#if you genuinely believe this shit idk what to tell you man. you're a lost cause
tweekspaperhat · 5 months
hey, people who claim kyle is just as bad or somehow worse than cartman? its a joke right? you're just being silly? you wouldn't genuinely have such a bad take right..?
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nezz-cringe-crib · 6 months
teru mikami analysis bc i love him
hi i'm just here to rant about how much i love teru mikami's character because he's genuinely such a well written character. this is probably gonna be unorganized and just rambly. i might rewrite it later but for now i just need another reason to procrastinate and focus on my silly emos.
(oh yeah also spoilers if that isn't obvious)
mikami is probably one of the best representations of religious trauma (at least imo and from what i've seen). i haven't read the manga yet and a lot of this might just be me projecting, but either way he's still the top in my books. there's SO many scenes and details about him that remind me so much of myself when i was still heavily involved with christianity (and to be clear, this is my own interpretation, not me tryna shit on any religions. that's a big wompwomp no-no. respect ppl hoes). so here's some random bits about mikami that make me go "OH SHIT ME-CORE ALERT!!!!":
the entire thing with his mom. i know that when he reflects back on his mom's death, he talks about how he's happy the whole thing happened because "she's evil and god killed the evil for me thanks god" but i completely believe the whole thing is just him brainwashing himself. like think about it for a second. his mom just died in the same car crash that involved his main tormentors, and this was also right after he was holding a slight grudge against his mom for defending said tormentors (she obviously didn't do that. she was just trying to help mikami view the world from a more realistic point of view to keep him out of trouble, but when you're that young and that passionate about justice, to him it'll seem like she's defending the same evil he's trying to fight). when you combine these things together, this is just gonna lead to a WHOLE lot of conflicted and lost feelings, and we see that in mikami. he had just been through a rough conversation with his mom, and she died before he could even get a chance to really think about said convo. all he is left with is a mixed feeling of loss, resentment, and fear. however, on the other hand, her death meant that the tormentors she was defending had also died. so to him, it has to mean something, doesn't it? the group of bastards that had been ruining his and others' lives and had finally been rid of. and if this had happened right after his mother had been defending them, it has to be a sign, right? there has to be a reason for all this hurt, right? when mikami is viewing the world through these lenses, it makes sense that'd he'd suddenly want a reason to justify his mom's death, even though it feels unbelievably cruel. so he finds a reason, and he finds that reasoning through god. this is honestly something that i used to do a lot when i was still heavily invested in my church, and i'm sure there are others who have been in the same situation. when the world is unjustifiably cruel, people will make up justification for it. it's a fear tactic that many people fall prey to in religious environments, and if not treated, it can fester into much more toxic environments for the people around them.
^^^ tldr: mikami copes with his mom's death by telling himself "it's okay that my mom died!! she was working for satan and god had to kill her!! thanks god!!" and if that's not the most religious-trauma-core shit out there then idk what is.
ALSO LITERALLY JUST EVERYTHING WITH LIGHT'S DEATH???? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT SHIT HURT MAN. the realization that your god is not the god you thought you had been following used to be some of the scariest shit out there to me and mikami had it thrown right at his face when light died. not only was his god gone, but his god was never a god to begin with. he was just some guy. some pathetic guy who was now bleeding out and screaming on the ground. he had dedicated his life to this thing, and it was never real to begin with. and so he dies with it. because when the god revolving your life is gone, what other life do you really have? mikami was the perfect fucking example of that and i need it to be talked about more fucking please guys he's literally just like me fr i swear.
that's all i can think of right now tbh. if there's any typos in here no there isn't you're wrong nuhuh. anyways i fucking love mikami's character. he might be an antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord but he's MY antisocial autistic boyloser edgelord and i will defend him with my life. that hoe did EVERY wrong thing but your honor he is just a silly guy.
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
i'm gonna make the quickest post about this since i got a couple asks about it already and i don't want to answer them all separately.
firstly, yes. i heard that SEG, the youtuber that made the exposing video about snc and seth, plans to do another and interview kristin about the whole thing.
secondly, yes. i've also heard that she is apparently still upset at seth but he didn't imply that she's upset at snc.
thirdly, yes. i also heard that there is apparently "lost footage". whatever that means.
i'm gonna say this in the shortest and quickest way possible, that way you can all know how i'm feeling. idk if it's bc today was weirdly stressful or if it's bc i'm running on like 20 minutes of sleep; nonetheless, i do not care about SEG or his videos or what he plans to ask kristin. unless they have proof of snc kicking a puppy or something terrible like that, there is little to nothing they could have done in that house to make me stop being a fan of them.
first and foremost, if they did something genuinely terrible, it would have been in the first video. most likely he said the "lost footage" comment (idk how he said it bc i didn't watch his video and have no plans to either) just so ppl feel the need to stick around and hear what he's got to say. bc if there was something reprehensible done on camera, he would have put it in his video the first time around. so i don't believe him.
secondly, idk how he can know kristin is still mad at seth when he hasn't even interviewed her yet, but i don't exactly expect him to tell the truth either so… whatever.
third, we all collectively have to stop giving this man our time, energy, and views. he's raking it in and loving it. he's bragging about how much money he's making from ppl watching his content. if you're a fan of snc, don't let curiosity win. block the mother fucker and move on.
bc again, if there was something that bad on the original tapes or whatever, it would have been in his first video AND snc and seth would have been charged with something.
he is trying to milk this for every cent he can get. don't be apart of it.
and also, if kristin is still upset at what seth said, i get it. she's allowed to be. but then i gotta ask… why do a second video for their paid subscription where you were laughing it up and having a grand ol time? bc you could have easily said "get the fuck out of my town and don't come back" but that's not what happened. so…. either you leaked this footage to a hater at PEAK HEAT of snc hate, or this just so happened to leak right as they were getting hate and now you feel the need to say something.
whatever. again. i don't care about this. and i ask everyone not to ask me about this either anymore. unless some majo developments happen, i don't care to hear it. i will gladly talk about anything else. genuinely. ask me random shit. talk to me about snc's love life. i would much rather talk about that than this bc i am OVER IT.
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izziessogay · 2 years
I found the best Christian
I'm here to settle the debate on who is the best Christian in Moulin Rouge, you're welcome.
so I've definitely been here for a while, the movie has been my favourite for almost a decade now at this point and I lost my shit when I found out about the musical, naturally I'm an expert and completely correct (there is a tldr)
my favourite Christian for a long time was Ewan McGregor when it comes to the overall picture, which is pretty basic ngl, but he just had the right amount of stupid retriever boy and good voice. however the original obviously has issues with racism/orientalism etc. when it comes to vocal performance Aaron Tveit takes the cake, but he's way too old/mature for my personal likings. all the other ones I've seen were great too (looking at you Muscato stannies), sure but none of them did it like it was supposed to be done.
BUT NOW, yesterday I went to the show in Cologne (with my princess @uncooldotcom ) which was truly spectacular, I've been looking forward to it for months. Still I was a little disappointed because the main Christian is Riccardo Greco and idk he's giving everything but Christian I'm sorry. Well we didn't see Greco though, because his understudy Markus Fetter went on and let me tell you he's the one.
From the moment he went on he was smilling from one ear to another, eyes glistening, truly no thought behind these eyes golden retriever vibe. He had all of Ewan's childishness/excitement. Young, a bit hunky, but a short king, clumsy and all, not a single care in the world. Even when he was not the centre of the scene he never snapped out of that role. When the betrayal hit he still stayed in character, boyish and still not quite understanding of what's happening before his eyes. The rage and the anger seemed so genuine and not malicious like I've seen so many times in the musical adaptation. He didn't seem old and bitter when his heart got broken, he honestly just seemed like a confused kid AND THAT'S HOW IT HAS TO BE.
(Satine was also amazing really, played by Shanna Slaap (also an understudy), it gave raw and seasoned queen, conceal don't feel etc. I will worship her until the end. She was the perfect grumpy black cat match to the bubbly retriever boy)
And don't get me started on the voice, the range! at first it was all clear and angelic like his whole look and then as the tragedy went on it grew more raspy. Satine and him harmonized perfectly, not overpowering one another and they both filled the theatre easily. Since the whole thing was in german too I thought it would be challenging because of the lyrics, but my man really made all the songs his own, no cringy dub, I know it's hard to believe. needless to say the crescendos in "el tango del Roxanne" were the best I've ever heard, it had low notes, high notes, crisp sounds and raspy sounds, perfect enunciation despite the volume or the choreography. I'd be happy listening to that and nothing else until I die. everything was so sincere so unknowing, so aaaaaaaa (I will not stop talking about it for months) (also I don't think he could be more different irl... bbgirl definitely)
tldr: Christians understudy in Cologne was the perfect characterization and vocalisation of Christian (stupid, happy, boyish, honestly angelic, golden retriever) and I have literally one person in the entire world to talk about it, no cast recording, no way to see it again so I'm writing essays on tumblr to cope with the frustration :)
(here's a picture of them from Shanna's and Markus' story for proof)
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@markus_fetter and @shannamichelleslaap on ig
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years
ok LAST when you said he was a very angsty man,, do you ever think he's genuinely disappointed or upset at himself sometimes that he can't love you like other people do? he thinks he lacks on the sight abilities, and feels bad about not being able to TRULY see you,, describe how beautiful you are,,etc (is that why he tries to make it up with touch and acts of service?? IDK WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS BYE) imagine having to constantly assure him that he has loved you more than enough </33
okay so yes i think he feels inadequate in his ability to love you a lot.
and i'm sure at times he wishes he could see you, see the way he just knows your eyes twinkle when you're giving him shit. but honestly at this point he's so far beyond like missing his sight like that because he's long since come to terms with the fact that he is simply blind.
the reason i think those are his love languages is because a. of examples we see in the show (ie. the way he crumples like a house of cards when he lets karen hold him, or and this one is vague and big but still i think that being daredevil is in and of itself an act of service to the city- fourteen blocks- of hell's kitchen) and b. just who he is as a person or who i at least imagine him to be.
i'm sure you could take those things out of context or even contextualize them to mean different things, but i personally think matt is someone who just desperately needs touch and affection. that he is constantly wanting to be close to people despite his fear of being close to them. he's someone who just wants to be plastered up next to you on the couch, in bed, at the coffee shop, or at josies in a booth where he can just push his thigh up against yours and live off the rush of dopamine involved in even the littlest of touches.
i think his feelings of inadequacy with you would be centered around this idea that he's broken and dangerous. that he's more trouble than he's worth, or that he ruins good things when he gets his bloodied hands on them. that matt and daredevil are so intertwined its a bad thing, a thing that's ugly and unfair to put on someone, a thing that could be so dangerous for them if people knew that he had a weakness in you. he would really struggle and fight with himself at times to shut these thoughts down, to just live in the happiness of the moment and not expect the pain of failure.
it's not that he'd suddenly stop thinking them, just that he'd try to ignore it so he could enjoy you while he had you. fine with dealing with the fall when it came, because he was so convinced it would come.
and you'd remind him a million times.
"i love you matty, you absolute fucking mess; my mess,"
"i can't tell you enough, but i'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it. you're good matthew murdock, good, at your core. at the very center of your being, the foundation for which all of the rest of you is built, is good."
"you go out and you protect the city you love, and you go to work and help the people who need you. i know you hate the word, especially in reference to yourself, but if that's not a hero i don't know what is."
"you're a whole person, you know that right? no big chunks of you missing, not a single puzzle piece lost over the years. you're whole, and here, and i fucking adore you."
"you know i'm proud of every single thing you do, but you might just have outdone yourself this time murdock. this might just be your best work yet,"
it was hard for him to feel inadequate when your contradictions were almost violent in certainty. how could he doubt you when you were so sure. so convinced he deserved love, and that he loved you well enough, and even just enough in general.
"there's no one i love more than you matt, there's no one i'd rather be with. every day that i am with you i thank a god i'm not even sure i believe in."
and how could he question that kind of conviction
i don't know how that turned into a tiny drabble but i just get carried away, with him. usually and specifically off the rocker on my sleep meds i just be like ah finally some good fucking food and i shit some stuff out and call it a night
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milqueandsugar · 4 years
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood, injury
Genre: Angst
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| Hear No Evil, Do No Evil |
After your second kind of a date kind of not a date your very cateful around Techno
Every part of you tells you your being paranoid, but the other knows that theres something he isn't telling you
You know the piglin to well not to know when he's lying
And you care to much to ignore it
Convinced he's done something to upset you Techno doesn't search for your company like he used to
Something both him and the voices aren't very happy about
Being in love is a new emotion for him, he loves Philza sure, he loves Steven but he's never been IN love
He never realized how different those statements were before
Just like when he goes to many days without a kill the voices begin to get louder and louder, only this time he had no idea how to please them
Before he had lost everything he could lose he used to lock himself away during these fits
Know that he knows himself better, and how to control himself, he just goes around slaying any animal that crossed paths with him
Not the most elegant solution but it brought more peace to his mind
Now with no idea how to get the voices quiet he's resorted to quite literally trapping himself in his bunker
He know's your upset
He's convinced himself it's because of him
Theres no way in hell he's going to see you when all he can think about is how good you smell, how your smile makes his frozen heart melt, how soft your skin is compared to his own, how lovingly you adjust his clothes or armour after battle
All the while he scars the stone ground with his claws, chanting mantras alongside unheard voices
It had been a good two weeks since you had heard from the piglin. Not entirely unusual for you, as you rather detested the cool weather up in the arctic. However knowing there was some sort of conflict between you and your best friend made you restless at night, you couldn't keep ignoring him. He didn't deserve that, plus you missed Philza's morning tea, the smell of campfires that clung to everything in his house, the way Steve would bring sticks for you to toss. You missed the magnificent bastards that made up the Antarctic empire. More importantly, you missed Technoblade.
By the time you reached the cabin you had noticed it was unusually still. Steve and Carl were out in the yard, mosing about but there was no sign of Technoblade or Philza. They were both pretty hard workers, stubborn as hell as well, seeing as it was half past twelve you would expect the two of them to be running around doing chores. Surprisingly however it was still, perhaps they had things inside to do? Or maybe they took your suggestion for a lunch break a bit more seriously then expected.
Entering the cabin you call out for them, nothing, looking around you couldn't help but notice how much of a mess everything was. You had only ever seen the house in this much disarray before they traveled, or that time Phil let a creeper into the house and things got fucken wild. But, if traveling was the case why was Carl out front? And why was Techno's sword hung up on the mantle.
And unsettling feeling began to creep over your shoulders as you slowly begin to pick up the clutter. You couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for things, so you decided to wait until you could come up with one or was given one. The sun had long set before Phil arrived at the house, clearly surprised to find you still sorting through chests. Clearly worried as well.
You turn to greet the man but are quickly cut off, "what are you doing here?" He ushers quickly shitting the door behind him. "I was looking for Technoblade, why is something happening? Is the butcher gang back?" You explain, chest tightening with unease. Something was seriously wrong. "No, no nothing like that we aren't in any danger. Technoblade is having another fit, he's not doing very well at the moment. It might be best for you to leave" Phil warned, his usual cheerful voice dripping with a nervousness you hadn't heard from him in a long time. You wave off the older gentleman scoffing, "Phil you're forgetting I used to go hunting with him I've seen him pretty bad-" "He's locked himself in his bunker. He doesn't even trust himself anymore, he won't eat nor sleep, whatever he has going on in his head is far more then the two of us can handle at the moment" Phil cut you off. You stood in shock, he locked himself away? Technoblade hasn't done that in.. years! What the hell was going on with him.
You wanted to believe Phil was lying to you, that Technoblade was off terrorizing villagers and he was just buying his companion time. But the genuine look of fear in his emerald eyes made your stomach sink. "He's not well Y/N, I certainly don't want him to come back to you dead or injured. He'll come through eventually, just not right now. " The blonde approached you and wrapped strong arms around your shoulders, you hadn't even realized that you were crying until he began to shush you.
"Listen, listen, stay the night here. It's too late for you to travel especially in this sort of weather, in the morning I'll take you back home, I'll let you know immediately when hes better" He assures you, pulling away to cup your face in his hands and wipe your tears with his thumbs. "Let's get you to bed, come on, let's go." Fatherly wasn't something you saw much in Phil anymore, but you couldn't deny how comforting it was, if not a bit embarrassing to have the man tuck you into Techno's sheets before turning out the lamp.
As you lay in the blood God's bed, listening intently to the sound of the howling wind you began to scheme. Something you did best was planning, and this night was no different. You had no idea how long Techno had been like this, if you had the time to curse yourself for avoiding him you would, but for the moment you just needed to make sure he wasn't dead. Slipping from his bedroom and past Phil's you gather a plate of rather light food, knowing he'd get sick if he ate something to heavy.
Stealing one of the Piglins cloaks you shield the food with your arms as you sneak our of the house. You knew Philza only had your best interest at heart, but he should have known better then to tell you your friend was in danger. Especially when that friend was less then a brisk walk away. By the time you get to the false wall your already shivering, the wind nipping at anything it could get at. Your nose was already beginning to run as you hit the disguised button and the wall drops.
At first you see nothing, the darkness and the snow fall blinding you to the scene in front of you. Stepping into what little shelter the cave provided you struggled to steady yourself after stepping on what looked to be the remains of a netherite chestplate. Hung up on the fact that he broke netherite with supposedly his bare hands you don't realize the Piglin lunging at you until your buried in the snow. Plates long discarded and broken you stare the husk of the man you knew in his wild eyes.
Almost like you could read the voices chants of your demise in the pools of ebony fear seemed to strike you harder then his fist. You heard your ribs breaking before you felt them, thank God for adrenaline. You felt nauseous, sick even as you blindly scratch and push at the weight on top of you. Grabbing a tusk by its base you pull left as hard as you can, taking his moment of unbalance to scramble away. Your hands grope for any sort of hold in the snowbank, desperate to get away from the beast on top of you. You dont make it far however before claws tear at the clothes and skin around your ankles, pulling you towards them with little care. Your screams of pain and/or fear are cut short by clawed hands tightening around your throat. Your pathetically small ones meet his, scratching desperately at the exposed hand with one while the other grabs a fist full of snow and smashes it into his face.
The white of the snow falling around you seemed denser then before, you felt cold, to your very bone under him. Under his stare. You've looked death before in the eyes, more then on one occasion, and you had never remembered them being so beautiful. For a split second you swear you hear another voice being carried by the wind, peeling your tear welled eyes from the piglin on top of you the fall towards the direction of the cabin, then at the shards of netherite. You had looked death in the eyes before, and you had yet to die. You weren't going to now.
Grabbing the shard and effectively slicing your hand open in the process you blindly begin to swing. Your chest burns, your skin burns, your vision is beginning to dim to nothing, all you can hear is the wind. Your stabs, or attempts at stabbing does little, with what minuscule amount of consciousness you have in yourself you get one finally blow, to somewhere before you cant feel anything anymore. You had never imagined death to feel so cold.
Technoblade's eyes begin to fall back into focus, pain driving the voices in his head silent as he looks down at the shard of netherite in his arm. More importantly his eyes fall onto a golden ring on the hand belonging to his attacker. A bear etched into its surface. That was Y/N's ring, he had given it to her for christmas. Anger flooding his chest he grinds his teeth, hands tightening around their neck. What right do they have to be wearing your ring? Dark eyes fall back down onto their attacker, bloodied and bruised.. and Y/N. His heart sunk faster then an anvil in a lake, scrambling backwards from your limp body he cant decide whether to look at you or his hands covered in your blood. No, no it couldn't be you, you were.. you were mad at him why would you come up? Why would you attack him?
Crawling to his side he lifted you into his arms, inspecting you closely. This had to be some sort of trick, some sort of lie? No, no you would never attack him you loved him, he loved you! That's why he was like this he was like this because he loved you! Scared lips began to quiver, and tears began to fall and subsequently freeze to his cheeks. No, no, no.
He couldn't think, his mind flooded with the screaming of the voices in his head, begging him to save you, to help you, to hold you. For once in his life he didnt know how, he couldn't save you. He had always been your knight in shining armour, and he cant save you.
He can't save you.
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panevanbuckley · 3 years
hi bestie I heard u don't mind asks and I randomly got into casmund and it's been my most favorite thing to think about their marriage, but idk where to put my love so I hope you enjoy this 😩😩😩 lmao I'm so sorry tbh
like just imagine the amount of times one of them comes back to their quarters all exasperated, Edmund bursts through the door like, u will NOT believe the face of the guy Susan is considering marrying, and she's only doing it to form an alliance. and he rambles on to Caspian about it and they have late afternoon tea on the balcony, now genuinely discussing it and downright psychoanalyzing Susan.
"Susan - in her infinite wisdom - tends to plan her every step, ten steps ahead if she can. But you, Peter and Lucy, you're all pretty... You've been known to make rash decisions."
Caspian used to hold back with his criticisms for his brother and sisters in law, careful not to accidentally cross a line, but now he knows Edmund wants to hear his thoughts, even if his judgments are harsh. They aren't harsh today though and he speaks gently. "Might be she feels she stands out."
Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.
"Ah, so she's being stupid on purpose."
Caspian laughs softly. "Although, yes, actually. I think she might be."
"What, seriously?" Edmund asks incredulously, reaching over to see if Caspian's tea cup is empty and making motion to fill it up.
"Well, when shit gets real, the three of you may as well race each other; who will offer to sacrifice themselves first. Susan doesn't do that, not usually, right? Her instinct is to take a step back, think it through, look at the situation globally. Someone who can't see her virtues, like she herself, could mistake her for something of a coward."
"Besides," Caspian continues when Edmund only huhs and stirs his tea with a spoonful of honey, "from what you tell me, she changed the least. Lucy's more serious when she needs to be, Peter's better at listening, you're you. Obviously the best sibling."
Naturally, Edmund needs to make sure he's sweetened the tea enough so he dips his middle finger in a licks it ostentatiously.
"Aw, Eddie. I'm not just stroking your ego." Caspian smiles, about to stroke Eddie's ego more. "No one can piece together a lost cause quite like you do."
At that, Edmund blushes boyishly, looking at Caspian through his lashes. "Thanks." But even more so than the compliment, he relishes Caspian's insight. He can always rely on his siblings but there's nothing as relieving as bitching about problems to his husband who's the only man to always know what to say, even when he doesn't.
I'm fine.... I'm so okay right now. not a puddle on the floor at all. nope.
okay, but seriously, the line 'Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.' is now single-handedly the cause of my death. because, I mean, I saw the ask. I saw you say 'their marriage'. but I was NOT prepared. something about 'to watch his husband' has absolutely SENT me into an emotional, fluffy pit of feels!!
this entire ask is pure gold and I am absolutely on board with you directing your casmund love this way because I have nobody to rant to about them and they literally own my whole dumb heart (along with, like, five other ships atm but it's whatever).
I absolutely adore the idea of Edmund pouring Caspian more tea, the two of them bitching about anyone and everyone (yes, even family members!) with each other. but also them trying to understand Susan's actions, still worrying over her even if she's being stupid or doing something they disagree with. that's real family love right there and I'm here for it!
we will not talk about Caspian calling Edmund 'Eddie' and how that's is so freaking adorable (and also how I've just realised that I have a strange, unintentional, love for characters called Eddie because what?! seriously, out of any characters, there's like 6 in my top 10 that can be nicknamed Eddie and that's sort of freaking me out right now!)
you should so write fics! especially of married casmund!! that's something I've ben craving since I discovered this ship, just some pure, married fluff, but I can't seem to find many fics that aren't angsty and break my heart at the end 😭
please, feel free to always drop by with anything omg! this ask has literally made my entire night 💕
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I just heard that you're doing requests!!! I already love your content and fully agree that Natsuo Todoroki is King~!!! If I may bother to ask a request? Just all the hcs you want to write about Ice Man bc it's getting to June where I live, and I don't mind cooling down~
Tera, my beloved, I'm going to be honest I literally fucking screamed upon seeing this request!!! I’ve been reading your fics before I even had like an acc here, so we vibin :) Also after the day I’ve had I need some fucking Ice man in my life n hopefully doing this will help me write my way out of the writers block that has been plaguing me for months!!!!
Future Blue here to say I had up to like all done last night and then my internet ate shit and I lost everything after 5. smfh. Woulda been done last night but the loss of my writing got me fucked up lolololololol. N e way
Warnings: cursing obvi, uh like nsfw for a hc or 2, my unorganized hcs that really follow no succinct line of thought and might not even be actual hcs???????
So Natsuo, 
There is not a thing I wouldn’t do for this man, bc honestly after all the shit he’s put up with he deserves the world and then some. But I digress.
1. I think he’s a hesitant but attentive boyf. Like he seems like a genuinely friendly dude but I think it’d take him a while to properly warm up to someone enough to date them. And even then I think he might struggle to open up to his partner about anything like, emotionally. Not to say he’s entirely emotionally closed off or anything but somethings are just harder to trust people with. The main thing being his familial issues. And of course that’s were most of this stems from. 
Now for the attentive part. His family dynamic has set a precedent on what not to do in a relationship so he’s always hyper aware of the things he or his s/o does, trying his best to avoid making any of the mistakes his parents made. Of course if he finds the right person he’ll be surprised to find that having a non-toxic relationship can be less stressful than he thought. It’s like a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders.
2. He’s fucking hella romantic. Like he’s shitty romance movie romantic. He’s out here trying his best n woof. Gimme gimme. On date nights he pulls out all the stops. Sometimes it’s a nice classic dinner date at a pretty nice restaurant downtown, or it’s a picnic in the park at noon, or it’s stargazing from the roof of his or his s/o’s dorm/apartment/house, or driving out to a beach just for a long walk at sunset, or road trips to nowhere in particular. I could go on, I really could but you get the gist.
3. He’s got shitty pickup lines for days. Whenever I say shitty I mean like “god I hate it but at the same time I love it” kinda shitty. But yeah he likes to see his s/o’s reaction to his stupid pickup lines, whether they get flustered, or die laughing, or groan and make a snide remark, he’s here for it. Shoot one back at him and he get’s so absolutely red. Mans wasn’t ready. Mans will never be ready.
4. This just came to me but let’s be honest a lot of us here, myself included, have some sort of fucking daddy kink and like, I get it obvi but in this situation never call this man daddy. I feel like for him that is an instant turn off. I’m sorry to everyone I’m letting down but sometimes daddy issues don’t lead to a daddy kink. 
5. But on the topic of kinks I think this man is pretty vanilla, he doesn’t scream “freak” to me, you know? Just normal amazing sex. Oh but he does enjoy hella praise both receiving and giving.
6. Hopping off that train of thought and onto another I think he kinda tries to keep his s/o as far away from his family as possible. He doesn’t hate them (when I say them you know i mean everyone except Enji bc he avoids that man like the plague and like keeping his s/o far far far away from that man was a given), no he just likes to have something so utterly untouched by his family issues. Mans needs a breath of fresh air.
-These next 2 I think will veer off from being hcs a bit and just like shit that I like to think about in general. Does that make sense? Who knows lololol. N e way. I like to think a lot about two aspects of this man, well 1 aspect of the man himself and one....dynamic? It’ll make sense in a few so just hear me out. 
7. Ok so like I saw this post somewhere eons and eons ago. It was long before current manga events, maybe around the time we’d just gotten Natsuo in the manga. My memory of this post is hazy at best so bear with me as I stumble over my thoughts. Obvi at this point in time we had little to nothing on this beautiful, beautiful man, so people were left to theorize. So this one post, was really that shitty meme where it’s like “small brain if you think such n such, bigger brain if this, n galaxy brain if this, etc., etc.” Where in essence it was like, “He probably has a weak ice quirk but what if some sort of ice based healing quirk or no quirk at all!” N i think about it a lot to this day. I don’t believe that either of those are true but I do think it is absolutely immaculate food for thought so uh do with that what you will.
8. I guess this is back on hc territory but Natsuo isn’t picky with who he dates, as long as you’re not an asshole he’s kinda set, good to go. Now most of the fics for him you’ll see are like “ay yo, you’re another college hoe or like you’re just a civilian” but like what would the dynamic be if he dated a hero?????? I don’t think he hates heroes but his father has definitely had an impact on his view of them. He’s not enamored with them like I guess the rest of the population is so what if hero s/o?????? Perhaps?????? Have I suddenly had a fic idea??????? I like the idea of Natsuo with a like super popular Pro hero s/o or with like a super lowkey underground hero idk this whole post has been me spitballing shit.
9. Back onto proper hcs, it’s a common one that mans runs cold and ugh pls yes. It is also June rn and while the past few days have been cool and sexy the weeks prior had been hellish and on top of that I despise summer so give me all of that. Mans is your personal ac, he’s not opposed to his s/o just spending a hellishly hot day laying on top of him as they watch garbage reality tv.
10. Can we talk love language? Physical touch. He just radiates that energy. Probably touch starved, obviously due to you know what. But yeah definitely a hard physical touch. (Which is actually my least favorite love language considering I’m quite ✨𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓾𝓵𝓼𝓮𝓭 ✨but hey I’m not here to project I’m just here to tell you what I see n therefore think) He likes to be touching his s/o like 24/7. Out in public shopping or some shit? Holding hands, linked pinkies, arm around the shoulders or waist. At home? Sheesh be ready to be smothered bb.
TLDR: What a man 🥵
I think I’ve gotten most if not all of my thoughts about our beloved ice man out. I hope you enjoyed my nonsensical ramblings :)
Have a good morning/afternoon/night!!!!!
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sn4kebites · 3 years
hello im Late To The Party lmaooo but i think i've gathered my thoughts enough to form a decent ask 🦥
i honestly feel like the content in the tags is just so ... stagnant. like you go through any x reader tag and it becomes very apparent very quickly that everything is basically just half-assed copy-pasted headcanons that honestly...don't really involve that much thought. and the sad thing is that's what's popular, because its so easily consumable and so easy to mass produce, so ppl see that that type of content gets attention & followers so they start to copy it and it starts a cycle of boring content lmao.
i feel like this was really clear a few months ago where all these blogs under networks started popping up and you genuinely Could Not tell the difference between them...from the same themes to same content to literally the same carrds lmao (on a side note....the fact that so many of them had a "besties" list did not sit right w me lmao.... like it just screamed high school clique and clout chaser to me). like if that's all you're producing i genuinely cannot imagine being proud of your content like that ... and judging by the way so many of the blogs die out within a 2-4 month period . 🥴
and what makes me mad is that whenever we point out these problems and criticize the community all we get in return is "you're just jealous" and "let people read what they want" and a slew of hate anons putting u down to defend their favs. but the thing is, no one is telling them to stop. no one is telling them what they can and can't read—hell, even i end up reading that type of content occasionally because its just, exactly what's on the tin. it's easy. it's consumable.
but what is a problem is that this community settles for mediocrity. they raise the blogs that create this type of content onto a pedastal and act like they're the second coming of shakespeare when literally all they make is "how hq boys hold your hand" and "hq boys as tiktok trends" with no original thought at all.
there's no unique voices, at least not anymore, and i genuinely believe it's because of the burnout that this community has caused for them. writing is a hobby you do for yourself first and foremost, i know that. but there comes a point where when all you do is pour your heart and soul into creating fics and it gets little to no attention at all and that popular blog who made their 12th headcanon list about how hq boys as tiktok trends gets like 1k notes... i don't blame them for leaving :")
i might have more to say that i'm forgetting atm but these are My thoughts [folds hands] . if you made it through all of this JDKALW my apologies 🐌🐌
i feel ppl are so dismissive of it but it's like so genuinely an issue and you cannot talk about it because people will really just call you bitter and it's like man i LIKE blogging. if i hated i wouldn't be here and me thinking about these things is not me being bitter
it's literally just evaluating the way content is percieved and how that has leaked itself into writing. fic writing is a form of meta analysis. when you focus so much on consumability i feel like you lose such a fundamental aspect of it
like.. character building, and plot and development - all of these incredibly important things get lost when people are too bothered to read anything over a thousand words. and it MATTERS because the core of fandom stuff is analysis and characterization and exploring a world anf these concepts and when you completely lose the space for that it's.. frustrating 2 say the least
and it's like.. i LOVE shitposting. i make fake tweets and shit like that because it's so entertaining but it's weirdly depressing to see how quickly those posts tend to circle around like IDK there's just.
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