoyed the way it felt to have you holding on to him all night. You let out a sigh of relief once he was gonna looking back up at Charles. Taking a small step away you started to apologize before being cut off.
“Come on ma belle fille, let’s get you home.”
Charles smiled a sweet smile grabbing your hand to usher you out of the room.
“Goodbye, Mr. “Perfectly Fine”.”
As you and Charles arrived at your house, he broke the comfortable silence of the driver. He looked like at scolded puppy as he began to talk.
“I’m glad you came with me tonight. Sorry I almost lost my cool at the end there.”
You snicker a bit before hanging him a half shrug.
“Honestly, it felt great to put Max in his place so thank you.”
He chuckled a bit in response while shaking his head slightly. Max was an idiot for losing you and Charles wasn’t gonna make the same mistake.
“Glad you had a good night Cheri. I know this might be too soon but could I possibly take you on a date? “
He pause hesitantly before continuing to ramble on
“If it’s too soon I completely understand but I couldn’t let my chance to show you how much I liked you pass without at least-“
You cut him off by grabbing his face, pulling him in for a kiss. At first, the shock of you kissing him caused him to freeze but he quickly recovered, kissing you back with so much passion that you were left speechless. Smiling as you both pulled apart, he had to be certain.
“So, is that a yes?”
You threw you head back laughing before confirming.
“Yes Charles, I would love to go on a date with you.”
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In The Dark Of The Night
Pairing: Valak  / The Nun x Fem! Nun! Reader.
Summary: After arriving and joining the Covent you so didn't wish to join, Valak takes a liking to you.
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex (fem receiving), Tongue fucking, Fingering, Intercourse (P in V), Masturbation, Voyeurism, Unprotected sex, Overstimulation. Mention of reader possibly catching an STI from Valak and his ashy lips. Reader smokes weed.
Writing Time: 3 hours.
Word Count: 2251.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 6.
Had a ball figuring this shit out. Started writing this at 1am, it's now nearly 4am and I have to be up in 2 hours 😁🔫 Think about that when the reader is crying about not getting enough sleep. I love this fic but I think Valak is very OOC, this is my first time writing him so hopefully I'll get better at it. Valak is referred to as 'The Nun' and with they/them pronouns (until they whip out their dick 😁) since I was semi writing fron the reader's perspective and they have no idea what Valak's name is or what they identify as. But I do write Valak as male, so they are male here it's just doesn't know until near the end.I'm tired so I didn't research Nuns and Covents before writing this, which I probably should of done but who cares since the movies do a poor job of explaining them? I'm sure y'all only came for the smut. I'll fix it when if I feel like it. Valak has ashy lips cause I said so.
Here is the masterlist for all my Kinktober 2023 works.
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Something felt off, to say the least. You felt more uneasy in this new unfamiliar place than any other place.
When your father announced you'd be attending this new place, you were furious. Well, furious and heartbroken. He had written you off to become a nun because it was the easiest way to send you away. And all for wait? Because you had recently been having issues with your mental health and he couldn't deal with it? Or did he need you needed Jesus?
Either way, you started hating him on the drive here. And once you stepped foot in this place and felt the almost sicken bad vibes.
The teachers had been just as you expected. Strict, never smiling and so obviously loved having power over others. Others being the new not yet devoted Nuns or freshly devoted Nuns.
You was gonna hate it here.
You had met your new sisters and to be honest, none of them mattered to you. You weren't in any kind of mood to make friends, but you hoped that would change. You didn't want to be alone here.
The only Sister that seemed like friend material was Sister Irene. She had that kind and friendly spirit that you thought all Nuns should have.
But seriously, something wasn't right around here. You couldn't place your finger on it and honestly, you hoped you never could.
You tried to get comfortable in your new bed, but it seemed impossible. Like the Devil was purposely making the springs press into your back and then laughing at your discomfort.
You huffed as you gave up and got out of bed. You grabbed your carefully stashed away blunts and lighter and headed for your window. Unlocking the old window proved to be a little bit of a challenge but you managed.
You started at the sky as you smoked, the affect of the weed slowly crawled into you and eased you. You leaned against the wall of the window and slowly looked around your room. The atmosphere suddenly changed back to uneasy and even more so.
Something...or maybe someone caught your eye. You had spotted a figure in your room, in front of your bedroom door. It was so dark, you couldn't make out any features. Just the outline of a body.
It freaked you out to say the least and you knew you wasn't that high so this was real. It had to one of your Sisters right? Here to snitch on you for smoking a joint...right?
"If you're here to catch me up to something, well, you caught me. So what are you waiting for now? Go ahead and snitch." You called out.
No response. You were quiet for a few seconds, just staring at the figure. You then sighed a bit before drawing another drag and offering it up to the mysterious figure.
"Or do you want some?"
The figure suddenly disappeared and you couldn't see where it went. You stood up properly in fear and looked around again, you saw nothing. The room looked completely normal even in the dark but certainly didn't feel normal.
You nervously put out the blunt and crawling back into bed. You told yourself it had to have been the pot, even if you didn't feel that high it must of been that. Maybe your dealer gave you something different this time, some pot laced with something. God you hope it was just that. It has to be just a bad trip.
Fortunately, you managed to fall asleep fairly quickly after that. Bud seemed to be just what you needed to fall asleep. You would get you was asleep for maybe a little over an hour before you stirred awake.
Wonderful, awake again, and it only just turned 1am and you were gonna be woken up at 6am. Delicious, this is gonna be a night full of broken up sleep. You looked up to face the ceiling and hopefully fall asleep again, just get those much needed extra hours.
But you couldn't. And you didn't feel like smoking again, so you did the next best thing. Placed both feet against the bed with your knees bent and pushed a hand past your underwear. You carefully fingered yourselves with two fingers. As your pleasure built up, you closed your eyes and focused simply on your own pleasure. A few moaned slipped out of your mouth and when you felt although you was ready, you added another finger.
You lost yourself in your pleasure and smiled as you neared yourself closer to the edge. It didn't take too long, considering how sleepy you already was. But right as you felt your orgasm building, you opened you eyes. And boy did you regret it.
When you opened your eyes, your attention quickly went to the foot of your bed where another figure appeared. And this time, you could see their features. It was Nun, with a terrifying face say the least. You knew it wasn't another Sister because of their lovely face which was smirking down at you, giving you a lovely view of their sharp fangs. Their eyes glowing a piercing yellow.
'Hell no, not today Satan. Please no.' Is what you thought as you, now fully wide awake, threw your covers off, ripped all fingers out of your pussy and made a beeline for the door. You were stopped by a force that only could of been supernatural and air yeeted back onto your bed. You screamed as loud as you could and the creepy looking Nun inched closer and closer to you.
"Oh Baby, don't scream. Don't cry." The Nun pouted down at you and touched your right cheek.
Obviously, you screamed even louder. The Nun's soft expression disappeared almost as soon as it came and they clamped a hand down across your mouth and squeezed.
"Shut up, now." It's tone now gruff and aggressive.
You looked up at them in fear whilst noticing some strange beauty in their face and soon started crying, "Please don't hurt me."
"Oh Dear," Their soft tone suddenly back, "I'm not here to hurt you... I just wanted to help."
"H-Help?" You whispered.
The Nun gave you a smile and headed down south. You thought the smile was supposed to be comforting but it felt so evil and unsettling, it had the opposite the affect. You felt your heart beat faster in fear, the way your heart starts beating when your about to have a panic attack. It definitely didn't help that you still couldn't move and was completely immobilised by this supernatural force.
The Nun pulled your panties down to your knees, not bothering pulling them down all the way and quickly got to work. Their tongue was... something you had experienced before.
It was wet, messy and far too big to be normal. It was driving you insane. If you had to guess from just the feeling, this monster's tongue was almost the same size as the average dick. It quickly turned you into a moaning mess. Your cries became cries of pleasure and you orgasmed almost immediately. Either you was still worked up from fingering yourself, which was unlikely considering the brief heart attack you just had, or this Nun was unstoppable with their tongue.
The Nun gave you two more orgasms with their tongue before coming up. They looked down at you and smirked again. You could see now, their black lips and tongue were black from ash. It was all over their mouth and chin and you was now consumed with worry, hopefully now of that ash got caught in your pussy. Which STI would you get from that?
You hadn't noticed but the Nun had started pulling up their skirt and pulling at something underneath it. Out sprang the biggest dick you had ever seen.
Nope, that wasn't normal, if you saw that monster on any human man you'd tell them to see a Doctor. Cause 12.5 inches (you're estimating based on looks) is not normal. The Nun grinned and stared down at your terrified face as he pumped himself.
You looked up at him, "That's not going inside me."
"Yes it is." He stated matter of factly still smiling at you.
"It will kill me." You responded with a glare.
Whilst you was still a little iffy about the penis size, your fear was starting to melt away and you was no longer afraid to talk to this creature. It could be the dizziness from the multiple orgasms you just had but this was starting to feel like a normal not scary sexual encounter.
"I'll make it work." The Nun shrugged.
"Ok, but I need to know your name first." You told him.
The demon was silent for a few seconds, "I don't usually give my name... but I suppose you will need something to scream so. It's Valak."
Valak thrusted into you immediately after that, not giving you much time to adjust. You screamed in pain but Valak placed a hand over your mouth again and tsked at your vocals, as if you was the problem. He then pulled off your panties completely and shoved them in your mouth without warning, you choked a little and Valak moaned at the sound.
Fortunately Valak hadn't pushed all of himself inside of you, only the first few inches (which is still a whole dick, Valak, but ok) and didn't go any further than that. He moved in and out at normal pace, not seeming to care at all about your cervix which he was currently beating up with his monster cock.
But despite all the complaints, you was starting to love it. Once you had adjusted, you was moaning and crying again. Tears ruining your vision and making Valak more aroused therefore making him move faster.
He groaned as he fucked up and glared down at you, completely focused on your face. Deciding this wasn't enough, he bent your legs back as far as they could go, up to your head and leaving you in a mating press. This gave him more opportunity to add a couple more inches without hurting you as much.
You cried, screamed and whined as the creature defiled you. You felt filthy, absolutely disgusting. But also alive. Something you hadn't felt before. You were squirming and whimpered from a dick too big for your little pussy to comprehend and you loved it. It was now you realised there was no chance you could married to God, you was enjoying such a lewd act, letting a demon fuck you dumb, way too much.
"Please! More!" You whined against your panties.
Valak heard you loud and clear and pressed a thumb on your clit. He would of preferred to sink his whole dick into you but knew it would be too much.
He then leaned down and spat on your mouth. Most of it was immediately soaked up by your panties, which irritated the shapeshifter. So he pulled your panties out of your mouth and spat again.
"Swallow whore." He hissed at you.
You eagerly did as you was told, hoping there would be a reward. And there was, the demon grinned down at you again when he saw you followed orders well, and then shoved his whole tongue in your mouth.
He tasted just as you expected, like ash and death.
As you noticed before when he was eating you out, his tongue was not normal either. It was way too big and long, just like his dick. It filled up your mouth and made you choke slightly. But soon like before, once you adjusted to the size, you was moaning like a slut again.
You came again, you didn't know which number this one but it was definitely better than the last. But you were feeling drained now, overstimulated. You had no idea when Valak would cum though and it made you nervous, surely he would stop once he came you thought. But then, when would he cum? A demon's limit must be far greater than a human's.
And you was right, Valak could fuck for hours without cumming. And that's what he planned to do. He wanted to know what you looked like, excessively overstimulated.
You really wished you hadn't found out what made this place so off.
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cozymoko · 1 year
You wanted requests, right? So what if it was the other way around? Yandere Siyun Baek having to take care of his girlfriend that got sick?
(I hope this requests isn't too boring, love your blog btw ❤❤)
Manhwa: “Dreaming Freedom” ~~~~!
Note: Its perfect! Thank you for requesting! Also thank you for reading, you made my day. ♡
Pairing: Siyun Baek x female! reader
Format: Headcanons; 2nd person
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, obsession, mild spoilers
Word Count: ???
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It's ALLERGY and/or FLU SEASON, and unfortunately, you've fallen very ill. Best case scenario you'll have a cold and nothing more; a high fever at the worst. But either way, Siyun isn't complaining.
You can't go anywhere? Great! You feel like absolute shit and can barely move from your bed? Oh my, even better! Besides working out, Siyun doesn't have much to pass his time with. He's lonely without you, often finding himself watching the clock, counting the minutes — seconds before you return to him.
But seeing you tucked tightly beneath the pastel duvet, wrapped in a small cocoon. Your cheeks lightly flushed a rather feverish hue, as ragged breaths slipped past your dry lips. Call him crazy but you're absolutely adorable. He could hardly keep his hands to himself!
“Y'know, you look really cute like this {Name}.”
You huffed, “You almost look happy that I'm in this situation.” With a light shove, you pushed his face away from your own for what felt like the thousandth time. Finally ditching the thick sheets, you turn away from him, welcoming the chilled puffs of air to your warm skin.
“Would you be mad if I said I was?” Siyun asked, snaking his arms around your waist, pressing his cheek into the tender skin of your own. “God, you're adorable...”
“Yes. Now, let go; I'm burning up.”
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Siyun is CLINGY as it is. Therefore, you being bedridden to some degree is right up his alley. Personal space has never been a thing in your relationship, and he's not going to let a little flu stop him. Embracing you, suffocating you with his body; it's all too easy! Pressing sweet, chaste kisses along the warm skin of your neck. Sneakily, dragging his slender fingers beneath the flimsy silk of your pajamas.
In all honesty, he'd rather have you stay at his house until you feel well again. It works pretty well, convenience-wise. It stops him from wrenching your door open, occupying your home with the crying of loud unwavering hinges. Or perhaps even sneaking through your window.
You being so vulnerable excites him in more ways than he'd care to admit. He truly is a pervert. Chewing on his pink lips, even digging his nails into his milky skin, no longer seems to be enough. Though his desires are anything but malicious, Siyun can't help the wandering of his young mind to many, many impure places.
Your parents already adore him, let's be honest! Thus, convincing them to let you stay the night or week should be a piece of cake. It's almost scary, the way he speaks to your parents; so polite and dare I say perfect. It's truly no surprise that he was a former idol, a famous one at that. How could your adoring mother and father not allow such a kind man to nurture and care for your well-being?
Siyun brings your head to his chest, relishing in the heat you radiate. His hands had fallen past your waist, toying with the thin band of your thin shorts. You give his chest a weak push, as a pitiful attempt to distance yourself. But it was no use, he merely pulled you closer, much to your dismay.
“Siyun...” You breathed out, weakly clawing at his slender hands. “Stop this, you're going to get sick.”
He hummed, “Is that so?” Though his hands showed no sign of leaving your waist. Instead, they tugged you flush against his chest with a low chuckle. Warm breath tickled the back of your neck, making you tense in anticipation.
“Then I guess we're just gonna have to be sick together~!” ♡
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Let's say you're a STUDENT; high school or college, it's your choice. And due to your abrupt sickness, you're bound to miss at least a handful of classes. But fret not my dear, your classmates are itching to help you out. I mean, you're dating the Siyun Baek after all, just a glance at him could send anything girl into a frenzy!
Thankfully, your teacher settled for your seatmate. A kind, extroverted guy who you got along with quite well. He had managed to get your number due to a recent project and was quick to alert you of his unexpected arrival.
➤ Heya [Last Name], the teacher asked me to bring sum missin assignments to ur place. Is that okey with u?
SENT; 17:23
You snort at the scrambled characters, finding some charm amongst the male's easy mistakes. It wasn't something unusual as he was an infamous clutz in your class. So he was likely texting while typing, again. Your fingers hover over the luminous keyboard, before eventually sending him a simple response.
[YOU] ➤ Yeah, it's fine lol. But I'm not home so come to this address “XX XXXX Avenue/Drive/Street” SENT; 17:25
➤ Have a safe trip. :)
SENT; 17:25
While immersed in your phone, you had yet to notice a certain someone looming over you in displeasure. From lack of attention, perhaps. But you had never been one to allow technology to soak up your time, nonetheless when you're ill. So who could possibly be taking up your time? He pondered, glaring hard at the device resting on your hand.
Pulling back the covers, Siyun moved to join you beneath the spotless sheets of the mattress. The dipping of the bed didn't bother you, let alone pull you from the flashing screen of your phone. The ex-idol sighed loudly, shifting to take the pesky item from your protective grip. Only to be brushed off by a bored, dismissive hand.
He. Was. Livid.
“Babe~!” Siyun cooed, though his tone lacked even an ounce of playfulness. “What on your phone could possibly be so damn interestin—” DING DONG!
Whew! Saved by the bell.
“I'll get it.” He murmured under his breath, tossing the thick duvet to the side. The man was quick to leave in long, haste strides, but not before his eyes flicked to your stunned form one last time.
Now, Siyun had expected a lot of things, but this surely wasn't one of them. A shorter male, about five feet seven inches, no older than nineteen was at his door. His mousy brown hair was a mess, and he had a lightly tinted folder tucked tightly beneath his arm.
“H-hi, I'm one of [Last Name]'s classmates and I brought some papers to her.” Byung-Chul commenced, frantically unzipping the top of his backpack. “She — uhm, texted me this address.”
Oh, now it all made sense. The persistent flashing of your phone, snatching your attention right from his grasp. The lighthearted giggles that'd leave your mouth ever so often. Friendly, that they were. Giggles that held no sense of love; merely admiration and glee. Even so, it wasn't good enough.
One could say the latter is quite bitter. And if If looks could kill, your friend would be six — no, ten feet under! And that's being generous. But Siyun knows better than to let his bad side show. Heh, who am I kidding?
A faux smile tugged at the corner of his lips, one he was all too familiar with using. “Ah, I see. Thanks for coming...?”
“Choi Byung-Chul!” He chirped, handing the papers to the former idols' outstretched hand.
“Heh, right,” Siyun scoffs, disinterested. He lazily takes the folder from the male, leaning in a bit too close for comfort. “Since you're already here, I have a little favor for you. If you're up for it.”
“I...um — yeah, sure,” Byung-Chul stammered, looking over the time blaring from the smartwatch adorning his wrist. “I can spare a few minutes. What's up—?”
A sharp pain shot through the poor man's abdomen in mere seconds, sending him crumbling to his knees. Siyun loosely shook his wrist in the air, allowing the gentle breeze to cool the slight stinting of his knuckles. A cold, lifeless expression grazed the face of the once-beloved idol as he watched the man wither beneath his gaze.
“Stay away from [Name]. I wouldn't want anyth ing bad to happen to you~!”
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zinya · 3 months
Hey, is your day going well? I had a question before starting: which OM character do you like the least?
This time there is no mention of blood or injury so you can read in peace
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Mc- "I love you."
Lucifer-"Please don't."
Solomon who wanted to surprise MC by cooking a new recipe and ended up burning whatever this thing he calls "dish"
Solomon-"Look, I can explain... "
MC- "At this point I don't think I want you to."
Diavolo: "That's suspicious..."
Lucifer who watched MC and his family "What is?"
Diavolo:"This is the first time youve smiled in fourteen years."
Mc and Asmo who bet on who will have the most likes on devilgram
Mc-"How did you defeat me...?"
Asmo-"Because I have something you don't..."
Asmo- "Well, I was going to say friends.. but yeah, that too."
Diavolo-"I've decided to run off and become a pirate. "
Barbatos-"But your highness, you have a kingdom to run...
Diavolo-"Not anymore!"
Mc- "Violence isn't always the answer."
Satan-"True, but it is an answer."
Mammon-"You can tell me to do whatever you want-"
Mc- "Good, because need一"
Mammon-"But that doesn't mean that I'll listen."
Mc who enters Levi's room and sees him with his sewing machine
Mc-"What are you making?"
Levi-“Bad decisions.”
Lucifer- "I have a secret."
Mc-"Then keep it to yourself. Knowing you, it's probably something that would get me killed again."
Levi- "I'm going to need a week to recover from this..."
Mammon-"We've only been outside for three minutes."
Lucifer-"And this, is exactly what happens when you don't follow instructions."
Mc- "Last time I checked, life doesn't just hand you a book of instructions when you're born."
Mammon- "Even if life did, who would actually follow them?"
Mc-"You look extremely sad."
Asmo-"Thank you."
Mc-"Well, are you alright?"
Asmo-"Yes, I'm fine."
Mc-"You have tears streaming down your face...'
Asmo- "I'm auditioning for a movie, and I have
to be able to cry on command."
Lucifer- "What is that?"
Lucifer"Well, 'nothing' looks a lot like my wallet. How did you get that?"
Mammon-"I didn't even say anything."
Mc- "You didn't have to. That smirk said it for you."
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Here are the ideas coming from: ~ThirzahWriteg~ and @Bookingitonthedaily ( Instagram)
I don't know if you like this kind of format, in any case I have a lot of fun making them, and of course sorry for any spelling mistakes you might see in the posts.
On that note have a good day, believe in yourself and do everything you can yesterday doesn't matter anymore but today does.💙
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echobx · 5 days
Rafe x reader request:
In episode "Parcel 9," the group plans to cut off a house's power, but they accidentally alert the elderly resident, who defends her home with gunfire. Reader gets injured, and despite objections, they're forced to leave her behind. Later, Rafe overhears their conversation, outraged by their abandonment. Determined to make things right, he enlists Barry to rescue Reader. Rafe finds Reader injured but alive, becoming her unexpected hero, and they bond through the ordeal.
Sorry it’s so long Xx
The Cellar - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: see ask
warnings: mention of reader's leg being injured, other than that none
word count: 1k
author's note: idk why it took me so long to finish this 😭 and now the formatting is (imo) bad bc I don't have my laptop here with me but I wanted to post this anyway. it's roughly edited but not much.
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“We don't have a choice,” John B yells and pulls Sarah with him, leaving you stuck under the wooden pillar.
“Sarah!” you cry out but her boyfriend has already pulled her away, out of the cellar and away from you.
You do your best to contain your sobs and cries of pain, not wanting to alert the old lady again. Time passes slowly and you feel yourself growing weaker.
Unbeknownst to you Rafe has his ears perked, listening to John B promise Sarah to go back later that night to get you, but he doesn't sound convincing. Rafe quickly pulls out his phone and texts Barry to meet him at the Crain house.
When they get there it's already getting darker, and they have to use their flashlights to see around the garden and find their way into the cellar.
“John B? JJ?” you whisper as you hear someone enter the cellar, but the voice that answers is not one you are familiar with.
“You really think those two are gonna come back to get you?” Barry laughs quietly before you can see him.
“How'd this happen?” Rafe asks, reaching over to brush over your cheek, removing your tears.
“The old witch shot at us and then this thing fell on my leg and-” You stop before you start crying again and Rafe nods.
“Gonna get you out of here, love,” he promises and turns to Barry. They lift the pillar and you manage to scoot out from under it.
Rafe picks you up and carries you out and towards his car. He saved your life and you don't even know how he knew where to find you. But most of all you wonder why he cares enough to do it.
The ride is quiet, apart from his rather aggressive taps against the steering wheel, or the fact that he's 10 mph over the speed limit.
“Why did you come and get me?” you ask quietly after he puts you down on the couch in his home.
“Because you deserve better to be left alone and all,” Rafe runs his hand over the back of his neck. You have never seen him nervous. As a matter of fact, you have never seen much of him at all, especially not on your own. But now that he's standing in front of you, you get a clear look at him; furrowed brows, lips pressed to a thin line, his hair hanging into his face.
“The doctor will be here in a bit to check on you,” Rafe pulls your attention back to the present.
“Oh, I'm fine, really,” you lie and try to get up, but he catches you just as your legs start to give out from under you.
“I can see that,” he huffs and puts you back down on the sofa.
The doctor comes and leaves rather quickly, only prescribing bed rest and a special ointment for the bruises on your leg, as well as pain medication.
“Maybe I should get you cleaned up before we start the bed rest part of this,” Rafe mumbles and picks you up to go upstairs without you being allowed to say anything about it. It's like he has taken over and you're unsure if you really want to complain about it, about giving parts of your freedom away to him.
He helps you undress with his eyes closed. It's a funny game because he really doesn't want to cross a boundary with you, but he also can't see which makes you giggle when he accidentally grabs your boob instead of your arm and then he jumps back and nearly falls over all by himself.
“I didn't mean to do that,” he apologizes but you keep laughing.
“It's okay.”
His eyes are still closed when he helps you in the bathtub, only opening them after you have confirmed that your bubble bath is covering you completely.
“You can open your eyes again,” you giggle, and he peeks one eye open before looking at you fully. “Didn't think you'd be so weird about potentially seeing some boobs.”
“I'm trying this new thing called, being respectful. Apparently, girls are into that kinda shit,” Rafe says and flashes his eyebrows at you while pulling a small stool over to sit down next to the tub.
“No way!” you fake a gasp and he smiles. “Yeah, you would be surprised how well it's working.”
“Is it?” you ask and he nods, gnawing at his bottom lip.
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask and he nods. “I always thought you were worse. I mean, you're not the best, still-”
“Not my fault you hang out with assholes,” he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“I hang out with Sarah, and Sarah has friends who are not always as bad as you think. I know JJ would've come back to get me,” you argue.
“Did he, though?” Rafe remarks snidely.
“Eventually they would’ve.” You are sure of it, your friends had never left you behind before, surely it had been a mistake.
“I can bring you back there if you're so sure,” Rafe suggests and you shudder.
“No, thank you. The old witch had a fucking rifle.”
“See,” Rafe chuckles softly and you can't help but gaze at him, at how pretty he looks.
You keep talking, getting to know him better, really. You learn that he, just like you, doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, always trying to get approval from the parent. And you learn that he likes bikes, and only golfs to annoy the old fuckers on the course.
And after you're done bathing he gives you some clothes he found in Sarah's room and you lie down on his bed, eating pizza and watching a movie.
“It's the best because they are both doing the same thing and in the end, all their efforts go out of the window because they realize they belong together,” you sigh happily as the movie starts playing. Rafe pulls you into his side, and you let him. And although he's not a fan of rom-coms, he sits with you, more focused on your reactions to the film than the actual screen.
And while he's watching you, he can't help but thank your dumb Pogue friends for leaving you behind and giving him a chance to win you over.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @notdxbya
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Being jealous of their child
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Nikolai, Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Ranpo X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humour, Comfort
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Shitty parenting (like, for real), bsd men/reader being childish af
Word Count: 2.7K
A/n: As you know I'm a sucker for fluffy romantic shit so-
Btw C/N stands for Child's Name
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They're the one who gets jealous
From the moment you announced your pregnancy to him, Nikolai knew his life was about to turn into a horrifying nightmare. How the baby was going to have his share of attention from you, how your love was going to be divided between him and the baby; it was definitely an unpleasant event.
But things got a little better when the baby was born.
When the small, whiney creature was placed into his arms, he immediately stopped crying and his tiny lips curled up into a open mouth smile, making his teethless gums visible; like he could recognize his father's aura. Nikolai pouted at the sight.
That stupid baby.
That stupid adorable baby.
His baby.
Suddenly things weren't that bad anymore, because his mind started wandering around the imagination of him and his son, running away from angry Sigma as they held each others hand and giggled. They could annoy Dos-kun together, they could play pranks on people and laugh at their stupid faces when they realized what was happening. His son looked just like him, and no one could resist those big glassy golden eyes of his.
He could teach his little Dove how to fly, alongside him.
At that moment Nikolai suddenly felt butterflies flying in his stomach, but he forget an important point;
that his son took after him and he, was a jerk.
"Mommyyyyyyy! Dad ate all the cookies again!"
The words of your son made you look up to your husband who was sitting on the couch watching TV, and raise your voice a bit.
"Nikolai! Again? How many times have I told you not to eat the cookies I bake for C/N?"
Nikolai stared at your sons innocent face for a while, before looking back to you and pout. "Why not?" "Because you eat them all at once and I have to get my ass kicked making them again!"
C/N stood behind you as he gazed at his father. He always looked so innocent, so pure, so angelic; but not with that evil smile on his face; The evil smile that you've never seen, because he doesn't plan on showing you.
The little beast was watching him closely to rat him out.
Nikolai slowly sank into the couch as an idea popped into his mind. If that little beast could play dirty, then why wouldn't he show him a little bit of what he's actually capable of?"
"It's just that... You know what? Never mind" "What? What is it?"
You stared at your husband who was fighting back a smile with curiosity, taking a few steps to approach him.
"What is it baby? You know you can tell me anything" You said while sitting next to him, tucking his hair behind his ear. Nikolai sighed at your motion, and tried to avoid your gaze as he started talking.
"It's just that... I've been feeling a little left out lately, and... Ever since C/N was born... You haven't given me any attention. It just feels like... that... you don't love me anymore" "What? That's not true, baby! I love you both equally!" "Oh really? Then how come you never bake any cookies for me? They were used to be all mine! And what happened to our date nights? Hm? All gone when the baby came into our lives!"
You slowly became sad at his words. He was right. Things changed so much since your baby was born, and they weren't all good changes. Maybe you were focusing on your son a bit too much, to the point that you forgot about the love of your life. How unforgivable.
"Kolya... I'm so sorry... I guess I didn't realize how hard things must have been on you... But I promise I make up for it! I love you more than anything in the world after all. I-"
"More than him?" Nikolai looked directly into your eyes that got widened from his question. "What?" "I said, do you love me more than C/N or not?" "I... Well I can't choose-" "Yes or No, Y/N?"
You paused for a few second, before taking a glance at your son from the corner of your eyes and getting closer to your partner, Whispering in a really quiet tone. "Yes... Of course I love you more than him. You're my other half, after all"
He knew you didn't mean it. He found out about it the day you refused to have an abortion and decided to keep the baby, but this was enough for him; enough to teach his brat of a son a lesson.
"Good" Nikolai smiled as he used to do back when you first met, and opened his arms for you. "Now, a hug would be a good start to make up, hmm?"
"Sure, baby; sure" You slowly leaned to his embrace, missing the sight of him taking his tongue out and show the middle finger to your son, who was raising his fists to threaten him that he'll get back at him for this.
"I want to marry you when I grow up, mom!"
C/N slowly hugged you and placed a small kiss on your belly, since it was the only place his lips could reach without help. You chuckled while running your fingers through his hair, smiling at your son which was literally the smallest version of your dearest husband.
"But baby! What are we going to do about your father then? Daddy will be sad if you take his wifey away from him. Don't you love your daddy?"
C/N's face turned sad a bit as he thought about his father being away from you. The little one was aware of how deeply his dad was in love with his mom, how he always wrapped his arms around her, trapping her in a long hug the minute he got home. Dad was crazy about mom, always had to be touching her in some way, always kissed her forehead gently before staring at her with his love struck eyes... it was the reason why he wanted to marry his mom after all;
His cute little mind was expecting a life like this in the future, marrying someone he was head over heals for and form a happy family with her.
"I... I love daddy but... I love you more! Besides, daddy can come to our wedding if he wants to!"
"Oh really?!"
the sudden appearance of your husband made you both draw back in shock, and turn to the door just to see him peeking through the door with a not exactly delighted expression.
"D-Dad? How long how you been standing there?"
"Long enough to witness this brutal act of betrayal!" He said dramatically as he always did, slowly walking toward you to place his hand on your waist. You rolled your eyes at him and subconsciously sank into his warmth more, making him smile a bit harder.
"Now now, C/N; Do you think you have a chance with my Belladonna?"
The boy looked over how your figure was sticking to Dazai's as if he was your savior, and a small sulk appeared on his face. "Why not? I'm more handsome than you are!"
Dazai gave him a challenging gaze while he tightened his grip on your waist, smirking at his kid knowing he was going to end up crying in his bedroom.
"Then let me make it clear for you"
His confident tune made you shoot him a suspicious glance and protest to him arguing with his own child, but your voice was immediately cut off by your own shock from being lifted up into the air.
"This is my Belladonna! You see her? She's my wife! My one and only love in this cruel world! I'll do anything for her! I'll protect her from anything! And I'll never let anything come between me and her! Not even you, you little brat!"
It was a matter of time before your sons shocked face burst out into gloom "Waaaaaaa daddy is so mean I hate you!"
He covered his face with his tiny hands while running off to his bedroom, slamming the door behind himself as his sobbing became louder.
You raised your eyebrows at your stupidly handsome husband.
"Happy now?"
Not that he needed to say anything though; the answer was written all over his gorgeous face. "Oh Yeah, Definitely"
Your red nails looked so majestic running around in those dark brown hair like that, slowly massaging the skin as you smiled down at, well, someone who was not him.
Ranpo sulked as his sharp gaze targeted you and C/N, who had his head laid on your lap while listening to your easy riddles that he could answer in a blink of an eye.
"So, another one. There are two doors. Behind one of them is a lion who hasn't eaten anything in two weeks, and behind the other one is a lab full of poisonous gas. If you had to open one, which would be your choice?"
"If I answer that correctly, would you give me more ice cream as reward?"
"Of course! My clever boy deserves all the sweets in the world!"
"Yay!" C/N smiled as he looked at you with excitement. "Then, I would open the door with a lion behind it, cause the lion is dead after being starved for two weeks!" "That's right! Mwah* You're my little detective! I'm so proud of you baby!" "Then can you add some cookies to the reward too?" "Sure! If you do all your homework" "Ok then!"
C/N got up and ran to his room to finish his math homework. You sighed, letting your head rest on the wall behind you, when you suddenly felt something on your lap.
"Ranpo? What are you doing?" You watched him with surprise as he tried to avoid your gaze by tilting his head to the other side.
"Ask me" "What?" "Ask me to solve riddles for you too!"
His flushed cheeks and whiney tune finally hit you. Oh! So your thirty year old husband was being jealous of his own son! How... expected of him.
"So you want more ice cream as well?" You decided to play dumb as you seized the opportunity to tease him a little bit, but he saw through you, as always. "No! I want you to praise me like you praise C/N! I can solve harder riddles than him! I'm the best detective in the world! not him!"
You wished you could say his nagging and childish behavior made you question your life choices, but unfortunately, those were actually the reasons why you fell for this adorable man in the first place.
"Fine baby, you're the best the detective in the whole world" You slowly placed a kiss on his forehead, slowly massaging his temple to make him blush even harder.
"Even better than him?" "Even better than him"
Ranpo let out a "Hmph" sound before looking back to you, and pouting at your satisfied expression.
"Y/N?" "What is it baby?" "I still want more cookies and Ice cream as reward, and they have to be more than his share"
You're the one who gets jealous.
This is wrong.
This is stupid.
This is childish.
This is illogical.
But this is still how you feel.
You're jealous of how your daughter is all curled up in his lap and he's so cool about it like it's nothing. Why isn't he shooing her away? Why? Then why is he always rejecting you whenever you get clingy while he is working?
You didn't want him to reject her. You just...
Felt left out.
"Look, daddy! It's me and you!" C/N chuckled as she held the paper up so her father could see it, but it was a bit too high and literally three centimeters away from his face.
"Oh, it's really pretty sweetheart" He said as he took the paper from her tiny hands, while caressing her pigtails with his other hand. The drawing was messy, but its cuteness could definitely make up for it. However, There was something missing; an important thing.
"Where's your mom then? You didn't draw her" He replied, slowly tilting his head to the front to meet his child's purple eyes that took after his. Her cute pigtails were kinda getting in the way of his vision, but they were too cute to shake off.
"Oh? I drew mommy earlier, But she was still caught up with housework so she told me to leave her alone until she's done. She promised she'll come see it later!"
Fyodor raised his head to look at you, but was met with an empty sofa instead. You were here a while ago, where did you suddenly went off?
"Darling, wait here. I'll go check up on your mom. Don't touch anything before I come back, ok?"
Fyodor didn't see you leaving, but he had no trouble guessing where you were.
He found you in your shared bedroom, your coiled figure on the bed as you were hiding under the blanket. The sound of those familiar footsteps made you cautions, but you weren't planning on greeting him as you used to do.
Sure, housework.
Still silence.
He remained still, making you wonder if he was planning on something which was rather expected of him;
but the unexpected thing was how his arms suddenly wrapped around you as he crawled under the blanket.
"Hm! So, she's actually sleep" He whispered next to your ear, smiling softly while his thumb gently caressed your cheeks that were slightly red from... the warmness of the room? You wished he would think that way.
"Too bad... I wish she could join us in the living room"
The smile you were struggling to fight back finally beat you as it appeared on your face, but you were still not going to give in.
"Dear, may I say you're pressing your eyes a little too hard for someone who's actually sleep?" "No you may not, and I am sleep you're just being paranoid" "Absolutely! How can I question it when you're telling me yourself?" He teased, pulling you closer to plant a delicate kiss on your forehead, which was his one last move to surrender you; and your open eyes was proof that he succeeded.
"Hmph! You waked me up" You pouted, sinking into his embrace. He's chin was on the top of your head, fingers going through your silky hair as he inhaled the delightful aroma of your chocolate scented shampoo.
"My apologies, dear; what would you suggest to make up for it?" "Cuddles...? If... if you have time...? I mean, you looked like you have plenty a while ago!" Your sullen voice made him chuckle and press you in his arms a bit harder. "Of course. I always have time for you, wifey~" "Fedya!"
He knew how to make you feel butterflies in your stomach, he definitely did.
"So, which one of us do you like the most? Me or her?" You looked at your husband as you raised your eyebrows, daring him to choose the other option on the table, which was your daughter who was also standing next to you, with the same pose.
"Uh... I love you both equally?" He smiled thinking he just saved himself, but your dissatisfied expressions made it clear that this was not over yet. "That's not true! You have to pick one!" "Yes daddy! Tell mommy that you like me more than her!"
The little one held the bottom of his coat as he looked at him with puppy eyes, trying to manipulate him into choosing her; but the thing was that your sharp gaze was more powerful than those bluebell eyes of hers.
"I can't choose between you! You're both my girls!" "That's it, I'm sleeping in the guest room" "NO WAIT-"
Chuuya suddenly shifted you up with one hand as he did the same to C/N, pulling both of you back onto his lap. The cocky smirk on his face was more visible than usual, but you couldn't blame him because you were also shocked from how he was able to do such things without wasting any energy.
That handsome bastard.
"See? I have enough strength to hold both of you in my arms, and my love is no different~" He smiled, placing a kiss on C/N's cheek to prove his point. "There's enough love for the both of you. You're my favorite people in the whole world, ok? There's no need to fight over this! I'm all yours"
You sighed, picking his hat up to pull his ponytail.
"That was nice, but..." "Owww!" "Still not the right answer" "Damn it!"
Reblogs are wildly appreciated :)
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sebsbarnes · 2 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Cuddly werewolf
Werewolf boyfriend x gender neutral reader
Minors Do Not Interact, I don't make posts for you!
Having said that this is just a bunch of fluff, enjoy. Established relationship, reader lives with werewolf boyfriend. Might give him a name and make him a recurring character but I'm not sure yet.
Formatted on a phone, might look strange on any other device. Sorry.
You cold? Time for big fluffy werewolf cuddles and a face full of fluff as he pulls you into his chest. Cold weather is his favorite, it's the best for cuddling. His tail will be wagging as he snuggles you. He might get a little too excited and give you sloppy kisses all over your face. You'll have to wash your face extra well tonight, if you can wiggle out of his arms.
Too hot to cuddle? He's whining and crying, just absolutely distraught that he can't cuddle. He loves summer but he hates when it's too hot to cuddle with you. The heat makes him whinny as he lays on the floor panting with three fans pointed at him. If you sit down and let him lay his head on your lap he's joyous. His tail wagging up a storm as he closes his eyes snuggling into you. Will hold your thighs, that's the amount of snuggling he could handle in this moment. Oh boy if you start petting his fur or scratching behind his ears he's in heaven. You have four fans now, his tail is wagging so hard he's making a breeze. The next day his tail is sore from wagging his tail so aggressively. You'll need to give him an ice pack for his tail and comforting kisses. 
His cuddly nature doesn't stop in public though toned down of course. He'll be holding your hand the whole time the two of you walk around. You'll be standing in front of an employee with him standing behind you paws on your hips as you tell the worker he asked for no pickles, he hated pickles. Ick. 
If you let him he'll pull you onto his lap and practically hide you in his fur as he cuddles you. Will like your face he has no shame. 
Oh how he loves carrying you around the place while he does things. If you're doing chores and can't reach something he wouldn't grab it for you he'd pick you up and hold you so you could get it. He'd watch you with a smile as his tail wagged. Loves doing chores with you, it's better doing it with someone he loves so dearly. 
He's a bit clingy and will try to follow you into every room and get confused when you push him out. Will wait for you to come back out. Though if you tell him you need some space he'll understand and go do something else.
Times you're not around he'll cuddle your pillow or stuffed animals if you have them. If you don't he'll collect all your clothes and snuggle into them. Honestly anything that smells like you will work. The moment your back he's tackling you and carrying you to the bed for cuddles. If you smell like someone else he'll make quick work of rubbing his face all over you to get his scent on you instead. He's the jealous type but he won't tell you that. It's obvious though but cute that he tries to hide it. 
If someone he doesn't like is near you he will wrap an arm around you and slowly pull you in closer, you're not leaving his side. 
Loves giving you piggy back rides. He finds it so funny feeling you try to wrap your arms around him. If he's giving you a piggyback ride on a hike he's going to run you better hold on tight cause he's going as fast as he can. He's having fun, don't worry he won't drop you. Maybe. 
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Howdy howdy! Could I request Blitzø, Fizarolli and Millie (separate, not poly) with a chubby s/o?
No worries if you're not interested in writing this one. Take care 💛💛
"More To Love" ; Blitzø, Fizzarolli, Millie
AN: Aw, hun, don't worry about it!! These are always some of the sweetest requests!! I'm super thin tho, so if something is inaccurate or offensive, please tell me!!
Also, new format who is SHE??
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Let's get this out of the way: Blitzø does not care. Like, at all. Sometimes, you aren't even sure he notices your appearance.
Which, yes, is very comforting. He's attracted to you regardless, he wouldn't be with you if he wasn't.
Blitzø's favorite thing in the world is to cook for you. Half of his attempts could be considered lethal, sure, but hey, he's fed himself and his daughter for at least a few years off of his skills, right? He'll do his best to adhere to any special diets and eating routines you have, too, since he totally understands if you have any insecurities. He knows how cruel Hell and earth alike can be toward anybody who isn't a stick figure.
Allergic to nuts? Sweet, guess what's no longer in the house. Pescatarian? He's suddenly the hugest fan of fish. Vegetarian? That's fine, he didn't like meat, anyway. Even though he did.
He's a dad, after all, and if he's that doting with his daughter, imagine how doting he is with his partner. You're the light in his dark world, and he hates the idea of you ever feeling like anything less than you really are.
Now, granted, sometimes, some of the things he says sound insensitive, but he really is trying to learn more about your situation. So he gets some very... er... sweet-intentioned, but possibly perverted-sounding nicknames for you.
"Heeeeyyy, Sexy~." "Woah! Got someone you're tryna impress today~?" "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes~?"
I wouldn't be surprised if your face is eternally red, like, at all.
If you ever confessed to actually being insecure about your body... oh god. Good luck, that's it for you.
He's basically going to be so touchy on you, it'll be like you have a Blitzø-sized tumor attached to your hip.
If you've got a tail, Blitzø will ensure that your tails are basically always intertwined.
Unless you tell him to stop, of course. He's a dick, but he's not that much of a dick.
But he'll make sure you're always comfortable and feeling loved and basically worshipped. Seriously, have you ever seen an assassin get pissed off because somebody insulted their S/O?
Well, you did after meeting him.
And it didn't end pretty for the other person in question.
He'll be the one constantly telling you how much he loves your curves, how beautiful you are to him, and how much he absolutely adores your body.
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Fizz, like Blitzø, doesn't really care about how you look or your weight.
He's just about attracted to anybody. If anything, in a Hell full of stick figures, he actually finds you more unique, and therefore more desirable.
But, maybe better than anyone, he can understand if you're insecure about your body.
Hell, he's insecure about his! Mechanical, unfeeling limbs... endless nerve damage... his whole body basically one giant burn scar.
But that does double over into knowing how to comfort you really, really well.
After all, he just thinks of how he'd want someone to comfort him on a day when he isn't feeling great about himself.
"S/O, you're looking sooooo pretty today! Have I ever told you how much I loooove you~?"
His tone remains teasing and playful, but of course, the words are very genuine. You're his other half, he doesn't know what he'd do without you.
And he's got little to no sense of mercy when it comes to someone bullying you or causing you to feel insecure, either.
First, he'd rip them to shreds verbally so hard that they either cry or run, and then he'd be on you like glue.
His mechanical limbs wrapped around you, snuggled up into your stomach while making those little purring sounds that Blitzø made in episode 4, complimenting the ever-loving shit outta you.
"You're so soft, babe~." "Mm... I could stay here all day long, you're so warm."
He'd even have his tail wrapped around your waist or upper thighs, just for that little extra closeness.
He loves you and the way you look so, so much and he wants you to be as happy with yourself as he is with you. :))
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Millie is someone who grew up around a lot of farm folk, a lot of whom were also on the chubbier side. It happened, it wasn't a bad thing. If anything, she liked it more on you.
And she'd be the one who'd actually fucking maul someone over insulting that trait of yours, my god- I'm not sure if there's ever been so much blood from one person-
You're insecure? Aw, you've got a little sweetheart right at your side.
"Baby, you're the cutest thang I've ever seen! I could just gobble you up~!"
As long as your physique doesn't pose any issues for your health, she's all for it! She finds it so cute and she loves how soft you are!!
And although she's never experienced it, herself, you can always count on her endless support and love, regardless of whatever it is you may need!
She'll always try to be right next to you, both because she's ready to strike if anybody dare makes a rude comment toward her lovely S/O, but also because she just adores you that much.
Like Fizz, she'll also wrap her tail around you when she wants cuddles because it's a way that imps like her often show love.
Another thing I think she'd like is comparing hand sizes.
And cheek pinching!! My God, with chubby cheeks, she'll be on them like glue!!
"Ain't you just the cutest lil honeybee in the hive, baby~? Yes you are! I love you so much~."
Honestly? Marry her. She's sweet, she's loving, she loves your appearance and running her hands over your curves, she adores you.
Plus, she'll protect you from fatphobic assholes. What's not to love?
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alphabetboyluvr · 8 months
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one/ two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
warnings - plans are being set in motion!!! back to busan we go! references to drugs, shitty driving, the usual. no smut! a rarity! plot!! one of my fave metaphors / set of lines in the entire fic is in this one!!
word count - 11.4k
minors dni // series masterlist
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"I've been thinking," you tell Hoseok a little after dusk. The sun sets later these days, mid-year sun never wanting to settle. A monsoon has been looming for a few days now, but the grey clouds sit defiant in the air. "You were right."
He looks at you, contemplation sinking into the creases of his frown, the crisp white shirt he's wearing unbuttoned to his mid chest. A pair of thin-framed glasses adorn his eyes as he skims over the notes of a casefile from work.
"What about?"
His voice is soft as he asks.
With your hair like this - top layer in a half-undone bun, the rest wisping around your shoulders - he's reminded of how you used to be.
There's a lot to be said for your relationship, or lack thereof, but once upon a time, you'd cared for another. Would dance in his parents' kitchen when they were out of town, you in one of his shirts, bare feet padding against the ondol heated floor.
You look younger with your hair like this. Like yourself, he thinks. Someone he used to know.
It's part of the reason, you think, that you're so awful to another. You grew up together. He's a part of your formation, and you a part of his. There's a reminder of the innocence that once was.
He knows how much you wanted to get out of the fold. Knows you wouldn't have come back without an ulterior motive. He isn't naive to this. Isn't naive to anything you do. Is well aware you've been doing things that no woman with a diamond on her ring finger should be doing.
But he's no saint, either. The ring was given to you with a purpose. Just like his dress shirts are dry cleaned with a purpose. Saves you from having to wash his secretary's lipstick out of them.
"I need something to fill my days," you say. "I think I'm going crazy cooped up here."
It's not a lie.
It's also not the full truth; not what's prompting this conversation, but that's neither here nor there.
Hoseok nods. Put his case file on the coffee table and turns his full attention to you. There's a softness to him now, one that he didn't have the last time you spoke.
He's not all bad, not by any stretch of the imagination. Is just caught up in a God-awful world. He's like you, in that regard.
Whatever freedoms once belonged to you have been traded for protection - not just from the men who lurk around dingy boxing clubs, but from your own family, too.
Hoseok's position within the police force gives you an added layer of armour. He's chainmail. He knows this. Knows you need him.
But he needs you, too. He's got a greasy pole to climb. Helps him out if you're throwing him towels from the Mayor's office. Will get him to the top a little quicker.
It's unsurprising that he had been the one to suggest picking your relationship back up where it had been left a few years prior.
He had painted the idea as a beautiful utopia; Daegu's darling children, reunited. A powerhouse. Unstoppable.
You didn't have a plan back then, not yet - but power seemed like a good place to start.
"You've been away for a while," he muses, well aware that it's not been an easy adjustment for you. "I... Look, you and I both know this isn't ideal. I know you wouldn't be here if you thought there was another option for you."
When you nod, he thinks you might cry.
The person you are isn't the person he once knew. You're so strong in some regards, far more powerful than he ever thought you would be and yet at times you can seem so docile. So timid. Weak. He doesn't understand it. Not really. Doesn't understand you.
Because if he did, he'd know there's nothing docile about you.
"I don't actually want to ruin your life," he says with a small smile that seems sincere. Might not be. You choose to believe it is.
"It's fine," you offer back an equally minuscule smile. "I do a good enough job of that all on my own."
He presses his lips together, and contemplative dimples etch themselves into his cheeks. "What are you thinking? Let's work together. Find a solution."
Men. So easy to wrap around your finger.
"I'm thinking of proposing a library initiative to get the city kids reading. You know how much my Father likes a good press release," you say. "I'm not too sure yet. I could volunteer at the library, start promoting for the education sector. Something like that. It will give me something to do, and gets me in a public role that is pretty much as safe for publicity as can be. If I'm working as a volunteer, there's no need for additional expenses."
As you recite your lines, you think of Jimin - and how good he is at putting words together to make them sound convincing. He and Jin are definitely the brains of Kang's boys. Namjoon and Jungkook the brawn.
Like clockwork, you're thinking about him again. Thinking about the way he didn't take his eyes off you for the entire meeting. Thinking about the way he didn't crack a single smile. Thinking about how he'd followed you out afterwards, just to ask if you were okay - and about how forlorn he'd looked when you told him that you're none of his concern, and that the only thing between the pair of you anymore is business.
And then he had smirked. Told you that business was the only thing that had ever been between the pair of you. Told you not to get it twisted. Told you not to flatter yourself, and reminded you that he was the one who had orchestrated your entire relationship.
"Whatever's between us -" He had almost snarled. "- Is what I made it to be."
You'd laughed. Stepped a little closer. Toyed with the key still around his neck, and said, "we both know that's not entirely true, don't we?"
He was silent. Could barely breathe, let alone think straight. Wasn't till you were a mile across the city that he seemed to remember how to function like a human being again. He knows one thing for certain: he absolutely cannot be around you. Not if he wants any shot at sanity.
And so when you walk into the boxing club the next day, Jungkook pauses.
He watches how you scan the room, but drops his gaze before your eyes are able to reach his. He doesn't care for making conversation with you. Knows that it will be a fruitless endeavour.
It feels like oceans bloat the distance between you, and he's never much been one for swimming. Loves the freefall of the dive; hates the dictation of the currents.
"Is Jin about?" You ask, an air of indifference to your tone.
Following the conversation with Hoseok, you'd been granted approval from the Mayoral office to start planning the campaign. You'll be working with the PR team, but it's your domain. They'll be there to hold your hand if you need it, but you'll be the guide.
You're just here to report back to Seokjin. Aren't here for small talk. Would rather swallow a razor blade, you think. Much more pleasant.
Still in his workout gear, Jungkook doesn't look at you. Just shakes his head, slams his locker door shut, and kicks the heavy metal side door of the club open.
"You shouldn't be here," he says as he exits. "Ain't safe for you."
And he's right. It's a terrible place for you to be. Not for the risk of Kang showing up, or you being spotted fraternising with the enemy, but because of the way Jungkook makes you feel like your heart might stop beating entirely.
Part of you thinks it would be preferable if it did.
The door slams behind him, and echoes into the lofty room. The chime is haunting. Almost sounds like the same one that used to be in your stomach.
You're looking at your feet, gearing yourself up to leave, when the door swings back open.
Jungkook is agitated. Chewing on his cheeks, thunder in his eyes; he's the monsoon that's been looming all week.
You wish he would just crash. Pour down. Bless you with the glory of what it feels like to be covered in his torrential rains.
But there's a ring on your finger, and a hole in his chest. His mouth is constantly dry in your presence, and he's all cried out. He's got nothing left to give.
You look so familiar. So much like home - but Jungkook lost the keys a long time ago, and the one around his neck won't work on any of the fucking locks. He's shut out. An intruder every time he tries to peep inside the windows. It's invasive, the way he looks at you.
Has you drawing the curtains shut.
"I wasn't kidding," he says, his rounded white teeth clamping on his bottom lip before he can speak his favourite letter out loud. Doesn't wanna call you the name he used to trace on your back in the dark of the night. "You don't what it's been like since... You don't know. It's not safe."
"It's never been safe," you sneer. "Why the fuck are you acting like you care now?"
You watch as his tongue presses against the inside of his cheek. He shakes his head. Looks to his feet.
There's something calming about it. You've seen his head hung low like this many times over.
It's never been due to your faults, but his, instead - his own disappointment, his own shame.
When his eyes fall back on you, dark and heavy, you're reminded of exactly who he is: danger.
So yeah, you're right. It's never been safe. Not with him around. Not safe for your life, not safe for your heart.
Never safe.
But he's always cared.
He wants to curse you out. Wants to say that you've no fucking idea how hard this has all been for him. Wants you to know that the only reason you're both still in this mess is because he cared. If he had never cared, then he never would have fucked it all up in the first place.
The words on the tip of his tongue are knocked back down his throat when a familiar rattle sounds in the parking lot. Thick and heavy, the gargle belongs to an exhaust pipe, and Jungkook has been around these parts for long enough to know exactly who it belongs to.
"Shit," he hisses. Doesn't answer your question. Holds the door open, instead. "Out."
When you stay put, he snarls.
"C, get the fuck out. It's Kang. You wanna fuck things up all over again? Wanna prolong the time we have to spend together?"
You start walking as soon as he finishes his final question.
"S'what I thought," he mutters when you walk past, and closes the door behind you both. "Go slowly. Don't turn the corner into the parking lot. Wait for me."
He clicks the lock shut; scrambles the code on the padlock. Keeps his eyes on you while you wait by the corner of the building. Appreciates that you listened to him for once in your life.
Old Man Kang only comes to the boxing club these days to check up on Jungkook - to make sure he's fighting fit. He's got a boxing match coming up. A big one. Puts him up against some boys from Busan. He knows they don't take well to 'traitors', which is what he's deemed as, now that he's fighting for a Daegu club.
Kang's banking on a heavy return should Jungkook win - but there's no 'should' about it. He has to win. If he doesn't, his debt to Kang - for the money lost on you - will only increase.
"You drive here?" Jungkook whispers as he comes to stand behind you, peeking over your shoulder to get a view of the parking lot. You choose not to inhale through your nose. Know that you might just die if he still smells the same.
He scans the cars, but can't spot the Merc you've been driving.
Of course he can't. Hoseok needed it for work. An out of town job.
"Got the bus," you say back, just as quietly.
"M'kay," Jungkook says gently. Goes to put a hand on your waist. Stops himself. Remembers things aren't how they used to be. "Take my key, get in the passengers side. Keep your head down. I'm gonna go back in for a minute, and make it look like I'm just leaving. They'll ask questions if they hear me drive off without seeing my face."
"I don't-"
"It's not up for debate. If they see you here, it fucks everything up. Just get in the damn car."
It's silent, save for the faint hum of traffic on the main road a few blocks away. Just you, and Jungkook, and the sound of the city. Neither of you really understand the way you feel. It's not quite sorrow. It's solemn. Sad - yet there's serenity, too. A saving grace for those who have fallen from it.
Jungkook decides that you're too stubborn, but also knows the one thing that always got you on side was a little desperation.
He gets closer. Puts his hand on the back of your neck. Wonders if you can feel the pulse in his thumb, and how it's beating a mile a minute. Squeezes ever so gently. Whispers, "Please, C."
The bus stop is two minutes up the road. You know that you could make it there - and be on the next bus going anywhere - by the time Jungkook has finished distracting Kang. You don't need him to save you. You don't need his protection. His kindness.
Yet you hold out your hand. Take his keys, and say, "Please be quick."
All he can do is nod, because truthfully, he'll do whatever he can to get himself beside you again.
"I'll be as quick as I can be. Promise."
It's funny. He's broken every single promise he's ever made you. Strange of him to think it holds any merit, now.
Doesn't stop you from holding out your pinky, mind you. Also doesn't stop him from linking his with yours. Pretty little promise, wrapped up with a pink bow. All perfect and pristine, satin against skin.
At least it's not red, you think. Not this time.
You hear Jungkook greet Kang - "Hi! Didn't see you there. Was just about to leave! What can I do for you?" - and decide that the coast is clear. Glancing around, you make a beeline for Jungkook's obnoxiously bright tin can of a car.
You hate it. Hate it in the same way that teenagers hate their hometowns. No matter how much you want to run from it, you know it will always be the place you go back to.
But of course you will.
It's home.
Some say it's where the heart is.
And considering you've been without one ever since Jungkook left your apartment all those months ago, perhaps it's not a bad place to start looking for it.
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As you approach the bright, siren-red car in the parking lot, Jungkook's keys sit snug in the palm of your hand.
The satin lanyard strap is a little worn through - a freebie from a car show he'd attended a few years ago - but is just as soft as it always has been.
There's comfort to be found in it, like a blanket from childhood, or the warmth of a heavy duvet after a long day. It's a comfort you haven't felt in Hoseok's bedding, nor in the childhood bedroom you're able to visit again now that you're back on cordial terms with your family. 
Jungkook had never smothered you. Not once. Not like a blanket nor a duvet could - and that's exactly why you kind of used to wish he would. You had craved the weight of his body; wanted your airwaves cut off by the very essence of everything he was. Deprivation had made you desperate.
Foolishly, it seems like not much has changed. Not much and everything all at once.
When you hook your fingers beneath the door handle, you can still feel the burn of his touch. In fact, your pinky finger almost feels numb. You hold it out a little, away from your other fingers. You want to preserve the feeling; lodge the sensation in your memories, embed it into your skin. Never wanna lose it, as if you have any choice in the matter. 
Sinking into the passenger seat (alternatively known as the closest thing you've ever had to a second home) it's the scent of his leather that hits you first. A little oaky. Well-aged. Cared for. Restored by a pair of rough hands that hand touched you with just as much gentle cautiousness, once upon a time.
It's details like these; his discipline when it comes to making sure his car is looked after - preserved - that let you know just how meticulous Jungkook is. Nothing he ever does is purely up to chance.  Luck isn't something that comes naturally to him. It's something he crafts. 
Like Rumplestiltskin, he'd spun gold from straw in the form of your relationship. None of it was real. Not really.
A few tears brim on your lashline and threaten to fall - but you've never taken well to threats. You wipe them away. Won't let him know that being back in a place that once felt so much like safety is scaring you half to death, now. 
It's a vow you've made to yourself: Jungkook will never know how he affects you. He won't see you cry. Will never know your skin is forever changed by his touch, numb to everything else but the tips of his fingers and the taste of his tongue against your own.
He'd lost the luxury of 'you' the very second he decided you were expendable. 
Shifting in your seat, you're acutely aware of the little changes that have been made in your absence. There's a new air freshener, but it smells just the same. Some sort of pine. Gas station staple.
There's no hairband around his gear stick, like you know there used to be. No receipts from GS25 in the cupholders, no dirt from your shoes in the footwells, no bottles of soju left to roll around in the back.
His car is void of all essence of you. 
The centre console - the old store for your snacks after late night shifts - is empty, save for a pair of silver-rimmed glasses.
They're large - clear lenses - and slightly more rounded than you'd expect of his taste, but the thick dark frame on top of them seems apt. You can't imagine him wearing them. Think it might be fatal. Decide you'd never like to find out.
When you flick down the sun visor to check yourself in the mirror, you almost miss it; the one relic of you.
Tucked in a small slip where his tax documents should be, is a photo strip. Taken in a beachside photobooth after a few too many drinks, you remember it well.
It's rough at the edges. Torn in half. Jungkook is gone, and yet you remain. 
The removal of himself from his own memories is stark. Confusing. Distressing. Forces you to focus on yourself; the smile that you know was caused by him tickling at your ribs, and the tattooed hand on the side of your face in the second picture, that you know for a fact was pulling you in for a kiss, even if you can't see it. 
In the photographs, your eyes are bright, despite the black-and-white filter (his pick). There's a stupid pastel purple frame around each one of the pictures, with miniature Kuromi's perched on the edges (your pick).
You wonder where the other half is. Decide you're better off not knowing, but don't have time to give it much thought though, for Jungkook's yanking at the drivers-side door, and asking for the keys before you even have a chance to flip the visor back up.
He looks at you - eyes jagged, jawline sharp - and lets his gaze fall to your hand, where the pictures sit pretty.
"That's still in here?" he sneers, as if it's a surprise; as if he doesn't look at it every time he stops by the river to breathe for a moment. Just like he didn't sit on the beach in Busan last month and set fire to the other half; watching himself disintegrate. "Keep it. I've got no use for it."
He holds his hand out for his keys, so you make sure to drop them just beyond his grasp and into his footwell. You know you're pressed for time, and that you really shouldn't be fucking about, but he's too much of an asshole, you decide. 
"Real fuckin' mature," he grumbles, pulling on the lever beneath his chair to push it back so he can reach down for them. There's silence as his posture restores and he sinks his key into the ignition. A spark lights in his engine, the exhaust roaring into action. He knocks the gear stick into reverse, and holds onto the headrest of your seat as he looks over his shoulder. Swings the car around. "Head down."
You do as you're told. 
It's mainly because you don't want to give him any more reason to snarl, but also because the quicker you do, the quicker you can just get the fuck out of his car.
It's claustrophobic now that he's sharing the space with you. You don't wanna breathe; don't wanna smell his aftershave. Don't wanna listen; don't wanna hear the way he mumbles to himself. Don't wanna look; don't wanna see his tattooed hand knock the gear stick into first, then straight up to third.
In fact, you'd quite like to stop existing altogether. 
Jungkook used to say how much he enjoyed it. Enjoyed existing with you. 
You hope it makes him feel fucking sick, now. 
"Just drop me at the end of the road," you say. "I'll make my way from there."
"End of the-" he scoffs, not even finishing his repetition of the question. He coasts around the corner, foot on the clutch. You wonder if he's exercising a complete lack of control on purpose. Wonder if he's baiting you. "That private school education of yours really didn't give you any street smarts did it, huh?"
He definitely is baiting you. There's no doubt about it. He's petty motherfucker when he wants to be - and you can be just as bad. You just can't decide on how you want to respond. 
Firing back would be the easy option. It's what he would expect. What he knows of you. 
Staying silent looks meek, you think. 
The final thing you consider is crying. Do you want to? Not really. You're more frustrated than you are sad. Thing is, he wouldn't expect it. Wouldn't know what to do. Would definitely make him freak out a little. Might even get him trying to make things better.
But you just can't bring yourself to do it. 
Instead, you laugh. Look straight ahead. "Baby, these streets are mine. We both know I'm untouchable."
His hard stare on the road intensifies. You're approaching the bridge. Neither of you want to speak, both too aware of the impact that first night had on your lives; how it planted a seed that turned out to be nothing more than a venus fucking fly trap. 
And yet Jungkook just can't help himself. He doesn't want to let you win.
It's pathetic, and he knows it. Knows that he's the one who fucked you over; that he's the one who did all of this. Knows that you've every right to be hurting, and every right to want him hurting, too.
But you're engaged, he fumes internally. Due to be married. Have committed your life to someone else, as if the time you had spent with Jungkook meant nothing. It's only been about four months since it all went to shit. He can barely look at the watermark he still hasn't cleaned off of his bathroom mirror. 
Lies were fed to you between his kisses, but every single one of those was real. He meant it every time he pressed his lips against yours; every time he told you he needed you in his sheets eternally.
He makes assumptions like you used to do. Thinks about your fiance. Assumes it's love. Has to be.
It's clear to him now that the feelings you pretended to have for him were always a lie. 
He doesn't understand why.
Sure, he knows why he lied to you. Knows that he filled your head with half-truths, and tiptoed around the facts of the situation, but he was always honest with how he felt. Never told you bullshit about wanting to keep you close. Meant every single word of it. 
But you didn't. It's obvious to him that your lies went beyond your family tree. Nobody likes a liar - not even the boy who cried wolf, himself. 
"Untouchable?" he smirks. It's cruel. Juvenile. "We both know that isn't true, don't we?"
"Haven't you heard, baby?" You simper, voice sweet a honey laced with rat poison. You hold up your hand, and wiggle your fingers. Light catches in the cut of your diamond. "I've got a ring. I'm untouchable in every sense of the word."
It stings. Almost like your diamond's encrusted on a dagger, and you've impaled it into his chest.
He doesn't look at you as he drives. Not like he used to. Doesn't throw you a single glance across the centre console, doesn't hold your knee nor your hand beneath his on the gear stick. Instead, his jaw remains taut, eyes ahead on an endless horizon that he hopes he never reaches. If he keeps driving forever, none of this has to end. 
For a little while longer, he can pretend. 
Pretend that things are as always as they were; that perhaps you've just had a small argument - over what to have for dinner or the way he'd rolled his eyes at a suggestion you had made - and that you'll crack a smile soon. He'll say something dumb, play your favourite song. Tell you he's sorry. Pull over, and refuse to drive until you hold his hand. 
But your hand has a ring on it now. He'd feel it lodged beneath his fingers. Would be indented with the mark of commitment from another man.
And that's what makes him crack. 
"Engaged," he laughs quietly, not an ounce of humour in his voice as he shakes his head. His eyes stay on the road. He can't look at you. Knows he wouldn't be able to look away.
You're silent for a moment. Consider not responding - but his tone bothers you. 
"Uh-huh. We've established that - but you've no right to pass judgement."
Jungkook doesn't want to pass judgement. He wants to be vulgar. 
Wants to remind you of the way you were taking his cock a matter of months ago. Wants to ask if your fiance hits the spot like he knows he used to. Wants to know if your body is still stained by the colour of his claim; rosy handprints on your ass, plum bruises on your chest left by his lips. Wants to know if it's his name that reverberates in your head when you bite onto pillows. Wants to know if your fiance even fucks you well enough to make you do that. He doubts it.
He doesn't want to know the answers to any of those, though.
"I'm not passing judgement, C," he says in perhaps the most judgemental tone you've veer heard, flicking his indicator to merge into the next lane. "What's the dress like? Can't be white, can it?"
"We're going traditional," you lie. It hasn't even been discussed yet.  You also don't plan on sticking around long enough to see it through to the big day, but that's none of Jungkook's business. "Hanboks only. No modern dress."
Funny, Jungkook thinks. Had never pictured you as the traditional type. Then again, never pictured you walking down the aisle with anyone but him.
Truth be told, it's not like he's ready for any of that. He's not good with the future. Not anymore. Moves from one bad decision to the next. No point in planning ahead.
He disregards the flashing amber light over the pedestrian crossing, narrowly missing it as it changes to red. His foot is on the gas, and he doesn't seem to be easing.  You adjust in your seat. Cross your legs. Hold onto the door handle. 
"Slow down."
The way he ignores you is childish, and the way he speeds up is even more so.
"Don't tell me how to drive my own damn car," he snaps. 
"Then don't drive it like a fucking idiot!"
The tyres screech to a halt. You're almost certain you can smell burnt rubber.
Around you, the road is empty. You're just a few blocks over from the bridge, not far enough for the coast to be clear, and you both know it. There's silence. No static from his radio, no chatter of former lovers; just his engine, purring softly, echoing into the night.
Neon lights from the amalgamation of churches and noraebangs rain down on you through his windows, painting your skin in a red haze. The beam of his headlights on the road ahead is intrusive, decrepit buildings shown in all their miserable glory; paint peeling from the walls, rust forming beneath nails like tears on cheeks, railings covering windows to keep outdated electronics protected. You hate this area. Always have done. Can't believe you used to consider it home.
"Fine then," he snaps. "Get out. Walk yourself home. See what I care. Don't get hit."
He expects resistance. Expects you to defy him. It's what he wants. Wants you choosing to stay - but like fuck are you gonna let him speak to you like that.
It's so hard knowing what's false with Jungkook. 
Some days, you think it was all ingenuine; that you've never seen the real him. 
On others, you tell yourself that the version of Jungkook you'd first met on the bridge was a facade; that you'd worn him down. Seen within. 
Most days, though, you believe the version of Jungkook you'd met on that very first night is exactly who he is. 
Everything that followed? A carefully crafted performance for an audience of one.
And now it seems like he wants a standing ovation - and who are you to deny such a skilled actor his applause?
Yanking just hard enough to piss him off, you pop open your door and stand beside the car. Applause comes in form of his door slamming shut, and the click of your heels piercing the emptiness in the air as you walk up the sidewalk.
"Where are you going?" He shouts after you from his window - but you just hold your middle finger up in his direction and continue onwards. "C?"
You wouldn't tell him even if you knew. All you know is that you selfishly kind of hope he'll call after you again. He does. You smile to yourself, and ignore him. 
Cursing to himself in the driver's seat of his car, he revs the engine back up. 
There's a sinking feeling in your chest, but you're the one who put it there. 
Only have yourself to blame.
You choose not to watch as his car hurtles past you. The sound is soul-destroying enough as it is.
Jungkook takes a moment to consider his choices. The obvious is to let you go - but he's done that once before, and has hated it ever since. He knows chasing after you will only end in him chasing his own tail, but he's been doing that ever since you left, as it is. What difference will it make? At least this way he can say he tried.
He pulls into a side road.
Derelict and dilapidated, it's no place for a car like his - but then again nowhere in this city is. He sticks out like a sore thumb. None of the other Pony's are polished quite so well, no have been lowered like his. None of them rag about in the dark of night, only for him to fix his faux pas in the light of day the following morning. He'll never let it rust. Never let it falter. Never let it down; and in turn, it won't let him down either.
It will always take him exactly where he needs to be - and right now, he thinks it's beside you.
Slamming his door shut far gentler than you had, Jungkook pushes the key into its lock and twists it shut. He doesn't want to use the electric locks today. Feels like the only way to do things right is to go analogue. Old school.
Wishes there was a way he could go back in time with you, too.
His feet splash in the shallow puddles as he trundles back down the alley on foot, pulling the hood of his jacket over his head. He's still in his workout gear - a pair of joggers and some beat-up trainers - but doesn't care for keeping up appearances.
He waits as you approach. You notice him immediately, but make no acknowledgement of his presence. Just keep on walking. Even when he begins to walk alongside you, not a single word is spoken. Cars pass by, passengers gazing out of their windows at the strange pair walking side by side yet miles apart. 
You wonder if they make assumptions about you like you know would.
If you were to see yourself, you'd guess that you were angry. A couple in the midst of a fight but too far from home to go your separate ways, maybe. The way your arms are crossed definitely suggests ice to the relationship, but of what the relationship is, you don't think you'd be able to tell. Lovers? Friends? Enemies? All of the above?
You wonder if they'll make up a life for you both. Wonder if they'll resolve the argument they must think you're having. Consider that maybe in their mind, you get a happy ending.
Maybe your observers will be just as naive as you once were. A fool with a fragile heart who gave it to a man who didn't know his strength.
Or perhaps he did. Perhaps he just never cared if he were to break it.
Jeon Jungkook; a rebel with a cause, just without care.
Asshole, you think. Wind whips loose stands hair against your face, cold despite the heat of summer that has now arrived. A storm is coming this evening, but you don't plan on being around to see it.
It's a shame. You've been looking forward to it. Hoseok's away. Work retreat to Yeosu. Some sort of training programme. You had anticipated a night alone watching the raindrops sinking down his apartment window.
The idea of going 'home' right now doesn't appeal to you. 
Though when you come to think about it, home is standing next to you as you wait at a zebra crossing, waiting on a green light.
When green lights up the sky, you continue forward. Take a left a left when you reach the hospital. Walk seemingly without direction and yet there's only one place this road leads to. Jungkook knows it well. Isn't really sure what you're doing. Thinks you're playing some kind of joke.
And yet he doesn't speak up. Just follows. 
The sign of the KTX station lights up the walkway, the rattle of overground trains polluting the silence between you. There are only a few more services for the night, but it means that freight trains are gearing into action, and they're so much louder than the passenger trains.
As much as he might not know what you're doing, you don't know either. Haven't really thought any of this through. 
All you know is you just don't want to stop walking with him. 
You hate yourself for it. Hate how weak he makes you feel. Hate that he gets to be okay and just live his life after ruining yours. Maybe you're misplacing your blame. Know full well that you've made some bad decisions as of late. Would take them back if you could.
Jungkook is one of those bad decisions you wish you could undo. If only life came with a rewind button. Ctrl+Z. Reboot. Restore to factory settings. 
And yet the idea of not knowing him - the sound of his laugh in the early hours of a Sunday morning, the feel of his cheeks a few days post-shave, the pressure of his lips on the crown of your head - fills you with dread. You may hate the memories, but you don't want to lose them, either.
You know Daegu's KTX station well. Hanger left as you enter, straight towards the self-service kiosks. Pick one that accepts card, then rest your palms on the pale blue plastic casing of the machine. There's a touchscreen full of choices - endless opportunities - but Daegu's KTX autofill route is the only one that you care for. The only one that feels right. 
You tap through to the next menu, ignoring Jungkook's presence beside you. You don't care what he does. Are only thinking about yourself. 
Funny, really. He's only thinking about you.
Jungkook knocks your hand to the side to stop you from pressing through to the transaction screen. He reaches over a little further. Presses the small plus sign next to 'passengers'. Says nothing as it jumps from '1' to '2'. 
You just watch as he clicks on through to the following screen, and slides his card into the slot that's flashing green at you. There's no conversation. No acknowledgement of what he's done; just acceptance. 
The machine spits out the tickets into a metal tray, so you take yours and turn on your heel, leaving him to collect his own. He can follow you if he likes. You won't wait for him. 
Realistically, it's not like you'll be apart for long. The assigned seats are side by side.
Of course, you could just leave. Buy a ticket elsewhere. Go home. Head down towards the subway and lose him in a sea of people.
The possibilities are endless.
Yet you find yourself checking the departure screen for train 071, instead. 
The menu flickers through the upcoming departures, before finally falling back to the screen 071 is on. Platform two, departing in four minutes. 
It's enough time to get to your track, but not enough time to run to your favourite coffee stand. You just sigh. Today is just disappointment after disappointment. 
Jungkook walks straight past you. Makes no acknowledgement of you. 
Just heads towards the exit for the tracks. Another sigh leaves your lips.
But you find yourself following him.
You're the one orbiting him, now.
And like the planets you're convinced rule your life, it doesn't feel like you can stop any time soon.
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Your train is already on the platform by the time you make it down the stairs, quietly purring in its bay. Doing one final check of the platform, the conductor blows his whistle just as you're hopping on. 
Heading down the aisle, you're displeased to see the train is only half full, knowing it means your assigned seats will be beside one another - and once you reach carriage four, you can see the top of his head poking out from the row you've been allocated.
It's interesting how he's taken the aisle seat, when his ticket is for the window. Still, questioning it means engaging in conversation, and you're still pretending like he doesn't exist - to the point where you don't ask him to move. You just step over him, and cringe at the way you know your ass brushes the top of his knees from the awkward positioning.
If he were in a better mood, he'd smile, aware of your annoyance and the fact you're probably cursing out your own ass in your head.
But Jungkook is in a foul fucking mood, and all he wants to do is hold your goddamn hand. 
He knows can't. 
So he won't. 
He'll just sit, and stew, and lament the fact he's on a train to fucking Busan with you.
The jokes he knows he would have cracked six months ago are lost, now. There'll be no nonsensical conversations over who would die first in a zombie apocalypse, no dumb declarations from Jungkook about how he'd protect you no matter what.
Would have been a lie, anyway. 
In the row ahead of you, a teenage couple share a pair of headphones. 
Between the crack in the seats, you can see their heads leaning together, hairs melting into one another. The girl is peroxide blonde, but has dark roots growing through. It's a bit like Jungkook's hair used to be. Her (presumed) boyfriend has a streak of blonde peaking through his dark hair. She no doubt did it for him (again, you presume). The sight of it makes you feel sick.
Jungkook notices it too. Watches as the girl flicks through the boys playlist. Searches up a song he doesn't know, and presses play. When she locks the phone and puts it down on her boyfriends lap, she shuffles closer against him. Jungkook feels a little unwell, too.
The silence continues.
It's only 45 minutes to Busan. Not a long haul by any stretch of the imagination - and yet it feels endless this evening. When the train eventually rolls into his hometown, Jungkook thinks he's going crazy. Hates being alone with his brain. Hates that you hate being alone with him, too.
The hushed nature of your pairing prevails as you make your way onto the subway. Rammed full of late-night punters, you're forced to stand by the entryway. He stands behind you, and holds the bar that's over your head. Doesn't say sorry when the movements of the carriage cause him to lean against you slightly. He pulls away from you as quickly as he can, but you're surprised to find that you miss the weight of his body.
But of course you do. You've been missing it for months, now.
The subway trundles through underground tunnels, metal screeching every so often, more and more passengers departing - until it's just you and him. You take a seat, and so does he. You're opposite one another, eyes unashamed as you stare one another out. There's no trust. You're like cats, stalking their prey.
Or should that be you're like a cat. Jungkook is a lion. Could rip you to shreds if he wants. Has done it before. Your scars are barely healed. Can still feel him all over your skin. It's insidious. Makes you want to take a fucking potato peeler to your body, just to rid yourself of your memories.
The way he looks at you, all dark and brooding, like he's some kind of 90's heartthrob that never stood the test of time, makes your fingerprint-shaped scars burn.
You ride the subway until the very final stop; not because you wanted to, just because you were following his lead.
Stupid, really. He was following yours. Of course he was.
The static voice of the automated alert lets you know you've reached Dadaepo.
Jungkook knows it well. Was his favourite place to explore as a kid. A hidden rocky alcove just beyond the cliff walk was the site of many discoveries as a kid; sea glass, bugs he can't remember the names of, and - in his later years - the scent of marijuana.
The fact you're still giving one another the silent treatment is comically unbelievable. It's been upwards of two hours since his car door slammed shut back in Daegu. Even longer, actually. Closer to three hours.
There's something so childish about how petty you both are - but at least this way, you can't miscommunicate. 
You just don't communicate at all, and you think you prefer it that way.
The waves roll in as you sit, staring at nothing. Side by side. Miles apart. It all becomes a bit much for Jungkook. He knows he shouldn't make a sound, but he thinks he likes it better when you fight. At least that way he gets to hear your voice, no matter how scathing it can be.
"The last train back is in half an hour," Jungkook says quietly, unsure of how much time has passed. Dadaepo is fifty minutes away from the station. You'll have missed it, and are fully aware of it.
So you just shrug.
"Not have a fiancé to get home to?" He questions, and almost manages not to sound bitter. Almost.
Again, you shrug.
Hoseok is away for the week - an all-expenses training retreat over in Yeosu. 
When your Father had still been in the police force, before moving into local politics, he'd gone on the same training programme. It's a yearly excursion. Just an excuse to get shitfaced with his crew and a chance to slip his wedding ring into his wallet, knowing your mother would never find out.
She'd always know. She was the one who did his laundry, after all.
Unlike your mother, however, you won't spend the week in a foul mood because of it.
That's not to say you won't spend the week in a foul mood - it's just that the reason for your awful mood is currently sitting next to you looking over the East China Sea. 
"You should stop concerning yourself with my life," you tell him, voice quiet - but he hears you crystal clear, regardless. He's listening out for only you. Fuck the waves, fuck the dog walkers, fuck the traffic and the coffee shop soundtrack blaring just a few feet behind the woodland. You're the only one he hears.
He considers saying nothing, but just can't help himself - so he scoffs, and says, "shall I stop breathing, too, while I'm at it?"
It's a stupid comparison to make. His life doesn't depend on you. You tell him so.
"You need to breathe to stay alive. You never needed me to stay alive." 
Never needed me at all.
"I don't know, C. Kang was pretty pissed when we let you get away," he says as he purses his lips. It's a miracle his nose still looks the same as it always did - unless it just got broken so many times that it somehow snapped back into place.
Thing is, Jungkook's not really thinking about that. The pain subdued. After a few weeks, it was like it never happened.
But the ache in his chest remained. His one source of chronic pain, and you're the one who held the knife. Sure, he's the one who guided your hands. Pulled them into his chest. Inflicted it upon himself. 
"Your coworker," Jungkook finally sighs. He's not even sure why he's asking. He doesn't want the answer. "Is it... The ring. Is it him?"
And while you want to hurt Jungkook as much as you possibly can without laying a single finger on him, you know you've done Yoongi enough damage. Makes you sick thinking about his tender face; the way it'd light up around you. You think of Jieun, and the time spent together in the shop and it's so consuming that you can't even think of an appropriate response to Jungkook.
"Yoongi," you correct, but Jungkook already knew his name. Just didn't wanna acknowledge him as more than a meagre colleague. "No. It's not Yoongi."
But just for a night? It had been Yoongi. Or was it two nights? Your head taunts you. You fucked Yoongi. Fucked his life up. Fucked it all. Whatever becomes of you is what you deserve.
Jungkook is unaware of this as he clamps his lips together to stop the smile that's begging to break through his hard exterior.
"You ever..." You begin to mumble, but then realise who you're talking to. You don't want to converse with him. "Nevermind."
He knows this. Doesn't care. "Have I ever what?"
There's a moment of silence; waves lapping against the shoreline in place of your words.
"You ever do something that just destroys you?" 
Your words linger like the brief seconds waves will take to kiss the shoreline; white bubbles sinking into sand, murky water retracing its steps and dissolving into the currents.
"Destroys you?" he asks, not because he needs clarification, but because he can't possibly imagine what you've done.
You simply nod.
And so he takes a moment to think. Decides it's about time he gave you some honesty.
"Yeah," he says gently. Can see there's something you're grappling with. Doesn't want to intrude, though. "I've done things that have destroyed me, C. You know I have."
The silence resumes once more. It's louder now.
If you listen closely enough, you can hear that chime in your stomach again. It's faint. You ignore it.
Jungkook can hear it too. It rings and rings like tinnitus. He can't ignore it. He can pretend that he detests it, though.
Moonlight ripples on the surface of the water. It rolls into shore, then pulls away again. Gets just close enough to touch, but not far enough to soak your feet.
It runs away from you as soon as it gets close, and the irony isn't lost on Jungkook. He'd always thought you'd behaved like the moon and her tides, after all. Cyclic. Endless. Eternal.
It sort of feels apt that you'd end up back here.
Yeah, he thinks as he refuses to look in your direction. Too consumed with the way the vast expanse almost looks like a black hole. Just like the tides.
But waves can roll up on any beach, and the moon caresses every inch of the earth during her slumber. There's nothing unique about the pair of you. Nothing special. 
Insignificance has always been a fear of his. A life that could be chalked up to birth, then death; records in a library system forgotten about for years upon years. His impact? Null.
He'd seen it with his mother - her vibrancy, her love for life, for others - and how she'd all but been forgotten. Sometimes, he feels like he's the only one who remembers her.
Even his father seems to forget why he's in such a sorry state. His brother has a new family, now. And what does Jungkook have?
No family. That disintegrated. Yeah, they're still around, but they're not present. Not there for him when he needs them.
No career. Sure, he can get work wherever electricity is, but he's under Kang's thumb, now. He trains, and he fights. Time for honest work is non-existent.
No love. He's never been the type to need a relationship, but he'd gotten a little foolish. Gotten used to the comfort of another human. Now that he knows what it feels like - how nice it can be - he feels half alive without it.
The Jungkook beside you is just the same as the Jungkook you first met.
He's a little stronger, a little broader. Is missing a few of his piercings, and wears his hair dark now instead of the blonde you had always adored.
He's exactly the same, and yet forever changed.
He digs his fingers into the sand beside his thighs. The grains slip through the hollow gaps between his knuckles. Even the things within his grasp always seems to get away from him. 
He hates the silence. Hates that he never knows what to say anymore.
And thankfully for him, you hate it just as much. 
"Fighting a lot, these days, aren't you?" You ask, not that you need any clarification. You saw a note in one of Hoseok's files earlier on in the week. Just a small scrawl about Kang's, and the illegal gambling ring he's running. JJK had been written down, with a set of odds next to his name. Pretty good odds. Baby is a champion. You'd be proud, if the circumstances weren't so harrowing.
"Not any more so than usual," he lies, shutting down the conversation as soon as you start it. He just can't help himself. It's like he's hard-wired to fight.
You turn to look in his direction and are momentarily caught by how ethereal he looks when basking in silver moonlight. The tip of his nose looks cold, and yet his eyes are warm. Watery. Welcoming you to dive right in.
Sink, or swim?
He's got a bruise on the top of his cheekbone, and a small graze just in front of his ear. It's clear to see that he's been through the wringer recently. There's really no point in lying to you.
"No?" You ask, just to let him know you're aware he's full of shit.
"What does it matter if I am?"
"It doesn't."
And so silence settles again. Neither of you know how to interact with one another anymore. It's awkward and uncomfortable, and you both hate it - and yet there's nowhere either of you would rather be. No one else you'd rather be in discomfort with.
Time gets away from you. It chases through the night, just like his car used to do down the backroads of Daegu, with you in the passenger seat and your hand beneath his on the gear stick.
You wonder if he ever thinks of it; if he ever thinks of you in the same way you think of him. 
You don't ask him, because no matter what the answer will be, you'll convince yourself it's a lie.
Midnight creeps in, and so does the chill of night air. It may be summer, but the sea breeze can be biting at times.
Jungkook's fine - his workout gear is keeping the heat in well, but you're underdressed. Huddled up and clearly not enjoying yourself but refusing to voice discomfort, Jungkook is the one who forces you up. Says it's stupid to still be out by the water. Tells you that there will be loads of bugs about, soon.
You both know that the bugs have been out since dusk. Leaving now makes no difference.
Ignoring the hand he holds out as you get to your feet, you rid your legs of sand, and head towards the pathway through the small wooded area. 
Neither of you have any idea what to do. The keys in Jungkook's pockets are rendered useless, his car still down in a back alley of Daegu, and the buses have stopped running. Subway, too. 
You've no bag with you, just your phone (that's dangerously low on charge) and a card tucked into the back of the case. 
Jungkook's phone is new. Holds it's charge well. He's not worried about it.
He's got his wallet, too, so at least he's a little bit more foreign-city-ready than you'd been upon your decision to run off to Busan. He's glad he came with you, now.
He figures he'll just stay at his Dad's place - but it means getting a taxi, and he really can't be fucked with an hour's drive this late at night.
He's unaware that the card in the back of your phone isn't yours. It's under Hoseok's name. He gets a notification every time it's used. It's why you're so selective about how you spend your money. 
You've no ID with you, either. Left it in your purse back in Hoseok's apartment. Hadn't really expected to end up in Busan, in all honestly.
Especially not with Jungkook.
If you wanna check in to a hotel - which is the only option, really - you're gonna need your ID. Standard policy around these parts. No ID, no room.
You tell Jungkook this. 
He sighs. Grates his jaw a little. 
"And you didn't think that maybe it would be smart to take your ID out with you? What if you'd gotten in an accident, huh? No one would have known who to call, 'cause they wouldn't know who you are."
"I was hardly gonna get in an acci-"
"How do you know?" He cuts you off. "You can't plan these kinds of things, CC. Accidents just happen."
"Is that what this is, then?" You scoff, folding your arms over your chest as you walk a little further away from him up the sandy sidewalk. "Another calamity of yours? Just ended up here accidentally?"
Sometimes, he considers kissing you just to stop your from spouting off at him over nonsensical issues.
Jungkook thinks it's obvious he ended up in Busan for one reason, and one reason alone:
He'll follow you to the end of the earth, if it means he gets to be with you. 
He's hardly gonna tell you that, though, is he?
"Ended up here cause I missed the beach-" And I missed you, too. "- but it's late," Jungkook says as you meander back up the sidewalk without much aim, and nods across the road to a beachfront hotel. "Let's just crash here and figure out how to get home in the morning?"
For reasons you can't understand, you find yourself agreeing. When you explain that you can't use your card, he shrugs. Says he'll cover it. Says he doesn't care. 
It's a different story when you're in the hotel. 
The presence of the concierge makes you feel unsure of yourself. Reminds you of how embarrassed you are by what Jungkook did to you; how foolish you had felt. You feel the need to defend yourself.
"Do you have any suites available?" You ask the concierge with a smile so sweet it could rot his inside. He thinks you're sweet. Thinks Jungkook should smile more. Knows he'd be smiling if he had you alone in a hotel room.
"All booked out, I'm afraid," the concierge says as he checks the screen in front of him. The glare reflects in his glasses, and you wonder how many times he's been caught out looking at things he shouldn't. Not just at work, but in general. He seems like a sweet kid - but a kid nonetheless.
"What's the most expensive room you have available, then?" You query instead.
Jungkook shakes his head. Looks at his feet. Tenses his jaw. Thinks you're fucking unbelievable.
You know he's got money problems. Know he's fending off sharks from his poor Father's back. Know that the only reason he fucked you over was to finally have a decent payday.
And yet you choose to do this? Knowing he won't kick up a fuss in public?
Spineless bitch. Spiteful. 
But, oh, how you love to hit him where it hurts.
The concierge is none the wiser of Jungkook's discomfort. Tells you both that there's a deluxe sea-view room left.
"It's gone midnight, so I can give you a discounted rate," he says, and still quotes a price that would make even a black card owner raise an eyebrow.
Jungkook looks at you. Holds your gaze. Passes over his card. Waits till the concierge is retrieving your keys to hiss, "you're the most expensive mistake I've ever made."
You just smile. "Shouldn't live life with regrets. They give you wrinkles."
"And stress gives you grey hair," he counters, insinuating that you've got some growing through. The concierge returns to his position behind the desk, so Jungkook plays his role up. "You been stressed lately, baby?"
The concierge coughs. Holds out your key. "Seventh floor. Follow the corridor from the elevator right to the end, and you'll find room number one." Jungkook takes the key with a polite nod. "If you need anything else, the front desk is open twenty-four hours. I do hope you enjoy your stay."
The tension between you and Jungkook is palpable. The little routine you've cooked up in which neither of you speak unless it's to bait each other out continues. Doesn't end until you're in the room - and what a fucking room it is. 
Crisp white sheets on a bed that is far too big; a bathtub in the corner of the room instead of the bathroom. Huge windows that let the midnight view of the ocean pour in, and chiffon curtains that will keep you hidden from the outside world. You won't close the blinds. Will want the morning sunlight to bathe you in its glory; make you feel like you belong to the days instead of the nights. 
So much of your relationship with Jungkook was hidden in the shadows of Daegu nights, but it had been different in Busan. It's hard to pretend as if you don't miss it.
Hard, but not impossible.
You toss him a pillow and the stiff cotton throw from the end of the bed. "Here. The bathtub looks cosy. Sweet dreams."
"I'm not sleeping in the fucking bath," he laughs, but it's full of scorn. He finds no humour in this situation. "If I pay for a hotel room, I'm sleeping in the bed. Bath is all yours."
And yet you stay put.
When Jungkook turns off the main light? You stay put.
When he grasps the back of his sweater and pulls it over his head? You stay put.
When he says, 'No? Not fancy the bath?' as he tosses the pillow you had thrown at him back onto the empty side of the bed? You stay put.
When he walks around to that side? When he pushes the duvet back? When his weight dents the mattress? The scent of his aftershave intrudes on your senses? The sound of his bare skin nestling into the sheets is all you can hear? When he turns his back to you? Turns off the bedside lamp?
You stay fucking put.
And you know you shouldn't, and know that this is all kinds of wrong, but my god, it's all you've wanted for months: the past. All that's missing is your arm looped over his waist.
When he turns to face you? Looks at you, eyes all glassy, lips pursed? Tries to get a read on you?
You don't move a muscle. Just look at him right back. Wonder how he can still look so beautiful in such darkness. Wonder if his hair always spilt onto the pillow as it does now, and you'd just never realised when he was blonde. 
And then you wonder if maybe someone else had been in this position with him during your absence. 
It would be okay if they have. Wouldn't be their fault. Wouldn't be his, either. You're the one who left. Have a ring around your finger, now, no matter how loosely. Would be incredibly unfair to expect Jungkook to spend the last few months alone.
But the more you think about it, the more you get caught up in your own head, and how he'd kissed you beneath his shower, skin coated in red dye. Has you thinking about the way he'd always kiss you as he came, and the 'forever's he'd whispered in the dark of night. 
So fucking cruel of him. He always knew that forever wasn't an option. There was no reason he had to pretend there was.
And maybe you're just tired, or maybe you've just been keeping it all bottled up for so long that the pressure had finally reached full capacity, but you just can't help yourself as you say, "why couldn't you just leave me alone?"
Your brows furrow. Lips pout. You know what's coming and you can't even be bothered to stop the tears. Maybe he should know how badly he affected you. Maybe it's the only way he'll understand. Maybe then he'll care.
For now, you can't bring yourself to think too hard. You just let the tears fall.
"C'mon, C," Jungkook whispers as his thumb strokes over your cheek. His hands are a little rough. He's been working on his car a lot lately, and hasn't taken time to look after himself, instead. It's self-sabotage. Thinks he doesn't deserve to feel good. Physically, mentally, whatever. "This isn't you."
Oh, it's laughable. Hilarious, you think, that he seems to think he knows who the fuck you are. You wanna scream. Wanna tell him that he knows fuck all. Tell him that you never let him see even an ounce of what makes you 'you'.
Denial is a strange thing. Has you lying to yourself like it's a bible oath. Jeon Jungkook knows exactly who you are. You just wish that he didn't.
"You've no idea who I am," you whisper back through partially gritted teeth, that are stopping your sobs from leaking through.
Jungkook purses his lips together. Shakes his head. Strokes away another tear. Is almost silent when manages to croak out, "I wish that were true." 
And you might be wrong, but it sounds like he's holding back a tear or two, as well. 
You reach over to toy with the key around his neck. It's warm in your fingers, the heat of his skin keeping it cosy. It's amazing how warm he always is, you think. Never met anyone like it. When your eyes flick up to his, ever so briefly, you notice that they seem warm, too. Just a byproduct of his body temperature, you decide. 
"Why coke?" You whisper as you bring the key to your lips. Press it against them, just to feel the pressure of something that belongs to him.
He'd kiss you now, if you asked him to.
But you won't, so he doesn't. 
He just shrugs instead. 
"Why do we do anything of the things we do, C?" He pauses, but doesn't anticipate a response from you. Just continues, instead. "To feel alive? To feel closer to death? I don't know."
Lost one drug, he thinks to himself. It's just a replacement. 
And it's funny, because aside from the lines he'd snorted on the first night you'd returned just to fucking cope with it all, he's not touched it. Thinks if he could just touch you, he'd never go near coke again. 
You hold the key to his lips, now. Wait for him to press his lips against it. He does so, keeping his eyes locked on yours. Funny. Seems the key works on something, after all.
When you pull the key away, you let the chain hang slack, before dropping it to his chest. The ridges of the metal are sharp against his skin, but he's numb to it. Can only feel the print of your fingertips and the scars that are embedded into his skin from them.
"You should stop," you whisper, stroking down the bridge of his nose with the side of your index finger. His eyes close. Jaw tenses. He inhales. "It'll ruin this pretty nose of yours."
And then he smiles; eyes still closed, lip ring flipping in the corner of his mouth. 
But the tepid movement of your finger doesn't stop. It reaches the tip of his nose. Trails down his septum. Encroaches on his cupid bow - and then it comes to rest on his lips.
Just like the key, he presses against it. Kisses the side of your finger. Keeps his eyes closed. Lets it linger. 
He hears the change in your breathing. How you inhale a little sharper than before. How it sounds painful. 
Doesn't wanna open his eyes. Doesn't want to look at you, knowing that you'll probably look so tragically hurt that it would be captivating, in a way. He'd wanna kiss it all better, but knows better than to attempt such a thing. 
"I don't think I can, C," he eventually says. Opens his eyes. Is devastated by your beauty. "Don't think I'll ever be able to stop."
You both know he isn't talking about coke.
"Then it'll ruin you," you whisper, pretending as if you still are.
He just nods. "So let it."
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
ive been hesitating to ask this bc youve been on a roll with the clone^2au (which i am frothing over) but could i poke you for some childhood friend au? bc GOD i wanna see how danny reacts to reuniting w jason or how the rest of the batfam react to learning jason never told danny of his resurrection or wondering if dannys gonna put jokers dead body on a display/offering to jasons grave. i havent been normal about this since i first read it and was wondering. thank you for your writing.
RAAAAHHHH DON'T BE HESITANT I AM JUST AS FERAL OVER MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU AS I AM WITH CLONE^2 I AM DELIGHTED BY THIS. Like.,,,, i literally love them,,, so much. I can't listen to The Crane Wives without thinking of them.
(which is my fault - the ao3 fic of them has literally only crane wives lyrics for each chapter title and summary (posted AND the ones not written) so of course im gonna associate with them.)
(if you wanna listen to some of their songs while thinking of cfau here are my recommendations: "Once & for All", "Here I Am", "Hollow Moon" is a Danny AND Jason song to me, this would be my go-to song for an animatic of CFAU if i had the skills for it. "Tongues and Teeth", "Curses" and "take me to war" is a heavy cfau danny song to me, and of course, "the moon will sing")
Like they're BEST friends dude, they're two sides of the same coin and when they were kids they would do this thing where their 'fingers crossed'/'double-crossed' was them hooking their index fingers in the fingers crossed gesture.
and i'm actually currently rewriting my original post into a more fic-like format, and when I'm done I'll post it on here under the cfau tag - with the original post still in tact. But its,,, gonna be so long dude,,,, the original behemoth was just over 9000 words,,, and I've written 3k words already of the new one and we haven't even reached Jason and Danny reuniting at the gala yet,,, i need to get back to that,,,
and then to answer your questions!! god im almost hesitant to answer because i dont wanna spoil the little fic i had planned for it but also like,, its not like im gonna spoil everything, right? and answering the questions isnt the same as writing the scene down so!!
i love danny and jason's reuniting, like i've thought about it SO much and I've thought about it happening after Danny kills the Joker. I know the reveal could have been before that, and it could have been equally just as dramatic but like??? Thematically, doing it after danny kills the joker is SO good. To me at least.
Because like?? Jason's been in somewhat denial about danny's plan to kill the joker for months. ever since danny told him that he wanted to at the gala. And from Jason's pov its not even technically a plan. He sees his best friend for the first time after five years and his best friend still isn't over his death. He hasn't stepped foot in Gotham since his funeral and now suddenly he's here.
And he's still so full of grief over his death that he tells a masked vigilante that he's going to kill the guy that did it, who lives in said masked vigilante's city. And danny's got that look in his eyes that Jason knows so well that means he's being serious. And yet he still doesn't know if he should believe him or not.
And then he does. Danny kills him. And Jason can't fucking believe it. And when he goes and sees Danny, Danny's hands are still covered in blood. And that reunion? God like a fucking firework show. Danny's so fucking angry, and pissed, and hurt, and so goddamn overjoyed that he's alive and here that he sends them both to the ground, and if he doesn't calm down he's gonna take out the power in a five block radius.
there's just so, so much yelling on Danny's end. And then so much crying, first from Danny and then them both. because god, you're alive. you're here. i've missed you so much. i'm never letting you out of my sights again.
and Joker's death! God I don't want to actually say too much about that, but the way I have it set up thematically makes me actually not want danny to take any part of the joker with him as an offering. and he may actually forego that particular ghost etiquette and offer something else as an offering to Jason in substitute to not bringing him the Joker's heart/head/ritualistic body part.
Because you know what the last thing a man whose been spending the last two decades of his life building himself up to be larger than life would want? A death that's unremarkable. :) and that's all i'll put on the matter for now.
and the batfam!! they technically already know that jason hasn't told danny he was resurrected, and plenty of them have mixed feelings on them. largely bruce and dick i think, considering they saw firsthand how close jason and danny were when they were kids.
Dick was honestly surprised at first when he found out that Jason hadn't told Danny he was alive - and on one hand he understands the reasoning for it, and on the other hand he isn't sure if it was such a good idea. Especially after he sees Danny again after he arrives back in Gotham and sees just how badly Jason's death was still affecting him. But it's not like he's going to try and convince Jason to tell him - he can make his own choices, even if Dick has questions about them.
Bruce has much the same thoughts as Dick, so there's not really much to add here other than he might bring it up once or twice to Jason like, vaguely. And then immediately drops it when Jason shuts him down. He might actually somewhat...?? prefer that Jason hasn't told Danny because that raises a lot of questions and could jeopardize their identities. However, again, Jason can make his own choices and there's not much Bruce can do about it other than disapprove from afar.
Tim who knew of Danny from stalking the Wayne family shares similars sentiments of being surprised that Jason didn't tell Danny, but again, yeah, understands the thought process to some extent. Doesn't bring it up ever.
Everyone else who hadn't seen firsthand how close Danny and Jason are don't really have much opinion on it -- Jason didn't tell his best friend he was alive, great, he also didn't tell them either so it's not like its that much of a surprise. It would've been more of a surprise to them if Jason had told Danny before he told Bruce and co. Damian may make a comment or two about Jason not telling Danny, but its not about how he can't believe he didn't tell him or anything like it.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#cfau#childhood friends au#danny and jason are such best friends i love them so much#BUT YEAH ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT CFAU I'LL SCREAM#AND THEN TRY AND ANSWER THEM TO MY BEST ABILITY#like i could go on RANTS almost SPECIFICALLY about rath (dan) and then about jason and danny#and their friendship like i've thought about this au with a combined soulmate au and immediately hated the idea because no!#no! i can't call them soulmates. i can't it doesnt fit. their bond goes DEEPER than that. its *better* than that#this wasn't written in the stars it was forged in the back alley streets of gotham with all the broken glass under their feet#and the smell of nicotine weaving itself into the fabrics of their shirts. their souls aren't intertwined because the universe said so#they're two balls of yarn tangled together because they batted it at each other and decided to play cats cradle. and then never bothered#to untangle the string from one another. you'll never know where one ends and the other begins#i actually have a cfau miscellaneous facts post in my drafts that i need to finish too and i might do that today because of this ask <33#the fastest way to starry's heart is through her ask box#asking me questions about my aus is the fastest way to make me make more content about them ajshld#see: clone^2 (i've been coasting off the fanart i got from them for the last two days) and now this#i need to stop more before i start waxing more poetic about jason and danny's bond with one another.#also also jason is equally as feral about danny as danny is about him (see: him plotting joker's demise since he was 14) its just not#showing as much since a lot of this is from danny's pov. like dw this isn't one-sided obsession its mutual.#see: jason seeing danny's scars and immediately wanting to find out who caused it and getting murderously angry about it#its not a starry post unless its long#idk maybe im just obsessed with the idea that relationships are chosen and forged with time and that the bonds we have arent because they#were predetermined but because we made them to be. Like how clone^2 said 'i choose to be brothers' and how danny and jason said#'i choose you. i will always choose you. you're my other half. the one who watches my back. i choose you.'
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
His Hidden Heart
Well I sat down to write the next daily chat scene and ended up with this instead. I'll probably do another daily chat scene in the next couple of days. I was thinking of doing Diavolo next?
Anyway, I'm just thinking about Barbatos all day every day, that's all. One of the things that's interesting to me about him is that he's always got this calmness. Like he sometimes expresses emotions, but it's usually pretty mild. So this is about him getting comfortable enough to open up more. Also, I've always loved the way he likes to take care of people, but I often think about what it would take for him to let someone else take care of him for once.
And I don't know what exactly this is, but I wanted to try a different format. I think I'm gonna put it in the ficlets section of the masterlist but it's kind of its own thing.
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GN!MC x Barbatos
Warnings: mostly fluff but a little angst and some crying
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For so long, all you saw was the serene expression - the gentle smile, the occasional frown, the rare undercurrent of anger. But it was always tempered, always restrained. And you really thought it had more to do with how old and powerful Barbatos was than anything else. He had been through and seen so much, certainly there wasn't anything that truly made him feel strongly anymore.
And yet, as you got to know him, you started seeing little glimpses of more. Bit by bit, you saw more pieces of him and it made you realize that it wasn't that Barbatos didn't feel strongly. It was only that he didn't express those feelings freely.
You couldn't begin to guess why he was like this. Was it just that he wanted to maintain a stoic butler persona? Was it the result of having lived for so long that emotions seemed to have dulled, no longer warranting full expression? Was there some unresolved trauma of the past (present? future?) that caused him to keep everything under wraps?
You might never learn the truth. Maybe one day, if you felt like you could ask, he would tell you. But even if he never did, you were okay with that. Because your presence slowly but surely drew him out from behind that protective mask he always wore.
The two of you were alone in the garden having tea, fully engaged in conversation. He wasn't animated exactly, but he was talking openly in a way he normally doesn't. You don't even remember what you said, but you will never forget the way he suddenly laughed. It wasn't the usual amused chuckle. He put down his teacup, threw his head back, and laughed. He looked so absolutely delighted that you couldn't help laughing, too. At some point, he covered his face with a gloved hand, embarrassed at the way he couldn't seem to hold in his mirth. It took several minutes for the two of you to catch your breath. Barbatos had to actually wipe away tears from the corners of his eyes.
You had gone to the market together to do some shopping and while Barbatos had been absorbed in the different types of tea that were for sale, you wandered off. You were looking at various things and got a little distracted, going much farther away than you realized. When you looked around, you weren't exactly sure where you were or how to get back to where you needed to be. And then you heard Barbatos calling your name, an edge to his voice that almost sounded frantic. You followed the sound until you found him again. The moment he saw you, his face flooded with relief. He surprised you by putting his arms around you and holding you close for a moment. Long enough for you to hear the rapid beating of his heart.
You were a little confused about how frequently you were getting messages from Barbatos over one particular weekend. You had been spending your time at the House of Lamentation like you normally did, getting into various trouble with the brothers while you were off from school. But it seemed like every hour you got a new message from Barbatos on your D.D.D. They were mostly about nothing. Some questions about your day, a reminder about upcoming school projects, asking for your advice about a type of human world cake he was planning on making. You remembered that Diavolo was somewhere else on business that weekend and that Barbatos was likely alone in the castle (not counting the little Ds). Was he reaching out to you so often because he was lonely? You decided to just stop by for a surprise visit. The smile that greeted you when he opened the door indicated you had been right.
Everybody knew that you weren't currently in a relationship with anyone. There were a lot of rumors at RAD about who you might be secretly dating, but none of it was actually true. And those close to you knew this was the case. They also knew who you seemed to be slowly falling for, but nobody said anything about it. You weren't in denial, but you were certain it was unrequited. There was no doubt that Barbatos cared about you, but you didn't think it was in any capacity other than as a friend. It was just the two of you sitting together on a bench on the RAD grounds and you found yourself feeling a little bold. Not enough to tell him directly, so you only said that you thought you were in love. You watched his face carefully as you said it and so you caught the look of utter heartbreak that passed across it. It was an expression full of anguish that surprised you so much you gasped. But it was gone in seconds, replaced by the usual placid smile which disarmed you enough that you allowed him to change the subject.
Diavolo invited you over to the castle to have dinner with him. You found yourself at the dining table with him, a plethora of food spread out before you. He told you that Barbatos had made everything, but that he couldn't join you as he had his own business to attend to. You wondered what that meant, but didn't question it. You enjoyed dinner with Diavolo, chatting and laughing, generally having a good time. On your way home, you spotted Barbatos on his way back to the castle. He didn't know you were there, didn't know you could see him. He stopped briefly, clearly deep in thought. The expression on his face could only be described as lost or hopeless. Or both. You wanted to run to him, to embrace him, to kiss away the frown. But he didn't know you were there and soon enough he went inside the castle.
A normal day. A quiet day. Nothing to distract you, nothing to cause you concern. Everything was peaceful for once. All it took was a single moment. You had expected something grand, a final declaration, a sort of culmination of everything you had been feeling for so long. Instead, it was an unexpected reaction. When all you did was reach for him in a moment of need to find him waiting. And while you had seen Barbatos express plenty of emotions by this point, you were still completely blown away by the love you saw there in his eyes. When he finally let you see it, you wondered how you could ever think your own feelings weren't returned.
It was no secret that Barbatos did not like rats. You had seen him go to extreme lengths to eliminate them from anywhere he thought they may have taken up residence. And while he was certainly aggrieved whenever one showed up, you didn't fully understand what he was feeling until much later. When he seemed to be comfortable enough to let you see all of his emotional range, the reality of his reaction to rats became clear. He was afraid of them. You watched the terror that flashed across his face when one was near. You stepped in every time. You convinced him to let you take care of it. You were just as capable of dealing with rats as he was. As long as you were around, you would make sure you never saw that terrified look again.
You knew that Barbatos was having a rough week. Things had been going wrong left and right. He'd had to spend a lot of time cleaning up messes and setting things to rights on top of all the things he normally did. You could see it in his face as he got slightly more tired every day until by the end, you knew he really needed some rest. So that weekend, you took yourself over to the Demon Lord's Castle to surprise him with a homemade breakfast. You got there ridiculously early in order to have it done by the time he woke up. You brought a tray full of pancakes and tea to his room where you found him just as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He stared at you in surprise as you explained what you had done, setting the tray down on the bedside table for him. He looked at you for a moment and then his eyes filled with tears. You were next to him in a heartbeat, putting your arms around him. He collapsed into you, crying softly. You couldn't believe it. You had never once seen him cry. But your kindness after the stress of his week allowed him to finally let go. He was safe to break down in your arms.
Such moments with Barbatos had seemed few and far between in the beginning. It took some time for him to trust you, to reveal to you his hidden heart. You had always felt as though he had to take care of you and all your emotions. But now you were able to take care of him as well, to be that safety, that shelter. And while your favorite thing was to see him laugh, genuinely and brightly, you would always be there to hold him when he needed to cry, too.
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bengiyo · 3 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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One Piece Smut Headcanons (🔞—MDI)
Characters: Franky, Brook, Law, Ace, Boa
Established relationships
Written by a generally-cis person, so I write my characters that way too. Let me know if you want any LGBTQ—centered headcanons! I plan on writing some anyways but requesting will get me to do it faster.
(format is weird cause I copy and paste these from the notes app, sorry. I try to make it at least readable. Might be some typos bc I have no proofreader but I tried my best to get all the mistakes.)
Kinks: praise, toys, crying, service dom, etc. 
Makes his own sex toys.  Dildos, harnesses, anal toys— you name it, he's got it. 
You can bet his dick is customizable too.  The length of it depends on the mood you're in.  
He's had sex before, but never in a serious relationship, so it takes a couple of tries to get you to come undone like he wants.  He gets the hang of it soon. 
Eventually, he gets good enough with your body that he's able to make toys that hit all your spots. It's bliss.  
He's super service-focused, so a service dom all the way. He loves to come, sure, but if you don't come too (or at all) then he doesn't see the point.  And truthfully, nothing gets him going more than seeing you lose yourself in the orgasm that he's giving you. 
That's another thing, he's super proud of himself for his sexual ability.  He actually his a mental tally for how many times he's made you orgasm.  
Very loud in bed!! Lots of "superrr!!!!" and praise, he'll tell you what a super job you're doing. 
Cries when he comes, but he won't admit it.  
Lots of come, too.  It tastes like cola. 
His favorite position is cowgirl, reverse or otherwise, as long as you're riding him. 
Kinks: panties, voice, publicity, praise, etc. 
This old skeleton gets around, okay.  I'm here to say brook fucks and he does it plenty. 
It's because of you that he started to explore his body's sexual ability.
Let's discuss what he's able to do: he's dick-less, sure, but if he's able to see, hear, eat, cry, and etc, he's able to feel things to a certain extent. 
He can feel when you touch him and you can feel a tongue in his mouth, although you can't see it. Y'know how he can expel his soul? Sorta like that; his desire is so strong that certain things will manifest for him; in this case, his tongue. 
For his dick though, he prefers a strap-on because he can possess it and feel it better, so if he's railing you he prefers to go that route. 
Dude's kinky, too.  He's got a thing for publicity and anything to do with panties. 
Definitely uses toys to get you off. 
He's so sultry with his voice too.  He knows just what to say to get you riled up.  
Good with his fingers and good at oral.  No lips but a "tongue" and fingers do plenty. 
Not very loud in volume but he makes plenty of noise, it's just softer than you'd expect.  He likes to praise and moan, knowing full well what it does to you. 
He's one to be really tender in his love-making.  To him it's not fucking, it's making love.  He'll literally whisper "I love you" and other praises like a mantra.  
Praises you a lot. "You look so beautiful like this, even though I don't have eyes" and etc.  
Kinks: domming, hand kink, teasing, biting, etc.
He doesn't strike me as a sex-crazy guy; his libido is rather low.  He'll satisfy you whenever he's comfortable with it though. 
Prefers being on the receiving end of things.  He wants to get you off, but he's lazy when it comes to sex, so a lot of times he uses his hands rather than his dick.  
Speaking of getting you off with his hands— he's amazing with them.  He can do things with his fingers that push you into ecstasy. 
His fav position is doggy style.  Likes to leave handprints on your ass cheeks.  
A little bit of a harsh dom; nothing too crazy, but he will delay your orgasm as a punishment and he's rough with his teasing.  Likes to pinch your nipples. 
Not loud in bed; growls and grunts if he makes noise at all.  
He's a biter, lol.  He won't draw blood or leave bruises but he will leave marks from his teeth.
Not submissive but likes it when you're rough back. Pull his hair and he thrusts faster. 
Sometimes, after a frustrating day, he wants it tender.  Sex is a vulnerable thing for him, even if he acts like it isn't.  When he's tired like this, you gotta just let him lay back and relax while you take care of him. 
Scenario: sucking his dick (and playing with his balls—)
      Law is a beautiful sight like this.  Pupils blown, eyes lidded, hair ruffled and lips parted, he looks at you with such lust it's enough to make you drool.  He's so attractive with his dick in your hand. 
   You're pumping slowly, spit coating your hand, and when you use the other one to play with his balls he can't help it: his eyes widen and he lets out a moan that sends blood rushing to you groin.  He screws his eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed and breath coming out in pants.  
   You pump faster, still teasing his balls, and his voice gets louder.  Even with his orgasm approaching, you never let up.  When he tells you he's gonna cum, you go even faster. 
   He orgasms with a drawn-out groan, his cum spurting out and getting on the both of you.  It dribbles down your hand too, and he watches you lick it off your fingers.  Still panting, he reaches for you and brings you close enough to hold onto a hug.
   After a bit you clean up and lull him to sleep with head scratches <3
Possible Trigger Warning: mentioning of her sexual trauma bc I think it's relevant but it's only a mention.  Consent is highly emphasized in this one because of it, too.  
Kinks: grinding, praise, voice kink, bondage, face-sitting, etc. 
She has sexual trauma so it's difficult for her to participate in things of that nature. 
So you have to give her time.  You can't pester her for sex and you have to give her plenty of space in that area to come to terms with things. 
However, eventually, after you've proved that you're with her for her heart and not her body, she opens up about it more.  She discloses that she does indeed have sexual thoughts about you, and she wants to act on them, but she's also nervous about it.  You reassure her and let her iniate everything.  
Your understanding and courtesy makes her feel safe, and the normally confident Boa is reduced to a blushing mess around you.  
It starts off slow.  Touching you underneath your clothes, long make out sessions, and grinding is how it begins.  
Once you've gone all the way though, she can't stop! Boa reveals that she's a total horndog <3 
She iniates everything and always has to be in charge, but likes to be taken care of.  Her pleasure is her priority, but that doesn't mean she leaves you completely alone.  
Likes to tie you up.
If you'll let her, she'll explore your body.  She wants to see how it'll react when she does certain things to it.  
Likes to tease you and is addicted to your moans. 
Also likes to be praised and called sweet names during sex.  
Definitely into face sitting and anything else to do with your mouth on her cunt.  
Kinks: hair-pulling, dumbification, overstimulation, temperature play, name-calling, etc.
Talks tough but gets (pussy/cock/etc)-drunk faster than anything. 
Switch; he prefers being in charge but he also loves it when you tie him up.  
Please pull his hair and call him names; he hates to admit it but his dick gets so hard when you do. 
Fucks you as a way to get out his anger sometimes; he won't hurt you, but he'll pound you kinda rough with an angry look on his face.  Always feels better afterwards and always makes sure to take care of you, especially after those rough sessions. 
Straight-up brat when you're in charge, but he's pretty easy to tame, too. 
Into temperature-play; he'll never use his flames on you, but he will use them to light the candle that drips wax on your bodies.  Doesn't mind ice, either. 
Likes to be tied up and he's into dumbification.
   Ace, whimpering and groaning, thrusts into you at a reckless pace.  His hands, pushing your legs against your torso, grip you hard enough to bruise.  You yank on his hair, making noise yourself, and he goes even faster.  
   "More, more, more," he mutters like a prayer.  He drops his head into the crook of your neck and moans loudly.  
    His words become incomprehensible as his orgasm approaches.  He cums inside you with a loud cry and a whine of your name.  The rocking of his hips gradually begins to slow, and Ace rests on you, panting.  
Thanks for reading!
posted July 1st 2022
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When You Cry
Synopsis: What they do when they see you cry. Notes: Headcanon format; gender neutral reader; refers to reader as "Summoner"; prompt inspired by @/tiredtealuvr; this has been in my drafts for a really long time, Arcana Twilight Tumblr I'm sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner. It's also been a while since I played, so I hope they weren't too out of character.
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He wants nothing more than to see you smile bright and be happy, especially when he's with you. So when he sees your face stained with tears, he can't help but feel like crying himself. Just what's gotten you so upset that you started crying?
He doesn't ask questions first, he'd rather comfort you instead. He wants you to be comfortable and would love nothing more than to see you smiling again. Your smile was always one of his favourite things in Bound Arlyn.
Whatever you need, you can count on Arcturus to get it for you! At least, he'll try to get them to the best of his ability. He can only do so much, but if it's a hug you need, or your favourite food, or even just a moment to relax, he'll do his best to grant all your wishes.
If you ever feel comfortable to talk to him about what made you so upset after you've calmed down, he'll be happy to lend an ear. He'll be your number one cheerleader and tell you that everything's going to be okay; things are just bound to get better, and Arcturus is sure of it.
"Please don't cry, Summoner! Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. You'll feel better in no time, I guarantee it!"
The moment he sees you crying is when he drops all the plans he had and rushes over to you. Any classes he was going to attend? He can skip them. An event with Queen Tet that he's helping out with? That can wait. He pushes everything aside to be with you, and he hopes that the reason you aren't crying isn't somehow his fault.
He asks you wants wrong and if you're okay. Are you hurt anywhere? Is there someone he needs to pick a fight with? Well, maybe he won't pick a fight, but he'll definitely be mad at the person who made you cry—if it, in fact, was a person that made you cry.
If you don't want to talk, that's totally fine by him. He knows just as well as anyone that sometimes you just don't feel like telling people what you're upset about. He absolutely doesn't push either, he wouldn't wanna make you cry more and make things worse.
There's a chance he'll have candy or some sweets on him—perfect for snacking on throughout the day—and share some with you if you want! Doesn't matter which one you take, honestly. Even if it's his favourite one, he'll keep quiet because he knows you probably need it more than he does. Whatever you want, he's going to make you happy again if it's the last thing he does! Or at least until you've calmed down.
"Summoner, Summoner! Are you okay?! No one hurt you or anything, right? If you need anything just say the word!"
He might actually be sleeping when he wakes up and gets a weird feeling; he can't help but feel like something is off. When he sees you and notices the tears falling from your eyes, his heart feels like it's being toyed with.
Alpheratz asks you what happened first, but quickly follows up to ask if you're okay too. He sort of stands there awkwardly and hopes that you're okay with explaining why you're in such a state, or else he isn't sure what he's supposed to do. He isn't the best at comforting people, but he'll try.
If you don't want to talk about it, he's 100% okay with that. He gets it, sometimes you're just not ready or don't feel like it. If you want a distraction, he'll probably try to think up something. Maybe going out for a walk, or maybe it's sleeping it off.
If someone else is making you sad and you tell him, chances are that person won't be making you sad in the future anymore. He might not say it gently, but seeing you down leaves his sleep schedule a little messed up; and of course he's only doing this so you don't get bothered and neither does he. Yeah, that's definitely the only reason.
"I'm no good at cheering people up, but I guess if it's bothering you so much, might as well tell someone, right? No pressure."
Spica's attention is on you as soon as he sees tears on your face. It's almost as if an alarm has set off in him; something is wrong because you are upset. He tells you to calm yourself and reminds you to breathe if you're crying too hard. He makes sure you're alright physically while he asks why you're crying.
Did someone make you cry? Did something happen? Are you homesick? Despite wanting to ask, he refrains from questioning further in case it makes you overwhelmed. He may sit you down if you're somewhere where that's possible and speak to you in a calm manner, if not a little softer.
Whatever you need, he will try his best to help you feel better. If a distraction is what you want, Spica will gladly help with that, though his approach is more on the productive side of things. He may suggest accompanying him to finish some errands or get some work done quietly together in the committee room or a library.
He lets you know that you're safe and secure, that he'll make sure nothing makes you upset while he's with you. Even if he's not with you, he takes care in paying more attention to your needs. At the end of the day, Spica will offer you his time, because that's one of the only ways he knows for sure that he can do to help you. He can be very busy, but he'll push all other priorities to the side if it means making you feel better.
"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to tell me, Summoner. Your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical
Even if you hide away somewhere, Sirius might have an idea of where to find you. Something's wrong and he can almost feel it like uncomfortably warm air. It almost pains him to see you like that, and a part of him wonders if he might be the one to blame. Did he do something you didn't like?
Whatever the case, he strides up to you casually, if not with a brisk hint of surprise. He asks you why you're crying, his brows mildly raised. You can tell him, or not. He doesn't care too much... Or maybe he does and he's just downplaying how much he cares. He's a good listener and will lend an ear even if you think it's not a big deal.
Want a distraction? Sirius is great at that. If you want someone to console you, he can do that too... though it might be a little back-handed from Sirius. He'll try to be nice but he also can't resist a quick comment. Nothing too mean though, don't fret. He knows when to not push it too far.
If, in the end, all you want to do is do nothing, Sirius will gladly do nothing with you, too. Stars, he might even encourage it, and tease you about how your tears might be a ploy to get him to spend time with you. It's not, though, he knows. But he doesn't mind getting jabbed or lightly pushed by you if it means you stop crying.
"No need to tell me what's wrong, Summoner, though I'm all ears if you want to tell me~ Shall I accompany you for a while?"
Once Vega sees your face, it's all he needs to come rushing towards you. Similarly to Spica, he checks if you're well physically. If anyone hurt you, they won't be getting off scot-free. He almost doesn't hold back with the questions though. He wants to know who or what made you cry like this right away.
No matter how big or small it is, it still matters to Vega. It clearly matters to you if it made you cry, so he'll take whatever you have to say seriously. He'll insist that whatever you're crying about, it's not silly, it's not ridiculous, it's not stupid. Even if it is small and he can't relate, he'll still sympathize with you to the best of his ability.
He's a wonderful listener, and especially patient if it's you. He'll likely do almost anything you want, if that's what you wish. If you want, he can get you your favourite snack or perhaps there's a book in the library you like. Do you want to take a walk outside in the courtyard? See flowers in the greenhouse? Whatever you want, Vega may just do it. He does have his limits though, don't tease him too much... but chances are, he'll let it slide.
He'll remember whatever it is that made you cry if you tell him, or if he finds out by some other means. And he'll do whatever it takes to prevent it as well. Seeing you cry is like a punch in the gut; a smile suits you much better than a tear streaked face.
"Summoner, what happened? Are you hurt? If so, I... Here, use this handkerchief. No, it's okay, I don't mind. May I stay by your side for now?"
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