#if you're from africa then why are you white
blueteller · 1 year
Litana's manhwa design just dropped in!!
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She's beautiful, obviously - but
B U T.
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Before this chapter, I was like: "I sure hope that on a scale of 1-36, they at least make her a 27!"
And guess what?? Freaking 26.5 🤣 She isn't dark, she's tanned.
Why the heck couldn't they make her darker?! She's our Jungle Queen!! I mean come on!!!
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Look at it! Doesn't she look gorgeous like this?!
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actualmermaid · 1 year
I do think it's kind of funny how Augustine is like. The second-most whitewashed figure in Christianity (after Jesus himself)
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Why Gandhi is a piece of shit and you should hate him.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has been established in our history as a "Mahatma" which means "great soul"
This man is anything but that.
He is EVERYWHERE. He's on our currency, he's revered as a hero who saved India, and we have a mandatory holiday on October 2nd in honor of him.
If you didn't know, now you're going to get to know why he was a horrible human being. Let's begin.
This man managed to fool people Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela (among many others) into thinking he was a good person.
Here is some of the shit he's done:
In 1903, when Gandhi was in South Africa, he wrote that white people there should be "the predominating race." He also said black people "are troublesome, very dirty, and live like animals."
 Refused to have sex with his wife for the last 38 years of their marriage. He felt that in order to test his commitment to celibacy, he would have beautiful young women (including his own great niece) lie next to him naked through the night. His wife, whom he described as looking like a "meek cow" was no longer desirable enough to be a solid test.
Believed that Indian women who were raped lost their value as a human.
During Gandhi's time as a dissident in South Africa, he discovered a male youth had been harassing two of his female followers. Gandhi responded by personally cutting the girls' hair off, to ensure the "sinner's eye" was "sterilised". Gandhi boasted of the incident in his writings, pushing the message to all Indians that women should carry responsibility for sexual attacks upon them.
He argued that fathers could be justified in killing daughters who had been sexually assaulted for the sake of family and community honour. 
Gandhi also waged a war against contraceptives, labelling Indian women who used them as whores.
He believed menstruation was a "manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality".
On 6th April 1947, he gave a speech where he said, “ If the Muslims are out there slicing through Hindu masses to wipe out the Hindu race, the Hindus should say nothing and peacefully accept death”.
He hated the great Hindu rulers, especially Shivaji Maharaj. To please the Muslims, he banned the book named ShivBhaavani which correctly depicted Islam’s intolerance and fierce fundamentalism spread by it.
Refused his wife life-saving medication (for religious reasons), but those religious reasons all of a sudden no longer applied to him when he was in a similar position.
Started a fast unto death when Ambedkar asked for separate electorates for Dalits.
Gandhi left his ailing father on his deathbed, to sleep with his wife. The child born out of this copulation died in infancy. According to Gandhi, the death of this infant was the result of this evil karma.
Gandhi, even when he claimed to be the angel of non-violence, made no efforts to prevent the British from deploying Indian troops at various locations during World War II.
Kashmir was invaded by Pakistan in 1947, the brutal Pakistani army committed heinous crimes against Kashmiri Pandits including mass rape and mass killings consequently many Pandits were forced to flee to Delhi and other places. In one incident Pandits took refuge in an abandoned mosque in Delhi. Infuriated, Gandhi threatened to fast to death if the Pandits didn't leave. The Pandits were slaughtered in a communal riot as soon as they abandoned the mosques.
Criticized the Jews for defending themselves against the Holocaust because he insisted that they should have committed public mass suicide in order to "shame" the Germans instead of fighting back. His exact words were, "But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from the cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions."
And this is all from a simple Internet search compiled here. I wonder what else is hiding if I do a deep dive.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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irhabiya · 7 months
white people are something else, add as many marginalized intersecting identities as you'd like and they'd still find a way to underpin all that with racism.
if you think that a certain behavior, a certain prejudice, a certain violence is inherent to a whole collective of people rather than a symptom of broader systemic issues you are racist. that is that. you're a racist piece of shit
i am genuinely so fed up with white gays and their revolting homonationalism. and the usual response to them also irritates me, because most of the time people aren't even addressing the main issue with their thought process. saying that trans and gay people exist in palestine or that solidarity is not transactional is all well and good, but why aren't you directly shutting down the implication that palestinians, and more generally arabs and muslims are inherently homophobic, transphobic, regressive barbarians? say it like it fucking is. homophobia, transphobia and misogyny are huge issues in the middle east and north africa, just like they are everywhere else. they're not woven into our fucking DNA why are you even entertaining the thought that that is the case? and these issues are only further exacerbated by us intervention destabilizing the whole region for the interest of the us empire and their western allies. last i checked palestinians don't even have the right to freely travel on their own land, visit family members they've been forcibly separated from by apartheid walls and laws, but gay rights is definitely the pressing issue here, not that they can be expelled from their homes by batshit insane settlers at gunpoint with the glee and approval of the IDF.
"ah yes, the homophobic palestinian 16 year old being tortured in israeli prisons is Bad, he should be educating himself about stonewall in the dingy jail cell he's thrown in."
do you fucking hear yourselves.
and, for the record, homosexuality isn't outlawed in the west bank, thanks to endless advocacy by queer palestinians. while racist white gays do fuck all but tut-tut at people of color all day. eat shit and die
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lilbeanz · 4 months
hello beanz, hope you're doing well! do you have any useless worldbuilding headcanons or jodt facts which are utterly useless or very mildly useful to the plot?
Hello lovely💗 I'm doing well, and I hope the same for you!
And gah! This is such a good ask! Definitely a thinker, too 🤭
The Useful Headcanons:
• The Wizarding World is called the Wixen World because fuck the patriarchy. (And yes, I realise both "wizard" and "witch" can be perceived as gender neutral, but typically, wizards are male, and witches are female (ugh👎))
• There are more magical schools than just eLEvEn, because as a wise man once said:
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Take it from Hermione and Draco in GS,ch4:
“There’s around fifty in all of Europe,” Hermione began.
“Another fifty in Asia,” Draco carried on.
“Several in the Americas.”
“A handful of smaller schools scattered across the Pacific Islands.”
“And near a hundred in Africa.”
• Generally, wix are not homophobic, transphobic, or racist. Their prejudice problems revolve around blood and magical creatures.
Historically speaking, the Victorian era really fucked up Muggle society. And, yes, there was homophobic/racist ideology pre-Victorian era (1600s - 1700s), but by then, the magic and muggle world was already at odds with each other (Statute of Secrecy was eatablished in 1692) -- why would purebloods concern themselves with such trivial Muggle bigotry?
• Which leads me to my next worldbuilding point; Paganism. Traditional witchcraft and its influences on both the Wixen and Muggle worlds. Pureblood families are known to celebrate the Wheel of the Year -- equinoxes and solstices etc... Paganism existed before the statute and still exists into the Muggle world of course, which is how Muggles have wicca and the craft. Why Wiccan Muggles gather at Stone Henge for the summer solstice and all sorts. It just makes sense 🤌✨️
• Wolfstar. That's it. That's the whole bullet point. Just. Wolfstar.
• In Pureblood society, there is an unspoken hierarchy. The Malfoys' circle consisted of the Goyles, the Crabbes, and the Notts (and other notable Death Eater names), as well as the Parkinsons, the Greengrasses, and many other blood purist sympathisers.
Draco grew up with Greg, Vince, Pansy, Daphne, and Theo. The coming war will surely test the strength of childhood bonds...
• The divide between Draco and his father means Draco is becoming his own person as opposed to following in his father's footsteps. Draco finds himself striving to be a little more like his mother, and a lot more like himself.
The fire of rebellion flourishes inside him, but how far can he go before the flames grow out of his control?
The Not So Useful & Sort of Silly Headcanons:
• Crabbe and Goyle are not as thick as some people (*cough* Harry *cough*) perceive. Vince is a Transfiguration whizz-kid & Greg enjoys art.
• Pansy Parkinson falls in love very easily, but also very quickly moves onto her next meal -- ah, her next fixation.
• Mad-Eye Moody enjoyed a very relaxed year of his retirement from 1994 to 1995, with absolutely no home intrusions or attacks from dark wix.
• Lucius Malfoy has an unhealthy obsession with white peacocks. Especially his prized darling, Bartholomew Armand Malfoy the Third.
• Dobby has a cupboard specifically for storing all of his socks at Hogwarts.
• Professor Burbage had a groovy flower-power phase in the 70s.
• Harry sometimes finds himself talking to Draco's embroidered portrait on the Black family tapestry at Grimmauld Place.
• Erik, Nikolaj, and Katrina embark on a journey across America after graduating from Durmstrang. In their travels, they may discover many things...
I'm sure there's more! But here's what I can think of off the top of my head! 🥰💕
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hussyknee · 3 months
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Why is it that white liberals who claim to be on Palestine's side can't resist shitting a load of Islamophobia to make their point? Christ is "egalitarian and kind" but the entire system of Islamic commandments and ways of life (heavily open to various interpretations) is the great boogeyman incompatible with democracy. This coming from the white supremacist settler colonial state whose entire political establishment has for fucking decades used both religious Christian and secular grounds to destabilise, bomb, genocide and colonize Muslim countries, torture and persecute Muslims, and arm and empower fundamentalist Muslim states and groups. It's your secular democracy that delivered Afghanistan into the Taliban's hands twice! Daesh exists because of you! Saudi Arabia is your bestest buddy and you're helping it genocide Yemen and Sudan right the fuck now! Palestine is being genocided because Christian Zionism wants a vassal state of Zionist Jews! Not to mention how much of the Global South's misogyny and homophobia is the result of four hundred years of white Christian colonization, and the fact that USAmerican Christian fundamentalists are even now exporting and funding the Evangelical Christianity that's driving crackdowns on women and LGBT people in Africa. Project 2025 is a bare fraction of the misery and oppression the US government has inflicted and is still inflicting on the Global South.
All of your goddamn Western history and current rightwing extremism is about Christian fundamentalism fuelling white supremacy and brutal colonization, but when you need a boogeyman it's always some cartoon in your head about a bunch of Arab men in skull caps throwing rocks at women. Fascism is colonization turned inward bitch, but not even a quarter century of spewing its rhetoric that brought you to this inevitable endpoint is enough to make you look in the fucking mirror.
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Hello! Thanks for being willing to create a blog like this; it’s incredibly generous of you.
I think my question may be somewhat niche—I’ve looked through your lessons and multiple other sources and haven’t found an answer to it, although I certainly apologize if it’s been answered and I somehow missed it.
Is there a recommendation for describing an Afro when writing in a fantasy setting where words based on Earth place names wouldn’t linguistically exist? E.g., I’m avoiding obvious place-based words like china plates, balkanization, etc. Should “Afro” be similarly avoided in a world where the place name Africa (as well as Europe, America, etc) doesn’t exist? Or would it be better to use it anyway even if it’s somewhat inconsistent with the style of the work? Finally, if it’s better for a writer not to use “Afro,” how would you recommend describing that style so that the reader can picture the character accurately? I.e., is “natural style” an adequate substitute? It seems a little too broad, but maybe with some more descriptors?
Hi! It's been discussed before, but I don't have like a "set list" of how to describe our hair. Honestly- and this is to everyone, not just to you, anon- the reason I usually don't answer this question directly is my intention to get you all to get creative, and practice how to visualize Black hair textures! When I learned how to write about White people, I didn't have a list to refer to or someone to directly and comfortably ask about what you looked like. I learned from reading stories featuring white characters, and all the creative ways authors described their hair "glistening like sunlight", "red as fire", "silken tresses", "platinum like coins", and all that. I had to look at all of you lmao.
I'm constantly pushing for everyone to read works with Black characters by Black authors to see how we describe ourselves, because we use the same process of thought that you use to describe yourselves- we find the shape, the textures, the style, and we compare them to the world around us. There are many ways to describe similar things. So I can come up with a list, and I know writingwithcolor has one as well, but I do want to clarify that I expect y'all to also take that next step of reading works by Black authors to better learn.
That said! No, you're right, "natural style" is not adequate on its own, because many many hairstyles can fall under that description than just afro. If you don't want to use afro, because I understand what you mean, why not describe the specific texture? Is your character's hair 4C? Try "coils". Are they shiny from moisturizer? Sleek coils, like springs. Is it combed out? It's like a cloud, or a soft sponge. Do they have long hair? It defies gravity, curls rising to the sky. Is it raining on them? Their hair will be weighed down from the moisture, more defined. The descriptions will change based on the environment and texture as well, so you can look up pictures for reference.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 months
Europe without trade, a worldbuilding exercise
This exercise pissed off a bunch of white people for all the wrong reasons, but facts are facts and I can link you to all the major resources. You all should be insulted at the idea that Europe can't trade, that melanin dictates that white people can't get along and find ways to trade. But that's not why they were upset. They were upset at the idea that a single region couldn't provide for people. And that's the wrong thing to get upset about. And I'm telling you that's white supremacy ideology you need to boot. Europe, too, traded and used people from other regions who migrated and were physically there on foot. Stop thinking that your lack of melanin is a force field.
So the exercise goes like this: Shortly after Homo Sapiens interbred with the Neanderthal and migrated to Europe, there was a magical force field put around Europe to cut off Europe from the Middle East, Africa, etc. ^^;; I'm sure people from the Caucuses aren't very pleased with this since they get commandeered into this exercise which racists somehow love. Later people also deemed them inferior (which takes a while to travel through but there is a wikipedia page dedicated to the term Caucasian meaning white [link] that goes over this ranking thing and the racist origins and ties to Nazis). But whatever, Nanowrimo a*holes were determined to argue against trade, fine, let's play this game and cut the whole of the Middle East/West Asia.
The other rule is that the Gulf Stream still exists, so you can have that unusual European climate which is a fluke. (This also ticked off people? But seriously, to get the gradient of Europe that far north, you need to Gulf of Mexico otherwise the latitude range would look more like the US than Europe, more south, and larger, much larger. And most people don't make a continent that large. Why people get ticked off at true facts is a whole thing.)
If you cut off the Gulf of Mexico, which a lot of world building of European-like continents do, you get Siberia. So the Gulf of Mexico has to stay for our Hypothetical Europe. (Not getting into continentality either.)
We're not counting the little bit of Turkey here, BTW. Turkey gets to stay whole. And Russia gets kicked out because it always gets kicked out anyway and besides, people were preaching about stupid things when these racists were posting, like all of Russia is white. And then people were arguing over if Russia counts. Fine. We'll kick Russia out. BTW, Australia was called all white. Haha. Aboriginals don't exist according to them. Like WTF. But whatever.
The question is what civilization can Europe grow with only the resources found naturally in Europe? Can you build a European civilization with only things found naturally occurring in Europe?
The first issue is STAPLE CROP.
Yeah, if you notice, you've cut off all of the major grains to Europe. You've also cut off the Beaker people. Oops.
Some Anthropology here, Beaker people brought agriculture to Europe. They were also from Turkey.
So, Stone Henge, Long burrows, and all of that are suddenly cut off.
Honestly, this one is terrible to overcome. Most of the BBC docs I watched argued that the ancient people of Britain before Brown people from Turkey brought agriculture and the Cheddar Man, were boiling and eating reeds. Think like cattails type of thing, which is really hard to eat.
Upside, you still have fire in the form of rush lights, though you can't use tallow or beeswax--comes from outside of Europe. And horses are too lean. So, likely the European bison? However, this limits technology quite a bit as advancements can't be made by night and only by camp fire. (Fire is safely pre-modern humans—homonins and some say Homo Erectus, though still debated. But at least Homo Hedelberengensis)
Without a staple crop, you're going to have it tough to make enough surplus to build anything. You need free time and enough food supply to build things like castles.
The closest you might get is maybe peas? The best you get is pea flour, and have you worked with pea flour? It doesn't do anything like the wheat family does. Nutritionally, it's also low carbs, which is great if you're on a low carb diet, but not great for a civilization. Pea flour: 100 kcal, 18 g carbohydrate, 8 g fiber, 0 g fat, and 8 g protein
White rice:
Total Fat 0.4 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 55 mg
Total Carbohydrate 45 g 15%
Dietary fiber 0.6 g
Sugar 0.1 g
Protein 4.3 g
68-82 amounts of energy in rice.
So peas aren't a bad choice, but the problem is that you don't have a binder. You need a binder to make bread, etc. Even this one here: https://www.powerhungry.com/2024/02/06/split-pea-bread-vegan-oil-free-gf/ Uses a binder from India. But the majority of your people aren't eating Bread. The recipes I can find include non-European things like rice or things outside of Europe. This severely hinders your tech advancements. Being able to eat on the job and not have it take forever is really hard. The portability of bread is a plus for technology. And peas can get mushy and if cooked can mold.
There are Lactofermented peas:
But they aren't widely eaten and include things like garlic, which is out. Bay leaves are not from Europe. Garlic is a difficult one since garlic kills so many bacteria, but you can cope with oregano, I suppose, which kills a high amount of bacteria according to a well vetted study since it was published (original study was 1999, but followup studies since then):
Preservation is a huge part of production and an upside of grains.
Also, how are you going to produce alcohol? This makes water safer to drink. You'd have to convert to teas. (Raspberry leaf tea is a thing.) Peas are not high starch enough, as cited to hold together bread. It's not good enough to make alcohol.
But now you're thinking, OK, we got peas as a staple, they just won't make bread out of it.
Peas, a major protein source, you don't need cows, pigs, etc as much. (Though you're still kinda lacking in vitamin B12, but I'll cover that later.) And your people make a new type of pea plant (BTW, legumes is the largest plant family on Earth.)
Might limit you to not be able to carry it around easily and it's hard to rehydrate, but eventually your people get there. (If you're thinking, but lentils, yeah, not Europe. Deal).
Subsequent agriculture
Tanning leather, BTW, you need oak trees with high tannins, but this tech originated from Western Asia (or Southwestern Asia, if you want to call it that)
Oak trees are found on five continents, but it's a bit fuzzy on how they got there. Humans have a habit of picking up seeds and spreading them about. My own great grandfather loved collecting seeds and planting them. You also have Johnny Appleseed.
The processing time to make acorn flour is pretty terrible (You have to boil it a long, long time to remove the tannins, this is why I didn't suggest this as a staple), but at least you have leather.
The major other crops are out:
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, hazelnuts, walnuts, corn, wheat, rye, barley, strawberries? (This one is questionable.), pears (China), apples (Central Asia), Pomegranates (Iran), and major fruits you can think of. Think of a major fruit. Look it up and you'll find it doesn't come from Europe, though it might be grown there.
Most of the spices and herbs are out (sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme stay in.) No, you can't have garlic. Most allium comes from outside of Europe. Animals are also out: pigs, goats, sheep, cows, chickens, llamas, alpacas.
It's debatable about horses. One thread people debated back and forth on horses, so I'll lay that out.
This leaves you likely with dogs, which probably came with early modern humans. Yeah, ummm... there's a question here, and maybe I shouldn't touch it, and the answer is likely no, probably not eating them. Not unless people get desperate. The Cambridge History of Food also questions the archaeology from Western Asia, but the archaeology also says the only time humans ate dogs were in desperation and the layer in question came at the heels of a drought? (I took a picture of the page, pretty easy to look up since it has an excellent index.).
This leaves deer. Not a good animal to domesticate, but let's say Reindeer. (Thinking Evenk here).
I'm adding in carob.
So Round up of what we have?
Staple crop: Legume, likely related to peas.
Secondary crops:
You have brassica (mustard family)
horseradish, maybe.
Acorns—makes leather
turnip, possibly beets
parsnip Stinging nettle Dandelion (European and edible from roots which make a substance said to be similar to coffee to the buds.)
Brassica family, mainly Brussel sprouts, but possibly they would invent others.
BTW, carrots originally weren't orange until William of Orange, who gets his name from a plant native to Southern China-ish.
But other berries—cranberry, is from the Americas. And strawberry, while found in Europe, was originally domesticated in the Americas. This one is a question mark. Because it was found on both continents, but was only domesticated in the Americas.
The majority of the foods you find are domesticated in West Asia, Southern China and the Americas (mostly central Americas and Northern South America.) Welcome to the downside of temperate climates.
Pies? Nope. "What about Shepards Pie" Yeah, where are you getting the potatoes? Also the iron works is in question here. (later)
Short list. You're losing your mind, no pizza? Yep. No pizza. (lol Someone got mad when I pointed this out with links). Tomato is New World, Wheat is West Asia, Cows domestication is West Asia and Northern Africa. Horse milk you can't form into cheese without camel rennet. Camels, you guessed it, not Europe.
Possibly new legumes to maximize it. (They grow tall as trees, make peanuts, etc, so it's possible a culture under pressure would make new ones. BTW, peanuts is new world.)
Domesticated animals: Dogs, deer, maybe horses—horses are debated. European rabbits, yes, though don't make for good domestication since they are really difficult to work with which you'll have to look up. Look up a rabbit care video. But at least breed fast. Low amount of fat for candles, though.
You'd also have seafood. Only one type of seaweed is poisonous in the world and that is in England. But it's highly nutritious. (The native seaweed in India is apparently nasty, but edible).
You don't need as much with the pea family anyway.
European Bison are not easily domesticated, BTW, but would give you tallow-ish stuff if they succeeded or an ethnic group decided to be nomadic pastoralists with them.
For sweet taste, carob. Easy to process, and you don't need sugar beets, which is harder to process and were only invented as a source in the late 19th century. Mediterranean. The seeds are edible so just grind it up. Though it's easier to grind the pods. So it's easier to process and use in other recipes.
The other options are out: Honeybee domestication originated in China, there's a form in Northern Africa, but the frame design was late 1800's, so Victorian. Even if you had it, it would be for rich people.
Sugar cane is tropical.
Carob mildly tastes like chocolate. This is your chocolate substitute. No fermentation required. However, it doesn't have the properties of chocolate melting, etc. The fat content is much lower, but the production is much higher.
Dates, BTW, are from 4000 BCE in West Asia, fertile crescent. It's out. https://foodandnutrition.org/from-the-magazine/dates-an-ancient-fruit-rediscovered/
The problem with horses
This part is really difficult to climb through.
The first part is that horses were likely domesticated outside of Europe. Also, the invention of the saddle, etc was also outside of Europe. You need a good staple crop to have enough time to mes around with it. You would also have a smaller population if it stays in Europe.
This part got heated in the original. So the evidence is this:
Horses were domesticated outside of Europe (It's on the border of Europe, so hotly debated)
Horses were killed off in the Americas by Indigneous people before being reintroduced. https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters/horses-part-indigenous-cultures-longer-western
The technology to domesticate the horse further was outside of Europe (saddle, stirrups, etc)
But horses exist in Europe, wouldn't they want to breed them?
But maybe only for food? (recent scandal at the time)
Would they be burden animals? You need burden animals fro agriculture to advance and higher production.
So yeah... without cows, pigs, goats, sheep, large questions arise about this.
Would the population split into eating and noneating? Would it not?
Yeah, limited foodstuff. Limited calories, but your people are making it, but maybe not turning white yet? Well, in Southern Europe. Introduction of grains and farming was said to be the thing that tipped people over.
Agriculture is really difficult to achieve without a staple crop like grains or starchy tubers.
But for the sake of argument, let's say they get there, and manage to never break the force field, no matter what, because racists win or whatever. No food importation in or out, no new ideas.
What now?
Arches, as an idea, came from outside of Europe. Rafts do predate humans (Homo Erectus again), but boats, was likely Phonecian. And metal working and stone working also came from outside of Europe as ideas. Beaker people, love them.
Metal working came from Northern Africa, BTW, but say they figure it out, and we let them slide.
You get stunted in Maths since ideas of math came from Babylonians. Later Migrations of Minoans don't count anymore. Linear A isn't invented, but OK, OK, there was written language invented in the Americas, so it's possible, if they get through agriculture and get up to what? Trade, they might have language. But wait, you (Nanowrimo person) just said trade is evil, so maybe they don't have a written language? In all instances of language being created it was on the back of what? trade. Maths awas also created on the back of mostly trade. Sumerians created their written language on trade. The oldest tablets we have is a trade dispute.
Look up Complaint tablet to Ea-nasir. In another words, written records were for keeping track of ledgers, one of the oldest types of writing on record.
These people think trade is too complicated and evil to exist in Europe. So OK, no written language for you, though seriously, I don't know how that works. Is Northern Europe a different subsistence system than Southern Europe?
You all are fighting for diminishing resources (considering 1500's Europe and a BBC doc about how trees were fought over and laws about not cutting down trees) each other while the rest of the world is trading back and forth on ideas and not getting imperialized. Fine. Let's play that game.
The amount of technology gets cut down severely when you disconnect Europe from the rest of the world. You don't get the iron age without some knowledge about smelting. And you need those "dirty Africans" or whatever racist thing they were thinking in order to get that smelting. You don't get masonry without PoCs (Most masonry, as an idea came from West Asia, and they would literally import those people to work on castles, see the docs on Guédelon Castle from British TV). Whatcha going to do?
Let's move onto clothes...
Flax (for Linen), silk, ramie, hemp (for clothes which is a different cultivar), coir, Abaca, Angora (rabbit)*, Angora (goat), wool (obviously), bamboo, banana fiber, cashmere (the goat), sisal, camel hair (obviously), kapok, mohair, kenaf, yak, Qiviut, vicuña,Hibiscus cannabinus, Lyocell, Modal (AKA Rayon) *, Piña (pineapple), and Soy protein are out. All of them occur outside of Europe or require an industrial society. Byssus AKA sea silk, Chiengora (dog hair), spider silk*, is in.
However, notice how expensive and difficult it is to make clothes of these things. So only rich can access them.
dog* hair often requires wool to be added to make the hairs stick together. And sheep wool, in particular has really good spinnable fibers.
Spider silk also kinda takes higher technology to produce into clothing. Look it up and some might find it cruel to do it that way.
Byssus also known as Sea silk was produced by the Greeks and Romans, but only for the super rich.
This means for poor people: Leather and stinging nettle fabric is what they have left. You can see a video of that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-usU7-WjUU So your people have clothing. They aren't white except for the nomadic people to the north unless you can advance their agriculture and slide the pea family to replace the major nutrition somehow.
And making clothes is torture for the common populace who have to pick stinging nettles for their clothes.
You're thinking, but Angora Rabbits? Yeah, this is possible, though not likely called that since the rabbits originated from Turkey, which is outside of the scenario, but it would be maybe possible your people come up with something similar given human nature as long as they pause the rabbit breeding long enough and have enough surplus to tinker.
So poor people are running around with stinging nettle fabric, rich are wearing most likely sea silk, and you can see the misery compared to growing something like flax.
I doubt anyone can afford to be vegetarian with limited resources. Pescitarian, maybe closer to the shore.
*Dogs were domesticated outside of Europe, but are often attributed to why humans outpaced Neanderthal and date back far enough in time that early humans likely took them to Europe when they first arrived. Cats, however, were domesticated in Africa and are OUT. (Making the majority of writers cry since there seems to be more cat people than dog people among writers).
You're stuck with the Humours, but does Greek civilization even exist without grains? So much collapses when you don't have the subsistence infrastructure. I mean there is a reason people made bread and carry grains and we don't eat peas as a staple.
So you'd have to build everything from scratch starting around ~45,000 BCE or earlier (when Homo sapiens came to Europe by estimates) and you don't even have those really white people then according to science except the Evenk ancestors who show white about 10K years ago? (No, it's not the Caucuses—in what right mind do you think white people developed in the Caucuses when you know about Vitamin D and darker melanin generally around the equator due to skin cancer, etc issues and so on.)
Umm, the lesson here is that Europe was never cut off and people should stop going into that fantasy. Like how did you get apples, plums, honey, etc without trade? And also, people shouldn't be afraid of trade and keep in mind temperate climates (Middle/Northernish Europe) aren't the only biomes in Europe. No matter how much fantasy wants to focus on Western Europe and ignore the Scandis. Seriously, I'm so bored of people assuming everything is like Germany or a less rainy England in fantasy. (And I do mean England, not Scotland or Wales). Can't we get some variety? You have the Mediterranean, but you also have Scandinavia, and you're doing Europe? Where are they? You also had foragers and Nomads in the history of Europe. The Romani from North Western India, for example. And some say that early Celtic groups could have been partial foragers before the coming of Beaker people.
But even in an alt sci-fi, you have to trim all of those accomplishments of PoC and then argue that your people killed all of the PoCs on the way to the planet, and really, that makes no sense. But I suppose then you can murder Bibimbap into tatertot disgusting mess later on. But really?
But even say, you had an organically grown planet that happened to grow a humanoid species, how are you going to grow it without some level of cooperation? And the majority of the food stuff is going to come from those warmer climates: Southern China, West Asia and Central-ish Americas. They don't have a winter to worry about. So it would be imperative for your people to trade.
While you're at it, I'm really squicked by the idea that people put in 16 year old girls to marry much older guys in fantasy and then call it acceptable. You can change at least those rules.
I don't get why people work so hard to cut out LGBTQIA, disability and PoCs from fantasy? Like people should have maimed legs from all the battles written.
BTW, I am amused by the idea that in Star Trek times they didn't have birth control. lol thousands of years and haven't perfected birth control? That one I can't believe. Picard didn't know how to use a condom. lol.
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toychest321 · 6 months
Finding information on Jamila wasn't particularly easy, but from what I can gather...
(credit to @eepop-stuffs btw for getting her on my radar!)
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Jamila was first released in 2006 by Simba Toys Middle East. According to an article published upon her debut at the 2006 Middle East Toy Fair in Dubai, her prototype initially intended to include fashions representing Turkey, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. However, these concepts never made it to final release, and we unfortunately have no photos of what they would have looked like.
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Her initial lineup consisted of four dolls: herself, her male Arabic friend Jamil, her Indian friend Sunayana, and her Egyptian friend Kareema.
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The name Jamila means "beautiful", and she seems to have only really been released with one outfit. She wore a black abaya with silver detailing with black shoes, and underneath wore a light blue tanktop with a white pencil skirt. Like her friends Sunayana and Kareema, Jamila has dark hair, brown eyes, and henna on her hands and feet.
(Credit to Bababolond on Flickr for the images)
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For those unaware, Henna is a form of body decoration which originated from Africa and the Middle East, used with a natural dye from the Mehendi (lawsonia inermis). It is commonly tied to religious ceremonies such as engagements, weddings, Diwali, and Eid!
For Eid Al-Fitr, Henna would be applied towards the end of Ramadan as a symbol of the earthly delight of being alive. Jamila (and Sunayana if we're to believe they had identical Henna) seems to have eye imagery in hers, which represents protection from evil thoughts or wishes. It's also found on the top of her hands, also symbolizing protection, and on her feet, meant to soothe the nerves.
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The name Jamil means "handsome". Jamil was initially released clean-shaven, but it seems later releases gave him facial hair. This might have been around the same time he was changed from Jamila's male friend to her husband, likely because (although opposite-sex friendships aren't explicitly forbidden) certain Muslims worry such friendships might result in inappropriate romantic thoughts. While this doesn't seem to be a unanimous belief across the board (many believing opposite-sex friendships are fine so long as you're careful), it might have caused enough controversy that Simba felt the need to marry the two so there weren't any implications. (Credit to Jan Unwichtig and Bababolond on Flickr for the images)
Ngl tho he is giving me major Kenergy...
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Jamil comes with a white Thobe with silver buttons, a white Serwal ( undergarments traditionally worn beneath the Thobe), a white cotton undershirt, a white headscarf known as a Ghutra (tied with a black band called the Egal), black sandals, and a small dagger.
I'm actually not sure why his doll comes with a knife? The closest I could find was the Kirpan: a knife or sword which serves as a reminder to promote justice and protect the weak, mandatory for Amritdhari Sikhs to wear at all times. However, although non-Muslims sometimes confuse the two, Sikhism is a completely separate religion from Islam.
If anyone knows what this knife might be intended to represent, please let me know and I'll reblog an edit to this post!
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After they were married, Jamila and Jamil had two children: Asad (meaning "Lion") and Almira (meaning "Princess"), both seen in the first illustration on this post. However, I can only seem to find one doll release for their daughter Almira, and none for Asad. Jamila comes in this playset in her base outfit, while her daughter (who cries when you press her stomach) wears pink pajamas. The playset includes a crib and several plastic accessories, including two hair brushes, a blow drier, and a baby bottle. Not only is this only release for Almira, but this also seems to be the only other release for Jamila aside from her initial core doll.
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Sunayana means "woman with lovely eyes". She has long braided black hair, wearing a blue Lehenga Choli with a yellow Dupatta. Like Jamila, she also has henna on her hands and feet. She wears silver bangles, a silver necklace, and what I believe might be a Maang Tikka. Based on her images on the back of the doll boxes, I'm fairly certain she came wearing yellow sandal heels as well!
Honestly she might be one of my favorites of the line, since you sadly don't see many culturally-accurate Indian dolls compared to other ethnic groups. I especially love the use of color, and just how much jewelry she comes with!
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Finally we have Jamila's Egyptian friend Kareema, whose name means "generous" or "kind". She has pale pink undergarments painted on beneath her clothes, which I assume Jamila has as well. Weirdly enough, however, she doesn't seem to have Henna like the other two.
Like Sunayana and Jamila she has long black hair, which is kept beneath a white hijab. She wears a long blue overcoat, matching jeans, blue shoes, and a multicolored striped shirt. As far as I can tell, her clothing doesn't seem to have Egyptian cultural roots like Sunayana's has Indian, however her modest style of dress and hijab are common for most Muslim women.
I've been meaning to make this post for at least a full week, and it's nice to finally get to share another beautiful yet obscure Muslim doll! It's a shame this doll didn't have more releases, since I'm honestly curious with the direction the might have taken with her and her friends based on the prior illustration! Regardless, I'm happy I got to share her and her friends with you all :)
Ramadan Kareem!
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psychotrenny · 11 months
Every time that you root for "decolonization" (read: genocide and Blut und Boden race-warring), remember the fate of South Africa. A nation that went from performing the first successful human heart transplant in history, to a shambling wreck of illiteracy, endemic rape, corruption, and a regime that literally cannot stop stoking racial tensions against its white citizenry. If this is your standard for 'decolonization', I think that what you're telling the actually civilized races of the world is "Fight back, and fight til nobody stands against you, because your mercy and forbearance will be rewarded with the spiteful treachery of idiots and the brute violence of simpletons who pull down your accomplishments because they're too stupid and backwards to do otherwise." For more reading, feel free to check on the GDP per capita of Israel vis-a-vis that of its Arab neighbors, for a glimpse into what a post-Israel (read: post-genocide) Palestine will look like.
lmao I love it when the bootlicking dipshits of the world just get to the point and start rooting for fucking Apartheid south Africa of all places and throwing around words like "civilised". South Arica pre 1994 was on of the most viciously cruel and exploitative nations in the world, every on of it's (incredibly exaggerated) accomplishments built directly on an entire system of gut churning atrocity. That regime was a fucking blight on humanity to such an obvious extent that even the Imperial nations of the world couldn't bear to support it directly. And the problems South Africa has today are due to the structural of remnants of the old apartheid regime iteslf and the various indigenous reactions and adaptions to it combined with the general effects of existing in the periphery of a global system of neo-colonialism capitalism (which is also why the "Arab" countries of the world have such a low GDP compared to the European and North American Imperial core) rather than any innate moral or intellectual deficiency among the indigenous people. The fact that you're defending Israel along the same lines as South Africa is so hilariously damning. You aren't wrong in one way though; the two nations are very similar end are gonna end up going the same way. Soon they'll be nothing more than history, mourned only by the most cruel and stupid of reactionaries
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ae-neon · 11 months
"You're queer and you support Palestine? Well Hamas is homophobic and the vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas so-"
Putting aside that you have no way of knowing what most Palestinian people think, AND THAT YOUR BOMBS ARE KILLING QUEER PALESTINIANS TOO - and also putting aside the very white tendency to group others when I'm sure in your own country many people are also homophobic - why do you think that matters?
This is a very different situation from countries that are not under an oppressive apartheid regime by illegal settlers like Saudi Arabia, the west's genocidal best friend. The Palestinians are fighting for their lives???
Like I'm sorry but in the very real reality of being bombed daily, I don't think people are backing resistance fighters on their party policies?? I think if there's a guy shooting back at the people who killed my father and mother, then of course I support that guy??
Like think about the luxury you're living in where you think that there're options besides stay alive
Pre-2015 gay marriage was not recognised as a right in the USA, so was the vast majority of people homophobic and therefore undeserving of freedom of movement or even the right to life??
My country (in Africa!) had legalised same-sex marriage ten years before you did so by your own logic I have the moral high ground to tell you to shut the fuck up
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spottheantisemitism · 13 days
"what if the X-men were black?" is a racist, antisemitic and anti-intersectional screed that 2013 tumblr fell in love with
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Published in 2013 this made rounds of OG tumblr and made Bobby of Pencilscratchins draw all her Jewish X-men characters as brown.
Erik because he has Romani heritage (which is realistic and based and accurate to some comics).
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Anon go kick rocks with your colorism! YOU read holocaust testimonies!
Also fun fact Nazi Germany did not understand black and brown the way Americans do so it was based on ethnicity and not color, a brown Jew and a pale white passing Jew were seen as one and the same to the Nazis
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Guess which article she linked
It's this one!
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But said Kitty was Latine because "the quintessential X-girl of the 70s shouldn't be white"
Kitty already is a queer woman of color because she's Jewish. Jews are POC. Bobby what the hell? Are you implying she's only coded non-white because she's Jewish or Mutant? what the hell?!
(BTW Bobby left Tumblr around Covid but if you send her hate asks because of this essay you'll end up on spot-the-antisemitism blocklist for harrasment)
Where did she get this "Jews are white and should be race lifted?" stuff? Why from Orion!
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Top paragraph is fine!
antisemitism is written the gentile way that supports a racist eugenicist, off to a bad start.
Sexism is not covered? OH explain Storm's arcs of misogynoir or Jean's and Maddy's arc of going insane because she has the power of a god but is forced to be housewife and marry her sweetheart and have kids
Ableism is not explored? I'm sorry what about XAVIER'S ENTIRE ARC OF ABLIEST SELF HATRED AND OVERCOMING IT IN THE PREQUELS? The first class all being rich talented codedly disabled kids going to a prep school for the gifted. Disabled people really liking non human passing characters like Nightcrawler (and hating Xavier since he's too assimilationist to many). I'm sorry why do people fall for such blatant lies? the mentor of the X-men is literally canonically disabled and Orion has the GALL to claim ableism is not explored.
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_ Genosha is half fall of south Africa Apartheid and half the establishment of the state of Israel hence why the metaphor is so messy and problematic
_ Yes that number is deliberately "like the holocaust but worse" because Morrison likes their holocaust appopriation
_ Why didn't you mention it's an allegory for Gay conversion therapy torture because Bryan Singer is gay?
_ Yes Legacy Virus is Mutant Aids good job on your media literacy finally kicking in Orion
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It's racism AND antisemitism but your "antisemtism doesn't exist in america" ass doesn't get that
I do hate "mutie" as slur and the way Kitty thinks it's comparable to antisemtic and anti-black slurs and USES them to make a point, so yeah something Orion and I agree on.
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The sequence used is of Stevie Hunter the human ally character who like Xavier started teaching after she became disabled. She IS used as prop here to say Kitty is right in calling her the n-word (Claremont is racist sometimes).
But Orion can't tell her apart from Storm. Buddy if you can't tell the ONLY two black women in this comic apart, you're the racist.
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OK they're both props but it proves you never actually read the comics or you can't tell fictional black women apart neither of which is a good look
(Cole also points out the Kitty and Magneto are not White but Jewish he is dogpiled and called a fake fan for this (see below))
Keep Shyminksy out of your mouth you racist fake fan
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OH NO! I hate this!
So you decided to go with the colorist idea that the man is darker and the innocent girl in need of protecting is lighter. Gross colorism worthy of a Hollywood action movie where the black guy dies
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"Local black man can't related to white disabled teens facing ableism and makes it about racism so he can relate to it" is giving gamergate chud energy to me
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If you can't see why a Russian man is almost killed by a mob of xenophobic red blooded Americans and HAVE to make this about anti-black racism that's on you and your misunderstanding of the way Russians were hated during the cold war.
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Oh you are race swapping x-men while shitting on Psylocke who the result of basically the same idea? How hypocritical
Dwayne McDuffe does have a point but your quote does not utilize his point in any way.
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Then DON'T raceswap Wolverine if he becomes the angry black man. Think before you can X-men racism and tokenism WORSE with your race-swapping
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NO THEY DON'T strawman rejected
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Ah yes! Magneto, famously a very white man whose childhood was full of white privilege/ Sarcasm
One of the co-authors of the website has the gall to double down on calling Magneto white:
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"as a REAL fan you're fake fan, antisemitism doesn't exist and Holocaust survivor Jews are white" - this racist defending his token black friend's racist screed because some guy called Cole DARED call Orion on his bullshit
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*"I didn't like that the X-men were about white passing and invislbe disability so I made about anti black racism" also "judiasm is just a religion" canard
**Again leave Shyminksy and Morrison's good takes alone
***Yeah you get Luke Cage, that's how you get the racism of bad Luke Cage comics. You ain't inventing the racist wheel here
Orion I hate your take, I hate your misunderstanding of antisemitism and ableism that makes the two main factions tick, I hate your self centerness, I hate your racist and antisemitic co-writer making excuses for you and I REALLY hate that this did to the 2013 X-fandom what Lily Orchard did to the 2019 Steven Universe fandom and we can still see people using your bullshit arguments today
Oh and Cole? thank you for your service you're the real hero of this story, hated and feared for daring to call out the establishment
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black-is-iconic · 8 months
Why do you only write for black x readers? Do you realize how racist that is, you're taking away the main love interest and replacing it with a shitty black y/n. Have you ever stopped to think, maybe there's no black characters in anime, because it's not their place to be there?
Nobody wants to read your shitty self-inserts, stop blackwashing y/n and taking away their ACTUAL love interest. You'd be equally as mad if we made characters like T'challa or Storm white, so what gives you the right to make a choice for us the reader what ethnicity we are?
You're so mad that all the love interests are Asian...but Japan is full of Asians like tf? What did you expect, that's like going to Africa...and being mad there's Africans.
Anyway tldr grow up, like seriously the world doesn't revolve around you or you're silly little race. If you want your own little things that's cool, but keep it to yourself because no one wants to read that shit.
I uh-...well.....I'm not quite sure how to respond to this, but if you don't like......don't read? Simple as that ig, I'm sorry I offended you with my writing but like.....black people exist too. Sharing is caring, black people deserve to be appreciated as well, there's not a lot of representation of African Americans in media in general.
And while I understand, kinda where you're coming from most anime is situated in Japan if not all and that means 97% of anime protagonists and love interest will be Asian.
That doesn't mean other ethnicities can't enjoy it, sometimes people just want a little representation. Black people are the most under-represented in media and anime, so writers like myself write for people....like myself. I'm not mad or hating on Asian characters I'm simply supplying a need of the people if that makes sense.
Have you tried to find a black x reader on any of the fanfic sites? It's DIFFICULT like trying to find a needle in a haystack but the needle is about a millimeter long, to make a long story short.
Don't be an ass okay? Everyone deserves the spotlight, don't yuck someone else's yum just because you don't like it. If it ain't for you then just keep scrolling okay Pookie?
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minaloywhore · 6 days
hey, it's been a minute, but let's talk about dark academia that isn't as euro-centric cause i'm like, really sick of it lmfao
(also, i'm white and live in the US! people who aren't white and who don't live in the us, lemme know if there's anything I'm missing!)
yeah yeah, dark academia, learn a dead language. latin is good because of science, but have you ever considered learning arabic? lots of our math stuff comes from arabic and the scholars in the baghdad house of wisdom (hell, al-gebra)
or maybe learn sanskrit! like latin is an "academic language" in the west, sanskrit has similar connotations in the indian subcontinent, with many historical records having been written in sanskrit
hell, if we're talking liturgical languages like latin, why not try church slavonic or coptic?
please stop romanticizing only european architecture. its beautiful and stunning, and so is architecture from all over the world! just as a couple examples:
st michaels golden-domed monestary
 the bibi-khanym mosque in Uzbekistan
the tomb of askia in gao, mali
machu picchu
the iron pagoda in Kaifeng, china
etc etc etc!!
read academia from all over the world!! there are scholars in india and china and kazakhstan and south africa with wonderful writing about their own histories and cultures, you just have to do a little google scholar search to find it!
look at oral histories and folklore from all over the world! like blue from osp said, if people consider the witcher (which is just medieval poland) as exotic, what will they do when they read gilgamesh or the monkey king? look at the wonderful parallels between our bodies of folklore and mythology and oral history, like the floods in the bible and in gilgamesh!
that being said, look for sources written BY the people who are telling these stories. outsiders have their own biases and agendas, so read anything about different cultures than the author (especially ones that no longer exist) critically and biographically. looking at you, snorri
be more chill about people with bodies that you dont think are normal. be more chill about people with bodies that you don't think should be wearing DA clothing, or that you think are doing it wrong. they have every right to wear DA clothing, and they're doing it better than you are.
understand that if you're in a position to be enjoying DA, you're probably privileged. use that privilege for good, fight for what is right, and listen to marginalized voices. if you fuck up, acknowledge that you fucked up and work to right the wrong and not do it again, but don't take someone telling you you fucked up as a personal attack. it's not.
i acknowledge that the land i live on was originally stewarded and lived upon by a native american tribe that no longer exists because of european colonization. i acknowledge their (and the tribe that survivors of the colonization in my area went to)'s right to the land.
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Racist, Not Overtly
[In a windowless room inside GOP headquarters.]
Unidentified White Man A: We need white nationalists to vote ... We can't win without them.
Unidentified White Man B: We also can't win without some ni... Some support from the blacks.
Unidentified White Man A: If only we had deported them back to Africa after the civil war ...
Unidentified White Man B: Let's stay in the present, how can we energize America's Neo-Nazis to go out and vote for Trump. We can't ask Trump to flash the white power symbol again, can we?
Unidentified White Man A: No, it would be too obvious.
[Three hours go by.]
Unidentified GOP VIP: I got it you sons-of-bitches! I got it! We get JD Vance to start a conversation about how Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs ... People's pets ... in Springfield, Ohio. It's not racist if someone else has already made the claim right?
Unidentified White Man A: You genius son-of-a-gun! That's why you get paid the big bucks!
Unidentified GOP VIP: Yeah, and Trump can use it freely during the debate ... Because someone else said it first, so he can just say that that's what he heard ... He's just a messenger, right? And, of course, if it backfires we can just get JD to start saying its just rumors he heard ... And if Trump gets called out, he can just say he said those things sarcastically, just like every other time he gets called out on a bold-face lie.
Unidentified White Man A: This is the man I work for! You're a genius, my white friend.
Unidentified White Man B: I'm glad that's settled. Let's re-watch one of Trump's rallies and pretend there's no sexual tension between us.
[All shout Heil Trump]
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tododeku-or-bust · 10 days
I'm not Black, so I don't want to butt into a community discussion, but I was curious about the popularization of the term African-American.
This story attributes the promotion of "African-American" to Rev. Jesse Jackson and academia.
My recollection of the time is that the term African-American rapidly became both performative (the way pronoun circles are weaponized today/used instead of anything meaningful) and mocked (used by white racists when they meant the N-word).
Thank you for linking the article! I will say this; based on my current experience of the Black bourgeoisie (or should I say, African American) and who that includes in this article, I can say with 100 percent confidence that they do not always get it right nor do they always make decisions that are best for the community overall 😅. Respectability politics are a dead end and they always have been. One major example of that is how they continue to push for Kamala (and Israel) as "support of the full Black community" despite a strong presence and history of activism for Palestine. BUT THATS A DIFFERENT CONVO.
I'm not saying that African American is a bad term. If you prefer it, use it! I just... prefer Black. Even in this article, it reveals that the reason people went to AA is because there was a negative history behind "Black", and there was a need to "connect with roots". Frankly, saying "African American" is not going to change the way that they'll treat you here, connection to roots or not. They're gonna treat you like that original N word they can't use. They don't care if you're from America, the Caribbean, wherever- they see Black.
Second, they mentioned how Africa offers a place to identify with, and yeah but like... Africa is a continent. Yeah there's Asian American for example, but a lot of Asian-Americans can specifically say where their ancestry is from (Chinese, Korean, Thai, Iraqi, Iranian, Indian, etc.). For me, it reminds me of my past (which I do acknowledge), whereas Black American reminds me of what we built from the ashes. I'm proud of that identity, I'm proud that the people that were all forced here under the worst conditions imaginable found a way to work together and forge a completely new identity through the fire, and continue to do so! Yes I'm African American, but I'm also Black American, and to me, treating it as an insult or "less preferred" only reinforces that white supremacist belief that Blackness is lesser.
There's also Soulaani, I learned!
But yeah I'm not gone argue with anybody about which they prefer and why they like it. I just know that if you asked me what I want to be called, I'm going to say ✨Black✨☺️ and I can still tell when people are nervous using it.
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