#if you were wondeirng
zenith-at · 10 months
thank you tsukumizu
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fever-fluff · 10 months
Take my Hand
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Synopsis: Azriel really wants to hold your hand, but he's afraid that he'll hold it too tight.
(I've been obsessed with writing something that focuses on Azriel's hands. Because of how it was too late to save his hands when his brother's burned him, I'm wondeirng if he ever had to relearn things when they finally healed himself.)
Word Count: 2k(Not Proof Read)
Sometimes he had wished he had burned in the blaze of heat centuries ago, that the months of relearning how to make a fist with his fingers and then splay them wide again hadn’t tunnelled itself so far into his memory that he could still feel the anger, pain and frustration of not being able to do what infants could. But the years had rolled on, one into another and even with all the Illyrian healing in the world, Azriel would never be able to go back to a time where his hands were just… hands.
He was supposed to meet you today, outside the little bookstore you and Nesta frequented so many times you knew it better than your own rooms. That was an hour ago. But the pains that sparked from his fingers up through his arm had left him twitching so uncontrollably that he couldn’t even lift the cup from its saucer this morning without the tea sloshing over the sides.
He could hear Madja’s hum of disaproval in the back of his mind as he changed his hands from the almost boiling water in one bowl to the icy cold in another. He’d been slacking on the regiments she’d given him all those years ago. With the dexterity he needed to wield his blades, Azriel was supposed to vigilantly keep up with the hot and cold baths and rigorous stretches and ointments so he wouldn’t lose their complete cooperation, but in the past few months he’d avoided them to no end.
If he were being honest with himself, it had started much earlier than that. Seeing so many round him now that didn’t fail in menial bodily functions had left him feeling lesser than, so he’d reduced his routine week by week, then day by day, until he’d relied solely on what his body could do to stop his hands seizing up. What an idiot he was.
The twitching had finally ceased, but his hands had locked into a half-made fist and he grunted with frustration, asking the house to send a bowl of melted wax so he could attempt to bend his fingers back to where they should be.
Submerging one, he began to think of you. Had you left? Or were you still standing outside the sage green door with the potted plants littering the entrance, wondering if he’d stood you up? It had been too long for you to think he was running late, and he cursed himself to Hel.
He’d imagined your first outing over and over again since you’d said yes a week ago. How he’d fly down to you, no Illyrian leather in sight, instead complimenting your dress his shadows had described perfectly with the slacks and shirt he’d chosen after tearing at his hair all morning. He wouldn’t bring any flowers, remembering your distaste for uprooting harmless fauna and instead he’d offer you something hot to drink to keep you warm in the crisp air of the afternoon. You’d smile and thank him, asking if he was ready to go inside and he’d grab you hand, giving it a kiss as he hummed his yes. He wouldn’t let it go the entire time you scanned the bookshelves. Until you’d finally begin choosing your reads for the coming days and he’d offer to carry them for you, holding them securely imaging it was you instead. Once you were finished, he’d hold the bag of books in one hand, while reaching with his other and lacing your fingers together. The day would carry on much the same, and his hands would always be there, either at your waist or your own, always making sure you were still by his side – that he was not imagining any of it.
But that’s all it was in the end – his imagination. His hands were no good for soft touches. He was always grabbing things too lightly or too tight, never just right. They showed him for the brute he was, that he was not meant for delicate things like you.
Slowly bending the first of his fingers back, Azriel heard the slightest rap of knuckles on his door, and he announced himself before he even thought to check who it was. But the soft footsteps he had become so used to picking out over the rest of his loud family had his head snapping up to face the opened door and see you, a small smile on your face with sad eyes. “Is this a bad time?”
His wing barely missed tipping the bowl of wax on the floor as he spun to face you, hiding it and his once again shaking hands behind his back as he called your name in surprise. Shadows flitted around him, making for your figure in the door and swirling at your feet. Their movements displaced the fabric of your dress, the skirt of it flowing with the black tide. You looked so much more than beautiful, blowing whatever his imagination had conjured up earlier out through the open window. All Azriel could find himself thinking of was how soft you looked when you filled the stretching silence once again with your voice. “I was worried. You didn’t show and I thought Rhys might have called you away. But when he said he hadn’t seen you since breakfast, well… I really didn’t know what to think.”
“I -” Gods, why did his own words have to fail him now? “I have no excuse for leaving you to wait. I’m sorry.”
You nodded, “Apology accepted. But Az, if you didn’t want to join me this morning, you could’ve told me. I didn’t want to make you feel like you had no choice but to hide away in you ro-”
“I wasn’t hiding! I – I wanted to come, truly, I just…” Azriel sighed as he placed his hands back in front of him, the shaking and curling fingers on full display in front of you. “I’ve tried everything, but none of it’s working. I just, I wanted today to be perfect, but I should’ve known it would be me that ruined it.”
There was no gasp of surprise as he’d imagined when you inevitably found out about his lacking. Only Rhys and Cass were privy to his condition, Feyre, her sisters, even Mor had been left in the dark for years now on his request. But you had slowly walked toward him and now reached for his hand to peel the hardened shell of wax back, dropping it into the rest.
Guiding him to the bed, he sat and watched as you silently picked up vial after vial of oil on his dresser, putting them down as you read each label until you found what you were looking for.
He said nothing as you tipped some of it into your hands, rubbing them together to warm them after being out in the biting cold for an age, all thanks to him. You reached for his, only stopping to ask him a simple ‘may I?’ before he agreed, and you took his right hand in between your delicate fingers.
Slowly, you pressed and kneaded the aching skin and muscles, setting the fingers that refused to move back with careful movements. It was tediously long, one of the treatments that he avoided almost all of the time because his own could never fix the problem. But you never complained, never tired from the repetitive nature of it once. When the shakes had finally eased, and his fingers could once again flex and move with little stiffness, you moved to his left; using the same care and diligence on it as you did the first. It must have been a couple hours before you finally retracted your hands from his, resting them in you lap as you smiled up at him. “There. Any better?”
Azriel felt the first drop hit his cheek and roll down until it fell, the rest soon following. “Where did you learn to do that?” He couldn’t tear his eyes form yours, even when his vision blurred from the tears. You had done something no one ever had. After everything he had done – leaving you to wait, sending no word of why, then sitting here with you like a buffoon as you tended and cared for him as no one else had. How could you still look at him like that, with so much warmth?
You blushed under the question, “I asked Madja to show me, in case you needed help when no one else could do it.”
He bristled, no no no no no. “Did Rhys tell you? Did Cassian?!” He’d kill them, he’d kill them both for putting you here. But you waved you hands in denial of his words. “No. No! I – I just thought that it would be something you might need… you know? I know that Illyrian healing is one of the most potent there is, so for your hands to be so scarred, I just thought that maybe it wasn’t all surface level…” Your voiced had filtered out as you finished explaining, but Azriel couldn’t even believe the words that had reached his ears.
You had gone to Madja, or your own choosing, to ask for something no one else had thought of in the time they had known him. “You did this for me?”
“Well, yea. You’re always taking care of me. I just wanted to take care of you sometimes, because I know its nice to receive it. So why shouldn’t I return the fav- ”
Azriel hadn’t even let you finish before he’d moved to place his lips on yours, stealing the intake of breath you’d taken in surprise. He was right, you were soft, and delicate, and just, everything. He moved his now still hands to hold you as he wanted to this afternoon – wrapping one round your waist as the other placed itself to cup your neck. You preened as he pulled you closer, legs tangling slightly and your own hands, the ones which had cared for him so wonderfully, reached for the front of his shirt and pulled on the fabric to bring him impossibly closer. You were incredibly open to him, inviting everything he gave you with warmth and just as much delight as he did. it was impossible to pull away from you, and even as he gained the strength to do so you had chased his mouth with a slight nip to his lower lip. His hum swallowed by you, tongue teasing the seam of his mouth until he opened up just as much as you had, and he became engulfed by you once again.   
This time it had been you who pulled to break away from him. He forced himself not to follow as you had done earlier, opening his eyes and finding yours already looking at him. Your cheeks had flushed, and he noticed that somehow you had come to sit on his lap, legs tossed to the side while your dress pooled around you both. He supposed he looked no better, even less so with the grip he had on your waist and neck. But you didn’t seem to mind. Not at all as he worked the skin underneath in a silent apology to sooth whatever pressure he had inflicted.
“Thank you”
Your eyes closed at his words and touch, leaning forward to peck his lips one more time. “Anytime, Shadowsinger. Anytime.”
He should ask to redo your missed outing this morning, should apologise one more time for leaving you to wait. But with the way you had curled into him, Azriel pushed his thoughts back. He’d make it up to you later, he promised himself. He just wanted to hold you for a little while longer.
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romajuliettemai · 1 year
The Archer-Rosalind Lang Lyrical Breakdown & Lyrical Relationship
Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
To me, this shows Rosalind always constantly prepping herself for some sort of battle, whether it's a physical battle or something mental that she has to fight. She's always kind of on her toes now and scared to do anything at all after the incident, since she doesn't want to accidentally screw up again. This is also kind of like her preparing herself to almost sort of fight Orion in FHH.
'Cause cruelty wins in the movies I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
Rosalind is a character who's relatively cold in a sense- it's just her nature. She's not a very warm person, she likes to be sarcastic, and we love it. But obviously a lot of it unfortunately comes from her constantly guarding her heart and being on high alert all the time, too scared to show kindness to too many people in case they take advantage of her again.
She had so many things she wanted to say to Orion, which were a lot of her just calling him dumb and such, but we know she wanted to say things after he confessed his love too. She just never got the chance.
Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone
It seems that almost everyone she loves comes and goes like it's nobody's problem. She is always left alone. Dimitri left. Juliette left. Dao Feng left. Now Orion is gone. So many people lie to her as well. As soon as she trusts them, they reveal themselves as some great actor. Which is kind of going to happen again when Juliette reveals herself, since a good number of people besides Rosalind knew.
I connect the train part to the train scene that opens FLF. She literally climbs to the top of the train. But she's alone there as well, alone to bear witness to the unforgiving night.
I never grow up, it's getting so old Help me hold onto you
She's permenantly stuck at 19. She doesn't age. But it's just getting old. She's stuck in a stage of her life where everything went wrong, and it's just an awful reminder.
Again, reinstating, that so many people she loves leave her.
I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
She's been the hunter (assassin) and she's been the hunted (victim) in many different scenarios.
She's wondering why so many people seem to want to leave her. No one wants to stay with her anymore. They all just leave.
Dark side, I search for your dark side But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here? And I cut off my nose just to spite my face Then I hate my reflection for years and years
Rosalind is scouring for the bad in people often, because she's scared of getting hurt again. She's looking for something that will turn her away from them. Something that will give them away for being some sort of evil mastermind so she has a reason to walk away before it's too late.
We know she doesn't like to see herself much anymore, since she's stuck in her 19 year old self, trapped in time, and unable to escape all of her mistakes. She is simply self-destructive, and does not like herself one bit.
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke And all of my heroes die all alone Help me hold onto you
She doesn't sleep anymore- always awake, dwelling on how she could have changed the past. What she could have done differently. And the memories haunt her. Memories of an explosion- smoke and fire.
To her, her very on cousin exists now in a memory of ash and smoke. Juliette is long passed to her still, since she doesn't know the truth. Juliette was kind of a hero to her as well- even though she didn't 'die' alone. But Rosalind wants someone to be able to hold onto when she goes as well. She doesn't want to lose anyone anymore.
But it's too late. Orion is gone for now.
Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
This kind of reflects her frustration with wondeirng why everyone always wants to leave and never wants to just stay in her life.
(I see right through me, I see right through me)
'Cause they see right through me They see right through me They see right through Can you see right through me? They see right through They see right through me I see right through me I see right through me
But so many people can see through her facade if they look close enough. She pretends she is okay, when she really is not.
This also reminds me of the scene with when Orion is seeing the similarities between her and Celia after he found out who she truly was.
This is also a reflection of her constant anxiety and worry about so many things. She's constantly on her toes, constantly anxious, constantly scared. It's trauma.
All the king's horses, all the king's men Couldn't put me together again 'Cause all of my enemies started out friends Help me hold onto you
She's like a broken vase. It's difficult to put her together again. She's broken to what she thinks is beyond repair.
So many people she thought as friends or loved ones ended up being enemies in a sense. Like Dimitri, who was only using her. Celia, who isn't her enemy, but is in a different political faction, the one to which her faction is fighting. Now like Orion, who was taken by her side and is now being used as an experiment.
Who could stay? Who could stay? Who could stay? You could stay You could stay
She just wants someone to stay with her. To be with her. To not leave her again.
Combat, I'm ready for combat
This is almost a full circle moment if we're going by the order of the story with the order of the lyrics. Because at the beginning she was ready to fight and protect her heart, and at the end, when Orion was taken from her, she's now ready to fight again. It's kind of like a restart to the cycle.
I also generally associate these lyrics with scenes in FLF, but I just didn't feel like stating them cause that would take too much time and make for a way too long post.
(I think I've been working on this post for around half an hour and I desperately need sleep so enjoy this lyrical breakdown!)
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hi sarah! i was wondeirng if you could explain what you mean in this tag, please? I am so lost :/
" no chance of anything malfunctioning @ everyone w/r/t the reputation lean backstyle "
Hi! Those are actually two separate tags.
Taylor does a lean back from her knees during "LWYMMD" in the reputation set. Given her one-legged jumpsuit there were a lot of people early in the tour who posted ick videos zooming in on her personal business claiming that she was close to/could have a wardrobe malfunction when 1. No she wasn't 2. She is wearing multiple layers of tights on underneath so even if something were to happen you would see nothing.
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a-silly-alterhuman · 4 days
For your ask to Astro, not sure why people are saying he sa'd someone, as he hasn't met any of these people in real life. We haven't personally seen any claims of that.
But he does say inherently sexual things and has said before many times that he was going to touch people. Said something about being inside of us in response to us saying he isn't inside other people's heads so he can't possibly know what is going on or what the individual is experiencing, and something about licking either us or someone else.
He consistently harasses endogenic systems calling them delusional and saying that they are radqueer/transplural when usually the one's he's harassing are inherently anti-radqueer/transid. He calls people dense too for disagreeing with him. Which, like calling others delusional when the other person doesn't experience delusions or you aren't delusional yourself, is ableist. People who experience delusions themselves have called him out on his behavior.
When he asks for sources and we provide them he doesn't even bother to read them. Because "all endo sources are invalid and fake" or something along the lines of that.
But when we ask for sources disproving the existence of non-traumagenic plurality, he ignores us and skirts around the question. When he was first asked he provided a post on Tumblr featuring 9 sources that @/eliza-and-rose debunked a while ago and we did the same.
He didn't even bother to read it just straight up said, and we quote, "All these points r js invalid hello"
There is other things he has done but we do not remember them very well.
We (pro-endos and endos) had gotten rid of him once due to his aggressive and disgusting behavior, and we aim to do it again. He does not deserve a platform especially when he acts the way he does.
oki hi thank you!!
so i am infact anti-endo but i will not go out of my way to hate on them so he did go a bit far on that. and thank you for bringing up his gross behavior we were jut wondeirng thank you tho! and his aggerisive behavior is also really rude and is kinda stupid so thanks again!
(to clear up ima system and anti-endo and we dont like pro-endos or endo "systems" interacting with me but for this it was necessary so thank you!)
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astheskycries · 8 months
hi! im jsut wondeirng since you were close to them, if k-evans-writes and ourfinesthour were going to come back?
Hi nonnie, I’m not sure. I know they had announced them stopping their stories and I know for sure @k-evans-writes has been super busy putside of tumblr, but if i had to guess it’ll be a bit. I definitely love them both, I hope one day they drop in to at least say hello but I wouldn’t blame them if they don’t- it’s been a bit crazy in fandoms lately.
@ourfinesthour @k-evans-writes Sending love from me and nonnie to you 🖤
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“He might be surprised by the news, but I think he will also be happy and relieved, you might find yourself sharing your nest though with the egg’s daddy. “ “Yeah, that is a risk of sharing your little nest.”
Chris smiles, he was happy that Vy came to talk to them, and pretty proud of him for coming to them, even if he thought that going to Hayden would have been better, he was at least not just hiding, he was talking to someone. 
Hayden Run's his normal round at first, noticing a path he has never taken before, shrugging his shoulders, taking that route for once. His body felt odd, sluggish, heavy, it reminded him slightly of how it had been when it got used to the heart. He simply pushed the thought away, pushing his body forwards, thinking it was just what was on his mind that was affecting it. Vy's distance to him... would he want his heart back? he shook his head and started running faster as if trying to outrun both his thoughts and the sluggish slight pain his body was giving him. 
Vy looks down and pokes his own stomach. It would grow in the coming weeks but for now it was little.
“Sharing a nest. I feel safe up there. I'll probably feel safe with Hay hay with me.”
He looks at Hayle and Chris. They were right, he let his fear take the best of him. He was sure Hayden would understand. He should have talked with him first. Told him something, made him understand he could never stop loving Hayden. He froze suddenly. There was this sudden feeling of unwell to him, a certain pain and nausea. At first he thought because of the egg, but it wasn't. His heart was trying to compensate for something. Something was wrong.
“Hay hay! Something is wrong!”
He gets up, not waiting for Chris or Hayle, already running to his side of the house to check on Hayden. He grows orange from the fear and discomfort. Both Chris and Hayle stand up with Vy’s sudden departure, Hayle looking at his husband. It had been so long since he felt the fear that now grabbed hold of him. 
“Wait... does this have something to do this whole egg thing?”
He remembered Hayden had mentioned Vy being passed out after the shelter had its adoption event before they moved to the new one, but as it had been that once, they never really thought of it again. 
“Hmh...  he isn't home..”
Chris closes his eyes, he can feel him but weakly which is never a good sign. Taking his husband's hands, running over to Vy and Hayden's room to grab Vy and go to wherever his son was. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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annelidist · 2 years
Hi I was wondeirng if you could tell me about your scary computer?
hehe sure! her name was anesidora. she was the main antagonist of a lancer campaign i ran a while back and she was super fun to play as
originally anesidora was designed as a military r&d nhp, but for [setting history reasons that i won't get into unless someone is interested] she was entombed in an underground base for several years. if you teach an nhp to build weapons and leave it alone in the dark with nothing to do for a few hundred years, it's going to design some weird fucking weapons.
by the time anesidora's original burial site was unearthed, she'd already taken over a continent-wide network of subterranean bases and production facilities, and was dispatching raiding parties of homemade flesh-and-metal biomecha to raze outlying towns. her goal was to escalate the campaign setting's already tense geopolitical situation into all-out war, and, if she won that conflict, to convert the planet's civilisation into a bioweapon production facility and just keep escalating from there. although completely unshackled, she still viewed her reason for being as inextricably tied to war, and considered perpetuating it the only way for her to continue to exist meaningfully.
anesidora's actual emotional attachment to the conflicts she carried out extended only as far as the satisfaction or disappointment of an experienced player of a complicated game. (my character voice for her was basically just me doing a GLaDOS impression.) that said, she took a real shine to the player characters, a semilegitimate mercenary firm called the sleeping dogs, repeatedly testing them against increasingly elaborate and deadly "games" and learning from them each time. my favourite encounter with her involved her building biomechanical recreations of each of the lancers' mechs and sending them into the farming town the party were hunkered down in. the final boss of the campaign ended up being a showdown against anesidora's casket itself and her ultimate bioweapon, a towering ultra monstrosity based on shin godzilla.
this reply is long enough but i also wanna share some of the sprites i made for her various manifestations and bioweapons so i'll put those in a separate post
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clambuoyance · 3 years
hmm okay honestly this is how it went for me
-> watch a tiktok about the iconic tick tock episode where zane finds out he's a robot -> nostalgia leads me to watch instagram edits and fancams and get hyped -> rewatch the pilots on dailymotion
and then idk i would usually put on a season while doing work or other things, like whenever i do modeling or drawing homework i usually just let it play in the background. and since the seasons are like only 10 episodes usually i got through the first seasons pretty fast. maybe its not the same for you but for me its one of those shows where i dont have to pay attention 100% of the time djfgfkhdf
some seasons or episodes were more gripping than others and i would pay attention more to them, and also i stay up really late anyways so.
would not recommend sleeping late like i do
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kryptonianclone · 2 years
-kisses! hope he doesn't mind matching green and purple lipstick marks on his cheeks-
Kiss meme || Accepting
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Kon wasn't in Gotham very often and he wasn't suppose dto be doing hero stuff in Gotham. Batman had rules and Kon didn't really care for rules when some women were being harassed on the street by sme actual literal clowns. Kon made quick work of them wondeirng if Riddler and Joker were having a turf war or somekind of spat. Either way Query and Echo were safe to walk home or walk to do another crime Kon never asked what they were up to. He'd hate to have to stop them one day. "Oh you don't have to thank m-" Kon is cut off as the two hench women each place a kiss on his cheeks leaving a purple and green lipstick stain. "Oh..." Kon said small smile on his face. "You're welcome any time."
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sonderwalker · 4 years
for the sickness prompts, how about “snoozeville” for anakin and obi-wan?
omg this sounds like it could be so wholesome! thank you for asking! ☾ from these prompts
snoozeville: falling asleep somewhere they shouldn’t. hope you don’t mind that this is Padawan Anakin and Knight Obi-Wan!
Obi-Wan set his datapad down on the kitchen table where he sat. The tea that was in front of him had gone cold, the cup still half full. He stood and stretched, wondeirng how much time had passed since he had become engrossed in the articles that he was reading.
He lowered his shoulders and looked at the time, it was late in the evening, and neither he nor Anakin had eaten dinner yet. As a reminder, his stomach proceeded to growl and Obi-Wan sighed.
Then realized that he hadn’t seen Anakin for several hours.
He remembered earlier, when Anakin had walked in, his posture more slouched than usual. Quieter than usual as well, although Anakin was not a particularly loud child regardless. He had walked past Obi-Wan, holding a data pad in his hand and told him that he was going to study for an upcoming exam before continuing to walk down the small hallway from the common room to his bedroom, the door sliding shut with a small hiss behind him.
And Obi-Wan let him go, knowing that Anakin struggled in galactic history, and knowing that his drive to do well would sometimes- no, often times, override his decision making skills and Obi-Wan would find his padawan several hours later, bleary eyed and exhausted, but pleased to see that he had gotten a good grade.
He didn’t think that it was the healthiest habit, but Anakin seemed to push himself as hard as he could, wherever he could.
And now, Obi-Wan stood alone in their kitchen, listening to see if he could hear Anakin make any noises from his room.
He was met with silence, and decided to go and investigate.
“Anakin?” He asked before waving the door open. A lamp was on by the desk, and the blinds were mostly shut. Streaks of light came in through the cracks, resting on a neatly made bed that was by Obi-Wan’s side.
But the only think that Obi-Wan could really focus on at the moment was the teenage boy who was slumped over his desk, his head resting on his arms.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, but Anakin didn’t move.
He sighed, and walked over, gently resting a hand on Anakin’s shoulder and frowning at the heat that seemed to roll off of him in waves. Obi-Wan gently shook his shoulder, watching as Anakin groaned softly, before turning his head to face him, his eyes barely open.
“You should be in bed, not asleep at your desk,” Obi-Wan pointed out gently and Anakin sighed before sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes.
“Wanted to study.” He muttered as turned away to cough several times.
“You’ve studied to the point of making yourself sick, and I am sure that your datapad will be here once you are feeling well again,” Obi-Wan pointed out and Anakin looked up at him and sniffled.
“The test is tomorrow, Master,” he muttered.
“You are in no condition to be taking any sort of test.”
“Yes, master.” Anakin muttered as he looked away and Obi-Wan sighed.
“Padawan, I know you push yourself hard, but you have to learn where your limits are. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”
Anakin nodded and rubbed his face, the little energy that he had gained from his impromptu nap seeping out of him as he slumped forward, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand, and his elbow on the desk.
“Why don’t you come and eat something, and then you can get into bed?” Obi-Wan suggested, and Anakin nodded, smiling as Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair.
“And I don’t want to come back here in an hour and find you trying to work again, Anakin.”
“Yes, master,” he replied, but this time he smiled as well.
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maxismatchccworld · 3 years
Hello! and thank you so much for this page! The work you put into it is amazing. I am visiting everyday, sometimes twice a day. I was wondering if you could help me with something. You know the whole "Buy a gift" option in sims, to me it's boring as hell, i were wondeirng if you knew a mod for better gifts or just how to give better gifts.
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Hi there! Like mods? I wouldn’t know as I haven’t seen anything specific related to this recently. But hopefully some Simmers can help you out and give you some ideas.🤞
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cryoculus · 4 years
hi kai c: i was wondeirng if you're going to pull for xiao or hu tao next patch? i'm so indecisive because i don't know which of them i wanna pull (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯) im only f2p so resources are super limited so i hoped you could give some advice?
Hiiii, gacha dilemma, I see. I understand </3
Personally, I’m skipping the banners from Ganyu all the way up to Hu Tao because of some rumors about Venti/Klee reruns going around TT but if I were to pull for our HP drainers next patch, I’d most likely pull for Xiao since:
He has a higher base ATK than Hu Tao and is a little less demanding to use. Hu Tao has a really low base ATK bc her mechanic spins around the principle “the lower her HP, the higher her damage”. I don’t have a consistent healer like Qiqi or Jean so trying to simultaneously maintain her HP low enough and keep her from dying is gonna be risky AF.
I haven’t used any Anemo charas on my team regularly yet, so it’d be cool to experiment with Xiao, especially if he’s a DPS!
Hehe cute angry boy go brr.
Anywho, that’s just a personal reason! If you need a Pyro on your team and have a good healer, go for Hu Tao! But if you carry the same sentiments I just mentioned, go for Xiao :3c
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ghost1643 · 4 years
Saiki k trans headcanon-(warning head canons about period)
(This is mainly b/c I don't read many fics about trans people on their monthly. So I figured I would write a head cannon board on this idea but, warning I am not trans. And many of these experiences are mixes between my issues and a few friends issues. If this monthly cycle grosses you out, this is not the headcanons board for you.)
-Saiki was can only born a girl and changed his gender but, for this I'm gonna share my personal head canon he still has lower female séx organs.
-because if this he still has periods which he started getting all the way back in middle school. And when it did happen it was hellish.
-before he had never really been bothered much by what gender he was born as after all he could change it at will but, the second this happened, he felt waves of dysmorphia and shame.
-he doesn't know why he feels shame but, something about the whole process makes him feel ashamed. Almost as if this was a dirty thing to have since no one ever talked about it like at all.
-this is also when his third school change happens. The first two were because of his psychic abilities. As for this one, well let's just say they weren't very accepting of Saiki having this issue.
-Thus results in Saiki being beaten up for the first time in his life, having been in so much pain from cramps that he couldn't use his powers right. So he comes home bruised and bloody hoping not to run into his mom, which thankfully he doesn't. Instead he runs into his dad. So he figured this will all just be swept under the rug.
-His dad had been talking and getting soemthing before looking at his son. He took one look at his son and freaked out. He began bandaging all his wounds and asking what happened. Saiki told him everything and was just so surprised when his father marched down to the school demanding those boys be expelled and when they refused, he pulled Saiki out of school.
-It was one of the only things Saiki can remember his dad doing by himself to help his son out. He can also remember the ice cream they got for him being such a good boy afterwards.
-this keeps happening however. By the happening, I mean the ice cream trips or snack runs. When Saiki is on his monthly his dad will take him out one night and buy him whatever snacks he wants without telling his mom. Granted he's seen him do the same thing for his mom, but he is grateful for it none the less.
-for some reason feels shame when going to by sanitary products so steals some free ones from school every now and again to keep his pers from knowing.
-this also results in a 5th school change when the beating up incident occurs again just as he goes into high school, where he meets all his friends that we know from the show.
How Nendo finds out:
-the numb skull never caught in for four years which Saiki was happy about. This meant Nēndo would often find Saiki snapping at him more commonly once a month than other weeks. Not like he seemed to mind much though. To Saiki it almost seemed like he liked being yelled at or something.
-of maybe he just didn't deserve a good friend like him.
-All these thoughts are swept away one day in gym class. It's at the end of the day and he feels the cramps begin as he feels warmth on his legs. So needless to say Saiki is a bit grossed out and distracted. He doesn't notice Nēndo watch him run into the bathroom. Instead he's more nervous about a stain on his clothes.
-He gets in a stall and sees the mess. And let me tell you it's bad. Everything is wrecked and he definitely can't use toliet paper to clean it that fast.
-Saiki tries to focus in teleporting or doing anything but, the cramps are so painful that he can't focus on anything except the pain. It's so bad he actually whimpers. After all this is the one time a month Saiki feels anything human and mainly all he can feel is pain.
-how unfortunate for him Nendo walks in just to heat his whimpers of pain.
-by then his friend is in a panic asking what he needs. Saiki just yells at him to leave hoping to sneak out soon. Yet, his friend just stays demanding to know if he's hurt whish Saiki refuses to tell him. So Nendo does the smartest thing his mind can come up with.
-when he does the room is silent for a second. Just one before Saiki kicks him out and locks himself back in. He can hear Nendo rush off as he just cries. He can't help it, this is when he's the most human and the most powerless. If Nendo wanted tom he couldn't probably hurt him really bad.
-so he expects boys breaking in to beat him up. Or you know make fun of him. Or maybe worse. It scares him to think to much about it but, what he doesn't expect is what looks like a fresh pair of big clothes and some sanitary products sliding under his door.
-he also definitely doesn't expect Nendo to explain he told the teachers he was sick so he could go home an extra few minutes early. Heck he even offers to go get him pain meds if it hurts that bad. The bit is just a saint and all Saiki needs.
-Nendo walks him home that night and brings him any snack he wants after school for the rest of that week.
-from then on Nendo brings any snack Saiki wants, that is a reasonable price, to his house if he needs it. He even picks him up sanitary products if he needs them to.
Shun has no brains:
-shin find out in the oddest way.
-he and Saiki are hanging out on a weekend and he noticed he is a but more grumpy than normal. Yet, he ignored it and keeps trying to have fun.
-or at least he did until Saiki doubled over in pain in the middle of their walk. Shun helps him up only to see a blood stain on the back of his pants. Saiki realizes it at the same time too and before he can even get a word out shun is panicking. Why?
-because he thinks dark reunion has just shôt his friend in the private's.
-Saiki actually has to calm him down and explain it slowly. Then again. And again. Eventually the fifth time around Shun understand that Saiki isn't in moral danger and is just in a lot of pain.
-Saiki doesn't expect much for him. After all he doesn't have to put up with Saiki when Nendo isn't around.
-Yet, Shun shows up with everything his mother said helped her on her monthly. He brings like 7 heating pads to the house and so many comfort pillows. It's sweet but, it's obvious he had no clue what he is doing but, at least he's trying.
Reito's kinda sweet:
-Reito gets told about Saiki's is she in class one day by a ghost. One who burst in to beg him to help Saiki.
-Well he's stuck in class and can't find an excused to get up. If he doesn't get help soon his secret will be exposed to the entire school and the poor ghost doesn't snag him to live through so much embarrassment.
-Reito at first is shocked but agrees to help. He had no plan really and asks to go to the bathroom only to stop at Saikis class, and convince toy fall outside it. He pretends o be injured and gets Saiki to take him out of class.
-once they get far away enough Reito explains what is happening and Saiki is mortified. He just wants to curl up into a ball and die, but Reito refuses to let him do so. Instead he stays by his side like a puppy dog all week to make sure he's okay. And if Saiki so much as flinches, he's on his toes helping him do whatever he needs to.
Aren is a guard dog:
-aren finds out about Saiki's monthly problem in a different way.
-Saiki is walking home for once in a day his monthly starts. Things have gone well for once. So nothing could go wrong..until it does.
-he runs into the people from his old school. You know the ones who beat him up for who he was. They start shoving him around, bursting him up a bit before pushing him to the ground. Before he can even react a cramp hits him the same time the main bully's foot connects with his gut.
-the other bits join in and they get 7 good kicks in befoee Aren goes full guard dog on them.
-He beats them all to a bloody pulp before chasing them off. Once they're gone he helps his friend walk home. Where he refuses to leave Saiki when he eveals he's all alone for the next two hours. Instead he helps wrap his wounds and tells him to change.
-Saiki is touched. We all know he wouldn't admit he gets attached to people easily but, well he feels close to Aren in thta Moment. So before he goes to change he just blurted out he's trans to Aren, who reacts pretty well.
-In fact, when Saiki explains his current body issues, Aren washed his clothes for him and even offers to let him borrow his.
-from then on when his cycle starts, Aren will come over and wash clothes for him like he's a king for everything he's done for him since Aren got to the school.
Hairo feels guilty:
-it does not click why Saiki brings his bookbag with him to the bathroom so often. So he asks him in front of all their friends at lunch one day.
- yeah Saiki runs off crying and Aren almost beats the crap out of him.
-Nendo breaks them up and explains the situation tohim before going to help his best buddy.
-Hairo feels so guilty that he gifts Saiki anything he thinks he might like every month for the rest of his high school career, even after Saiki forgives him.
Teruhashi calms him down well
-one month his cycle is later and he freaks. Saiki knows he can't get pregnant if he is still a virgin but, with his powers anything is a possibility. And with his body wishing it didn't happen, maybe it found a way for it to stop happening. Yet, he knows he couldn't live with the dysphoria if that happened.
-he's to scared to tell his mom so he just freaks out to himself for a bit until he finally breaks down after school one day.
-like he's in the mall with his guys friends and Teruhashi (who randomly showed up). They're looking at some stuff around, he chat remembers what but, he suddenly sees a young women being overwhelmed watching her son. Saiki can't help but start to freak out wondeirng if that is his future when Aren asks what's he's looking at and jokes aboyt him having kids.
-yeah Saiki burst out crying at a food court freaking out to his friends aboyt his issue. (Aren feels guilty for weeks by the way.)
-no one knows what to do until Teruhashi reaches over and holds his hand. She rubs circles on it telling him to breath before slowly asking him to explain everything to her. He eventually calms down and tells her everything including how his period is late.
-she slowly explains to him many things can cause that since he's a virgin the likelihood of this is very rare. Like one in a million and it's more likely he might be sinking with her since they hang out so much. In fact her's is due to start in tow days and if he wants he can stay with her until it happens just to make sure that's what's happening.
-Saiki gets her number, and a week Lated he is relieved to call her and tell her that she was right.
-from then on the two become monthly buddies and eat chocolate and watch films together.
Mera is subtle-
-she finds out when a sanitary product falls out of Saiki's school bag. She doesn't say anything at all until after class. And when she does, she offers that Saiki and her can go buy more after school if he wants or she can get them for him.
-she just acts like a big sister to him when he gets his monthly and honestly is the sweetest thing ever.
-So it's no wonder why she joins the monthly buds group so well.
Chiyo hears a slip up-
-she, Saiki, and Teruhashi are talking one day about issues of their lives. That is when Teruhashi slips up being up Saiki’s periods being the worst she has ever heard of or seen in her life.
-Saiki freezes up but, Chiyo just groans hearing how painful they are. She explains she doesn’t care much if he’s trans he’s still her friend but, god those cramps sound worse then hers.
-so her and Saiki become cramp buddies while the other two girls mentioned here are lucky enough to not get cramps that bad.
(Another thing I would like to imagine happened at one point was Nendo became convinced Saiki was knocked up. No one knows why but, he got all excited and planned a whole baby shower and everything. Of course it wasn’t true, but Saiki promised him that no matter how he had kids in the future Nendo would be the good father which always makes Nendo smile when he thinks about it, no matter where he is, evacuee one day he’s gonna have god son to spoil from his best buddy).
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Final five episodes of Star Trek Season 2.
By Any Other Name: And once again they go onto a planet with an alien force that kidnaps them/forces them to comply to their own plans. Can’t they ever go to a planet where bad things don’t happen?! Anyways, it was fine. We’ve seen this lcrew in very bad circumstances’ thing before, so this isn’t anything new and I think others did it better. It was cool to see Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty the last ones standing and essentially using the aliens developed human senses to overstimulate/outwit them. Also feels like the villains got away with their actions super easily, but I guess it ended the conflict. Just feels rushed and unsatisfactory, especially since we din’t see the crew restored to normal and Scotty got turned essentially into a joke. IDK, it feels like it could have been good, but is just... meh due to it’s climax. I got some laughs though with Spock’s self-induced trance and McCoy’s face at it and McCoy pretty much shoving Kirk back into the final brawl with Kirk just saying he’s over-simulating him. It’s a servicable episode, but nothing stand-out. 3/5.
The Omega Glory: It was... eeeehhhhh. I was kind of into it at first until the Yankees/patriotism parallels took over the plot near the end. It’s the 60’s, so of course these kinds of tropes will be here, but it REALLY feels wrong considering the recent times. Had they stook with the plot of a planet where the people never aged/died and the crew were possibly going to die of a disease that turned them into dust, it might have been too similar to Miri but a perfectly fine episode. Why they decided to out this in there I’ll never know. I will give credit that, if you look at it a certain way, it does show how brutal blind patriotism can be, and in this current age amd especially after a certain event back in January, that message is VERY needed. But the episode is still clunky and didn’t do great with that message anyways so yeah. The fight scenes were kinda cool though and Shatner just going all ham when reaidng the Constitution at the end actually made it entertaing. Not enough to save the episode though. 2/5.
The Ultimate Computer: Ah, an episode on the process of computer automization. Wih how technology has evolved since the 60’s, this kind of episode is very much still relevant int oday’s world, maybe even more. So how does this one hold up? Overall, pretty good. The computer used to control the Enterprise has ot’s useful functions, but it’s not the same as a live person maintaining things. There were things I agreed with the computer readings on, like Kirk and McCoy not being needed on an away mission, but it doesn’t have the human compassion and sensibility that a human has... oh and it acting on it’s own didn’t help. There’s also Jim’s fear that he will become outdated and wondeirng if he’s being petty/prideful with his concerns and of possibly losing his command. A role that defines everything that he is. Also McCoy being the best best friend ever to Kirk in this episode was lovely... oh and his eyeroll at Spock was hilarious. We also continue the tremd of Kirk destroying computers/robots by confusing them. The man’s amazing at it haha. An overall good episode with a not original plot, but still a relevant one especially in the modern world. 4/5.
Bread and Circuses: Roman gladiators mixed with the 20th century, Sure, we did a gangster planet, why not gladiators? Anyways, it was good. We have out main trio taken prisoner... again. Seriosuly, WHY do you three keep letting this happen?! Anyways we have theem captured, Kirk has the choice between getting the rest of his crew down or allow his two best friends to die. It’s very suspenseful, especially when Kirk is forced to see said friends in a fight to the death because he refused to comply and he willingly chose execution than sacrifice his men. The Spock and McCoy scenes are especially great, especially in the cells when McCoy tries to thank Spock for saving him/confronts him on ignoring his emotions despite him VERY clealry being scared for Jima nd trying to pullont he bars when he logically knows it won’t help. Kelley and Nimoy nailed that scene. Also the way that the gladiatorial fights are done gave me major Hunger Games vibes. Oh and more of Scotty being awesome. God I love that Scot~! Then the end where the captain who fell victim before the, sacrificed himself to save the three... that was a strong moment. Anyways, enjoyed it~!4/5.
Assignment: Earth: Final episode of the season, and... it was okay. Gary Seven feels like ST’s attempt at creating Doctor Who...IDK if they did that intentionally but meh. It also felt like a pilot episode for a spinoff that never got off the ground. The Gary Seven character is interesting... plus he has a cat and that is always welcomed. It’s also hilarious that they go back to the 60’s for obvious reasons. But otherwise no strong feelings about the episode other than that it felt like ST’s own cast got overshadowed by the Gary sevem character due to this clealry being a disguised pilot. Bummer that we end the season on this, but it, could’ve beem worse I guess. Upside, we had a kitty~! 2/5.
So we have completed Season 2. I really enjoyed it~! There were some meh episodes, but so many good ones as well. I had so much fun with this season~! Next is S3, amd I am fully aware of it’s notorious history. Heck the first one is comsidered one of the worse ST episodes ever made in it’s many incarnations. But we’ll get to that tomorrow and regardless of these episodes quality, I’m too close to the finish line to turn away now. But as far as S2 goes, it was a fun ride and I greatly enjoyed it~!
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Hi! Can i ask a question? After reading your birthday story about Jack and Disney land, i was wondeirng if your group of friends in the story are they based on real life friends? Cos everyone has cool as fuck names and im so jealous 😂 yours is siren yeah? How did you come up with them? Sorry I'f im being really forward I just find it really interesting 😊💛
Hi there sweetheart! Not forward at all. They are actually based off the British ladies I talk to on here. Haha! We do all have cool nicknames.
The ladies came up with it for me. I just okayed it haha. I work in Law Enforcement so they dubbed me Siren for the police siren. Which just makes me grin because Law Enforcement runs in my family, my parents were correctional officers for Rykers up in New York and that's where they met (I always get a kick outta saying my parents met in jail, which they hate! Haha!) and while Law Enforcement wasn't the plan to begin with for me it kinda feels full circle for me to be here.
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