#if you cant be quiet dont come up here! my brother knows he cant be quiet bc of his tourettes so he just doesnt go here
silverislander · 11 months
welcome to the quiet section, the part of the university library that is quiet, the no talking area of the library where you can't make noises. we've got
person on a zoom call with family speaking what i think is very loud korean
someone who tragically seems to not own headphones listening to the world's most boring audiobook reading
the open meeting room for staff at the back who never appear to understand they're in the quiet section
someone who is either playing a video game or physically fighting their laptop keyboard, i cannot tell which
two people having a drawn out loud "whispering" bitch session abt a course they're taking
somebody humming. not even a song, just fucking noises
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sturniolo04 · 4 months
Scared Prank C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
Summary; in which Chris pranks Nessa.
Chris' POV: my girlfriend Nessa is currently at me and my brothers shared house and one thing about my girlfriend is she is extremely scared of everything just about. So me being the amazing boyfriend I am decided to scare her. Me and my brothers were currently in our living room when Nessa came upstairs from my room finally waking up from her nap
Matt: good morning sleepyhead
he joked as Chris made his way over to his girlfriend hugging her
Chris; how'd you sleep
she just hummed in satisfaction
Nick: i assume that means really good
he states walking past the couple into the kitchen.
Nick: Laura texted me saying we have to be at the warehouse for some meeting are yall ready to go
Chris: yeah let me grab my shoes
he responded attempting to leave his girlfriend's grasp
Nessa: noooo
Chris: Nessa i have to go ill be back
he states confidently knowing they werent leaving at all since he told his brothers about the prank he was pulling
Nessa: no
she simply stated jumping up into his arms his proceeds to catch her and carry her with him back downstairs into his room to grab his shoes
Chris: Nessa come on time to get down
he stated again to his girlfriend rubbing her back with one hand while holidng his shoes in the other
Nessa: fine
she sighs out as he sets her back on her feet
Nick: will you be okay be yourself for an hour
he asks walking downstairs the the front door with Chris and Matt following him
Nessa: i think so
she replys as she watches them walk out the front door
Nessa's POV: its so weird being in the house without them its oddly quiet which was nice but weird just because they are always loud and doing something when they are here. i was scrolling on my phone, when i heard the front door open and close. I just assumed one of them forgot something so i walked out of Chris' room to see who is was
Nessa: what did you guys forget-
she asks loudly halting when she approaches the front door to see a person in all grey sweatsuit with a grey ski mask covering his face
Nessa: um who are you
she proceeded to ask getting no response. Internally freaking out she had no idea what to do she left her phone in Chris' room so she could call him.. she slowly backed away.
Nessa: i dont know who you are go away
she stated again not really knowing what to say and began to make a run back to Chris' room with the intruder chasing after her
she exclaims  crying holding Chris' door closed but ultimately failing to keep it that way because he was way stronger than her. she gave up and ran into her boyfriends closet after grabbing her phone calling Chris.
Chris: why are calling me babe
he asks innocently opening his closet door to find his girlfriend sitting on his closet floor with tears in her eyes looking up at him
Nessa; Chris what the fuck
she exclaims running her hands through her hair and resting her head on her knees in the process
Chris: im just messing with you
Nessa: you were at a meeting you just left- you really scared me dumbass
she exclaims standing up wiping her face from the escaping tears; coming out of his closet walking past and away from him upset
Chris: im sorry..
he trails off as he watches her walk away from him
Chris: Ness nooo
he exclaims catching up to her grabbing her waist and pulling her back into him nuzzling his face in her neck
Nessa: no stop you're so fucking annoying
Nick: so i take it shes upset
Matt: i would be
Nessa; you guys knew
Nick: well yeah how else was Chris going to make it believable
Nessa; unbelievable get off of me chris seriously
Chris: no im sorry i love you
he states again finally turning her around to face him and kiss her
Nick; get a room gross
Chris: forgive me
Nessa: dont ever fucking do that again
Chris: cant make any promises
he giggles out as he hugs his girlfriend again
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aliaology · 10 months
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summary: yn makes it to michigan with her friend sabrina, shockingly, reconnecting with old friends and also bumping into bad memories.
series masterlist
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you felt weird, the stares of others pouring heavily onto your body. you didn’t like it, the feeling, whatsoever. the crowd parted as you walked into the house. the memories from this house flooded through your mind, from running to your room away from jack, to even skinny dipping with him in the lake.
you watched cole leap up and made his way to you, leaving a very uncomfortable jack and trevor behind. "bells! you made it" he grinned.
the shorter boy threw his arms around you in happiness. "hey coley, i told you i'd be here" you smiled, hugging him back.
"i know but it's just, unreal! i haven't seen you in forever!" he smiled.
you frowned. "im sorry cole, ive been really busy in toronto and it doesn't help that i feel so out of place in michigan now.." you trailed off.
"dont sweat it, bells. im just glad you're here" he smiled at you. "how long are you staying here for?" he asked.
"well— sab leaves tomorrow, im staying to get my dorm situated back at umich" you told. cole nodded.
"get lunch with me tomorrow then? i want to catch up" you just nodded before hearing your name get called. looking behind you, you see some of jack's teammates.
jack's teammates, john marino and nico hischier always liked you. hell, you still talked to them to ask how games went and just how they were.
"ill talk to you later coley" you grinned.
cole nodded and went back to trevor and jack. trevor held a sour look on his face while jack looked pissed. you grabbed sab’s arm and brought her with you to john and nico.
"hi johnny, hi nico" you smiled at them, giving them each hugs once you got to them. "its been awhile." you added.
"seriously, a long time. have you been in toronto the entire time?" john asked.
you nodded. "yeah, i moved in with my brother. im with him for just two more weeks until i move into my new apartment." you smiled.
"really? where you moving to?" nico asked.
"new york, actually." you grinned. "maybe ill drive over to nj and pop in."
nico grinned, "i'd be careful with that one, y/n. i cant lie, jacks been in a little bit of a twist since your song came out." he spoke.
john nodded. "more standoff-ish, but he had it coming.”
you heard sab snort from behind you, causing you to grin along. "sorry its just— one of my songs ends with ‘he had it coming’ and it reminded me of that.” sabrina spoke.
"its okay— how have you both been?” nico asked. you looked at sabrina with a hesitation glint in your eyes. she just sent you a nod.
“ive been— okay? uhm, just a lot going on currently. very stressed i dont know— i just cant wait to get back to umich.” you explained.
“and i have to go back to LA tomorrow so i have to soak my time up with my girl.” sabrina grinned, tossing an arm around your neck.
"uh oh— warning, trevor is on his way over.” john said, bringing his cup to his mouth to quiet his words before taking a sip of whatever alcoholic drink he had.
you tensed up slightly, not turning your head, you kept close to sabrina.
"what up guys, how you enjoying the party? cole's wondering." trevor faked a smile.
"oh, very fun if i do say so myself." sabrina sarcastically spoke.
you nudged her slightly, elbowing her in the side. she sent you a glare, basically stating ‘cut the shit.’
trevor sarcastically smiled. "well isn't that just peachy? anyone here finding someone to go home with tonight? i know it shouldn't be too hard for some of you."
you grab nico's drink, sipping it yourself. "maybe— i heard that dixie girl is single, might ask her to go home with me.” you shrugged.
the four guys went completely silent. you coughed, "anyone up for another drink? i think i need to get drunk tonight." and you walked away.
“oh my god” sabrina laughed, immediately going after you.
“fucking bitch”
trevor scoffed, walking away in anger. john and nico looked at each other, wide eyes. "holy shit."
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lol hey... this sucked but hey! tags: @honethatty12 , @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @lovinbarzal , @outrunangelss , @absolutelyhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot , @shadowsndaisies @lxnceclercs
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gypsypendragon · 3 months
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I come presenting the first bit of my Submas Au: "Shadows"
(Tis a spooky AU. Below the cut is the first "prolog" bit in written form if you're interested. The next will be a short comic. Anything for this Au im going to be tagging with "Shadows AU")
"Have you guys heard of Shadows?" Elesa turned, walking backwards as she folded her hands loosely behind her back.
The look she received from the twin boys behind her was what she'd been expecting. "Of course we have. What kind of question is that?" Emmet asked with almost an offended quirk in his usual smile.
She waved him off quickly, “I’m not talking about those shadows…” She pointed down to the ground where the trio’s shadows followed diligently beneath them, “I’m talking about the monster shadows.”
This time it was Ingo who gave her a quizzical look, “Like a pokemon?” 
“No, they’re supposedly these spooky things that live in our shadows. Or some other dark world or something” Elesa turned back around to face forward, but slowed her pace until she was walking between the twins, “I heard a couple grown ups talking about them one time.” 
Emmet huffed as he shoved her with his shoulder, “Monsters dont exist like that, it’s probably some kind of pokemon.” 
“I asked my dad about them!” Elesa shoved him back, “He told me they’re said to be connected to our actual shadows. Everybody’s got a shadow, so there’s as many of these things as there are people. They lurk in the other world that’s supposed to be exactly like ours, but it’s dark and backwards.” 
“That sounds… unpleasant…” Ingo’s fingers curled around the strap of his backpack slightly as he blinked wide-eyed at Elesa. 
“Oh dont listen to her!” Emmet waved a hand at his brother, “She’s obviously making it up.”
“I am not.” Elesa puffed her cheeks out at Emmet before she turned to Ingo, opting to ignore the twin who wasnt interested, “But the other world is an unpleasant place! The Shadows know it is too, so they’re constantly, always trying to get here to our world! They want to take the place here, so they dont have to be trapped there… but they cant do that, cause they dont look like us all the way.” 
“Are they just, formless? Like our actual shadows?” Ingo asked despite the exasperated look from Emmet over Elesa’s shoulder.
She shook her head, “Dad told me they cant take our place here because they arent complete. They dont have faces like we do, they’re just wisps of darkness from half their head up!” She put her fingers against the bridge of her nose just a bit lower than half way and gestured to the upper part of her face, “It’s all gone, that’s why they cant be here cause they dont look like us.”
“So what’s the point of these things if they cant even come here anyway? Why would they want to come here if they cant?” Emmet this time, causing Elesa to turn away from Ingo who was starting to look a tad concerned. He was wearing a rather scrutinizing expression as if expecting her not to have the answer. 
“They can get faces! If they get a face they can take the place of the person who’s shadow they belong to…” Elesa said quietly which caused Emmet’s smug expression to falter a little. 
“...H-How do they do that?” Ingo’s question was quiet, concerned. 
“There’s a few ways, supposedly, some people said they naturally gain a face as we get closer to death here on our world, and when their person dies they finally gain a face…” Her eyes darted between the twins and found even Emmet was quietly staring at her with a slight tension in his jaw, “Then if they can find a way to our world they linger and stay; like how people claim to have seen people they know long after they’ve died…”
The boys shared a shaky gaze with each other as the trio walked. The sun set lower and lower in the sky, their own shadows stretching further and further behind them. Two pairs of steel blue eyes darted around to the lengthening shadows around them as they subconsciously drifted closer to Elesa. 
“W-What…” Emmet swallowed quickly after his voice wavered, “What’s the other way?”
“Well… sometimes, there’s little cracks between the worlds. And sometimes, the shadows find them. They slip through and make it here, with us, but they cant stay long because they arent complete…” Elesa’s voice dropped as the sun vanished behind the tall buildings, the warmth of it fading away leaving only a chilly breeze of the coming night, “So they have to, steal our face before they go back to the other world…” 
“S-Steal?” Ingo wrung his hands around his backpack strap, “How… do they do that?”
“Well, the only way they get a face is when their person here dies… so they, try to kill the person they belong to.” She looked at each of the twins as she spoke, taking a bit to slow her steps enough she was a bit behind them as she explained, “They can come through whenever there’s a crack, and they find it… and they can blend into any shadows nearby…”
The boys had automatically drifted closer to each other as Elesa talked, essentially pushing her out from between them. Ingo gripped the sleeve of Emmet’s shirt as the nightly shadows stretched around them, the dim lights of streetlamps making longer, darker shadows.
“They arent actually real right, Emmet?” Ingo asked quietly as he watched a particularly dark shadow pass by under their feet as they walked. 
“C-Course not!” Emmet managed a bravado he didnt feel as he stared down at the shadow under his own feet, “Even if there’s stories or whatever I still think it’s a pokemon or something! People had tons of spooky stories about ghost pokemon…” 
“Elesa you were just, making them up right?” The boys turned around to glance back at their friend, but found they’d wandered away without her. 
“E-Elesa?” Ingo called out quietly. 
There was no answer. 
“Oh ha-ha, not funny!” Emmet shouted with a twitch in his grin as he fought off the growing anxiousness he felt, “You’re not gonna scare us just disappearing like that!” 
While the boys were aware Elesa liked to prank them, it was proving difficult to keep the reminder at the front of their mind. An edge had settled into their thoughts, and the chilling air of the night and the shadows creeping under their feet were not helping against the words Elesa had just told them. 
“E-Emmet…” Ingo tugged his twin’s sleeve. 
“Y-You’re not gonna scare us Elesa!” Emmet tried again as he grabbed Ingo’s arm. 
Still silence stretched onward into the night as the Twins stood still. Caught in the space between the two street lamps, shadows were warped and long, and each one that moved caught the boys’ attention. 
“Let’s go already Emmet…” Ingo said, trying to pull his twin onward, “Even if it is Elesa… I-I dont wanna be out here anymore right now.”
Emmet was rooted for a moment, but he nodded slowly and awkwardly followed his brother, “Im gonna get her for this… her and all her scary stories!” 
“You really think it was just a story?” 
A stiff nod was all Emmet could get out for a moment, “Y-Yeah… she’s always telling us stupid spooky stories to scare us…” 
They walked in silence for a moment; Ingo still tightly holding Emmet’s sleeve and the strap of his backpack. Emmet stared forward stiffly trying not to let himself jump at the shadows that moved around them. They had just passed another streetlamp when Ingo jumped startling Emmet. 
“What?!” He asked quickly, finding Ingo’s gaze was glued to the foliage next to them; a short iron gate they’d been walking by with flowers and vines growing out through it. 
“S-Something moved the flowers I saw it!” Ingo said quickly looking back at Emmet. 
Emmet glanced into the messy foliage and vegetation, the gate was short enough they could jump it, which meant Elesa could too if she was following them to scare them. Emmet glared at the darkness beyond the plants. 
“Not funny anymore Elesa! You’ve spooked us good already!” 
Nothing answered still, and Emmet huffed. He turned and walked forward toward the plants causing Ingo to awkwardly follow behind. 
“E-Emmet?!” Ingo’s voice was dripping with surprised question, wondering why exactly his brother was going toward the sound instead of away. 
“It’s just Elesa I know it is.” Emmet huffed as he reached the gate, “I’ll just pull her out of there so we can stop this stupid ga-”
Emmet didnt finish, his words instead devolving into a horrified, startled scream which was accompanied by his brother’s own as well. From underneath the bottom of the plants arms shot out and grabbed one ankle on each of the brothers. Fingers squeezed around their ankles tightly before they panicked and stumbled backwards tripping over themselves and each other. Ingo tripped first, having jumped nearly five feet in the air, and his latch on Emmet dragged his brother down who had been trying to regain his own footing from his panicked backpedaling. Emmet landed on Ingo who landed in the grass as the two flailed and panicked for a moment. 
A wicked, full body laugh sounded over their panicked breathing as they stopped struggling against each other’s limbs and looked back toward the plants. Elesa stood up, leaves sticking up out of her hair and stuck to her shirt, as she laughed hard. She laughed so hard she wheezed a bit as she put a hand to her stomach. 
“I think… I think I’ve gotten you guys the best with this one!” She worked out words through her hysterical laughter, “What a reaction!” 
The boys stared up at her dumbly for a second before they reacted. Ingos arms, which had been supporting him, gave out and he flopped backwards into the grass, sprawling out with a shaky sigh of relief. Emmet on the other hand glared daggers at the girl across from them as he threw his brother’s legs off of him and scrambled to his feet. 
“You nearly gave us heart attacks!” Emmet huffed out angrily as he jumped up, “Y-You and your stupid stories!” 
Elesa was still chuckling, working to get herself back together as she wiped at her eyes, “Dont be a baby! It’s not my fault you two scare so easy all the time! You even knew it was me and you still got scared!” 
“You’re the worst sometimes you know!” Emmet huffed at the girl as he threw his hands up before turning to help pull his brother to his feet. 
Ingo was wobbly, but looked much more relieved now, the strap of his backpack had taken quite a beating this time though. 
“You two are too easy.” Elesa sighed out with a smirk.
“We’ll get you back one day.” Emmet glared at her, “You’ll never see it coming.” 
She folded her hands behind her head as the trio finally went to finish their walk home, “Sure, sure. Whatever you say Emmet.” 
He stuck his tongue out at her, and she returned the gesture.
They walked for a while in silence, until Ingo broke it glancing at Elesa.
“All the stuff you said…” He started catching her attention, “That was all just a scary story right?” 
Elesa shrugged as the boys both glanced at her, “I did hear about the shadows before from my dad, just some kind of supernatural thing that supposedly exists. Like normal ghosts and stuff like that. I dunno if any of it’s true though, like how people say they’ve seen ghosts and aliens and all that junk.”
“It’s just stupid stories.” Emmet said firmly patting Ingo’s shoulder, “Dont worry about it! Elesa’s just always messing with us…” 
He squeezed Ingo’s shoulder tightly, but his jaw was tense.
It was just another of Elesa’s scary stories. 
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stevie-petey · 8 months
could we perchance get a lil blurb about why/how reader and dustin started their code blues, or maybe just one of their code blues before all the upside down stuff started ? love seeing their sibling relationship always and i think seeing them talking and sharing emotions with each other would be really sweet <3
dustin n reader <333 babies <333
enjoy !
"just because dad left it doesnt mean you can be a bitch."
dustins words cut through you like knives.
"okay, first off, never use that word towards a girl ever again." he rolls his eyes at you and you flick his nose, which he scoffs at. "secondly, i have no idea what youre talking about."
dustin again rolls his eyes. "yeah, you do. youve been a real b- i mean, a real jerk lately."
you want to argue with him, but the words dont seem to come. all you seem to do lately is argue with everyone. and now, confronted with your little brother calling you bitch, you find that youre exhausted.
"i have, havent i?" you finally admit.
dustin nods. "yeah."
you forget sometimes how smart the kid can be. hes only nine and yet here he is, calling you out for actions you shouldve noticed yourself. hes too young to be worrying about this.
"im sorry,"
"its okay. i get it. he sucks, doesnt he?"
"he does, but im still sorry for being such a bitch."
"i thought we couldnt use that word."
you ruffle dustins hair. "nope, youre not allowed to. i am, though."
he sighs, as if expecting that response, and starts to walk out your room. the conversation doesnt feel finished yet, however, and you call after him. "wait!'
"i gotta pee."
"okay, and i told you to wait."
he groans but sits back down on your bed. "do you wanna... talk?"
"i know, but... im serious, buddy. we havent really talked since dad left and i realize i kinda suck as a big sister right now." you feel guilt crawling up your throat, one of the few emotions youve felt these last few days. your dad left a few weeks ago, but sometimes it feels like its been a lifetime.
"you dont suck," dustin reassures you. "youre just... scary right now."
you snort. "yeah, like thats any better."
its quiet now, and dustin sits stiffly against your bed. he seems scared being so close to you, as if you could erupt any second, and you feel horrible for it. youre not sure what you can do, though. theres still so much anger within you, resentment and betrayal, and you dont know how to express so much without hurting those around you.
then, an idea comes to you.
"what about this. we'll call it a code blue."
dustin looks up at you, curious. "whats a code blue?"
"well, my dear brother, its something we'll do when we cant express how we feel or when we think the other sibling needs to have a talk. whenever one of us calls a code blue, the other has to answer honestly and listen as best as they can. once its over, we never bring it up again and we conclude with a hug. hows that sound?"
he thinks for a moment. "honest about anything?"
"alright. i think that could work. seems less emotional."
you laugh. "i figured youd like that part."
"so... code blue?" dustin asks hesitantly.
"code blue."
you tell dustin everything, explaining why youve been so destructive and bitter and mean. he listens as best as any nine year old can, and as you tell him everything, the weight that had been pressing against your chest these last few weeks begins to lessen. slowly, during the code blue, it becomes easier to breathe.
when youre finally done, right as the last words leave your lips, dustin throws his arms around you. "i love you."
you bring a hand to his hair and kiss the top of his head. "i love you, too. dont let me get all mean again, yeah?"
"i wont."
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wc: 5242
warnings: mention of death, violence, drugs etc, SMUT
prev chapter
i remembered that wooyoung was afraid. he was scared of what would happen if miss A ever found out he shot mingi and deliberately antagonized a hotshot black dragon. looking back, i thought the black dragons would be anatagonized anyway because we caused shit in their side of town to get yunho back, it shouldnt be this big of a deal.
so why are so many bad things happening?
i didnt go to school today. i emailed all my teachers a forged sick note, claiming i couldnt leave the house because i went to the doctor and got diagnosed with sinisitic dizzy spells. most of my teachers are really helpful and good people, so they sent me the work they did for the day so i wouldnt miss out.
being a 'delight to have in class' aka a quiet smart kid who wasnt a pain in the ass had its perks sometimes. regardless, i used my morning to get all my money ready, of which i had just over enough to go to miss A to get her off my back.
when i get there, the place is crawling with old gangsters. miss A is screaming at people and when she sees me she's shocked, as if surprised i actually had guts to show my face. shes propped behind a round steel table in her garage, leaning back in her chair and the room goes silent as her eyes are on me.
"look who it is," she says to me, dipping her cigarette in her ashtray. "Lucky, you better have good news for me."
i bow to her and put the potato sack of money on the table. unfortunately i didnt have anything really fancy like a briefcase. im a fucking gangster on a budget.
she glares at me. "potatoes? is this some kind of joke?"
three guys restrain me out of nowhere, holding a knife under my throat. my breath gets stuck in my throat and i only manage to force out one thing. "m-money."
she doesnt tell them to let me go, which pisses me off. what the hell did i do to make her this mad? she lifts the opening of the sack and only when she sees the cash does she wave the gangsters to get off of me.
they drop me so hard i fall with my butt on the floor and i make no real move to get up in case they jump me again. instead i get to kneeling. "miss A, that's the money from all the dealings."
"i can see that. oh wow, you actually decided to be useful," miss A says, getting up and coming up to me. she puts her hand down on my hair and gently scratches it like you would a dog and i struggle to not show any fear. "if only wooyoung could be like you."
her words make me sweat. "where is wooyoung, miss A?"
i swear, if she laid a hand on him. i dont know what i would do, but no one here, including me, would be left alive.
her eyes darken. "i was actually hoping you would tell me, Lucky. your brother has become a magician. a cold case."
she doesnt know? did wooyoung actually skip town?
"i told him to bring me the hand of who killed my boys or else i would have his. he hasnt been back in days."
fuck. this is bad. im actually starting to get dizzy.
someone rolls into the garage, and my face drops in horror at the man and his disfigured, burnt face. hes in a wheelchair, an armbrace and has a bandage wrapped over everything but his mouth and eyes.
"you and your buddy got changbin and a lot of good boys killed. look what they did to seonghwa." miss A says.
that's fucking seonghwa? he looks fucked. hes never recovering. he wouldve been better off dead. now he really looks like something out of a horror movie, a real, terrifying disfigured butcher.
"that hongjong motherfucker," miss A laughs but there's nothing joyful in it. "he came into MY warehouse, burnt MY cargo, killed MY men. and all because he was looking for you two."
im struggling to breathe. i dont show it but im silently breaking down. i cant take my eyes off seonghwa. thats it? thats my future? i might as well kill myself. seonghwa killed yunho, he was one of the topdogs in the gang. im fucking nothing. if thats what that hongjoong guy could do to him then its over for me.
"he said that?" is all i can get out. miss A lifts my chin and forces me to look at her.
"you're not a boy anymore, Lucky. you'll always be a baby in my eyes, but its time for you to get serious, dont you think?" she tells me. "wooyoung is gone. so someone has to fix this. you know the rules, you make a mess, and you clean it up."
"miss A-" i start stammering. i feel like im going to cry. "we didnt do anything. we never even met that hongjoong guy. wooyoung shot mingi because he tried to kill him. it was in self defence."
"did i ask for an account of what happened?" miss A's voice drips with sarcasm. "i dont care who did what. but my boys paid the price. i wont let an attack on my turf go unpunished. you find wooyoung and you two will go and kill that fucker or i'll have you swimming in a fishtank with the rest of yunho. am i clear?"
fuck no. fuck my life is over. i just started having sex and now i have to die. this is a fucking nightmare.
"yes, ma'am," i nod my head. "when do you want this done?"
"before my boys suffer another attack. he wants you, so let him come."
"you won't find him," seonghwa says and he sounds like a lays packet trying to talk. his voice is raspy and sounds terrible. "he only shows when he wants to be found. and he wanted to be found that day. so make him come to you."
i dont want him anywhere near me! i want to scream. look at what the fuck he did to you.
i have to run away. i have to do it tonight. i have to take everything. i cant think clearly, my brain is beating so hard i can feel it in my ears.
i nod and get up and miss A distractedly starts counting the money. "so you got the money fast. i always knew you could do it, you were just lazy before, yeah?"
i had help, i want to say. yaera's stealing, her savings, wooyoung stealing all mingi's gambling winnings, fucking jongho. i couldnt have done this on my own. i would have been dead by the end of this month.
i did all that, just to stay alive. only to have another target on my head. this...it never fucking ends. its only going to get worse. i cant win. this game, its unbeatable.
i almost want to laugh out of pure irony. and yaera wanted me to ask miss A for a fixed amount. she wanted to help me pay off my dads bullshit debt. im never going to be free.
my hopes and dreams are gone.
"you still have your dad's gun right?" miss A asks me. i say yes in the smallest voice.
she smiles. "you better get to using it then, Lucky."
i leave miss A's garage with nothing left in the tank. nothing but another assignment. an assignment that will kill me.
im the sacrificial fucking lamb. why is she doing this to me? because she thinks i can do it? because she wants to get rid of me? i did what she asked of me. i got her yunho. i got her the drug money. now she wants me to kill an assassin? an assassin that already has a bodycount of seven?
and hes brutal. four of those were other gangsters, luckily none of those were ours at the time, but he guts every one of his enemies. he was connected to a murder of a prostitute. and cut out the stomachs and sliced off the hands of two guys who apparently looked at his sister.
what the FUCK am i getting into.
i get home and i dont know what to do. everything comes crashing down on me. i throw my fist into the picture frames on the wall, sending glass bursting everywhere. i look at the picture of my parents, feeling nothing but burning hatred. i hate them both. i hate my mother for leaving me behind in this shit life and i fucking hate that bullshit excuse of a sperm donor for killing me.
he killed me. he signed my death sentence.
i start tearing everything apart. im ripping my apartment to shreds because nothing matters. this is all useless, nothing, i wouldnt fucking miss this place. i have nothing but awful memories here. but my anger doesnt last. it comes crashing down so fast that im left to collapse next to my bed and i cant stop myself from crying.
its over for me. everything is.
i had nothing to begin with. nothing except...
without even thinking, my bleeding hand reaches for my phone on my desk and calls her. she picks up on the first ring.
"san?" her voice is comforting and i dont know why. i dont fucking know this girl. she doesnt know me. but shes all i have. and i dont even reall have her. "are you okay? you never call me."
i cant even speak, im heaving into the microphone and sniffling uncontrollably.
"san?" she sounds more concerned. oh shes concerned for me. thats nice. i'll remember how nice it feels when i die.
"c-can you come over, please?"
i dont even recognize my voice. its cracking and its like the pained whimper of an animal. she puts off the phone and i wrap myself around my bedsheets, curling into a pathetic ball.
shes here within 15 minutes. i dont know how she got here so fast. she was supposed to be at school. it was still one period before lunch. she must have been skipping. i wish i skipped more class now that i know im not going to live very long. studying all that shit was pointless. i should have been living like her. like i dont have a care in the world. but i cant. and i never could.
she walks into my apartment with her eyes wide, dropping her blazer off her shoulders and onto my dirty floor. "what the hell happened? are you okay?" she runs and puts herself infront of me.
"did someone break in?" she holds my wet face. i never stopped crying. not once. she looks horrified seeing me this way. i cant imagine how bad i must look. "oh my god."
she hugs me. she hugs me and i grip her so tightly till i feel my lungs tighten. the tears are pouring harder now. im staining her white blouse.
"im going to die," i choke out. "they're going to kill me."
"what?" she gasps. "who?"
i try to speak but i dont stop crying. this is fucking awful. she shushes me and lets me continue, rubbing my hair in the softest way that makes me hope i wont die, just so that i'd experience it more than once.
"im here, dont worry."
of course you are. you're always here. always invading my apartment. always working on my nerves. always in my head since i fucking met you. i wish i didnt take that for granted for as long as i did. if i knew this was all i'd have left.
i dont know what possesses me. i pull away from her, my hands drift up to the buttons of her blouse. im careful so she knows i wont hurt her the way he did. she watches my bleeding knuckles, looking at me with tender eyes. she doesnt stop me. i flick open the first button as she stands above me.
"can i?" i choke out. "this is all i have."
she starts removing her own buttons. "you dont even have to ask," she tells me.
she trusts me so much. if this is all i have left then i dont want to destroy it.
she drops her blouse, revealing her bronze, skin bare skin and black bra. the sun in my blinds isnt doing her justice. i reach behind her and unclip her bra and her boobs spill out right in my face. her skin is warm. shes so warm. she lifts my ugly brown hoodie off my body, trailing her hand down my stomach.
her touch feels like satin. i dont deserve it. she doesnt deserve this.
"i-i dont want to use you as a coping mechanism," i tell her but im talking to a wall. i dont want to but i am. im going to die and all i want to do is fuck her one last time. there isnt enough time in the world.
she kisses me sorely, with way too much emotion for what we really are. two broken, fragile people. we have no business with each other, but she kisses me like i mean something.
"for you, san, i'd let you use me however you want," she whispers against my lips. "as long as its you."
i feel my heart pain. i want to cry again but my dick is hard and i can only focus on two things at once. so i deal with my boner first.
i slide down her thin, pink underwear from under her skirt and it drops to her ankles. she steps out of it and pulls my sweatpants out from under me, immediately sliding herself onto my dick.
she moans softly into my ear and it feels like heaven. shes like heaven wrapped in one complicated woman. she could destroy me. she could ask to end me and i would let her.
i'd rather it be you than anyone else.
i grip her softly and my hands are stinging but i dont care. i feel weak. but somehow with her here, it doesnt hurt as much. shes riding me slowly, its crazy how without any foreplay shes already drenched down there. i guess she does like me a little.
she peppers kisses all over my neck as i hold her up, losing my mind as she slowly sinks and rises onto me. i never fucking liked our stupid school uniform but seeing it on her like this, with her on me, just makes me lose my mind. jongho doesnt fucking know what he missed out on.
"you know i care about you right?" she whispers into my ear. "its about more than just the money. you know that right?"
my lips her are on her chest and i kiss her there slowly. "i know," i mutter. actually i didnt know that. i dont know what the fuck she sees in a dickhead like me.
"good," she says, then pushes me down to my back. she adjusts herself to straddle me properly but i cant watch her struggle to please me. i get back up and flip her under me, pushing her back down gently when she tries to protest.
"i want you to feel the way you make me feel," i say. and i never thought i'd ever utter words like that. fuck, no wonder everyone thought i was gay.
i drag my lips down her perfect, sculpted torso and plant them onto her shivering, wet hole. she whimpers weakly as i stick my tongue inside, slowly impaling her with it. i dont care that im taking my time honestly. im going to die, so i might as well make this as long as it can.
i drink up her bitter juices, lapping my tongue across her slit. the moans she lets out are otherworldly, definetely worthy of a noise complaint. i dont mind it. i feel useful for once in my life. i slowly inch a finger into her warm hole, sucking on her pleasure button while im at it. i'd call it her clit, but thats too rough for me.
"san please," she begs. "i want you so bad, just fuck me already."
i stop at her request, getting up and over her. i line myself at her entrance, pushing in slowly. she throws her arms around my neck and the eye contact we have as i just lay there inside her is enough to make me drop it all. i'd drop it all and leave with her, wherever she wanted to go.
her hole feels like home. my dick fits perfectly inside her. its warm and hugs me and i cant get enough of it. i push in and out slowly, taking in her eyes. they havent left mine. her lips are parted in bliss, and i decide to kiss them. she moans into my mouth, and it feels like a fucking spell being casted on me. i accelerate the pace, and the lewd sounds of her squelching and our breaths syncing up are all that can be heard.
it turns around so fast. im fucking into her at a pace thats desperate. like if i fuck her any slower, its going to get taken away from me. everything will. her legs are wrapped around my waist and she clenches on me, as if she doesnt want me to ever leave. i dig my fingers into her skin, holding onto dear life as i feel myself getting closer.
"wait," she breathes. "i wanna do it standing up."
i pause mid stroke. "how?"
"against the wall. lift me."
i go along with it. we get up and she lays with her back against the wall, lifting her leg so i can put it in. i pick her up and she slides onto me perfectly, and this new angle makes my brain go foggy. its so much deeper and tighter, i can feel her soak onto me.
i start ramming into her against the wall and her hair is hanging down her face, making her look like a sexier version of the grudge. she looks utterly lost in it all, and its so enjoyable to watch. i feel like im doing something right seeing her looked so absolutely fucked out.
my legs grow weaker as i hit her walls, feeling myself getting closer to the edge. shes demanding, with her legs wrapped around me she wont stop till ive been emptied.
"you're so fucking perfect," she whisper-whines, and its enough for me to blow. i completely blow inside her and she creams on me at the same time, our juices mixed together like some fucked up smoothie.
i drop her and she doesnt remove her arms from my neck. instead she pulls my body towards her, till we're chest to chest, completely naked amd kisses me harder than she ever has before.
this isnt even because we're fucking. she just wants to do it. and honestly, i needed it so badly.
when she pulls away im left yearning for more. it makes me sick. "thank you," i tell her. "i needed this."
"i know," she says softly. "tell me everything."
after i tell yaera everything, we're sitting on the bed beside each other, a painful, weighing silence between us.
"what are you going to do?" she asks, sounding hopeless.
"i have to kill the guy. or miss A's going to kill me."
"the police?" she says but knows immediately it wont work.
"i'd die before miss A sees trial," i laugh emptily. "and i'd go to jail for sure. she has enough on me to make sure i'm wanted."
she's frowning. she's realizing money cant buy my freedom. or my life.
"after you kill that gangster...nothing will be the same," she says. "you'd have blood on your own hands."
i shrug and stare out of my window. "it ends here, yaera. for both of us."
she stands up abruptly and looks like she wants to break into sobs. "no you can't disappear after this. i still need you."
i smile weakly. hearing that makes me feel better. someone will miss me.
"when i'm gone, you can have my apartment. i have some money left over here, maybe you'll be able to get away for good. you'll never deal with that freak again."
she's not happy with my answer. "no, san. i dont want you to go. i dont want you to disappear. cant we catch a one way flight? can't we run? i'll run with you. i promise."
she actually wants to stay with me. when i dont answer yaera bends down infront of me, holding my hands. i cant believe how quickly things turned around. i have so much to lose.
"when you finish your business, we're getting the fuck out of here, okay? promise me. i'll get the tickets, i'll get everything ready. but promise me you'll come back to me."
i cant promise that i'll be alive. i want to, but i dont want to lie to her.
"i cant promise i'll make it back, yaera," i mutter. a tear rolls down her face. "and even if we run away, is this really sustaintable?"
"is what?"
she scoffs. "i dont think now is the time to think of what we are. i dont care about defining this relationship, thats not important. all i know is, you're all i have."
"you're all i have too." i whisper.
"thats enough for me. so promise?"
"okay, i promise."
"good, now lets clean up here and pick a place on the map."
yaera and i spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning up my shattered apartment. i take my parents pictures and throw it in the spare room where i dont have to see it. when we're done, yaera makes herself at home and lays down in my bed watching youtube. i get dressed and she switches off her phone when she notices.
"where are you going?"
"remember those gangsters you met the night you followed me? im paying them a visit." i tell her.
"your dad's old gang...are you going to ask them to help you?"
"yeah. i wanna see if they've heard from wooyoung. get help where i can."
"okay. is it cool if i stay over?" she asks. "i dont feel like going home."
she doesnt even have to ask anymore. i say my goodbyes and make my way downtown.
getting into mao's place has always been shady, im surprised there are guys outside the door. they see me and are shocked to see me, letting me in and muttering shit in cantonese under their breaths.
i find mao sitting around a table and gambling and by god, i find wooyoung too.
he freezes when i see him and i have half the mind to beat the shit out of him. this is where hes been the whole fucking time?!
"sannie!" mao yelps with his cigarette dangling off his lips. "look we're finally good enough for him again! i heard you've been visiting everyone BUT me!"
i run across the room and catch wooyoung before he can run. then i pick him up and toss him into the closest wall. "you DICKHEAD!" i scream.
mao's men jump up from their seats and get between us. "woah woah woah!" mao shouts. "no fucking fighting under my roof! take that shit to the alley!"
"what the fuck man?!" wooyoung huffs. "arent you glad im alive?"
"you couldnt pick up a phone? you couldnt call me to let me know?" i snap. "i thought you fucking skipped town!"
"i had to toss my phone!" wooyoung stresses. "miss A is looking for me."
i start laughing hysterically. "we're fucked. we're both fucked because of you and i hope you know that."
wooyoung stands up, dusting himself off. he has a remorseful look on his face. fucking say something coward.
"i tried to keep you out of it," he admits shamefully. "i was gonna get it done."
"you were gonna kill hongjoong by yourself?" i scoff. "you'd be done for before you even do anything!"
"mao gave me a gun," woo says. i look to mao and he shrugs.
"you know about this?" i ask him.
"as long as he doesnt involve me, i dont mind helping out," mao says. "i dont want black dragons on this side of the world, but bae su ji is losing her touch."
"who the fuck is bae suji?" both woo and i ask angrily.
"Miss A."
"you know Miss A's government name?" woo questions. mao shrugs.
"we used to date in high school."
we're getting off track. im still fucking angry, i turn to wooyoung.
"so? let me hear this fucking plan of yours."
"i dont want you involved san. we cant both be dead."
it feels like my veins are going to pop. "she's going to KILL ME if i dont fucking do something about that hongjoogn fucker. he put seonghwa in a wheelchair and killed changbin. shes going to kill me if i dont get involved, woo, so just tell me the fucking plan."
"hongjoong's sister is getting married soon," mao interjects. "woo's gonna wipe him out there."
"and then im going to skip town for real," woo says with a dark look. "mao's arranged for me to go to hong kong. im gonna work for him there."
"you know who was also supposed to go to hongkong?" i laugh darkly. "yunho."
the room falls into uncomfortable silence aside from the sound of dominoes hitting the table.
"i'll be there, woo." i tell him. "im leaving town too."
"where are you going?" both mao and woo asks.
"im leaving with yaera," i answer woo only. mao is confused and wooyoung tells him its my girlfriend.
"you left Flor?" mao is shocked. i sigh remembering that yaera gave mao a fake name when she followed me. i dont dignify him with an answer.
"alright man," woo sounds defeated. "now you know. i didnt wanna keep in touch because i didnt want to make things worse."
"they're already bad, woo. you not telling me changed nothing."
ive calmed down significantly. i feel defeated but at least i know this bastard is alive.
"what about mingi?" i question. "he started this shit in the first place."
"im taking them both out," wooyoung says. "mingi's the groom. hongjoong's walking his sister down the aisle."
how convenient. two birds with one stone. now, how were we going to get out of it alive?
"WE, wooyoung," i correct him. "WE'RE taking them both out."
after i helped san clean up his rampage, i saw something interesting in his spare room.
i stare at the daewoo k5 in my hands, i never realized san was the kind to keep guns. with the way he lives, i guess i shouldnt be surprised. he needs it more than anything.
something dangerous popped into my mind when looking at it. the first thing i thought of was wiping santo off this earth.
wouldnt i be doing a good deed? taking that rapist, pedophile and fucking freak off this planet?
he called me again. from a different number. i never pick up unknown IDs because of him. but i picked up this time, and all i heard was him breathing harshly.
"i dont like being ignored, yaera. it hurts my heart. you dont want to know how i act when im hurt."
i wonder if yasmine found out, and thats how she ended up where she did.
i know he wasnt anywhere near her when she died, but the thought that he touched her the way he touched me...the fact that she enjoyed it. it was driving me insane. i feel myself losing it with every single thought that flashes by me.
i just want to leave. i want san to finish up his business, come out alive and free me from this place.
we decided on soroa, cuba. europe wouldnt be a good place for us to start over in. latin america would be fresh. its going to be better.
i tried to keep busy but my stomach ached for san. with every apartment i looked at, every beach and every municipality i imagined living in, i had a thought of san never seeing it. i feel so fucking helpless.
i cant fix any of this. i never could but ive never felt this cornered before now. if anything happens to him, i know im going to end up in a ward. i cant leave this place without him when he helped me get to this point.
my parents have left me so many missed calls. so have irina and claire. none from anya? thats weird. she always leaves me the most calls.
i decide to call irina back. i havent heard from them aside from drug related business so it'd be nice if she could take my mind off the fuckery thats been taking place. they always have the most interesting things to tell me. vacationing in saint tropez, partying in monaco, i'd love them to tell me about cuba.
irina picks up first ring. "hey girl–"
"you fucking bitch," she snares at me. i jolt up from the bed at her tone.
"hello?" i repeat in confusion.
fire creeps up on my skin. it feels like all my hairs raising.
"she fucking mixed whatever pill you gave her and she threw up all over herself. we fucking rushed her to hospital and she didnt make it!"
this has to be why my parents called me. oh my god. oh my god anya's dead.
"i dont know what you mean," is the first thing i say. probably not the best thing but its the first thing i could get out. there has to be people around her right now. i cant risk it.
"now you dont know what im talking about?" irina snaps. "you fucking killed her."
"anya has a history of drug abuse, irina. why are you blaming me for this? im sorry for what happened but dont call me with this bullshit ever again."
i quickly put off the phone and start hyperventilating. fuck this is a mess, my parents probably found out. they probably know. if i go home im screwed. i cant go home, they'll keep me there.
how do i stay out of this. i know i cant go to jail, none of them have any proof that i dealt them drugs. not a single shred of evidence. there are the cellphone records, but those calls cant get traced back to me. the phone's too old. i need to stay away from them.
i have to fix this, somehow. i cant unload it on san he has enough on his plate. but it sounds like ive made an enemy out of the closest thing i have to friends. i dont know what to do.
i look at the gun on my lap. i have to finish the story.
next chapter
tagslist: @sansonlygf @brown88 @yujispinkhair @mountiiny
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muqingswife · 2 years
how i think modern!aemond looks like
note: english is not my first language, im from brasil i speak pt br português brasileiro and im using the translator sometimes, sorry for my mistakes
lets goooo 😋
first off all, his family would remain a monarchy, maybe like danish royalty (i read somewhere that the Danish royals have more political power than the British royals or something like that, and i honestly cant think the Targaryens giving up any power that they could have) and here we DONT have incest (at least not the ones that would be shocking in our current society)!!!! read my thoughts below:
viserys didnt die yet and still being the king
daemon is viserys cousin so she can marry daemon with "no problem" and shes the heir of the iron throne
the line of succession to the throne would be: rhaenyra, jacaerys, lucerys, joffrey, aegon and viserys (idk whos the eldest), aegon, helaena, aemond and finally daeron
he knows he wont be king unless some catastrophe happens and kills his whole family but still a little bit jealous
aemond takes advantage of being the 9th in the line of succession, since he has very "few" spotlight on him, so he can live a normal life like all of us mere mortals
uses his prince title when needs something (that includes the girls 🤭)
think im done about the political part of his family so lets move on to physical appearance and hc about him and his relationship with family
aemond doesnt have long hair like in hotd, his hair is more like tom or billy (personally billy is my favourite)
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ewan smile is so pretty i cant 😭
def wear an eye patch bc dont have one eye, obviously he dont lost his eye on a fight about claiming a dragon, but maybe he fell on a shard of glass or lucerys pushed him into a sharp rock which caused the scar and pierce his eye (my poor boy 😓)
ATHLETIC BOY!!!!! im talking about both body and style, ewan practically only wears adidas and aemond being a mama's boy, coming from two rich families buys everything that is adidas clothing
and you guys see ewan in world on fire and his new photoshoot like bro his muscles are heavenly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (só uma chance ewan, pfv 😭
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aemond smokes A LOT, i mean aegon get drunk every week (if he doesnt do it every day 🤷🏻) and helaena has her bugs collection, so why he cant do something he likes and help him to destress?
for a 100% sure hes alicents favorite boy and daerons favorite brother
daeron probably just thinks his brother is the best in the world, the bravest, the most beautiful and everything a child can think of their big brother (he also thinks the scar on aemonds eye is really cool and when he was a child, like 4 years, he took one of his eye patches and put it to look like aemond
and about alicent, just look at their hair in hotd, those are the most hydrated hair of the entire series!!! ok joke, aemond was a quiet child, never gave her much trouble and was the first child she could call "her own child"
aegon would be to the realm if something happened to rhaenyra before she sire heirs and we all know how his temper is ☠️
helaena in my hc is autistic, some autistic people dont like other people touching them and helaena would be one these
as a child, she would reject alicents hugs and affections, in addition to being very difficult to communicate with her
contrary to all that, aemond was a perfect child, he would be glued to alicent 24/7, wanting her hugs, kisses and affection, his mothers affection.
she was his confidant when he was suffering and crying, she helped him with the school activities that he had difficulty, she was the one who stayed by his side in the hospital when he lost his eye
and aemond returned all the love his mother gave to him taking care of her and being the best at everything he did, just to make her proud of him
its aemond whos sitting next to alicent when she cries worried about being attracted to women and wipe her tears, she feels guilty for doing something that is said to be "wrong" in her religion (alicent para meninas, rhaenyra is her girlfriend canon
now leaving the sad mood aside lets go to more aemond's hc + dating hc
vhagar is aemonds lizard and she has a HUGE terrarium in his room with everything and more a lizard needs.
he is studying politics, international relations, history or philosophy in college
probably his girlfriend (me and you obvious) would be on one of these classes too or something like that
the BEST boyfriend ever, he is super respectful and treats his girlfriend like the princess she will be in the future when they get married
romantic dates would be to fancy places that nobles frequent, like operas and ballet but aemond would also take you to a museum, library, dinner at a super expensive restaurant you like and of course, skiing in the swiss alps
if you like a sport or did one, he would be super supportive and take you to every competition you wanted to see/gonna compete in
aemond would spoil you no matter if you have money or not
have you seen a prada bag online? it will be in your hands the next morning
did you make a comment of a swarovski necklace you saw at the mall? he bought the necklace and one more set of jewelry
are you undecided whether to buy a Chanel or Dior perfume? no problem, the two perfumes will be on your table when you get home
aemond would be very insecure about his scar and eye, and really wouldnt think himself worthy of you
but you are here with him to tell him how important he is to you, how handsome he is and how much you love him, when he heard you say that, all his insecurities would go away
and he absolutely LOVES that you touch his hair, massage, wash his hair and make mini braids on it
anything you do he loves 💗
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rdiowx · 1 year
Frankensteins monster!Frank x Mad scientist!Reader
A story in which the way brothers come over and Gerard meets frank
Funny story I completely forgot the Great Depression was happening during this time and i only realized it while watching ‘into the spider-verse’
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Teaching Frank how to do or say things was all you did now—not that you were doing much of anything before— but he was becoming more stable as a person. You would say you did a pretty great job well, you would say your are doing a pretty great job. He can walk in a kind of straight line now and he helps around the house, his body isnt completely functional though, he doesnt have to eat or anything but for some reason his hair grows. His hair is still the same, bleached sides and his faux hawk but the sides have grown out a bit. He gets along with Mikey which is great and tonight mikey’s bringing over his older brother Gerard. You both haven’t told him about Frank, the only people that know about Frank is yourselves and well, Frank.
Franks memory is kind of bad but yours would be too if you were put together by two weirdos in one of their basements. You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock on your door, you went to answer it forgetting about your book in the process. Frank looked toward you in confusion before getting up to follow you. Opening the door you were met with the one and only way brothers, frank smiled at the sight of Mikey only for it to drop when he saw a new person beside him. “Hey guys, you can come in.” You welcomed them in only for frank to stare at you like you had two heads, you would too if someone you’d never met before was welcomed into your house. “Thanks for inviting us over, well Mikey comes over every day but I don’t.” Gerard started, before waving slightly at Frank. “Oh yea. Gerard thats Frank he’s my um roommate? Frank thats Mikeys brother Gerard.” You conversed, heading into the kitchen.
Frank gave Gerard a weird look before following you into the kitchen. “He doesn’t like new people dont take it to heart.” Mikey said, putting his hand on Gerards shoulder and leaving to the kitchen. Gerard nodded in response, taking his shoes off before following his brother. Frank was oddly quiet so you asked him what was wrong, only to get a shrug in response. “Do you not like Gerard?” You questioned, looking up from your cutting board. “I dont know him.” He answered. You nodded in understanding before resuming your activity. You both dropped the subject as the way brothers entered the room, Mikey was the first one to start talking. “Hey Frank hows living here? Lord knows i never could.” You glared at him over your shoulder as a response. “I like it here, they’re nice..company.” Frank hesitated to make sure he got the word right.
“Uh huh im sure they are.” Mikey teased before looking over at you. “What is that supposed to mean? You dont think im good company?” You queried, putting your knife down before turning around to look at him. You and Mikey continued to bicker like you were siblings instead of him and Gerard. Speaking of Gerard, he tried to make small talk with frank. “So um, how did you meet Them and Mikey?” Gerard asked, before moving to take a drink of his water. “They made me in The lab downstairs.” Frank answered seriously. Gerards eyes widened before he spat out his drink in shock causing frank to jump and you and Mikey paused your bickering. “What? What happened?” You asked turning to faced them.
“You made this guy?!” Gerard yelled, clearly stunned. Thats right, you hadn’t talked to frank about what to say if someone asked where he came from or how he met you. “Shit.” Mikey mumbled making his way towards his brother and resting his hands on his shoulders. “Listen man, you cant tell ANYONE about this.” Mikey stated, making Gerard promise he wouldnt tell anyone about this. While this was going on you lead frank out of the kitchen to your shared bedroom. “Frank you cannot tell people you were made in a lab! Who knows what would happen if it go out to someone who wasnt Gerard! I mean i could get in serious trouble!” You rambled, pacing around the room. Frank looked towards his shoes the whole time, not having the chance to mumble out an apology.
You stopped after you saw the look in his eyes as you yelled at him. You move to sit down on the bed next to him, knees touching as you look at him. “Im sorry, I just dont know what would happen if it got out, i dont want you to be hurt.” You held out your hand on his thigh palm up for him to grab, which he did. “Its okay.” Frank squeezes your hand before moving to wipe his face only for one of his staples to get stuck on one of his stitches. You laugh at the predicament before yelling for Mikey to get your scissors and needle and thread out of the lab drawers downstairs.
Doesn’t take long for you to hear two pairs of footsteps coming towards your room while you hold Franks arm in place so he doesn’t rip anything trying to get unstuck. You thank Mikey before snipping the thread and letting frank move his arm while you restitch his face. “Doesn’t that hurt?” Gerard asks nervously. You laugh as you let frank answer his question. “I dont have any pain receptors..” Frank informs before attempting to watch you restitch below his eye. “I think thats pretty useful considering your made of staples and thread.” Gerard inspects him, looking him up and down.
“Alright im done.” You say, pressing a kiss to the new stitches before letting everyone know you were gonna finish dinner. The guys talked amongst themselves, Gerard asking questions the whole time that sometimes Mikey had to answer if frank didnt know how to say a word or two. Soon enough dinner was done and you guys were talking about random stuff that had happen recently. You like to think that Frank and Gerard were warming up to each other considering frank would actually look him in the eyes now.
“Its kind of crazy that all these years you were working on a functioning person, though it doesn’t surprise me they do call you a mad scientist.” Gerard made small talk and you had to stop frank from talking with food in his mouth. “Well you know me, i try my best to live up to my name.” You rolled your eyes before continuing to eat your food. After everyone finished eating gerard asked to see your lab which you agreed to, frank got excited cause it’s easily one of his favorite places in the house.
“So this is where crazy spends all their time?” Gerard asked, throwing you a teasing smile. “Oh yea, this is the place.” Mikey butted in, not letting you get a word in which earned a slap to the back of his head by you. Frank went to mess with stuff on your desk again, it wouldnt matter how many times you told him not to he would still do it. At least he went for a snow globe and not a sharp tool this time. “Im not even crazy that’s just a —Frank don’t drop that—that’s just a scary tale parents tell their kids to get them to go to sleep.” You and mikey were arguing again, you’d think after being friends for so long you’d be able to get along but that’s just another myth.
“Hey Mikey, we gotta go home its getting dark.” Gerard informed after a while reaching for his jacket he set on your chair. They both bid their goodbyes before making their way up the steps, putting their shoes on and leaving out the door. You followed to lock the door behind them frank trailing along, snow globe still in hand. Frank tells them goodbye and they wave. After a while of reading, finally finishing the book while frank listens to you read, you and Frank get ready for bed.
In the bathroom where you’re both brushing your teeth frank strikes up a conversation, toothpaste still in mouth. “That book was so weird by the way, felt unfinished.” Frank spoke, slightly garbled from the toothpaste. “Thats because you heard it from the last 30 pages Frank.”You smiled. He had a look of understanding before mumbling an “Oh.” And telling you that you should read him a different book instead. You told him maybe tomorrow and he nodded, walking you out of the bathroom and turning off the light. Having already gotten into pajamas you both got comfortable under the covers, Frank talking about anything and everything until his brain finally shut down for the night. It didnt take long for you to fall asleep after he did and you slipped into a dreamless slumber.
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topherwrites · 10 months
omg I HAVE to ask about 'tis the damn season and two slow dancers (last ones out) because those are two of my FAVORITE songs!!
also ik you already talked about the while you were sleeping au but i just wanna say that i am sooo excited for it bc it's one of my comfort movies and ive seen it like a billion times <3 i cant wait to see what you do with it
a mitski or taylor title will always slap.
So, 'tis the damn season is a brother's best friend fic. Jake grew up poor and his mother died when he was young, leaving him with his asshole of a father.
Reader's family is very rich, like owning oil fields in Texas rich. Jake and her brother, Ian, were on the same pewee football team as kids and quickly became inseparable, their house always a refuge for him, especially during the holidays.
Jake, after not being able to make it for the holidays for the past few years due to not being able to get time off or being deployed, is bullied by Ian to come. This year the reader's parents are renting a lodge for the entire extended family in a made up skiing town in Colorado.
The reader is spending the holidays single, she has a (ex?)boyfriend she's taking some time apart from after a failed proposal where she told him she 'had to think about it'.
There's been a low simmering tension betweeen them for a number of years, that with her being newly single and Jake being Jake begins to come to a boil. They keep getting just a brush away from kissing—until they finally do.
And then... her boyfriend shows up uninvited. She tries to pretend like nothing happened between her and Jake, which annoys the shit out of him.
And they have to navigate family and insecurites and wants and needs all under a deadline—both of you are flying back to opposite sides of the country on January first.
here's one snippet under the cut and the pinterest board:
“My aunts hit on you yet?” He clicks his tongue. “One out of four so far. Nights still young.” You shrug, throwing back the last swig in your glass, “Or maybe you're losing your touch.”
and here's another, because i'm super excited about this fic.
With your head settled comfortably in his lap, he inquires, “Where's that boyfriend of yours?” “Uh, not, here.” You're quiet for a moment, a pinch to your brow and your lip tucked between your teeth. Clearly uncomfortable, not necessarily by him asking the question but by the memory it recalls. You release it with a sigh, “He proposed.” There’s an odd stirring in his chest, “Oh?” His hand drifts, thumb driving into the muscles below your ear. You let out a soft sigh, eyelashes fluttering, your body comfortably settling at the touch. He assumes why you're sans boyfriend, “And you said no.” It’s sort of a surprise, you don't really seem like the kind of girl who would not know whether you wanted to marry someone after three years, you also don't seem like the kind of girl who turns down proposals. You'd say yes just to keep everyone happy, especially your parents. Your eyes drift back open, yet you don't make eye contact, “No, I said I had to think about it.” “And?” “And… I'm thinking about it.” You take a swig off the bottle, settling your head back down into his hold.  “The sex is bad,” you blurt. It sounds like something you've been mulling over for a long time, the words worn smooth in your head, but it also sounds like you're trying to shove them back in as they come out.
two slow dancers (last ones out) is a second chance romance. The reader has finally filed for divorce from Jake after being estranged for three years because he reenlisted without telling her.
here's a snippet from a very rough draft:
With his hands bunched in the back of your shirt, he tugs, creating breathing room.  “I dont want to fuck you in the driveway.” He also doesn’t really want to fuck you in the shitbox place he’s renting. He wants to fuck you in your house, in your bed. He wants the things you shared to be the both of yours again. He's almost entirely sure that's never going to happen, he's fucked this beyond repair, so he’s smart enough to take what you offer him. You nod. He slides out of the car, a hand on your back and under your ass to steady you. He tosses you over his shoulder, hopping up the steps, carrying you to the door. Leaving one hand hooked over your thighs to keep you steady, he unlocks the front door, his other hand shakes as he fits the key into the lock. An image, now made bitter, of him doing the very same when you bought that big blue house together flashes through both of your minds. So many years younger then, so many older now. He feels ill, and can imagine you feel the same. You smack his back, your voice losing any playful or heady quality, “Put me down.”
thank you for the ask and your kind words!!
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ninewhiskers · 10 months
since im not gonna write it for real heres a hollycinder fic idea i had about cinderheart and berrynose
it takes place before cinderheart and lionblaze cement their relationship + after hollyleaf returns from the tunnels. lionblaze likes her but cindy's still deciding whether or not she likes him enough to want to settle. what she does know is that she likes his sister, hollyleaf. the problem is that she doesnt know if hollyleaf feels the same. the whole situation is driving her CRAZY.
shes on a hunting patrol with her old mentor cloudtail and her other friends hazeltail and mousewhisker and its still bothering her. lionblaze is there too but cinderheart avoids him because her feelings are so complicated.
cloudtail thinks they're fighting and splits the patrol up in pairs, assigning himself with her. she fucks up catching a rabbit and cloudtail gently but firmly tells her to Get Her Shit Together and sends her back to camp. shes sooo embarrassed. when she's done with that she starts Plotting because she doesn't want to get sent back to camp from patrol in front of her crush ever again.
she thinks, you know who else had a thing for two littermates? my good ol brother in law berrynose. he probably knows a thing or two.
the thing is that they're not terribly close. they bonded some over honeyfern's vigil but he wasnt the easiest cat to like and lionblaze still held some distaste for him. nevertheless she pulls some strings with brambleclaw and gets put on a patrol with him the next morning. luckily it's just them and some other warrior (maybe brackenfur, he'd understand if the two of them wanted to talk in private) so she makes her move.
she goes. ummm hey when you were choosing between my sisters. how did you decide?
berrynose is quiet. cinderheart starts to count her losses and then he says "you want hollyleaf and lionblaze dont you."
cinderheart immediately admits to it, says yes, yes, part of her only pursued lionblaze in the first place because deep down she still wanted hollyleaf and he was the closest she could get, had it been like that for him?
berrynose sighs and goes. yeah. at first. but i came around to loving poppyfrost for being poppyfrost you know. and you came around to loving lionblaze for being lionblaze didnt you?
cinderheart thinks about it and realizes, yes, she did. "but if...if honeyfern could have come back the way hollyleaf did, would you have picked her?"
thats about where berrynose gets fed up, shakes his head at her and says he's not going to answer that because it couldnt happen and theres no reason. then he softens a bit at her hurt expression and goes ok look. i cant tell you who to pick. but i will say that honeyfern knew poppyfrost liked me too.
and THEN he says "i dont like a lot of things about lionblaze. but i have to admit he's smarter than i thought"
the third warrior on their patrol calls them back to camp and as cinderheart walks into the clearing she sees them both on opposite sides of camp. the last few sentences would be about her "making her choice and walking toward her future" but it would be intentionally left vague as to who she picks
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mythica0 · 2 years
I cant whait for you to come back!! I LOVE UR posts and its makes me feels so glad beacuse this is on my " happy things to do when ur sad" list anyways IF u dont have an idea on a rottmnt fic heres one! The turtles are bored and then they remember that they were playing hide and tickle game soo they decided to play it beacuse of boringness! Btw write this when u come back beacuse u deserve a small break!
A Memory
🧁: Leo, Donnie, Raph
🍫: Mikey
Summary: it’s one boring day and the turtles don’t know what to do, until Mikey gets a memory of a game they used to play that’s sure to cure the boredom right up…
A/N: thanks for the request! Sorry about the delay and enjoy!
Tw: a single cus word
A Memory
Nothing was happening. Nothing bad, but nothing good either. And the group of mutant turtles in the sewer were bored.
They were kinda slumped over eachother, Donnie was zoned out and Mikey softly humming to himself.
Leo finally broke the silence by saying what they were all thinking. “Ugh, I’m so booooreed” he groaned out.
“Me too.” The others chorused in a deadpan.
“Maybe we could think of something to do?”
The four thought about it, trying to come up with anything to get rid of this boredom.
Mikey suddenly had a memory come to him, from long ago.
It was early, and Mikey was hiding. They were playing hide-and-seek(with a twist) and Raph was the seeker.
He heard the oldest brother approach and started to giggle, covering his mouth so he wouldn’t be heard.
But, it was for not, as Raph heard the muffled sounds.
“Aha! Found ya’!” His young voice echoed.
“C’mere!” The Snapped called, pulling the still-giggling Mikey in and scratching his sides.
“Ehee! Rahahahahaphie!! Stahahap!”
“But this is my reward for finding ya~!”
Those were always fun.
Mikey felt a smirk grow on his face. “What if we play hide-and seek like we used to as tots?”
Leo, Donnie and Raph all nodded, but the ladder quickly whipped his head around to face the youngest with a questioning look.
“With or without the twist?”
Mikey’s smirk grew and it was all the answer they needed. “You guys have 20 seconds. Use it wisely.”
They all scattered in different directions and Mikey started counting down loudly.
He could tell he was growing a ler mood as he counted. Like a yawning hunger only the laughter of his family could satisfy. (A/N: is this at all accurate to ler moods? I have no idea)
As soon as he yelled out, “ONE! Ready or not here I come~!” He eagerly went out on his search.
He searched throughout the lair, looking(and listening) for any signs of his brothers.
And eventually, he heard something. Quiet muffled giggles coming from underneath Leo’s bed.
Ah, such a classic downfall. Mikey snickered and dropped down the the floor, spotting Leo underneath his bed.
“Really, Leon? Under the bed? You’re smarter than that!”
“Shuhuhut ihit tihihiny!” The slider giggled out.
“Oo~ name calling?~ I hope you know you just made this so much worse for yourself.”
Mikey smiled as he spoke, pulling Leo from under the bed and grabbing his knees.
He got cut off by his own laughter as Mikey moved down ti squeeze at his thighs.
“Oh~ can you not handle the tiickless~ Tough luck!”
Mikey halted his attack and stood up. “You’re lucky I have two other turtles to find!” He called with a boop to Leo’s snoot.
Leo stood and walked to the common area to wait, giggling quietly. Both from leftover phantom tickles, and at the knowledge that his older brothers were about to suffer the same fate.
Mikey continued his search, and it didn’t take much longer till he found Raph in the bathtub with the curtains closed.
It was one of the only hiding places that could fit the poor guy! Could you blame him!
“Found another one! Man you guys are dropping like flys!”
Raph sighed light-heartedly as he climbed out. “Just get it over with.”
“Whatever ya say big guy!” And without another word the youngest started to scribble against Raph’s spikes.
The snapper burst into loud laughter at the feeling, squirming slightly.
“Aww~ your spikes always were so ticklish Raphie~”
The oldest’s face dusted red at the words, but he didn’t respond.
“Nothing to say~ that’s okay!(A/N: Rhyming!:D)
I’ll let you go now~”
Raph stood up all the way and chuckled to himself before going to join Leo in the common area.
Now Mikey only had one victim remaining, and he had a feeling he knew where he was.
Y’see, Donnie had this.. habit… of hiding in his lab under the table. Why? Mikey didn’t know. Maybe the comfort of familiarity? Maybe because he knew they wouldn’t forget to look for him if they knew where he was? It didn’t matter.
What did matter was that Mikey was heading to check there now. He didn’t sooner because Donnie doesn’t always hide there, sometimes he spices it up. But, Mikey hadn’t seen him yet so he just knew that was where the soft shell was.
Mikey walked into the lab with a call, “Donnie~ I know you’re in here~”
He perked under the lab table and saw a familiar face underneath it.
“There you are~ get out of there!”
The boxer dragged Donnie out of his hiding spot, The soft shell fighting him the whole time.
This left an opening that Mikey took advantage of, shoving his hands under the genius’ arms.
Donnie barked out a laugh before falling into fast giggles.
“Tickle tickle tickle~”
“SHIHIT!- Dohont sahahay thahahat wohohord!”
“And you don’t say that word, mister.”
Despite the situation he was in, Donnie couldn’t help but be snarky. “Thahahahat wohohord!”
Mikey giggled at the sentiment, moving his hands down a bit to Donnie’s ribs.
“Silly goose.”
Donnie’s giggles died down a bit, and eventually stopped entirely as Mikey ceased his fingers.
“All done! You get to seek next! Too the common area!”
The two walked in the common area, where Leo and Raph were idly chatting as they waited.
“Oh! Welcome back!” Leo called.
“It’s my turn to seek.” Donnie spoke in a slightly threatening monotone. “Better start running.”
The three ran off again, and as they did so Leo whispered to Mikey, Donnie’s counting echoing over them as they spoke.
“What made you think of this game anyway?”
“Oh, nothing much, just a memory.”
Mikey ushered off Leo to a different spot as he hid, giggling quietly.
Now they were making a memory.
———THE END————————————————
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localgardenweed · 4 months
Looking off into the sunset feeling my soul shatter as I think of my Hetalia KND AU
I think Sector G8/G9 (i cant decide) constantly bicker for some sort of control (Minus Feliciano he is fine just being there hes there for the fun) while the rest are trying to get to leader position for one reason or another. Arthur is FIGHTING to keep that Team Leader role
My idea with Alfred and Matt are that they’re like fightor pilots together, their gag is Alfred cant do shit and always fucks up but Matt always comes in to save the day while Alfred takes all the credit and Matt just has to suck it up and hold back his rage, everyone always forgets he’s there since he’s so quiet but occasionally they’ll notice him when they ran out of maple syrup for pancake day and he sighs and goes down the block to his place to grab a bottle cause his family gets the good shit and he just has to sit there and feel ignored the rest of the time untill they want timbits ot smth hand has to do it all over again. I wanna say they’re half brothers like same dad different moms too, explains why they dont live together and why one kid is violently American and the other Canadian. Or maybe twins and parents got divorced when they were like super young and got remarried and one lived in America and the other Canada. We may never know. Matts older though in both scenarios.
Kiku and Alfred always haul in videogame consoles, they frequently play Super Smash Bros together and like shit gets INTENSE IN THAT TREEHOUSE THERE WILL BE BLOOD, Alfred always loses and he never knows why but secretly Kiku always gives him the bad controller. He is secretly ruthless when it comes to shit like this. Kiku also likes training cadets at Arctic Base from time to time, he can be a little scary. On the flip side he likes to help Feliciano with his homework alongside Ludwig as they try to explain to him how to do long division as Feli just watches and spaces out again. They gave up and thought teaching him to cheat would be easier but no it was just as hard. Kiku likes to bring in ramune sodas and so many poppin cookings like i think its all the kids eat half the time HE ALWAYS BRINGS MORE THEY NEVER SEEM TO RUN OUT. He whips out a waffle one for Alfred for breakfast and watches him lick the cranberry sauce clean off the plastic. He also brings other cool candies cause its kinda one of his only flexes. That and also all the anime he brings, mostly dvd but they’re also only in Japanese so he’s mostly watching them all by himself cause like no one else knows it.
Yao is always off training by himself in his room, beating the shit out of his dummies and having to head down to the shop to buy new ones cause he always ends up wacking their heads and stuffing off. He eats a bunch of candy too to keep his energy up, it is a miracle his teeth haven’t rotted. He likes to go bother Ivan and try to get him to train with him but Ivan just sits in the corner playing with his toy trucks reenacting car crashes and stuff and Yao just says “….lol weirdo, im bringing over leftovers tomorrow for our dinner here at the tree house, do you want those little candies my grandma brought from home?” “Yes please” as he whisper screams acting as the drivers who got into the crash and die. Yao also is also the most athletic of the group, very flexible too.
As you can see Ivan is a little fucked up but he’s kinda just a loner. He feel he doesn’t fit in and Yao kinda hangs out with him but him and Alfred are surely a interesting duo. Arthur makes him work with Alfred sometimes on missions and they kinda cant stand each other but are they ever gonna say that? No. But he also weirdly likes Alfred like “wow he’s so cool…how does he have it so easy?” Thinking he’s the absolute shit when in reality the rest of the sector kinda cant stand him. He mostly just keeps to himself and does what he’s told, but ofc is absolutely fucking terrifying when provoked. But also kinda a little whiney bitch when he gets comfortable.
Francis and Arthur switch on and off to adult busting besties to “I HATE YOU EVEN MORE WHATEVA MAJOR LOSER” with the hand signals and everything. They train alot together and use their angry time as good training time. They fence and sword fight together and also tend to alot of chores around the treehouse. They weirdly respect eachother but also want to see eachother dead. Francis has a pony he keeps in its own stable in the treehouse, he pampers the shit outta it too. He takes it for walks around town and puts it in competitions and DOMINATES competition
Arthur has a whole ass battle ship. He begged Ludwig (2x4 Tech Officer) to build him one and they spent a couple months on it alone to make it perfect (aka Arthur kept adding shit to his list of wants and he went crazy trying to fit it all) but it got done eventually. He breaks for tea time and it’s RELIGIOUS he does not skip a beat to rush over for tea time. He really is a little British boy. I like to think though he does it so no one tries to steal his scones cause he goes out to buy the good ones. Everyone stopped stealing though when he started making copycat scones and they obviously sucked but he didn’t know that he thought his security measures were just so good!! (He put a single trip wire to make you fall forward. Thats it thats the trap) He also gets all his cool outfits commissioned by Taiwan (I dont have a human name for yet </3) who works at global command and makes all the super cool outfits for everyone. He has multiple jackets and like some of these outfits are OUT THERE he pays alot of candy for these things like some got whole ass gems and Egyptian cotton like okaaayyy
No one knows why Feliciano is still here, he doesn’t do shit and super dumb but like he brings good leftovers from his place so ig he can stay. He was a boy scout with Ludwig till he was like “Lets join KND” and he just said “Ok!”. He helps Ludwig the best he can by mostly just handing him shit but he makes himself useful somehow.
Ludwig is a absolute nerd, and also kinda a suck up like its actually so weird to think he’s in the KND cause he seems like super like “we must respect adults at all times!!” But no he has a fire in him, he cant stand them, he puts up with them but he cant stand em really. They did smth he can never forgive…anyway he’s always making new 2x4 tech for his sector and goes to alot of conventions. He’s kinda just a nerd like i said but he does et loose. He loves to play with trains and cars, has a whole model train set he made himself and also kinda a minecraft gamer. Ok so my timeline js weird cause idk if im making this in early 2000’s like the og show or in the modern day but ehhhhh whatever. Anyway when Kiku and Alfred are done playing Smash Bros and throwing hands he plops down to load up Minecraft, he loves to do redstone and also just play survival and ya know, tough it out. He plays with Feliciano but he sucks but he still lets him play. He actually plays alot with Francis but he likes more PVP and exploring than mining and building like Ludwig. Alfred also gets in on it but likes to troll so they usually kick him iut after he drops lava on Ludwigs cow pen.
Will i talk more about them? Yes ofc duh. Tune in next time for my awesome video essay on why this is my best au yet /j
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signature - Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Not Rated, 1225 words, Text fic, Prompt Fic, Modern AU
Daemon gets drunk on a boys' night out - and decides to demonstrate his love for Rhaenyra in a rather permanent way.
Written for the HotD Summer Snippets & Stories prompt event.
Prompt word: signature
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Italics is Daemon Bold is Rhaenyra
friday, 3:45pm
do i have to go yes rather stay home with you im not staying home im going out with laena ;) you know what i mean brat oh stop, you’ll have fun plus laenor and the boys need an old man to show them how it’s done im having 3 drinks max then im coming home whatever you say, love and dont think ill forget that 'old' comment youll pay for that later oh im counting on it :) now get back to work!
friday, 6:00pm
how do i look? [ATTACHMENT: (1) IMAGE] oh fuck you are you SURE i cant convince you stay home?? 0:) have fun old man xx
friday, 7:14pm
im the only one here why is no one ever on time being early is very uncool im not early! im punctual! if youre on time youre early need to be at least 15 min late im rolling my eyes so hard right now oh heres laenor and harwin finally laenor is already pissed LOL laena says hi [ATTACHMENT: (1) IMAGE] tell laena she needs to teach her brother how to hold his liquor
friday, 8:10pm
this pub smells like piss and regret im too old for this shit loosen up baby take a couple shots cant even remember the last time i did a shot all the more reason to do one! youre a bad influence i learned from my uncle ;) your uncle sounds hot oh he is he does shots, too does he? mmhm cmon, ill send a pic of my tits if you do
friday, 8:16pm
[ATTACHMENT: (1) IMAGE] atta boy believe im owed a tit two, even patience!
friday, 8:21pm
[ATTACHMENT: (3) IMAGES] fuck now im hard prove it
friday, 8:25pm
[ATTACHMENT: (2) IMAGES] mm maybe i shouldve stayed home still time ditch laena say the word ill leave right now think i like the idea of u having a wank in a pub bathroom instead fucking tease yeah. what are you gonna do abt it? :) adding to the list of things to punish you for fair i deserve a firm spanking ;) youll get more than that
friday, 9:11pm
well?? did u cum? in the bloody bathroom stall? im not an animal rhaenyra tsk tsk wheres ur sense of adventure come here and ill show you wouldnt dream of crashing boys night what if i beg i do like when u beg so is that a yes...? have another drink ;) youll regret saying that when youre holding my hair back later
friday, 9:57pm
kept doing shots terrible idea think im drunk now thats the spirit! harwin wants to go to a strip club have a lapdance i like when u come home all riled up ;) dont need a lapdance for that can just look at that pic of your tits again flatterer its true. best tits in all of westeros what abt essos? dont be greedy :'(ok ok best tits in all of essos too. and sothoryos and ulthos while were at it thats more like it :)
friday, 10:46pm
see8ng naked women ujst mkes me miss you :(( aww <3 how drunk are you?? lmao im serous tour so beuatiful i miss you[MISSED CALL: ♡Daemon♡]
friday, 10:48pm
sry love too loud here were at karaoke im up next gonna sing You're So Vain is rhat about me i bet you think so ;)
friday, 11:53pm
awful quiet over there u still alive? YES yes sintbe a brat Have s durprise for you layer oh gods laena just dropped me off heading to bed xx naked??? of course probe it
saturday, 12:02am
[ATTACHMENT: (3) IMAGES] i lvoe toy youre so fuscking hot sexiedt woman on esrth goodnight&lt;3
saturday, 1:40am
[MISSED CALL: ♡Daemon♡]
saturday, 1:41am
[MISSED CALL: ♡Daemon♡]
saturday, 1:42am
[MISSED CALL: ♡Daemon♡]
saturday, 1:45am
[ATTACHMENT: (2) IMAGES] WHAT IS THAT DAEMON! OMG ??? i love you baby xxxx i love you somuh much oh my god hahahaah you are going to be SO MAD at yourself tomorrow
saturday, 12:04pm
"About time you woke up. Thought you were dead." Daemon squints, the light sending a blinding pulse of pain directly between his eyes. He can barely lift his head, but he can see just enough to know he somehow made it into his own bed. His head is swimming, his mouth tastes like an ashtray, and he can tell by the way the sheets rub against him that he's completely naked. Beside him, slightly blurred, is Rhaenyra, wearing an undeniably smug grin. "How did I—" "Harwin poured you out of a cab around three a.m."  Harwin. Right. Boys' night with Harwin and Laenor. "Fucking hells, I drank way too much," Daemon groans, shoving his face back into the pillows. "That's not all you did," Rhaenyra says cryptically. Daemon lifts his head, craning his neck to get another look at Rhaenyra. She's smiling broadly, pointing a finger vaguely in the direction of his back. That's when he's hit with a stinging surge of pain in his lower back. Oh shit. Oh fuck.  "Don't worry, love. I took a photo. The ones you sent me were rather blurry."  Rhaenyra holds up her phone, right in front of his face. He blinks a few times, praying that each one might resest his brain and reveal that he's just imagining it—but the tingling sensation tells him it's very much real. A tattoo, right about his ass, in large, curling script: Rhaenyra "Oh my god." "That's what I said," Rhaenyra says. Daemon groans. Pieces of the night return to him in flashes: doing that first shot, then another, then another. Several anothers later and they were at a strip club. Somewhere around their third bottle of Veuve Clicquot, Daemon became convinced that he simply must get a tattoo in honor of Rhaenyra. And Laenor and Harwin apparently did nothing to talk him out of it. "What I'd like to know," Rhaenyra says, unable to keep the giddiness from her voice. "Is where you got my signature from? It's a perfect likeness."  That memory returns to him, too. A fragmented image of him waving a dinner receipt around like a lunatic. He sighs loudly. "I had a receipt in my wallet. From when we went to that Dornish restaurant. You paid." Rhaenyra laughs wickedly. "Oh, I can only imagine what it would have looked like had you not had a reference on hand."  "I'm going to kill Harwin," Daemon mutters. Rhaenyra sinks down beside him, stroking him lightly along his spine, careful not to disturb his fresh ink.  "Oh, come now. I rather like it." Daemon turns his head to the side to narrow his gaze at her. "You do not." "I do!" she insists, her eyes sparkling. "It's sweet. You love me so much you're willing to permanently disfigure yourself. Quite romantic, honestly."  Daemon can't help but laugh. "Suppose I'll keep it, then." "Yes, you have to. How else will the whole world know that you're mine?" Daemon reaches out to cup Rhaenyra's face. His beautiful wife. He strokes her cheek, and her smile outshines any other thought or feeling rattling around in his head. "In that case, it's only fair..." he trails off, raising an eyebrow. "What?" "You'll just have to get one to match." 
[ao3 link]
*banner by wandanatromanova
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lvxybby · 1 year
It kills me to love you (kai anderson x reader) Angst. (it'll get better <3) PART 2
i sat there on the bench. i became full of stress once i hung up on kai. i did way to much and i know ill get punished for it. will he beat me? scream and yell at me? lock me in a closet? i dont know. i really cant deal with him anymore. i want the things he promised me. he promised to keep me safe, educate me, stay LOYAL to me if im loyal to him, WHICH IS ALL I HAVE BEEN! he has promised me so much! and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS BROKEN! i cant take it! i wont! im tired of him calling me weak and a slut for crying over something or dressing a certain way. i have been taking all his bullshit for so long, and he doesnt expect me to feel bad? sometimes i really miss the old kai. the sweet quiet fun kai. the one who would braid my hair and kiss my cheek when im sad. i miss him coming over and talking to me about his parents. he wont tell me anything because hes so eaten up with paranoia. and vince? he doesnt help one bit. his brother is a mess and all he does is supply kai with adderall! i sat there on that bench or hours just thinking. it grew darker and darker and soon it was 10:30. i held my things close to my body. i didnt want to go back. i couldnt go back. soon i saw the familiar grey toyota pull up onto the side of the curb. kai along with meadow got out. dear lord help me. her "very real blonde" hair was over her shoulders and down her back. i sat patiently and waited. kai walked over to me and slapped me so hard i thought i would pass out. "what the fuck!" he shouted. i stayed quiet. "seriously what the fuck" meadow said "oh shut your fucking mouth you cunt!" i snapped back at her "you have no reason to be in this? why the hell are you even here?!" i continued. kai hit me once more. "you have no right to talk to her like that after what you've done" he growled. "kai i dont want to be around you! thats why i left! all you care about anymore is yourself and meadow! YOU always call me weak and a slut and a attention seeker! ALL those names and you dont expect me to get upset! I DONT WANT TO BE AROUND YOU!" i cried out "what happened to the loyalty? you promised loyalty to go both ways and ive been by your side, helping you dispose of YOUR doings! i do my task no matter how i feel! i always do what you want me to and you dont do anything else for me!" i yelled at him. he snatched my arm and dragged me to his car. i fought back, digging my nails into his skin. i clawed and dug them into his arm but it didnt stop him. meadow followed us. he opened the door and threw me into the back. i hit my head hard on the other side. i quivered as kai got into the front seat, meadow following. he put on his seatbelt and began to drive back to his house. was this it? is this all he would do? no. theres no way. i quietly let tears flow down my face. i rubbed the spot where i hit my head. it felt warm. i moved my hand to find blood smeared onto it. i covered my mouth as i cried a bit more. he stopped right in front of his house and got out. he came over by me and opened the door and began to drag me out by my hair. the asphalt scratched and cut my calves, leaving my legs bleeding. i tried to force his hand away from my hair but he never let go. he pulled me inside and slammed his door "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" he screamed. "YOU DONT TALK ABOUT THAT ANYWHERE ELSE BUT HERE" he continued. i cried more. he dragged me down to the basement and threw me down onto the hard cold floor. my head was bleeding so much by now. i cried out in pain from the sudden force. i was in so much pain. everything hurt, so badly. "kai please" i cried. i couldnt even stand up i hurt so bad. "no im not done with you" he whispered close to me. "kai all i did was leave the house for a few hours cause i was upset! i never wanted this to happen! i left cause i couldnt take it anymore! i have done so much for you for 2 years! 2! but meadow kills a guy and it so perfect! Ive done so much shit for you! to make YOU happy to make YOU comfortable I HAVE DONE SO MUCH BUT YOU DONT CARE! SO WHY DO YOU WANT ME AROUND!?" I yelled back at him. he sat there quiet for a minute.
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A/N So suptober day 8, sober. I have no ideas so im just gonna start and see where we get.
Perhaps... weechesters?
Sam-13 dean-17
"Dean!" Sam shouted.
"What sammy? Whaddya want? Im busy." He slurred drunkenly looking up from his beer to sam with blurred vision.
"Are- are you drunk?" Sam asked shocked.
"Yeah sam. Why?" Dean asked too pissed to carr that he should act responsible in front of sammy. He had had another nightmare of that night again. You arent supposed to remeber things from when you are four its not fair. He had to dull the pain somehow and john left a pack of beer and a full bottle of scotch so he did what he raised to believe helped with emotional pain. He drank.
There was no denying that the alcohol had become a part of his life, a part of him. Frankly too big a part, worryingly so.
"What! Sam. What do you want?" He said tesrs building and welling at the banks of his eyelids, the alchohol hadnt helped him conceal his emotions or dull his pain, it just seemed to return the feel of the heat, the roar of the flame, the small weight of baby sammy in his arms, the emptyness inside him when john told him his mom wasnt coming back. It all washed his vision in floods, tsunamis of emotion and duress.
"Are you ok?" Sam asked softly in a little voice, too quiet to lie to.
"No." He whispered honestly letting his tears finally break the surface tension and roll down his face rapidly reaching his chin and hitting his shirt. Sam ran towards him prying the can of beer from his hand before wrapping his brother in a warm embrace. Dean just cried into his brother's shoulder holding tight as if afraid if he let go he would disappear.
"Im sorry sammy. Are you ok? What did you need?" Dean asked, an attmept to compose hismelf dramatically failing.
"Just... my brother back." Sam said smiling his own tears building up just shy of falling, before sam began clinging once more onto dean.
"I know sam. But im just not good enough. I cant be the brother you need. I wish i could." He sighed into Sam's hair, his chin resting on his little brothers shoulder.
"You already are dean. You- you just need to stop, stop the drinking and the hiding your feelings. Im here for you the same way you are for me. Just let me be here, please."
Dean waited silently for a while before agreeing, wanting the best for him. "Ok sammy. I'll be better for you."
"If thats the motivation you need then good." Sam smiled "but you have to stop drinking. Especially since you still arent old enough technically." Dean chuckled at the words of his law abiding brother.
"Ok sammy." He whispered. His grip on sammy was unrelenting, he must have held sammy for hours, just breathing him in and keeping him safe until sam went heavy in his arms and his breathing deepened and levelled.
"Come on then sammy." He whispered picking his baby brother up, just like all those years ago before gingerly laying him down on the bed and covering him neatly with the blanket.
He smiled at the sight of the young boy. 'Yeah.' He thought to himself 'I'lll do it for him'.
5 years later~~
"So, ummm... this is still weird. Sorry feelings arent really my deal but anyway here we are, my name is ted nu- sorry, my name is dean winchester. Ive been sober 5 years. For my little brother mostly but also for myself. Anyway yeah. Im proud, its five years yesterday. Which is fun i have been doing this for half a decade and i still dont know what to do for this personal speech thingy." He chuckled, as did the rest of the sobriety group. When came thre groups inevitable end, he walked out and saw sam sitting on the bench next to the door to the hall, book in his lap and eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
"Hey dean, how'd it go?" Sam asked suddenly looking up into dean's eyes. Dean saw the same little boy he had been seeing in sams place for years.
"Fine thanks. Come on sammy." He smiled.
A/N so, umm. Yeah here is... that, enjoy. Sobriety if you are addicted please get help, there is help out there for you if you need it. 🙏
Hope you had fun <3
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jinkicake · 2 years
Woke up in a cold sweat and made a wild ass realization 🫠 albedo is like kenma’s cousin,,,,, like hhh they’re both short, smart and observant and very blunt, blonde, pretty boys, eyes that pierce your soul- like I HATE it here😭😭 bc i was thinking about the calling him daddy thing you wrote😔 and then albedo took up residence in my brain; saw someone say he would wear a maid outfit to tease you but then tail you in said outfit, and I’m so down😩💕 like when people see y’all roaming the streets of mondstat they’re like “oh they definitely top him, he’s so quiet and socially awkward” but rip lmao he has you wrapped around his pretty fingers😔😔 like it’s feeling like top leaning switch bc he prefers to preform experiments not be the test subject; HOWEVER if you can make him flustered he’s at your mercy. He’s so pretty it’s crazy like catch him early in the morning before he braids his hair and he looks like an angel, gunna bite the star on his neck as a treat. IK his thighs are nice like I just know it, perfect to suffocate me with 🥰 like he feels like he would just say out of pocket shit w a straight face and be like “you couldn’t tell it was a joke?” LMFAOOOO SIR bc you walk into the lab without a coat and he’s like “if you spill anything I’ll have to strip you down to decontaminate you” and when your like 😀😀he’s like haha just kidding!! Unless👀 like we already know his fingers are nice like I give it about 5 mins before your legs are quivering and he’s joke hmm let me write this down for future reference 😭 he’s a menace bc he would fuck you stupid in the back of the library and have you fully dressed when Lisa comes back and he’s like “ do you need anything? We were looking for a book” king of not getting caught actually. His fav place is his lab table or jeans desk. he’s a man on a mission, he’s gunna fill you up one way or another
the albedo kenma connection.... im connecting the dots....
kenma has the same va as akechi and albeo has the same va as saikis brother. same universe. there connection made. the pipeline is now complete!
youre trying to get railed by albedo in a maid fit?! you know what... i cant even say anything bc if it were kaeya or dare i say diluc i would 100% understand (oh here i go again making everything about kaeya im sorryyyy, i cant help it hes my baby) i understand completely
NO EXACTLY. EXACTLY PEOPLE WOULD THINK HES SUBBY AND QUIET BUT I KNOW ALBEDO CAN BE DOMINANT AND BOLD LIKE hes fucking crazy when he wants to be and when his s/o WANTS him to be..... (im sorry but the sneak diss of him being socially awkward made me spiiiiiit LOL thats too funny)
wahhh the mention of hair down albedo makes me breathless like bro is ethereal.... also dont mention thighs around me unless you want me to act like a fool! i feel like biting that mark (#albedoispartjoestarconfirmed) would make him lose his fucking mind like that would push him over the edge and send him straight into a messy ass session of using you for his own pleasure like he needs to satisfy his primal needs.... hmmm i kinda.... kinda dont hate that idea!
I love experiment smuts w albedo.... i need it like oxygen and water.....I FEEL LIKE HE IS THE TYPE TO RESEARCH AND TEST ON YOU!!!! he'd try different methods of pleasing you, essentially just edging you while trying out different moves w his fingers or his tongue or his.... teeehee you know.... and then writing down each of the methods and rating them and then figuring out which one you like the best while you quiver and shake on his cold ass table, bare naked like a specimen!!! youre falling apart at the seams because he refuse to let you finish, not until he gets his research all situated!!! ok thats enough for me i cant get in too deep or else ill explode!
honestly, bonus points if lisa hears you two in the library but pretended not to...... actually she can join in!!! i would let her join in!!! but also.... if anyone could get away with doing it in public it would be albedo
EEEEEEEK HE LIKES IT ON JEANS DESK.... him and diluc twinsssss!!!!
are you pulling for him on this banner?? have you gotten him already?
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