#if you see any grammer mistakes please tell me
sometilememes · 2 years
i've been hit and it was by @wolfythewitch's zombie au
He refuses to believe it. He ignores Phil’s skin as it changes from pink and alive to a pale, pasty gray. He dismisses how Phil’s bones begin to poke through his skin. He looks away when Phil stumbles and groans. He ignores the obvious until he can’t anymore. 
The highway stretches on for miles. Sooner or later they will arrive at a town. With that come new challenges and benefits. First, they acquire supplies. After that, they flee as quickly as they can. The more populated a town was before the more zombies now. A larger settlement means more resources but also more zombies.
It all began to blur. The past months felt like a cruel time loop. Walk. Raid a town. Walk. Raid a town. Walk. Over and over again. Nothing ever changes.
The highway was empty and quiet. It was peaceful and vast; almost suffocatingly lonely. The horizon appears a lifetime away and as he stares at the line, everything begins to fade. 
Until he sees Phil trip.
He’s lungeing before he even realizes he’s moving. His legs and arms move faster than he can think. He blinks and his hand is wrapped around Phil’s wrist. He feels nothing but the freeze of death. No blood pumps through his father's veins. His arteries have been long out of use.
The illusion is broken.
But he can’t let go.
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0strawberrysorbet0 · 6 months
𝐴 ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑏𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑙 𝑥 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒!𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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This is a series so if you'd like to be tagged simply just comment!
Not too happy with this chapter but hope it's good enough 😕
Please do not use/steal my work on this site or any other! Reblogs and likes are appreciated greatly!!
Part one ← Part two → Part three
Summary: When Charlie is called to heaven for a meeting instead of her father she is ecstatic but she meets a boy with some very familiar features..
Warnings: cursing, Adam mentioned, rlly weird layout, idk what else, probs spelling mistakes and weird grammer
Where am I??" Was the only thought coursing through the boy's mind?
He couldn't hear anything but his thoughts, everything else was muffled as if he was underwater, he strolled mindlessly throughout the forest, there were lush plants and exotic flowers of every tone and shape.
He could see birds and insects, things they did not have in his new home...
As he walked forward, it was like he was being pulled, like he didn't control it...
He heard a voice call for him...
"ƙׁׅյׁׅ݊ꪀյׁׅժׁׅ݊ᝯׁׅ֒꯱ dear?? Where-" was all he heard, voice silencing before he heard a yell...
He couldn't make out words but he heard a male's voice shout, who were they shouting for??
As he stumbled through the thicker, darker patch of forest he reached a tree, an apple, sparkling and juicy, shaped like a heart hung from a branch. Just as he went to grab it,
someone clung to the skin on his leg.. Or something.. Biting down on his flesh.. His pale skin turned pink and oozing a cherry-coloured syrup.
As he turned to see the blood dripping he shot up, dripping in a cold sweat as his face whitened.
That dream. Again.
It had been haunting him, it happened every so often but now more than ever. It was always the same.
He wanders, a woman calling for someone and a man screaming then sees the Apple and tries to grab it before being bitten. Then waking up before being able to see the creature.
But what was it?.. He sat up on his bed, grabbed a yellow shoebox from under his bed, he placed it onto his milky white duvet.
He peeled the lid off the box, revealing a little rubber duck... He didn't know where it was from but he had had it for as long as he could remember, there were a few photos of him and his friends... Mainly Emily.
There were a few random things, buttons and feathers, but he finally found what he was looking for, a folded sheet of parchment. He opened it revealing a drawing of the forest, mainly the path he walked and the paths he could see.
He took out the red pen and drew the figure of a woman, shouting... He couldn't see the figure's face or features but he could tell it was a woman.
His father could never see this, nor Sera. They'd think he was plotting against something.. Which he'd never do. He wasn't a monster.
At the bottom of the box was a small gift from Emily, a little box that had been wrapped with gold ribbon. Inside was an apple... An actual real apple.
He hadn't a clue where she got it but it was gorgeous. So shiny and juicy, plump and red, a delicious bloody red...
He had never understood why they were forbidden anyways, yes because of The Fall but surely the fruit wasn't the problem..
He couldn't blame Eve.
He wouldn't have resisted either.
His silence was broken by knocking on his door. "(M/N)? Son? I'm heading off to my meeting, there's some food on the table, take care!"
It was his dad, it was thoughtful of the man to let him know he was leaving but it scared the boy shitless.
He got himself dressed and got to work on his heavenly duties, he strolled through a building, looking for Emily, he had to tell her about his dream.
As he walked past a meeting room he could hear a familiar screeching voice, Adam.
And a voice he hadn't heard before?.. A young girl? Whatever. It wasn't Emily so it didn't matter, he continued to walk until the voice got louder, almost like it was behind him
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!"
Miss? He turned to see the person who had been shouting, it was a girl.
She had red glowing eyes with the sclera being a strong yellow color.
Her hair was the same straw blonde colour as his hair, it was tied up into a strange ponytail, in circular shapes almost, she was wearing a blood-red suit and her cheeks were rosy and pink.
What a strange angel... She didn't even look like an angel...
He just turned and continued to walk, going to find Emily.
"Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven and ruled by beings of Pure light, Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil..." A blonde girl read aloud,
As she flicked through the pages she looked at the part in between the section where Lucifer and Lilith tempted Eve and the banishment.
It was burnt, the small gap, unnoticeable at first glance, but with the number of times she had read it, she could tell someone had burnt out a few pages, burning part of the story...
"Charlie?" Her girlfriend said at the doorframe, an extermination had just happened, she looked out the window at the burning city.
She needed to put a stop to this, these sinners surely didn't deserve it. Well at least some of them.
The day seemed to melt away quickly, they had talked about commercials and... Well they all had some unique ideas...
Her phone started to ring, and she jumped up and went to answer it.
It was her father? Strange... He never called.
But he wanted her to go to heaven instead of him? Holy shit... Maybe she could change heaven's mind after all...
Before she knew it she was there, heaven..
When Charlie arrived she noticed how pristine everything was, light, bright, the place was practically blinded by white light.
She now stood before The Adam, or as he called himself (much to her dismay) The original dick. She had put all the ideas she could (before he'd interrupt) onto the table but they smushed it all.
To sum it up... The meeting went horribly. She had not only been turned down but completely ignored. Her whole life she had believed angels to be kind, caring creatures... There was a reason they made it up there after all.
But she wasn't so sure now. She wasn't so sure about anything anymore.
As she was leaving she saw a pair of wings stroll past the door, they were full and stuck out proudly, glowing a bright white. The feathers looked almost like cotton candy as they surfed the breeze, one or two floating off.
One had dropped at her feet. She picked it up before trying to get a look at the angel, they had long blonde hair, and she presumed it was a woman.
"Miss?? Excuse me!? You dropped some feathers!!" She shouted about the feathers, maybe the angel would need them? Or maybe she just wanted to see the angel's face. She couldn't tell but she felt somewhat connected to the being.
The angel turned gracefully, piercing eyes staring through her, beautiful, beautiful eyes, they were the colour of a rich berry, a beautiful purple, like a flower, soft and delicate. Yet the angel's stare could have ripped her in half by that alone.
Charlie stood there, not making a sound so the angel turned around. Bored with her it walked off through the corridor.
She needed to know who this was and why they looked like her mother.
"I still dunno what ya mean by 'she looked like my mother' toots, who are ya even talkin' about again?" Angel replied, pouring himself another drink as Charlie told the spider demon bout the meeting and her encounter with the angel.
"I'm telling you!! She looked just like my mom!" She said, waving a picture of her mother in front of Angel's face.
"Jeez, okay calm! I get it!" He slapped the picture away "Why are ya so bothered though?"
"I don't know. I just felt connected to her.. " she said, petting Keekee, who curled into her lap and purred at the affectionate touch.
"For all you know it might've not even been a girl, just let it go toots" he took a big swing of his drink before pouring another drink.
"I'm telling you I feel connected to them, I... I know they looked like my mother." She sighed.
Hopefully, she'd be able to go up to heaven soon, to win them over and to see that angel again.
Tag list - @demstarno @kenny-619 @bunbunboysworld @lovedesperatevampire
@honey-valentin3 @type-ink
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sstardustt3 · 7 months
"smile, you're on camera y'know?"
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summary- fem!reader and joel go get grocries while reader films.
word count- 1611k
tags- Ifem!reader x joel miller I fem!reader being a horrible camera woman I pre!outbreak (like way before) I 19yo!joel I breif mention of sarah I pregnant!reader I domestic fluff I grumpy x sunshine trope I
additonal info- Hiii this is my first actual fic so sorry if it's bad and it's not proof read so sorry for some grammer mistakes and i'll end up doing another post abt this but i'm going to make a masterlist for my fics in the future and i also can do requests and prompts so if you like this and any future fics and writing please feel free to put it in! reposts are also appreciated.
Date- 3/31/2001
Recording sesion- 15:28:52
“Fucckkk…” Joel groaned and shifted around in the sheets
“If you don’t get that goddamned camera out my face…what is it five?”
Your eyes drifted down to the time at the corner of the camera.
“No actually, it’s twelve thirty five. I let you sleep in.” 
 you said from behind the camcorder, having a bit of a laugh at his irritation. He rolled his eyes at your comment and put the sheets over his head. Which promptly got it pulled off and thrown onto the ground
“No c’mon get up sleepy. We have shit to do.”
“Why can’t you go yourself since you’re full dressed already?’
Despite his protests and mumbling, sadly for him he knew he could never deny you, so he begrudgingly rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, mumbling on the way. You soon followed, the cold air hitting your body once again and went to the drawer and sat the camera down as she slipped the thick whit socks on.
“He’s so adorobly in love with me, and it might seem like he hates me but trust me if you saw the way he was all over me last night you would be eating your words right now, trust.”  you chuckle to your camera, picking it up and walking to the sink in their bathroom. You hear an annoyed, slightly pained groan from joel on the toilet. 
You quickly turn your head and a grin grows on your face. “You okay in their honey?” you hear another annoyed sigh.
“Im great doll. Just fuckin’ peachy” the toilet flushed and he opened the door, one  hand on his hip and the other with his hand making a poor attempt at covering his face from her god forsaken camera that was tracking him.
“I'm starting’ to think that getting you that camera was a mistake”
He picked up his tooth brush and paste and squeezed the tube. The thick paste beading at the opening and getting wiped off on the toothpaste 
“Nonesense. Plus, wouldn’t little sarah love to see her mom and dad when they were young?”
She smiled, sitting it down on the counter and showing off  her pregnant belly to the camera. 
“Isn’t that what photos are for?”
He supposedly said. It was hard to tell with all the paste muffling him. 
“It’s the digital age.”
He didn’t dignify your teasing with a response and spit out the toothpaste and washed it all out with tap water. He whipped his lip and kissed your forehead.
“I’m guessing you wanna go somewhere?” he lazily pulled his shirt off and threw it in the hamper and you quickly seized the opportunity to zoom the grainy film all the way in to his chest to his abdomen. A cheeky smirk grew on your face at the sight. 
“It’s for groceries and to get a christmas tree. You can’t help get a christmas tree?” you quickly refuted. You zoom out and walk to window and gracefully pushed the blinds up and focused the camera on the outside. Thick snow covering the trees and the driveway covered in ice, It looked amazing on the camera, even better in real life.
“Y'know you didn’t have to wake me up for groceries, could’ve just gotten them yourself.” he mumbled, pulling the shirt over his head and slipped on his grey sweatpants.
You twirl, the camera becoming unfocuesed and slightly blurry at the abrupt halt as you dragged your foot to stop.
“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready.”  You call out before shutting the door.
Recording session-27:02:24
The doors to the grocery store opens with the chime of bells accompany it as joel pushed the door with one hand and push the cart with other with your hand over his. 
“What do we really need outta here?” he said, seeming a little more awake then he was on the walk there.
The camera whirled to the fruit section they were first greeted with upon walking in. Focusing on the bright red color of the peppers and tomatoes.
“Tomatoes…cabbages…ribs....thats really it.”
“Simple enough.” he walked to the produce section and started looking through fruit, his hands turing them around and looking at them closely. You followed his hand and zoomed out a little to see his face. And once you noticed you couldn’t help but laugh at that  stupidly serious look on his face. He noticed and looked at you and your camera.
“What- what is it, why are you laughing?”  he said, with his eyebrows furrowingly slightly, making him look confused and annoyed.
“Your face, your so serious all the time baby, lighten up, please.” chucking hard, her hand that was filliming dropping to her side and hooking her arm around his neck and gave him a light kiss. His face warmed slightly in response which promptly earned a smirk from you.
“You’re too unserious.”
“You’re too serious.” the camera raised and a cheeky smile grew on your face “c’mon smile, you’re on film.” 
“Forget it.” he rolled his eyes and he refocused his attention on the fruit,inspecting it and testing the firmness to make sure it’s fresh.
The attention of the camera flew to the bakery and you made your way over. Getting welcomed by the secent of crepes, macaroons, jelly filled donutes, and other various foods. First going to the donuts, bending down to the prettily decorated display. A woman came over from the otherside, sliding the door to the side as her tongs took out the powdered donuts out and slid in a fresh new steaming hot batch with a little star star shaped candy on a stick on the top. Quickly you stood up to grab the young tired tenagers attention.
“Exuse me, ma’m?”
She turned around, and came back over, putting her arms on the top of the glss display. “Yeah?”
“Can I have two dozen of these?” you said, pointing off screen to the cute little pastry
She leaned far over the counter, ridiculously far and caused you to flinch slightly and back up.
She looked at the name plate next to the desert.
“The…fairy dust powdered donut?” she cranked her neck up to look at you.
You nodded. “Yeah those are the ones.”
She gave a quick nod and pulled back to her side, swiftly grabbing the tongs and picked up 24, 12 at at time and placed them in a bag.
“Is that it?” she asked.
“Yeah thats all.” you said,  trying to hide her shock at the womans quickness.
“That’ll be 9.95.”
You dug your hand in your purse and pulled out two fives and handed it to her which she accepted without a word and she gave back some cents.
“Have a good day ms.”
She called and you responded with a nod and walked away.
Recording session- 60:02:37
“Goddamn it, it feels like i spent all day in there.”
Joel sighed as he carried the bags from the store to the train station.
“Well not all day. Just…” you paused briefly. “Around two hours. Average time for a trip.”
He scoffed as he stopped at the platform. He turnt  your camera which he was also holding towards you.
“I don’t need you being a smartass.” he said from behind the camera
“It’s what I do best.” you retort with that stupid smile before turning the opposite direction. Leaning to the right to see the train coming.
“Don’t do that.” he pulled you towards him, unintentionally backing into his chest.
“Why not?” you asking while reeling your head back to look at him.
“Because I don’t want a damn bullet train to speed towards us and rip your head off because you’re being stupid.” he said, not noticing the light reddining on his face.
“Joel, your blushing.” you tease with that damned smile you’ve had on all day.
“Shut the hell up.” he quickly snapped back.
Within a few seconds the train slowly came and opened it’s doors and you quickly went inside with joel following closely behind. You took your seats and it was only when the pair sat down they realized how tired they were from standing. Joel craned his neck down to look at the camera. It was a quite a tooth rotting sight actually. You and joel holding hands on the train with both shoes in frame and yours untied. He sighed and sat the camera down on your lap and bent over to tie your shoes. You look down, slightly confused at what he’s doing.
“...What are you doing?” you mumbled as you looked down.
“Why are your damn shoes always untied is the question.”
“Hey, blame converse not me.” you said as you put your head back and sighed. 
He didn’t say anything back and you didn’t either. The entire train ride for the two was surprisingly quiet, with joel just looking into the grainy footage of the camera the whole time that had been recording the pair the whole time, that you were oh so obsessed with. He didn’t realize just how he was staring at the camera until the train speakers rang out their stop. He turned to you and saw you completely knocked out. He chucked and shoved you awake.
“Hey..” you rubbed your eye and and slowly rised as you noticed a few others on the train were, including joel
“C’mon sleepy head, smile your on camera y’know?” he said, cracking a smile. Which caused you to laugh and lightly shove him.
“Yeah, c’mon.”
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marchiekana · 1 year
Hiii, Anon H is here and is very happy that you're back I loved what you did with my prompt. And I hope you had a good time camping !
Y'see I'm very sleep deprived because of my work lmao. Then I thought, 'yeah let's just be super self indulgent I'm too tired for this'. Like a reader that's either overworked, physically drained and / or has a hard time sleeping overall at night. They keep doing the same thing everyday but with less and less sleep. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, I might just fall asleep any second now.
😔 I feel ya
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And also, anon H please take care of yourself!
Asta x reader
March 7th x reader
Kafka x reader
I think I made kafka's and maybe Asta's a bit angsty(not very much)
✨ some angst in kafka's, mentions of death, fainting and falling sick, overworked reader, physically tired reader. Tell me if there anything else!
Also not proofread so there might be some grammer mistakes
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Asta and you are twinning. She's got loads of work and bills and reports that need to be filled and so do you, all because of one uninterested owner of the space station.
Asta's worried about you more because in the end, she can assign someone else to do some of her work but yours I'd different, but she'll still try to make sure that you get some rest and stay fit. She's scared that you'll faint if it's too much work and to make sure you don't she stuffs you with food.
Will force you to sleep no matter what! And she'll even offer to do your work even when she has a lot herself, all cause she's scared you might fall I'll or hurt yourself more.
And if you can't sleep she'll take you out of your room instead of letting you drown in your work. You'd go to see the stars near the main lobby of the spaceship, even though it's the same as always.
Overall she's always ready to do anything for you, as long as you're happy she's happy too
March 7th
(Your one of the astral crew members cuz I say so.)
March and you are polar opposites. She's the bright, energetic one while you look like your gonna commit crimes and die any moment now. That's just how it is.
Everyday, while she does her skincare routine and have fun the whole day, you'd be busy lying around and recovering from a mission, absolutely drained and your body aching all over.
She worried for you to say the least, she can see the fatigue in your eyes and how tired you look but no worries cuz March always comes to the rescue!
Will force you to get some rest and not overexert yourself for a tiny battle. I can basically hear her saying "no need to worry, when I'm here!" Or "I'll protect you !" She just cute like that~
And she'll teach you how important it is to eat well and take good care of yourself! You'll have little sleepovers where you both do each other's nails and wear face masks while watching a movie or just talking, spending time with eachother
And when you can't sleep, she'll be by your side, braiding your hair, combing it, or just hugging you to sleep💜 (I love her)
Its her no.1 mission now, to make sure you take care of yourself properly!
Your not getting enough sleep? No worries, just take a sip of Himeko's coffee and you're out cold.
Jokes aside, she's gonna make sure you stay healthy and stay back with her and welt for most missions. Its not like she wants you to not go out and enjoy but more like she's worried that you'll get hurt and overwork yourself trying to help others.
I'm sorry that's all cause now my brain ain't running.
Kafka is amused more than worried about it. She questions why you joined the stelleron hunters if you're gonna get tired after every mission. But she sets such thoughts aside and warmly smiles at you as she takes care of you
She'd first make sure you eat so that you're more stronger physically. If she sees you sleeping on the couch she'd go get a blanket to drape on you with a pillow for support.
She's scared that someday your fragility will be the end of you, scared that you'll leave her and that she'll never be able to see her again.
And if you can't sleep shes there by your side massaging your hair or your shoulder so that you relax. And if you can't sleep no matter what she does, even though she hates to use her mind ability on you, she'd use it to tell you to sleep.
She finds it pathetic honestly. Sad that she has to resort to such methods just so you could sleep. But she'll never show it, even when shes worried about you she'd still act chill and laid back. And she'll never let you know how she feels. She loves you after all and doesn't want to lose you.
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Iahh himeko's is too short! But I just can't think of what she'd do
I was listening to first love/late spring while typing kafka's and now blame the song for making me feel angsty.
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
🧩Hello!! I saw your request were open, I was wondering if I could request yoriichi with blind!reader? Sorry if that’s not much to go off of.
🧩 anyways have a nice day/night :) love your writing
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Warning: Yandere behavior, talks about service dogs, and stalking(?). There's also grammer mistakes, sorry!
Authors note: no need to be sorry! I always love a challenge; I did try to do my research so please excuse me if I made any mistakes. I also wanna say, please specify the gender next time. Have an amazing evening, stay hydrated darling 💕
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Yoriichi will do a lot of research based on your disability, wanting to know everything and to see if he can do anything to help.
He does know that you don't need his help most of the time as you've lived with this for most of your life, but that doesn't mean he worries. Yoriichi will try his best to be there to support you, whether that's allowing you to grab his hand, wrap your arm around him, or have him carry you; he's willing to do it so you can see he's there to support you.
He allows you to feel his face, wanting you to imagine what he looks like; he loves seeing you smile or snicker whenever he grabs your hand, kissing your wrist when you caress his cheek.
This also goes along the lines of him describing the scenery around you two: telling you about the birds that fly above, how the trees sway in the slightest breeze, what the children are giggling about, and the shared home of yours.
Speaking of your home, Yoriichi makes sure nothing is in your way of walking: putting away his katana, any objects that may be lying on the floor, and making sure to place certain carpet textures that tells you what's infront of you.
As the gentleman he is, he tries his best to not hover. Yoriichi will allow you to do your own thing, at your own pace, and time; watching you figure it out before asking him for help. Rarely, does he act or take over the activity your doing, wanting you to ask for him rather him abruptly taking over and potentially ruining it.
However, Yoriichi does alert you about your whereabouts when your around others: someone infront of you randomly stopping, a cat meowing and trotting towards you, a child running beside you, or him asking permission to guide you somewhere else for safer distances.
Guiding is something that he normally does, wanting you to wrap your fingers around the palm of his hand or have an elbow around his as a way to keep closure. This also means he guides you to the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom; Yoriichi also stands close to the bathroom, making sure nothing happens to you.
A few of his favorite activities with you is him reading books to you late at night, huddled with each other and resting by a heater or walking in the garden; watching you touch and smell the plants that are near by.
When he finds out that animals tend to help with blindness, he will get a dog; specifically a trained dog to help you fetch and get things for you when he's not there.
Yoriichi will heavly compliment you when you feel bad or insecure. He hates seeing you upset and comforts you whenever your frustrated or upset.
Even though he feels awful for it, he likes how to you depend on him for certain things; it makes him feel useful and hopeful that you'll ask for more help in the future.
Check out my masterlist for more content!
Thank you so much for requesting, stay well!!
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glorious-poetato · 2 years
[My little secret ]
Warnings : none ( if you see any please tell me)
Ship: tommyinnit x reader
Summary: tommy keeps his personal life pretty private. Always saying your his little secret.
"Chat I'm sorry I couldn't stream yesterday I was....busy" Tommy said to his stream. His chat filled with questions on what he was doing. He then looked over off screen to you scrolling on your phone a light smile formed on his lips. He decided not to comment on the matter as it didn't matter. "Well Chat I'm back and ready to go." He had then continued on with his stream occasionally looking off screen to see you. A hour or so later he ended stream and turned your way.
You looked up from you phone and smiled at him. " you know you don't have to keep making up excuses over me." You stated. You felt bad as you didn't want to be an inconvenience to him. "I like having you as my little secret. No one can hurt you then" Tommy said. He knew you didn't care if you got a few hate comment but he did want risk you getting hurt. He also didn't want wilbur to be able to tease him about you on stream. He's a big man not a simp or so he says.
This is really short I'm sorry about that I hope you liked it and as always sorry for any Grammer or spelling mistakes
-poe <3
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lildevyl · 3 months
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic: UPDATE
Hey, Guys, Gals, Demons, Ghouls and Multi-Fandom Fiends! I'm back but with an update instead of a theory! So, I've been meaning to post this for some time but every time I sat down, to write. Something keeps coming up or I just couldn't find the "Right Words" to write so I'm just going to Write!
I know many of you have been waiting to about Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, and it's been almost a year since I've updated Secret Clinic. For those of you who have been patiently waiting, THANK YOU! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that! Which leads me to this. And before anyone starts to PANIC! NO, I'm not Discontinuing, Abandoning, Orphaning, or Deleting the story! I AM going to finish it!
Also, the tags that I will be using from here on out for Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, #tommy innit's secret clinic, #TISC, #secret clinic, #Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, #Secret Clinic, #tisc
BUT I want to address a few things first!
The Main Reason why I haven't updated at all is because I honestly haven't had the chance to! I'm back in school trying to get my degree and with things going on at work. Plus, a ton of IRL Stuff, has been popping up at the worst times! So I haven't had any time to actually sit down and write! Let alone sit down and draw any fanart!
I hit some Major Writer's Block! To the point that I actually tried NOT to write because I couldn't write anything or it was just absolute GARABE that I didn't even save in my Idea/Save For Later/Free Writing Folder. Which is another reason why it's been taking me so long!
I know all of you if not a majority of you already know what's been going on with the whole Willaim Gold (I refuse to call him by his Character/Stage Name!). And that's another major reason why it's been taking me a long ass while. YES! I know it's about the Characters NOT the Content Creators! I know that and fully believe that! Trust me! It's taken me many years to figure that out and still enjoy the Movies/Shows/Books that I love!
HOWEVER, I do have a Couple OC's that are based on a couple of Mutals of mine. I did reach out to them and they have politely and respectfully asked me to not have the Characters in the story. So, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to re-edit Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic.
Way too many Spelling/Grammer Mistakes that I'm too embarrassed and can't believe that I missed!
I'm going to re-write and change a couple of Characters.
I'm going to Repost Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic on Tumblr after done re-editing it.
With that said, if anyone would like to be tagged for the story, please let me know! Either tag me, DM me, or just drop in my inbox what user name you want me to tag!
HOWEVER IF, you are NOT Comfortable with the Character Wilbur Soot, no matter the reason. Here is a list of the tags that from here on out on all Social Media Platforms including AO3. I will be using them for the Character Wilbur Soot. If you are Uncomfortable about the Character, you are more then welcome to block the tags so as to NOT see the posts!
Tags for Character Wilbur Soot:
#c!Wilbur Soot
#DSMP! Wilbur Soot
#DSMP! Wilbur
#L'Manburg Wilbur Soot
#L'Manburg Wilbur
#Pogtopia Wilbur
#Pogtopia Wilbur Soot
#Revive Wilbur
#Revive Wilbur Soot
#Villain Wilbur
#Villain Wilbur Soot
#Siren!Wilbur Soot
#Siren Wilbur
#Siren Wilbur Soot
#Hero Wilbur Soot
#QSMP! Wilbur
#QSMP Wilbur Soot
#q! Wilbur
#q! Wilbur Soot
#QSMP Wilbur Soot
#q Wilbur
#q Wilbur Soot
#Sorry Boys Wilbur Soot
#Sorry Boys Wilbur
#Sorry Wilbur
#Sorry Wilbur Soot
Again, if you are Uncomfortable about the Character Wilbur Soot feel free to block these tags! These will be the ones that I will be using from here on out!
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drunkenkazu · 2 years
Electro women finding out you used to self-harm
characters: beidou, ei, yae miko, kujou sara, lisa x gn!reader (separate)
synopsis: you used to self-harm and you began relapsing. telling them about it wasn’t easy but because you were comfortable with them, it wasn’t something you could keep away from them for very long.
warnings: mentions of self harm, lowercase writing, potential grammer/spelling mistakes (lmk if i missed some)
TW: this is a very sensitive topic, so if it triggers you and makes you uncomfortable, please do not read any further.
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it wasn’t long before beidou walked into your shared bedroom to find you sitting on the floor. your knees held to your chest with your arms wrapped around your head. tears formed and began streaming down your face. beidou walked and sat down next to you, holding you tightly.
“what’s wrong, y/n?” hearing beidou’s voice brought up a sense of tranquil, it was calming and definitely something you needed to hear. you looked up at beidou, tears still streaming down your rosy cheeks, trying to form words but you’re unable to, as it was too hard to think of a way to say it without bursting into more tears.
thinking for a minute or so about it, there really isn’t any other way to say it. “i- used to- self harm..and i’m just relapsing- that’s all-“beidou was shocked by what you told her but that didn’t stop her from giving you a long and tight hug. “i’m so sorry, y/n..i had no idea-“
you shook your head, telling her it was okay and that you hide it well. “i’ve never told anyone about it before, i wouldn’t expect you to know about it, captain.” beidou looked at you, giving a gentle smile before taking your arms, kissing every scar and mark. “promise me you’ll tell me if you relapse again. okay, y/n?”
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as you sit at the edge of your shared bed, your head in your hands with the thoughts of what you’ve done to your body. ei walks in on you as tears began to fall. she lifts your chin and rubs your cheek gently. “what seems to be bothering you, my love?”
for a second you stayed silent, not sure of what to say. “it’s nothing, ei- i’m okay.” she knew it was a lie, you can’t hide things from her that easily. “you’re not okay, what’s wrong? you can tell me.” it took you a moment before speaking about what’s bothering you.
you didn’t want to tell her but you knew she would have known about it eventually. summer was just around the corner and just thinking about wearing a sweater in that heat made your head hurt. “promise you won’t be upset?-“ you knew she wouldn’t be mad about it, but deep down it still scared you. “i promise, y/n. i won’t be mad.”
you sighed and told her about your past and what caused you to do it. “i- i’m so sorry- why didn’t you tell me sooner?” ei kissed the scars on your body before hugging you tightly. “i was afraid- that you would be mad at me for it..” you wrapped your arms around her torso as the tears continued to flow down your cheeks.
ei placed both hands on your shoulders and looked at you with a stern look on her face. “i want you to tell me when you’re relapsing, if it means that i can help you- i would like to know about these things.”
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“my my, what do we have here?” you heard a familiar voice come from behind you while you sit in a corner of your shared bedroom, holding your head firmly. “aren’t you going to answer?” there it was again, were you dreaming? no, you couldn’t be. it felt too real to be a dream.
the fox maiden sat beside you, grabbing your wrist and gently moving it away. all she saw was your face, wet from the tears flowing, your breath getting heavier from how long you’ve been crying. “m- miko- i- you shouldnt have to see me like this..”
your tears still streaming down your face. miko said nothing for a moment, as she cups your cheeks with her soft hands, wiping the droplets with her thumbs. “what seems to be troubling you, my love?” her voice was stern yet gentle and calming. “it’s nothing, miko- really i’m okay..”
before you could say anymore, you wiped your own tears and rubbed your eyes. you felt her hands pull away and you quickly opened your eyes, only to see a small pink fox sitting in front of you. “miko- i- you didn’t have to-“
it wasn’t long until miko climbed into your lap, circling and trying to find a comfortable spot to settle down. your tears came to a stop and a gentle smile appeared on your face as you petted the tiny fox’s head. “thank you, miko.”
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“y/n? are you alright?” you didn’t even notice sara walk into your room as you sat on the floor, your hands covering your face as the tears flowed. you nodded your head, trying to brush off the feelings you’ve hidden for too long. you didn’t expect to relapse and let it all out at once, although it wasn’t surprising as you’ve held back these tears for months on end.
“don’t lie to me, y/n.” the tone in her voice was serious and almost frightening, causing you to jerk your head up and face her with tears continuing to form in your eyes. “i’m not lying-“ your hesitation made it clear that you weren’t okay. (as if it wasn’t clear enough considering you’re in tears.)
you expected sara to get upset, mad even. but instead, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your body. you froze for a moment before you wrapped your arms around sara, hiding your face in the crook of her neck. “please tell me whats wrong, it hurts me to see you like this.” you held sara tighter.
she noticed the faded scars on your body and what looked like a few newer ones. still dark and visible. “y/n..does it have to do with these?” she pointed towards the scars as you looked down at where she was pointing. you gave a small nod and began wiping your tears.
“i’m so sorry..come, allow me to help you get through this.” she lifted you to your feet and brought you over to your bed. she tucked you in and soon tucked herself in beside you. her hands were calloused from the many wars and battles she’s been in, yet her touch was gentle as she pecked your forehead.
“get some rest, y/n. you need it.” minutes had passed as you drifted to sleep. your head snuggled into sara’s chest and your arm over her stomach. “goodnight, y/n.”
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normally, you wouldn’t let your feelings get the best of you, but today was weird. the emotions that you have kept inside for so long is washing over you like a wave. you couldn’t help but sob quietly with your head in your hands. “y/n? everything alright?”
you heard a familiar voice from outside your room. “i’m coming in..” you hear the door open and close as you felt the slight vibration of lisa’s footsteps and the echo they leave behind. “y/n? what’s wrong?”
your sobbing came to an abrupt stop, you quickly wipe your tears, pretending nothing happened. lisa places a hand on your back and gently rubs it. “come now, don’t you think it’s impolite to ignore one’s question?”
you look up at her, your eyes puffy and your nose stuffy. “i- i’m sorry..it’s nothing really-“ before you could say anymore, she places her index finger over your lips, indicating that you stay quiet. “i already know.”
your eyes grew wider, although you weren’t exactly surprised. she seems to know everything. she looks deep into your eyes, giving a gentle smile before pulling you in for a hug. “it’s alright, love. your secret is safe with me.”
(i am so sorry for not posting lately! school has been kicking my ass. but i will try to do more in the near future!)
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whatisstuff · 3 years
Short story- Tiktok trends -B.C
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Pairing: Dom!Bangchan & sub!reader (Gender neutral)
Warnings: tight up by a belt, slightly smut just a 🤏🏻
Really short story:)
Author: Please keep in mind : English is not my native language. Feel free to point out any Grammer mistakes.
Chan and you were laying on the couch. You were scrolling thru tiktok and saw a tutorial how to make handcuffs with a belt. You never knew how to do it. So you decided to try it out. Just one problem you don't have a belt on your pants. Looking around you saw chan has one. Okey now how do you get it from him. You walk up to him and straddle him . Chan only looked up at you confused.
"Channie, I need your belt for a second", He continue just looking at you. You undo his belt and got to your bedroom. You didn't want him to see you trying to tie yourself like a idiot.
After 10 min Chan notice you still haven't come back. He now made his way to your bedroom. "Baby what are you up to-".
As he opens the door
You frozen for a second. There were you siting on the floor your back against the bed, Arms between your legs and close them so he can't see your wrist being tight up by his belt
"y/n what are you doing ? .......I asked you something " your boyfriend spoke again.
".... I am trying out a tiktok trend ", you whisper out of embarrassed.
He made his way to you and graps your wrists . Opens the loop a bit. You thought he's taking his belt back, suddenly you feel him tighten them evern more.
"next time tell me . Playing around is always more fun with a partner rather then alone. Don't you agree?" . He had is iconic smirk on his face .
Holds the tight belt around above your head. It took you by surprise, couldn't even think or take a breath. His lips smash against yours .
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xuxishortcake · 4 years
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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ
John Mayer - Your body is a wonderland
¹:⁰³ ──♡──────³:³⁰
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : your boyfriend, Taeyong has been worn out due to working hard on his latest comeback & you just wanna appreciate him & tell him how much you love him <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : sub!idol Dom!reader smut , angst ? some pretty cute fluff : 3, cursing , cream pie, cunninilingus, handjob , blowjob , praising
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1.7k
hey everyone! this is my first official ff, so pardon me if there's Grammer errors, spelling mistakes, etc. I got inspired to write this while listening to "your body is a wonderland." I just love the soft, morning sex feel of the song & wanted to turn it into a ff. I'm not sure if I'll be an active poster , but I did have fun while writing this & making up stories is a hobby of mine so we'll see. feedback is very appreciated, & enjoy!! :3
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
it was a pleasant Sunday morning & you woke up a little earlier than usual to the sound of birds chirping. You rubbed your eyes to adjust to the light streaming through the semi transparent curtains. next to you, lay your peacefully asleep boyfriend, Taeyong. {damn,} you thought, {even while sleeping he's just breathtaking to look at. God really does have favorites huh.} it made you smile to see him look so tranquil.
the night before, he came in the apartment quite fatigued since he had been out all day, practicing for his group's newest comeback.
"hey bubu," you said as you stood up from the couch you were sat at. you walked over & you hugged him. "how was everything today? any new progress?"
"mmm, everything's going along well, just a little tired because the recording session was a bit hard. I'm just glad to be back home & hugging you." he said while putting his head in the crook of your neck.
"you seem tired, baby." you reply, moving your fingers through his hair "want me to make you some tea maybe?"
"yeah, that'd be great. I'm just gonna go lay down on the bed for a bit. " he smiled tiredly, putting his backpack & shoes next to the door.
you went into the kitchen to get a kettle onto the stove. once it started boiling, you poured it into two small mugs for the both of you, added the tea bags & stirred in some honey. you left for the bedroom & came in to see Tae curled up, fast asleep on the bed. you sighed, a bit sad & put down the cups onto the night stand next to the bed & sat down besides him. you glanced at the clock on top of the night stand, 9:55 PM. makes sense he was tired, he left pretty early in the morning. however, you wanted to talk to him at least for a little bit more since it felt like the two of you hadn't had a conversation or even really cuddled in so long for his job was keeping him very occupied. sure you both texted back & forth while you could, but it just didn't feel the same as actually being there together. it wasn't too long before his comeback would be present, but then again, he'd be busy with promotions. a bit crestfallen, you slipped out of your clothes, went to get washed & had gotten into bed.
back to the present, you were thinking of how nice it was just to be close to him & know you could finally have a day where you could both just enjoy each other's company. you knew you wanted to do some extra special caring for him. knowing how he's been so hard at work was a sign he's in need of some extra special lovin'. you felt like you hadn't been able to tell him how much you loved & appreciated him, & now, you felt like you could finally do it. you snuggled up closer to him, gently put your hand onto his face & started caressing him. Taeyong 's nose scrunched & his eyes fluttered open.
"good morning bubu. " you said, continually stroking his cheek with the tips of your fingers. "sleep well?"
taeyong smiled & stretched a bit. "yeah, I feel well rested. how about you?"
"same same. I'm just glad you don't have to go anywhere today. I've missed being able to be with you. "
"I'm sorry I fell asleep so quickly last night y/n. I just wanted to lie down since I felt so drowsy but I dozed off like an idiot & didn't get to talk to you while I had the chance. I feel so bad since I feel I've been terrible at spending time with you & actually being a boyfriend. " he looked down glumly.
"no, baby, it's fine. it's understandable since you've been going pretty hard lately, & we have all day today so : )" you assured him pressing a small kiss on his forehead.
you smiled & held his cheeks between your hands & kissed his lips ever so gently. he kissed back, & you started to kiss back a little bit harder. before you knew it, things were starting to get really heated. you had slid your tongue over his lips as an ask to come in, & he happily let you in. that cute little bubblegum tongue of his sure knew how to get you riled up, cause damn, was he a good kisser. tongues playing harmoniously while softly panting. you broke out of the deep kissing to kiss his cheek & then started to leave kisses all along his sharp jawline. you climbed on top of him & worked your way down his neck, leaving a plush trail of kisses with him sighing softly. your hands trailed down his stomach & onto his forming hard on. starting to slowly stroke his covered bulge, you now moved your lips to his nipple, giving a few light licks, giving you great joy to hear the sweet little whimpers that were coming out of his mouth. you started to work faster with your tongue & hand. you lightly dragged your tongue down his abdomen & hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers & pulled them off. his cock sprung up & slapped against his stomach. the tip was sore & red, glistening with precum, which made you lick your lips in anticipation. slowly, you started to stroke it,from the base & squeezing a bit once you came to the top. you began to pick up the pace, taking in your boyfriend's pretty flushed face, begging you to touch him more.
"fuck tae, your body is like a wonderland. you're so beautiful. "
he started blushing at the compliments, hand slightly against his mouth , & that just made you want to do more. you stopped stroking his length & he whined at the lack of friction, trying to buck his hips in the air. however, you had a firm grip on his left thigh & wouldn't let him. you moved further down his body, until your head was in between his thighs. you started leaving kisses & bites all along his inner thighs. reaching to his dick, you placed a quick kiss on the tip & started giving a few kitten licks.
"fuck y/n,you're such a tease. " taeyong panted out.
"I'm just trying to savor every moment of this baby ♡" you said smirking since you knew what you were doing to him.
finally, you took him whole & he groaned out loud. bobbing your head up & down, his tip sometimes reaching the back of your throat, making you moan & send out vibrations, which made him moan right back . chest heaving & eliciting pretty moans , his back was slightly arched & his hips were pushed up a bit, but you made sure he was held put. he practically melted by your hands, & it was amazing to feel you had this much power over him. you could tell he was reaching his limit, & you got off of him with a *pop*. you were about to position himself into your entrance when he grabbed your wrist.
"no....not yet. I want you to feel good too. please, sit on my face. "
"ok, I'll let you since you've been a pretty good boy." you say as you crawl up onto him. you lower yourself slowly above his face & he holds your thighs in place. he takes one long lick across your slit, savoring it as if it tastes like candy & starts eating you out like he'll never be able to do it again.
"you're so pretty, y/n" he says against you, nose deep into you.
"ah fuck, & you're so good at this tae." you say tugging onto his hair, trying tohold back moans.
the way he eats you out is unbearably good. his tongue, gliding along your vulva , up & down & making circle motions on your clit gets you feeling so high. you felt yourself coming to a reach, & taeyong could see it & started to go even faster. your thighs started to shake in the euphoric feeling & you held his hair as he continued lapping up your juices until you told him to stop. finally, you got down off of his face & positioned yourself. you lowered yourself down onto his firm cock. "ohhh" taeyong let out a deep groan, relieved he was finally getting attention on him again. you stretched your torso across to pin his hands above his head & slowly started to move, your hips going perpendicular. moving your head towards him, you went back in for more kissing. tongues entangling & beads of sweat falling down in between your foreheads. having a tight grip on both his hands, you started going at a quicker pace, drawing out more moans from tae.
"oh my god. I'm close, y/n." taeyong moaned out against your lips with his hands starting to tremble.
"ok baby. you can cum." you replied, increasing the movements of your hips & pushing your lips into a deeper kiss with his. you felt his thighs starting to quiver & his hips bucked up deeper into yours, warm cum spilling out from inside you. you both rode it out together until you started to pant. not moving anymore,you were still on him with a bit of cum dripping out of your pussy, creaminess covering his cock. you rose up & got some tissues to clean the both of you. after that, you laid down next to him. him turning to meet your face & his chest still rising.
"it doesn't matter how long we've been together, you still manage somehow to make my heart race with every breath you take." taeyong said, a bashful little smile creeping onto his face.
"well, you never fail to make me smile at your sappy commentary." you giggled, running your hands through his messy hair. "you're pretty cute too."
"I can't believe I get to date someone as angelic as you." he said, snuggling his head into your chest, arms wrapping around your waist.
"ha, you make my heart flutter, really. I'm so lucky to have you. " you cuddled him back, hands on the back of his head, gently caressing him.
"love you, y/n"
"love you too, yongie" you replied smiling, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
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onionsoop · 3 years
Blackmail /// Tendou Satori x f!Reader /// (+18)
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Summary: During a game for Shiratorizawa, you plan to slip a love letter to Ushijima until Tendou catches you in the act. After stealing you letter, he blackmails you into cheering for the game without bra or panties and later fucks you the bathroom as one last request to get your letter back.
Length: 5k
Tags & Warnings: dub-con, exhibitionism, fingering, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, semi-possessive Tendou, praise (kind of) Tendou calls you a slut once
Authors Note: Hey, so this fic kinda doesn’t make sense emotion wise for Y/N with the soft ending, but its whatever. I had this idea for a fic and my brain refused to let me write anything else until I got it out, so enjoy. I just finished Season 3 of Haikyu and oml I simp Tendou so much I just had to write a fic for him. Regardless, sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes and I hope you enjoy :)
Two days stood between you and the big game on Saturday. You had joined the cheer team for Shiratorizawa at the start of this year and it was truthfully one of the best decisions you had ever made. You had met so many wonderful and kind people during your time there, and most importantly, you had fallen in love. During all the times you had been in the stands cheering for the team, you had gotten accustomed to having your eyes fall to Ushijima, watching the way he moved and played— how his muscles moved under his uniform. Despite only truly speaking to him once or twice, his silent and brooding nature had utterly charmed you, leading you to the situation you were in now, waiting to give him a love letter.
You knew it was a bit of a cheesy thing to do, but you couldn’t imagine actually telling him in person. Your current plan was to slip it into his bag sometime before or after a game, but the idea of going through with it created a sinking feeling of anxiety in your stomach. So, you decided to pick a day, a day where a game was going to happen so he might be in a good mood. But, as each day passed and you got closer to Saturday you felt your choice to do it weighing on you more and more. How was he going to react? Maybe he didn’t even remember you… No, you had to stay hopeful, after all, you had already gotten this far.
The big day had finally come, and you were a nervous wreck. The entire time you were getting into your cheer uniform you couldn’t stop glancing at the corner of the envelope sticking out of your backpack. Thoughts of being rejected previous times by guys in elementary and middle school filled your head, and the more you thought about giving the note to Ushijima the less you wanted to do it.
You finished changing and looked at the clock— only ten minutes until it was time to head to the stadium. You picked up the envelope from the place in its bag and clutched it tightly in your hands. You felt like you were on a spy mission as you made your way through the hallways trying your best to seem unsuspicious. It seemed like everyone was watching you as you made your way to the boys’ locker room and your heart thundering in your chest was the only sound you could hear as you made your way there.
As you got closer to the entrance, the number of people was beginning to dwindle, sending a wave of relief over you. You didn’t want anyone seeing you entering in case word got around that someone had given Ushijima a confession. As the last few people in the hallway were leaving, you made yourself seem very invested in a poster on the wall, keeping an eye out for anyone approaching. Finally, the last person turned the corner and you darted over to the doorway, peeking inside. It looked completely empty, your eyes scanning the bags and towels strewn around the room.
Tip-toeing inside, you nervously looked for the bag with his name on it, finding it in the corner, zipped up and tidy. With shaky hands, you pulled out the envelope, trying to build up the courage to slip it inside. You felt a shiver go up through your whole body and suddenly you whipped around, coming face to face with Tendou Satori who was looming over your shoulder with a surprised sneer on his face. You jumped backward, scrambling to hide the letter behind you, and act natural.
“Whatcha got there?” he said, leaning over you and snatching the letter out of your hands. Panic was the only emotion you felt as he took it from your hands. You didn’t know where he had come from, you thought you had entered discreetly, but apparently you had missed him during your frantic search.
“N-nothing, give it back,” you said, trying to snatch the letter back but Tendou held it just out of your reach with his long arms.
“Is this a love letter?!” he said, peering up at the pink script you had written on the envelope and the heart sticker you had sealed it with. You could feel your face going bright red as regret about your decoration choices filled you.
“Oh-ho-ho, now this is good. This’ll definitely get a kick out of the team, especially Ushijima,” he said, giving you a sly smile, knowing exactly how he was making you feel. You felt tears pick at the corners of your eyes and your lower lip beginning to tremble. You knew Tendou was just saying it to get a rise out of you but the words still hurt. It wasn’t like him to tease other people so much, but the way he saw you guilty standing there, trying to hide your letter made him-- you were just too cute to not mess with.
“Give it back… please…” you said weakly, casting your eyes downward trying to regain your composure.
“Mm? And why should I do that?” Tendou said, finally taking his eyes off the envelope and shifting them to you. You hated the way that a smug expression still adorned his face, you knew that Tendou had a reputation for being a cocky and overzealous guy, which was why you had tried to avoid him any time you could, but now you regretted not gaining some good footing with him before now.
“Please… I’ll do anything,” you mumbled, desperation laced through your voice.
“Anything?” he said, punctuating the syllables as he said the word, “Now that's quite the offer.” He leaned back on his heels, letting out a “hmm,” pretending to think as he slowly waved the letter in the air between two fingers. His eyes shifted down to you again and the way you glared up at him through your eyelashes, clenching your fists at your sides. A smile grew on his face as he watched you, savoring how small and pathetic you looked trying to argue with him.
“I’ve got it. You’re on the cheer team, right? For this game I want you to go out there with no bra or panties.”
The shock was visible on your face as he said those last words. A playful grin was set on his face, but you could see that he was being serious in his eyes.
“You’re kidding… r-right?” you said, feeling your face start to go red again.
“Nope. But it's just one teensy request, I doubt anyone will notice,” he said nonchalantly, “Plus, you said you would do anything.” He still held the letter out of your reach, taunting you with it by waving back and forth, making a twinge of anger go through you.
You weighed your options, you knew you would be mortified if he shared that letter with the rest of the team, and it would probably get out to the cheer team as well making your life hellish, or you could do this. You looked down at your uniform, your skirt coming down to mid-thigh and your shirt only being the slightest bit cropped, no one would notice… right? You took a deep breath and answered, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Fine, now give it back,” you said, lunging for the letter.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he teased, “you’ll get this back later, now hand ‘em over.” He held out a palm and stared at you, shoving your letter in his pocket.
“At least turn around pervert,” you hissed, causing Tendou to let out a chuckle. He luckily obliged and you stepped into a corner while he turned away. You quickly slid your panties down and unclasped your bra, making sure to keep your eyes on him the whole time. Once you had them off, you felt so open and exposed, making you instinctively cross your arms over your chest.
“Here,” you said, holding out your undergarments for Tendou. He snatched them from your hand and went over to shove them in his bag, keeping an eye on you as you stood in the corner of the room. The annoying smile that never seemed to leave his face was still there as he looked you up and down, taking in your exposed form, but you could see an intensity in his eyes that wasn’t there before, making you shiver.
“Alright then, see you after the game,” he said, as he lazily waved goodbye, picking up his bag and bringing it with him. As the door shut behind him it took you a minute to calm down and fully realize what happened.
Panic rose in your throat as you thought about walking out there and cheering for more than an hour. You wanted to sit down and hide in this room until the game was over, but you knew you would have to leave. Walking out there would be embarrassing, but it would only be worse if the team came back after and found you in this sorry state.
You began to walk forwards, legs shaky and unstable-- you felt tears begin to fill your eyes again but you took a deep breath and swallowed, forcing yourself to continue.
Once you got into the empty hallway, you felt more exposed than before. The wide-open space and the bright fluorescent lights above made you feel like you were on display for anyone who happened to walk by. There were only two minutes that remained before the game started, forcing you to pick up your pace as you walked down the hall. You were hyper-aware of the way that your skirt and shirt moved as you walked, making sure that you were keeping covered as you passed by the last few people waiting to head into the gym.
You finally made your way into the stand above the auditorium and joined the rest of your team. As you walked in you were truly grateful for your place in the second row of the group, making it so that you didn’t have to worry about people looking up your skirt. You were finally starting to get used to the feeling of your nipples brushing up against the fabric of your shirt, but the uncomfortable drafty feeling between your legs took a little more concentration to ignore.
Being in such a large crowd of people did nothing to calm your nerves as you waited for the players to enter, constantly checking that the back of your skirt hadn’t flipped up. The whistles blew down below, making you jump in your anxious state. The players filed in, all taking their time getting organized and lined up— you held your breath as you looked at the front, where your head cheerleader was standing, getting ready to start your routine, and you took one more look at the stadium preparing for the long game you were about to endure.
By the time the last point was scored and the whistle blew you wanted to cry tears of relief. The entire game had been a nightmare, each set coming to a deuce and dragging on far longer than it should have. Shiratorizawa had lost in the end, but at this point you didn’t even care, you just wanted to leave.
Throughout the game, you had felt only a constant rush of anxiety. Every jump and cheer and shake had sent waves of worry through you as you thought about all the people standing around you. After the first fifteen minutes of the game, you had gotten used to the weird sensations of not having any undergarments on, but the thought of someone finding out had kept you on edge the entire time.
Being able to sit down and relax felt like a godsend. The rest of the crowd was depressed and complaining about how we had lost, but you hadn’t watched much of the game and didn’t really feel like participating in the pity party.
Once the crowd was starting to dissipate, you rushed down the stairs and back to the boys’ locker room, keeping your skirt down the entire time with your hands. You stood a good ways away from the entrance, so as to not draw attention to yourself, and fervorously scanned the crowd for Tendou. The rest of the team was starting to arrive, including Ushijima, who put your heart in your throat as he walked by, but Tendou was nowhere to be seen.
Finally, when you were beginning to consider running off and looking for him, Tendou stalked by, a tired and annoyed look spread across his features. Once he caught sight of you, standing patiently against the wall, he grabbed your arm and started pulling you down the hall.
“W-wait, where are we going?” you asked, trying your best to keep up with his large stride.
“What, you don’t think I’m gonna give you back your belongings here, do you?” he said in a playful tone, but he couldn’t quite hide the tone of displeasure under it. You kept quiet the rest of the time while he dragged you off into an emptier part of the building and into the bathrooms. You weakly tried to pull away from his grasp, but his grip was tight on your arm as he pulled you around.
A wave of surprise hit you though, when he shoved you into a bathroom stall, locking the door behind both of you. He stood in front of you, hand against the stall door near your head, towering over your small figure.
“You want your letter back right?” he said, staring you down. You quickly nodded your head, beginning to feel uncomfortable, trying to gauge what he was planning.
“You’d be willing to do anything for it right?” he asked, leaning in closer to you to where you could feel his breath against your ear. It took you a second, but you nodded again, this time a little more hesitantly than before.
“How ‘bout you do me one more favor then, hmm?”
“Y-you said you would give it back now though,” you said, shuffling backwards, trying to get away from him in the confined space of the bathroom. His large figure made it hard for you to find any place away from him and you felt your back hit the door as you leaned away. Everything felt very claustrophobic and you felt heat rush to your face from how close he was to you.
He took a piece of your hair between two fingers and began to play with it idly.
“I know, I know, but I think it’s only fair that you do a little more for me, after all, we just lost the game, and I’m in a bit of a bad mood,” he said, a playful smile spreading across his lips again, “plus, seeing you like that the whole time was a little distracting, so if anything you’re a little bit at fault too.” You felt your face begin to burn as the implications of his words hit you and the stall suddenly felt far too small. He shifted his head to look into your eyes, hand coming around to grip your chin and keep you in place.
“Come on baby, just one little favor and you’ll get your letter back.” His other hand came down to your exposed waist and started making its way under your shirt, his fingers drawing playful circles on your skin.
You didn’t know what to say, the urge between getting away and retrieving your letter were warring with each other inside your mind, keeping you frozen where you stood. Having people find out about it would be humiliating, but the thought of having Tendou use you like this was almost worse. You opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out, your body refused to act. His stare still bored into your eyes, waiting for an answer, but you couldn’t respond.
“I’ll take your lack of protest as a yes then,” he said, brushing a thumb across your cheek before hiking your shirt up. You felt his lips slam into yours, pinning you against the door in a deep kiss and in that moment everything else seemed to fade away-- all you could focus on was the feeling of his lips invading yours. They were warm and inviting and almost made you feel as if you wanted more, but the rational part of your brain was still screaming for you to run away.
Tendou’s hand moved from its place on your face and slid down to your ass, pulling you into him. Your hands went up between the two of you and rested on Tendou’s chest, feeling the sculpted muscles underneath his shirt. It had been so long since you had been touched like this and your body craved more but remembering who Tendou was and what he was making you do caused you to hesitate. You weren’t sure if you wanted to push him away or not, but you at least kept your hands there to keep some distance between you as your brain scrambled to try and make a decision.
You felt Tendou swipe his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance to the rest of your mouth, and you reluctantly opened your lips to let him inside. He was rough and demanding with his movements, making heat creep down to your core.
The hand that was under your shirt crept up and roughly squeezed your breast and you felt a small noise slip out of your throat as it happened. You knew you were touched starved, but this was absurd, you shouldn’t be enjoying this. Tendou had blackmailed you into those slutty actions during the game, and now he was blackmailing you yet again into this— but you were enjoying it, you were even beginning to reciprocate with your lips and tongue.
Your head was too adrenaline-filled for you to think properly, and no matter how much you tried to concentrate on being rational, the feeling of Tendou pressed up against you with his tongue in your mouth brought you away every time. You could feel his movements getting rougher as he groped you, and he pulled away from your lips, a grin returning to his face as he looked down at you.
“Bend over for me baby, will you?” he said, not giving you a chance to respond before grabbing your hips to help turn you around. You placed your shaky hands against the door and sucked in a breath as you felt his hands slide up your thighs and under your skirt. Your hands felt hot against the cool plastic of the door but all you could feel was Tendou’s fingers creeping closer and closer to the wet heat between your legs, pulling on your skin and spreading your folds.
“Look at you, already soaked and I’ve barely even touched you,” he said, making your face go red. You tried to stutter out a protest, but you knew you were completely guilty. A small part of yourself felt ashamed at the way you were getting wet over Tendou’s touches— you shouldn’t be feeling this way, it was wrong, but your thoughts were quickly interrupted at the feeling of Tendou’s fingers brushing up against your entrance before pulling away, causing you to let out a small gasp. A wave of heat rushed through your body, making your head fuzzy— leaving only the desire for more pleasure in your mind.
Tendou could feel the tent in his pants growing larger as he viewed your supple thighs and ass in front of him. He had thought about this scene so often, thinking about how good you would look bent over for him, ready to take his cock, but he had to stay patient. Both of his hands grabbed your ass to keep you stable before he bent down and gave a slow lick to the inside of your thigh, making you shudder.
You could feel your hands beginning to get slick against the door as you prepared for the sensation of Tendou’s mouth against you. Once you felt his tongue swipe up against your cunt you felt your back arch and couldn’t contain the small whimper that you let out. All rational thinking was out the window and all you wanted was the feeling of him all over you.
The feeling of him lapping at your folds was tortuous, and every time you felt his tongue brush up against your clit it made your legs tremble beneath you. Despite the fact that Tendou could feel your legs beginning to get shaky, he only wanted to see you submit to him more. He tentatively slipped one finger inside of you, causing you to let out a high-pitched whine.
All you could focus on was the stretch of your insides from Tendou’s finger. He had sheathed it inside you suddenly, not letting you adjust to the feeling, and was now starting to rub against that spongy spot inside of you. You could feel your eyes beginning to go glossy from pleasure and you felt like your knees were about to give out. Tendou wasn’t giving you any time to adjust to the sensations and you could almost feel the hungry smirk on his face while he was playing with you.
When his other hand moved down to your clit it almost made you fall to your knees, but he made sure to hold you up, keeping you in your humiliating position for him to view. Almost every time he pushed his fingers into you you had to bite your lip to keep moans from coming out— any more and you didn't think you would be able to hold back.
Tendou let out a small chuckle as he watched you struggle to maintain your balance and keep quiet. He knew that you were in a secluded enough area where you could be loud, but seeing the pathetic attempt you gave only made you look more adorable. Seeing you in such a pitiful state was making it hard for him to keep his patience, but he knew he needed to stretch your tight little cunt out more before he would be able to fuck you how he wanted to.
Tendou slipped a second finger inside of you, making you clamp a hand over your mouth, and began scissoring inside of you, making sure you would be ready to take his cock.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well, you know that right?”
You felt a wave of heat go through you at the praise along with the feeling of your pussy tightening up around his fingers— earning an approving “mm” from Tendou.
“Do you think you’re ready to take me, sweetheart?” he said, beginning to go rougher on your clit, causing you to let out a gasp. You desperately nodded your head and let out a small “mhm,” wanting to have him fill you up completely.
“Come on baby, use your words for me,” he said, stilling his motions until he got an answer from you.
“Y-Yes Tendou, p-please,”
“There you go, see you can do it,” he said, pulling his fingers out of you and standing up. It took all your strength, but you turned your head to look up at him and got to watch as he stuck his fingers in his mouth, greedily sucking off the residue from your cunt. The sight made you clench around nothing and made your head go fuzzy at the thought of him enjoying the taste of you. You eagerly watched as he quickly pulled down his shorts and boxers, revealing his hard cock which already had a bead of precum at the tip.
“W-Wait T-Tendou we don’t have protection!” you said, collecting just enough consciousness to remember basic sex education.
“Shh don’t worry, I’ll pull out,” he said, placing a hand on your ass, rubbing soothing strokes with his thumb. You knew that you shouldn’t continue and that it wasn’t safe, but your pleasure-filled brain didn’t care. All you wanted was to feel him filling you up and stretching your tight little cunt out— you could worry about the consequences later.
The feeling of the tip of his cock pressing up against your entrance was enough to make you whine out his name, begging for more. Waiting was causing you too much agony and you began to buck your hips against him, trying to push him inside you.
“Eager aren’t we,” he said, his voice more strained than before. He slowly began to push his dick into you, causing your eyes to roll back and a needy moan to fall from your lips. You could hear his breathing getting ragged behind you as he got further into your tight cunt, filling you up more than you had ever been before. He was only halfway inside of you by the time he hit your cervix . The pain of having him so deep inside of you was masked by the utter ecstasy you felt from thinking about how much he was stretching you out.
Tendou was leaning over you, one hand gripping your hip while the other was wrapped around your waist pulling you up against him. You could hear his ragged breathing next to your head and the way his breath hitched as he pulled out of you before ramming back in.
He didn’t give you nearly enough time to adjust to his size, and the pace he was fucking you at was ruthless, causing a dull pain to form in your cunt as he began to bruise it. Eventually, though, you adjusted to the feeling of your walls being stretched so far and began to only feel the pleasure as his cock dragged along your slick insides.
You were unable to keep your mouth shut and had resorted to letting it hang open, allowing all your moans and whimpers to fall out. Your hands were beginning to slip against the door as Tendou continued to rail you and you scrambled to keep supporting yourself.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight… so, so tight, just for me…” Tendou mumbled, his eyes shut tight trying to concentrate on not cumming inside of you. The way you felt around him was better than he ever could have imagined. He had to make sure you came before him, he wanted to cum with you so badly— he needed to feel your walls flutter around his cock as you moaned his name.
“How does it feel, sweetheart? Does it feel good? Tell me it feels good. I wanna hear you say it,” he rambled, his movements becoming more sloppy as he continued to fuck into you. His hand moved down to your clit and began to roughly play with it, causing you to tighten up around him.
“I-It feels so good Tendou mm- I-I love it so much,” you whined, only halfway aware of what you were saying.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you like this for so long. I’ve been interested in you for so long too— but you only want him, you only want Ushijima don’t you, you fucking slut.” His words mixed with his harsh tone confused you as you tried to decipher the meaning of them. It was so hard to think with him pistoning into you like this, making you go loopy.
“Tell me that you love me, not him, I wanna hear you say it so badly,” he said, his fingers digging into your hip, sure to leave bruises.
You weren’t sure why you said it, but it slipped out of your mouth before you could truly think about it, “I-I love you Tendou, I-I love you more than anyone else.” Those words were enough to bring him right to the brink of orgasm, making him have to fully concentrate on fucking you as hard as he could to get you to cum first. The combination of his fingers rubbing your clit in tantalizing circles and the feeling of him ramming into your womb was what caused you to finish. You felt the tension in your stomach snap and you let out a loud moan as your walls spasmed around him. You heard Tendou mutter a string of curses, trying his best to remain calm and in control.
“Fuck, baby you’re so tight, I don’t know if I can pull out,” he said, his grip on you digging into your skin. In your fucked out head the thought of having him cum inside you was almost too much— despite your safety you wanted to feel it.
“P-Please, please cum inside me, please I want it so badly,” you moaned out, not even processing what you were saying. Even though he knew he should pull out, hearing your cute little voice beg for him to fill you up was too much for Tendou, making him ram into you a few more times before cumming with you. You could feel his hot cum spilling into your pussy and dripping out the sides, making your legs weak.
As you were both coming down all that could be heard was the heavy breathing from both of you echoing in the bathroom. Tendou pulled out, letting the mixture inside of you begin to drip out. He held you tightly, making sure that you didn’t fall over or hit your head on the door in front of you.
You felt so worn out once you came down from your orgasm. The only thing you wanted to do was to lay down next to him but you knew you couldn’t in such a confined space.
You slowly moved your arms, trying your best to maintain your balance as you turned around to wrap your arms around his neck. You both sat down, and Tendou cupped a hand behind your head, running his fingers through your hair. The thoughts about Ushijima and blackmail had completely left your mind and the feeling of him beneath you, strong and warm, was the only thing you wanted to focus on.
After a few minutes Tendou broke the silence, tilting your head up to look at him, “So, do you still want your letter back?”
You scowled at him, receiving a small laugh before you nestled back into his chest, ready to fall asleep.
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naomii007 · 3 years
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 PAIRINGS:  satoru gojo x fem!reader
| WARNINGS: smut, mirror sex, little bit of degradation,rough, unportected (be safe), grammar errors
| WORD COUNT: 1,548
A/N: This is my first time writting something sinful and I'm new here and I hope y'all will like it and please I am sorry If I messed up I am still learning to write T_T anyway i hope this is what you expected ! enjoy!  ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
*Please ignore my grammer*
You and gojhoe were enemies for life.You never liked that tall ass Telephone Pole but you hated to admit that he makes you feel good than any other man in the world.
Even though being enemies you both fuck each other all the time.The lust you both had for each other was just amazing.
(Lol I can't stop laughing)
You just reached to gojo's house Why? because he wanted to fuck that's it! You knocked at his door and Satoru pulled you inside of his room as soon as he opened the door after knocking just once.It was almost as if he couldn’t wait anymore, pulling your for a rough kiss as he pushed your back against the door to close it.He stopped kissing you for a second and stared at your confused face.
What was that? You asked.
He said "Affection" with a smirk plastered in his face.
Disgusting you said.
And? He asked.
You said Do it again -_-
(Please Idk what I am writting forgive me >_<)
"Baby just tell me you want it" he said with a smirk on his face.
You hate to admit it but he was right you needed him as much as he needed you right now.After that he pulled you for another kiss as he kept moving down and marking you up, you both were moaning as his hand groped your ass to press you against him.
"You know you always look so much better when I mark you up" He said.
Your cheeks started to heat up and you avoided his gaze.
He pressed his knee between your legs while rubbing your clothed cunt with his legs. He was teasing you and you were just a moaning mess.Your panties were all soaked due to the heat.
"S-Stop teasing me gojhoe" you said between your kisses your hands flying to his hair that was already patterned down due to the exclusion of his blindfold. He pulled away and looked down at you, smirking.He knew what was coming."If you don't like my teasing, then why are moaning?" Your cheeks were already red as tomatoes, flustered by his question.
"I-" You tried to answer him but He makes you purr like a kitten, free hand kneading at your chest, coaxing out sweet little noises that make his dick throb in his pants. 
You inhale sharply at a particular tweak of your nipple that has your body tingling, arching into him.
He tossed his tshirt in the corner of the room and leaving you only in your lacy underwears.He suddenly picked you up in his arms carring you towards the bedroom and he throws you on the bed.
You both were breathing heavily, both hungry for each other and eyes full of lust.
He ripped your panties and bra.He moved up and started to suck your breasts while the other hand fondling the nipple of other breast.You tried to hold your moans but gojo noticed it and started to nibble your nipple with his mouth and you arched your back  and moaned out loud with pleasure that he gave you.
You could feel his bulge growing bigger and bigger but you knew he won't fuck you this easily and how much of a tease he can be.
He moved down and started to kiss your stomach.Your core was already wet due to his teasing.
"Put me out of  my misery and open up those long legs for me" He ordered.
You obediantly opened your legs for him and he could see how wet you were for him.
"You look so good all soaking wet just for me"He said.He slowly kissing and leaving marks in your inner thighs while moving towards your heated core, He could see that your swollen cluster of nerves and your wet core waiting to be abused by his long fingers.
You were getting really impatient and started to whine alot.
He chuckled and said" Baby you are whinning alot tonight better be quiet".
"First one to make noise loses" He added.
He started licking your slick wet folds and sucking your swollen cunt.On the other side you were trying your best not to moan.
He saw you struggling and chuckled.
Soon he started to abuse your wet core with his tounge as his fingers rubbing your swollen cunt.
Your eyes were watering and you started to arch your back while moaning loud enough to heard by the neighbor.Your mind was totally blank due to the pleasure.
"A-ah right there satoru" You mewled while choking on your words.
Saliva was running down from his chin, shortly you cummed in his mouth and his mouth covered in your juices and his saliva.
"Fuck baby you taste sweet as candy" He said while licking his lips.
"I didn't knew you were this sensitive enough to make you cum with my tounge and yeah you lost too."He said.
You were so embarassesd and gave him a disgusting look.
"Don't give me that look" he said.
Shortly he told you to stand up and he walked you towards the mirror.You were still sore due to your orgasm and your legs were wobbling.
You saw yourself in the mirror how messy your face and body was, fully covered in sweat and cum.
He stood at your back grabbing your both hands at your back and  bending you down infront of the mirror while exposing your wet core to him.
He started to tease your wet core with his aroused big swollen tip.
"Do you want this dick inside your  tight little pussy,huh?"He said teasingly.
"Y-Yes fuck me toru, fill my tight pussy with your big dick"You mewled helplessly.
Without any warning he slipped his big dick inside you. "So fucking tight" Satoru groaned under his breath, more to himself than to you, the friction coming to a stop. you couldn’t help but let out a loud moan at his unexpected action.
The tingle of being stretched open felt so good, arching your back as you bit your lip harshly. He knew that you liked it and he chuckled "You’re such a wet mess". You take my dick so well don't you?” Satoru brought his face to the exposed skin in the back of your neck to start sucking softly at your sweet spot behind your ear.
"I'll make your brain into mush with my cock in your tight pussy." He said while ramming his cock inside your tight pussy.
"Just shut your stupid mouth and fuck me gojhoe" You said teasingly.
He was fucking you infront of the mirror, he grabbed your hair with his one hand forcing you to look your reflection in the mirror as you melt.you tried to look away but kept forcing you to stare at the mirror and you hated and felt excited at the same time.
As far as you know, gojo loves to tease and be playful with everyone, so as you wanted to twitch his cock, almost get the ecstasy feeling, satoru pulled his dick out, hearing your saddened purr. 'shall i put it back, baby, shall i? should i fuck your tight hole with my cum?'
you nodded, as your empty pussy is full with the cock.
"Now you are going to watch yourself or you are not gonna cum at all baby, understood?"He said.
You nodded and start watching yourself getting fucked by him infront of a mirror.You started to moan fractiously.
Your were really flustered from the view and again stopped looking at the mirror and said "I fucking hate you Gojo Satoru" between your moans and he just chuckles, he used his hands to face you again in the mirror."If you hated me so badly then why am I only the one able to have you like this."
"You think you can just run that pretty mouth of  yours whenevee you want?! Now be quiet and take my dick just like a slut you are."
gojo is proud and he doesn't hide it - watching how your tits bouncing every time in the mirror and how his balls touching your bare skin.
You couldn't even stand anymore your legs were giving up but you both were about to cum
He forced you to look at him and kissed your lips, nudging inside you faster, stretching your redden walls with the tip - don't lie to him, you are enjoying, yeah?the friction of his cock against your walls is of the scale was just amazing.
he's barely had time to pull out, He cummed on your thighs.
'I want you to be my wife, so that I can do naughty things to you for the rest of my life' He said.
"If you keep fucking me this good, I might marry you" You said.
He was shocked by your response but he was happy.
To be honest you enjoyed his company even thought after being enemies.
You both fell asleep peacefully after the conversation.
(Idk wtf I just wrote -_-)
A/N: I hope y'all liked the story. I'm new to these things but I really enjoyed it while writting this. Please forgive me if its too confusing I'll try better next time.English is not my first language so there might be many mistakes. I'm really sorry!!
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ally22042000 · 4 years
BTS Reaction: Someone breaking into your house
Hey. I hope you enjoy this one, it’s been in my drafts for a year 😊 It is my first  fic/reaction. I am sorry for any spelling and grammer mistakes. 
Fluff, Angst, Smut (Just a little)
Kim Seokjin
The both of you were on your way home from dinner. The past few weeks had been very stressful for the both of you. Jin had a comeback coming his way and you had multiple deadlines to reach. So, the both of you though it was time to give yourselves a break and go out for some couple quality time. It wasn’t until Jin had parked the car in front of your house, noticing the light that was shining trough the curtains, that you got that weird feeling in your stomach telling you something was wrong.
“Die we leave the lights on?” you questioned, interrupting him mid-sentence. Jin’s brows furrowed, trying to remember how the house looked when you left.
“Stay in the car” was all he said, before he opened his door and made his way to your front door. You watched has he climbed the three little steps in front of your door, before he pushed at it slightly, the wood instantly sliding back. It wasn’t locked. Shocked you follow Jin’s frame with your eyes, which was disappearing in your house. Holding your breath, you waited for what was going to happen next. Another light was flicked on, before a person came bolting outside, running down the little steps. Whoever that person was, definitely wasn’t smart. Slipping on the ice that covered the floor, he fell, hitting his head, knocking himself out. You opened the door, sliding out of you seat and running over to the man laying unconscious on the ground. Jin followed soon, standing in the door way with a frying pan in his hand, ready to swing.
“Is he dead?” was the first thing the idol asked. You threw a glare at him before descending your fingers to the pulse point of the man. Shaking your head as soon as you felt a pulse.
“I bet you’re happy now that I didn’t put salt on the steps this morning when you told me to.” If you weren’t still shocked form the events that just happened you would have thrown your shoe at him, wiping of that stupid smile of his. But you settled for another glare before calling the police.
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Min Yoongi
It was 10:32 pm when Yoongi finished the last thing on his To-Do list for the day. Closing the file, he just worked on for the past two hours, he leaned back in his chair and stretched his muscles. A buzzing sound from beside him got his attention and he couldn’t help the lazy smile when he saw you picture appearing on the screen.
“Hey baby. I just finished. I’ll be home in forty, alright?” He was in the procced of shutting down his computer, when he heard you low and breathy voice.
“Yoongi, listen, there are two people in the house. I think they broke in. I can hear them in the living room. I don’t know what to do.” He could hear your voice quivering towards the end. He didn’t bother with the computer anymore, focus solely on you.
“Where are you?” he asked, while grabbing his keys and leaving the room. Door open for everybody, but that was the last of his concerns.
“In our bedroom” came the answer immediately.
“Lock the door and hid in the bathroom. Lock the door there two.” he commanded. You did as he told you. Hiding in the bathtub as soon as you made sure the last door was locked.
“Okay, I’m there. What now?” scared of the outcome of all this, tears started to gather in your eyes. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat and hear it in your head.
“Now, I’m going to hang up so I can call the police, okay baby? I’m still too far away to help you and maybe they are faster.” That was the first time he cursed himself for wanting to rent an apartment so far away from the studio. Without another word he hung up the phone, calling the police immediately and explaining the situation, while he was still driving down the empty roads. Trying not to kill anyone or get killed. They told him they would be there as fast as possible.
You heard the sirens coming closer and closer, feeling slightly safer. You heard them break in through the front door, the robbers still trying to grab as much as they can, not even realising that they were doomed until it was too late. The next thing you heard is what finally made you realise that you were save.
“Y/N? Y/N!” You heard Yoongi banging on the bedroom door. Quickly getting out of the bathtub, unlocking the two doors just as fast. Yoongi’s arms engulfed you the second he laid eyes on you. And that was the moment you couldn’t hold back any longer. Surrounded by his scent, mint and coffee, you couldn’t control your emotions any longer. Tears were rolling down your face, soaking the male’s sweats shirt. And Yoongi held you through it, pulling you closer and whispered over and over that you were save and had nothing to worry. And when you finally calmed down you opened your eyes and looked down to the ground. Not able to stop the little giggle escaping your mouth.
“Babe, where are you shoes?”
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Jung Hoseok
There are no words to explain the fear that shot through Hobi’s body when he saw the red and blue lights shining in front of your shared apartment.  There were police officers running around questioning people and pushing others out of the way. Slowly his feet moved one after the other walking through the little crowed that had gathered. He was about to pass them when a police woman pushed him back into the crowed.
“Sir, I’m sorry but you’re not allowed any closer. Please stay put.” She let a hand on his chest to make sure he got the message.
“No, you don’t understand, I life here. That’s my home. Where is Y/N?” he explained, constantly trying to get past the small woman.
“Sir, please, follow the instructions or I’ll have to use force.” A threating comment was about to leave Hoseok lips that he will be the one using force if she didn’t tell him were the love of his life was this instant. But before he could do any of that he heard the voice that could make everything better.
“Hobi, oh my god, Hobi. It’s okay, please let him through. He’s my boyfriend” you screamed as soon as you laid eyes on your dancer. The woman in front of him reluctantly moved out of the way but kept a watchful eye on the young man. But Hoseok’s attention was only on you. The second he could, he captures you in his arms. A hand on the back of your head, pressing you to him.
“Are you alright? What happened?” he asked.
“Someone broke into our home while I was in the shower. Hobi, everything is gone. TV, Laptops, my phone and wallet. Thankfully one of the neighbours saw what happened and called the police. I wouldn’t even know how I could have informed them.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” He said, grabbing your hands, making him look at him. “I really don’t care that our TV is gone or any of the other stuff, okay? That’s renewable, but you aren’t. I’m so glad nothing happened to you.” And one more time you found yourself buried in his arms, a place you never want to leave.
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Kim Namjoon
You and your husband where awoken by your child’s loud cries. Slowly you rose to your feet, sitting at the edge of the bed for a moment, trying to regain your balance and vision. Your phone on the nightstand told you it was 02:00 am. With a heavy sighing you got up from your place. Moving out of the room and down the hall to your four-month old’s bedroom. A freezing breeze greeted you in the hallway, forcing you to pull Namjoon’s shirt lower. Your pace picked up, having the strong feeling, that something wasn’t alright. Your baby’s screams grew louder as you walked into the room.
Namjoon’s name left your lips in the form of a scream, while you ran to the bed of your child. Lifting the crying baby up and moving away from the broken window. You heard you husbands feet banging against the wood floor, running as fast as possible. The both of you turned on every single light you owned. Or rather Namjoon turning on the lights and you walking behind him with your baby girl still in your arms. The little one followed her father with a curious look in her eyes. Not yet sure if she liked the new game.
After being sure nobody was in the house, you called the police, which arrived shortly after. They took a lot of picture form the crime scene and asked the both of you a lot of questions. Almost two hours later, the three of you lay down in you king sized bed. The broken window was covered with a blanked and tape. You would call someone to fix it in two hours, when you had to get up anyway.
You looked at your husband’s face, the worried stare he had when he entered the baby room had not left him.
“We could have lost her tonight. We, we-“,he couldn’t finish, before the tears were streaming down his face. The thought of what could have happened to you daughter making both your throats tighten.
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Park Jimin
Tears were streaming down Jimin’s face as he held on to your pale hand. He couldn’t stop them and J-Hope’s hand on his shoulder did little to lessen the pain. For Jimin it was his fault. 
The reason why you were laying in a hospital bed right now, machines breathing for you. That was all on him. He was the one who said you should go ahead and that he would follow with the grocery bags. You insisted that you’d help him, but he didn’t let you. Why didn’t he let you? If he would have, you wouldn’t have been the first in the house. You wouldn’t have been shot by the guy robbing your house of its belongings. And you most defiantly wouldn’t be laying in that hospital bed right now, fighting for your life. 
So Jimin saw no other person that he could blame, but him. And the only person who could assure him and make him see that it was in fact not his mistake, not his wrong doing. That person was laying in a come right no. Fixed heart beating in your chest and broken boyfriend gripping your hand.
“Please, Y/N, please come back to me. I’m sorry, please. I need you.”
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Kim Taehyung
Tae’s face was lit up by his significant smile, as soon as he saw your face appear on the screen. Hurrying to answer the call, not able to contain his happiness at the prospect of talking to you.
“Hey honey. How are you? I miss you so much, you can’t even imaging. Okay maybe you can because you miss me too, but- wait, are that police sirens in the back. Y/N what happened?” By now he was standing in his room, one hand was holding his phone, the other running through his hair, slipping of his hat in the process.
“Hey, babe. I need you to calm down. It’s nothing bad, alright? Just breath.” It’s interesting how your voice always managed to calm him down. Even hundreds of miles away, the melody of you words still had a huge influence on him. However, the second your next words left your mouth, all kind of calmness flew out the window and was replace by a stultifying wariness.
 “I was watching TV in our bedroom, when I heard some noise form downstairs. Someone broke into the house and tried to steal our stuff.”
 “Tried? Y/N, please don’t tell me you did anything stupid?”
 “Okay, first things first, I never do anything thing stupid. Second things second, when I opened the door to our bedroom, to figure out where the noise was coming from, Yeanton ran past me and scared the invader. After that he left immediately. A few things are missing, but not as much as would’ve if Yeanton wouldn’t have been here.” After you finished your little story time, Tae’s heartrate had regulated itself back to a normal beat. A proud smile forming on his face.
 “Oh my god, he did. I knew he would protect his mommy if it was necessary. Tell him he did well. We need to buy him lots of treats for his heroic action.”
After the initial shock was gone the both of you talked about the tour and planed what you would do when he came back. But the second Yeanton jumped into your lap, barking to get you attention, you were forgotten and had to listen to Tae talking through the phone to his dog. And Yeanton who stared at the phone confused, barking from time to time. And one more time you realised how happy you were with you little family. The boys always looking after you and vice versa.
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Jeon Jungkook
Your back met the wall next to your door with a low thump. Jungkook’s body pressing you into the surface immediately. His lips were still connected to yours, tongues fighting for dominance. You could feel his arms flailing around, as he tried to find his keys. A frustrated sound left his throat, when he didn’t find the object. He released your lips, taking a step back and continuing his search. A whine left your lips at the loss of contact. 
That’s when you took a lock at the door next to you, noticing, how it was slightly open. You stretched a hand out to the male in front of you, planting it against his chest, making him stop. Jungkook looked at you, confused, why you would stop him. Although it was hard for him to focus, with all the blood running southwards at the moment, he notices the unordinary scene in front of him. Without a second thought, he walked towards the door, pushing it open. You hooked your hand into one of the loops of his trousers, hiding behind him. Your apartment was covered in black, only the moon providing enough vision to make out your furniture. The both of you walked deeper into the apartment, trying to be as quiet as possible. A movement to right caught your attention, turning your head, a loud gasped escaped you. A man was standing in your kitchen, a knife in his hand. Jungkook was alarmed by your reaction, rotating the both of you, so he was standing like a shield before you.
“Please, take everything you want, but don’t hurt us.” Jungkook’s voice was strong, not letting the man know, how much his appearance and the weapon in his hand scared him. When the man took a step in your direction, the both of you took one back. Jungkook’s hand setting on your waist, pushing you farther behind him.
“Jungkook? Y/N?” You heard the voice from a sleeping Jimin, tumbling down the stairs. For a moment both of your attention were on the small feet that came into view. When you turned back around, the mystery man was gone. And you had never been so thankful for the older boy’s heart break, wich caused him to move in with you. Not wanting to know, what could have happened, if he didn’t come done stairs the moment he did.
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glorious-poetato · 2 years
Tommyinnit x reader
Warnings: none (tell me if there is one please)
Summary: (this is based off his Singing stream.) Tommyinnit invites his s/o to his Singing stream. Also y/n is a swifte and can play guitar deal with it.(:
          I looked over at my phone to see a message from tommy.
Tommy<3: I'm doing a singing stream and would love for you to join me. Also if you would like bring you guitar
I quickly respond saying that I would love to and I'm on my way with my guitar. I call an uber for a ride to Tommy's apartment. I knock on the door waiting for tommy to answer. He opens the door and tells me " jack is here too we are planning to do a skit were he's like my manager kind of thing." As we enter his office I see jack and say a quick hello. Jack then blurts out "Oh tommy you and y/n can be a duo act. Then are skit will still work." Tommy looks over at me asking if that's alright. "I'm good with that" I say. "Oh but I do have a condition we have to sing a taylor swift song." I add "deal" Tommy quickly replied as we shook on it. After that they finish up prepping the stream.
He then greets the chat talking about his hidden music abilities and how he needed a manager. He then introduces jack as cleft and "cleft" tells tommy he won't be able to make it on his own and that he found him a partner. Thats when I step on screen and immediately chat fills up will y/nnn. After that I sit down and I grab my guitar. Me and tommy begin singing a song together but "cleft" kept making jokes that we would choke back laughter at. This cycle repeats for a bit till the curtain drops and I'm told to entertain chat. I whisper to chat and ask if I should sing a taylor swift song. I see the chat spam yes or no but decided it mostly yes so I beging Singing love story while playing the guitar. Clift then turns to tommy and says "take notes right there is a star." Chat starts saying yes y/n is way better and tommy is like you guys are supposed to be on my side. I'm a big man I'm obviously the best. A little bit goes buy tommy talking about the quote book I have a proud smile on my face as he announces it chat seems to notice but that's fine I really was proud of the fact him and wilbur made a whole book. After that we go back to singing and soon the stream ends.
Once the cameras fully shut off tommy looked over at me and said "holy crap I forgot how good of a singer you are." This made me blush but a I managed to replie with a small thankyou and saying that he is also an amazing singer. While we were having that little jack was recording unbeknownst to us. he then sent it to will saying look how sweet their being to eachother.
The end
(Sorry for any Grammer and spelling mistakes)
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Dawna's Journey
A/N: Guys this took so long XD. Please give me feedback/comments/reblogs if not on the post than anon. Look I proof read it so much now I'm sick of it lmao. I know theres grammer mistakes but If I didn't post it tonight it was never getting posted. Anyways please enjoy this!!! :D
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Dawn stood at the edge of the kingdom. The night was still as the guards had retired for the evening and she was left alone with her thoughts. Standing at the gate she stared beyond the iron bars into the foggy night where the woods were.
 She was steps away from what could be the biggest mistake of her life. By doing this, by going out into the woods to find the cure for one of the dying trolls in the dungeon, she was betraying her families name and their status along with the throne. Her uncle, her mother, her sister, Merlin, Lancelot. All of them would tell her this is wrong. That trolls were the enemy.
 Swallowing thickly, hands glowing to illuminate the night she touched the cold stone of the castle's defense wall before brushing her fingers against the iron bars that kept the trolls and fae at bay. Hissing she pulls her hand away, shaking it to make the sting disappear. Frowning as she stares out at the woods they seem to beckon her. Walking away from the gate and along the wall she goes towards a thick patch of ivy. There hidden behind the plants was a small crack. One she found as a child and still used for situations like this. 
  Slipping into the greenery rough material scrapes against her catching on her clothes but she stays determined scooting through the stone. As Ivy brushes past her face, her boots sink into the soft grass and she edges herself away from the protection of Camelot. Looking back at the castle her hands shook as she stared at her room that overlooked the very land she stood on. She'd wandered the woods many times and explored their wonders but this time was different. This time she wasn't visiting peaceful territory or exploring her magical studies in secret, this time she was going straight to the Gum Gums. She was risking everything and what made her the most nervous about it, was she didn't care. It was the right thing to do. No matter how many people said it was wrong she felt in her heart it wasn't.
 Backing away from the wall, away from her home, she realizes this could be the last time she sees Camelot if she fails. Taking it in, etching every small detail into her mind she sighs. Things used to be different. When Arthur had Gwenivere she breathed life into him and the castle. She made people hope and kept the kingdom together as the war against the Gum Gums raged on. But now the kind queen was gone and Dawn felt keeping the peace fell on her. However, as much influence as she had in the kingdom and over her uncle, Arthur never really listened after he lost his wife. He was too lost in his grief to hear reason. He banished most magic and as Dawn felt the cool air ruffle her hair she knew soon she'd be next. She couldn't fix Camelot. Not by herself but she could try and make her uncles wrongs right. Starting with the trolls he'd locked away.
 Taking one last look, the moon shines silver light over her kingdom protecting her people inside the wall. Clutching her cloak tightly Dawn closes her eyes and runs into the woods, leaving no trace that she'd ever left. She feels the grass squish beneath her feet and the whistling wind almost knocks off her hood as she runs. 
 Magically summoning her silver and gold armor the chainmail echoes in the quiet woods. Her uncle had banned magic but that never stopped Dawn. Her sister did parlor tricks for fun but Dawn craved more. It was in these woods she learned the meaning of magic and through Merlin's notes she taught herself the way of the fae world. The elements were her teachers and she hoped they'd give her mercy tonight. 
  Running faster each step she takes makes a resounding clank that bounces through the trees. Pushing past snagging branches, brambles, and thick underbrush she keeps going only one thing on her mind, getting that troll cure so her friend would survive. What an absurd notion, that she princess of Camelot was friends with a common troll. Smiling as she thought of him she kept pushing on, chest heaving as she thundered through the woods. Stepping over small streams and avoiding roots. 
  White puffs left her mouth as she pushed on. The cold kept her awake and alert even as her legs burned from running so long. Dawn stops, armor now silent as the night returns to its previous stillness.
The girl swallows nervously and takes a cautious step forward. The bridge was old and full of divine energy, she could feel its power radiating from where she stood. It acted as a divide between the world of trolls and Gum Gums. Gunmar said he owned the whole woods but that was a lie. However, past the bridge there was no doubt that was his land. As she took in deep breaths chest burning she studied Killahead. Cracked stone, worn carvings from centuries ago, and overgrown moss greeted her. A bridge that once ran over a flowing river had been dry longer than Dawn had been alive. She knew this place had power. It held generations of knowledge and stories. It could be the rise or down fall of civilizations.
But unlike the trees and forest Killahead did not talk. It just listened. Cracked stone keeping the secrets of all those that walked past it. Closing her eyes she steps away from the safety of neutral territory and towards the tarnished stone. 
 Reaching out, her hand tightly clutches the side of the bridge. As she rubs her thumb over the side the stone feels smooth from years of being worn down. Stepping onto the Killahead bridge it's uneven with patches of grass slowly taking over the stone. Dawn feels the slickness of moss and dew under her boots and tightens her grip on the side she's holding as she trudges forward. 
 The moon shone above her through the leaves and pausing she tilts her head taking it in as darkness was soon to come. Listening closely, closing her eyes to hear the forest around her it was too silent. She realized someone was following her, that the GumGums knew she was here. Refusing to give up just because she felt fear she stood tall as she crossed the bridge. The branches overhead now choked out any light and it was a miracle she could still see as she made it to the end of the bridge. Standing there taking a deep breath her hand grazed the moss that had taken over Killahead. This was her last chance. To turn back and run. To go back to the castle and ignore her uncles troll business. To allow him to continue what he was doing. But... she could not.
 Filled with determination she takes her first step off Killehad. Heading away from the bridge and into the deep woods she was officially in Gum Gum territory. Her weapon wasn't drawn and it was clear she wasn't an active threat. Though Gum Gums never were ones to pick up on hints, if she had to fight she came prepared but she'd rather leave the woods unscathed.
  Venturing deeper into Gum Gum territory her chainmail echoes through the dense foliage. Low hissing and rustling could be heard from the bushes as scouts watched her. Golden and green glowing eyes all around her as she boldly kept walking. Her hand was now on her hip weapon ready to draw but she hadn't felt the need yet. She was hoping to speak to a general or a higher-up GumGum and somehow barter for the cure but as the growls got louder Dawn knew she'd have to fight. She was waiting for someone to come and address her and the soldiers watching her seemed to understand her silent demand as they kept their distance.
 Hearing something Dawn reacts quickly. Turning boots sinking into the mud as she grouds herself her blade made a distinctive swish before it clanked loudly striking against Gunmars sword. Sparks fly and the temporary bright light causes her green eyes to shine under her cloak. The brute growled in her face and she growled back surprising the GumGum King.
 "You wonder deep in our territory Knight." He hisses. Dawn responds by pressing her sword harder against his. Remembering what the knights had done, she leans back before she puts all her effort into her sword pushing the blade against his forcing him back. Stumbling Gunmar catches himself. His blue eye stares at her cloak as he pauses surprised by the human's strength. Tightening her grip on her sword showing no hesitation that she'd strike again he chuffs unamused. 
  His dark blue eye scans her form but all he sees is a long cloak and the shine of her sword in the dim light. Sniffing the air he chuffs surprised. It was a magical blade. A mage? Hadn't Arthur murdered them all?
 "I don't want to fight. I come seeking your aid." Dawn states tilting her head to look at the GumGum king. He couldn't see her face but he could feel her stare, those green eyes haunted him. This was no normal human. No normal mage. Chuffing he sneers tilting his head.
 "Oh? And why would I help a fleshbag morsel like you?" He snarls beginning to pace around her. Dawn followed his motions watching him closely. He admitted he was curious at what this knight could want at how someone could be so stupid and bold. They were foolish to come here but from the sword skills they showed he could see why they assumed they'd be safe. 
 "Because one of your own is dying and I'm trying-" Dawn starts but Gunmar growls bearing his fangs at her. 
 "SILENCE!" He roars. Dawn closes her mouth and waits. He comes close and sniffs her before huffing hot air in her face unimpressed. She reaches up to keep her hood on not wanting him to see who she really is. If he knew she was Dawna Noble of the PenDragon line it'd be over. He'd send her corpse to Arthur and her friend's life would be lost before she had a chance to win it.
 Rolling his eye, he turns annoyed by her insistent presence. "Go home whelp." He orders. "Humans speak only lies and when it isn't lies it's stupidity. Get out and don't return and you may tell your friends at the Round Table you survived. You are no meal and you're not worth the effort." He huffs waving her off. Dawn stands shocked as he begins walking away. She just ran from the safety of her home to try and save a troll's life and Gunmar doesn't even acknowledge her? He pushes her away like she's just a confused child. Grip tightening on her sword she grits her teeth shaking. She had come too far to turn back now.
 "I'm not going anywhere!" She snaps. Running to stand in front of the Gum Gum king she spreads her arms blocking his path. She's shaking making her chainmail rattle. She'd come so far he couldn't deny her now! "I came here to Gum Gum territory at night! It's important please at least listen to what I have to say." She begs. He looked annoyed and she frowned, lowering her arms. "I need something… and I know your people are the only ones who can give it to me." Stepping closer to Gunmar unafraid and praying for the life of her friend he growls at her. She's about to respond with a growl of her own when a sharp tug from her cloak made her stumble back from the King choking. She was so distracted talking to Gunmar she forgot to watch her back. 
 Tilting her head clawing at the clasp around her neck the Gum Gum prince was behind her and his claws had snagged her cape. He ripped at the fabric chuckling as she gasped for air. Unclasping the cloak knowing it was her life or her identity Dawn turned eyes blazing. The grip on her sword tightened making it glow as her green eyes glared into his red ones. She sneered at the Prince of Darkness teeth bared. He stumbled back in surprise eyes wide as he stared at her armor before staring at her face. Dropping her cloak he stepped closer curious as he sniffed her. Her amor bore Camelots symbol and stepping closer he clearly saw the Noble clans markings in the carvings of her amor. Dawn pushes Bular's face away when he gets to close and he chuckles. 
 "... Dawna? The King's niece? A child?" He laughs but Dawn stays undeterred. Her grip remains on her sword as she points the end at him. He chuckled amused. It seemed she was braver than the rest of her family or stupider. 
 "This child." Dawn says slowly eyes narrowed into slits as she feels anger course through her veins. Her hands burn coursing with energy and suddenly the trees begin to shake as the branches above them shift. Distracted she pushes Bular over with the butt of her sword forcing him against the wet grass. The Moonlight leaked through the trees as leaves swirled around her. Had it been the day she surely would've killed him. But that wasn't her intention.
  She wanted him to see her. To fear her and as her armor shone as bright as the moon GumGums hissed backing up at the glare. "Is not one to be triffled with. I seek something and I'm not leaving till I get it." She states glaring down at Bular. He growls at her, angry she'd knocked him down but she seems unaffected by his silent threat.
 "Like we'd ever help you." Bular huffs pushing her sword away from his face. Dawn puts it back in her sheath and sighs. As she took a deep breath she could see this wasn't working. She needed to switch tactics.
 Thinking back on everything she knew of Gum Gums she paused, she'd need to choose her next words wisely. "I'm not asking for help. That's weak." She hisses. "I'm asking for a fair trade." Dawn finally says. She holds out her hand for the Prince but he snarls, snapping his teeth at her fingers. She pulls her hand away to avoid the bite and rolls her eyes. Turning away from Bular she looks back to Gunmar.
 "You have nothing we want." The troll states uninterested. Dawn hums. No she didn't, did she? What was she expecting? The Gum Gums to reach into their darkened hearts and present her the cure like a gift? This was doomed to end in a fight. 
 Hand on her sword she hums as Bular shifts behind her. The brute huffs as he gets up, bumping her aside as he walks by to get to his father. Both the beasts now glared at her. Dawn wishes she could say she was without fear as they stared at her but she'd come so far she wouldn't turn back now.
   "Leave your wasting our time." Bular says uncaring of her achievements or her power. "Your so skinny we'd choke on your bones." He adds. His father laughs head bomping his son but Dawn shakes anger radiating through her. Eyes turning a dark green she feels the grip on her powers loosen. In a perfect circle around the three of them the grass dies. The two trolls watch as the plants around them begin to wither, roots twisting and cracking as wood split and leaves fluttered down. Then it all turned black rotting away. Facing them her eyes burn with a need to prove herself. The moon shines on her and Dawn's armor reflects it's light showing her power as she stood in the dead grass.
 "Then fight me. In a duel." She demands standing her tallest as she looks at them.
 She wasn't leaving without that cure. She may fall here but she falls with more grace than either of these so called warriors.
 Gunmar leans in close his horns jutting out like a crooked crown as he snarls at her. Dawn snarls back. She. Wasn't. Leaving. Without. That. Cure.
 "... Fine. You wish to die? I will not stop you." Turning Bular and him begin to stalk away. Soldiers surround her and as she draws her blade eyes wide she sees Gunmar pause. The soldiers don't advance or go for an attack. Dawn turns and Gunmar stares at her waiting. She realizes she is supposed to follow. Taking one last look back at Killahead and the safety of the forest beyond she picks her shredded cloak off the dead grass before reclasping it around her neck.
 It seems she got what she wanted.
  An hour or two must have passed making Dawn fear she wouldn't get back before Daylight. If her bed was empty when the castle awoke they'd send a search party and she'd never be aloud to leave again. Arthur would watch her every move and Merlin… she'd never be aloud to learn another spell. Trudging on through the darkness of the woods fearing that Daybreak was near she felt weak. Her legs were tired from the long trek but she knew it was worth it. She watched as they passed trees with scratch marks in them and trollish sayings and carvings she couldn't decipher. Dawn pauses touching one of the trees and tracing the carving it flashed green and the words changed allowing her to read it. Tilting her head she squints.
 "Home…?" She mumbled seeing the deep groves in the tree. Dawn felt she knew this language from a distant memory as if it had been murmered once before as if it'd been read to her. Trying to remember how she knew it, a jab to her back made her hiss.
 Poked with a guards spear she walks away and observes her surroundings closely. Seeing more trolls watching from the bushes, standing guard Dawn realized they had led her into the heart of their territory. Her eyes are wide in wonder as she looks around enamoured. She'd heard such dark stories about the GumGums home but standing here she could only feel the warmth of fellow warrior spirits.
   Tents were set up and huts made from the surrounding trees and rock. Everything was handcrafted in a way Dawn never knew trolls were capable of. Woven branches and carved rock shielded families from the cold as they laid together. Fires raged in pits and the flames made the GumGums eyes reflect as they watched her follow their king.
   Younglings ran around the camp jumping into bushes only to leap out at their friends causing squeals of joy to ring through the camp. Mothers and fathers sat and chatted as they groomed their newborn whelps, licking them clean as they made little squeaks of protest wiggling in their parents grip. Soldiers sparred and played chuffing at one other as they rolled around and smashed their helmets against each other, kits cheering them on. The more she saw the more she began to question her faith and allegiance to Arthur.
 Was this any different than home? They wove intricate baskets of grass that held food and supplies just like the weavers and potters of Camelot. There were some differences such as how and what they wove but the patterns told a story just like her people. Warriors brought back what they'd hunted putting them in piles for all to share similar to the town's trade center. Children played games with each other running around as adults took turns to watch. Was this not exactly like Camelot? Was the way the soldiers behaved any different than Camelots knight barracks or the teens copying the soldiers exactly like young squires? She could almost imagine the GumGums as humans in this light, as a thriving tribe deep in the woods who wanted nothing to do with Camelots culture.
  As she was pushed forward by GumGum spears to keep pace, she stumbled lost in her own thoughts. 
 Stumbling forward trying to wrap her head around the fact that the GumGums weren't all evil she stared up at Gunmar. From this angle walking with his son he almost seemed... human. He could've eaten her or mauled her when they first encountered each other but instead he listened to her pleas and now he was giving her a chance to fight. That was more than what Arthur ever did for her. More than Lancelot believed she could do. Who was the real monster in this war? Was there even a need for war?
 Turning Gunmar meets her gaze and she looks away. She decides to study his camp as this may be her only chance. Looking around taking in the dense foliage and how they'd made it a home she felt eyes on her. Turning whelps watched her curiously blinking owlishly at her. She wonders if they've ever seen a human. Well a live human. Bending down and pausing to wave they ran off squeaking to their mothers. Staring at the troll families who held their children close and their harsh gazes as they glared at the princess, Dawn realized she was the only monster here.
 Bular chuffed amused, making Dawn blush. Of course they'd be scared of her. After all she was the enemy. Getting up and pulling her cloak closer plants nervously bloomed around her and nearby crystals glowed reacting to her emotions. She flushed embarrassed at her lack of control and quickly followed the King of Darkness, curious eyes watching as they left. 
Lead to an arena Dawn pauses in awe. She was standing in the fabled GumGums battle room, she'd only ever heard stories. She never thought she'd see this place. Looking out at the various weapons placed around their training space. There were axes, swords, spears, javelins, maces, and other weapons she didn't recognize. Her green eyes widened in amazement studying the colosseum from the balcony they stood on. It overlooked everything and she was determined to write this down and document it later. The arena was large and wide carved out from the center of the mountain, hidden deep in the core. She could see statues of fallen warriors decorating the rims of the arena. Stone steps carved from years of work circled the colosseum allowing trolls to watch as others spared. She also noticed dents in the walls and wondered about the battles that caused such scars. 
 Running forward Glowing Green crystals jutted from the ground and tapping one, it glowed brightly reacting to her touch. Her heart swelled at the magic in this room, the history. She felt an ancient power in this place and could feel the souls of thousands of trolls who had fallen here. It was exhilarating unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Unlike anything in Camelot.
  "Our rules are simple fleshbag." Gunmar states demanding her attention. Turning away from the balconies edge and focusing on him he snarls from his place on his throne beginning. Skulls decorated his seat and Dawn swallows before meeting his gaze listening closely. "Rule One. Always finish the fight and never hesitate." He states slamming his hand onto an old skull crushing it. Dawn nods aware of this troll custom despite how much she despised it. "Rule Two it must be your blade that ends the fight it can not be your enemies." Holding her sword tightly Dawn understands this. If she lost her weapon she could not use her opponent's to end them.
   Gunmar smirked, leaning forward on his throne of bones as he chuffed in her face. Hot air sent her hood back and made her long hair shift as he leered down at her. "And Rule Three young mage. No magic." He instructs.
 Dawna chokes hearing the last demand. No magic? Since when was that a Gum Gum rule? She was never informed that would be part of the deal. Looking over at Gunmars son she brings her sword close. 
 Bular was at least twelve feet tall and Gunmar fifteen. She was a third their size, maybe half at best.
 Without her magic it would be impossible to defeat either of them. She could fight but she didn't have proper training in dueling only practice from when she copied Lancelot. Not to mention the split swords she'd brought were magic. She'd only have the weak weapon she swiped from the knight hall which to a troll was barely a dagger. She wasn't even sure it could go through a trolls skin. As they watched waiting for an answer, Dawn's hands clenched beginning to glow. She supposed magic would be an unfair advantage but wasn't it unfair to make her fight without it? Magic was apart of her, apart of this place. To deny her such a large part of herself… Trembling she felt sick. Perhaps Gunmar and Arthur shared more than she assumed.
 "Well princess?" Gunmar sneers the title like an insult before smirking, licking his fangs. "What is your decision? Do not waste our time." Dawn shakes. He thinks her a coward, a cheat but she would always keep true to her word. She came here. She had to finish this. Looking at her hands before closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. The glow dies and their left in the dull light of the green crystals. 
  Looking up and nodding Gunmar chuffed staring at her. Sighing, she looked down at herself allowing her armor to fade away. She felt naked without her protection but If they considered magic cheating then she would respect their rules as she was on their land.
  "I do not cheat. I do not need magic to win. And if I fall there's no one to go back to anyways..." Closing her eyes thinking of home she knows either way she wins. She either dies and meets Gwenivere in Avalon or she returns to the castle and saves her friend's life.
  Whispering a prayer to her family and hoping this was not her last night alive Dawn nods. She stands before the King and Prince unarmored and defenceless cept a small blade she held. Gunmar turns and not a moment later an attendant walks in carrying what Dawn feared most. Ravenstone.
 Rare and made from the dust of fallen magic users ravenstone blocked any magic from being used, containing the energy and even stealing it if a mage was around it too long. She holds the stone in her hands when the attendant passes it to her and pauses seeing they were cuffs.
  She swallows as they watch her and closing her eyes she slips them on wearing them as bracelets. Shivering Dawn could feel them working, they would not only block her magic but drain her energy as well. She'd have to be smart in this battle or she'd surely fall. 
  Rubbing the cuffs nervously she feels the intricate runes carved into the stone. They told the story of her kind, the origin of magic. A  zap of electricity goes up her arms making her feel more powerful despite the impediment. "I do not intend to lose." She states boldly. Bular chuffs sword dragging against the ground. Neither did he. Turning towards the arena she begins walking down the stairs, the brute following her.
  It seemed Bular had decided he would be her fighting partner and Gunmar their witness. 
 Waiting at the bottom she paused. Spinning the sword in her hand she stared into the steel looking at her reflection. If she died today she died a hero. If she won it wouldn't be long lived. Dictatuous was running out of time. He needed the cure. Now. 
  Attacking her while she's distracted, Dawn quickly focuses back on Bular, on the battle. Their swords clash against each other creating sparks as they glare at one other. She was tired, had less fighting experience, and was weaker. Smirking Dawn pushed Bular back, she guessed that made this a fair match. 
  Clawing at the ground gaining his footing he snarls and charges at her. Dawn thinking quickly jumps up and flips over him as he swings his sword where she had just stood. Landing she turns holding up her blade as his crashed against hers. He sneered pushing down and she cries out feeling the increasing pressure as he pushes down. Huffing she kicks him back making both of them skid.
 She breathes deeply grip tightening. The battle had just begun and she knew she was outmatched. Shifting her position she glances up at Gunmar. He sat on his throne overlooking their battle, watching amused. His eye met hers and she stares wondering what he must think of her, of his son before Bular crashes back into her, sending her backwards. Hitting the ground she rolls rocks digging into her skin. Her shirt catches and she hisses as the cloth rips open and slashes her flesh making blood spill. The first blood drawn from battle.
  Getting up she stares at Bular. She couldn't get distracted. This wasn't like home, if she lost here she wouldn't get back up again.
  Bular stalks towards her grinning as he dragged his two swords. Taunting her as they scratched deep groves into the floor. In the green light of the jagged crystals his eyes glowed and Dawn saw a blood lust she'd never seen before. Ducking behind a rock as he slashed his swords at her she inches around it before she rolls forward going under his legs aiming at his ankles. Making contact she quickly scrambles up also hitting him in the back right above his kilt. Holding her sword waiting for a counter attack the Prince roars. Snarling he turns, swords hitting her with so much force she's slammed into a wall. Making contact she drops her sword, gasping as she grabs her side. He'd gotten her. Twice now. But so had she. They were even. Grimacing in pain eyes wide in fear she stares up at the warlords son.
 "Look at you. Tiny and weak human. You thought you could best me? I am the son of Gunmar! I am a conquer! And now for your ignorance you shall fall." He states raising his swords above her head. Eyes darting around Dawn smirks. Kicking him in the grocknuts as hard as she can he roars, dropping his swords and whimpering. She grabs her own weapon before charging. Kicking him backwards again she slashes at his chest causing black blood to spill.
 "Miserable human your death will be painful for that!" He threatens as he smacks her away with his arm. Falling back sword clattering as it slips out of her hand once more Dawn groans.
Her breathing is rough as she shakes. Bular picks up his blades and as she kicks back trying to reach her sword his claws dig into her ankle pulling her towards him. He huffs hot air into her face keeping her pinned and she stares at him. He raises a sword but moving her head the blade simply sinks into the ground next to her. He snarls and she snarls back, body burning with pain but brimming with determination. She could not fall.
 Smashing her head against his he hisses in pain, stumbling back as she stands. Blood drips into her eye and her ankle burns from the deep cuts but she still stands tall. "I don't intend to lose." She sneers and he growls at her. Tackling her to the ground Dawn grunts but smirks. He'd pushed her closer to her blade.
 Smiling Bular stared down at her ready to smash her head in right as her sword pierced his side and went straight through his ribcage. She missed his heart intentionally though she wonders how his face would've looked if he had been beaten by such a "weakling" as herself. Smiling as warm blood dripped onto her hands from the wound she'd inflicted she forced him back before climbing on top of him straddling him. Grabbing his horns and pushing his head down she glares down at him huffing.
 "You you you!!!" He roars thrashing but Dawn keeps one hand on the sword threatening to push it all the way through if he didn't listen. The other rested on his horn keeping his head down.
 "Yield Bular. You've lost." Dawn snarls. Their battle was intense and she almost fell but Bulars cockiness had been his downfall. Her hair falls onto his face as she breathes deeply staring into his eyes. Bular chuffs growling at her but her hand remained on the hilt of the sword reminding him she could end him if she chose. She'd done it. Bloody but not broken she'd beaten Bular the Butcher.
 "MY SON!" Gunmar screeches from his throne ready to charge. Dawn turns holding out her hand that'd been on Bulars horn. The GumGum king paused snorting at her boldness. 
"I'll make a deal." Dawn states. "Declare I've won and I'll take off the raven cuffs, I'll heal him, and we never speak of this. And..." She takes a deep breath in blood still dripping from her wounds. "You give me what I desire." Dawn offers. Gunmar chuffs staring at her then Bular. Bular who was covered in blood and beaten by a mere mortal. His son. His legacy. Who was this girl? 
There's a long pause where the only sound is Bular and Dawns wheezing breaths. Dawn and Gunmar stare at each other and finally Gunmar chuffs looking away. 
"You have won." He growls lowly.
"Father!" Bular snaps before roaring at the movement. The pain from the inflicted wound was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Dawn turns eyes wide as she holds the sword still to keep it from hurting him further.
"Silence! You have lost Bular let the witch work!" Dawn nods and ripping off the cuffs she takes out the sword before placing her hands against the wound. His stone was warm despite being rock something she wasn't expecting. The texture was rough and marred threatening to slit her hands open if she didn't work carefully. Black and red stained her hands their blood mixing together and as her eyesight blurred she prayed that after the battle her magic was strong enough to heal him. 
Closing her eyes focusing Bulars breathing and chuffing gets louder as electricity courses through his veins. Dawn feels the wound close under her fingertips slowly and putting more energy into it, more thought the GumGum Prince stares amazed as the rock melts and melds before becoming a small scar against his chest. Almost as if she'd never struck him in the first place. 
Dawn pulls back still straddling him and he stares at her. This small human who just put him on the brink of death only to save him. Who was this human? This Dawna Nobel? 
"... Can I please get the troll cure and go home now?" She begs falling off the dark prince to lay on the ground besides him. They both lay still after their battle, taking deep breaths in.  
 Gunmar held the potion as Dawn smiled. She had a small cut above her eye from headbutting Bular and a gash on her arm and leg from rolling on the ground but she'd done it. She got the cure to save Dictatious. Taking the bottle into her hands Gunmar leaned close.
"Do not let me see you here again." He chuffs. "And do not take this potion lightly. It could destroy my people but I put my trust in you as you've been the only honorable human I have met in some time. You bested my son and for that you will not be underestimated again." Holding the bottle close, feeling the warmth of it's magic through the glass Dawn looks at Gunmar and nods. That was the closet to a compliment she'd ever get from the GumGum King. 
"You have my word Gunmar." Smiling she turns facing Killahead before she fades into the shadows disappearing. 
Sputtering as she falls into one of the many castle halls, Dawn can't breathe as she lays flat on the carpet. Breathing deeply her hands dig into the lush fabric as her eyes go blurry. Groaning light leaks from a nearby window onto her face and she sees it's sunup, sometime in the early morning. Grunting body burning in pain as she slowly gets up she begins to limp down the hall sweat and blood dripping down her face. But holding the potion close she can't bring herself to care about her pain. Heaving in air, she could feel the night and the toll of magic finally catch up to her. However she couldn't quit rest yet. Clawing at the wall as she continues walking she pulls herself forward cradling her prize close. 
Dawn paused looking around the corner. The guards that were usually stationed for prison duty were gone on shift leave, giving her a window of opportunity. Opening the door that led to the dungeons quietly she sneaks inside to the staircase before closing the door. Staying in the shadows and avoiding the torches she creeps down the stairs careful not to make a sound. Peaking, her head out she sees most of the trolls were resting or trying too. Hacking could be heard and she winces, listening to Dictatious as he continued to cough.
 Walking quietly across the stone floor, trolls don't pay her cloaked form any mind. Standing near his cell she holds the mug of tea and potion close. She'd changed her clothes to look more presentable. She'd also slipped into the kitchens when no one was looking to grab a few things. Holding the potion and tea in her hand she pauses outside his cell. She could study the potion Gunmar gifted her, reverse it. Make a weapon and wipe out the GumGums once and for all. Magic would finally be respected. Arthur would respect her. But...
 Hearing his loud pained coughs Dawn closes her eyes as she pours the potion into the tea. She sticks the cup through the cell bars allowing Dictatious to take it. The hacking stops and Dawn slowly opens her eyes. Dictatious looks at her untrusting and she frowns her hand with the tea shaking.
  "Please it'll help I promise..." She begs him. He blinks before looking at Dawn through the bars that seperated them, all six eyes peering into her soul through the darkness of the dungeon. 
 "... why?" He asks voice barely above a whisper as he forces it out of his raspy throat. He had gotten worse while she was gone but she believed Gunmar had fulfilled his deal as she had hers. That his sickness would be cured once he drank what she'd fought for and that he'd live just as she had.
 "Because this is wrong and I'm sorry. Please..." Dawn continues to offer the cure, cloak hiding her face but Dictatious knew her. She was the King's niece. She was Camelots jewel. She was that girl who would sneak into the woods to learn magic and come down into these dark dungeons to hear the stories he told other trolls to keep their hopes up.
  He sniffed the tea, it was a spicy moss blend that Dawn found many trolls enjoyed. The ingredients in the kitchen were slightly different from what trolls used but she hoped it'd appease him. Dictatious and her were by no means close but she wanted to amend that. They'd met in the woods when she was small, he'd helped her home. And once more he'd seen her practicing magic and had gifted her a troll book about ancient spells. She'd hated trolls for months after Gweniveres passing. She'd hated her magic but then she remembered. She remembered her aunts love and kindness. Her passion for the arts and her interest in magic. She would not let Arthur get away with this if she was still alive. But she was dead so it was Dawn's responsibility now. 
  It helped that Dictatious told stories whenever she came down to explore the dungeons. Although they never directly interacted he showed her not all trolls were evil. Before he got sick he spun tales of his world explaining magic in a way Dawn had never heard before. He was not a beast like Arthur described and she couldn't bear for him to die when he became sick and could no longer tell his stories. She couldn't stand that these trolls were trapped, that so many had died here. But for now all she had to beg for forgiveness was the potion. 
  "..." Dictatious studies Dawn humming as he looks her over. He takes the cup, his hands touching hers. She smiles and he looks grateful as he takes the warm mug. Looking at the princess with glazy eyes he snorts amused. "You are not like your family. You are different..." Dawn tilts her head but he doesn't add on as he chugs the drink. Once done he hands the cup back before curling into a ball on the dungeons cold floor. Dawn stares at him panicked. Had it been poison? Was he dying? Had she killed him? Had Gunmar lied to her?
 "Dic…?" Going to open the cell bars she paused watching his chest slowly rise and fall. Sleeping. The troll was just resting. Sighing and letting out a laugh Dawn falls against the bars exhausted. Chuckling she hugs her knees close. As she looked at Dic slumbering and listened to the rumbling trolls around her, her eyes fluttered. Yes she could use some of that too...
 Dawn feels a hand on her shoulder. She startles awake looking around confused before she remembers visiting Dic in the dungeons. Groaning she isn't sure when she dozed off but apparently she had.
 "You stayed?" Turning Dawn takes off her cloaks hood and pauses seeing Dictatious look at her. Smiling she stands, excited the potion worked as he looked much healthier. 
 "You're up." She states ignoring his previous remark. Studying him he seemed to be in good health despite the terrible circumstances. Dic hums in response reaching his hand through the bars to touch Dawns face. "Are you well?" She asks ignoring as he poked her.
 "I am but what of you? What happened to you?" Dawn blushes remembering the bruises and cuts all over her face from the duel. She didn't have the energy to deal with them last night. Letting out a chuckle she shrugs it off.
 "Don't worry about it." She responds, muttering a quick spell to heal her injuries. Dictatious watches with wide eyes as the cuts slowly close and the swelling goes down. She still had some light bruising but she looked much better. He had not seen her last night in the darkness of the dungeon but he'd recognized her scent and voice. Plus she was the only human who really came down here other than the Knights. 
 "You are a very strange human." He states crossing his arms. Chuckling Dawn nods. She was indeed different than her family. 
 "Can you walk? What about run?" She questions suddenly. Dictatiouses face scrunches as he tilts his head. What was she planning now?
 "Yes I feel fine now but why?" He asks. Dawn nods at him before she summons her armor. If she'd fallen asleep against the cells in the morning than it had to be dark now.
 "You've been here long enough. All of you. It's time you go home." She states. 
 "Dawna what are you doing?" Dictatious demands grabbing at her arm but she was already walking away from his cell to the center of the room. Making the torches burn bright, light fills the room showing Dawn.   "... You don't know me!" Dawn addresses them and the sound of grating stone can be heard as they turn and shift towards her. Eyes of all shapes and sizes watching the girl speak. "But I believe Trolls aren't evil. And I promise you, neither are humans. I do this because what my uncle Arthur did to all of you was wrong. I do this to show we're not all like him." Dawn fueled by saving Dic holds up her hand and all the cadges glow. Trolls gasp backing away before the locks suddenly click and the doors swing open. They… they were free? "Follow me and I'll lead you home!" Pulling her hood up Dawn runs out of the dungeon towards the castles entrance and the trolls, goblins, stalklings, and gnomes follow. Dictatious pushes past other trolls and rushing out of his now opened cell runs to be in the front right next to her.
 "Dawna this could be your title! This could be everything. Your very life! What are you doing?" He demands pulling on her arm but she just smiles, winking at him. 
 She leads a charge, directing the various creatures through the castle. Bigger creatures pick up smaller or sicker ones to help them keep up. The freed trolls follow behind her trusting the emboldened mage who had saved them. Their thundering footsteps echoing through the castle.
Making it to the front entrance she bursts the door open with her magic, leading everyone out of the castle and through the labyrinth of Camelot cobblestone streets before finally arriving at the gate. Focusing and saying a spell she hoists the iron bars open and they nod at her in thanks before they run. 
 It was early morning and the sun slowly begins to rise but for now there was enough shade for the night creatures to travel safely. Dawna can hear commotion coming from the castle as knights scurry around trying to find the escaped trolls and missing princess. Laughing as she watches the trolls flee, seeing them return home to the woods her chest flutters in happiness. She'd done it. She'd used magic and she'd freed them. 
  Feeling a pull Dawn stumbles almost dropping the gate and pausing she turns.
  "Lets go." Dictatious states yanking at her hand. She blinks surprised before staring at the troll.
  "What?" She asks softly. He pulls again wanting to drag her into the woods with him. With all of them. Some trolls pause on the bridge looking back and waiting for her decision.
 "Come with us. Please." Dawn blinks before she stares at Dictatious. Tilting her head she gazes outward, to the woods and their lush forest. With the freshest of fruits and gorgeous flowers. With friends. With Safety. With Magic. With sparring. And Freedom. She'd have freedom. She feels another pull and hesitantly she takes a step back so she doesn't go running away with them. 
 "My family is here..." She mumbles but she longs to leave with Dictatious. To go to their troll safe haven and explore the troll world. Too read endless books and immerse herself in their culture and magic. Too see what she'd only heard stories about. To become what she could only dream. 
 "You don't belong with them." Dictatious lightly bumps her head with his before squeezing her cheeks. Dawn is confused but laughing she smiles realising he had just given her the equivalent of a platonic troll kiss. He saw her as kin and he wanted her safe. She didn't belong in Camelot anymore did she? Her home was the wild surrounded by trees and magic not cobblestone and iron. But if she stayed she could help and maybe someday she would ascend to the throne and she could fix things. She could repair the damage done by Arthurs anger and she could rule with Gweniveres love. 
  The loud clanking of armor gets closer and Dawn hugs Dictatious feeling his rough stone against her before she pushes him to flee. He runs understanding her decision but at the end of the bridge he hesitates sending her a hopeful glance. He waits but Dawn simply bows a last goodbye and he nods taking off into the safety of the woods. Looking up again about to bring the gate back down Dawn pauses. 
  Gunmar stood at the edge of the woods watching. Tilting her head he nodded slowly at her. He did not trust humans and the Royal Family was at the top of that list but Dawn hoped she had earned his respect. If she ever fell by his hand she hoped it would be a quick merciful death. Something he granted few.
 The iron bars slam down as her magic burned out, separating her from the woods and all that lied beyond. Dawn signs looking away. Once again she was trapped.
 Gunmar stood at the woods edge peering into the Humans putrid village. He had come to scout and see if Dawna would keep her word. If the potion she won truly was for a troll or if she was lying and planned to use it against them and slaughter his troops. His single eye widened as the gates opened. He growled ready to tear open her throat but paused as a flood of magical creatures poured out rather than the army he was expecting. He could see trolls of all kinds, stalkings, gnomes, and goblins and amongst them stood an unafraid Dawna. They towered over her and had ten times her strength and yet she didn't fear them. They all left and Dawna was alone. Going to turn and leave he paused. Some trolls remained. A cloaked troll had stayed back and now they were clinging to her. Even from the distance he could see they were small and sickly, barley recovered despite the potion it seemed. The troll pulled at her as the others encouraged her to leave with them. Gunmar snorted enraged at the notion they'd invite her into the woods. 
  The girl simply nodded no, trying to urge them to leave. A wise decision on her part. The troll looks up and saw he was running out of time, the light was coming and with it his death if he didn't hurry. He leaves but Gunmar watches him hesitate. The trolls look back and Dawn smiles before bowing goodbye. The trolls run to the shelter of the trees and the princess watches them leave. The gate is about to drop before her green eyes lock onto him. Their gaze meets and she slowly nods to him. The gate slams down separating them before he can respond and he hums watching her run off as knights come. Perhaps if things were different. If she was born a troll or even a GumGum in another life they could've been allies. Maybe even friends. He turns feeling saddened that she chose to remain imprisoned when she clearly could be free. What an odd human.
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arcanadreams · 4 years
some Julian x reader Hanahaki AU headcanons
hi this AU is entirely self-indulgent and I wrote this in about an hour at 12 am so please excuse any grammer and spelling mistakes
also i last played Julian’s route a little over a year ago so if he’s OOC i apologize (he’s my favorite tho so let’s hope I do okay afsjsgjs)
Also for those unfamiliar with Hanahaki disease: Hanahaki is a disease from Asian folklore in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when their beloved returns their feelings or when the victim dies.
* You get Hanahaki after Julian leaves you on the docks that first night
* It’s not too bad initially, but the more you continue to help him without being able to express the feelings growing within, the more the flowers grow with them
* You are VERY good at hiding it, though. after all, in you past life you were quite adept at hiding the fact that you had the PLAGUE of all things from everyone until you FUCKING DIED LMAO
* Only Asra thinks something may be off whenever you come home extra exhausted. you say it’s just because Julian’s struggles and shenanigans are draining to help with, but insist that you want to keep helping him and that you’re fine
* Asra doesn’t believe you.
* He’s the first one to find flower petals
* When you’re out for the day, he finds a couple between the blankets in the bed you share
* He panics
* He confronts you when you get home
* You don’t even deny it. you know you’ve been caught.
* “Who?” Asra whispers.
* You laugh a little. “Who do you think?”
* He’s furious at Julian. Absolutely furious.
* How could he do this to you?? If he knows anything about that mess of a man, he knows Jules does love you, he just doesn’t want to hurt you. Therefore, Ilya is both acting like he doesn’t feel for you and telling himself that he isn’t allowed to. But by doing those things, he is hurting you. Killing you, in fact.
* Asra wants to obey your wishes and keep it a secret, he truly wants to...but you’re dying! He can’t- he can’t go through that again. There’s no guarantee he’d be able to bring you back a second time. He’d give up the rest of his heart for you without a second thought, but he knows there’s a minuscule chance that an opportunity like last time will ever come around again.
* The first person he tells is Nadia. She may not remember their friendship, but she does at least know him as the helpful magician whose apprentice has been assisting her in her investigations.
* He begs, pleads, for help. She is quick to offer services from the very best doctors in Vesuvia, as she has grown quite fond of you in what little time you’ve gotten to spend together.
* The doctors’ prognosis isn’t a good one.
* Everyone knew it was Hanahaki disease, but they didn’t know just how good you were at hiding it.
* “They have two weeks. A month, if we’re lucky.”
* Asra’s heart stops. ...What? How long had it taken him to notice?
* “Don’t worry,” you smile at him. “I’ve only had it for two weeks or so. Apparently my case has been exasperated by how much time I’ve been spending with him...”
* Asra is seething. Julian probably doesn’t even realize he is actively suffocating you.
* Speaking of Julian...the first day you don’t show up to meet him at the spot you agreed upon, he is worried. But then he thinks perhaps you realized you’re worth more than all his mess and have given up on him.
* He wants to feel relieved at the thought, but it hurts... It actually hurts far more than he’d expected it would.
* Two more days pass without you, and the ache in his chest doesn’t dissipate in the slightest.
* Little did he know you spent all three of those days bedridden, your lungs full of flowers that you couldn’t seem to stop heaving up.
* On the third night, after rubbing your back until you fell asleep and wiping blood from the corner of your lips, Asra had enough. He was going to let Julian know just what he’d done.
* Asra knows all of Julian’s old haunts, naturally. He goes straight to The Hanged Man.
* He sees the gangly doctor sitting at a table, spinning a tale of adventure to distract his mind from thoughts of you, and makes a beeline for him.
* Julian’s eyes light up at the sight of his old flame, but quickly dim at the glare the magician is shooting him.
* Asra drags Julian out of the pub, pulling him into a nearby alleyway.
* “You’re killing Y/N.”
* “I- What?” Julian sputters.
* “Y/N is dying, and it’s your fault.”
* Jules blinks. What was Asra implying?
* “I-I can’t say I’m sure what you mean...”
* “You think they were only joining in all your shenanigans for the fun of it? No, Ilya. Y/N loves you.” Julian’s eyes widened. You...loved him? Truly? He would’ve smiled had Asra stopped there.
* The magician took a deep breath. “They love you...and they have Hanahaki disease.” All the air left Ilya’s lungs at the mere mention of those two words.
* “You’re killing them, Ilya. They wouldn’t tell you, but I refuse to sit idly by and watch them die when I can do something about it.”
* “I- I can try to help them, but there isn’t a cure-“
* “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” Julian gulped at the harsh stare of the magician.
* “You love them back. I know you, Ilya. You fall hard and fast, and you hold onto that love as long as you can.”
* Asra blinked back tears. “Please. We both know what you have to do. Please, I-“
* “Neither can I,” Jules swallowed, a wetness forming in his own eyes. He couldn’t bear the thought of you dying, either. “Neither can I.”
* It’s late into the night by then, but the pair make their way to the shop in a tense silence. Asra doesn’t want to speak anymore, and Julian doesn’t know what to say to him.
* They return just in time to hear another coughing fit from you upstairs. Julian races up before Asra can even tell him where to go.
* He nearly bursts into tears just seeing you weakly lift your head up from the bucket you were hacking into to look at him.
* “Jul-“ “I’m such a fool,” he interrupts you, rushing to you and wrapping you in his arms. He’s about to cause another coughing fit just with how close he has you held against him.
* “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he babbles, voice breaking. “This is all my fault.”
* “No, it isn-“ “I love you.” You draw in a breath out of shock, with no struggle for the first time in what feels like ages.
* “I love you. I always have. I knew it the moment I pulled you out of that barrel at The Hanged Man.” You laughed, and pulled yourself out of his embraces gently.
* “Oh, Ilya,” you murmured, reaching one hand up to cup his cheek. “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me. I love you, too. Perhaps for even longer than that.”
* That’s when he bursts into tears, shoving his face into the crook of your neck as sobs wrack his body. He came so close to losing you without even knowing it...! And now here you were, declaring a love for him that he could never have hoped for, a love he’d already given up on!
* You draw soothing circles on his back with your fingers. “Sh, sweetheart, it’s alright. I’m alright.” He simply nuzzles closer to you.
* You both eventually fall asleep for the night, his head resting atop your chest. You have one hand draped over his back and one in his hair, a small smile on your face even in slumber.
* Asra has only been this relieved once before in his life. He watches the both of you for a moment, both unbridled joy and a bitter loneliness dancing in his chest. But he knows he’d rather have this ending 1000x over before the possibility of losing you again.
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