#they can be two sides of the same coin sometimes
tweekspaperhat · 2 months
hey, people who claim kyle is just as bad or somehow worse than cartman? its a joke right? you're just being silly? you wouldn't genuinely have such a bad take right..?
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macadam · 1 year
People ask me why I don’t block more liberally and it’s because I actually like carrying around all the little haters in my pocket
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padfootastic · 1 year
hey, so i've seen you lean into the cold arrogant black heir version of sirius lately, and i agree to an extent, because he was pretty intimidating and arrogant and didn't really care much about the public other than his people, but that doesn't really mean that he's this stoic, serious guy either right? he's pretty funny, definitely a troublemaker, and way too charming to stay in trouble for long. but at the same time, people know he's dangerous and should not be messed with because under all the charm, there absolutely was an element of 'fuck with me and i'll kill you'. and i know this sounds super contradictory but that's the whole point about sirius' character. he's a walking talking contradiction. he's so beautifully complex that turning him into this heir version is contradicting his entire character. what do you think? i would love to see you elaborate on this.
also, what do you think his humour is like? i've always thought of it as super sarcastic and dry. he def has a dark sense of humour, and he's so so sharp witted. anyway sorry if my ask was too long, i can talk for hours and hours about sirius.
no!!! anon no ask is too long when it’s about sirius. i can do the same (i have, in fact, done the same) it’s so valid.
i don’t think it’s such a contradiction at all, actually! i personally see sirius as this: a guy with a lot of masks, partially bc it’s been trained into him & partially bc he’s had to be. and i think he defaults to this cold, arrogant one because it’s the one he’s had longest—but around the right people, it fully melts away. the marauders and lily, yes but especially james and harry. that’s why i keep mentioning the outsider pov of it, people getting shocked when they see the difference in his behaviour. it’s why i wrote the patronus fic lolol.
i actually think that he had a lot…issues with the ‘heir’ version of himself (and yes, that’s a fanon concept i’ve absorbed entirely bc i love) because of what it represents and he tries hard to break away from it at all times. he probably went through an entire phase of teenage rebellion where he was doing everything against his family’s teachings bc it felt good. but, i love it when people can’t run away from their nature as much as they want to, so i always end up giving him some traits that basically make him hate himself looking into the mirror lmao
as for his humor, oh for sure!! this one’s definitely canon—he has a dry, sarcastic humor. (funnily, this is where i see a lot of similarities b/w him and harry for some reason) i think it can tend towards self deprecating sometimes. he’s also—hm. u can see his class in his words, and i think that might be true of his humor as well tho idk how to explain that better lol i think he’s the kind of person who’s so good at passive aggressiveness that you’ll never realise he insulted u to ur face (we have a phrase for it here—kaat ke haath mein dedi; i think sirius would be ace at that). and going off that, i do think his humor was also based on…belittling? other people. or rather, at the expense of other people in that way popular kids do sometimes. like him w the rat in swm, i think. casually cruel. a little mean.
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tarmac-rat · 11 months
#I like to implement themes and imagery a lot in my work and this is me putting the back wheels before the cart before the horse#But in those tag games I do sometimes I've always compared Riley to a coyote-- which I think fits#Coyotes are pack animals living in the desert w/ their social systems-- similar to nomad clans living in the desert w/ their social systems#And a coyote's perceived aggressiveness translates well to symbolize a character like my V who has a reputation for being aggressive#The idea of a pack animal separated from it's pack is what I was gunning for#But I never noticed that the dichotomy of coyotes and their stereotypical prey-- jackrabbits-- translates REALLY well to Johnny and V#Especially considering Johnny as a jackrabbit rather than a coyote (backwards I know but work with me for a sec)#Jackrabbits being a solitary animal that CAN live in a group but usually chooses not to#The idea of a hare looking similar to a rabbit but still being prey all the same#(idk why but my brain sticks with idea of Johnny standing out from the NC Vox Poppili but he's still just that at the end of the day-- prey#And running. Running at danger running for safety. The thought of Johnny always always always running#A jackrabbit can't move slowly they're often symbols of moving fast-- Johnny never slows down; he's always on the run from something#With the Coyote chasing after it for survival#In Dine mythology the coyote and the jackrabbit are both trickster figures and idk that sticks in my mind#Coyote wants to smoke Rabbit out of it's hole but when it lights the fires Rabbit kicks the embers back into his face#Cunning beaten with cunning in a sense like two sides of the same coin. Idk it just tickles me#The idea of two people both being so opposed but still having that emotional connection between them#Anyway thought blurb over#Honestly I'd've made this into an actual post but my thoughts aren't necessarily in the best order for it
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munamania · 2 years
hmmmmorgana really said gaslight gatekeep girlboss in this last episode…
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Sigh. Why must you have died Aris, now I have to actually think abt what your abilities are instead of just sweeping it under the rug and calling it good enough
#rat rambles#eternal gales#like I do have stuff in mind but Ive been needing to flesh it out a bit more even if it doesnt rly come up much#basically shed the other side of the information translation coin that is tali#tali translates information into smth readable to people and aris translates information into smth usuable for a universe's purposes#im theory anyways aris doesnt actually get that much use out of that stuff since she only died once or twice#tali also only died once or twice but she had her connection to her role amplified by the whole scar debacle#if youve seen the blue string stuff in my eg art before then thats the stuff put in her face and eye#its basically just smth the narrator uses to gather and transfer information from different universes#so tali got tapped into that a lot more forcefully than most tali's in ither universes are#aris on the other hand mostly has her abilities expressed in a lot less immediately noticable ways#mostly just in her far too late newfound immunity to The Goop™#most of the others never rly directly get to use their theoretical abilities due to the fact they never die lol#bloom did die tho so congrats girlie you get to finish off the information triangle#she acts as the data storage itself 👍#great ability for a nine year old who just bled out and died#the others abilities get to be seen in their au counterparts at least#au snek being the most in your face one in that regard due to having died the most by a longshot#most of the others died only a handful of times with mostly no physical alterations from their abilities#au snek can still appear mostly normal but she always has splits between different sections of skin from when she is in meat snake mode#most of the others physical alterations are either just general universe chanres or aren't directly from their abilities#such as owl being all goopy from eating her original universe and au aris being all goopy because thats how she died#the goop™ is basically just a defense mechanism of the universe core btw#anyways au mase looks all edgy and shit because hes storing a shit ton of ppl in him#and then au fydd tali and bloom all just look different from being different agaes and going through different shit#au fydd is abt 15 au tali is abt 18 and au bloom is somewhere in her mid 30s#au sier is also around 18 and au aris is 14#au mase and snek get to be the odd ones out as the only two who are the same ages as their main universe counterparts#I should rly get around to actually drawing all the au antags sometime soon its been like 5 or so years they desperately need drawn#I technically did draw them way Way back but that was all the crusty dusty original versions of them
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bubblewater · 5 months
Wdym Chief Bogo and Mayor Lionheart aren’t basically brothers who grew up together and pursued careers that suited their personalities
Bogo, with his blunt and stubborn demeanor, of course he’s a chief officer of the police academy
Lionheart, with his cunning and showmanship, of course he’s a politician
They are both characters very much tied to law and order, but they take different approaches to it.
As adopted brothers, they would’ve been exposed to the struggles that the other goes through. They would’ve seen them experience prejudice and bias, realizing the injustice of it all
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fatehbaz · 9 days
In just eight blocks of sidewalk in quiet neighborhood, walking through the not-quite-rain of a sunshower, today I encountered four missing shoe soles. Little pieces of plastic and rubber, detached from pedestrians' shoes, now lonely on the concrete, with the weeds.
No such thing, really, as a "weed", though. "Weed" is not a botanical term. Instead, describes perceived pests, at the discretion of the observer. At the discretion of the authority. Designated as weed by the one with power over that land. The agronomist, the rancher, the plantation manager. The weed wastes space that could otherwise be given to a monoculture cash crop, an "economically significant" plant. The weed interferes with the productivity of the plot of land. The weed interrupts the extraction. The weed diminishes the value. The weed doesn't belong in this place.
People are made to be weeds, too.
Some cities will designate you as a weed, and then they'll take action to pull you out. They'll uproot you. But it's not always explicit, like "we're outlawing loitering" or "we're outlawing taking a nap in the park" or "we're defunding the library". Sometimes it's quite clever, it's written into the physical landscape. Self-congratulatory "progressive" cities learn to co-opt language, to obscure the violence, to use and abuse space.
Thinking about things you might encounter, you might perceive, after you've been destitute, broken, lived at a homeless shelter, for years. Little signs of other peoples' misery. Indicators of desperation that some might overlook. And the way that environment shapes, and is shaped by, these miseries.
A friend asks "why is there always an unusual amount of scuffed detached missing shoe soles on this particular stretch of sidewalk? There are hardly any homes around here, it's all asphalt and empty lots, so where are all these be-shoed people coming from?" Because even though this is a wide expanse without either home residences or any kind of commercial or recreation space someone would want to visit, these blocks are the straight-line direct path between a low-income apartment complex and the cluster of corporate big box stores, and there's no bus line that runs between the two areas. "But don't the vast majority of customers of shopping malls and box stores drive vehicles, hence the obscenely massive parking lots?" Sure, customers drive, but guess who actually has to work at those places? An underclass of people living at that apartment complex with harsh restrictions and cheap amenities, who can't afford car insurance or who might be too physically disabled to bike. And so that apartment complex is a de facto "company town", the residents are essentially in confinement. It is written into that landscape. It can be read. "Why is there always debris, wrappers, coins, etc. in this particular quiet couple of blocks of the boulevard?" Because these blocks are between a thrift store and a same-day drop-in clinic, so many impoverished people will routinely be walking between these two locations. They attend their appointment, and then have forty-five minutes to kill before the bus comes back around, so why not check out the thrift store? The city and county collaborated and placed all the low-income assistance offices on the far side of town, which conveniently forces the poor and disabled to both stay away from the luxurious downtown district and also to waste their time making a four-hour commute, catching various connecting buses or else riding the bikepath, across the city just to attend a ten-minute-long appointment.
Then this spatial layout, this city's physical environment, will shape the physical body. This violence writes itself into the flesh. The way the denim is chafed and discolored on the left shoulder of someone's jacket from carrying a small backpack around by foot, day after day after day. The way someone's heart rate increases when they see a white and black vehicle in the periphery of their vision, subconsciously recollecting institutionalization and institutional abuse, or fearing what a ticket fee would mean for their budget (they might not be able to afford rent). The way someone develops a painful limp, maybe occasionally depends on a cane, because they had to walk great distances every day to get to work and their shoe sole fell off on the sidewalk, but they can't replace the shoes because their employer is underpaying them, and they're forced to stand all day at work anyway, and they already had some modest nerve damage in their foot because they've been rationing their insulin and can't afford their prescriptions, and federal medical insurance keeps denying them because their physical letters in the mail always show up too late or not at all, and groceries are too expensive so it's hard to get good nutrition to heal, but the diabetic nerve damage has by now damaged their digestive tract too so they have a strictly limited bland diet and can't enjoy the simple pleasure of a home-cooked meal (if they can even afford a home, at this point), and all those "little" miseries add up, and now they're hungry, and in pain, because they were forced to walk kinda funny for a long time over all those decaying sidewalks with all those other weeds.
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lxkeee · 5 months
₊˚ෆ 𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗜𝗚𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 (author info & masterlist)
name: luke
age: 22
pronouns: he/they
gender: genderfluid
sexuality: aroace (demisexual??? still questioning)
nationality: filipino
zodiac: taurus
mbti: intj-t
third year college student
education major
sleep deprived 24/7
a bundle of depression & anxiety
has multiple tumblr accounts @lxkeeeeee [sideblog for repost] & @lxkeeeee [main account] @hoshxnaa [KAIJU NO. 8 side blog]
made this account to dedicate to lucifer from hazbin hotel
plays genshin impact and honkai star rail
would be writing for she/he readers but mostly fem aligned reader
cat luvr, has 7 cats actually
shit humor — inconsistent —has rizz(training order jk) — my english doesn't english sometimes
indecisive | lazy | self indulgent writer
animated lines used are made by cafekitsune
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂��𝐑𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐑 must be at least 15 years old to join!
— one | two | three | four | five
— one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | finale
• Lucifer comforting fallen angel! reader
• Lucifer eating reader out [nsfw]
• My GAYDAR is never wrong!
• The Devil has his own charms [Lucifer charming Adam's third wife headcanons]
• Obsession [Lucifer being obsessed with you headcanons]
• Lucifer taking care of his sick s/o
• What's it's like when the princess of hell walks in on her dad doing the devil's tango with his new lover?
• Lucifer with thigh worshipping both fem and male headcanons
• To-do List [Father Lucifer x Daughter! Reader] [Platonic] | MALE/SON VERSION
• Lucifer x overlord! fem! reader (part one | two)
• Chained by desires [oneshot | smut]
• Fly me to the moon [Lucifer x archangel raphael! fem! reader] [misc.]
—part one | part two | part three | four | five | six |
• I'm in the wind, you're in the water [Lucifer Morningstar x Mermaid! Reader]
—Part One | Part Two
• Two sides of the same coin [ex-husband! Lucifer Morningstar x ex-wife! Angel! Reader]
—one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen
—Alternate Universe: one | two | three
• IT'S BEEN SO LONG [Lucifer x Adopted angel daughter! Reader] [platonic]
— one | two | three | four
• Heaven and Back! [Alastor's mom! Angel! Reader x Lucifer]
—one | two | three | four
• Keeping up with The Seven Heavenly Virtues [A Two Sides of the Same Coin socmed side story]
—one | two | three | four | five
• CICATRIZE [FULL SERIES] | coming soon
• Can we become we? | coming soon
• Unconditionally [Lucifer x male! sinner! reader] | coming soon
• Enchanted to meet you [angst]
• ME AND THE DEVIL [Lucifer Morningstar x Azazel! Male! Reader]
• Pasilyo/Panalangin oneshot
• Lucifer x cupid! Reader
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grunckle · 22 days
I think something that gets misinterpreted a lot in the Rain World community is what purposed organisms actually are. Theres a common interpretation that they were like “beasts of burden” and looked like or were the creatures we still see today. But this isn’t what Moon tells us, here’s what she says.
“Most purposed organisms were considerably smaller than me, and most barely looked like organisms at all. More like tubes in metal boxes, where something went in one end and something else came out the other…When I came into this world there was very little primal fauna left. So it's highly likely that you are the descendant of a purposed organism yourself!”
This dialogue paints the picture that most purposed organisms were closer to machines, or machine cogs, with biological parts than actual animals.
Of course most people are aware that creatures like leviathans and miros birds have mechanical aspects, but I think that most if not all creatures have some sort of blending of the biological and mechanical; it’s more of a spectrum than a dichotomy with cyborgs in between.
This idea is also based on some of the old Rain World concept art by Joar.
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Here, it looks like melting globs of flesh, (or fleshy rubber and plastic) mutate over a metal “skeleton”. I think this can show the possible intention for purposed organisms and evolution in this world. Organic and mechanical transition seamlessly, and organic parts grow rapidly. I believe most purposed organisms started off on the more mechanical side of things, but evolved their organic “cover” in this way. Maybe everything we see, including us, have some mechanical components that are hidden by the flesh exterior.
This sort of, life overabundance and rapid growth is shown through Five Pebbles’s rot in game. His rot globs are able to grow legs and become mobile in an incredibly short amount of time, and even proto rot grows from innocuous metal walls.
My friend over at Darthzz-Ploo-World really coined this interpretation (and many others) in my opinion and did a wonderful art piece showcasing it.
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My friend Re also did some great art showcasing a theory on orange lizards evolving from those computer boxes in Sky Islands and the exterior.
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I also did some doodles on my own theories in the same vein. This time on the origin or Shoreline leviathans from Moon’s collapsed iterator components.
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But yeah, I think Downpour leaned more into the “beast of burden” interpretation, but I also don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. Not everything needs to be a tube-box descendant I suppose.
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kalki-tarot · 18 days
Spiritual advices from a Hindu spiritual freak 🪷
These are my personal opinions and piece of advice and may or may not work for everyone, pls do what you feel is right for you, I'm not forcing any advices on you, anything which is written below is not intended to harm anyone or any group of people🙏🧿💓
Karma is REAL, what you do definitely comes back at you at some point in your journey as a soul. Nothing happens without a reason.
You need to remove the fears associated with living for yourself instilled by your religion(s), parents, peers, etc.
There is no heaven and hell, they are just states of conciousnesses.
There is no "SATAN" or "GOD", good and bad are two sides of the same coin. Without one, another can't exist.
God is just the highest level of consciousness, which even transcends dharma.
Religion and politics are tools to limit and control you from inside and outside.
Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible.
There is no definite path to become one with godliness.
Everything is "maya" i.e, an illusion. It's all a play, and we all are actors. You are not the body, you are the eternal atman.
Love doesn't need marriage. Is love itself not powerful alone that it needs marriage? Love is natural, while marriage is not.
True love always dies at some point, just like a full blooming rose sheds after sometime. True love is momentary and can happen with multiple people throughout life.
Yoga is not what the west shows it to be, it has more spiritual significance. The west potrays some bs like beer yoga, lemonade yoga etc. Which is utter bs.
Never let other people, other ideologies, religions, etc mould your mind. Be who you are, not what you're conditioned to be.
Don't repress your shadow parts, like lust, sexual desires etc.
Meditations works for real. Try it yourself.
Tantra is not only about sex, it's much more than that.
Never practice tantra without a proper guru. Never chant special mantras without an authentic guru's advice.
People who trigger you are actually mirrors of your own deepest darkest fears and shadow parts.
Everything is temporary, you as a human being too, are temporary.
Practicing mindfulness actually does wonders.
Don't donate money, instead buy things with it like clothes, food, etc. Then donate it to the needy.
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love-marimo · 10 months
Dancing in the Rain (Neuvillette x Reader)
Lolita's Note: ー in which you saw neuvillette standing by the porch in the midst of a downpour of rain ー you asked him to dance, and little did you know it soothed his aching heart.
This, again, is taken from the actual lore of the hydro dragon crying whenever it rains!
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There is a common superstition passed down through the hushed whispers in Fontaine…
…that when it rains, it is said that the Hydro dragon weeps.
It is something that you have always wondered about. You always thought about the things that made the hydro dragon cry, because it happens quite often too.
With that said, you have come to a realization that the Hydro Dragon must have a tender heart.
One that is as gentle as a morning drizzle.
Yet one that is as powerful as a thunderstorm blaring through the darkest of nights.
When the latter happens, you seek the arms of the one you love, Neuvillette. And somehow, when your bodies find each other, you swear to the archons that the storm has calmed down.
Even just a little.
The thing about Neuvillette is he does not like to display his emotions.
But he is very polite and courteous. He does not like to make anyone feel excluded, despite working in an occupation where a cutthroat attitude is necessary.
One can say that his personality becomes two sides of the same coin.
There is a middle ground, though ー a blurred space that combines these said facets of his personality. One that he fails to hide every single time.
One that comes out when it rains.
"Darling? Neuvillette?" You shift on your shared bed in a half-asleep state, looking for him.
When you sense that he's not inside your bedroom, you lit up a lamp and searched for him in your shared home.
It's been raining pretty hard these days. Coincidentally in your point of view, Neuvillette has been acting odd. It's as if he's more uptight and aloof. You noticed that he also stays up pretty late ー sometimes you think he doesn't sleep at all.
Another strange thing he frequently does, is he stands by the front porch watching the downpour of rain.
So now you definitely knew where he is.
Slowly, you hesitated to reach for his hair, but you did anyway. Caressing it gently, he was taken by surprise for a moment before he turned to you and gave you a small smile.
"Oh, my dear. You should go back to bed. We still have two hours before it is morning." He curtly tells you before he holds you closer to him.
"It seems that you want me to stay, though." You chuckle, placing your hand on top of his.
He lets out a small laugh ー one that comes out as a content sigh.
The loud downpour of the rain calmed down into a somber drizzle.
"Do you still find storms scary?" He asked you, while he looked out to the distance. You nod in reply. He sighs once again, as if he's apologizing that it cannot be helped.
"As long as you're here, I'm going to be fine." You held his hand and took him with you outside, a sudden idea of dancing in the rain popped in your head.
"What are you doing?" He asked you, a bit alarmed.
"Let's dance in the rain!" You exclaim.
"You're going to catch a cold." Neuvillette tries to take you back inside.
"Then take care of me when that happens!" You retort.
Neuvillette laughs. It sounded more genuine now.
It continued raining, but unlike the violent storm before, it poured gently on your skin. The man brushes a wet strand of your hair that covered your face and smiles at you again.
"Very well. Lead the way, monsieur/mademoiselle." Neuvillette put his hand over his chest, while you held the hem of your dress shirt on both sides.
After you bowed, you took Neuvillette's hands and guided them ー one finds its way on your waist and the other holds your hand.
"We don't have music, so let's just pretend that we are dancing to the melody of the rain." You laugh, as you begin dancing to the rhythm of waltz.
You both shared tender laughs and danced in the rain like children, even if the only light that illuminated you were the lamps of your home.
"I am sorry. I should've stayed in bed. I don't want you to be the one seeking my presence every time you feel afraid, upset, or terrible in general." He sighs.
Just as you wonder if the hydro dragon has a human form, Neuvillette wonders if you already cracked the code.
"Hydro dragon, don't cry. Hydro dragon, don't cry." You started to chant softly, as if lulling a weeping child.
He softened at your expression. As he spun you around he asked,
"Where did you learn that?"
"Oh, nothing. I thought it would be nice if the Hydro dragon hears it. I mean, not that it would be of much help." You chuckle.
Neuvillette then finds himself repeating the same words.
"Yeah that's it, let's chant it together!"
Hydro Dragon, don't cry.
Hydro Dragon, don't cry.
Hydro Dragon, don't cry.
Neuvillette admires your gentle nature. One touch, one word, and one look ー all of his worries dissipate.
All of his woes disappear.
And of course, the heavy rainfall that he brings forth once he has a heavy heart stops.
Just like now.
"Oh? The rain stopped!" You squealed in excitement.
"Yes, it seems that the hydro dragon heard us." He replied.
The skies cleared to reveal the slight glimmer of light at the crack of dawn.
Looking up, you can still see the full moon.
"Come, let us go back inside and dry ourselves. We still have a few hours of sleep to catch." Neuvillette tells you, guiding you back to your shared home.
"I wonder if the Hydro dragon really heard us. I hope whatever troubles them is resolved soon." You say as he tucks you to bed.
To him, if it's you, then he can get used to your lullaby ー a hushed chanting of his name, one that seeks to comfort his sonder heart.
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ー Lolita
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eskymoos · 4 months
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Levi Ackerman As a Romantic Partner
Headcanons by Eskimos
Levi Ackerman is the Captain of the scouts.
Of course he will have high expectations of you. His eyes are always on the target and his strength never fails. However, he knows to keep you close during every mission. Regardless of whether his behavior betrays it, his heart beats for you. Levi would sooner put himself under a guillotine blade than let anything or anybody hurt you.
He's also the type to hold a long speech to you about how you're using your ODM gear wrong and then, when you finally get the chance to shine, he will fly past you and slash three titans at once. Is he doing it for the safety of everybody or just to impress you? That remains a mystery.
Levi Ackerman is Humanity's Strongest soldier.
He doesn't crow about his strength. Nobody questions it because it's a fact. What's more, you've seen both sides of the coin. Levi implements harsh, disciplinary methods on young, delinquent soldiers. Sometimes he even punishes them physically. You might catch the Captain in the hallway dragging somebody like a ragdoll by their hair or kicking the back of their knee to trip them and the next moment you're in his office doing your work alongside him while his fingers rest in your hair. The same fingers that just tormented somebody tangle in your hair and mess it affectionately. You know how to find comfort in his cold presence. In fact, you know he would turn the Earth inside out if something were to happen to you.
Levi Ackerman is a member of the exiled Ackerman clan.
Levi is many things and definitely not proud of his origins. He knows a thing or two about how the Ackerman clan came to be and why it's so despised. The only reason he chooses to associate himself with the name is because it reminds him of the first person he ever truly loved- his mother. Or, well, that used to be the explanation before you stepped into his life. Now he daydreams about making you an Ackerman. His partner until death does you apart. In his eyes, the shame is all gone because you're his other half and he would happily make that bond eternal.
Levi Ackerman is a hyper ultra mega clean freak.
His room? Spotless? His office? Shining clean.
Hygiene is a thing he will never ever overlook (his past can explain that mania). There's nothing more enjoyable than a deep clean and a fresh start.
However, there's a secret he will never tell anybody. Your disorganization and chaotic, aimless persona holds some charm that he never expected to find in the first place. Yes, he certaintly won't be encouraging a filthy work space but you being the polar opposite can give him butterflies and gradually drive him mad. Before you know it, his entire mind is a mess because of you and you don't even suspect a thing.
If you're a clean freak like him, then you're undeniably the soulmate he yearns for. Levi's obsession can only grow deeper if he sees a reflection of his own ideas in you.
Levi Ackerman is a murder weapon.
Having been recruited from a young age to serve Erwin, Levi is very much used to the blood bath that comes with his job. He is ruthless from the core of his beating heart. If justice stands behind violence, then he won't mind being the bad guy even if it ruins an innocent life.
Things are not so black and white behind closed doors. If you're the lucky person who owns his heart and soul, you will have the honor of receiving limitless amount of devotion from the depths of his eyes. His touch will always be gentle and his words- thoughtful. He will always be a shoulder to cry on and a shelter to stand under.
Even during more intimate moments, his focus will be entirely on you and the gentleness of his actions will make your head spin.
''Deep breaths, come on.''
''Eyes on me.''
''That's it. Just like that.''
Levi Ackerman is human. More human than people think.
There are days when things just get too much. And when the world is too loud and all burdens weigh on his shoulders, he will find you and keep you close.
Levi is confirmed to be a very emotional character. Even his silence speaks volumes when he sits beside you, arms and legs crossed and his head resting on your shoulder. He will relish you and worship these bits of tranquility that he rarely gets.
Levi Ackerman is an insomniac.
His nights are a hellish loop. Memories, work, plan-making, strategies. The man doesn't have it easy. You are the antidote for all his problems. When you sleep near him, even if you've passed out in his office, he will observe you and take care of you to the best of his capabilities. The sight of a loved one being at peace heals all his scars and suddenly he feels like he is dreaming.
''Huh-- Levi, are you alright?''
''Go to sleep,'' he'd murmur, looking into your tired eyes. ''I am here. Sleep.''
And it's true. He is always there. He always will be.
Levi Ackerman is short.
And he wishes there was a way to change that. It's an insecurity he can't mask so easily but it doesn't affect him too strongly. Truth is, building a healthy relationship with you will only fuel his desire to demonstrate other good traits. For example, if you're struggling to reach something he will walk behind you and position his cold, slender hands on your waist just to lift you up and help out. He's short, yes, but outstandingly intelligent.
Levi Ackerman? He is like no other.
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meyobe · 11 months
Pretty privilege…. No MC privilege pt.2
Mc can always expect him to take their side no matter what.
Mc was the first person to see past his angry and treat him like a person.
He is forever imbedded to them.
No matter how criminal the crime.
Mc was the one to start a fight? Well why was the other person fighting back?
Mc broke an expensive vase? If it’s so expensive why it is out, where anyone can reach it?
Mc started a fire in the kitchen? Devildom ingredients can be dangerous for human use-age.
He will most likely find a way to flip Mc problem on the person who accused them.
He his mind you do no wrong.
But not to be mistaken, he knows Mc is reckless but guidance is key! (He thinks)
He will put Mc comfort over his.
He’s spent millennials admiring himself and put himself over other by default.
Mc showed him that his soul is more blinding then any gold or highlighter he puts on.
Mc has showed him a new way of viewing life.
Mc looks uncomfortable sitting on the floor during movie night? Just take his seat… matter a fact his kicking his brother off so you can have space.
Mc is tired of wearing their heels? He’ll switch shoes with you.
Mc is carrying a lot of bags that look heavy? He’ll carry them himself no matter how ugly he thinks it is.
He is letting go of his persona of being perfect because Mc taught him your flaws make you unique.
Buttt old habits die hard but Mc just has to look at him and he knows to settle down.
Mc can use him as a stress reliever( not that way ^_^)
He is the strongest brother( without and magic or demon forms) he works out and knows it can take stress away.
Mc showed him it’s not enough to be strong physically, but mentally.
Mc and beel are two side of the same coin.
He never wants Mc to hold what their really thinking or feeling back.
Mc’s had a really bad day? Are we going to the gym or on a run?
Mc is refaced with a bad memory? Does Mc need to yell he will listen? Or does Mc want to punch someone or something? He is right there.
Mc feels the need to let out some energy? Does Mc want to practice with him and his team?
He knows that sometimes people need to get violent to relive their stress.
Nothing that Mc May do can hurt him. So go crazy >_<
He thinks Mc is the strongest person he will ever meet.
He strive to be just like them.
Mc can expect him to make an effort.
He’s had lots of time to dwell on his past mistakes and understand where he went wrong.
He will spend an eternity trying to make things right.
He wants Mc to know he’s trying his hardest for them.
He’s trying to living up to the honor them Mc gives him.
Mc has been feeling stressed? Flowers and a gift basket are at their door with a note that has the letter “B” on it.
Mc has to go to a meeting but also need to do my chores? He’ll make sure they’re done before Mc is back.
Mc and Belphie got Into a fight? He’s still texting them “ Goodnight, I love you “ because he knows how easily you can be taken away.
All his life his been deemed lazy or useless. It never bother him until Mc.
He is becoming the best version of hisself because he wants to be the demon whose worthy of a pact with Mc.
A/n/: should I write this for the dateables?!?!
I should also mention that I love writing so feel free to request!!
A new post about volleyball will be up soon!
Ty all!❤️
Pt.3 is up!!
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jaffababe · 11 months
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Women of Sinai -Al-‘Arish
The Sinai dress is a masterpiece of art. Some dresses are predominantly red and are only worn by married women, while the blue ones are worn by widows. Dresses with a mixture of blue and red are an indication that the wearer has ended her period of mourning and is now ready to marry again.
The number of colors and the geometric designs embroidered by the women of Sinai on their dresses makes the latter a marvelous background for their kind of jewelry. It is the same as the Palestinian dress known as the Bir Sab' dress, with reference to the Palestinian area adiacent to the borders of the Sinai Peninsula.
The burgu', or veil, is an important piece of adornment worn only by the married Bedouin women of Sinai. It can almost be considered a piece of jewelry, for it is covered with quantities of hilyat, or round pieces of silver or white metal, or even gold, and sometimes old metal coins. The burgu is also sometimes adorned with a number of chains attached to both sides of the veil, ending in silver units covered with primitive designs stamped onto them, or ending with units of tube coral.
There are only two types of veil in Sinai, the short one worn by the women of the Akharsa tribe and with it a silver necklace or pendant, and the long veil worn by the women of the Bayyada tribe. Unmarried girls leave their faces uncovered so that young men may see their beauty and seek to marry them.
The Sinai Peninsula is inhabited by a number of Bedouin tribes who migrated to Egypt from the Arab peninsula and Palestine in ancient times. They settled, mixed, and intermarried with the different communities of inhabitants surrounding the peninsula, starting with the people of the Egyptian governorate of Sharqiya to the inhabitants of Bir Sab' in Palestine. The borders were open then and an active trade exchange flourished. Moreover, the Palestinian towns and cities were a market for Egyptian products. As a result of the intermarriages, there is a great resemblance between the jewelry worn in Sinai and the jewelry worn in Palestine, so much so that some jewelry workshops in Cairo specialize in producing the pieces of jewelry sold in Palestinian markets.
- Sinai: Land of turquoise (The Traditional Jewelry of Egypt)
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dalliancekay · 20 days
"I think Aziraphale needs to learn a lot more than that..."
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Why do people keep (telling me again and again about this quote) assuming that Neil means Aziraphale needs some moral lessons, get off his high horse, learn some hard truths about Heaven, escape their grasp, finally understand that they are bad etc etc etc.
When the ask is about how Crowley is always forgiven from Aziraphale's point of view and how what (I see) Neil means is that Azi should also be told he's good enough. That he can be loved.
That what he needs to learn is how to believe in himself. To trust his mind, his feelings, to believe he is enough, he always was, that he doesn't have to be perfect or 100% right, that it is not possible and that it's okay. That he's okay. That he was lied to.
I wish we would frame Aziraphale's journey/learning as something else, not morality/awakening of some sort. Not as something he has to overcome. When Crowley changes his mind on something, no one says, oh have a gold star, you went against what Hell wants from you. Well done! Why do we do that to Aziraphale. Crowley is seen in Hell, giving presentations on some half hearted ideas that no one there really gets and getting accolades for things he didn't do at all and everyone is like, oh yay, look at him, so clever. Hahahah. Aziraphale also has to follow rules and do his tasks whether he agrees with them or not or he will be punished. He's not doing it for fun. He breaks rules when he feels he simply must and then everyone is like oh look, he is finally abandoning the rigid thinking that Heaven showed/taught him. But really, the naïve slow angel, he should try even harder.
Why such double standards?
Aziraphale is good and wants to do good. He is not sure of himself, true, but that's hardly his fault. Crowley is also good and tries to do good or at least limit the bad things he needs to do to survive.
They are two sides of the same coin. They both learn and grow. Sometimes the treatment the Ineffables get reminds me of how differently boys and girls are treated when they are learning behaviour. Boys praised for anything and everything even remotely good they do (cos they are expected to be naughty) and girls get the oh you should have already known better treatment. Aziraphale saved Job's kids cos he thought it was a horrible thing to want to do and expected to be punished for it. That's not - he didn't, it didn't change who he is. He did it expecting Falling. That's extremely brave. Yes Crowley has Fallen and people tend to see this as some extra superior move on his behalf, like he had everything figured out, understood how bad Heaven was and tried to bravely fix it. And Aziraphale needs to catch up with him. (If not by Falling himself than by doing some extraordinary learning journey to catch up with Crowley's knowledge). No. That's all HC. We don't even know why Crowley Fell. We don't. We know what he says happened (and we also know that he's not a reliable narrator...) and that's all we know. And even the things he says are not exactly showing him as some truth waving hero only wanting to make Heaven better for everyone and failing. Aziraphale is not breaking rules cos suddenly he used his brain and saw how Heaven is bad. He already knows that. He's risking punishment to help others. Again and again. And that's very kind and admirable and everything but it's not his evolving morality. He's already moral. He's already good. He always was.
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He's also fucking cute. Let's not forget.
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