#if ur real i love you. if ur not and ur a random hate anon with too much time and identities in their hands well.. i still love you. :)
callmeby-mylastname · 6 months
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who’s she?
summary- after your fallout with tara you find comfort in the thing you hated most about her, alcohol.
warnings- some sweet angst, meaningless one night stands and some swears. possible grammar n spelling errors
A/N- thank you anon for the suggestion i hope it lived up to your standards. sorry this took so long i have been so damn busy lately but enjoy🙏
part 1
it had been 3 months since your ‘break up’ with tara and to be completely honest you were doing terrible.
you never liked it when tara drank, she became someone you didn’t recognise.
and now you’re here, you barely recognise yourself. drinking copious amounts of liquor sleeping with a new random girl.
if you kept yourslef sober enough you’d be disgusted by the reputation you had acquitted, the ‘life of the party’ the fuck boy who gets with pretty girls and leaves before they wake up. it didn’t mean anything to you it truly didn’t it clearly meant nothing to the hookups. you both wanted a sexual realsie and that’s what you got.
doing anything to distract yourself from losing the one thing that made your life bright.
Tara had heard of your new found reputation along with glaring looking at you drunkly go upstairs with a girl.
she felt guilty, real guilty. yet too stubborn to talk to you. was she scared you’d end up the way amber did? yeah. did she love you? yeah. was her fear a reasonable excuse to hurt you the way she did? not particularly.
but yet here she is, sat in her apartment wallowing in self pity, contemplating texting you.
she’d spend her nights feeling guilty debating to reach out but never truly had the courage. she hears a ping from her phone and checks the message.
nerdymeeks: have u heard of Y/Ns new girl?
Tgiz: wait what? like gf??
nerdymeeks: i think so? they’ve been seen hanging out at their place couple times
nerdymeeks: told u. u should’ve stopped being stubborn n got ur girl back before it was too late
well if she had a reason to text it was definitely now, so with the surge of confidence that had absolutely nothing to do with the raging jealousy she clicked your contact and let it ring.
“sorry the person you’re trying to contact does not exist” and with that the call ended.
tara was left in disbelief, you blocked her? you got some new girl and blocked her? that made a already very jealous mad tara exceptionally more angry
she didn’t particularly have the right to but she still was.
grabbing her shoes and keys, she was going to confront you, luckily for her you’re a couple doors away. it’s honestly shocking you two haven’t seen eachother since the fallout.
and with three knocks, she was stood at the door left with silince. she raised her fist to knock once more when a beautiful black haird girl opened the door.
logically she was stunning, but to tara? you could do better. and it isn’t at all jealousy
“can i help you?” the girl at the door way asked, recovering from the momentary stun tara replied.
“i-uh. i’m here for Y/N?”
“tara?” your voice rang out behind this new mysterious girl.
this was the first time her eyes met yours after THAT. you looked good, better than you did atleast.
but she would hate to admit how she missed the way her eyes instantly found yours wherever you were.
“we need to talk” tara replied to you
you were stuck, on one side you never wanted to see her again but that little part of ur brain was nagging at you to just hear her out.
and so you went for the latter. “okay”
tara looked back at the girl guarding the entrance to your apartment, she reluctantly moved aside and headed towards your bedroom.
“if you need me Y/N i’ll be right here” and with that she entered the room closing the door.
“so are you and broody over there..together?” she was trying to keep composer (it didn’t work)
“what do you care?” you replied bitterly
“i don’t. i-just..wondering” that composer is definitely working very well. “what do you want tara?” you were getting impatient now
“why did you block me?” she asked getting straight to the point
“it’s not like we were talking” you replied. she really had the nerve to throw you to the cerb then comd to your apartment and ask why you had blocked her?
“maybe because you were too busy getting drunk” she folded her arms across her chest.
“oh? so you’re getting judgemental now?” you walked closer to her.
“i have never once judged you, and now you’re judging me for something you’ve done?”
you were face to face with her now. you were a couple inches taller than tara, so you were looking down on her.
she would be lying if she said seeing you mad wasn’t atleast a little bit attractive.
“i had my reasons for what i did” she stated getting louder now.
“and i didn’t?” you were shouting now, both arguing with one an other.
“we were simply fucking Y/N-“ she started “No!” you cut her off. “don’t even act like what we were doing was ‘just fucking’. i loved you and you know damn well you liked me more than just some side bitch-“
it was her turn to intrupt you now “you loved me?” the tension was softer now.
“of course i did tara? you were everything i ever wanted” you paused
“and now i have everything i need” you looked towards the bedroom door, tara following your line of sight.
she felt the tears in her eyes, but she be dammed if she let you see them fall.
the soft “oh” fell from her lips “i see, well i’ll leave you two to it then” and before you could say more she turned around and left, leaving you stood in your apartment once more.
this time you had something, someone to go to. someone worth it.
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Legally required to ask for Kokichi for the ask game
[For this ask game]
gosh ur so right anon. I am so sorry this got readmore levels of out-of-hand full spoilers for NDRV3 and also rated C for Current Hyperfixation.
favorite thing about them
Counter-intuitive, but I know my past self (including the era when V3 came out) would have hated Kokichi for the same reasons I like him now. Mainly:
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I really did go into V3 expecting to loathe Kokichi as a nuisance at best; I’d been spoiled on Ch. 4  before getting into DR because I thought ‘my aim sucks I won’t play it anyway’  and, loving bees and assorted bugs as I do, I figured Gonta would be my favorite. And I mean, he’s up there, but this little shit. How dare he be an engaging character.
Unsure where I said it previously, but Kokichi seems like the kind of guy who would run a How to Beat [X Movie] channel out of earnest (admit so or not) love for the thought experiment of it all, which isn’t just relatable, but a very interesting Type of Guy to have in your killing game scenario. The one constantly pushing the boundaries, but not quite meta-level aware they’re in a video game; genre-savvy and trying to Actually Accomplish Something Constructive. He also goes about it in such a way that launches a couple malatovs at every bridge he has, which, having been anxious and overly rejection-sensitive in high school, is fucking wild to me. You are going about this in the worst way you could, on purpose, and that is fascinating. Mentally I am putting him in a microscope slide because What Is Your Deal
Plus, the way he constantly has some kind of front up to a point where Saihara can’t decide who he really is by the end of Ch. 5… hmm chameleon complex? I find it quite simple, really. Unclear to me if they meant to make him Like This but doubling down on constant over-performance of social signals because communicating frustrates you and it lets you feel some small degree of control in your life is (in my experience at least) very autistic of him and as a result hearing the whole V3 cast consider him entirely indecipherable down to the bitter end… oof ouch real anxieties? 
least favorite thing about them
A) Some of the iconography they chose for his talent. Which I’m pretty sure they pretty much ditched outside promos? So B) Some of his art in the wake of Ch. 4 is… wonky, but not in a way that looks fully deliberate? It undercuts the drama for me a bit. I think Kokichi seems much more menacing when he drops pretenses entirely and just goes blank instead of trying Very Hard to act out a particular emotion (like he does pretty much all the time). Instead of the demon face, something more like this?
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favorite line
I blame this for getting "The more that you suffer, the more I enjoy it" stuck in my head, plus the combo of "Now you'll never, ever forget me for the rest of your life! [...] I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied." The two surface Kokichis asdfghjkl
Looking for quotes though it came to my attention that in Chapter 2 he says "[...] I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?"  kicking screaming they knew exactly what they were doing
shipping and handling
tbh I less ‘ship’ and more ‘please make them interact with one another’, so grains of salt I suppose!
Kokichi + Miu. Gotta find who in the amalgamate server said ‘in any other circumstance they’d be besties’ because they are Correct.
This is a self report but like fuck it we ball Kokichi ♢/♠ Kaito
If you know the intricacies of what that means you may be entitled to—
Pretty much this vine
I guess I'm a little squicked thinking of Kokichi/Gonta in a romantic sense? See at least in TAPP they've still got a Lot to talk about before comfortably calling one another 'friend' instead of 'working on it'
random headcanon
Ah a lot of these are already sprinkled in TAPP so what’s one y’all haven’t heard before,,
He started painting his nails during the game initially to interrogate (RE: get-to-know) Rantaro, and kept doing it to discourage himself from biting his nails and cuticles all the time. There's only like one sprite where he does it, but I think it could be a nervous tick
TAPP!DICE may not be real but the tea party policy absolutely is
I've drawn him in skirts doing outfit memes, but I think for him it's less concrete than feeling like dressing femme sometimes and more that, post-game and organization-less, he has no idea who he's supposed to be anymore and is throwing pretty much everything at the wall in many facets of his life. Including but not limited to saying 'screw uniforms' and seeing how long it takes him to get in trouble with HPA for wearing different clothes every day. After long enough unchallenged he starts getting his classmates to do it too. Considering... their entire circumstances in TAPP, they get away with a lot more than the other classes 
unpopular opinion
Is it unpopular to say that some of the info from Kokichi’s FTEs should have been in the main plot? The knife game scene, besides being my favorite, seriously clues the player into what he’s like beyond the artifice without having to posthumously dump that exposition in his room, and that a lot of players confused by him are likely to miss out on characterization that would clarify things Irks Me.
song i associate with them
Oh, only one song? Too bad, 'cuz I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
My other cop-out is 'Cause I’m a Liar - Mcki Robyns-P, which I’m working on a cover for in Synth V
Other than that? I haven’t built up nearly enough song-based associations with the DR cast yet somehow, but I’ll throw in Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives which is less a Kokichi vibe than “I’m writing TAPP!Kokichi in the wake of Chapter 5” vibes. Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out. Finish what you started, Queen of Nothing, wearing such a heavy crown.
I don’t know if this is in the spirit of the prompt but the thought did occur to me that a Trial 5 animatic to I’m Alive from Next to Normal would slap really really hard actually.
I need more peppy songs in my life, is what I’m gathering.
favorite picture of them
Let’s split it like this:
Favorite from the game? Probably this one
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The face of a man asking “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” promptly before getting shot.
Sprite? This one
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Is it genuine curiosity? Is he mocking me? Some mysterious third thing? Yes.
and a fanart that lives in my brain rent-free (the-everlasting-ash). Linking instead of reposting bc please support the original artist. There are many, many wonderful pieces of fanart out there, but this one carved a niche in my brain and stayed there (it is the cover image for DR art on my phone on account of Stunning).
Also for the uninitiated on TAPP- [Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
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marumarielle · 5 months
‼️ anon
But honestly, so REAL, OMD. I think that the whole "tough love" mean tone should be reserved for those (and literally only those) who come up with silly excuses as to why they didn't manifest and procrastinate bc of literally the stupidest things. And that tone should only be used once in a while as some people may have genuine problems and self-blaming issues alongside these things. Tough love motivation can really go a long way, so I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of it just to how much it's used and to who it's used towards.
For those who have genuine problems and things holding them back from manifesting, we definitely should be kinder to them.
I recall one time a certain loa blogger here (I won't be saying their name, but it's starts with l and ends with 1) went into a certain shifter's post (won't be saying who) about how they were struggling with shifting and hated their CR or smth and when I went to the replies I saw them shouting at them being like "it's only YOUR FAULT, that u didn't shift, STOP IDENTIFYING WITH FAILURE" and I'm like girl..... why the hell are u shouting on this random person who ain't even in LOAblr? Maybe be more positive towards them bc shouting at someone and telling them their failures are no one's fault, but theirs is legit so bad for someone's mental health and self esteem like...
Honestly, I think it's tricky to navigate the law and this community without encountering unnecessary self blame, and so it's important we frame and type our posts in a way that doesn't encourage it and is against it.
Remember, y'all make sure to feed ur subconscious with the things u wanna see in ur physical reality but not push all those negative feelings u have about ur circumstances deep inside, it's incredibly unhealthy and it's always good to express ur feelings. The sort of principal I adopt is spend 80% of the time persisting in the new story and ignoring the 3d and 20% venting and reacting to the old story. So far it's been helpful in maintaining a dominant state and allowing an outlet for my emotions.
Oh my god this also just said everything in my head and what I felt about tough love here in LOAblr!! And I love the 80/20 method you do (I think I remember knowing that this a real method but in a diff context). But, aside from that, I feel like as a member of the loassumption community we do need to start being wise with our words and being careful about. Because, I never know who's reading my posts and what I say can be more triggering than helpful which isn't what I want. It isn't what we want.
This is also why I want to encourage the mindset of "Failures are just opportunities to succeed" because that has helped me SO much. Not just loablr and shiftblr wise. I'm an academic achiever and that's my motto. So, whenever I get a low grade I grieve first and pick myself back up. Which leads to my 2nd point: It's okay to feel down! If anything, feeling your emotions do not take anything from you. They're sensations and suppressing them won't do any good. Let yourself feel safe to feel them <3
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yfmconfessions2 · 5 months
THE puff anon is back once again💪 AND IM HERE TO DROP SHIT!!!
Puffs glasses are so thick. Like he cant see shit without them. And if anyone takes them away he will start throwing hands with everything but the person. He once hit a wall so hard it practically cracked and he could barely use his hand for a week and Axel (who stole his glasses) was terrified to come near him for that week.
He actually likes kids but only the ones that can behave and dont cry their eyes out every two minutes. If they do, he starts going insane and will NOT hesitate to fight a literal child.
Puff and the band were wanted by the police so many times that atp they can call the cops their friends.
Pulls the dumbest pranks known to man and finds them hilarious. Like he gave Benatar a glass of water that was literally filled with kilograms of salt, and proceeded to laugh so hard he cried when Benatar struggled to get the salty taste out of his mouth for 10 minutes.
ALSO when Puff laughs like really REALLY hard his laugh goes silent, and then it turns into maniac cackles. If anyone ever heard him laughing that hard at night they ran away immediately.
Hates bugs with a burning passion. If theres at least one spider near him he will slap it with anything he has until it turns into a liquid.
Puff LOVES spicy food but his stomach cant handle it. He will devour 10 spicy noodles at once and then cry in the bathroom for half of the night. But does he care? Absolutely not. He can and WILL do it again.
I bet he once saw Benatar crying and he wasnt the reason of that so he went "Geez pull your shit together pussy." And walked away, a few seconds later Puff came back with a tissue and just sat down next to him, acting as if he didnt give a damn.
He plays video games every chance he gets. That man will rot in his room for 20 hours a day playing Call of Duty, proceed to tell 30 people to kill themselves and then go out of his room and look like he came back from the death
He cant aim for shit. Literally cant. Game wise AND real life wise. He wanted to throw a rock into a wall once out of pure rage but hit a random person that was far away instead. He was never seen in that spot ever again.
Puff's either desperate for a relationship or doesnt give a damn. He will go and literally beg a girl in a random club to be with him and the next day he breaks up bc "Lol nah, ur not pretty i was drunk." And then regrets it so he wants to find a new chick again.
He has a love-hate relationship with horror movies. Like once in a while the whole band has a movie night and Puff always says they should watch a horror movie bc all of them are scared and he isnt. Axel, Benatar and Dee Jay just look at each other and just smirk. When they turn on the movie and the first jumpscare appears Puff literally screams like a small girl, and then just says that he felt something sharp. Hes just a pussy BUT WILL HE ADMIT IT? Never.
Never read a whole book in his entire life.
His favorite ice cream is salted caramel and lemon.
Talking bout lemons, he loves sour shit. Like he can devour a whole lemon without cringing while everyone looks at him like: 😨
i love these thx snookie 🥰
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
weheh this was fun to write ! i will say that i don't write mizuki ships, so ena's s/o is left vague- there's also already a 🍰 anon, but feel free to choose another emoji ! other than that, i hope u like this ! <3
♡ FAKE DATING...UNLESS - Akito Shinonome x Reader
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It was well known that Akito and you had a rivalry of sorts. Well, rivalry may not have been the best word for it, but you both hated each other-
Which is why it was weird that he approached you without any insults thrown your way. It was also why it was even weirder when he asked you out on a date
"A date?" You scoff, rolling your eyes at him. "The last person I'd ever want to go on a date with is you, Shinonome-"
He briefly explains how Ena had been making fun of him, how he claimed that he had a s/o already, and how she invited him out on a double date. The only issue being that he had lied about having a s/o
"I know, I know!" He sighs, shaking his head, "Listen, you're the last person I'd ask out, but everyone I was going to ask is busy and I need a date-"
"Damn, can't even get a date without crawling to me, huh?" He stays silent at that, and you grin in triumph. "Why do you need a date anyway?"
As much as you held distaste towards him, he promised that he would repay you by doing whatever you wanted, so you obliged
Although the date felt incredibly awkward for the two of you, you at least succeeded in your act. Ena was just as surprised to see you as you felt to even be there
The two of you had to keep the act up, much to your displeasure, and the only people who really knew it was fake was VBS
An would constantly tease the both of you when you were alone, calling you both, "The cutest couple around!" Akito proceeds to fight her off-
Despite the lies and overall annoyance towards each other, you both found that there was...Something actually growing between you
It was annoying as all hell to admit, but god, he was stupidly charming and wonderful to be around...
Akito may have always held some hate towards you, but he couldn't help but notice all of the sweet little things that made him fall for you
It was a random "fake" lunch date the two of you were having when Akito gave you a weirdly serious look
"Okay, let me be real for a second." You tilt your head a bit, nodding at him to continue. He sighs before taking a bite of his cheesecake, face slightly red 
"I know this was all...An act, but I kind of...I dunno, I kind of want it to be real?" When you smiled, he assumed you were about to make fun of him, so he sighed, shaking his head. "Nevermind, I-"
"No! No, I...I kind of want this to be real too." Akito blinked before beaming at you, glancing down at his food before glancing back at you
"I guess we can say this is our first official date then?" You laugh, nodding with a hum. ​"I guess we can."
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screamsilas · 2 days
yo bro. i hope ur comshipping ass kills himself and suffers a very painful death. xoxo
Woah man! Idk where you are getting this info but this is a daily reminder to not harass people you don't know! I'm extremely neutral on the topic of pro/comshipping if it matters, and the "anti harassment" in my bio goes both ways! Stop assuming the worst in people. It's really sad. Just block and move on! Yikes!
Edit: I'm mostly making this public because I wanna show that whenever it comes to most antis, they will do nothing but send death threats and completely ruin the days (or lives sometimes) of neutrals/proshippers because they don't agree with what media they consume. I'm not gonna let this person who I don't know on the internet ruin my day because guess what? It's literally not real. They probably are dealing with their own inner turmoil and self-doubt enough that they probably hate themselves more than they hate some random high schooler on tumblr of all places.
The other reason is to remember the laugh I got out of this and remember that I actually have a life outside of the internet (unlike this bozo)
And to the antis/neutrals/proship that don't harass people, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! You guys are great!!
Probably not gonna respond to other anti asks cause it gets boring after awhile
Also, if you wanna talk anon, my dms are opn
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kingtankgirl · 9 months
idk who needs to hear this but your clapback to random haters is almost never funny/empowering enough to post. delete the anon hate. delete the weird comments on ur instagram. literally why take time out of ur day to make a whole post on your own account inadvertently giving someone clout for being a dickhead. like i loved landon cider on dragula but following her on instagram has been so annoying cuz every other post is some clapback to a comment abt how "drag kings arent real/important/whatever" like cant u just move on. why r u giving people ur time like this i dont understand. its also not even fun to see as a viewer cuz why wld i want to be reminded of such bad opinions when ive clearly followed you Because i support these things and not cuz i wanna see people be venomous toward them. idk
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thebestofoneshots · 2 months
okay so, anon is entitled to their opinion and I won’t say anything else but please don’t be disheartened by it love! the fact that you write these chapters and post every. single. week despite having a busy life of ur own is amazing enough. you choose to share your writing with us as a passion project and we’re so glad bc we get to engage in your talent and imagination every week. every writer has a pace of their own and there’s nothing wrong with having a different approach. I quite like how you dive deep into every character and their dynamic as a group, it truly adds depth and realness to these fictional personalities. Keep doing what you do, you’re so gifted <3
You're so sweet ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა
I don't think I'd ever been described as gifted before but it's got me feeling all giddy on the inside!
I really love the human and psychological aspects of storytelling, which is why I dive deep into not only our main character's feelings but even some of the side characters and antagonistic ones.
Maybe I have a soft spot for morally grey characters and that's why I gave Evan –and Barty– such a big moment in "Sympathy for the Devil" but I really think they deserved it. Because in the end it's not that they're or ever were inherently evil, but rather that the situation they were thrown into pushed them into it. And I mean, if some random newbie came, threw a ball and broke my boyfriend's nose I too would be livid and hate her. Does that justify his actions? Of course not!
But it does give us a perspective of why some characters do some things, and I think that's the most interesting part of human nature.
I feel like I really should have studied anthropology or psychology lol.
Read Gilded Constellations
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terraliensvent · 2 months
Kuku again (probably my last response) sorry i don’t know how to link still 💔
I 100% agree, ignorance is a big issue in general, not just with these specific topics. it’s a problem that expands way farther, and being more aware of it helps us to actively better ourselves. I am definitely not perfect but that doesn’t excuse myself from the mistakes i make, it only pushes me to be better which i definitely will hold onto.
I appreciate your maturity post, puts a real No-Bullshit perspective and i fucking LOVE it. Lines can get really blurred and with the online presence it’s just entirely different. We didn’t grow up next to these people, we probably don’t even know what half of these guys look like lmao.
Just because you turn 18 doesn’t mean ur BOOM BAM!!! AN ADULT!! , half of the adults i’ve met on discord don’t even act like one. It can be really dangerous with this type of stuff, more people need to understand that a part of growing up is maturing, not just your age going up a number.
I love your opinions, views, and etc on things. You are such a real person, hope i can meet you sometime and say hi if you ever decide to show yourself. 🫶 And most importantly thank you for being honest with everything you do
post related
yeah, especially when it comes to the maturity aspect i think a lot of people in terras just dont consider the full ramifications of the things they put out there, and that can be said for a lot of the issues in the species.
and a lot of these people have been online since they were super young; being in the internet environment so often and from such a young age can cause you to again blur the lines of connection and cause them to think they can interact with large servers the same way they interact with irl friends, when its actually a drastically different environment and dynamic
the art community and furry fandom especially has an issue with the “18 year olds are automatically adults” thing, just look how many of them will start making NSFW and posting things like “all minors dni yall are annoying as fuck” when they havent even been 18 for a month.
and i really appreciate the kindness, i am just some random person but i try to be as thoughtful as i can with certain things like this. art, cs, and furry spaces are full of really fake people wearing toxic positivity masks, and i just hate having to put up a front like that so if theres one thing im gonna do on here its be real and upfront about my thoughts and opinions
thanks to all u anons who like listening to me :)
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impunkster-syndrome · 4 months
I’m gonna be real from a point of caring, your fixation on sparklecare seems to be a detriment to your mental health and if people aren’t listening, then there’s no point triggering yourself and yelling to a void.. the best thing you can do is move on. I’m not speaking over you like ur allowed to do what u want but it seems like your brain is getting stuck on this
It's called having a hyperfix and passionate analysis of media. You're just an ableist dipshit for your fake fucking concern over my health for having opinions you don't like. I've seen this song and dance before, so don't argue otherwise. "There's no point triggering yourself" fuck you, that tells me a lot about your intentions with talking to me and you reading any post about sparklecare as being inherently me upset instead of the things I have to say having any meaning or merit beyond that.
I post what I want because it is my thoughts. Not for the fucking approval of a fanbase and a creator that threw a fit and blocked me for pointing out how this is like the radfem view of ableism. I love media about trauma and ableism and dissecting it to see how it functions. This is my hobby, not a hate project jackass. You can literally filter out "sparklecare critical" as a tag and never see it again if it bothers you that much.
"I'm not speaking over you" and also implying I should only post about what I get engagement with is contradictory. You are speaking over me. You want me to shut up about anything I say about the media because it "is speaking to a void" (i.e. does not get engagement since it isn't positive enough for the ZCP overall to like) and you do not see that as worthwhile.
If you actually had concern, you'd do this off anon and message me instead of hiding behind that. Why the fuck should I trust a random anon when this kind of ableist bullshit is so common?
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peligrosapop · 4 months
i believe in God deeply yet whenever i see this freaks on ur page telling you to beleive in God i just think "do YOU!?" there is no way God wants people doing all of this in a random tumblr anon box right? hmmph....
Hi. Thanks for your message. I’m not surprised this happens because religious bigotry is just as idiotic and irrational as any other bigotry; it’s almost a psychotic to me, you hate people bc they don’t believe in your invisible person(s) in the sky? the invisible friend you ask for things? sounds like an mental illness. I went to a Christian church in December bc my sister asked me to and I couldn’t believe how people believe that BUT I respect that she does, she finds peace, she finds community there and she is not a bigot; not anti-gay or anything, mostly a feminist etc, same as some Muslim girls I’ve met here who are great fucking people but I also see how religion limits them at times, shames them, besides all the limits and shame we have to deal with a capitalist patriarchal society (which most religions thrive in). For me organize religion and even not organized, culty shit, is incompatible with my world view and politics, as an anarcho-feminist, as religions tend to have hierarchies and conservative views on body-autonomy and non-inclusive authoritarian “my way or be damned/die” tendencies.
Now, talking of god, I find living without the idea of god/gods and after life quiet freeing. I try to be nice, kind, think if others, try to be as unselfish as possible; want other to be as free or have as much as me, seek justice etc because I want to, because it’s the right thing to do, you see it when you do it, not because some book that is made to be divine told me or because I want to be in the “good place” or be born again as something better when I die. I know this is a one time thing and when it’s done, life will flash by, I’ll be grateful, hope the people I loved remember I loved them and then it’s done.Like sleeping but you never wake up. And knowing that to me is better than god but existencial dread is super real, happens to me, and I know having the idea of god(s) is better than thinking you are here on a floating rock in space in a very arbitrary way for a few years without any purposes. But you know what? We don’t need a purpose. The path, life, is the goal. Enjoy it. It also makes it easier to understand why every awful thing that happens, happens (it’s other people, not god lol)
I believe in life deeply, I grew up Christian (was a absolutely out of it by last year of HS) and the feeling that was put upon me to be god being with me I have found not in church but everywhere. When I feel water underneath by feet, seeing the sunset, listening to music in my living room, when someone I like gives me a hug, the euphoria of hundred of happy screams in a concert or a sports event, when I see a painting in person, when I read a postcard a friend has sent, making love, etc etc. I hope you find it too. Have a great day.Sorry for the long reply lol
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badasgirlfriend · 5 months
fuck it, we need to get into the people sending themselves anonymous hate. the random hate train that appeared out of nowhere honestly is what ruined the bada/bebe/swf 2 writing community here. we were all honestly living in our own happy bubble, but y’all couldn’t just leave it there! i’m not saying everyone who has gotten hate is sending it to themselves, but some of y’all are real fucking suspicious. i need all of y’all who have nothing better to do than fake who you are and lie about hate to get the fuck out because this community was nice and fun before y’all 😭
(not you eli, we know you actually love yourself too much to send it to yourself lmfao)
anon the way i wanna kiss u rn (if ure nawt a minor) bc i had the same thoughts ALSO THE END LMFAOO ILY😭😭
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
in keeping with the theme of the Norse gods and Greek gods having a swap, what about a marriage? Been fantasizing off and on about Loki x Hecate pairing ever since you did that dialogue about Loki needing a skull and Hecate having like 8 of them. What do you think that would be like? Esp since Hecate is technically an Anatolian goddess adopted by the Greeks???
hee hee that loki x hecate post is SO old,, ur a real one anon for remembering it. honestly, when i made that post i was just putting random people together in a chat post.
but, i sort of always thought that marital relationships between different pantheons would be forbidden? so like, you can't marry someone from a pantheon different to yours. but just for the shits and giggles, i think Loki x Hecate would be insane. im actually not sure that they would get along as husband and wife-- Hecate strikes me as very proper and orderly, and Loki is chaos personified. also, Loki is self-serving, so i feel like it would be a love-hate relationship, very much what i imagine Loki x Angrboda to be like.
the only Norse x Greek pairing i ever considered in my life was Freyja x Apollo. idk, i just like the aesthetics of it?
u say you've been fantasizing about Loki x Hecate so i'd love to hear ur thoughts? i don't really have any myself 😭
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
right hello, you know the drill by now 😘 it’s ur fave jongho lover with some sort of delulu idea that’s way longer than it should be but ur my fave ateez writer so you have to listen 🤣
bad boy jongho who thinks he’s really obvious with his crush on you but god no he isn’t he’s actually really bad and you think he hates your ass. it doesn’t help you guys are seat mates because your home room teacher cannot put up with ateez anymore so she assigned seats and here you are 🤣. anyway he’s that bad you move seats because he just ends up being mean (accidentally, if he found out he was hurting your feelings he’d hate himself lmao 💀). bros more than offended that you moved so he’s taken it upon himself to make it even more obvious (bro you weren’t in the first place 🤨) so he makes his friend buy an extra milkshake or a little snack when they skip so he can give it to you 🤞 but he does it in a real corny way where he doesnt even look he’s just like “here 🧍‍♀️ this is for you 🫵 🧃 good luck later 🏃‍♀️” AND HIS ASS LEAVES. but eventually you catch on (no you don’t 😭 san and mingi threaten you because they think you’re playing him and that’s how you find out about his feelings) so you invite him out next time he gives you smth and BOOM you’re all lovey dovey and happy (esp him because you realised his feelings again you didn’t but don’t tell him) 😁🫶
- 🧸 delulu ass anon 🤣
i'm writer fave ateez writer????? STOPPPP you're gonna make me cry ;-; ty you're one of my fave people to interact on here, always making my day with you cute and random thoughts!
everything you said is just hilarious i can totally see it happening
jongho in high school... i can just see him not knowing how to flirt AT All and will resort to what he has observed from TV shows and whatnot. cool and aloof, mostly. but then he ends up slipping into rude territory when he's just plain mean (he needs a good slap when he does this because??)
but he doesn't mean to hurt your feeling she's just an awkward lol bena and articulating his actual feeling proves to be a massive challenge 💀 and we love him for that, bless him
i like the idea of san and mingi being the ones to defend jongho like "hey, are you playing our boy??" but with the perplexed look on your face, the realise that not only have the made a mistake about you but also exposed jongho's secret crush on you. then things start adding up and making more sense in your mind.
ofc you keep it on the hush-hush because jongho is like "i mad emy feelings for you so obvious like wtf" and you're like "yeahhh 😃😃 *cough, cough*"
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2cupids · 2 years
your stories would be great if you didn’t specify skin color in them. using pronouns like “you” and “your” yet not making the details universal for everybody.
let’s be real none of the neos would want your nasty brown roast beef, they’d hate crime ur ugly ass in east asia. ur writing is ass anyway “snow” lol
oh you’re trifling!
even if i don’t mention skin color, the person in my stuff will ALWAYS be black or poc because i’m writing from a black person’s pov. keep that in mind. i mentioned brown skin because i wanted to, brown and darker skin tones are beautiful. but if you didn’t like me explicitly mentioning skin color, you could’ve left it at the first lil paragraph and i would’ve gladly obliged and not done it anymore. but since you’re so nasty and had to throw in that unnecessary last part, i’ll continue to mention skin color when i want to. this is MY blog after all and i want all my black and poc friends to feel welcomed and represented first and foremost.
now let’s be real, my work is fiction, it’s not meant to be real. at the end of the day, i KNOW i’m pretty, that my skin is beautiful, and i can pull anyone i want.. you think i’m fr worried about some men on the other side of the world wanting me or not lol? i’m not letting some random ass mofo on the internet who’s talking shit on anonymous mode tell me any differently just because a FICTIONAL piece of work i wrote pissed you off so bad, ok love? now, i suggest you block me and go on with the rest of your day.
‼️ if you send me anything nasty like the last part of what this anon sent in, it’ll get deleted.
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atherix · 2 years
Ooh atherix, once again it is morning for me. No wonder i had this tiny gut feelin to tell me to check ur blog up and lo and behold, a new chapter has dropped.
I gotta say, i LOVE the way you write. Especially the way you describe the place, the little things mumbo sees and all that. And do not get me started with how soft Mumbo is with tubbo. Just,,,,the way you write makes ME feel soft, its like watching a kid with an awkward step dad who loves the kid with all his heart but doesnt fuckin know how to act around them and afraid they'll hate u wjxjdjd
And oh man, the snippet that u showed us?? I went thru like a whole JOURNEY over that before i got to that part of the fic. I thought at first, it was tubbo. Bc knowing tubbo, he is a petty kid who will not hesitate to call you bs out. But then i rmb the mimics and went like 'hmmm maybe its those mimics??' And BOOM it was.
And those mimic, BRO I LOVE THEM. I mean i hate how cruel they were but they are an amazing specimen to a writer's eye KEKW. I just loves creatures that can fuck you up mentally or even used your deepest desires and insecurities to their advantage wjdbdbd.
These types of creatures are fascinating in itself, but what makes it a fine specimen for writers is cause they force your characters to realise what their inner problems are, and it can help them tackle them either on their own or someone else finally helps them with it. In othr words GOOD CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MATERIAL WOOOOO
Anyway this fic isnt as painful as the previous one which made me a bit scared but veru excited. I am current rattling the bars of my cage as we speak out of excitement for it.
- purp anon
Look. It is a good idea to always check my blog because I update at the most random times. 4 PM on a Wednesday? Sure. 3 AM that Thursday? Why not. <3
fhdsjfghsdjk thank you so much!! <3 I love like... "painting" the environment ya know? <3 I try to be loose enough that people can imagine while having enough details to try and paint a picture... and allude/hint to certain things <3 Look. LOOK. I am thoroughly enjoying the slow adoption of Tubbo. I am enjoying the dadification of Mumbo and Grian. I am. Delighted <3 I am so glad other people are enjoying it too <3
Oh Tubbo will ABSOLUTELY call you out on your BS. However, he also knows Scar loves Mumbo very much and is happy they're finally together (he won't say it out loud, of course). He ALSO wasn't actually aware of the state of Scar and Mumbo's relationship- all he knew was Mumbo was a "good man" who happened to be a Vampire, a client of Scar's, and Scar has been crushing on him since basically the start. So it wouldn't have been him saying those things <3 Yes. Mimics my beloathed hjkgfjkkjgf-
I LOVE THE MIMICS TOO. I love some mind fuckery. Emotions? WRECKED. Life? DESTROYED. They will drag out your deepest insecurities and fears that you've refused to put a name to and hit you with it before you even get the chance to process it's THERE. I love it. They're a little (real: a lott'a) fucked up and they got the spirit <3
YES. It forces them to confront the deeper parts of themselves and gives them a chance to fix things before they manifest in the worst possible ways <3 YEEEE <3
Haha this chapter certainly doesn't have the impact the last one would have. Literally no one knew it was coming, not even Stitch <3 It came out of NOWHERE and I was DELIGHTED hehehe. Don't be scared, there's no reason at all to be afraid <3 Hehehe-
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