#if we dont have music yet i sincerely hope that something is done about the rehearsal
09lover · 8 months
No wait it's EXTREMELY FUNNY that you just saw it because I was just typing out yours, but on the laptop it looked weird so I went to the phone
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Alr then, HERE IS YOUR FIRST DEDICATION IM BLASTING THIS SONG FOR YOU FROM THE ROOM NEXT OVER (please check the video, it's your song anyways :) )
SO YEAH THIS SONG IS FOR YOU NOW! LMAO JSJSJSJSJSJSJSJS WHAT CAN I SAY ITS SO YOU ITS LIKE LOOKING AT YOU IN A PICTURE :) jsjsjsjjsjs love you- speaking of that, this one is in Spanish, so I send you the video as well (has English subs)
THAT SONG IS US!! ITS LITERALLY US, I BET JSJSJSJSJS it's so us, who's who? We probably take turns tbh, we seem to be little shits towards the other, it's on our nature. With the sillies out of the way, we come to our last stop: Eine Kleine (eng cover, since it's not on Spotify the one I like)
Jort Storm came to me as a hit of realization, and then remembered the second song and thought of us and went with them, but I also wanted to give you a serious song. I love messing with you and being silly and all, but you are truly someone who became important to me. I still think you cheated with the found family thing jsjsjajsjs but... I truly, sincerely appreciate you, and I wish nothing but good things to come to you. This song means a lot to me, and as I was looking for one I saw it and something told me to give this one to you. I hope you know that I'll always be there for you, that no matter what, you'll always be able to find a friend in me, and while I might not have the answers, or I might be on the other side of the world, I'll always have your back. I love you a lot, little shit hehehe
wiahhh… three songs… and i know none of them which is either surprising or very expected yet not surprising…. BUT EITHER WAYY WAUUUU FINALLY MY TURN YEA!!! ill take a listen to all of them later when im done with dinner and perhaps invade your inbox to talk about your music selections and smile like a stupid idiot….
BUT THERES AN US SONF???? GAHHHHHAPPYHAPPY IM EXCITED TO LISTEN TO THAT ONE ESP SINCE ITS VOCALOID TOO…. well yes ive cheated but it wont change anything:D BUT TUEN YES OF COURSE, RIGHT BACK TO YOU!! even if we dont talk a lot i still want you to know i consider you as one of my closest mutuals on tumblr that i manage to continue feeling close around!! while i might be bad at comforting i still want to say im here for you regardless to listen to your problems and try to make everything better by showing my support and to also make you forget it all by trying to brighten up your day and such!!
i love you back so so so much, you dumbass…<333 maybe ill send you some occasional dms for no reason to check up on you and maybe bother you more if you dont mind<3ANYWAYS CANT WAIT TO LISTEN LATER NEHSHEHEHDH
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nutzo0001 · 1 year
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- ) or that feeling, "living in the future" when y2k came, it was for people, like dream, fascination - hope: - year 2000 is at the door, world looks bright, internet is "ough" to "solve" all our problems, maybe even "to topple the game (of rich bastards) down"... -- feeling like this - if you got me (this sentiment, dream of utopia, unity, mutual understanding "coz of net" - oh man, if they knew...) - which reminds me of thread [sic] "MLP and New Sincerity" - about being sincere, "you", - all that *sweet* (or not) jazz...
#0 punks and emos of 2000s-2010s: basically "When we were young" fest, - safe for fact it was then "current thing": pic-rel + all those rock, punk, emo, - things playing on radio --- a psyop??? + 80s (music, not aesthetics) nostalgia occuring around that time... : music-rel (yeah, pretty much this playlist is "getting rich" from nostalgia - go, figure :/)
#1 youtube campaign "broadcoast yourself" - dawg man, i am so confussed how we could "get bought" over this - and believe come corporation! it sounds so - ironic; looking at it from lens of someone, living in *these* times "after fad"... - really believing(?) that commonmen can, thru sheer "influence" thru net, shape world... (what a joke!!!) [were we sold on *this feeling"!???]
#1b general naiivity over "corporations allowing us all this" - how was that not suspicious!! i wonder... (letting our guard and awareness so low) ~ but then, werent we (born 1999-and so; living with siblings (sister), of 8 year difference...)
#1.5 campaign of web providers (geocities, goDaddy or such), *basically* saying "be you"/"promote yourself"
(if you get me, that is; i am - getting nostalgic, over something i very fogly remember - in fact, now i get - why those "boomers" over here are getting nostalgic over living in socialism (when, they were kids... - so was i...)
--- WAS this all^ psy-op - contrarian messages, just "selling feeling", scham, make-believe dreams?
or is it that *there somewhere*, it was "all taken away from us" - well, as i see, that is very little probability, and it was just tactic to "get everyone on net" - those fxxx bastards!! (#me, being naiive...)
On Apathy: Man. I don't want to shit on the current generation too much because it's been done to death, but you're gonna be hard-pressed to find a late zoomer/Gen-A who can use a hammer or any other tool properly. It's like there's no awareness of the world around them. We're talking missing 9/10 of the time with a hammer. Honestly, I think they're just tired of it all and don't care to learn anymore. I can't blame them. It feels like the whole world is falling apart, but never enough to bring an end to the stress that comes from it. Perhaps it's a demoralization sort of thing. A "_______ is going to happen so it won't matter anyway." sort of situation. Everyone is just tired and doesn't have the energy to care.
- aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3J1bS5hZ29yYXJvYWQuY29tL2luZGV4LnBocD90aHJlYWRzL2RvZXMtdGhlLXpvb21lci1nZW5lcmF0aW9uLWhhdmUtemVyby10ZWNoLXNraWxscy41OTgwL3Bvc3QtODQxNjc= (pssst)
end: - i was played on. -- world of broken promises pre-2001~2008... --- "you need to be unique to stand out", so, next step in my mind was > "no way to be normie" >> i never knew what *they* (who?) meant - does computers screw us all in some way? or was is that we made ourselves... we build them... then, we dont know ourselves > you dont know things until it is too late? or > was it "The Plan"? use people as puppets > "NPC Naysayers"? - to make all sorts of crazy laws? power-trip? I dont want to - but, do i HAVE TO be bad, in any sense? -- Last time i had any confidence was in 2010-2015... but it was nothing much, it was just fuzzy feeling. there were bad things, yet, i felt fine... so, do i hate myself now? because - why? am i afraid to lose that? then, what happened!? is it some kind of trauma - or simply, disability to adapt? maybe thats why --- i miss 2008-2013 - times when i could be naiive. myself. no pretend, even if i wanted to... is it only now that i am afraid? or am i going insane and want to blame others for "making problems to sell cure"? - maybe i never was teenager, so with strict and boomers-like parents, it is like i have to make my dreams now - if i only wanted to - if i wasnt so emberassed... -- "teen-ages in stasis"? > peter pan syndrome? --- i dont want to live in my head - but what to do - - what i even want?? - am i afraid of success, of being "too strong", "bad" to others? there are like milion things...
AM I NORMAL?: could be, maybe i am just afraid to be
The commercial exploitation of the web has become a growing facet of the world economy, particularly in the last several years. In June 1999 NUA Internet Surveys estimated that 179 million people are connected to the Internet worldwide. A recent study by the University of Texas sponsored by Cisco Systems estimated that the "Internet Economy" generated $300 billion in revenue in the United States alone.
Conrad Johnson and Brian Donnelly, “A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB AND THE INTERNET “, Part 6, Columbia.edu, (Oct 24, 2003).
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you-are-constance · 2 years
its probably not good that i have a four hour rehearsal tomorrow and still don't have the music we're supposed to be working on
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uhharrypls · 3 years
Dont hang out with those Pogues
Your new BF Rafe doesn't want you hanging out with your pogue friends anymore and things get physical. You can't hide it from JJ.
Pogue by birth, Kook by marriage. You were in an undefined area now that your mother, a pogue, married your now stepdad, a kook. The pogues were accepting of your new house on figure eight but they weren’t so accepting of your new relationship with Rafe Cameron. Your relationship was new and exciting, he was sweet. They just hadn’t gotten the chance to see that side of him yet.
Your family had met the Cameron’s at the country club for lunch one afternoon. You nearly choked on your water as Ward told you about Rafe’s first surf lesson. You stifled a laugh, excusing yourself to the restroom.
You stood outside the bathroom, checking your phone. John B sent you a video of JJ trying to jump off a rope swing, but getting tangled and swinging from it upside down instead. You laughed, typing out a response when arms laced around your waist. You jumped as Rafe’s head rested on your shoulder, his body pressed against your back.
“I was hoping to get you alone tonight.” He whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You shivered as his kiss sent a chill up your spine. “Hey, you.” You smiled, turning into his arms, tucking your phone away.
He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips, sliding his hands into your back pockets.
Your phone vibrated in your back pocket as you pulled out of the kiss.
“Whose got your attention?” He muttered, dipping his head into your neck. He pulled his head back, looking over your screen.
You smiled at your phone, locking the screen again as you looked up. Your smile dropped from your face as you met Rafe’s darkened eyes. “JJ Maybank? Really, Y/N?” He clenched his jaw.
“What? Rafe, stop. They’re my friends.” You craned your neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He turned his face, bringing his hand up to your jaw. “Baby.” He brushed your cheek with his thumb. “Don’t let me see you hanging around those dirty fucking pogues again, okay?” He tightened his grip on your face. “You have a reputation to keep now.” He pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead before storming off.
You furrowed your brow, watching him disappear down the hall. You returned back to lunch, remaining silent as Rafe pretended nothing had happened moments ago.
You brushed off Rafe’s attitude as jealousy. He knew you and your mom were born and raised pogues. He knew they were your friends. He was just jealous. But you were stubborn and you wouldn’t let a jealous boyfriend make decisions for you.
So, when John B called, you answered. The pogues were having a party and you had to be there.
“No, seriously Y/N, it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.” John B recalled JJ’s accident.
“God, JJ. You’re a mess.” You laughed, leaning your head on his shoulder.
The night was winding down and the cooler was just about empty. “Shoot, guys. I gotta go. My mom and I have plans super early.” You groaned.
“Need a ride, chief?” Pope stood with you.
You nodded gratefully, waving goodbye to John B, JJ and Kiara before climbing into Pope’s truck.
Pope pulled into your driveway, giving you a questioning look as he registered Rafe sitting on your front steps. “He looks pissed.” He spoke, turning the music down.
“Yeah, he does.” You gulped. “Thanks for the ride, Pope.” You muttered, climbing out.
Pope didn’t pull away until you had reached the front steps and Rafe waved at him with fake sincerity.
“What are you doing here?” You asked innocently.
After Pope’s headlights had disappeared from view, Rafe grabbed your shoulders, pinning you against your front door. “What did I fucking tell you about hanging out with those damn pogues.” He spit, rage filling his eyes.
“Rafe, stop, you’re hurting me.” You wriggled, trying to free yourself.He brought one hand to your throat, the other stroking the top of your head. “You really don’t want to upset me, Y/N. I don’t think straight when I get upset.” He threatened. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pulled his hand from your throat, running his finger against your cheek as you flinched away from his touch.
You spent the next few days avoiding your friends. You felt awful but you couldn’t shake Rafe’s threat. You had every intention of ending things with him but you hadn’t worked up the courage yet.
JJ had texted you, letting you know there was a kegger at the boneyard that weekend and he hoped you would be there. You replied a vague I’ll let you know and prayed he didn’t push.
It wasn’t until Sarah Cameron and Topper texted you, insisting you to go to the kegger that you decided you would go. Rafe couldn’t do anything if you were surrounded by people. Besides, if Sarah and Topper were going, he really had no room to get mad at you for seeing your friends. You told yourself you would end things if you saw him there.
You pulled your hair back in two braids and pulled on an old flannel, probably belonging to JJ or John B. You met Sarah and Topper and headed to the boneyard. Rafe was nowhere to be seen, to your relief.
You found your way to the keg, filling a cup when a strong arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“Damn, Y/N. You look great in my clothes.” JJ teased. “Where the hell have you been?” He slurred into your ear, leading you towards the other pogues.
“Sorry, guys. I’ve been busy. I actually, um.” You looked over your shoulder to motion to Sarah when your stomach dropped. Through the flames you watched as Rafe crossed his arms, rage filling his eyes as he stared at you, tucked under JJ’s arm.
“Apple of your eye, eh Y/N?” Pope teased, motioning to Rafe’s rigid stance from across the beach.
You shrugged off JJ’s arm, suddenly feeling constrained by his closeness. You ran your hands down your loose braids, tearing your eyes from Rafe. You stuttered out a rough apology, turning away from the pogues, heading in the direction opposite of Rafe.
“Yo, yo, yo.” JJ called, jogging to catch up with you. “Where you running off to? We haven’t seen you all fucking week.” JJ uttered.
You glanced up behind JJ’s shoulders Rafe began stalking towards you. You tore your eyes from him, looking back at JJ. “I’m so sorry, um, I have to go. We’ll hang out tomorrow, okay? I promise.” You gave his hand a squeeze before turning and jogging up the sandy hill.
You glanced up over your shoulder, sighing with relief when you didn’t see Rafe trailing you.
“Where are you off to, baby?” He spoke sinisterly, popping out in front of you.
“Shit, Rafe. You scared me.” You raised a hand to your chest. You looked around nervously, hoping someone was close enough to see the two of you. There was no one. Just the two of you.
He gave you an ominous smile, craze twinkling in his eyes. “Baby.” He pouted, bringing his hand to your cheek like he had done so many times before.
The smile dropped from his face as he tightened his grip on your cheek, throwing you to the ground. “What did I fucking say?!” He leaned over you, spitting his hateful words into your face.
“Rafe, please. I didn’t come with them. I came with Sarah. And Topper. And, and I was coming to see you.” You pleaded.
He threw his hands into his hair, exhaling as you begged beneath him. “God dammit!” He cried, kicking you in the stomach. “Why can’t you just listen to me?!” He shouted as you curled into yourself.
“Please.” You begged, quieter now.He looked down at you, his expression dropping in concern.
He straddled you, holding your face in his hands. “I didn’t want to do this.” He whispered, stroking your cheek.You pinched your eyes closed, flinching away from his touch. “I’m sorry.”
He bit his lip, pulling his arm back and slapping you across the face. You tasted blood as he leaned down, resting his forehead against yours. “You made me do this.” He cried.
Your lip trembled as he came unhinged, slamming his fist against the ground next to your head, tears streaming down his face. He was ill, he was so mentally ill.
His arm fell limp against the ground. “I love you, Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before climbing off of you. He looked down at you, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He shook his head as you curled into a fetal position, before he walked away, leaving you on the ground.
How you had managed to get home, you didn’t know. You climbed into your bathtub, fully clothed, turning the water on. You laid in the ice cold water all night, not able to process what had just happened.
Rafe was sick. He was a sick sociopath and you were so afraid. He had beat the life out of you and professed his love for you in the same 30 second stretch. If he could do this to you, he could do worse to your friends.You had to end things with him, but how could you? He was deeply disturbed, who knew what he was capable of?
You promised. Come over. JJ texted.
Sorry, J. Can’t today. You replied, tears welling in your eyes as you turned away your friends, yet again.
Thought you might bail. Too late. We’re here. He replied. You peered out the window, sure enough, there they were at the end of the dock. JJ waved seeing your head peek through the curtain.
10 minutes. You replied, realizing there was no evading them now.
You stared at your reflection, how could you possibly go on the boat looking like this? You pulled on a bikini, tugging on an oversized sweater on top. You pulled your hair out of your braids, hoping it would shield any marks left from the night before. You pressed concealer to the majority of the bruise on your jaw but frowned, realizing you couldn’t cover your split lip.
You walked out to the dock, glancing over your shoulder as nerves slipped into your stomach.
“There she is!” JJ called, hopping over the edge of the boat onto the dock, opening his arms wide for you.
“Y/N, you realize it’s like, a million degrees out?” John B questioned from the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, uh, I think I’m just getting a head cold or something. Super chilly.” You shrugged, stepping out of JJ’s arms.
“Yeah, whatever. Let’s fuckin’ goooo!” JJ called, jumping back into the boat. He held his hand out to you, helping you climb in.
You curled into a seat in the back of the boat, staring at the water as John B cruised into the marsh.
“So, how’s Rafe?” Pope kicked his feet up next to you as JJ stood at the bow and Kie scolded him. “What happened that night?”
“What night? What do you mean? Nothing happened.” You rambled, pulling at your sweater, worrying he had seen a bruise.
“The night I took you home? He was all pissy on the porch?” Pope raised an eyebrow at your reaction.
“Yeah, dude’s a little bitch, Y/N.” JJ called, jumping down from the bow.
“Let’s swim, guys. It’s so hot.” Kie moaned, stepping out of her shorts.
“As you wish.” John B declared, dropping the anchor.Kie and John B jumped in. Pope shrugged, jumping in after. JJ took a running start, flipping off the stern next to where you were sitting.
“I’m gonna chill up here, I think. Still kinda cold.” You lied.
JJ splashed water up at you, squawking like a chicken.You were drowning in sweat in your sweatshirt. You raised the end, revealing the darkening bruise on your stomach and swallowed a lump in your throat. You definitely would not be swimming today.
After what felt like hours, the crew climbed back into the boat, cruising back to the chateau.
JJ slid in next to you, draping an arm over your shoulder. You flinched slightly at his touch and he looked down at you, squinting his eyes accusingly.
He leaned down into your ear, whispering so no one would hear. “What’s up with you?”
You pursed your lips, shrugging. “Nothing.”
“You can’t hide anything from me, Y/N. You’re off and I’m gonna find out why.” He took a sip of his beer, pulling you closer into his side.
You lit a fire and cozied up outside back at the chateau. It was nice seeing your friends again and you felt safe being around them. But in the back of your mind you feared Rafe would find out and he wouldn’t let you off so easy this time.
“So, Rafe likes it rough, huh Y/N?” John B called from across the fire.
“Rafe? Rough? As if.” JJ scoffed. “He’s a pussy.”
“How else would you explain the busted lip?” John B shrugged, sinking further into the hammock he was swinging in.You laughed, bringing a hand to your lip. Your fingers shaking as you brushed over the cut, recalling every hand he laid on you.
“I’ll be right back. Anyone need a beer?” You called, starting towards the house. You felt the tears pricking at your eyes, fearing they would slip out in front of your friends.
You stepped into the house, letting out a shaky breath. You moved into the bathroom, leaning over the sink.
“Y/N?” JJ whispered. You hadn’t heard him follow you into the house, let alone the bathroom. “Hey, what’s going on?” He stepped forward, placing his hands on either side of your arms.
You, again, flinched at his touch and he noticed. His eyes searched yours for any kind of answer as you felt yourself shrinking in his arms. Your lip trembled as you pulled at the sleeves of your shirt.
JJ’s jaw clenched, dropping his hands. He shoved them in his pockets, looking to the far corner of the bathroom. “What did he do?”
You let out an exasperated sob as you stepped forward, he wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head against yours. He let you sob in his chest for a moment before he ran his hands down your hair, pulling your face back.
He blue eyes fixed on yours as he held your tear-stricken cheeks. “Tell me.”
You looked away, unable to meet his eyes as you pulled up the bottom of your sweatshirt, revealing the swelling bruise that spread across your stomach.
“I’ll kill him.” He flared his nostrils, biting his lip in frustration.“JJ, please. He’s fucking crazy. Just don’t.” You begged.
He scrunched his nose, desperately wanting to get his hands of Rafe’s.
“I’m so scared, J.” You whispered.He sighed, pulling you into his chest.
“You’re okay. I got you. He won’t hurt you anymore.” He whispered into your hair.
You unintentionally fell asleep in the hammock outside, tucked into JJ’s side. But you didn’t mind. You felt safe with JJ.
You groaned as a car door slammed, curling your head into JJ’s chest.“Fuck off!” JJ called as footsteps grew closer.
You pulled your head off JJ’s chest, peering over the edge of the hammock, letting out a gasp when you realized who it was.
“JJ.” You whispered, sitting up.
“Y/N, baby, where have you been? Sleeping with a pogue? What have I told you!” Rafe called over, a twisted smile spreading across his face as he beat his fist against his chest.
“Fuck.” JJ muttered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He climbed out of the hammock, pulling you behind him. “Yo, John B? Mind joining us out here?” JJ called for backup.
“That’s my girlfriend you’ve got there, Maybank.” Rafe paced in front of you two.
John B stepped out of the house, his hair was a mess as he let out a yawn, straightening quickly when he took in the interaction in front of him.
“I think it’s not.” JJ smiled, cracking his knuckles as he stepped forward.
“What’s going on, JJ?” John B called out.
“Our buddy Rafe Cameron likes to hit women.” JJ spit, eyeing up Rafe as they paced around one another. Rafe’s eyes flickered between you and JJ.
John B’s jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you with sad eyes. You nodded slightly, confirming JJ’s accusation.“Rafe, please just go. It’s over.” You tried your best to sound firm.
“I don’t think you are in any position to tell me we’re done.” He sneered, running his tongue across his lower lip. “These pogues are going to be the end of you, baby. Remember last time? The blood and the bruises?” He squinted his eyes in your direction.
JJ nodded, stepping forward. “You’re dead.” He declared, lunging at Rafe, knocking him to the ground. He easily straddled him, throwing punch after punch into his face.
“JJ, stop!” You cried as blood began to pour down Rafe’s nose and out his mouth. “John B, stop him! He’s going to kill him!” You cried, throwing your hands into your hair.
John B jogged over to the two rolling around in the dirt, pulling JJ off Rafe’s limp body. “Alright, big guy. You got him, you’re good.” He said as JJ wiped the blood off his lip.
Tears welled in your eyes as Rafe stood, spitting blood in your direction before stalking off.
JJ turned to you, the rage melting off his face as he met your frightened eyes. He opened his arms, stepping towards you as you crashed into his chest.
“I got you, Y/N. You’re okay.” He whispered.
You pulled back, holding his jaw in your hand. You ran your thumb across his cheek, steaked with blood, sweat, and dirt as you searched his eyes.
Your eyes pulled from his, down to his lips. You ran your thumb across the cut on his bottom lip, nearly identical to your own. You looked back up to his eyes as he stared down at you.
You took his jaw, pulling his mouth to yours, pressing an urgent kiss to his.
You kept your forehead pressed to his as you pulled your lips back ever so slightly. “Thank you.” You whispered.
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storysofmyown · 4 years
How the demon bro’s would ask you to marry them
Note: I am unaware if this was done before, i have not seen this specific scenario yet, so if there is any resemblance to an already existing work it was unintentional!
This man, he knew from the moment you two started the relationship that he would marry you. There was never a doubt in his mind, he was not letting you get away.
So, of course, he knew that at some point he would ask you to marry him. His pride dictating him to ask you first no matter what, and so...he did.
It wasn't a big party, nor was it with his brothers or anyone else. It was just the two of you. No interruptions and no drama, just you two, just like he wanted to be for the rest of his live.
He had planned the entire evening, making sure none of the brothers would interfere at all. He rented the whole restaurant, the only ones that stayed longer were the cook and after delivering the food they left.
There was soft music in the background, a dim light illuminated everything, the proposal, just like many things in your relationship was going to low-key.
You would be eating and chatting for a moment, look down, and the moment you look up there is a neatly placed black velvet box.
At first you were confused, but with a soft smile, Lucifer ushered you to open the small box. Inside there was a beautiful small ring with red stones. It was simply breathtaking, but so was the softness in Lucifer’s smug smile as he watched your face lit u[p at the sight of it. He would take your hand, give a kiss to it, the ring in his other fingers as you look at him directly in the eyes, before simply saying
“Marry me.” The weight of the ring and the feeling on his fingers between yours would only become present as you nod slowly, tears in your eyes as the demon looked at you with the most love sick expression he had ever shown.
Dear lord, did it take this demon long before he could simply say “I love you” in a sincere way without feeling embarrassed or berating your afterwards. But you stayed with him, no matter what, and where others would make fun of him and insult him, you put care and love in his life.
So...yeah, he wanted to marry. The moment he realized he wanted to marry you it was a soft night in your room. The two of you were in bed after the other’s leaving, you had fallen asleep in his arms and he was caressing your cheek, and he realized he simply couldn't live without you anymore.
This demon would want EVERYONE to know you are his, and only HIS.
He would buy you the biggest and most expensive ring there is. After all, you belonged to The Great Mammon, you would now need better jewelry and stuff like that. And what a better start than the best ring he could find? (He also bought this with half money earned from working and half from Lucifer’s credit card. The eldest made sure Mammon paid back after threatening him saying he would not pay one grimm for the wedding.)
Now, the demon would want this to be both a special and memorable moment, but he would want to have you all for himself when he asks.
So, he would take you to a carnival of sorts. It was almost as chaotic as your relationship with him, which was simply befitting.
It would be an EXCELLENT time. The most fun you had with him, and the relationship was always fun. The whole time would be spent between laughs, jokes, throwing popcorn at each other, etc.
Then,it would  be quiet. But not in an uncomfortable way, less and less people would be at the carnival, and when there is few people, he would grow quieter, mustering the courage to actually ask you. He would take a deep a deep breath, hands buried in his pockets as he plays with the small box. Finally, he would speak.
“Yo” he wouldn't wait for an answer. “Y-y’know that we...have been dating for a while, right?” One hand in his hair as he no longer looks at you. “And...and you are always so nice to me and you basically thought me how to feel lo-love or whatever and- and i guess what I’m trying to say is-” He would stop, a blush covering his cheeks as he finally looks at you and pulls the box out. “Would you marry me?”
And it amazes you, it amazes you that before, when your relationship was fresh and new, he would go on a tangent about how you should feel honored that someone like him, would be interested in someone like you. But not now, he didn't had to say that. Because you were honored that he would love you, and he was honored that you would even consider to love him back.
“Oi! Erh...are ya just gonna stand there?!” He would ask after several moments of silence, before you tackle him in a big hug and smile saying yes over and over. He would never admit it, but the demon cried a little, but never nearly as much as when the actual wedding arrived.
Oh boi, oh dear, this poor demon is soooooooooo insecure at first!! He questions why you would ever want to be in a relationship with someone like him. He honestly believes that you will one day realize you could be with someone much better than him, so the idea of marriage never crosses his mind...until a certain day.
It had been years since you started the relationship, and little by little he had started to believe you loved him. He had his insecurities...and the fact that his sin was envy had not helped...but now he honestly believed you did love him. 
You were in his room, you guys were watching an anime you had been following for a while now. There was a specific scene that threw him off, the protagonist had claimed something that completely contradicted something that had happened back in episode #123. Before he could even say anything, you paused the show and went over a half an hour rant about the exact same subject he was just about to start talking about, even providing theories of your own about if this was intentional or not.
That was it for him. Man knew he needed you in his life forever. No one had ever taken interest in what he liked or cared to actually pay attention to the things he was fixated about, so knowing that you cared...he knew he couldn't risk ever losing you. Because even if one took away all the romantic parts of your relationship, you were still his friend, the best friend he had ever had. So, that night he started planing.
He had to ask Asmodeus for help, baby was so scared and nervous about the whole thing he didn't knew how to ask you at all. But in the end, he had his idea. He was going to ask you in anime fashion. He would think of your favorite anime from all of those you had ever watched and rambled to him about. He would pick your favorite, and base an entire game around it. he even dressed as our favorite character from the anime (no matter how embarrassing it was)
The final stage of the whole thing was a competition. Asmodeus will ask you both questions, and the winner would get a prize. This was a call back to that time you two competed to know which one was a bigger TSL fan, except that this time he would let you win.
You were so happy after winning you didn't notice the man take out a ring. The moment you stopped celebrating and turned to look at the demon, you noticed a blush across his face and the way his hand fidgeted with something between them.
“Mc...” His voice would be too quiet, barely even audible. For a second you thought he was going to attack you just like that one time, but instead he took a deep breath.  “I know i said there would be a prize for the winner, but i dont know if this is much of a price...I just know that...that I-I love you.” The last part was quiet, but sincere. “ And i know im a good for nothing otaku and that it isnt easy dealing with my insecurities but...I want to be with you so Mc...would you marry me?”
 His voice broke in several instances, barely even able to to actually say those words. But at the end he was able to get them out, tears and all. But the one that would be crying the hardest would be you, as you walked up to him and embraced him while whispering yes against his chest. His shaky hands would barely be able to put the blue stoned ring that for some reason reminded you of both the ocean and his room.
I might do the other brothers later on and possibly one undatable, but yeah i hope y’all liked whatever this was!
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Can I send a request for a fic with venti and a gender neutral mc? It's not really meant to be romantic or anything along those lines. I've just been constantly thinking about how the mc was stripped of everything, including their wings when they lost their fight against the unknown god, and how the gliders might have brought them a bit of comfort when trying to get accustomed to Mondstadt.
Something more heartfelt, maybe the mc just talking to venti after a late night out, or just waking up in the middle of the night to take a stroll in peace away from paimon, amber and the rest of the Chaotic knights of favonious.
This is more of a prompt if anything- I dont usually send requests so I dont know how to format them- sorry about that :'0
A/n: first time writing Venti. Oof. Hopes it's alright and anon I hope this is close to what you wanted.
Genre: Angst. Some fluff. (The power of friendship.)
Warning: It gets a bit angsty before it get softer.
Summary: The reality of your circumstances of the trapped traveler get you and Venti offers you some advice and comfort as your friend.
Word count: 1,420
In The Days To Come (How Much Will I Miss You?);
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It was a series of perfect events, little coincidences, Paimon got distracted a while back by the smell of food, fluttering off with 'Delicious. Tasty food! Paimon will be back' before vanishing from your side. The knight of Favonius had no urgent problems to ask for your aid with now that the Dvalin has been saved and Mondstadt and its people can rest easy. You finally had time to yourself, time to feel and think of your new reality. 
It was the gentlest tug, pull of melancholy it crept up slowly, slowly, slowly all day nipping at your heels until you felt it from your toes to your head. Numbness, so empty at first then came sadness buried deep, ignored for days for the sake of saving others, making sure others were happy, living in their home, with their family-- while you were still missing yours. It felt unfair. Resentment and anger reared their ugly heads, howling like starving, ravenous beats. 
What an overwhelming torrent of emotion, waves after wave, lapping at your chin, your mouth, your nose. Sinking. Sinking. Sinking. No. Drowning. 
Until there was nothing but a muffled, muted haze of the world around you. 
If you nodded and 'hm', 'yes', 'sure', 'okay' your way through passing conversations no one noticed. Oh, how kind, brave and stoic the traveler was! Our hero! Maybe you didn't want to be a hero. You just wanted your sibling back. 
Gliding from the highest building in Mondstadt in the dead of night, you could close your eyes, imagine it, see it, your wings, the wind through your hair, the laughter of your best friend, your constant companion, your sibling-- 'I am absolutely certain, I can beat you!', 'Ha! How hilarious. You just try to keep up!' 
Then your feet hit the cobblestone of Mondstadt, your eyes snap open and that dream, that wish, all of it shatters into the most fragile fragments, fading away, slipping out of your mind, no matter how hard you try to grasp onto it, hold it close. Gone. 
You just want to cry. 
Figures it would be Venti who just so happens to find you. In the late hours of the night, every minute passes towards that too late but also too early threshold of time. 
He is whistling, then humming a gentle, soft song. Lyrics and melody unknown to you, deft, nimble fingers strum quiet, easy notes from his lyre. 
Quiet footsteps approaching your seating form, nearly hunched over a ledge outlooking most of Mondstadt from this peak near the cathedral and the statue of your friend, it was still a little odd to think of Venti, the whimsical, chaotic bard as a god but easier to wrap your mind around given the fact you had traveled to many different realms and worlds in the past. 
"How lucky I am to find a lone traveler, perhaps I could provide you with some company?" Venti interrupts his little performance to sit down beside you, cradling his lyre in his hands, you don't really have the energy to even answer or protest his presence even if you wanted. 
"Did you catch a bit of my new tune? I must work on something that will blow away even Master Diluc! Perhaps enough for a night of free drinks in the tavern in exchange for the request of my music!" Venti exclaims rather determinedly as always, especially when it came to getting the best wine possible, for free as well. The lengths he'd be willing to go is almost admirable in a way. 
Your answering silence, no laugh, huff or even a scoff at his expense nor a head shake, roll eyes. Nothing. 
"Ah poor traveler, your gloom could bring down even the brightest flowers bloom, what has doubled your trouble?" Even his joking yet sincere rhyming can't bring much of a reaction to your face and that eats away at Venti. Never one to want his friends to suffer, not if he is there to help in whatever way he can. 
Venti loses his playful, mischievous nature for the moment in favor of being serious. It's then he is more Anemo Archon then Venti the bard. 
"What is wrong, friend?" 
One tear is followed by many others, everything rushes to the surface, you shake, tremble, break under the weight of your own sorrow. Sobbing out to the blinking stars far, far away. 
"What if my sibling is gone forever? What if I never find any clues, signs? What if I spend the rest of my life trapped here, searching and searching?" You sound half hysterical with grief and worry, rambling out every doubt, insecurity you have kept so tightly hidden away. Because everyone else had their own problems and all the problems they wanted you to solve. 
"Years side by side, through every trouble, every battle, every adventure, journey, they were always with me. Now? I am alone. My power, my wings, my sibling taken from me." You sniff and cough, squeezing your eyes shut as the world around your blurs and become a mess of colors. 
"I am tired. I am scared. Why do I always have to be brave? Strong? My whole life has been turned upside down and I have barely had time to adjust! To take all of this in, it feels like every person I meet needs my help for something unrelated to finding my only family!" You can't help the way your words turn exhausted and bitter. 
Venti waits and listens to your venting without interruption. It's only once he is sure you have let it all out that he speaks. 
"There is no shame in your sorrow, your pain. You have been thrown into a situation unfamiliar and unless anything you have experienced before and you are being forced to endure this without your closest friend, your sibling." Venti's tone is slow, decisive as if he is giving every single word meticulous thought. 
"You are incorrect to assume that means you are alone. You have new friends here, people who care about you, your journey and your goal. Paimon, Me, Jean, Lisa, Diluc, Kaeya, Amber, we all care for you. And you will have our support whenever you need it. Without question." The finality and firmness of his statement leaves no room for argument. 
You realize and recognize the truth in his words and Venti stays by your side, in the quiet night as you cry and cry, relieving the tangled knot of everything you had let grow, fester and linger for so long, even before you found Paimon. 
Venti plays a soothing harmony, a mellow, delicate dance of the strings of his lyre and his soft voice, singing; something just for you, for the moment of trust and sharing between two friends. It is a lovely, comforting song as your tears begin to dry and the burden on you is lessened for now. 
It's easy to smile and hum along with Venti as if you've heard this a dozen times.
You have no idea what is awaiting you on the journey, what struggles you will face, what obstacles and hardships that will cause you to stumble and fall but you do have friends who will be there to pick you back up again and again.
"Paimon just enjoyed a juicy, sweet, savory meal! (Name) you should have join- wait a minute!" Paimon takes one look at you and her cheeks puff out in anger, it's too cute to be truly scary but the glares she shoots at Venti is fiercely defensive. 
"What did you do tone-deaf bard?!" 
You laugh, reaching out to take hold of Paimon, you hug her gentle. Paimon squeaks out in surprise but you feel her tiny arms gently squeeze your neck. 
"I have done nothing wrong, this time." Venti had paused his private little song, ensuring it was something meant to be shared between you two just like this night would be a shared memory to look back on. 
Paimon wiggles away from you, floating before you, you watch her stick her tongue out at Venti, blowing and making a hilarious show of her disbelief. "Paimon doesn't believe you! Apologize to them now!" 
In the ensuing 'fight' between Venti and Paimon, you watch Venti reach forward and pinch her cheek and the small girl lunged at him in a failed attempt to choke him, you are sure, Venti holds her back with a hand over her face. 
You laugh. 
Yeah, you had friends and you weren't alone. 
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
A.R| Just cry Already
Summary: did arvin take you on a date- oop.
Warning: slight sexual tension, just a little tense, NOT SEXUAL- terrible flirt, and of course unedited
Chapters -> one ✨ two 🤠 three ✨ four 🤠 five
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Arvin isnt a stalker, he just wanted to know where you live, turns out just across the woods. Lenora called him ‘freakin crazy’ while his grandmother called him ‘in love’. He wants to sneak you out so he does, he grabs his coat and nicer pants, he cleaned himself up, brushed his hair back with some water and brushrd his teeth.
“She is gonna love you man” he says to himself in the mirror, after checking himself out. He grabbed his keys and headed out.
You on the other hnd were right awake, thinking about the preacher and how disrespectful he was. “God he just seems-“ you cut yourself off, you were honestly having the second hand embarrassment, how it is to be in his place.
“Im not falling in fucking love, hes a white boy god dammit” you murmured, the room dark and the door closed while you placed your hands under your ear, closing your eyes.
Until you heard a light knock.
You jumped as you looked out your window, a hat appearing as hands start to open the window, you quickly got up and grabbed your heel. You grabbed the foot of it and held the heel up.
“Oh shit- how hard can it be to open a damn window?” You hear youre guessing a man groan, you walk up to the window and see white hands, your first instinct is to pierce it but you soon realize who it is.
“Shit arvin you scared me! I almost put a whole in your hand!” You whisper yelled as you put down the heel softly to not wake anyone up. You grab his hands and let him inside, softly planting his feet on the ground and looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes that the moon shone on.
“Hey” he let out a chuckle as he looked at you. “My dad is gonna kill me and you, what do you want arvin?” You ask seriously, placing your hands on your hips and honestly missing your bed.
“I-uh wanted to take you on a date- as i said theres a drive through and a movie is playing” “is this your ticket to makeout with me?” “I mean no- but that would be nice” you sigh, then you hear wood creak. “Shit! In the closet- NOW” you whisper yell, pushing him to the closet and closing it, throwing yourself on the bed and under the sheets.
Your door opens as your eyes are wide open, your father entering. “Why are you up? And why is your window open?” “Its hot and my head hurts a bit” “not sneakin boys in here are ya?” He switches on the light looking around in your room. “Now why would i do that, dad?” You let out a giggle. “I dont know, i hope you know your my little girl and your never leaving, ever” he lets out rather harshly. Arvin crinkled his eyebrows and mentally added notes about your father, now understanding what you meant earlier.
You gulp and nod, not wanting to answer. He smiles and turns off the light, closing your door all the way shut before stepping off. Sooner or later the closet door opened with a smiling arvin.
“Get changed! We gotta go!” He whisper yells, you smack your lips and sigh in defeat before getting up and walking over to your closet. “Well you gotta get out!” You say, he raises an eyebrow in confusion “of my closet?” He lets out an ‘ohh’ before standing up and dusting his pants off.
You take out some of your brothers jeans, a tank top and some 2 inch black heels. “Arent women not aloud to wear pants?” “So you arent a feminist?” Arvin lets out a ‘pffft’ “of course i am, Especially for you” “oh shut up and let me change” it became awkward of course as you had to hide yourself from arvin.
Of course you didnt have a bra on, so when you took off your night gown your breats slapped on your stomach, arvin just leaning against the window seal with his arm as he watchs you without hesitation “you are such a creep, i can feel you staring at me” you comment. He only giggles as he watches your back move, your glowing back move to put your black tank top on.
You turn to him and meet his eyes “turn around arvin” “why?” “So i can take off i pants?” “O-oh yeah” you give a smile while he turns around, dropping your pants still facing him you grab the jeans and slide them on.
Arvin really wanted to see you, he knows you arent shapped like these others, he wants to touch and admire you everywhere, every flaw would be his favorite part, he just needed his fingers on you. “You almsot done-“ “look?” You ask, he immediately turns around and meets your dressed body, well you didnt button your pants all the way, he smiled as he looked at you up and down “gorgeous” he licks his lips. “Havent took me on the first date” you remind him making him roll his eyes silently.
You both sat in the car, music distantly playing as he had his hand on your thigh, looking at you for some moments while you looked straight ahead. He looked again and you caught him “what?” You giggle, making him smile and blush “your like, really beautiful- i hope you believe me” you bite your lip and shrug “i dont know just yet”.
He bought you the famous pineapple upside down cake and some Bees Knees, as you guys pulled up in the drive through. “Scary movie, classic move arvin” you rolled your eyes. He only laughed as he continued to look for a spot “do like them?” “Yeah i do, which one is this?” “Only the famous Nosferatu” “cool” he chuckled as he parked his Chevrolet Bel Air in one of the best spots.
“I hope you dont think your getting me tonight” you look at him while he sios his drink, he only shrugs “you dont know” he winks. You smirk but turn away from him as you turn on the radio to the right channel, hearing the movie you grabbed a fork and took a bite out of the pineapple-cake.
About an hour in he tried his best to flirt with you. “Hey y/n” he said, you turned to him as he picked up the same fork you had and took a bite, sexually. You sucked in your lower lip to keep you from laughing as he continued to eat it and make eye contact with you. And then he wasn’t expecting it, you started cackling.
He didn’t understand why as he made sure to lick the fork clean. You were out of breath as he rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “I-im so-sorry” you only started to laugh harder “b-but that! I cant-“ “whatever” “dont get mad at me, im sorry” you sucked in your laughs and patted his shoulder, giving a playful frown as he looked back at you with his lips tucked to the side.
“Im not mad, no need to apologize hun” “oh we’re doing pet names?” “I mean, yeah” “alright sweetcheeks” you said as he smacked his lips and couldnt fight the urge smile.
He turned off the radio and turned to you, you had your heels off showing your pretty piggies that arvin laughed at, he looked up at you and seen you smiling at him. “What?” He asks, his cheeks slowly heating up. “Youre beautiful arvin” you complement as his cheeks become scarlet. “Your too sweet” he says back, biting his lip to stop himself from grinning more “well tell me about yourself, will ya?”
“What do you wanna know?” You ask as you lean back, your lower lip popping out over your top. “Your favorite color, movie something like that?” “Well, i like F/C my favorite movie is F/M my favorite food is F/F and i love rainy and cloudy days” “how come?” “My little brother, and because they are relaxing” you sigh and give a small smile.
“Well i like red, i dont really have a favorite movie? I love my grandmas cooking so i also dont have one, but i like sunny days- even though we rarely get those” he chuckles, you place your hand on top of his “how nice” you grin.
“I-i feel so embarrassed- about in church- god” he groans. “Dont be arvin- i dont care and nobdy else does- well i dont mean it like that but you know-“ “yeah” he sighs, relaxing a bit as his legs slightly open, his elbow on the ontop of the closed window as he rested his head on his cheek.
You felt happy but sad, you dont want him to feel that way at all, nobody deserves it, not even the racists deserve it. “Look let go of it, it was a moment and you are moving on” “you say that like it was a week ago” “oh well, arvin”
“So you snuck out last night?” Cloudy asks again for clarification, you look at him annoyed but nodded. He chukcled as he shuck his head “ what?!” You ask, slapping his arm as you guys walked down to the lake for a bit.
“Dad is gonna fucking kill you, do you even like this boy?” “We went in one date! And it was nice, we actually have an emotional connection” “how much?” He asks looking at you. “We talked the whole movie through” “i swear if he-“ “calm the hell down cloudy” you giggle, he only rolls his eyes as he huffs.
“I hope you know no one is gonna be happy” “well I guess im thankful for you” you wrap your arm around his arms, holding his shoulder in your hand and rubbing it some as he chukles. “How was school by the way?” You ask suddenly, he only shrugs as he looks at his moving feet “talk to me cloud”. “I seen lenora around and stuff” “did you talk to her?” “No” you sigh as you shake your head in disappointment.
“Well get out of your comfort zone- do something” you raise your eyebrow at him, slightly annoyed. “And who are you to tell me what to do?” He says, cocking the same eyebrow. “I am your sister, your older sister- the one who-“ “changed my diapers” cloudy mocks, already knowing what you were gonna say.
“Exactly, although we might not be able to do a whole lot of things that doesnt mean we cant bend the rules just a bit, right?” You give him a small smile as he chuckles “you are the exact opposite of dad” “i know- thats why you love me so much” you giggle as you take your hand from his shoulder and start walking normally side by side.
“Hey y/n?” Cloudy asked after a few minutes of silence, he looked at you as you hummed and told him to continue,” you know how you promise me and mom that youre gonna take us out of here?” You looked at him and nodded.
“Do you ever rethink it? Or even think about leaving us?” He hesitated. “Well- i dont pray, i dont work, and i barely help anyone. So sometimes i do think about it- think about if we do get stuck here, if we dont leave and if we are gonna stay miserable” “so yes?” You nod and poke your lower lip out.
“But when you saved lenora- do you think that god seen that as a good sign for you?- like arvin is a good sign?” He asks curiously, you only shrug and bite the side of your lip. “Are you telling me your believing in god now cloud?” You ask him. “I mean- he did make this earth right?”
You stop dead in your tracks and he follows turning to you as you put your hands on his shoulders and gives them a squeeze, making cloudy groan but pay attention. “Look here- i dont care that you belive in god- but what you wont do is put faith in that god damn preacher, ya hear?” You say sternly.
You were never really serious when you talked with cloud, you had no reason to be hard or hate him. Hes your younger brother after all right? But he knew when you gave him those talks he needed to agree, he always puts faith in you and believes what you say because your really all he has.
Dad is manipulative- whatever mom said to him was because dad told her to. When you were young you barely listened so he kinda gave up on you, so when cloudy was born you took him under your wing because you utterly refused for him to be brain washed by the asshole of a dad. Why did your mother even get with your dad? Because she was desperate and vulnerable.
She killed her brother, on purpose. Your uncle is sick- was sick. He tried to touch your mom also- to all the black folks she was the prettiest girl in the small town- and your father took advantage of it. Your mother was always a free woman and doesnt like to be trapped, but as she got older she grew tired and just gave up- just listened- it meant less work for her anyway.
He nodded “yes ma’am”. You give him a weak smile as you find yourself next to the river already. You heard giggles and the water waves as pictures flashed, then a strong punch. You silently slapped your brother as you told him to get down, both crouching knowing you had to get out of there.
“I want you to go the car cloud” you whisper at him, crawling ahead and turning to the bushes, slightly getting a view of the people- of course white people.
“Im not leaving you y/n-“
Shots fired.
“Get your dumbass to to the fuckin car NOW!” You whisper yell, cloud stunned but quickly taking the keys from you and running to the car. You start crawling more and see an old man, well mid-30s with a camera around his neck and a women fixing herself- and of course a dead man bare naked with bloody coming from between his legs.
You sat there, shaking, your hand making its way up to cover your mouth, your eyes widening with shock as they started to take care of it.
Now you knew better then to report it because it only meant bad for you, but what happend- what you just saw is absolutley horrible. You only froze and continued to watch almost forgetting about cloudy, you look back at the parked cars and back at the couple your guessing- but they’ve disappeared.
You took your chance now to run back to the car, lifting your pink dress and running in those combat boots. You saw cloudy basically mesmerized- paying no attention as he just looked ahead- the keys already in and the car started as you just drove away.
Taggie! @jeyramarie
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angelicichor · 5 years
Hi! I wanted to ask Thomas protecting his s/o from their family member that wants to take the s/o away? If it's confusing sorry, feel free to do this with other slashers as well! Thank u! :)
GOSH yes, definitely, it ain’t confusing at all either, don’t worry ♥♥
This came out a bit long but hope you enjoy! I only did Thomas though because this is more of a ficlet this time!
TW: Abusive parents.
Come home
Christmas has already passed three days ago, but the old farm house was still uncharacteristically empty, Charlie having left with Luda Mae and Monty to visit some relatives in a different part of Texas, his cousins, from what you understood, but honestly didn’t care that much, too focused on helping Luda prepare gingerbread men for the occasion, sneaking away one or two of the already prepared ones while doing so, making it three with a coy smile.
They’ve warned you that while they’re going for the eve, the stay may prolong and that they trusted you and Thomas to look over the house while they were gone, leaving you with few simple rules: No ransacking Charlie’s alcohol cabinet, no rough housing in the living room and under no circumstances let anyone in. The last one would seem a bit childish at first and you were almost offended that Luda Mae though so little of you, but sure enough that was an important thing to remember.
The last haul was 2 days ago, a big one at that, some of the ‘meat’ still hanging on the hooks, seeing as Tommy had very little time to chop it up and stash it in the freezer with all the holiday preparations the family forced him to help with. Charlie even took him on a 7 hour ride to pick up a GOD DAMNED CHRISTMAS TREE, because he wanted a big one”, he said, and sure enough, that thing was humongous, towering over everything and everyone, even the giant of the house himself, which honestly seemed to make Tommy a bit happy. Finally, something that he had to look up at, not bend his head uncomfortably! 
With that and many other distractions the big guy now had to hurriedly work on the corpses downstairs, while you remained on the old couch, watching a re-run of some dumb romance comedy that you knew Luda would’ve loved if she stayed home.
Your brain was shutting down slowly, not accepting any of the information that the TV screen tried to convey, except for the soft, humming music that soon had your eyes closing on themselves and your whole body relaxing, slowly falling asleep.
Yet you didn’t hit that sweet slumber, as a sharp knock on the old, wooden front doors shook you awake. Imminently you were wide awake and trying to look out the window to catch the glimpse of your visitors, sincerely hoping it was Charlie and the gang coming back with leftover food and gifts for you and Tommy, but his old sheriff’s car was nowhere to be found and you knew they left in that instead of the old pick-up still standing in your front yard.
Still, you could see a pair of headlights shining somewhere to the left, but just right out of your cone of vision, so you called out, hoping for the best. “Charlie? That you?” Slowly you stepped towards the door, wishing the peep hole was actually functioning, but after one of the victims got smashed right on top of it all you could make out were cracks and smudges. Your eyes caught a glimpse of Charlie’s six-shooter and you hesitated, but decided not to grab it, hoping Thomas would hear you if anything happened. He always did.
Yet, as finally the person behind the door answered, your hand froze on the old lock, unable to turn it.
“(Y/N)? Baby? So you ARE here? Please open!” You listened and tried to convince yourself this couldn’t be true. “Please! Momma missed you, my little baby.” It was the voice of your mother, that always fretting sound that you haven’t heard in about a year and then some, but if she was there…
“Mom?! Oh God, what are you doing here?! Is…” your breath shook slightly, unwilling to continue, but still you did. “Is Dad with you?” You asked, but she didn’t answer, which made the situation clear to you. “You can’t be here.” you hissed.“Baby please, we both missed you during Christmas!” she pleaded, fear rising in her tone and making your anxiety rise as well, he had to be close by. “Please, come home! This vacation is taking way too long and you didn’t even call us! We were worried sick!” she cried behind the wood, making you sulk down, eyes shifting between the floorboards and the entrance. “Please, open the door, sweetheart, let me see your pretty face…” your mother begged and for a moment your body moved on it’s own in fearful obedience, undoing the first lock, but the second one remained, some of your awareness slipping back.
“No… No Mom, I’m not going back! I’m happy here!” you replied, trying to control the shaking in your voice, but soon you were sweating cold, hearing a pair of boots stomp closer, too heavy to be your mother’s. “Oh no…” you whispered. “No no no…” a quiet panic that they couldn’t hear.
The knocking turned to loud banging and surely enough THAT man spoke.
“OPEN THE DOOR, (Y/N).” Your father demanded and his voice made your heart run, remembering why you wanted to leave your house in the first place. “THERE’S WORK TO BE DONE AT HOME AND WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR YOU TO BE RUNNIN’ WITH SOME GOOD FOR NOTHIN’!” He added in that same, enraged voice and you gulped, before answering him, voice shaking.
“NO! Dad, I’m never coming back! I dont WANT to coma back! Just… Just leave me alone!” The rhythm of your heart was irregular and you backed away from the wall, hoping that they understood and would just leave you alone, your terrified soul wishing this could be the truth, but it wasn’t.
“Fine.” Your father spoke, quietly now, but you lived with him long enough to know what was about to happen and you whimpered the second his leg hit the door, making the lock rattle. “IF YOU’RE GOING TO BE A SELFISH BRAT, THEN I’M GOING TO OPEN IT MYSELF!” he threatened and sure enough another hit landed on the door, making you scream shortly.“Dad no!! The people who live here will be mad!” You tried to reason with him.“SHUT UP!” he growled back and your eyes watered, noticing the lock bend slightly, your body hesitating to do anything. Another hit and two bolt flew off, your body filling with adrenaline as you turned towards where the gun you saw was and for a moment your mind went blank, still you bolted towards the weapon just as the door was kicked open, the old, rusted lock finally giving in.
Your hands finally grabbed the cold metal and with both of them you held it up, one finger on the trigger. It was unlocked, Charlie never bothered to check the safety on his guns, that man was too lazy to do almost anything.
The man that you called your father was slowly stepping inside the house, giving it a watchful look, before his eyes focused on you, brows furrowing with pure hatred, giving you an expression that a parent never should show his child. His eyes flickered between you and the gun, making him huff a laughter.“And what in the fuck do ya think you’re doing, ya brat?” he asked, but you stood still, with focused eyes.“Dad... this is NOT your house, leave!” you pressed, feeling your hands shake and he definitely noticed that, rushing towards you, making you shoot in panic and miss. With a harsh slap you were forced to drop the weapon and struggle against his grip.“You would shoot yer own blood?!” He raged, rising a hand and giving your cheek a solid slap that you’d fall from if not for his hand holding your wrist in an iron grip. “Ya fucking bitch! You’re coming home RIGHT THIS FUCKING INSTANT AND I AIN’T HEARING ANY MORE COMPLAININ’ YA HEAR?!” you shivered, trying to straighten up, but his shakes didn’t make it easy.“No...” you whispered defiantly, making his brows furrow once more.“What didya say? Don’t make me take off the belt, ya stupid bitch.” he threatened and you whimpered, but sure enough you met his eyes and screamed right in his face.“NO! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” your boot met his with a slam and he let you go to bend down to his aching foot with a hiss, so you turned to run, doing the only thing you thought reasonable right now. “THOMAS!! TOMMY HELP!!” you cried into the house, shrieking as you felt your scalp burning with the pain of pulled hair. “You stupid brat! How dare you hit your father!” he growled at you, yanking your hair and making you scream, pulling towards the exit, but as you cried, screamed and kicked, trying to fight your parent’s grasp, neither him nor your mother heard the heavy boots rushing behind them, until the door was slammed.
And everyone stopped. All went quiet, except the heavy breath of the house’s monster, muffled be the dark leather covering his face, but only slightly.“Oh, oh my gosh.” your mother spoke first, being the closest to the giant and fearing his imposing threat the hardest as she backed into a wall, moving out of his way.  Thomas ignored her completely, brain tunneling onto your father, seeing only you, your hair being pulled and his face, his vision filling red as the hold on his cleaver tightened, knuckles going white. If he knew what was happening, he’d make sure to bring the chainsaw.
The chainsaw makes them scream louder.
With three huge steps the Butcher was right before your father, who let your hair go in shock of the man’s size, eyeing him from toes to top of his head, barely reaching Tommy’s neck with the end of his own. The older man opened his mouth to speak, but before he could Thomas’s palm grabbed his jaw, slamming him into the stairs and you swore you head a small crack of your father’s lower jaw getting dislocated. The cleaver rose in air, ready to strike, snapping you awake. “Tommy, no!! That’s my dad!” you screamed and the giant shook, turning to you rapidly with a shocked look in his eyes, letting the old bastard go, his body rolling onto the floor, groaning in pain and holding his jaw in terror, yup, dislocated for sure and a few teeth lost as well.
The brown of Thomas’s eyes and his pointing finger shifting between you and your father screamed confusion, unable to process how THIS could be your family, even if now he noticed how your hair spun in a similar way to your mother’s and how her eyes reminded him of yours, but yours were kinder, lovelier and hers were cold and tired. 
His hands reached towards your face, the coldness of the cleaver pressing lightly against your ear, making you shiver and move it away carefully and he threw it to the ground in understanding, checking you for injuries, frowning at the swelling redness of your cheek, his eyes asking you to let him punish the man, his gripping hands begging to make him pay, but you shook your head. No, they were family and even if there were horrible people, they used to be dear to you when you were younger and some of that love still stayed deep in your heart.
“Gof damif (Y/N)! Whaf we fuk is wif what animal?!” Of course your father wouldn’t let it be easy, even with a shifted jaw, slurring. Even more so with his idiotic luck he had managed to stumble upon Thomas’ second most hated word to describe him, making his whole body tense up, the pressure on your shoulders intensifying to dangerous levels, your brain panicking as the behemoth turned himself slowly to face your parents. 
Your hand shoot up to his masked face, eyes begging for him to let it go, just this once and he whined, his body just pleading for you to let him destroy this man, make him into minced meat, add him to the list of things he had to put in the freezer tonight, for you to stop seeing him as a human and let him do his job, they’ve been intruding after all.
“Mom, take dad out of this house... please.” You begged the woman and she gave you a hateful look in return, unable to believe that you would hold so dearly a man that had attacked your father, but once her eyes met with Thomas’ flaring rage, she trembled and averted her hate, helping the damaged man to his feet.
He wasn’t done though.
“Ya braf!! I’ll be baf! Yure comin hom vewer you like it or noff!” he spat and that made you halt, finding the courage to step forward and pick up the gun lying on the floor, looking it over, checking the stock, then aiming it towards him and he was silent.
“I’ll say it again, father. You’re trespassing on private property, get out now or neither of us will hesitate to get you out, be it on foot or in a plastic bag.” there was courage in those words, something you always lacked when faced with this man, but this time you could speak, you weren’t alone, with Thomas standing firm behind you, glaring daggers at your father, who groaned in pain as his feet straightened on the wood beneath him, the gun following the rise of his head.And the moment he looked at your hand, holding the weapon you smiled happily, remembering one thing, the act that the family kept up and the two people in front of you weren’t aware of. “And don’t try calling the law, pa. Tommy’s daddy is a sheriff.” Ya laughed, surprised to feel Thomas rumble a low laugh behind you, letting himself bend over and lay his forearms on your shoulders, his weight making you uneven for a second, but you let him stay like that as you watched your parents spit curses under their breaths as they left you alone with your man.
And so you looked to him, with a warm to your smile, nuzzling to his cheek and letting him straighten, your hands finding his and swaying them slowly. “Thank you for breaking his jaw, Tommy. He deserved that.” you laughed and he nodded, his chest swelling with pride, before pulling you in a hug that you gladly accepted. “Say...” you started and he hummed in question, pressing his lips against the top of your head. “Wanna watch some crappy love dramas with me while we eat all the leftover cookies and drink Charlie’s Whiskey?” Your question made him laugh again and you loved how this made you move with him, up and down in a happy sigh. He let you go, only to lift you onto his chest, letting your legs straddle his waist and when you looked him in the eyes he nodded happily.
Sure, that sounded fun.
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felicityfiction · 4 years
[bulletproof glass part 4] part 3
a/n: its 5am. i needed a study break. this is terrible. im very disappointed in myself but also not sure if i can put anything out thats better. i have failed, please dont hate me :(
god, do they even teach them how to shoot?
san smirks, easily dodging a badly aimed bullet from a poorly hidden sniper. not really a sniper at all, if you ask him. just someone too cowardly to come down and face the action on the ground.
in the chaos of a building carpark, there are guns blazing and shouts echoing, the occasional yell of pain or shattering of glass as these terribly trained excuses of henchmen hit a car instead of their intended human target.
it’s music to san’s ears.
to his left, he registers seonghwa, barrelling towards him with a wholehearted intention to get him into a car and to safety, but san is just starting to have fun.
he takes down two guys who have at least a foot on him, but he barely breaks a sweat. adrenaline is pumping through his veins, and he thinks that maybe he doesn’t have to smoke tonight to be able to get high.
this is his drug. san is addicted to the danger of it all. it’s messy and wonderful, a dance that is ingrained into san’s brain and burned into his muscle from years of first hand experience. choi san is talented, and he’s about to show it.
he sees seonghwa veer sharply to his right, and he spares a glance in his direction. just in time to see seonghwa gun down two guys who were surrounding hongjoong, trying to take him down. the leader was to be captured alive, no doubt, to be used as leverage. if his father was here, these guys would be all over him like hyenas to a carcass. but he isn’t, content to let san and seonghwa handle tonight’s minor matters.
he’s mine.
the words thrum in his ears, fuelling his slightly fatigued muscles to keep going until all their enemies were down. he was the next in line to inherit the choi name, and he sure as hell was going to make his name known to everyone in the underground.
and perhaps the child in him still preens under his father’s praise, and he’s greedy for more.
but san is amused by the sight of seonghwa fumbling in his attempt to get to hongjoong, his usual grace lost in his worry. he almost reaches out to hongjoong, then freezes and recoils like hongjoong at shot him. san feels a stab of pity, but also a brief inkling of scorn
this is what affection does to you.
hongjoong had come with few guards, despite knowing that there was a high chance that this deal would go south. perhaps he trusted san more than he let on, or he thought that san had a bigger target on his back, and he would be able to escape unscathed if it came down to it
or, san thinks, maybe he knows someone here will die to protect him.
a hand comes flying out of nowhere, barely missing san’s face, and san whips around faster than lightning. he grabs the wrist, and is about to twist and snap it when he registers the face in front of him. a smile curls onto his face.
“we’re allies here, did you forget? how can it be acceptable to try and take me out?”
“wasn’t trying to take you out. distracted. person shooting. wanted to get your attention.” yunho is speaking in breathless pants, sweat beading on his forehead. he grabs san and tugs, and san finds himself going willingly. he lets himself get pushed behind a pillar, as yunho scans for more aggressive men in black.
there’s a feeling san can’t pinpoint blooming in his chest, and he shoves it away, letting his god awful flirtatious nature come up as a defence.
“so sweet of you, darling. but you look more tired than me. i’d have been perfectly fine, but i appreciate the sentiment.”
yunho doesn’t realise he’s stilll holding san’s wrist, too busy being on the lookout.
“shut up.” he scowls
san sees a brief release of tension in yunho’s shoulders when he spots hongjoong safe, a few meters away surrounded by the remainder of his guards.
“you should go join them, sweetheart. it’s time for you to flee.”
yunho’s eyes snap towards him, and he angrily spits, “we’re not fleeing, you bastard.”
san wants to laugh again, because infruriating yunho is so, so enjoyable. “i didn’t mean anything. they’re all gone, anyway. we won. no point staying around for the cleanup.” he lifts his wrist to yunho’s eyes, and they widen exponentially. yunho drops his wrist and steps back, putting some distance between him and san. san decides he preferred it when yunho was pressed against him.
yunho makes to walk away towards a gesturing hongjoong, but san’s the one to reach out this time.
“thank you, yunho. i appreciate it.” yunho seems surprised by the sincereity that laces san’s words, but he quickly reminds himself that san is more than a proficient liar. he pushes san’s hand off his wrist, suddenly wishing he hadn’t tried to help.
stupid, stupid yunho.
“and don’t worry, baby. you always have my attention.”
and there it is, classic san. can’t have a conversation without dropping some kind of comment that made yunho’s skin crawl. yunho flinches, and walks away. san is staring after him, his lips upturned.
yunho picks his way through the bodies littered on the ground, trying to ignore both the vast amounts of blood, and the way that his ears are burning.
if hongjoong notices how red he is, he presumes that it’s from the physical exertion. he’s scanning yunho for injuries, relieved to find none. regardless, he pushes yunho towards the car, ready to take him away from everything and shelter him as best he can.
he shouldn’t have brought him here in the first place.
hongjoong can’t help the deep tug in his gut that compels him to look around once more before stepping into the car.
seonghwa is rushing towards san, and san is smiling so broadly it disturbs hongjoong. he’s certain that san is a psychopath, or at least someone who enjoys witnessing pain. or maybe he’s so desensitized that this has all become a game for him.
either way, hongjoong darts his eyes down and gets into the car. he pretends that the relief flooding his chest is for himself, for yunho and for his other men. not for the bodyguard of his rival gang leader, who just so happened to perhaps have saved his life.
fuck this.
hongjoong is absolutely fucking screwed.
yunho spends the same car ride trying to forget the deep voice echoing in his ears and the hand around his wrist. he’s all too aware that he was frantically searching for san the entire time the fight was happening, barely registering his members. he should feel guilty, he knows, and he berates himself fiercely.
why yunho, why? he’s a sadistic monster, he could have killed you and called it an accident!
but somehow, yunho can’t bring himself to regret that he threw himself in front of a guy that could very well be holding a gun to his temple in the near future.
yunho is also, absolutely fucking screwed
“he tried to help me, hwa. isn’t that so cute? i could’ve taken all of them blindfolded, but it’s still adorable.”
seonghwa purses his lips, a sharp pang striking a chord in his heart.
san is sitting on his desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he recounts the night to him, nevermind that seonghwa was supposed to be the one delivering the report.
“that’s the first time someone besides me has done that for you, san.” seonghwa says quietly, more to himself than to san. but his charge, his friend, hears it anyway.
“i’m attractive, hwa. what can i say? you tried to play hero too. good job on that, by the way.”
seonghwa flinches at the reminder. it was too close for comfort, the way hongjoong had been a split second from being overpowered, and seonghwa had moved before he had time to think.
“i’m sorry for getting distracted.” he had failed. seonghwa was supposed to protect san, yet he had some kind of messed up tunnel vision and sixth sense that led him to jump to the defence of someone he isn’t even supposed to associate with-
“don’t apologise. i’m a better fighter than you, or him. i didn’t need it.”
i forgive you. i understand. don’t worry, you did the right thing.
that’s how they communicate. with hidden meanings and the hope that the other party understands.
in spite of everything that went down, seonghwa’s frantic about one thing, and one thing above all.
it absolutely terrifies him how choi san is whistling a happy tune from his lips recounting the way jung yunho had tried to press him into a wall for his own safety. san chalks it all up to nothing, but seonghwa sees more. san isn’t just amused, he’s happy.
he’s happy that jung yunho had tried to save him.
it’s mortifying, seeing this unknown emotion on san. seonghwa knows how to deal with an angry san, a drunk san and an indifferent san. seonghwa knows san.
but seonghwa has never seen san care. and it sure as hell feels like san is starting to care.
“would you have done it?” he whispers, and san trails off, narrowing his eyes at him.
“what are you talking about?”
“would you have jumped in front of a gun to save him?” seonghwa bites his lip. please, please say something snarky and cocky and arrogant.
“i’d just shoot the source of danger, hwa. have you lost your touch? can’t protect someone if i’m dead, now can i? remember that next time, i doubt hongjoong would want to see you die in front of him.”
seonghwa’s ears are ringing.
protect someone? san, since when have you ever wanted to protect someone? everyone is disposable to you, no? why him? why now?
but seonghwa swallows all his words, and san continues on his painfully oblivious humming. he can’t even tell that this emotion is new and different. he can’t tell that his mind is drifting to a hand gripping his wrist, and the pressure of another body pressed against his.
word of the day: endearment. maybe san would do good to learn some new vocabulary, so he can put a label to that weird sensation in his chest, and his burning desire to see jung yunho again.
maybe, san would come to his senses. seonghwa can only hope.
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3 hours
"You know who I am" was never a threat as in "Do you know who I am?!".. And it wasn't like "This is Steven because who else writes to you like this." (Maybe the first time I wrote that phrase it was).. I think what I was trying to say was "You know I'm not making this all up- I'm a good person, right, why don't you believe me?".. I wonder how much was lost in translation, misinterpreted, when I wrote these stupid 'letters' to you. You wrote to: stay away from men who call you intriguing. I used that word because you had posted some image on your blog something about preferring to be complimented on personality and character rather than physically. Maybe I was always trying to be too poetic or romantic.
I should have let go a decade ago. You think I don't know that this is stupid, or weird, or whatever you want to call it? I do. Maybe I was trying to be too hollywood- you know those Adam Sandler movies where things dont work out but then at the end they do? But it wasn't just corny and cliche because I was also frantically trying to reach you somehow-hoping- with time having passed and aging maybe things would have been different if I had another chance (one that wasnt just writing to you from behind the screen).
But I don't even remember a fraction of what I wrote to you. I know I must have dug my hole pretty deep. I'm not here to save face. Maybe I've even said all of this before. I do wish whole heartedly that I had done things differently from the beginning. I messed up. These letters ARE dumb. I'm barely funny and at best a 6.5 attractive, and with my battle with depression- not ambitious. So can I blame you for not being interested? Especially after being too much of a coward to talk to you in person in all highschool.. I can't..
But I am sincerely sorry for all of it. My intent was never malicious. You don't post on your blog much anymore and I wonder if that's my fault. Probably.. But I worry that you don't post because of your own depression.. I hope you are okay... Or maybe you're just too busy with school and work, and have great hobbies and you aren't wasting life behind a screen. But really, maybe it's none of my damn business- I shouldn't even be here.. Probably.
Usually when I've sent these type of messages to you, you would follow with angry posts for a month or so. So obviously I should have known you aren't interested. But I was dumb. I am pretty smart, but I am very dumb. I do wonder whether that anger was all towards me or if you were upset yourself, because you do "know who I am", that you were shutting out a person that cares for you more than anyone else.
But really I don't know that you "know who I am". Words are often misconstrued. And it's been a decade. But I suppose you really do think I'm just a stalker- that you wish you were never nice to me. I get why you would think that. I do. I can see the picture that's painted, I know how many times I messed up, how hard things have been for you. I just wanted to make everyday of your life better and I wanted that chance and that's why I'd kept writing.
And I don't know. I said I'm not here to save face. I don't think I am- but maybe I am? And I don't expect you to suddenly change your mind after all this time- all these tries. Like I said I can see how bizzare these are. Yet I still do somehow hope we do make amends. I don't expect it though. Maybe I just wanted to write to you.. and that should be okay, right?
I don't celebrate birthdays, but I think yours is coming up. I hope these messages don't make you feel bad and ruin your birthday or any other days. That's not my intent. I hope all your days go well. I would have tried damn hard to make everyday a birthday for you if I could. You know?
I wish I could take away all the hate, discrimination, racism, violence, war, poverty, disease, pain, sufferring, and all of the woes. But I can barely get myself through the days. I can't even convince a girl to send me a text. Save the world? I'm just a broken man. So "who am I"?
Well, I'm trying so damn hard to make it through despite everything. I try to treat people kindly all the time. I'll finally be getting my drivers license soon. I've worked in a call centre for most of my "career" but I had a hard phone call that gave me a panic attack so now I am thinking of delivering pizza, building cabinets, becoming a recreational therapist or finding anything else to pay the bills. I like all types of music, anime, playing sports.. I really love the sound of water..
I don't know, girl. What I'm trying to say here? Maybe: I'm sorry, I'm not some creep, I hope you are well, I wish we coukd talk- but if we don't it's cool because I get it.. And just keep doing good Sabih, because I know you can.  
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gladiatortale · 5 years
Baz Pitch Songs - Ben Platt
TL;DR: Baz’s anxious internal monologue lives in the lyrics of Ben Platt’s album, Sing to Me Instead.
I’ve been breaking my own heart for days now with this information and I need to share it with the WORLD. 
Okay so I am still an overflowing well of FEELINGS after reading Wayward Son, and in the wake of this I come to the conclusion that there is no better encapsulating soundtrack for the mood of this book than Sing to Me Instead. 
The entire album is a goldmine of angst and adult-ulescent zeitgeist (that shitty late teen/ early twenties age where nothing makes sense and there is no road map for anything). But I’m going focus on two song’s in particular that are so unbelievably Wayward Son Baz, that they smell like fucking cedar and bergamot. OKAY.
Song 1: Grow as We Go
Something I needed to continually remind myself as I was reading Wayward Son is that Baz doesn't actually know that Simon is thinking of breaking up with him. Nevertheless Baz’s pain, confusion, and ongoing identity crises - built out of months of stewing silently in between the first and second book - comes through in every single one of his actions. This is especially true in the book’s early chapters. 
To anyone who has been with a partner suffering from depression, the scenes in the flat and at the airport ring through as painfully familiar,
“He’s lovely. A bit of a sad mess. Dull and pale and rough around the edges. But still so lovely.” (Wayward Son, Chapter 9)
Baz loves Simon so much that it hurts him to even think of not being with him. And yet despite not actually knowing Simon’s intentions before Penny slammed a door on his face, (lol) Baz’s anxiety grows from a true fear of losing him; whether that’s losing him to someone else or to depression, the fear remains the same.
The opening lyrics of Grow as We Go sound like they were written by Baz himself in a letter to Simon,
“You say there's so much you don't know You need to go and find yourself You say you'd rather be alone 'Cause you think you won't find it tied to someone else.” (Grow As We Go, Ben Platt)
(Knowing British people as I do, it’s a bit too much sharing all at once to be something Baz would say all at one time, but I’m getting off topic). These lines encapsulate the bleeding heart bargaining Baz feels as he worries Simon is slipping away from him, while at the same time focuses on the fact that Baz still feels they are destined to be together after everything they’ve survived so far. 
“Ooh, who said it's true That the growing only happens on your own? They don't know me and you.” (Grow As We Go, Ben Platt)
Baz would say to the rest of the world, even to Simon himself, that they make each other better by being together.
“I don't know who we'll become I can't promise it's not written in the stars But I believe that when it's done  We're gonna see that it was better That we grew up together” (Grow As We Go, Ben Platt)
There’s SO FUCKING MUCH to unpack so I’ll keep in brief. This entire passage links back to motifs from Carry On. 
Beginning with the star motif (which I could and MIGHT write a whole separate essay about); Stars have been known to appear during incredibly vulnerable, shifting moments in Simon and Baz’s relationship. We first see the motif when Simon shares his magic with in Carry On, and the motif reappears more with a more cautious, anxious tone in the back of Shepard’s truck withWayward Son. Which is why when it so poetically appears in this verse, it feels like the perfect match to Baz’s tone.
However, the real gut punch of this song comes when we examine this line from Chapter 11, in conjunction with the aforementioned section of the song,
“‘They’re not that far apart,’ I say. ‘Not to you; you grew up in a mansion.’ ‘I grew up at the top of a tower,’ I say. ‘With you’.” (Wayward Son, Chapter 11)
The final line of this section of the lyrics are SO important because they connect to these specific lines from Wayward Son painfully well. They encapsulate Baz’s wish to grow old (as much as he can… ohhh WE’RE GETTING THERE), more specifically to continue to grow old with Simon. Together these passages highlight that, despite Simon’s gradual attempts to pull away from Baz (ironically due to what Simon perceives as kindness), Baz still has faith enough in the strength of their relationship to try and keep them together.
In essence, go listen to the song. It’ll smash your heart into a million pieces, but you’ll still thank me for recommending it.
Song 2: In Case You Don't Live Forever
Here’s where shit reeeeally hits the fan. I’m going to get the obvious out of the way right now. 
For the first time in the series, we see Baz actually confront the reality of his immortality in Wayward Son. I know there is still a question mark hanging above this statement because Baz is an semi-unreliable narrator and we only can know what he does, but his conversations with Lamb brings to light the true reality of his condition: Baz can, in theory, live forever. What is also frighteningly true - and a fact which Rowell herself hasn’t even fully articulated yet - is the fact that Simon, as far as we know, won’t live forever.
“You put all your faith in my dreams You gave me the world that I wanted What did I do to deserve you?” (In Case You Don’t Live Forever, Ben Platt)
This self-depreciative, I-dont-deserve-anything tone is PAINFULLY in line with Baz’s own internal monologue. Throughout the majority of Carry On (as well as the just under a decade which preceded the events of the book) Baz have lived convinced that Simon is going to kill him one day. When that inevitably DOESN'T happen and they end up together, Baz cannot believe his luck.
“I've waited way too long to say Everything you mean to me” (In Case You Don’t Live Forever, Ben Platt)
AND DESPITE HIS PERCVIED SPECTACULAR LUCK, this FUCKING numpty waits until the LITERAL second to last page of the SECOND book to say how he really feels,
“I raise my voice: ‘Why cant you see that I wouldn’t be happy anywhere without you?’ He sits back, like I’ve slapped him.” (Wayward Son, p. 353)
This ties in beautifully with - so much so I was screaming at my desktop as I listened to it - the second verse of In Case You Don't Live Forever,
“I, I've carried this song in my mind Listen, it's echoing in me But I haven't helped you to hear it We, we've only got so much time I'm pretty sure it would kill me If you didn't know the pieces of me are pieces of you” (In Case You Don’t Live Forever, Ben Platt)
Baz’s hesitation, whether born culturally out of a stubborn British habit not to share your emotions for fear of oversharing, or hesitation specific to his relationship with Simon, has kept him from speaking his mind. It has kept him from speaking about how deeply his life has been changed by Simon, and how fleeting and short their time together truly is.
WHAT MIGHT PROMPT BAZ TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS?? Perhaps the realization that Simon won’t live forever, that he has to say these things to him In Case You Don't Live Forever.
Aaaaaand cue the saddest line of the song, please...
“In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth I'm everything that I am because of you” (In Case You Don’t Live Forever, Ben Platt)
The absolutely heart wrenching scene (“Simon… love… get up. We still have to save Agatha.” NOPE. Still not over it!) as they fight The Next Blood in the dead spot, when considered together with Lamb’s words from earlier in the novel, is truly the moment when Baz realises he will lose Simon someday.
In this way therefore the song connects Baz’s internal monologue as it looks forward toward the events of Anyway the Wind Blows. 
Now. I would not DARE try to put words in Rowell’s mouth, but when viewed holistically with Baz’s final actions in Wayward Son (his realization of the temporality of Simon’s life against the length of his own, and his brash declaration that his life is hardly worth living without Simon in it) Platt’s song sets to music the logical trajectory of Baz’s emotional state and desires in a way I sincerely hope we see in this next and final novel.
“I have a hero whenever I need one I just look up to you and I see one I'm a man 'cause you taught me to be one.” (In Case You Don’t Live Forever, Ben Platt)
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Home (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: this song is inspired by an uprising band in my country called Insomniacks - Pulang (which means "come back" or "come back home") They started of as a YouTube band and wrote their own songs too! This story is inspired by their MV. If you have spotify you can listen to it, I believe that to all Kpop fans out there, language wont be a barrier to appreciate good music ❤
Also, this story is not finished yet. Think of it as a part 1 if you may. (Its a oneshot actually) I havent finished it yet but I haven posted for such a long time so I just want to post this first. This is not throughly edited yet. will fully edited once I posted the whole thing but hope you enjoy it since im a bit rusty now.
Warnings: Rape Scenes
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here. if anyone here like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
"What is this story about?" Taehyung lazily thumb through the script on the table in front of him.
"In the nutshell, about an unrequited love. A lot of cheating, hurting and how the main female character gets over it. You will play the man who broke her heart," his manager explains briefly. "I know, I know. Its sounds like a typical love story. But its good exposure for you to start taking roles in a romantic drama. Armys would love that,"
"Hmm, I guess?" Taehyung, still thumbing through, not really believing his manager's words.
"And its also by an award winning writer and publisher. And she will guide the director all the way. Its going to be a hit Tae," his manager desperately tries to convince him once again.
"Yeah? Who is this award winning writer and publisher?" Taehyung looks at him, curious.
"You will surely know her. Shes too famous not to be known by anyone," the manager grins, sure that Taehyung wont say no once he heard the popular name. "Its L/N Y/N,"
"What?" Taehyung turns his head so fast it gives him a whiplash
"L/N Y/N. Shocking right? But your trusty manager manage to get you the role in her movies!"
Y/N pushes her glasses up her nose as she turns around to the source of the voice and saw one Kim Taehyung walking, no, sauntering over to her like he owns the school. Well, in some way, he really does owns the school. Everyone knows who Kim Taehyung is. Not just in the school, but in the whole town. Granted, its a small town, but Kim Taehyung just leave a mark on everyone he met. Guys wants to be him, or atleast gets close to him and girls will do anything to date him, parents admires him and teachers adores him. People would do anything just so for him to know their name, or even just hearing him call their name, which in some miracle, he is calling hers.
"M-me?" Y/N points to herself as Taehyung flashes her his incredible grin that could melt hearts, hers not an exception.
"Who else princess? I dont know any other Y/N," he smirks and hugs her waist, walking by her side, which turns all eyes on her. If it wasnt her in this surreal position, she would be staring too. Kim Taehyung with his hands around a girl's waist? Even worse, a nobody, nerdy, smarty pants who has her nose in a book all day. The girl who doesnt even have a single friend throughout her high school years?
"Speechless?" Taehyung winks. "Well, thats how I feel when I first saw you too princess,"
"W-what?" Y/N makes a sudden stop in the middle of the hallway the moment those words came out from his mouth and pushes her glasses back up on her nose, taking a good hard look at Taehyung who is still smirking at her. "Is this a dream? I'm dreaming arent I?" She lets out a loud laugh. "Yeah, that must be it. I'm dreaming. I'm in my bed right now, under my blankets, in a deep sleep. There is no way Kim Taehyung knows my name, is walking beside me, hugging my waist and calling me princess. Yeah, a dream. Definitely a dream," Y/N babbled on her own and Taehyung cant help but admire how ridiculously adorable she is. Y/N reached out her hand and touched his face. "Even in my dreams you look so ethreal," she smiles. "And you feel so real too,"
Taehyung burst out laughing. Oh wow, she really thinks shes dreaming.
He leaned in and whisper to her ears, "Keep on touching me princess, and something else might go down today," he winks as his smirks gets bigger.
Y/N smiles.
"This is really an amazing dream," she giggles. Shaking his head and laughing, Taehyung slowly leans in, one hand cupping her chin and the other holding the back of her neck as his lips softly touches hers. Wide eyed and surprised, Y/N touched her lips once Taehyung pulled away, smiling.
"Still believe its a dream princess?"
"D-did you really just kissed me?" She stuttered, eyes still wide.
"Yes. And theres a lot more where that come from," Taehyung grins and leans in to whisper in her ears, his warm breath grazing her ears, finally making Y/N realized that she is definitely not dreaming, and Kim Taehyung did really just kissed her. "Oh princess? You better believe that all this is real. You are mine now,"
Everything become official so fast. Taehyung was the perfect boyfriend.YN still couldnt believe it sometime. That she is Kim Taehyung's girlfriend. That Kim Taehyung is really, sincerely, happily in love with her.
Their relationship was happy and perfect. Taehyung never gave her any reason to doubt his feelings for her. They are the perfect couple, even her parents approved. Even when Taehyung was accepted as a trainee, something she never thought would happen.. oh who is she kidding, with that face and talent, of course he would get casted, no miracle there. But what is a miracle is how Taehyung's feelings for her never changed even when he is on the brink of fame, stress and debuting.
Things between them only starts to shake when Taehyung starts to get close to another trainee. Beautiful, talented Min Soo. Y/N trusts him, she really does. But theres also a limit on how much a girlfriend can take to see her boyfriend being close to another girl. Especially a beautiful one that matches him in every way.
What is once a peaceful relationship, starts to be filled with fights and doubts. Especially when Taehyung starts to pay more time and attention to Min Soo, under the false excuse of practicing and rehearsing. Dates cancelled everytime Min Soo called has been a norm to Y/N now, but she thought things were different when Taehyung suddenly asks her out on a super romantic date night. She strongly believe that Taehyung is finally realizing his mistake and is making it up to her.
Dressed to the nines and brimming with excitement, Y/N waited for her beloved boyfriend. She almost thought that Taehyung would cancel last minute like he usually does, but he showed up just in time and impecabbly dressed too. The night went well. Great even. Taehyung was romantic, sweet and everything he is when they first met... until Min Soo calls him, asking for his help for a cheaography.
"Really Tae?" Y/N pouts. "Cant you just tell her that we are on a date? You spend all your time practicing, I barely even see you this week,"
"Princess, you know this debut is important to me and Min Soo is helping me. Its only right that I helped her with hers too," Taehyung sighed, too tired to argue. Its like this every single damn time and he is exhausted.
"But Tae..  you promised that this will be our night. Please Tae? Just tonight. Spend it with me?" Y/N hold his hand and looks at his face softly, trying to find back the man Taehyung once were. The man that made her fall so madly in love before.
"This is work. Dont you understand?! You know how important this is to me!" Taehyung sighed, his voice slightly rising.
"I know it is Tae. But arent I important too?" Y/N tries to control her sadness. "I'm only asking for an hour or two. I'm sure Min Soo can wait,"
"Shes important to me Y/N! I need to do this!"
Y/N's mouth hand open. Did he just said what he just said? Did Taehyung really just said she?
"S-he?" She repeated his words. "She as in Min Soo? Shes more important to you isnt she?"
"N-no. You know what I meant. I meant this is important to me! My career! You said you will be supportive Y/N! You know I am doing this for us. For our future!"
"Supportive in your career, yes! Not supportive when your boyfriend is out with.. with.. another bitch!" Y/N yells out. With her good girl reputation, she never cursed. Not once, but she cant handle it anymore. Her heart is breaking with every second they soend arguing.
"What did you call her?" Taehyung growls.
"A bitch! I called her a bitch! Thats what she is Tae! Shes stealing you away from me!" Tears already rolling down her cheeks. Taehyung will usually do anything to make sure Y/N never cries, but apparenty tonight is nit one of those time. This time he is fuming with anger and he dont even know why.
"Y/N, I'm warning you. Dont call her that!"
"Why? Because shes your girlfriend now?! Then what am I? Why are you even with me right now?!"
"God, what part cant you understand. Its fucking work! And work is important to me!"
"Oh bullshit Tae! Just admit it! Its not work thats important! Its Min Soo! Just be a man and admit it!" Tears are no longer containable and is streaming wildly down Y/N's face. Taehyung kept quiet for a while, most probably thinking and after a while, with a sharp glare he opened his mouth.
"She is so much important than you in every way. Can you just please get the hell out of my car?"
"Oh Hyun Joo? What are you doing here? Did Tae sent you here?" Y/N smiles at him as the car stopped by her side and the windows rolled down to show Hyun Joo's big innocent smile. She knew it. There is no way Taehyung would leave her alone like this. Maube it really just work. An emergency. She should make it up to him tomorrow.
"Yeah he did. Come in," Hyun Joo smiles and unlock the door for her to climb in.
Without hesitation and doubt, she climbed into the car. Hyun Joo is Taehyung's best friend. She kust be important to hin if he sent his best friend to get her. The pain fron Taehyung leaving her alone in a dark, unknown place starts to melt away. She just loves him too much. After Taehyung asks her to get out from his car, Y/N was left alone in the dark scary road, far away from anywhere and her phone batteries had ran out. Scared and terrified, she walks along the darkened road, trying to find safety, still believing that Taehyung will come back. Maybe she can make Taehyung treat her to ice cream and a nice date to make up for tonight. She knows she shouldnt be forgiving him so easily, but what can she say. Shes whipped for him. Taehyung is her everythinf. She will forgive him in a heartbeat the moment he apologizes. Lost in thoughts, it took Y/N a while to realized that it has started to rain heavily and Hyun Joo has stopped the car.
"Why are we stopping? Is something wrong?" She looks over at the man, concerned.
"Yeah. We have a flat tire. Sorry, but i have to change it. Do you mind coming out with me and holding the umbrella for me?"
"Of course I will do that," she smiles and gets out in the heavy rain, holding the huge umbrella over the two of them as Hyun Joo crouched down to the tires. After a few minutes of fussing over, he suddenly stands up and turns to face her, eyes dark and changing.
"H-Hyun Joo? Everything okay?"
"Do you even know how beautiful you are?" He hold the handle of the umbrella, hands gripping over hers. "Why is Tae such an idiot? You are a million times better than Min Soo,"
"H-Hyun Joo? Why are you acting like this? I-is everything okay?" Y/N starts to panic. Her heartbeat starts to beat faster as she realized that shes in the middle of no where and no one to help her. But Hyun Joo wont do anything right? He must be playing around. He's Taehyung best friend. This must be a joke. Nothing else. Just a joke.
"Everything is definitely okay, princess," Hyun Joo smirks. The pet name coming out from his mouth sounded so sinister to her ears. "Now that I finally got you alone, everything is more than okay," he grins and grips her hand, pulling her and pushed her into the backseat, making Y/N fall helplessly on the seat, startled. "Why Taehyung huh?! Why Tar princess? I've been waiting for you for years! And one look from that luing, manipulating playboy and you are suddenly head over heels in love with him?!" He yells as he leans in, forcefully trying to kiss her but Y/N tilt her head dodging his face.
"Hyun Joon no! Please dont!" In panic she managed to kick him hard and pushed him before scrambling to the other side and runs out from the other door. Now more enraged from the kick, Hyun Joo chases after her, lust now combined with anger.
"You bitch! You wont get away with this!" Hyun Joon is not the school's athlete for nothing as he catches up with her so easily and drags her back to the car. Although she tried to wriggle and scream, doing everything she can, Hyun Joon is noticably stronger, overwhelming her in a second. "Stop resisting princess and it will be just as enjoyable to you. I can make you feel so much better than Taehyung can,"
Y/N spits in his face as one last attempt and that just resulted in making him angrier, making Hyun Joo pushed her down on the wet, dirt road.
"I tried to be nice to you princess, but you want the rough way huh? You like it rough?" He towers over her and slaps her multiple times, adding a few punches in order to weakens her resistance.
"D-dont please dont. Help. Somebody help!" Y/N screams as loud as she can but the rain drowned out everything. Using his strength, he captured both of her hands and use the other hand to ripped open the top of her dress.
"T-Taehyung... save me. P-please. I'm sorry," was the last thing she managed to whisper out, as tears that streams down her face mixed up with the heavy rain, closing her eyes tight, already numb from the pain and cold, blocking the smirk on Hyun Joo's face from her eyes.
"Its okay. She wont know. And you know you are meant to be with someone like me," Min Soo smile. Shes beautiful, thats for sure. And just like all the other teenage boys out there beauty is everything. So, erasing Y/N entirely from his mind, Taehyung leans in, his lips touching her, hands roaming at the hem of Min Soo's shirt as hers fiddled with his buttons.
Its okay. Y/N wont know a thing.
Taehyung woke up smiling the next day. He had spent an amazing night with Min Soo and he still has his amazing girlfriend. He loves Y/N, he really does. But temptation is everywhere. And he is just a young hot blooded man. All he has to do today is make up to Y/N with some nice date and all will be okay again. He is sure of it. Y/N was never able to resist him. She will forgive him in a heartbeat and everything will go back to the way it was. He is sure Hyun Joo has taken her home safely last night anyway.
However, he cant find Y/N anywhere the next day. He tried calling but her phone is shut down. Is she sick? Maybe. Taehyung will just go and see her after school then. He tries to find Hyun Joo, wanting to know if everything goes well after he asks him to get Y/N, but his best friend is also not in sight.
After the first period, rumors starts to buzz that Hyun Joo is arrested, for what, none of the students are sure. Some says murder, some says vandalism, but nothing is for sure. Puzzled, Taehyung tried to get some information about his best friend, but no one tells him anything. Even Hyun Joo's parents refused to speak to anyone or try to clarify things.
More confused about whats going on in school today, Taehyung decided to immediately went off to Y/N's house, knowing he will feel much better the moment he saw her beautiful smile. He definitely didnt expect to be greeted so coldly by Y/N's parents as they opened the door.
"Hi Mr and Mrs L/N. Y/N didnt come to school today so I came to visit her. Is she okay?" Taehyung flashed his signature boxy smile. Y/N's parents loves him and is always welcoming and incredibly warm but something felt off today.
"Stay the hell away from my daughter and dont you ever come back here!" Taehyung was taken aback by what Y/N's father just said to him.
"I said get the hell out of here and get out from my daughter's life! What kind of a bastard leave a young girl alone in the dark after he promised her parents that he would take her home safe and sound!" Y/N's father yelled and her mother starts crying, which confuses Taehyung even more. Is he that angry over last night? But he didnt leave her alone. He asks Hyun Joo to pick her up!
"Sir! I'm sorry that I have to bail out from the date last night. But something came up!  I-"
"Something came up?!" Y/N's father move forward and grip Taehyung's collar. "After everything that happened last night, your reason is something came up?!" Taehyung's eyes widen. Did her father know about him and Min Soo?
"B-but sir. Can I just please see Y/N? I can explain it to her. I called Hyu-"
"Dont you dare mention that name in front of us ever again!" A powerful punch flies over Taehyung's handsome face, making him fall to the ground. "You and your no good best friend better get out from Y/N's life forever if you dont want to share his jail cell!"
With that the door is slammed shut.
Still as confused as ever, Taehyung tried calling Y/N every day and night for a week but her phone is soon out of reach. And after a week, he is met with the news that Y/N and her whole family has moved away.
Y/N moved away. Without a goodbye or a last I love you, she left. His first true love left.
And all Taehyung can think about is the last thing he ever said to her.
She is more important than you in every way. Can you just please get the hell out of my car?
"Y-Y/N, h-hi. Its been so long," Taehyung stuttered. He cant believe Y/N is standing in front of him right now. His first love, his one true love. He tried to look for her for years and failed miserably. She is still as beautiful as he remembered, making his heart skipped a beat. He cant believe shes here now, and... and.. smiling?
"Hi, I'm Y/N. You must be Kim Taehyung? Its nice to meet you," she lets out a smile so warm, it makes Taehyung's heart flutter as much as it hurts that shes pretending that she didnt know him.
"Y-Y/N, its me. Tae. You dont remember me?" He looks at her confused face. "I-I know seeing me again must be terrible for you, but please, dont pretend like you dont know me,"
Y/N starts to furrow her eyebrows at what he is saying, a confused look etched on her face,  giving weird looks to her manager who only looks back at the two of them with sympathy.
"I'm really sorry. I dont know what you are talking about. Did we meet before? Maybe I didnt notice you at an event? I'm sorry, but I really cant recall," Y/N smile politely and smile at him. "I-I mean, I know you are from that famous group. BTS right?" Y/N quickly corrected herself, afraid she might have offended the big superstar. Taehyung looks at her, dumbfounded. How can her sincere smile matched with what she is saying?
"Y/N! Why are you doing this?" Taehyung starts to get frustrated. "How can you not remember me?! We are-"
"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, but I think you should come with me for a moment," her manager interrupt, bowing politely to them and smiling at Y/N. Sighing and defeated, Taehyung followed the manager with no complaint, eager to know whats going on. He leads him to a corner, far away from Y/N's confused looks.
"Mr. Kim? Is it safe for me to assumed that you have known Ms. Y/N from way back? Say.. in her teenage years?" Her manager looks straight at his face.
"Yes!" Taehyung quickly confirmed. "We went to the same school together! In fact, I am her b-" Taehyung stop himself once he realized what hes about to say.
"Yes Mr. Kim?"
"H-her boyfriend," Taehyung admitted defeatedly. "From a long time ago. In high school,"
"Wait!" The manager gasps. "Are you saying you are her boyfriend? From her hometown?"
"Yes! Did she talk about me?" Taehyung's face turned into a smile. Maybe Y/N did still have feelings for him if she told her manager about hin right?
"Uh.. no. Not particularly,"
"O-oh.." Taehyung's reaction immediately darkened. "Then why did you ask?"
"Well, uh Mr Kim. Seeing your reaction, I can safely say that you most probably didnt know,"
"Know what?"
"She didnt talk about you not because shes angry.. or hates you... its uh.. its because she cant remember,"
"Cant remember? What do you mean? It doesnt happen that long ago!"
"Ms Y/N.. well.. she uh.. she lost her memory.."
"What?!" Taehyung was shocked. What is this man saying?
"Miss Y/N was involved in an accident. A very... tragic accident," her manager looks at him with sympathetic eyes.
"W-what do you mean? Tell me!" Taehyung shakes his shoulders. "Tell me right now!"
"Uh well... it happened when she was 16. She uh was left in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where. Her parents said it was her boyfriend back then, but it cant be right? Why would a boyfriend left his girl in the middle of no where,"
Taehyung gulps. Memories of that night starts flashing back like a vivid slideshow.
"And I think the person who left her promised that someone will come and get her, because he really needs to go. An emergency, I think?"
"Okay! I fet it. That bastard left her alone! Can you just get to the bloody point?!" Taehyung is getting impatient, making the manager looks at him weirdly at his massive interest in the story.
"Uh well.. I dont know how long she waited, but it started raining heavily, and that person did come.. but uh.."
"She uh.. got raped,"
"W-what?!" Taehyung feels like his world is spinning. Y/N got raped? B-by who? I-it cant be Hyun Joo right? It just cant be! Oh mu god, is that why he is arrested? "S-she what?" Legs shaky, Taehyung almost collapsed but the manager hold him, worried.
"Are you okay Mr Kim?"
"W-what happened?" Taehyung doesbt care about himself. He just wants to know what happened to his baby.
"Uh well. She was raped when shes 16. It was a dark time for her family. Shes a good student, an amazing one, and a good daughter," her manager sighed  "but I guess she mingled with the wrong crowd? S-she didnt just got raped. She was beaten half to death by the assaulter. I guess he did that to weakend her before doing the deed? I figured she must have tried to fight back... but a fragile 16 year old girl against a man?" Her manager looks down sadly. The whole night flashed back like vivid memory in Taehyung's mind. The heavy rain, Min Soo's laughter, kisses, the sin he did that night, how he shuts down his phone and slept so soundly that night. All those happening while Y-Y/N got raped? Y/N must have been so scared.
No. She must have been terrified.
She must have called out his name, but he... he wasnt there to save her.
"After everything is done, she was just left there, to die I guess. The injury on her head and body was so severe the police assumed the assaulter was sure she would die and nobody would find her there,"
That fucking asshole! He left her to die? His Y/N? Taehyung clenched his fist so hard, his nails left marks so deep in his palms.
"But her parents sends out a search party when she didnt come home that night. Her boyfriend's phone was shut down too. When they found her, she was barely alive and keep repeating the assaulter's name before passing out. When she wakes up the next day, Ms Y/N has lost all memory. Every single thing up to that night. She can only remember basic things like her parents and her name  The doctor said she was badly traumatized and her mind refused to remember what happened. In order to save their daughter from the pain of remembering, her parents thought that keeping her in the blind is the best thing for her and move away shortly after to create a new memory for her somewhere new," her manager finishes off. "I was assigned to look after her. To make sure nothing triggers the pain again,"
"A-are you saying that.. she doesnt remember anything at all? She doesnt... she doesnt have the slightest memory of.. of me?"
"I'm afraid so yes. Mr Kim.. I'm sorry to say.. but to her, you are nothing but a stranger that she just met today," the manager looks at him. "And.. we would gladly appreciate it if you can keep it that way,"
"Mr Kim? Are you even listening to me?" Taehyung snaps back to reality when Y/N waved her hand in front of him, smiling. "I am sorry. My story must be boring," she laughs. Taehyung shakes his head and smile.
"N-no. Not at all. I- uh.. I was just distracted. Sorry, please continue," he smiles and lets Y/N continue her briefing about her story.
"Okay then. Well.. thats about it. But I havent finish the ending yet. I dont know if the female lead should end up with the main lead. What do you think Mr Kim?" Y/N smiles at him. It breaks his heart every single time she calls him that.
"Uh well.. it depends. Your manager said this is based on a true story? So what is the ending to this story?" Taehyung is curious. The storyline is very familiar to their own love story but Y/N is not supposed to remember anything, right?
"Well... to be honest. Its not entirely based on a true story. Its more like a memory," she smiles.
"A memory?"
Y/N laughs. "This might sound silly to you Mr Kim, but I feel like I have been through it. Maybe its a dream I had? I dont know, but everything feels real," Y/N smiles again. "I'm sorry. Its stupid right Mr Kim?"
"N-no. No. definitely not," Taehyung smiles. "But in this dream if yours.. are you happy with that guy? T-the main lead?"
"Well... again, this might sound so incredibly stupid.. but yeah. I am... very happy," she gave a sad smile. "But sometimes I feel sad when I'm around him in my dream. Its as if he has hurt me but I dont know. How could he when he is just a dream right? I dreamt about him most nights, but he never have a face. In my dreams he calls me princess," Y/N laughs out loud as if to tell Taehyung how stupid her dream is. Taehyung felt his heart beating so rapidly, it almost burst out from his chest. Y/N dreamt about him. That must be him. Taehyung wanted to reached out and touched her hand but the look she gave him, a look of a stranger, of one colleague to another, stops him.
"Why are you laughing?"
"I mean... it must really be a dream. How can I ever be a princess to anyone. I mean, look at me Mr Kim," she giggles again.
"Princess, I love you," Taehyung smiles at her, hands holding hers tight as they sat under the tree in front of the school field. Y/N blushes.
"I-I... uh," she looks down, face red as a tomato. Its the first time Taehyung ever said I love you to her. "I love you too Taehyung. I really do,"
"Awwww, is my princess blushing?" Taehyung smiles and squeezes her cheeks.
"No I am not!" Y/N blushes hard and hits his chest playfully. "And I am definitely not a princess. How can I be anyone's princess. I mean, look at me Taehyung,"
"Well, I am looking and you are beautiful, just like a princess. My princess," Taehyung smiles and leans in softly, kissing her under the tree as the wind blow softly.
"I am looking Y/N," Taehyung whispers softly, his deep gaze boring holes into hers, setting Y/N's heart on fire. "And you are beautiful. Just like a princess," My princess.
"How is shooting going hyung?" Jungkook invites himself to sit besides Taehyung, slurping on his banana milk as Jimin joins in. "I miss you. I dont see you around anymore. Why do you always leave earlier than you need to abd come back later than usual?" The maknae pouts.
"The brat is right Tae," Jimin chimed in, earning a glare from Jungkook. "Stop glaring at me Kook. You dont look that intimidating with banana milk all over your face," Jimin rolls his eyes and turns back to Taehyung. "You are not ditching us for a bunch of "Hwarang Hyungs 2.0" right?!" Jimin starts to panic. As far as he knows, Taehyung co- star is a girl this time. They are not losing him again right?
"No I am not! And stop being jealous of my hyungs. You will always be my best friend Chim," Taehyung winks. "Theres no hyungs this time... but..."
"Oh my god! Are you dating your co- star?!" Jungkook exclaimed with excitement. "Are you finally teaching me how to date? I dont want to learn with the other hyungs, their methods of dating are too x rated," Jungkook scrunched his nose.
"First of all, you are too young to date, so I am not teaching you anything,"
"I am only two years younger than you! And taller than Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook protest.
"Yah! What does height has to do with anything?!" Jimin threw a pillow towards the maknae and Taehyung laughs.
"And two, I am definitely not dating my co- star. I dont even have the slightest interest in her. But... I am trying to date the writer,"
"What?!" Both boys are surprised by Taehyung's bold admittance.
"Oh I didnt tell you? The writer is Y/N,"
"Y.. Y/N?" Jimin tapped his chin, trying to remember the familiar name. "Isnt that the girl from your trainee years? The one you still kept a photo of in your wallet? Shes the writer?!"
"Yeah... and the story I'm staring in is our love story Chim.. but Y/N.. she doesnt remember..."
After spending the next few hours explaining to Jimin and Jungkook about Y/N and what had happened to her, Taehyung was forced to spend the next few hours being scolded and called stupid by his other hyungs after the two loud mouth runs over to Namjoon's studio and tells the leader the whole story, which leads to the whole band knowing which of course means a family meeting where Taehyung was burned at the stake.
"Okay now that we are done telling him what a dumbass he is," Namjoon sighs and turns to him, giving him another smack at the back of his head, "what are you planning to do? Nothing too dumb please?"
"Hyung, I am not dumb!" Taehyung protests.
"Well, all your action so far showed you are," the older man rolls his eyes.
"Fine.. but.. now that I found her again... I want Y/N back. Its fine if she doesnt remember me hyung, I just want to redeem myself. I-," Taehyung sighs. "I still love her. I never stopped loving her. I have been trying to look for her since she moved. Now that I have found her, I need to make her fall in love with me again,"
"Andddd cut! Good job Tae! Thats all for today, see you guys tomorrow!" The director shouted and everyone bows to each other, off to end their long tiring day. Taehyung's eyes immediately spotted Y/N who is packing her bags, ready to leave and rushed over.
"Oh Mr Kim, hello," Y/N bows and Taehyung gives out a unsincere smile. He hates it when Y/N treated him so formally, like a stranger. He knows that is exactly what he is to her, but he cant help but remembers all the memories and little things they shared years back. The way she laughs, the way her eyes lighted up when she saw him, the excitement on her face wheb she saw him walking towards her, her giggles and blush when he told her how pretty she is...
"Hello Y/N," he smiles. "Going back already?"
"Yeah I guess," Y/N picks up her bag and starts walking slowly. "But I just need to stop by somewhere first. It has been a looong day for me. And when I had a long day I usually stops for-"
"Ice cream," Taehyung finishes her sentence with a smile.
"Oh my god, how did you know?!" Y/n squeals, amazed and surprised at the same time. "How can you know that ice cream is what I needed Mr Kim?"
"Its a looong day for me today Taetae," Y/N pouts. "I had back to back exams, my english teacher is mean, I lost my science assignment and had to redo it and the history teacher decides to do a pop quiz! I just want to crawl to bed Taetae,"
"Not yet princess. Im not gonna let my princess go back home all stress out okay?" Taehyung flashes his boxy smile and grabs her hand.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere that can put a smile back on my princess' beautiful face," he covers her eyes and uncovers it when they reached the shop. "Ice cream! My treat princess,"
"Well... I think, from now on, everytime I had a long day, I will always go for ice cream then," Y/N giggles as she gigs into her ice cream. Taehyung smile, looking at his beautiful princess smiling so happily. He would give everything for her to always be happy  "How do you know that ice cream is what I needed Taetae?"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you," Taehyung winks, making her blush.
"I love you Tae," Y/N giggles. "I dont knkw what I'll do without you in my life. You are my home. No matter how lost I am, I'm okay, as long as you are a part of me. I love you," Y/N leans in across the table and kisses him, and Taehyung has never tasted anything sweeter.
"Mr Kim? Hello?" Y/N waves her hand, taking Taehyung back to the present, his eyes gleaming with unshed tear from the memory. "Boy, you really dazes out a lot. Am I that boring?" Y/N giggles.
"No, definitely not boring. You were saying?"
"I was just asking. How do you know that ice cream is what I needed after a long day?"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you," Taehyung stares deep into her eyes as he said it, her blushing form is a duplicate of that day, years ago, he almost expecting her to say she loves him again.
Just like that day.
But instead Y/N smiles at him.
"Want to come with me and get ice cream then?"
Y/N dont know why he enjoys every little second he spent with Kim Taehyung. He is handsome, thats for sure, but Y/N is pretty sure that is aesthetics is not what makes her heart beats faster than it should. Theres just something about him.
Something... familiar.
She feels happy. And sad at the same time. She feels likes she knows him. She feels as if shes... home.
They had a good time at the icr cream parlour. Taehyung told her a lot of stories about his adventures with his band mates, but he seems to always avoid talking about his past, and Y/N is not one to pry. Afterall, they are strangers, Taehyung is not obligated to tell her anything.
"So Mr Kim, I am guessing you dont have the chance to go out like this often? You know, with you being a universal star and all?" Y/N giggles.
"Yeah. We dont go out like this often. But when we do, we usually go out with each other," he smiles and watch Y/N digged into her ice cream. Cookies and cream, still the same flavor. "You know... we are practically friends now, and we are the same age. Why dont you call me Tae? Or... Taetae? I mean.. I already call you Y/N,"
"Yeah," he smiles. "Or Taetae,"
"T-taetae?" The moment that nick name rolled off Y/N's tounge, a surge of vision enters her mind, causing extreme pain in her head.
"Call me Taetae now princess, I am afterall your boyfriend," the faceless man smiles and kisses her forehead. "And thats a special nickname only you can use,"
"Hey Y/N are you okay?!" Taehyung immediately stands up and went to her side when she starts holding her head.
"Y-yeah. I just got a sudden headache. Maybe its a brain freeze from the ice cream," she tries to smile but Taehyung is having none of it.
"Let me send you home okay?" Y/N nodded weakly and Taehyung made sure that she has safely arrives before saying goodbye.
"Take care okay. And take a day off tomorrow if you need it alright?"
"Alright. But I think I will be okay," she smiles and bows. "Thanks. And goodbye.. Taetae..."
Taehyung's face light up the moment she calls out his name, making Y/N blush and rushed inside.
Taetae... why does it sounds so familiar. Who are you Taehyung-ah?
Taehyung was on cloud nine since that ice cream date. Y/N calls him Tae, or Taetae. No more that Mr Kim bullshit, and they spend a lot of time together now. He even had the chance to bring her to lunch to meet the members and of course, just like he expected, they all love her. Taehyung even thinks the maknae is seriously in love with her, but no way in hell hes going to let that happen.
Y/N is his.
Atleast she will be again.
"Miss Y/N, Mr Kim, we will finally be meeting with the actress who played the woman you will be cheating with Mr Kim. We are sorry her scenes has to be delayed because of her her overseas schedule," the production crew informs them as they were having a break. Break time on set is Taehyung's favorite time, because he can pulls his chair and sits besides Y/N, sharing the lunch Seokjin made for him or his manager bought for him, since he refuses to eat outside anymore if Y/N didnt come with . Every second with Y/N is heaven to him and he hope she will still want to stay in touch even after their filming ends.
He cant lose her again. He just cant.
"Oh its fine. I heard shes a good actress, so she can keep up with the filming right?" Y/N asks.
"Yes. Shes a very good actress. Actually Mr Kim, you know her quite well. She used to train with your company before,"
"Oh really?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. The only trainee he knew that turns into an actress from his training days is...
"Taetae!" Min Soo shouted from the door the moment she saw him, pushing her sunglasses up her forehead.
"M-Min Soo?" Taehyung was taken by surprised as Y/N lifted her head to see the actress who just entered. Upon seeing her face and her excitement in hugging Taehyung, a rush of memories flooded her mind and in a matter of second, Y/N was passed out on the floor, the last thing she hears was the voice of the faceless man in her dreams calling her name.
Taehyung rushed to her hospital room, dropping his coffee once the doctor informed him that Y/N is awake. The moment he swing ooens the door, he was greeted wirh Y/N leaning up straight on the bed, glaring at him, face drenched with tears.
"Y-Y/N... y-you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? The doctor says y-"
"Get. Out,"
Taehyung's blood run cold as he heard the icy tone of her voice. What happened? Why is she suddenly like this? Did she forgets him again?
"Y-Y/N? Its me. Taehyung. Tae. Taetae? Y-you dont remember me?"
"No. I remember everything," Y/N starts to sobbed. "I remembered everything now Taehyung! Get out! I dont want to see you! Out!" Y/N yells, throwing whatever she could reached from her bed side and throw it at the dumbfounded Taehyung.
"Y/N no! Baby please. Let me explain!" Taehyung dodge her throws and try to reached oit for her hand but she immediately pull away.
"Explain? Explain?!" She yelled. "You ruined my life Taebyung! I gave you everything! I loved you with every part of me and you left me?! Do you even know?! Do you even know what he did to me?!" Y/N sobs starts to get uncontrolable, sobbing her eyes out. If Taehyung could hurt himself so Y/N's pain would lessen, he would do it. He would do anything to go back to that night and do it all over again. He would treat her right. He would cherish her. He would already be married to her right now.
"Y/N please-"
"He raped me Taehyung!" She sobs. "I remembered everything now. I remembered the pain when he slaps me, punch me. The cold rain on my face. His disgusting face as he.. as he..." Y/N sobs even louder and Taehyung wants nothing more than to kill Hyun Joo if he wasnt already in prison serving his time. "I called your name Taehyung. I called you over and over again. I keep saying I'm sorry. I thought if I didnt pissed you off about Min Soo, if I just apologizes, you would come back. You would come back and save me from that... that monster," she continues to sobs. "B-but you didnt. A-and he keep... he keeps hurting me. H-he keeps touching me. Where were you Taehyung? Where were you?!" Y/N shouted one last time before throwing the flower vase on the bed side, only inches away from Taehyung's head.
Taehyung knew he dont need to answer. Y/N dont really want to know where he is that night. She already knows. But he feels like he needs to explain it to her. To tell her that leaving her that night was the biggest mistake of his life. That saying all those things to her that night... he regrets it all. He wants to tell her he loves her, that he loves her still, that he will protect her now. That he will spend forever to make it up to her.
But everything got stuck in his throat.
"Y/N... I-"
"Get out," her voice cold, eyes closed.
"Y/N, I need t-"
"I said get out Taehyung. Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!"
Her hysyeric screams finally attracts the nurses and before he could say anything else, Taehyung is escorted out. He was never allowed to visir her ever again, and although Y/N didnt ask for Taehyung or Min Soo to be pulled out fron the movie, she never again make an appearance on set.
Taehyung was lost.
Without Y/N he was lost.
And thats when he realizes, Y/N is his home. All these years he keeps holding on. Living life day by day, feeling empty and lost, because at the back of his mind he is still looking for her, looking for a way back. A way back home.
But what is he to do now when his home dissapeared?
Y/N is his home. And he needs to go back. No matter what it takes.
"Today is the last day of the filming. You sure you dont want to go and visit the set? Say thankyou to the crew?" Y/N's manager sat besides her, patting her back.
"I'll just send them a fruit basket. We will do another dinner without the actors one day. Satisfied?"
Her manager sigh and give a sad smile to her.
"Y/N... I know its hard... getting your memories back like that. I know you feel as if all the people that are close to you have been lying to you. But you know we did it to protect you right?"
Y/N looks down and fiddled with her fingers. She actually understands. She really understands it. She herself hopes that she wouldnt remember.
"I know oppa... but... I'm not mad at you. Or eomma or appa... but..."
"You are mad at Taehyung?"
Y/N keep silence, knowing that her manager really knows her best.
"Listen... I dont know exactly what went down between the two of you, but I have put some of the puzzle pieces together. Starting from his reaction in the first day you were introduced to him. I dont know much Y/N... but I know that he loves you," Y/N raised her head at that. "And you... you love him too,"
"What?! No way! I dont!"
"Y/N... you can try to lie to yourself, but you cant lie to me," her manager smiles. "Dont you ever wonder why you only dream happy things about the faceless man? Y/N those dreams... they are not dreams. They are your memories. Memories of you and Taehyung. Happy memories. No matter how hard your mind tries to rejects him by refusing to remember, your heart still remembers him Y/N. Now... just remember back all your dreams.. and remember it hard. You will see that the faceless man is Kim Taehyung, and you will understand that the feelings you had is happiness, love and missing him. Find it in your heart to forgive him Y/N and give yourself a chance to be happy. A home is never perfect, nor does it only give you happiness. A home is a place where you can feel comfortable. It can be a mess, it doesnt have to be perfect, it has its flaws, but its yours. Taehyung is your home Y/N. Come back home and be happy. Thats all I want for you," her manager, who is more like a brother to her gives her a tight hug and leaves, letting Y/N be alone with her messy thoughts.
Y/N sat alone, pondering the words of her oppa that has known her ever since the incident. Who has been by her side, guiding her through her career. Just remember back all your dreams.
Y/N closes her eyes and collect back all her dreams about the faceless man. The faceless man who makes her heart beats faster in her dreams. The faceless men who kisses tastes so sweet, who words can make her smile for days.
"Princess, I love you,"
"Awwww, is my princess blushing?"
"Well, I am looking and you are beautiful, just like a princess. My princess,"
"Not yet princess. Im not gonna let my princess go back home all stress out okay?"
"Somewhere that can put a smile back on my princess' beautiful face,"
"Ice cream! My treat princess,"
"Because ice cream is the sweetest thing that can even come close to a sweet princess like you,"
"I love you princess,"
"You are mine now princess,"
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen princess,"
Y/N remembers back every single dream he ever had about that faceless man. He always calls her princess. His princess. But its different this time. This time she remembers. She remembers herself, looking back up into the faceless man's deep gaze and smile...
"I love you Kim Taehyung,"
Its Taehyung. Its really is Taehyung. All this while she thought ahes having a fantastic dream of her faraway soulmate. Maybe ut is her soulmate, but he is not that faraway. Not at all. All this while, it was her heart telling her to remember him. To remember Taehyung and all their memories together.
Without hesitation, she grabs her jacket ans ran out not noticing anyone arounds her until she bumps into someone.
"Ow! Look where you are going!"
"You look wh- Y/N?"
Standing in front of her is Kim Taehyung. The faceless man. Her soulmate. Her home.
And she doesnt know what to do but to turn back the other way when Taehyung pulls her hand and stops her.
"Dont go. I am not letting you leave ever again. You can hate me, hit me, kill me, I dont care, I just want to be with you and never ever leave you again," Taehyung pulls her into a tight hug. "Y/N... I love you. I never stop and theres not a second went by that I dont regret that night. You dont have to take me back, but I wont ever leave your side. Ever again. I love you. I love you. I love you,"
Y/N stays in his hug for a moment, tears wetting the front of his shirt. How is it that the man who hurt her so much makes her feel so safe and like she belongs? Is it true what her oppa said?
Is Taehyung really her home?
That one place that is fully hers?
"I-its hard," Y/N sniffles, voice muffled in his tight hug. "I-I understand why my mind refuses to remember you Tae. But my heart is stronger. It wanted me to remember," she sniffles louder, making Taehyung released the hug to look at her face. "I love you Taehyung. There was never a second that I stopped loving you. Even when my mind dont remember, my heart does. I love you too much that what you did hurts me to the core. But I cant live like this anymore. I cant live under the shadows of my past, because between the hurt you gave me, you are also my happiness. I choose to remember. I dont want to forget anymore. It hurts yes, its painful, yes. But I know it now Tae. I know why I always feel so empty even when I cant remember anything. Its because I was never home Taehyung. I need to feel alive again. I need to come home..."
Taehyung looks at her, eyes gleaming with tears from the knowledge that he has hurt the only person he has ever love to beyond repair. He didnt quite understand what Y/N is saying, but whatever it is, he swears he will do anything to make it up to her.
"Tell me what you need me to do Y/N. I'll bring you home. Whatever you need, I'll do it baby. I'll do anything,"
"Tae... you dont understand," she giggles through her tears. "I want to come home. Taehyung...you are my home. And its a mess, a messy, unorganized, abandoned home.. but its mine. Its my home and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else, Taehyung,"
"And wherever you are baby, I will follow. I will never ever leave you alone ever again. Because right here," he points to her heart," is where my home is. I love you..."
Taehyung looks at her with eyes filled with love and determination to make her forget every little pain she ever faced. He will give her the best home she could ever dream of. A home filled only with love, laughter and happiness. And as he leans in to capture her lips, Y/N can feel it too.
"My princess, my home, my everything,"
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comments-on-kai · 6 years
[ Youtube ] Jongin’s viral Tempo fancam hits 1 Million views on YouTube as impressed Muggles/Nonfans continue to share opinions on EXO & Kai’s skills  and discuss his merits as a performer
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- this is seriously daebak...of course he dances very well but it feels like he truly understood this dance not just by his movements but it's like he's expressing his understanding of the choreo with his whole body, and they say you can't beat someone who enjoys what he does and he sincerely looks very happy and joyful.I had no idea how the 4 minutes (of watching the video) passed by I think I didn't take my eyes off it and watched it till the very end
- first off Kai has a really great physique...usually with people who are tall you can't help but get the feeling they're flailing around because they have to give more strength to compensate for the length but Kai knows very well how to use his body and he's very good at controlling his strength and he doesn't miss out on any parts especially the tips of his fingers and toes. His facial actings are of course great but the best things is how it's visible how happy he is on stage and how much he loves dancing
- It's the first time I got goosebumps while watching a Male Idol's fancamㅋㅋ  Seriously it's like he danced with his body and music becoming as one. I immediately felt why even from before people were always going on about EXO the moment I watched this video...his pride on his dance is really incredible
-  I watched this fancam a week ago and was hugely knocked over by it that I was cooerced into becoming an EXOL,, recently for the  first time since I was born I'm doing what they call "streaming". You're the first man to ever make me stream..GodKAI -->{Reply) Hello, I see you again here. So what is this "streaming"? I'm thinking of personally going to buy the album tomorrow. Recently I've been feeling like I'm reborn again.
- Previously all idol dancers don't really care about facial expressions and appeared on broadcasts showing off their footworks and poppings while dancing...but after Kai, if you look at recent idol dancers the trend has now changed and they are mindful of expressions and doing the dance like an art piece
- EXO members are good at dancing overall so it is not easy to stand out (among such members) but when watching the whole group fancam my gaze always goes towards Kai. Isn't it incredible how he could attract so much attention just by dancing? Truthfully I'm somehow who don't really hold any special opinion on dancing and I don't really feel anything when I see people who are good at dancing but when it comes to Kai's stage I watched with my mouth agapeㅋㅋ I don't have anything to say except to express my awe at his power of control over the stage and his expressions ...
- I hope Kai can come out as a Solo. The incredible thing about Kai is he has a hot physique being taller than 180cm but he's  also really good at dancing. There are many idols who dances well but they are filtered out here. With outstanding physical qualities yet so good at dancing that's a huge talent. Also he already has the talent but he's also very good at expressing it.Usually Idols shows off their talent by winking or making fatalistic expressions at the camera and those are usually done towards the camera or the usual audience or fans but Kai even with his face covered up by the hat he could still deliver his facial acting. He didn't do (the expressions) on purpose but because he's in a state of enjoying his dancing that made it possible.
- I'm from another fandom but this is worthy of acknowledgement. His physical, his technique, his dancing line, his power and even his sense,,,, there's Michael Jackson's tehniques and dancing lines as well as Rain's power and physique as well as his very own sense (in this)... seriously SM, if you listen to the MR-Removed, the vocals are so far above the level of what it's known to the public..even me myself, all this time I thought EXO is successful merely due to the fact that they were from a big agency and avoided them.. it's such a waste that people are not listening and watching just because they are idols from SM. From watching the videos recently I finally learned about it. Even when EXO has reached the top position all this while they never stay idle and individually keeps making effort and constantly practicing and it's so cool how their skills keep on improving.
- for real...I wondered how cool could he be (that people are talking about it) and watched it...seriously I can't close my mouth
- one of the reason I'm proud to be an EXO fan...we have Kai in our EXOㅜㅜ
-An all-rounder. He has very good strength, his lines are beautiful, he doesn't miss out on anything in his interpretation of the beat and has good actualization. He sinks down at the place that needs it, he has dynamics and there is no unnecessary movement. When he needs to move, he transfers all of his body in balance. It's easier to say but for people with with a lot of strength, it's actually harder to control it... He arranges his dance lines (when his body is) in a relaxed state and the strength needed to do this might be smaller but in a situation where you have a lot of strength, to rearrange and be in a standstill wouldn't it use up a lot of the muscle strength? It might look easy when you're watching but in no way is it easy to execute. (this is why when the dancing line is beautiful, you hear people say someone is good at dancing but is just dancing lightly. On the contrary, if you have a lot of power, it's not easy to achieve that beautiful dancing line. For example when rolling the hip in a wave but to cope with the powerful strength (of the dancer), the parts that shouldn't be moving would move as well or rebounded in reaction. Because when the body is tensed up, the body center that is supposed to be moving it's not being shifted and instead the strength went into the next move (T/n: and the dancing line doesn't look beautiful this way, which is opposite of Jongin's dancing; he has a lot of power yet his dancing line is still beautiful) The optimum of studio dancing. To have those line beautifully arranged and the dynamics so well interpreted, it had to have happened in front of a mirror, but because (he) makes it looks so easy it looks like he was simply born with it. But if you think about it, in the world of art and physical education there is nobody who doesn't make an effort. Everybody in this field works hard. The real talent is making it look like all those hard work and endeavours were something you're born with.
- EXO's choreography is not easy but even while Kai's moves are light and clean and fall into place perfectly he is also acting for his expressions .. how much did he practice to achieve that level of relaxed confidence I'm this close to revering himㄷㄷㄷ Just thinking about how he figured out the choreo and danced it to match the song Tempo makes me breathless but isn't the way he puts the expressions there also such a geniusㅠㅠ I want to see his appearance as a solo too...it would look so cool if he has some professional dancers behind him and come out with a big scale performance I think he could fill the stage even if he comes out alone
- wow seriously from the beginning I went "Heok" as I watchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so it wasnt just me who thought of Michael Jackson..wow seriously the goosebumps
- A group I already knew about. A member I knew could dance, I had no idea I would be knocked down by his dance like this; everyone says he's good at dancing so should I give it a watch? and I was caught unaware and was totally hooked! The dance is of course good but his facial expressions are seriously attractive. Perfect even to his outfit,
- Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋ Saw this by chance and now I've watched it for more than 20 timesㅋㅋㅋㅋ  just by looking at this stage the next person after Michael Jackson is Kai! I'm a 35 years old ahjussi but I think he's very cool ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's like watching Ronaldo and Messi's trippingㅋ he's really good!
- Even a man like me thinks Kai is sexy..
- Fvcking cool..wow that strong jaw and the movement of muscles and the confidence in his facial expressions, the physical beauty that's easily near to perfection. I received the sacred feeling that's similar to watching the scene of Angus Young's possessed guitar playing (T/n: Angus Young is the lead guitarist of legendary rock band AC/DC). This kid's expressing " I'm fvcking happy I could die" with his whole body on the stage. Hell I'm a man what the fvck am I doing analysing something like this.
- personally Call Me Baby is a song that I like and even in that music video his expressions were already something else..and when I saw the mv for this song what I felt was...that he danced like he has a metronome mounted in his body. He's good at dividing the beats and has great rhythm.. And he puts on his expressions on top of all that, seriously... and this friend looks happy when he's dancing...very cool!
- truthfully Kai's face isn't my style but when he's wearing the hat his angled jaw? is so attractive and I dont know if it's because he's so good at digesting the stage he looks so handsome...I gasped when he took of the hat
- to be honest when watching Kai's on stage it's not simply that he looks cool and danced well but he carries an artisan's spirit with his skills, expressiveness and control of strength and speed which are achieved through mastery, and everything is high-class, but there is something more to him that can't be explained. Because of this, even the people who watched him experienced a catharsis and will watch him opened mouth and in pure ecstasy. Truly nobody can imitate the aura of someone who sincerely loves, enjoy and gives his efforts for the stage. That's why I'm envious of Kai he's like a person who holds both talent and happiness. I hope he flies even higher because from the way I look at it Kai's potential is still endless
- I have no words for his dance and expressions they are the best and his defined muscles are so prettyㅜㅠㅠㅠ
- The 3000 comments are creating another piece of art
- this isn't just at the level of good at dancing, his very aura is somewhat already different
- I watched this by chance as it appeared on the main page and after that I've been watching it every day. The videos that I watch once every day recently are this video and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody live in Montreal video. They both make my heart beat in a similar flow.
- I'm from another fandom...I've know from before that Kai is a good dancer but from watching the fancam this time around he's really amazingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's sexy, great at dancing and he's really cool. It must feel great for Kai fans and EXO fans to stan him. Also I think that there might be people who have never watched this video but I bet nobody will ever watch it only once if they've seen it
- It's like he's doing a completely different dance and song on his own where are the limits of his skillsㅋㅋㅋ the Tempo stage is a place of practice for him to grow his skills of dancing and facial actingㅋㅋㅋ seriously Kai is hard to express with words I'm amazed everytime I see him
- does he have a separate choreography of his own the difference of level is felt
- he's singing with using his body
- so I watched this by chance cause this was the suggested video and now I can't escape from it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- everybody says Kai-nim's Tempo fancams are daebak so I'm going through the vids and every time I watch one I could only say "this is crazy" ㄷㄷ seriously daebakㄷㄷㄷㄷ daebakㄷㄷ wow....!
- so Kai...is this kind of person...his dancing and expressions are almost at a spritual stage
- I'm not even an exol whats with the addiction to this video?
- I'm a senior who just sat for CSAT exam a week ago...thank God i watched this after exam was over..this is.. EXO wow..so this is EXO..ah this is..
- this isn't Kai doing a dance it's actually the dance doing a Kai
- before he gets older let him release a Solo!
- an Idol who's fancam is worthy of watching...an Idol that makes me search for his fancams. personally I think he's the most attractive among idols and a character that will go for a long run. Even during the parts that aren't his he never lets go of the tension and was wholly participating at every moment..yes an Idol should be great at stages..I never get bored..especially Kai does every stage differently I keep looking for it
- what kind of drug is this video? i still want to watch no matter how much I've watched it...I'm not EXO fan but his dance and expressions are so sexyㅠㅠ I've no idea how many times I repeat watching thisㅜㅜㅜㅜ💛
- to be exact it's 20 days now since I've been reporting to duty here everyday...before I start my day at work I'll watch it and whenever there's free time I'll watch the video and check out the comments...it's become a habit now I feel empty if I don't watch it and no matter how much I watch it it's always refereshing and thrilling
- I'm not used to being a fan of entertainers but this is really Daebak..from the dancing lines to the expressions and his own individuality on top of that too
- I think I know why EXO fans stan them..
- Michael Jackson?
- look at his expression at 0:46 to match the screaming sound..ㄷㄷ.. for real Kai isn't just good at dancing he's totally great for the whole stage ...what would he have done if he wasn't a celebrity
- he's so good at dancing to the point I had goosebumps..
- he's like a professional dancer ㄷㄷ he's so very good at dancing
- Kai looks exactly like when the Beast from Beauty and the Beast turns into the Prince...fvck so sexy
- this is like a scene of a movie where a man who is in love with dancing goes on stage and enjoying the dance he felt the happiness to his heart's content.
- first off all Kai has a body that is different from the regular person it's like a body that was born to be dancing. of course he dances very well but his body is naturally a beautiful and impressive body
- I'm a man too but I think only one word will be enough..amazing
- For a group to do well, leadership is very important and within EXO the members who all have incredible talents are not just emphasizing their own selves individually instead they prioritize the team and perform their respective parts and it's very attractive and gives you a feeling of reliability. Kai who dreams of a solo since debuting does not rush (to do it) but instead shows a side of him determinedly  improving himself. The side of him who stood back and calmly ensure an internal stability first even with having a huge fandom is very fine. If he was all about imposing his own self forward I don't think it would be possible for this kind of teamwork for EXO and such results. This is why I'm looking forward even more to Kai's solo that will come out someday. Anybody who watches him can tell that he is a genius with a striking presence but the way he remains steadfast as he tacitly performs his share of responsibilities to the point of receiving the trust and respect of his members, there is no way you wont feel touched about it. For someone like this who actually have everything, if he fell into narcissism and arrogance and only thought of himself individually, it would've been hard for the team to do well. -->(Reply) Your words touched my heart...Kai...I will be supporting you~
- It's very surprising how even with the popularity of a top idol who has reached the peak with 7 years experience he is still a mysterious existence to the public and his image is not at all consumed and he is still giving us a lot to anticipate. With a strong fandom globally and now expanding his contact with the local market,the future of the 7-year idol singer Kai is something I'm very much looking forward to. I think he is a rare and a unique character. I'm supporting you!
- I who keep watching Kai-nim dancing for countless timesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋseems like we are all in a tranceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ( I'm just happy to find out others are just similar to me..)
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theinquisitivej · 6 years
SteamHeart Episode 13 Reactions
Chapter Thirteen: Homeward Bound
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You can listen to the full episode here.
We briefly shift our focus away from the crew of SteamHeart to check in on Miguel and Hrao. They’ve made their way to Memphis, and though Miguel has done his best to cover Hrao with some tarpaulin as they move through the city, he’s nervous and fears that people will discover her sooner or later. We overhear little snippets of conversation that mention a great black lion that was spotted a few months ago and has put the locals on edge. Miguel worries that the people’s curiosity of this creature and others like it will make them immediately hostile towards Hrao if they find her, but I have to wonder what this creature was exactly. Of course, since it was a big cat, your mind goes to the same place as Miguel’s and you assume it came from Hrao’s world. But with all the portals and increasingly frequent sightings of the sort of unfamiliar creatures that that strange old man Malloy tells his stories about, the black lion could be anything and have no connection to the feline inhabitants of Rama. One possibility is that they’re referring to the Manticore which killed the Vice-President, and this bit of information is meant to indicate the timescale of when Tiger’s Eye took place in relation to the rest of the events of the first phase of New Century. Or, maybe this creature really is from Rama. If that’s the case, I see two possibilities; either this is one of the Lions from the society that represents a serious danger to the cats of Hrao’s continent, which, depending on the nature of the Lion and his intentions, could be a real problem for our heroes here in the Reunified States, or it is the ominous entity which Hrao encounters later on in this chapter. Whatever the case, this background detail hints at a lot of possibilities and reinforces the impression that the world of New Century is full of unexplored mysteries and extends beyond what we see happen in the main body of the texts of each story.
         Miguel and Hrao eventually make their way to his father’s house. The smells, sights, and sounds of these new surroundings are undoubtedly overwhelming for Hrao’s acute senses, but she waits outside in a hidden alcove while Miguel braves whatever life waits for him inside. The first indication that things have changed significantly between the last time he was here and now is the repainted yellow door – the threshold to the interior of this house is unfamiliar, and crossing that threshold will take him not to his old life, but to an alien environment that Miguel neither recognises nor wants to be a part of. His father, Francisco, answers the door, and the low ringing bells of the music immediately makes the listener feel ill at ease here. Miguel demonstrates his newfound deft athleticism by moving around his father to see who else he hears inside the house, showing how Miguel has changed and developed through his time with Hrao and the bond they share. Miguel is confronted with a greying woman and her two sturdy-looking sons sitting at the table. Francisco speaks as if he’s never met Miguel before in his life, but Miguel determinedly pushes his connection, offering information about Francisco’s life that he knows will be enough to prove what he says to these strangers. Miguel is not only stronger now, but we also see his quick-thinking and, more importantly, the courage he has which helps him to stand his ground and disagree with what his father says and what he wants Miguel to say.
         Francisco pulls Miguel aside into his old bedroom, where the two can talk and ask each other questions. Miguel is taken aback and disappointed in how his father has changed and adapted so quickly after Miguel had gone, and yet has not changed the worst aspects of himself in the slightest. Francisco enquires whether Miguel brought back any treasure as he had set out to do. He doesn’t even check to see if he’s alright. Francisco offers not a home for Miguel to return to, but a place where he can work to earn the right to what room Francisco and his new family can spare. He talks as if Miguel abandoned him and says that he had to fend for himself in Memphis, which is a twisted way of looking at the disappearance of your own child. Not only that, but Francisco’s complaints would be laughable if they weren’t so disgustingly petty and manipulative when you consider how Miguel, a boy not even in his teenage years, was thrown into an entirely different world where he genuinely came close to death on multiple occasions, and yet he showed the bravery and fortitude to survive. Apparently, Louisa, the woman at the table, took pity on Francisco and showed him kindness when he said he was a recent widower, which, of course, is a lie. He lost his wife to the Wendigos years ago, and in remembering this, Miguel now realises that his father had left his mother and the rest of his family behind. Francisco is terrible, and he blames Miguel for everything and acts as if he is the wronged father who, in his mercy, forgives his son. It’s a horrible way to mistreat your own family, and when Miguel decides to leave this house and the people behind at the end of the scene, I breathe a deep sigh of relief.
         Outside, the air “smells the wrong kind of familiar” (a wonderfully apt phrase to describe coming back to a place you know but don’t feel welcome in after spending time somewhere else that you grew attached to and found family in), and Hrao isn’t where Miguel left her. His fear that he had dreamt her is understandable, not only for how terrible it would be to be stuck with this family he wants nothing to do with, but because the world of Rama and the tone of Tiger’s Eye is very dreamlike, so the idea that everything he had experienced these last few months never happened isn’t so ludicrous. They find each other, and Miguel signs to Hrao that the people who live here are “another tribe”, that he wants nothing to do with them, and that his place is with her. This makes Hrao, and the listener, smile.
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         As they make their way north towards the forests, Hrao begins to show signs of illness. Her hunting technique is off, she’s out of breath, and, after collapsing and asking for water, Miguel rushes off to the stream to fetch some, worrying that if he makes a mistake, Hrao “may not live to see another tomorrow”. The next section begins with us hearing, for the first time since Tiger’s Eye, Maureen Foley delivering new lines as Hrao. It has been far too long. She states that it is “tomorrow”, tying in directly with Miguel’s last word in the previous section of the episode and making us curious yet apprehensive to see what this sickness has done to Hrao. The tone returns to that mystical and dreamlike stream of consciousness that made Tiger’s Eye so captivating to listen to. As Miguel leaves from the cave they are residing in to fetch medicine, Hrao slides in and out of consciousness, eventually coming face to face with an ethereal figure, a tall black cat, that she recognises as The Father of Passing. She asks if it’s her time and says in a weak, pleading, yet sincere voice, “I want to stay…I have to look after my son”. This affirms how far Hrao has come, going from the hunter who went about her days in a weary trance and moved through life automatically at the start of Tiger’s Eye to this person who doesn’t want to go because she has something to live for. This moment is also significant in that Hrao turned away from the gods of her people when she lost her daughter. Perhaps her time with Miguel has helped bring her spirit back to her, as if her detachment from life during her day-to-day routine of hunting at the start of Tiger’s Eye was just her isolated body, severed from the world of spirits where the gods of her people reside. However, this moment is also significant because, as Hrao points out, she is seeing the Father of Passing here in Centrum, in Miguel’s world. It makes the nature of these deities even more uncertain, as you wonder not only whether they truly exist, but if they can exist in all worlds of the New Century multiverse.
         After this, Hrao is visited by the Fire Lion, a figure that seems to represent life and hope, just as the Father of Passing represents death. His words and presence fill the cave and Hrao with a nourishing light, and, shortly after, Miguel arrives, having brought medicine from a vet, which is amusing to hear from Hrao’s perspective who is uncertain what he means by “cat healer”. As Hrao rests and recovers next to her son, reassured by Miguel looking less worried than he was before, she tells us that the black figure remains in the cave with them. She does not look directly at him and his blue eyes again that day, but he is nevertheless not too far away. Hrao reflects on how Miguel also suffered from a severe illness during his first few days in Rama, which cements the duality of the bond between the two of them (pairs and fated duos are a recurring theme in New Century, after all) as they are each following similar patterns as they spend time in each other’s worlds. But with time and nurturing from her, Miguel grew, adapting to the world of Rama until he became who he is today. The episode ends with Hrao wondering if the same will happen to her here in Centrum, asking “what would I be like after tomorrow?” I truly don’t know what Hrao will be, how the people of the Reunified States and the crew of SteamHeart will react to her when they meet her, or what role she has in the journey ahead. But despite my apprehensive fears, I can’t wait to find out, and am ecstatic to see more of her in New Century.
         The epilogue tells us, categorically, that he Miguel will never see Francisco again, and I am very glad to hear that. The author tells us that we can imagine whatever ending we wish for the man. It leaves his fate in our hands, but ultimately, whether Francisco continued to hurt people, or con his way through life, or got his comeuppance and suffered severe punishment for his cruel disregard for others, the important thing that the last line of the episode tells us is this – “he is a tree falling in the woods”. As the proverb goes, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it truly make a sound? Francisco can do whatever he likes, or suffer whatever fate he brings upon himself, but as far as the story of New Century is concerned, there is nothing more to be said about him, and we will not be there to hear the rest of his tale. He will be unnoticed and forgotten. And perhaps that is the best we can hope for when it comes to the people we cross paths with in life who hurt us. That we leave them behind and forget them.
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bthenoise · 6 years
Here’s The Best of 2018 As Picked By Your Favorite Bands
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Well everybody, we did it. In two short weeks, 2018 will be over and we will all have somehow survived yet another 365 days on this earth. Now instead of using this space to talk about how shitty of a year it has been (because trust us, we could certainly sound off right now) we’d instead like to use this opportunity to shine a light on some of the finest things to come out of 2018 -- you know, like best album, best song, best movie, etc.
Like we’ve done in years past, instead of pretending to be the hip tastemakers and trendy influences like other websites, we’ve completely turned our year-end best-of list over to the artists we cover on a daily basis -- because let’s face it, their opinions are the ones we really care about, right? 
So to check out what bands like Memphis May Fire, Fit For A King, 3oh!3, As It Is, Sylar and more have all been obsessing over for this past year, be sure to see below. We hope you love the final list as much as we do and we wish you all the most relaxing and positive holiday season.
Best Album of 2018:
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Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Dan + Shay - Dan + Shay Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: RITUALS - Deaf Havana  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: Chrome Neon Jesus - Teenage Wrist   Ira George of Movements: Technology - Don Broco     Cody Quistad of Wage War: Dan + Shay - Dan + Shay  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Honey - Robyn  Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: Thank You for Today - Death Cab for Cutie  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Beerbongs and Bentleys - Post Malone Tyler Riley of Gideon: If I Know Me - Morgan Wallen   Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Technology - Don Broco Palisades: Prequelle - Ghost  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Stranger in the Alps - Phoebe Bridgers Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Proper Dose - The Story So Far  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: Welcome To The Neighbourhood - Boston Manor  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Time & Space - Turnstile + Proper Dose - The Story So Far (it’s a tie sorry)  Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: Come Over When You’re Sober pt.2 - Lil Peep Vagrants: When The End Began - Silent Planet  Household: Nearer my God - Foxing Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: Bad Witch by Nine Inch Nails is the best album of the year in my opinion. I am heavily into Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’ work and I just love that they went for a totally different sound and vibe with Bad Witch compared to all the NIN records prior. They blend modern jazz with industrial, chaotic synthscapes and it’s absolutely wild. 
Best Song of 2018:
Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: "Better Now" by Post Malone  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: “Hereafter” by Architects Nat Motte of 3oh!3: "Swallow" by Teenage Wrist  Ira George of Movements: “4Ever” by Clairo   Cody Quistad of Wage War: “Tequila” by Dan + Shay    Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: “Middle America” by Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks    Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)” by The 1975  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: “SAD!” by XXXTentaction   Tyler Riley of Gideon: “Slow Burn” by Kacey Musgraves Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: “Better Now” by Post Malone   Palisades: “Mantra” by Bring Me The Horizon  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: “Please Don’t Die” by Father John Misty   Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: “Bodybag” by LIL LOTUS feat. Coldhart  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: “Mo Bamba” by Sheck Wes  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: “High Hopes” by Panic! At The Disco (big mood)  Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: “Lavender Bones” by Stand Atlantic  Vagrants: “Doomsday” by Architects  Household: “Keeping Up” by Microwave  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: “On My Teeth” by Underoath. I don’t care what anyone says, they wrote a phenomenal record and knew they would get flak for it. They deserve all the recognition they have been getting because they have been working hard since the beginning. It was so sick to see them get a Grammy nomination too. That was essentially a big middle finger to all of their nay-sayers, whether they win or not. 
Best Music Video of 2018:
Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: “This Is America” by Childish Gambino   Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: “Hereafter” by Architects  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: "New Light" by John Mayer   Ira George of Movements: “Say Something” by Justin Timberlake ft. Chris Stapleton  Cody Quistad of Wage War: “Hereafter” by Architects  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: “Dark Speed” by Failure    Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: “Sincerity is Scary” by The 1975  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: “SICKO MODE” by Travis Scott Tyler Riley of Gideon: “Aeon” by Crystal Lake  Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: “This Is America” by Childish Gambino  Palisades: “SICKO MODE” by Travis Scott  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: “Sincerity is Scary” by The 1975    Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier:  “This Is America” by Childish Gambino  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife:  “SICKO MODE” by Travis Scott  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: "New Light" by John Mayer     Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: “God Is A Woman” by Ariana Grande  Vagrants: “Rose Quartz/Fulton Street I” by La Dispute  Household: “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: Childish Gambino’s “This Is America” has gotta be THE best music video of this year. I have nothing but respect for Donald Glover and the way he presented controversial, political topics through all of the blunt, straight-forward imagery throughout that video. He’s never put out anything I haven’t enjoyed front to back. 
Most Underrated Album of 2018:
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Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Are You Even There At All? - Brent Walsh  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Gray States EP - The Material Nat Motte of 3oh!3: Graffiti U - Keith Urban  Ira George of Movements: Man of The Woods - Justin Timberlake  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Seasons - Sylar  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Holy Hell - Architects  Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: Be More Kind - Frank Turner  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Kids – The Midnight Tyler Riley of Gideon: Hatred Softly Spoken - Chamber Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: In Our Wake - Atreyu   Palisades: Come Hell - Dead Crown Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino - Arctic Monkeys Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Blue In The Dark - Bearings  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: When The End Began - Silent Planet  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Some Rap Songs - Earl Sweatshirt  Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: Taco - Bilmuri  Vagrants: Palms - Thrice  Household: Pierre - Pierre [ed note: We have no idea if it’s this or this. Guess you’ll have to decide!]     Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: Vince Staples’ FM Radio is very underrated in my opinion. I haven’t seen much about it at all since it dropped and it’s a sick follow up to Big Fish Theory. 
Best Movie of 2018:
Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Bohemian Rhapsody  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Upgrade  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: Isle Of Dogs  Ira George of Movements: Annihilation  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Incredibles 2  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Avengers: Infinity Wars  Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: A Star Is Born  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Avengers: Infinity War Tyler Riley of Gideon: Ready Player One  Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Bohemian Rhapsody  Palisades: BlacKkKlansman  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Hereditary Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Avengers: Infinity War  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: Avengers: Infinity War  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Deadpool 2 Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: The Ritual  Vagrants: Avengers: Infinity War  Household: BlacKkKlansman  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: Hereditary, hands down. Best story, best character development, best everything. Acting, special effects.  EVERYTHING. I don’t wanna give away too much because I want whoever is reading this to watch it for themselves. 
Most Binge-Worthy Show of 2018:
Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Riverdale  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Ozark  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: Bodyguard   Ira George of Movements: The Final Table  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Nashville Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Haunting of Hill House   Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: The Innocent Man  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Ozark (Season 2), My Hero Academia Tyler Riley of Gideon: Brooklyn Nine-Nine  Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Vikings Palisades: Haunting of Hill House  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Ozark (Season 2)  Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Brooklyn Nine-Nine  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: Bodyguard  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: The Office... duh  Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: Haunting of Hill House  Vagrants: The Office Household: Better Call Saul Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: If you haven’t seen Wild, Wild Country on Netflix yet, you need to. My girlfriend and I binged through that show with a quickness. What a crazy time it would have been to be alive and living in Wasco County, Oregon when all of that was going down. 
Favorite Internet Moment of 2018 (Viral Video, GIF, Meme, etc.):
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Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Super Bowl selfie kid  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Thanos memes   Nat Motte of 3oh!3: This Post Malone / 21 Savage / Nickelback mashup video  Ira George of Movements: The Real Bros Of Simi Valley  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Moth memes got me pretty good for a while.    Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: This. Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: The rise and fall of Mason Ramsey  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: “Weird flex, but okay” Tyler Riley of Gideon: Mason Ramsey  Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Don Broco Warped Tour workout video  Palisades: Pikachu shocked face  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: “Weird flex, but okay” Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Squished face Lil Xan/moth memes  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: Any and all Casey Frey videos  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Spongebob memes are great  Patrick Hamilton of Vanish: The bird Spongebob meme  Vagrants: Surprised Pikachu  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: I try not to get too caught up with all of that but the moth memes were pretty great. 
Thing(s) You Wish You Had Done in 2018 But Didn't:
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Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Exercise lol  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Go to the gym more.  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: Feeling pretty good about 2018, honestly. I voted and did my civic duty, paid my taxes, toured the country twice, worked hard, treated the people close to me with love and respect and tried to do that with everyone I came across!  Ira George of Movements:  Eat healthier  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Made a million dollars.  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Watch our favorite teams win the Super Bowl. A collectively impossible feat.    Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: Have more rest.  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Wish I stuck to my workout plan like I originally intended to. Tyler Riley of Gideon: Go to Brazil  Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Worked out more, learned how to play the clarinet.  Palisades: Cook at home more.  Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Procrastinated less  Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Tour the United States of America Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: I have no regrets! 2018 was an incredible year for me.  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Tour more. Vagrants: Travel outside of the USA  Household: Hang out with friends and family more  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: Tour with Deftones. Hopefully Chino will read this and maybe consider taking LIMBS out next year? 
Bonus Question: 2019 New Year's Resolution:
Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire: Perform in New Zealand  Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King: Play in South America!  Nat Motte of 3oh!3: To yet again, not make any resolutions!    Ira George of Movements: Eat healthier  Cody Quistad of Wage War: Be more healthy: physically and mentally. Write the best songs I’ve ever written.  Jay Forrest and Josh Brigham of Hopesfall: Be hardcore.       Ben Langford-Biss of As It Is: Have even less rest.  Jayden Panesso of Sylar: Play in new continents with Sylar, learn more about engineering music on my own.   Tyler Riley of Gideon: Put out our best album yet Adrian Estrella of Assuming We Survive: Workout more, give back to the community and better myself  Palisades: Make more music for 2019 Matt Gravolin of Hellions: Procrastinated less  Calling All Captains’ Nick Malychuk & Luc Gauthier: Play 150 Shows  Tyler Levenson of Afterlife: Travel to more of the world, see everything I possibly can.  Camm Knopp of Never Loved: Bust more butt get more bread    Vagrants: TOUR outside of the USA  Household: Write music and hang out with friends and family ;)  Daniel Nelson of LIMBS: To release a record of my own. I have been heavily into synths and music recording and production in general. I’m gonna try to delve more into that world next year and hopefully have something to show for it.    
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nakamuto · 7 years
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your favorite mutuals (or even ones you haven't talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don't tell them which message is theirs, let them guess! after you're done, send this to 1 mutual you want to get a message from! 💌
this ask has been sitting in my inbox for 2 days bcbwqbbw i’ll try to not make it awkward hahaha,,, TuTTT (omg i got this twice im sorry ive been procrastinating)
@taeiloves @doyoukki @haecha​  @1aeyong @dovounq @softlyqentle @neocity 
under the cut:
a. you’re always so kind and nice,,, like you’re just so nice and patient with everyone? how did i even go from being mutuals > mutuals + anon > your friend honestly ;u; anyways I like you a lot as a friend and i appreciate all your endless effort in creating quality content for the community like idek how you do it everyday,,, i hope you dont stress yourself out too often TnT my long lost neighbour i hope you’ll be able to hear me scream from my window one day
b. you really have golden hands,,, everything you make is incredibly beautiful,, like LITERALLY masterpieces.. it’s also amazing how we’re in the same fandoms (like only 2 but yEAH) ;u;;; i feel very comfortable talking to you and every time you’re online i know that im getting quality content on my dash again :’DD please sleep early i know i say that sleep is an irrelevant concept but wELL,,, YOU’RE A CHILD AND U GOTTA !! you’re working hard, good luck
c. why would I leave you out of this,, even if you’re not super active here for now.. my one true soulmate..one that tolerates my bullshit and rambles well,,, i cherish you a lot because it’s so hard to have someone of the same wavelength as you and our thinking are so similar and we click incredibly well???? ,,, well talk about the countless jinx moments hahaha i think you’re an absolutely amazing person always trying to better yourself and i think i can learn a lot from you,,, i will pray for you everyday and i love you so much x 10000000 (u know i dont like to use ilu too excessively but for you I WILL),,,,
d. there’s something mysterious about you,,in a good way,, i always get that vibe im not sure why but whenever i see you appearing in my notifs im all :’’’’DDDDD
e. we’re literally one and the same,, like how is it even possible ;u;;; im still amazed at the fact that we’re so alike..from our biases and music tastes and even our age and also our thoughts/feelings on some people/issue. Talking to you is like talking to myself :’) im glad we got to talk quite a bit these days,, also have i told you that ive admired you since my svt days,,, ive seen quite a fair bit of your quality™ creations and i hope they’ll make a comeback soon,,, bless up buddy!!!!!
f. you’re a very sincere person,, i haven’t known you for very long but i like your gentle and sweet personality it calms me down somehow. thank you for talking to me first tbh im a bit on the introverted side and im lame so :::))) so now you know that you’ve signed up for more lame convos hahahah,,, everything about you is cute tbh the way you caption your gifs and your icon (its my fav pic of ur bias owbcbwcb) im happy to have known you now i have someone to ramble about your bias with hehe maybe one day i’ll be like yuta too
g.  hi queen!!!!!!!! you’re really sweet and kind,, and you’re good at what you’re doing,, and you’re really smart too TuT like,,,how can someone sc*ence. still cant believe we almost became uni mates (if u still remember) I respect you a lot for your dedication and i think you’re someone who knows how to get along with many different people,,there’s a phrase in chinese to describe this it’s called “很会做人” which is usually used to describe someone as very tactful and i think that’s very fitting for you,,,which is like,,, really cool. please continue to bless us with more quality stuff im always looking forward!!! 
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