#if you have more specific questions please send them id love to tell you more
faithdragon36 · 1 year
Faith faith faith gimme some c!faith lore I wanna know more (hey that rhymed)
OKAY SO c!Faith is a world jumper!! She’s got three main worlds that she hops between, those being Lunightia (my singleplayer world, her home world), a server called Wander SMP that is whitelisted and has its own lore (I employ a popular fandom trope called “story magic” to explain how this can be the same character even with all of the insane bullshit that goes on over there, and why it doesn’t follow her between servers) and Islandcraft! Which, for our purposes, also has story magic, although it’s gotten pretty out of control since it involves near-total amnesia and is affecting the server’s Admin(s).
She does not have any control over her powers and most of the time does not remember jack or shit about what goes on on the other servers she’s on, the rare exception being that she might sometimes remember stuff while on Lunightia, have dreams/nightmares about her other servers, get deja vu for no reason she can understand, or if it makes a joke work. You know how it goes!
Before she managed to settle with Lunightia as her home world, she jumped through a lot of worlds, usually with a specific person whose name and face she can no longer recall, but alone on occasion. (This is based on my experience playing Minecraft on Xbox 360 and Pocket Editions before they shut down, lol)
I’m assuming you’re not looking to hear about Lunightia, though, you want to hear about Islandcraft right?
She, like c!Kitty, is trapped within the narrative. That being the giant, semi-unstable time loop they’re both stuck in. Fortunately for them, the precise combination of how my headcanons work means that neither of them will permadie because of this arrangement (a combination of “Players are immortal,” “Story Magic can fuck with time,” and “I mean, is it really a time loop if you’re not resetting everything, down to the biological level?”)! That doesn’t mean there can’t be Angst, though >:3
See, c!Faith is a water dragon. She has gills. She shouldn’t, really, be able to drown at all. But her fate in this loop is to drown with c!Kitty, every time. She shouldn’t need a ship, but she’s a pirate- she could hardly sail without one, right?
And yet. She’s only a pirate after meeting him for the first time (the tenth, the twentieth, the hundredth time). She has to relearn it all, every loop.
How to swordfight. How to rig up the sails and the ropes. How to aim the cannons, how to read the maps, how to find the long-forgotten treasures, how to steer the ship from all the way in the back. It’s not second nature, even now.
One thing she knows, though, is that the world shouldn’t be like this. It’s weird. Sand doesn’t come in pink and blue and black. There is no yellow biome in the Nether. She knows this. But… How does she know? She can’t remember a time before the world was like this, can’t remember any other worlds at all. (She doesn’t think about it. Don’t think about it, just let it simmer, quietly, driving you slowly, steadily mad as you struggle to remember something, anything-)
Unfortunately for her, she’s not going to be getting any answers any time soon! This world is just slowly mutating and she is powerless to stop it :)
Fun fact about c!Faith! She’s 2’10 (picture a Maine Coon but a dragon) and adores endermen even though you’d really think that such a small creature would be at least a little intimidated by the height difference. She can also walk quadrupedally, if she wants to, but mostly doesn’t because being able to use your hands is actually pretty convenient and, shockingly, it’s really difficult to do that if you’re standing on them.
Now, to be clear, the premise we’re building Islandcraft on is that this has happened before, and it will happen again. This isn’t even close to the first time they’ve played through this song and dance. It won’t be the last. These pirates and their Vaguely Desperate Godlike Entity are going to be running this whole shebang for a good, long while yet. That being said…
…This is our first time playing this out, so not all of the details and plot holes have been ironed out yet. Also it’s, like, really late, and I haven’t consulted literally anyone else about all of the things that I just said, so if there are some small contradictions please assume that the other person is right
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
hello,, if i can, may i request jeonghan with reader who likes celebrating others' birthday but not theirs. just because they feel like theirs is not even worth it to be celebrated ; perhaps bcs of low self esteem? like, reader even hope that their birthday doesnt exist
( im sorry if i failed to understand your "do i take requests" on your navigation post, please feel free to decline this ask if anything. but if you do decline it, could you please perhaps randomly send 🩷 emoji so i could know whether my ask is accepted or not?? im sorry 😭 )
jeonghan when you don’t enjoy your own birthday
a/n: hi hi, so sorry this took a bit to come out. i'm not writing requests in chronological order just because some of them are easier to write for some reason ?? but ANYWAYs i hope you enjoy this even if it's a bit late <3
*reader and jeonghan are not explicitly in a relationship, i just thought this could be taken platonically or romantically
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✧ was lowkey offended that you didn’t even tell him. he had no idea on the day of because you didn't do anything out of the ordinary, not even a little celebration on your story!
✧ he didn't know because you haven't know each other too long, but still! how could you not tell him!
✧ he also felt awful because you surprised him on his and he was waiting for his chance to do something nice for you
✧ you had casually asked him if it was okay to stop by the hybe building since you were *coincidentally* in the area
✧ when he met up with you on the first floor to go up together, you had greeted him with the brightest smile, a small cake in a box, and a small bouquet
✧ "i thought i'd meet you upstairs! you're ruining the surprise!" you exclaimed as his eyes glanced over everything that you were holding
✧ "y/n.. you didn't have to do all of this.." he said, but he couldn't stop smiling. all of this, for him? he thought
✧ "let me help you carry some of this" he offered, not knowing what else he could do to express his gratitude (this day becomes one of his favorite birthdays)
✧ he had only found out that he missed your birthday when you had to show your ID at a restaurant. he jokingly took it from the waiter to see if you were younger in your photo and if you looked different before
✧ it was all fun and games until he saw your birthday, surprise and disappointment filling him when he realized it was last week
✧ he looked at you sitting across from him as you sipped your drink, unaware of every emotion coursing through him
✧ "your birthday just passed?" he asked, turning to look at you, before looking back down at your ID
✧ "yeah" you replied, a blank look on your face further surprising him. you just reached over to get your card, even if he was still staring at it
✧ "y/n, why didn't you tell me?"
✧ "because it isn't a big deal?" you shrugged, placing your ID back in your wallet
✧ you wondered why he seemed so passionate, meanwhile he wondered how you were being so casual
✧ "of course it's a big deal, i'd want to celebrate you on your day" he looked at you sincerely, you could hear the slight whine in his voice but you could see how serious he was
✧ it was hard to hold eye contact with him. "i um, don't really like celebrating it?" you said softly
✧ "can i ask why?" he continued, his voice gentle as he didn't want to push your boundaries
✧ "i mean, i like celebrating other people, people i love, you know? but it feels weird when it's about me, i don't know.. i don't need to be treated any differently on that specific day"
✧ he nodded, accepting your words even though he felt like he was bubbling with more questions. he still wants to make it up to you in some way
✧ you could tell he was a little off for the rest of your meal, he was sort of stuck in his thoughts. you really didn't want him to do anything but he still felt bad
✧ by the time your bill comes, you plan on splitting it with him when he closes the checkbook with just his card and hands it to the waiter before you could object
✧ "h-hey! you don't have to do that, you know" you called out, "it passed already anyway so you have no excuse"
✧ "who said it was because of that?" he asks coyly, "the last album did well so i want to celebrate that, don't worry"
✧ you rolled your eyes but you couldn't fight him on this one because the waiter already took his card. "just don't do anything else, jeonghan. it's really okay i swear"
✧ "then i won't"
✧ "good" you replied, eyeing his intentions anyway
✧ "good" he copies
✧ the next week, a package comes to your house, a very nice oversized denim jacket, with a card saying: NOT a birthday present, i ordered it for myself but it's too small so you can have it - jeonghannie :)
✧ you shoot him a text telling him not to get you any presents in the future and he only replies with it's not a present because it isn't even wrapped
✧ the jacket is totally your style and not his, so you know he's lying but you also can't be too mad
✧ he never really brings up why you don't like your birthday again. he never tries to organize a gathering or even a planned celebration dinner with you. he doesn't want to ever put you on the spot
✧ he figures if you ever feel more comfortable you'll tell him
✧ in upcoming years, he has his little jeonghan way of being a little kinder to you when it's coming around
✧ on the day, he'll do something for you without admitting it's for your birthday. it's something relaxed and besides, all he wants to do is spend time with you
✧ maybe he "randomly" tells you that he's craving your favorite food and he ordered way too much so you have to help him finish it
✧ or maybe he just so happened to be invited to an idol's concert and he can take you because he has an extra ticket ("you've literally never interacted with them" "yes i did on mnet in 2015" he literally sends a prepared clip)
✧ he always has his little explanation as to exactly why something is not a birthday celebration/present
✧ maybe he won something on going seventeen by cheating and wants to give you the prize because he won't use it
✧ the "non-presents" always come spontaneously so you technically can't say that they have a correlation to the actual day
✧ "i accidentally ordered the wrong shoe size" - it's literally a shoe you mentioned 5 months ago
✧ "they let us keep the accessories we wore on stage" - no they don't
✧ "i'm an ambassador for that brand anyway so i always have free stuff from them" - he would have had to post a thank you to that brand on his story
✧ but in the end, he just wants you to know he cares for you and wants to thank you, regardless of what day of the year it is
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hello there
welcome to the pinned post
here we have the list of everything you wantes to know about the me myself and i
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Commissions: open (dm me if interested)
here is my commissions sheet if you're interested in commissioning me
Art Trades: closed
Art Request: open 4 now
tho the rules are:
the art requests are mostly just gonna be in sketches, if you want fully detailed art, you can commission me if you want/nf
if you want a request, please state that you want a art request,, bcuz if not,, look I'm dumb okay? just be more specific please
no ocs (sorry)
aus are fine (tho pls send a reference 👍)
only the franchise im interested in (the list is down the below)
any ship in any franchise I'm in is fine as long as it's not the ones listed there in the dni list
there might be more to be added in the future but yeah 👍
down the below also has the everythin you need or just want to know so you better check it 👍
but before you do
this is for my and yours' comfort if you somehow have one or two or all of these
DNI If you:
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- ship tac0m1c
- ship s0apm1c (on thin ice) ((you shippers can interact, but if you push your ship in my face, the ice will shatter))
- ship kn1fan (on thin ice) ((same goes here))
- hc knife and mic as siblings
- hc baseball and suitcase as father-daughter???? / infantalize suitcase
the basic DNI stuffs; Racist, being mean to people and tells them to "kys" or other mean things, etc. etc.
aight, now that you's done reading the dni list, time for the other chet
it's kinda simple and also kinda messy so bare with me here
you can call me Burgy and i is girl, but any pronouns is fine
my other socials are:
Instagram (@/burgycreeper405)
Youtube (@/burgycreeper405)
and no i don't have twitter, i used to, but no, twitter is like my toxic ex, so if you see me "post" on twitter, that's not me, that's probably a person acting as me but failed miserably
i have a dicsord server if you wanna join
the app i use to draw is Medibang Paint / Manga (the site lol) / Ibispaint on the ipad
to animate, i use Flipaclip on my phone
I am not in any fandoms cuz i am very ✨random✨
but draws one topic for a long while, but as time goes on, i go back to drawing random chet that i like and not just one thing
here are the lists of what I'm interested in (aka the things that I'll draw from most to least maybe)
• Inanimate Insanity (II)
• The Daily Object Show (TDOS)
• Trolls
• The Lego Movie
• Super Mario
• Undertale
• Cuphead
• Batim
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i have more stuffs that i like but those 8 are the main, and I don't even really draw the other ones that much, but i like em, but i ain't telling em,, so yeah :P
i have a fun little ask blog for my AUs and stuff (tho it's just Lego movie aus) so if you're interested, it's this
now that the simple stuff is done,,
it's time for the '🍩'(do not)s and other infos
• do not repost or reupload my stuff like put it in compilations and stuff, even if you credit me, do not repost/reupload my chet
• do not trace my art
• if i seem rude, that means i’m in a bad mood
• you can use my art as pfp or banners, just do not reupload/repost and or trace my stuffs
• if you dm-ed me/private message me, i won't answer it, especially if we're not even that close (unless it's for commissions then i will answer that lol) cuz either I'm awkward at starting conversations, or i just don't want to dm back, it's one of the two but it's mostly the former
• if you have questions, ask it in the ask box, it's there for a reason
• if you want to do fanart, then go ahead, no need to ask, just tag me, id love to see it
• keep in mind, i mostly have headcanons that are not the same as the popular ones cuz, not everyone will have the same hcs, shocker i know
• i don't do with popular chet so keep that in mind
• i hate shipping discourse cuz i find that stupid and a waste of time, especially when the ship they're fighting is not even that problematic as they say they are, so get that away from me cuz i don't want to deal with it
• i don't mind any ships (besides the ones on the red down below), I'm neutral with mostly any ships (again, besides the ones on the red down below), unless it's actually problematic like those age gaps and other chet? then that's a big no no for me, get that thing out of here, i don't want it
let's cut to the chase, yes, I'm fine with:
Rexmet (Rex x Emmet)
Rexmetstyle (Rex x Emmet x Lucy)
and i also ship
Microknife (Mic x Knife)
Knicropick (Knife x Mic x Pickle)
Metallic Salad (Mephone4 x Knife x Mic x Pickle)
if those info shocked you, then that's funny lol
if you suddenly hate me bcuz of that, then that's honestly a funny and stupid reason to hate me lol
tags that i use:
#burgy talks - just talking and or rambling about stuffs
#burg art - for art
#burgy comics - for the comics that i did cuz why not
#burgy games - for me gaming
#burgy sh1tpost - yes, it's a 1, not a misstype,, anyways, thats for jokes stuffs so i wont flood the burgy talks or art tag that much
me personas (i don't have a good ref sheet for them three)
me but object
sun micro4 content
aight, i think thas all, some of these may or may not change in the future
but yeah, thas all, thanks for reading
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twilightknight17 · 2 months
P3R while I was gone, part 4: RYOJI
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You know, I’ve never exactly understood why the girls at Gekkoukan are like this? Like, Ryoji is cute and endearing and obviously I love him so much, but he’s not exactly the drop-dead gorgeous male model that they act like he is. Admittedly, P3R’s art makes him look less like a pale Victorian orphan, but still.
I dunno, maybe in-universe they can see something I can’t.
Doesn’t matter, because MY BOY IS HERE.
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He’s so tall next to the teacher.
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And we are looking back, Minato! We’re making eye contact from across a crowded classroom and feeling our heart skip a beat and--
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Mhm… And, uh, what exactly ended up on the transfer paperwork? Does he have an ID? They never really do specify if he just spawned in with a full background, or if reality is just bending around him so no one asks too many questions. I usually go with the latter.
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Absolutely nailed the first impressions, both of you. Stellar first social interaction. Good job.
Ms. Toriumi sends us on an errand to the music room to drop off some boxes of sheet music, after she gives Ryoji some more paperwork about his transfer. No, seriously, do his parents have human names? Come onnnnn, tell me!
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Well, you see, I’m actually really brilliant with a sword, and--
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He’s so observant, he noticed Minato likes music, and despite getting fawned over by girls literally all day, he wants to show off for Mina, specifically. <3
Tragically, he cannot play piano beyond clumsy basics, but it’s the thought that counts.
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We’re already friends.
God I want an alternate Fortune social link so badly.
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Also, he spends all day being swarmed by girls, but then asks for my number. Smooth, Ryoji.
Hanging out with Ryoji ups all your persona’s stats, which is awesome, and more than you get for hanging out with your other non-link teammates. So. Yeah.
Anyway, gushing over my other half aside, I do still have time to spend with other people. Ken and I are going to a bar!
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Apparently he’s looking for a specific kind of tea, because he wants to gift it to Mitsuru to make her feel better. She’s still withdrawn after the death of her father, and Ken’s worried.
He’s a sweet kid, and he’s also learning to connect with everyone else, now that he no longer thinks he won’t be here.
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I said once, a long time ago, that SEES felt more like coworkers than friends, compared to the PT. But honestly, SEES now feels more like a family. All together, making this dorm into a home.
Ken says Minato is the focal point, because everyone knows that they can get through the hardest battles because Minato will be there for them when they come back. And, that’s not a bad feeling. Going from a guy who had nothing, no one, and no reason to care, to the heart of this silly little family all these broken kids have made together… It’s nice.
That’s why this game hurts so bad.
Anyway, Ken’s got his tea leaves, things are going well, and despite three different social links who all want my attention, I have other plans.
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Ryoji’s going out after school to hang out with some girls, and he invites me to come along, but apparently they want to meet up on the roof, first.
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Blah blah blah, “stay away from our girlfriends”, blaaaah. Tell your girlfriends to stay away from him. I’ve been watching girls fawn over him for three days now.
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Case in point.
But I gotta protect my boy.
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“Sorry, everyone, please excuse my idiot.”
It is nice to know I have an intimidation factor, though. :D Even if I’ve been here the whole time and they apparently didn’t notice me.
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Yes, I’ll get Sanada-senpai to kick your ass. So move along.
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Joke’s on you! :3
Ryoji promises to ask if they have boyfriends from now on before inviting them out, but it’s pretty clear that he actually… doesn’t understand what the issue is.
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He doesn’t get why, if the two people in a relationship like each other, one of them going and grabbing coffee with him is a big deal. I think he’s genuinely just asking everyone out because he wants to connect with other people.
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...yeah, but things outside of my control mean I can’t tell him I like him.
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See, he’s gone out to get food with Junpei, too. It’s not just the girls.
...I’m the only one he’s asked for tours, though. First the school, now the town. ^_^
We have a lovely time exploring Iwatodai, but eventually I have to get home. Let’s see what’s on TV before I go cry over my academic stat again.
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...are you serious? The word of the day is “lover”?
Atlus. Please. I’m begging you.
Everything is always so exciting when there’s a new transfer student. They’re the talk of the school for the whole week.
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Not as much as I’d like, Yukari.
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She’s not really a fan of all of his casual flirting. He and Junpei have hit it off really well, though.
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If only you knew, Junpei.
The school trip is coming up, and as is apparently the case every year, we’re going to Kyoto!
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Sir, you are a shitty teacher and I hate you. I don’t even know why you’re still here or have any say in anything, after the shit you pulled.
Honestly, though, I’m never going to understand these Japanese schools and their school trips. All the teachers and students (except Ekoda) act like going somewhere abroad is the only reasonable choice?
I guess I’m just boggled because the only trips we went on here were regular, single-day field trips, unless you were in the band or the chorus and went on the four-day trip. And even those single-day field trips were few and far between in high school. The only time I ever went abroad was in college. It was as part of a single class, for two weeks, and I had to pay for a chunk of it. There were maybe 20 of us on the trip, not the entire year.
In other words, I’ve never recovered from the P5 kids coming back from summer break and immediately getting ready to go to HAWAII as a school-sponsored vacation. Even when we did go on field trips, we were almost always stuck doing a worksheet or some other dumb busywork.
It’s time for the Gourmet King’s last rank-up. Tell me about your dead twin brother so I never have to speak to you again.
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…………well, uh. That sucks. A lot. But honestly, it’s come way too late. I really don’t feel sorry for you. You’ve done basically all of everything after that to yourself.
At least I get to tell him that it’s kind of fucked up that he was relieved his brother died.
I also get to tell him to stop trying to be his brother and just be himself.
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You said it, not me. But yes. You are dumb.
Also, that cleared up nothing about the cult. What the hell. Did you quit? Did you rethink your life choices? Are you going to repay the people you scammed?
I get nothing? Really?
Ugh. At least I don’t have to see you again. One less link to feel bad about ignoring when I hang out with Ryoji.
...happy birthday, Eikichi!
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I thought your birthday was the fifteenth, but whatever!
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Hello! Can you help me? I saw many posts about your historical gameplay and i saw many wonderful lots. Id likes to start a new historical save file but i dont know where to find good lots in gallery. Do you have any suggestions?
Hello there Nonny! I would love to help! This is a bit of a difficult question but I’ll give it a go. 💖
As a broader point, it depends on what style of build you’re looking for. I really like my lots to match the world, so I specifically look for builds for each lot I play on. Secondly, I’ve never used a build that I haven’t edited significantly. This is in part because I am a builder too, so I like things to look a certain way, but it is also difficult to find historical lots both inside and out.
Now that last point is the real kicker. Historical lots aren’t that popular on the gallery, although there are a few creators who do wonderful work. Keep in mind that some of them use CC, so you’ll need to make sure this is checked on the gallery. I am also going to tag the creators (sorry guys!) so you can follow them here and get links to the CC via their original build posts if you’d like.
I’m going to put these below the cut because, of course, it’s a bit of a long list 😉
@antiquatedplumbobs (antiqueplumbobs on the gallery) - lovely builds both residential & commercial. She is also working on even more, especially for the world of Brindleton Bay so I would definitely give her a follow.
@greatbritishsimchallenge (emersedcrown on the gallery) - an absolute treasure trove of CC free builds and townies from a wide variety of eras. I haven’t seen them post a build in a while but their story is one of my favs.
@southernsimlish (southernsimlish on the gallery) really gorgeous, detailed builds often in a grand style. Does usually require CC so I recommend following their page to see all the lovely content that they use as well.
@historicalfictionsims (pancreasmeg on the gallery) - they only have a few builds on the gallery but their most recent bakery is one of my favorites. You can also download their child townies with all the lovely CC that they make, which is an absolute must in my saves.
@jewishsimming (carpeomnios on the gallery) - lots of lovely craftsman style homes and bungalows, perfect for the 1910s-1930s. Their tumblr also has some awesome townie makeovers for a decades save.
@spookcy (spookcy on the gallery) - most of their builds are more suited for modern gameplay but they do have some that would be wonderful in a decades playthough (particularly their two schoolhouses)
@simsthroughtime (simsthroughtime on the gallery) another great selection of different styles throughout different eras for whatever world you're playing in. They also use CC so be sure to give them a follow to find all of that great content.
Whew! And that is all I have for you for now. Again, I tend to comb the gallery for builds for specific lots/worlds. For this reason if you ever see a specific lot that you're interested in, please send me another WCIF and I'll be glad to tell you the creator.
Also, I know there are more great historical lots and more great builders out there so if you know of any (or wanna give yourself a shout out!) please let us know in the comments below!
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probably-a-side-blog · 8 months
For Catboy please 👉🏼👈🏼
(Or any OC you feel the question would match better.)
8. How often do they have sex dreams?
11. Are they attracted to anyone (specific person or just negative qualities) they really shouldn’t be?
12. Would they be more or less likely to send a risky/risque text to their partner in the middle of a crowded/public area?
20. What do they like seeing their partner in when they “dress-up?”
(Pssst, it's Sol but I am too shit to show my username in all its glory lmao.)
8) Id say at least once or twice a month. It annoys the hell out of him when he wakes up riled up though, aha
11) He likes people with his issues. It makes him feel like his red flags are normal. So he loves an obsessive lover with terrible self esteem.
12) He's very likely! He's the kind to tell his partner every time he's "thinking about them" with a picture of his dick. If he's horny he's finding the first restroom and telling you all about it
20) Really short skirts or shorts with fishnets, teehee. He wants to be able to rip any fabric away from his price and fuck anywhere he wants.
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babytortie · 3 years
unexpected. ❘ stanley uris x reader.
a/n: this was requested by anon - love ur recent stanley fic! was wondering if you’re cool with doing a smut for him? (aged up of course!) if you’re comfortable, could you make the reader more dominant in bed/stanley being more submissive? perhaps and enemies to lovers, hate sex type. other than that, any plot line is just fine.
* hope this lives up to your expectations! tyty for requesting this one.
summary: in which stanley and reader argue worse than richie runs his trashmouth. after burning some pent-up tension one day, the two take a turn for the better and become more than just enemies.
warnings: s m u t. some fluff at end. <3
contains: enemies to lovers, degrading, hair tugging, harsh kisses w/ slight blood, mild orgasm denial, praises, rough and unprotected sex.
* all characters ( including reader ) of the loser's club are 18+ in this one-shot.
~ 3.4k words.
you twirled a strand of hair between your fingers, a magazine placed on your lap, and beverly's head rested on your shoulder, looking at the pages with you.
it was the summer and the group was all back home on break from college. the loser's wanted to hang out and all eight of you were at bill's house right now. on various couch cushions and seats in the living room. his parents were away for the night and the seven brought clothes to stay at his just in case it got a bit late.
"oh, do you think he's hotter? or him?" bev asked, leaning in closer to point at the page. it was some magazine about the hottest actors of the year, achievement wise. though some hot men that were in it was currently grabbing beverly's, well, and your attention too. you glanced down at the page, slightly comparing both actors and voiced, "definitely him."
the guys overheard this and rolled their eyes. they were taking turns playing on bill’s newest nintendo sixty-four. on the floor below you, sat the four a few feet away, this was because they wanted to be scooted closer to the television. even though it was perfectly fine to put their backs against the couch. typical males.
you worried for their eyesight, especially richie’s, since right now he and bill were battling on some game you didn’t know the name of while being too close to the screen. eddie was on a chair next to the couch and sat by you, wheezing as he watched how close of a tie it was between them. mike and stanley were sitting on the floor with them on either side, cheering on who they wanted to win.
this was while ben sat on the other side of bev and read some book that just came out earlier this week. a quarter of ben’s focus was on his hand. it was resting on beverly’s thigh and drawing small, mindless shapes in content. the two were newly dating after pinning on each other for forever.
"i think we should play would you rather!" mike turned his head and suggested after hearing your conversation with the red head. bill had just died on the game causing richie to jump up and cheer while blowing out the other three's ear drums.
ben closed his book and sat up straighter. he took a glimpse over at beverly to see what her decision was. eddie hesitantly agreed when you and bev nodded. “s-sure!” bill got up and pulled stan with him.
one weekend about four years ago when the denbrough’s were home and bill had the group of losers over, they noticed how you all squished on the seats in the living room. surprising bill with an extra couch a month after this, they were able to successfully squeeze it into the room and push it against the other wall.
the four others started to pile on the other couch a few feet away from the three of you and eddie who still sat on the single chair next to you. beverly pulled her head up and leaned over to whisper in your ear, “be nice to stanley please.”
knowing it wasn’t funny, looking at her anyway with a confused expression, you lied. "stanley who?" she immediately turned her neck back at you, probably receiving some whiplash and raised an eyebrow to challenge you.
"i'm serious y/n." beverly laughed dryly. you sighed and replied a short agreeable response. “alright bev, as long as he doesn’t start it, then i won’t do anything.” after, you zipped your lips and threw an imaginary lock in the direction behind eddie.
she smiled at you in thanks and then you two turned towards the room, noticing everyone was ready. “b-being as it w-was mike’s id-dea, he can g-go first.” bill announced while glancing around the room.
mike nodded and turned to the one who still wore coke-bottle glasses years later. “richie, would you rather never wear underwear again or never wear socks again?”
ben and bill stifled a laugh, already knowing what his response was going to be. eddie rolled his eyes as richie answered, “underwear since i go commando sometimes anyway.”
you put your finger in your mouth, pretending that you were about to throw up and mike shook his head at richie. you turned to your right and left, seeing eddie’s and beverly’s disgusted faces.
”okay, eddie spaghetti.” he paused. the seven of you looked at eds, who had already put his hand over his face in annoyance. you and beverly laughed when the shorter boy muttered, “here we go.” richie smirked and continued. “would you rather, accidently send a nude to your boss or your parents? and by parents i mean your mom and i.”
he rolled his eyes, “absolutely not richie. my mom would never get with you and i would die of embarrassment if it were sonia. she’d probably kidnap and lock me in my old room, never to be seen again. probably boss.”
eddie turned to you after the group cackled of laughter, especially richie at the response he was given. the two of you currently shared a science class together in college and the asthmatic based some of his question off of this. "alright y/n, would u rather hook up with one of football players or with mr. jackson down at the science lab?”
you placed the palm of your hand on your cheek, into a thinking position and replied. "well, i kind of answered that question at last weekend’s party?" beverly jumped up at this and gasped. "no way! with which one?"
"i don’t kiss and tell." you smirked. the others gagged at that. “ah okay, i see. that’s where you went when we couldn’t find you again.” ben commented. stanley had been a bit quiet during the conversation and decided to speak up. adding to this, while looking at you pointedly. "you kind of just did tell and admitted at the fact that you sucked off some guy.”
you weren’t usually the type to get flustered during conversations like this. instead owning it as if you weren’t bothered. this helped you avoid any teasing or any richie’s usual jokes. "at least i'm getting some!" muttering in stanley’s direction.
"i swear if you guys argue for one more minute, i'm going to shoot myself. go y/n. it’s your turn." mike spoke up in between you and stanley, trying to get the game rolling again.
you smiled, feeling a little eager at the next question. you looked at the curly haired sitting across the room from you. the others groaned knowing you were about to pick on him in some kind of way. "uris. for the rest of your sex life, would you rather be the top or bottom?”
he blinked in your direction, probably wanting to smack you for the inappropriate question. “depends, is it with anyone specific?” you looked down sheepishly, then back up. is this a trick question? i mean sometimes you did find stanley a little bit too attractive. “do you want it to be?” deciding to quip back with equal attitude, you asked.
the group looked between the two of you while waiting for a response from uris. the tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. letting out a scoff in return, he looked at you in the eyes and glared. speaking in a low tone, you almost didn’t hear him. "uh, i don’t know.”
"what do you mean? you don’t know?" richie snickered.
bill, beverly, ben, and mike started to get the picture together. eddie figured it out just a second before them, when you burst out giggling. before you could stop from helping yourself, you let out a harsh jab. “oh shit, that explains why you’re always so uptight! maybe you should unbutton some of that polo? might help so you aren’t choking on all that innocence."
that only made matters worse, the last pin in place to set him off. stanley angrily spewed some words under his breath. only catching your name, you figured it was most likely something badly about you. quickly getting up from his spot, his curls bounced up and down when he rushed upstairs to one of the bedrooms.
the others watched him disappear from the top step sadly and looked back at you with the look. you had the decency to look a bit guilty, an awkward grimace on your face. "uh, why are you all looking at me like that?"
eddie leaned over to elbow you and gave his puppy dog eyes in pleading. you sighed but started getting up anyway. you laced your hands together in front of your stomach, nerves a bit jittery at being in a room alone with him. "well, to state my case we were all having that kind of discussion! if he wasn't such a prude..." you trailed off.
ben got up, patting your shoulder. "we all know this but stanley is sensitive about these kinds of things. go apologize while we're on break now and we’ll get some drinks going."
you nodded and turned back around, starting towards the stairs and walked up slowly. richie decided this was a good time to be the loud trashmouth that he is and shouted. "it was nice knowing you, y/n!"
shaking your head, you reached the last step and rounded the corner. hearing a slap noise, you assumed tozier was probably getting hit on the back of his head. a moment later a "beep beep" came from mike and you let out a small laugh in relief that they had your back against the loud mouth.
strolling down the hallway, you spotted the second guest bedroom door closed and decided to knock on it. stan heard a faint knock and got up from the bed to open it, seeing y/n he groaned. "oh, it's just you."
you ignored his disappointed comment and bit your lip. looking up and down to observe his new look. he must have just changed. wearing a regular light blue t-shirt and grey sweats. you shook your head and looked up to see his grin, catching you in the act of checking him out.
rolling your eyes in response, like he usually did and walking around him, you closed the bedroom door shut after stepping inside. you grabbed a handful of stanley’s shirt and pushed him against the back of the door. more like he allowed you to do this but you were definitely in control of the situation.
you leaned in towards him and swiped the back of your thumb over his bottom lip to test his reaction. when he didn’t swat your hand away, you went on the tip of your toes and brushed his lips against yours.
stanley gasped into your mouth and deciding to use this as an opportunity, you placed the tip of your tongue on the bottom of his lip. right before you could actually do this, he apparently read your mind and left his mouth open purposely. you wanted to slap him.
nonetheless, he allowed you total access. surprising him on purpose, you shoved your tongue in his mouth. wishfully thinking about how you wanted to somehow choke him with it. he grabbed both sides of your shoulders and scooted you closer, clashing his teeth with yours. not wanting to let up the control he tried to grab, you grasped the back of his neck tightly and felt light-headed. sensing wetness pooling between your thighs from enjoying this too much, you cursed to yourself.
a small moan escaped out from your lips and as if it was his fault, you nipped his bottom lip. you tried to quickly get rid the thought of ever giving into stanley uris. he hissed sharply, tasting slight blood from the nick. uris mumbled. "bitch."
this angered you more. pulling away from his lips, you put on a fake smile. moving in a bit closer to mess with the collar of his shirt, you tugged on it roughly, your face still close with his. "ready to not be a virgin anymore, virgin?" you retorted.
he smirked, "as long as i'm not one anymore, i don't care who it's with. even someone like you." he emphasized in a nasty tone. you pulled the shirt up over his head and uttered out. "shut the hell up." stan hummed happily after his shirt was pulled up to see that you were glaring from his reply. the two of you heard loud steps down the hall by the stairs, so you placed a finger over his mouth.
after a moment later, you heard what you assumed was someone in the bathroom, closing door the shut. letting out a breath not realizing you were holding it, stanley took this as a distraction to slip your finger into his mouth. you gasped, eyes widening, "what the hell!"
pulling your hand back, you spoke and stared in his eyes to let him know just how serious you were. "here's how it's going to go if you want to get laid, uris. we're doing this my way. don't play around anymore and definitely don’t talk too much so i can picture literally anyone other than you."
stanley looked into your eyes, searching for any hints of a lie from your remark. when he saw your eyes looking clearly back into his, he sighed in defeat. not letting it show, he grinned nastily. ”fine by me, y/l/n.”
"now, bird-boy are you sure you can handle this?" you stated more than questioned, an eyebrow quirked up. you held onto the top of his sweats with an eyebrow quirked up. he clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth together so hard he hoped they wouldn't crack. "fuck you y/n."
“no, that’s what i’ll be doing to you.” disagreeing and putting your palm over him. “what do we have here?” you asked out loud, in general all snarky. he let out an annoyed noise when he felt you tease fingertips across his hard length. so, in retaliation, he grabbed your wrist and pushed the palm of your hand harder onto him.
you gasped at how big he was. you tried to cover the surprise, a ‘tsk, tsk’ falling from your lips. not letting go quickly enough stanley noticed this and smirked at you. frowning, you murmured. "ever heard of patience? such a bad boy."
uris let out a small, quiet groan from feeling your hands come off of him. which was something you caught and figured having teased him enough, you put your hands around the waistband of his pants. tugging them off along with his boxers. afterwards you pushed him down onto the bed and before he could do anything, you quickly made work of your shirt. pulling it over your head and unclipping your bra as well.
he put a hand through his curls, smoothing them out from the fall when he fell into the comforter. watching you, he could feel himself hardening painfully. he felt needy and done with the wait. pulling your wrist closer he pleaded. “come on, hurry. please y/n.”
”fine, you’ve waited long enough like a good little boy.” stanley flushed at your approving compliment and tried to hide it, looking down. you saw this when you moved to sit on top of him and smiled. grabbing his chin lightly, you tilted his head back up. while looking into his light brown eyes, you held his wrist and tugged his hand so it laid over on top your breast.
stanley’s breath hitched and you moved inwards toward his neck. your warm breath was touching his skin, feeling cheeks reddening more. uris felt, palmed, and squeezed a little as you sucked small hickeys on his neck. not to dark but enough to be just visible if one were close up.
kissing his cheek and tilting back up, he dropped his hand and you happened to see his cheeks and neck all red. the quick switch of his attitude still shocked you to the core. ”are you sorry for calling me a bad name, baby?” he ignored your comment like a brat and kissed the inside of your wrist. you melted a little in his touch before going back to the task at hand.
you slowly let out of his grasp to unbuckle the belt and unbutton your shorts. you shimmied out of them and wanting to hurry up, you just moved your panties to the side and out of the way. pumping him a few times, you started to align him to your center. before you moved down onto him, you placed your hand on his cheeks in a sweet gesture and silently asked for reassurance. he nodded and you slowly slid down into him, both of you letting out small moans. “feel so good.” you muttered.
stilled for a moment, you let yourself adjust to his length and him to the feel. your hips went back up and you moved in forward, kissing him again. it slowly turned into a sloppy make out when you slammed your hips back down again. his tongue shoved in your mouth when you gasped in pleasure. after you found a rhythm you babbled on and on about how stanley was doing so good for you.
"i need you to put your fingers on my clit and rub." you said softly but still in a demanding tone. directing his hand exactly where you wanted it, you nodded when he looked at you again. his fingers moved quickly, drawing out an orgasm that you felt nearing.
lacing your fingers through his curly hair. stanley let out a loud moan as you tugged the locks. "now for the sake of you being able to cum, i'm going to ask again. are you sorry my baby boy?" he really didn't want to have to see the satisfactory in your face if he apologized. though, after a small moment went by, he realized that you weren't joking.
he let out a small, almost incoherent whine. pleading you with his big hazel eyes, "i-i'm sorry y/n. so sorry, c-can i cum please?" stanley would have never thought he'd be the submissive type but he found himself melting at your praises, quite easily. he liked letting you have some control and for once being able to sit back.
you smirked at him and let go. patting his cheek in almost a mocking way. "awe such a good boy but i think you can wait another minute." his eyes widened and you placed your hands back up onto his chest, steadying your balance before moving your hips back up and down repeatedly and harshly against his. he moaned when you kept going back down on his cock. feeling his pelvis right up against your very sensitive bundle of nerves, you squirmed.
stanley smirked, feeling you tighten around him. knowing you were close was a relief. constantly feeling so good on him made him hard and straining inside of you. tears prickling in the back of his eyes and wanting to cum so badly was difficult. uris felt not wanting to disobey you was more important as he patiently waited. pushing harder on your clit is what caused you to unravel, tightening completely around him. "oh fuck! s-such a good boy. cum with me now."
he came so hard, the hardest ever. which wasn't much to go off on, from the obvious conversation before. feeling euphoria, you rode through your high and his, milking every last drop of cum. you started to feel shaky. before your hips gave out, you placed one last kiss on his slightly darkening hickey.
after you fell on the bed next to him, he pulled you close. you turned your head in his embrace, eyes widening. you knew without a doubt they looked like they were probably about to fall out of the sockets. assuming even bigger eyes then richie's usual ones due to his glasses.
uris pursed his lips, kissing the top of your forehead before he could overthink it. “we need to talk. y/n/n." you tried to open your mouth, but closed it again. stanley used your nickname, he has never used it before. you were in disbelief, frozen, and unable to say a word. he rescued you and spoke up again. "you know i don't hate you, right?"
you swallowed feeling like a brick was falling from your shoulders and nodded. "i don't hate you either stan. this is not what i was expecting though to make up." you giggled causing him to chime in. the awkwardness was finally settled but you paused and asked nervously. "do you think we're worse than eddie and richie?"
he shook his head, not even needing to think on it and responded sweetly. "no, we're okay now and i have a feeling that richie will tease eddie even after we're all dead."
you laughed together once more, agreeing with stan’s opinion which would probably be a proven fact one day. "that's true. poor eddie!" snuggling closer into his back and finally, truly feeling at peace.
© babytortie on tumblr + wattpad.
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formenis · 3 years
From knight to detective
Anon asked: “ Can you do a scenario of L having a relationship with reader and she doesn't know that he is L and she is part of the Task Force that show up to meet L and she is unprepared for finding out he is L and when he talks to her privately he tells her everything“.
A/N: sure thing, dear. Gosh, I’m not capable of sum up...I always write too much eheh. I have to remind you English is not my first language so I apologise for the mistakes you’ll find for sure.
pairing: L x FBI agent!fem!reader
warnings: nope
requested: yes
F/P = favourite painter
S/C = skin colour
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It all started during the "Wara Ningyo Murders" or -as police knew it- the "Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases". Y/N and Naomi Misora were friends back in the States, both of them were skilful and quite cherished in the FBI headquarters. The resulting capture of the murderer of this case helped launch Naomi's reputation within the FBI.
«So how was working with the best detective alive?» Y/N and her friend Naomi were drinking a coffee together in one of their rare spare moments far from work.
«I don’t know if I can talk about it, Y/N» Naomi replied with a sympathetic smile.
«Oh come on! At least what his voice sounds like»
«Again, I don’t know. He used voice changers during our calls. But!» she said with enthusiasm and Y/N frowned in confusion. «I met someone you would like»
That was when Y/N met "Ryuzaki", an enigmatic and mysterious young man who had the hobby of solving cases like private or consulting detectives. Since Y/N was a FBI agent and Ryuzaki a private detective, they would meet many times in crime scenes. The young agent felt like she was Dr. Watson and Ryuzaki was Sherlock Holmes: he would theorize many possible scenarios for the above-mentioned case and Y/N listened to him in disbelief. But Ryuzaki was not the sole smart one, Y/N had a shrewd mind too: her unique methods of investigation and her strong power of observation made her one of the best FBI agents. That was why Ryuzaki started to request her presence and assistance more often.
«Good evening, Miss L/N»
«Ryuzaki! I told you to call me Y/N. There's no need for such formalities» she chuckled quietly, the two of them were on a crime scene again.
«I apologise, force of habit I guess» Ryuzaki played with his pale lips using the thumb. Y/N understood Ryuzaki's way of communicating with his body: if he played with his lips (like he was doing in that moment) it meant he was deep in through; if he stared emotionless at something, it meant he was bothered by something; or if he ate more sweets than usual it meant that the investigations were in a turning point and his brain needed more "fuel". That was easy for Y/N to understand those things, it was her job after all.
«What are you thinking of, Ryuzaki?»
The young man seemed surprised. «Ah, it seems I don’t have secrets for you, Y/N»
She chuckled again. «Nope»
Y/N couldn’t know it but she was wrong. Terribly wrong. However, as time passed the two of them grew quite closer. Not only because of work but because they somehow matched each other. Very often Y/N would move up Ryuzaki in many things, they would think the same thing and they worried for each other during difficult and risky cases. Soon enough Y/N started to develop feeling for that weird, clever boy but she didn’t know it the feelings were mutual. Ryuzaki seemed without emotions as if nothing touched him. Even in the most terrible crime scene he would not be that shocked as anybody else.
Unaware of Y/N, there was a very simple explanation for that attitude of his: Ryuzaki was feeling overwhelmed. He was very good at not showing it but the truth was that something changed in him. At first he treated Y/N as a common FBI agent, neither kind not bad. Their relationship was purely linked to work. But then week after week, case after case, Y/N dusted a forgotten trait of his personality.
«Agent Y/N, would you like to join me in an exhibit? I heard from Miss Misora you like F/P»
«But it is private, Ryuzaki. You have to have the tickets»
«It just so happens that I have two tickets with me. The senior manager is a friend of mine»
«Really?» Y/N said surprised. «I would love to, Ryuzaki!»
Ryuzaki smiled in seeing such happiness in his cute FBI agent. The exhibit would be the perfect chance to understand if what he felt for Y/N was mutual.
Ah, the exhibit. Such a wonderful place. Y/N loved everything about it: the guide, the paintings and Ryuzaki's company of course. Moreover, it was the exhibit of F/P, Y/N's best artist. She was in bliss.
Once the guide ended the tour, the guesses could roam around the place to have a better look at each artwork. Ryuzaki expressed his approval to a specific painting, a still life to be precise. And when he noticed Y/N liked it too he started to describe the history of the said painting.
His voice enchanted Y/N. So deep despite Ryuzaki's young age and extremely alluring. She would listen to him for hours if it was possible. Y/N was so focused in it that she didn’t noticed Ryuzaki asked her something.
«Uh? What did you say?»
«I said, Y/N…are you enjoying the evening?» Ryuzaki was sitting in front of that still life in his usual position, with the legs pressed the chest. Y/N was beside him.
«Yes, a lot. Thank you Ryuzaki» she smiled kindly at him and it forced the young detective to look away. Then he started to play nervously with his lips. «Something is bothering you?»
«I have a confession to make, Y/N»
Oh dear, no. At that phrase, Y/N started to panic. Was he tired of her company? Did she do something wrong? Did he want to stop working together? So many questions span inside Y/N's mind.
«Yes?» she tried to stay as much calm as possible, hoping her voice would not betray her.
«We met a while ago and I have to admit I really appreciate your presence. Both as an agent and as a person. I would like to become closer to you, if you agree» he turned to look at her. His black eyes were much gentler than usual, his look full of…happiness? Y/N couldn’t tell.
She blushed, her face was as red as the apples in the still life painted in front of them. She noticed that Ryuzaki extended a hand waiting for her answer. «Of course, Ryuzaki»
Y/N put her hand over his and he kissed on the hand gently. This made Y/N blush even more, now she was truly one of those red apples.
And with that, they set off the beginning of their relationship. Outside work Ryuzaki was a really romantic person: he would rub Y/N's shoulders (he was really good with massages); he would play with her silky H/C hair while thinking or he would simply listen to her after a stressful day at work.
«You can call me whenever you want. Even if there's no reason to, Y/N» and «I like how your hands fit perfectly in mines» were the most romantic things Y/N heard from Ryuzaki. She even wrote them down in her personal agenda.
More time passed and December 2003 came fast. For some time now, criminals from all around the would were dying of heart attacks at an unprecedented rate and all law enforcements were concerned and scared but this. Thanks to some colleagues, Y/N learnt that the greatest detective L was mentioned in one of the many Interpol meetings.
L was considered the best detective in the world. He solved the most complex of cases, even ones that were considered unsolvable. The problem was that nobody knows who L was. And if they existed. According to Naomi Misora they were real and this L was worth their title. It was in that moment that Y/N made a decision: as a FBI agent, she would take part at that case. In Japan, people started to call the main responsible of these killings "Kira" and she couldn’t wait to start the investigations.
«Ryu, I have to tell you something…»
«What is it, Y/N?»  
They were on the phone, as often happened when the two of them had work up to their necks.
«I applied for the Kira case. I want to be a part of the task-force»
For five minutes neither of them dared to speak. Y/N was waiting for an answer, she was chewing nervously her lips. After a while she heard a sigh.
«Y/N, it's dangerous. It's better if you stay in the States»
«But Ryuzaki! I want to be helpful! You know I can't stay here while there's some mad serial killer around the world that kills with the force of their mind»
«Y/N, such things don’t exist»
«Don’t change the topic, Ryu»
Again, silence. Y/N bet Ryuzaki was playing with his lips as much as she was chewing hers. She knew he was worried for her but she couldn’t stay at home doing nothing. She had to do something.
«Please, Y/N. Consider it again. The Kira case is too much…»
«Ryu, I'm a decorated FBI agent, I can take care of myself. You don’t need to worry»
For the third time, the call fell silent. Ryuzaki was thinking for sure, Y/N could hear the soft sound of him chewing his thumb. «Promise me you'll be careful» he interrupted the silence with his usual emotionless voice.
«Of course I will»
This allowed Y/N to fly to Japan more lightweight knowing Ryuzaki was by her side despite the distance. But another big event was waiting for her: the first meeting with L.
After many ordeals (like the death of Y/N's friend Naomi Misora), the main Japanese task-force against Kira was formed: Soichiro Yagami, Touta Matsuda, Hirokazu Ukita, Hideki Ide, Shuichi Aizawa and Kanzo Mogi. And of course Y/N L/N. It was New Year's Eve when the task-force received a message from L:
"I would like to meet the seven of you who have my trust as soon as possible. Do not speak of our meeting, or having met me, or what we will be doing, to anyone who is not in the room now.
Please leave the NPA building to discuss whether you can swear to the above, and whether you can trust me. Only those who agree to work with me in this investigation shall return to the room, and I will send my further conditions for our meeting to this computer."
That was it! The moment Y/N was waiting for a long time! As L explained in other notes left in the laptop, the entire task-force arrived at a luxury hotel where they knocked at the door of a room and were asked to enter. They were about to meet L.
"Oh gosh I'm so nervous!" Y/N though while staying behind the rest of the task-force. Her heart was racing fast and she couldn’t hide the excitement. We were talking about the greatest detective alive after all.
"I wonder…who gave them that title?"
Pink wall-to-wall carpeting, beige couches with red pillows and luxurious black doors. That was the aspect of L's room. From where Y/N was standing she could only see the furniture of that room but she petrified when she heard his voice.
«I am L»
Y/N went pale in one second. The excitement was soon replaced by fear and later by anger. But she had to be sure, she needed to see him. Maybe Y/N missed Ryuzaki to such a point that she heard his voice everywhere.
No, there must be something else. Ryuzaki's voice was too unique and peculiar to be confused with another one. There must be him for sure. And once Y/N made her way through those men, she had the certainty that she had Ryuzaki in front of her.
«Please turn off your cell phones, laptops, and any other electronic equipment you may have, and place them on the table first»
«You think we might have our cell phones on talk mode so someone outside could monitor our conversation…?» Aizawa asked quite annoyed.
"No, he hates when phones rings if he is talking…" Y/N though while doing as L said. She had to maintain a professional attitude despite she was boiling inside. She wanted to cry but to punch Ryuzaki at the same time.
«It's not that. I can't stand it when someone's cell phone rings when I'm talking» the detective replied while "sitting" in one of those fancy armchairs. «But before discussing about the case, I would rather have a talk with agent L/N in private»
The task-force moved in another part of room so Y/N and Ryuzaki would be alone. Silence filled the room, an anger and disappointed silence to be precise. They were still wearing their professional masks.
«Why didn’t you tell me…» Y/N was the first to give in. Her hands were curled into fists, the way her body tremble suggested rage or a desperate effort not to cry. L was aware Y/N was going to lose control if he didn’t explain himself.
«I couldn’t Y/N…you know very well I couldn’t»
«Of course you can! It costs nothing, Ryuzaki. Just few words!» that was it, Y/N lost control.
«What should I have said then? Something like "Hello I'm L, the greatest detective in the world and I think I developed strong feelings for you"» Y/N was going to answer back but L interrupted her by raising the index. «Everything about L is dangerous. My words, my actions, my presence…they all are dangerous for other people. That's why I work alone, Y/N»
«But you weren’t alone when we worked together» now sadness was taking place in Y/N's mind instead of anger. She felt so betrayed.
«It was different back then, Y/N. They were simple cases, neither me nor you were in danger. But this case…Kira is the symbol of danger and injustice, Y/N. I don’t want you to be involved»
«I'm already involved, Ryuzaki. And like it or not, I'm going to the bottom of this» the young FBI agent replied with determination but hot tears started to form on her eyes, clouding partially her sight. «I just…wanted you to be sincere with me» those tears fell over her smooth S/C cheeks.
L, seeing that scene in front of him, felt very bad for his Y/N. That was why he didn’t want her to be involved: he couldn’t bare crying people. But not because he hated them but because he didn’t know what to do, how to soothe that suffering. And the sight of Y/N crying in front of him broke his heart.
He stood up and walked closer to Y/N. And when he hugged her she gasped loudly, meaning she didn’t notice him approaching her. She stopped crying, yes, but sadness was still there.
«I…I'm sorry Y/N. My only intent was to protect you. I know you don’t need a knight in shining armour but when this case came out I knew I had to do something. Maybe you would hate me for the rest of your life but if it meant you would live it was alright. So please…realise there wasn’t malice in my actions»
Y/N hugged him back, smelling the sweet scent of his white shirt. The warmth of his body and the heartbeat were so calming, sadness melted in a matter of seconds. They stood there for entire minutes not moving, just appreciating each other presence.
«You're right, I don’t need a knight in shining armour…I want a detective in a white shirt»
L chuckled and that sound sent chills down Y/N's spine. Gosh, she missed that sound.
«Here I am»
«Do not keep secrets from me, Ryu»
«Never again»
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New Event: Lord John AU Bingo!
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Happy March, Friends!
Your curators are pleased to announce our next event: the Lord John AU Bingo! Who doesn’t love a good AU? This event is open to writers and artists alike with two ways to play. 
Here’s the important information:
Posting/reblogging runs from 15 March - 15 May 2021
Tag @lordjohngreyreadingnook​ during the posting period so we can be sure to reblog your work!
Works must be new for the event, though multi-chapter stories do not necessarily have to be complete, just never-before-posted
Send us an off-anon ask for a mini bingo card (with no penalties) or participate the ultra-casual route with no card, or both!
All stories/art must feature Lord John as a main character
All ships (or no ships!) are welcome
Any AU goes! Bring us your coffee shop AUs, your space adventures, your cowboys, semi-/modern military, tattoo artists, rock stars, creature fics, crossovers, fusions, the sky is the limit!
The only works not permitted are RPF and “canon-verse” (either canon compliant or canon divergent). 
What about that bingo thing?
You can start requesting cards now through the end of the event
Bingo cards are 3x3
There is no penalty for not completing a card, but bragging rights (and more exposure) if you get a bingo
Send an ask (off anon please) to @lordjohngreyreadingnook​. Please make sure you let us know what username you’d like on your card.
You may request one remake if you just hate your card (please let us know what AUs you want us to avoid and we will try to accommodate)
As before, we have more info on the Events page (if you’re on desktop), below the cut, and also on the (totally optional) AO3 Collection.
We’ll post more info about the collection and how to make sure your work gets reblogged by the Reading Nook as we get closer to the Ides of March.
Event Rules:
All entries must feature Lord John Grey (he should be the main/focal character)
Stories/art should be NEW for the event (for NEW multi-chapter fics, only the first chapter of at least 500 words is required to be counted)
All entries must be set in an alternate universe (fusions and crossovers are permitted; canon divergence is not)
Minimum word count is 500 (there is no maximum)
RPF is not permitted for this event
Triggers and ships should be properly tagged
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get a bingo card? >Send an ask (off anon) to Lord John Grey Reading Nook. Please include any AUs you absolutely do NOT want and we will try to accommodate you. We will answer these asks privately with your card as an image.
I got my card but I kinda hate it. Can I get a remake? >Yes, we will replace your card one time. Send an ask off anon to Lord John Grey Reading Nook. Please make sure you tell us the problematic square(s) and any other AUs you definitely don't want.
Does my piece of fic or art need to be new? >Yes. However, a completed first chapter of a WIP or multi-chapter fic is sufficient for this event. In other words, if you start a (new) multi-chapter for this event, you do not have to finish it before 15 May, just the first chapter. However, a WIP you have already started posting will not retroactively count. Can I double up with another event? For example, can I check off an AU bingo square and an Outlander Bingo square for the same story? >As long as the other event rules permit this, yes. In this specific case, the Outlander Bingo does permit combining with other events. So yes, this is allowed.
What rating or ship dynamics are allowed? >Any! G-E; M/M, Gen, Multi, M/F, F/F. As long as Lord John is at the center of it and it's center in an alternate universe, go for it. Do I have to register anywhere? >Not necessarily. If you'd like to take the super casual route, you're welcome to submit any AU fic/art featuring Lord John to the collection (optional) and/or tag the Lord John Grey Reading Nook on tumblr to be included in the final rec list. >If you would like a bingo card, yes (sort of). Please send an ask (off anon) to the Lord John Grey Reading Nook on Tumblr to request a card. Please tell us any AUs that you absolutely do not want on your card and we will accommodate you as best as we can.
Can I participate with both a bingo and on the super casual route? >Absolutely! The more fics and art, the merrier!
Is there a word count requirement? >The minimum is 500 words, but there is no (serious) maximum.
Can I mix art and fic? >Absolutely! As long as it meets the requirements, mix and match to your heart's content!
Any content restrictions or requirements? >Lord John must be a/the main character and it must be an Alternate Universe (for our purposes this excludes canon divergence). That’s it! Please be courteous to your readers and appropriately tag your fic/art, especially with potentially triggering content.
What's the difference between canon divergent, alternate universe, fusion, and crossover? And which of these are permitted? >Canon divergent is a story that mostly fits into canon, but changes one or more things (diverges from the timeline). Fix-its fics, some "missing moments," or generally stories set in the canon universe even if they don't fit neatly in the source material. For this event, these are the only ones that are excluded. >Alternate Universe (AU) are works that take your characters and plop them in another universe. So, Lord John is a cop in 1963, or a soldier in 1945, or Prince Charming in a fairy tale. >Fusion is more or less recasting one work with characters from another. So Jurassic Park, but instead of Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum's character) you have Dr. Grey, with his new paleontologist friend Dr. Fraser (Grant) and the paleobotanist Dr. Beauchamp (Ellie Sattler). All the Jurassic Park characters are now Outlander characters. ...Actually this is a good idea, someone please write this. >A crossover is when worlds collide. For example, John Grey and Jim Kirk are classmates at Starfleet Academy. >The key is to change the universe that Lord John is in.
Can I post early or late? >Please post any time during the event period (15 March - 15 May) for the maximum exposure. Posting in this window ensures that we reblog you on Tumblr and that the (optional) AO3 collection is open for you. Can I promo my own post? >Certainly! We will load up the queue, possibly with some duplicates depending on participation. Please just tag @LordJohnGreyReadingNook one time, however.
Are there prizes for bingos and blacked-out cards? >Not exactly. Bragging rights, and more exposure on the @lordjohngreyreadingnook​ Are there penalties for not completing a bingo card? >Nope, not at all!
Can I get a bingo card and also do the casual route (in other words, do I have to stick to just the card or can I post extra AUs too?) >You can do both! You can get a bingo card, fill as many of those prompts as you want, and also post AU stories that meet the event criteria.
If I post to the AO3 collection, do I retain ownership of my fic? >Yes. We will only reblog your Tumblr posts or link to your work. We will never repost without your permission. That said, the AO3 collection is 100% optional.
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Odi et Amo I
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Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris? nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior
Catullus, 85
After a few years of working in the USA for Disney and playing the role of The White Fox in Marvel Cinematic Universe you came back to your motherland - Korea only to be greeted with hatred and contempt. To make things harder for you the universe sends you the most irritating neighbour ™. Will you be able to find your happiness and  accomplish your dream of becoming loved actress in Korea without complying with standards of patriarchal society?
pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
genre: actor au
warnings: angst, foul language (please don’t read it if you’re not old enough)
words: 5582
A/N: Hi this is my first fanfic ever, and so there are few things I have to say before you hopefully enjoy reading it. 1. English is not my first language so there may be some grammatical errors. I’m sorry, perhaps in the future there will be someone to proofread my works. 2. I’m terribly sorry for my interpunction :( for some reason they don’t teach it here  and so it may be terrible. I am reading about it more but it’s not easy for me as I haven’t practiced enough. I’m really sorry if it’s awkward. 3. This was supposed to be long oneshot, but I was told not all people enjoy long reads on tumblr like I do, so I decided to make a miniseries out of it. Let me know if you enjoyed it and if you want me to write some scenarios, or post more of my works (i have a lot of them in the depths of my drive lol). Love, thatgirlwritingficsatnight.
You sat in spacious sofa in your old apartment in Korea. A sigh leaving your lips as you looked through the headlines.
"The black sheep of Korean show biz comes back after four years in USA"
"Whose heart will she eat now? National heartbreaker came back to Korea"
"Go back to USA you wh*re! - internet went wild over L/N Y/N"
"L/N Y/N comes back in outrageous style"
Most of them were a summary or perhaps a reminder for k-netizens why they should hate you; it's because you dated who you wanted to and for how long you wanted to, it's because this one time in the talk show you told off male host when he kept asking about your private life and because the other time you told another one to stop giving you all the questions about clothes and make up while your male co-star got to answer some deep questions about character development and that's to name the few reasons that came instantly to your mind. Of course some articles had to focus on your airport fashion too. The conservative Korean society had a problem with your bra, or rather a lack of thereof under your designer t-shirt. You left out an irritated groan as you scrolled to the comments. They were vicious and vulgar, you don't know what else did you expect honestly. You tossed the phone and buried your face in your hands fighting the urge to tweet something about the nasty people and how they should keep their antediluvian opinions to themselves. You sighed again perhaps if you were in a different country you'd do that, but here with systematic misogyny, where women were supposed to always smile and nod their heads, here where they got paid 60% of men's pay... you'd most likely be crucified. Then again who if not you would come to your defense? You knew the answer — no one, that realization was enough to anger you even more. The blood was boiling inside you as you snatched your phone back and went into Twitter silently mouthing apologies to your manager who'd be blowing your phone in just a few minutes.
 "Yes, I don't wear bras. No, it's not a topic for your article nor your problem. I also know it may shock some people but my dating life is not a topic for your entertainment either."
"It baffles me how Korean society thinks its country is in the group of one of the most civilized ones but still treats women as if we were stuck in 50s."
  Your phone was already blowing with notifications, you could see some new articles already popping and soon after that it buzzed as your manager tried to reach you. You silenced your phone and left it on the coffee table while you moved to the kitchen. You got yourself a lamp of wine and watched always busy streets of Seoul from a window. It was already dark and it looked like rivers of light with cars and street lights constantly illuminating them. You were deep in your thoughts as you pondered if you made a good decision. You had a good life in California. You had your best friend there, a house with a pool and many good opportunities for roles you declined. In those four years you became an international star after your role as Marvel's White Fox — a gumiho superhero. You knew in a year or two Disney would ask you to come back to make more movies and most likely you would but you couldn't stay in the USA any longer. Somehow, even though it seemed illogical considering the warm welcome you've got, you still missed your home. You missed Korea the country that loved to hate you. You weren't exaggerating when you said they loved to hate you, for instance you always played villains in Korean films and dramas and the Korean audience loved it. They loved to hate your characters and so every time you tried to audition for a role that would be first or second lead you'd always be cast as the villain. The very first time you played a good character was when you portrayed the White Fox for Marvel, they chose you because you were half American (on your father's side) and because you used to play femme fatales and that was kinda the character. You accepted the role secretly hoping that it would change the way Korea has seen you. It didn't. They said you were too Westernised and that you weren't true Korean and had their own perfect casting with actresses that weren't as scandalous as you. Well, at least the rest of the world loved you. Nonetheless, you came back. You still weren't sure if it was a good idea or for how long, or even if you'd work here or just relax; you were just happy you could eat unhealthy convenience store food whenever you felt like and that kimchi was a standard and not something you'd only find in specific shops. Speaking of, you craved some ramyun with cheese and perhaps some yakult as well. You changed your clothes into a pair of black sweats and a black hoodie and chose to wear a black cap and face mask as well. You checked yourself in a huge mirror in the corridor. Your outfit screamed two things: first was "I am a crazy murderer from drama" and and second "look at me I'm a celebrity". You sighed. Honestly what else could you wear? You decided not to change and went out to the nearest convenience store.
You walked slowly taking your time to get to the store while listening to Def Soul hoping lazy beats would calm your nerves. You bopped your head to the rhythm as you entered the store and went straight into ramyun section. You picked your favourite spicy one and grabbed some cheese, yakult and cherry coke. The girl working there seemed really young and you caught her yawning. She apologized and you smiled warmly although she probably couldn't see it through the mask.
"Don't worry about it I'm tired today as well." you said, and she smiled. You paid with a card and regretted not withdrawing any money so that you could tip her. You remember when you were just a bit younger than her, working in similar way but back in the USA; she’d appreciate extra cash. You took the ramyun to prepare it and hummed as you waited for the noodles to get soft. Food always got you to feel better. You were spreading cheese on your noodles when middle-aged men entered the shop. Soon you'd believe it's not your night or perhaps that you got some bad karma, or that you were just cursed. The men came up to the cashier and asked for a pack of cigarettes. You were about to slurp the first noodles when he spoke.
"When will you finish your shift cutie maybe I can pick you up?" He chuckled and the girl tried to smile politely although anyone with eyes could see how uncomfortable she felt. She tried to decline his advances with a small scared voice clearly she was too young to feel comfortable enough to just curse him out.
"You sluts are always the same. You smile at me flirt with me and then act all fucking.."
"Aish!" you didn't let him finish. And he turned your way surprised someone else was in the store. "I lost all appetite," you dropped the chopsticks next to the bowl and moved your gaze at the male: disgust was rolling off from you in waves, and he flinched upon meeting your eyes, "then again who wouldn't if they had to eat in the presence of trash?" You watched as his face got all red and furious, it seemed almost twisted now. "How dare you speak like that to me, you bi..." once again he couldn't finish his sentence this time you silenced him with your swift actions. You closed the distance between the two of you and grabbed his hand firmly. Then you put it behind his back and twisted it painfully enough for him to groan.
"Call me a bitch, I dare you." you said quietly, but he didn't respond, he just jerked trying to escape your hold. He smelled like tobacco, digested alcohol and grease. You scrunched your nose and took him out of the store. You pushed him lightly, and yet he still lost balance and fell. He shot you a glare full of hate and fury while you tried to remain calm. Truth to be told you were scared, yes you jumped in to help the girl, and successfully silenced him, but that was most likely only because he wasn't sober. You were silently asking universe to help you out as you mustered your courage and played your part of "fearless Y/N”.
"Leave or I'll call the police and tell them you harassed both me and the girl." He stood up and spit under your legs before he left. You sighed, a tight knot unravelling itself finally in your belly, adrenaline that was brought up with the surge of fury disappearing now, leaving you bit wobbly. You made mental note to thank the director of The White Fox for making you take those material arts classes, they came in handy. You came back to the store, you didn’t pay attention to the girl that watched you in awe. You just wanted to enjoy your noodles. Finally, able to take the bite you let out disgusted groan they got too soft. Letting out resigned sigh you opened the yakult.
"Miss Y/N.." small voice started next to you. The girl was blushing and smiling. She was cute, had long brown hair and a mole just under her left eye. You smiled back and it seemed to encourage her. "Thank you. You are like the coolest unnie ever. I will always support you and fight anyone that calls you names and.." You chuckled at her eagerness and sudden flood of words. "Thanks kid. What's your name? "Kim Seoyun." "Nice to meet you Kim Seoyun. I'm L/N Y/N." you said with a smile, and she blushed even more. You looked through the window and bit the inside of your cheek. What if he comes back when you're gone, you couldn’t risk it. "Tell me Seoyun when do you end your shift?" She took out a phone from her pocket. "Oh, in ten minutes." "Great I'll wait for you and order you a taxi." "Ah, unnie you don't have to… you already helped me enough and.." "Nonsense", you cut her off "he may come back and I'll sleep better knowing you are safe at home."
She nodded and came back to work. Leaving you with your soggy and lukewarm noodles. You thought about throwing it out but you hated wasting food and so you made yourself eat at least a bit although now it was cold and awfully soft. Ten minutes passed rather quickly and soon you found yourself standing next to the taxi with Seoyun. You gestured her to get in, but she stood in front of you and suddenly bowed deeply while extending her hands in front of you. Much to your surprise she was giving you a popsicle.
"Y/N-unnie I know it's not much but I wanted to thank you..."
You grinned at her while taking the gift. You quickly unwrapped it and tried it, it was strawberry flavoured.
"Thank you. It's the best popsicle I've ever had." You said honestly. Seoyun blushed and entered the car but before the taxi took off she lowered the car window and screamed.
"Y/N-unnie from today I'm your biggest fan! Unnie fighting!" You laughed.
"Mmm. Thank you!" After that car took off and you happily walked back home. Earphones in, phone in your hand as you decided to order some food since the ramyun sadly haven't been quite satisfying. You slurped at the popsicle even though it was the time of year when nights got colder. The taste of strawberries melted on your tongue. It was the first time someone in Korea told you they were your fan, it was also the first time a Korean fan gave you a gift. Despite the chilly air, and cold ice against your lips you felt warmth spreading from your chest. Grinning to yourself, you scrolled through different restaurants still thinking of what should you eat and then you bumped into someone or rather someone bumped into you. Popsicle fell to the ground and so did your phone with earphones brutally torn out from your ears. The man who bumped into you was in a very similar attire as your own he even wore a mask and a cap. You frowned upon realizing the gift from your first Korean fan was melting next to you. You were however about to apologize before he spoke in irritated tone while collecting some boxes scattered around you two.
"Next time watch where you're going." The blood inside you boiled the third time this evening and you snapped back at him before he could add anything else.
"Maybe you should watch where you're going." your tone was so aggressive it was clear all of the frustrations from today's evening build up in you. You gathered your things quickly.
"Excuse me..." he said straightening as he glared at you. His tone was promising a fight or a lecture at least. You didn't feel like any of that so once again today you didn't let someone finish their sentence, a habit of yours as it seems.
"Apologies accepted, asshole." you said fiercely and left him standing there with his stupid boxes in a state of shock. You got into the elevator and decided not to pay anyone any more of your thoughts tonight. You smiled at wooden popsicle stick and quickly forgot about the man downstairs.
Jinyoung was still shocked but also amused by your witty comeback. He knew he reacted upon his emotions when he was rude to you. He was just angry that he had to move the second time in the last two months. Sasaengs somehow found out about his last apartment in which he lived for only two weeks and just started feeling at home. Few days ago they found him, and he was harassed once again. Tired and angry he acted without thinking when you bumped into him and his belongings scattered. He wanted to apologize right away but you growled back at him, and he got irritated, so he wanted to lecture you or at least tell you not to interrupt other people when they are speaking, but you did just that and in very smart matter at that as well. Now Jinyoung was riding an elevator trying to pinpoint your face, he was sure he had seen you somewhere already. He entered his flat and sighed as he realized he had to unpack once again. He decided it could wait till morning.
You were woken up by both pounding and drilling in the wall behind your head. With long groan you pulled a pillow over your head but it didn't help much. You checked the time on your phone. It was seven thirty in the morning and you couldn't fall asleep till three - courtesy of your jet lag. You tried to ignore it hoping that you were sleepy and tired enough to fall asleep, unfortunately to no avail.
"Who the hell does the renovation on Saturday morning?" you asked your own walls with furious tone. You left the bed deciding to speak with the person next door. You didn't even bother to change from your PJ or brush your teeth, or hair, or even to throw something over yourself. You left your apartment in your bunny pyjama set, a gift from your best friend. Soon you were pounding angrily at the door. It took quite some time before the drilling inside stopped and someone opened the door. The man who opened seized you up and down with his eyes and coughed in his fist diverting his gaze somewhere else.
"Can I help you?" he asked his voice was a bit distressed. "I sure hope you can. It's Saturday seven in the morning." you were fuming, and he finally looked at you although he kept his eyes stuck to your face. "Ah... thank you for informing me. Are you working as personal calendar and clock for all of your neighbours or am I on some special treatment?" he asked sarcastically and smirked which made you: first bewildered and second even more mad if that's possible. "Let me rephrase that for you: it's Saturday, early morning and you are drilling in a wall." "Well, technically it was Mr Ahn who was drilling, I was enjoying myself with a book." He clearly enjoyed teasing you, there was this gleam in his eyes. "Don't you think that's a bit too early for a renovation?" your voice was seething with venom although you tried to keep your cool. "Quite contrary. I checked with the building manager, and I am only supposed to keep quiet between ten p.m and seven a.m. as you can see I even waited thirty minutes." He smiled at you and in that second you hated him, his stupid brown hair, strangely symmetrical face, weirdly tight cardigan and the fact that you couldn't do much since he was in the right. You just turned on your heels ready to storm off back to your flat when he spoke again. "Ah, and might I add I just love your fashion sense." he raised one brow and his eyes once again travelled through your body. "Excuse me?"
"Apologies accepted." Your face went from frowned and angry to shocked in a second, and he laughed at your reaction before closing the doors and leaving you cursing yourself, your luck and your best friend who thought it would be cute to buy you pyjama set which contained of hoodie with ears and a bunny tail and some shorts.
You entered your apartment, deep red setted on your face from both anger and embarrassment. As soon as you closed the doors the drilling continued. You cursed under the breath and went to shower. You stood long under the stream letting the water wash away both dirt and emotions. Once you were clean and ready for the day you’ve decided to ditch your flat for now since it was too loud for you anyway. This time you went for less sporty look but still all black. It was a turtleneck, slacks, martens and a beret. Chic and comfortable. You did  your makeup and hair and went out for breakfast. The car was already waiting for you when you got downstairs. You pulled a black mask over your face and greeted the driver who didn't talk much and so you didn't have to worry about the small talk. You scrolled through your phone checking the messages you got from your manager — there was about twenty of them and somehow each was written with different emotion: rage, irritation, sadness, hopelessness and so on. You sighed knowing that you should probably apologize for the troubles you caused him. Then again what were you supposed to do, not react when half of this country is calling you names? You signed back in your Twitter only to be greeted by thousands of notifications. Most of which were trolls and haters commenting on your tweets with occasional death threats in your DMs. You tried your very best not to read each and every comment knowing that even though you were strong it still affected you. You were; however, positively surprised when you found some supporting voices. There was your best friend (obviously) who fiercely defended you and called out everyone on their bull, he even threatened legal action and you smiled brightly at his tweets, but there were also few Korean celebrities who took your side and defended you as well. Most importantly there were few normal people, fans perhaps, who applauded you and thanked for speaking out. You smiled when you saw user "Y/NUnnieFandomPresidentSeoyun" somewhere in your notifications. Somehow traffic was still bad even on weekend and it took you forty minutes to get to the café you had in mind. Once you got there however you didn't regret time spend on travel. It was café in quiet part of town, it wasn't very popular since it wasn't in Gangnam but because of that it was one of your favourites. No paparazzi, no dispatch, no other celebrities.
The place itself wasn't very big but it had huge windows and was located in front of the park so you could easily grab a coffee and go for a walk or just stay inside and watch people and kids spending their time at the park. The interior wasn't anything special either, it wasn't one of those Instagram worthy cafés. It had simple modern style. You came in and ordered coffee and some toasts and sat in front of the window. There were few people inside so you sat without your mask freely and wondered if your friend was already sleeping. It was around nine here so in Los Angeles it was probably midnight. You texted him asking if he's sleeping, and he just responded by facetiming you right away. His black hair was still wet from shower, and he wasn't wearing any shirt.
"Yah! Y/N-ah!" he scolded you immediately. "How dare you not text or call your best friend for over a day. Do you know how worried I was?" You rolled your eyes at him.
"It's not like you contacted me either. And put some clothes on Tuan."
"Never. I know you secretly love watching my chest."
"Gross. Anyway.. I haven't called because I was tired yesterday, you know jet lag and all of that, so don't get mad at me."
"How are you now?" His playfulness was replaced by concern and it was clear he wasn't really asking about the quality of your sleep which was in fact terrible thanks to your lovely neighbour.
"I'm fine." He gave you the look. "Really. Honestly I didn't expect anything better from what I got, so I'm fine Mark."
"I shouldn't have let you go. You know what? Those people don't deserve you. Come back to the USA and let's live together again I'll even cook. Or I can come to you I'll fight them and keep you company. I'm can easily stream from there.." You giggled at him and he grinned. "You know I'm serious though you can come back I already miss you anyway. God, I should have married you maybe you wouldn't leave me Y/N-ah..." he was whiny again and you laughed. It was an inside joke between you. Both yours and his parents would always tell you to just marry already but neither of you felt anything romantic towards the other one. You'd known each other since you were two and both of you had treated each other like siblings ever since.
"You should have and now it's too late. I'll find myself new victim and feast on their heart like a true gumiho I am." you said in theatrical manner while munching on your toast.
"Honestly who the fuck writes those articles?"
"I don't know but I'm pretty sure... Oh my god. You've got to be kidding me." you said and tried to lower your face down so that the person passing in front of the window you've been sitting by couldn't see you.
"What? What? Is that paparazzi? Your ex? Is that paparazzi rented by your ex?" You frowned at your friend.
"What? No? It's my asshole neighbour." "Never heard of him. Why are we hiding anyway? You can just tell him to back off. Last time I checked you were great at that." He showed you two thumbs up and smiled broadly. "I'm hiding because I'm embarrassed and I don't want to talk to him." "Why?" he laughed. "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything it was that stupid PJ you got me..." you whispered at him while trying to make yourself as small as possible. "Oh my god. One day in Korea and you already got yourself a one-night stand. This is not how I raised you. What would your mother say?" he teased you and giggled. "For the love of... it's not like that." you said angrily a bit too loud perhaps since the men in question who was just ordering by the counter turned around and looked you dead in the eyes. His neutral expression changing to surprised before it transformed to smirk. You cursed yourself and Mark and bowed your head slightly and awkwardly before you turned around to face your now laughing friend.
"You should see your face."
"Shut up. I hate you."
"You love me."
"What a surprise." Third voice spoke up by your side and you cringed a little before you put on your cold mask on.
"A surprise indeed." You said, your neighbour moved his eyes from your face to the screen of your phone carefully placed against the glass. Mark was still there, still half naked and smirking at you.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"No." you and Mark said at the same time and you send him death glare regretting that you couldn't kick him right now. "I was about to go to sleep anyway. Love you."
He disappeared without waiting for your response. You let out soft sigh and reach out for phone.
"Do you mind if I join you?" The man was already sitting next to you. He was smiling at you and perhaps any other person would say it was a warm type of smile but you felt like he was mocking you. Constantly. You straightened up in your seat and eyed him closely. He was wearing the same tight cardigan, it was accentuating his broad frame and muscles hidden underneath soft, brown cashmere and simple but well fitted blue jeans. You had to admit he was handsome and had somehow angelic face which only made you cringe once you compared it to his personality or at least to what he showed you already. "I don't think that's a good idea." You said after a pause, his expression didn't change for a second, and he sipped on coffee that blushing waitress brought a few seconds ago. "How so?" His voice was sweet and melodic, it irritated you even more. "I am a celebrity, there might be an article about me having coffee with you tomorrow." You kept your tone intentionally bored as you played with the spoon. He laughed and you changed your mind his speaking voice couldn't be called melodic when his laughter sounded so beautifully.
"That's funny. I'm celebrity as well I think I'll survive." It wasn't surprising at all, he was too good-looking to not be an idol, a model or an actor perhaps. You held back another sigh. You could already see the headlines "Y/N attacks again will this man keep up with her appetite" or perhaps "One day in Korea, and she already dates — check out Y/N and her new boy toy". "Yeah I doubt it." you said but quickly added. "Weren't you supposed to renovate your apartment anyway?" "I left it to Mr Ahn it got too loud for me to read in peace."
"I can imagine." Sarcasm was basically dripping from your tongue which only seemed to amuse him even more. His eyes were now twinkling and you thought that he must be a devil in disguise. "I must say it's very lucky that I met you here. What are the odds, right?" "Ah I wouldn't call it lucky, that's for sure." You were currently planning how to escape from this conversation. "So how about we get to know each other a bit better?" He proposed with a warm smile. "I don't think so. I don't even know you." "Oh. That's harsh you do know me. I'm your neighbour and this is our third meeting." He placed a hand over his heart and frowned in pain and you wondered how can one still look handsome while frowning before he continued. "Besides I can fix that. I'm Park Jinyoung nice to meet you. See now we know each other." You fought and urge to roll your eyes and you summoned the most polite looking smile you had in your arsenal. Your phone rang before you could say anything and you've never been more happy to see your manager's face appearing on your screen.
"I'm sorry I have to take it." you said politely, and he just nodded. "Oh I wasn't expecting you to pick up." "Ah manager-nim don't be like that I haven't been picking up only for one day." "Why are you so polite are you with someone?" "Yes." You glared at Jinyoung, he was watching you with a smile with coffee in his hand. "Ok, I can call later." "No!" you almost screamed and cleared your throat trying to remain composure. "No, it's fine." "O-ok. Do you have time today? We should meet and talk I just got something that may interest you. It's really nice drama. I know you said you don't want to play in any of those romantic stories but hear me out this one is..." you'd roll your eyes if not for your neighbour's curious eyes. "Of course when and where will we meet?" You decided to cut off his rumbling. "Really? Before departure, you said you won't play in any stupid drama again." "Ah, I see. I did say that. We should meet today, text me the address then." Hanging up on him, you hoped he got the brains to follow up with text. He thankfully did and your phone barked. Jinyoung laughed again and you gave him confused look. "Did your phone just bark at you?" You blushed against yourself. Was it so weird to have a dog's bark as your message sound? "Ah... yes. I like dogs." You cringed on yourself. Somehow today in front of this man you were constantly losing your cool. He either irritated you or made you flustered enough to forget any eloquent comebacks or eloquence at all. "Anyway it was nice meeting you Jinyoung-ssi but I have to meet up with my manager."
"Oh you're leaving without even properly introducing yourself?" He cocked a brow on you and smirked. You stood up and looked at him coldly. "I'm sorry I don't feel the need." You were about to leave before he spoke again. "Ah… running already... startled... like a true bunny. Come to think of it... it does have a nice ring into it, doesn't it? Bunny. It suits you and you even have a costume already." His voice was so extremely mocking that you felt the irritation buzzing in you like electricity. Not to mention he spoke so loudly the waitress that was blushing at him before now listened carefully. You groaned internally. What if she writes about it somewhere. Media won't let you live especially that he is your neighbour they'd say he is already in love with you. And "bunny" was such a couple pet name. You were in the midst of your internal crisis before he decided to speak again.
"Have nice day bun.." You reacted before you thought, your hand slapped against his mouth before he could say anything more. His eyes got bigger, he was clearly shocked that you were so close to him, that you touched him and that you didn't really care about your language. You on the other had were fuming. You've met your fair share of fuckboys, assholes and idiots but not one of them that had similar status to yours acted with such insolence in public where other people could see you. Well, almost none, perhaps your ex was the only one. You kept your voice quiet, loud enough only for him to hear.
"Shut up. And watch your tongue before I pull it out because the universe be my witness I will and I'll do it with pleasure. My name is not kitten, bunny or any other pet name your buffoon head comes up with. It's Y/N. My name is bloody Y/N." You hissed out and his hand reach out to yours. It was hot from coffee and soft even though his grasp was firm. He took your hand of his mouth and smiled.
"Nice to meet you."
You took a step back and send him the look that must have looked like you were trying to shoot daggers at him.
"I'm sure it is. Now if you excuse me. I don't want to be late."
You rushed to counter to pay only to find out it was already taken care of by Jinyoung. You furrowed your brows and wanted to give him his money back instantly but your phone buzzed and it was your cue to leave. The driver was here.
To Mark 🐰 💙 : One day Tuan... you'll pay for this betrayal
From Mark 🐰 💙 : ILY 2 good night. P.S. He seemed hot 👀
You rolled your eyes how hot was he didn't matter if his sole personality drove you crazy only after three brief meetings. You sighed. This was not how you wanted to spend this day: enraged twice and on your way to see your manager.
Keep reading
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Hey there! Congrats on 10 followers, you deserve more!! 💕 Id like to send in a lil request! Reader has to wear a training mask like Joseph, except they're really not coping well at all. But they don't want to seem weak in front of others. Except Joseph and Caesar find them having a freak out one day, and reader feels embarrassed because, well, 2 super hot guys just found them panicking. 🥺 (but then th boys offer some comfort and lovin?)
Eek, thank you. I would gladly write that up for you. Kept it SFW, since there was no specification. Honestly, this kind of works with what’s happening today. I know a lot of people whose anxiety goes off the rails when wearing a face mask (medical or otherwise), so it’s nice to write some comfort for that! Might write some NSFW later for this. We love a Joseph-Caesar double team.
     You knew that your mask was important to your Hamon training, but there was something about it that just felt so... suffocating. Joseph and Caesar find you having a hard time and decide to make you feel a little bit better about yourself, setting aside their competitive sides for just a minute.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: slight panic/anxiety attack, slight claustrophobia, general shit feelings, not established relationships, more like platonic kisses on the head, wholesome friendly kisses.
Word Count: 1158
     This was supposed to be the easy part. Training. It was supposed to be easy! At least compared to the “final” battle you, Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli were destined to fight in, along with Lisa Lisa, your mentor and at the moment, the worst person in the world for putting on this stupid face mask on you. “It will help you control your breathing, (Y/N).” Yeah, fucking right.
     You were sat on the floor of your room, having fallen off your bed struggling to take this infernal thing off. Tears streamed down your face and off the mask, making a small puddle on the floor. You were so unbelievably done with this stupid training. You didn’t ask for this! You just happened to be one of Joseph’s friends and the absolute asshat dragged you into this. “You’ll do fine! If anyone can take down an army of vampires, it’s me and you!” Was what he said as well as a slew of other compliments that convinced you this would be a good idea. Though, if you had known you would have your breathing, a basic human function, taken away from you, you wouldn’t have done it!
     Oh, if he could see you now. He’d probably laugh and-
     Knock, knock, knock. 
     Great. Just great. Not only were you feeling completely like shit, now you have to somehow clean up the mess you’ve made and then answer the door, somehow making it look like you haven’t been crying since you walked into the room what felt like hours ago.
     “(Y/N)? Is everything alright?” It was Caesar. No. Anyone but Caesar. The last thing you needed was the absolute Adonis of a man pitying you. “Joseph said you rushed off to your room after training, we wanted to make sure you were okay.” We?! Fucking great. 
     “I’m fiiine-” fuck. Your voice cracked. Just what you needed on top of an already shit day. “Just tired, that’s all.” You could feel your face burning red. Why couldn’t there just be a nice, cold, dark hole for you to die in? A hole sounds really nice right about now.
     “(Y/N), I know you’re lying,” Joseph was talking now, “we’re coming in.”
     “No!!” You shouted, shocked by how broken you sounded. “I... I just want to be alone, please,” you shrunk into the side of the bed, “just leave me alone.”
     On the other side of the door Joseph and Caesar exchanged looks of concern. Caesar was about to walk away, thinking it’d be best to leave (Y/N) alone for now and bring it up later, but in typical JoJo fashion, he burst through the door.
     “Joseph!” Caesar snapped. He wasn’t paying attention, rushing over to your small, curled up form. Joseph was about to say some stupid one liner, when he saw your state, then he was on top of you in a minute, asking if you were okay, what happened, saying something about beating up whoever made you cry. Caesar rolled his eyes. “JoJo, stop. Is everything alright (Y/N)?”
     “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you sniffled. “I just...” you were tempted to tell him what was wrong, but decided against it. You already felt like shit, you don’t need two very attractive men thinking you’re weak. “I needed some time alone.”
     “Are you sure?” Caesar knelt down next to you. You weakly nodded. He stared at you for a minute, considering his options. Then, he shook his head. “We’re not going anywhere, cara. Come here.” Your eyes widened.
     “No, no I’m fine! I don’t want-” Joseph sat on the other side of you, showing a softer side to him as he leans into you, wrapping an arm around you shoulders.
     “What’s wrong, (Y/N)? You can tell us anything,” Caesar pulled you in close to him, Joseph’s hand rubbed your back and you broke. Tears began pouring down your face with no intention of stopping. Caesar soothed you, whispering sweet words in your ear that couldn’t quite hear or understand. 
     Their warmth was calming to you. Joseph got comfortable, cradling you from behind, breath tickling your neck. The three of you sat there until one of them suggested moving to the bed to make you more comfortable. The two of them curled up on either side of you, rubbing the sore parts of your body, bring you back down to earth. 
     “(Y/N), tell us what happened, we’ll help,” Joseph whispers softly. After a deep sigh, you told them what had sent you into a crying frenzy.
     “It’s the mask. I hate it. I feel like I’m suffocating and the longer I wear it, the worse it gets. I just want it off!” New tears fell, you thought you had run out at this point. Caesar kissed your forehead, running his fingers through your hair. Joseph kissed your shoulder, nuzzling into you. If anyone understood how awful the masks were, it was them.
     “We understand,” Caesar said. Joseph nodded in agreement.
     “Yeah, those masks are the worst, it’ll come off soon, don’t worry.”
     “No, it’s not... it’s not like that! It’s different. You were both fine with it, but I... I can’t sleep, I can’t think straight with this thing on my face. I-” breath was suddenly hard to come by for you. 
     They both took a moment to think before Caesar spoke up. “(Y/N), are you perchance claustrophobic? Do you often get anxious when in tight spaces?”
     “No, not that I’ve noticed. It started with the mask, I think,” you said, wiping the tears from your face. “I thought I was doing so well with training, but... the more I train, the more I feel myself slipping and getting worse. I don’t think I’ll ever get the mask off at this point.”
     “(Y/N), there’s no way Lisa Lisa would leave that thing on you, she’s not that cruel.” Joseph sits up, making you miss the warmth on your back. “Besides, you wouldn’t be here if she thought you weren’t strong.” Caesar sat up, bringing you with him then pulling you into him. 
     “Joseph is right, you’re here for a reason. Use this in your training; turn it into a drive to prove to yourself you deserve to be here.” He cupped your face, rubbing your cheek. You leaned into the sweet gesture. Joseph wraps his arms around your waist, leaning his head on your shoulder. “You do deserve to be here, right?”
     You look into his beautiful green eyes, they were so full of love and praise. You nodded your head. They were right. You deserved this; you’re worthy of being here. They kissed your cheeks, a small reminder that you were surrounded by people you loved.
     “Why didn’t you want us here?” You felt yourself shrink again at Joseph’s question. “Were you embarrassed?”
     Meekly, you nodded your head again. They pulled you close, gently squishing you between them. The three of you stayed like this until you fell asleep, content and warm.
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flannel-flags · 3 years
Send requests please!!
I finished all the requests I had in my inbox this week, if you sent anything in and I havent answered it, please send it again tumblr eats. Also you're all very welcome to send new requests, Im on break rn so I got some time also im always happy to get requests.
If you send in a request, please tell me which flags you want (if its a less well known identity or theres multiple versions, maybe include a link or pic or description) and whether you want it to be a combo flannel. You can always ask me to make more versions of a combo or ask for specific ways to make the flannel. If you send the ask on anon that will be mentioned in the first version, if you are not on anon I will tag you in all posts i make for your request. For non-combo flannels I will make a repeating and a single version; for combo flannels I will make 5 versions with the single and repeating each. I will answer your ask as soon as I have the posts queued or if i have any questions for you. If your request already exists I will give you a link or tag to search.
If you want to use any of them, please give credit (and maybe send it to me Id love to see that!!)
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woogyu · 3 years
Funny Drabble Game
Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny (when requesting PLEASE add which prompt list it is from)
Can have up to 3 prompts per request + can send multiple requests.
They will all be written for fem reader. I’m very sorry about this, it is just because of what I know/have experience in writing.
Please format requests as follows; funny member prompt # or #s.
ex. funny member #12 + #15
ex. funny florist!member x student!reader #14
Send your requests/asks: here
~ prompts under the cut ~
crossed out = don’t request, usually for when I’ve gotten tired of a specific prompt coming up too often or I don’t like it
Drabble Prompts [credit; https://justforshitsandcackles.tumblr.com ]
“You’re such a fun drunk.”
“Since my dog likes you then i guess i like you.”
“Tell them to fuck off.”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I want to strangle you 99% of the time.”
“Could you not suck for five minutes?”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“Well thats tragic.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“You are actually insane!”
“I think you’re actually satan.”
“It’s like -50 degrees in here.”
“Laugh at my jokes! They’re funny and you know it!”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when i kick your ass!”
“Don’t let one of them electrocute themselves or something.”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“Do you find this amusing, fuck face?”
“Holy shit! That thing is huge!”
“Don’t kink shame me.”
“I hope i’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“I just cleaned that!”
“Don’t get sassy with me!”
“What do you have behind your back?”
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.”
“Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.”
“I’m going to put on some clothes before you say anything else.”
“Bite me.” “If you insist.”
“Im not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“I need you to be my fake girlfriend/boyfriend.”
“Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
“You snuck into my room, at 4am..to cuddle?”
“If we get caught i’m blaming you.”
“What? No! I wasn’t staring..i-i was looking at something behind you!”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Define normal.”
“Do i get bonus points if i act like i care?”
“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and i don’t speak english.”
“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.”
“And you wonder why you’re single.”
“Remind me to kill you. Please.”
“I’m listening to you. I’m just not paying attention.”
“She’s crazy. and just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, theres a crazy underground garage.”
“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.”
“My middle finger salutes you.”
“I don’t think i could ever stab someone. I mean, lets be honest, i can barely get the straw in the capri sun.”
“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how i feel.”
“Somebodys cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.”
“All due respect but thats a bunch of crap.”
“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
“What did i tell you about calling him/her the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.”
“If history repeats itself, i am so getting a dinosaur.”
“You seem somewhat familiar. have i threatened you before?”
“Even when we were kids, i always kicked your ass!”
“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.”
“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.”
“She’s hot, but she’s evil.”
“Do i regret it? Yes. Would i do it again? Probably.”
“You’re going to burn in a very special level in hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theater.”
“I’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”
“Sometimes i question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
“Why should we date?” “Because we’re attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but i do not feel the need to date pie.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me.” “It saves time.”
“You’ve successfully cured him/her of anything interesting about his/her personality.”
“Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Wow somebody needs a happy meal.”
“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
“I’m so glad you could come.” “Cut the crap. give me a drink.”
“Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you.”
“I can tell that you think what you’re saying is funny, but…no.”
“If you pull out my earphones, i will pull out your lungs.”
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. thats cute.”
“I feel like a freakin’ soccer mom.”
“My ex? Yeah id still hit that. Except this time it would be with a car or a baseball bat.”
“Such big evil in such a little thing.”
“For the love of fuck.” “Yep, thats me. i love to fuck.”
“Are you ready to go?” “Yeah. let me grab my machete.” “We’re going to sephora. no machetes needed.”
Clears throat seriously, “Yas bitch.”
“No road trip is complete without the snacks. So go in there and buy everything you can fit in a tiny cart.”
“I’m all for making you miserable by being insufferable, but unfortunately i have things to do today.”
“Come on, you can help me make conspiracy theories. If you make an especially good one, ill pay for dinner.”
“You know what? Why not? I haven’t ruined my life yet this week. Lets go.”
“Do these dark circles under my eyes say nothing to you about how i am doing?”
“If i didn’t know you better, id say you were trying to flirt by giving me books.”
“What are you talking about? Im hilarious!”
“Duct tape? Duct tape is not going to fix this!”
“What did you think? That you were going to fight him?”
“You’re blocking the view.” “I am the view.”
“Why are you on the floor?” “Tying my shoe.” “You’re wearing rain-boots.”
“Cant stop me from slaying!”
“Close your eyes and imagine it, all the dogs in the world.”
“Be careful, he’s so sweet you might get diabetes.”
“Would you reconsider if i was sober?”
“Stop running i’m wearing flip flops!”
“Why are you holding your boobs?”
“I wouldn’t call it stalking, more like far distance admiring.”
“You need to stop making her laugh! you’re ruining her makeup!”
“I’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification from just staring at him if i try hard enough.”
“I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not.”
“I’m either in the mood for french fries or to rip someone’s head off. Hmmm. decisions, decisions.”
“If you’re not out of the shower in the next five minutes, i’m going to cut your fucking hair off to make your life quicker.”
“No, i will not dress up as a chicken.”
“I never told my extended family that we broke up, and now they want to know when you’re coming over for dinner again.”
“I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“One more sound and i swear to-”
“Sometimes when (name) texts me, i just pretend they didn’t so i don’t have to respond.”
“You gave our pigeon boyfriend the wrong beans!”
“If i’m like 50 and still single, ill marry you because tax benefits.”
“Please, never have children.”
“I know its like 11pm, but i’m on my way to your house with nacho fries.”
“Sometimes i wish i was gay so i wouldn’t have to deal with all these dumbass boys.
“You know, would’ve been nice if you told me your whole ass family was coming to this dinner! I look like a troll.”
“Im going to the party to pet the dog, no thanks drugs.”
“I hope in college i get some excuse to deck him. Maybe with a bottle or something, ill wing it and be like “oops, sorry shithead, my hand slipped.”
“What is this shit…i’m just trying to graduate.”
“Ooo, i sense attitude in your tone.”
“Guess who only got two hours of sleep? Me, lol, i’m gonna die.“
“I’m gonna strangle you.” “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Superheroes aren’t allowed in my house, especially after they’ve destroyed my living room. go away.”
“oh you’re coming. even if i have to drag you through the snow in your pajamas.”
“i swear you’re gonna end up getting like botox in your tits or something.” “well i mean-” “whAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
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TH+B August Update 2020: a lesson in cross-border banking that nobody asked for!
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Hi everyone! We know it’s been a hot minute since you last heard from our team, and that’s because we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes on editing, prepping, and designing the anthology. It’s the less glamorous part of the job, but it’s also been super enjoyable getting to experience the diverse stories, podfics, and poems our authors have written just for this project, as well as the unique art pieces our artists have created. Everybody’s effort and unique imaginations are on full display here, and we can tell you with certainty that as a finished product, To Hell + Back is going to be an absolutely beautiful keepsake.
Now, to get the the nitty-gritty of where we’re at in our timeline: we regret to inform you that we’ve been experiencing ongoing issues with receiving the funds we raised from Indiegogo (more on that at the end of the post), and aside from the situation being a general pain in our collective butt, it poses a very real roadblock to our ability to order books and order merch until it is resolved. As has been our stated intention from the inception of this anthology, we're 100% committed to not spending any fan money until we have it in hand and are certain the total can cover all necessary costs—we want to make sure all project expenses are paid directly from our stand-alone project bank account whenever possible, so that they can be easily tracked and reported as promised. Accountability is key. 
All in all, we recognize that this probably isn’t the greatest news to hear, but we want to assure you that we are just as hard at work as we have always been, and we continue to remain hopeful that we will be able to ship these books out well before our new projected shipping date of December 2020 (as soon as we are ready, we’ll ship—we won’t wait around for December if we can get these books to you earlier!). We also apologize as a team for not having had an update for you all sooner--the information we were receiving around the Indiegogo disbursement situation has changed weekly and sometimes daily throughout the summer, and to avoid mass confusion we preferred to provide one in-depth and accurate post rather than multiple conflicting ones. 
This project has been, despite all the difficulties that we have encountered, an invaluable learning experience and a real testament to the spirit of fandom and fannish activities as a whole. We remain confident that you will have these books well before Supernatural ends, and we hope our anthology and the wonderful creations within will do our little corner of fandom proud, because we certainly are after having had the pleasure of viewing and reading such awesome stuff during our editing process!
As always, we are 100% committed to transparency and accountability surrounding all aspects of this project. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to email us or reach out to us via our social media platforms! In the coming weeks, please know that you can expect to hear more often from us; we plan to have updates out at least every two weeks summarizing our further progress, and we are hopeful that very soon, we’ll be able to tell you that our funds have come in and that we’re once again back in full gear!
Thank you so much for sticking with us! We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but we couldn’t have done it without the tremendous support that you all have shown.
Hoping to send you some amazing books very soon, sincerely and with much love,
Your 8 Vancouver nerds!
If you’re interested in learning the fine details of why we’ve been having trouble getting Indiegogo to deposit the fundraiser money to us, please click, “read more” below!
As you may know, the To Hell + Back: A Destiel Anthology fundraiser officially closed on May 21, 2020. Indiegogo first attempted to disburse the funds to the bank account on our file on June 4, and on June 8 we learned that the disbursement had failed for an unknown reason. We immediately contacted Indiegogo about the return via email, as that is the only avenue they offer for customer support, and did not hear back from a representative until June 16. That person let us know that our issue required investigation from a Payment Specialist and escalated our inquiry to that department; we received our first message from the Payment Specialist on June 24. He let us know that the payment had been sent via the specifically American direct deposit system known as ACH, and let us know that the (Canadian) bank account lined up to receive it was likely not able to receive a special transaction of that type. We also learned through further conversation that Indiegogo uses the company Stripe as an online payment processor, and that they were unfortunately not willing to send the funds to us via another type of transaction such as wire transfer. 
With this in mind, financial admin @justholdingstill​ cracked open the proverbial books and started doing a whole bunch of research on Canadian banks and the kinds of accounts that can successfully receive ACH deposits, learning in the process that cross-border deposits like this are not something widely well-understood by the average bank call center representative. We also learned that Indiegogo had quietly changed the way that they disburse funds in December of 2019, and seemed to be fairly unfamiliar with their new process of making international deposits involving USD. After dozens of calls back and forth with various institutions (during the height of COVID staffing-impacted wait times, no less!), we finally learned that opening a small business bank account with the Royal Bank of Canada would provide us with the ability to receive the funds. To do that, we had to write a Memorandum of Association designating our team as a not-for-profit community group, and formally outline our stated purpose as well the rules and restrictions on our “business” covered by our mission statement. 
Once that was ready, we opened our project account on July 13 under the name Perdition Street Press, updated the information with Indiegogo, and on July 23, the funds were again disbursed to us. Problem solved, right?
Not exactly, as it turns out. Over the next few weeks, the deposit was rejected twice more by our new bank, this time with the feedback that the account information didn’t match, although we had provided Indiegogo with a copy of a void cheque to ensure no mistakes. The issue was escalated to an even higher level of payment specialist, and after some investigations involving both them and RBC, we learned that we would need to have our bank help us fill out a specific form containing highly specific cross-border banking information that we hadn’t previously been made aware of. As of today, August 17, we are now in possession of that form! Since the form asks for a Tax ID or a Social Insurance number, we are currently awaiting an appointment with a local tax advisor who specializes in working with not-for-profit organizations—she will be able to let us know how to proceed properly, without risking an accidental gargantuan tax bill for any of us as individuals. The money you all so wonderfully helped us raise isn’t income or profit for us, after all;it’s for covering the associated costs of producing and mailing books and merch and nothing else. 
After that appointment, which will be paid for up front by @destimushi​ & @justholdingstill​ and then reimbursed from project funds once received, submitting the e-form 1700 to Indiegogo should be the last and final piece of the puzzle, and we are hopeful that we will be FINALLY able to accept the project funds shortly after that—please stay tuned for more, and know that we are as eager to move forward with the production phase of things as you are! 
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memelive1 · 3 years
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
This is the Privacy Policy of MeMe Live App (“MeMe Live”, “us”, “we”, "Service" or “our”) and is incorporated into and is subject to our Terms of Use which can be found here. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to our products and services as the “Service.” Please read on to learn more about our data handling practices. We respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use, and share data about you. This Privacy Policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights to access, correct, or restrict our use of your personal data; in plain language, keeping legal and technical jargon to a minimum. Your privacy is at the core of the way we design and build our Services and products you know and love so that you can fully trust them and focus on building meaningful connections. Unless we link to a different policy or state otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies when you visit or use the Service. Your use of the Service signifies that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, do not use the Service.
Table of Contents Controller What Data We Get How We Get Data About You What We Use Your Data For How We Share Information Your Rights Data Retention Data Protection and Security Children’s Privacy International Transfer Policy Privacy Policy Changes Contact Us 1. Controller Controller: The controller of data processing is MeMe Live. You can contact us via e-mail under the Email Address. Data Protection Officer: Our data protection officer can be contacted under the Email Address. Should you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact him/her. 2. What Data We Collect This Privacy Policy applies to websites, apps, and other services operated by us. We process personal data that you as a user of the Products make available to us, for example by using our Products and that users provide to us (“Data”).We can’t help you develop meaningful connections without some data about you, such as basic profile details and the types of people you’d like to meet. We also collect information generated as you use our services, for example, access logs, as well as information from third parties, like when you access our services through a social media account. We also collect some data automatically, like information about your device and what parts of our Services you interact with or spend time using.
2.1 Data You Provide to Us Account Data: In order to use certain features (registering for an account), you need to create a user account. When you create or update your account, we collect and store the data you provide, like your name, gender, and date of birth, and assign you a unique identifying number (“Account Data”). Profile Data: You can also choose to provide profile information like a photo, info, name, sexual interests, or other data. Your Profile Data will be publicly viewable by others unless you delete your account. To add certain content, like pictures or videos, you may allow us to access your camera or photo album. Some of the information you choose to provide us may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in a certain jurisdiction, for example, your racial or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs. By choosing to provide this information, you consent to our processing of that information. Usage Data: When you use our Services and features, we collect certain data including; messages, follow information, photos, videos, gifts, and other user data. Of course, we also process your chats with other users as well as the content you publish, as part of the operation of the Services. Shared Content: Parts of the Services let you interact with other users or share content publicly, including by gifts you receive, videos you post and the data you provided in your profile. Such shared content may be publicly viewable by others depending on where it is posted. Promotions: When you choose to participate in our promotions, events, or contests, we collect the information that you use to register or enter. If you won a prize, we would collect the financial information to reward you. Data About Your Accounts on Other Services: We may obtain certain information through your social media or other online accounts if they are connected to your account in our Services. If you login to our Services via Facebook or another third-party platform, we ask for your permission to access certain information about that other account. For example, depending on the platform or service we may collect your name, profile picture, gender, info, and birthday. Those platforms and services make information available to us through their APIs. The information we receive depends on what information you (via your privacy settings) or the platform or service decide to give us. If you access or use our Services through a third-party platform or service, or click on any third-party links, the collection, use, and sharing of your data will also be subject to the privacy policies and other agreements of that third party. Data About Paid Service: All our paid service is through iOS or Android platforms. We only receive a receipt of your transaction provided by these platforms. For security reasons, we do not collect or store sensitive cardholder data, such as full credit card numbers or card authentication data. Communications and Support: If you contact us for support or to report a problem or concern (regardless of whether you have created an account), we collect and store your contact information, messages, and other data about you such as your name, email address, location, operating system, IP address, and any other data you provide or that we collect through automated means (which we cover below). We use this data to respond to you and research your question or concern, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you ask us to communicate with or otherwise process information of other people (for example, if you ask us to send an email on your behalf to one of your friends), we collect the information about others that you give us in order to complete your request. Sensitive Information: Please be careful about posting sensitive details about yourself on your Profile such as your religious denomination and health details. While you may voluntarily provide this information to us when you create your Profile, including your sexual preferences and ethnic background, there is no requirement to do so. Please remember that photographs or any video clips that you post on our Services may reveal these kinds of sensitive personal data. Where you do upload and choose to tell us sensitive data about yourself, you are explicitly consenting to our processing your information and making this public to other users.
* The data listed above is stored by us and associated with your account in our Services. 2.2. Data From Others In addition to the information you provide us directly, we receive information about you from others or by automated means, including:
System Data: Technical data about your computer or device, like your IP address, device type, operating system type and version, unique device identifiers, device language, browser, browser language, and other systems data, and platform types (“System Data”). Usage Data: We collect information about your activity on our Services, for instance how you use them (e.g., date and time you logged in, features you’ve been using, search preferences, clicks, and pages which have been shown to you, referring web page address, advertising that you click on) and how you interact with other users (e.g., users, you connect and interact with, time and date of your exchanges, number of messages you send and receive, number of content you post). Device Information: We collect information from and about the device(s) you use to access our Services, including: hardware and software information such as IP address, device type, device-specific and apps settings and characteristics, app crashes, advertising IDs (such as Google’s AAID and Apple's IDFA, both of which are randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going into your device’ settings), browser type, version and language, operating system, time zones, identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify your device or browser. Other information with your consent: If you give us permission, we can collect your precise geolocation (latitude and longitude) through various means, depending on the service and device you’re using, including GPS, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections. The collection of your geolocation may occur in the background even when you aren’t using the Services if the permission you gave us expressly permits such collection. If you decline permission for us to collect your geolocation, we will not collect it. Similarly, if you consent, we may collect your photos and videos (for instance, if you want to publish a photo, video or streaming on the Services). Approximate Geographic Data: An approximate geographic location, including information like country, city, and geographic coordinates, calculated based on your IP address. Other Partners: We may receive information about you from our partners, for instance where our ads are published on a partner’s websites and platforms (in which case they may pass along details on a campaign’s success). 3. How We Get Data About You We use tools like analytics services, and advertising providers to gather the data listed below. Some of these tools offer you the ability to opt-out of data collection.
3.1 Analytics The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve our Services. Additionally, we use your info to help keep you safe. Read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons we use your information, together with practical examples.
3rd Party Usage Analytics Tools: We use tools provided by Google Inc (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, “Google”) in our Services for usage analytics purposes. Tool owned by Fabric and acquired by Google is used for usage statistics. Firebase operated by Google are also used for usage analytics purpose. 3rd Party Conversion Tracking Tools: Adjust, Google Conversion Tracking APIs, and Facebook Conversion tracking APIs are used for user conversion tracking. Crash Detection Tools: We use Crashlytics tools owned by Fabric for crash detection. It facilitates the maintenance and improvement of the Services. All your crash data is collected anonymously. 3.3 Online Advertising We do not use online advertising so we do not share any of your data with any ad providers.
4. What We Use Your Data For The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve our Services. Additionally, we use your info to help keep you safe. Read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons we use your information, together with practical examples.
To administer your account and provide our Services to you Create and manage your account Provide you with customer support and respond to your requests Complete your transactions Communicate with you about our Services, including order management and billing To help you connect with other users Analyze your profile and that of other users to recommend meaningful connections Show users’ profiles to one another To improve our Services and develop new ones Administer focus groups and surveys Conduct research and analysis of users’ behavior to improve our Services and content (for instance, we may decide to change the look and feel or even substantially modify a given feature based on users’ behavior) Develop new features and services (for example, we may decide to build a new interests-based feature further to requests received from users). To prevent, detect and fight fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities Address ongoing or alleged misbehavior on and off-platform Perform data analysis to better understand and design countermeasures against these activities Retain data related to fraudulent activities to prevent recurrences To ensure legal compliance Comply with legal requirements Assist law enforcement Enforce or exercise our rights, for example, our Terms
To process your information as described above, we rely on the following legal bases: Provide our service to you: Most of the time, the reason we process your information is to perform the contract that you have with us. For instance, as you go about using our service to build meaningful connections, we use your information to maintain your account and your profile, to make it viewable to other users and recommend other users to you. Legitimate interests: We may use your information where we have legitimate interests to do so. For instance, we analyze users’ behavior on our Services to continuously improve our offerings, we suggest offers we think might interest you, and we process information for administrative, fraud detection and other legal purposes. Marketing: Push Message Marketing: With your explicit consent, we will send you marketing push messages. Retargeting: You might see marketing messages on the platforms listed below. In addition, other users who have similar characteristics to you on those platforms could see marketing messages on those platforms as well (i.e., Facebook Lookalike audience). An opt-out is possible at any time via our customer support. It may take a few days after the opt-out until you are removed from all audiences. List of other platforms: Facebook, Google, Twitter, UnityAds, Snapchat, and Bytedance
Consent: From time to time, we may ask for your consent to use your information for certain specific reasons. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy. 5. How We Share Information 5.1 With Other Users: You share information with other users when you voluntarily disclose information on the service (including your public profile). Please be careful with your information and make sure that the content you share is the stuff that you’re comfortable being publically viewable since neither you nor we can control what others do with your information once you share it.
5.2 With Our Service Providers and Partners: We use third parties to help us operate and improve our Services. These third parties assist us with various tasks, including data hosting and maintenance, analytics, customer care, marketing, advertising, payment processing, and security operations. These service providers may access your personal data and are required to use it solely as we direct, to provide our requested service.
We may also share information with partners who distribute and assist us in advertising our Services. For instance, we may share limited information on you in hashed, non-human readable form to advertising partners.
We follow a strict vetting process prior to engaging any service provider or working with any partner. All of our service providers and partners must agree to strict confidentiality obligations.
5.3 When Required by Law: We may disclose your information if reasonably necessary: (i) to comply with a legal process, such as a court order, subpoena or search warrant, government/law enforcement investigation or other legal requirements; (ii) to assist in the prevention or detection of crime (subject in each case to applicable law); or (iii) to protect the safety of any person.
5.4 To Enforce Legal Rights: We may also share information: (i) if disclosure would mitigate our liability in an actual or threatened lawsuit; (ii) as necessary to protect our legal rights and legal rights of our users, business partners or other interested parties; (iii) to enforce our agreements with you; and (iv) to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing.
5.5 Monitor: Moderators to monitor activity on the site/apps and approve content. Fraud prevention and anti-spam providers to protect the service from criminal activity.
5.6 Change of Control: In the event that our Services or any of its affiliates undergoes a business transition or change of ownership, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, reorganization, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, or in the event of insolvency or administration, we may be required to disclose your personal data.
6. Your Rights You have certain rights around the use of your data, including the ability to opt-out of cookies, and the collection of your data by certain analytics providers. You can update or terminate your account from within our Services, and can also contact us for individual rights requests about your personal data. We want you to be in control of your information, so we have provided you with the following tools:
Access / Update tools in the service: Tools and account settings that help you to access, rectify or delete information that you provided to us and that’s associated with your account directly within the service. Device permissions: Mobile platforms have permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, such as phone book and location services as well as push notifications. You can change your settings on your device to either consent or oppose the collection of the corresponding information or the display of the corresponding notifications. Of course, if you do that, certain services may lose full functionality. Deletion: You can delete your account by using the corresponding functionality directly on the service. We want you to be aware of your privacy rights. Here are a few key points to remember:
Reviewing your information: Applicable privacy laws may give you the right to review the personal information we keep about you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called right of access, right of portability or variations of those terms). You can request a copy of your personal information by sending us an email at MeMe [email protected]. Updating your information: If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we are no longer entitled to use it and want to request its rectification, deletion or object to its processing, please contact us via MeMe [email protected]. For your protection and the protection of all of our users, we may ask you to provide proof of identity before we can answer the above requests.
Keep in mind, we may reject requests for certain reasons, including if the request is unlawful or if it may infringe on trade secrets or intellectual property or the privacy of another user. If you wish to receive information relating to another user, such as a copy of any messages you received from him or her through our service, the other user will have to contact our Privacy Officer to provide their written consent before the information is released.
Also, we may not be able to accommodate certain requests to object to the processing of personal information, notably where such requests would not allow us to provide our service to you anymore. For instance, we cannot provide our service if we do not have your date of birth.
Uninstall: You can stop all information collected by an app by uninstalling it using the standard uninstall process for your device. If you uninstall the app from your mobile device, the unique identifier associated with your device will continue to be stored. If you re-install the application on the same mobile device, we will be able to re-associate this identifier to your previous transactions and activities. Accountability: In certain countries, including in the European Union, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal information. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with notably may be that of your habitual residence, where you work or where we are established. If you want to exercise any of your rights listed above please visit our feedback form or email us at MeMe [email protected].
7. Data Retention We keep your personal information only as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes and as permitted by applicable law. To protect the safety and security of our users on and off our Services, we implement a safety retention window of six months following account deletion unless there is a technical difficulty. During this period, some of your account information will be retained although the account will of course not be visible on the Services anymore. In practice, we delete or anonymize your information upon the deletion of your account (following the safety retention window) or after 5 years of continuous inactivity. An account is considered inactive when the Application of the Member has not established contact with MeMe Live’s servers (including due to deactivation of the geolocation process), and the Member has not used the Application. In any event, the Account of a Premium Member is not considered inactive.
Unless: we must keep it to comply with applicable law (for instance, some “traffic data” is kept for one year to comply with statutory data retention obligations) as well as to prevent bot systems that are abusing the system; we must keep it to evidence our compliance with applicable law (for instance, records of consents to our Terms, Privacy Policy, and other similar consents are kept for five years); there is an outstanding issue, claim or dispute requiring us to keep the relevant information until it is resolved; or the information must be kept for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing users' safety and security. For example, information may need to be kept to prevent a user who was banned for unsafe behavior or security incidents from opening a new account. Correspondence with our Customer Support team will be retained for longer to allow us to deal with any subsequent queries you may have but will usually be deleted within 6 years if there are no queries.
Anonymized information about activity on our Services is retained for longer periods of time for statistical and product research purposes but this is not attributable to an individual once the profile has been deleted.
Keep in mind that even though our systems are designed to carry out data deletion processes according to the above guidelines, we cannot promise that all data will be deleted within a specific time frame due to technical constraints.
8. Data Protection and Security We work hard to protect you from unauthorized access to or alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information. As with all technology companies, although we take steps to secure your information, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information will always remain secure. Your password is an important part of our security system, and it is your responsibility to protect it. You should not share your password with any third party, and if you believe your password or account has been compromised, you should change it immediately and contact MeMe [email protected] with any concerns.
We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks and regularly review our information collection, storage, and processing practices to update our physical, technical and organizational security measures.
We may suspend your use of all or part of the Services without notice if we suspect or detect any breach of security. If you believe that your account or information is no longer secure, please notify us immediately. We are not responsible for virus protection outside our service network. We are also not responsible for the damage or destruction of user data. We will pursue every detected attack by hackers, etc. under civil law and, if necessary, by the prosecution.
In case of a breach, we will notify; the EU representatives, our DPO and our users who were or potentially were affected by the breach within 72 hours of the attack. We will announce it on our webpage.
9. Children’s Privacy Our Services are restricted to users who are 18 years of age or older. We do not permit users under the age of 18 on our platform and we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If you suspect that a user is under the age of 18, please use the reporting mechanism available through the service. If we become aware that a child, minor or anyone under the age of 18 has registered with us and provided us with personal data, we will take steps to terminate that person’s registration and delete their profile information from our Services. If we do delete a Profile because you violated our no children rule, we may retain basic account and profile information to ensure that you do not try to get around our rules by creating a new profile.
10. International Transfer Policy In order to provide the Services to you, we must transfer your data to our servers and process it there. By visiting or using our Services, you consent to the storage of your data on servers. If you are using the Services, you consent to the transfer, storage, and processing of your data. Specifically, personal data collected in Switzerland and the European Economic Area (“EEA”) is transferred and stored outside those areas.
That data is also processed outside of Switzerland and the EEA by our MeMe Live companies, or our service providers, including to process transactions, facilitate payments and provide support services as described in Section 4 & 5. We have entered into data processing agreements with our service providers that restrict and regulate their processing of your data on our behalf. By submitting your data or using our Services, you consent to this transfer, storage, and processing by MeMe Live and its processors. We operate a global network of servers including in Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, and Canada. We ensure that the data is adequately protected by ensuring that valid, legal mechanisms are in place. If you want more information relating to the nature of the safeguards we have in place please email MeMe [email protected].
11. Privacy Policy Changes we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to help you build meaningful connections, this policy may change over time. We will notify you before any material changes take effect so that you have time to review the changes.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 29
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.8k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: id love your feedbacks now that theyre happy together and id love to know what you think will happen of what you want to happen so if you read these notes please tell me!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : 4 requests! :) thank you so much!
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Chapter 29 : His chapter
I kept glancing at her as I drove and I couldn't take that stupid smile off of my lips. Her hair was dancing around her head, sometimes tickling my arm, cheek and neck, and it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I enjoyed it. She put her hand out of the window as it moved in waves because of the wind and the speed of the car on the high way and I loved watching her. She was wearing her stupid heart shaped sunglasses but they were new because these had purple tinted glasses, unlike the pink ones she used to have, and the smell of honey and vanilla reached my nose from time to time. I loved it. I loved her. She looked stunning in the golden hour and despite everything we had been through, at that exact moment, I was so fucking happy I could start flying.
She reached for the volume when one of my songs came on and I laughed as she started singing loud. The smile she was wearing told me I was not the only happy person in this car and I started singing with her, tapping on the wheel as she moved her upper body with the music. When the song was over I felt her reach for my thigh and she squeezed it a bit before turning the volume down again and leaning back against the seat. I could feel her gaze on my side and I was wondering what was burning my skin more : her eyes, or the setting sun hitting on my other cheek?
"Was this song written for a specific one night stand or was it just general?"
"Slow Hands?" I asked, raising my eyebrows before chuckling. "Who says I didn't write it about you?"
"Pretty sure you wrote it when we were not together anymore." she said with a frown.
"No!" I quickly replied after trying to imitate the sound of a 'wrong answer' buzzer from a tv quiz. "I started it when we were together. I just didn't really plan to add it to the album but I ended up thinking that album needed a bit more grit, i wanted something a bit more.. daring?"
She raised her eyebrows as I exited the high way and replaced her hair quickly without much success. It was adorable and I loved it a lot but I didn't mention it.
"That's daring alright. Are you talking about your fingertips or mine?" she asked with a chuckle, making me laugh.
"You decide!"
She chuckled again and I could swear she also rolled her eyes but it was hard to see because of her sunglasses. I parked a bit farther on the road and her eyes left me to look by her window. She shook her head before looking back at me and smiling.
"I don't know, I'm always amazed at the number of beaches we can drive by here." she shrugged. "I'm just not used to it."
"You like it?"
She licked her lips and shrugged a bit, glancing down and then looking up at me. "I guess, yea. But I miss London. All the time."
I moved my own glasses up on my head and she took hers off, tilting her head and sending me a soft smile. It was a stupid thought, but at that moment, I felt the need to say it.
"You can always find your home in me." I let out, reaching for her hands and squeezing them. "You're mine, too. You're my home."
Her traits softened and she slowly moved closer, holding herself with both hands on one of my thighs before her lips reached mine. She kissed me softly and I didn't try to deepen the kiss, I just enjoyed the way he lips pressed gently but firmly against mine.
"You're my home too." she whispered, letting her eyes fall down to my laps after moving slightly away. "Unzip your pants."
"Excuse me what?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.
"Unzip your pants." she repeated without skipping a beat.
"I parked here for a walk on the beach, not for.. whatever you had planned." I explained, raising my eyebrows.
"You're not gonna say no to a blowjob twice in a row will you?" she asked, losing her smile but I could still see how amused she was in her eyes. "I'm gonna start doubting my skills."
The left corner of my lips raised and I unzipped my pants, my eyes never leaving hers. Of course I was not going to say no but damn I just hoped we wouldn't get caught. Her lips curled into a big smile before she quickly bend down. It took her half a second to have her lips around my cock and my hand gripped the wheel tight as the leather made an annoying noise. I could feel myself grow hard fast and I whimpered low. She took my dick completely in her mouth and I let out a low 'Jesus Christ' when I felt her fingers play with my balls. I looked around to see if anyone was getting closer and finally blinked a few times, looking down at her head moving up and down on me. I pushed her hair out of the way to see her better and pressed my lips together, feeling one of my legs shake. She normally goes slow and makes sure I can feel her lips on my tip, under my foreskin and down to my balls but this time, she just went fast and hard, letting the tip of my cock hit the back of her throat every time she could. I gripped her hair and licked my lips before they parted.
"Don't move, I'm gonna cum."
Quickly, I moved my hips up and down, thrusting my cock in and out of her mouth fast and hard until my eyes closed and my grip tightened.
"Holy f-, swallow it." I whispered without thinking, only half a second before I felt myself cum hard in her mouth.
I pushed her more on my cock as I felt an intense orgasm hit me like a wave and when I let go of her head, she took my dick out of her mouth but let her tongue run on the length before moving down to my balls and sucking on one. I felt my cock twitch and let out a groan as I heard her chuckle.
I quickly put my cock back in my pants when she moved her head up and the smirk she was sending me made my heart skip a beat.
"You came so fast!" she laughed, making me grimace.
"Shut up! You went so hard on my cock how was I supposed not to cum?"
I could have delayed my orgasm but I didn't see the point, especially since we were in a public place, but I didn't mention it. Of course, it made me nervous to get caught, but at the same time, the thrill was amazing.
"Do you still want to go on the beach?" I suggested, trying to talk about something else, before she nodded.
We both got out of the car and I grabbed my cap, putting it on my head and reaching my hand out for hers. She looked at it for a few seconds and stopped walking before looking up in my eyes. Something stirred in my stomach when she shook her head slightly and my arm fell back on my side. Ouch.
"You just sucked my cock in the car but you don't want to hold my hand?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "No one will recognize us, no one cares!"
I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't pretend her behavior didn't hurt me a bit. I was normally the one who didn't want affection display in public whenever I was in a relationship but I never understood how the girls I dated could feel when I said that. Now, I had a good idea.
"I thought we... agreed that we would just.." she stopped herself and shook her head with a sigh. "I'm sorry Niall, i'm not ready for that, and you don't want that either. You hate PDA remember?"
My traits softened and I sighed, nodding slowly.
"I'm sorry, you're right, and I shouldn't have been so rude."
She licked her lips and after a few seconds, she followed me and we walked side by side on the beach with a small breeze against us. I kept glancing at her and after a while, I felt her fingers brush against mine.
"I love you, you know?" she said in a low tone, making me turn my head her way completely.
"I know, I love you too, I'm sorry, Olivia."
"I'm just.. I'm scared, Niall. Last time ended so badly, and now we're so happy. I don't want things to get bad after we make it official. I don't want what we have to vanish or even falter. I want this to last, and right now, it works, so, why risk it?"
I understood what she meant even if technically, it didn't really make sense, but I was pretty sure she knew that. I sat quickly in the sand, my knees up and holding myself with my elbows slightly behind myself, half laying down. She smiled and sat next to me in the same position, except she spread her legs out and crossed her ankles together. She was wearing soft black pants and her ridiculously dirty rainbow converse and I liked it without even knowing why.
"Okay, would you rather be always 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?"
I raised my eyebrows and smiled slightly when I recognized the game. We used to always play that game when we were younger but as the years went by, the questions changed, and the answers too.
"20 minutes early, of course!" I frowned with a chuckle. "That was easy. Okay my turn. Would you rather have whatever you are thinking to appear above your head for everyone to see orrrrrr have absolutely everything you do live streamed for anyone to see?"
"That's an absolute shitty question." she complained. "Anything I think about appear above my head. That would imply a lot of people seeing your cock, though."
I let out a loud laughter and turned to her. "Are you thinking about my cock right now?"
"Of course!" she replied quickly. "Can't you see it above my head?"
We laughed together and she licked her lips.
"Mm, would you rather have edible spaghetti hair that regrows every night orrrr, sweat maple syrup."
I grimaced and shook my head. "This is horrible. Sweat maple syrup I guess."
"I guess I'd lick your armpits all the time, then." she shrugged, bringing a smirk to my lips.
"Oh I know you'd do it even now." I pointed out. I could swear I saw her cheeks turn a soft shade or red and chuckled. "You love my armpits. One time you literally put your face there and kissed it."
"That was an accident." she blatantly lied. " I was trying to kiss your... your shoulder."
"Liar. I was smelly too, I was just back from the gym." I added, knowing I was embarrassing her even more.
"Okay, Niall, your turn now!"
I laughed as I stared at her and finally pressed my lips together, trying to find a good question.
"Would you rather... have 10 orgasms every time you have sex but they're not that good, or just one every week but a fucking strong one."
"That's a horrible question and I'm sorry but I'm gonna go for the fucking strong one." she shrugged with a grimace. "I would be so annoying all week though, you wouldn't be able to live with me. I'd hump you all the time."
I laughed and rolled my eyes. "How often do you masturbate?"
Her eyes roamed on my face and she pressed her lips together, trying not to smile too much.
"Normally maybe, twice a day?" she just replied with a shrug. "These days, though, I don't. You're the only one who makes me cum."
I turned to her and sent her a big happy smile that she sent back.
"I would kiss you right now." I pointed out, making her smile too.
"I would kiss you back."
We stared at each other for a while and she finally looked away, turning her head to the water for a few minutes as the sun was disappearing into the horizon. I knew we should get up and leave to find a place to sleep but I didn't want to.
"Would you rather marry a 10 with a boring personality, or a 6 with an amazing personality." she let out, turning her head to send me a smile again. "Choose wisely."
"You're not asking this about yourself, right? Because you're not a 6."
"You're right, i'm a 4, at best. No wait, Heidi said a 3, right?"
"You're still thinking about that?" I asked in a lower and soft tone before she shrugged and turned again to the water. "You really shouldn't. She was just jealous."
"Heidi isn't jealous of anyone. What she says, she means." Liv pointed out. "You know, just because I know you're out of my league doesn't mean I'm not confident, or that I hate myself. I know society's beauty standards and I don't fit in. I never will. You do though." she pointed out, turning to me. "You've always been the pretty boy, the one everyone liked and wanted to be around. I was never jealous I was fucking mesmerized. Because you were my best friend and no one else's. You had picked me."
"I'm still picking you. I'm choosing you every single day, Olivia." I pointed out, sitting up and crossing my legs, looking down at my hands. "And you have no idea how many girls I flirted with that turned me down." I chuckled. "Before I was famous and even now. You could be surprised."
"That's because you seem to always fall for stupid fucking bitches. You always choose them for what they physically look like. You never try to see deeper because for you, everyone is good. But it's not true. Not everyone is good, Niall. Some people will just use you and throw you away when they're done. Some people will pick you because you're rich and famous, and some other won't pick you because you're not glamorous enough. Why do you think Heidi wanted to date you so bad but was totally okay to let you sleep with one of her best friends?"
I looked up and frowned. "Wait, what do you mean?"
"Gia Christenson? That's literally the only friend Heidi has left, yet she sent her to flirt with you at that bar when we were dating? She gave her your number so she could send you nudes when we were camping? And you literally ended up sleeping with her a few weeks before you started dating Heidi?"
My lips parted slightly but I shook my head. No, Heidi hadn't done all that just so I would break up with Olivia, that was impossible. I didn't want to believe that someone could ever do that. To anyone. I was not such a bad judge of character.
"No I mean, it's a coincidence."
"It's not. And I'm not blaming her for our break up. She didn't force you do to anything, she didn't point a gun to your head either. But when you started dating her I couldn't help but think that she had gotten exactly what she wanted and I had lost."
"And now?"
"Now?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she turned to look in my eyes with a sad smile. "Now I'm just not playing anymore."
We kept quiet again, just listening to the waves and feeling the slightly cooler breeze hit our cheeks. It felt amazing to be here, alone, with her, but her words kept resonating in my head. Was I that oblivious?
"I don't want to marry a 6 or a 10, no matter what their personalities are." I finally just replied with a shrug. "I want to marry you. No number. Just you."
The way she smiled at me and tilted her head, I knew she liked my answer, but I kept quiet and after a while, she got up and I followed her back to the car. The sun was gone and the sky was dark but I drove to the first motel I saw and grabbed our bags before putting my sunglasses back on.
"I'll give my name." she just said as we reached the counter.
I smiled a bit and nodded before she asked for a room, gave her name and paid for it. I stayed behind her slightly and finally followed her to our room as she opened it and let me in. I dropped everything near the bed and when I turned around she was locking the door behind us.
"How much do I owe you?" I asked, putting my hands on my waist.
"Nothing, I got my check." she giggled, making me raise my eyebrows. "The number on it was astronomical, I almost came just looking at my bank account."
"Okay but this is literally a suite." I pointed out, making her roll her eyes.
"A suite in a motel I mean who cares?" she rolled her eyes, sitting on the bed.
I walked to her and bent down to kiss her lips as her hands found my cheeks. I had wanted to kiss her for hours and feeling her lips on mine after that long felt incredible.
"You want to add more fluids to these dirty bed sheets?" she asked with a smirk, making me grimace before she started laughing hard. "I'm just kidding! I'm sure these are extremely clean."
"Yea not so sure anymore."
She got up and tilted her chin up to look at me. Instinctively, my arms wrapped around her waist and I pulled her closer to kiss her gently.
"Maybe we could sleep on the floor?" I proposed in a low tone, half-joking.
"The floor is probably even worse." she mentioned just as low before chuckling. "Come on, I'll fill the bath for us. I saw it on the brochure and it looks incredible."
"For a motel room suite, maybe." I complained as she moved away.
I heard her laugh again and opened one of my bags to get some comfortable clothes for both of us, leaving the sweatpants and shirts on top of my luggage. I finally grabbed my phone and looked at all the notifications popping up with a grimace. I deleted all of them and went to check my contacts. I clicked on Heidi's name and picked the 'delete' option before doing the same with Gia and a few other girls. I was not really sure who they were, probably because they were insignificant to me, and threw my phone on the bed just as she was calling me. When I stepped foot in the bathroom, the bath was filled and the lights were dimmed, which surprised me a bit, considering what kind of motel we were in.
I looked at her sitting in the bath, definitely naked but all I could see was her breasts out of the water and slightly covered with foam. I could still see her nipples and I groaned.
"Can't believe you didn't wait for me to get undressed."
She shrugged and smiled. "Your turn. Take your clothes off."
Quickly, I took my shirt off and laughed when I noticed the way she was looking at me. She didn't say a word and I took my pants, boxers and socks off before joining her. The bath was large enough and I sat in front of her, grabbing one of her feet and massaging it gently, my thumbs pressing against her sole.
"Mm, don't stop." she whispered making me laugh as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the side of the bath. "I didn't expect that but this is amazing. Oh, and there's a beer behind you. Thought you'd enjoy."
I grabbed the bottle with one hand and she immediately started shaking her foot to get my attention back.
"You’re so needy."
"Shut up and keep going." she just replied, making me roll my eyes, a small smile still on my lips.
We remained in silence for a while, just enjoying the warm water and the presence of each other, but after a while, my mind went from blank to filled with questions and I breathed in.
"What are we, Olivia?"
She moved her head up and her eyes opened, meeting mine. She seemed a bit taken aback by my question but she shook her head a bit before tilting it.
"We're... two best friends who... love each other, and fuck more than occasionally." she proposed slowly, raising her shoulders up. "I guess."
"What if I want you to be my girlfriend, Olivia? What do I have to do for that?"
She breathed in and out slowly, still looking at me, and took her foot back. I thought she was mad but she moved in the water and got closer, placing her knees on each sides of me and sitting on my thighs. She looked down at my chest,  bringing warm water on my shoulders and sighing before looking back up in my eyes.
"I love you, Niall. I'm in love with you. I want to date or fuck no one but you." she confessed in a very low tone. "But I'm not ready. And I don't know when I'll be. Or if I'll ever be."
I swallowed the lump in my throat and frowned a bit. "So we may never get back together?"
Her face changed and she licked her lips. "Shit happens, so we never know? I want to, and I'm trying. But I can't promise anything. It's too stressful for me. Can we just.. live today? You're going on tour, I'm about to film again and... we'll both be extra busy. We can have that discussion again after your tour?"
"My tour literally ends in september, Liv." I pointed out. "That's in over 7 months. What will happen if we don't see each other for weeks?"
Her eyes roamed on my face and she licked her lips again, as if she was trying to find the courage to talk again. "I'll do everything I can to come see you every time I have a few days off. You can come back here whenever you have a break, too. We can talk every day, text each other, facetime each other. It's not our first time apart, and... I know it'll probably be the hardest but if we want to make this work, we will, right?"
I stared at her, unsure if it was really possible but I swallowed. I wanted it so bad, whether we were official or not, and I was going to do everything I could to make this, whatever it was, work.
"I'm not gonna date, fuck or even see anyone else." she added. "Just you. I sort of expect the same from you although I can't force you but... if you decide you don't want to be exclusive I want to know who you... who else you're gonna have sex with, please? I'm honestly just scared of what an official relationship will do to us. The girlfriend and boyfriend title is just.. too big for me. For now." she paused. "Okay?"
"Okay." I whispered, nodding but feeling like shit.
She slipped her fingers in my hair and pressed her lips gently against mine.
"I love you." she murmured before kissing my cheekbone. "I love you." she repeated, kissing my jaw. "So fucking much." Her lips brushed against my neck. "More than anything." She went back to my lips. "I'm in love with you." I closed my eyes as she peppered kisses slowly and gently on my face and neck until my shoulders fell and I relaxed.
I felt her bring water over my shoulders again and she let her hands run on my chest, moving up on her knees. I kept my eyes closed until I heard a whimper escaping her lips and when I opened my eyes again, she was biting her bottom lip. I wanted to tell her that the song I had written was about marriage and that all I could think about since we went to that stupid wedding was how bad I wanted her to be my wife. It was ridiculous, knowing that I was not 100% in the relationship when we dated and that I was now in this 150% and we weren't even dating. I couldn't tell her that, though. Not after she had just told me she didn't want pressure and stress. Not after she had told me that she needed time and that she was not ready. But the words got stuck in my throat and I swallowed them hard.
"You okay?"
"Mmhm." I just replied, bringing one of my hands between her legs as I stared in her eyes.
She stiffened and finally bit her bottom lip as I slipped two fingers inside her, moving them in a fair rhythm and make her hips jerk slightly. I knew we were having a serious conversation but I was on the verge of spilling all my thoughts and feelings to her and I had no idea how to stop myself from doing that except by making her cum. I brought my thumb to her clit and stared at her seriously as her lips parted.
"Niall, I think we should wait until we get out of t-the bath." she let out in a mix of whimper and whisper. "I bought something special, just for you."
"Tomorrow. Today I'm just gonna watch you fuck yourself on my fingers." I argued as I kept brushing her clit with my thumb. Then I'm gonna finish my beer, I'll kiss you, wrap a towel around you and bring you in bed, and we'll talk in the dark the way we used to always do."
She reached for my wrist and stopped me for a few seconds. "Are you gonna sing something to me?"
I breathed in and nodded. "Any song you want. As many times as you want."
It took her a few seconds to nod and I reached for her hand, moving it away from my wrist as I started rubbing her clit again. "Come on, pet, do it now."
She started moving slowly up and down on my fingers and after a few minutes, I could feel her throb around me. The sight was amazing but I couldn't help myself and wrapped my free arm around her to bring her breasts close to my face. I ran my tongue on one of her nipples before sucking on it as she let out a louder moan. She started shaking and I felt her pussy clench around my fingers. I looked down at my fingers disappearing inside her and groaned low.
"Fuck I love your pretty little fanny. So fucking wet all the fucking time."
She started shaking and watching her body quiver from an orgasm was the most incredibly hot thing I have ever seen in my life. She came down from her high and I took my fingers out before she sat back on me and her mouth found mine again.
"You didn't tell me." she whispered, kissing me hard again. "Are you gonna see other girls while we're away? You're going to meet a few on tour..."
I grabbed her waist and pulled her away to look into her eyes and I could read in hers that she felt bad for asking me, almost scared of my answer. I wished she knew how I felt. I wished she knew I wouldn't do anything that could risk hurting her again, and I knew that just telling her wouldn't mean she'd believe me.
"You're all I think about. You're all I care about. Nothing feels good without you. I told you. That year without you was the most miserable of my entire life, Olivia. I have no desire to be with anyone else. So no, I'm not gonna see anyone. I'm not gonna kiss anyone. I'm not gonna fuck anyone. I'm not even going to flirt with anyone because I just don't give a fuck about anyone else."
"This is gonna work." she whispered, trying to convince both of us. "This distance thing I mean. We'll do it right."
"We will." I confirmed with a smile. "And every single night, I'm gonna sing about you."
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