#if you know Kino and get what I am saying here know I love you and appreciate you
deadhawke · 6 months
Oh my god I just thought of a character/universe crossover with Trigun that probably no one will get cause ive never seen anyone talk about the other series BUT that being said!
Trigun crossover/AU with Kino No Tabi (The Beautiful World)
(Personally I’m thinking of the first volume of the light novels English translation over the manga or anime. Cause that’s what rewrote my brain in high school. Like genuinely impacted me in a way no piece of writing ever had.)
Like truly I can see so clearly where Wolfwood has Hermes and they travel together, and then at some point they pick up Vash. Or even the other way around and there's finally a universe where Vash can drive a motorcycle.
The ideological and moral HELLFIRE that Vash would go through visiting The Land of Majority Rule or The Land of Peace! How would Vash and Wolfwood handle the Coliseum? Could Vash take that shot? Would he have even conceived of anything like that plan? Would Wolfwood have to do it instead?
There is crossover with the philosophy of both books/series in regards to how the world is a mess and sometimes a bloody horrible mess but it is still worth saving. Not to mention how both main characters are constantly traveling and dealing with both the joy and tragedy of everything. As the front page of Kino No Tabi says:
The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
(further random info and links below the readmore including the prologue of Kino No Tabi which really will help you understand what I'm on about here)
In case any Trigun people want to join me in this, here’s a link to the only pdf I could find on where you can read the story I’m talking about. If you like the moral and philosophical discussions and implications of Trigun this will be so up your alley. The link above is a google drive link I can personally vouch for.
Here is the prologue as promised. The vibe is just. Just read it and trust me.
And then there was darkness. There was no light. No moon, no stars. Only the sound of the wind in the trees, wafting through the darkness. "You know… it's kind of like…" Kino trailed off. A contemplative silence followed. Or perhaps sleep. "Kind of like what?" Hermes asked. "I sometimes wonder if I'm really just a terrible person. Sometimes I feel like I am. Sometimes, it actually makes sense that I am. Because I can't change things; or worse – I just tell myself I can't, so I don't. But whenever I get like that – feeling terrible, I mean –everything else – the world, the people I meet – it all becomes incredibly beautiful to me. I fall in love with it. That's why I keep traveling – because I want to experience more. Because sometimes, I get to see some good. Maybe even do some good." Kino paused to entertain another thought. "Still, I know if I keep on moving, I'll always see more sadness, more tragedy –experience more sadness and tragedy." "But if you experience it – if you know it's tragic – how can you be a terrible person? Terrible people don't experience other people's pain… do they?" "I don't know. I only know it doesn't mean I'm going to stop traveling. I love traveling, and even though I see so much death – even though I have to kill people sometimes – I want to keep doing it. And…" "And?" "I can stop anytime." Kino's tone was resolute. "So I keep going… You see?" "Honestly? Not really." "Oh. Well, that's okay." "You sure? I mean, it helps if we're of one mind about things…" "How can I expect you to understand it if I don't? And I don't. Not really. I'm still confused, Hermes. And in order to find my way out of this confusion, I keep traveling." As if there were a road that led away from it. "Ah…" "I'm going to sleep. We've got a long way to go tomorrow. Good night, Hermes." "Good night, Kino." Thick cloth softly rustled, and then utter silence filled the darkness again.
The formatting of the pdf is not the best but I double checked it against my hard copy that it is the correct translation. Specifically it is volume 1 as it was the only one to get an official translation.
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shabbytigers · 4 months
good thing i didn’t know about the DLAB, the U.S. military foreign language aptitude test, till now. had i acquired that information at a plausible age, i might very well have ended up working for mfucking Defense because this is the greatest test in the world. look at it!
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first of all this is gold. it’s hands down the funnest kind of question i’ve ever seen. are there prep books. does it have a name i can use to scour the internet for puzzles
but what’s amazing is that it’s authentically fucked up. janky, if you will. like, i think i can see what choices are the best of those provided, but they do not feel like great, lucid, this-is-so-obvious-now-that-i’ve-thought-it-through, rock solid answers. they feel more like, okay i’m def lost in the rain forest but yeah me and my machete are gonna head in this direction. this, uh, can you call four instances and two tentatives a corpus? this dataset is a goddamn mess. i love it. i said “authentically” because tbh that’s pretty much the flavor of the feeling i have wading chest deep into one of the trickier thickets in a real existing foreign language, albeit one with fewer actual cryptids
we’re dealing with wo/wohin/woher prepositions in German and it’s an overt swamp; there’s a desultory table but they obviously got demoralized and punted. drilling a lot of examples—gehen zum Arzt, sein beim Arzt, kommen vom Arzt—may be better than trying to decide rationally, in the middle of a sentence, whether the Kino is more of a building or an activity.
the feeling i get wondering why they chose a skull, specifically, for farkila in this DLAB sample question is very akin to the feeling i get about … look
if a German cat sits on a table, the table is in dative—die Katze springt auf dem Tisch—because the cat is immobile, so it’s answering a where question
if the cat jumps onto the table—auf den Tisch—it’s in accusative, because it’s answering a where-to question
but if the cat jumps off the table, that’s a where-from question, and requires dative. vom [= von dem] Tisch. this is true even though there’s motion involved, and I was told not a month ago that motion = accusative, no motion = dative, using wo and wohin examples. now that woher is here the entire fucking heuristic is broken and i feel gaslighted. how can it be that jumping onto X is accusative but jumping off X is dative?
well, they say, it’s von. von always takes dative.
ok great, two rules in conflict, i’m supposed to just know which one wins, this is like what if order of operations in arithmetic but worse
furthermoar, why vom and not aus dem? onto = auf. on = auf. off (of) = von. feels messy. also, the cat is literally still in midair, so why isn’t this like coming out of the supermarket (physically exiting it) vs coming (to some not immediately proximate place) from the supermarket? well, it’s just different, they say. it would be aus if the cat was jumping out of a container like a cardboard box. but this is a flat surface so it’s von. hope this helps
o yes thank u that helps. i am definitely going to vom
it’s not that much palpably better than farkilam jankov? it makes a kind of unsatisfactory spot sense, if you wrestle assiduously through each example and get to ask annoying questions, but like. The System Is Bad
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diabolik-boys · 2 months
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"I don't believe anyone was expecting this, Nii-san... Perhaps we will be having too much fun. I'm getting a little bit too excited just thinking about it~"
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"Patience. I do not need you jeopardizing any of our plans by being too cocky. Good things come to those who wait. We have much preparation to do before we will announce ourselves."
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"Don't even bother. Screw waiting, my fangs are aching to bite into something, aren't yours by now? Come on, Nii-san. You can't lie to me. I'm ready to feast."
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"You are a bothersome brat. Fine. I shall announce that we are ready to come forward. But I am not going to reveal ourselves lightly. Be warned, this will not be an easy feat."
That's right, you're not hallucinating! The Tsukinamis are now coming to be apart of diabolik-boys permanently.
I have been debating on adding the Tsukinamis for a while now. And as I have reached over 1,000 followers, I know that a good number of you all like the Tsukinamis.
And so, to cater to my larger audience, I wish to add these two to my Diabolik boy roster.
What about Kino? Well, let's just say he will be for a future milestone.
However, I will not be answering asks with the Tsukinami brothers until I reopen my ask box, which not be until I answer my 77 asks currently in my ask box. Please be patient with me. 🙏
As for the event I have planned for the 1,000 follower milestone, I will have that be in according to adding the Tsukinami brothers. Please stay tuned, as I will post that event here soon, where you will get to interact with the Tsukinami brothers diabolik-boys style!
As always, much love. - Admin Azusa
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interstyx · 1 month
I adore this show to my core and it'll stay in my heart of hearts as one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever made. There's few things out there more laser-aimed to my tastes -- media hardly ever makes me feel any emotions but somehow MD got me consistently giddy & sad & horrified the whole way through.
This show found me at an utter nadir. I was feeling like shit, facing a shit job, creatively dead, lonely and regressing into all those personal failings that surface when things don't go right. I only decided to hatewatch it at around the time ep2 dropped with some friends because I needed something to be angry at, and found myself with butterflies in my stomach as ep2 came to a close.
The stylistic flairs of this show speak to me in a way that I haven't been spoken to for a decade. Writing cringe and all, unapologetic anime-isms, the delightfully realized body horror. Even back then, as soon as EP3 dropped, I felt like I had a pulse on this show, where it was going, what it wanted to do -- even when it makes mistakes, even when I dislike decisions, I feel like I get it, I see the vision, and I love it even more for it where things like these would have killed my joy dead back when.
And the writing community -- I never ever in my life expected to meet so many incredibly inspired, dedicated folks out here, not a week goes that I give your fics a read and come out angry-laughing at how fucking good this stuff is. As a lifelong pessimist and infamously dour shitheel when it comes to writing this stuff is invaluable to me.
It's been more than two years since then, and I sincerely believe this has been the greatest years of my life. I am renewed and happy with my creative endeavors. The theories, the projects, the writing talks, the stupid crack shit, it's made my recent life worth living when things were shite and made it shine much more when things got better, got so much dark stuff out of my skull and made it art that I can look back and love, smile when time passes and it doesn't tarnish in that hurtful way one's works do when it gets late at night and the same ol', same ol' creative dread creeps into your head.
This all amounts to a fairly unnoteworthy fandom appreciation letter -- I know it does. Maybe because it's my first and I've never cared to watch things as they air, maybe I just don't have the words in me to put what's in my heart out there into the screen.
I suppose "I love you all" is the most sincere way to say it. I genuinely do. Thank you for the art, the heart-wrenching fanfic, the discussions, the beautiful cringy art, the joy of my life since all the way back in '22. Thanks to all my friends I made here. Thanks to the insanely awesome Glitch team for delivering pure stylistic kino unmatched in history. Thanks to Liam Vickers for sticking with his insane fucking isms since circa 2010 until he saw it through.
I'll hold all this and more in my cruddy little heart where it hardly fits for all my life. I've got plenty more fanfic in me to write and read and I'm giddy to see it all through.
Thank you for reading this, no matter what you thought of that ending or how your opinion of the show's evolved. No matter the brisk turns life takes, there's nothing in the world that means more to me than that people are willing to read what I write.
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jazzystudios82 · 2 months
A Diabolik Lovers x Brooklyn 99 Crossover P1. 2 🥀
I thought about doing a DL x B99 crossover kind of thing, which is why I made the first post not too long ago. Hope you enjoy.
WARNING: This contains some spoilers for the DL manga "Young Blood".
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*Ayato talking to Yui about him bonding with his father Karlheinz*
Ayato: "We had an epic night of bonding that I will never forget."
*Cue flashback to last night*
Ayato, drunk as hell with an apple on his head: "Do it. I believe in you."
*Karlheinz throws a dart that goes into Ayato's chest*
Ayato, not feeling any pain at all: "Throw it! I believe in you!"
*Kid! Ayato and his brothers Kid! Shu and Kid! Subaru as hostages by the Ghouls during the "Young Blood" manga*
Kid! Ayato: "We came here to win and they're not even giving us a chance. I think it's fair to say that no one in the history of demon kind has been discriminated against more."
Kid! Subaru who knows the history of the Ghouls: "Buddy."
Kid! Ayato: "Yeah, that's my 'b', it's the adrenaline talking."
*Context: while as kids, Ayato and his brothers were put through some kind of test by their father to see who'd become "Adam" for his plan in the future when "Eve" (Yui) would be around. In the process, the brothers would be chased around and captured by Ghouls, low ranking demons in the DL universe that consume flesh. So in this context, I guess I would say that the Ghouls have been discriminated against more than the Vampires.*
*Ayato, Reiji, and Subaru during summer break*
Ayato: "Another cold brew? Don't mind if I "cold do". Nailed it, anyway, I am loving this machine that Laito brought in."
Reiji: "It is nice. The trick is to let the coffee warm up to room temperature. I'm already on my second cup."
Subaru: "This is my third."
*Laito comes running in with an extremely concerned look on his face*
Laito in a slowed down speech: "STOP! You're drinking too much!"
Ayato: "Woah, what's going on? Laito, why are you talking so slow?"
Laito: "I'm not! I'm normal. We're all normal!"
*Ayato, Reiji, and Subaru look around the Sakamaki mansion to see the others are super slow speed*
Ayato talking really fast: "Oh-my-god. If-you're-not-going-slow-then-that-means-we're-going-fast. Are-we-going-fast? I-don't-feel-like-we're-going-fast."
Subaru: "I-don't-think-we're-going-fast-at-all-whatsoever. I-feel-like-we're-going-slow. Reiji, how-do-you-feel?"
Reiji: "Incredible. I-feel-amazing. I-feel-better-than-I've-ever-felt-in-any-moment-in-my-entire-life."
Ayato: "So-we're-fine?"
Subaru: "Yep."
Reiji: "Yep."
*Cue all three of them saying "yep" repeatedly in a fast manner*
*Karlheinz in his "Tougo Sakamaki" persona mingling with human politicians and their partners*
Random Politician #1 after "Tougo" told him a joke: "Hahaha! Oh Tougo, you are such a crack up!"
Random Politician's wife: "Forget Anne, who should we fix him up with?"
Karlheinz/Tougo: "Oh Sal, you know I'm still getting over the tragic loss of my wife. She was such a strong, female woman, with nice heavy breasts."
*Ayato and Reiji when they arrive at school late for "reasons"*
Reiji: "Ayato, are you eating an Italian sub for breakfast?"
Ayato: "I am. But Pancake (Yui) said that I should eat more veggies, so I added extra pepperoncini. Smort."
*Ayato with the others in the living room*
Ayato: "Gentlemen, and lady (Yui), we are gathered here to answer an age old question."
Kino: "Right. What's Yui's deal? She single?"
Yui: *looks at Kino with slight disgust*
Ayato: "What? No, we're dating. C'mon. The question is: who here does the best impression of the tableware loving Otaku, Reiji Sakamaki. You'll be judged on voice, body language, and overall lack of flair. Everyone will perform the same scenario: Reiji eating a marshmallow for the very first time. Let the 'Reiji-Off' begin!"
*The others doing their best*
Shuu: "What is this glutenous monstrosity before me?"
Subaru: "The sugar in this is quite sweet."
Laito: *Does a whimsical laugh*
Ayato: "That's your Reiji impression?"
Laito: "I can hear him doing that."
Kanato: "Looks like a sticky pillow."
Ayato: "I don't care of for it. Classical music."
*Everyone laughs until Reiji enters*
Reiji who is genuinely curious: "What's going on here? What're you all doing?"
Ayato: "Reiji, nothing just. . . .eating some marshmallows, care for one?"
Reiji: "Marsh mallow?"
*proceeds to eat it*
Reiji: *does the same whimsical laugh Laito did earlier*
Laito: "I KNEW IT!"
*Subaru walks into the Sakamaki house wearing a pink shirt (note: this takes place after Kino is introduced)*
*Everyone is speechless*
Yui as soon as Subaru is out of earshot: "Oh. . . .my. . . .god."
Ayato: "Subaru's wearing pink! Subaru's wearing pink!!"
Yui: "Are we not sure that's not a white shirt that's been bloodied in a motorcycle crash?"
Yuma who's here to hang out with Shuu after they became friends again: "Or maybe that wasn't him." *Looks at Subaru's older brothers* "Does he have an identical twin brother?"
Kanato: "If Subaru had a twin, he would have eaten him in the womb."
Kino: "Wait, hold it. Why did none of you tease him about it?"
Ayato: "It's Subaru. He's scary."
Kino: "You guys are unbelievable. I once wore a tie with a splash of purple, and y'all (minus Yui) called me 'Mr. Grapes' for two years!"
*Everyone (again, minus Yui) laughs*
Kanato: "OH! 'Mr. Grapes', I forgot about him!"
Kino: "If I had worn a pink shirt, you guys would have torn me to shreds!"
Ayato: "Yeah, but you would have looked like a My Little Pony with fangs."
Yuma: "Let me guess, your theater is putting on a production of Grease, and you're playing a pink lady."
*Nearly everyone laughs when Subaru walks in*
Subaru: "What are you guys laughing at?"
Ayato: "If Kino was wearing a pink shirt."
Subaru with a smirk: "I get it. It's hilarious."
Kino: "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Subaru is the one wearing pink!"
Subaru with a murderous glint in his eyes: ". . . .and?"
A very scared Kino: ". . . .it's gorgeous. I wish I can pull it off."
Subaru: "Dream on, Strawberry Shortcake."
Ayato: "Yeah, nice try 'Mr. Grapes'!"
*AN: Please don't bully a guy for wearing a pink shirt.
*Laito when school ends*
Laito: "Sexy train is leaving the station, check out this caboose! Later sluts!"
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That's all for now folks.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I've been asked about my gender a couple of times. Once today, even. And I always freeze up when asked about that because. Like.
The reality is that I have a long and complicated relationship with gender. For years, I've just said "cis-male" because that's the easy answer. It felt like a noncommittal default answer. It's only recently that I've become less comfortable with that because. Well. Identifying as cis is still identifying, still committing to something.
But it's hard to commit because my situation is... messy.
I don't know if anyone is interested to hear me ramble about gender so I'm going to put this all after a jump. But since I'm having a mid-life crisis introspection day, here is my long, convoluted history with my gender identity.
If you saw my "characters who raised me" post, you might have noticed that an overwhelming majority of them were women. I have always felt more comfortable in the spaces that femininity creates than masculinity.
When I picture myself, when I close my eyes and see myself as the person I want to be, as the image I want to project out into the world, I see a young woman in her 20's with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Like Sailor Moon's Makoto Kino, a decade older.
My parents weren't around very much, so these women were my earliest teachers. They taught me how to walk. How to sit. Where to put my hands when I'm moving. And then adults made me unlearn all of that because you're not supposed to carry yourself like that or walk like that or sit like that if you're a boy. Learn to cross your legs in a masculine way!
To this day, I still often walk on the balls of my feet by habit, simply because my legs naturally imitate the posture of wearing heels. But I tell people it's because I watched a lot of Gargoyles as a kid and also really liked the X-Man Nightcrawler. (Which I did and do, and they're great.)
My favorite color is red. The reason my favorite color is red is because it's actually pink, but you're not allowed to like pink if you're a boy. My parents made that clear when they made me stop wearing my big pink winter coat that I loved so very much.
I spent the rest of my childhood and much of my adulthood dressing in black instead. Nobody cares if you're a boy or a girl if you're wearing black. (It also color-coordinates well with pink. That is a fire combination.)
I didn't really know what I was doing as a kid. I just knew that I was doing it wrong. Because people kept telling me I was doing it wrong. Gotta be a man. Gotta man up. Gotta like the things that boys like. Gotta put away the girly things because real men don't like girly things; In fact, "real men" aggressively hate girly things!
Gotta get money. Gotta get women. Gotta be aggressive and violent and not take no for an answer. That's how you be a real man. These are the things I started to internalize as the way I'm supposed to behave, as the space I'm meant to be in.
And I should note that this is not a fair reflection of masculinity. This is toxic masculinity. But it's what I was learning and it's the person I started becoming. Because I stopped listening to women, stopped respecting women, reframed my relationship to femininity as one of desire and power and control.
And I was miserable. I became a mediocre boy with pent-up aggression, prone to lashing out at the slightest indignity or disrespect because gotta assert my manhood. And I was tremendously unsuccessful at getting money and women. Women didn't like being around me very much. Can you possibly guess why? Probably because I was visibly unsafe to be around.
I hated it. I hated doing it. I hated the consequences of it. I was miserable.
Then I discovered that there were LGBT spaces. And I felt saved. My school's Gay-Straight Alliance became my sanctuary, where I could escape into a new world that nobody ever told me about. Where I could let it all of those pressures go and just say, "I am a trans woman."
This was not the end of my journey, though. You might not see the problem there. The thing that undermined my coming out. But for me, looking back, it's clear as day.
I was not coming out because I was more comfortable in the spaces that femininity built than masculinity. Even though I am. My mind was too poisoned by that point for a reason that good.
I was coming out because I was uncomfortable in the spaces that patriarchy built. And I thought being a transwoman would free me from that.
It did not. We are not, any of us, free from the pressures that patriarchy built. I had just traded one set of manacles for a different set. One that I hadn't been socialized in, one that is deeper and more complicated than I knew and that I didn't have the patience to learn because I was just trying to escape.
I wasn't trying to be a woman. I was trying to be what toxic masculinity thinks women are. The grass looked greener on the other side. It looked easier (and holy shit is it not). By that point in my life, I no longer respected women enough to be one.
It was two years before I gave up. Because I was still miserable. Being a woman (or my toxic impression of one) hadn't cured my soul-sickness. I was still angry. I was still lonely. So I went back to full-throated raging masculinity. I wrote those two years off as "experimenting" and I doubled down on toxic masculinity because now I was compensating for something.
I got a career because I'd dropped out of high school and wasn't going to college so I needed to have something. I moved out at 18 and got my own shitty apartment because a real man's gotta have his man pad. I refocused myself: Get rich, get women, be successful as a man. I spent the next years of my life as an angry libertarian incel issuing social darwinist screeds and ranting about how women are all bitches 'cause they won't sleep with me.
Then I started to meet people who were worse off than I was. Who showed me entire facets of the world I never knew existed. And I started to soften. Then I started to learn. And then I started to heal. To find acceptance for the parts of me I'd buried a decade ago.
People I can sit around and watch a TV show with, and see a snooty rich woman on the screen and go, "That one! That one's me. My character is Tahani. ^_^" and they won't judge me or tell me I'm wrong and I need to pick a different one.
Well, they'll judge me a little but only because my characters are always the fucking worst. Not because they're women. In my heart of hearts, I am an egotistic, entitled, prissy bitch and I own it.
I'm happier now than I ever was before, either as a man or a toxic man's perception of what a woman is supposed to be. And maybe my pronouns should be she/her. I don't know. Looking back over my journey, it's hard to feel like any set of pronouns really fits me - but I feel weird being they/them. Nothing feels right to me at all anymore.
I feel more comfortable in the spaces that femininity creates than the ones that masculinity does. Even healthy masculinity just doesn't call out to me the way femininity does, because femininity defined so much of my formative years. Most of the things in my childhood that were good are gendered female.
But I also don't know why they have to be. Why you have to be a woman to like pink, or to wear a pretty dress, or to enjoy cooking, or to cross your legs in a particular way. I don't want to believe that I can't be male but enjoy the things that I enjoy. That I'm not allowed to just decide for myself what masculinity means for me.
And yet, whenever I close my eyes and picture myself, I see a woman in her twenties with brown hair tied back in a ponytail. If I could start it all over again and be that woman from the very beginning, I would.
I don't know.
What I do know is that during my time as a libertarian incel, I started a career. That career has become my family's lifeline. I'm a high school dropout whose main skillset is knowing how computers work and being proficient at Microsoft Office, and I make more money than the rest of my family combined.
I feel like anyone in my age bracket can do my job. But they pay me to do it. Because I'm white, male, and clean-cut. We're forced to live under capitalism, and my family's future depends on the money my privilege earns. Because I'm aesthetically hirable.
So I go to work in the spaces that masculinity built. Then I come home to my LGBT family where it simply doesn't matter because everyone is accepted for who they are individually, no matter what box they fit in.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL
Nov 2022 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 1 of 12 - It got hot and heavy way faster than expected. With DeanPharm the side couple, I just want more of them like I did with WinTeam in UWMA. But yeah, it’s VERY good, thank fuck. WATCH ALONG HERE. 
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 6 of 8 - How can this dumb little pulp be so good? Also P’Nine? I will heal your broken heart. The brother zone is rough, baby. The thing about this damn drama is all of the characters are honestly motivated and act in accordance with their personalities. I think that’s mostly why I can’t stop watching. Loved the scene with Yai and his ma-in-law-to-be. Also, nice stinger! That’s one way to come out. Look this was a REALLY engaging ep. 
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 14fin - I really did not expect this show to end on this note. Ah Earth with the crying. I did expect the final episode to be family drama-llama, but this kind of drama didn’t work for me under the context of a BL. I do love the siblings. (There’s a part of me that wanted Prem’s character to be Team. This could work as Team’s back story.) All in all? I found it disappointing. Conclusion: This is a strong little BL romance (tailor made for SantaEarth) about holding onto first love and childhood, but it’s buried under waffling family drama and formless side characters so that it took a lot of digging to get to - still, RECOMMENDED. 8/10 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 7 of 10 - Nothing continues to happen and exactly nothing will and yet I keep watching. Probably because the nothing keeps getting shirtless. 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 6 of 8 - Cute bfs are cute but... NO SINGING. Adorbs but sad GL side plot AKA dead lesbians got a nod. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 5 of 12 - JaFirst are just great on screen together, I am very invested in their couple but, yeah, no one else. The stuff with Name was really difficult to watch, but Title is a GREAT little actor. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 13fin - Ultimately? Sky needed a therapist not a stalker lover, but whatever Mame. DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH COMPLETED HERE. I gave it a very reluctant 7/10, recommended only if you know you like this kind of thing. Look you remember in high school drama class where they make you “envision a basket, and put all of your worry, bad mood, and anxiety into that basket, and leave it outside the door”? Well, in order to enjoy this show, you have to do that, only with your morals. Some people have bigger baskets than others. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 6 of 12 - I do like a little jealousy from the dentist. Yet another installment in this week”s “please get that uke to a therapist” only this time (unlike LITA) our seme actually gives it an honest try. I might be completely and totally in love with the dentist. I adore how stern he gets, plus he has a very strong white knight tendencies. Also baby boi wanna-bartend with the big-ass crush is giving me life. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 4 of 8 - Am I the only one who JUST realized the actor playing Koichi is Komiya Rio who played Tanaka in Takara & Amagi? I’m so slow. Look all Japanese BL (even the most fluffy nonsense like Kabe Koji) is a little bit emo and exists in a sideways state. It’s gonna go into uncomfortable and uncanny spaces. It’s what it does. This one, given its psychological horror elements, is even more uncanny, to the point of creepy. I’m not a big fan of creepy, and yet I like this show. Japanese zombie incubus? Yes please. Look, I’m utterly unable to back away from the pun, and so: I see seme stiffie can get a stiffie. Puns aside? This was a killer first-time sex scene for something relatively low heat. I’m reminded of Shin’s tongue. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, no one does thirst like Japan. Korea and Thailand can have a winsome yearn-off, and Taiwan is great a pining, but Japan? Japan brings the Thirst. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 3-4 of 10 - I love this show so much. It made me tear up and then in the second part I was laughing my ass off, because the cat was trying to teach the dog how to stare properly. So funny. Then Pets being worried about their sick human, is so accurate. Is anything funnier than the idea of a cat in a service industry job? I really don’t want this to be sad. Please don’t be sad. In Strongberry we trust is my mantra!
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 6 of 10 - I like it more and more as it goes on, but I still don’t think I actually, ya know, like it. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate (Thai YT) 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Thai Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. DNF
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 28 eps - dito
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
SELF (Thai Thurs YT) - DNF
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
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In Case You Missed It
Korean GL She Makes My Heart Flutter finished it’s run on YouTube. RECOMMENDED. Full review (not by me) here. Extremely cute, about a lesbian bar run by an aunt and her niece.  
I have no idea if any of these still work, but the spies reported in on ways to watch the Cherry Magic movie (2022) with Eng Subs: BiliBili | Website I liked it, not as much as the original, solid 8/10 from me. Again no kissing, these actors must be expensive. Still with Thailand bringing the high heat with such consummate casualness these days (licking ass and taking names) there really isn’t much of an excuse anymore for no kisses. Even Korea has buckled. 
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Kpop boy group OnlyOneOf has collectively signed up to be in idol-based BL, Bump Up Business (based on a webtoon of the same name). They’ve been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV series in this post. It’s from Idol Romance who will do sad and can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You). More info here. 
HIStory 5 is coming! Office BL + time travel. “A cheerful and energetic senior student from 2000 travels to the future (2022), works as a deliveryman, and meets his first customer, an heir with a domineering personality.” Nancy Chen to direct (HIStory 4, Papa & Daddy).
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting up: 
Nov 18: I Will Knock You (Thai Fri Gaga) A college kid & tutor confronts the leader of a gang who then turns out to be his next student. Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy, + younger seme pairing, bully romance. Adapted from korean_rabbit's y-novel of the same name, directed by Champ (2gether).
Nov 19: GAP the series (Thai Sat YT) - 12 ep office set GL. WATCH IT! GL and this studio need our support. 
Nov 2022 still to come?
Nov 24: Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga) stars Karam (The Boss), Ha Jong Woo, and Leo (VIXX). Formerly Happy Ending Outside the Fence - thank fuck they changed the damn title.  
Nov 26: 609 Bedtime Story (Thai Sat WeTV) - another OhmFluke vehicle that’s rumored to be a good story. A one night stand leads to a series of mysterious premonitions and a possible parallel universe.
Nov ??: My School President (?? GMMTV YT) tester trailer here - it’s Love Sick + Korea & Japan's influence.
This Week’s Return of the Shirt of Shame 
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Work From Heart wasn’t enough? You had to put it on the prettiest boy in the world? (Ghost Host, Ghost House) 
This week’s best moments?
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Oops indeed. 
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This weeks earworm: MCND #mood
(last week)
Note: I’m off to France and then Australia, as ya do, so posting may be odd and sporadic and strangely timed. Don’t get excited, it’s work, I mostly get to see the insides of hotels. 
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goldie1006 · 23 days
Chapter 4: Whose Playing Hard To Get
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Weeks had passed since Yamiko, and Sanemi shared their brief evening on her rooftop. He had been away on extended missions with a few other Hashira, while she was helping Shinobu Kocho and Gyomei Himejima train the swordsmen that had recently made the rank of Kinoe.
Sanemi felt ragged, tired, and bruised as he trudged through the terrain toward his estate. He and Iguro were on a mission together for a demon that was just the challenge they were looking for. His bed and a hot bath had been the only two things that he had given him the needed burst of energy to jog the remaining mile home. As the wisteria flowers made an appearance, another source of inspiration reared into his head. Yamiko. Her long dark hair that smelled of flowers. Her lip gloss that stressed her pouty lips. And her damn smile had melted the layers of ice around his heart.
He opened the gate, approached his steps and noticed a jar sitting on the post near his front entrance. Yamiko's crow fluttered down to greet him. 
"Yamiko sent soaking herbs for you to bathe in. They are for muscle relief and help with troublesome bruising!"
"Some might say she missed you, but don't tell her I said that!"
He picked up a small jar as Kage made a sly exit. Hmm, she missed me and thought to come all the way out here to drop off a present on my return. It had been some time since Sanemi had felt cared for, especially in this way. He smiled at the jar as he entered his abode for the evening.
Yamiko was in her garden, tending to her gloomy flowers all dark blue or black. Kage sat on her perch, letting Yamiko know she had delivered the message successfully. She didn't ask what his reaction was because she already knew what to expect. Either the inklings of a small smile or no reaction at all as he carried the jar into his house. 
A few days had passed since Sanemi had returned home and he was now debriefing with Ubuyashiki and Iguro. As he was leaving the master's mansion, he noticed Yamiko talking to Tokito with a stern look on her face. It was cute. Sanemi had asked her on one occasion, why she had taken a caregiving role with Tokito since he was a prodigy.
"Even prodigies need to be reminded that they are a child first and should be protected and cared for. I am happy to do that for him for as long as I can." Internally he smiled at her quiet caretaking spirit. If Rengoku was out on a mission, she would make sure that Tokito ate enough at meals and he wasn't getting lonely at his estate. 
He watched the stern look leave her face to be replaced with a doting smile as she gently patted his head. Overhead he could hear Tokito and Yamiko's crows gossiping and joking with each other, the complete opposite of their owners. 
"Shinazugawa-San, Iguro-San, and Yamiko-San will come over this evening for dinner. I would like to invite you too!" A shrill voice behind him asked. He turned to find Mitsuri's obnoxious smile as she held a basket of groceries. Before he could object, she grabbed his hand in hers, pleading for him to come. 
"Ugh, fine! Get off me!" He ripped his hand from her grasp and trudged away. Sanemi knew what she was doing. Everyone knew that Yamiko and Mitsuri were close. It looked like the Love Hashira was working her magic behind the scenes, dragging Iguro behind.
"Iguro, this better not be a fucking set up or I'll.."
"Kanroji said it was just dinner. She wants to try out this new recipe." He hissed as they approached the front door. Iguro's fist hadn't even connected with the door before she enthusiastically opened it. 
"I'm so glad you both could make it! I have quite the spread for us tonight!" She had grabbed both of them, hurriedly ushering the duo to sit at the beautifully decorated table. Sanemi observed as Iguro's eyes followed Mitsuri around the dining room and kitchen dressed in an apron that matched her hair.
Sanemi's eyes checked around the table and kitchen, hungrily looking for the shadow hashira. There was a knock at the door, they both waited for Mitsuri to answer but she was too occupied to notice. Iguro went into the kitchen to let her know she had a visitor. 
"Iguro-San, can you be a dear and get the door?" Sanemi overheard her ask. 
"Hello, Iguro. How are you?" Yamiko asked as she turned the corner, not yet registering Sanemi was waiting for her to notice him. 
"I'm fine." was all Iguro could spare before taking his rightful seat next to where Kanroji usually sat. 
"Shinazugawa, I didn't know you would join us. How lovely to see you." Despite Yamiko claiming to be surprised, her usual composed and stoic demeanor never faltered. He also noticed that she had casually de-formalized his name. He loved it. 
Yamiko stood there feeling prickly since Mitsuri failed to mention that Sanemi would join them for dinner tonight. Yet, she plastered on a smile and headed to the kitchen, a basket full of treats and flowers in hand. 
"Mitsuri-San, you didn't tell me we would have more company than Iguro. Now I know why you told me to dress cute." She caught Mitsuri attempting to hide a devious smirk as she pulled out the flowers that she had brought. 
"Oh, I thought I mentioned it. My apologies, Yamiko-san. Don't be too upset with me?" Mitsuri turned to show you her puppy dog eyes and sweet smile. Ugh, she always gets me with this!
Mitsuri pushed Yamiko back out to the dining room table as she called Iguro into the kitchen to help her bring out the various dishes. 
Yamiko pulled out the chair across from Sanemi, doing her best to avoid his eye contact until she got the butterflies in her stomach together. Her dark eyes met his, and she politely smiled before breaking eye contact. Honestly, she felt bare under his steady gaze. 
"Thank you for the bath soak. It was a lovely treat to come back to." he said as his eyes scanned over her. She was dressed differently tonight. No longer clad in her demon corps or training attire. She had a large bow that pulled back her hair out of her face, allowing her soft facial structure to be seen. Her ears adorned with rubies, surely costing a fortune. And her kimono was black, with a moon shaped pin at her waist. 
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. How was your mission?" she asked. Sanemi became animated as he recounted his and Iguro's latest victory. By the end of the story, the table was set with over twelve different dishes. 
"Last but not least, flowers from Yamiko-San's garden. Aren't they beautiful?" she mused as she sat down. 
"Are they alive?" Iguro asked as his snake slithered near them to further investigate. 
"Yes. They are black Tsubaki. I breed and grow black flowers."
"Hmmm, that's an interesting hobby," Iguro said as his snake continued to probe them in curiosity. 
Is that why she always smells of flowers?
The rest of the night continued with laughter, praise for Mitsuri's cooking, and stories of victory from Iguro and Sanemi alike. During dinner, Sanemi noticed Yamiko had enough dishes around her to feed two men her size. Maybe that's why she and Kanroji eat together so often. 
"Well, it's getting late. Iguro, will you help me clean up?" For the second time that evening, Yamiko and Sanemi were alone at the table. 
"You look nice tonight, Yamiko," He said. She could suddenly feel her heart beating in her chest and her palms sweat. 
"Thank you, Shina.."
"Call me Sanemi. After all, you proved yourself to be a worthwhile adversary when we were spared." Yamiko's wide smile illuminated the blush that was creeping up on her cheeks.
"I don't think I've seen you blush like that before Yamiko," he said as he leaned across the table.
"Perhaps, because not very many people can make me do so." 
There was a pause between them as Iguro and Mitsuri came back with dessert. Yamiko politely declined saying she had to return to her home to tend to her cats as one kitten was sick. Sanemi volunteered to walk Yamiko back to her estate, despite it being out of the way for him. He wouldn't let her refuse, instead, he lectured her about the dangers of traveling at night without a weapon as they were on Mitsuri's front porch.
Yamiko pulled out the moon shaped pin that was at her waist. The moon was the grip that tapered down into a long dagger. 
"I picked up a thing or two from Kocho-San. The tip is laced with wisteria. Perfect for a demon or a man that won't take a hint when I go on missions in disguise." 
Sanemi's smile was so big that it erupted into violent laughter, shaking his exposed chest. Now this girl was a force to be reckoned with. He felt a throb below his belt that he normally would have taken care of when he got home. But he couldn't deny that primal longing to have Yamiko take care of it. 
"If you're ever with me on a mission. You won't have to use that, I have scary dog privileges." He said as he moved his hand to her lower back to guide her down the steps to walk her home. A short way into their quiet walk home, they both hear Kage overhead. 
"Don't forget you train the new kinoe in the morning."
"You're going to be grumpy."
Yamiko released an exaggerated sigh as she shooed away Kage. 
"You hate training?" Sanemi asked as he continued to walk with his arms behind his head, showcasing his muscles. 
"I love training them. But I'm not a morning person. I will have to get up early tomorrow to help set up my training space." Yamiko and Sanemi could see her estate in the near distance, illuminated by a couple of dimly lit lanterns at the entrance. 
"I'll stop by and watch you whip them into shape. It should be entertaining." 
Yamiko turned to face him as they both stood in front of her gates. 
"Please do. I hope to leave a mark on them like you did. Not physically of course." 
Sanemi's laughter boomed and Yamiko drank in his appearance languidly. Lost in the fantasy of how his muscles and enormous form dwarfed hers making her feel...
"Yamiko, you're staring," his voice pulled her back to reality. 
"I guess I am." Her mysterious and shadowy eyes clung to his lips.
Just as Sanemi was about to turn and head back. He felt a strong pull turn him toward Yamiko. Their lustful eyes met for a second before she yanked him down to where their lips were inches apart. Sanemi hovered over her, waiting for the next move. 
Yamiko smiled seductively while looking into his violet-colored eyes before she eagerly pressed her lips against his. Their kiss resembled a dance as both of them tried to gain control. Sanemi growled into the kiss as he tangled his large hand into her hair, pulling her back. A small desperate moan escaped her lips. She pulled back from the heated kiss, wishing it would continue. 
"Fuck, Kurotsuki" he muttered breathlessly. Yamiko could feel his breath against her skin, causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise. 
"Hmm, maybe sooner than you think." She giggled before turning around leaving him red as a tomato. 
"Get home, safe. See you!" Yamiko waved as she closed the door behind her. Sanemi stood there dumbfounded, his body outlined by her lanterns. 
Damn, Kurotsuki. I will definitely show up tomorrow. 
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Prologue
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ー The scene starts on the open fields
Kino: …
( ーー Before I knew it, I found myself there. )
Where…am I? And who exactly am I?
( In a daze, I simply started walking ahead. With each step I took, I could feel myself having a harder time to breathe, a foul stench lingering in the air of this barren land. )
( I feel a strong sensation that simply being alive would bring nothing but me pain and suffering. …Almost as if this is the Underworld. )
Kino: ( Aah, now I get it. )
( I must have surely met a terrible fate somewhere. )
( I suppose it no longer matters. If I simply pass away here in silence. )
( Without anyone having to know… )
Kino: Oh!?
( A star fell down? )
( Did I imagine that? No, I’m positive I saw it sparkle. )
…I guess I’ll keep walking just a little further ahead.
The Cursed land, where the foul stench of rotten figs,
lingers in the air.
These are the Demon World’s wastelands,
home to the ‘Ghouls’,
a group of creatures who aren’t shunned by their descent,
since they are not acknowledged as proper Demons.
Whether the light flashing through the foggy air in front of me,
was a coincidence or the inevitable,
I do not know.
However, I once again started walking.
Solely holding onto the faith,
that ahead of that fallen star, happiness was waiting for me…
ー The scene shifts to the emergency stairs of Kaminashi Tower
Kino: Hmー What a lovely view.
The bright neon lights are beautiful…and the air is fresh.
( They cannot even be compared. )
*Flap flap flap*
Kino: ーー Welcome. Come on, you can sit on my arm.
*Caw caw caw*
Kino: …So, how are things looking?
*Caw caw caw*
Kino: I see. …So he’s here. You’ve done your job. You can head home now.
*Flap flap flap*
Kino: I suppose I should get going then.
ー Kino jumps up on the tip of the tower
Kino: Nn~ The breeze feels great up here. It was a smart idea to climb up the tower.
I’d love to just fly through the wind into the distance but…
But I’m the one who asked him to meet, so I have to show up now, don’t I?
I hope he’ll make it worth my time…Fufu.
ー The scene shifts to the park
Kino: Uhm…?
ー Richter approaches him
Richter: Are you the one who called me out here?
Kino: Yeah, exactly. Nice to meet you, Uncle.
Richter: ‘Uncle’, huh…? I did not think I would run into another individual who refers to me as such.
Although I have to admit that my older brother was a true ladies’ man. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he has a couple of illegitimate children running around…
But how do you intend to prove that you are indeed one of them?
Kino: That’s a piece of cake. …Hah!
Richter: What are you doing all of a suddーー
Kino: Oh? Not enough to convince you? Then…!
Richter: You are…
Kino: …Can you still claim that I’m not actually Father’s child after seeing this?
Richter: No, to be able to produce such strong magic here in the human world…
It is true that it would be impossible for anyone who isn’t related to my older brother. …Heh. Very well. Let me hear what you have to say.
Kino: I’m glad you understand.
Richter: Yes, my sincere apologies. So, what do you want to do next? If you’d like, I will happily lend you a hand.
Kino: Hm? 
Richter: Let me think…I will do anything within my power to help you steal back those powers from that troublemaker.
Richter: Not a bad suggestion, is it? When you eventually conquer the Demon World, I shall be there to lighten the pressure put on these narrow shoulders of yours.
Kino: …Get your dirty hands off me.
Richter: Come again?
Kino: Hm? Nothing~ No, you just caught me a little off guard, you see. My bad!
I mean, even though you are related to Karlheinz as well…You’re just so incredibly underwhelming.
Richter: I beg your pardon!?
Kino: I mean, you can’t blame me, can you? Or can you prove your strength to me, like I did earlier?
Richter: …Every individual has their strengths and weaknesses. In our case, it just so happens that my older brother ran away with all of the strong genes.
Kino: In short, you’re a loser.
Richter: I am not. My older brother was ignorant to the concept of love, but I am full of affection and I know what it feels like to be loved by another.
A beautiful lady once proved that to me, you see.
Kino: …I could care less.
Richter: Did you say something?
Kino: Nah, I don’t really understand love and such…So yeah.
Richter: Haha, no need to worry. I promise that if you quietly grab my hand, I shall ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Now then, allow me to show you to my manor. I have made quite the name for myself here in the human world, so I will be able to assist you in various waysーー
Kino: I see. …You really think highly of yourself, don’t you? 
Richter: …
Kino: You really think I’m going to believe some bullshit story about you being loved?
Richter: …! And what do you know!?
Kino: Haha! My information on you must be correct then. You are very much aware that you never once loved in your life…Aren’t you?
Richter: So this is what I get for being humble…!
Kino: Too slow. …You’re going to need to work on your speed.
ー Kino disappears
Richter: !? Where did he go!?
Kino: Behind you. Haah!
Kino: Farewell, Uncle.
ー Richter collapses
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Richter: Kuh…Hah…Ah. Uu…
Kino: I hope that in the Afterlife, you will be reunited with Auntie who you loved so much. …Haha.
Yuuri: Is it over, Kino?
Kino: Guess so. Go and stab his corpse on the tip of the tower over there.
Yuuri: Why?
Kino: To celebrate! …Yet another Vampire kicked the bucket, so we have to hold a big party!
Right, right! Will you take care of ‘that’ as well while you’re putting him up there?
Yuuri: Yes, I understand.
Kino: Well then, that’s one more piece of trash out of the way. …Now, I suppose I’ll go and rinse off the blood which got on me first. …!
Kino: All preparations are taken care of. …I suppose I shall go and pick up the Princess then.
ー The scene shifts to the street outside
Yui: ( Where am I? I thought I was sleeping. )
Yui: ( Hm? …I felt something hit my foot. )
*Thud thud*
Yui: ( Is that…an apple rolling on the ground? For some reason, I feel as if I should follow it… )
ー Yui starts chasing the apple
Yui: ( …Wait…! )
*Thud thud*
Yui: ( Eh? There’s more of them? Actually, where exactly are these apples coming from…? )
Yui: Eek!
( The path behind me is becoming distorted. The walls melting away into darkness…I’m scared! )
( I feel like I’ll get swallowed as well if I don’t keep running forward. )
ー Yui keeps on running until she eventually wakes up in her room
Yui: !
Yui: ( Was that a dream just now…? It was terrifying, I broke a cold sweat. )
( It’s still pitch dark outside, so I’d like to sleep a bit more…Hm? )
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( Is that a crow outside the window? )
( Are crows nocturnal? …No, I’m pretty sure they aren’t. )
( Then why…? )
*Caw caw caw*
Yui: ( …It’s giving me creepy vibes, so better not go take a look. )
( I don’t know whether I’ll be able to sleep, but I’ll just lie down…and wait for the morning to come. )
ー The scene shifts to the classroom
Female Student A: Ahーaah. Such a bummer that our society class’ excursion got cancelled. I was looking forward to visiting Kaminashi Tower.
Female Student B: Right? I can’t believe they’re expecting us to sit through this lecture instead.
Female Student A: But you know, I heard that the whole area is off limits right now, so there’s nothing we can do about it.
Female Student B: Apparently it’s because of a murder case? People were talking about how blood fell down from the sky like rain yesterday!
Female Student A: Eh? Really?
Female Student B: Yeah. My boyfriend passed by the area yesterday and he told me how the whole ground was covered in red puddles!
Female Student A: Ehー!?
Female Student B: But they didn’t cover it on the news, so it could just be someone pulling a prank.
*Ding dongー Ding dongー*
Yui: ( I can’t believe such a thing apparently happened at Kaminashi Tower. …It’s really closeby, so I’m not too thrilled about it. )
( Please let it just be some prank. )
ー The scene shifts to the shopping district
Yui: ( …I feel a little uneasy having to walk back home alone on a day like this. I’ll try to take the well-lit paths back. )
( I can’t believe that today, out of all days, everyone had some other business they needed to attend so they didn’t arrange the limousine…Oh well, guess it can’t be helped. )
ー Yui notices a new store
Yui: ( Oh? A new store has opened up over here. )
( …I suppose I can drop by for a bit now that I’m here. )
Yui: ( I ended up buying a little knick-knack. I wonder where I should put it in my room? )
( I’ve really gotten used to that room without realizing. )
( Not just my own room either. Before I knew it, that manor had become almost like my own home. …I wonder why I still go back there? )
( It’s not like I willingly chose to live there…So I wonder how much longer I’ll be able to stay? )
( I used to often ponder about that in the past but lately it has completely slipped my mind. …I’m not sure how I feel about that. )
ー Somebody runs up to her
???: Uriah!
Yui: ( Eh? …Someone grabbed my chest…! )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: W-W-What are you doing!?
Ayato: Shut up! Anyway, you’re still as flat as ever, aren’t you? I thought that maybe they would have grown a lil’ by now.
Yui: Gosh! …I lost weight because of you, you know!?
Ayato: Hehe, what’s this? Look who has a big mouth now!
Yui: ( Hahー …I suppose I just no longer have time to fret about such things because everyday is like a rollercoaster ride. )
Even though the days are still the same,
there is one slight thing which has changed.
Actually, the Sakamaki household,
now has a new leader on the throne.
After Karlheinz-san passed away,
the one who inherited his powers…was Ayato-kun.
Apparently he has been going back and forth,
between the human and Demon World,
as part of his new title as Vampire King.
Yui: ( I mean, I don’t know what exactly that entails but…I suppose I’ll find out sooner or later. )
( I have been dubbed Eve and Ayato-kun is the most likely candidate to become Adam. )
( The two of us might get together in the future. )
( …I wonder how Ayato-kun would react if I were to say that I’m leaving the family? )
( He might not let me go. But where would I run away to anyway? )
Ayato: Hello? Why are you sighing up a storm?
Yui: I have those days too, you know.
Ayato: I see…Then why don’t we swing by somewhere on our way home, huh? How ‘bout we go to Kaminashi Tower after missin’ out on it earlier today?
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: The school’s excursion didn’t go through, right? I heard you actually went to attend the substitute lecture.
Yui: ( So Ayato-kun skipped deliberately… )
But apparently the visit got cancelled because something happened.
So I’m sure they won’t let us in, even if we go…
Ayato: Hehe. That only sounds even more fun! Let’s go!
Yui: Eeh?
( Geez, he’s so pushy… )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Kaminashi Tower
Ayato: The fuck? Why is it this crowded?
Yui: The incident took place only yesterday, so I’m sure these people have gathered to see what exactly is going on.
Ayato: Aah? Excuse me? That’s damn annoying.
Yui: ( I’m pretty sure we’re doing the exact same thing though… )
Ayato: Oi, move! Lemme have a look as well!
Yui: You can’t, Ayato-kun!
ー A strong gust of wind blows
Yui: ( Eh…? I feel as if there’s an odd smell in the air… )
Ayato: Hm? Something stinks. This place smells weird.
Yui: You too?
Ayato: Yeah.
Yui: ( However, it doesn’t seem like anyone else around us has noticed. …What is going on? )
( I wonder why? Rather than it being a nice fragrance, it’s actually… )
Ayato: Smells like somethin’ is rottin’.
Yui: Yeah…
( It’s an unpleasant smell which really gets in your nose. …I’m kinda feeling sick. What exactly isーー )
ー Yui recalls what her classmates were talking about
Female Student B: Apparently it’s because of a murder case? People were talking about how blood fell down from the sky like rain yesterday!
Yui: ( Don’t tell me…This is bad! )
ー Yui runs off
Ayato: Hah? Oi, Chichinashi! Where are you goin’!?
Fuck, move aside, stupid humans!
ー The scene shifts to the park
Yui: ( I have to contact the police before it turns into a big scene. )
( Huh? I’m pretty sure it came from this direction but…Did I just imagine it? )
ー She spots someone in the distance
Yui: ( Someone’s there. Is that…a young boy? )
( He looks sad…Could he be crying? )
( It’s dangerous for him to be out here at this time of day, so I’ll reach out. )
ー Yui walks up to him
Yui: Excuse me…Is something wrong?
???: …Good evening.
Yui: Good evening…
( Huh? He’s smiling…Were my eyes playing tricks on me earlier? )
???: So, what do you need?
Yui: Eh? Nothing in particular…I’m sorry. I’ll get going now, okay?
ー Yui tries to walk away
???: Wait.
Yui: Eh?
( He grabbed my arm. Why? )
???: Don’t worry. You didn’t approach me out of your own free will.
I lured you out here after all.
Yui: Eh…?
*Flap flap*
*Caw caw caw*
Yui: What do you mean?
???: To spill the beans to you, I actually put a certain scent which will attract Demons on the old guy I killed yesterday.
Yui: ( Killed…? What is he talking about? )
???: Well, I say that, but it actually only works on a very specific group of individuals.
A certain someone who is qualified to become Adam, or Eve…for example?
Yui: !? Who exactly are you…?
Kino: I am Kino. Karlheinz’ Prince Zero…and the brother of the Sakamaki family.
Yui: Brother…Everyone’s?
( I’ve never heard anything about that. …Is he speaking the truth? )
ー Ayato runs up to them
Ayato: You bastard, don’t be spoutin’ bullcrap!
Yui: Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Don’t run off without my permission! …Who the fuck are you?
Kino: Nice to meet you, Sakamaki Ayato-kun. I am your brother, sharing the same Father.
Ayato: Hah. As if I’d believe that.
Kino: I see. Too bad.
Ayato: Anyway, are you the one behind that stench!?
Kino: Yup, I am! After killing Uncle Richter, I had Ghouls’ flesh put on his corpse to lure the two of you out here.
I honestly didn’t think it would work this splendidly. …Fufu.
Yui: One second. Did you mention Richter-san just now…?
Kino: Yeah. He was trying to kiss my ass until the very end, he was truly a lost cause.
Yui: No way…!
( So this story about blood raining down the sky must have come from when Richter-san was murdered…! )
How could you…!
Ayato: I mean, he got killed because he’s a weakling, right? I don’t give a damn.
Why did you lure us out here?
Kino: You see…
*Flap flap*
Male Ghoul A: Hoh…
*Flap flap*
Male Ghoul B: There we go…
Yui: ( Eh? …The crows are changing into humans one after the other…! )
Ayato: This smell…Ghouls, huh? The fuck do you want? Go back to your graveyard already!
Kino: Ahaha! Ouch! But I wonder how long that attitude of yours will keep up? …
Ayato: Heh. That won’t even leave a scratch on me!
Yui: Ayato-kun, behind you!
Male Ghoul A: !
Ayato: Uwah!? …Now you’ve done it.
Male Ghoul B: How about this!?
Ayato: How many times do I have to tell you that crap won’t work!?
Kino: Heeh, not bad. As to be expected of my brother. But there are still many more Ghouls left, you see?
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( No way…Crows are flocking to the area, transforming as soon as they land on the ground. )
What now, Ayato-kun…?
Ayato: I just have to kick their ass, right? You stay back!
Yui: ( …I’m scared, but all I can do is pray. )
( Please let us make it out of this safe and sound…! )
*Woosh woosh*
Ayato: Damnit! They keep on poppin’ up no matter how many I take down…!
Yui: ( Quite some time has passed, but the situation hasn’t improved. If anything… )
Ayato: The fuck’s goin’ on…? There’s no end to them!
Yui: Kyah!
( It seems as if Ayato-kun is losing control over his attacks… )
Kino: Ahaha! Seems like he’s really starting to feel it now.
Yui: Why are you doing this!?
Kino: Oh? You want me to stop?
Yui: Of course!
Kino: Sure. Honestly, I thought it was about time to wrap things up too. …!
Ayato: Guaah!!
ー Ayato collapses
Yui: Eh? …No way…!
( I can’t believe Ayato-kun was taken down in the blink of an eye…! )
Kino: Seize him.
Male Ghoul C: Roger.
ー Ayato is restrained
Ayato: Guh…Fuck! Lemme go!
Kino: No. …Take him away.
Male Ghoul C: …
ー Ayato is taken away
Yui: Why do you do this!?
Kino: Why, you ask? Isn’t that obvious?
ー Kino steps closer
Kino: Nn…
Yui: ( …!? )
Kino: To get my hands on you.
Yui: What do you think you’re doing!?
Kino: …? You slapped me just now, didn’t you…?
Yui: I-I mean, you caught me off guard with that…
( I can’t believe he kissed me…! )
Kino: It hurts…Fufu, I’m pretty sure this is my first time getting hit by a girl.
Yui: ( Eh? …Why is he laughing? It’s giving me the shivers… )
Kino: But you know, to hit a Prince like that…I believe a punishment is in place.
ー He steps closer
Kino: I can’t take my time with you here, so why don’t we move places?
Yui: No! Let me goーー
Kino: Now then, show me the path to becoming Adam…Eve.
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riansdiary · 2 years
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Hi guys! I'm here to share results that I got from trying nonbinarydeity's how to communicate with your subconscious mind post!
So I decided to share my results because this is really amazing! I am still working on talking more with my subconscious of course but the part where I got results is what Quinne said in a reblog of the post to a person asking a question. It's on the bottom of the post and it's basically about asking your subconscious to manipulate a tarot reading for you.
Now, I tried this first with shufflemancy and it was very accurate! Shufflemancy is shuffling a playlist and asking a question then you pick a number from 1-10 and whichever number you pick, that's how many times you shuffle. I started by saying this in my mind to my subconscious - "Subconscious please manipulate my shufflemancy so I can get accurate answers." I tested it by asking questions about my boyfriend since I know what we went through, the situations we've been in and I know him ofc so I would know if it's accurate.
My results post is not about the shufflemancy I did so I'm just gonna summarize what I got! It was very accurate, to the point that I cried listening to one of the songs I got. I would also react to the lyrics and the song like "Aww" and "That sounds like him" and also feeling happy and feeling emotional and touched because of the lyrics.
In short, it was accurate and the lyrics (I asked three questions and one of it was "how does (his name) feel about me?" It even talked about some situations we've been in (like being ldr and loving each other even though there's distance between us. Our love story is like the anime movie "Your Name" well except the crazy body switching thing you know but we did dream of each other a lot! They couldn't see each other everyday but they love each other so much.)
The song that I got for the question I mentioned above was Taylor Swift's Back To December. This was particularly about our breakup before and it's because I think we're both guilty of things especially me so I thought it sounded more like me but then as the song continued, I knew it was more from him. I was guilty for giving up on him because I had a hard time with the long distance relationship thing but I didn't know he also felt guilty for some things as well and that he was miserable and missed me so much during the breakup. Yup, I cried the whole time while listening to it but this wasn't the only result I'm gonna talk about!
So I did a tarot reading with my subconscious. I really wanna thank @nonbinarydeity because it was so accurate! It was Kino Tarot's reading (I love her! She's my favorite because she's quite accurate! This reading was even more accurate thanks to my subconscious!) and the title was "The Person on Your Mind Wants to Tell You THIS" and so I asked my subconscious to manipulate the tarot reading for me then I asked my subconscious what card I should pick for my boyfriend. No. 2 is the one that first came in my mind when I asked so I picked that one.
Kino Tarot is my favorite because her readings are accurate and feels like a personal reading but it was even more accurate when I asked my subconscious to manipulate the reading! All of it sounded straight up like my boyfriend and how he is! I'm so happy that I found out other things that I didn't know and it was very sweet like the fact that he really loves me and would like to write me a song or serenade me to let me know how much he loves me. 🥰 He also wanted to be stable in terms of career and other things and want to offer me something tangible and in the 3d and not just his emotions or feelings for me even though that is literally all I need from him! Like what is this, is he proposing or getting ready to spend our lives together? 😱 It was honestly the best and most accurate tarot reading I've watched!
Thank you again @nonbinarydeity 🫶❤️❤️❤️
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typekiku · 9 months
Ok y’all i may be new here but im glad to introduce my _fashion review_!!!
Yes you read that right your beloved arcadia shall break down the single greatest visual novel known to mankind and review the drip contained within its sacred uhh program ig
Lets get right to it with our very own lunar legend ARCUEID
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Arcueid Brunestud
The icon, the goddess, the brain of the planet, and my very own wife (don’t correct me please) Arcueid Brunestud has a umm unique fashion taste…
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Her OG version is certainly a drip of all times.. im not the biggest fan but hey who am i to argue with my wife (again dont correct me here)? the granny skirt is well… its a skirt!! and she has a white shirt too!!! What is this; the 50s?
On the other hand, i love her hair and will fight anyone who says different. In fact, her hair here is better then it is in the remake and thats a fact because i said so and my opinion is objectively correct.
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I kneel before her. I can see why roa fell in love with her here. Her long hair… beautiful blue dress that simply demands your love and devotion to the princess of the true ancestors.
In other words, Peak. Kino. Fire. Gorgeous. Other words.
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Archetype earth moves me on a different level. Her design is the best in the game! Well i mean she didnt actually appear in tsukihime itself afaik (or can remember actually) she did appear in Kagetsu Tohya and that was nice.
This is Arcueid at her best looking and i wont accept any different opinion because again only MY opinion matters here!!
On a side note, damn you altrouge for cutting arcueids hair. Damn you a million times i hope nasu NEVER puts you in the story (im lying pls type moon put her in the story)
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This is the airhead that we know and love. This design suits that image of her more then og. While im not a complete fan i find this arc to be terribly cute and my wife (dont correct me on this matter)
The boots and leggings are perfection itself and while i dont like the mini skirt much it still works.
I do wonder tho what is that necklace supposed to mean. DAMN IT NASU TELL US… sorry i know itll be explained in red garden coming out in 2024 in the true arc route.
Overall i give arcueid an arcueid /10 (not biased) and recognize her as peak fiction and the love of my life
Ok this is it for me soon ill post a shiki drip review. If you see this feel free to suggest… stuff idk im new to tumblr. Like or blaze or whatever it is. Honestly, how does this even work anyways?
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sneez · 9 months
Lara von Trier anon (might need a better nickname, ha) here. So glad I found someone who also dislikes his films and him as a person... A lot of self-proclaimed cinephiles I've come across say they like him (or at least pretend to, which is likely). I might give him another shot since I haven't watched Melancholia, Dogville, or Nymphomaniac, but my expectations are very low. Besides Antichrist I've seen The House That Jack Built, which is what you'd expect and for the most part feels forced and boring, however it has its good moments (like the way the house is visualized or the fact that it has a whole Dante-Virgil motif where Bruno Ganz plays Virgil..he's as good as always but that's because he's Bruno Ganz after all). Can't say it's worth watching in its entirety though. Anyway, started rambling for a bit there. Would like to hear more kino thoughts from you :^)
hello again lars von trier anon! my sympathies about your nickname, a better one may indeed be in order :D i am also glad to have found a comrade in lars von trier hating! (hate is a strong word i know but man. if i hate any films which i have watched i hate those ones.) i haven't seen any of his other films except melancholia and antichrist, so i definitely intend to try out some of his others to see if i can find one i like (or at least don't actively despise), but i don't have particularly high hopes. i feel like his films have that Artsy quality which makes people want to say they love them because otherwise they will get accused of not understanding them, but there are so many Artsy films out there which actually have something to say and don't leave an unpleasant taste in my proverbial mouth in the process.
anyway, it has been so long since i watched one of his films (and indeed since you sent this ask, i am so sorry!) that i can't actually remember what i hate about them specifically, but for the sake of Kino Thoughts, here is my list of the top ten films i watched this year if you are interested:
The Colour of Pomegranates (1969)
Cries and Whispers (1972)
Johnny Corncob (1973)
The Fifth Seal (1976)
Autumn Sonata (1978)
Angel's Egg (1985)
Dead Man's Letters (1986)
Where Is The Friend's House? (1987)
A Visitor to a Museum (1989)
Morphine (2008)
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Currently watching - October
Because I love a good little list 😊
Regularly updated during the month - colored = finished
This may contain spoilers!
Currently airing
Choco Milk Shake (2/10)
🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is so good! I love it! I enjoyed every little second of this first episode. I hope it will go on like that. The story about Choco and Milk, a cat and a dog becoming human and live with their former owner. The acting is really good! I can see the dog and the cat in them 😅 So far perfect casting!
Love in the air (11/13)
I like how much Phayu cares about Rain. I definitely have my problems with some of the things that happend and I guess there are going to be things I don't like in the upcoming episodes, but overall I enjoy it. And yes I had a very big issue with the 8th and 9th episode...what the fuck? That is all I am gonna say.
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized (4/8)
It is so well shot and edited. I was just blown away by the art. The story…Well we are in episode one, but I guess it will be interesting. I am interested. The story of two people who meet again after years, one an artist and the other an idol. And I really want to know what happened that their paths drifted away like that and of course if and how their paths come together again 😊
Eien no Kino (2/8)
I am curious in what direction this will go, but I did enjoy the first episode. I like the aesthetics of the show. The way scenes were shot and the coloring. Really pretty!
Ghost Host, Ghost House (4/8)
This one is a funny one, well for now. I love the family 😅 The two mains have so much chemistry! The plot is intersting, Kevin and Pluem are soft and tender and passionate and so in love and yet there are some secrets and wounds which need to heal. And I am here for the ride. This show is so good!
War of Y (10/20)
I finally watched the next chapter...And yeah, I think I can't watch the stories week for week. I need to wait until one chapter is closed and binge the five episodes. This is one of the few bls I watch with a lot of tension in my body and no smile on my lips...I need to calm a bit before I can dive into the next drama...
Big Dragon (3/8)
I would say a promising start. Kind of a dub con situation on both sides? The main characters are both not really sympathetic😅 I like the bodyguards, if you can call them that. And I indeed like the chemistry between the mains.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (6/8)
This one I like...Perhaps it is the enemies working and forced living together thing for me. I enjoy those storylines way too much! Overall it's funny and I enjoy their dynamic and acting so much more than in Kissable Lips.
My Tooth Your Love (4/12)
I guess this could be called a nightmare for people with a dental phobia. But it looks so messy and lovable and I am totally in for it! I enjoyed the acting and the sister is so bossy, but in a good way 😀 Never thought I would like a series about a dentist this much! But I do!
My only 12 % (12/14)
Okay, I can see why people like it. It is growing on me a lot with more episodes in. And now I can't watch any further because I want to know how this ends and I can't watch those two hurting. But I am still not fond of the amount of times the name "Cake" is said...This is really unpleasant for my ears 🙉
Fahlanruk (7/12)
This series is a mess! Fah is a dominant prick who tries to get his man by forcing him to everything (besides sex)! The dialogues are crap, the acting is sometimes really not that good, the chemistry…I don’t know. At this point I don’t know what story the series wants to tell us. You can’t be friends with benefits? If you are persistent enough your love/fuck interest will give in to you? What is it? But I have the time of my life watching this mess and with episode 5 it has happend...I am invested 😒
Ai Long Nhai (5/12)
Ai likes Nhai. Nhai kind of likes Ai. To test if their relationship could have a future they decide to test-date for a month and show all their habits, good and bad, in front of each other. That is what I got from the subtitles 😂 They are a mess 😅 So funny and yet so frustrating, because sometimes you just don’t get what they are saying at all 😂
To Sir, with love (2/28)
The first episodes are on youtube with english subs! First episode told us about their history and of their family. I really can't stand the secondary wife and her maid. Hateful bitches! But I like Bua. She would have been a great mother and in a way she is more of a mother to the children than their mums.
Self (3/6)
I have my problems with mirrors, so this one was kind of creepy for me, but I am intrigued how this is going on and if there are more episodes than two!
Remember Me (3/12)
Okay what happend? I am emotional invested in this story! Why did it become so good within two episodes? I love the domesticity and the wholesomeness of the third episode so much! It touched me and moved me and now I am looking forward to the next episode!
2 Moons: The Ambassador (3/12)
This might be the first series I will drop. And I watched Check Out...But the subtitles are a mess, the acting is cringy and the story is boring...okay, I am on ep 2, so perhaps there is some good plot coming, but right now I can't see it.
Already broadcasted series
Fish upon the sky (2/12)
I don't know how to feel about this. I don't like Pi that much, but the series managed to make me cry with their first episode. Of course I want to see where this jorney is taking me. I catch myself weirdly grinning from ear to ear and that is a good sign most of the times 😅
Mama Gogo (2/10)
There are too many series on the side to satisfy my need for second-hand embarrassment that I’ve neglected Mama Gogo a bit. There are sexy dancing men…so I will definitely keep watching, really!
Finished in October
180 degree longitude passes through us (8/8 on Gaga) - very highly recommended
Damn, THIS WAS SO GOOD. The cinematography, the acting, the relationships, the tension. I am blown away! Every episode delivered. Definitely one of the best series I have watched, like ever! If you like sophisticated stuff, please give this a try. 10 out of 10 longing looks
Once Again (8/8 on Viki and Gaga) - highly recommended
This is a unique one and got me by surprise. I loved it even if I have cried the whole time watching the last episode. It is such a devastating and real ending. I knew it would be like that, but I hoped for something different. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful story about fate and love and grief. 10 out of 10 necklaces
My Ride (10/10 on Gaga) - highly recommended
This was some fucking wholesome shit! Damn! I love it. Why haven't I watched this one sooner? I had a smile on my face probably for the whole series. And Mork's smile? Pure sunshine and love and happiness. There might not be the strongest story, but it was well written and acted. 9,5 out of 10 sunshine smiles
My Bromance (2018/Taiwan) (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
This one was fun and light and I had a good time watching it. The focus is on the relationship between the mother and her two children. As funny as it gets, the series deals with serious issues and managed it not to be silly. 8,5 out of 10 sleepwalking fails
Craving You (10/10 on Gaga) - I can recommend without a doubt
This is as sweet as the desserts. It is not all lovey dovey and I didn't understand the concept of the collaboration, but I enjoyed this drama about a pastry chef and a singer who collab together. Best line of the drama: What I mean is, I decided to like you. That touched me deeply. 8,5 out of 10 madeleines
The Eclipse (12/12 on youtube) - recommended
It is really not easy to find the best words and the ebst rating for this one. I do like it very much, well until episode 11 happend...This is difficult. I wish they would have dealt a little different with all of the protests and homophobia and the revolution. It feels unfinished even though it is. After all I enjoyed watching it most of the times. The ending felt just too rushed. 8 out of 10 curses
Boys' Lockdown (6/6 on Youtube) - recommended
If you want something that makes you just feel good, watch this! I am still smiling :) The stroy is simple, but well done and acted and the characters are lovables. Two boys, who met in a drugstore and mixed up their meds, learn that they are each other's crush. So sweet. 8 out of 10 small dicks
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (8/8 on Gaga) - recommended without doubts
I like this. It made me smile with every episode. At the end of every episode there was always reconciliation and they talked with each other! Their relationship is healthy and they care so much about each other! There is not much happening besides their story, but that is okay. 7,5 out of 10 blushing Takara-kuns
Love by Chance (14/14 on Viki) - recommended for Perth
Do I like the main story? Sure. I love Ae! He has such a cute pair of heart-eyes. And he so naturally loves Pete! I am in love with his love for Pete. Pete on the other hand, not my favorite. And the side stories! What in the holy hell was that? The amount of violence and SA, was that really necessary? But MAME...Do I have to say more? Guess not... 7 out of 10 of Ae's heart-eyes
Love by Chance 2: A chance to love (13/13 on Viki) - recommended for all of you who loved TinCan in the first one
I like TinCan. I like their story and that they are quite open and honest with everything. But the chemistry was difficult...It was there as long as there was no physical sexual contact. The story with Tin forgiving and helping his brother felt kind of rushed in the end, but Tul and Gonhin had more chemistry than everyone in this series together, so I am not mad that Tin helped his big brother to be together with his love again. The whole Ae/Pete storyline...was that necessary? And why couldn't you explain it better to your audience? Because it didn't make sense that they broke up? That made me really angry! 6,5 out of 10 for TinCan and TinCan only
My gear and your gown (12/12 on Youtube) - recommended if you don't know what to watch
This was okay. I liked the way the story was told. And I liked the couples and their energy, even though Itt had just one facial expression for anger, sadness or annoyence...that was a little bit annoying 😅 The story of those people falling in love was nothing new, but it was good enough to keep me hooked. I really appreciate the fact that they kind of educated about safe sex. 6,5 out of 10 earrings
I'm a fool for you 1 (4/4 on Gaga) - not really recommended
Confusing as fuck. I guess a few more minutes per episode could have helped. Most if the times I felt like someone just threw me into the scene or conversation without backstory or anything! I felt lost very often! But it is the best one for me out of the three. 5,5 out of 10 What is this all about
My Roommate (32/32 on Youtube) - not recommended
I don't know what this was. Barely two minutes per episode? Really? How can you tell a story with such a small amount of time? Well...I am, yet again, confused! This is just something else! 4 out of 10 I don't even know what...
I'm a fool for you 2 (4/4 on Gaga) - low recommendation rate
Guess what, I am still confused! At some points I got the impression they didn't know what they had talked about ten minutes ago and so the whole story changed without making any sense! Just no... 4,5 out of 10 why is this happening now
I'm a fool for you 3 (5/5 on Gaga) - only recommended if you like to suffer and watched the other seasons
Well that took a very dark turn! Still confused, because you don't get any backstory or explanation. But why so dark? Why so deeply devestating? And ending on a cliffhanger? Damn it...now I need to watch season four when in comes out...I need closure. 3,5 out of 10 dark turns
Evening Café (4/4 on Youtube) - not really recommended
This was bland and boring. It is a low production, but that doesn't mean it needs to be this bad. There are some good low productions out there which make just fun. This I couldn't enjoy. The acting was not good, the pacing was difficult, the scenes were cut together in a not so good way... 3 out of 10 too loud glass breaking noises!
Short films
Attraction (on Gaga) - recommended
What if you are in an established relationship, but developes attraction for someone else? You can't control who you find attractive, but you can decide to act on it or not. It is all about choices. This short was really good and it left me thinking. 8 out of 10 shared headphones
FUFU (on Gaga) - recommended
This is wholesome. Both lived a happy life together and in the end they stayed together. Of course the ending is sad but at the same time beautiful and an ode to love! While both are dealing with the inevitable ending they remember some happy moments. Worth a watch. 8 out of 10 times they felt like a married couple
Military Dog (on Gaga) - recommended if you're old enough and interested in those topics
A short film about a military officer who wants to be dominated by his master whose specialty is the training of human dogs. Yes, this is a short film of 10 minutes on GagaOOLala. I love Gaga for all the content they provide us with. I really can't watch any horror movie besides something with vampires or aliens, but I can watch those movies. 7 out of 10 doggy positions
One Last Order (on Gaga) - recommended if you like coffee and a good feeling in your heart
The story about a regular guest of a coffee shop who has a secret admirer who writes him love poems. That was a cute one, but at some points a little bit too long. But it has a good atmosphere and coffee. 7 out of 10 love poems
Some (on Youtube) - a mediocre recommendation level
You see how unrequired feels like. It is heartbreaking and devastating and full of wishful thinking. But in the end it is nothing but a friendship. At least a friendship so you have some parts of this person and you can be near them. But reality can just punch you in the guts sometimes. I liked it. 7 out of 10 daydreams
How to die young in Manila (on Gaga) - recommended if you have some spare time
I guess it is my month for disturbing things to watch...Well, I am more confused than disturbed. It is a little bit over artsy and missed the point it wanted to make, I guess? The dangers of being a male prostitute in Manila or just anywhere? But in the end I really don't know what exactly the point of this story should have been. The summary is not helpful at all... 6 out of 10 very graphic depiction of dead/dying people
Nabang Spark (on Gaga) - recommendation level low
This one was not my cup of tea. The bland story about two students and one og them wants to be close to the other and invites him to his birthday, but the other didn't show up. 5 out of 10 non existing sparks
The shortest distance is round (on Gaga) - not recommended at all
What a fuck-fest...I guess this movie was produced to show the dark sites of prostituion, sexual assault and just what could happen if your life takes a wrong turn...BUT! What the actual fuck? The plot was bland and with the ending (both versions) just stupid. I thought it was about a teacher-student-relationship as a main point, but that was just a catalyst for the following shit-show. The message is drowning in the flood of sexual content and that I think is really sad. It could have been so much more. Do I like it? Nope. Will I watch the rest of the movis? Probably... 3 out of 10 noises...oh those noises
What I’m looking forward to in October:
To Sir, with Love (Oct 3)
Kabe-Koji (Oct 4)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Oct 5)
Two and One (Oct 5)
Big Dragon (Oct 8)
My Roommate (Oct 8)
Remember Me (Oct 9)
2 Moons 3 (Oct 10)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Oct 13)
Self (Oct 13)
My Tooth Your Love (Oct 14)
Hard Love Mission (Oct 15)
Doukysei (Oct 19)
My Tempo (Oct 20)
Eternal Yesterday (Oct 21)
Choco Milk Shake (Oct 25)
Grand Guignol (Oct 28)
Till the Worlds ends (Oct 29)
A shoulder to cry on (no exact date yet)
Happy Ending Outside the Fence/Happy Ending Romance (postponed until november)
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the-linaerys · 2 years
I wrote about Andor on DW. You can comment there or here.
I loved the original trilogy for its lived-in feeling and vastness, and the story of the little guy against the big guy. Andor takes the starting point of the original trilogy, and gives it weight and depth and takes the questions of rebellion and insurrection seriously in a way that as Abigail Nussbaum says, actually makes Andor the most Star Wars of all the Star Wars properties. It's about organizing and activism, it's a cri de coeur about the power of communities over individuals. It's sharply observed not only about the tenuous alliances between revolutionary groups, but the inevitable weaknesses of authoritarians. It's some of the best writing I've ever experienced in any medium. It tells a story of systems and movements that are bigger than people while showing human agency and allowing people to shine. * Andor is really a writing master class. I love how we're invited to laugh gently at Nemik's zealotry, and his manifesto. Even if we sympathize with it, we know he's going to be disillusioned or killed. And he is. But then when his manifesto is used again in the final episode, it's earned, because we met him early, and we saw Cassian Andor's progression to radicalization, and we, along with him, can hear and feel the truths of Nemik's manifesto in a way we were not capable of before. * The whole prison arc has been rightly hailed, and especially Andy Serkis's work as Kino Loy. Someone else pointed out that we are seeing organizing in those scenes. Good activists identify leaders and use them, and that's what Cassian does with Kino. At the end of that arc, when Cassian gets Kino to talk to the whole prison, and Kino uses his words, it shows that the notion of a singular hero is not what is needed here. This is not Cassian Andor's story, this is the story of the rebellion, of a fight with infinite fronts that can always be pushed upon, and need to be pushed upon by a collective. * Other people have also pointed out that whoever destroyed Kenari was before the rise of the empire, and we're forced to see the Republic as also a perpetrator of colonialization, economic and environmental destruction, and genocide. This is underlined by Mon Mothma and the explicit notion that her liberal trouble-making is ineffectual, it's only useful as a front for more radical fighting. And it's making me want to write fic! Which is weird for such a good show. Often well-written shows don't leave room for anything to be filled in, but Andor leaves a lot of space, while never feeling incomplete. I think perhaps this is because it is in the Star Wars universe, a universe we know is vast. But also, I just absolutely love Stellan Skarsgård as Luthen Rael, and I'm fascinated by the character and by and his relationship with Cassian. I need to read and write a million words about them, slashy and otherwise. I have always loved Stellan Skarsgård's work and always will. In this house we sexualize old dudes especially when they're Stellan Skarsgård, and it is fantastic to see him in a role like this. He's incredibly charismatic, uncompromising, and also portraying Luthen as deeply human. We can see that he hates some of the things he's had to do long before that incredible speech to Lonni, a speech that would have been well written no matter what, but pehaps that could only have been delivered by Skarsgård. I loved how little he has to do in Ferrix besides watch, perhaps, a glimmer of the sunrise he will not live to see. I love how we don't know if he's a hero or a villain, or if those terms can even apply to him—this is a show with many heroes but no one hero, and no one untarnished. I am not sure that what Luthen has done up to this point was necessary and that's part of the point—we'll never know, he'll never know, who had to die, and whose lives he wasted. He has set himself up as the mastermind of many revolutionary cells—will there come a time when he confuses power and self-preservation with the good of the rebellion? Has that time already come? He stands in excellent contrast to Saw Guerrera, and perhaps the best argument that he is necessary is when Saw says, "I am the only one with clarity of purpose." Because you can't have a rebel alliance where only one person is allowed to have clarity of purpose. The entire Andor show is about refuting that idea. Skeen says it best when he says "everyone has their own rebellion," while also proving that his rebellion has outlived its usefulness to The Rebellion. And I haven't even touched on his relationship with Cassian yet, which is different from his relationship with all of his other pawns and allies. But I gotta wrap this up for now. Please point me to your Andor meta, fic, and other people interested in this show! I think I have a new fandom!
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tarabyte3 · 2 years
I Want You to Show Me Weak
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Fandom: Andor
Pairing: Kino Loy/F!Reader
Chapter 7/27 (3.2k words)
->start at chapter 1<-
<- Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 ->
Summary: You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
Warnings: Explicit rating, Smut, Prison, Prison sex, minor non-graphic injuries, Dom/Sub, sexual tension, dirty talk, praise, hair-pulling, light choking, unprotected sex, oral, angst, orgasm denial
A/N: COME GET CHAPTER 7 EARLY because I couldn't wait any longer. Just remember how benevolent and kind I am when you both love me and hate me after this one. 😇🥰 Work title is from "Poison" by Vaults. Chapter title is from "Open" by Rhye. Previous chapter links up above.
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Chapter 7 - I'm a fool for that shake in your thighs, I'm a fool for that sound in your sighs
Later that evening, you're sitting on your cot, impatiently waiting for him, and trying not to squirm. Which you are failing miserably at. So when Alis beckons Edii from his cell and bullshits at him as they move down the hall, you feel your heartbeat start to pick up in anticipation. Only a few minutes later, Kino appears around the corner. He looks aloof, like he's dropping by for a casual check in on the floor and not to tease you into a complete mess. It drives you crazy. You want to ruffle him. To run your hands through his hair and see him disheveled and driven wild by you the same way you are by him.
You try to get up as smoothly as you can without looking too eager, but he smirks knowingly at you and you know it didn't work. You also don't care because he's there, looking stern and sexy, staring at you in that intense way that he does, and then he's stepping slowly into your cell without taking his eyes off of you.
"I see your table has cleared out of the area." He stops about a foot away, crosses his arms, and raises an eyebrow at you, clearly unimpressed. You wince.
"Yeah, uh, about that. So…Edii is above me." You pause and he tilts his head, waiting for you to continue. "Apparently he has incredible fucking hearing and now the whole table knows."
"Edii told? Really?" There's a look of genuine surprise on his face.
"Yep. They were all confused and suspicious that I was in a good mood, so Edii just…blurted out that he heard us." Kino glances up at your cell's ceiling, but you shake your head. "He's hanging out with them this evening. It's a long story and I'm sure Threl will fill you in." You take a step towards him. "But as happy as I am about Edii, I don't want to talk about him all night."
"I suppose you don't." He lets his gaze drop down to slowly look you over while his face remains impassive.
"We got second place again," you say innocently.
"Yes you did."
"We've never gotten second place twice in a row since I've been here. So I would say that's pretty—" He cuts you off by lunging forward and pulling you into a heated kiss. Your lips meet his hard enough to hurt, to sting, but then his tongue is in your mouth and you're whining into his, and you've already forgotten about the pain. He kisses you deeply, fiercely, until you're desperate for air. Only when you can't take it anymore do you pull away with a gasp.
"This is new," you heave against him, your hands resting over his chest.
"I've been thinking about your mouth all day," his voice is husky as he pants. He leans down to capture your lips in another quick, but hungry kiss. "I wanted to get it out of the way so I can focus."
"How can you be more focused after that?" You ask in a daze.
"Because I know what comes next will be even better."
You curl your fists into the fabric of his uniform top to keep yourself steady. "Fuck," you hiss.
"No, not yet. You haven't earned that." You can only whimper in response. His gravelly voice runs over you like sandpaper, leaving you raw and stinging after every word. "Trust me, I'll know when you have. Or when you can't take anymore."
Your hips roll forward instinctively at the image that conjures, seeking any sort of friction from him. He grabs you tightly by the arms to hold you still and his fingers dig into the tender flesh near your armpits.
"None of that," he scolds with a glare, and guides you by the arms until you're forced to step to the side. "Sit down on the bench." Only then does he release you.
You continue moving until you can feel the solid box behind your calves, steady and unyielding, even as your own legs are unsteady. You plop onto the hard surface and look up at him expectantly. You're waiting for more directions or any indication where this is going, but he surprises you by kneeling in front of you. In this position, he's nearly eye level with you. You give him a questioning glance.
"I would like to kiss you some more, and I don't want your knees buckling before I'm done." You suck in a shivery gasp because you don't know what that means, but it sounds promising. With his hands on your knees, he parts your legs and slowly shuffles forward into the newly created space. Now your knees are on either side of his hips, and oh god. Having him between your thighs like that, close to pressing against the heat of your sex, is intoxicating.
He places a hand behind your head, cupping the base of your skull and holding you in place. Then he's kissing you again. The pace is slower this time. Less heated. There's passion there, but he seems content to take his time to explore your mouth and learn what makes you gasp. His free hand cradles your face, strokes along your cheek and jaw, and then tracks enticingly down your neck. You begin to think this is all tonight will be, gentle kisses and discovery—which is fine by you—when his arms shift to wrap around you. He rubs firmly along your back from your shoulders to your hips, almost testing how his arms fit against you. Soon he begins to grab at your hips and thighs as well as he explores more of you over your uniform.
You begin to do the same, but with a lighter hand. Touching him along his face, the stubble of his beard, the corded muscle of his neck, across his broad shoulders, and down to his chest. When your hands finally grow bold enough to feel along his belly, he growls into your mouth. For a moment the kiss grows in intensity, and he reaches down to cup your ass and slides you further to the edge of the bench. You're so close now to being pressed against where his arousal must be that you can feel the heat of him on your inner thighs. It wouldn't take much to squirm forward another inch, you think. You could even make it look like an accident, a casual shift while you stretch your arms to reach around his neck and hug him to you. But you know he wouldn't buy it, and it might end this. Earn you nothing.
But maybe you can get him there on your own.
You pull away to moan against his lips and let him see the needy look on your face. When he takes in your expression and groans back, you think that may have done it. Instead, his right hand finds the hem of your top, and he slips it underneath the fabric. As his fingers brush your bare skin, you can't stop from moaning again, louder this time, into the heat of his mouth from the contact. His other hand slides under as well, and then all of his fingers are tentatively stroking along your sides and back. You squirm in his hands, trying to keep your composure, but it's too much. You shy away from his light touches and let out a giggle into the kiss.
He pulls back and gives you an amused look. "Are you ticklish?"
"...If I say yes, are you going to tickle me?" You ask hesitantly.
"No. But I will see what I can do about it." His touch shifts from just fingertips to the whole weight of his hands, no longer just brushes and caresses. He drags and gropes his way along your bare back with his rough palms. He also circles your waist in his hands, his thumbs stroking over your stomach, to hold you steady and feel the curve of you down to your hips.
Slowly, his attention diverts. It slides forward to focus on your stomach, your ribs, and tantalizingly further up before retreating at the last moment. He repeats the motion a few more times, each time getting closer to touching where you want him, but never actually doing so. You groan in frustration and you can feel him smirk against your lips. Finally, he works his way up along your sides, and the edge of his thumb grazes the swell of your breast. You arch into the touch, frantic to feel his hands on you.
"Is there something you want?" He teases, and you give him a frustrated grunt.
"I want you to touch me. Please."
He frowns at you. "It doesn't sound like you do."
You bunch your hands into his uniform and use the leverage to both pull him into another kiss and slide your hips forward on the bench so your lower halves finally connect. And god, you can feel him, stiff and throbbing against you and it makes your own arousal ache in anticipation. You give a tentative shift and he groans.
You pull away to look up at him with all the yearning you can muster, and your grip tightens on his shirt. "Kino, please touch me. Please. I need your hands on me," you beg and writhe onto him.
"That's better," he hisses. Suddenly he's cupping and massaging your breasts, his thumbs brushing and circling over your nipples, and you rock and grind your hips against his length. It doesn't take long before you can feel that telltale pressure and heat building in your belly.
"Fuck, Kino, I'm going to come," you pant into his mouth.
He stops what he's doing and pulls away to look at you, his expression disapproving. "I haven't said you could come."
Your heart drops. "What?"
"That's a reward for another night."
"You can't be serious!" You cry out in protest.
With a warning growl, he grabs you by the jaw again, the exact same way he did in the hallway. There's a brief moment where your stomach sinks in misery, but his lips are on yours once more and his tongue is lapping into your mouth, and you gladly melt back into his arms until he releases you. Then, without warning, he thrusts his erection against your core, and you cry out in pleasure and surprise.
"You aren't allowed to come tonight." His voice is firm and leaves no room for argument.
"Then stop it!" You plead in a panic.
"No," he growls and does it again.
"Kino, please!" You try to scoot away from him, but he holds you in place, flush against his hardness.
"You can't control yourself for me?" He taunts. He fully rolls his hips so his length drags along your folds and your clit through the fabric of your uniform, up and down against you. Your own hips jerk, wanting to join his rhythmic thrusts of their own accord.
"Not like this," you sob.
"Do you want me to stop?" He does it again, harsher this time, and you can feel the edges of your orgasm still lingering. Regrouping.
You let out a frustrated cry because you don't want him to stop. You want him to keep going until you're lost and rutting against him, chasing your climax. But you can't.
"Yes!" You wail. "Stop!"
His hips shift away from your core and you nearly weep at the loss of contact. He gives you a pleased hum.
"You listened so well," he praises. He places a few kisses on the corner of your mouth and swipes a thumb along the underside of your breast.
You sniffle and give him a watery look. "This doesn't feel like a reward all of the sudden."
"Oh, it is. You just have to be patient." His voice is gruff and low, and he kisses your jaw. "You'll come…IF you behave tomorrow. Can you do that for me?"
You whimper and nod. "I can behave."
"Good. Because I want to give you what you want," he purrs into your ear. The thought of waiting another full day to find your release in the arms of this man is torture. And you know he enjoys every second denying you of it.
The rest of your kisses are more relaxed and languid, even though his hands still map their way around under your uniform and you still squirm and moan beneath his touch, the memory of your near climax always at the front of your mind. You keep your hips pulled back so you don't accidentally receive even the slightest bit of friction against your neglected sex, despite how desperately you want it.
It isn't long before it's time for him to head back to his cell as you can hear the noises in the hallway heading closer. He leaves you—flushed and wanting and dizzy with the echo of his exploration all over you—with a few final, gentle kisses on your cheeks and temples.
After lights out, you wait until everyone is settled in and quiet before you roll over to face the wall and slip your hand in your pants. Normally you would give it more time to ensure everyone is actually asleep, but you can't wait any longer. You bite your bottom lip to keep from making a sound. It takes you less than a minute before you're riding your orgasm out onto your fingers, and whispering his name into the darkness.
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Your table is two down from first place. You still have a few hours left on the shift. Plenty of time to pull ahead or fuck it up.
"Come on, guys! We're getting first today, even if it kills me. I fucking need this."
"Dang, you really want that flavor, too?" Taybus looks impressed.
"I don't think she's thinking about the food, man." Alis says next to you. He and Threl snicker to each other across the table as they both work a wrench.
"Then what—?" Taybus scrunches his face in thought for a moment until he finally settles on a look of horror. "Oh, disgusting!"
You can feel a slight blush, even as you grin. "Says you, but trust me," you lower your voice, "it's way fucking better than the food."
"Fucking better, huh?" Threl adds, which makes him and Alis laugh even harder, and Taybus groans in frustration.
"This is inappropriate." Sorrek's voice cracks.
"Oh, come on! There's nothing else to talk about in here, and this is the most exciting thing to happen in months. Besides, look how happy she is!" Alis gives him a playful shove, which does nothing against Sorrek's thick frame. Instead, Sorrek just eyes you thoughtfully. You have to imagine you look manic bordering on hysterical as you stand in your spot, a hand clenched around your wrench. Far from the satisfied afterglow of someone that actually got thoroughly fucked that they all imagine.
"Can we at least talk about something that isn't her boyfriend?" Taybus whines.
You quickly hold out your hand to stop him from saying anything more. "Woah, hey, no one used the word boyfriend. Okay? That's…I don't..."
"Aha, you haven't had the Talk yet." Threl gives you a knowing look.
"No, I guess we haven't." You sound distracted as you realize you have no idea what he is to you. You've talked, yeah, but only about the fact that you're his. Never what that means.
"Too busy getting, well, busy." Threl laughs.
"I refuse to dignify that with a response."
"Table 3 is up another one." Jevid calls out.
"So are you guys gonna be fuckin each other like rabbits every night?" Alis stares at you as he waits for you to finish on your side. "What if I want to go to bed early?"
You give him a fake glare and take a step back, finally done. "Then go to bed! I'm not stopping you."
"I don't want to fall asleep to you two moaning."
"Oh, for—you sound like Taybus. We aren't that loud and you're like, a cell down from me. You wouldn't even be able to hear us! Unless you're sticking your head out to eavesdrop like a pervert." The last part clicks into place and you all move to attach it. "Threl is the one directly across from me, and Edii is above me. They're the only ones that have a reason to complain."
Alis sighs heavily. "Okay, fine."
"They were quiet when I hear. I mostly only hear her." You flush in horror at Edii's comment and your wrench slips off the nut you were working on.
"At least he's a gentleman." Sorrek grumbles.
You all turn to him in shock, and for a brief moment it feels nice to be on the giving end of this and not the receiving end for once. But also, "Sorrek!" You gasp.
"What? You all know I'm married! I had a sex life before this." He still blushes.
"Yeah, hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we talk about everyone else's sexual experiences for a while and not just mine. I'm sure Jevid has some exciting conquests to share."
"You shouldn't be talking about anyone's." Kino's stern voice comes from directly behind you. You immediately freeze and stare wide-eyed at the rest of your table. They all stare back at you in various states of sympathy and panic. With extreme reluctance, you turn to face him, mouth agape in mortification. "I'd scold you all, but you're only three down from the lead. You might actually take table 3 today. Though you might be IN the lead if you were talking less."
"We were just—"
"Oh, I know what you were doing." He frowns at you and you wince.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper. You can tell he doesn't look happy as he stares at you. His jaw clenches and the line between his brows accentuates his disapproval. You can see the evening you thought you were going to have slipping away. "We're getting first place." You vow.
With a sigh, he finally raises an eyebrow and says, "We'll see."
Then he stalks off.
"Okay guys, now we gotta get first place or I'm not getting shit tonight." You know you're nearly pleading, but you're too desperate to care.
"Well, you're lucky you have six of the best wingmen…" Alis trails off and looks at Taybus. "Okay, five of the best wingmen in here."
"Hey, fuck you! I can get us to first place. You forget I want this, too!"
Sorrek surprises you by saying, "Then less talking, more working!" You give him a shocked look. "What? You got me thinking about my wife and I guess, even though I don't get the appeal, personally, I guess…you deserve that, too." You smile gratefully at him.
Threl grabs the hanging drill. "Sorrek, you big softie! I knew you had it in you."
"Damn, he came around so hard, he's trying to get you laid!" Alis laughs.
Sorrek sputters. "Don't say it like that!"
You go hard. Your body and hands ache, and you can feel the exhaustion seeping into you. The last hour is especially brutal and you all lag somewhat. But it's worth it.
You take the shift. By one rack.
After the announcement, you catch Kino's attention and give him a hungry, victorious leer. He tries to maintain his composure, but you know, under that stoney exterior, he's very pleased with you.
A/N: Today poor Reader discovered the horrors of being Dommed by Kino. Also unfortunately now you have to wait until Sunday morning for chapter 8, but I promise it will contain more smutty Kino goodness. ❤️ Also I made a meme for this chapter
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - PAIN, all the pain you could want
except this is me, I don’t want it... whimper 
Dec 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) 2 of 10 - this show is gloriously ridiculous and charming and exactly my preferred kind of BL. Tinn has NO GAME, but man do I love a whipped boy. Anything that harkens this hard to Love Sick gets my vote. 
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 3 of 11 - It is nice to see Ohm play a character with more animated facial expressions. I’m liking this show a great deal, but I am really not wild about time loops. Crazy to see Stud & Sam on screen together again. Holy Friend Zone flashbacks batman. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 5 of 12 - it continues to be great, I continue to worry about the fact that apparently only Taiwanese BL considers therapy a viable option for boys who actually, ya know, NEED it. WATCH ALONG HERE.
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 11 of 12 - More nothing is happening, but the nothing is shirtless again, so I’m good. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 9 of 12 - Well, the sweet little BL with Gun & Golf is great. Bummer they only take up 20% of screen time. Golf’s parents are the best. That’s all I got. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 4 of 12 - it’s boring, what can I say? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai 
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 10 of 12 - everything about this show is so stinking cute, even the crumbs are adorbs. So many smiley kisses! (my 2nd fav kiss, the 1st one being a crying kisses, I’m warped). Speaking of, is it just me or is the actor playing Alex 1000% hotter when he smiles? Please no Doom next week, Taiwan? Pretty please? 
Oh! My Assistant (Korea Thurs Viki) 3-4 of 8 - Amusingly, I’m referring to it as OhMyAss in my notes. I do love this one, it has such a Japanese feel to it. The episode titles alone are hilarious. Plus, kisses already? Korea? What’s going on? Meanwhile, this is my favorite bisexual awakening in cinematic history. It made me incandescently happy. 
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) 5-6 of 8 - Look, I can watch Leo be pensive & moody until the cows come home (and have in half of Vixx’s MVs*) but it is getting a little tiresome here. PLUS: this is a KBL they don’t have a lot of time to waste even on his level of evil beauty. I think this would have worked better as a romance if the Writer had known the Editor in (at least) a friendly way in the past/at school as well - so there was more established dynamic to their instant affection and shacking up. Apart from my qualms around the romance thread, the plot is actually pretty good. It’s very angsty and tense for something so simple, which suits this length of show. *I guess what I am saying is if Korea ever did a remake of KinnPorsche, Leo MUST play Vegas.
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 10 of 11 - Pain. Argh. It was cruel to send them back, to all of us. Is there an ep 11, or is that a BTS and this was the end? In which case... in Strongberry I no longer trust. I guess we find out next week how shaken my faith is. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga & Viki) 8fin -Fortunately I have no faith at all in Japan, I expect pain from them. So here’s your final review of this one: 
Smart boy in love with zombie incubus, keeps him alive with sex. Japan, king of thirst, gives us both that and PAIN: these 2 are drowning in yearning and loss. Careful with this one - you break it, you bought it, and it'll break you... wide open just to see what color your guts are. After watching, you too might be walking around alone, forgotten, and wondering why no one understands your loss. Not only does it not end happily, it ends hopelessly. That’s an automatic 2/10 from me. No exceptions and NOT RECOMMENDED.
Sure, it may actually be brilliant, but it hurt me and I’m mad about it. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) - same Team RL peeps we have seen before (Sunshine, Stupid)
Till the World Ends (Thai YT) 10 eps - ?
Why You... Y Me? (Thai Weds YT) 10 eps - It's not primarily a BL, but another meta show about BL shipping, with side BLs. @heretherebedork is watching it, ask them about it.
Here’s that rumor, by the way. 
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I refuse to believe it. GMMTV is simply forbidden to do pain, it’s not their brand and I’ll be very mad if they do. 
In Case You Missed It
Semantic Error movie (Viki) the repackage did have some nice added footage but I wasn’t wild about some of the new scene cut choices. Still, not substantial enough changes for me to deeply lean one way or the other. I prefer the original but that might just be because that’s how I consumed it first. *shrug* 
GAP the series (Sat YT) is a classic office set romance. WATCH IT! It’s GL and this studio needs our support! I’m enjoying it but not chronicling my journey. (Also, the stairs are back.)
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting December 2022: 
Dec 13 - Never Let Me Go from Thailand, GMMTV’s YT, 10 eps -  GMMTV’s answer to KinnPorsche this is a mafia, attack dog (whipping boy + bodyguard) suspense BL. I’m delighted to see Pond Phuwin get a crack at something that’s not FUTS. Jojo (3 Will Be Free) is directing, so we know the action parts should be decent.
Dec 15 - The Director Who Buys Me Dinner from Korea, iQIYI - A new production house employee whose director (absolutely perfect in every way except that he seems to have lost his mind) claims to have lived 3 lives and insists that they have to date if they don't want to die.
Dec 16 - Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox from Japan, Gaga, 8 eps - A stakeout throws Onoe, a reporter, together with photographer Kaburagi. Kaburagi's haphazard work style goes against Onoe's ethics. Yet, in joint pursuit of a scandal, the two move from enemies to lovers. Adapted from manga Ameiro Paradox by Natsume Isaku.
Dec 21 - The New Employee AKA The New Recruit AKA Shinib Sawo from Korea, (prob Gaga or Viki) - From WATCHA (Semantic Error) virginal Seung Hyun scores the office internship of his dreams but on his first day at work he gets into it with his cool reserved boss. As you do. Stars Moon Ji Yong (Once Again). Based on Moscareto's web novel of the same name, directed by openly gay & queer activist Kim Jho Gwang Soo (Just Friends?). 
Dec 28 - H5: Love in the Future from Taiwan (prob Gaga or Viki) - A cheerful and energetic student from 2000 travels to the future (2022), works as a deliveryman, and meets his first customer, an heir with a domineering personality. Directed by Nancy Chen (HIStory 4, Papa & Daddy).
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Between Us
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I love him, your honor. (Ai Long Nhai) 
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I catching another bad case of side dish addiction syndrome (GameVee in 609 Bedtime Story) 
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We stan a dorky wingman with an imaginary umbrella trope. (My School Pres) 
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(last week) 
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