#if you wanna share your favorite ships anon feel free to!
askbabblong · 2 months
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I'm here to share my stories! I'll accept questions if you're willing to listen to a guy too, y'know y'know? Speaking of listening, my uncle Murphy is the best listener! He'd always sit there when...
[We cut him short to avoid you being here all day. Anyways, feel free to throw him an ask!]
...Hello, owner of the blog! And as far as i know at the moment the sole mod. This may be infrequent depending on the day but I'll do my best to answer all i can! (>u<)/+☆°♡
Why did you make this blog?
Babblong's one of my favorite yokai, and I can't ever seem to find enough appreciation or fanart for him! Might as well make it myself yknow?
Are there any rules?
Yep, not too many tho!
Magic Anon aka M/A is accepted, just don't go overboard!
Please don't force a ship onto my blog. You can ask questions about his feelings on anyone and can absolutely interact with your OC, but I have my own headcanons.
You may request a doodle if you'd like!
Can you ask as a specific character?
Yep! Make sure you specify who if so ahsjfjrkr if it's an oc, a picture or tag on a post of yours would be appreciated (=^ェ^=)
Anything else you wanna say?
●This blog is mainly ran on my interpretation of him! That and I haven't roleplayed in a long while, so don't mind if things are out of character wahaha (ヽ´ω`).
●If you're wondering about timeline, this takes place in a little combination of the game and the anime. Probably not canon compliant? We'll see ajxkdlf
●You can call me Yomo or Yōmakai! If you just wanna refer to me as 'the mod of that one babblong blog' that works too lolol
●Most of my responses will be goofy. Some might have a little drawing attached but I am Lazy so who knoes?
●PLEASE don't send me things relating to a k1nk or f《tish even if it's not explicitly stated as such. That goes into NSFW but some people think it doesn't count bc it's not balantly obvious aughhhhh
That's about all, have fun!
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rizaposting · 5 months
bff help 😭😭😭😭 i look up to you so much (and a lot of other royai/riza fan artists, but you seem the most friendly) and i wanna start posting my own riza art, but im scared ill be booed off the app 😭 any advice for first time fma artists? 🥺 i mostly plan on just making riza fanarts, a little riza x oc, stuff like that. thank you 💕
WAAAHH anon you're so sweet!! First and foremost GRABS YOU you should absolutely post your Riza art! Everyone should post Riza art forever because I'm starving and slurp it up. But you should ALSO post it because it's fun to create and share with people! No one is going to boo you off of the platform, and frankly if anyone tries to they probably need to take a long walk in nature and say hi to some people they pass on the street.
As far as advice, the biggest thing is to try to avoid the "# notes = success/good quality" thinking. It's totally natural to want feedback, and Internet Validation Numbers is encouraging! But if you post something and it doesn't immediately get attention, don't beat yourself up about the quality of your work. Some of my favorite pieces (drawings and writing) are "flops", but I try not to let that discourage me or sour how I feel about them. Sometimes it's just bad luck with timing; or good luck, oppositely
Okay now for more technical advice:
Schedule your posts on tumblr. I usually schedule my art to post at 7:30pm EST kind of arbitrarily, it feels like a good compromise of time zones. Please do know that you might flashbang yourself with your art every time (I do lmfao)
Reblog your work again the next day; mix up your timing and don't be afraid to do a few self-reblogs.
Tag your posts thoughtfully but not excessively, afaik only the first 5 tags are will be where it shows up (EDIT: apparently I'm thinking of 2014 tumblr and it's now the first 30 tags! But I would also posit you absolutely will never fucking need 30 tags. Over tagging will not help, so only tag what's relevant). Series name and acronyms, character name(s), and ship name are good. Also include a tag that you put on all your art so you and others can find it easily!
Comedy usually has more reach. People love silly memes and shitposts and frankly who can blame them! That's not to say serious posts don't also get attention, but just something I noticed
HAVE FUN!!!! this sounds so patronizing, but honestly it's best to do things that appeal to you and have fun with likeminded people. Your passion and enjoyment with telegraph through your work and it will make people smile!!!
I also just want to say that a lot of other Rizalikers are super friendly!!! It can be intimidating to talk to people, but we're all just freaks on the internet rotating a fictional character in our heads. The best way to get to know people is just to reach out and comment on their art/writing/silly posts. It doesn't need to be anything crazy! You can also join fandom discord servers to talk to them on a more casual (and frankly easier) platform, with less pressure because it's less 1-on-1. If you want to DM them (discord or tumblr) def go for it, but I would recommend against just saying "hi!" and then not following it up with anything else, because then I just go "hi!" and then I don't know how to push the conversation forward lol
I would love to see your creations and hear your Rizathoughts, Anon! I believe in you! I hope you decide to come play with us in this rizaspace. Feel free to message me off anon or send me a DM if you want to chat :]
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bropunzeling · 9 months
If you're up for some random-ass questions, here are some questions for the new year!
what fic were you proudest of this year?
what fic are you most surprised you wrote?
favorite old (to you) ship this year
favorite new (to you) ship this year
favorite old (to you) ship you picked up again this year
favorite old man (old man being a state of mind not gender) ship (maybe you ship a younger version of them but they're Old Men now)
ships/characters you're excited about in 2024
fics/plot bunnies you're excited about working on in 2024
give a random prediction of any kind - about your own writing, about your fandom's fic trends, about canonical developments in your fandom
share a random thought about fics you've written, characters you're thinking about, writing in general, etc
Feel free to pass on if you'd like, or not! Happy new year!
thank you anon! what a great excuse to ignore the work computer. also consider this a blanket "steal these prompts" from me for whoever is so moved bc i don't want to tag everyone
what fic were you proudest of this year? i might have to say only fools rush in aka marriage bets! it certainly is the longest one i've written and had the longest gestational period. plus i wrote a lot of it while incredibly busy (tho maybe that helped?). im still happy i managed to hit the balance between ridiculous premise and genuine feeling that i was aiming for, and that i managed to figure out and feel comfortable in a new pov.
what fic are you most surprised you wrote? linger. if you told me a year ago i was gonna write 65k of omegaverse i simply would not have believed you! it wasn't a trope i ever thought i would write! and yet here we are. lmao.
favorite old (to you) ship this year? i mean. viva la ratfiction. someday we may run out of steam but not this year by golly!
favorite new (to you) ship this year? the amount brady/quinn clawed its way into my brain this year cannot be overstated. maybe i was exploring last year but this year is when it really got me in a fucking chokehold. the pining! the friends to lovers of it all!!!!! exquisite. honorable mention to matthew/sasha. those two ARE in love.
favorite old (to you) ship you picked up again this year? earlier this fall i started a rewatch of miss fisher's murder mysteries and god. jack and phryne. they are EVERYTHING. someday i really will write fic for them.
favorite old man (state of mind) ship? gotta be honest first thing that came to mind was band of brothers winters/nixon. we'll go to chicago. i'll take you there.
ships/characters you're excited about in 2024? hmm brady/quinn, obvi. the general state of brady tkachuk and how i'd like to give him a midlife crisis and by midlife i mean when he's 29. jamie and trevor are BACK baby, and i wanna make trevor sad and making poor choices for 50k before he finally gets to get kissed. has someone written timmy stu and mo seider as summer boyfriends yet? bc i still like that.
fics/plot bunnies you're excited about working on in 2024? i think i have tentatively figured out my next long matthew/leon project (which i can't start until the new year) but i don't want to say quite yet in case i scare it off but! that. it WILL be a true slow burn which will be fun. also ballet quinn i WOULD like to put more than 2k in your gdoc. hopefully at some point soon inspiration will hit again/i'll feel less dull and burnt out
give a random prediction of any kind - about your own writing, about fandom trends, about canonical developments in your fandom: the kraken will sign yamo to a longer contract. i will start a project thinking it will be nice and short and then watch it double, like bread dough rising.
share a random thought about fics you've written, characters you're thinking about, writing in general: did you know the more you write the better you get? even though there’s plenty of areas where i want to improve and become a stronger, more thoughtful developer of sentences/plots/et cetera, i can really see my growth from month to month or year to year and that's neat!!! i'm slowly getting better!!!
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plantwithoutplot · 1 year
I saw you reblogged a post the other day about wanting to receive more asks so here's mine. Sorry if it is too specific, you don't have answer it.
As a fanfic writer, what advice would you give too someone that's just starting?
Hi Anon!!! Thank you for noticing and for sending an ask, that's so so sweet of you 🥺🙏💕
Oooooh great question!! Uhhhhh.... Σ٩(๑º ロ º๑)۶
I'm going to separate this into two different advices, because I'm not sure if you wanna hear something general or more specific, and as someone who studied fan fiction in University + has been writing fanfics for +15years, I would have tons to say if I don't restrict myself 🤔
1. Know what you want to write
If you're like me and have a thousand ideas a minute and lots and lots of motivation until you're a few chapters in, having an outline really, really is the best!
For example, as yourself a few questions:
Will this be a one shot? Multichapter series? A series of one shots? This will allow you to wither condense/fill your writing to focus on what you want!
What kind of narrator do you need? You can find many, many lists on internet about narrative voices, their cons/pros, and how they affect your story. Sometimes, writer block happens because you HAVE a story, but you're looking to tell it from the wrong POV
What would that character actually do if put in this situation? Quite often you want to write fanfictions to fullfil a need to see a certain trope/situation/what if, and then found yourself in a pitch mid-chapter because?? Something feels off?? And in the case of fanfiction, it could be because there is a problem of balance between what you want to see the character do versus how they would react in canon. This is a REALLY tricky one, because you have to adapt your writing/the dynamics/tropes you may usually rely on so that it can fit the character you're writing instead.
Okay that was for the specific-ish answer on writing!
If you have anything else you want details on, or just wanna talk about, feek free to ask in a reblog/comment/DM too! I'm always happy to talk about writing (*´▽`*)❀
Now, here is the more general, but best advice I could think of when it comes to writing fan fiction:
H A V E F U N ━!!
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Does it sound obvious and silly? Yes ― and?
Fan fiction comes from a place of love for a piece of media. It can be a reaction going along with or against canon, but in both case, it is the love and deep entertainment you've experienced that makes you want to keep it going.
You start writing a story to have fun with it ― for some it means giving their favorite characters more sfreentime, others will want to shower them in love and fluff, and wuite a number of us make their life even worse to put them through hell before giving them a meaningful, happy ending (or not).
Plus, you are never alone. From the moment you thing of creating fan content, you become a beacon to the rest of your fan community. We're all in this together, even if we disagree on ships or characterization or plot points ― you're never alone. You will find people experiencing the same brainrot as you do. They will find you and want to share headcanons with you as well. You will both encourage each other to keep loving the media you're connected by, whether you decide to create or not, whether you're satisfied with the quality of your craft.
The point is: this isn't a chore.
This isn't homework. This is soemthing you yearn for ao bad you decide that you will try your best to bring it to life yourself if you have to.
Which means that it's okay to give up too.
It's okay if this isn't the best work of the century, or even oje of your best works! You're free to write the cringiest shit, just like you have full reign to take ten years to write a fic so meaningful, so well told, that it ought to be studied in class like any other work of art that is oraised by classicists.
You're free.
Have Fun.
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peach-pot · 2 years
okay since you're haikyuu posting on main, i'm just curious: do you have any romantic ships?
I do! I find myself more drawn to the friendship dynamics in the show (as I am with a lot of shows with such large casts) but I have a few ships I enjoy! the ones that come to mind are tsukkiyama, kagehina, and kenhina.
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wannabevampire · 3 years
sleepover!! (allie edition).
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ok i’m a bit late but thank you so much for 500 followers!!! this is super insane and i’m so incredibly happy :))
so in honor of 500 wannabe-vampires….
I’m a slow writer and I have a job so it’s gonna be over the course of a few days! Don’t feel pressured to join, but I would love for you guys to come and participate!! <3
“it’s a date!!”
when?~ (december 23, 2021- december 27, 2021)
here are some activities for us to do!! 😚😚
♡ “🧛🏻‍♀️🕊🩰🎧🧸🍰🧁🕯☁️💌” ♡
<🧛🏻‍♀️> become a wanna-be vampire! i absolutely adore talking to you guys! but i understand wanting to stay anonymous! so…message my ask box with a lil description about yourself and request 2 emoji’s that you think represent you! once you do so you’ll officially be a member of the wannabevampire family! i’ll post which emoji belongs to you and then you’re free to sign off/verify your asks (or comments!)
note: Becoming an anon is not necessary to interact with my posts or account, I just thought it would be fun! (must be 18+) <3
<🕊> ask allie anything! Self explanatory! ask me any questions about me you’d like to know! send them through my ask box! (anon is fine if you don’t want to share your url! but i’d love to know who i’m talking to!)
<🩰> thot corner!! send me as many horny thoughts and drabbles as you’d like! i wanna hear y’all’s ideas! send them to my ask box so i can post and/or add onto them <3
<🎧> test your psychic abilities! send me any assumptions you have about me and i’ll let you know if they’re true!! ya know; how i look/my style, favorite music genre, likes and dislikes, anything goes! (within reason of course, but i trust you guys!? hehehe i want to know who y’all think I am…)
<🧸/🍰> two truths and a lie….this one is has two options! I want to get to know you all better, and I want y’all to know more about me as well!
1) send me a (🧸) in my ask box and i’ll post two truths and a lie about myself! Guess in the comments or in my ask box and i’ll reveal once your votes are in :] request a theme if you want! (ex. two truths and a lie movie edition ect.)
2) send me a (🍰) with two truths and a lie about yourself! and let me guess :D [your ask must be public OR you have to be an established anon! just cuz otherwise i literally have no way to guess lol!]
note: send in (🍰🧸) if you want to do both <3
<🧁> fuck, marry, kiss/kill….self explanatory, however you get to chose whether or not my option is to kiss… or to kill (o_O) send it to my ask box and let’s have some fun…
<🕯> kisses and kinks!!♡ Ask me questions about my favorite kinks, tropes, or turn-ons! Or.. Ask my about romance! my love language, what makes me blush and giggle, my favorite romantic gestures, how I flirt! Go crazy! Also an opportunity Confess your sins hehe, want to tell me your favorite trope? go for it! want to announce your love language? be my guest!
note: ask as many questions as you want! but be prepared for me to ask some back 😈 (you don’t have to answer dw! just thought it would be fun!)
<☁️> advice from allie! Got any questions? Concerns? Need some help or advice? Send me an ask! (as always anon is fine!) I’ve been told I give good advice and would love to talk to more of y’all :)
<💌> allie plays cupid!!♡ send me a (💌) in my ask box with one or two sentences about yourself, or just a few fun facts! and i will ship you with a character! currently i only write for mcu, so i will only be shipping you with a character from that universe!
note: must be a public account or an established anon to participate! <3
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okay! cool! please join :D
reminder this is an 18+ account so do not interact with me if you’re a minor!
tagging some mutuals because i would love for you guys to come hang out (even if it’s just for a minute!)
@waspswidows @eviewritessometimes @you-expect-too-much @agentofbarnes @becca-e-barnes @starsvck @starbuckie @druigsluvbot @mothdruid @serendipityrogers @lilbabyfaee @greenorangevioletgrass @hungryyeyes
okay peace out! hope you can make it :D
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Hey hey lovely people! ✨
As you might have noticed we're back with regular posts! Please submit more quotes, they are truly hilarious!
I'm doing a lot better now. Mostly spent my days working and cuddled my cat a lot. My Dazai figurine I was waiting for finally arrived, so that's a great thing.
I also wanted to thank you guys for the lovely messages and comments I received, they made me so happy and loved. When I say that I love the fandom, I mean people like you.
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Lovely messages like this!!
I wanna address that one anon tho bc apparently not everyone in the fandom makes the same positive experiences as I do, which is sad. I'm not on Twitter or tik tok so I don't see a lot of the drama that might be happening there, but the people on Tumblr, AO3 and even in bsd related Facebook groups are nearly universally sweet, friendly and overall great people. We're not talking about instagram lmao. The comments under my rant post are a wonderful proof for that.
(I'm a skk shipper and stan well liked characters which is why I never got hate for that but being threatened because of your ship or favorites? Wtf fandom??? Don't do that. We're better than that.)
Gonna stop now before this gets too long, just wanted to thank all of you and show my gratitude. If anyone else is in a situation where they need a friend or are in a bad place, please feel free to contact me any time. Let's share that love!
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alottamoney · 3 years
Ah I wish the vmin anon would have shared their observations/views or would in future cause I always thought that vmin shippers saw them as platonic only atleast from the ones I've come across. So it's interesting to see that someone thinks that jimin is actually interested in tae (never came across anything that would point it so but I really wanna see what makes them think so). I had seen only one person on twt but they got bullied into closing before I could ask.
PS. I wonder if I too should adopt a name for the ask considering the numerous asks I've sent within days of discovering this blog XD (the same anon who sent about japan content and few more prev to it) Sry I've been pestering you but I rarely come across level headed tkkrs and it's so nice to hear your opinion cause I can see you gave the ask quite deliberation before answering and I enjoyed reading the discourse between you and Lisa anon (she's a fierce one at times XD) Love your blog cause it feels like a safe haven! wow look at me ramble. Hope you don't mind me camping here.😅
I don't know if vmin anon is a shipper but I want to know vmin anon's take too. I also joke that even viminers ship vmin as friends but all shipper groups have serious shippers. I'm sure at least one of the three Namseokers believe Namseok is real.
You're not bothering me, I did start this blog to share my thoughts on Taekook, although I didn't actually think anyone would read. I'm glad you feel safe to share your opinions here and yes, Lisa anon is quite popular. Feel free to pick a name: favorite idol, favorite idol's pet or just how you'd describe yourself on the shipper scale, anything (I'm kinda bad at naming).
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nejishadow · 3 years
Neji’s Pinned Post - What Is Up My Dudes
Greetings! I’m Neji / NejiShadow!
[ 25 - They / Them - Agender / Asexual ]
I’m best friends with @shadowfreak98, so you know why I mention her in my descriptions and tags so often, and also why we commonly match.
I do commissions, but they’re closed right now - I’m moving so figuring out price changes has been put on hold. I don’t do requests unless I put out a post for it, and art trades are for muts / people I interact with often only.
[ I have unlimited Sketch Commissions on our Ko-Fi ]
Can contact me on any social media if interested!
[ If you wanna check out my stuff elsewhere, all my things are on the Carrd ]
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My Persona meme edits are generally free to share and use, just please dont claim you made them, and if they inspire you to do anything please tag or show me - I need to see or I'll die unfulfilled in this life [and I'll def share / like / reblog / something]
This doesn’t apply to my drawovers / art memes!! Those take way more time and effort
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My queue is set to post thrice a day. The pattern is two reblogs, than a new post. Occasionally there will be a day nothing new is posted to give the last new post breathing room, or to give me more time to make more art.
Every once in awhile reblog extra stuff in the moment, but mostly save stuff for my queue so I’m not running out of art to post too quick. 
My queue easily has 400+ things at any given time, so there may be multiple month gaps between me liking your posts, and them getting a reblog, in case you wonder why you’re suddenly getting a buncha reblogs from me This also means if you have some variant of “don’t like this without reblogging” on your posts, I just won’t interact with you to avoid getting blocked
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- I’m an anti, so pr*ship and their supporters get out.
- I do not answer DMs that only say “hello / hi / what’s up” or any other variation. I don’t like talking to strangers, period, honestly.
Fun facts and other things below the cut so this post doesn’t just... go on forever
If you ever wanna ask me questions in my askbox, feel free! I don’t mind being asked fun stuff. I turned off anon mode after getting asked questions that are clearly answered by the part of the post you’ve read by now. 
Currently trying to focus on (read: failing to focus on):
- MOVING, god it’s stressful, help!! 
My general favorites:
Color: yellow-orange (leaning towards orange usually) and royal blue
Food: Sharp cheddar cheese
Song: Live and Learn by Crush 40
Music Artists: Owl City, Daft Punk, Crush 40, nostraightanswer
Fic Tags: Wholesome. Happy Ending. Fluff / tooth rotting fluff. Café AU. 
Story Genres: Fantasy / sci-fi. Stuff from those genres but modern AUs
Game Genres: Platformer. Action / adventure. RPG. Most things heavily story driven. Any fusion of those genres.
Game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Comfort Characters you’ll see me cry over:
Tails the Fox
Pidge Gunderson
Turing (2064 ROM)
Vocaloid Oliver
Ken Amada
Yuuki Mishima (more a blorbo but he deserves to be here)
Favorite Ships you’ll see me reblog more of:
Klance, Adashi and Curtadashi [VLD]
Sonadow, Sonally and Sonaze [STH]
Akishinji, Shuryu, Shuyuu, Souyo [PERSONA]
Zerox/Xero [MMX]
Pearlina [SPLATOON]
Neonnova [NSR]
My “active” fandoms (meaning I interact with posts more often from them) are: - Sonic the Hedgehog - Persona - Voltron Legendary Defender [VLD] - Splatoon - Kingdom Hearts - Ace Attorney
- What I’m drawing constantly fluctuates, there is no consistency of who / when / where and what I’m doing. Even I don’t know sometimes
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- OCs are tagged under their name. So if curious about them, simply click the name hashtag and it’ll bring up all their posts. Only ones that might be confusing are: - Neji is my persona (Tagged simply “Neji”, “NejiShadow” is usually used for update textposts) - Salem (Tagged “Salem”) is my fursona. - My sonicsona / sonic mascot is tagged “Salem (Sonic)” - Lance -- in order to differentiate him from VLD Lance -- is tagged “Lance (OC)”
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akampana · 3 years
im the anon who asked for obscure artoria ships - tysm for answering! i knew you liked kojiro/artoria from early tpof, but ozymandias/artoria was unexpected! ozytoria sounds interesting from the way you describe it - ive always sort of seen it as an almost-giltoria dynamic minus the hostility and antagonism. i think that modern au idea sounds incredibly sweet 😭 honestly i like the idea of them but there is virtually no fancontent OR canon content of them (besides that one lartoria comment in ozy's interlude?) so its a half-built ship for me as of now. and yes, please talk about kojiro/artoria for the ship game! i'd love to see more of your thoughts on them. on nobu/artoria - YES nobu is incredibly beautiful its crazyyy. i got into shipping them because of mastoria/nobu in koha-ace, interactions in fgo and a user's thoughts on them here on tumblr (you can find them if you search up nobutoria).
Hi, @glowingarchive! good to see you in the inbox. :)
Oh, no way, really? Thought I was being subtle with Kojirou apparently not XD. And your thoughts on Ozy and Arturia, I totally agree. If you want, I made art for them a while ago, but didn't end up posting it.
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let's go.
Kojirou Sasaki X Arturia Pendragon - SHIP IT
What made you ship it?
This is gonna sound strange, but do hear me out.
My love for this ship evolved from the first time it caught my attention, but to be completely honest it all started with another ship: Diarturia.
After re-watching and re-reading FZ, FSN, and UBW, something kept coming up for me. We all know FZ is an incredible prequel sequel, created with stunning precision to fit the already existing narrative, which is why, even when consuming the series as a whole based on the timeline of events, Arturia's character still makes sense.
Their expert craftmanship made the fact that the 5th HGW is Saber's second attempt a lot clearer. Why? because it brings to the table a theme that was already there and yet not too fleshed out:
Deja vu. Or, in Saber's case, a double deja vu.
For example, this line:
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Before Zero, it only means 'oh cool so she's fought spearmen before.' but after Zero, you finally know exactly who she's talking about.
But why do I say it's a double deja vu for her?
Let's begin with the obvious one. The parallels between Cú and Diarmuid are pretty clear. Like you just know Zero Lancer's character was patterned after the existing Lancer, but given another purpose. There are gifsets all over Tumblr that illustrate their similarity too.
BUT Cú and Arturia (ooh it kills me to say this) only just fall short of the borderline flirtatious "I wanna have a glorious fight to the death with you because you're worthy" energy. Furthermore, they meet only briefly.
So where did they get that?
Kojirou bloody Sasaki
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More below the cut.
It's parallel time. (there are a few more but hnggg tumblr limits)
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No, but seriously. I don't think this is a coincidence. Diarmuid must have been some sort of amalgamation of Kojirou and Cú, the best of both. And that is also why the previous deja vu point hits harder.
Honestly, when that realization came, I was totally not expecting it. I was supposed to be looking for Diarturia crumbs and instead I found myself another whole-ass cookie. And one that unjustly has barely anything in the fandom, even if we have more straightforward lines like this:
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Which is, by the way, one of the answers to the next question.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
So, now that you know how I got into shipping this, unorthodox as it seems, I think it's time to move past the parallels and into more solid ground.
Unlike other relationships that are more ambiguous and rely on potential, Kojirou's attraction to her is so in your face, it's refreshing.
Their banter is *chef's kiss*
It's only overshadowed because he so quickly became a gag servant, and ofc because the focus of the anime was Shirou. (Why did they do him like that though, he's actually so cool??? I mean, did Saber truly even beat him?? like???)
Saber comments on his skill with the sword, going so far as to say he outclasses him in swordsmanship. bruh, you can't take that lightly
They both see each other as worthy opponents. She literally tells him he's worthy of her full attention.
Kojirou sees her as the fulfillment of his wish, and Saber bloody actually gets to grant him the fight of his 'life' (FSN and UBW, not HF ;n;) when she couldn't do the same for a certain former rival. She even promises their fight's resolution because it is so important to her to see it through (UBW).
Kojirou really wants that fight, and fairly, without interruption. Which is why in FSN he goes as far as to stop the fight before Rider can spy on Saber's sword. And then later on, literally tells Shirou and Rin he doesn't give a shit about them, he just wants to fight Saber.
When he calls her out on holding back, especially since they're both running out of time, she apologizes and reveals Excalibur so they can fully face each other at full strength. UGH THE CHEMISTRY HGNGNGNGNGN. Also, since he knows this is their last fight, he's giving off "look at me, focus on me, don't think about anything else" vibes.
Also, man, Kojirou Sasaki really be out here serving up blatant eye smex every time they share the screen I swear to god.
Like let me give you a line from UBW 23, 19:08, right after Assassin notices she's damaged his katana
Arturia: Our positions...Assassin...are you... (that's what the subs say but Saber says "kisama" so I read it as "you bastard")
Kojirou, smirking: Is it wise to pull your blows? In this position, I could send you flying.
*Kojirou steps forward pressuring their locked swords and causing her to shuffle back a bit*
Arturia: Is that why you deliberately entered my range?
Look, Sasaki, we all see what you're doing, ya ain't slick.
Taken out of context and heck even *in* context that's sexual tension right there.
You better bet if he had the chance he'd be sticking that long-ass sword in-
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
It's...baffling how unknown this ship is like...look at all that material. I mean of course it's going to be trounced in popularity by Shirou x Saber, GilArt, and Diarturia , but it should at least have accumulated enough of a following like Cuturia, for example.
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed constructing this. :) feel free to share to gain more fans mwahahahahah join the dark side we have cookiessss
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just-antithings · 3 years
Mod el please share all your hetalia ships and feel free to gush about your favs :)
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anon i dont know how to tell you that reading this ask literally made me start flapping my arms so excitedly i smacked myself in the face and i dont usually stim that wildly and i had to take a bit to gather my thoughts so i wasnt just an incoherent yelling mess and also to do some stuff for school but shhhh
okay okay so obviously ive mentioned im very fond of usuk so ill save them for last but
im a basic bitch and i just. i love gerita okay like. theyre so cute. i do not have coherent words about them they are just. soft and silly and squishy. geritapan is also very good because im also just an absolute ho for polyships
and also god knows gerita needs a fucking braincell good lord theyre so dumb. japan can be that braincell. japan is the only reason they would get together otherwise theyd just sit there being gay and useless (affectionate)
i also like ameripan! its a funny sort of opposites attract while also kind of similar to the friendly relationship our two countries have irl! i think america can help bring out the dork in japan that he tries to hide and japan is like. america's only impulse control lmfao. ameripan good
from what ive seen of it, lietpol is cute! theyre both kind of disasters and i love the idiots to lovers ships sjfnsnf
hmmmm what else... austria and hungary are cute, natch, and i love how hungary is feisty and austria is quiet and contemplative most of the time, i love characters and ships that break the norm
prucan is cute and funny just because of how fucking different they are and also because the one time canada fucking had enough and yelled at america for three hours makes me think that if the two of them ever got started against some poor other soul it would be a Sight to Behold
but also i saw sth the other day where seychelles remembered canadas name and he was like oh!! u remembered me and im like oh no thats adorable so theyre cute too
i feel like fruks got that rivals to idiots to lovers thing going on, which is Very funny but also like. i dunno i feel like theyre just two old men who just wanna hang out with someone they know well and fine whatever i guess we can kiss too sure
in fics i read my favorite dynamic for them is just. absolutely close, thick as thieves, would willingly die for the other but they also just fucking rib each other nonstop like. romantic or platonic whatever fruk is great
uhhhh what else...
oh spamano is great. romano is just. such a little shit and spain just doesnt care sjfbsb i dont actively ship them but i feel theyre kind of in the background everywhere else and i always feel happy seeing them
*rubs hands together* hohohho boy usuk time
so theyre just. So dysfunctional. the Angst. the Drama. the level of Mutual Care they refuse to acknowledge because all it will bring is Pain and possibly more betrayal like hoooooo boy thats the good shit
they just have so much history (ha) that like. theres so much potential for relationship building there
idk man found family to enemies to begrudging friends again to "i would fucking die for you if you asked but im too scared to let you know that because i dont want either of us to get hurt again" to lovers is the good shit idk what to tell you
thank you again for enabling me anon djdnsnf it made my day!!!
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stitch1830 · 3 years
do u ever have fandom friends that love the same fandom as you, or ship the same ship you do? It kinda makes me sad when I slowly see them converting to another fandom, or fangirling over another ship that's just eh for me. I know it's their blog and they can choose whatever fandom they like and ship any ship the choose, but it's still sad thinking that you may lose a friend you met through the things you both love
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
And I actually haven’t had that happen yet, I’ve only really been on Tumblr and into fandom since this year, and the pals I’ve made I’ve been fortunate enough to chat with them outside of fandom as well. But I do have a bit of that fear when it comes to losing mutuals to other fandoms. ATLA and my ships have brought me lots of buddies and mutuals, so if anyone moved on from ATLA, I do worry that we won’t have anything in common anymore.
That’s been the nice thing about making Tumblr friends, though. We come together for a common interest, and as we grow and find new interests, we want to share them with our mutuals! I’ve gotten into quite a few shows and bought some books based on their recommendations, partly because I wanted to, and partly because I want my mutuals to share their favorite books/shows with me. We’ve got ATLA in common, why not other shows?
That can be hard though if you genuinely don’t have the desire to look at any other fandoms, which I get. I didn’t consume any new content after ATLA revival just because I didn’t want to! So, there is a chance that we lose fandom friends when others move on… it stinks, but interests change, sadly. :/
For those that may be sad that I will lose interest in ATLA or Taang or Tokka or Zutara or any of my other ships, feel free to chat with me whenever about them! The thing about Taang and Tokka is that there isn’t a lot of content being made and no one really chats about them with me anymore. So… it’s hard for me to keep gushing about them when no one has any headcanons or questions haha! But, I’ve still got Taang One Shots every week for the rest of the year, I’ve got some modern AU Taang stories that have been posted and continuations to make, Taang week is around the corner, and so is Tokka week, actually! And Zutara Mini Bang, that’ll be fun! :D
I’ll do my best to always answer questions about ATLA, to write for them as long as I have inspiration and WIPs in the works, and to chat about ships even if/when I find new ships and fandoms to love. I’ve got anon on for asks, so people can always keep things anonymous there, and if you wanna chat via DMs, those are always open too!
If you’re worried about mutuals or users leaving, I can’t say that they’ll do the same, but maybe one day you’ll find the same interests again and you can strike up more conversations again! :)
Thanks again for the ask, Anon! I hope it works out for you and your fandom friends and hope you have a great day! :)
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franeridart · 5 years
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Anon said: Please wish me luck, I have an important art audition soon and I’m super scared.
Ahhhhhhhh I’m sure everything will be fine!!! Good luck, anon!!!!!!
Anon said: do you have instagram?
I don’t! and most probably never will
Anon said: you're my fav acc holy shit i love ur art sm! thank you for sharing them with us!! have a fantastic day!
GOSH thank you so much for thinking so!! I hope you’ll have all the fantastic days too, anon!!!
Anon said: What if I told you that you’re my favorite artist and I check your blog daily?
I’d cry!!! Definitely!!!!!!!! TTATT
Anon said: Your drawings are lovely, absolutely amazing, and your artistic skills are incredible. I admire you deeply and just wanted to let you know. Also, what is your favourite BnH couple? I'm curious! Sending lots of love towards you 🥰🥰
Holy heck thank you so so so so much!!! You’re so nice oh my god ;;;;;;;;;;;;; and kiribaku, definitely! I have a couple more I ship a lot and a whole damn lot I enjoy the aesthetic and/or dynamic of, but krbk is the real one and only, for me TT^TT
Anon said: Hii, i really REALLY love your drawings, and I'm so happy to see u continue to improve (tho I still find it as great as your first uploaded drawing, really, u are amazing) I'm kinda sad/mad/smad that I know u from a random page that reposted your art, but I'm glad I found u at last!! I was wondering tho, I love your kiribaku and I adore your tododeku art (big multishiper) but what about todobaku, mm? I would love to see in your style, so cute and wholesome, so thank u if u do it, stay lovely!
Ahhhh thank you!!! And I do enjoy todobaku too! I have at least one piece for them in my todobaku tag, and if you’re into that there’s a couple of things in my todokiribaku tag too! I love the tdbk dynamic, I might draw them again soon enough T^T
Anon said: I live for your Sero Artwork. Boy doesn't get enough love and you make him look sooooo good. 💛💛💛
Thank you!!! I’m glad you think so, it took a while to figure him out but now I have so so much fun drawing him! <3
Anon said: For your BNHA Fusion AU: I dunno why but I really wanna see a Dekusquad vs Bakusquad fusion cause I feel it would be a disaster in the making. Also maybe a teachers (Aizawa, Mic, All Might, midnight maybe?) fusion trying to stop them? Just some idea!
They’re all wonderful ideas anon, but I’m not really doing more art for that au anymore! I’m sorry ;;;
Anon said: Just a small actual question: how would be the best way to prepare a portfolio?
Damn anon, if you find an answer to that lemme know that I need to start making myself one too haha no, for real, the best I can tell you is to decide which kind of portfolio you want to make - which art field you mean to specialize in, is what I’m saying - and then look up examples of it on youtube. There’s a lot of videos that are just people scrolling and thumbing through their portfolios and explaining what they put where and how and why, and a lot of tutorials for how to put together a portfolio as well  - it’ll take a while to figure it out for both of us, but let’s both do our best!
Anon said: everytime i see you make an answers post i expect it to be tagged "franswers", not "fran answers".
I’ve had this pointed out to me so many times that by now I’m just being a dick and purposefully not going there ngl
Anon said: You like play some Videogame or VN? If you not I strongly recommend you to play "Your turn to die" which is free.
This was so weirdly omnious when I first read it LMAO but ah, I’m not a huge fan of games but sometimes I do get in the mood for those! So thank you so much for the rec, I’ll keep it in mind!!
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knightofameris · 4 years
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—𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬—
◦ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ◦ 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒! ◦ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠!! (𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠!)
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𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠' 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: blacklist “ameris 500 celebration!” if you don’t want to see any of my posts about this celebration! also if this flops i will cry. jk i won’t but it’ll definitely take a hit on my heart u__u (and if it does flop, you didn’t see this post)
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Ahhhh! I’m so amazed that I got to 500 followers despite the fact that I barely?? Post?? And sometimes I just talk about random shit but even then, I still appreciate all of you guys so much? I have a few options on what I have to celebrate and I am so excited heheh. But before I get started I just,,, Have a few more things I’d like to talk about (cus I like to talk LOL). Feel free to skip though!! 
content continued below the cut!! (warning; introduction is long because I just have a lot of thoughts I want to share LOL. seriously, feel free to just skip) 
I know that I only really started posting Haikyuu!! around my 300 mark, and I feel like the people after my 300 mark are the one’s who are active because of how much I come onto tumblr and then disappear. 
If you don’t know this, I’ve actually been writing on Tumblr since 2015/2016. I’ve just changed blogs so many times that it’s like, hey, this is my new blog. Or like, I would write for a few months, disappear, come back but then everyone who followed me was dead so I was like eh I’ll just start again or whatever. And I think this makes me very very soft because out of all the communities I’ve been in, I’ve truly felt more welcome/at home even?? With everyone in Haikyuu? Like yeah there’s shit that goes down every few days or whatever but it’s always so fun to see people interact with each other and though I was hesitant at first (because before this the only writer I’ve ever interacted with was Scout for marvel oop) I’m really glad I reached out to a few of y’all and vice versa. 
But despite that, Marvel will always hold a place in my heart and to everyone who followed me from my Marvel days, thank you for supporting me way back when. And even to my Narnia days (AHAHAHA). I don’t think I would’ve continued writing on tumblr without your guys’ support. I know that younger me appreciated you all for reading those old works (even if I hate my old writing now). 
And to everyone now, thank you for sending in asks or commenting on my works. I actually think I would’ve disappeared by this time from this blog if you guys didn’t interact. I’m not saying I’m writing for the follows or the notes, if that makes sense. But it’s more like, I feel less of a robot that people expect to churn out works. Idk, it makes me feel like a person? And it just gives me a lot more serotnin than you might think!! 
One last thing though, it’s not me saying I expect you guys to always read my work and always comment. It’s more so, I’d actually rather have you guys comment or whatever because you want to and you want to read it. Like on one hand yes it does make me feel appreciated but I also don’t want you to feel obligated or feel guilty of you don’t read my things. No matter what, I will always be writing. It definitely does feel nice tho LOL 
I promise in the future, if I ever do intros they won’t be this long lol. 
Phew. Anyway. 
For this celebration, this is only for Haikyuu!!
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I love love love self ships SO much. So I want to hear about your guys’ self ships! 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
this will only be open from 12am september 23 — 11:59pm september 25 PST 
any requests received before or after will be deleted (may be extended depending on how many requests I get!)
do keep in mind that i’m starting classes soon so it will take me some time to get through this.
send it in through asks or submissions! 
send in as many asks as you’d like
if you use an emoji to show who you are, include it on all asks :3c
nothing nsfw for this, thanks!
since this is a follower celebration,,, i do have to ask that you be following me! honestly, i won’t check if you are, thats too much work on my part but it would mean a lot if you’re following me to participate in this celebration! ); 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 [example]
i will be creating two instagram posts with one of them having a comment section (3-4 screenshots)
i might also include a screenshot of your profile and/or your s/o if I can put in more pictures!
chats with your s/o ( heheh (; ) (1-2 screenshots)
chats with your s/o’s team! (1-2 screenshots) (this will possibly be with the entire team or just a select few)
take a look at the example as that’s what i���ve done for a friend of mine!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨
send in 1-2 headcanons about you and your s/o
send in a little bit about your personality!!
your pronouns! and a name you’d like to go by!
give me your instagram handle! (not your real one, but what it would be within haikyuu) otherwise, i’ll make a random one based off your name!
what are your ~aesthetics~ 
what phone nickname would u have for your s/o (or any other people on the team) so it can be more personalized! or if ur like me where everyone is just their name besides a select few
do u have particular texting habits?
what’s your favorite animal? this is what I will be putting as your profile picture! alternatively if you submit all of this through my submissions and give me a piccrew, I will use that!
you could give me the most BASIC description, you don’t need to do all of these points, and i’d be fine with that. It’s up to you how much you want this to be personalized <3
(also this one’s not necessary, it’ll just be more ~fun~ but lmk if u wanna be a manager of the team! or if u have ur own little AU so u might have other certain details u want to throw in. otherwise i’m gonna make it a sorta free for all lol)
𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒: hi! my name’s ameris and i ship myself with suga! my pronouns are she/her/hers and i like to think that suga and i have a sort of childhood friends to lovers trope. i also like to think that we go stargazing at least once a month no matter what! my aesthetic is definitely space heh. i’m a little bit like suga where i’m chaos and baby! i curse a lot and i have way too many interests to count but i always like trying new things! my instagram handle would be ameris_stars (dude idk lMAO) and suga’s name in my phone would be Koushi <3 i make a lot of typos and i like using a mix of emojis and emoticons/occasional kaomojis. my favorite animal is a fox or dog!
this,,, is a lot but i’m okay with that! heheh
to protect you, I won’t publish your ask! I will make separate posts titled w/ your name + s/o + emoji (if you use your emoji). If you do it off anon, I will tag you! 
Request List!! If you don’t see your name on here, just submit it again :3c I will not be tagging for the sake of not spamming you guys lol. 
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I would love love love to get to know you! So tell me about yourself! 
what’s your favorite color?
who’re your favorite haikyuu characters?
favorite haikyuu teams?
you got any writers you want to give a shout out to?
maybe a little self promo too?
adsfasdfasdflj i will keep bringing this up but like any,,, spice asks,,, about the haikyuu characters cus like,,, lol
horn knee asks will be tagged with: “ameris needs a drink” which honestly sounds like i need an alcoholic drink and at this point, yeah 
please be 18+ if you do send in any spicey asks!!
This can go on for as long as y’all want really, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ll just answer these like normal and spread them out too lol
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I have a few ask games I’ve reblogged before, so I have a few linked for you LOL 
intrusive asks 👁👄👁
~space~ asks! (this has a lot more!)
zodiac asks (just about my writing!)
writer’s asks
a little game I got from my friend which I think is absolutely so much fun
this is a version of fuck-marry-kill, but send in THREE characters (this one can be from any mix of my interests!) and I’ll choose which one I’d rather have a fanfic trope with: 
“childhood friends-to-lovers” 
and “fake dating”
would definitely prefer haikyuu characters
but doing a mix and match from all my interests is a lotta fun
things i used to or am currently into: haikyuu, marvel, bnha, demon slayer, rwby, sailor moon, voltron, dc, overwatch, tales of vesperia, legend of zelda, bungo stray dogs, narnia (lmao), one piece, uhm, i’ll add more if i can think of more, tbh u can even just say random characters and i’ll just google them 
As always though, feel free to ask me any other questions!!
this will also go on for as long as whenever, i’ll probably spread out this one! 
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AH. It was lookin a little long so here’s the link to the post :3c (will edit post later!!! when I come back from my exam!!!)
to those who got to the end, omg i’m sorry. i talk so much. but thank you for your support and just getting through this block of words hakdfhkasf
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Matchup for ♥️ Anon (I messaged you, so you know who you are ~) - - - Here is what I got for you:
Out of all the OM! characters I feel like Satan is the most interested in foreign languages so if you need someone to help you with a new language, don't be afraid to ask for his assistance. He owns a lot of books that he'd love to translate into another language. Of course he could ask one of his brothers to help him out with those (since unlike him they've all been born as angels and it's most likely that they're able to speak any language naturally) but there's something very calming about teaching you and working on your own translated book together.
Mammon will test your patience permantly, but since you get along well with kids you may be able to get along with him as well. He can be a handful ngl but at the end of the day he just wants some genuine attention! It's similar with Asmodeus tbh, but that's no new news considering he's the avatar of lust and a very attention demanding individual.
Beelzebub doesn't share a lot of similarities with you, which doesn't stop you from hanging out with him of course. He's generally very accepting and easy to get along with.
Levi probably has a small crush on you, which doesn't come as a big surprise. Due to his tendency to stay inside his room all day long he rarely meets new people, let alone people that share his hobbies. He likes to show off a lot at first, expect lots of bragging about anime and him beating you at his favorite videogames. Someone teach him how to get a girlfriend/boyfriend pls. He realizes that losing every game against him doesn’t have the best impact on your mood/patience as soon as the first controller went flying out of your hands in a fit of rage. There’ll be  a bit of an awkward silence between you two for a moment. He’s not mad or anything but then again wtf did you just do? Both of you probably just laugh it off after a moment but it kinda left a hint for him to start getting a bit more considerate about how he spends his time with you.
Also regularly provides yo with fresh memes so !!! 10/10 good boi pls be his frend
Belphegor is definitely surprised by how easily you can lose your temper over small things and usually finds it quite amusing when you get angry. Mostly because it's nothing compared to what his own anger can do, if he were to let it run free that is. Prob will laugh at you should you ever get angry at him. I'd gently sock him for that but that's up to you!
At first the person I wanted to ship you with was Lucifer, but the more I thought about it the more I felt like his pride would get in the way of a healthy relationship between you two. I don't think he'd treat his s/o too softly, at least not in front of other people. Once he gets close to someone in a romantic way he can get quite possessive which, combined with his general need to be in control, wouldn't help with any insecurities or negative experiences you had so far at all.
Since I mentioned almost every other character already, you probably already guessed by now that I am shipping you with
Simeon !
When I was reading through your matchup request I already thought "Wow, this girl really needs someone to appreciate her!" Someone who adores your clumsyness, enjoys the things you talk about and makes you feel good about your happyness. I mean, who'd be better than this than a literal angel?? Although it might take him a while to realize the severity of his feelings towards you, once he does he's not afraid to hold back his affections and let you know how important you are to him. He's very attentive and definitely notices even small things about you that others would look past . There's a good chance Luke also grows fond of you, since the smaller angel follows Simeon everywhere like a puppy. Don't treat him like child though, he'll get all pouty at and complain to Simeon who just sweatdrops at the whole scene. At the end of the day Luke does have a fond opinion about you though no matter how much you tease him.
Barbatos would definitely catch interest in this human/angel affair as well and given his power he might even play a bigger part in how well all of it turns out. It'd be wise to get on his good side.
Back to Simeon though. He’s a very balanced person. You wanna talk for hours about something? His attention is all yours. Don’t feel like talking today? No problem he’s got you covered with years & years of knowledge. Archeology/History? Simeon is your personal guide through ancient times, there’s so many stories he could tell you and he sure isn’t above using his powers to let you witness a piece of history. (Srsly why is no one talking about the angles/demons & what kinda powers they could/should have? Just imagine! Memory reliving/memory projection! That'd be such a intense way to bond with each other)
I feel like angels of the Obey Me! Universe don’t have a very close connection to the human world since the Great Celestial War happened (maybe they’re even forbidden to go there without strict orders) so Simeon is also genuinely interested in (and a bit clueless about) current human cultures/technology
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(Usually I include a small scenario at this point, and while I already have a rough concept of how I want to write it I'm kinda stuggling on how to put it together! 
(> _ <) 
My brain might just need a bit of time, so I decided to upload the first part already and add the rest later. (I'll definitely add the finished scenario as well though so keep your eyes open for a message from me once I'm done with it !)
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Who will be on the CHOPPING BLOCK!?
Fifteen fics were written following a Theme of [Angst], including the Tropes [Stranger to Lovers] and [Road Trip AU], and with a Character focus on [Harper McIntyre]! Voting determined the 8 who would continue in this competition…
We had fifteen (15) INCREDIBLE fics this round, but, unfortunately, not everyone can move on to the next round. In this round, eight (8) authors are on the CHOPPING BLOCK! Thank you so much to all the authors who participated, and, to the authors who were Chopped, we hope you’ll consider joining future Chopped events, and we are so happy you decided to be a part of Chopped Madness! 
Our reviews for these fics can be found under the cut!
The eight authors who have been Chopped are:
Author 1: @iexasheart​ : You can bloom again [Harper x Clarke] [Rated T]
Qualifying Round Fic: don’t be who you were
Author 2: @shen-gong-oops​ - Never Gonna Give You Up [Harper x Raven] [Rated T]
Qualifying Round Fic: The Sixth Bride
Author 3: @justwalkedaway​: Take back my life (Prove I'm alright) [Harper x Monty] [Rated T]
Qualifying Round Fic: Where is the path to Wonderland?
Author 4: @mobi-on-a-mission​ - The Hardest Thing [Harper x Emori] [Rated T]
Qualifying Round Fic: 2199 Nights
Author 5: @kuklash​: I Need You (Like I Need a Gaping Head Wound) [Harper x Echo] [Rated T] **graphic depictions of violence, major character death**
Qualifying Round Fic: There's Gonna Be a Party When the Wolf Comes Home
Author 6: @hopskipaway​ - i wanna shoot the whole day down [Harper x Monty] [Rated T] **major character death**
Qualifying Round Fic: i've got a heart in me (i swear)
Author 7: @vmreed​:  What the Hell is a Pulmonary Embolism? [Harper & Murphy/Clarke] [Rated T
Qualifying Round Fic: How to Kill a Two-Headed Turkey
Author 8: @pawprinterfanfic
Qualifying Round Fic: Simmer Simmer Simmer
Now that you have been Chopped, all the fics you’ve written in Chopped Madness have been revealed and you can post about your fics! Don’t forget to tag us so we can share!
But don’t be discouraged if you were Chopped this round (or unable to participate)! We’ve created a non-anon collection, where you can submit your fics if you would like to write for other rounds, keep pace with the writing period, etc, in a non-competive way! That’s where you’ll find us!!!! We’d love to read your fics and will gladly share them on our tumblr! The non-anon collection can be found here! To submit your fic to the collection, simply enter ‘chopped_non_anonymous’ as the name of the collection when uploading your fic!!!
Non-Anon AO3 Collection Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Chopped_Non_Anonymous
To all the remaining Chopped Madness Authors, we hope you’re excited for ROUND 2, which starts TONIGHT, 12:00am (EST) March 26th!! Please be sure to check our google doc for theme and trope explanations! Good luck!
@iexasheart​ Mods’ Review
The concept of this story, with Harper having Nightblood on the Ark and no one knowing or even understanding it, is so cool. It plays such a relevant part to really drive the whole story. Harper and Clarke are such a good ship, they’re a perfect match, like it's shown through the fic, they’re both survivors, they both can push through and make it through anything. This pairing added a nice layer to the story! Harper being kidnapped and held hostage for months was super dark, and very angsty! “She catches bits and pieces of conversations, when she can, and learns that they’re keeping her there just in case she is a Commander. Through her tears, she screams at them that she’s not, that she doesn’t know what this means, but they don’t ever listen.” This was such a good scene, we were genuinely terrified for Harper and so concerned about her. We loved this as a rationale, and that it makes it worse for Harper because she isn’t and doesn’t understand, it was a really nice touch to add an extra layer of angst! We also really loved the catharsis of the moment when Harper finally gets free. Harper getting to express her pure fury and rage was a nice character moment, a chance to let her feel her pain out loud. “She hasn’t moved from that spot, but for the first time in years, Harper takes a deep breath in and feels a fleeting sense of freedom” this quote really captured that moment so well! It was a nice touch to let Harper learn that being a nightblood kept her alive, giving her a chance to see that the thing that caused her so much pain and misery was also what kept her alive, letting her appreciate something unique and special about her! Them digging up Polis together was such a cool scene. It added an extra layer to the scene we saw in canon, and it also gave a little extra mystery (to Harper at least) when Clarke found Lexa’s throne! And the ending, such a nice way to relieve the angst of the story. Them being happy in Eden felt like a natural and easy conclusion to a story where the characters didn’t get much ‘easy’. 
@shen-gong-oops​ Mods’ Review
This fic was ANGSTY. Best friends who were never allowed to hug or touch? Who had to go on a roadtrip in seperate cars just to be able to share an adventure? So good! And Raven being introduced as the surrogate Monty chose was a great way to incorporate the strangers to lovers trope! Also, so cute, that it was so clearly a set up. The fact that they had been planning this trip since they were kids makes the angst hit even harder, the idea that they’ve spent years wanting to get to be normal kids and be together, but they never could. There were a lot of great character moments, but some of our favorites were Raven ironing, and Harper getting to express her anger. Raven ironing felt super in character, a way to maintain order and structure in the chaos, a nice way to show that she likes to be in control of her life, and a nice way to show how much its hurting her that she might not be in control after her accident. Harper getting to express her anger and frustration with the world and its unfairness was very sincere and felt very earned for her character, and it was a nice way to show how Harper was really feeling about the hand she’d been dealt! As soon as you mentioned Raven being an organ donor, we KNEW you were going to have her get hurt, and we were already upset about it, but the scene was so well done. It was angsty and sad, and scary, but by adding that cheesy rom-com joke about Harper having Raven’s heart, you were able to add a little levity and a breath of air to the scene in a way that was super natural and so well timed! 
@justwalkedaway​ Mods’ Review
First off, Monty and Harper feeling like strangers in their own marriage, and coming to realise they loved each other in a different way than they did 10 years ago was such an angsty and super creative way to incorporate the ‘strangers to lovers’ trope! This fic was so angsty, and painful to read! Little things like Monty forgetting their anniversary, and Harper being aware that Monty was attracted to Miller even though they were drifting apart were really great ways to establish where they stood in their relationship! We really enjoyed the ending, with them getting a chance to talk to one another and realise they were on the same page about their feelings, and then letting them start to forge a new path forward. We especially liked the line “They would never have to be strangers again, that their love as friends would help them grow together. Everything was going to be okay.” The paragraph at the end, where you really explained that the connection between them was so good, and allowed for a slight tint of hopefulness for their future while maintaining the angst at a 10! 
@mobi-on-a-mission​ Mods’ Review
This fic used the combination of the character, theme, and tropes so well! Emori x Harper is such a unique pairing, and it definitely works great! The set up of the Mountain Men killing all of Skaikru is really eerie and angsty, it adds a really unsettling air to the fic where you feel like both of them are unsafe at every turn! “I’m an invader too” the idea that Emori is an invader because she was left out to die, and they see her as a stain, an unwelcome piece of their community is so good, this was a really nice character moment! Harper copying Lincoln’s map, and wanting to carry on with their plan to go to the see was a great way to tie canon back in and set up the ‘road trip’ they were going to go on! Emori teaching Harper the same way she taught Murphy was also a really fun addition! Harper waking up screaming from her nightmares to marry an angst plot and a romance plot together, letting them be physically comforting and hold each other through it, this was a really nice detail to incorporate! The story kept you really invested the whole time, and having Harper be kidnapped towards the middle/end of the fic was a really great way to do that. It was an opportunity to add angst and danger, but also a way to show how Emori had grown during their relationship,  to not only love Harper, but to put Harper’s safety above her own. “She was always light, so light, so light… She was the sun” this quote is so lovely, and such a nice way to describe Harper!! And that final kiss? “Tears welled in her eyes and smeared against Harper’s skin as they kissed”? So angsty, so good!!
@kuklash​ Mods’ Review
To start off, 90’s political thriller? Corrupt government officials and spies on the run? Like…someone make this movie for us, but it has to be Chelsey Reist and Tasya Teles as the stars! On to the actual fic though, a kidnapping and being forced to hit the road is a great way to hit all the tropes! Maintaining the kidnapping for a while helped the story feel serious, and made the stakes higher, adding a little fear and letting us know Harper wasn’t going to be safe in the story, which was a great way to add more angst! This fic had a lot of great character moments that really showed who Echo and Harper are in really great ways. “..but she has to stay strong. If she wants to survive she has to be strong”, this line is a great way to show Harper’s characteristics! We loved that Echo was her false name, but Ashe was her real name, and we loved the reveal being a soft moment of peace. It was a nice way to involve a canon element, but in a way that fit the story, because of course a spy on the run wouldn’t give her real name. It was also a nice way to show Echo slowly warming up to Harper! Echo’s death scene was SO well executed, even though we knew they weren’t safe, we were still stunned when she died! And don’t even get us started on the ending, so eerie and creepy and a great way to tie off the story with a slightly ambiguous ending!
@hopskipaway​ Mods’ Review
The set up for the road trip was great, a nice way to tie the angst directly into that trope, and Harper and Monty never meeting until this point was a great addition. It added the strangers to lovers part, obviously, but there's also a nice amount of angst involved in bonding over the loss of a friend. There were so many nice character beats that really showed Jasper’s bond with all of them, like when Harper knew Monty’s favorite candy just because Jasper had talked about him so much, and how Jasper thought Harper would be cute for Monty. It worked really well to establish how much they all meant to him. We loved  the moment of all of them finally arriving at the bar together. It felt very much like a community of strangers who were really joining through loss. We really liked the dynamic of the entire bar scene. “I worked with him.” She wasn’t sure why when someone dies you trade around excuses and explanations of how you knew them, like it was some sort of grief currency.” This line was such a great way to express the uncomfortable feeling that situations like that can have, and it was a nice touch. The delinquents coming together after Jasper’s Death was PAINFUL, and a great way to establish a sort of Found Family dynamic in a way that definitely hit the angst mark! Definitely crying at that last bit. Also, great use of the song Jasper was singing in the Rover being on the Jukebox!! 
@vmreed​ Mods’ Review
Harper’s outsider POV on the Strangers to Lovers Story was such a unique twist on the trope, and the use of a bus crash within the ‘road trip’ was also a really great take on that trope! This fic was a great way to showcase how the tropes we give for Chopped can be used in unexpected ways! This fic had a lot of great character moments too, like Murphy being so obviously grumpy and sullen that Harper knows not to try with the cute Tour Guide move is so good. A nice touch of characterisation that was added in a very natural and interesting way. Harper losing Carl was also a great moment for characterisation! “Carl stopped breathing, and Harper died a little bit too” this was such a sweet touch of angst, and a nice way to show that Harper’s life exists beyond this story, and that she and Carl were friends. We loved the very real action drama of the bus crash, with Harper running back in over and over to save people, the chaos and the fire, the acknowledgement that people actually died. With all those deaths, it sounded like the Road Trip from Hell, but the trio really jumped into action and it was great to see their interactions. The whole scene was an exciting and fun read! 
@pawprinter​ Mods’ Review
The Qualifying Round was so great and your fic was a lot of fun to read! There are so many callbacks to early Bellarke and it was great to see their relationship bounce back on their journey. When Russell warns Bellamy that they can only trust each other...he can only trust Clarke, and then all he does to save her...well, let’s just say this fic gave us all the Bellarke feels!!! The idea of Sanctum beginning anew, and going back to harvest the land, is a very human thing to do on a foreign planet. “The sky glittered with stars, showing constellations he was unfamiliar with. He missed the stars from Earth more than he realized…” This line is so good. Can you imagine looking up and not recognizing any part of the night sky? This is such a cool thing to add, and we loved it! The vines are SO creepy! We loved how creepy and scary you made the Hansel & Gretel fairy tale with the vines scene. It really upped the stakes and had us on the edge of our seats. AND THE ENDING?! Bellamy frantically searching for a cure that likely doesn’t exist, only to stumble upon a mass grave from the cannibal lady in the woods?! INSANE, and SO well executed!
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