#if yall really love a specific iterator
fa3tality · 2 years
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daily doodle 02/10/23
sorry for missing yesterday, i was not existing <3
also moth peebbles due to the sheer amount of people who though he looked like a moth 
and yk what? he does, yall are so right
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
okay so you just put this in your most recent post so now i’m really curious, what are your thoughts on kuron? what specifically makes you say he’s a good iteration of shiro? /gen
oooou okay thank you for asking. i covered this a little bit in this essay here, but i'll sum up the most important bit from that essay (in relation to this topic):
"Lastly — and this turned out to be less relevant to the essay than I expected, but I do want to go over it a tad — is Shiro’s tie to humanity. I mentioned two important points: Shiro’s connection to mortality makes him the most intimate with his humanity out of all the characters, and he is undoubtedly the flattest character of them all. That is, if you don’t consider his clone to be part of his character.
But I’m begging you to reconsider. Reconsider, perhaps, who the clone is — Haggar had pure access to Shiro for a year, you remember. His thoughts, his dreams, his mannerisms, his priorities, his body. Even him at his most human, his most deranged, his most scared. She had Shiro then. She had Shiro when he had nothing to look forward to. She had Shiro when he hurt his crew to make sure they would live, at direct cost to himself.
She stripped him of his humanity — his connection to his own mortality. She took his illness from him. And who, then, did she return to the team? Who was clone? Shiro, mostly. The clone was happy to play with the team. The clone was clever. The clone believed, fully, that he was Shiro, only he was angrier and meaner, a little, and less capable of shoving down his own pain. Shiro, stripped of his tie to humanity and mortality, stripped of his compulsive need to be strained and stressed and the one everyone else can rely on, the Role rather than the Person, is emotional. He has flaws and outbursts. He can’t manage his own pain. He is is cruelest to the one person on the team — Lance — who canonically reminds him closest of himself.
Shiro, in the purest form that Haggar can make him, is flawed and self-hating. That is where our love for him comes. Not the man who pushes himself down at the same time as he sacrifices his personality to be someone for others, but the man who is struggling and can’t keep it locked down. That’s where it comes from."
so! what does this mean.
shiro, as a character, does not get to choose and form his own identity. first he is the Garrison Poster Boy -- and while he is a pilot, an explorer, and happy to do both of those things, he is uncomfortable with (largely lance's) hero worship. he both a) doesn't believe he deserves it, and b) is not happy in that role. we see it in the "blam blam blam" scene -- he is trapped in the 'hero' role because he is trapped in a role of Perfection, and he is not perfect, and it grates on him. second he is the Champion -- and while he did force himself to be the Champion by injuring the Holts, it is a sacrifice. being a sacrifice is not the same as choosing a role. third, he is the Paladin of the Black Lion (not the Black Paladin, for deeper analysis on my thoughts there please read this essay and maybe this one too honestly) -- he tries to escape that role from the very beginning. i know i keep pushing yall towards the essay but i genuinely do discuss shiro's role in it, but i'll reiterate:
"...from the very beginning, he set up a replacement for himself.
Doesn’t that strike anyone else as odd? I haven’t seen the show in five years, and I don’t plan on rewatching, but I do remember that every moment with Shiro almost had this underlying tension. The closest thing I have to canon off the top of my head is the Handbook (which I had to stop reading because they did everyone SO dirty there, even though some of it was honestly pretty funny), which was released in S2, and even that incredibly early canon talked about Keith replacing Shiro!
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From the very beginning, Shiro was planning an out to his role. He knew it was not meant for him. He did the role well, but it was not his to do."
shiro does not want that fucking role. every single second we see him on screen, as Shiro Original, he is shouldering a burden. he is being someone he does not want to be. not to give voltron any credit, but don't you think it's interesting that he, as a character, comes out to the audience as queer when he is...free from those roles? when he is no longer the Garrison Poster Boy (i.e. lance stops the hero worship), no longer the Champion (haggar is defeated), no longer the Paladin of the Black Lion (keith is now the Black Paladin)...we see him come out. we see him, as it is often called, "be true to himself". to me, this signals that he is finally free from playing someone he is not, and interestingly, this came after kuron -- after he maybe got to be something he truly was.
aside from the more abstract analysis, shiro is deeply, deeply traumatized! it is inane to expect him to be the same person he was. why on earth would he have the same patience during/post war as pre-war? he knows now that hesitance gets people killed. if he had hesitated to hurt matt, matt would have died. if he hesitates out on the field, people die. patience yields focus, sure, but he hasn't had time for patience in god knows how long. any patience he has is, if it has not already torn, wearing thin. lance's lightheardness, although important, is bound to make him snap, especially because shiro used to be the lighthearted one -- if he was still the lighthearted one, people would die. on his conscious. his snappiness at lance, while inappropriate and damaging, makes total sense. it comes from a place of a) deep self-hatred/mistrust and b) trauma.
to quote myself again -- "shiro, in the purest form haggar can make him, is flawed and self-hating". take away shiro's roles, take away his masks, take away any of his responsibilities that have shaped his life for him -- who is he? would he be angry (like kuron)? would he be hurting (like kuron)? would he be vulnerable (like kuron)? would he, for the first time, reach out and ask for help (like kuron)?
i think he would.
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nalpurex · 6 months
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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coffinpal · 2 years
If you're not okay with questions feel free to delete this but damn I am intrigued in your redline thingy
1. What kind of turtles are they? Raph seems to be an albino variant of some sort and I know that in the photo thing Leo was suggested to be a hybrid but goddamn I love biology
2. It's very interesting that yall are going with the red masks for all of them approach. Is there any reasoning behind it or just for funsies? In any case it's very unique just like every other aspect of their designs!
3. So like. I love that your Splinter is a lady???? Rat mama ftw???? But how specifically did she get mutated and what the hell is going on between the Hamatos and the Foot Clan bc god I love the drama those guys got going on in tmnt
No pressure if you answer or not!! Love y'all's work and wish y'all a happy February!
You are so sweet! @0ddbugs and I are totally open for questions and we appreciate all the interest and love we've been getting!! 💖
0dd answered this one here
2 and 3.
Rat mama is Tang Shen! The woman who is extremely important to most Hamato Yoshi's but also usually dead in most iterations of tmnt.
We wondered what she would've been like as a mother for them.
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2012 made us want this concept even more when they got to meet her.
Shen is the backbone of Redline. We made her story before we even had the boys designed.
Any way the way she was mutated was mentioned by me here.
But basically these two disgruntled scientists were trying to create mutagen for different reasons. They had a very limited supply and decided, drunkenly, to go test it on animals at the college.
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Perry and Baxter
Shen was in another room that held a rat when she heard them break in. We had a joke in our first draft for the comic that she left her baton with the rat because she's a martial arts master and felt she needed it more.
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When she got to the room with the turtles and the men, the turtles had already been stuck by Perry with his samples of mutagen. Baxter, in self defense, stuck Shen with the only other sample of mutagen he was holding.
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Being that the last thing she touched was the rat in the other room, she mutated into one. The turtles were last touched by her (the two had gloves on).
There's some stuff about Baxter and Perry we really dont wanna talk about til we get to it in the comic so it'll have to wait. I'm sorry. :,D
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Their red masks are cut from an old scarf that belonged to her late husband, Hamato Yoshi. As they didn't get to meet him, she cut the scarf in fours so they'd all have a gift from him.
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Her past is also mostly a secret but to simplify, Splinter and Shredder are bitter exes.
We can't wait to post more Redline, and we have the first comic coming within this month. Thank you!! I hope you have a good February as well!!
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gerardscrane · 2 months
Hi, my name is Gael and here is information that i can’t fit in my bio —>
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I’m 20, i prefer they/them but to be completely honest idrm, i’m from Cork (🇮🇪), im bisexual, been an emo mf since 2016, obsessed with MANY fictional & non fictional mf’s, and am i complete fucking mess! Also im autistic idk how i could’ve left that out… Almost like its obvious…
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Anyways heres my very humble list of fandoms (put into boxes/category’s) —>
special interests (the big ones):
‘mainstream’ emo bands (paramore duh, my chemical romance also duh, panic! at the disco, fall out boy, ptv, green day ect.)
the dc universe mostly batverse (specifically the batman rouges although batfam has my heart)
the REAL big three (kendrick lamar, tyler the creator and my king, frank ocean)
taylor mf swift (mostly the albums themselves not so much her as a person bc i take very little interest despite respecting and appreciating her)
a song of ice and fire (although i refuse to talk abt it on the internet for fear of being doxxed LMAO)
hyperfixations (common hyperfix’s that come & go every couple of months) —>
megan thee stallion (i <3 her sm but i feel like i fade in & out of listening to her music iykwim)
star-wars (originals mf til i DIE) (i don’t support mark hamill as a person)
criminal minds (SAVE ME TARA SAVE MEEEE)
MLP (my little pony)
TMNT (most iterations)
hellaverse (hazbin & helluva)
many musicals (mainly trhs, poto, hamilton, heathers & gastby)
clone high
hyperfix’s i don’t really get anymore —>
sally face
yandere sim
harry potter
marvel (DEEPLY retired)
many others i can’t think of
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my fictional wives & husbands —>
rhaenyra targeryan
jonathan crane
baela targeryan
bryce tankthrust
kate sharma
gotham! lucius fox (my underrated king)
padme amidala
daenerys targeryan
finn (star wars sequels)
millie (helluva boss)
sal fisher
luther (dbh)
markus (dbh)
klaus (tua)
miriko (mha)
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real life love interests (NOT CLICKBAIT) —>
gerard way
kendrick lamar
hayley williams
frank ocean
patrick stump
simone ashley
we’re all in a happy 7-some just fyi
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beliefs + dni list —>
conservatives, pro ‘lifers’, trumpies, homophobes, racists, abelists ect get tf off my page please
proships make me uncomfy as hell; i respect your right to block me for that as long as you respect my desire not to be sent or boosted any of that
i believe in shifting. anti-shifters don’t try convince me of anything otherwise; again i respect the right to exercise the block button
just bc someone likes an artists music/a actors, directors, writers movie, or a developers game doesn’t mean they respect them as a person or even support them, pirating exists
cancel culture is ok sometimes (in the case of the likes of Shane Dawson, Wilbur Soot, Katy Perry ect.) but many times is just an excuse to spread hate (in the case of Hayley Williams, MEGAN THEE STALLION never forgiving yall for that and John Mauleny)
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to end on a good note, mcr5 is real 🫶🚨
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I love demo so fuckin much but i wish there was more both canon and fanon content for him that isnt just "haha funni alcoholism " like. Idk it super fucking bothers me as a kid of an alcoholic (now recovering and about 2 years sober!!!) like. I would love to rec the game to my dad bc i know he would loce the style and humor but hes also really proud of being scottish and i khow that the main characterization pf demo would probably bother him.
Anyway demo beating alcoholism arc when.
I actually have a ton of posts abt this (u can probably dig thru "#demoman tf2" asks to find them lol) but yeah I rlly think abt this a lot. I'm also the kid of an alcoholic (actually a pretty long line of them, I'm actually pretty predisposed to it myself because I also inherited all the same anxiety/neurodivergency/etc. problems) and I'm also aware of a lot of politics surrounding addiction and am invested in harm reduction n stuff like that, so my feelings abt it are actually kinda complicated. I don't like the idea that Demo being an alcoholic is, like, a "mistake" made on Valve's end that needs to be "fixed" in fan content - it's not inherently wrong to have a character who is an alcoholic or even really a comedic character who is one. I think there's a big trend in fans (especially white people lol) totally overstepping and "fixing him" by just, never mentioning it even in places it would actually be appropriate and just pretending he was never written to have an addiction. I think that's just another way of showing that you think someone can't be a Good Person(tm) and an addict. The other side of the coin, of course, is the INSANE prevalence of people who make it his one defining personality trait and often completely mischaracterize him by giving him traits they associate with alcoholism but that he doesn't have (laziness, aggression, stupidity etc.). I actually find the way he's written in canon to be. pretty okay? There's definitely times where it's Bad but most of the time I think it's alright. Even the "short, violent temper" thing (a trait he's apparently supposed to have? But tbh he doesn't really have in any of the supplemental material lmao) feels less like a stereotype of alcoholism (as fans will make it) and more like an ethnic/nationality-based stereotype (which everyone in tf2 is, so it doesn't feel specifically targeted) (although you can also argue that him being an alcoholic is also a nationality stereotype which like. yeah). Smth I think a lot of people forget but is actually pretty present in most iterations of his lore and also in a lot of his game/intro video dialogue is that he has some kinda trauma and his self-esteem is completely in the toilet. This, in my opinion, adds another layer to his addiction that while maybe not really explored in canon (because it's not that kind of media, no one really gets their serious backstories explored they're just established and then dropped for more jokes) can definitely be expanded upon in fan stuff. I know yall like angst! Stop fucking writing "angst" where you conflate alcoholism with domestic violence and stupidity and start treating him like a human being lol. Write about Demo dealing with or beating alcoholism, but don't write it like it's his entire personality or pretend it doesn't exist. It's a part of him, but not all there is to him. Sorry for the SUPER long response anon omg I love talking and this is a topic I specifically have a ton of thoughts on. Sorry if this isn't rlly coherent, like I said I have a lot of posts abt this topic. I might go rb some now just to clarify my opinions
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rainyraisin · 2 months
For the Tmnt ask game !
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
I absolutely ADORE Donnie and Raph!!!! Brains and brawn has always been my favourite duo, no matter the iteration. Its always Raph or Donnie who's my favourite (usually Donnie but 2012 Donnie and Raph are tied for me) so like Im always a massive fan of their dynamic 😭💖 I had a Rise fic I was writing that started off with a scene between them (some of yall have prolly seen it bc I posted the WIP in full since I abandoned it, at least for now) and like even though it was a fight I still loved writing them both so much aughhhhh I love how despite how much their personalities clash they love each other at the end of the day and it's always really nice when they have something they can bond over!!!!
I need to draw them more tbf prolly Rise specifically cause that's the brains and brawn duo I'm most attached to. I'm not very good at drawing Rise Raph but there shall be an attempt 🔥🔥🔥 (or maybe ill write smth if I have the motivation, maybe a hurt/comfort fic after the new rise comic bc @meggalice DESTROYED me with her Donnie angst and I need to brain it)
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sunbratz · 3 years
alright yall its time............ suggest songs for my three caballeros playlist :)
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baratiddyslut · 3 years
Looking back at my history with Sonic... it's so fucking surreal that I got to witness the births of 90% of this fandom's pairings.
I remember when Sonails used to be the absolute norm along side Sonally because most people were on the fence about whether Tails was a boy or not so they just defaulted to making him a girl. I still remember reading fanfics that referred to our little yellow menace as "she". This quickly got shut down though when Sega confirmed Tails as a "he". Sonails fell into obscurity because "GAY BAD" and it hasn't quite recovered from it... I dont think the people of today really want it to... but you can't really blame them. Nowadays it's hard to even imagine that Tails could've been mistaken for anything other than a dude. History is so fun lol.
I remember when Sonadow was invented. With the rising popularity in anime (specifically shounen anime), Shounen-Ai was creeping its way up there. Gay relationships were so goddamn taboo compared to nowadays but goddamnit if the taboo didn't capture your heart in some weird demented way- then I guess people got tired of the soft and fluffy "Shounen-Ai" and just wanted the gay porn, the "YAOI" and by god if Sonadow wasn't the most popular yaoi ship in existence... It still very much is but it's toned down in it's depraved raunchiness over the years. I still remember when it used to have like 5 names because people were so into trying to categorize it in the "Seme/Uke" fashion. Shadic/Shadonic/ShaSoni for Seme!Shadow and Uke!Sonic- which was and still very much is the most popular iteration of the ship, then you had SoniSha/Sonadow for the Seme!Sonic and Uke!Shadow version. Somewhere down the line, Westerners got too lazy to categorize and decided that "Sonadow" sounded the best because it rolls off the tongue nice and has a good mouth feel so it shall be the umbrella term for every iteration of Sonic x Shadow x Sonic. Sonadow has literally withstood the test of time for a whole 20 goddamn years and counting, if ANYTHING, yall HAVE to give this ship mad props for that. Not even Sonally can compare to that and Sonamy is a close second. I say Sonamy is a close second because it was never really enjoyed as Sonic and Amy being cute together (yes, like every ship, there are people who actually genuinely enjoyed it but the climate was the complete opposite). Sonamy was "enjoyed" because it was either better than Sonally or because it wasn't "gross gay yaoi shit" like Sonadow and other upcoming ships.
NEXT IS SONKNUX. It's always been an understated ship but it definitely became a little more popular when Sonadow got big because "MORE YAOI". I remember not having very strong feelings for the ship. I didn't hate it but I didn't care for it either, it was more like "yeah ok that makes sense if you're going to make it gay". It was never "OMG SO POPULAR" but it did have a following you had to acknowledge, like even the most delusional people couldn't deny this ship lol. There was also Knuxadow but at the time it was barely even a thing, it was an obscure rarepair but not so much anymore.
Now the go to for Knuckles ships was and still definitely is Knuxouge. God I remember all of the misogynistic flavored fan art and fan fics for this pairing- like, I get it. Rouge got nice curves, big ass, and fat tiddies while Knuckles got that big dick (which I'm going to say he doesn't because there's literally nothing there... there's nothing there except for smooth red fur... nothing-) and hypermasculinity. I get it. I loved this ship tho, there was more porn of it than genuine fan art and fan fics, but I mean yall get the picture. Im pretty sure yall can grasp the climate that surrounded this ship back in the day.
Knuxpio is also a ship but it was super obscure, like only deep divers got into it. I guess that still kinda rings true today because although there are definitely more people to appreciate it, it's still not on the public stage like alot of other ships. Same goes for Knuxighty and most other Knuckles ships.
CRAILS... TAILREAM... TAILS X CREAM. I am almost positive we still don't have a definitive ship name for these two but boy do I remember when these two little demons blew up. I used to like this ship because I thought it was super super adorable- like, here you have Sonic with all of these love interests but what about Tails? Tails should have a little someone of his own. In walks Cream in all of her adorable little bunny glory..... and Charmy too- BUT EVERYTHING WENT SO BAD SO FUCKING FAST. IT WAS NO LONGER CUTE. Welcome to the big popularity boom of shotacon and lolicon outside of Japan.
This post is already miles long so look out for a second one... probably... it's just so fun recalling the fruition of all of these ships and comparing some of them to how they're received today. Much nostalgia very punch to the gut~
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creativityobsessed · 4 years
Be Brave Adachi, or the musical shaping of episodes 1-4
Part 1: Episode 1
Ok folks, buckle up. @ohmypreciousgirl asked me for more music meta and I need exactly ZERO arm twisting for that to happen, so I immediately put on my listening ears and musicologist hat and started my eleventy first rewatch. Since I’m currently only through episode 4 on this rewatch, and I have a page and a half of notes, I’m gonna put in a Read More so that I don’t take up the next 5 miles of the tags. You might be interested if:
You like music
You’re interested in detailed analysis of character development
You’re wondering why the heck those scenes where Adachi is having all the anxiety are so dang effective.
The answer, of course, is that the music helps to shape the exact moments that Adachi makes steps towards character growth. Under the cut, you’ll find out exactly how it’s doing that.
This will be a 4-part series, running over the next 4 days because I got halfway through episode 3 and realized that yall did NOT want a 10 page paper in a single tumblr post. Plus then I can extend the series to include the rest of the episodes later.
So. Without further ado.
Episode 1  (If you’d like to watch/listen along, cue up 19:45 in episode 1* now.) 
At the beginning of the show, we’re introduced to Adachi, the shy, introverted, anxious klutz. He tells us lots of things about himself, most of which include some reference to either his lack of bravery or his self-esteem which is currently so low that it seems to be floating somewhere in the Marianas Trench. Aside from the opening scene with the bike (which many of us, myself included, have hypothesized comes from some kind of future) the music is mostly laid-back, a little jazzy, and repetitive. Adachi’s office scenes come with a walking bass/guitar line that never really finds a melody, and reminds me of nothing more than generic 90s/early 2000s slice-of-life “this is every day” music. His Adachi-at-home music is gently strummed guitar, slow and kind of lethargic, mirroring the way Adachi just floats through life. The main exception is Adachi’s monologue on Kurosawa, which is fast paced, march-like, and jaunty - a reflection of how Adachi sees Kurosawa before the events of the show.
And then, at the end of the episode, that changes, and we get something new for the first time. Adachi is processing the new revelation that Kurosawa actually does like him, and he has just finished telling himself that Kurosawa must have gone crazy to like someone like him. There has been no musical accompaniment since they were in the office together. Kurosawa wraps the scarf around Adachi’s neck and Adachi hears Kurosawa’s inner monologue, cataloging the things he likes about Adachi.
This speech is obviously a turning point for Adachi, but we can be more specific than that. For Kurosawa’s first couple of points, we’re still in silence, and Adachi is looking down. We can imagine that he’s doing his own mental list that starts something like “yeah but…” But after the line “He’s actually an extremely kind and nice guy,” Adachi looks up at Kurosawa, and finally, after two whole minutes of silence in the soundtrack, a new kind of cue comes in.
This new cue is the antithesis of the rest of the soundtrack. It’s fully acoustic (with a little bit of reverb) and played on the piano, an instrument that the composer has not yet used. What’s more, the fragment that the piano repeats is completely unstable. We have no idea what key we’re in (yet. Spoiler, it’ll be A-major, eventually). [warning: technical stuff starts here, if you don’t care about specifics, jump to the /endTechnical tag] It starts with a first inversion D-major chord (in later iterations, IV^6) that attempts to resolve to G-D-A which is NOT a chord, or rather, it could be any number of chords but without a 3rd somewhere in there we don’t know which it is.
Ok, ok, so, resolution failed. Let’s try again! D-major^6 and then instead of going down to D, the A goes up a M3 to C-sharp, making G-E-C-sharp - WHOOPS that’s a tritone, less resolution than the first time. To be fair, the tritone is pretty far apart, and there’s an E floating around in the middle, so it doesn’t feel as teeth grinding-ly gross as your average Danse Macabre, but it SURE AS HELL doesn’t feel resolved either. [/endTechnical]
And we go back and forth between these two VERY unresolved phrases. It’s like we’re (read: Adachi is) stuck asking new questions that he doesn’t have any answers for. It’s unsettling and we spend almost 30 seconds just sitting there feeling unresolved, trying again and again in different octaves, with slightly different notes in the (almost inaudible) string parts-- nothing works. Adachi is not ready to move beyond the questions themselves, so the music doesn’t either, ending on a high unresolved note with Kurosawa’s “Wait.”^
And that’s IT. No resolution. The next musical cue is after enough dead space that our metaphorical ear palate has been cleansed (which is good, cause we jump from quasi-A major to a sequential figure with at least FOUR FLATS - about as distant a key as you can get). To get resolution for the Questioning cue, we’re going to have to wait.
And wait and wait, because that’s it for tonight yall! Episode 2 coming tomorrow!
Continue to part 2
[Although, real quick, before we move on to Episode 2, I just wanna mention that I love that Adachi’s fears about Kurosawa’s crush are scored with a very speedy bebop style cue while Kurosawa’s actual fantasies might as well be a Bach Oratorio COMPLETE WITH METRONOME, because if you needed to shorthand “antithesis” musically I’m not sure I could think of a better way of doing it, short of using screamo metal and Hildegard von Bingen lol.]
*All video timings and quotes are from Irozuku Subs videos. If you’re watching somewhere else, your mileage may vary slightly.
^As an English speaker I love the parallelism in how American English speakers use a rising tone to indicate questions, but I don’t know enough about Japanese to know if that transfers.
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turtletaytei · 4 years
What are some things you like about each of Mikey's relationships with his brothers? (Doesn't have to be ROTTMNT specific.)
This ... this is gonna be a long one so in this literal essay i’m gonna just mindlessly ramble about each dynamic - and then probably talk individually about rise cause of how they shook up the foundations
I ... love how like, no matter the series/iteration, Mikey always has this certain level of trust in his brothers. He trusts them to have his back, and trusts them all as a group to be able to get through things. (Tho whether it’s ... mutually returned kinda depends on the brother, the situation, and the series). But no matter what, Mikey always seems to kinda be that “light in the darkness” situation. Keeps his brothers from falling too far into their angst by dragging them out of it by their mask tails and annoying them until they forget what they were brooding about.
Donnie and Mikey have always been my favorite brother dynamic to latch onto cause they’re kinda two sides of the same coin. Mikey’s chaos, resourcefulness, and crafty nature balances out against Donnie’s usually more controlled, quick-thinking, and logical mindset. They’re opposites but never in a way where it’s like super clashing and instead they have a really interesting back and forth between them (if done right). They’re brothers, but I think they’re the kind of siblings where they’re the closest to being best friends if that makes sense??
Mikey and Raph’s dynamic has always been the most “stereotypical sibling” dynamic - and it can be super entertaining and fun, while on the other hand can be ... tiring. In past iterations (outside of Rise cause it was the first to truly shake up the formula between Raph and Mikey), it was always them being the shit-stirrers but in different ways. Raph got into fights, Mikey got under people’s skin. Normally he eggs on Raph’s nerves intentionally and Raph would retaliate with the stereotypical brother roughhousing and insults. But they obviously care about each other and genuinely have some of the most interesting moments together in 2003 imo.
Mikey and Leo are a ... little harder, cause honestly, Leo’s been a character that just kinda slip under my radar in all other iterations other than Rise. So it’s hard for me to directly call up the core of their dynamic outside of “responsible leader older brother and the younger brother that tries to get him to loosen up”. But he’s always seemed to have the most patience with Mikey’s antics in other series, and Mikey has always seemed to be pretty perceptive when it comes to Leo? Know when he needs to lighten the mood for him, or to back off. But like i said, their dynamic has always been a bit harder for me to narrow down on cause it’s raaaarely explored beyond “i’m the older brother so i’m mildly annoyed by the antics of my youngest brother, but i love him anyway”.
Rise on the other hand shook up the dynamics in Mikey’s relationships because while they kept Mikey’s core character, they changed how his brothers interact with it. They also took away his more “i’m going to pester you cause i’m the FUNNY YOUNGER BROTHER”, so that changed a LOT.
Leo and Mikey are the younger brothers in Rise and they seem to honestly spend a ton of time together - usually scene skateboarding together the most out of the brothers. They’ve also added the competitive nature between them, and Mikey occasionally trying to one-up Leo. The Gumbus episode is honestly one of my favorites - and it’s because we got to see a side of their dynamic explored. Mikey’s fear of the supernatural, and Leo’s stubbornness about being right - and how they mesh in that situation together. (I’m also ALWAYS happy to get Protective Big Bro Leo moments with him dragging Mikey out of danger when he freezes up, and holding on him when he goes into his shell. mA fackin HART YALL)
Raph and Mikey’s dynamic also got a really big change and it’s personally for the better for me. I always underSTOOD their past dynamic, but that didn’t mean that i was always ... okay with it. Raph being overall more openly loving on his family, being the protective older brother and trying to corral his heathens of little siblings is a really refreshing change. And having that dynamic of him being a protective older brother, and Mikey being a 13 year old boy that’s probably been pretty babied his whole life trying to gain some independence, makes for an interesting shake up. Mikey’s constantly pushing at Raph’s authority, while also trusting in raph a TON. And I agree with some people that say that, to a degree, Raph is a really powerful source of security for Mikey. Mikey probably wouldn’t even think about it, or really think to notice, but Raph makes him feel safe and like they can get through whatever.
And as for Mikey and Donnie - their dynamic has only slightly shifted despite the change to their characters. I still see them as kinda two side of that same coin still - best bros and best buds. They’re the two creatives of the family - Mikey with his art and Donnie with his creations, and I think that puts them on a similar wavelength together. And just like with the other older bros, Mikey has an ABSURD amount of trust in Donnie. All I can think about is that scene in Bug Busters when Mikey willingly free fell to the city down below so Donnie could take the shot at Big Mama. And just like in the past series, Donnie and Mikey are often paired off together in situations - but it now feels really natural to their characters. They definitely get on each others nerves, and certain aspects of their personalities clash. But I think Mikey is the one that Donnie gets along with the easiest in most cases. Also Donnie accepts affection the most from Mikey - outside of those group family hugs. Little Sibling Rights™️
and i could go on forever about them tbh cause this is just what i think about in free time, but thanks for asking yo!
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
Zombie symbolism in media? Body snatchers? That sounds extremely interesting 👀👀👀
I’ll leave my ramblings under the cut.
The Bodysnatchers thing is a bit quicker to explain so I’ll start with that. Basically, Invasion of the Body Snatchers was released in 1956, about a small town where the people are slowly but surely replaced and replicated by emotionless hivemind pod aliens. It was a pretty obvious metaphor for the red scare and America’s fear of the ‘growing threat of communism’ invading their society. A communist could look like anyone and be anyone, after all.
Naturally, the bodysnatcher concept got rebooted a few times - Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978), Body Snatchers (1993), and The Invasion (2007), just off the top of my head. You’re all probably very familiar with the core concept: people are slowly being replaced by foreign duplicates. 
But while the monster has remained roughly the same, the theme has not. In earlier renditions, Bodysnatchers symbolized communism. But in later renditions, the narratives shifted to symbolize freedom of expression and individualism - that is, people’s ability to express and think for themselves being taken away. That’s because freedom of thought/individuality is a much more pressing threat on our minds in the current climate. Most people aren’t scared of communists anymore, but we are scared of having our free will taken away from us. 
The best indicator of the era in which a story is created is its villain. Stories written circa 9/11 have villains that are foreign, because foreign terrorism was a big fear in the early 2000s. In the past, villains were black people, because white people were racist (and still are, but more blatantly so in the past). 
Alright, now for the fun part.
Although the concept has existed in Haitian voodooism for ages, the first instance of zombies in western fiction was a book called The Magic Island written by William Seabrook in 1929. Basically ol Seabrook took a trip to Haiti and saw all the slaves acting tired and ‘brutish’ and, having learned about the voodoo ‘zombi’, believed the slaves were zombies, and thus put them in his book.
The first zombie story in film was actually an adaptation of Seabrook’s accounts, called White Zombie (1932). It was about a couple who takes a trip to Haiti, only for the woman to be turned into a zombie and enchanted into being a Haitian’s romantic slave. SUPER racist, if you couldn’t tell, but not only does it reflect the state of entertainment of the era - Dracula and Frankenstein had both been released around the same time - but it also reflects American cultural fears. That is, the fear of white people losing their authoritative control over the world. White fright.
Naturally, the box office success of White Zombie inspired a whole bunch of other remakes and spinoffs in the newly minted zombie genre, most of them taking a similar Haitian voodoo approach. Within a decade, zombies had grown from an obscure bit of Haitian lore to a fully integrated part of American pop culture. Movies, songs, books, cocktails, etc. 
But this was also a time for WWII to roll around and, much like the Bodysnatchers, zombie symbolism evolved to fit the times. Now zombies experienced a shift from white fright and ethnic spirituality to something a bit more secular. Now they were a product of foreign science created to perpetuate warmongering schemes. In King of Zombies (1941), a spy uses zombies to try and force a US Admiral to share his secrets. And Steve Sekely’s Revenge of the Zombies (1943) became the first instance of Nazi zombies. 
Then came the atom bomb, and once more zombie symbolism shifted to fears of radiation and communism. The most on-the-nose example of this is Creature With the Atom Brain (1955).
Then came the Vietnam War, and people started fearing an uncontrollable, unconscionable military. In Night of the Living Dead (1968), zombies were caused by radiation from a space probe, combining both nuclear and space-race motifs, as well as a harsh government that would cause you just as much problems as the zombies. One could argue that the zombies in the Living Dead series represent military soldiers, or more likely the military-industrial complex as a whole, which is presented as mindless in its pursuit of violence.
The Living Dead series also introduced a new mainstay to the genre: guns. Military stuff. Fighting. Battle. And that became a major milestone in the evolution of zombie representation in media. This was only exacerbated by the political climate of the time. In the latter half of the 20th century, there were a lot of wars. Vietnam, Korea, Arab Spring, Bay of Pigs, America’s various invasions and attacks on Middle Eastern nations, etc. Naturally the public were concerned by all this fighting, and the nature of zombie fiction very much evolved to match this.
But the late 1900s weren’t just a place of war. They were also a place of increasing economic disparity and inequal wealth distribution. In the 70s and 80s, the wage gap widened astronomically, while consumerism remained steadily on the rise. And so, zombies symbolized something else: late-stage capitalism. Specifically, capitalist consumption - mindless consumption. For example, in Dawn of the Dead (1978), zombies attack a mall, and with it the hedonistic lifestyles of the people taking refuge there. This iteration props up zombies as the consumers, and it is their mindless consumption that causes the fall of the very system they were overindulging in.
Then there was the AIDS scare, and the zombie threat evolved to match something that we can all vibe with here in the time of COVID: contagion. Now the zombie condition was something you could get infected with and turn into. In a video game called Resident Evil (1996), the main antagonist was a pharmaceutical company called the Umbrella Corporation that’s been experimenting with viruses and bio-warfare. In 28 Days Later (2002), viral apes escape a research lab and infect an unsuspecting public.
Nowadays, zombies are a means of expressing our contemporary fears of apocalypse. It’s no secret that the world has been on the brink for a while now, and everyone is waiting with bated breath for the other shoe to drop. Post-apocalypse zombie movies act as simultaneous male power fantasy, expression of contemporary cynicism, an expression of war sentiments, and a product of the zombie’s storied symbolic history. People are no longer able to trust the government, and in many ways people have a hard time trusting each other, and this manifests as an every-man-for-himself survivalist narrative. 
So why have zombies endured for so long, despite changing so much? Why are we so fascinated by them? Well, many say that it’s because zombies are a way for us to express our fears of apocalypse. Communism, radiation, contagion - these are all threats to the country’s wellbeing. Some might even say that zombies represent a threat to conversative America/white nationalism, what with the inclusion of voodooism, foreign entities, and late-stage capitalism being viewed as enemies.
Personally, I might partly agree with the conservative America thing, but I don’t think zombies exist to project our fears onto. That’s just how villains and monsters work in general. In fiction, the conflict’s stakes don’t hit home unless the villain is intimidating. The hero has to fight something scary for us to be invested in their struggles. But the definition of what makes something scary is different for every different generation and social group. Maybe that scary thing is foreign invaders, or illness, or losing a loved one, or a government takeover. As such, the stories of that era mold to fit the fears of that era. It’s why we see so many government conspiracy thrillers right now; it’s because we’re all afraid of the government and what it can do to us.
So if projecting societal fears onto the story’s villain is a commonplace practice, then what makes zombies so special? Why have they lasted so long and so prevalently? I would argue it’s because the concept of a zombie, at its core, plays at a long-standing American ideal: freedom.
Why did people migrate to the New World? Religious freedom. Why did we start the Revolutionary War and become our own country? Freedom from England’s authority. Why was the Civil War a thing? The south wanted freedom from the north - and in a remarkable display of irony, they wanted to use that freedom to oppress black people. Why are we so obsessed with capitalism? Economic freedom.
Look back at each symbolic iteration of the zombie. What’s the common thread? In the 20s/30s, it was about white fright. The fear that black people could rise up against them and take away their perceived ‘freedom’ (which was really just tyrannical authority, but whatever). During WWII, it was about foreign threats coming in and taking over our country. During Vietnam, it became about our military spinning out of control and hecking things up for the rest of us. In the 80s/90s, it was about capitalism turning us into mindless consumers. Then it was about plagues and hiveminds and the collapse of society as a whole, destroying everything we thought we knew and throwing our whole lives into disarray. In just about every symbolic iteration, freedom and power have been major elements under threat.
And even deeper than that, what is a zombie? It’s someone who, for whatever reason, is a mindlessly violent creature that cannot think beyond base animal impulses and a desire to consume flesh. You can no longer think for yourself. Everything that made you who you are is gone.
Becoming a zombie is the ultimate violation of someone’s personal freedom. And that terrifies Americans.
Although an interesting - and concerning - phenomenon is this new wave of wish fulfillment zombie-ism. You know, the gun-toting action movie hero who has the personality of soggy toast and a jaw so chiseled it could decapitate the undead. That violent survivalist notion of living off the grid and being a total badass all the while. It speaks to men who, for whatever reason, feel their masculinity and dominance is under threat. So they project their desires to compensate for their lack of masculine control onto zombie fiction, granting them personal freedom from obligations and expectations (and feminism) to live out their solo macho fantasies by engaging in low- to no-consequence combat. And in doing so, completely disregarding the fact that those same zombies were once people who cruelly had their freedom of self ripped away from them. Gaining their own freedom through the persecution of others (zombies). And if that doesn’t sum up the white conservative experience, I don’t know what does.
So yeah. That’s zombies, y’all.
Thanks for the ask!
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valdotpng · 5 years
Can the Gay art bugs also help Myla?
while she definitely Could join hallownests coolest new art club/therapy group, i dont really think that her problems being solved by becoming some kind of an artist would fit her character… arc? i guess??
see, i picked the ‘quirrel gets dragged to sheo’s and becomes a landscape painter’ route for several reasons (tw for suicide mention/discussion btw!!): 
the first one being, obviously, the nailsmith - a character that has a lot of similarities with quirrel when you think about it. he also helps you on your quest throughout your big adventure– he upgrades your weapon til he forges the pure nail and so, after doing the thing that he was meant to do, wants to end his life. if we take the ‘quirrel kills himself after the blue lake scene’ theory into consideration here, you can definitely see the similarities in their… approach to fullfilling their ‘life purposes’. and imo thats exactly the kinda thing that both of these guys could bond over if quirrel is given the same opportunity to recover from this kinda mentality. if the nailsmith lived through this, then so can quirrel
the second one is related to the thing that people like to point out a lot - quirrels nail, how he always iterates the vital importance of having one, and how he symbolically abandons it by the end of his journey. this is where sheo comes in! sheo is basically a bug whose whole life used to revolve around the nail… until it didnt; he was able to find a new calling in life by abandoning his old one. ‘abandoning’ is a strong word though, cause he definitely held on to most of his knowledge and mastery of the nail, repurposed it. after all, “the wielding of a nail, the wielding of a brush… these things are not so different”. maybe quirrel could learn this lesson, too
the last one is that i just think that becoming a traveling landscape artist just… fits him?? quirrel LOVES exploring and sightseeing, so why couldnt he become passionate about trying to capture the many wonders of hallownest (and possibly other lands)? preserving those awe-inspiring places, recording those moments of discovery on a canvas. to archive them, if you will.
i hope they dont mind the tag (i’ll delete it if u do), but @wingmould added some really nice tags on my original post about the idea, and, Yeah. i wholeheartedly agree
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now to myla. first and foremost, i gotta say that im one of the people desperately clinging to the hope that if you dont touch her and then get rid of the infection, she gets cured and lives happily ever after. that being said, i know that some of yall accidentally (or purposefully, out of mercy) kill her. so! heres what i got for our sweet miner girl in vals ‘theyre FINE shut up’ au:
in my understanding, the main cause of myla succumbing to the plague are two things feeding into eachother: her obsession and her loneliness. 
(presumably) like many explorers before her, myla came to hallownest with a specific goal in mind -  to get wealthy. and them mysterious, powerful crystals near the mines sure do look like a jackpot, dont they? especially when they start singing about ‘something even more valuable hidden deeper in’. that’s the reason she comes down there, the reason why she stays AND the reason why the radiance is able to invade her mind so easily. but i think that if she just had someone that could stop that obsession from consuming her, she could get saved??
like, sure, little ghost might pop in now and then to listen to her singing, but i dont think theyre really able to tell her ‘myla for the love of god stop overworking yourself and go outside’. and, from what we know, she doesnt have any friends/acquances besides the knight who could do that, either. “This is hard work, but I don’t mind. Down here, I can k-keep working without even sleeping. It’s fun!” see what i mean????? shes been down there for god knows how long, sleep deprived, probably starved, and alone, and NOBODY tells her that, hey, maybe she should, like, take care of herself? please??
so my idea is that someone actually does that and saves her. im thinking maybe sly? or cornifer?? cornifer deffo would be a better candidate since, in-canon, he could find myla while doing some exploring. and then he could take her to dirtmouth at some point, to, yknow, get some fresh air and maybe a cup of bug tea or whatever. and, after speaking with iselda, she Possibly could get hired as the new map shop keeper? since iselda is interested in going on an adventure with corny. it would be a way for myla to earn some geo and not risk her life while doing that. plus she could make some friends in dirtmouth! that way she’d be surrounded by people that wouldnt let her reach that rock bottom again, yknow?
woof, thats!! a lot of text. sorry about that! im just really passionate abt HK discussions!! anyways, it’s 5 am and im still not sleeping so i should. probably go do that sdhfuashdffus. good night
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lepoppeta · 4 years
Skimbleshanks for the Cats ask meme?
favourite thing about them
so many things.
this is kind of particular to the 1998 version of the show but... im weak... for scottish accents. so, so weak. 
also he arguably has the best song in the entire goddamn show.
i have to say that possibly my absolute favourite iteration of skimbleshanks was the original 1989 paris version in which his name is “edgar” (played specifically theirry gondet), and he comes off as significantly younger than his english counterpart. while this isnt the interpretation i usually adhere to in my fanwork, its so, so precious to me. 
least favourite thing about them
how dare you hes perfect.
favourite line
“id been busy in the luggage van!”
i like to think that he gets along with almost anybody! but in particular i believe that hes very friendly with bustopher jones.
skimblestrap was my first ship for this fandom and it remains very close to my heart. theyre just... i couldnt describe how much i love the thought of them together.
additionally, i also have a bit of a fascination with tuggershanks. the idea of skimble being embarrassed beyond words by an overly promiscuous rockstar cat is rather delightful. 
skimbledots... im sorry yall. i just dont get it outside of “they could be the parents of the majority of the younger cats in the yard”. 
random headcanon
skimbleshanks (were talking true cats here, not humanoid ones) was born on a train, and grew up with some kind of white noise constantly in his ears. he gets rather twitchy when hes faced with long periods of complete silence. this has resulted in him becoming quite the chatterbox, and he also will sing to himself to pass the time. 
unpopular opinion
hes not really that old. in human years, he probably hovers at around his mid to late thirties. 
song i associate with them
“the greatest adventure” from the 1977 hobbit animated film soundtrack (glenn yarborough)
favourite picture of them
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(this is “edgar”, portrayed by theirry gondet, whos an absolute baby and deserves the entire world)
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bangtanficrecs · 6 years
Lost & Found Batch #18
The newest batch was long overdue ^^;; As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I think my ask got lost TT I was wondering if you guys know of a vmin fic on ao3 where they’re roommates and jimin likes tae and decided to seduce him by asking him to take nude pics of him, and tae ended up not reacting and then they admitted that they both liked each other? Or something along those lines. PLEASE HELP IT WAS SO AWESOME AND I LOVED IT :( thank you!!!
you're only brave in the moonlight by ameliabedelias
2) Hi!! so a while back i was reading a yoonseok fic on ao3, it was smut, and i wanted to read it again but i cant find it, i was wondering if you could help??? it was yoonseok and yoongi was a "beta" but soon found out he was an omega he called himself a "late bloomer"?? and hoseok walks in, they have sex, and i specifically remember yoongi feeling hoseoks dick in his stomach and "rubbing" it. i know its wierd but can you please help me find it???
A Test in What, Exactly, Is "Too Much" by Yooniefucks
3) Hello, I'm trying to find a fic that has taekook in it. I don't actually remember what the fic is about, but I remember that jungkook is a guard/knight and somewhere along the story, the Prince (?) finds out that jungkook is a werewolf since he was bitten as a child and he imprinted on taehyung, who's human if I'm not mistaken. The king took him in, and he used to be chained to a cage/cave (?) during full moon. It will be great if you can help me :) thank you! 💜
4) Hi, I'm trying to find this yoonjin fic were yoongi is walking home from an underground gig and it's late at night. He smells fresh baked goods and it leads him to a building he passes by all the time but never noticed before. He goes inside and jin fixes him a drink and gives him a muffin/cupcake. At the end jin reveals that he's magic and he cast a spell to find love. Thank you for your help!!
5) I'm looking for a yoongi/jimin fic where jimin is abused by his boyfriend (I think the author used a random idol) and yoongi catches on and tries to help but jimin is really damaged. The rest of the group lowkey knows jimin abused but don't know how to help. Sorry I can't remember lots of details but it was really angsty and good
6) hello, im looking for some kind of royalty fan fic where jimin was visiting yoongi’s palace/home? I can’t remember why but they weren’t close in the beginning. All I can remember was a scene where a bunch of boys were in a room smoking and playing poker (half naked?) and a young servant/slave who was able to play any piano piece after just listening to it once and in the end he left with a Russian man who made music.... thank youu
7) Ugh I seriously need help! I’ve been looking for this fic I lost for 3 days now, I really want to read it again! I’m going to be upset if it was deleted :( anyway, it was a fic where the boys were on their way to something and they got in a car crash but it was only Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Tae and Kook. Then Jin and Hoseok were kidnapped by a guy named Sung I think, and the fic focused on Yoongi and Tae and Kook traveling through the woods they crashed in looking for Jin and Hobi and then (pt.1) Jimin and Joon were at a hotel with their manager and they were convinced something was wrong and they wanted to go look for them. In the end they got rescued and they killed the Sung guy and Yoongi was shot and I just really want to find it again cause there was an unfinished sequel. I’m so upset. I hope this was enough to help you help me lookfor it!
8) YOOO what's poppin sis'. Can yall help me. I've been looking for this fic where the rap line is an underground rap line and like they perform cypher pt 3? Idfr the name but the main pairings were namjin and yoonmin. Thanks 🤪🤪🧡
9) Hi there! I was hoping you guys could help me find this fic - it's on AO3. It was multi-chaptered, completed, and was a collection of namjoon centric oneshots/drabbles. one of the chapters was inspired by the "princess princess" anime and featured joon wearing panties, bent over jin's lap, before yoongi came to rescue him from a bunch of onlookers. please help!!
10) Hi! I’m looking for a Yoongi/Jungkook fic. I’ve been searching nonstop for a few weeks and I think the author may have deleted it. The plot line is basically this: Jungkook is a medical student who falls in love with Yoongi and eventually loses his drive in the field. I know it has sexual content so it’s either M rated or E. One of the tags was ‘slow burn’ and ‘Jungkook cries a lot’. Thanks in advance!
11) Hello! In the lost chuchu batch 16, #13 is "I Can't Even" by handintheshot in Ao3. But I can't find a link of it. Also, I'd like to ask whether you know about the fic where jimin suddenly has a vagenay and then proceeds to have a hot threesome with jk and tae? If possible, can you please recommend me more like those? Thank you so much 💜
12) Hello! Do u guys know of a vmin pwp oneshot where taehyung has ADHD? They sit in a chair for most of it, and the premise has a slight focus on how Jimin makes it easier for Tae to sit still. It was really sweet, and I can't find it :c
13) I am looking for a 6+1 fic where Namjoon is homeless and in each iteration a different member takes him into their home and life. A recurring element is a cake decorating book that Namjoon borrows from the library - a page falls out detailing how to make a flower with icing, and he keeps it in his pocket. I have used my search-fu but I cannot find it. It was on AO3. I hope you can help, even if it's just with a possible name I can run via the Wayback machine! Thanks!
14) Hello! I would like to ask your help into searching for a story that I can't, for the life of me, find. It's a Yoonmin story but what I remember the most is that Jungkook works as a janitor in an office and he quits because his boss is horrible. However, Taehyung, whom his boss is interested in working with, will only sign the proposal if they rehire Jungkook, so the boss sends Jimin to do it, since Jimin is friends with the both of them. In the end, they all end up working at the same place. TY
15) Hello. I'm looking for a fic where the group had six members but Suga time travels/dimension travels and becomes part of the group as a secret member. I remember that Jin is doing a vlive and is squirted with a water gun but everyone thinks it's Jimin. And when it's reveled to be Suga he's in his dorm room and pulls a big super soaker from under his blankets. I hope that's enough. It's super specific but I can't seem to find it. I hope you can help me :)
16) hey i was looking for this soul reaper or angel?? au where jungkook dies and is taken to the shinigami/reaper realm by the reaper (i think it was yoongi) and i cant find it anywhere :(( i think he dies bc of his new friends and the fic opens with a scene where the reaper sends one of his murderers souls to hell? The reader finds out later i guess. Id really appreciate it if u could find that :(( thank you!
An anon believes it’s Naught Readings For Naughty Readers by supermans_crib, however that has been on AO3
17) Hi! I had recently lost one of the greatest ffs ever, it was a jikook au where they were in the military (?) and jimin had went into a stage sort of like heat and jungkook had to fuck him, he got hekka scared afterwords but they ended up liking eachother
as if it's your last by fatal (cumrich)
18) Hi! I'm trying to find a NamJin fic. I searched the fics here and my bookmarks on AO3 (since I swear I bookmarked it) but I can't seem to find it. It starts out where Yoongi is accusing Namjoon of not moving on. We find out that Namjoon and Seokjin are friends and Namjoon confessed to Seokjin and was rejected. Things get complicated when Seokjin keeps coming around and even interfering with someone Namjoon starts dating. Memorable scene, Seokjin chasing Namjoon in the dark screeching his name.
everything moves on by fruitily
19) Hello. I am looking for a namgi fic where yoongi works in an old bookshop and likes wearing feminine clothing , and namjoon works at a cafe but visits the bookshop often. Namjoon likes art and philosophy but is scared of his parent's reactions so yoongi tells him to fuck society and to "wake up from your sad life and figure out who you are", they eventually kiss as well. I read it on AO3. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
20) Hi! I was wondering if y’all could help out with a fic I remember reading? jimin pining for yoongi and for some weird reason I remember a specific scene where jimin (whose brought food for yoongi) waits for yoongi outside of (a studio?) falls asleep waiting and wakes up when yoongi and someone else walk out. Jimin had wanted to eat with him I think but yoongi either says that he’s already ate or is headed to eat with the person. It’s unrequited feelings for a bit of the story.
21) There was a fix where yoongi was a prince and he went out and on the way met all the members who were disney princesses, it was a parody kind of, min yoonji was sleeping beauty and she went back to sleep again and from her castle members got a cat and kittens, can you please find it
22) Hello! I read this fiction a loonnggggg time ago where vminkook were in high school detention I think and kook could read minds and read tae's mind once and hes thinking about potatoes so he calls him potato boy but then the next time tae's thinking about fucking jimin and like yeah LOL I think they all end up in a threesome at the end but yeah I dont remember the title or author ))):
23) what’s that fanfic when it’s an au one of them is overweight and they join their school gym or something? and fall in love with the person who trains them. and there’s this beach scene and a car wash scene near the end. been looking for it for a while, hope you can help!
24) hi! i’m looking for a fic i read a while back, i think it was vmin and one of them had been hurt so the other got them off and they ended up in a relationship i think? pretty sure it was cannon compliant too! thanks!
25) so tae is a student and jk is a professor. jk is engaged to this woman (mina?). basically they are both straight but end up falling for each other so before jk gets married he plans to break up with the girl but she blackmails him with pics of him and his student and turns crazy. i don’t rlly remember what happens after that but later they eventually end up together. i think it’s ab 10 chapters. i’m pretty sure i read it on ao3!
26) Hello! I was reading this taekook fic on ao3 but I forgot what it was called ☹️ basically jungkook travels back in time and kidnaps his last self to tell him how in the future Tae kills himself, so jungkook tries to get his past self to be nicer to Tae and stop him. Past jungkook thinks that Tae cheated on him but he was actually forced to have sex with his “boss” but jungkook doesn’t give him a chance to explain and starts cheating on Tae and is being really nasty to him. Ah help plz if you can
27) I’m searching for a fic and i really can’t find it ... i remember it’s jikook (but not really) and it’s about jungkook (who thinks he’s straight) who downloads a porn (by mistake i think) of minjoon and like he ends up liking it, it’s so vague i’m sorry kfhskcj
care to stay for the ride? by voseok
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thealvinshow · 7 years
Ian Hawke
headcanons- this is gonna be a long one, sorry yall. I also posted some of this on a chipmunks forum here. you might need to sign in/register to view that.
Lets see, the chipettes don’t marry the chipmunks, like ever. That’s always grossed me out especially since in some iterations they’re all Dave’s kids. also Britt’s a lesbian. I’m on board with that. actually all the characters can be gay. It’s 2018 and Dave and all his chipmunk kids are gay. I’m fixing this franchise
Britt gets into fashion illustration and eventually takes a turn into increasingly weird and dramatic designs. At one point she’s just constructing unwearable cloth sculptures with a gallery after leaving fashion. She teaches classes on making your own clothes because she gets disenchanted with the work she and other designers are making and the echochamber like quality of the industry. Her favorite decade of fashion was the 70s.
Eleanor becomes a recreational therapist and coaches a soccer team. That’s also basically canon. Also really into Linkin park. Has listened to every album a million times but her favorite is Reanimation (and by extension hybrid theory). Not a snob about the new albums tho.
Jeanette writes and illustrates fantasy and scifi novels. Takes her coffee black and watches cartoons almost exclusively. Major Weeb.
Theo has adhd, specifically inattentive rather than hyperactive. It’s always bugged me that Theo’s main characterization has always been  “kid that eats a lot and is also not very bright”. So the concept of Theo being a bright kid who can’t concentrate is something I kind of like, especially since I personally have been struggling with attention issues for a long time. Theo also takes up training therapy dogs. That’s like basically canon tbh Theo loves animals.That or culinary school but I want to distance Theo from food, there’s a tendency with fat characters to make eating and cooking their main hobbies and I want to avoid that. 
Simon grows up to study applied sciences, maybe mechanical engineering or aero. I study mechanical but I know a lot of Aeros and Simon’d fit right in. They’re the biggest nerds on the planet and they’re impossible to talk to. In adulthood simon is constantly railing on the us education system. It’s stifling and frequently antithetical to learning and creativity. He hates standardized testing and time pressure. I also imagine he’d get in a lot of trouble in high school for mouthing off at teachers he thinks are being unfair. The show treats him like a star student but really smart kids honestly have tons of run ins with the school system and simon is no exception, the kid’s a snark machine and that’s not going anywhere. He has a nasa t shirt that he wears twice a week. Alvin makes fun of him for it but he can’t be bothered.
Alvin continues performing solo in adulthood. I always think he’d be most committed to the entertainment industry. I also always though he’d swear a lot as an adult. Transguy who overperforms masculinity. Punk nerd, big fan of the dead kennedys. Draws all the time as a kid, stops around middle school but gets back into it in adulthood. Starts drawing comics for fun and eventually writes his own with jeanette. It’s not very good but it sells well and they have fun making goofy sequels together.
Dave collects jazz records but only when they’re in the discount bin at one (1) specific record store. takes up knitting with Eleanor to destress cause his blood pressure is thru the roof. Becomes a meme by accidentally getting into one of Alvin’s vines (rip).
i could go on forever but i’m gonna stop here because this is way too long as is. 
tldr- Gay
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