#the whole egg changes things slightly
licensedproldier · 4 months
highlights from the brennan hank interview (aka taking notes on things that i liked or didn't know)
immediate jump off topic from hank to ask him about d20 (this happened while fhjy was airing)
"and the greatest project of all, my wonderful family with my wife isabella roland"
bonding over their children
brennan and hank's son both corrected their father's bedtime stories 💀
many elaine lee shoutouts
"his dad met my mom and fell in love" "you did that" "we did that, parent-trapped them"
was pulled out of school in 4th grade for homeschooling because the bullying was so bad....
started a company when they (he and his brother) were fifteen?? called Bootleg Adventures
hank's little awed hiss of "what" to the above piece of information
"knowledge is something that, when you share it, there's just more. there's no scarcity"
hank staring off into space slightly looking like brennan just blew his mind (we're 11 minutes in)
"we were 14 year old philosophy majors, if you can imagine anything more normal than that"
brennan unable to resist doing fun voices for the people he talks about
he wouldve loved to work at wayfinder full time and said back then hey maybe ill become a famous internet comedian or something and that's how i can help camp. now he's got texts from the staff saying how a bunch of dimension 20 fans have joined and its been a huge boon for them that way 🥺
"it's funny when a really bad plan works. dont make that plan."
"every new community-- is this too sad? no its true" THOSE THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE
anyway "for every new community i start with the presupposition that someone is going to pick me up and put me in the trash can" 😭
hank sniping him through the duplex door with "[when you do that] you kind of imagine yourself to be the value you're delivering rather than yourself, or that your value is in what you deliver and not who you are" and brennan going 😐 "that's a great point man"
both of them turning to do pained smiles at the camera 😭
"i think the value is in who you are" "that's really sweet i appreciate that" "but i also love that you deliver"
brennan quoting mary oliver
im starting to feel a little called out guys
robert mckee "stories are not about their premises they're about their conclusions"
brennan also staring off into space slightly thinking about what hank said
the REAL college advice brennan is giving is reportedly "put an egg in your ramen" because thats how you stop your eyes from going "matte finish"
shoutout to vanessa's dumplings for keeping this man alive
"i am ozymandias nerd of nerds, gaze upon my banner and despair"
the moment he felt like something changed was walking into C2E2 and seeing that the biggest hanging banner in the convention hall was of fantasy high. or, as brennan put it, "my dumb face"
"my friends moved in with their partners, the apartment i had with them scattered to the wind, the woman i was dating dumped me after three weeks, and i won a bunch of money on Who Wants to Be a Millionare" "wh- what???"
he taught emily, murph, siobhan, and zac how to play dnd 🥺 and was running a home game for lou at the same time
got hired at um, actually because his name was getting around for being a big dork
zac stepped down from troopers and sam liked brennan's character from a previous casting call (tim curry eating pizza) so he brought him in
its very charming the detail with which brennan remembers these important moments in his life
became a full time cast member in the same week he started dating izzy! "hard to beat week gang!"
"they told us they were launching dropout and everyone had to make a show, which, if you're been trying to make a show your whole life, that's like saying 'bad news guys, there's 24 birthday cakes in the break room and everyone has to eat a whole birthday cake'."
brennan was making a document for a market pitch on an actual-play show when he was called into office and THEY pitched HIM the idea of an actual-play show
"i guess i have tumbled through life to end up here ready to do this"
truly like. one of the guys of all time.
"some of the things that didn't make sense about you make more sense now" hank talking indirectly about how amazing he found all the moving parts of mentopolis and now getting to hear about how long and how many time he's done storytelling it makes sense
"yeah its the one skill"
"i wanted to tell stories before i was anything else"
🎉anti-capitalist rant🎉
"people used to say 'is ucb a cult' and i'd say 'in a cult, somebody is making money'"
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callofdudes · 1 year
Best idea
Y/n had to go MIA/KIA to keep the 141 safe, once Simon founds out angry cause he mourned for his best friend only to find out their alive and in hiding, demanded platonic cuddles as their “punishment”
Ok, I'm gonna get the brain juices running for this one. Another one based off a story my bestie @itsscromp and I did. But I changed it up. Hope you enjoy, it's longer than I anticipated it being.
Also, I should have fully expected the repercussions of letting you guys vote Egg as a callsign... but I'ma still use it.
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Where did you go??
Summary: They thought you were gone, dead. Turns out you were under their noses and a call away the whole time.
Cw: Angst. Nothing much else.
Your mission had gone... Well for lack of a better word it went to shit. Whole thing blew up. An ambush, a bomb, it would be a long road to explain what all in all happened but it did, and now you were paying for it. It had gotten so bad they couldn't pull you from the junction you were stuck in.
You were supposed to be infiltrating an old base which had become home to a drug ring. But no one happened to mention the mines you'd step on and fuck up your leg with. Or the live wire that alerted the whole base after said mine went off.
So now this entire base was up in arms, you have a broken leg and probably other damage. You were lucky your leg hadn't been blown off.
And to be quite frank, these men were extremely dangerous which meant your fuck up was astronomical. The second they found you you were probably going to die.
So you commed into Price, telling him your situation.
"Alright Egg, I'm going to go in on foot and bring you back to the helicopter just hang tight soldier."
"Yes sir." You lay down, catching your breath and willing yourself not to look at your leg because if it felt bad it probably looked bad too.
Not twenty minutes later Price was approaching your form, bending down to check on you. "You broken??"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure... I don't want to look though."
Price nodded, tucking his gun away and grabbed your arms. "Alright, up we go," he hauled you up into his arms, hefting you over his shoulder and going back the way he came. Just... A little quicker this time since things were looking good for the oppositions infantry.
Price brought you back to the helicopter where you were bandaged up. The mission could have been better planned so they didn't end up sending another team out.
Price had the team drop you off near some loading stations far off the location of the base.
"What... Are we doing here??"
Price got out of the helicopter and checked your leg before pulling you out with him. "I can't bring you back to base. It's a security risk if I do..."
You frowned. "What do you mean?? Where am I going then??"
"There's a secure underground safehouse that will keep you hidden. It's got the provisions you need and the people you need. They'll keep quiet and keep you safe. For now, for however long, I need you to lay low."
You opened your mouth to protest but then shut it again. "I understand. Will I get to see the others..?"
"No, you are not to contact them in any way at all. Until I contact you, you are to remain on the downlow."
Your head falls slightly, but you nod. "Alright, I can do that."
Price nodded and patted your shoulder. He picked you up and helped you into the truck waiting for you. "They'll take care of you. I'll contact you as soon as it's safe. If I do not contact you do not contact us. Got it?"
You nod once again, taking the instructions to heart. You wouldn't be able to contact Ghost, Soap or Gaz. You wouldn't be able to contact anyone. But you knew this was for the best.
So with a last goodbye Price closed the door to the truck and the soldier in the driver's seat drove down the empty road out of the landing space.
"How long will we be gone??"
"Until we get the word from Captain Price. Don't worry. It'll be kept under wraps..."
Price returned to the base, taking a deep breath and having had time to figure everything out. He immediately called the others into a meeting.
Considering you and Price weren't supposed to be back for the rest of the day, or even two days or more the meeting was seen as urgent.
Ghost was there first, the sergeants following his trail as they came into the office. "Price... What are you doing back?" Ghost asked sternly, hands clasped tightly as if ready for action at a moments notice.
"Relax... There won't be any fighting. I need you all to sit."
Soap threw Gaz a concerned look as they sat. "Where is y/n, are they still out there??"
Price straightened his posture. He didn't exactly want to lie to his own men, but he'd done worse and he knew this was completely for the best.
"The mission didn't go well as soon as we went in."
Ghost frowned. "Didn't go well?? These drug traders could be connected to Shepherd's on power, how did it wrong??"
"Ghost, relax." Price replied firmly. "I realize that we didn't think this over as well as we should have... Their base was much more protected than we originally thought so Egg went in blind."
"So what happened? Did you pull them??" Ghost was growing more agitated the longer they sat there.
"They commed in about an exploded mine and... We couldn't find them."
The room grew quiet. Soap and Gaz shared concerned looks as Gaz spoke up. "Did you do a full search? We're they hidden in the dirt or something and you missed??"
Price shook his head. "Too risky to go on foot and search. We didn't know how many more mines were out there." Only a small white lie, but a lie nonetheless.
Ghost squared in his chair. "Then we need to go find them. What are we sitting here for just waiting-!"
"Ghost, if they are safe they'll comm in. For now I can't risk sending men in there with the base on high alert and their supposed boss on speed dial. So for now we sit down and we wait to see if Egg comes back with anything."
Ghost was boiling up underneath. Feelings of rage that Price couldn't have waiting a little longer. Worry because they left you out there probably still alive... And fear. Because what if you weren't alive.
"I won't make any calls on it now, but this is where we are at so remain patient. I'm doing what I can to sort this out." Price had to rewire this plan to keep all of his men safe. All of his soldiers, including you.
The air was tense when everyone left. The idea you were out there alone, still alive and possibly if not injured and with no help. It scared them all.
Gaz was the first to try and get in contact with you. But any of his efforts were proving ineffective.
Soap just had to wait it out. To hope they could find you or you could find them in time.
Ghost... Ghost didn't know what to think. He knew you were capable. He knew if you were alive then you'd comm in. Once you were safe he knew you would make contact. You could protect yourself... He had to believe you would be ok.
That mentality lasted right up until a week later when Price called everyone back in to pronounce you MIA. Stamped on a card to your file and just like that, they truly had zero traces of you.
They were devastated. A week and no turn of anything from you. This is when Simon started to call your phone. Leaving you text messages.
He couldn't sleep because all his thoughts and dreams were of you. Hoping you were ok and alive. That hope was dying, waking up in cold sweats on nights he could close his eyes for even a moment.
Clutching his beating heart while his body rattled with panic, phone pressed to his ear only to hear your voice over the same simple voice mail as ever.
He couldn't be without you. You were a crucial part of his life. Of his mission. He couldn't just abandon that connection. You had to be alive.
Price cut communication with the safe house you were being taken care of. Unless it was an emergency Price knew not of your condition, only that you were safe. He too was worried, bouncing around through meetings and talking with Laswell and this and that and the other thing.
Trying to figure out what to do now that they needed a new plan and how long they could wait to re-infiltrate.
Simon had started leaving you voicemails, not knowing if he'd ever hear your voice again.
"Hey, this is Y/n, I'm currently busy but please try to leave a message so I can get back to you!"
Simon laid awake, staring up at the ceiling as he held the phone to his ear.
"Y/n.... If you can hear me you gotta respond. Please, I don't know if you'll ever hear these again but if you're somewhere out there I know you're alive. Anything, please, I..." He closed his eyes, thinking back to the last time he saw you. Taking off in that helicopter, a pat on the shoulder and a good luck...
"I miss you. And I'm not giving up on you. I'm not." He wouldn't cry... He wouldn't cry. He would not cry.
"I'm going to come find you. I know somewhere you're still alive. Even if their torturing you I promise I won't leave you out there to die you hear me."
Tears rolled down his cheeks and he covered his eyes, curling up on his bed. "I know you hear me...." He choked out. "I know you can hear me...." He stares at the phone. "Please Y/n.... Please, anything..."
He stared at the phone, waiting like you would magically pick up and reassure him even for a second that you were ok and alive and even if you weren't thriving you were still breathing.
But no...
The voicemail lasted for over an hour. Simon laid there, staring at him phone, unable to bring himself to hang up again.
His thumb hovered over the phone. He wanted to say one last thing... He opened his mouth, but he hesitated. His eyes downcast and one last tear rolled down his cheek as he ended the call once again. Only to face another restless night of no sleep.
By the eighth month mark you were pronounced KIA.
Simon had pretty much known by that point. He'd lost his best friend but he had been in denial until Price told them. They couldn't find a trace of you. No body, no tags, no clothes, no weapon. You had simply... Vanished.
Simon continues to mourn all while you were still being held up in that underground safehouse. Sitting on the small rickety bed, watching the higher ranked soldiers also staying watch at the safehouse talk in the other room.
It was beyond difficult. No contact with outside, you ate, slept, the others tended to your leg and occasionally sparred with you to help you back on your feet.
You missed your team. Your friends. Your family.
You listened to every single voicemail Simon sent. You couldn't reply. Couldn't text him back or even pick up the phone for a second to let him know you were ok.
You remained radio silent.
Even as you'd lay awake at night with your phone replaying the voicemail, listening to the recorded lapse of Simon's breathing while he stared at the phone with an empty, sorrowful expression from the other side.
You missed him so much. You wanted to see them again. But you couldn't. Not yet. Would you ever get to see them again?? They couldn't leave you down here forever.
There was a brief knock on your door as one of the sergeants nodded to you. "Food is ready, new supply just came in."
You nod, pausing the voicemail. "Thanks... I'll be out in a minute."
You sighed, turning off your phone and tucking it away, praying that you'd see them soon.
Simon had lost you. Didn't even get a chance to protect you. It had gotten to the point where his lack of sleep would lead to seeing figures of you disappear down hallways. In a spark of hope and joy he'd rush to find you only to find nothing...
On the off days he'd run into a recruit or a sergeant wandering the halls. As soon as they would turn around though... The illusion would shatter.
His own mind was killing him from the inside. Sending you hundred and hundreds of text messages. Every morning and night, rants about his day and what he was feeling. If he was going to pour everything out like you'd ever see it he did it now.
Knowing you'd never pick that phone up again, knowing you'd never look him in the eyes again. Knowing he'd never hear your voice or feel your touch or know your comfort ever again.
This drove him further and further into the spiral. Price had never seen Simon beat up the punching bag so much he bled all over it. He'd never seen Simon get snappy and angry I'm split decisions like he did.
He'd never seen Simon grow so desperate and over protective of Johnny and Kyle. Because Simon's new fear was he'd lose them just like he lost you...
This went on for the next three months after that. Nearly a year since you'd died and they were back out on that minefield. A proper plan, a new way in, a new goal.
Simon was desperate to tear that base apart and even find a trace of your body. Even just a piece of your clothing or your signature engraved gun hanging in their armory somewhere.
But in the end he was left with no more questions answered than when he first entered that meeting room eleven months ago.
Simon had followed the trail to the last thread. The main office of that base. Pulling open every drawer and every cabinet.
"Lt stop you're making a mess-!"
"There's got to be a file or something here! There fucking has to be!"
"Ghost stop we found the information we needed. We have the shipments contained the base is clear what could you be looking for??" Gaz asked, trying to understand what had gotten Ghost in such a frenzy.
"A kill list or an interrogation chart. Anything."
"For what Simon!?"
"For Y/n!!" Simon snapped at them both. Breathing heavy as he finishes emptying every drawer in that office.
Price stood silently in the doorway. Enough time had passed. He wouldn't put them through this anymore.
"Come on lads... I think it's time I show you something."
Their attention turned on to him. Simon was almost vibrating with rage and anxiety. He just wanted any knowledge of what happened. He knew you were dead but his soul was restless without knowing. He needed to know...
They left, Price piled them in the helicopter and the ride back was silent. Simon stared at his hands the whole time. Soap fidgeted, knee bouncing and chewing his lip anxiously.
Gaz picked at the loose strap of his gun, also attempting to distract himself from the elephant in the room.
When the helicopter landed they weren't on base. They landed on the small helipad you had been brought to some some before. Price got out, motioning the other three to follow.
"Where are we Price??" Soap looked around, not recognizing the place.
"You'll know soon enough." Price brought them to a truck, talking with the officer in charge of the station before climbing in the driver's seat.
The sergeants got comfy in the back and Simon slipped into the passenger seat. His eyes remained fixed on the passenger window, watching the open land pass by and the fields of undisturbed flowers and wildlife.
What if he had found you here? May you would have liked that better. Surrounded by the flowers and the soft blowing breeze instead of wherever your body lay, ashes or not.
He turned away, fixing his eyes to the dashboard to try and distract himself.
The ride was quiet once again. Lasting about an hour and a half before Price stopped, parking the vehicle outside a small outpost of sorts. It wasn't build very high off the ground and was concealed by trees and wildlife.
"A safehouse. Why cannae we jus' go home??" Soap asked as he jumped out of the vehicle with the others.
"I'd prefer we made a stop here." Price said, leading them to the entrance where surpisingly a soldier was there to bring them in.
"Occupied? Now there's something new." Gaz whispered to Soap.
Simon didn't understand why they were even making this stupid trip. He wanted to go back to base. He wanted to hide once again like he always did.
"Captain Price, welcome back." The soldier shook Price's hand and walked them further inside.
"Sergeant! Their here for you!" The soldier called out, walking to one of the small rooms where you were. Where you spent most of your time.
You looked up. Who was here for you?? Your eyes widened. Them, your team! It had to be them they were back!
You pushed off your bed, leaning into your good leg and moved faster than you had in almost a year. Turning the corner and there they were. Price, Simon, Johnny, Kyle. All of them.
But.... This wasn't the hopeful reunion you'd pictured in your head over and over again. No one moved. The thought of Simon rushing the hug you didn't come true as he didn't move.
Price walked over, embracing you. "Good to see you again sergeant." You hugged him tightly, so good to be held by him, embraced by Price again. You'd missed him so much.
Johnny was the second one to snap out of it, running over and wrapping his arms around you tightly. "What the hell is wrong with you doing this! You had us all sick and worried and heartbroken!!"
"It wasn't my plan... I'm sorry." You hugged Johnny back. "I'm so sorry Soap, I'm so sorry." Johnny couldn't stop his tears, not wanting to let go in fear you'd slip away again.
Gaz followed, hugging you tighter than you'd ever felt him do before. You'd never seen Gaz openly cry but he was balling, sobbing as he hugged you tightly.
"We thought you were dead, captain told us you were dead!"
"I had to do it to protect them... To protect all of us." Price knew this would probably take a bit for them all to come to terms and forgive him for, but it had to be done.
When the others were done cooing and coddling over you, there was just Simon left.
He felt alone. He felt cold and separated. He felt like he wasn't a part of the same bubble as the others... He watched them embrace and kiss and love on you... You. It was you.
You turned to him, but Simon didn't move. He didn't know if he could. He felt so consumed by his darkness and his grief it didn't allow him to step into the light.
He'd consumed himself so much if he touched you he felt he might burn. That you fall like sand from his fingertips and the illusion would shatter...
"Simon...." You whisper, stepping toward him, causing Simon to step back.
You could see the fear in his eyes. The lack of trust, the amount of hurt, the pain he must have went through to have one of his lifelines ripped away and then thrust back into his life suddenly like it was fine.
"I'm... I'm sorry Simon I didn't mean to hurt you. I listened to every voicemail you sent. I knew every text that went through. But I...."
"You could have told me you were fine! You could have told me you were ok!! Bullshit that you couldn't!! Bullshit!!" Simon thundered.
You remained silent. Simon glared at Price. This was his fault. You'd been taken away without warning. He could have kept it a secret he could have carried that knowledge and not been out through a years worth of fire from hell!
Simon threw his gun to the ground, not even carrying as he left again.
"Lieutenant! Simon!" Price called after him as Simon left the safehouse.
You placed your hand on Price's chest. "Don't... It's ok. Let me help him."
Price looked down. But he nodded.
You left the safehouse, finding Simon around the corner huddled up, shaky hands trying to light a cigarette to get his nerves to calm down and his mind to clear up.
"You hid from me." He cursed, acting like he was seconds from spitting your name into the dirt and squashing it. But you knew. You knew inside he was hurting more than anyone else on the team.
You knelt beside him, gently taking the lighter from his hands. "I never meant to hurt you. If I didn't have strict orders from Price I would have contact you right away."
"Why couldn't he have at least told us you were ok. That you were alive."
"I... I don't know Simon, you'll have to ask Price about that one. But I promise I never meant to hurt you. I listened to every voicemail, I didn't give up. I can see the pain it caused you."
You moved closer, slipping into his arms and hugging him tightly. The second you wrapped your arms around him. He felt your weight, your warmth, your heart pounding in your chest against his own.
Simon finally looked at you, tears spilling down his cheeks. He was shattered. So hurt from losing you.
"You fuckin' abandoned me!!"
"I didn't abandon you Simon. You know I would have picked up and came running back even if my leg was missing."
He knew it was true. But he was so... So angry and torn and upset. He wanted to scream and fight and he felt so small and helpless.
The real you.
Not some illusion passing corners or drifting through his peripherals. The you he could touch and hold and protect.
His arms wrapped around you tightly, never letting go of you even once. He didn't stop those tears as he pulled you impossibly closer.
"I'm here Simon. I'm not leaving again ok? I'm right here."
He remained silent, crying as he held onto you. Hiding his face in the crook of your neck. It felt like hours passed. It felt like time slowed. What felt like two hours was twenty minutes when he finally pulled away enough to look at your face.
To see the light in your glimmering eyes, to see every feature of your face that made you, you.
His sergeant. His teammate. His family.
You smiled softly, gently pulling up his mask off his head to cup his cheeks, rubbing your thumb gently over the dimple in his cheek you've seen when he shows you his smile.
"Smudged your paint a little bit," You whisper. "Let's get that fixed." You gently brush your finger over his face, feeling him start to relax at that familiar and missed touch as you fix the paint around his eyes.
"There we go. How can I help Simon. What will help make this better?"
Simon tried to flick away the rest of his tears, huffing softly. "Cuddles. And you are not allowed to say no after what you put me through. This is your punishment for making me go through that shit!"
You chuckle. "Oh, cuddles with Simon, scary. I'll pay the fine, I'll do all the punishment time of cuddles you request. Sound good?"
Simon nods his head.
"Ok, well how about we go inside now? I could use some cuddles too."
You were about to get up when Simon hugged you again. "I'm glad you're ok..."
You smiled softly, kissing the top of his head. "I am too Simon." You help his mask back on and the two of you head inside.
Simon would let out his feelings to Price sometime later when his head felt less foggy. For now, he was content to crash on the rickety old safehouse bed and koala cling to you till kingdom come.
Nuzzling up and holding you tightly, not letting you go for even a itty bitty millisecond.
And you were fine with that. You were glad you could be back with your family. Simon was glad to welcome you back. You'd be serving a lot of cuddle prison time. A strenuous task, but one all too rewarding.
Running your hand down the back of his head, scratching his back to help him relax and set himself at ease.
All he needed was to koala crush your soul into his soul, and then he'd be ok. Slowly, his eyes started to close after the exhaustion of the mission, but he fought to keep them open.
"I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise, I won't be going anywhere." You whisper to him.
"You promise?"
"I double swear it. I won't leave. I'll be right here."
He snuggled you impossibly closer and let his eyes close. He let his mind rest. His heart soak in you and heal. Slowly you could help mend what has fallen apart.
And cuddles were never a bad place to start...
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bluehoodedmousebane · 2 months
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I did wind up playing with Elite body types. And a handful of skin. effects? Idk. I feel like most of these are canon compliant, but not to worry! I have completely insane thoughts and another drawing under the cut.
Thank god the people making wikis have moved off of fandom. Halopedia’s is so much better so far.
Basically Sangheili are omnivorous, social, and have two sexes with a tiny amount of dimorphism. Sanghelios is said to be higher gravity than earth, but with both the size of the planet and the not-great body plan of the elites the difference would be minimal. You can assume from their pupils that they were most likely crepuscular ambush predators. They historically used their mouths to grapple prey, but do not use them to actually eat the food. Instead they use their hands to break down their food, and swallow the manageable pieces whole. They also lay eggs rather than give live birth, and their young must be incubated even after hatching.
The randomized reptile traits are really funny to me, and I want to take it very slightly further.
I can’t find any information on clutch sizes, but I’d like to change the sexual dimorphism to have females be slightly bigger than males. No real reason, especially without fecundity info, but the women rant is not one I’ll be posting.
I also want Sangheili to continue growing throughout their life, with diminishing returns. Like. A guy who’s fifty and 7’ 9” might end up being 8’ 1” when he’s 70.
Now for the completely unfounded shit.
I also cannot find a firm answer on whether they’re warm or cold blooded. Both of them would be fun to play with, and both would be fairly realistic for their size and environment. I think making them mesotherms would be a funny middle ground, and the body temps rising with size could be. Vaguely? Useful for larger females incubating?
I’m thinking the thought of internal dominance presentations for both of the sexes. Kind of. Not in any way that really matters modern day. Basically long term stress-> long term stress hormones-> hormones activate other hormones-> slight body changes for the individual. Dominant males and females can grow bigger and act more volatile. Socially they do often try and lead the people around them, enforce some control, but they aren’t actually seen any different. They’re just like. Adults going through second puberty. So I guess it’s not exactly a dominance thing. This is me bullshitting an explanation for why Thel seems so much bigger in 5 than he does in 2 and 3.
also uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Rtas.
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diyasgarden · 2 days
pregnancy 👀❣
Art has always wanted to be a dad, so when you tell him you're pregnant he is ecstatic. He is on google trying to learn everything that he thinks will be helpful for you (from finding something that will help reduce your morning sickness to how to help with your fatigue). He always ends up on subreddit for expecting mothers, and so sometimes his sentences starts like this: "Well Cindy from Ohio said when she was pregnant for the first time...." He shows up to every appointment, and always asks the doctors questions. It ranges from just questions about baby's development to about what is best for you too. Things you probably would have never thought of yourself, but he wants to make sure all your bases are covered. He is also one of those dads who talks to your bump pretty much all of the time. He'll talk about his day mostly, and it's cute sweet to see.
Tashi is a planner. If you're having a child together, you guys have been together for sometime (at least couple of years) and she personally thinks you're both ready to have a child. Of course, she discusses this with you as well, and when you're both on the same page you start IVF treatment. Random donor and you decide that one of you will carry the baby while the other's egg will be used. If she is the carrier you dedicate the entire pregnancy to making sure she has everything she needs. She has pretty bad morning sickness, but you're always there to help her. You'd do pretty much anything she wanted in general, but now especially because she is pregnant. If you're the carrier, than Tashi is there to dote on you. She balances the line between doing what she knows is best for you and the baby, but also what you want. She does tease you for all your weird cravings, but just for fun. Nothing that could ever make you cry (she understands that your hormones are over the place). She finds talking to the bump silly, but she loves playing music for your child.
Patrick has never wanted to be a parent. He isn't sure if he would be good at it, mostly because of his complicated relationship with his own parents. Your pregnancy is a complete accident, but when you decide to keep it you kind of expect Patrick to disappear. But wouldn't that automatically make him like his own parents? If this kid is going to be born, shouldn't he at least try? Sometimes you wonder if he is staying out of some sense of duty, but it's Patrick so that's silly. He wouldn't even be able to explain why he is staying, he just knows it's what he wants. He doesn't really know the whole pregnancy process. He tries his best. He shows up to all of your appointments, even though he looks slightly out of place there. He teases you about your mood changes and cravings, but gets worried when you do anything that seems too strenuous (even if it's something small). He will hold back your hair if you have morning sickness and will come up behind you and hold up your bump to relieve yourself of the weight. He says talking to the bump is silly ("the baby isn't born yet, it can't hear anything"), but you've caught him whispering to it when he thinks you're asleep.
PS: If you like the Patrick HC here...well keep an eye out for a fic I'm working on
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artytaeh · 2 months
mattheo actually craves love and attention, if you give him a egg with silly eyes drawn on them he will be attached to it like its his kid
regulus would love poems, idk if its common sense at this point but for me Regulus is REALLY into literature
draco would love hair dye
blaise would love that little handmade gifts that has the spotify thing to use the qr code on, he's really into music, change my mind
UNIRONICALLY, i feel like mattheo is one of my favorite incorrect quotes. it doesn't matter if it's silly, or would give him a slightly less tough, masculine look; mattheo quickly becomes attached to whatever you gave him and proudly brags that it's his. a present from you. to HIM.
mattheo: what's this bullshit?
reader: ah, you don't have to keep it—
mattheo: [hugging whatever you gave him close to his chest, turning his body to shield it from your grasp] back off. it's mine now.
⭑ ⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
as for regulus, you gave me an epiphany?! that sounds so much like him. regulus + love poems made my heart ache in a strange way ☹️✋ nevermind what he says, i know that regulus would be able to write the most gut wrenching, painfully beautiful poem ever. tragically beautiful type of writing.
⭑ ⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
draco receiving hair dye made me laugh because at first he'd be offended. would look at you as if you had rapped a whole song insulting his family, from his ancestors to his future children.
(he'd still keep the hair dye. no way in hell is he wasting it.)
but depending on how close you are to him, and if you don't make jokes about him bleacing his hair, draco would be so grateful. specially if you bought it because you noticed that his stock was nearly ending. to him, it's the fact that you payed such close attention, and care for him.
⭑ ⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT BLAISE. i totally see him as the type of person that has ten different playlists, for ten different things.
playlist to make out, playlist to shower, playlist while he's working out, another one to study too. would make you a playlist for your first month together, and even one with songs meant to cheer you up, if you're going through a rough week.
would love it if you made a playlist about your favorite songs, because that allows him to discover more songs that he might like, while also getting to know you better. 🗯️
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hanafubukki · 1 year
I laughted so hard 😭 "Please don't-" The sky is blue, the birds singing, your two soon-to-be husband are dressed for the occasion as you walk through the castle hall Meleanor and Levan accorded you for the ocassion. Not many people are here, but things are sure lively. Everyone is ready, except for the wedding officer, who is nowhere to be found. Levan too seems totaly unaware of his wife location, but he suppose she was with their egg and didn't see the time pass.
Then. A motherf*cking dragon blow up the walls, takes you in his mouth, and fly away as quickly as she came, leaving you, your two signnificant others, her own husband, and the whole hall totally speechless. Now, here start the epic adventure to take back the bride-
And here is the origins of the legend of a dragon stealing brides from their husbands in Briar Valley that spread for centuries in other countries....
- 🦋 Anon
[Masterlist; specifically talking about this Ficlet]
Hello 🦋Anonie,
I’m glad I was able to meet my goal and make some of you laugh with that. Meleanor being chaotic fun like her son is something I enjoy, especially if it makes Lilia’s life that much more…interesting lolol
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Now let’s weave a tale, or rather, a legend that becomes widely known. A legend about a bride being stolen by a dragon on her wedding day from her two grooms.
This story starts as all stories do:
Once Upon a Time, in the Kingdom of Briar Valley…
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It was your wedding day, you were almost fully dressed. The last few pieces of your outfit were supposed to be placed by Meleanor, as per tradition.
But there lies the problem, said Queen never showed up. You had one of the maids summon the King, only for him not to know where his wife is. He was busy with the grooms and had assumed his Queen was with you or with their egg.
He had assured you that he would find his Queen before leaving. You sighed and waited, thinking about the wedding. It was a beautiful day. Clear skies, birds singing, and precious loved ones were attending your wedding. So where did the Queen go?
As one of Dawn's birds and Lilia's bats came to comfort you, a stray thought came to mind, of the Queen's joke from years ago.
You had a very bad feeling about this...
...and as if the universe wanted to prove you right, the wall behind you blew wide open.
Like mother like son, you couldn't help but think as you stared at Meleanor's dragon form. Her dragon form was beautiful, you just wished you saw it during different circumstances.
"Please don't damage the dress."
The dragon smirked at you, before grabbing you in her claws and flying away with you.
You dangled in her claws. What was the point in struggling? It's not like you can free yourself and you doubt she would ever drop you. So might as well enjoy whatever this is while waiting for answers.
The venue for your wedding was beautiful, you noticed during your flight. You hoped you could get married in it today, or sometime soon.
Ah, there was Lilia.
You waved at him as he frustratingly yelled at his sister as she paused in her flight away to give him a draconic smirk, even swinging you slightly as if to mock him. Your Knight of Dawn was right next to him, startled and astonished. Levan was on the other side of Lilia, rubbing his forehead, you kind of felt bad for him.
Meleanor roared in laughter before speeding away, at least her claws hid your wedding dress from your grooms-to-be.
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You were plopped down gently in a field of flowers before Meleanor returned to her humanoid form.
"Dare I ask?"
"I wanted to mess with Lilia a bit more."
"I figured as much. Now, what’s the plan?"
"Now, I help you get ready for your wedding."
You stared at her confused, everything was already ready back at the castle.
Meleanor donned a haughty smile, "I felt a change of venue was needed. This place is so much better, don't worry, I already gave the orders for everything to be set up here. The one you saw before was just an illusion."
She then led you away to an area magicked to be your bridal room, where the final touches of your outfit will be done.
As you followed her, you couldn't help but agree. This meadow was beautiful, the perfect place for a wedding.
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Meleanor, officiating the wedding: "Are you sure you want to marry him? He's such a brat. One time when he was 150 years old-”
Lilia, the groom: "Meleanor, I swear..."
YN & Dawn, the bride and other groom respectively: *stifling their laughter*
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
Todays 5am rambling;
There is a difference between 'qBad' and 'Tio Bad' because Tio Bad instincts are just absolutely INGRAINED in ccBads brain and is just entirely separate from his actual qCharacter
Honestly. Half of the stuff he does he does out of instinct, not rp at this point.
And I'm 5am rambling about this just because it's become really really obvious to me these past couple days because Bad will be in rp with the eggs where he's not supposed to recognize them or know them but then he'll do or say little things that just doesn't quite fit with that and it's just so adorable because it's so obvious that he's just so used to hanging with the egg actors that some things are just natural at this point.
The most obvious is the iconic gasp whenever there's an egg downed message, of course.
(I still remain surprised that he managed to act completely nonchalant when Richas got knocked the other day, +1000 rp points there Brad)
That is a bodily response at this point, there is no character rp in that gasp of anxiety.
But there are just little things that slip through even when he is in full rp mode.
When Tallulah first saw him again he acted as qBad would but when Tallulah started to get genuinely upset Bad's voice changed to the voice he uses when talking through hard topics with eggs and he reassured her in a way that he didn't take the time to do with any of the other eggs and honestly it must've broken ccBad to not be able to comfort an egg that he's been a source of comfort for for almost a year.
Or when he went to ask Leo if she wanted to go mining. He'd previously been loud and confused with Leo and Foolish but when he went to speak to Leo alone he crouched in front of her and spoke clearly as he asked her and waited for her response, copying her when she jumped or crouched excitedly.
He learnt early on (back when the translations were still buggy as all hell) that sometimes when babysitting Leo in particular he had to make sure to speak clearly so that nothing got lost in translation because if you watch early vods there are times where Leo just does not understand what Bad is saying (and if you look at the transcription box it's often pretty damn easy to understand why she's confused because some of the stuff the early transcripts pick up are frankly hilariously far off from what was said).
Overtime he adapted, speaking clearer and reducing his use of complex vernacular or occasionally repeating phrases but changing them slightly to make the translations as understandable as possible and he still does that whenever he's talking directly with Leo, and now Pepito too.
The one that hurt and was the point that made me start writing this whole rambling was the way that Bad IMMEDIATELY snapped back into Tio mode as soon as he saw Pepito at spawn (even if from a pure rp standpoint it made not a lot of sense).
He was crouching in front of him, back to calling him little one, referring to all the eggs as 'kids' again, reassuring Pepito that he'd go pick up his dad and bring him to Pepito but only if he could make sure that Pepito was safe at his house first, trying to immediately get him out of the open and to set a pearl, telling him it wasn't his fault and that he doesn't need to apologise, that it's okay to be sad about his death but they need to get him somewhere safe first.
It broke me because this was just an exact echo of how he's had to act with every other egg after their deaths when he discusses the deep topics with them. He is too used to comforting eggs about these sorts of things and hearing him give the same reassurances killed me because Pepito is just a baby, he shouldn't have to have Tio Bad give him the after-death talk already.
(I feel like I keep giving Ted Talks atp with the length of my posts but ahhhhhhh neurospicy brainrot is just all consuming sometimes y'know? 🙃)
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fairysluna · 10 months
Aegon was unable to keep his love for you as a secret, but he did not expect for you to shatter his heart into pieces after realizing you do not feel the same way.
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PAIRING — Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader.
TAGS — angst, unrequited love, inspired by THAT scene from little women, hurt/no comfort, a bit of miscommunication, one sided love, a lot of crying, guilt, cursing, aegon was named heir. If something is missing, let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE — i was sad, i was watching little women, and then i remembered that i haven't written angst in a very long time. It's short, but well, it is what it is. I'm trying to escape the writer's block so bear with me if this isn't perfect, hope you all like it!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤenglish is not my first language.
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There was something in the way his eyes looked at you that should have warned you about what was going to happen. Maybe the way his company felt slightly different, or the way he purposely brushed his hand as he walked beside you along the shore of Dragonstone.
A peaceful silence reigned between you two, where only the sound of the sea and seagulls were heard. There was never a need to be talkative whenever you were with him, you two did not need words to express to one another, just a single glance at him and you would be able to read him as if he was a book. It had always been that way. Aegon had never attempted to hide how much he enjoyed your company; no matter how many duties and responsibilities his position might have, he would always find some time during the day to make you company. The mere sound of your cheerful laughter was enough for him to feel whole. Happy.
Your friendship with Aegon began unexpectedly; you were a Lady of a small house, bannermen of the Tyrells. Not even in a million years you would have thought you were going to be one of the heir's closest friends. But you were, and Aegon loved it. You were not like other maidens, you always saw beyond his royal title, beyond the power he would once hold. You saw him as Aegon, Egg as you would sometimes prefer to call him. He loved that you were a breeze of fresh air that would wake him up from his torment every time he felt too overwhelmed.
You were everything for him, an escape of the four wall prison that would often be disguised as a castle. You set him free.
Aegon, inevitably, fell for you in the most beautiful of ways; slowly and unexpectedly. One day he woke up and felt the urge to hold you in his arms each morning; he could not stand another minute without you by his side - it felt almost unnatural to be without your company. His heart found a reason to beat with your presence, his brain would often overshadow his thoughts with silly daydreams about you.
You, you, you. It's always you. It has always been you.
Now, as you were complaining about your Septa scolding you that same morning, Aegon was in awe, mesmerized by you doing such a mundane thing like talking. And, bewitched by the way your lips moved, he stopped his pace. Salty air filling his lungs as he encouraged himself to say what he has been dying to say to you.
You did not realize about it until you were a few steps further than him, and you turned around. He was just looking at you; his puppy, lilac eyes staring at your face almost without blinking. You chuckled nervously, confused about what was happening. You smiled awkwardly, feeling a bit too exposed all of the sudden.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, frowning.
He did not reply, but you saw it in his eyes.
Your smile slowly faded away once the realization hit you, and the atmosphere changed immediately.
“Aegon…” You mentioned his name so differently, it felt almost foreign due to the way it left your lips. It was a plea, you were begging him to not say the words that were about to be pronounced.
He took a step closer; the dreamy glow in his eyes was still there, as if he had not seen the look on your face yet.
“Please, don't,” you managed to say, breathlessly. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt tired. Exhausted, even. You desperately tried to stop it before it was too late.
But you failed.
The weight in your chest became heavier, almost unbearable. Your lower lip was shaking, your legs trembling. You were heartbroken because you knew what you would have to do. Shaking your head, you refused to let him speak, both of you interrupted your words as a desperate attempt to silence each other.
“You need to hear me-”
“-stop this, Aegon-”
“-there’s no use to keep hiding it-”
“-don’t do this-”
“-you know what I'm about to say-”
“-Aegon, please-”
“-I love you.”
The heat of the burning sun was not enough to vanish the coldness that suddenly grew between you two. You closed your eyes, defeated. The silence became painfully awkward, and in that moment Aegon knew the truth.
His heart shattered.
You lifted your head to meet his eyes; they were covered by a layer of tears that were reluctant to escape. He was trying so hard not to fall apart, almost shaking as he stood as stiff as a rock.
“I love you,” he repeated in a whisper, thinking you might have not heard it the first time. “Please… please say it back.”
“Please,” he pleaded. His voice was broken and weak, trembling as he choked on a sob. “Please, say it.”
“You cannot do this to me-”
“I have loved you since the first day,” he confessed. “I’ve been trying to deny my feelings, trying to convince myself that it was nothing more, but it is. I need you, I love you more than words could tell, and my heart cannot bear another day without you being mine.”
“Aegon, I don't- I can't-”
“I want you to be my queen, my life companion,” he continued, watching you as you kept shaking your head. “My love, I want everything with you. I want to rule this fucking kingdom with you by my side. Please…”
“Aegon, I'm not fit to rule-”
“Me neither, but we can be a great team, I- I know that-”
“I can't be a queen, I can't marry you,” you interrupted him, trying to make understand your point.
You hated the prohibitions of a title. You see how Aegon was trapped in an invisible cage without escape, and you did not want that for yourself. You wanted freedom, you wanted to travel, to cross the Narrow Sea and meet foreign lands. As a queen, you would be caged; and as a wife to a king, you would be forced to provide him with heirs you do not wish to have yet.
It was selfish, you thought, but it was the thing that would make you happy.
“Aegon, this would never work,” she murmured as she grabbed his hands. He took a sharp breath when he felt your touch. “We're too different, we do not wish for the same things.”
“I know you love me too…. I know you do,” he told you. Some part of himself knew that it was a desperate attempt to try and convince himself that his words were true. But, deep inside, he knew it was not the case; one single glance at you would tell him what he's too afraid to accept.
“You are my best friend, you are the person that I trust the most, you-”
“Because you love me!” he raised his voice.
“I don't, Aegon…” you stopped him before he could say more. His nostrils twitched once he felt the itch on his nose, his lips trembling. “I don't love you like that.”
There was another silence. It was torturous. Aegon pulled his hands away from you. You quickly wiped the rebel tear that fell down your cheek.
“I know you think I'm the one, but I'm not. We would never work, this would only make you miserable-”
“You're the one for me,” he murmured, his eyes lost in the ground.
“I'm not,” you said, trying to reach him, but he just took another step back. “You'll find someone who will love you, who truly deserves you-”
“Am I not worthy of your love?” He suddenly asked, your heart aching at his broken voice.
Gods, you were about to explode.
“You're much more than what I truly deserve, Aegon, you're way better than-”
“I want you, I don't want another. I love you, I could never love anyone else the way I love you!”
“But you will!” you raised your voice to match his. “You will love someone else, and you will forget about me.”
“I can't ever forget about you,” he muttered. He remained quiet for a while before he looked down at you, noticing your teary eyes; a part of him hated himself for making you cry. After a few seconds he said, “I figured you would love me too… After everything we've lived and felt together. I thought we were gonna be happy-”
“You will be happy, Aegon. You'll find a fine young maiden who will give your life a purpose, but that is not me. It cannot be me.”
“You were my purpose,” he murmured, his face covered in tears as his puppy eyes would not look at you.
He felt embarrassed for how broken he was. For how naive he had been to even dare to believe you could possibly love him back. He wondered how he could be so foolish.
“I wish I could be the woman you want, I wish I didn't have to say these things- Aegon!”
He walked away, not wanting to hear any other of your excuses. It hurted enough as it is, your words would only wound him even more.
You tried to stop him, to grab his arm, yelling his name, and try to make him understand you, but he just walked away leaving his footprint on the wet sand as you stood there.
Tears were streaming down your face as you watched him go, one of your hands pressed against your chest as if you were trying to take the pain away. It hurted you to see him so broken, especially when you know it was you the one who caused it.
You had just lost your best friend, and there was no returning point from that.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤfollow @by-fairysluna for more updates!
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Two Hearts, One Home (2)
part one
series masterlist
main masterlist
summary: you and ben have to face the reality of what he heard
pairing: soldier boy x female supe!reader
rating: R for language, mature themes (?)
word count: 4.0k
warnings: pregnancy, language, vought torturing supe’s | mentions of/alludes to - sex, birth control, infertility issues, miscarriage, loss of a child, unable to breastfeed
timeline: set a few days after part one
author’s note: part two!! thank you for all the love on the first part and encouraging me to turn this into a mini-series 😚🫶
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You tossed and turned, wide awake and laying in an empty bed. You huffed and threw the covers to the side before leaving the master bedroom and going to look for Ben. You found him quickly; he was reading one of the books that had come in the mail, the lamp on behind him as he was laser-focused on the pages.
“Ben? Can you come to bed?” you asked quietly.
“Oh my god, you’re still awake?” he whisper-shouted. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine Ben, I just want to sleep next to you!”
“I’ll come to bed soon, okay? I just need to finish this chapter, it’s on nutrition so I think the more we know the better.”
“Ben,” you sighed as you walked over to him. “Can you read it in bed? Please?”
“But you can’t sleep if the bedroom light’s on,” he replied.
“I can’t sleep without you either, Ben, and I’d rather have the light on than an empty bed,” you said. “Please come sit in bed and read so I can be close to you?”
“You really can’t sleep without me?” He smiled widely. You rolled your eyes a little.
“I mean I could if I had to, but you’re right here and I want to be with you!”
“Okay,” he sighed.
As suspected, you fell asleep quite quickly when Ben was seated beside you. Something about his warm legs against your back really relaxed you.
When you woke up the next morning, the bed was empty again. You let out a slightly frustrated sigh.
“Please be in the kitchen,” you muttered to yourself, hoping Ben hadn’t secretly retreated to the living room to read all night once you fell asleep.
“Good morning my beautiful girlfriend!” Ben exclaimed when you walked into the kitchen.
“I look like shit right now,” you replied but couldn’t help the smile on your face. “What’s for breakfast? Is there pizza left from last night?” You opened the fridge but Ben stopped you from taking out the tupperware.
“I read that you should avoid eating leftovers,” he told you.
“What? That can’t be true?” you laughed a little.
“Sorry, hun.” He shrugged. “I made you scrambled eggs and toast, the book said those are good.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and put a hand on his cheek. He bent down and kissed you, wrapping a gentle arm around your waist. “I love you, Ben.”
“I love you,” he replied, also smiling. “Oh, Hughie got back to me. He said he could swing by on his lunch break later today,” he informed you as you both took your seats at the table. “He said there’s actually a whole chain of clinics across the country specifically for pregnant Supe’s and that it’s all very safe and kept confidential. So good news! You can see a gynecologist and not, you know… get kidnapped.”
“He’s positive it’s safe?” you asked, Ben nodded. “Let’s hope he’s right.”
“How’d you sleep last night? Did the light bother you?” Ben changed the subject, not wanting to focus on how scared he was for your safety.
“Well when I woke up the love of my life wasn’t beside me.” You sighed dramatically, making Ben smile. “But yeah, I slept well.”
“Sorry about last night, I should’ve just put the fuckin’ book down,” he laughed dryly.
“Don’t apologize.” You shook your head. “Ben, I am so grateful for you stepping up! I mean this whole pregnancy thing is kinda terrifying for me right now and you’ve been my fucking rock! Thank you for reading up on what I should be eating, honestly it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?” He furrowed his brows, you instantly knew what he was getting at.
“It’s not pregnancy brain fog,” you laughed a little. “It’s more like all I can think about is how fucking scary this really is! I mean, look what happened with Homelander!”
“Hey, let’s just,” he took your hand, “take a breath, we don’t have to think about that yet. Today we focus on getting you a doctor’s appointment.”
You nodded, silently thanking him.
“Hughie! Come on in!” Ben opened the door.
“Hey guys.” He smiled, walking in. “First off, oh my god!” He looked at you. “Congratulations! Like wow! This is incredible!” He hugged you, causing you to smile widely.
“Thank you, Hughie,” you said, hugging him back.
He congratulated Ben too before the three of you sat down at the kitchen table, now clean of breakfast evidence.
“So, like I told Ben on the phone,” Hughie spoke, looking at you as he opened the file folder he brought, “there’s something called ‘The Super-Abled Health Initiative’ which is basically just doctors for Supe’s. The closest gynecologist that takes part in this initiative is about a two hour drive.” He took out a pamphlet for the Initiative and another for the doctor’s office, sliding them across the table for you and Ben to take a look at. “Now, this specific office doesn’t only deal with Supe’s, however the doctor that takes Supe patients is a Supe herself. I figured you’d rather go to this one, but there’s another office that’s about a four hour drive that only takes Supe patients; however, they also have a strict no-Supe-doctors policy.”
“Yeah that definitely sounds sketchy,” you replied, referring to the second option. “So… how like… certain are you that this Initiative is safe?”
“One-hundred-percent.” He nodded, earning suspicious looks from both Supe’s sitting across from him. “It’s been going on for over five years and there isn’t any evidence of foul play.”
“Only five years?” Ben asked.
“It was created around the same time as Supe Affairs,” Hughie said. “Look, obviously this is a scary situation considering you’re both in the top ten most powerful Supe’s in Vought history and Soldier Boy is ridiculously famous, but this is also the safest option available.” Ben tensed up at the mention of his old name, you put a hand on his knee absent-mindedly to remind him he wasn’t that man anymore.
“So it’s all still pretty new?” Ben knitted his brows with concern. All he wanted was to keep you safe; if that meant possibly losing the baby he could live with that. He couldn’t live with losing you.
Hughie continued on and explained the Supe pregnancy statistics. How often the expectant mother died when she was a human carrying a Supe, how often the baby was a Supe, more and more reasons for you to freak the hell out about the whole thing.
“Yeah, I can’t do this.” You shook your head and stood up. Ben looked up at you with concern. He reached out to hold your hand, and you responded by putting said hand to his cheek. “Just- Just make the appointment or whatever for me, please. I’m gonna go lie down before I have a full-fledged panic attack over the fact I may be dooming all of humanity with Homelander Two: Possibly Worse Edition.”
You hurried out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, closing the door behind you. When you were out of Hughie’s earshot you let yourself cry, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry.” Hughie looked at Ben.
“No, it’s not you,” he replied, shaking his head. “So do we just call and make an appointment?”
Hughie looked a little confused by the question, then realized that Ben would’ve never had the need to make a doctor’s appointment in his entire life.
“I can call for you if you want,” Hughie offered.
After Hughie left, Ben went to go talk to you.
“Honey?” he said quietly, opening the door. “Hughie just left, he said to tell you ‘bye’.”
“Sorry for leaving you alone out there,” you mumbled. You looked up at him from where you laid on the bed.
“Don’t be, I handled it like a pro.” Ben grinned, taking a seat next to you. You smiled through the tears. You loved how he could make such an intense situation seem so lighthearted.
“Thank you,” you whispered. You reached out and took his hand in yours, pulling him down to lay next to you. He positioned himself on his side so he could face you, not letting go of your hand. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he said. “Hughie made the appointment for tomorrow at two, is that okay?” You nodded, still smiling. “When we go in, we’re only supposed to use our first names and since neither of us really have a last name, they’ll assign us a series of numbers when we get there. They do not want us to utter my Supe name because apparently I’ll draw too much attention.”
“Yeah you tend to draw a crowd, don’t you?” You smiled.
“There’s your baby,” Dr.Roberts told you, pointing at the screen.
“Is…Is that the heartbeat?” you asked, she nodded. “That’s what you heard that morning?” You looked at Ben, who was smiling and had tears brimming his eyes.
“Told ya,” he replied.
“Oh my god,” you giggled a little.
“Your baby looks healthy,” the doctor said.
“Boy or girl?” Ben asked.
“Don’t tell him!” you said quickly. “I- I think I want it to be a surprise.
“It’s actually too early to know the sex,” the doctor replied, smiling. “What matters right now is keeping the baby healthy. The best way to do that is take care of yourself, Y/n. I know you’re used to being invincible but right now your baby is not. You need to start thinking like a regular human.”
“Meaning, what?” you asked.
“Well, for one; daily vitamins. I can give you a list of ones that have worked for other Supe’s.”
After the ultrasound, Dr.Roberts answered all the questions you and Ben had, as well as explained some things about the way this specific office handled Supe pregnancy.
“The biggest thing to remember for when the baby comes - do not breastfeed! Many, many Supe’s have traces of V in what they give their baby which always ends up either killing the baby or strengthening any power they have. Most of the time it’s the former.” The smile plastered on your face fell into disappointment and you zoned out a bit. “You’ll both have to sign these papers,” Dr.Roberts handed them to Ben, “not right now, you can have some time to read over them or involve a lawyer if you want. It basically just says that you are both aware you have Compound V in your system, how that will affect your baby, that you are the father, and that Y/n is willingly having this baby.”
“Is this something all the parents sign?” Ben asked. “Seems a little extreme.”
“It’s just for Supe’s so that they can’t sue us if they’re baby does end up also being a Supe.”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” Ben muttered.
“Here’s that list of vitamins,” Dr.Roberts handed you the paper as you were pulled from your thoughts and back to reality. “As well as some foods to avoid and foods to eat more frequently. You may notice the food list is a bit different for us. It’s not an exact science, but the baby tends to be healthier when the mom eats these specific foods.”
“What are the chances this baby won’t be a Supe?” you asked as you looked away from the papers in front of you and at the doctor. She sighed, looking nervous. “Like, off the record, what’s your personal opinion?”
“Off the record? I’d say there’s no way this baby isn’t going to be a Supe. Probably the strongest one we’ve seen, considering their dad is Soldier Boy and their mother is… well, you know.”
Ben kept his eyes on the road as he reached his hand over to hold yours.
“All the scary stuff aside,” he started, “I’m so fucking excited about this baby… are you?”
You took a second to think before nodding, “Yeah, I am. And, all the scary stuff aside, there’s no one I would rather be having this baby with, Ben.” You kissed his hand. “I love you.”
“I love you so much,” he replied. “We need to stop at the store, don’t we?”
“Yeah we don’t have most of the stuff on this list,” you laughed a little. “I’m pushing the cart this time, though.”
“You’re hilarious.” He shook his head, letting out a fake laugh.
Ben’s head was resting on your lap as you played with his hair and focused on the movie you two were watching. (A horror movie, much to Ben’s dismay; he claimed it might scare the baby.)
“Do you wanna tell Butcher and the others?” Ben asked. “Cause Hughie already knows, so… should we tell everyone?”
“I think it’s still pretty early but I guess the more people who know the better. If Vought does find out, they’ll have a harder time covering it up if Billy Butcher knows about it,” you laughed a little.
“Yeah he wouldn’t let ‘em get away with hurting you.” Ben smiled up at you, turning away from the TV. “Ooh we need baby names too!”
“Have any in particular?”
“A little plain I think, but I guess James then could be Jim for short.”
“Micheal? Or, if they’re a girl, Michelle?”
“Oh I like Michelle!” You smiled.
You two ended up calling Butcher that night and telling him the good news.
As the weeks went by and your belly slowly started growing, Ben talked more and more to the baby. You woke up one night to him mumbling to your stomach; his head resting on your chest (carefully, as not to hurt your boobs), his hand cradling your belly.
“God, I hope you have your mother’s eyes,” he whispered. “She always tells me how much she loves my eyes but believe me hers are so much more beautiful. So bright and full of love. I hope you have her laugh too!” He paused, running his hand over your skin. “I know you’re probably gonna be a Supe…but I’m praying to any god that’s up there you’re not. Life’s so messy when you’re a Supe, kid. So please, please don’t be one!”
You moved your hand into his hair and felt him tense up for a moment.
“Damn it I think I just woke your mom up, I’ll be quiet now,” Ben whispered.
“Mhm, keep talking,” you mumbled. “Love your voice.”
He sat up and kissed your cheek gently before laying back down.
“Go easy on your mom for me, okay?” he whispered, once again talking to the baby.
“Pamela?” Ben suggested.
“What? No!”
You were once again trying out different baby names, Ben with his head on your lap so “the baby can be part of the conversation”.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Are you just naming characters from The Office!?”
“…No,” Ben mumbled before grinning.
“Ben! I need you to be serious here; this baby is gonna get bullied to death if we name them Phyllis.”
“Okay.” He rolled his eyes. “Amelia, Rachel, Amy, Katherine, Emily, it’s not that hard to name a baby girl! A boy is a different story. Most guy names suck ass.”
“Yeah, Ben is a terrible name,” you replied, he looked genuinely hurt for a moment. “Ben, I’m kidding!” you said quickly.
“I know, I was just scaring ya.” He smirked, you rolled your eyes.
“How about William?” you asked. You’d actually put a lot of thought into it, and if you were having a boy you really wanted to name them after the man who saved you and Ben.
“As in Butcher?” Ben laughed a little. “You wanna name our perfect little piece of heaven after Billy Butcher!?”
“Yeah…” you mumbled, a little disappointed he was so against it. “I mean Butcher is the reason we met in the first place, the reason we aren’t being disected like lab rats, and I know deep down he’s a good person. I think our baby would be proud to be named after him.”
“You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?”
“Yeah… for a couple months now.”
“Honey! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Cause I was afraid you’d react exactly how you just did,” you scoffed a little. “Can you sit up? I need to get a drink.”
He sat up off your lap and you got off the couch, heading to the kitchen.
“Damn it,” Ben mumbled to himself before following you. “I’m sorry for reacting like that, I was just surprised.”
“You weren’t surprised Ben, you looked disgusted at the idea of our baby being named after Billy,” you scoffed. “How about last names?” You changed the subject. “We need a last name too, our baby can’t just have one name.”
“I haven’t thought about the last name much, you?”
You paused and pretended to think. “Krasinski?”
“I second that! Boom, done; our last name’s Krasinski!” Ben smiled.
“I was kidding!” you giggled.
You and Ben were back at the store getting food and stocking up on baby supplies for when the little one arrived in a few weeks.
“Shit, we forgot to get milk,” Ben said after a while of being away from the dairy section. “I’m gonna go grab it; you stay here and pick the jello you like, okay?”
“Mkay,” you mumbled, concentrating on the array of colored gelatin cups in front of you. “Love you!” you called out when he was a few feet away. He turned back around to kiss you quickly before leaving to get the milk.
“He’s a keeper, huh?” Someone behind you said. You turned and were met with the woman Ben had mentally scared with his ‘super sperm’ theory.
“He really is,” you replied.
“And you really are pregnant! Congratulations, hun!” She smiled.
“Thank you,” you replied, also smiling. “I- I’m sorry for what he said all those months ago,” you laughed awkwardly. “He… doesn’t have much of a filter sometimes and I’m sorry we freaked you out.”
“Oh, no! I didn’t leave because of what he said.” She shook her head, still smiling. “When I got a good look at his face, I realized who he was and why he looked so familiar.”
You froze, eyes widening. “Oh god,” you whispered.
“Don’t worry I haven’t said anything to anyone I promise! Even though my book club would love to see him in person!” she let out a soft chuckle. “You know at first I couldn’t believe my eyes! I mean the Soldier Boy? In my neighborhood!? But, I’m glad you two are happy together. I think he deserves to live a quiet life after all the people he’s saved.”
“Hey sweetheart,” Ben came up behind you and pressed a kiss to your temple, “I got the milk then I realized we need orange juice too, so I got some of that.” He put them both in the cart then placed an open hand on the small of your back.
“Honey this is…” you trailed off, asking for the woman’s name.
“Melissa,” she replied, holding her hand out for Ben to shake. “Nice to meet you…”
“Ben, and nice to meet you too,” he shook her hand.
“She recognized you,” you whispered very quietly so only Ben could hear. You felt him tense up next to you as his eyes widened ever so slightly.
“Well, we’ve uh- we have somewhere to be,” Ben stuttered as his hand moved to your waist to guide you away from the woman. “Uh my parent’s house, actually. They’re both alive and well and in their early seventies.” He tripped over his words and he hurried you out of the aisle, leaving the cart behind and confusing Melissa.
Ben moved his arm to wrap around your shoulders and hold you tight against him.
“Shh, she might be listening,” he whispered.
He led you out to the car and when you both got there he opened the door for you. He made sure you were safely seated inside with the door closed before walking over to the driver’s side and taking a seat.
“Ben?” you asked quietly, seeing the fear in his now teary eyes.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, hitting the steering wheel angrily. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry!”
“A-Are you s-sure she recognized me?” he asked, looking at you.
You nodded. “She said she couldn’t believe Soldier Boy was in this neighborhood.”
“Shit!” Ben put his face in his hands, you put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Do you think she told anyone?” He turned his head and kissed your hand. “Fuck, Vought could already be on us!”
“Ben, I don’t think she meant anything by it,” you told him honestly. You moved your hand to the back of his head so you could run your fingers through his hair slowly. “She seemed in awe of you. She said she was happy you could live a quiet life after saving so many people.”
“You’re sure?” he asked, you nodded with a smile when he looked at you. “Fuck, I’m sorry for freaking out.”
“Don’t be.”
“It’s just- one wrong move, one wrong person recognizing either of us and that’s it! This whole life we’ve built together gets torn down, you get taken from me, I get put back under, and our child is doomed. We’re doomed. I’m so fuckin’ scared of losing you, Y/n.”
“I love you so much, Ben. And I know, this situation is fucking terrifying but don’t forget; you are the strongest man alive, Ben. We can get through this.”
“Should we go back inside? We really need that stuff, we’re dangerously low on food.”
You laughed a little. “I think we can, if you’re up for it.”
“Okay, let’s go back inside.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, not wanting him to feel pushed into going back in.
“Yeah, she’s probably harmless.”
“You two are officially Benjamin and Y/n Barnes,” Hughie said, handing you the legal documents he had forged. “Your baby now has a last name.”
“Thank you,” you replied. “Well, get on in here; there’s alcohol on the table for everyone but me, and Ben started a betting pool for guessing the sex of the baby.”
“Did he really?” Hughie laughed, closing the door behind him.
“Yep,” you laughed back.
The baby shower had been going well so far. Hughie was a little late because of him getting the documents, but he joined the others in the living room as you did the same. You sat down next to Ben and he kissed you.
“Shit, was I supposed to bring a gift?” Hughie asked, seeing the pile in the corner of the room.
“You did; the forged legal documents,” you replied.
“We also bought them a stroller,” Annie told him. “It’s the big box.”
“And we are very grateful!” Ben assured them. “For the papers and the stroller.”
A sharp pain in your stomach made your teeth clench and you sucked in a sudden breath.
“You okay?” Ben asked you quietly. You nodded and he put his arm around your shoulder.
“You two settled on a name yet?” Frenchie asked.
“Actually we’d like some help in that department,” Ben said. “We’re still not sure.”
“If they’re a girl; Annie. If they’re a boy… Anno,” Annie laughed a little.
“Annie is a nice name, but I don’t think Anno even qualifies as a suggestion,” you replied, giggling.
“Alright, new game; everyone writes down actual suggestions and if we pick your suggestion you get a fraction of the betting pool,” Ben said.
“That sounds rigged,” Butcher chuckled.
Another sharp pain made you reach and squeeze Ben’s knee.
“Shit something’s wrong,” Ben mumbled. “Honey?”
“No, no, I’m fine. I- I’m gonna go get some water,” you replied. Before you could stand up Ben told you he’d get it for you.
“Love you,” he whispered and kissed your forehead before he left.
He brought you back a glass of ice water and you thanked him. As you held the drink another sharp pain ripped through your stomach and you dropped the cup, the clear glass breaking as it hit the floor.
“B-Ben?” you gasped.
“Oh god.” His eyes widened as he saw the blood beginning to stain the couch.
Part 3
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elliesflwrgirl · 1 year
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cw, top!ellie, bottom!reader, oral (r receiving), fingering (r receiving), dirty talk, light bondage, pet names (sweet girl, good girl, etc.)
summary: cheating with ellie pt 2 FINALLY.
tags: @jjmaybankslittleslut @4rl0qq @gold-dustwomxn there u goooo
if u enjoy pls reblog and like!! i love u.
.·:*¨¨* ・❥・ ≈☆≈ ・❥・*¨¨*:·.
you lay cradled in ellie’s arms after another night of fucking behind amber’s back. you lay against ellie in just an old tee shirt of hers, ellie runs her fingers through your hair, staring down at you. she notices the slight crease between your brows and frowns slightly. “what’s wrong?” she brushes some hair out of your face.
“nothing,” you fake a soft smile and she shakes her head. “no cmon, tell me. you can tell me anything.” she hums before placing a kiss on the side of your head. “i feel guilty, els. i just…i hate doing this.” you sigh and ellie’s body language changes.
“you hate doing what?” you hear the hurt in her voice and you’re quick to comfort her. “no, not…this. i hate going behind her back…it makes me feel shitty.” you shrug and she nods her head.
“well…do you wanna stop?” ellie stares down at you and you think for a moment. “i think we should…” your words weren’t the entire truth. things were complicated. yes, you loved amber. yes, you loved fucking ellie. and yes…you loved ellie. but, what if this went sideways? what if you did breakup with amber, and things with ellie went wrong and you lost her. even thinking about it was unbearable. you couldn’t, and wouldn’t ruin this friendship. it wasn’t an option.
ellie nodded her head, “oh…okay then.” she lightly scoffed before pulling away from you. scooting to the other end of the bed. “you should get going, ambers gonna wake up soon, it’s almost six am.” she brushes her hair out of her face. “and i’ve got patrol in the morning so…yeah you should go.”
you knew she was hurt, you could see it written on her face. a frown overtook your face, “ellie, don’t be like that.” you move toward her and she stands up. “be like what? like someone who basically just got dumped? because it feels pretty damn shitty.” she scoffs and you stand up, reaching for her hand.
she takes a step back, “i’m gonna shower…do me a favor? be gone when i get out.” she sighs before walking to the bathroom. you stand for a moment. realizing just how fucked this whole thing is.
you gather your things, putting your clothes back on and quickly slipping out into the night.
you walk back in through the back door of your house, quietly climbing back into bed. you see ambers hair scatter against pillows and you just feel guilt creep up inside of you.
the next morning you wake up to amber’s head laid on your chest, your arms wrapped around her. she yawned softly, running her thumb over your hips. it all felt wrong. she felt wrong. “morning,” she smiled and pressed a kiss to your stomach. you give a soft smile before she climbs off of you, and as you watch her leave the room, a part of you wishes she was ellie.
it was sickening, the way within the span of the past couple of weeks you had spent with ellie, it changed everything. ellie changed everything. suddenly all the moments you spent without ellie become more obvious that she wasn’t around, and you craved her. you craved her smell, her touch, her voice. you missed her even when you just saw her.
you climb out of bed to find amber in the kitchen making breakfast. toast and eggs. you rubbed your tired eyes, seeing as you were running on two hours of sleep, you were utterly exhausted. “want some?” amber mumbled as she was making her plate. you nodded, “mhm”
you seemed to be lost in your own world as you ate. thinking about ellie. thinking about how you left her last night. thinking about how should’ve told her the truth. you’re scared. scared as fuck to ruin this. to lose her.
“hello?” you hear ambers voice echo and you look up at her. “sorry, what?” she rolls her eyes at you, sighing. “i’m going out with friends tonight, i won’t be home till later.” you nod your head, not fully comprehending anything she said.
the rest of the day you were on auto-pilot. your thoughts only surrounded ellie, was she okay? was she still upset? what was she thinking? was she thinking about this as much as you? is this what you really want? you hated how this all came down to ellie vs amber. you hated it all. why couldn’t your girlfriend like your friend? is that what you and ellie were? friends?
it all just gave you a headache.
later that night you sat on the couch, reading some book ellie recommended. amber came out of the room in a small red dress, makeup done, hair done. you furrow your brows, “where are you going?” you stare at her and she frowns slightly.
“oh, i told you earlier i’m going out with a friend.” she hums, slipping on her heels. you close the book, “can i join?” you could use the distraction. “you wouldn’t like it. lots of dancing, you hate dancing.” she sighs and you furrow your brows. you loved dancing.
you nod your head slowly, “do i?” you laugh sarcastically and she looks over at you. “yes? you told me you did. plus, you never drink as much as me and it makes things less fun.” she shrugs as she checks herself in the mirror.
well fuck if that didn’t hurt…you furrow your brows and stand from the couch. “why’re your being so weird about this? do you not want me to come?” you ask and she turns around quickly. “what? why would you say that? why would i not want you to come?” she scoffs, checking her lipstick.
“well…you’re just coming up with excuses…it’s okay to say you don’t want me to come, we all need our space.” you hum and she rolls her eyes. “please don’t act like this right now.” as the words leave her lips a hint of anger hits you.
“what the fuck does that mean?” you scoff and she looks at you. “like some jealous bitch. i’m just going dancing with a couple friends.” she spews and you don’t let the fact it went from friend to friends.
“i’m the jealous bitch? that’s fucking rich coming from you.” you bark and she widens her eyes. “oh what now? gonna call me some jealous crazy bitch for saying ellie wants to fuck you? we all know it, everybody besides you!” she points her finger at you and runs her hands through her hair.
“jealous bitch, yes. crazy maybe not so much.” you huff and she raises her brows. “what the fuck does that mean?” she raises her voice and you roll your eyes. “what do you think it means, amber? ellie and i fucked! are you happy? you were right!” you scream and she widens her eyes.
“you fucked her?…you fucking bitch.” she scoffs. “not exactly unpredictable.” she grabs her bag and starts towards the door.
“don’t bother coming back.” you spit out and she scoffs under her breath. “wasn’t fucking planning on it.” and with that she slams the door.
a scoff leaves your lips that soon turns your to a laugh. it was all just so fucking bittersweet. you were hurt…upset even, but another part of you was just itching to tell ellie.
you grabbed your shoes, tugging them on your feet and heading to ellie’s. once you reach her doorstep fear creeps in. what if she doesn’t want to see you? what if she doesn’t care?
you place a soft knock on the door, nothing. another one. nothing. you knock harder and the door comes swinging open. ellie, in her sports bra and boxers, rubs her sleepy eyes. you widen yours, “fuck, i’m so sorry.” you shake your head and she leans against the door frame.
“what’re you doing here?” she rasped sleepily and looked at you. “i…um, i broke up with amber. i told her about…us.” you rush out and ellie furrows her brows. “you broke up with amber?”
you nod your head and she moves from the door way, “well, you wanna come in?” she sighs and you nod softly.
you walk past her and into the living room, looking back as she shuts the door. “so…” she sighs, “why’d you break up with her?”
you almost scoff, because, what kind of question is that? “you. well…i told her we fucked…and told her not to come back.” you shrug and ellie laughs dryly, “how’d she take that? you telling her we fucked.” she has a cocky smirk all over her face.
“she said it was expected, and called me a fucking bitch.” you fight back a smile as you say it and ellie grins, “fuck, i wish i’d seen her face.” she takes a step closer to you.
“god your so…” you trail off as you look up at ellie. her eyes full of something dark, and heated. “so…she’s out of the picture now?” she keeps taking steps towards you, causing you to subconsciously take steps back until your back hits the wall.
you nod your head, your throat feeling dry from all of this tension. “completely out of the picture.” you speak softly and she nods her head. her eyes fall to your lips, “so does that mean i can still do this?” her hands find your hips, pressing hers against yours. you nod your head, “mhm”
“and, can i do this?” her hand finds the base of your neck, gently holding it, pulling your face closer. her lips inches from yours. her breath hits your lips and you hold your breath. the feeling over her hands on your felt euphoric.
her lips press yours, softly at first but it quickly becomes a feverish, desperate kiss. you grip at her hips, and she groans against your lips. ellie grips your hips, walking you backwards through the doorway of her bedroom.
she presses a soft kiss to your lips before shoving you down onto the bed. a soft laugh coming from your lips before ellie’s hovering above you. her lips softly touch yours, a soft hum leaving her lips. she kisses down your jaw, her hands running down your sides. her hands wrap around your wrists, slowly bringing them up and pinning them over your head.
kissing up to your ear, “keep your hands up there for me, sweet girl.” she kisses down your neck, pulling your tee shirt up and off of you. she kisses down your chest, placing kisses between your tits, kissing down your sternum slowly.
she hums softly as she places a kiss against your hip, undoing your belt and pull it off of you. she straddles your hips and grabs your wrists, tying the belt around them. pinning them down once again and look down at you, “look so pretty like this, all helpless.” she murmurs as she climbs off of you.
she pulls your pants down and off of you, tossing them onto the ground. running her hands up your thighs, gripping at them. a soft whine leaving your lips at the roughness of her grip. you wanted to touch her, and you wanted her to touch you.
she hums, placing soft kisses up your thighs. “you wanna know how good i can make you feel when you’re all mine?” she looks up at you and you nod softly. “please,” you whine. “so needy,” she tsks.
she presses her tongue against your cunt, feel how wet you are against her lips. a soft low moan leaves your lips. she runs her tongue up and down your slit slowly, a torturous speed. she hums against you, gently circling her tongue against your clit.
a whimper leaves your lips as she does. your head tilting back, gently grinding your hips against her face. she pushes your hips down against the bed, “stay down,” she mumbles before dipping her head back down, gently sucking on your clit.
your hands pull against the leather of your belt, noticing they’re tighter than you imagined. a moan leaves your lips “fuck, ellie—“ she nods and hums against your cunt, “louder. want everyone to know who’s fucking you this good.” she demands and pushes two fingers into you. curling them deeper into you, a loud moan falls from your lips. “ellie, oh my god—“
“yeah that’s right,” she hums before she flicks her tongue against your clit, thrusting her fingers into you at an intoxicating speed. you toss your head back into the pillows, a whine leaving your lips.
she curls her fingers in you, massaging that perfect spot deep inside of you. you arch your back, moaning softly. ellie pushes your hips back down, moaning softly against your cunt. “i’m gonna cum,” you whimper softly.
ellie nods softly as you whine. she gently sucks on your clit as she repeatedly hits that spot inside of you.
as your orgasm washes over you, ellie doesn’t stop, she doesn’t even slow down. she flicks her tongue against your clit repeatedly, still hitting that spot deep inside of you.
“ellie—“ you whine as your thighs close around her head. she pulls your legs apart, opening them up and moaning against your cunt. “tastes so sweet,” she murmurs.
you grind against her face, a moan leaving your lips. everything felt so much more sensitive, yet so good. a whimper leaves your lips, “fuck”
she flicks her tongue against your clit, causing you to arch your back. you whine loudly, “ellie, please i can’t take it,” you attempt to close your legs again but she stops you, you could feel the bruises forming from her grip.
“yes you can, you’re gonna be a good girl and cum for me again.” she demands and you moan softly nodding your head. she flicks her tongue against your clit faster, a soft whine leaving your lips.
“god, ellie” you moan loudly, tugging against the leather of the belt again. it left a slight burn as you did, but somehow it made this all the more enjoyable.
you felt your second orgasm building in your stomach. ellie pushes her tongue into you, her nose pushing up against your clit.
you grind your hips down against her nose, moaning softly at the feeling. she pushes her tongue in and out of you, moaning softly against you as she does.
“i’m so close, don’t stop” you moan, tossing your head back. she moves her nose against you, a whine leaving your lips. your legs close around her head as your orgasm hits you, “ellie,” you whine as your coming.
she pulls away, pushing two fingers into you as she stares down at you. “this is all mine, you know that don’t you? you were mine the second you showed up at that bar.” she spits as she thrusts her fingers into you.
soft whimpers leaving your lips, “isn’t that right?” she teases and you nod your head. a hard slap comes down on your thigh. “words.” she demands.
“yes, fuck— i’m all yours, ellie” you moan. “and you always have been.” she hums.
.·:*¨¨* ・❥・ ≈☆≈ ・❥・*¨¨*:·.
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copperbadge · 1 year
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[ID: An image of a product called the Brainstream Pirate BeepEgg; the egg itself has a pirate face printed on it, with an eyepatch and a cutlass in his mouth. The packaging proclaims what it is and instructs you to put the egg in with real eggs while boiling, and it will play music when the eggs are done.]
So I have, or rather had, a color-change egg-timer, the kind you put in with an egg when you're boiling it and it changes color to tell you when the egg is soft, medium, or hard-boiled. I love a soft-boiled egg so I use it often and as these things will, it started to fall apart from repeatedly being heated in boiling water. So I thought, I'll get a new egg timer; maybe there are fancier ones, but in any case the color-change kind isn't hard to find. I searched around various retail websites for "in water egg timer" and got a bunch of the color-change ones in various designs, and also...this.
There's a whole series of them -- a bunch of barnyard-animal themed ones, some emoji-themed ones, the 90s BeepEgg, the Love BeepEgg -- and they all play different public-domain tunes.
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[ID: A closeup of the Pirate BeepEgg, which lists the music it plays: Drunken Sailor for soft-boiled, My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean for medium, and Fifteen Men On A Dead Men's Chest for hard-boiled.]
Someone had a lot of fun with this, I suspect.
Anyway they aren't really what I need (I prefer visual cues, and I really only ever need to know when the eggs are slightly past soft-boiled) and they're $20-$25. I'm in a life situation where I can pay $25 for an egg timer but would vastly prefer not to, so I picked up a $5 color-change egg timer replacement. But I do feel like there is someone, somewhere out there, who needs a singing egg timer.
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firequeenofficial · 2 months
Sunflowers can really spread far in seven months. They now covered the whole server, from one corner of his prison's borders to the other.
Never one to sit still, Scar had repaired his house, then the others' as well. The Scotts and Tots' base looked better than ever (in his opinion), Bdubs' world was back to how it was before he'd burned it down (he really did love it, he'd always admired Bdubs' work), he'd even rebuilt Grian's stupid egg, even though the man had only lived there for a short while.
He spent more time than he'd ever admit at that egg. Something about it, about being surrounded by something Grian had made tickled something in the back of his mind. He'd felt it since the moment he'd arrived in this world - and something told him he'd felt it before, more than once. Like he was missing something, like he'd forgotten something, or someone, important. Some part of him thought if he stayed here, in Grian's egg, where the sensation was strongest, maybe he'd be able to remember it.
Grian missed him. He had his own Scar in Hermitcraft, of course, but... it wasn't the same. There was something about the death loops, the urgency, that made his time with Scar feel different, somehow.
But that was gone now, and wouldn't come back for a while. The latest loop had taken a lot out of him, and he needed time to refresh before he could set up the next one. He knew that time was important, he knew the best thing to allow it to come sooner was to rest, to focus on Hermitcraft and his friends there. And yet, he felt himself drawn back time and again.
Finally, after a long session fishing - which was working wonders for his power regeneration, by the way - he gave in to the urge. What harm could a small jump do? It wasn't like he was making a whole new world for this excursion, and he was only going to walk around a little bit, maybe lie down in his, Etho's and Cleo's base, perhaps he'd even sit in the Secret Keeper's shadow for a moment.
It wouldn't take long.
Scar spent a lot of time, when he wasn't building or farming, screaming at the Secret Keeper to let him out. It never listened, of course. Only stared with that cold, uncaring face, the symbol carved into the stone glowing slightly. No matter how many times he hit the succeed, fail or reroll buttons, it only ever gave him the same result - a task book reading, "Win Secret Life". And no matter how many he insisted that he had won, that he'd killed the few allies he'd managed to keep, that he was alone and scared and he wanted to go home, wherever that was, it never cared. It never changed.
That was where he was now. Curled up against the fail button, throat raw and eyes red. And always, always, that knowledge that something was wrong, that someone who meant something wasn't here.
He was just preparing to get to his feet, ready to trudge back to Trader Scar's - what a laughable name that was now - when that cursed symbol started glowing a bright purple.
Scar yelped and scrambled back, heart pounding. The glowing grew and grew until he was blinded. And with the glowing, a pulsing sound that pressed in on his ears like the air pressure had suddenly skyrocketed. He clapped his hands over his ears, groaning.
Whatever was happening, he was sure it couldn't possibly be good.
Then it stopped. The glowing, the pulsing, everything. Scar tried to blink the blackness from his eyes, tried to shake the ringing from his ears.
Just as he started getting some hearing back - but still very little sight - a wonderfully familiar voice said, "You're still here?"
Grian should have known it was a bad idea. He should have known better than to return to the scene of his latest crime. The other Watchers would have his wings if they knew he'd done this, but until the very moment he arrived, he hadn't cared.
Then he saw Scar.
He looked so much worse than when he'd last seen him - or this version of him. His cloak was torn and wrapped around his waist, revealing a half-open shirt that was simultaneously dirty and sun-bleached. His shoes were gone, his trousers clumsily hacked off halfway down his calves, leaving his feet and ankles bare and unprotected. He'd lost his beloved hat during the loop, yet Grian still pictured Scar with it; it was still gone. In it's place were flowers - sun flowers, the same as the plants that stretched as far as they eye could see. At his waist were more flowers. Not sunflowers. Poppies and lavenders. And every part of uncovered skin - which was quite a lot - was bright red. Grian hadn't seen Scar this sun-burnt since...
No. He wouldn't think about that. He couldn't think about that.
Looking at him now, it was clear Scar had given up caring. Of course he did, why wouldn't he. There was no one left to care for.
Scar was blinking blindly in his direction, not seeing him, and rubbing his ears like they hurt.
The question fell from his lips before he could stop it. "You're still here?"
Stupid question. Obviously he was still here.
Grian felt sick. It had been months. Stars, Scar - playful, cheeky, funny, amazing Scar - had been here, all by himself, for more than half a year.
This was his fault.
He should have turned around and left before he could do something stupid. Instead, he found himself rooted to the spot, staring at the man who had once meant so much to him, the man he had missed so much more than he could ever admit to anyone, even himself. He couldn't move, couldn't leave. Couldn't do anything other than stare.
It hadn't rained since he'd killed Pearl. The storm that came with that final lightening strike was over quickly, and the sun hadn't stopped shining since, except when the moon that usually brought some sort of comfort came out to stare uncaringly down. There were never any clouds, any wind was a light breeze at best, and the nights were almost as sweltering as the days.
Something about that was familiar - just on the edge of memory, on this side of forgetting. And yet, he couldn't reach it as hard as he tried.
He'd tried to bring rain. He'd died so many times since he'd lost Pearl, but the lightening never struck, the rain never came. He just woke up in his bed, as dry and burnt and alone as ever.
And now that voice. That damned voice. It made his heart stop cold, even as it soared.
What was he doing here? How did he get there? This shouldn't be possible. He couldn't be here. Not after so long. He was just imagining things, his desperate mind making up the one person he wanted to see more than anyone else.
And yet, as his vision finally started returning, there he was. Grian. Staring at him like he was seeing a ghost, a pair of large coloured wings at his back, his sweater whole and clean and not at all like the tattered thing he was wearing when Gem had killed him.
(He'd never tell anyone that he had saved that sweater when he'd buried Grian alongside all his other friends.)
But still, even looking so different, there was no denying that this was Grian.
That stupid feeling pushed forward even further. He was missing something. It was starting to drive him insane.
Finally, he found his voice, "Grian?"
"Scar," Grian breathed.
Scar felt like he could cry. He'd been alone for so long, and he felt like if he made the wrong movement or the wrong sound, Grian would disappear again. He didn't know if he could abide any more isolation, not after even this short moment of companionship.
But then his body took over, and he was crawling, then heaving himself to his feet, then running. He threw his arms around Grian, picking the smaller man up and spinning him around, so relieved to see someone else that all restraint went out the window.
Grian's wings flared as he let out a yelp that was almost more of a squawk, and Scar hurriedly put him down.
"How are you here?" he asked. Now that he'd made the first move, all the fear of doing or saying the wrong thing went out the window.
"I-" Grian just blinked up at him, unable to form a full sentence. "I don't-" He swallowed, then tried again. "It's... a long story."
And Scar found he didn't care about the non-answer.
"How- how have you been?" Grian asked, then pulled a face, like he knew it was a dumb question.
Scar thought about that one, wanting to give the most honest answer he could while still making light of the situation. He couldn't say he was good or fine or alright, because he was far from all three. He couldn't say he was coping, becuase he didn't think screaming at a statue could be classed as coping. He couldn't say he was busy, because he'd finished all the work there was to do. Finally, he settled on, "I'm alive."
Grian flinched, like he'd hurt him.
Something was off.
"I'm alive," Scar said.
And Grian couldn't help but flinch. Because he still saw Scar dead at his feet when he slept. He still saw splashes of red whenever he saw sand. He still struggled to even punch Scar while acting normal.
He could only be grateful Scar couldn't remember that. A small comfort, knowing Scar would never look at him and hate him for that moment that made Grian hate himself so often.
Scar was looking at him like he was trying to figure something out. His everpresent smirk seemed strained. Finally, he admitted, "Something's wrong."
"What is it?" Grian asked, because he couldn't think straight enough to come up with a different response.
"I don't know. That's the problem." Scar started pacing up and down in front of him, seemingly unbothered about the Secret Keeper staring down at them, listening to every word. "I've just had this feeling ever since Pearl... since I won. Like I'm missing something. Someone. From a past life. But I don't know who."
Grian's heart clenched.
Scar was right. Something was very wrong. Scar should have been transported back to his own world after he won, just like all the others. But besides that, he shouldn't have been regaining his past memories like this. He was only supposed to retain the memories of this loop, not the others.
He shouldn't have been able to remember Grian, even if he didn't know it was Grian he was remembering.
He tried to think of something to say, but Scar pushed on, like he'd been waiting to say this for a while.
"I can't remember who it is, I can't remember anything about that, but I know they were there. I know they're not there anymore. I lost them, and I should remember but I can't. I can't remember their laugh or their voice or their smile or their face or their clothes.
"I don't even remember what they were to me! Were we friends? More? Less? Did we hate each other? Did we even know each other? We must have, right? We must have known each other, for me to feel like this, but I don't know!"
The more Scar spoke, the more frustrated he became, and the fast he paced.
"I don't know if they were a man or a woman or something else! I don't know if we spent every second together or only a few! I don't know their name or how they looked at me or how I looked at them! And the more I think about it, the more it makes me mad!
"And the more I think about it, the more I think... someone took them from me. Not just the person, but the memories. Someone stole my memories of this person, of a lifetime I know I had but can't reach. They're there, they're right there, I can feel them, but I can't get to them and it's driving me insane! I want them back! I want my memories back! I want my person back!
"All I remember is waking up in the stupid world with everyone else, but there has to have been something before that, right? That can't be all there is! But I can't remember, and I want to, but I can't!"
Scar paused for breath, and Grian took the moment to whisper, "No. You don't."
Scar stopped short. He stopped pacing, almost stopped breathing.
He saw the moment the words registered in Scar's brain, the fear and confusion and desperation, and the beginning of anger.
"What do you mean?" Scar asked, his voice trembling and uncertain, like he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.
Grian looked away, not meeting his eyes. He turning instead to stare up at the Secret Keeper.
Why? He silently asked the statue. Why would you do this to me? Why are you punishing me like this?
The Secret Keeper, of course, remained silent.
"What did you mean by that, Grian?" Scar pushed.
Without turning, Grian said quietly, "Those memories were taken for a reason. They're not... you don't want them. Trust me."
"You took them." It wasn't a question, and Grian didn't know how he'd made the leap, but he didn't ask.
Instead, he just looked down, his back still turned away. "Yes."
And then Scar was screaming. "How could you do that?! How could you do that to me?! I thought we were friends!!"
"Exactly. I- I didn't want that to change. I didn't want to lose you. If you knew everything I'd done... I couldn't do that to you."
Grian couldn't see Scar's face, but he could picture it just fine, just like he could picture all of Scar's expressions. He could see in his mind's eye the way Scar's eyes widened, the way his smirk fell as he bared his teeth, the way his eyebrows furrowed. He could see the way Scar unconsciously curled his hands into fists and the way he rose up onto the balls of his feet. He wished he didn't know all of this as much as he did. He hated himself for deserving it.
"Give them back!" Scar shouted. "Give them back, they're mine! You have no right to take them! What, just because you were scared?! Because you couldn't face whatever tiny mistakes you made?!"
"They... they weren't exactly tiny. I had to wipe everyone, it was the only way. If you remembered... it would have been too much for you. I was trying to protect you."
"Look at me," Scar ordered, his voice dropping to a growl. When Grian didn't move, he went back to screaming. "LOOK AT ME!"
Slowly, Grian turned, letting Scar see the tears in his eyes, the way he couldn't lift his gaze off the floor, the way his hands and feet and wings were never still for longer than half a second. It didn't seem to alleviate his anger at all, of course not. Grian hadn't expected him to.
"Give them back," he snarled. "I don't care what you did, or what anyone else did. I want to remember." His voice broke. "Please."
And finally, finally, Grian met his eyes. Swallowed once. Twice. He didn't want to hide anything from Scar, but the thought of what the other man would do if he knew everything, if he remembered what he was to him... it terrified him. But the sight of Scar like this hurt him even more. So he whispered, "I'm sorry," and raised a hand.
It was so overwhelming, having so many lifetimes' worth of memories rush into his mind all at once. He staggered back, gasping, and the back of his legs hit the reroll button. He grasped the stone the pillar letting it keep him up as images flashed across his eyes.
A desert. A mountain. A bamboo sanctuary. A clock tower.
A bee. A horse. A giant cat. A llama.
Grian in a poncho over a white shirt. Grian in a torn sweater with a necklace of hearts around his neck. Grian with sugarcane in his shirt pocket. Grian in a black leather jacket and sunglasses.
Grian. Everywhere. Everything. He was... everything.
Grian. This whole time, it was Grian - his Grian - that he was missing.
Grian standing in the desert. Grian standing at the foot of a tower. Grian standing at the top of a wooden cake. Grian standing at the end of a wheat-covered bridge.
Grian with bloodsoaked hands around Scar's neck. Grian with an extra life he'd stolen from Scar. Grian losing both their lives for nothing. Grian shoving his sword into Scar's back.
Grian telling everyone not to trust him. Grian seeking him out for fights. Grian cheating on him with BigB. Grian breaking their alliance.
Grian turning on his over and over and over again.
And yet.....
Grian taking care of him and protecting him. Grian seeking him out to hang out with. Grian trying to keep Scar alive and healthy. Grian choosing him and his family to ally with.
Grian smiling at him. Grian laughing with him. Grian holding his hand as they ran from enemies. Grian giving him their resources to trade with. Grian patching him up after a battle. Grian's voice. Grian's face. Grian's hands. Grian's clothes. Grian's wings - Scar remembers those now.
"Do you see why I wanted to keep these from you?" Grian whispered.
Scar looked up at him - oh stars, he hadn't realised just how much he'd missed him - and saw him refusing to meet his eyes again.
He didn't know what to think. All those horrible things Grian did. All those amazing things he did. How was he supposed to weigh them against each other? How could he know which was bigger? Which was more important?
"There's one more thing," Grian breathed, closing his eyes like he couldn't bear to see Scar's reaction to the next revelation. "I- It's my fault. That you're here. That everyone keeps coming here. These loops... they're my fault."
Scar's heart sank. Oh. "Why?"
"I just... I wanted to see you all." Grian admitted. "I wanted to... I don't know. I wanted to see you. Not just like in Hermitcraft, but... it's different, here. I can let myself care a bit more, because it's only for a short time, and everyone's just going to forget anyway. It doesn't matter."
"It doesn't matter?" Scar thought of the desert, their desert. He thought of his Jellie-panda sanctuary. He thought of his mountain house and his clock tower. He thought not only of Grian, but of Joel, of Pearl, of Cleo and Bdubs and Etho. His friends, his family. And now that he remembered them, he missed them even more than before. Maybe that was what Grian meant when he said he was trying to protect them. But... "How can you say that? Of course it matters! We matter! You can't just erase us and pretend it never happened!"
"I could never pretend it never happened! Trust me, if I could, I would! If I could wipe my own memory, make it so I couldn't remember any of it either, I would do it in a heartbeat!"
That took Scar back. He hadn't expected that at all.
"You think it's fun, seeing my friends die, over and over again in my sleep?" It was Grian's turn to go on a roll now. "You think it's fun not being able to go in a desert again? You think I want to feel like I'm going to be sick every time I see a panda, or a spyglass, or a long field of wheat, or a path in the sky?
"I wish there was another way to get you all together that doesn't end in all of us dead, but there isn't! At least this way, we respawn. At least this way, we can keep seeing each other again.
"I tried another way - trust me, I tried. I just barely managed to shut it down in time, before They destroyed it. I came this close to losing everyone permanently. I won't risk that again. This is the only way."
He trailed off. It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself, more than Scar.
"Who are They?" Scar asked softly.
Grian stiffened, then glanced over his shoulder at the Secret Keeper. Scar looked too. Did its symbol glow brighter? Was it humming softly? Did it seem almost... alive?
"Let's get out of here," Grian said instead of answering.
"Oh." Scar just stood there watching him for a second, his mind whirling too fast for him. Eventually, he managed to offer, "We can go to my base."
"I actually meant a little further." Grian managed a small smirk. "Are you ready to go home?"
The words were like the finest music to his ears. He glanced over his shoulder at the massive sunflower field the world had become, then grinned. "I'm so ready."
The Watchers would have his wings for taking this punishment for the crime of caring and making something good from it, but he didn't care.
Scar knew who he was. He knew what he was. He knew what he'd done. And he didn't hate him. He still wanted to be his friend. Maybe, with time, he'd be willing to attempt more.
But for now, Grian was happy with this.
He took Scar's hand, his heart soaring at the smile the other man gave him, and flapped his wings, dragging them both through the multiverse.
Back home.
This turned out a lot longer than I originally planned it, but man was it fun. Thanks to the wonderful @kays-artstuff for the idea and for deciding I was worthy to give it life! Everyone go check out the amazing animatic that inspired this! Scar's appearance came from Hoffen's wonderful skin after Scar posted the tweet that altered my brain chemistry, go give them some love too!
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lexisecretaccx · 6 months
High School Sweethearts pt.7 - Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT8, PT9, PT10, (rest of the parts on my Masterlist)
(Fem reader x Chris Sturniolo, fluff, some drama at the end, not sure what else)
A/n: I litro love Chris and y/n such cuties fr.
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Y/n’s POV
I take a shaky breath before leaning into Chris and I look up at him, his face is gentle and he’s ready to listen, “she had asked me if I saw Evan today, I said yeah, and she asked if we were getting back together..” I sniffle, Chris still listening and letting me speak, “I said no and said remember? Because I told her what he had done.” Chris nods.
“She said something like ‘y/n you’re still going on about that’ or something, she never believed me because he was nice around her.” I clear my throat and Chris sighs, still allowing me to talk, “and something else happened, I told her about us, she starting complaining so I started yelling and told her that Evan grabbed my wrist and basically threatened me earlier and..” Chris’ body tenses and he sits up slightly to look at me.
“He did what?” Chris’ voice is slightly angered but not directed towards me, “it’s fine Chris,” I sigh, he shakes his head before returning to our previous position. “Anyway, she got mad at me, told me to get out of the house and said I was,” I pause “just like my father.” I breathe out.
Chris pulls me into him more and kisses my cheek. “You’re safe here with me, you can stay as long as you need to.” He reassures me before leaning over and turning out the light, “do you wanna sleep?” He asks me softly, I nod into his chest and wrap my arm around him, I hear his heartbeat through his chest and that quickly sends me to sleep as his hand strokes my hair.
Next day
“I look so bad.” I look in his mirror as he’s brushing his teeth, “you look beautiful.” His voice is muffled from the toothpaste but I heard him, I smile softly “I have no makeup on.” I wipe my eyes and I brush my hair.
“If you’re really bothered, my mom has some makeup I could ask her if you could use some?” He spits out the toothpaste and swishes water around his mouth before discarding of it and wiping his mouth on a towel. I nod, “yes please.” I walk out his bathroom and sit on the bed.
He comes back in about 5 minutes later with a tube of mascara, “she said she has spare this stuff you can use, if you want any more makeup she doesn’t mind letting you borrow anything.” He smiles down at me and hands me the tube, “I won’t use anything else, remind me to thank her if we see her when we leave for school.” He nods before changing into black baggy jeans and doing his belt up.
“She washed your shorts and stuff, let me grab them.” I smile “okay thanks.” I apply the mascara and it makes me look a little less.. messy. He comes back in with my cami, sweatshirt and shorts. “You can wear one of my hoodies if you want? It’s supposed to be cold today so you can also wear a pair of my sweats.” He grins to me.
I slip Chris’ hoodie over my head and the sweatpants which are slightly big on me.
I’m so glad Chris has a happy family who care about him and eachother and how his mom is so kind and sweet, unlike my own. I wish I could stay here with him forever, but I know I’ll have to return to my house later.
We walk downstairs and Mary-Lou is cooking up bacon and eggs, with Matt sat up to the counter on his phone, he looks to me and smiles. “Hey.” He says to us both, “hi..” I say softly, Mary-Lou turns around and smiles at me, “hey sweetie.” She says with a happy tone in her voice, “thank you, for everything.” I reply smiling back.
We sit up to the counter, Chris next to Matt and me on the end, “where’s Nick?” Chris asks Matt and his mom. “He’s still sleeping, he said to wake him up when there’s 10 minutes until we need to leave.” Matt laughed as Mary-Lou dished up the bacon and eggs.
She placed three plates in front of us and kept one to the side for Nick. I ate like 2/3s of my food before I was full, and Chris and Matt finished the whole thing. “Thank you.” We all said to her and she nodded and smiled. “Should we head to school now? Doesn’t hurt to be early.” Chris whispered to me, I nod before we both say bye and leave.
We walk to school and I realise I don’t have my books or pens. “Shit..” I mumble and Chris turns to me. “What’s up? You okay?” He asks me. “I don’t have my books or anything, my bags back home.” I bite my lip and swallow nervously. “Do you want to.. go get it?” Chris asked hesitantly, “I can wait outside for you, we have like an hour before school.” He grabs my hand.
“Okay, I’m glad we left really early then.” I chuckled anxiously before we walk past the school to my house. Chris waits by the sidewalk and I open the front door using the key under the mat, my mom should be in work by now, her car isn’t there. I call into the house “Mom?” And there’s no reply, indicating that I was indeed correct.
I motion for Chris to come inside and he does. I close the door behind us and we go to my room. “While I’m here I’m gonna change if that’s okay?” I ask and Chris nods, “you can keep the hoodie and sweats here. In case you or I ever need them.” He smirks.
I change into a pair of black jeans and a top before putting on a jacket. “We’re matching, sorta.” He laughs and I look down at both of our black jeans, I laugh too before quickly apply some face makeup “you’re so pretty, with and without makeup.” Chris whispers in my ear as he hugs me from behind.
“Thank you, I just don’t want to get made fun of by Evan and his friends if I look scruffy.” I sigh and pickup my bag, Chris huffs “Evan is a horrible person.” He rolls his eyes, “he’s not gonna be happy that we actually are dating now.” I smirk and Chris grins before kissing me softly.
We get to school at the perfect time and we walk in, “I gotta head to gym class, I’ll meet you after?” Chris asks and I nod, he places a kiss on my forehead and walks away. I turn down the hallway to my class and see Matt sitting on the stairs on his own, fiddling with his glasses. “Hey.” I smile, walking towards him, he looks up nervously before relaxing when he sees me.
“Hey you okay now?” He asks. “Yeah sorta, why aren’t you heading to gym class, aren’t you in the same one as Chris.” He nods softly and looks back down. I sit next to him on the stairs, making sure there’s room for others students to still access them. “I think I’m gonna sit that lesson out.” He whispers.
“Why?” I ask him in a quietened tone. He shrugs, “Evan.” Is all he says, I tilt my head in confusion, “What about him?” We all know Evan is a horrible person but he’s friends with Matt so what could he have done.
“There was this girl, who I thought was pretty, I never wanted anything with her, but you know what I’m saying,” he sighs and I nod in understanding “Evan found out that I liked her and he asked her out right infront of me, she said yes and then he kissed her cheek.” He puts his head in his hands and I place my hand on his upper back. “We all can agree Evan is a dick, but he has no right to do that to you.” I rub his back lightly in a comforting way before returning my hand to my lap.
“He admitted he doesn’t even like her, he just did it because he knew I did.” He scoffs, “Im done with being friends with him, I only became his friend so Michael and his friends would stop bullying me.” He admitted, I sigh and smile gently at Matt and he smiles back.
“Woah you just can’t pick a triplet to try and get with can you?” I hear Michael’s voice from infront of me and I look up, “I wonder how Chris would feel knowing you two are this close.” He motions between us. “Go away.” I reply in a cold voice.
“Okay little miss, I cry on the sidewalk in the pouring down rain because I’m special.” Michael retorts and Matt stands up. “She said go away man.” He says in an annoyed but nervous tone. Michael scoffs and starts laughing, “shut up four eyes.” Michael pushes Matt to the side so he can see me.
“That’s an overused and not even insulting, insult.” I scoff and Matt grins. “Just please, fuck off.” I stand up.
“What are you gonna do, hit me?” Michael laughs and I shrug before walking up to him.
A/n: POOR MATT FR. idek why I think of Matt with glasses he just looks good w them so I imagined it in my brain. Pov u walking up to the best mom competition but Mary-Lou is there u know u boutta lose fr. Y/n cannot catch a break fr😭 Michael and Evan, we hate them fr.
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind @accio326 @sturniol0s
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usbkinitopet · 5 months
have you ever heard of olms? they’re very interesting creatures and even look a bit like axolotl’s!
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they can live a lot longer than axolotl’s and surprisingly aren’t related to them. they are blind and are endangered. It has the longest lifespan of any amphibian, often living to over 70 in zoos, and with a predicted maximum age of over 100. Their reproductive cycle can change depending on their environment, they will lay eggs if it’s warmer and give birth to live young if it’s colder. Olms live in well-oxygenated underground waters with a typical, very stable temperature of 8–11 °C (46–52 °F), infrequently as warm as 14 °C (57 °F). There have also been observations in northeastern Italy where they swim to the surface in springs outside the caves, even in daylight, where they occasionally feed on earthworms. The black olm may occur in surface waters that are somewhat warmer. The olm swims by eel-like twisting of its body, assisted only slightly by its poorly developed legs. It is a predatory animal, feeding on small crustaceans (for example, Troglocaris shrimp, Niphargus, Asellus, and Synurella amphipods, and Oniscus asellus), snails (for example, Belgrandiella), and occasionally insects and insect larvae (for example, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Diptera). It does not chew its food, instead swallowing it whole. The olm is resistant to long-term starvation, an adaptation to its underground habitat. It can consume large amounts of food at once, and store nutrients as large deposits of lipids and glycogen in the liver. When food is scarce, it reduces its activity and metabolic rate, and can also reabsorb its own tissues in severe cases. Controlled experiments have shown that an olm can survive up to 10 years without food.
"That is so fascinating!!, I love learning about new sea creatures!!.. and new things!!.. Olms sound so fun to hang around with!.. do you think their favorite games would be sea chess!?.."
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"Are you sure, they aren't just a long axolotl?.. they look like one to me!.."
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"They're not related to me, Sam!.. but I'm sure it'd be silly if I had a cousin that was a Olm!!.." "I don't get it still.." "This is why I like teaching you about things!!!, you silly sea anemone!!"
(This was a fun ask to answer!, poor Sam.. he doesn't process info as well as Kinito!!.. :D) - Mod Soni
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karniss-bg3 · 11 months
What's in a name?
For the past week I’ve had one mission; Find the meaning behind Kar’niss’ name.
To me, that is one piece of information that could lend the biggest clue to his origins. I’ve had luck in some places and roadblocks in others, it’s turned out to be slightly more complicated than I thought. I haven’t come up entirely empty handed though and what pieces I’ve dug up have put him in an entirely new light.
Let’s start off by discussing drow naming conventions. Drow can change their names later in life and may do so multiple times. This is usually due to some significant life event or promotion and said name may relate to these incidents. This makes me believe that Kar’niss got his name after his transformation. After all, being turned into a drider would be considered a big life event by many. They also avoid using any names that may be similar to Lolth, some going as far as to avoid the letter L altogether. Mind you during my research I found conflicting reports. Some sources say it’s fine to pay homage to Lolth in a drow name so long as it’s only partial, such as “loth” or “lothine”. Others say it’s forbidden the whole way around and bad form. Take this as you will.
Drow names are also gendered, their prefixes and suffixes are labeled specifically toward male and female. Rarely, women could take on a male name with little push back. However, if a male takes on a feminine name they would be labeled a rogue or a troublemaker. This information is important later.
There are many more nuances to how drow are named, such as numbering their children in the drow language, or naming children in honor of their mothers and ignoring fathers completely. Looking over what resources I could find, Kar’niss’ name didn’t seem to be related to either of those things. With the exception of the suffix “Niss” which we’ll get to.
I’ve managed to find a chart that has all of the common drow prefixes and suffixes listed. Let’s take Minthara and Nere as two examples. The prefix “Min” is feminine and it means “lesser, minor, second” and the suffix “thara” is also feminine with the meaning “glyph, marker, rune”. This could translate to lesser rune, second glyph, and so forth. Min could also suggest her birth order as second however the birth orders are usually a suffix and not a prefix, at least from what I could find.
Nere is a bit trickier. The only thing I could find on the list was “Neer” and it appears to be a gender neutral name, as it doesn’t have two options listed. Neer means “core, root, strong” and it seems to align with his personal viewpoints. Nere fans may have discovered his full name or something a bit more meaty but as of now that is the closest I could find.
Now we come to the main event, Kar’niss. The one piece of solid evidence I found was the meaning for the suffix “Niss”. It’s the feminine equivalent to “Nozz” and it means “chance, gambler, game”. I suppose “Kar’nozz” doesn’t roll off the tongue as fluidly as Kar’niss. So we have one piece of the puzzle, what about the prefix “Kar”?
That, dear reader, is where my biggest roadblock came into play. Nothing on any resource I’ve found lists Kar anywhere. Not in prefixes, suffixes, house names or Dark Seladrine Gods. A big, fat goose egg. It’s easy to think of Karsus when hearing that prefix, the most powerful wizard that ever lived. Maybe there is a link but honestly I feel like I’d be reaching really hard to make that connection. Kar’niss doesn’t really show signs of being interested in wizardry and if he was before his transformation, he says shit all about it now.
I was ready to give up. I don’t think Larian is the sort to do something without purpose. Even though Kar’niss is a side character, the work put into him leads me to believe that name has some significance. So in my stubborn way I kept looking, until a thought dawned on me. All this time I’ve been digging through drow specific information while ignoring the drider in the room. What about...elvish? Yes the two languages are very similar but drow have different dialect than surface elves. Kar’niss is very pale in complexion and we’ve theorized he could be a Szarkai. It would make sense for him to take on an elvish prefix especially if he was trying to fit into surface societies. There could be a small chance he’s half-drow but the game lists him as drow in his character window so I think that theory isn’t viable.
Down a new rabbit hole I went and I found some interesting information. The first piece I found came from Tolkien's elvish dictionary. Kar means “do, make, build” in elvish. Couple that with gambler, chance and game you could translate the full name to “Make your own luck” or even “Take a chance” depending on how you approached it. Other options are “Playing a bad/dangerous game”, “Making a bad decision/bet” or something more in the realms of a negative connotation.
The second piece I found came from forgotten realms. There are several words that have the word Kar listed in them. These three are the most notable:
Hakar: Enemy
Sekkar: Flee
Karask: Demon
Only one out of the three starts with Kar and it seems fitting for what Kar’niss became; A demon. Sekkar also aligns with the notion he was a Szarkai, as they preferred to flee from battle rather than engage. Enemy seems self explanatory, he could feel like he is the enemy of Lolth or the Underdark as a whole.
Out of them all the Tolkien option seems to suit the best. The others are part of a bigger word and while threads can be stretched between them, there is no way to say that they’d hold. So where does that leave us? Naturally with more questions than answers, but this does suggest a few intriguing directions Kar’niss could’ve come from.
It is apparent that Kar’niss is very subservient and afraid, but that doesn’t mean he always was. Taking on the feminine suffix “niss” could suggest he was a troublemaker or a bit of a jet setter while in the Underdark. Maybe he broke rules, said things he shouldn’t have, pushed boundaries. If he was a Szarkai he could’ve been sheltered from some of the more harsh treatment other males were known to endure. This could’ve made him arrogant, egotistical and brazen. He may have over stepped, made a bad gamble as it were, and it cost him everything. The feminine suffix of “niss” could also be a way to emasculate him further. Drider are sexless and Kar’niss’ lower regions no longer exist, something that might have bruised his pride terribly.
Alternatively, his suffix could’ve been given to him by others to suggest his luck at being born a Szarkai although that is more of a stretch. Kar could also align with how spiders make and build webs thus the distinction between the two. Or maybe he took on an elvish lover or friend and gave himself an elvish prefix in honor of them, or they gave him the name, even if such a relationship cost him in the end.
There are so many wild variations and theorycrafting you could do with those pieces of information. While most of it is loose the one thing I can say for sure is that the suffix “Niss” has great importance. I think he made a bad bet or played a dangerous game and lost, and becoming a drider is his punishment. Maybe he took on the trials of Lolth, something a few might consider a game, and lost there as well. Perhaps if I keep digging I can find something more solid to link him with the prefix “Kar” but as of right now this is what I could find.
So ends my journey for answers, for now at least. I hope this wall of text provided folks with some interesting information and ideas. Thanks for reading!
Sources: Tolkien's Elvish, Drow, Prefix/Suffix list for drow, Elven Lexicon, Drow naming practices.
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joka13 · 3 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Lovesick - Part 5/5
WARNINGS: British swearing, vomiting
Never before had the Weasley twins experienced anxiety in such a way as this. Throughout their whole lives, they'd grown more and more accustomed to not having a single care in the world. Within only mere seconds they had gained something, or rather someone, that caused them to become literally ill because they didn't know if she felt the same way about them. This was the day Fred and George would confess their love to you. They were determined to do so, but the possibility of your rejection was unexpectedly the most frightening thing they had ever faced.
"George," Fred whined over an untouched plate of bacon and eggs. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"You are sick," George said. He began to cough, resulting in a lapful of petals.
"Do I look terrible? Because you look terrible."
"Thanks. You look as healthy as a horse with an infected leg wound yourself."
A short moment later, Harry and Ron sat down with the twins for breakfast.
"Morning," Fred and George said together.
Harry looked up at the twins, appearing slightly concerned. "You two sound like—"
"Aah!" Ron exclaimed in alarm at beholding his brothers' sickly, colorless faces. "Bloody hell, are you guys... vampires?"
George, who sat next to Ron, turned to face him directly right before sneezing. The twins laughed weakly as Ron was littered with petals.
Ron blinked, wearing an expression of vague surprise. Then a knowing grin spread across his face. "That's right! You guys are in love!"
"Aren't vampires supposed to be sexy nowadays?" Fred asked, smiling loftily and ignoring Ron's comment.
"Right, because that's exactly what I was thinking when I called you a vampire," Ron snorted sarcastically as he brushed himself off. "Nah, you'd be the sort of vampire that's just plain scary. The sort that feeds off homeless people and stray dogs." Ron squinted at the twins and stroked an invisible beard, observing. "You'd probably live in a cave with only bats for friends. And your back story—"
"Alright, we get it," Fred and George huffed in annoyance.
"Hold on... How'd you know about the, er, Hanky-wanky disease?" George asked.
Ron laughed. "Harry had it a while back."
"Ron!" Harry hissed angrily.
Ron shrugged. "What? It wasn't much of a secret."
Fred chuckled, "Hmm, yes. Ms. Chang was it?"
"We didn't need to see you hacking up flower petals to know that you fancied her," George laughed, and his laughing quickly turned into a petal-spewing coughing fit.
"Speaking of," Harry said, trying to change the subject. "Who is it that you fancy?"
"Now that's a secret," said George.
"At least until we can call her ours," said Fred.
"'Ours'?" Harry and Ron repeated together, confused.
Fred pointed to the top side of his bare wrist with a sudden urgency. "Would you look at the time! We'd best be going."
"Don't want to be late for class," George agreed as he and his twin stood up to leave.
"Since when did you care so much about making it to class on time?" Ron asked, suspicious. "The clock tower hasn't even rung."
"Don't worry about it, Ronald!" the twins called out behind them on their way to the doors.
They overheard Hermione, who was just now arriving at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, ask, "Why are there flower petals everywhere?"
Fred and George laughed, then coughed, and exited the Great Hall while leaving a trail of more pink petals in their wake.
As you headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast, you could not stop yawning. Since your meeting with the Weasley twins that day in Filch's office, you hadn't gotten much sleep. Though, during the times in which you had slept, you had wonderful dreams of Fred and George, so you were not all that upset about it.
It was the flower petals that drove you absolutely mad. Frankly, it was embarrassing; it was terrible to have your situation made so obvious to everyone around you (or at least to those that knew about the Hanahaki illness) every time you coughed in the middle of a class. And the retched petals made an appearance so often now that you stopped bothering to clean them up. You'd decided that you would tolerate the disease no longer, and you would tell the Weasley twins about your feelings for them the first opportunity that was given. You wished you'd known only how soon that would be when you turned a corner to be met face to face with none other than Fred and George Weasley.
"Oh! H-hello, Fred. Hi, George," you laughed nervously, your heart suddenly pounding in your chest. This was it!
"Hello, y/n!" the twins responded a bit too enthusiastically, also surprised at the encounter.
Then, all at once, you hiccupped, George sneezed, and Fred began to cough.
You felt utterly embarrassed as you spat out a couple of petals onto the floor, but that feeling was quickly overwhelmed by astonishment as you realized that Fred and George had flower petals falling out of their mouths, too. Then you noticed how very unwell the brothers looked. In fact, their complexions matched the one you saw on yourself in the bathroom mirror that morning. It was in that moment that it dawned on you...
"Wait," George sniffed, his brow furrowing in puzzlement. He pointed to the small amount of flower petals by your feet. "Do you...?"
You gestured to the many, many petals spread out in front of the twins, grinning uncontrollably. "Are you two...?"
Your smile disappeared as Fred finished coughing, his eyes opening wide. He turned away, putting a hand on the nearby wall to steady himself.
"Freddie?" George asked. "Are you alright?'
As if in response, Fred proceeded to throw up a strange, pink liquid with flower petals instead of partially digested food.
"Aw," George groaned, looking away in disgust. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to that."
You stood back, wanting to help Fred but not sure of how you could. Then you remembered why you wanted to talk to the twins in the first place.
Though it was now an awkward time for it, you confessed. "Fred!" you called, making sure he'd hear you. "I... I like you!"
Fred, having stopped vomiting up the pink substance, slowly stood up straight. "Wow," he said, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his robe and turning to face you again. "I feel so much better." He looked much better too. Color had already begun to return to his face, and the dark circles under his eyes faded slightly.
You sighed with relief, relief that Fred was feeling better and that it meant he had feelings for you.
"And you, George!" you chuckled gingerly, turning to him. "I like y-you as well."
Though he had seemed to realize it moments ago when he saw your petals, George appeared to relax now that you'd said it out loud. He smiled blissfully as the illness visibly drained out of him.
"Now..." you said as you started to feel a bit sick to your stomach. "You say it back before I barf, too."
The twins gave a hearty laugh, very obviously feeling better, before each getting down on one knee in front of you.
"We love you, y/n!" they exclaimed simultaneously, putting one hand on their chests and extending the other towards you.
You grinned, feeling, in that single moment, whole again in more ways than one. Your stomach immediately felt better, and that awful feeling of something unhealthy sitting somewhere deep inside you that had gradually increased over time quickly melted away. You took in a deep breath, grateful for the clearness of your lungs that you had begun to think you'd never experience again, and exhaled in satisfaction. Though you now felt well again physically, you also felt a happiness so great that you couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"You!" a rough, angry voice yelled from behind the twins. Fred and George turned around, and you caught a glimpse of Filch walking towards them with clenched fists. "You took out one of your toys here, didn't you?" he growled, pointing to the pink vomit on the floor. "Just so that I would have to clean up after you!"
"Run!" Fred and George giggled together, not wanting to bother explaining anything to Filch, and turned to hurriedly usher you forward. You laughed as the three of you raced away with Filch cursing behind you.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan
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