#if you wanna vote for biden because you think it makes a difference go right ahead lol but no the fuck it doesnt
nyanspirals · 6 months
I like you kitt but that voting take is just not it. When shit hits the fan you won't really have a right to complain since you didn't even try to change it. Refusing to vote is a vote for Trump who is, like it or not, objectively worse than Biden.
biden is a genocider my guy
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Hey, just wanna put in the Kamala Harris tag that leftists like me couldn't be convinced to vote for Biden when you had his whole campaign to try and so there's really no way youre gonna convince us to vote for Kamala in 4 months.
No. I don't have a sense of solidarity to fight Trump with democrats.
Nope. I dont. I will not vote for someone who supports genocide. Period. There is no amount of guilt or yelling or shaming that you can do to change my mind. If you justify genocide, an act of ethnic cleansing why would I care to analyze how that's different from advocating for it? Why should I care about your opinion at all?
Your "TRUMP WILL BE WORSE. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO TRY THIRD PARTY VOTING-" posts are unnecessary. Chill with the caps lock.
"Trump will be worse"
All the more reason why democrats should've spent more time putting protections in place instead of just promising to. Especially when those promises were only going to be fulfilled if their Biden won and he just Dropped Out. Why should I care to analyze how much worse a trump genocide will be compared to a Biden genocide when the deal breaker is genocide. How did you accept genocide so easily?
Why even ask when all that matters is that, like the alt-right, you'd allow a genocide to happen if it benefitted you.
"So you want trump to win??"
I want fascists to lose. Why spend time analyzing which one?
You really want to try stopping fascism with electoralism? The ACTUAL fucking hard truth is that it'll never happen with the status quo candidates running on the status quo parties that consistently cater to fascist comfort.
That should be common sense, I fear.
And so no. I will absolutely fucking not meet you "in the middle" when you've somehow convinced yourself supporting genocide is a centrist belief and the rational decision to make.
I wont fight fascists with fascists because that sounds like a bad awful terrible and not thought out plan at all but I would vote in solidarity with anti-fascists to make sure neither a Fascist Cop nor a Fascist Reality Tv Star gets elected.
Third party or fucking bust, Democrats. I'm not fucking changing my stance and as far as I'm concerned a Harris admin is the same as a Trump admin so threats about him are gonna fall on deaf ears and so are fear mongering claims about project 2025 (which I've read btw).
I think y'all should call your reps and the DNC and tell them you want Kamala to step aside so that a more left candidate can run on their ticket. It would eliminate ballot access concerns which are really the only issue I ever see come up when it comes to 3rd parties.
Your move. How bad do you actually wanna avoid Trump?
Will you stand with your party or against trump? cuz those aren't the same thing.
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tittyinfinity · 11 months
i can't shut up i'm sorry I'm ranting about Biden again
I'm starting to think Trump's presidency really wasn't any worse than what we have going on now, he was just targeting different people.
Bear with me.
The thing is, Biden has been the president for most of the pandemic and he hasn't been doing anything to stop the spread of it, so when people say "but Trump would kill US here!!" I wanna mention that Biden is already killing people of all parts of the political spectrum with his passiveness on covid
Biden is smarter than Trump. He's been in politics longer. He has had decades of learning how to maneuver politics. He has agreed with a lot of bad policies, many more than Trump even had the ability to do w his only 4 years of presidency. Trump is more interested in his image than anything else. Which is also dangerous! But it's much easier to convince people that Trump, a guy who is loud about his prejudices and caused a lot of damage because of that, is worse than a guy who pretends to agree with you on issues and then commits literal genocide.
Like I said, it just changes who is targeted instead. But is that really the case? We're already being targeted in different ways. A few good things have passed under Biden! But we also lost more bodily autonomy rights as far as abortion and trans rights go (not everywhere, but many states have become dangerous to live in). "That's not completely his fault" sure! Well then if the president doesn't have the power to change things truly for the better themselves, then worrying about who the president will be doesn't really matter. Also, presidents in the US have the ability to make executive orders.
And maybe he has spoken up on these things more and I just haven't heard about them - but Biden does not take the time to speak out about the anti-abortion, anti-trans, or healthcare related issues, except for the occasional quip here and there before he goes right back to not giving a shit. And I'm only using those as an example because a lot of "vote blue no matter who" people apparently only care about what happens to people here instead of in other countries.
And it's just really shitty to say "well what about the people who COULD die under a republican presidency instead of the real people dying from Biden's incitement of genocide right now!"
Trump incited a LOT of hatred in our country, yes. It pushed people to be more loud and open about their prejudices. But the deaths caused by hate crimes and COVID here in America were not on near of a large and deadly scale as what Biden is doing right now. We didn't watch our entire cities get destroyed and have our entire families wiped out.
So it seems, again, like the "vote blue no matter who" crowd only cares about politics when it comes to how THEY will (or MIGHT) be affected.
Am I saying vote for Trump or DeSantis? Fuck no. I'm saying prevent the next election from happening and burn this imperialistic genocidal government to the ground. The US has caused enough death, well into the millions, ever since it was created, and hasn't ever stopped committing genocide. But it only seems to matter when it (COULD) happen to white Americans.
Mexican people are still being put in cages and having their children stolen, too.
Indigenous people are still being murdered.
Disabled people are still dying from lack of accessible healthcare.
And the prices of everything have SKYROCKETED since Biden became president.
People are already suffering under a democratic president. You just won't care until it happens to you.
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You mother fuckers astound me, truly. You had Biden and who has two big negatives
- the question of his mental capacity
- his stance regarding Palestine
Now that Harris is up to bat you idiots are still like ‘aw I don’t know’ what the fuck? She’s not 80 years old, she has previously been kinder to Palestine when the potus she serves under seemed to make his stance very clear. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?
‘I didn’t like Biden but now that there is someone that’s better and still has a chance I’m going to vote independent’ or ‘I live in X state so my vote doesn’t matter I’m gonna vote independent’
You’re in a fucking tug of war for your life and the lives of those around you. ‘There’s some super buff people on the other side, but we can work together and win this to make sure women actually have rights’
And you idiots are like ‘no I don’t think I’m gonna make a difference in a tug of war for the fate of my soul, I’m just gonna go play basketball where the rings are 50ft high and the ball is deflated. But good luck though.’
Like I get that OnE vOtE dOeSnT dEcIdE the ElEcTiOn but a hundred votes does and those hundred votes are made up of one hundred single votes and I know it’s how it works in the US cause your country is a million kinds of fucked but what is the harm in trying to do the thing that could actually help people?
‘But she used to be a cop’
You absolute morons. I’ve seen so many people say this. I get it, I don’t like police I really don’t, but in what world is a politician really that much better? AND IN WHAT WORLD IS THE AVERAGE COP WORSE THAN ronald drumpf?
You dense shits decide to say ACAB because it gets you fucking brownie points but when you can actually choose not to help evil and malice you decide to look the other way because you don’t want people calling you out on what’s on your profile?
‘I won’t vote for the best choice because I wanna slide in the dms of this vegan trans girl’ fuck off. Did she work in a place that’s 99%filled with the worst fucking white men you know? Yeah she did but the alternative is John Wayne Gacy but he owns a bunch of properties. Do you know how much worse he is than the average police officer? I know it’s not really easy to compare evils and there’s lots of problems with it but this feels pretty cut and dry. One had jobs that people I don’t like have the other has committed some of the worst crimes imaginable and continues to enforce systems that allow them to happen.
For the love of God get your head out of your ass and vote blue, I don’t care if trump jr is announced as the newest Democrat choice, almost anyone is better than trump. It’s like if Ronald Reagan had late stage dementia or someone who seems comparable to Obama who was a very well received president and you bitches are letting Reagan go so the onlyfans girl feels comfortable calling you a good (gender).
I appreciate the idea that if the good option won’t win you guys are happy to go with what you think is the perfect option. But the perfect option has a 0% chance to win and you are doubling down there when the great option has a 40% chance to win and by going with the 0% chance it gets more likely that the absolute worst nuclear option wins?
Some of you truly astound me.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
my gay uncle trying to explain to me that reagan wasn't that bad and his whole excuse literally being 'he had a gay friend.' 😶 I am ... how can you be this way when you actually lived through the 80's? I know media wasn't as accessible back then but damn man have you not looked back once? And then he has the nerve to frame ME as the ignorant one?
he was giving me a whole talk about how I can't just shut people out of my life for 'disagreeing with me.' (Because he wants me to unblock my transphobic mom because us not talking anymore is making everyone else soooo uncomfortable.) Ugh. 0/10 worst entire conversation I've had recently. He even tried the 'trans people don't deserve the same rights [as us gay guys] because they didn't even exist in the public discourse until recently' bullshit. When I mentioned the story of the trans research from 1930's Germany that was destroyed by the nazis he acted like I was trying to make the holocaust about trans people instead of jews. Not even??? Incredibly disingenuous. When I brought up literary sources he actually got upset and exclaimed that I should read some book about how Fauci is evil. I laughed like... 'okay.' "People only read things they agree with!" he exclaimed triumphantly as if I hadn't just agreed to read it. "Do you know how many right wing conservative christian books I've read? That's how I learned to think critically about what I read, take it apart, and refute it." That kinda took the wind out of his sails but I don't feel like I got through to him at all.
In another attempt to excuse his politics he tried the 'all politicians are evil' discourse so I talked about the minimization of harm and actual harm inflicted by candidates he probably voted for. He jumped that track so fast. Yeah I can see why he wouldn't wanna think too hard about that. He might... I dunno... have to shift his worldview to actually consider the needy and marginalized.
Over and over he kept trying to frame everything as my fault for 'playing the victim.' and 'being too polarized.' I gave the criticism earnest consideration but nah, it doesn't track. I mean I am polarized but in a standing for something so I won't fall for anything kinda way. He tried to say I was making myself the victim by letting my dad kick me out during the pandemic—said it was my fault for saying I was going to vote for Biden. Mmmkay. So I one-upped him by saying 'actually I knew moving in with my folks was my mistake from day one when my dad refused to let me pay rent. That was totally on me and all I've done is deal with the consequences ever since.' (A thing I've been saying since 2018. And it's silly anyway because my dad actually kicked me out like 4 months prior to that incident for refusing to give up any of my animals to a shelter because he believed it was their fault the AC in my apartment kept breaking [the AC broke again months after I moved out—it was a shitty AC]).
It sucks because deep down I know he still loves Reagan and stays right wing because they're the ones who made him rich. It doesn't matter that they would've rejoiced at his death back then. Even that Reagan effectively tried to kill him with gross negligence. I know that to get rich you can't afford to get hung up on the cost. I know we're each standing in vastly different moral landscapes shaped by our learning and our struggles or lack thereof. I'm pretty sure he doesn't see that. He just knows that I'm wrong so he keeps blindly tossing darts hoping he hits a target that proves he's right about me.
He kept saying something like 'I can love and respect people who disagree with me on all kinds of things. Even people who hate my lifestyle.' —as if I'm not doing exactly that by being here in his house, helping him cook pans of lasagna and potato salad for a bunch of my conservative relatives who are about to spend 24 hours belligerently misgendering me and who I know have voted for candidates up and down every ballot who're actively working to take my rights away & keep me trapped in poverty.
Look, I went in to this conversation desperately wanting any answer that would help me understand his take on this kind of thing. I wanted so badly for him to have a memory of some important historical event that I just wan't aware of yet. I also want to understand how he's been able to forgive the family who treated him so poorly when he came out. Nada. It's always just follow the money. I still hope he'll talk about his own views more (without attacking me) so that I can understand him better, because I still want to think better of him. Because I can and I do love so many people who persecute me. Anyway a little bit later he asked us not to bring up his partner's real estate buying business because the market is 'looking grim'. My hasn't-been-able-to-afford-rent-since-2017-ass was over there going, 'oh noooo that's gotta be so haaaard for him. Lemme just cry a single tear while I'm dicing this onion with one of your new $3000 knives.'
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
K SO LIKE I get it if you wanna be like "Trump and Biden are the same" but "so im not voting" NO BITCH NO.
I dont CARE if they're political principles are exactly the same the differences are fucking LARGELY IMPORTANT.
If in 20, 30, 100 (lol we WONT be surviving that long) years Trump is the new example of Adolf Hitler are you REALLY gonna sit there and be like I didn't vote because the other guy had similar principles even if he was saying he was gonna do the opposite of him?
Biden might be as corrupt as all politicians are but what important is: HE ISNT RICH LIKE TRUMP IS RICH. All "Biden" can do behind the scene to get wants is negotiating HE CANT BUY VOTES, SILENCE, OPINION, ETC. He has to get what he wants generally from the correct systems. This also mean that Biden will be mostly held accountable for his actions because just like Obama and Bill Clinton he will be watched like a hawk but the Republicans.
Biden has a fucking baked potato for a brain you think that gives him charisma points? No. He may not be going on the TV and be making you feel better about what's happening in this country but at least he won't make you feel completely digusted with humanity and filled with complete fear.
Biden winning WILL begin to put white supremists in their place even its just a little. Voting for Biden means hate not winning.
He may be a president that just feeds to our corrupt system but that is a THOUSAND times better than someone who feeds the ABSOLUTE WORST of the system.
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answering questions I’ve been asked on TikTok✨
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QUESTION: how did you get into reading?
So, when I was in middle school (many moons ago) we had this thing called AR Testing. Basically, you read a book and take a test on it—the questions were things that happened in the book, it was really simple. If you got a good grade, you got points. The more points you earned, the more eligible you were for the reading party at the end of each semester. Me, being the nerd I am, got top of my class because I went through 8th grade level books like it was nothing. The librarian at my school brought me books from the high school to read since everything was easy for me, and alas, my addiction began. And now that I have adult money, it’s a true addiction. Also, telling my father “I’m bored” and his response being, “go read a book or something” so thanks dad.
QUESTION: what’s one book you ALWAYS recommend to people?
This one is tough because I’ve read THOUSANDS of books, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be Confess by Colleen Hoover. I fell in love with her work in high school when I first read Ugly Love, but Confess is the type of book that pulls at your heart strings, y’all. It has everything people love: humor, sexual tension, drama, love. GO BUY THE DAMN BOOK. Or honestly any book by Colleen Hoover—she’s a fucking amazing author.
QUESTION: outside of making TikToks, what do you do for a living?
I currently work at a restaurant and hate every second of it. If anyone tells you to become a server, DONT. It’s not worth the hassle, I promise you. Sure, you can make decent money but the amount of rude customers and shitty tips you receive each shift is very disheartening. If you really need a job, do anything BUT work in the food industry.
QUESTION: what’s your wattpad story about?
First question: which one? I have about 30 drafts sitting there waiting to be posted. But, I’m going to assume you’re talking about the Harry Styles fan fiction I’ve been working on for the past 4 years and haven’t had the courage to post. I’ll tell you a little about it: Elaine Aldridge is forced into a betrothal to a man she’s never met & loathes. She goes to his court and realizes things aren’t what they truly seem. And the guard her future husband sticks on her??? None other than Mr. Harry Styles. Add in some magic & deaths and you’ve got my story— The First Prince. (Honestly, that’s an extremely shitty description so if you wanna check it out go to my wattpad account)
QUESTION: how old are you?
Ahem. . . twenty-one.
QUESTION: what is your dream career?
Being a published author and having people rave about my books. That’s all. Or, an editor for a publishing company. Imagine reading all day and being paid for it🤩
QUESTION: what was your least favorite read of 2020?
I already KNOW I’m gonna get shit for this but....... the wicked king. YALL I LITERALLY COULDNT GET THROUGH IT IM SO SORRY, I STILL HAVENT FINISHED IT
QUESTION: current favorite author?
Sarah. J. Maas. I don’t know what it is about her writing style, but it’s addicting. Throne of Glass is hands down the best series I’ve ever read. A Court of Thorns and Roses is the first book I’ve EVER reread. Her stories truly suck you in and hold onto you—you get lost so easily in her writing and it’s like once you’re done with a series, nothing will compare. Or, at least that’s how I felt after finishing Kingdom of Ash. Honorable mentions: Jennifer L. Armentrout, Penelope Douglas, L.J Shen, Elle Kennedy and Kennedy Fox.
QUESTION: any recommendations/tips to give to a new reader?
I’ve always given this advice to people who want to get into reading: find what you like and start with that. If you like romance, I’ve got a list for you to choose from. Mystery? Another list. Sci-fi? I GOT YOU. Fantasy? Yes! Sports fiction? It might take me a second but I’ll find you a book. Nonfiction? I’m zero help in that category, honestly. The point of the matter is that you’re never going to enjoy a book if you aren’t interested in the underlying topics.
QUESTION: do you ever find yourself comparing your life to fictional life?
Yes. All the time. I daydream about being apart of the Inner Circle and living in Terrasen with Aelin and Rowan. I think about what it would be like to have real powers and a mate. It drives my boyfriend crazy—but he loves me anyway.
QUESTION: what are your most anticipated books of 2021?
Here’s a list:
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Gods and Monsters by Shelby Mahurin
Crescent City 2 (Untitled) by Sarah J. Maas
A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer (I just ordered this one & it arrives tomorrow)
Blessed Monsters by Emily A. Duncan
QUESTION: why did you start a Tumblr?
Honestly, I used to love tumblr when I was in grade school (way too young to be on here then but what else is new). I like having an extra space to get my questions and comments out without having to compress it into a 60 second video for TikTok to see. Tumblr is a good place to blog & post things like this.
QUESTION: what’s your favorite song right now?
I’ve listened to Carry You by Novo Amor every day for the past two months and I cry each time.
QUESTION: why write Harry Styles fan fiction?
Simple: I love Harry Styles. I’ve been a fan of him and One Direction since they were on X FACTOR. Read that again. X. Factor. I used to watch their performances on YouTube before WMYB even came out. Of course, I love all of the 1D boys but I was always a Harry gal. And I look up to him in a way—I’ve read things about people wishing they knew him personally and honestly? I would never want to meet him. I like the version of him I’ve cooked up in my brain over the past 10 years. I like the symbiotic relationship I have with his music. Fine Line is a ✨masterpiece✨. HS1 is a ✨work of art✨.
now, some topics I’ve been asked way too many times and want to finally get to:
QUESTION: political views?
the saying “anyone but trump” has been in my brain for the past four years. No, I’m not a republican. No, I’m not a democrat. I like to think of myself as a progressive (ahem, liberal) Did I vote for a democratic candidate? Yes, and I’d do it again and again until the US isn’t one of the worst countries—I’m sorry, businesses— to be apart of. I wanted Bernie but got Biden, and I’m alright with that. And my girl Kamala🥳
QUESTION: how did you feel about the BLM protests?
I went to multiple BLM protests and donated a lot of funds to BLM & other organizations. It’s 2021, people... stop being fucking RACIST. And don’t be afraid to call racist people out! Black Lives Matter, even if no one is posting about it anymore.
QUESTION: thoughts on abortion?
your body your choice, queen! not my uterus, not my problem.
QUESTION: there was a comment on an old video of yours talking about r*pe, why did you delete the comment?
I made a video when I first started my account on TikTok about reading in public and feeling “turned on” by it. Go watch it if you don’t know what I’m talking about. BUT, some ignorant male decided to comment and say “this is how girls get r*ped”. Whew. So. I deleted the comment because ....
I am a victim of sexual assault. Along with a lot of other women. 1 in 5 women have been victims of sexual assault. Talking about being r*ped isn’t funny.
No one else needed to see his comment. I reported it immediately and his account was shut down.
I never got justice for what happened to me, and the fact that some random male—who had never even met me or seen me before my video showed up on his FYP—had the nerve to comment that? Unacceptable.
this question isn’t as controversial but
QUESTION: what’s the best way to get out of a toxic relationship?
okay, let me just start off by saying that the people around you who love and support you are going to be your backbone. Leaving a toxic situation is hard, and every situation is different, but my best piece of advice to offer you is don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your loved ones are going to be there for you when you need them, even if you don’t believe they will. If you explain what’s happening, someone you know and love will drop whatever it is their doing to make sure you get out safely. good luck my babes.
now, back to our regularly scheduled program:
QUESTION: any tips on making tiktoks?
Literally none. I post what I think is funny and relatable and if anyone agrees, I’m satisfied. Even if it’s one view, it’s good enough for me. So I guess my one tip is to not base your life off of an app and followers.
QUESTION: favorite Harry Styles fanfic?
DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE. Duplicity is up there, along with Stall 1&2, and Kiwi. After? Absolutely not.
y’all already KNOW. LORE OLYMPUS BY USEDBANDAID. Rachel is a genius and I have reread the series a million times. Hades is my soulmate and Apollo can rot in the fiery pits of the Underworld. also, if we’re talking about other webcomics, reading Walk on Water on mangadex...🤫
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QUESTION: favorite movie?
Howls Moving Castle. I will be getting my “a heart is a heavy burden” tattoo very very soon.
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QUESTION: I read your Elain theory on tumblr, can you explain a little more?
I thought I was pretty straightforward but I’ll say it again: she is always the “good” one and it’s too suspicious. SJM has already given one Archeron sister a happy ending, Nesta’s is obviously inevitable, but Elain? She has too many options for a happy ending. Lucien, who is her “mate”. Azriel, who is intrigued by her slightly. Her human guy—I don’t remember his name—who is disgusted that she’s not human anymore. Or, alone, planting flowers all day. BUT! My point is that she’s not truly happy. She was forced into the Cauldron just like Nesta. She was ripped away from the life she loved so dearly and didn’t want to give up. The man she was going to marry now hates her guts because she’s a High Fae. She has the perfect set up for a villain plot line and I’m all here for it.
well, that’s all I feel like doing tonight. hope you enjoyed my little q&a! be kind, and talk to you later! byeeee!
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
>i mean... porque no los dos? race is just as real as every other socially constructed thing about us. it’s both/and in this case, not either/or. sure, the government will kill any white person that demands real change as quickly as they’ll kill anyone else, but the reason fewer white people do so is absolutely due to white supremacy, and insisting otherwise is obtuse at best.
What you’re saying is “race is just as real as a bunch of other things that aren’t real.”
Okay, let’s assume that’s true for a second. Race is just as real as, say, religion. Christianity for example. There are Christians just as delusional about the functioning of the universe. I wouldn’t doubt that there were some in the capital yesterday that believe that God put Trump in the White House—and didn’t he? Aren’t all things in the hands of the Intelligent Designer? Are those idiots justified then in believing that Trump is their anointed one? Is that something you’re expecting me to respect as being just as true as anything else?
Treating race theory as if it’s legitimate is completely self-defeating for opponents of racism in all its forms. You’re essentially admitting that race is real, and once you’ve accepted that nonsense you’ve lost. You’ve bought into the bullshit of race ideology and now you fight the impossible battle of winning using rules that you don’t control and make no sense. You say, “okay, we admit it, races are real, which means racial differences are real, which means that one race is more suited to this or that than another race,” and so on and so on. We’ve seen where this horseshit goes, and it’s fucking nowhere. It leads to wasting time trying to prove that black men aren’t hypersexual criminals or that Asians aren’t unempathetic bug people and that Jews aren’t controlled by a secret global cabal or whatever. You might as well try and prove that bigfoot or the bogeyman don’t exist, because the answer doesn’t fucking matter to the people that want to believe in that shit anyway. You can see the truth of this in the struggle for women’s rights against religious fundamentalists. It doesn’t matter how much evidence you have, how logical your arguments are, because the fundamentalist doesn’t care, and you’ll never argue them out of that belief. The only answer is to deny the validity of religious arguments entirely, not fucking treat them like they’re “just as real as any other socially constructed thing.”
“White supremacy” is the same sort of mystic mumbo jumbo. The BLM protests were overwhelmingly white and much more wide spread than yesterday’s buffoonery. If “white supremacy” is the conclusion to which this government and society are working, it’s doing an incredibly shitty job of it. The vast, vast majority of white people have been suffering horrifically for decades now. Deaths of despair, extreme poverty, murder by cop, etc, etc, have all been hitting white members of the working class just as hard as black members of the working class.
“White supremacy” might be an ideology that the US government et al cultivate, but “white supremacy” isn’t the goal of the US government. It doesn’t care about white people any more than it does about black people. It’s sole and only only concern is the supremacy of the wealthy, full stop. If it were concerned in the least bit about the supremacy of white people, it wouldn’t be doing every day its fucking damnedest to threaten its very existence. It wouldn’t be destroying the economy it relies on to maintain such a fantasy. It wouldn’t be destroying the environment it needs to survive. It wouldn’t be poisoning the water it drinks, or the air it breaths, or rushing fucking headlong towards its own nuclear annihilation. Nothing it does makes sense from the perspective that it is concerned with the white race. If we’re to accept this nonsensical idea, we also have to accept that many of the primary proponents and facilitators and beneficiaries of “white supremacy” are themselves not white. Barack Obama was overwhelmingly carried into office in his first term primarily with the votes of white people. It’s looking like now (if the theories about Biden resigning after inauguration are true) we’re going to have another black president in the person of Kamala Harris. And after a quick survey of the Biden cabinet, we have
Anthony Blinken, Jewish.
Janet Yellen, Jewish.
Lloyd Austin, Black.
Merrick Garland, Jewish.
Deb Haaland, Pueblo.
Tom Vilsack, White.
Xavier Becerra, Mexican.
Miguel Cardona, Puerto Rican.
Marcia Fudge, Black.
Pete Buttigieg, White.
Jennifer Granholm, White.
Denise McDonough, White.
Alejandro Mayorkas, Cuban Jewish.
Ron Klain, Jewish.
Michael Regan, Black.
Neera Tanden, Indian.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Black.
Katherine Tai, Taiwanese.
So I dunno man, how real do you wanna treat the “reality” of race here? Because it looks like we have more Jews in Biden’s cabinet than good, honest White People™. Or should we debate where Jews belong on our race lists? Whether or not the Catholics on this list are in fact white enough? Do you think we should be concerned whether or not these papists are in fact agents of the Pope? How deep do you want to go with this “social constructs are real” shit?
Examining the racial background of these people is nothing but a waste of time. Whatever their racial or ethnic or religious background, their liberal college admissions pamphlet diversity is underscored by their monolithic class character—Bourgeois.
Race is nothing but a delusion. While that delusion might factor in to the decisions and motivations of some people, might be cultivated and used in the maintenance of the status quo, itself is not reflective of reality in the slightest degree. It’s a bourgeois ideology, and accepting it as in any way valid, perpetuating it, and using its incoherent reasoning to try and explicate the functioning of the world is as useful as divination or dousing, like trying to treat a cancer patient by leeching them or purging their humors. I don’t have any time for it and I’m not going to treat it like it’s actual medicine.
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(Faith) Where is the Love?
The behavior of some people just blows my mind! Y’all, seriously? C’mon now. And I’m not just talking to those ANTIFA folks, the Mainstream Media, Hollywood people, I am also talking to you Christians. Slow your role for a moment. I am not trying to be judgmental at all, I’m really not. I know where I fall short. I know my faults and I work on them every dang day. But, when you purposely say mean, nasty things to people (or about them), we have a problem.
For you to put it out on social media, or just in public, saying you wished the POTUS AND THE FLOTUS would’ve died from COVID, you are just a hateful person. I know people that have had COVID and I know someone who died from it. I wouldn’t wish COVID on someone I disliked. I keep saying to myself, there is a special place in you know where for people like that. I don’t give two flying flips what side of the political aisle you're on, I don’t care if you like or dislike the POTUS, I don’t care if you are going to vote for Biden (I would highly question your morals though, LOL!) He elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top, if you know what I’m saying.
Just because my choices are different than yours doesn’t give you the right to yell at me, spit on me, lunge at me, etc. As long as my choices don’t affect you, why should you give a rip? I am seriously worried about the state of the United States. The left has gone so far to the left that they are unbearable and slightly deranged. Pelosi has lost her dang mind, if she ever had one. They are so desperate to get Trump out of office that they’d probably end up trying to... well, let’s not go there.
And I’m not just talking about people with political drama. That’s what that really is. I don’t care who you vote for, just get out and go vote! Okay, enough of that....
Let’s dive into the other side of my question. Can you tell me what love is? Many people would tell you what they think love it. You wanna know my answer? God is LOVE. Y’all, if we cannot love one another despite our differences, flaws, faults, opinions, etc. then we have a problem here. Houston, we have a problem!
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” ~ Matthew 7:1-5
Yes, I know that is some heavy stuff right there. I’ll admit that I have been judgy before. I immediately ask for God’s forgiveness. Heck, I said something in a conversation with my parents today and right after I said it, we all looked at one another and I said, let me rephrase that. It wasn’t towards them, I promise. The society we live in these days, people are so dangum mean and hateful that we must do better! We have to do better.
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. “ ~ Galatians 5:13
When is the last time you did something nice for someone just for the heck of it? Seriously, think about it. When was the last time?
Me? I try to do something nice every day. Even if it’s just paying someone a random compliment. Especially for my family and friends. Those that I love and care about, and trust me, there aren’t that many, they get it twice as much. If I love you, trust me, you know I love you. 
“Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. ~ Proverbs 21:21
Do I have days when I’m anxious? Dang right I do. Do I have moments when people who I thought care about me say the wrong thing to me and it rubs me the wrong way? Of course. But I’m not going to berate them and make them feel like crap for saying it. You know what I do? I explain myself, where I’m coming from and tell them I love them. Girlfriend, you could make me madder than a wet hen, and I’m still going to love you.
Yes, I have a backbone and will stand up for myself, or whoever you’ve hurt. Just the other day, a friend of mine got her feelings hurt. Guess who said something? ME. I made sure that the other person knew that they had hurt her feelings. My conscious is clean, sister. It always will be because you know why, I can admit when I’m wrong/out of line. I’m not perfect and never pretend to me.
If I know I’m in the wrong, I will say, yeah, I shouldn’t have said that. Or, yes, I messed up. It is those types of people who can admit when they’ve messed up that I can respect and love. Those who just think they’re in the right after they’ve been a horse’s you know what, those people, they are the ones that need a ‘coming to Jesus’ meeting.
Y’all, I pray, I pray every single day for those people. I pray the Holy Ghost gets a hold of those people and shows them the way. I’d rather be wrong and be disappointed when I leave this Earth. Wouldn’t you? 
But if you don’t think like me, if you don’t believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Satan, angels, and demons, that’s ok too. I’m not going to tell you that you’re going to hell cause you don’t. That’s your choice. But, for me, I believe and will continue to hold my beliefs close to my heart.
Even if I don’t know you personally, guess what? I love you.
I don’t care about how light or dark your melanin is, I love you. I don’t care if you come from a different denomination or religion, I love you. You hate me? That’s fine, guess what, I still love you. If you know me personally, I’m pretty sure you know my loyalty runs pretty thick for those of you mean the world to me. Shoot, I’m loyal to the people I work for and with! I know some of y'all read my blogs,  I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!
People please, get with it. The Black Eyed-Peas were on to something. 
“People killing, people dying, children hurting, i hear them crying. Can you practice what you preaching? Would you turn the other cheek again? Can’t we all just get along? Father, Father, help us. Send some guidance from above. ‘cause people got me questioning where is the love?”
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hardytoms · 4 years
Hi! I do have a question about politics and Biden/Harris. I want to preface this by saying that I am not American and all I know about the elections is from the internet & Philip DeFranco. I recently started following a youtuber who, when Bernie dropped off the race (i lov him sm), she told everyone to STILL VOTE GREEN in the elections in november, that she couldn't respect people who voted for Biden because they thought he was the lesser of two evils (1/?)
she said that if you were from a swing state and you voted for Biden, that you didn't really care about people, that you just wanted to get Trump out of office, and that it'd be better if you voted green. I felt like this was a little... harsh? extreme? because of course you (i was about to say we as if my voice counted LMAO) want to get Trump out of office. is that not the point? I really am trying to understand, I swear. I know Biden/Harris are not great, but definitely better than Trump (2/?)
and i feel like ultimately, any votes that don't go to Biden right now, are going to Trump. I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm mexican and I don't know much, but... it does worry me that, for example the last elections, the people who voted for Harambe or third party ultimately helped get Trump elected. EVERYONE would have to agree to vote third party to not get Biden or Trump elected. right? she has a pretty big following and it scares me a little that she could be influencing them. (3/3)
Ahhh yes this is such a good question!!! Thank you for asking!!! And honestly your thoughts here are really the root of the struggle with this election (at least in my opinion). I totally don’t speak for everyone so I want to make sure that’s said. I also wanna say I 1000% understand why American voters are feeling disenfranchised and not wanting to vote at all so I want to make sure I approach this with empathy because so many people’s lives are going to be affected negatively no matter who wins. My answer might be all over the place because it totally is a complex and really nuanced issue so if anything is confusing at all please lmk!! 
In terms of a Biden vote meaning you don’t care about people, I think for most rational Americans, and those of us who are leftist/socialist (at least those of of us who, at the minimum would have voted for Bernie and even to a lesser extent, Warren), the point is to get Trump out of office but many people who don’t want to vote for either aren’t voting because they truly don’t feel that Biden is the better option. For a lot of people who aren’t wanting to vote at all, it’s because they feel they’re voting for just sliding scales of morality and both Trump’s and Biden’s morals (and therefore the policies they’ll choose to support) are corrupt. Trump is the obvious and outspoken fascist, but Biden is just wrapped in a veneer of progressivism because he doesn’t explicitly say he wants to disenfranchise voters, he’ll just do it by picking a VP that has a long and icky history of turning Black people into felons and therefore excising them of their right to vote ever again. (For what it’s worth, people with a felony record in CA where Kamala Harris was DA and senator can vote with some qualifiers, unlike many other states). For a lot of people, especially BIPOC, their lives are threatened under both candidates so why vote for either if neither will make them feel safe or care about their basic human rights?
It’s hard too because we do know what a Trump 2nd term will bring and it’s fascism and the removal of everyone’s rights/healthcare/access/etc. as much as he possibly can manage. With Biden those particular risks are just not at the same level. The way he is damaging is in different ways and people are unfortunately being forced to choose whether he as a president will be more harmful or less harmful than Trump, so it’s really about what each individual person is willing to sacrifice and “put up with” because clearly all of us are going to sacrifice in very painful ways (to put it lightly) no matter which candidate is picked. I do think part of it too is playing into Republican hands to make Biden look as bad as Trump, which I feel is what they did in 2016, as well, and it worked. If we’re talking about the basic, will Biden put children in cages, will he build a border wall, will he refuse to leave office if he gets elected and loses re-election, will he xyz - no, I personally do not feel he will. And if that, for me, is the bar I’m voting at, then he’s getting my vote, if that makes sense. (For me personally, it just doesn’t track that the right can get a spray-tanned used sock into power and all unite behind him in unison, but the moderate to liberal left can’t unite behind one fucking person to keep a fascist from exercising his dictator inclinations.)
One of the other big things people feel is that centrism is the death of progressivism. Malcolm X and MLK both talked a lot about this with respect to being Black and in general, a person of colour, and I’m REALLY going paraphrase it here but basically, lots of people feel that voting for Biden will make Democrats/centrists/liberals complacent. The republicans and conservative party are getting more and more extreme and far-right with every new candidate so the fear is that to be a “moderate” democrat and to be successful, you have to bend to the will of Republicans to even casually get both sides to agree, which inches each “moderate” Democrat further from being left-leaning and more toward being right-leaning because the demands of the GOP are such fucking thinly veiled fascist demands at this point, if that makes sense.
With respect to the idea of not voting for Biden meaning a vote goes to Trump, it’s sort of true and not true at the same time (in my opinion). If someone doesn’t vote for Biden, it’s not *literally* a vote for Trump because you *literally* voted for a third party candidate, but in the nuance of how electoral politics work, the American two-party and electoral system does feel like it turns it into “if you don’t vote for one of the major candidates, your vote won’t count at all.” It’s easy to say “well if everyone voted for the Green Party then they’d win”, but as we saw in 2016, the person who wins the most votes doesn’t necessarily win the presidency, so even if most of us did vote for a third party candidate, we’d all have to do so in EVERY state enough to outvote not only Biden but Trump as well. And it ABSOLUTELY would mean the states with a lot of electoral votes (in particular Florida because historically whoever wins FL’s electoral votes generally wins the presidency) would have to go toward the Green Party candidate.
I do feel that telling people if they don’t vote for a third party candidate that they don’t really care about people is harsh because a vote for Biden isn’t just a vote for the president, it’s a vote for a supreme court judge (who rules for their ENTIRE life or until they actively choose to step down - this person WILL be as disgusting as Kavanaugh under a Trump 2nd term at best and at worst, a 2nd Trump presidency will get to choose two more SCOTUS judges), it’s a vote for hundreds and hundreds of political offices approved by the President and confirmed by the Senate, it’s a vote to kick DeVos and Barr the fuck out, it’s a vote for climate change and for abortion access and LGBTQ+ healthcare, it’s a vote for someone who won’t tweet his presidency (the bar is so low), it’s a vote for representatives of the US who won’t act like fools in front of foreign powers, etc. etc. Lots of people are being forced to vote for him even when they don’t want to (like me) the same way lots of people are feeling forced to note vote at all because both of them feel dangerous to themselves in different ways. 
For me, it feels like a MASSIVE gamble to say I’m not gonna vote for either because I think that we as a country need a revolution. I said this on Twitter but feeling like the revolution needs to happen before you’ll vote hinges a lot on that revolution actually happening and if we’re gonna be honest, I don’t think it will happen. Will I be a part of it? Yes. Will I attempt to dismantle the system we have? Without a doubt. But I’m also going to vote for the candidate that will keep my rights to be able to do that even if I think he’s kind of a sentient sock puppet.
Here is another post that talks about it that I agree with.
This was SO LONG and I’m super sorry!!!! I hope this at least sort of answered what you were getting at?? It’s a complicated question that people understandably have a lot of mixed feelings about so I hope my answer made sense!!
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semi-anonyme · 4 years
November 3, 2020
I woke up at 7:00am today and I knew a few things: 1.) I would buy a Vitamix and begin to make smoothies every day 2.) I would stop holding onto the past 3.) It would be my last entry on this tumblr
Today, it is Election Day. I am very much hoping Joe Biden will win, not just for my sanity but for everyone’s sanity, for a little hope in humanity’s fight against the allure of anti-intellectualism, scapegoating, its growing tolerance of hate.
I remember the last election day, or rather, the evening. We all thought Hillary would win uneventfully. I remember my colleague dipping out of work early to go to the Javits Center to celebrate her victory. I remember watching in disbelief from my basement computer, walking upstairs with my eyes wide and jaw dropped. “Are you watching the news right now Mike?” “Yeah, Trump is in the lead. It looks like he’s about to win Pennsylvania (or was it Michigan? Or Wisconsin?)” I walked to bed in disgust, woke up in disgust, confirmed my disgust.
There was not one conversation I heard on the train or in the street that day that didn’t involve Trump. That night, I drank alone at Three Diamond Door. I still remember the buff black dude sitting in the corner downing Bell’s Two Hearted IPAs.
Anyway, election day 2020. I’m going out to vote in about 2 hours. I got today off. Thanks, progressive companies.
I’ve had a lot of internal discussions with myself on here, published them as blog posts. I have timestamps to remember them by, I’m glad. In the past ~8 months since the pandemic began, I’ve gone back to a lot of my entries -- oh, this is what it was like in the beginning in March. Oh yes, May, I was indeed watching a lot of K-Dramas, it was getting hotter. Ahhh yes, I did learn a lot about not having the city as my crutch.
Just in general, on this blog, on the countless loose leaf papers in my journal, I’ve had these battles about meaning. This blog pre-dates seeing Jody my therapist, who I’ve been seeing faithfully for over 1.5 years now.
I could go on. The point I’m making rn in this last entry is this -- all that stuff is in the past, it was important, I internalized it. Now it’s time to move on. I’m glad this exists, these 450 entries exist, they exist with a purpose. But now? I know who I am, what I want to be.
I have no dilemma of engineering vs artistry. Now that I’ve been away from loud bars, I have no FOMO about the nightlife. It’s kinda just time to start from scratch, this knowledge.
I just created a new tumblr, domo-knows. I’ll likely have a companion YouTube channel in the future. Anyway, a few and somewhat ambiguous bullets for myself since, you know, this blog was always just for me.
ON THINGS I’M LEAVING BEHIND ACTIONS 1. Random drinking. Today, I’m going to buy an Other Half Finback IPAs, pop them open around 8pm and start watching election results. I’ve gone into detail before about drinking, but just to sum it up, drinking alcohol is the one thing I can say captures how complex and funny it is being a human -- how we use it socially, justify it, cling onto it, how it becomes tangled up in our highest achievements and our most shameful insecurities. I’ve consumed alcohol for these various reasons in my life:
a.) I was avoiding doing something difficult b.) I didn’t want to be alone in my room, and preferred the loud chatter of conversations and music at a cramped bar c.) I did not trust my social abilities sober, so I drank alcohol because I’ve never known anyone who has not liked me when I’ve had a couple (when I’m shit-faced, another story) d.) To hook up with a girl e.) I was bored f.) I was about to do something boring and wanted to make it more exciting g.) Because it was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a beer on a patio h.) Because it was a cold and dreary day, perfect to brood over a Manhattan i.) I was lonely j.) My life was going too well, I wasn’t used to that, and I needed something to question k.) My life was going poorly, and I needed something to cheer me up for the evening l.) I needed to make a decision, so I drank alcohol and wrote in my journal and came to a good decision that I stuck with m.) I needed to make a decision, so I drank alcohol until I no longer cared, and the decision was punted off until the next day n.) I I needed to make a decision, I thought a drink or two would jigger my thought process, but I ended up getting distracted by something my drunk self was interested in, and the decision was punted off until the next day I’d come up with more but they’re all just variations of that and who wants to read more of that? 2. Eating sugary sweets, justifying it by saying I have “an addiction” I actually never cared for sweets until high school. Most birthday cake I had was gross, my parents bought Chips Ahoy or Oreos which tbh aren’t all that great, and I was never exposed to really good pastries until I was in college. In high school, I dropped a buncha weight entirely too quickly and I ended up with a fats and sweets “addiction” that I’ve “had ever since”. This is a common thing.
I’ve held it close to me mentally -- my “sweets addiction”. I didn’t question it, it was something I just had, something to hang onto for the rest of my life because I fucked up when I was younger.
But as I’ve gotten older, I understand that these things -- addictions -- serve purposes. They keep us comfortable in what we deem to be true of ourselves. They (poorly) provide temporary breaks from incessant mental gymnastics/fatigue. Anyway, blah blah, big sweeping declarations, blah blah, I’ve done that all before. But when I woke up today, I knew I would get a Vitamix like I’ve been talking about for years, and I made a decision to stop holding onto this. I always eat 2 meals a day with a wild west assortment of things in between, cake and cookies and granola bars and Halloween candy. Now, 2 meals and a protein smoothie/juice.
Let them muscles grow bb. Feel good about my body, treat it like the fucking temple it is.
3. Dicking around on the internet I enjoy reddit. I enjoy wikipedia. I also end up on these sites when I’m avoiding other major responsibilities and uncomfortable feelings. I know what I want: it involves a lot of deep practice. I could read about programming all day and I’d be fascinated -- you know, the history of Silicon Valley, Introduction to the Rust Programming language, new JavaScript frameworks, discussions on HackerNews about The Best Way to Build Something. But nothing beats getting your hands dirty. Nothing beats poring over source code, running into strange errors, resolving them, moving on, over and over ad nauseam until lo-and-behold, you are an expert.
I can read about music, listen to raps over and over, but nothing beats analyzing a verse over and over and actually hearing the syllables landing on, falling behind the beat.
I’m here to structure my day. I know what I want. Expertise, pride, and know-how. A differentiated skillset so I can collaborate with other differentiated skillsets. Good taste, a feeling of belonging. All that shit, all I ever wanted but didn’t know until recently. THOUGHT PATTERNS 1. FOMO What is it with being a human -- a Man, especially (sorry is that sexist, but also, not sorry) -- that makes us believe that everyone has everything we have and more? That we are the base model without power windows, and everyone else is an upgrade? I love going on walks in New York City. I love riding the trains in New York City. But while some of this love is healthy spectatorship, much of what I’ve engaged in is unhealthy envy.
I’m done with that though. I know what I like. And I know I have a dope life. And I know that I’m a good person to know, that people may have different qualities than me but I also have different qualities from them. I’m cool with my small close-knit friends. 2. INDECISION I kinda expanded on this above. I know what I want, and all questioning I’ve done (especially recently) has been my effort to save myself from doing the work, save myself from having to declare what I am. 3. ENGAGING IN FEELINGS OF BEING LATE I am 31 years old. This is something I know to be true: there is a 13-year old who can program circles around me. There is a kid who can play a rendition of Misty on piano so soulful that it’ll bring a tear to my eye. There is nothing, technically (as in, technical expertise), that I can do that can’t be done by anyone else. But I do believe in my taste and I do believe in my life experiences. And I do believe that whatever I create can only be mine, have my signature, and I think that whatever I create in this world that I’m proud of is going to be good. That’s a fact, and I’m going into the future with that as a fact.
Farewell, semi-anonyme Anyway, I was going to write more but I wanna get going, more to do. I’ve got some work to do, some voting to do, some writing to do, some planning to do.
I love you all. See you on the other side.
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God. If this isn't the story of my life.
I've contemplated on doing this for a while now.
Who am I?! I am Krystal. I am a mother. I am a wife. I am 34 years old. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a friend. I suffer from anxiety and depression. I was also diagnosed as a child with ADHD. I am a stay at home mom and now also a caretaker for my mother. I am a consultant for an "MLM" and I love my business but for me, it is not substantial. I am the wife of an apprentice ironworker.
The last year has been hard. Just over a year ago, I got laid off. We also found out we would no longer have the option for the childcare we had at the time. So, at the time, I filed for unemployment with intentions to return to work after a while and once we could figure out something for childcare. Then covid hit. When covid hit, not only was I unable to return to work but at the time, my husband was also laid off( ironwork slows down in the winter)... Well... He didn't go back to work until August due to covid slowing down job sites further.
In July, my mother suffered a cardiac arrest, I won't go into details on this post but now, I have had my mother living with me since then. She suffers short term memory loss and I am responsible for dealing with any and all doctors appointments, giving her all of the medications she is on, making sure she eats, doing her laundry etc etc. I have absolutely no issue doing this however, it is now made it impossible for me to return to working outside of the home. I am in the process to try to become a paid caregiver( don't @ me, if finances provided, I wouldn't want to be paid, unfortunately, our household needs two incomes and this is one way to ease that burden from my husband solely) as well as mass applying for jobs that I would have the option to work remotely.
We have struggled, more than we ever have this year. To be totally transparent, we've fallen behind on bills and just recently had our car repossessed. We are trying desperately to catch up and cut back on things where we can.
Right now, 6 days before Christmas, we have only two presents for our kids right now.(thanks to some help, this has changed since I started writing this) I know it's not the meaning of Christmas but making it special, especially for my kids and loved ones means a lot to me.
Needless to say, this year has been a crapshoot. I've watched people all around me have loved ones die, just recently lost the only grandpa I ever had, people lose jobs, lose homes, struggle to pay bills, people spew hate about covid, the mask mandates, the shutdowns, the government, the protests, people say that racism isn't real then say something racist in the same breathe. Spew hate about the lgbtq+ community and abortions and the list goes on and on.
Wanna know my true thoughts?! I FUCKING HATE the lack of compassion and empathy this world has. I am someone who loves everyone, even if I disagree with you. I tend to keep my mouth shut because as one of my best friends once told me "you're a people pleaser"... Yep, hit the nail on the head with that one. Well here it is and I don't know how who will end up reading this and what they'll think but I don't really care and anyone who truly knows me, knows I am a damn good person, with a good heart.
I voted for Biden, because I believe we have a better shot at life getting better with him in office then we otherwise would. Yes, I educated myself and made my choice based on my own views.
I believe that Covid is real and can be dangerous to those with underlying conditions or those who are older, which I have many loved ones who fall in those categories and I would rather take the precautions if it means keeping them safe. I believe in wearing a mask, properly, because me wearing one and you wearing one REDUCES the risk of catching it. It absolutely blows my mind how it is so difficult to do one small thing to minimize risk for other people, ya know that compassion thing?! Or those who say "it only kills old people or people with underlying conditions" UM why is ANY life dispensable?! Why do they not deserve to live just as much as you or I do?! Or how about those who, while yes, they may survive, will have long term, possibly lifetime damage from it?!
The protests?! Systemic racism is VERY much real, the mistreatment/brutality/murders of ANY person of color happens WAY TOO OFTEN and it needs to end.
Same goes for the LGBTQ+ community. They are tormented, mocked, treated differently, judged and worse.
Abortions. Sometimes, 100% necessary, do I, personally, believe in someone using abortion as a means of birth control, no, absolutely not HOWEVER what someone else does in their own life, with their own body... IS NONE OF MY FUCKING business. I am also well aware of the many, many reasons why someone may have an abortion and that sometimes, it is the only option and still... It is none of my business. Yep, I said what I said.
These are just a few things I wanted to touch on here, my depression is the worst it's ever been, and I felt maybe writing some would help alleviate some of the unbearable weight I have been carrying. It is definitely helping, and I will continue writing although I don't know who will see it, who will care enough to read it all the way through and what's more, who will judge me, look at me differently or whatever. But honestly, I don't really care.. These are MY truths and those who truly care for me will be by my side no matter what, they won't leave me or judge me, even if my truths are different than theirs.
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stoiccthulhu · 4 years
Update time...actually, why should these be titled? I mean, whats the point of writing a title to these if all I’m going to do is ramble on and on with no specific topic of discussion, just several things on my mind?
Election day 2020 happened yesterday and I voted for nobody. And if I would have voiced my polling choice I would have voted for the candidate I see as being the best option in line with my thoughts and opinions concerning the state of the world at the moment as well as the future.
You can insert whomever you want to believe that would be based off an assumption and a look at my internetting footprint, but you would be wrong, but that’s part of the fun of interpreting what I’m writing down for you in the future. Trying to figure out what I’m actually saying. While it makes complete sense to me, because you don’t have the hidden key phrase you can’t decipher what it is that I am putting to digital paper.
I get it, I’m an asshole.
And this isn’t, completely, a justification towards my actions but a direct result of your intervention within my life that has caused this behaviour. Think of it sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You interpreted me, came back, and intervened in any little way imaginable. Negatively or positively, but no matter your justification, it was still an intervention that didn’t need to happen because, as Malcolm once said, “Life, finds a way.” And just like destiny, it will find a way. But enough of all that crazy talk, you’re here because you want to hear all about my political leanings and to unravel the mystery as to this anonymous random on the internet’s preferred presidential choice in the election that has already passed.
But before I do that, let’s get some shit off my chest because I tend to swear and if you don’t like it, go the hell away. I’m sick of people being sensitive over everything. As if they’re looking for any reason to complain or get offended nowadays.
“The internet has given everyone in (the world) a voice, and evidently everyone in (the world) has chosen to use that voice to bitch about (anyone they find offensive)” -Holden McNeil (with some modern revisions)
And that’s why I’ve chose not to be PC in this thing, whenever I feel the urge to put pen to paper, relatively speaking.
Like, let’s see who I can offend right off the bat.
Women need to start getting punched more and treated like human beings instead of china dolls. If you’re a pro-gender equality advocate, and you’re a woman, you need to be willing to be punched in the face for doing ANYTHING a man would otherwise be punched in the face for. They also need to be held accountable for the shit they do to everyone. I am a strong supporter in believing that no matter what women say about women controlling the government and such, while women have great communication skills, they have the worst track record when it comes to not being aggressive, biologically speaking.
In the wild, whom are normally the more aggressive of the genders? Whom is usually the one more protective of the young? more willing to go out to hunt?
To be fair, I have a very limited knowledge when it comes to the animal kingdom. But, I mean, the Black Widow is normally depicted as being a deadly female, the female preying mantis devours the head of her mate after they’re done mating. There are so many, example, of females being worse than males in nature its hard to ignore. And, to add religious believers to the list of people offended, if you’re not ignorant to science and knowledge, or at least the pursuit of it, we evolved over a long period of time from apes, which, by nature, makes us, humans, not white people, black people, yellow people(to stick to the color scheme), brown people(gotta throw the other Asian people’s in there as well), animals. Highly evolved and communicative animals, but animals none the less. Was that supposed to be one word? Nonetheless?
Doesn’t matter. So, if you stick with my logic, you’ll see that women are terrible. Terrible. But, because men like to have sex with females as opposed to men for the most part in today’s society women have a stranglehold on the pelvic reason of an entire world, which means they can make anyone, for the most part, do anything they want and see things their way, even if they’re saying the sky is as green as the skies of Namek. An example of this is perfectly laid out in a clip from That 70′s Show. Kelso and Hyde prove women can’t play fight because they’ll turn it real, for whatever reason, just because they’re girls. To prove this, Kelso and Hyde play fight, and it looks bad, but they stop, laugh, and hug it out. Then Jackie and Donna play fight, starting out playfully, but then turning it into hair pulling and needing to be pulled apart. Both visibly angry.
(OK, my memory was bad, it was Eric and Hyde, and it was set up differently, but the concept is still there.)
And I get it, they’re actors, being paid to do what the script is telling them to do, but it is true. Girls are worst during puberty as well, from what I’ve heard. And I get it, I have a biased standpoint being a male, but in today's culture that shouldn’t matter, it’s about what’s being said, not my gender.
Now that women are out of the way, lets also as black people, but not specifically black people, its more of a systemic form of racism that I believe shouldn’t exist. In which, if you are not of that specific race, you are not allowed to say the n-word. What makes me giggle right now is that with just that sentence every single person reading this probably got a bit riled up. A bit ruffled in the feathers because I’m not a black person. And if you weren’t, you are now, knowing what you know now.
So let me provide you with some context so you can understand how I’m not racist at the same time as saying what I said above.
I enjoy rap music and hip-hop, as do a lot of people throughout the world, black or otherwise. Which, in this current climate, would be considered one of the forms of cultural appropriation we tend to sweep under the rug because it doesn’t fit our narrative of being offended about something. Because I like rap music I tend to learn the word to all of the songs I enjoy listening to. Because I learn the words to the songs that I enjoy listening to I sing along. But, because I’m not black, I have to ruin my flow to edit myself just because the artist chose to use nigger in their song. Which, as an artist, is their choice.
Now, why should I have to edit myself? I have tried to replace it with “wigger”, but because of the closeness of the words, I felt that would still be offensive if I was ever overheard by the wrong black person who, understandably, would be mad if they heard a pasty white boy say the word nigger without any context.
I just think, unless the person is using the word in a hateful way, directed at the person the speaker either personally knows or is conciously speaking about, as in “i hate that nigger” or “you’re a nigger”. If it’s something like that, totally beat the shit out of that racist.
But if you’re singing along to Wu-Tang, and you say:
I be that insane nigga from the psycho ward I'm on the trigger, plus I got the Wu-Tang sword So how you figure, that you can even fuck with mine? Hey, yo, RZA! Hit me with that shit one time! And pull a foul, niggas, save the beef for the cow I'm milkin' this ho, this is my show, Tical! The fuck you wanna do on this mic piece, duke? I'm like a sniper, hyper off the ginseng root PLO Style, buddha monks with the owls Now who's the fuckin' man? Meth-Tical It shouldn’t be labelled as being racist.
There is more rattling around in my head right now, things that I’ve been thinking about for years, and things that have been bothering me for just about as long, but for now those were the two that fell out when I vomited all over my keyboard.
And if you’re offended. Get over it. You need to start.
Oh, I almost forgot. I was going to tell you whom it was I was going to vote for yesterday if I had voted for anybody. Jokingly I wanted to write-in “Obi-Wan Kenobi”. But in truth I was going to vote for Biden. Not because I thought he was the better candidate, but because there was not a good option at all, he was just the lesser of two evils. This election has made me decide I want a third option when it comes to my politicians, or at least, get rid of political parties all together. We spend so much time infighting and holding each other back instead of up no real change has happened in the past decade? Longer? And whatever change that does happen gets nitpicked apart so much it becomes a shell of its former self. But, enough about that. I have a baby demanding eggs and waffles and I still need to tag this.
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sharpened-fantastic · 4 years
what are the reasons to vote for Biden? because you're out here talking about how we shouldn't vote green/abstain from the presidential, but can you please tell me what exactly would be different about a Biden presidency vs a Trump one? besides that a second Trump turn would keep liberals engaged and give us more chances to radicalize them. Joe Biden is just as bad as Trump on nearly every level and if he miraculously wins the gen, the DNC will be left unchecked. I'm curious on who that helps!
Hey! A genuine thank you for sending a full, non-anonymous ask. 
However, the biggest thing to remember is that having a democrat in the office will lead to policy changes and will change how our country is shaped for literal decades to come. 
Yes--Biden is a shit head, he would probably continue a lot of the racist and outright idiotic policies that Trump either put in place or continued from previous presidencies. I wish it weren’t true but that’s a simple fact. I agree that this sucks dick and makes me not want to vote at all.
One BIG thing is having a leader, regardless of political views, that has literally any political experience other than “accidentally got elected for four years as president”. Even compared to other presidents, even other republicans, his approach is overly militaristic, explicitly fueled by monetary gain, and he refuses to bend to even feign concern or duty towards American citizens. His open xenophobia (that has literally been UNPRECIDENTED, even to other politicians sharing his beliefs) has allowed greater mobility and reach for hate groups, and has let other politicians feel more comfortable in presenting non-coded, upfront, racist policy. It’d be one thing if it just showed the American public “oh wow, all of these places were racist the whole time”, but elevating literal concentration camps (yes, those did exist during the Obama era) to “let’s use abandoned warehouses to strip kids from their families, live in conditions we legally don’t let a lot of animals live in, and give them marked psychological scarring!”, among other things (I’m gonna put references at the end of this I’d hate to be talking purely out of my ass).
Trump is also horrifically undiplomatic--severing or straining our ties to other developed nations--, overemotional and unprofessional constantly on social media, and speaks positively on radically bigoted and backwards groups.
I think you’re giving Trump a lot of credit by saying he and Biden are equally bad. Both racist? yes. Both made bad policy decisions? oh yeah. However, Biden is still left enough that the democratic party accept him, the republican party has been squabbling since 2016 that Trump is too right-wing for republicans. Let’s have a president that even pretends to condemn Charlottesville or the dozens of other explicit hate crimes across the country. Let’s have a president that has better tax policies, or maybe even pays their taxes at all! Sure, they’re both bad! It’s a shit situation we’re in! But would you rather be trapped in a room with a child throwing trash, or a child setting the room on fire? 
Oh and one other big thing, I don’t want Trump choosing the supreme court for an entire generation, thanks.
Who knows, that’s up to you I guess, and if you don’t wanna vote I can’t stop you, I mean, it’s punishment enough that you’re gonna have to live with your decision. 
Here’s the biggest thing to remember: voting isn’t fair. It’s a broken system that supports those who abuse it, and those who abuse it are shitty people that don’t deserve that power. HOWEVER, refusing to vote only allows those who support people who abuse power to become more brazen in their racism, disregard for the American public, and signals to republicans “we give up! we swear we’re gonna have a revolution one of these days, but until then, you choose who’s in office!”
Biden is the wrong choice for presidency, but he’s our only choice. I don’t support Biden, I support voting, and I refuse to support letting Trump have another minute in office just to “radicalize leftists”. Not to be rude, but I think anyone who’s gonna get radicalized in this direction has been radicalized, but there are plenty of centrists that were taught “racism is bad” in grade school, but are getting a ton of support from the “racism can benefit you” crowd.
Ok, I’ve held off from the caps lock and stupid italics and bold for long enough, but “a second Trump turn would keep liberals engaged and give us more chances to radicalize them.”?! 
Are you fucking kidding me???
I don’t think anyone should have to think on having their political ideologies shifted while hundreds of Americans die due to lack of access to basic necessities, having their families torn apart, and while the future of the country burns in the background. Trust me, regular republicans do enough heinous shit to radicalize me and the majority of my group, you just normally need to dig ever-so-slightly deeper than surface level to see it, and providing that information to people is something I’m willing to do to get Trump out of office.
I really hope that I’m misreading what you said there, because holy hot fuck is that the most disgusting thing I’ve heard all fuckin month.
Sorry, this was way longer and more of a rant than I intended. TL;DR--
Both are bad, but saying that Biden is “just as bad” as Trump is flat-out irresponsibly ignorant
One has political experience. That’s it that’s the bullet point.
As far as bad presidents go, Trump has been fuckin record breaking
Trump goes on overemotional, uneducated rants on social media, refuses to speak against extremely open, literal hate speech groups, and is straining America’s relationships with all other developed nations
There are some differences in their policies, again, both are bad, but this is not the time for black and white thinking please 
A radical president radicalizes people in both directions
I can’t even properly express my distaste for the comment “a second Trump turn would keep liberals engaged and give us more chances to radicalize them” I am literally praying that I’m misinterpreting what you’re saying right now, holy fuck
Ok references (sorry they’re all in the wrong order and of varying quality): x x x x x x x x x x x
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is it too Controversial™ to ask what you think about the 2020 primary? (answer privately if you like, I just wanna talk)
okay i saved this forever because i couldn’t decide how deep into the analysis i wanted to get, when i barely knew who some candidates were. then when i decided i wanted to ramble about it, it was almost time for the first debate so i figured i should wait til after. NOW I AM READY. :) 
so, here’s my opinions on all the candidates i know are running, without doing extra research and with a dash of humorous exaggeration. 
DISCLAIMER 1: i care about politics and even enjoy it a little, but i don’t have unlimited time and i also like to do other things, so i’m not perfectly informed on every single candidate, and a lot of what i’ve picked up is from random articles i read or tv appearances, rather than say, campaign websites and official press releases. feel free to tell me why i’m wrong about my impressions if you disagree. i know i can’t know everything and i’m not opposed to being educated.
DISCLAIMER 2: the trolls will come for this post. i accept that. as soon as they start to annoy me, i’ll turn notes off so i don’t have to see it any more. if we’re friends and you want to chat about politics, send me asks or PM me anytime, that way i’m guaranteed to actually get your message. if you send me anon hate about this, it’s getting immediately deleted, so save yourself the trouble.
DISCLAIMER 3: i have my favorites in this process, but once we have a nominee, i’m voting for them. whoever they are. happily. every time i read another interview with voters talking about how if their guy doesn’t win they’re not voting for anybody else i want to scream. every one of these candidates would be better than what we have in the white house right now. a duck wearing a top hat would be better than what we have in the white house right now!!! President Duck In A Top Hat wouldn’t be killing little kids in cages so please for the love of whoever, VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS next year.
behold, the 2020 democratic presidential primary field:
michael bennet 
omg, i love him. LOVE him. he is america’s Tired Stepdad and he is FED UP and he just desperately wants us to make better choices. his whole vibe is so done, he acts like a guy who never wanted to be president but felt a sense of duty to be a voice of reason and now by god, he’s going to say what he thinks. do i want him to win? no. but i want him to keep ranting because i enjoy his vibe. idk if he’ll make it through the year, and boy is he a middle aged white dude, but when he’s done running for president he’ll still be that guy who yelled at ted cruz about being a hypocrite once and i respect that.
joe biden 
god, joe. i’ve loved him ever since he ran with president obama, because when he debated sarah palin my spouse and i watched it in a hotel room during a rare break from living in our car and i liked the way he talked about his history, and the way he argued. my feelings for joe biden have always been wrapped up in that terrifying, stressful time of my life, when just watching someone be a democrat and proud of it was kind of comforting. 
but i was so fervently wishing he WOULD NOT RUN this year. and unfortunately he hasn’t given me any reason to feel differently yet. would he be a good president? yeah, probably. i don’t think we’d all end up dead. but he’s not good at countering valid criticisms, and his entire case right now for why we should pick him is because if we do, we can all go back to the halcyon days of ten years ago and pretend none of this ever happened. that’s not good enough! it all DID happen, and we need to face the reasons why it did so we can try to improve things, and i just genuinely don’t think making the exact same argument as trump but choosing a different era to turn back the clock to is going to beat him.
i’m not a moderate voter, so what do i know? there’s a reason he’s the frontrunner. but i’d feel better about him being the frontrunner if he was actually dealing with the fact that he has a long record, not all his past positions make him look good to voters now, and with so many candidates up against him this time, a lot of us need to know that he’ll fight for our lives the way that others would because they have backgrounds more like ours.
cory booker 
i like him, but i don’t think he’s the strongest candidate. his philosophy of love is noble, just not where a lot of the party and the country is at right now. and i’ve heard he’s a great speaker if you’re in the room, but i think other candidates connect more successfully with voters so far. i really do like him!! i hope he’s around long enough to stand out a bit more!! because so far i think he makes a better senator than a presidential candidate–but i’m willing to be persuaded otherwise.
steve bullock
is he a governor? a senator? is he one of the ones that didn’t quite make it into the first debate and complained about it? i feel like he’s that guy. also one of the ‘i have republican supporters and am therefore the party’s best hope for the future’ guys. idk, i’ve heard of him but have only the vaguest picture in my head. it’s not an impressive picture.
pete buttigieg
look. LOOK. i’ve said it before and i will say it for the rest of his political career, there is nothing that fills my heart with joy the way pete buttigieg does whenever he talks about his HUSBAND or being in the closet or being gay in the military. he is a middle america white guy and i still absolutely fucking love him because in my whole life so far i have never been able to watch an openly gay candidate run for president and be listened to.
do i wish he was something other than a slightly moderate white guy? i really do. i’m desperate for every kind of representation. but if we’re ever going to get our first openly gay president, i accept that it probably HAS to be somebody who’s otherwise as palatable to majority america as possible. and as a millennial there’s also something great about watching him go. if he’s the future, we could do worse. 
he’s very clearly smart, and a good politician, i get the sense that he genuinely thinks (probably overthinks) about details and complicated issues, and unlike some frontrunners he’s capable of saying ‘yeah i fucked up and i’m sorry and there’s no excuse, i want to do better’ and we need SO MUCH MORE of that in politics, even if it’s politically motivated. he’s capable of at least seeming like he cares about people and will change his mind when he learns new things.
i honestly don’t know if he has a chance in hell in the general, and i think it’s probably too soon for him to actually win the nomination. but he’s young!! and he’s doing so well already!! it feels like joe biden’s been running for president longer than i’ve been alive, so i’m hoping pete bows out gracefully if that time comes, and then tries again in a future primary. 
julián castro
i know he’s an underdog candidate, and lots of people don’t know who he is or get him confused with his congressman brother. but i have loved him since 2012, and of everyone in the field, he’s literally the only one i fervently hoped might run someday. i’ve been waiting nine years for this to happen!! 
i’m biased. just soooo biased. my best friend, my favorite person in the world, who i married, is a latina twin, the eldest just like he is. so watching his keynote address in 2012 stole my heart and he has yet to give it back. he’s got snark, he’s got no patience for white privilege or politics that neglects policy, and literally every time he speaks i’m grateful he’s in public service. 
he would make a good president. i don’t doubt it. i thought he did really well in this first debate, and i appreciate the way he’s both in it to make a difference with the other candidates no matter who wins (see: trying to get them all to agree to decriminalize border crossing) but also not running as a guy who knows he can’t win. he’s still going! he’s gonna fight til the end! that’s pretty cool of a guy running against an incumbent who viscerally hates people who look like him.
i have multiple favorites in this race, but again, i wished he would run nine years ago and never really expected he would. so he has a special place in my heart.
bill de blasio
meh? he’s fine? new yorkers have strong, experienced opinions about him i think, but i’m not from new york so i just don’t know him that well. he was okay in the debates, one of those guys trying to interrupt a lot from the edges of the stage, which is not an endearing trait but also not an automatic strike against him, since when he did speak i liked his positions fine. i’m just not sure why he’s the guy, he hasn’t convinced me that he’s somehow better than the others in this race just because he’s worked hard in new york. unless something changes, i don’t see him breaking out into the front anytime soon.
john delaney
OH. MY. GOD. i went into the debates with an open mind, because he was the only candidate on that night that i’d never heard of. 
he did not impress me. 
i just…i don’t really have words. he was so annoying!!! lol. that’s not a political take, but he just so was, i couldn’t get over it. 
honestly i don’t even remember what i thought of his policy positions so i must not have been impressed by them. he’s at the very top of my ‘why are you even running’ list.
tulsi gabbard
i think the only thing i knew about tulsi gabbard before the debates was her military background, that she’s a woman, and something about her family being in a cult? i read an interesting story about that a month ago and promptly forgot she was the one it was about until recently.
she did really well in the debates, i thought. grading on a curve of ‘she just needed to stand out’–i still only know that she’s got a military background and that informs her big issues, and i would need to hear about more than just her war views in order to really support her, but she did exactly what she needed to at the debate–she answered the questions she was given, and got at least one memorable moment by taking out tim ryan at the knees. 
and like, that’s not the best reason to love a candidate, but as someone who hasn’t served and therefore knows she knows way more than i ever could about it, i respect the way she was not going to give some dude an inch when he was wrong about basic facts.
watching her make her case to be president reminded me that we used to have presidents who were really there to be ‘commander in chief’ first and ceremonial leaders second, and i’m not sure that’s what i want from a president but i can see how she would be able to do that and it got my attention.
kirsten gillibrand
i keep misspelling her name as kristen and i feel bad about that. along with amy klobuchar, she’s here to make the case for moderate female leadership, and i would prefer that to moderate male leadership because those are two different things…but it’s not what really appeals to me. 
she’s done okay so far, i just think that she’s running in the wrong race? because if she weren’t also up against elizabeth warren and kamala harris and there was more room for her to be an appealing female alternative, she’d have a bigger impact. 
if she stays in the race, she may be able to carve out more of a space. we’ll see.
mike gravel
i….don’t know who this is. his name is vaguely familiar? but so vaguely that i genuinely have no idea why. he’s probably still trying to make it into the next debate. hmm.
kamala harris
kamala came for joe’s head in the first debates and she had a good time. i’m still impressed by that and it was weeks ago now. 
okay, so i didn’t know who kamala harris was a couple of years ago, i’m pretty late to this party. she landed on my radar after trump was elected, with her work on different committees. then i knew she was somebody people were talking about, and i knew she was from california and we live there now so i paid a little more attention.
she’s been kind of overlooked so far in the giant field of candidates, for reasons ranging from racism and sexism to her prosecutor history and making her case primarily on issues but avoiding getting personal. i heard her speak maybe twice, and both times was like ‘whoa, okay, she knows things and takes no shit’–but i was still genuinely stunned by her debate performance. 
she arrived knowing that she wasn’t doing as well in polls and fundraising as she wanted, she came prepared, her attacks and her standout moments were PERFECTLY executed, and the fact that they were obviously rehearsed didn’t lessen the power of them at all. 
i have no trouble imagining her up against trump in the general, and i would fucking love to see it. she is a prosecutor AND a mom AND a woman of color and i’ve never in my life seen someone so done with sleazy white male crap. the fact that she’s good at the political performative stuff (that to me, shouldn’t matter, but of course does) means she really might have a chance. 
i don’t agree with all her positions, but she’s absolutely a fave and her rise in the polls is well deserved.
john hickenlooper
he is in this race to tell all the other democrats to stop being so liberal and make conservatives respect them again. 
i’m not a fan.
every time he insists that it’s the democrats’ fault that their opponents are calling them socialists, as though republican and/or trump insults have anything to do with factual reality, i just need him to shut up. 
i need him to shut up so hard.
i probably don’t disagree with everything john hickenlooper stands for, but i wouldn’t know because he won’t stop calling democrats socialists so i cannot take him seriously.
jay inslee
has a good message, ran my home state and made a lot happen on his watch. i have a ton of respect for that and he’s good at explaining why we should care about what he cares about, which is one of the political skills that matters the most to me. 
he’s not standing out that well just being The Climate Guy, but i could see him winning the nomination in a broad appeal sort of way, and i’d be fine with it. not as excited as i would be for other candidates, but i think he’d do a competent job, he has executive experience, and maybe he’d save the planet, who knows.
amy klobuchar
she’s here to represent the common sense midwest, and i don’t remember a single thing she said in the debates. i like her fine, i always have, i’m just not moderate and i’m not sure i buy into the idea that democrats can win back trump voters. so idk if she’s likely to make it out of the primary. 
she seems smart and capable, again, i think anybody would be an improvement in 2020…but she hasn’t really stood out for me. idk if she can.
wayne messam
this one’s NAME isn’t even familiar to me. i didn’t know he was running, because i don’t know who he is. i’m guessing he’s the reason this list has 25 people on it when i thought we had 24 contenders, but who the heck is he???
seth moulton
he wasn’t in the debates and i was grateful. he’s the only candidate i actively dislike. i wasn’t paying much attention tbh when he was part of the campaign to take out nancy pelosi, cuz all i cared about was that it didn’t work.
but i was paying close attention when rachel maddow gave him an opening to explain that challenge and speak to female voters who might not have appreciated it. and he was so SMIRKY and DISMISSIVE and gave off the biggest entitled white dude vibe i’ve seen in this entire primary so far. 
i don’t expect male candidates to appeal to me the same way female candidates do, but i do want at least some attempt on their part? running for president because you just expect that people will see that you’re great and deserve it makes me feel really grossed out. and that brings us to…
beto o’rourke
i really really wish he was in ted cruz’s senate seat right now. not just so ted cruz wouldn’t be in it, but also so beto wouldn’t be running for president at this particular moment in time. 
i like him. i genuinely do. he would be a GOOD senator. and he ran an interesting campaign, in texas, and did it well. 
but it’s way too soon for this presidential run, and his senate campaign strategy isn’t translating super effectively to a presidential race, and as much as i personally enjoy his wandering-through-life livestreaming-his-thoughts aesthetic, he’s not even ready to make a concise case for why he would make a better president than the other 200 people running. 
in a decade, maybe he’d be better prepared and be a stronger candidate, but he’s running too much on name recognition and not doing his homework enough (this is also my main problem with joe biden tbh). 
if beto doesn’t show us something more, i don’t see him making it in the long run, not when he has julián castro coming for his texas votes and multiple women who have no fucks left to give ready to outplan him.
tim ryan
i don’t think i’d heard of tim ryan before the debates. he did better at arguing his positions than some of the ‘forgettable white guys’ he’s with on the margin of this contest…until tulsi gabbard got her chance at him. 
challenged by a veteran on his terrorism argument, he did not hold up well. i suspect he’s not long for this world, campaign-wise. honestly it’s a fluke of him answering the specific question he did and sharing the stage with the people he did, so that’s his bad luck.
but it was also an unforced error and this primary absolutely should weed out the guys who really have no reason to be here in the first place. no great loss, that.
bernie sanders
oh, god, bernie. 
he’s not actually a democrat? so i give him credit where credit is due for managing to pull the party left with his popular arguments and yelling indoor voice. 
i’ll keep it short and just say that he’s not my favorite for a lot of reasons, some of which involve relitigating the past, thus why i don’t feel like getting into it because that’s not productive or helpful. also i know that the obnoxiousness of his supporters is not entirely within his control.
the most important thing to me about bernie is that he knows his stuff, he really does. he has his positions and he’s willing to fight for them and he would be able to lead the country, i don’t doubt that. so if he manages to win the nomination i’ll support him. 
i’m so tired, though. just so tired and ready to move on. 
joe sestak
who is this. interesting name, but seriously, who is this? i don’t know you.
eric swalwell
eric, god love him, is also on my ‘why are you running’ list. he’s the epitome of a long shot, a random guy with some political experience who under normal conditions would have to wait decades more before he’d be considered a serious candidate.
but, yknow, here we are. 
and i actually like him, as a congressman. he’s great. i was just surprised when he jumped into the race, it felt like a really funny joke because it was so random. dude, what are you doing?
then he made it to the debates, and it became very clear why he’s here. 
he has no chance, and he KNOWS he has no chance, and he’s here to shout ‘let younger people take over’ as many times as he’s allowed to before he goes back to congress and returns to sparring with the gun lobby.
seriously, i’m a fan of eric swalwell!! i like him. i want him to keep fighting the good fight in congress for a long time. 
but until they throw him out of this primary, he’s gonna keep grabbing the mic to tell joe biden he’s old, and i kind of respect his moxie. i will probably continue to do so until he messes with the candidates i like more. then i’ll want him to go away. 
elizabeth warren
oh i love her. i have always loved her. i’ve loved her since she was still just a law professor talking about the economy and fighting for the CFPB, so i’ve believed she would make an excellent president even longer than i’ve felt that way about secretary castro. 
i was so happy when she ran for the senate. i was sad i’m not in her state. 
honestly, i didn’t expect her to run for president this year and i didn’t actually need her to, i liked watching her be a badass in the senate. but she has my support, and she’s doing even better than i expected at this point.
she had a great debate night, she’s showing off her ability not just to bring big ideas, but also explain them in ways that grow her support. she’s too smart to play along with anyone else’s rules, she brings the fight to where she wants it.
she can’t avoid the hillary comparisons, yay sexism, but i wouldn’t bet against her given what i’ve seen so far. she’s kind of what i think joe biden THINKS he is. i’d be thrilled if she were our next president who could make room for younger leaders after that.  
marianne williamson
i mean, i love her because she’s freaking insane, but that’s so not relevant to anything.
i in no way want her to be president because i have no fucking idea what she would do if she were and that’s already what we have in the white house right now. but she seems very sure of herself. 
i don’t know…what can you even say about marianne williamson? 
she hates plans. we need to stop it with all the plans. we need to fight him with love. but not like cory booker wants to because that guy has plans, and her accent is cooler. 
i knew nothing about her before the debate and i will never be able to forget her now.
so maybe she won?
andrew yang
i also knew nothing about him before the debates, and i thought he did well actually. 
if the point of the debates for unknown candidates is to make a case for what sets them apart and make sure you leave knowing something that’s important to them, honestly he did that better than even my faves. 
he got very little talking time, and he used all of it to sell his universal basic income plan, and staying on message that well is so impressive. 
i’m not a big fan of his tech-focused independent voter thing, but i absolutely know what he wants to do as president and he didn’t spend the debate yelling out of turn, so at least i can also say i respect him. 
if he sticks around, i’ll keep listening.
TL;DR vote for the nominee in the general pls vote for the nominee this is all very fun to talk about but i’m begging you please just make it stop in 2020
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bolbiistroganovsky · 4 years
I’m drunk so here are my hot takes:
Ghost and Hozier’s music is basic pop and not as good and subversive as y’all say it is
If you’re having panic attacks about Corona daily or being a woman daily or anything daily, no offense but the world doesn’t suck THAT bad and even if it did that’s not an appropriate response and you should probably talk to a therapist about anxiety
Micro labels are stupid and so is the split attraction model and they’re all based on the queerphobic idea that our identities are inherently more sexual than others
Just because someone is marginalized doesn’t mean they’re always right and especially doesn’t mean they’re always the victim in a situation. Minorities are capable of doing bad things too, even to a member of an oppressor class
Please for the love of god y’all need to learn to read things before forming opinions. If you read something on the internet, fact check it. It’s probably wrong tbh and even if it isn’t it’s probably phrased in a misleading way
Joe Biden fucking sucks but you should still vote for him
We talk a lot about homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, etc on here. You know what we don’t talk about that’s worse than all of these by miles? Classism. Literally we could end all minority based discrimination tomorrow and the world would still suck ass cause of classism.
I’m gonna day it again. Music y’all go “feral” for isn’t that good. Listen to Rett Madison and like live a little.
I don’t want communism cause it’s never worked before and I especially don’t trust this country to get it right.
As badly as y’all wanna be the main character, the USA isn’t a dystopia yet and whining on the internet isn’t gonna do anything to stop that train if it is. Like y’all have to be willing to put some skin in the game if you want change. Every successful movement in history has seen people lose jobs, burn bridges, end relationships, unfortunately even die. This isn’t gonna be any different. Peaceful protesting and voting isn’t gonna cut it sorry about it. If you want radical change put your money where your mouth is and do it.
I think someone needs to assassinate trump at this point. Like take one for the team. I can’t believe no one has even tried. Like chop chop
Police reform or even police abolishment doesn’t mean shit if the school to prison pipeline and private prisons still exist. A lot of people don’t talk about that especially outside sj circles
Public education based on property taxes is the number one way social class is maintained in this country. Number one. Quote me
Additionally, reforming public education without providing free summer programming and preschool won’t close the gap
I’m tired of podcasts. I’m too adhd for that
Someone should also kill Jeff bezos. Let’s capitalize on that estate tax
Teddy trust buster Roosevelt would’ve broken up amazon google and Facebook rn
I wish the Reagan assasination attempt had been successful
I really think the US was on the right track until he became president and set us back about one hundred years
People who are in their twenties and still make fun of people who “peaked” in high school are still just insecure and jealous of what they missed out on. Like have some fun and get drunk w former lax players and stop having the most rancid vibes on the planet
It actually is hard being not skinny but not fat. Like worst of both worlds tbh
If you buy a car worth more than $35k you’re a fucking idiot being swindled by consumerism
Seriously I cannot stress enough how annoyed I was by Ghost’s music. Like not nearly as cool as I thought it’d be. And I know I have taste
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